#cowboy x witch
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Cowboy! Dean Winchester x Witch! Ellie Spencer - Old West AU
In the Old West a cowboy named Dean Winchester is on the long way home when he meets an enigmatic woman that steals his heart. But the cowboy needs to be careful. There are many legends in the west about Ghost Towns and wicked desert spirits. And of course, witches.
The corner of her mouth curled and she said, "It'd be rude to turn down a chance to drink with a cowboy, now wouldn't it?
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goomyloid · 1 year
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color wheel challenge :-3
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ghouljams · 10 months
Dear Ghoul, remember the ask I sent previously about Price being all condescending and using nicknames to mock our dear witch and how you asked about how it feels being right about it?
I think I'm pretty proud about being spot-on about it all lol.
I wish I could send you some more stuff but atm my brain is solely focused on this Gaz oneshot I'm writing :') but I'll probably gush about Fae Price and Fae Gaz later this weekend hopefully.
Anyway, the only thing I can think about is witch harvesting some strawberries from her little kitchen garden and making a lot of fruit jam, and leaving some for Fae Price outside on the wall/barrier that stands between her hut and Price's place. Along with a cute note telling him to take the jam and to use it while it's fresh and all....the domesticity of it all is just so....gentle.
This probably got Fae Price thinking about how pretty and glowing Witch would be as they go about their day in a shared space, him going out and bringing his sweet witch herbs and keepsakes to work with, testing her magic spells by trying to break it for her....just swoon.
(also can I be 🪷 anon, if it's not taken? I'd like to have some moniker so it's easy to identify my rambling on your blog lol)
AH! Imagine me pointing at my fic with Witch sitting on Price's lap: the cookies in that have home made rose jam. God the rose motif I am pushing is just not subtle, but I don't care. Witch absolutely makes jam with the fruit in her garden/the fruit given to her by clients.
I think that while Price was still waiting for the threshold to let him in he sometimes had tea with Witch. He's not a big fan of tea, but he is a fan of the scones and jam that Witch makes.
It's one of your favorite times of the day, a little past lunch when the sun in your garden is at its hottest and the Winter on the other side is the coldest. You pass Price a mug of warm mulled wine and pluck a scone from the plate precariously balanced on the garden wall. Price sips at his drink while you complain about a difficult customer, neatly slicing your preferred scone to slather jam on each half. You offer half to Price and he takes it with a small smile.
"You not drinkin' tea anymore?" He asks suddenly. You pause capping the jam.
"I'm drinking tea now," You tip your mug to show him the leaves at the bottom, "Why?"
"This is wine." He says it like you should know what he's not saying, and you do.
"Homemade," You tell him with a smile, before relenting to his stare with a sigh, "You don't drink tea." Price hums, like he wants to refute it, as if you didn't see him his a frown and furrowed brows the last time you served him tea. Granted it was pretty bitter, but there were only so many times you could pour out a half drunk mug before you figured the man didn't enjoy a cuppa like you did.
"It's good," He finally tells you. You hide your smile behind your mug, sipping your lukewarm tea.
"Good, I'll make it again." You leave off the 'for you' Price doesn't need to know he's the only other person enjoying your labors. Even if he can taste it under the spices, that you were thinking of him while you were cooking. If he didn't know any better he might think you were trying to make him fall for you. You give too much of yourself too freely, he'd be a fool not to want you for himself.
"Got something for ya," He digs a hand into his pocket, fishing out the tightly corked bottle. You're pretty when you frown, the little crease in your brows is endearing.
"You don't have to repay-" He hold out the bottle, little white stems in soft purple liquid. Your eyes light up just how he thought they would. "Ghost pipes," Your excitement is so pleasant to be on this side of. He shakes the bottle, churning the contents while he waits for you to take it. He knows you will, the way you set down your mug and hold your hands out.
"For the food," He knows you're itchy about debts, and it's easier to imply he's put a price on your kindness than try to convince you he's giving out of his own care. No strings attached, he means to say. Even though he knows you'd never buy that. Your hesitance around accepting his gifts is starting to fade. It makes him feel almost warm when you take the bottle from him. It's not a tether, it's something else. A warmth he hasn't felt before.
He'll decide what it means later. When he isn't watching your smile.
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shhh-secret-time · 2 months
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Part 2 is 21 pages. Part 1 was 16 pages. Combine that together and that's a 37 page request I pumped out in a day.
Warning: NSFW, Strong-Language, Dirty Talk, Slight Praise Kink, a bit of jealous behavior, mention of character death, bug violence(?), bit of PTSD
Pairing: Gunslinger!Kyle x Fem!Reader
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When you finally woke up, the first thing that came to your mind was just how dry your mouth felt. You swallow roughly and it burns the back of your throat in a different way the alcohol of last night did. It felt like you were trying to swallow steel wool, forcing what little saliva pooled in your mouth down your throat.
The second thing was the fact the horse had gone back to a slow trot. No longer could you hear hooves on cobblestone. The wind was no longer whipping around your head and through your hair. The smell of the city long gone, now replaced with a deep earthy scent.
The third was the feeling of Kyle's arms still wrapped around you, one pulls away from your side for a moment. You feel him move around, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He presses his fingers into his heavy eyelids before returning them to the reigns.
Finally, all three things fall into place as you piece it all together. Kyle feels the way your body bolts up away from his chest and brings his horse to a stop. He pulls her off to the crummy dirt road and off to the side.
"Oh! I apologize! I didn't mean to fall asleep like that! I can't believe I just passed out!" Panic sets into your voice and guilt eats at you when you realize he probably rode all through the night.
"It's fine ma'am. I figured you could use the rest. Please don't take any offense or nothin' but you look like you ain't seen much shut eye." Kyle smiles at you holding his hand up to try and settle you.
"I-.... you’d be right. Still, that's no excuse. You're still a stranger, the fact that I just fell asleep like that..."
"A stranger you shot a man for. A stranger you saved from gettin' strangled to death. I never did get to thank you for that." He pauses for a moment as he gets down from the horse. Kyle takes the reigns with him, choosing to walk along aside the horse now. "I've only had a few people in my time willin' to do somethin' like that for me and I at least know their names."
It hits you like a brick. In less than twenty-four hours you got into your first ever bar fight, shot a shotgun, slugged a man with said shotgun, all but bribed the sheriff, ran off with a man who didn't even know your name, and then fell asleep on said man who didn't even know your name. You catch yourself staring down at the handsome gunslinger, breaking yourself out of the daze trance like stare. It was hard not to admire him; looks aside he's been nothing but a delight to you. It would have been all too easy for him to just dump you off somewhere, leaving you and your problems behind.
Instead, here he was. Walking alongside you and his horse, without even so much as asking you about your business. Why you wanted to go out West, or why you needed to hire him in the first place. You hadn't even told him how much you were paying him for all of this.
"Ma'am?" Oh, right, your name.
"I'm being all types of rude, aren't I? I'm sorry..."
"Ain't nothin' to apologize for. I figured you got a reason for keepin' secrets. If you don't wanna tell me, I ain't gonna make ya." He shrugs.
 It takes you a minute to gather your thoughts, but when you do you finally gain the courage to ask him. "Why are you being so accepting about all of this? Shouldn't you be surprised or at the very least upset?"
"The way I see it, you saved my skin back there twice. Once with Knucklehead and the other with the Sheriff." He says sheriff with a sneer, "I owe you. Besides the way you begged the sheriff to let us go, I could tell you were in some kind of trouble. Wouldn't be right of me to turn my back on someone who needed help."
"So, what, you're just doing this out of obligation and the kindness of your heart?"
That makes him laugh again, but he quickly shakes his head. "Guess you could put it like that. Walk the righteous path and clear all debts sort of ordeal. But I don't think it goes that deep. Like I told the bartender last night, I'm just a simple fella tryin' to make a livin'."
You sit on his horse in awe, if this was an act he was putting on it was a damn fine one. You run your fingers through the horse’s mane, brushing out the sand and dirt on the poor creature who must be so tired. She huffs a little, but she doesn't move her head, so you continue.
After a few moments of walking and silence, you tell him your name. Your full name.
