#curufin’s canonical wife
fistfuloflightning · 1 year
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“What is this?” Finrod examined the ring his wife had just slid onto his finger. His brows rose at the design. “…Snakes and flowers?” he asked. “Is this us?”
“What do you think? I’m not one for sentimentality. It’s just the symbol of your House.” Curufin’s flat voice was reassuring. She bent her head over his hand, fingers pointing out details as she explained. “—the eyes are those jewels Father gave you as a wedding gift you never knew what to do with, and the silver-mithril alloy for the base was—”
He watched her face as she spoke, more talkative than her wont, a rather delicate flush to her cheeks that most wouldn’t even notice. But he noticed. He always noticed.
Curufin stuttered to a halt when the ringed hand rose to cup her cheek. “Was this what you were working on for so long?” Finrod asked softly. “What you were acting so secretive about?”
Her lips pressed tight but her intense eyes belied the affection she had poured into this work of love.
“I will cherish it.” Finrod caught her chin and kissed her soundly. “It was a gift from you. Therefore, I will keep it with me always.”
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adrianright · 17 days
Feanorian Lindir and Erestor!?
I headcanon that Lindir is Feanorian by blood like Erestor, his father is Maglor. Maglor was canonically married but we don't know ANYTHING that happened regarding his wife and any children.
But I find it strangely poetic that Elrond took in and looked after the last remains of the House of Feanor. Erestor the son of Caranthir and Lindir son of Maglor.
Many could tell that Erestor had the "Feanorian fire" about his disposition and most wouldn't be suprised when Erestor would speak of his ancestry.
Lindir however is as un-Feanorian as an elf can be. He is shy, soft spoken, and lacks self confidence. But his one shining Feanorian trait is his love for his craft, his craft being music.
Erestor and Lindir meet and become quite close and bond over their shared family and being cousins. They having a bonding moment where they each reveal that they each still have a form of Feanorian jewelry; Erestor an eight-pointed star pendant and Lindir has a beautiful, eight-pointed star, onyx hairpin that was made a long time ago by Curufin that was given to Maglor as a gift.
. . . .
Lindir and Erestor being Feanorians and cousins is one of my all time favorite headcanons, and they will make an appearance in my short stories about Maglor the Old Elf!
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sallysavestheday · 6 months
End of Year Fic Recs!
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Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
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My recs are all Tolkien, a mix of canon and AU, angst and fluff and humor, with a variety of lengths and ratings from G to E. Please check the tags on each fic before you read!!
5 series/multichapter fics:
Atandil by @eilinelsghost (Finrod/Beor)
seabird by @welcomingdisaster (Fingon/Maedhros AU)
The Harrowing by @chthonion (Annatar/Celebrimbor very much post-canon)
companions in shipwreck by spellworth (173 women from Tolkien's works)
Ungoliant's Bane by @polutrope (Earendil, Elwing, Elrond, and Elros)
5 single-chapter fics/one-shots:
Inflection by @thelordofgifs (Maedhros, Maglor, Elrond, Elros)
wedding dance by @swanmaids (Maglor/Maglor's wife)
This Living Earth by @searchingforserendipity25 (Maedhros, immediately post-canon)
Fourteen Hours by @clothonono (Fingon/Maedhros, Returned)
It would make every nightingale sing by eye_of_a_cat (Maedhros/Elwing)
5 oldies but goodies:
Recalled to Life: Alqualonde by Anna_Wing (Maedhros, Returned)
A reason to live (a reason it is not permissible to die) by Chestnut_pod (Elwing/Earendil)
What Your Life Is by @starspray (Maglor, post-canon)
The West Wind Quartet by @hhimring (Maglor & OC)
dear fellow traveler by @raisingcain-onceagain (Finrod/Edrahil)
5 of mine from 2023:
Thy Brothers' Keeper: Finarfin rues his role in the House of Finwe
Not By Wisdom But By Love: Beleg and Turin: the beginning
Tender Morsels: Fingon/Maedhros, loving monstrousness
A Sea Change: Reborn Curufin learns to live again
Full Disclosure: Fingon/Maedhros, Finrod/The Speaking Peoples, epistolary science and ridiculousness
Tagging @melestasflight @cuarthol @antares0606 @dreamingthroughthenoise @idrilsscribe @gellalaer @anerea-lantiria @echo-bleu @grey-gazania @spiced-wine-fic @tathrin and authors of the fics I listed. Let's hear what you've enjoyed this year. What do you recommend?
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imakemywings · 9 months
do you have any good female fics to rec?
DO I. LOL. Putting this immediately under a cut because there are a lot! There are so many talented writers in this fandom who do ENORMOUS justice to female characters, both original and book-based. Couple of blog recs at the bottom too!
(I'm assuming this is asking for Tolkien fanfic since that's mostly what I'm on about these days, but if you'd rather see Mass Effect or Dragon Age I can do that too.)
I'm glad you asked! φ(* ̄0 ̄)
I'm going to keep all of these to 1 rec per author just so we don't get totally out of control here.
Forging Gold by @swanmaids ft. Curufin's wife, Dwarf OCs. Heather is an amazing source of female character fic in this fandom; she has well-developed OCs for all of Feanor's daughters-in-law and treats canon female characters with such care and love. Absolutely recommend checking out the rest of her stuff!
Prick a Finger, Cut Your Hand by @welcomingdisaster ft. Indis, Miriel. A really great look at the dynamic between these two. Lena has lots of other good takes on female Tolkien characters too!
