#did my brain get the idea from watching the knuckles show yesterday or something??
goblin-enjoyer · 1 month
Ok I think I’m too far gone. I had a dream where izutsumi was demanding I eat better in a gift shop connected to what seemed like some sort of dark iron dwarf raid entrance. I know “haha watching/reading dungeon meshi makes the characters pop up in your head and tell you to eat better” is the funny joke around here, but were you gits not 100% joking or something? Am I just looking too much into a random dream? (Probably)
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oh my gosh, did you just say you roleplay in your room?? dude (gender neutral)!! that’s so smart. and also really cute..:)
you talked about having ADHD. i’ve been having some trouble lately and i was wondering what it looks like for you? just to get an idea wether i might need to check it out or not.
thank you, i think...? this is the strangest ask ive ever received but i think being called cute is a compliment LMAO so ty
so like. adhd looks different in everyone it affects, and i always recommend reaching out to a psychiatrist or even just your physician if you suspect you might have some Fucky Stuff going on with your brain! i was diagnosed with adhd when i was 10 which is pretty telling for how severe mine is because they dont usually diagnose afab kids that young LMAO but again. everyone is different!
HOWEVER i will start this off by saying that i also have severe bipolar 1, which has a lot of overlapping symptoms with adhd. im not a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or a therapist (or any other -ist), and i couldnt tell you which of my Problems are adhd and which are bipolar. so here's your disclaimer to please not use me as the deciding factor for whether or not you have adhd! my adhd personally is life-altering and essentially ruined my childhood for various reasons, and it's still something i struggle with daily. not every case is so severe (most aren't, in fact), so take everything i say with a grain of salt!
but here's a list of things i attribute to my adhd, which is very far from a complete list, but it's what i can think of off the top of my head:
i HATE silence. whenever im doing anything i have to be playing music or listening to something or i cant focus at all, but it also cant be New Music or ill just get distracted and not be able to focus
on the flip side, i also cant fully concentrate if i have any sort of noise. so if im trying to have a serious conversation that requires my full attention, i have to turn off all music and essentially block my ears so that i can focus. no i dont know why but its SO FUCKING ANNOYING
i alternate between skipping every song halfway through because i get bored quicker than a song can finish or listening to the same song for 6 hours on loop and still wanting to listen to more of it. seriously, i listened to rockstar sea shanty by nickelback almost 400 times this year alone, and i only just discovered it in august
when i hyperfixate, i cannot do ANYTHING else or i get massively depressed and lose all motivation. i ended up in a psych ward back in october because the thought of doing my (easy and otherwise enjoyable) job made me self-harm because i was hyperfocused on watching a specific show and i couldnt do ANYTHING else. im a terrible employee
time management? not here! im late to EVERY SINGLE THING. i had an interview yesterday and i was late by 15 minutes. when i was working at petsmart, i can count on both hands the number of times i showed up to work on time in an ENTIRE YEAR. i have no idea why im like this and i hate it
i pace. a LOT. like, i spend several hours a day pacing. i literally just walk around my kitchen and living room and bedroom aimlessly. im like an npc, but instead of giving you helpful tips i just give you really shitty one liners and puns until you beat me to death
if im not pacing, im doing SOMETHING. whether im biting my nails, popping my knuckles, bouncing my leg, bobbing my head, anything. its physically impossible for me to sit still. like right now, im sitting at my desk typing on my keyboard, but im also shaking my legs violently and bobbing my head to the music im currently playing (it's hicktown by jason aldean. yeah, i enjoy country music. im a redneck sorry)
i SUCK at multitasking. like, even just listening to something and writing. or listening to someone and watching tv. or listening to two things at once. okay, so im starting to think im just really bad at listening. but STILL. my mom can work and watch tv at the same time, but if i try to do that i just end up watching tv and i cant get anything done. i absolutely cannot concentrate if two things are happening at once
i cant watch movies. i literally spend more time rewinding and playing back whatever i missed while i was checking my phone than i do actually watching the movie. im the same way with tv shows unless im hyperfixated on them, but at least theyre shorter so i can take more breaks
again, this is not a complete list. nor does this mean that if you check all of these boxes then you also have adhd, or that if you dont check them then you dont. i cannot stress enough that adhd affects every person differently. thats why its such a bitch to diagnose, and why the symptoms overlap with so many other illnesses and disorders.
i do hope that some of this helped! i have no issues with talking about my own mental problems because im a very firm believer that they should be destigmatized and more often talked about publicly, but i try to limit how often i bring up my own issues unless someone directly asks about them because i know not everyone wants to hear about them and that's fine too!
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kaitsawamura · 3 years
would you like to stay forever?
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SUMMARY⎮   Sparring with Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro in his private gym at his home doesn't seem like a bad idea if you don't count the fact that you really, really like him.
STATS⎮ minors do not interact, 18+ ⎮  Rating: M (for mature)  ⎮  WC: 5525  ⎮   Pairing: Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro x Fem!Reader  ⎮   Tags: Aged Up Character(s), Friends to Lovers, Sparring, Smut, Fluff, Age/Experience Gap (if you really squint)  ⎮  AO3
NOTES⎮  Thanks to @spacelabrathor​ for listening to me scream about this and to @some-kindofgnome​ for fueling my Kiri fever dreams.  Yes, that title is based on a Mulan quote. This whole fic was based on THIS POST and Kirishima seemed like the perfect character for this pwp.  Hope y'all enjoy!  (Also please for the love of God, click on the banner to see in HD if you’re on mobile, it looks so much better lol)
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It was Saturday and even though you’re on your way to becoming a Pro Hero, you can think of several things you’d rather be doing with your one day off than going to Kirishima Eijiro’s house to spar.  But here you are pulling into his driveway, going over combat moves in your head as if your life depended on it.  They weren’t really serving their purpose which was to distract yourself.  Kiri had offered up his personal gym, encouraged you to stop by with one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing the back of his neck as if he was nervous.  
A couple of his friends had already taken him up on the offer.  You were the only one he’d offered who hadn’t come over yet.  He had texted you a couple of weeks later saying he was starting to take it personally…  and then immediately texted with a laughing emoji just to clarify he was only giving you a hard time.  It brings a smile to your face now as you remember it.  Yesterday he had also clarified it would just be the two of you if you were self-conscious sparring in front of other people.  You’d have the whole place to yourselves.  Like that should mean something.  Which it did.  It does , you realize with butterflies growing in your stomach.  Kiri doesn’t need to know that though.
The two of you had been toeing around something since you had been hired at Fatgum’s Agency a year ago.  Neither of you had made a move.  Kirishima, the Red Riot, was a big Pro Hero and while you took pride in your quirk, it didn’t hold a coin to some of the others you’d come in contact with.  It had surprised you when Toyomitsu had brought you on.  But he had mumbled something about “liking your spunk” and that he thought a teleportation quirk would be a useful one to add to his agency.  The first day you had shown up, Kiri had immediately caught your eye.  Not for the obvious reasons.  Obvious reasons being the fact that he was climbing the Pro Hero charts or the fact that he had a dynamically interesting quirk or that at twenty-five he was already built like a brickhouse. 
Those were all valid reasons, yes, but what had pulled you in was his smile and his genuine interest in you outside of your quirk.  But he was just like that you had quickly discovered.  He knew everyone’s coffee order and what they liked for lunch.  He knew when to push and when to back off.  He knew when to talk and when to listen , knew when he still had a lesson to learn.  The kids flocked to him.  Even now you’re still entirely convinced that’s actually his quirk, getting people to like him.  It’s not a difficult thing to do though.
Your brain stutters back to the present when a text notification pings from your cell phone as you sit in Kiri’s driveway, picking at non-existent lint on your gym shorts.  The cute ones you’re still convincing yourself were your only clean pair and that’s the only reason you wore them.
KIRI : i saw u pull up, u gonna come in or what 😂
Had he been waiting for you to get there?  You tapped out a quick response, one that hid the little flip in your stomach at the thought: creeper, you were watching for me lmao
Response bubbles immediately flash on your phone screen but you’re angling out of your car and shutting the door before he can reply.
Somehow, this house fits Kiri perfectly.  It isn’t big.  You had seen pictures of other top-ranking Pros’ houses.  Enji Todoroki’s house, for example, was fucking ridiculous.  But even without a massive floor plan, Kiri’s house is nicer than any you’d been in for some time.  Clean, straight lines and lots of windows.  In fact, you can see straight through the floor-to-ceiling windows out to his backyard when you reach the front door.  Is that a pool ?  Kiri had tons of fun showing pictures at the agency; it was a well-deserved investment for his already multiple years of service as a Pro.  The pictures hadn’t done the place justice though.
Kiri comes to the door, throwing it wide open with a huge grin that shows off his sharp teeth.  You ignore the way your mouth goes dry as he drags you in, babbling on like an excited little kid at you actually coming.
“I really thought you were gonna back out!  I mean, that would have been fine, of course.  I just can’t see the point of having the whole place to myself all the time.”  He’s irresistibly cute, walking around showing you the living room and the kitchen and pointing out to the backyard where, yes, there is indeed a pool.  “You can come over any time and use that too if you want!”  You thank him, warmth pooling in your stomach at how incredibly nice he is.
“Uh, we should probably get in the gym.  I have… stuff to do later,” you finish lamely.  You don’t have anything to do later but very quickly you’re realizing how far out of your depth you are here.  The familiar beginnings of the head over heels fall is washing over you in steady waves.  But you’re coworkers and the thought of coming to work every day and having to see his adorable face and not doing anything about it is almost making you nauseous.
“Oh, yeah, it’s just down the hallway,” he rumbles, leading the way and you follow trying and failing miserably to calm the nerves flashing through your veins.  You’re here alone with Kiri , the man you’ve been crushing on since you’d started working with him a year ago.  And now your stupid brain isn’t just thinking about what it would feel like to run your tongue along his teeth or how his hands would feel between your legs.  No, your stupid brain is thinking about what Kiri looks like when he first opens his eyes in the morning.
Your one-track mind is not getting any help, especially when Kiri walks through the doorway of the gym addition and immediately proceeds to pull his shirt up and over his shoulders and tosses it to the side.  Shit.  His back muscles ripple with the movement and when he turns to face you, it’s heart-wrenchingly obvious that he has no idea the effect he’s having on you.  He has to know .  Doesn’t he?  From your end, it seems wildly obvious that someone as good-looking as him should know .  
You glance around, eternally grateful for the fact that the gym is also attractive.  Floor to ceiling windows span two of the walls here as well and there’s a large set of French doors leading out to the yard.  You find yourself actually in awe when you get a better look at the landscaping.  It’s so green .  There’s a small patch of lawn but the rest is just artfully arranged native flora and fauna.  Violets, tulips.  Huge hosta plants.  And cherry trees heavy with their signature sakura blossoms.  
��Kiri, it’s beautiful!”  He comes to stand beside you, looking out the French doors as well.
“You like it?  I guess it is pretty nice, huh?”  You glance up at him, your chest expanding on a lurch looking at his smile.  You’d never noticed before but he has a light dusting of freckles across his nose.
“Yeah, really nice.”  You look out again, letting the silence grow until it feels like the most comfortable thing in the world.  After what seems like an eternity Kiri clears his throat, rocking back on the balls of his feet.  “What are you thinking for today?”  The question leaves your lips and you’re immediately regretting it; your stomach flips again when Kiri looks at you like you’re prey.
“Close combat, hand-to-hand combat.  You did mention a while ago you wanted to strengthen that, right?”  You throw your head back, rolling your eyes, and groan.  The two of you make your way to the center of the mat.
“Yeah, I mean, I’d be scared to take me on too,” Kiri says, large hands on even larger hips.   He isn’t as tall as some of the other heroes at six foot three inches but he’s wide , thick.  You know for a fact you couldn’t wrap your arms around his waist and have your hands meet.  He’s wearing the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen.  The sharpened points of his canines are out and on prominent display.   Famous last words you think as a snarl erupts on your face.
“I’m not scared , Kiri.  I just don’t want to wear you out .  You’re a Pro Hero.  You’re on the job a lot more than I am.  Plus, you’re getting kind of old.  Is that a little gray I see coming in?”  Kiri bares his teeth even more but it’s not lost on you that he quickly reaches up to rake his fingers through his hair.  There isn’t any gray, obviously , but the thought has Red Riot distracted.  Distracted enough that when you plant your feet and your fist connects with his face, your knuckles hit skin and not the reinforced rock of his quirk.
“ Shit.”  Kiri takes a step back, reaching up to cradle his jaw.  His tongue swipes out to lick at the blood on his bottom lip.  His vermillion eyes find yours and if you didn’t work with him on a regular basis, you would have felt fear at this moment.  You know he wouldn’t hurt you but even now, a thrill races through your veins like electricity.  He looks as if he’s going to devour you.  You take your own step back, readying your quirk, reaching out to it as your fists hold their position in front of your body.  A dark chuckle spills from his chest as Kiri calls on his own quirk.
Now it was your turn to be distracted; you had always been fascinated by Kiri’s quirk, the way his body looked when it hardened up.  The ripples of muscle still visible under the toughened skin.  The divots and ridges and how they mapped their way across his shoulders and chest and abdomen.  You knew how it felt to the touch in fake combat.  The Fatgum heroes all took pride in maintaining a healthy routine; sparring was a common workout that was previously done at a local public gym.  You wonder absently what it would feel like to touch him slow and at the moment.  When you could give extra attention with extra time. 
Kiri closes the space between the two of you at the moment your mind strays and you barely are able to teleport out of the way to avoid him crashing into you.  You try to take a swipe at him as you materialize from in front of him to behind but this time he’s ready for you and he’s using his quirk.  Instead of moving out of the way, he plants his feet and allows your punch to hit.  Pain radiates up through your fingers and wrist.  It always irritated you that you had to prepare yourself to strike Kiri when he was using his quirk.  Otherwise, you’d be in for a whole lot of hurt every time you landed a punch.
Teleportation is a pretty handy quirk.  It gives you a pretty good advantage the more you work on your close combat skills.  The trick with Kiri was to keep going at him until he ran out of energy.  You hadn’t gotten to that point yet; your quirk had its limits as well.  You were only two years out of UA, Kiri was out by seven.  His strength was already fairly unmatched; sparring with him was always good practice.  You relish the thought of the day you can win a sparring session without tapping out.  It surges through you like pure energy.  
You teleport to stand in front of him again, shifting your weight into your hips and up through your right hook.  This time your fist connects with Kiri’s side and he lets out a small grunt.  Your fingers don’t hurt so bad this time and by the time Kiri is retaliating, you jump back a few feet.  He hmms, a sound that reverberates from his chest.
“That’s all well and good but how do you expect to do anything if you jump that far away?”  He lunges forward at a running start, leaping at the last second, sending his gloved fist into your stomach.  You were fast, but still not always fast enough.  You double over, the air rushing from your lungs and your pre-workout protein smoothie threatening to exit back the way it went in.  Sweat is already beading on your brow and sliding under your tank top.  You take a few breaths through your nose when an idea pops into your head; you stay bent over.  “Hey, I didn’t hit you that hard.  You good?”  
Kiri comes to stand in front of you, leaving him vulnerable.  He can’t see your smirk until it’s too late.  You wail on him, using some of the basic combos he’s taught you before today.  Satisfaction rolls through you when he actually takes a step back.  But then he puts his arms up in front of him, clenching his abdomen and bending inward to protect his core.  He drops just a fraction and before you realize what’s happening, he’s swiping his leg out to push through yours.  You watch in slow motion as you see his laughing face then the ceiling of the gym as you flip and land on your back.
If you thought you were out of breath before…  “Fuuu-.”  It’s a wheeze that feels like it’s ripping your chest open.  You’re seeing stars.  Kiri stands over you, hands on his hips again.  You stare at his face; the hero has his hair pulled back into a bun.  You snort, rolling your eyes.  Why does he still look so fucking good?  The sweat has caused some of the pieces falling out of his hair tie to curl.  His hair has curl to it?  You’ve never noticed before, considering he always gels it into spikes.  You like the curl.  “Are you--are you gonna help me up, or what?”  It was still painful to talk.
Kiri tilts his head to the side, just slightly, and crosses his arms.  “I’m thinking not.  Last time I let down my guard you got those good combos in.”  You stare in stunned silence, sitting up so you’re supported by your elbows.  Kiri shifts slightly and if you didn’t know better, you’d say he’s backing up to… get a better view.   
“Is that any way to treat your student,  Red Riot?”  You know you get under his skin when he clicks his tongue against his teeth and holds out a hand with a begrudging eye roll.  He pulls you up with ease, quickly enough that you almost lose your balance, swaying into his space.  You look up, eyes moving back and forth between his.  
He draws in a breath and drags his bottom lip between his teeth.  “First of all,” he says as he places his hands on your upper arms, “I’m not your teacher.  I’m not that much older than you.  Secondly,” he mutters as he tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear, “our relationship isn’t that formal is it?”  He’s so fucking close.  This is getting dangerous.  Dangerous because Kiri is within kissing distance.  Dangerous because this gentle side of him is making you lose more breath than falling on your ass.  Dangerous because the thought of Kiri taking you on the floor right now is almost too much to bear.  
So you fall back on what you’re here to do.  Fight.  You flash him a wicked smile before rallying your quirk and teleporting a few feet away.  His hand is still raised in mid-air and when his head whips to look in your direction, his crimson eyes are narrowed and his nostrils are flared.  He laughs and rolls his neck, dancing on his toes.
“Okay.  I see.  I’m not gonna go easy on you, you know?”  You snort and put your fists up in front of you again.
“As if you were going easy on me before, Kiri.  Bring it on.”  He smiles, the sharp points of his teeth enough to make your thoughts swerve again before you bring them under control.  “Bring it on,” you whisper more to yourself as you brace for the fight.
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Two hours later, you feel the strain in your muscles.  Your quirk is running low on reserves and you know you won’t be able to use it much more.  Kiri looks like he hasn’t wasted a breath but you can see he’s getting tired in the way his feet don’t move as sharply.  And if the length of time he’s using his quirk is any indication to his state of mind, you know the two of you will be calling it a day soon.  But you’re also both stubborn.  And you’re dying to get one more good move in on him.
The cockiness the two of you had at the beginning of the sparring session hasn’t gone away but has burned hot into determination.  No more smiles, only clear-headed concentration.  The two of you are an arm's length from each other, throwing various punches and switching quickly between using your quirks and not.  You’re breathing hard, sweat gathering at your brow as you throw another right hook that Kiri easily blocks.
“Get out of your head.  You can be too predictable sometimes.”  He doesn’t mean for it to come across as rude but the words strike a match to a guttering fire.  You bare your own teeth at Kiri even though they aren’t sharp and probably don’t look nearly as threatening but it helps you feel powerful nonetheless.  You drop without a second thought, lowering to your palms and sweeping your leg out in front of you in a wide arc.  A grin spreads across your face when your calf meets Kiri’s ankle.  He’s too physically dense for this move to work if he had seen it coming.  But he doesn’t.  And his solid 220 pounds of muscle falls hard.  
You allow yourself the satisfaction of the moment for only a split second; Kiri’s recovery time is much shorter than yours so it isn’t long before he’s scrambling forward.  He goes straight for your wrists to subdue you but with a smirk, you realize in his haste he’s put himself in the perfect position for you to possibly gain the upper hand.  You scoot up away from him just enough to drag his arm forward and swing your legs around his neck.  Then you elevate your hips and lock your core.
It’s over from there as you squeeze with every last ounce of strength left in your body.  It doesn’t take long for him to tap out.  You release as soon as you feel his loose hand tap your arm; he collapses over you and you’re too tired to move away or push him off.  Now his breathing is rough and you feel a surge of pride.  You reach up and place your hand on his head where his bun has come undone; he’s so heavy but it doesn’t feel bad.  In fact, the feel of Kirishima resting his head and upper chest on your stomach is feeling nothing short of good .  He’s still between your legs and suddenly the air is crackling with a new kind of energy when you gently comb your fingers through his hair.
He rises up, his hands on either side of you.  His hips rest between your legs; the mingled heat radiating from both of you is almost more than you can take but there is no way you’re going to move anywhere.  He leans forward, so close you can see the flecks of burnt orange in his eyes.  If you moved forward just a little, you could close that space between you.  He leans down more, his mouth right next to the shell of your ear.
“Maybe not always predictable.  You did good today.  Probably some of the best fighting I’ve seen from you so far.  Keep it up.”  He grunts, a shift of his hips allowing the curve of his cock to brush against your clothed sex through his gym shorts.  He stiffens in what you think might be embarrassment.  “Shit, sorry, let me just, uh--”  The stuttering mess he becomes right before your eyes makes something lurch in your chest; you reach for his face without thinking.
“Kiri,” you whisper, rolling your own hips against his.  His cheeks are burning a shade of red almost as vibrant as his hair.  You bring up your other hand, holding his face between them and bringing him down to settle over you once more.  Your lips meet his; he seems to war with himself for just a moment.  A suspended second in time.  But then he gives in, slipping his tongue against yours in a delicious sliding vision of what’s coming.
He reaches between you to slip his hand under your tank top; his hand is big and nearly encompasses your side.  But it’s warm and gentle.  Gentle.  Who would have guessed that Red Riot could be so fucking gentle?  But he is and when his hand moves lower to slide below the hem of your shorts, you give yourself to him with no reservations.  His middle finger passes through the mess of your sex; a hissed breath rattles through his chest as your back arches on a ragged groan.
“ Shit.  You’re so wet .”  He slides his finger back and forth, gathering your slick on the thick digit.  He takes his hand away and you mewl.  “Can I?”  He asks breathlessly as he hooks his hands on the hem of your shorts.  You nod, eyes half-lidded.  He pulls them down along with your underwear and the way he looks at you, at what’s between your legs, you don’t even have the wherewithal to feel self-conscious.  Adoration.  It’s the only word you can think of and it makes you wonder if you’d made a mistake waiting so long.
He’s on his knees when he takes your legs and drapes them on either side of his hips; this time he doesn’t hesitate in slipping his finger into your cunt.  You nearly see stars just from that and if one finger is any indication, you’re in for it.  Slowly, he adds another, his hand pumping into you in a steady rhythm.  You’re grabbing for the ground, grabbing for him as a strangled noise pushes from your throat.  He reaches out with his other hand to splay it across your sternum and it’s the only thing anchoring you as he adds the third finger before scooting down to put his mouth on your clit.
“ Kiri,” you keen, shoving your hips into his touch, frantically scrabbling for his wrist that’s on your chest just to have something to hold on to.  He’s done this before, he’s had to.  He’s too good.  Too fucking good.  Already there’s coiling in your gut as incomprehensible words tumble from your mouth.  “Shit.  Shit.  Kiri I’m--I’m gonna--”  He rumbles approvingly against your clit; the vibrations send you closer and closer to the edge and when it crests, your back arches near pain as you cry out, your voice echoing in the gym.  It’s deep, roaring through all of your limbs but  Kiri keeps going, fingers still pumping, tongue still swirling around your sensitive nub.
Another orgasm breaks over you sharp and quick and the overstimulation has your legs quaking as your arousal gushes over Kiri’s hand and tongue.  But then he’s moving again, and you’re blearily aware that he’s shoving his own shorts and boxers past his hips to free his cock.  You stare as it bounces back to sit near the planes of his stomach; it’s already leaking steadily with precum.  Kiri looks back at you and when your eyes meet, you dart your tongue out between your lips to wet them.  Another time, maybe.  
Kiri leans forward to lift you up and the closer you get you can barely see any red in his eyes; his pupils are blown, his nostrils flared as he lifts you like you weigh nothing .  He could snap you like a twig.  But he won’t.  You know without a doubt this is the safest you’ve ever felt, even as he lowers you slowly over his cock and it does feel like you’re being split .
“ Fuuuck…”  You wrap your legs around him, your mouth dropped open, your hands gripping his shoulders.  You try not to dig your nails in but it’s almost impossible with how you’re being filled.  You knew Kiri was big but this was almost too much.  His forehead drops to yours as he pants.  But he’s not moving, won’t move until you tell him to.  It makes your heart ache and your cunt floods, drunk on the affection thrumming through your veins.  You roll your hips experimentally and the friction is bliss.  “Oh fuck, ohfuck.”  You move again, pushing yourself up and back down, listening to the hitch in his breathing.  “ Kiri, please, ” you whisper.  Those words… they’re enough.
Kirishima grips you by the hips, his fingers splayed and digging into the flesh; it’ll leave bruises and the knowledge cracks through you like electricity.  Let him leave marks.  Let him leave them everywhere.  He’s moving you up and down his cock, grunting, mumbling.  “Tell me, Kiri, tell me.”  His eyes meet yours again and his own mouth drops open.
“Fuck, you’re so good.  S’ tight.  Jesus, I-- ” Kiri moves his hands from your hips to support you as he lays you down on the floor of the gym.  The idea should be questionable but it’s not, it’s fucking not and you can’t concentrate on any other thoughts when Kiri grabs your wrists and pins them gently above your head with one hand while the other comes back to your hip.  He thrusts into you at a brutal pace but… it feels like home and you think in that moment as your cunt begins to seize around his cock that you would give up forever to continue touching him.
