#drummer!sirius black
remuslovebot · 11 months
Heyyyyy could you do a fix with Remus that has some sort of connection to the song snap out of it by arctic monkeys? Tyyy
gah!!! this one >>>>>
enjoy bestie <3 sorry it’s so late
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𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩 𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐭 | 𝐑.𝐋
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summary: Remus writes a song for The Marauders based off his jealousy and worry for you and your toxic boyfriend.
warnings: jealousy, angst to fluff, toxic relationship (not with Remus). fighting and a black eye. lmk if I missed anything! not proofread :/
pairing: rockstar!remus lupin x fem!reader
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I heard that you fell in love, or near enough…I gotta tell you the truth, yeah…
Remus sang into the microphone, strumming his guitar. The other marauders watched him play, as this was the new song Remus wanted to present to them. Immediately, Sirius knew who it was about. You.
I wanna grab both of your shoulders and shake, baby. Snap out of it.
You were in a relationship with a very toxic man. He was controlling and easily jealous. He didn’t like that you were friends with the Marauders and was threatened by how Remus felt about you. Although you denied your boyfriend’s accusations because you were oblivious.
Remus finished the song and the other marauders seemed to enjoy it. Sirius liked it too but pulled Remus aside.
“Isn’t that, I don’t know, a little obvious mate?” He asked the sandy haired boy. Remus shrugged, “What do you mean?” He acted clueless.
Sirius sighed, “I know you wrote the song about Y/n,” he said. “I’m fine with it, but I just hope you know the can of worms you’re opening,” he warned.
This frustrated Remus, he finally got his feelings out on paper and Sirius was warning him about repercussions. “It’s fine, Padfoot. Okay?” He said it more like a statement than a question.
Sirius just nodded, playing with his drum sticks as he walked away.
A week later, the band recorded the song and released it. They played it at numerous concerts, each one you attended.
You sang along to song, as it was your new favorite one. Albeit you didn’t know who it was about, your boyfriend did. One night after a gig, Remus was smoking a cigarette in the back alleyway. You were at the bar with Lily and Marlene, discussing the Marauders newest single. Your boyfriend was no where to he seen and it concerned you, as he always made it a point to be by your side.
If you were being honest, you also felt a bit relieved. You hated when he hovered. Little to your knowledge, you boyfriend had cornered Remus in the alley way.
“Oi! Lupin!” He yelled. “I know that new song is about my girl,” your boyfriend shouted angrily.
Remus had a temper but it was rarely used, as he not easy to bother. But this made his teeth grit together. He dropped his smoke and stepped on it, before facing your boyfriend.
“Listen, you need to back off,” Remus defended. “I’m not going to steal Y/n from you. You won alright,” he said.
“I still don’t appreciate the way you’re looking at her. Why can’t you just cut ties with her?” He pushed Remus.
Remus backed away, getting more angry. “I’m her best friend! I’m not just going to drop her. I love her.” He pushed your boyfriend back.
With that, you boyfriend punched Remus in the face, knocking him to the ground.
Stepping outside for a cigarette yourself, you witnessed the entire encounter. You rushed over to Remus and went to his aid.
“Oh my god! Remus are you alright?” You asked, cupping his cheek. You turned to your boyfriend, “What the hell is wrong with you?” You asked angrily.
He got in your face, as Remus stood up from the ground. “He’s in love with you. That new song that you and your friends love so much is about you. He doesn’t want you with me!” He argued.
“Yeah well, right now I don’t want you with me. How dare you punch my best friend. God your a terrible person!” You yelled just as angry.
“We’re over,” you added. You boyfriend didn’t like that. “What?” He asked, walking towards you.
Remus crossed in front of you, “You heard her. It’s over”, he said, then returning the favor and punching him. Your boyfriend was knocked to the floor. Remus took your hand and led you away into the crowed bar.
After walking into the bar, you led him to the back and into the restroom. “Here, you’re bleeding,” you said, wetting a paper towel and placing it on his cheek.
He winced and you felt horrible that he was in pain.
“I’m sorry,” he said, looking into your eyes. Whenever he looked into your eyes, Remus felt like he was looking into your soul.
You stared back and old feelings began to flood. When you two were in school, you had the biggest crush on the sandy haired boy. But once you graduated you thought you needed to get over him, because there was no way he would like you back.
Little did you know, Remus was hopelessly in love with you. He wrote ‘Snap Out of It’ for you and for a reason.
You sighed, “no it’s my fault. If i never would have dated that asshole, you wouldn’t have a black eye,” you said, wiping away some blood.
“I’ll be okay. I’m glad you broke up with him,” Remus admitted, with a shy smile.
You blushed, “I am too. I guess your song worked. I snapped out of it,” you teased cheekily.
This made Remus laugh and then you laughed. Both looking into each others eyes, you captured eachother in a small kiss. It was knew and unfamiliar, the best of first kissed. His arms slid around you waist, protectively and needlessly.
As your kiss grew passionate, the drummer of The Marauders, Sirius Black walked into the restroom.
Stunned and shocked at first, he then laughed under his breath. “Well I guess the song worked,” he grinned.
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yourgalgremlin · 8 months
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You know what I’ve NEVER seen in a band au?
Barty “no rules, only vibes & hitting shit” Crouch Jr as the DRUMMER:
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk,
PS This guy’s name is Emil Vergo & I’m low-key obsessed with him lol. His TikTok if ya’ll wanna see it 🩷
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valluvsu · 2 years
Drummer!James Potter x Actress!Reader
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James was a nervous wreck. 
He just found out Y/N L/N was in the audience tonight. The actual Y/N L/N. James has been obsessed with the actress since he first saw her in a movie years ago. He’s seen every movie she’s been in since. 
See, James has been very vocal about his crush on her in many interviews, only because he knew she would never see them. She was the definition of fame and he was in a silly little band he started with his friends. 
James failed to understand that his silly little band was in fact very popular and on Y/N’s radar. When the band’s manager told them that she was in the audience he about passed out. 
“What if I mess up? What if I miss a cue? What if I lose a stick?” he rambled nervously. 
“James, you never mess up, we’ve all missed enough cues to know how to bounce back, and you always have all those extra sticks up there with you,” Remus was quick to reassure. 
