#demolish white supremacy
burythecarnival · 10 months
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🧚‍♀️ demolish white supremacy 🧚‍♀️
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pal1cam · 3 months
The year 2023 has been regarded the deadliest year for Palestinians since the 1948 war (also knows as the Nakba, which means Catastrophe in Arabic).
During the Nakba war about 250 Palestinian villages faced the fate of being demolished (some to the point of not existing on the map anymore) and their residents were forcibly displaced.
Today in Gaza, the numbers of the martyred and the injured are increasing every single day and yet the whole wide world is watching from afar, as if the Palestinian life is cheap or not worthy of speaking out for…
Don’t repeat the mistake made in 1948, because the damage done by the Nakba will never be forgotten and Palestine will never recover from it, but today it’s 2024 and you have a voice and you can use it to change something, and you have the ability to make your governments not repeat that same mistake once again 76 years later.
So use that voice and maximize your abilities, talents and the resources that you have to let the whole entire world know about what is happening in order for the whole world to rise and revolt against the ongoing Nakba against not only Palestinians, but also every oppressed people in the world that faces a horrible fate due to colonialism and white supremacy.
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One of the trad lifestyle’s most potent attractions is nostalgia. When the Neelemans began renovations on their 103-year-old, 2,500-square-foot farmhouse in 2018, they instructed the contractor to expose the original hardwood floors and restore the century-old fireplace that the previous owners had tiled over. They asked for a red wooden barn for their animals rather than the metal ones preferred by modern farmers. “Each time a visitor compliments us on how much they like our ‘old red barn,’” Hannah wrote on Instagram, “I smile. It’s only two months old, but you would never know.” The contractors also demolished the kitchen to bring Hannah’s vision to life, but “we didn’t restore our centenarian home to its original glory only to endow it with a modern kitchen,” she explained. Instead, they replaced the old white stove with a cast-iron AGA model that costs up to $20,000, hid the refrigerator in the pantry, and installed a linen curtain to conceal the dishwasher. Pioneers didn’t have such luxuries, but the Neelemans would—in private.
The past that tradwives want to return to, an anachronistic pastiche of rugged pioneer individualism and midcentury familial plenty, never really existed. The lifestyle they promote is, like the Neelemans’ faux-rustic kitchen, a thoroughly modern construction: its incongruous elements are concealed behind bespoke doors and linen curtains. These aesthetic signifiers, confused as they may be, point to periods of American history in which white families were prioritized above all others. And some tradwives are explicit about their desire for racial supremacy.
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A former principal who sued the Toronto District School Board after he said he suffered workplace harassment during an anti-racism training session has died by suicide.
Richard Bilkszto, 60, worked for the TDSB for 24 years, primarily in adult education. He retired in 2019, but continued to serve as a fill-in principal on contract, most recently at Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute in Etobicoke.
Earlier this year, Bilkszto sued the school board, alleging that his reputation was “systematically demolished” during two anti-Black racism training sessions in the spring of 2021 when, after he challenged some of the speaker’s comments, he was singled out and accused of supporting white supremacy.
Bilkszto allegedly suffered “severe emotional distress” and had to take a stress leave as a result. He filed a “mental stress injury” claim to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, which allowed the claim and provided compensation for two months of lost earnings. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @vague-humanoid Original post.
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trans-axolotl · 4 months
"Antiblack psychiatry has variously encouraged enslavement, colonization, institutionalization, incarceration, disenfranchisement, assimilation to whiteness, abnegation of blackness, and mind-dulling or mind-destroying medical procedures as "treatments." To the contrary, antiracist psychiatry prompts us to reckon with the pathology of white supremacy, to attend to the ongoing trauma of antiblackness, and, most ambitiously, to overturn the extant racial order. Regarding that "massive psychoexistential complex" imperiling black people, for instance, Fanon writes: "I hope by analyzing it to destroy it." By disclosing its sinister blueprint and exposing its corroded foundation, Fanon hopes to help demolish the complex."
-How to Go Mad without Losing Your Mind: Madness and Black Radical Creativity by La Marr Jurelle Bruce, 2021, pg 26.
