#divine sculpture online
vintagehomedecorshop · 3 months
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Marble Dust Radha Krishna Sculpture - Yellow Verandah
Artists from West Bengal has handcrafted this divine marble dust Murthi with intricacy & precision. Fine intricate work is possible on marble dust clay. Artists use knife, needles, sculpt brush etc to make these soulful sculptures. Size : 11" H, Weight : 1.2 Kgs
Know more : radha krishna sculpture
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docochocart · 6 months
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Born an only child into a deeply conservative household, Welder had a troubled upbringing. With neither their small town, nor their family appreciating their quirks, they turned inward.
Welder took up painting from a very young age, often depicting strange or grotesque imagery. Their parents were concerned with this of course, but more worried about how feminine their child was becoming.
Welder's mechanic father spent years trying his best to force masculine ideals onto them, but his attempts would never stick. He would drag welder out to the garage to help him assist with his work, hoping it would spark something in Welder. And well, it did.
Welder would take a huge interest in the mechanical, but in more of an aesthetic sense. They would sneak parts from their father to piece together into small, grotesque sculptures inspired by the likes of H.R. Giger.
Welder would continue crafting these small pieces until they enrolled in a trade school their sophomore year. There they would learn to weld, where they would find their true talent.
The sculptures grew, and soon so would an audience. Welder began posting their creations online, and building up a supportive fanbase. Eventually some of their pieces would even be featured in art galleries in nearby cities.
Welders invitation to Hopes Peak was a divine gift, as it would mean leaving their conservative town for good and pursuing their passion full time.
Do you think they'll make it?
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neptunianmars · 2 years
practices to bond with your deities
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i'm most familiar with Greco-Roman deities so i'll use them for examples, but feel free to ask me about a specific deity! which Greco-Roman deity you should work according to your birth chart indications
say "good morning" / "good night" - this is not only out of respect but developing a habit to include them more and more in day to day life
talk to them - whether you're expressing gratitude, praying, asking for advice, or even just talking to them about your day, this will show you are thinking about them and looking up to them. if you feel uncomfortable or can't talk out loud, a journal works just as well
write to them - speaking or journaling, writing is an art form they will appreciate. make journal entries to them, write them a poem or a song. it doesn't have be a fancy, even just phrases here and there will make a huge difference
document your experiences - after spending time with them, write down how it went. keep track of what they seem to like, what they tell you, even small details that don't seem to stick out because when you go back and look, they might stick out then or you might notice patterns
share your food - giving your deity a small portion of your food each time you eat is a way to communicate your honor and respect to them, and also learn what foods/drinks they enjoy
divination - this is more than just tarot cards! there's other forms of cartomancy, there's dowsing, numerology, etc. i personally use astrology <3
connect with their energy - doing activities that appeal to your deity regularly with strengthen your connection with them. for example, my deities are Diana/Artemis and Luna/Selene, so I spend a lot of time in nature, especially at night under the moonlight
research them in great detail - to get to know your deity, learn everything there is to know: names and epithets, symbols, attributes (plants trees, stones, animals, planets, week days, etc.) domains, family, popular stories and myths
cook a full meal - you can decide on a meal that is associated with them (like steak for Mars/Ares) but you don't have to, either way just dedicating time and energy to make an entire meal just for them will say a lot
altar - this is probably what you will hear the most, but don't feel heavy pressure. it doesn't have to be huge, fancy, or expensive; you can start out with literally just a candle and some leaves. slowly over time decorate and personalize it to your and your deity's liking
offerings - this is more than just sharing your food with them, it's actually giving something solely to them. have you ever been in the mood for a certain food even though you weren't hungry at all? that might be them hinting that they want it. gifts that you think they'd like or you felt called to get, including crafts you made yourself
share your worship - i want to say this is 100% not a necessity, so don't feel stressed if there is no one you can talk to about your deity work. i have no one to talk to about it, but i share freely on this blog and am trying to make friends online who i can share with! not only is sharing a way to show respect and love for them, but others can give you ideas of devotion and connection
going digital is a great way to worship and connect with your deity, especially if you cannot be open about it
make a playlist - include songs that remind you of them or that you'd think they'd like that involve their domains or stories/myths
art - literally any form of art they will appreciate. music like singing or songwriting, drawing, painting, sculpture, literature like reading books they'd like or writing stories, poems, songs, etc., dancing, theater or acting, or literally anything else. you can get specific, like learning an instrument for Apollo
exploring - exploring areas you think they'd like or just new areas in general. you might find points of interest they'd enjoy (like crossroads for Hecate), or see/hear their sacred animals, or find things that coincide with their stories/attributes/symbols
spending time with them through hobbies - the best way i can describe this is through examples: going to parties/celebrating for Bacchus/Dionysus, cleaning and taking care of your home for Vesta/Hestia, gardening for Ceres/Demeter or Proserpina/Persephone, taking care of the ocean for Neptune/Poseidon, the list goes on and on. anything that involves their domain
pinterest board - kinda self explanatory, making a pinterest board (or a physical picture board/wall if you prefer) with images of your deity and their symbols/attributes.
phone background - setting your phone background as an image or your deity is not only a sign of honor and respect, but will help you develop the habit of thinking of them regularly. can also spark conversation with others without being direct about your worship!
