#don't say that you'll always love me / cause you know i'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again
luvhockey111 · 2 days
based off of doomsday by lizzy mcalpine!
summary: Quinn Hughes and Elouise “ellie” were high school sweethearts. Everyone surrounding them were just waiting for the day that Quinn would pop the question. What happens when Quinn turns cold?
warnings: sad quinn, sad reader, kind of asshole quinn, angst a little bit
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Quinn and Ellie had been dating since their freshman year of high school, to be more specific November of 2013. They were so deeply in love, when quinn went to the University of Michigan, Ellie followed. When Quinn had to move to Vancouver, he bought an apartment for the two of them. There truly was no Quinn without Ellie and vice versa. They made their apartment a home, even buying a dog right before quarantine in March of 2020. Their relationship never once faltered. That is until Ellie got a job offer in Michigan in September of 2022. Ellie’s dream had always been to be a physical trainer for a sports team. While Quinn tried and tried for the Canucks to hire her, they just simply did not need another trainer. It never crossed Quinn’s mind that Ellie could possibly consider leaving Vancouver to work. I mean Vancouver had been their home for the past 5 years, Quinn had been her home for the past 9. Eloise had found out about this job last month, she had told quinn right when she found out, since that day he had been nothing but cold. A shell of the man she loved.
“El I just don’t understand why you would go and apply for this job in Michigan, do you not care about me?.” Quinn had never raised his voice at Ellie, not in all her years of knowing him. “Quinn this is my dream, you know that. I’ve followed you every step of the way since we went to college, I’ve been working towards this job since senior year of high school. I’m not going to let it get away.” Eloise could feel her body start to over heat, her eyes get watery and blurry and her throat starting to close. Why couldn’t Quinn understand? “I told you that you don’t have to work I can provide for you El” Quinn started yelling. “You’ve had no problem letting me take care of everything and pay for the past 5 years so what’s the problem now.” “Are you insinuating that I have been using you?” Ellie was furious now. How could Quinn, her perfect boyfriend who has never raised his voice or ever mistreated her say imply such a thing? “It’s not insinuating, if I am straight up saying it Eloise.” Quinn had completely run cold. “Okay, you know what quinn I’m booking my flight for tomorrow morning. I start next week. I thought my boyfriend would be happy I’m finally getting what I’ve been dreaming about, but I guess not.” Eloise already had started packing earlier that day while quinn was at training. “Eloise if you take this job we are over.” Quinn said with a shaky voice, tears brimming just above his waterline. “I guess we’re over than, I’ll get my stuff and go to a hotel tonight.” Eloise was trying her hardest to keep her composure. She knew it had to have been a heat of the moment thing, but even then, if he is that willing to throw 9 years down the drain over a little distance, maybe he wasn’t the one.
“Pull the plug in September I don't want to die in June I'd like to start planning my funeral I've got work to do
Pull the plug, make it painless I don't want a violent end Don't say that you'll always love me 'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again”
It was now December 23 2023
Ever since Eloise left that night she had not seen or spoken to Quinn. He had not reached out and neither had she. It would be a lie to say that she had not thought about texting him everyday. However, as far as she knows he is living his bachelor life up in Vancouver. She knew Quinn would be coming back home to Michigan for Christmas, as he did every year. Last Christmas Eloise had opted on buying herself and her mom a week long cruise over the time period she knew Quinn would be back in their hometown. This year was different, although she still did not want to see Quinn or speak with him, she had done a lot of self evaluation and decided that maybe it was for the best that the 2 split. I mean they had been together since freshman year of high school. She truly had not known herself without the presence of Quinn, and same goes for Quinn. It could possibly be right person wrong time or simply just someone who wasn’t meant to be. Eloise was currently shopping in her local Trader Joe’s when she had heard an all too familiar voice. Now it’s not the voice that she had heard everyday for 9 years but it was a voice she could pick out of a lineup for sure. It was the voice of the little brother she never had. “Yup, okay Jack I’ll get that fried rice you like. Oh my god leave me alone you’re such a child.” Luke groaned loudly, Eloise let out a quiet laugh at the sound of this conversation, knowing the antics of her old second family all too well. She was in the aisle next to luke and could still hear him loud and clear. All of a sudden the voice started sounding louder and closer. “Jack I swear if you tell mom I’ll…” Luke locked eyes with Ellie and looked as if he had just seen a ghost. “Uh yeah jack I’ll see you when I get home.” Right as he hung up on jack he ran to Ellie, engulfing her in a bear hug. Right as they connected Ellie could feel herself starting to get choked up and tears welling in her eyes. “Oh El I’m so sorry about everything, I’m sorry I didn’t reach out, I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay lu, I know how close you and Quinn are I didn’t expect you to. I did miss you a whole lot though.” Luke and Eloise had always been extremely close. She had known him since he was 10 and watched him grow up into an amazing hockey player and an even better person. She reminisced back to when she had first gotten her license and the first thing she did was drive Luke to hockey practice because Ellen and Jim were busy, and Quinn and Jack were out of town. He was like the brother she never had. Luke and Eloise had talked for about 5 more minutes before jack called complaining that he was out for too long and he had to eventually part ways from Ellie. After seeing Luke it made Eloise realize how much she had missed Quinn, but if it was that easy for him to walk out of her life and not reach out then it would be just as easy for him to ignore her, or to do it again. December 25, 2023