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tealingual · 6 months
Israel Genocide in Gaza vocabulary in Finnish
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Israel - Israel Israelilainen - Israeli Palestiina - Palestine Palestiinalainen - Palestinian Gazan kaista - Gaza Strip Hamas - Hamas Vastarintaliike - resistance movement Terroristijärjestö - terrorist organization Israelin puolustusvoimat - IDF Asevoimat, armeija - military, army Sotilas - soldier Komentaja, päällikkö, johtaja - commander Sionismi - Zionism Sionisti - Zionist Radikaali juutalaisuus, äärijuutalaisuus - radical Jewishness, Jewish extremism Juutalainen ylivalta - Jewish supremacy Rasismi - racism Syrjintä - discrimination Rotusyrjintä - racial discrimination Palestiinalaisvastaisuus - Anti-Palestinianism Arabivastaisuus - Anti-Arabism Arabophobia - arabophobia Islamophobia - islamophobia Sulku, saarto - blockage Kollektiivinen rangaistus - collective punishment Pakkosiirto - forced transfer Kolonialismi - colonialism Apartheid - apartheid Etninen puhdistus - ethnic cleansing Kansanmurha - genocide Väkivalta - violence Verilöyly - massacre Hyökkäys - attack Maahyökkäys - ground attack Tankki, panssarivaunu - tank Ilmaisku - airstrike Taistelukone - combat aircraft Hävittäjä - fighter plane, destroyer Räjähde - explosive Raketti - rocket Ohjus - missile Pommi - bomb Atomipommi - atomic bomb Valkoinen fosfori - white phosphorus Tulitauko - ceasefire Kohde - target Sairaala - hospital Ambulanssi - ambulance Koulu - school Pakolaisleiri - refugee camp Moskeija - mosque Kirkko - church Kauppa - store Leipomo - bakery Hautausmaa - cematary Asuinrakennus - residential building Aurinkopaneeli - solar panel Avustuskuljetus - aid delivery Humanitaarinen käytävä - humanitarian corridor Evakuointikäytävä - evacuation corridor Rajanylityspaikka - border crossing Aseistautumaton - unarmed Siviili - civilian Uhri - victim Pakolainen - refugee Panttivanki - hostage Loukkaantunut - injured Kadonnut - missing Ruoka - food Vesi - water Polttoaine - fuel Sähkö - electricity Internet - internet Tietoliikenne - telecommunications Raunio, kivimurska - rubble Pöly - dust Kaasu - gas Ulosteet - excrements, feces, waste Mädäntynyt - rotten Ruumis - corpse, dead body Veri - blood Haju - smell, stink, odor Kärpänen - fly Melu - noise Tauti, sairaus - disease, illness Nälkä - hunger Jano - thirst Unettomuus - lack of sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia Turvattomuus - lack of safety, insecurity Pelko - fear Menetys - loss Trauma - trauma Rikos - crime Ihmisoikeusrikkomus - human rights violation Kansainvälisen oikeuden vastainen rikos - violation of international law Rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan - crime against humanity Sotarikos - war crime Propaganda - propaganda Vale - lie Tekosyy - excuse Vastuu - responsibility Syy - blame; reason Hyökätä - to attack Kostaa - to revenge, to avenge, to retaliate Ampua - to shoot Pommittaa - to bomb Iskeä - to strike Tuhota - to destroy, to demolish Vaurioittaa - to damage Rikkoa - to break; to violate Tappaa - to kill Murhata - to murder Teurastaa - to slaughter Haavoittaa - to injure Estää - to block Katkaista - to cut
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marstonie · 2 months
MY THOUGHTS — i beg to read to the end. saying that zionism and israeli jews are epitomizing "white supremacy" has to be the worst fucking opinion i have ever had to witness. god, you fucking antisemitic pigs are unbearable. yes, antisemitic, not antizionist — believe me. if you would just spend one serious minute of your life to indulge yourself in the history of israel, in the history of HOW it came to be, and especially WHY it came to be, all of you naive, ignorant people would see pretty clearly that this isn’t an aggressive, "settler colonialist" (😭) state, but it’s the reaction to thousands of years of opression, to an ACTUAL genocide of over 6 million jews, to the fact that no place on earth wanted to harbour them in safety — so first question, where else to go? and please enlighten me, after you’ve spent actual time reading in a history book or attending a real school, how israel was the initial aggressor in this conflict? how jewish people back then were doing something bad or fundamentally different than what every single group of people had done in the history of humanity — to migrate and to settle. do we want to go over the settler history of arab states and nations together? do you want to enlighten me, what makes the arabs settling good, and the jewish settling evil? do you care to provide any information that isn’t solely based on bias or — how do i say — hatred for jews? one pattern i have been very much observant of, is that the majority of the pro-palestine movement is uneducated, and refuses to use any actual historic facts or historic depth as backup for their cries to eradicate the only safe home that jewish people have on this messed up world. and i, too, believe the expansion politics of israel to be wrong, and strongly believe that palestine should exist in a free, individual state — however, the pro-palestine movement is calling for palestine to demolish the jewish state. to eradicate and murder millions of israeli jews. they are saying things like "resistance isn’t terror", and believe this is a cry for peace — when the hamas terrorists raped women, murdered children, beat teenagers and elderly in blood and kidnapped hundreds — terror remains TERROR. you can acknowledge this terror, and still call for palestine to be free! i AM calling for palestine to be free! yet, i am asking you, how do you expect to have diplomacy, when the leading political force of gaza is currently, a terror organization. tell me, how? but you won’t want to tell me, because to you, the murder and rape of jewish, innocent people is resistance. i hope you fake and disgusting activists choke. i am a shockingly pacifist person, but this bullshit makes me feel rage and sadness beyond words. i hope you all wake up from this disgusting lunacy, and turn to actual activism, turn to actual advocacy for peace. i will always be advocating for peace and the freedom of both these states. you guys are doing neither.
