#drink water dem
azmaarts · 11 months
Petition to Unalive Backgrounds.
The title says it.
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Thanks to the recent hype, I'm being reabsorbed into the Blue Lock franchise/fandom. My sleep schedule has shifted back from 12:00AM to 3:00AM. I've been high off of endorphins reading the official paperbacks, and now hangovers are whooping my gluteus maximus. ;-;
Anyway, it all starts with my love for ma boi, Nagi. I read this series back in 2020 or 2021, and to this day, one of my favorite scenes is the one where he scores the first goal at the U-20 match. So, naturally, I wanted to set my new phone wallpaper as that!
30 minutes of Googling, Binging, and Pinteresting... nothing.
With no satisfactory wallpaper, I looked at my drawing tablet and thought, Well, fak it. Imma do it myself. *inserts Thanos meme*
And that's how the nightmare started. :D
I find my references, and BAM. Sketch done. Pretty EZ cuz I had a solid vision in mind already.
A quick greyscale filling and dramatic eye color.... and I was done!
But on hon hon! YOU FOOL!
Curled like a shrimp, I stared at my new lockscreen. (Maybe this is a lesson for me to never stare at my art for more than 5 minutes.) Strangely, I felt a churn of dissatisfaction (or midnight hunger).
Maybe I should add some more saturation.
Maybe I should try...
Adding the background?
And so, after two days of trying to draw grass and people instead of seeing their 3D counterparts (JK, I still had to go to work and utilize my vernacular amongst those fleshy beings)... I finally finished.
OK. Maybe not finished finished...
Who am I kidding? Give me another three minutes to stare at my new lock screen and I'll probably start learning Blender to 3D animate my wallpaper or background or smth.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. UwU
*Yoinks you into a chokehold*
Who's your favorite Blue Lock character(s)? :D
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fandomdancer · 7 months
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Call the fire department cause this blaze is about to go UP
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theeladyking · 7 months
Okay, I know the obvious solution for where Stede got all dem bottles from is that he was literally working at a bar and they would've just been lying around
But I have a gremlin brain
So imagine, if you will, Stede starting his little ritual of writing to Ed one night when he's very drunk and sad and the crew isn't sure they really trust him again yet, if they ever trusted him at all. Stede's alone in the bar and all he wants is to talk to his Edward
Stede doesn't know if he'll ever get to talk to his Edward again
So he drinks and he cries and he scrawls his thoughts down on a ye olde bar napkin and drunkenly shoves it into the empty bottle for safekeeping
Eventually Stede passes out at the table he's sat at. Someone wakes him up the next morning - maybe the Swede - and asks why he's sleeping in the bar. Stede starts to explain, but his head is pounding, so he decides to go for a walk. He grabs a random bottle to keep him company
Eventually he makes it down to the water - the Republic of Pirates is a pretty small island, after all. Stede goes to take a swig from the bottle he's brought, but finds it dry. He sees the letter and feels some stirrings of embarrassment - he's supposed to be Captain Not-Bonnet, a fearsome (temporarily grounded) pirate. How can his crew depend on him if he's getting sloppy drunk and writing cringe love notes after work?
Just as Stede is about to throw the bottle containing his love letter into the sea, he has the wild thought that once it's out there, Ed might find it. It can't possibly be worth it just to save face with Stede's crew, Ed deserves better than his drunken ramblings
Or maybe what Ed deserves is for Stede to be brave, just this once. Besides, the ocean's a big place. Surely Ed won't find this letter. And if he does? Maybe that's okay. If any piece of Stede's heart can reach across the Caribbean, it'll be closer to Ed than the rest of Stede is, and that's all he really wants
So Stede throws the bottle-letter out to the waves and feels instantly a little lighter than he did yesterday
Tl;dr Stede Bonnet invented the drunk text
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icyg4l · 4 months
Pick-A-Poet: How Can You Heal Your Ancestral Trauma?
Paid Readings
Hello people, thank you for your patience. In honor of Black History Month, I am dedicating a series to Black American icons. This post is dedicated to Black American poets. Below, there will be a quote that was chosen from one of their poems to go along with the reading. The deck that will be used in this series is the Hoodoo Tarot deck. Without further ado, please pick the poet that stands out to you.
***Disclaimer: Some topics may be triggering to whomever is viewing.
Left-to-Right (1-3): Maya Angelou, Countee Cullen, Reneé Watson.
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“Love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls” - Maya Angelou, Touched by an Angel.
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Cards Used: Three of Coins, Dr. Buzzard, Dem Bones (RX), Mother of Baskets, Ten of Coins, Strength.
Pile One: For those of you that resonated with the quote from Maya Angelou, I have a question for you. You do know that you don’t have to be anyone’s ride or die, right? You are loyal to a fault. But it’s literally within your bloodline to be that way. There could be someone in your family who was scapegoated, falsely accused of a crime or could have went to jail for something that was easily avoidable. I heard, “Make it right. Do what’s best for you.” You could be in the process of making a life changing decision right now but the air is foggy. It’s okay to be selfish, if it means you’ll be led down the right path. You don’t need to follow what everyone else is doing. Your ancestors want you to know that you don’t need to be so hard on yourself either. Compassionate TLC is what you need to give yourself. I keep seeing images of quick weave hairstyles in my head & my head got itchy while I was doing this reading. I think you need to take a break from these & let your scalp breathe. Let yourself breathe in general. For those of you that are darker skinned, there is a female ancestor (grandmother or aunt) that wants you to know it’s okay to experiment with your personal style. I’m channeling Doechii’s energy. You don’t seem to be conventional, they respect it. So don’t be scared to look different. People will always have something to say but your beauty is admired by all.
