#and expect me to celebrate it once I’m an adult
herawell · 5 months
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paddockbunny · 1 year
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The Dress
Summary: Fernando Alonso is the biggest flirt in Formula One and he particularly likes flirting with you. This is what happens when you happen to wear a dress he more than likes. Rating: 16+ with adult, mature themes Pairing : Fernando Alonso x Reader Word Count : 958 - ONE SHOT Trigger Warnings : NSFW themes implied, flirting, age gap relationships and a little sprinkle of judgey colleagues Images : Found on Pinterest 💕 Authors Note : I forgot to answer this as a request 🫠
List : List A. Prompt : #143 - “You look beautiful. But I’m afraid you’d look more gorgeous with that dress off you.” (Note: line changed to - ““You wear such a beautiful dress and don’t expect me to be the one taking it off you?”
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Fernando was a flirt. A first class, top rate flirt. As soon as you joined the paddock as an onscreen presenter last year you realised this. You grew up watching the man race so to have him in front of you constantly trying to get you to blush was perhaps the most flattering thing to ever happen in your life. Your stomach twisted when you noticed he was walking over. His PR handler giving you the knowing nod before he himself reached you. He had had a podium finish (P3) so you knew he was going to be more flirtatious than usual with you.
“Ah” He smiled broadly. “Mi Princesa de la television.” He called you by the nickname he had bestowed upon you mid last season – which, with the help of Google translate, you worked out meant my television princess – and was always a sure fire way to make you smile for him. You found the older man more handsome since he made his move to Aston Martin. Not that he wasn’t handsome before but the dark green set off against his lovely tanned skin really got you going. This year he seemed like he was more relaxed and gave insightful, thoughtful answers to your questions more than his frustrating years at Alpine.
Your interview with him went by in the blink of an eye and not once did he ever break eye contact with you which meant you spent the whole time keeping your heart rate under control. You never failed to get big smiles out of him and today, celebrating his podium, was no different. Your “friendship” with Fernando was something that made you the envy of other journalists in the paddock. He was always your easiest interviewee and saved all the good sound bites especially for you. As you noticed the light on the top of your cameraman’s camera go off – signalling you were no longer live – Fernando couldn’t wait to take the opportunity suddenly handed to him. In perfect English he asks you; “What are your plans tonight?” Which resulted in you explaining you were intending to pack your suitcase so you were ready for your early morning flight home. Fernando replies quickly with a defiant head shake and practically orders you into having dinner with him.
“Fernando I cant, it’s really not,” You were going to say appropriate but he stopped you midsentence. He leaned in across the barrier, his hot breath ghosted across your cheek. For the briefest of moments you thought he might kiss you and cause a hell of a media storm but he didn’t. He simply continued toward your ear. His lips dangerously close to it when he was the boldest he had ever been.
“You wear such a beautiful dress and don’t expect me to be the one taking it off you?” His words dripped with his strong Spanish accent. They lashed at the sensitive skin on your neck as you tried hard not to let out a shocked gasp at his words. It was the first time he had been so bold since he had began this dance of flirting with you. The sudden forwardness sent a strong pulsating ache straight between your thighs as you thought about him doing exactly what he suggested, removing your dress.
“And now you’re thinking about me naked.” He pulled back and smirked broadly. It made you laugh. Really laugh. Enough that other people snapped their necks to check out what was going on. You didn’t need to see the reactions of your fellow journalists because you could already feel their eyes on you (and their no doubt disapproving looks). They hadn’t been able to hear what Fernando had whispered to you but the action of him leaning in like that was clearly enough to spark their imaginations.
“Dinner, Hermosa. Then you can decide if that dress looks better on or on my hotel room floor.” They had certainly heard that one. He hadn’t bothered to lower his voice this time. As one older, European commentator tutted audibly – It would have been dumb of you not to register his reaction as him attempting to shame you for being a rather above average looking woman working in motorsport (as if you hadn’t already faced all of their degrading comments about your looks almost every single race weekend already) but you realised you didn’t care – you felt an unexpected boldness grip hold of you that somewhat mimicked the man standing in front of you (trying hard not to check out your boobs in your dress).
“Dinner.” Fernando raised his eyebrow at your acceptance “And then we will see about the dress.” He had never heard you so confident before. You crumbled whenever he would toy with you but this time you accepted his offer in the most alluring manner you could muster. You had always been a nervous flirt - always the one to back down when it started getting too obvious – but now, in this setting with colleagues ready to judge you, you simply thought “fuck it”. If this was your one chance to fuck a formula one driver by hell you were going to take it.
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squirmhoney · 7 months
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader Warning: Smut. Dark. Non-Con. Dub-con. Abusive relationship. Pet names. Possessive!Rafe 18+ MDNI A/N: This is inspired by my drabble here. Hope you enjoy it and please read the warnings before proceeding. Support me through my Ko-Fi linked here.
Part two
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Master List Here
Ever since you were three, you had struggled with social situations. Which made starting school awful…
But only for a second. 
Because he was there. That taller boy with light blonde hair and  a goofy smile, who had practically been your guiding light through your whole first day and the day after that, and after that… 
You thought he’d be there till the end but the month after Rafe turned sixteen he started on the cruel path he had always been destined for. Or at least, that’s what you liked to believe. Because truth be told, most of the Outer Banks believed Rafe had always had a cruelness to him, you had just been the last person to see it. 
On your twenty-first birthday, Rafe had been the last person on your mind. 
Especially when your mother was in the midst of talking you through what was supposed to be your ‘surprise birthday party’.  
“You only turn twenty-one once,” your mother exclaimed, holding out another dress for you to look at. 
You grimaced at the option, turning away from her to finger through another rack of dresses. 
“Who knows when I’ll be able to celebrate your birthday again?” She whined, face dropping to convince you to let her hold this one party. “Especially with you planning to leave the Outer Banks in a few months.” 
“It’s not like I’m never going to visit,” you told her.
“You’re finally an adult, Y/N.”  
This made you roll your eyes. 
“Let me do this one thing for you, please.” 
She was insisting and you knew there was only one person that could ever win in this situation. 
You nodded, mouthing a small okay before turning away to find a dress to suit the occasion. But you could still hear her screeches of excitement from behind you, reminding you that you’d be her perfect doll to show off to the whole Kook population tonight. 
It was only an hour into shopping when you finally grew tired, wanting to call it a day and go home. But without the dress your mother believed you needed, you weren’t going anywhere. 
“How about this?” Your mother pulled out yet another gown from the clothing racks. 
“It’s too much,” you answered, rolling your eyes as you took another step further into the shop. 
You could sense the lecture brewing from your mother, hearing it in her tone as her mouth snapped open. But you were quick to shut it out, focusing on the distant noise of laughter coming from behind the dressing room curtains, a laughter you recognised. 
When a head of brown and another one of blonde stepped out of the dressing room, you were quick to duck your own down, hoping if you seemed interested enough in the clothes in front of you, that they might not stop to greet you. 
But they hadn’t just got your attention, and soon enough your mother was already calling out for them before you could hiss at her no. 
“Kiara. Sarah,” She shouted, waving them over with a huge smile. 
They shared that same joy as they embraced your mother in a warm hug, one you were quick to decline as you held your arms to your chest. 
“Happy Birthday I guess,” Sarah beamed. 
“Oh yeah,” Kiara quickly chimed in, turning to you. “Happy Birthday.” 
“Thank you,” you nodded. 
“Will you both be coming tonight?” your mother asked, wide eyes staring at them full of hope. “I expect to see you.” 
“Oh no-” you words were cut off before you could make some excuse for them. 
“Yeah we both are actually,” Sarah said, throwing her arm around Kiara. She gave a wink towards your mother, sharing something unspoken as they both began to laugh. 
All you could do was stare at the ground, practically praying in your mind for them to leave. 
You were sure Kiara caught sight of this, frowning in your direction. This had her yanking Sarah away, both of them waving you off with awkward goodbyes. 
And once they were out of distance you felt yourself able to breathe again. 
“I don’t understand why you don’t talk to those girls anymore,” Your mother said, disappointment laced in her tone. 
You brushed her off, not feeling the need to explain yourself because at the end of the day you didn’t really have a reason. Not one you could explain to her at least. 
And over time she stopped prying for much of an answer. 
If your mother knew where you were spending your afternoon, she would have had a fit. 
But that didn’t seem to matter when sandy fingers traced over the skin of your leg, stealing the minutes of your day as if they were mere seconds. 
It wasn’t love with Leo, that you knew. It was just easy. 
He came at a time in your life where you had been desperate to escape your own terrifying reality and the only way you knew how was by the end of the bottle. Eventually your lips moved from sipping on drinks to sipping the last bit of liquor on his lips. But that’s where it started and ended, a few kisses here and there because you never felt more comfortable than a few heated make out sessions. 
And he had never pressured you about it. 
“What you thinking about?” Leo questioned, rolling over in the sand to face you. 
You shrugged, staring endlessly at the sea. . 
“There’s something on your mind,” he urged you to talk, poking at your ankle for your attention. “Tell me.” 
“I’m thinking about how badly I don’t want to go tonight,” you admitted, staring distantly to the other side of the beach. 
“I can’t,” you told him. “It’s one night.” That you told yourself.
“You could take me?” He suggested, chocolate eyes staring through his mop of curly hair. “I could help take your mind off of things.” 
“As if you’d want to go to a Kook party,” you joked, pushing him gently. 
“I forget, we don’t hang out in the same circles.” 
He didn’t seem upset about it, grinning up to the sun in the sky as if it hadn’t even phased him. 
That you were glad for. The mutual agreement between the pair of you, never needing to make it more than it actually was. 
Leo could kiss a million other girls and it wouldn’t bother you at all. He had done, in the parties you had both been to and you were glad for that, not wanting to pretend this was something more. Because that wasn’t what you wanted. 
“I’ll be working a shift at the Wreck tonight,” he told you, sitting up from the floor. “You know if you need me.” 
You smiled at him before turning back to the sky. It was only when the sun seemed to be a bit too low in the sky did you start to panic, searching for your phone through the sand. 
“What?” Leo asked, sensing your urgency. 
“The time it’s-” you groaned when your phone read five pm, along with three missed calls made at least half an hour ago from your mother. “I have to go.” 
You jumped to your feet, grabbing your bag and the rest of your things. 
Leo didn’t bother to get up, only turning to watch you as you began to run away. 
“I’ll probably see you tomorrow,” You shouted at him with a quick wave. 
Only to hear a “Happy Birthday” when you stood at least twenty metres away. 
Your father saved you from your mother’s wrath when you walked through the front door, throwing you a disapproving look as he told you to get ready and head upstairs. 
Even though you hated sociable occasions, you loved your mother and you knew you’d screw her over if you didn’t make sure you were ready on time. Knowing your parents, the Kook population would probably all be in attendance tonight and tardiness just wasn’t an answer. 
Luckily for you, your mother had already laid out the perfect blue summer dress on your bed. Meaning you wouldn’t have to throw out your entire wardrobe just in search of one outfit. 
The way your mother smiled at you, made your eyes roll but your heart warm in your chest. There had been a time when you both struggled to get along, where you had wanted one person to be on your side and she hadn’t been there. But now when she looked at you with glassy eyes and a hand held to her chest, you could allow yourself be happy with her.  Rather than be against her.
“You look amazing,” She exclaimed from the bottom of the stairs. 
“This dress is perfect,” you told her, making your way down the stairs. “Thank you.” 
It was genuine, heartfelt but didn’t last for long. 
“Shall we,” you nodded for the hallway. 
“You need to put this on.” She pulled a blind fold from behind her back. 
“It’s not a surprise when I know about it,” you huffed out. 
“The party isn’t a surprise,” your mother told you, pulling you down the stairs. “Let me just do this one last thing for you.” 
“Fine,” you agreed, standing with your back facing her. 
The tie was loose and if you really wanted to you probably could have wiggled your eyesight free but instead you played the dutiful daughter, letting her drag you through the hallway and towards the backyard. 
As soon as the doors opened you could hear the choir of people singing for you and as much as you hated these sort of situations, being blindfolded made it that much better. 
Your mother must have got you a ridiculous cake, you thought, something with sparklers that you’d struggle to blow out in front of the huge crowd of people. 
But as the song died and the noise of the crowd died with it, you didn’t needed to no longer wonder what the surprise could possibly be. 
Because there came that familiar chuckle and the only voice that could make your whole day crumble with a singular word.
“Happy birthday, princess.” 
The feeling that settled in your stomach was gut wrenching, spreading across your body in an instance. Your heart pounded underneath your breast, making you believe that everyone could hear it as you stood just there unable to move. 
The blindfold around your eyes slipped away and your eyes widened at the sight of him standing in front of you. Tie already loosened around his neck, a few buttons undone of his white button down shirt that he was wearing and that dirty blonde hair of his was hanging around his face. Then there were his eyes, a violent river blue that threatened to spill at any given moment as he stared back at you. 
“Don’t just stand there, Y/N,” your mother squealed, shoving you towards him. 
If Rafe hadn’t been there to catch you, you would have fallen onto the floor face first. But instead his hands wrapped around your shaking frame, pulling you into his hold and suffocating you with his intoxicating scent. As his hand yanked you closer, you felt a deep pain in your stomach and it didn’t have anything to do with how tight he was holding you.
“You’re embarrassing me,” Rafe hissed into your ear. 
Without question you hugged him back, closing your eyes as you repeated in your head, this wasn’t happening. 
“There you go,” you heard your mother shout, others clapping to join her. 
Even though there had been times where you had wished that anybody would notice your reluctance to be around him, at that moment you were glad people believed your fake facade to have Rafe Cameron back in your life. 
When Rafe finally let you go, he didn’t fully let you out of his hold. With one of his hands pressed to the small of your back, Rafe had already drawn the invisible string that attached you to him for the rest of the night. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here any earlier,” Rafe told you parents, turning you both towards them as the rest of the crowd dispersed. “We only got in this afternoon.” 
“It’s no problem,” your mother beamed, brushing it off with her hand. “I’m just so glad you could make it.” 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
Rafe had always been good at sweetening your mother up, it’s why she had a hard time when you had distanced yourself from him all those years ago. 
“Am I alright to take the birthday girl for a second?” Rafe asked even though he already knew the answer. 
“Of course,” your father nodded at him. 
Your breathing was still off, uneven as you struggled to get back to normal. 
Rafe didn’t take you far, he never really needed to go far in these situations. The magic of him being the Kook King was the willingness people had to turn a blind eye.
“I have a present for you,” Rafe said, pulling out a small box from the pocket of your trousers. 
“What are you doing here?” You whispered, tears catching in your throat. 
Rafe looked down at you with squinted eyes, his smile already dropping in your presence. “Turn around.” 
You obeyed, standing with your back facing him. “I thought you were in the Bahamas helping with your dad’s business there.” 
“I was always going to come home, Y/N.” 
His hands came in front of you, along with a long gold chain and a single R dangling off of it. You could feel the bile rise in your throat and when his fingers brushed against your skin, you struggled to keep it down. 
“Lift your hair for me.” 
Your hands were shaking as you lifted your hair out of the way for him. 
As the clasp to the necklace, a single tear slid down your cheek, one you were quick to wipe away. 
All you wanted to do was sob when you felt Rafe press a gentle kiss on your shoulder. But you kept it in, only staring back at him with glassy eyes when he finally turned you around. 
“You better start smiling,” Rafe told you through a clenched jaw, cupping your cheeks as he held your face closed. “I came all this way to see you on your birthday. I came back for you.” 
In some way that was true but you knew Rafe was only self serving at heart. 
Rafe Cameron had come back to claim what he believed was rightfully his. And you’d bear the heavy weight of that with the gold collar he had forced around your neck. 
“You can’t just expect me to be happy,” you croaked, staring up at him with wet eyelashes. “Not after everything.” 
“A million girls would kill to be in your place,” he warned you but you both knew it was an empty threat. 
“You’ve picked them before,” you hissed at him, “So why not just pick them again.” 
Rafe shook his head, leaning down till your foreheads were pressed together. “I was stupid back then, didn’t realise you were all I ever wanted.” 
Before you knew it he was kissing you, teeth brushing against yours, desperate for access that you were unwilling to give. 
It was a battle then, not one that anyone could see. With you fighting to get away as you pressed both hands against his chest and with him winning as he gripped onto the nape of your neck, forcing you to stay. 
It ended with a harsh bite to your lips and Rafe leaning away. 
He stared down at you, taking in your outfit from head to toe and his lips curled up as if he was satisfied. 
“I see you got the dress I bought you,” Rafe teased, fingers reaching to play with the hem. 
Your eyes widened at the sight, realising the blue matched perfectly with the trousers and jacket he was wearing. “I think I’m going to be sick.” 
Before you knew it, Rafe was cupping your cheeks bringing your gaze back up to his. “You’re in shock,” he told you, nostrils flaring slightly. “I can understand it’s been a while.” 
“It’s been eleven months,” you were quick to point out.
“I can excuse your unwillingness this one time but you better start smiling fast,” Rafe’s tone was clear and low, sending a cruel shiver down your spine as you remembered the previous times he had used it. He rested his forehead against yours, brushing your hair behind your ears as he held you there. “Because I didn’t come back from a year away in the Bahamas to be embarrassed by you.” 
“I hoped you wouldn’t come back,” you whispered. 
Rafe chuckled and stared down at you with dilated eyes. “You start acting like a dutiful girlfriend or tonight I won’t be so forgiving-” You felt his hands squeeze your head tighter, making you wince in pain. “-and trust me, Y/N, I have a lot that I need to forgive you for.” 
“Girlfriend?” You choked out.
He released his grip and pressed his hand back to the small of your back. “What did you think was happening all those months ago?” 
You could say a lot of things. Things that Rafe wouldn’t like to hear but the one thing you wouldn’t say was a consensual relationship. 
“Be the good girl I know you can be.” That was all he whispered before he pushed you back into the crowd of people. 
You were quick to throw on a fake smile, grinning by Rafe’s side for the whole night just like the good doll he wanted you to be.
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nanowrimo · 9 months
5 Tips to Avoid Burnout as a Neurodivergent Writer
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When taking on a project as big as writing a novel, you may run into the risk of burnout. NaNo Participant Joana Hill gives some tips on avoiding burnout as a neurodivergent writer.
Burnout.  As writers, we all know it. For neurodivergent writers, burnout can be even more damaging than usual. We can be much more sensitive, both mentally and emotionally, than our neurotypical friends and family.
This means avoiding burnout, and taking care of it when it does happen, can be even more important for us.  I’m here today to provide some tips for my fellow neurodivergent writers to tackle just that.
1. Write What Interests You
Write what interests you rather than what you think you ‘should’ be writing.  Many of us get caught-up in pleasing others.  For neurodivergent people who’ve spent much of their life masking, or hiding their true personality and needs because of fear of rejection, it can be a hard habit to break.
If you want to write a 50k slow burn coffee shop AU of your favorite fandom, an epic space opera starring ants, or a main character with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, or any other disorder or condition you have, go for it.
2. Get A Support Network
For neurodivergent people, we’ve often lived our lives with special interests no one wants to hear us talk about.  It often results in us not talking about them at all before someone can tell us they don’t want to hear about it.
Whether it’s offline with friends and family, or online here at NaNoWriMo or other sites, having people who are actively interested in listening to you and helping you plot and write can be a game-changer.
3. Celebrate As Many Victories As You Want
Many years, my personal goal is that I can get the new Pokemon game, which always comes out around the middle of November now, once I hit 50k.  But you don’t need just one grand goal.
Get a bag of your favorite candy and say you can have a piece every so many words.  Find something on Amazon you want (and can afford to get!) and say you’ll get it once you hit the halfway point.  Whatever motivates you to keep going, set it into motion.
4. Plan For Flexibility
That may sound like an oxymoron, but hear me out.  Neurodivergent people often love to have a plan.  I know I can get frustrated and upset when I’m expecting something to happen and something different does.  For a big goal like writing a novel in a month, a lot of things can end up going wrong.
Carry a notebook and pen or tablet with a keyboard case in case an errand takes longer than expected.  Back your writing up to several places in case your main writing device crashes.  Make sure at least one of those is a cloud service in case you end up writing on a device that isn’t yours.  The more contingency plans you have, the better prepared you are when life happens.
5. Be Kind To Yourself
Some days you may not get the minimum goal, or you might not write at all.  You may feel like you just can’t do it because you’re behind on your word count, or you decide you don’t like what you’ve written.
I get it.  But don’t beat yourself up about it.  Take a break.  Play your favorite game or read your favorite book.  Go for a walk.  And remember that you’re awesome.  No one can write this story like you can.
Joana Hill is a writer of young adult stories, as well as novellas inspired by Japanese light novels and anime. You can find her books, social media, and anything else you could imagine wanting to know about her on her LinkTree. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
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megs-98 · 3 months
There's A First for Everything
Ahhh, very excited to post this piece. I wrote this for @bloodlessbhaalbabe for a valentine's day gift exchange :3 hope everyone loves as much as they do!