“Ehh, he might mess up,” teased Sirius. “This woman has been the object of his attention for the past 4 years, there’s no way he goes on without doing at least one thing wrong.”
“You’re not helping,” chastised Remus. He was trying his best to calm James, not wanting him to go into a panic. He hasn’t seen him this nervous since their first show in front of an audience. 
“Guys, five minutes until you’re on,” said someone from the stage crew. 
James took a deep breath and headed toward the stage. He would just have to try his best and hope it was enough. 
Y/N was so excited. 
She has been wanting to go to a Marauders show for a long time. The band has been one of her favorites since she first heard a song of theirs on the radio. 
When she found out they were having a concert in her city she freaked. This was the first time she would actually be able to attend a show of theirs. She would always either be too busy filming or their shows were too far away. She was ecstatic. 
She begged her friends to go with her—although she didn’t have to do much begging, they were both big fans too—and snagged some good tickets. 
It was like a fever dream when the boys came out. You could tell they all get so into the music, feeling it deep in them. 
Y/N couldn’t help but notice the drummer. 
Of course she knew who he was—and how he felt about her. She felt flattered to have gained the attention of such a talented and good-looking man. Sure, there were always people telling her how beautiful she was but it felt different coming from him. 
To put it simply, James Potter was hot. 
One of the hottest people she’d ever seen. And from the interviews she’s watched he was also kind and soft-spoken and smart and adorable and—you get the point. 
Y/N wasn’t one to expect things because of her fame, but she was so grateful that someone, who she assumed was the band’s manager, came to invite her backstage to meet the boys after the show. 
When she made it back there she saw two out of the three boys and introduced herself. She was told the drummer was in the bathroom, so she made conversation with the two boys while she waited to meet the man who had been on her mind too long. 
When James came out of the bathroom he saw Y/N talking with the boys. He slowly made his way over, thinking of a way he could introduce himself. But he didn’t need to think too long, because the next thing he knew she was turning over to him, a big smile on her face. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” she said, reaching her hand out toward him.
“I know, I-I mean I’m James,” he stuttered out nervously. He put his hand in hers and shook it. He couldn’t help but notice how soft her hand felt. Her cold rings contrast the warmth of her hands. 
“James, maybe you should let the poor lady go,” Sirius teased. 
It was then James realized he had been shaking her hand for an unusual amount of time. 
“S-Sorry,” he said. He really hoped she didn’t think he was weird. 
 “No, don’t worry about it. I was just telling the boys how big of a fan I am of you guys. Been listening for a while now. I’ve been wanting to come to a show for some time now but hadn’t gotten the chance to. You were great up there by the way,” she said animatedly. 
“Oh, thanks. I’m a big fan of yours too. We all are,” James said.
“Oh, I think she knows just how big of a fan of hers you are,” Sirius teased again. He was really getting a kick out of James meeting his celebrity crush. 
James felt his face heat up and he knew he was red as a beet. He was really hoping that subject wasn’t brought up.
Before anyone could say anything Remus cut in.
“Hey, we usually go out to a bar near the venue after a show, would you like to join us tonight?” he said, saving James from any more embarrassment. 
“I’d really like that. I have some friends I’d like you to meet as well. We could meet there if you want?” she suggested. 
Everyone agreed and made their way to gather their things. 
James was still nervous. 
He was waiting for Y/N and her friends to meet them at the bar. He spent some time in the bathroom looking in the mirror trying to fix his appearance as much as he could before she showed up. 
“James, relax. Have a drink. She’ll show up and when she does you are going to charm her pants off and soon enough you’ll be riding off into the sunset with her,” Sirius said. He’d done enough teasing for the night and only wanted James to loosen up. He was also a couple drinks in already. 
James only slightly relaxed when the door to the bar opened up and in stepped three girls. 
“Hey boys, I’d like you to meet my friends Marlene and Dorcas,” Y/N introduced the girls to the boys. “This is James, Remus, and Sirius.”
Sirius and Remus immediately gravitated to a different girl and offered to buy them each a drink. 
“Well, that went exactly how I thought it would,” Y/N smirked. 
“What do you mean?” James asked, confused. 
“Well I wanted to get some time to get to know you,” she replied. “I thought that maybe with Remus and Sirius distracted, we’d actually get some time to talk.”
“You wanted to talk to me? Alone?” he asked. He was shocked, to say the least. Could there be a chance that the girl he’s been fawning over for years could like him back? He felt like a 15-year-old school girl finally getting to talk to her crush. 
“Obviously. I wanted to get to know the guy who’s been obsessed with me since he was 18. It’s not often I get the chance to meet such a huge fan,” she teased. 
“Oh God, you’ve seen that?” he groaned. He was red once again trying to hide his face in his hands. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I find it quite cute actually,” she reassured him. “I find you cute.”
James’ head snapped up at that. 
Y/N was biting her lip nervously, wondering if she overstepped. 
“Really? You don’t think it’s weird?” he asked. His dreams were coming true, but he had to make sure she wasn't joking before he made a fool out of himself. 
“No, I think it’s sweet. I actually have quite the crush on you as well. Just never dared to say anything in interviews,” she said. 
“Um, wow. Okay,” he stuttered. He couldn’t believe it. In a moment of confidence, he asked her, “Do you want to get out of here? Maybe go someplace quieter?”
Y/N smiled and said, “I’d love that.”
James hesitantly grabbed her hand and quickly let their friends know they would be leaving. He earned a wink from Sirius before they exited the bar. 
That night they talked for hours wandering around the city, learning more about each other, sharing things they’ve never told anyone before. 
Something really special was formed that night, something they knew would last a lifetime.
Dreams Do Come True!
Marauders Drummer James Potter Spotted Walking Hand in Hand with Actress Y/N L/N.
That's right, James Potter has finally met his celebrity crush, who he has many, many times mentioned in interviews.
The couple was spotted walking together in the city after the band's show—which L/N was also in attendance for.
A source close to the actress and drummer has told us that the couple are taking things slow and are really excited to see where their new relationship goes.
And we at Celebrity News would just like to congratulate the couple and wish them all the best.
