#cw child marriage
Round 1B: Arya Stark vs. Sansa Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
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Propaganda below the cut
Arya Stark:
Arya is a young girl who is seperated from her family, and lives through an active war zone during a bloody civil war. She kills people to survive, and recounts a list of people that she wants dead for their part in killing her family and taking her sister Sansa (who i also submitted) hostage. She later moves to Braavos, which is not a war zone, where she trains to become an assasin, but also must give up her identity to do so. However, Arya fails at this through her magical connection to her direwolf Nymeria and her love of her family, mostly her brother Jon. She also has a tendency to act as judge jury and executioner on people. You see people say that she is "too far gone" and pit her agaisnt her sister Sansa.
Some people really hate her idk why? She gets constantly compared to her sister sansa, who's supposedly more gentle and polite
The horrors of war that Arya goes through are usually ignored in favour of discourse on whether she should feel guilty for killing to escape her hostage situation
She's called willful and ugly and dumb and a serial killer devoid of emotions when it's so clear in her chapters that she cares so so much and she only wants to go home to her family
Sansa Stark:
Ok so she's doing some mean things in the first book (lying, saying she "forgot" if her fiance attacked her sister or the other way around) and ratting out her father's plan to Cersei the evil queen™ so she's annoying in the first book
After, she's a child hostage in a court where she has 0 ally apart from maybe the creepy guy who sees her as both the child he never had and his crush (who is sansa's mother)
And she's constantly hated on and getting call names
Sansa is constantly accused of betraying her family and causing her father’s death despite being 11 at the time of his death. People hold her responsible for the actions of the real villains around her and claim that she deserves every bad thing that happened to her because she chose power over family. Her innocence was manipulated and then ripped away from her in a series of events no one could have predicted (and that’s literally why the series is popular, because no one saw it coming) but she is blamed for not knowing the outcome of these events. Her childhood is denied to her, both in and out of universe.
Sansa is 11 when she tells her future mother in law who she trusts that her father is taking her and her sister out of the city because she doesnt want to leave. Despite the fact that her father was not going to leave the city, fans say she should have been executed along side her father for betraying her. It was also common for people to blame her for not loving Tyrion enough, after she was forced into marrying an adult man who is part of the family that killed her parents, brothers, and beat/publically humiliate her on a regular basis. She is "a moon away from turning 13" when the marriage occurs
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1659
TW/CW: Death Mention, Child Marriage
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As the year began, Giulia decided to focus on the future instead of what she wished should have happened especially as news of her sister's Mother-in-law's death spread throughout the town.
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Giovanni was thrilled when Giuliano began to be able to actually help out around the gardens and the pair would talk about the plants eagerly. Giovanni was a stern man but the few times he seemed approachable was when they spoke about the plants.
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Giulia had feared that with all the talks about their eldest marrying into nobility away from their simple farming life her son would resent that he was likely to just stay home and tend the fields but as it was, he was excited to learn more about the crops.
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Orelia was the first one of Orsolina's siblings that she saw coming back from her lessons in early summer. Orsolina was proud to say that she had been a natural study and had gotten the approval of the Collari family to marry officially. Orelia was happy for her sister since she seemed happy but she wondered if this was a good thing.
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Orelia wasted no time in sharing her sister's news with Osana who was happy for her sister before Orelia reminded her that Orsolina would be leaving when she married and who knew if she'd have much of a chance to visit since she would be nobility and they were mere farmers and nobility had so many rules to abide by. Osana thought it was absolutely ridiculous that her younger sister seemed to be put off at the concept of being noble but she couldn't deny that it hurt to think of her sister leaving their home, they were best friends and if Osana had anything to say, that wouldn't change.
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Things moved quickly as summer progressed and the adults of both families planned out the specifics for the wedding hoping to have it later in the year. Orsa and Osana gushed over the romantic side of wedding planning though Orsolina was rather uninspired because she was well aware of her own and her betrothed's feelings on the matter of their arrangement being purely a result of their fathers' relationship and social arranging.
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Osana turned thirteen and after spending time with her sister during wedding planning became enamored with the way the foods were prepared so much so that she was willing to ignore her own revulsion at the dirt to gather quality ingredients for meals. Her skills in the kitchen were rather clumsy and in need of practice though her sisters were glad when they knew their mother was doing the cooking as they didn't want to tell their sister that her cooking was... terrible. Luckily Giulia used that as an opportunity to make sure all her children knew how to cook at least something basic.