Friendship and Stern Demand by @polutrope ft. Elwing. Fantastic exploration of what the communications between Elwing and Maedhros might have looked like!
Untitled by @outofangband ft. Aerin, Morwen. Nelyo focuses a lot on the human characters so if you want to read more about what the mortal women went through in the First Age, definitely browse through their blog!
Abide, Abound by Elleth ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Elleth also has lots of works centering on female Tolkien characters.
And by their blazing signify that a great princess falls, but doth not die by TheLionInMyBed ft. Elwing. One of my favorite takes on Elwing's suicide.
Keeper of Kings by batshape ft. Lalwen. What did Lalwen get up to in Middle-earth? Seeing a lot of people die, for one thing.
Into the Heart of a Fey Thing by @amethysttribble ft. Aredhel, Galadriel, Luthien. Fun "behind-the-scenes" look at some adventures with these three!
A Fish Hook, an Open Eye by simaetha ft. Elwing, f!Maglor. Fascinating AU take on a meeting between Elwing and Maglor prior to the Third Kinslaying.
The Sleep of Flowers by Innin ft. Galadriel, Melian. Very beautiful scene, and plenty of other female-centric works by Innin!
Light Words About Nothing by Margo_Kim ft. Dis, Belladonna. I ship it.
Elwing's Strategy by lifeisyetfair ft. Elwing. Another great take on Elwing at the Third Kinslaying.
Out of Dreams, Into the Sun by solanaceae ft. Miriel, Indis.
Games and Fantasy by Genesis_Grey ft. Arwen, Eowyn. Ohh it captures that chivalric WLW so well.
Over the Unclear Eyes of Memory by Loriand_Lost ft. Anaire, Aredhel. Addresses Anaire's complicated feelings about Fingolfin's return to Valinor. This author also has a number of other great female-centric fics, highly recommend!
The Carriage Held but Just Ourselves by @starspray ft. Luthien, Elwing, Arwen. Amazing look at the line of Thingol's relationship with death. This author also has a whole series on Lalwen and an OFC!
Before the Breath of Storm by tinnurin ft. Dis, Dwarf OC. "Behind-the-scenes" look at the Dwarves before the battle of Azanulbizar.
This Now, This Us by crownlessliestheking ft. Indis, Miriel. Indis and Miriel talk after Miriel's return to Valinor.
The Tapestry by Zdenka ft. Thedowyn, Miriel. The ghost of Miriel Serinde offers some aid. This author also has a lot of female-centric works!
Not Undevoted by SatiricalDraperies ft. Galadriel, Melian.
Winter Sea by Tallulah ft. Finduilas, OFC. Finduilas had a girlfriend in the Falas. Another author with a great selection of female-centric works.
The Hunt by @cuarthol ft. Amarie. Amarie is trans and closeted in Valinor, but Finrod understands.
Come Home to Chaos (Get a Crush on a Queen) by ncfan ft. Arwen, Firiel. When Firiel of Gondor takes refuge in Rivendell, Arwen takes an interest.
Do I Hurt to Hold? by Anonymous ft. Galadriel, Melian. A darker look at their relationship.
That Time Elanor Gardner Had A Crush On Her Employer by Anonymous ft. Arwen, Elanor.
All My Shadows Fade by amyfortuna ft. Arwen, OFC. Unsent letter from a female friend of Arwen's as her wedding to Aragorn approaches. This author is also a good one to look at for more female-centric fic!
Orlaya by yeaka ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Cute!
Of All the Stars, the Fairest by whatiwouldnotgive ft. Arwen, Eowyn.
Or They Would Go On Aching Still by Farasha ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Oh, the grief!
Berrypicking Time by swamp_diamonds ft. Finduilas, Nienor.
Things They Don't Talk About by eris_of_imladris ft. Findis. Findis and Feanor have a complicated relationship.
Easily Sever What Never was One by vauquelin ft. Haleth. If you like Halenthir at all as a ship, you'll like this.
The One With All The Birds by clothono ft. Elwing, Nerdanel. I've said it before I'll say it again--my favorite Elwing fic.
Greensleeves by bravelittlscrib ft. Nerdanel. Little scenes of Nerdanel's life and her relationships.
Emerie by the_artifice_of_eternity ft. Erendis, Ancalime. Ancalime's last visit with her mother before taking the throne.
In the Family by arriviste ft. Celebrian, Galadriel.
At the Water's Edge by crackinthecup ft. Elwing, Idril.
And that's what I've got for you right now, I hope that helps! I would also advise checking out the blogs @tolkien-heroines and @sapphictolkien both of which focus on female characters in Tolkien's work. Happy reading, anon! ♪(^∇^*)
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
The Obscure Tolkien Blorbos Tournament!
@mistergandalf's incredible Ultimate Tolkien Blorbo tournament has just wrapped up with our beloved Sam Gamgee taking the final trophy. But! Earlier rounds in the tournament were filled with a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth from Silmarillion fans as our favourites were UNFAIRLY ELIMINATED by people who DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THEM. So, I would like to present: the ultimate obscure Tolkien blorbos tournament!
Submit as many of your dubiously canonical, little-known faves as you'd like to - with a catch: characters with the fewest submissions are most likely to qualify for the bracket! With exactly one exception who is qualifying anyway because I say so.
The character you submit can be part of Tolkien's legendarium in any way possible - discarded characters from earlier drafts, adaptation-only characters (RoP inclusive), etc.
