How do you turn off feelings?
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fanciedfacts · 1 month
Why it’s Hard to Forget Bad Memories
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journeys-of-miso · 1 year
Intro :)
TRIGGER WARNING: listing audio and visual triggers of misophonia (will be indicated with ❗)
I was diagnosed with misophonia the summer before I began high school. This led to a lot of emotions that I'm still trying to deal with.
It was a relief, first of all - I think that this problem had been slowly developing for years. When I hit puberty, I got moody - angry at everyone like a typical teenager. So my parents assumed that my symptoms were just that (I don't blame them at all. I would have done the same thing). But deep down, I knew something was wrong:
❗The sound of eating shouldn't fill me with rage.
❗Silverware on a plate shouldn't make me cry.
❗And every time my teacher smacks their lips as they lecture should not make me want to run far, far away.
As I got older, all my mood swings and volatile temperament passed - but my sensitivities remained. Everything felt excruciatingly loud. I kept my headphones on whenever I could, trying my best to drown out sound. I couldn't eat dinner with my family anymore - I couldn't be near anyone that was eating.
I would be in a relatively quiet classroom, and yet my senses would be overwhelmed.
❗My teacher's lips smacking every time she opens her mouth to speak.
❗Calculator cases scraping against laminated desks.
❗Tired students yawning every other minute - with their mouths wide open, of course.
❗Kids chomping on gum and shaking their legs.
It was a horrible way to live. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I felt isolated, scared, and exhausted.
So I did some research. I typed in my symptoms and spent a whole lot of time trying to figure out what was wrong. At first, I thought I had auditory processing disorder, but my symptoms were too specific.
So I went deeper.
I realized that I had hyperacusis: a disorder in loudness perception.
But that wasn't all. I also had misophonia. The dictionary definition is "a condition in which... common sounds... cause an atypical emotional response (such as disgust, distress, panic, or anger) in the affected person hearing the sound." While this definition is accurate, I feel that there is no way to truly make others understand how difficult and painful this is to live with. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
As I've learned about my condition, I've found ways to cope - from earplugs, headphones, brown noise, and meetings with teachers about accommodations. Even if I have to live with this for the rest of my life, this does not define me. It does not make me any less of a person, and most importantly, it is not my fault.
As I venture on, learning more about myself and my condition along the way, I'll record it on this blog. My hope is that people struggling with this condition (or others) will find comfort in knowing that they are not alone, and can use some of my own coping mechanisms.
-Keep on feeling the love,
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elementalevolutions · 10 days
Navigating Anger: Unraveling the Hidden Hazards and Exploring Paths to Inner Peace
"Hey there, warriors on the battlefield of emotions! 💪 I know that navigating the stormy seas of anger can feel like fighting a fierce dragon with a toothpick. It's tough, it's exhausting, but guess what? You're tougher! 💥 I just wanted to remind you
Ah, anger a bit like a grumpy old cat lounging in the corner of our emotional living room. It’s got claws, it’s got teeth, and boy, does it know how to make a racket! But let’s not be fooled by its furiously feline facade. Underneath that prickly exterior lies a whole bag of emotional tricks, and relying on anger as our go-to energy drink? Well, it’s a bit like trying to power a rocket ship with…
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Promoting Healthy Emotional Outlets For Communities of Color
During National Minority Health Month, it's essential to recognize the unique challenges faced by urban and inner-city communities, especially when it comes to accessing healthy coping mechanisms for stress relief and emotional expression. Journaling, creative expression, and hobbies offer invaluable outlets for individuals to navigate the complexities of daily life and promote holistic well-being.
Using Journaling as a Therapeutic Tool:
Journaling provides a safe and private space for individuals to process their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Whether through writing, drawing, or collage, journaling allows individuals to express themselves freely, release pent-up emotions, and gain clarity and perspective on their lives. For urban children and communities of color who may lack access to mental health resources, journaling can serve as a valuable tool for self-reflection, emotional regulation, and stress management.
Learning to Heal Through Creative Expression:
Engaging in creative activities such as painting, music, dance, or poetry offers a powerful outlet for self-expression and emotional release. Creative expression allows individuals to tap into their inner creativity, connect with their emotions, and channel their energy into constructive and meaningful pursuits. By nurturing creativity and self-expression, urban children and communities of color can cultivate resilience, confidence, and empowerment in the face of adversity.
Learning to Find Hobbies as a Source of Joy and Fulfillment:
Exploring hobbies and interests provides opportunities for individuals to engage in activities that bring them joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Whether it's gardening, cooking, sports, or crafting, hobbies offer a reprieve from daily stressors and allow individuals to recharge, relax, and connect with their passions. By promoting access to affordable and culturally relevant hobbies, we can empower urban communities to prioritize self-care, explore new interests, and build resilience in the face of adversity.
