#Orsa Morosini
sweet-vanilla-sims · 3 months
Year 1664
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Still reeling from the loss of their father the older of the Morosini girls tried to do their best to maintain normalcy for their little siblings especially Olivia and Giovanni Cesare that was easier said than done though.
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With Giuliano celebrating his twelfth birthday, he decided to pick up on some of his sister's hobbies though he would never admit to it to the other boys in town, he actually quite enjoyed it.
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As much as Giulia hated that her daughters had picked up cards like their father had loved so very much, she couldn't help but feel relieved as they played with how happy the game made them after their losses.
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The Morosini boys got along well though with their considerable age gap that was more or less of a given since it was rather difficult to find much fault in a toddler as an almost teenager. They didn't share much in common but Giuliano didn't mind indulging his little brother's babble at times.
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As the crops grew more stable, Orelia suggested that she go help her grandmother Tala since she was getting on in age to deal with her own supply of crops. Giulia felt a pang of loss that despite her daughter wanting to do something so kind, she didn't want to lose another member of the household so soon.
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Of the siblings Olivia and Giovanni Cesare were the ones who got along the best though it was hard to say if the reason for that was due to their ages but it warmed the hearts of the entire household to see the littlest ones getting along so well.
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Felicita's children soon grew up and it remained abundantly clear that her younger two took strongly after her though perhaps time would tell if that would change.
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Of course having young children in the home meant that there was still fussing to be had and the older children were sure to make themselves scarce when the littles were inconsolable not that Giulia minded especially as she was happy to know that when her last little one came it would truly be the last so even the unpleasant moments of dealing with small children were cherished.
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Olivia grew up into a delightful young lady with a passion for reading.
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Maybe it was because she was big enough to start lessons with her siblings but after her lessons began Olivia and Giuliano grew even closer than they had been before.
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Life was peaceful for the near fortnight after Olivia's birthday as Felicita's children were often around the Morosini home.
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Then Giulia's true final labor began and fear struck through her heart as she worried about leaving her children alone if anything happened to her especially as she was an older mother this time around as well.
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Thankfully Giulia's fears of being taken by the hands of fate with this birth were unfounded and late in the afternoon on September 13th she delivered a daughter, Olimpia Morosini.
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With the birth of Olimpia, Giulia was more willing to entertain her daughter's idea of helping out with her grandmother and decided that she would approve of her spending a few nights a week helping out Tala.
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Orelia was proud to show off her first steps into independence away from the main family whenever she returned from Tala's place. Orsa was a little jealous of her sister but she also wasn't quite sure spending a few nights at the house they took their lessons counted as independence. Giuliano felt a sense of responsibility with another one of his older sisters out of the house, he was getting older and sooner rather than later he would actually be the man of the house rather than feeling like his sisters kid brother but the part of him that wasn't ready for the responsibility he had was glad that his sisters were still home and unwed.
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Most days with the children in the house all with her, Giulia could hardly believe just how quickly they were all growing up.
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Little Olimpia grew into a lovely little baby though it was hard to say which of her parents she took after yet being how little she still was.
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Thinking on her children growing up, Giulia caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror with lines on her face she swore weren't there before. She was getting older and given how many people she knew would never grow old enough for signs of age to appear she decided to wear them with pride.
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Giulia was delighted to spend autumn and winter just cooing over her last baby. The finality of it all brought with it a sense of peace amidst the chaos of the house full of children.
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Orsolina's son, Marcello grew from an infant to a little boy with a charming demeanor. His parents were delighted to see their son grow up and while they shared little love for each other, they found they did delight in watching their son grow.
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But while Giulia's childbearing years had come to an end, Osana was happy to end the year with the discovery that her little daughter would be an older sister in the coming year.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1661
TW/CW: Death Mention, Infant Death
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The start of the year was largely uneventful until the Morosini girls celebrated their birthday making them officially teenagers. It was little surprise that time had only bolstered Orsa's love for the outdoors while the oceanic views of Tartosa only drew in Orelia's heart further. While the girls were still close it was blatantly obvious to everyone that if they had a say, it was only a matter of time before they parted ways but considering how young they were and that that time had not yet come, they pushed thoughts of the future from their minds.
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Orelia tried to get into caring for the garden to try and connect with her family but she found it more of a chore than anything. It felt that the more she tried to connect with her family the more distant she felt. Her sisters, Orsa and Osana, when she had the time to spare, waxed poetic about true love and dreams of marrying a wealthy nobleman while Orelia couldn't imagine dreaming of marrying some guy and being like her mother though she did understand that her sisters did hope for a life of partnership and a gaggle of kids... her mother related in the sense that Giulia figured that her young daughter simply was too young to fancy that but Orsa and Osana had wanted that kind of life for years and she didn't... would it come with time like her mother theorized? Did she even want it to or did she just want to feel closer to her sisters again?
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Olivia continued to be a rather independent child which was nice for Giulia and Giovanni since it gave them the time to be alone and reconnect after so many ups and downs through the years.
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Though perhaps they connected too well as Giulia learned that she was expecting once again. Giuliano wasn't exactly stoked to be a brother again but he also didn't mind either way. Olivia was excited but she didn't quite understand what it meant to have a baby sibling being the youngest herself.
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It seemed that the year was a good time for babies in Tartosa as Felicita also revealed that she was expecting as well a few weeks later. While Giulia expected her child to arrive sometime towards the end of the year, Felicita figured hers would arrive at the start of the next.
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Unfortunately things were not all well in the family as a couple months after the fact, Giulia received news that her nephew from her brother had passed away in March. She took solace in her six healthy children while she prayed for her brother and his wife to fare well in spite of their loss.
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With Giulia's pregnancy progressing she came to terms with expecting her ninth child and actually began to look forward to having a new baby in her arms though she did continue to pray that this would be the last. She found it a humorous twist of fate that at the start of her marriage she had hoped for a child but now eight kids in, she was hoping to be done.
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Still as her stomach grew she felt pangs of guilt that she had been so fortunately blessed while her brother had just recently lost his firstborn.
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More worryingly though was the state of the garden. The plants were growing but the yields were pitiful with scarcely enough for the family let alone to sell for taxes and payments. The little money Osana was bringing home was being used to supplement the family home at this point. With Giuliano growing old as well, Giulia worried about the future and finding the funds for their unmarried daughters to have dowries. Did they sacrifice their other daughter's futures for Orsolina? Surely if they hadn't paid the extravagant price to marry into nobility they could have found matches for the rest... Giulia ran over the numbers in her mind and yet she remained grateful that at least the twins seemed fine with waiting for a match rather than not wanting to wait like Osana.
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In fact, Osana seemed enamored with her younger sister and while Giulia wanted her daughter to have the life she wished for, she wished that her second born would stop wanting to rush into the future as she overheard her telling her sister that she was eager to marry and have her own kids for her sister and unborn sibling to play with.
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Giovanni was delighted to spend time with his youngest as his older kids began to branch out from wanting his affections. Olivia might have been independent but she still enjoyed being doted on.