“Yes, Kiri, yes.  Right there, right--shit yesyes yes. ”  He pistons up, the veins of his cock rubbing just right and when he releases the grip on your hands, they’re moving to wrap around him on instinct.  He’s planting kisses along your jaw, mouthing up to your lips and back down to graze his teeth over your pulse point.  “Do it, fuckin’ do it, let them know ‘m yours, ” you slur and when he bites down you crash over the edge on a groan that’s really more of a scream.  Everything goes black but you're cradling him to you as his movements become more erratic.  The snapping of his hips is getting sloppier by the second and a steady growl punches from his lungs with each breath.  “Cum, Kirishima, cum inside me.”
He’s never heard those words before and it lights a fire in his veins.  His head is buzzing and then he can’t hear anything as his cock releases and he’s spurting searing hot ropes of cum into your cunt.  He goes until you’ve milked every last drop from him and he’d be lying if he said his world didn't suddenly feel whole.  Finally, his body settles and his chest drops to yours.  Everything slowly bleeds back into focus and somehow, everything seems more colorful than it did moments before.  You’re still clinging to him.
“Kiri.  Kiri, babe, I can’t breathe,” you say and he slowly rises, taking in your blissed-out expression.  Your eyes can barely stay open, your cheeks are flushed.  He backs up to see his handiwork on display, hyper-focused on the trail of the mingling cum dripping from the mess of your sex.  But you’re smiling.  Lazy and tired, completely at ease.  “Wanna take a shower?”  When you nod he doesn’t hesitate in standing to kick his underwear and shorts the rest of the way off his legs and then he’s grabbing you, scooping you into his arms and against his chest.  He pads out of the gym and across the hall to his bathroom where he deposits you on your feet, only after he’s sure you can stand and only long enough to turn the shower head-on.
He puts his hand under the water, waiting for it to get warm.  Steam billows from behind the glass door when he’s turning back to you to remove your tank top and your sports bra.  Thank god you chose the front-closure one today; you didn’t think either one of you wanted to struggle to get one up over your head right now.  When your breasts spill out of the high-impact fabric, you notice with tender amusement that his cock is half-hard again.  His eyes go dark again and he leans in for a kiss.  But it's slow and sweet. 
"You're so fuckin' beautiful," he whispers.  He ignores his arousal, ushering you into the stream of water.  Your care is the only thing that matters to him right now.  The heat slides across your body, and when Kirishima steps up behind you and begins soaping up your shoulders, it feels like heaven .
You take turns washing each other until you’re both blissed out in a different kind of way and the only thing either one of you can think about is sleep.  But the afterglow is fading and doubt is creeping in.  When you step out of the water, you stand awkwardly as Kiri hands you a towel.  “You okay?”  He’s actually concerned and you can’t put your finger on why you’re so fucking grateful for it.
“Yea, just tired.  I should, uh, probably get going.”  Kiri freezes and you think you’ve said something wrong, already crossed a line.  Your brain is like a broken record as the stomach-curdling image of having to see him at the agency flashes across your eyes in vivid detail.  But then he’s stepping into your space and pulling you in for a hug.  A hug.
“Don’t go,” he whispers into the crown of your head and it has you smiling like an idiot against his chest.  His skin smells clean and warm with a hint of spice.  You bury your face further in as you nod against him.  Then he’s leading you to his room, to the king-sized bed.  He peels back the comforter and the white sheets and pulls you in beside him.  Your back is against him and he hooks his foot around your ankles, bringing you even closer.  
He doesn’t say anything more, just lets out a huge sigh as he wraps his arm around you.  The last thing you notice before your eyes flutter shut is how your heartbeats are thumping at the same steady rhythm.  
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Late afternoon sunlight slants in Kirishima’s bedroom window, creating interesting patterns across his blanket.  It’s pushed towards the end of the bed, your legs intertwined and tangled in the sheets.  He’s still dozing, his breathing not quite that of someone sleeping but not of a person fully awake.  You reach out to cup his cheek, stroke above his eyebrows, caress his lips with your thumb.  A contented sigh leaves his chest as he grabs your hand and kisses your wrist.  His eyes are open now and he watches you.  You smile at him, snuggling closer, not wanting the moment to end.
“Hey,” he says quietly, suddenly serious.  “I just want you to know, I don’t do this all the time.  I mean, I’ve been with other people before but I don’t…  I don’t really hook up .”  Things start clicking into place as you realize what he’s trying to get across.  He just fucked you stupid in his personal gym and somehow he looks bashful.  And because you love it, you’re not going to help him along.  You just watch, biting your lip to keep from giggling.  “I just.  I guess what I’m trying to say is I like you.  I’ve liked you for a long time.  And normally I would have wined and dined you first but...  Well.  Here we are.  Would you like to stay for dinner?”
That’s the last straw; your laughter comes bubbling out of you and Kiri is leaning back to look at you with a quizzical expression on his face.  “Is something funny?”  That just makes you laugh a little harder but the confused look he’s wearing has you leaning in to press your lips against his.
“I’ve liked you from the first day I met you, Kiri.  I’ll one-up your offer and tell you that I might like to stay forever.”  A grin rips across his face and your heart blooms with warmth and affection.  The world seems full of possibilities but none of them matter except for the possibility laying right in front of you.
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mintwithchoco · 3 years
beaux rêves: Ep 5 - Evaluation
ITZY Yeji x Male Reader
Word Count: 3063 words
Categories: smut, handjob, edging, daddy kink, spanking, office sex, little bit of degradation, assistant! yeji
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“...and I guess that’s all for now, keep up the good work Chaeryeong!” You said to a red haired woman, one of the interns that is working under you.
You were the leader of the Marketing Team in IT’z Company, a brand that is well known all over the world for being pioneers in multiple fields. You knew that it was a big role to have and a monthly intern evaluation is one way for you to keep the quality of the team and the work. There were four interns in your team and all of them have been doing a fantastic job. You were definitely proud, already thinking of asking the higher ups on an incentive raise because of their hard work.
“Thank you, sir!” Chaeryeong said, giving you an adorable smile before getting up from her seat and heading towards the door of the interview room.
“Oh yeah, Chaeryeong?”
“Yes sir?”
“Please call in Lia for me.”
“Alright sir.” Chaeryeong and her warm smile left the room, leaving you and your assistant alone.
“They’re doing so well!” Your assistant said while analyzing through the files containing the evaluations of the interns.
“Yeah, I’m definitely gonna give them a raise.” You replied back while preparing the file for the last intern evaluation.
“Have you finished the powerpoint for our meeting tomorrow?” You asked.
“Yes, I’ll send the powerpoint to you after this.”
“Great! Thank you so much, Yeji.”
“O-Oh, it’s...it’s nothing really. I’m just doing my j-job as your assistant.” Yeji blushes furiously, unable to hide it from you who just smiles at her cuteness.
“Hey, don’t be so shy now! You helped me out a lot with my work, so I need to give you a reward sooner or later.” You said, making Yeji look towards you with a look of certainty in her eyes.
“A reward?”
“Yeah, it could be anything you want. As long as it’s not that expensive.” you said, laughing.
“Then…” Yeji moves her seat a bit closer and suddenly caresses your thigh, moving her lips near your ear.
“I want you, daddy.”
“Woah, Yeji! H-Hold on,” You flinched away immediately, almost choking at her words.
“T-This is h-highly inappropriate for w-work.”
“But da-”
Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door, making you quietly sigh in relief.
“O-Oh! Come in.” You said.
The door then was opened by a woman in a light peach long sleeve top with a plaid vest covering it. Her brown hair draped over her shoulders beautifully, letting you focus on her attractive visual. As she entered the room and closed the door behind her, you and Yeji watched as she slowly walked over to the chair on the opposite side of the desk.
“Sit down please, Lia.” The woman reacted by sitting down on the black office chair.
“How are you today?" You asked first.
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." Lia answers, giving you a smile after.
“Glad to hear that. Alright then, let’s start with the evaluation.”
As you go through the questions one by one, Yeji is beginning to grow frustrated. Biting her lips, she began playing around with her pen constantly. Her brain suddenly thought of an idea that was risky, but pleasurable at best. Her left hand slowly slides over to your crotch, making you widen your eyes. You eyed her, silently telling her to stop with your slightly angry gaze. But, Yeji replied back with a smirk and mouthed something with her lips.
“My reward, daddy.”
Her fingers move towards the zipper of your pants and open them, revealing the center part of your boxers. You were panicking, your eyes went all over the place as you listened to Lia's answers to your questions. To avoid suspicion, Yeji also asked her a few questions as she started to pull out your hardened cock from your boxers.
“Sir? What’s wrong?” Lia asked after hearing you gasp because of your exposed cock.
“Uhh, n-nothing! L-Let's continue.”
“So, did you encounter any problems with our clients recently?” Yeji’s fingers wrap themselves around your cock.
“Hmm, let me see....”
Your ears were trying their best to hear Lia’s answer as Yeji started stroking you softly under the table. A lot of precum was already being made on the tip of your cock due to the thrill of being stimulated by her hand in front of your intern without her noticing it. She collects your precum and spreads it all over your shaft to lube it up. You wanted to moan so hard, but there was still work to do.
There were a few questions left, so Yeji’s handjob won’t last for long - something you were both thankful and disappointed in. She opens up a file and pretends to be reading it as she sped up her strokes, making you grit your teeth underneath your lips. When you ask Lia a question, Yeji will slow down her strokes. But once Lia is answering your question, she picks up her pace, making it harder for you to keep your sense of professionalism.
A burning sensation suddenly came into your stomach, signifying that you were going to orgasm soon. Just as you were about to reach your peak, Yeji stopped stroking you in an instant, letting your cock throb violently as you felt your load slowly going back into your balls. You faked a cough instead of moaning as a way to relieve the intensity that you had earlier. Lia was nothing but naive the entire time, diligently filling out a form that you gave to her as the last part of the evaluation.
After a few minutes, Yeji starts her handjob once again, this time you were even more sensitive as you already feel your orgasm building up slowly once again. Lia finishes up her form and gave it to you who was struggling to keep calm. Meanwhile, Yeji was smirking to herself as she continued her hoax of reading the files while keeping a steady pace of her strokes on your shaft.
“Sir, are you okay? You look sick…” Lia said in a concerned tone.
“Yeah, are you okay?” Yeji asked as well, feigning ignorance that she was the reason for the droplets of sweat forming on your forehead.
“I’m j-just feeling...a little l-lightheaded, yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll t-take some medications l-later.” You replied as Yeji fondled your warm balls.
“Oh yeah, sir?”
“Thanks for taking me home last night.” Lia’s words made you confused at first, but you instantly remembered that you gave Lia a ride home yesterday because her car broke down.
“Oh, it’s nothing really. Others would’ve done the same.”
“If you’re free sometime, maybe I could...treat you to dinner?” Lia said in a somewhat flirty tone while biting her lower lip hungrily.
“Uhh, sure I gu-AHH!” You shouted in pain due to Yeji squeezing your balls as jealousy filled her brain.
“Sir?!” Lia was about to stand up before you raise up an arm as a hint that you’re fine.
“What happened?” Yeji places her hands on your shoulders after wiping off your precum on your pants to show her concern.
“M-My leg cramped...It’s a-alright now.” You said while quickly putting back your cock into your boxers and zipping back your pants.
“Anyways, we’re done now with the evaluation. You’re doing a great job, keep it up Lia!” You said after writing out a few more words on the evaluation papers.
“I will, thanks sir!” Lia’s eyes turned into a crescent and her lips formed an adorable smile.
“Don’t forget about our dinner! I’m looking forward to it. Take care now!” Lia said, flashing her signature eye smile at you before leaving the room.
You smiled and proceeded to organize a few things on the file while Yeji stared at you with her eyes filled with lust and jealousy because of Lia’s flirty behavior.
“Daddy-” Yeji was cut off by you suddenly standing up while taking back all the files on the desk.
“My office, five minutes.” You said coldly before exiting the room.
Four minutes later, Yeji was now in front of your office. She was nervous about what's gonna happen to her. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door three times.
“Come in.” Yeji opened the door and was greeted by you sitting on your chair with your back turned towards her.
“Lock the door.” She does so and stands in front of your desk with her hands in front closed together.
You let out a big sigh and stood up from your seat to face her. Your mind was only thinking one thing: punishment.
“Bend over.”
“Bend over.” Your tone was a bit more aggressive this time, making Yeji shiver and immediately bending over the desk with her hands flat on the surface of it and her back arched.
“Giving me a handjob during important work, squeezing my balls and edging me,” You said as you walked slowly then stopped on her left side.
“Daddy’s going to punish you baby.” You whisper into her ear, widening Yeji’s eyes.
Not wasting anymore time, you yanked her skirt and drew it up to her waist, revealing her round ass and a blue thong that was covering her crotch. Squeezing her soft cheeks with both of your hands, Yeji bit her lips as she was turned on by your dominance, her pussy starting to leak out juices. You traced your fingers over her clothed pussy, feeling a wet spot already formed.
“Wet already? What a naughty slut you are.”
“Yes daddy, I’ve been so naughty. Please punish me daddy!”
“Shut the fuck up.” You spank her right cheek hard, emitting a loud sound that vibrates around the room.
Yeji shrieks in pain and pleasure as you give two more slaps on both her right and left cheek. Her ass beautifully ripples on each slap, hardening the tent that was beginning to form in your pants.
“That was for giving me a handjob while I was working.”
You crack your knuckles, preparing yourself for the next set of spanks on her butt. You lifted your palm at a decent distance before bringing it down to her bottom hard and fast. Three more similar slaps came quick after, each landing perfectly on both sides of her buttcheeks. Yeji tries her best to keep her moan from coming out of her mouth, not wanting anyone to notice what was going on inside your office.
“That was for squeezing my balls.”
Her cheeks were already turning red due to your smacks, so you let her rest for a while by squeezing them gently to heal a little bit of the stinging pain. With your left hand holding her hips, you lift your free hand further than before, aiming to spank her harder. The right cheek was your target, so with a deep breath, you smack them as hard as possible, prompting Yeji to flinch violently and letting out her first moan.
You made up a set in your head - two on each side of her cheeks, five times. As your smack begins to increase in power, so does her moan being louder after each one. On the third set, you rubbed her butt once again before continuing. Thank god you only had four interns in your team alongside their desks being pretty far away from your office, so you placed a bet that no one could hear anything.
“And this is for edging daddy!”
Your last smack on her ass was the hardest, causing Yeji to let out a shriek and shed a few teardrops from her eyes. Both your right palm and her ass were now sore and painted in a bright red color.
“You okay?” You asked her while squeezing her flesh to relieve the pain.
“Y-Yes daddy…”
“Good, because I have more things planned.”
As Yeji heard you unbuckling your belt and unzipping your pants, her pupils grew out of excitement, finally getting the reward which was your cock. You let your pants rest on your ankles and placed yourself behind her, letting her feel the heat from your crotch on hers. Quickly discarding her thong by ripping it off of her, you grind your bulge against her damp pussy, not caring how your boxers were getting stained by her juices. Yeji squirmed because of the teasing that you intended to do, and your cock was already hurting because of the restraints that were still on it.
“Do you feel that? Do you feel how hard daddy’s cock has become?” Yeji nodded.
“Too bad that you’re not gonna feel this throbbing inside of you.” Your hand then moved to her hair and grabbed a handful of it, forcing Yeji’s head to perk up.
“So, if you want daddy to fuck you,” You get close to her ear once again.
“...then beg.”
“Daddy please please pleeeeease fuck me! I promise I won't edge you during work ever again. Please daddy, don't leave me like this!" Yeji begged you like her life depended on it.
You loved it. You love how Yeji was under your spell, and that alone is enough to make you aroused. Without saying any words, you pulled down your boxers to let your hard cock free and aimed it at her entrance. Yeji gasped in shock as you forcefully pushed yourself into her warm hole with her juices acting as a lube. She was insanely tight, her walls gripped onto your shaft with an intense pressure as you involuntarily let out a loud groan.
Lust takes over you fast as you grab her hips and start pounding her insides right away at a fast pace. Yeji cried out a few swear words, her pussy was completely filled with your shaft as your thrusts were deep and powerful. You showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon, even though you were blue-balled by Yeji earlier and had the potential to reach your peak early.
Suddenly, you heard the sound of footsteps coming closer to the door. You slowed down your thrusts and immediately closed Yeji’s mouth with your right hand, silencing her moans to hear who was outside your office. The person then knocks on the door a few times.
“Sir? Are you there?” That husky voice behind the door was none other than Shin Ryujin, another one of your interns.
“Y-Yeah, I’m a bit busy right now, w-what’s wrong?” You asked while burying your whole cock inside of Yeji’s tight cunt.
“Would you like some coffee?”
“Sure.” Yeji’s body was shaking violently, feeling the fullness of being sheathed by your shaft.
“Alrighty! And oh, should I add extra cream for you, sir? I know you like your coffee thick and smooth.” Ryujin’s words were making you think of something else and your cock reacted by throbbing inside Yeji.
“Oh Ryujin, you definitely know what I like.”
“I’m just doing my job, sir. Anyways, it’ll be ready in about 10 minutes since someone forgot to boil the water earlier.” Ryujin said, clearly talking about Lia.
“It’s fine, take your time!” You then heard Ryujin’s footsteps as she walked away.
A few seconds were wasted on you confirming that Ryujin was gone. Pulling your cock out of her pussy, you turn her around, lift her up and lay her down on your desk after clearing it up. Yeji looked exhausted, due to your shaft being embedded deep inside of her earlier. But that doesn’t stop you from plunging into her depths once again, this time starting off slow.
Your hands sneaked up to her blazer, unbuttoning them to reveal her matching blue bra underneath. Yeji was moaning constantly as your pace began to quicken, but it was quickly muffled by your lips kissing her deeply. Both of your tongues danced along with each other, savoring the moment of exchanging pleasure into your bodies.
“Oh fuck daddy, you’re stretching me out so much!” Yeji firstly said after you broke off the kiss.
“Yeah, you love it don’t you, you slut?”
“Yes, use me as your cumdump daddy!”
“With pleasure.”
With that, you pumped into her as fast and as hard as you could, eager to fulfill what she wanted to be - a slutty cumdump. The burning sensation in your abdomen was felt even more with each thrust of your hips. Yeji’s moans were encouraging you to the max as she was also reaching her own peak. The lustful look in her eyes, silently begging you to cum inside her, it was finally all too much for you to take.
“I'm gonna cu-”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence as you exploded inside her, all the muscles in your body flexing as you sent your warm and thick load into her tight hole. Yeji followed soon after, gushing all of her juices onto your cock and staining the desk. Your legs shook harshly as your orgasm was a big one since Yeji edged you earlier and eventually, your body fell on top of her by the end of your orgasm.
You stayed there for a while, exhausted after releasing every last drop of your cum into her pussy. Yeji smiled and gently pats your head to calm you down from your high.
“Thank you daddy.”
Lunchtime arrived and you decided to grab a quick one with Yeji at a restaurant near your office. As you both were eating your meal and talking about some work-related topics, you felt a weird sensation in your body.
“Oppa,” Yeji said.
“This is just a dream, isn’t it?”
Silence filled the air.
“What are you talking abo-”
When you blinked your eyes, you were suddenly transported to a place full of nothingness. It was black all around you, with fog surrounding the floor. Eureka hits you in an instant.
"I've lost it."
Your legs automatically move to search for that pathway. The pathway that leads you to another dream. As you continued to run towards it, it felt like you were going around in circles. The scent that you're familiar with was gone as well.
Exhaustion came to your body as you stopped running and panted heavily. All hope was lost, you thought. You were never going to experience that dream ever again.
A ray of light suddenly appears in front of you and a familiar voice could be heard.
“Wake up!”
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Part 3 (Mycroft Holmes x Reader)
AN- Thank you for the patience for this one! My little boy has been unwell so it has taken a little longer than I had hoped but here is the third instalment! It’s a little shorter than the others but that’s because I wanted to contain the angsty part in one chapter, the next ones will hopefully be longer..
This one is a little more angsty, a lot more emotional, but I’m quite happy with the outcome and I hope you are too! As usual, please let me know any thoughts/feedback! And enjoy!
Word Count: 2510
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"Is it just me that finds Stephen Fry a bit.. sexy?" You spoke, watching the television as Young Ones' Scumbag College competed on University Challenge. "I don't know what it is about him. He's just.. got such a lovely voice, and he's so sodding clever and his CLOTHES- got much better looking with age, mind." Mycroft only hummed, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.
"Hmm.. He's not really my type." You laughed and petted his head fondly.
"You don't have to be gay to find another man attractive Myc." You mused. "Me and Greg talk about it all the time, though he fancies Hugh Laurie more, especially in Blackadder." You laughed, thinking back on the memory of Greg's fondness of George in the Blackadder Goes Forth series.
"I'm aware that sexuality and attraction are not the same, Y/N. I am comfortable enough in my own heterosexuality to appreciate another man's features. In fact, I very much agree with Gregory's view on Mr Laurie. Stephen, however, is not my type. The few people that did speak to me in University used to tell me I reminded them of him in the way I behaved but, and I quote, 'without even a lick of his humour, you miserable bastard.' Thus, I cannot look at him in that way." He laughed a little and you cleared your throat.
"Oh.. uh, yeah I guess that makes sense. Not the humour part though, you're actually hilarious and they missed out big time." You tried to avoid the point where you'd deemed Stephen Fry sexy in every way he was similar to the man who was laying in your lap, and just hoped he wouldn't bring that up.
"He definitely got the looks side of things though, particularly as General Melchett in Goes Forth, though I am not particularly fond of the facial hair." He screwed up his nose in distaste, you fighting every ounce of your control to not say he looked a bit cute. "And certainly didn't have the waistline that 21 year old Mycroft had."
"Speaking in the third person now, are we? Well, Mycroft, Y/N is comfortable enough in her friendship that Y/N thinks Mycroft can be sexy in his own ways too." You teased, partly embarrassed, but equally just trying any way to improve the man's confidence, even by a little. Mycroft choked a little on his own saliva and had to sit up to regain his own breath. Too far? "Sorry." He shook his head 'no' but didn't speak. In his moments of regaining his composure, Mycroft watched you. Processed in his head what you had said- 'was it a joke?', he couldn't read anything on you that would suggest that, though his eyes were glassy from the choking- watched as you panicked, then subsiding the panic to concern as you made sure he was okay. All these things, he thought, he didn't deserve. He took a deep breath and reached for the television remote, pausing the show and settling back on the other side of the sofa. It had to be done now. Done while his brain was allowing it, before he got attached... before he got attached even more. He couldn't keep pretending it was okay, keep accepting your compliments and your kindness, couldn't allow himself to go any further in his.. attraction?
It was always unspoken between the two of you- your not so subtle hints to Mycroft over the last few years hadn't got unnoticed, Mycroft would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he felt the same way, though this was perhaps the most open you had been; he would always put it off, try to think of reasons why you shouldn't be more than whatever you are now- most of the time it circles back to work, your busy schedule at the Yard and his unpredictable working hours mostly, saying to himself that it would simply be pointless, that you wouldn't see each other. But he knew that was a lie- you see him as often as you can, even if it's just for an hour on lunch, and everyone knows he would do his best to move empires to have you over for dinner had it been a while, quite literally actually.
Then there was age, you were in your mid-to-late twenties, he in his forties, though that argument also fell flat after you had mentioned your last long term relationship had been with a man your elder, amongst many of your interests in celebrity males that you had mentioned being closer to his age than yours- and, on his behalf, it was usual for a Politician to walk into formal dinners with a younger woman on arm. In the end, it all went back to the real reason Mycroft put everything off, a reason he hated admitting to even himself. Mycroft was scared.
Having been the age he is with no sexual experience, no previous relationships, and not even many friendships, he was terrified he would humiliate himself and you would leave him completely. You were both adults, both clever, you both knew there was always 'something' there, but without you ever acting upon it, Mycroft decided to live his life keeping you as a friend rather than risk not having you at all. He felt guilty enough having you here anyway. He couldn't allow you to keep stroking his hair like that, or letting you sleep in his bed with him, hold him as he snored, when it was for completely other desires in his own mind, not without speaking to you. No, that wouldn't be fair- even if he didn't fully understand everything himself and was still incredibly scared. You needed to know the truth, about everything, and, if there were the slightest chance you'd forgive him, he had decided he couldn't wait any longer, couldn't put it off anymore, he wanted you to carry on doing those things, wanted to continue the nights you would stay in his bed. But Mycroft wanted it to change, he wanted to be able to start the night with a ghost of his hand on your hip, without waiting until you were asleep to bring himself to have that courage, to wake up next to you and not feel the awkward need to move so soon, just to stay a little longer. Christ, Mycroft wanted every cliché in the book with you, and it took him until yesterday to realise how much he wanted that, after nearly losing you. And he needed you to know, even if it risked it all.
"Y/N I-"
"I know, I'm sorry, I took it too far I was just messing about.. Not that I didn't mean it, I wasn't joking about you.. You are very attractive, but it was inappropriate.. I shouldn't have said it.. I just wanted to help.. though I don't think it did, might have made it worse, actually.. Didn't want to say anything and let you find out.. like that.. not that it matters.. because I AM happy JUST being your friend, over the moon, actually.. so I don't want you to think I ruined that... Because I know you don't feel.. like that.. and you're not saying anything which is scaring me a little because you're always talking.. Not that I don't like that.. I love you talking to me, you've got a lovely voice.. and.. and I'm going to shut up again.. sorry.. again.." You rambled, a lot, too much.. far too much. Mycroft tried to process everything, his eyes closing at every word. You were making this so much harder for him, admitting everything like that. Mycroft hunched forward in his position and braced his elbows on his knees, index and middle finger of each hand holding the weight of his head by his temples.
