#chrissy inbox!
ghostlyfleur · 7 months
omgomg harmo can u imagine halloween with chrissy?? idk what you would go as but it’d probably be so cute and whimsical ugh <3
requested by @inkluvs at my old acc.
i think halloween as best friends would go something like you dressing as a fairy and chrissy dressing as a princess. all cute outfits, not too short, full of glitter and sparks, soft colors and soft makeup but lots of colors and shimmer. you two would stay close all night, hands brushing, using excuses to touch— like you say her tiara is out of place so you step closer than necessary and softly move the little sparkly crown she has in her hair, touches that last too long, a blush in both your cheeks, and you let your fingers run through her hair. she smiles really big because she’s slightly tipsy otherwise she would’ve gotten flustered. later, though, she wraps her arms around your waist from behind and rests her head on your shoulder because shes so tired. you enjoy it for longer than you probably should before you two go back to your place for an innocent sleepover. both of you wake up with glitter everywhere and happy smiles.
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now, after you two get together? as a couple: chrissy would definitely want to match! you’re (and i’m definitely projecting) really into disney’s villains, and chrissy, being the lovely girlfriend that she is, knows that you’re only ever attending halloween parties because she enjoys them, she wants your company, and you’re being her perfect girl, so she chooses something she knows you’ll like— maleficent (your favorite) and aurora (her favorite princess). needless to say, you two are unable to keep your hands to yourselves all night.
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# chrissy cunningham
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pearlypairings · 8 days
Let the Light In ~
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Just posted a new update continuing the story from there is a light that never goes out <3 So refresh your memory from the last few chapters of TIAL or dive straight into Let the Light In for a deliciously angsty return to this byers/cunningham universe. Posted both the prologue and chapter one today.... hope you enjoy chrissy's pov just as much as jonathan's <3 Bookmark it, read it, lemme know all your thoughts down here->
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bebx · 1 year
who cares about this boy 💀 joseph himself already said that chrissy and eddie would have been together if she hadn't died
is this about Raphael liking a tweet about Steddie? anon, I hope you know how silly and insecure you sound right now. and I think you do, that’s why you hide behind… well, anon. “who cares about this boy” his fans do, apparently. I do care about him. who cares about you? does your mom even care? how old are you? why are you coming at me and sounding so bothered that a young and talented actor interacted with fans about the show he’s in? at what point did his liking one tweet about one ship means he declares a war with another ship? my brother in christ, you’re in a ✨fandom✨, they all are fictional characters, people are allowed to ship a fictional character with any other fictional character they like, and they’re allowed to ship said fictional character with more than one fictional character. it should be about the fun, not the drama with insecure people like you. but I’m glad the majority of Hellcheer stans are sweet and kind and not this petty. and for the record, ‘this boy’ was just showing his fans that he cares about them, and you’re just showing me that you’re insecure 🥰
I can’t not add this legendary tweet because it reminds me of you 🤍 apparently twitter isn’t the only place we do this, you’re doing it on tumblr too! do you want a cookie?
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mrsmiagreer · 10 months
Honestly same when I tell you my heart broke when David said Christian and Amanda broke up and I don’t even know a lot about them 🥲
It literally broke my heart too. After all the disaster and david crying and everything and to hear that this is what the business has come to made me so sad
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munson-mjstan · 7 months
Let's get some positivity back in the fandom! What's your favorite Eddie and Billy moment or HC that you have? Favorite episode or fic? Anything!
Oh goodie! Another one! Time to do Billy, he's a tough one!
My favorite Billy moment was when El was able to reach Billy while he was Flayed. He had been through so much and he loved his mother dearly and that was the key to bringing him back. The way El touches his face was so tender and I believe that was the first loving touch he got in a very long time.
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My favorite episode is the first episode of season 3 and we see him in those red lifeguard shorts, good heavens! He fine asf, he seemed to be in his element as a lifeguard and teaching swim lessons. I would've liked to have seen a happier, more at peace Billy.
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the-kipsabian · 23 days
will edit catboys today after i get more coffee in me, feel free to send in some requests 💜💜
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
chrissy comes back wrong!!! 👀👀👀
some freaky chrissy for you, friend!
the immediate next part of this is mostly done so this is from the part after that in which we get a reunion of sorts 💜
“I really am now,” she says, tongue pressing up against the cage of her teeth as she clicks her jaw shut definitively. 
“You’re what?” Eddie leans, he leans so much just to try and catch her eye, and he’s so kind despite all of it, really looking at her in a way she wouldn’t blame him for avoiding after everything. 
It can’t be easy, after all, looking the girl you watched snap apart in the eye on the other side of that. It can’t be easy to sit with Chrissy and still see the girl who begged him for some sort of freedom as if this isn’t the freest she’s ever been. 
Dead and craving, Chrissy shows her teeth when she smiles a self-deprecating smile. 
“Mean and scary.” 
