#causing herself damage on purpose
ohnonotthehorrors · 4 months
but what if Double Life Pearl was bare foot? First to better feel the cold, and cause more damage to Scott, then because her feet were so numb she just... forgot. Cuts and scrapes start to build up- the frost bite starts to set in. By the end her feet are mangled and more scar tissue than skin.
To the others its just one more sign she's going insane- that she's becoming a Witch. As wild and dangerous as her wolves.
(And what if... what if the Mounders made her shoes? At the very beginning, when hers broke or tore or something. What if Bdubs and Mumbo pooled their resources and made her nice boots that are a bit clunky and sad looking, but that she refuses to take off for the rest of the series)
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honeyviscera · 5 months
im very sorry women. i dont think kotoko should be voted innocent 😔
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vulturevanity · 1 year
Thinking about ScarVi's overarching theme being The Truth Shall Set You Free. I am so normal about this
#spoilers in tags#pokémon#pokemon sv#Arven initially being closed off and not trusting you because he was neglected by his parent and learned to only rely on himself#realizing very early on that being honest is the best chance he has at healing his Mabostiff#but still not opening up about his bigger issues until it was absolutely necessary which pushes the story forward into endgame#Penny hiding herself behind Cassiopeia to protect herself from bullying#getting an entire group of outcast kids into a team to scare their bullies off#only for the plan to backfire splendously when they're mistaken for the bullies#and Clavell in a rare display of clarity ffrom an adult in a position of authority#rather than simply punishing them for it opted to team up with us to understand what was really going on#and that made him much more lenient in punishing them (because they did still cause trouble!)#the truth of Turo/Sada spiraling into their work and refusing to see the damage it was doing to EVERYTHING including themselves#to the point that they DIED#and the AI they built explicitly for the purpose of continuing their work ran the calculations and realized said work was Bad#and that truth made it go against its own programming which is what kickstarts the main story to begin with#and may I contrast all that with NEMONA whose sheer energy and eagerness is 1000% GENUINE#I've seen so many people say they thought she was going to eventually be angry for losing to us all the time#but the whole point of her character is that she's free to do whatever the fuck she wants and she's pretty happy with her life#she has no reason to fake happiness. she's just like that. she is free from the beginning and she's always be free and that's the point#in a story where no one else is!!! everyone else is bound by some complication or another that holds them back from being honest#i changed my mind i'm insane about this. no longer normal#pokemon sv spoilers#babbles
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the-mighty-mittens · 3 months
I think a lot of people misunderstand (movie) Nimona as a character tbh.
"It's her fault everyone hates her, she hurt people" You have to keep in mind people treated her like crap because she was different, that wasn't her fault. She was attacked and made out to be a monster for defending herself, that wasn't her fault. This went on for over a thousand years, and eventually it wore her down and she decided that nobody was gonna see her as anything other than a monster, so why not fill the role you've been given and have some fun? Why lie down and let people treat you poorly when you can fight back?
Even so, she didn't purposely kill or injure any civilians (she saved a kid in the cereal dragon scene, and she just spit cereal at the knights, she could have killed them if she wanted to) and even when she turned into the shadow thing near the end, the most damage was caused by the knights attacking her. There were plenty of times she could have killed someone and didn't, because she's not really a monster. It seems like she mostly just wanted to make the Institution's life hell because they did the same to her, and that's totally valid imo. (I think the only person she killed, if I remember correctly, was the Director at the end and she TOTALLY deserved it. Correct me if I missed something though!)
I see a lot of myself in Nimona, as a queer teen myself. A lot of anger towards people for treating the LGBTQ+ community like crap for being different, and a lot of sadness because it feels like no matter what we do, we'll always be seen as monsters.
"Kids. Little kids. They grow up believing they can be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different. And _I'm_ the monster?" "I don't know what's scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart, or that sometimes, I just wanna let them."
Those lines resonate with me, because I feel that. I know what it's like, and it's scary. It wears you down and you really do start to believe the people telling you you're bad after a while, especially when it's coming from the people with more authority than you.
I see where she's coming from, because I know firsthand how it feels. A lot of people don't though, and it makes me sad when they boil her down to being "just a monster."
Anyway, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, I just wanted to talk about it.
Great movie, 10/10 recommend
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mack-devereaux · 6 months
Hiii i wanna ask if ya can write something with Vince? Maybe him getting into a fight (so hot i love it) and hin hurting his wrist are something? And reader taking care of him afterwards. Plleeaassee
Vince Dunn
Omg this is my first request!! I’m so sorry it took so long! Also check out my other fic about Vince. I think they have a similar vibe. But This has no relation to that one. I had so much fun writing this. Just a reminder this is a work of fiction and my imagination, this is not based on true events. Thank you to the anon who requested!
Picture is from Pinterest, no triggers except for cursing and mentions of blood. I think that’s it! Enjoy!
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When Vince first moved to Seattle he was excited. This was a brand new team and he had more opportunities to make a name for himself as one of the more aggressive defensemen in the NHL. He had always had a temper on the ice, even in his early days in high school and in the OHL, and he was good at running his mouth. He was always respectful to the medical training staff and the coaching staff, he never took his anger or frustration out on the people who helped him get back on the ice.
Did he cause the fights on purpose? Maybe.
Was he mad about being hauled into the cute medical trainers office to get patched up? Absolutely not. He enjoyed talking with y/n and getting to know her a bit better.
Did he cause fights just to see her? No, he truly has a passion for the sport, he just sometimes got a little too involved with the banter sometimes. However a perk to all this was those few minutes alone with y/n. Although she never really spoke to him much outside of work and was always very quiet he knew how passionate she was about her job. No matter what she was always so attentive to the injury and informative about what she was doing to help said injured player.
Y/n loved the energy of the home games, she typically didn’t get to travel very much with the team, only to close games, but something about the atmosphere of home games had her just buzzing with energy. Most of the time she got to watch the game from the tunnels, it was the perfect spot to see most of the game and it was easy to drag injured players back to the locker room to tend to the injuries. Tonight’s game was a home game against the Colorado Avalanche again, a team known to get the Kraken a little riled up. Just the week prior Vince had gotten himself into quite the scrum and ended up with a cut on his nose while playing against the Avalanche.
*flashback to a week prior*
Y/n was sitting in the medical room at Ball Arena, going through the medical kits organizing some of the supplies. She had heard the roar of the crowd and immediately knew there was a fight that happened. Shortly after that, the third period had ended. Hearing the players stomping down the tunnel shouting and cheering she already knew who was headed her direction.
“Vince..” y/n sighed pulling all her medical supplies back out.
“Don’t act like you aren’t happy to see me” Vince chirped at the girl.
“You’re gonna have some serious damage to your nose if you don’t stop” y/n said as she was washing her hands and throwing her gloves on “I’m surprised you don’t have a permanent scar from how many times I’ve seen it busted”.
“That just means you are doing a great job babe. I’ve got you to thank for keeping me looking good” Vince smiles.
Y/n rolled her eyes and turned around trying to hide her blush. Knowing this was the exact reason as to why she fell for him. He was just so charming. He knew exactly what to say and that’s why she could never date him. That and the fact that she technically worked for the same organization as him. Were they coworkers? No, but surely it was still frowned upon. At least that’s what she told herself anyway. As she was cleaning off the blood from his nose she caught herself admiring him. He truly was one of the most beautiful people she’s ever laid eyes on. Once the bleeding stopped she checked for other injuries, and sent him to be with the rest of the team.
“Promise me you’ll keep out of trouble for at least the next week” she called to him as he walked away.
“For you? Never.” He added with a wink.
Five minutes left in the third period and y/n had gotten to watch maybe 10 minutes total of the game. Partially because she didn’t like seeing Vince fight much, and because the players definitely kept her busy. This was probably the most bloody noses and knuckles she had tended to in her entire career. Normally the crowd goes crazy and encourages fights, and she definitely enjoyed that. But for some reason she couldn’t stomach seeing Vince getting hurt. I guess she had Cupids arrow to thank for that. After a few more minutes gloves went flying, curse words were being yelled and the crowd went wild. Reluctantly she looked over in front of the players bench and Vince had thrown a Colorado player on his back.
“Oh for fucks sake Vince” she muttered under her breath.
“You got him or do you want me to take care of him this time” the head medical trainer asked y/n chuckling and shaking his head.
Y/n looked across the ice as Vince and the Avalanche player got tossed in their respective sin bins, she sees that Vince has his helmet off and is holding his wrist.
“I think he hurt his wrist, do you see him messing with it?” y/n points to Vince.
“I’ll take a look when we get back there but I’m sure he’s fine. I think you can handle it after that” the trainer says as they walk back to the locker room.
After the game y/n was in her office waiting for Vince, it had been nearly 40 minutes since the game ended. What was taking him so long? She knew Coach had told him to stop by after their after game meetings and interviews. While she was waiting she decided to tidy up and clean a bit. As she was cleaning her desk she found the puck that Vince had signed and gave to her earlier that year.
*flashback to late last season*
Y/n was standing behind the players bench. It was the last home game for the season, then they were headed into playoffs. Looking onto the ice she watched the players warm up and interact with fans. Vince was watching y/n as he was skating in circles, getting a boost of confidence he picked up a puck and signed it with a note. Smirking he passed by and shouted “hey y/n! Catch!”
Panicking y/n shot both of her hands in front of her face as the head medical trainer caught the puck before it smacked her in the face.
“Really Dunn?!” Y/n shouted.
Vince grinned and skated off, shaking her head she looked at the puck she noticed it said “hey pretty girl” with his signature. Blushing she shoved it in her pocket before she could get scolded.
“Oh he’s so got it bad for you” the trainer said.
“Leave the chirping to the players would you” y/n muttered “besides it’s not like I can date him anyway.”
“Don’t tempt me” y/n sighed “my heart can’t handle the heartbreak that comes with that one.” She continued to watch him skate around and talk to his teammates with a huge smile on his face.
*back to present*
Y/n smiled at the memory. Not knowing she wasn’t alone, because of course Vince would walk in at that very moment. Leaning up against the doorframe Vince coughed snapping her back to reality.
“My God Vince, now you choose to be quiet? You scared me” y/n shoved the puck back into the drawer.
“I’ll make sure to knock next time” he softly smiled. He totally saw that she still had the puck and it definitely boosted his ego.