Helping Our Communities:
We must be intentional about advocating for greater access to journaling, creative expression, and hobbies within urban and inner-city communities of color. By investing in community-based programs, arts initiatives, and after-school activities that prioritize creativity and self-expression, we can provide children and families with the tools they need to cope with stress, navigate challenges, and foster mental and emotional well-being.
Over the years funding has slowly and increasingly been stripped from the arts programs, and the after-school programs that often provided children and individuals a way to have access to these things. Creating an increase in children and teenagers with no places to attend after they finish their school days. Being left with little to no supervision or stimulation, has caused a spike and increase in destructive behavior, and increased alcohol and drug use in the younger age groups to arise as the youth is left idle with nothing to stimulate them, or give them healthy outlets.
These healthy outlets promote holistic well-being, as they help individuals take care of their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. As a whole, we must be intentional about supporting organizations that provide these outlets and opportunities to underserved communities with limited funding and access to them. We can help more individuals gain access to these things, by getting them funding, finding individuals who can donate time, and supplies, and having designated spaces where individuals can cultivate their interests and healthy coping mechanisms.
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mjglobalcarecentre · 1 month
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Figdet toys are a very helpful thing to manage your anxiety. Or even when you're just nervous! My friend has put research into a kind website where you can get cute & helpful stress toys!
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relationshipg2uide · 1 month
Hidden Frustrations: Signs of Anger Issues in a Girl
Discover signs of anger issues in a girl and expert advice on adolescent girls' anger issues, including symptoms, coping tactics, and seeking assistance. Encourage girls' emotional well-being, which can help teen females manage their anger and create healthy relationships.
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autimulti · 1 month
ND Review: Meltdowns? Or reading someone the riot act?
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You can view the most up-to-date version of this article here
As I was raised an ableist 😖, I can sometimes infer more meanings to words than other fellow auties. As this ableism is consciously waning, there are certain words that “trigger” me more than others 😩.
And, meltdowns is certainly one of those words 😤. It does actually make me feel physically sick. But, obviously, I don’t want to be negative. So, I’d rather try to take a different perspective, and argue that they should be called outbursts and should be understood and valued as expressions of self-respect, assertiveness, and self-determination 👩‍⚖️.
X is on the way to work 🏘️. Walk to the bus stop. Bustling around. Breathing exercises while on trying to hang on to the handle on the bus. Take a train. Try to think about something and not look around. Someone shouting something in the background. Get off the train and walk the final leg to work. Kids going to school. Although their sounds are happy, they are still loud 🎢.
Arrive at the office. Make coffee. Someone says something. X replies
Sorry mate, not had my 3 cups of coffee yet, came back in a few hahahahaha 😔
with a wide
I hate you but I’m socially competent 🫤
X spends the day trying to stop themselves twitching from their overstimulation. Also, the so comfortable stimming is prohibited, so no self-soothing of any kind 🥺.
As the day goes on, all of this pile up, and already by lunch time blood is boiling and head is thumping 🥹.
At some point someone says or do something inconsiderate 😲. Like open a window next to you when outside the traffic is especially noisy. X asks their colleague to open a different window please! yet they make some excuses why it bothers them to respect X’s wishes ☹️.
Eventually X will have a “meltdown” and tell everyone to f@ck off 🤬.
But is that what it is? A “meltdown” has implication of poor self-management, of being emotionally incompetent, of being a victim of circumstances 🤷‍♂️.
To call it a “meltdown” is a form of victim blaming! Language is important 💢.
On the other hand, even if we take aside the stressors that precede the trigger event, X was polite, socially acceptably behaved, and made one or more attempts to change the situation 👼🏽. Yet, it was ignored.
That’s why I call it an outburst. It is an expression of assertiveness, self-respect, and self-determination. It is how we say you may not respect me 🚫, but I do!
That’s why meltdowns are worthy of respect and should be referred to as OUTBURSTS! it is the equivalent of giving someone what for, or reading the riot act! 🤔 (although always beware of how to manage your feelings)
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Yeah, it hurts, but nvm, I'm okay..
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gsmentalhealthwellnes · 2 months
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Understanding Trauma Responses: Exploring Flight, Fight, Freeze, and Fawn Reactions
Explore the intricate web of trauma responses, including the instinctive reactions of Flight, Fight, Freeze, and Fawn. Delve into the profound ways individuals cope with trauma, gaining insights into the psychological and physiological mechanisms that shape their responses. Uncover the significance of these reactions in the context of mental health and well-being, fostering a deeper understanding of how individuals navigate and process traumatic experiences.
