#edit: if you're someone seeing this from search for some reason i found out other people DO think this too and rbed with that info
vermimorph · 2 years
hazel motes from wise blood was the most incredibly ocd character and no one ever recognized it because the book actually takes his beliefs seriously (as it should, because they are very real, logical beliefs that are deeply important to his character to his core) and comparing them to mental illness seems reductive. the book pretty explicitly warns against dismissing hazel as insane. but if you acknowledge that it doesn't reduce their weight of meaning, you can see that his beliefs and actions are super obsessive-compulsive BECAUSE the underlying beliefs are real and true but shatteringly incompatible with the comfortable worldview most people are able to achieve by just not thinking about those things. thats how most of mine works as well. which is why i love this character so much
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merchen-aeravellae · 4 months
Little Princess
Part 1
Yandere Royal Family x Fake Princess!Reader
Warning: yandere, platonic yandere, possessiveness, potion It's my birthday and this is my gift for you, It's 11:59 but it's still my birthday, not edited, tomorrow I will edit it.
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The empire is getting ready for the most important celebration of the year. The imperial family is decorating the palace with gold and silver decorations, and diamond gifts are the sensation of the moment. However, a room that has been accumulating dust for years will be the cause of all plans crumbling.
Yandere family is excited about the approaching date. Their little princess is reaching the age to debut in high society, and they cannot miss the opportunity to show you off to others.
Yandere family has all the servants decorating the castle, and they have the citizens decorating the village not that anyone is complaining. They have turned your birthday into the most important celebration of the year, always celebrating in grand style without skimping on expenses. You deserve the very best, and this year is no exception.
Yandere family is searching for you all over the castle to drag you along to find new dresses for the occasion. However, you are hiding in every possible place to avoid being found. You argue that you already have many dresses, but they don't care; they still want to buy you more.
Yandere family doesn't realize that you're hiding in the library where the history of the empire and the royal family is kept. You usually don't go there, or rather, you're not allowed to be there, which makes it the perfect place to avoid being sought out.
You tried to enter the room, but it seemed locked. However, you had been living in this palace long enough to learn how to open its doors without the need for a key. You quickly closed the door and pressed your ear against it, listening to several pairs of footsteps in the hallway. You didn't move from that spot until you stopped hearing them. You walked around, observing your surroundings; there were dozens of books everywhere, from the tables to the shelves.
You grab several books out of curiosity, but none capture your attention for long. That is until a series of books supported on the highest and furthest shelf from the others catches your eye it seems like they didn't want these books to be found. You use a nearby chair to reach them.
You read the title aloud, 'History and Genealogical Tree of the Imperial Family.' It's the first time you've read a book related to your family's history. Your curiosity overcame you, and you kept reading until you reached the part about your closest family members.
But it seemed that someone had made modifications to the book; someone had tried to cover up a name. You suppose it's yours since the person didn't do a good job, and you could still see some letters that you recognized as your own name. They had placed your sister's name over yours, and you didn't know the reason for that.
You continued reading to find the reason for this change, and finally, you reached the notes. A chill ran down your spine. In the notes, it was written about the true identity of your older sister and how someone else had been occupying her place for a long time. That person was you.
Yandere family doesn't understand your sudden change in personality; now you're thoughtful all the time, and they are sure you've been crying. Initially, they thought that the decorations and dresses were the cause of your sadness – not good enough or expensive enough for you. However, even after changing everything for something more luxurious, you remain the same.
Yandere family is desperate; they don't understand what's happening, searching far and wide without finding a logical reason. They press you until you can't take it anymore, and you confront them for having hidden the truth about your origins for so long.
Yandere family is surprised and horrified that you now know the truth. They waste no time in finding culprits: was it the servants, the guards, a family member? No matter who it was, their head will be displayed on a pike for the crime they committed.
Yandere family try to talk to you and explain the situation, but you refuse to listen. They are so desperate that they get on their knees to beg for your forgiveness, but not even that works to make you glance in their direction. It is at that moment that they devise a plan to uncover the truth and get rid of the culprit.
Yandere family quickly realized the truth; the forbidden library was unlocked, and it seemed like someone had been lurking around. A book that should have been burned long ago lay on the floor in a corner with all its pages crumpled.
Yandere family already have plans to remedy the situation, but they must act as soon as possible. A few days ago, you tried to escape, claiming that you need to find your biological family and seek answers to your questions. Your biological family may start praying that you never find them; if you do, your adoptive family won't hesitate to bury them alive in the depths of the earth so they never see the light of day again.
Yandere family have you locked in your room now, not wanting to take the risk of you trying to escape again, and this time succeeding. They sought out the most powerful witch in the empire to help them fix the situation. The solution is to make you believe it was all a dream. Initially confused, the witch provided them with a potion and detailed instructions on its usage.
Yandere family gave you the potion in one of your meals. They didn't want to do it, but they felt they had no other choice. At first, you refused to eat, but it didn't last long. Accustomed to having a full stomach, a single day of not ingesting anything made you feel sick. Your room was a mess, and you curled up in a corner. Your older sister tried to approach, but you quickly moved away as far as possible. She looked at you with sadness in her eyes, left the food on the bedside table, and left, locking the door behind her. You didn't take long to start eating.
Yandere family worried when you fell ill, even though they knew it was just the potion doing its work on your body and mind. You stayed in that state for days, and they took advantage of the time to remodel the library. They couldn't get rid of the book because it would be too suspicious, so they simply replaced it with a different one. The author who wrote the notes "disappeared" one night, and they never found them.
Yandere family were relieved when you woke up several days later, confused and unsure of the date. You were scared that your family acted as if nothing had happened. Your room was tidy, and the things you broke were arranged without a scratch. They told you that you fainted while trying on a dress for your celebration, and you hadn't woken up since then.
Yandere family know you won't stay still and will search for the family book in the library again, but this time, they are prepared.
You are confused when you read the book with the family tree; your name is alongside the rest of the royal family members, and the note about you taking the place of someone else is nowhere to be found. Was it all a dream? Everything felt so real; now, you don't know what is true and what is a lie.
Yandere family observe your behavior; you no longer reject them, but you also don't get too close to them. It's progress, and they know that sooner or later, you will come to them.
Yandere family are overjoyed when you apologize. At first, they acted confused, but when you explained that you had strange dreams, and that's why you acted strangely these past weeks, they "forgave you" and asked you to continue with the preparations for your birthday to proceed as usual.
Yandere family shed tears of joy and a bit of envy towards the other eyes watching you when they see you descending the grand staircase like an angel meeting its faithful devotees, blessing them with your presence.
Yandere family "They abandoned you, but we can protect you. The world is cruel, and our greatest desire is to safeguard your innocence."
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rhystial · 7 months
In the middle of the night, suddenly someone knocks hard on the door to the characters’ room. They get tired of opening it (no one sleeps anyway lol) and see there... a human..? A frightened, beaten and tired human. But alive. Not a strange shape, a real person. This human suddenly bursts into the room and closes the door. And when they start questioning the unnamed guests, the characters realize it's their s/o
As it turned out, the reader could not stand it and abstracted, and instead of turning into a monster, after a persistent attack they turned into their human form. As soon as Caine found out about this, for some reason he was very doubtful and is now looking for a reader to quickly destroy them. That’s why they came to theirs room. To hide.
(jax, kinger, pomni and ragata) I would like a romantic one
TADC & Reader who abstracted into a human.
fandom: the amazing digital circus
relationships: gangle, jax, kinger, pomni, ragatha, zooble (romantic)
warnings: uh nothing, i don't think?
notes: what a cool idea!! i decided to add zooble and gangle here, hope you don't mind! but i might edit zooble's part, i don't like how it turned out... also these headcanons imply to already be in an established relationship.
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Gangle felt (what would be) her heart quicken in pace when she heard someone knocking at the door late at night, fearing that Jax might have shown up to cause trouble.
She tried to stay still and keep her eyes closed, hoping that the persistent knocking would stop. But when it showed no signs of abating, she finally broke and reluctantly opened the door. To her surprise, it was you on the other side — a stranger, she thought.
With no time for her to voice her concerns, you hurriedly steered her back into her room, accidentally knocking her mask off in the process.
"Gangle, it's me," you said in a low tone, your grip on her shoulders firm. Her hands flew up to her mouth and she emitted a small squeak, clearly overwhelmed by the pressure.
In a barely audible whisper, she asked who you were and what was going on. The sound of her distressed voice causes you to loosen your grip, eyes softening.
"It's me... the real me."
Gangle is overwhelmed by your new appearance, taking in every detail of your new face, her eyes darting up and down as she struggles to comprehend what she's seeing.
You try to tell her that you were abstracted, but she doesn't believe you. I mean, could you blame her? As far as she knew, abstracted individuals were only ever glitchy black blobs with an unusually high number of eyes.
Despite her initial skepticism and lack of comprehension, she comes to the realization that you weren't lying, even though the concept was utterly unbelievable to her.
When she first saw you, her mind immediately went to the thought that you were another character altogether, having long forgotten what humans actually looked like. Seeing what the love of her life really looked like sent her into tears. Well, even more tears.
"Y-You're so stunning," Gangle tearfully whispered, her hands gently cupping your face as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Not knowing quite how to handle the situation, you too became emotional, crying alongside her in a moment of shared vulnerability.
After the moment of emotional outpouring had subsided, you came to the realization that you had neglected to inform her about the fact that Caine was actively searching for you. You came here to hide, consumed with fear about what he might do to you if he found you.
The news that you were hiding from Caine proved to be far too much for Gangle to process at once, leaving her utterly distraught and in hysterics.
Shs was already overwhelmed with the fact that you practically admitted to giving up before you came here — she thought you could've held on for her, because she held on for you. However, she didn't want to make this about herself and kept quiet... not like she would've spoke up about such, anyways.
"W-What can I do to help you?" Gangle asked with a trembling voice, tears streaking down her cheeks.
"Please, hide me," you begged her as she wiped her eyes. "Let me hide in your room — a-and don't tell Caine where I am." With the desperation and panic in your words far too much to handle, she reached out to pull you into a comforting hug.
Gangle swore to protect you — even if she was weak, even if she was overwhelmed, even if she was confused... even if it was the last thing she'd do.
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When he first heard knocking on his door, Jax thought that it was nothing out of the ordinary. Sure, he was confused, but laziness got the best of him, and he couldn't be bothered to get up. Besides, if you were the one knocking, you would have simply unlocked the door — considering that he gave you the key to his room.
The banging on his door refused to cease, and Jax began to be filled with annoyance. Resolving to put an end to the noise, he hastily made his way to the door and unlocked it.
Upon opening the door with quickened pace, he was greeted by a figure trying barge in seemingly against their better judgement. He was quick to react, immediately holding their hands above their head and dangling them like a dog toy.
"What's got you so antsy, eh?" Jax teased with a sly grin on his face. He tilted his head to one side as the figure hung their head low, legs attempting to kick his.
"Let me in, Jax! Please!"
As his name left the person's lips, the rabbit's eyes widened with suspicion. Without hesitation, he began to hold his guard up around the unfamiliar face, wary of their intentions and motivations. He was quick to demand who they were, shaking them around like tape stuck to his hand.
Then, your name left their lips. The unexpected mention of your name causes Jax to instinctively back away, turning to slam the door shut behind him with a loud thud.
"I'll ask ya this again, who are you?" Jax questioned, throwing the figure to the ground. He lowered his head and stared down at the intruder, who let out a small yelp and lifted their arms in surrender.
"How d'ya know our names?" He asked, this time defensive over the fact that they had brought you into this.
"You... don't recognize my voice?"
The realization soon set in, and his expression melted into one of confusion as he began to bombard you with questions about your new appearance.
As Jax continued to fire off the questions, you found yourself able to provide concise and satisfying answers quickly, without much of a struggle. However, every now and then, you were slightly tripped up by your anxiety-induced stutter.
When you began to explain your transformation into a human, Jax nodded along — gaze fixed on you. Despite his initial shock at the revelation, he wasn't overly concerned about your new appearance. Like, wow you're how you looked before you came here and remember your real name? That's cool, but you fucking abstracted to get like this?
He's a bit upset, knowing that you gave up so easily when there were still many ways to combat your decline to insanity and the challenges that came with it.
"Yeah, ya've definitely changed a little bit." He dryly joked, staring at you with a twinge of frustration washing over him.
You didn't laugh, knowing that he was upset. He doesn't outright say it, but you know what he wants to say.
"Why did you give up?"
In an attempt to shift the atmosphere and his anger off of you, you decided to bring up the topic of Caine — who you knew was actively looking for you, and you had no idea what he would do to you.
Upon learning of the ringmaster's pursuit, his expression turned sour. Without a moment's hesitation, he reached his hand behind his back, pulling out a sizable set of keys and presenting them to you.
However, as his hand reached out to offer you the keys, you quickly shook your head, trying to reason with him that you were safer in his room.
"Are ya sure?" He whispered in a low tone, looking you in your eyes. "I have keys everywhere, y'know. I can easily hide ya inna room more obscure, keep ya safe from chompy."
"But I'm safe here."
He wanted to trust your words, but he couldn't.
Not after you said that you'd never give up. You promised you'd never abstract, that you'd never lose grip of this reality.
"...Well, s'pose I trust you, lovedoll."
He kept his mouth shut.
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When Kinger first heard the panicked banging at his door, he rushed out of bed to unlock it.
He has this weird instinct to confront his fears before running away from them, such as the time when he sprinted towards a "sentient" bouncy ball Caine had made for an in-house adventure, only to flee from it seconds later. That's basically what he had planned to do with you, too.
Nevertheless, in contrast to many other non-playable characters Caine generates, you proved to be quicker and more adroit — you instantly grasped him before he had a chance to sprint away.
"Kinger, please be quiet," you murmured into the emptiness of his room, voice barely audible. Heaving your weight upon him, you pinned him to the floor of the room.
"W-Who... what...?!" He shrieked, and your palms instantly moved to cover where his mouth would be in hope to stop him from making any further noise.
"Calm down, Jumpy."
When hearing the nickname that only you use on him, he becomes more at ease. As his body relaxes and his gaze focuses on you with narrowed eyes, he can't help but wonder what he's looking at.
Similar to Gangle, he's completely forgotten what a human looks like. However, unlike her, who eventually came to the realization that you were a human, Kinger is completely oblivious to your identity.
At first, his initial assumption was that you had gotten a massive update or something, and that's why your appearance had changed. As you break the news to Kinger that you've abstracted back into a human, his face fills with shock and disbelief.
Sure, he is surprised that you've abstracted back into human, but on top of that, he's more surprised at how strange humans actually look. Like, he used to look like you? That's strange.
"Boy, you look weird." He mutters to himself quietly, his eyes fixed on your skin. He seems utterly fascinated by the way it looks and feels, poking it with his fingers.
"Um, thanks?" You laugh.
You spend several minutes attempting to bring Kinger back to reality. You poke him, you pat him, and you tickle him. None of these seem to get his attention, so you resort to cupping his face with your hands. Finally, he looks at you, before suddenly screaming in terror.
You quickly explain to Kinger the dire situation with Caine, explaining how you came to him in hiding from the ringmaster. As you speak, your voice turns to desperation, your fear evident in your words. He ultimately becomes speechless, unsure of what to say.
You want to have him protect you? He can do that! You wanna hide out with him? Sure, get inside his pillow fortress! You want to run away from Caine because you're scared of the inevitable torture he would probably put you through because of your "human abstraction" and you can only rely on Kinger for some reason? Great idea!
"There's no way he can find you in there. He would have to look high and low, you know!" Kinger says, patting the pillows that surround you. He gestures around your new "bed" with a grin indicated with his eyes, seemingly quite confident in its ability to conceal you from Caine's search.
"Thanks, Kinger..."
"It's my responsibility as king to protect my royal counterpart! Say, you wouldn't happen to have my glorbo in there? Oh, and my digital plate of digital mashed potatoes that I'm trying to digitally rot."
His ramblings fall deaf on your ears.
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The knocking at her door irritates her to no end, and she's quick to open it. She doesn't want the constant banging to play on repeat in the back of her mind, it'll probably just drive her to the brink of abstraction.
Rapidly crossing the distance from her bed to the door, she swings it open, annoyed at the incessant knocking. As she stares up at the towering figure before her, the realization set in that it was the same species she was, er, once was.
