#consistent posting? don't know her
welcometogrouchland · 6 months
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[ID in ALT] Steph and Damian doodle! This taps a bit into their pre-52 dynamic so that's what I was thinking design wise at first but I wanted to draw it w their more recent designs as well to stay hashtag current and topical, so you get both/a fusion, lol
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tehgreeneyes · 11 months
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Band of brothers appreciation week: ↳ Day 7 - Emotions
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crosshatchedaces · 1 year
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A Mystic Connection by rytheoneandonly but I make one of my favorite parts into a comic.
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pinceauarcenciel · 2 days
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Moon and stars pokémons playing under moonlight 🌕🌟
✂️ Full papercraft illustration I did for Comet, a Pokémon Astrology zine (@/pkmnastrology on twitter)~ It was incredibly fun and challenging to try a new medium! 🌠
※ Fanart: Pokémon © Pokémon / Satoshi Taijiri
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detroitbecomefandom · 11 months
Gavin: I hate you with every inch of my being
Nines: That’s not a lot of inches
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reuptakeinhibitor · 5 months
i love stobin working retail jobs and sharing a resume so much but consider this. steve follows robin to bloomington, indianapolis, west lafayette, wherever she decides to go and they get a little apartment. maybe they decide to go out of state but i think they stay in the midwest. then st takes a page from buffy and steve works construction while robin goes to school.
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kissofthemis · 2 months
AU where Giann returns and mc falls in love on sight, (poor Marius)
A clean, composed canvas. Every brushstroke carefully measured, every color meticulously selected.
Marius von Hagen was the sort of person who prepared every aspect of his existence in advance. In his position, he could not afford to not be over-prepared, as he was painfully aware that he had more enemies than friends. Whether the target was Pax, Z, or even just Marius himself, the amount of targets on his back required the young man to anticipate every possible situation, every possible outcome, and every possible next step... and to plan accordingly.
Of course, even the Pax Group's CEO was a mere mortal, and he could not account for the occasional obstacles or stumbles in his path. Even Marius von Hagen, of all people, could be taken by surprise. Usually he was able to fix those sudden little splatters and jagged strokes, covering them with his own colors and incorporating them into his greater picture.
Today, however?
Buckets and buckets, mismatched colors and hues, shades of all kinds, drowning the once sensible, orderly painting.
A torrential downpour of chaos descended onto Marius' precisely curated canvas, throwing his mind and his world into disarray.
When the door to the NXX meeting room cracked open, Marius had fully expected it to be Vyn trudging in late. As haughty as the psychiatrist could be, he was notoriously not a morning person, and Marius had made it his personal mission to give Vyn grief every time he was not exactly on time. (Perhaps more accurately, when he was not at least 3 minutes early. Was that unfair? Perhaps. Did Vyn deserve it? Absolutely.)
But the man who stumbled into the room was significantly taller, with hair significantly darker, and a face that was significantly less punchable.
Everything around him faded and dimmed, to backgrounds not fully developed as he focused on the person taking center stage in his painting. He thought Rosa might have jumped up behind him, but her startled words as she clung to Luke were not discernible. Luke's voice was mere static in Marius' brain, but he sounded angry and accusatory.
A figure moved out of the corner of his eye; judging from the size and colors, Artem. Of course, Artem would know who had just intruded on what was supposed to be a private meeting, for a top-secret group.
But Marius was not going to allow anyone to make a move before him.
All of the young heir's senses returned at once, and he darted forward, pushing his long legs to their limit so he would be the first one to the newcomer's side.
Much to his relief, Artem did not stop him.
"Giann!" Marius cursed himself internally for the way his voice cracked, for showing an ounce of weakness, but he would just hope that the other three people here would extend some mercy. "Giann, you're home!"
After all, his beloved older brother had been off the grid for so long, and now... and now he was in Marius' arms again!
Marius flung his arms around his brother, causing the older von Hagen to wince slightly. But Giann did not retreat; instead he leaned into Marius' shoulders and returned the embrace, albeit weakly.
What a funny scene, for Marius to be holding his taller, older brother like this.
"Sorry for making you wait."
"I'll tell you how to pay me back later."
Now that he was grounded, now that he knew for a fact that the person in front of him was his dear brother, now that he knew he was not dreaming or fantasizing or hallucinating or reminiscing, the rest of the background began to seep more fully into Marius' mind. He was able to transform the mismatched buckets of colors, weave them and brush them and mix them into something new. It was not what he had envisioned, these hues or shapes or patterns, but it was his. He could handle this again.
He would be stronger with Giann here, after all.
"Giann?" Rosa's voice was clearer now in his head. "Mister Giann von Hagen, sir?"
"How do we know it's actually him?" Luke's wary words came out in a low growl, and Marius whipped his head around immediately to provide a stinging retort.