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cutestrongsad · 1 year
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To June | Jordan Alan Brown
the house my father grew up in was demolished when he was a child, no older than seven, to build an expressway. the street was a tree lined parkway, designed by one of the most heralded landscape architects. proof that anything is fleeting when standing in the way of white supremacy and capitalism stands no chance.
a road we took often as a family and alone, i often found myself drifting into dreams of family reunions and funerals and house parties. written between the summer/fall of 2020, to june is a poem about survival, displacement, and the black diaspora written to my uncle, my father, and of our families, who lost their homes, safety, and community to the hands of white flight that plagued so many northern american cities from Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Gary, etc. exploring the vast desolation these events brought into vibrant, historically Black communities stirred up feelings of grief, hopelessness, and solidarity.
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The piercing whine that emanates from the rift gets the attention of just about everyone in Hisui, when it starts around sunset. 
It’s followed by a gradual thump-thump-thump, like a heartbeat from the sky, growing louder and more rapid as time passes—and then the entire sky flashes with splinters, and shudders, and the rift cr-CRACKs like thin ice. Ripples of impossible colors echo out from it as it widens and shifts— 
And then something long and metallic comes sailing out of it. Like a spear thrown by Sinnoh Itself, it soars beautifully over the Temple, before gravity works out what’s going on and it suddenly does a nosedive back towards the mountain. The initial meeting between it and the ground is accompanied by a horrible, ear-grating SHRIEK, as the stone and metal bitterly fight each other for supremacy, but its inertia is gaining strong now, and it simply leaves its sheared pieces behind. It ricochets its way down the steeper parts of the slope, and then enough of its underbelly has been lost that the tiny wheels speckling its sides can actually function, and then it starts picking up even more speed with a teeth-rattling ka-CHUNK-ka-CHUNK-ka-CHUNK, falling inevitably down towards the plaza and the ravine beyond. 
In an act of divine mercy, it skips over the plaza without demolishing it. Its back segment gets lodged on a slight uphill before the ravine, and the front segment completes its weak arc and falls back towards the rock, CRASH-CLANGing into it. For a moment, it seems like it’ll come to rest there. The mountain is filled only with the sound of various sheets of metal screeching and wailing their way down to join the main body, while it pauses to contemplate its path so far. 
Then, almost simultaneously, the front half dislodges from the first and completes its nosedive to the bottom of the ravine, and the back half explodes. 
This, the train decides, has made its point. 
“Good. Go—just—one more.” 
That’s the voice that greets Lewis as he inches his way cautiously towards the wreck. From this angle, so far, all he can see is gnarled metal jutting up and away from the crash site, the nose buried in the hard dirt and some segments slightly smoking. But that’s distinctly a human voice—and one that’s short and taut with pain, at that. 
He’s hyperaware of the other half of the metal wreck, teetering on the cliff just above, but it didn’t seem like it was about to follow the front half down, and Ingo had had a point, earlier, that if it did come down, he was the least likely to get hurt from it. So he forges ahead. 
Something dark blue and twisty—a Pokémon, he thinks—wriggles its way back up the side of the wreck and disappears back into it, just as it comes into view. Below that, sitting on the ground is a man wearing a coat that was probably clean and white, at one point, before the dirt and smoke and—is that blood—got to it. Other than that, the coat is… oddly familiar? His head is lolled forwards, and in his lap is a set of Pokéballs. But they’re nothing like the ones that Vivi uses—these seem distinctly unnatural in make, with flat whites and bright reds and the tiniest bits of metal controlling the mechanisms. 
If Lewis is being honest, a part of him was fractionally hoping to see Kingsmen here, if only because that would have been very convenient. He’d find him having dragged himself out of the wreck of his hubristic destruction, and get to gloat a lot before picking him up and threading him on one of those spikes of metal. It’s a tantalizing vision. But this person is decidedly not Arthur. 
��Hello?” he calls tentatively, and the stranger picks his head up, and okay, now he’s just confused. Because that can’t be Ingo, either—but for a moment, he was fooled. He adds, thoughtlessly, “…who are you?” 
“…Emmet,” he says, and seems like he’d like to add more to that statement, but also like one-word answers are about as much as he can manage at the moment. 
His breath is coming in tiny shallow gasps, punctured at irregular intervals by small hitches. One of his arms is joining the Pokéballs in his lap, too obscured by whitish fabric to get a clear view of, and the other one is pressed against the back of his neck which is definitely concerning. His legs are a haphazard jumble, and one of them looks like it’s twisted wrong. 