Christmas was always Eloises favorite holiday. Every year that she had been home for Christmas she would walk down a street in her town that was filled with lights and people after their Christmas dinners. This year had been no different. After her family dinner she had grabbed her coat and went to walk down the street. Now, every year she had done this walk with Quinn, this year it felt like a part of her had died on this walk. The part of her that enjoyed Christmas, or any holiday for that matter. She had realized on this walk she had become a shell of the person she once was. She had realized how pathetic she probably looked to an outsider. It was never about not knowing herself outside of being in a relationship with Quinn, it was the pride she took in it, how he made her a better person, he pushed her to chase after her dreams, he did all that he could to get her every resource possible so that she could follow her dreams. All in all she realized that she’s the villain in her own story. Yes, Quinn had blown up on her when he really had no right to, but she was the one who packed all of her stuff without telling him, she was the one who left their shared home of the past 5 years without a word, and she was the one who had blocked his phone number meaning to have unblocked it by the next morning. As Eloise realized she never unblocked his phone number she broke. What if he had tried reaching out to fix everything? What if he missed her as much as she missed him and she would never know? Quinn’s perspective:
A piece of Quinn had died a little bit with every text he had sent to Eloises phone number and every time it had shown up as not delivered. Quinn had been siliently dying inside due to his ego not wanting to tell anyone about the breakup, although everyone could tell something was wrong. He had kept up with her life ever since they split. He as well was a shell of a person ever since she had walked out that door. He texted her everyday multiple times without fail, he had called her at least once a day to hear her voice and laugh on the answering machine. He knew that Christmas was her favorite holiday and he knew she was in town because Luke had told him. So he had decided to text her to wish her a Merry Christmas.
“The death of me was so quiet No friends and family allowed Only my murderer, you And the priest who told you to go to hell And the funny thing is I would've married you If you'd have stuck around”
Eloise had felt her phone buzz in her pocket
Q💘: Merry Christmas El, I know today is your favorite. Remember our first Christmas together when you still had braces and a unibrow lol. You still were the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on, well I mean you still are but you get the point. I know you won’t see this message and haven’t seen the other probably millions of texts I’ve sent, I still love you and will continue to love you for as long as I’m living but I think it’s doing me more harm then good. Until we (hopefully) meet again my Ellie girl.
“I had no choice in the matter Why would I? It's only the death of me”
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starstaiined · 11 months
doomsday is such a jackie/shauna song and it ruins me
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scekrex · 30 days
Adam Masterlist
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Consider chasing dick instead of pussy {SFW}
Fuck him, flip him, bend him backwards, baby, put your back into it {NSFW}
Bitches want me 'cuz they know that I can rock {NSFW}
Heavenly {NSFW}
Till death do us part, but we're already past that phase {SFW}
Heaven's gates won't open up for us again {SFW}
What it takes to be a man {SFW}
Going viral {SFW, crack fic}
Hidden in the sheets {SFW}
Lost and Found {SFW}
Any way you want me, baby, that's the way you got me {NSFW}
Night Terrors {SFW}
I'm liking it better with you {SFW, crack fic}
Drunk 'n' Nasty {SFW, crack fic}
Constant Headache {SFW}
Baby we could be Bonnie & Clyde {SFW}
Do you even {SFW, crack fic}
For you I'd bleed myself dry {SFW}
Pretty baby with the sun in his eyes {SFW}
Figure you out {SFW}
Cuffed Up {SFW}
Got Me Obsessed {NSFW}
Forbidden fruits cause damage {SFW}
Born to Lose {SFW}
Chaotically Chaotic {SFW}
Let me live/Let me die {SFW}
Lonely Eyes {SFW}
Flying and Falling are pretty close to each other {SFW, crack fic}
I'll shelter and adore you more than anything {SFW}
Stick It To The (Wo)Man {SFW}
With broken wings we're fallin' {SFW}
The Plan (Fuck Parents) {SFW}
Pretty Boy Swag {SFW}
Goodbyes that feel like you're still in my city {SFW}
In Desire We Trust {NSFW}
People Pleasing doesn't rock {SFW}
And I dream to be your fantasy {SFW}
Chains on my lips just add flames to the fire {SFW}
Love me like you mean it, a little bit harder now {NSFW}
Never wanna stop 'cause your taste is so divine {NSFW}
Let the sun set on your life and I'll make, oh I'll make you mine {SFW}
When you meet my eyes, we both know that you're mine {SFW}
But I still want more, don't know what I'm after {NSFW}
I hate everyone, it's so easy, I wouldn't do it if I didn't really care {NSFW}
It's 'cause of these things {SFW}
He can fix it {SFW}
If God's watching then we're both sinners {SFW}
Love at first sight, I still believe {SFW}
Hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone {SFW}
I bring the ribs, I bring the drama {SFW}
Everything I love, I guess it makes me damned {NSFW}
Smother me with loving hands {SFW}
