#chim's eyes are so soft! so full of love!
queermatcha · 3 days
"Evan, just... talk to him. That man loves you and a little fight doesn't mean your relationship is over. Chim and I fight all the time!"
Buck swallowed thickly and he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. It was trembling and he felt tears sting in the corners of his eyes. He really didn't want to cry, but it was so hard to.
"Yeah, but you two... You're soulmates! You were made for each other!" Buck answered with a heavy sigh. He got up from where he was sitting on Tommy's couch in Tommy's living room and started pacing nervously.
This had been their first fight. Tommy had told Buck he needed to leave LA for two weeks for advanced in-service training somewhere in Arizona. The worst thing about this was the fact that Tommy couldn't even come home during those two weeks because of the intense hours of the training. Two weeks without his boyfriend? Buck had just... freaked out about it. One word had lead to another and then, Buck had accused Tommy of not even minding the fact that they'd be apart for two weeks. That maybe, he'd even find someone better at a training center full of other amazing pilots. Then, Tommy's phone had told him he needed to come to Harbor - there was a forest fire and he had been on standby all day. So, Tommy had went to the bathroom to get ready really quickly and Buck had called Maddie immediately.
"Evan, please calm down. Maybe it is not for me to say this, but I do think you and Tommy, that is a perfect fit. You'll be fine. Just talk to him."
Buck heard the bathroom door open again. "I need to go. Thanks, Maddie." He ended the call and looked up to see Tommy standing in the door frame, watching him. "I really hate that I need to go now," Tommy said and Buck swallowed thickly around the lump in his throat again, nodding. "Me too."
Tommy walked over to where Buck was standing and the young firefighter looked at his boyfriend with huge, wet eyes when Tommy's large hands cradled his face oh so gently.
"I love you, Evan," Tommy said and the sincerity in his eyes made Buck's heart flutter in his chest. "And I hate that we'll be separated for two weeks. And I will promise you that I'll still love you when I come back - maybe even more than I do now. I don't care about others, okay? You're the one I want."
Buck stared at him for a few seconds. "I love you too. I've- I've never felt like this for anyone before and I'm so scared to lose you and that's because I freaked out and fuck, I'm so sorry, I don't want to drive you away with being to clingy and too much, I-"
Tommy's lips brushed against Buck's. "You're not too much. You're all I want, Evan." The pilot said. "And fuck, I wish we could keep on talking about this, but I need to go. I love you, okay? And I can't wait to come back home to you."
Home. Tommy spoke of his apartment as their home. Buck laughed wetly, more tiny tears clinging to his eyelashes, with his heart fluttering in his chest. "I will wait for you to come home to me," he said. He leaned in to press a really soft kiss to his boyfriend's lips. "Be safe, Tommy." The gorgeous smile Buck loved so much was now back on his boyfriend's handsome face. Tommy nodded. "I promise."
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hotcinnamonsunset · 25 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
chim: 🥹😍🥰🥹😍🥰
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oatflatwhite · 2 months
lest I go unsheltered
buck & maddie siblingism, post 7.04 | read on ao3
The last time Buck felt this nervous about talking to Maddie, he was fifteen and had scratched the Jeep. It was a real good one too, paint and metal flaked off the driver’s side door, the panelling beneath dented enough to catch when you tried to close it. Maddie and his parents were out for the night, and it hadn’t taken much convincing from his friend Andrew for Buck to lift the keys from the bowl on Maddie’s dresser and take it for a spin. When he’d scraped the door while parking Andrew had climbed out, taken one look at the car and fled. It wasn’t the kind of scratch you could buff out and besides, he and Maddie had promised a long time ago to be honest with each other. They were on the same team, always.
But Maddie had loved that Jeep. Buck remembers feeling sick to his stomach, practicing what he would say to her. He’s pretty sure he threw up over it.
He hopes he’s not gonna throw up now. Maddie’s in the kitchen, pouring enough red into their wine glasses Buck probably shouldn’t drive after drinking his. Chim’s doing something with Albert tonight and Jee is asleep, had been already when Buck got over here. He’d poked his head in to check on her and brushed an air kiss over her soft curls, so as not to wake her, in case she felt a real one. He’d stood from his crouch to find Maddie watching them in the doorway, her head leaned up against the jamb. She was smiling softly. When she saw him looking she lifted her hand, tilted it toward her mouth. Wine?
Jesus, he’d need it. Buck had nodded and followed Maddie from Jee’s room.
She brings the promised glass out, unnervingly full, and sits across from him on the couch with one leg on the floor, the other tucked up beneath her. Buck flicks his fingernail over the thin rim of the glass, listening to the sharp ring of it, until Maddie sighs and reaches over and puts her hand over his to stop it.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, not exactly kindly. Not accusatory either, just—exasperated. Her eyebrows have climbed halfway up her forehead but when Buck doesn’t answer straight away they draw back down, then further still, until she’s frowning. “Evan?”
I scratched the Jeep, Buck had blurted, almost twenty years ago now from the top of the stairs before Maddie had even taken her key out the door. She’d looked at him that same way, eyebrows drawing together, face scrunching into a scowl as the words registered. She’d said, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, and stomped back outside to take a look at the damage. She’d left her keys in the door.
Buck’s pretty sure she’ll have a different answer this time, but the words still stick in his throat. It feels like it did when she told him about Daniel, when everything in his life could be divided neatly down the line of before-I-knew, and after. He’s drawn a second line in his head without even realising it, but which side of it things are sitting on, he’s still figuring out. He’d taken Maddie’s Jeep to impress Andrew, was the thing, who had blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair and was always quick to smile, quicker, even, than Buck, though of course he’d only been Evan back then. C’mon, Ev, he’d pleaded, wide-eyed, glinting with mischief. He’d wound the windows all the way down as they drove, laughing, the sound carrying from the car and turning Hershey into something else entirely, something that clung at Buck’s heart and made him want to stay. At least, until two years later, when Andrew had gotten into Cornell and left Buck there, in Hershey, taking all the good things about it with him.
Should Buck have known, even then?
Maddie’s still looking at him. Buck wriggles his hand out from under hers and sets his wine on the coffee table. After a moment, she puts hers down too.
“I’m,” Buck says, and the word that should come after sticks in his throat. “Something—happened. I, um, I did something.”
“Oh-kay,” Maddie says slowly, drawing the word out like it’s two: Oh… kay. She brings her other leg up so she’s cross-legged on the couch. “Is it something bad? I don’t need to hide a body for you, do I?”
“What?” Buck laughs, a quick exhale through his nose. It’s enough to ease some of the tension in his shoulders and break Maddie’s face into a small smile. “No, nothing like that. Though I—I’m concerned that’s where your mind went first.”
She shrugs. “Chim and I’ve been marathoning Criminal Minds.”
“Ah.” He rubs at his mouth. “No, um. It’s not, like, a big deal, I guess. I mean—it is, but not—like that.”
“Okay.” She looks at him.
Buck had stayed at the top of the stairs until Maddie had come back inside. She’d taken a deep breath, slid her keys from the door, shut it behind herself and locked it. I’m really mad at you, she’d said, her voice level. And then she’d looked up at him, and sighed—maybe at the way he was clutching his hands round his shoulders. Maybe at the fact he hadn’t moved an inch since she got home. Maddie sighed a lot when she was here. At their parents, when they couldn’t go a single Sunday dinner without arguing. At Buck, when he spilled bright blue nail polish all over the carpet in her room. At Doug, over the phone, when she didn’t know Buck was listening.
She’d walked up the stairs and sat next to him on the landing. Their shoulders bumped together. But I’m really glad you told me, she’d said, then grabbed his head and scuffed her knuckles through his hair. You’re paying for the repairs, stupid. Which had been a lie, anyway.
Buck takes a breath. He lets it out all at once. Maddie’s looking at him steadily. “Tommy kissed me,” he says. “I kissed him back. We’re going on a date on Saturday and I. I think I like guys.” He swallows. “That’s, um, it.”
“Evan,” Maddie says, and then nothing else because she’s in his arms, hugging him. His hands come up to her shoulder blades, the wings of them beneath her sweatshirt, and he’s been bigger and taller than his older sister since his growth spurt when he was fourteen but right now it’s like that doesn’t even matter. She holds him like she won’t let go and that tiny knot of tension, that ugly scrunching of doubt that had been nestled in his chest—it releases. Of course, it seems to say. Of course it’s okay. Like Buck had been an idiot to ever think otherwise. Which—he’s often an idiot. Maddie loves him anyway.
“I’m sorry,” she says thickly, sounding suspiciously snotty where her face is pressed against Buck’s neck. “I don’t really know the right thing to say. I love you, Evan, I’m—so proud of you.”
Buck gives his own sniffle. “That works,” he manages to say, and then Maddie is pulling back, wiping at her eyes and under her nose. There’s a damp patch on the shoulder of Buck’s shirt, that she seems to use as a target when she socks him. “Ow. What was that for?”
“You’re an idiot!” She throws her hands into the air. “You were pulling—fucking—pigtails!” Each word is punctuated by another punch. There’s no weight behind them, and after the third Maddie sits back, takes a deep breath.
“Is this where you tell me that being mean to a boy isn’t the way to tell him I like him?”
“Seems like I don’t have to.” She presses her lips together, like she’s trying to still be mad, but it hardly lasts a second until her face splits into a smile. “Evan,” she says. “Oh my God. Okay.”
She leans over to scoop up their glasses of wine and presses Buck’s into his waiting hand, and they could be fifteen and twenty-three again, shoulder-to-shoulder on the landing of their house in Hershey. Twenty-seven and thirty-five, drinking wine on Abby’s couch. Twenty-nine and thirty-seven, sifting through a baby box of memories, stood just over the line between before and after. Although maybe Buck was wrong. Maybe there is no line—no clean way to divide a life that will always be messy, because that’s what life is, isn’t it?
Windows rolled down—nail polish on the carpet—a kiss you didn’t even know you wanted, until you did.
Maddie takes a big gulp of wine, and her eyes are sparkling, matching a smile that’s almost as wide as her face. “Tell me everything,” she says, and Buck laughs, and does.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 8 months
Okay, fuck it Friday! Thanks for the tags @forthewolves @lover-of-mine @devirnis @rewritetheending @daffi-990! Here is a silly little fic I’m adding to the soft prompts collection!
Eddie pats down his jacket, making sure his wallet hasn’t magically teleported out of it in the hour or two since he took it off.
“The mint kind, dad, remember.”
“I got it.”
There’s the sound of glass clattering in the kitchen, ringing as loud as the laughter that accompanies it. In the living room there’s sudden cheering as one of the kids gets ahead of another in whatever video game they’ve set up. Beside him, Chimney is counting on his fingers.