No OCs.
Canonically unnamed characters (for example Curufin's wife) are eligible. But don't submit fan-invented names for them, or I won't know whom you're talking about!
If they're very obscure, do consider writing a couple of lines to tell me who they are! I'm not a HoME expert and won't be familiar with everyone you send in.
I reserve the right not to include characters who I don't think really count: you can't, for example, submit "Maidros" and then argue that that's a completely different character to the more well-known Maedhros.
Actual voting will just be a straightforward "vote for whomever you like more" process, nothing to do with how obscure the blorbos are at that stage.
Let's... tentatively say the bracket will contain 64 characters? I'll keep the form open at least until Sunday 21st May and potentially longer, depending on how much interest this gets.
This is my first time running a tournament and I have no idea what else to actually say or how to do this lol. Tag will be #obscure tolkien blorbo, feel free to follow/block it as you prefer.
Let me know if you have any more questions, reblog for visibility, and happy submitting! And feel free to drop your submissions in the tags to this post so that people can avoid double-nominating their faves :)
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annoyinglandmagazine · 3 months
So I’ve been thinking about my female Caranthir agenda, specifically in relation to the thing about lembas being the queen’s purview and the only thing the elves seem to have rigid gender roles over. Lembas is indicated to be pretty important but the Noldor in Beleriand didn’t have a queen so who would be in charge of the distribution of it?
If Caranthir was a woman and Lalwen and Findis did not exist (like in the Silm version of canon) I think there’s a real case to be made that the position would go to her because, as the Feanorians (mainly Celegorm and Curufin because they’re petty as fuck) insist, Maedhros abdicated the position of High King; nothing was ever said about their other titles and as the eldest grandaughter of Finwë Caranthir is the highest ranking nís of the Noldor and in the absence of Fingolfin’s wife the essential roles of a queen are her right.
It’s not as if there are too many other candidates either, I can’t see Aredhel or Galadriel, since she’d be off in Doriath and very much not looking to be involved further in Noldorin politics, fighting for the position (again, how are there so few women in this family? How does that even happen? There are fourteen grandchildren of Finwë. I’d need to make all the Arafinweans and Nolofinweans women just to make it equal.) so Fingolfin doesn’t really have any alternatives to suggest.
So they end up in a situation where the High King of the Noldor is a Nolofinwean but there is now a precedent for the position of Massánië (the Quenya for the queen’s role as breadgiver) of the Noldor to stay in the eldest line of Finwë’s sons when the High King doesn’t have a wife, meaning that suddenly female descendants of Feanor are technically higher ranking than any of the male ones. No Feanorian High Queen can inherit the crown of the Noldor because that would be counted as the same as the Kingship covered in the abdication but the position of Massánië has become isolated from that of the queen and in a technical sense ranks just below a Crown Prince or Princess.
This isn’t of particular importance to Caranthir but you know she is exploiting the complete fucking life out of having all her kin dependent on her for yet another valuable resource, as if all the trade routes weren’t enough. The taxes on lembas going to Dorothion are extortionate. In his letters to his cousins Maedhros responds that he cannot interfere with his sister’s independent role and it is entire her own initiative to do what she wishes in this particular area.
In his letters to Caranthir he is giving her very useful advice on how to use this tactically to best strengthen their factions’ economy based on his knowledge of political situations and sometimes when someone (often Celegorm) pisses him off. This makes the top three of schemes Maedhros and Caranthir are running through their encrypted letters to each other that though unbeknownst to the rest of Beleriand have ridiculously wide reaching effects on the entire economic and geopolitical landscape. They make a scarily good (if slightly less malicious than C and C’s) team.
(Also down the line this could be another title for a genderqueer Elrond to be playing hot potato with because they can’t even use being adopted by the Feanorians that abdicated as an excuse here and it in fact only bolsters their pre-existing claim as Idril’s descendant. If they end up accepting it they and Gil Galad would seize the opportunity to be more ambiguous about their relationship than they already are as half their own court doesn’t even know if Elrond has accepted the position based on lineage or whether they’re now Gil Galad’s consort. The foreign diplomats and future historians have no idea what was going on. Gil Galad does not help matters by using every opportunity to refer to Elrond, maybe teasingly, maybe not, as his queen.)
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the-elusive-soleil · 6 months
Some random headcanons I have for a Silm modern AU:
Feanor is the son of Finwe's ex-wife Miriel (they split more or less amicably due to the more kids/no more kids thing). There are more resources to help deal with this than in canon Valinor, so while Feanor isn't happy about the Indis and half-siblings situation, he's able to get to a place of mostly getting along with them.
Finwe made his money in investments--Aule Industries, Elentari Electric Co., Sulimo Aerospace...you get the picture.
Feanor could have gone to work for Aule Industries, but instead he struck out on his own as an inventor, and holds patents for several now-common items.
He's married to the famous sculptor Nerdanel. They've had their disagreements, but they're in couples therapy and working on sticking together.
Fingolfin is a state-level politician. He and Feanor mostly sort of get along provided everyone avoids certain topics.
Maedhros works for Fingolfin as a political fixer, which he is very very good at. Feanor has mostly made his peace with this.
Maglor went through a classical musical education, but eventually his hobby band Noldolante took off to the point that he went full-time with it. He's the lead vocalist and songwriter. Currently thinking their sound would be something like heavy metal but with the instruments and volume of acoustic folk.