We're eating good tonight, darlin' {NSFW}
Reach out and touch faith {NSFW}
Birthday boy {SFW}
All the violence makes a statement {SFW}
If I'm so wonderful then why am I so misunderstood {SFW}
This hurts me like Heaven {NSFW}
Is this the life, the one from your dreams? {NSFW}
I got myself a fuckin' life dressed up in evening wear {SFW}
Little soldier {SFW}
About bragging and loving {SFW}
The deeper you go, the better you feel {NSFW}
Never wanted to dance with nobody, but you {SFW}
I'm a jester and I'm yours, call me your fool {SFW}
Burning, I feel it too {SFW}
There's a darkness at the heart of my love, that runs cold, runs deep {SFW}
I promise you that I'll be good to you if you promise that you'll try to love me too {SFW}
Make me cum {NSFW}
You're dead to me, stop saying my name like beetlejuice {SFW}
Spin round quick rock yo body {NSFW}
I got all twisted up, you helped straighten me out {SFW}
Suck it up, big boy {NSFW}
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be {SFW}
Take me down, a little bit harder now {NSFW}
I'm not likely to kick a head in, but I'll curb stomp a bitch if she objects at our wedding {SFW}
Kill anyone for you {SFW}
Out for Blood {SFW}
Lover come hold me {SFW}
I'll meet you in hell {SFW}
I don't want you to hate me, no, I want you to wanna hate me {SFW}
I wave goodbye to the end of beginning {SFW}
Let's make a mess and cross the line, you and me a masterpiece {NSFW}
Call me daddy {SFW}
I love it - you son of a bitch {SFW}
The king's demand of golden birds {SFW}
Rocking your world {NSFW}
I'm gonna fuck you up without further ado {SFW}
Can't take back all the things we said {SFW}
Slow Dance with You {SFW}
Gold is a divine color, luckily you're the most divine person to exist {SFW}
You're always so lovely {SFW}
All I want is all you've got {SFW}
'Cause a sinner needs a saint to tell him what's at the end {SFW}
Drunken Truths {SFW}
A bloody nose and two bleeding hearts {SFW}
'Cause no one saw me the way you did and no one's seen me that way since {SFW}
And I know the weight of the world can't crush my chest {SFW}
I could treat you so much better I've known you forever figured you out {SFW}
Masterlist 2
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Commission by @lafirechicken! Kiriona design by @nil-elk, specifically from this absolutely spectacular Kiriona piece
“Good,” said someone, so savagely that it sounded like a new voice altogether. “Good. Die. Die for her … it’s the only goddamn good you’ll ever do her. It’s all any of you ever knew how to give her. You could have lived for her … but you didn’t know how.“
~ Nona the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
“Don't say that you'll always love me
'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again.”
~Doomsday, Lizzy McAlpine
Suffering through exam phase right now so please expect this space to be very inactive in the next few weeks but before I go I’m making you all suffer with me by finally posting the art I commissioned of what’s maybe the most angsty Kiriona scene in all of NtN…
Something something the girl who gave her heart and life for Harrow and just offered to do it all over again yelling about how “it’s the only goddamn good you’ll ever do her” with her wounds exposed while covered in Harrow’s blood… I’m in agony
Someone please give this poor girl a hug (and preferably lots of therapy)
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thomas and/or janus + 15 :D
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Pull the plug, make it painless I don't want a violent end Don’t say that you'll always love me 'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you Over and over again...
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fullstcp · 3 months
"five seconds flat" by Lizzy McAlpine Sentence Starters
"I'd like to start planning my funeral."
"I've got work to do."
"Pull the plug, make it painless."
"I don't want a violent end."
"Don't say that you'll always love me."
"You know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again."
"Doomsday is close at hand."
"I don't get a choice in the matter."
"It's only the death of me."
"I don't wanna die too soon."
"I think there's good in you somewhere."
"I'll hang on 'til the chaos is through."
"The funny thing is, I would've married you if you'd have stuck around."
"I feel more free than I have in years."
"It's a battle over something stupid."
"They're all the rage right now."
"You don't know the truth."
"It's a battle that I think I'm winning."
"Something makes me think you think that too."
"I was trying to be honest."
"You don't make that easy to do."
"It's not that important."
"It's none of your concern."
"It's not that I hate you."
"I hate that it hurt."
"There are two ways we could do this."
"I know which would be more fun."
"I won't go first, won't apologize."
"I can't stand a compromise."
"Now I think I should've just lied."
"If this is what I get, I won't be honest anymore."
"Why am I awake?"
"I've said too much."
"I wonder who will erase me."
"I'll crash if I don't let you go."
"I called you again."
"I don't know why I keep on thinking that we're friends."
"We don't really talk anymore. And I'm sorry for that."
"Honestly I never really loved you that bad."
"I could be the end of it."
"I never know when to stop talking."
"If I don't love you, then why did I call you again?"
"It's good for both of us."
"I know you love me the most."
"I should be the end of it."
"You're better off on your own."
"You called me again."
"All I do is hurt you."
"All I do is cause you pain."
"What the fuck?"
"All my ghosts are with me."
"I know you feel them too."
"They don't know about you."
"I hope that's true."
"I can see it now: the wedding of the year."
"I can see it crystal clear."
"I hate all of my habits."
"But I happen to love you."
"I didn't mean to kiss you."
"I didn't think it'd go this far."
"You're staring at me like you're not convinced that I am real."
"You'd rather die than take your eyes off of me."
