#do not taunt Happy Fun Dragon
raparopa · 1 year
a/n: i love house of the dragon that's all
warnings: fem!reader, some femslash
when someone at the tournament asks for a sign of attention from their sweetheart
daemon targaryen
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Daemon thinks this is funny. What a fearless, and it seems, immortal knight. Of course, he knows that his lover is beautiful, and he also knows that men pay attention to her. When a knight in a tournament asks his beloved for a sign of attention, Daemon ostentatiously, so that everyone can see, holds out his S/O wreath, which he himself chose in front of everyone, nodding with a smirk at the knight, who already regretted his decision.
- Come on, accept a gift from my wife, youngster. Isn't that what you wanted? -For the rest of the tournament, he will taunt in the ear of his woman, pointing to the impudent little knight, who had his head blown off after two races. 💕
criston cole
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Criston immediately gets angry. All he will feel is irritation and terrible anger. He can't do anything - he's just a White Cape who can't even throw something offensive at a bastard who dares to covet his beautiful lady. But his anger will subside a little when he sees his beautiful woman in a flowing dress, with flowing hair and ribbons, with a beautiful wreath in her hands - he just cannot help but smile, looking at his goddess. But the knight who asked for her courtesy is first on Criston Cole's list. Let him get ready.
aemond targaryen
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He didn't understand at all at first. Tournaments are generally the last thing Aemond cares about, he only came for his S/O. And when some man in armor asks his lover to give him a token, Aemond just:🤨
He looks at his happy, embarrassed companion, then at the impudent one, and silently clenches his fists, waiting for this ridiculous trick on the part of the knight to end. It's not like he's angry... He's ten times more tense, because usually she only smiles like that for him; and when his lady returns to him, he will be silent and look ahead of him for a long time. (slightly regretting not participating in the tournament, you get the idea)
aegon targaryen
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In the morning a knight fights with a wreath from his wife on a spear; in the evening his head rolls in the mud. It's all.
alicent hightower
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She is calm enough, because she knows that this is just a tradition. When she sees that her S/O has been chosen to give her a token of attention, she will smile gently at her, nod her head, and I think she will be proud that she has got such a beautiful treasure for a long time. When her lady returns to her, they will imperceptibly join their fingers, continuing to smile and giggle at each other, completely forgetting about the tournament.
lucerys velaryon
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Luke is the biggest kitten in the world. PERIODT. 😼
I think he really likes tournaments (he likes to have fun and family evenings in general). He likes to place bets (in secret) on knights, whistle and clap loudly. But he never paid attention to the wreath moment until he had his S/O. When a man asks her to give him a token, Luke is surprised. He will ask her a lot of questions.
- Did he like you? Why did you choose this particular wreath? Does he think you are beautiful? And you him? What if I asked for a wreath?
-Luke, if you want me to give you a wreath, I'll give you a hundred of them, please don't take it personally.
After such a promise, he will sit with a proud smile and your hand in his palm.
jacaerys velaryon
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He is surprised. He doesn't even want to let go of his S/O's hand at first, opening his mouth to say something. He sits with his mouth open and large, round eyes all the time, while his beloved, to the general applause, gives the knight her sign of attention. He glances at the man, clenching and unclenching his fingers. When his lady returns to him, he will simply continue to stare at her questioningly, making her laugh.
- Do you want flowers in your hair too, honey?
rhaenyra targaryen
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If the word "pride" was a person, it would be Rhaenyra. She proudly raises her chin, grins at the knight, as if showing with whom this wonderful S/O is here today, and the rest of the time in general, too. She has a beautiful companion, in silks and gold, who makes these unworthy ones drool over her. She perfectly remembers such moments in her life, and understands how such a request elevates you above other women who did not receive this.
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Imagine Aemond...
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Imagine Aemond’s... Humiliation, when his own brother and cousins make fun of him by bringing him a pig with wings and taunt him into riding it, calling it ‘The Pink Dread’.
Imagine Aemond’s... Shock once you put on a cheerful face and jump on the pig, pretending it’s a dragon, and laughing so merrily. 
“Lo’ and behold, citizens of King’s Landing, for I, Y/N Targaryen, First of her name, and my trusty dragon, the Pink Dread, shall bathe this place with Fire and Blood!” you looked as if you were having so much fun, and whilst Aemond’s eyes were wide with absolute bewilderment, Luke jumped on the pig as well, joining the fun, while Jace was running by your side and Aegon was cursing and stomping out of there - Once again, you destroyed his attempts at mocking his younger brother. You will pay for it.
Imagine Aemond’s... Pink cheeks once you finish playing with the pig and you let the brown haired Velaryon boys play with it, and you go up to him and cup his face, smiling so sweetly at him, and he can only mutter a soft ‘Thank you’, though he hated how he had to rely so much on you, your strength and outright nerve to go against literally everyone, just to make sure he’s fine.
Imagine Aemond’s... Impatience, every time his mother tells him he will get his dragon, but literally everyone else BUT him has one... Well, you don’t have a dragon either, which sucks because even his sister Helaena has a dragon... And such a beautiful one... Just like her.
Imagine Aemond’s... Sheer fright as he tries to run after you and stop you from going to The Cannibal - Were you out of your mind?! Were you suicidal?! He kept yelling out your name, but as soon as you got in front of the dragon’s snout, you yelled out your orders proud and confident, like a true Targaryen, and with a cheeky grin on your face, you pat and kiss his snout before outright jumping on his back and riding him like a mad girl - Doing tumbles and spins and loops and playing around with the Dracarys-ordered fire... All that Aemond is close to crying and praying to all the Gods in Westeros that you return to him, safe and sound, because you’re his only best friend and he loves you so much and never wants to lose you.
Imagine Aemond’s... Absolute relief, once your dragon finally lands back on the land, and while everyone else around him is still flabbergast that a child was able to tame THE Cannibal himself, Aemond, as soon as you playfully jump on the ground and laugh cheerfully, still drunk with euphoria from how much fun you had -- He runs full speed your way and tackles you to the ground, holding you tightly and crying in your arms, cursing you for worrying him so much and almost leaving him all alone.
Imagine Aemond’s... Jealousy, once The Cannibal snarls at him in sheer envy and protectiveness, and he outright shouts back at the dragon saying you’re HIS lady! ... Only to then falter a bit once the dragon begins to get aggressive, and you have to calm down the both of them by kissing their noses.
Imagine Aemond’s... Torture, once each of his brothers and cousins start making fun of him for being so absolutely useless, unwanted, worthless - And that even some silly girls can get dragons, while he will be forever doomed with a Pink Dread.
Imagine Aemond’s... Rage, when he hears you shrieking out his name, and once he gets to you, he sees you trembling and sobbing while trying desperately to keep your composure - Because Aegon was threatening you by approaching one of Helaena’s super disgusting spider thingies close to your face, and whilst you didn’t want to hurt the poor girl’s creature since they were her only happiness... You were outright terrified and disgusted by them, to the point of almost fainting.
Imagine Aemond... Jumping on Aegon and slapping him, taking the spider from his hand and giving it back to his sister, before immediately going to hold you in his arms and rock you back and forth, trying desperately to sooth you back to sanity.
Imagine Aemond’s... Smugness once you convince him to ride with you on The Cannibal, and you taunt everyone for not having the coolest dragon in the world.
Imagine Aemond’s... Cockiness, once he gets the courage to claim Vhagar, thanks to your own braveness, and despite losing his eye, he will come over to you and propose having a Dance of Dragons up in the air, as you are definitely the perfect pair and not only have you always made the best dancing pair on the ground, but, without a doubt, you will synchronize up there as well.
Imagine Aemond... All grown up, an adult, proud and confident in himself, even with that sapphire eye of his, and no claim to the throne - As he loops his dragon around your own and the two of you share such a majestic and playful dance, that the whole Targaryen lineage would be envious of you.
Imagine Aemond’s... Absolute victory once he goes against the whole fucking King’s Landing and, in front of everyone, after a most wonderful Dance of Dragons, he lands on one knee before you and proposes - Making sure Aegon, Jace and Luke are there to witness and die in anger as their crush accepts marry the ‘Useless, worthless, ugly, one-eyes Aemond’.
Imagine Aemond... Making you the absolutely happiest and most treasured person in the world, because from the very beginning, you were the only one to always be there for him, encourage him and believe in him whole-heartedly.
Imagine Aemond... Just loving you so, so much that he has no idea how to express it in words, so he just smiles at you with that sweet, loving, kitten smile and he holds you tightly to his chest, every night, and tells you new ways of telling you how much he loves you to the moon and back.
Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is afraid My Lady will find him ugly) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is frustrated with the court and My Lady spoils him) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond discovers you pampering Vhagar, the Matchmaker) Imagine Aemond... (My Lady is afraid of the concept of childbirth and pregnancy) Imagine Aemond... (Engaging in a romantic, literal Dance of Dragons in the air ) Imagine Daemon... (Being smitten over an adventurous Lady who flies Balerion)
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naofaun · 7 months
i see people asking what morro's appeal to the fandom is, and after some thought, i think i realised what it is.
it's the tragedy of his entire story, from start to finish. the helplessness of it all, the grief, the longing, the parts of your past that haunt you forever (ghost pun not intended).
you look at morro and you don't see the big scary monster that the writers painted him as. you see a boy, a child, who spent his entire life pursuing one single goal that was just barely out of reach. you see a child who died for that goal suffocated in toxic fumes, who lost his home and family and safety for that goal.
we don't know why he was cursed. but as if he hadn't been through enough agony, as if the world hadn't broken this child enough, he wound up in a realm flooded with evil. his mind couldn't handle the trauma of what happened. as if he wasn't fixated enough, his desire became stronger.
he wanted nothing more than to prove himself.
you can see it in the way he talks and acts. he doesn't care about taking over. he doesn't care about the preeminent's goals. if anything, dying in that cave on that night made him all the more determined to prove himself worthy.
he had so much anger, so much terrible sadness in him that he didn't know what to do with it. he had to blame someone. the only person he could reasonably reflect his agony onto was sensei wu, the only man to ever help him.
he came back to ninjago years and years later. the person who got the green gi was no more than a little boy, who had never been trained like he was. who never spent years and years of his life pursuing this goal, dedicating everything to it. hell, he didn't even want it?
even his defeat was tragic. you can see him panicking, doing everything he can to escape destiny. destiny will always wrap its chains around him once more though, because he was finally dragged down to the depths. once more, he would fail his goal. once more, he would watch everything he dedicated himself to simply fade away before his very eyes.
he could have saved himself. he could have taken wu's hand, dragged himself onto that dragon and started a new life.
but he didn't want to. i love the “morro takes wu’s hand and redeems himself” aus as much as the next person, but he didn't want to. he made the active decision to shove the crystal in wu's hand and let death take him once more.
because in the end, he'd lost so much that living wasn't worth it anymore. his goal was never going to be achievable. he was never going to be truly happy. he never learned how to stop and appreciate life, how to love himself and reach his true sense of self like the rest of the ninja.
he died before he could reach his true potential, guys. that dragon was not his, it was lloyd’s. he died before he even got the chance.
unlike the ninjago villains both before and after him, morro has genuine emotion and life to his story. he's not bad for the sake of being bad. he's not just another enemy for lloyd garmadon to defeat. he's a kid who got in over his head, who wasted away trying to break free of his own fate. and he failed.
if anyone reading this has seen day of the departed, then you know morro came back only long enough to warn sensei wu of what was coming for him. the other villains immediately picked up their weapons and scurried off to cause mayhem for the sake of it, but morro was different. he changed. he let go of his grief and accepted his role in the world.
he helped the ninja despite his prior hatred for them (although i truly believe it was jealousy fueled by insecurity and grief, not hatred). sure, he taunted wu a little at first, but you could tell that it was nothing more than a little fun. he was a boy again, he was okay again. there was no reason for him to hurt anyone. he's moved on.
no one knows what happened to him in the departed realm, or why he healed and the other villains didn't. i don't think i want to know, though. it doesn't matter. all that matters is the fact that he's better now.
so, yes. unlike the other ninjago villains, morro’s story is so painfully and breathtakingly human. he has emotion and development that no other antagonist like him got to have. or at least, it certainly didn't feel as raw as his did.