Their musical rivals are the folk duo Nightingale Shadow, the brother-sister pair Daeron and Luthien Gray.
Celegorm got a job through his grandfather's friend Orome Aldaron at Aldaron LLC, an outdoor gear company resembling Cabela's, as a spokesperson/sponsored rep type of thing. He has a huge dog and tells a different story every time someone asks where he got him, and keeps trying to ask out Luthien from Nightingale Shadow (which drives Maglor nuts).
Caranthir is a stocks trader and financial advisor, which has made him wealthy enough on his own to rival Finwe. At some point, he announces his engagement (despite no one in the family knowing he was dating) to a small business owner named Haleth who takes none of his guff.
Curufin works with his father as a fellow inventor. He married an epidemiologist several years back, and they have a small son, Tyelpe, who is already being brought to an unbelievable number of "take your child to work" days. Everyone's bracing for the mad science to reach critical mass once Tyelpe's old enough to wield a screwdriver.
Amrod and Amras are still in high school and haven't confirmed a path in life yet, although they do quite a bit of Celegorm's social media stuff with him.
Fingon used to work with his father and Maedhros, but eventually decided that politics wasn't for him, and now runs a nonprofit to aid disaster victims. He and Maedhros frequently tease each other about how exhausted their respective careers are making them.
Turgon works in some capacity for the city government, which he claims is the level of politics where things actually get done.
Aredhel also works for Aldaron LLC as a spokesperson; sometimes she and Celegorm will collaborate on posts.
At some point, she starts a relationship with a guy named Eol, but leaves him when he turns out to be a controlling jerk. Post-breakup, she finds out she's pregnant, and ends up keeping the baby because Eol doesn't want her to do so and make him pay child support. She turns out a better mom than anyone expects.
Finarfin is some kind of lawyer working in conflict resolution and mediation. He is very good at it; he ought to be, given all the practice he's had.
Finrod owns an ethically sourced jewelry company. His brother Orodreth works for him.
Aegnor and Angrod are college students; Angrod is undeclared, but Aegnor is studying anthropology.
Artanis is in high school and the most politically minded teenager ever. She's in student government and on the debate team and Model UN, you name it. The family used to joke that someday she was going to rule a small country. They still say it, but it's become less and less of a joke over the years.
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swanmaids · 5 months
year end rec list wrap-up
2023 was such a good year for silm fic, I read so much great stuff from all corners. But I would be very much remiss if I did not rec each of the wonderful gift fics that I was lucky enough to recieve throughout the year!
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The Silmarillion, in reverse-chronological order:
Indissoluble by @polutrope [idril/tuor/voronwe; rated e, 2.6k, nawa]
All the banter-filled, life-affirming sex for my ot3 equals merry christmas to ME.
untitled by @polutrope [tuor/voronwe; explicit, five sentences, on tumblr]
Sensual, tender, and full of hope against all odds on the way to Gondolin.
a passionate kiss by @jouissants [earendil/elwing; on tumblr]
Amazing worldbuilding and sensuality in this portrayal of Sirion-era Starwing.
she is so tired of fleeing by @that-angry-noldo [morwen; five sentences, on tumblr]
Perfect refugee Morwen characterisation in just five sentences.
blessed disorder by @sallysavestheday [turgon & aredhel; rated g, 0.1k, nawa]
The sweetest snapshot of these two being the best of friends.
Muntjac by @jouissants [celegorm/orome; rated e, 2.2k, nawa]
Hot, emotional and fairly dark sex between these two in Beleriand as everything falls apart around Celegorm. Just so perfectly THEM.
salt by @verecunda [earendil/elwing; three sentences, on tumblr]
Super sweet and romantic slice of life for my otp.
the glassmaker by @thelordofgifs [ofc/ofc; rated t, 1.9k, nawa]
Such excellent worldbuilding and a tender blossoming romance between two ordinary women of Sirion while it was still thriving, by fellow Sirion-understander.
swing by @welcomingdisaster [nerdanel/indis, rated t, 1.3k, nawa]
Beautiful imagery and wrenching emotions in this post-flight of the Noldor fic. And yet, despite it all, some hope.
Leaves of Countless Years Lie Thick by @polutrope [celegorm/orome; rated m, 0.8k, nawa]
Stunning, sexy, emotive post-canon reunion between these two. Fantastic Orome pov.
a kiss to wake up by @polutrope [Idril/Tuor/Voronwe; rated t, nawa]
A lovely moment of tenderness and then hope as Earendil rises in the sky.
the longed for that cometh beyond hope by @meadowlarkx [earendil/elwing; rated g, 0.4k, nawa]
Beautiful bittersweet fairytale vibes in this tale of "peredhil living through their own myth", as Earendil's quest is completed.
forced to watch by @theworldisquietheretooquiet [morwen & aerin; 1.1k, implied rape, on tumblr]
Wrenchingly sad exploration of Morwen's emotions as she is forced to watch Aerin and Brodda marry.
warmth by @that-angry-noldo [earendil/elwing, elwing & earendil & elrond & elros; on tumblr]
A lovely soft and adorable moment as Earendil and Elwing play with their children.
what remains by asterisq [dior/nimloth; rated t, 2.2k, mcd]
Impeccable clinical horror vibes and tragedy in this remix gift! Observations of the corpses of Dior and Nimloth following the second kinslaying.
summer by @halfelven [earendil; on tumblr]
Evocative and heartwrenching portrayal of a young and traumatised Earendil in Sirion.