Every time you speak, he gives you his full attention, looking up at you with that gentle smile. You expect his eyes to widen like everyone else's when you drop your last name, your family was famous after all. Instead, he nods along and practices the sound of your name on his tongue.
He says it again and hearing it whispered in that voice of his sounds divine. Once he likes the way it feels and sits, he turns back to the road and keeps walking.
"Pretty name...like the way it sounds. I hate the fact that I ain't gonna get to use it much." His lips purse, talking like he's just mumbling to himself.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it wouldn't be real wise to be usin' your name if you're tryin' to go into hidin'. Even if we are on the road alone, I don't wanna take any chances. If I get in the habit of usin' your name, I ain't gonna wanna stop." He brings the rim of his hat down over his eyes trying to hide the blush on his face. Even though he says it with such confidence it's hard to look you in the eye.
He's not alone, his words have a greater effect on you than he knows. You pull the cloak still wrapped around your body closer to your form, burying your face in the material. Maybe you could just rub your flushed face away or at the very least it would buy you time to slow your heartbeat down.
Kyle was right about one thing. Your last name has brought you nothing but trouble your whole life. So, for now you'd get rid of it, toss it to the side like the various newspapers you saw littering the city streets. Let it drift away and be carried by the Eastern winds. It was time to leave the city girl you were raised to be behind; you were going out West now.
"The only thing I can't seem to wrap my head around." Kyle breaks the silence between you two again. "Is how someone like you learned to shoot like that."
"How do you mean? It doesn't take much to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger, can't really miss with a shotgun when you're that close."
"That's what I'm askin'. It don't take much to pull a trigger, but you knew how to hold it. Held her like you knew her."
"How'd a lawyers boy go from that to being a bounty hunter?" You ask, bringing up the little fact that Sheriff Cartman spat at him last night.
His lips press together in a thin line and for a moment you feel like you might have crossed a line. Said something you shouldn't have, but when his shoulders slump forward you can feel something different. It's not anger in his eyes, maybe regret? Hurt that rests behind those tired green eyes.
"I don't know why I'm tellin' you this. But we're gonna be together for a while, might as well make conversation I suppose." Again, he talks like he's not really talking to you. His inner thoughts spilling from his mouth like brandy in a bottle. "It was bandits."
Your blood runs cold, that could mean anything but, in this context, you had a feeling it wasn't a good one. Your fingers brush down the coat of the horse as he talks, finding comfort in the animal. You can feel the warm and gentle breathing coming from her. If you squint, you could almost swear they had lined up their breathes. She would take in an inhale, and he would let out a puff of air.
"Pa was a lawyer, Ma was a stay-at-home mama. He made enough for all of us and another. I have a baby brother they adopted when I was younger." He goes to tell his story with a little pause in between.
"You said have. He still around?" That question hurts to ask, but curiosity was gnawing at you. You wanted to know more about this gunslinger, that included the bad too.
"Yeah. I think it was when I was fifteen? Pa was puttin' me through school, was studyin' to be like him. I was gonna put away bad people just like him." He takes his hat off with his free hand, he stares down at the inside of the hat. You catch a glimpse of stiches and patchy line work. Past the scuff marks and tears on the old thing it looks like someone tried to patch it back together again. Enough to where it would hold up. But past that there was a little black and white picture tucked in the makeshift pocket of one of the patches.
A skinny man, honestly looked like a strong gust of wind could blow him away, standing next to the most gorgeous looking woman you've ever seen. Her hair was put up in a tight bun, curves on every ounce of her that made her look like something out of those fancy paintings. The dress she wore clung to her body and on her lap was a little boy. Black hair that didn't match the shade of grey on either of the adults behind him. He had a big toothy grin on his face as he held an outstretched hand for the other boy beside him.
It was Kyle. Much younger than he is now, hopeful looking face with his hair cut short and kept clean. The curls sat neatly on the top of his head, and he dressed like some of the men your father did business with. Fine button up grey shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks. A grey tie came down from his collar that disappeared behind a black vest. Still had that soft smile on his face as he looked at the camera.
He quickly puts the hat back on feeling your eyes peering down behind him. Again, you felt like you got a peek into something you shouldn't have seen. If he was bothered you couldn't tell, he just kept talking.
"Pa was always real good at that, puttin' bad people away. Could do it the civilized way, take him down and give 'em a trial. Rely on the system to put 'em behind bars and supposably reform 'em." He scoffs at that statement, "lotta good all that did. Pa put away the wrong man. Some no name bandit leader thinkin' he could take the short way through life and rob some rich folk."
Kyle stops, completely. Stops the horse, stops talking and just stares down at the ground below. You watch a little red scorpion scurry after its dinner. Stinger pulled back and at the ready.
"Men like that got one thing goin' for 'em. They travel in numbers. Numbers that don't like when you mess with their own. Pa wasn't even the man that brought that bandit leader in, but he was the reason why he'd never walk under the sun again. They were gonna keep that no named man locked away in the deepest parts of their holdin' cells. His men didn't like that idea much."
The scorpion chases the target down until they come to a ledge. Something that would be so easy for you to just step over, something that would barely be an obstacle in your way. But for the tiny bug that was fleeing for its life, it was the end of the road. It wasn't dexterous enough to try and make it over the little ledge, the path to freedom taunting it as it falls on its back.
"Don't really know what they were thinkin' or how they came to the conclusion. But they decided in the dead of night they'd...burn down the town? Came in on horseback makin' all types of racket. I remember Ma pushing my brother in my hands an' tellin' me to run out to where we kept the stagecoach. Somethin'-" He chokes and clears his throat to collect himself. "Somethin' about the horses already hitched and ready. To just jump on and wait for her and Pa."
The scorpion closes in on the bug. His stinger blocking the view of the sun, casting the shadow of death over the poor thing.
"I protested, wanted to stay and help her pack bags. Carry somethin' other than my cryin' brother." His hands clutch the sarape around his body, right where his heart would be. "She told me not to argue with her and to get my ass outside. Never heard her curse before..."
The bug kicks its little legs, trying to roll off its back. It squirms, fights, and rocks trying to do anything. Anything but die.
"I did what she told me. Go where she told me. You don't question your mama when she tells you to do somethin' ya know?" He licks his lips, and you wonder if they're as dry as yours are right now. "I put my brother and I in the carriage and I wait for 'em. Then...the house just...erupts. One of those sons of bitches threw somethin' against the side of the house and it catches a blaze."
Kyle closes his eyes, a bead of sweat drips down his face. Like he can still feel the roaring flames against his face. The poor man is standing there reliving it all.
The scorpion finally brings its stinger down. Strikes the pathetic creature in the stomach one good time. The venom does its job, you're sure if the little thing could scream out it would. Instead, it just goes slack, goes limp and dies.
"I... I didn't know what to do. I had just learned to drive the damn thing, so I grabbed the reigns and snapped it. If it wasn't for my brother, I probably would've run into that blazing hell. Probably be a dead man too."
"Probably." Your voice finally pipes up. Kyle looks up at you and you're not giving him the look of pity others have when he tells this tale. Your face is softened sure but there's nothing in those eyes that tell him you're looking down at him.
"That's the last time I saw 'em. Last time I said good night...I only wished I woulda got to say I love you."
The scorpion closes in on its meal. Now that it's not trying to run it figures it can eat in peace. Pinchers at the ready to pick the corpse up.
"I didn't. Spent a lotta time wishin', and a lotta time gettin' good with a gun. Pa taught me there were other ways to take a man down, not everythin' had to be solved with violence. We could do it humane like instead of usin' a gun. Just a shame I turned out to be a damn good shot."
Kyle starts walking again, and as he does, he walks over the scorpion. Crushing the creature under his heel without a second thought. You watch as when he moves his heel the thing lays there with the sand already started to claim it's body. You wonder if it got to at least get a bite of what it worked so hard for.
"So that's how you started bounty hunting?"
"Yep. Started with the assholes that took my parents from me and my brother. Guess they're the only people I never brought in alive."
"Really?!" That was a part of the man you didn't learn from rumors.
"I'm flattered you seem to think I had the ability to bring in fifteen men all by my lonesome, but no. I gave 'em the same treatment they gave my parents." Most men would be proud of that, say it with their chests out. Kyle doesn't, he keeps his eyes on the road and his head down.
