#can't believe it took me 8 hours??? to do
kaisollisto · 3 months
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love-fireflysong · 1 year
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(...except not really cause I still need the 38 time trial relics for that coveted 106% 😭)
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twizzie-lairs · 4 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 12)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |
Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Part 12:
It felt like hours went by, and it looked like your suspicion was correct- as indicated by the deepening red of the skies of Hell, compared to the pale pinkish hue it was when Alastor teleported the two of you up here.
The entire time, Alastor hardly said even a single word- a rare occurrence, knowing his occupation and personal love of hearing himself talk. If anyone ever knew that Alastor just purely listened attentively to you for hours, they'd probably think you're lying.
You told him about how your parents and in-laws treated you like a bargaining chip for their own businesses and social standing to prosper- then for everyone to turn their backs on you as soon as you were married off. You were treated like a circus animal in a cage.
Even after that, he didn't say a word. He just rubbed his thumb across your hands as reassurance before you continued.
When you told him about how your ex-husband used and abused you, but then paraded you around as the trophy wife like nothing was wrong, all Alastor did was tighten his grip on your hands.
As you explain in full detail the emotional and physical distress it all caused you and the impact that meeting Alastor had on your life, which then spurred the meticulously planned murder of your then-husband, you could swear you feel his hands trembling ever so slightly.
Many more tears had fallen from your eyes during this whole process, your throat sore from talking so much at one time.
Then, you looked up at Alastor.
He looked at you with nothing but love and the most gentle smile you had ever seen.
Without saying a word, he stood up and walked over to you, helping you stand up. Then he gave you a warm embrace. You gasped in response. It was very rare for either of you to initiate much physical touch, but it was even less common coming from Alastor.
Not letting this opportunity go by, you wrap your arms around him.
Alastor pulls back from the embrace slowly to gently caress your face and says, "And here I thought I couldn't possibly love you even more, my dear. You're just as perfect to me as the day I first laid eyes on you..."
A chuckle escapes your lips as you lean into his touch.
"My vows still hold true, you know. As I put that ring on your finger that night you left me too early, I said to you...' 'In life and in death, I am forever yours, as you are forever mine. I love you, dear.' with only the moon and stars as my witness."
A huge smile spreads across your face, "Oh Al, honey... Looks like you were right after all, in life and in death, I'm yours". You say as you pull him into a kiss, that he happily obliges to indulge you in.
"My dear, I think we will have to have a proper exchanging of vows soon- one that isn't interrupted by a certain someone- banging on the DOOR!"
You hardly even noticed the muffled yells and banging noises that were present at door that then disappeared with a yelp as Alastor whipped around to unlock and open the door.
"Why Vaggie, to what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from you all the way up here?" He answered the door with a low growl to his voice.
"Alastor! You just up and kidnapped our guest and haven't returned for HOURS! You can't just do that! Especially when you were threatening their life!"
"Ahahaha! Funny thing! Yes, yes I can!"
"Why you... ALAST-"
"Hey, hey! Vaggie, don't worry. I'm okay, we're okay." You quickly shoved yourself between the two of them as you felt the tensions rising.
" (y/n)! What did he do to you?? What's going on here???"
You sheepishly smile as you slink back to Alastor's side and link your arm through his, "Just uh.. reuniting?"
Vaggie took a step back and raised an eyebrow while asking, "Hold on now, what did you just say?"
Alastor clears his throat, "Ahem, why I do believe I owe you and Charlie an apology of sorts! Perhaps a 'thank you' as well for saving the love of my life, my soon-to-be fiancée from when we were still alive!"
"Excuse me- WHAT???"
-> Part 13
Tag List:
@mysticwitchcraftco @lil-bexie @lonely-burger @cherry-cola-100 @angelxx7 @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 @avitute @justhellacesome @mcrtrashfan @spookysisters @galaxywing-has-adhd @ggyalruu @trashbin-nie @fudosl @night-shadowblood-writes2 @memospacexx @yuraaahs @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @ghostdoodlen @moschinski @cannibalcoyote @missam @reader3 @yourworstgf @justaproudslytherpuff @milkspong3 @xdolls-crownx @1potato2rulethemall @1rxsemary1 @xxcrispxx @zardward @robin-the-enby @mylenapony11 @silvermoondarksky @bootylimpics @amarokofficial @euphoricaphrodite @blueyobsessedgirly @need-a-therapist @knifukiller @huayan @hwrimonsjer @no1sillybilly @kimmikreates @icarus-has-falllen @watchinthestarz @lady-lik3r @yunxi-11085 @luzzbuzz @tsukilover11 @plntmxrss @houmi @demoarah @papas-ghoulette @trashbin-nie @d-darlingyourbleeding @hallothankmas
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angelshimaa · 5 months
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@flying-lamb :: I would like to request shinso with prompt 8 from the under the mistletoe prompt list. congrats on your milestone! <3 thank you so much <3
a/n :: hi darling !! thank you so much for entering (and i loved the details you sent in omg !) and i hope this makes you smile :) gn!reader, a little awkward at the beginning, fluff
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you've never regretted where you've stood so deeply before.
then again, it wasn't really your fault. kaminari and ashido had gone overboard with the mistletoe placings— their way of bringing romance into the holiday spirit— and it was inevitable that someone would find themselves under some with another person.
it just had to be you and him, didn't it?
you and shinso are looking at each other, nervousness rising in your chest at your sudden predicament. it's not that you don't want to kiss him— heavens know how badly you've been wanting it— but not like this.
not when the eyes of your friends burn into the two of you like lasers (thanks to kaminari pointing the two of you out), making this feel more nerve-wracking than it needed to be.
“do you want to?” shinso’s voice is lowered, ensuring that only you can hear him. he’s known you long enough to understand the nerves you have based on how you look at him. “you can say no.”
you utter your consent so nobody else can hear, your posture as rigid as a deer caught in headlights. shinso doesn't like the abruptness of this, the nerves bubbling in his stomach or the intensity of everyone watching, but he can't deny he's wanted to kiss you for so long.
the two of you don't even manage that— your noses bump into each other and the embarrassment shoots through you at the speed of light. it's hard to even look at him properly, settling to lower your eyes to the ground, imagining it opening up to swallow you whole.
shinso tells kaminari there's nothing to be seen here, indirectly informing your audience too. thankfully, it comes off casual, not sounding as awkward as your almost kiss felt to you.
when everyone focuses on whatever they had their eyes on before, you recover as best as you can, trying to force your embarrassment to the back of your mind. you're thankful shinso doesn't make a big deal out of it, and you find that you manage to recover quick enough to enjoy the rest of the party.
— ✧ —
“you make some good coffee,” shinso holds onto his cup, his fingers curling around it so as to absorb as much heat as possible. it's really not needed; your home is the perfect toasty protection from the crisp cold you endured on the walk here from the party. “can’t believe you'd hide that from me.”
you take a sip of your own beverage and grin against your cup. “maybe you should come by more often then, you addict.” nobody drank coffee quite like shinso. you've watched him inhale it like oxygen he's been deprived of— it disappears like he’s performing a magic trick.
“don’t tempt me, i just might.” his lazy grin spreads across his face and oh does it look so good on him. you think it's rather unfair how well he pulls off his eyebags and messy hair— he's not even trying.
“i’m counting on it.”
the silence swells and you trail back to the awkwardness that took place a few hours ago; you want to kick yourself for not tilting your head the other way. had you done exactly that, you'd be a kissed person now— kissed by the guy you've been crushing on for a while.
“listen, y/n—” he clears his throat, setting his coffee down onto the table. “i feel like i should apologise for... earlier. i didn't mean to make it all awkward.”
you laugh lightly, setting your own cup to direct all your attention onto him. you lock eyes with him, realising that actually, you'd give him your attention anytime he asked.
“no need to apologise, hitoshi. if anything, i wasn't really... present much. i was a little frozen in place— so many eyes can do that to a person.”
a beat passes and all you do is look at each other while shinso thinks of what to say next.
“so, it wasn't that you didn't want me to kiss you?” he's found his next sentence and it tumbles out of him with ease. his eyes look alluring, inviting even, and you can never get over the feeling they settle into you. you haven't called it by it’s name aloud, but you don't need to.
“hmm,” you pretend to think about it, tapping your finger against your chin. “i don't think so, no.” you hope this is going in the direction you think it is, that he's picking up whatever hint you think you're dropping.
“so, would i be right in guessing that you’d like to try again?” it's a carefully chosen suggestion, uttered with a lower, slightly hesitant voice. shinso feels as though he might be pressing, but surely if he was and if you minded, you'd let him know.
“maybe if you ask nicely.” the way your slow grin spreads across your lips after your words has his eyes widening slightly, erasing any worries he had previously. you want him to want you. you want him to ask for you.
“making me work for it, hm?” shinso returns your grin with that lazy one that sends you loopy whenever you find yourself thinking about it. taking your bait and running with it, he leans in closer to you. “alright.”
you've never seen a lovelier colour than the purple of his irises. “could i try to kiss you again, beautiful?” those eyes, framed by his eyebags, could melt anything they land on, and you were currently their main focus. he's hooked on the way everything else seems to slow around him, hooked on that gentle smile of yours.
“i don't see why not.”
it's all shinso needs before he comes in even closer, breathing in slightly before pressing his lips against yours. you instantly melt into the feel of him, trying to focus on the rhythm and not his hand coming up to rest on your lower thigh, finding a home against it.
you note the faint taste of coffee and the softness of his lips while your hand brushes up his neck to cup his face, not knowing how every inch of skin you touch feels warmer when you leave it behind.
your hearts are left thumping hard when you pull away, lungs taking in air throughout your shallow breathing. you look even more magical to him than you ever have, a feat he didn't think was even possible.
“that was much, much better.” he lets out a breathy chuckle and it only provides the butterflies fluttering in your stomach with more energy.
you smile, nodding a little. “way better. maybe third time's the charm—”
shinso’s kissing you again, and it's everything you both hoped it would be. it's private and so perfect that way, like a little joy you both keep for yourselves. his mouth on yours feels so right, and you don't think either of you will be leaving this couch anytime soon.
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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multifandomgirl08 · 8 months
The Verstappens [Mini Verstappen Series]
Dad!Max Verstappen x Fiancée!Reader (Established Relationship)
Photo Credit: Pinterest
Format: Article/Social Media
Summary: Big things happen to Max and the reader in 2025. Moving, getting married, and a little surprise that neither of them were expecting.