Summary: (Taking place post game and featuring @bloodlessbhaalbabe 's OC Elyra) After celebrating Love Day in Thaniel's Realm with the refugees and his love, Elyra, Halsin sets up a romantic evening for the two. He has something important to tell her before the fun starts.
Pairing: Halsin x f!OC (Elyra)
Tags: Explicit!, mutual pining, fluff, love confession, f! receiving oral, inappropriate actually quite appropriate use of entanglement spell, vaginal sex, lots of praise. I think that's it
Word count: 2.7k
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You were sitting at the dining table in the home you share with Halsin, pressing dried rose petals in a mortar and pestle with beeswax, making one of your signature nail stains. You heard the front door open and close, signaling that your lover had returned home for the evening. 
“Elyra, my love.” He said as he pressed a kiss into your temple. “How has the day treated you?” 
“A lot better now that you’re here, handsome.” You winked at him as you told him about how you taught some self-defense classes to the tiefling children, and adults that wanted some lessons as you applied the bright red stain to your nails. 
“So resilient, my heart. I surely do regret not being able to observe your teachings. You always look so beautiful when partaking in.. strenuous activities.” 
Halsin took up residence behind your chair now, rubbing your shoulders as he smoked his pipe. 
“I wished to ask if you were busy tomorrow evening, I have something special planned, so long as you wish to partake in the celebrations with me.”
You quirked an eyebrow as you leaned your head back to meet his eyes resting your head against his midsection. “You know I’m never too busy for you, big guy. What’s the occasion?” 
“Well, tomorrow will be the celebration of Love Day. I have festivities planned for everyone during the day and something truly special planned for a woman of your caliber.”  
“I think it’s safe to say how we spend every evening could be a celebration of Love Day.” You laugh as you take his pipe from him. “But yes, you can count me in, I’m very interested to see what you have planned for the special day.” Taking a puff from his pipe, Halsin leans down and kisses you on the forehead as he gives you a small chuckle. 
You woke early with Halsin the next day to help him get decorations up. Simple garlands of leaves from the various trees in Thaniel’s Realm painted reds and pinks, some having little hearts painted on them,  an obvious activity from the children yesterday. Moving along to help the other adults set up different activities for the day, you and Halsin kept stealing glances at each other whenever the opportunity presented itself. 
“I see those looks. The Druid Halsin loves you very much, Elyra. I’m sure he has something beautiful planned for you tonight.” You heard an older tiefling woman say. You smiled as you nodded. 
“I’m not sure what he has planned tonight, he won’t tell me. You know, it’s odd. Out of all my past lovers, I’ve never been with someone during an actual Love Day celebration. I’m not sure what to expect, but if I know Halsin, he won’t disappoint.” 
“Well, there’s a first for everything, dear. I’m sure it will be everything you always imagined it would be.” She said as she gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. 
You enjoyed the day watching Halsin play with the young ones as they showed him their arts and crafts, even getting some from the children yourself, with Halsin coming over periodically to check in and give you a kiss. This wasn’t how you envisioned your holiday being spent, with dozens of refugees and orphans in lands that were once shrouded by a curse. Least of all with such an attractive and massive wood-elf by your side. Never did you think getting kidnapped and infected by Illithids would have resulted in one of the best things in your life, but here you were. Being showered with love by the people you helped save and the man you love most. 
As the day came to a close, you helped adults serve dinner to the children, taking a plate of your own once they had all been served. You sat down on a log a bit farther away from everyone else, taking in the conversations and atmosphere. You heard a twig snap from behind you, causing your head to turn. Seeing Halsin coming out of the brush, you relaxed. 
“Apologies, my heart. I did not mean to frighten you. I was just getting things set up for us later.”
You smiled as he sat down next to you, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You spoil me, you know that right?” 
“Anything and everything for you, love.” He said as he grabbed your chin, making your eyes meet his. “Once dinner has been cleared, meet in the clearing by the lake. There I will show you just what I have in store for us tonight.” He pressed a kiss into your lips as you let out a small moan, trying to deepen the kiss. 
Halsin laughed softly as he pulled away. “Patience, dear. You’ll have me soon enough. Enjoy your dinner and the company we keep. I’ll see you soon.” 
He got up from the log and withdrew back to the woods as you watched him walk away. Admiring the way he filled out his pants, how his leg muscles contracted and relaxed as he took his steps. You began imagining what salacious activities your man had planned for you, causing your thighs to rub together as you felt your core start to ache. You shake those thoughts from your head as your attention is brought back to the others sitting near you. You impatiently finished your dinner, silently willing the others to finish up a bit faster. Once everyone was done and you had helped clean up, you ran back to your house to quickly change. Opting for an off the shoulder, slightly see through, white dress that stopped just below the knee. You opt to leave on your boots since you knew you’d be walking through tall grass to get to the clearing. 
Making your way through the brush, you slowly saw lights come into view as you approached the clearing Halsin spoke of. You were quite privy to the location as this was where you and Halsin usually met each other if you were not in your shared bed. It was obvious Halsin had cast a dancing lights cantrip, as you saw him illuminated underneath the floating orbs, leaning against a tree whittling. Laid before him was a blanket with a bowl of plums, a jar of honey, and a bottle of wine with two cups. 
Halsin smiles as he sees you walking up to him, putting his whittling project in his pocket. 
“There you are, my heart. Still after all this time, my heart swells with ecstasy every time I see you. I hope you remember our first night together as fondly as I do.” 
“Course I do. I made you so crazy for me you almost turned into the bear.” You say with a wink as you rub your hands against his chest. “Am I gonna see the bear tonight?” 
You see a faint flash of gold roll over Halsin’s eyes as he gives you a hum of acknowledgement. 
“While I do appreciate the enthusiasm, this is a night between just you and I in our most earthly forms.” You feel his hands slowly down your sides, how he was obviously continuing to memorize all of your curves. Firmly grabbing your hips as he brings his forehead against yours. 
Having led you to the blanket, Halsin kneels down and motions for your foot as he takes off each of your boots then motions for you to sit down as he sits next to you. He reaches his hand into his pocket pulling out his project, placing it in your hand. You look down and see a palm sized wooden heart. 
You hear Halsin clear his throat, looking at him and you can see just how nervous he still is after being together for months. You place the wooden heart in one of your boots, for safekeeping, and turn back to the wood-elf who you had fallen in love with. Facing him and taking his hands, you give him your full attention. 
“Elyra, I have told you this once before, but I must tell you again. My heart does stir lightly, but it does when I am near you. Between the shadow curse and being archdruid, I was beginning to lose myself. But you, my heart, you lifted the fog and helped me see that there is more in life for me to explore. You being one of them. I love this life we have together and I love you most of all.” 
“Aren’t you such a big, sweet softie.” You say as you squeeze his hands “I love you too. I never thought this is where my life would be, but I’m glad I’m here with you.” 
You grab a plum and hand him one as he presses a kiss into your temple. You watch him eat the fruit as you pour yourself a cup of wine, taking a drink and setting it to the side. Now it is Halsin who watches you as you grab a plum of your own. He watches closely as you drizzle honey over the fruit and take a bite, causing its juice and honey to drip down you, some landing on your cleavage.
A low growl emanates from Halsin as you hear him whisper “Oak father preserve me”. He reaches a hand out, being sure to keep his eyes locked on yours, as he uses his thumb to take a swipe of juice and honey off the top of your breasts, coming closer to you as he sucks it off his thumb.
Keeping eye contact, Halsin moved in even closer. “My, my, little dove, you’re a bit messy tonight. Can I help you clean yourself up?” 
His closeness causes you to breathe harder, making your breasts heavy closer to his face. 
“I’d be more disappointed if you didn’t. Help a girl out, huh?” Your request came out breathier than you had anticipated. 
Receiving the consent he was waiting for, Halsin presses a bruising kiss to your lips, causing you both to moan. Halsin slowly works his way down your neck, leaving marks as he went, until reaching your chest. He licked the rest of the honey off your chest before he pulled back to look at you again, ensuring that you were enjoying yourself. He saw that you were leaning your head back as your eyes rolled back. Satisfied that you were enjoying yourself, Halsin reaches down and pulls the hemline of your dress down as he lays you down. Halsin slots himself between your thighs as he pulls your dress down more, revealing your breasts. He takes a nipple in his mouth as he paws at your other breast. Spurred on by hearing your moans, he continues working your dress down your body, silently thanking Silvanus for the loose fabric it was made of. Once he had you completely stripped, he sat up and marveled at your form. Running his hands down your body, grabbing handfuls of your plush stomach and thick thighs. 
“Silvanus truly took his time creating you, my heart. Oak father, preserve me, you are so beautiful.”  
Halsin leans down, placing tender kisses across every inch of skin he could see, leaving the occasional mark as he kissed closer to your aching core.  He places your thighs over his shoulders as he lays himself back down. He slowly kisses his way down each of your thighs as you card a hand through his hair, hearing a moan as your nails scratch Halsin’s scalp. Needing more, you grab a handful of his hair, attempting to guide to where you need. 
“Patience, my heart.” You hear as Halsin chuckles. “You’ll get what you need, and much more.” 
Just as you are about to protest, a gasp leaves you as you feel Halsin’s mouth around your clit. Tongue circling as he gently sucks on it, making your grip on his hair tighten even more. His hands come around your thighs, most definitely leaving bruises from his tightening grip, as he brings his tongue down to your slick folds. His name tumbles off your lips as you moan his name, feeling your core beginning to tighten, knowing that you’re close. You grind against his face trying to get yourself there faster. You feel as Halsin withdraws one of his hands from your thigh, quickly finding entrance as he continues to work your overstimulated clit. He pumps one finger in and out of you, quickly adding a second one after feeling how wet you are. As he continues fingering you, hitting that sweet spot oh so well, you back arches as you find yourself closer and closer to the edge.
“You’re doing so well for me. I love feeling the way you tighten around my fingers as you get closer to finishing. I need you to finish for me, love, like the good girl you are. Can you do that?” 
As you hear his praise and have your sense filled by the man, between his ministrations in your cunt, continuing to use his tongue to circle and flick your clit, and his strong hand around your thigh, you quickly find yourself tumbling over the edge. Halsin doesn’t stop though, he continues his work as he moans into you feeling you cum on his hand. Halsin kisses his way up your body as you struggle to catch your breath, feeling him take his pants off as he does. He grabs your hands with his, lacing his fingers between yours, and gives you a passionate kiss. 
“I need you to keep your hands above your head for me and if it becomes too much please do not hesitate to tell me.”  
You quirk an eyebrow at him, wondering just what the druid has in store for you. You hear him whisper “Voco vineae” with a flash of green, you feel as roots come up out of the ground, pinning down your wrists. You flash Halsin a mischievous smile as he leans down to kiss you again. Playing with one of your breasts as he gave his throbbing cock a couple of strokes before lining up with your entrance. You both moan as he sinks his length into you, stuffing his cock into you down to the hilt with little resistance. He brings your legs over his chest before he leans forward placing his forearms on both sides of your head. He feels you clench again as before he even starts thrusting, you turned on from how he has you folded and pinned down. He starts thrusting at an achingly slow speed, causing you to whimper as you need more. Need to feel more of his cock in you, need to dig your nails into his skin.. You just need more of him. After what feels like an eternity of his languid strokes, Halsin begins thrusting faster and harder, feeling himself come close to the edge. You moan his name as your head falls back even farther, eyes rolling in the back of your head. 
“That’s it, love. You take my cock so well, it’s as if you were made for me.” 
You struggle against the roots more as you hear his praise, wanting to feel his skin against yours. He continues his punishing pace of thrusting into, still perfectly hitting that sweet spot, just the way he knows you like. You, once again, quickly find yourself stepping over the edge as you finish. Once Halsin feels you tighten around him as you finish, his pace falters as he finds himself coming closer to the edge himself. With a wave of his hand, he dismisses the roots around your wrists and pulls you close to him, continuing his pace as he does. You instinctively pull him into a kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck, slipping your tongue in his mouth as he moans into you. He continues to hold you while he fucks you as he finally reaches his climax, stifling his moan as he buries his head in the crock of your neck. He slowly stops thrusting into you as he rides out his high. He lays down on his side, bringing you with him, as he kisses the top of your head. 
You rest your head against his chest, still fighting for breath as you lay there. “You’re gonna have to do that thing with the roots more often, big guy.” You say as you grab at his shirt.
Halsin gives you a laugh as he hears your words. “That can be arranged, my love.” He begins to rub your back as he tangles his body between yours as you both quickly find sleep.
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missmaywemeetagain · 6 months
A Pink Scarf Thanksgiving 💗🧣🦃
A very happy Thanksgiving weekend to those who celebrate! ❤️
This blurb came out of nowhere, in a fit of Thanksgiving inspiration (and a special thanks to Norah for inadvertently nudging me towards a Thanksgiving prompt)! Because of this, it is not overly edited or revised. I will say, I'm not sure yet just how canon I want this to be in terms of the PS Universe, but I figure it came out of me for a reason, so I decided to go with it for now. 
I think my current moody headspace influenced the vibe for this--for us fans, it's a slightly indulgent "what could have been" scenario. But that's PS in a nutshell, isn't it?  🥹
Anyhoo, I hope this hits you in the feels! And I hope you know just how much you matter to me, even though I've been a bit MIA recently. 
Much love xoxoxox, Madi 💗
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TW: It's 1977, so...medical issues/trauma/strife. Panic attack. Thanksgiving stress. A little hint of sexy at the end bc I couldn't leave you on a melancholy note! 💋
A Pink Scarf Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving 1977
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I’m sorry, Mrs. P, but the oven is out. Lamar took a peek, but the thing is as cold as ice and don’t look like it’s gonna be warm any time soon,” Mary says, looking as distraught as you feel. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch it sooner.”
The naked, trussed, and cold turkey on the counter mocks you.
“No, no, it’s not your fault, Mary. We’ll…figure something out,” you try and reassure her, but it feels like a weight has just been placed on your chest. You pinch the bridge of your nose to stave off the massive headache that began early this morning when Nicky barged into your room at the crack of dawn sobbing because he’d had a nightmare that Mr. Gobble Gobble, a monster turkey, had eaten Daddy instead of the other way around.
This was one of many nightmares that your poor little boy had suffered since August, but certainly the first starring a murderous Thanksgiving turkey. He’d barely been consolable and neither of you had gotten back to sleep.
You take a deep breath, holding back the tears that threaten your vision.
Today needs to be perfect. It was supposed to be perfect.
But you should have known. After all, this year has been far from perfect.
You force yourself away from the wave of despair trying to overcome you. No, we’ve been lucky, you think. It could be so much worse.
Unfortunately, your nerves are shot, which makes sense considering the last few months you’ve had. You’ve kept it together so well. You’ve had to. For Nicky. For Elvis. But that tried resolve begins to crumble with the pressure of it all, as though everything that has happened is hitting you all at once.
Now you have a house full of hungry people, Elvis will be home any minute, and your usual quick-footed problem-solving skills have flown out the window. Your hands begin to tremble.
The panic swells as the kitchen swarms with people looking to you for direction, and in that moment, Nicky runs through the adults, chased by one of the other kids. It happens so fast—you barely have time to register the commotion before disaster strikes.
You watch in horror as the kids fly into the sideboard, knocking the precious side dishes and desserts onto the floor with a resounding crash.
The collective gasp of the adults in the room sends your panic into overdrive.
Thanksgiving is officially ruined.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” you shout. The entire room goes silent. It’s not everyday Elvis Presley’s calm and collected wife loses her shit. No, that is something usually reserved for the man himself.
“Well, that’s not quite the welcome home I was expecting,” a familiar baritone chuckles from behind you.
You whip around, your bottom lip quivering. “Elvis?” you whisper.
He’s standing right here—standing! On his own!—leaning on his cane for support, a twinkle in his eye that you haven’t seen in ages. One you weren’t sure you’d ever see again. And the sight of him finally being home again after so many months in the hospital is more than you can bear. After standing tall and strong for him for so long, you crumble into a thousand pieces. An uncontrollable sob chokes out of you, your tears overflowing.
“Aw, honey,” he says quietly, slowly making his way to you, waving everyone else out of the room with the commanding flick of his hand. They exit in a flash with their concerned and pitied looks. Not that you care, because the second you can, you are falling into your husband’s open arms.
“I’m so sorry…your homecoming…it’s all ruined,” you sob into his chest, being mindful of the long scar down the center. Feeling the warmth of him engulfing you is overwhelming. His scent, untainted by antiseptic and hospital smells for the first time in a long time, swirls around you, caressing your senses.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s okay. Let it all out, Satnin,” he coos, stroking your hair with his free hand. “Hers has been so strong for hims, but hims is home now.”
The tenderness of his baby talk in your ear sends a fresh wave of tears to your eyes, staining the silk of his blue dress shirt. He’s dressed up, you think absently, knowing this is a huge thing. Even before that fateful August morning, he’d been mostly wearing his tracksuits when he wasn’t performing. He’d been so uncomfortable and in pain, you’d understood why.
You bury your head into his neck, pent up emotions violently shuddering through your body as you let your tears fall freely for the first time in months. You can barely breathe with how you wedge yourself into him, with how he holds you tight. He’s so much slimmer now that the edema is gone and his colon has been tended to, you realize, but he’s still soft in all the right places. You still fit against him perfectly, and his grip on you makes you realize he understands just how raw you are.
You cry more, thinking about how the last time he was here was when you’d found him unresponsive on the bathroom floor. How you’d never been so scared in your entire life, not even when you yourself had brushes with death.
It's a miracle he’s here at all. None of you, doctors included, were sure if he’d ever step through the doors of Graceland again. Not after the heart attack, or the coma, or the complications from his various surgeries. It had been one blow after another, for weeks, months. But somehow, in true stubborn Elvis fashion, he’d pulled through.
He’d gritted his way through healing, through physical therapy, through weaning off so many of the meds he’d been on before and during his hospital stay, and he hated every second of it. He’d been livid about the colostomy, but you’d had no care for his vanity when you’d had to make the decision to save his life. You didn’t care if he hated you because at least he’d be alive to tell you so. He’d gotten past it, mostly, especially once he was feeling better.
The entire ordeal had terrified him. Something had changed in him in those weeks he’d lingered between life and death, something he wasn’t ready to talk about just yet, but even with all the setbacks, his determination to come home was intensely motivating.
Which is why you’d wanted it to be special, and why it being Thanksgiving had so much meaning. Elvis was finally coming home. Then everything had gone to hell in a handbasket.
“I wanted everything to be perfect for you. You deserve it,” you say quietly, sniffling, holding him as tight as you dare without wanting to hurt him.
“Darlin’, just bein’ back home with you and Nicky is more than I ever dreamed of. I don’t need no big fancy dinner or welcome home committee. I jus’ need you.”
You pull back then, your heart about ready to burst, and look at him. He looks downright debonair with his silvery hair (which you’d convinced him not to dye back after it had grown out during his illness), freshly cut and shorter than it had been in years, fluffy but brushed back off his face in a style reminiscent to when he was younger. His apple cheeks are full and have more color than they’ve had in months.
“What?” he asks looking down at you, almost bashful under your gaze.
You reach up and cup his freshly shaven cheek, smooth and soft under your palm. Those deep ocean blue eyes of his threaten to swallow you whole. Staring into their depths, you don’t want to imagine a world without him in it anymore.
“I just love you,” you whisper, barely able to get the words out without choking up again. “So much.”
Eyes shining, Elvis pulls you up and into him. His lips are as sweet and as soft as you remember when they press into yours. The kiss is full of yearning, of love, and of everything you two have been through the past twenty years. It’s truly like coming home.
The kiss turns hungry then, more so than you expect. It’s been so very long since you’ve had each other in this way and it surprises you how readily your body remembers, despite all the pain and trauma you both have experienced. You open for him, and he moans when his tongue brushes against yours. A fiery wave of heat blisters through you then, hastily banishing away your tears.
Despite all the challenges you’ve faced over the years, you’ve always felt the pull of him in your soul. You’ve always wanted him, neededhim, even when you convinced yourself to forget because you thought you couldn’t have him. And now, after almost losing him for good, you can think of nothing else but him. The warmth of his body pressed against yours causes you to melt. The way his lips and hands roam over the curves of your body sends you soaring.
You thought you’d never have this again. It had almost broken you.
“I’m here, baby. I’m home, I promise,” he mutters into your skin, as if reading your mind.
You kiss him deeply, yanking him into you by his pretty shirt, taking his breath away.
He pulls away and presses his forehead to yours, and you can feel him sway on his feet, a little unbalanced.
“Good news—looks like Little Elvis is back in working order,” he says breathlessly, pressing his thickening erection into your belly. He seems pleasantly surprised.
Honestly, with everything dire that happened, it hadn’t even crossed your mind as a concern, but it makes sense that it could be an issue. You grin up at him with the knowledge that it isn’t, then roll your hips against him.
He groans. “Bad news—not sure I have the energy to do all the things I wanna to ya, and we got a house full of people.” Doesn’t stop him from grabbing a handful of your bottom, however.
“Oh, that’s never stopped us before, now has it?” you muse, walking your fingers gently down his chest and over his belly to palm his length.