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Like her sister, she was interested in working on her stitching and hoped that taking up a more refined hobby would do her well when it came time to find a partner for herself. She daydreamed of a romance where she would be swept off her feet by a handsome young man rather than be arranged to a man she hardly knew. So despite knowing her sister wasn't having the blissful romance she wanted with her wedding, she was glad that the extra time to come up with money for her own dowry would allow her to maybe find love for herself.
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The night before Orsolina's wedding both sisters spent the night together in the spare room knowing that their lives would change the very next day but at least it would be together. Osana had done her own scheming and since the nobility always wanted new servants she decided to work in the Collari home to make money for the family but mostly to be nearer to her sister and though it took some convincing the Widow Collari agreed to let Osana serve as her sister's personal attendant after spending the months leading up to the wedding in training.
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The wedding went forward as planned and on August 29th, Orsolina and Octavio Collari were wed. On the first of September, Osana left the Morosini home to care for her sister.
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The house felt empty without the older girls. Giulia tried to keep busy when little Olivia didn't require her attention. While the other kids tried to ignore it by keeping busy with lessons but the feeling still persisted.
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Orsa and Giuliano bonded by their mutual love of plants and the outdoors now that their older sisters were gone and Orsa wasn't busy with them as much it was easier to ignore the desire to be more mature like their sisters when she was around just her twin and little siblings.
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Perhaps it was the newfound security that he had at least made sure one of his children had a decent future but Giovanni seemed to soften more after Orsolina's wedding.
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It really was no shock that Giulia began to feel the telltale signs of expecting once more as her birthday passed by again. Still, Giulia wondered if this was to be her last child or if there were more to come especially as she thought as to how difficult her previous pregnancies were and her and her husband's increasing age. As much as she loved her children and motherhood, she had grown weary of infants of her own and was eagerly anticipating being done with them. But if her hunch about expecting was correct, she decided that, at least to herself, she would pray that this would truly be the final one.
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Some good news, and some bad news. Good news first, another state has voted to ban child marriages entirely! No exceptions! New Hampshire voted on Senate Bill 359 which raises the minimum marriage age in the state to 18 years old! The bill passed 192-174.
And now the bad news,
Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, (New Hampshire will join this list if Governor Sununu signs SB359 into law.) are the ONLY states that have a complete ban on child marriage, NO EXCEPTIONS.
If your state isn't on the above list, please pay attention when your state's elections roll around! Call your representatives and ask if they're doing something to ban child marriage in your state! Vote for those who are trying to ban child marriage in your state!
Until every state bans child marriage, there is an avenue that adults can use to coerce/force the children they have legal rights over into a marriage. Something that should be a CHOICE only made by the people getting married when they're both adults!
If you have reps in your state that do not support a complete ban on child marriage, VOTE THEM TF OUT. Those people should NOT be trusted to make laws that affect children.
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dorian-they · 1 year
the fact that republicans are okay with 12 year olds being married off to an adult with their parent’s consent but it’s a moral outrage to give 12 year olds the option to delay their own puberty with parental consent is olympic-level mental gymnastics
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linearao3 · 1 year
T, 1/1
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Leida Mothma is a married woman. Her mother is a criminal in exile, her location unknown. Leida ought to be safe from her. But somehow, she's not.
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biblionerd07 · 17 days
I have a lot of gripes with the last two seasons of Shameless (and I know I’ve been complaining a lot lmao) but one of the worst offenses, to me, is the way they refused to let any of the characters acknowledge their own histories. Nothing from previous seasons was allowed to carry over, for whatever reason. And it bothered me the most with Terry Milkovich. (I’m putting this under a cut because it turned into a damn essay lol)
They defanged Terry. They turned him into comic relief and had both Ian and Mickey turning to him for advice. ADVICE???? It did Mickey’s growth through the show SUCH disservice. There was some quote from Wells (😡😡😡 a thousand curses upon his name) about how they did it on purpose because we should all laugh at homophobes to show them their views are stupid or something like that. And like, okay I guess? That is such a straight guy stance. Maybe that works when the homophobe in question is some harmless stranger who has no effect on your life and their views are like the water turning the frogs gay.
But Terry was not that kind of homophobe. Terry was a very real type, whose abuse shaped every part of who Mickey was. Turning him into comic relief made it seem like Mickey’s fear was over the top and he was just paranoid. But when Terry walked in on Ian and Mickey, he physically assaulted them and used corrective rape by proxy. Mickey’s fears were EXTREMELY founded.
