#creator id
isorottatime · 10 months
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theyre saying so much nothing
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nyxiswrites1200 · 7 months
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅, 𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒅𝒚
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GN!Reader x Leon Kennedy
Warnings: NSFT, Minors DNI, Age Gap, Older man, Younger reader, praise kink, fluff and smut, slow burn, oral, penetration, committed relationship
Please be safe irl- this is delulu, older men can be mad creeps, but it's Leon, also this is kinda unedited
You had tried over and over to find a good partner, a decent lover, and yet you came up disappointed many times. A cheater, a liar, rude, poor hygiene, nothing in common, and so much more. There was always something wrong.
Nowadays, you don't even bother. Just going about life and working hard at your job. You’d recently been joking about dating an older man. However, they were all just creeps…right?
Then you met Leon Kennedy.
Older!Leon comes into the same coffee shop everyday just to order a hot chocolate or a black coffee. Not to mention the $20 tip he gives every time he sees you.
Older!Leon is always kind to you. He gives you a warm smile and asks how your day is going. His intentions are as pure as his pretty blue eyes.
Older!Leon who grabbed your hand by accident when you handed him his drink. He quickly apologized but you found yourself wishing he wouldn't have pulled away so fast.
Older!Leon who brought you flowers on Valentine's day simply because you mentioned not having anyone to give you anything for today. You insisted he didn't have to do that, but he only smiled and insisted that he wanted to.
Older!Leon who didn't know what to say when you offered to have lunch together. He smiled and accepted because he noticed how embarrassed you were from the way you looked at the floor. You were glad because your face was burning up with embarrassment.
The poor man didn't know what to say when you both stopped outside your door. Your face feeling warm, knowing this was the after effect of multiple unknowing dates.
Older!Leon who titled your head to meet his gaze and kissed you softly. “That what you want, baby?” He teased, now you didn't know what to say.
Older!Leon was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. Always thinking of you and bringing you things.
Older!Leon wants nothing more than to come home from a stressful day and see his pretty baby. The only innocent thing in this fucked up world, at least in his eyes.
Older!Leon who spoils the absolute shit out of you. In more ways than one…
Older!Leon who likes to give you kisses and holds your waist tight. Protecting his pretty thing from all the shitty aspects of the world, only wanting you to have the best.
Older!Leon who likes to hear you get all whiny while you grind on his thigh. He loves finally giving you what you want after teasing you. His age does, in fact, come with experience. You’ve never had such good sex before him. The way he gives oral is nothing like you've ever seen. His tongue works on you until you're gripping his hair tight between your fingers. Moaning for him as you cum into his mouth or onto his face.
Older!Leon who fucks that spot inside of you just right. Making you squirm and writhe beneath him as you cum on his cock. His praise only adds to the way you tighten around him.
“Such a pretty thing…Fuck, I can feel you tighten around my cock, darling. Good, doing such a good job f’me baby…”
Older!Leon who never forgets aftercare. Always taking care of his baby and making sure they're comfortable and cared for.
Maybe all older men aren't as creepy as you thought…
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higgsbison · 1 year
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in last post's tags I unfairly accused Jyggalag of somehow cursing HoK with a fashion sense so dull even Sheogorath couldn't shapeshift out of it, but upon further review I realized who was the real dripmaster in that relationship all along
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I apologize if I'm clogging up ur inbox, but the brain did another screech and I am curious. Would the Creator have a "favorite" in terms of who they'd rather come across?
After the first few couple rounds of deaths, I imagine they'd go for the folks who they learn will give them a quick and (relatively) painless end. Like "Well, shit. It's Inazuma again...maybe I can find Itto or Thoma? At least if off me, they'll do it fast, unlike Kujou Sara, that [beep]ing Crow 🐩"
Then as they slip into their Death Seeking mentality, they start looking for the ones who enjoy fighting and will instigate shit. "Oh looky here, it's Childe! Time to start some chaos! 😈"
Also, random thought I offer up: the idea of the Death Seeking Creator, but someone (let's say Albedo) decides to capture them and try to study them, as to learn how they came to possess the Creators face/learn why they keep coming back. Yay or nay?
Hmm, tbh I would say they only have a "favorite" before they started to get mentally broken. Which is basically them trying to talk to those who are seen as the most peaceful and easier to negotiate with characters. Though that doesn't really work since even the laws of the world are against them (we can thank the Primordial One for that ya bitch-).
