#creme mood board
vivihrts · 2 years
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beautiful monster
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Love is ooh-hoo, love is ooh-hoo
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seulzitos · 1 month
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(˶ᴗ͈˳ᴗ͈) 🍈⌇ look so shine 🥛𖨂 ✿ ﹑ ⿴
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
Supersons headcanons:
Since Damian's a vegetarian and is much more used to eating healthier stuff, he is much more vulnerable to getting stomach aches after eating junk food and too many sweets
Jon's favorite color is yellow
Damian sometimes wears non lens glasses for the aesthetic when going out in civilian form
Jon once won a roller skating competition and earned a golden medal as a reward. He keeps it hanged up on his wall in his bedroom near his desk
Damian was one time interviewed by Buzzfeed in one of their "The puppy interview" type of videos (the series where celebrities get to play with a bunch of puppies while answering questions the whole time). He was in such a happy and smiley mood during the entire video due to being surrounded by all of the small little pups around him and getting to play with them. He even named each puppy in his head while answering all of the interviewers questions and also tried to adopt them all at the end once the video was finally over (Bruce said no though because It's too many puppies to actually handle and take care of at the same time). This video is known as one of his most popular ones because it shows an unusual joyous side of him to fans and viewers
Jon is the type that's quick to download any kind of app games that look fun to him and now he just has so many of them on his phone because of it, that it's beginning to run out of storage space at this point
Damian will always "borrow" Jon's clothes but never returns them back to him
Jon loves pop tarts. His two favorite flavors are cherry and blueberry. He got Damian to obsess over them too after letting him try one of them during a sleepover at his house. Damian's favorite poptarts are brown sugar cinnamon and the s'mores one
Damian hates Oreos and any Cookies n' creme flavored food while Jon is the one that actually loves them
Damian has beef with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after losing a skate boarding race to them one time with Jon (a refrence to another headcanon of mines that's in a separate post)
Jon and Damian both cosplayed as Ashley and Leon from the Resident evil 4 remake one time for fun while going to a video game convention (Jon was dressed as Ashley while Damian was dressed as Leon)
Jon adores Damian's young little Nephew and Niece Mar'i and Jake and loves it whenever Dick is visiting with Kory and them at the Manor, because that's when he gets to see them both again all the time
Jon had one time gotten some chocolate milk spilled all over his shirt because of some new bullies who had done it to him during lunch time. Jon was very upset about it because it was his most favorite shirt that was just ruined, especially because of the worst fact that it was also currently picture day at his school, so he was gonna have to be forced to take his photo looking like this. Fortunately for him though, Damian had soon found him sitting down outside before photo time, as the young half Kryptonian was just in a distressed mood. After explaining everything to his best friend about what had happened to him earlier, Damian immediately got an idea and used his artistic skills to fix the problem by grabbing one of his black pens out of his backpack and drawing on top of the stains on Jon's shirt with it to make it look like it had actually belonged there. Once he was finally done, Jon's shirt looked surprisingly even better than before, with all of the line art that Damian had drew on it looking like an artistic peice of a pirate ship on the sea, making the chocolate stains look like the splashes of the seas water on the shirt. Jon happily thanked his best friend and gave him a tight hug in response, quickly running to go get his school photo taken soon after letting go of him. And while Jon was now busy doing that, Damian meanwhile went to go find the bullies that were messing with Jon to give them a little payback for what they had done to his best friend earlier and everything else that Jon had told him about. After that day, the bullies never bothered Jon again, which was kind of a surprise to him, especially with how unusually fearful they would always seem to be whenever interacting with him now. He has no idea why they currently act this way with him, but he doesn't mind it so much and is happier about it being this way instead anyways, since they leave him alone now (Another thing that had also surprised him was the fact that all three of the bullies had matching black eyes in their picture day photo in the school's yearbook as well. And after getting the chance to show them to Damian while in confusion about it, his best friend just shrugs his shoulders and says he wonders what it could've possibly been that had happened to them in response, while also seeming very "clueless" about it as well)
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mika-0730 · 1 month
I've probably shared these before but wanted share some of the things I've cooked before bc I'm getting in the mood to cook again
in order:
Charcuterie board
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Japanese style Curry, rice, chicken katsu (breaded chicken)
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Chicken Tikka Masala with Garlic Naan
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Prime Rib Roast
Prime Rib dinner with mashed potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing
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Creme Brulee with Salted Caramel
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Steak Alfredo fettuccine with caprese salad
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Honey whole wheat bread
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bitbybitwrites · 8 months
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - Recipe and Song list - Chp 16, 17 and 18
Here is the music/recipe wrap-up for chapters 16, 17 and 18!
You can see the recipes/music under the cover art by @datshitrandom
Some spoilers are below, so if you’d like to read the fic first, click here
Click below for the recipe and song lists for:
Chapters 1, 2 and 3, Chapters 4, 5 and 6, Chapters 7, 8 and 9, Chapters 10, 11 and 12 , Chapters 13, 14 and 15
To see the YouTube playlist for the fic, click here.