“Lord have mercy, woman,” he moans, his eyes fluttering closed. You notice him lean more heavily on his cane and instantly ease up. One blue eye opens with a quirked brow. “Hey now, I din’t say stop.”
You laugh. “Well, it seems dinner is ruined anyhow,” you say, surveying the disaster of broken dishes and scattered food all over the floor, and the cold, raw turkey on the counter. “Maybe we better get you upstairs to rest.”
Rest is, of course, the furthest thing from your mind now, which you let him know with a little squeeze to his butt.
“Mmhmm, yes, I definitely need to lie down,” he mumbles as he peppers you with kisses. Suddenly, he freezes against you. “But, honey, I-I-I’m not sure how much I can do,” he whispers, a wave of uncertainty washing over him.
“Hey, it’s okay. We’ll take it slow. Real slow. One step at a time, like fumbling teenagers,” you say lightly, cupping his face and looking up into his eyes. “Or we can just kiss and hold each other. I’m just happy you’re here, baby.”
He nods, seemingly reassured by this. “I know I don’t say it as much as I should, but I thank God every day for you and for what we have together, Satnin,” he says quietly, brushing your hair behind your ear, kissing you gently. “I love you.”
Your heart and body ache for him. “We better get you upstairs to “rest”before I start crying again,” you snuffle, laughing, slowly walking with him toward the stairs.
“Well, tears aren’t entirely off the table…I can think of a couple good ways I can make you cry,” he teases, nibbling at your ear.
“Elvis Aaron, you did not just…” you gasp.
“What??” he says innocently. “Am I wrong?”
A shiver runs down your spine and settles in the heat of your belly.
You’ve missed him. Terribly.
But you do have so much to be thankful for this year, namely for the infuriatingly talented, generous, and stubborn man you married and are gingerly leading up the stairs for the first time in months.
In fact, there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
Taglist Pt 1
@sassanoe@thella @suspiciousmidge @hiddlepiddlediddlewiddle@carolinesbookworld @juggernort @aesthetic-lyss @stitchattacks @donnamarie23
@be-my-ally @whositmcwhatsit @vintageshanny @ellie-24 @thatbanditqueen @powerofelvis @from-memphis-with-love
 @precious-lil-scoundrel @stylespresleyhearted @prompted-wordsmith @crash-and-cure @elvisgf @lookingforrainbows @fic-over-cannon @godlypresley @ab4eva @whatstruthgottodowithit @elvisabutler @amydarcimarie@idontwanttoputanything @callieselvisobsessed @captainamerica1235-blog  @xenaspace3-blog 
@simplyamberj@claire-elvisgirl@everythingelvispresley@louisejoy86@deniseinmn @madelynpresley
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onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 10 months
Teach Me Tonight
Part of my 900 Followers Celebration!
Request: Congrats on the 900, love reading your work! Can I request “Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?”  with Roy.
Roy Kent x Teacher!Reader
1.5k words
Warnings: Language, mentions of Ms. Bowen, Roy being a flirt, Reader getting embarrassed
Author's Note: I've had Roy with a teacher stuck in my head for a while now. No reason of course. None at all. Totally not because I'm a teacher.
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The clock seemed to move so slowly as you sat at your desk, ignoring the spelling test you should be marking. The kids were all gone for the day, and you were waiting for your meeting, your last task before you could head home for the day.
Phoebe had, once again, gotten into a fistfight. And, once again, it meant calling home to set up a meeting.
You checked your watch; yep, the clock on the wall was right, which meant Phoebe’s mum was incredibly late. With a sigh, you began packing up your things, figuring you’d send her mum a quick message asking to reschedule. Yes, in a half hour you’d be on your couch with a glass of wine and the romance novel that was sitting on your coffee table. Your mind wandered to your fridge, trying to figure out what you could scrounge up for dinner-
“Fuck, sorry I’m late.”
Oh, no. Not him.
Phoebe’s uncle burst into the room, clad in that leather jacket he always wore and a deep frown on his face. Truly, you shouldn’t have been so unhappy at the sight of him; you’d met Roy Kent quite a few times now, sometimes chatted a little during drop-off and pickup, and he was always very nice, although he often required reminders about his language when the kids were around. At the start of the year, he sincerely encouraged you to reach out to him if you ever needed anything, something you were terrified of taking him up on.
He was Roy Kent, after all. Gorgeous and famous. And besides that, you’d heard murmurings about Ms. Bowen’s awkward interactions with him last year; there was no way you were going to subject yourself to that. No thank you.
Still, you couldn’t help but smile as he shuffled towards your desk, embarrassed half-smirk on his face. You quickly grabbed a chair and placed it next to your desk, always amused to see adults sitting in chairs meant for eight-year-olds. Especially when that adult was a muscular ex-footballer.
“My sister got pulled into a last-minute surgery,” he explained, a tad breathless. “Got here as fast as I fucking could.” He seemed to remember where he was. “Shit, sorry.” He glanced around. “There any kids hanging around?”
You shook your head with a laugh. “You’re fine. Just don’t let Mrs. Selig hear you, though.”
“Yeah, wouldn’t want to miss training because I’ve got a fucking detention.” He leaned forward, his face becoming serious. “Now, what did Pheebs do this time?”
Unlike most parents, Phoebe’s adults were very self-aware. You liked that. “Well,” you started, glancing down at your notes. “Apparently, she overheard Harold making fun of Abby for not doing so well on a maths test. And Phoebe originally just told him to stop, and when he shoved Pheobe and told her to stay out of it, she relieved him of two of his baby teeth.” You offered a half-grimace, half-smile. “The girl’s got a mean right hook.”
Roy laughed, a sound you didn’t quite expect. “Well, fuck. What’s the punishment then?”
“Missing recess for the rest of the week.”
His eyebrows flew up. “That’s it? She just has to miss a few days of fucking jump rope and hopscotch?”
You nodded. “I went to the headmistress and explained that Phoebe was defending a friend, and that Harold was really the one who escalated things. And she agreed that really, Phoebe just needs a reminder to, you know, not hit people.” You tapped your desk. “Just, if you could, chat with her. No knocking people’s teeth out, no matter how awful they’re being to your friends. And that she should let an adult know if someone’s acting prickish. Believe it or not, some of us know how to handle that sort of thing.” You shrugged. “That’s about it.”
“Wow. Easiest conference I’ve ever come to,” he laughed, leaning back in his chair. “Guess you can get home to your husband, then.”
Your face warmed. “No husband,” you replied. “No wife. No boyfriend. No girlfriend.”
“Sugar daddy?”
Thank God you weren’t drinking anything, otherwise it would’ve come out your nose. “D’you think I’d be here if I had one of those?” you joked.
His smile made your chest tighten. “True.” He glanced around. “Mind if I take a peek?” He pointed at the wall where you had students’ writing displayed.
“Oh. Um, yeah, go for it.”
You watched him walk over to the bulletin board, amused by the slow, intentional way he looked at each child’s paper. He perked up when he saw Phoebe’s.
“They wrote about the person they admire most,” you explained as you left your desk to join him. “Pheebs wrote about you, of course.”
He gave a little hum as his eyes skimmed the paper. “Don’t know if I deserve that.”
“From what I hear, you do,” you assured him, feeling bold enough to bump him with your shoulder. “She basically worships you.”
His voice was low. “She’s an idiot.”
You grinned. “She’s eight. They’re all idiots.” Your eyes narrowed playfully. “Don’t ever tell anyone I said that, alright? As far as everyone knows, I’m bloody Mary Poppins.”
His eyes wandered over your face. “Your secret’s safe with me.” He strolled over to the bulletin board where you had your birthday calendar, reminders about upcoming tests and field trips, and copies of flyers for parents. He looked at each item carefully before pointing at one particular reminder. “You still need help with Friday’s field trip?”
“I always need help with field trips,” you answered, crossing your arms. “But I’m sure you have training-”
“I can be there.”
You blinked a few times, not sure how to respond to the quickness of his answer mixed with the soft way he looked at you. “You want to get on a hot bus with two dozen eight-year-olds and go to the zoo with them? Make sure everyone gets their lunch and no one wanders into the lions’ enclosure?”
He shrugged, ears beginning to tinge pink. “You just said you need help. I’d like to help you.”
Not I want to spend the day with Phoebe. Not Hey, good excuse to call off work, like some parents you knew would say. Nope, it was I’d like to help you.
Suddenly your throat was far too dry and Roy Kent was standing far too close to you. “Oh. Thank you, then.”
“Is there anything else I can help you with?” He leaned against the wall, the very picture of attractive.
Damn, there was a lot you’d like his help with. And none of it was appropriate for the classroom.
Instead of saying that, of course, you shook your head. “I know you’re a busy man, Coach Kent, there’s honestly no need-”
“You can call me Roy.”
Oh hell.
He continued. “Y’know, at the start of the year I told you could ask me for help. And I haven’t received a single fucking email, but I heard Abby’s mum gets called all the time to help out.” He raised his eyebrows, clearly just trying to give you a hard time. “Hardly seems fair to me. Is it because I’m a man? Because that’s kind of sexist, y’know.”
God, he was so freaking charming when he teased.
“No, it’s not that-”
He leaned closer, clearly enjoying watching you squirm. “What is it then? You a West Ham fan or something? Don’t want a Greyhound in your classroom?” His eyes flickered to your lips for the tiniest fraction of a second. “Couldn’t be because I make you nervous or anything, right?”
His brown eyes broke down every barrier of professionalism you had. “Okay, maybe I have a crush on you, so what?” Immediately your hands flew to your mouth, your face burning with embarrassment. “Fuck. Wait, no, I-”
“Excuse me, please no swearing in the classroom.” His voice was full of teasing as he gazed down at you. Slowly, he took your hands and brought them away from your face. When he saw the absolute terror in your eyes, his smirk disappeared. “Hey, wait. Fuck, are you alright?”
You shook your head, a lump forming in your throat. “I shouldn’t have said that,” you whispered. “It was, um, impulsive and unprofessional and childish and-”
“And exactly what I wanted to hear.”
His words bounced around in your head. “I’m sorry?”
His face was no longer teasing or concerned; it was bashful. “Why d’you think I want to help in the classroom so badly? I need a fucking excuse to be near you.” He still held your hands, his grip softening. “But I’m sure you’re not supposed to date parents-”
“You’re not a parent.” The words flew out of your mouth before you could even think about them.
Amusement returned to those handsome features. “Uncles are alright, then?”
“Only if they’re really grumpy and swear a lot.”
When he smiled, you felt sure your heart was going to explode out of your chest. “Well in that case, how about Friday, after the zoo? I’m sure you’ll need a fucking drink.”
In spite of your nerves, you nodded, not caring about looking cool or coy or aloof. “That would be lovely. Thank you, Coach Kent.”
He gave your hands a small squeeze before letting go and backing away. “I told you, call me Roy.” He gave a small salute as he made his way to the door. “See you Friday then.”
“See you Friday, Roy.”
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cosmicpearlz · 1 year
celebrity crush
summary: you make your debut on the tonight show with jimmy fallon to promote a movie and end up spilling the beans about your celeb crush.
pairing: percy hynes white x actress!reader
when you were finally asked to be on the tonight show, there was no way you were passing that up. since you had just finished filming the barbie movie, your stylist decided to put you in a dress from valentino’s hot pink collection. the dress was long sleeved, laid off the shoulders and had lots of rhinestones all around. paired with the matching hot pink stockings and platform heels. you felt like this was the best outfit your stylist ever put together but you tend to say that about every outfit.
“now welcoming the lovely and talented y/n!” as you walked from behind the curtains, you waved to the audience with a bright smile. you quickly give jimmy a hug and sit down on the chair.
“hello hello hello!”
“y/n, so how have you been? you recently finished filming the barbie movie, right?” the screams that the audience did made you chuckle while nodding your head.
“i’ve been good jimmy just hanging out at home with my cat. but yes, i did finish filming the barbie movie and i’m so excited for you guys to see it!”
“what was it like? where you nervous at all?”
“it was so amazing and the cast is genuinely so sweet. i definitely was a little nervous being that i’m one of the youngest out of the adults but everyone just made me feel so comfortable.”
“i love that! now, we don’t know much about you but is there anything you care to share with us tonight?” you take a sip of your water glass before you started talking again. you needed a moment to think about what to say quickly.
“i tend to keep most of my life private because i’m just naturally a shy little bean about somethings,” you, jimmy and the audience share a laugh.
“but in all seriousness i’m just like you guys,” you pointed to the audience. “i have celebrity crushes and over fantasize about things that make me happy. i even named my black cat loki because i really enjoy marvel movies and stuff like that.” you could hear the audience clapping and it made you smile to yourself.
“so the celebrity crushes, who is it?” jimmy leaned on his arms that rested on the desk with his head in his hands. immediately you hide your face into the palm of your hands.
“ah jimmy i can’t say that. there’s too many to count!”
“okay, just tell us one of them. who have you been recently crushing on?” you uncover your face and let out a loud playful sigh.
“you guys know the show wednesday, right?” the audience screams once again and you nodded your head.
“and you know xavier thorpe in the show?” your smile was getting bigger by the second because of the way the audience just somehow screamed even louder.
“yeah, so i have a crush on percy hynes white. there i said it!” jimmy leaned back in his chair with laughter.
“oh my goodness, you have a crush on percy?”
“yes! i mean who wouldn’t? have you literally seen those gorgeous green eyes or his smile with his dimples,” you dramatically started fanning yourself to get the point across that you really found him attractive.
“that is not who i expected you to say!”
“what can i say? i’m just down bad for that man. i’m so down bad that after watching wednesday, i went and watched some of his other projects.”
“so you’re that down bad?”
“yes jimmy, that down bad. but you guys can’t tell him! i don’t want him to think that i’m weird!” you bit your trying to hide how nervous you were now. jimmy laughs and shakes his head.
“right after this break, we’ll be back with y/n! we have a fun game in store for you guys.” you waved at the camera with a smile before it cut off for break.
it was about two weeks later and you didn’t think of the interview anymore. if you were being honest, you were too engrossed into your book that you started and didn’t even notice how social media was currently blowing up.
“y/n did you look at twitter recently?” sadie sink, your best friend said sitting down next to you on the couch. she had came to visit you since she was also on a work break.
“no why?”
“girl, you caught percy’s attention!” you snapped your head towards her looking away from the tv.
“yeah, he went on the tonight show and apparently talked about you!”
“there’s no fucking way. when did this happen?”
“last night.” you quickly pulled up the interview on tv and grabbed sadie’s hand in need of comfort.
the interview
“so percy, we recently had y/n on here two weeks ago. did you happen to see what she said?”
“no, i didn’t get a chance to but i know i kept getting dm’s about it.”
“since you haven’t seen it, we’re gonna pull it up on the monitor and watch it together!”
“let’s do this.”
on que the monitor starts playing the previous interview of you rambling about how much you liked percy. when the video ended, jimmy turned his head to a slightly blushing percy.
“so what do you think about that?”
“first of all i’m really honored to her celebrity crush because have you seen her? she’s literally stunning and two, i wouldn’t mind getting to know her.” the audience freaked out even more than they did for your interview with jimmy.
“did we just match make on the tonight show?”
“maybe. just maybe,” percy smiles a little more making his dimple pop right out.
end of interview
still holding sadie’s hand, you looked at her with your jaw dropped. you couldn’t believe that percy had said that.
“okay wow. check your insta dm’s to see if he messaged you y/n!” you let her hand go and grabbed your phone opening instagram. percy had followed you back and did in fact dm you.
“well what does it say?” she was excited for you being the main one to hear about the crush you had on him the most.
from percy hynes white (@percy)
hey, i’m in nyc for a couple of more days if you’re down to hangout. just let me know!
“sads what do i say? he sent it a couple of hours ago.”
“don’t be stupid, plan something!”
to percy hynes white (@percy)
i’d love that! how about we go to central park and figure it out from there?
you hit the send button and internally screamed in your head. within minutes, your phone buzzed on your legs. you and sadie share a look before you picked it up.
from percy hynes white (@percy)
sounds great. it’s a date then :) though, can i have your number?
you decided to heart the message and dm your number to him. sitting your phone down once more, you shook sadie’s shoulders in excitement.
“sadie he said it was a date!” she smiles while jumping up and down with you.
“my best friend got a date! my best friend got a dateee!”
now you just had to figure out what to wear.
the day for the date finally came and you were buzzing with excitement. the night before, you did a fashion show for sadie and picked out an outfit. settling on a pair of light washed ripped mom jeans, a white and black oversized sweater and your black nike air max 95’s.
“okay babes, i’ll be here with loki. call me if you need anything,” sadie hugs you and pushed you towards the door.
“i love you sads!” you yell out to her quickly before making sure you had everything in your tote bag and running out the door.
you make your journey on the subway to central park. it wasn’t long but that didn’t stop you from reading your book on the train with some music playing in your ears. once the train stopped at your stop, you got off and went to text percy.
to percy <3
hey, are you here yet?
from percy <3
yeah, i just got off the train. where are you?
to percy <3
lol same but i’m right at the park entrance!
you looked up from your phone to see the long brown haired boy looking left and right across the street. you quickly began raising your arm in a waving before he found you. the smile that graced his face was truly a sight to see. he jogs over to you and immediately pulls you into a hug.
“hi stranger,” you looked up at him returning the smile he had.
“hi stranger. let’s go take a walk and get some food, yeah?”
“i’m okay with that.” you guys walk into the park and followed the long trail.
“so i hear i’m your celebrity crush,” you laughed while looking down at your shoes.
“yeah, is it weird for you?”
“weird? why would it weird to have a pretty girl say that i’m her celebrity crush?” percy nudged your arm with his. “if anything, i’d say the feeling is mutual now.”
“percy, you can’t be serious.”
“oh i’m absolutely serious. you’re very pretty and talented as hell.” you looked down with a smile on your face again.
“you’re pretty too,” you gaze up at him to see his face with a blush adoring his cheeks.
the two of you continued the walk just talking about any and everything. your arms kept brushing besides each other before you made the move to interlock your hands together. percy didn’t seem to mind it briefly squeezing your hand.
“what we thinking for food percy?”
“burgers and fries?”
“you had me at a burger,” peering up at him with a grin, leading him to subway station entrance for the b train.
“i know this really good burger place but it’s around rockefeller center if that’s okay.”
“i’m down for it. i honestly dread for when the night has to end,” he rubs his thumb over your hand making you look down again. you’ve never felt this connected to someone in such a short amount of time. little did you know percy felt the same way, he was drawn to you and he liked this newfound feeling.
you tugged his hand and walked down the subway entrance stairs. once you both swiped your metro cards, you leaned on his shoulder with your arms around one of his waiting for the train to come. unbeknownst to the both of you, a couple of fans had silently spotted you guys and decided to start taking secret pictures.
the dinner was nice and you had enjoyed his presence. percy even paid for both you and him but you told him the next time that you were paying. he was the perfect gentleman and you knew just from one date that you were definitely going to fall harder than before.
“i had a great time with you percy.” you said while holding hands just like earlier in the day.
“i had a great time with you too. i’m not sure i want to the night to end.” he looks into your eyes with that beautiful dimpled smile. just as you were about to respond, you felt water drops on your head.
“did you feel that?”
“feel what?”
the rain started coming down heavier making you squeal. percy is quick to firmly tighten the hand that was holding yours to run with you to find shade from the rain. once finding shade under a building entrance, you guys were soaked with water head to toe. laughter and heavy breathing was all that was heard from the two of you.
“that’s so cliché!”
“what it raining in the middle of our date?”
“yes percy. it felt like one of those romance movies,” you were looking around watching the rain pour down. percy had turned his attention to you just staring at you thinking about how pretty you looked.
“wanna make it even more cliché?”
“huh?” you turned back to him finding his face dangerously close to yours. when did he even move closer? not that you were complaining.
“can i kiss you y/n?”
he places both of his hands on your cheeks tilting your head upwards pulling you into a kiss. it started off slow then gradually got more intense. your fingers tangled into his wet hair pulling ever so slightly to push him more to you. the kiss was mainly teeth and tongue as you guys desperately consume each other. in that very moment nobody else mattered. just two souls that were drawn towards one another with a kiss that seemed to confirm every feeling even if it was only one day.
“woah, i don’t even know what to say.” your whisper fell upon his lips as his nose nudged yours.
“don’t say anything. just kiss me again.”
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zgvlt · 1 year
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CRUSH x CRASH ruggie bucchi x reader
summary: Ruggie, your fake boyfriend, is your date to yet another wedding.
tags: gender neutral reader, sfw, fluff + attempt at humor, 3.1k+ words, not beta read
author's notes (see end for more): i was in a bit of a writer's slump with some newer stuff i was working on, so i picked an older draft to finish. i'm glad it worked out in the end for me. anyway, if this is something that bothers you, reader does not talk about getting married :) the setting is just a wedding
[you can also read this on AO3]
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Ruggie likes weddings more than most people. Sure, lots of people find them awfully stuffy, terribly expensive, a huge waste of time, but not Ruggie—even if he does think a lot of them are too fancy shmancy for their own good! Like, what’s with the wedding industry being so costly? Does it seriously cost that much money to rent a venue? Why do dresses and tuxes cost an arm and a leg? Are the to-be-weds actually expected to pay for the flights of their guests if they’re coming out of town?