“Death cut the strings that gave me life, and handed me to sorrow” - Countee Cullen, Saturday’s Child.
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Cards Used: Black Herman, Ace of Knives, Nine of Knives, Eight of Coins, Aunt Caroline, Daughter of Knives, Three of Knives, Six of Baskets.
Pile Two: You do know that you don’t have much to worry about, right? Throughout American history, we have seen the documented struggles of Black Americans. With each generation, the next would have one less thing to worry about. Your ancestors want to tell you that you are more privileged than you think you are. You tend to worry about things that are out of your control. I feel that a lot of you could have dealt with unexpected death a lot in the past couple of years, specifically dealing with the lungs/heart. Your ancestors could have a history of heart disease/lung disease. This could have been a family member that you drifted apart from & you feel guilty for it. But there’s nothing that you can do to change the past, my love! What you can do is take care of your physical body. Join the gym. Drink lemon water. Eat when you feel like it & don’t label any foods are ‘good’ or ‘bad’. I heard someone coughing; you should avoid smoking cigarettes & weed as well or really any substance intake. Eat bananas too! You can only control what goes on with I also feel that some of your ancestors could have been hypochondriacs, had OCD or suffered from religious delusions. I would considering talking to a therapist if you feel that you’re headed down that path. Make decisions that are beneficial to your freedom but remember to count your blessings.
“Our bodies, a mosaic of languages forgotten, of freedom songs and moaned prayers” - Black Girls Rising, Reneé Watson.
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Cards Used: Big Mama, Miss Ida, Ace of Sticks, Mother of Sticks, Six of Knives and Three of Sticks.
Pile Three: You’ve been saying you’re going to move out of the city you’re in for too long. Get out and stop talking about your plans to relocate. Your ancestors don’t think that there is anything there for you anymore. Your family could have lived in this city for decades but it’s changed so much that you don’t even recognize it anymore. Some of you could be from the East Coast, specifically Philly or Baltimore. You need to get out before you talk yourself into circles again. Some of y’all could be in school about to finish up a degree; keep going. A grandmother spirit is so so so proud of you. Before you relocate, take some days off to visit so that you can see what this new city is like. Many of your ancestors were not able to make plans and go through with them because of unfortunate life situations. Teen/unexpected pregnancy, severe mental illness and/or murder could have been factors that prevented them from following their dreams. If teen pregnancy runs in the family, you should acknowledge this as a fear of yours so that you can make smart decisions in regard to sex rather than making costly choices. Also, practice safe sex with a partner that is equally as conscious as you. Your ancestors want you to know that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. You have bright ideas and you should share them with the world. Be confident in your spotlight. You deserve to take up space.
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thatswhywelovegermany · 3 months
Reichtum gleicht dem Seewasser: Je mehr man davon trinkt, desto durstiger wird man.
Wealth is like sea water: the more you drink of it, the thirstier you become.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860), German philosopher
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m-jelly · 5 months
Hello, Jelly! How are you?
What about demon prince! Levi? The reader is a witch who must give her soul to the Demon King, but he does not accept this payment.
Instead, he asks for her hand in marriage for his only son, the demon prince Levi. Levi is lonely and his father is worried about him, so he thinks that finding a mate for him is a good solution.
The reader agrees to this, which results in Levi and her falling madly in love. Levi is happy that he has found the love of his life, just like his beloved
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@ladycheesington <3
Spell veil
Levi x dem!reader
Royal AU, demon Levi, witch reader, fluff, romance, arranged marriage, falling in love, love at first sight.
You're meant to offer your soul for power to the demon king, but the king is concerned about his lonely son. Instead of losing your soul, the king offers you marriage to his son. You meet the prince and the two of you fall helplessly in love with each other.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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"I decline, but I do have another offer."
You stared at the demon King. "You decline? Is there something wrong with my soul?"
"It's too nice." He chuckled. "Nothing wrong with that. I just need something different."
You pouted a little at the handsome King. "So, what is this other offer?"
He released a long sigh as he considered his offer. The wooden throne creaked when he rose from him. A thudding from his boots echoed in the room when he descended the stairs. Even though he was tall, he had this kind and soothing aura about him, it was hard to believe he was the demon King.
A gentle smile spread on his lips. "You are really cute and you're talented."
You frowned. "Thank you?"
"Are you single?"
He clasped his hands together. "Wonderful! So is my son! He is very handsome, strong, kind and he has a lot of love to give." He ushered you along and through his grand halls. "He is hardworking as well. He's normally drinking tea and working on some papers in his office or the grand greenhouse." He stopped a maid. "Where is my son?"
The maid bowed. "His Highness is in the greenhouse."
"Thank you!" He dragged you to the greenhouse that took your breath away.
The greenhouse was like an old Victorian one. A large water feature was in the middle. Grand flowers and trees decorated the walls. Near the edge of the greenhouse was a cosy corner with blankets, seats, cushions and a very handsome man sat with papers.
You gasped as heat spread over your cheeks. "Wow."
The king chuckled. "Told you he's handsome." He strolled over to his son and left you standing there. "Levi! My boy. I have someone for you."