"You burned them?"
"Set their whole lil' hideout on fire. Got a bottle of whiskey, drank some of it for courage and then tucked a cloth in the rest of it. Lit the sucker on fire and tossed it."
You try not to imagine the sounds that fifteen men on fire would make, or the fact that not even one of them got away. Kyle was a lucky man that there weren't a few to make it out of that fire that night. Who knows what would have happened if he was caught or worse, they lived to enact revenge like Kyle had.
"Took my brother to an old friend’s ranch and we stayed there for a while. You ever hear of the Marsh family?"
"Sure. They're famous ranchers, good at breakin' in horses and growin' crops."
"Their son is my best friend. I call that man my brother. Call him that until I take my final breath." A smile finally comes back to his face, talking about someone that means so much to him seems to put him at ease.
"Why'd ya leave?" You ask, letting a smile come across your face at the sight of his.
"Didn't feel right just sittin' around. Plus, if word got out that I was stayin' in one place I figured it'd just bring trouble. My brother didn't do nothin' so I asked if I could leave him there. Been out on the road ever since, I send him letters from time to time but it ain't easy gettin' 'em out to me so I just assume he's alright."
"You should visit your brother...I'm sure he misses you." You tell him. It almost breaks your heart the way his smile doesn't reach his eyes.
"With the reputation I built up, I'd only be bringin' danger to his doorstep. I couldn't do that to him or Stan." That must be his friend he mentioned, you note. "I take what I earn from bounty hunting and send it their way. Just because I chose to throw away the life our Pa had set out for me, doesn't mean he's gotta. Every nickel and dime I get goes to keepin' me goin' and buildin' a better life for him."
Your heart swells, swells with admiration and pain. It hurts to see a man who so clearly loves his family have to keep himself away from what little he has left of it. Who has to distance himself from the two people he'd call brother. Neither really blood related to him but they might as well be. You can't help but admire him, how he tries to carry all that responsibility on his back. You thought the tired look in his eye was just from staying up all night and riding into the morning.
"Kyle, that's incredibly brave of you. Putting yourself out there for your brother, if it means anything...I don't think you're throwing your life away." You find that courage you somehow mustered up last night and put your hand over his, the one that still has the reigns. He looks up at you, watching as the sun sits behind your head like a halo. You bend down a bit and get closer to him, whispering as if someone was listening in. "I think what you're doing is the most noble thing I've ever heard. You're the kind of man they talk about in story books...if I didn't believe in you before I do now. Thank you."
"For....for what?" He asks and swallows, his adams apple bobs. For the first time in a long time, he can't seem to find his voice, it drops to a low whisper.
But could anyone blame him? The way you look at him so gently, every little blink of your eyelashes has him sinking deeper and deeper into the color of your eyes. That golden sun behind you makes you look like an angel, and maybe you are one. As far as Kyle is concerned only an angel could look at him like that. Find a way to admire him and sing his praise after being told he set fifteen men to hell in a blaze of hate.
"For being you. I used to not think there were good men out there, but you're changing that." You say it like it's the simplest thing on earth. Like he should have just known the answer to that.
But when you say it, it's like being punched in the chest. You have your hands so tightly wrapped around his heart he's sure if you say anything else he's going to keel over. He lets himself have this moment, lets a breath escape his chest and holds onto each little word you said.
"Ma'am, you ain't got a clue as to what you're sayin'. You don't know me well enough to be passin' judgement like that."
"Hm. Good thing I'm a real good judge of character. A man as bad as you claim to be would've robbed me blind especially if he knew for a fact, I was carrying enough money on me to buy your friends ranch."
His eyes widen at that, he stares at you as if you just told him the sky was red and the rapture was coming. Kyle's respone catches in his throat, unable to say anything at that. You can't help but laugh at that, the sweet sound coming from your lips makes his knees weak.
You toss him the stained white bag of cash, the once pure white cloth now soiled by the desert sands. Dirt clings to it but that doesn't stop him from catching it and opening it up. True to your word, there was so much cash in here Kyle could probably beat a man to death with it.
"You walked into that damn saloon with this?!" Kyle yelled quickly, closing the bag.
"I risked a lot on trying to find you." You say with a little shrug. "Sold everything I owned, took what I could carry and set out to hire you."
"You're either crazy or desperate. Please, for the love of God don't take offense to this."
You laugh again and shake your head; you couldn't argue with him. He was right. Maybe you were both, but it was either this or get unlucky one day and go missing. You'd take your chances with the handsome man next to you. At least he wasn't a stranger much anymore.
"I just got tired of the life I was living. Heard there was good opportunity out West. Figured I could settle in Texas or...Colorado?"
"Colorado?! Ma'am if this is some elaborate plot to give me a heart attack just to take me out, you're doin' a damn fine job." He clutches the bag into his chest and takes a deep breath. Quickly he stuffs the bag into the saddle bag on his horse. She stirs a little and shakes her head letting him know that her patience is running thin.
"So, you're suggesting Texas?"
"It's better than fuckin' God damn Colorado!" The way Kyle's cursing picks up when he's stressed is kind of adorable.
Laughter echoes down the road all the way out of the state. You finally find yourself off the East coast for the first time in your life. The company you keep makes it all the better! Eventually you stop at the nearest town and purchase your own horse. You have to slow down a little because Kyle has to all but teach you how to mount her and how to keep her from freaking out. He's calm and patient with you the entire time, only laughing at you a few times when you forget to buckle the saddle completely and almost slide right off. He teaches you how to take care of her and you end up spending most nights swapping stories by campfires.
You're somewhere deep in the state of Missouri, where exactly you're not sure that's Kyle's job. The night sky hangs above your heads with the stars staring down at you. Each little twinkle makes you think they're winking down at you. Kyle's told you that a few of the stars have names and stories behind them, you let him ramble on about it for hours before informing him that you already knew all that. The look on his face alone was enough to make you laugh.
You must have laughed again because Kyle's looking up from the worn-out map up at you now. He has a lazy smirk, the corners of his lips hidden behind the scruff on his face that's starting to grow in. His hair just now starting to go back to when you first met him, he's shaved it off a few times since your journey much to your dismay. You complained for days when he first did it only to be met with an eye roll.
That was something you always noted, that whenever you would complement Kyle's appearance, he'd brush you off or find a way to deflect. Telling you that you were the pretty one or that you were just seeing things because you weren't drinking enough water. The heat was getting to you, and you needed to take some time by the shade.
But he really was a handsome man, the rugged look didn't really line up with his personality but damn if it didn't do something to you. Being next to the man for so long, having made the first real connection with another person for the first time in your life. Well, it was getting harder and harder not to see him in a different light.
Especially since every moment leading up to this point, Kyle would do everything in his power to protect you. Putting himself in harm’s way time and time again just to make sure you'd be safe. Bandits thinking the both of you were easy picking, Kyle's reputation didn't reach every corner of the country. And the few times it did, it only encouraged people like Knucklehead to try and take a shot at bringing him down. There were a few times people recognized you. Someone had put out missing wanted posters with your face plastered all over them.
Of course, when danger came rearing its ugly head, Kyle would be there by your side. At first it was a lot of him taking shots for you, you patching him up. Using those studies your parents provided, removing bullets, and cleaning the wound left behind wasn't exactly what you had studied but eventually you got the hang of it. Each time you'd scold him to be more careful, he'd argue that catching bullets with his body wasn't something he liked doing. And each time just as you'd finish bandaging him back up, he'd give you a look that had your heart fluttering. His eyelids would lower down, and his lips would part in just a way that made them look so kissable. But every time you'd think you got the courage to just do it, he'd pull away and wish you a good night. Disappearing in his tent as if he wasn't just staring at you thinking the same thing.
Little did you know he was thinking the same thing. Countless nights he'd stay awake at night, tossing and turning in his bedroll trying to get the image of you so close out of his head. It had been a long time since Kyle felt this close with anyone, much less got to share the road with another person. Those little moments where you'd brush your fingers over his exposed skin or when you'd wake up nice and early to make sure he got something in his stomach before riding off. It made it harder and harder to want to not make you, his woman. To not take you up in his arms and take you into his tent for the night.