She panicked, unsure of what was going on. However, she became even more panicked when your voice left the lips of the human before her.
"W-What the %$!# is going on?" She stumbles backwards, confusion and fear etched onto her face.
"Pomni, it's me." The voice of her lover was escaping past their lips, and she had no idea why or how.
"Listen to me, please."
When you explain to her the process of how you've abstracted back into a human, she can't help but feel even more confused than before.
Based on everything she's seen and heard, abstraction was supposed to be a completely different thing, and not something that could just be reversed — hell, not something that could turn you back into a human. She can't quite wrap her head around the concept you're explaining, feeling lost as she gazes upon your new form.
As you speak to Pomni about your transformation, she gazes upon your human form with jealously. She feels a sense of unfairness, unable to process the sudden change you had and her being stuck as whatever she currently was. Her expression twists into one of defeat, lips trembling.
In spite of her growing resentment and frustration, she is quick to pick up on your desperation and sense your fear. As such, she refrains from saying anything further, recognizing that it would only make the situation worse for you. Instead, she simply stares at you, not wanting to escalate anything further.
Her shoulders tense as she processes the revelation that Caine was actively hunting you, and that you had chosen her room to take cover. She had been caught off guard by your sudden appearance as a human, and now the prospect of her lover being caught by him had left her feeling overwhelmed and scared.
Her voice becomes increasingly agitated as she realizes the gravity of the situation. "I-I don't know what I should do." She stammers, her fingers clutching at her face as she stares at you with wide, terrified eyes.
"He's going to check my room, I know he is. He'll find you, h...he'll kill you, I-I don't know!"
She's determined to keep you safe, but she quickly becomes a mess, her thoughts racing around at a hundred miles per hour. This causes her to overanalyze every single aspect of your hiding strategy, from where to how you hide. She's a mess, but she wants to keep you safe from Caine.
As Pomni processes your situation, her emotions shift once again, feeling a growing sense of determination to help you. With your safety as a priority, she internally vows to try her hardest to not only find an exit for herself, but to keep you safe as well.
The thought of you being harmed at Caine's hands is an abhorrent notion, and she is more than willing to do whatever it takes to prevent such a scenario.
Pomni grabs you by the arm, her expression determined as she leads you to the toybox. Despite your protests, she continues to push you inside, shutting the lid as fast as she opened it. She then takes a moment to gather her composure, her breath coming in short bursts as she looks over the toybox.
"N-No, that won't do at all..."
As she realizes that the toybox wasn’t the most secure option, Pomni quickly pulls you out and begins to frantically search for a new hiding spot.
She continues to utter panicked mutters, her eyes darting around the room in search of a suitable place to stash you. Her mind seems to be racing, as she tries to come up with a solution as quickly as she can.
"Pompom, calm down..."
She can't, not when she's scared for your safety.
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When Ragatha heard the continuous knocking at her door, she initially hesitated, reluctant to leave the comfort of her bed at this late hour. However, the persistence of the sound urged her to action, and she quickly sprang out of bed to investigate the source of the disturbance.
Instead of the usual sight of Pomni in her doorway, asking for assistance due to having "frew up", Ragatha was greeted by a surprising and somewhat jarring appearance.
"Please, Ragatha, let me in..." Despite the confusion, she seemed to respond to the desperation in your voice, taking your hand into hers.
The distress on your face would be obvious to anyone, and your grip on her hand seemed to indicate a desperate need for comfort.
"Come in, sweetie..."
As soon as you spoke, Ragatha recognized your voice and quickly realized that you weren't just a random stranger at her doorstep. When she met your glossy eyes, she began to wonder what the hell happened to you and why you were on the brink of tears.
In that moment, you were a complete wreck... your emotions pouring out as she rubbed circles on your back, whispering soothing words and comforting pet names in your ear. You clung to her tightly, your entire body shaking as you tried to calm down, finally feeling safe in her embrace.
When you cried, it seemed as though all of your emotions flooded your body, making it difficult for you to get the words out smoothly. Ragatha held you tighter, her hands working hard to comfort you, her voice gentle and reassuring, even as you rambled on about your recent experience.
The look on her face showed that she was quite surprised that you had abstracted into a human, but you couldn't see it. She wouldn't let you see her expression, not when she felt like sobbing with you. Ragatha remained relatively still, her words few and far between, seeming to be at a loss for them as she tries to make sense of the situation.
However, her small gestures revealed that she was concerned and caring towards you, trying her best to comfort you even though she didn't fully understand what was happening. She provided you with reassurances, promising to do her best to keep you safe from Caine, even though she didn't have a full understanding of why he was targeting you. It's not like you did, either.
"Look, honey..."
Ragatha guides your gaze towards her, a tender expression on her face as she wipes away your tears with her thumbs.
"I will protect you."
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Zooble is the quickest of the bunch to respond to the disturbance at the door, detaching their arm from the socket of their body to answer the knocking. The hand that opens the door tries to grab you around the neck, clearly upset at having been woken up in the middle of the night.
The moment you let out a panicked plea, the hand immediately loosens its grip on your neck, allowing you to breathe again. Soon, you hear the sound of someone, obviously Zooble, moving rapidly from within the room and towards the door.
As they see you standing at the entrance with the appearance of a human, they seem to have a moment where they question their sanity.
"What... the %$!# happened to you?" Zooble muttered with wide eyes. They seem to have completely forgotten about the fact that they tried to strangle you a few moments ago.
"Help me..."
They're quick to grab both of your shoulders, pulling you inside with an almost desperate urgency.
As soon as you're pulled inside, Zooble begins bombarding you with questions, hand gripping you tightly. The tone of their voice is intense, as if they are desperate to get some answers from you.
When you explain the whole situation to them, their eyes only seem to grow wider, as if they're having a hard time wrapping their head around the reality of what you're telling them. To them, the idea of abstracting into a human is completely new, and they seem almost unable to believe that it's actually possible.
Once you finish explaining everything, their rage starts to dissipate. Despite their initial anger at you for abstracting, they eventually come to terms with what's happened and begin to see things from your perspective.
You mention Caine, and their demeanor changes almost instantly. They go from having a calm and understanding demeanor to one of tension and concern. Zooble seems to understand the gravity of the situation, and the possibility that Caine could be a real threat to you. They take a moment to process everything you've told them, trying to make sense of the situation and what to do next.
Their tone begins to soften, and they begin to offer you support. While they may not have all the answers, they're willing to help and support you in any way they can.
"Maybe... we pretend that you're a new character." They suggest, their voice low, as if they don't want anyone else to hear their plan. They look into your eyes, clearly trying to see if you're on board with the idea.
"I don't think Caine knows what a human actually looks like."
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© rhystial 2023 — my works may not be reproduced in any form and by any means without my consent/permission, translating my works is only okay if i give you the okay.
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bugs1nmybrain · 6 months
Give Your Heart a Break - Chapter 2 Tomura Shigaraki x reader series
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You can find chapter one here
Notes: So I want to clarify that in this fic, a major theme about Tomura's story is that he suffers from a lot of untreated mental illness. I'm representing him as someone who's undiagnosed Bipolar, but also experiences symptoms that boarder schizophrenia, such as the voices he hears and he'll eventually have a psychotic episode at some point in this story. I know this feeds the "Bipolar and psychotic people are evil" stereotype, but I have these mental illnesses and see Shigaraki as someone who could very much have untreated Bipolar disorder (type 1 specifically), regardless. Most anime characters aren't written to be bipolar lol but I have a list of reasons why I think he has the potential to be. Maybe I'll make a post about it someday.
Summary: Tomura is so goshdarn determined to find his lil gamestop crush and thanks to him conveniently seeing her debit card he casually stalks her on the internet
Warnings: 18+ minors don't interact, cliffhanger, mildly dark content, internet stalking, creepy Tomura, Tomura and y/n only talk over the internet in this chapter, i wrote Tomura's thoughts but it's not from his direct POV. They are highlighted in blue, like in chapter 1 Tomura hears voices and sometimes they can be nasty - they are highlighted in red, soft Shigaraki, very scott pilgrim kind of humor, edgy and derogatory humor at one point (used ironically to mock people who say them seriously), Tomura has his English dub's voice (pre Paranormal Liberation Front), not proofread yet, I wrote this while I was stoned af
Notes About Reader:
everything from chapter 1 applies
she/her pronouns
relatively active on social media but makes content private
reader is a WEIRDO
I made the reader's username mine lol
As said, she's very based off of me
reader experiences unspecified mental illness and has been to a psych ward in her past
she laughs very easily
"*your full legal name*"
Tomura considered the possibility that you may have been using someone else's card or that you didn't go by your legal name, but he was sure it was a decent place to start. His heart was racing so hard to find out who you were. He wasn't sure what struck a chord in him when he saw you. He supposed it was cuz you're pretty, but he really didn't know anything about you other than you're spooky, you like anime, and you like his hair.
He immediately started searching for your name on his phone. It wasn't hard to find your Facebook, though your privacy settings didn't let him see much other than profile pictures. You seemed somewhat outgoing from they pictures you posted. There was a directory about you online, and he guessed it was you based on your age and location (he saw your location on FB lol). Now he knew your address..
the internet is so nice to him sometimes :)
It took him a little bit of digging but he found your other socials outside of Facebook. All private, though. Fuuuck.
Fuck it, follow.
Tomura never showed his face on his socials and never ever ever put his name. You wouldn't know it was him.
"But now she has to approve it :("
*bugsinmybrain accepted your follow request*
Tomura swore that he felt as if he had unlocked a fucking treasure chest. You were so very flashy, that's for sure. A lot of pictures of you, decorated with some cute stickers that were edited in, or surrounded by anime dudes.
"Fuck off."
From what he could tell, you were a geek. Very nerdy and interested in things, though that wasn't a bother to Tomura. He was a fan of a lot of shit. You were also very pretty. He then stumbled on some posts you'd made about heroes. How you thought their system was corrupted and that they'd neglect people and dismiss those who they thought were worth sacrificing. Mmm, you're speaking his language. You didn't appear to be any kind of villain, you couldn't be so outgoing on the internet if you were, but you were certainly feisty.
He wanted to message you. He knew it would be weird and he didn't want to creep you out, but god he wanted to talk to you. He wanted to know more about you. To be honest, he really wanted you to give him your undivided feminine attention. When you spoke with him at GameStop he felt warm. Love at first sight? Possibly. Is he that much of a fool?
His social anxiety made him almost want to watch you outside your window before messaging you online anonymously. rrr.
him: hey, do you remember the blue haired guy from GameStop?
you didn't answer for two hours.
Tomura tried to not care if you responded or not but he was boiling hot and itching anxiously, wondering if you had actively ignored him. But you didn't unfollow or block him, he checked many times.
her: omg yea
him: is your name (y/n)? that's what your card said. sorry thats creepy af but i kinda wanted to talk to you so I looked you up.
He wasn't even attempting to not be a stalker at this point. What else was he supposed to say? There's no way to cover the fact that he has a crush on you or something.
her: yea that's me. i noticed you peaked at my name so it's ok lol. what's your name?
he wasn't supposed to say anything like that online. He's a piece of shit, yea, but a part of Tomura didn't want to lie.
That's a name he heard often. For the last couple of years he began experiencing frequent auditory hallucinations. Hearing "Tenko" was one of them. Sometimes they'd tell him to stop or scream at him or strangely enough, they'd be calm and nurturing to him. It drove him crazy sometimes.
him: Tenko
her: why did you want to talk to me?
him: that's an awkward question
her: why?
him: i guess it's not. you look cool and said shit about hating heroes. is that a good enough reason?
her: LMAO
i suppose
him: do you play any video games? I saw you go to the anime section...
her: i play but i'm not very good at any of them
"of course she isn't"
him: what games do you play?
her: league of legends
him: omg are you kidding me?
her: no
him: do you wanna play with me? like. right now?
her: sure??
You were trash at league. But somehow it was charming seeing you try your best, though your efforts were very frugal. Normally seeing someone so bad in his game would make Tomura pissed but he gave you a pass. At the moment, he was more worried about getting to know you than the game itself. So he tried all he could to get you to talk, he loved your voice.
"I'm going to assume you're very new to this?"
"How new?"
"I've been playing for maybe 3 months."
"That long and you're still shit?"
"I know I suck," you say defensively. As if you could hear the things in his head.
"You kind of do, not going to lie."
It wasn't long after that you got essentially gangbanged by three enemy players with no attacks given back.
The loud cussing in his headphones made Tomura jump, but he couldn't help but start to chuckle violently.
"Feisty bitch ain't she?"
"She wants to suck your cock."
"Shut up..." Tomura growled under his breath.
"Did you just tell me to shut up??" You ask, though chuckling while you did.
"What? No, no. Sometimes I just have really bad thoughts that come out of nowhere. I have to like.."
"Tell them to be quiet?"
"I've done that. Like actually, though. I'll just start thinking of the most wacked out thing, and it comes out of no where. Sometimes I knock on my head to get rid of them, hah."
I guess a spooky looking gal like you being mentally ill wasn't a surprise to him. Your ability to relate to his situation was still comforting, though. Especially because he almost expected you to get uncomfortable when he told you about having "bad thoughts." Some girls may think a freaky looking dude like him having "bad thoughts" meant that he was some homicidal villain.
oh wait
"Really? I've had it happen to me all my life, but for the last two years I've like...heard voices, I guess? Sometimes the thoughts aren't even thoughts, they just happen. And I'll hear them, in voices that aren't mine. Also forget all of that, I'm normal and you're very bad at league."
The giggle that erupted from you shot an infestation of butterflies inside his chest. You seemed to think he was very funny, which is something that frankly turned him on. Throughout your call he was able to make you snicker from saying the dumbest shit. He prayed you weren't just faking it.
"It's ok. You'd be surprised how common that is. Doesn't make it any easier though, I'll say that," you reply, hoping to ease his nerves. You could tell even over voice call that while he spoke very easily about his hallucinations, he had a level of shame for them.
"No. It doesn't. Who made you a psychiatrist, anyways?"
"My six stays at the psych ward maybe," you retort.
"Excuse me, Tenko?"
Oh right. That's his name right now. Fuck, he wanted to see you in person. He felt like he'd be able to be more of an open book that way. He'd still need a story though, fake name or not. You probably thought you were just talking to some geeky gamer boy with blue hair and possible schizophrenia, but little did you know, you were talking to a facilitator of multiple acts of mid-level terrorism. Hey, but if it was all in the name of "Fuck Heroes" maybe you'd still laugh at his jokes.
"Sorry that wasn't very feminism of me was it?"
"No, it wasn't" you said as you wheezed in laughter.
"You like my edgelord jokes, don't you?"
You kept laughing, now somehow he had pulled a couple of snorts out of you too.
"fat pig."
"Want to take a trip to 2016? I bet Leafy would love to make fun of autistic 12 year old's with you."
He swore that you were probably crying from how hard you were laughing. He wished he could see you on camera right now, but hearing you blow out his ear drums with your annoying yet adorable little laugh was good enough for now.
"Am I going to have to come resuscitate you?" Tomura cackles, now feeling himself starting to laugh.
"Your voice is cute," you beam at him.
"I'm not!"
"Someone once told me I sound like I'm a prison bitch cuz of how hoarse my throat is."
"Done with the jokes, got it."
"I know, right?"
"I just think it's cute, you're very expressive."
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*this is Tomura right, now by the way*
"Does that mean that uh..you think I'm cute?" he pesters with the widest smile on his face, though you couldn't see.
*que jeopardy music*
Goodness, you certainly had a girlish charm with the way your mellow voice would start chirping with laughter. He didn't think flirting should've been this easy, but you were very impressionable.
"Is it ok to say yes?" you asked sheepishly over call.
"Ehehehe~!!!" Tomura squealed, mocking your giggles.
"Shut up!"
"Am I going to have to come and rescue you? You sound like you're running out of air," he asked almost genuinely, as he held back a cough.
"Do it, pussy, you won't."
"Oh really?"
"Would you be mad at me if I told you I know where you live?"
"Excuse me?"
"Not my fault. Blame yourself for being an on-the-grid person. The internet is dangerous, didn't you know?"
"Are we officially stalker-stalkee now?" you joked.
"Yea but my hair is blue and my voice is cute so it's ok if I stalk you, right?"
"Oh my fucking god."
"So, can I come see you?"