"No just.. Just stop talking for a moment." Mycroft snapped, cutting you off as your mouth opened to speak a little, the small jump back made his gaze soften. "Please." He spoke softer, apologetic. "I can't.. talk about that.. not yet. Not until you know.." You went to speak again but his head tilted, eyes containing a rare glaze of vulnerability, trying to stay in contact with your own but constantly dropping back to his lap- a silent plea to stay quiet, be patient and just give him a moment. And you did. Turning your body completely sideways, you crossed your legs on the sofa, hands resting folded in your lap as you encouraged him to continue with a brief nod of your head. "I fear if I don't tell you of yesterday's happenings in this very moment that I never shall, and that is far too selfish, even of me." He took a deep breath in. "But I just.. need a moment. A few, likely, throughout." You nodded your head again.
From there, Mycroft began to explain everything that had happened, told you of his sister, where she had taken him, Sherlock and John, what she spoke about, what she tried to get them to do. His voice cracked every so often, knuckles whitened as his fists clenches, creases formed in his trousers where he squeezed his hand on them, but you listened to every word and stayed silent- eyes welling with small tears. Mycroft spoke of the screen, told you of the snipers that were out there, targeting Ms Hudson and Molly. Your body stiffened as he added Lestrade to the list, feeling your throat tighten a little at the mere thought of losing Greg. Mycroft pressed on, told you about how Eurus tried to make Sherlock choose between him and John, told you how he'd tried to convince Sherlock to just shoot him, how Sherlock refused and threatened to shoot himself. His voice went breathless at the end of that, the idea of losing his brother so easily still fresh in his mind. You loosened your sitting position and leaned over, taking Mycroft's hand in your own and squeezing. He sighed again and closed his eyes.
"Please, don't." He whispered, trying to fold his hand into a fist to escape your embrace. You didn't let go and offered your other hand on his back in support as you watched a stray tear fall down his cheek. "I said don't!" He shouted, moving from your touch and standing up from the sofa, beginning to pace as his face contorted into more pain, another tear following the path of the last. You sat back, watched him, didn't take the anger to heart. "It was my fault! All of it!" He ran his hands through his hair and tugged, moving them after to wipe the droplets from his cheek.
"Myc it's ok-"
"It isn't okay Y/N! No part of any of this is even remotely close to okay!" He stilled now, posture going back rigid as he looked at you, eyes bloodshot and glassy. He told you of his Birthday present to Eurus- five unsupervised minutes with Moriarty- and started his pacing again. "A man died yesterday because of me. Sherlock, John, Greg, Ms Hudson, Molly. They all almost died yesterday. You almost... you almost died yesterday." His breath hitched again, lip softly quivering at the end of his words. You tensed a little and frowned, confused and urging him to elaborate. "They weren't the only people on the screens, not the only ones with a red dot on their heads, Y/N." Gaze avoiding you now, turned completely to face the wall rather than look at you at all- giving him a chance to compose himself, steadying his voice. "I saw you, you were happy, just dancing and making tea, but at any moment you could have... and it would have been my fault. And I know I should have told you yesterday, it was selfish of me using you the way that I have without letting you know everything. You could have been gone before I could tell you everything, before I could explain how I feel about you, and it all came rushing to me the moment I saw your face on that screen. I’m so sorry, for everything, for ignoring everything, for being the reason you almost-" The last thing Mycroft had expected was the feeling of arms around his waist, the feeling of a head resting between his shoulder blades, soaking the shirt with tears. You sniffed, holding onto him tighter as you cried into his back.
"It's okay Mycroft." You spoke, voice croaking from tears. "They're okay.. I'm okay. And you're going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere." The relief Mycroft felt from your words ran through his body as he slumped a little, left hand holding on to where yours joined on his stomach, his right lifting to his eyes where, in a very rare moment, he allowed himself to weep.
Neither of you were too sure on how long you stayed like that, Mycroft being held in your arms as he quietly cried into his hand, you into his back, but it was long enough that your feet were beginning to ache and Mycroft had become silent a short while ago. You attempted to loosen your grip but Mycroft quickly grabbed back at your hands, holding them to him again. You changed your tactic and instead circled round until your hands remained together on his back, you now at his front and you gave him one last squeeze before guiding him backwards to the sofa, taking your place next to him but keeping your arms around him.
"I'm sorry." His voice was broken, quieter than usual. You shook your head and fought the urge to cry again.
"Don't." You spoke, sliding a hand down to hold his own that rested on his thigh. "Don't apologise Myc. You didn't do anything on purpose, you were just trying to be a good person.. a good brother. We're both still alive. Sherlock, John, Greg, Ms Hudson, Molly, they're all fine, and I have no doubt that it was partly due to you that they are still okay- whatever the three of you did in there, it worked, and that's all that matters to me." Mycroft shifted, his eyes finding yours once more, scanning, searching, trying to find anything that showed you were lying, that you didn't trust him anymore, but he couldn't find anything.
"But I-" You placed a hand at the back of his neck and leaned forward slightly, your lips meeting his briefly for a few seconds before pulling back. It wasn't desperate, or longing, or out of lust- it was everything Mycroft needed. Everything that let him know that you weren't going anywhere, that you still wanted to be around him, to be with him. He relaxed but didn't speak, his hand beneath yours just turning to allow your fingers to lace together as he let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding. You rested your head against his shoulder, smiling softly as you felt his own rest atop yours before falling into a comfortable silence.
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to get your crush to walk you to the nurse’s office (Highschool AU)
This is part 3, but it can be read alone!
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of a monster schlong, and unedited.
Parts: 1 2
Synopsis: Childe offers Lisa a shady deal to yet again sit next to you. However, all his efforts are in vain after he makes a complete fool out of himself by tripping over literally nothing because of a stupid cold. Maybe getting a cold isn’t so bad if he gets to be escorted to the nurse’s office by none other than yourself.
Note: Pure unedited crack luvs. Can’t wait for Childe rerun tmr I hope I get the ginger and the emo nun! 🥲💖
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The eyes on you are suffocating, to say the least, enough for you to consider peeling a layer of your own skin off just to breathe. Every now and then, you get a teasing glance from a classmate, and you're sure you'll be an entire puddle of guts on your desk before home room even gets a chance to begin.
There's no doubt it's Signora that spread the news of your date yesterday as a means to some sick revenge. Knowing this was going to happen, you packed some salt in your backpack to cancel out all her evil. Now all you need is a chance to knuckle ball it in her face.
Fingers crossed, you pray to the archons that Childe didn't slip anything about your...brick slip yesterday. It's a good thing you weren't in a school uniform yesterday because that would've been the end of your high school life right there.
Thinking back to it, you collapse into your open hands. How could you have beaten a bunch up losers up...risking your flawless reputation for a sadistic ginger with an affinity for chaos? And worst of all, why did you care about them shit talking him in the first place?
"You okay dear? Something you want to tell me?" Lisa feigns concern, already knowing why.
With a sigh, you blink an eye open through the gap in your fingers. "Doing just fine."
"Oh it couldn't have been that bad." Her eyes shine in mischief. "I bet Childe was a real gentleman."
"He sure was." Kaeya pipes up from the back, leaning in to show you the image on his phone. It's a picture Childe took of you absolutely oblitering an ice cream cone.
You groan and slump deeper into your chair from embarrassment as Kaeya and Lisa engage in chatter, mostly revolving around your date.
Ignoring them completely, you start to ponder about Childe. Where is he? You were sure he'd be here bright and early to reminisce on your eventful date yesterday, which mostly consisted of a competition of who could win the most stall games at a local festival.
Maybe he'd even tease you about the Monoceros Caeli keychain attached to your phone. The very one he'd won for you, and the reason that started the competition in the first place.
Your cheeks warm when you fidget with said keychain, and you can't tell if the fast pace of your heart is because you're nervous to see him or because of the biology quiz you have second period.
So wrapped up in all these foreign emotions, you fail to notice the shadow that looms over you, a glittery finger guard tapping at your desk.
The student council President, Ningguang, plops down a stack of budget files on your desk during homeroom. She's gives you a light smile, and you know what's coming when you meet her alluring gaze.
"Be a dear Y/N," Ningguang smiles, tight lipped, all pretty with her hair pinned back to crown her face. "Even with all hands on deck, i'm afraid the student council's efforts will not come to ripeness concerning all of this paperwork."
This isn't the first time you've done her a favour by becoming the president's personal accountant, and it definitely isn't going to be the last.
Ningguang is powerful, with wit like no other, and you want to be able to call in a chit when the time comes.
"Of course," You reply with a smile that rivals her own. "I'll have them done by the end of the day."
"Excellent. I knew I could count on you, Y/N." She departs elegantly, probably opting to sit next to Beidou and bicker.
You're halfway on the third sheet for total income, a minute before class starts, when you're interrupted. Childe stumbles through the door quite noisily, a shitstain of a grin plastered on his face that is directed at you.
You sigh and shake your head as he approaches you. Thankfully the seat next to you is occupied by—
Shit! Where's Lisa?
Across the classroom, Lisa gives you a thumbs up with a bar of vending machine chocolate in her hand. You should've known she'd betray you yet again.
Childe slides in smoothly after bumping fists with Kaeya, and he falls short of containing his giddy nature.
"Hi Y/N." There's something weird about him today, because you're sure you haven't seen his cheeks so flushed ever. His eyes land on your phone, which is splayed on the desk, and the keychain widens his grin.
You snatch your phone and hide it in the middles of your thighs, but the damage is already done. The urge to shrink against the wall has never been as strong as it is in this moment.
"Hi." It's a miracle you haven't combusted on the spot. Is it usually this awkward? Everything went so fine yesterday, so why can't you ease into it today?
He takes that as a go ahead and instantly reaches for your hand on the table, but you retract at the speed of light.
"Don't even think about it." You're ready to connect the tip of your trainers to his bleached asshole, nose crinkled at his behaviour.
Kaeya whistles lowly, leaning forward for the HD show that is your life.
Childe's smile is sheepish as he's scratching the back of his head. "So we're not on that stage yet huh? I seriously thought you had a change of heart after you beat up those high schoolers for m—"
You muffle his statement with a hand on his mouth, and send a pointed glare to Kaeya. "You didn't hear shit."
The Captain of the skating team nods innocently, and salutes. "Yes boss."
Returning your gaze to Childe, who looks like he's having the time of his life with your small hand on his mouth, you narrow your eyes. "Stop trying to spread rumours."
He can only hum in reply, but you feel a weird pressure on your palm and—
The smug asshole kisses your palm.
You pull back your hand and wipe at your pants, full of disbelief. "Did you just??? Did you just? Kiss my hand???" Mouth twisted, you have no idea what to think.
Childe's throws his head back, and his laugh rings in your ears. You hate yourself for wavering slightly at the sound before smacking his arm. His laughs turn into coughs, probably because he may have swallowed his saliva down the wrong pipe. Charming.
Where the fuck is Zhongli? It's already been five minutes too long into homeroom.
Rolling your eyes, you opt to continue and scribble down budget numbers and add sums up or whatever you were doing earlier after Childe pipes down, choosing to admire you quietly by leaning his weight on one arm. It's enough to make you squirm, face flushed.
"Can you not?" Clicking your tongue in disapproval, you don't look up as you speak.
"If you give me a kiss, then maybe." Childe's cheeky, ridiculously so, and he points a finger at his cheek.
"I don't negotiate with terrorists." You deadpan, fingers itching to choke something or rather...someone.
Childe pouts, and then his eyes close for a second, almost as if he's exhausted when he gives you a sort of smile. With how he's leaning in so close, you can easily spot the swelling in his eyes and the paleness of his face.
For the first time today, there's no bite in your tone when you ask with a slightly raised brow. "Are you okay Childe?"
"Yeah!" He's quick to answer ecstatically, snapping out of his tired haze by straightening himself up. "Better more than ever now that I've seen you, girlie."
You blush madly, the compliment enough for you to drop your pen on the ground. It rolls over beyond your reach.
"I'll get that." Childe jumps out of his chair and you're unable to stop him as he goes to go fetch your pen like the chivalrous idiot he is. There's a slight pause in his movement, his body taking longer to process the messages his brain is sending.
He recovers from the muddle in his cognition by shaking his head, and casually goes to pick up the pen, then ends the move by falling over backwards in unconsciousness.
"Childe!" You lunge for him, managing to catch him a second prior to his ass hitting the floor with the help of Kaeya, who somehow looks like he's expected this outcome from the very start.
The entire classroom clamps up and turns to look for the root of all the commotion.
"Don't just sit there and watch!" You hiss angrily, waving them off. "Someone get Zhongli!"
Aether doesn't need to be told twice as Venti and him race down the hall together. Venti probably just to use this opportunity of sudden chaos to skip homeroom.
"Looks like a fever." The Captain accesses the situation as a small crowd forms around you two. "There's no way he didn't feel it in the morning."
"The absolute idiot." You groan at his words. "Of course he'd try to have a pissing match with a cold."
"I'm still here you know." Childe slurs, leaning into you for warmth, chest rising and falling softly. "Just a...a little sleepy. Am I dreaming angel?"
You roll your eyes, but don't make any moves to lean away from his touch. "Anyone got a water bottle?" Curling your hands around his shoulder, you shift your gaze towards the crowd.
Somebody passes you an emerald green water bottle with dandelion charms that clink against the hard plastic handle from a nearby desk. It screams stupid, but you don't have time to judge the owner.
Opening it up hastily, you're about to let Childe take a sip until it's snatched away from you at the speed of light.
"Hey what gives!" You call out to Kaeya, who inspects the bottle closely with his one eye. He then nods in affirmation as if his suspicions are confirmed.
"I wouldn't recommend it." Is all he says when he motions for you to take a whiff, which you do so reluctantly, eyes closed.
The scent hits you all it once. It's watered down vodka, except without the watering down. Tears form from the intensity.
"The goddamn bard." You choke out, and it earns you a drained chuckle from the ginger that has his head situated on your forearm.
He has half the mind to nuzzle in further, but the position is convenient enough for you to crush his skull if you wish to do so. So he refrains, albeit reluctantly.
Zhongli manages to make it in less than two minutes, sipping on a cup of steaming tea as he breaks apart the crowd to crouch down. "Is everything alright? I came as soon as I could after I made this tea. I assumed it was just another prank."
Everyone in the room shakes their head incredulously.
"Unfortunately it isn't a prank. Childe fainted briefly." You tell him politely despite the urgency, since you're whipped for all your teachers.
"I didn't faint!" Childe groans, exasperated. "Got a little dizzy s'all."
"Yeah," Kaeya cuts in to summarize the situation. "I'll be happy to take him to the nurses office with Y/N—"
Zhongli clears his throat. "You won't be going anywhere Mr.Alberich. I'm sure you have five overdue assignments in my class. Y/N here can walk him just fine." He then attempts to wink at Childe secretly like the wingman he is, but everyone in the classroom and their grandma notices.
The facepalm you do is not enough to render you brain dead.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you sigh for the nth time today, and it's only eight thirty in the morning. "No worries, Lisa can help—"
"Sorry cutie. I'm manifesting for the biology quiz." Lisa deflects, lighting three candles on her desk unceremoniously with her eyes closed.
You don't understand why no one has confiscated her box of matches yet. This entire school is a law suit waiting to happen.
You succumb to the team effort everyone is trying so hard to display. "I guess I can go." The hall pass is already written, signed, and neatly folded into the chest pocket of your uniform. "How did you even..."
You don't even get a chance to finish before both you and Childe are whisked away to the outside of the classroom, the door shutting behind you with a slam. Your ears perk up at the sound of a lock clicking in place.
"Looks like you're stuck with me." The smug bastard still has the audacity to beam even when he's pale in the face. "Might have to hold my arm. If I fall and crack my skull—that wouldn't look too good on your record." He makes grabby hands, like a toddler.
The smile you give is unnerving, and with the speed of a snail, you manage to loop in your arm with Childe's. "Another word and let's move on to how your hospital record is going to have more than just a cracked skull."
"If you'd nurse me back to health, it'll all be worth it." The quip he sends without a beat lacks its usual goof, but it does manage to get some sort of reaction out of you.
"Whatever. Let's just get this over with."
Childe's busy thumbing at his phone while you pace at the foot of the bed, arms crossed with a frown etched on your features. You hope you don't look too worried, don't want to give him the wrong idea.
"Can we just get this over with?" He wails uncharacteristically from his spot on the white sheeted bed after ruling out everything he wanted to do on his phone. His hair is tousled more than usual, as a by-product of his constant restlessness.
"Shut up." You answer monotonously, arms crossed as you lean against the wall. "Let her finish her tiktok."
Barbara—the daughter of the school nurse, has her phone on the window, lip syncing and dancing to some music on beat as she films a tiktok with the utmost of important.
It's concerning that her father isn't here to tend to your needs, but apparently he's in the middle of a meeting with principle Varka. Said meeting had been going on for the past few months, but this school is devoid of logic anyways so nobody really questions anything.
"I'm literally dying here."
"Archons you're such a baby," Shaking your head, you approach his bed with a newfound annoyance. "Barbara has to create a tiktok at least once every twenty four hours or her fan club goes feral and..."
"Tries to jump off the roof as the ultimate sacrifice to her majesty." Childe sighs, and for the first time you sense his irritation. "Got it."
Just in time, Barbara finishes her cute little dance and comes over to where Childe is laying.
Childe doesn't miss the way your scowl has dissipated, and you give Barbara your undivided attention, hearts in your eyes from all the adoration. He has half the mind to call you out on it, no doubt a little jealous over how the young highschool idol can get you to show more emotion than him.
"I'm so sorry! I started those tiktoks out of mild interest but now I have an obligation to my fans." The younger apologizes profusely, getting to work almost immediately.
"No worries." Childe starts, staying still as the blonde examines him. "I'm sure it's nothing too serious. Y/N here is being dramatic, she probably just wants to spend some alone time with me."
You inhale sharply, turn to Barbara, and ask. "If I jumped out of the window right now from this floor, would it be a quick and easy death?"
The younger girl's eyes widen, and Childe stifles his snort.
"Kidding." You raise your hands up to cease her worries, and then motion towards him. "Common cold?"
"Yes," Barbara moves on and writes down something on a slip. "We'll just keep him here until his parents can pick him up."
"My parents can't pick me up." He asserts in a casual tone. "Don't call them."
"We still have to call them. If they don't come, you're to stay in this bed all day." She hands you the note, which is a viable excuse for all the classes he'll miss today. "Give this to his homeroom teacher. You'd also better get to class, your hall pass is about to expire."
"Hold up." You remark, barely paying attention to the note that you've shoved down your pocket. "I'm not leaving him here alone." There's no room for argument, your decision is firmly stated.
Childe hypes you up in his weakened state, disoriented. "You tell em girlie."
"He won't be alone." Barbara flashes you a reassuring smile. "I'll be monitoring him until his parents get here."
"No, no, you don't understand." You argue, inquiring all the doubts you have. "He's gonna try to pull some shit and I'll have to be here to stop him."
"Ease up babe." Childe tries to calm you down, despite the giddiness in his chest at the realization that you want to take care of him.
His subconscious begs him to let you stay, to let himself be doted and cared for the way he's always wanted you to, but he knows he can't let you skip class. Not when you've worked so hard and come so far. "I'll be okay for a few. You can go back to class and then visit me during break."
You bite your lips, head jumbled with all the different possibilities of how shit can hit the fan. "I can't! What if Signora shows up? She'll poison you in this weakened state to get back at me for trying to exorcise her." The hesitation in your features gives away everything.
Childe's eye twitches at the thought of Signora out of all people getting the best out of him, and also the absolute audacity you have to be calling him weak. Clearly all his efforts towards the little shows of dominance (e.g. Shoving Pallad against a locker, spraying a hefty amount of cologne on, being an asshole in general, etc.) have not bore fruit.
"You tried to exorcise her?" Barbara gasps, momentarily reminding the two of you that she's still present.
"Her evil has no bounds." Your expression is hard to read, dead serious. "I do not regret my attempt at cancelling Satan's hell spawn."
Childe himself has been cancelled hundreds of times over the span of highschool because of all his problematic traits (e.g calling Venti a twink) and it is not a pleasant experience.
Though it does give him a sense of comfort, knowing that arrogant bitch Signora is finally getting what's coming to her, even if she is one of his friends.
Serves her right for trying to Pavlov her stupid Chihuahua into biting the closest human being just by the snap of her manicured finger. As if it's persistent yapping and tendency to run in front of cars isn't enough torture to deal with on a daily basis.
Childe's yanked out of his thoughts rather forcefully at the sound of the door opening abruptly, the handle crashing into the wall, shocking Barbara's attempts to reassure you.
He knows who it is because of his top tier gaydar, dreading what's to come.
Scaramouche is a morose son of a bitch with a mean streak that hasn't been broken since he was an itty bitty shit in the fourth grade.
"I can't believe you let yourself get sick!" The navy haired boy exclaims in disbelief, doubling over with tears, clapping his hands to add on some extra effects. "Natural selection finally decided to stop pussy footing around your primate-looking ass."
You press your lips together. "Isn't he supposed to be your best friend?"
Scaramouche sputters violently, using the wall as leverage to hold himself up. "You told her I'm your best friend? Oh fuck. Oh this is good. What else did you tell her huh? That you have a monster cock?"
"First of all, you make me reconsider my opinion on the death penalty, dickhead."
Barbara is mortified. Childe continues on anyways.
"—and I do have a monster cock. But why are you so interested in my monster cock huh?"
Scaramouche scrunches his face up in disgust, amusement nothing but a distant memory. "You don't have a monster cock you plebe."
Childe has an awfully scandalized expression on his face, but smoothly enough it transitions into an unsettling grin that you're all too familiar with. "You didn't deny not being interested in my monster cock though."
It's your turn to be mortified, shaking your head at the banter that goes on back and forth.
"How did you even know he was in here? We aren't even in the same class."
Scaramouche raises a brow as if you're some sort of toddler that's babbling out a mixture of Cheerios and spit, maybe a few digested strawberries here and there. He waves his phone in front of you, "posted it on his story."
"What the—give me that!" You snatch his phone right up, staring at the screen in bewilderment.
There's a video of you doing trick shots with your tech deck on the ledge of a nearby window with a pressed expression while waiting for Barbara to finish up, captioned with: "In the nurses office rn pray for me 🙏, there's this cute girl in front of me should I ask her out?"
You check the poll and ninety five percent say yes. Scaramouche voted no. You have mixed feelings.
Shaking your head, you give Childe, who's unable to sit still, a look of pure exasperation.
Scaramouche claws his phone back from you rather harshly, the bells on his hat jingling, making it hard for you to take him seriously when he sneers your way.
"You should be thankful you're the lover of my comrade." He shivers slightly at the word comrade. "or I would have obliterated you on the spot for that little stunt."
Childe doesn't even pretend to look fazed at the older's threat when he says  "as if I'd allow a kumquat headass like you to touch my girl."
You and Barbara hastily jump in to stop the bloodbath that is seconds from happening. "No!"
Luckily, no limbs are teared apart.
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rookie-ramsey · 3 years
Across the Universe, Chapter Two
Description: All the medical training in the world couldn’t prepare Ethan for a terminal brain cancer diagnosis.
Preview: The confession rolled from her lips before she had a chance to think twice. “I… showed Harper your scans to get her opinion. She thinks it could be partially operable.”
Ethan’s expression faltered, his brow furrowing in anger. “You showed Harper my charts after I asked you not to?”
Warning: Terminal cancer and eventual major character death. Read with caution.
Previous Chapter
Olivia rapped her knuckles against Harper’s door. Her breathing shallowed with anxiety in the moment that passed before Harper called, “Come in!”
Taking a deep breath, Olivia gained some sense of composure and let herself into the office. “Dr. Emery… Harper, may I ask a favor?”
“Of course. What do you need?”
Olivia’s face heated with worry as she handed Harper the envelope. Even if she’d taken any trace of Ethan’s name off of them, she couldn’t suppress the guilt she felt for going behind his back. “These are some scans and test results. Glioblastoma multiforme, right frontal lobe.”
Harper’s smile faded as she took the charts and studied them. “I don’t remember a patient being admitted with this condition.”
“It’s… not one of our patients. It’s a friend of mine from school. He reached out to me but wants to keep it to himself until he knows anything. I promised I’d get him a second opinion as a John Doe,” Olivia lied, guilt gripping her heart.
Whether Harper suspected something or not, Olivia didn’t know. She watched nervously as Harper scrutinized the films.
“I’m sure you know that this is the most aggressive type of brain tumor. They grow quickly and new ones can develop in other regions of the brain.”
“I know. I just… I thought maybe you’d know more than I do. I know it’s probably inoperable, but…”
“GBMs are usually inoperable because of the way the cells develop in the brain tissue,” Harper confirmed. “Even if there’s a chance of removing a portion of it, it’s not possible to remove every trace. The tumor would inevitably return.”
“What would you do?”
“If this were my patient… I’d start with targeted radiation and chemo. If the tumor shrunk after a few weeks, I’d remove as much as possible and follow with another course of treatment.”
Olivia nodded. “And what prognosis would you normally give? I know the usual prognosis is five to seven months without treatment, twelve to eighteen with.”
“That’s right. The five-year survival rate is less than five percent. I think you were right to ask for another opinion, but… you know that with or without treatment, this cancer is brutal.”
