#dusty bluey
createcore · 3 months
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digger, rusty, and dusty icons for anon! 🧡
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theoneandonlycode · 6 months
No brain just
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don-dake · 4 months
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Bluey: S3E47 Cricket 🏏
Just rewatching and falling in love with Rusty all over again! Rusty's just such a good bloke! Great friend to Jack and great bro (him deliberately easing his bat so his sis could catch the ball! — such a moment of kindness! 💕 Shame on the adults for even thinking of having “battle plans” against a six-year old boy they couldn't beat at cricket 🏏! 😾😸) to little sis, Dusty! Rusty's folks seem lovely too! Wish we could have seen more of them!
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goblin-banana-shark · 10 months
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Rusty N Dusty🏏🐾
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sparky-1113 · 1 year
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I know it's been a hot minute since I've posted, but I want to change that (hopefully). Anyway, I love these two kelpies and would go feral if anything happened to them
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wulfums · 9 months
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Ah yes, the Kelpie siblings... Dusty, Rusty and Crusty
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uncaaj · 9 months
Fanfic: Diesel's Petrols (Bluey)
The door to his dimly lit office opened, and Dr. Bernard, the Australian Army counselor, looked up. “Thanks for coming, Sergeant Kelpie,” he greeted.
Diesel Kelpie took a seat in the cushy leather seat opposite him and held out his hand. “No worries, Dr. Bernard.”
After shaking his hand, Dr. Bernard grabbed his tablet and pushed his glasses up. “So let’s get right into it. How have you been since discharge?”
“Well, it was great to see my family again, let’s say that first. Everything I do, I do for them. It was all I could think about on the flight home.” Diesel leaned back and recalled the whirlwind of a month he’d had.
Fresh from a 12-hour flight, I felt light as a feather despite the jet lag fuzzing the edges of my sight. It never fails, I try to catch up on sleep on the flight and somehow stay up the whole time, idling the time away with the same crummy puzzle games and the same five movies.  Even still when I landed, I couldn’t help but jog from the gate straight to border control, hopping like, well, an excited dog in the queue.
Once I finally made it to the luggage claim, there they were, big smiles all over. My pack, my troop. My family. I probably looked like hell with my stained fatigues and baggy eyes, but I knew it didn’t matter one bit to them.
“Dad!” Rusty shouted, bolting over and jumping into my arms. I could hear the others catching up to him as I gave my little recruit a good squeeze before setting him down and letting them all in. 
“Aw, missed me, eh?” I joked.
“Yeah,” said Digger, the oldest.
“Missed you lots!” said Rusty.
“Thiiiiis much!” said me youngest Dusty, stretching her little arms as far as they’d go.
Then it was Pepper’s turn. “Welcome home, honey.”
I felt all my worries vanish with my sigh as I kissed my loving wife. “Good to be home.”
“How long are you staying for?” Rusty asked.
Dusty bounced up and down. “Will you be here for my birthday?”
I gave Pepper a quick smooch then turned to the kids. “Oh yeah, I didn’t mention that, did I?”
“Tell ‘em, babe,” said Pepper.
I knelt down to meet my kids’ eyes as they all bunched together. “Well, I have a little surprise for you all. I’m here this time…for good.”
“You mean…your service is done?” Rusty asked, almost pleading for it to be true.
“Yup,” I confirmed. “Done and dusted.”
We all met in a big hug in the middle of the baggage claim, and for the first time since hearing the news I was headed home at last, I felt like transitioning back to civilian life wouldn’t be so bad.
DIESEL: This episode of Bandit is called “Diesel’s Petrols.”
“How have you been filling your time over the past month?” asked Dr. Bernard.
“Well, that army schedule’s a part of me, so I’m still up bright and early every day. The kids keep me active with cricket, footie, the works.” He chuckled and slung a leg over the other. “But that’s not what you’re asking, is it?”
Dr. Bernard laughed. “No, it isn’t.”
“For my career after service, it was a no-brainer for me. All that time fixing Jeeps, I knew I was gonna open my own garage when I got home. And bless Pepper, she was gracious enough to come on as my business partner. Signing the lease on that space was the fulfillment of a dream, so I was psyched.”
“Fantastic,” said Dr. Bernard. “How about friendships?”
“Oh, I’ve kept in touch with my troop online. Couldn’t do that when I was a tyke. But I promised myself something on the way home. I see Rusty talk so highly of his schoolmates on the ride home from school, so I really wanted to get to know their parents. Thought they could be my new troop. And in a way, my garage helped me do that. It started while I was out promoting the venture…”
I was taking my new shop truck on her maiden voyage with Rusty by my side. Figured it’d get the word out and drum up some customers since we were gonna open any day. We’re puttering along in Paddington and suddenly, Rusty points out the window and says, “Dad, look! It’s Mackenzie!”
I saw a couple o’ border collies standing by the side of the road, their ute smoking. “Looks like they’re broken down, kiddo,” I said.
“Can we help them, Dad?” Rusty asked.
“Well, if he’s your friend, let’s see what’s up.” We parked nearby and got out. Rusty greeted Mackenzie happily while I went over to his dad.
“You’re Rusty’s dad, right? Don’t see you around much,” he said.
“Yeah, discharged recently. Diesel.”
“Sorry, Josh,” a guy shouted, “my mechanic’s booked solid today.” A blue heeler and his pup walked toward us from a couple houses down.
“Biscuits,” Josh muttered. “Thanks for trying, Bandit.”
The Heeler pup waved at us. “Hi, Rusty!”
“Bluey!” said Rusty. “Me and Dad are spreading the word about his new garage.” He pointed at the logo on my truck that Pepper designed. 
“Diesel’s Petrols,” read Bluey. “Hee-hee! I like that name!”
“You work on cars, eh?” said Josh.
“Yeah, cars, Jeeps, copters, you name it, it’s my toast and jam. I could take a look if you don’t mind.”
Josh shrugged and led me to the wide-open bonnet. I felt the heat on my fur immediately and recoiled back. “Poor thing’s overheated,” I said, waving some smoke away. Now time to sniff out the problem. The army taught me that well. Let everything fall away and focus on what needs to be done. 