Levi looked up from his papers. "Mm?"
"You've been lonely and I said I would find you a wife, so I found you this cute witch!"
Levi leaned a little to look around his father at you. Hopes were not high in Levi, but as soon as he locked eyes with you his heart raced in his chest. To him, you were beautiful beyond words could describe. Instinct took over. He rose to his feet and approached you. A gentle sparkled filled his eyes as he gazed at you.
Your heart skipped a beat when Levi smiled a little bit before caressing your cheek. You bowed your head and hummed. "Y-Your Highness."
"Levi, please." He lifted some of your hair and kissed it. "What is your name?"
You stammered your name. "It's lovely to meet you."
"You too." He gulped hard, he didn't wat to mess up his chance with you. "Would you like to join me for tea?"
He escorted you to his little corner and poured you a drink. "Tell me everything about you."
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Maids and butlers moved out of the way of the prince while he stormed his way through the halls. Months ago they used to clear the path because he was always in a mood, but then the King brought you into his life and Levi had changed.
Levi was on a mission and this time it was for love. He knew exactly where you were and he knew very well his father did it on purpose. The grand doors of the throne room appeared before him, he was here for you. With a swift kick, the doors slammed open to reveal the King, Queen and you.
The King smiled at Levi and waved. "Hello, son!"
Levi looked at what was going on, it seemed you were showing them a few spells. He hurried over to you and scooped you up into his arms. "My fiancée, mine."
Your cheeks burned as you felt a little flustered. "Levi, the king-."
"Is my father and I'm your fiancé. I want you." He pouted so sweetly. "Ignore my father."
You smiled a little. "You want attention?"
"Of course." He carried you away from his parents. "I'm a very demanding demon. I desire my fiancée's full attention."
You hugged him tightly as he carried you through the halls. "You have me. So, where are we going?"
"To our corner in the greenhouse."
You kissed his cheek causing him to blush. "Did you ever think that you'd be like this with someone years ago?"
"No." He smiled down at you. "But I'm so glad you tried to offer your soul to my father because now I have you." He lay you down on a bed of blankets. "Mine for eternity."
You gasped at the thought. "You're right, we'll be together for eternity."
He leaned over you and began kissing your neck and face. "Does that make you happy?"
You cupped his face and smiled sweetly. "Very."
He played with your hair as you lightly played with his pointed ears an then his horns. "I love it when you touch me as much as you do."
You hummed a laugh. "You're just so soft and warm."
He called your name. "My little spell bunny, I love you."
You smiled at your handsome fiancé. "I love you, Levi."
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hammercarexplosion · 2 months
It's hilarious to me how txttletale and their ilk will make posts with such bizarre, baseless, and unsorced shit about anarchist beliefs. These people get online to tell lies about other leftists and get thousands upon thousands of reblogs for it. "Anarchists love George Orwell" says you. "Anarchists always end up running as democracts" says you. "Anarchists drink water without any ice." At a point, it's just like, I'm not gonna fuck you, baby. If it wasn't so embarrassing and alienating, it might be flattering how obsessed you are with us "libertines" without ever having actually held a conversation with one.
I'm a psyop for trying to get unwilling dems to vote third party because fuck the DNC and all that, but lil miss divide and conquer isn't worth a second glance? Fed behavior.
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
Weekend Update 04/14/2024
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Nerdie, you’re kinda late tonight.
Yeah, it was all taxes this weekend. 😭 Ugh. But it’s done. Let’s not talk about it anymore.
OK…So what’s new?
Back to work after time off. Adjusting and writing. I did watch the Ryan Gosling SNL episode. I laughed so hard.
I did get a manicure and pedicure - 💜 purple hehe!
I did read some fics this week:
1. Something Old by @fhatbhabie (Javi G x plus size female)
2. Sexting by @reallyrallyauthor (Steven Grant x Marc Spector x Jake Lockley x You)
3. Enchanted to Meet You by @beskarandblasters (Din Djarin x f reader)
4. Fires at Midnight by @inept-the-magnificent (Lucian Flores x f reader)
5. A Midnight Plea by @soft-persephone (Marc Spector x fem reader)
6. A Galaxy Far Far Away part 6: Halloween at Juniper Cottage - Pick your own pumpkin by @grogusmum (Din Djarin x earthling f reader)
7. I’ll Give You The Moon by @soft-persephone (Marc Spector x fem reader)
8. Mi Santa by @fhatbhabie (Frankie Morales x reader)
I did write some this week 👀 I’m sorry I’m advance. Things ended up dark. 😭 Those are marked with the red.
Back & Nose, Hair and Hat - (Only Parts of you Mr. Morales Series)
Her smile was worth it - for the iamasaddie writing challenge 2.0 (Pero Tovar modern AU DARK FIC)
Interlude Two - Tell me about her and Part Seven Merging the Star Clusters - (The Lake between us Series)
Scarlet Stains and their Echoes (DARK FIC) - Post Apocalyptic Fluff and Stuff
Chapter 3: Can we talk for a minute? - This is the Neighborhood Din Series.
This week there were a few things, like the writing challenge 2.0 @iamasaddie put together. We sent in asks, pick a color (I did it to myself, I asked for mob enforcer- where else was the fic to go but dark?) Despite being kinda freaked out at what I wrote (I’ll need to process that later) I like it. I usually don’t do dark fics but given recent themes in my writing it’s there. 👀 So I’ll write it if it pops up in the brain.