Olivia inhaled sharply and managed another nod. “I know. I just… I guess it’s harder to think when it’s a friend. I know to watch for worsening pain, personality changes, cognitive and emotional problems…”
“Those are all to be expected. As the condition worsens, expect problems with balance and coordination, vision problems, emotional and cognitive problems… almost every function suffers.” Harper glanced at her curiously. “Whatever your friend needs… you know where to refer him.”
“Yeah.” Olivia’s heart stuttered as she hoped Harper didn’t see through her lie. She felt guilty enough for going behind Ethan’s back and lying to Harper, but she knew Ethan would be livid if anyone found out before he was ready. “I’ll let you know if we need anything. Thank you.”
“Any time, Olivia.”
Olivia turned and left Harper’s office. As she walked down the hall, Harper’s words rang in her mind.
Six to eight months without treatment, twelve to eighteen with treatment.
An involuntary shudder went through her. Whether to accept treatment or not would be Ethan’s decision, but she knew that Harper was right. Regardless of which decision Ethan made, whatever lay ahead would be excruciating.
In the hours that passed, she saw little of Ethan. Olivia tried to concentrate on her patients, pouring her focus onto her rounds and clinic duty.  Still, nothing was enough to pull her attention away from Ethan’s diagnosis.
“Dr. Winchester? Did you hear me?”
Olivia startled, blinking and forcing an apologetic smile for their patient. “I’m sorry, Tyler. I didn’t. But you have my attention now.”
“Tyler was just telling us that the headache started suddenly in the past few days. He had a brief episode of blindness in one eye yesterday,” Tobias supplied, glancing at her curiously.
“Right.” Olivia nodded and flipped through the patient’s charts. “Your scans from Mass General all came back clear. “How long did the blindness last?”
“About six hours. I just said that.”
Olivia sighed. “I’m sorry. Migraines can cause pain localized to one side of the head and visual disturbances, but not total blindness. I think we should run another set of scans to make sure they didn’t miss anything at Mass General. If they come back clean, we’ll start with some labs.”
Their patient looked skeptical. “Is there really any point in doing more scans?”
“We have the best equipment on the market. It may catch something that they missed at the other hospital. Even if everything comes back normal, we don’t want to risk missing a tumor.”
“I guess so.”
Olivia nodded, relieved. “We’ll be back in a few minutes to get you prepped.” She closed the patient’s folder and quietly followed Tobias out of the room.
“You seemed a little distracted in there. Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I just have some stuff going on outside of work. I’ll be fine,” she lied, suspecting Tobias didn’t believe her even if he dropped the issue.
She didn’t see Ethan until the end of their shift. She found him in his office, his attention on his computer screen. “Hi.”
Ethan startled, looking up from the journal he’d been staring at until the words blurred. “Oh. There you are. Ready to go?”
“Yeah. What are you reading?” she asked as she shrugged out of her white coat and replaced it with her jacket.
Ethan hesitated for a long moment. “An article about the average prognosis for glioblastoma multiforme.”
“Oh.” The flat tone to his voice told her everything she needed to know about what he’d read. She fell silent, letting her gaze fall on him. “Ethan, I…”
“What is it?”
The confession rolled from her lips before she had a chance to think twice. “I… showed Harper your scans to get her opinion. She thinks it could be partially operable.”
Ethan’s expression faltered, his brow furrowing in anger. “You showed Harper my charts after I asked you not to?”
She didn’t know why, but Olivia felt her defenses go up. “I took your name off of them. As far as she knows, it’s one of my friends who reached out to me. I know I shouldn’t have gone behind your back, and I’m sorry. But I didn’t think we should just accept that there’s absolutely nothing we can do.”
Visibly frustrated, Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose. “I said that I would tell people myself when I was ready. Getting a second opinion won’t change a thing.”
“But maybe it would give us some ideas. And it did. Harper described a treatment plan that she’s seen some success with. It’s… it’s not much, but it’s something.”
Ethan shook his head and let out a sigh. “With any course of action, the five-year-survival rate is still in the low single digits. I need time to decide what to do. I’m not making a decision based on false hope.”
Her eyes stung with the threat of tears. Refusing to let them fall, Olivia hesitated before speaking again. “I know. But… just think about it. Please?”
Ethan didn’t react right away. After a moment, he nodded so faintly that she almost missed it. “I need some time to think.”
Olivia’s frown deepened when he handed her his car keys. “Where are you going?”
“For a walk. You can take my car home. I’ll be there later. Don’t be worried if I’m late.”
Her expression gave way to one of frustration. “How am I supposed to go home and not worry about you?”
“I don’t know,” Ethan sighed, refusing to meet her eyes. “But I’ll be home later. I need some time to myself.”
“Ethan, just-“ she stopped when he left the room without another word.
Tags, part 1
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writingoneshots · 3 years
Hello :D I really liked your last story with Law and the other with Killer!! I would also like to request something and if you don't wanna write it that's fine too. Idc about the scenario in general but how about Kid and reader fighting about almost everything daily and Kid gets pissed off and breaks up with reader. Then he finds out that she's pregnant and suddenly feels bad. You decide if they get back together or not :D
Hi :) ! I had way too many ideas with this, which is why I randomly decided to just let my brain write what comes to its mind first. This is the result. I really hope you like it! Also.. I got a little carried away. Let me know if you don't like it, I can re-write it any time (for example: if you want a bad ending).
Ps: I tend to use names from my personal FF's because it's sometimes too strenuous to write 'Killer's girlfriend' or 'xy's partner'.. might happen in future stories as well but I will always announce it in the description first!
Have a nice day!
- Kid x reader (I also added 'Bella', who is Killer's girlfriend - I needed a name, sorry) - 2,492 words - drama, fighting, swearing, lots of thinking, SFW
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The nights were almost as painful as the rest of the day lately. Kid couldn't stand not talking to you and for more than two weeks, you two have been barely speaking. The only sort of communication you two have is screaming and make-up sex, followed by another fight in the morning after. Kid loved you with his whole existence but he just couldn't take it any longer. If there was nothing fixing it tomorrow, then he would have to end it since even his crew has been in constant fear of getting killed by their own captain because he has been in a bad mood since your first fight. In the next morning, you took a quick shower and put on some clothes for breakfast. You tried your best not to think of Kid, even though you didn't know why. When you arrived at the restaurant, where the crew had been meeting up in the last couple of days, the ship's doctor patted at the empty seat next to him to offer you a seat.
He immediately used that chance and handed you some fresh fruits, "(Y/N) we really need to talk about your blood results from last week." "I know it's bad. I barely had any sleep in the last few weeks and I also have constant pain in my stomach.. could be because your captain is pissing me off lately. Stress and blah blah..", you rolled your eyes and grabbed the food before he could continue talking. "Oh, I see. This is my fault now too?", Kid came out of the bathroom and dried his hands on his little towel, which he carried around tied on his belt. You looked at him startled and didn't expect him to be here already. With a soft headshake, you just began eating the fruits, which the doctor handed you and sighed a bit. The table was quiet when Kid sat down, which was unusual. Kid ate his breakfast slowly, trying to figure out what to do or say. He looked at you, watched you eating silently and got lost in his thoughts. Should I give her a compliment? She looks good today.. But she doesn't deserve it. She didn't even want to have sex yesterday. Not even cuddling or making out.. Bitch. But if I don't say anything, she'll be mad as well. I really don't want her to leave. Fuck. Stupid woman. Suddenly a burst of loud laughter appeared from a table nearby and Kid couldn't help but take a look. A group of women was laughing about something funny that a guy has said, who was sitting with them. They were all having a good time. Kid was jealous. His table was usually the loudest one and now nobody was speaking at all. Again. His eyes wandered to the woman, who had a similar outfit as you when you once roleplayed in bed. This whole night suddenly played like a recording in his head and he couldn't help but spark a little interest again. You realized that Kid had stopped eating and when you looked at him, you realized that he was completely lost into something. Following his gaze, you didn't need too long to figure out what it was. Another woman. Kid was never interested in anyone else but you and didn't even dare to stare at someone else. But this was more than just staring. He was longing for her. "Why don't you just go and ask her to spend the night with you?", you looked at him angrily and pushed your plate aside. Kid frowned at that statement and looked confused at you. "What?" "So now you're also staring at other women? Why are you even with me? Always fighting with me, not having sex with me, staring at other women, and just being a complete idiot!", you tried to hide the tears in your eyes but it was all just too much for you. His eyes widened. He was really about to lose his mind and he had no idea how he managed to control his inner self from not exploding. "Are you fucking kidding me?", he whispered and his knuckles turned white as snow because of how hard he made a fist. "I have no fucking clue, why you're fucking mad at me. So you better shut the fuck up, before I do something that I will regret." "Oh really? And what would that be?", you crossed your arms at your chest and leaned back into the chair. "(Y/N), I am asking you now for the last fucking time. Shut. The Fuck. Up.", Kid looked down at his plate and closed his eyes right after. The metal around him began to vibrate and you raised an eyebrow at this reaction. "Guys.. please.. I can help with-" The doctor didn't have a chance to explain himself. "No, come on. Say it, Kid. What is going on in that mind of yours? Are you going to fight me again? Ignore me again? Hm?", you wiped your tears away and took a deep breath to prepare yourself for whatever he would say. "We're over." Silence. No one in this crew dared to say a word. Even Killer froze and hated himself for not interfering. You couldn't comprehend what he just said but your brain somehow understood. After taking a deep breath, you stood up without saying a word and left the restaurant. A few minutes have passed before the first one spoke up. Killer waited for the metal to stop vibrating and gave Kid a few more seconds to breathe. "You know what you just did, right?", he talked in a soft tone
and watched how Kid was slightly shaking. He could see the regret in his eyes but had no idea how to help him. "I couldn't stand this any longer.", was the only thing that Kid has said that day. He disappeared until the night has covered the skies and came back to the crew helping to carry a few things into a different cabin. Apparently, a few arrangements have been made while Kid was gone. His head was completely empty and he couldn't care less about what has happened during his absence. He just wanted to lay down and wasn't even sure if he wanted to be alone or not. Bella, Killer's girlfriend, carried your things into the girls' sleeping room where she had already spend her nights with Heat's girlfriend as well. Kid couldn't help but think of the good times when the ship only had men on board. Life was much simpler back then he would do anything to get back to it. Killer approached Kid slowly and eyed him carefully. "You seem.. calm?" Kid gave him a short side-eye and turned his attention back to the crew re-decorating his ship. "She's going to leave the ship on the next island.", Killer commented and took a deep breath. "Are you still sure about this? That you don't want to be with her?" He wasn't. But he also didn't know how to work this out. This was the first time in his life that Kid had no idea what to do. "C-captain.. I tried talking to (Y/N) but she keeps avoiding me. May I talk to you instead?", the doctor of the ship was holding some papers tight in his hands, dithering slightly. "You really think that now is a good time to talk?", Killer scratched his head and wasn't sure if this doctor was smart or stupid as hell. "Get out of my sight, man. I don't have time for bullshit right now.", Kid pushed the doctor away and walked right past him. The doctor couldn't take it any longer. "IF AT LEAST ONE OF YOU WOULD LISTEN TO ME, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!", he screamed out of his lungs. When he suddenly realized what he just did, he wanted to jump off the ship. The whole crew went silent and stopped in their current motion. Even Killer went a step back and someone in the background started praying. Kid turned around and made two large steps towards the doctor, grabbing him by his shirt and lifting him without any struggles. His eyes were glowing in anger and his muscles were tensed, focused not to kill him within two seconds. "You have only one sentence to save your life, asshole." "(Y/N) is pregnant!" The doctor spitted that out, faster than a gun's shot. Kid froze. His grip on the doctor's shirt loosened and he stood still like a statue. The doctor got pushed to the side and Killer asked him several times if he was sure about this. The doctor nodded and showed him the results. "The mood swings, the pain in her stomach, her sex drive and the morning sickness. The blood results are proof enough.", the doctor showed it to Killer but it was worthless because Killer didn't understand any of these things. Kid let his arm slowly down and turned around, facing the corridor to the cabins. She is pregnant.. That's why she was behaving like a bitch and hated the fact that I was existing. Pregnant.. Shit. I am going to be a father? I am going to have kids.. A Kid having kids.. I can already hear the jokes. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Why am I so shocked? I never used any condoms with that woman. It's my fault. But also hers. Just because I stopped asking her to swallow.. For fucks sake. Is that bad? Can't we get rid of that? I could just leave it on an island.. but then (Y/N) would kill me or even leave me to be with that child and- Wait.. no.. nonono.. she's not even mine.. she can't leave me because I- I- .. I broke up. "Killer.. I have never seen Kid like this.", Heat looked more sad than usual and didn't know what to say. "Is he broken?" "No, he's probably just trying to think. You know.. he's barely doing that, which is why he is in this situation right now.", Killer shrugged and didn't let Kid out of his sight. This stance always meant that Kid was battling his inner self and Killer knew that his best
friend could have a mental breakdown right afterwards, which usually ends up in a killing spree every time. But this time, Kid just shook his head and went straight to the ship's corridor. He pushed away other crew members and entered the women's cabin without knocking. Heat's girlfriend was unpacking your things, while you were in the bathroom throwing up. Kid took a deep breath and approached the bathroom, now knocking softly. "Give us a second!", Killers girlfriend screamed and opened the door right after. She shrieked at the sight of Kid, not expecting to see him here. "She's not feeling well, Kid.", Bella explained carefully and blocked the sight to you. "I know. Let me talk to her." "I don't think-" "It's alright..", you sighed and washed your face right after cleaning your mouth. Bella looked at you to make sure you're okay and nodded before leaving you two alone. Kid entered the bathroom and locked the door afterwards. He wasn't sure how to start this conversation but he couldn't stop looking at you. The thought of not being the one, to own you and actually being the reason why you're feeling sick, made him feel uneasy. "If it's about me being here then I-" "Shut up." You looked at him confused and didn't know what to do now. After drying your face with a towel, you watched Kid carefully as he approached you. "What are you doing?" "Stop talking.", he commanded and took a deep breath when he stopped right in front of you. His arms wrapped around you as well as his one metal arm allowed. But his flesh arm pulled you closer to him and kissed your head. "I am sorry for causing you pain. This is all my fault.. A little bit of yours too but mostly mine.", he whispered because he was more than just sure that Bella and Heat's girlfriend were listening on the other side of the door. "What has gotten into you? Are you drunk? You do remember that you broke up, right?", you frowned but didn't move away. Your cheek rested on his chest but you didn't hug him back. "(Y/N).. please forgive me. I was a dick. You can do anything to me.. hit me, scream at me, I don't care. Just please be mine again.", he mumbled against your skin, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Tears were building up in your eyes and you hated yourself for it because you didn't know why you became such a crybaby. "Are you sure about that? I don't want you to hate me!" "I could never hate you.." "But something is going on with us and I don't want this.. I want it to be like before.", tears were running down your cheek and you tried to wipe them away but new ones were rolling down right after.
"It will be.. after our child is born.", he kissed your head once more and waited for your reaction. "Wait... what?", you froze and sniffed against his chest. When you looked up, your eyes met his' and you didn't talk for a few minutes. Then it hit you. It suddenly all made sense. "I.. I am pregnant..", you took a deep breath and couldn't believe it. There was nothing in this world that could have prepared you for this moment. But you and Kid are going to be parents. You two didn't have a bad relationship. You were just too emotional and Kid wasn't used to it, which is why you both started fighting all the time. You weren't quite sure if knowing this fact would change anything in the next few months but you felt better. "We are going to have a child..", tears were rolling down your cheeks again and your heart was beating fast because of how excited you were. "Yea.. I would celebrate this with a kiss but you just threw up.. Disgusting.", Kid shook his head and pulled you tight to him again, lifting you up softly. "Also, I won't change a single diaper. Telling you right away." "I will squeeze a giant baby out of your favorite part of me. You don't have a say in that.", you chuckled and shook your head.
"Did you just laugh? I haven't heard that in weeks. Sounds like make-up sex to me.", Kid smirked and let you down on the bathroom sink, already ripping off your clothes. "I guess Daddy has a new meaning for you now?", you teased him a little and had to laugh at how he suddenly cringed. "Add this to the forbidden words in the bedroom."
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goldentournesol · 4 years
All That Matters
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*gif originally posted by @heat-waveee​ *
(Spencer Reid x Reader)
The one where Reader doesn’t visit Spencer in prison.
Length: 3.0k
Part 2: Here For You
Spencer’s absence was felt in every aspect of her life.The bullpen wasn’t the same without him, her apartment, although they lived separately, wasn’t the same without him, even the jet wasn’t the same. She was so used to looking over and seeing his tall frame sprawled over that beige couch that she found herself glancing over out of habit just to find someone else there. It was just as disappointing every time. Her heart ached for him. It ached because she knew that there was nothing more she could do to help him or ease the pain he felt as he was being tortured in prison and it took a huge toll on her mental health. Everyone else had visited him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
“Hey, Spence.” JJ said tearfully as soon as he took a seat across from her in the visitation room.
“Hey, is everything okay? It’s not my mom, is it?” He hurriedly asked with slight panic.
“No, no, she’s fine. Y/N and I saw her yesterday, she asked about you.” She nodded, smiling in an attempt to reassure him. He mirrored her expression with relief when she told him his mother thought he was at the beach. A short silence ensued.
“How are you doing?” JJ asked, as sympathetically as possible. Spencer fought back tears.
“I’m okay. I’m, uh, really happy to see you.” He admitted, even though he knew it probably wasn’t a good idea she was visiting. However, she reminded him of the promise she made him the last time she saw him. She promised she’d never leave him alone.
“How’s…” he paused with a swallow, “Y/N doing?” The question came out tentatively, his facial expression displaying something between a grimace and a hopeful look. The last time he’d seen Y/N in the courtroom, she was in a silent fit of tears.
“She’s...fine.” JJ lied. Spencer raised his eyebrows questioningly. It didn’t take a profiler to know that that was a straight up lie. “Alright, she’s not doing very well. I just didn’t want to tell you that because I knew you would worry about it and I don’t think you need any more of that.” She gestured around. Spencer heaved a sigh. He expected her response, he just didn’t want to hear it. 
Later that day, JJ found Y/N at her desk, nose deep in a file. Her eyes were frantic as they raced through the words on the page, hoping to find something useful. She had thrown herself into the case files, the Spencer-related and the non-Spencer-related. When she wasn’t occupied with the work, her mind would wander over to Spencer, which would send her into a whirlwind of panic, guilt, and rage. 
Panic because she didn’t want to imagine what he was going through, alone, scared, hopeless--. 
Guilt because she hadn’t visited him yet, she just couldn’t bring herself to see him. Not when she couldn’t wrap her arms around him, not when she couldn’t kiss him, or hold his hand. 
Rage because time was moving so slowly without him and they weren’t any closer to getting him out.
She hadn’t heard JJ come up from behind her and rest a hand on her shoulder. She yelped out in response, having been totally focused on the file.
“Woah, sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” JJ said as she was met with Y/N’s red rimmed eyes.
“It’s alright.” Y/N muttered softly.
“Y/N, when was the last time you took a break? Or got some sleep?” JJ asked, noticing the constant nervous tapping on her thigh.
“A break? I can’t--I can’t take a break, JJ!” She uncharacteristically snapped, standing from her seat. JJ took a step back at her sudden outburst, her friend’s eyes aflame. 
“How am I supposed to take a break when he’s in there, probably terrified out of his mind?! How do you think he would feel if he knew I was sipping on some tea or...or styling my hair instead of helping him get out of there?” She spat, not even caring that she was gaining attention from people around her. She didn’t know that this was the guilt taking over and speaking for her, but JJ knew.
“He asked about you today...again.” She stated coolly, seeing Y/N’s angry expression soften immediately. She averted her gaze quickly, heart wrenching in her chest. She grabbed some files and made a move to leave, probably to shed some self-wallowing tears, but JJ stopped her by grabbing her arm gently.
“We’re going to get him out of there, I promise. But we need you on board with us. I suggest you go home and get some rest. This won’t be solved overnight.” JJ assured her with a determined voice. Y/N pulled her arm out of her friend’s grip and made a beeline for the exit.
It’s not like she didn’t want to see him, of course she wanted to see him. She wanted to see him more than anything, but she wouldn’t stop. She wouldn’t rest until she caught the son of bitch who put him in there. Spencer wanted nothing more than to see her face and hear her voice.
 At first, he genuinely couldn’t blame her for not wanting to visit, but as matters outside the prison began to worsen, the matters inside were on another level. Then, hope began to elude him. He stopped hoping to see her, stopped hoping for a future. Spencer struggled to see his future as anything other than void and bleak as the four walls of his cell consumed him every night. He tried to file away any resentment he felt for her, he even stopped asking JJ about her. Whether or not she chose to share anything about his girlfriend was completely her choice. It had become too painful for him to think about her, let alone talk about her. 
And in the beginning, he was thankful for his eidetic memory because it allowed him to replay their conversations and memories on a loop. But now, the memories mocked him and kept him up at night. She became a part of his past life and he didn’t know whether his new life after prison could accommodate her.
What if they never solved the case? What if he had to spend the entirety of the 25 years in prison? Would she come see him then? At what point would she move on from him? Would she even bother showing up to break up with him? Or would he eventually have to learn from JJ that Y/N found a new lover as she mistakenly mentions her name in conversation?
This is ridiculous. She loves him. He knows that.
 Curse the intricate inner workings of his brain. It never ceased. He shouldn’t be thinking this way. But pulling himself out of the darkest place he’d ever been was proving to be increasingly difficult. 
Rage filled him as he learned of his mother’s abduction. He didn’t know why he expected Y/N to come take him home when he’d been released instead of JJ. He shouldn’t have done that. He also shouldn’t have felt disappointed when he saw Penelope all by herself right outside the prison doors.
But he did.
No one mentioned her on the way back to the headquarters, but she invaded his mind anyway. He didn’t have the time or the energy to be thinking of her, he needed to find his mother. 
She had been eagerly awaiting his arrival in the bullpen with the rest of the team. She grinned for the first time in months as she saw his tall figure appear through the glass doors. She watched as Rossi grabbed Spencer’s face and kissed his cheeks before pulling him into a bear hug. She watched Emily stroked his hair and kissed his head. Even Matt threw his arms around Spencer. Tears fell as she watched the scene unfold across the room from her desk. 
Spencer’s entire attitude shifted as his eyes finally landed on her. His smile dissipated, his shoulders were pushed back, and his eyes, his kind, soulful eyes were cold as they bore into her wet ones. She felt a shiver race its way down her spine. The air in the room shifted. It was eerily quiet, everyone waiting for the fallout. But Spencer stood still and silent, neither of them making the first move. There was so much left unsaid between them.
“Let’s go find my mother.” Spencer spoke as he averted his gaze from her and made his way to the conference room. 
A silent sob wracked through her body as she fell back into her chair, her fingers gripping at her roots in frustration. Penelope rushed to her quickly and tried to console her, the rest of the team already in the conference room discussing the case.
“Go help the team, I’ll have Emily brief me later.” Y/N said, taking a deep, shaky breath as she pried Penelope off of her frame. Penelope reluctantly nodded and made her way into the conference room. Spencer’s expression was stone cold and indecipherable as he watched Y/N scurry off into the direction of the bathrooms through the window. 
Hours later, they had managed to retrieve Diana after learning that Cat Adams was in fact impersonating Mr. Scratch along with some help from Lindsey Vaughn. They were now doing the best they could to track down the real Mr. Scratch, but the team had been caught in a horrific car accident, which led to Emily’s abduction. Spencer was currently at home with his mother. Y/N, Penelope, and Matt hadn’t gone with the rest of the team. Y/N had been too shaken up to go out into the field.
“Y/N, get Spencer and meet us at the hospital!  Rossi’s refusing treatment until he talks to you two!” Matt yelled as he and Penelope raced to the hospital. Y/N nodded and called Spencer. Her name was the last he wanted to see on his phone, but he picked up anyway. He almost didn’t.
“Spencer! There’s been a terrible accident, Emily’s been taken by Scratch, I’m picking you up now! Rossi’s refusing treatment! I’ll explain everything on the way to the hospital.” She spoke frantically into the phone, speeding off into the direction of his apartment. He hadn’t even had time to reply before she hung up. Minutes later, he got into the car and noticed her panicked state.
“Are you okay to drive?” He asked, immediately noticing her rapid breathing, wide eyes, and white knuckles from gripping the wheel tightly. She met his eyes, shaking her head. Spencer saw the tears and switched places with her, driving to the hospital. He also noticed how she failed to manage her breathing.
“Hey, hey. Try to match my breath.” He breathed in and out slowly. She shook her head in disbelief, hating the fact that this was their first encounter. He was still the caring man she fell in love with, even though she knew he probably hated her guts right then. Her breathing evened itself out and she fiddled with her fingers.
“I’m good, I’m good.” She muttered, mostly to herself, “Spencer, I-” she began but he cut her off harshly.
“Not now, Y/N.” He spat as he rolled into the hospital, searching for JJ and Rossi. Y/N’s heart wrenched as he ran to JJ’s side, treating her with the tenderness she craved. She found Rossi and ran to him quickly.
“Where’s Spencer? Get Spencer.” He uttered, obviously in pain. Y/N brought Spencer over.
“What’s going on?” He asked, walking into the room.
“Shut up and listen.” Rossi demanded, eyes shifting between Y/N and Spencer, landing on Y/N as he spoke, “First, you, go through my pants pockets and find my keys. Second, you’re back on the team.” He referred to Spencer.