I took a deep whiff through my nose and exhaled sickly sweet aromas, like burnt caramel. It was coolant, alright, almost like the radiator blew or a hose had popped loose and covered the engine in it. For Josh’s sake, luckily it was the latter I spied immediately.
“I don’t understand it. It was all right yesterday,” said Josh once I regained my awareness.
“A hose popped off your rad here,” I said, pointing to the dangling pipe near the main gears. “Reckon you’ve lost all your coolant, mate.”
“Wow,” said Josh. “That’ll do it.”
“You know, I think I have a proper clamp and some coolant in me Ute. I can have you right as rain in a tick.”
Josh looked shocked. “Really? R-right now?”
I smiled. “I always like to come prepared for anything.”
Josh pumped his fist, his bummed expression washing out to giddiness. “Well, thanks a bunch!”
“No worries.”
It was simple to refit the hose and tighten it down properly. Then once his engine came back down to as normal a temperature as could be on the eve of summer, I topped up the coolant and gave him the go to start up. The engine tumbled for a second as the coolant recirculated but then kicked right into life. “Gotta love a rock-solid Toyota,” I smirked. Hardy and excitable, just like he was.
I waited a moment to see if the hose would pop off, but it held. I shut the bonnet and gave Josh the thumbs up. He called his son over and they loaded up.
“Thanks a bunch, mate!” said Josh as I approached the cab. “What do I owe ya?”
I glanced quickly at the temperature meter. A-OK. “Ah, twernt nothin’, mate,” I scoffed. “All in a day’s work.” 
I felt a tug on my arm, and I crouched down. “Yeah, mate?” I said to Rusty.
“Dad, remember what mum said? ‘If you fix some stranger’s car like I know you will, make sure you’re paid.’”
I gulped and stood up again. Both Mackenzie and Josh were laughing. I grinned embarrassingly.
“Your mum’s a smart cookie,” Bandit said with a wink.
“Thanks, Mr. Heeler!” said Rusty.
I shook my head and fished a business card out of my wallet. “Okay, how’s $30 sound? And you gimme a ring if your Ute ever packs in again?
“Done deal!” said Josh, quickly exchanging it for a banknote from his.
“Much obliged,” I said, shaking his paw. With a wave, he was off down the road with his pup.
Not long after, I’d just finished installing the new ramp in the garage when in wheels this sturdy little Subaru. My first real walk-in. I head over and a Jack Russel steps out of it. 
“G’day, mate,” I said, “thanks for droppin’ by. what can I do ya for?”
“Do you do suspension work here?” he asked.
“Whatever’s ailing your car, I can put it right.”
“Oh, great!” he said, relieved. 
I wondered what brought that on, but I didn’t have to wonder long. The Jack Russel pushed down on his wheel arch and it didn’t budge an inch. “The ride’s been really rough,” he continued. “My tail aches every time I drive it longer than a grocery run.”
“That ain’t fair dinkum. Let’s put ‘er on my new ramp and I’ll take a look.”
I helped him position the car and once it was safely in the air, I could see straight away what the problem was. “Great day in the morning, your shocks are toast! Covered in oil and stiff as stone. What on earth did you do to ‘em?”
The terrier rubbed his arm, looking guilty with himself. “It’s a funny story, I suppose. I took a shortcut picking my son Jack up from school-“
“Wait, you’re Jack’s dad?” I exclaimed. “My son Rusty talks about a Russel named Jack all the time.”
“Ha! Likewise! Good to meet you, er…”
“Diesel.” I held out my hand and he shook it.
“So what happened exactly?” I said, motioning him toward my tool bench.
“So my battery died leaving me without SatNav. This bloke called Maynard showed me a shortcut through the bush, but a sign just before said it was for 4-wheel-drive cars.”
“Hmm…” I suddenly had an inkling. I went back to the car and shone my torch around the wheels. I grimaced even more. “Yeah, this is an all-wheel-drive car.”
Blake raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t they the same thing? It’s got four wheels.”
I almost laughed but I didn’t want to do that to the poor guy. “Rookie mistake, mate. See, all-wheel-drive shifts power to all the wheels to help with traction on muddy or wet road. 4-wheel-drive is for serious off-roading like what you did on that shortcut, it looks like.”
Blake sighed. “Yeah, I…had an adventurous moment. But when I came home from the markets the other day with busted eggs, my wife said I’d better bring it in. She heard about you from Josh Border-Collie.”
“Issat so?” Small world. “Well, tell ya what- I have the parts here that I need. I can have you back up and running by day’s end for…how’s $400 and a promise to not take your car where it’s not meant to go?”
Blake perked up. “Really? That’d be fantastic!”
I nodded. “All in a day’s work, mate.”
“Two new civilian friends, that’s a good start,” said Dr. Bernard.
“Thanks,” said Diesel. “But it’s funny.” He scratched his chin and tried to gather his thoughts. “I…didn’t think I was making friends at first.”
“How so?”
“I guess it felt like just doing what I had to do and sending ‘em on their way, nothing more, like in the army. The troop and I would bond for hours on end every day because we were together for that long. We slept on smelly cots together. I could know everything about them. I barely got to know Josh and Blake before their cars were fixed and they were off.”
Diesel paused, wondering if he should even say what he was about to.
“Do you need to confide about something, Sergeant Kelpie?” Dr. Bernard asked gently, without judgment.
“Sometimes I feel…like an outsider, ya know? It used to be I was barely home before I was back overseas. The army was my world more than here and suddenly, this is my world now. I wasn’t sure if Josh and Blake would remember me with how little we were able to talk. I wasn’t sure I could make my place here.”
“It doesn’t make your interactions any less meaningful,” Dr Bernard reassured. “It takes time and effort but it’s very possible.”
Diesel nodded. “Oh, I’m realizing that now. And what helped me change my view was that Heeler Bandit I mentioned earlier…”
As it happens, it was the day after I expressed this to Pepper and we were discussing my rates in the garage.
“The prices I’m giving aren’t too low, are they, Pepper?” I said, my head hurting seeing her spreadsheets.
Pepper shook her head. “Don’t worry, love, you’re covering all our expenses. I just want to make sure you’re charging what you’re worth.”
“It’s never a big deal. I’m just glad I get to do this at all.”