Not that any of this is shocking, if he just crawled out of that wreck. 
Emmet squints at him, and says hesitantly, “who… what…?" sounding just as puzzled as he feels—and it’s then that Lewis realizes he’s completely forgotten about his human guise. He pauses to count his blessings that this stranger didn’t freak out as soon as he saw him. 
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he says in a hurry, crouching down and trying to decide whether it’s worth it to put his face on. 
He blinks, and then says, “Okay?” which adds another point to the confusing-Ingo-double column: that was more or less Ingo’s reaction the first time, too. Although significantly more lucid-seeming. 
“I’m here to help,” he continues, “we need to…” and then he hesitates. What do they need to do? He’s not a warden; the extent of his experience is stumbling across lost travelers that are too frost-numbed to run away from him. 
They can’t stay here, that’s for sure. It’s not safe, and it’s just going to get colder the more the sun sets. But he’s not exactly confident in his ability to move him without hurting him more, either. Maybe if he helps him walk…? He can’t just do nothing—he wavers, acutely aware that he’s wasting precious time. 
Finally, he settles on, “We need to get to Warden Ingo.” 
This does not provoke the reaction he’d been expecting—Emmet suddenly gets much more conscious, and starts, saying, “You know Ingo?” and stands upright—
—which proves to be too much, because as soon as he puts any weight on the broken leg, he topples over into the dirt again, this time actually unconscious. 
Lewis is kneeling to make sure he isn’t dead, when there’s a flash of dark blue in the corner of his vision, and an angry Pokémon noise, and then he gets a Thunderbolt right to the face. 
Ingo picks his way slowly towards the upper half of the wrecked cars, watching carefully for any sign of a second explosion. 
He’s not even sure why it exploded the first time, if he’s being honest. He feels like that shouldn’t have happened, like it’s somehow an inaccurate fiction and he should be vaguely offended. But then, from what he can see through the remains of the door that’s been ripped apart, the insides of this car are loaded down with twisting, smoking metal that looks to him like a recent addition, and that could have feasibly ignited and blown, maybe. Depending on what it is. 
The metal car is draped over the rocks, accordian-folded up from the force required to halt its motion. The low sun illuminates the jagged edges of the metal in almost blinding shades of gold. If the lower car was steaming or coughing dust, this one is really smoking, a signal-flare plume rising up from the shredded door into the sky. There might be fire flickering inside, even—it’s a little too far away to tell. 
There’s a Porygon flitting around the wreck, seeming not sure exactly what to do. Curious to see one just out and about, but he remembers Miss Vivian’s theory—that they’re native to the world beyond the rift, and venture through out of curiosity. Perhaps this one got caught up in the no-brakes crash and carried along? 
His gaze wanders from the Porygon and down closer to the cliffside, and suddenly he’s moving much more quickly. 
It—isn’t a dead body. It’s moving. It’s—a young man? With a shock of fluffy, almost spiky hair that’s only a shade darker than the Guild merchant’s. He cannot be Hisuian, from his clothes, which are neon colors to match his hair. And, more alarmingly, there are several spikes of shrapnel jutting out of his back and shoulder. 
He pushes himself up on one hand, and gets his knees under him into a sitting position, and just as Ingo is closing the distance, he notices his approach. He blinks and raises one hand to wave, an action which makes him sway slightly. 
“Hey, boss. I- I didn’t mean to do th-that,” he says, pointing at the wreck, as if that were anywhere near the top of Ingo’s list of questions. 
And clearly suggests he’s not fully recovered from the explosion, so Ingo decides to go with simple and direct. “You’re injured. Can you stand-?” 
“It’s j-just, I didn’t think we’d come out vertical," he continues, as if Ingo hadn’t tried to speak at all."Which, in hindsight, that’s st-stupid, but it was just, the entrance was made on the- on the ground and I assumed th-that would conserve, but no, it snapped to the extant portal and- and- oh, fuck, that could have been so much worse, if it didn’t s-snap-“ he runs a hand through his hair, wild eyes suddenly darting towards the sky. “-but, anyway, my point is, I was too f-focused on the, the initial breach, and the s-second one was supposed to be easy, but the rift was in the fucking sky and. And, I didn’t mean to. To wreck it. It was s-s-supposed to go way better.” The last part is said with surprising fervor, like it’s very important to him that he understand it. 
He’s also turned to face Ingo more fully as he talked, revealing his other shoulder to him, and between the white fabric soaked through with blood and the fact that the sleeve is empty–
Ingo smothers a gasp, because that isn’t helpful at the moment. Instead he kneels, and says very seriously, “your arm-” 
But he only looks down, almost indifferent. “Oh, that? Th-that’s old news. Happened ages ago. Don’t worry about it.” He waves a hand through the empty space, as if to emphasize it. “Uh, appreciate the concern, th-th-though. Look, don’t worry, I’m only a- a li- little bit st-stabbed. Barely even hurts.” He shrugs, and then winces. 