“Not sure I should be. Has the director approved that?” He asked.
“I’m making the calls now. I’ll take the heat. You’re back on the team.” He panted.
“I’ve got the keys.” Y/N said, holding them.
“There’s a little one there to a file cabinet in my office. Inside, there’s Chicago Bears season tickets. When you get them, call Matt Simmons. I promised him those tickets.” He seemed adamant.
“Rossi, did they give you something to make you loopy?” Y/N asked.
“I’ll get the doctor, we’ll get him into surgery.” Spencer stated and made a move to leave.
“Just shut up and listen.” He insisted, “Emily is missing. Stephen is dead. As for you two ass clowns, you’ll do me the courtesy of following my orders. And for the love of God, work through whatever it is you two are going through and then I’ll go into surgery.”
She and Spencer nodded as they left the room. “This has nothing to do with season tickets.” She stated and he agreed.
“Ass clowns?” Spencer muttered confusedly and she repressed a giggle. 
They had been so caught up in the urgency of the case that they hadn’t found the time to talk, but Y/N was glad that Spencer was at least conversing with her, even if it was strictly about the case. With Emily now found and Scratch finally dead, they learned to breathe again. Y/N offered to drive Spencer home from Stephen’s funeral, seeing how morose he seemed. He reluctantly agreed and got into the car.
“I know you don’t want to, but we really have to talk.” She said softly, afraid that if she spoke too loud, he’d either snap or break. It was unclear which was more likely to happen.
“Now’s not really the best time, Y/N.” He spoke defeatedly, his hands running over his face and digging into the sockets of his eyes.
“It’ll never be the right time, Spencer.” She pushed, “I missed you.”
He laughed crudely, almost mocking her, “Oh, you missed me?”
“Yes, I missed you. Of course I missed you. I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“Sorry?!” He practically screeched, turning to face her. Her jaw clenched in reaction as she focused on driving. 
“You’re sorry for what exactly? For not coming to visit me? For not bothering to write me any letters? For practically pretending like I didn’t exist? Do you have any idea how often I hoped to see you? Do you have any idea what it feels like to be disappointed to see one of my best friends because I was hoping it was you? I hated myself for it, but it happened. How could you, Y/N?!” He seethed, voice uncharacteristically booming through the small space between them. It was laced with hurt and betrayal. She abruptly pulled the car over on the side of the road and turned to look at him. 
“How could you forget about me like that?” Spencer’s voice was small and shaky, tears threatening to spill.
Her own tears found their way down her cheeks as she stared at his heartbroken face, “Forget about you? I could never forget about you, Spencer.” She sniffled softly.
“You were all I could think about. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat. I’m pretty sure I developed an ulcer from the stress, by the way. I didn’t visit because…” she swallowed, pausing to blow her nose, “because I was angry. I was so angry, Spencer. Not at you, of course. At the situation. It was unfair to you and I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I know no amount of apologies will undo it, but I couldn’t handle it. I knew I wouldn’t have been able to handle seeing you in there and not be able to hold you or kiss you or...or touch you.” She paused again to blow her nose. 
Her words were disguised by the sobs, but Spencer managed to comprehend them. “It would have been too painful for me, I’m sorry. I was too weak and too selfish. You deserved so much better than that, I know.”
Spencer’s heart ached to see her cry, but he was so upset that he didn’t know if he could forgive her just yet. His throat got that familiar feeling of being so tight that he couldn’t speak. He just shook his head and rubbed at his eyes, turning away from her.
“Just take me home.” He whispered and she nodded, pulling herself together. Spencer occupied himself with a loose thread on his clothes, the soft hum of the engine was the only thing filling the silence between them.
She pulled up in front of his apartment complex and he was about to step out of the car when she reached for his arm, stopping him. She drew her hand back immediately, realizing that that was the first time they made physical contact since he got back. She hoped she wasn’t overstepping. He stared at her curiously at both reaching for him and drawing back.
“Spence, I understand if you want to end things. I just...I love you. I never stopped loving you and I never will.” She reminded him and he nodded, the tenderness she’d grown so used to returning to his eyes.
“I love you, too.” He spoke quietly, offering her a tight smile that obviously hid a lot of pain. 
She watched as he got out of the car and disappeared inside the building. He hadn’t confirmed nor denied that he wanted to end things with her and she didn’t know if she should be relieved at that. All she did know though was hearing those four words from Spencer again breathed a new life into her lungs.
He still loves her.
That’s all that matters.
Part 2
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 11 - What If This Is All The Love You’ll Ever Get?
Masterlist; Chapter 10
Summary: The brief peace you experience does not last long. And this time the consquences cannot be ignored.
Warnings: Swearing; it gets quite angsty with some mentions of loss, excessive drinking and such... (I’m sorry)
Author’s Notes: Right so... this is post-Kiev, before Mumbai film-wise. It gets intense for which I’m sorry (trust me this wasn’t fun to write). I hope you enjoy nonetheless and please let me know what you think! Feedback makes my days so much better <3
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It turned out that if you and Neil were forced to cooperate (long-distantly yet still), it could work out pretty well. Kiev was a success, to put it simply. Yes, the opera house got partially blown up, and TP’s initial operation became a ‘massive fuck-up’ (as Neil put it), but the boss himself made it. You have been assured about that by some remote Tenet connections you did not even know they had. Now it was their time to step into the game. So you waited patiently for Neil’s return while keeping yourself occupied with other random small tasks for the organization. You went back to texting him rather frequently as well, having decided that friends are allowed to have little chats like that. Also, because you could not deny yourself that guilty pleasure…
He came back just as it was planned, four days after your awkward goodbye (which still haunted you at night). It was late in the evening, and you were finishing a report needed for the morning when you heard a knock on the door.
“Hey you” Neil smiled when you opened the door.
You eyed him quickly, noticing the wrinkles on his clothes, ruffled hair, and tired eyes. It became pretty obvious he came to see you straight after coming back. And that idea made you feel… strange.
“Hey” you smiled back and left the ajar for him “When did you come back?” you watched him sit down on the bed and stretch his arms elegantly.
You could not hide the small smile that showed on your face at the sight. He met your gaze with a little grin of his own before answering:
“Just arrived back from the airport. Left stuff in my room, and here I am” he opened his arms to emphasise the point, and you laughed.
“I can see that. Aren’t you tired though?” once again, you warily searched his face.
But apart from being shocked at how beautiful he was, you got nothing concrete.
“I’d rather talk to you than sleep” he shrugged as though it was obvious. You blushed and looked down at your lap before closing the documents. The report would have to wait.
“How was the mission?” you turned back to him and watched, mesmerised, as he rolled up the sleeves and leaned back on his forearms.
Having Neil chill on your bed was certainly not an image you expected to see this evening.
“Well, you were there in spirit, so you probably know” he grinned “But if you want details…” he trailed off to gather his thoughts, “It was surprisingly easy to enter despite the ongoing siege with two different groups fighting inside. Then all I had to do was wait and try not to draw attention to myself”
“Where did you wait in the end?”
You have discussed the different options he had a day before the attack.
“A lovely storage room backstage” his eyes sparked “Would’ve been more fun if you were there with me” he smirked.
So nothing’s changed then.
“Did you find TP with no problems?” your swift change of topic did not go unnoticed.
But this time, he obeyed.
“Once shit started going off, I went back into the concert hall, and there he was. Trying to save all those civilians from being blown to pieces” Neil looked pensive for a moment “But then just as I thought that I would not be needed there, I saw movement near him. Someone has shot an inverted round there” he met your gaze “So I collected the bullet, making sure it went through whoever that was threatening TP and left just as quickly” he took off the shoes and went back to relaxing on your bed.
“He noticed you?”
“Probably yeah. But to him, I was just a handy help in a rather messy situation” he smiled “Enough about that. How have you been?” this time it was his turn to search your face.
You wondered what he found there.
“Alright, I guess” you smile lightly “When I wasn’t busy helping you, I was mostly working on some boring reports”
“Sounds fascinating” he grinned “Anything fun happened while I was away?” now he was lying on his side with head propped on the elbow.
For a second, you thought about the fact that your pillow might smell like him over night.
“Apart from Anna nearly slamming the door in my face yesterday… not really” you frowned at the memory.
“What?!” Neil’s eyes widened in shock.
“Yeah, well… think she just didn’t see me following her through the door, but I almost ended up with a concussion”
“That doesn’t sound like her but, then…” it was Neil’s turn to frown.
“After everything, I wouldn’t be surprised” you murmured and met his gaze with a weary smile.
You probably had to get used to the rush of butterflies you felt every time your eyes met. He stared at you with an inquisitive look. You were acutely aware that you were both probably recollecting the events from a few days ago. To stop the flood of images from making you do something stupid, you got up:
“Do you want a tea?” you busily stared at the kettle.
“Yeah sure” you could hear the self-satisfaction in his voice.
While you got busy with preparing two cups of tea, you could feel his eyes on you. Then a text alert broke the silence that fell. You turned to see him type an answer. For an absolutely unknown reason, you wanted to know who was messaging him. And why. But instead, you had to try not to pour boiling water all over your hand. At which you failed.
“Fuck” you hissed on reflex and hoped he has not noticed.
But nothing seemed to go past those deep blue eyes.
“Are you alright?” he sat up and watched you from across the room.
“Yeah, just clumsy as fuck” once the tea was brewing, you could assess the damage.
Apart from a little sore skin, you should live. When you turned to give Neil his mug, you were faced with a very smug grin.
“Don’t tell me you got jealous over a text from TP” he pushed his phone into your hands.
You stared blankly at the recent texts. The last one was his response to The Protagonist. One before that was to you. And nothing more remarkable after that. You felt very stupid. But thankfully, Neil was done with taunting. At least for the moment.
“It’s okay” he took his phone back and then gently cradled your hurt hand “Swear I won’t mention this again”
“If you will, I’ll shoot you” you glared at him, trying to ignore the waves of shame threatening to spill from your system.
“Now that’s quite dramatic, don’t you think?” he looked up at you and grinned.
Then he kissed your knuckles and released his hold on your hand. You were finally free, and you were not going to waste that.
“I’ll… I’ve got to go the bathroom for a sec… sorry” you bolted to the door with newly found energy.
Just before you locked the door, you heard him say:
“I’ve missed you”
Fuck. You pressed your back against the closed door and took a deep breath. The sting of the burn was nearly gone, but the shame burned just as strongly through your body. Now you understood why Jasper called you pathetic. That was probably the best adjective to describe your behaviour. Slowly, you calmed down the racing heart and opted to take off make-up as a relaxing task. It worked, and soon you also decided to change into some nightclothes. It was late, and it was safe to assume that Neil would leave for the night in the not too far future. Finally, you took long fifteen minutes to coach yourself to go back out into the room. It was a rather difficult task as you had enough humiliation for the day. But at the same time, you wanted to spend as much time as you could with him. 
Was addiction to Neil a thing? Because you might have just diagnosed yourself with it, you mused while exiting the bathroom. Outside, you were faced with a surprising yet adorable sight of the man himself curled up on your bed and snoring. His face was relaxed with no frown lines visible, and the abandoned mug of tea steamed on the bedside table. You noticed that he took your blanket and covered himself with it. You could not stop the smile that showed on your face when you took in the image. However, that also left you with a rather difficult decision… He certainly left enough space for you on the bedside facing the wall. But also, that was a bit risky… was it not? You contemplated taking a spare pillow and nodding off on the floor. But as soon as that thought entered your mind, the pathetic side decided to object. Friends are allowed to share a bed right? You sighed, switched off the lights, and carefully stepped over Neil’s form to lie down. You made sure to leave all the space you could before you turned to the wall and let the tiredness take you. As a parting thought, you realised that his presence next to you felt right somehow.
*** Waking up to the sound of your alarm was a harsh experience. Unconsciously, you reached out to turn off the brutal device and sighed with happiness when you succeeded. Only then, your brain began to catch up with reality. And especially with the fact that there was an arm draped over your stomach, with fingers touching the bare skin where your top rode up. The alarm has woken him too as you felt him hug you closer to his chest. You felt a warm breath on the back of your neck.
“I could get used to waking up like this” you shivered at the way his voice reverberated through your chest.
Before you could react, he pressed a kiss to the nape of your neck and followed it with a trail of pecks down your spine, as far as your shirt allowed. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to level breathing. His fingers softly caressing the strip of skin just above the hemline of your trousers made your brain short-circuit. It was all too much. You had to move, or else you could not be responsible for anything that would happen.
Quickly you turned in the embrace to face him. The closeness made your breath hitch. Neil stared at you with a small smile on his lips. You knew that the innocence was nothing but a façade. You had to distract yourself and him, so you scrambled for anything to say. Glancing down at his shirt collar, you found the words:
“Maybe you should stop falling asleep in suits” you aimed for a neutral tone, but the moment his eyes lit up, you knew it was pointless.
“If you wanted me to undress, all you had to do was ask” he smirked when seeing your mild panic.
Bloody fantastic.
He was still too close. And the way he glanced down at your lips for a split second did not help the situation either.
“Right… I’ve had that alarm set for a reason” you rushed to get up and climb over him.
But naturally, Neil had other ideas. When you leaned over him to push yourself up, he took your hands in his, forcing you to lie partially on top of him. You stared in shock, suddenly overwhelmed by the situation. His blue eyes stared back at you with that unreadable expression you have seen before. You took the time to look at him, his wild bed hair and two-day stubble on the chin.
If you were allowed, you could get used to this…
“Is this one of those moments when I should be the voice of reason?” when you found your voice again, it was weirdly hoarse.
“Maybe…” he grinned and squeezed your hands “How’s your burn?”
Only now you actually remembered about your embarrassing moment from the previous night. At the reminder, you felt your face grow warm. The moment was gone.
“It’s fine” you muttered and moved to get up.
This time he let you go, but you were sure you saw a brief look of disappointment on his face.
“What is your plan for today?” he asked while reaching for yesterday’s tea.
You frowned at that.
“Sure you don’t want a new one?” you gestured towards the mug.
“Nah, don’t want your martyrdom to go wasted” he winked and finished the cold drink.
“You really want to get shot, my dear” you mused while eyeing him sharply.
“My dear?” he sat up and looked at you with one eyebrow arched curiously.
You shrugged, feigning nonchalance. It was so much easier to talk with him like that when you had a little bit of space preserved.
“You don’t have a monopoly on nicknames”
“Of course not” Neil got up and folded the blanket he used “But it’s nice to hear that you consider me ‘yours’ in any way, my dear” he winked and crossed the room “I’ll see you around later” he kissed you on the cheek and was gone before you could process anything.
In the end, you never got to tell him what your plan for the day was.
*** The next three days went in relative peace. You started to build a pleasant routine in the organization, and ever since he was back, you could incorporate time spent with Neil into it. Every morning you would attend a sparring session (with Ives or whoever was handy), then a shooting training to keep yourself in shape. After that, meetings and missions briefings where you would help with the logistical side of the operations. In the evening, you ate dinner with Neil in the dining hall. Undoubtedly that was a highlight of the day for you when you could use the hour and a half window to get to know him better. Apart from that first blunder in your attempts at friendship-like behaviour, it all went rather smoothly. Neil did his best to cooperate. The only times when he was proving to be difficult were the goodbyes during which he made it his goal to make you flustered. The kisses on the cheek became a routine thing. And so did his tendency to gaze into your eyes for extended periods of time. You did not mind either of those things.
The lack of concrete news about the unfolding plan sometimes made you almost forget about it. But you did not dare relax, remembering TPs words about the upcoming events. And so, you waited patiently, preparing in any way you could think of.
The fragile peace got disrupted during one of your evening meals. You were mid-conversation concerning Neil’s past experiences in the Navy when Ives approached your table:
“Evening lovebirds” you grudgingly accepted the nickname he chose for you both.
“What is it?” Neil instantly sensed trouble, judging by the frown that showed on his face.
“TP is calling us to the US. Urgently” Ives looked at you apologetically “Just me and Neil, sorry love”
“That’s okay” you met Neil’s gaze over the table “You two are more crucial to the whole organization than I am” you shrugged.
Neil looked as though he wanted to argue but chose not to. Luckily.
“When do we have to leave?” he asked Ives.
“Ideally in an hour”
“Shit” he took a moment to gather his thoughts “Okay, I’ll meet you in the reception in 45mins”
Ives only nodded and left without a further word. You stared at Neil, who eyed his half-full plate mournfully.
“At least you’ll get some nice food on the plane” you offered upon seeing his internal debate.
“But the company won’t be as good” he looked up and smiled sadly.
“That’s quite harsh on Ives” you joked, trying to ignore the inexplicable sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Neil laughed, but you could tell that he was worried too. Using the only way you knew to assure him, you reached out across the table and squeezed his hand.
“You should pack” you brushed your thumb over his knuckles “I’ll see you when you’re back”.
He entwined his fingers with yours and met your gaze for a moment. You could see that he was hesitant, as though he wanted to say something you would not like. Then he made up his mind because he released his hold over your hand and got up to stand next to you.
“I’ll miss you” he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Before you could answer, he left the hall. You took a deep breath, aware of the strange feeling creeping into your brain. Hopefully, it is nothing but anxiety, you sighed and went back to eating, acutely aware of the loneliness.
*** The peace you got when Neil and Ives left lasted for about twelve hours. A good night text from Neil calmed your nerves slightly as it meant he made it safely to the HQs. You tried to get an early night, but it did not happen. Instead, you spent three hours staring at the ceiling in the dark, trying to convince your stubborn brain that it worried for nothing. After all, urgent missions happened all the time, right? Well, your logic was desperately trying not to fail while faced with an irrational voice that never seemed to shut up. In the end, you resorted to taking a sleeping pill and hoping to catch at least 5 hours long nap.
That plan was cut short by a sharp ringing at 7 am coming from your phone resting on the bedside table. You looked at the display to see Ives as the caller ID. This could not be good. A sudden shock made you sit up and pick up the phone despite being barely able to open your eyes.
“Yes?” you cleared your throat when you heard your raspy voice.
“Y/N…” you have never heard Ives’ use your first name.
Fuck… The world went black for a millisecond. You felt lightheaded. Something was terribly wrong.
“What’s going on?” panic was creeping into your voice.
“Neil… he found TP in his room…” his voice was breaking “He’s gone” you heard him take in a shaky breath “TP is gone”
Your heart skipped a beat. Your vision blurred as you reached out to touch the wall to feel something steady beneath your fingertips. For a short second, you forgot how to breathe. Then as you started to struggle for the oxygen, you took greedy breaths, hoping to calm down. It was not working.
“Are you there?” Ives’ panicked voice broke through the paralysis.
“How did it happen?” you choked out the question, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
“He…” Ives stifled a sob “He took a cyanide pill”
You could not stop the sobs that came then. Only after you could take in a full breath, you spoke again.
“No one knows. He saw Neil and me when we arrived. Then I went to sleep, and Neil woke me up” you could hear the strain in his voice.
“How’s he?” you feared the answer to the question.
Somehow you knew there was a reason why it was not him calling you. But the explanation for that was too terrifying to be admitted aloud.
“Bad” the grave tone made you panic again.
“Fuck” you inhaled sharply.
“You should come via the next plane. He has to be in Mumbai by the twentieth, and I don’t think we can sort him out without you”
You winced at the serious tone.
“Okay, I’ll try to get there as soon as I can” you bolted up from the bed “Please try to look after him” you hated the pleading tone.
“I’ll try though it’s hard to do when he’s locked himself in his room and isn’t letting anyone in”
Shit. The dizziness returned, and you leaned on the wall for support. To say that you were worried would be an understatement. Everyone knew how much Neil cared about TP. The helplessness was frustrating. You wanted to scream and let it out.
“Just do what you can” you sighed “Stay strong, Ives”
“Don’t hang up yet”
“Why, what’s wrong?” his sudden change of tone made you even more concerned.
“Nothing, it’s just that I think you should know about something… about Neil”
“He should be the one telling you but fuck that” he sounded hesitant.
“Ives” the agitation won over any other emotion “Please”
“Neil lost someone very important to him nearly two years ago during a mission. It was an accident, but Neil blames himself for what happened as he was leading the attack”
“Okay…” you needed a moment to process the information.
“I just wanted you to know in case it mattered”
“Thank you… What was their name?” that was the only question you could think of.
“Alex. He was an agent and joined Tenet at the same time Neil did. They were together”
The only immediate thought was that you wished you knew before. Maybe then you could have been a better friend. However, Ives’ took your silence as something else.
“Is that okay?” he sounded genuinely worried.
“Of course, I don’t care who he was with. Only that he’s hurting right now” you glanced at the watch “I should start packing. I’ll see you soon, I hope” you hung up.
You tried your hardest not to breakdown while throwing random clothing articles into the bag. You tried calling Neil, but he has not picked up. You just sent him a message:
“I’m sorry. I’ll try to get there soon”.
There was not much else you could do. Apart from trying to preserve sanity.
*** The plane journey to Boston was a blurry memory. You spent the 8 hours trying not to cry publicly and ignoring the temptation to get drunk to numb the pain and worry. Once you landed, the anxiety got worse. With shaking hands, you went through the customs and into the arrivals hall. All the while, you tried not to think too much about the last time you visited the airport and about Neil’s steady hand guiding you. He still has not responded to your text, and that made you think about the worst. You calmed down your anxious stomach just enough to get into the car sent by the HQ and relaxed into the leather seat. Just twenty minutes now.
But before you could reach any mental clarity, your phone buzzed. You took it out of the pocket and nearly dropped it onto the car floor upon seeing the text. It was from TP. You gasped and unlocked the device to read it.
“When this reaches you, you most likely know what happened. I’m sorry, but there was no other way. I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t know that you, Neil, and the rest are ready. I trust you, Y/N, and that’s why I have decided to make you responsible for the logistical side of the plan. Once you’re ready, materials are waiting for you in the inbox. Please take care. I know I don’t have to ask you to help Neil but make sure he doesn’t blame himself”
It was clear that he scheduled the messaged to come through after he was gone. And you had a feeling it was only the first one of many. You only had time to wipe the tears from your eyes before the car parked in front of the Tenet building, and you were forced to get out. Once you got through the security booth, you spotted Ives waiting in the reception hall. He had his head bowed, staring at the floor. None of his usual confidence was there. Once you approached, he sensed company and looked up. You were struck by the dark circles underneath his eyes.
“Hey” suddenly you did not know what to say.
“Thank god you’re here” Ives shook off the hesitation and hugged you tightly.
You returned the embrace, feeling tears well up again. You stepped back and sniffed, accepting the offered tissues. Only now you noticed how quiet and empty it was in the building despite the hour.
“How is the situation?” you did not even know how to ask any specific questions.
“Very bad” Ives frowned, and you felt like he was holding back.
“Take me to him, please” you shivered involuntarily.
He did not need more convincing and started leading you through the corridors.
“He hasn’t left the room since midnight when I last saw him” Ives started speaking, “I’m pretty sure he’s drinking” he stopped in front of a regular door in yet another corridor.
“Right… Has he let anyone in?” you strained to hear any potential sounds from within, but there was nothing.
“No” Ives shook his head.
You could tell that he was incredibly tired and worried. You had to be the strong one this time.
“Why do you think I’ll be different?”
You placed one shaky hand on the surface of the door.
“Because it’s you” you could tell he was barely restraining the urge to roll his eyes “You’re probably the only person he cares about”
Despite the gravity of the situation, you felt your face grow warm. You took a deep breath to calm down and raised a fist to rap on the door. At first, there was nothing. The panic kept rising.
“Neil, it’s me” you leaned your head against the door “I’m sorry…” with tears streaming down your cheeks, you tried to find the right words “Please let me in. I just want to see you…” you glanced at Ives who looked almost uncomfortable.
Suddenly you heard faint sounds coming from the room. Rustling, the unmistakable clang of an empty glass bottle hitting the floor and the footsteps stopping just by the door.
“Please go” you mouthed at Ives, who only nodded and rushed down the corridor.
You took a step back and waited, with the heart in your throat. After agonising few seconds, the lock clicked, and the door opened. Nothing prepared you for the sight you saw.
Neil’s hair was sticking out in every direction. His eyes were red-rimmed and paired with dark shadows underneath. He still wore the clothes you saw him in the day before. But probably the worst was how obviously drunk he was, barely able to stay upright by the door. When his unfocused eyes landed on you, he attempted a smile. It ended up looking like a tragic scowl. He opened the door wider for you and went back inside. You took a second to gather your thoughts and followed him, shutting the door behind you.
Once inside, you took the time to scan the room and analyse the situation. Neil sat down on the edge of the bed, which was entirely unmade. The floor was covered in random bits of paper he must have tossed from the table. You counted at least two empty bottles of alcohol lying amidst the mess as well. Taking a deep breath, you faced Neil. He was looking at you, but his eyes lacked their usual spark.
“I’m sorry” he breathed out, and your eyes widened.
“What for?” you were not expecting that.
“They sent you to get me sorted” you did not like the dark look in his eyes “That can’t be an ideal job. Even for you”
“Neil” the stern tone made him focus on your words “I’m not here because they asked me to come. I’m here for you” you took a step closer and knelt to be levelled with him “I was worried” you admitted finally.
“Fuck… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” his slightly slurred rambling made you even more acutely aware of his state.
“No, don’t apologise” you interrupted him; TP’s text message fresh on your mind “None of this is your fault. And my job here is to make sure you understand that” gently, you reached out to brush the hair away from his eyes.