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faces-ofvenus · 2 years
Hi, I just wanna say that I love your work;)
And listen: Jace being all dom and jealous after Aegon had propositioned to you in your wedding day, so Jace wants him to hear how good he can please you
warnings: content for adults, minors do not read.
It took a while ����
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After all the morning events that had surrounded your family, you knew that the atmosphere at that dinner would be nothing less than tense, you were one of the children of Alicent and Viserys, but specifically the youngest daughter, and now also engaged and promised to Jacaerys, to the chagrin of your mother, who obviously didn't want any of your blood to join the children of Rhaenyra.
You still wondered why there were so many enmities, it was rumored that they were friends, but it didn't really matter, not when you were actually happy about the wedding you and your sister's firstborn had always been quite attached in childhood, for having a small age difference, you always felt and wanted to marry Jace, and he always expressed that he wanted the same, going against your mother's rules and simply talking to the boys.
But things happened, the death of lord Strong, of Laena, your beloved prince and his family moving to Dragonstone and cutting contacts with each other even if by force, it was hurtful honestly, but all was past you expected, you didn't want to be meeting Jace in these situations, to decide your brother's future, to humiliate him his poor sister and his other brothers, you just wanted that they could be together, and that your family could get along.
At the dinner table Jace's hand rested intertwined in yours, since you met again, you always seemed to be together and glued to each other, he seemed to be happier than ever, to imagine the two of you together, and how it would be to have you in his bed, he honestly couldn't stop himself from having such thoughts, when he thought you were the most beautiful woman that ever existed in Westeros, and just looking at you he felt warmth rise all over his body.
- I hope you know how to satisfy my little sister. Don't worry my dear, if you need help, just come to me.
The two of your conversation was completely interrupted by your brother's drunken and slightly coiled voice, you rolled your eyes and looked at Aegon, you knew he would do one of those, but honestly, today!? You got the stiffness in Jace's arm, and how his hands were giving you warning signs, and as you looked at him you saw his serious and defiant look.... It was hot you thought, the way he looked, but you quickly turned those thoughts away, you made your gazes meet, yours seemed to want to calm the dragon fire that glowed through Jacaerys beautiful brown orbs.
Dinner followed with more of Aegon's rather polite and indiscreet comments that you made a point of rebuking a few times, but which seemed to have no effect on your brother's drunken figure, the glint in Jacaerys' gaze had not diminished, but you could see the gears in his head, and honestly the small discreet smile that spread across his face.
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Aegon was walking a little staggered around the castle, he gave a low laugh at the thought of going to pester his nephew some more, after the dinner they had, the family excused themselves, teasing and taunting Jace was never as much fun as it was now. As he got close to his door he could hear noises indecipherable to his ears but getting louder and sincerely more noticeable.
And as he opened the door the naked image of you seared into his mind, which he would find as exciting as possible, but not when it was his fucking nephew who was leading him upright with you just propped up on a headboard.
- A...ah Jacaerys m...my king
You moaned like a bitch he would say, your face had little tears of pleasure on it, your nails dug into Jace's back scratching him and leaving reddened rows as Jace took you unmercifully, and just marked you all over.
- Let them hear you, let your brother hear what a slut you are for my cock, and that only I can take you.
He put his hands on the table and pushed even harder, making you let out a shrill cry for his name, as he grabbed your shoulder for balance, and hooked your legs around his bent toes and your mouth letting out the best moaning moans Aegon ever had the pleasure of hearing, he doesn't know why he was so turned on by the scene, you looked so good in that situation, but you made sure to leave quickly so as not to be noticed by the couple, even not aware that the brown haired prince, already knew about your little importuning, not that he cared when you were taking his cock so obediently mind.
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sinn-bee · 6 months
I’m loving your Dragon AU! Do you have any ideas for Yue Qingyuan in this AU? Also how did Liu Qingge react to seeing Luo Binghe the first time?
Aaah!! Thanks! I’m having so much fun with it 🥰 and I’m so happy other people are enjoying it!!
I do! When I have time he’s probably gonna be the next one I do some sketches of, I want him to have big ram-like horns and like dull gold and brown colored scales. There’s some of the typical QiJiu angst there to if you’re meaning ideas like Story wise? SY transmigrating changed what Sqq’s body looked like, when it was SJ it looked less minty and more bamboo leaf and his horns were more angled and sharp. So Yqy instantly Knew something drastic had happened when he saw Sqq after the transmigration.
And for Bingliu first meeting, Binghe showed up and met Sqq when Lqg wasn’t there (a rare occurrence considering he’s pretty much moved in by donating most of his hoard to Sqq) so when Lqg gets back and Knows someone had visited he’s tense about it and gets super protective. When they actually meet for the first time Lqg gets all posturing and stands tall but behaves himself because he is Sqq’s guest. (They will go fight later because Binghe Will taunt him enough and Lqg Will fall for the bait) But they’ll figure out how to get along and more once they realize that Sqq is interested in both of them and they can team up shfjg
That was a little ramble-y _(:3」z)_ I hope it made some sense??
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xxdemonicheartxx · 7 months
How different dragons show that you are friends
Modern breeds
Bogsneak: make you something to eat/drink, they know your favorite snack and food allergies and can easily replicate things with substitutions
Coatl: know your music taste so well they can tell how you are feeling baaed on the music you listen to/can suggest songs right in your niche
Fae: understand how you are feeling without words, know when to give you space, understand that not everything you feel needs to be verbalized and respects that. Reading the room is their specialty
Guardian: fierce protectors, you feel bad? Sad? Who did this? Where do they live? I just wanna talk. They are almost like an older sibling. Great hugs.
Imperial: sits in silence with you. They understand what you feel and when you feel and know when to pry and when to leave it. They enjoy quietly sharing a space whilst you both do your own thing
Mirror: love to play and roughhouse, if thats not okay they poke fun and tease and taunt. They’re the type to greet you with “whats up freak” with the most endearment behind it
Nocturne: they share inside jokes! Finishing each other’s sentences and quips faster than you can get a breath to laugh
Obelisk: acts of kindness, they’ll clean up after you, cook for you, etc. they are happy to listen and learn while they cement their care for you via acts of service
Pearlcatcher: infodumping, mainly about themselves. If you’re someone they care about and trust, of course they can drop memories I to you and their pearl
Ridgeback: loaning, you need something or they deem that you need something due to your emotional standing they will loan out or gift give to show they care
Skydancer: advice, they know how to mitigate and read past emotion and will softly and calmly talk you away from choices made with bad standing. They don’t want you to shoot yourself in the foot so to speak
Snapper: they break habits and plans for you, they have very set ways and expectations they follow for themselves so if they break them for you then you are VERY important to them
Spiral: as energetic as they are when you are important to them they will actually sit and listen!
Tundra: they find things that smell akin to you, candles, perfumes, clothes and blankets, etc so that you can also experience what kind of comfort you bring to them
Wildclaw: sparring and feedback in just about anything. Wildclaws live for might so seeing their friends succeed in the danger that is their social hierarchy is important to then
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ohh tell me about the Titans AU where Grayson has to fight Rachel's demonic presence???? INTRIGUE
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OOOOOOKAY I hope you knew you were about to unleash a dragon when you typed this out because I have A LOT TO SAY AND GIFS TO BACK IT UP
Some of it you probably already know because I can't seem to shut up about this particular episode and I know I've made a post about this a while back but TO RECAP: (Beware of spoilers)
Episode 4x10. Two episodes earlier it has been revealed that Rachel and the season's big bad Sebastian (who also happens to be her half brother) share a physical connection - when one gets hurt, the other gets hurt the same way. To quote Dick: "he cut you with a knife and he bled the same way". Dick and Kory make a decision to bench Rachel to protect her, which she isn't too happy about. So Dick makes a call to a friend from London who knows a little something about magic stuff (the person is never named but DC fans might connect the description to John Constantine) and brings Rachel a possible solution to the connection thing - black magic ritual that is supposed to give the "inner evil" a physical form so it can be killed. They meet with a witch who guides them through the ritual, explains that once the evil takes form, Rachel will be left defenseless because the monster will be draining her energy until Dick kills it. If he fails, she dies. The witch also gives Dick a blade - or rather just a hilt of it and explains that the blade will be formed by magic from his love for Rachel.
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The evil takes the form of a monster, which is basically a zombie version of Sebastian and it looks like this:
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And Dick spends the rest of the episode chasing it around trying to kill it because he's struggling with getting the blade to work (my man was overthinking it too much instead of letting his feelings guide him but he's a rookie when it comes to magic so I forgive him) and only managed to do it when the monster took Rachel as his direct target
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Dick kills the monster, Rachel gets back her life force, the connection is broken. Ritual complete.
What I want to do is make it more angsty. Because sure, running around fighting a zombie was a fun idea for the episode but it wasn't the best. I can agree it works with the logistics of Rachel and Sebastian's connection - the part of Sebastian in her that's creating it will take his physical form - but I love the idea of it becoming more personal to both Dick and Rachel, therefore harder.
You've seen season 1 so you know that in the beginning Rachel had this demonic reflection who always taunted her and tried to make her do bad things, a darkness that took over sometimes.
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As Rachel's powers evolved through the show, that part of her disappeared and I want to bring it back. I want the inner evil to take her form during the ritual. I want to put that magic blade in Dick's hand and have him realize that the monster he has to slay to save his little girl is his little girl herself, her own darkness she had to fight her entire life until he taught her how to accept it.
There will obviously be no fight. Because Dick won't be able to fight her. Not when she's standing in front of him with this baby face, striped shirt and blue highlights in her dark hair, the little kid he met in Detroit. He'll be standing there, frozen, while Demon!Rachel does what she does best - taunting, teasing, spitting venom and digging into his head, throwing all his greatest hits right into his face, all the while real Rachel is laying there on the floor, her life force fading away.
And I am ripping my hair out just thinking about it
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childotkw · 2 years
Anything tbh. Im Open to dragons and humans. i like to draw anything fantasy related, i would Even be ok with landscapes if your idea includes them. XD
Just go Wild, You can Even just ask me to draw X character or dragon You like of HotD.
Damn, this is too much power to give me 😂
But very well! After consulting with my sister, here's some ideas:
Lucerys standing beside Cannibal's head (to see the size difference between our boys)
Lucerys doing the whole 'Hiccup and Toothless' hand-to-snoot touch (again, because the size difference would be hilarious)
Daemon and Lucerys sparring with swords (if you want to do action-shots)
Lucerys covered in blood (mayhaps after having a lil snack)
Lucerys and Aemond standing way too close to be proper, and Lucerys practically getting in Aemond's face, being all taunting and whatnot (I'm not sure if that makes sense??)
Vhagar and Cannibal's imagery unholy offspring, full creative liberties to you 🤣
Those are just some fun ideas - but I'd honestly be happy with anything. You draw whatever vibes best with you, my dear, and I'll just shriek in excitement if you bestow your talent on me once more 💕💕💕💕
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aredheadedmess · 2 years
Good Day || KNJ
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Summary: One day, it'll be a good day, forever.