A/N: I’m willing to write full chapters for the social media posts that I create. Credit for the Architectural Digest and Instagram templates: @lorarri
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
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January 8
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February 1
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Liked by danielricciardo, ynverstappen and 357,193 others
tagged: ynverstappen
maxverstappen1 We did a thing.
danielricciardo You must have really liked her to put a ring on it!
maxverstappen1 Like does not begin to cover it
charles_leclerc Still can't believe that I wasn't bestman...
georgerussell63 You're only mad because you know you would have lost the ring danielricciardo charles_leclerc We both know that I was his first choice for best man
pierregasly So... when can I start calling Y/N Mama Verstappen?
landonorris You don't already? Man, are you slow. pierregasly You already do? landonorris Well, yeah...
redbullracing Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Verstappen!
f1fan2112 Was the entire grid at Max's wedding? Asking for a friend.
fan17 Max getting married was not on my 2025 bingo card.
mstappenfan I don’t know what to do with all of this information that I just got
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daniel3.jpg The Verstappen Wedding
View all 173 comments
Feb 2, 2025
maxverstappen1 and ynverstappen
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Liked by lewishamilton, danielricciardo, and 485,269 others
maxverstappen1 There is going to be another Verstappen running around the paddock soon.
Third driver already on reserve when the time comes!
lewishamilton I thought two of you were enough. Now there's going to be a third? I'm in some serious trouble now... In all seriousness, congratulations Max. Wishing you and the Mrs. all the best.
fan5 Does this mean that the Mercedes Red Bull feud is over?
redbullracing Never mercedesamgf1 Keep dreaming
fan3 It's strange to think about the fact that Y/N is friends with Lewis given that Max and Lewis don't get along.
fan1 They literally just got married!
May 26, 2025
ynverstappen and maxverstappen1
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Liked by danielricciardo, lewishamilton, and 247,434 others
ynverstappen Welcome to the world Nikita Daniel Verstappen.
It took 12 hours and almost breaking your Papa's hand for you to come into the world. Looking at you now makes it all worth it.
danielricchiardo I'm a godfather to one Verstappen and there is one named after me. Officially winning at life!
maxverstappen1 Nikita got your name as a middle name only because Y/N won when we bet on the gender of the baby.
landonorris I call next! Name a child after me, I dare you
christianhorner Congratulations Y/N and Max, can't wait for this little one to be running around the paddock soon.
f1 Big congratulations to the Verstappen family ❤️
redbullracing Congrats Max and Y/N!
Dec 3, 2025
taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay
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Yandere coworker (part 7)
Tw: non con touching and kissing, reader being cringe on main, cyprus being a horndog as usual
Masterlists, part 1, part 8
You had a mild fever and didn't realize it. You can't believe that it took Cyprus of all people to figure it out. Maybe it's the adrenaline and anxiety that's keeping you chock full of energy.
It was embarrassing when you saw the doctor glancing at the very visible Hickey Cyprus left on your neck. But she doesn't seem to care, all she said was to try and not be so stressed even if it's hard. Because that is most likely whatever is causing your immune system to weaken.
Overall, it's nothing too serious. You just needed a couple of paracetamols and a night of rest. She advised you to come back if any other symptoms arise. You accepted the medical certificate that allows you to be absent from work for 24 hours.
Cyprus paid the bills and collected your medication for you despite your protests and whining about how you can cover it yourself. It isn't because you didn't want to burden him, it's because you knew Cyprus would use this against you later.
You were curled into a pathetic ball on his couch, finally feeling the effects of your fever despite eating a couple of pills earlier. Cyprus made you rest your head on his lap as he watches TV. His arm hanging off the back of the sofa, while the other tangled his fingers in your hair.
He told you that the match doesn't start until later at night, you should take a nap.
You told him straight up that you don't want to, and you rather sleep at home alone. He simply rolled his eyes and huffed at your difficultness.
There was a beat of silence before you asked him another question; why you, out of all the other women he could have pulled? There are others who wanted this... Dynamic between him and them.
"I told you." He leaned in. "You're the only respectful one in that office- you're fishing for compliments, aren't you?" A teasing smirk made it's way to his face.
You vehemently denied, saying that you're no different than anyone else. You bring nothing to the table.
He laughed. "You bring your cute little ass to the table." Cyprus brought his digits to your sides, tickling you to the point of cackling. "You're just what I want. What I need. A genuine, humble, pretty girl for me to spoil rotten."
You tried swatting his hands away, but he ended up firmly pushing you off him and onto the soft cushions, before you could do anything else, Cyprus is already straddling your hips. He grinned as he sees you squirming under him, you had nowhere to escape since he's caging you between his sculpted arms.
"You're such a princess too. So small and so weak against me." He whispered in your ears before brushing his lips against the side of your neck. "I love it. I know I'll love fucking my princess in bed too."
You whined and mewled as he assaulted your jaw with kisses, you couldn't move your head because he was grabbing handfuls of your hair.
You felt yourself heating up, you're unsure whether it's due to your fever or something else.
"But you're not ready yet..." He mumbled against your skin and ceased all movements, he's draped over you like a weighted blanket. Finally, he lifted himself off you, but still hovering over your form.
"You're still so shy." He kissed your forehead, yet his lips never parted with you. "So... meek." Cyprus continued talking. He pulled away and stared deep into your eyes, you noted that his glasses weren't on his face anymore.
"Loosen up, baby. I will make you feel good." Purred Cyprus as he slowly slid his hand under your shirt, feeling up your bare skin.
You stared back while holding your breath, eyes wide and cautious. He snorted and grinned.
"You're so funny, doll. I like your cute, little reactions." He retracted his hand and returned to his original seat beside you.
"Happy now?" He laughed at your flustered state. "Want more? I can give you more. Trust me, I have a lot more to say." Cyprus licked his lips while eyeing you sleazily.
You frantically shook your head, that was enough. You're convinced that he likes you for something that you're trying to get rid of: Your pushover trait. Well, you can't start swinging at him. He's still quadruple your size and you would like to keep all your teeth in your gums.
He guffawed, putting his glasses back onto his face. You flinched when he brought the back of his hand close to you, but somewhat relaxed when you realized that he was only trying to check your temperature.
Cyprus then checked the time on his watch. He got up to go elsewhere but came back a few minutes later with a glass of crisp, refreshing water and your pills.
You muttered a thanks as you went ahead and took another dose.
"Screw the match." You turned your head to him as you took a gulp.
"I'm not going." He slumped back onto the sofa, having his steely grey eyes trained on the television.
You asked why. He narrowed his eyes at you, pointing the remote control at the monitor as he changed the channel.
"My girl is sick. I don't like seeing their ugly mugs and we haven't had dinner yet." You continued staring at him.
"Duh." He concluded his sentence before tossing the remote control onto your lap.
You said that you can take care of yourself. You told him to just let you go home and you'll be out of his hair.
"I don't want you to get out of my hair." He got up and walked to the kitchen. You twisted your head and saw that he was rolling his sleeves up.
Cyprus opened the fridge door to collect the ingredients for dinner. "I'll be taking care of you. What fucking bastard wouldn't care for his girlfriend?"
You said you don't want him to. And you never agreed to be his woman in the first place, you do not care about him as a person at all. You're only here because he kept stealing your belongings, you asked him where your bags are.
"Soap operas are on channel 132, Reality TV, 123." He cut you off as he washed his hands.
You frowned. You said Cyprus is going to let the organizers down.
"And you think I give a crap?" He shot back, putting a metal pot on the stove.
You said they might not let him participate in the future.
"So?" He began julienning some carrots skillfully on a chopping board, you wonder if he had any prior culinary experience with the way he would slice through the vegetable with such precision and speed.
He might... lose his friends? his reputation? And feel bad? You don't know how else to put it.
Cyprus simply hummed and fell into silence, focusing on his cooking instead. You wonder how he could chop a whole onion without tearing up, its invisible fumes are already stinging your eyes at this distance.
You said that he should at least give them a call that he's not coming tonight.
"You know, for someone who doesn't give a damn about me 'as a person', you sure do care a lot. About me." He drizzled some olive oil into the pot. "...As a person." Cyprus continued.
You said that it's common courtesy. You felt bad for the audience and the ones who invited him.
Cyprus scoffed as he went ahead to chop some potatoes. "Are you bored, doll?" He asked. "If you wanted to help out with dinner, you could have just said so."
You're actually bored without your phone, you would take anything at this point to entertain you. The TV isn't showing you anything good. So you asked if there was anything he could let you do.
"You could take a nap." He nonchalantly replied, sauteeing the onions he prepared earlier.
You said you don't want to. You don't trust him.
"Then, let's talk." His eyes never flitted towards you, always on his workbench and stove. "How do you like your foreplay?" Cyprus went on to cut a slab of chicken breast into small cubes, and he threw them into the pot.
You said you don't want anything to do with it.
"So you prefer to fuck straight away?" Once the onions and meat were sufficiently browned, he poured in enough water to cover everything. "Figures. You're always rushing to get to "the point". You should try enjoying the journey sometimes."
You said that you don't want anything to do with sex.
"Whatever you say, beautiful." He laughed.
You sighed and slumped back onto the sofa. Your ears picked up on the sounds of the soup bubbling.
You decided to ask more about him. Might as well gain knowledge that you could use against Cyprus later. You asked about his family.
"Why? Do you want to meet them? I didn't know we were at that stage already. But I'm not complaining." He used a teasing tone when speaking to you.
You stayed silent, wishing that it was easier to talk to him.
He took a deep breath and exhaled, the smile dropped and was replaced with a neutral look. "I have an older sister. Raised by a single mom."
You asked where his father is. He stopped his cooking to look you incredulously in the eyes.
"Really? Not even an "I'm sorry" before asking that straight up? God, you're..." His shoulders sagged in defeat upon seeing your clueless face. "...really something else."
You waited for him to continue. But he simply frowned, almost scowled at your lack of social elegance. Looks like he isn't comfortable telling you about his father.
You asked more about his childhood.
"It was fine." He took out another pot, poured in some raw rice, and washed it under the tap.
You asked about his relationship with his mother.
"She worked three jobs to feed the two of us. Never really saw her around."
What about his sister?
"She raised me. Taught me how to fight, taught me how to cook, built me a backbone, and..." He paused momentarily. "Well. You wouldn't expect a nine-year-old kid to be the best mother in the world. Especially when she never asked for a brother that acts like her son."
He subconsciously brought his hand up to the back of his shoulder.
You asked about the relationship between him and his family now.
"We're doing fine." He placed the lid on the pot of rice and turned the heat up. "My sister lives a couple hours away from me. My mom..."
Now invested in his life story, you stared at him.
"She lives down the street." He placed another lid on the pot containing the soup. Cyprus then walked to the sofa, plopping down next to you.
"She's retired. Good for her, though. She deserves to rest."
You asked if he talks to her. To which, he nods.
"She would sometimes bring some food over. It's weird, I never knew what my own mom's cooking tasted like until I was 19. I only knew my sister's and my own."
You asked if he talks to his sister.
"Nope. Can't say I blame her, though. I was a piece of shit to raise." He brought his hands behind his head and leaned backward.
"What about you?" He asked, his grey eyes piercing into yours.
You gave him a summary of your life since birth and your current status with your family and other relatives, most of them are back in your hometown and home country.
He hummed in acknowledgment. Cyprus went on to check your temperature again, this time by touching the back of your neck.
There was silence between the both of you, accompanied by the sounds of dinner cooking away on the stovetops.
"You look like you have something on your mind. Spit it out." He broke the quietness by gently nudging your leg with his feet.