House of the Dragon
a discreet kiss by @ellrond [rhaenyra/alicent; on tumblr]
A sweet stolen moment between a young Alicent and Rhaenyra, tragic when one remembers what's to come.
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and as if that wasn't enough, I was also #blessed enough to receive several stunning illustrations of my own fics. Each is absolutely beautiful and adds to the fics immeasurably. Go and Look at them.
one of your girls
Celegorm in a dress by @curufiin
nothing beside remains
Uinen tends to Tar-Miriel's bones by @meadowlarkx
the salt in the wound
Curufin's wife holding angrist by @matrose
Luthien/Curufin's wife by @matrose
sister, sister
Young Aredhel tags along on a Turgon/Elenwe date by @matrose
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elentarial · 1 year
A Dream of Fire (966 words) by Anonymous Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Curufin | Curufinwë/Curufin's Wife, Curufin's Wife & Fëanor | Curufinwë, Feanor | Curufinwe/Curufin’s Wife Characters: Fëanor | Curufinwë, Curufin | Curufinwë, Curufin's Wife Additional Tags: Cuckolding, Longing, Infidelity, Sort Of, Female Masturbation, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Feanor is Spirit of Fire for a reason, Prophetic Visions, Not Canon Compliant, Not LaCE compliant, Not Beta Read Summary: Curufin’s wife is tired of spending her evenings alone while he’s in the forge. She makes her own entertainment.
Guys, I think I’m addicted to the kink meme. I need some wholesome prompts. 🤣 But anonymous requester, this was a joy to write.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 years
Silm Characters - Who Do They Hate Most (for cases where the answer isn’t ‘Morgoth’)
(Note: the people for whom it’s Morgoth include, but are not limited to, Fëanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, and practically all of the major Edain characters.)
Turgon: The Fëanoreans, collectively and individually. They got his wife killed, they got his sister killed (by not showing up when she went to visit them, leading to her getting entrapped by Eöl), they got his best friend killed, they got his brother killed, then they decided to murder the only remaining intact kingdom in Middle-earth outside of Gondolin, and then they murdered the remnant of his people who survived the fall of Gondolin.
Aredhel: Eöl. Not before her death, she’s got somewhat conflicted feelings up to that point (she does beg for his life), but once she hears of her son’s fate she’s convinced that it never would have happened if he hadn’t been an orphan. And Eöl’s the reason he’s an orphan. After that, you could power a nuclear reactor with how much she hates Eöl.
Finrod: Now I know what you’re going to say, “Finrod’s a perfect cinnamon roll, he doesn’t hate anyone,” well you’re wrong. It’s Sauron. Not even primarily because of having Finrod’s people devoured by werewolves, or for killing Barahir and his people, though those are contributing factors. Primarily, because of Númenor. Because Sauron takes the Edain, who Finrod loves, and turns them into something utterly evil, and brings them to their destruction. Finrod’s angry at everyone after the Akallabeth, the Valar and Eru included, but most of all he’s angry at Sauron.
The end of the third age is very satifying for him.
Orodreth: He’s unhappy with a lot of people for the events surrounding and leading up to the Fall of Nargothrond, including himself, but at the top of his list are Celegorm and Curufin. He was very much a king-in-name-only during their attempted coup; he knew he was powerless to bring Nargothond to Finrod’s rescue because he didn’t have the people’s support and Celegorm and Curufin would overthrow him if he tried, and the charge Finrod left him with was to hold the kingship so that’s what he did; but they made him, through inaction, complicit in his brother’s death and he will never forgive them for that.
Thingol: The Fëanoreans, as a whole. They killed his grandson. They killed his granddaughter-in law. They murdered his great-grandsons. They slaughtered his people. They should all be in the Void.
Maedhros: Maedhros. Come on, this one’s not even difficult.
Maglor: He is so very done and he doesn’t have the energy for hating anyone any more.
Celegorm: Dior. Practically canon.
Curufin. Lúthien. Fuck her for sparing his life. Fuck her for humiliating him like that. Fuck her so very much.
Nimloth: Celegorm and his followers, for obvious reasons.
Elwing: Maedhros and Maglor, also for obvious reasons. In a contest of “who hates Maedhros most,” most of fandom would give the award to Maedhros, but I think Elwing has a slight edge.
Eärendil: Eärendil, by the point that he petitions the Valar, doesn’t hate anyone. But Maeglin is the one person he dislikes. He can’t shake the memory of being a child, being grabbed by him at the side of a cliff, and looking in his eyes and seeing something that very much wasn’t an elf anymore. It’s unsettling; it gave him nightmares for a while as a kid. He pities Maeglin, but he’d much prefer never to see him again.
Elrond: Sauron, for similar reasons to Finrod, but aggravated by the fact that those were his brother’s people, and he was in Middle-earth and still poweless to stop it, and also aggravated by Celebrian’s torture.
Galadriel: Sauron, primarily for Finrod and Celebrian reasons, as well as because of the Third Age generally. She recognized that the Númenoreans were trouble well before Ar-Pharazon and isn’t sentimental about them.
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welcomingdisaster · 2 months
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maeofthenoldor · 7 months
Turin and Nienor- A Silmarillion Demonslayer Au
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Summary: Turin and Nienor, much like Tanjiro and Nezuko, hail from a once-powerful lineage that has withered into poverty over generations. Their father mysteriously vanishes, and tragedy strikes when a demon, Melkor/Galrung, slaughters their sister, Lailath, and Mother, Morwen and turns Nienor into a demon while Turin is away. Returning home from selling wood, Turin is met with a gruesome scene, his family gone, and his sister transformed into a demon.