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Chapter 16
Mood music:
You'll find Victoria sponge, Tea sandwiches and Kurt's cookies in earlier chapter recipe wrap ups ( see links above)
“Besides, it's not all for me.  I share with my sister Jean.  By the way, she happens to enjoy those chouquettes you make,” Chef Sylvester tossed out as she continued peering at him over her glasses.
Chapter 17
Mood music:
"Is he off to go take lunch with his boyfriend, then?" Santana asked sarcastically as she continued vigorously stirring the batch of Ceylon Chicken Curry soup she made for the luncheon.
Chapter 18
Mood music:
Soon, a bouncy salsa started playing.  Trent wiped his hands on his apron and pulled Santana into an impromptu dance.  She laughed and played along for a few seconds only.
"My pozole," Santana said, smacking him on the arm as she pulled away to return to the stove.  "Don't you dare make me ruin my Abuela's recipe.  Find another dance partner."
Santana's pozole, the recipe of which was handed down to her by her beloved abuela, was simmering on the stovetop.  That was to be partnered with her father's cochinita pibil.  Warm hand-made tortillas sat folded carefully in a towel, ready to be brought to the once dinner was about to be served.
Trent had a Caprese salad in the refrigerator, prepped and ready to serve.  He was putting the finishing touches on an impressive charcuterie board, abundant with tidbits that made even Kurt's mouth water.  Trent had also just taken out some herb parmesan biscuits out of the oven that he had baked.  Kurt had been particularly eying Trent's appetizer version of his parent's boxty recipe that was laid out on a silver serving tray.
As for dessert, that, of course, was left to Kurt.  His addition to the meal were the apple hand pies that were his mother's own recipe and his father's favorite dessert ( when he was allowed to have a treat from his usual heart-healthy diet), an assortment of cookies, as well as some mini dark chocolate tartlets sprinkled with sea salt. 
Think I got them all. Let me know if I missed any.
Sending all my love to you readers who have given this fic a chance. Wow can't believe we're already up to Chapter 18!
Chapter 19 to be posted soon!
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eratolasting · 2 years
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Ayy ayy, we hit 2k!
Okay, so... maybe it's been a hot minute since we actually hit 2k, but I've been a busy bean and now is the time to celebrate! I can't thank you all enough for all of the support since I started this blog and it's just really exciting that we keep growing.
It's time to celebrate!
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Send to my ask box:
☄. *. ⋆Hephaestus - I will hand draw whatever you'd like! (WARNING: I am not good at drawing.)
☄. *. ⋆Calliope - I will hand write a little blurb for you. Please include character(s) and situation, SFW or NSFW.
☄. *. ⋆Polyhymnia - I will sing part of your favorite song a capella. (I can't promise to be good at it.) Please include your favorite song.
☄. *. ⋆Clio - Ask me anything about myself.
☄. *. ⋆Dionysus - Send me your name, and your favorite trope to read and I will recommend a play to you.
☄. *. ⋆Urania - Send me your zodiac sign + a character and I will make a small mood board for you.
And last but certainly NOT least, I am doing a raffle! I will write a personalized fic for the winner of this raffle, NSFW or SFW, and practically anything they could want!
*you must be following me to win the raffle
Click here to sign up for the raffle!
The winner will be randomized by a number generator and announced on Friday, October 28th!
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Some lovely mutuals:
@mypoisonedvine@munsonmunchies @luveline @spiderrrling@uglypastels @syddsatyrn @eddiemunsons-girl @chaoticmunson @hellfiremunsonn @n0agranger @creme-bruhlee @ladylannisterxo
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generousfoxreview · 9 months
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tturnersvad-gd · 2 years
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After finalizing the badge design , I have now moved on to the next part which is vectoring. My badge does not contain a lot of visuals so it’s mainly type for now. I figured I start with arranging the hierarchy and picking out fonts. I decided to go with cursive and serif fonts. I even came up with the team name which is “New Yorks Hollow strings Hide N Seek League “ . Just putting “musicians” was a bit boring to me so I brainstormed a team name until I came up with Hollow Strings which references violinist. For color scheme I was originally going to do cremes and muted pinks / purple however i didn’t like how it looked so I switched it to my second mood board theme which was “twilight” themed. I may go back and play around with the color scheme as I continue to work. This weekend I plan to vectorize the eye and add it to the badge. I might add some vintage swirls to give my badge a vintage feel but I’m not sure if I’m going to do that or not.
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Updated Mood Board Week 5
This is the updated mood board that I have created based off of my new idea. I would like to keep it quite simple and clean so that it reflects my style. I want to make the box feel timeless and special so that it reflects the content that it will contain. I have found a few different colour palettes that I like but at this stage I am leaning towards the sepia and creme tones to reflect the oldness/nostalgia of the content. I also like this colour palette because it reminds be of people and there will be a lot of different stories and mentions of people and the objects people have kept because it remind them of the people they miss. I would really like to portray that link between the person and object. 
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vivihrts · 2 years
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shut down.
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>.< jisoo
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i48gs · 3 years
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on the level
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Lewis "Nix" Nixon
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Mood Board: Three
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Creme Color Scheme 
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messclub · 5 years
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Name Moodboard: Joseph
Requested by anonymous
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vivihrts · 2 years
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beautiful just the way you are.. @lezban
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⊧   (✿ ◞◟)
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