“It’s-Its, mint kind. Drumsticks. Rocket pops. Bobby wants neapolitan. Those caramel chocolate bar things for Hen and Karen.”
“Are you going to have room in your freezer for all this?” Eddie wonders, thinking about how packed his own freezer is. He should really clean it out. Maybe Buck’ll come over next day off and help. He loves leftovers, and organizing.
“I’m fully expecting everyone to eat themselves sick so it won’t be a problem,” Chim shrugs. “Rocky road for you, yeah?”
“Okay.” Chimney squints. “I can’t remember what Buck said.” He squints more specifically in Eddie’s direction, clearly waiting for a response.
And Eddie could say Well, Buck cycles through ice cream favorites every few weeks because he likes to try new things. It’s been white chocolate raspberry recently, but he might be ready to switch it up, it’s been long enough, and the kind he likes is sort of expensive so he would never ask you to get it for him, but that feels like the kind of statement that would get him that sort of raised eyebrow flat mouth look he doesn’t understand so he goes with “Uh, I’ll ask.”
Buck is leaning on the counter sandwiched between Hen and Bobby, half full drink in his hand entirely forgotten and listing a little dangerously to the left as he listens to Karen talk about a new project at work. He’s smiling like he doesn’t know he’s doing it, and his eyes are wide in the way they get when he’s absorbed in a story, and Eddie doesn’t want to interrupt but his son has no such qualms.
“Buck, are you gonna come take your turn on mario kart? Nobody can beat May.”
Buck’s smile turns into his Christopher smile, wide and eyes crinkly. “I’ll be there in a minute, bud. Save rainbow road for me.”
“Buck, what ice cream did you want?”
Buck’s attention flicks over to him. “Oh, I’ll just take one of the drumsticks or something.” A beat or two passes while Eddie makes an unimpressed face and Buck laughs, ducking his head. “Fine, I’ll- uh, if they have something coffee flavored that looks good I’ll take that.”
“Oh, Eddie, while you’re there will you pick up more Doritos?” Maddie asks, waving cheesy fingers over an empty bowl.
“Ooh, and barbecue chips?” Hen asks, head tilted to the side imploringly.
“Yeah, okay-“
“If you get an avocado or two I think there’s everything to make guacamole,” Bobby says thoughtfully.
Buck grins at him. “I’ll text you a list.”
“Thank you,” Eddie grins back, and then turns to Chris. “Alright mijo, we’ll be back in a bit.”
“Okay,” Chris says. “And can you get butter popcorn?”
“They’ve got the kernel kind, and a popper and everything.”
“I like the microwave kind,” Chris says, pouting a little. “It’s a party, dad.”
Eddie snorts, but also immediately gives in. “Fine. See you in a minute with your nasty popcorn, sir.”
He leans down to kiss Chris' forehead, leans up to kiss Buck, pats his pocket one more time (wallet still there) and then heads down the hallway. Chimney is standing there frozen, so Eddie steps around him towards the door. He’s probably trying to think of his own chip preference, like he’s not as big of a Doritos fan as Maddie is. Eddie wonders if the corner store they’re going to will have the salt and vinegar chips Buck likes-
Eddie feels a strange sensation like all his muscles locking up for a moment, before he slowly turns around.
“What did I… just… do?”
Chimney — who, there it is, he’s making the face, eyebrows raised and mouth flat, though it looks slightly more hysterical than usual — shakes his head and throws up his hands in a shrug. Helpful. Eddie stumbles the few steps back towards the kitchen. Buck is talking to Karen now, though everyone else in the room is also making the face with varying levels of giddy intensity. When Bobby sees Eddie come back in the room he has to hide his expression behind his glass of orange juice.
“-never knew that worms played such an important part in-“ Buck’s voice suddenly squeaks to a halt mid sentence, and he whips around to stare open mouthed at Eddie in the doorway. “Did- did you?”
“Uh huh,” Eddie nods, eyebrows furrowed. “Is that- uh. Is that okay?”
“Y- yeah, Eddie- yeah.”
Buck moves towards him and Eddie is pulled in his direction like a magnet. They meet in the middle of the kitchen and grab each other’s hands. Eddie is vaguely aware of Maddie’s muffled giggling somewhere to his right, but it doesn’t seem to matter very much at the moment.
“Should-" Buck looks and sounds absolutely confused, and is clinging tight to his hands. "Should we get married?”
“What?” Eddie laughs, remembering the time he’d held Julia Stanton’s hand in kindergarten and she’d told him that meant they were husband and wife. “I- we only just-“ but, suddenly, he imagines it. Being married to Buck. Waking up to him every day, and doing taxes together. It’s all he wants, it’s what he wants more than anything. “Okay,” he says, nodding his head in a frantic yes. “Yeah. Alright.”
“Oh, lord,” Bobby laughs in the background, setting his glass on the counter so he can rest his hands on his knees. Hen rubs his back, other hand covering her face as she tries not to lose it.
“Yeah?” Buck asks, looking stunned, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
“Yes, I’d- I want- you’re beautiful.” Eddie lets go of one of Buck’s hands — oh, he thinks he’d like to hold his hand forever, why did they never do this before — and puts his palm on Buck’s cheek, tracing under his eye with his thumb. “I gotta go get ice cream first though.”
“Oh my god,” says Karen, voice strangled.
“I’ll go with you,” Buck decides, but then Chimney is there with his hands on Eddie’s shoulders.
“Oh no,” he says, “We let the two of you go and we’ll lose you in the night, and then there will be no ice cream and the children will riot.”
“You’re the one who was demanding drumsticks in the first place,” Eddie points out, not even looking away from Buck’s face.
“And I will join the mob with the pitchforks. Let’s go, lover boy.” Chimney leans over to pat Buck's arm. "I promise I'll get your- jesus, are we accepting that as an actual proposal- yeah? Okay- I'll get your fiancé back swiftly and in one piece."
Eddie can do nothing but grin dumbly back at Buck as Chimney all but drags him outside. There are stars out, sort of, as many as you ever get in a city as big as Los Angeles, and Eddie feels a strange urge to write poetry about them.
"Did you know I was in love with him?"
"Had a pretty good idea," Chim says, voice strained.
"Why didn't I know that?"
Chimney hacks a cough into his elbow. "I- I really couldn't possibly answer that."
It's taking Eddie a tremendous amount of effort to put one foot in front of the other in the right order. "I feel like I'm drunk."
Chimney claps him on the shoulder. "You're going through a lot of change."
Eddie thinks about it for a moment. "No, I'm not."
Chimney spins around to face Eddie as he stops walking all together. “It’s… I mean, we might get to kiss now,” Eddie says, pulse suddenly feverish as he considers that for a few seconds. He shakes his head to get back on track. “But… It’s Buck. Haven’t… I mean… It’s always been like this. My life is his already.”
Chimney is making a new face now, still a smile but it’s twisted up sideways and his eyes are a little watery. He throws his head back with a wet scoffing sound and hooks his arm through Eddie’s, tugging him along again. “Well, what the fuck, I’m stupidly happy for you. Unbelievable.”
“Thank you,” Eddie laughs, leaning into him a little. “Oh shit, I- I have to get a ring.”
Chimney cackles into his shoulder. “Might be a difficult find at the corner store, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled.”
When they stagger through the doors of the 24 hour market a few blocks from Maddie and Chimney’s place the bored clerk looks at them like they are drunk, and Eddie tries to take a few steadying breaths. “I’ll get ice cream, you grab snacks?”
Chimney nods, and they split up. Eddie stares down at the freezer and tries to remember any list of anything he’s ever learned in his life before his phone buzzes in his pocket.
Buck 8:43 PM Mint It’s-Its, drumsticks, rocket pops, neapolitan, caramel bars, rocky road, coffee ice cream?, Doritos, barbecue chips, avocados (and tortilla chips please), microwave popcorn
Buck 8:44 PM also I didn’t say it but I love you Eddie
Buck 8:44 PM sorry I should have waited for you to get back to say it maybe but
Buck 8:45 PM I just wanted you to know it. I didn’t want there to be any more time where you didn’t know it.
Eddie’s breath catches somewhere between lungs and throat. He’s standing close enough to the freezer box that he can feel it’s hum in his knees, or maybe that’s just Buck.
“Hey, Diaz.”
Eddie turns in time to catch the small package Chimney tosses at him. Peach rings. Eddie laughs a little helplessly.
Eddie 8:47 PM i am going to be back so soon and tell you in person but me too buck
Eddie grabs all the ice cream in record time if anyone ever recorded the time for such things, and the rest of the trip feels like a race. He taps his foot as the poor clerk scans everything while shooting him vaguely unimpressed looks, and he’s at least a few feet ahead of Chimney the whole walk back. Finally, the door, finally the hallway, finally Eddie is bursting back into the kitchen. Buck is standing with Bobby’s arm around his shoulders and Chris leaning against his side and he looks lit up with happiness, smile practically glowing. Eddie feels an answering one on his own face.
“Here,” he says, holding the ice cream bag out sideways and hoping someone will take it. Karen does, with a snort. “Oh, uh, wait-“ Eddie leans over to dig for the bag of gummies, grabbing his prize and grinning at her. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” she laughs, leaning forward to kiss his cheek before starting to dig out the ice cream for distribution.
When Eddie looks up Buck has moved to stand in front of him. “Hi.”
Buck ducks his head like his smile is too heavy to hold it up anymore. “Hi, Eds.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, taking the half step necessary to press close to him all over. “Hey, I love you. I love you, too. I didn’t realize, but I absolutely do.”
Buck laughs, what a wonderful sound, and wipes his eyes with one hand. “I love you so much, Eddie.”
“Okay!” Laughter goes up around them. “Okay, I have-“ Eddie tears open the plastic, fishes out a single peach ring. “It’s the best I could do short notice.”
“What…” Buck looks down at the candy, and then starts laughing and crying harder as Eddie grabs his hand and does his best to roll the gummy circle onto his ring finger. “Wait, I- I was the one who proposed.”
“There’s a whole bag of them,” Eddie says, waving it around. “You wanna-“
“Yeah, uh huh-“ Buck takes a peach ring of his own, slides it onto Eddie’s finger, and it’s truly ridiculous but even in this Buck treats him so gently, cradling Eddie’s hand like it’s a precious thing. It makes Eddie feel a little lightheaded. The sugar of the gummy is gritty against his skin, and he has to hold his fingers weird to accommodate the bulk of it, but Buck is looking at them like they’d just exchanged diamonds, and Eddie isn’t sure he’s ever been in a more perfect moment. But then Buck leans down and Eddie moves forward and they’re kissing, really kissing, Buck’s arms sliding around his waist like they’re meant to fit there and Eddie cradling his face between his hands, and Chris shouts in delighted disgust and there’s cheering and more laughter around them, and Eddie thinks, stunned, that he might get a life of perfect moments with this man.