I've recently fallen down a rabbit hole of the kny (demonslayer fandom) and despite how niche it is, I decided to combine my two favorite things; Kny and the Silmarillion.
Turin and Nienor would be the main charachters of the series, since they fit mostly with the charachters Tanjiro and Nezuko being the best brother-sister duo in the series. There designs and outfits would be similar too, except in this case, Turin's blade is fully black. After Hurin dissapeared into the woods, Morwen could no longer provide to her family and they fell into poverty. Turin is sent down into town to sell coal every day, but when he gets back one night, he finds his mother and Lalaith slaughtered by demons, and his sister turned into one. He carries her down the mountain, but is attacked by Nienor, but is able to get her under control and lucid.
However in this au, Giyuu is replaced with Beleg, and like in the original canon, finds the newly turned Nienor and Turin. He uses a bow and arrow made of nichirin to halt a demons attack, and then uses a sword to finish the demon off. Otherwise does not have have a breathing style which stops him from becoming a Hashira. He is rank Kinoe. Beleg notices Nienor and Turin's unique situation and personally helps them, escorting them them to the Demonslayer corps base where they meet the Hashiras and the leader of the corps.
The Hashira
Maedhros: Flame Pillar-oldest son of Feanor and known to be the most powerful of the hashira. His tsugkuo are Elrond and Elros who use mist breathing.
Maglor: Sound Pillar- He shares tsugkuo with Maedhros, his older brother. He sees them as his sons and is extremely protective of them.
Celegorm: Beast Pillar-He hunts demons with his loyal wolf-dog, Huan. He is known to be very brutal when he kills demons.
Curufin: Stone Pillar-Not only is he a hashira, he also is a part-sword smith and creates nichirin swords/weapons for the rest of the hashira.
Caranthir: Wind Pillar-His style is extremely aggressive, channelling his anger for demons into a form that causes demons immense pain.
Aredhel: Flower Pillar-One of the most powerful, she has really good eyes which allows her to use vermillion eye, a type of form in the flower breathing style. Her adopted son Maeglin runs the butterfly mansion while she is away.
Galadriel: Thunder Pillar-She is the most mysterious hashira and hides her full strength to surprise demons. It is said uppermoon 1 is wary of her.
Finrod: Serpent Pillar-created his own breathing style and uses a curvy sword that resembles a snake. He later saves Turin and Noenor from Uppermoon 1 in exchange for his life.
Fingon: Ice Pillar- He a created a breathing style based off of his father, who recently died to a fight with Melkor. he is the closest with Maedhros, and he is known for being reckless.
When Turin and Nienor arrive at the corps, many call for the execution of Nienor because she is a demon. However the leader of the corps stops this from happening. The corps have always been run by the Finweans, who have always strongly opposed Melkor, who placed a curse on there family for centuries. Feanor, the last true leader of the Finweans was targeted by the Demon-king, Melkor himself and turned into a demon, where he was slain by his sons, who many are the Hashiras. His widowed wife was supposed to be in charge but leader was usurped by Fingolfin who is the half-brother of feanor. Despite being a benevolent leader, some of the Hashira, (the sons of feanor) do not believe them as true leaders which causes much tension between the corps.
Amrod and Amras are the only Feanorians that have not become Hashira, but are still a high ranking Kinoe. The reason is so that they will hide there existence from Melkor so they are not targeted, so that if their brothers die, there will be someone to still continue the family line.
Fingolfin stops the Hashira from executing Nienor, foreseeing that she would cause a great change in the war against Melkor. Turin is then sent to train with Beleg under the Hashira. Beleg and Turin quickly become close friends, being similar in age and bonding over there traumatic experiences.
To officially become a Demon-slayer, they have to go through final selection, without his demonic sister protecting him. Turin meets a girl named Findulias, a love breather who uses a nichirin spear to slay demons. They pass the final selection together, and with Beleg they begin to go on missions to slay demons together, where Nienor, who hides in Turins wooden box most of the time, helps fight demons.
Melkor hears of Turin and his sister, who is one of the only demons to ever break his curse and not eat humans. The siblings begin to pose a real threat to the demon king. Enraged he begins to send his most powerful demons after him, including the Twelve Kizuki (upper and lower moons) after them.
The Uppermoons
Sauron- Uppermoon 1-The strongest demon, only second to melkor and his most trusted. He used to be named mairon and was a demonslayer. however he willingly betrayed the corps to becmoe a demon. No one has come close to killing him-except for a female slayer named luthien, but some believe its just a legend.
Gothmog-Uppermoon 2- He is a giant and burly demon, with no distinct human features unlike Sauron. He is mysterious and nobody knows who he was as a demon-but again he has never let his victims live.
Galrung-Uppermoon 3-He is the one that is sent after Turin later in the story, and becomes his greatest foe after it uses its blood demon art (powers) to trick Turin into killing his closest companion Beleg. ever since then Turin has sworn to hunt and kill Galrung for good.
Thurigwethil-Uppermoon 4- The only female in the uppermoons and only eats men and spares women. Despite being a lower rank then Sauron, she is the only demon that was spared by luthien from any hurt, the most powerful demonslayer in history.