Pairing: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Non-Idol AU, Slight Slow Burn, Slightly Suggestive
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mention of champagne, pregnancy and allusion to possible abortion, making out, idk if there's anything else. it's really just a lot of fluff
Notes: This fic is part of the Bangtan On Replay event hosted by @btsgoldnetwork! I had fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy it! I wish I got this out a little sooner, but I'm happy on how it turned out.
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You remember the first time you met him. The bright smile he had on his face after defeating your brother in a round of Mario Kart the first time he was at your home only made you more curious. The dimples in his round cheeks deepend as he taunted your older brother, dancing around his deflated form sitting on the floor in front of the couch. You stood watching curiously at the interaction.
The moment he stood between your brother and the tv, his eyes caught your figure in the doorway. He gave you a small wave. At that, your brother turned around to see you standing there, whining out your name with a pout on his face. Even over the sound of the game playing in the background you heard him sigh.
He turned the sound down before pointing at you.
“Namjoon, this is my bratty younger sister, Y/N,” he said in a bored tone.
“Hey! I’m not bratty!”
He stuck his tongue out at you. Which you gave back. Namjoon laughed at your antics, still wearing a silly smile on his cheeks. He raised up the controller, as if he were about to toss it to you.
“Wanna join?”
You gasped. With wide, sparkling eyes, you turned to your brother. Of course you were going to ask him. You had just interrupted their play time and he didn’t seem very pleased while introducing you to the new friend.
“Can I?”
“I guess. Just don’t eat any of my snacks,” he huffed lightly. Settling back into his place with his back against the couch, he reached for the remote again to turn the volume back up. “I’m gonna warn ya right now, Joon. Y/N’s pretty good.”
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Namjoon would often come over. Whether it be for your brother and his weekly hang out time, or for them to stay up all night finishing the joint project that was due that very morning.
Tonight was no different. With the upcoming winter break, there were tests and projects due very quickly. After five years of being friends and project partners you would have thought that they would have learned their lesson. But, just like before, Namjoon had come over with the guise of playing games and a sleepover with your brother. You weren’t sure if your parents had ever caught on to their procrastination, but if the tired looks and glitter-covered hands told you anything, you’re sure they knew very well.
You shared a wall with your brother’s room, and unfortunately for you, it wasn’t very thick. So when you wake up to the loud voices trying to be hush, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep that easily. So instead, you threw your covers off your body, pulled yourself up from bed, and slipped out of your room and into the one next door. Two pairs of eyes stared up at you in horror in fear that you were either one of your parents.
“What’s going on,” you yawn. “You guys woke me up.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, your brother turned to glare at his best friend.
“Namjoon won’t let me draw dragons on our poster.”
Throwing his hands in the air, Namjoon looks at you in desperation.
“They don’t even make sense with our topic!” 
“Uh, yeah they do.” Your brother crosses his arms in front of his chest. He leans in closer to Namjoon. “This is history. Dragons are in a lot of old stories.”
“Just because they’re in a lot of stories doesn’t mean that they’re relevant to what we have to present about!”
Your face scrunches at the volume that the two are bickering in. You shush them, reaching out to cover your brother’s mouth before he has a chance to shout out another argument. When he licks your hand, you pull it back and wipe it on his face before he has a chance to move away.
“Keep it down. You don’t want mom or dad to wake up do you?”
He scoffs and points his thumb towards the other boy in the room.
“You’re just lucky you don’t have to deal with his dumb logic everyday.”
“What do you mean? She has to deal with you as a brother everyday.”
Your brother pinches Namjoon’s thigh, leading them into another—this time quieter—argument. You sigh, rubbing your hand against your face before stepping back towards the door.
“I’m going back to bed. You guys are too much to deal with right now.”
You’re not sure if either of them even heard or saw you leave, but you don’t care about that right now. As you carefully shuffle back into your own room, your tired eyes meet your bed. But you can’t sleep now. You’re not sure why tonight is any different, it’s not like you’ve never been woken up by your brother in the middle of the night. Most of the time it’s because he’s up gaming, even though he shouldn’t be.
Deciding that trying to fall back asleep isn’t going to be worth your time, you pull a book off your shelf and sit on your bed. You wrap your comforter around you and snuggle in. You can still hear the faint complaints between the two boys as you begin to read, and it did distract you at first. But the longer you focused on the book, the less you noticed about your surroundings.
Your heart pounds in your chest at the light knock that eventually comes from your door. Slowly, you set the book down, glancing at the clock. It’s been almost an hour since you started reading. You get up from your bed, pulling the comforter along with you. Quietly opening the door, you are met with Namjoon fiddling with his fingers.
His voice is soft. He is definitely a lot calmer than what you heard earlier.
“You’re brother’s already asleep,” he mutters. “I was going to get some water when I saw that you had your light on, so I thought I’d come apologize for waking you up.”
A sheepish smile takes over his face, dimples out on display. You send him a soft smile of your own. Leaning up against your door, you let out a huff of laughter.
“Ah, yeah. It’s no big deal. He wakes me up in the middle of the night often enough that it doesn’t really bug me all the time. Plus if you remember, it’s not the first time you both have woken me up by your bickering.” You glance back into your room, towards the open book laying on your bed. “Although, tonight I can’t really fall back asleep.”
Namjoon hums, pulling your attention back to him. His face scrunches up in thought before returning the smile to his face.
“I think I remember seeing some tea in the kitchen. Want me to make you some?”
It’s quiet between the two of you for a minute. You’re not sure if you should start making conversation with Namjoon, or if he’d rather sit in silence as you wait for the water to heat up. He must have seen your thoughts as if they were tattooed on your forehead, though, as he initiates a quiet conversation with you.
The two of you talk about everything between school and your social lives, and the late night thoughts that keep you both awake. There was never a dull moment as you sat in your kitchen with your brother’s best friend.
Namjoon laughs as quietly as possible after you finish telling him about your class’s shenanigans. And in that moment, you don’t think you’ve ever felt the way you did. Maybe it was the idea that your brother wasn’t around, so you didn’t have to hear his nagging about you taking his best friend away from him. Or maybe it was because you knew that you’ve felt that Namjoon was more than just your brother’s best friend for some time, and that this moment—sitting at the breakfast bar with his thigh grazing yours every so often as he twists on his chair—was much more intimate than other times you’ve shared a space together.
Picking up your mug as you shake the thoughts out of your head, you hum in satisfaction. If there was one thing you knew, Namjoon knew how to brew the tea just right.
“You know,” he speaks softly. “I thought it’d be weird to hang out with my best friend’s little sibling.”
“I don’t think it’s weird,” you mumble against your mug.
Namjoon turns to you. His eyebrow is raised in confusion as his mug is held in midair.
You shake your head.
“Well…” he hums. He raises his mug to his lips, whispering out before taking another sip. “I think you’re cool.”
You turn away from his gaze with a shy smile. Does he know what he’s doing to your heart?
Namjoon finishes his drink before you, but waits until you're done, taking both of your mugs to the sink. He turns back to face you, gesturing to the stairs where you both make your way back up to your room as quietly as possible. You step into your room. Before you can manage to close your door, Namjoon catches your wrist to stop you. You turn your attention to him.
“Goodnight, Y/N. See you tomorrow?”
His head tilts as he asks the question. You nod, giving him a sweet but tired smile.
“Yeah. Goodnight, Joon.”
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Your eyes widen. Sniffling quietly, you rub your face to get rid of the stray tears and runny nose.
Namjoon comes running around the corner you managed to hide yourself behind. You should have known that he would have seen you run past him in an attempt to get away from your brother.
You curse yourself. Your voice sounds so hoarse.
“Are you okay?”
Namjoon kneels in front of you, his head tilted and eyebrows furrowed in worry. You can’t make eye contact with him unless you want to start apologizing for making him so worried when he shouldn’t be. He’s your brother’s friend. Not yours.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, cause you look like you’ve been crying.”
“No I wasn’t,” you mumble.
He raises an eyebrow at you, leaning in a little closer.
“Are you sure?”
He sighs lightly. Namjoon shifts so he sits on the gravel beside you. The warmth radiating from him is comforting, so you lean into him a little more, testing the waters before fully committing to resting your head against his shoulder. He throws an arm around your shoulders.
“You can tell me anything, yeah? I’ll listen.”
“It’s nothing really,” you sigh. “Just my stupid brother picking a fight with me infront of his so called friends.”
You finally glance up at him. Even from the position you’re in, Namjoon is watching you carefully. He smiles as you catch his eyes.
“I just really look up to him, ya know? But when he goes and says the things he said, I feel like I’m nothing to him.”
Namjoon hums, tugging you closer.
“He’ll come around. I’m sure of it. I never really liked those people anyways.”
“You think so?”
“If I have anything to do with it, I know so,” he chuckles.
You push away from him as much as possible, but his hold on you keeps you close. Shaking your head, you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“You don’t have to do anything. I’ll get over it at some point.”
“That’s the problem though,” Namjoon states. His voice is stern, and it sends a kaleidoscope of butterflies to your stomach. You’ve seen how protective he can get about the people he cares about. And now knowing that you are a part of that small group has you overly happy. “You shouldn’t have to get over it, that’s your brother. It would be different if it was a friend.”
“Why are you so nice to me?”
You stare into his eyes. It takes a moment for Namjoon to say anything, and for that moment, you reconsider if you ever even meant anything to him. He is your brother’s best friend. And you are just his bratty little sister.
“I consider you.. my friend. Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?”
It’s almost as if something shifts between the two of you. One moment, you are surprised to hear that what you’ve been thinking about is true. The next, you find yourself leaning in a little closer. You can feel his breath hit your face. You thank your lucky stars that he doesn’t seem uncomfortable with the limited space between your faces, and lean in even closer.
“Joon? Where’d ya go?”
Namjoon groans. Curse your brother’s bad timing. Namjoon was in your brother’s sight when you passed by him earlier. Of course he’d go looking for him.
“I’ve gotta get going,” he sighs. “Your brother’s buying bowling passes for us and I promised I’d go. Not that I’d be great at it anyways. You’ve got my number though. I’m always free to talk, or do something to get stuff off your mind.”
Reluctantly, you settle back into your original position with your back against the brick wall behind you. Namjoon offers a bright smile as he stands up. He keeps his eyes trained on you until he makes it around the corner once more.
What would have happened if your brother didn’t interrupt?
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Getting a text at midnight wasn't something you expected. But getting a text from Namjoon at midnight was even less expected. You thought that he'd be asleep right now, considering he has a big exam in the morning—one that will determine his future—and he likes to get a good amount of sleep before tests.
Reaching for your phone, you open up your messages. His text is vague, making you much more curious that maybe you should be.
Meet me at the park. I want to show you something.
Your eyes scan the playground when you get to the park. Namjoon is sitting on the swingset, gently swinging. Even in the dark of the night, you can see the satisfied smile resting on his face. As you make your way closer to him, he glances in your direction, seemingly hearing your footsteps. You smile and wave.
“What did you want to show me?”
Namjoon takes your hand, pulling you towards the other side of the park.
“Come with me.”
He brushes past the taller shrubbery, pushing branches out of your way. 
“We gotta be quiet.”
Stepping out into a smaller open area, your eyes widen. Hidden away from the main park area is a garden area with a small gazebo centered between the bushes and trees. Fireflies light up the space, helping you guide your way to the gazebo. Namjoon pulls you to sit beside him, watching as the fireflies dance around you. You’re speechless.
“Oh wow. Joon, this is incredible.”