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The older kids still took lessons with Tala which only made Olivia want to grow up more. For Orelia, the mutual dislike of lessons she shared with her siblings was at least one commonality they all shared. Though they did laugh a bit at how eager their little sister was to join them when they found it to be such a bore.
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Of the siblings, Giuliano and Olivia proved to be rather close as Giuliano found it hard to hear his sisters, not Orelia, talking about the boys in town or in the Collari Manor, and Olivia was more than happy to talk about whatever he did since she practically idolized her big brother. Though that was likely since they had a smaller age gap.
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Giulia went into labor in late December, later than she thought she would since she had noticed that each baby had come a little sooner than the last aside from the twins who obviously came early.
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Just a few days before the year ended on December 29th, Giulia delivered her a fourth son who was named after his father and late brother as well as doubled with another name for himself, Giovanni Cesare Morosini.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1660
TW/CW: Miscarriage
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The new decade arrived with little fanfare. Tala's namesake grew into a lovely little girl with a wild streak to her family's delight and exhaustion.
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Following close behind her dear cousin was Olivia who grew into a rather independent child as she was more interested in growing up big to chase after her sisters and brother.
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Tala made sure to visit the Morosini household as she began to feel the effects of time creeping up on her. The long walk between their homes was feeling longer and longer each day. Giulia felt the same but more because of her pregnancy.
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Sadly it wasn't to be as shortly after Olivia began to actively explore the world, Giulia felt the pains of a second miscarriage blow through her and soon it passed. Giovanni was devastated since he had hoped that he would see a new child in their home but Giulia while hurt by the loss couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief to not have another child.
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With the most recent loss on his mind Giovanni was determined to spend more time with his children. The older girls were less receptive as they entered an age where they wanted to do things for themselves without their parent's help which made Giovanni feel confident that his girls would at least have the right mindset once he passed but the younger two were just that younger. Olivia was too young to take much from her father's lectures but she did appreciate her Papa's attention and affection which lead to a more supportive relationship between the two. Giuliano and Giovanni developed a stronger relationship as Giovanni was to leave the family home to his only son and while Giovanni was present now, he could feel time breathing down his back.
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Age began to show more apparently in Giovanni as time went on.
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Giulia was happy to share news that her brother and his second wife welcomed a son into the family with her own son. Giulia wondered if once her children were old enough she could take them to meet her brother as she wished to do so ever since she learned of her brother's existence.
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The children continued to get along though age was drifting them apart because there wasn't much a near teenager had in common with a toddler after all. The older children still took lessons though Giuliano was starting to wonder what the point was especially as he watched his father age before his eyes, he had to take the farm more seriously especially since they were struggling.
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Giulia was determined to make her experience with Olivia count now that she was the only little in the house most days. Even with Orsolina, Giulia hadn't been able to give a child so much one on one time because of her exhaustion with expecting. But it was nice to spend more time with her little ones and though she never regretted her children she wished she had been able to space them out better in the past to have time like this with each of them.
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Antonio's son grew into a sweet baby boy who was rather cautious of the world around him.
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Ultimately, to Giulia, her brother's life was a world a way as she refocused her attentions at home with her family and tried to enjoy what she could while the family did their best to keep the garden afloat.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1659
TW/CW: Death Mention, Child Marriage
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As the year began, Giulia decided to focus on the future instead of what she wished should have happened especially as news of her sister's Mother-in-law's death spread throughout the town.
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Giovanni was thrilled when Giuliano began to be able to actually help out around the gardens and the pair would talk about the plants eagerly. Giovanni was a stern man but the few times he seemed approachable was when they spoke about the plants.
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Giulia had feared that with all the talks about their eldest marrying into nobility away from their simple farming life her son would resent that he was likely to just stay home and tend the fields but as it was, he was excited to learn more about the crops.
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Orelia was the first one of Orsolina's siblings that she saw coming back from her lessons in early summer. Orsolina was proud to say that she had been a natural study and had gotten the approval of the Collari family to marry officially. Orelia was happy for her sister since she seemed happy but she wondered if this was a good thing.
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Orelia wasted no time in sharing her sister's news with Osana who was happy for her sister before Orelia reminded her that Orsolina would be leaving when she married and who knew if she'd have much of a chance to visit since she would be nobility and they were mere farmers and nobility had so many rules to abide by. Osana thought it was absolutely ridiculous that her younger sister seemed to be put off at the concept of being noble but she couldn't deny that it hurt to think of her sister leaving their home, they were best friends and if Osana had anything to say, that wouldn't change.
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Things moved quickly as summer progressed and the adults of both families planned out the specifics for the wedding hoping to have it later in the year. Orsa and Osana gushed over the romantic side of wedding planning though Orsolina was rather uninspired because she was well aware of her own and her betrothed's feelings on the matter of their arrangement being purely a result of their fathers' relationship and social arranging.
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Osana turned thirteen and after spending time with her sister during wedding planning became enamored with the way the foods were prepared so much so that she was willing to ignore her own revulsion at the dirt to gather quality ingredients for meals. Her skills in the kitchen were rather clumsy and in need of practice though her sisters were glad when they knew their mother was doing the cooking as they didn't want to tell their sister that her cooking was... terrible. Luckily Giulia used that as an opportunity to make sure all her children knew how to cook at least something basic.
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Like her sister, she was interested in working on her stitching and hoped that taking up a more refined hobby would do her well when it came time to find a partner for herself. She daydreamed of a romance where she would be swept off her feet by a handsome young man rather than be arranged to a man she hardly knew. So despite knowing her sister wasn't having the blissful romance she wanted with her wedding, she was glad that the extra time to come up with money for her own dowry would allow her to maybe find love for herself.
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The night before Orsolina's wedding both sisters spent the night together in the spare room knowing that their lives would change the very next day but at least it would be together. Osana had done her own scheming and since the nobility always wanted new servants she decided to work in the Collari home to make money for the family but mostly to be nearer to her sister and though it took some convincing the Widow Collari agreed to let Osana serve as her sister's personal attendant after spending the months leading up to the wedding in training.
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The wedding went forward as planned and on August 29th, Orsolina and Octavio Collari were wed. On the first of September, Osana left the Morosini home to care for her sister.
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The house felt empty without the older girls. Giulia tried to keep busy when little Olivia didn't require her attention. While the other kids tried to ignore it by keeping busy with lessons but the feeling still persisted.
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Orsa and Giuliano bonded by their mutual love of plants and the outdoors now that their older sisters were gone and Orsa wasn't busy with them as much it was easier to ignore the desire to be more mature like their sisters when she was around just her twin and little siblings.
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Perhaps it was the newfound security that he had at least made sure one of his children had a decent future but Giovanni seemed to soften more after Orsolina's wedding.