Gostir-Uppermoon Five- Another dragon-like uppermoon who was twisted into becoming a demon. The prodigies Elrond and Elros are the ones to kill this upper moon by themselves, proving they have a lot of potential. Sauron especially takes interest in them and realizes that they are from his blood-line of maia.
Draugluin-Uppermoon 6-The newest of the uppermoons and only recently was a lowermoon. However it has eaten quite a few hashira over the centuries and still poses a real threat.
Telvido- Lower moon 1-Is known to take the form of a cat, and has razor sharp claws that can turn a slayer into ribbons. Despite its feline appearance it can talk like a human would, and call itself "the prince of cats"
Berúthiel-Lowermoon 2- She is a beautiful woman, but dont let that fool you-she could easily kill you. Her blood demon art is unknown, which makes her all the more dangerous.
Shelob-Lowermoon 3- A spider like lady descended from an uppermoon that was killed by hashira centuries ago. She is much less powerful then her predecessor, however she is still a lowermoon, and has gleefully gobbled up many innocents.
the rest of the lowermoons are unknown.-
This is very much a self-indulgent au since I know there is not a lot of overlap between these two fandoms. To the people who are interested in this-thank you please feel free to reblog.
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hirazuki · 1 year
Give me all the hot takes
OMG I feel like I have nothing but hot takes, if I listed them all we'd be here for years 🤣 I will give as many as the number of flames you sent!
Under a cut, because (unsurprisingly) it got long XD
There is ✧・゚:* nothing *:・゚✧ in the published text of The Silmarillion to indicate that Eol was chronically abusive/violent towards Aredhel or Maeglin during all their years together. One single snippet of dialogue of one single exchange of heated words does not constitute an abusive environment, as neither do arguments/disagreements or the experiencing of anger. If anything, instead of being present and violent, it seems as though distance grew between them and he made himself scarce more often than not. His relationships with both his wife and his son are clearly shown to be cases of mutual deterioration over time -- people who are fundamentally at cross purposes with each other, as far as wants and beliefs and desires go, and the text quite solidly implies that Aredhel had her share of the blame, given as she was to recklessness, impulse, changeable mood and mind, etc. -- and this decline was almost exclusively exacerbated by the effect of outside forces on their lives (Sindar vs. Noldor, the ban on quenya, Feanor's sons and Aredhel's connection with them specifically, etc.), rather than any more domestic issues between them. Was it unhealthy? Sure, but certainly nowhere near the picture general fandom paints "canon" out to be, and I wish more people would engage in the wonderful nuance the text provides us with. Also, as far as published Silm goes, Eol wove enchantments to draw Aredhel to his dwelling, but it doesn't say he forced or coerced or enchanted her to enter; she entered and stayed willingly. And it drives me crazy to see people flay Eol as a rapist in one breath, while going 'YAS QUEEN' for Melian with another*, when it's the same scenario in, incredibly, the same place -- it smacks of double-standards, and a couple of other words that I will refrain from using, as some people on this website think I'm nice and I'd hate to shatter that illusion XD *I have absolutely no issue with Melian; I really enjoy her as a character. It's the hypocrisy that I can't stand :)
I've ranted about this before in the tags of some post somewhere, but: Celebrimbor. It's been my experience that, fairly frequently, there's a tendency to portray him in a manner that tends to make him very... bland. Wonderbread™, if you will. Idk if it's to contrast Annatar or to contrast Feanor and Curufin, but it ends up making Celebrimbor far too soft and pliable and people-pleasing, distastefully so, taking away all of the interesting hard surfaces and edges. Yes, he distances himself from his family and rejects them; yes, he can want to build a new reputation of his own, untainted by the First Age; yes, Ost-in-Edhil can be a place of open doors and second chances; yes, he can be hyper-aware of his legacy as Feanor's grandson and seek to present an opposite image through his words and actions -- all of this is beautiful. But it's even more beautiful if he's allowed to have traits that are callbacks to his father and grandfather; let him be angry (in private or in public, in short isolated spurts that come out of nowhere or as a simmering undercurrent), let him be shrewd and sharp and opinionated (let Annatar cut himself on him a little). This doesn't mean he can't also be kind and earnest and honest and trying his best. Most of all, let him be greedy -- not only for knowledge or power in and of themselves, not necessarily, but for what those things can afford him: the ability to make that which he loves (i.e. Middle Earth) a better, grander place. We're all greedy for the things we want, and I would argue most of those things aren't negative -- stability, acceptance, a better tomorrow, etc. Greed isn't limited to physical things or luxuries and it isn't inherently a bad thing! [/troy baker voice]. There's just so much there to play with, even completely aside from his dynamic with Annatar, and it just makes me equal parts sad and upset to see a character with such ambition and potential and fire frequently so babied and made naive, that he is reduced to the written equivalent of a soggy waffle.
Okay, now for something that is a bit more lighthearted and personal, but no less hot -- and perhaps? may contradict your own Mairon interpretation (in which case, I'm always happy to agree to disagree ^^) -- I can totally see why fandom makes Sauron into this super sexy/sexual creature but... it's a hard nope from me. He's certainly alluring and attractive to others, and knows how to use it to great effect, but I just can't see him genuinely vibing with it, relishing in it for himself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I know I keep harping on the Luthien incident, but it's just such a stark contrast to literally everyone else who comes across her -- including Melkor -- that it's really difficult to interpret his utter non-reaction to her as anything but a personal disinterest in matters of the flesh, at least in and of themselves without some kind of connection/relationship there. Everyone likes to joke about him being the whore/slut of the Silm, and sure it can be funny at times, but that concept is just so alien to how he reads to me.