They are surrounded by friends and family, so Buck pulls back before either of them can really get lost in each other. “You’re sure?” He whispers. “You don’t have to- I was just- you actually want to get married?”
“Yes,” Eddie says immediately. “And also come home, please. Every day, like- move in with me. You don’t have to use the couch.”
Chimney snorts behind them. Buck nods, and they’re close enough that his nose almost pokes Eddie in the eye. “Yeah, yeah- I wanna come home.”
Eddie kisses him again — perfect, the way their lips fit together is perfect — and then looks for Chris. “Hey, mijo, you wanna have a sleepover?”
“Sure,” Chris says, “With who?”
“Uh.” Eddie cranes to look around Buck at anyone else in the room.
“We’ll take him,” Hen says, raising a hand and looking extremely amused and entirely fond.
“With Denny,” Eddie says to Chris.
“Okay,” Chris says, crunching his face up. “I don’t want to be there if you’re going home to make out.”
“We absolutely are,” Eddie says, as Buck sputters a little. He disentangles himself from Eddie and crouches in front of Chris.
“Chris… I just want to make sure this is okay with you. I- I love your dad very much, and I love you so much, and if it makes you uncomfortable-“
“Buck,” Chris says, slightly exasperated, as he wraps his arms around his shoulders in a hug. “I love you, too. And I kind of thought you were married for awhile when I was little, so you’re just catching up.”
“Oh,” Buck says, watery. “Yeah?”
“You take care of us,” Chris says, leaning back to look at him. “And you’re at our house all the time.”
Buck laughs, and Eddie’s lungs stutter along with him. “Well, okay then. I’ll keep doing both of those things. Sounds good?”
“Sounds good,” Chris says, already looking towards the living room. “Are you going to play Mario kart, now?”
“Uh,” Buck says, looking up at Eddie. “Is it okay if I take a rain check on that?”
Chris heaves a sigh. “Fine, but you better practice for next time. May still hasn’t lost.”
“And I’m not going to!” She calls from the other room. “Also, congratulations!”
“Thank you,” Buck and Eddie call together. Buck gives Chris another hug, and Eddie squeezes him tight as he makes his way to the living room.
“Bye, Superman. We’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.”
“Love you too, dad.”
Buck takes his hand again. Eddie wants to kiss him again, but he thinks once he starts he might never stop. “Anybody mind if we duck out early?” He asks the room at large, fully planning on backing out the door no matter what the answer is.
Chimney pats his arm. “Please for the love of god leave my home.”
“Got it,” Eddie says, pulling a giggling Buck towards the door.
“Paperwork!” Bobby calls. “Monday! And don’t get married until I can get everyone the day off!”
“I-“ Eddie looks into Buck’s eyes, kisses him once on the cheek because they’re in the hallway and no one can see them anymore probably. “I’m not gonna make any promises about that.”
“Bye!” Buck calls, cheerfully, and then they’re out on the front porch.
And, well, they’re really out of sight of the others now, so Eddie pulls him down for another kiss, intent on finding out what his molars taste like, but then the door is opening again.
“Gross,” Chimney says. “Take your ice cream with you.”
Rocky road and coffee, still cold but getting warmer, land not entirely gracefully in Eddie’s arms. The door closes again. “I told him he wouldn’t have freezer room. These are gonna melt.”
Buck takes his tub, grinning a mile wide. “We better get home quick, then.”
“For the ice cream,” Eddie nods, cheeks hurting with his smile.
“Yep.” Buck says. “The ice cream.”
They clasp their free hands together, and then, breathless and laughing, run to the car.
It’s kind of late but if anyone is still around and has stuff to post (you could also consider this as being tagged for inspiration Saturday if you want) @callaplums @shortsighted-owl @buckactuallys @shitouttabuck @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @bigfootsmom @henswilsons @homerforsure
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buddierecs · 7 days
hurt/comfort buddie fics.
all of these are general audience, teen and up or not rated (no smut) make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
a leaf falls on loneliness (highly recommend this fic!!) by: iimpossible_things "buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “i’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. really, he doesn’t. the 118 has too many good, kind people for that. but every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to eddie or bobby or hen or chim, he hears eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.” —you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting— so each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence." word count: 11k important tags: angst, fluff, happy ending, orginal male character blue skies by: spaceprincessem "buck meets another savior baby and everything comes crashing down" word count: 36k important tags: my sisters keeper au, original characters, ptsd, nightmares, emotional whump, evan buckley break down, getting together and i'm not good at winning fights anymore by: spaceprincessem "five times buck needs to feel eddie's heartbeat and the one time eddie needs to feel his" word count: 24k important tags: 5+1 things, whump, protective!eddie diaz, getting together, soft boys in love, ptsd give your heart and soul to charity by: 42hrb "eddie dumps god, gets some more therapy, accepts parts of himself he was taught to hate, loves his best friend, and loves himself" word count: 12k important tags: emotional hurt/comfort, pov eddie diaz, character study, catholic guilt, therapy, pining, getting together i could find you darling, in any life by: justhockey "buck and eddie meet in afghanistan. it changes everything." word count: 27k important tags: diferent first meeting au, army!eddie diaz, navy seal!evan buckley, emotional infidelity, slow burn, hurt/comfort, love confessions catharsis by: rogerzsteven "it only takes one minor inconvenience for buck to have his long overdue breakdown" word count: 5.3k important tags: emotional hurt/comfort, mental/emotional breakdown, bobby nash as evan buckley parent, multiple pov stay by: soft_satan buck’s voice was soft and hesitant, but full of patience when he finally spoke again. “did I do something to upset you, chris? i can leave—” "no!” chris whirled on him, a complete shift from the standoffish vibe he had been giving a second ago. the tears he bravely held back finally broke free from his eyes, sliding down his rosy cheeks from behind his glasses. he shook his head vehemently, the yellow crayon falling to the table. “no, I’m not mad. please…” his words turned to whimpers, his lip trembling. “please don’t leave me too.” word count: 31k important tags: whump, angst, family feels, found family, getting together, team as family
habits by: whileyouresleeping "buck's not sure what's going on when eddie starts kissing him on the head after a rough call, only now it's a thing, and it's a thing buck would very much like to continue if he knew what it meant." word count: 4.9k important tags: tooth-rotting fluff, mild hurt/comfort stick with you by soft_satan "eddie licked his dry lips as he reached for his radio, trying to keep his movements slow and delicate to prevent any more damage to himself or buck. “diaz to captain nash.” “go for nash,” came bobby’s quick reply. “you two okay? where are you?” “we’re in a bit of a sticky situation here…” “we’re a shish kabob, cap!” buck chimed in. eddie rolled his eyes" word count: 5.9k important tags: impalements, whump, getting together, love confessions, hurt!buddie still by: brewsrosemilk "for the first time, buck longs for a bullet wound to treat. dirt to dig at. a door to break through. something. there’s nothing. “your guess was correct, diaz,” the bomb technician tells them, as he gestures to the orange circle. “you’re standing on a large sensor plate, wired to a detonator. It’s incredibly important that you don’t move. don’t shift. when you put your weight down, it was like cocking a gun - you take your weight off, this thing is powerful enough to take the entire house with it." word count: 9.3k important tags: near death experience, love confessions, happy ending, first kiss
be my baby (i'll look after you) by: youdrewstarsaroundmyscars118 "buck finally breaks down after fixing everyone but himself" word count: 1.5k important tags: nightmares, ptsd, panic attacks, pet names, cuddling, pre-relationship, almost love confession i was made for you by: youdrewstarsaroundmyscars118 "buck’s taking care of christopher while eddie is in texas when chris gets sick and has to get surgery." word count: 5.3k important tags: sick!christopher diaz, parent evan buckley, hospitals, bobby nash is evan buckley's parent, getting together, 118 crew as family i know you're hurting (but so am i) by: justhockey "eddie understands better than maybe anyone else ever could, how it feels to have everything unravel in the palm of your hands. he knows frustration - he knows fury. he’s painfully familiar with that burning rage that crackles in the tips of your fingers, that makes your skin hot and chest tight, and makes you want to punch anyone that dares to even look at you. but that doesn’t give chim the right to lay a damn hand on buck" word count: 3.7k important tags: ptsd, feelings realisation, protective!eddie diaz, communication, 5x04 coda of bikes and concussions by: datleggy "buck gets into an accident on his way to work in the morning, and before he can explain why he's late, he gets thoroughly chewed out and the rest of his day goes way downhill from there." word count: 7.6k important tags: injured!evan buckley, misunderstandings, father-son relationship (buck and bobby), team as family it's okay by: itsmylifekay "buck gets hurt on a call and doesn’t tell anyone." word count: 11k important tags: injury, dissociation, buck needs a hug love language by: whileyouresleeping "eddie's love language is acts of service, and buck doesn't totally get it." word count: 6.4k important tags: mild hurt/comfort, pining, fluff, friends to lovers don't go without me by: ingu "there was a snap, and a crack, and buck was suddenly weightless. the car, the tree, eddie, everything was falling. buck was falling. falling." word count: 31k important tags: major character injury, pining, team as family, whump, love confessions, getting together accidental (please check tw!!) by: rosefield "post lawsuit, buck accidentally cuts his arm. he decides that maybe not getting help is best for everyone." word count: 36k important tags: depression, suicide attempt, post-lawsuit, worried!eddie diaz, happy ending
check out the recs for mature rating hurt/comfort fics :) explicit rating hurt/comfort fics
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shitouttabuck · 8 months
playing with the hair and "you sure this is ok" sounds so soft aaaah I hope you'll find inspiration, I love your writing
got a little sappy with this <3
bed-sharing prompts: person A idly playing with person B’s hair while they’re asleep + “you sure this is okay?”
the sound of love astounds me
Eddie’s man-behind today. Bobby tries to be fair with it, not constantly relegating the probies to the job no one really wants, and today it’s Eddie’s turn again.
He’s grateful for it—he slept badly last night, and that’s probably why Bobby made him stay behind in the first place, taking pity on his dragging feet and muffled yawns not one hour into their shift.
They’re past the 18-hour mark now, late night blanketing the firehouse in a thick, heavy quiet. The rest of them have been out on a call for a while, a three-alarm factory fire at the edge of their jurisdiction. Eddie’s itchy about it, always is when it’s a more serious call and he’s not there alongside his team. Not there alongside his partner.