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It really was no shock that Giulia began to feel the telltale signs of expecting once more as her birthday passed by again. Still, Giulia wondered if this was to be her last child or if there were more to come especially as she thought as to how difficult her previous pregnancies were and her and her husband's increasing age. As much as she loved her children and motherhood, she had grown weary of infants of her own and was eagerly anticipating being done with them. But if her hunch about expecting was correct, she decided that, at least to herself, she would pray that this would truly be the final one.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1657
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Giuliano's fifth birthday came and went with him spending more time with his parents learning about the plants they grew. He was still too young to be much help but Giovanni insisted that he be outside with them and get used to being in the sun. Giuliano didn't mind too much because he loved spending time with his parents.
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Orsolina celebrated her thirteenth birthday in May and Giulia could swear that she was more lovely by the day. Knowing the plan for her nieces, Felicita went out of her way to provide her niece with a nice dress and fancy accessories for her hair so that she could look the part for a better match. Giulia was taken by her sister's generosity as she knew good and well that they hadn't the funds to provide that for Orsolina themselves.
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In a lot of ways, age had made it easier for Orsolina to get along with her mother as they both were able to bond over shared experiences that came with life.
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Orsolina and Osana were still as close as ever if not closer. Age had made her younger siblings just seem all the younger and Osana was just barely 'mature' enough to remain as good company.
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That said it wasn't as if Orsolina was snubbing her younger sisters, they remained close but their dynamic changed from being one of joking to one where Orsolina considered herself to be more adult than them though Orelia was quick to humble her as siblings often do. Giulia was happy to see her girls interact as they navigated growing up. Though she did find it funny that that Orsolina was trying to be more responsible for her siblings but she couldn't relate too much to the dynamics as there had been such a large age gap between her and Felicita.
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The one thing Orsolina had apparently outgrown is the teasing her younger sisters were more than happy to indulge in as she was aiming to be a proper lady for her future.
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Orsolina picked up more habits that she hoped would help her in the future but was frequently frustrated when she pricked her fingers with the needle but she found she liked the outlet for her creativity.
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Tala came over to spend time with her oldest's family as Felicita was spending time working on bonding with her marital family and little one. Giulia was glad for the company as she delighted in speaking with someone who wasn't currently living with them. The break was refreshing.
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While age had brought Orsolina closer to her mother, Orsolina and Giovanni were still going strong as most of the family was well aware of the special soft spot Giovanni held for his eldest.
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Felicita didn't want to announce her suspicions but towards the end of the year she was almost certain that she was with child again which she secretly shared with her mother and sister who were happy for her.
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Orsolina continued her studies at her parent's urging to make sure she was well taught so that she could have a bright future as a higher class lady. Orsolina also had her reasons that she wanted to make a good match so that her dreamer sisters could marry as they pleased when the time came in hopes that her parents could be satisfied with one of their daughters marrying well so that the others could be happy especially since Orsolina had no real hopes for a fairytale marriage. Perhaps it was from being the oldest but she was rather pragmatic about what would be a proper future for her.
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With the girls being occupied with their own thing and Giuliano spending more time with his father, Giulia decided to dabble in practicing magic once more since she had asked for it so very long ago.
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As the end of the year approached, Giulia realized that she had been feeling off but in a familiar way. She didn't want it to be true since they were struggling with saving up enough for dowries for their four daughters but Giulia couldn't put aside the idea that she was likely pregnant again. And though she hated the idea of it she knew that waiting could ruin their Orsolina's future so with a heavy heart she approached Giovanni and after some talks the pair went down the hill to speak with the widow Collari.
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After a long discussion with the noblewoman, an agreement had been reached and the payment was made for their daughter's hand to the youngest of the Collari boys. Giulia felt sick that she had made the match for her daughter so young as she had sworn she didn't want but she wanted at least one daughter's fate to be secured when they were struggling with funds for her other sisters in fear of a fifth daughter. The marriage was not to be official for another few years though which is something Giulia insisted on so at the very least her daughter would not be wed until she was older but the arrangement was set. Giulia feared that her daughter would take the news poorly but instead, she was delighted. She was fine with marrying the Collari boy and Giovanni was relieved to know his daughter wasn't opposed to the match he made for her. Orsolina was glad for the security for her future and the fact that she would be following in the footsteps of her Aunt as she married into nobility but like with most things, the marriage being years in the future didn't really make it feel like it was real so that made it easier to be okay with it. At the end of the day, it was just a part of the plan for Orsolina's life that she had known about since she was a young child the timeline made little difference to her.
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Giulia was glad that her daughter took the news so well of her arrangement but she still felt horrid for her part in it. There were a few things though that she was content with: that the marriage wasn't going to happen until Orsolina was at least fifteen since Orsolina would be going to the Collari household for lessons on being a proper lady, the fact that her daughter would be marrying into nobility (low ranked but still), and the fact that unlike her marriage to a man older than her own father, the young man her daughter was set to marry was only three years older than her so at least both kids would be in the same stage of life together. Giulia kept telling herself that it would be for the best every time her daughter left for her lessons.
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Little Veniera grew up into a darling little one as her mother finally announced to her household that was most certainly expecting.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1656
TW/CW: Infant Death
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The relationship between Giovanni and Giulia was growing closer as they spoke more though with their girls growing up they spoke at length about their daughter's futures. That said, Giulia didn't want to rush her daughters and often changed the subject but as their crops hadn't had much of a yield as of late there was the underlying worry that their savings would drop too low to make a decent match for their daughters but neither one wanted to voice that particular fear.
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Aside from the more serious matters their family faced, Giovanni was making more of an effort to court his wife properly, something that they never really did before and Giulia couldn't help but be appreciative of the efforts he was trying to make.
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Felicita's labor was attended by her mother and Giulia who were more than happy to support her during her time of need. On June 22, Felicita delivered twin girls, Beverly and Veniera. While there weren't any complications from the birth, it was clear from the moment the children were born that Beverly was much smaller than her sister.
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Giulia's girls were glad for their new cousins but they tried to keep out of the adults' hair when not even a month after the birth of Felicita's twins, Beverly died. The girls hadn't gotten the chance yet to meet their cousins due to the confinement after birth so in a lot of ways the new babies in the family hadn't quite felt real to them but all the girls felt sad for the loss of their cousin despite it all though it was hard to tell if they felt bad for the loss or the fact that their beloved relatives were feeling bad.
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Giulia knew all too well the pain that her sister was feeling and she was more than happy to support her sister in whatever way she needed even if it was bringing her fresh flowers to try and brighten her day.
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But the reminder of the brevity of life pushed Giulia and Giovanni together once more as they officially stopped sleeping in separate rooms in the wake of the loss.
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Little Veniera continued to grow into a healthy infant.
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With Felicita's daughter being bigger, the first order of business was to introduce her to the family. Giulia's loud family was delighted to fuss over the little one but her calm demeanor left her a bit tired with all of them. Luckily, Tala was willing to be a refuge of tranquility for the little one. While of course, Giulia's children were her grandchildren, baby Veniera was the child of the only surviving child she delivered. There had been times where Tala feared that none of her children would live but holding her granddaughter in her arms she was happy that her fears had not come to pass.
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With the children being older and more independent, Giovanni and Giulia took the occasional night out with each other or they simply just laid in the grass and looked at the stars. Giovanni hadn't realized just how much Giulia knew about astronomy as she showed him constellations and their names. Before Vincente openly despised his daughter they would look at the stars together with her late sister, Osana, and she remembered that vividly.