“That is in no way less worrying.” Ingo shakes his head, trying to re-right his own train of thought. “We are conducting you to a safe station for maintenance immediately. This is not negotiable.” 
“Ugh, f-f-fine, don’t say th-thanks or anything. Can I at least- gloat a little bit f-first, though?” 
“You can walk and gloat at the same time,” Ingo decides to say, instead of attempting to make sense of any of the many absurd things he’s said so far. Is this how the other wardens feel talking to him? He reaches down and offers a hand, and carefully lifts him up. For the big game he talked about being only a little bit stabbed, he still has to take a lot of his weight. 
As they start stumbling away from the wreck—the Porygon chirps and flickers after them—the stranger starts to laugh. Unsteady, with his head dropped towards the ground, but slowly building, until finally he chokes out, “I’m so fucking good at my job.” 
“Language,” Ingo says automatically, and then, deciding it would be better to make sure he stays talking and therefore conscious, adds, “I’m gathering that you… somehow caused… that wreck?” 
“Fuck yeah I did!” He laughs again. “I punched a hole in sp-space! And time! Couldn’t’a picked a better fuck-you to those assholes if I tr-tried! I made it! I win!” He whoops triumphantly, except he runs out of air halfway through and it trails off. After a few shaky breaths to recover, he continues, “Can’t- can’t believe I’m here. I mean, s-s-seriously. Kingsmen name, every s-s-single journal, soon as we get back–“ 
Ingo’s steps falter, and it takes a very conscious effort not to stop entirely. 
“Is that…” he asks hesitantly, “your name? Kingsmen?” 
His head raises to squint at him. “Uh, yeah? Arthur.” 
Now Ingo actually does stop, and stare at him. His thoughts are stalled, filled with the ranting memories of a Zoroark with an exceptionally focused hatred, and a gentle nature that entirely belied it, and a thousand vitriolic stories of the man who sentenced him to a bloody death… 
Arthur Kingsmen, murderer of Lewis Pepper, apparent breaker of Sinnoh’s sacred space, blinks fuzzily at him. 
“Uh, sh-shouldn’t you know that, boss?” 
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How many people are talking about the election:
Biden: Genocide and continued colonialist policies. This is horrific and unarguable. 😓
Trump: Also genocide and continued colonialist policies. This is horrific and unarguable. 😓
“~~These things are the same and voting for Biden is voting for genocide #genocide Joe!!!!!!!~~”
The reality:
Biden: Genocide and continued colonialist policies. This is horrific and unarguable. 😓
Trump: Also genocide and continued colonialist policies 😓….AND mass deportation of immigrants the likes of which we’ve never seen AND detailed explicit agendas to eliminate trans people AND policies that guarantee future environmental damage AND stacking courts with judges who will continue obliterating rights long after trump is gone AND demolishing already fragile international relations AND white nationalism AND normalized white supremacy AND DIARRHEA FOREVER (there is not an emoji that encapsulates the level of devastation this reality encompasses)
I feel like I’m losing my entire mind watching people ON PURPOSE opt in to the second option by declaring they won’t vote.
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orchres · 9 months
do these people know that in some countries they'll have segregated lines for immigration at the airport lol like a line for black people and one for everyone else? especially if there's a large number of black people in general or a group from Africa or The Carribbean. The fact that with an imperial core passport you can theoretically access most places in the world is overrode by antiblackness as a global structure. but anyway keep being racist lol I'm so sure that will demolish white supremacy and end capitalism yup yup
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thosemintcookies · 2 months
Okay another thing about this whole concept of "x-ism affects everyone" doesn't mean that everyone is the bearer of marginalization on that axis. It's an ontological problem and a linguistic-conceptual problem. The existence of, for example racism, doesn't only create a hierarchy where those more proximal to whiteness are privileged and those who are further are more marginalized. This is true, of course. It's also true that those boundaries are heavily policed and those who step out of line are penalized.
However, the real trapping of racism in this example is the idea of race itself, the fact that we are not free from the concept of race realism, the idea that races exist and actually means anything. The road to freedom is not onto to seek equality on the basis of skin colour and cultural background but to the end of abolishing race itself as a meaningful concept at all. (I think the pertinent thing here is to dissect why races exist in the first placez where cultural groups, ethnicities, communities, etc already exist and are more descriptive of people's alliegences and context)
So this is also the case with gender and fatness and queerness. Why are these categories meaningful as hierarchical facts rather than mere descriptions of experience? How can we demolish the rigidity of these labels and the hierarchical baggage associated with these (this is the harder thing to do and requires activism and thought and includes not only social meaning but structural, institutional disadvantage).