“Let me see your wrist” y/n said.
“It’s fine” he muttered.
“If it’s fine let me double check then” y/n challenged.
Vince walked over and sat down on the bench in her office, while reluctantly holding his wrist out. He watched her face as she examined his wrist.
“I think if we wrap it for tonight and tomorrow you should be fine, but the swelling needs to go down significantly before you play again. I’ll clear you for practice but you have to be easy on your arm for the next few days” y/n said as she was grabbing the necessary supplies.
“Thank you for taking care of me y/n, I’m sorry for fighting” Vince whispered.
She smiled at him as she sat down and started wrapping his wrist. Knowing full well that he was watching her face closely the entire time.
“I’ll walk you to your car” Vince said.
“I’d appreciate that, thank you” y/n said as she turned back to him after putting the supplies away. With yet another boost of confidence Vince grabbed her by the waist and pulled her face to his and kissed her, she immediately kissed him back. The kiss was short and sweet. Electricity shot through her body and she felt as if she was on fire. After pulling away y/n whispered “we should go.” Neither of them saying anything as they left the arena. Vince was feeling defeated for the first time in a long time, why hadn’t she said anything? Did he over step? Did he make her uncomfortable? A million more discouraging thoughts ran through his head. Him not knowing she was in shock and on cloud nine all at once. Y/n unlocked her car and opened the door. Before she got in she turned to Vince and pulled his face to hers and slammed her lips onto his. Vince cockily smiled into he kiss and pulled her into him as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. After a few minutes they both pulled away, breathing heavy and trying to get as close as possible to each other.
“Thank you for walking me to my car Vince.”
“Let me know when you get home so I know you’re safe.”
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dduane · 2 days
I was rereading the NME of the Young Wizards series and I found myself asking the question of how wizardry works when a wizard is pissed off at the world. I understand that wizards aren’t supposed to waste energy and have to handle many mundane problems on their own, but Nita was initially wanting to use wizardry for revenge against Joanne and her group. What would have happened if she did use her wizardry to cause damage to Joanne or to flaunt her wizardry in such a way as to make them terrified of her outside of the body shield she created. In essence, my question is about the use of wizardry to give a minor annoyance or to scare someone into changing their ways for the protection of the wizard and those who might be harmed by a bully, for example?
If Nita (or anybody else in a similar situation) misused her wizardry repeatedly, she would eventually lose it.
All wizards make mistakes, and (without fail, because that's how the under-the-hood economy of wizardry works) whether they purposely set out to make redress or not, they pay for them. This is a thoroughly understood aspect of human wizardry. If a wizard has an urge to do someone a harm and acts on it, that's going to be noted. (And they may think that it's a minor one... but this is by no means always going to be an accurate assessment.)
If a wizard has screwed up in this way, they're expected be self-examining enough to realize what they've done and why it's wrong, and to try to put the failing right. If they don't do so, the universe extracts the misused energy from them in other ways.
Nita, fortunately, found another road than one that involved scaring or revenging herself on Joanne. But not all probationary wizards find similar, more satisfactory roads.
The phrase "Magic does not live in the unwilling heart" isn't just an advice, but a description of what happens to some people in whom wizardry is invested. Someone who's taken the Wizard's Oath, and then (to satisfy their own less positive internal needs) begins to routinely flout its principles in daily practice, soon finds that they have less wizardly ability to work with. And if they keep acting this way, eventually they find that they have even less to work with... and sooner or later, none. The enacture principle is withdrawn from them (or withdraws itself: as we've seen, wizardry itself is at least borderline-sentient) until they show signs that they've begun to better understand how it should be used. If they show no such signs, they don't get it back.
The entire purpose of wizardry is to slow down the otherwise inevitable local effects of entropy. If a user starts repeatedly and purposely speeding them up... they're on the road to losing what they've been given. The Powers that Be do not permit the limited amount of energy they husband for the Universe's benefit to be habitually used for toxic purposes. They get enough of that behavior from the Lone Power as it is.
So it's a good thing Nita didn't go that way. :)
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
eddie x reader
they have a fight and he gets so upset that she ends up getting hurt really bad he sees it and when she starts crying he tells her shes being dramatic not knowing the damage(falling and hitting her head hard )
shes bleeding everywhere
wayne hears everything so he comes inside
when eddie locks himself in the room
wayne helps her clean herself up
but shes still crying and he realizes hes all bloody and that she needs to go to the hospital bcuz shes slipping in and out of consciousness , wayne starts crying and begging for u to stay with him & eddie hears all confused
he comes out of the room and when he sees everything hes shocked and doesn’t know what to do but he starts blaming himself
they take u to the hospital and u tell eddie u forgive him & that its not his fault before u go into surgery
wayne gives eddie a stern talk and he cries but he knows when u wake up he will never fight with u again
For sure
⚠️ warning of injured reader. Eddie does not abuse her on purpose! But he is still definitely an asshole. And definitely toxic
Not proofread
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Y/N and Eddie were caught in their third argument of the week. It seemed every time they got alone it ended with her screaming, and not in the good way anymore.
She has no idea what happened to them. They went from shy kisses, dirty whisperers, and making love to glares, harsh words, and pure hatred. She didn't know if it was her that caused this drift or if it was him.
"EDDIE JUST STOP SCREAMING AT ME!" she cried out. She couldn't handle him constantly screaming at her. He never was calm with her anymore. He used to never scream at her or make her cry.
He used to hate making her cry. He used to drop to his knees and wipe her tears away. But now it's like he had a sick game of seeing how many tears her eyes could hold.
"THEN LISTEN TO ME!" he screamed in her face. Throwing his hands in his hair. He was breathing fast and harshly. His nose was flaring and he felt like he was standing on fire.
"I AM. I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO YOU. WHY CAN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?" she sobbed harder. Crying so hard she choked and coughed
"just stop fucking crying" he rolled his eyes. He was tired of her being such a victim. He'd say one thing and her eyes are already flowing with tears.
"I'm trying, asshole" she bit back. Whipping her eyes as fast as she could. Her skin felt raw from the scraping of her clothes on her sensitive skin.
"I need a second" he sighed
She grabbed his hand fast, "no Eddie. You can't just walk away. Nothing will be resolved"
He yanked his hand out of her grip, with way more force than he intended. Shoving his shoulder into her as he headed for his bedroom.
When he yanked his hand out of her grip, he slightly knocked her off balance but the shove to the shoulder took her off of her feet. She whimpered as her body fell, her head smacking on the coffee table nearby. She sobbed harder as she held her head. Her vision went blurry in seconds. Panic rising in her chest instantly.
"Eddie. Wait please" she sobbed.
He sighed as he heard her crying... again.
He turned around to see her holding her head and sobbing on the floor.
"stop being so fucking dramatic. Nothing to cry about" he lashed out, slamming his bedroom door shut. He needed just a few seconds to breathe.
The panic got worse. She was so scared. She could feel her hand was wet and had a feeling it was blood. She screamed for Eddie as much as her sobs would let her. Freaking out as his door never opened.
"woah hey hey" Wayne came out in seconds. He wanted to give the two privacy to deal with whatever issues they had. Eddie always walked away from fights so her screaming after him wasn't new. But the fear in her voice caused Wayne to act fast. She sounded terrified.
Wayne dropped to his knees and cradled her head
"my head" she cried softly. Her body was already growing tired
"okay let me see" he tried to hold in his gasp as he saw the blood underneath her head. Her hand was covered in deep red and her hair was matted together.
"did you hit it?" He asked fast, unbuttoning his flannel and bunching it under head to soak up the blood
"he...he accidentally pushed me....and I lost... balance... hurts "
Wayne panicked as her words got further apart
"hey now. Stay awake okay!" Tapping her cheek softly
Her eyes blinking rapidly
"I can't Wayne. It's too hard"
He watched as she kept trying to keep her eyes open but failing repeatedly
"EDWARD MUNSON" Wayne screamed as loud as he could
"HEY YOU NEED TO LOOK AT ME" he screamed in her face. Trying to get her attention on him. Clapping his hands in front of her but getting no reaction
Eddie sighed as he heard his name being screamed. Figuring he was getting a lecture he planned to ignore it until he heard Wayne screaming in panic.
Eddie raced out of the door to see Y/N's body not moving and Wayne shaking the hell out of her.
"woah what the fuck" Eddie said fast, racing next to her body as he dropped on his knees.
"CALL 911 NOW" Wayne screamed again. Still moving her head side to side.
Eddie nodded fast, dialing as fast as his fingers could
Shaking as he looked at her not moving. He did that. He didn't stop when she asked, he didn't stay when she asked, and he didn't come back when she screamed for him.
Eddie felt sick. Pacing in the white hallway as he bit his nails
"she's awake and we are taking her into surgery" The doctor said as he began to wheel out her bed
Eddie ran to her side immediately, wet eyes as he looked at her puffy red eyes. Cupping her cheeks
"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I can't believe I'm just like him" he sobbed
"no you're not. You aren't him. You didn't purposely shove me. It's okay. It's not your fault. We'll talk when I'm out of surgery. It's okay, Eds. I'm okay" she said softly. Patting his hand as the doctor wheeled her bed into the surgery room.
"we need to talk Edward."
Eddie nodded as Wayne stood behind him. A hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know what's wrong with me. I used to never be so cruel to her"
Wayne watched as Eddie sobbed into his hands, sitting in the uncomfortable chair.
"I don't know either. But I didn't raise you to be just like him" Wayne said sternly
"fuck, I know" Eddie knew exactly who Wayne was talking about. He turned into his dad in a blink of an eye
He didn't physically abuse her but he hurt her. He didn't take care of her anymore. He made her cry and physically put her in the hospital.
"then shape up Edward. I'm not listening to you scream at her for no reason. She has no reason to stay with you. You don't give her any reason why you are worth it anymore. But yet she is still here because she loves you. You are blowing it. Fix yourself and fix the mess you made. Or let her go. She doesn't deserve this."
Eddie nodded. He agreed with everything Wayne said. He knew he was days away from when she walked out the door and didn't bother to come back.
And for some reason she always did. He needed to show he loved her. He needed to fix himself. And once she woke up from surgery, and back home.