Pepper took my hand and squeezed it. “Okay, well, I think you’re worth more.”
“Yeah, and I know you always will.”
How did I find someone so perfect, in partnership and…well, partnership? We moved in closer for a kiss until we heard someone nearby clearing their throat.
We turned to see that Heeler Bandit from the other day with his daughters, Bluey and an orange one whose name I didn’t recall. “Sooooo does Rusty run off screaming when he sees smoochy-kisses?” asked Bandit.
“Dad, you were kissing Mum’s stinky fish breath!” laughed Bluey. 
I stood up straight and saluted. “Sir!”
Pepper rolled her eyes and pushed me away. “Welcome to Diesel’s Petrols. How can we help?”
“I was just passing by and I wondered if you’d give my Jeep a once-over. I’m taking the family dune racing next month and I figure you’re the Jeep expert.”
I chuckled. “It’s a stereotype for a reason. I’ll make sure you can handle everything out there. Pepper’ll show you to the waiting room.”
“We’ve got toys!” she said to the Heeler kids, and they cheered and dashed off toward the lobby, their dad following.
The hum of the lift had become music to my ears by this point and I could operate it in my sleep. Wrangler, a good rugged vehicle, could literally take you anywhere. That once-over was probably the quickest one I’d ever done, even on an army vehicle. Bandit maintained it really well.
I wiped my brow with a rag and headed to the lobby. Bandit was in the middle of keeling over, clutching his chest. His kids had their hands out, wiggling their fingers at him and laughing maniacally.
I sniggered. “What’s all this then?”
“Hi, Rusty’s dad!” said Bluey. “Bingo and I overwhelmed him with our magic!”
Bandit looked at me. “Yeah, powerful stuff,” he whispered.
“Dad,” said Bingo, “you’re supposed to be asleep!”
Bandit slowly came to his feet. No doubt it took longer these days with those two scamps running him ragged. I certainly knew the feeling. “Let’s just call it a cliffhanger,” he declared. “Am I asleep? We’ll find out when we get home.”
Rugged, adaptable, and fun. Just like his car.
“All good?” he asked me.
“Good to go,” I said.
“Good job, there, mate.”
I smiled. “All in a day’s work.”
I held out my hand and he shook it vigorously. Of all the blokes I shook with, his was the best so far. “Make quick work like that and I might be calling you from now on,” he said.
What a compliment, especially since he already had a guy. “M-much obliged,” I said before I led him over to the computer to do his invoice.
“Only seen you at drop-off a couple of times. When’d you get back?” he asked.
“Not too long ago. It’s good to be home at last. Feels like I’ve missed too much outta my kids’ lives.”
“Yeah, I feel that way when I have to be on a dig site. I’m not gone nearly as long but it’s still too long.”
“Truth. And it’s good to really talk to someone outside of that whole world. Makes it easier to get back…to the swing of it, you know?”
“Hey, you oughta come and have a drink with me and some friends. Josh’ll be there. And Blake’s thankful you got his Subaru running again.”
“Oh yeah, I remember them.” But did they really remember me? “Well, I dunno-“
Bandit slung an arm over the counter. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”
I gave it a rummage in my mind. Sounded like the perfect proposition, and so quickly after getting back. I’d hopefully have a new friend group to make reintegration easier. But it still almost felt like I was intruding on somewhere I didn’t quite belong yet. I wasn’t sure if I should step in.
I looked away for a moment. Bluey and Bingo had slid right into another game, involving the footy in the toy box. I laughed. “These kids make it look so easy.” So easy to get along, I thought.
“Yeah, we can take a cue from them every once in a while, eh?” said Bandit.
I nodded. I’d take that step. “Sure, gimme the deets and I’ll be there.”
“I’m sorry, Sergeant Kelpie, but we’re out of time for today,” said Dr. Bernard, rising up. “But it sounds like you’re making great progress with reintegration. I’m proud of ya!”
Diesel stood up. “Thanks, doc. After opening my garage and meeting Bandit and Blake and the others, it really feels like I have another troop. I know I’ve only just started my new life and there’s so much I want to do yet, but…” He shrugged. “It’s like I always say, even in the field.”
“All in a day’s work?” asked Dr. Bernard.
“Yeah, all in a day’s work.”
Diesel opened the door to the pub and cased the joint for the table where Bandit and his friends were. Catching waving hands out of the corner of his eye, he saw they were all smiling and waving at him.
“There’s the dog of the hour,” said Bandit, filling a glass and handing it to Diesel.
“For putting us all back on the road,” said Blake.
“And for being a stand-up bloke altogether,” said Josh.
“Good to know ya, mate,” said a yellow Labrador. “Congrats on the new venture.”
Diesel sat down and rose his glass, gulping down the lump in his throat. “Thanks for making an army dog feel welcomed home.”
“CHEERS!” Glasses clinked and mirth and merriment took him over as Diesel joined a conversation about an upcoming cricket game. The garage had always been a goal of his, but now he felt like he accomplished something far more difficult-making a place in a third troop, a group of guys he was proud to call his new friends.
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dusty-sketchbook · 1 year
Emergency Commission #7 - Bluey dog.
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periracha · 5 months
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 ☾ pairing: Dad!Chan x Mom!Reader  ☾ wc: 2k  ☾  genre: fluff, boring domesticity (gasp)  ☾ cw: Christmas themes, kids, suggestive jokes, me trying to be funny idk, language, chan being chan ☾ summary: the bangs get in the holiday spirit!   ☾ a/n: wanted to get a whole aesthetic and masterlist up for this blog before i posted anything but this little idea had my brain in a chokehold all day so,,,,enjoy ! also, let me know if I should continue writing this family so i can give them names, etc.  yes this piece is fluff but this blog is 18+, MDNI
Ripples start to splash against the inside of your mug as you set it down on the coffee table that has been pushed aside for the evening to allow enough room for you and your husband. 
“Clearing the living room floor the second both kids are down and out?” Chan asks with a wiggle of his eyebrow. 
“Bit risky but I can work with this” he says while straining his neck and pulling his left arm across his chest in a stretch in preparation. 
You look up at him when a scoff falls from your lips, “ha yeah you wish. Now get the wrapping paper from the closet” 
“Please” you add with a sarcastic smile and sweet like honey tone. 