"In person. I could be there in like half an hour. You live near me."
"Tenko, it's 10pm."
"Would you get in trouble? Do you live with parents or something?"
"I could pick you up and we could walk back to my place."
Now, dear readers, would you accept such an offer from a complete stranger at almost midnight, absolutely alone with him? After he has admitted to lowkey stalking you? You shouldn't!
However, we, the reader, are ignorant to common sense when we receive the slightest crumb of positive (?) male attention.
"teeheehee!!" Tomura teases. "Keep your eyes pealed, then. Thirty minutes, okay?"
"omg i guess."
"omg ok, what kind of energy drink do you like?"
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eggcats · 20 days
I'm still working on chap3 (I have a bunch of unconnected little things, but I'm a bit stuck on how to connect them quite yet - but hopefully soon I'll he able to write and edit)
But instead I decided to write a "current day" slice of life fic, based on my AU, where they meet Charlie and the Happy Hotel
(some ideas came from @shizukasobsessions and my replies in the comments of my fic♥️)
There's so many different pieces here tho, lmao - like, Alastor killed Valentino and took Angel's soul to replace him as the overlord of porn, to prevent Angel from failing he gave him Husk to guide him on being an overlord, (Alastor refers to Angel as solely Anthony, the less he thinks of the pornography offshoot of their media empire, the better)
Vox is still the face of their company, Voxtek is still named after him (Alastor has no issues taking a more behind the scenes role, there's a reason he WAS the radio demon but mostly got that name from torturing souls on the radio, not by trying to force everyone to only listen to his radio show - he has no issues with Vox doing just that with television/hypnosis but he doesn't mind allowing him to truly embrace his cult-leader personality here. Vox is still his housewife behind closed doors, tho, Alastor just doesn't want to hobble him in any way)
So it's really funny to think Charlie is just dealing with overlord after overlord (and one former) as she's trying to run her hotel
I'm thinking in this AU, Angel/Anthony decides to let some of his employees stay and try out the whole "redemption " thing, as long as Charlie gives them a safe place to stay rent free - in my AU, Angel was originally owned by Valentino when Alastor killed him, so Angel not only knows what brings people to his studio, he knows he can't protect them all - hence his agreement with the princess of hell
However, Angel and Vox are friends (Husk's #1 piece of advice to him, while Angel was freaking out that his soul chain changed hands along with a bunch of new responsibilities, was "make Vox like you - if Vox likes you then you're almost entirely safe from Alastor, trust me, I know it looks the other way but it's not")
(Angel now does genuinely like Vox, and they get along pretty well, but he will admit - if only to himself - that he originally became his friend to prevent from being torn to pieces like he watched happen to Valentino)
Alastor still obviously doesn't believe in redemption, but the only reason he's there at the hotel is because Vox asked him to be (and Vox is there because Angel asked him on behalf of Charlie for some advertising for the hotel)
And @proshipper-on-ship mentioned the Chaggie parallels of Charlie finding Vaggie at a dumpster, and Alastor doing the same, and I thought it'd be really funny to have their first meetings come up
Charlie, awkward but trying to come to terms with the truly alarming amount of Overlords in her hotel: "So...how'd you two meet?"
Alastor, smiling as he finally can set up his punchline: "Found him in an alley and brought him home with me."
Charlie, super excited: "OHMIGOSH, that's basically how I met Vaggie!! How'd you find him?! I was looking for anyone to help after the Extermination!"
Alastor: "I sensed someone using my radio waves and immediately went in search of who."
Charlie, actively looking at Alastor like he's as harmless as a kitten: "OhEmGee that's so sweet! And you were just going to take him under your wing but then you fell in love?!"
Alastor, deadpan: "No, I was going to kill him."
Charlie, looking exactly like 😦: "What."
Alastor: "He wasn't a radio, though, so I decided to let him live."
Vox, with his screen in his hands: "Alastor, you gotta stop telling people that."
Alastor, thinks it's secretly very funny: "Why not, it's the truth, darling?"
I just love the idea that Charlie, for a second, thinks Alastor might be as soft and kindhearted as herself as she sees similarities in their relationships, and then Alastor just immediately breaking the illusion.
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just-gay-thoughts · 1 year
Im very new to this site
How do I navigate it's kinda confusing and my ADHD keeps seeing colors and I can't figure out how to use things
Help pls 🙏
First of all, hi, welcome to the party!
Okay you figured out asks so yay! If you haven't noticed, theres also a little toggle for anonymous asks if you ever wish to send those, if I remember correctly though you can't send pics and vids on anonymous.
Basic getting started advice: use the search to find tags that you're interested in, it can be Fandom or hobby interests or anything really. You can choose to follow that tag (the option should be in the search bar after you've searched it, if that makes sense) and random posts from the tag will show up on your feed from time to time. You can also go through and follow people who post a lot in that tag that you enjoy the content of. Basic rule of advice for following people is to do it as freely as you wish, but don't feel bad about unfollowing for any reason.
And this explanation is going to be scatterbrained as I mention things as I think of them so I do apologize for that lol
Make sure you go into your settings and set your dashboard preferences to not include 'in your orbit' (or do, but most have their dash in chronological order rather than the more algorithmic version), this way you see stuff just from people and tags you follow.
Great ways to find people to follow are by searching like mentioned before, but also if you notice someone you follow reblogging someone's posts a lot and you enjoy those posts, that can be a great way to find more people.
You yourself can post as often as you want but there's a couple things to be familiar with that would show up on your blog.
The first is likes, which can be turned off (if I remember correctly the option might be when you go to edit your profile)
The second is reblogs, this is how posts get spread around. I like to think of it like likes are you telling the op they did a good job, and a reblog is you running to show your friends what you just found. It is greatly encouraged to reblog things like art and gifsets if you liked them because of the lack of algorithm on this site.
The last is your own posts, there should be a round plus button on mobile (it's been a bit since I've been on desktop but I think it's at the top?) That will take you to the text editor. I didn't llan ahead so this is the only one I have pictures for :)
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Things to note: very bottom has the ability to add links, gifs, photos, audio, polls, and the Aa let's you edit the way text appears. Just above that you can add tags, many use tags for organization (I tend to use #gay thoughts for many of my own posts, eith #gay asks being added when I'm answering an ask), but there's also a huge culture around talking in the tags. Many add thoughts about the post in the tags, as anything said in a reblog will always stay with that version of a post, but tags are only visible when viewed from the actual reblog theyre on.
The 3 dots in the corner give you some additional options for your post
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You can post it now or later, change who can reblog it, who can blaze it(pay money for it to appear on a number of random peopl's dashes), all that jazz!
Sorry if anything was hard to understand, please let me know if you have any other questions!
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 13 - The Sixth Year (Part Three)
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My dear friend @abimess, I keep stealing your gifs and making updates without telling you. I hope you never get tired of it.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. || Chapter Warnings: Magical torture with minors, cursing, angst, ptsd, derogatory thoughts and behavior, dark magic.
Chapter Words: 8.486 K
A/N> Yes, I've gone for a month without warning anyone, and yes that might go on, but at least i'm near ending this (I'm already writing chapter 21). Once I'm finished, I'll just programe tumblr to upload them all for me because i'm lazy. I hope anyone like this yet, i don't even know what i'm doing anymore. Good reading!
Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Chapter 13 - Part XIII - The Sixth Year (Part Three)
Gossip really starts to irritate you when you go to lunch after potions.
"You want to say something to me, girl?" You charge impatiently when you hear the giggles behind you again, coming from a group of students sitting at Ravenclaw's table.
The group turns around with wry smiles on their faces, and you notice the editions of the Daily Prophet in the hand of one of the boys. It is Hope Summers, your classmate, who speaks first:
"We're just sharing some theories, Stark." She says in a provocative tone. "Some of us find it an interesting coincidence that just now that Mephisto is back, you and Maximoff are losing control of magic."
You frown.
"What are you talking about?" you ask in surprise, referring to Wanda, but Hope thinks you want her to keep mocking you.
"It's just suspicious that no one knows what happened to you in that dungeon, or at the ministry of magic." Hope counters. "And now you two are blowing things up, and we have a dark wizard on the loose."
"Fuck you, Summmers." You curse as you stand up, leaving the girl in shock at your aggressiveness.
The same auror from the first day stands in front of you as you try to approach Slytherin's table.
"Students must respect..."
But you interrupted his speech with a loud shove that sent him staggering backwards, and drew the immediate attention of several people.
You were seeing red by now, the man's wry smile only making you more irritated.
He drew his wand, but so did you. And the room held its breath.
"Put your wand away, Miss Stark." Warned the auror angrily, but you didn't.
Wanda stood up as she noticed the confusion, rushing to reach you, but the auror put his arm in her way.
"Now, miss." He warned again, and you grunted in irritation.
"Get your hands off her." You retorted, feeling your body fever with hatred.
"Stark." The man said, his arm reaching down to push Wanda back, and you exploded.
You didn't even finish thinking about the spell, the magic exploding out of your wand.
The auror masterfully blocked it, and you dropped your wand to jump on top of him.
It was a confusion of shoving, other bigger students pulling you away from the man and he away from you.
" Never fucking touch her again!" You warned snorting in anger, Thor Odinson stopping you from jumping on the man's neck.
"I just pushed her away from the line of fire, you crazy bitch!" The auror retorted indignantly and angrily. "Go to the headmaster's office now!"
"Fuck you!"
Thor pulled you out of the hall as the crowd of students whistled in celebration, excited about the whole fight. The auror was too busy dissipating everyone to follow you.
"Hey, hothead, calm down." The blonde warned as he released the grip of you by the courtyard. You grunted angrily, wishing you could break something.
"Fuck this school, fuck that asshole." You complained aloud, as Thor looked at you curiously.
"You have quite a rage, Stark." He comments, and you grumble in irritation.
But Wanda catches up with you the next moment, and she looks even angrier than you.
"What the hell was that?" she asks and you roll your eyes, running your hands through your hair.
"I think you are going to be fine for now on." Thor comments, smiling at the thank you Wanda says to him before leaving you two alone.
"So?" Wanda insists, arms crossed. You bite the inside of your cheek as you look at her.
"What do you want me to say?" You retort angrily.
"You just started a fight for no reason! Again!" She accuses. "Only this time it was with a wizard who could kill you. I want to know what's going on!"
"I don't know, Wanda!" You exclaim angrily. "Why does everyone expect me to have answers? I don't know! Do you understand that? It feels like I'm going to explode in frustration any second, neither you or Gamora seem to get it. I don't understand what's happening to me!"
"Because you won't talk to us!" She shouts back, just as annoyed as you are. "You're pushing everyone away! Even me! We can't help you if you don't talk to us!"
You grunt impatiently, turning around. There was a strange throbbing in the back of your head, a strange whisper. Like a voice telling you that no one was telling you the truth, that your friends expected too much of you, that Wanda didn't care...
This last thought made you sob. Wanda softened her expression immediately, taking a step toward you and touching your shoulder, but you pulled away from her touch as if burned, wiping your tears away quickly.
"Leave me alone, Wanda." You mutter between teeth. She hesitates, raising her hand toward you again.
"I need some time from you." You insist, pushing her hand away, and walking away.
A part of your brain is begging you to go back and make things right, but there is a cloud of anger and irritation that keeps you walking.
You roll over in bed in discomfort.
Nightmares. Again.
It has only been five days since you had your fight with Wanda, and you are getting worse every day.
With Summers' teasing, you end up noticing other things too.
How the school really found the theory that you and Wanda were somehow related to Mephisto, because the minister had covered up what happened in the dungeons and in the ministry, and everybody thought it was strange that two students were showing an increase in magical potential with the return of a dark wizard.
Unlike you, who were failing considerably in any simple execution of spells, Wanda was demonstrating exceptional abilities. Kaecilius was more than willing to make her the face of progress at Hogwarts, you heard the gossip about bringing in reporters to share the news of the new direction.
You know that the only reason Wanda hasn't come after you yet was because you're running away from her like the plague.
And you couldn't even explain why.
You were also blocking out your real health condition from her. Just like you two practiced during the summer.
Besides hiding this from Wanda, you have kept your friends away too, isolating yourself from everyone else in search of a little rest, only succeeding in taking a nap when you are running away between classes.
And the detentions with Kaecilius keep increasing as you skip classes.
You begin to consider learning to write with a different hand, just so the bruise has time to heal, but at this point you don't even care about the scar anymore.
"You really must like pain." Loki teases wryly as you sit in an empty room, waiting for the aurors' shift change again after your detention.
You don't ask him what he's doing on that floor again, and he doesn't ask why you haven't spoken to your friends in two weeks.
"Sure, that must be it." You joke back, massaging your injured hand.
He assumes a pensive expression for a second.
"Are you sure you haven't been cursed by someone?" He asks, causing you to frown in shock and confusion.
"Excuse me?"
He gives a little chuckle, settling himself better against the wall.
"Everyone's been talking about you being sick." He says. "I heard some of the Ravenclaw people theorize that you became a werewolf over the summer."
You laugh helplessly, massaging your temples lightly.
"I guarantee that's not it." You say making Loki smile.
"If you are sick for no reason, it could be a curse." He says. "I wouldn't be surprised, the way things are."
"But how do I find out if I've been cursed?"
Loki takes a thoughtful stance.
"I don't know." He says. "But I'm sure you can learn that in the no longer reserved session of the library."
You laugh at the joke, but soon you both return to silence. When that hallway's shift ends, Loki sighs, getting up and helping you to stand.
"Still can't perform spells?" He asks, already drawing his wand.
"Only if I want to blow things up." You scoff making him laugh.
"Fine, I'll enchant you." He says. When you are transparent, he looks at you with an amused expression. "See you next Saturday, troublemaker?
"Don't worry, I plan on skipping DADA, maybe I'll be here tomorrow." You retort in the same tone before turning to leave.
It takes three more days for Wanda to finally corner you.
You are skipping class in an empty room on the seventh floor, trying to doze off, and almost fall out of your chair with fright when the door opens and Wanda comes in, looking annoyed.
You grunt impatiently, without lifting your face from the desk.
"I told you I needed time." You complain, but tense up when you notice the tears in her eyes as she moves closer to sit at the table next to yours.
" You want to break up with me?" She asks in a whisper and you raise your head immediately, feeling your chest tighten.
"What? What are you talking about?"
Wanda gives a humorless laugh at your expression. "Why are you acting like this is an absurd idea? You've disappeared. You've been avoiding me, not even talking to me anymore."
You shake your head quickly, feeling the urge to cry.
"I don't want to break up with you." You say. "I..I would never want to be away from you."
"You just said you need time away from me." Wanda retorts with annoyance, and you feel your stomach clench as she sighs. "I don't know what's going on with us. And I miss you, but you won't let me near you."
You are exhausted. So you cry.
You rest your head on your arms, and let your sobs fill the silence, hoping that the tears will take this bad feeling away.
It's Wanda's gentle touch on your back that helps.
"Babe, tell me what's wrong." She whispers to you, her tone concerned.
It takes many minutes for you to calm down. But when you do, Wanda holds your hand, kneeling on the floor beside the chair you are in.
"I can't do magic." You breathlessly tell her from crying, "And I can't sleep. I've been sick for weeks, and I'm angry all the time. Healer Cho doesn't know what's wrong with me, but everyone at school seems to have a theory about it. I think I'm going to suffocate, Wanda. I'm messing everything up. Between us, between my family, and at school." You sob as you finish and Wanda shakes her head, her hand coming up to your cheek.
"Don't say that." She urges. "You didn't ruin anything. Hey, look at me. I love you. Your sisters love you, your friends love you. We'll figure out what's going on."
Wanda hugs you tight, and you sob, shaking.
You want to believe her words, so you push the intrusive thoughts away, and believe it.
Wanda takes you to a door in that same floor you two were before, but you have never seen that door until that moment.
And you are very surprised to realize that it is a bedroom.
"How...?" You ask confused as she closes the it.
"Welcome to the Room of Requirement." She says with a smile, pulling you by the hand around. "We hold our Avengers meetings here." She counters and you frown.
"In a bedroom? Interesting choice." You comment and she giggles.
"No, my love." She says. "That's how this room works. It is charmed to meet your needs. That's why I asked you to come in first."
"Oh, that's pretty cool." You say looking around. Wanda smiles at you, and then you both reach the bed. "The room thinks I have to sleep?"