You glance at him only to find him already looking at you. You give him a warm smile, which he gladly returns.
A quiet rustle in one of the trees brings your attention away from him. You watch as a pair of squirrels climb up to one of the branches before snuggling up together.
“Maybe that could be us one day,” Namjoon mumbles.
You turn to him with a slightly surprised look.
“What are you saying?”
“Y/N, I like you.”
He smiles gently. Waiting patiently for your reaction, he stares at you with a sparkle in his eye. You sit still for a moment, trying to process what he had just said. Is he lying? Is this a set up? It was too good to be true. You begin to look around your surroundings for any sign of your brother or a hidden camera.
“My brother put you up to this, didn’t he? I’m being pranked right now, right?”
He knows that you’ve liked Namjoon for a while now. It’s one of the main reasons why he hasn’t let you be around them as often when they hang out. And one of the main reasons why he would always pick a fight with you. He wasn’t very happy when he had seen the way you looked at him after he had given you a birthday present a couple years back. The gift wasn’t anything super special, just your favorite candy and a little handmade card with ‘Happy Birthday Y/N’ scrawled across the paper. But the way he had remembered what you liked and gave it to you without a reminder of it being your birthday made your heart warm. Your brother knew then and there that you saw his best friend as something other than a friend or acquaintance.
Taking your hands in his, Namjoon leans over to get your gaze back to him. 
“No. I really do like you, Y/N. I have for a long time now.”
“Oh,” you whisper. “Well, I’m glad then. Cause I have too.”
Dimples. Probably one of your favorite features of his. The smile that takes over his face lets them have their time to shine once again, and you have to refrain from poking them.
Namjoon squeezes your hands, dropping his gaze to them.
“Prom’s coming up. Would you want to go with me?”
“What about my brother?” you question.
You’re sure he’d be livid if he saw you and Namjoon together at one of the most special—at least according to many of your classmates—dances of the year. All dressed up for each other, holding you close as you sway to the questionable music on the gymnasium floor.
“He’s been saying that he won’t go cause it seems like a dumb idea to spend a crap ton of money for just one night in a sweaty room with a bunch of horny teenage couples.”
“Well, when it’s put that way…”
You cringe at the picture his words put in your head. Sweaty teens mosh pitting with several couples trying to make out while hiding from the chaperones was not the sight you wanted to see.
“So, no dance?” he pouts slightly.
“No!-- I mean, I’d love to go with you! Just as long as we stay out of the main crowds.”
Namjoon chuckles, pulling you into his arms to watch the fireflies again.
“Fine by me.”
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You push him away enough to whisper against his lips.
“What if he comes back soon?”
Namjoon leans back in to give you another kiss, speaking in between each one.
“He won’t. With his girlfriend. Don’t worry.”
You sigh into the kiss. Wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him in closer, your hands find their way into his hair. Namjoon smiles against your lips. His hands—which had been settled on either side of you to prop his upper body up above you—slowly make a home on your waist. He pushes your shirt up slightly to make contact with your skin. Your lower bodies are flush against each other, legs tangled as you make out on your bed.
There was nothing sensual or sexual to your actions. You both felt that it was better to take things slowly, especially when you decided to hide your relationship with Namjoon from your brother. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to know, but neither of you found the right timing to tell him the truth. He was with his own girlfriend most of the time anyways.
Your door creaks open. Namjoon quickly throws himself off of you, startled by the sudden entrance. Your brother bores his gaze into both you and Namjoon.
“I thought you were with your cousin.”
Namjoon stutters, frantically trying to compose himself after being caught in such a vulnerable position.
“I can explain.”
“No.” Your brother is seething. “Get out.”
Namjoon gets up from your bed, making his way to his best friend. He approaches him carefully, as if he is trying to tame a wild lion.
“Don’t ‘dude’ me! My best friend was feelin’ up my sister!” He gestures towards you. “Who knows what you would have done if I didn’t interrupt?”
Your brows furrow. Standing up from your bed, you point at him accusingly.
“B/N, it’s not like that!” you yell.
He doesn’t say anything as he shoves Namjoon out of your room. Before he shut the door behind him, he turns back to face you.
“You should be glad that it was me and not mom or dad,” he growls out, slamming your door behind him.
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You can’t believe him. You were trying to enjoy a nice home cooked meal together for your anniversary, and he drops the biggest bombshell on you.
“You told him?!”
Namjoon stares at you incredulously.
“What did you want me to do?”
“Uh, I don’t know… Maybe let me tell my own brother on my own time?”
He tosses his utensils on his plate, throwing his hands up dramatically. You watch in disbelief as he pushes himself away from the table to argue with you.
“He barely even accepted the fact that we’ve been dating for a couple years now—behind his back may I remind you—and you expect me to just not tell my best friend that my girlfriend is carrying my child?”
“That’s exactly what I expected!” Your fist hits the table, making you quietly hiss out in pain. “This wasn’t even planned, and I don’t even know if I can handle having a kid right now! I’m still going through college, Namjoon!”
“So you’re saying that this was a mistake?” he asks.
“Of course it was a mistake!”
His angry facade drops for a split second. Enough for you to see the disappointment on his face. You don’t let your guard down, too angry with him to think about what you’re truly saying. It isn’t until he stands from his chair, presses his lips together in a thin line, nods once, and makes his way towards the front door, that you realize what you said.
“Wait! Joon–”
Before you can get up from the table, he shoves his shoes on his feet and walks out the door, closing it softly behind him. You messed up.
Eyes swollen, you hold your legs against your chest. The movie playing on the tv does nothing to distract you from your racing thoughts. Were you done? Was this the final straw that breaks your five year long relationship?
It had been hours since you last saw Namjoon. Despite the anger that ran through your blood at dinner, you worried about him. He had never walked out on you like this before, and he didn’t even take his phone or keys with him. Usually after your petty arguments, Namjoon or you would step into another room to take a breather before ultimately coming back together to talk things through better. But the fact that he was outside, in the middle of the night, walking the streets of the new city you moved to, you weren’t sure if he’d come back.
Finally, another hour or two later, the door swings open. You watch as Namjoon walks quietly back into the house, possibly not to disturb you if you somehow managed to fall asleep. You sniff, catching his attention.
“I didn’t think you’d be back,” you mutter, turning off the tv.
“I live here, don’t I?”
He makes his way into the living room. He settles himself into the cushions on the other side of the couch you were on. You give him a moment to get a little more comfortable—if that was even possible with how much tension there was between the two of you—before speaking up.
“Look, about earlier–”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupts. He leans his elbows against his knees, keeping his eyes trained on the carpet beneath his feet. “I get it. You’re the one carrying the baby, so you can ultimately decide what you want to do. And I should have said something to you before going to your brother.”
You shift your position to match his. Rubbing your hands against your face, you sigh.
“No. That’s not what I was going to say. I just– I’m scared, Joon,” you whisper. “We didn’t plan for this to happen and now that this is happening, that I’m growing a life as a result of us being a little reckless, I don’t know how we’ll do it. I’m still in school and you just graduated. We still have so much ahead of us. But I don’t want to lose this baby.” Glancing up from the ground, you look over to where Namjoon is sitting. His body is still in the same position, but his head is turned to face you. “I don’t want to lose you. And you telling my brother just made me realize how real our situation is. I wanted to make sure that we were going to go through with this before going to him. I don’t want him to see me as his little sister who somehow seduced his best friend into being in a relationship with her and now he can’t get out of it because there’s now an unplanned addition into the mix.”
Your eyes begin to tear up at the thought of your brother berating you for becoming pregnant without proper financial or physical protection. Who’s to say that Namjoon wouldn’t get up and leave you any chance he got?
When you look back towards Namjoon, you let the tears fall. He looks at you with so much love and understanding that it’s much too overwhelming. When he notices you crying, he doesn’t hesitate to open his arms and turn his whole body towards you.
“Come here.”
You throw yourself into his arms and he pulls you as close as physically possible. He lets you cry it out for a few moments as he caresses your hair, rocking the both of you gently.
 “You won’t lose me,” he murmurs. “And I’ll do whatever it takes to not lose the baby. I’ve got a few interviews lined up the next few weeks that will hopefully get me into my career. And then I’ll be making enough for the three of us to live comfortably. You don’t have to work if you don’t want to. And your brother,” he paused for a second. “He isn’t the stupid high school boy that he was. I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you before going to him. But do you want to know what he told me?”
You hum, moving your head to meet his gaze.
“He told me that he was glad that I am the one taking care of you. Especially when he couldn’t or didn’t while growing up. He said that it was shocking at first, just because he found out so suddenly that day, but he knew that we would eventually recognize our feelings for each other.”
You press your face into the crook of his neck. Namjoon shifts the both of you so that you lay on top of him. One hand brushes through your hair while the other caresses your waist. Your own hand finds Namjoon’s waist, pushing up his shirt to make contact with the skin of his stomach. Your thumb rubs circles against him.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon chuckles. “I can see it everyday.”
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The cork flies out the bottle, landing among the crowd. Namjoon sheepishly laughs as he gets a playful yell of his name from his cousin, where the cork landed.
Carefully he pours you a glass of champagne before filling up his own flute. You raise your glass, clinking it with his before downing the drink. The sound of the shutter from the photographer you hired can be heard amongst the chatter between guests. You’re sure that they got a good picture that you’ll search for later.
“I would like to raise a toast to the two people I love the most.” Your brother’s voice booms over the crowd, catching everyone’s attention. “My little sister and my best friend. I am so happy to see that they are still going strong after so many years. They’ve had their ups and downs, but I can see it when I look at them that no matter what happens, they will be able to figure it out. To the happy couple! And maybe you can bring me back another niece or nephew after the honeymoon!”
Laughter rings out amongst your friends and family. You glare at your brother playfully, sticking your tongue out at him. He laughs, returning the favor, before making his way back to your family’s table.
The night is filled with dancing and partying. You couldn’t have imagined a more perfect wedding for the two of you. Seeing your friends and family happily join in on the activities of the night makes your heart flutter with joy. This was the moment you’ve waited for for such a long time. Being able to marry your best friend and the love of your life was something you only dreamed about. But ever since falling in love with Namjoon, you knew that your dreams would come true one day.
As you’re talking to a couple of the guests that linger at the end of the reception, thanking them for coming, Namjoon slips his hand into yours. You glance at him, watching as he nods towards the photo backdrop you had set up for wedding pictures. Wishing your guests a good rest of the night, you follow Namjoon’s lead.
A whine has you turning to see your son in your mother’s arms. He reaches out to you and you coo at the sight.
“Seungjin, are you ready?”
His giggles fill the room as you take him from her arms and move over to the backdrop where your husband is waiting and watching you lovingly. As you step up beside him, the photographer readies their camera. Namjoon’s arm wraps around your waist, pulling you closer. He looks into your eyes, smiling, dimples on show.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you.”
Seungjin whines in your arms and you chuckle. You look down to find his lips in a tiny pout.
“And we love you, too.”
He smiles, showing his own dimples, as you kiss his chubby cheek.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Taglist: @seajae @sugainmybowl @fluffyjjkk
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chenziee · 1 year
Attempt #idk-how-many to see if this finally shows up in the goddamned tags because I care about this verse and this fic okay
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Once again, I bring you an offering of some extremely soft Lawlu with a dash of Law being embarrassingly in love (which really isn't any different from canon), feat. Law taking some romantic phrases and little bit too literally.
This is part 3 of the vivre card/Ashes of Life series but as usual, you absolutely don't need to have read the other two for this to make sense!