He blinked at you silently for a split second before he huffed out a big sigh, “Oh thank god. I don’t think my back could handle these hardwood floors like it used to” he finishes as he makes his way to the hallway closet. 
“Mmm unfortunately the only action these floors have been getting lately is spilled juice and probably some dusty cheetos the kids kicked under the couch” you joke as Chan meets you on the floor with wrapping supplies and gifts. 
A quiet laugh in agreement leaves his lips. 
“She’s gonna love this” Chan says with a grin so wide it meets his eyes. 
He’s holding up a Bluey plushie that plays a few catchphrases from the show when its paw is squeezed. 
“She better…. I’m running out of reasons why she can’t buy it every time we go to the store” you say as you cut wrapping paper big enough to wrap the doll and hand it to him. 
Your daughter had wanted this little plushie for months now, always asking to stop by the toy section whenever you visit your local department store. You quickly learned that simply telling her the store didn’t have anymore wasn’t gonna fly with her. She always found a way to swindle you into the toy aisles, finding the plushie every time. Distracting her with books or other small toys could only get you so far; luckily Christmas was only a few days away and you both would soon see the joy on her face when she opened her gift. 
“How do you even wrap these things??” Chan huffed out with a bewildered look on his face; his brows drawn tight and his eyes wide open. The piece of wrapping paper you had given him was creased all over, and covered in way too many pieces of tape that didn’t actually do anything to keep the paper together. 
A giggle started in your chest but you choked it down with a fake cough. Chan was used to being good at almost anything he put his mind to. 
Dancing? Easy.
Singing? No Problem. 
Writing thousands of unique songs that differed in their own ways? Piece of cake. 
Sports? Absolutely. 
Wrapping a small gift for his three year old daughter? Not so much. 
Carefully, you took the small doll from his hand and replaced it with a box of bath toys for your son. 
“Here, let me handle this…and you wrap these” you said nonchalantly as soon as you made the switch; immediately working on your new task at hand. 
Chan gawked at you with a goofy smile on his face, “You don’t think I can do it?...you’re demoting me to only wrapping boxes?” he laughed while feigning offense. 
“No no no!”, you waved off, “you’re just soooo good! Better than me! The best actually!” you rushed out while trying to contain your laughter but ultimately failing. 
Chan looked at you with pointed eyes, but had a wide smile plastered on his face the entire time. He looked like he was going to say something in retaliation but decided against it, letting out a small chuckle and shaking his head instead while he got to work on the box. 
Many presents later you were both feeling the ache deep in your lower back from hunching over on the floor. 
“Okay that's enough for me, I’m tapping out,” Chan said stretching his back with a yawn. 
You yawned and simply shook your head up and down in agreement, thinking about how you were too tired to even keep your eyes open. 
You got up and gathered all your wrapping supplies to store away. 
“Oh! Can you take all those and put them under the tree?” you asked him while pointing to the group of gifts. 
He hummed a quick mhm and started gathering them in his arms. 
“Make sure to put Bluey on top of the one of the taller presents so they can’t get to it” you called out as you made your way to your room. 
“Yep, got it” Chan quickly responded before placing all the presents down and making his way to follow you to your bedroom. 
The next day went blissfully as usual; waking up way too early to cries before the sun is even fully out, only to finally get your son back down and you barely back in bed before your daughter barges in demanding French toast stat. 
Did you even have all the ingredients for french toast? 
You already got one kid handled, Chan could handle this one.
You lightly kicked him in the leg as he laid beside you to wake him up before you made yourself comfortable to fall back asleep. 
When you did wake up, you grabbed your son and met your husband and daughter in the living room, setting him down to crawl around the rug.
“Good morning love”, Chan greeted you with a kiss to your cheek and sliding his arms around your waist in a loose hug. 
You hummed a good morning back before resting your head against his chest. 
“My turn! My turn!” your daughter yelled entirely too close to your eardrum as she stood on the couch in an attempt to be as eye level as she could with you. 
“Coffee?” Chan asked with a smirk as he let you go and made his way to the kitchen. 
“Ohhh yeah” you answered before turning your attention fully on your daughter. 
She puckered her lips and stood on her tiptoes in an attempt to copy her dad’s previous actions. You bent down and she kissed your cheek, “Good morning, mommy!”, she giggled before flopping down on the couch. 
“Oh it is a good morning!” you smiled back to her before tickling her to get some hugs in. 
Chan met you back in the living room with your fresh cup of coffee as you both sat on the couch, watching your children play together in the early morning hours. 
Your son crawled towards the christmas tree and before you could get up to grab him he had already bumped into a few presents, causing one of them to go off. 
“Hello! Hehehe”  
The noise immediately caught your daughter's attention and her head snapped towards the tree before her eyes widened. You could see the wheels starting to turn in her head to try and make sense of what just happened when you looked over at Chan who was sporting a mortified look. Jaw hung open and downward, eyes widening and moving around the room at everyone’s faces. 
The damn Bluey doll had gone off and one of her most wanted presents was most likely spoiled now. 
“WHAT WAS THAT?” she rushed out, walking closer to the tree.
“Your brother!” Chan blurted out way too quickly before tightening his lip into a flat line, realizing what he just did. 
Your daughter stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the both of you. 
“What???” she asked again, her eyes darting between yours and Chan’s a few times. 
“He can talk??, “ she screamed, bewildered at the new information being thrown at her all too quickly, pointing at him and eyes wide as saucers.
You let out a huff of air and forced yourself to take a sip of your coffee, hoping to buy you some time, waiting for your brain to kick on. It was too early for this.
Chan looked at you waiting for you to come in and save the conversation but you had nothing. How were you supposed to convince a 3 year old that her 8 month old brother could now speak when he’s never done that before. 
You’re on your own here. You thought to yourself as your eyes met Chan’s again. His face still stuck in the same shocked expression. 
“Uhh…yeah..yeah…?” Chan tried to get out nonchalantly but it ended up coming out more like a question and high pitched tone, before clearing his throat. 
Your son had now crawled toward your daughter and started grabbing at her legs to get her attention. 
You needed a moment to think but your daughter would absolutely follow you wherever you went to…. Unless…?