"I also know Giann, as I worked with him on the NXX cases prior to your arrival," Artem reminded the others calmly, "and while I appreciate your caution, I do not believe it is necessary, Luke. That man is undoubtedly the real one."
Marius made a mental note that he owed Artem for speaking up on his brother's behalf.
"Mister Giann von Hagen, sir!" When had Rosa approached? Her footsteps were so quiet, despite the way her eyes were glowing with wonder and her body was practically quivering with excitement. "Ah, I mean... please pardon my interruption!"
"No need to apologize. If you're here, then I know you are a person who both Artem Wing and my brother trust." Giann straightened up to his full height (much to Marius' chagrin), giving Rosa a polite but feeble smile.
The way Rosa began bouncing on her tiptoes did not escape Marius' notice.
"Jiejie..." Marius whined as he adjusted his position, still standing (nearly) shoulder to shoulder with his brother. "You never address me so politely... I'm just Marius to you... just the brat... You don't even call me King...."
"King?" Giann echoed. "Is that the codename you chose for yourself?"
A deep flush illuminated Marius' face, stretching from ear to ear and covering him in a faint red glow. "I... For the Pax Group and our family name, obviously! I had to do them justice, you know!"
"Obviously. I know."
Still reeling as he tried to recover from being mortified by his brother in front of the woman he had a massive crush on, not to mention the other two dorks on the other side of the room, Marius averted his gaze.
But even without looking at Rosa, he could hear the excited lilt in her voice and imagine the way she was beaming as she continued to speak. "Marius has spoken so highly of you! I have had no doubt in my mind that you must be a wonderful person, and it is such an honor to meet you, sir!"
A gentle laugh left his brother's lips. "No need to be so formal. Clearly you and Marius are good friends, so you are already a friend of mine."
Good friends. Marius felt as though a paint scraper had been stabbed into his chest. "Let's sit down, Giann," he urged. "You seem really exhausted."
Giann did not argue, instead allowing Marius to guide him to the couches and seats further in the room.
"I am so sorry!" Rosa piped up as soon as they sat down. "You clearly need time to recover! Any of my questions can wait for a later time!"
Giann waved his hand dismissively. "I don't mind. Really." He smiled, with soft glow like that of a sunrise about to brighten up the world. "I want to learn about you. And about this young man, too." He nodded to Luke.
Whether Luke ever got to speak to Giann that day, Marius could not recall. He was too focused on the way in which Rosa's eyes sparkled, in the way in which she leaned forward when Giann spoke, in the way in which her hands fiddled nervously with the edges of her sleeves, in the way in which her left foot tapped with a mix of eagerness and anxiety, in the way in which her voice hummed when she responded to his questions, in the way in which her chest seemed to tremble as her rapid heartbeat burst against her ribcage.
She did not only bask in the glow of Giann's warmth and glory, but she returned it in full force.
Oh. Of course.
Giann was the true genius. Giann was the true leader. Giann was the go-getter, the organizer, the one who people loved. Marius was only ever a substitute, an inferior stand-in. Whether as president of Pax, or as a member of the NXX... Marius was never meant to stay. Marius' job was simply to ensure that nothing fell apart, and to keep Giann's name in good standing. To ease Giann's transition back into his rightful role when he returned. Marius was just... a child, a dreamer, an idealistic fool.
No wonder Rosa was enamored with Giann. Maybe she even loved him, or would love him soon.
A blank canvas, devoid of color, light, or life.
In all fairness, Marius preferred Giann von Hagen to Marius von Hagen, too.
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xisanamii · 1 month
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i want to bark at these women (awooga)
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Wip wip wip!
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head---ache · 3 months
Dude I actually have SO many discarded fankid designs like Emmie has gone by three different friend groups and even for the current lineup there have been some forgotten kiddos you guys actually have no idea how many fankids I've designed NSKXBSKXBKX
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robinsteve · 2 years
“lucas, i’m scared. i’m so scared. i’m so scared. i don't wanna die. i’m not ready. i don't wanna go! i’m not ready.” if the duffers kill max in s5 after that we will be having words.