! Manga spoilers for chapters 1030 onward, mostly 1043 and 1044 ! Light angst with a happy ending and a lot of comfort :)
[ Read on AO3 | Full Series | Ko-Fi ]
The Skull Dome of Onigashima was shaking, pieces of rubble and wood falling off the ceiling and walls. It was no wonder with all the fierce battles that were going on—really, in Law’s opinion it was more of a shock that the building was still standing after their fight with Kaido on the roof, the All Stars and Tobi Roppo going wild all over the place, not to mention the Straw Hats. They were probably doing more damage than all their enemies combined. Hell, Straw Hat himself came crashing through the goddamned floor only minutes earlier riding a pink fucking dragon.
How very Straw Hat-ya, Law thought to himself with some undeniable, if questionable, amusement.
“The fuck are you smiling about, Trafalgar?” Eustass asked with disgust.
Law scowled, quickly wiping the smile off his face as he looked at his tentative ally. “Speak for yourself,” Law shot back, eyeing the manic grin on Eustass’ lips. 
He was surrounded by idiots.
First Straw Hat and Roronoa, now Eustass—all of them a bit too happy to pick fights with people for no reason for Law taste.
Although, Law didn’t have much room to talk.
Huffing to himself, Law stood up to his full height, leaning Kikoku’s long blade against his shoulder as he took in Big Mom’s large, threatening presence. She was staring down at them, hair aflame, sword in one hand, thunder cloud in the other. Random things brought to life were dancing at her feet, all of them laughing and taunting him and Eustass. A wide smile was plastered on her face, a smile that couldn’t be more different from the one Straw Hat always wore whenever facing a strong enemy. It was icy cold, born not of the thrill of battle but of pure bloodthirst, lacking any care for anything or anyone.
Law much preferred Straw Hat’s idiotic, excited grins even though they always gave him a headache in the end.
“You have that disgusting expression on your face again,” Eustass said with a click of his tongue.
“Fuck off, Eustass-ya. Focus on the enemy,” Law retorted but he schooled his expression back to neutral.
What was he even doing, thinking about Straw Hat while he had Big Mom raging and ready to kill right in front of him? How stupid. But somehow, he couldn’t help but feel lighter because of it. Because that’s what Luffy did, wasn’t it? Making people stop doubting themselves, giving them hope when there was none, pushing them forward when they saw no path ahead.
Even now, he was on the roof fighting Kaido after he was already defeated twice, stubbornly charging forward to show the way to all the warriors fighting inside the Skull Dome. He would beat Kaido no matter what it took, no matter how many times he got beat down—he would always bounce back like the rubbery idiot he was and finally bring dawn to Wano. And Law had no doubt that he would succeed.
Shaking his head to clear it, Law chased all these useless thoughts away. No matter how confident in their—and Luffy’s—victory he was, they were still facing two Emperors.
Really, having fought them both, he could describe them as nothing but monsters. And honestly… It was fun. And even if it meant he had to work with Eustass, he would make sure to drag Big Mom down from her perch, from the comfortable, untouchable seat of an Emperor of the Sea.
The Rocks’ era was over two years ago.
Now, it was their era to claim.
Flexing his hand, a smirk pulled on Law’s lips. How much would it take to dethrone two relics of a time long gone? How much to claim their seats?
He was sure they were going to find out soon.
He was going to bring Big Mom down right here, right now. And then he was going to watch Luffy as he tore the rest of the old world down.
Gasping for breath, Law finally let himself drop to the floor, completely spent. For a moment, he wondered if he could just pass out and sleep for a week now—he deserved at least that after overusing his awakened powers and sending Big Mom who knows how far underground, right?
He heard his crew cheer from somewhere but he didn’t bother looking in that direction; he only closed his eyes, leaning his back against the rubble as he relaxed. Now the only things that remained was cleaning out the fodder, the All Stars, and Kaido.
Law took a deep breath, focusing his Observation Haki to gauge the situation. Honestly, it was near impossible to tell what was even going on inside the Dome but he couldn’t say he cared. It was enough that he couldn’t find either King’s, Queen’s or Jack’s presence. Beside that… the only thing that mattered to him was the roof.
“Straw Hat-ya,” Law muttered, finally opening his eyes to stare at the ceiling where he could sense Luffy’s and Kaido’s Voices.
They were both much weaker than they were at the start of this night but they were still raging to go… although Law could tell Straw Hat was about as exhausted as Law himself. It wouldn’t be long for that fight to be over as well.
“Captain! Are you okay?!” Bepo asked with urgency as he fell to his knees next to Law to check him over.
Law only hummed noncommittally, barely paying attention while he focused on the Voices above. Why were there three now?
And then… there were only two again.
And a split second later… only one.
A single Voice.
And it wasn’t Luffy.
Law’s eyes widened as he shot up, ignoring his protesting body that refused to move. He needed to make sure. 
Law paid no attention to Bepo’s cry, the mink probably shocked from the speed and suddenness of his best friend’s movement, but Law just didn’t care. Not now.
“Room,” he growled, a tiny sphere appearing around his hand for a second before it flickered out of existence again. Law clicked his tongue impatiently, before trying again, "Fucking—Room.”
Finally, his power listened to him and a Room came to life, holding stable, and Law continued, turning his hand up to his chest. “Scalpel.”
“Captain, what are you doing?!” Bepo cried in alarm.
“Not now, Bepo,” Law snapped.
“Have you finally lost it, Trafalgar?” Eustass asked then, voice mocking.
“Shut up!” Law really didn’t have the patience for any of them right now. He could feel his heart being a mile per second as he took it out of his ribcage, his breathing shallow while his mind went completely blank, his vision narrowing until he could barely see anything. “Hold this,” he told Bepo absent-mindedly before he dropped his heart into Bepo’s lap.
He could hear Bepo fumbling to grab it, probably terrified something would happen to the organ with it being treated so carelessly by its owner.
Law, however, simply reached into the hole that was left in his chest, searching—searching for something that should be so easy to grab but that he simply couldn’t find. It couldn’t be gone, it simply couldn’t… Where is it? Please no no no—
Finally, his fingers touched something that didn’t belong in the crevice and Law quickly took it out, clenching it in his fist for a moment. He was scared to look at it. He could already feel it—he could feel the burn, feel the size, feel it falling apart. He didn’t want to look but there was nothing else for him, nothing to do, no way to avoid it. Fuck, he could hear it from his Voice anyway.
He was just so scared.
Taking a shaky breath, Law opened his hand to look at the piece of paper on his palm—or what was left of it.
“Did you seriously just pull a vivre card out of your fucking chest? Are you actually insane?” Eustass asked with his voice completely blank and Law could just imagine the weirded out expression he was probably wearing right then. But then, Eustass continued, “Wait. Don’t tell me that’s—”
“Straw Hat…” Bepo breathed quietly, carefully.
Law didn’t react to either of them. He only gulped heavily, watching as the tiny, oh so tiny piece of paper moved weakly across his palm, getting smaller with every second as the edges burned more and more. There was barely anything left. Barely enough to hang onto any hope.
“What are you doing?” Law growled, but he could barely hear himself. There was a hum in his ears, a white noise that didn’t mean anything, didn’t serve any purpose but to drive him even more mad.
He refused to believe this.
The paper had to be lying.
There was simply no way, no way that Luffy lost.
No way that his life was about to disappear, leaving behind nothing but a few specks of ash.
He had to do something. He blindly reached his free hand, searching for Kikoku, getting ready to get up but his legs weren’t listening to him. He didn’t have any strength left to even move, much less fight.
And then… it was too late anyway.
“No—” Law could barely let out before the last bits of paper scattered into the air, leaving behind nothing more than the ghost of the feeling of burning embers on his palm.
For a moment, it was like time had stopped. Law couldn’t breathe, couldn’t hear, couldn’t feel anything. He only sat there motionlessly while Bepo panicked beside him, Eustass cursing somewhere so very far away. And still, the only thing running through his mind was no, this can’t be happening.
What kind of sick joke was this?
They had come so far; they brought all these people together, they pulled off this raid, they beat all the strongest enemies… The only one left was Kaido and up until this very moment, Law had no doubt he would witness yet another miracle of Straw Hat’s own making.
He never even considered this possibility. If he had known, he would have never—
He shouldn’t have left the roof.
He should have helped.
He should have been there.
But he didn’t and he wasn’t and now he was here; alone. Left with nothing but a hole in his chest and a few pieces of dust on his skin that were just a reminder of what used to be a solid chunk of paper—one full of life which was stronger than any other, with determination to pull through anything and still burn brightly like the sun.
So why? Why did this happen?
Law barely flinched when the ceiling came crashing down and Kaido’s booming voice demanded Momonosuke’s head, declaring Luffy’s death in the same breath.
It wasn’t a surprise to him, after all. It didn’t fucking matter what Kaido said at this point.
“It was a short-lived dream…” Eustass muttered.
“Suppose it’s the cold, hard reality. We have nothing left,” Law replied, voice completely void of emotion. He still couldn’t tear his eyes away from charred, black remains of Luffy’s life-force still clinging to his skin.
“Fuck this. I’m going to fight, Trafalgar. I’m not surrendering just like that,” Eustass announced, slowly getting to his feet even though his movements were sluggish and wobbly.
And Law knew—he knew that was the right thing to do. He, too, was going to fight. This was no time to sit here and be completely useless…
But before he could so much as look up, something stopped him. “What the—”
Completely frozen, Law could only watch with wide eyes as specks of dust and ash gathered in his palm, swirling in place as if guided by a non-existent gust of wind. It took Law a long moment to realise what was happening; and how could he? It was ridiculous, completely unheard of, and if Law didn’t see it happening in real time, he would never have believed it.
But there it was, the very same vivre card that had burned down to nothing a mere minute ago, back in one piece as if nothing happened and only growing bigger each second.
The wave of powerful haki that followed seemed almost redundant then. And when the deafening beat of a drum started echoing in his mind, Law had no doubt what was happening anymore. Or well, he still had absolutely no idea what was even going on but he did know the most important thing.
“Fucking idiot,” Law sighed as his fingers curled into a fist around the full-sized, alive vivre card, clutching it close.
“What’s going on? What’s this sound?!” Bepo asked, paws on his ears as he looked around with confusion.
“Just Straw Hat-ya doing something ridiculous. Again. Don’t worry about it, he’s really going to finish it now.” Law let go of a tired breath, finally allowing himself to relax again. He felt so exhausted… As if the fight with Big Mom wasn’t enough, Straw Hat just had to go and make it worse.
He was going to have a word with this idiot when this was all over.
“Uhm, captain?”
Cracking one eye open, Law glanced at Bepo, humming questioningly.
Bepo fumbled for a moment, looking like he was trying to pick something up while absolutely terrified to touch it. Only when he managed to raise his paws up, did Law realise why. “Sorry. What—what about your heart?”
“Shit I completely forgot,” Law groaned, forcing himself to sit up again before he reached over to grab the organ from Bepo’s awkward hold to put it back in place. “Thanks.”
“Freak,” someone noted.
“Fuck off, Eustass-ya.”
Whatever Law had expected to happen when Straw Hat had come back, it sure as hell wasn’t that. He still wasn’t sure what did actually happen but watching Luffy, with his hair and clothes pure white, jump and run around, change sizes however he wished, bend the very laws of nature to his own will, and laugh like a maniac the whole time… It was both completely surreal and perfectly Straw Hat at the same time.
And watching him now, having fun during the celebratory festival as if nothing happened…
Law just felt so tired.
“Captain? Are you okay?” Penguin asked when Law got up from the ground where he and his crew had been drinking at the sidelines of the heart of the festival.