You coughed into your arm dramatically, “ooooh mommy needs medicine, I will be right back” you said before quickly standing up and making your way to the hallway cabinets before she could stop you.
Even the possibility of being around cough medicine, seeing it with her own eyes, was enough to keep your daughter from following you. She was not about to risk having to take that, yucky grape stuff, as she likes to call it. 
Chan followed after you, staying in the open area to keep an eye on the two kids. 
“So our 8 month old is saying full words now is he?” you asked, raising your eyebrows when he got closer to you. 
“I panicked okay!”, he screamed in a hushed tone. 
“So you blame it on the baby?!” you asked in disbelief, a laugh starting in the bottom of your throat. You tightened your lips in an effort to stop the smile you knew was coming. 
“What else was I supposed to say it came from?” Chan asked with a strained laugh, “you were no help!” he accused, pointing his finger and narrowing his gaze. 
“I don’t know Chan! The TV? Your phone?” you huffed out off the top of your head and throwing your hands in the air.
“Hm. yeah that would’ve been good”, he said staring at the floor, realizing just how easy those would’ve been to explain away to a child. 
He stepped back from you to get a better look at your kids a few steps away. His brow furrowed so you stepped forward to see what he was looking at. 
Your daughter was sitting directly across from your son with a serious expression on her face, no more playing going on in sight. 
“What..what are you guys doing?” Chan asked loud enough for your kids to hear. 
Your daughter looked back at him, “Waiting,” she said matter of factly before refocusing her attention back on her brother. 
“Waiting foorrr?” Chan asked, raising his eyebrows as you both took a step toward them. 
“Him to talk again” she answered without bothering to even look at Chan this time, her serious gaze never leaving her brother's face. He was babbling and drooling while playing with the legs of her pajama pants. 
You both couldn’t contain the laughs that came from your mouths. Today was going to be a long day. 
You couldn’t wipe the smile from your face as you thought about your family’s antics. Never a boring day in the Bang household, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Hey Chan, what did you do with the matching talking Bingo we wrapped last night?” 
©periracha, 2023.
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nottapossum · 3 months
Okay. Since it was previously stated that Angel loves Peppa pig... I HAVE to ask, does he also like Bluey?! Because it is very similar and Bluey's creator also worked and was inspired by Peppa!
Of course he loves Bluey!
Who doesn't like bluey-
You know, except the obvious 👀
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Husk also finds the show very entertaining and he even takes note of their parenting tips.
It gives some really good caregiver advice 👌
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You should know because this is very important.
Husk's favorite character is Bandit.
Angel's favorite characters are MacKenzie and Bingo.
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Who's your favorite bluey character?
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn @abby5577
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magicalrocketships · 11 months
Hmmmm, remember those 1200 words of de-aged Max that I absolutely wasn't going to write any more of, and then I wrote 1000+ words of de-aged Daniel in the same verse but I was absolutely not going to write more?
Well, anyway, here are 1500 words of de-aged Max in the same universe:
A tiny Max Verstappen is a bit of a shock to the system.
There is none of the blunt confidence and fierce determination that Daniel had just assumed had always been there to some extent or other. Instead, baby Max shrinks away from him into the corner of the sofa and offers one word answers at best ("How old are you, Maxy-Max?" Seven. "What would you like to eat?" Shrug).
It is even worse when baby Max hands him a little creased card, obviously pulled from the pocket of a wallet, which says in grown up Max's careful handwriting, if you go small then Daniel will look after you, followed by Daniel's address and phone number. The phone's been crossed out and updated as Daniel's changed his number. On the other side is presumably the same message but in Dutch. Little Max blinks up at him and chews on his lip and offers him absolutely no explanation for why his grown up self never actually mentioned his Go Small plans out loud. Sure, Daniel's offered, and he doesn't mind, but that was years ago and an actual heads-up that he's the only name on the list might have been nice.
But Daniel smiles at baby Max even though he's not entirely sure what the fuck is going on. He puts the TV on and chooses the first suitable-for-kids thing he finds on Disney+ (Bluey, which may or may not be too young for Max, Daniel doesn't know, but it's fine for now) before going to root in the cupboards by the bathroom to see if he can find a dusty Go Small kit that he's pretty sure he never got rid of. He might have had his turn going small (from what he remembers of it, a pretty cool day hanging out in the paddock in Malaysia) but it's not unheard of to go small twice, and you never know when you might need it for someone else - case in point.
He comes back to find Max in the same position he left him in, drowning in clothes far too big for him and being far too quiet for Daniel's liking.
Getting Max out of his grown up clothes and into the Go Small kit is an exercise in frustration, because Max doesn't want to wear them and won't capitulate and at least he's just as stubborn as ever even if he's so shy and uncertain that Daniel just wants to bundle him up into a blanket and give him a hug, except Max very clearly does not want one.
If Max is still little in the morning then he'll have to figure out another outfit, but as it is, it's evening and time for small people to be in bed, but first— food. Daniel cycles through his fridge and then his freezer. Max's response to literally everything offered is a little shake of his head. In the end Daniel makes him a piece of toast and puts a smiley face on it in jam, sits it next to a bowl of cereal and a bottle of milk, and puts some sweets next to that.
Max eats some of the dry cereal, half of a piece of toast, and — without taking his eyes off Daniel, which is only slightly creepy — slides one of the sweets off the table and into his lap.
"Okay," Daniel says, with a smile. "That wasn't so hard, was it? You ready to go to bed now?" With any luck, in the morning, Max will be big again and then Daniel can have some words about preparation and likes and dislikes and planning. Then— "Tomato soup. You like tomato soup."
Max looks at him with bright eyes.
"Is that a yes?"
Max gives him a little nod.
"Perfect, great. That's what we'll get you tomorrow. Tomato soup. Lots of it."
Max follows him into his spare bedroom like a silent shadow.
This is fine. Daniel is fine. Max is fine. Everything is fine.
Daniel wakes up to someone moving around his apartment.
It takes him a moment to think: Max, and another moment to blink away sleep and realise it's still the middle of the night. He rubs at his eyes and goes to investigate, stumbling into his spare bedroom and finding the doona on the floor and the sheets missing from the bed.