He planned to fix every single thing.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent
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comradekatara · 4 months
hi, fully optional atla meta question: hypothetically, how would the rest of the gaang react if they somehow found out how very damaged and mentally ill sokka is? (also please know that I am asking this because you have the very bestest sokka takes thank you)
im so sorry, but something about the phrasing of this ask is just really funny to me??? idk why but i can’t stop picturing them all in therapy a la that one sunny episode. “the gaang gets analyzed.” aang being like “i was frozen in an iceberg for an entire century.” “that’s not possible.” “well first of all through the avatar spirit all things are possible, so jot that down.” azula constantly spouting that she graduated top of her class at the royal fire academy for girls so there’s no way some two bit shrink will be able to get through to her. toph insisting that she is impenetrable vault while spitting peanut shells at her therapist with utmost hostility, five minutes later she’s sobbing about her mommy. zuko doesn’t even need five minutes, he starts sobbing about his mommy in under five seconds. katara willingly recounts the entire story of her life but it’s the most biased narrative you’ve ever heard. ty lee somehow gets her therapist to open up to her. mai just does a little comedy bit to amuse herself until their time is up, and then afterwards she’s like “hm…. maybe i should’ve actually brought up my pervading existential dissatisfaction and constant unending misery.” suki doesn’t realize what the purpose of a therapy session is and keeps treating it like a first date. sokka keeps insisting that he doesn’t need therapy because he’s too smart for it. his therapist is like “i am perfectly willing to acknowledge that you’re a genius but that’s also totally irrelevant to the project of cognitive behavioral therapy.” sokka basically just treats it like a game to be won and somehow manages to describe every single facet of his life truthfully while passing himself off as perfectly well-adjusted and happy. katara and zuko come out of their sessions like “wow i feel so refreshed, like so many of my emotional burdens have been lifted, and i can finally navigate my feelings in a healthier way. isn’t therapy great?” and sokka’s just like “maybe for you normies. while you’re working on developing healthier coping mechanisms or whatever, i’m playing psychological pai sho with a guy who thinks i’m so mentally stable i don’t even need therapy.” so basically he is a lost cause.
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relicsongmel · 1 month
Thinking about Iris' very open disdain for spirit channeling and how it seemingly contradicts many other elements of her character.
Let me explain—Iris prior to the end of BttT is a woman who only knows facades, covering up the truth, and only presenting herself exactly as she wants others to see her. We see this over and over again throughout the course of the story: she hides her real identity while dating Phoenix, she does damage control for Dahlia and Godot to help them avoid blame for their crimes, and she is extremely selective about which information she chooses to disclose to specific people depending on whatever role she finds herself playing in that moment (daughter, girlfriend, accomplice, etc). Her demeanor as a whole is also rather meek and unassuming, and she's shown to be exceptionally kind; she expresses favorable opinions on most everyone she meets, even those continuously treated poorly by other characters (like Larry) or those that have objectively done reprehensible things (like Dahlia).
All of this stands in stark contrast to her saying in no uncertain terms that she hates spirit channeling:
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This stands out to me because it is one of very few things that Iris is completely forthright honest about in the early portion of this case. After spending all day avoiding Phoenix and now carefully dodging his questions towards her in hopes of preventing the truth of her deception from coming out (all of this while actively avoiding her responsibilities at the Inner Temple because of Larry's "blackmail" letter which also threatened to expose her "secret"), why is this the one bit of truth she chooses to divulge here? Or rather: why is this the one thing she seemingly cannot lie about?
Obviously the answer lies in Iris' past and the permanent damage that was done to her and her family due to the politics of the Fey clan, with the Kurain Channeling Technique at the root, and the DL-6 incident as the event that brought everything to ruin. Iris bore witness to her mother Morgan losing the title of Master of Kurain due to her inferior powers and the despair that caused her, then three years later saw her aunt Misty who, despite purportedly being so much better than her mother, made a mistake while channeling that led to an innocent man's conviction, disgracing the Fey name and causing her to flee the village in shame. With this in mind, it makes sense that Iris would feel so strongly about spiritual powers doing more harm than good; after all, she has firsthand experience of the damage that can be done to the women that have it.
But what of the women that don't have it—namely, Iris herself? What happens to a spirit medium, born of the Fey bloodline, daughter of the then-master of her channeling school, when she's shown to not have any spiritual powers? I'm of the opinion that Iris' hatred is not only a product of what she's seen happen to her mother and aunt, but also very closely tied to what is, essentially, her earliest failure in life—after all, what good is a medium who can't channel? Fey women are raised to believe that their worth is linked to how well they can perform the service of their clan, which is the same reason why Maya beats herself up for failing to channel Mia in Turnabout Goodbyes and Pearl does the same with Dahlia later in this case. In a sense, Iris' hatred of spirit channeling is an externalization of her own self-hatred—unlike Dahlia, who mainly copes by lashing out and seeking revenge on those who wrong her, Iris is far too gentle and loving to lay blame on any one person. But all that repressed guilt and anger still has to go somewhere—and it manifests through this one small crack in her otherwise flawless facade. The one thing she cannot bring herself to find beauty in no matter how much she tries. The one thing that should have given her purpose but didn't—leaving her no choice but to mold herself beyond recognition over and over into roles that aren't truly her own, but at the very least give her meaning where she was denied it before.
And knowing her? She probably hates that flaw more than anything.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Bump P2
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Adorable + DARK
Requested:  Hello Fiction witch, the new jack Dawkins imagine "Bump" is really good I think some others agree with me that if you could make another one....pleasseeee You are a really good writer and it makes people feel better, warm, and fuzzy. Thank you ❤️ omg I love that It was beautiful, I beg for an equally sweet part 2. It makes me feel all lovely and warm inside your such a good writer, I love all your work. thank you so much for writing these. I love it can you make part two when the baby comes Please Part 2 please 🥺🥺🙏🙏
Warnings: Labour! very very intense descriptions of a very difficult Labour/ Blood / medical tools / improper use of medical equipment / surgery / 1800's doctoring (Which I feel is a category all it's own) / And many other Dark elements!
I pushed my body up hearing my back crack as I stretched, given my body had been shoved into the absolute minimum of the bed. But I didn't want to complain I know she hadn't done it on purpose but she was tired and sore, and just wanted the space in the bed to stretch herself out. 
I rubbed my face a little and grabbed my watch from the side, I needed to get going. I forced myself to get up but I couldn't move as a hand gripped my shirt. I chuckled and Turned seeing her not even awake enough to open her little eyes.
"Don't Go, Jack." She pleaded barely awake, 
"I have to, I have surgery today." I reminded her "I'll be back before you know it," I told her as I stroked her cheek and kissed her closed eyelids and then the tip of her nose. 
She let my shirt go, so I climbed out of bed and got dressed for the day all with her laid sleepily watching me, she stroked her bump almost invitingly like she was trying to make the bed with her and baby look as inviting as possible. 
Which I have to admit was working. 
"I'll be back as soon as Surgery's done," I told her as I headed back to bed as I did up my waistcoat, I knelt my knee on the sheets and kissed her sweet lips "I promise."
"Okay..." She smiled. 
"Take care of little one for me," I told her kissing her bump, 
"I will, Have a nice day Jack." She Yawned almost drifting off to sleep as she said it.
"You too, Love you" I smiled, but before I had even got to the door I heard her little wheezes as she nodded off to sleep again, I chuckled a little "Sleepy Mummy, Well Daddies off to work." I cooed I gave her bump one more kiss before heading downstairs, grabbing some toast from the kitchen, "Elis?"
"Yes, Doctor Dawkins!" She jumped as she came back in from pegging the laundry out,
"Keep an eye on her for me?"
"Course Sir," She nodded. 
I took my toast and my bag, left the house and headed off to the hospital in the dim morning light, but the moment I got there chaos ensued. Not sure why it surprised me as Chaos almost always did occur. 
There had been a bar fight with some group of sailors arguing with another group and before anyone knew where they were we had a hospital full of black eyes, broken noses, and god only knows what kinda damage. Sneed was pouting as usual barely actually helping at all, and Prof was drunk off his arse held up in his office to keep him from causing even more problems. I rushed around like a man possessed every time I glanced at the clock the day had disappeared some more. In the few free moments, my mind had as I wrapped bandages and went from place to place I thought of y/n. Of course, I did.
I hoped she was keeping herself well, even if every day I left her I was fearful given the state of her pregnancy, the baby would be along any day now and her stomach had even dropped so I knew it wouldn't be long. 
By the time I actually got to surgery, you know the ONE thing I was coming into work to do today! was finally set up and organized I was already tired, so I just wanted to get this over and done with so I could head home and crawl into bed. 
But... Things became difficult quickly, I hate when Surgery doesn't go to plan. And Just as it got worse the doors opened.
"Alright, The Surgeon is here!" Prof slurred as he came though still not sobered up,
"Sir I-"
"Dawkins, Leave this in the hands of the professional,"
"....Yes sir." I sighed moving away and handing him the knife, I didn't want to but I knew if I didn't he'd call me insulant and I'd be out of a job. I moved back but still did my best to direct him in the right way given he could barely even hold the blade straight "Sir? SIR!" I had to bolt across the table, pushed him out of the way and try to fix his drunken mistake, I rushed around as quickly as I could to try and fix this and keep him alive, I managed to stabilize him and get him half sewn up before he gave up from shock- "Fuck-" I sighed throwing my knife on the table running a hand through my hair tried to clean the tone of blood on my hands. 
I was angry, frustrated, exhausted, but... at least it's over.
"Dr Dawkins?" A voice spoke up,
Ohh god no what now! I turned on my heels and immediately panicked.
"I-It's-" she began nervously blood across her hands and apron, 
"Y/n?!" I yelled and she nodded,
 I didn't even hesitate, Grabbed my bag and my tools matching out like I was on Military order, 
"Dawkins? Where do you think you going?" Sneed cornered me in the main entrance hall, and he forced me to stop and blocked my exit with his smug grin, his arms behind his back as he leant forward he does in that arrogant way so he could talk down to me like I was a child, "You still have patients to see to on the ward." 
I wanted to deck him for preventing my leaving, but I did my best to be elegant "Dr Sneed, With all due respect, I have been working since four O'clock this morning, I have seen every one of MY patients on that ward, So I'm asking you if you'd wind awfully sodding off out of my bloody way."