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navarrotherapy · 4 months
Fear vs Anxiety
Explore the differences between #fear and #anxiety: Fear responds to immediate #threats, while anxiety anticipates future #worries. Learn coping strategies for both to manage #emotional health
Navigating the Terrain of Fear and Anxiety: Understanding and Coping In the complex landscape of human emotions, fear and anxiety often intertwine, yet they are distinct experiences. Understanding the difference between these two emotions is crucial for developing effective coping strategies. This article delves into the nuances of fear and anxiety, their triggers, and how we can manage…
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little-rock-wellness · 5 months
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In my opinion, Danielle Bernock's quote carries a lot of power. It emphasises the significance of acknowledging and validating someone's traumatic experiences. Trauma can have a significant impact on an individual's mental and emotional well-being. It's an experience that is deeply personal and can have a lasting impact.
Ignoring or invalidating trauma leads to isolation and helplessness. The individual feels their pain is unrecognised, exacerbating their trauma. This makes coping even more difficult. 
By acknowledging and validating someone's trauma, we show them that their experiences are real. We show them that they are not alone. This can be an incredibly powerful tool in the healing process.
By listening, validating, and supporting others through trauma, we help them heal and move forward in a positive direction.
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heroickseraph · 6 months
Mental Health: Pandemic Time - Part 1
These past three years have been unlike any others in recent history. The world has grappled with the overwhelming impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a doctor, I've witnessed firsthand the toll it has taken on the mental health of countless individuals. The isolation, uncertainty, anxiety, and depression that many have faced during this time are topics that demand our attention and support.
As of this moment, 6,926,045 people died because of COVID, and the number keeps on increasing. The sudden emergence of this virus shocked the world and paralyzed life as we know it. Everything changed, but in the beginning, it was hard to cope due to the uncomfortable situation I was put in. Everyone I knew expected answers from me regarding the virus, but I didn't know more than what they did. The international medical society didn't know more. Every effort was being put into understanding the virus and aiming to build a vaccine to protect the whole global population.
The chaos that spread suddenly left many people in a tremendous amount of mental distress. The whole world population had to adapt to a new way of living.
Mental Health Deterioration:
The isolation brought about by lockdowns and social distancing measures has left many individuals feeling profoundly lonely. The isolation and prolonged periods of confinement that many of us have experienced during the pandemic are in stark contrast to the natural human state. Humans are inherently active creatures and our physiology is designed for movement.
For centuries, our ancestors were hunters, gatherers, and explorers. Our bodies are programmed to expend energy, burn calories, and engage in physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle due to confinement and remote working can disrupt this natural balance, affecting both our physical and mental health. This disconnection from our innate need to move has contributed to feelings of restlessness, laziness, and even mental health issues that individuals face. It reminds us of the importance of finding ways to incorporate physical activity into our daily routine, even in difficult circumstances.
Taken independently from the context of the pandemic, isolation or confinement can lead to a range of profound psychological implications. General consequences include the transformation of this isolation into loneliness. The loneliness results from the absence of social interactions with other people, and that often leads to depression or anxiety. In many people, as long as the coping mechanisms are fit enough, these perturbated states do not develop into a pathological disorder. On the other hand, many other individuals had been diagnosed with major depressive disorder or generalized anxiety disorder years before the pandemic started. These patients relapse into acute episodes despite being compliant with their medication.
Every living being thrives for freedom. It is evident that staying inside a cage harms the psych slowly and sometimes irreversibly. The feeling of being trapped and powerless can lead to high levels of stress. Any bird who spends its life in a cage might never be able to fly again when set free.
Cognitive decline, particularly in older adults, is another potential outcome of prolonged isolation, brought on by a lack of mental stimulation and social interaction. Many people started spending hours on social media trying to be as involved as possible. Every like or view on any social media platform brought little accumulative rewards to the addicted users. Using those applications became the trend in coping with the situation of isolation.
Furthermore, irritability and agitation can arise in those settings, along with restlessness and frustration. It was well known that anger spawned violence at some point during the lockdowns. The incidence of domestic abuse increased and victims coped in different ways to their unfortunate situation.
In the context of the pandemic, there are specific aspects that have been magnified. Pandemic-related anxiety has surged due to the fear of contracting the virus. That was the first concern. Ultimately, that extended to concerns about the health of loved ones, and the general uncertainty about the future. The doctors didn't know much about the situation, so the rest of the population suffered from a lack of information that eventually became a state of paranoia.
Grief and loss became prevalent, with many individuals experiencing the loss of their loved ones. The virus killed people randomly. Young healthy men and women lost their lives unexpectedly, while some others suffered for months after recovery due to the scarring of their lung tissues by the virus. For many people, it didn't make sense that they couldn't be by the side of their loved ones when they passed away. The pandemic prevented the contact of patients under strict isolation. People were dying all alone in those beds and many countries buried the dead in mass numbers.
Pandemic fatigue has set in as the prolonged nature of the crisis has led to exhaustion and that in return transformed into more vulnerable states.