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novemberthecatadmirer · 9 months
I am having a rather bad skin allergy reaction and not entirely rational
So I was hit by a terrible idea
Yeah people always pair Aredhel with Celegorm but in canon she seemed to get on well with both Celegorm and Curufin
What if Curufin’s “unnamed Noldor wife” was actually Aredhel
Like, Celegorm, Curufin, and Aredhel were in some casual secret poly relationship
Then Aredhel became kinslayer the same way Fingon did
Curufin and Celegorm helped Feanor to burn the ships because they did not want Aredhel (maybe also Celebrimbor) to follow them and be doomed
(Then Aredhel broke up with them because the Ice and hooked up with Eol. Who was a good smith and probably had silver hair.)
(Which explains Curufin’s extremely hostile attitude. Was even probably trying to provoke Eol to get killed by Gondolin guards.)
Yeah I know the issue with “how can Aredhel get pregnant without anyone noticing”
Aredhel knocked up Curufin & Curufin gave birth himself & only a few people know the identity of the mother (because cousin incest was frowned upon by Noldor)
(Also YES this implies Aredhel knocked up Eol & Eol had vision of his son’s death after giving birth thus explains his hesitation over naming Maeglin and the obsession with not allowing Maeglin to visit Noldor)
(I love Aredhel so I want her to have messy interesting relationships)
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annoyinglandmagazine · 7 months
@tolkienfamilyweek Day 2: Siblings
You know what gets me about Celegorm and Curufin specifically? They are quite possibly two of the least redeemable characters in the Legendarium (saying a lot) and are equally fucked up but in fundamentally different ways. Curufin believing in his father absolutely even after everything and still being convinced in his righteousness and resenting others for standing in the way of what the sees them as morally entitled to whereas Celegorm just doesn’t think in terms of right or wrong anymore, he’s not trying to be ‘good’ he has a goal and he’ll take any path available to achieve it.
Purely selfish in both cases but Curufin has a god complex (or more like he puts Feanor on a pedestal and agrees with his god complex) and hates the Valar with a vitriol and has successfully bent himself over backwards to consider all his actions entirely justified. Whereas Celegorm genuinely doesn’t bother justifying himself at this point and has the ‘well we’re all doomed anyway so who the fuck cares anymore?’ attitude to future actions. He doesn’t hate the Valar for the same reasons some of the others do, he doesn’t distrust them or believe they’re evil, he feels his people were abandoned and resents it because he knows he was in the wrong but Morgoth is very clearly worse and haven’t they suffered enough yet?
Very different and terrible kinds of evil, but equally evil. Do they really understand each other’s moral compass (or lack of it)? Probably not, but they accept it anyway. They know that nothing they do will ever disgust or horrify the other because they’re both as bad as each other and there’s something freeing (if decidedly unhealthy) about that lack of judgement.
I am so obsessed with the dynamic of two mass murderers with no morals whatsoever never once contemplating stabbing each other in the back because they love each other just as much as any of the heroes love their family. Think about it, Curufin has his father’s name, his face, his skill set, and we know these are the things that Curufin would consider of utmost importance. There’s no way Curufin doesn’t think he should be on a throne, he was most probably out for Fingolfin’s and canonically out for Finrod’s. But he wasn’t out for Finrod’s throne to take himself, he wanted to place Celegorm on it.
He thinks insanely high of himself and thinks he’s worthy to be a king but he clearly believes Celegorm just as worthy and has trust that his brother would value his input and treat him as an equal, which doesn’t seem that far fetched because, even with all the clashes you’d think would come between two strong personalities like them, they ruled Himlad jointly for years with no power struggles. What’s more it seems like this was by choice, that instead of ruling their own realms, which you’d imagine proud people like them would want to do, they preferred to share Himlad in an equal partnership.
Curufin is so terrible even his own son, and presumably wife, can’t bear to be around him anymore but Celegorm? He’s never going to leave him, never, they are always going to back each other up and everyone else will suffer for it.
One of my favourite moments with them is when everything goes to hell, they’ve been banished, Finrod’s dead, Luthien escaped and then, to top it all of, they try to get revenge on one maiden and a mortal and not only get utterly trashed but Celegorm’s dog who he’s had since childhood and kept as a companion through everything up until this point finally changes sides with no warning whatsoever and chooses Luthien over him (on another note, what the hell Huan? You seriously haven’t had moral qualms before now? Even if this was the last straw for you could you not have picked a better moment than when Celegorm looked like the only person who was going to stop his brother being throttled to death?)
So Curufin’s almost died and Celegorm, after they got absolutely humiliated and have lost everything due mostly to the two people in front of him and he’s not known for his ability to control his anger, is ready to leave. After Curufin is released Celegorm takes him unto his horse and starts to ride off with him before Curufin initiates again and fires after them. Celegorm is the hunter among them, presumably he’s far better with his own bow and he definitely wants revenge, but he doesn’t shoot after them. He’s willing to give up his revenge for his brother’s safety and that’s more of a show of love for them than anything else could be.
All I’m saying is that if they didn’t get to die in each other’s arms and be together at the end they’d been rushing to side by side their whole story….
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solmarillion · 1 year
am i breaking canon by having curufin's wife follow him to middle-earth? yes. do i care? no. sometimes tolkien is wrong and i am correct. that's just how it is
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