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vxntagedior · 1 year
I’m dumb bk I just realized you write for siruis what ab drummer!reader x siruis where he attendeds regulus concert ane sees reader for first time and is in loveee
you were in your own world, your eyes closed. but sirius was enamored. his eyes never left yours, and regulus could see it from the crowd.
when the show ended, regulus brought his brother back to see the band.
“you evan and barty but this y/n our new drummer.”
he remembered the way you looked up at him, your eyes trained on his and the smile you gave him made him weak in the knees.
“it’s nice to meet you.” you smiled, “reg talks about you all the time.”
“really.” he smirked, coming to sit next you, his arm wrapping around the couch, right behind you. “i haven’t heard much about you.”
“i like to keep it that way.” you patted his cheek before getting up.
the boys laughed watching sirius’s mouth drop watching you leave.
“good luck with that.” evan snorted.
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katmoonz · 2 years
Marauders Band AU Headcanons
Notes: I wrote this all within an hour. I couldn’t decide on whether Sirius would be the guitarist or the singer so I’ve written for him as both.
Tw: Most of these are sexual in one way or another
-Bassist!Remus would get you to sit on the edge of the amp whilst the band practices so that you can feel the vibrations in your clit. He’d smirk every so often seeing you try to keep your noises in so as not to alert the others how stimulated you were getting
-Drummer!James doing tricks with his drumsticks because he loves to see the admiration on your face whenever he does a new one
-Guitarist!Sirius would spend hours practicing the intricate new riff he came up with by using your clit to work out the timing. It feels like torture feeling his fingers work the right spot several times before moving away and leaving you on the edge
-Singer!Sirius getting frustrated at not being able to get the vibrato right on a new song he’s working on so decides to practice by eating you out, humming the tune into your clit until he feels that he can get the perfect vibrato for a particular verse or chorus
-Drummer!James pulling you into his lap on his break whilst he’s all sweaty to ask if you’d enjoyed the new beat he came up with
-Bassist!Remus taking off his sweater and giving it to you during an outdoor concert because he doesn’t want you to get cold, the top he wears underneath shows the definition of his biceps and you can’t wait until later when you can finally jump him
-Guitarist!Sirius telling you about this cool new guitar pick that he found and hypes it up asking if you would like to experience it. The pick vibrates, the vibration is music reactive and is the perfect size to put into your underwear so that you can experience Sirius’ band practice in a whole new stimulating way
-Drummer!James sits you on his lap, gives you some drumsticks and tells you to copy him whenever he sees you looking bored
-Singer!Sirius pulling you in for a kiss every time there’s a break in the song, as his band mates keep playing. He’ll get you all riled up from a passionate kiss before suddenly pulling away to sing the next lines of the song
-Bassist!Remus refuses to let you hear his latest new riff until your panties are in his pocket, then he casually checks your pussy afterwards to see how wet it’s gotten, if it’s sopping then he keeps the riff, if it’s not as wet as usual then he’ll change it or come up with a new one curious as to which notes and tempos make you the most aroused
-Singer!Sirius winking at you whilst he’s singing particularly dirty lines knowing how it makes you ache
-Drummer!James would get you to christen every new set of drumsticks he bought by fucking yourself with them until you get yourself off
-Guitarist!Sirius getting you to wear his rings whilst he plays because he doesn’t want to lose them. He promises a reward later if you manage not to drop them which can be difficult given the amount that he tends to have on him
Taglist: @sprucewoodlover @heartbeats-wildly @pottahishotasf @padf00ts-l0ver @divanca2006 @themarauderswhore @mrskatpotter @lovesanimals0000 @bunnyweasley23 @psamathegoesrawr
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lexithwrites · 5 months
Marlene sounding like Hayley Williams when she sings is my newest Roman Empire
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moonbcrry · 2 years
𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬 ❤︎ au discussion!! we love these mfs in every universe, so tell me which au you'd like to see your favourite(or any character) in?
I can so see the marauders in a band. Like having smaller concerts, but the crowd is always going crazy. So more of rock music maybe? Or what do you think? And also who do you think do what in the band?
i wrote this on my pc and somehow tumblr didn't let me post it i was losing my shit - then i copied to somewhere else n posted it on mobile. thankfully i was able to think clever for like three seconds. anyway, enjoy me thirsting over band!marauders
band au is like my favorite au in the marauders fandom cus it fits them so so so well!! i always think of them as a indie-rock band cus that's what i usually listen to and yes !! they definitely started playing in the small cozy places and becoming bigger in the industry with firm steps forward!
i do have a band!au in my drafts for them, that i've been working on it for the past month at odd times, i see remus as the bassist, james as the drummer and sirius as the vocalist/guitarist. for the record, i don't have a tactable knowledge on music except for listening to it, i just prefer to avoid talking about this but like this is my thoughts pretty much.
i can also see remus and james as in swapped positions because you know how in bands the drummers are usually the quite, calm ones but i can not stop thinking about remus' long, gentle fingers gliding on the bass smoothly, it makes me sick!!!
thinking of james as a drummer is just feels - so so much him! so much golden retriever energy!!! his bushy and unruly hair swaying in the air, some strands glued to his sweaty forehead, as he rocks the stage with that perfect glint in his eyes, radiating his infinite energy to crowd,,, like i see him so perfect for a drummer ahhh.
and finally sirius... y'all should've noticed my sweet spot for rockstar!sirius or just sirius in general so far. this man is made to be on the stage. he is made to be looked at, to be admired. he's so beautiful that one of the reasons people showed up to listen to them in the first place was to see this incredible attractive man. though apart from his appearance, sirius has a very soft and also extremely charming voice. he can just captivate you with his voice without needing a glimpse of his looks. i also imagine that he sometimes sings in french that is hot af!!!! and being the man of drama himself, what can a person could want more to entertain themselves?????
anyway that's pretty much what my thoughts are, if you would like to add more I'd be delighted to hear(in this case read) them!!!
celebrate 1k with me ❤︎
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lizpaige · 2 years
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i feel like ive read every marauders band au and why does no one clock sirius as the drummer? sirius black 100% has animal (the muppet) energy and u will not prove me wrong.
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starpowerdeepwater · 1 year
im sorry i just have to say it i am such a slut for drummers
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i think the marauders fandom severely under-utilises the fact that david bowie has a popular christmas song
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jegulusofwesper · 1 year
what’s two of the saddest things that you can think of? unsaid emily and marauders fics, especially the black brothers? perfect! that’s the correct answer!
boy do i have just the thing for you!