You blurted out if he chose you because you reminded him of a maternal figure he wanted.
His jaw went slack as he stared at you in disbelief. "What the fuck are you talking about, doll?"
You said that you couldn't give him what he wanted. You suggested going to therapy to work his "mommy issues" out before dating, so he wouldn't get hurt when his girlfriends couldn't fulfill that requirement of his. You do not have a single motherly bone in you, apologizing if you have accidentally come off as that way at first. You can't take care of him like how a proper mothering girlfriend would.
"Obviously! You can't even take care of yourself! What the fuck are you even on about? I'm not looking for another mom. I'm looking for a girlfriend! You-" He took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. He groaned in frustration and in extreme bafflement.
"Christ, what is with your thoughts? If I was looking for a woman to baby me, you don't even come close. Look at yourself! You barely feed yourself, you either sleep too little or too much, you can't even tell that you've had a fever, You didn't even know when to take your meds, you can't get off that damn phone and you let everyone walk all over you at work. If anything, it's the opposite, I'm looking to baby someone!"
You sat still and listened to his exasperated rant. You cringed internally; yes, you were definitely reaching, desperately trying to get him to let you go by reasoning. You were so sure that this argument would work, because you held this bias where men that have rocky relationships with their maternal figures would want a partner who is motherly. Thanks to your excessive internet usage and limited interaction with the real world.
He tiredly rubbed his face. "You have got to go out more, doll. That... fucking website is rotting you from the inside out."
You looked away in embarrassment.
"You were spewing the exact same bullshit I see online. I can't believe you're--" He heaved a sigh.
"It's fine. Our brains do not work the same during an active addiction." He stood back up and headed to the stove.
You told him you're not addicted to your phone.
"Yeah. And I'm totally not addicted to smoking." He took out a stack of paper bowls from a cabinet. He pulled out a couple of disposable wooden spoons and forks from his drawers.
"Come on, dinner's ready."
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shanastoryteller · 4 months
Happy Valentine's! Could we get anything Untamed or Sacrifice is Free? Thank you!! I love everything you write!!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Maria hears the gun go off and then she's falling to the ground, gasping with pain as she hits the sand.
"Hawkeye," Ed says, voice rough with sleep.
Maria forces herself up, glaring up at Edward. There's a chip on the glass doorway from the bullet. She can't believe he pushed her out of the way! Or she can, but she's going to hit him forward.
Riza's eyes narrow and her finger twitches towards the trigger.
Ed shoves his hand forward, a familiar glove on his hand. He snaps and an arc of fire erupts from his hands, hitting the gun and causing Riza to drop it as it burns her fingers.
"He told me what was on your back," he says while Maria keeps her eyes on Riza. Her expression shifts then, to something more devastating. It almost looks like hope.
There's the sound of running and then Denny is there, shoeless and with his gun raised and pointed at Riza. "Ed?"
He groans, running a hand over his face. "Read her in. I still feel like hell, I need a shower and ten more hours of sleep and coffee hot enough to scald."
"Are you sure?" Maria asks, pushing herself upright. "She did just try and kill you."
Ed waves a dismissive hand, yawning wide enough that his jaw cracks. "Lots of people try and kill me. I try not to take it personally."
"I would prefer if you took it personally, myself," Denny says, gun still pointed at Riza. Maria knows that he doesn't want to shoot her, but they've both done terrible things that they didn't want to do.
Better to do them for Edward, who's doing his best to end this war, than for those trying to prolong it.
There's shouting in the distance and Ed rolls his eyes. "I'll go deal with everyone panicking over a gunfire in the camp." He frowns, seriousness settling over him as he says to Riza, "Don't shoot my people."
"I was aiming for you," Riza says.
Ed grins. This is not something to grin about. "Yeah, I know. That's why I ducked."
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apomaro-mellow · 6 months
Wrong Number 8
Eddie and Steve threw a few more axes, Eddie getting unnecessarily close to fix Steve's form many times. There was a point where Eddie didn't even need to fix anything but if Steve was letting him touch, he would. After about half an hour more, Robin took Steve into the bathroom again. Eddie knew he was the subject of the conversation. He just didn't know in what regard.
He skipped over to Jeff. "Ain't he a peach?"
"Got an ass like one", Jeff offered.
"Just utter perfection. Don't go oglin' him too much though. I might get the wrong idea."
"He's all yours Eddie. I don't even think a crowbar could get between you two right now", Jeff said.
Steve came out of the bathroom with Robin and it was decided that Robin would head on back to the apartment, taking Steve's car.
"You're letting Robin drive?", Eddie asked with a raised brow. He remembered Steve remarking quite a bit how his little birdie had two left wings, so to speak and how it took her about five tries to get her driver's license because she'd been so nervous behind the wheel.
"She can make it", Steve said confidently. "And it'll give us some time to ourselves. And I'll need someone to drive me when the night's done." He stepped closer to Eddie and Eddie closed the distance even more. It was like they were magnetic.
"Drive you home?"
Steve smiled, hearing the hopeful tone in his voice. "I was thinking your place, actually."
They were nearly nose to nose now and Steve barely even noticed Robin taking the keys from his pocket. Eddie couldn't stand being that close and not kissing him so he did just that. The only thing that made them stop was Jeff shooing them out just as a kid's birthday party came in. Couldn't have them doing all that in front of children, after all.
Eddie led Steve to his van. "Your chariot, your highness", he said as he opened the door for him.
Steve got in and looked around, taking in everything that was Eddie. Eddie practically ran to get in on the other side and turn it on.
"So, where to?"
"I could eat", Steve said. His stomach was still fluttering with how new everything was, so he didn't think he'd be eating much, but he could put something in his stomach.
Eddie took them to a little restaurant and Eddie admitted to being nervous to and not wanting to eat much, so they agreed on just some appetizers.
"I feel like I'm about two seconds from vomiting. In a good way!", he added quickly.
"A little worrying that you've been letting me kiss you all night with that knowledge", Steve grinned. He reached out across the table and held Eddie's hand. "I can't believe I can just touch you."
"You can do more than touch", Eddie said, kissing his fingertips.
"Is this...are we...?" Steve's gaze turned down.
"Are we going too fast? We just met today but-I mean normally when I meet a guy, I'm not all over him like this but with you-"
"Sweet thing", Eddie beamed. "I've been courtin' you since you sent that first text."
Steve chuckled. "The very first one?"
"Well maybe not when you thought I was still Misty. But I don't consider this a first meeting. How can I when we already know so much about each other?" Eddie knew how Steve was before bed and right when we woke up. Steve knew which tattoos had meaning and which didn't.
"So I'm not...you don't think I'm being too much?", Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head. "Baby you could crawl in my ribs and it wouldn't be close enough. I've been trying to drink you in all night, haven't you noticed?"
"I might've noticed a few sips here and there", Steve got warm as Eddie kissed up his wrist. Only the table standing between them got in the way of going further. But it was very easy to imagine Eddie's lips having nothing in their way.
Eddie's eyes had been closed while savoring Steve's skin but when he opened them they were dark with desire. "What do you say we-"
They had time for dinner dates (which they'd already done) and eventful outings. Right now the things they wanted to do required privacy. Eddie was on his best behavior, trying to take the quickest route back to his place. Steve was doing every naughty thing imaginable, short of unzipping Eddie's pants and giving him road head. He stroked Eddie's thigh, kissed his neck, licked in his ear, played with his hair.
And even when Eddie gave him a soft reprimand, lest they crash, Steve found ways to torture him.
"So mean, not letting me touch you", he said, squirming in his seat. He started rolling his hips like he was grinding the air and Eddie thought he was going to lose his mind.
He pretty much screeched to a stop and tore both their doors open. Once Steve was out, Eddie pinned him to the side of the van, devouring his mouth and pressing their hips together. He was already fully tented in his jeans.
"You knowmmm", Steve broke off in a moan as Eddie released his lips to start on his neck. "You have a van. You could've just pulled o-oohhh-off and had me back there."
"A pretty thing like you?", Eddie smirked. "You deserve a bed, princess."
With that clear goal in mind, Eddie took Steve up to his apartment. Steve had just enough time to take in sights familiar from past video calls: the guitar, one of the many band posters, and various mugs hanging in the kitchen before Eddie was pulling him into the bedroom. Eddie sat on the bed and Steve slid easily into his lap.
Eddie groaned at the weight on him. "Got a present for me, big boy?", he asked, hands going behind Steve to squeeze his cheeks.
"Sounds like you already know."
He did. Touching Steve so much gave him a little preview. But it was still fun to unwrap it later. He did just that, unbuttoning and then unzipping Steve's pants to see the flash of purple lace.
"You like?", Steve asked. He didn't need to though, Eddie's face was easy to read.
"Oh baby, I like. I like very much." Eddie helped Steve out of his shirt, kissing the skin that was revealed to him and then helped him out of his pants.
Steve stood before Eddie who was still sitting on the bed and put his hands on his shoulders. Eddie's hands went to his hips, touching the lavender material almost reverently. He showed restraint, not immediately diving in, but just for a second. He tried going in for a taste but Steve put a finger to his forehead, stopping him.
"Your turn."
He went around Eddie and laid across the bed, waiting for him to get on with it. Eddie was a whirlwind of clothes being torn off his body and Steve laughed as he hopped into bed with him.
"You moved like the Tasmanian Devil", Steve smiled.
Eddie put an arm around Steve's waist and pulled him in close. "Well you make me go-", then he made a bunch of incomprehensible babbling noises. "Please don't kick me out of bed", he said once he realized what he did.
But Steve had been smiling the whole time. Then laughing. Then petting Eddie's hair and bringing him in for a kiss.
"Sooo, you're not turned off?", Eddie ventured. Steve was kissing his jaw now, but he had to ask to be sure.
"I always thought Taz was kinda cute."
"I'm more of a Bugs Bunny guy myself", Eddie said.
Steve smirked as he reached down to grasp Eddie's cock that had been sitting between them, weeping and neglected until now. He leaned in, whispering hotly as Eddie's curls tickled his cheek.
"What's up, doc?"
"Holy shit", Eddie gasped out as Steve started to stroke him. "That shouldn't be so hot."
"Life's full of surprises, isn't it?", Steve winked.
Only about two years later, before all of their friends and family in their best formal wear, would Steve admit that he knew Eddie was the one from the first time they made love. Because he made him laugh the entire time.
"It wasn't only because I made you laugh, right?", Eddie would ask during their third dance of the night.
"I was only laughing so much because of how funny, brilliant, romantic, and sexy you were that night", Steve said.
Steve was wearing a golden yellow tuxedo with black accents, while Eddie was wearing the reverse. It was fitting, given that of all the pet names Eddie gave him, 'honey' probably came up the most. Honey, sweet thing, sweetheart, and even one time sugar tits. Eddie was obsessed with telling Steve how sweet he was.
"And to think, this wouldn't've happened if that girl gave you her real number", Eddie mused out loud. "Her loss. Her incredibly, massively huge loss."