That was the crux of Mickey’s character and his development! That even with all of this terror and self-loathing and abuse, he was slowly opening himself up and not only learning to give Ian his love but to accept love. Mickey’s bravery was such a key element of his character! We knew what kind of abuse he’d been subject to, so every tiny, halting step forward made us cheer for him. Turning that into comic relief was an absolute slap in the face after that journey they’d taken him on. (And they were sure as hell happy to remember it when they were getting awards from queer outlets and using it for promo, weren’t they? 😒)
Mickey’s speech before the wedding about Terry always winning was so much more hollow than it should’ve been because for some reason they wouldn’t let him talk about his worst offenses. Having Mickey talk about Terry stealing Halloween candy and Christmas presents and ignoring the rape and abuse was genuinely bizarre. (And bless Noel, who gave his everything and made that even slightly impactful.)
I liked that Mickey was extremely defeatist in that scene. That would absolutely be his mindset! For his entire life, Terry wins. Terry gets what he wants and hurts who he wants and no one stops him. Everyone around the neighborhood (and the cops) knew exactly what Terry was like. There were always other adults hanging around. And no one ever stopped him from abusing those kids. Mandy scoffs and laughs about Terry pistol-whipping Mickey. (ZERO hate to Mandy on this, because all of this is her reality too, and she didn’t even know the whole story.) No one has ever stood up for Mickey against Terry.
Until Ian. I cannot ever get the scene in the Alibi out of my head. There’s an entire bar full of people who are seeing this happening and nobody does anything. Mickey’s right back where he’s always been, on the ground under Terry’s fists, and everyone is just grabbing their drinks and getting out of the way.
But not Ian. Ian (who, it should be noted, is also still a teenager here) pulls Terry off Mickey and fights back. This is very likely the first time in Mickey’s entire life that anyone has ever defended him against Terry.
And now he’s finally supposed to be happy with Ian in such a “normal”, tangible way, and here comes Terry to take it away. Of course. Mickey can’t even be surprised by this. It’s the way the world works. He says there’s no point in trying to find a new venue until they address the root of the problem and kill Terry.
But allllll of this hinges on us as the audience remembering what Terry’s done without a refresher, because for whatever reason, they refuse to let the characters connect to their own pasts in ways that would enrich the story they’re trying to tell. It’s such bad writing and I can’t fathom any reason for it.
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herawell · 8 months
#negativity cw#mother mention cw#if there’s one good thing about last eeekend’s meltdown#now I know that even after almost a year of therapy which supposedly ‘saved’ her marriage to my dad#my mom still feels no compunctions about last year’s Dec 20 and 21 screamfests#where she told me she would be gifting my dad a divorce for Xmas and it would be my fault#for trying to [redacted] herself in front of me while I whisper screamed for her not to#for blaming me every year since age 13 for their marriage being in the rocks#after a year of therapy and imploring me to seek therapy myself#she still doesn’t regret any of it#I vowed to myself after last year’s Christmas meltdown that I would never get them any kind of anniversary gift again#not after a decade of being blamed as a child for their issues#and now I feel no remorse about that decision#no flowers no chocolates no cards no special surprises#I’m the eldest child and earning close to six figures and not a penny of it will go to celebrating their Union#and i don’t care how bad it makes me look#she can get a one-line ‘congrats’ in the family WhatsApp group chat and that’s it#you don’t get to scream at me every 18 months ever since I was 14#that I am the one strain on your otherwise faultless marriage#that it’s my fault my siblings will grow up in a broken home#that it’s my fault we’ll have to sell the family home of 30 years to pay for the divorce#and never apologize at all even years down the line when I’m an adult and you’ve had your ‘character development’#and expect me to celebrate your Union#it’s very very petty and idk if she’ll notice bc I’ve never really made anniversary gifts for them before#but that’s my revenge
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blackcur-rants · 2 years
A young Targaryen princess, married off in her teenage years to a cold, capricious man she barely understands for the sake of power and prophecy. She suffers abuse and pain at the hands of this husband and takes comfort in her handmaidens and is lusted after by one knight and loved and protected by another. After her husband finally dies, the princess goes to a place of salt and smoke and becomes the mother of someone who will help to save the world from the ultimate evil threat of the Others.
Tell me, friends. Am I describing the late, lamented Rhaella Targaryen…or her daughter Daenerys?