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yourgalgremlin · 8 months
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🎙️: Anotha one! [1st post]
Barty “backstabbing babygirl” Crouch Jr as the DRUMMER: [pt2]
Welcome to the Dummer Barty Agenda™️ where I show you videos of this badass drummer* & you say “G.G. I’ve already started ✍️” & “Barty would ❤️ hitting things for a living.”
*Drummer is Emil Vergo [Tiktok]. All of his videos are so good, you’re welcome 💚
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amourane · 2 months
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all fics/works are mine and I do not tolerate plagiarism or translations. I only have this account which I post my stories on, if you find any of my works somewhere else please tell me.
© amourane 2024. all rights reserved.
☾ - angst ♡ - fluff ❀ - smut
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marauders era ʚ james potter sweeter than candy ♡ > six years ago you left the small town you were trapped in and you would have never thought that the cute boy next door would be the one running the bakery your family once owned.
ʚ sirius black innocent girl ❀ > you’re so pure, so perfect, so innocent and sirius and remus just can’t help but ruin you.
and what if i do? ♡ > you and sirius black were enamoured by one another and everyone was just waiting for you to admit it.
ʚ remus lupin innocent girl ❀ > you’re so pure, so perfect, so innocent and sirius and remus just can’t help but ruin you.
sleepless nights ♡ > all remus wants is to make sure you’re okay and the best way to make you feel better -
new discoveries ♡ > moving into a new place was hard enough but now there was a handsome stranger that made your heart skip a beat.
sweet ecstasy ❀ > remus has a surprise that he just can’t wait to show you.
ʚ regulus black your fated one ♡ > you never believed in fate until you met regulus black.
golden trio era ʚ theodore nott so this is love ♡ > there’s a weird feeling that erupts in theo’s chest whenever he looks at you and for the first time in his life his mind goes silent.
cry for me ❀ > you hated theodore nott but why now are you on your knees for him?
hate the way you smile ☾ ♡ > from the second you met theodore nott you knew that your life would be torturous and that the boy would never leave you alone but maybe forever isn’t so bad with theodore nott.
why can't we love freely? ☾ > you’re tired of being a secret and it was time to let theo know.
flustered and blushing ♡ > in which you’re a flustered mess around theo nott and he absolutely adores it.
calm after the storm ☾ ♡ > theo has a hard time dealing with his emotions and you were always there for him but what if one day it becomes all too much.
love notes in music ♡ > you always got what you wanted and the extremely hot drummer was no exception.
ʚ draco malfoy fatal attraction ❀ > draco malfoy was a cunning man and a wanted criminal but you couldn’t deny the growing sexual tension between the two of you.
ʚ lorenzo berkshire coming soon...
ʚ mattheo riddle coming soon...
ʚ blaise zabini coming soon...
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suugarbabe · 3 months
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Rockstar!Sirius Black has me in a chokehold. I’m obsessed with my wife @finalgirllx and thankful for the work she put in for me for these two edits and I hope everyone is pulling their hair out at them as much as me.
This little blurb is for my second wife @thatdammchickennugget ‘s hogmarch challenge.
Prompt: fire whiskey / are you speaking parseltongue or am I really that drunk
Warnings: fluff; mentions of bar/drinking;
You don’t really know how you got here. At this party that is. One day your muggle friend is begging you to come to a concert with her. Two weeks later she has you sleeping on a side-walk waiting to get in. “I really want to get barricade,” she says. And you love her so you comply. When you manage to get it, you’re just as shocked as she is. Arms crossed on the bar, elbows hanging over the barricade as music plays from the speakers while everyone waits for the band to appear.
You assume it’s a four person group; you see a drum set, a keyboard, a guitar with a mic stand and a bass guitar. You’re wracking your brain for the name of the band, your friends mentioned it probably a million times in the last hour alone but you’ve been so focused on not a Avada-ing any of the other millions of girls around who seem to want to keep pushing against your back to get closer to whoever this band seems to be.
It’s when the curtain falls that your heart nearly stops. It had to be a coincidence, right? The fact that this band happens to have the same name as the infamous group of pranking boys from your school years. But all your nervous fears are confirmed when they start strolling on to the stage, you recognize the others in an instant, but the one that catches your eye most intensely slings the guitar over his shoulder, a shit eating smirk gracing his lips as his tucks his hair behind his ear.
“Blimey, what a turn out, yeah lads?” The guitarist turns slightly where he stands, glancing at his friends behind him who are all nodding and shouting, pumping their fists in the air with the screams of fans in front of them. The guitarist turns back towards the crowd, eyes scanning over the sea of people until they come to the front and lock with yours. Your friend besides you starts shaking with giddy excitement as he speaks his next words into the mic, her arm hooking with yours. But you can’t tear your eyes away from his piercing gaze, “In case any of you’ve forgotten, we’re The Marauders and-”
Being barricade had its benefits because you heard the drummer shout, “Oi, Pads, get on with it, will ya, let’s give em a show, yeah?” Sirius laughs into the mic and your thrust back to being seventeen and pining after the long haired boy at the back of your advanced potions class. “Alright, Prongs, don’t lose yer head, mate. Who’s ready to fucking rock out?” Sirius strummed his guitar and the crowd erupted in cheers and screams. The entire concert was a bit of a blur. One because you didn’t know any of their songs, but two because it seemed like any time Sirius looked towards the front of the crowd, he looked right at you, and your friends and the girls surrounding you seemed to lose their mind at the concept.
When the concert finally ended you watched your old classmates take in the cheers and praise. James threw both his drumsticks into the crowd, Remus tossed a few picks as well. Reggie stepped from behind the keyboard, taking his setlist with him and passing it to the security guard to give to a random girl. Sirius, however, seemed to have a different plan. The girls around you seemed to be panting with anticipation as Sirius took a marker from a stage hand and laid down on his stomach, pulling the cap from the marker with his teeth before writing on his setlist on the ground. Capping the pen, he pulled the setlist off the ground slowly, folding the tape over the edges before folding the setlist into fours.