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blueiskewl · 10 months
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Ancient Marble Head Unearthed in Rome
Construction workers have unearthed a white marble head in the historic center of Rome, the city’s mayor has revealed on social media.
Posting a picture of the mud-covered relic on Twitter on Thursday, Mayor Roberto Gualtieri wrote: “#Roma continues to return precious evidence of its past: a splendid intact marble head was found during the works in Piazza Augusto Imperatore attended by the @Sovrintendenza.”
Gualtieri went on to add that archaeologists and restorers are now “busy cleaning and studying the find.”
The Sovrintendenza Capitolina (Capitoline Superintendence) manages, maintains and enhances the capital’s historic and archaeological heritage.
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The impressive piece, which is thought to be part of a statue of a female divinity, was discovered in a foundation uncovered during the works for the “redevelopment of the Mausoleum of Augustus and Piazza Augusto Imperatore,” according to a statement published online by Rome city council. It said that the head was found on the eastern side of the area currently being worked on.
It was thanks to the “attentive work of the archaeologists of the Superintendence” that the relic was uncovered, the statement said, adding that it is hoped that the discovery will help experts “deepen the knowledge” of the city’s ancient history.
“The newly found head, of elegant craftsmanship, sculpted in Greek marble, probably belongs to a statue of a female divinity, perhaps Aphrodite, of natural dimensions. [It] shows a refined hairstyle of hair gathered at the back thanks to a ‘tenia,’ a ribbon knotted on the top of the head,” said Capitoline Superintendent Claudio Parisi Presicce.
He explained that the head was unearthed, intact, in the foundation of a late antique wall.
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According to Parisi Presicce, the head had been “reused as building material.” The workers found it lying face down and protected by a clay bank on which the foundation of the wall rests.
Though it may seem surprising that an antiquity was found in this state, it would not be uncommon, the superintendent said.
“The reuse of works sculptures, even of significant value, was a very common practice in the late Middle Ages, which allowed, as in this case, the successful preservation of important works of art,” he added.
It appears to be from the Augustan era, according to Parisi Presicce. He said conservators and archaeologists now hope to restore it, while also aiming to identify the subject and determine how old it is.
By Gianluca Mezzofiore and Lianne Kolirin.
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godbirdart · 1 year
Hi! I've found you on Tumblr and I'm extremely happy for that (a divine find!). I know your art from FA and I love your style.
The prompt suggests a question, so here's a small one. Do you enjoy much art outside of the one that's similar to yours?
Well, that's it. All good wishes. ^^
oh hell yes of course i do!!
when asked what my Favorite kind of art is my mind IMMEDIATELY goes to Northwest Coast art. ever since i was a kid i've been VERY obsessed with formline art and still very much so am.
[artist: trevor angus]
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as a kid my first interaction with formline art was in the form of The Spirit of Haida Gwaii by Bill Reid - a sculpture formerly featured on the canadian 20 dollar note. there's a copy of it hanging out in the museum of national history and i really need to go back to appreciate it now that i'm not a kid with an obligation to stick with a tour group. i DID get to glimpse the Jade Canoe edition in the vancouver airport for a fleeting moment between late connections - needless to say i was very heartbroken that i couldn't stick around to appreciate its detail.
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the thing i absolutely go feral for are orcas in formline art. nothing - i repeat - NOTHING can compare to the sheer grip this animal in this art style has on me. i do not really have words to explain it, how i came to love this or why, i am just very enthusiastic about orcas in this style and have been for as long as i can remember.
i have a tiny handful of pins and merch made by various Haisla, Namgis and Haida artists - though only a few artists offer orca art. i don't want to just impulse-buy whatever orca i can find [etsy for example is a hellhole of stolen / appropriated art and i ain't for it] so i'm just patiently waiting around until an artist from a pacific northwest community puts up an art piece for sale.
[artist: Cori Savard - this particular print is on my to-buy list i just need to save the coin for it hhhhh]
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now, completely unrelated to formline art.
i am also a fan of The Voice of Fire by Barnett Newman; if only for the fact that the museum bought this piece for 1.8 million and then proceeded to display it in the most OMINOUSLY EMPTY ROOM THEY HAD IN THE WHOLE BUILDING. my love for this painting isn't necessarily in the painting itself, but the presentation. i have stood in this room. occasionally there are other sculptures in there, but for the most part it just lingers there, isolated, glaring at you.