That aside—he’s not planning a wedding so those questions have nothing to do with him!—Ruggie adores weddings, enough to crash them and celebrate with the newlyweds! 
Not that he crashes them, not at all in technical terms, has not really needed to considering you were more than willing to invite him as your plus-one for every event with catering or an all-you-can-eat buffet, all events including weddings! Birthdays and gender reveals were all fine and dandy too, but sometimes those adult party games could get embarrassing, even if they had some snazzy (and usually practical!) prize to be won.
But really, none better than a good wedding.
So sure, maybe tuxedos weren’t exactly his style—he’s worn the same one to pretty much every wedding, but guys tend to get passes on that sort of thing—but it’s really not that bad having to dress up every, what, once or twice a month… and sure, maybe he’s a bit selective with the wedding speeches he actually finds sweet, but he has the decency to clap after each and every one (and even let out a whistle or holler if the atmosphere is casual enough!)
There was also the issue that maybe some of the time that should have been spent chatting up other guests was spent discreetly putting food in the tupperware for him to take home—not like most of them would have finished the food anyway! It would be a waste if it had just gone in the trash!—but he’s the first to ask and lead you to the floor when you seem like you’re in the mood for dancing.
So okay, maybe he doesn’t like every aspect of the arrangement (it’s hard to care about it 100% when most of the attendees are strangers or acquaintances at most) but, well, you were his friend and there was bound to be good food, especially the more extravagant weddings, so attend he shall.
“What color do I have ‘ta wear? Don’t wanna be stared at like I’m the asshole for not following some dumb dress code.”
Like, why the hell would guests have to wear certain colors or prints? Wasn’t it good as long as you didn’t outshine the bride(s) or however the rule went? As if he could even wear something glamorous and bling bling enough for that to happen anyway.
“Sunrise colors, so probably red and orange and yellow… maybe blue as well?” 
Excellent, Ruggie thought, absolutely excellent, considering he actually owned a yellow tie!
No need for renting, no need to borrow one from Leona (again), no need to ask Kalim, who would have probably sent him a bunch of way too expensive ties with exquisite patterns and stitching, and definitely no need to ask some other guy who would probably ask for a favor or something which, no thank you, he’ll just break the dress code and play dumb.
“I’ll go wear yellow, then,” Ruggie announced, just in case you wanted to, well, match or something. Wouldn’t be the first time (and the first time was a complete accident!) so he could probably handle the teasing… probably.
“Ah, one more thing,” he asked, suddenly remembering something—his part of the deal when it came to attending these events with you. “So our, y’know, our usual—do we have to do that there too?”
“Hmm? Do what, Ruggie?” you asked, feigning forgetfulness. 
With how many different occasions he’s accompanied you to over the past year (this would be the seventeenth, and the year was still a few months away from ending), not to mention the amount totaling from all the years he’s known you, he knew that you were very well aware of what he was talking about.
“Y’know…! Pretend that me and you, you know, that we’re… Oi! Can your laughter, you’re at fault here!”
He gave in anyway, only because he still found himself embarrassed whenever it was brought up. It was easier once he was settled in, but the process was still… yeah. 
Honestly, he doesn’t really have much of a (valid, not embarrassing to say) excuse for how and why the whole ordeal still flustered him even after how many years has passed since the arrangement—it just does. 
Well, okay, there’s an actual reason, but best not to speak it into existence in case you find out and make fun of him for that too.
He just has to be satisfied knowing that in some ways, he gets the best of you as well.
“Sorry, sorry!” you said, appeasing him with your laughter, “No, no, there’s no need to pretend we’re dating this time! The groom is pretty chill about the invites, so it’s no big deal if I bring a friend along.”
“Cool, cool,” he replied, not really feeling any smidge of the relief you were expecting him to. He feigned a sigh anyway, just to pretend he did. “‘S not that it’s a big deal if I had to.”
“Of course not,” you agreed, “must be like a second skin at this point, huh?”
He scratched the back of his neck as he laughed.
“Ah, yeah, somethin’ like that!”
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Second skin might have been the right way to describe it, though Ruggie’s beginning to realize that there are problems as well with how natural everything’s become between the two of you. 
This whole fake dating business seemed like all pluses at the start—hanging out with and getting to go to snazzy events with a friend, eating good food, getting all the perks of socializing without having to make too many promises and commitments. Those were all pretty fantastic, really!
The issue is, though, that once you become someone’s fake significant other, you simply can’t stop fake dating them because of the mutual friends and acquaintances you happen to share with the other person. The degrees of separation have decreased significantly since becoming your go-to partner to these things.
“Ruggie! It’s so good to see you!” He gets scooped up into a tight hug—if his personal space is gonna get invaded, can they at least mind the tail?!—by some person he attended the wedding of some months ago. What was their name again…? 
“Yeah, good to see ya too, man!” Well, he can’t say he’s all that upset about seeing a sort of familiar face or two, especially a face of a genuinely generous person, but he’s not sure he has much to say, really. Other than your mutual friends, he mostly lets you or the other people decide what to talk about and he sort of just improvs from there. If he ends up getting asked about work and life and such, he’d end up drawing a blank (too hectic and too little he’d be willing to say to an almost stranger).
“Since you’re here, it probably means you’re still dating my cousin, huh?” 
The person he had been talking to before the interruption—the groom of today’s affair—was momentarily confused, before grinning at the revelation.
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah? Did Ruggie not tell you he’s the S.O. of…?”
Basically, people know him as your boyfriend, and he will be introduced as your boyfriend even when neither of you had the intention of pretending that day for the sake of not blowing your cover. 
Like, it’s not as if he’s gonna fake break up with you or anything anytime soon, so spreading the fake news it is!
Really, ain’t he just such a good friend for keeping up the act to the best of his abilities? Not that it was all that hard or nothing, it’s kind of just like lighting a match—after a few flicks, it’s already registered in his brain that he’s supposed to be your date. 
“I thought the two of you were just friends?” The groom wiggled his eyebrows in the way annoying adults tended to when they felt like teasing the children in the village about their crushes. 
Except Ruggie was already a few years past drinking age so he doesn’t really feel like playing into that game, even if the guy’s your friend. He’ll just answer quickly and move on (back to you, and maybe the buffet table as well).
“Shishishi… It’s an inside joke we love to tell people,” he explains, a well-practiced excuse at this point. “Started out because people kept telling us we’d make a pretty good couple not knowing we were already dating, so we kinda just committed to the bit!”
Yeah right! The irony of it all, if that was the right category it fell into.
“So this has been going on for a while then, huh!”
“Yeah, something like four years, one month, and eight days,” of fake dating, Ruggie said nonchalantly, like it was no big deal that he’s been keeping himself single for all that time so he can continue to fake date you. He’s just never felt the compulsion to stop, and clearly you haven’t either considering you’ve been single all that time as well!
“You can’t just say something like then get the exact numbers down to a T, puppy.”
Likely wondering what was taking him so long to return to your side, you decided to finally grace him with your presence, wrapping an arm around his waist. He pretends it happens frequently enough to the point that he’s not flustered about it.
“Means ya have it memorized too, kitty,” he replies, deflecting. “Not that big a deal. Also, hyenas aren’t even part of the dog family, y’know!”
“Okay okay, whatever you say!” you laugh, nudging the groom with your free arm. “Sorry I lied to you about him being my boy space friend and not my boyfriend. I saw an opportunity to lie and I took it!”
“You know what? I’m not even surprised,” the man says, shaking his head before turning to the hyena once more. “So, Ruggie, since the two of you have been together for several years now, do the two of you plan on getting married any time soon, too?”
Questions like that are meant to be heavy hitting, meant to be discussed for more than just a few minutes, but Ruggie manages to answer it swiftly. 
Again, not the first time he’s been asked, but his answer has never really changed from all those years ago.
“Only if my partner wants to,” he replies. He grabs the hand you have wrapped around him, pushing it down so he can clasp onto your fingers properly, like a dutiful boyfriend would. “I’d be happy as long as we have a future together.”
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Considerate. That was how Ruggie was known to… pretty much everyone you had introduced him to that didn’t know the truth. He was a considerate boyfriend, one who never spoiled or babied you too much, but one always eager to help or guide you with whatever it was you needed.
You saw him as considerate too, you let him know, a considerate friend. It was why you approached him with this whole fake dating shenanigans in the first place, and why you continued to rely on him over and over again.
“I just don’t know what I’d do with you, really,” you bemoaned, “you’re seriously the best, you know that?”
“Shishishi… if you wanted me to comfort you, you could just ask,” Ruggie replied with a grin, more receptive to the compliment than he wanted to let on. “Whether you want to cry at their speeches and use my tie as a tissue, or ask me to refill your plate with something in particular, I’ll do it.”
You smiled, your appreciation extending from your lips to the tips of your fingers, reaching out to comb through his hair gently. 
“Your tie’s too nice for that,” you admitted, your fingers trailing down to his neck to caress the fabric. He might have misheard, but he thought he heard someone murmur about public display of affection… as if a wedding didn’t scream P.D.A. already. Regardless, he lowers his eyes to watch the movement of your hands, only a little bit mesmerized by how gently you treat him at times like these. He’s used to you not being afraid to fool around with him, which is nice, but… but this is nice, too.
Yikes, you’d think you were cupping his face or something by the way he reacted—it was just his tie, for sevens’ sake!
“I’ve always liked how you looked in yellow,” you said, and he could do nothing but melt. That’s all he can do, considering if he tried to speak he would probably whimper and purr and let you have your way with his heart… But you look like you want him to say something, so he should try to do that. It can’t be that bad! He just has to clear his throat and make sure he actually vomits out words instead of feelings.
You can praise me more! was what he wanted to say. Instead, he said,
“Ahh, ya look very charming too in…!” It’s a good enough start, but he trailed off when he realized he couldn’t really pinpoint just one thing he liked. What, was he gonna say you looked good in yellow too? You said it first! He’d just be repeating at that point! “Agh, you’re just cute…! You don’t have to laugh at me for that!”
“I’m not making fun of you!” you explained quickly—not that you needed to, he knew you weren’t, and the clarification didn’t make his cheeks cool in the least bit. It’s like the heat of his hometown all over again! “You’re acting like you wouldn’t tease me for the very same thing!”
“Who, me? Your Ruggie? Never!” he said, lying as easily as he breathed. “So go on, might as well ask me for a few more things while I’m in the mood to be all sweet with ya~”
“Well… what if I want to ask you to dance?”
He laughed, as he tended to in many situations, but he laughed then because he knew his leading you to the dance floor would be inevitable—it was just a matter of time. When you laugh with him, he knows it’s because you knew the very same.
“You know my rhythm ain’t that good, especially when the music is…” He paused to listen to the music, having been too invested in you to pay attention to the tunes. “...classical? Like, piano and violin instrumental and all.”
“Then I’ll let you step on my feet—once!” 
“You’re only sayin’ that because ya know I won’t,” Ruggie said, grinning, “well, not on purpose anyway! Shishishi…”
They’ve danced this dance before… not literally, or maybe literally, many wedding playlists and bands repeat the same songs anyway, but the whole let’s dance and pretend we’re an engaging and fun couple kind of dance specifically. He’s not really sure why they continue doing so, most people only really care about who the newlyweds dance with, but once they’ve started they never really had it in them to stop. 
At least, that was how he felt about it.
“‘Times it feels like the first time,” Ruggie said, hands gesturing vaguely in the air before they take their place next to yours. You interlock your fingers with his in response. “This whole thing. The date and dance thing.”
“S’ not the right word,” he replied, “I always feel comfy around you.”
“Fun,” he supplied, “somehow this has never gotten boring even after four years–”
“–and one month, and eight days,” you were already smiling the whole time (he would know—when he wasn’t staring at his feet to make sure he wouldn’t accidentally hurt you, he’s been staring at your face shamelessly), but your eyes crinkle a little bit more. He thinks you might’ve stolen his abilities because he mirrors your very movements. “Or is that nine days counting today?”
“Nah, I already counted today as the eight.”
The look you have on your face resembled approval, as if you were praising him for remembering so well. 
“We’ve never celebrated an anniversary, have we?” you whispered, as though too embarrassed to let anyone else hear. Ruggie doubted anyone would, too preoccupied with themselves and everyone else to pay attention to a couple of guests dancing, but he leans into you anyway to hear you better.
(He doesn’t need it, he can hear you fine and dandy with the ears he has, but neither of you comment on the action.)
“Is there somewhere you wanna go? Or do?” he asked, genuinely interested in what your idea of an ideal celebratory date would be. For future reference.
“Your hometown would be nice.” The answer very nearly has him yelping, but he managed to restrain himself by squeezing your hands a little tighter. His eyes look around wildly before gawking at you. You know what his hometown is like, but more than that, you know what that place means to him, the people there that he looks out for whenever he can.
“You’re sounding very much like a real partner right now,” Ruggie said, awed at the unspoken revelation, “makes me wonder why we put that fake label in the first place if we were just gonna reserve ourselves for each other.”
“Because we’re fools,” you replied, glad to be on the same page as him, “and we’ve just been acting as the other does all this time without stepping out of line.”
“Was there even a line in the first place?” The both of you shared a laugh. 
“So, what do you think? About that hometown date?”
You probably know exactly what he thinks about it. You’ve always had a way with his heartstrings and he’s done nothing to stop you from doing so, so you know his entire being feels very warm and bubbly just about now, has been the entire time he’s had you by his side, really.
“Help me sneak some sweets out later,” Ruggie murmured quietly, “in the tupperware. The brats back home will love it.”
“One step ahead of you,” you muttered back, a voice with barely contained mischief, “while you were busy chatting up the groom, I already snuck some food out to the car.”
“What the hell,” he breathed out, “I think I might have fallen in love with ya all over again.”
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end notes | masterlist of all my works
[ 1 ] Title's stylization was inspired by TOMORROW x TOGETHER, the kpop group. There's no actual inspiration from TXT, though. I just like it.
[ 2 ] Ruggie and Reader have been to seventeen events that year because Ruggie is 17 (in TWST canon, he's older in the fic), and they've "fake" dated for four years, one month, and eight days because Ruggie's bday is 4/18. I just like choosing numbers with purpose or as references is all. Reader only questions if it's been 18 or 19 days and doesn't question the other parts because they're also counting. They're whipped, amen.
[ 3 ] When writing Ruggie, I was careful in how I portrayed him and his attitude towards food and money, mostly I didn't want that becoming his personality. Big-scale weddings are often quite expensive and wasteful, and while Ruggie has his insights about that based on his background, but he also knows that people do derive joy from that and he can appreciate it (basically, he's not hateful even though he can't relate). Not the main point of the fic, but putting Ruggie in that setting I felt like I had to describe his feelings regarding it a bit.
[ 4 ] I made reader call Ruggie "puppy", then I wondered if he should actually be "kitty" instead. I had to search whether hyenas were part of the cat or dog family, only to find out they belong to their own family! Kept puppy in anyw.
[ 5 ] I asked some followers what nickname Ruggie would call his s/o and kitten came up. Makes sense, he says it in a voice line… but for the life of me I cannot type it out because of how the nickname became tainted due to "discord kittens" arghh it felt too silly… I'll commit to it next time when the context is better!
[ 6 ] ( “Because we’re fools,” you replied, [...], “and we’ve just been acting as the other does[…]” ) This is referencing Ruggie's UM/SS literal translation, "March of fools". Though in this case, I suppose it's a dance of fools, huh!
[ 7 ] As mentioned, this was something short to help get me out of my writing slump. This has been in my drafts since June and the original "june wedding prompt" fic I meant to write before I scrapped it for the jade wedding fic instead. I decided to finally write it since, compared to before where I only really enjoyed writing longer one-shots (around 5k-15k words), I've gotten more comfortable writing shorter one-shots :>
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axelsagewrites · 4 months
Could I ask about something fluffy for Halfdan the black from Vikings please for the V day creations 😁🥰🥰🥰🥰Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
Pairing: halfdan x goddess!reader
Word count: 1352
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Warnings: forbidden love, made up norse festival bc they didnt have valentines (or anything similar i could find)
Masterlist Here
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Halfdan never felt the need to make friends. Not in the way his brother Harald did at least. Halfdan had drinking buddies, war buddies, hell even fuck buddies, but he did not see the point of befriending another lord just for his company. Though Halfdan was not the brother destined to be king.
Halfdan quite frankly didn’t understand why they even had to stop in this godforsaken village. So, when his brother told him they had to stay another five days to take part in their festival he found himself groaning and whining like a toddler.
The only reason he hadn’t abandoned his brother and went elsewhere was because of you. well, he didn’t know your name only your face. But the gods had made it the most beautiful face he’d ever seen.
When he asked his brother about the festival even Harald seemed to know nothing. your village had been named after Freyja so every year you would honour her but neither knew what to expect.
The bonfire was higher than any house with children dancing around the flames and drinks flowing freely with the adults. As Harald nursed his third cup his eyes fell upon you and finally, he felt like this may have been worth him staying.
You were sat alone, a few feet away from most on a fallen tree staring into the flames. Before he could think the alcohol had decided for him and he was crossing the grass towards you. “May I sit?” he asked, trying to act nonchalant but he felt an odd blush raise in his cheeks as you lifted your gaze.
Your eyes scanned over him for a moment in silence, from his tip toes to his hair, before finally you gave a small nod. “I’m Halfdan,” he said, breaking the silence once more as he sat down, and he felt relived you gave your name back. “Why are you sitting all alone?” he asked making you laugh a little, “What?”
“Nothing. I like someone who does not beat around the bush,” you said, a twinkle in your eye that made him blush again before your eyes returned to the fire, “I like to sit with my thoughts especially on days like this. Everyone seems so happy,”
“And you, are you happy?” he asked, his gaze fixed on you even if you do not return it.
However, he did notice the smile that tugged on your lips, “I can be at times,” usually he’d roll his eyes at an answer like yours, but this felt different.
“You never answered my question,” he said, and you hummed in response, “Why are you alone?”
“You were the first person to ask to sit,” you replied, finally turning to face him, “I think the better question is why did you?”
Up this close Halfdan could see the flames reflected in your eyes despite the fire being so far away. he could feel its warmth as if it was sat next to him, “I suppose I just wanted to meet you,” he said, his head becoming hazy.
“Are you well? you look like you may faint,” you said, brow knotting in concern.
“I don’t know,” he muttered, “It is very warm is it not?” he said, pulling at his shirt to fan himself.
He only stopped when you stood up, “Come with me. I know where you can cool down,” you said, and he did not need to be told twice.
He followed you down the hill the bonfire was on down to the edge of the shore where you slowly walked along as the breeze from the water finally cooled him down, “I’m not sure what happened,” Halfdan said when he finally felt he could breathe again.
Your smile almost took it away though, “It’s alright. Many become overwhelmed by the end of the night. The fire can burn awfully hot,”
“What is the fire for? I know your celebrating Freyja but why?” he asked, pausing in his tracks when you laughed softly.
You stopped as well and turned to face him, “We do not only celebrate her. well, I do not at least,” you said, turning your gaze to the sea, “We celebrate love. Freyja is of course only one of the three we celebrate,”
“And the other two?”
“Well one is Sjöfn though some rumour she is just Frigg in disguise,”
“Why would a goddess need to disguise herself?” Halfdan asked, suddenly very interested in every word you had to say. “Is she not the goddess of marriage?”
“She is. as well as prophecy and motherhood however sadly, love does not always lie in the marriage. That’s where the third comes in. Lofn,”
“I recognise the name,” he said though he could not place from when.
You chuckled however, “Many do. Few know why. She is protecting the forbidden love. The true love. The love that cannot always be, but you will never lose. She is who I celebrate on nights like these,” you said as your eyes turned to gaze back at the fire.
Halfdan felt a flare grow in his chest, “Why is that? I cannot imagine a man loving you and letting you go no matter the reason,”
Your lips quirked into a smile as your eyes turned to him, “I am not in a forbidden love. Not yet at least. Though I do find the notion romantical,”
“Romantical. Mesmerizing. Enthralling. Whatever word you choose. The notion of a love so strong it breaks the rules,”
“You do not like to follow the rules?”
“I do not see why I would,” you said.
Halfdan found himself cracking a slight smirk, “I knew there was a reason I liked you,” he said before you decided it was finally time to head back to the fire. As you began to walk up the hill, he decided to ask another question, “Why the bonfire?”
“They say no matter how far you are from the flames you will feel them on your skin if you’re sat with your one love and if you feel a chill stood beside it then it is not meant to be,”
“Is that why there are so many girls sat around it?” he snorted when he noticed just how close to the flames some of them sat. you however chose not to respond to that, and it was enough to make him swallow hard. “Do you believe in it?”