He discovers baby Max by the washing machine, his sheets on the floor, an extremely tell-tale wet patch on the front of Max's shorts, and Max trying and failing to get the washing machine door open.
Max shrinks into the wall.
Daniel very, very deliberately drops his shoulders. "Hello, Maxy-Max," he says softly. Max's eyes are wet. "Did you have an accident?"
"I didn't mean to," Max says very quickly.
"I know," Daniel says. "It's okay. That's why they're called accidents. Shall we go get you cleaned up?"
Max glances at the washing machine and back up at Daniel. He chews on his lip. He's been crying.
"It doesn't matter," Daniel says. "It's okay. You're still a good boy."
Max shakes his head. Daniel decides to have an internal meltdown about this another day, and channels his best and most organised self instead.
"What's going to happen," Daniel says, "is we're going to go and give you a little bath, and then we're going to get you all clean and dry, then me and you can have a warm drink and a story, then we'll get you back into bed and back to sleep, okay?"
Max glances down at the wet sheets.
"And in the middle of that, I'm going to put new sheets on your bed, and in the morning I'll look after the laundry. Washing machines are for big Daniels and not for little Maxes."
Max looks up at him, blinking.
"That's right," Daniel says, and he holds out his hand. "Good boys like little Max don't have to worry about things like washing machines."
Max stares at Daniel's hand for the longest time before, finally, slipping his hand into Daniel's.
Okay, Daniel thinks, only semi-hysterically, this is fine.
Daniel doesn't have another Go Small kit lying about, so he picks one of his t-shirts for Max to wear like a nightie after his bath. Max perches on the chair in the spare bedroom with a cup of warm milk as Daniel surreptitiously Googles "how to clean up a wet bed" and, realising he doesn't have the baking soda the first three webpages recommend, settles for giving it a quick spray with some Febreze and covering the mattress with a fresh towel. Going small rarely lasts longer than 2-3 days, so at the end of it he can always just chuck the mattress and get a new one if he's fucked it up. Then he puts fresh sheets on the bed, gets Max settled under the covers, and tries to figure out what the fuck story Max is going to want to hear from his vast collection of zero.
He remembers— he remembers something about Max having a flag poster on his wall.
"Do you like flags, Max?"
Max's eyes light up.
He falls asleep curled into Daniel's side, half way through Daniel reading him a list of facts about the Australian flag from a kid's geography site. Then after gently removing himself from Max's side, Daniel goes back into his bedroom, stares hopelessly at his own bed for the longest moment, and then Googles Go Small specialists in the local area.
There's no real build up to going small. Nobody knows when it's going to happen to them, nobody knows what age they're going to be when it happens, or what season it's going to happen in. Which means there's a very lucrative business market in being able to provide 48 hours' worth of clothes, entertainment, and supplies at incredibly short notice. In somewhere like Monaco, where there are people with money to burn, they offer a 24 hour service.
Daniel orders a 48 hour kit, requests a bed-wetting supplies add-on, and books an at-home shoe fitting for first thing in the morning. He makes a special groceries request for cans of tomato soup. Even if Max is back to his normal age in the morning, Daniel can donate the supplies away. It'll help someone, even if it doesn't help Max.
He thinks about Max's small, tentative hand in his, his silent shadow, and the way his eyes lit up at Daniel offering him flag facts. Daniel reaches for his phone again, and special orders a kids' book about flags for delivery in the morning.
With half an ear and eye open in case Max wakes up again, he tries to go the fuck to sleep.
In the morning, when he wakes up, Max is still seven and Daniel is still way, way out of his depth.
Thank you to Lena @stolemyhheart and Em @powerful-owl for reading this over!
There is now more of this posted here.
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cartooemcanhis · 9 months
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Hi, im Em! Im Genderfluid and i use all pronouns. I have autism and dyspraxia! Im also a furry and self taught artist. I have 4 dogs named Dusty, Beany, Bonnie, and Taco
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Ive created a bunch of aus for various fandoms and im the creator of my own W.I.P indie horror comic called funtown floors!!
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Im in many many fandoms! I'll try to list them all here but i might miss a few!
Welcome home
Dont hug me im scared
Object shows
Salad Fingers
Garten of banban (dont judge pls)
Poppy playtime (Also dont judge, im just a mascot horror enjoyer, i like silly guys)
Rainbow friends
Trevor Henderson creations
The amazing digital circus
My friendly neighborhood
Imaginary friend asylum/the friends we left behind
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People I dont want interacting with me or my content!: NSFW Artists/content makers, Racists, homophobes, ableists, anti-furs, zoophiles, proshippers, adult fandoms, toxic or mean people in general.
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your-enby-antihero · 9 months
thank u so much for including essek in the color association
Absolutely! Number one Essek is totally a Mighty Nein member so there was no reason to not include him.
And number two, to be honest Essek is mostly responsible for this entire experiment. I (a big shadowidomauk guy) was thinking about how Essek and Molly are technically (possibly) both purple associated. Personally I associate Molly with maroon (because of the coat) and Essek with that deeper lavender violet leaning towards a more blue than red but I was reading a fic (never knew i could fall this hard | by quinn_of_aebradore, if you haven’t read it and like shadowidomauk especially from Essek’s pov I’d highly recommend) and I just started thinking about Shadowidomauk in terms of colour because the fic has these beautiful descriptions of the characters in gorgeous outfits. Essek most of all.
Like Caleb to me is either an orangey amber or dusty red colour and Essek is that deep bluey purple lavender shade and Molly is that maroon colour and how that colour palette to me looked so perfect together. Like what an aesthetically pleasing combination of colours.
Then I got to wondering what I thought of for other cr ships (because of the whole red/blue or any other variant of the colour ship trope). I wanted to see what other people thought about the characters individually so I made this form. Anyway you all can blame Essek Thelyss for this little experiment.
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jkgurlz · 7 months
Jasper: imma edit Frank Della rocca for ya, so be quiet!
Jasper: *gives me his phone*
Me: alright.. *puts on bluey*
*After 30 minutes*
Jasper: I fucking hate this edit.
Me: why?
Jasper: its dusty... And why are you watching bluey?
Me: i like it.
Jasper: talking dogs just scare me.