"I don't love you like that."
"One day it'll kill us if I don't let go."
"I don't know how to tell you."
"Never felt this way with no one."
"I can't be your savior."
"I don't wanna be there when you lose control."
"I've been having strange dreams."
"How long have I been here for?"
"I can walk through walls now."
"I think I scared you off now."
"It was just a ghost that sorta looked just like you."
"I don't wanna leave, but I have to go."
"It feels like the start of a movie I've seen before."
"I don't wanna ruin the moment."
"But it's not real."
"You don't exist."
"I can't recall the last time I was kissed."
"It feels like the end of a movie I've seen before."
"I don't wanna take my mind off you."
"You're not allowed."
"Please, make me laugh and kiss me back."
"I can handle this stuff."
"Only if you're comfortable."
"There's a hole in my heart and I can't find the bullet."
"I can see it all now that we're through."
"I get drunk with my friends."
"Your name never comes up."
"I tell strangers online that we broke up."
"There's a hole in my heart and I hate that it's there."
"I liked to act like I really don't care."
"What a shame that I put up with you."
"Was it all just an act?"
"You had me convinced that you loved me."
"It's always on the tip of my tongue."
"Hate to admit but it might be true."
"But I think you knew."
"I might love you."
"I stop myself from saying it."
"Then you kiss me like you do."
"We're right back where we started from."
"It's always in the back of my mind."
"What if we never met? What if the stars never aligned?"
"I'm starting to have side effects from hating you this much."
"The gist of it was how you never loved me."
"We both know you were in deeper than that."
"Nobody likes a secret and I was always yours."
"It's almost been a year."
"What the hell is my problem with taking the blame?"
"It's so hard to believe, but I'm trying to change."
"I had a chance and I missed it."
"I miss it, I do."
"I miss it, I miss you."
"Every guy/girl at this festival has you in their eyes."
"Your name isn't spoken, but I'm speaking it."
"Last time I was here, you were with me."
"It didn't look like this three years ago."
"Everything changes, what a shame."
"I'm half-expecting you to be there when I turn to my left."
"We were stupid and young."
"And I was so in love."
"We were just friends."
"Riding on the line between acceptable and angering your girlfriend/boyfriend."
"I've never been here in my life."
"You're racing head-first towards something that'll kill you in five seconds flat."
"I'm racing head-first towards everything that I want back."
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baldursgrave69 · 5 months
doomsday by lizzie mcalpine is so Agnes and Gortash coded.
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"don't say that you'll always love me 'cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again
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i don't get a choice in the matter why would I? it's only the death of me"
Agnes' life fell to complete and total ruin due to her relationship with Enver Gortash. Before him she had never experienced a real and true human connection. Once she was fully awoken and realized what it was like to feel she chased that like a drug. His distraction caused her to let her guard down and eventually led to her ruin. She tried more than once to break it off with him, but he always convinced her that they would figure things out together.
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oddlyzephyrous · 4 months
finished last night's bbh vod... rewatched it.......
once again positing this as my number one favorite q!BBH song, ever since the pre-purgatory soul vulture era
you can't tell me it's not perfect
"I'd like to start planning my funeral, I've got work to do"
"Don't say that you'll always love me, 'cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again"
"I'd like to plan out my part in this, but you're such a narcissist, you'll probably do it next week- I get no choice in the matter, why would I, it's only the death of me"
"I feel more free than I have in years, 6 feet underground"
"It was so quiet, no friends and family allowed"
like COME ON
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ariaprompts · 3 months
" you might just have dealt the final blow. "
" you're lucky as shit,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the things i omit. "
" you've got ahold of my heart. "
" my thoughts,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎all noise. "
" got what you wanted,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎so stop feeling sorry. "
" how could anybody do the things you did so easily? "
" i guess i don't have a say,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎now that we don't talk. "
" i don't mean to make it all about me,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎but i used to believe that no one could love you like i do. "
" i know i could've loved you but you would not let me. "
" we got along until you did that. "
" i'll pay the price,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you won't. "
" god,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎what have you done? "
" i'm just lowering your expectations. "
" you think i'm a bitch?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎well you're not that wrong. "
" did you think i didn't see you? "
" i can't help but think of your other in the bed that was mine. "
" i know i'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible. "
" it's just not my year,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎but i'm all good out here. "
" baby,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎why don't you come over? "
" i want you. "
" it didn't have to be like this. "
" you'll see my face in every place. "
" please be honest,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎are we better for it? "
" you're my best friend. "
" don't say that you'll always love me,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎cause you know i'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again. "
" i remember when you used to call. "
" god loves you,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎but not enough to save you. "
" stay with me,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎hold my hand. "
" you kissed me just to kiss me,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎not to take me home. "
" i thought you thought of me better. "
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samgelina-jolie · 1 year
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Pull the plug, make it painless
I don't want a violent end
Don’t say that you'll always love me
'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again
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residentmiddlechild · 2 months
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Pull the plug in September I don't wanna die in June I’d like to start planning my funeral I've got work to do, mmm
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Pull the plug, make it painless I don't want a violent end
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Don’t say that you'll always love me 'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you Over and over again
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Doomsday is close at hand I'll book the marching band To play as you speak
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I'll feel like throwin' up You'll sit and stare Like a goddamn machine
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I’d like to plan out my part in this But you’re such a narcissist You'll probably do it next week I don’t get a choice in the matter Why would I? It's only the death of me Only the death of me
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Pull the plug, but be carеful I don't wanna die too soon I think there's good in you somewhere I’ll hang on 'til the chaos is through
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Doomsday is close at hand I'll book the marching band To play as you speak
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I'll feel like throwin' up You'll sit and stare Like a goddamn machine
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The death of me was so quiet No friends and family allowed Only my murderer, you, and the priest Who told you to go to Hell
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And the funny thing is I would've married you If you'd have stuck around
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Doomsday is close at hand I booked the marching band To play as you speak
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I feel like throwin' up You sit and stare Like a goddamn machine
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I'd have liked to plan out my part in this But you're such a narcissist That you did it on Halloween I had no choice in the matter Why would I? It's only the death of me
Padme Amidala - Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Song: Doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine
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foggybear42 · 1 year
the songs i have on my elody playlist and the lyrics in said songs that remind me of her
this ended up being a very long post so press read more to see the full thing
Alone And Sublime - Mother Mother
Aren't I supposed to wanna fight for love? / And life? / Everything that people say is right? / Am I so wrong to cry only when there's something in my eye? / Am I to die alone and sublime?