"No", Steve smiled, bringing his hands to Eddie's face to give him a sweet kiss. "I think I got the right number."
1 year ago...
[10:33 am] If these kids ask about boba one more time I'm gonna turn myself into wild garlic and find a field to disappear in.
(11:17 am) 💍? tonite? (11:18 am) We could order from that new Taiwanese place too (11:18 am) I promise no boba (11:37 am) cmon Steve i've never had food from taiwannn i wanna try it
(12:52 pm) Honey?
[12:53 pm] There is NO way that you're proposing to me through a text right now
(1:01 pm) What? Shit no! Wait not no but no I was asking if you wanted to watch The Ring tonight? The one about the cursed video? (1:03 pm) Stevie? (1:03 pm) Baby? (1:04 pm) Shit you're working now. (1:04 pm) Pls dont be mad? And pls come home after work
Steve did come home to their now shared apartment and Eddie had been waiting on his knees, one of his own wings on a tiny pillow that Steve didn't even know they had. Eddie had babbled about wanting to plan for it more and talk about it more and getting an actual ring and making the proposal special but how he'd known for a while now that he wanted to marry Steve and it was in such an anxious rush that Steve's ears only got part of it.
His heart got all of it.
"On your feet, Taz. Yes, I'll marry you."
Eddie shot up and gathered Steve in his arms, spinning them around in a whirl. Eddie definitely tried to get them to fall on the couch when they started to lose their balance but he miscalculated and they hit the floor instead, one of Eddie's legs catching on the coffee table.
Despite the pain, Steve was giggling. "I knew we should've taken that left turn at Alburquerque."
Eddie groaned at how his leg smarted. "That's all folks."
Yaaay! Thank you for another one! If you liked the lil tidbits of Steve's job here I'm planning a teacher au soon so be on the lookout for that :)
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @estrellami-1 @newtstabber @omletlove @ifyoudonlysurrender @rehfan @morganski-19 @corvidcantina @dragonmama76 @just-ladyme @tinyplanet95 @goodolefashionedloverboi @idoquitelikebread @kittydeadbones @manda-panda-monium @rhapsodyinalto @paintsplatteredandimperfect @keylime-green @ihavekidneys @samsoble @honorarybrit81 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @aizawa-emma @deleataecount @thesuninyaface @fromapayphone @justmeinadaze @hbyrde36 @queenie-ofthe-void @resident-gay-bitch @bestwifehaver @dangdirtydemons @ellietheasexylibrarian @perseus-notjackson @pyrohonk @holysteddie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @mrsjellymunson @geekymagicalpotato @notaqueenakhaleesi
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
heyyy!!!! It's for the Kinktober list \o/
Solomon and breeding kink please babes ❤️
Drink water, sleep 8 hours and eat three healthy meals a day!!! Luvoo
Hey there, anon!
Okay I already had a prompt for Solomon for Kinktober when I got this ask, but I was like listen. Is it really a CC event if I don't get more requests for Solomon than any other character? So now I feel like it's just tradition.
Also I can't believe I didn't include Solomon's pact marks in the other kinktober post I wrote for him! I didn't even realize until I'd posted it and then I was like how is it that I didn't mention them at all?? I'm so into it, it's ridiculous and yet... anyway, this gave me the chance to include them so I feel that makes up for it a little bit. One of these days I'm gonna write a smut fic that's like... about those marks 'cause they just do something to me.
Anyway, I did afab reader so hopefully that's okay! I also feel the need to thank you for telling me to drink water and so on. Those are all things I almost never do lol. Sometimes I eat three meals a day, but are they healthy?? No. They aren't. Right, sorry for the ramblings lol.
Thank you for submitting a prompt!
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AFAB!MC x Solomon
Warnings: breeding, penetration (reader receiving)
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You were on the sofa in Cocytus Hall in the middle of a heavy make out session with Solomon when you pulled away. Solomon let out a breath at the loss of your lips, but he didn't say anything. You met his eyes, saw the desire in them and the question.
You reached down deliberately to put your hand on his erection. Solomon closed his eyes and tensed, trying not to react to the feeling of it.
"We haven't even been doing this that long and you're already hard," you said quietly.
Solomon took hold of your wrist and pulled your hand up. He leaned in, his lips against your ear. "I'm sorry, MC. I guess I'm just that eager to breed you."
A thrill ran down your spine and you shuddered in his arms. Your reaction caused him to laugh softly against your skin.
"Ah, I knew it," he said. "That's what you want, isn't it?"
You flushed, but you couldn't exactly disagree. "So what if it is?"
Solomon laughed again. "You're so cute, MC," he said. "But you don't have to hold back. If that's what you want, all you have to do is say it."
You huffed. You tried to look away from him, but the close proximity made it difficult. You considered refusing to say anything else, but your own arousal was creeping in now and you didn't think you would actually be able to resist him.
You switched tactics, turning into him. You pulled your wrist from his hand and tugged on his belt buckle. You pressed your lips to his neck and said, "I want you to breed me, Solomon."
Solomon pulled you up off the sofa, his hands already moving beneath the fabric of your clothes. He removed your shirt, kissing along your collarbones as you finally unbuckled his belt. Your pants went next, soon followed by his cloak and shirt, too.
You paused now that Solomon's bare chest was before you. You looked into his eyes for a moment. He waited to see what you would do.
You ran your fingertips over his pact marks. He stayed still as you did so, patiently watching you. It wasn't as though you hadn't seen them before, but most of the time it was easy to forget they were there, hidden beneath his clothes.
Solomon allowed you to be mesmerized by them for a few moments before he turned you around and pulled you against him. Your back nestled against his chest. He still had his pants on, but they were open enough to let his cock free and you could feel it pressed against you. Solomon's lips trailed down your neck, his fingertips trailing beneath the waistband of your underwear.
You felt your body heat up and found yourself filled with impatience. If you let him, Solomon would continue to tease you for some time before finally giving you what you wanted. So you decided to take matters into your own hands.
You removed your underwear yourself, adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor. Then you put your knees on the sofa, bracing yourself against the back of it.
You arched your back and said, "Hurry up, I can't wait anymore."
Solomon made a groaning sound behind you, but you couldn't see him anymore. It was only moments before you felt him behind you. He kissed down your spine while reaching around to stimulate your clit with his fingers. You pushed against them, letting out a small moan as you sought more of that feeling.
"Solomon, please," you begged.
As you had hoped, that was enough to make him finally push his cock inside you. You were wet and ready, taking it in easily and moaning at the way it felt.
Solomon didn't hold back now. He had one hand on your hip and one hand on your clit as he pounded into you. The angle allowed for deep penetration and you felt your body unraveling with each thrust. The sparks of pleasure ran through your veins, the tension building in your legs and your back, your muscles tightening.
The hand on your hip moved up to rest on your back as Solomon leaned forward further. "You're so ready for me," he said, his voice heavy and shaking with his own impending orgasm. "I'm going to fill you up."
You cried out incoherently as you came, his words sending you right over the edge. Solomon seemed to anticipate this, both hands moving to hold your hips steady as you clenched around him.
Just as he promised, you could feel his hot cum filling you up as he came, your name spilling sweetly from his lips.
From then on, you found it was a simple matter to get Solomon to breed you. As he had said himself, all you had to do was say it.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname @libidinous-weeb
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maryangelex · 8 months
Never Let Me Go (Pt. 3)
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John Price x f! Reader
Part 4
A/N: this is a long one!!! but here's the smut i promised ;) believe me when i say there's plenty to come.
Song is In My Feelings because of course!!!!!
Happy reading <3
Warnings: NSFW like always, smut, a bit dubcon (?), price is a perv and steals panties.
Tomorrow at 8. 
Those were the only words occupying your brain ever since they came out of John's mouth. The feeling of his fingers against your temple, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, was still tingling on your skin a whole day later. 
You had gone to work the next day thinking of nothing but the upcoming date. Your cousin couldn't be more elated for you, even telling you to get out much earlier than your regular closing time just so you could get ready. You shook your head at the request but did not decline it, knowing that you would need ample time to soothe your nerves and perfect yourself before meeting with John tonight. 
During your shift, you didn't expect to see him because of your plans. But he made sure to make a quick appearance at the cafe, and you couldn't complain. 
As you wiped down the counter, you caught a glimpse of the man's hulking form through the large windows at the front of the store. Your cheeks were immediately pulled by the smile that grew across your lips. As he walked in, he returned the expression; a kind tight-lipped smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes. 
And although you loved the man's handsome face, your eyes were more fixated on his toned body, an image you had not been graced with since you met him. You knew those sweaters weren't doing him justice. John had athletic wear on, sporting a tight thermal shirt that contoured every bulging muscle on his arms and chest. His hair was dampened by sweat and his cheeks lightly flushed. 
You practically drooled at the sight. Something in you told you that he was only here to show off, too. Again, you couldn't complain. 
His body pressed against the counter, propped on his elbows for support as he leaned forward to speak to you. It only made his solid biceps bulge even more under his shirt, looking like they'd tear through the fabric if he shifted ever so slightly. 
"Mornin', John," you greeted him politely, raking your eyes along his body briefly and subconsciously. 
His smile turned into a sly smirk as if knowing the effect he had on you. 
"Mornin', love," he said, "thought I'd pay you a quick visit on my run." 
"Too eager to wait for tonight?" you quipped, as you took a bottle of water from the cooler behind the counter, handing it over to him.
He accepted with a light 'cheers' as he downed it quickly before saying, "I just can't go on 'bout my day without seein' ya." 
You rolled your eyes at him, suppressing your smile from growing wider, but your cheeks betrayed you by staining in pink. 
When he finished his water in a final gulp, with a heavy sigh of relief, he tipped the empty vessel at you in gratitude before leaving. 
"I'll see you at 8 tonight then, love," he said with certitude. You scoffed, giving him an affirmative nod as you tried to play it cool. In your best efforts to hide the nerves raging within you. 
At 5 in the afternoon, your cousin couldn't push you out of the cafe any more adamantly. You kept insisting that you should stay otherwise she'd kill herself managing the closing shift. But of course, she succeeded at pushing you and locking you out, shooing you away and saying "Go put yourself together for the man!"
You raced to your apartment, kicking your shoes off peeling every layer of your outfit off and tossing everything in your hamper, and scampered to the shower to wash yourself as if you were covered in all sorts of grime. You washed your hair, exfoliated, did steps of your skincare you didn't even know you had and coated yourself in body lotion to the point you could have slid through the bars of a jail cell. 
Some three hours to go, you stood in front of your closet wrapped in a towel, sorting through every article of clothing you owned with the sound of the hangers scraping across the rack echoing through your empty apartment. You cursed at yourself when nothing was deemed fit for the occasion. If anyone saw you right now and didn't know any better they'd think you were about to meet the king. 
John had texted you earlier about the location of your date. You had noticed in the time you two had texted each other that the man misused emojis and had no concept of abbreviations of slang; you found it endearing. 
Pub on Wright Street. x
Was marked as read on your phone screen.