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if we're going more into fandom culture and independent artists online, while i cannot say I've a particular Art Idol, i am a huge fan of [for lack of a better word for it] the kemono art style. i don't want to go and repost other artist's work without permission here, or make this post Even Longer, so i'll just point you in the direction of a few artists that draw in the style i'm talking about. it's first thing in the morning and i'm just barely waking up so i'm only going to post a small handful
terenry / terenryrm
i have a character design by terenry so i can post him as an example since i own the oc now [this is the watermarked art i pulled from my Toyhouse. the watermark is there to deter oc / art thieves but the artwork itself is by terenry]
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sorry this ended up being really long aAaAA don't get me started on my favorite art i will never shut up about it. i can and will ramble for Hours about it. to say art is a passion of mine is a criminal understatement.
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monster-noises · 8 months
hi!! please tell me about lazarus!! i keep seeing your art and the sidebar image on your blog, i would love to know more!!
OHOHOO I thought I had passed the point where someone who followed me Wouldn't know who Lazarus is... but if you're newer I guess you probably would have missed the Hayday where there were new pictures of him every like.. two days!
but yes, absolutely, I will tell you about the Boy :3c
To start with the Context: Lazarus Bosch is my Resident Evil Village OC, brought to proverbial life about twoooo months after the game came out as a result of me falling terribly in love with Karl Heisenberg (and the general world of the game) and needing to Do something about it Lmao He changed a fair bit since his first iterations(none of which made it online), and originally I wasn't going to share him with anyone, but as I gained confidence with my fanart, and as his story kept swirling and growing in my mind, I saw other folks posting about their own OC's and I let go of the Cringe and threw him out into the world (/v-v)/ At this point in time I am working on actually Writing his and Karl's story in the form of a Fan Comic called Flesh and Hot Iron (FaHI, for short)
Now! the boy himself! Lazarus, before he is anything else, is an artist. In the old world he made inert mixed-media taxidermy Automata, in The Village he makes sculptures of living flesh using the power of the Cadou. His art was and Is his world, it is Creation before all else, up to and including his Self Preservation Instincts. Which is... how he ended up in The Village in the first place really. He's passionate, frequently obsessive, frantic and often moody, just imagine what it would look like if you took a Mad Scientist and shoved it in the skin of a Pretentious Artist and that's pretty squarely Lazarus at a glance. Elegant and Terrifying, Beautiful and Filthy, a Man with an Inhuman nature... He's not that simple as a character in the wider scope of his narrative of course, he's got Much more Going On, but we can't be here Forever and also there will be the whole Comic to get into that! (I am also Notoriously bad for expressing these sorts of things in words alone, I need to show that man in Situations to get the point across dfjkghsdg) as the impetus for his creation would imply he and Karl are Together and the story of their relationship and lives in the Village are the core of the Narrative for FaHI, Though Lazarus is the focal character we see the world through. I usually describe them as like.. the same note played at different octaves, two harmonious pieces come together to form something great and terrible and resonant, if not just straight up fucking annoying. Their story is about trying, about wanting to try, about making the best of a bad situation and fumbling your way to something Good when you don't really know what that means, about being human but also being monsters, about loving both Because and In Spite Of, about rage and fear, and of course about Nasty Old Man Sex... and that.. should theoretically give you the basics! If you want some more juicy and specific details I Did do a full-detail character-exploration post here! he also has a character playlist called; Hands in the Belly of the Divine and him and Karl have a playlist of course called Flesh and Hot Iron !!! His tag on my blog is Meat Husband, where you can find what is basically a pinterest board of things that have his Vibe, inspiration for his art, and Jokes and Meme's
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saturniandevil · 2 years
October 2022 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s October Forecast. This episode is hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and returning guest host Diana Rose Harper. Our hosts are in the US but the dates on the calendar are based off UTC.
September recap With Mars in Gemini, Mercury’s ruler Venus in fall (while Mercury was in Libra), and the Sun in Virgo for most of the month, this month has been full of the most stereotypical Mercury retrograde events. For example, GTA VI was leaked online, further delaying the game’s official release; automobiles and theft are both Mars-Mercury significations. Chris also connects this to the death of England’s Queen Elizabeth II, whose Saturn-ruled Capricorn rising posits questions around the place of monarchical authority in the modern world; and additionally this happened just before Mercury stationed in Libra, her 10th house, further indicating a focus on public image and reputation. In light of Uranus-Saturn we can also see this as another foundation that people take for granted falling.
