foilfreak · 11 months
I think Buggy missed out on a grand opportunity to gaslight the shit out of Luffy about Shanks when they first met in Orange Town. Maybe gaslight isn’t the proper word to use but for the life of me I can’t figure out how Buggy, witness and conspirator to Shanks’ childhood antics in all its chaotic glory, looked at this scrawny little rubber twink who was going on about being king of the pirates and wearing Shanks’ hat and saying shit like “Shanks is the coolest ever, I wanna be a pirate because of him” and the first thing out of his mouth wasn’t “oh I might have some stories that’ll change that, kid 😈”
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eclemon · 9 months
Luffy answering "You fed us." as his reason to protect Baratie tells me that everyone in this show absolutely did their homework.
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Brainrot is kicking in, work has me by the throat, I am so tired
Enter: self indulgent sillies
Shanks and Buggy both were kidnapped very often as children - be it by Marines, enemy pirates, Whitebeard on occasion, random ass guys targeting two unattended children, whatever.
They both have gotten so desensitized to it that they don't even get scared anymore. It becomes more "I'm not held here with you, you're stuck here with ME" type of situation.
Buggy is sassy, snarky, rude and sarcastic. Shanks pops in now and again with some completely out of pocket shit that sends Buggy into hysterics. Think that scene from Helluva Boss with Blitzø and Moxxie being kidnapped.
This complete lack of care extends well into their adulthood - Shanks because it's honestly kind of funny that someone had the audacity to try him, Buggy because sarcasm and sass is his defense mechanism.
Enter: Cross Guild.
Marines try an infiltration mission to Cross Guild, but they severely underestimated the organization. Mihawk was off island at the time, so they thought that the biggest powerhouse who could identify them via observation haki was gone. Buggy notices immediately both because his haki is oversensitive and he's gotten scarily good at reading body language. Crocodile, when informed, proposes they give the squadron what they want with interest.
A series of unfortunate events lead to Buggy and some of the crew shackled and in the plaza. Buggy's got seastone cuffs on wrists and feet both, and has failed to mention the mini transponder in his hair piece. The Marines made the mistake of cuffing him behind his back, thinking it would limit his knife skills. They don't know that Buggy's anxiety and paranoia has lead to him having a secret pin in his boots specifically to pick locks.
Buggy then proceeds to roast the men with all he's got while he works.
The others present are both confused and fighting laughter as the commanding officer gets more and more pissed off before he finally backhands Buggy dark enough to split his lip. Then a hand clutches his throat, lifting him slightly. Buggy splutters. The marine grins, a nasty thing, demands Buggy apologizes, complaining about the blood on his white sleeve. Buggy tries to speak and can't from the lack of air.
"Oh," the officer coos, "what is it? Finally going to beg forgiveness?" He loosens his grip just enough for Buggy to get some air, lowers enough for the other to go on tiptoes to get a strangled breath. Buggy cracks an eye open, a smile blooming on his face.
"H-Harder, daddy~"
The Marine drops him in disgust.
No matter what they try, Buggy has a come back. Crocodile is listening in, and Mihawk, upon arriving back, has joined him to avoid the navy presence. They're both a bit stunned, a little intrigued, and mayhap rethinking some preconceived notions of the clown.
Especially when there's sound over the transponder snail, a little clink, thump, a shout, and something wet.
"Well," Buggy's voice carries over. "Who's next? Come on, I haven't got all day, you already made me miss two appointments, you dull Neanderthals."
There's a sound like a sword being drawn, a war cry, and Buggy chuckles. "Ohh. You're stupid, huh? That's okay, Buggy likey dumby~"
Turns out even in seastone cuffs, even in twice as much as a typical pirate or criminal wears, Buggy is more than capable of taking out a squadron. He uses his surroundings to his advantage, fighting dirty and taunting them playfully, much to the admiration of the other's present. One cuff is off his wrist, but three more are still on him, cutting off his powers. He still manages to not get cut until the near end.
Even then, it's because one of the stragglers tried attacking his chained subordinates. Buggy gets a cut to the cheek, mild and harmless, maybe needing stitches, but he's furious. "No no no," he grits out, "You're playing with me right now." A stolen sword sinks into an opening with ease. Buggy leans in close. "Don't you ever fucking touch my children. Understand?"
No response. Buggy shifts the sword. There's a scream.
"Yes what?"
"Y-yes... s-sir."
Buggy snorts. "I was looking for your majesty." Then he yanks the blad up and out, leaving the body to slump to the ground. He turns to the few remaining. "Well?"
Buggy handles it on his own, the followers are even MORE fanatic, and Crocodile and Mihawk are facing a sudden and unexpected paradigm shift while watching Buggy happily eat a bowl of ice cream, kicking his feet happily and simply vibing like it's a typical Tuesday afternoon.