You settled for jeans and a top you hadn't taken the tag off, in your best efforts to remain casual, still trying to put up the facade that you weren't as eager as you were to go on a date with John. 
Truth be told, you hadn't gone on a date in months. Maybe the whole year, actually. There just weren't any blokes that you wanted to give the time of day. None of them left an impression on you the way John had, with his kind smile and his crystal eyes. He was magnetizing, and the fact that he made it seem like all his attention was reserved for you made you feel like putting some effort on him was worth it. 
In your remaining time, you dabbed some makeup on your face and put some finishing touches on yourself. You felt strange when you looked at your reflection like a different person was looking back at you. But it was in the best way possible; this person was someone more confident and sure of herself. You only hoped John saw the same in you at your date. You hoped this was worth the effort. 
Though the pub was relatively close, you called yourself a cab to preserve your look, not wanting to show up sweaty and disheveled to your date. By the time you made it, it was still 20 minutes till 8, and the sight of John already being there brought an immense sense of relief. Like a true gentleman, he had arrived much earlier than you had agreed. Maybe he was as nervous as you were and needed time to collect himself. But someone as suave as him, who stood with a confident posture, most likely did not feel an ounce of worry, you thought. 
He opened the door of the cab for you, stretching out a hand to help you step out. He took your hand in his, and you felt the roughness of his palm. A calloused hand held your much silkier one with a supportive grip as you stepped out of the cab and scanned your eyes over him. 
God, he's stunning, you thought. The smell of his cologne wafted into your nostrils, a teakwood mahogany scent mixed with the smokey smell of a cigar. It was intoxicating, making your chest burn like a bonfire. He was dressed quite handsomely, like always, too. Nothing fancy, but the fact that it was him wearing the clothes made him automatically attractive. 
You felt his gaze on you as well, except he was much more shameless than you when it came to his observations. 
"Fuckin' hell, love, you look gorgeous," he crooned. You gave him an embarrassed look and lightly swatted at his arm, which still hadn't let go of your hand. He chuckled lightly at the effect his words had on you. 
"You don't look too bad y'self, John," your voice was almost a whisper, and he gave you a flattered smile and a squeeze of your hand. 
He escorted you inside the pub, a booth for the two of you had even been arranged. To call the place a pub was underselling it. It was more like a newly opened restaurant with the inspiration being a pub. You'd be lying if you said you weren't impressed, and maybe even a little bit embarrassed to think John would pick a place any less grand than this for your date. 
"This is a really nice place, I feel underdressed," you confessed as you looked around at the wooden details and old-fashioned decor. 
John scoffed at your statement, "You couldn't be more perfect, doll." He hadn't taken your eyes off you as he sat next to you in the booth, his knee lightly bumping against yours. The close proximity to his grandiose presence made you feel claustrophobic like you were witness to a greater power next to you. The warmth of his body was impossible to close, and his much larger frame made you feel shielded from the world around you. 
John ordered for the two of you. Normally this was a turn-off for you, to have a man dictate what you should eat. But the fact that it was him and that you sensed no ulterior motive of disrespect on his part, made it almost attractive, like it was a display of his leadership. 
And you were glad he was the one to order when the food and drinks came around. He confessed he came to the pub often because he wasn't the best cook; the most he could make himself was a decent breakfast but was clueless when it came to proper meals. 
"I'll come around here for dinner and to your shop for the sweets," he proposed. 
"Or you can come by mine and save some money," you blurted out with a sense of confidence you didn't know you had. The alcohol of the drinks he ordered was certainly taking effect on you. 
John smirked at your response, a hint of pink dusted his bearded cheeks, "I'll take your offer then, love." His voice was sultry as he took a sip of his bourbon, his eyes not straying from you through a half-lidded gaze.
The two of you cleared the plates of food between conversations. The alcohol made the flow of your banter easier and less reserved. Your laughs went from timid chuckles to your more natural, louder guffaws. It made John beam whenever he made you laugh, watching you bear your true, uncensored self to him bit by bit. 
When the waiter took the plates away, you were only left with your third round of drinks, maybe fourth, actually; you'd lost count. Your ears and cheeks were flushed red and your mind was woozy. John was hardly fazed in comparison, now reclined back against the seat with a long, beefy arm outstretched behind you on the booth, almost as if claiming you to the public. It made you feel smaller than you were compared to him. 
He brought his refilled glass of bourbon to his lips, his blue eyes rested on you, pupils masking his irises like a waning crescent moon. Could be the dim lights, you thought, or something else. You didn't want to assume, but you wouldn't be upset if it was the latter. You'd be kidding yourself to think you weren't starting to get hot and bothered from the mix of liquor and the fact that the man you were crushing on was mere inches away from you. 
There was a beat of silence for a moment between the two of you. John's stare was burning your skin like a laser, and you avoided his eyes in fear you'd be turned to stone from looking at him. You minded your drink until he spoke up. 
"I've got a confession to make, love," he sighed heavily, glugging the contents of his cup before continuing, "don't want us startin' off without any secrecy." 
Your eyes now snapped up to his face, giving him a puzzled look. 
Fuck, so he is married, your mind immediately jumped to conclusion. Of course, he was married, this is just your luck! And who wouldn't want to marry a man this fit? His poor wife--
"Please don't tell me you're married!" you blurted out impulsively. John's eyes widened and he took a moment before snorting and erupting into a boisterous laugh. The man was practically in tears as he rubbed a knuckle across his eye, deescalating from his bout of laughter. 
"No, love, no need to worry 'bout that," he clarified. He turned to look at you again, adoration in his eyes, as if you making him laugh was carving even more space for you in his heart. 
"Right, erm, sorry," you apologized in embarrassment but couldn't help but chuckle a bit with him, a bit of relief washing over you. 
"Truth is, erm, the day we met I wasn't really lost in your bookstore," he started as he rubbed a hand behind his neck, "I knew exactly what I was lookin' for, it gets borin' on leave 'n I had a good book in mind..." 
Your face was still puzzled as you watched him get flustered. 
"I know how awfully corny this sounds but, I saw you behind the counter 'n thought 'Fuck I've gotta find a way to talk to this pretty thing', so I made m'self look like an idiot so I could talk to ya." 
You paused for a second, taking note of multiple things in his confession. One, he thought you were pretty from the get-go. Two, he was itching to talk to you. And three, he made the effort, as silly as it was, to approach you. This big ol' bloke was just a big softie. 
His face contorted into a concerned expression at your silence, his body shifting and tensing. "I know it sounds odd but-- I mean--" he stammered, interrupted by the sound of your laughter. 
"Oh, John," was all you could manage shaking your head in disbelief at his confession. His body relaxed and the smile returned to his pink face. Suddenly, you felt no sense of nervousness around him, given that he was pining just as much as you all this time, feigning as much nonchalance as you had been (more successfully, though). 
Once your laughter toned down you mindlessly placed a comforting hand on his thigh. The solid muscle beneath your touch flexed, the feeling shooting straight to the space between your legs. But you peered up at him with glistening eyes, giving him an affectionate look.
His eyes locked with yours and he brought a hand up to your cheek, giving the fat there a light scolding pinch, "Can't believe you're laughin' when 'm bein' vulnerable."
You giggled, "How could I not!" you retorted. The two of you shared another moment of pleasant silence as you stared at each other, feeling like you had known the man in front of you for decades. Like you were two old lovers on their nth date tonight. 
"Y'wanna get out of here, doll?" he cooed, and your response was a nod and a hum. 
John paid for the two of you, of course, despite your adamant protesting. His excuse was that you had given him too many teas, coffees, and sweets on the house, and scolded that that was no way to run a business.
When the two of you exited the pub, you stood facing him at the front of the place. He had draped your jacket over your shoulders and was adjusting the front to keep you cozy from the chilly wind. You felt woozy on your feet but nothing you couldn't handle. John's radiated body heat mixed with your jacket and the alcohol in your system was keeping you warm.
Once he was satisfied with how he placed your jacket on you, he moved his hand up to your face. Again, he tucked a stay piece of your hair back into your eat, but this time he brushed the knuckle of his index finger over your cheekbone. Then it trailed to under your chin. You peered up at him with your doe eyes and you were greeted with those shadowy eyes. There was something else in them, though, something beyond kindness, with more intensity, maybe even desire. 
It made you feel a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach, the heat radiated between your legs as well. And you wanted John to help you put out that fire.
The man whispered, "Let me take ya home, dove." And you gave him an approving nod. He took your hand in yours again, tangling your fingers together as he took you back to your flat. 
The two of you stood outside the front door. John's body was towering close to yours and he looked down at you with the lustful glint in his eyes. Your cheeks burned and your body ached for him to make a move, any move. You just wanted to feel his touch once again. Your hands twitched at your sides. 
His hand went up to your hair again, twirling a strand between his fingers this time. Then it reached up to pet your hair on the side of your head. It found its way back to your cheek, brushing his knuckles against the soft, flustered skin, before cupping your face in one hand. You leaned against his touch. His other hand joined at cupping the other side of your face, his thumbs brushing your cheeks. You could feel his hot breath near your face. 
"May I?" he whispered, his voice husky and seductive yet gentle and considerate. You nodded in his hands and let out the softest 'of course,' granting him permission. 
John didn't hesitate the second you gave him your approval and leaned in to plant a kiss on your lips. It was gentle but didn't lack an ounce of desire. He pulled back for a moment to savor the first taste of your lips. Your hands were shyly placed on his waist, feeling the tenderness of his body as they scaled up to his back. 
You rose up on the tip of your toes to meet his lips as he leaned back in to kiss you a second time. Your gesture showed him you were just as eager, that you had just as much desire to kiss him again and again. It was more passionate this time, less reserved. His lips were buttery soft and you melted in the taste of him, in the feeling of his mouth on yours. You felt bold enough to let your tongue pry between his lips and he welcomed it with his own. 
You emitted a soft hum within the kiss. One of John's hands snaked around your waist, pulling you flush to his body. He was a furnace, the feeling of his body slotted against yours burnt you like hot coals. Your hands draped over his shoulders, melding your body with his as he kissed you deeply. 
You pulled away from the kiss momentarily, only to catch your breath. John held your face with one hand and kept you close. The tip of his narrow nose brushed against yours. His eyes held yours as his thumb rubbed your cheek once more. 
You anticipated him to ask to come inside your flat. Well, you were praying he'd ask you if he could come inside. The heat between your legs was simmering, the wetness was physically palpable and you ached for him, partially blaming the alcohol for your body's intense reaction. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, love," John purred, planting a goodbye kiss on your other cheek. It took a moment for you to catch on when he stepped back from you and you felt the cold from his absence. Your mind was dumbfounded, but you nodded hesitantly before turning slightly to unlock your door. John flashed you one of his kind smiles before he went on his way back to his apartment. You returned it out of politeness, to not make it obvious how confused you were. 