I threw a pebble in a stream / And let it go about as easily as love that might prosper / All the things they sing about in gospels. / Am I so awful, to stumble only when I'm walking with another? / Is it a blunder to die alone and sublime?
[aroace elody for the win]
Coming Back to Me - Leith Ross
Last week, I wondered if dying would feel like the stories the Catholic Church told / But I used to talk to my mother about how I just couldn't wait to get old
[also just the general feeling of realising that instead of viewing the world with the child-like wonder that you had as a kid, you now view the world with a sour cynicism]
doomsday - Lizzy Mcalpine
Pull the plug, make it painless / I don't want a violent end / Don't say that you'll always love me / 'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again
I don't get a choice in the matter / Why would I? It's only the death of me
Eight - Sleeping at Last
I was just a kid who grew up strong enough / To pick this armor up / And suddenly it fit
I was little, I was weak and perfectly naive / And I grew up too quick
When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things / I see the familiar / I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too / Now I'm a broken mirror
I'm standing guard, I'm falling apart / And all I want is to trust you / Show me how to lay my sword down / For long enough to let you through
I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough / To hold the door shut / And bury my innocence
I'ma shake the ground with all my might / And I will pull my whole heart up to the surface / For the innocent, for the vulnerable / And I'll show up on the front lines with a purpose / And I'll give all I have, I'll give my blood, give my sweat / An ocean of tears will spill for what is broken / I'm shattered porcelain, glued back together again / Invincible like I've never been
Hate Yourself - TV Girl
I'd think you'd fall in love with anyone / Who fell in love with you
So take comfort / Cruel comfort / Before you start to wonder / How you got locked inside your room
Do you let them down, gently? / Does it only make it harder? / To let the feeling linger / To drag it out a little longer / Does it put your mind at ease? / But you're the one who brought 'em here / You're the one who has to take them when you leave / And how long will it… / Take? / Before you start to hate yourself
I Guess - Mitski
It's been you and me / Since before I was me / Without you, I don't yet know / Quite how to live
It's still as a pond / I am staring into / From here, I can say / Thank you / From here, I can tell you / Thank you
Inkpot Gods - The Amazing Devil
And what you see is not the dark / It's just the gods upturning ink pots 'cause they know what you'll become
And to those gods, I will speak bluntly / "We've an accord, if you ever touch or harm him / Please, rest assured that you might not fear a man / But to a woman, by the end, you'll kneel and plea / 'Cause I'm more than what my mum told me to be"
And I can hear him break / And he doesn't understand / And I wish that I could take his hand / But where I'm going is for me and me alone
If I don't make it back from where I've gone / Just know I loved you all along
Me and My Husband - Mitski
But me and my husband / We're doing better / It's always been just him and me / Together / So I bet all I have on that / Furrowed brow / And at least in this lifetime / We're sticking together / Me and my husband / We're sticking together
Savior Complex - Phoebe Bridgers
I drag you to the shore / Sweating through the heat / You're gonna drown in your sleep / For sure / Wake up and start a big fire / In our one room apartment / But I'm too tired / To have a pissing contest
I'm a bad liar / With a savior complex
[i really just hc that elody has a big saviour complex]
Screams and Dreams - Faye
And I guess this is the way it ends / And there's no point in staying friends / And I remember when you told me that you loved me / Little did I know and little did I say / You were over your head and I hadn't yet said / What's true in our heart
So I wish upon a star / And I promise I'll go far / And I close my eyes at once / And I hear a thousand songs
[mostly just added the "wish upon a star" part because it makes me think of fairy tales, and elody is, in fact, a fairy tale herself]
Show You a Body - Haley Heynderickx
I am letting you go / I am letting you go / I am letting you go awry
It was more a mirage / In sickness and health
[all the other lyrics fit elody in a more vibe-y way than a literal way]
Slow Down - Laufey
I wish it would slow down / Even for a second / I'm so old now / Left my adolescence
Think I found somebody / But don't think that it's love
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
I had all and then most of you / Some and now none of you / Take me back to the night we met / I don't know what I'm supposed to do / Haunted by the ghost of you / Oh, take me back to the night we met
Two Slow Dancers - Mitski
It's funny how they're all the same / It's funny how you always remember / And we've both done it all a hundred times before / It's funny how I still forgot / It would be a hundred times easier / If we were young again
When - Dodie
I think I've been telling lies / 'Cause I've never been in love
Sure, I'll live in the moment / But I'm never happy here
Memories painted with much brighter ink / They tell me I loved, teach me how to think
I'm waiting to live, and waiting to love / Oh, it'll be over, and I'll still be asking when
[aroace elody for the win pt2]
and here's the playlist itself!! (art by polarsirens)
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ambriel-angstwitch · 10 months
Doomsday through the lens of Merthur
This is essentially a fanfic that plays in my brain when I play the song because it’s a lot of Merthur concepts and not any references to actual canon events like I’ll do in other analyses.