And this past weekend (I totally missed but sweethearts @perotovar and @honeyedmiller tagged me in) was the @swiftiscruff friendship exchange. From what I saw, people are writing fics for each other, making gif and moodboards and proving much needed friendship and fun. 😎
I’m sure there are other things. But I dunno what they are. 🤣 I hope everyone enjoys what they’re working on. And if you need to rest, drink some water, dance around, nap, all the things.
This week there will another chapter of Din’s neighborhood, I FINALLY have more Din fluff. Well in the neighborhood and Star Ocean Series. I should have another chapter of Benny and actual fluff post apocalypse. It escaped last week. So we’re bringing it back.
No more Ezra and his gumbo or tanktop 🥺 Part 8 will be up next Sunday. His prose will be no more for now. 🙃
My Frankie miniseries will be almost done. This Friday and the next Friday of my math is right. lol
Special thanks:
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings for finding an excellent pic of Frankie’s back and giving me notes on smut that I chose not to use for now
@connectioneverywhere for letting me talk their thumbs off and putting them to sleep. 🤣
@soft-persephone I see you 👀 Two words: Dem noses. 👃 You know. 😄
@megamindsecretlair You need to write about some curls! Telling me and Softie to write about them. You know which curls. 🤭
@soft-girl-musings Songbird, Cabbie and loud ass Marcello on drums. Why did I half expect him to be playing drums on SNL? 😂 He was wearing a very loud shirt so half credit.
@tinytinymenace it’s always fun seeing your namesake laying and just relaxing. 😎 With a dope poof.
@604to647 I really appreciated your ask and messages this week. 💜
Have a great week everyone! 🥰
Love Nerdie ❤️❤️❤️
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ronkeyroo · 4 months
Hi! I'm the amalgamation of every soul who ever left any positive comment or piece of support on your art; past present or future. You had something you wanted to tell us?
I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE ANON HNGHFN, You've left a conflicted, yet all the more warm smile on my face.
Each and every kind soul that shared their support and love with me throughout my struggles is an individual i want to cherish and thank personally ;_;) To cover everything with a blanket Thank you is always something I can do, and if im blessed by an abundance of people far greater in realistic measure to be able to thank individually - I will. But right now, i want to focus on recovering from my blockage, to learn to experience how its like to communicate with people again; Granted, i am going through such a hectic, stressful period in my life - That even that still proves to be a slow process, but its one im willing to put my heart and effort into whenever the time and energy rises for it ;A;
But alright alright, I WILL take the opportunity still!
Everyone, if there's anything I could tell you right now: Please... Imagine me extending out my dumb werewolf arms to hoist you all into a warm hug; my eyes starry and my lip quivering...MAKE SURE YOU STAY WARM THIS WINTER OKAY ITS FUCKING COLD ,GET YOURSELF A HEATBAG AND A CUTE PAIR OF FLUFFY SOCKS, DRINK PLENTY AND PISS PLENTY TOO OKAY, WHEN YOU DONT DRINK IT LITERALLY CREATES A STRESS RESPONSE IN THE BODY YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN BE AWARE OF AND THAT MESS FUCKS WITH YOU ESP IF YOU ALREADY DEALIN WITH SOMETHIN. I KNOW ITS TEDIOUS TO DRINK WATER ALL THE TIME SO JUST MIX IT UP WITH THINLY SLICED CUCUMBERS, MINT LEAVES, AND LEMON AND LEAVE THAT GOODINESS IN A BOTTLE OVERNIGHT, IT COMES OUT HELLA REFRESHING, TASTY, AND YOU GET DEM H20 INTO YOUR BODY WITHOUT IT BEING BORING. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF BY BEING KIND TO YOUR BODY AND UR INNER SELF , nONE OF THAT SELF SACRIFICIAL/BERATING SHIT, YOU DON NEED THAT. And lastly - Thank you, thank you for being here to share in the joy, for loving my work and hyping me up whenever I upload ;_;) I keep repeating myself like that one red vox song from my spotify wrapped but i screw it ill say it again; I love being here with you all so much, and i couldn't have asked for a better platform for all of our silly, heartful and disastrous wonderful shenanigans ♥
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
Fanfic Guide
Been meaning to organize this here for a while and just haven't so here goes!
I am JustMyName on A03! (some people have told me they had no idea)
Here are some fics I've written for Stranger Things:
✨Touch Me Like You Know Me ▻rating: M ▻status: Complete ▻words: 14,894 ▻ ship: Byler ▻ description: Mike doesn't go home anymore, not unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he stays far away from Hawkins, quietly shutting himself off from the world, and burying the pain of the things he never said to the boy he'd left behind. But when his mother convinces him to return home for his thirty-fifth birthday, Mike is finally forced to confront just how much he'd given up when he runs into Will by accident. Mike-centric. Estranged Byler reconnection fic. Soft and Sweet.
✨Death Lies in Wait ▻ rating: M ▻ status: Ongoing ▻ words: 13,322▻ ship: Arranged Madwheeler, Byler, Lumax, Mileven, Secret Ship ▻ description: Massachusetts, 1890. Max Mayfield is twenty-six years old and at the hand of her parents, settles for a marriage of convenience to a widowed lighthouse keeper. A stranger she'll be trapped with for the rest of her life on a lonely strip of land surrounded by nothing but endless, lonely sea. But, as she settles into her life, and she and her new husband try to coexist, they get wrapped up in a mysterious presence on the cape. It calls to them. It's lulling and coaxing and sings to them at night. Max discovers the secrets her new husband keeps. Mermaids and ghosts of the past come to haunt them. Madwheeler/Byler//Lumax Gothic AU- Mermaid Will. UPDATED 6/13!