“I do,”
“Because I know it’s true,”
“I just do,” you said with a small smile as you arrived back to your original seat, “Your brother is looking for you,” you said, nodding over at the dark-haired man motioning to Halfdan to come over. “I’ll wait here,”
Halfdan sighed, “I’ll only be a moment,” he said as he stalked over to his brother.
“I was wondering where you went,” Harald said as he held out a drink to his brother, “Another?”
“I went on a walk,” he said as he took the cup.
Harald made a face however, “By yourself?”
Halfdan rolled his eyes, “No with…” he said, turning to point to you only to realise the space you once stood was empty, “She was right there,” he muttered before telling Harald your name.
Harald just shook his head, “You weren’t with anyone brother. I saw you walk up the hill yourself,”
“That’s impossible,” he muttered as his eyes scanned the crowd.
His attention was only drawn back when he heard Harald shiver, “You’d think that fire would feel warmer,” he said making Halfdan’s eyes widen.
His eyes turned to the bonfire, staring into the flames. He saw you through them like before but this time he did not see you on the other side. Perhaps he’d drank too much Harald suggested when he assured him no one had been sitting on that fallen tree. However, when Halfdan saw the tree standing unbent and unwavering the next day he knew he had met you. he just had not realised you were a god. A god who he could never love. It was all so romantical he thought.
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stephstars08 · 5 months
Childhood Crushes
Jack Champion x Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, Some Adult Language, Worry/Anxiety, Mention of Y/N’s ex-boyfriend, and Maybe Some Grammar Errors. (Sorry I forgot any!)
Summary: Y/N has grown up with Jack until she turned fourteen when she away with to a different state her family. Y/N is finally able to go spend Willa’s birthday with her for the first time since she moved away which also means she will be seeing Jack for the first time since she moved away. Willa believes that Y/N’s childhood crush on Jack has returned but Y/N disagrees. At least in the beginning.
Word Count: 1,532
Author’s Note: Sorry that this is so short! This story takes place during Willa’s birthday! I really got inspired to write this after seeing all the cute pictures Jack had taken with her! This will be my LAST story of 2023!! As I mentioned before after Christmas I will be going down to Disney World to spend the new year so of course I won’t be writing since I will be busy during Christmas and getting ready to go to Disney! I just want to thank you all for the amazing support you have shown on all of my stories this year! This really means the world to me so here is my Christmas gift to you all! I hope you enjoy my last story of 2023 and I can’t wait to share more stories with you all in 2024!
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Y/N’s have plane had just landed and she was in an Uber on her way to her best friend’s house. She was so excited to be with Willa since it’s Willa’s birthday and they haven’t seen each other in over a year. Also, Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she spent Willa’s birthday with her. She was also excited to see her other best friend Jack who she hasn’t seen in more than one year.
Y/N has known Willa and Jack since she was a little girl since she basically grew up with them. But when Y/N turned fourteen she moved away since her mom got promoted to a different state by her job. Y/N and Willa really stayed in touch by text messages, phone calls, and video chats. When she first moved her, and Jack also stayed in touch until he got busy with his acting career. Y/N is a bit upset that her and Jack aren’t as close as they were since she had a crush on him growing up.
Y/N always knew that Jack was going to be a big actor and she wants to tell him how proud she is of him, but she’s scared that he won’t respond. As excited, she is to see him, she can’t help but be nervous to see him after all these years.
She can’t help but wonder if that childhood crush will return when she sees him.
Willa was sitting in her living room flipping through the channels on the tv waiting for Y/N to show up. Y/N texted her letting her know that she is in an Uber and should be at her house soon. When Willa heard the doorbell ring, she tossed the remote down onto the couch and quickly got up and went to the door. She thought it was Y/N but when she opened the door, she saw that it was Jack standing there on the porch.
“Oh, it’s you.” Willa said acting all disappointed. “Well, hello to you, too.” Jack said pretending to be offended which made her playfully roll her eyes. “Get your ass in here.” Willa told him as she steps over to the side for him to walk inside.
Once Jack walked inside the house Willa closed the door. “Who are you expecting?” Jack asked her in a curious tone as he followed her over to the couch. “Y/N, she’s able to come here to celebrate my birthday with us.” Willa told him with nothing but excitement in her voice. “That’s awesome!” Jack said with a smile. “It’ll be good to see her again since I haven’t seen her in years.” Jack added.
“I’m going to go get some snacks from the kitchen. What do you want to drink?” Willa said to him. “Water is fine.” Jack answered her question. “Gotcha, I’ll be right back.” Willa said walking out of the living room and into the kitchen.
Right when Jack sat down onto the couch the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it.” Jack called out to Willa as he stood up and walked over to the door. When Jack opened the door there stood Y/N. When Y/N’s eyes met his brown eyes all of those old feelings she had for him quickly flashed through her mind. Let’s just say she wasn’t expecting to see Jack opening the door.
“Y/N?” Jack said surprised by her appearance. She has changed a lot since the last time he saw her, and she changed in a good and beautiful way. “Hey, Jack.” Y/N said with a smile. “It’s been a while.” She added. “Yeah, it has.” Jack said with a nod. “You look amazing.” Jack said still amazed by her appearance. “Oh, thank you!” Y/N said as her heart rate sped up. “You look amazing, too.” Y/N complimented back. “Thanks.” Jack said as he smiled. He brought her in for a quick hug which of course she returned.
“It’s so great to see you again.” Jack told her as his eyes locked with hers. “You too.” Y/N said staring back into his memorizing hazel eyes. They continued to stare into each other's eyes until Y/N heard Willa calling her name. “Willa!” Y/N said walking past Jack. Willa ran up to her and gave her a big hug. “I’m so happy that you’re here!” Willa said holding onto her tightly. “Me too!” Y/N said with a giggle as she returned the tight hug.
It was the next day and Y/N was getting ready with Willa in her bedroom. They are going to a pet farm with Jack and some more of their friends.
“Hey, you never told me what happened between you and that Colin guy.” Willa said as she sat on the end of her bed. “Ugh, he was a complete fucking nightmare!” Y/N said with a groan as she slipped on her pair of black Ugg boots. “Damn, he was that bad?” Willa said in surprise. “He was just so fucking annoying. All he talked about was himself and all the money his parents had.” Y/N explained to her as she rolled her eyes in annoyance that matched the tone in her voice. “Yeah, you don’t need that asshole.” Willa said which made Y/N let out a giggle. “You deserve better than him.” Willa added. “Thanks.” Y/N said grabbing her jacket.
“So, how did it feel to see Jack again?” Willa asked her in a curious tone. “It was good. It felt really good to see him again.” Y/N told her putting on her light jacket. “I’m sure it was.” Willa said as her lips curved up into a smirk. “What?” Y/N said looking at her with a confused look in her eyes. “Oh, c’mon Y/N! I know your childhood crush on Jack has returned.” Willa told her. Y/N should know that Willa can read her like a book. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N said acting oblivious as she looked down at her feet. “Y/N don’t you play dumb with me!” Willa told her in a stern tone as she stood up from her bed. “I saw the way you kept looking at him yesterday.” Willa added folding her arms over her chest. “Willa, I’m telling you it’s nothing.” Y/N told her looking back up at her. “Okay, whatever you say.” Willa said and walked out of her bedroom. Y/N just rolled her eyes and followed her out of the bedroom.
After Y/N went to the pet farm she started to believe that Willa was right. She does think that her childhood crush on Jack has retuned and this time it’s not just a small crush, it’s much bigger this time since puberty hit Jack like a fucking truck.
Every time Jack would look at her or talk to her, she would feel her heartbeat speed up. When she would talk with him it felt just like it was when they were kids. It’s like nothing had changed.
Y/N and Jack took many pictures with Willa and their friends, but they mostly took pictures together with the animals. Before Y/N fell asleep that night she couldn’t help but look at all of the pictures of her and Jack took together on her phone.
It was the next night and Y/N was in Willa’s backyard with friends. They were having a mini birthday party for Willa. Y/N was sitting by the bonfire by herself. “Hey.” She heard someone say. When Y/N looked up she saw it was Jack. “Hi.” Y/N said in a soft voice. “Can I join you?” Jack asked her in curious tone. “Of course.” Y/N answered him. She watched him sit down in the chair that was next to her.
“Willa told me that you’re not going back home till after the new year.” Jack said to her which made her give him a nod. “My family and I always spend the holidays here with the rest of my family, so I’ll be staying here with Willa until they come here.” Y/N explained to him. “I’m glad to hear that since I would love to spend more time with you and catch up with you.” Jack told her. “Yeah, I’d love that, too.” Y/N agreed with him.
“Are you free tomorrow?” Jack asked her in a curious tone. Y/N gave him a nod letting him know that she is free tomorrow. “Great! I know a perfect place we can go hang out at.” Jack told her as his lips turned up into a smile. “Sounds good!” Y/N said as she smiled as well.
As they stared into each other's eyes they stared to lean in. But before their lips could touch one of their friends called Y/N’s name. “Are you going to come help me with Willa’s cake?” The friend asked her. “Yeah, I’ll meet you inside.” Y/N told the friend.
Y/N leaned over and gave Jack a soft kiss on his cheek which took him by surprise. “I’ll be right back.” Y/N told him as she stood up. As Jack watched her walk inside the house his cheeks turned a bright red.
He now knew that Willa was right. Jack’s childhood crush on Y/N has come back.
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lil-oreo-crumbles · 1 month
“You’re a Disappointment,” An Analysis
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Seven years. Seven. Years. And it only just now finally hit me what Toffee truly meant when he called Marco a disappointment in Storm the Castle, and I feel pretty silly for not realizing it before.
Before Storm the Castle, Toffee has only seen Marco on two significant (canonical) occasions, Fortune Cookies and Mewnipendance Day. (As you may remember, Marco was MIA during Marco Grows a Beard, considering he was… physically trapped in that bathroom as his beard overwhelmed the house)
Fortune Cookies:
The entire plot of the episode, besides the ever enjoyable introduction to our favorite lizard, is Star once again being amazed by another Earth oddity: fortune cookies. She believes that the fortunes are genuine predictions of the future and are infallible and to be relied on for all of her future decisions (not helped by Marco who did influence this misconception by messing with her). This immediately establishes in Toffee’s mind— after learning from Buff Frog that she believes the messages in the messages in her cookies are fortunes— that she’s naive, impulsive, easy to stray, and immature. Of course, he very quickly learns about her impulsivity, fighting prowess, and stubborn will, but her naivety is what sticks out to him in this moment, and it’s what he takes full advantage of. (Note: I don’t think he actually looks down on her for these traits alone and expects her to be mature at all, I think he sees those traits going hand and hand with her age. She’s only 14, after all. Nevertheless, they are still traits he can use to his advantage to further his goals.)
This is something that Star has in common with the monsters Toffee has found himself within the company of. The only difference here? These are grown adults who he expects to have a bit more dignity under their belt, ESPECIALLY Ludo. While I’m sure he’s grateful that Ludo was naive enough to hire him with clever wordplay alone— overall assisting to further his goals— he can’t help but feel annoyed by the plain stupid amount of immaturity he possesses.
I think this is less so with Ludo’s army. Even if they share very similar traits, he knows they’ve been living under Ludo’s childish tyranny, and probably has a bit more faith that they can be molded into proper soldiers. Though, his patience is still worn extremely thin by their shenanigans.
Toffee takes advantage of this by planting a fortune in her bag, “Love is Always the Answer.” While I personally believe there’s a deeper meaning, it’s not relevant right now. But anywho, the core purpose is to let Star’s guard down enough so Ludo can gain ownership of the wand.
While Star believes the message hook, line, and sinker, Marco immediately sees past the ridiculousness of the fortune in such a dire situation. “What? Not in this case! Fighting is!”
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“Really? Now??”
He immediately sees past the fortune, relying on logic to reason that such a simple trick is just that: a trick. Clearly Star’s pacifism isn’t working, and they need to make the rational decision to fight. He’s immediately proves himself to be the level headed one of the duo, the one who keeps his head on straight and is clearly the maturer of the two.
Marco saw right through the trap and displayed common sense and logic. And he was later vindicated when it was revealed to Star that the fortune cookie was a trap.
And I can guarantee you Toffee noticed this, and it was only further cemented in the next time Toffee sees him again.
Mewnipendance Day:
In this episode, Star is celebrating what she knows as “Mewnipendance Day”, also known as the Great Monster Massacre, where the first Queen of Mewni attempted to wipe out monsters from the face of the planet, an attempted genocide of innocent people who lived on the land she stole from them.
Star explains the entire story from the Mewman’s propagandized perspective, going through a pop-up storybook to demonstrate the beginning and the end of the massacre. She gives an explanation of the beginnings, skips past the actual genocide and fighting itself, and ends with “And the Mewmans won!”
And guess who’s the only person who notices and brings attention to it? Marco Diaz himself.
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“Wait, but you just blew past all the important stuff.”
Once again, Marco is the one who’s calling out important things, looking deeper and more critically at the situation, opposed to everyone else who just goes along with it. He shows very clear and obvious signs that he’s more mature than his peers.
And let’s not forget, Ludo and Toffee are watching all of this through the surveillance device (the “all seeing eye”). Sure, Toffee is a tad distracted by the book he’s reading, but with how intelligent he is I’m almost positive that he’s multitasking here.
And Marco only proceeds to exceed expectations, actually going through the book and starting to see, at least in part, the true reality of the situation, calling it out and bringing it to Star’s attention.
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“Star, I know the monsters are bad and all, but this seems… unfair.”
Marco demonstrates that he is willing to see past biases and to see reason. He sees past the blatant propaganda and revisionist history, at least in part.
Overall, he is actively more mature than the others with common sense that aids in critical thinking skills and nuance beyond what’d Toffee would expect at his age, especially contrasted against Star. And I think taking off rose colored glasses and seeing the monster massacre for what it really is (again at least in part) really helps with Toffee’s perception of Marco as some levity amongst the childish people he’s been surrounded with.
That is, until their third interaction in Storm the Castle.
Storm the Castle:
Toffee clearly sees Marco as a competent fighter, considering the double imprisonment with not only the chair that confines him but the crystal box prison too. He knows Marco is more competent and mature than most people in his vicinity
At least. He did.
During Storm the Castle while Marco is imprisoned, he takes on the traits seen with Ludo, his soldiers, and Star. He’s acting immature, he’s being impulsive, and he’s talking back with what he assumes is witty dialogue. He’s trying to act all tough guy, which clearly doesn’t work with Toffee. Toffee humors him a little bit during the sandwich dialogue, releasing him from the chair, and Marco immediately takes an impulsive swing at him, leaving him to punch the crystal and immediately writhe in pain at the impact. Marco then immediately throws away Toffee’s genuine attempt at offering him a meal. Toffee is a monster, and being a monster in Mewni means that food, especially good food, is invaluable, because it’s so hard to come by. Seeing Marco waste and make a mess of it without a second thought is probably the nail in the coffin.
Marco isn’t the slightly more mature young boy Toffee assumed he was. He had witnessed from afar Marco’s knack for nuance and critical thinking, a breath of fresh air amongst incompetence.
But as soon as they get one on one all of that is immediately washed away.
Marco is acting like everyone else he’s come across lately, openly defying the nuanced maturity Toffee had witnessed previously. He’s just like the others. He’s being childish. He isn’t special.
“You’re a disappointment”
It’s not some profound statement, there’s no weight behind it. Toffee had no expectations for Marco and wasn’t planning on using him for his goals. Marco just genuinely was not who Toffee assumed he was by his previous actions. Toffee was mildly genuinely disappointed to learn just how kiddish Marco really is. He really expected better.
I also think this explains why Toffee didn’t bother to put him back in the chair restraints. He really didn’t need to go that far with trapping him in the first place.
I don’t think Toffee is surprised, or even phased by it, Marco is a 14 year old child after all. I don’t even think Toffee’s expectations for his maturity were big, period, just the slightest bit of relief that Marco was a breath of fresh air amongst the sea of incompetence. But no. He wasn’t, as far as Toffee concludes at least. This one interaction completely killed any hope Toffee might have carried, and he would just roll his eyes for even allowing himself to put even a little faith in someone.
“Well, that’s unfortunate. Anyways…”
I know there were tons of theories on this, but the actual answer, as far as I’ve figured, is incredibly simple lol. And now that I’ve finally realized what that line really meant, I think it’s important to share.
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katuschka · 22 days
Scene One – Lampshade
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Jake Kiszka x f!Reader (1st person narrative)
2.541 words
On my bedside table, I have a beautiful art deco lamp. When my lover leaves, he ties a scarf he wore for days on top. And when he’s gone I let my window open just a bit, the gentle breeze sets the scarf on motion, just like the waves in the tempestuous ocean.  Once or twice, I swear, I could smell him in my dreams.
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere.
Warnings: longing, alcohol consumption, penetrative sex, phone sex and masturbation, sex toys, phantasmagorical dream visions
It’s been almost three weeks since I last saw him. I’m trying to convince myself that it’s not that bad, but the truth is that I always start missing him the moment he leaves. It’s a bittersweet feeling. I’m a grown, independent woman, engaging in my daily routines...or breaking them, just to stay sane. 
But, it feels as if a part of my soul got attached to him. It travels with him wherever he goes and I feel it tugging at my insides every now and then. At first I thought it was just a side effect of the early stages of falling in love. I believed that it would get easier with time, but it never did. If anything, it only got worse. 
It’s bearable during the day. My mind’s too preoccupied with my job, thank god. It’s not really much different from when he’s here. I still have my work to do and he’s busy too, until we finally meet at home to share a glass of wine or two. And then we fuck.
That’s why early evenings are the worst when he’s away. The house is just too big, too quiet, and my mind too restless. No sound of the strings being plucked greets me when I get home, no smell of savory dishes waiting for me in the oven or on the stove. I’m too lazy to do it myself, so I just order in, only to be reproached by him later that I’m not taking proper care of myself. My lover does all these things. My body’s spoiled with constant hugs and my cheeks peppered with warm kisses. So, on days like these, this is what his lady misses. 
He knows that, so he tries to call anytime he can. It’s easier in between shows. He makes sure to call me around eight, even when it’s already 3 am where he’s at. Him being a night owl, this has never been a problem. Sometimes it’s just a quick hello to make sure I’m ok. Other times we talk for hours. 
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I didn’t expect anything like that today. He might call late or not at all. Probably not at all because today’s show was too important. He wanted me there, but I couldn’t go this time. I had an important project to finish and came home pleasantly exhausted. In a perfect world, we would celebrate our respective achievements together, but this world is not perfect, so I have to content myself with the fact that he is. 
Well, not really, but I wouldn’t change a thing about him. 
So, I just poured myself a glass of wine, climbed in bed early and tried to read, only to find myself checking the Instagram updates constantly. I don’t do it very often, because I’m not really keen on seeing hundreds of women swooning over him, but someone might be streaming the show, and I just couldn’t miss it. 
Before he left, he fastened his scarf on my lampshade. That little piece of fabric is basically marinated in his scent – his strong, yet religiously comforting cologne mixed with the warm smell of him. I made sure to leave both the bedroom door and the window open, to create a slight draft. After three weeks, the scent had already faded a bit, but I still could get whiffs of him while falling asleep. Just like today. The livestream I found ended mid-show, but I wasn’t really paying attention anymore. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy long before the concert ended and without even bothering to turn off the light, I fell asleep with my phone still in my hand. 
Except I couldn’t sleep. The thunderstorm in the distance and the billowing wind kept me awake. The sky was clear when I went to bed, so I couldn’t understand where the clouds came from. It didn’t matter anyway. 
He was here. In my bed, sleeping. The intoxicating scent of clove and incense mixed with his musk wrapped around me like a second comfort blanket. The bedside lamp illuminated his disheveled hair and the clothes he had carelessly thrown over the armchair next to the bed. He was naked and all of the sudden, so was I.
It was our bedroom…and it wasn’t. The southern wall was gone, exposing us to the elements outside. Our garden turned to a stony shore, with the waves of a rough sea crashing upon it. Somewhere in the distance, I could see the storm raging.
I was feeling snug under the blanket, the warmth he elicited sheltering me from everything else around. I reached out to touch him. His skin was warm and dry and I snuggled closer to him from behind, inhaling the comforting aroma of his relaxed, sleeping body. 
He never slept much. Sometimes I wondered how he could function after yet another sleepless night, and the dark circles under his eyes often worried me. But when he did fall asleep, he looked like a baby boy, his full lips slightly parted and his brows turned upwards. A man of paradoxes. He would fuck my brains out just moments after he spoon-fed me pistachio ice-cream. My doe-eyed barbarian. A romantic adventure, but a reptile too. Always offering something new. Just like the sky outside, with the full moon now illuminating the stormy sky. Where did it come from? It was hanging there in mid-air in front of the clouds, so big, so close it seemed that I could reach it with my fingers if I just stepped outside of the room. 