Pull the plug in September I don't wanna die in June. I'd like to start planning my funeral I've got work to do, hmm.
Merlin plans to reveal his magic to Arthur he wants to prepare for the worst possible outcomes. He has work to do though he needs to make sure that if he dies he can at least ensure Arthur’s safety. Tell him everything or eliminate the threats.
Pull the plug, make it painless. I don't want a violent end
Merlin would die for Arthur but the one thing he wouldn’t do is burn for him. He’ll go as long as it’s quick.
Don't say that you'll always love me 'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you Over and over again
In a way it would also be horrible for Arthur to say that he loves Merlin once his magic revealed because Merlin likely might not believe it but also because then Merlin would have hidden everything and suffered in silence for nothing. Merlin has risked his life over and over for Arthur and he’s more than willing to die for him.
Doomsday is close at hand I'll book the marching band To play as you speak
Merlin is approaching the time when he plans to tell Arthur. Booking the marching band has connotations of victory which means Merlin thinks his execution would be seen as an accomplishment just another victory in the fight against magic.
I'll feel like throwin' up You'll sit and stare like A goddamn machine
Spilling all of his secrets makes Merlin feel sick he’s nervous about what the outcome will be to make things worse he can’t even tell what Arthur’s thinking because he just stares on.
I'd like to plan out my part in this But you're such a narcissist You'll probably do it next week I don't get a choice in the matter Why would I? It's only the death of me
Without confirmation of what Arthur thinks he assumes the worst, that he’s going to die.
Only the death of me. Pull the plug, but be careful I don't wanna die too soon. I think there's good in you somewhere I'll hang on 'til the chaos is through
Goes back to his worry about him planning the reveal but decides he doesn’t want to risk doing it to early revealing that none of these were real just potential ways it could turn out. He believes in the good in Arthur and he wants to ensure the future they’d create. He’ll wait to tell him until after the chaos has died down and they’ve beaten their enemies.
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Doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine is Wolfstar coded, specific Remus when Sirius goes to Azkaban and he is left alone in his grief and hating himself for not seeing the signs that the love of his life was a traitor. Wishing that he would have died before he saw everything fall apart. He's always viewed himself as disposable, going on the dangerous missions to keep his friends safe --he was not the one who was supposed to make it through.
Pull the plug in September I don't wanna die in June I'd like to start planning my funeral I've got work to do
Pull the plug, make it painless I don't want a violent end Don't say that you'll always love me 'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you over and over again
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More random music rambling disguised as analysis incoming:
Doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine x Werewolf Robin/Monster Hunter Nancy
We’re just gonna delve right in <33
Nancy and Robin are stuck in a delicate push and pull dance. Nancy knows that Robin is a monster, and Robin knows the same of Nancy—for different reasons. They should, by all means, hate each other. Especially when Nancy Wheeler decides her next target is the feral werewolf in town—assumed to be one Robin Buckley. But then they meet.
Nancy is quick to realize that Robin is no average werewolf. She’s softer than expected, warmer, kinder, she has a certain charm. She’s not a vicious monster. She’s painfully human.
Robin finds out that Nancy is losing her humanity. She’s been hunting for years on a revenge path that’s been tearing her up for years, leaving an angry husk. She learns pretty early that she is not the monster.
But there’s a weird magnetism between them. Robin is infuriatingly smooth and Nancy is achingly beautiful. Nancy finds it harder and harder to picture sinking her blade into Robin’s heart—she’d rather cradle it in her hands and protect it. Robin knows this woman is death incarnate—her own death, matching steadily closer, but she can’t help but fall for this powerful woman.
Pull the plug in September
I don't want to die in June
I'd like to start planning my funeral
I've got work to do, hmm
Jokes about not wanting to die during Pride month aside—
After weeks of their back and forth, Robin begins to want Nancy to just get it over with. She’s not ready to die, not really. It becomes, “Are you going to kill me tomorrow?” and a promise of, “One more day, Robbie. One more day,” over and over, and it’s tearing her apart. Robin wants to get it over with, because this ache in her chest is killing her slowly, and she’d much prefer the silver dagger. She she agrees. “One more day, Nance.” And one more day after that. Maybe not June. Maybe September. Maybe October. Maybe—Maybe never?
She could only hope.