But that's not why you hired him. Once he got you to Colorado, he'd drop you off, probably stick around long enough to make sure you were settled, and then be on his way. Leaving you in that state all by yourself and he'd return to wherever the road took him. That thought filled him with an indescribable loneliness, one he tried to keep out of his head. He tried to focus on how good he felt just being near you, savoring the moments he got with you now.
Like how pretty you looked when you sat next to the fire, back against a log that he dragged over to make it a little more comfortable. A book resting in your lap and a page between your fingers, some novel you both picked up and swapped back and forth. How every time you looked over at him thinking you could steal a few glances without him noticing, only to be caught in the act. Ever since he met you back at the bar you would avert your eyes from him and try to find something else to look at or pretend that you were looking past him. He found it so cute.
"Somethin' funny darlin'?" You don't know when he started calling you that, can't recall but every single time it makes your heart leap.
"Just thinking about that time, you were telling me about the stars. How I'm gonna miss this..."  You say with a little shrug and smile, reaching down next to you to grab the bottle of wine.
"You'll still be able to see 'em in Colorado. In fact, I hear they're mighty pretty over the desert." He says watching you take a drink from the bottle.
"It's not the same." You wipe your mouth with the sleeve of your blouse, the red liquid staining the shirt. "It's not the same if you don't have someone to share it with."
It's Kyle's turn to blush a little, he gives you a little hum and a nod like he understands. There's a moment where he thinks his heart stops, but it thumps against his chest, and he finds it in him to speak up. "You always know just what to say to make a man flustered huh?"
"Since when have I talked to other men like this?" You ask scooting a little closer to him, that night wind pushing you a little closer to his warmth.
"I don't quite recall..." He mumbles meeting you halfway.
Kyle helps close the gap between the both of you until your thighs are touching. The material of his jeans brush against your legs, exposed because of the skirt clips holding your skirt to where they just cover your thighs.
"Think it would work on another man?" Your voice drops to a whisper.
His brows furrow at that and his face twists into a scowl. You watch the way his eyes narrow and darken a little. He huffs and you can smell the scent of coffee on his breath. Kyle doesn't say anything, instead he goes for the wine bottle in your hand. The man takes a swig of it, trying to hide the jealous feeling that's starting to creep up on him.
"Reckon it would... if you had the backbone to be talkin' to other men."
"What's that supposed to mean?" It's your turn to furrow your brows at him, they knit together.
"Just sayin' you ain't exactly a smooth talker with everyone you come across. I seem to remember a certain run in with that snake oil salesman that was tryin' to get you to agree to go on a lil' date with him." He taps the bottle against his lips a few times before taking another drink.
You take the bottle from him, crawling over his lap to reach the darn thing. You press your palm into his thigh and suddenly he's very aware of just how close you are to him. Kyle isn't sure if you're doing on purpose but either way it makes his dick twitch against the fabric of his pants.
He doesn't give you time to protest as he moves the bottle out of reach, holding it back just as you brush your fingertips against the cool glass. "No, I think I remember you fumblin' over your words and I had to come over and tell the fella you weren't interested."
Damn him. Damn that handsome red head for calling you out and looking so cocky while doing it. His smirk returns as he cocks his head down at you, the way his lips glisten against the campfire almost has you distracted. Almost.
But you wanted your wine, so you take another lunge for it. Pressing your body into him to try and climb over and snatch it back. His hand comes down to your waist, keeping you in place.
"Ah! No ma'am, I think someone's had enough. All that talk about flirtin' with other men ain't much like you. Think this is messin' with your head." He tuts and shifts you in his lap. He's hoping you don't feel the effect you're having on him.
"You know what I think Broflovski? I think you're jealous!" You challenge crossing your arms under your chest.
"That so? That what you think darlin'?"
"Why else would you be acting like this? You're acting like a damn child! Now give me my bottle, I'm a grown woman I can drink as much as I wanna!"
He laughs at that. Laughs right at your protests and the way you're pouting in his lap. It makes your face burn up, it makes you wanna hit him, makes you wanna kiss him until he shuts up.
"You're real cute when you get fussy you know that?" Kyle lets the compliment slip out of his mouth before he has time to think about it.
He knows better. He knows he shouldn't be flirting with you, shouldn't get attached. But that ship has long since sailed, he's been infatuated with you since the day you told him he was a good man. But fuck if it isn't getting harder and harder, especially with you sitting so pretty on his lap.
"Kyle Broflovski! If you don't start acting right!" You know the blush on your face doesn't help, the scolding falls on deaf ears.
"I ain't the one crawlin' into a man's lap for a bottle of cheap wine." He sets the bottle down beside him off into the dark where it no longer matters. That hand finds home on your waist, rolling his thumbs over the material of your skirt.
You suck in a breath and sit up on your knees, pushing them to rest on either side of him. "You're not just another man...that what you want me to tell you?"
"Can't say I wouldn't like it." Kyle's voice dips low, gravely and makes a shiver zip down your spine.
"If you don't want me flirting with other men..., why are you waiting so long to kiss me?"
"Oh darlin'," He growls and squeezes the back of your thighs, rough hands sliding up your skirt. "I want nothin' more but...you and I both know I can't."
"No, I don't think I do. Enlighten me." You're not letting him get away this time, there would be no running off to his tent to avoid this. You had him wrapped around your little finger, even if your heart felt like it was about to explode.
" 'Cause if I start kissin' you. I'm gonna keep doin' it..." He gets closer, sitting up to his full height just to graze his lips over yours. "Keep kissin' ya 'til I ain't go breath in my lungs left. Then I'll wanna take you in my arms jus' like this." He gives you a little squeeze pressing his chest further against yours. "I wouldn't be able to stop myself from makin' those sweet lil' noises come out of your mouth. Wouldn't wanna stop either."
Your breath hitches and you let out a soft little moan. You card your fingers through his hair, his hat was put away somewhere in his tent, so it left those gorgeous red curls unguarded. He groans and inadvertently bucks his hips up into you, the rough feeling of his jeans grinding up against your underwear.
"Fuck and if you ain't makin' it difficult. Talkin' like that makes me think you planned to get me all worked up. You ain't stupid, just about the smartest woman I've ever met in my life." He continues grinding his hips into you, rolling you over his growing erection. Kyle groans and doesn't even bother trying to stop the sounds coming out of his mouth.
"K-Kyle just kiss me already!" You whimper in his lap.
And he snaps, whatever wall he built up to resist you comes tumbling down. Just the way you say his name has him tossing all logic out the window. He grabs the back of your neck and pulls your face down towards him, crashing your lips onto his. His teeth almost knock into yours from how desperately he needs this, how much he needs you. It's like being able to stretch your legs after riding for days, or a cool drink of water after being under that blazing sun for too long.
That crackling fire that keeps your little camp sight illuminated doesn't give off nearly the amount of heat Kyle's kiss does. His chapped lips move against yours, somehow despite being on the road for so long they're still so soft. It takes a second for your brain to register that he's finally kissing you, after so long he's finally doing it. Before he can pull back, you press back into the kiss. Hands coming down from his hair to cup his jaw like it'll anchor you from floating away.
He kisses you again and again, each kiss turning more passionate. He goes from a desperate kiss to kissing you like a starved man. His tongue slips out and swipes against your bottom lip, when you don't open your mouth, he growls and pulls you down, so you're now firmly sat in his lap. The action makes you gasp, and he slips his tongue into your mouth, more than excited to explore the inside of your mouth until he finds your tongue. You poke back nervously and chase after the pink muscle. Finally, your tongues twine together, wrapped up in some kind of dance.
He kisses you until your lungs burn, desperate for air. In this silent little battle to see who would break first, it's you. You pull away from him and take in a large gasp. The lack of air and how heated the kiss was makes your head spin. Just as you collect yourself, he's on his feet lifting you up with him. You cling to him and wrap your arms around his neck, even though you know he won't drop you the shock of being moved so quickly like that caught you off guard.
"W-where are we going?"