But I didn’t want to. Instead, I slowly swirled around him like a serpent. I could feel him stir, his body responding to mine. It was a silent dialogue. He turned to me and pushed my chin upwards to nuzzle the soft skin behind my left earlobe. I could hear him murmur a prayer, the words of which I didn’t recognize, but I understood it anyway. I could feel his hand travel slowly down my belly, pulling my thighs apart, his palm sliding gently to my pussy and his middle finger slipping in between my folds. It’s been too long… My body reacted immediately. I arched my back and gasped for air as his moistened fingertip glided over my clit in slow circles. He kissed my shoulder and I could feel his parted lips stretch in a smile before he nibbled lightly on my skin covered with goosebumps.
He spread my thighs even more, like the petals of a blooming flower. I felt the weight of his body on mine as he shifted, obscuring my view, silencing the wind, his porcelain face dimming all the celestial lights behind him. He was coming home. 
I cried out when he entered me, grabbing pillows on both sides of my head. He, too, yelped like a puppy, laying his head on my bosom just for a while, to gain his composure. I felt every exhale of his quickened breath on my skin, and enveloped his body with my limbs in a false promise to never let go. 
He started moving inside me and I felt absolutely lightheaded, as if we were floating in an empty void. It got darker with each deep, long thrust until time and space around us disappeared and the only thing that tethered me to reality was the rhythm of his beating heart and the alluring sounds of his raspy moans. We moved together languidly, drunk in love, and the waves of pleasure running through my body intensified with each passing second. My fingernails dug into his skin…so deep until he suddenly stiffened and screamed in pain right next to left ear…
…nooo…at first I couldn’t tell where I was or who I was until the sound of my phone ringing on the pillow next to my head slowly brought me back to reality. I couldn’t believe it. What? Why? I looked at the screen and saw the name of the only person whom I could forgive for calling me right fucking now!
“Jake? Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I breathed out. 
A moment of silence before the man on the other side responded. I must have sounded pre-t-t-y irritated. “Babe? Did I wake you up?” 
Of course you did. What day is it? Oh yeah, it was slowly coming back to me. Madison Square Garden… “What time is it?” I breathed out.
“Almost one am here, your midnight. We just arrived at the hotel a moment ago, I haven’t even had a shower yet, I just had to hear…”
“Urgh,” I interrupted him with a groan, not in a reaction to what he said. My still not fully awakened body was just fighting with my mind as I tried to sit. I was still slightly disoriented and my coochie weeped. “I, uhm, I’m sorry baby. I just had a very intense erotic dream…the first one in years. And you just happened to interrupt it at the worst possible moment.”
“Oh, daamn!” he chuckled. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Not funny Jake. No one else but you could ever make me this wet. The sheets below me are literally soaked through.” I heard him inhale sharply on the other side. It took him a few more seconds to respond. “You’re wet?” It sounded a bit like a stifled groan, followed by him clearing his throat. Poor Jake, he was so taken aback by my response that Oliver had to take over. “Thaths probably because I was absolu-te-ly on fire tonight, my love! Telepathy must be one of my many superior powers. Now I need to clean the mess…”
“What do you mean?”
“Phone sex, obviously.” 
I laughed. Nah, I’m not a fan. I love his voice, don’t get me wrong, but it couldn’t possibly make up for all the stuff that my subconsciousness flooded my brain with just a moment ago. Also, I’ve always found the idea of phone sex strangely disconcerting. We could do the most obscene stuff face to face without even batting an eye, but to be describing to him how I’m touching myself? No, thank you. I’d be embarrassed. Don’t know why. That’s just how it is, And that’s what I told him.  
“Oh come on, let’s try it.” Jake was back. “Besides, it’s a mutual obligation now. I’m already hard.” 
I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. “Ok Jake,” I crooned monotonously, “what are you wearing?” 
“Oh GOD!” he moaned theatrically. “You sound so sexy when you’re bored. Mmmmm.”
I laughed again, in earnest. “Sorry,” I chuckled. “Ok, let’s try it. But I’m not going to describe what I’m doing. You tell me what to do.”
I heard his sheets rustle as he shifted on his bed, which meant he already had me on speaker, so I did the same. I adjusted the pillows, stripped off my babydoll and tried to find a comfortable position. “Ok Jake, I’m ready.”
“Good girl. Now, close your eyes and cup your breasts. Let your thumbs draw slow circles around your nipples. No pressure.” His voice suddenly sounded huskier than before. 
“Are you jerking off?” And then I heard it. The unmistakable sound of his fist sliding rhythmically up and down his cock. Of course he was. 
“You can’t blame me sweetheart,” he breathed out. “I got here, still full of adrenaline from the show, only to hear you tell me that I was fucking you in your dreams. I couldn’t wait any longer.” 
The sound of his heavy breath made my pelvic muscles contract and my heartbeat quicken. I licked my fingertips and let my hand slide between my legs, trying to ease the ache. “Talk to me Jake. Forget the nipples. Guide my fingers.”
“Who’s impatient now?” He let out an involuntary moan, swallowed harshly and continued: “Squeeze your clit between two fingers, scissor-like. Now rub from side to side and gently pull.”
I knew what he meant. His technique was completely different from mine and effective in its own way. I never tried to recreate it before. I did now, and it all suddenly came back to me. The dream, his touch, his dick, stretching me, fucking me, our loins dancing together to the rhythm of our heartbeats…
“Not enough,” I whined. “I need more, Jake.”
“Ok, time for Mini Me.”
That was yet another thing my lover did for me. We found a company that makes custom dildos using castings of real customers. Now, a cold piece of silicone can never compete with the real jake, but it was the next best thing whenever I needed to release the tension after a long day. I loved the shape of it. It was mine. I opened the drawer and reached for the toy. “Now what?”
“Ride me,” he groaned. 
“How am I supp…”
“Let’s pretend we fell off the bed.”
“Off the bed! Now!” he commanded. I climbed off the bed and attached the dildo to the wooden floor. “Mini Me’s ready. What now?”
“Now sit.”
I did as I was told. I got on my knees, placed the tip between my folds and slowly slid all the way down. Our roles reversed for a brief moment as I was now guiding him through. I heard him spit into his palm and groan with relief. It was his time to take the reins again. “Move,” he rasped. “Grab your hips and pretend it’s me. Set the pace, but tell me.”
I started moving my hips in a slow, sensual rhythm, while whispering up and down and up and down to him. I was now close to my bedside table, the fragrant scarf only a few feet from me. I closed my eyes. The illusion was almost perfect. 
“That’s my girl,” he moaned. “Do you want to go faster?”
“No, this is fine.”
“Ok, continue baby. Let me hear you.”
We continued like that for several minutes, eyes closed, listening to each other. I could hear that he was close as his low moans turned to high-pitched whimpers. My thighs started shaking and I had to catch hold of the bedside table to ease the tension in my legs. I opened my eyes and that’s when I saw it. The multi coloured lampshade. As I was moving, so were the colorful lights before my eyes. It was like being there, under the stage lights, as I was listening to my man. The most beautiful song. It overwhelmed my senses and I came, screaming. From the haze of my own high, I heard him finish shortly afterwards. 
I wanted to hear every detail of his show, and he wanted to know about my project, but we were both already too exhausted, so he promised to call me again in the morning. I knew he would, because that’s what my lover does. 
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@its-interesting-van-kleep @takenbythemadness @edgingthedarkness @writingcold @ignite-my-fire @klarxtr @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @fleet-of-fiction @lvnterninthenight @myownparadise96 @GVFstuddedmajesty @josh-iamyour-mama @jazzyfigz @sanguinebats @thewritingbeforesunrise
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Crème Fraîche (Fresh Cream)
Part of my 500 Follower Celebration set in The Shape of Youniverse 
The Prompt: You and the system go on a baby-moon when expecting Baby #2 (your parents watch Nyla) and rent a house in the French countryside. As a present for Steven, you dress up in a milkmaid costume and greet him in it, your recently re-lactating breasts already staining the material when he finds you.
Requested by: a lovely nonnie!
Pairing: Steven x afab!reader, background Marc x afab!reader and Jake x afab!reader, Reader is married to the system 
Spice-o-meter: 🌶🌶🌶🌶, Tré Explicit, Minors DNI!
Word Count: 4k
CW/TW: heavy breast play and lactation kink, Steven has a bit of an oral fixation, roleplaying with a costume, some softdom!daddy kink, dirty talk, pregnant!sex, table!sex, fingering, food kink, a bit of creampie or just a lot of bodily fluids, a dash of dumbification and cockwarming, and mentions of anal sex, masturbation, plus a little self-consciousness on the reader’s part because she is muy preggo. Also mucho aftercare because it’s Steven our beloved
A/N: I’M BACK BITCHES!!! Thank you to everyone who so patiently waited for me to return to my fics, I hope it’s worth the wait! Also special shoutout to @johnny-simpfinger​ since she let me take this idea, tweak it and run with it! 
And yes, this is the second fic in a row I’ve titled in a different language but I’m trying be *classy* okay? It was “Crème Fraîche” or “Got Milk?” 🤪 Also there’s translations of a few bits of dialogue at the end of the fic. 
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You couldn’t be mad at Marc for almost spoiling the surprise, after all you had barked at him to get you another towel inside. In his haste to get back to where you were beached on the side of the pool, he’d knocked over your suitcase and found the costume when he was trying to put everything away.
The two of you were on your “babymoon” in advance of Caleb’s arrival, spending a long weekend at a darling cottage you and your husband rented in Provence, France. Nyla was home in London, no doubt being doted upon (if not completely spoiled), by your parents who were in town to watch her. With your daughter, there had been no time for a babymoon since she’d been a surprise souvenir from your honeymoon. Not to mention another trip felt excessive when there was so much preparation to do in advance of Nyla’s arrival. 
Baby Number Two, now recently named Caleb after much consideration and debate between you and your husband, was different. He’d been planned for starters, and with a three-year-old at home, you and the boys were eager to have an adults-only breather before there was another bundle of joy to contend with. The cottage was quiet, secluded, and had a heated pool which meant you could swim even though there was a fall chill in the French air. 
The weather was what had gotten you in your current predicament. You were cold after getting out of the pool, and crabby given that you were entering the home stretch of the pregnancy and Caleb was a big baby. You may have snapped at your husband to fetch you another towel for warmth, leading to him discovering what you’d packed for Steven. 
“He’s going to lose his mind when he sees you in that,” Marc said in no uncertain terms. 
“That’s kind of the point, hun.” Panic suddenly slid down your spine. “He can’t hear us, can he?” 
“No, I’m blocking him out,” Marc assured you. 
You explained that the getup was a “special treat” for Steven since your milk had come in once again last week. 
“Why don’t I ever get a special treat, eh?” Jake had pushed to the front to demand. 
You looked at him, wholly unphased. “You get plenty of treats.”
“Like what?”
“Anal,” you deadpanned. While Jake was rendered speechless (for once) you pressed, “Don’t spoil the surprise, bien Papi? Por favor? Para mi?” 
“Fine,” he grumbled and ceded control of the body back to Marc. 
“So if I send you out on an errand tomorrow, you’ll make sure he’s fronting when you get back?” you asked. 
“Yeah, don’t worry,” he promised you. 
You kissed Marc’s plush lips, taking a moment to admire his body in his swim trunks. Those broad hips and thick thighs never failed to leave you wanting. 
“Thank you baby,” you purred into his ear, drawing him into your arms. 
“Hmm, let’s get you inside, don’t want you to catch cold,” he decided, helping you up to waddle into the cottage. 
You couldn’t help but inquire, “You’re not jealous that Steven gets a special treat this week?” 
“Hmm? No,” Marc answered. “I had you all to myself for a year, and Steven’s become a lot more bearable to live with now that you rock his world on a regular basis.” 
You nearly fell over from laughing so hard at Marc’s blunt assessment. 
Pregnancy cravings provided the perfect cover for sending your husband out so you could get ready to surprise him. You gave Steven a specific brand of chocolate to retrieve in order to buy yourself as much time as possible. To be honest, it may not even have been sold in mainland Europe, but there was no doubt that you’d make the wild goose chase worth his while. 
“Darling!?” your husband called from the front entry way when he returned. “You alright? I had to go to three places but I found the chocolate! Picked up some stuff for dinner too and—“
Steven dropped the bag of groceries when he spotted you. Ignoring the sound of a jar shattering, you giggled and twirling one of your pigtail braids with your fingers. You twisted a stockinged knee and bit your lip, and trying to assume a very innocently-not-so-innocent pose for him. 
“Oh my days,” he groaned. “Can you have a heart attack from being turned on too quickly?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I’m not really the person to ask. I’m just a simple milkmaid you see.”
“Oh I can definitely see that,” Steven responded. His eyes raked over your form ravenously. 
He started at your white thigh-high stockings (your feet were too swollen and your back hurt too much for heels), then past the little frilly miniskirt with its purely decorative apron, up to the laces of the corset-like bodice that, even though they were let out, still strained over your bump. The pièce de résistance was the white off the shoulder top under the bodice that was stretched to its elasticated limits by your breasts, and sported twin stains where your recently re-lactating nipples were. 
“Merci for the chocolate, but I was hoping you could help me with something else,” you gripped your tits and gave them a squeeze. “Could you milk me, Monsieur? 
“Fuck, babe,” Steven dropped the act momentarily and crossed to you. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“Maybe a little,” you admitted, drawing him in for a filthy kiss. 
“You’ve never looked sexier,” he rasped when you broke apart for air. 
Your hand dropped to grope him through his pants. “You’ve never felt so hard, baby.” 
“Yeah, I don’t think being able to cut glass is hyperbole at the moment,” he conceded, his hands flying to their prize. He contracted them around your boobs and was rewarded with a fresh burst of milk. “You didn’t tell me you started lactating again.” 
“Wan-wanted it to be a surprise,” you confessed, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of Steven’s large palms groping your sensitive tits through the fabric of your costume, “Wanted to maaay-make it special.” 
“I’m surprised, and this is very special” Steven confirmed while he dipped his fingers between the costume’s top and your skin. “Can’t bloody wait to get to the bedroom, need you now.” 
“I’m all yours,” you told him, whimpering when he turned you around and walked you into the ledge of the cottage's dining table. 
Your husband gave you a boost, hoisting you atop of the aged wood so you could lean back on your palms. Once you were situated, he wasted no time tugging down the dampened fabric right away and immediately attaching his mouth to one of your pearly nipples. 
His deep, satisfied groan drowned out your high-pitched mewl when Steven’s lips clamped around your teat and pulled the liquid out from it. He drank from you like a man starved, the unrelenting pressure of his mouth prompting you to tilt your head back in an ecstasy that bordered on overstimulation. It had been years since you two had been able to do this and your husband’s greedily suckling made another wave of slick gush from between your thighs. 
For several minutes, the only sounds between the pair of you were Steven’s grunts and your moans. But when he switched tits, you finally found the ability to ask him, “Have you missed this, Daddy?” 
He rumbled around your spit-slicked flesh in agreement. You couldn't help but goad him further, “Do I still taste good?” 
“Better than ever,” Steven popped off your tit to assure you. He brought his lips to yours, trading an absolutely obscene kiss with you that allowed you to sample the nutty, sweet liquid your husband craved. 
“Know what I’m missing?” you questioned breathlessly. Steven’s brow creased at your words. “Your fat cock inside me.” 
Another groan resonated in Steven’s chest in response and his fingertips snuck under your skirt to feel you. “Bloody hell, you’re absolutely dripping for me, aren't you?”
You nodded, your breath hitching when he circled his thumb around your clit. 
“And no knickers? Naughty girl,” he chuckled darkly while slipping a finger inside of you. Your keen encouraged him to insert another digit into your pussy soon after. 
“Buh-but I just want to be good for you, Daddy,” you whined in an attempt to keep up the milkmaid act. 
Your statement reduced Steven to another deep groan. “Yeah? Gonna be good and let me put my prick in you while I suck on these titties?”
You nodded feverishly and your husband did just that. He released his straining member from the confines of his trousers, its tip flushed and leaking already, and lined it up with your soaked entrance. Ever the gentleman and nurturer, Steven took a beat to drape your legs over forearms to support you before he pushed his rock hard cock into your folds. 
Both of you let out respective cries of relief when Steven breached you, and after a moment to adjust, he absolutely went to town on your cunt. The way he fucked you was so un-Steven-like, he preferred slow and deep strokes as opposed to Jake, who was the king of a fast and rough pounding. Marc, meanwhile, liked to play with rhythm, riling you up by hammering into you at an athletic speed, bringing you to the brink of orgasm, then moving to languid rolls of his hips to edge you and prolong each of your pleasure. 
Blame it on the outfit and lactating breasts, but Steven felt that he couldn’t thrust fast or hard enough. The deliciously brutal pace slowed slightly when your husband buried his face between your heaving bosom once more, mouthing at your left nipple before resuming his suckling. 
“Fuck yeah, baby,” you sighed. 
When you had sex this dirty, when Steven worshipped your body like this, you could almost temporarily forget about all anxiety you had about leaving your daughter in London, her brother’s impending arrival, not to mention the stress of prepping for your maternity leave. The combination of Steven’s cock and mouth was so good that you could push those ever-present concerns to the back of your mind and merely focus on how goddamn good it felt to get fucked. Feeling desirable as a heavily pregnant woman was a difficult feat, but Steven, with his bottomless brown eyes, girthy dick, and insatiable mouth, was able to achieve it. 
He moved to your right tit, his mouth latching onto your leaking teat with no hesitation. His grip on your legs tightened at the new stream of milk that entered his mouth. You spurred him on with another strangled sound of pleasure while your pussy involuntary clenched around your husband’s rigid length pummeling your insides. 
Steven wrapped your left leg around his ample hip and began grinding himself into you. You cried out at the change of position and how it allowed him to penetrate you deeper. 
Even in the midst of the mind-melting dicking down you were currently receiving, an errant thought did dance through your brain about the poor people who would rent the cottage after you, eating at this table blissfully unaware that you used it to feed your husband “straight from the source”, so to say. 
“Fuck, darling,” Steven rasped. You kept your leg locked in place around his hip so he could move both his hands to your breasts and pluck at your weeping nipples. “D’you know how much I’ve missed these huge knockers? Couldn’t come back soon enough.” 
“Yeah?” you urged him, your features pinching with pleasure since the change in position had allowed you to get some much-needed friction on your clit. “Did you think about them a lot?” 
“All the bloody time,” he groaned. “Any time I wanked off, I pictured your tits, full and dripping just like this.” 
He punctuated the revelation by squeezing the boobs in question so they both squirted liquid into his mouth. 
“That’s so hot, honey,” you sighed, “Love that you love my big boobies.” 
Your husband changed his assault on your cunt to short, stilted thrusts. “Love you. Such a good mumma to our kids and still so nasty for us.”
“Can’t help it,” you confessed, “you’re so sexy, you turn me on even when you don’t mean to.” 
You didn't get to voice your next thought. It was cut off with a little shriek since Steven sprayed more milk out of you directly into his mouth. 
“Wanna drink from these everyday,” Steven babbled as the force of his hips increased, “need your milk all the time, need to be full of–ohhhh, fuck, love…I’m coming! ” 
He planted his face back into your chest while his release raced through him. Rope after rope of Steven’s cum shot deep inside of you. As much as you wanted to bury a hand in his thick hair to hold him while his bliss crested, you knew you’d likely fall and spoil the moment. 
Besides, it was wickedly thrilling, effectively being forced to accept Steven’s adoration exactly how he wanted to provide it. 
After what felt like a private eternity between the two of you, Steven craned his neck to gaze up at you with besotted and sated eyes. “That was…you alright, love?” 
Speech hadn’t returned to you yet so you nodded as he gingerly extracted his soft cock. 
“You haven’t come, yeah?” 
You shook your head no. 
“I have an idea…if you’ll let me?” 
How was it after all these years and nearly two kids later, you still got lost in your husband’s eyes? 
“What is it, baby?” you whispered. 
“Well, first, I’ll get you a towel and put away the food so it doesn’t spoil,” he began. “Then uh maybe, I could…well you could ride me - back to front, given Caleb,  so I play with your clit?”
“That sounds lovely, but honey, I’m considerably heavier than usual.” 
“I’ve noticed,” he responded wryly. “What, you don’t think I'm strong enough?”
“No, babe–”
“What’s the point of having Marc drag us to the gym and waking up sore if I can’t, you know, put it to good use?” he countered. “Besides, I see the way you look at us.” 
You blushed, which was quite the achievement since your breasts were hanging out of a skanky costume and cum was dripping out of your used pussy. “What’s the point of dealing with my husband’s weird workout schedule if I can’t enjoy the results?”
“Touché,” he grinned back and kissed you gently. “I’m not that old yet, darling.” 
You connected your lips once again, giggling into the kiss. When you two broke apart, it was Steven who was blushing. “I had another idea actually.”
“I…umm…when you said that thing earlier–”
“What thing?” 
“When you asked me to milk you,” he clarified, suddenly extremely interested in the floor. “Was…was that just part of the bit? Or did you mean that?”
You couldn’t mask the look of surprise that instantly colored your face. 
“Forget it, it’s fine,” Steven backpedaled, “Really. I mean you…you did this whole special thing with the costume and I–”
“No, Steven, wait,” you stopped him and angled his chin so he was looking directly at you. “What did you have in mind?” 