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pandamanlives · 5 months
we talk about sanji’s harem of men a lot but what about buggy’s??? like????
Buggy ‘Seducer of Impel Down Prisoners’ the Clown.
Buggy ‘One Half of a Doomed Teenage Situationship’ the Clown.
Buggy ‘Big-top Boy-flop Polycule Partner of Two Former Warlords’ the Clown.
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dragonsbluee · 3 months
Me and my brother casually discussing how we would survive in One Piece/what we would do first:
Me: I'll pull a classic isekai move; find a stable island (somehow), open up a small shop, and stay the hell out of the way. Maybe I'll open a betting ring based on the newspapers, but there's no way I'm getting involved.
Brother: Bitch you went to theatre school. You're joining the Buggy Pirates the first chance you get.
Me: ....
Brother: I've had to sit through your MULTIPLE rants on how the series treats clowns and the logistics of how they would run a pirate circus.
Me: okay but-
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lavender-clown · 4 months
I rise from the grave to bring you a new One Piece fic!
Accompanied by a drawing of course
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cipher-zoo · 11 months
"Crocodile and Mihawk are using Buggy."
Au contraire my good friends, in this essay I will explain how it is the other way around and why it is in fact Buggy manipulating Crocodile and Mihawk, having them play right into his hands...
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purple-goo-writes · 7 months
Now hear me out-
But Competent!Buggy AU and Papa!Buggy AU where shanks isn't the only one to find a baby in a treasure chest.
Though instead of a treasure chest- it's a crate of apples..
And instead of just a baby, it's two very angry five year Olds and giggling Baby with a sunshine smile.
Buggy swears this is some how Shanks fault.
Basically Buggy raises the ASL brothers and despite how he grumbles, he wouldn't have any other monstrous trio as his sons.
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loganwritesprobably · 2 months
One Piece Fic
Important Tags: Competent!Buggy, Dark!Buggy Character(s): Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk Pairing: N/A
Request?: No
Summary: It isn't until a month after the announcement of the Cross Guild that Buggy peels away the sheep skin that he's been wearing for years to show the man that Roger truly raised, and his lieutenants aren't quite sure what to do with the new Buggy
Warnings: Mild gore mentions
Inspiration: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off
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Is my version of Buggy stacked AND competent? Absolutely.
Am I ashamed? Absolutely NOT🔥🔪
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foilfreak · 1 year
Im not saying that one piece needs to become a horror series or anything, but if I don’t get at least 1 fight with Buggy using his devil fruit power in the absolute most horrifically grotesque, disturbing, and terrifying way possible, im personally flying to Japan and challenging Oda to a fight to the death. I don’t ask for much as a fan, only canon Buggy realizing there’s more to achieving a dream than being stereotypically powerful… and that cellular disassembly/control is a realistic thing he could achieve given the context of his devil fruit if Oda could just make him get off his ass and prove that “Buggy could be one of the strongest in the world if he just trained lol” post he made a few years ago
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frankencanon · 1 year
You know what I love?
I love when a fic author takes a side character and turns them into a Secret Badass.
And they'll do it in such a way that it's still somehow at least mostly canon-compliant by having said character act behind the scenes and hide their true skills...for whatever reason.
And the best parts are the reveal scenes where the other characters finally realize how much they've underestimated them...!
"Secretly a Badass" is seriously one of my absolute favorite tropes of all time.
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
I'm caught perpetually teetering on the line between competent Buggy and absolutely fucked up into success Buggy, but I think I found a work around, and the reveal comes via Cross Guild - Mihawk specifically. Ergo, I thus drop little random numbers here for reading pleasure before I actually EXPLAIN it.
It was not abnormal for the clown to butt heads with the former warlord. They both had very strict and evident opinions, thought one (cough Buggy cough) was much more verbose about it. Running an expansive business with a bumbling fool of a face man was enough to instigate migraines in the most patient of men.
Crocodile was not a patient man.
One could only imagine the sheer agony of his day to day.
This came to a head, as such things tend to do, on a mundane Tuesday afternoon, barely past midday. Buggy had scuttled in, a veritable mess of a person, hair in disarray and sweaty. Crocodile had taken one look and sneered at the other in disgust. This, in turn, has set Buggy off.
The clown had apparently been out with the lower ranks, building rapport and assisting with the laborious tasks assigned to them. It was something he had done before titles had even been a passing thought to be disposed on his name, and he had made it abundantly clear that it would not stop now nor in the foreseeable future. Admittedly, Crocodile had tuned out much of it in preference for more entertaining thoughts, such as brutally mummifying a certain clown.
