#catkin knits
if you struggle with mental health, one piece of advice i would genuinely give you is learn to knit.
or crochet: something repetitive to do with your hands, assuming you're capable of it. if you're like me and learnt to knit as a kid but let it lie fallow for a long time, it may be that starting a large, simple project (for me it was a cloak, but a blanket could work too) gets you back into it. or maybe doing something smaller, idk. i personally found socks really hard for a while because they felt smaller than my cloak but weren't getting Done quick enough for me. as i've sped up i find it more interesting to knit socks.
regardless, a repetitive task is great for emotional regulation (also see: autistic stimming), and something that you can look at and go hey i've done something, unlike simply using a fidget toy, can also help to pick your mood up when the brain is being cruel.
it's also useful as a conversation starter or distracter if you don't know what to talk about. if you're wanting to talk to older people also you're more likely to reel them in with knitting (i work better with older people, and 99% of people who ask what i'm knitting are older than me). it also gives you the opportunity to not make eye contact because you're busy knitting, even if you're still carrying on a conversation. if you're absolutely stuck for conversation you can count your stitches and people might stop bothering you.
if you have trouble focusing without doing something with your hands, you can knit! i knit a lot in church, and it helps me to focus on what's being said.
i probably have more reasons you should pick up knitting, but i can't recall them right now, so yeah.
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ghibli-stims · 4 months
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🐈 -> Maine Coon Cat Stimboard !
📦 -> with yarn & related stims !
📬 -> rqd by @edogawautism !
📔 -> 🧵 - 🐱 - 🧵 / 🐱 - 🧵 - 🐱 / 🧵 - 🐱 - 🧵
🔓 -> Requests Are Closed ! Request Rules !
DNI -> NSFW/Kink/Etc. A Minor Runs This Blog !
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honeybee-bunnybee · 2 years
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pump it up, kitty!
cereal-cutie-pie asked: Hello! I was wondering if I could request a fashion kit for a catkin? I like loose-fitting feminine clothes, skirts and shorts. I don't like long pants though. I like cream, brown, white, and soft yellows for colours.
here you go, cereal!! hope you enjoy!!!
blouse ♡ jacket ♡ skirt
knee socks ♡ sneakers ♡ arm warmers
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phoenixofthestars · 4 months
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update: we’ve come to an agreement
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 2]
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I can't believe Kerubim finally invested in a normal fucking bed and some pyjamas for his own son and flea/catkin flea-esque creature
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Is Pangaea about to reform too?
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This basket seems to be the same one he uh. slept for the first 8-9 years of his life. Cute(?) detail.
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I am once again saying, that with posters like this, what Joris has with Khan is what girls who want to get kidnapped by One Direction have with One Direction.
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When viewed through this lens, Joris's insane levels of disappointment in Khan throughout the whole movie get a hundred times funnier.
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Kerubim to adult Joris: I just don't know why you have such body issues and an addiction to people not looking at you..., I tried so hard to raise you without any complexes,,... I didn't even let any of the neighbouring kids be friends with you so they don't bully you.
Joris remembering the fact that he's been forced to wear tights and turtlenecks since before he could walk, lest anyone would see his Weird Fucking Skin + didn't have any friends and still doesn't have the skills to make them:
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This Joris face is WAY too good.
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His room is so high up... Thank god they're french and know parkour.
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Joris @ Julith's attack on Jahash's statue is literally this image:
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Judging from poster and drawing placement, Joris still often climbs up the cupboards.
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Kerubim's yarn is even here. Not even Joris's room is free of his father's addiction. Very sad.
That, or the man tried to teach him to knit. Something tells me he probably failed.
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This image is still not doing Kerubim any favours in beating the child neglect allegations. Look at this fucking ladder. Joris is going to pierce his hand with a rusty nail and get tetanus. Joris is going to fall and crack his skull and die.
And I am not even mentioning that his hygiene is still bad.
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He's too cute for his own good.
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Animation error... 😍
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He looks like his adult self for a second. Just soulful eyes full of nothing but being a hater.
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quichelewoof · 1 year
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Awoo! Spring is coming! Murkwood is thriving with the energy of spring and the swamps bloom to life. The chorus of frogs fill the air as flowers blossom out across the bogs, marshes and pits. Water voles run along the riversides, bird song returns as they migrate back to the warmer weather and bats shake off their hibernation to fill the evening skies. From catkins budding on the willows to the crimson buds of wych elms, the wetlands burst with colour.