@jkloserdazai basically what we were talkin' abt earlier
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uncaaj · 8 months
Fanfic: Concert (Bluey)
After Bandit Heeler blinked most of the sleepies away, he emerged from the house into the pink of the early morning, guitar case in hand.
Bluey looked up from her and Bingo’s clapping game on the porch and pointed at the case. “Are you bringing that to the park with you?”
“Yeah, why not?” said Bandit, walking down the steps.
Bluey’s tail began to wag. “Ooh, are you going to play your songs in front of people?”
Bandit felt his tail twitch but he willed it still. “Nah, kid,” he said with a chuckle. “I just wanna play to play. I haven’t played for people in years.”
“Why not?” Bingo asked.
Bandit shrugged. “I don’t have the time.”
“If it’s because you don’t think you’re good,” said Bluey, wringing her hands together, “I think you’re the best guitar player in the whole world.”
Bandit ruffled Bluey’s ears. “Aw, thanks, kid. Real nice of you to say.”
“Well, it’s true. You could play in front of people and they’d love it.”
Sometimes he wondered who was smiling down on him to give him a daughter so wonderful. Bluey and Bingo followed him down their stone path as they set off for morning walkies.
BANDIT: “This episode of Bandit is called “Concert.”
When they reached the park, Bluey and Bingo saw Lucky swinging on the monkey bars and dashed away to meet him. Bandit took a seat on a nearby bench and unclipped the case locks. Opening the case and revealing his Burgundy Beauty put a smile on his snout every single time. He wondered how he went so long without it. 
Since Bandit’s old Burgundy Beauty was unearthed from the attic, its dulcet tones rooted themselves in the daily cacophony of the Heeler household. Sure, if you asked him to slot in a music hobby among his archaeology job, house chores, his social life with the neighborhood dads, not to mention the two pups he loved to the moon and back and their rambunctious games, he would call it an impossible task. Still, as it had been during college, it slinked back into his life as a way to reach inner peace after a long day of being Bandit Heeler. And frankly, as crazy as his life was now, he welcomed a chance to get lost in an art that had always made him happy.
As he fretted some dusty chords and strummed the instrument to life, his mind went back to Bluey’s words. Bluey and Bingo loved to watch him play. They loved to hear him tell stories of playing in coffee shops and pubs during his college years. And they especially loved the silly songs he wrote.
That is, the ones he deemed appropriate.
He thought of an old friend named Joff, who’s every passion lay in music. Bandit never had the drive that funky dog had, but he was alright with that. Leave the fame and fortune to those who wanted to scratch and claw their way there. He was content watching his kid play and getting lost in a melody.
“Oi, Bandit!”
Bandit looked up. A shaggy Brussels Griffon was jogging toward him, his glasses bouncing slightly as he waved. The same busker that he did the worm in front of the other day on the square. 
Speak of an old friend and you’ll often find he shows up. 
“Joff!” Bandit set the guitar down and grabbed his paw to shake, then pulled him into a hug. “How’s it hangin’, ya big lug?”
“Oh, she’s apples, ya know?” said Joff. “So great to finally chat.”
“Yeah, I know you’re a busy bee, eh, Busker?”
Bandit nudged him with an elbow and Joff laughed. “Man, you still remember that old nickname?”
“I coined it! So what’s the big gig today?”
“Well, you saw me at the markets the other day, right? ‘Nother one of those.” He looked back across the park where a stage was overlooking the market tents. “Got a mate who’s gonna do all duets with me.”
“Oh, good one! When’s it happening?”
“In an hour or two, as it happens,” said Joff, checking his watch. “He should be here any minute to do sound check with me.”
“I’ll bring Bluey and Bingo. I’m sure they’ll bring their dancing shoes.”
“That’s just what I love to hear!” Joff exclaimed. “Hey, you know that song you wrote, ‘Girls Like That’?”
Bandit chuckled, remembering a song he wrote after the most popular girl on campus rejected his request for a date in no uncertain terms. “Yeah, those were the days, mate.”
“It would be so cool if you could do that song with me sometime, ya know, if ya still play.”
Bandit shook his head but with a smile. “Appreciate it, but those days are long gone.”
“It can be a one-time thing, just for fun.” Joff dug out his phone. “Here, at least gimme your digits so we can chat about it later?”
Bandit sighed, but exchanged his phone number with his old friend.
“Thanks, mate. Look, I’ve gotta run but I’ll be in touch, okay?”
“No worries, mate,” said Bandit, waving as he left. “Good talking with you again.”
“Likewise!” he called back.
“You know thongaphone dog?” asked Bluey suddenly.
Bandit jumped and there she and Bingo were, tails a flurry and stars practically shooting from their excited eyes.
“Yeah,” Bandit confirmed, “he’s an old friend from college. He’s playing over there in a while.”
“Are you gonna play your guitar with him?” asked Bingo, clinging to his leg.
“Nah, kid,” Bandit laughed, shaking Bingo off.
She crossed her arms. “But I don’t understand.”
“Yeah,” said Bluey, “you’re good at guitar and singing, and playing with friends is always fun.”
“Sound logic,” said Bandit, ruffling his kids’ heads, “but it’s never as simple as that when you’re my age.”
He decided to not burden them with complicated explanations and instead, let them go back to playing. In turn, he picked up his guitar again and let it take him back with a melody.
It was bouncy and funky, with a heavy layer of sarcasm overtop. He still remembered all the chords for that silly little song, as well as the words.
“Girls like that
Girls like that don’t go for guys like us…”
Bluey was sweet, but Bandit knew he wasn’t fit for playing live anymore. His voice wobbled slightly as he sang. He fudged a note here and there. Making a fool of himself in front of his kids was one thing. Making a fool in front of a crowd of strangers was entirely another. Those days with his brothers were well behind him and he didn’t want to dig up that old carefree life. Just doing it for the sake of doing it was good enough for him, even back when he was playing for coffee houses and parties in college.
“I wanna see the facts
And she says, simply, ‘No.
He couldn’t deny that he missed it in a way, his tapping feet was a big indicator. He wouldn’t deny it was the best part of being a musician, but he always knew he wouldn’t “make it” as it were.
“Hey, Burgundy Beauty!”
Bandit hit a sour chord and lifted his head.