When you entered your flat and closed to door, you leaned your back against it and let out a heavy sigh. You felt like a knobhead for thinking someone like John would just fuck you on the first date. He wasn't just some bloke that had a one-night stand and never called you back, not what you were used to, and you kicked yourself for even remotely thinking John would do the same. He actually wanted to take his time with you and put effort into you. You rubbed your hand over your face in frustration and let out a groan. 
But quickly you decided to look on the bright side, though, bringing your fingers to your kiss-swollen lips as you savored the lingering taste of John, and the memory of mere minutes ago when he kissed you flooding back into your mind and making you squeal. 
That night you fell asleep giddy like a schoolgirl at the thought of seeing him again tomorrow. 
It was very early in the morning when you came into the cafe. The door of the cafe was unlocked but the sign was still flipped on 'Closed' so no customers would come in as you got the shop ready. You had already gotten everything behind the counter arranged; pastries set out, espresso machine cleaned, counter wiped. So you moved on to the shelves to do some light dusting over the books, arranging a few of them that had been misplaced. 
You heard the ringing of the bell, letting you know someone had just come in. You knew it wasn't your cousin because she had asked you to take over for the day since she went on a girl's trip, so you assumed it was a customer and politely raised your voice to say, "Sorry, we're still closed!". You peeked over to the door to see if you were correct to assume it was a confused patron only to find John walking past the entrance. He approached you with an apologetic smile. 
" 'S just me, love, sorry for showin' up so early," he said, standing in close proximity to you now between the bookshelves. You smiled at him with a faint blush; it was hard not to see him differently after last night.
"No worries, John," you said, but your smile faded as concern crept on you, wondering what he was doing here. He seemed uneasy, fidgeting hands finding comfort in the pockets of his jacket. "Something the matter?" you asked softly. 
" 'Bout last night, doll," he started. Your mind was racing again, worrying that he regretted kissing you, that he felt he made a mistake in kissing you or even asking you out or pursuing you to begin with. You were about to tell him it was alright, that you could pretend nothing happened, that you'd forget about it and return to normal. 
"I shoulda gone inside with ya," he sighed. Now you were even more confused. 
"What do you mean?" 
"I spent all night kickin' m'self for not...askin' you to let me come into your flat." His hands came out of his pockets as he stepped closer to you, his body inching against yours the same way he did last night. You froze looking up at him, taking a couple of steps back as he was almost pressing his tall body against yours. You were now trapped between his large figure and the bookshelf behind you. John's hands found their way to your waist and you felt a ragged breath against your face, the smell of cigars flowing into your nose. You shakily placed your own hands on his strong forearms. The proximity of his body against yours pooled arousal in your underwear. 
"J-John, I don't--" you stammered, confusion still persistent in your mind. He wanted to come inside with you, the same way you did? 
"I couldn't stop thinkin' 'bout you, dove," he purred, lips brushing against your own, the hairs of his mustache tickling your upper lip. "I know y'wanted me to come inside with you, I saw it in your pretty face... s'that right?" 
You nodded more hastily than you intended; your heart was beating out of your chest as your breath hitched. Fuck, did you want him, did you spend the rest of the night thinking of him, of the things he could have done to you if he had come inside. Your hands stroked up his arms and up to rest on his shoulders, gripping and lightly tugging the fabric of his jacket, as if beginning him to kiss you again in the seclusion of the bookshelves. 
He complied and gave you a deep all-consuming kiss that you drowned in like a flood. John pulled away but kept his nose against yours and whispered into your lips, "Let me make it up to you, so you can forgive me, yeah?" 
Your eyes widened as you watched the man kneel in front of you. His palms massaged the sides of your body, stroking the tender flesh of your outer thighs. He peered up at you with pleading, dark eyes, like a man begging for God's forgiveness on a church pew. You felt his burning touch on your skin, the sensation making your core flutter and dampen even more. 
"J-John, what are you--" you gasped when you felt the wetness of his lips over your thighs as he peppered kisses over the soft flesh. You didn't know what to do with your hands (or yourself, for that matter) so you settled them over his broad shoulders, unsure if you should push him away or if you wanted to pull him closer to let him do whatever it is he wanted to do. 
" 'M just apologizin', pretty girl," he cooed against your thigh. His hands scaled up your thighs, slithering under your mini skirt, grabbing the waistband of your knickers and dragging them down painfully slow, making sure to graze his knuckles against your skin. You watched his movements and he watched your flustered expressions react to every one of his actions.
When your knickers reached your ankles he helped you delicately step out of them, and he pervertedly pocketed the garment with a light smirk tugging at his lips. "Don't worry, I'll give 'em back to you next time, sweetheart." was all he said in that regard. Your pussy twitched at the gesture, making you bite your lip coyly as a small moan escaped you.
John folded the hem of your skirt up lightly as he kissed the inside of your thighs, teasingly close to your sopping sex. He gave the plump flesh light nips to taunt you further, loving the sounds that came out of you every time he did so. His rough hands kneaded at the flesh of your thighs before hooking one of your legs over his shoulder, making your bare cunt more exposed for him, granting him access.
You gasped when he buried his face between your legs, your skirt masking the rest of his face except for those clear blue eyes that feigned innocence as they peered up at you. His lips kissed your sex tenderly, the same way they had kissed your mouth just moments ago. You let out a low moan at the sensation, his facial hair brushing over your vulva made you shiver. Another tender kiss was planted against your slit, followed by another, and another. 
"John," you begged, desperation surging in you. And who was he to deny you anything? So to please the pretty girl's request, his flattened tongue slowly lapped at your lips. You threw your head back, a slow moan emanating from your throat, and your fists clenching on the fabric on his shoulders. 
"Fuckk, your pretty moans, baby," his voice was muffled. Another slow swipe of his hot tongue, this time the tip of his tongue was pointed and it slid between your folds, caressing your pleading clitoris. It made you jump lightly, and it only prompted him to lick over the sensitive bud even more.
Now the man hungrily licked your pussy, paying utmost attention to your swollen clit. His hands firmly held your thighs as he smothered himself with your cunt. The pace of his tongue quickened, and not an inch of your pussy was left untouched by his mouth. 
You were made a mess of indecent moans as John devoured you, your hips lightly rutting against his face. You mentally thanked the security camera guy for not showing up to fix them, and you prayed that everyone passing by would read the 'Closed' sign and that the bookshelves shielded any outsider from the sinful act going on between you and John. 
John alternated between piercing his tongue into the entrance of your pussy and suckling on your desperate clit. His eyes closed as he lost himself in your pussy, humming in pleasure as he savored your taste and drank in your moans. His hands snaked up your torso to knead at the tender flesh of your breasts, rubbing his thumbs over your pointed nipples through the fabric of your shirt. 
"Perfect fuckin' pussy, baby...so fuckin' sweet," he said, not removing his mouth from you. You whined, one of your hands coming to grip at the hair on the crown of his head, pressing him further against your cunt which made him moan and go absolutely mad. He grabbed the underside of your thighs and draped both of them over his shoulders; the only things supporting your body were John's strong arms and the shelf behind you. Your other hand gripped the shelf behind you to find some leverage. 
John was drunk on your juices, fervently eating you out. One of his hands snaked under you to press two thick digits against your entrance. His lips sucked mercilessly at your clit as he pumped your pussy with his fingers now. You practically screamed his name when you felt the intrusion. 
"Love hearin' you say my name like that, sweetheart," he slurred, his fingers curling within your walls and pressing against that spongey spot inside of you that made you roll your eyes to the back of your head. You were so fucking close and John knew it. 
"Be good 'n cum for me, darlin', he moaned, becoming more and more desperate to feel you clench around his fingers, to feel your juices coat his face. 
And you did just that. With a few more pumps of his fingers and more laps of his tongue on your pussy, you were sent over the edge. You let out a final choked-out moan as your body convulsed against the shelf. Your thighs tightened and quaked around John's head the same way your walls clenched tightly around his fingers.
He hummed against your sex, slowing down as he let you ride your orgasm on his face and fingers; your slick dripping down your thighs and onto his face. Those ocean eyes lovingly watched your face contort as you reached your high. But you were too lost in euphoria to even notice; your body was almost going limp in John's hold and all you felt was overwhelming pleasure crashing over you. 
You cursed breathlessly, trying to gather yourself. As you slowly came to, you could hear John's soft praises against your thigh, "Did so good f'me, love... my sweet girl." He planted tender, innocent kisses against your flesh as he praised you. He delicately helped you stand up on your own. He rose up to his full height and held you, offering you support on your shaky legs. 
"Alright, darlin'?" he said, to which you nodded your head and managed to find your bearings. John chuckled at the sight of your helpless self. Something sadistic in him enjoying watching you like this, depending on him, basically. 
You looked up at him, your pupils were still blown and your face was hot. That damned kind smile of his was plastered on his face, but there was a hint of malice hiding behind it. Smug bastard, you thought. You couldn't find any words to say to him, realizing what you just let this man do to you in the middle of your store. 
"All's forgiven, then, love?" he had the nerve to say, smoothing the flyaways on your hair and brushing his knuckles over your cheek tenderly. You nodded sheepishly. You didn't even know what you were really forgiving him for, you were never upset with him to begin with, but with the indulgent pleasure he had just given you, you didn't mind forgiving him more often.
You averted his gaze, opting to look at your feet in embarrassment. And it was then that you caught a glimpse of the tightness in his pants. His hardened member peered back at you in the confines of his jeans. You looked up at him, cheeks flushed, silently asking him if he needed you to take care of him in return when your hand reached to palm him. He hummed, but his hand engulfed yours and brought it to his lips, giving them a soft kiss, beard still damp with your juices. 
"Leave that f'next time, pretty," he chuckled. Next time, you thought, if it was anything like this then you couldn't wait for next time. You were already pining for more of John after having just finished all over his face. 
You moved your hand and placed it on his cheek wordlessly; he leaned into your touch as he looked at you lovingly. 
"Can I kiss you again, John?" you stammered shyly, your tone hushed.
The man chuckled, "Of course you can," leaning in to crash his lips on yours. You tasted yourself in his mouth, smelled yourself soaked into his beard. The kiss was soft but prolonged as if he was getting ready to say bye once again. 
The two of you stood there in silence for a moment. You completely forgot where you were and that you had a shift to start, but you didn't mind forgetting if it involved staying with John like this the rest of the day. Except John had to snap you out of your fantasy when he whispered to you that he had to go. You nodded your head, the most you could fathom to respond with lately. 
The man gave you another chaste kiss on your lips, then a peck on your nose, and a last one on your forehead before he announced his departure and went on his way out the door. 
You stood there recalling what just happened, burying your beet-red face into your hands as you squealed. The absence of your panties became evident all of a sudden as well and it only increased your ever-growing embarrassment. You decided no one was going to die over the shop being closed for the day as you gathered your things and dashed out the door, locking up before leaving, of course. No way you'd work comando with just a skirt, you thought, and no way you'd work after all that just happened in the very business you ran. 
On your way back to your apartment you smiled to yourself, biting your lip as you thought about John. You thought about how no man in your life had ever done something like that, much less made you feel that good. 