You did not know whether it was what you said or what you did, but at that moment, he seemed to break. Before you could react, he slid down onto the floor and started crying with heart-wrenching sobs. It took you a second to change position and put your arms around him. He leaned into the embrace.
“He’s gone” he choked out after a few seconds of silence.
“I know” you run a hand along his back in a soothing motion “But you don’t have to tell me more. It’s alright, I’m here” you whispered, feeling him shake.
At that, he just started sobbing more violently. You could only sit there, holding him and letting your own tears fall silently. You will be okay someday. You hoped.
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wrienne · 3 years
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 10: His Ring
Namjoon and Seokjin’s eyes widened, though you got no reaction from Yoongi. He was like an ominous presence, sitting at an angle you could only watch him through your peripheral view as you stared down at your hands.
“How?” asked Namjoon. “And how do you know that?”
“Yes, isn’t amnesia both incurable and irreversible?” wondered Hoseok. "That's what the doctor told us."
“Starting with that...”
While explaining what you and Kim Sejin had spoken about that morning and the battle plan you had organized all day during school, all six of them were quiet. You finished with, “...I figured I could grab some of his clothes as well as hear your ideas about my plan.”
“It sounds like some kind of movie plot,” said Seokjin dubiously.
“Exactly what I told your manager,” you said and smiled half-heartedly. “But this is the only option we have. I, for one, refuse to let Jungkook lose all that he’s fought for. What all of you have fought for.”
“Even if it’s a slight chance, there’s still a possibility,” said Namjoon in agreement.
“What would you have us do, then?” asked Jimin.
“If you could write down a list, just as I have,” you said as you showed them your scribbles, “I’d have something more recent to go on from. I have never been very close to him, especially since his debut, so your input would help tremendously.”
“Why help him then?” Taehyung regarded you warily. His hard expression had gradually morphed into one of focus and attentiveness, but now you saw it teetering. Would he flare up again? “What do you have to gain?”
“Would you stop it?” Hoseok gave Taehyung a harsh glare, which made Namjoon and Seokjin look curiously at him. Hoseok pointed at Taehyung. “This one almost lost it downstairs, blaming Jungkook’s accident on (Y/N). Taehyung, you coming at her doesn’t exactly help the situation.”
“Hyung,” said Taehyung coolly. “Everyone with half a brain understands that she and Jungkook parted on unfriendly terms. Have you ever heard him curse like that - especially to a girl who is supposed to be a ‘family friend’? And he wouldn’t speak to anyone at all until Sejin-manager had taken us to the bar. She made him drink and run out on the street.”
“He’s halfway right,” said Seokjin as he scrutinized you. “I’ve never seen our Jungkook that mad.”
“Exactly,” said Taehyung triumphantly. “So you better tell us the truth: what do you have to gain from Jungkook?”
“Nothing,” you said earnestly, then fumbled as you tried to structure the rest of your reply. Technically, you had absolutely nothing to gain from Jeon Jungkook’s potential recovery and reascent to the music industry’s top. Meanwhile, it would take you more than three months of hard work and utter, genuine dedication to even have a shot at getting him to Japan. It could all just prove to be a waste of time. Minutes, hours, days, weeks better spent on you and yourself. Not to mention, that bastard had been unfaithful to you for who knows how long, in addition to having treated you sometimes like air, sometimes like dirt and sometimes like you were his worst enemy in the world.
But still. Still. You couldn’t abandon Jeon Jungkook in his time of need.
“It doesn’t make sense,” said Taehyung and crossed his arms over his chest. “Jungkook told me you disliked each other, and that you couldn’t stand him. So why?”
“I just…”
You grasped after the right words. Your mind was muddled, however, so you had no choice but to simply follow the second voice-in-command: your heart.
“If you were me,” you began carefully, “would you have allowed the son of your parents’ best friend to forget his childhood dream? I’ve known Jungkook all of my life - we’ve grown up together, spent every holiday with one another and celebrated everything from birth, life and death side by side. He was horrible most of the time, I’ll say that, but he was there for me when others weren’t. You might believe my family fortunes and good name generated friends wherever I went, but no. It didn’t. I’ve been on my own pretty much all my life.”
You hadn’t meant for the conversation to suddenly turn so personal, but there you sat, pouring your heart out to six strangers. Perhaps that’s what made therapy so popular. People listening to other people’s problems.
You took a deep breath. “When my grandparents died, Jungkook was the first one to each of their funerals. When I was about ten or so and fell down a cliff during a hike with our parents and broke my collarbone, Jungkook was the one who found me and dragged me back to camp. He practically saved my life. Now, I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t have been able to look myself in the mirror if I just left him the way he is now, especially when I have a chance to help.”
No matter his betrayal.
“I have no clue what Jungkook told you about me, but I would never premeditate hurting or upsetting or exploiting him in any way.” You cleared your throat, grimacing as your windpipe had tightened with every word you said. “Now yesterday was the first time I saw you guys on stage. And though I possess no particular experience in show business or even an ounce of musical talent, I saw--no, felt that he belonged up there. Still - and I haven't told you all - would you have left him if you were me? Abandoned him for old grudges?”
You hadn’t noticed how hard you were clutching your hands together. Not until you felt the odd, ticklish sensation signifying a lack of blood and circulation did you realize that your knuckles and fingers had whitened. You loosened up and caught Taehyung’s eyes.
“No,” he said, immediately casting down his focus. “I guess not.”
“What we spoke of is private,” you said quietly, feeling your chest constrict in pain at the memory. “It is something I can never disclose. But the conversation wasn’t of a threatening or hostile nature, and if I knew he would run out drunkenly on a street because of my decision, I would have never made it. I would never, ever wish Jungkook harmed.”
No one spoke. Taehyung didn’t raise his gaze.
You sniffled. Hoseok quickly came back from the hallway with some tissues and handed you them. You wiped your eyes and were relieved to find the tissue only slightly damp. You weren’t bawling, at least, though the mere presence of tears made you frown - you didn’t exactly have something to cry for. You weren’t somber or filled with grief at the memory of your grandparents' funerals. However, you were extremely tired and weary after last night’s escapade to the hospital. And your conversation with your parents hadn’t exactly done much to brighten up your mood.
You almost chuckled. You were used to calling Jungkook stupid, but who was the bigger fool, really?
Considering how the next three months would progress, it was ironic, it truly was.
“What should we do?” asked Hoseok finally, breaking the silence.
“Let’s split up into groups,” said Namjoon after said someone’s stomach grumbled. “Jin-hyung and I will get to cooking since it’s our turn anyway. The rest of you can start with a list each.”
“What are we even supposed to write?” Jimin scratched the back of his head.
“It might be a bit personal,” you told him, “but it probably has to be in order for it to be memorable. Just write down anything you might have done with Jungkook that you feel affected your relationship in any major way.”
“Write down anything that you imagine Jungkook might have remembered up until the accident,” added Namjoon and slowly stood. “Like the time we went bungee jumping or traveled to Northern Europe.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” you said.
“And you’re going to do what with this information?” wondered Seokjin, standing also. “Isn’t it better if we just meet up with him and tell him all of this? Try to remind him while face-to-face?”
You shook your head. “I wouldn’t say he’s scared of you. But he doesn’t trust anyone and might straight-up refuse to listen to any of you. And even if some of you manage to convince him to hear you out, what if it turns out he doesn’t remember? That might make you frustrated at him or just left feeling needlessly hurt. Furthermore, I don’t want to stress him out any more than he already is. Imagine, it must be like waking up from a five or so year long dreamless sleep for him and suddenly he’s overwhelmed with the eager input from six or so people telling him he knows them the way he did.”
“Okay,” said Jimin with a nod. “Who has some pen and paper?”
“I do,” said Hoseok, then disappeared into one of the rooms. He came out with a notebook and tore out a page for everyone except you, Seokjin and Namjoon, then returned with an equal number of pens.
Namjoon and Seokjin headed into the kitchen while Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok eventually started discussing what would count as a “memorable memory”. Yoongi quietly pondered his sheet of paper, his dark gaze fixed upon the clean slate while he tapped his pen against the table surface.
He briefly found your eyes but said nothing.
Swallowing hard, you carefully unzipped your jacket and hung it over your chair as well as placed your duffel bag underneath your chair. Feeling uncomfortable just sitting there, you rose while putting up your hair with a hair tie and poked your head into the kitchen.
“Is there something I can do to help?” you asked.
Seokjin was instructing Namjoon when he stopped and looked at you over the latter’s shoulder. “No, we’ll be alright. You can just sit with the others.”
You wouldn’t have minded just sitting and watching them if not for Yoongi’s watchful eyes. But since you couldn’t exactly say that, you smiled sheepishly. “I’m sort of not used being around so many guys.”
“No male cousins or siblings?”
“None.” Your smile fell a bit. “It’s a small family.”
“How long are you staying?” asked Namjoon. He had begun washing vegetables in the sink.
“Oh, not very long,” you said quickly. “I wouldn’t want to intrude for any longer than dinner. And I told Jungkook I’d be back at six.”
Seokjin and Namjoon looked at each other hesitantly. The latter shrugged, and Seokjin found your gaze again.
“Would you mind setting the table, then?” he asked.
About half an hour later, all seven of you were busy eating homemade tteokbokki and bought gimbap. They asked you about you and Jungkook, how long you had known each other, what school you went to, and so on. The lists had been compiled into one master list, courtesy of Namjoon, who had wanted to organize all of their ideas into relevant categories, like years, members and places. You hadn’t even been aware of how hungry you had been until then and ate quicker than everyone else. Or well, almost.
“It’s almost six o’clock,” said Min Yoongi as he stood. “Come, (Y/N). Someone’s got to show her to Jungkook’s things and Namjoon is still eating,” he explained at everyone’s confused frown.
“Oh, I had almost forgotten.”
You rose and began carrying your dishes to the kitchen when Jimin stopped you. “Let it be,” he said. “I’ll take care of it. You better get back to Jungkook.”
“Thank you,” you said, then looked at everyone seated at the table. For once, Taehyung didn’t look at you with poorly disguised fury. “Thank you for the food, and for your help. I really appreciate it, and I know Jungkook would as well.”
“We’ll finish the last of the master list meanwhile,” said Hoseok as you bent to pick up your duffel bag. “Try to steal some of Namjoon’s stuff. He has way too many clothes that fall underneath the ‘hobo’ category.”
“It’s ‘boho’ I tell you,” mumbled Namjoon as he covered his mouth with his hand. “It’s a popular fashion style overseas.”
“That might be, but you make it ‘hobo’.”
Namjoon sighed as the others laughed.
You smiled at Hoseok, who returned the gesture, then turned anxiously toward Yoongi. He gestured for you to come and you followed him into the same room Namjoon and Seokjin had exited from. The bedroom was small, with only barely enough space for two single beds, a wardrobe, a tall mirror and a desk with a lamp, but surprisingly clean compared to the rest of the apartment.
Yoongi closed the door shut after you, then led you to the swelling wardrobe, which almost reached from the floor to the ceiling. He opened the wardrobe doors and pointed in a general area of blacks, jeans and whites. There was a surplus of beanies, mouth masks and brand underwear as well.
“That half is Jungkook’s,” said Yoongi as he opened the wardrobe doors and pointed in a general area. “Though some of his clothes might be in the washing machine or drying.”
“I think he can manage with this,” you said as you began placing one item after another into your duffel bag.
You didn’t know exactly how much you needed to grab, but when you considered the bleak possibility that Jungkook might not ever return to the apartment again, you decided to take everything of his at least in the wardrobe. While initially conscientious - you knew how prim Jungkook could be with his things - you took it slow, placing clothes like Tetris. Then, realizing it would take hours, you just shoveled as much as you could into the bag.
You tried to ignore the pair of slim dark eyes silently watching your every move.
“Is there anything else of his in here?” you asked Yoongi when you were finished. The duffel bag actually looked like a body bag now, but would still have some room left over for a phone charger or a headset or so.
“He has a laptop and some gadgets he carries in a small bag.”
It didn’t take you long to find the computer and you carefully placed it inside a computer bag marked “JK”. You found chargers, a mouse and a headset inside the bag first, though, which you poured into the duffel bag instead. When you were finished, however, and started toward the door, Yoongi stopped you.
You frowned and tried not to sound frightened, but felt your heartbeats surge into a gallop. “Hey, what--”
And you stopped so abruptly you almost choked on your words. You had wondered where Jungkook’s engagement band was, ever since you saw its obviously vacant place on his finger the evening before. But now you knew.
Held between his index finger and thumb, Min Yoongi raised the promise ring your parents had given Jungkook, its circular, golden shape familiar to you. His expression didn't change, nor did his voice.
“At which point of the dinner were you going to tell us about your and Jungkook’s engagement?”
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charincharge · 4 years
I Don’t Want To Wait, six
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rowaelin high school bff au masterlist
Based on the prompt:
"Don't go on that date" "Why?" "Because it will kill me if you do"
Aelin felt like her head was going to explode. It throbbed as she tried to open her eyes, so she immediately closed them again and went to shove her face into her pillow. Only, there was no pillow beneath her face. It was cold and hard, and her entire body ached. She groaned loudly as she rolled over, pulling the thin sheet covering her shoulders with her.
“Owww.” Her head knocked into something cold and porcelain, causing her to crack her eyes open. She was blinded by bright lights and shocking white all around her. She squinted and pushed herself up further and hissed, her hand throbbing under the weight she put on it. She picked up her arm and examined the offending limb, noticing the scrapes across her fingers and her knuckles dotted with deep purple bruises. She tried to clench her hand into a fist and cried out in pain. “What the hell?”
She looked around the small bathroom and rubber her head, which had knocked against the base of the toilet. Gross. But at least she knew the room she’d slept in fairly well – it was the downstairs powder room in Aunt Maeve’s condo. But she had no idea how she got here.
She tried to wrack her brain for any information about how her evening panned out, but she was coming up blank.
Well, that’s not great.
Aelin glanced down at her outfit – one of Rowan’s old lacrosse hoodies and boxers – and her cheeks flushed. What the fuck had happened last night? How did she get into Rowan’s clothes? Where were her clothes? Did Rowan undress her? Did her dad know she was at Rowan’s? Where was her phone? What time was it?
Aelin used her good hand to help her stand, body aching the entire way, and was grateful for the tall glass of water and painkillers laid out on the edge of the sink for her. She knocked them back, gagging only slightly as she swallowed.
Her eyes trailed up to the mirror and she gasped. She looked a mess. Her once wavy golden hair was stringy and knotted from where it rested against the bathroom floor all night, and she was fairly sure there was dried vomit caked in it. Last night’s makeup streaked down her cheeks, as if she’d been crying, and her skin was sweaty, despite the chill running through her.
Grabbing the hand towel, Aelin scrubbed at her face, rubbing the black makeup remnants from her skin. She cringed, putting down Maeve’s fancy guest hand towel. She’d put that straight into the laundry. Pulling her disgusting hair back into a bun, she carefully made her way out of the bathroom, hoping Rowan could shed some light on the missing hours of her night, but she was shocked to see Lysandra, Elide and Wesley, circled around Lysandra’s phone, laughing.
“Hi?” Aelin called out to her friends, who all whipped their heads around to look at her with guilty smiles on their faces.
“There she is, my million dollar baby,” Lysandra cheered, slinging her arm around Aelin’s shoulders. Aelin balked, her nausea rocking through her at the sudden movement. “Whoops, sorry, champ,” she apologized, rubbing her arm gently. “How you feeling?”
Aelin’s eyes flashed to her friends in confusion. She looked around. “Where’s Rowan?”
As if on cue, the front door opened, and Rowan walked in with several greasy smelling bags. His eyes lit up upon seeing Aelin awake, and her stomach fluttered. Was it possible things had gone okay last night? She frowned. If she finally kissed Rowan, and didn’t remember it, there’d be hell to pay.
“Ah, Rocky’s finally up,” he said with a grin, placing the food down on the kitchen table.
“What the hell happened last night?” Aelin groaned, rubbing at her head again, and Rowan froze, mid-unpacking and turned to her.
“…you don’t remember?”
She paused, trying to think back. She remembered playing beer pong. Then Rowan abandoning her, and then finding Rowan in the kitchen with Lyria… Then, nothing.
She shook her head. “Should I?” He crinkled up his face, as if he was thinking about how best to answer, when Aelin punched his arm lightly. “Just tell me.”
“You really don’t remember?” he asked, and Aelin shook her head.
“Did I do something?” Aelin asked, trying to gauge if she’d gone through with her plans from last night. Horror struck her. She could have done anything. What if it was bad? “Are you mad at me?” she asked quickly.
He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, like he didn’t want to answer her, and Aelin was starting to feel like she was going to puke again. “I’m not mad,” he finally answered, causing the knot in Aelin’s stomach to unravel. “But… let’s just say Salvaterre probably won’t be inviting you back any time soon.”
Wesley chuckled and nodded his chin toward Elide. “Show her the video.”
Aelin gaped. “There’s a video?” She looked up at Rowan, her wide eyes pleading for information as she whispered. “Should I be worried?”
Elide held up her phone in front of Aelin’s face, and Aelin watched as she barreled toward Lorcan, screaming at the top of her lungs. “SHE SAID NO, ASSHOLE!” And sucker-punched him right in the cheek. The skin split beneath her fist, leaving him with a dribble of blood running down to his chin as Rowan rushed to her to pull her off him, attempting another punch. Aelin struggled in Rowan’s grasp as Lorcan shouted at them to get the fuck out of his house.
Lys guffawed as Aelin’s hands clapped over her mouth. The video played again, and she couldn’t look away. “Oh my gods, wh…why?!”
“I think it was a full on rage blackout,” Lysandra laughed, causing Aelin to groan again.
“Shut up, that’s not real.”
Elide patted her back. “You were defending my honor. It was sweet, though unnecessary.”
Aelin laughed sadly as Lysandra cackled with glee. “I can’t believe how hardcore Salvaterre hit on Elide! Our sweet little Elide, asked to go upstairs with a varsity athlete!”
Elide blushed, her cheeks reddening to a deep crimson as she mumbled. “I obviously said no! He jokingly asked if I was sure, and when I told him I was he totally backed off. You didn’t need to punch him, Aelin...”
Wes laughed heartily, tipping his head back as he dug into the box of fries Rowan had brought them. “It was the best moment of my life, I think. I walked in the door, and all of a sudden Aelin is taking out Lorcan fucking Salvaterre.”
“At least we got kicked out before she started puking all over everything,” Lysandra chimed in.
“I need to lie down,” Aelin said, getting up from the kitchen chair and sprawling across the loveseat in the small sitting room, her head spinning slightly.
As everyone else got their food, Rowan came to sit on the couch with Aelin, lifting her feet and placing them in his lap.
“Nox said you chugged an entire cup of jungle juice, and then you had about half of mine before I could stop you. Salvaterre makes it with Everclear. 90 proof.” He paused. “You did get very angry…”
Aelin frowned, not comfortable in her position on the couch. She needed her head to be elevated. She swung her feet around and placed her head on Rowan’s leg instead.
She could feel him tense beneath her slightly, and she felt her heart sink. She’d been so sure they were on the verge of something last night, and today… it was… back to normal. As if whatever spark had been there had died. She’d killed it, apparently. She closed her eyes as Rowan finally exhaled and draped his hand over her shoulder.
“Your head still hurts?” he whispered, leaning down, and Aelin groaned, snuggling into his leg more.
“Everything hurts.” She paused. “My head. My hand. My pride.” My heart, she added on silently. She couldn’t believe how much she fucked everything up, just by getting too drunk too fast.
“You knocked Salvaterre the fuck out, if anything, your pride should be very much in tact.” Rowan paused and rubbed his thumb against her shoulder. “I’m sorry I left you for so long last night. That was… dumb.”
Aelin rolled onto her back and looked up at him. Rowan’s eyes were sad as she asked quietly, “Yeah. Why did you?”
He shrugged. “You seemed to be doing fine without me…” He trailed off, and Aelin wanted to shake him and shout IDIOT at the top of her lungs. Stupid idiot. How could he not know that she wanted him with her always? Instead of confessing, she pinched his thigh hard. He jumped as she poked her thumb into his thigh.
“You were wrong,” Aelin said, and watched as a small smile appeared on his face again as he looked her over. It wasn’t the same unguarded smile as yesterday – it seemed like that brief moment of possible reciprocation was gone, but Aelin was too grateful that she hadn’t drunenly fucked their friendship up to care at the moment.
“Clearly,” he replied.
Aelin could feel her heart thud in her chest as he leaned back, accepting a hamburger from Wesley. She closed her eyes as her friends recounted her wild adventure again. She had a feeling she’d never live this one down.
When Aelin woke hours later, her head was still perched on Rowan’s lap, but he’d turned the television on and was watching some teen soap.
“Don’t go on that date,” the teary brunette on the television begged of his busty girlfriend.
“Why?” the girl replied, hands on her hips.
“Because it’ll kill me if you do.” The pair crashed their lips into each other as their arms wound around each other in a romantic moment, the soundtrack swelling behind them.
Rowan snorted at the overly fraught dialogue, and Aelin, finally feeling well enough, pushed herself up to sitting.
“Not a fan?” she asked of the soapy show, wiggling her feet in his lap.
“No one talks like that,” Rowan said, poking one of her toes.
“I don’t know,” Aelin said, “I’ve heard I’m pretty dramatic.” She paused, wanting to ask about the cheerleader she’d found him with in the kitchen. It seemed like a perfect segue, but she wasn’t exactly sure she wanted to know the answer. “Should I beg you not to go on a date? Seems like things were going well between you and that cheerleader…” she asked, hoping he’d just laugh at her and say – what date? But… the look on his face told her more than enough. Aelin’s stomach sank as Rowan smiled nervously at her.
“Actually, that reminds me…”
Aelin swallowed, preparing herself.
“Lyria,” he began. “That’s the cheerleader’s name.” Aelin nodded silently, dreading the rest of what was to come. “She asked me to junior prom.”
“She did?” Aelin asked, trying to sound as unaffected as possible. “I didn’t realize you two were that close.”
“We’re not!” Rowan insisted. “I barely know her.” He sighed, leaning back into the couch. “It’s going to be weird, right? I’m going to be one of the only sophomores there…”
“Do you not want to go?” Aelin asked nervously, and she watched Rowan shrug.
“I already said yes.”
Aelin felt her heart stop at his words. Rowan had been invited to Junior Prom by a pretty cheerleader, and he hadn’t hesitated to answer. He’d said yes. Aelin wanted to cry. She’d ruined her reputation with one of the most popular seniors in school last night, and Rowan had been invited to prom. She dreaded the notion that they were going in separate directions. Would Rowan leave her behind? She wasn’t sure she could bear that.
“Oh.” She paused, regaining her bearings. “Well, that’ll be fun?”
“You think?” Rowan asked, nervously running his hand through his hair.
“Totally.” Aelin hoped she sounded more sure of herself than she felt. “You’ll know all your teammates, and it’s junior prom, you know?”
“Yeah…” Rowan looked over at her and shrugged. “I guess…it’s just not what I imagined my first junior prom to be like.”
His face was wistful, and Aelin wanted to ask him what he was thinking, what he’d imagined. Was it what she’d dreamed? The two of them, wrapped up in each other on the dance floor, closer than they’d ever been, smiling into each other’s mouths? Probably not.
“I guess plans change,” Aelin said softly, and Rowan nodded.
“I guess so.” He looked over at her, and she forced a smile onto her face, hoping that Rowan couldn’t see through her. “Will you come with me to get a tux?”
She nodded, noticing the relieved smile on Rowan’s face at her answer.
Aelin retrieved her dying phone from the coffee table and texted Lysandra.
SOS, I need more details filled in from last night. Rowan just told me he’s going to junior prom? How did this happen?
Her phone vibrated in her hand quickly with a response. Come over. I’ll tell you everything.
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ikingsley · 3 years
Ina x MC: Another Woman
Ina x MC: Another Woman
Summary: Ina has a secret admirer.
Warnings: Fluff!
Tag: @samanthadalton @domakir @kulaykape @hellyeah90sbaby @dopeyouth @kwaj05 @thedaft1​ @swimmingshoebakerydreamer​
Author’s Notes: A little fic for Valentine’s Day! Thank you to my friend @kwaj05, the “Prompt-Giver” and my personal editor LOL.
Belvoire’s campus buzzed with anticipation. It was only a few days before Valentine’s Day, but students already made plans to woo their classmates or planned grand gestures for the people they were with. Even the quietest of students absorbed the campus’s lively energy, acting more extroverted than ever. Maybe it was just being overtly friendly or being flirtatious, but everyone felt the effects of the holiday spirit.
Luna was no exception. As an intelligent, witty, attractive young woman, she was often hit on by both male and female classmates. But the stunner only had eyes on one particular woman, a certain stuffy professor. So when people flirted with her, she often nodded politely, or smiled and turned away. The lack of interest she expressed was received by her admirers, who disappointedly backed off.
It was the day before Valentine’s Day, and students piled into Professor Kingsley’s ample classroom. They came in pairs, chatting lively with their lovers. 
The class started quite uneventfully. Ina watched as Luna took her seat, flashing a knowing smile as Luna nodded back at her. Then Ina began her lecture, which very suitably was about the power dynamics between couples. Ina knew that some of her students had tuned her out, but every time she looked on at Luna, she was met with a piercing pair of eyes. And this was satisfactory enough to her. Each time, she would smile to herself, motivated to continue lecturing. 