The other thing is that while we are all affected by x-isms, but there are beneficiaries. A white man is affected by racism in the way that he is taught and he internalizes the lie of supremacy. Being affected by does not mean being marginalized by.
(we can try to reframe this into a unified struggle though- the victims and beneficiaries can and should fight together to abolish the "big bad" which is the concept itself)
Anyway, I don't like how people are using "we are all subject to x" to mean "we share in the struggle and we understand" because that's not how marginalization works. Half of us (across each axis of oppression) have the responsibility of unlearning the supremacist lie that we are better or more deserving. You know what I mean???
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vincentbarletta1 · 1 year
What is a Colonialism Example?
Colonialism is the foreign exploitation and enslavement of another country. It has been described as a kind of economic exploitation, a country's dominion over another, and linguistic and cultural enslavement of a people. Other characteristics of colonialism, such as the language of civilization, savagery, and barbarism, are used to compel people to do the colonists' labor.
Economic exploitation is benefiting one group at the expense of another. It could be a transactional or structural occurrence. There are various explanations of how this happens and how it compares to other forms of exploitation.
A victim of exploitation will receive less than she deserves. In other circumstances, the perpetrator will also cause her injury. This is an especially pertinent topic in the context of colonialism.
Sweatshops are one type of economic exploitation. Sweatshop owners may exploit employees by employing them, paying them minimal wages, and ignoring their necessities.
One of the numerous types of colonialism is dominance by outsiders. It usually refers to a situation in which the ruling class of a former colony looks up to the dominating imperial class in terms of politics and economics. It is also an inclusive term. For example, outsider dominance has occurred in the Caribbean, South America, North America, and Europe.
Colonialism is an instrumental process with three major components. Physical, human, and spiritual elements are included. The process, in particular, is the natural result of another nation's conquest of a foreign country. A colonial administration is founded for the benefit of its colony, yet it invariably impacts the lives of indigenous people.
Subjugation has indeed played an essential role in human history. Many people are oppressed all throughout the world. This oppression takes many forms, ranging from violent persecution to the marginalization of indigenous voices. Indigenous people are frequently forced to perform menial labor.
Colonialism occurs when a person or group relocates to a new land. The colonists do not merge with the indigenous people. They do not intend to supplant indigenous people. Instead, they plan to utilize the new country's resources.
Historically, European colonies were located on the African, Asian, and Latin American continents. These empires, however, have disintegrated during the last few centuries.
For most of the nineteenth century, social evolutionism, a term coined by John Lubbock, promised to demolish the concept that all societies were identical. It also offered a counter-model to the Christian/theological paradigm of cultural diversity. The following is a brief history of "civilization" as we know it today.
The advantages of French colonization of North America, particularly Canada, was one of the more critical discussions in the area. Aside from legality, the nitty-gritty of the situation comprised slavery, forced labor, and quasi-feudal social structures.
Place names were an essential part of colonialism in North America. They are significant because they reflect distinct groups' social identities and create a sense of territoriality and national ownership.
A look at the various place names found in US national parks reveals an alarming tendency. These names promote settler colonialism, white supremacy, and racist ideas.
Surprisingly, settler colonial place names are most commonly seen in popular locales. The quantity of Indigenous names is also limited. The proportion of Indigenous terms, on the other hand, increases with each degree of longitude pushed westward.
The impact of Marxism on colonialism is debatable. Philosophers disputed the legitimacy of colonialism during the nineteenth century. Some thinkers thought Europeans owed it to the rest of the world to "civilize" it. Others argued that European civilization helped indigenous peoples.
The recent European colonial effort evolved as more individuals were able to travel across oceans. Despite population dispersal, it retained political control.
Colonialism was exploitation. It included forced labor, quasi-feudal property and force systems, and slavery. Enlightenment thinkers thought all of these practices were bad.
Enlightenment intellectuals maintained the idea that every person is deserving of respect. They also acknowledged the possibility of cultural diversity. The barbarism of colonialism called these ideas into question.
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angelina-f-blog · 1 year
Multimedia Blog 3
The Black Lives Matters website presents the #BlackLivesMatter movement, a movement founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi in 2013 in response to the exoneration of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. It is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose goal is to demolish white supremacy and stop violence that has occurred in Black communities. The project is now a member-led network of more than 40 chapters. 