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And with spring comes tying up loose ends and organising our spaces. There’s so much to do before launch comes round! Finishing den lore we’ve put off. Saving wolf profiles for launch. Crafting customs for our starters. Deciding our future breeding projects. Drawing page breaks and shop fronts or scenes from our lore. That’s why with the help of Kate and MaggotJuiceBox, we’re hosting Lorch! A month long creative challenge revolving around Lorwolf with a spring twist. Every day during March, anyone who wants to participate in this challenge creates either a drawing, writing or any other creative task involving their wolves or Lorwolf in general and post it online. We’ve put together 31 days of prompts to get the creative juices going. (See above.) Not liking some of the prompts? Here's a word bank you can replace any of the days with:
Transition - Rejuvenation - Sprout - Flora - Growth - Dew - Forest - Fountain - Home - Tidy - Breathe - Expand - Hope - Freedom - Voyage - Wonder - Energy - Alchemy - Delight - Acceptance
You can post your submissions on Tumblr, in the Lorwolf’s Discord Lorch Channel under contest/challenges, or Lorch forum.
All creative tasks are counted, however irl activities like baking, knitting, woodwork, and clay-making do require an irl photo.
For written pieces: The minimum word count is 200 words. (The exception is poetry, but you must spend at least 20 minutes on your poem.)
All creative tasks must be created by you specifically for this event.
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Prizes will be given as a code to use at launch!
Creative Task Ideas:
Aside from drawing and writing, there’s plenty of other ways to join in on Lorch. Creative Tasks can include cross-stitching, paper-folding, creating a tune, paper mosaics, crochet, scrap-booking, ceramics, cake decorating, making tea blends and jewellery. As long as it can be tied in to the prompts and Lorwolf, your den, lore or wolves, it’s a great task to do.
Don't forget to tag your submissions with #Lor-ch or tag @quichelewoof​ if posting on Tumblr, so others can find your wonderful creations and they can be tallied towards your prizes.
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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13/12/2022-Lakeside and home 
It was good to see two Common Gulls on beach lake again after yesterday, I got a better view of them both today. They were delightful birds to see on top of the ice, with their sharp yellow legs glowing on a mostly overcast day they were an electric pattern with their ringed bills stood together, I took the third and fourth pictures in this photoset of them. It seems weird to think it was only a week ago I got the glimpse of the first one at Lakeside I’d seen this winter, with these and one seen elsewhere over the weekend this species I admire has become a big part of my time spent birdwatching in a short space of time. Coot, Moorhen and Great Crested Grebes with possibly two for a change of the latter were lovely birds to see well around the lakes again, as was Mallard which I took the ninth picture in this photoset of. I was thrilled to see the Tufted Ducks drifting around the unfrozen parts of the now frozen Concorde lake the one that wasn’t until now, this time with the hint of zebra coloured males was a warm brown female in fine plumage as if knitted with quality wool I do like their colours. It’s been great to enjoy them here in recent days, I took the eighth picture in this photoset of the female. An eccentric crow lurked at the edge of a tree then burst into flight over the fenced off meadows, a joyful Jay. I once again saw Robins well at Lakeside with some smashing intimate views, they are a pleasingly regular sight here of late. A Wren on the edge of vegetation and fleeting glimpses of the Dunnock that comes into the garden going into next door’s and going into the forsythia hedge opposite at the start and end of my lunch break were other lunch time gems. I enjoyed getting a photo of a Woodpigeon today at the end of my lunch break after seeing one yesterday, the bird shown in the tenth and final picture in this photoset I’d not seen too many Woodpigeons at home lately so this was nice. It is nice how the make up of birds around changes a little in cold weather.
Fleabane seed heads, mistletoe I believe in the clump of trees visible from my room at Lakeside, catkins and some green leaves still on trees were nice plant moments at lunch time.
The ice dominated the landscape again with as I said all three lakes frozen to some degree now, and the scenes were interesting, intricate and inspiring for photos of the lakes gripped by the ice and increasingly paths too. Fallen leaves and cone type things from the distinctive trees of Lakeside scattered across the ice were beautiful and enticing scenes, I took the seventh picture in this photoset showing this one of a few photos I liked experimenting with. I took the first two and fifth and sixth pictures in this photoset of views at Lakeside at lunch time too. It was an overcast winter day today but some sun just managed for a minute or two to slightly poke through the clouds creamily at lunch time which created a nice winter scene and then a vaguely pink strip formed across the sky behind bare trees I tweeted photos of this on Dans_Pictures tonight and it was lovely.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: Two of my favourite birds the Jay and Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Moorhen, Coot, Herring Gull seen nicely again, Common Gull, Black-headed Gull, I seem to recall Magpie, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove seen well from home too, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird seen nicely, Great Tit, Goldfinch and Grey Silverfish one big one and a small one seen very well in my en suite today. I heard the evocative cry of a Carrion Crow late on from home today and the whisper of Blue Tit in the garden earlier on in the day.