"I do too." Wanda retorts, pushing your shoulders gently for you to sit on the bed. "Go on, nice dreams."
You hesitate. "You gonna leave me here alone?"
Wanda denies with her head, pointing to the chair that probably just magically appeared next to the bed. You frown.
"Can't you sleep in the bed with me?"
She giggles. "We don't have much time for you to sleep. If I lie down, you'll want to kiss me. So I'll be sitting in that armchair, studying as I should." She explains seriously, and you pout.
"Stupid rules." You grumble moving your hands up to her waist. "Lie down with me."
Wanda sighs, then nods. You smile, quickly removing your shoes as she does the same. You quickly adjust yourself on the bed, opening your arms for her to lie on top of you, and she gives a little giggle before doing so.
"Are you cozy, sweetheart?" You murmur against her hair, and Wanda squeezes her arms around you.
"Yeah, your boobs are good pillows." She teases, making you laugh with reddened cheeks.
Your eyes begin to heavy quickly, fatigue catching up with your body relaxed by the comfort of the moment.
"Go to sleep, babe." Wanda whispers. "I'll be here when you wake up."
You smile with your eyes closed, surrendering.
It's the best sleep you've had in weeks.
The problem is that as soon as you start to wake up again, you are feeling sick.
You touch the emptiness in the bed, mumbling softly. When you open your eyes you find Wanda sitting in the armchair, the darkhold in her lap.
"Damn it, Wanda, this book again." You complain in a hoarse voice, but she just sighs.
"Why the attitude?"
"I hate that book." You grumble sitting up in bed, massaging your face lightly. "Why do you keep reading it anyway?"
"It's interesting." She says, closing the item to look at you. "Agatha really told me a lot, but there are also things I didn't know."
"For example?"
Wanda bites her lips, appraising you.
"Scarlet witches are forged, for instance." She says and you frown in confusion. Wanda sighs. "Many powerful witches, born scarlet witches, never got to fulfill their destiny because the forging didn't happen."
You straighten your clothes uncomfortably, pensively.
"What exactly does that mean?"
"What the headmistress did last year was my forging." She clarifies and you swallow dryly, feeling your stomach turn. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" you ask confused.
"Everything." She says upset. "I know we've talked about this, but it seems like all I do is cause you problems. With the bond, and with the forge. If Agatha didn't want my powers, she wouldn't have taken you to the dungeon and you wouldn't have suffered."
You poke at the knot of your tie, feeling yourself suffocate slightly. Wanda is speaking, you blink to focus on her words.
"I'm sorry, could you say that again?" You ask out of breath, sweating. You blink to find Wanda's concerned gaze on you.
"Babe, what's wrong?" She asks worriedly, her hands around your face.
You feel your head spin, and everything goes dark before you can answer.
You smell the scent of grass when you wake up.
Then you blink in confusion, getting used to your surroundings to realize that you are in what looks like a ward bed.
"Hey, all right, take it easy getting up, Miss Stark." Asked Professor Strange with one hand on her shoulder. In the other he held a potion that you imagined he had given you.
"W-what happened?" you mumbled confusedly, sitting up in bed. Only now did you notice Professor Munroe and Wanda standing in front of the bed, both with worried expressions.
"You passed out, but you're better now I imagine." Stephen explained gently, but you were still feeling very weak.
"Professor, she simply blacked out." Wanda commented in a tearful voice. " Don't you have any idea what's wrong?"
Stephen sighed, and then pointed at the chair, the darkhold.
"Where did you get that book?" He asked, and Wanda frowned, taking a step toward the chair in a defensive posture.
"What does that have to do with my question?" she retorted dryly, and Stephen looked at you one last time before standing up.
"There's a reason it's called the Book of the Damned, Miss Maximoff." He says."It damns its readers."
"That's ridiculous." Wanda retorted, crossing her arms. "I've been reading it for weeks and nothing has happened."
"Not with you."
Wanda hesitates, widening her eyes. And then she takes a step back, swallowing her cry as she reaches out to grab the book and hand it to Stephen.
She turns her gaze back to you, and lets the tears fall.
"I am truly sorry." She says with a mixture of guilt and shame before turning to leave the room.
You call out to her about three times, but she leaves and you don't have the strength to go after her.
"Damn, couldn't I have said that in a different way?" You complain angrily to Stephen, who just sighs, exchanging a look with Professor Munroe. "How come you two are here anyway?"
"It was Wanda." Professor Ororo replies. "She asked the room for someone trustworthy to help her with you. Then there was a door opening in the potions room. Stephen was there with me, and we both came."
"Great." You mutter annoyed, thinking about how you are going to talk to Wanda and convince her that you were not angry with her. "Would either of you happen to know how to make me better now?"
"Sure." Stephen comments by raising the book in the air, and with a wave of his hand, the item dissolves into several pieces until it is gone. "I didn't destroy it, if that's what you're thinking. I just put it away, to prevent something like that from happening again."
"Congratulations." You grumble wryly as you straighten up in bed, the same migraine from before is now weaker, but it's still there.
"You know, you had a better attitude when you didn't have a magical doom on your spirit." Stephen complains, causing you to frown, but Professor Ororo gives a chuckle.
"Thanks professor." You comment wryly, making him laugh. He sits back down beside your bed, and pulls out of the cover a small notebook.
"Now that Miss Maximoff has stopped reading the book, I suppose you will get better." Stephen says, making you sigh.
"You suppose? That's encouraging." You say moving to stand up.
"Where are you going, Miss Stark? You need to rest." Warn the professor, but you ignore him, and ignore the weakness in your body as well.
"What I need, Strange, is for people to stop lying to me."
"No one is lying, Miss Stark." Professor Ororo states next. "We really don't know the extent of the magic the darkhold carries."
"And why is that I imagine?" You sneer. "Because someone omitted the truth from you, and it's been passed down for generations, isn't it? Well, that's over now. Because we've finally studied everything in this place, including a book that condemns anyone who reads it." You exclaim impatiently, stooping down to put on your shoes. "If you two will excuse me, I'll figure out how to get better on my own. But first I'm going to explain to my girlfriend that none of this is her fault."
Ororo and Stephen are silent, but you wouldn't have been paying attention to anything they said anyway.
Soon you are up and out of the requirement room looking for Wanda.
She seems to have disappeared from the castle, so you must concentrate to use your instincts.
The hardest part is dodging the aurors, but you finally reach the astronomy tower.
You're a little out of breath from the run, but it's the image of Wanda standing on the edge, the sunlight in her hair that leaves you breathless.
"Hi." You say in a low tone, your hands in your pockets as you approach. She startles slightly, wiping away tears as she keeps her gaze forward.
"What do you want here?" she asks in a husky voice. You sigh.
"That you stop hating yourself and listen to me." You say and she lets out a short laugh.
"And what do you think you can say?" She questions turning her body toward you. "All I do is hurt you."
You shake your head, but Wanda lets out a tearful laugh.
"No you don't understand." She says. "Since I met you, you have only brought me good things. Affection, happiness, hope. You've been that kind warm feeling that I need on my worst days. Hell, you're even the memory for me to cast a patronus." She confesses with emotion, her face wet with tears. "But me? All I bring you is pain and suffering. And now I even bring sickness. This is wrong, I hurt you. You need to see this, and understand that we can no longer happen."
"Don't say that." You ask, reaching up to touch her face, wipe away her tears. "That's not true, Wanda. I love you, you make me..."
"Stop it." She interrupts with a sob. "Don't make it any harder than it already is."
"Please, Wanda, listen to me." You plead, resting your forehead on hers, your hands on her cheeks. "You make me happy, you are the only thing that makes me happy, I love you, please..."
Wanda kisses you hard, and you respond with the same intensity, both of you gasping into each other's mouths.
But then she is pulling away, thrusting you farther apart.
"I'm sorry." She cries, taking a step back. "We're over."
And she's running away again, and this time you don't go after her.
Without Darkhold's being consumed, you really start to improve in terms of physical health.
The only problem is the emotional ditch you find yourself in.
Gamora, Nebula and Mantis find you, again in the Room of Requirement, skipping class.
"My god this is worse than last time." Gamora remarks as she looks around at the mess of junk food and pillows. The room had been transformed into a "comfortable place", which basically had the appearance of a living room, with several soft armchairs, and lots of unhealthy food. "Why did you guys break up this time?"
"Please don't talk to me." You grumbled, your voice coming out muffled because you were lying on two soft puffs, your face buried in the pillow, your hand inside a bag of muggles snacks.
"I bet you five bucks they'll be back together before the end of the month." Nebula commented and you sniffled against your pillow, hearing a noise that sounded like Gamora hitting her sister.
"We talked to Wanda." Mantis said. "And with Professor Stephen, too. We're sorry about everything, but have you decided you're not going to study anymore?"
"I don't care about school." You grumble against the pillow. "Leave me alone, I want to cry."
Nebula gives a short laugh, and Gamora elbows her.
"Stop hitting me, you crazy." Nebula complains loudly, moving away from her sister to approach you, taking the bag of snacks you have, and making you complain softly. "And you stop being such a drama queen. Aren't you two like soul mates or some shit? It's just a fight, you'll work it out. You're acting like you've never broken up before."
"Your sensitivity is admirable." Gamora scoffs, pushing her sister away to sit next to you, stroking your back until you look up at her. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
You feel the urge to cry arise again. "Wanda thinks she is bad for me." You say. "And she doesn't want to be with me anymore, and I want to die."
You start crying again, stuffing your face into the pillow as Gamora strokes your hair.
"How did this happen anyway?" Nebula asks, confused, chewing on salty snacks."You barely slept at home over the summer to be with her, and now you guys are breaking up. It's hard to keep up with this relationship."
"Merlin, Nebula shut up." Gamora asks impatiently, and her sister raises her hands in surrender with an ironic expression. You want to scream against your pillow, but all you do is try to control your crying.
"You can't keep disappearing, sweetheart." Gamora says as she runs her hands through your hair, trying to calm you down. "Kaecilius has already noticed. He's trying to figure out where you're going, and eventually he'll figure it out since you can't stay here forever."
"Maybe I can." You mumble making Gamora laugh softly.
"Come on, I'm sure you miss a decent meal." She says. "Why don't you join us for lunch?"
"I can't sit at your table."
"Who said anything about a table?"
This is how you end up on the edge of the great lake, at a picnic.
Mantis gets several dishes from the house elves, and since lunch is a free social hour, nobody seems to mind that you are eating outside.
Your sisters are not the only students who, over time, have learned ways around school rules.
You grumble slightly as you feel the sun on your face, but lie back on the grass, closing your eyes.
Your mind wanders back to last summer immediately, the memories of Wanda, and you feel horrible. You just want her back. And then you swallow the urge to cry again to accept the juice Mantis offers you.
"We wanted to tell you that we've found a way to help you, too." Gamora says after a moment, causing you to raise your eyebrow. "About the darkhold, and the eternal damnation thing."
"Light topic." You sneer, throwing your arm over your face. The day is hot. "I appreciate the help, of course."
Gamora giggles. "Merlin, I had forgotten how grumpy you get when you're upset."
"I'm not upset, Gamora." You retort angrily. "I'm frustrated."
"Sexually." Nebula sneers, making you grunt in anger, but Mantis holds back a laugh.
"What's your problem with my feelings lately?" You accuse the girl with irritation.
"Not everything is about you, you know." She retorts and you sit up quickly, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Nebula laughs, rolling her eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, there's a war going on." She says. "We're all stressed and scared. And the three of us have been in the same classes as you, having to watch the same things. But you only have time for Wanda. And now you've broken up, again, because there's some mortal danger, again, that she's caused for you. So, I don't know, but maybe she is right to break up. Ever since you guys started dating everything has been about her, and the trouble she causes!"
"Fuck you, Nebula!" You exclaim angrily, advancing against the girl in front of you. Gamora and Mantis quickly separate you.
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Gamora shoves you. "Were you really going to hit her?"
"Fuck this." You curse angrily, taking a step away. "I didn't ask any of you to come after me. I don't need you. I just need Wanda. Fucking leave me alone."
You turn back to the castle, cursing the wild on your way.
Loki is the only friend you have now.
You wouldn't call him a friend exactly.
Kaecilius has put you in detention for three days a week, including Saturday, but mostly you just clean the castle. But when he takes you to the seventh floor, and makes you scrape sentences against your own skin, you don't worry about being alone anymore, because Loki is always on that floor.
It takes a week for you to tell him about the requirement room.
" You could have mentioned it earlier, we would have stuck around here." He comments without sounding upset.
Soon it doesn't take long for you two to start seeing each other even when you're not in detention.
You are not surprised that Loki also skips classes, he has always been quite mischievous, but the reason is different from yours.
He knew dark magic. Much more than you or your classmates. And he has no interest in practicing it in class.
"It's stupid." He comments as you are sitting in the armchairs. "Most people will never have the courage or willpower to cast a death curse. It's useless to learn."
"Is that the only reason you don't agree with the teaching at Hogwarts now?" You ask in surprise, setting up the chessboard for yourself as Loki shrugs his shoulders.
"I feel like you're judging me, Hufflepuff." He sneers but you smile, rolling your eyes.
"Honestly, I don't give a damn."
And you really didn't care.
Wanda was avoiding you in the halls, and you were doing the same with your friends and family.
When Iron delivered the mail to the Slytherin table, including Nebula's birthday presents, you wanted to throw up, but all you did was walk away from the Hufflepuff table toward the requirement room.
Without the darkhold, you didn't feel sick, but the anger didn't go away.
Your magic hadn't stabilized, and you were failing at everything, but you couldn't bring yourself to worry about it.
Erik wrote to you, commenting on the importance of you and Wanda practicing magical balancing together, and you burned the letter while crying on the carpet.
And at this rate, time went by.
It was almost the middle of the school year when things started to take a turn for the worse at Hogwarts, and in the wizarding war as well.
Mephisto is getting stronger, and the order is losing. And Kaecillius must be under some pressure from the ministry, maybe for answers from organizations like the Avengers, which are forbidden, because his detentions get too horrible.
It is Saturday again, and you drag yourself to the room where you are supposed to fulfill your detention, but unlike the other days, Kaecillius locks the door.
You only notice because he seems tense and distracted, and there is no feather or book.
"Professor, what will my punishment be today?" You ask confused, and he is nodding to the center of the room as he stands in front of the desk, a few feet from you.
"Miss Stark, today I want to ask some questions and I expect honesty." He declines as he turns to you.
You hiss softly, putting your hands in your pockets.
Kaecillius doesn't even mind your lack of formality, looking at you with an impassive face.
"What is Mephisto's location?"
You choke in surprise and disbelief. "Excuse me? Why do you think I know that?"
"The ministry has reason enough to suspect that the Order of the Avengers is nothing more than a cover for the death walkers.Your brother, whom I had suspected of being part of that order of delinquents, is no longer at Hogwarts, but you will have to serve." He speaks and with each word you become more outraged. "Now answer me, where is Mephisto?"
" Did you just fucking call my brother a delinquent?" You mutter incredulously. "I have no idea where Mephisto is, what's your problem?"
But you widen your eyes when the professor draws his wand, and you barely have time to swallow dry before the spell hits you in the chest.
It's the cruciatus curse. You know the second it hits you. The sharp pain fills every cell in your body and you scream, not having the strength to stand or with your eyes open, hugging yourself.
"We must not tell lies, Miss Stark." Kaecillius says as soon as he stops enchanting you, the pain disappears in the same instant, but you continue to tremble.
In complete shock and fear, you sob.
"I will ask you again, where is Mephisto?"
You let the tears flow, and shake your head. "I don't know, professor."
Kaecillius lets out a sigh of disappointment. "Some cases are more difficult than others." He comments somberly, taking a step toward her. "Did you know that the record for enduring the Cruciatus curse before madness is six hours? Incredible, isn't it? It happened during the first war, with a muggleborn. You're a half-blood, maybe you can take longer"
He has a devilish grin as he finishes, and you clench your jaw at the threat.
"I don't know where Mephisto is." You repeat, but the professor points his wand at you again.
"My bet is seven hours."
And then the pain returns.
You don't know how long you stay in that room.
But it is long enough for your consciousness to begin to fade. The pain gets so severe that it gradually fades away. You begin to gasp breathlessly, not even able to scream anymore.
Someone help me. Please, help me. Help me. Wanda.