"Get back on that ward. Or I'll have you thrown there."
"My wife. is in labour. MOVE!" 
"You mean your whore?" He smirked 
I didn't hesitate I decked him as hard as I could and left, I didn't care what trouble I'd be in I wasn't going to allow him to keep me there. Elis Took my things and I bolted home as fast as I possibly could, my body tried, beyond exhausted but fueled by the pure need to see her. 
I pushed open the door as it had been left unlocked and bolted up to the bedroom.
I could hear her screams before I even opened the door. 
Everything was the same as I left it, but the fire was smothered by the pile of tissues, rags and such like. The metallic twang of blood in the air was so much you could almost taste it. And the most horrific sight that could be imagined. 
Y/n lay on her back in the bed, her body twisting, and squirming, her nightie around her hips, the white cotton flooded heavy with her blood, the bedsheets coated with it almost directly from her as if some hellish blood-soaked monster had crawled out of her, A damp rag beside her that Elis had clearly made up with lavender to soak on her head but it was a little late for that. Her head would throw back as she screamed. I found the sound... so utterly chilling that I froze up. 
It took me two years to grow accustomed to the sight of blood without growing wozy, even longer to feel comfortable, cutting limbs, and organs apart. But still, even now, the screaming is a sound that rattles my bones. It's a sound no doctor can unhear, the sound of unrelenting pain. I found Labor screaming was always the worst, as it is endless and unforgiving, and there is so little you can do as a doctor to help other than hold their hand and let them suffer. 
Even worse so... Given, That's Y/n. My Y/n. 
I had never heard her scream with such agony in her voice. Tears streaming down her face. Her body contorted as it had no other outfit for this level of pain. 
I forced myself out of my state and rushed to her side holding her hand "I'm here! I'm here! You're gonna be okay." I muttered half to myself if I'm honest, quickly checking her over to see what state she was in "Alright, Yep this is... definitely labour."
"Thank you, Jack, I hadn't figured that OUT!" She yelled 
"Contractuions when did they start?"
"About six this morning" She whined
"Six! this morning! and only NOW did someone TELL ME!" 
"You were busy," She said, 
"How bad were they at six?"
"Small, got worse. and worse and now where - AHHHHHYHHHHHH!" She screamed as another contraction ripped through her, 
"Okay... just let me know when the next one is?" I told her as I opened my watch and counted the seconds between her contractions "Oooohhhh okay! That is uhhh" I nodded, I quickly moved to the end of the bed holding her nightie "Is it uhh it okay if I?"
"Go for it, You put the damn thing in there,"
I couldn't help but chuckle at her sarcastic tone even though her contractions, and I checked how dilated she was, and... uhhh she wasn't. "Uhhhhh..."
"Uhh? I don't like Uhh Jack!" She snapped,
"You're not dilated... You've been having early labour contractions for a minimum of twelve hours why the bloody hell are you not dilated?" I asked as I tried very hard not to panic, 
"I don't know! ASK MY VARGINA!" She screamed 
Finally, Elis arrived with my tools so I could get to work making sure things went as smoothly as they could do but the blood was still troubling me, Until I realized 
"Then what's all the- Oh no,"
"You know you have a terrible bedside manner doctor. oddly enough, Oh no! is not something a pregnant lady wants to hear!"
"The blood is your mucus Plug."
"My what!"
"Muscas plug the... Plug, the stopper in the sink that is your womb, it's out, that's all the blood, which means... it's broken." I explained, "How long ago did you start bleeding?"
"Not long ago, I saw blood and told Elis to get you." 
"If you're not dilated then baby is going to try and force its way out of you... as it is. without your hips being wide enough for the head."
"Meaning... either it's going to tear you apart... Or it's head is going to get stuck."
"OHhh fan FUCKING tastic!" 
"I can give you an injection, it might make it hurt more but it should force your body to realize there's a baby trying to get out of it and uhh open the doors as it were." I explained quickly giving her it but it only made her scream louder "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I muttered knowing what I was doing to her, and understanding the horrific pain I was putting her through but I held her hand every second I didn't need it, even if admittedly my hand was numb and her nails had drawn blood at some points. 
"Jack... I'm scared." Her voice was weak, tearful, as if on the brink of death,
"You're going to be okay. I promise you. I know it hurts. I know it's scary. but this.. this is everything you have ever been made to do, your body is made for this, and all of it will be worth it when you hold our baby in your arms," I told her giving her a sweet kiss,
"It's not made to do it comfortably..." She cried "Jack... Please I don't wanna die."
"You're not going to die," I told her almost ordering her as if I was willing her, to force her to stay alive. "I promise it's going to be okay" I told her trying to make sure things moved as they should "I know its hard, this is your first it's not going to be easy, Baby number three, four and five will just glide on out" I joked but the look on her face... that was a badly timed joke. 
"I am never. letting you sleep with me again!" She screamed, She's just kidding... I hope. 
 "Think about it, you have an advantage over most ladies,"
"And what's that?"
"You married a doctor" I winked "Okay, there we go your dilating now. it shouldn't be too long but as soon as that baby starts moving we are going to have to act fast,"
"It's already moving."
She grabbed my shirt "I can feel it moving. like a snake under my skin. this baby is coming!" She yelled in my face 
"Your water hasn't broken yet it can't be- and it should have especially if your mucus plug is gone the water has no protection it would burst on your cervix at least," I told her trying to keep her calm, but she was right, this baby was coming, she wasn't dilated enough yet, and the water hadn't broke. I Knew every second risked our baby and Y/n... I knew the other option. And so did she. 
"Jack. Get. It. Out. of. Me."
"Y/n I can't-"
"You're a surgeon. if anyone can you can." 
"Y/n I can't."
"Jack... Please. I love you. I trust you more than anyone. Please... Make it stop." 
"No woman has ever survived a Ceaseron section. The shock alone would will you. if it doesn't me moving your organs around will. Or the blood loss. or me cutting through something important. Or infection!" I explained "...You can't ask me, you cut you open knowing I'll kill you."
"Even if it saves the baby?" She cried, 
"Do not make me choose between you," I begged her,
"Then I'll decide." She snapped "Save him Jack. Please."
"You cannot ask this of me-" I cried 
"Please... Or both of us will die." 
"...will you give me time? one hour. If I can't feel the baby's head by then... I'll do it. Will you Give me one hour!?" 
"One. But I don't know how much more I can take." 
I kissed her with as much love and passion as I could before I got what I needed from my bag, the tool wasn't meant for this, but... rumour had spiralled that it could be used for such things, I had never tested to know for sure... I didn't imagine I'd be testing on my own wife.  
"This... is gonna hurt," I told her and she nodded so I did my best to be careful holding her leg to comfort her as I needed them close by and her hand was too far, as I used the tool as gently as I could, to forceably break her water. 
The moment I did fluid began to replace blood, and her screams intensified but her body almost knew now what it had to do. Her body knew it had no choice. and was fueled by the natural female power to bring life into the world. 
"Perfect. Perfect. you're doing so good." I told her holding her hand in both of mine even if we were both coated in blood, I walked her through her breathing and soon enough she needed to really push, so I directed her as best I could through her tired screams and tears, I did TRY and help her breath... honestly I also forgot at times. 
Soon enough it became time, I called Eli in as a standby nurse, and I made sure to open Y/n's legs as much as possible, "Comfy? Or do you want another position?"
"He went in like that. He can come out like that" She joked between her gasps 
"Okay... be ready, this all happens a bit fast," I told Elis and she nodded so I turned to Y/n "Y/n... I am, so so sorry for what is about to happen to you. I am going to be honest with you, this is going to be .... the worst pain of your whole life But I will do what I can to make it as quick and painless as possible, I'm here and I love you." I told her giving her a sweet kiss and stroking her cheek "And Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I promise." I told her before I checked her again and it was time, "You're favourite memory, take yourself there now." I told her just as it began. 
Her screams blood-curdling, her body trying to fight itself, tears streaming down her cheeks, that sound, that image, would haunt my nightmares. 
And... I may be a surgeon, But still. 
Nothing quite prepares you for the sight of your wife... as your child's head leaves her body slowly stretching the skin as it forces its way out. 
I walked her through her slow breaths making sure she didn't push and rip everything apart, until finally he was out, and quickly I made Elis pick him up and wrap him warmly. and by some luck almost immediately she delivered her placenta almost as if it was literally pushed behind him, 
"It's done. It's done it's over. it's all over." I told her unable to control my tears as I gave her kisses "It's all over, you did so brilliantly my darling," I smiled making sure the cord was cut and she was set to begin to heal,
"It's over?" she asked understandably very weak,
"It's over. It's all over. you just rest" I cooed "Get your breath back and relax."
"What is it?" She gasped
"A boy Ma'am" Elis Said 
"A boy, we have a little boy" I smiled almost in disbelief unable to stop kissing her "I am... So immensely proud of you, I didn't think I could love you anymore but you have proven me wrong."
"Uhh Doctor..." Elis Spoke up and there was fear in her voice, 
I quickly moved and she handed him to me as he was wrapped up tight in his blanket.
Not moving. Not breathing. 
I did my best not to panic I didn't want to alarm y/n, but panic rushed through me, tears streaming down my face.
"No, No, please... Please, come on little guy, come on, please, Please, Wake up. Wake up. Come on little guy please." I muttered trying everything I could in utter desperation "Please.... Please....Please..." I begged 
and by the grace of god! 
He coughed spluttered and began to cry wiggling his little arms.
I felt, so unexplainable. 
I was proud, joyful, nervous, fearful, on the verge of both passing out, and of tears.
For a moment I held him in my arms by the fire, cradling him in his blanket as he cried freshly meeting the world, and it was as if He and I. Had a moment. Where we are all that exists. 
My son, My sweet beautiful son. 
"Is he okay?" Y/n woke me from this trance having managed to sit up now, she was clearly exhausted I'm sure I'll never be able to comprehend such exhaustion, but with her sly wicked smile almost... Jealous, but joyous all the same. 
I went over being as careful as I could sitting on the bed with her and handing him over to her. 
Her face was an utter picture, she glowed with a sweetness I had only seen briefly, her smile so wide, as she held our baby to her chest, he rested on her bare skin and almost went to sleep so content to be in the arms of his mother. 
"He's perfect."