Another Saturn-Uranus event is the power grid failing in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Fiona hit its already weak power grid. This foundation was stress-tested and failed 5 years ago when Maria hit, and no money was put into strengthening it, so this known weakness has shown us murderous negligence once again. This also relates to the flooding in Pakistan where millions have been displaced as the mountain glaciers melted to essentially form a new inland sea.
Also keep in mind that with Mars retrograde upcoming, we’re going to see a return of events that we have already witnessed when Mars revisits these degrees. The upcoming Jupiter-Neptune copresence (a repeat of earlier this year) can be connected to the rise of AI-generated images being used in place of images usually made by hand. Last time Neptune and Jupiter were together in Pisces, we saw a rise of tons of new dyes, only for many of them to turn out to be toxic, and Diana wonders if something similar will play out in visual art. Can we tell what’s “real” or “fake?” How will we define authorship?
October 2nd - Mercury stations Direct Having just regressed into Virgo, Mercury stations in his domicile/exaltation, but is almost exactly opposite illusive Neptune and square tense Mars (and trine Pluto). We want to move forward with clarity about things that are vague and undecided. As Mercury rules Mars, we want to make order out of conflicts as well, but Neptune clouds things. Think divination from clouds or fire, where the traditional guides are extremely specific and ordered, or dream interpretation, where we have to figure out the new rules amid lots of information. Diana describes it like birds chattering while you are trying to do another form of divination--how do we sift the important information from the noise? We can also think of white noise, where enough noise can bring stillness.
Generally, Virgo significations can include pens & writing, spreadsheets & numbers, putting things in order, and going back to the facts to find patterns rather than fitting events into a preexisting narrative. Virgo seeks perfection, which can result in trying to create it but can also involve finding the purpose and function of what’s already there. With Mercury-Mars contacts we can think of doing subtractive sculpture with a chainsaw, where Aquarius Saturn trining Mars says “cool your jets, but here’s a chainsaw.” However, Neptune’s opposition to Mercury makes the lines blurry--measure twice, cut once.
October 8th - Pluto stations Direct In Capricorn, this gives us an elongated trine to Mercury--which goes exact on the 6th when both planets are slowing as they change motion. This is the third of three trines between them, with previous ones at August 2nd and September 22nd. Mercury-Pluto contacts involve the uncovering of secrets and a desire to dig deeper for the truth. With Neptune hanging around, watch out for projection clouding our judgement.
October 9th - Full Moon in Aries
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This is gonna be the last Aries Full Moon for awhile that’s not an eclipse, as the nodes are moving to the Aries-Libra axis. Venus within conjunction (Sun)/opposition (Moon) distance brings in some harmony, with sextiles from Mars and Saturn looking to help (as does a copresence with Jupiter). This lunation and the days around it are a good time to put things in as much order and harmony as we can in preparation for eclipse seasons. Diana compares it to tuning instruments or having backup strings and bows in case of difficulties at the concert. For those of us whose spirits have been brought down in recent years, the Moon in the middle decan of Aries with Jupiter around brings us upright energy--strength to act justly and inspire others through our actions.
October 10th - Mercury reenters Libra When the Moon is in an air sign, this gives us 6 out of 7 visible planets in air signs. With too much air, the wind can scatter the leaves without ever landing any of them in the bucket. This gusty environment can pull us in 50 different directions while flattening our priorities. This year Libra season is bookended by cazimis (began with exact Sun-Mercury conjunction, ends with Sun-Venus), which figuratively can be a calm in the storm where we have sudden clarity. Generally Libra cares about spatial relationships and balance, like taking the bookshelf Virgo organized and making sure it’s placed in the right relationship to the desk and door. Where Gemini wants symmetry, Libra wants to balance asymmetry--a scale doesn’t need to have the same things on either side as long as the weights add up. As a cardinal sign, Libra is always actively harmonizing--you have to tune an instrument before every performance.
October 22nd - Electional Chart
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This election is around 6AM (😰) local time, when the Ascendant is at about 08Libra. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are all in Libra in the first house (whole signs). Libra is both in domicile and of the sect in favor as this is before dawn. The Moon is in Cancer in the 10th house, applying to a square with Venus, and Jupiter in Aries in the 7th house serves as an angular benefic. The malefics are not in focal points in the chart. This is great for of course Libra/Venusian activities such as art, balance, redecorating. What does it mean to articulate ephemeral beauty? Literary and artistic works are especially indicated, considering Mercury-Venus-Jupiter. On the subject of elections, Chris and Leisa’s report for next year is available now, and next year includes some great elections.