Buck’s a big boy, and Eddie knows, he knows him not being there isn’t going to unbalance the dynamic of their team so dramatically something goes wrong, but. He’s supposed to have Buck’s back, and as much as he trusts the rest of the 118—with his life—no one else is Buck’s partner. Not the way Eddie is.
The sound of the engine backing into the station catches his attention and he gets up from the couch, leaning over the loft railing as everyone stumbles out the rig, sooty and sleepy. Hen looks up and gives him a tired smile, Chim bumping into her shoulder as he blows Eddie a kiss before heading to the showers.
Buck’s last out the engine, exhaustion written into the slump of his body. He doesn’t look up at Eddie, seemingly lost in his own thoughts as he shuffles slowly after everyone else.
Eddie reheats dinner, serving it all up just as the rest of his team flops into chairs around the dining table. Still no Buck.
“Did you cook this?” Ravi asks, poking suspiciously at the casserole with a fork.
“I’ve made my peace with food poisoning, I’m so fucking hungry,” Chim says, mouth already full.
“Hey,” Eddie protests mildly. “I followed Bobby’s recipe exactly.”
“Really?” Bobby asks, examining his own plate in surprise. “Oh, uh, no, of course. Looks good, Eddie, thank you.” He takes a very deliberate bite, making a big show of chewing amidst noises of approval.
Eddie sighs and turns to Hen. “Where’s Buck?”
“Still showering,” she tells him. “Rough one today.”
Eddie’s heart sinks. “Did you lose someone?”
Hen shakes her head, setting down her fork. “No, no—sorry, didn’t mean it like that. He got stuck carrying two guys out on his own, though. And one of them was in pretty bad shape. Think his whole body is feeling kinda tender.”
“Oh,” Eddie blows out a relieved breath. “Okay.” He smacks Chim’s hand away from the last corner of the casserole. “That’s for Buck. You can have some more garlic bread.”
Chimney pouts at him, and Eddie ignores it in favour of covering the casserole dish and sticking it back in the oven to keep warm.
One by one, everyone wanders to the bunks, drained from the day. Eddie hangs behind, clearing up the kitchen and waiting for Buck to show up. There’s no sign of him by the time the counters are sparkling, so he flops back down on the couch with his book. If it’d been a bad call… Eddie’d like to think he knows what Buck needs, usually. And sometimes that’s just a minute to decompress by himself, washing off a weight of weariness rather than an intangible hurt.
Sure enough, he hears the quiet padding of Buck’s footsteps come up the stairs not much later. Eddie cranes his head over the back of the couch, smiling upside-down and wonky when Buck comes over.
“Hey,” he says. “You okay?”
“Mm,” Buck hums. His eyes are droopy with exhaustion, cheeks ruddy from being under the hot spray of the shower for so long.
“Dinner’s in the oven,” Eddie tells him.
Buck exhales heavily, giving him a small smile. “Not so hungry.”
“Sleep, then,” Eddie says, nodding in the direction of the bunks.
Buck grimaces. “Everything aches.”
“All the more reason to sleep,” Eddie presses.
Buck looks at him, blinking tiredly. “Okay,” he says, suddenly amenable, rounding the couch and climbing onto it. He drapes himself across it, settling on his back and shoving his head into Eddie’s lap with a contented sigh. Eddie sits frozen, book in one hand and the other hovering over Buck’s chest.
Buck cracks open one eye to look up at him consideringly. Eddie smiles down at him automatically, can’t really help himself, and gently lowers his forearm to rest across Buck’s broad chest.
“This okay?” Buck asks, slightest note of hesitancy in his voice.
“Better if you were asleep,” Eddie says, flipping the page of his book. He lets the hand curled around Buck’s torso squeeze gently, reassuringly, even as he goes back to reading.
Buck huffs an amused breath, wriggling a little as he settles more firmly in Eddie’s lap, turning his head to get comfortable. This angles his face so that it’s basically pressed into Eddie’s crotch, tip of his nose brushing the fly seam of Eddie’s pants.
Eddie swallows, positioning his book a little higher to cover any change in expression his face might betray, because—it’s Buck, and this isn’t sexual, but God, Eddie hasn’t had this kind of intimacy in his life in a while. He’s less worried about popping a boner from his best friend’s face so close to his dick and more concerned Buck’ll take one look at him and know just how badly Eddie wants him this close, all of the time.
Whatever. If everyone had a friend like Buck, everyone would be a little insane about loving him this much, too. It’s not an Eddie thing, it’s a Buck thing.
Buck’s breathing evens out, deep and steady, and Eddie reads until the words start swimming on the page. He yawns, putting the book down and wondering if he can catch some sleep like this, because he’d rather be trapped on a desert island with his parents than wake Buck up right now.
Buck’s snoring lightly, warm puffs of breath Eddie can feel even through the fabric of his pants. His hair is curling messily from his shower and—there are bits of… something in it? Eddie sighs, knowing Buck probably just zoned out under the spray for half an hour without actually scrubbing his hair at all.
He runs his fingers through Buck’s hair, dislodging flecks of indiscernible airborne debris from the fire. He cards through more purposefully, combing it out as best he can and scratching his nails gently against Buck’s scalp.
Buck murmurs, nuzzling into Eddie. The hand closest to the back of the couch scuffles along the cushion till it finds Eddie’s, wrapping around it and tugging it to his chest with such strength Eddie blinks in surprise, astonished that he’s still asleep.
Eddie goes back to sorting through Buck’s hair one-handed, discarding tiny pieces of detritus lodged in his curls. He gets a little lost in it, something calm and hypnotic about the repetitive motions: stroking, cleaning, brushing through, over and over and over.
He’s startled from it when someone clears their throat softly. He just about manages not to jerk in his surprise, and Buck remains slumbering peacefully. Hen’s standing a few feet from the couch, eyebrow cocked and mouth quirked with amusement.
“There a reason you’re grooming Buck like a monkey picking nits off her baby?” she whispers.
Eddie flushes, removing his hand from Buck’s curls. “He has a bunch of shit in his hair from the fire,” he says defensively.
Hen bites down on her smile. “Okay, okay,” she says soothingly, like she’s talking to a spooked horse. “He forget to actually wash it during the longest shower known to man?”
Eddie sighs, fingers resuming running through Buck’s hair almost unconsciously. “You know how he gets when he’s this tired.”
Hen hums, and Eddie looks up at her again. “Why’re you up? Can’t sleep?”
She shakes her head, inclining it towards the bathrooms. “Just needed the toilet.” She makes as if to head back down, then pauses, looking at him assessingly.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“Nothing,” she shakes her head again, smiling softly. “Just—I don’t think there’s anyone other than Karen and Denny whose hair I’d pick through voluntarily. And any other kids of mine, I guess. Family.” With that, she turns and disappears down the stairs.
Eddie swallows. He looks down: Buck, face pressed into Eddie’s stomach; Buck, hand clutching Eddie’s arm to his chest; Buck, curls wild and springy from where Eddie’s been running his fingers through them, cleaning him, grooming him, taking care of him. Hen’s not dropped a bomb of any sort on Eddie; Buck’s his family, he knows that, Buck knows that, he’s fairly sure anyone who’s ever met them knows that.
But he thinks yeah, there isn’t anyone other than Chris and Buck whose hair he’d pick through like this. And maybe that’s a different, more specific kind of family than he or anyone else realised. Maybe that’s a different, more specific kind of love.
Buck snuffles discontentedly in his lap and Eddie scratches his scalp soothingly, heart settling as Buck settles.
So maybe the reason Eddie wants him close all the time is slightly different to what he thought. This remains true: if everyone had a friend like Buck, everyone would be a little insane about loving him this much. That’s a Buck thing. But maybe, if he’s open to it, Eddie can make loving him this much, every day and in every way, an Eddie thing and exclusively an Eddie thing.
Buck shifts on the couch, tugging Eddie’s arm a little higher up on his chest, and Eddie splays his palm over Buck’s heart, feeling the steady thump.
When Bobby wakes them both for breakfast hours later, Eddie leans against the table to stretch the crick in his neck from sleeping sitting up. Behind him, Buck reaches a large hand out to massage the junction of his shoulder gently, and Eddie melts into his touch.
“Would you pick nits out of my hair?” he asks before his brain comes fully online.
“Sure,” Buck says, not missing a beat. “D’you have lice?” He leans forward to inspect Eddie’s hair and Eddie swats him away.
“No,” he says, slightly offended. “I do not have lice. Just—hypothetically.”
Buck yawns. “’Course, Eds,” he says. “Your lice are my lice, and all that.” He serves himself a heaping of scrambled eggs and ambles off to the kitchen to grab orange juice from the fridge.
And maybe Buck is just the kind of person who, unlike Eddie and Hen, would comb through anyone’s nasty hair. But your lice are my lice is more romantic than anything Eddie’s ever heard, even in his own wedding vows, and when Buck knocks his knee against Eddie’s under the table before stealing a bite of hash brown, Eddie thinks maybe this love between them is equally cared for, a two-way street in every sense of it, a Buck-and-Eddie thing.
(more bed-sharing prompts)
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loserdiaz · 2 years
i can't stop thinking about photographer buck so...
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It’s mostly a joke, when Eddie first mentions photography to him. Buck's editing a photo on Lightroom on his phone between calls, a photo of Eddie and Chris at the beach.
It's beautiful and Eddie loves it. Buck took it without them even noticing, the photo being even more special that way. Eddie is laughing at something Chris said, they're both wet from playing on the ocean and they have sand on their arms, hands and shoulders. The sun shining down and making the both of them look golden. The rays of sunshine forming almost a halo around them— the waves at the back making the picture even more breathtaking.
Eddie's half joking, half serious, when he tells Buck to buy a fancy camera to take pictures with.
He didn't think Buck would actually listen to him.
Next thing he knows, Buck's instagram becomes full of digitized film pictures of the 118, their family barbeques at the Grant-Nash's house. Pictures of Chris and Eddie at the beach, of Jee playing at the park, of Maddie laughing at one of Chim's jokes. A lot of pictures of Eddie, too.
Pictures of Eddie, of him rolling his eyes with a hand held out and half covering his face. A picture of Eddie mid-way through a laugh, an easy smile on his face.
And he swears, never before a camera has made his stomach do back-flips the way it does when Buck is trying to take a picture of him.
“I swear, I’ll break that thing if you don’t get that out of my face,” he snaps at him. They're in Eddie's kitchen and he's trying to follow a recipe Linda sent him last week, Buck being an enormous distraction and not helpful at all.
"I like capturing people in crisis, Eddie." Buck smirks, all smug and teasing. Eddie kinda hates him a little bit.
Except for the part where he doesn't hate him at all.
