#clone wars conspiracy arc
lbibliophile-sw · 7 months
Forever Unanswered
Also on AO3 @whumptober-archive - day 25: "they're not breathing" @clonefandomevents - Haunted Clones week - day 2: bloody hands @clonefandomevents - 501st bingo: sacrifice
Why, Fox? Why? Must it end this way? Did I have to die? Why, Fox? Why?
There’s a hole in my chest, you’ve a blaster in hand, Did you shoot on reflex, or was this outcome planned? Did I waste my chance to make you understand? Now there’s a hole in my chest, from your blaster in hand.
There’s a hole in my chest, you’ve a blaster in hand. Did you make the call, or obey his command? His secret dies with me, and so you’re all damned By this hole in my chest, from your blaster in hand.
Why, Fox? Why? Must it end this way? Did I have to die? Why, Fox? Why? Why? Fox? Wh-
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ominouspuff · 4 months
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when ur inconsiderate genetic duplicates fake a few deaths and kill a Sith w/out you
(you are a million other genetic duplicates)
Sketch Week! More concept art for Repurposing GAR armor towards the end of pulverizing wrinkly Sith — A guide by CC-1010, ecstatically-ex-marshal commander of Coruscant (AU)
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squidsponge · 1 year
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That time Fives didn't duck at all and then smiled softly while Jesse bluescreened, because even though their odds were shit, Fives had faith in his brothers, and they proved that his hope wasn't misplaced.
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And then less than a year later, on the orders of another darksider.
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Poetry rhyming in the worst way possible.
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I don't want to watch Fives and Tup die.
I don't want to watch Rex watch Fives die in his arms.
I don't want to watch Fox shoot Fives.
Why must The Clone Wars just be pain?
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zealfruity · 11 months
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Finally over.
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that-gay-jedi · 5 months
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars + last verse of "I Wanna Be in the Cavalry"
Eps 4.09 "Plan of Dissent", 6.04 "Orders", 7.11 "Shattered" and 7.12 "Victory and Death"
Screenshots via Cap-That.com, lyrics by Corb Lund and Stan Rogers (most listenable cover is this one from Colm McGuinness)
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fangeek-girl · 9 months
What I don’t understand about the chip malfunction arc in s6 is that the Kaminoans are in contact with Tyranus/Dooku. Like they have Shaak Ti on site, how did Dooku get in contact and convinced them to talk only to him about the chip?! Why did it never come up with Shaak Ti or any other Jedi?
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amberskyyking · 2 months
Dying Isn't Very Regulation: Chapter 15
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Ever trauma so hard that like, 20 people around you need brain surgery to recover from it? No? Just Crosshair? Yeah, he feels real great about that.
(A self-indulgent 5 9 16! chapter fic inspired by Snapback by @toomanyteefs with Fives and Ninety-Nine, because I have emotions about this, they deserves the world, and the narrative ran away with me!)
“I still don’t get it!” Commander Thorn’s words drifted back from the cockpit to where Crosshair was sitting, balled up in a corner of the stupid, too small, too quiet Mandalorian ship. “If we really have a chip that makes us follow these orders how come I wasn’t affected like my men?
“Because you weren’t given the order,” Tech said patiently. “It was designed to be passed down the line, from commanding officers down to their men. You never received the order from a superior, but when you repeated what Crosshair said, it was apparently enough to trigger your men… And one of ours,” He added, a little quieter, but not so quiet Crosshair didn’t catch the bitterness in his tone.