@disregardcanon @lady-asteria @cynicalclassicist @daphneblakess @cwonicdepwession
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Round 2: Mary (Ib) vs. Sansa Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
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Propaganda below the cut
A painting of a girl who was brought to life and wants to become a real girl and make friends :) like pinocchio but slightly more murderous. She can only become real if one of the two real people in her world dies first so she can take their place. In certain endings of the game, she chooses to kill the adult Garry so she and the child protagonist Ib can live together forever in the real world- which of course, means she's the most evil creature in existence and should literally be burned alive, according to the fandom.
Sansa Stark:
Ok so she's doing some mean things in the first book (lying, saying she "forgot" if her fiance attacked her sister or the other way around) and ratting out her father's plan to Cersei the evil queen™ so she's annoying in the first book
After, she's a child hostage in a court where she has 0 ally apart from maybe the creepy guy who sees her as both the child he never had and his crush (who is sansa's mother)
And she's constantly hated on and getting call names
Sansa is constantly accused of betraying her family and causing her father’s death despite being 11 at the time of his death. People hold her responsible for the actions of the real villains around her and claim that she deserves every bad thing that happened to her because she chose power over family. Her innocence was manipulated and then ripped away from her in a series of events no one could have predicted (and that’s literally why the series is popular, because no one saw it coming) but she is blamed for not knowing the outcome of these events. Her childhood is denied to her, both in and out of universe.
Sansa is 11 when she tells her future mother in law who she trusts that her father is taking her and her sister out of the city because she doesnt want to leave. Despite the fact that her father was not going to leave the city, fans say she should have been executed along side her father for betraying her. It was also common for people to blame her for not loving Tyrion enough, after she was forced into marrying an adult man who is part of the family that killed her parents, brothers, and beat/publically humiliate her on a regular basis. She is "a moon away from turning 13" when the marriage occurs
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atorionsbelt · 1 year
The show definitely did not ever think the Amsterdam sex thing was as serious a problem as the audience did and they 100% did not consider it sexual assault, just something a bit shady. Why they did this, I don't know, but I guess they just needed an Amsterdam- related "slightly shitty thing" for James to have done, and Amsterdam is famous for that. Given that 14 isn't seen as that young to start having sex for kids like Jamie, from that kind of British culture, I truly don't think the writers ever saw it as the same level of awful abuse that we did as the audience.
it really is so fucked. the double standard and the broken system that unfortunately trickles down into every industry is still alive and well.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 6 months
Year 1636- Part 1
TW/CW: Child Marriage, Death Mention
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The start of the year passed quietly with news that Larissa had become a grandmother once more to a little boy spreading through the copy of Talia's tome she left with Hester.
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Unfortunately the feelings of joy hardly lasted as just a few days later, news came in that Tala's mother passed away from an awkward fall not long after meeting her granddaughter born from Tala's sister.
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Vincente was already not a comfort to have in the home and even through his perpetually souring attitude he could tell his wife needed care instead of him with her mother gone. He could sympathize with the loss after losing his father after all. Or maybe, whispered the voice in his head, he was just using her grief as an excuse to head over to his less than savory friends' homes to spend time drinking and playing cards away from his wife and daughters and his grandfather's disapproval. He silenced that voice with drink and chose to see himself in a better light.
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While her father could care less for the new baby since she was not a son, Giulia was enamored by the baby. The more time she spent around her sister the more convinced she was that she wished for a large family of her own one day. She chuckled to herself when she thought on how her younger self could hardly stand being around Giacomo as an infant but here she was wondering to herself how many children the Watcher would bless her future with.
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Meanwhile Vincente was growing closer to his friend, Giovanni, a fellow farmer whose house he frequented. Giovanni recently started complaining that soon all his friends would be wed and he had no wife and worse yet, no heir for his land. Vincente could relate about having no heir though, at least in his case, he had two children capable to inherit though he started to wonder if this was simply an opportunity too good to pass up.
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Felicita grew into an adorable infant with a sunny disposition as February drew to a close.
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Larissa enjoyed giving the baby snuggles and while she enjoyed the feeling of a baby in her arms, she also enjoyed merely being a guest in the child's life.
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In March, when frost stopped threatening the mornings and dew graced the early morning, Larissa and Adrian set off for their travels once more. Larissa was eager to see the world and had decided to see if the vampires who had expressed interest in her early into her first marriage were still around. So the pair were headed back to Henford and the Forgotten Hollow at least at first.
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Adrian and Larissa had barely been gone a week when Vincente called over Giovanni to solve both of their problems. By the next morning, Vincente had arranged for Giulia and Giovanni to wed. Giovanni would have a bride and Vincente could disinherit Giulia by saying she belonged to Giovanni's family and he had another legitimate child to inherit the home.
