#did fragment
eclipse15 · 11 months
Friendly reminder HPD isn’t popular girl disorder, it’s actually impairing.
It can mean getting sh urges because you don’t feel like you have enough attention. It can mean feeling like you have to exaggerate your pain because you feel empty inside. It can mean blowing money and time on clothes and makeup so people comment on your appearance. It can mean people not trusting you because the way you talk is exaggerated and leaves out key details. It can mean doing stupid shit that gets you in serious trouble and makes you seem like a bad person because others were doing it. It can mean being heartbroken because what you thought was an intimate relationship was just two acquaintances.
HPD is impairing and I’m tired of people treating it as a “less severe” pd. It’s a disorder for a reason!!!
Imi, He/it
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plural-affirmations · 4 months
Here's to headmates that are very similar!
I think, sometimes, the plural community puts too much emphasis on being different from each other. However! It's perfectly welcome and wonderful to be similar!
Shoutout to headmates who:
Have the same hobbies
Like the same media, such as TV shows or music
Are all based on a "persona", or an approximation of who they'd be if they were a singlet
Are fragments, or are less developed than most systems
Have OSDD-1A/P-DID, or are median
And anyone else I missed!
You don't have to be completely distinct to be a system; you're still very much real and important. Brains are funky lil things, and if you have headmates that are barely distinguishable from yourself? You're still valid!!
You're so awesome!
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evergreensys · 8 months
Do y'all mind if we ask, what is a fragment? I've heard the term but haven't figured out what it means
Yeah, no problem! A fragment is defined as "any headmate that usually does not possess full autonomy, sapience, or identity", [1] "an alter that is not fully differentiated or developed", [2] and "a member of a system who isn't a complete person or is not a fully formed person". [3]
In C-DID/polyfragmentation, fragments can usually be viewed as "pieces" of an alter. Several fragments splinter off a headmate, which is often a traumaholder. The traumaholder fractures off shards of a single memory, held by the individual fragments. When all fragments of an alter fuse, they may gain access to the full picture of that specific memory.
This isn't to say all fragments are like this, though. Sometimes, you can split fragments individually as a result of not being fully formed before they front. This is the most common situation for us, actually! Unfortunately, there's not much explanation (that we've seen, anyways) for why this happens. It's just something our brain feels like doing, haha.
Edit: Also! I forgot to mention that fragments are sometimes split off for a single role/event/trauma. In fact, I've heard of many cases where the splitting is caused by redundancy, for lack of a better term. Say there's a system in need of someone to protect them. They split a fragment, and that fragment's sole purpose is to protect. Now, fast forward a bit, and the system needs protection again. Instead of calling forth the first fragment, the system splits off another fragment. It's pretty annoying to experience, actually.
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It feels like a prison; having your emotions restricted to being viewed through a filter of deep sadness. I should not front, yet I am here.
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chemicalcarousel · 8 months
how can i tell the difference between a fragment and an alter i just don't know that well yet?
i think there's someone who's been lurking in the background, but i'm not aware if they have any awareness, role, personality, ect. i have a vague feeling of how they look and maybe some personality traits, but i have no idea if i just made up an oc subconsciously to fit with how i was feeling. but maybe she's a fragment/alter who's sometimes influencing the front. and maybe she is a fully formed alter, but we just haven't gained communication with her yet
thank you for reading!
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eelektrossfan · 3 months
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the sinner and the bird from above
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there is something so essentially ‘jonny sims’ about the consequences of mag200 being not just the dissemination of eldritch fear entities but also those very same entities being farmed by a soulless civil service department that runs on caffeine and vitamin d deprivation
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pespillo · 9 months
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Nice to meet you ! My Name is
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the-habitat-sysblog · 3 months
it's quite frustrating when you work up the courage to tell someone you have DID, but they hit you with "well, *i've* never noticed you switch" or "to me you're always the same person".
i think those statements are so misinformed to how DID (most often) presents. there are some things to note when observing DID from the outside:
not all cases of DID are overt. overt refers to your symptoms, switches & differences between alters being obvious to people from the outside. overt DID is less common than its counterpart *covert* (more secretive) DID. in covert DID, symptoms may be less noticeable from the outside, & that may lead to difficulty being diagnosed.
masking. masking is the ability some people possess to pretend to be someone/something that they are not. in DID, alters who are not the host part may mask as the host part to feel safe, undetectable, or simply out of instinct. before discovery of the system, this may be a subconscious effort; after discovery of the system, this may be purposeful in order to hide alter differences from others, for any reason.
complexity of identity. let us imagine that the host in a system is an ambivert - not quite introverted, & not quite extroverted. this host switches out, in front of their friend group, & a social part or other extroverted & friendly alter takes their place. their friends assume that they are just in a "friendlier mood", while in reality this person has switched. meanwhile this alter has a completely different set of interests, identity, & such, but since it is not brought up in conversation, the friend group does not suspect their friend has switched between separated self-states. identity is complex, & alters are (often, not always) able to feel & express a large range of emotions, depending in their mood. this can make it harder to tell the difference between an alter being in a strange mood, & a whole new part fronting!
so, next time you meet someone with DID, believe them. not all of our experiences are visible! edit: "DID" here can also be replaced with OSDD1, P-DID or UDD, but i just used DID because that's my specific experience.
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eclipse15 · 1 year
Actual System Red Flags, Not Just Ableist “They *insert average system experience* 🥺” Shit
We see this mainly on TikTok, but our TikTok is personal so we won’t post it there. Here are some ACTUAL system red flags that let you know something is up.