✨The Pact ▻ rating: M ▻ status: Ongoing ▻words: 97,440 ▻ship: Madwheeler, Byler, Elumax ▻ description: A pact between Max and Mike gone wrong gets them both unanimously voted out of the Party and they find themselves stuck with each other the summer after Graduation: fighting, commiserating, and begrudgingly discovering they are a lot more alike than they originally thought. UPDATED 4/30!
✨Certain Slant of Light ▻ rating: M ▻ status: Ongoing ▻words: ▻ship: Byler, Will x OC. description: Will just wants to get through his last year of high school without incident, to feel normal for once in his life, and try to survive the building tension between him and Mike that grows with every word left unsaid. On the first day of school, Will meets someone new who may finally offer him the acceptance he craves, but he’s unsure what to do when it causes his relationship with Mike to hit a breaking point, forcing them both to confront their true feelings. And to make matters worse, Vecna is always there, whispering in his ear, and letting him know his fated role in the inevitable fall of Hawkins. Slow Burn. Will-centric. Mike-centric later chapters. UPDATED 5/31!
✨ Mashed Potatoes ▻rating: G ▻ status: Complete ▻ words: 1,352 ▻ ship: Byler ▻description: "Wait," Mike says, grabbing the carton of milk out of Will's hand. Will blinks, his brows creasing in confusion. "What?" he asks with uncertainty. "We need milk, don't we?"
Mike stares at the carton Will has chosen. It's labeled with red lettering and a stamp of a picturesque farm across the front. Whole milk. Mike shrugs. "I mean----yeah. But-----" he raises an eyebrow. "Whole milk?" Will huffs and rolls his yes. "Yes. Whole milk? What milk did you want?" Mike shifts on his feet and pulls at the waist of his usual black jeans. "Well, I mean----we always drank skim at our house." Now, Will's mouth opens up a little. Offended.
"Skim?!" he asks, completely appalled. "Who actually drinks skim milk? You might as well drink water."
Mike and Will really think the other is wrong in their grocery shopping decisions. NEW!
✨I Held On As Tightly As You Held Onto Me ▻ rating: T ▻ status: Complete ▻ words: 7,014 ▻ ship: Byler ▻ description: After years of life getting in the way---be it by distance or choices made--Mike hasn't seen Will in almost a decade. But one cold winter's night, he's back in town and Mike cooks him a meal.
✨Demons of Change and Wildflower Eyes ▻ rating: M ▻ status: Ongoing ▻ words: 9,609 ▻ship: Byler, minor: Henderhop, Lumax. ▻ description: High school hasn't been easy for Will Byers, and he's had to live with the emotional scars of a loveless father and supernatural worlds as well as the physical ones from the hands of the bullies that make his everyday existence hell. One night, when he's looking for some peace and quiet Will comes upon one of them and something surprising happens. As he and Mike Wheeler tentatively open up to each other, they just might discover they may be exactly what they need to give each other much needed healing and self-acceptance. Can they survive everything that comes along with that?
✨When We Wake Up ▻ rating: T ▻ status: Complete ▻ words: 23,428 ▻ ship: Byler ▻description: Will and Mike having to share a room while waiting for the impending apocalypse and the utter torture it is for both of them.
✨Come Away With Me ▻ rating: T ▻status: Complete ▻ words: 18,760 ▻ ship: Byler ▻ description: “Two shots ring out! BAM!-then a pause-BAM! Mike’s head snaps towards the sound, squinting his eyes to orient himself to the darkness. A guttural, pained wail echoes through the trees as if some forsaken wraith howls at him in this lonely forest, it’s voice sounding all too familiar. Then, a loud screeching roar follows close behind it. Another shot! Mike sucks in a wretched, frightened breath, his heart thrashing in his chest so hard that it feels as if it might shatter his ribs. Dread settles sickeningly in his belly. "Will….” OR: The one in which Mike gets to be Will's knight in shining armor. Tending Wounds Fic.
✨ We Are All Fools In Love ▻ rating: T ▻ status: On Hiatus ▻ words: 13,098 ▻ ship: Byler ▻ description: Fifteen years after being forcibly separated as children, William Bennet recognizes a familiar brooding face, plucked from another lifetime across a crowded ballroom. As his and Michael Darcy's paths begin to merge once more, they discover they are now separated by more than only time and distance, but faults which lie within their own hearts. Matters of pride and prejudice. Regency au of our dreams.
Other Fics:
🌙 I'm Trying All the Time ➢fandom: Turn ➢ rating: E ➢ status: Complete ➢ Words: 22,020 ➢ ship: Townhull ➢ description: In which Abe and Robert end up in the coat room after all. The aftermath of an unexpected moment between them forces Robert and Abe to come to terms with their feelings.
Season 4 alternative timeline. 4 parts.
🌙 We Could Be the Embers ➢ fandom: Turn ➢ rating: M ➢ status: Complete ➢ words: 13,347 ➢ ship: Townhull ➢ description: Robert must stay in Setauket after delivering the intelligence that saved Washington's camp. With Abraham, of course.