What really made everyone around you go into a frenzy was Sirius jumping down from the stage and walking straight up to you at barricade and holding the paper towards you with a smile. “Here,” Sirius grabbed your wrist, placing the folded setlist into your hand, “open it when you leave the venue. Was nice seeing you again, love. S’been too long since the last time.” Sirius then turned his attention to the people around you, shaking hands and signing a few autographs but it all sounded muffled to yours ears as it seemed like all the blood was rushing to your head as you were rushing out of the crowd, you friend close behind.
“Uhm, hello? Are you gonna tell me what the fuck that was back there?” You were walking as fast as you could without sprinting, your friend hot on your heels. “Y/n/n!” You turned abruptly to face her, her stopping roughly in her tracks. “What!” You were nearly screaming before taking a deep breath, “I’m sorry, erm, I’m sorry. I just…I haven’t seen those guys in a long time and it was just a little…overwhelming.” Your friend nodded, the grin never leaving her face, “How do you even know them, can we open the letter now, what does it say?”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the note from your pocket. Unfolding it you finally answered her questions, “We went to school together, believe it or not they were very popular and I was…well…not. I had a few classes with the others and well Sirius was…friends with some of my friends, let’s say. Honestly I didn’t even expect him to recognize me once I realized they were the band we were seeing and…” your thoughts and words seem to die on your lips as your eyes scanned the setlist in your hands, Sirius’s sloppy scrawl strewn across in black marker. Your friend raised her eyebrows impatiently, turning your hands towards her so she could see what had you at such a loss, a gasp leaving her as she did so. “Is that a fucking address…”
So maybe you did know how you got to this party, your friend begging and pleading until you agreed to go. “It’s only polite, he did invite you after all,” she had said. You knew her agenda was more so to gain an opportunity to see the boys up close, so you didn’t argue when as soon as you entered the private bar she immediately went on the hunt. You, on the other hand, went straight for a drink, or two, or four. You were working on yet another firewhiskey when a rough voice spoke your last name from behind you. Turning around, you attempted to control your blush, “Black. Long time no see.” You did your best to keep your tone casual, like your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest.
Per expected Sirius was nothing but charming and smooth, “I didn’t expect to see a friend in the crowd tonight, you caught me slightly off guard I have to admit.” You clasped onto your drink with both hands, hoping the coolness of the glass would offset the heat that was rapidly spreading through your body, “You consider us friends? I didn’t even think you’d recognize me.” Sirius’s gaze turned what you could only describe as tender, “I would’ve failed Advanced Charms if you hadn’t put up with me for two whole terms. If spending endless weeks in the library didn’t make us friends, what then developed between us, nothing?”
No, just my raging school girl crush on you is all. You shook your head, mouth opening and slightly stammering, no explanation coming to mind. “Pads, you’re not scaring y/n/n away are you? Gonna make us not see her for another three years again?” Sirius huffed a slightly annoyed breath, “Yeah, Moony, the reason we haven’t seen her is strictly my fault, not that our band took off or anything.” Sirius jabs a thumb over his shoulder as he glances back at you as if to say, the nerve of this guy. “She didn’t even think I’d recognize her, or considered us friends! Can you believe that?”
The taller boy greeted you with a warm and familiar smile, the scar stretching over his top lip thinning with the action, “Well I certainly don’t blame her for the latter. But we’re still friends, aren’t we, dove?” Remus took a step forward, wrapping you in a tight and friendly embrace. “Hi, Rem,” you mumbled just loud enough over the bar music. Remus was gruffly pulled away from you to reveal a pouting face with glasses and a mop of curly hair, “Not consider us friends? Did seven agonizing years of potions together mean absolutely nothing to you?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the dramatics, “Hi, Jamie. ‘ve missed you.” You open your arms for a hug and are quickly embraced in a bear-like squeeze, “Missed you too shortcake. Been too long.” A second body joins your hug from behind, “Yeah, it’s been too long.” James pushes him off before letting you go, “Whydya have to do that Reg, you ambushed my hug.” Regulus opens his mouth to argue when a throat clearing catches all of your guys' attention. You turn to see your friend clearly doing her best not to freak out at the scene before her. You turn the the boys, pushing your friend slightly in front of you, “Guys this is my friend Órlaith. She brought me to your show. Big fan, her. Órlaith, this is Reg, Jamie, Rem and Sirius.”
The four boys all flashed award winning smiles while your friend managed a meek ‘hi’ and a slight wave. “So you didn’t just have classes with them, you were friends with the fucking Marauders,” Órlaith wacked your arm, causing James and Regulus to burst out in laughter. Remus leaned in close to your friend, a hand shielding one side of his mouth while pointing a thumb back at James, “Y/n/n, here actually helped make sure this one graduated on time.” James crossed his arms in mock offense, “Is he talking shite love? Moony, don’t fill her head with lies we’ve only just met.”
Sirius slung his arm over her shoulder, whispering in her ear, “Actually, I’d like to catch up with Y/l/n. You mind if I steal her for a moment? Think you can watch these gits, keep them in line for me while I’m away?” She gave a timid nod and Sirius flashed her his knee weakening grin. Remus shot Sirius a knowing look, one you completely missed as you were too busy focusing on Sirius lacing his fingers in yours and dragging you towards a roped off section of the bar. You tried to will your palm to not be clammy as you downed the last of your drink, setting the glass on a passing table. As Sirius led you up the few steps and past the velvet rope he settled you both down at a table in the corner.
With a wave of his wrist the music and sound of the crowd disappeared. “See? A perfect silencing charm. Wouldn’t have been able to do that without your help in years past, friend,” Sirius emphasized the last word, wiggling his eyebrows. You laughed slightly, eyes rolling, “Yes, I’m very proud of you. However, that hasn’t stopped the gaggle of girls staring at us.” You motioned toward at least four women you could see clearly shooting daggers your way at a private talk with the leading man. Sirius shrugged his shoulders, eyes never leaving your direction, “I don’t care about them, my focus is on you.”
Your face seemed to stay in a permanent state of blush with Sirius’s full attention solely on you. “Now tell me, sweetheart. Did you really not consider us friends all those years? I mean, I thought we were pretty close. If I recall we’ve drunkenly fallen asleep on a few couches and floors together. Who else does that besides very good friends?” You nervously summon a drink before you, taking the glass and trying to hide half your face behind it while you take a long gulp. Your eyes scan over Sirius’s face, taking in the changes, or lack thereof, from the last time you saw him.