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Trayvon Martin was an unarmed American 17-year-old who was killed by George Zimmerman on February 26, 2012. He was a kid with no criminal record and was shot and killed by neighborhood watch in Florida. The release of Zimmerman sparked a national debate over racial profiling, as well as the ability to arm neighborhood watchmen. During the month of February, Trayvon was spending his third high school suspension visiting his father, who he was close to. Because of recent robberies and burglaries, the residence of the community back in September of 2011, decided it was necessary to have a resident as a neighborhood watch. From August 2011 to February 2012, he called the police several times claiming to see individuals who he thought of as suspicious, all of whom were Black males. During the evening of February 26, Zimmerman saw Martin, who had left his father’s house to go buy skittles and iced tea from his SUV. He called the police department to report the “suspicious activity”. Martin, who was walking between homes, started to run. The dispatcher told Zimmerman not to leave his car and follow him, but Zimmerman ignored this request, and pursued Trayvon. It was Trayvon’s girlfriend that he was on the phone with her when he noticed he was being followed, thus his reason for fleeing. Zimmerman ended up shooting Trayvon in the chest after a confrontation that is mysterious and conflicted, and ended up dying less than a hundred yards from the house he as staying in. 
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Throughout history, there have been incidences and reports of times where Black people have been shot by white cops who have been innocent. These instances of racially profiling and violent acts towards these people have stirred and sparked the movement of Black Lives Matter. Trayvon is not the only kid to have been killed in one of these instances. Many of whom did not survive. One by the name of Clifford McKissick, an 18-year-old college student at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He was a young black individual who was shot in the neck and killed by police while fleeing the scene. It was said that he and a couple other kids were throwing Molotov Cocktails. However, according to family and neighbors, he was sitting on the porch of his home when gunshots were heard; everyone, including him, began to flee in a sudden panic. His death was ruled as a justifiable homicide, which enraged the community. 
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The Black Lives Matter movement has not only become an important movement but has really been sparking change throughout history. It has not been around for that long, but does not exclude those who have been victims of racial profiling, police brutality, and other acts of injustice towards black individuals globally.  
“1967 Clifford McKissick Murder Shows How Little Things Have Changed.” Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper, 6 June 2020, https://milwaukeetimesnews.com/national-local-news-story/1967-clifford-mckissick-murder-shows-how-little-things-have-changed.
“News - Black Lives Matter.” Black Lives Matter, https://blacklivesmatter.com/news/.
“Trayvon Martin.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 23 June 2020, https://www.biography.com/crime-figure/trayvon-martin.
“University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.” March on Milwaukee Libraries Digital Collection, https://uwm.edu/marchonmilwaukee/.
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garudabluffs · 2 years
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How We Win the Civil War: Securing a Multiracial Democracy and Ending White Supremacy for Good by Steve Phillips  
in How We Win the Civil War, Phillips charts the way forward for progressives and people of color after four years of Trump, arguing that Democrats must recognize the nature of the fight we’re in, which is a contest between democracy and white supremacy left unresolved after the Civil War. We will not overcome, Phillips writes, until we govern as though we are under attack—until we finally recognize that the time has come to finish the conquest of the Confederacy and all that it represents.
With his trademark blend of political analysis and historical argument, Phillips lays out razor-sharp prescriptions for 2022 and beyond, from increasing voter participation and demolishing racist immigration policies to reviving the Great Society programs of the 1960s—all of them geared toward strengthening a new multiracial democracy and ridding our politics of white supremacy, once and for all.   https://www.harvard.com/book/how_we_win_the_civil_war/
How We Win the Fight Between Democracy and White Supremacy                                                      October 27, 2022
Founder of Democracy in Color and New York Times Bestselling author Steve Phillips, joins us to discuss his new book "How We Win the Civil War: Securing a Multiracial Democracy and Ending White Supremacy for Good."
“I did not realize it was just five days after the supposed surrendered Appomattox and that John Wilkes Booth heard Lincoln's post-Appomattox speech and says, "That means N-word citizenship, that's the last speech he'll ever give," and two days later, shot Lincoln in the back of the head. That's not surrendering. You take that to then the rise of the KKK, the destruction of reconstruction, and a hundred years of legalized segregation, white nationalism within this country. There's a very clear throughline from the actual supposed end of the Civil War to today where we continue to fight this battle over whether or not this is a white nation or a multiracial democracy, and that continues to animate our politics today.”
LISTEN READ MORE Transcript https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/how-we-win-fight-between-democracy-and-white-supremacy
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mzemo0 · 2 years
Russia Could Force U.S. To Lift Sanctions In Five Minutes If….
Every experienced observer of U.S. politics and policies in the past 60 years would readily agree that Israeli interests, security and strategic supremacy have been and continue to be the most important foreign policy consideration for successive American administrations ever since Harry Truman.
In fact, one wouldn’t go too far by arguing that in many cases, Israeli interests, as defined and interpreted by the usually-hawkish Israeli leaders, were often given precedence over America’s own national interests. For example, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, there were substantial Indications that Egyptian leader Gamal Abdu-Nasser was considering a radical rethinking of his growing ties with the Soviet Union, which also was an important goal of American foreign policy in the Middle East at that time.