Once they do start breaking down, they don't necessarily care who ends up finding them? Sure they'll still kick and fight for maybe even a chance at being left alone. But once they're totally broken and completely believe their purpose is to be the prey of everyone, then they seek those who would be believed to give more "entertaining" deaths like you've said. Though entertaining wouldn't equate to just looking for a fight.
One character they would probably go out of their way to find would be Dottore, his experimentations would lead to all sorts of different ways to die. Though the creator only does it rarely since the time it takes for them to die tends to be long (since the doctor would want to note down what's happening and wouldn't give them to give up immediately) even with the pain they feel urging them to die faster.
And as for the whole coming back bit, that's actually not known of until the truth of the creator's title is revealed. What everyone assumes, even when the creator is broken, is that the imposters are just those who were either born unfortunately (only certain characters think this) or who've massacred their image in order to look like the creator as either some religious fanatic or because they seek power or they simply wish to defile the creator's face abd reputation. And when our creator is broken the main concensus is that these imposters have grown mad, believing they're living multiple lives and talking nonsense about death.
It's only when Nahida, who would be one of the first to discover the truth, immediately holds a meeting with the archons to ensure an effort of capturing (they hated using that word but there was no other way than to refer to the creator as some wild beast with the mental state they're in) the creator and rehabilitating them.
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Happy Disability Pride Month!
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kanrix · 4 months
im sorry but i have to unfollow for hazbin hotel. i cant support anybody who supports vivziepops work what with all of the horrible things shes said and done
1- I'm sorry buddy! (Not really) If you think I'm paying to watch it or that I even like her then too bad
2- I'm.... not sure why you felt the necessity to tell me...? It's not an important loss.
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snailsdraw · 1 year
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[Start ID: 3 pages of HLVRAI doodles exploring the idea of Benrey using tone indicators and Tommy's use of quasi-auditory emoticons. The last 2 are a comic narrative.
When he spots Benrey reaching for a soda, Tommy sternly tells him, "Uh- no, Benrey. Don't. Touch. That," followed by somehow enunciating a copypasted emoji that looks like two eyes hovering in the darkness. Benrey backs off and goes, "okay, geeez. why you mad? /g" Tommy then explains, looking very pleased with himself, "I'm not! I'm testi- testing out a new [REDACTED] and it's working pretty uhfect- effectively :D!" Said [REDACTED] refers to the earlier eyes emoji. In a separate scenario, Tommy explains his emoticon usage to Gordon, saying, "There's uh- a subtle difference between :o, :0, and :O," to which Gordon, disturbed out of his mind at how Tommy had even managed to speak that, whispers to himself, "I…I understand that. Why do I understand that??" And in the last scenario in this page, Gordon and Tommy happen upon something terrible and unfathomable. Gordon, with a blank almost-smile, utters in a light-headed way, "I'm going insane. I am going. Insane. I'm just gonna go lie down now." Meanwhile, Tommy has since stopped processing what he was looking at and is rapidly skipping straight to just accepting the reality of it. All he says is, ":0"
Benrey asks Gordon, "yo, why d'you tie your hair all tight like that? used to look all soft 'n nice 'n shit /pos" His hand is reached upwards to where Gordon's hair is tied back neat and flat against his skull, and Gordon swats it away, annoyed. "Does it LOOK like I've got time for some sorta- what- FASHION STATEMENT? I'm trying to survive, man! How the hell am I supposed to see with my hair comin' down like that?" In a split second moment of realisation though, Gordon's tone shifts to something more accusatory, "Oh, but of course you'd LOVE THAT, wouldn't you? Cuz I wouldn't see YOU comin' then, would I?" Benrey just rolls his eyes and folds his arms, "ughhh, bro chill. "/pos", remember? i was complementing you. Gordon Forget-man." That claim has Gordon laughing in disbelief. "Yeah, sure. And last I checked, you got my ARM cut off. But that's no big deal, right? That's fine, that's cool, and an okay thing to happen."
Benrey gives him a strange look. "…bro, you bein' /s right now, or- " but Gordon cuts him off and tells him, "I'm not talking to you anymore."
End ID.]