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airxn · 23 days
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@distroixr inquired – the catkin waddles excitedly towards, "airin! i made you something." leilani smiled, pulling out a matching blue knitted sweater to her pink one. "it matches mine. a thanks for helping me with my pies."
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𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐰. Upon seeing the beautifully knitted sweater, he tries to nose his way through the plush fabric. His thick mane plumps out the fabric, and tufts of fur splay out as he manages... to wear it like a scarf.
At least he has the spirit!
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" Thank you, thank you! " Airin bounces on his front paws. " We gotta' make more soon with our outfits! "
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librarylexicon · 1 year
Tagged by @catkin-morgs​ (ty ly bb)
Rules: answer the questions and tag some friends at the bottom!
1. Are you named after anyone?
First name: not to my knowledge (though it has previously been used by a relative long ago).
Middle name: half of it, but saying more would be telling.
2. When was the last time you cried?
When I went to see @danielhowell​’s stage show last week. I was initially apprehensive about the nihilistic bent, but it was a great show with a good message.
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I would love to someday!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
More so if I’m tired.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
6. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings are king. I don’t even like to read fics tagged with Major Character Death. I did it properly once, long ago, and was an emotional wreck for a week. (Although, I don’t think there’s a scary movies/happy endings dichotomy! I just haven’t seen many scary movies.)
8. Any special talents?
I’m great at finding space where there seems to be none, like in the fridge or car boot. No magic involved: I’m just good at real-life Tetris. I can also cross my ring fingers over my pinkies without assistance.
9. Where were you born?
In the shower stall at home (by accident).
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, organising, listening to and researching wizard rock, knitting (occasionally), wiki editing (sometimes), playing co-op games (e.g. Stardew Valley, Terraria), trying new foods, watching sitcoms, looking at cat pictures on Reddit.
11. Have you any pets?
No, and I never have, but my neighbour’s cat, Kevin, often comes to visit. He is a Standard Issue Cat™️ with a white belly and the most adorable nose.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did gymnastics both competitively and recreationally as a kid (two different periods, two different clubs), as well as Little Athletics. I wasn’t outstanding at anything, but my favourite was probably the hurdles.
13. How tall are you?
163 cm, which I believe is 5′4″.
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, always.
15. Dream job?
Children’s librarian, with a dose of writing on the side.
Tagging ... anyone who sees this who’d like to do it! Tag me so I can see your answers and get to know you better!
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it's lookin pretty! about a handspan long now (for reference, my span is comfortably an octave and two on a regular piano)
colours more correct on this earlier pic:
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starsaroundsaturn · 2 years
30, 32 and 40 of the writer ask for @catkin-morgs
Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
My older sister takes a good deal of inspiration from her dreams, but my most vivid dreams are normally my nightmares and I remember few other of my dreams. My most well remembered dream is about my little sister when she was two, and I would consistently dream that she fell off our twenty foot above ground level deck trying to pet a cat on the railing. Every time I woke up I was so terrified that I had to go and sleep in the same bed with her because I needed to make sure she was alive. I suppose the fear my characters exhibit about their loved ones falling to their deaths might be influenced by this dream. Other than that, my dreams tend to not influence my writing at all. I may have written in a dream, but I have never remembered it.
What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul from Invictus. I read this poem when I was fifteen or so, and I think this line has symbolized to me that the only person who can destroy or injure my soul is myself. No one else conquer it. It also humbles me, because the forces that make my soul unconquerable have never been within me, because I’m thanking someone else for that.
A novel line that I obsess over is from the Keepers series by Ted Sanders: Fear is the stone we push. May yours be light. I suppose this line makes me think of Sisyphus, this place where we are always in trying to push something up an unbelievably high hill, and the top never seems to get any closer. This line, though, has this sense of I know you will keep pushing whether or not it is light but still wishing to have the person removed from their fear. As a person for whom fear and the effort to conquer fear has been an ongoing struggle for my entire life, this just hits me very hard.
I know you didn’t ask for this much, but from Enemy Brothers by Constance Savery there’s a line that goes something like: If you were drinking poison, but you thought it was lemonade, very good lemonade, you would be very angry if I knocked the glass out of your hands, but I couldn’t let you keep drinking. I think for me this makes me think of the kindness and terrible weight of trying to help people. Sometimes people don’t recognize it as help; sometimes even if they do they still are angry. But it doesn’t make it less worth while to try to help people, even if they think poison is lemonade.
Please share a poem with me, I need it.
Like your neurons’ supernova,
Like silver stardust slicks your skin,
I melted to a galaxy,
A universe to begin.