And right before she was going to let the class work on their own, a soft knock at the door was heard.
“Professor Kingsley? I have a package for you,” a voice rang out.
“Hmm,” Ina hummed. She hadn’t been expecting a delivery. Maybe it was a romantic gesture from Luna.
Ina got up and opened the door. Nosey students stretched their necks out to see what was the mysterious package, Luna included. Luna had absolutely no idea what Ina could have gotten. She was more lowkey, a person who wanted to keep her private life, private. She’d celebrate with Ina on their own terms, and found no need to plan huge public gestures.
It was much to Luna’s surprise when the delivery man presented her with a teddy bear, chocolates and a bouquet of red roses. The gift was left anonymous and Ina thought she knew who had given it to her.
What... Luna thought. Red roses? That was her and Ina’s flower to each other. It carried a heavy weight, especially after the sabbatical ordeal.
Luna was uncharacteristically not having it. But a wolf-whistle from several of the frat boys in her class brought her out of her stupor. Is this was jealousy feels like? she thought. But I’m not a jealous person!
“Damn Prof! I see you,” Ford commented.
Luna did a quick glance around the room. Everyone around her was smiling, and to not look like an outlier, Luna put on her best fake smile. Meanwhile, Ina smiled sheepishly at the boys’ wolf-whistle and Ford’s comment. She gave Luna a quick glance, one that lasted merely a quarter of a second. Had she really given Luna a good look, she would have been able to tell something was wrong. But Ina’s quick glimpse at Luna’s faux demeanor made her assume that the sender was in fact her girlfriend. 
Ina smiled to herself and subsequently wrapped up class. Today she was teaching back-to-back classes, and Ina made sure that Luna was well-aware she wouldn’t be able to lag behind to avoid them being caught. Quickly, Ina was left with an empty classroom. Everyone had places to go and people to see. Though she found it odd that Luna hadn’t even acknowledged her on her way out, Ina didn’t think much of it.
“Baby, I’m home!” Ina called out.
Night had fallen quickly. Ina had a faculty meeting that seemed to last hours. Dean Steinhelm had droned on again, and many of the professors fought to stay awake. Despite a relatively boring meeting, Ina had noticed that Professor Alvarez was looking at her every so often. As the newest addition to the sociology department, Professor Alvarez had worked closely with Ina. Ina once was the new teacher in Belvoire’s human science school, and she knew how isolating the experience could be. Ina took Alvarez under her wing, like a sort of mentor, despite their age difference of only a few years.
Ina walked into the office, and put down her work bags. She then strolled into the bedroom, where she found Luna sprawled on the bed doing homework. Ina stood leaning in the doorway, drinking Luna up. 
“Are you gonna greet me or just stand in the doorway like a brooding loner?” Luna said, without looking up from her laptop.
“I do not brood,” Ina said, finally shuffling towards the bed.
“You so do,” Luna replied coldly.
Brr! Ina thought. Luna’s tone was slightly reprimanding, leaving Ina concerned. She seemed fine during class...“Lu, are you okay?”
“Hmm. Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just tired,” Luna sighed. 
The hours that passed between the class and now had calmed Luna down. Sometimes it would cross her mind and she’d feel a sense of jealousy wash over her. Luna hadn’t considered herself a jealous person, but with Ina it was different. There was just something about her. But then Luna realized that she was being unreasonably jealous. Ina was by far the most popular professor, and one of those stupid frat boys probably sent her that gift. And then she’d laugh because she knew the frat boys would never have a chance with Ina. This vigorous cycle repeated itself, but eventually she’d felt relieved. Ina was hers.
Ina crawled into bed, wrapping Luna in her arms. “Hey, thanks for the gift today in class,” Ina whispered into Luna’s ear.
And again, Luna felt jealousy course through her, “Ina, that wasn’t-”
“The mysterious aspect of it was quite hot. But it was also swee-” Ina said letting out a hot breath. 
“Ina! That wasn’t me!” Luna exclaimed.
“Oh. So...who was that then?” Ina asked quizzically. 
“I have absolutely no idea.”
“Does my secret admirer bother you?”
“Not really. I know you’re mine and I’m yours.” Luna’s jealousy fluctuated often, but she didn’t want Ina to feel bad about the present. Ina had no control over who found her attractive. I mean, come on. Ina was just drop dead gorgeous.
“I’m glad. A couple of my relationships...have deteriorated because of jealousy. I don’t need that extra drama in my life,” Ina said. 
Now Luna really didn’t want to bring up her varying jealousy. She turned away from Ina, and Ina fell asleep holding Luna.
Hours passed by. It was almost four in the morning, and Luna was still wide-awake. She tried so hard to not feel jealous - that was so unlike her - but something wasn’t sitting right with this whole secret admirer thing. Ina shifted in her sleep, pulling away from Luna. 
“Ina?” Luna asked.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” Ina turned to Luna.
“No, I’ve been up.”
“Why?” Ina shifted to check the time “Jesus Lu, it’s almost four!”
“I...” Luna began.
“What is it?”
“I know you didn’t want me to be jealous and normally I’m not but I don’t know, something feels off. I know it’s not your fault, but the red roses are our thing and I-”
Luna’s rambling was cut off by a forehead kiss. 
“It’s okay. I know I’d feel jealous,” Ina admitted. “It’s cute that you’re a little jealous. But I’m yours. And yours only.”
Luna sighed in relief. 
“Is this why you’ve been acting weird?” Ina asked.
“I guess. Sometimes I feel jealous, but other times I know that it’s always been us. Not anyone else. My feelings have changed every couple moments.”
Ina gave her another forehead kiss. 
“It’s only you,” Ina smiled while Luna leaned in for a kiss. The jealousy she felt dissipated. Their relationship had only been strengthened by the secret admirer. The two broke out into raucous laughter. It was a weird situation, but they had gotten through another hurdle together.
“Who do you think sent it? ‘Cause I think we need to have a little chat,” Luna said, cracking her knuckles in a fake overprotective nature.
Ina laughed, but racked her brain.
“Do you think it was a frat boy?” Luna hummed.
Ina shook her head. “Gifts from those students tend to be more...flamboyant and never anonymous.” Ina recalled getting serenaded by the football team on various occasions.
Finally, Ina gasped. “Oh my god...it’s Professor Alvarez!”
“The new professor of sociology?!” Luna laughed.
“Yes! Just because I was being nice to her doesn’t mean I was hitting on her!” Ina followed. “Wait...she’s married...to a man. Hold on! She mentioned she was going to send me a gift for helping her adjust to Belvoire. That’s why she was looking at me in the faculty meeting. She wanted to see if I figured out it was her! The cheap ass! I guess that’s what was on sale because of Valentine’s Day.”
“What’s your definition of nice to her? Because being nice to a friend is different than being nice to your girlfriend.” Luna whispered in Ina’s ear, her hot breath hitching Ina’s own breath. 
“Come here so I can show you what nice is,” Ina said, straddling Luna’s hips.
Luna woke up to the smell of something pleasant. That can’t be Ina, she thought. She threw on a satin robe and walked to the kitchen. Her jaw dropped.
“Ina! You didn’t burn your apartment down?” Luna snickered.
Ina rolled her eyes, but didn’t turn around. “I have to focus!” she said, pointing at the iPad next to her. It was playing a very detailed video about cooking eggs and bacon. “Go back to bed.”
“Aww, breakfast in bed?” Luna smiled.
“Mhm,” Ina hummed back. “Now go before I actually burn my place down.”
“Simp,” Luna said under her breath, turning to return to the bedroom.
“I heard that!” Ina laughed.
Ina came with two plates of bacon and eggs in her hands. 
“I know you felt off after yesterday, but Happy Valentine’s Day, my love,” Ina said. “I’m yours, and yours only. Also, I didn’t want to buy anything because Valentine’s Day is the epitome of a capitalism-”
She was cut off by Luna reaching up and kissing her forehead.
“Babe, I’ve heard this rant before. You’re such a nerd, but I love you,” she said pointing at her lips. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Ina put the plates down, kissing Luna with everything in her. 
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alia-turin · 3 years
Could you maybe write a fanfic in which Eredin likes his future significant other but she spends time with Caranthir and he gets a little jealous and things get angsty.... in the end it turns out she returns Eredin's feelings too and they end up together so... fluff!
Hello my lurking friend. I’m not sure if I fulfilled your heart’s desire, but your story is below the cut. I would most likely that on AO3 as well, if I don’t forget. I hope you enjoy that.
Eredin had never been one to hide his feelings or afraid to show them, but he felt a loss right now. 
First time he saw her was a couple of weeks ago, she had been talking with Avallac’h in the courtyard, Eredin had just arrived back from a hunt with an unicorn’s head hanging from his saddle. Avallac’h was the first thing that attracted his attention, it has been a rare sight to see the man in the castle, but then he noticed his companion. She was just...perfect. Eredin never believed in perfection, nothing in this world had been created to be without a fault, but he had stared at her so long and couldn’t find a thing that was not created with excellence. He was going to approach her and talk to her, he wasn’t a shy man, but by the time he dismounted she was already gone. 
Since then he had seen her a few times, always in situations that were inconvenient for him to speak with her, or she disappeared the moment he could finally talk to her. She was like a ghost, never there when he could talk to her, but always haunting him. Eventually Eredin gave up on the random encounters. He was a predator and he was going to act like one. 
He went out of his way to learn about her, she was a daughter of a nobleman whose name he had never heard, but that was no surprise, Eredin did not care about politics. Recently she had started showing skill with magic and her father was hoping that Avallac’h could teach her a trick or two, the Sage had refused. Her father was planning to keep her around to see if he could find someone else, so Eredin concluded he had some time left.
His next opportunity came sooner than he had expected. He wanted to go for a ride, it had been a beautiful day. When he reached the stable’s door, he saw her. Eredin smiled at his luck and started walking to her then he suddenly froze. She was smiling and...blushing while talking. There was a tall figure next to her, his face covered by a hood, but Eredin could recognize the other man anywhere. Caranthir helped her on the horse, she was still all smiles, and then he got on his own horse. Neither of them noticed the king as he was behind them. 
Eredin’s fists were clenched so tight blood had stopped flowing to his knuckles. From all the people in the world Caranthir? Really? He could understand some of the appeal, he was a Navigator, the best ever, strong mage, as strong as Eredin, but that was about where it started and ended. Or where it should have started and ended. She was blushing, that was what he couldn’t understand. Eredin knew his men, Caranthir was a friend and he had learned to respect him, but he had the charm of a rock.
She was blushing. 
If Eredin was to say that the thought of killing Caranthir in this moment did not cross his mind, that would be a lie. He always got what he wanted and what was one Navigator in his way. 
Caranthir walked in the common room of the castle, it was already late at night and he did not expect to see anyone there. For his surprise Eredin and Imlerith were there sitting at the far end of the table and drinking. Caranthir did not need company, as per usual, but he didn’t mind sitting with them for a moment. 
“Where were you?” Eredin launched the question before Caranthir even sat down on the chair. 
“Out…” he answered very confused. Did he miss something? Was he supposed to be somewhere else? Looking at Eredin’s face he must have missed something important as the man was obviously angry with him. Caranthir turned to Imlerith who just shrugged and drank from his glass as an obvious statement that whatever was going on he did not want to be part of it. 
“Who was with you?” Eredin grinned. It wasn’t a friendly grin, that was more a dragon about to turn him into a pile of dust type of grin. 
“I was alone....” Carathir was getting the very unnerving feeling that Eredin was after him for something, but he could not figure out what. He tried running his day through his head, nothing had happened and he could swear that there was nothing he was supposed to be doing today that he might have forgotten. He went to town, he came back, he needed dinner. He looked at Imlerith again for help, the man had pushed his chair back as if expecting Eredin to crawl across the table and strangle Caranthir. 
“Really?” the grin was gone from Eredin’s lips now it was a very sarcastic curious look. “You were not with a woman?”
“A woman?”He was even more lost than he was before. “What would I do with a woman in town?”
“I have an idea or two…” Imlerith chuckled but the other two ignored him. They were just staring at each other, Eredin obviously upset about something Caranthir thinking how fast he can open and close a portal that the other man couldn’t track him through. 
“I saw you in the stables, before you went to town. Alone.” Eredin’s voice emphasized the last word as if there was some hidden meaning in it. Caranthir had no idea what that might be. “You were with that new girl, the one that was hoping Avallac’h to teach her. You were talking with her and you helped her on her horse and the two of you left.”
Caranthir started laughing, he knew he was taking his life in his own hands by doing so, but he just couldn’t stop. Eredin was jealous. He wasn’t good at dealing with his own feelings but that made him an expert in recognizing other people’s feelings, even in Eredin who usually kept most of that well guarded. 
“In all the years you have known me, how many times have I just gone to some random girl and asked her...what on date in town? Seriously?” Caranthir pointed at his face and shrugged in confusion. 
“He has a point.” Imlerith added but both Eredin and Caranthir glared at him and he pushed his chair even further away.. 
“I was saddling my horse, she came to me asking about magic and Avallac’h, I might have barked at her something. She apologized, I felt like an asshole, I told her if she wants to learn more about magic, there is a good section in the bookstore in town, I helped her saddle her horse, rode with her to town and I went on with my day and I have no idea what she did. We barely talked, not sure you have noticed but people tend to be intimidated by me, one has to wonder why, and I don’t talk to them. If you are going to kill me over that, do it faster, because I need a drink.” Caranthir couldn’t believe he had to even list all that for Eredin. He hardly remembered the encounter from this afternoon, he didn’t even recall what she had said about Avallac’h, beside his name, that had set him off. 
“That’s it?” Eredin narrowed his eyes as if trying to determine how likely it was for this story to be a lie. 
“We had wild sex between the stables and the main gate with seven unicorns, but that is not so important.” he deadpanned. Imlerith spit his drink sending the content from his mouth flying all over the table. “I don’t even know her name.” he added seriously. 
“Fine.” Eredin said as he poured a drink for Caranthir. That was the closest he would get to an apology and he accepted it. 
Eredin spent the night thinking about his conversation with Caranthir. In retrospect he might have overreacted. He wouldn’t go as far as to use the word jealous for his feelings, but certainly something in him stung when he had seen her talk to the other man and just...the way she was smiling and blushing. Caranthir’s words had definitely deemed him innocent but what if she was attracted to him? 
He was walking down the hallways of the castle when he saw her on the other end, her eyes fixed on the wall right of her staring at Ge’els paintings. Eredin smirked and walked with purpose toward her, right in her path until she bumped into him, she was going to fall but he placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her standing. 
“I’m so sorry…” she said as she lifted her head and saw him. “Lord Eredin! I truly apologize.”
“You should watch where you are walking.” he smiled with the corner of his lips, seeing the surprise in her eyes. His tone was not aggressive but intrigued. 
“I’m truly sorry! I was trying to find Lord Caranthir and then I saw the paintings…” she had the confused face of someone who saw Ge’els paintings for the first time, Eredin could relate, but he was too fixed on the first part of her sentence. 
“And what would you possibly need with Caranthir?” his hands were still on her shoulders, her eyes fixed on his face. She reminded him right now of a rabbit captured by a predator bird hoping she would survive. 
“It’s a bit silly…” she looked away and that blush from yesterday appeared again on her face. Eredin’s jaw clenched. “I ran into him yesterday in the stables and I feel like I offended him.” her eyes looked back at him, so innocent. “I’m leaving Tir na Lia in a couple of days and I wanted to take my goodby with the Sage Avallac’h, I thought Caranthir might know where he was, but I think I said something to offend him. I just wanted to apologize.”
Then it clicked in Eredin’s brain. That blush...it wasn't an attraction, it was embarrassment. Caranthir said that he had barked something at her, knowing him it probably was sarcastic even borderline humiliating. She was embarrassed by approaching him about something that she thought was offensive, but in Carantir’s mind it was just annoyance. Eredin wouldn’t admit that out loud, but he felt foolish for jumping into conclusions.
“He wasn’t offended. Probably annoyed, if his feelings reached even that far. I wouldn’t worry too  much. He is probably somewhere brooding and he does not remember that conversation.” he was sure about the brooding part, thanks to Eredin he most likely would remember the conversation for some time now.
“Really?” she looked at him hopeful. Based on how her body relaxed Eredin realized she didn't really want to see Caranthir again, he had that effect on people, she was just too kind and thought she did something bad. 
“He will be fine, trust me.” Eredin moved next to her, one hand still on her shoulder. “How about I show you the rest of Ge’els’ paintings. They don’t improve but they do get more interesting.” he lied, but she didn’t need to know that. His hand moved in the middle of her back and encouraged her to walk with him. “You said you are leaving Tir na Lia in a couple of days? I think you should stay a bit longer.”
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wolfcha1k · 3 years
It’s Our Nature
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["You know, Grug. Eventually, Eep and Guy, they're going to want to start their own pack. Just like we did, it's our nature."] Grug is confused about when his little girl stopped being so little, perhaps its time Gran and Ugga tried reminding him it wasn't too long ago he was just like Guy and Eep are now. [Pre!A New Age, contains Guy/Eep and Grug/Ugga fluff/One-Shot]
You can read it here on Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13785964/1/It-s-Our-Nature
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28525908
Please leave a read and a review ~ Thank you ~It was really hard sometimes for Grug to accept his little girl wasn't so little anymore. She'd always been stuck like tar to his side and would demand stories as a young child. The old cave walls were filled with tiny hand prints he never realized had grown bigger until Guy came along and forced him to be reminded Eep was indeed a woman. She was nineteen summers old and the fact wasn't lost on anyone who had functioning eyes in their head. 
Fathers only saw with their hearts though and inside Grug's his daughter was still that rambunctious sweet little girl who needed him to protect her. That also included suitors.
"Grug you're brooding again," he heard Ugga say from behind him.
"This is just my face." Grug shifted his weight from where he sat lounging against his favorite rock. 
"Trust me, I can see them just as clearly as you can." 
Grug couldn't help but stiffen at her call out of his snooping. Was it really spying though if the two were out in the open? They were together by the beach with Chunky playing third wheel. The demanding feline squeezed his way between them when he felt they were being too touchy. Or maybe it was just Grug self projecting, his cat generally liked being the center of attention. Guy and Eep were fishing by hand in the water but it soon turned into a game of seeing who could out run the tide first whilst trying to knock the other down. Chunky kept getting confused by this activity as he shook droplets off his wet paws. 
Eep was in the lead by at least seven points, it wasn't like Grug was keeping track though. "Why didn't you tell me sooner Eep was all grown up?" Grug side eyed his mate who just laughed at him. 
"She's up to your shoulder and gives you a hard time like every teenager, I thought it was obvious." Ugga nudged him with her elbow, her small hands were busy threading a bone needle with sinew as she sewed new clothes for her family. 
"Well… she was always a stubborn girl and big for her age," he quipped as he crossed his arms.
"And then she got that doe-eyed look when mister-you-know-who showed up." Ugga batted her eyelashes playfully in emphasis and folded her hands beneath her chin a moment. It was hard to keep a straight face, Ugga quickly laughed it off. Grug set his jaw in a very uncharacteristic pout.
"Never should have stuffed him in the log," Grug said with less heart than he actually felt. Sure, he enjoyed roughing the kid up sometimes and making a big show of being upset seeing Eep with Guy but in truth he was fond of the… guy. It was still his job as a dad to scare Guy a little. 
"Oh don't say that, he's practically our son now."
"Does that mean I need to protect him from Eep then?" He kept the edge of hope out of his voice the best he could as he faced his mate.
Ugga rested her chin on her fist thoughtfully, she put the needle safely away as she watched the two lovebirds chase one another on the beach. "You might, honestly," Ugga said with a warm voice. "She's a handful."
He heard a startled yelp from the shore and got to enjoy the sight of Guy yet again face planting in the sand. Eep pounced over his toppled form, he was spitting sand from his mouth.
"Gotta be faster than that!" She shouted with a victorious smile. 
Guy mustered the energy to mockingly look at her like he was bothered but the toothy grin that spread on his face afterward said otherwise. 
"Lovesick idiots," remarked Gran as she hobbled over to join them. She watched Eep and Guy fondly despite her toughness. "What I wouldn't give to be their age again. Especially with a boy like him, where was he fifty summers ago?"
"Ugh, I don't need that mental image," Grug mumbled with a shudder, his face surly. 
"Aw Grug. Don't you remember what it was like to be young and in love?"
"I do, and that's why I'm worried!" Grug jutted a thumb behind him and caught the confused blank stare Guy gave the group at catching their gossip. "Young and hot blooded, Ugga."
Eep went over to haul Guy back up by the scruff of his neck. She shot Grug an embarrassed and irritated look that was muffled by her wild mane of red hair. "Ugh… Dad, we can hear you!"
"Good! So keep your hands to yourselves! You don't want little Eeps!" Grug paused. "I don't want more little Eeps, one of you is plenty!"
Guy gaped at them like a suffocating fish, Gran guffawed and shook her head. "Let them be, lunkhead. Not like they'll do anything in front of us, eh?" The two younger children of the Croods clan, Sandy and Thunk, looked up in confusion from where they were busy playing with Douglas a short distance away.
Eep pulled the curtain of hair over her eyes and wished for the ground to swallow her. Guy rubbed the back of his neck at the narrow eyed look Grug shot him. 
Ugga rolled her eyes and began to try shooing the old woman off. "Mom, please."
"Come now, it's my generational right to tease the youngsters." Gran reached forward with her staff to hook it under the back of Grug's pelt shirt. She jerked it up with more speed than a lady her age should have, causing Grug to choke a moment as he grabbed for the shirt collar. "See? Like that! Sides, I got plenty of blackmail about you two turtledoves too. Grug was pathetic."
Grug eyed her with a pointed glare once he was free of her pesky walking stick. Gran was unbothered, only grinned a toothy smile as she flopped comfortably onto the sand. She glanced towards Eep who perked at the potential to embarrass her father for once. It was hard to miss the mischievous wink she sent her granddaughter. Grug didn't like the curious glint in those green eyes as his spunky daughter practically skidded to seat herself near Gran. Guy followed clumsily as she had a vice grip on his hand. How Eep hadn't pulled his shoulder out along the way, Grug would never know.
It wasn't long until the entire family were seated in front of Gran. Thunk had Douglas in his lap and Sandy was curled around Belt who cooed at the attention. Ugga gave her mate a look that was screaming 'you brought this on yourself', Grug resigned himself to his fate out of pride. Real men didn't run from such things and as the patriarch he refused to be cowed by silly stories of when he was courting Ugga. 
"What was dad like with mom?" Eep asked as she leaned forward, grinning. She looked at Grug who just huffed. 
"Like I said, utter mushy rotten fruit. You think Guy is tooth rotting, you should have seen your father in his day." Guy pouted at being the butt of the joke as usual, he cast his dark eyes at Grug. He smirked as if to boast at the boy, smug that he wasn't going down alone in this evening razzing. "I wanted to chuck a rock at him every time he came to see Ugga."
Some of Guy's pride was built back up again though when Eep fondly rubbed shoulders with him. Grug began to wonder if it really was self-projecting this time when Chunky nosed his way between the young couple for a snuggle. Guy looked startled whilst Eep just scratched the Macawnivore between the ears.
Ugga decided to play traitor this night. "Mom how about you tell the kids about that time when Grug went on that big errand you gave him."
Grug couldn't help but wince and gave Ugga a scowl. The little minx had the nerve to grin innocently at him despite the betrayal. 
"Big errand?" Guy echoed, he was barely visible from under Chunky's massive form.
"That story is my favorite," Gran cackled with a devious gleam in her eye. "And see Guy, back in our day if you wanted to court a woman you had to do something for the head of the family! Gramp was dead so I got to pick the task. Bless that heart attack he had."
Eep and Guy shared a look before both teenagers gazed questionably at Grug. He fidgeted before rolling his eyes. "That was Yesterday stuff. Besides, Guy saved us from The End with all his weird ideas so… consider the tab paid off."
"That brain thing of yours is really useful," Eep agreed with a girlish tone. 
Guy blushed red at the compliment but didn't shy away from it. If anything it just made him glow proudly. "There's more where that came from," he quipped and knocked his knuckles lightly against his temple.
Grug almost wished he'd missed the bright, lovesick smiles the two shared despite Chunky barring them apart to the best of his ability. The desire for his daughter's happiness won out though, luckily for Guy who beamed. Even protective fathers and clingy Macawnivores weren't enough to stop true love it seemed.
"Anyway… it's no secret I didn't like your dad. So I came up with the most impossible task ever to earn Ugga." Gran licked her dry lips as she grunted, "Of course Grug had to go and actually do it."
"What did you make dad do?" 
"Told him to go get a hair off a naked molephant."
Guy blinked. "But naked molephants don't have hair."
"Well, this is Grug so of course the nincompoop found the one blasted molephant that had hair." Grug let himself puff his chest out like a peacock preening its feathers. 
"Yeah, well, you should have known better when you set me out on a job, Gran." He gave his mother-in-law a catty grin, for now he could relish in a past victory that smarted her way back when.
Eep looked at her grandmother mischievously. "So… when does the story get good?"
Ugga snickered, by now she had abandoned her sewing to sit between Thunk and Sandy. Thunk leaned against his mother as the woman combed her fingers through his scruffy mop of hair. "When he came back with his tunic ripped apart by a tusk," Ugga interjected.
"Wow," Thunk said in awe, turning his eyes to stare at Grug. Grug appreciated at least one Crood wasn't laughing at him. "How'd you do that?"