🌙 I Find Myself in the Morning's Light ➢ fandom: Severance ➢ rating: T ➢ status: Complete ➢ Words: 2,656 ➢ characters: Devon and Mark ➢ description: Devon and Mark's immediate conversation following iMark's stunning revelation. Season Finale spoilers. Loving Siblings.
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Do you think any of them shat themselves on stage?
here i am looking for happy guys, little pranks, nice warm fuzzy stuff....and get an anon ask like this, looking for....well...a different kind of warm fuzzy stuff 😄
I don't think i have the answer (and maybe i don't want to 😇)...
....but we have a little bit of info from Flake's book "Heute hat die Welt Geburtstag" (page 76)
"Ich wühle in der Eiskiste. Ich muss viel mehr trinken, ich bin völlig ausgetrocknet und habe dafür nur noch eine Stunde Zeit, denn wenn ich kurz vor dem Konzert etwas trinke, muss ich während des Konzerts dringend pinkeln. Da sind mir schon die unangenehmsten Sachen passiert. Ich kann ja beim Konzert nicht weg, und zwischen den Liedern sind nur ganz kurze Pausen. Nachdem ich einmal ein halbes Lied weg gewesen war und die Band sich aufgeregt hatte, habe ich mir das nächste Mal einfach in die Hosen gepinkelt. Das erzähle ich nur sehr ungern. Aber so schlimm war es dann gar nicht. <..> Trotzdem bin ich natürlich nicht wild darauf, jeden Abend einzupinkeln, und trinke lieber in gebührendem Abstand vor dem Konzert mein Wasser. Und dieser Abstand ist jetzt."
"I'm rummaging through the ice chest. I have to drink a lot more, I'm completely dehydrated and I only have an hour left to do it, because if I drink something shortly before the concert, I'll have to pee urgently during the concert. That's where I'm most uncomfortable things have happened. I can't leave the concert, and there are only very short breaks between songs. After I was gone for half a song and the band got upset, I just peed my pants the next time. I hate to say that. But it wasn't that bad. <..> Nevertheless, I'm not keen on peeing myself every evening and prefer to drink my water at a reasonable distance before the concert. And that distance is now."
Fortunately we know that nowadays the band has a portable toilet available right behind the stage, so in case of need...
(the story of how Flake got sick in his sleepingbag on a Feeling B tour is one for another day as anon didn't ask for *that* 😇)
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amoxicillin-tangent · 10 months
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"her · it · age"
property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance.
i visit my hometown for the first time in a decade. i have never felt more or less like me. before today, i was no one because i had nowhere to remember and nothing that was truly mine. and now i feel like someone again. someone with roots.
my roots are filthy, nasty, rotten. set in a town with more bayous than banks, backwater, backwoods. my roots are set in trailer parks with moon crater puddles of stagnant water. my roots are set in putrid places where flowers refuse to bloom.
but at the corner right past the railroad that goes on forever, there is a trailer home without air conditioning where the hummingbirds fly. that is where my murky, trashy, broken roots begin and they are mine.
i buy a french vanilla cappuccino from a corner store that's open all night. the cashier takes one look at me and say "that'll be a dollar forty-nine. yer one-a dem Gauthier girls, aintcha?" and I nod politely, say yes ma'am i am, though i'm a Gauthier in face and not name. i pay a dollar bill and 2 quarters for my drink. she gives me a dime in change. by the time i realize she got it wrong, it's too late for me to turn back. i pocket the 10-cent piece. maybe I'll frame it.
there's a man selling peaches by the basket on the roadside. i buy a single one. it drips down my chin and tastes like heaven like home, and the scent won't leave my breath. i turn the car around and go back, understanding now why he sells them in batches of 20.
the clouds are fallen angels turning their backs on the world. everything prays for the south-- the grass, the grain, the dirt. eventually the angel clouds turn back around, casting their shadows at the rusted crucifix on Margie's purple wall. 
there are no towers on the horizon, no mechanical sepulchers sinking their teeth into the ground to drink the oil like parched soil drinks the year's first rainfall. there are no towers here, just trees for miles and angel clouds and rickety train-cars fallen on their sides.
the roads are almost empty, where they exist at all. there is more traffic at night. some of it is ghosts. no one questions this.
the neighbor ladies sip sweet tea and their gossip sounds like ice cubes clinking against smudged glasses, "didja hear Jessica's baby ain't right in the head?" "sure ain't. and who would be, under the circumstances? can't believe she married Chantelle." "funny, i never reckoned she'd be a dyke." there is an edge of disdain in their tea-glass voices, overshadowed by boredom.
strange things happen in the church on 1st street. the trains rush through the town. before anyone hears or sees them, they make their presence known by shaking the ground. everything is dilapidated now. the buildings are broken like a child's lincoln log castles. the families are shattered like mother's good vases.
the morning light comes and dew glistens over everything, spiderwebs stretch out bigger than my face, clover fields and dove feathers and honeysuckles litter the ground. 
everything has changed but its all the same, there are still pieces of me scattered through the world. at least i have this one back.
it's time for me to leave.
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kp777 · 1 year
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colourstreakgryffin · 11 months
Hihi!! So like, I have long nails on rn so sorry for spelling but like anyways, HI I LOVE YOUR WORKK!!! so like, I've kinda been watching your work for a long time cus it's nice so like.. can I make a request? If so then can I request muichiro with an afro reader, with the usual black charastics, ex.. afro, bigger lips, ect ect
Sorry if not!! Drink water🫶🏼
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And hopefully it loaded, so please enjoy the cat paw!!