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Tala couldn't believe Vincente, marrying off Giulia?! She was fourteen, for Watcher's sake, being married off to a man older than Vincente. How could he do such a thing to his daughter? Giulia was scared herself about marrying Giovanni but she had little choice and it wasn't necessarily a bad match as she would be moving just across the bridge on the other side of the waterfall. With how much Vincente had clearly wanted her gone, Giulia was surprised he hadn't married her off some place far like marrying her to a merchant located someplace foreign. Tala hated that she couldn't protect Giulia the way she wanted to but, she was glad to support her by giving her the chance to cry when even Giulia's attempt at mature pragmatism couldn't hide her fears and disappointment with her betrothed.
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Tala could hardly stand the sight of Vincente but it with news of Giulia's marriage she couldn't let things stand. She tore into him about it telling him to break off the engagement because his grudge against his own daughter was ridiculous, the young lady who was hardly more than a child herself was showing far more grace and decorum than he as her father. Vicente was taken aback by how angry she was but he asserted that he was her father and had a right to arrange his own daughter's marriage and that she wasn't even her mother and had no say. Besides, to break off the agreement would put them in bad standing as Giovanni's cousin was set to marry into the Markovic family and pissing off the relative of a noble was never a good idea. Tala told him that he had to do something while Vincente stood firm.
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At last, the day in April arrived when the preparations were finally in order for Giovanni and Giulia's wedding. Giulia was panicked and nauseous from her nerves. She never anticipated this from her wedding day, then again, she thought her wedding day would be after Isabella's.
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On April 24th, Giulia Carlisle became Giulia Morosini.
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Following Giulia leaving for her new home with her husband, Tala's brewing rage boiled over and she shoved Vincente and then couldn't stop hitting him though she didn't do much harm to him aside from the mental shock, she was holding back as she seriously considered just murdering him where he stood for treating their eldest daughter that way. The look in her eyes told Vincente she was serious about killing him and at that realization Tala told him to get out of her sight, it didn't matter where he went just not around her and so he left.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
@canon family question
I’m just going to talk about one person if you’re curious about the others I’ll keep short and brief.
The Gojo Clan: Sucks, especially the elders. To overbearing and controlling blegh
My father: Also sucks, never liked him
Mom: The only person in that place I genuinely loved. She was treated terribly by the clan because she never met their standards and for some time I wasn’t allowed to even interact with her in the first few years of my life. When she finally met me for the first time I was 5 years old but I remember the way she sobbed as she hugged me. It was weird at first cause I wasn’t use to affection and I didn’t even know who she was at the time but it felt strangely right. She treated me different compared to the others. Unlike everyone who treated me like some sort of prized object or tool she treated exactly what I was: a kid who was more interested in playing than training. She never told me anything but I was always perceptive even at a young age and I came to learn that she was a jujutsu sorcerer herself in her high school days before being forced to marry my father and have me. But one thing she did tell me is that despite the drastic change she had in her life having was the best thing that ever did happen in her life. There’s more i would like to say about her (honestly I could go on all day if I could) but then this post would be too long. Maybe another day I could brag about how amazing she was lol
- 🕶️ Gojo Satoru
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datmos-art · 1 year
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This week, Republicans in Wyoming strongly objected to adding a legal minimum age to marry in their state.
Some stating that such a law would go against their constitutional rights. This is the latest in a trend of republicans across the country opposing similar laws.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Although child marriage remains a largely unseen problem in the United States, very significant progress has been made in the past two decades. The organization Unchained At Last’s landmark 2018 study found that an estimated 300,000 children were married in the United States between 2000 and 2018. That’s a grave statistic, but the situation is improving.
The number of child marriages in the US decreased almost every single year between 2000 and 2018, and over that 18-year period, decreased 30 fold. In 2000, there were 76,396 children married in the US (as documented based on state marriage records).
In 2018, the number of children married was only 2,493. This is 1/30th of the rate just 18 years prior.
In addition, in the four years since Unchained At Last’s initial, groundbreaking 2018 study, seven states and two US territories have banned child marriage completely, in part due to the organization’s determined advocacy. Child marriage is now illegal in the states of Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Rhode Island, New York, and Massachusetts, as well as American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Unchained at Last will not stop working until child marriage is illegal in the entire US, and no more children are subjected to this human rights abuse and its devastating, lifelong repercussions.  -via Unchained At Last, April 2020, updated 2022. Text of post by reasonsforhope.