October 20th - Venus and Sun square Pluto (not pictured) We can see the things we’ve tacitly agreed not to get into come up anyway--what you resist persists. Venus-Pluto connotes power dynamics (whether real or projected) or unsolvable impasses. Austin cautions that some things are hidden for a reason, and we can’t necessarily overpower all the dark difficulties we find. With Virgo this can also bring up the impulse to sanitize can result in sterility, or celebrities who start from humble beginnings but can no longer relate to the average person after huge success, making their work less believable for audiences.
October 22nd - Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra The Sun and Venus have both squared Pluto before this cazimi. This is the first Venus cazimi in Libra since 1879, and the first superior cazimi in Libra since 1867, so we can expect feelings of a brand new era with even more air energy.
October 23rd - Saturn stations direct, Sun and Venus enter Scorpio This is the last time Saturn stations in Aquarius before he enters Pisces next year, so for anyone with a natal Saturn or generally experiencing this transit, this is the final storm.
Venus is combust (so close to the Sun she’s invisible) for almost all of October, but in exaltation or domicile (in this case, Libra) a combust planet will still retain its ability to do things. Not only does she lose her protection leaving Libra, in Scorpio she’s especially weak, and then the solar eclipse smashes into her. One may think as a benefic that she can lessen the eclipse a little, but in December 2019 eclipse on Jupiter ended up smashing the benefic (explosion of the virus in Wuhan).
October 25th - Solar eclipse in Scorpio This eclipse is in the sidereal 14th lunar mansion (the Moon’s path in the sky divided into 28 pieces, analogous to the zodiac and the Sun)/tropical 17th, asking us, “what do you do with the resources you have acquired? What are the consequences of actually getting what you asked for? ” Getting what you want isn’t the same as understanding the consequences of getting what you want. What happens after the dog finally catches the car he’s chasing?
The first decan of Scorpio can be described as hunger, and combined with this being a South node eclipse, this event indicates hunger and the question of whether this hunger can be sated.
This eclipse also reactivates the Saturn-Uranus square, which is reaching 1 degree of separation in October--its last hurrah before Saturn enters Pisces. This outer planet tension has indicated economic troubles and disurptions in basic industries or commodities (from the US rail worker strike to increased famine in Syria), which the eclipse only accelerates. Unfortunately the hunger signification (and a hunger for energy) will likely manifest literally in many countries this fall/winter, considering the disruption in wheat, fertilizer, oil and gas supply lines this year. On a local level Diana suggest this is an important time to support your local food bank and other organizations that help people’s basic needs. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, and combined with the Saturn square and eclipse, on a personal level our hosts have found many fixed sign clients are making much-needed changes.
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October 28th - Retrograde Jupiter enters Pisces This means Jupiter and Neptune will be in loose conjunction. Jupiter-Neptune has had some economic effects, such as with crashes in cryptocurrency. Bubbles tend to pop. We don’t have time for new ones to form so much as going back to things from earlier this year. The dreams that survive this aren’t just fantasies. Diana also predicts the potential for genuine feasting or escaping into a small fantasy for a minute, especially in November during the almost 50 hours of the Moon not aspecting anything (void of course) immediately after Thanksgiving. Venus’s abilities to help will be curtailed around this time, but we can turn to our domicile Jupiter for some (different) help.
October 29th - Mercury enters Scorpio Mercury will follow the Sun and Venus’s path, meaning he’ll also square Pluto before entering this sign.
October 30th - Mars stations Retrograde Chris compares this to the feeling of eating an extremely spicy pepper, where you have to just sit with the discomfort until it goes away. Diana points out capsaicin requires milk to neutralize--the Moon may be a remedy to these troubles. However, Mars doesn’t sneak up on you, and with a trine from Saturn we can look for coolheaded time-management to best apply our unstable energies. During this retrograde Mars will become increasingly brighter at night and visible for longer periods of time, until the middle of the retrograde in December when it will rise as the Sun sets like a Full Moon.
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tamlinweek · 1 year
Will you be allowing AI art?
The moderators discussed this at length. At this time, the answer is No. There is a fine line between artists using references for inspiration in the creation of their works, and a computer algorithm using scraped images online in the creation of something else that may or may not resemble the source(s). Some people perceive AI as a tool to create, others to steal with. Since the mods could not come to a complete agreement on the matter, the answer has to be No. If something major develops between now and then when it comes to artist credit/compensation, etc. then we'll reconsider.
Until then, please consider commissioning an artist or making something yourself. Besides, making fanart and writing fanfiction are not your only options to participate. You can also make digital photo collages and moodboards (also called fan edits), fan [book] trailers, and playlists on Spotify and/or YouTube! You can even share one song and/or put the lyrics on a nice background using a free online program like Canva. There are even ambient mood mixers (like ambient-mixer.com) where you can make your own looping background track!