" 'm takin' you to bed." He walks you over to the tent he's got pitched up, moving to your tent. Kyle bends down and gently lays you down on the bedroll. He sucks in a breath when he sees the way your hair's all laid out and how you've got your thighs pressed together. Lips wet and slightly puffy from the way he kissed you. "Now if you ain't the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Take your blouse off for me."
Kyle looks down at you with darkened eyes, heavy eyes filled with lust. He watches every single little movement you make. They watch as you slip the buttons of your blouse through the little slots holding them together. Watch as you slip the shirt down your arms painfully slow, far too slow for his liking. But ever the gentleman he simply hooks his thumbs in his belt and watches, rewarding you with a low hum.
"That's my girl." His praise all but makes you purr; you like the way he calls you his. "Jus' a lil' more for me. Take that skirt off." His hand slips up your skirt and taps the side of your thigh.
You do it, work the skirt clips off along with the skirt itself until you're left in nothing but your underwear. He tosses them to the side letting them land in your pile of bags. He tugs off his sarape and works his belt, the clinking of his buckle rings out. The only other sound besides your heavy breathing is the bubbling brook next to your camp sight. Occasionally, you can hear the horses stir, but right now all you can focus on is the way Kyle strips down to nothing.
Kyle lays his gun down carefully on top of his clothes before joining you under the furs used to keep you warm. His cock nudges against your thigh, twitching against how soft it feels. You let out a shaky sigh and peer down at it, the angry red tip brushes against your skin.
"I-is that going to fit?" You ask him suddenly a bit worried, but it melts away when he takes your jaw and kisses you again.
"Darlin' we can stop at any moment. But if you'll have me, I'll make you feel real good." His hand snakes down between you two and his fingers go to spread you open.
You let out a little moan and whisper a soft, 'yes' and it's all he needs to continue. His middle finger rolls your bud gently at first until you start to squirm and push against his hand for more. He applies enough pressure to the circular motion that has you seeing stars. He continues rubbing circles on your clit and your hips buck up against his hold. It felt so good.
You moan out in pleasure when he slides two fingers into your hole with ease, your arousal making it so easy for him. He pumps his fingers in you once or twice, pushing into that spot that has your back arching off the bedroll. Kyle keeps his fingers buried in you for a moment, spreading them out and curling them in a come-hither motion. His lips find their way down on your neck, leaving faint love bites. Sucking on the exposed skin with enough force to pull a loud moan out of you.
"Kyle..." A low breathless whimper escapes your lips as he comes off your neck with a pop. "Please, please."
"Sound so pretty when you moan my name like that. Shoulda done this sooner." He works his fingers in you again, thrusting them up into you over and over again. "Fuck you're so fuckin' wet."
You're moaning so loudly you're sure if you weren't alone on the side of the road you would have woken a whole neighborhood. When you try to muffle those moans, he stops moving his fingers leaving you just teetering on the edge. The knot in your stomach starts to tighten, he can feel the way your pussy flutters around his fingers.
"That's it sweetheart, let go for me. Look at me when you cum." He holds your jaw with his free hand making you look up at him.
Your eyes widen and as you finally clench around his fingers giving you that orgasm you desperately begged for. His fingers keep pumping in and out of you until you're whining, and tears are beginning to spill from your eyes.
"Shh, I know, but I gotta make sure you're nice and prepped for me darlin' don't wanna hurt ya too bad." Kyle whispers in your ear until he pulls his fingers out of you finally. You whine at the loss of contact, suddenly feeling so empty. You watch him bring his fingers up to his lips and swirl his tongue around the digit. "Think you're ready for me baby?"
"Kyle, please. I want this, I want you!" You whimper.
"That's a good girl. Roll over on your stomach for me." He leans back up and gestures for you to do as he says.
So, you do, you roll over on your stomach and just as you do, he tucks a pillow under your stomach. His hands glide up and down your legs until they find purchase on your hips. They tighten and squeeze around your waist pulling you back against his cock. Kyle glides you back against his member, grinding your wet pussy up and down his shaft. He lets out a soft moan and lets his head lull to the side.
"Oh," He says quietly as the tip of his cock nudges against your folds, "thaaaaaat's it." Kyle slips every inch of his cock into you slowly, dragging your velvet walls back against him. He pushes and sinks deeper into you until he bottoms out.
"O-Oh god." You bury your face in the bedroll. "Fuck feels so good."
"You have no fuckin' idea..." He grips your hips and begins slowly thrusting in and out of you, "how many times I've thought about fuckin' you senseless. How bad I just wanted to make you fuckin' mine!" His voice comes out in a breathless moan over your desperate cries.
" 'm yours!" You're a mess at this point and he hasn't done much but finger you and start a lazy pace. Each time he drags his cock out he pulls all the way out leaving you empty again. Only to push it right back in at that antagonizing slow pace, like he's trying to get you to remember every little vein on his cock. "Please just go harder, I can take I-I promise!"
"Yeah? Want me to really fuck you baby? I was gonna take my time with ya, show you just how badly I wanted ya." Kyle bucks into you with a sharp thrust making you bounce forward, "but listen to yourself, beggin' for my cock. Beggin' me to go faster. Do it again."
You bite your lip and squeeze your eyes shut; the first time was easy you weren't really thinking about it. Now that he's making demands of you it makes you feel flustered. That embarrassing feeling of having him looking down at your wrecked form washes over you. When his fingers card through your hair and grip the base of your roots, you let out a shocked gasp.
"Darlin' I believe I asked you to do somethin'. I ain't exactly a patient man right now. Not from the way you're squeezin' me soooo tight." He nudges your insides with a lazy little thrust. All it does is make you moan and claw at the bedroll.
"Please Kyle! Please, please, please" You're reduced to nothing but moans and whines. Begging him to do something, anything!
He seems satisfied with that from the way he pulls you back against his chest. Pulling your head out from the bedroll and letting your moans ring out into the night. With a quick slap against your ass, he begins to pick up the pace. The length of his cock claiming you and pounding into you. Your heart rate spikes as he pushes into you deeper than his fingers could reach. He hits that spot in your pussy that his fingers hit earlier, the one that has you seeing stars and drooling. Kyle lets out a moan when your cunt tightens around him again, one that lets you know just how good you make him feel.
"So fuckin' tight. You take me so fuckin' good baby, like you were made for me. Made to take this cock. Fuck gotta feel you cum around my cock this time. That's it, that's it." Kyle grunts and takes his hand out of your hair. Snaking it around your form he grinds his fingers against your clit again.
Your eyes roll up to the back of your head from everything. The way his cock bullies your insides, how his fingers assault the already sensitive bundle of nerves, and the way he spouts filth in your ear. The praise makes you feel so good, puts you in a head space you've never been in before. The only thing you can think about is what he tells you to. Right now, he wants you to cum around his cock, so you do. You don't even register it until it happens. Until his hips begin to lose that rhythm and he stops pulling out as much.
But when your walls clamp down around him like they had done his fingers, milking him for everything he's worth, he lets out a low moan. He calls your name, not a pet name or the fake name that you've been accustomed to. Your name.
"That's it baby. Fuck I love you, fuck I love you." There isn't so much as a second thought as he just repeats how much he loves you. After one final hard thrust he's spilling into you, filling you with his hot cum. He empties until it's dripping down your thighs, creating a white ring around the base of his cock.
Both of your bodies were wet with sweat from being pressed together. What little strength he has keeps him from collapsing on top of you. His chest pressed against your back, your hearts beating in unison. Eventually Kyle sits back up and slips his cock out of you, carefully lowering you down onto your bedroll again.
You look up at him with an exhausted smile, absent mindedly pushing stray curls out of his face. He looks down at you and smiles in return, he takes your hand and kisses the inside of your palm. That afterglow of sex that clings to you and the way you look disheveled has to be his new favorite sight. You guide him down towards your chest and let him rest his head against your heartbeat. He closes his eyes and holds you close.
"I love you too." You say after a while, not sure if he's asleep or not from the way he hasn't stirred.
"Be mighty awkward if ya didn't." Kyle murmurs in between your chest, placing a gentle kiss onto your collarbone.
"Took you long enough to confess." You joke.