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By the time October rolled around they were beginning to share some intimacy once again.
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The older girls were the first to notice the change in the household as they realized their parents were starting back being lovey-dovey again. It was different this time around though but since both girls were too young to understand what their parents' relationship had been like before their youngest brother was born, it was hard for them to pinpoint exactly what was different just that it was different in a positive way. For Orsolina, the change was a breath of relief that her parents, who had been arranged together were not miserable with each other forever especially as she understood that her parents were looking into a match for her and her sisters though obviously with her being the eldest, she'd be first. Maybe an imperfect match wouldn't be a condemnation to a miserable married life after all if her parents could find a more true understanding and care with each other. While Osana had always been a dreamer when it came to romance, her and Orsa really, and she took their parents' reconciliation as proof of the power of love to shine through even over time though she hadn't necessarily seen the work it had taken them to get to that point. While each girl took a different lesson from their parents' relationship they all agreed that the lack of tension was for the better for the entire home.
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Giulia celebrated her thirty-fifth birthday with little fanfare but she felt like she had overcome a milestone in her life. Her children were happy and healthy and she was content in her marriage for the first time without the feeling of resignation being attached to it.
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With children growing up, Giulia was able to finally lighten some of the load for Giovanni in the garden now that there was less to do. Despite the losses the year had brought, things were brighter than they had been in a long time for Giulia.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1654
TW/CW: Death, Murder, Child Death
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The year began with the young Morosini boys causing trouble Giovanni wanted to be upset but when Aubrie Ludovici was poisoned at the celebration of her son's first birthday, he was willing to let things slide in favor of appreciating what he had.
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Orsa and Orelia grew into lovely children and left their parents reeling a bit as age changed their personalities greatly from each other. As a toddler Orsa had been a charming little girl and that charm had turned to being quite resourceful in reusing things that would have otherwise been tossed though Osana complained because her sister stank of the garbage she salvaged things from before Giulia could herd her into the bath to clean up. Orelia was such an angelic little darling when she was younger but that trait seemed to mask a nasty habit of sticky fingers and not in the literal sense like her twin.
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The girls were perfectly content to do their work together from their lessons though and despite their differences it was a sigh of relief that age had not changed the relatively friendly atmosphere the sisters shared with one another.
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While the adults were busy with their brothers, the girls chatted about what news they had heard in the family such as Tina's marriage in June that took place after a six month courtship after her sister introduced her to him. Osana and Orsa found it romantic that they courted for real before marriage, Orelia just liked being included in the gossip, and Orsolina felt a pang of jealousy for her cousin since if her parents could set up a match with nobility who knew if she would care for her future spouse, her own parents weren't even speaking to each other beyond the occasional word about the kids.
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The bloodshed between the Laurent and Markovic families continued as a carriage "accident" claimed the lives of the expectant Lady Laurent and her young son. Miraculously though the unborn child was safely removed before it was too late and through it all the Laurents hosted a celebration for their new daughter following the funerals. Giulia wondered when the violence would end and was quickly met with that answer when the Widow Collari declared that this violence must be the result of witchcraft and she headed off a witch hunt. It put fear into the family's hearts as almost every member was able to wield magic.
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The girls did their best to keep their minds off the Witch hunt by keeping busy and discussing the remarriage of the Laurent family head to Aurelio's sister Emma, though Beverly's husband was arrested in the hunt despite not being a spellcaster. It scared the girls as Orsolina and Osana realized that it didn't even matter if they were witches or not, blame was being assigned anyways.
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The witch hunt seemed to be dying down now that a 'witch' had been caught but the cold of winter took hold shortly after October and Giuseppe took ill. He fought it for days but ultimately his already frail body could not overcome it this time and on November 13th he passed away not waking from his sleep.
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The girls took the loss of their little brother hard especially the twins who were closer in age to him. The older girls tried to keep in good spirits the best they could for their parents and siblings following the loss but Osana threw herself into playing games like chess when she could cause she could hardly keep still in her grief.
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Little Giuliano was far too young to understand what it meant that his brother had died and would frequently ask his mother about when he'd be back to play but seeing her face twist at his questions he tried to ask less frequently. Giulia could tell that the answers she gave were insufficient to her youngest but she was grateful that he had the grace to try not to press though she was determined to figure out the right way to tell him but was there even a way to make him understand?
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Orsolina was older and because of that she was more likely to try and hold in her grief. In a lot of ways, Orsolina reminded Giulia of her younger self before the famine, oldest trying to hold the world on her shoulders. But unlike how Vincente was happy to give her more problems to hold, Giulia was determined to at least be the ear her daughter could tell her troubles to. Of course she figured that it wouldn't be long before she would rather speak with her sisters than mother but for the time being Giulia was happy her daughter relied on her when she needed.
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Giovanni was glad when the witch hunt ended with the Markovic spouse being executed for witchcraft. He was accused of causing all the drama between the Markovic and Laurent family that had occurred over the past few years and while no one truly believed that story, it was a good excuse to draw a peace between the two for no more casualties. Everyone else had managed to escape unscathed from the witches by the end of the year which was a cause for celebration.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 5 months
Year 1652
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The year hadn't even truly began when the all too familiar labor pains hit Giulia once again.
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Giuliano Morosini was born on January 2nd in the early hours of the morning. Giulia was more than content to celebrate the birth of her hopefully final child.
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Giovanni was delighted to have a second surviving son especially as he wouldn't need to fret too much over future arrangements for him as he would with his daughters.
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Giuseppe grew up and despite his parent's fears of losing him to the winter illness passed around that year, spring came and he was running after his sisters all the same tiring himself out that he often didn't bother going to the bed to sleep.
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Giuliano grew into a lovely little boy, Giulia wondered where he inherited a lot of his features from since she was having trouble placing them but Giovanni mentioned that he himself was surprised by how much the kids took after his father when he himself had taken after his mother. Giulia figured that answered that.
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With his maternal family, Antonio celebrated his thirteenth birthday.
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Osana celebrated her sixth birthday as well surrounded by her siblings. Giovanni was astounded by how much she took after him but she had no interest in getting into the dirt of the farm as she was horrified of grime and creepy crawlie bugs. Giulia laughed seeing as she was just as squeamish as her aunt Felicita.
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Osana was a great help around the house, more so than Orsolina, that she would clean messes between her lessons that her little sisters and brother made while Giulia tended to the baby.
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July also brought with it, betrayal. Beverly was horrified when her son who was betrothed to Felicita left town for a week only to return married, his wife very obviously pregnant, and she was a Laurent. He had been keeping their romance a secret for sometime but when the pregnancy was obvious they ran off to elope. In a way Beverly was glad that her first grandchild was not to be a bastard but he had obligations to the Carlisles and the fact that he married a Laurent was not to be ignored. Felicita wasn't exactly emotionally attached to her betrothed so it hardly mattered though she did wonder what that meant for her own future. Tala was pissed as it meant that her efforts to see her daughter wed to a nobleman were for naught as he was already married she wanted her girl to rise above their station. But there was little to do aside from turn their attentions from the wedding that wasn't even supposed to happen for a few more years to Tina's eighteeth birthday that October.