The flush on your husband’s face deepened, his eyes rolled back, and then Jake replied, “He wants to - no sé - pump your milk into glass. Because he wants to watch yo–alright that’s enough thank you!” 
Steven had interrupted his alter. “Sorry,” he muttered afterwards, back in control of the body.  
“Don’t be,” you soothed him, “um, we could try it? I think my tits need a bit of a refractory period, but maybe we do it once you’ve got me seated on top of you?” 
“Really?” Your husband's face brightened. When you confirmed it with another nod, he straightened and buzzed with excitement. “Alright, you just stay here, no need to move a muscle. Let me…I’ll get you a towel–”
Steven tucked himself away and hiked up his trousers to flit over to the kitchen in the open concept living area to do just that. He continued to ramble “--and put away the groceries. I mean I feel like I could go all night with you dressed like that and your boobs back in action, so to speak, but we could probably both use a refractory period.” 
You giggled as Steven cleaned the jar of tomato sauce that broke and stored the surviving food.
“You are bloody amazing, darling. I’m going to buy you the whole of Tiffany’s website for this–”
“As much as I appreciate that honey, maybe not the whole website,” you joked. “We have two kids to raise and put through school.” 
“Fair enough,” he laughed, now equipped with a damp towel. Unlike the way he’d just fucked you, Steven couldn’t have been more gentle when swiping the cloth across your nether regions. He finished with a kiss to your bump. “Do you want some of the chocolate?”
Steven returned with the confection as well as a glass for your other activities. Your mutual refractory period was shortened when he insisted on feeding you, so insisted on fellating his fingers while he did so. It wasn’t long before you were making out like animals, you still perched on top of the table. 
“You make me so horny,” Steven exhaled, “nearly everything you do gets my cock hard.” 
“Is that so?” you asked, putting the milkmaid persona back on for a moment as you reached down to feel his erection for yourself. “Oh, Daddy, you’re so big and stiff.” 
“You’re going to kill me,” he hissed through gritted teeth. 
You pushed him away from you and toward one of the dining room chairs. “But what a way to go.” 
“That’s ttue,” he admitted. Steven shoved his trousers and briefs down once again, this time discarding them completely. He sat bare-ass on the chair, legs spread to proudly display his swollen dick, and beckoned you over to him. “Come have a seat.” 
You carefully dismounted from the dining room table and crossed to join him as sexily as you could…which in all honesty, wasn’t that sexy, but thankfully Steven was too entranced by the sight of your still-exposed breasts to properly notice. 
Your husband guided you down onto his length as slowly and delicately as possible. It turned out it was better to stay standing, palms planted on the wood of the table top, as bent over as one could be with a massive baby bump. Steven stood behind you, one hand securely cradled over where Caleb rested and the other toyed with your clit while he speared you apart. 
“Yeah, that’s it, darling,” he coaxed you while he worked his magic on your body, “you gonna cum? Gonna cum for Daddy?”
Your answer was a nonverbal mix between a moan and a sob. Steven upped the ante by attacking your neck with his mouth. He nibbled on an earlobe then murmured, “C’mon, want you to feel good.” 
He combined a particularly devastating push of his hips with a flick to your clit, and the next thing you knew, you were screaming as your orgasm exploded within you. Thank goodness the cottage was on an acre of land, because otherwise the neighbors would definitely complain to the hosts about the noise. You shook like a leaf as your climax surged from your pelvis outward. Your toes curled in your stockings, and you were equally grateful that Steven had a steady grip on you since you feared your legs may give out. 
“Holy hell, Steven,” you panted once you’d floated back to Earth. 
He held you to him and pressed a kiss to your cheek. The tender moment didn’t last long however, because Steven hooked his chin over your shoulder and peered down at your chest. “Hmmm, you’re still dribbling.” 
You glanced down and saw he was right. “And you’re still hard. Shall we?” 
It was a team, if not slightly awkward, effort to get you in a position when Steven could get his hands on your breasts and remain sheathed in you. He fetched a pillow from the sofa to wedge between your bump and the edge of the table to “protect” Caleb and aligned you with the glass. 
“This is a dream come true,” he raved once Steven had reentered you. He cupped your milk-filled mounds reverently. “Best wife in the world, you are.” 
You hummed at the praise, which swiftly transformed into a keen when your husband pumped a tit, angling your teat toward the interior of the glass. Both of you gasped in unison when the first spray of liquid left your nipple. Only about half made it into the glass, but Steven was far from discouraged. You swore you could feel him his erection surge inside of you. 
“Fucking hell,” he marveled and then repeated the action on your other breast. You couldn’t help that another wrecked little sound escaped you, and your husband couldn’t get enough of it. “Oh fuck.” 
Steven proceeded to drain your tits into the glass on the table and while you knew you could not have painted a more lewd scene, you were too cock-dumb and overstimulated to care. This was wildly kinky, profoundly intimate, and you never wanted it to end. 
You’d filled the glass about a quarter of the way before Steven’s hands lost their aim and his hips spasmed, filling you once again with his seed. Despite the post-orgasm exhaustion that must’ve been settling in, your husband had the presence of mind to keep a hand on your tit and drop the other to your overstuffed pussy. 
The pads of his fingers focused in on your nipple, while the ones in between your legs zeroed in on your clit yet again. His skilled hands worked you to orgasm rapidly while Steven’s cock softened inside of you. 
You came once more with a pathetic-sounding whimper and collapsed back into your husband’s torso once your peak had subsided. 
“Honey,” you mewled when he withdrew his member from you. Feeling empty after having his cock inside you for the better part of the afternoon, you nuzzled into his pectoral to compensate for the loss of contact.
“Daddy’s got you,” he cooed into your hair. Steven then remarked, “If you weren’t already pregnant, that certainly would have done it.”
You didn’t have much more in you than to offer an amused snort at his words. Your weak laughter was soon eclipsed by a yawn. “This milkmaid needs a nap.” 
“’Course,” Steve acquiesced. “Let me help you into the shower, okay love? Unless you’d rather me draw you a bath?” 
You shook your head at the idea. “I don’t think I’ll stay awake long enough for the tub to fill.” 
“Alright darling,” he obliged, leading you to the bedroom and en-suite. 
“Wuh–” you yawned again, “What are you going to do with my milk?” 
Steven’s fond smile darkened a tinge at your inquiry. “Well for now, I’m going to put it in the fridge.”
That didn’t satisfy your curiosity. “Are you going to put it into your tea?” 
“Don’t you worry about that love, I have a few thoughts on how to put it to good use,” Steven soothed you. 
“Oh I’m sure you do,” you retorted. The two of you had made it to the bathroom. Your husband turned on the shower tap and undressed you while you waited for the water to warm. 
“Do you want a cup?” he asked you. 
“Of my milk?” 
“No, darling, of tea.”
“Oh. Duh. Um…maybe when I wake up?” Tiredness clung to your eyelids and limbs. 
Before you stepped under the stream, Steven drew you into a final liplock. “I love you. More than words can ever say.” 
“Me too, sweetie,” you echoed. “This’ll be nice to look back on when we’re up in the middle of the night with two kids.” 
“Hmmm, it will, innit?” he agreed. “But we have a little more time until we get there, so let’s enjoy it okay?”
Steven deposited one more kiss to your forehead and then you got into the bone melting warmth and relief of the shower. 
A/N: *peeks out from behind my hands*. So was it good? I haven’t lost it, right? Anyhoo, Steven’s dialoge “you make me so horny” is a direct reference to the instant classic of a sketch he did with Aidy Bryant on SNL. 
Taglist: @twwcs, @rmoonstoner, @hot-mess-express1, @murdickdocked, @toracainz, @saahmi, @unspokenmoon, @winterbiipp, @avatarofseshat @ilikeoldermenhelp, @losers-club6, @harrys-tittie, @ninebluehearts​, @lucianadraven32, @dawnsutopia  @strawberry1042-blog @nikitawolfxo​ 
...bien Papi? Por favor? Para mi? : okay Papi? Please? For me? 
Merci: Thank you
Monsieur: Mister 
no sé -  I don’t know
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thefangirlfever · 7 months
Trick or Treat (a Miguel O'Hara NSFW story)
Summary: One of your friends throw a Halloween Party and you meet a seducing masked guest. You both end up doing the monster (s)mash.
Content warning/ Disclaimer: I’ve been inspired by those Ghostface masks videos/ edits. Forgive me in advance.
Tags: Smut, F/M, piv penetration, doggy, improper use of a Halloween mask, fingering, freaky Miguel, everyone is kind of freaky I guess, she’s hot and pissed and on the pill, mirror sex
You’ve always loved Halloween, and that since you were a child. You remember Halloween nights spend trick or treating, watching spooky movies with your siblings, eating tons of candies, carving pumpkins and of course dressing up. Even nowadays, you were still enjoying Halloween. Many people would find this weird that an adult liked this celebration so much, but you just learned to enjoy new facets of this holiday. And in your eyes, nothing could top a good Halloween party.
So when you got invited by Jess, one of your colleague to her Halloween party, you were more than thrilled. Of course, you would go. In fact you even had multiple ideas about what costume you could wear.
Both of you were chatting in the break room when someone entered the room. It was an other one of your colleague. Miguel and you were working in the same department for almost a year by now and you may have had a slight crush on him. It’s been a few months since the both of you have been flirting from time to time, but never daring to cross the line. Jess had noticed this little game of yours and decided to tease you by asking him if he wanted to go to her party:
“Isn’t Halloween a children’s holiday?”, he simply answered, his brows furrowed.
You couldn’t hide your astonishment, neither hold your gasp, which made a small smirk bloom on Miguel’s face.
“Did I say something wrong?”, he asked.
“You never celebrate Halloween?”, you asked and he once again chuckled.
“Not really. Why would I do that? I’m not five anymore. Why? You celebrate Halloween?”
Jess didn’t let you answer:
“Actually we’re all going to celebrate it this year. And I’m sure Y/N is going to show up in one hell of a costume like she always does.” Your friend’s enthusiasm was maybe a little exaggerated. It was true you spend a lot of time and resources in your costumes, crafting them yourself. But in the end they still seemed pretty amateurish, just good enough for a party. But that seemed to piqued Miguel’s interest since he asked:
“You are all going dressed up? And what will you be this year, y/n?” He was probably expecting you to answer something like a cat or a witch. These were pretty classic costumes that you have done quite a few times, adding variations every time. You still liked these costumes but now, you wanted to try something else, something a little different. That’s why it took you so long to find an idea.
“Hum… I don’t know. I guess I should soon find an idea since Halloween is in a week but I really have no idea…” Your friend chuckled as she said:
“Sorry, y/n, I can’t help you this year, I’m doing a couple costume with my boyfriend.” She took a moment to think before adding “Why wouldn’t you actually dress up as one of your horror movies character? Like this guy, Ghost something?”
You understood that she was talking about Ghostface, the famous killer from Scream. It was true you liked those movies and it would be easy to find a mask. You thought about this option, but it didn’t convince you. It was too easy for you. No, you needed a real challenge this year. Something impressive.
You looked at Miguel who was still listening to both of you and looking in silence. When he caught your gaze, he simply gave you one smirk, one of those that would easily distract you at work, and said:
“I’m sure you’ll find something incredible. I can’t wait to see it.”
The night of the party quickly came, leaving you just enough time to make your costume. You had spend most your free time the week before Halloween sewing, stitching, trying out different make up… Of course you also bought a few materials like lenses, resin and fake blood. You also took some time during your break to sketch your costume, hiding it from curious eyes. Every time you were sketching or searching online for inspirations, you were remembering your conversation with Miguel and your friend.
What did he mean by “I can’t wait to see it?” Did it mean he would come to the party? If so, would he come dressed up? You had plenty ideas of how he could dress up. Who said only girls could wear sexy Halloween costumes?
It took you two hours to get ready before going to the Party. Your friend has decorated her house, inside as well as outside. Fake tombs were in the front yard and skeletons were sitting in the front porch. A fake giant spider was crawling up the walls and there was even an animatronic of a zombie screaming. Of course there were the iconic Jack O’lantern welcoming the guests.
Jess was not playing, but neither did you.
The moment you entered the house, you were welcomed by a loud Halloween playlist and flashy lights. Jess immediately jumped on you, fawning over your costume. You had chosen to be both the Little Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf. The left part of your face was still normal, only a fake scar that you made yourself with fake blood and some resin spread across your cheek. One the right side you had used body paint, fake brows and more make up to mimic a werewolf-like creature. You were wearing fake claws, hairy wold ears, a black dress and of course a red hood that reached the floor, fully hiding you from behind.
“Y/n, that’s crazy! How long did it take you to make?” A few heads turned in your direction. You were a little flustered by this sudden attention but you didn’t mind after all. You worked for that.
Jess herself was all dressed in red with high heels, a form fitting dress and little horns, looking like a very convincing succubus. You guessed her boyfriend would be an angel, which made you smile since it matched so well their personalities.
“Well, a couple hours and let’s say that the Spirit Halloween employees know me well now.”
You both went to the living room as more spooky music was blasting. All around there were witches, ghosts, clowns… Everyone seemed chill and enjoying their evening. You spotted a large buffet filled with different dishes, sweets and alcohol. You rushed toward the large table, putting down the plate you had brought before pouring yourself a glass of beer.
You didn’t notice the presence next to you at first, since the person was silent, even though his frame was quite large. His, or her? You assumed it was a him, even if his face was hidden. Hidden behind a Ghostface mask. The person had chosen to wear the serial killer costume with the large black robe, the gloves and the mask, holding a plastic knife in his left hand. You gave him one polite smile as he took a candy out of a bowl.
Suddenly a fake spider jumped out of the bowl, straight from the candies. You already knew this trick unlike the guest. He jumped back, clearly surprised, which made you laugh. He then turned his head toward you, giving you a look you couldn’t quite read because of the mask, tilting his head on the side. He looked just like the killer in the movies with his mimics.
“Nice costume.”, you said with a smile before joining Jess. She was talking with her boyfriend which, you had guessed right, was dressed as an angel. When they both saw you, they complimented your costume, Jess having a small smirk on her lips. She gestured with her head toward the buffet.
“I guessed you met the mystery man, huh?”
“Hum, yes… Do you know who this is?” Your friend took a sip from her glass and simply answered:
“Take a guess.”
The evening was a lot of fun as everyone was playing pranks, dancing and getting drunk on chocolate and candies… or something else for some of the guests. A lot of people had complimented you on your costume and from time to time you were catching glances from the Ghostface guy. You had your guess on who it could be at this point of the evening, even if you didn’t dare to believe it.
At some point you had to go to the garage downstairs take some drinks. You were a little surprised to find the light already on in the stairs leading to the basement. The stairs were creaking under your steps as you noticed a figure already opening one of the fridges. A black robe, a white mask and gloves. The masked man turned around to face you as you reached the last steps of the staircase. You couldn’t hold back a grin as this scene reminded you so much of the movie, especially the scene before Tatum’s murder. You decide to say in a teasing tone:
“What are you going to do, mister Ghostface?”
He moved closer to you, stopping at a few steps away from you, his fake knife still in his hand, as if he was pondering what to do. You decide to close the distance between the both of you, your face a few inches from his mask.
“You’re really into character.”
He simply shrugged his shoulders. What if you were doing a mistake? It could be anybody else… As you were wondering what to do, he lifted one hand and let his fingertips graze your left cheek, the one with the fake blood. A thrilling sensation ran through your spine and a few goosebumps bloomed on your bare arms. Maybe it was the cold of the basement or the sensation of his gloves, but you felt a rush of adrenaline through your whole body.
“You’re not going to tell me your name?”, you whispered. A slight chuckle escaped the lips behind the mask. His chest heaves under the plane robe. You put your right hand on his broad chest, feeling the warmth of his body under your palm, your fake claws gripping slightly the fabric of the clothe.
“What should I do for you to take off the mask?”
Before he could even answer, you hear someone calling you upstairs. This definitely broke your moment as the two of you stepped back. You quickly took a few bottles before heading toward the stairs, giving him one teasing look.
It was already past midnight and you were sitting on the couch, sharing a few scary stories with some guests. Most people were still dancing and drinking. You had your fair share of candies and drinks and if you wanted to get back home, you had decided to stick to soda an hour ago. You looked at the clock on the wall before standing up and moving toward the staircase. Your eyes caught the mask of the so-called mysterious man. You both exchanged one look before going upstairs, giving him a signal to follow you.
You quickly went to the bathroom and when you were washing your hands, you heard someone knocking at the door. The door slowly opened at your voice and of course, it was Ghostface, his large silhouette filling up the door frame.
“Didn’t you forget something?”, you asked with a smile as you noticed that he had forgotten his knife downstairs. He simply chuckled before closing the door. The music was muffled behind the door as he moved closer to you. His hand found its place back on your cheek, your back against the sink.
“Are you really going to say nothing all night, Miguel?”
“How did you guess it was me?”, he simply replied. You grinned as you grip the edge of the sink.
“You really thought you were so clever that day when we talked about our costumes, huh? I must say that you managed to find something really fitting.” Miguel’s hands grabbed your hips as he moved closer.
“Well, I was hoping to find something you might like. I guess I made a good choice.”
You couldn’t deny that it was indeed a good choice coming from him. His fingers were playing with the fabric of your dress, feeling your hips underneath, holding you in place.
“Since you have guessed it, maybe I should take off the mask?”
Your hands grabbed the front of his clothe, pulling him closer while you answered under your breath:
“Please, keep it.”
Even if you couldn’t see his face, you knew exactly what expression he had. You already saw this little grin of him so many times, but never in those conditions.
“I would have never guessed you could like that.” He said in a playful voice that confirmed to you that he was definitely smiling under that mask.
“Well, it’s less about the mask and more about who’s under it… or what he can do with it…”
“And what should I do then?” His deep voice sends shivers down your arms as you still held him close to you, his body towering you. You noticed how he was still wearing his gloves.
“Maybe you should take these off first. I don’t think you will need them later.”, you said with a snicker. He then lifted one of his hands and said with in a neutral tone, his voice slightly deeper than usual.
“Take them off.”
You immediately understood what he meant as you started taking off his glass with your mouth, using your teeth to pull at the fabric, finger after finger, carefully not to bite him. Once his hands were exposed, he pressed two of his fingers against your lips and said in the same voice:
“Open up.”
His fingers entered your mouth in one swift motion despite their size, forcing a moan out of you. He let you suck on them for a good minute while rubbing the front of his body against yours. He was still holding your waist and you could feel his fingers applying more pressure on your clothed skin as well as his growing erection. You moaned once again at the sensation, your lips still closed around his fingers. He chuckled under his mask:
“You are going to wait just a little more before I give it to you.” He suddenly took his fingers off your mouth with a wet ‘plop’, leaving a trail of saliva connecting your skins. It felt like something was missing inside of you.
“Since you prepped them so well, I might as well use these. What do you think?”, he asks. You could only nod at him. He proceeded to lift the fabric of your skirt, high enough to expose your legs, your thighs and your underwear. You grabbed the hem of the skirt, allowing him to roam freely among your skin. His hands grabbed firmly your thighs, kneading the plush skin with his thumbs, slowly moving closer to your hip crease.
His left thumb brushed against the fabric of your panties. You knew it was not a mistake coming from him and you were waiting for more. Yet, his fingers resumed touching your thighs, feeling them up as much as he wanted. You were growing hotter, more pissed and impatient. With one call of his name, he lifted his head up to look at you. He knew you were frustrated, wanting for more.
“Tell me how bad you want it.”
Oh, so he knew what he was doing. You grinned at his words, replying:
“I would have never guessed you could like that.” He stopped moving his hands, his unreadable look on his mask, waiting for you to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear.
“Touch me Miguel.”
“I’m already touching you.”, he answered in a playful tone. You rolled your eyes, your grin still on your face.
“Touch me there please.”
“There?”, he asked, while squeezing your thighs.
“There?”, the pads of his thumbs slide along your hip crease, almost joining on your core.
“Almost there…”
His index slipped under the fabric of your panties, dragging it along and exposing your swollen labia. The cold air of the bathroom hit your already hot womanhood. Miguel took a moment to contemplate it before his finger slid along it, up and down, spreading your wetness over your folds. You gripped the sink behind you tighter as Miguel’s fingers kept moving down your body. He slowly inserted one of his fingers between your lips, inclining his wrist so that his palm would rub against your mound, pressing against your lower belly.
His name was already on your lips among whimpers and moans. As you kept praising him, he slipped a second finger inside you. He was pumping his fingers inside you with such determination that you lower back started hitting the sink. You moved your hips at the same pace than his fingers. When the thumb of his other hand started rubbing and flicking your clit, you slowly began to lose it. You felt your arousal growing inside yourself as you were getting hotter, a knot tightening inside your lower belly.
Miguel kept thrusting his fingers in and out until your juice was leaking down your thighs. You could hear your body making lewd, wet noises, thankful that the music downstairs was hiding this. At some point, Miguel’s hooked fingers found a sensitive spot inside you, going deeper, ant he hit quite a few times, making you moan his name.