[Open-mouth emoticons: ":o" indicates a casual tone, a statement with no threat ":0" indicates a slight botheredness, OR complete blankness ":O" indicates enthusiasm or an amplified emotion]
I just like my open-mouth emoticon tone indicator substitutes :)
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flaneditz · 3 months
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transparent of the turnaround from prototype’s ref ^_^
lmk if you want more!!
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sourcabbages · 5 months
looking back on everything that happened in the vld fandom now as someone in their 20s with a more developed brain...nothing fictional shouldve ever been that serious LOL
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dyketubbo · 5 months
i remember seeing someone call tubbo a fully grown adult at 19 (obvs before he turned 20) and i gotta say. i think maybe some people have a really skewed idea of what constitutes as "fully grown". and also what constitutes as properly mature. thinking that at 18/19 (or hell even at 20/21) people are now fully grown and mature is insane to me like yall thats how you get people thinking their life is over at like 23 and that 30 year olds are senior citizens 😭😭 be fr
#this is a problem no matter where you look but i think a lot of ppl in the mcyt fandom esp seem to think once youre-#-considered an adult at all that it automatically means youre fully grown and mature and thats just nooottt really true for most ppl#which i think can lead people down to sort of dangerous paths especially because 'adult' is often defined by age of consent#and theres also some slight cultural differences like even just between the us and the uk where due to 18yr olds being able to drink in-#-the uk (and other places) i think it genuinely causes some dissonance#where i see often in the us that when youre 18/19 youre still treated (id say rightfully) as being rather young and not Truly a grown adult#hence. yk. the term Young Adult#but i think in places where the drinking age is younger it starts causing people to see younger people as more mature#which is also why a lot of predators like to push for the age of consent to be at a younger age like 15 or 16#and why many lolicons try to point at japans age of consent (which for the record is complicated and not as simple as just 'age of consent-#-is 13') as a defense for how they act#because these sorts of milestones (having sex and drinking) are seen as marks of a true adult. which gets into a whole lot of other#complicated things#and often dangerous things and ways of thinking#ANYWAYS . basically 18/19 isnt fully grown 20 is also hardly fully grown itself#and theres ways to combat people infantilizing tubbo and other creators his age without acting like hes actually#fully grown and mature lol. i promise you humans are not fully grown at 20 years old are you kidding me 😭😭😭😭#if youre in your 20s you still have a lot of time and space to grow i promise. do not fall for the idea that your life is done by like 23#idk. im only 18 myself but it just feels insane to me that if i were a creator people would be calling me a fully grown adult#not that im not an adult but i dont think im mature enough to be seen as fully grown and i guess itssss. sad?#to see other people my age think that turning 18 means youre fully grown. just really not true#theres a lot of 30 year olds who still see early 20yr olds as being practically babies we have Not made it to full maturity yet i prommy#mask mews
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deevotee · 3 months
a pet peeve of mine is when ppl/creators say asexual when they mean aroace, i know its expecting a lot of the average person but man i wish people would use the word aromantic more i cant help it
like i totally adore aro, ace, and aroace characters yes more please but i just wish people would use the correct terms cuz then people will ship these asexual characters romantically and people will get mad at them or (ive seen it more rarely but) people will write aromantic characters having sex and people will get mad at them like babes they are two different things! a person can be both absolutely but i, as an arospec person who is not asexual in any way and feel stupid amounts of sexual attraction, am here to tell you that you need to differentiate sometimes like ill give you a handy guide
arospec/aromantic = not feeling/rarely feeling romantic attraction
acespec/asexual = not feeling/rarely feeling sexual attraction
aroace = both
there are combinations and complexities and each real person is going to describe themselves differently, but stop acting as if people with romantic headcanons for ace characters or sexual headcanons for aro characters are bad people because theyre not
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dirtyvirgotarot · 4 months
PICK-A-CARD: Healing Words For YOU!