Crocodile nearly dropped his cigar. He blinked, automatically turning a glowering glare at the other as he shifted his shoulders. Buggy simply huffed, pale though he was, meeting the dark scowl with one of his own.
"By the Seas, why do I even bother with you, I swear-!"
As fast as he had stumbled in, Buggy was gone. Crocodile stared after him well after the door clicked shut. He rubbed his shoulder with his remaining hand, grimacing thoughtfully. Buggy had hit him. Not hard enough to cause damage, not even enough to leave a bruise, but it stung. It had connected.
He was a Logia user, and the Clown had solidly hit him.
Thoughts racing, he tried to convince himself it must have been due to some leftover sweat from the physical activity the blue haired menace had been rambling about. Turning back to his paperwork, he firmly told himself that that was all there was to it.
He pointedly ignored the fact that Buggy's hands had been dry and dusted with dirt.
Life on the island was much removed from the monotony of Kuraigana. It bustled with life here in a way both alien and vaguely familiar to the swordsman. Despite the brightness of the colors and the loudness of the cacophony, it was almost... charming.
He'd never admit that outloud, however.
One thing he did not find very enjoyable was the lack of challenge here. Most who used the blade and called this archipelago home withered under his attention, paled and bowed out from an offer to spar with stuttered excuses and fear in their hearts. It was disheartening, especially given how many of the showed halfway decent promise.
It was a slowly crawling Sunday evening when he happened across a small squadron of the newer recruits in one of the sandy clearings. Many were younger than expected yet carried a look of maturity far beyond the planes of their faces. Mihawk had found himself admittedly rather intrigued when Buggy had personally offered to welcome these young adults at best, teenagers at the lower end, to the Guild.
Even now, a few weeks into their stay on the isle, Mihawk noticed a marked change - a slight build of muscle mass, a more healthy coloring, cleaner clothes and faces. They were doing well, he noted.
They were also all working studiously with blades in hand.
He watched them work for a time, hidden into the shadowed spaces of the trees near the clearing, allowing himself but a moment of observation. His gaze inevitably shifted to their katas, their grips, their footwork. He frowned, brow furrowing slightly as he considered them, the oddly familiar movements ringing an unnamed bell within his mind.
A bright laugh distracted him, and he turned a glance to Audrey, one of the younger recruits, spinning fluidly between a parry, redirection, and then a slash. Her bright red plait swirled after her, and suddenly Mihawk was standing straighter, walking into the clearing.
The jovial air was quickly hushed, eyes growing wide as many bowed their heads in deference. Audrey met his gaze head on with a reckless defiance undercut only by the sheer terror she tucked behind bravado in her summer green gaze. "Sir," she nodded once, voice impressively level despite the white knuckles grip on her blade, now held at ease yet defensive.
He nodded once in response. "My apologies to have interrupted," he announced cooly. "I found you all practicing by chance and am quite pleased by your skills. It is evident you have an acceptable level of respect for the craft."
Many faces lit up at the compliment. Audrey herself smiled brightly, showing a little gap in her smile. Somehow, it made him almost fond of such a look.
"That being said," he continued before any further reaction could be given, "the swordplay you lot have been utilizing, wherever did you learn it?"
"C-Captain Buggy, s-sir!" A blond lad responded brightly with a smile, enthusiasm not defeated by his stutter. Thómas, if Hawkeye recalled correctly. "H-He has b-bee-been teaching us-s," the other hiccupped happily.
"Chairmen Buggy said he knew a few styles. For now, we're learning this one - he said it would be easiest on us for the time being. Once we're stronger, he'll help us find individual styles to expand on!"
"Is that so," he replied absently, mind racing. He knew this style - he'd been on the receiving end of it more than once, after all. Never once had he considered that Shanks' impeccable footwork may have been a set style. It had seemed too randomized, too shaken from the norm to have a specific sequencing. And yet...
And yet.
"The Chairmen knows this style well enough to teach it then."
"Yes sir!"
"Mm. Thank you, then. You have given me much to think on. Keep up the good work."
Leaving just as suddenly as he'd arrived, the swordsman set on a straight path to the animal tents. The clown would doubtlessly be there at this time of day. Mihawk had gotten a general idea of the man's excessive schedule in his time on the island after finding the other's Presence too soft and wisp-like to pinpoint.
Yet a other odd thing about the clown, he supposed, making his way along.
Finding the clown had been easy. Guiding him from the masses had been equally so. Convincing him to spar had been... not. If anything, it had been loud, expressive and interspersed with crying. It had taken Mihawk quite explicitly swearing formally to not kill the other outright for Buggy to even stop his pathetic yet endearing tears.