"Yeah...don't know what I was thinkin'. Guess I just didn't wanna put them feelin's out there if you weren't inclined to stick around. You got dreams of settlin' down somewhere quiet..."
"Nothing says you can't be there with me when I do."
"I don't know if I could ever go back to a quiet life like that...I don't think I deserve somethin' like that."
"Oh hush." You cup his face and bring it up to yours. "Don't ever wanna hear you talk like that again Broflovski. You're a good man, I told you that before. I don't love bad men."
"You ain't ever been wrong before."
"Wasn't wrong when I went out to find you all of them months ago. I ain't about to start."
"You said ain't. Never heard you talk like that before, usually you talk all proper like. I think you're pickin' up my accent."
"Go back to laying your head down!" You huff and shove his face back down into your chest which only makes him chuckle.
"If I get to wake up to somethin' like this every day.... I reckon I can see myself settlin' down. Maybe we can get a little farm, start our own little ranch."
"I like that...we can send a letter to your brother, and he can join us."
Kyle smiles warmly at that. You remembered his brother, that conversation on the road that started all this. He closes his eyes and begins to picture it all. You and him tucked away in some area in Colorado with his brother who he hasn't seen in years. Maybe down the road you could change your last name to his. His hand finds yours and he rubs his thumb over your ring finger. Imagining a little metal ring, one that matches his.
The road’s starting to look a lot less lonely.
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naturesapphic · 5 months
gonna request some cowgirl!wanda x gn!reader where she comes by reader's house on horseback and r is completely in love with her
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New partner in town
Cowgirl!wanda maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff and cowgirl!wanda being a complete sweetheart
It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was out and there was a bit of wind to keep down the heat. You were out of your house, tending to the animals when you hear horse hooves in the distance coming your way. You looked up confused and saw a girl you’ve never met before, riding a beautiful black midnight horse. Your breath got caught in your throat at the beauty that his random woman shows and you felt your knees weaken when she stops near you.
She steps off the horse and walks over to you, giving you a friendly smile. “Well howdy there sugar. My name is Wanda. Wanda maximoff.” She said sweetly and held out her hand to shake yours. “It’s nice to meet you Wanda. I’m guessing you are new here in town?” You asked her as you shake her soft yet firm hand and give her a shy smile which she slightly smirks at. “I sure am. My family and I moved here from Louisiana.” She said as she put her thumbs in her front pockets, giving you a sweet smile that makes your knees buckle.
“That’s great! What brings y’all down here?” You questioned softly and she gave you a small smile. “We wanted to start over…our farm didn’t do well and we needed new land and a whole new place where we could. So we decided to move here and I’m glad we did…or else I wouldn’t meet a sweet thing like yourself.” Wanda winked which caused you to blush red like a apple. A sudden barking interrupted y’all’s conversation and your dog comes running up to Wanda wagging his tail at her. “Well who’s this?” Wanda smiled as she bent down and started petting him. “This is butter nut squash, but we call him butternut, butter, nut, or sometimes shithead.” You said sheepishly as Wanda let out a huge belly laugh.
“That’s an adorable name. Cute and adorable just like her mama.” Wanda said smirking as you shifted in your spot nervously. Wanda stood up and looked down on her watch which caused her to slightly frown. “I hate to run but I’m supposed to help my pa and brother with some chores. I’ll see you later yeah? I’m down a few miles away from your house if you ever want to stop by sugar.” Wanda winked and took a bow while taking off her hat in the process. “I’ll see you later darling.” She stated and went back on her horse and rode away. You just stood there, mesmerized by her. Fuck.
A/n: I didn’t exactly know how to end it sofmdkdkd but I hope y’all enjoy the first imagine of cowgirl!wanda. Requests are open for her and for my other characters I write. I have my own buy me a coffee page! You can give me a dollar and it will help. I also have some different commission types I will do so here’s my page to look into it :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturesapphic Requests are open for yeehaw!wanda, country!wanda, and any other southern variants of Wanda or Natasha! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all!
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okaynotfineatall · 8 months
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And I’m never gonna love again
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courage-doodles-blog · 5 months
My Courage The Cowardly Dog AUs:
Main AU - The show is the same except I added my headcanons and my own OCs to it
Caretakers of Anxiety AU - This AU only involves Barry and The Revenge Six. When Barry gets kidnapped by the villains as a small kitten and taken to their home, however, instead of killing him, they began raising the baby with little help from Freaky Fred and the Banana Dealer
Cowboy AU - This AU involves the episode 'Cowboy Courage' but the whole series takes place in Wild West era
2P AU - This AU is inspired by @ppanhwi involving the characters having alternate personalities and apperances. For ex: Courage is brave dog and isn't afraid of anything
Detective AU - This AU takes place in the 1970s-80s across New York. Courage is the main detective, though he is a coward but brave enough on his cases there he also meets with one of the new detectives in town named Barry and his partner Shade
Witch Hunt AU - This AU takes place in the medieval era in which the witch hunt begins
Frostbite Family AU - This AU is about Barry and Team Frostbite. Before Nathan and Teresa died, they had to send Barry who was a baby over to the snowy lands to which Team Frostbite found him. Since they realise that his parents died, they took him in to their place and raise him
Bloodlust Curse AU - This AU focuses on the episode "King Ramses' Curse". It is said that anyone who comes across his slab or himself would face the same plagues but Ramses gained the fourth plague which is his victims being slaughtered to death by thousands of bloodlusted bats
Eternal Night Curse AU - This AU follows a curse of eternal night being said by cat like creatures known as "Dream Cats" that night time will be stay forever in Nowhere. However it is said that if it happens, it will end all life really quickly due to the cold weather and lack of food. This also takes on the OC Crescent who after being free, was desperate to find someone who can play with her little games
Barbers Asylum AU - This AU focuses on Freaky Fred. Since Fred's mother(also the sister of Muriel) couldn't take her son's obsession of shaving hair, she had no choice but to send him to an mental asylum for life. Though the person he is fond who is Muriel, she pays visits to him whenever she is out
Weirdcore/Dreamcore AU - This AU follows the characters in a distorted version of their universe with their morbid appearances based of what they are. Ex: Computer is a computer head. Kitty is a cat plush made of cotton and wool and her mouse toy becomes a real mouse. Bunny is also a bunny plush made out of cotton and wool. Courage is a dog puppet, has stitch marks over him and buttons sewn into his eyes
Gorecore AU - This AU follows the characters in a horror and gory take on their universe, with their appearances being gory. Ex: Courage's eyes and limbs went missing, Katz has spider bites and wounds all over his body and Cajun Fox has burn marks from boiling water or oil, his eyes were sore from sunlight and his glasses are broken
Bad Ending AU - This is a What If... AU which the protagonists didn't get their happy endings. Ex: Courage and Muriel get killed by their enemies in Ball Of Revenge, Bunny and Kitty didn't reunite together due to Bunny meeting her fate at the hands of Mad Dog in The Mask and everyone died in the submarine explosion except for Katz in Katz Under The Sea
Gem AU - This AU is inspired by @welpimspooky it takes on Steven Universe. Courage/Coral and others are gems living across a fallen world
Reunited Family AU - This AU follows Courage and the Bagges meeting two dogs who look a lot like Courage, however the old couple don't realize that the two are Courage's actual parents
The Amazing Digital Circus X Courage The Cowardly Dog AU - This AU follows the TADC story but with CTCD characters as the characters. Ex: Courage has the role as Pomni, Muriel is Ragatha
Humanized AU - This AU is the same as my Main AU except the characters who are anthropomorphic animals or monsters are humans
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spellboundbat · 8 months
I don’t know if it’s just me, but there are some particular pieces of media that when I watch them the same sensation of this overly specific surrealistic dream appears: me, starring blankly at the tv. Nothing around me, in the real world, is happening; all my attention is simply put into the fictional realm that I am watching. Inside this fictional world things aren’t told in the same way as other movies or shows. Its recurrent themes, aesthetics, imagery, characters and overall visual narrative convey this peacefulness and weird familiarity that only leads me to a state of self-reflection so beautiful and strange. It’s quite a unique experience, that’s a big reason why I love them.
But the funny part is that’s only one side of the one hell of an experience this is.
