#com book
cultofsappho · 6 months
Casey McQuiston, author of Red White and Royal Blue, on watching hbomberguy's plagiarism video essay:
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@ James Somerton if I ever see you I will end you for the garbage you said about rwrb
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timsmith20 · 8 days
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luthqrs · 4 months
doctor who novelisations (2005-2023)
i just spent a considerable chunk of time sourcing as many nuwho novelisations as i could get my hands on and in the spirit of sharing i have some free gifts for the tumblr dot com population
also up for grabs: doctor who audios (x) and torchwood audios (x) (all big finish)
a list of what's there + how to open below the cut x
things you'll find here
the christmas invasion
fires of pompeii
planet of the ood
waters of mars
the crimson horror
day of the doctor
zygon invasion
twice upon a time
the witchfinder
the star beast
wild blue yonder
the giggle
the legends of river song
the angel's kiss: a melody malone mystery
the ruby's curse
the missy chronicles
the wintertime paradox
i am the master: legends of the renegade time lord
the wonderful doctor of oz
and how to access them
do this for every book you think you’ll want to read, even if you don’t have time to read it now. don’t rely on this link always being available.
ios: tap the 3 dots -> open with -> apple books*
android: tap 3 dots -> open with -> google play books*
mac: download and open in books
or: download and put the file into an epub reader
* or any epub reader app
want something you can't have?
if there's a particular book you wanted to read that i don't have listed yet, send me an ask or pop it in the comments x
happy reading! x
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doodlecrimes · 4 months
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[image id: several drawings of Data from Star Trek TNG.
top left panel: Lore hands Data a gift and says, "happy *birthday*, I guess." Data replies, "thank you, broth-" Lore interrupts him: "just take it."
top right panel 1: a front view of a yellow book. Data is holding it in his hands. the text on the cover reads, in all caps, "meow: the book is for your cat only. written in own language."
top right panel 2: Data has now opened the book. the text reads the word "meow" over and over.
bottom right panel: Data from the chest up, reading the book. he says, "quite humorous indeed."
bottom left: Data lying on his side, holding the open book in front of Spot, who is sitting next to him. there are three question marks above her head. Data says, "look Spot. it is written in your language."
/end id]
happy very late birthday, Data!! your drawing killed me!!
do not repost or share my art without permission!
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corvidaeconundrum · 2 months
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COF/COM STICKERSSS :D they’re specifically based on our designs for our Cry of Monster’s fic/AU, wanted to make something with all the main characters
I’ll probably actually turn these into stickers too, considering we have a cricut!
Here are the individual stickers!:
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angryshortstacks · 9 months
So the Unwanted guest has given me Pyrrha thoughts that makes me so so emo. If souls are permeable and the lyctor takes from the cavalier over time until parts of them eventually can’t be separated, then that means the person G1deon became was because of Pyrrha. He became Gods attack dog because of what he absorbed from Pyrrha!!
In the John chapters in NtN G1deon feels very different, still loyal to a fault but, he seems less hardened a little more squishy. The same could be said about Pyrrha. Pre-resurrection she was a cop and almost every example of her behaviour she’s yelling at someone, calling them out, telling them they need to toughen up and get thicker skin. Pyrrha also said in HtN that G1deon absorbed more of her than Harrowhark did Gideon.
So this means G1deon took the hardest parts of Pyrrha, the parts that were ruthless and determined. The stuff that made her the perfect soldier. Than when he dies at the end of HtN Pyrrha is left alone, in a body she didn’t want, as the softest version of herself. She felt so much harder for Wake, Nona, Palamedes and Cam, and those feelings of love scared her so bad. And I’m Ntn she’s trying so hard to be that old person and hold it all together, and she feels like she’s failing, but really she’s just succeeding at loving and taking care of people as best she can. Pyrrha is the loving person we know her as because G1deon took the worst parts of her and left her at her best and I’m going to scream.