Buck grins, bright and unapologetic and Eddie loves him. So much he aches with it.
"Yeah, okay. Whatever." Eddie rolls his eyes, trying to suppress the fond smile that it's already forming on his face.
Later, he'll see the picture Buck takes. Eddie will be covered in flour, it'll be everywhere. In his arms, his clothes, his cheeks. The kitchen around him a mess of ingredients and half ass attempts at a meal. Eddie looking down with a small, shy smile. The warm, almost orange glow of the kitchen light making him look all soft and golden. Later, he'll see that picture and will think oh.
He sees me the same way I see him.
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biasbuck · 25 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy WTF Friday everyone?! YIKES ON BIKES. That sure was an episode.
Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week. You can find previous rec lists here. As previously I'm here for henren and all buddie/bucktommy/buddietommy configurations...and apparently this week, all of heroic_pants' Buck and/or Eddie with Josh fic?!
Bring on the drama. *eyes next week's potential list like...welp*
10 May 2024
a mouth full of teeth and nothing to sing by @cal-daisies-and-briars A HEN CENTRIC FIC!!!!! I'm living. Post 07x03, Hen struggles to process the cruise ship rescue and drunk driver call in the midst of ongoing tension with her friends. In which Hen gets the apologies she deserves and gets to vent her frustrations, whilst also self examining her own actions. Fantastic crunchy characterisation.
time will tell by @bekkachaos '5 times Hen and Karen suspect Buck might not be one hundred percent straight, and 1 time they realise they were so damn right. aka., Henren knows and they occasionally speculate about Buck, and Eddie, and now, Tommy.' For everyone absolutely thriving over that reaction in 7x06.
Better Late Than Never by @pop-me soft semi-somnophilic sapphic henren married vibes which I ADORED. Pillow princess Karen, as she deserves. A gorgeous little slice of life domestic scene that was truly so loving and sexy, loved it.
and my heart and my hat by Anonymous (who are you mysterious author, I love your Tommy voice SO MUCH!) This was such a great Tommy POV from 7x03-7x04, charting his feelings from the moment Chim calls him to ask for his help with the cruise ship search, through to the kiss. I really enjoyed the whole ensemble camaraderie of this fic, Tommy's perspective on Hen, as well as the lovely moments where we see all the ways Buck just being Buck is charming to Tommy. So enjoyable.
raspberry. by @buckttommy good lord...hot!!!!! Buck, Tommy, a gay club, a handsome stranger, exhibitionism and some exploratory D/S vibes. This was just *fans self* super sensuous and unabashedly queer, I loved it.
And if you threw a party, and invited everyone you knew by @pantsaretherealheroes In which 'Eddie wakes up the morning after Maddie and Chimney’s wedding with a hangover, and unexpected bed-mate, has a panic attack and a hell of a realisation. Josh makes coffee. They talk.' This is ultimately a buddie fic, but with some glorious supportive Josh along the way, with just the right amount of cattiness too. I just really loved this dynamic and odd couple vibe.
are we still friends? can we be friends? by @pantsaretherealheroes ok how about that, but instead Buck and Josh genuinely have a casual dating set up and all sorts of fun together, mutually agreeing to keep each other in the loop if it stops being what they want. Meanwhile Eddie is PINING, and Maddie is feeling some kind of way about it all. I just really enjoyed the maturity of the dating within these parameters, and the complicated feelings along the way.
treat your mouth as if it's heaven's gate by @bucktheally this is the fourth part in an bucktommy alternative meeting bright as the morning, soft as the rain series in which Tommy was never part of the 118, but can also be read standalone. Look this instalment of the fic got me totally enchanted the moment that Buck set himself up with his laptop 'intent on Wikipedia’ing himself into the queer community in-between naps.' Perfect characterisation. No notes. The fic is sexy, sweet, and I love the development of their relationship set up from this initial premise. Buck just loves to learn!
Won't Be Long Before I Belong by @justaswampdemon a post madney wedding coda fic in which Buck accidentally comes out via soot and Tommy meets everyone. Sweet, tender, gentle and caring.
PS - once again sending out the signal to ask if you have any henren authors/fic recs I should check out PLEASE let me know! I love them!
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theflowerrooms · 1 year
Hey there, I'm a new follower. Just wanted to say I love your writing and, if you're still accepting them, I'd love to make a request.
I was thinking a Buck fic where reder is Bobby's daughter so ✨️DRAMA✨️and after a particularly steamy night together reader shows up with rope burn and bruises etc all over. Bobby ofc freaks out but the rest of the crew get the gist when Buck shows up with scratches down his back etc....
Probably not the best description I could have given but yeah... that's my overactive brain for ya 🌻
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Thank you so much for requesting!!
Father’s Approval
Evan Buckley x Fem!Nash!Reader
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Warnings: allusions to sex, very slight angst
Summary; You and Buck have been dating for a while now, without your father, Captain Bobby Nash’s knowledge. And one day, the odds aren’t in your favour, and Bobby finds out about Buck and you.
wordcount: 1.4k
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Your morning was lovely so far, you woke up in a comfy bed, you had hot coffee already waiting for you when you woke up, and during your shower with Buck before you left, you used shampoo that made your hair surprisingly soft, it was a new part of your daily life. Another new part of your daily life, was Buck.
You'd known Buck almost four years, worked with him for two, and had been dating him for just over two months. You both quickly agreed to keep it under wraps for now, with you both being under the nose of your father, your fire captain, Bobby. Your dad loved you, more than words could ever begin to explain. He was however, overprotective to an overwhelming extent. You understood it, of course you did, he was always full of love and admiration for you, and always very protective, but especially since losing your younger brother and sister.
One of the many, many things you admired about Buck was his respect for your dad. You know he was just as nervous as you about upsetting your father with your new relationship. So you decided together that it would be best if nobody knew. Except Eddie, Eddie knew, but there wasn't much he didn't know about Buck so you weren't surprised.
You couldn't stop smiling when you were with Buck, even now, when you were by yourself in your car, you were smiling from the memory of Buck. You left his apartment in your car to go to the station, and he'd leave in his jeep a bit later, you guys weren't taking any chances getting caught.
  Buck's apartment was significantly closer to the station than yours was, you liked it, you got to leave a fair bit later and the drive wasn't very long. It was only a few minutes before you were parked at the station, about to head inside. You quickly peaked into your rear view mirror, making sure your hair hid the marks that you couldn't really hide with makeup.
  Usually, you and Buck made sure not to leave marks on each other, but last night you were both so hot and needy for one another, and it was a rough night, in the best way possible. You pulled your shirt sleeves further down your wrists to make sure the marks on them were hidden, then you finally went inside.
  Everyone was upstairs, your dad at the kitchenette, Eddie, Hen, Chim, and Ravi all sitting at the table, coffees scattered around.
  You sat down next to Hen, craning your neck to look back at her as she greeted you with a warm smile before her eyebrows narrowed.
  "Y/n? What's wrong with your neck?" Your dad questioned you. It took you all of two minutes to get found out. You could feel your cheeks burning, you glanced at Eddie who seemed torn between staring at you and avoiding eye contact.
  With a smile, you looked back at your dad. "It's nothing dad, no need to worry." You kept it short, sweet and simple. He left it alone, thankfully, but obviously there was some new tension, he was suspicious of you, you knew.
  A few minutes passed, some of the tense energy dissipated in the room, but you blew it, again. Your sleeve rolled up when you reached for your coffee, Hen noticed it immediately, gasping before humming, immediately understanding. Unfortunately for you, it alerted your captain, who immediately gasped himself.
  "Who's doing this? Is someone hurting you? Can-", Your father immediately began before Hen cut him off.
  "Bobby- everything's alright! She's just, having some good time with a friend of her's... a male friend." She saved you, Eddie snickered softly and you wanted to throw something at him.
  "You have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me?" You couldn't look him in the eyes, he looked so dejected like you knew he would.
“Well, I just wasn’t ready to talk about it y’know?” Your voice shook slightly. You felt so anxious, in this situation you were risking your relationship with your dad, as well as Buck’s relationship with him. You wondered how this would affect your relationship with Buck.
“Okay, well. You know you can talk to me. When you’re ready.” Bobby smiled, his cheek twitched which gave away how awkward he felt. Still, you were grateful that he was giving you your space, and giving you the respect you desired.
You smiled and nodded, looking down at the table and prayed that nobody could see the blush on your face or tell how anxious you were feeling. You almost spared a glance at Eddie, but you were confident that he was already looking at you holding his laughter.
Footsteps up the stairs distract you from this, you are grateful for the attention to be elsewhere, but then immediately you were anxious once you realize it was Buck.
Everything seemingly went back to normal, Buck dropped his bag on the counter, grabbed some food from the kitchen and took a seat next to Eddie, your dad handed him a cup of coffee, and he took it gratefully. However, it seemed like everything was working against you both. They fumbled along the way and hot coffee got spilled over Buck’s, arm and chest.
First, you were worried about him getting burnt, then you wanted to help him clean the mess. But instead, Buck just pulled off his shirt.
“Always be prepared, right?” Buck smirked and turned around to his bag, presumably to grab a shirt, but what he accomplished was revealing the scratch marks you’d left along his back, as well as the hickeys below his collarbone.
You felt like you were going to throw up, first you look at your dad he was just rolling his eyes, buck was a player. Of course he’d have scratch marks on his back. Then you looked at Eddie whose face was just as red as yours only from holding in laughter.
“Oh! It’s Buck! Buck’s your new boyfriend!” Ravi exclaimed, everyone’s eyes were on you, including your boyfriend and your father. He looked at Buck and then back at you.
“Please see me in my office.” You couldn’t read Bobby’s tone, he went for the stairs, you and Buck didn’t waste any time going after him.
The energy in his office was tense. He was at his desk while you and Buck sat in front of him. He was looking at you both, you couldn’t tell if he wanted one of you to speak before he did or not.
“Captain I-” Buck couldn’t get two words in before your dad cut him off.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked his arms were leaning against his table, he looks like he wanted to stand up, but held back. “ why didn’t you think you could tell me?”
“Dad I’m sorry, we wanted to. We just weren’t sure if it was the right idea right now. I didn’t wanna make you upset, and I know there’s some rules about fraternizing with coworkers, we were just trying to play it safe.” Your mouth was going a mile a minute you were sure that you were visibly anxious, Buck reached over and grabbed your wrist with his hand, holding it gently gliding his thumb against your skin.
“Bobby I really care about your daughter. Honestly she she means the world to me I don’t wanna cross any boundaries but I really enjoy being with her and I would never hurt her or anything like that I promise” Buck swore, his grasp on your wrist tightening just slightly.