Headcanons are welcome! Ramble on about theories you have, or AUs you'd like to see, or who you would cast if the show gets made, and share photos of that performer!
There are also digital doll makers or RPG figure makers. Consider sites like: Hero Forge, Reroll, Meiker.io, Picrew.me, or even Azalea's Dolls or Doll Divine. For those who play video games (like the Sims, Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Dragon Age Inquisition, etc), you can make your own character! You could even customize an existing doll or figurine: Make a unique funko pop, or customize a poseable doll. For example, a little girl wanted Jareth and Sarah dolls from the movie Labyrinth, and a very creative dad made it happen!)
You can also make something modern (for Modern AU day!) by trying out hairstyles, fantasy makeup, nail art, or digital outfit planners, or even do cosplay! (Some people go so far as to get ACOTAR-inspired tattoos, but only do this if you want to keep it forever!!)
If you want to delve into crafts, there's stained glass, book nooks and miniatures, bookbinding, bookmarks, crochet (amigurumi dolls!), cross-stitch/embroidery, altered books, clay/polymer clay sculptures, and so much more.
This is all about having fun. If you are still unsure about what you'd like to do or make, likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
Thank you for reaching out! The inbox is open if you have any more questions. 😊
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ex-sanguin · 10 months
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I put together a costume of lady justice. The theme for this event was "divinity". I thought of the American worship of police, vigilantism, the wrongfully imprisoned. This character has no eyes of her own, so I believe this is part of her motivation. An eye for an eye truly does make the whole world blind.
In order:
1. Prop detail: 3 live 9mm rounds on one side of a Libra scale with a sculpture on the other side representing a pile of gore. The scales are at the same level, showing equal importance between the bullets and body parts.
2. Progress photo of the hand-sewn (!!!) hem. I bought the dress online, but I would like to note I patterned, cut, machine-sewed the lining myself. Only did the hem by hand but it felt like it was a mile long.
3. Shoe detail. Hand-stoned. This is actually an unfinished version. I never got a photo of the complete ones. More blood drippings along the sides. I kept it somewhat subtle.
4. Wig styling. Also me.
5. Makeup detail. The bloody tears were a last minute decision. Literally sprayed myself in the eyes with fake blood. When it started to burn I remembered I didn't check if that was a safe thing to do. Not blind so that's a W
6. Smiling proudly with my fangs and handmade tulle blindfold.
7 and 8 are shots of the completed look!
I learned a lot through making this piece. It also is my first costume that serves as commentary. I am so proud of the outcome, and if you read this far in the post I can't thank you enough for sharing it with me
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cutncurve · 1 year
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Bhagwan Vishnu Laxmi on Sheshnag Marble Look Statue Height 26 cm
This Beautiful Sculpture by Divine Gifts is ideal for pooja or gifting. This figurine is a must to have as it bears the quality and detailing of one of the most reputed online dealer Divine Gifts.”The Hindu god Vishnu is the protector and preserver of the universe usually depicted as four-armed and blue-skinned. ” This beautiful Lord Vishnu Statue Hindu God Vaikhunth Sculpture Narayana showpiece figurine from cutNcurve is a wonderful gifting option for your any Family Members & Friends in any occasion. Ideal to keep in your puja mandir room or living room in a showcase.
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I love it when I see art online and then find out the size I imagined it being was totally off. Usually it’s much bigger than expected but sometimes it’s much smaller.
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I saw this and thought “divine!”
Then flipped through the photos to discover this sucker is massive!
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Micheal McGrath’s style sings to me. Kinda folk art meets surrealist dreamscape meets children’s drawing of a nightmare meets joyous exploration of color shape and form.
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And he works big and small… so you never really know until you see the art in context of space - next to a person or on a wall…
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I’m a fan.
I wish I could afford to buy a print. Or a painting. Or a furry sculpture.,.
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murtiwalishop · 13 days
murtiwalishop.com offers a divine array of Brass idols, including antique pieces, meticulously crafted to adorn Pooja rooms. Explore our online collection for timeless beauty and spiritual elegance, embracing tradition with our exquisite Brass Murti offerings.
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connorchen-saddog8 · 23 days
Intro to Project 2: The Extended Field
In class today we discussed the second project and the concept of the expanded field. We talked about creating art in a post medium age where everything is interdisciplinary which renders the definition of categories obsolete. A particularly interesting discussion involved the definition of performance. Though it can be defined by the involvement of physicality and the body, or sculpture-wise, a non-repetitive motion akin to human movement, or in general, an artwork that has the remnant of human involvement, I personally find these definitions to be broad. Every work of art has the human touch, and by this definition can be classified as performance. The act of observing something which then turns it into art is then altered by human touch / perception. A sculpture is performed by the artist's craft. I don't really know what to say after this.