Gran cocked an eyebrow with a chuckle. "Yeah Grug, tell them."
Grug crossed his arms moodily. "Just for the record, it was a real life or death battle getting that stupid hair."
"Ugga was sewing his left buttocks for weeks," Gran said with a slap to her knee, the memory made her lifetime, really. She lifted her bony hands up to gesture with those old curled fingers of hers a measurement. "He's got a scar like this—"
"—ANYWAY! Like I was saying," Grug grumbled. He turned his attention back to his family. He scooped up a clump of sand and clay from the ground below and drew a vaguely person-like shape into the rock he had been lounging on. Then he drew a beast with tusks and a long nose next to him. "It was a battle of life and death, there I was, twenty two summers old—"
It was pure spite that kept him going hours after setting forth into the desert. Gran was convinced he couldn't win her daughter as his mate, and so when the old lizard raised the stakes he was determined to prove her wrong. He would get Ugga, she was something special and worth more than daylight itself.
He loved her and if it took getting a stupid molephant hair to be with her then so be it. Gran had been making him jump through hurdles since the day he'd met Ugga, it was no secret they shared a mutual loathing for each other. It also came from the same selfless affection the two had for Ugga, though Grug would have thought knowing he made her daughter happy was enough for her. Growling under his breath, he wiped the sweat from his brow. 
There was still a good five knuckles before the sun would set, he'd find it before then. Either that or he was going to face the dangers night brought—
“You? Staying outside at night?” Eep sounded doubtful.
“...yes,” Grug huffed. 
“See? Big mush,” Gran interrupted.
"Can I finish? Nobody interrupted this much back in the cave," he grumbled moodily.
—He was sure the beast was around here somewhere as he took a cautionary sniff of the dry, dusty air. Grug could see footprints inbedded in the barren and broken ground that sand didn't cover yet. Running onwards, he pressed his knuckles into the ground as he paced himself. 
Grug crossed the desert quickly and ignored the aching in his palms and feet from the hot tough earth. He was built strong and a little pain wouldn't stop his pride. He paused when the scent grew stronger, flaring his nostrils he climbed up a nearby tree to survey what was around. The sun was strong against his eyes and Grug strained through the bright rays of light to see a dark speck in the distance. In a nearby canyon below, Grug finally found what he was looking for—
"What about never being afraid?" Thunk asked his father.
Grug looked at Thunk before settling his dark eyes on his beloved Ugga. "I was afraid," he admitted with a chuckle. "But I wanted to impress your mother more. Being stubborn and hormonal is a terrible mix."
"You stubborn? No!" Eep exclaimed with a teasing grin. Guy gave her a playful look from where he was walled by Chunky.
Grug made a vague gesture with his hand and he relished in the confused faces Eep and Guy made when Chunky pressed his full weight against both of them. Guy yelped for mercy as Eep tugged on the cheeky feline that was crushing him into the sand.
"Grug! Please call him off!" A large paw cuffed his head, Guy's words quickly muffled.
Grug suppressed a grin as he went back to his story. "I found the molephant so what was next was getting the hair—"
Grug couldn't say how long it took climbing down that cliff wall to reach the level the molephant was at. It was risky and went against what Grug practiced in his beliefs. Caution and fear kept him alive this long, yet here he was about to go harass an molephant for some hair it might or might not have. Dread pooled in his belly and made him cold, going after more beasts was not how he wanted this to go. Breathing heavily through his gritted teeth, Grug crept as quietly as he could across the canyon. There were many tall and small rocks around that would provide cover should he need to hide.
Grug didn't have a brain, cavemen didn't use those. At least he didn't and it showed when he found himself running full speed away from a rampaging molephant. He relied on his gut instinct to weave and dodge its massive tusks that were swung at him. Grug scrambled and whenever he managed to get close, the creature stomped it's way towards him with a vengeance.
He bit back a curse when a tusk just barely ripped part of his tunic at his chest—
"—so this is when the story gets to the best part," Eep interrupted with a cheeky hum. She'd since rescued Guy from the weight of Chunky and had him cuddled protectively in her arms. She rested her chin on his mused up brown hair. Guy idly stroked one of her hands that were interlocked at his neck and chest.
"I thought it was always at the best part," Thunk quipped in a confused voice to his sister.
"If I say anything else I'm worried I'll become Macawnivore food," Guy said and tipped his head to the side with a huff. 
Ugga smiled at her children as Grug shot them a look to be silent. "Look if you want to laugh at me can I finish this up then first?"
Gran reached her staff out to bop Eep over the head, her bushy red hair cushioned the blow. "Yeah, hush your tongue." 
Eep huffed when she felt Guy trying to muffle his grin into her arm. Grug shook his head at the sight, feeling a fond nostalgia swell within him despite the protective instinct. He looked at Ugga and she just arched a brow at her mate. Grug turned back to telling the story, large fingers drawing more on the rock.
"The molephant was putting up a good fight but your old dad was better—"
—He was swearing aloud and screaming as he hung onto the tusk by his shirt. Grug was glad he didn't feel wounded but this was just a disaster waiting to happen. Even the molephant seemed dismayed at the fact he now had the man stuck on his face. It kept rampaging and Grug strained against the beast in order to sink his feet forcibly into the hard earth. Dust filled the air and with his innate strength, Grug managed to swing his body around to grab it by its tusk. The molephant slowed and leaned back to buck, swinging Grug off after a lot of effort. 
He was thrown through the air and scrambled to find his feet as he rolled like a big boulder. Dazed, Grug just barely got out of the way of the molephant as it charged him. Panting, Grug finally saw the hair on its angrily swishing tail. It groaned in frustration and Grug realized the molephant had gotten its massive body stuck between two rocks. Panicked and running strictly on adrenaline, Grug reached forward to yank off a clump of hair from its tail. It trumpeted its distress, Grug began to rush away but there was the sound movement. He dared to look behind him, yelling out he did all he could to escape the incredibly pissed off beast.
It only took one stupid stumble to find that in that split moment he was thrown into the air. Pain flowered under his back and rump. The last seconds felt like they were slow motion as he landed harshly into a patch of huge, prickly brambles. Everything went blurry and before he knew it, there was nothing...
He'd awoken to darkness and the scent of blood in his nose. He was tangled upside down in a bramble bush and covered in an uncomfortable amount of burrs. There was also pain in his rear end and back, Grug noted with a groan. However the panic he felt for that hair won out his concern for his current state. He couldn't go back without that blasted hair!
He froze his struggling at a sound in the distance and cowardly he hunkered down the best he could whilst suspended in the air head facing down. However, it soon turned into a voice. "...Grug! Grug?!'
"Ugga?!" He whispered harshly and in the moonlight he saw the cavewoman trotting cautiously on all fours. "I'm over here!"
Ugga hurried towards him and gave him a worried once over. Grug grinned at her concern until she scowled, harshly tugging on his ear like he was an impudent child. "Are you asking for a death wish, Grug?! Look at you! I can't believe you took mom seriously!"
"...it's good to see you too, Ugga," he grunted, pressing a hand to his ear to drown out the headache she gave him.
Ugga circled him with careful gray eyes as she tried to figure out how to get him down. "You are lucky no hungry predators sniffed you out first before I did," Ugga continued to scold.
Grug stiffened at the mention of such a risk and reached an arm to grab her shoulder as if it would protect her. "You shouldn't even be out here," he grumbled back.
"I know but after hearing mom laughing it up with the tribe about this stupid errand I needed to find you," Ugga hissed, pulling away to give him another stink eye. "I'm so mad at you right now."
"Yeah well once I find where that dumb hair went I'll be the one laughing at her!" Grug exclaimed, wiggling in an attempt to dislodge himself. 
"Would you hold still? You're just going to make yourself worse," she complained and began to tear at the thicket with her strong, calloused hands.
Grug, being the stubborn man he was, continued to squirm this way and that. "I can get down myself," he huffed.
Ugga threw her hands up in frustration before yanking at a cord of bramble. "You have a head made of rocks, Grug."
Grug opened his mouth to argue back before suddenly falling. He cried out when his head hit the ground, grabbing at his neck in pain of the impact. Nursing a bump that felt like some giant goose egg, Ugga examined his tunic.
She made a noise through her teeth in fret. "How are you not dead right now?"
"I don't know!" He said with a growl, shuffling to sit up. Everything hurt from his skull to his toes that spread out in the pulse of his blood. "But between you, your mom and that molephant, all of you are really trying to bury me!"
Ugga rolled her eyes and spun him around, she pulled up his shirt before Grug could even protest. "You're lucky," she sighed, relief warming her voice. "That molephant tusk missed a major arterie. Really ruined your tunic though."
He softened and reached a hand out to touch her arm. "I got other shirts."
"It's probably going to scar. Can you walk?" Ugga faced him once again, he couldn't help but frown as he watched her wipe her bloody palm in the sand. My blood, Grug thought with a pained wince.
The adrenaline of the moment and even beyond it was wearing off, Grug really wanted to go back to his cave to nurse his wounds and ego. "I think so. Um… help balance me?" 
A smile lit up her face and Grug wondered if it was the blood loss or her that made him sway breathlessly. "Sure." Ugga offered her arm to him which he took.
However, he stopped with a groan. "Ugh… wait. The hair, I'm not going back without that hair!"
"Forget the hair, Grug. Mom will get over it."
"Oh no! Ugga, I'll never hear the end of it if I don't give her that stupid hair!" Grug let go of Ugga to try peering through the darkness on the ground, crouching on his knuckles.
Ugga put her hands on her hips. "What is so important about getting my mom this hair? Naked molephants don't even have hair."
Grug just stuck a finger at her triumphantly. "Yes, yes they do and I swear to the sun it's not just me getting loopy from all this blood loss."
"Grug, you're scaring me," Ugga said in a deadpanned tone, brows arched.
"That old lizard can't keep us apart anymore after this," he continued to ramble on and on.
"If it's a hair that ancient fossil wants in order to get her out of mine for good then so be it," he continued.
"If you want to be my mate so bad why don't you just ask me yourself?"
Grug stopped his frantic search and stiffened up like a ribbit being hunted by a liyote. He turned to face her and saw she looked disappointed, arms crossed over her muscular chest. "Um… excuse me?" He wanted to kick himself for stuttering, he wasn't a boy anymore.
"I'm not something to trade for, and the fact you actually went through with it astounds me." Ugga shook her head with a sigh. 
Grug shuffled his weight uncomfortably, he'd never been good at addressing his feelings out in the open like that. Even if it was for Ugga whom he loved dearly. "I know you're not an object, Ugga."
"Then why ask mom?"
"I… I don't know. I guess… I got tired of her talking badly about, you know… us." Grug looked at her with a frown, uncharacteristically vulnerable. 
Ugga reached out to cup his cheek in her hand as she stood in front of him. "Mom says a lot of things, you really need to tune her out."
He turned his head to brush his nose against her palm in a fond gesture, slouching. "She always says I'm no good for you, Ugga."
"Well, lucky for us mom isn't the one you have to court. It's me." She leaned back on her heels, still stroking his face with a gentle touch for a woman as fierce as Ugga. 
"I'm just saying, getting her to shut up would be a win win to this mess." Grug shrugged his shoulders in a dismissive way, a small grin on his face.
Ugga rolled her eyes at him. "You and your manly pride are going to get you into trouble."
"If I'm already in trouble I might as well finish up," he quipped. Grug found his molephant hair amongst the broken debris the molephant had left in its rampaging wake, he’d lifted it up triumphantly in the moonlight. Ugga shook her head. “Okay, now, we can go back!”
When they returned, the sun had started to rise over the desert as dawn chased off the night. Gran had stood outside the dwelling she shared with Ugga, her scowl etched deep into her wrinkled features. The other families were creeping out of their dens in preparation of the morning hunt and foraging, their curious eyes were shocked to see Grug limping back into the canyon with Ugga supporting his hulking mass.
Grug shoved the wad of hair into Gran's face with a low growl, "Here's your stupid hair!" The old woman took it with muted shock for once, gaping mouth wide as she looked between Grug and Ugga. With a burst of adrenaline and pride, he looped his massive arm around Ugga's waist to haul her over his shoulder.
She gave a startled laugh, lightly smacking her fists into his back. "We're going back to this tradition, are we?"
"I gotta make sure your mom doesn't try anything again, you're as good as mine now," Grug huffed, limping with his Ugga secured in his grasp like she weighed light as a feather.
"You're too much, Grug."
"You've never complained before," he shot back with a grin.
"C'mon big guy, I think all that blood loss is affecting your head. Let me patch you up."
Grug headed for his cave, merry that he'd gotten Ugga and at the same time shut that awful lizard of a mother-in-law up. It costed him his pride, he noted, it was hard to ignore the snickering of the families around them. He only bared his teeth at them which seemed to work for the moment. Once his back was turned the whispering and giggling continued.
Ugga merely pressed her forehead into the back of his neck and it made everything better… least until Gran moved in but that was a different story for another tomorrow. 
Grug finished his story with flourish, loosely drawing what seemed to be a lopsided circle around the two images presenting Ugga and himself. 
"I like that story," Eep said, a bit dreamily as she looked at the pictures. "It wasn't really embarrassing though."
"It was if you were there," Grug scoffed as he wiped his clay covered hands on his pelt.
"Well, it still makes me laugh at least," Gran said from where she sat, cackling. 
"You laugh at anything that has me getting beat up," he pointed out, surprisingly with a much more amiable tone.
"Not true, now that you learned some jokes I laugh at other things too."
Ugga smiled fondly at her mate, letting Thunk sit up so she could go wrap her arms around his bicep in a hug. "Thank you," Ugga said, rubbing her nose into his cheek. 
Grug softened and felt his ears burn, giving her a small smile. His eyes fell to his audience and he couldn't help lingering on Eep who still had Guy draped in her lap. They were gazing at one another like nobody else existed around them for the moment, Guy lifting a finger to fondly boop her nose.
Ugga shook her head. "Let them be, you remember what it was like still." She patted his arm fondly with a knowing smile.
Grug huffed but said nothing, just reluctantly looked away from the two lovestruck teenagers. "I've been lounging around too much anyway." He tried shrugging off the blatant teenage romance going on right in front of him. "Since they're busy, dinner duty is on me now." The plan had been fish but he knew that failed disastrously from the word go. 
He grabbed Thunk by the shoulder and the boy protested a moment, Douglas scampered between their legs as Grug lead the way towards the woodland hugging the beachfront. Ugga watched Grug go, sighing like she was a girl of twenty summers old again. She reached down to grab Sandy who wiggled in her arms, Ugga tucked her under her elbow without batting an eye over the feral snarling. She cast one last look at Eep and Guy before walking off herself, intending to put Sandy down for a nap.
"C'mon you little scamp," Ugga told her daughter. "You need all the rest you can get for when Dada comes back with food."
"Hey… where did everybody go?" Eep found a moment to look away from Guy to realize the clearing had been well… cleared out. Only one that remained was Gran, the old battle ax of a woman rolled her eyes.
Guy lingered his gaze on her still. "I don't know but you are still here so it's not a problem yet for me."
She fought off a smile best she could but failed at his widening one.
"About time the two of you joined us back in this world," she grunted in a teasing tone, her joints creaking as she pushed herself to her feet.
"Oh, hey Gran." Guy waved a hand idly in her direction. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Eep inquired, huffing.
"Oh, you know very well what I mean," Gran replied, stretching a kink out of her back. She gave a satisfied sigh at the pop, leaning comfortably against her stick. "Anyway lovebirds… I want my afternoon nap now. Laughing at Grug really wipes an old lady out."
"Hold on a second!" Eep exclaimed, springing up to her feet. She unceremoniously hefted Guy up in her arms as she did so, his dark eyes only startled for a second. "Why is that story your favorite, really?" Eep asked with a squint.
She put Guy back on his own two feet though clung to his bicep. He leaned against her solid form without a thought, it came as easy as breathing air. "You and Grug didn't seem to have the best relationship," Guy added thoughtfully as he looked at her.
Gran huffed through what was left of her teeth, shaking her head. "It reminds me of how foolishly in love you two are," she chuckled at the matching blushes on their faces. "Being so devoted that you go and do something stupid to prove it. I'd watch your back Guy, Grug knows he can get you to climb in Chunky's mouth if it means Eep is your reward for it."
"Eep isn't a thing," he sputtered.
Eep couldn't help but playfully jab his ribs. "I'm not a catch then?"
"Of course you are!" Even at her most gentle, Eep knocked the wind out of him and he was wheezing.
"See! That is what I mean," Gran cackled as she reached out to pat Guy fondly on the shoulder. "Lovesick idiot. Eep has you down pat. That's okay though, us ladies like a man who's easy to boss around." She winked at Eep and Guy.
She heard Eep's disgruntled scoff as she turned away, a mischievous grin tugging her old lips. "Do try to behave yourselves. Well, I'll say ta-ta for now, loves." Leaving the two to their own devices at last, Gran began to hobble off after the direction her daughter Ugga had gone.
Guy stared at the pathway until Gran was a mere speck and turned to look at Eep. "Am I easy to boss around?"
"Behave ourselves," Eep said, pouting. "She's acting like we have no restraint!"
Guy chuckled with a teasing grin, leaning down to brush his lips against the hinge of her jaw. She immediately melted. "Maybe she's kinda right about that, at least," he mumbled against her chin. 
Eep nuzzled herself closer to him, feeling his breath fan her neck. “We probably shouldn’t prove her right, you know how Gran is.”
Guy just huffed and began to pepper her neck and face in kisses, Eep had no complaints despite her playful refusal. Rebellion just came with being young, even if the old codger would relish in teasing them later for it.
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
I saw one of your recent reblogs with the little bats and you mentioned getting it tattooed. So my brain came up with this idea that I find ✨adorable✨. Do you remember when we were talking about how in a modern AU, Regis would be like a sophisticated older man, but he would be tatted up? Ok so imagine him and reader being in a relationship for a good long while, and he at one point told her that he really thinks through his tattoos before he gets them done and puts a bunch of thought and feeling into each one. So as a gift during a milestone in the relationship, he says that he wants to get a matching tattoo with them, and they can help choose some ideas, and the reader recommends the two little bats because 1. Cute, and 2. She Knows about what he is and wants to show their love for him?
Im so sorry this is super detailed and I know your busy but I had to share because I thought you’d appreciate it🥺💕love ya dear!❤️—🍯
A/N: I needed to distract myself from rdr2 so this is what happened. and I’m not even gonna lie. I am seriously thinking of having someone commission Regis with tattoos…... 
You hummed quietly as you moved around the room, gathering what dishes had been left on the table and placing them into the wash basin. You didn’t get very far before hands were on your hips, stopping you from moving, and a warm breath was brushing across your neck. 
“Darling, I told you I’d get these when I returned. Dettlaff just needed a moment to chat before he left.”
“I know.” You looked over your shoulder to Regis. He kissed your temple and tried to gently move you aside but you refused to move so easily. “No! I’m already here and I’m already cleaning it up. It’s almost done-,”
“Then there’s no harm in letting me finish it, is there?” He raised his brows. 
“My darling, you are so stubborn.” He gave you another kiss to the temple. “Just let me help you.” 
Using a little more strength on you than what he’d usually like to, he was able to move you aside and start picking up the wine glasses from the table. 
You huffed and hurried around the table to try to get the last two cups on the other side, but Regis beat you there, using his vampiric powers to teleport himself there. What he didn’t count on, however, was you bumping into him. This caused him to spill the remnants in the wine glass all over himself and on your dress. 
You gasped, your hands coming up to cover your mouth. Regis laughed, moving to place the glasses with the rest of the dirty dishes. 
“Regis, I’m so sorry-,”
“No worries, darling.” He cut you off, shaking his head. “No worries at all. It’s just clothes. Clothes can wash.”
He took off his doublet and put it over the back of a chair, then he began to unbutton his undershirt. You went to help him, gently nudging his fingers away so you could work on the buttons yourself. 
“I don’t mind doing the cleaning.” You spoke softly, looking up at him through your lashes. “Especially when Dettlaff is here. I know he has a hard time sometimes. With…. With just….”
“He struggles fitting in sometimes.” Regis sighed gently. His eyes fell to watch your nimble fingers. “But he will be okay. He’s always okay.”
“You just worry about him.” You finished unbuttoning the shirt and looked up at his face. “It’s a shame he wouldn’t stay here a bit longer.”
“He didn’t want to invade- which I told him was rather silly.” Regis shrugged out of the undershirt and put it over the same chair the doublet was on. You watched him move, admiring the way his muscles moved beneath ivory skin.
He had a number of tattoos across his back, including a large moth that spread across the top of his shoulders and a skull that rested at the small of his back. 
“But he insisted. Saying some nonsense about it being our fifteenth anniversary.” Regis continued to talk, though you were too caught up admiring his tattoos to really listen. 
He turned back around to face you, wondering why you weren’t saying anything. 
Your eyes immediately darted up to his face upon realizing he had caught you staring. 
“I, uh, I was, erm-,”
“Staring?” He grinned, tilting his head to the side a bit. 
“Well, yes.” You admitted, feeling your cheeks get hot. “But I-I was also thinking…. Fifteen years?” You repeated, almost in disbelief. 
“Fifteen years.” Regis confirmed. He nodded his head, closing the space between you two. “Seems like just yesterday you stole something very important from me.” 
The corners of your lips turned up as he approached you. You couldn’t help but step back until you bumped into the counter. Your heart was racing, thumping against your chest. It was the most wonderful feeling to have your heart race the same way it did when you first met him all those years ago. 
“What did I steal from you?” You tilted your head back to look up at him properly. 
His long and slender fingers trailed along the side of your throat then your jaw until he reached your chin. His thumb carefully traced your bottom lip.
“My heart.” His breath was warm as it fanned across your face. 
You giggled. Your eyes left his, trailing down to the moon tattooed over his heart. You brought your hand up to trace over the black ink just as you had done numerous times before. 
“Fifteen years.” You whispered. 
Regis took your hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. Then he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“Let’s get this mess cleaned up, darling. I’ve got something I’d like to discuss with you.” He began to pull away without any further explanation, leaving you a little worried. 
“Oh, okay.” You nodded your head. “Um, is it-is it anything I should be concerned about?”
“Oh, Heavens no.” Regis shook his head, moving back to you to give you another kiss on the forehead. “I’m sorry to have worried you. But it’s nothing that you need to worry about. Just something I want to discuss.”
Regis climbed into bed to get comfy while you finished braiding your hair at your vanity. After the braid was finished, you moved around to your side of the bed. You clambered across the mattress until you reached him. Instead of laying down, you leaned against his hip, curling your legs up beside you. 
“What do you want to discuss?” You asked. You picked up his hand and decided to examine the tattoos on the back of his hand and his fingers rather than look at him. 
“Well, I know today marks the day of our anniversary so I’d be a little late for it, but I want to do something for our fifteen years. Something that isn’t just dinner with Dettlaff and a romantic night in.” Regis watched you curiously as you looked his tattoos over. It fascinated him how you were always so captivated by his tattoos even though you knew every single one he had. 
“Do you have something in mind?”
“Mhm. A tattoo.”
Your eyes flickered up to meet his almost instantly. Your lips parted and Regis could hear your heart start to beat quicker. 
“Oh, Regis. That’s-That isn’t a good idea.” You shook your head. 
“Why?” He sat up, propping himself up on one elbow. “I’ve given it plenty of thought. Marriage isn’t an option, it’s not something either of us want.”
“But that doesn’t mean you should get something permanent like a tattoo for our anniversary on your body, Regis.” You shook your head. “What if we aren’t…. What if we aren’t permanent?”
“My darling, there has never been a time in our fifteen years that I have ever thought I’d want to be with someone else.” Regis sat up all the way and reached out to cup your cheek. “And if there would ever come a time when I no longer had you, I’d seek out someone willing to liquidize me again. I don’t want to be without you, Y/N. I love you.”
You searched his eyes, your hand coming up to hold the back of his that rested on your cheek. 
“You’ve thought it through?”
“I have.” He nodded firmly, pulling his hand away from your face. “I’ve thought it through plenty. It’ll be a bat. And I want it here on the inside of my wrist, just above my pulse.” He turned his arm over to show you the bare skin on his forearm. You brushed your fingertips over the spot, pressing gently until you could feel his pulse beating firmly beneath. 
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. He wanted to do this as an act of commitment to you. As if he hadn’t proven his commitment before. You both had rings from your tenth anniversary and necklaces from your fifth. Now, he was getting a tattoo. 
“I want one too.”
Regis’s eyes widened as he lifted his head to meet your gaze. 
“Darling, you don’t have to.”
“I know.” You nodded softly. “I want to.”
“Where do you think you’d want it?”
You thought about it for a moment, looking down over your arms and then your torso. 
“Perhaps my ribs. The left side. Your heart is bigger on the left, isn’t it?”
“It is.”
“That’s where I want it.” You stated proudly, rubbing your side through your chemise. 
“If it is what you want, my darling, but please don’t feel like you have to.” Regis shook his head softly. 
“I want it, Regis. It’s a really nice and-and a really beautiful idea.” You clasped your hands together in your lap, but they didn’t stay there for very long. Regis took them and held them in his own. 
“Why do you want it there?”
“You have my heart.” You answered softly. “It’s yours. You protect it.”
He smiled at you, leaning forward to kiss your cheek. 
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an–actual–human–disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @wellthisstinks @andyrazzledazzle @she-wolfoftheinquisition
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