“Buck. I know you’re not going to hurt her. I know you’re going to treat her the way she deserves. I’m not mad at you for being in a relationship. If anything Y/n I wouldn’t want anyone less than Buck for you.” Bobby shook his head. “ I’m just sorry that you both felt like you had to hide it from me. You’re my daughter and I love you. Buck, you’re like a son to me. I love you too. If you want my approval you have it, please just know you don’t have to hide that from me.”
“Thank you, dad, really. I’m sorry we didn’t come to you before we were just- I don’t know, nervous.” You smiled softly at your dad, leaning your head towards Buck slightly.
It was comfortable in the room for a moment, your dad looked at Buck again. “Buckley if you ever leave a mark on my daughter again I will knock your teeth out.”
“Yes sir.” Buck’s reply was immediate, and you smiled slightly, knowing there would definitely be more marks in the future.
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Thank you so much for reading!
I love writing requests, they’re always welcome, loved, and appreciated.
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spagheddiediaz · 9 months
wip wednesday 🫡
tagged by my loves @daffi-990 @wikiangela @eddiebabygirldiaz @pirrusstuff @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck and ofc @forthewolves whose wip wednesday turned into a full ass fic today mwahaha <3
this is from the fluff fic that doesnt have a name but is really good for my Mental Health rn xo
“Buck?” Eddie calls up the stairs of the loft.  They’re only ten hours into a twenty-four hour shift. It definitely wasn’t the most exhausting shift they’d ever had. In fact, Eddie was pretty sure he’d spent a whole hour waiting for Starbucks with Buck after offering to fill up the ambulance for Hen and Chim. And he was pretty sure he’d spent another two hours cleaning and listening to Buck yell at him over his new and bedazzled (thank you, Christopher) clipboard. It was an easy shift. So far. “Buck?” Eddie tries again, raising an eyebrow when he realizes Buck is staring at his phone like a zombie, not even bothering to look up at him. “Babe.” Eddie clears his throat obnoxiously and that - that gets his attention.  Buck whips his head around so fast to look at Eddie he could have (might have) given himself whiplash. Chim will have to check him for it when he wakes up. “Who the hell are you calling ba-” he pauses, realizing that they are the only two in the loft and Eddie is, in fact, making direct eye contact with him. “Oh, hi, Eds. I thought you were sleeping.” “Like you should be?” Eddie shoots back and raises an eyebrow as he comes behind the couch where Buck is sitting and stands directly behind him. “It’s two in the morning.” He points out and lets his hands find Buck’s shoulders, rubbing them gently and letting his thumbs massage into his skin, eliciting a soft moan from Buck.
tagging (no pressure) @king-buckley @thewolvesof1998 @fatedking @shitouttabuck @fionaswhvre @jeeyuns @watchyourbuck @exhuastedpigeon @theotherluciferr @loserdiaz @buckleyobsessed @jesuisici33 @callmenewbie @eowon @anxieteandbiscuits <3
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fxnfiction · 7 months
Buddie Fic Recs! (pt 1)
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A few months ago I shared my FirstPrince fic rec list- today it's time for Buddie fics! (part one- 2023 fic edition!)
happy reading!
All My Shattered Oaths by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels | 107k | E
Eddie wants to stay away from his family’s legacy and give his son a normal life. Buck’s desperate to find a way to get over the love he lost.
Fate has other plans for both of them.
still by brewrosemilk | 9k | T
For the first time, Buck longs for a bullet wound to treat. Dirt to dig at. A door to break through. Something. There’s nothing.
“Your guess was correct, Diaz,” the bomb technician tells them, as he gestures to the orange circle. “You’re standing on a large sensor plate, wired to a detonator. It’s incredibly important that you don’t move. Don’t shift. When you put your weight down, it was like cocking a gun - you take your weight off, this thing is powerful enough to take the entire house with it."
Inspired by Castle, S05E22: Still
come close, let me be home by Daffi_990_ao3 | 4k | Not Rated
“Looking good out there, Buckley” Eddie says as he hands him a beer.
Buck accepts the bottle and takes a seat beside him, popping the cap off to take a drink. “Any chance we’ll see you bust some moves on the dance floor, Diaz?”
“Maybe, if I have the right partner”.
Eddie’s looking right and him and Buck can feel a blush creeping its way across his cheeks. It’s shit like this that has him thinking maybe this thing between them isn’t just one sided. Buck takes another pull of beer, keeping eye contact with Eddie and watching how the other man tracks the bob of his adams apple as he swallows.
“The night is still young and full of possibilities.” Buck replies, and he swears he sees Eddie’s eyes sparkle
Buck and Eddie slow dance at Maddie and Chim’s wedding
if i'm honest (it felt like love by sparegarbage | 2k | G
“You have a good partner, Eddie.”
Eddie flushes, because he knows that her partner isn’t the same as work partner. It’s an assumption they had never bothered to correct at Christopher’s school, mostly because it made it easier for people to understand why Buck was around so often, versus best friend or colleague or legal guardian in case I die.
“Yeah,” Eddie responds, his voice thicker than he expected. “He’s the best partner I could ask for.”
Or: Christopher hosts a sleepover, Buck helps, and Eddie realizes he hasn’t been a single dad in years.
i’ll bandage up your body and your bones and your bad days too by oklahoma | 6k | T
Eddie’s day is going pretty well until he’s held hostage at gunpoint in the Dollar Store five minutes from his house.
Okay, that’s a lie. Not the being held hostage at gunpoint bit—that’s very much real, if the gun in his face is anything to go by—but the good day part.
Because it’s been a bad day. A shit day. A stupid day. A horrible, no good, very bad, awful, ugly day, and it all started when he woke up this morning.
You, all the way down by justhockey | 8k | Not Rated
Suddenly, between one moment and the next, there are hands on him. Hands that Buck would know anywhere; hands that Buck knows maybe even better than he knows his own. The touch is exquisitely gentle - tender to the point of devastation, even though the calloused palms scratch against the soft skin of his cheeks.
It’s Eddie, because of course it is. Because who else would it be.
“Breathe for me,” he says, loud enough that everyone can hear, but meant only for them. Only for Buck.
It’s Not the Roaring Dream, It’s the Silent Lightning by giselleslash | 15k | M
Buck gets struck by lightning and wakes up in another life where he has everything he’s ever wanted, but soon that life starts to crumble around him and the painful pull back into reality nearly breaks his heart.
(or the one where Buck is married to Eddie in a coma dream and he doesn’t want to let the dream go.)
feels like I'm closer to a revelation every night by wafflesofdoom | 2k | G
She sees me.
Like Eddie didn’t? Like Eddie didn't know Buck better than anyone - better than he knew himself, sometimes? Eddie sees him for exactly who he is – kind, and caring, and wonderful, and fundamentally changed by those three minutes and seventeen seconds he was dead.
or, a look inside of Eddie's head during their conversation at the cemetary.
I’m Not Breathing Unless I’m Giving You CPR by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels | 51k | E
Evan Buckley fascinates Eddie. And when Eddie's fascinated by something, he wants to play with it. Especially when the thing in question hates him so much.
But then something odd happens - Buck sees past Eddie's mask for what he really is. And it turns out, Buck's the same way. And he's not something to play with. He's something to keep.
Now the real game begins: the game of being who they are, what they are, together, without their well-meaning friends and family finding out. Because now that they've found each other, they're not going to let anyone separate them. Buck is keeping Eddie, and Eddie is keeping Buck.
By any means necessary.
The one where Buck can’t leave by buddiefication | 1k | G
At the end of movie night, Buck usually goes home. This time, he can’t seem to force himself to leave.
OR: Buck and Eddie curl up on the couch together, and somehow don’t know they’re in love.
wishing to be the friction by ipretendtobesane | 97k | E
Buck and Eddie are straight best friends who start having no strings attached sex. Eddie has a hard time having sex with someone he doesn't trust, and Buck's tired of hookups after being with Abby. Besides, they're both comfortable with their sexuality, and there's nothing wrong with giving your friend a hand. What's surprising is how long it took them to fall into bed together, really.
What's entirely unsurprising is how quickly strings start getting attached.
or; the straight eddie friends with benefits fic
heart in hands, hands in pockets by soyxunxperdedor | 5k | G
In which Eddie tries to move on.
not all of us are heroes (not all of us are brave) by withmeornotatall | 6k | G
Buck shakes his head and grimaces apologetically at Marisol. "I'm so sorry for interrupting your night," he tells her. "I'm gonna leave you guys to it, but it was nice to see you again." "Nice to see you too," Marisol replies with a smile. "Sorry again," he addresses this one to Eddie. "I didn't think. I just—" "You thought Chris needed you," Eddie says softly, eyes so warm Buck wants to stay here forever. "Don't apologise for that." "Right, well." Buck takes a deep breath to calm his still pounding heart before saluting at Christopher. "Forever at your service, Superman." He backs out of the kitchen in an exaggerated bow, ducking to hide his smile when Christopher's laugh follows him out.
(OR: buck and natalia break up, eddie decides to introduce his girlfriend to his son, christopher knows way too much, and the 118's wine night has never been quite so eventful)
translate the magic (show me) by extasiswings | 8k | E
“I think I might be bad in bed.”
Eddie rolls that thought around in his head, trying to decide the best way to respond, weighing the options of what Buck needs to hear versus how to say it. It’s not a conversation he wants to be having, is part of the problem. Thinking about Buck desperately seeking connection through fleeting sexual encounters with strangers already makes him swallow back a wave of petty jealousy and possessiveness. But there’s an added level of insult to injury to the idea that Buck wasn’t even having good sex. Which maybe explains why despite his initial commitment to delicacy and tact, what comes out of Eddie’s mouth is—
“You probably were. Bad at it.”
Buck’s eyes widen, a strangled noise sounding from his throat.
“Don’t pull any punches,” he shoots back as he hunches in the chair and drains the last dregs of his beer.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
[Or: the one where Buck has a crisis and Eddie teaches him what good sex really is]
Enjoy! Find part 2 here x
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marblemoonstones · 7 months
vii 🌷
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main masterlist
summary: seven men and how you came to date them. 
warnings: f reader, fluff, a sprinkle of angst (happy ending, don’t worry), fluffy ending, curse words
word count ~1.8k
a/n: hello! so so sorry for not writing in a hot second 😅 life’s been busy, you know? i promise i’m still working on catharsis, but i’m so excited to try writing for other stories. i apologize if this doesn’t make much sense, i’m just trying to get back into writing!