Because the exact same pleasingly aesthetic piece of media ends up being the most fucked-up, depressing and/or traumatizing shit ever. And, SOMETIMES could be things like whatever the fuck evengelion and utena are.
Some examples:
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womenofwonder · 3 months
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standinginthedawn · 1 year
hey y'all, I know that this is mainly a Yona of the Dawn fan blog, but would folks mind if I also posted about other anime and manga that I'm into?
Fruits Basket
Cowboy Bebop
Golden Kamuy
Ouran High School Host Club
Avatar the Last Airbender
Sailor Moon
Flying Witch
Studio Ghibli
Full Metal Alchemist
Samurai X
and any more that I might come across and enjoy?
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Random Hoo hc/ thoughts #4
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Leo dressing as a cowboy for Halloween— using a heavy southern accent with tejano slang.
It’s odd because no one really understands what he’s saying in English or Spanish, but the effort to the costumes is incredible.
Breisa is just flustered in the corner. Cause she digging the look how could she not? and his accent got her melting into putty.
Leo winks at her tips his red cowboy hat while saying stuff like “Ain’t you a pretty thing, cariño.” Or “Little lady. If you keep undressing me with your eyes, I’m gonna catch a cold.”
So yeah, who knew Breisa had a thing for cowboys. Especially flirty ones w/ cute curls
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vince-variable · 2 years
i feel the need to inform everyone that wolverine in x-men evolution and flam in my little pony (sometimes) are voice by the same person. the same goes for evolution wanda and barbie in basically all the barbie movies up until 2014
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 9 months
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boo! surprise bitches! i'm doing kinktober this year! finally doing it! bet you didn't see that one coming, did you hehe 🕸
there is a good mix of both short and long stories coming your way throughout this (and i will also still occasionally post other fics this month that aren't related to this). also, a handful of these fics are darker in nature, thought it was fitting for halloween, so remember to read the warnings, if there's something that's not for you then please, as always, be kind to yourself and don't read the story.
masterlist | join my taglist
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day one | sore
stepbro!sirius black x cheerleader!reader + dubcon massage
day two | don't smile
steve rogers + throat fucking + size kink
day three | stuffed
devil!eddie munson & angel!steve harrington + tentecles + double penetration in one hole
day four | a little fashion show
best friend!stiles stilinski + lingerie
day five | stay still
peter parker + bondage
day six | hold up, let me record this
jj maybank + tittyfucking + sextape
day seven | the palace guards
guards!poly!marauders x princess!reader + secrets relationship
day eight | it’s practically like we’re down there with them
mob boss!bucky barnes + exhibitionism
day nine | keep that pretty mouth shut
tommy shelby + keep quiet quickie
day ten | I couldn’t find it in me to wake you
poe dameron + somno thigh fucking
day eleven | I just want you a little longer all to myself
matt murdock + secret office sex
day twelve | nothing more than a toy
rafe cameron + using you like a toy to masturbate with
day thirteen | I still got a few rounds left in me
boxer!steve rogers + bathtub sex
day fourteen | open your fucking mouth
dark!wild west cowboy!joel miller + gun kink
day fifteen | tiny
miguel o'hara x fairy!reader + extreme size difference
day sixteen | the wall between us
cult member!steve harrington + fem glory hole + breeding
day seventeen | be a rebel, be bad, stay here and cuddle with me
spencer reid + aftercare
day eighteen | pleasant pile of pillows
brother's best friend!james potter + pillow humping
day nineteen | ring ring
sam winchester x reader x bf!dean winchester + phone sex + cheating
day twenty | window
perv!neighbour!billy russo + voyeurism
day twenty-one | say yes
fiancé!bruce wayne + possessiveness
day twenty-two | i can think of something better than that
bucky barnes + anal
day twenty-three | double check
dark!professor!ben solo + power imbalance + manipulation
day twenty-four | maroon
vampire!remus lupin + biting + blood kink
day twenty-five | i want you
pirate captain!miguel o'hara + sex as payment
day twenty-six | teamwork
pro football team!avengers (bf!steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, clint barton, sam wilson, tony stark, thor odinson) + gangbang
day twenty-seven | my little flower
din djarin + fantasy au + cockwarming
day twenty-eight | hysteria
doctor!aleksander morozova x hysteria patient!reader + historical au + fuck machine
day twenty-nine | can't fight the moonlight
werewolf!bucky barnes x gf!reader + predator/prey + monsterfucking
day thirty | magical mimic
eddie munson x witch!reader + magical mutual masturbation
day thirty-one | you can’t put it in
stepbro!peter parker + halloween pussyjob
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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anemoiashifts · 3 months
100 places to shift to.
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♡ 100 places to shift to from tv & movie (some of these you could consider books too). organized into categories to the best of my ability.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
✦ harry potter.
✦ merlin.
✦ his dark materials.
✦ narnia.
✦ good omens.
✦ percy jackson.
✦ hunger games.
✦ divergent.
✦ the walking dead.
✦ sabrina the teenage witch.
✦ the chilling adventures of sabrina.
✦ stranger things.
✦ supernatural.
✦ lucifer.
✦ ghostbusters.
✦ buffy the vampire slayer.
✦ angel the series.
✦ teen wolf.
✦ wolf pack.
✦ doctor who.
✦ star wars.
✦ star trek.
✦ roswell.
✦ avatar.
✦ barbie life in the dream house.
✦ gravity falls.
✦ amphibia.
✦ the owl house.
✦ hazbin hotel.
✦ monster high.
✦ ever after high.
✦ miraculous ladybug.
✦ phineas & ferb.
✦ rick & morty.
✦ my little pony.
✦ care bears.
✦ strawberry shortcake.
✦ adventure time.
✦ star vs the forces of evil.
✦ total drama island.
✦ scooby doo.
✦ bojack horseman.
✦ fairly odd parents.
✦ hunter x hunter.
✦ sailor moon.
✦ the legend of kora.
✦ saiki k.
✦ naruto.
✦ demon slayer.
✦ cowboy beebop.
✦ little witch academia.
✦ my hero academia.
✦ pokemon.
✦ death note.
crime / mystery.
✦ bones.
✦ criminal minds.
✦ only murders in the building.
✦ sherlock.
thriller / horror.
✦ american horror story.
✦ scream.
✦ scream queens.
✦ locke & key.
✦ euphoria.
✦ shadow hunters.
✦ k12.
✦ the vampire diaries.
✦ the originals.
✦ twilight.
✦ never have i ever.
✦ h2o.
✦ wednesday.
✦ glee.
✦ gossip girl.
✦ pretty little liars.
✦ grey’s anatomy.
✦ skins.
✦ riverdale.
✦ once upon a time.
✦ emily in paris.
✦ victorious.
✦ the umbrella academy.
✦ mean girls.
✦ clueless.
✦ shameless.
✦ the guilded age.
✦ bridgeton.
✦ castle.
✦ law & order.
✦ my babysitters a vampire.
✦ maze runner.
✦ spiderverse.
✦ cobra kai.
✦ outer banks.
✦ jurassic park.
slice of life.
✦ gilmore girls.
✦ friends.
✦ that 70’s show.
✦ boy meets world.
✦ full house.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚.
♡ whew this took forever to format & find shows considering im not a big tv / movie person at all. hope this helped a few people find some new dr’s !! bye bye :)
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fandom · 2 years
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Anime and Manga
Please don’t skip the openings and endings.
Boku no Hero Academia
Jujutsu Kaisen -1
Haikyuu!! -1
Mob Psycho 100 +16
One Piece +1
Naruto -1
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure +1
Tokyo Revengers +1
Mo Dao Zu Shi -2
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba +7
Chainsaw Man +12
Attack on Titan -8
Yu-Gi-Oh! +11
Sailor Moon -2
Tian Guan Ci Fu -2
19 Days -6
Death Note -2
Bungou Stray Dogs +3
Fullmetal Alchemist -3
Hetalia -9
Bleach +7
Yuri!!! on Ice -3
Cowboy Bebop
Inuyasha -6
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System +16
Neon Genesis Evangelion +6
Hunter X Hunter -2
Digimon +11
Sk8 The Infinity -26
Vanitas No Carte +3
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Tokyo Mew Mew
Lupin the Third
Fairy Tail -5
Boruto +3
Dragon Ball Z
Dungeon Meshi
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Soul Eater -2
Witch Hat Atelier
Berserk -1
Pop Team Epic
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
One Punch Man
Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband
Fruits Basket -32
Dorohedoro -5
Kuroshitsuji -4
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
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gaypirate420 · 3 months
Headache remedy//Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x Witch!male!reader.