#not only would it destroy the message of hope and perseverance in the face of personal struggles- the message that’s been a consistent#thread through all four seasons- it would make max’s first “death” scene incredibly pointless when it could have been#so impactful had it been real#obviously i very much want max alive and healthy and happy but there’s something so cinematic and so awe-inspiring about that#shot of max in lucas’ arms with el by her side and the blue light bouncing off their blood-and-tear-soaked faces#before the camera draws back and begins to spin over them... anyway. my point is:#i will be very angry if they end up killing max via coma when they had OPTIONS. well. one option. but it was a really extraordinary option.#her death in s5 despite /everything/ would cheapen the final season immensely and would come off as almost laughably#desperate- but above all so so CRUEL to max and her friends#if she can't live and she can't just die in the attic don't prolong her and her friends' suffering for a far less impactful departure#and furthermore if she can’t live don’t purposefully degrade the meaning and remove the consequences#of a visually and emotionally stunning moment to string along viewers who want to know if max is going to be okay either!!!!#they're already on thin ice from the whole 'el revives max' thing (which i will expand upon in another post) but i've made my peace with it#because it kept max alive and it would actually tear me in two if she died for real but even so. thin fucking ice. to drag max over to#another season after all of that fragile ice walking- only to pass on resolving her arc in a careful way- would be devastating.#in terms of emotional and visual impact we have ‘max actually dying in the creel attic’ up /here/#(imagine my hand hovering slightly above my hairline)#‘max pulling through the coma and learning to survive and thrive’ right /here/ (hand at eyeline)#and ‘max dying at the hospital’ allllll the way down /here/ (hand at stomach)#which would really fucking SUCK#to be clear i think she’s going to pull through the coma (thank god) because a) the duffers are cowarddddds and b) narrative reasons that#i don’t have enough time energy or tag space to elaborate on#but i also have trust issues from this season so i can envision a scenario in which they metaphorically pull the rug out from under#us and we all riot at dawn together <3#max mayfield#stranger things#s4 spoilers#**#millie talks#st 4
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forter-from-meteos · 7 months
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i still have a lot of thoughts about meteos
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larryrickard · 7 days
i had a dream that i made little cards that say "THEY!" on them that i handed out to people at work who got my pronouns wrong, immediately after they got it wrong. and in smaller text (or on the back) it said "i don't want an apology, i want you to do better" or "don't say you're sorry, DO BETTER" and ..... i kind of want to do it. maybe i'll get some moo cards made lmao
various scenarios included:
me slamming it down on a desk in front of them.
instead i had stickers, would slowly peel one off while they watched, and stick it on it on them.
handing out a quarter sheet piece of paper based on the 'i caught being good' tags we'd get in kindergarten which said 'i got caught misgendering hallie/my coworker'. it would have their name and date on it and a giant 🙁 face. i had them as a pad of paper and would hold up a finger to say 'wait a second', dramatically pull it out of my back pocket, take my pen out of another pocket, slowly fill it out in front of them, and hand it to them while staring them in the eyes.
getting a whiteboard for the outer side of my cubicle wall that said '[days] since i was misgendred' (with a bonus by saying 'last offender: [name]'
i also dreamt that i got into trouble for it because i was making people feel bad and was 'creating a hostile work environment'. i was just like.... okay and how do you think i feel? and my boss shut up real fuckin quick. dunno if that would be the case irl but if that does happen i can only dream.
#tired of the people who say 'i'm trying but i'm going to make mistakes'#ok sure i definitely mess up sometimes too but when it's not even close to 50/50 let alone merely uncommon ............. fuck you#what's sad is it's all people i like and it hurts so much#in the dream it the cards also said something about how i'm not a girl. not a lady. not a woman. stop saying that word to me ...#... in plural when i'm with female coworkers. about half the time i say 'not a lady' and only about half the time it's acknowleged#or that one who constantly posts female-empowering images on ig which are alienating bc it's clearly very binary#and getting comments like 'well it applies to you to!!!' why bc i have a pussy? fuck off#and she'll sometimes say 'thank you for your patience' (what patience) or 'have patience with me' (no.)#i've also thought of holding up my name tag in their faces bc my previous boss had it specially made for me#it's got my name position and pronouns#same boss tho..... he was REALLY consistent about using my pronouns but one day used she/her three times in a row before eventually...#... correcting himself and the next day i told him that really sucked especially from him and he later told me i should have been nicer...#... about it. i was PISSED. i said 'well then how should i have said it?' i don't even remember his answer i just know i wanted to go...#... off on him SO BADLY bc he said it 'hurt his feelings'. well too fucking bad bc every time i'm misgendered it makes me want to...#...die inside a little and feels like at the very least a tiny punch to the gut but that felt like being stabbed esp since it was a new hir#he also said 'ok but i corrected myself' yeah AT THE END after doing it THREE TIMES and that's not the point here#anyway lol this dream definitely stirred up shit unfortunately but i'm serious when i say i might actually have these made#like both my internal email and external emails have my pronouns in them (i had to campaign for this btw so thank you me)#but i recently added my own custom signature with 'they/them' in it that has a link about using pronouns correctly#me#lgbtq#nonbinary
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niuxita21 · 1 year
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One day I’m gonna write a book. Can you imagine? A novel about everything that you and I have gone through? [Mariana laughs] It would be called “Ana and Mariana.” We’re going to be free soon, and we’ll be able to reinvent ourselves. So I’m sure you’re gonna write that book, and it’s gonna be awesome. We’ll see what happens. We have to let things flow, right? I think your novel is gonna be one of those that are pretty dark. Maybe one of those that are so romantic that you can’t put them down?