Awwww! I love the cat paw! Thank youuu! 🥰
But also! Omfg! Thaaaank you! Finally, somebody does Muichiro! Yes, i can 100% do this!
Mui baby will be aged up to adulthood for this, btw!
Tokito Muichiro
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Your features are completely and utterly unique to everybody else. You’re not Japanese but Muichiro doesn’t mind, it flies over his head in all honesty
He likes you a lot for who you are. Your darker skin and darker features are merely a bonus for him, as people like yourself seen in Japan is quite rare
He met you during your Hashira signup process and was one of the only Hashira that didn’t remark about your skin colour. As at first, he didn’t care but now, he does care though, it’s not a issue to him
You became his friend quickly as you gave him such gratitude and praise for being kind. Muichiro didn’t really know what to think but he figured he’d let you eat with him. You are very nice, it reminded him of Tanjiro
Eventually, Muichiro grows his friendship with you and develops a crush. A crush he doesn’t understand and is a bit frightened by. He can’t be in love! He’s such a… weirdo and you’re like a angel, he doesn’t deserve you
He repeats to himself, yet, he doesn’t want a day to go by without you in it. He crumbles apart when you’re gone for too long, he needs you cause his love is unbearable to keep to himself with how intense it is. You could be in danger, he needs to find you
Muichiro is somewhat protective. The crowd aren’t fond of you and your race so he’ll defend you as much as possible as he clings into your arm and leads you away, complimenting how your features highlight the kimono you wear
Trust me, Muichiro hates when people like him mock you for your dark skin and wild fluffy dark hair. They don’t even want to get to know you, they just judge you mindlessly for being different. They should just see how much of a angel you are
Muichiro talks about you at random, even if you’re not apart of the conversation. He’ll be talking to Tanjiro about his rehabilitation training progress and then suddenly start ranting about every detail of his last dinner date with you and how much he enjoyed it
He will mindlessly confess to you, out of the blue one day as you’re eating lunch with him and make you nearly choke on your mouthful. You do really like him too, he is one of the only people here who gave you a chance so, of course you say yes
Muichiro likes how plump your lips are and kisses them a lot. He sometimes buys you lipstick so he can see how pretty your lips are decorated. And he loves it everytime
He tries his best to take care of your eccentric yet beautiful Afro but fails at every turn. You appreciate his determination as he sits down defeated. He usually gets the hang of everything on his first try. Guess not his love’s gorgeous hair
At least he can put cute hairclips and hairpins he buys for you in himself. You blush everytime he runs his hand through your hair and down your rosy cheeks
Dates with Muichiro are usually private as he wants to avoid all the people’s nonsense towards you but if you really want to go out on the town, Muichiro(who is MUCH taller than you, thanks to dem Kokushibo genes) will try block you from sight as much as possible. He hates doing this as your beauty should be out there but NO
Muichiro is very understanding towards his love. Your features don’t bother him, your different race doesn’t bother him, the cute lighter fade on your smaller hands doesn’t bother him. He cares immensely about you for everything you are. You’re beautiful on the inside and the outside to him
And he won’t stop thinking that way. As he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, make you his bride and even have children. Such a idea does float around in his head occasionally, and he treasures the image
Muichiro is so madly in love with you that he’ll defend you from all of the cruel people, work hard everyday to get back to the Mist Estate where you await and gift you with cute nicknacks he finds everyday. He believes you deserve to be spoiled
His precious angel
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bugsandcritters · 22 hours
I must be drooling so damn much in my sleep cuz i could drink an entire villages water supply and be perfectly hydrated and then i wake up like someone snuck in w dem dentist sucky tubes and stole all my spit n shiet fml....
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pretty-blkgirl · 1 year
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//Detective!gnReader//Criminal!Skz//Explicit Language//Triggering themes- such as mentions of murder, su!c!de, torture, overall violence, angst//
“Why are you alone today?” You ponder, watching the youngest of the usually inseparable men walk into the bar. It’s a Tuesday, rather early- and you thought he didn’t drink.
He didn’t like the taste of alcohol, and he hated the effects of it even more. You read that in his file, along with his whole life story, dating back to the day he was abandoned by his family.
That was the beginning for him, you think. That blatant abandonment sparked a chain reaction that left hundreds dead and millions in a state of fear.
But he wasn’t all bad, none of them were. They were generous criminals. Always giving back to the underprivileged.
They were loved by so many, but feared at the same time. You’d be a fool to attempt to step up to the gang of men.
Everyone knew what they were capable of, it’s even theorized that the government funds their crimes.
Why not join them if you knew you couldn’t beat them? However, you had only arrived in Seoul less than a month ago seeking to take these thugs down. It might take you a while, but that’s okay.
You enjoyed the country, you had no problem spending weeks, months, or even years there.
Whatever it took to catch them.
They had murdered your sister. Your sweet little sister who had went down the wrong path. Owed the wrong people some money, couldn’t pay up no matter how many chances they gave, then tried to rat them out to the police.
Cecilia, that was her name. You loved her name, she always wrote is so prettily. Now that name was plastered on a tombstone back in your home country.
She shouldn’t have messed with them, you knew that. In some ways, it was her own fault.