Between the tears you see the floor of the room, and between a twinge of pain, a red light. And everything is dark again.
“Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Warcraft and Wizard is arrested in flagrant by aurors from the ministry of magic this week, full coverage on page..."
You blink confusedly, your eyes getting used to the clarity, while the headline of the Daily Prophet was the first thing your vision caught.
And then you shifted in bed, realizing that you were in a hospital room , and whoever was reading next to you put the paper down when they heard you, and you could behold the curious look on your brother's face.
"Tony?" you whispered confused, and he smiled as he stood up quickly, the newspaper forgotten on the armchair.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked as his hand reached for the loose strands of hair on your face and put them back. "You scared the hell out of me."
"What happened?"
"What's the last thing you remember?"
You thought, and then sighed, closing your eyes for a moment.
Tony bit his lip nervously before speaking.
"I'm sorry." He said, lowering his hand to his own. "I came here as soon as I got the howler from Professor Strange, but honestly, I didn't even need it, because all the newspapers are talking about it."
"What...?" You started in confusion, but Tony hurried to explain.
"Wanda found you, Y/N." He told. "She, well, wasn't exactly happy about the whole thing. I think she lost control. Kaecilius is lucky to be alive if you ask me. She almost destroyed the seventh floor, it was a huge mess. And then the aurors interfered, and soon there were reporters everywhere. I guess now everyone knows she's a scarlet witch."
You widened your eyes, straightening to sit up and grumbling a little in pain. Tony looked at you with concern, asking you to take it easy, but you were already asking about Wanda.
"She's at the ministry of magic." He clarified. "Kaecilius is going on trial for torturing a student, and she will answer for putting everyone in danger."
" What?" you ask incredulously, and Tony sighs.
"Yeah I know it's unfair." He says. "But the minister of magic seems to be looking everywhere for people to blame for his lack of control. The problem is how much of that information will get to Mephisto. The whole ministry seems to be full of walkers."
You ran your hand across your face, frustrated.
"I'm so tired, Tony." You confess in a whisper. "It feels like everything is falling apart around me, and things are only getting worse."
Tony squeezes your hand. "I'm sorry, I really am. This whole situation sucks, and I wanted to help you. I'm trying, sister. I haven't been talking to you as much as I should, but I didn't want you to think you're alone. I'm working on breaking the bond. To free you and Wanda from the prophecy, and the wizarding world from dangers like Mephisto. I'm sorry I haven't been by your side."
You swallow your cry, and nod, trying to smile at Tony. He reaches up to hug you, and you gasp softly, taking a few seconds to relax and let the tears flow.
When you calm down, Tony tells you that he is going to get a Mediwizards to check your situation.
You lie down again, sighing softly. The memories come back with full force, and you choke softly, feeling your body tremble.
It's as if you can feel the curse again, sense the pain on your skin. Opening your eyes and shaking the memories away, you swallow dryly and reach for the glass of water on the nightstand.
You just want Wanda by your side telling you that everything is going to be okay.
You stay under observation for two days.
Doctor Hank makes a joke about you enjoying St.Mungus more than you should since you keep coming back, but Tony doesn't laugh.
Then you' re going back to Hogwarts by train, because the doctor thinks you shouldn't use magical means of transportation for a few days, and it's weird to take the empty express, but as soon as you arrive at the station, Gamora and Nebula are waiting for you with boxes of candy bought in Hogsmeade, and tight hugs.
You are not surprised by the stares you receive from the other students, but you ignore them as your sisters escort you around the castle to the Hufflepuff communal hall.
"Did you get to talk to Wanda?" Gamora asks as soon as you sit down on your bed, sighing with exhaustion from the train ride. The mention of the other sorceress' name doesn't help.
"Not yet." You say. "And I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she's ignoring me."
Nebula exchanges a look with her sister before sitting down on Mantis' bed, who is hugging her knees and looking at you.
"Honestly, I just want to finish this year without any more problems." You confess as you take off your jacket. And there is a moment of silence before you swallow dryly. "I also wanted to apologize to you guys."
Gamora frowns slightly, but says nothing. You take a deep breath.
"I know I was under the influence of an evil book, but that was still no excuse for treating you guys like that." You begin. "Tony told me about how things are in the wizarding world. Everyone is going through something, and it was selfish of me to think that only my problems matter. I'm sorry."
"Really, Y/N, it's okay." Nebula says, surprising you a bit. "We were all stressed, and well, I think an evil book is a pretty fair excuse." She jokes, making you smile. "Maybe things will get a little better now that Strange is the director."
"Oh, that's right" You comment just then remembering the things Tony updated you on while you were at St.Mungus. Like Kaecillius' resignation, and the position being passed on to Professor Stephen. "But honestly, I won't be at peace until I hear from Wanda."
"The trial isn't until Friday. And the way things are going, we won't get any news until it's over." Gamora warned as she sat down on the bed next to you. "I think the Maximoffs are probably too busy to write."
"What do you think will happen to Wanda?" You ask as you tug at the loose strands of the comforter. Mantis sighs lightly.
"I don't have a good feeling about things, Y/N." She confesses and you frown in concern. "And the stars never lie."
"Thank you, Mantis." You mock softly, and Gamora runs her hands through her hair.
"Let's not be pessimistic, okay?" she says. "Maybe the predictions are about, I don't know, the school finals? It doesn't mean something bad is really going to happen."
You grumble unhappily, grabbing a pillow and sinking your face into it. Gamora strokes your back.
"I'm sure things will work out, Y/N." She says. "Wanda will write as soon as she can."
"Do you guys think Kaecilius will be sent to Azkaban?" Nebula asks next, making you raise your head curiously.
"I wouldn't be so sure." You grumble. "I was actually surprised that he was put on trial at all."
"Well, with the whole mess that happened, it was bound to happen." Gamora said. "More than half the school became aware that he used the cruciatus curse on you, and then the daily prophet. And I didn't even know they were in the castle."
"It was because of Wanda really, wasn't it?" Mantis added. "Kaecillius caused his own ruin. He called the journalists to show what he called progress and decided to torture a student while they were in the castle. Then Wanda destroyed the entire floor and the next morning his arrest was all over the pages."
"I'm just really outraged to know that if no one had seen it, he would probably still be at Hogwarts." Gamora says angrily, and you sigh, agreeing as well as the others.
"Well, you must be hungry, shall we go to the great hall? It's almost dinner time." Gamora comments next, pulling you by the hand. You grumble softly, but agree, and soon you are leaving the communal hall to join the rest of the students.
You are tapping your fingers gently against the desk as you wait for the History of Magic class to begin.
It is Friday, finally.
You have barely slept because of anxiety about news of Wanda's trial.
Things at Hogwarts have changed a lot this week, all because of Strange's administration.
He restored the old classes, banned the teaching of dark magic, the scandal at the Daily Prophet being enough of an argument that the Minister of Magic no longer had a defense over this kind of teaching at Hogwarts. The restricted session of the library was also put back, and the seventh floor was off-limits because of the destruction Wanda caused, and you unfortunately lost access to the Requirement room.
Mantis was writing what looked like a lunar calendar for the divination class while Professor Okoye didn't arrive, and you started whistling distractedly.
And then Thor Odinson was poking you in the back to get your attention, and you turned around in your chair.
"Hi, Stark, what's up?"
"Fine." You grumbled suspiciously. "Can I help you with something?"
Thor looked almost unsure. "I was just wondering if you know of anything going on with Loki."
You frowned. "Excuse me?"
"I mean if you know if he's sick or something." He explains. "We had a fight, and well, he's not talking to me. And I've noticed that you guys have been kind of close lately, and I was curious if you knew anything and..."
"No, Thor, I'm sorry." You interrupt with a sigh. "Maybe you should ask him that."
Thor assumes a sad expression. "I would, but he's ignoring me. I think it might be about our mother."
You make a confused expression, and Thor looks surprised.
"Our mother, she...died earlier this year, Y/N." Thor counters, and you widen your eyes. "Our family is a name of reference against Mephisto. With the war, the walkers came to our home. She was there while we were here, and Dad was at the ministry."
"I'm so sorry, Thor." You whisper to him, still shocked by the information. He shrugged.
"I thought Loki told you."
"We don't talk about things like that, I guess." You say. "Sorry, I wish I knew how to help you."
"No, it's okay." Thor says with a sad smile. "You being his friend this year is more than enough. I don't like seeing him all alone out here."
You nod lightly, settling into your chair as you notice the teacher entering the room.
Mantis exchanges a look of understanding with you, having overheard the conversation even if accidentally, but she says nothing, and soon you are hearing about the witch hunt in the United States, and you try to focus on that rather than curiosity about how Wanda's trial is going or Loki's current emotional state.
As soon as lunchtime begins, you join the Slytherin table, where some of the students have placed a radio on the table, equally with other students from the other houses, to listen to the trial.
You are not surprised that a student's trial is such an interesting topic for everyone, but after the school started talking about Wanda being a scarlet witch, and the theories circulating around the halls, it was to be expected.
So you sit back while biting your fingertips and listening.
"And now directly from the Ministry of Magic, the trial of seventeen-year-old witch Wanda Maximoff, daughter of legendary witch Erik L-"
Your attention is slightly diverted from the narrative when loud laughter catches your ears.
They are Gryffindor and Slytherin students, exchanging coins. You don't need to hear the conversation to know they are gambling about the trial, the mean laughter and glances in the direction of you and your sisters are enough.
And as if she could feel your growing fury, Gamora touches your shoulder gently.
"Just ignore them, Y/N." She urges and you clench your jaw. " Everything is going to be okay with Wanda."
"I hope you're right, Gamora." You grumble, turning your attention back to the radio.
The narration of the newspaper is generic, and you discover that the audience has been closed off to the reporters.
You take a deep breath, concentrating.
No strange feeling, so Wanda is safe.
You wonder if Erik and Pietro are by her side during the whole thing.
It is only at the end of lunchtime that you have the result.
"It's amazing how things unfold in the ministry this afternoon." Counted the reporter with almost excitement. "After a unanimous vote, the witch Wanda Maximoff was found guilty of endangering her fellow students by not registering as a scarlet witch to the ministry of magic, after it was proven that her father, the sorcerer Erik Lehnsherr knew of her condition, as well as the affiliation with the criminal, Agatha Harkness was also mentioned. The ministry finally decided on Wanda Maximoff's expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding"
You felt your stomach plummet.
And everything became a little muffled around you, a soft whistle in your ear. You think Gamora and Nebula were calling for you, but you were getting up, feeling the room getting too small.
Stumbling out, you loosened the knot of your tie, finally stopping in the courtyard as you leaned your body against a pillar.
Wanda had been expelled from Hogwarts, publicly exposed as a Scarlet Witch, and tried as a criminal. You wondered if they would break her wand. Banned wizards led horrible lives.
Your sisters and friends caught up with you quickly, and you let them hug you.
In a few minutes Director Strange is catching up with you as well, and you release Gamora's grip to talk to him.
"Professor, I need to..."
"You cannot leave Hogwarts, Miss Stark." He interrupts with a wave of his hands and you frown in confusion, ready to protest but he is already speaking. "Tony sent a patronus as soon as the results came out, he already figured you'd want to see Miss Maximoff. The ministry is a mess, and Wanda will be staying with her father there for the minister's final decisions. You should stay here, where you are safe."
"That's not fair!" You squawk angrily. "Wanda needs me, I must-"
"She needs you to be safe." He interrupts again seriously, and then lowers his tone slightly as he notices the curious looks of the surrounding students. "Be rational, Miss Stark. Now that the Wizarding community knows the nature of Wanda's powers, how long before Mephisto has enough information and discovers your identity as protector."
You swallow dryly, clenching your fists begrudgingly. Stephen is right. You look away, and he sighs, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Wanda will be fine, even without her NEWTS, she is an extraordinary witch." He says. "And the year is coming to an end, soon you will be able to see her again."
"She needs me now." You grumble annoyed, turning away from the professor's touch. He looks at you for a moment and then clears his throat.
"I'll see what I can do, Miss Stark." He says."In the meantime, focus on your studies, and be careful."
You frown at Stephen's words, but he is already turning and leaving before you can ask.
As you turn to your friends, Gamora has a worried look on her face.
"Are you okay?" She asks, and you sigh, agreeing to hug her again as you mumble no.
"I can feel how upset she is, Gamora." You grumble against your sister's shirt, wishing you could hug Wanda now. Gamora squeezes you against her arms, and you thank her for her intention even if it isn't enough.
The next few days are like a blur for you.
Many letters arrive, as do many editions of the Daily Prophet.
When the picture of the day Wanda's wand was broken comes out on the front page and you see her tired face, you have to run out of the common room to keep from crying in front of your colleagues.
Everyone writes to you, even Carol, everyone but the Maximoffs.
It is frustrating, and honestly, it breaks your heart in many ways.
The news of a Scarlet Witch after a century is almost as bombastic as Mephisto's return, and you're not surprised that many of your colleagues would start to comment on the possibility of Wanda working with him or against him.
It's overwhelming how everyone talks about her, but all you can feel is how much you miss her around the castle, around you.
You couldn't even remember that your magic is stable, and with everything that has happened, you haven't had time to figure out how to fix things.
Stephen tried to help, but he didn't know what was going on. At least the theoretical part of magic you were able to master, and you hoped to get at least an acceptable score in some subjects.
Only almost a week and a half after the trial, Professor Strange interrupts the potions class to talk to you.
Ignoring the curious stares and whispers of your classmates, you ask Professor Munroe to excuse you, and leave the room.
"What is wrong, professor?" You ask curiously as you close the door, watching Stephen with his hands in his pockets.The dungeons feel emptier without the ministry aurors around the castle.
"Saturday, in the Astronomy tower, nine-thirteen at night." He says as he hands you a small gold key, causing you to frown in confusion. "You will have exactly one hour, Miss Stark. Not a second more."
You stare at the object in your hand, and understand. A portal key. To Wanda.
"Thank you, Professor." You say, and Stephen nods before leaving.
You turn back to potions, the object in your pocket. You could barely contain your anxiety.
Tag list> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan || @diaryoflife || @nervoustrack || @aquamarinescarlet || @cristin-rjd || @idamaemann || @fortunatelynerdylight || @iliketozoneout || @blackwow34 // @tiny--freak || @spongebobtentacles || @cyberbonesworld ||
A/F/N> Place your bets for my next comeback (a week, a month or tomorrow?). If I delete the blog, and you're in love with this story for some reason I don't know about because there are so many better things to read, know that I'll post everything on AO3 if I ever do.
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How to grow your blog - For Beginners!
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Since I receive quite a few messages about how I grew my blog and how others could improve theirs, I decided to do this post to help you with whatever knowledge I gathered throughout my time on here.
Disclaimer: These are only my personal observations, there's no proven success if used and they may differ in other people's case.
Things I will discuss below will include;
Masterlists / Navigations
So, I guess it's time for us to begin :)
First and foremost, interactions are the most important elements of Tumblr. These can include asks/ comments/ reblogs/ reblogs with comments and any sort of interactions with other blogs.
Asks are important because while you're having fun and chatting away with people, your name shows up on their blog and their followers might be intrigued by your user name or what you said and they check out your blog.
Comments. When you read a fic or see a beautiful edit and leave a comment on that certain post, most of the time the creator will check out your profile and other people who leave comments might find you sweet and head to your blog as well. It's nothing deep with an underlying meaning. It's simple curiosity. If what you write is kind or relatable, people feel drawn to you.
Reblogs. Reblogs are one of the most important part of Tumblr. That's the only way your art can be spread. Sure, tags are important and helpful, but reblogs are the ones that keep your art alive. When you reblog a post you're essentially sharing someone else's content with 10, 100 or 1000 people without your knowledge.
Reblogs with comments are possibly the most important and significant part of this site. You don't just share someone else's art, you also add your positive comment to it, which draws people's attention. When you reblog someone else's art, they might check out your blog and they might reblog yours. Of course, it's not a rule nor should it be expected, but from my personal experiences, I have gained loads of followers through my mutuals. Their kind words and love for my fics have drawn quite a large traffic to my blog and vice versa.