Pull the plug, make it painless
I don't want a violent end
Don't say that you'll always love me
'Cause you know I'd bleed myself dry for you
Over and over again
Again, Robin is beginning to wish this would just end, one way or another. She’s hurting, and she’s tired of it. She’s tired of sneaking around with Nancy, tired of waiting for the inevitable knife in the back. She doesn’t want to feel the pain anymore—is it so much to ask for an end to it? A painless death at the hands of Nancy Wheeler?
But Nancy swears she loves her, and it only hurts worse, because god if Robin isn’t willing to give every part of herself, to bleed out for this girl.
Doomsday is close at hand
I'll book the marching band
To play as you speak
I’ll feel like throwing up
You'll sit and stare like
A goddamn machine
Robin feels the end approaching. Whether that means another tally on Nancy’s belt, another dead monster, or Nancy leaving her with her broken heart, or maybe, just maybe a happy ending—but no. It’s doomsday. Doomsday is approaching, and one way or another, it’s going to kill her.
And when she tells Nancy she can’t do this anymore, Nancy is… Nancy is cold. Unfeeling. More machine than human. It’s because she’s shoving her own emotions down, of course—Robin knows Nancy, her inability to be vulnerable. She’s heard time and time again how Nancy can’t show emotion in the line of work—but god if it doesn’t hurt.
(insert obligatory marching band Robin joke)
I'd like to plan out my part in this
But you're such a narcissist
You'll probably do it next week
I don't get a choice in the matter
Why would I? It's only the death of me
Only the death of me
Robin can’t help but be bitter. It feels like Nancy is dragging it out, and it’s so fucking cruel. Robin doesn’t feel like she has a say in her own life, her own death anymore. Nancy holds her heart in her teeth, and one way or another, she’s going to crush it.
She’ll die at Nancy’s hands. Maybe by silver dagger or silver bullet—or maybe by the girl doing something so simple as leaving her alive.
If Nancy leaves her, after the way they’ve fallen for each other, she knows she won’t be the same. Hell, the Robin she was before Nancy is already dead.
Pull the plug, but be careful
I don't wanna die too soon
I think there's good in you somewhere
I'll hang on 'til the chaos is through
Despite the pain and the confusion Robin is suffering, she really is in love. Deeply, irrevocably in love with the angel of death, and so despite her want for an end—a small part of her can’t help but want it to draw out more. Every day she wakes up in Nancy’s arms, without that wretched knife in her back, it’s heaven. A small slice of heaven that’s all hers. She hands her heart to Nancy without question, knows the end is inevitable, she’s practically begging for it, but she asks Nancy to be careful.
And this horrible hope begins to burn, literally burn, an angry, all consuming wildfire in her chest that is burning her from the inside out, because she’s in love and Nancy is too, and they’ve both changed. Nancy seems to almost forget her warpath in favor of the stolen moments with Robin, and she’s beginning to see the errors she’s made. Nancy is learning that not all monsters are as they seem—and that she herself isn’t as innocent as she’d like to believe. I just think this line in particular could be either one of them singing to the other. Nancy knows Robin is more than her affliction—she’s a good person. And Robin knows that Nancy is more than a killer. Robin becomes more determined to see this through, to forge ahead through the chaos because maybe, just maybe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel—and not in the sense of heaven after death.
It doesn’t work out.
The death of me was so quiet
No friends and family allowed
Only my murderer, you
And the priest who told you to go to hell
Nancy knows she can’t be feeling this, can’t be getting lost in love with a werewolf. Nancy distances herself a little, focusing her attention back on the hunt for the feral werewolf. It stings. Robin avoids her in turn.
But then the hunt is over, the feral werewolf is dead, and Nancy tries to find Robin, to tell her she’s leaving—she can’t do this anymore—and they fight. Robin calls her out.
Remember this post?
Robin loses it. For the first time ever, she loses control of the wolf. It’s quieter than her normal shifts at first. Silent crying as her bones break and shift, as her form morphs into the ugly beast she knows Nancy hates, the monster she tries so hard to keep inside herself, forced out by the very girl who feared this would happen. She knows Nancy will kill her now, will sink her dagger into Robin’s fur covered chest and twist it until Robin bled out on the ground. It’s Nancy’s fault, really. Her murderer. Does that make Robin the priest? Maybe. Or maybe it’s Nancy’s guilt. Perhaps it’s both.
And the funny thing is I would've married you
If you'd have stuck around
I feel more free than I have in years
Six feet in the ground
It’s true. Robin is head over heels for Nancy fucking Wheeler. Nancy Wheeler, the priss. Nancy Wheeler, the monster killer. Nancy Wheeler, her own death in human form. She would have married her in an instant, but instead she knows that it won’t end that way. Not with a gold wedding band, but with a silver noose around her neck, choking those traces of desperate love from her.
And it’s freeing, really. Knowing her death is inevitable, that in moments, Nancy Wheeler will march through the door and plunge a dagger into her heart. She’ll finally be free of this goddamn ache in her chest—and really, maybe the dagger has been there all along, in the form of this torturous doomed romance.
But it doesn’t come. Instead, Nancy opens the door—she heard the shift, of course—and she sees all 8 feet of Robin, her hooked claws and elongated fangs, the sharp golden eyes. She sees a monster, but… She sees Robin. Fucking Robin Buckley. She can’t do it.