Summary: Jasper treats your headache with the oldest trick on the book.
A/N: literally just wanted to write Jasper sucking cock. This was supposed to come out on Halloween but depression got in the way.
Smut. Fluff. Blood drinking. Oral Sex. Soft!Dom!Jasper.
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Jasper closed the door as he stepped inside the small cottage you owned. His golden eyes inspected the flowers he got for you before he realizes that everything was floating and a broom that moved on it's own sweep the old wooden floor.
Oh no, it's cleaning day.
As someone who's nearly two hundred years old, Jasper knows how irritating it is to dig around all the trash one accumulates over the decades, the Cullen household is a mess when it's time to move and time to clean.
Jasper walks towards your living room as he recalls the last deep clean you made to your shop and home back in 1975. It was a mess and you were cranky all day.
"Hello, cowboy." You spoke from the only non floating couch, although you smiled, the vampire felt your irritation immediately.
Jasper felt something behind him and move out of the way instantly, a hole set of plates and cups flew out of one cabinet to another.
A misguided bowl crashed against his yellow waves.
You suppressed a chuckle caused by the scenes and the confused look in your boyfriend's face. The fact he didn't react to a ceramic bowl being slammed against his face was also funny, or, maybe sniffing old potions was getting to your head already.
The blonde removed the ceramic pieces from his hair and walked towards you, alerting for any other flying objects.
"How's your head?" You asked a bit worried.
"Haven't heard any complains yet." He answered with a smirk, you felt your cheeks warm and smirk at him. The vampire revealed the bouquet of black dahlias infront of your eyes. Your frown was quickly erased and a smile breaks on your lips.
"Oh thank you, my little leech." You whispered as your eyes twinkled. Jasper smiles, somehow being called a leech makes him feel butterflies on his stomach.
The bouquet floated to the flower vase as your arms wrap around Jasper's neck.
His rosy lips pressed a kiss on your forehead, you sighed. It felt so nice to hug his cold body.
"What's wrong, pretty boy?" He whispered as his cold hands cupped your cheeks, you melted and leaned on his touch. The vampire smiles at this, your cheek on his hand, his thumb caresses your delicate skin.
"Making an entire house to clean itself drives me a tad crazy." You spoke softly, the vampire chuckled and leaned down to kiss you on the lips.
"My head hurts so bad and I'm not even halfway through." You mumbled before a groan leaves your lips as the kiss quickly intensifies. Jasper could feel your exhaustion and annoyance. He kisses your cheek a couple of times, his fingers massaging your temples.
"I know how to make it go away, darlin'." He whispered softly against your cheek.
"Do you now, cowboy? Do tell." You whispered back, Jasper smirked and met lips with you once more, a little more passionate this time before his lips travel down your jaw. You groaned once more, his icy cold hands hold on your shoulder leaning down your back against the couch.
"No spell on them fancy books ya' own compares to this, sugar." He whispered, his slim fingers went to your black silky shirt and lift it up, you moaned at the feeling of his hands against your chest.
"Ngh- Jasper." You moaned shyly, the vampire grew more confident with each gasp and groaned your lips released.
"I'm goin' to make ya' feel so good, sugar." His lips moved down to your neck, feeling how your blood pumped through your veins, Jasper groaned and kissed your neck with an intense hunger.
You moaned, feeling his lips against your sensitive skin and his fangs brushing ever so slightly against your neck.
"I want to taste you." He whined against your neck, you groaned again, feeling his low growl as his fangs teased your exposed skin.
He nibbles at your neck, his hand holding your chin up, exposed to him.
"Can I, sugar?" The blonde asked softly, you whine at the sudden stop but he will always ask for consent for everything. You nod eagerly, he smiles and kisses your neck before his fangs bury deep into your skin.
A small cry chokes out of your throat.
The vampire drowned in your scent, the warm and sweet taste of your blood, he moaned as he took big sips from your neck. He pulled away, not trusting himself fully yet.
You breath heavy, feeling a little lightheaded.
Jasper chuckled and his lips travel down your neck, following the drops of blood that fall down to your chest, his cold hands making their way down to your pants.
"I want all of you, darlin'." The blonde mumbles as his fingers undo your pants. He falls onto his knees in between your legs. You could barely talk, your chest rises and falls with each breath you take.
Your eyes stare at him, kneeling and with eyes filled with lust and hunger.
His pale hands caress your thighs, teasing your member with his fingers above the clothing of your underwear. You moan and whine at his touch.
Jasper smiled, he enjoyed the teasing so he continued, his golden eyes never leaving your face as you reacted to the gentle stroke his index and middle finger made.
Up and down. Tip to bottom.
With a small piece of clothing separating his fingers from your aching member.
"Please!" You whined out loud as your hips buckled. Jasper looks at you with a smirk, holding down your hips.
"Please what, sugar? What do you want?" He asked teasingly as he pulled your pants a little lower.
"Ngh- Please- please, cowboy, want your mouth, fingers, anything!" You whispered desperate, begging for his touch, already a mess. Jasper chuckles and releases your already leaking member from your underwear. You moan and lean your head back.
His hand takes a hold of your cock and gently starts to stroke it, you feel so sensitive and start groaning, a couple of tears forming on your eyes.
"Want me to go slow, darlin'?" He whispers softly, you nodded shyly as your body trembles from the pleasure.
"That's alright." He spoke before his tongue gave a small lick on your cock, you moaned softly and your shaky hand took a hold of his yellow curls.
The blonde makes a couple of long and sloppy licks before he takes your hard member into his mouth.
"Ngh! ngh! Cowboy!" You moaned and your fingers tightened around his hair, pulling slightly, making him moan around your cock. You whined, he slows down a couple of seconds before bobbing his head up and down.
You couldn't handle it anymore, his mouth felt so good around you. Your legs shake, you blush at the sight in front of you.
"Ngh- y-y-you look so pretty when my cock's around your mouth." You mumble in between a whine. Jasper feels flustered at such a filthy comment being delivered in the most adorable way.
He pulls away from your member, a string of pre-cum and saliva following. He keeps stroking not letting you catch a break.
"Y-you don't need to catch your breath. Get back down." You teased, your voice slurry. Jasper chuckles softly, his tongue drawing circles around the head of your cock.
"Oh now you're feeling too confident, sugar." He spoke before complying and bobbing his head down again. You melted instantly and kept moaning, the tears fell down your cheeks.
He stroked faster now, feeling how rapid your breathing became, your moans louder and your legs shaking more violently.
A small squirt of cum hit his cheek.
"Nghhhh! So-sorry...." You whined as you came with a loud cry. Jasper chuckles softly and keeps stroking, enjoying your little whines and cries.
"It's alright, sugar." He spoke as he wiped his cheek. He looks at you, your torso white from your own seed and red from the bite he left behind. Jasper makes sure to wait for you to come down of your high.
Your legs stopped shaking and your eyelids got very heavy. He looked around for something to clean but already a floating washcloth made it's way towards him. He cleans his face and your chest.
His cold lips leave soft kisses on your torso.
Before he even thinks about it, a gauze appears for him. The vampire licks the blood around it with a smile, leaving a kiss on the wound. Jasper makes sure to place the gauze correctly on your neck, you whine as it stings a little bit, he hushes you softly and cups your cheek.
"Is your headache gone?" He whispers as he dresses you again. You can barely think but you nod slowly.
You smiled sleepy as he picks you up. He makes sure no flying objects hit you. He rubs small circles on your back as you fall asleep on the way upstairs.
A soft kiss on your forehead is the last thing you're aware of.
A/N:Heyyyyyy, I'm just getting things out of my drafts. I hope you like this, I don't know if I served cunt like I always do when writing smut, but I hope it's enjoyable!
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