No, Law's mind immediately supplied but he bit his tongue, refusing to let the word slip out.
“I need a break,” Law said without elaborating.
Penguin looked like he was about to press him but when their eyes met, he deflated and nodded, making Law sigh in relief. He really didn’t feel like explaining the frustration he felt right then—not to his crew, not to his friends, not to anyone. He was sure Penguin, Shachi and Bepo could understand what was on his mind either way, after all the time they’ve known each other. 
Without another word, Law turned around and left, leaving the noise and energy of the festival behind. He didn’t even know where he was heading, he simply knew he needed to get away; get somewhere where he could breathe, where he didn’t have to put up a facade of being alright.
Because he wasn’t alright. Not after Onigashima; the fight with Kaido, Big Mom, and everything after… It was too much. And with everyone celebrating and all the stress falling away, it was getting impossible to hide.
He really didn’t want to see anyone but of course, it couldn’t be that easy.
“Torao!! Finally found you!”
Heaving a deep sigh, Law stopped in his tracks, rubbing at his forehead. He already felt a headache coming; he wasn’t ready for this conversation but he knew there would be no point in trying to run away from this stubborn idiot. He always had a way to find Law wherever he would try to hide.
“Straw Hat-ya. What is it?” he asked when the other captain stopped next to him, out breath but with a wide smile plastered on his face and Law hated how his heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“I just wanted to see you! Your friends said you went on a walk so I thought I’d join you!” he announced proudly.
Law didn’t respond, he only turned away and started walking again. 
“Oi, Torao. Wait for me,” Straw Hat said, obviously taken aback by Law’s lack of communication.
“Then keep up,” Law shot back. He wasn’t even sure why he was being so short with him but he was just so annoyed.
They walked in silence for a moment and Law could feel Straw Hat’s gaze on the side of his head the entire time. He wanted to snap at him to stop staring, to just go away but somehow… he didn’t even care anymore.
He wasn’t surprised when Straw Hat finally spoke up, probably unable to bear the silence anymore, “Torao. What’s wrong?”
Law closed his eyes momentarily, praying for patience. He couldn’t say anyone was listening to him, however, and he felt his blood-pressure raising as he gritted his teeth. “Take a fucking guess,” he hissed.
Straw Hat tilted his head to the side, his eyebrows scrunching up into an adorable frown—one that only made Law even more annoyed. “I won’t know unless you talk to me, Torao…”
“Fine! You want to know what’s wrong? You’re what’s wrong!” Law finally snapped, running his hands through his hair in frustration, knocking his hat off in the process but he didn’t even care. “What the fuck were you thinking? You just let Kaido push you to that point without asking for help and without anyone even fucking knowing! And then what happened?!”
“Tora—” Straw Hat started before stopping himself. He quietly watched Law as he started pacing back and forth and continued ranting.
“Actually, I don’t even want to know what was running through that empty goddamned head of yours. Probably fucking nothing because you never think. You never stop to plan anything, never even wonder what might happen! Did the fact you already lost once and ended up in a fucking labour camp mean nothing? Why are you always so fucking reckless—”
“Law!” Straw Hat finally called before he grabbed Law’s arm, forcing him to stop in his tracks. “Law, look at me.”
“Fuck off, Straw Hat-ya. Let me go!” Law growled, trying to pry his arm out of Luffy’s vice grip without much success.
“No! Law, please. Look at me. We won. We’re both fine, all of us are fine. Nothing—”
“Don’t you dare say nothing happened!” Law interrupted as he finally yanked his arm free to instead point at Luffy’s chest, poking him hard just above his heart with every word that followed, “You. Fucking. Died.”
Silence followed his final statement. Luffy simply looked at him in silence, those large, honest eyes seemingly peering right into Law’s soul and taking him apart to the last atom while Law only stood there, glaring back at him as he panted lightly, out of breath after his tirade. He didn’t even care if he sounded pathetic and childish; he was just so angry. Angry and frustrated and tired and so scared.
It took a full minute before either of them moved but finally, Straw Hat opened his mouth, speaking quietly, “But I didn’t die, Law. I’m here now.”
Law clicked his tongue. “Luffy, you fucking died. Your vivre card burned to nothing in my fucking hand and I could do fuck all about it.”
And that was the entire heart of the matter, wasn’t it? That Law didn’t know until it was too late, that he couldn’t do anything about it, that he was completely and utterly helpless. Helpless in supporting him, helpless in protecting him, helpless in bringing him back.
It was only thanks to luck, the absolute ridiculousness of the Gum Gum Fruit, and Straw Hat’s endless willpower that he was even standing in front of Law right now. Law couldn’t do anything to support the love of his miserable fucking life when he most needed it.
He knew Luffy wouldn’t have wanted his help in the first place. He knew the best thing he could have done in that situation was to take care of Big Mom. He knew.
And yet…
“I’m sorry,” Luffy said finally, voice serious.
Law sighed heavily. “No, you’re not.”
“Well, I mean—” Straw Hat folded his hands behind his head, a small pout appearing on his lips— “I’m not sorry about picking a fight with Kaido, he deserved it!”
“See?” Law groaned while rubbing the bridge of his nose. Why was this idiot so—
“But I am sorry I scared you. Really.”
As soon as Law heard those words, it was like all energy drained from him and his shoulders sagged. He didn’t even care anymore; he just wanted to sleep and not have to think about any of this. Why was he even so angry in the first place? It was all done and over already. No what-ifs or alternatives could change what really happened and Luffy was right—they were okay now and everything worked out.
So what did it matter?
Clicking his tongue, Law turned away. He wanted to pick up his forgotten hat and just leave but before he could so much as lean down, Luffy’s fingers closed around his wrist, stopping him. He looked at him questioningly but before he could so much as say anything, Luffy shook his head, tugged at Law’s hand gently… and smiled.
“Come here,” he said quietly, opening his arms in invitation.
Law scowled, not moving a muscle but he didn’t protest when Luffy took a step closer, his arms snaking behind Law’s back and pulling him into a hug. It still took him a moment but soon, it became impossible to fight the warmth and security of Luffy’s embrace and he let himself relax, sinking into the feeling.
Letting go of a shaky breath, Law buried his face into the crook of Luffy’s neck, his arms coming to wrap around Luffy’s waist, pulling him closer. Suddenly, Law realised this was the first time he had touched Luffy since before the battle of Onigashima—really, when was the last time? Probably in the Amigasa village the morning before the raid, when they had exchanged a quick kiss before they each went their own way, to their own crews and their own ships.
After the battle, Luffy was unconscious for days and being cared for by Tony; there was no reason for Law to hang around. He really only got to see him earlier today once the festival started but Luffy being Luffy, he barely said hi to Law before he ran off to raid every stall he could get to.
Maybe… all Law needed was to feel his warmth, touch his skin, smell his hair—make sure he was real, solid, breathing.
That he was alive.
“I’m not going anywhere, Torao,” Luffy mumbled quietly as he slowly ran his fingers through Law’s hair.
“Back to stupid nicknames, are we?” Law asked instead of acknowledging his words.
Straw Hat snickered. “You love it!”
“Fuck off, Straw Hat-ya,” Law sighed.
At that, Luffy only laughed harder. “I love you, Torao.”
Law clicked his tongue, his fingers curling into the fabric of Luffy’s yukata. “Shut up.”
“No. I love you!” he sang, his voice shaking in amusement.
“Fine!” Law snapped. “I love you too. Happy?”
“Yep!” Straw Hat announced proudly and Law could just picture the impossibly bright, blinding smile that was undoubtedly plastered on his face. “Now I just need some of the meat Sanji was cooking before I left to chase you…”
Law groaned. And here he thought they were having a moment… “I take it back. I fucking hate you.”
“What?! But I was going to share with you!”
“I don’t want any,” Law said and despite himself, a smile pulled on his lips.
“But it looked so tasty,” Straw Hat whined.
With an amused huff, Law finally pulled away from Luffy, taking in the adorable pout that was adorning his lips. He didn’t resist the temptation to kiss it away.
But, even after they separated, the unhappy expression stayed in Luffy’s face and Law chuckled, shaking his head at the sight. “You can have the meat, I don’t care.”
Immediately, Luffy’s face split into that blinding grin that made Law fall in love in the first place and he cheered, grabbing Law’s hand to drag him back towards the festival. Law barely had the time to grab his hat off the ground before Luffy’s rubbery pull gave him no choice but to follow.
It was hours later—hours during which he was forced to literally wrestle a laughing Luffy away from the food stalls and their desperately crying owners, only to instead end up goaded into playing many of the available games with Luffy, the Straw Hats, his own crew, Kaido’s son, and Eustass of all people—that Law realised the weight he had been carrying around for days had lifted.
And he wasn’t tired anymore.
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You know its bad when you start empathizing with the crystal dragon (Video by ArcPhone!)
Sidon and Greninja hobble towards the giant crystal dragon that is almost fading in and out of existence. It takes notice of Sidon and Greninja, laughing at them both as if taunting. It's holding Gal and Comet by their necks. Pheromosa wants revenge.
Pheromosa leaps at the Necrozma, kicking it. It's barely effective. But then, she uses Bug Buzz on the dragon. It screams in pain for a second, dropping the moon bat and shaking the pheromosa off. It uses photon geyser on the pheromosa, knocking her out.
The dragon looks pained again, as if separating it from its unwilling battery brought back some of its pain. Sidon empathizes with its pain. Same bro, getting your light taken away really DOES suck.
Gal regains consciousness just before hitting the ground, then flies over to sidon and Greninja, who have battle bonded to get ready to fight.
Gal then lends her strength to sidon in the same way a choosing legendary would. Gal lies on the floor in the meantime while Sidon gains power. Sidon and Greninja regain their lost light! Sidon looks a bit different during his powered up state, however...
"Gal???" Sidon says, confused, "Did you just do what I think you did?"
Gal just nods and lends her power.
Sidon has a forehead of stars, and his hair is a glamorous cosmic purple. He has little bat fangs and wings very similar to Lunala. Greninja seems happy about the temporary power boost.
Then something bad happens. Comet is absorbed into the Dragon. Then it starts using a Z-move. How could it do that??? Doesn't matter
The Light That Burns The Sky strikes again.
Unbeknownst to Necrozma, Sidon had already moved the fight somewhere else. Over the ocean.
The Z-move lands on Sidon and Greninja.
It had no effect!
Necrozma looks confused. Then Sidon remembers that he was never actually hit by the move last time, only the shrapnel afterwards.
Dark types are immune to psychic moves.
Sidon had already gotten it away from people, so he can have fun now.
Sidon raises gigantic hands made out of water from the ocean, they grab onto the necrozma, holding it in place. Greninja attacks with a flurry of night slashes and sidon readies up his Z-ring. Sidon turns back to his normal, red-haired self as Gal flies in.
Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom
The necrozma falls to the Z-move and flurry of night slashes, turing into Dusk Mane Necrozma and then splitting from Comet entirely.
Sidon shows up on the shores of alola, a chained necrozma with him alongside Gal and Comet.
Sidon has had a fraction of the constant pain Necrozma felt, however. He can't just watch it suffer constantly, knowing that he could help in some way. Sidon asks Gal and Comet to spare it some light and they do so willingly.
Necrozma won't forget this. It opens a wormhole and leaves for good. Or at least until the writer wants it back.
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ghirahimbo · 2 years
A (for Blind, But Now), Q and U! + some figurative 🍵 for the plague
Thank you for the figurative tea! Hoping to curl up with some literal tea soon 💖
A: How did you come up with the title to Blind, But Now?