He tried to make himself smaller, pressing his back into the cold walls of the ship in his seat as nausea rolled over him. He had done that. He activated the order, it might have been Thorns words but Crosshair had been the one to put them in his mouth. It was his fault, no matter how reluctant the others were to say so. He knew they blamed him. They could hardly meet his eyes after what he did, after the things he said to Ninety-Nine, and the consequences-
“YOU!” Came a shout from the hold, along with a thrashing sound. “Conspiring with the enemy makes you a-”
The buzz of a stunner made the protest fall silent and Crosshair squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block it out. Ninety-Nine was back there with the rest of the Corries. None of them would have ever had to understand, and now they did. Was that somehow what he wanted? That was exactly what he had an entire kriffing meltdown over, wasn’t it? Ninety-Nine never had to comply with vile orders against his will, with or without the chip! He never had his body and mind ripped away from his control, never heard voices compelling him to do terrible things… Until now. The image of his face, twisted and contorted as he wrestled painfully for control, would be seared into Crosshairs mind for a long time, nevermind the feeling of a blaster in his gut or the sound of Ninety-Nine’s gut-curling scream as he somehow found the strength Crosshair never could to hold back that killing blow.
Full Chapter (And Story!): The Consequences That Nobody Asked For
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kopykunoichi · 1 year
Okay listen, I love Ahsoka. Okay? I love her.
I know there's no way she could have stayed on Coruscant after Order 66. But the fact that it's Rex and Echo and Riyo working together to save the clones and she's just out there laying low, out of contact, done with the fighting, etc...it just seems so out of character to me. Hell, Trace and Raffa have contributed more at this point!
Ahsoka, who wouldn't even kill the clones who were actively hunting her (on three separate occasions). Ahsoka, who risked everything to save Rex's life. Ahsoka, who always had a closer relationship to the boys than any other Jedi. Ahsoka, who had told Rex that he was her best friend...just ups and leaves and eventually "loses contact" with him for years and then sends Kanan and co. with a loose lead and a tactical droid to find him?
I know she was traumatized by what happened with the Jedi. I know she was burned out. And I've read some good fanfiction that did a better job of explaining this than anything in the novel or the show. But honestly, I'm still just so perplexed that it happened at all.
She should have stayed in contact with Rex. She should have been helping with the effort to rescue Wolffe and the men, even if she couldn't be on Coruscant. She should have been using the Force to help locate and remove their chips, as she did with Rex. She should have been helping them find places to lay low so they wouldn't get caught. She had so many things to say about how the Jedi and the government were failing the citizens of the Republic, but when those men - her brothers in arms for almost 4 years - needed her most, she did nothing.
When Rex told Echo that "good help was hard to come by" and Echo hung his head and decided to leave his brothers and sister to go where he was needed, I just couldn't help but think that she should have been a part of that too. Fives gave his life to try and free the clones from their inhibitor chips. Echo is continuing the work his brother died for. Ahsoka only knew to save Rex at all because of two words: "Find Fives". She got off that ship alive because of Rex. But when Rex needed her most, for a mission of his own choosing, she wasn't there.
Hear me on this, I'm not hating on her character. I just felt that this particular writing choice for her was way off base. The Ahsoka I know wouldn't have abandoned her brothers, especially after she had just buried so many of them wearing *her* face on their helmets because she meant the world to them.
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I feel like May the 4th is the day to watch all the fun me exciting Star Wars moments you love and revenge of the 5th is the day to watch the angstiest must hurtful Star Wars moments you love
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mistergreatbones · 1 year
okay so i'm VERY sad but i love that slip was acting just like fives did.
like his plan is almost exactly the same as fives': go to 79's, corner someone in a secluded area, look around erratically to ensure palpatine hasn't emerged from the walls like the demogorgon, tell your chosen target you stumbled into something big and give enough info for them to look into it further but no actual proof, dip.
get shot in a dark warehouse with his name forgotten to all but the few clones who managed to survive what he knew would happen and was killed to keep silent and the authority figure he begged for help that could not save him nor his brothers and ignorantly aided in the destruction of that which they set out to protect, all to the benefit of palpatine and palpatine alone
Like,,, in fives' case it kinda makes sense. 79's is in the lower levels and swamped with clones so it IS a good plan. weird that was his first idea, but still a good plan.
Slip however.