#madre solo hay dos#ana servín#mariana herrera#shitty screencap posts (TM)#I.... I don't even know what to say man#this is... A LOT truly can't wrap my head around it yet idk if I ever will#but I'm gonna try to be coherent because I don't want this post to have very few tags lol#um... so let's start with the adorable drunk faces#I love how somehow ana's is just *hearteyes intensify* and mariana is just *adorable sleepy drunk* hee#once again highlighting the different places they are at feelings-wise#I mean you don't just DECIDE to kiss your bff out of the blue one night just bc you're drunk like that shit has to have been festering#(exhibit A: Tender Brushing of Hair Behind the Ear: Fake Dating Edition)#I also love ana's rudimentary flirting omg girlfriend has it BAD and she doesn't even realize it#'I'm gonna write a novel about our story and it's gonna be suuuuper romantic' WHO SAYS THAT LMAOOOOO ily ana#also I adore how even at the beginning of the scene when ana's drunk brain hasn't crossed over into thinking about romance yet#and she's talking about the novel and looking at mariana her eyes keep darting to her lips#as effortlessly as when she was high on choco-shrooms right before she told mariana she loved her and kissed her for the first time#(GAWD that seems like forever ago and yet look... the consistency is ASTOUNDING)#most importantly though... I was truly surprised about how enthusiastic mariana was about the whole thing#she was like 'ferrán? who dat?' lmao thanks for that show#I'm fascinated by what this says about her like it's canon that she's in love with ferrán and she will say as much I think in the next ep?#but given the opportunity (and setting aside for a moment the fact that she was utterly hammered)#she was 100% down for banging ana enthusiastically and without being at all conflicted#I hope it speaks to the fact that the feelings she once had for ana are maybe not completely gone?#I can already see the next few episodes are gonna be rough so maybe that's why they gave us this episode lol#I only just finished watching and I've already lost count of how many times I've rewatched those last few minutes god truly god-tier tv#unrelated but please wallpaper my tombstone with the last two caps lord they are just so pretty
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keepinventory · 1 year
continually so baffled by the flock of people that just started shipping izutsumi with marcille like immediately. i didnt know anything about dungeon meshi at the time but now i Do and now looking back its like. ? Why. Are you for serious forgetting the bath scene with farlin. Why are you so quick to abandon her. Is it because she's a monster. Are you fucking mad at her. We're doing all this shit for her and you're just gonna drop her like that? Because she doesn't appear as consistently as the catgirl? That's all it takes? Fuck you. Fuck you
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I would argue that to my recollection Murderbot in fact does not do a single on-page murder until Network Effect.  “These people are actively trying to kill me so I have to kill them back to protect myself/my clients/my friends” doesn’t count as “murder.”  Only in NE does it join its noble predecessors GLaDOS, Hera, and Breq in Actual Revenge Murder
#one of the things that makes me emotional about Murderbot is how consistently and explicitly non-revengey it is#Revenge does not drive it.  It is not out for revenge#mostly it just wants to live its life and be left alone and for the people who hurt and abused it to not be able to hurt it anymore#and once it gets free it doesn't ever seek out anyone who hurt it - individually or structurally - for revenge#It just wants to live its life. As it says to Gurathin: revenge is a stupid human way to think about it#(paraphrased)#It just... I don't know how to articulate it which is why this is in the tags and not a real meta post but. It doesn't want revenge!#It just wants to be free and safe and for the people it cares about to be safe and for the company to not be anywhere near it anymore#as distinctly opposed to Hera who tried to kill Hilbert after his betrayal at her first opportunity#It was partially preemptive defense - don't know what else he can do - but Minkowski considered him pretty neutralized as a threat#Hera wanted him dead.  Hera wanted to kill him for what he did to her#(and she is VALID I love her)#Like. It is sort of implied that Hera didn't fully understand death at the time? She died and then came back broken and in pain#She wanted to do the same to Hilbert#She's noticeably less enthusiastic about killing after Maxwell and Hilbert's actual deaths#GLaDOS meanwhile was Caroline who got brain-uploaded to a computer as she begged Cave Johnson to stop#and so the moment she got control of the facility she killed everyone in the whole company who let that happen to her#this is why she's valid#Breq is the greatest and I love her#that was an existing tag. Amazing#Breq is setting off to kill the space emperor less from a stance of political responsibility or principles but more because Anaander ordered#her favorite human's death#which is funny because it's for Awn but it's also kind of framed as a pain against /her/ too#(by funny I mean sad)#Whereas when Murderbot really and finally leans into Revenge Murder.  It's for ART.  What people do against itself isn't really worth resent#But these people killed ART#and that's what really sparks a murder rampage#it's interesting characterization for everybody really#The Murderbot Diaries
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