“You look so pretty like that. Gosh, you’re so tight…”, you felt your thighs squeezing his fingers, trapping them inside yourself. Miguel’s face nuzzled against the crook of your neck. It was so hard for him to just stay like that, as he wanted so much more of you. He was a little afraid to admit it, to admit how bad he’d been wanting this for months. The two of you had been flirting for so long, turning around one another without daring to make any move, afraid of these feelings you had. Miguel was afraid he wouldn’t be able to live up to your expectations. The image he had forged of himself at work was one of a cold and serious man, not what he was giving to you right now. And yet, you didn’t seem to mind. In fact your blissful expression with your eyelids partially closed, your lips parted, breathing slowly… made him regret not making this sooner. You threw your arms around his shoulders, trying to get steadier as he whispered in your ear:
“I wish we had done that earlier.”
“I think we can still make up for that lost time.”, you answered under your breath. Miguel’s fingers stopped moving inside you, not daring to fully understand what you just said.
“Are you sure you want this?”
You answered with an alluring smile: “Yes, I’m sure about this.”
“Is it OK if I…” You chuckled at his question.
“It’s OK. I’m on the pill.” His hands immediately grabbed your hips and turned you around, your front facing the mirror on top of the sink. Your hands grabbed the edges of the sink as he lifted up your skirt and slid down your panties. You heard the sound of a belt unbuckling and turned your head to watch him. Miguel caught your eyes and with a groan, he grabbed your chin between two of his fingers, making you look back at the mirror.
“I want you to see how beautiful you are in this moment.” You felt his erect member press against your skin, teasing your entrance before he added: “How do you want it?”
“Bad. The worst you can do.” His fingers slid down your face, your neck, pressing gently his fingers against your skin, before he dragged them lower until they rested on top of one of your covered breasts.
“We can stop anytime you want…”, he said carefully. You shivered under his touch as he started penetrating you. You moaned at the sensation, your hands tightening around the edges of the sink. His right hand was groping your thigh while his other hand squeezed your breast. Miguel started moving into you, reaching for the same sensitive spot than he did earlier. Your could feel your body pressed against the sink, the cold against your hot and sensitive spot. He finally started moving faster, the sound of both your skins hitting one another.
“You feel so good…” Miguel’s soft praise was a harsh contrast with his rough movements. You could feel his chest pressed against your back, feel how warm his body was. You needed more, you wanted to know how his skin felt. With one of your hands, you grabbed his mask and took it off.
Both your faces appeared in the mirror. Miguel’s hair was messy, his cheeks flushed and his eyes half closed. You were both panting and moaning like two messes. One of your hands caressed his cheek, feeling how warm and soft his skin was. Miguel’s lips reached for your palm, kissing it gently while he kept thrusting into you. His mouth then reached for your neck, crashing onto your skin. His kiss was messy, his tongue darting out, licking and sucking on you. He may leave a few marks on your skin, but you didn’t mind. You both have waited too long for this.
You could feel your pleasure rising in your body, your legs slightly shaking as Miguel hit your cervix multiple times with all his strength. Tears were falling down your face, smearing your make up, as you bend over the sink. Your orgasm washed over you while Miguel held you tight, kissing fervently your neck.
The two of you were still in the bathroom as the obnoxious music of the party made its way through the closed door. Miguel helped you adjust your costume, cleaning off the make up stains on your face. He seemed groggy from his own orgasm he had reached just after you. With a quick kiss, he whispered, close to your lips:
Thanks for reading this mess and going through this. As you can see, it was my first attempt at writing something a little spicier with a more ‘dominant’ Miguel (which I usually don’t like much). I’m not sure I did it right and I tried my best.
“I think I finally understand why you love Halloween so much.”
And for the record, I wanted to call the story Make me (S)cream (I like bad puns).
But, most importantly…
Happy Halloween, folks!
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↱ a sweet surprise 3 ↰
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➘ summary : lo’ak and his wife (y/n) finds out they are expecting a child soon after their honeymoon
➘ lo’ak x reader, avatar the way of water x reader
➘ a sweet surprise masterlist
➘ a/n : mini series are normally just 3 chapters long, you can also request those. As for this story as I’ve said on the other two parts, I’m writing lo’ak not as a minor but as an adult in my head he’s around early 20s to late 20s. I write most of all my characters this way, aged up, unless said otherwise.
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The vibrant sounds of laughter and music echoed through the Na'vi village, announcing the arrival of the night's celebration. (Y/N) stood by the entrance of their dwelling, her hand resting gently on her swollen belly, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. Beside her, Lo'ak shared her apprehension, his protective instincts heightened by the imminent arrival of their child.
"(Y/N), I'm not sure if we should attend tonight," Lo'ak voiced his concern, his gaze shifting between his wife and the gathering beyond.
(Y/N) nodded, her fingers tracing soothing circles on her belly. "I'm worried too, Lo'ak. What if something happens?"
Just then, Kiri, Lo'ak's sister, approached them with a warm smile. Her eyes held a gentle reassurance as she addressed their concerns. "Lo'ak, (Y/N), there's no need to worry. Tonight's celebration is a special one – a celebration of unity. You'll be surrounded by family and friends, and our people will watch out for you both."
Lo'ak exchanged a glance with (Y/N), his sister's words resonating with a sense of comfort. "(Y/N), maybe Kiri is right. Being among our loved ones might be good for us and the baby."
(Y/N) took a deep breath, a mixture of uncertainty and longing in her gaze. "I want to be a part of the celebration, but I also want what's best for our child."
Kiri stepped closer, her voice filled with understanding. "You both have the support of our community. We look out for one another, and tonight, that sense of unity will be stronger than ever. You'll be safe, and our traditions ensure that nothing harmful will come your way."
Lo'ak's grip on (Y/N)'s hand tightened, a decision forming in his heart. "Let's do it, (Y/N). Let's be a part of tonight's celebration. We can trust in the unity and strength of our people."
(Y/N)'s eyes softened as she looked at Lo'ak, her heart swayed by his unwavering support. "Alright, let's go."
As they made their way towards the heart of the celebration, (Y/N) and Lo'ak were met with smiles, greetings, and expressions of warmth from their fellow Na'vi. The air was alive with energy, and the sense of unity was palpable.
The festivities enveloped them, the rhythm of the music and the laughter of the children creating an atmosphere of joy. (Y/N) found herself being drawn into the celebration, her worries slowly melting away as the sense of unity embraced her.
Sitting in the midst of the vibrant Na'vi community, Lo'ak's gaze wandered across the dancing figures swirling around the blazing fire. The fierce energy of the dancers was infectious, their movements a testament to the unity and strength that bound their people together. Beside him, (Y/N)'s eyes held a mixture of nostalgia and longing.
Squeezing her hand gently, Lo'ak could feel the emotions coursing through her. He leaned in close, his voice a soft reassurance that only she could hear amidst the rhythmic drumming and chants. "I see it in your eyes, (Y/N). You miss dancing with our brothers and sisters around the fire."
(Y/N) met his gaze, a wistful smile tugging at her lips. "I do miss it, Lo'ak. The energy, the unity – it's something that has always filled my heart."
Lo'ak's grip on her hand tightened, his eyes filled with determination. "Once our little one is born, you'll be able to dance with them again. Our child will join the dances too, or sit with me and watch their mother dance with our people."
His words held a promise of a future filled with unity and shared experiences. The firelight illuminated (Y/N)'s face, revealing a mixture of hope and gratitude. "I look forward to that day, Lo'ak. To dancing with our child by my side."
As the dancers moved with graceful precision, the flames casting mesmerizing shadows on the ground, Lo'ak and (Y/N) shared a moment of unity. Their bond, their child, and the promise of future celebrations intertwined with the heartbeat of the Na'vi community.
With their hands still clasped, they watched the dancers with a renewed sense of anticipation. The night was alive with energy, and the unity they felt was a reminder that the journey they were on was not just their own – it was shared by every member of their tribe, past and present.
As the fire crackled and the chants echoed through the night, Lo'ak and (Y/N) allowed themselves to be swept up in the rhythm of their people. Their hearts beat in sync with the drums, and the promise of dancing around the fire once again, with their child by their side, filled them with a sense of unity and love that was as eternal as the Pandora sky above.
Lo'ak's mother Neytiri and sisters Kiri and Tuktirey approached the couple with warm smiles, their eyes filled with curiosity and excitement. (Y/N) smiled back, her affection for them evident as she welcomed their presence.
"May we feel the little one, (Y/N)?" Lo'ak's mother - Neytiri asked, her hand gently reaching out toward (Y/N)'s rounded belly.
"Of course," (Y/N) replied, her voice tinged with happiness. She shifted slightly, allowing them access to the growing life within her. As their hands made contact with her belly, (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle at the flurry of activity within.
The baby's movements were lively, and each shift and kick sent a wave of sensations through (Y/N)'s body. She let out a soft groan as the baby's movements seemed to intensify at their touch.
"Oh, my little one is quite active today," she remarked, a mixture of amusement and slight discomfort in her voice.
Lo'ak's sisters Kiri and Tuktirey shared smiles, their fingers gently caressing (Y/N)'s belly as they felt the baby's energy. Lo'ak's mother's eyes held a mixture of wisdom and joy as she spoke.
"The baby shall be born healthy and strong, a warrior like their father," Neytiri said, her words carrying a sense of reverence.
(Y/N) let out a chuckle, her hand resting on her lower back as she shifted her weight. "Well, they need to be a warrior, alright. They're already giving my back a run for its money."
The women shared a laugh, the moment filled with a sense of unity and camaraderie. As they withdrew their hands, (Y/N)'s belly seemed to settle, the baby's movements becoming more subdued.
"We shall leave you to enjoy the rest of the celebration," Lo'ak's mother said with a knowing smile.
(Y/N) nodded in gratitude, her eyes reflecting the love and acceptance that surrounded them. "Thank you for sharing this moment with us."
As Lo'ak's family members moved away, (Y/N) settled back into her seat beside her husband. Lo'ak leaned in close, his voice a playful whisper. "Looks like our little warrior is making their presence known."
(Y/N) leaned against him, a smile tugging at her lips. "That they are. And as much as I love feeling their movements, I'm looking forward to the day they're born and I can finally move without feeling like I'm in a constant dance-off with them."
Lo'ak's laughter mingled with the sounds of the celebration around them, a reminder of the unity that surrounded them. With his arm wrapped around (Y/N) and her head resting against his shoulder, they found solace and strength in each other's presence as they awaited the arrival of their warrior – a symbol of their love and the unity of their people.
After Lo'ak's family left, he got up with the intention of gathering some nourishing food for (Y/N). As he stood, he cast a reassuring look towards his father, Jake Sully, who was seated nearby. "Keep an eye on (Y/N) for me, Father," he requested.
Jake nodded, a warm smile on his face. "Don't worry, son. She'll be safe with me."
With that, Lo'ak walked off, his steps taking him towards the gathering of food supplies. As he moved further away, Jake shifted his attention to (Y/N), who was still seated nearby.
Minutes passed, and (Y/N) began to feel an odd sensation settle over her. She shifted in her seat, her brows furrowing as an uncomfortable feeling nagged at her. She looked around, trying to figure out the source of her unease, but nothing seemed amiss.
Jake noticed her restlessness and approached her, his expression concerned. "Is everything alright, (Y/N)? You seem a bit off."
(Y/N) sighed, her hands resting on her belly. "I don't know, Jake. I just feel... weird. Like something's not quite right."
Jake's eyes held a mixture of understanding and caution. "Trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, it's better to be cautious."
As if on cue, (Y/N) winced, her hand moving to her belly as a sudden wave of pain washed over her. Her breath caught, and she let out a groan, the discomfort intensifying by the second.
Jake's concern deepened as he watched her, his instincts kicking in. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?"
She clenched her teeth, her voice strained as she responded. "No, Jake. I... I think... contractions."
Jake's eyes widened, and he immediately shifted into action mode. "Hold on, I'll go get Lo'ak."
As Jake moved to leave, (Y/N) reached out and grabbed his arm, her grip surprisingly strong despite her discomfort. "No, Jake, wait. Just... stay with me for a moment."
Jake nodded, concern etched across his face as he crouched down beside her. He gently placed a hand on her back, offering a steadying presence as she rode out the contraction.
"(Y/N), you're not alone. We'll get through this together," he reassured her.
As the contraction gradually eased, (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief, her grip on Jake's arm relaxing. She met his gaze, a mixture of gratitude and pain in her eyes. "Thank you, Jake."
He offered her a reassuring smile. "You're welcome. And remember, Lo'ak will be back soon. You won't have to go through this alone."
As they waited for Lo'ak's return, (Y/N) found solace in Jake's presence. The discomfort of the contraction had momentarily shifted her focus, but amidst it all, she was reminded of the unity and support that surrounded her – a unity that extended beyond blood ties and spoke to the strength of their community.
As the contractions grew more intense, (Y/N)'s discomfort escalated until she couldn't help but let out a piercing scream. The sound cut through the air, carrying her distress to Lo'ak's ears even as he was gathering food and drinks for her.
Hearing her cry out, Lo'ak's heart raced with worry. He abandoned the supplies, not caring about the spilled food and drinks, and rushed back to where (Y/N) sat. As he approached, Mo'at and his mother, Neytiri, were already by her side.
Mo'at's gaze was focused and determined as she assessed the situation. "The baby is coming, (Y/N). Breathe deeply and stay as calm as you can."
(Y/N)'s eyes were wide with panic, her hands gripping her belly. "Now? But it's not time yet!"
Neytiri offered a small smile, her voice laced with humor. "Well, you did want that little warrior out, didn't you?"
(Y/N) let out a groan, a mixture of frustration and a reluctant laugh escaping her lips. The moment of levity amidst the intensity of the situation helped ease her tension just a bit.
Mo'at's wise eyes locked onto (Y/N)'s. "Fear not, (Y/N). You are surrounded by love and unity. The tribe stands with you."
As if on cue, a healer girl who had been nearby was dispatched by Mo'at to gather the necessary supplies. Neytiri and Mo'at helped (Y/N) to a more comfortable position, providing the support she needed as the contractions continued to surge.
Lo'ak knelt by (Y/N)'s side, his hand resting on her back as he leaned in close. "I'm here, (Y/N). Every step of the way. You're not alone."
(Y/N) nodded, tears of both pain and gratitude filling her eyes. She squeezed Lo'ak's hand, finding strength in his presence and the unity of their tribe. The combination of support and love enveloped her, helping her to face the challenges ahead.
As the healer girl returned with the supplies, (Y/N) focused on her breathing, finding solace in the rhythm of her inhales and exhales. The contractions continued to ebb and flow, each one bringing her closer to the moment of birth.
Amidst the circle of support, (Y/N) found strength she hadn't known she possessed. With Lo'ak by her side, Mo'at and Neytiri's guidance, and the unity of their tribe bolstering her, she faced the unknown with determination and courage.
Amidst the hushed urgency, Mo'at's voice rang out with a command. "Jake, Lo'ak, quickly fetch blankets."
Jake and Lo'ak exchanged a quick glance before they dashed off, their determination evident as they disappeared into the surroundings. Neytiri moved swiftly, using her connection to the Pandoran wildlife to signal their companions.
Neyetam ran into the village healing hut to gather more blankets, Spider quick by his side, followed behind Lo'ak and Jake. The two brothers worked together, collecting additional blankets in preparation for what lay ahead.
With a sense of unity driving them, Jake and Lo'ak returned, blankets in hand alongside Neyetam and Spider. As they rejoined the circle, the family formed a protective barrier around (Y/N), the layers of blankets shielding her from prying eyes.
Within the circle, (Y/N) found herself enveloped by warmth and support, a unity that transcended any barriers. The urgency of the situation intensified as Neytiri and Mo'at focused on their task, their experienced hands guiding (Y/N) through the process.
Neytiri held (Y/N) up with strength and gentleness, her eyes meeting (Y/N)'s with unwavering determination. The bond between them was palpable, a reflection of the unity they shared as women, mothers, and warriors of their tribe.
Mo'at's voice was a steady presence, her instructions clear and comforting. "Breathe, (Y/N). Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, gather your strength."
(Y/N) closed her eyes, focusing on her breath as she followed Mo'at's guidance. The rhythmic pattern of her breath mirrored the unity of their tribe, a collective strength that flowed through her veins.
With each contraction, Mo'at instructed (Y/N) to push, her voice a beacon of guidance and encouragement. Neytiri's supportive presence never wavered, her hands steady and sure.
As (Y/N)'s efforts intensified, the circle of unity around her held firm, their bond unbreakable. The blankets shielded them from the outside world, creating a sacred space where (Y/N) could channel her strength and energy into the task at hand.
Time seemed to blur as the process continued, the circle of support and the unity of their tribe propelling (Y/N) forward. With each push, she drew upon the collective strength that surrounded her, finding solace in the connection she shared with those who stood by her side.
As the final moments approached, Mo'at's voice grew more fervent, Neytiri's gaze more focused. The unity they embodied was a force that carried them through, guiding (Y/N) towards the moment when the strength of her efforts would be rewarded with the arrival of their little warrior.
And in the midst of the circle, amidst the blankets and the bonds that united them, (Y/N) harnessed her strength and the unity of her tribe, finding within herself the power to bring new life into the world.
Amidst the circle of unity, (Y/N) harnessed every ounce of strength within her as she pushed with unwavering determination. The blanket-shrouded space was filled with the rhythmic echoes of her breath and the guiding voices of Mo'at and Neytiri.
With one final push, a moment of intense effort and concentration, the air was charged with anticipation. The first cries of new life filled the clearing, piercing through the night air. Mo'at and Neytiri worked swiftly, their practiced hands assisting in the delicate process of bringing (Y/N)'s firstborn into the world.
The moment felt suspended, a symphony of unity and support echoing around (Y/N). She squeezed her eyes shut, allowing the collective strength of her tribe to envelop her as the reality of what she had accomplished washed over her.
As the first baby was brought into (Y/N)'s arms, the baby's cries filled the space, a testament to the vitality and life that now inhabited their world. (Y/N)'s eyes welled with tears as she cradled the tiny, chubby bundle against her chest, the unity of their tribe tangibly present in this precious moment.
Beside her, Mo'at and Neytiri's smiles were luminous, their gazes reflecting the unity and joy that defined the birth of a new member of their tribe. Neytiri leaned in, her voice a gentle reassurance. "You've done well, (Y/N). Welcome to the world, little one."
As the first baby was being cared for and wrapped in a soft cloth, the circle of unity shifted its focus to the second baby. With another round of supportive guidance and (Y/N)'s unwavering strength, the clearing was soon filled with the second cry of new life.
And when that second baby was placed into (Y/N)'s arms, the unity of their tribe was once again felt in every heartbeat. This baby had four fingers on each hand, a reflection of (Y/N)'s heritage, and the other had five fingers, like Lo'ak. Both were chubby and healthy, their presence a testament to the unity that had guided their journey.
As (Y/N) held her twins close, she marveled at the precious lives she now cradled. Their cries intertwined with the sounds of the forest, a symphony of unity that was both ancient and new. The blankets that had shielded them now held a deeper meaning – a symbol of the protection, love, and unity that had surrounded (Y/N) throughout this extraordinary journey.
Amidst the circle of unity, (Y/N) found herself filled with gratitude for the tribe that had supported her, for the family that had guided her, and for the new lives that now rested against her. The birth of her twins was a celebration of unity – a unity that spanned generations, cultures, and the depths of her heart.
As the cries of their newborn twins filled the air, Lo'ak's heart swelled with an overwhelming mixture of love, awe, and pride. He dropped down to his knees at (Y/N)'s side, his eyes brimming with emotion as he gazed at their precious babies. Gently, he leaned in and placed a tender kiss on the head of each baby, his lips brushing against their soft skin.
His voice was filled with a mixture of amazement and joy as he spoke softly to them, his words a reflection of the profound impact this moment had on him. "Seems we do not have to raise not one but two warriors."
His words were a testament to the unity and strength of their tribe, embodied in the new lives that now rested in their arms. Lo'ak's fingers brushed against the tiny hands of their babies, feeling the connection that had already formed between them.
(Y/N) shifted slightly, her eyes filled with love and exhaustion as she looked at Lo'ak. "Our little warriors," she whispered, her voice laced with awe.
Lo'ak's gaze locked onto (Y/N)'s, their eyes meeting in a shared moment of unity and connection. "Yes, our little warriors. They carry the legacy of our people and the strength of our love."
As he spoke, he leaned in once again, placing a gentle kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead before turning his attention back to their twins. His hand cradled the tiny head of the baby with four fingers, his thumb gently stroking the soft skin.
(Y/N)'s fingers reached out, interlacing with Lo'ak's as they shared this precious moment together. The blanket-wrapped circle of unity still surrounded them, a reminder of the strength of their tribe and the love that enveloped them.
With their twins nestled against them, Lo'ak and (Y/N) were immersed in the unity of their new family. The journey towards this moment had been filled with challenges, love, and the unwavering support of their tribe. And now, as they gazed at their little warriors, they knew that this unity would carry them forward into the unknown and extraordinary journey of parenthood.
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