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While the broken arrangement for her sister was hot gossip around town, now that Giulia only had one infant to care for and two older children she felt she could finally breathe again and took more of an interest in her children beyond struggling to get all their needs met. Though it was nice that Giuseppe was such an independent boy.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 5 months
Year 1651
TW/CW: Death Mention, Infant Death
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The new year was ushered in with storms which were bad enough that the Lady of the Laurent family passed when she got caught in it but even still there was work to be done outside.
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With the storm raging on outside Giulia was happy for the excuse to snuggle up with her little ones though the longer it went on the more stir-crazy the family got.
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For Giovanni though being home with his family was the highlight of his day because working the garden and going to town to sell his crops was miserable in the rain and wind. After the Lady Laurent's passing he started to worry more for his own safety as well in the rain so every time he returned home at night he felt blessed.
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There was gossip to be had when not three months following the loss of his wife, the Laurent head remarried.
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Giulia and Giovanni talked at length about the events in town. The older the kids got, the more sleep the couple had so while they were still massively sleep deprived, Giulia felt more of a need to speak with actual adults.
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Even with the growing desire to connect with people closer to her age, she still enjoyed helping her daughter with her lessons.
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Luckily Felicita seemed to be able to read her sister's mind from down the hill and she came to visit to give her sister a second wind. The timing of her visit was also right in that Felicita got to be the first to learn that she was getting a new niece or nephew by either the end of the year or early the next.
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While the younger Morosini girls got dirty and messy when the weather turned nice again, Orsolina decided to try and help her father in the garden especially after hearing him complain about how he was getting old for the work.
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This latest pregnancy was going better for Giulia than most of her previous ones as she was more rested but she was feeling nervous about it after what happened to her eldest son and the news that came in September that her cousin had also lost her son from her set of twins. Thoughts of losing another child plagued her often when she woke to tend to Giuseppe in the night.
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As her pregnancy progressed, Giulia decided to leave the children with her family and take the opportunity to have sometime to herself maybe twice a month while Giovanni was away. It was like a breath of fresh air putting wind back in her sails. But when Giovanni saw her from a distance he had other ideas.
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He tried to put from his mind the image of his wife looking excited without the children around as he snuggled his son. But even that couldn't shake loose the idea that perhaps she had begun an affair. He didn't doubt his children and her pregnancy was obviously his since the storms kept everyone indoors but... could she be unfaithful? He was being ridiculous but the thoughts gnawed at his mind.
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It was November when Giovanni finally confronted his wife with his thoughts as she returned from where she had been to change before collecting the kids. He had planned to talk to her peacefully but the sight of her in those different clothes made him see red. He screamed at her asking if she had returned from her lover's house. Giulia was blindsided by Giovanni's reaction and took his verbal beratement until the shock wore off and she could process his words. He thought she was cheating. Was he out of his mind? Maybe, she thought, sometimes she wondered if she was all there with such little sleep but seriously? She told him that she had no lover and that she was simply running to keep active and get some time for herself. He believed her somewhat that she was getting time for herself but he was too angry and hot-headed to consider that he was wrong and Giulia decided to wait to change until after she collected the children for both of them to cool their heads.
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So much for cooling their heads because Giulia returned home to the house being on fire. Giovanni tried to put it out but caught alight himself, thankfully he put himself and the fire out before anything too much more than a singe could happen but the fire took over whatever talks they would have had about their relationship as their mutual relief for their family's safety took priority.
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The year came to a close as Giulia was thanked the heavens for her family's safety and well being.
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That said, she still worried about the lack of faith her husband had in her. True she never exactly loved the man and he had a temper and was hard to please, especially in the early days in their marriage but she was never unfaithful. All these years of doing her best to be a devoted wife to a man older than her father that she never wanted to marry because she wanted to live a good honest life and he made no effort to even learn about what she did all day assuming it was an affair. It hurt. It hurt to think he would rather assume less of her character and that she would hurt her family like that than appreciate her efforts more than the occasional bedtime for his own damn kids. By the end of the year she decided that Giovanni simply wasn't worth her time but while she had little care for her husband, she was just going to focus on her children. Her husband had his son. He didn't need her anymore and she didn't want him. She simply steered clear of him apart from meals choosing to sleep in the guest room until he had them switch so she'd be with the children.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 5 months
Year 1649
TW/CW: Death Mention, Child Death
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The start of the year proved rather uneventful which would have been a bore for the young ladies of the Carlisle household but after the years of war, no news really was good news.
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Between lessons that they sometimes shared with the young Morosini girls, the Carlisle-Robles ladies practiced the skills that would likely actually be relevant to them once they grew into adults. Felicita heard nothing about her brother from her mother but she didn't want to move to hastily as it was news for everyone in the home not just her.
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May came around and brought with it news that Sadie and Isabella's youngest daughter passed away. They didn't provide details and honestly, no one wanted to ask if they didn't wish to share. But for Tala it was the push she needed to broach the subject with her daughter about Vincente's son. While Tala still wasn't fully accepting of the idea of meeting her husband's ex and love child but she didn't want to deny her daughter the chance to get to know her brother so after telling her about Antonio's existence they agreed to write a response back to get the kids in touch with each other through letters.
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Orsa and Orelia definitely grew into their own features more as they grew up enough so that it was easy to tell them apart at a glance but Giulia still kept them in the same colors that they had been in as infants mostly because she found it cute.
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Of the twins Orsa got along more with both of her older sisters while Osana was close to both twins and Orsolina.
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The year drew to a close with Raquel celebrating her eighteenth birthday quietly at home. Maybe it was all the years in the garden surrounded by the tranquility of Tartosa but she developed a deep love for the outdoors as she entered adulthood.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 5 months
Year 1648 - Part 1
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At the start of the year, little Osana grew up looking more and more like her father each day to Giovanni's delight.
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Giulia was hit with waves of false labor alarmingly early which did not ease her worries that had resurfaced from her first pregnancy loss before Osana though she was too far along now for it to pass so easily.
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But it was February when true labor began and it was early still but not alarmingly so. Enough that the midwife was convinced that Giulia had truly been carrying multiples.
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Their suspicions proved correct when on February 14th, four years to the day of Giulia's youngest sister's passing, Giulia delivered twin daughters. The girls were named Orsa and Orelia as Giulia and Giovanni found they liked the pattern of naming their daughters with the letter O.
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Giovanni couldn't help but feel blessed that in the time of war where most families had lost someone and when most children did not survive, he had four living children. The more daughters they had, the more Giovanni wondered if his wife could even produce a son but either way now that they had twins he was happy to wait a little more before trying again. He simply didn't have the energy to keep up with four children all under the age of four that this point let alone more. He could also tell that the last birth had taken it's toll on Giulia in that she had hardly slept the last few months and that was even before the twins arrived.