I once was lost, but now am found / was [blind, but now] I see :D
But yeah, basically I had that song stuck in my head, liked the theme of redemption, and ran with it.
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
Ohhh, I've had an angsty sidlink idea kicking around for ages that might be interesting to try to write someday? Urbosa/Zelda’s mom could be fun, too! I do generally write what interests me, though, and I guess I have relatively narrow interests T–T
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
Do I...
lmao actually though, do you want a deleted scene from Crystalline? I started scrolling through my old documents trying to remember just how many unused projects I actually have, and I realized that I'd completely forgotten about the version of Crystalline featuring the Thunder Dragon. I'm pretty sure I abandoned the idea when the pacing wasn't working out right and I couldn't get the scene to resolve the way I needed it to, but I still might reuse the idea for something else someday ;)
((obligatory disclaimer that this never made it out of rough draft stage))
On "good" days, Ghirahim managed to track down a Wolfos den or Molderach nest for Link to clean out—but when all else failed, the Thunder Dragon at Lanayru Gorge was still happy to let Link throw himself against the simulated enemies of his past. More and more often, Ghirahim's thirst for a challenge led them to Lanayru eventually.
Today, Ghirahim took them straight to the gorge without bothering to look elsewhere first.
"Good to see you back here, Link!" Lanayru boomed from his usual place as they approached, sitting back on his tail. Even when Ghirahim led them, he always addressed Link. "It's been a few weeks, hasn't it? You up for another trip down memory lane?"
Link nodded, considering his options. The battle with Tentalus was difficult, but he thought Ghirahim resented how much he relied on his bow and arrows. Scaldera had lost most of its challenge now that he had the hang of it, and they'd fought plenty of Molderachs already, so…
Link opened his mouth to say Koloktos.
"He is here to fight Ghirahim," Ghirahim announced before he could get the name out, and Link whipped his head to stare. "The first battle, if you please."
"Ghirahim," Lanayru repeated, deep voice inscrutable. His cloudy beard let off barely a wisp as he stroked it, strips of lightning rippling up his stomach. "The first battle." Turning to Link, he asked, "Is that really your choice?"
Biting his lip, Link nodded. They had never faced any of his remembered battles with Ghirahim before, any more than they’d faced Demise… by unspoken agreement, he'd thought. It occurred to him that Ghirahim's spur of the moment desire for bloodshed was perhaps not as unplanned as it seemed.
“Ghirahim it is, then!” Lanayru clapped his hands together—a thunderclap. “Look to the past to understand the future, as I always say. I assume you both remember the rules, so… are you ready?”
Link nodded. Ghirahim said nothing, but his dark eyes spoke volumes as a dark mist rose from out of nowhere in Link's mind, swallowing up first the looming desert cliffs, then the grassy oasis they stood on, and finally Link himself.
The world brightened again as the simulation took hold, but not by much. The deepest chamber of Skyview Temple was dim, with only hints of sunlight shining through hidden cracks in the ceiling above, though his pale opponent seemed to gather what little light filtered through as he approached. Walking slowly, arm outstretched, Link remembered his taunting smirk all too well. That confident, unarmed approach had frightened him once.
“He’s toying with you, of course,” Ghirahim murmured from beside him, and Link spared him a glance. Gaze focused on his double, the true Ghirahim’s red cloak peeled away in diamond wisps until the two were mirrored. “Not that he would hesitate to kill you should even his pared back strength prove overwhelming. The weak must learn to survive on their own merits.”
Like the Kikwi? Link thought but didn’t say, raising the tip of his black sword experimentally. The false Ghirahim’s eyes followed it, his hand drifting sideways.
As always, the Thunder Dragon had let him bring the sword he carried with him—Ghirahim's sword now, instead of the Goddess Sword. Could this simulated Ghirahim still steal it away?
For the moment, he needn't find out. He had sparred often enough with Ghirahim since this battle to make his "training" style of battle all too familiar. Switching his sword's direction quickly, Link scored a line of diamonds down his side.
"You've grown quite comfortable with me, haven't you, Link?" the Ghirahim beside him mused. The Ghirahim he had struck approached again, silent. "No wonder you have come to harbor such affection."
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The Trio breaks out of Gringotts - From Wiltshire, With Love
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Spy/handler war AU, complete! Chapter excerpt:
Hermione, Ron and Griphook glanced up at Harry from the destroyed cup.
“We rode a fucking dragon!” He was staring at them in disbelief. Hermione, mouth agape, could hardly believe what had just happened either. “We broke into Bellatrix Lestrange’s vault in Gringotts and we rode a fucking dragon!”
Ron and Harry high fived and started whooping like morons, having just escaped about 72 instances of near death when their plan veered wildly off the rails. She still couldn’t believe they all got out alive. Griphook eyed them as if they had succumbed to temporary insanity. They turned towards her, expecting her to join in the fun but faltered at her expression.
“Hermione?” Ron asked, worried.
She gurgled, clutched her stomach, fell to her knees and vomited her lunch all over the Horcrux. Ron and Harry stared at her for a few seconds and then burst out laughing with loud guffaws. Hermione tried to glare at them but was too busy spitting the remainder of puke out of her mouth.
“She actually–” Ron wheezed, struggling to speak and clutching his stomach. “Bloody hell!” he wheezed again, laughing and sputtering. “She actually vomited on a Horcrux!” 
Harry bent over and slapped his thigh. His face was bright red and tears streamed out of his eyes as he gasped for breath. The two leaned on each other and knocked heads with the force of their laughter, making them laugh even more. Griphook eyed her in distaste, thoroughly unamused.
“Are you two twats done?”
That only made them laugh harder. After a few more minutes of her recovering while the two tossers calmed down from their explosive laughter, Harry spoke.
“Nice aim,” Harry observed, his mouth still twitching. “Who needs the Sword of Gryffindor? Next time just blow chunks on the Horcrux. You-Know-Who will be grossed out from your Muggle-born germs and voluntarily leave.”
Hermione spat onto the ground and retched one last time. “Fucking hilarious,” she grumbled.
Ron laughed again. “So you won’t take up dragon riding as your next hobby?”
Harry conjured a cup and Ron cast Aguamenti to fill it for her. Harry held the cup out and she took it gratefully, washing her mouth of bile, spitting onto the vomit and then drinking greedily.
Ron extended a hand for her to stand again but Hermione shook her head.
“Let me sit for a few minutes,” she gasped.
Instead of sitting, she lay down on her back, and then rolled over on her stomach, arms and legs splayed outwards. She didn’t care that she was getting leaves and dirt all over herself.
It didn’t matter what the fate of the Wizarding World was. She was never riding a dragon again. Or a thestral. Or a hippogriff.
How in the world did she get herself into these situations? And it was always her idea. Every. Single. Bloody. Time. She was a sodding idiot. She should just stop talking. And thinking. No more thinking for Hermione Granger.
This forest floor was the best in the world. She fisted the leaves and dirt and emitted a shuddering sigh.
“What are you doing?” Harry asked, amused.
“Hugging the ground,” Hermione answered. “I have never been so happy to see dirt and leaves in my life.”
“Should we…uh…leave you two alone for a bit?” Ron asked her suggestively.
“We could get them a room perhaps,” Harry commented. “When she’s done having her way with the Durmstrang library.”
“Sod off,” she grumbled.
“You know,” Ron continued, taunting her. “I bet riding a broom would be easier for you now. We could–”
“Fuck you,” Hermione cut him off, breathless.
“Are you seriously still scared of riding brooms?” Ron said in disbelief.
“With the end of your broomstick,” she continued.
Ron and Harry laughed.
“After it’s been broken off,” she closed her eyes. “So there’s splinters. Big ones. Sharp and pointy.”
Never, never, never again.
Art by the amazingly talented translator and artist, @pir-piromanka​, https://www.instagram.com/pir_piromanka/
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30318162/chapters/74730492
FFnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/.../1/From-Wiltshire-With-Love
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/.../304639668-from-wiltshire-with...
Russian translation: https://ficbook.net/readfic/11316327
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thequeenwechoose · 2 years
My thoughts on 1x05 of House of the Dragon
As always spoilers for book and show
Rhaenyra: It was very nice to see that she and her father are getting along so well. She acepts her role in the game. She and leanor are getting along quite well i think it could have been far worse for her (cough lannister). Her rejection to christons proposal was no surprise, i mean why would she give it all up? She clearly doesn’t love him and that is alright. She owns him nothing. Daemon seems to be a whole other level, i m still not sure if she was just taunting him but i was very surprised at her choice of words. They definitly share something deeper. But it wasnt the right time for them to happen. The very rushed wedding ceremony was disturbing. They were both crying and not from happiness. In the end both had no choice.
Daemon: Oh my he killed his wife. A quiet disturbing scene but i could not really feel sorry for her, it was clear she did not like him and i dont feel sorry for characters who have 5 minutes screentime and then die. Thrones pulled that card to often. I still think he did not do it in the books but the show decided it and so it is. Do i hate him for it (as obviously a lot of people do at least what i take from the tumblr comments here?) No i dont because i know who he was in the first place. To quote the book the brightest of heroes and the blackest of villans. He is the character i feel most for in the show and that will not change. From his point of view he endured this marriage for a very long time 10 + years i think? This is a long time in the world of westeros, all the while he has to see his brother having a family and a place to belong. Daemon does not have that (yet). Sometimes a marriage does not work we dont know what happened between them in the past. But something drove him away from her. If he would be so cruel he would have killed her far earlier. With his banishment he had no other option, he was backed in a corner. Does that make it right that he killed her? Of course not. I mean he was about to walk away when she gave him that final blow. At the end as cruel as it was she would have died very slowly. Rhanys giving viserys that information would have been okay for me they did not need to show it. The only thing the acomplished with that is that he is indeed a very dangerous man. But this is a dangerous world. You wont live long in it if you are not at least a bit ruthless.
Moving on to the wedding this was the most fun entrance to watch, i could not stop laughing. He waltzes in without a care in the world well knowing viserys could not refuse him openly. He was banished but i think since this conversation was just between the two of them the rest of the court doesnt know and he would have to give an explanation which he could not do without ruinning the wedding. And that damn smile. I think he came for rhaenyra. I have no other explanation since he was not there in the book. He met laena and flirted a bit with her but his ultimate goal was to talk to his niece. This conversation was quite explosive, he was to stunned to speak while she was taunting him and i havent seen that of him so far. Usualy him being silent means he is going to do something horrible, here he was clearly taken aback by her (like in the last episode). She continues to surprise him i think he hasnt met a woman before who dares that. And he is so into that. And when he could not take it anymore he snapped and crabbed her neck and almost? kissed her. All in front of viserys and the whole court to see. I think they kissed but that’s just my opinion. And when hell breaks loose he just vanishes? This is a very loose end from the writers, i guess they could not decide what to do with him. Ultimatly he was to late for rhaenyra to marry her at this point of the story. He would not take her away because that would mean alicents son would get the throne. As we have seen before he cares a lot about his family legacy. In the books he was never fond of the queen and her children (nice detail that he is the only one in the room who does not stand up for her).
Viserys: Am i the only one who thinks that his illness feels a bit rushed? I mean it was clear that he is not healty (maester conspiracy?). After the picture that was relased last week it think that he could be a lepper. It would explain why he cuts himself so often on the throne. He simly does not feel it. The wedding seemed to stress the hell out of him Daemon, Alicent, Daemon and Rhaenyra (his face was priceless). I wondered why he did not stop the chaos you know like robert baratheon at the jousting. But i think he was to weak for that. That he rushes the wedding was no surprise after all that chaos. Him collapsing at the end was a bit  much. In the scene where he asks strong after his legacy i could not help but think that he is rememberd as the king wo laid the foundations for the dance. All which could have been avoided if he had fired otto hightower at the begining of his reign and kept closer to his brother. Oh and not mary alicent of course. He is without doubt the most tragic character on the show.