"Ummm," she smiled pulling me closer so I could cuddle her as she cuddled him her head on my shoulder 
"So, how was labour?"
"Ummm what labour," she giggled 
I smiled and kissed her head "I don't think I've ever been so happy."
"Me either Jack" she smiled "You think of a name?"
"I can choose!?" 
"Mhm, Our first little boy, you can choose."
Honestly, I hadn't much thought about it, I ran through names in my mind trying to think of something that had meaning, but dignity, but found very little. But... I thought of one name. And I knew it had to be him.
"Sebastian," She smiled "It's lovely, Why?"
"... Captain Sebastian Grimm, He's the one who got me out of prison. took me away on a ship. Liked my quick fingers, made me... what I am. I'd still be rotting in a cell if it wasn't for him. Without him... I'd have never even met you." 
She smiled and kissed my cheek "Then it's settled. Sebastian Dawkins." 
"Sebastian Dawkins," I smiled playing with his little fingers and kissing his sweet head. 
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sage-nebula · 7 months
Personally, I love that Whisper is a little messy.
I love that she is—for a Sonic character, at least—complicated. Overall, she's a good person. She wants to help and protect others. She's compassionate, and brave. She accepts others for who they are even when it might be inconvenient. (Ian Flynn clarified on a Bumblekast that when Whisper replied "I don't" to Lanolin when Lanolin asked her how she handled Tangle in the Urban Warfare arc, what Whisper meant was that Tangle is her own person and Whisper doesn't try to control her one way or the other. It wasn't her being angry.) She's usually patient and owns up when she makes mistakes. She's smart and capable, but still humble. She's determined and diligent and loyal.
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But she is also traumatized, and while some of that trauma comes through in Socially Acceptable™️ ways of being sad and soft-spoken, it also comes through in less Socially Acceptable™️ ways. She self-isolates to the point where it damages her inter-personal relationships, sometimes on purpose. She is willing to commit murder against those who have caused great harm and has attempted to kill both Mimic and Eggman in canon twice each. She can be terse and is hypervigilant and sometimes violent as a result of her hypervigilance, warranted or not. (Because although we know she's right about Duo being Mimic, that doesn't give her a pass to put hands on Lanolin the way she does.) She regularly fails to communicate her feelings until cornered or she hits a breaking point. She spent the vast majority of her time in the story steadfastly refusing to heal from her grief over the deaths of her friends by saving the recording of the moment they died so she could watch it again and again.
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None of this to say Whisper is a bad person. She's not. She's a severely traumatized 16 year old girl. She deserves to be given grace. But she is complicated. She's messy. Saving the body cam footage of when your friends were murdered so you can watch it over and over and keep that grief and need for vengeance festering in your heart is not a healthy coping mechanism. Self-isolating to the point where you won't even say goodbye (as she was going to do when she left the Restoration prior to Trial By Fire before Tangle happened to catch her in the act) isn't great behavior, either. And while the topic of whether a villain deserves to die for their actions is a moral quandry comics fans have wasted decades arguing about, the fact remains that the willingness to do so is rare by Sonic hero standards. In fact, it's usually only the antiheroes (such as Shadow) who are willing to do it. But Whisper shot Eggman through the heart in Urban Warfare; he would be dead right now if she hadn't been stuck halfway in cyberspace.
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Yes, Whisper is soft with her wisps and her girlfriend and her friends. She tells jokes about toasters. She gets very excited to chill at the beach, and she is willing to put herself on the line time and again to protect strangers. But she is also willing to do the things she feels must be done, no matter how her friends might not approve, and sometimes her coping behaviors (or lack thereof) are awful. This wolf contains multitudes.
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And I love her for it.
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perfectsunlight · 8 months
𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮
lisa x non-idol!reader
warnings: minor angst (?) , mostly fluff tbh
part 2 of attention
word count: 3,313
synopsis: your girlfriend proves that she'd do anything for you, no matter what.
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an international flight was more than enough time for lisa to think. she knew you weren’t going to answer her, especially after your last argument. she also knew that this wasn’t just about the argument, or your graduation. this was about your relationship.
lisa rested her head against the window, doing her best to ignore the kid kicking her seat behind her and the way the man next to her was snoring. when she arrived at the airport, she didn’t really have a plan. all she knew was that she needed to get onto the next flight back to korea as soon as possible.
maybe that’s why she didn’t care if she got an economy class ticket and boarded without anything except the clothes on her back and the items in her purse. perhaps that’s why she didn’t care that her phone was at 45% or that her airpods were left in the hotel. but none of that seemed to matter to her at the moment.
nothing was as important as you.
with a heavy sigh, the idol closed her eyes, attempting to find solace in the darkness behind her eyelids. but there was no escape. every single one of her empty promises haunted her. she realized that this flight was more than just a physical journey; it was a mental and emotional odyssey, a chance to finally confront the demons that had driven a wedge between you and her.
regret was not a strong enough word to describe the emotions that she felt right now. 
she had spent so long blaming everything and everyone else for the issues you two had. the tour, the company, the schedules. these all had a strain on your relationship, but she never stopped to truly recognize that her actions had done the most damage.
but lisa also knew she was causing damage by going to be with you, as well.
missing a concert date was a breach that yg entertainment would not take lightly, especially from someone as crucial to the group as her. the repercussions would be severe, but at that moment, it felt like a distant concern. 
all she cared about right now was you.
time seemed to stretch and contract in the confined space of the airplane. hours passed like minutes, and yet every second felt like an eternity. the rhythmic hum of the engines provided a backdrop to her thoughts as she drifted in and out of attentiveness. 
as the plane descended into seoul, lisa's heart beat erratically in her chest, matching the turbulence of her thoughts. the city lights twinkled below, a familiar sight that should have comforted her, but all she felt was a gnawing anxiety. the weight of it pressed on her chest, making it hard to breathe.
she glanced at her phone, which was at 15% battery, and noticed the time. lisa would barely make it on time to your graduation. it was cutting close. 
every passing minute seemed to mock her, reminding her of the time slipping away, of the chance she might be losing with each second ticking by. the reality of what she had done settled in like a heavy stone in her stomach, a constant reminder of her impulsive decision. as the plane taxied toward the gate, lisa's fingers drummed anxiously on the armrest. she knew she had to face the consequences of her actions. 
with a sense of urgency, lisa rushed out of the plane. paparazzi and fans were everywhere. the thai girl pulled her shades closer to her face and lowered her cap to shield her eyes and send the silent message that she didn’t want to deal with anyone right now. 
lisa navigated the chaos of the airport terminal with the grace of a seasoned performer, her steps quick and purposeful despite the pounding in her chest. the cacophony of voices and camera shutters filled the air, each flash of light blinding her momentarily. she pulled her shades closer to her face, a feeble attempt to shield herself from the prying eyes and the harsh glare of the cameras. she felt like a deer in the headlights, vulnerable and exposed. 
the fans, once adoring, now felt like an encroaching wall of judgment and scrutiny. every step she took seemed to magnify her guilt, each flash of the camera a reminder of her failures. reaching the front of the airport, lisa spotted a nearby taxi.
paparazzi shouted questions, their relentless pursuit of a scandal evident in their probing eyes. lisa kept her head down, her cap pulled low, and her shades hiding her emotions. she was a fortress of stone, unwilling to let the world see the cracks in her armor. as she slid into the backseat of the car, the noise outside dulled to a muffled roar. the tinted windows offered a semblance of privacy, shielding her from the prying eyes outside. 
inside the taxi, the atmosphere was a stark contrast to the chaos outside. the paparazzi’s shouts faded into the distance, and the insulating walls of the car cocooned lisa in a brief moment of respite. yet, the weight of her actions pressed heavily upon her shoulders, even in the relative silence of the vehicle. 
“where to?” the driver asked as he looked back at the idol through his rear view mirror. “seoul national university.” lisa quickly replied, rubbing her temples. 
the taxi driver nodded, his eyes meeting lisa's briefly in the rearview mirror before he pulled away from the curb. the city lights blurred into streaks of color as the car sped through the night, the engine's hum a steady rhythm beneath their conversation. lisa leaned back in her seat, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. 
the weight of her actions bore down on her, but in this moment, she was determined to face them. there was no turning back now. the truth, raw and unfiltered, was what you deserved. as the car wound its way through the familiar streets of seoul, lisa's gaze drifted outside the window. her phone buzzed with messages and missed calls, but she ignored them. right now, you were her sole focus.
this was your special evening. she’d witnessed how hard you had worked over the past years, spending hours studying and slaving away at the kitchen table in her home. there were many days when she’d barely be coming home at the early hours of daw, only to see you fast asleep under your books and papers. 
there were countless evenings when lisa would return home after a grueling day of rehearsals and find you hunched over your books, your eyes tired but resolute. the soft glow of your laptop screen illuminated your face as you delved into your notes, your fingers dancing across the keyboard with practiced ease. 
your girlfriend would watch you in admiration, marveling at your intellect and work ethic. she recalled the times when you would fall asleep amidst your textbooks, your head resting on a pile of notes and your hand still holding a pen. lisa would gently cover you with a blanket, tucking you in with a tender kiss to your cheek. if you fell asleep on the couch, she’d just pick you up and carry you to bed with her.
she cherished those moments, the sight of you in peaceful slumber, surrounded by the remnants of your dedication to your education. 
one particular memory stood out vividly in lisa's mind at that moment. 
it was the night before a crucial exam, the air thick with tension and anticipation. you had been studying for two weeks straight for this exam. your brows furrowed in concentration, eyes puffy and red from the mental breakdown caused by the anxiety you were feeling about the exam. lisa had just held you in her arms for a good half an hour as you cried.
lisa remembered how she was going to suggest you take a break, but you simply wiped your eyes and turned back to focus on your flashcards. there was a fire in your eyes, a fierce determination that lisa had always admired. it was a determination that had brought you through countless challenges, and she had no doubt it would carry you through this exam too.
the thai girl prayed for even an ounce of that determination you had from that night to be present in her current moment. as the university came into view, lisa could feel her heart racing. this was it. 
when paying the driver, her fingers fumbled with the bills and she definitely gave him double than what he charged because she didn’t care about counting any of the money out. there wasn’t enough time for that. 