John was bringing out a side of you that you didn't know existed.
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homelanderbutbig · 2 months
The Brutus To His Caesar (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1942 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
You get a dog without telling Homelander, and he is not a fan. Inspired by a conversation with @sehtoast. (thank you again bruv ;_;)
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Homelander's days follow a predictable pattern. He wakes up in the morning, performs his superhero duties and events in the afternoon, then comes back to his penthouse to spend his night with you. From when he was a child in the lab, he's come to appreciate having a steadfast routine to follow, without the fear of something unknown causing a disturbance.
That is why he can't hide the utter disbelief painted on his face when he comes back to the penthouse in the evening, and finds you sitting on the couch with a dog.
"What… what is that… thing doing in here?" he sneers, eyeing this filthy creature that is blissfully laying its head on your lap. He can feel tightness constricting his chest as a wave of anxiety begins to spike inside him.
"One of my co-workers couldn't care for him anymore," you explain. "They had to re-home him on short notice, so I offered to take him. I'll bring him back to my apartment tomorrow, but we had plans for tonight so I brought him here with me."
"You… y-you took this mutt in without consulting me?" Homelander interrogates you, words laced with his discontent. Walking in front of the couch, he glares down as you shower this mongrel with your affection. He should be the one lying in your lap right now, not this dumb animal.
"I wasn't going to let this poor guy go to the pound if I could help it," you respond, doing your best to reason with him. "He's a senior dog, he needs extra care."
"Y-you're going to be keeping this thing?" he scoffs, finding it hard to believe you could do something like this to him. "Don't you know how many people get killed by dogs every year?"
"You think this little fella is going to do something like that?" you retort, looking down at the docile, sleepy dog on your lap and back up at the eight foot tall murder machine looming over you. "Honey, he's a couch potato that sleeps 20 hours a day. He may not have very many years left, he deserves to spend that time somewhere where he's safe and loved. I'm not getting rid of him."
Letting out an exasperated chortle, Homelander shakes his head while putting his hands on his hips. He's quickly realizing you're serious about keeping this dog, and there's nothing he can do to change your mind. How could you do this to him? He thought you loved him, that he was the only one you would ever love. Then you go and give your love to something else?
His jaw tenses while he feels himself spiraling from his initial thoughts of you loving this pet, to his all-too-familiar fear of losing you. This dog, this supervillain, is conspiring against him to ruin his life and you can't even see how it's manipulating you. It's going to usurp him in his position as your favourite, leaving him tossed aside like yesterday's garbage. He can't let that happen, not again, not-
"Hey," you exclaim, seeing Homelander spin further into his inner turmoil. You knew he would have trouble accepting this change, but you weren't expecting him to be so dramatic about it. "Sit down next to me, okay?"
Your words snap him out of this headspace, though he is still quite distraught. With a hard swallow, he reluctantly sits down beside you, tight fists in his lap, keeping a space in between him and that diabolical homewrecker.
"You know this dog is not going to replace you, right?" you console him. Even sitting at an equal elevation you are only eye-level with Homelander's pecs, so you have to crane your head up to look at his face.
He stares down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with you as he feels tears beginning to form in his eyes. However, his nerves deflate ever so slightly from feeling your hand touch his fist, and he loosens his stiff grip enough to let you slip your fingers in between his knuckles.
"I care about you Homelander," you continue, giving the leather of his glove a gentle squeeze. "I love you more than anything in the whole entire world. This dog doesn't take away any of those feelings. I just wanted to help him, because he can't help himself. You can understand that, can't you?"
With a deep sigh, he gives you a feeble nod and finally turns his head to look at you. His big blue eyes are glassy as a single tear rolls down his cheek, his nose is sniffling, his lips are quivering, but his mind is solely focused on you now.
You figure this is as good a time as any to introduce him to the dog.
"Can you take your gloves off for me?" you ask tenderly, and Homelander does so immediately, freeing both of his hands and leaving the gloves on the adjacent couch cushion. He returns his left hand to you, entwining it with your fingers and relishing the feeling of your soft skin.
"I want you to meet Murphy," you say, gesturing to the dog. "You can give him a pet. He's a good boy, he won't bite."
"I… I-I don't…" he stutters, holding onto his breath as his eyes dart back and forth. You notice his face subtly twitching, along with his hands going rigid.
"You don't what, sweetie?" you ask him, using your free hand to give the dog a little scratch behind his ear. Slowly, it perks itself up from your lap to angle its head towards your fingers.
"D-don't… don't know h-how…" he mumbles in a voice barely audible to you, sounding more like a small child than a grown man.
"You've never pet a dog before?" you enquire.
The way he once again refuses to look in your direction tells you that you've hit the nail on the head. Owning a pet is just another average human thing Homelander has never been able to experience. He was never permitted to be around animals in the lab, nor has he ever really interacted with them during his tenure at Vought. Not that he would want to anyway, with how delicate and finicky animals are with his size. Regular people can barely handle him, how on earth would a dog that narrowly reaches past his ankles react?
"Hey, hey, it's okay," you reassure him, stroking the top of his left hand. "I'll teach you. Here, just put your other hand out so he can sniff you. It's how dogs say hello."
Although he is hesitant to get acquainted with this scruffy menace, his newfound mortal enemy, he doesn't like to go against your wishes. With the utmost caution, he holds the back of his right hand to the dog's snout. It lazily inspects his large fingers, giving them a plentiful sniff before glancing up at him.
"H-he's staring at m-me," he stammers, his distress creeping up again. What exactly does this fiendish hellhound want from him? Can it smell his fear? Is it out for blood?
"He wants you to pet him," you clarify. "Just right on the top of his head, he likes it there."
He envelops your comparatively tiny hand in his own, trying to keep himself grounded. With a deep inhale of preparation, he shakily uses his index finger, middle finger and thumb to lightly scratch the dog's head. It closes its eyes as it enjoys the superpowered head massage, making content little noises to itself.
"That's it! You're doing great!" you encourage him, putting your other hand on top of his left one. Your praise does wonders to his worries, and he begins calming down enough to relinquish your hand from his iron grasp.
"Listen, I'm gonna go get him some dog treats from the kitchen," you say, sliding off the couch. Homelander looks at you like you've just stabbed him through the heart. You're leaving him alone with this… this beast? All by himself?
"Hey, you'll be fine!" you giggle at his expression, patting him on the knee before heading out of the living room. "I'll only be a second! I'll be right back, I promise!"
Now left unattended with his cunning adversary, Homelander does all in his power to keep his mind stable, and to stop enemy from figuring out how uneasy he feels right now. His hands are close to his abs while he fiddles with his thumbs, and he bounces one of his knees in quick succession.
Suddenly, he notices the dog leisurely get up on the couch cushion, and begin plodding closer to him. His whole body freezes in place at the horror of this mutt hopping up on his thighs and making itself a comfortable bed in the soft padding of his suit. Despite the dog only weighing twenty pounds and barely taking up any space in his lap, it feels like a ticking time bomb set to explode at any moment.
When you come back into the living room, you have to choke back a laugh at the sight of Homelander so utterly terrified at the dog laying on him. However, you swiftly turn your emotions to concern when you see him practically hyperventilating. His first time interacting with a dog is moving so fast, he's finding it hard to calm down.
"W-w-what do I do?!?" he panics, his heart pounding out of his chest as he rapidly becomes overwhelmed. He is about ten seconds away from running out to his balcony launch pad and flying far away.
"You don't have to do anything, he just likes you sweet pea!" you try and comfort him as you climb up on the couch, leaving the box of dog treats on the floor. "He trusts you!"
When Homelander shoots you an expression equal parts terrified and confused, you stand up on the cushion to get close to his face. Keeping yourself steady with a hand perched on his shoulder, you start combing your fingers through his undercut. Your touches are the one sure-fire thing to quickly dampen his anxieties. He can't help but lean his big head closer into your palm, craving your affection.
"Dogs aren't like people, they don't judge. And they have a pretty good sense of character," you point out, giving him a little scratch on his scalp. He gives you a little whine in return. "I have a feeling that Murphy knows you aren't as scary as you look. I think he can see what a gentle giant you really are."
Contemplating what you've said, Homelander glances back down at the dog on his lap, just now realizing that it has fallen asleep. This mongrel, what he suspected to be the Brutus to his Caesar, has trusted him enough to guard its dreams, when it's at its most vulnerable.
The only other being to assume their safety to sleep in his presence was… well, you. Because you don't perceive him like all the others around him do. You don't treat him like he's some incredibly powerful and massive monster; you love him for who he really is, for the truth that he hides and keeps buried deep down in his psyche. You love him unconditionally, just like this dog does.
Homelander's rollercoaster of emotions has finally come to a complete stop, letting him see this situation in a different light. Maybe this creature… this dog isn't out to take you away from him after all. If it can accept him without the prejudice he's experienced his whole life, it can't be all bad.
Maybe he can allow it stay with you… under his supervision.
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guillotinebypierre · 7 months
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This is a direct continuation of the last story.
3rd Person POV
Following the events of the night prior, Y/n had decided to just not go to sleep at all. Spending his night working out and drinking excessive amounts of energy drinks and coffee, he went to work with bags under his eyes and laser focus.
His job starts at 6 in the morning. Y/n was, much to the surprise of most people, the head cook in the kitchen, having worked his way up the ranks incredibly quickly due to his (sometimes) otherworldly skills, incredible adapting nature and organised way of handling things. He always starts by cleaning everything, as he believes a clean environment is key to being focussed and efficient with your work. After making sure cleanliness isn't an issue, he starts off by prepping the ingredients: cutting vegetables, seasoning everything, refilling and restocking what needs to be restocked and refilled.
The first customers normally arrive at 8 in the morning, mostly rich people, who aren't necessarily celebrities, that just want some breakfast. To him, the real work doesn't start until midday, as during that time most idols have their break and enjoy a nice meal at the restaurant. It was at this time that he started seeing familiar faces.
He was greeted by Karina and Giselle of Aespa, with whom he was really close, in addition to a few actresses that specifically requested to sit near the window that looked into the kitchen and offered the chance to talk to the cook himself.
He also saw Yeji, someone with whom he had been texting pretty much every minute following the events of the night prior. Behind her walked in a sulky figure with a black face mask and bucket hat. She had shoulder length hair, not that Y/n had needed any other indicators to help him figure out who Yeji had walked in with.
The pair had ordered their usual meals as take out, probably due to the fact that at least one of them wasn't exactly in the mood to go out of the house, having come to the restaurant only due to hopes of meeting Y/n.
Y/n, however, wasn't having any of that and excused himself to the staff room for the time being. It wasn't that he was scared, more like he had plans for the evening and he was not in the mood to get those plans tempered with. He took his phone out as he felt an all to familiar buzz coming from it, indicating that someone had sent him a message. He opened up the messages app and saw that he had multiple unread chats.
>Y/n where are you? Didn't you say you had work today?