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Giovanni's assessment of his wife was spot on as most of her days were spent running herself ragged following behind the older girls and tending to the newborns. Thankfully the twins hardly fussed and Osana was a relatively independent child content to play with her big sister but sleep was a scarcity in the Morosini home.
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Following the revelation of Ramon's several illegitimate children, Tina found joy in connecting with her other siblings through Talia's tome. Her surviving brother had become a father of his own twins that March and it was hard for Tina to think of being an aunt but it was also nice to know that she wasn't alone especially as most of her siblings had lost some of their own siblings, it was nice to discover a new connection.
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Orsa and Orelia grew into themselves more as time passed and while they weren't identical, they were very similar in appearance. So while their eye color gave away their identity, Giulia and Giovanni decided that while their personalities were mostly calm, Orsa would be in green and Orelia in yellow.
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Life in Tartosa was still calm for the ladies of the Carlisle-Ruano household as they spent most of their days either studying lessons. Raquel and Tina couldn't believe how much they learned from Talia's tome especially considering that normally their 'lessons' would be in tending house for when they inevitably got married in the future but while Tina found she enjoyed the lessons, Raquel was less interested though, she was growing older and hoping to branch out.
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Though Orsa seemed to detest being held by anyone, Orelia didn't seem to mind all that much. Giovanni joked that they now could tell their daughters apart because of it, the one who protested being held was Orsa and the one who was aware of being an infant who could barely hold her own head up was Orelia.
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While taking care of four girls was tiring at least that was the extent of their problems, Giulia remembered hearing how she had been jealous of her younger siblings when she was young but her girls thankfully were happy to coexist.
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They tried not to choose favorites among their children but that didn't stop their kids from having favorites of their own. Orsolina continued following after her Papa while Osana was happy to keep her mother company when she wasn't trying to explore on her own. The twins had yet to choose a favorite but Giulia was always there to give them attention so it was a treat for Giovanni to spoil them each night.
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Giulia appreciated the break that Giovanni provided her with the girls but she was starting to hate that their roles with the girls had been divided into her being the sole disciplinarian and him being the fun parent who plays games and takes them through the town. Though with how tired she was, she didn't have the energy to change the dynamic they had found themselves in.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 3 months
Year 1669
TW/CW: Infant Death
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After thinking it over and speaking with Orsa, Giulia decided to find a good match for her. It didn't take long to find the Rossi family who were on the lookout for a wife for their surviving son. Like most families, they had lost members to the plague but for them it took three of their children leaving them with only their eldest, Alessandro. Olimpia wasn't a fan of the strangers around their home so often but Giuliano was happy to give his approval of the young man in question after getting to know him.
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It didn't take long for the two families to agree to the match between their children as they were confident that they would be good together.
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Despite wedding planning with the Rossi family, Giulia made sure to spend time with her younger children especially since they seemed to grow up so fast.
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The passage of time was only made more clear when Marcello celebrated his sixth birthday.
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Unfortunately in Henford, Antonio's oldest daughter celebrated her sixth birthday in July as a muted affair after early June had brought with it the birth and death of her younger brother over the course of just two days.
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While the news from Henford was tragic, Giulia was happy that July also brought with it Orsa and Alessandro's wedding with both families in attendance. While Giulia had worried about making a mistake for another one of her children with the marriage all her fears were unfounded as the young couple took to each other immediately once the initial awkwardness of getting to know each other wore off.
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Life in Henford for Orelia was proving to be a wild adventure though the town itself was quiet, the novelty of being in a new land was anything but. Orelia had worried about interacting with people given her poor language skills but found that she didn't need all that many words to enjoy her time with the men and women who took her fancy. Still Orelia didn't feel that Henford was home to her but she was currently happy where she was.
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Osana had spent the past year keeping in touch with a man, Francois Arnault, she had met on the sister's travels to Henford and it was both a surprise and not when he arrived in Henford for her. While the man was easily in his forties and Orelia was convinced their relationship was more doomed than her last relationship, she did attend the quick wedding the two shared in September before Osana left with her new husband to his homeland. As far as Osana was concerned, she didn't need to travel any further than her new home because of her love.
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In Tartosa, Orsa and Alessandro only grew more and more inseparable as most days they would be seen around town or by the water looking absolutely smitten with each other.
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Given how well they worked with each other it was little shock that Orsa was expecting just a few months after the wedding. While Orsa wasn't exactly as overjoyed at future parenthood like Alessandro, she was relieved that he was delighted by the news of their expanding family.
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Though Alessadro wasn't the only one excited by the news of a new child as his parents were thrilled to be expecting a grandchild especially after their own losses, the birth of a child was a welcome change of pace. Orsa was also happy to know that she would have the support of her in-laws when it came time to raise her baby since she was nervous about her first born and most of her own family had their own little ones to deal with. Her mother had her siblings and her sister had her nephews after all but the Rossi family had plenty of time to dote on their new grandchild.
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Orsa was happy to share the news of her expecting with her sisters in Henford, only for the belated news of Osana's marriage and move to Newcrest to arrive. At first Orsa was happy to hear that her older sister had married but from Orelia's description, she was decided to reserve her judgement.
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More frustrating though was that Orelia revealed in a letter towards the end of the year that she suspected that she was expecting herself but had no clue who the father of her child might be which exasperated Orsa about how she would break the news to their mother about the fact that her twin was somehow in a worse situation than Osana had been in with the Collari head. Still, she wanted to look at the bright side and kept her thoughts to herself, instead writing to her sister about the joys of both expecting at the same time.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 3 months
Year 1667
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A letter came in from Antonio early in the year telling Giulia of how his youngest daughter, Luisa, had grown into a little girl which he was happy to write about how his children were faring well all things considered after the plague but since his mother joined them in Henford the previous autumn he was proud to talk about his work on the docks which made Orelia light up as her mother recounted the contents of his letter to her children.
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Giuliano shared his first kiss with Ashley as Giulia and Katharine lingered near by to keep things within reason. Katharine rolled her eyes at the blatant displays of affection the young couple stole while Giulia thought it sweet that her son was finding love though she hoped that there wasn't too much love happening as she didn't want another one of her children to have a child outside of marriage though she knew her son would be responsible enough to ask for her hand if that happened, the point was that she wanted them to wait.
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As spring approached, Osana cherished the last time she would care for her son as he would soon grow too old to hide their relationship if she remained in the Collari home. She was happy that he was in good health and that he had a brother to play with. Once she returned home, it would be a new start for her ideally.
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Little Cristofolo grew up and very obviously took after Osana though those who weren't in the know about his birth figured that the child merely took after his maternal grandfather as Osana was very much her father's child.
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With children taking after their mother's Benetta was no exception. She was an inquisitive child with a passion for learning and while her father wasn't sure how much she would continue to take after her mother, he and Tala appreciated that they could see Felicita in her.
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Osana returned to the Morosini home in May and found the farm life to be much harder than she had remembered before leaving to the Collari family.