He still has that same boyish charm, that grin the tends to sneak onto his face when he knows he’s being charming. His hair is still gorgeous, long and flowing, though maybe slightly greasier than your school years, but you’re sure that’s part of his rockstar aesthetic. His forearms now adorn multiple tattoos and from what you know of Sirius there’s probably more hidden elsewhere. He had a few more piercings now, and his jawline was more refined now that he was no longer a teenager, but what remained exactly the same was always your favorite part of him; his eyes.
Sirius always had the most captivating eyes; a deep russet brown that seemed to change with his mood and whether he was telling the truth or not. Either that or you had just spent so much time staring at him you began to figure out his tells without anyone else realizing. “You’re telling the truth, you really considered us good friends didn’t you?” Sirius laughed lightly, looking down at his lap before meeting your eyes once more, “Yes, I’m telling the truth.” You shook your head, “That wasn’t a question, it was a statement, I can tell when you’re lying. I just can’t believe you’re being serious.”
“Well I’m always Sirius, darling.” You rolled your eyes at his favorite pun, going to bring your drink back to your lips. Sirius, however, had other plans, stealing to glass from your hands and downing the rest himself. You opened your mouth to scold him but he got his words out first, “How can you – blimey, love no mixer really? Merlin’s fucking beard – how can you tell when I’m lying? I like to think I’m quite subtle at hiding the truth.” You sat up a bit straighter, tucking your legs underneath you on the couch. Normally you would never admit anything, especially not to Sirius himself, but your filter seemed to be turned off thanks to the many firewhiskey’s now running through your system.
You leaned your elbow on the back of the couch, facing Sirius now with your head resting against your fist, “Your eyes turn a shade or two darker when you’re lying. Normally they’re just this beautiful deep brown color that looks like the sun is shining directly on them, even when you’re inside and there’s not even a window in sight. But when you’re lying it’s like all the mischief you’ve got cooking in your brain is overheating and it deepens the color.” If you weren’t feeling so tipsy you probably would’ve noticed the deep blush that spread over Sirius’s cheeks. But being himself he couldn’t let you stop there, “What else have you seemed to notice over the years, huh sweet girl?”
Subconsciously you knew you’d regret it in the morning, but your ability to stop your mouth from rambling seemed to be null. “You tend to chew on your top lip when you’re concentrating, not the entire thing, just one of the corners. You did it tonight during your guitar solo, which was actually pretty fantastic. I'm very proud of you, Siri. And I only noticed you do that because it’s different from other people, usually people bite their bottom lip, but you bite your top,” Sirius touched his top lip with his fingertips as you continued, “And I know when you’re laughing just to be polite and when you’re laughing for real because your fake laugh is this polite little chuckle where you nod your head to make the other person think you’re really paying attention, but your real laugh is so much better. You throw your head back, and your hair falls from your face and it’s real hearty and deep and your smile stays bright for moments afterwards.” You let out a long sigh, your eyes keeping this distance look to them like you were recalling an exact moment for each aspect you just described. “Merlin, I was just so in…I just had the biggest crush on you back then.”
Sirius blinked a few times in disbelief, shaking his head and trying to clear his thoughts because there was definitely no way he heard what he just thought he heard, “I’m sorry, love. Are you speaking parseltongue or am I really that drunk?” You scoffed slightly, “Excuse me?” Sirius quickly held his hands up in defense, “No, no! I just meant that – oh for Godric’s sake, I’m gonna muck this up I just know it–” You grabbed his wrists, effectively stopping his spiraling tangent, “Sirius!” He looked up at you, eyes meeting yours and just like you said, they looked like the sun was hitting them directly despite being in the back corner of a dark bar, “I never needed help with charms.”
Your face contorted in confusion, “Sorry, erm, what?” Sirius closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He opened his eyes once more, making sure you were looking back at him so you would see he was telling the truth, “I never needed help with charms, I would fuck up spells on purpose because I wanted to spend more time with you.” You shook your head, “But Remus said…”
“I lied to Moony,” Sirius cut you off, “Well, I tried to lie to him at first. I told him I was failing and I asked him to ask you to be my tutor but the bloody git knows everything, saying shit like ‘I know you’re at the top of our class Sirius meh meh meh’, so I asked him to lie for me.” You shook your head, “Why would you do that?” Sirius placed his hands on either side of your face, your hands still holding his wrists, “Because I had an insanely huge crush on you that I kept trying to deny and Moony could see it a mile away. I’m surprised you missed it with everything else you seemed to notice.” You smiled at him, a real genuine relaxed smile, then he spoke again, “Past tense probably isn’t the right usage. After seeing you tonight, I can humbly admit that all those feelings are very much still here. You believe me, don’t you?”
Sirius tilted your head up so you were looking directly at him. He widened his eyes dramatically, staring at you intensely and causing you to giggle. You squinted your eyes at him briefly, making it look like you were really studying him, “Hmm..clear as day. Yes, Siri, I believe you.” Sirius let out a long breath, “Thank merlin, because I’ve been dying to do this since I was on stage.” Sirius’s lips met yours with a gentle fervent, intensifying only when you fisted the front of his t-shirt, pulling him harder into you. You pulled apart only when you were short of breath, both panting heavily. “Remus is going to lose his mind,” Sirius chuckled, grin never leaving his face. You glanced over his shoulder, flicking your wrist and breaking the silencing charm only to be met with cheers and whistles so loud they floated over the rustle of the bar, “I think he already has, they all have.” Sirius turned, seeing his friends and bandmates making their way over. He turned back to you, a cheeky grin on his lips, “Okay, kiss me again, just once more before they get here. Once they do I just know James is gonna talk your ear off about the whole thing.” You giggled, biting your bottom lip before grasping the back of his neck, pulling his lips towards yours once more.
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kquil · 1 year
SUM. : the rest of the marauders finally meet you and get to taste your famous cookies, they even invite you to their next gig.