Masterlists / Navigations
Many people will tell you that tags are enough and you don't need a Masterlist. I disagree. Whilst tags are good and useful, tumblr's tags aren't reliable and on top of that people can be quite lazy. The easiest way to showcase your art - whether it be fanfiction, fanart, gifs, drawings, video edits and such - is to basically offer them to your visitors/followers on a silver platter. It can be a bother at times, always keeping it up to date, but when people have to search for your content they get discouraged because let's be honest, we like things that are easily accessible.
Masterlists can be a single Tumblr post or a Google drive document where you add the link of your creations. In my Masterlist you can find different characters, organised by different fandoms. If you use Google drive make the document readable [but not editable] for the public.
Some people, such as myself, create Navigation posts, where they add relevant sub menus which help their followers navigate easier on their blogs. These can contain where to send "asks", "rules" that the owner of the blog might set, "blog recommendations", "side blogs", "about me" menus and the like.
Although I mentioned that tags can be unreliable, they're still a necessity. Search for relevant tags and use them when you post your art. Meanwhile reblogging is the easiest way to get your creations out there, people do regularly search for tags when they wish to see something and the only way they will find you is if your post appears in tags.
If you're not sure whether your tags are working, you can always head to your dashboard, click on the 👤 in the right upper corner, go down to the posts menu and look for the post you want to check on. Once you found it, click on the tag that you would like to search for. If it shows up in the recent tab of the search results, it means the tag is working, but if after 5 minutes of posting it's still not there, you might need to reupload your work. Unfortunately Tumblr has some issues with the tags and it takes two or even three attempts at times to upload something correctly, whilst other times it might work immediately.
On a side note, if you reblog nsfw content or triggering content, you might want to tag those appropriately. Tw food, tw blood, tw. etc. Depends on the content of the triggering post.
You can also create your own tags. Such as "XY's inbox" for your asks or "XY shares" for anything that you reblog from others. This way people can block those tags and see only those posts on your blog that they might find interesting.
Taglists aren't a necessity, especially because there are many different ways to notify your followers of new creations, but it's certainly useful. The reason I think taglists are important is because tumblr won't always show your posts on everyone's dashboard, especially if they follow loads of people. However, when you use a taglist, and mention people on your newest posts, they will be able to get a notification of your update.
Of course, if you feel like tagging people might be bothersome, you might create a side-blog where you reblog your posts and people can turn on notifications to be notified of your updates. This option has been rather popular recently, because usually we reblog and post many things on our main blogs and people don't want to get notified about every trivial post, so a side-blog with the most important posts might just be it for you.
This might be confusing so let me be less vague. As I said, we can be rather lazy and that doesn't mean we're bad people, we might just had a difficult day or too much to study or work and we just want easy access to content. Being simple is a necessity. Though it's good to be creative and unique, such as creating a Masterlist that's called "Where the stars shine", it's not obvious for many what is hidden behind those words and they might not be curious enough to check it out. By being simple and obvious, as I said before, you're offering your content on a silver platter. Simple and neat. Sometimes people just need things to be easy to find.
I have been told many times before that my blog is very organised and I feel very proud about that because it means people can find things easily. Of course, it's not proven, but I think that could be a factor in growing your blog. But as I've said, these are only my personal observations.
I hope this helps. Have a nice day :) Heloise Daphne Brightmore
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kenvais · 3 years
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title: dark royalty.
reader: female
au: royal
characters: tooru oikawa, hajime iwaizumi, issei matsukawa
part: 2/?
taglist: @chrisrue15 @ak-may (list will be moved if it grows.)
recommended song: lilith - ellise
warnings: profanity, mild violence, death mention
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oikawa pov
"Be careful with her." Issei said nonchalantly as he took a bite out of his apple, glancing towards the brown haired male.
Tooru raised an eyebrow, shooting his friend a questioning look. "Mm, why should I be afraid of some petty queen? She seems like the obedient type, does she not?"
The latter male shook his head. "Miss Y/n is very far from obedient. You might want to watch your back."
A wide grin spread across the emperor's lips.
"Is that so? Well that just makes me feel even more intrigued." He chuckled, making his way to the other side of the room where Hajime was asleep on a couch.
Issei nodded. "She'll be a tough one, but I think it'll be worth it. All the gold in their kingdom is enough to make us the most powerful of the empires." The male hummed as he took another bite.
"Sounds like fun, I think it's a worthy gamble."
"You're gonna get yourself in trouble one of these days with your habits."
"Mmh, if you say so. I think it's fun.. Anyway, there's absolutely no way that someone as powerful as I would lose to a silly little girl. This is child's play."
"Whatever you say, Tooru, whatever you say."
y/n pov
"Your majesty, I deeply apologize to wake you at such an hour, but it seems that we have an emergency--I would request that you make your way to the safe room as soon as possible." One of your butlers said, his voice filled with worry and panic.
Already mildly alarmed, you sat up in your bed, sliding out of the silk sheets and picking up your nearest robe.
"What happened?" You asked as you put the maroon colored robe on, wrapping it around your body and putting on your slippers.
The butler bowed quickly before looking directly into your eyes, forcing himself to keep his voice steady. "It seems that there has been an intruder--they seem to be armed, and there has been a dead body found in the dining hall."
With a click of your tongue, you relaxed your shoulders and frowned, glancing at your butler.
"Claude, please don't alarm me with such trivial affairs." You deadpanned as you shuffled over to the other side of the room and pulled a dagger from the top of your dresser.
"Your highness, what is it that you are doing-?" The male asked, the panic in his voice becoming more and more prominent by the second.
With your eyebrows furrowed, you looked over your shoulder at the trembling man.
"I am doing what a queen is meant to do. I protect my kingdom, my castle, and everyone inside of it. Now is not the. time to panic, it's the time for you to be informing the knights and officers." You stated flatly, sending the butler a sharp glare.
He shook his head quickly. "My queen, I cannot simply allow you to risk your life in such a way!"
"I do as I please, Claude. Now go inform the knights and officers so that they can lock all the doors and windows."
"..Yes, my lady."
"Good. Now, do be a dear and have Beatrice make me a cup of tea while you're at it." You hummed cheerily.
Claude nodded again and bowed. "As you wish, your majesty."
"Ah, and Claude, one more thing."
He raised an eyebrow, looking up.
"Please address me as Y/n, I am not a fan of all of these unnecessarily fancy nicknames that I have been receiving since coronation. Princess was cute, but this whole 'Your majesty' thing is creepy as hell."
The male nodded again and you walked out, roaming the halls in search for what had caused all the commotion.
"My, my, my, what do we have here?" A voice chirped from behind you.
You turned around, eyes wide as you saw him.
He wasn't terrible looking, you had to admit.
But that wasn't what you needed to be thinking about at that moment.
Immediately, you jabbed the dagger into the wall right by his head, pinning him against the wall mercilessly and damn-near choking the male.
His eyes had gone a little wide, seeing as he didn't expect you to be so hostile.
"You know, the violence isn't necessarily needed." The brunette hummed, glancing at you with a frown.
"Shut your damn mouth. Why are you in my castle?" You snapped, taking your hand off of him, although you left the dagger in the wall.
He shrugged. "Mmh, no reason really. I just wanted to meet my future wife in person. You really are quite the looker." He laughed.
"Well now you've met her. Leave." You stated sharply, pointing to the hall leading to the exit.
With his hands up, Tooru nodded. "Don't worry, your royal highness, I'll own this castle before you know it and you won't have any say in it."
"Whatever you say, asshole." You retorted.
The brunette stuffed his hands into his pockets, strolling towards the exit nonchalantly as you seethed with anger.
He had the audacity.
The drive.
The motivation.
The nerve to enter my castle.
He knows what he is.
He knows who he is.
I hope he burns in hell with the rest of his fucking lackies.
You pulled your robe around yourself again and yanked the dagger out of the wall, storming back up into your bedroom.
Had me walking all of those stairs for no valid reason.
And now there's going to be a dead body in the dining hall--that'll definitely stink the place up.
I wonder who it was.
Maybe it was Elliot.
I hope it was Elliot..
Elliot is an asshole, I should've killed him myself.
'A queen can't rule by herself' my ass.
"Claude, Beatrice, where's my tea-?!" You called as you sat down on your bed.
A moment later, a tall, pale woman with exactly 42 freckles entered your bedroom with a cart, holding a tray with some tea.
"My apologies, your high--eh.. Y/n, we had to arrange a cleanup for the body in the kitchen."
You nodded, taking the cup off of the tray and setting it in your lap. "Mmh, who was it?"
"It was Elliot."
"Good, at least that bastard can do something right."
"Nothing, nothing, you all can take the day rest of the week off. You've had enough stress to last you a month within these past days."
A wide smile appeared on the woman's face.
"Thank you, it's highly appreciated!"
"No worries, now head to bed."
"Will do!"
I like Beatrice.
Beatrice is nice.
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©skvrtii - do not repost, edit, or modify my content without direct consent from me.
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wickedwitches · 2 years
Hello how are you. I've been making crackship gifs for a few months now but I'm not getting proper likes. I don't know if it's because of the labels or for some other reason. I'm new to the app. How can I stand out, I wanted to get your opinion.
Hey ♡ First of: welcome to the tumblr community! I hope it treats you well :)
I don't know if I'll be of any help really as I don't really care how many likes I get for the stuff I post :/ But, what I can do is tell you what I usually do :)
If you're new to the app, I wouldn't get too worried at first. It takes time to get new followers and we tend to be quite a lot so people might not find your blog right away, therefore, not always see your creations. Don't hesitate to interact with people you share interest with, develop mutuals. If your blog is only to post stuff you create, try to follow other blog that do the same and look how they tag their post. That's what I do. Some tags are popular and the most used and I think it means that that's what people usually look for (simple tags like #gifs #edit always work a bit).
I also know that at least for a while, there was something about the first 5 tags. They're the ones you should really think about (I think it's actually 20 now but the first 5 are the ones that will come out if someone use the search tag? something like that, I'm sorry I don't really know :S). What I do is use these 5 tags like the following: #faceclaim1 cracksip #faceclaim2 crackship #crackship #faceclaim1 x faceclaim2. For example, if someone is looking for idk, Lucy Boynton crackship that's what they'll type on the search tag so if you tag it as well, your post is more likely to be found :)
I also tag the serie and/or movie I use content from (in the case of Lucy Boynton if I mostly used content from The Politician I'll tag #The Politician #The Politician (netflix) #astrid sloan) and sometimes the most famous character of the faceclaim (I do crackship with Oliver Stark for example and I've done some with a short movie he's been in but he's mostly famous as Evan Buckley in 911 so I tagged my post #911 fox #Evan Buckley too).
I don't think that putting a lot of tags is useful, it's more important to chose the tag you use carefully. At least, that's what I try to do because that's what I've been noticing on other people posts.
Also! Some users track some tags, creators, people with a fanblog, don't hesitate to use the tags they track too, sometimes it makes them see your post and they often reblog it and it helps getting visibility too.
And finally, people on tumblr tend to like but not reblog. I personally don't really care about it because I've decided that I'll create for me mostly and not to be popular or anything but the less people reblog post, the less the post get visibility and therefore, the less people can see it and get to like it. It's quite vicious and that's why I don't want to look too much into how many likes I do get or anything, it can be quite depressing.
Oh and I know that sometimes people do self-reblog too and tagging #self reblog so their follower can see their content again (or for the first time if they're new followers too) and I think it can help too :)
It's quite long and I have no idea if that will help eventually or not, I hope it does. And if you will, come dm with the name of your blog, I love to follow crackship creators (and I reblog some on my roleplay blogs) ♡
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bas-writes · 3 years
Alright, I've calmed the panic attack a little bit, so without needless dramatic words I'll try to ask and explain myself once again.
DO NOT reblog my selfship posts.
Unless it's a tag game or something I reblogged from somewhere - or explicitely write it's safe to reblog - just don't touch them. Askbox, comments - they are yours, if you want to interact. But do not reblog them.
Explaination under cut because long:
The moment you reblog something, I loose control over it. I can't erase it. I can't edit it. It will disappear/be changed in the original source, but the reblogged version will remain in same state as it was in the moment you clicked reblog button. It also is very much likely to slip out of filtering settings. (Tumblr filter option sometimes respects original tags even if content was reblogged - but sometimes not.)
Selfship community is very... specific. Because it's personal and because a lot of people use selfship as a way to deal with various traumas and problems, it's not hard to tiptoe on someone's limit. And because I'm a huge blog - probably the biggest active OP reader insert blog right now but also a big blog in general, I have nearly 3k followers and generate big posting and notes movement - my posts easily pop out in search engine. Including my selfship posts. In addition to that, I selfship with very popular characters. I constantly am in risk in approaching someone who is so territorial of their selfship I might end getting attacked, in more or less open way.
Not to mention tons of people who aren't familiar with selfshipping and assume that it's a free real estate, since it was posted by a reader insert, request based blog.
It already DID HAPPEN to me. An ex mutual of mine was so jealous of my selfship she kept pushing herself in my words. It happened more on private discord server, but it also happened under at least one selfship post here.
There's a reason why I put disclaimers in the beginnings of most of selfship posts. I try to keep people away from it, if for some reason they don't want to see it. Sometimes I make posts that aren't so explicitely selfshipping or I simply forget, because I'm on mobile and want to publish something quickly. It's still tagged as #disaster trio for filtering reasons. It's still easy for me to be edited/deleted, if anyone has problem with it.
The moment you reblog it, it's out there on your blog, easy to be accidentally discovered by other selfshipper. Or a hater. You're exposing me to a danger I'm trying to avoid.
Remember, we are living in fandom reality, where people are harassing and doxxing others for such crimes as stanning a certain character, shipping something, simply doing something that an anti hates. Haven't seen such drastic things happening in selfship community YET, but I've seen this discourse already happening on various selfshipping blogs. Pre ts Zoro is 19yo - currently whole 6 years younger than me. For antis it's enough of proof to mark me as a pedo.
And now imagine what could happen to me, if they used it as an excuse and started harassing me. I went through it in a different fandom, because a bully disliked that I had a different take on her fav character. But then I was a little blog, one that could be easily deleted, where ties could be easily cut. Right now, I'm much easier to be tracked.
Even if I wouldn't be attacked as a pedo, if the info that I selfship was leaked to my personal sphere of internet - to my boss, to my family - I could face very serious consequences. From increasing stress and worsening my mental health to becoming a victim of even bigger abuse. Yes, I am living in abusive household and working my ass off to more or less stand straight, so I can get 2nd job and run away from here.
My mother is not beating me anymore, but she would be absolutely delighted, if she found out the reason why I stack so many figures.
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
Ojiro x Black reader
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Sub/Dom dynamics.
Spanking and I don't mean like "haha you have big ass me likey oogaabooga" I'm talking "count for me"
But it's still really sweet ya'know? Ojiro best boi
I've tried so many times but "dick" never looks good on paper. But i want to find another word cause cock is giving me very much 🏈 fratboy🏈
"Oji~ you know that I love you?" A digitally inhanced sigh fills the room, "Yes"
It was a Saturday and you were currently waiting for your boyfriend to come home for your birthday. So what do you do to pass the time? Call him every hour of the day of course. 
"Y/N, can I please just do my job, I promise I will only focus on you when I get back." You pouted as you twirled your freshly finished twist outs, "I mean I could do that."
You could hear Ojiro hold his breath on the other side of the line, making your smirk widen, "But I won't cause I love you so much baby!" 
You knew you were wrong for doing this, you just found so much joy at his expense. From elsewhere in the house, the doorbell rang drawing your attention. "Fine, Mashiro I'm going to call you back later okay baby?" A wheeze came through the phone, "Yes babe, I love you bye!" 
You giggle at the thought of his relieved face as you tiptoe to the front door. "Is this for me?!" You sing out to no one in particular as you pick up an unmarked bag of plastic. Bringing it inside your mouth, you tear it open with your teeth, and begin to feel giddy once you see what's inside.
A while ago, you had ordered some yellow lingerie to match Oijiro's hair, and after helplessly scouring the internet, you finally found one in a good shade, nice design, and reasonable price. 
(Nah y'all know how hard it was to find a black girl in yellow lingeire? I don't understand it's not like i looked up a specific skin tone, I kept getting white people 😭 i barely found this one and what pissed me off was that i had given up and searched "black girl in white lingeire" to match Oijiro's hero costume and finally i got a cute yellow one like wtf?!)
You go to your room and try it on and after struggling with adjusting the thigh straps to your massive thighs, you were able to stand in front of your full length mirror to take pictures. "Oo look at me!" You dance a little in front of the mirror, shaking your hips.