Mihawk shook the latter thought off as quickly as it came.
Buggy asked if his daggers would suffice as a weapon, citing that Mihawk had been the one to ask for a spar, after all, and thus had a decent amount of choice. Pleasantly surprised by the clown's knowledge of the code, he'd cited it would be fine, as he would not be utilizing Yoru for this regardless.
They took their positions on opposite ends of their designated battle ground, eying one another carefully. With the clown right before him, Mihawk focused his Haki, intending not to quite crush the other but to study him as thoroughly as possible, to push his limits as it were.
Buggy surprisingly opted to play it safe, not lunging forward in a reckless attack as he so often seemed to do. Taking the signal, Mihawk moved instead, intending to push the other back, to catalogue his steps. Instead, Buggy twirled, one knife sliding sinfully along his own before looping back off again, redirecting his momentum easily without incurring nor causing any damage.
The dark haired man blinked.
He'd... barely felt the other move.
Typically Haki would ebb and flow around a person or object with the movements of the host. Split seconds before one moved towards the left, their Haki would lean into the motion. Identifying, studying and reacting to the Haki as opposed to the physical form took years of practice and mastery, something Hawkeye excelled in. His Observation was rumored to be on the same scale as Charlotte Katakuri, after all.
And yet a clown had blind sided him.
In response, he turned, rerouting his energy into a graceful arc. This time, he saw Buggy move, body fluid as he shifted around the threat despite his Devil Fruit. Mihawk wondered absently if the Haki would cause damage before he lunged backwards as a dagger came dangerously close to his mustache. He allowed his surprise to show for a moment, gaze darting to Buggy. He'd expected a stunned look, perhaps a smug, prideful expression.
The face which met him was closed off, locked down tightly, offset even further by the garish painted smile on the other's sun kissed face. Buggy's eyes, usually a soft blue that summoned the skies to his very irises had frozen over into something iced and glacier like. Mihawk was fascinated.
Their dance continued on, far longer than the taller had anticipated. Their deadly dance was near silent, save the sharp swish of silk-sheering sharp blades through air.
Mihawk made one more movement in, managing to chip away at defenses to leave an opening for his knife to slip in silently. The blade cut through cloth and - not skin, not flesh, but something. Mihawk was suddenly frozen in place, staring at where the blade sat innocently up to the hilt in the new gap between Buggy's lower and upper ribs.
"Well, guess that call it, then," the blue haired man sighed, pulling back his hands to resheath his weapons. "That was a hell of a work out, man, you are fast as fuck. Nngh~" He stretched, a few vertebrae popping as he stepped back to spin on the ball of his foot, hair swishing. "Want to head back? Dinner ought to be ready soon. ... Mihawk?"
The dark haired man had since straightened, staring between his blade and Buggy's body, whole and hale. "... is this the reason for your oddities?"
"You... why would you..."
Buggy, now wary, seemed to debate his next move. That was all Mihawk needed to meet the otherr man's gaze head on.
"It is nearly impossible to completely suppress one's Haki, and yet yours fits you like a second skin. It is hardened, expansive, and dense." He frowned. "It is... frankly speaking, more than merely intimidating."
Buggy rubbed his elbow. "Don't... over think it, okay? It's nothing special-"
"It is."
"It isn't, okay-?"
"It is and you do so without so much as uttering an indicator. Your Haki is so tightly bound that I could feel the moment my blade passed that barrier. You have and continue to actively do what many consider impossible." He stepped closer. Buggy stepped back. Mihawk followed. "You use an impossible technique with your Haki." Step. "You are teaching a recruit squadron swordplay in the steangest yet most effective manner I have seen in a long while." Step. "You certainly used Armament during this exchange on instinct alone." Step. Thump. Buggy stared uo, huddled back to a tree trunk. Mihawk leaned into his space. "And, perhaps strangest of all, you use a variation of Shanks' Violeta Vendetta for your bladed battles. Tell me just who or what you are, clown - because a fool or failure is not among them."
Silence reigned in the clearing.
Mihawk stared.
Buggy gulped. "He still... calls it that?"
What. "What?"
"Red hair... bastard stills calls her Violeta...?"
Mihawk nodded. Buggy laughs.
And then? Well, then Buggy explains
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aceandurmom · 8 months
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Buggy and Shanks in their early 20's.
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catofoldstones · 8 months
“I could still take you”
… in a fight? in a fight right???????
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goblinbugthing · 1 month
Hey Hara, how are you feeling about the tourney?
“Ah… nervous and excited simultaneously. It’s been literal aeons since I’ve been in a competition of any sort, and I’m not as used to it as I was as a teen. Still though, everyone else competing seems incredible, and I’m glad to meet all of them!”
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