G. : rockstar au ; modern au ; muggle au ; neighbours au ; rockstar sirius ; rockstar marauders ; neighbour reader ; reader bakes cookies ; sirius being a flirt ; you're invited ; cookies are much appreciated ; sirius can't keep his hands off you
LENGTH : 0.9k
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The knock at the door almost went unnoticed but Sirius had developed an acute hearing for when his neighbours wanted to complain. He ignored them most of the time and pretended that he couldn’t hear them over his guitar but when he knew that he was on thin ice, he made an effort to sharpen his hearing. That same sharpness developed on different grounds for you, however. 
As soon as Sirius heard your knock at the door, he knew immediately that it was you and abruptly stopped everyone in the middle of practice. The marauders stopped their playing to cast him a look of confusion, completely missing your almost muted knocks at the door. 
“Sorry lads,” Sirius uttered, making his way to the door and smiling brightly upon seeing you there with a tray of chunky chocolate chip cookies, “(Y/N)!” Sirius greets cheerfully, stepping aside so you could enter his abode as the other marauders stand to attention, excited to officially meet you. 
“Hello Sirius, sorry to interrupt,” you bashfully apologise, your confidence at the door slowly disappearing the longer you were inside his apartment. You had made short trips to give Sirius a tray of cookies many times before but never with his friends over and their added presence was getting to you more than you thought it was going to. 
“Not at all, so what have you got for me today, love?” he asks, leading you into the living room with his hand on the small of your back, the rest of the boys slowly coming into view with their instruments beside them. 
Smiling, you raise the tray in your hands slightly, “It’s your favourite, you can share with your friends too,” you take a short moment to flash each of the three other men a timid smile, “as thanks for playing such good music in the background,” they laugh and happily accept your offering, which immediately begins to ease your nerves. While everyone took a moment to indulge in one of your cookies, Sirius introduces you to the rest of his bandmates one by one. 
The one with unruly dark locks and cute glasses was James, the drummer. The tallest one with mousy brown hair and soft brown eyes was Remus, the bassist. And lastly, the blonde one with a little more pudge in his cheeks was Peter, the one on the keyboard. 
“Pleasure to meet you all, I’m (Y/N),”
“Oh we know,” James sings as he licks crumbs off his lips, his statement making you raise a curious brow. 
“Sirius won’t stop raving about you,” Remus adds with a mischievous smirk as you giggle, a heat flourishing over your cheeks. 
“Sod off, Moony,” came Sirius’s flippant retort. 
“These cookies taste great by the way,” Peter gushes, already reaching for another one, “what’s your recipe?”
“I can’t tell you that,” you playfully pout, “or else I wouldn’t have an excuse to come over,” your comment makes Sirius laugh with his head thrown back in delight.
“You see me often enough as is,” Sirius nudges your side teasingly.
“Who said I wanted to see you? After meeting him, I want to see more of Remus,” 
The brunette laughed aloud, sending you a wink and smirking at your playfulness as Sirius pouted beside you. He pulls you in by the waist and leans down, his forehead almost pressing against yours as his grey eyes melt your jokey stare, “you don’t mean that, do you?”
He was being a tease but there was an obvious hint of flirtation in his words that made the three other marauders in the room share a smirk, especially when they see how flustered you become from Sirius’s actions. 
“Stop it,” you move your face to the side in embarrassment and bashfully push him away by his shoulders but it was no use since the grip of his hands firmly lingered on your waist, “Sirius!” the man in question bites his lip to suppress a large grin. He loves hearing you say his name, especially when you whine the way you do. 
“Alright lovebirds, break it up,” Remus finally breaks you two apart, shooting a sympathetic smile your way; he knows better than anyone how prodigious Sirius’s presence can be, especially up close, “we still have to practise for our gig next week,”
This makes you smile, “A gig?” you turn to Sirius who nods, eyes softening at your obvious excitement for them. 
“Yeah,” he pulls you to his side by the waist again and presses a kiss into your temple, “do you want to come and see us play?”
“Yes please!” you chirp already bouncing on the balls of your feet from excitement. 
“We’ll save you a table with Lily then!” James announces, “She’ll be coming to see us too,” 
“Lily is James’s girl,” Sirius explains in a whisper when you tilt your head in question at the new name. 
“Perfect! Your music already sounds amazing,” you gush, putting a smile on all of their faces, “so I can’t wait to finally see the visuals of the performance too!” This gets Sirius’s attention. He maintains the smirk on his lips when leading you back out with your empty tray in hand and after you had said your goodbyes to the boys. 
“When we perform,” Sirius begins, taking your hand as you step outside, stopping you and turning your attention back to him, “only be looking at me, okay, doll?” his other hand grips the door frame and he’s suddenly a towering silhouette rather than a gentleman at your side. 
“O-okay,” you stutter with your heart, voice squeaking and face hot. 
“Attagirl,” he winks and kisses your hand, never breaking eye contact before stepping back into his apartment. 
You can’t wait until next week…  
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A/N : here's a small continuation of one of your favourite timestamps, my lovelies, i'll see if i can make more part 2s for my other popular time stamps as well. i have also taken the liberty of tagging additional people who have shown interest in the first part of this, i hope that's alright.
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins ; @astonishment ; @until-i-found-you ; @goodoldfashionedluvergirl ; @tiensmamains ; @neeezza101 ; @raevyng ; @prongsio ; @its-sappho-biotch
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sayoneee · 9 months
even after your rise to fame, sirius is still as determined to annoy you as ever (1.4k)
contains: rockstar! sirius black x fem! reader. references to motley crue. swearing. theyre americans sry. fake dating au
kashaf’s note: this is a very indulgent atrocity. pls dont flop
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“THE TWO OF YOU are quite the rivals,” the tv show host begins, smiling wide—his teeth are almost as blinding as the studio lights glaring at you from behind him, casting a shine on his bald head. your eyes focus on the spot as he continues, almost leering at you, in his regular, oily fashion as his mustache—almost as if it gained a life of its own—seemingly wiggles at you. caught up in the distractions of it all, you almost miss the end of his question entirely, “how did this fearsome rivalry turn into the sudden whirlwind romance we’ve all been hearing about?”
the host plasters on a well-practiced smile, too plastic to be anywhere near genuine, and you’re reminded of why you cannot stand the industry and all the interviews that came with it. the longer you sit here, the more you regret saying yes to your manager’s sudden whim to turn yours and sirius’ mutual hatred into a cloyingly sweet love story in an effort to sell concert tickets for your upcoming (separate) tours. 