You stop for a moment as a devious smile comes into your face. You grab your phone and set it up to take pictures. After a mini photo shoot that distracted you for about 30 minutes, you decided to send 2 of them to your ever so loving boyfriend.
You wait a few moments and gasp as you see the word seen pop up. You do a leap around the house giggling with anxiety from his reaction. 
When you got back to your bed you huff at his lack of reply. "He couldn't even give me the tease of a text bubble?!" 
That ruined your mood as you grabbed your house coat and stomped around the house cleaning up and watching TV. You don't call him after that, "He doesn't deserve my presence." 
In reality, you were in your feelings for honestly nothing. You knew he was working but it still would have been nice to get a reaction. 
You jump and damn near take the entire kitchen with your a you look around the seemingly empty house, "What the hell?!"
The sound was coming from your balcony. You peek around the doorway and your eyes go wide. "Oijiro what are your doing here?" You move to open the glass doors but stop as you make eye contact with your man.
His beautiful face was adorned with features of a rabid animal. He pressed his phone against the glass door and you gulped as you saw your picture, full screen. "Yeah, I think I'm going to let you simmer out there for a while.
That was the sound of Oijiro's heavy tail hitting the ground. You knew that movement, it was similar to a bunny temper tantrum but deadlier. "Open the door y/n." 
A shiver runs throughout your body at the sound of his voice. It was deep and unwavering as he blankly stared at you through the panels. Feeling down right terrified, you turn around on your heel and go on your merry way. 'y'all hear something cause I sure don't'
You stop in your tracks as you hear  movement behind you.
 'he got in didn't he'
'why did I give him the key?'
You try to inconspicuously shuffle away before a hand finds its way around your neck and the soft pad of a thumb on your tongue. "That wasn't very nice of you, to leave me out there." You giggle uncomfortably as Ojiro places gentle kisses along the expanse of your neck. 
"I just thought, you needed some fresh air." The hand tightens and you can't help but grab onto his wrist in that moment. "I don't like it when you're a smart alec Y/N." In the distance, you heard the sound of his tail thumping again, shaking nearby decorations and furniture.
Grabbing your hands, Oijiro walls you to your shared bedroom and locks the door. You sit on the bed and twiddle your fingers as Ojiro stood in front of you glaring. "Does this mean you didn't like my photo or?"
Oijiro's steely eyes meet yours and you flinch, "Oh I loved it. I loved it so much that I popped a glorious erection during a meeting in front of all my peers." Oijiro's trail thumps against the floor, making you jump. "Do you know how hard it is to hide a boner when your hero costume is a robe, princess?"
Princess, that word meant business, and business meant no sitting down properly for a week. 'this birthday gonna be lit.' is all you thought as you lazily cross your legs. "I don't know, I'd assume it would be easier than spandex?"
Ojiro smirks as he drags your body to the head of the bed, holding down your hands securely. Getting on the bed Oijiro grips your chin in his hand before kissing your mouth gently. "Happy Birthday."
He sits back and recklessly opens your robe and down right moans at the sight of you. "When did you buy this?" You look away, embarrassed, "It was for your birthday but it didn't come in time." Oijiro nodded as he pulled on a thigh strap before releasing it with a loud snap.
"You look beautiful in it." For a while, Oijiro spends his time caressing you. Starting from your breasts which he sucked on generously, and your stomach that he peppered with kisses. All while avoiding your erogenous zones and making you needier.
"Ojiro!" You moaned as he scraped his teeth below your naval. Ojiro watched you with trained eyes as his hands follow your plush thighs, squeezing them every so often.
"Sending that picture wasn't very nice of you." Ojiro mumbled as he grazed over the one place you needed him to touch. "Please, touch me." 
Oijiro props himself up pulling you with him. His hands follow your waist and stop at your butt, squeezing at the mounds as he continues to kiss your skin. "I don't think you've learned your lesson Y/n." You nodded quickly and whined, "I did learn my lesson, promise!" You try to entice him by grinding against him, but you quickly realize that was the wrong thing to do as his face grows serious.
"This is a fine example of what I mean, you're impatient." Not liking that answer, you pout and cross your arms, "This is stupid it's my birthday." Oijiro flicks your nose, "Watch your attitude. You incoherently mumble again clearly defiant. "Lay over my lap."
Minutes before you could protest, he's already tugging you, face down, over his lap and delivering a smack. "Ow!" "I want you to count for me, lose place and we start over. Don't count and I'll make this longer. Do you remember your safe word?" You nod your head slowly and jump as your ass blazes with heat from another smack "1. Thank you sir."
You hate to admit it but it had been a while since you pushed Ojiro this far punishment wise so it wasn't surprising that you were shaking by 5, crying by 7, Ojiro was hard by 9, and you were extremely wet by 12. "You're taking your punishment so we'll." You gripped the sheets tightly into your hands and crossed your legs as you revived another slap, "T-Twenty, thank you s-sir."
You expected to revive more but was pleasantly surprised when you were coaxed off of Oijiro's lap and pulled in between his legs. His face was flushed and he was breathing heavily for someone that hasn't been spanked. "Are you okay dear?" You sniff as Ojiro takes your hands and places kisses on your knuckles.
You run your legs together and look down at him with pleading eyes. "What's wrong baby? Haven't I taken care of you enough today?" Ojiro mocked, but you personally couldn't find anything funny. You drop to your knees and rub his legs before shortly trailing your fingers over his crotch.
Ojiro does nothing but watch, as you gently tug on the fabric of his hero costume. "Oji it's my birthday." Ojiro shrugged, "You're right it is your birthday. Don't you think you're old enough to make your own decisions?" You smirk at that and quickly pull his cock out of hiding.
You internally drooled at the sight of him. Oijiro's size was conservitively average with only girth going for him, but something about that turned you on more than if he was larger. He watches you, mouth parted as you give kitten licks to the tip of his cock, tasting the pre-cum that had accumulated.
Gingerly, he places his hand on the back of your head, urging you to continue. You smirk up at him and bat your eyelashes slowly as you trail your tongue from the base to the tip, where you bow your head, to swallow him whole.
"Shit." Ojiro pushes you all the way down and tosses his head back as he feels you constrict around him. You raise a hand to fondle his sensitive..balls😑. Causing him to jerk his hips making the tip hit the back of your throat.
As you busy yourself, you couldn't help but grind on his thick tail that rested below you. "S-Shit Y/N you're going to get your juices all over me!" You hum in response as you continue to buck your hips against the large mass of muscle.
Ojiro pulls your hair to stop you from sucking as he kisses your lips with a sigh. "You have to stop now or I won't last any longer." You chuckle as you stand to your full height and watch as Ojiro kisses your belly with closed eyes. "Wow, who knew a little bit of fabric would turn you into a 1 pump chump?!" 
Ojiro glares up at you as he smacks your ass, making you whine as it reignites the soreness from before. 
Pulling you onto the bed, Ojiro stands up, holding his tail to his face as he licks up your release. "You got me all messy." Pulling off the rest of his clothing, Ojiro climbs behind you, and he gently dips a finger into your warm cavern. "Are you ready?" He asks as he pushes your head down and pulls your waist closer to him.
He watches as your holes noticeably clench at his voice. "Please, Oji." 
The thickness was something you never got used to and though patient with foreplay, Ojiro always had a hard time holding back even if he puts only his tip in.  Arousal drips down your entrance slowly and he uses that to aid the rest of him inside. "So pretty for me." Ojiro takes hold of your underwear straps and uses that to push his way in.
Your mouth opens in a silent yell as you feel your insides constrict around him. "Relax baby, I can't move." You breath shakily and Ojiro gently waits for you to relax by rubbing sharp circles into your twitching clit. 
You angle your hips back and fuck yourself into his cock once you were ready. He guides you and drinks in all your whimpers as you attempt to go faster. "Does that feel good baby? Is my dick making you shake?" Your reply is a series of breathy 'yes's' as Ojiro picks up speed.
"Fuck you're so warm and soft!" Ojiro grabs your squishy hips as he pivots out of your weeping hole. You graon into the sheets as he leans over you. "You're creaming around me you know?" You bury your face in embarrassment as Ojiro intertwines his fingers with yours. 
You feel the pit in your stomach grow tighter as you get closer to your orgasm. "I'm coming, fuck I'm cumming." You were so close but Ojiro stops in his tracks and holds you down.
"Why'd you stop?" You ask turning your head around to look back at your smirking boyfriend. He raises both hands and slams them down on your thighs as he yanks your back, halfway off the bed. Your legs dangle off the side as the rest of you stays and I'm all honesty this was an awkward position due to your long legs.
Oijiro's trail thumps behind you and you can hear it hitting various objects as it swishes around the room. "Why are you so excited?" You ask trying your best to hold on to the thin trails off your orgasm as your heart rate slowed. "I'm just thinking about if you really deserve to cum."
You throw your head up immediately and stomp your fists. "It's my birthday can't you do this some other time?!" Ojiro pushes your face into the bed, knocking the wind out of you as he sets a brutal pace. "See that attitude right there is what I'm talking about." He shakes his head as he pounds your ass repeatedly.
You're quickly bright closer to your orgasm as the lack of oxygen goes to your brain. When he does let you up, you are coming with a loud groan as he pulls out, ruining your orgasm.
"Ojiro what the hell!" You yell, still twitching from the shocks. Ojiro looks at you shrugging as he jerks himself to completion. "You said make you cum." 
You groan stomping into the bathroom ignoring Oijiro's laughter from behind.
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lowkeyorloki · 4 years
You're generally thought of to have really good characterization of Loki in this fandom (I'd say that's what you're known for???), so I was wondering if you could give some tips on how to write Loki? And maybe some general tips on writing imagines/x readers?
Hi there anon! First, thank you very much for such a high compliment. I think any fanfiction author would agree when I say being told we get our muse’s characterization correct is one of the highest compliments we can be given, so THANK YOU! 
I would be happy to give you some advice, but keep in mind, this is just my interpretation of Loki. You, and any other author, are allowed to take creative control and do with his character what you will. This is just what works for me!
For Imagines/X Reader Fics
This is my third imagines blog, so I have been doing x readers for a long time. If you’re looking to expand your following, I would start out doing preferences. This is when you take a group of people from the same piece of media (in Marvel, a good example would be the whole team of The Avengers) and basically write a little drabble for each of them in one post. This will allow you to use multiple character tags, which means your posts are more likely to circulate. From there, you can totally branch off and have an emphasis on one character, or create a whole new sideblog for one character that people from your already-established following can find. I used this method twice and it worked really well- it also lets people see you can write for different types of characters, which is always a plus.
Tags! Use as many tags as you can, because that’s how people find your work. Make sure to use some with your muse’s first name, and some with their first and last. For imagines specifically, I would always make sure you have “(name) x reader”, “(name) x you”, and “(name) imagine”, because those are what people usually search for.
Avoid physical descriptions. “Reader” is just that: the reader. Not everyone has blue eyes, not everyone has long hair, not everyone is white, etc. etc. If you really want to write a character with specific physical traits, then you should develop an OC. It rips your readers out of your fics when they’re described in a way that doesn’t fit them, and can also really harm their confidence- the only descriptions of someone’s appearance I’ve ever seen in x readers are features that are considered conventionally attractive, so it’s important to be mindful of any implicit biases you may have.
...You also have to keep the reader as a character somewhat neutral, because they are supposed to be whoever is consuming your fic. If you’re going to give them character traits, justify them with your story. You want your reader to be trained in hand-to-hand combat? They took martial arts as a kid. You want your reader to be the smartest in their field? Give them a backstory that made them that way. It’s personality traits you have to look out for, because if someone’s personality doesn’t match with “y/n’s”, that person isn’t going to be able to read your works. 
Speaking of y/n, I would suggest not using it at all. I’ve recently stopped using it due to my own experience and feedback from my followers. Most people don’t see y/n and replace it with their name, it just becomes a reminder they’re reading something. Your goal is to immerse your readers in your fics, and I’ve found this often has the opposite effect. There are a lot of ways to avoid y/n, such as pet names (darling, baby, love) or creative phrasing (”your name passed over his lips, whispered softly like he had never heard it before”). It can be a challenge, but writing always is!
If possible, keep your reader gender neutral. This sounds a lot harder than it is. Especially in the Loki fandom, there are a lot more male readers than you think, and there are people who don’t conform to either gender. Not assigning pronouns makes your reading more accessible (which also means more exposure!!!) and also allows everyone to find a place in fandom. The only times it becomes a problem is when other characters are talking about the reader behind their back, or when writing smut. In my case, I do my best avoid the first option and, until I find a solution, I do use gender and everything associated with it in smut. However, if none of these appeal to you, you can also copy and paste your fics to have different pronouns. 
Strategically place that “keep reading”, it’s a good way to get readers hooked!
For Loki’s Character
In my opinion, Loki is all about a balance of vulnerability. We all love to see him be loving and open and intimately intwined with someone, but it would take a lot of time to get there with him. For that reason, if you’re wanting to write that side of the Trickster, I would make your fic an established relationship or slow burn. If that doesn’t sound like something you want to do, a lot of faults in writing can be forgiven if you call them out yourself. Does something feel too random? Say it was sudden or unexpected. This shifts blame from you and actually becomes a characterization choice: now, instead of you possibly misinterpreting Loki’s character, he and the reader have so much chemistry with each other they’re acting differently than they normally would. 
Loki (and Thor’s) way of speaking is a HUGE factor of any fics with him. Loki has a different colloquial than we do, and thanks to Tom Hiddleston’s really sexy voice, it’s something closely associated with the character. So, we have to walk a line of Loki’s words being formal, but not being out of touch. He was able to assimilate easily (that’s part of the reason he was such a threat in Avengers), and is super clever and picks up on a lot of things. Therefore, Loki is more likely to address Tony as “Stark” rather than “Man of Iron”, and I think it’s fair to say he knows the name “Coulson” doesn’t refer to the SHIELD agent’s lineage (he’s probably not going to call him “Son of Coul”). But phrasing is also a part of this. I try to avoid contractions coming out of his mouth, so “you are” instead of “you’re”, “he is” instead of “he’s”, etc. etc. 
Loki also isn’t going to say things we normally would: As humans, we tend to exclaim “Oh my god!” or something along those lines. But Loki was brought being told he was a god, so that isn’t going to be in his vocabulary. It’s little things like this I keep an eye on when I’m writing for him.
A good way to accomplish Loki’s speech is just... adding words the modern world has deemed unnecessary. A recent example of mine is in one of my fics, Loki is asking the reader what a group of characters want from her. Originally, I had him saying “What do they want?”, and while editing, I changed it to “What is it that they want?.” It’s subtle, but when this is how most of the Loki’s sentences are structured, it calls back to the Loki we saw in earlier Thor films (regardless of your opinion on Ragnarak, the Shakespearean-esque language is gone by the film) and creates a simulation of sorts that makes your reader feel more in tune with your story. Not to keep using this word, but it’s a technique that immerses your reader.
Make sure your style matches Loki! I have a very dramatic and articulate style, lots commas, lots of (carefully placed) repetition, and paragraph breaks. This works for Loki because he’s such an emotional and complex character, and my style compliments and emphasizes that. 
Readers respond well to your style correlating with your character: Compare my fics Aftermath or Wounds to A Mortal Occurance. Aftermath and Wounds are written in the style I described above, and are approaching 500 and 400 notes respectively; whereas I tried a more domestic and conversational style in A Mortal Occurance, which has yet to reach even 150 notes. While there’s definitely something to be said about people subscribing to you for one specific form of writing, it would be impossible for me to deny one style is not only more true to me, but more true and realistic to Loki. Think of if I wrote in my style for Ant-Man or Sam Wilson. It wouldn’t really work because their characters aren’t as high-stakes as Loki.
I hope this all helps! Remember this is just my opinion and is what has worked for me. You’re free to take all this to heart or completely reject it. I’m honored you came to me in the first place <3
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rainbowoftamaran · 3 years
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Check out my rainbow of friends!
"So, yes, I made all these awesome friends, and I realized that I have a full rainbow! Obviously, that's really amazing and perfect and I just have to show it to anyone who cares!
Nisha - @chainxdancer - is just really cool! She's strong and can fight and she's... I forgot what exactly she is but she's not human and has a tail and horns and she doesn't mind sharing her money or food with me, and if things go as planned I might be able to join her on her adventures soon to earn my own money!