As time passed, individuals were exposed to a relentless stream of pandemic-related news, from rising case numbers to new safety measures. All they could see were numbers daily and everywhere on the news. People even could get live updates on the internet. The constant barrage of information led to a sense of apathy, where individuals became desensitized to alarming events. For example, the daily reporting of infection rates, hospitalizations, and death tolls lost its initial impact as people became accustomed to these numbers. It was not uncommon for individuals to react less strongly to alarming news than they did earlier in the pandemic, which was a sign of psychological adaptation to the ongoing crisis.
One of the other consequences of pandemic fatigue was the decline in adherence to safety measures. This included wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and maintaining rigorous hand hygiene. As the pandemic persisted, some individuals grew suspicious of these precautions and began to let their guard down. For instance, people became less attentive about wearing masks in public spaces or attending gatherings with others outside their households. They chose the solutions with short-term relief rather than avoiding the serious complications that could come in the long run. This decreased adherence posed health risks, as it left individuals more vulnerable to potential exposure to the virus.
The Adults of the Future:
Children and adolescents have faced unique challenges, including disruptions in education, social connections, and extracurricular activities, which have contributed to their mental health concerns. I think the future generation that was born around the time of the pandemic is going to be very different from all the generations that came before. The intense exposure of children to social media in the time of the pandemic installed numerous random ideologies into their heads - especially when their parents weren't around to supervise them. Students became more lazy and their attention span decreased tremendously with online classes. Discussing the consequences with kids can take a whole different essay to decently talk about it.
Frontline Superheroes:
Frontline workers, a category encompassing healthcare professionals, first responders, and essential workers, have been at the forefront of the battle against the pandemic. Their experiences have been marked by immense stress, including moral distress and burnout. This aspect of the pandemic is particularly poignant and sensitive, and it strikes a personal chord for me as well. I vividly recall a pivotal moment during this crisis when the reality of my work as a healthcare professional hit home.
In the emergency department, we are accustomed to life-and-death situations, but the pandemic brought a unique set of challenges. The fear of suddenly losing one's life due to exposure to a patient carrying the virus was an ever-present concern. It was a stark reminder of our vulnerability and the sacrifices frontline workers were making to save lives.
One memory that still haunts my thoughts is the day a patient arrived in the emergency room with no pulse. Time was of the essence, and every second counted. However, the protocol required us to put on the full protective gowns before approaching the patient, a process that took precious minutes. In that brief span, a life hung in the balance, and the urgency was palpable. It didn't make sense to our human minds that we couldn't immediately perform life-saving interventions. The ethical and moral dilemma was heart-wrenching.
The term "moral distress" captures the emotions and ethical conflicts that healthcare professionals face during these situations. It is the anguish of knowing the right course of action but being impeded by external factors, such as guidelines, protocols, or limited resources. In those critical moments, as we hurriedly donned our protective gear, the weight of moral distress bore down on us. The patient's life was on the line, and we grappled with the haunting question of whether those few minutes spent dressing in protective gear could have made the difference between life and death.
Frontline workers endured not only the physical strain of their duties but also the emotional and psychological toll of making life-altering decisions in the face of extreme circumstances. The burden of knowing that we did all we could, yet still confronted such limitations, was emotionally draining. Burnout loomed large as we tried to navigate the delicate balance between providing care and safeguarding our own well-being.
In conclusion:
In the shadow of these extraordinary years, I've witnessed a world transformed by the relentless waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. The toll it's taken on mental health is a stark reality, with isolation, uncertainty, and anxiety leaving indelible imprints on our collective psyche. Our confinement and the innate need for movement clash in a silent battle, while isolation's profound psychological implications and the weight of pandemic fatigue become apparent. As we draw the curtains on this chapter, it's time to pen new stories, tales of resilience, and the unwavering human spirit. Let's remember that even in these challenging times, the strength of humanity shines through. Those who have recovered and the heroes who've stepped up for vaccination offer beacons of hope. Together, we find hope for a brighter tomorrow.
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flourishwithfreda · 8 months
😰🌀 Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Navigating the Storm of Excessive Worry 🌪️💭
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a common mental health condition characterized by persistent and excessive worry about various aspects of life, even when there is no apparent reason for concern. GAD affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their daily functioning and overall well-being. Let’s delve into the details of GAD: Excessive Worry 🤔💭:People with GAD experience chronic and…
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coachvee77 · 9 months
Understanding Covert Narcissism: Fragile Self-Esteem, Blame Game, and Depression
Question from a reader: Why do covert narcissists who claim to love themselves get so depressed and blame everyone surrounding them for their misery? Covert narcissism refers to a subtype of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) characterized by a more subtle and introverted expression of narcissistic traits. While it is true that covert narcissists may claim to love themselves, their…
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