You wondered how she even got aquatinted with them. She was closer to their maknae’s age, maybe she saw him at a club? She did visit South Korea four months before she would be found dead in her apartment. Was her two week vacation here the beginning of her demise?
Had to be.
You still remember walking into her apartment, having unlocked the door with the key she gave you. The house reeked, and you knew what that smell was before your heart even wanted to believe it was true.
You slowed your walking down, trying to delay the eventual discovery of your poor sister’s body.
She was in the tub. Wrists slit, bloody water, faucet still running, her clothes still on.
Cecilia had a history of self harm and suicidal attempts. The police found a cause of death quickly.
But that didn’t sit right with you.
Being the devoted sibling (and detective) you were, you began looking for clues.
You went through every phone record, every email, every bank statement, hell- anything you could get your hands on.
Nothing stood out until you looked at the photos taken at her autopsy. There was a cut on her left palm.
It wasn’t deep enough to cause any real damage, a scar is probably all she’d get. But that cut…it was oddly shaped.
A cut that was curved, starting at her thumb and ending at her ring finger.
A cut you had seen before.
Countless pictures of victims with those same cuts. It was a trademark.
And it came from them. That carving let everyone know who the killers were. That meant you fucked up, bad. You took advantage of their kindness. You screwed them over.
Everyone knew, the police knew, you screamed and cried for the authorities to do something when you seen it.
They did nothing.
Begged your chief to open an investigation. He said no.
Contacted any authority figure you could in South Korea. They could help? Right?
They were just as scared as everyone else.
Those bastards… Came all the way to your home country just to kill your sister.
The cameras in her apartment building did no help. All the footage was mysteriously “lost”.
So was it all of them? Did they take a family vacation to your sister’s demise?
It looked like a one man job, but all of them could have been there.
Nonetheless, you were pissed. No one wanted to help you so you’d take them down yourself.
And now you’re in a bar, on a Tuesday, approximately 1:00 pm. You’re on your fourth shot. You spent all night reading up on these criminals.
They kept outsmarting the law, letting everyone know they were responsible for everything without leaving enough evidence to even put together a solid case.
Whatever. The police wouldn’t do anything anyways, it was up to you.
And you were three feet away from one of them. The youngest. The most impressionable, so you’ve heard.
He stayed by his hyungs, they leveled him. He was naïve, still only 21 years old. He trusted people too easily, someone said.
He wasn’t as ruthless as the others, another said. But he was still a scary motherfucker.
You almost laughed. He looked so innocent. Kind eyes, an even kinder smile. A breathless laugh that made your chest hurt.
He was cute, adorable even. How could he be a criminal? His past was to blame, no doubt.
“Excuse me” A small voice said, allowing you to pop out of your trance. He- Yang Jeongin- was looking at you.
Dammit, you were staring. He caught you.
Don’t. Be. Suspicious.
“Im so sorry” You say, “You just looked familiar. That’s all”
He nods, tilting his head a little. He was probably analyzing your face, trying to see if he knew you.
“I look familiar?” He finally questions, “You think you know me from somewhere?”
“Maybe not you. But you do look like someone I used to know”
He nods again, this time squinting his eyes only briefly.
“Who?” He asked as the bartender brings him a glass of ice water.
Ice water at a bar?
Well…he doesn’t drink.
“A childhood friend” You lie, “You look so much like him actually”
“What was his name?”
“Cameron” You lie quickly
“Cameron?” The man quirks an eyebrow, “That was his English name?”
“Yes. He was from Korea but, moved elsewhere when he was a young. I forget his Korean name”
He keeps questioning you. Asking where you’re from, why you decided to visit Korea, if you were enjoying your stay, what you liked best about the country, how long you planned on staying.
You lied so well that it surprised you. And in the end, you think he believed everything you said.
“Goodness, we’ve been talking for a long time” Jeongin said, looking at his phone.
It had been about 45 minutes- but you guess that’s a long time when you’re talking to a stranger.
“I’d love to keep talking but I have to meet my brothers” He smiles.
He thinks you don’t know who he is, despite their “fame” here.
That’s to be expected. Despite how notorious they are, they’re less known outside of Korea. Only a few people know about them, the crime junkies. No one else really cared that much, or was too scared to try and care.
You were warned about them 5 times within the first two hours of you arriving in Korea. 6 more times once you reached Seoul.
They aren’t hiding, per se. They stay out the way but people know what they look like.
“Such a shame” you grin, “I enjoyed our conversation”
You could see the gears turning in the man’s head. Again, he was the most trusting out the group. All you needed him to do was invite you to go hang out with him and the others.
“Maybe you could come with me?” He asked, flashing a large smile.
He seemed like such a sweetheart, how could he be such a ruthless criminal?
“Sure! But won’t your brothers mind?”
“No” He laughed, “They won’t care. Especially if I bring someone as attractive as you”
You felt your cheeks get hot, a charmer- isn’t he?
“Okay. Lead the way then”
You quickly paid your bill and followed after Jeongin. He said the walk to the place you two were going wouldn’t be a long one.
Something in the back of your mind told you this wasn’t a good idea. Blindly following after a merciless thug, why are you doing this?
The overwhelming want to avenge your sister is what guided you. It’s what made you make these impulsive decisions.
“When you meet the guys, make sure to greet all of them. Look them in the eye when talking to them, don’t interrupt them” Jeongin said, making your nerves shot.
You didn’t say anything, but continued to follow after him until you two reached an abandoned looking warehouse.
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