Meeting Kim Namjoon was like fate. Who knew going to a new coffee shop would lead to encountering the adorable dimpled man? Knowledgeable in plants and caring, Namjoon is a warm blanket on a rainy day. Warm smiles and cozy conversations lead to a little bit of flirting too, if you will. Finding out he had a boyfriend, let alone six, made your heart squeeze just a bit. Oh, well, his boyfriends are lucky and you can move on.
Kim Seokjin: handsome man who just so happens to move in next door to you. Endearing and sweet, you bond after giving him some welcome cookies. He then proceeds to make you dinner and then the friendship blossoms. Jin often winks and flirts, but never so much to make you uncomfortable. Is there something there? As it turns out, no. Jin is dating someone, and you can’t help but feel a little frustrated. Why didn’t he tell you he was taken?
A little disgruntled but not completely hopeless, Min Yoongi bumps into your life. Literally. Running after his dog he trips and falls straight into your arms. Blushing and embarrassed he apologizes, soon catching his dog and coming back to talk to you. Offering to go to lunch, you accept. Many more lunch ‘dates’ follow, and soon your heart slips and falls just like Yoongi did the first time you met. But it falls flat as Yoongi explains that his cute keychain was made by his boyfriend. 
Slightly heartbroken, you motivate yourself to focus on self-care and not dating. You start taking dance classes, where you meet a cute boy who introduces himself as Jung Hoseok. Not only are his moves smooth, his flirting is also. Pushing down the desire to flirt back, you maintain a friendly relationship, mostly ignoring the winks and smooth talking. But, as it always seems, your big dumb heart gets in the way. As smooth as butter you fall for him. This time hope sprouts because even though Hobi has boyfriends (yes, multiple), he says their relationship is open and they wouldn’t mind dating a girl too. He just hopes someday he can introduce them to you. 
Park Jimin comes in one day to pick up Hobi, and that’s when you realize that all other flirting was mild compared to Jimin’s. He’s the little shit who’s always trying to ‘woo’ you. Which at first was awkward, but then Hobi explained that this was one of his boyfriends, and that Jimin would flirt with anything that breathes. To which Jimin pouted but then shrugged and agreed. Jimin’s flirty side is often present, but his soft side is even more adorable. 
With you dating two perfect men, your heart is so full but you still feel a bit empty. No, you tell yourself, you’re so lucky to have your Hobi and your Chim, don’t be ungrateful. 
Turns out your talks don’t work very well because after going bowling with some friends you meet Kim Taehyung. After offering to buy you nachos you two hit it off. You proudly explain that you’re dating two amazing men, but before you can tell him their names another stunning man comes to get ‘Tae’ as it’s his turn to bowl. A brief introduction and you find out it’s Taehyung’s boyfriend Jungkook. Watching them bowl is the most endearing thing you’ve ever seen. Once in a while Taehyung will flash a grin in your direction, making your heart zing! Oh, what those eyes do to you.
Taehyung, after only meeting up a couple times, considers you and him to be best friends. And because you’re best friends, you’re required to go with him and his hoy boyfriend Jeon Jungkook wherever he wants. Jeon Jungkook is a man infatuate with love. Love for Taehyung. Even though he may look intimidating (intimidatingly hot) with his tattoos and lip ring, Jungkook couldn’t be more of a boba ball. Watching him makes you think chivalry isn’t dead after all. You find it hard to believe that someone could love another more than Hobi and Jimin love you, but here you are. 
Hobi and Jimin are the only two dating you, and you’ve always wondered how that works with their other five boyfriends. But, when you ask, they just wave it off, saying ‘Our relationship is very open. We all trust each other and always communicate before making a move.’ Shrugging it off, you bask in their love as long as you can. Until one day they say it’s time for you to meet the rest of their boyfriends. 
The fateful day arrives. Hobi and Jimin continue to reassure you, but you’re still immensely nervous. To make you comfortable, you all meet at their house mansion.
Twisting the door handle nervously, you step inside, flanked by Hobi and Jimin. Eyes blown wide in shock, you survey the other five men in the living room. All men whom you know. Warm Namjoon, confident Jin, intelligent Yoongi, your best friend Taehyung, and finally, Jeon fucking Jungkook. 
Taehyung is the first to run over. ‘You’re dating Hobi hyung and Jimin hyung?!’ 
Jungkook trails behind, as he always does (a lovesick puppy is the analogy you use), ‘So you’re the mysterious girl they’re dating…’
Hugging Taehyung while still in a daze, you glance around at the other men in the room. How is it possible that you never put the pieces together? Of course these men would love Namjoon so dearly, adore Jin’s confidence, make Yoongi a handmade keychain, relish Hoseok’s sunny smile, give Jimin the attention he deserves, get lost in Tae’s eyes, and baby their maknae Jungkook. 
It all makes sense now.
You see Namjoon and Jin give each other a look, Namjoon saying “Jin! Why didn’t you tell me this was the beautiful neighbor of yours?”
You blush slightly, partly because of the compliment and partly because Taehyung was currently clinging to you like an overgrown puppy. 
“Can we date you too? Pleeeeeease?” He begs cutely, not fully understanding the implications of that.
“Hey, leave her alone you rascal,” Yoongi says, trying, and failing, to pry Taehyung off of me. 
You hear a voice calling your name and you twist your head to look (Taehyung and Jungkook are now holding onto you). It’s Jimin.
“Why don’t you explain the whole thing to us?” Jimin asks, looking as confused as Hobi. 
You nod, and slowly walk over to the couch and sit, Taehyung and Jungkook on either side of you. 
“Okay, well…I’m not entirely sure how to start,” you explain sheepishly, trying to calm your pulsing heart. 
“Just explain how you somehow know all of our boyfriends,” Hobi says, also trying and failing to wrestle the maknaes off of me. 
And you do. Starting with Namjoon, you explain how you met him at a coffee shop.
“So that explains why Joon was always sneaking off! Huh, no wonder, no one drinks that much coffee except Yoongi,” Jimin says, earning a small shove from Yoongi.
You then proceeded to tell them that after finding out Namjoon was taken, you had met Jin. 
“I brought him cookies and then we started hanging out more often-“ 
Namjoon bursts out laughing.
“He didn’t even mention cookies! And that’s a surprise because he loves to cook. All he could talk about was how beautiful his new neighbor was,” Namjoon teases.
“Yah! Am I wrong? She’s almost as beautiful as me!”  Jin says indignantly. 
Heat flushes to your face yet again and you stare at the ground.
“Guys please, you’re just making her nervous. Let her finish her story,” Hobi chides.
You tell them about how you found Yoongi after Jin, a grin forming on your lips. They all start laughing as you say that Yoongi tripped while running after his dog.
“You-you tripped? While chasing Holly?” The maknaes can barely control themselves, their whole bodies shaking with laughter. 
“Look, you don’t get to be like that. I’ve seen you trip when the food arrives,” Yoongi grumbles, small dusting of pink on his cheeks.
He looks so cute, you think. Wait, what?
“Okay, okay. Let’s hear the rest of the story,” Yoongi says, trying to take the attention off of him. 
“I think I know what comes next!” Hobi says excitedly.
You feel your heart warm as you recount how you met Hobi and Jimin and then started dating both of them. The boys nod, glad to finally hear the story.
“And then I met Tae,” you say fondly, glancing to the man on your left. His eyes sparkle as you tell the story, starting with the bowling alley. 
“Now we’re besties!” Tae says, bouncing excitedly on the couch, “Since we’re already besties, I think we should date!” 
“Tae. You can’t just assume that. You have to respect her boundaries and her choices,” Jimin tries to explain. 
“I know…but please? Can we at least try it?” Tae begs, looking at me with those dark chocolate puppy eyes.
“We haven’t finished the story yet! I want to hear how you met Jungkookie,” Hobi says pointedly. 
“Fine…” Tae whines, earning a chuckle from Hobi.
You share how Tae and Jungkook were dating when you met Tae, so by default you got to know Jungkook. You often went on ‘dates’ with them, third-wheeling at its finest. 
“Okay, now we’re done,” Jin says to Tae, “And I think that we all have something we want to ask.” 
Hobi and Jimin look at each other, already seeming to know what the question was.
“Okay guys, don’t keep me in suspense. Ask me!” You say nervously, wondering if they were going to ask you to break up with Hobi and Jimin.
“Well…”  Namjoon starts, swallowing nervously.
“We were wondering if you would be interested in dating all of us,” Yoongi states matter-of-factly.
“Hyung! You didn’t have to say it that brashly,” Jungkook whispers loudly.
“Whatever, you all were going to ask it anyway. This way we get a quicker response,” Yoongi shrugs as the boys fall silent, waiting for your answer.
You can barely function at the question. Date all seven of them? You barely feel that you deserve Hobi and Jimin. 
“If you don’t want to it’s okay,” Namjoon says, trying to assure you. 
Looking at all of their faces makes your heart flip. Namjoon with his dimples (that you want to poke so badly), Jin and his perfect features, Yoongi’s gummy smile, Hobi and his heart lips that you love to kiss, Jimin’s squishy cheeks and crescent eyes, Tae’s chocolate orbs (which you swear can light up the universe), and Jungkook’s cute boba ball qualities.
You smile, having made up your mind.
“I’d love to give it a try.” 
Tae hugs you immediately, making you fall back on the couch.
And with that, you could tell that you made the right decision. 
a/n: thanks for reading! 💗
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come close, let me be home
—if you love soft and sweet slow dancing, this one’s for you!
author: Daffi_990_ao3 | rated: NR | words: 3.9k | ao3 link
“Looking good out there, Buckley” Eddie says as he hands him a beer.
Buck accepts the bottle and takes a seat beside him, popping the cap off to take a drink. “Any chance we’ll see you bust some moves on the dance floor, Diaz?”
“Maybe, if I have the right partner”.
Eddie’s looking right and him and Buck can feel a blush creeping its way across his cheeks. It’s shit like this that has him thinking maybe this thing between them isn’t just one sided. Buck takes another pull of beer, keeping eye contact with Eddie and watching how the other man tracks the bob of his adams apple as he swallows.