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After an initial brainstorm I came up with a few ideas I could pursuit:
Procession of Sad Dogs
Video sculpture à la Nam Jun Paik's Robot Dog style, installed to be in a walking space. CRTs, computer screens, photo frame, cd players, microwaves and any object really representing a line of "sad dogs". The screens will display a video / animation of a dog running, whilst other more sculptural objects will just be anything white that is brutally defined as a sad dog.
in terms of expansion - blurring boundaries between screen and sculpture, the vague definition of the object (sad dog) presented, a performing object, site specific in terms of install in a walking space, to purposefully obstruct as a self aggrandizing procession.
CD animation?
reminiscent to early animation and filmmaking, I want to draw on a cd, frames on the edges so when it plays in the machine a small animation plays. In addition to burning a soundtrack onto the cd.
questioning the screen and the definition, I don't know if returning to the historical roots of a medium counts as subverting tradition conventions but :3
Chair Porn
recreating a cheesy porno with chairs
just wooden chairs
no dialogue / voice over, just sounds of chairs creaking against eachother
not much to say but i like this idea the most because its so stupid
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An artwork we looked at in class that I really loved was Wax or Discovery of Television among the Bees by David Blair, and the concept of the online video and hyper media. Joyce said I LOVE MY FANS reminded her of this, in a contemporary hyper internet context. I would like to explore this more as well - perhaps with chair porn to explore the degenerate divine eroticism of chairs fucking other chairs on onlyfans or something.
I am also really interested in the The Expanded Cinema by Gene Young Blood and will read this essay https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9780823287437-019/html Synesthetic cinema and polymorphis eroticism
ALSO! interested in Scott Bartlet's OFFON and early analogue video synthesizers. I think I can try to replicate effects like this through video editing effects or contemporary digital live coders, but I would like to get my hands on an old school analogue synthesizer.
((Joyce told me about MESS and Robin fox and synthesizer workshops in Melb uni))
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homedecor-godidols · 2 months
Elegance meets spirituality in the form of our Ramayani Hanuman Ji idol. Crafted to perfection, this masterpiece captures the essence of Lord Hanuman in a quiet moment of contemplation while sitting on a stone pedestal engaged in reciting the holy Ramayana. Thus, this iconic sculpture is more than just art; It symbolizes devotion and peace. Know More About the Ramayani Hanuman Ji idol: This gleaming idol stands as a testament to artistry and dedication. The peaceful Lord Hanuman, with his unique features and sublime grace, sits beautifully on a well-crafted stone foundation The rich antique finishes give this piece an aura of timeless wisdom. Every quirk, every emotion written on his face breathes life into this masterpiece. Features: - Divine Aesthetics: Adorn your space with the divine presence of Lord Hanuman, radiating serenity and wisdom. - Superior Craftsmanship: Meticulously handcrafted in resin, this statue showcases exceptional attention to detail, from Hanuman's flowing robes to the delicate pages of the Ramayana. - Antique Finish: The rich, antique finish adds a touch of opulence, making it a statement piece that exudes timeless charm. - Versatile Placement: Suitable for various settings, including the puja room, living room, or office, it complements any decor theme effortlessly. Artarium is an online store dealing in arts and crafts products, and decorative items for your home and office. We are based in Gurgaon, Haryana, and deliver orders all over India. Check out our exciting products in finest quality online at www.theartarium.com
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pujashoppe · 2 months
Expert Tips for Griha Pravesh House Warming Ceremony Decoration
Moving into a new home is a momentous occasion filled with excitement and anticipation. As you embark on this journey, decorating your space for the Griha Pravesh housewarming ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to infuse positivity and auspiciousness into your new abode. In this guide, we'll explore expert tips for housewarming ceremony decoration, ensuring that every corner of your home radiates warmth and harmony.
Griha Pravesh can be categorized into different types based on the nature of entry into the new home: Apoorva (for newly constructed houses), Sapoorva (for purchased homes), and Dwandwah (after rebuilding due to damage).
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Creating an Inviting Entrance:
Floral Welcome:
Start by adorning the entrance of your home with vibrant floral arrangements. Fresh flowers symbolise new beginnings and prosperity, making them ideal for welcoming guests into your space.
Rangoli Art:
Enhance the entrance with intricate rangoli designs crafted from colourful powders or flowers. Rangolis are considered auspicious and are believed to ward off negative energy, inviting blessings into your home.
Decorating the Pooja Room:
Sacred Space:
The pooja room holds immense significance in Indian households, serving as a sacred space for prayers and rituals. Decorate this area with premium puja kits and elegant accessories to create a serene ambience conducive to spiritual practices.