Moonshot - @warriorfortamaran - uh... look. I needed to fill the orange slot, and I do know him. He's a meanie though, typical tamaranean with a side of extra-grumpy. Best you avoid him.
Yuko - @rosecoloredmuses - was so very nice to me! Despite having quite clearly caught me attempting to steal from her, she offered me some of her candies, and oh are those great! Definitely worth our encounter! We didn't have that much time together, since she had to go soon enough, but, it was really cool to meet her and I do consider us friends after this - I mean, you don't give non-friends just free food, right? - and just, I love her sweets and am absolutely convinced that she's a great person to meet!
Sirise - @siriseen - and I met on some other planet. It was really nice to have company during that exploration, and she knows so much! She's also really good at medicine and these things, so like, definitely someone that I'm glad to know! Still not quite sure what that Starfleet is that she belongs to, but, yeah, it's been really fun with her and I do hope that we'll meet again!
Minato - @dxfiedfxte - actually is not dyeing his hair, as he told me! I never thought humans had such a variety in hair-color! It does seem to be a unique thing for him, too, so I probably thought right. It's very awesome to know someone else who has a rather unique hair-color of their species! He's also been really nice to me so far and it's fun to hang out with him!
Perrine - @flusenimkopf - has helped me before with giving that karrn'k Moonshot a bit of what he deserves, even before we got to know one another! She's also not human either, and I think she doesn't know all about where she's from just like how I don't! It's just really cool to hang out with her, and I'm glad we're having some things in common! I'm also very happy to have someone that I can complain about Moonshot to and do stuff to him together with, that's really something I needed.
So yeah, they are all really amazing and awesome to know, so I absolutely suggest that you consider enriching your life by knowing them, too!"
[[This all has been presented to you by Starlight, found on this blog, @rainbowoftamaran . Below the cut you can find some OOC-stuff like credits and the likes.]]
Hello! If you do reach the cut, thank you for checking the OOC blabber behind the post, too! I've been working on this thing for a little bit now. I'm not entirely happy with it, but content enough to post it, as some sort of promo I guess. Please feel no obligation to reblog this, whether you are in this or not, I just had to do something "for Starlight" upon realizing she had the full rainbow together. (Obviously, not saying that friends are something to collect, or anything ridiculous like that, but I'm hopeful that no one of you will understand this wrongly!)
Moonshot is my own blog, as is Starlight, you can find a link to my mainblog and to my other blogs on each of these blogs' pages.
I sorta-copied the rainbow-waterfall-thingie from a copyrighted picture on some of these websites. I didn't use and just erase the watermark, I only took it as example and created my own thing based on it. I do hope that I don't need to credit for that, then - though during my search I found on these pages also pics with watermarks of others so they probably are in no place to call me out for using their pic as base.
In the next paragraph you find info of the pictures, and a little message to each mun in smaller in brackets behind the stuff.
Nisha's pic is taken from here, which was a commission as you can read in the post I linked. (-- I would've liked to not cut her body off quite as early, but these pics were the first I found on your blog outside of that one in your about and liked for this thing, and since they weren't going any further than this I had to cut it there! I do hope you like my choice of picture here and aren't disappointed or something that I didn't show more of Nisha!) Moonshot's pic is an edit, like the 2 other pictures I have of him, of a picture from Touda from Shounen Onmyouji. Yuko's pic is taken from an official picture, as far as I know, simply made transparent. (-- I do hope the picture is one that you like to see of her!) Sirise's pic is an edit of a screenshot showing Poison Ivy from that recent Harley Quinn show. (-- I gotta add that I was like so lucky that you actually mentioned a FC for Sirise of all your muses when I asked you that "random" question! I really wanted to include her but kinda didn't really want to add one actor among anime/cartoon/drawn characters, and when you then mentioned Ivy and I found a fitting appearance, I was so happy to have found a way to include her without mixing RL and animated characters! This thing here is also the reason I made this edit in the first place, but it was cool that I could kinda ask for your opinion on it beforehand through our talks xD) Minato's pic is, as far as I know, from an official source, and again just made transparent so it worked for my thing. (-- I really really tried to find the pic you're having as background in your theme, it looks pretty cool and I was intending to use that, but I couldn't locate it anywhere! So I kept searching, I first had a different pic chosen where he's like, very light blue all over - not in skin or the likes but I mean hair and suit - but that was a little too one-color for me in the end so I chose this one even though I prefer a bit more color! I do hope it's a 'normal' outfit of his and that you like my choice!) Perrine's pic is from here, which is art of the mun of the blog. I wish I could draw so well! (-- Your art is amazing and I'm glad you were alright with someone using it for a thing as long as you still are mentioned!)
Starlight's pic too is an edit, of an official art thingie of Rika Jougasaki from iDOLM@STER (I hope I wrote that right). And yes, she's supposed to be sitting on that cloud.
So, yes, I think this is all I have to say to it! I'm very glad that y'all are interacting with my little rainbow here (and perhaps my other blogs too), you're very awesome and it's an honor and delight to be your mutual and interaction-partner! Thank you!
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leelee10898 · 4 years
A miss match Christmas: matched for disaster.
Hello everyone! Hope you all are having fun reading and writing these awesome Christmas fics! This is my submission for our 12 days of fictmas: 2020 edition, hosted by myself and @emichelle . This comes from the VIP book miss match.. granted the book is not over but, im my head Jack x MC (Callie) have both become CEO of two's company and are married.. this jumps a few years into the future.
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The sound of heels could be heard on the slick marbled floor from down the hall. He kept his head forward, eyes trained on the laptop in front of him. As the clicking grew closer, his lips curled up into a smile. "I thought you were heading home?" He could hear the laugh in her voice, he finally looked up to meet her eyes. Those eyes, that intoxicating smile, it was what drew him in the first time they met. It was 4 years ago on valentines day, in her fathers crowded bar. "I could say the same for you." He chuckled. 
She walked over to the desk, standing behind him leaning down to see what he was working on. Her long brown hair brushed against his cheek.   "Last minute additions to the Christmas party, Jack?" She eyed him, he casually shrugged his shoulders. "And how many clients will be in attendance now?" Her fingers hovered over the mouse, clicking the guest list, her eyes widened in shock.  "He is coming?" Jack gave her a knowing look as she stood up striaght.  "Now Callie, I know what you're thinking but, wasn't it you who said, and I quote 'everyone deserves to find love, no matter what' ?" He gave her a smug smile. 
"Yes," Callie spoke through gritted teeth. "But this guy is accident prone. We will have to tie the decorations down with steel ropes, not to mention no open flames. The wait staff will need helmets.." she began to ramble. Jack chuckled as he stood to calm his pacing partner. "It will be ok,Callie. Just relax." 
Two weeks later… 
Callie stood toeards the back of the room, her eyes constantly scanning for the one person she would have to be on constant look out for. The worry leaving a crease between her eyes. "Have you moved from this spot at all?" She heard his smooth baritone come up beside her. 
"No." She casually spoke, not taking her eyes off the door. Jack shook his head, a small chuckle escaping him as he handed her a champagne flute. "You're cute when you're flustered,Cal. Just Relax." 
Just as he spoke a tall man came into view, callie sucked in a panicked breath and sat her glass on the table. Jack placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and turned her face towards his with his free hand. "We will approach him together, he is here to find a match just like everyone else is." Callie nodded and the two crossed the room.  
"Thomas Haught, it's good to see you again. You remember my partner,Callie?" Jack spoke, extending his hand. Thomas reached out to shake it, missing completely and knocking the glass out of Jack's other hand. 
"Jack." Callie groaned under her breath. 
"I am so, so sorry Jack." Thomas apologized. "I am such a klutz, maybe I shouldn't have come." 
"It's ok Tom,You are perfectly fine. Try to relax, everyone is here for the same reason. Why dont you grab a bite to eat and we will meet up in a few." Jack smiled politely. 
Thomas nodded and headed towards the elaborate buffet table,Callie began to panick "Jack, you just sent him to get food, alone. There are flames under those trays, what if he," callies eyes widened in horror as she watched Thomas's sleeve catch fire.  It was quickly put out by a server. "You see!" She shrieked. 
"Ok, so maybe Toms a little bit accident prone. Which is why we need to find someone who is a great care giver for him." He chuckled, Callie rolled her eyes and walked away. 
As the night went on Callie tailed Thomas. In his wake he managed to trip a waiter carrying a full tray of cranberry and brie with crackers. Knocked over the ice sculpture and elbowed a match maker in the face, blackening his eye.  Tom sat at a table alone, Callie was able to relax a little as she watched him slump his shoulders in defeat. If he was sitting, he couldn't be that much of a threat. 
Thomas was a handsome man, he was tall and had a thin build. He was in his early thirties and a client of the company's for several years. He was thought to be an 'un matchable' but that didn't stop Jack from trying. She recalled his file in her head. The man volunteered with underprivileged children, he owned his own company and was a volunteer fire fighter.  How he managed to not cause more damage with that last part was beyond her. 
As she stood there staring at him, she began to feel that familar feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had spent so much time preparing for disaster that she could not let herself willingly try to match this man. That's when the match maker spark came to life.  "I know that look, you found your fire." Jacks strong arms wrapped around her waist. "I told you to stop fighting yourself, you were going to lose." He chuckled as his lips found the base of her neck. 
"Why is it that the man can rush into burning buildings without falling through the steps, or the place falling in on him. But he can't walk an open room without tripping on a loose thread in the carpet?" She softly hummed. 
"It's probably the adrenaline, that and a mix of confidence." Jack answered.  "When is this party over again?" His lips exploring her exposed skin. 
"That's it!" She quickly spun around in his arms. "You're a genius,Jack! And that's why I married you." She quickly kissed him. "You're a genius." She murder against his lips before turning and walking away. 
"What did I do? No clue?" He spoke to himself, shaking his head and following her across the room. 
"Having a good time, Thomas?" The sound of  Callies voice made Thomas jump up. His knees hit the table and knocked over several drinks and his chair. "I'm so sorry, why am I such a spaz?" Thomas groaned as he lifted a glass off the table. "It's ok Tom, just leave it. The staff will clean it up." By this time Jack had joined the two, giving Callie a confused look. 
"Walk with us, will you?"  Callie motioned to Thomas. Thomas wrung his hands nervously, tripping over his own feet. "This is hopeless, maybe I should just go home.  I can't even walk without tripping over my own feet, how am I supposed to find love? I would probably accidentally harm them somehow." 
Callie held up her hand, motioning around the room at the various people. Some couples that had just connected, others just mingling trying to find a spark. "Do you think any one of these people are perfect? That they don't all have some kind of quirk? Some personal issues? Because I will tell you, nobody is perfect. Tell me Thomas do you have any mishaps when you're running into a burning building?" 
Tomas searched his mind. "Ah, no. No I can't say that I have." 
"And why do you think that is?" She pressed.  
"Adrenaline? I don't have time to think I just do it." He shrugged, a smile spread across her face as Thomas began to connect the dots. 
"I think you have the potential to be a great someone to somebody, you just need to stop over thinking it and be yourself." Callie patted him on the shoulder. Thomas looked to Jack who nodded his head in agreement.  "She's right you know. She's always right." 
As the three stood there, Jack with his arms around Callie and Thomas scanning the room with a new found sense of pride, he noticed a couple getting a little too hot and heavy by the enormous 10 foot Christmas tree. He watched in horror as it began to sway just as a pretty petite dark haired woman stood right in the path of destruction.  Thomas set off in a sprint across the room, he grabbed the woman by the waist yanking her out of the way just in time as the tree crashed to the ground. The pair tumbled on the floor, Thomas landing practically on top of the woman. 
Callie and Jack ran over to the pair as Thomas perched up to look down on the raven haired beauty, shock written all over her face.
"I'm sorry for the crash landing miss but, I couldn't let such a gorgeous creature be crushed to death by a massive tree." He gave her a cheesy grin as he helped her up. 
"Oh my god, Maggie are you ok?" Callie wrapped her assistant in her arms. 
"I'm perfect, thanks to my Hero over here. " Maggie blushed as she motioned towards Thomas. 
" oh im no hero miss." He gave her a bashful smile. 
"Anyone who risks being impaled by a rogue tree is definitely a hero in my book. I owe you one." Maggie flirted.  
"All in a day's work, mam." Thomas blushed awkwardly.  He looked to callie and Jack, callie giving him an encouraging nod. 
"Would you ah, would you like to grab a drink?" 
Maggie looked to Callie and Jack, twos companys no dating clients or co-workers policy used to be iron clad, until Jack and Callie showed Veronica just how stupid the rule could be. Technically it wasn't encouraged to date clients but, Maggie wasn't a match maker and Thomas was actually perfect for her. 
"You two have fun." Callie winked as she grabbed Jack by the arm leading him away as the banquet halls staff began cleaning up the tree fiasco. They walked out onto the balcony, the cold New York air causing immediate goosebumps on callies skin. Jack noticed, shrugging off his jacket and draping it Over her shoulders. "You know if you asked me 4 years ago if I would be here, like this in this moment I would have told you, you were crazy." He spoke softly, his gaze fixed on his wife. " of course I always knew I would be CEO." He gave a cocky chuckle. 
"And now?" She challenged. 
"Now I cant begin to believe my life. I never thought I would share everything with someone I am truly head over heels in love with. I love you Callie Munroe, you never stop amazing me with everything you do. And just when I think you couldn't possibly amaze me more, you go and give us a family." 
Callies eyes widened, she hadn't told him yet. She found out they were expecting a week ago and planned on telling him Christmas morning. "How did you know?" 
"I know everything about you, Callie. I can not wait to be a dad, this will be our greatest chapter yet. Merry Christmas." He leaned in placing a soft kiss to her forehead.  
"Merry Christmas, Jack." 
Tag list : Writers : @texaskitten30 @Leelee10898 @emichelle @zaffrenotes @alj4890 @burnsoslow @kat-tia801 @darley1101 @msjr0119 @annekebbphotography @god-save-the-keen @plumeriavibes @ofpixelsandscribbles @camillemontespan @ao719 @cocomaxley @cordoniansgonewild @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @cordoniantrash @axwalker @innerpostmentality @lucy-268 @janezillow @katedrakeohd  
Readers : @mom2000aggie @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @debramcg1106 @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject  
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zelzenik · 3 years
how do you not die over rarepair stats? it's been killing me
by continually reminding myself that i'm writing for me lol ;-;
i've honestly come close to editing the code for my workskin a few times via css, but i've held off on it for now bc i like seeing stats lmfsjkfkfkfkf
but it's really hard, anon, and i totally get understand your pain
one thing that's really helped me is my collection of previous works for more popular fandoms. i'm still getting comments and kudos from my z/tara fics, and that's definitely helped me to deal with my insecurity. being multifandom kind of helps in that regard
another thing that's helped me is having a handful of writer/artist friends for every rarepair i write. even if the community is super small, reaching out to others can really help you feel like the numbers and the stats of your fic don't matter because of all the real people you've connected with over the ship you love
and one last thing i'll probably mention is that rarepair fandoms come in all shapes and sizes. people call d/amerey a rarepair when it has 2k fics, lol. s/okkla is a rarepair with about 200 fics. both have active communities with lots of people who enjoy making content for those ships. other rarepair tags have like 2 fics. searching for community in small rarepair fandoms can be really hard, but they're totally worth it if you can find it
rarepairs are important though. even if your fic isn't getting attention now at this moment, chances are that sometime down the line, someone will be hunting for the rarepair you write for and find your fic!!
for example: i literally just discovered the dragonheartshipping (raihan x sonia) tag was still sort of alive. i'd always shipped them in game, but i only recently found the tag after getting curious while watching pkmn journeys. there are two 150k ish long fics in that tag, and those have made my absolute life over the past few days, and i've dropped probably like 30 comments bc i want to make sure that the writer feels amply appreciated. the ship tag literally has like 12 fics in it, lol
comments and kudos j mean so much bc it feels like writers aren't shouting into the void. and even if you're just giving back to the world by commenting and kudosing others' rarepair fics,, then i believe it'll come back to you, in some way or another
this was an essay for no reason, lol, but i hope it was potentially helpful?? if nothing else, anon, i definitely do relate and sympathize; thank you for writing rarepair :))
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