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With summer in full swing, Giulia approached Orelia with news that she was planning to see her daughters all wed before their 23rd birthdays since she wanted to make sure that their futures were secure. She had already sent out the notice in Talia's tome so that the other holders of the Tome could help in her search for son-in-laws. Orelia was shocked, she was nineteen so four more years did feel like a significant amount of time but it was also so short and... she wasn't sure she even wanted to marry but her mother looked so happy thinking of seeing her daughters married and established how could she say anything to that?
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With marriage talks being the focal point of the warmer seasons, Giuliano tried his best to avoid them when he could though he couldn't believe that his friend Katharine was betrothed to Leonardo Ludovici. He thought about his future with Ashley and while he liked their relationship he was still fifteen and didn't really want to consider being an actual adult just yet. He was perfectly content to defer to his mother except when it came to the physical labor he prided himself on being able to complete.
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Orelia tried to busy herself with her hobbies to distract herself from her mother's announcement but it hung over her heart like a vise. Marriage... a life as someone's wife where she would likely be beholden to her husband and his will much like her mother... it felt threatening to her.
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While Osana was very clearly not suited for outdoor work, she loved lavishing her two young siblings with attention and they loved having her around more frequently.
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Osana spent a lot of her time at Tala and Orsa's home though looking through Talia's tome speaking with her Uncle and the spirits of her late relatives.
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Orelia enjoyed speaking with her baby brother though he wasn't much of a baby anymore. It was an odd feeling watching him grow up because of their large age gap but she delighted in hearing the little one ramble.
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Eventually Osana's correspondence with her Uncle led her to be invited to visit with a guest which when she told Orsa, Orsa and Alexis admonished her saying it was a terrible idea to travel to a foreign land because of wanting to avoid their mother's matchmaking and give her the chance to marry for love. Osana tried to appeal to Orsa's romantic side but Orsa mentioned that she didn't really have the best track record to choosing men which insulted Osana but Orsa did relent to the fact that her sister was an adult who could make terrible choices if she wanted. Osana was insulted that her sister thought her choices were bad but accepted that that was likely the best she'd get from her.
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While Osana plotted to leave town with Orelia, who was itching to escape marriage, December snuck up on them and Giovanni Cesare celebrated his sixth birthday with his family.
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Despite Orsa's disapproval for her sisters' plan to leave town in secret, she still saw them off as the two of them left in the night hours before the new year was ushered in.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 3 months
Year 1666
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In the early days of January, Landon's noble bride arrived in Tartosa with her son from her first marriage. Both of the betrothed were excited to meet one another and quickly arranged for their wedding to go ahead with minimal fanfare especially in the wake of the disaster the plague had brought with it.
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At the Ludovici household, Benetta grew into a darling baby who was thankfully a calm child which helped the household adjust to the changes the previous year had caused better.
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Leonardo grew into a fun-loving young man with a penchant for parties. While his grandmother would have refused to have him as the heir to the family due to his Laurent mother her passing made it easy for his father to ignore that but his personality was rather irresponsible so the Ludovici head decided that his new daughter was more likely to inherit which honestly relieved Leonardo.
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February brought with it Giulia's twin daughter's birthday as they turned eighteen.
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In a lot of ways the older girls' birthday was rather bittersweet as it was wonderful that they had reached a new milestone but it was also proof that Giulia's children were growing up very fast. Giulia was ever more aware that little Olimpia would soon not be so little anymore.
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In early March, Tala approached Giulia with a proposal. Tala was getting on in years and needed more consistent help with the Carlisle home and now that Felicita was gone and Vincente was gone long enough to have no more say in the land, Tala wanted to leave the land to the grandchild that would truly appreciate it, Orsa. Of course, Giuliano would appreciate the land too but he was to inherit the Morosini home and both him and Orsa loved the farming life deeply and the Carlisle home was a bit easier to maintain to be honest. Giulia was floored at the idea of course she had wondered what Tala was planning with her childhood home but to give it to her daughter was touching. Giulia was saddened at the thought of another one of her daughters leaving home but she also knew that her daughter would be happy with that.
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As expected, when Tala brought up the idea to Orsa after getting Giulia's approval, Orsa was thrilled after she got over the initial disbelief. Orsa asked why Orelia wasn't chosen since she had started helping first but Tala reminded her that Orelia wasn't the type to want to be a farmer she just wanted to help, Orsa actually wanted it. There was little fault that Orsa could find in that.
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Over the next few days, the Morosini family helped move Orsa's belongings to the Carlisle home and Orsa couldn't help but feel like this is where she belonged.
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Olimpia grew into a little girl to the delight of her family.
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Giulia might have missed how little her children used to be but with them getting older the little ones weren't any less affectionate, in fact, they seemed to be more insistent on getting her attention.
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With Orsa being more independent and her home being less chaotic, she found more time to spend with her oldest sister and nephews. It felt like it had been way too long since they had been able to spend any proper length of time together.
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While Orsa was getting used to her own household with her grandmother, Giuliano and his outgoing nature had led to him getting close to some girls in town specifically a pair of cousins, Ashley and Katharine. He had known Ashley for years since she grew up in Tartosa but Katharine recently moved in with her maternal aunt following the loss of her father and brother to the plague. It was sad that the reason they met was because of the circumstances but Giuliano cherished both of his relationships with the girls.
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Katharine was a passionate young woman who had a tendency to get carried away and while Giulia kept an eye on the teens to make sure nothing inappropriate occurred, Giuliano wasn't interested in her in that way and Katherine was well aware that nothing would come of any attraction she had towards him.
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Katherine was certain of it because Giuliano and Ashley were as close as could be without getting into improper territory. Katherine was happy for her cousin though mostly she was annoyed with chaperoning the pair since it was very easy for them to get caught up with each other leaving her to feel rather left out of their friendship.
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October brought with it Jolene's son becoming a little boy which, despite Orsolina's initial reluctance to accept the stepchild of the man who broke her sister's heart, she couldn't bring herself to deny the boy or his mother for an arrangement that unbeknownst to them hurt Osana. So by the time the boy was old enough to play with the Collari boys, he was welcomed by them openly.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 3 months
Year 1665
TW/CW: Death, Child Death, Death Mention
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Giuliano grew further into his love for the outdoors as he became a teenager. It was clear that he took quite a bit after the Carlisle side of the family as he grew too.
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Not long after Giuliano's birthday, Antonio sent word that his daughter had grown into a little girl to his and his wife's relief after they had lost their eldest when he was younger. Antonio also shared in the same note that he was expecting another child for the summer as well.
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Giulia was delighted by the news of her brother's well being despite never meeting him she was glad that he and his family were doing well all things considered.
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Life moved along slowly for the remainder of January and February with little to note except for the news that Felicita was once again expecting. Felicita had confided in her sister that she and her husband had decided that this child would be their final one as raising five children, six if including her sister-in-law, was well enough for the two of them. Giulia was all to familiar with claiming a pregnancy would be her final one but decided to keep quiet as her sister continued on about being done with having more children.
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Little Giulia grew into a sweet little girl in the Collari home with her parents. Though her father continued showing little interest in her, Osana was delighted in the health of their daughter and continued pressing for marriage especially as she began to show with her second pregnancy.