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solarisgod · 11 months
tell us more about the connections between the starwake system and the phobia personifications of the sun and the moon 👀🤲
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The Starwake System ( consisting of Micah, Mimi, Phoebus, Philos, and Phobos at the time ) met Heliophobia and Selenophobia when they were constantly moving between foster families between when they were a toddler to five years old in a half. Heliophobia and Selenophobia are the embodying Fears of the sun and the moon with their celestial lights that are part of the Afears race originated from the Void with Phobophobia, also known as The Fear Of The Fears, being their creator and overlord.
Heliophobia and Selenophobia are known to travel only where their respective lights exist. Heliophobia moves across the world in sunlight and Selenophobia in moonlight, and they usually target their victims who fear their existences, but given their consistent travelling nature, they will often wander and explore at various areas of where they are in curiosity. Although Heliophobia can be more aggressive than Selenophobia, both of them are the very few of the Afears that are not always hostile.
The first time Micah met Selenophobia first was at night when they were trying to run away from a foster family. Micah developed their most special passion for the outer space in early childhood, finding endless joy and comfort in the sky and space, with the sun and moon and stars and celestial more. When they stumbled upon Selenophobia who was at a park, even when seeing its tall, rough, and lanky body entirely covered in holes and there were strange red liquid substances always leaving from them, horns piercing through eye sockets and ribcage covering over an orb of water; Micah only saw it as the real moon and came closer to it, not once fearing it.
Micah couldn't talk when they were younger until they were over five years old, but they had shown and expressed a lot that would tell Selenophobia they weren't afraid of it; Micah wanted to be its friend. The pair even got to stargaze, which it was Micah's first time ever it got to stargaze with someone. When the foster family were able to locate Micah and tried to take them away from Selenophobia, it's when Micah became afraid, and Selenophobia was highly confused, wondering how could Micah fear what they were alike, yet not itself as something horrible and frightening.
But seeing Micah cry, petrified for the first time after an hour being with it, all because of the humans, led Selenophobia into slaughtering these people, protecting Micah. During this event, Phoebus had fronted and witnessed the murder. Although they weren't afraid of it either when they knew, after co-fronting throughout the time of Micah interacting with it, that Selenophobia wouldn't hurt them. Selenophobia, sensing that there are multiple presences in Micah's body, took Phoebus to their home and would look after them during nighttime. In the next few days, the authority took the system to a new foster family, never being able to find their missing family.
Selenophobia would always visit Micah then, with Micah looking forward to meet and interact with it. The first time they met Heliophobia was a week after meeting Selenophobia. Micah wandered too far on the beach and met Heliophobia who was hunting. Despite its burnt flesh, having tentacles in flames from back, and having a ball of fire within its ribcage; reminded of Selenophobia and thinking of Heliophobia as the sun itself, Micah tried to befriend it as well.
Heliophobia planned to make Micah afraid and eat its fear force before killing them, though Micah would encourage it to play with them, making sand castles and collecting rocks. Heliophobia had found something worth to look after Micah when they offered it some rocks to keep and give to Selenophobia if Heliophobia knew it and could give to it. Phoebus was a lot more weary with Heliophobia than Selenophobia due to its rougher nature, but when Heliophobia left Micah to continue hunting and gave them one only shiny rock it could find, Phoebus could accept it.
Throughout Micah's time of moving between foster families, Heliophobia and Selenophobia would be the ones to kill off their abusive / neglectful ones with Micah having no awareness to the murders. The authority and foster agencies still couldn't grasp why some of the families would suddenly vanish, and they couldn't interrogate Micah, so they eventually had no choice but to have to keep them in the group home before their abusive family took Micah. When this family tried to kill Micah and Phobos was formed, managing to murder them by burning the house down with the family trapped inside, Selenophobia was able to gather enough evidence of abuse towards the system and looked after Micah until the authority came over and took Micah to the foster agency to look after for a while.
Happiness wasn't the emotion the celestial Afears could have, but they were at some form of peace when they saw Micah was taken in by Maria and Caelum Everlove and they were genuinely happy for once in five in a half years. They couldn't interact with the system anymore when there were other Afears who were questioning their intentions with Micah and wished to kill them, so both Selenophobia and Heliophobia were forced to visit them less and occasionally watch them for a bit before leaving again.
In the present, Micah doesn't remember Heliophobia and Selenophobia, as Phoebus and Mimi have the most memories with them. Micah does get occasional dreams of them, and they don't really know why, but there's a feeling that tells Micah that they are real, and Micah hope that they can meet them someday, still not being afraid of what can somehow feel like home.
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herawell · 5 months
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