she quickly stepped out of the taxi, the cool night air hitting her face. the campus gymnasium was where the commencement ceremony would be. lisa pulled her hat down further, practically running full speed towards the building at the end of the block. 
lisa's sneakers pounded against the pavement as she sprinted towards the campus gymnasium. her heart raced, not just from the physical exertion but from the urgency of the moment. the distant echoes of applause and laughter reached her ears, a reminder that the ceremony had already begun.
each step she took was a plea for time to slow down, for the universe to grant her a few precious moments to make things right. as she neared the gymnasium, she slowed her pace, trying to catch her breath. she straightened her cap and removed her sunglasses, taking a moment to compose herself before entering. the night air had done little to calm the storm inside her.
the weight of her actions hung heavy, and every heartbeat was a reminder of what she had risked losing. taking a deep breath, she pushed open the doors to the gymnasium. the atmosphere inside was charged with excitement and anticipation. the graduates, clad in their caps and gowns, sat in neat rows, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the stage lights. the air was thick with a sense of achievement, a tangible reminder of the years of hard work that had led to this moment. 
lisa scanned the crowd, her eyes searching for you amidst the sea of faces. the fear of not finding you clawed at her, urging her to move faster. the sea of dark blue uniformity didn’t help her either. but she’d recognize you anywhere, blending in blue or not.
finally, her eyes landed on you. you were seated towards the back middle rows, your eyes fixed on the stage, a mixture of pride and determination in your gaze. 
the idol pulled her hat down lower, fearing that she’d cause a huge scene if recognized by anyone. lisa quickly slipped into one of the side bleachers as your section stood up and made way towards the stage.
the pride in your eyes was undeniable, a reflection of the years of hard work and dedication that had brought you to this moment. as you walked, your steps were confident, your shoulders squared with determination. lisa felt a mixture of awe and regret wash over her. 
awe for your strength and resilience, and regret for the pain she had caused you. the applause that filled the gymnasium was deafening as each graduate's name was called. lisa clapped along, her eyes never leaving you. she marveled at your grace, your ability to shine even in the midst of her failures. each step you took towards the stage felt like a step away from the darkness of the past and towards a brighter, hopeful future. 
as you ascended the stage, lisa held her breath, her hands trembling slightly. the pride in your accomplishments filled the room, a tangible force that seemed to push back the shadows of doubt that had clouded her mind. for a moment, she allowed herself to bask in the sheer brilliance of your achievements, a glimmer of hope that perhaps, with time, she could be worthy of you once more. 
the moment your name was called, the room erupted into applause. lisa clapped harder, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions. you walked across the stage, receiving your diploma with a smile that could light up the entire room. at that moment, the thai girl’s heart swelled with pride and love. 
she was reminded of just how incredible the person she had fallen in love with was.
as you made your way back to your seat, lisa's eyes followed you, her gaze soft with adoration. she knew that this was just the beginning of your journey, and she was determined to be there for every step of the way. the applause continued, but in her heart, there was a quiet resolve. she would make amends, prove her love, and stand by you, no matter what challenges lay ahead. in that moment, amidst the sea of applause and celebration, lisa made a silent promise to herself. 
she would be better. she would be the partner you deserved, supporting you, uplifting you, and loving you unconditionally. no matter what.
the ceremony continued, but lisa's focus remained solely on you. she knew that the path to redemption would be long and challenging, but for you, she was willing to face any obstacle.
echoes of the ceremony's final applause reverberated through the gymnasium as the graduates tossed their caps into the air, celebrating the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter. for everyone else, it was a moment of joy and accomplishment, but for the idol, it was a reminder of her solemn commitment. 
as the crowd began to disperse, families reuniting with their graduates, lisa waited patiently in the corner, her eyes never leaving you. her cap was lowered, and her shades were resting on her head. she was wearing a mask she snagged from the taxi driver as well, just to make sure no one else would recognize her.
well, no one other than you, of course.
you finished hugging your parents, and over your mother’s shoulder was when you noticed the girl you loved in the corner. at first you thought you were seeing things, but you’d spent too many nights sleeping in lisa’s clothes to not recognize them.
without another second, you ran towards your girlfriend. lisa’s arms opened as she embraced you, hugging you tightly against her chest. tears fell over from both your eyes and hers. it had been months since you two had seen each other, and despite the argument that had occurred just a day prior, you couldn’t care about anything else while being wrapped up in the arms of the idol.
“you came.” you whispered into her chest, tears soaking her jacket.  in the tight embrace of lisa's arms, you could feel the steady rhythm of her heart, a comforting reminder that she was real, that she had come back to you despite all the obstacles and the recent argument. tears streamed down your cheeks, mixing with hers, as the emotions of the moment overwhelmed you both.
“anything for you,” the taller girl whispered back, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and remorse. she held you even tighter, as if trying to make up for all the time that had passed since you last saw each other.
“but how? you’re supposed to be performing tonight.” your teary eyes met hers as you looked up at her with confusion. 
lisa brushed a strand of hair away from your face, her thumb gently wiping away the tear stains on your cheeks. “i did what i had to do,” she explained, her voice soft yet determined. “i needed to be here for you, that this was more important than any performance.” a mix of surprise and gratitude washed over you. knowing how tightly controlled her schedule usually was, you understood the significance of her decision. 
“you're my priority, y/n. i've realized that nothing matters more to me than you, than us. i don't want to miss out on the important moments in your life.”
it was a sentiment that resonated deeply within you. the fact that she was willing to put your relationship before her career, before the demands of fame, filled you with a sense of overwhelming love and devotion. 
“but won't there be consequences?” you asked, your concern for her career evident in your voice. lisa cupped your face in her hands, her eyes locking onto yours with unwavering determination.
“i don't care about the consequences. i'll face whatever comes my way. i want to be there for you.” the idol pulled her mask down and pulled you closer to her, speaking to you in the most soft and sincere tone you’d ever heard from her. “i’ll fly halfway across the world for you at the drop of a hat. i’d drop my career and my schedule if you called. you mean more to me than anything else.”
her words hung in the air, a solemn promise that washed away your doubts and fears. in that moment, you realized the depth of her commitment to you, the lengths she was willing to go to make things right. 
tears welled up in your eyes once again, but this time, they were tears of gratitude and overwhelming love. you pulled her into another tight hug, clinging to her as if she was your lifeline, because in that moment, she was. “i love you, lili,” you whispered against her shoulder, your voice filled with sincerity and adoration. 
“i love you too, y/n,” lisa replied, her words muffled against your hair, but the love in her voice was crystal clear. “more than words can describe, and more than i can express.” she added, gently kissing your forehead.
in that tender moment, under the weight of her love and the sincerity in her voice, you felt a profound sense of peace wash over you. the doubts that had clouded your heart dissipated like mist under the morning sun, leaving behind only the unshakable certainty that you were meant to be together. 
“i'd do anything for you,” lisa whispered, her voice soft and unwavering, her eyes gazing into yours with a depth of emotion that left you breathless. “i'll stand by you, no matter what challenges come our way. i'll be your rock, your support, and your greatest cheerleader. you're my everything, and i promise to spend every moment proving that to you.” 
with those words, you knew that your love story had weathered the storm and emerged stronger than ever before. in lisa's arms, you found not just solace, but a profound connection that transcended the boundaries of words and actions. it was a love that spoke in the silent moments, in the gentle touches, and in the unwavering presence of one another.
 “i think i just fell in love with you all over again,” you whispered back, your voice echoing the depth of your emotions. in that shared promise, you found the strength to face the future, hand in hand, ready to conquer whatever challenges life might throw your way. your girlfriend could only smile, because she knew everything she had done was worth it.
the last minute flight, the kid kicking her seat for 10 hours, the chaos at the airport, the fact that she’d get an earful from her company, her phone dying in the taxi and her losing $200 by paying the driver. none of that mattered to her.
none of it except being here with you.
with a tender kiss against your lips, lisa held you close, sealing the promises made between you two. you knew without the shadow of a doubt now, that the world class idol you loved would do anything for you.
no, lisa would do everything for you. and you could only smile against her lips.
because you knew you’d do anything and everything for her, too.
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a/n: thank you for 1.8k :) enjoy this bc i know u all have been waiting for it <3
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frog-man-moments · 1 month
Villain agent 8 au: UPDATED
(this is my silly little idea for a villain agent 8, i have been talking to @flamingskull28 about it and he even gave me a couple of idea's for the au so major thanks to him)[also thanks to @lbodraws for some inspiration and @joltthewolf for making a v8 edit)
During the fight with smollusk, smollusk in an effort to turn the tides of battle aims for an weakened agent 4, which ends of killing her. .This sends agent 8 into a frenzy which leads to her killing smollusk in a fit of grief.
After escaping the memverse agent 8 locks herself away as she is unable to comprehend four's death. Pearl and Marina try to reach out to agent 8 but 8 kept pushing them away. Pearl and Marina feel like failures of parents after everything is over.
Marina and pearl are the ones who have to deliver the bad news to the NSS, all of them are distraught but this news hits marie the hardest alongside eight, as marie always viewed four as their child . However while marie accepted and grieved fours death, agent 8 was unable to process it. Eight could not accept four's death and just kept denying and denying. Agent 8 took an orange inkling plushie four gave her and began talking to it. She talked to it like agent 4 and held it constantly with her making her crazy and further denying fours death.
Until she had an epiphany, the memverse had the power to mess with souls, eight began to wonder what else the memverse could do.
This line of thinking brought her to wonder if she could use the memverse to bring back agent 4. She brought this idea up to marina however she told eight that she believed eight should accept four's death and to try to move on, unsure if resurrection could even work. This caused eight to go behind marinas back to try and execute her plan. 8 begins to study souls in hopes of finding a way to bring four back. This causes damage to the souls she's studying and makes marina get involved. Eight falling into madness didn't care, all she cared about was getting four back.
Eight brainwashed marina to get her out of the way and to get her help. 8 also kinda blamed marina for fours death for creating the memverse and smollusk in the first place. Parallel cannon in this au is eights first attempt to bring four back. However instead of resurrecting agent 4, it made a clone of her. PC feels useless and rejected as their sole purpose was to be love/ be a lover and the person they were supposed to love rejected them.