Bro. You literally just had to run for your life AWAY from the place. They know you! They know you know! They killed your bud right in front of you *in the dark*! They can and will hunt you down and you choose to go back to the scene of the crime???
he didn't even have a plan! He didn't know Riyo was gonna be there! hell, you can see him sizing her up in the background of the bar. Bro was not planning on telling her anything! He was apparently not planning on telling anybody anything because he wasn't talking to any of the other clones! just her! what was the goal here??? hide in the bar for a few days and hope they dont kick you out before rex picks you up? what?
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ominouspuff · 22 days
Ah yes, my favorite version of Commander fox, it’s
✨Dastardly Bastard✨
However with Fives added to the mix it’s
✨Dastardly Bastards✨
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pretty muchly
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squidsponge · 11 months
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New Clone Wars OTP just dropped.
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I officially hate the Kaminoans.
That is all.
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thatgreyjedi · 1 year
Alright, I feel like I need to do this rant now before we know anything that happens in the season finale of the Bad Batch.
So, we all know that deep down inside, we love each character of the beloved Clone Force 99. However, I have a gut feeling that in order for this season to somewhat end is that someone who is either close to the batch or is a member of the batch is going to die. Now over the course of season 2, I have had many differing theories as to who that might be, but I have a feeling that if they are to kill off anyone, it will probably be Echo.
Now my reasoning behind this is mainly looking into what Echo has gone through. First off, he was believed to be KIA during the rescue at the Citadel, which everyone believed that Echo died as a result of an explosion. However, he wasn’t dead, but captured by the Separatists and exploited to benefit their side against his own will. He had to endure the pain of consistently being used for his knowledge that he developed with his brothers in arms, all while he is too weak to fight back. When Echo was finally rescued by Rex, the Bad Batch, and the rest of the rescue party, he had to readjust himself to life without his private thoughts being infiltrated every living breathing second. However, the biggest curveball was learning of each brother from the remaining Domino Squad’s that he wasn’t aware of before being MIA. This also means that he had to deal with the death of one of the brothers he seem to be closest to (and what the fans say) was Fives, who sadly died such a tragic death all in the name of doing what he thought was right by informing everyone about the inhibitor chip conspiracy in the Fives Arc in season six. With all this mind, this proves how much Echo had to deal with in the aftermath of returning to his old life after being held against his will by the Separatists.
Now don’t get me wrong, Echo joining the Bad Batch was a great way to reincorporate Echo back into the Clone Wars Era show from both a writer’s standpoint along with an audience’s perspective. This got to show how Echo was able to adapt to being more of a cyborg than 100% flesh clone, as we have seen him in all sorts of adventures where his upgrades have proven to get the Clone Force 99 out of sticky situations. On the contrary to this, Echo didn’t grow up with the members of the Bad Batch, so his connection with them isn’t as deeply rooted as the connections between Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, and Wrecker are. This also can be used to support Echo and Omega’s unique bond with one another. Unlike the other members of the batch, both Echo and Omega grew up separately from the other four members; Echo growing up with the members of the Domino Squad and Omega basically being raised by Nala Se. Since both joined the batch later in each of their lives, they aren’t as rooted with the other brothers who had grown up with one another since they were created. This allowed for Omega and Echo to bond over the fact that they were outsiders in their own sort of way, which makes their connection so special in my opinion. That is why I believe that his death would hit Omega real hard because she could connect with him on such a level that maybe other members of the Bad Batch wouldn’t entirely understand.
To conclude my thoughts here, I believe that Echo would be the most likely choice if Dave Filoni does decide to kill off anyone in the conclusion of this season of the Bad Batch, mainly because of all the trauma he has had to endure. Him dying would finally allow for Echo to make peace with himself as he wouldn’t be in anyone physical pain, but also he would finally get to be reunited with the Domino Squad. If there was a specific reason he would die, it would be protecting Omega because of how he wants the best for her and to get that chance to grow up as a normal child.
That’s all I have for you tonight! Thank you for listening to my rant and hopefully this season will end on a good note, but if it doesn’t… I will also be depressed from a fictional sci-fi show like the rest of y’all
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demigodofhoolemere · 7 months
Watching Fives learn the truth and literally tell main characters about it but you know it won’t change the future outcome
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