She’ll step closer, put a hand out to the beast. Robin will growl at her, but she won’t care. She’ll caress the wolf’s nose, cup a hand against her face. The silver dagger will clatter to the ground as she stares into golden eyes that hold so much pain and love and anger and guilt will choke her.
She’ll cradle Robin’s broad head in gentle, bloodstained hands, and she’ll place a soft kiss on her forehead, and she’ll whisper “I’m sorry,” over and over until Robin comes back to her.
No killing blow is struck, but death happens. It isn’t the way Robin imagines it. It isn’t her life force bleeding out on the carpet, but the anger, the pain, it’s leaking out of her at the seems, rolling down her cheeks in bittersweet tears. A different body will hit the floor—that of the monster hunter, leaving behind the human girl she inhabited. Again Nancy will apologize and pull her in for a kiss.
And Robin will know this is the end—not her death, but Nancy Wheeler’s, and it was caused at her own bloody claws. But it was a death that needed to happen.
Doomsday is here, and it looks not like another mounted werewolf head, but like two broken girls embracing each other with acceptance.
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ofxiang-archive · 1 year
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full playlist below !!
1. what’s a song you can put on repeat & never get tired of ?
i know the end by phoebe bridgers — "somewhere in germany, but i can't place it. man, i hate this part of texas, close my eyes, fantasize, three clicks and i'm home. when i get back, i'll lay around, then i'll get up and lay back down, romanticize a quiet life, there's no place like my room."
2. a song that instantly lifts your mood when you’re sad
cuff it by beyoncé — "bet you you'll see far, bet you you'll see stars, bet you you'll elevate, bet you you'll meet god, 'cause i feel like falling in love. i'm in the mood to fuck something up, we gonna fuck up the night."
3. your favorite song from your all-time favorite artist 
nobody by mitski — "venus, planet of love was destroyed by global warming, did its people want too much too? did its people want too much? and i don't want your pity, i just want somebody near me, guess i'm a coward, i just want to feel alright."
4. a song that inspires or motivates you
mama by indigo — "hey mama, now you can lean on me, i'll always be by your side, hey mama, because you gave selflessly to me, because you were my support; hey mama, now you can believe in your son, you can smile."
5. what’s a song that reminds you of someone ?
fourth of july by sufjan stevens — "did you get enough love, my little dove, why do you cry? / shall we look at the moon, my little loon, why do you cry? make the most of your life, while it is rife, while it is light. well you do enough talk, my little hawk, why do you cry?"
6. the song that gets you in the mood to party
drunk-dazed by indigo — "honestly, i'm scared my reflection in the mirror is unfamiliar, the pitiful truth behind this mask, but i never escape. i feel it, my head's in a daze, daze, daze, i'm addicted, i replay, play, play."
7. your guilty pleasure
...baby one more time by britney spears — my loneliness is killing me (and i), i must confess i still believe (still believe), when i'm not with you i lose my mind, give me a sign, hit me baby one more time.
8. a song that’s out of your typical music preference
about you by the 1975 — "there was something about you that now i can't remember, it's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender, and i'll miss you on a train, i'll miss you in the morning, i never know what to think about."
9. what do you listen to when you’re in love ?
#1: yellow by coldplay — "your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones turn into something beautiful, and you know, for you, i'd bleed myself dry. for you, i'd bleed myself dry ... look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and all the things you do."
10. do you have song you’ve listened to all your childhood ?
welcome to the black parade by my chemical romance — "a world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams, your misery and hate will kill us all. so paint it black and take it back, let's shout it loud and clear, defiant to the end, we hear the call to carry on."
11. is there a song your parent/sibling/friend/etc. introduced you to that you love ?
slipping through my fingers by abba — "do i really see what's in her mind? each time i think i'm close to knowing, she keeps on growing, slipping through my fingers all the time; sometimes i wish that i could freeze the picture, and save it from the funny tricks of time."
12. a song you didn’t expect to like
satellite by harry styles — "i go 'round and 'round, satellite; spinning out, waiting for you to pull me in, i can see you're lonely down there, don't you know that i'm right here?"
13. what song would be your ‘intro’ music ?
lullaby by got7 — "if i'm dreaming, don’t ever wake me up, i wanna hear your melody, the only thing I could need. 'cause if i had to live without you i'd be lost, and in this moment i want more."
14. what song best represents your outward look —  or your attitude towards life ?
rose-colored boy by paramore — "you say "we gotta look on the bright side" i say "well, maybe if you wanna go blind" you say my eyes are getting too dark now, but boy, you ain't ever seen my mind. just let me cry a little bit longer i ain't gonna smile if i don't want to."
15. the song with your favorite lyrics
funeral by phoebe bridgers — "i have this dream where i'm screaming underwater, while my friends are waving from the shore ... jesus christ, i'm so blue all the time, and that's just how i feel, always have and i always will. and it's 4am again and i'm doing nothing again." inner child by indigo — "i wish we would smile more, it will be okay because today's me is doing fine. yesterday's you, now it's all clear, i want to hug the many thorns in the budding rose. the smiling kid, the child who was always laughing brightly, when i see you like that, i can't help smiling."
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