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scifrey · 5 months
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Oh my gosh, the book is now officially out! This is the first original novel I've published since 2018 and I am very excited and very nervous to share it.
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➡️ You can read it here. ⬅️
Chapters drop Wednesdays and Saturdays, and if you're worried, the story is already finished and fully uploaded. This is not a WIP that I will abandon later--it's totally complete.
About the book:
Twenty-four is one year too young for a quarter-life crisis, but hey, Colin's always been an overachiever. He's got a degree in Sustainable Tourism, which his family says he's wasting as a barista, an annoying anxiety disorder, and no freaking idea what to do with his life. The only thing going his way is the cute coffee shop regular, a homo draconis named Dav (who, in his humanshape, is a total hottie.) Still, it'd be easier if Dav didn't have a habit of accidentally setting things on fire when he's startled. Like the café kitchen.
When Dav breaks draconic taboo and volunteers as a replacement bean-roaster to apologize for the inferno meet-ugly, sparks really fly. Everything's finally happening for Colin, until he learns that hooking up with Dav means that under dragon law, Colin is absorbed into Dav's hoard.
Possession may be nine-tenths of the law, but becoming his boyfriend's property does not make this whole identity crisis thing easier. Especially now that Colin must navigate politics, paparazzi, and legal questions about his personhood. Colin's still angling for his Happily Ever After, but the growing scrutiny on his relationship with Dav threatens their budding romance. And if he's not careful, Colin's fight for agency may just destroy symbiotic human/dragon relationships worldwide.
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Beautiful cover art by @seancefemme
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kidovna · 2 months
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Duncan and Luke from I Vote You, Mr. Mayor by Isabella Renee
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dylanconrique · 19 days
they really weren't kidding about the rom-com vibes in this season.
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joaniejustwokeup · 1 year
DP x DC Prompt:
Summoning circles are more complicated than people give them credit for. They’re a bit like a mix between a thumb print, a name, a phone number, and a recipe; and at the same time, nothing like any of those things.
In reality, most summoning circles in spell books and ancient texts are incomplete, representing only a fraction of a particular spirit’s identity.
A complete circle will actually be a series of different summoning circles, with each concentric ring representing an aspect of the spirit’s identity and having individual requirements and/or offerings needed. Ghosts have an innate awareness of them and are able to draw and describe their requirements from any sort of inward reflection.
Ghosts will often give out incomplete circles as a means of communication and transportation. A single ring of the circle will only open the door, and each ring added makes the pull and connection to the summoner stronger. Ghosts will also sometimes use incomplete circles to mark and monitor their haunts and as a way of claiming territory.
A complete summoning circle will occasionally but inevitably change over time, as parts of the spirit’s identity change.
The circle will always be a closely guarded secret. This is because, much like giving your true name to the fae, giving out your full summoning circle will allow the summoner to not only capture you, but to command and control you.
After Danny was shown Dan’s future where he killed the world, he made Jazz memorize his complete circle and told her to use it if he ever turned evil. She thought he was being ridiculous, but learned the spell when she saw how frightened he had become of himself.
When the summoning circle of the Ghost King was added to his identity, he tried to make her memorize the new circle, only for her to flat out refuse, saying it’s not healthy for him to make these kind of contingencies. They get into a really bad fight and Danny flies off determined to find someone he can trust with his circle should he turn evil.
As he’s flying over his town he feels the slight tug on his consciousness indicating someone is trying to summon the Ghost King. He lets his awareness bleed through the summoning just enough to see that… yup it’s cultists again. At least there’s no sacrifices this time.
He’s about to shrug the summoning off like he has so many others when he suddenly sees someone fighting through the cultists. Oh! Make that several someones.
With a giddy sort of eagerness Danny watches Batman and his sidekicks cut through the crowd of religious fanatics, even taking down a couple that looked like they were using ghost-based magic. He’d always admired the Dark Knight, but seeing him fight in person is something else.