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I return with more PACs!! This one includes some healing messages and advice. This one speaks inwards, towards your shadow self, or inner child! Whether it's words that may bring you peace, or advice on how to soothe your heart and mind, this is the PAC for you! Choose one or more of these healing stones, and let spirit kiss your boo-boos better! ~~~~~~~~~ Pile 1 (Rose Quartz): Pile 1, you may be mourning the loss of a lover or friends. You may feel like you were not enough for them, or that you have a hard time making new ones. Your self-confidence has taken a blow, but the worst thing you could do is to step back. Manifestation for you is at it's strongest! Don't stop your feelings from letting you go out and have fun. Sometimes, you need to get a little uncomfortable to find something or someone new! Now is the time to put yourself out there, and continue being you. Now is the time to manifest, but you must meet your manifestations in the middle! Sitting around on your booty isn't going to make it happen. Your social life will not just fall into your lap! Take what inspires you, and run with it. believe in yourself. The universe does, and so do I! Manifest. Embrace your energetic side, be the life of the party, and see what happens! Even if 'life of the party' means you dancing with your drink in the corner! Be you, and the right people will gravitate to you like a moth to a flame! 💃 I manifest my life the way I want it to be. Success, abundance and happiness come naturally to me. ~~~~~~~~ Pile 2 (Amethyst): You feel as if something might be wrong, Pile 2. You sense something is off or amiss. You may have been feeling antsy, or anxious for seemingly no reason. You are being called to heed your own inner guidance. Listen to your intuition at this time. Be kind to yourself, nurture your instincts and feelings. Don't call yourself a worrywart. You're not overreacting, and you're not picking up bad signals where you shouldn't be. Listen to your gut, and act on it. If there's nothing physically around you causing these bouts of anxiety and worry, what possibly could be? Reflect using intuition, and if you need to, seek help from a mental health professional. You also may have emotions or feelings that you have been holding in. If you have a person you want to confess feelings to, and if you feel like there might be something mutual between you and this person in your gut, go for it. Don't be afraid! You've been through some rough times, and people may have treated you awfully, even abusively. Listen to your feelings, and nurture them! Honor yourself, Pile 2. You aren't a burden. Your feelings matter. 💗 I am open and aware of messages coming to me, and I trust that they will guide me on my path. ~~~~~~~~ Pile 3 (Moonstone): Pile 3, you are being called to honor your inner child. Honor love, loyalty and all things tender. Open your arms and your heart, it is safe to do so at this time! Even if a situation may typically have you skittish, cautious or even something like being barred by tradition, if you feel the call, let it all go. Gravitate towards what feels right, despite your worries. Use your intuition, of course, and it is more than perfectly okay to be shy, but if your heart truly wants something, seize it! You got this! Embrace every new opportunity with a childlike excitement! You are particularly strong in your intuition. Your connection between you and your inner child may be stronger than most. Now is the time to get together and do things with others. Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while, bake your loved ones some cookies! Embrace nostalgia and sensitivity, even better if it's with someone you love. Hug and nurture your inner child! Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Laugh, cry, kiss, hug, make love, do what your heart calls for you to do. 🫂 I honor my inner child and feed it all it needs to stay happy, healthy, young and free at heart. ~~~~~~~~ Pile 4 (Topaz):
 Pile 4, you are called to work on your shadow self. You feel like you are crumbling over the weight of your worries, your past. Bitterness, resentment, sadness, grudges, everything. You are having trouble going on with life, you feel as if you are not in control, and can't gain control unless you use force, whether that be with words or actions. You feel as though you can't make sense of the chaos, but that may be because you have been holding off on unpacking your past, or your trauma. You are putting it off out of fear, or unpleasant feelings. You know you won't like what you see, but it is necessary to move forwards and heal. Question your belief systems along the way. What's holding you back? What has created your current situation? It is time to be personally accountable for things you may have done to inflict pain upon others during your own moment of pain. You are more in control than you think, and to help you hone that, do shadow work as well as seeking help from a professional. It's time to stop being miserable. You can take those first steps to healing your shadow self. Things will get better, I promise. 🦋 I only hold positive thoughts. My actions are of pure intent. ~~~~~~~~ I hope these messages were helpful for you all! Please stay strong, and know that you are amazing!! -DV 💜💚
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gomacave · 10 days
Draw req..... seph braiding her hair like aeriths.......
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(she has too much hair to put in one braid) what a good request my god anyways. time to feel unwell about sephagain.
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st4rstudent · 5 months
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Very sketchy sketches
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m00ngbin · 4 months
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mushramoo · 2 years
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someone brought up the great point that like. why wouldn’t they just make a Roxy racing jacket???
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