realizing that sirius was not about to grace the tv show host with an answer, you take the lead—your manager never said you couldn’t have any fun with this, so, eyes twinkling, you set out to ruin every shred of sirius’ infamous bad-boy persona. you leaned forward, adopting a conspiratorial whisper as if letting the host and the audience on a well-kept secret as if you weren’t a rockstar and there weren’t cameras picking up on your every movement, “well, i’ll have to admit, it took a lot for sirius to actually win me over. but i mean how many times can you say a man serenaded you, standing outside the window of your apartment in the dead of night with ‘my girl’ by the temptations?”
you leaned back on the couch, a self-satisfied grin on your face as the audience cooed their adoration, and the host’s expression morphed from one of shock (even this old geezer knew of sirius black’s reputation for stringing along a long list of broken hearts) into a more neutral one. 
you glanced at sirius, noticing him opening his mouth to reply, but you couldn’t have him ruin your fun, so you continued, “it was so sweet—i couldn’t even laugh at him, poor guy, we all know why he’s a drummer and not the singer.”
the audience burst into laughter, swept up and pulled in by your playful words and almost easy-going affection. 
sparing a glance at sirius, whose usual swagger and fuck-all demeanor seemed to be missing, you watched as he blinked twice, before settling back into his persona. the viewers at home and the current audience would later declare this to be an endearing reaction to your loud show of love; even your respective bandmates would believe the act. only your manager, having conducted the arrangement herself, would be privy to the truth.
you basked in your victory: sirius: zero, you: one; as short-lived as it was as sirius leveled a roguish grin at the cameras, and the audience, stretching enough for his band tee to ride up and a small silver of skin to be noticeable, before wrapping an arm around your shoulder, and shuffling you uncomfortably closer. 
“what can i say—only the best for my girl,” he shrugged, grinning so large, he was almost baring his teeth. 
the audience tittered, their amusement palpable, as the interviewer excitedly leaned forward, almost as if he was forgetting he was delving into the details of a relationship between two nineteen-year-old rock stars, “would you say that you’re head over heels?” 
“oh, totally,” sirius confirmed with a smirk, nothing short of self-assured, as he squeezed your shoulder, “i actually wrote a song of ours about her.” 
it takes all of your self-control to not grind your teeth right now and to reach over and slap him—his shameless promotion was going to jeopardize this stupid fake relationship and ruin both of your careers. you manage to keep your fake smile plastered on and your hands controlled. the silver lining in this entire ordeal was that this was a lesson learned for you because next time you weren’t going to mess around with any other rockstars—oh no, you’re swearing off rockstars, entirely. 
the tv show host leans forward, almost on the edge of his seat, making you shift imperceptibly closer to sirius, “now, come on, young man, don’t keep us hanging.”
sirius smirks again, his gaze lingering on you so briefly, you feel like you imagined it, “i wrote ‘looks that kill’ off our latest album about her.”
the host, far too caught up in unraveling the details of your whirlwind romance for any respectable aging old man, rushed to provide context, “for our listeners who are not yet familiar with the marauders’ latest album, it’s called ‘shout at the devil’.”
“listen, i know all you critics are gonna be like ‘oh that’s such a superficial song’ and all that bullshit,” here, the audience titters at the profanity, but sirius only looks faintly apologetic, running a hand through his messy hair, “but what i was thinking when i wrote was about the first time i met her and how i just kept thinking she was the prettiest girl i’d ever seen, even when she was yelling at me.”
he’s earnest—his expression almost looks raw, like he’s personally telling you all this—and the rare show of vulnerability from a rockstar as infamous is alluring. sirius even referenced the moment the two of you solidified your mutual hatred across the world of rock n roll—getting papped in the midst of a heated argument. his charisma is on an entirely different level that even you, like the audience, get swept up in his little show for just a minute, before you’re able to snap out of it.
the audience coos over the two of you, yet again, and you reach up to play with his hand hanging off the edge of your shoulder, not wanting to be outdone. you make a mental note to remind sirius that he definitely had potential as an actor if he ever decided to make an industry switch, even though you supposed he was laying it on a bit thick, trying to ignore the sudden burning in your cheeks and the warmth you felt in your chest. 
the host’s voice faded into the background as the applause of the audience washed over you, and you exchanged a knowing glance with sirius. as you stepped off the stage, the rush of adrenaline that had carried you through the interview began to wane, and you found yourself standing in the parking lot, the world around you returning to its regular pace. 
there he was, leaning against his suzuki, effortlessly cool, the helmet hanging nonchalantly from the handle. a smirk tugged at his lips, almost as if he knew you were both playing a dangerous game. he was an invitation for danger, and after dealing with him and his antics, you knew better than to get involved.
however, even though you knew better, you couldn’t help yourself. you never could, around him—like a moth drawn to a flame, you were always drawn to the temptation that was him. you approached him, feeling nowhere like the undaunted rockstar you were recognized as. 
you stared up at him as the sun glared down at both of you, casting a glint off his silver nose ring. the silence was almost as suffocating as the heat. 
“y’know,” you started, the desperation evident, and you wondered if he noticed, “you could make a really good actor if you wanted.”
“huh?” sirius blinked, momentarily caught off guard by your unexpected remark. his confusion quickly gave way to a familiar grin, the twinkle in his eyes betraying the mischief hidden beneath the surface. “yeah, i definitely put on the performance of a lifetime.”
you rolled your eyes at his reply, well aware of his knack for charming his way out of any situation. “where’d you get the brilliant idea to self-promote your album using the bullshit about writing about me? now lily’s going to be after me to do the same to promote ours.”
sirius let out a chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck in a gesture that was strangely endearing. the confident facade he usually wore seemed to fade, revealing an almost nervousness alien to him, “i guess i really am just a genius.”
you couldn't help but scoff at his self-assuredness, recognizing the teasing tone in his voice. he stared off into the distance, lost in thought. then, as if jolted back to reality, he turned his attention back to you, his grey eyes piercing and direct.
“do you wanna get out of here?”
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© sayoneee on tumblr. do not repost, translate, plagiarize or claim any of my works as your own.
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