However, with CIA knowledge, Israel managed successfully to thwart and abort all American efforts to reach a rapprochement with the Nasser regime. In the mid of 1960s, Mossad carried out a series of terrorist operations in Cairo, targeting American interests. Israel’s goal was obviously to maintain and increase hostility between the U.S. and the Nasser regime. Israel blamed the Egyptian regime of masterminding the terrorist acts. However, the US government swallowed the mendacious Israeli claim, adopting a more hostile approach to Nasser.
On 8 June 1967, an Israeli warplane attacked USS Liberty, which was sailing in international waters north of the Egyptian town of Alarish. Thirty-four American navy officers, servicemen and civilians were killed, and 173 others were wounded, many quite badly.
Predictably, the Intelligence-gathering ship was badly damaged. Israel claimed the treacherous attack occurred by mistake. However, there was ample evidence that the Lyndon Johnson administration connived and colluded with Israel to cover up the crime in order to avoid the occurrence of a public backlash against Israel and Jews in the U.S.
Today, the Zionist-Jewish influence on the American government (e.g. the White House and Congress) is probably a hundred times stronger and more pervasive than it was when USS liberty was attacked more than 55 years ago. In fact, we can quite safely assume that Israel today comes before America in America itself. Some ordinary people might be tempted to dismiss this view as an overstatement.
However, knowledgeable experts would readily agree that it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But who in Washington would dare utter this inconvenient truth and remain unscathed even for 10 minutes?
It is for this reason, that American officials from the lowest-ranking government clerk to the man in the White House routinely keep regurgitating rather tediously the sanctimonious and sacrosanct rituals of showing unconditional loyalty to Israel, using extremely obsequious language which they wouldn’t use even in stressing loyalty to America itself.
Thus, when Joe Biden visited the repulsive apartheid entity two weeks ago, dutifully reiterated America’s “unflinching, unwavering, unfaltering and iron-clad commitment to Israel,” describing relations with the Jewish state as “bone-deep”.
The umbilical relations between the U.S. and the racist entity that demolishes innocent people’s homes at midnight and murders school children as well as Journalists, and then lies about the murder, should be fully exposed to the capitals of the world. This is because a deep awareness of American criminal priorities would immensely serve the legitimate interests of states the US is trying to subjugate, humiliate and bring to their knees.
Russia’s unused Trump card
Russia could decisively outmanoeuvre the U.S. by threatening the insolence and arrogance of power of America’s sacred cow. I don’t know if I am disclosing an open secret or revealing something that major espionage agencies don’t know or know little about. They do know it even much better than a veteran Palestinian journalist living in a rural region of the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
Nonetheless, I am completely convinced that Russia would be able to extricate serious concessions from Washington simply by hinting that it would boost and expedite nuclear cooperation with Iran. Such a feat would immediately generate massive panic reverberations all over Washington and probably in London and other Western capitals as well.
The direct and indirect ramifications and repercussions of an audacious Russian feat as such, especially if accompanied by a stern warning similar to the ultimatum given to Britain, France and Israel by the former Soviet Union during the tripartite aggression on Egypt in 1956.
The ultimatum, issued on 5 November 1956, by Soviet Marshal Nikolai Bulganin notified the French, British and Israeli governments that the Soviet Union is prepared to employ all modern forms of destructive weaponry to halt Western military intervention in Egypt. Needless to say, it was this Soviet ultimatum, a daring act by every conceivable standard, forced the three aggressors to halt their aggression, and convinced the US to force Israel to pull out its troops from the Sinai Peninsula.
I described the Israel factor as Russia’s trump card in the current confrontation with Washington over Ukraine because the U.S. is likely to give any concession to keep Israeli interests unscathed. In the final analysis, Israel is a thousand times more important for the political clique ruling America.
Russia retains many important cards which Putin can play to minimize the harm incurred as a result of the massive and unprecedented western sanctions.
Indeed, in addition to using overwhelming conventional firepower against the Ukrainians, Russia could always “threaten to use” its massive nuclear arsenal to hasten the advent of doomsday for the entire world. True, there is a vast gap between threatening to use and actually using. But authoritarian rulers are usually more daring in dealing with a Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) situation than leaders answerable to their peoples.
Many political pundits believe that narrowing Russia’s horizons and pushing Putin to the corner could make him somewhat suicidal, or at least make him contemplate taking some unthinkable and unusual feats. Putin is already in a state of deep disillusionment with the West. Hence, maximizing pressure on him by the US is likely to seriously decrease his mental equanimity and maneuverability. That would make the Russian dictator a very dangerous man, indeed.
Russia is effectively using it energy weapon to subjugate America’s European allies, who depend to a large extent on Russian gas supplies.
Nonetheless, an unmistakable Russian tacit or explicit threat to help Iran develop a nuclear deterrent would likely neutralize all American-Israeli magic.
I am not erudite in game theory and should never underestimate would-be US reactions. However, given Israel’s virtually complete control of the American government, It seems it would be very expedient for the Russian leadership to seriously consider this scenario.
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