Divine Idols:
Install divine idols of deities such as Ganesha, Lakshmi, and Saraswati in the pooja room, symbolizing protection, prosperity, and knowledge, respectively. Choose high-quality idols that reflect your devotion and reverence.
Setting the Dining Area:
Festive Table Decor:
Dress up the dining table with festive tableware and decorative accents. Incorporate elements like colourful tablecloths, elegant candle holders, and floral centrepieces to create an inviting ambience for your guests.
Traditional Touches:
Add a touch of tradition to the dining area with ethnic-inspired tableware and utensils. Opt for brass or copper utensils adorned with intricate designs, adding a sense of authenticity to the dining experience.
Enhancing Living Spaces:
Soft Furnishings:
Incorporate soft furnishings such as cushions, throws, and curtains in soothing colours and luxurious fabrics to create a cozy atmosphere in your living spaces. Choose textiles adorned with auspicious motifs for added charm.
Artistic Accents:
Display artwork, sculptures, and decorative pieces that resonate with your style and cultural heritage. Incorporate elements of nature, such as indoor plants and water features, to promote tranquillity and harmony.
Conclusion: Decorating your home for the Griha Pravesh housewarming ceremony is an opportunity to infuse positivity, auspiciousness, and personal style into your living spaces. By incorporating expert tips and thoughtful decor elements, you can create a harmonious environment that reflects your values and aspirations. With premium puja kits, puja kits at affordable prices, and puja samagri available online shopping from Puja Shoppe, you can embark on this new chapter of your life with grace and blessings.
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marblemurti1 · 3 months
Buy Online Best Quality Hanuman Marble Murti & Statue at Affordable Prices in Bangalore, Karnataka, South India-Marble Murti Jaipur
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Marble Murti Jaipur, a renowned name in the realm of exquisite marble sculptures, presents a captivating array of Hanuman Marble Murtis and statues. Crafted with precision and devotion, our collection embodies the epitome of artistry and spirituality. Buy Online Best Quality Hanuman Marble Murti & Statue at Affordable Prices in Bangalore, Karnataka, South India.
Importance of Hanuman Marble Murtis
Religious Significance
In Hindu mythology, Lord Hanuman symbolizes strength, devotion, and unwavering loyalty. Worshiped as the epitome of devotion and righteousness, possessing a Hanuman Marble Murti in one’s home or temple is believed to bestow blessings, courage, and protection upon the devotee.
Cultural Significance
Hanuman Jayanti, the auspicious celebration of Lord Hanuman’s birth, witnesses devotees flocking to temples and adorning their homes with Hanuman idols. The presence of a finely crafted Hanuman Marble Murti not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fosters a deep spiritual connection with the divine.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Hanuman Marble Murti
When choosing a Hanuman Marble Murti, several factors merit consideration to ensure utmost satisfaction and reverence:
Quality of Marble
At Marble Murti Jaipur, we prioritize quality above all else. Each sculpture is meticulously carved from premium-grade marble, ensuring durability and long-lasting beauty.
Our skilled artisans imbue every Murti with intricate detailing and exquisite craftsmanship, capturing the divine essence of Lord Hanuman with unparalleled finesse.
Size and Design Options
Whether you prefer a majestic life-sized statue or a compact idol for personal devotion, our diverse range caters to all preferences. From traditional to contemporary designs, we offer a myriad of options to suit every aesthetic inclination.
Also Read: Marble Buddha Statue Supplier and Exporter in Bangalore, Karnataka, South India-Marble Murti Jaipur
Why Choose Marble Murti Jaipur?
Quality Assurance
With years of expertise and a commitment to excellence, Marble Murti Jaipur guarantees superior quality and authenticity in every creation. Each Murti undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure flawless craftsmanship and divine elegance.
Wide Range of Designs
Our extensive collection encompasses a spectrum of designs, ranging from classic renditions to intricately sculpted masterpieces. Whether you seek a minimalist depiction or a grand portrayal, our repertoire has something for everyone.
Affordable Prices
Despite our unwavering dedication to quality and craftsmanship, we strive to offer our creations at affordable prices, making divine art accessible to all.
Location and Reach
Marble Murti Jaipur extends its services to Bangalore, Karnataka, and South India, catering to the spiritual needs of devotees across the region. Additionally, our online platform facilitates seamless accessibility, enabling patrons to procure their desired Murtis from the comfort of their homes.
Testimonials and Customer Satisfaction
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is exemplified by the numerous accolades and testimonials we have received from satisfied patrons. Each testimonial stands testament to our unwavering dedication to craftsmanship, quality, and customer service.
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