Alicent. So i guess this was meant to be her coming out episode. With the dress she started team green. But why does she change so drasticly? Does she hate rhaenyra because she did not tell her that she slept with chole? Or is it the fact that she is jealous that rhaenyra has more freedom as she, that she could choose her husband while she could not? Her father fires it on in a very drastic way, blatantly telling her that she will kill her children (not an uncommon thing in history, in the ottoman empire it was traditon that every brother of the future sultan was killed to ensure peace). I think ottos great plan had one weakness he had not considered: that viserys would stay true to rhaenyra even after he had a son. Her calling rhaenyra stepdaughter was a bit much given that they are the same age. I can understand her feeling of isolated at court. She is a victim of her fathers conspiracy and now she belives what he told her, there is no way back from here. The sad thing is it had not to be this way.
Christon: He finally showed his true colours. I understand that his good looks were very distracting for people that did not read the books. But i never believed him to be a good and honorable man. You could see a glimpse of it at the tournament when he attacked daemon from behind. He wanted to marry rhaenyra out of guilt not out of love she would have been miserable with him. I still dont understand why he confessed to alicent so quickly are we to belive he is feeling so guilty he cannot bear it. (All i could think about in that scene was that jamie had three kids with his sister and served in the kingsguard despite that without saying a word.) Him being offended that rhaenyra wanted to continue their affair (she truly took daemons words to heart lol), i can understand but no one says he had to comply to it. It was such a cliche that he believed she loved him because she slept with him. Why he killed joffrey at the wedding i did not understand, sure he taunted him but you can’t kill everyone who does that. I think it was a good look at his true nature, he is not the white knight he wants the world to see. I guess he is finaly a green now,
Chorlys and Rhaenys: What a power couple. They seem to be very happy together. He wants the throne for her. She is worried of the powerplay and she is right to do so.
Driftmark looked very beautiful. It was good to get out of Kingslanding for a while. The music and the dancing at the wedding are very refreshing and cool. But it was a very dark scene, i had the feeling of being in a cave. Why do weddings in westeros always escalate? The lack of dragons is something that makes me a bit angry i hope they redeem that next episode. I felt it all a bit rushed after all it was the midseason finale. They had to tie all the loose ends and prepare for the big timeskip. I have mixed feelings about the actress changing but i understand that it's necesary. There is no way that you would belive young mily alcok has 3 kids. I think emma will do a good job. The romance between her and daemon will look better with her aged up.
A word on the costumes. They spend a lot of time on alicents dress and it looks very beautiful. Rhaenyras wedding dress disappointed me, it lokked to simple and the hairstyle was a bit over the top.
A solied episode but not one i will rewatch very often i think. 3 of 5 stars.
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icharchivist · 1 year
ICHA ICHA ICHA! How do you like GranFes so far??? I am in LOVE with the Relink trailer, it looks so good! The new Versus does too, but I'm a bit bitter that they're releasing a whole new game to buy all over instead of adding to the existing one, ha ha,,, AND THE COSPLAYERS ARE SO HOT???
I like it a lot!! it's been a whole time of fun and it's always impressive!
the trailers are amazing, i'm genuinely sooo into the relink one and i really hope to be able to play it.
On Versus, it looks hella cool but yeah, i agree with you, it's a bit bitter to know you gotta buy it again... though i would assume there will be something for the people who already have the base game or something? Listen i'm just glad the gbvs only people are going to stop complaining about rollback, this was a thorn at my side lmao
I've been in love with the hologram shows, they're all full of life it's so fun to watch!! and the fact we got Eternals: The Boysbands edition is worth everything. I feel like for one minute we got sent in Seofon's dream dimension or something because i don't know how in our reality Seox or Feower could have been blackmailed enough to accept to do it, but i'm so glad for the fever dream.
and the cosplayers ARE SOOOOOOO HOT IT'S INSANE. Everytime i see them my jaw drop!!!
Yesterday i was talking on here about how just, unwell i was about Fediel's cosplayer, she's so hot and for what??? but tbh all of the dragons are INCREDIBLE, they look straight up out of the VN it's uncanny.
I love to see the oldie cosplayers come back too, the dragon knights and the society's cosplayers are always fun to see around, seeing the fox family always makes me teary, and BOY the wmtsb gang knows how to offer a show. The Belial cosplayer lives in all our mind rentfree ahah.
Also huge shout out to Lyria's cosplayer who captures so well what it is to be The Babiest Baby You Would Die For (And Already Have, Twice). Like i see her and i'm just "oh yeah me too i'd die for her, great job". She makes me happy everytime i see it.
also omg the fashion show was such a cool idea??? it was so wild to see recreations of costumes that only appeared in obscure promo arts from the way back, and it was so amazing to see how all those cosplayers, who have been trained to behave like their characters so much, wear it with so much grace and elegance and, so in character. It's so amazing.
Also huge shout out to THE SETS????? Like holy shit the whole Canaan's stained glasses are eVERYTHING, the huge statues of Bahamut, Galleon and all, are just so fucking gorgeous, and i'm always in love with the café and the sets made to hang out. It makes the whole environment feel so real it always look so dreamy.
And personally i'm a huge fan of the seiyuu shows, as a big seiyuu fan, and one of my fav seiyuu was on stage today so i was really having tunnel vision LMAO, but the games were sooo fun and i loved to see them all blatantly cheat at weighting plushies. I can't believe we're getting rewards out of it. (and also i want the Galleon big plush so bad after all of this, they're taunting me so much).
And the announcements!!!! The New class is so cool, Vikala getting her 5* was long overdo thanks god, AND LU WOH!!!!!!!!!!! Would almost forget he was planned at this point i'm just so glad he's not a fever dream LMAO. And personally i'm just thrilled because while Seiyuu fans have been theorizing ever since he came out, we didn't know his seiyuu until now, and they confirmed it's, also, one of my fav seiyuu, so now i'm forced to stan harder than i did before 😩✌
but even without the seiyuu angle i'm just so glad he was finally announced, it's been long overdue and i sure hope he saves Light from the state it's in right now.
That said they're keeping some announcements for tomorrow and i'm SO curious about what's to come. It's so bewildering to see so many things come out of all of it! And we're likely getting the anni trailer too then so i am really curious what it will be!
so so far i've been having a total blast and i cannot wait to see what awaits tomorrow :3c
So glad to hear you're having fun and i hope you'll enjoy yourself tomorrow too!!
take care!
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Emotions Inside
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Just a quick short fic I wrote on a whim, it's about 1k words, I hope you enjoy it.
"What are you up to?" Nagayuki asked Jazmine, coming into the living room, seeing the cloaked female reading what resembled to be a journal.
"I don't know..." Jazmine answered, uncertainty lingering in her voice. Her eyes scanned over the pages as if they were in a foreign language she could not understand.
"You never read a book before?" he teased as he came and sat down on the plush couch across from the one the brunette rested on, leaning his head back into his arms that propped themselves against the cushion of the sofa.
"No, it's not that." A smile cracked on Jazmine's expression when her hood fell down as she sat up, happy the ice dragon wanted to lighten her mood, but the smile washed off when her fingers flipped a page of the journal she held in her hands. "I just... I can hardly believe that this came from me. All these entries, all these words, they appear so... broken, cold, harsh, I forget how this cloak suppressed my emotions and this journal was the only way I could get them out."
"You mentioned that before," Nagayuki mentioned sitting up, his elbows resting on his knees. His face now turned to a neutral expression. "But exactly why does your cloak mask your emotions?"
"It was a gift from fate to make sure I didn't let my emotions take over me again. At the time I was just taken from my brother, I lost control. I wouldn't think logically, I just snapped. You could never imagine the things I've done during the time, they were inhuman, or what I would call it, the true actions any human wished they could do to people. I despised humanity and only saw them as corrupt in my state of mind, the dark side told me they deserved to perish... that wasn't the only case but it's one of the reasons why fate gave me this, to control myself, cause without my brother I was a mess."
"I know you said you were close with your brother but I didn't think you literally made all hell break loose without him."
"Yeah, I guess I went savage, but he was the only one I loved and held dear. The only one who cared for me and I could count on, in my mindset he was the only one who'd ever make me feel joy. That's why I accepted the cloak, while I didn't want to lose control, there was also a part of me that was afraid that I'd be foolish enough to fall into a false sense of contentment among humans and have fun. I felt like I couldn't be happy without him, that I shouldn't have fun or be at peace until I returned to him. That was my state of mind for a long time..."
Nagayuki glanced to the side as his own brother appeared in his head. Thoughts of what would happen if he lost Takeyasu taunted him, that reality reflecting a grim life. Perhaps if he had been in Jazmine's position he would've done the same. Sure his little brother could be a pain sometimes but he wouldn't know what he'd do without him, at least that is if Jazmine wasn't here, she of all people would know the feeling. However, he wished she didn't-
"Until I meant you two."
"Huh?" Nagayuki's eyes went back to the brunette who now had her cloak in her hands, the journal sat on her side.
"At first, I was uneasy, thinking you were just someone who worked for a corrupt corporation-"
"I'm offended you thought of me like that," Nagayuki fake gasped, dramatically putting a hand to his chest, earning a giggle from Jazmine.
"But then I found out you're like me, my true self. Free and not bound to anyone's laws or rules. Wild, chaotic, and free, just like how I longed to be with my brother, but you made me feel welcome and invited me to join your heists. You two pulled me out of the prison I kept myself in and made me feel free to be myself again, I was able to experience true joy and laughter again. You gave me a place to call home."
A soft smile drew onto Nagayuki's face, his gaze watching the female in front of him speak and neatly fold her cloak. He felt warm hearing those words, knowing both he and his brother helped Jazmine find herself again. Like his twin, he grew fond of her over the time she has stayed with them, and like his twin, something stirred in his heart every time when it came to Jazmine.
He knew what it was but he dared not think of the word. Nagayuki is aware that his brother has the same emotions as him toward Jazmine, so he never tried to think of his own too much. He's not going to deny his feelings but he's not going to confess them either, neither was Takeyasu going to. They both informed the other of how they felt and came to the agreement that they won't confess their feelings to her, Jazmine was going to have to choose on her own, that's the only way it'd be fair. Whatever happens, happens...
Unaware of what the Tatsumi brother had on his mind, Jazmine had let a tear of joy drop from her eyes, then another followed by the others. She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her mouth as her memories of her life with her brother played in her mind next to the times she had spent with the Tatsumi brothers. Both were wonderful, both made her feel free, both having the same content feeling where she felt she belonged. She laughed at the irony, remembering how she believed she'd never be satisfied until she returned to her brother, yet here she was. Tears spilled from her eyes, overwhelmed by the joy that flooded her heart after she removed her cloak, she was happy to feel free and at home.
Emerging from his whirlwind of thoughts, Nagayuki instantly caught sight of the stream pouring down from Jazmine's eyes. Concern almost arose but he then heard the small bits of her laughter reach his ears and noticed the smile that was painted on her face, realizing these were tears of joy. However, his actions still took charge and he got up, walked over and sat next to the brunette, wrapping his arms around her and embracing her in a hug. He couldn't help himself.
"You big baby, you could've just asked for a hug," he teased when he felt Jazmine return the embrace. However, he only received a giggle for a response. A smile tugged on his lips and he let out a soft hum as he continued to hold Jazmine close to him, discovering how much he liked her being close to his heart.
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