“The night is still young and full of possibilities.” Buck replies, and he swears he sees Eddie’s eyes sparkle
Buck and Eddie slow dance at Maddie and Chim’s wedding
—kels reasons to read—
slow dancing
so soft and sweet
uncle buck
madney wedding
buck is a swiftie
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sunshinediaz · 10 months
tease tidbit tuesday <3
sweetheart @honestlydarkprincess tagged me in this (thank you, jess, mwah)
this is from the bad things fic, which i'm hoping to finish today/tomorrow, but i severely overestimated how hard writing angst was going to be, lmao
“There was a pileup on the bypass,” Bobby explains. “Only a few casualties and a couple minor injuries. Traffic was rerouted.”  Buck tugs off his t-shirt and pulls on the polo Eddie hands him. “D’you know what happened?”  “A big truck rear-ended a bus,” Bobby answers. “Brakes gave out and the driver pulled over to the shoulder, but not before clipping the back end of the bus hard enough to send it into the other lane.”  Eddie winces, mind going to Christopher before he shakes off that thought. There’s no need for him to go down that road because he’ll only chase useless rabbits. “Who responded?”  “One-thirty-six.”  He hums. “Good hands.”  Bobby agrees, nodding. “We waited until you two showed up to go over the day’s announcements,” he says, dropping his arms and widening his stance and there, that’s the Bobby Eddie loves, all open and warm and inviting like a dad. He smiles, crinkling his eyes at the corners. “Breakfast is almost gone, so you two had better hurry and change.”  “Will do, Cap.”  Bobby heads back up toward the loft, leaving Eddie and Buck to finish getting dressed. They hurry, tugging on pants and buttoning up shirts, jostling each other’s shoulders for a round of giggles just like they do every time they share a shift.  Buck sits on the bench and pulls his boots on. “You know,” he starts, doing up his laces, “kids are almost eight times safer riding in a school bus than in a car with their parents.”  “That so?”  Buck nods. “I, uh, did a little bit of research without you when Chris asked to start riding the bus,” he says, scratching the back of his head. “I know we talked it through and decided it was fine, but I just wanted to be extra sure.”  Eddie smiles, soft and mollified, and combs his fingers through Buck’s hair. “Of course you did,” he says, tipping Buck’s face up for a quick kiss on the forehead. “I love you so much, baby.”  “Good.” Buck grins and lifts up for another kiss, longer and sweeter. “‘Cause I love you, too.”  Laughing, Eddie laces his fingers with Buck’s and pulls him up from the bench. They’ve been together for a few years, having spewed their feelings for one another a couple months after they ended things with Marisol and Natalia, and Eddie’s never been as heavy with joy as he is now. He hopes it’s like this, always—fun and free and full of adoration and loyalty. It’d make for a long, happy life.  They bound up the stairs together, taking them two at a time because everything’s a competition when it comes to them; Chim and Hen see them first, waving and yelling so loud over something Ravi’s apparently said and heckling for their opinion on the matter that Eddie almost misses the sound of his phone going off. He reaches into the back pocket of his pants and pulls it out.  Buck taps his bicep. “Who is it?”  He frowns. “It’s Chris’s school.” 
no pressure tagging: @wikiangela, @wildlife4life, @thewolvesof1998, @housewifebuck, @jeeyuns, @try-set-me-on-fire, @jesuisici33, and whoever else wants to do it <333
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extasiswings · 2 years
slow dancing on landmines
Buck Breakdown Era is about to come for my entire life, I can already tell.  Anyway...Spec for the midseason finale/Warning Signs. And you can all thank @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels for not letting me end it where I was going to end it.
There’s a dream that Buck keeps having.  He’s been having it ever since the night Chim was kidnapped by a drunk driver, the night he was almost hit by a car and he swore that his heart stopped for a full beat before starting again, the night Eddie showed up at his door and pressed love into his mouth with a kiss so delicate that Buck felt as precious as crystal. 
In the dream, there isn’t any sound. But he wakes up in Eddie’s bed, warm and soft and held. He wakes up in Eddie’s bed, the room dappled in golden morning light, and Eddie smiles and lifts a hand to card gentle fingers through Buck’s hair, strokes the backs of them down Buck’s cheek. His lips move, but Buck can’t hear him. It doesn’t matter though, because Eddie pulls him tight against his chest after that. Lips graze the edge of his hairline…and the scene shifts. 
He’s on the pier with Christopher, but Christopher is big enough that he doesn’t need Buck to hold onto the back of his shirt as he looks over the railing anymore. There’s a nearly empty stick of cotton candy dangling from Christopher’s fingers, a thread of sticky sugar caught at the edge of the boy’s mouth. Buck feels his own mouth move—don’t tell your dad—and Christopher laughs. 
He’s on the pier, on the pier with Christopher, but there’s no tightness in his chest, no roiling nausea in his gut. The waves are no bigger than they should be, and the sun shines down on them from a cloudless sky. Then, an arm wraps around his waist from behind as the hand of another ruffles Christopher’s hair before settling on his shoulder. 
Eddie’s eyes narrow at something on Buck’s face, then his lips twitch in amusement and his hand falls away from Christopher to pull out a tube from his pocket. Buck still can’t hear a thing, but the look on Eddie’s face is so fond, so light and teasing and open, that Buck’s heart skips as Eddie reaches up to smear sunscreen down the bridge of Buck’s nose. 
The scene shifts again, and they’re in Eddie’s kitchen, Buck pulling a lasagna out of the oven and setting it to cool, gently smacking Eddie’s hand away when he goes for the corner of the pan with a fork. Eddie’s smile turns wicked then, and he backs Buck against the sink and kisses him until Buck’s knees are weak and the lasagna is cool enough to eat. 
He goes through a whole day in the dream, snippets of scenes that slide away before he can get a solid grip on them. Flickers and flashes of a silent movie playing over and over. Home. Love. Family. A life, a life, a life. 
In the dream, he has everything. In the dream, he’s not afraid. In the dream, he is whole. 
But…then he wakes up. And when Buck stares at the ceiling, it’s not Eddie’s but his own. There are no arms around him, there’s no warm body next to him in bed. The sheets are cool. 
Buck wakes up and remembers that Christopher had barely spoken to him or Eddie for the better part of a day after it had only been suggested that they might want to date. He wakes up and remembers that yes, Eddie loves him, but also remembers all the reasons why Eddie shouldn’t. All the reasons why Buck hasn’t said yes to him. 
Buck wakes up…and he is afraid. So terrified that he doesn’t want to move, doesn’t want to breathe, doesn’t want to think. His heart is in his throat and he is choking on it. 
He wakes up in pieces. A collection of parts that are rusted and creaky, slowly breaking down. Parts…defective parts. 
They must be. He must be. Because he should be able to be happy, shouldn’t he? He should be able to figure out his life? Everyone else seems to have managed it. So that must be it—there must be something in him that’s broken. Maybe it always was. 
He can’t breathe. 
Sometimes, Buck wonders if he’s a ghost. If he really was the one who got shot when Eddie did. Maybe he’s actually in a coma somewhere and that’s why he feels like he’s drifting aimlessly, not even inhabiting his body. Maybe that’s why he’s so cold. 
Maybe that’s why he can’t tell Eddie that he loves him too. 
And yet…he dreams.
[Read the rest on ao3]
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cinematics123 · 1 year
Do you like written Buddie (Buck x Eddie) vignettes where one of them gets whumped and the other one is there to take care of them and they're both so soft and taking care of each other AND they can't hide it in front of Hen and Chim?
Well... then this is for you:
“Get the heating pads on him. Eddie, try to get as much skin contact with him as you can. His core temperature is dangerously low.”
Buck stuttered a hiss as Eddie’s skin brushed against him. “Hot, no, no, it’s hot. I’m, I’m too hot” he murmured.
Buck was shaking violently, yet the snowflakes still clung to his long eyelashes and the curls in his hair. His cheeks were even paler than usual, so painfully white they were almost a translucent blue.
“Eddie, you’re gonna have to get his shirt off. I’m warming up saline. If he stops shaking enough for me to get a vein, we'll use it. Chim, check Buck’s toes and fingers for frostbite.” Hen barked.
Eddie grabbed the sheers and tore through the fabric of Buck’s shirt and jacket, exposing more pallid flesh. Ice pale. Corpse pale. Eddie peeled his own shirt off and pressed himself to Buck, wrapping his arms around him to gain precious extra surface area. A gasp tore out of Buck’s throat. Eddie looked up into Buck’s full face. Buck’s eyes were wide, his pupils blown out.
“N-N-N-No, Edd-dd-ddie. N-N-Not you-you t-t-too.” His voice wavered as his teeth chattered. “P-P-Ple-Please, you got-got-gotta stay. Ch-Ch-Chris needs you.” Eddie met Hen’s eyes, both wide with alarm.
“Delirium. Hypothermia can lead to delirium, Eddie. I don’t think Buck’s dying on you; he’s just confused.” Hen explained warily.
“His toes look good, but his fingers are not great. Hen, can you get a heat pad on them or get them onto Eddie?” Chimney’s voice came in from somewhere behind Eddie.
Eddie felt a stabbing cold like icicles against his back and arms as Hen repositioned Buck’s hands, then warmth as she pressed some heated compress against them.
“We need to get you out of here,” Buck said absently to Eddie. “I have to get you back to Chris. Yo-You can’t d-die. Not for me.” Buck complained.
“No one is dying, Buck. We’re in the ambulance and we’re getting you to the hospital. We’re all going to be just fine,” Eddie rubbed his cheek up against Buck’s trying to stretch every inch of himself over the freezing man.
“Got a vein,” Hen announced. “I’m pushing saline. His core temp should start getting back up to temp in a moment. Chim, get the emergency blanket, we’ll cover them both.”
“I’ll s-save you” Buck offered to Eddie in hushed tones. “Hold on to me, I’ll g-get you out.”
“Ok, buddy,” Eddie whispered into Buck’s hair. “You get us out of here.” Eddie smiled softly up at Hen as they brought the shiny, silvered themo-blanket around.
“I’m s-sorry, Eddie,” Buck continued. “I- I never got to tell you. It’s always be-been you. I’ve always loved you, Eddie. Pretty. You’re so-so pretty when yo-you smile.”
“I know Buck,” Eddie tried to whisper so Hen and Chimney couldn’t hear. “I’ve always known. And I love you more."
Buck’s head dropped into the crook in Eddie’s neck. The snowflakes had melted on Buck’s eyelashes. While his body was still cold to the touch, Eddie knew the worst of the danger was passing. Even though they were both bundled in this cramped ambulance with Hen and Chimney who were probably watching, he kissed Buck’s ear gingerly.
“Don’t worry,” he said gently. “You got me. You saved me. We’re ok. We’re ok, Evan. We got out.”
Eddie could feel Chim securing some edge of the silver foil blanket around them. He glanced up only to see Chim back up, blushing, from their space. Eddie wrapped himself wider around the man, feeling the still cold pockets of skin on his lower back, his sides.
It was only then, huddled skin on skin with Buck in their silver cocoon that Eddie allowed himself to breathe. Buck was alive. They had found him in time. Eddie wasn’t going to let go now. He pressed another warming kiss to the side of the pale face. Buck squeezed back and instinctively nuzzled his face deeper against Eddie’s neck and the warm rush of sleep crept in and took him.
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