#dean is impressed
dessertbird · 8 months
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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Cas is a badass angel! Dean is impressed. 😎😍❤️
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420technoblazeit · 9 months
does anybody remember when rowena was introduced in the show and 5 episodes later she was like fAHRgus you're simping for that winchester boy too much it's making you weak. he rings a little bell and you come running! got you by the wee knickers, hasn't he? and he just had to sit there and take it bc she was right
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savedpeople · 8 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN as NEGAN SMITH for The Walking Dead: Dead City
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sampegger · 5 months
btw. whenever certain deangirls bring up sam leaving dean in purgatory they always fail to mention that dean also knowingly left sam in the cage.
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aardvaark · 11 days
I like how it seems Beth Riesgraf (Parker) made a really wild impression on the Leverage creators, executive producers & network, from all the interviews...
Leverage Cast: S4 Behind The Scenes - Auditions
Beth Riesgraf: I left the [audition] room and it was one of those moments where you go down to your car and something clicks, and you really get something that you didn’t get in the room. So I walked back up and they’re like "well, he���s got about five more people to see" so I was like "oh, awesome". So I waited. John comes out of the room and I’m like [suddenly very animated] "hi! so listen!" and by the time I was done, I had him like this [grabs Timothy Hutton, who’s seated next to her, by his lapels with both hands] and I didn’t even realise, but I got so excited that I was like "no no no, just let me do it again!" and John was like, "no no no, I think you’re fine… I think you got it. I think you got the character".
LA Screening Q&A with Devlin, Rogers & Downey
Dean Devlin: Fun story with Parker is that there were two actresses who came in for the final reading for the studio. And one of the two actresses - beautiful girl, very competent actor, very good […]. But after she left, we turned to the people at the network and we said, "she’s great, we like her - this next girl’s the girl we’d really like to hire. She’s not kind of the typical girl you’d normally hire in a show like this". So then Beth [Riesgraf] came in for the audition. Didn’t say one word. Just came in- John Rogers: None of this "hi, I’m here", yeah. Dean: She just read in character, and then walked out of the room. At which point the head of TNT turned to me and said, [whispering] "is she… crazy?". [normal voice] I said, "I don’t know, but I love her". John: Her hair was in her face, remember? She came in and did like, the crazy, angry, just-hates-everyone Parker.
The way these link up so well is so funny to me & it gives such a hilarious picture of the Parker audition process.
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annmariethrush · 8 months
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Day 2: pumpkin patch
It’s the great pumpkin, Castiel!
This was all I could think about when I saw the prompt for today, so a drawing it is!!
A supernaturalified sketch of this scene from Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
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They are finally, finally free of Chuck and his interference in their lives. And suddenly everything they feel changes, and…
“Goddammit!!!” Dean bursts out and Sam thinks that makes sense. Dean would be the first to come to terms with just how much Chuck interferes with them.
It was that one all-too-brief brush of fingers as Dean handed him a beer; something that had happened countless times throughout the years but this time there was a spark. A jolt of want and the sudden surety that the want has always been there, but hidden. Suppressed.
By Chuck.
“Goddamnit,” Dean says again, low and hurt. “I’m gonna hunt him down and end him.”
And Sam agrees with the sentiment, but really… “Maybe don’t?” The look Dean gives him has him hastening to add “He’s not worth it, Dean. I don’t want to waste another second on him when we could be…”
He can’t put words to it, not yet, not until he knows Dean feels it too. He’s not worried. The slow grin spreading across Dean’s face says they’re on the same page.
“You got a point, Sammy.” Dean’s hand on his knee, heavy and warm through the denim. “You always were the brainy one.”
It should feel awkward - this is Dean, his brother, after all - but they’ve been dancing around the want that Chuck suppressed for decades, played chicken right up to the edge and it’s incredible that they never realized they wanted to fall, so kissing Dean feels like the most natural thing in the world. And even though they’ve both got beds, just down the hall, it’s too far. Would take too long to get there, and they might have to stop kissing, so Sam pulls Dean down with him as he lays back on the table and Dean isn’t objecting at all. They don’t even bother to get naked, not this time, just rut together until they’re both coming in their jeans like a couple teenagers and if his mouth wasn’t still busy Sam might laugh at that.
Dean does laugh, pulling back just enough to let the sound out, leaning forward to rest his forehead against Sam’s. “I swear I’m better than that,” he says.
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” Because even if they’re in love, always have been, Sam is still a little brother. And besides, he kinda wants to know what Dean’s like when he’s trying to impress.
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realbeefman · 10 months
i don’t really like omegaverse that much (absolute lie) but i DO think that house md would fuck *that* much harder if it was set in the omegaverse
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waugh-bao · 10 months
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Don Rickles doing his Dean Martin impression on Frank Sinatra’s Man of the Hour Roast (1978)
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emmathompsonegot · 9 months
It’s so fun that, in a tv show that Barely has three characters in it, supernatural s1-3 managed to give Dean a complete emotional arc that Sam, who he spends 98% of his time with, is completely unaware of
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dessertbird · 11 months
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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Dean’s Angel is a badass! 😳😍❤️
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bang-bang-gang · 2 months
every day i think about mox going "i hate threeways" that one time. sir the top ships in the wrestling tag on ao3 beg to differ. there has been so much academic research into this topic
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batcavescolony · 2 months
S1 E4 Supernatural
First demon (besides the one that killed Mary) this one's downing planes and we learn Dean is afraid of flying. I like how Sam and Dean balance each other. Sam is more soft spoken to the people they question, he's a bit more book smart, but also still capable. Dean is kinda more hands on smart, builds his own equipment, learned on the job type. You can see they grew up together and know what help each other with.
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lakemichigans · 7 months
whenever someone needs to give dean a job in an AU they always go with mechanic but let's make some noise for street racer dean
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Might post more highlights of Miitopia ,but of course might as well get the moment we’ve all been waiting for out of the way
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aasonovelenosa · 4 months
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