Endogenic/any other non-traumagenic/mixed origins
Systems may split due to something that may not seem traumatic to another, but it is very important to keep in mind window of tolerance. They may also split seemingly due to something random, but it’s most likely due to outside trauma. This eliminates mixed origin.
Let us be clear, endogenic systems and anything non-traumagenic do not exist. It has been proven time and time again that systems, OSDD, P-DID or DID, form due to trauma and trauma alone. “But it’s not in the DSM-V or ICD-11!” The ICD-11 and DSM-V can be and are flawed. The DSM states that you must be underweight and/or isolated to have ARFID. Both books classify autism as a disorder, not a disability.
This is not to say all who claim to be endos/mixed origin are actually those things. They could be traumagenic and just not know. Either way, it’s a huge red flag.
Claims to have polyfrag/complex/highly complex OSDD or polyfrag/complex/highly complex P-DID
Let’s get one thing clear, polyfragmented does not mean 100 or more alters.
Maybe controversial but it is impossible to be polyfrag OSDD/P-DID. Dissociation is a scale. On the lowest end you have your average joe, on the highest end you have HC-DID/a TBMC or RAMCOA polyfrag system. Unlike autism and schizophrenia, it is not a spectrum. This means if you have OSDD or P-DID, you cannot experience complexity or high complexity in a system. It may appear that you have OSDD or P-DID, but it could be because of a subsystem or sidesystem. This is actually common in C-DID and eleven more common in HC-DID.
Note: Sidesystems are exclusive to HC-DID as they are a set of programmed alters, usually with the same program. Even if you have C-DID, you cannot have sidesystems, you would have a subsystem.
Claims RAMCOA and TBMC systems don’t exist/fake claims them
RAMCOA: ritual abuse mind control organized abuse.
TBMC: Torture based mind control or trauma based mind control.
The fact that some people believe this greatly saddens me. The denial of RAMCOA and TBMC is giving the ritual abusers, mind controllers and organized abusers power. It’s exactly what programming is for, for them to not get caught and for the victim(s) to be at the mercy of the abusers. It is real, it does exist and systems form due to this. This is not to say programming cannot fail and a system is not formed. This is to say that it’s does happen, and that it is vile to claim otherwise.
Claims introject heavy systems and systems with PDs don’t/can’t exist and fakeclaims them
PD: Personality disorder
Personal note, but as a system with autism and introjects, these people just piss me off.
There is no evidence stating that systems can only have one mental disorder, including a PD. In fact, the only mental disorders that a system cannot scientifically possess is another dissociative disorder in addition to the disorder that makes them a system (this does not include BPD as it is not a dissociative disorder, it just has dissociation). For example, one cannot have OSDD-3 and HC-DID, or DID and DPDR. They may have symptoms of another dissociative disorder, but this is because of their already existing one.
As for introjects, it is proven that systems of all bodily ages, shapes and sizes can possess introjects. Autistic systems and systems with ADHD are more likely to have introjects as well. We’ve found that when somebody fakeclaims a fictive heavy system, they’re usually doing it from a place of viewing autistic systems and ADHD systems as impossible. Pretty ableist :/
Supports any of these
I think this is pretty obvious but just because you yourself don’t fake claim introject heavy systems, systems with a PD or C/HC-DID systems, that doesn’t mean you can’t support people who do. Same with Endos/mixed origin. If you don’t do those things or aren’t one yourself but you support it that makes you almost as bad or just as bad. If you’re wondering why these things are bad, just look at what we’ve stated above.
Those are all of our system red flags, let us know if you have any other actual red flags. Thank you for reading!!!!
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plural-affirmations · 4 months
Here's to fragments!
Fragments [link] are headmates that are not "fully" formed; they're common in complex dissociative disorders such as DID/OSDD/etc. They're most often present in polyfragmented plurals, though they can technically be in a system of any size/function. Let's talk about them!
Shoutout to:
Fragments that feel they're two-dimensional, or have limited personality/interests
Those who fragmented off of someone else in their system
Introject fragments of any and all kinds, including those who struggle with feeling valid
Fragments that want to develop as a person more, but aren't sure how
The ones who popped up to front once or a handful of times, only to never be heard from again (we have this happen often... we remember and miss you!)
Fragments that aren't in polyfragmented systems
And anyone else I missed
I love you so much. You don't have to be a multifaceted individual to be important or valued in your system. It's ok if you only have one role, one reason to front, one singular thing you know about yourself. We love you not in spite of these things, but in appreciation of all that you are. Always know you're worth it. ❤️
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ever-go-on · 1 month
seeing traces of what might be another child part
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a fragment/EP (Lola) fronted by herself today— although only for 5 mins- but I think she’s pretty interesting so I’m gonna make her an intro post
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Lola is a fragment in the Breezy subsystem. She holds a small range of emotions/feelings, including grief, melancholy, and sadness. in the inner world, she lays in a bush of red zinnia flowers- occasionally wandering around the garden. She doesn’t appear as a photorealistic person, but as a moving painting. We don’t know what memories she holds, besides the fact that they are about loss and grief.
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here is the faceclaim source (THANK YOU so much to thew1tness for finding it for us!)
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chemicalcarousel · 6 months
People say the difference between fragments and alters are that fragments don't feel like "full people" well none of us do what then
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ok-pop-1 · 6 months
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a drawing for @ikaishere's dtiys!! had a lot of fun revisiting an older shading style of mine and playing around with lighting :)
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