✨bully me into working on my wips✨
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aphrogeneias · 11 months
Re: https://www.tumblr.com/aphrogeneias/721324796198158336/re-serial-killer-eddie-i-do-also-want-to-point?source=share
asking bc i genuine got no idea: is ketamin a dangerous drug? like, is it as chill as weed or could chrissy have been harmed?
hi anon! as far as i know (and i may be wrong here), ketamine's original purpose was to be used as an anesthetic, but obviously it can get you high and people started using it for recreational purposes
and yeah, considering what we call "hard drugs", k is pretty chill when used in small doses, it mostly just gets you high and sleepy, which was what i think eddie intended to do with chrissy, since she was having trouble sleeping and with her hallucinations
i don't think it would have caused her harm, but also any drug, depending on the state of your mental health, can cause undesired effects. i, for example, refrain from using drugs like ecstasy and lsd, although i've done both of these in the past, because i know that my anxiety can fuck up the effects of those drugs and instead of making me feel good, it's gonna do the opposite effect
all in all eddie just had good intentions, he may not have known what to offer her and this was his way to help her feel better, i don't think she would have been harmed in any way, even if she ended up having a bad trip
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lokis-army-77 · 7 months
Love you girl! You rock! 💕
I love you too!! You're totally awesome Chrissy
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thepastdied · 1 year
✨️Send this to 10 people you think are beautiful and deserve the world! Keep the chain going!✨️
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(I need to make more of these but I'll keep reusing this for now).
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phoenixwrites · 10 months
I dont understand what you mean about policing fic content if the people are saying Erics smut is being written: I've seen two different posts and one is claiming Erica is underage and the other is aged up
This is where I'm confused. Have you written that or did you just rec a post?
I have never written smut for Erica.
There is a fic several of my friends enjoy featuring adult!Erica and adult!Eddie. I have recommended it, because they have good taste and it’s properly tagged featuring two adult characters. I have rec’d this fic many times.
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muertawrites · 2 years
Ok, some people might take my head over this, but I stand by it. Chrissy was sweet, absolutely and did she deserve what happened to her? No. But I still don't like her. Because she stood by Jason and his friends - and her friends - despite them calling Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire group freaks and being nasty to others just because they weren't jocks/cheerleaders. As someone who has been a victim of bullying myself, I just can't stand the mentality "but I didn't do anything to you - so we're cool, right?"
Even though Chrissy wasn't a bully herself she clearly had no problem dating one. Or be friends with them.
That's why I have a problem with the Chrissy/Eddie ship.
everybody else shut the FUCK up. slightlyvicked is the only one who gets it.
i was bullied ruthlessly from kindergarten until high school so yes. yes yes yes yes yes. yes. anybody who reminds me of the types of people who caused me so much emotional trauma makes me immediately wary, no matter how kind they are. it's an involuntary thing. i could not bring myself to fall romantically for anyone who reminded me of an abuser from my past. and i feel like that's true for most people who've experienced similar things.
and like listen, i'm sorry. we love to talk about how sweet and soft eddie is, and he absolutely is.
but i think the only reason he was so nice to chrissy is because he recognized her distress and knows how shitty that feels, and didn't want her to feel like that any more than she already did because it is awful not trusting your own mind.
up until that moment, eddie would have resented her for her complacency. hated her, probably not. but felt a very strong anger towards her? absolutely.
so unless you've experienced abuse and the lasting pain that comes with it, your opinion about how someone would handle it is invalid. i don't fucking want to hear it.
eddie munson is for the freaks and the survivors because he's one of us. end of discussion.
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pearlypairings · 5 months
fic update! there is a light that never goes out :)
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jonathan x chrissy || ch 12/13 || diners, discussion, romance, oh my! || chap 2.5k wc
summary: jonathan and chrissy agree to meet at Benny's for breakfast the morning after their revelations (and their kiss(es)!). it's about time these seniors talk a little about their feelings....
read the new update on ao3!
snippet and news below the cut:
“So…” “So,” Chrissy repeated, her voice trailing off with her fingers unconsciously grazing the bottom lip that only a few scant hours ago he’d been kissing. His insides turned to jelly, as if they were thrown into a blender set to liquefy, but her icy blue eyes coaxed sound out to form the words he needed to say aloud. "We kissed last night," he said, fully aware of how stupid he sounded, stating the obvious. An introvert who found comfort in Vonnegut’s writings and Morrissey’s music, he still recognized his limitations. At the end of the day, he was a teenage boy from Indiana, and his mind was consumed by one thought: Chrissy Cunningham might like me . Poetry and elaborate monologues were not an option at the moment, especially in the sobering, less-forgiving daylight. A pretty pink crept up the base of her neck, and her hands braced the mug like the words had enough momentum to give her and her coffee whiplash. Her voice filtered through the cacophony of diner talk with a sweetened tone.  “Yeah, we kissed.” Her head tilted to the side in thought, pressing her lips together. “I think Thoreau and Shakespeare had something to do with it.”
author news: I will be MIA until ~1/7/24 for a lovely, long awaited vacation to visit a faraway friend! The last chapter will be posted after I return sometime mid-january. so merry christmas & happy new years!!! can't wait to see you all in 2024 :)
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xkumah · 2 years
Listen he’s not dead he’s just sleeping.
Listen, I lie to myself even since vol 2 came out
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munson-mjstan · 7 months
Thank youuuuuu Becca! I love you girl!
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📷 c:
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meme ; accepting template
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