Marina wasn't the only person to get brainwashed. agent 8 was still angry and wanted someone to take their anger out on so she turn to shiver.
shortly before the events of splat 2 agent 4 and shiver were at their worst mentally. they were both 14 and dealing with a lot and not dealing with it well. so when they both met they jumped into a relationship without thinking.
They both had attachment and abandonment issues. So when the other partner would spend too much time away with friends or even a day away from the other, the partner "left behind" would get very upset, usually resulting in an argument. they both did this as they were co-dependent on each other.
it was only after a really bad argument did agent 4 leave. I left shiver feeling really guilty as she did love four and still had feelings for her.
so when she saw agent 4 during splat 3 she wanted to get back with her. But she saw agent 8 as a cheap copy of her and always tried to start drama with her.
so agent 8 brainwashed shiver as a form a revenge for her past actions( even though her and agent 4 were equally bad back then) and basically turned her into a second parallel cannon and was assigned to guard marina while the real PC was made to guard her.
Eight's attempts to bring four back is causing four pain in the afterlife. Four even temporarily contacts eight to tell her to stop because shes hurting her. However eight does not listen deciding four doesn't know what's good for her.
(v8 design made by @joltthewolf)
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Eight eventually discovers a way to bring four back. In order to bring a person back it requires hundreds of souls to be sacrificed in order to bring a person back. This ritual is very painful for the person being brought back.
It ends up being marie who has to climb the tower to take down eight as see can relate to being hit very hard by fours death. she is accompanied by callie drone.
Things are mostly the same but some things are different. Mainly PC and the finale boss.
Marie would finding PC in a state of sadness. They still try to fight but they are clearly in pain. Marie decides to take PC with her and PC opens up to Marie about how they feel, they feel rejected and alone. They feel useless and afraid and it breaks Marie's heart since four had similar feelings before they died.
Marie and PC's relationship to be similar to Pearl and steven's earlier relationship, even having a "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME DO THIS FOR YOU ROSE?!" type moment. PC has a journey of self-discovery while Marie learns that PC is their own person and more than just a clone.
agent 8 's fight would be a mix of soul of sectonia and order.(including a phase where 8's head pops off) agent 8 would start out small and the first phases would be hard but manageable. But when she turns big mode you are going to have start praying as you will have to deal with brutal attacks and a difficult envoirment.
There are 3 possible endings for this au
Good ending: marie takes 8 down and drags her our of the memverse. Eight ends up getting help to process four's death. fairly simple.
Resurrected good ending: eight is successful in bringing four back but is still taken down. four is mortified by what her lover has done. hundreds of people are now souless and she was dead and brought back. four breaks up with eight which breaks her even more(she does get better)
Resurrected bad ending: eight brings back four and kicks the other agent's out of the memverse. She creates and ai to wipe her and fours memories every couple of years and to create adventures for her and four to enjoy. She and four go on adventures for a while unaware of everything that happened. until the NSS enter the memverse and stop the temporarily ai and bring back four and eights memories. 8 and 4 are overwhelmed by the past. Eight is horrified by what shes done while four is trying to comprehend the fact they died and came back to life. they have the option to either go to the real world or continue living the lie
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dreamii-krybaby · 7 months
Theory on Nori’s actual personality
Ok but what if it’s revealed that Nori isn’t necessarily malicious or evil or satan’s spawn, like specifically during her time at the labs and camps.
Like yes I know she seems to be enjoying herself after the core collapse thanks to the pictures in EP4 and at the interview shown in EP6 despite Alice going berserk and smashing her own head and Yeva hurting and terrified. Not only her body language but also the fact she is resting her arm on one of the sentinels as if they were mere pets gives her almost disney villian vibes
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Because to me she could be somewhat similar to N. She is a beacon of positivy, it may be simply her personality or a developed coping mechanism
It could be that her chill and cool vibes are astonishing. So it’s not that she doesn’t care or anything, she simply isn’t aware of the gravity of the situation or takes things easy.
Plus the fact that the goddam sentinels are so chill around her that even one of them lets Nori put her arm on top of them can maybe be seen as the sentinels not perceiving Nori as a threat, and more as a companion, maybe even as a friend.
Her EP6 appearance may be a red herring or is purposely made so we draw the wrong conclusion.
Bc most of her bad actions where when she was under the influence of the AS:
- Like before the core collapse happened we clearly saw in EP6 that Nori was fully possessed bc of her yellow eyes. And we in the footage you can see drones or even human limbs scattered around her, so all of that was when she was possessed.
- after the core collapse she shows to be quite friendly, it could be that she doesn’t remember a lot after her possession. Unlike Yeva who probably was still processing everything.
Tho tbh I can cut her some slack if she indeed was happy after the humans perished after the core collapse. Since you know, she was experimented and probably witnessed a lot of fucked up shit.
- When Alice mentioned that she left them to die, she also later added she had yellow eyes, again, Nori was possessed at that time. Alice probably didn’t know that the one who probably left them to die was the AS, not Nori
- Now this more of an assumption, but the fact that in Nori’s closet Khan kept boxes and boxes of ���happy family memories” it probably meant their relationship was pretty good.
- And things only went south when Nori started to get visions(?). Also she constantly told Khan to build doors against the coming sky demons. Clearly she was trying to protect herself, Uzi and Khan, and probably the rest of the colony (which also included Yeva, which would go against the interpretation that Nori didn’t care much for Yeva). Also remember, it was Khan who wasn’t there for Nori, she needed him, she tried to warn him.
-Its also worth mentioning that Yeva might have not been harmed by Nori during the interview shown at EP6. Bc first there is no sharp object that could potentially be used against Yeva. (Wait now that I think about it, there is a JCJenson pen, and if u remember the pilot, that pen could have actually been used to cause Yeva’s injury but it seems to be lacking oil stains)
And its a higher possibility that Alice could have done it, as it seems she has gone berserk and drew with her own oil on the walls and is clawing at the wall, and maybeee she also used Yeva’s oil to draw.
Also Nori couldn’t have used the AS directly on Yeva due to both having the AS. And a interpretation made by @capnsaltsquid said that Yeva’s eye got damaged by the AS itself, it fucking blew up, due to her body not being very “compatible” with the AS. (Yeva my poor gal :( )
Again I think it all depends on interpretation.
Now does this mean she is a pure holy saint? No. Murder Drones is a show where most ppl aren’t really a saint. Yes..probably not even my gal Yeva. But Nori could be that at the end she wasn’t evil or smth. She could have a similar situation to Cyn.
Now personally would enjoy if she actually started off as antagonist or even villian when she got the AS at the labs and had to unfortunately learn the hard way about the dangers of the AS later. Wouldn’t mind at all if she occasionally showed moments of villainy.
And me being me, how about devil’s advocate?
Maybe she was indeed a son of a bitch at her time at the labs maybe she was happy after the destruction she caused after the core collapse.
What if Nori actually planned to get possessed? What if the AS offered her freedom by getting rid of the humans. Bc the AS drawing below her shown on the EP6 footage surrounded by body remains gives me “summoning the local Eldritch god inside of my body to do silly stuff” vibes
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For all we know the AS could have given her a sense of control, power, and superiority and for a lab rat surrounded by robo-raptors and other, more aggressive lab rats, that must have felt amazing.
Also it would be nice to have a villian who fully embraces the AS, even for only a period of time.
Before you say we have Doll, I don’t think so, well partially:
-She immediately feels sorry for Uzi upon learning she also has the AS, and she promised her to help her once she finds what she is looking for.
-She also calls the AS a “sickness” via Tessa’s comment on EP6.
-A lot of ppl and myself included infer that what Doll is looking for is a cure for the AS
-Even if she uses the AS a lot more than Uzi I think Doll is simply taking advantage of it while she has it, its the only ready available tool she has. But I don’t think she necessarily likes having it. Plus Doll has more control over her body over the AS unlike Uzi.
So I would love for Nori at the beginning to embrace the AS, that loves it. Sees it as a blessing rather than a sickness. That feels a rush of control when using it.
Or we could go the more, chill route, she uses it more due to carelessness and ignorance.
And perhaps for her later go “Well maybe I don’t want this thing anymore”
But realistically from what I gathered, I see her someone who is chill, open, easy going, sociable and perhaps, careless.
Tho am begging on my knees for her to be a morally grey sassy lady.
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naisaspalace · 3 months
Personal Nakshatras observation series:
obs: this series will have multiple sources from random websites to authors/professors that contributed to the creation of this "Article". my opinions are not the ultimate truth and everyone has a different understanding of the same topic. my purpose is to spread my interpretations to help people. contact info will be available at the end of the post.
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Nakshatra Characteristics:
6.40 –20 degrees in Gemini.
Meaning: the star of sorrows.
Translation:  "The Moist One", "Fresh", "Green"
Deity: Rudra. (one of Shiva's manifestations)
this nakshatra story starts on the Rohini where Brahma (the creator) wanted to have an intimate relationship with his daughter, Rohini, so in the following constellation, mrigashira, Rohini turned herself into a deer to run from Brahma and he also became a deer to chase her and shiva became so furious that he opened his third eye in anger and from that a powerful spark emerged and transformed into Rudra and he cut off brahmas head to save Rohini.
this action shows the empathy and protective nature of Ardra.
ruler: Rahu. (north node)
element: water
guna: tamasic
dosha: vata
tree: Long Pepper or Krishna Kamal Flower (karimaram)
symbols: teardrop, diamond, and a human head.
yoni: female dog.
star: Belteguese
mode: balanced.
goal: kama (pleasure, desires, fulfillment)
Body parts: Top and Back of Head & Eyes.
Sex/Gender: Female.
Upward Facing.
Direction: West (or southeast). Color: Green. (mercury gemini)
Disposition:  Sharp and Forceful (Tikshna)
Chakra:vishuddha (throat chakra)
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story interpretation:
Ardra nakshatra is the first rahu-ruled nakshatra of three and it comes after mrigashira, ruled by Mars, the previous constellation talked about a mind that was constantly chasing something that most of the time ended up being things that would bring a sense of temporal satisfaction. Those people are those who usually are lost trying to search for something to satisfy themselves and after they are satisfied they simply go out searching for the next thing.
But things change when they arrive at Ardra, here is the first time the mind starts to wonder about what the mind storms and turbulences mean, and this time they actually are focused on getting to the end of the search that usually started at mrigashira, by dissecting the problem and arriving at the end goal fiercely like Rudra.