Pat Labrador sat down next to him and they shook hands. “Ain’t seen you with that in forever, mate!”
Bandit chuckled. “Since uni, really. I picked it back up recently after they,” gesturing to Bluey and Bingo, “earthed it up in the attic.”
Pat leaned back. “Isn’t that something?”
Bandit’s phone buzzed all of a sudden. Taking it out, he saw Joff’s phone number appear on-screen. “I only just gave him my digits and he’s texting,” he said out loud. “Interesting.”
“Who?” asked Pat.
“Old college friend. He’s playing at the markets today.” Bandit opened the text.
“I hate to do this to you, but I need your help now. Come to the stage and someone will let you through.”
Bandit raised an eyebrow. This didn’t sound good. He had only just reacquainted himself with the guy but he naturally felt drawn to help. Besides, it couldn’t have been anything big, right?
“You mean Busker?” Pat asked. “Thought I saw him the other day with that thongophone…”
“Mate, I gotta see to something,” said Bandit, standing up. “Bluey, Bingo, c’mon!”
“Oh, n-no worries, mate.”
Bandit nodded his thanks before his phone dinged again. Looking at his phone again, there was one more text.
“Bring your guitar.”
“What’s going on, dad?” asked Bluey.
Bandit packed up his guitar and sighed. “We’re going to see a friend of mine.”
As they neared the stage, a security guard waved him over. “You Bandit?”
Bandit nodded. “Yeah.”
“Who’re them?”
“My kids,” he said, matter-of-fact-ly.
The guard nodded. “Follow me.” He led them backstage where Joff paced next to a table covered with snacks. 
Joff noticed his arrival and ran over. “Oh, thank goodness.”
“What’s going on?” Bandit asked as the security guard departed. Joff’s hair was disheveled. “You don’t still pull your hair out?”
Joff let out a breath. “Not…often.” He shook his head. “Look, I won’t beat around the bush, mate. I need a duet partner.”
Bluey and Bingo gasped. “You do??” they squealed in excitement.
“What?” said Bandit. “What about your mate?”
Joff scratched his head. “He told me he can’t make it. He lost his voice overnight. Something about allergies.”
Bandit blinked. “Wow. Crazy.”
Joff spoke fast. “I don’t have time to look around town for a replacement so I would really appreciate you doin’ it.”
Bandit took a step back. “Nah, mate, I’m no good anymore.”
“Please, mate?” Joff pleaded. “You’re gonna make a lotta people happy. That’s what it’s all about, right?”
Bandit felt a tug at his arm. “Yeah, dad,” said Bluey, “We like hearing you sing. Shouldn’t that be enough for others too?”
“It’s just that simple,” Bingo chimed in. A-a-and here came the please face.
It couldn’t have been that simple, could it?
Joff handed him a setlist and Bandit skimmed through it. He saw songs he could play and sing in a heartbeat. One in particular stuck out to him and he gave Joff a knowing look. “I think I know which one you wanna rehearse first.”
Joff looked at the ground, flashing a nervous smile. “I’m cheeky, yeah, but let’s just try this one song, then you can tell me if you wanna do the set, okay?”
Bandit would let Joff have the song he wanted to play, and his feelings wouldn’t change, right? That’s how this would go, and he’d return to the park with Bluey and Bingo.
The two dogs took seats opposite each other and Bandit set his Burgundy Beauty on his lap. Joff’s guitar was black, adorned with a decorative rose. Bandit couldn’t help some excitement bubble up inside him, despite his reservations.
“Okay, mate,” he said, “you know the leads?”
“Like the back of my paw,” said Joff.
“We’ll see. 1, 2, 3, 4.”
Hearing that silly song with the second guitar part after so many years made everything click in place.
“I’ll take the first verse, you go second,” said Joff as they neared it. Bandit nodded, grateful to have a much better singer set the standard for the performance. 
“Girls like that
Girls like that don’t go for guys like us
I wanna see the facts
And she says, simply ‘no’
He sounded like he had been doing this for years, so when Bandit joined in on the chorus harmony, he didn’t expect much. But he was surprised again to hear their voices blend together perfectly. 
“I’ll keep on looking for that lovin’ feeling
I’ll keep on looking for that lovin’ feeling
All of the chemists and witch doctors, they know
What I’ll never ever know”
Bluey and Bingo were shaking their tails to the music and Bandit couldn’t help but grin ear to ear. His warbling voice didn’t matter nor did his slightly rusty rhythm playing. What he missed most of all about music and playing live was what Joff said it was all about. He missed making others happy with a song. And with a look toward Joff and a nod, it was all that simple.
“They know, they know, they know that lovin’ feeling
They know, the chemists and witch doctors know it,
They know, they know, they know that lovin’ feeling”
“This song’s my favorite!” said Bluey, bouncing up and down in the front of the market crowd.
Chilli laughed, tapping her foot. “You kids sure are something. How’d you convince him to get up there?”
“It wasn’t us,” Bingo pointed out, “It was Joff!”
Chilli saw Joff swaying to the rhythm, and Bandit wearing the goofiest grin as he strummed. He looked so happy up there, and that made her happy as well. Few things in life were as simple as that, but she’d allow this matter to be.
The song ended and the crowd cheered. Joff gave Bandit a high paw and stepped back to the mic. “How about a round for my good friend Bandit Heeler?”
Everyone clapped and hollered, and Bandit bowed and waved. Fanding his family, he winked at them, then howled, “Who likes to da-a-a-ance? 1, 2, 3, 4!”
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georgiapeach30513 · 6 months
Bluey is made for kids but also for adults in a reason, that’s why a lot of teenagers and adults started to watch it bc the show teaches and shows how a good household can influence you into being a kind person. I mean I think we all wished that we had a dad like Bandit. It also teaches parents how to act toward their kids and how they should be more patient etc..
Yes, this is a great explanation of Bluey. It’s intended audience is children, but it is beloved by all ages. I know so many people who don’t have kids that watch it. It is wholesome, but you learn lessons. It’s artwork is adorable. I’ve seen grown men wear Bluey shirts. One is a podcast I love to watch Dusty Thunder. His daughter Navy Thunder is a toddler and loves Bluey, and that’s why he started watching it. Dusty is a big fan now.
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