Like coldness and like darkness
But things of contrast are,
I beheld the knowing of light and heat
And with it made a star.
Like water the earth swallows
So hydrocarbons form,
Till molecules I breathed to life
The universe to swarm.
Like sparks take to a fire
When there is fuel about,
The breath of life would always spread
Till it burned the systems out.
Like a tried and trusted motor
Will axles force to turn,
The plants were born from silence
The animals love to yearn.
Like artists stretch a canvas
That thirstily drinks up paints,
The soul was made to be an art,
And drink the stuff of saints.
Like propositional calculus,
Asks for tautologies of truth,
I knitted out the neurons
Of curiosity from youth.
And like political systems
That man will organize
I made the body with the soul
Be one to sympathize.
I set out my creation
Like a child sets out their toys;
To me depended their very lives
And all their hurts and joys.
But I had made a universe
That I set out would spin
That supernova neurons fire
And new thoughts would begin.
That you melted into galaxies
A universe to meld
Until at last, in bending it,
In it, you me beheld.
So calculus and algebra and history and art
So science and philosophy and poetry and heart
So Let There Be Light You May behold
Let There Be Stories Young and Old
Let There Be Myth and Majesty
Let You, In It LEARN OF ME.
Let There Be A Universe Shining Out Inside Your EYES
So You May Behold The One In Me Before The Matter DIES.
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craftykinnies · 2 years
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Crafts for Catkin!
1) Make a cozy box to curl up in! (⭐️): a nice-sized box that you can fit inside can easily be customized to be supurr cozy. Put pillows, blankets, stuffed toys, lights, stickers, meowsages - anything you want to make it your own! [X]
2) Paw gloves (⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️): sew some soft gloves that look like paws to keep your fingers warm and your heart happy. you can go clawmplicated like fursuit paws, or simple with just fabrics you have at home. you could even buy gloves you like and just attatch pawpads, or even knit them if you purrefur! [X]
3) Mouse Cookies (⭐️⭐️): a simple but tasty recipe to emmulate prey. you could even hide them around and “hunt” them! if you are allergic to some of the ingredients, there are always alternatives (like chocolate chips or wafters instead of almonds).[X]
4) Fish chewy (⭐️⭐️): a small toy to bite, throw, and jingle. the pattern is very simple and requires little fabric, and you can make any color or patterns you want! you can put some catnip or a small bell inside for additional fun. [X]
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naturekins-a · 3 years
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Anon asked: “hiii i saw u also do therian kins, could u make a catkin stimboard with just looots of cats and cat paws knitting possibly? thx!!! :3c”
DNI banner by: cozykincafe
Sources: x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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kincosmetics-blog · 7 years
Promo for a close friend
Hey guys! you want some really cute, custom made knitted kin stuff? 
a very close friend to me (i call them my mother, because they act like one more then my real mom) Is trying to help me out with some money issues and is offering to put her knitting skills to it. 
She has a tumblr account dedicated to these commissions that you can find here
the reason i need the money is because of two things. 1. my family is struggling and we currently have no food. and 2, my cat has bad tapeworms and needs treatment
so if you wanna help me out, help my ‘mom’ out, and get some cool wearable kin stuff as well, go ahead and contact them at that tumblr, or, you can email them at [email protected]
they’re very kind and im sure you can come to an agreement with them over prices, shipping costs and color schemes. 
here are some examples of stuff shes done (my personal favourites)
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Kitty gloves:
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super cute little hats?? omg??
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so if you’d like to support/help me, someone very close to me, AND get some cool kin stuff, go to her! She can honestly make pretty much anything, including purses, knapsacks/backpacks, hats, scarves, clothes etc. 
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albatris · 5 years
i am a new follower & have formally known u as "kai's dad" because u made the post about "i'm pretty sure i'm legally dead" and i love that that's a whole project anyway logan can you show me pictures of your cats
I’m so honoured and also “kai’s dad” is my official title now
and absolutely I can show you pictures of my cats
this one is buttercup, she is round and likes to sit on people’s knitting and she has an extremely loud voice which she will use whichever hour of the night she pleases. please excuse the foot
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this one is catkin, she likes to open cupboards and drink from taps and she’s the reason we had to put childproof locks on everything
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they’re sisters! here is them with my dog who also thinks he’s a cat
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and some more cats for good measure, not my cats but cats i have befriended out and about, I really like befriending cats
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thank you for your time and attention and I hope you have enjoyed these cats!! have an excellent night
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knittitude · 4 years
Catkin Shawl Knit Pattern
New knitting pattern available on https://knittitude.com/knitting-patterns/catkin-shawl-knit-pattern-y709906/
Catkin Shawl Knit Pattern
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