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The star of sorrows
The nature balances the universe with its constructive and destructive abilities. water creates lives and also ends lives by hydrating and drowning and by striking lightning to end the bad and damaged environment that can eventually become powerfully strong as a diamond or cause mass destruction. This is how Ardra's energy manifests itself they bring a storm that transforms us either for good or bad, you are the one who decides who you face this.
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pop culture manifestation
effy stonem (drug abuse, destruction, illusion)
Kaya Scodelario has moon-ketu (conjunction) at Ardra and she played Effy a troubled teen who started to drink and use drugs to cope with her emotions and ended up bringing destruction to herself and the people around her.
she was often seen as this sexy attractive woman and she used a lot of her seduction to cause chaos among the men
the illusion of drugs that make you feel like the mind is now pacified
she loved chaos so much that she chased it constantly or at least thought she loved it.
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a beautiful young woman having fun you might wonder what is wrong with that? effy grew up around an unstable family and this led her to idealize the use of substances to escape herself to a point where she would constantly run away and record vlogs asking her mom to find her and nurture her.
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ardra is the first rahu constellation, also called as the “birth of rahu” or his “infant state” alongside rahu it comes with the birth of the intellectual mind ardra is also called the star of sorrows and the symbol is a teardrop
effy represents a state of disorganized destruction and the consequences of self-neglect created by Maya, illusions, where one fails to find the strength to leave their storms and continues to feed their infinite hunger for emotional satisfaction and the inability to face reality as it is
the storms come to us but they don't come to destroy us they are here for us to thrive above to raise the heavens, just like Rudra throwing his arrow to the sky.
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"Rudra is known as the divine archer, who shoots arrows of death and disease and who has to be implored not to slay or injure in his wrath"
Effy ended up with a psychotic depression. She attempts suicide but Freddie (her boyfriend), foreseeing this, saves her and she is taken to the hospital and later, institutionalized. Eventually, she lost her memory because the doctor used strong medication and he also manipulated effy into breaking up with her boyfriend and attempted to make her fall in love with him and murder her boyfriend.
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to me, this is where the actress ketu comes into play, as you know ketu represents detachment and liberation and she finally achieved her freedom by losing her memory even if it was momentarily she finds a few moments of peace.
three years after this whole situation she moves to another place but we find her, she seems to be better but she ends up being arrested at the end of the series for being framed by her boss, he frames his fraud crimes into her. Eventually, she told his superiors and he got arrested as well
refusing to heal her past traumas, ketu, she ends up being followed by outside storms that mirrored her mental state; The star of sorrow indeed.
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Taylor Swift (profit, high goals and achievement, superation, philosophy, and fame).
taylor is a pop singer and writer who started her career at young age when she was discovered by a executive of a record label and became a famous celebrity later on.
revenge, pain, mental disturbance.
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(The snake is one of the rahu's symbols, hes the head of the snake represents the mental part)
she became successful due to her telling her heartbreak stories on her music, specifically her ex-relationships, her sorrows became her brand and she is often described as a revengeful person because if you mess with her she will just write a song and win millions with all of this chaotic mess.
Taylor has ardra moon-jupiter and her birth time is not confirmed some will say she is a sideral scorpio rising and others will say she is a Sagittarius, I personally agree with both but for the sake of this interpretation, I will ignore the house where this conjunction falls and give a general interpretation.
moon grants taylor the emotional unbalancing experience and jupiter grants her the wisdom to work with multiple music genres and the writing ability. We all know that jupiter amplifies whatever he touches and this granted taylor her huge popularity and success and guaranteed that she would be able to rise above all of the chaos she faced during her career. Taylor also knows how to play some musical instruments and when she began her career she also had some acting jobs.
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“Patience in the times of conflict, Humbleness in the time of success, Cleverness of tongue in company, Attack in battle, Wish during fame, Addiction in weaponry – These 6 virtues are in-built and can only be seen in the brave man. Whoever houses these virtues becomes a great soul. Thus, the one who wants to succeed and become greater than he is shall house all 6 of these virtues.)” ― HEM RAJ JAT, RUDRA: The Name of Destroyer
taylor symbolizes the high ambition and dreams of the ardra native, the amount of chaos she passed not only made her strong but she managed to won again and again jupiter guaranteed her success and the ardra moon gave her the ambition drive to achieve it all.
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rahu is highly ambitious and material-obsessed/attached and taylor shows this attribute by never stopping working on her career, she is one of the few artists who did not have a pause during her musical career and during the pandemic she not only announced two new upcoming albums with new and expensive merchandise
the world was in a pandemic state yet Ms. Taylor didn't lose the opportunity to make millions she broke records and became even stronger. rahu is also the significator of social media and taylor is highly influential there.
her gigantic success overshadows her character flaws and she also managed to create this persona, illusion, of ultimate good and moralistic character. this is once again due to rahu being a good manipulator and liar.
don't be mistaken I was once a huge fan of hers but this is an analysis and I cannot act blind towards her motives and actions, she is talented and manages to earn her success and she has good and bad actions just like all of us but we shouldn't be blind towards Rahu, right?
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overall she behaves like a good agent of maya making fame seem delicious, fun, and worth having. to me, her story is of superation, hard work, and good writing with philosophical intellectual exploration on her folklore and evermore albums and just like effy sorrows seem to follow her around.
Daenerys Targaryen ( illusions, transformation, strength, fantasy and victory)
Emilia Clarke is a famous actress most known by her role as Daenerys Targaryen and she have a possible ardra moon
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daenerys had a hard life and she was dependent on her abusive older brother, Viserys, and was forced to marry Dothraki horselord Khal Drogo in exchange for Viserys' army to reclaim the Iron Throne in Westeros. she becomes the khaleesi and with this new title, she also gained three petrified dragons as a wedding gift.
a little time has passed and pregnant Daenerys loses her husband and child, but blood magic allows Daenerys to hatch three of her dragon eggs. The dragons provide her with a tactical advantage and prestige.
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Oftentimes serpents were described as dragons and magic is also another significator of rahu.
she managed to conquer the seven kingdoms and became the queen after many years of pain and trial she won with fierce and ultimately strength
Daenerys finds her inner strength and courage and emerges as a natural leader adored by her people. She is often described as honorable and compassionate, if somewhat naive, although she can be harsh and vengeful against those who seek to harm her or her followers.
here ardra manifests as a warrior whos strength and ambition led her to the ultimate goal the throne that she had lost and was willing to fight until she won.
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Don't forget that also took revenge and created destruction all around yet shes a manifestation of a fearless warrior determined to eliminate the opposition without hesitation, just like rudra.
however she had a sad ending, she was betrayed and killed by her lover Jon who was also another candidate for the throne, she found out near the end of the show, after she became mad like her ancestors
the mad queen was dead but her legacy and story lived on to show how great one can become by using the right methods and having a good character one is also capable of greatness but just like all of the ladies before the sorrows followed her into her death.
okay being serious the last season was awful and neither her nor Jon had a proper ending we didn't get the chance to see her becoming mad like her father and her character was destroyed yet her story was awesome i dreamed of jon having the throne and i hated the forced sibling rushed romance and I've loved jon i am a sucker for the forced to become a hero trope fight me ... she was doomed to fall because of the prophecy and she did but she didn't enjoy the throne and deserved better.
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End of the first part of ardra analyses.
this was my first post analysis so please be kind and i did my best to be impartial because i do enjoy taylor's work and the other two characters are good! i did not intended to throw hate at any these women i just did my personal observation using the constellation behaviour i hope i was able to spread some knowledge and also to help those who desire to learn.
please share your thoughts and if you want to recommend a theme for me to talk about feel free to do so.
and my reading services are open.
contact info.
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sunsetcougar · 3 months
I'm imagining during one of the first "friendly matches" between Vaggie and Lute Lute goes violently out of the control almost like she was trying to kill Vaggie again but she starts to lose her composure and starts ugly crying, bawling and spiraling until Vaggie finally puts a stop to the fight as millennia of emotional repression come spilling out of Lute.
This becomes the catalyst for Lute's genuine redemption as she unpacks everything she has dealt with being dehumanized and controlled by Heaven.
It happens in an instant. Lute goes from friendly sparring to suddenly aiming for Vaggie’s eye, throat, wings, stomach, anywhere and anything that could cause serious damage.
Some of the hotel residents feel vindicated. They were right. Lute’s the same vicious killer they’ve always known, she hasn’t gotten any better. But they’re also scared of what Lute could do to Vaggie but they can’t intervene without risking hurting Vaggie because they’re so tangled together and they’re both yelling and feathers are flying and there’s blood on the ground and suddenly Vaggie shoves Lute off of her and- Lutes… crying?
It’s enough of a shock to make everyone freeze for a minute. Lute, whose always so stiff and stern and cold is completely breaking down right in front of the hotel and can’t seem to stop herself.
Lute has been alive 172 years, has participated in 171 Exterminations, and not once in all that time has she been anything but Heaven’s prized hunting bird. She remembers, still, those first few hours after Sera created her. She remembers the way Sera looked at her with distaste and upset, how Adam was always either uncomfortable around her or aggressive and how neither liked when she matched their reactions.
But they’re the flock leaders. They’re the ones who made her. Her purpose is to serve them. So she suppressed her reactions, her emotions, the parts of her they didn’t like. But it was never enough. Sera still doesn’t look at her with anything besides disappointment and distaste. Adam still cringes away from her when she gets excited.
She thought she was okay with that. Shes lived with it for 172 years. She’s okay.
Then she sees Vaggie. Vaggie who doesn’t have to hide anything, who can express her emotions and desires and not be shut down or chastised, whose actually truly loved by her flock leader. Why did she get all of that? Why did the defective hunting bird get to be happy and loved and Lute, the one who has strived her entire existence to be perfect, still isn’t good enough? Is something wrong with her?
Lute’s entire purpose is stripped overnight. And… she’s not allowed to react. She’s not allowed to show her anger and fear and pain because now she has to take care of her entire flock and please Sera she’s trying why can’t anyone see that she’s trying but she’s not enough she’s never been enough they all made that perfectly clear and maybe she’s the defective one and-
It’s just… too much. It’s been too much for 172 years. But what’s the use of a hunting bird who falters? Whats the use of her?
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