It’s as the hero is tying up the cultists and checking their injuries that a lightbulb goes off in Danny’s head, and, after a moment of steeling his determination, he lets himself be pulled through the summoning circle.
The Bats all tense up as the circle at the center of the room grows brighter, readying themselves for another fight. Danny tries to smile reassuringly as he feels his form materialize, though they likely can’t see it in the bright flash of light that accompanies it.
He frowns when he realizes the summoning had dressed him in his royal armor and cloak, the crown of fire burning above his head and ring of rage glaring from his right hand.
He tries raising his hands in an “I am not a threat,” pose, before realizing it looks exactly like the Box Ghost’s “Beware!” pose. He tucks his hands under his armpits, then awkwardly waves at the group of vigilantes.
“Hi there! Wow that was really cool- Thanks for taking care of these guys for me.”
The vigilantes once again tense up as Danny steps out of the circle towards them. Danny smiles sheepishly.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but I really need to talk to you, Batman.”
Batman steps forward, approaching Danny as he stands just outside the circle, a living shadow that looms larger than life. Still, Danny senses something soften in his gaze as he looks over the teenage Ghost King, stopping just out of reach of him. Danny gazes back at his childhood hero, hoping he’s making the right choice.
“I have a favor to ask of you.”
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ouidamforeman · 2 months
You know what I am glad of the fact that so many people over the years read and watched Good Omens and completely independently decided to write fanfic like “if this story had a sequel it would absolutely be a high stakes urban fantasy rom com” and then an actual official sequel came out and it is in fact a very high stakes urban fantasy rom com
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silverystardustt · 4 months
there's just something about two bodies conforming to each other as much as physically possible while kissing that's just-
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therefugeofbooks · 1 month
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going back to an old favorite
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I see you, Abbot Elementary. Having Mr. Morton show up in-person for the very first time this entire season and immediately establish that 1) Morton's Hershey Park marriage is in the process of ending AND 2) Morton's very existence still pushes Jacob's buttons like nothing else.
I've read enough "enemies-to-lovers" fanfiction to know exactly where this is going. And I want to say that I am delighted and that I called this from Morton's very first episode.
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aurpiment · 3 months
Manny what is the aubreyad (I am pronouncing this like Iliad I hope that is correct) and possibly who is Aubrey. I could look this up but I won’t because I’m afraid
Hello!! OK, SO: disregard much of my past posting. I am frequently saying diuers insane things. Here’s my objective description:
The Aubreyad, also known as the Aubrey-Maturin series, is a series of 20 novels set during the Napoleonic wars following the adventures of two guy best friends over about a decade (or more; 1813 is six years long. Do not worry about this.) One of the friends is Jack Aubrey, hugelarge boat guy extraordinaire, captain in the Royal Navy who is very capable at sea and prone to social blunders on land. The other friend is Stephen Maturin y Domanova, a physician, who works aboard Jack’s various vessels but doesn’t have a sailing bone in his body. He is the brains of the friendship, as well as a naturalist, spy, Irish republican, Catalan independentista, and a weapons-grade weirdo. Jack opposes Napoleon because rah rah England, while Stephen considers Napoleon a tyrant and a traitor to the better ideas of the revolution. Another character I love is Diana, who initially has a belle dame sans merci thing going on with Stephen, and then a marriage.
These books are written by Jane Austen’s #1 fan, eminent boat sicko Patrick O’Brian, who cares very much about end of 18th to start of 19th century history/politics/science and will make you care too.
They met at a concert when Stephen told Jack off for tapping the beat wrong on his knee and almost dueled about it, but then the next day Jack bought Stephen dinner because he was in a better mood and Stephen had zero money. Stephen stained his good coat by putting lamb chops in his pockets for later. Another time, Jack was in danger of being arrested so Stephen put him in a female bear costume and made him walk across France on a leash. Crazy shit keeps happening to them. This isn’t even .05% of it.
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