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Orelia loved doting on her baby sister and while a few years ago she couldn't have imagined raising kids of her own, she was sure that in the future she wanted some though marriage was not something she wanted to think about anytime soon. Giulia took her daughter's admission of one day wanting kids as her coming around but was more than happy to hold off on looking for a partner for her daughter who stated she wasn't ready especially when she had other siblings who were more interested in marriage coming sooner than later.
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Age hadn't pulled Giuliano and Olivia apart, in fact, it brought the two of them closer as they were able to relate more with both of them growing older.
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But the joy that the start of the year had brought with it was immediately spoiled when Giovanni's ghost visited in March telling of the plague spreading aggressively throughout the lands.
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The plague hit and it hit hard with news of Isabella's passing on April 8th, and hit harder specifically the Ludovici household as one after the other Felicita's children fell victim to the plague starting with little Lazaro on the 23rd then the oldest Veniera on the 29th and on May 10th Tala's namesake died leaving Felicita from three children to be four children down to her only surviving child being in her womb. Sadie also passed the day before the young Tala.
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Giulia tried to keep positive especially after the Morosini family was proven not exempt from the plague when Olivia slipped away on June 3rd. Amidst the deaths, Antonio revealed that before his wife died to the plague, four days earlier she delivered their daughter Luisa on July 12th. Thankfully he and his girls had been spared but Giulia could only write back that her granddaughter, Giulia Collari, had died on the 21st of July.
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Following the funeral of their daughter, Osana tried harder to get Landon to marry her as their child was due to be born in a few short months.
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Unfortunately for Osana while she loved Landon deeply he broke the news to her that he would never marry her as he was going to marry a noblewoman from Windenburg in the coming year which shocked Osana. She asked him if he ever planned on marrying her or if he had just been lying to her to which he angrily admonished her for even entertaining the idea that he, a nobleman, would ever marry her, a farmer's daughter and the only reason his brother did was because he wasn't the heir. Now Osana was heartbroken and left with far fewer options for the future by having a child unmarried.
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Orsolina was gutted for her dear sister and her plight. Of course she had seen this outcome coming since the start it didn't make it any better now that it came to fruition. She wanted to help her sister but didn't know how since her sister had a past that would deem her improper and bar her from most high society. Venting to her husband, he came up with a plan that would solve all their issues and annoy his brother and mother to boot if Osana would be agreeable to it.
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The more Orsolina was forced to see her brother-in-law who ruined her sister's prospects with no consequences face the more willing she was to make him pay so while she didn't necessarily enjoy the idea her husband had proposed, she wasn't against it either and when the idea was brought up to Osana she agreed to it with surprisingly little hesitation. Since Orsolina and Octavio had little intention of producing a second child and had elected to make no efforts to do so, with a need for a precautionary spare for their household they decided to adopt Osana's unborn child and while Bianca wasn't thrilled with the idea of them adopting a child, she relaxed once she learned the child in question was her middle son's bastard child and therefore a Collari by blood. Landon was mad that after releasing Osana as his mistress, with his brother adopting her child, his child would be around constantly. Osana wasn't entirely okay with giving her child to her sister but it would secure her child's future as a noble and it would allow Osana more options for partners if she wasn't bring with her another man's child into her future relationship negotiations. Though she wasn't going to be forced away from the child as she was to be allowed to remain in the Collari household as the child's wet nurse.
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On September 30th, Osana felt the familiar labor pains grip her and after hours of labor just minutes from midnight, Cristofolo Collari was born and registered as Orsolina and Octavio's second born. Though the joy of the new baby didn't last long as Octavio had been fighting the plague and lost to it on October 5th.
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While October was not treating the Collari family kindly, the 15th of the month brought with it a blessing to the Ludovici family in the form a healthy daughter named Benetta.
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The plague continued to ravage through with news and notices for the dead arriving all the time. It was hard for Giulia to keep up with it all but when the Ludovici family was struck once again and Felicita was taken on December 6th, Giulia laughed bitterly at how her sister had been right about Benetta being her last child after all.
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As December inched to a close the death toll tapered off and while the year had been especially devastating the older Morosini children were hopeful that the plague had run its course for the time being. Though they spent most of their days that winter in quiet contemplation over their grief and loss through prayer or keeping busy.
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When Cristofolo grew into a calm baby, the family decided that it was a sign that the worst had passed.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1663- Part 2
TW/CW: Death
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Despite the loss in the family, the younger kids who had for the most part not known about it went on as normal with Giovanni spending time with his young kids when he could.
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As the kids busied themselves with their own activities, Giulia and Giovanni stopped to talk with each other where Giulia revealed that she had discovered that she was once again expecting. Giovanni was happy to learn that they were to have another child despite the hectic lives they had with so many children. He talked about his plans for the future of their children with Giulia that despite his talk of Osana being effectively disowned he wished for her to find a good match even if it meant out of town now that her reputation in Tartosa was stained by her being an unmarried mother and the more he talked Giulia felt that he was outlining his plans because he feared not seeing them through. It was upsetting to hear because despite their turbulent relationship, Giulia had spent more than half her life with him and the thought of his death did scare her a bit but she listened to his words.
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It seemed Giovanni's suspicions were confirmed when Giulia found him collapsed in the garden while the older children were taking lessons after the younger ones were put down for their nap on the first of December.
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The younger children didn't quite understand what had happened to their father. Olivia knew that it meant that he had gone away but couldn't quite grasp that he wouldn't actually be back again while Giovanni Cesare kept asking about his father. In a lot of ways he reacted similarly to Giuliano when Giuseppe died. Giulia tried her best to keep it together but some days were harder than others as she adjusted to expecting at forty-two, raising young children, and being a new widow.
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Giulia found it difficult to breathe sometimes which only made things worse as she struggled. She felt that she was too old to make a fuss but she wondered what her next steps were going to be for her family.
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With Giovanni gone and her mother expecting, Orelia decided that despite her dislike for the garden she had to pick up the slack that her father had left behind. She found the repetitive work somewhat calming as it allowed her to focus on not her grief.
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Still the best relief Orelia found was when she could slip away to swim in the waters near Tala's home. The year had been awful for their family but when she was swimming she was sure that things would eventually work themselves out.
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Meanwhile Orsa decided to do her best to take on more of the household work as their mother dealt with their little siblings and the new impending arrival. Giulia though was the first to talk with Orsa about Giovanni's plans for the future despite being unsure of going through with any of them she had to admit that she was feeling lost about the future and while she and Giovanni had always disagreed about their children's futures, a plan was something solid to hang on to. Orsa was shocked at the idea of sending Osana away to marry but she also couldn't help but feel that if the father of her niece wasn't going to be responsible her sister deserved someone who would be but she also knew that Osana would hate not marrying for love. Giulia wondered if it really was the best idea though but decided that she'd mull over the idea when she stopped grieving in order to think it through with a clear head, still Orsa didn't know what to think aside from feeling grateful that she hadn't had a secret affair like her sister.
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