>Look, I'm sorry for this, but Ryujin literally fought her way out of the car to join me. She hasn't taken your choice that well and is still hanging onto the idea of you forgiving her for playing with your feelings :/
Rina Noona<3
>Heyyyy Y/n~ We just arrived back at the company, thank you for the food😚
>Ning and Minjeong were really mad that we didn't take them with us but they said something about going later. Will you still be working tonight ?
>I really want to spend some time again, just the two of us you know? When do you have time, please let me know!
He wrote her a quick reply back, smiling at her message while doing so
Heyy Noona! I'm happy you enjoyed the food🫶🏼 Tell Ning and Minjeong that I'll be out today since I have a meeting in the evening but I'll be working the full shift tomorrow again and I'll gladly take their orders then. I also really miss going out with you, I'm actually free the whole next week, so just let me know what day works best for you :) Send Ning, Gi and Minjeong my best wishes, ttyl :)) <
The last message was the one he had actually intended on answering first, seeing as it was the most relevant one.
>hey Y/nn~ hope work is all right today. I can't wait to see you tonight, I missed you a lot :( Hope this can make the last few hours a bit more bearable
*1 Attachment*
The look on Y/n's face changed from confusion to a visible blush covering both his cheeks as he opened the image to find a picture of Taeyeon sitting on a chair while getting her make up done, only covered by a small towel that left little to the imagination.
He was pulled from his thoughts as one of the waitresses walked into the room and asked for his help with a dish. He hastily replied to Taeyeon before putting his phone away and getting back to work, thankfully without having to interact with neither Yeji nor Ryujin.
The day continued more or less the same for Y/n, with the restaurant picking up steam towards the evening as more and more people came in and the kitchen got more hectic. His phone continued blowing up with messages, most of them from Taeyeon who either sent him more soft nudes or sent him risky texts with the goal of making his last few hours at work, literally, harder.
He checked his clock regularly until it finally hit 6.30 in the evening and he took aside his most trusted sous chefs and gave them one last run down on how to deal with everything from nasty customers to a fire in the kitchen. He appointed two of them to cleaning the kitchen, jokingly threatening to fire them if they didn't do their job properly before making his way out to the sound of his coworkers teasing him about his 'date'.
Y/n decided to walk towards the SM building, seeing as it was only a twenty minute walk and he could use the extra steps given the fact that he didn't go to the gym that day. With music blasting through his ears and the cool weather sending pleasent shivers done his spine he walked until finally reaching his destination.
He looked around, not sure what to expect as he never asked Taeyeon what car her manager drove. He sat on a bench near the entrance and as he was about to call her, a black mercedes pulled up in front of him. His first thought was that he was being kidnapped until the windows rolled down and he saw a small but stern looking woman starring at him.
"Are you Y/nn?", she asked.
"Y/n, but yeah thats me", he replied while smiling awkwardly at her
"You're somehow more handsome than Taeyeon described, hop in.", she said while looking him up and down.
"did she just check me out?", he thought to himself while walking towards the back door and opening it.
"So manager noona where are we going?", he asked trying to ease the tension.
"Taeyeon asked me to drive you to the hotel she's staying at. The original plan was for you to go to her house but that's too far and she has rehearsals tomorrow.", she replied while looking at the road.
"Just relax, I'll tell you when we get there.", she said before closing the small opening through which they had been communicating.
--Y/n POV--
I looked out of the window for most of the ride. The beauty of Seoul never failed to amaze me. In the beginning it was quite hard for me to adapt to it, it was a completely new country after all. Learning the language was even harder, not to mention finding a place to stay. Thankfully, that recommendation by my professor and my experience working in restaurants helped me a lot with finding work and subsequently a place to stay.
These past few weeks have been a wild ride, to say the least. The more I think about last night, the more at ease I am. At the end of the day it was never meant to be, and maybe finding closure will help me find my luck with someone else. Maybe Taeyeon is that person? Would be pretty funny. I always liked older women, maybe she is the one.
I subconsciously smiled at the thought of Taeyeon as we slowly but surely made our way past the KSPO Dome, the place where the show would be held this weekend. My mind wandered towards the concert, the 'private show' Taeyeon talked about. I couldn't stop mind from going there, my pants becoming tighter by the second as I thought about what she had possibly meant by that. I checked my phone for the time. It was 7.45 in the evening. Taeyeon said she'd be finished by 8.30, meaning that I'd probably have to stay a bit on my own before I'd see her. My phone buzzed, leading my mind into thoughts about the pictures she had sent me earlier. I once again found myself thinking about-
"Hey lover boy are you going to get out or do I need to tell Taeyeon her boy toy was too mesmerised by some pictures on his pho-"
"Alright alright I'll get going, my bad manager noona", I cut her off before opening the door and getting out.
"Hey pretty boy!", she called me as I walked towards the hotel.
"Yeah?", I turned around
"We need her at full force tomorrow, please don't go too hard on her and don't hurt her with your....weapon.", she said while shifting her gaze towards my crotch.
I blushed as I turned around and walked towards the reception.
The hotel was very bougie, incredibly luxurious. I know that's rich coming from someone who works at the place I work at, but still, even for my standards this was crazy. My gaze wandered towards the decoration, asking myself how many night shifts I'd have to work extra if I were to accidentally break something here before I heard the receptionist calling me.
"Hello, how may I help you ?", she asked while smiling at me
"Hi, I'm here to see Taeyeon-noona, she said she'd have a reservation or whatever for a visitor under the name Y/n ?", I said to her while smiling.
"Can I see your ID ?", she replied while looking me up and down.
'Whats up with women today checking me out in such obvious ways'
"Here you go, this is the card to get into her suite. She really didn't do you justice with her description, you're even better looking than what she described you as. Her room is room 9, it's part of our VIP suites at the top floor.", she said as she handed me a black card with the letters 'VIP' engraved onto it.
I thanked her before making my way towards the elevator. I looked at the pad before pressing the button with the largest number on it. The elevator rose as soothing music filled my ears. My body relaxed as I now knew I didn't have anything to do except waiting for the next hour or so.
A loud *ding* took me back to reality as the golden doors of the elevator opened and revealed a fancy looking hallway, guarded by security. I gave them my card as they checked some kind of list before finding what I assume to be a message left by Taeyeon and letting me through. I walked around the hallway, taking in the red carpet, the expensive paintings and decoration before standing still in front of a large marble door with a golden nine on it. In front of the door was some kind of pillar with a touchpad on it, a small box in Korean telling me to put the card onto it to open the door. I held my card against it, the door suddenly making a clinking noise as if it were a safe.
I pushed the large door open, taking in the sight in front of me. I walked into the suite, seeing a large living room area that was larger than my own apartment. It housed a gigantic TV, an unnecessarily large couch that resembled a queen sized bed and a coffee table on which I could recognise a few od Taeyeon's favourite books and magazines. I walked a bit further and found a kitchen, made up of a stove, an oven and a fridge and freezer, a sink and lots of cabinets.
I walked over and took a look into the fridge, seeing a few ingredients sitting there.
"Did Taeyeon buy these?", I asked myself.
I continued walking around before entering the master bedroom. It looked like something straight out of porn. Heart shaped bed with a fucking pole in front of it, fluffy, cheap, pink handcuffs sitting on the drawer next to it, candles all over the room and rose petals laying all around the room. There was a box with chocolate and strawberries laying on the bed and a bottle of extremely expensive champagne and two glasses next to it.
I walked around a bit more, finding the bathroom. It was also filled with lit candles and a bubble bath full of rose petals.
As I walked out of the rooms I soon realised that the whole suite was bathed in a jasmine scent. I shook my head as I realised that literally everything in here was an aphrodisiac which made it pretty obvious what my 'private show' was going to be.
"Hello? Y/n are you here?", a tired Taeyeon shouted as she entered the suite.
She took off her sneakers, kicking them off somewhere near the entrance before dropping her bags too and walking inside.
The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the candles around the countertops, the living room area and the moonlight that was shining through the large window.
"Y/nn? Reception told me you're here, no need to act all mysterious now"
"Hey Taeng, how was work", he said as he walked past her with two plates of food and two wine glasses.
He sat the food on the table before walking over, kissing her and taking her jacket off. Y/n led her to the table before pulling the chair back and helping her sit on it.
"What's with the look, you make it seem like you've seen a ghost.", Y/n joked as he sat down.
He popped open the bottle of expensive wine he had room service bring up before filling their cups.
"Y/nn what is this?", Taeyeon said while a smile formed on her face.
"What? Don't you like it?"
"I love you- it. I love it. But what did I do to deserve this kind of treatment?"
"Well apart from releasing great music for the past, like what, decade? You've been working really hard and it doesn't take a scientist to see how stressed you are, I just wanted to do something nice to cheer you up-"
Taeyeon leaned over the table and kissed Y/n passionately.
"You really want to make sure you get that private show, huh?"
"This is all just to smitten you, noona. I could get that private show right now if I tried a little."
"You're way too cocky for your own good, Y/nn", she replied while rolling her eyes.
She turned her attention towards the food in front of her before cutting it up and eating.
"Y/nn did you cook this?"
"Of course, did you think the dirty apron was just for show?"
"Shut up I just imagined you asked room service."
"Noona be serious we both know their cooking would never in a million years be halfway as good as mine."
After eating Y/n took both plates to the sink and started washing the dishes while Taeyeon went to her room to change.
He was just finishing putting away the cutlery when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him and someones face make its way to his back.
"Are you finished?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
Taeyeon spun him around before kissing him, her arms interlocking behind his neck and pulling him down. Y/n's put his hands on her hips as the two swayed lightly.
They eventually broke off, a string of saliva connecting their mouths as she whispered against his ear
"Good, because I want some dessert"
Taeyeon dragged him off by his collar before slamming the door shut and pushing Y/n onto the bed.
Taeyeon turned around, an array of candles and incenses lit behind her , as she grabbed a remote and turned on red LED lights.
It was then that Y/n saw what she was wearing, a black see through nightgown with a matching black lingerie set underneath. It contrasted her skin and hair.
The red lights bounced off her body, highlighting her silhouette while making her every move seem sultry and sensual. Y/n could only stare in anticipation as she swayed her way towards the pole in front of him.
Taeyeon winked at him before dropping the nightgown on the floor and kicking it away. Her hands moved across her body as she started walking around the pole, her arms now grabbing it. Taeyeon suddently sank, her ass bent over towards Y/n as he could make out her labia from her see through panties.
Taeyeon continued by moving her body sensually across and around the pole, giving Y/n a show as she slowly started taking off her bra and panties, throwing them at her lover.
As her show came to an end she slowly walked over to Y/n before crawling onto the bed and taking out a blindfold.
"Settle down now", she whispered in his ear while slipping the blindfold around his head and over his eyes, "and remember, I'm the one in charge. Let your noona take care of you."
A sudden noise made Y/n jerk up involuntarily as he felt something tighten around both of his wrists, restricting his movement and tying bim to the bedpost.
"Taeng these cuffs are cheep as fuck, you know I can break these, right", Y/n said jokingly while jingling the handcuffs around his wrists.
"You can but will you want to?"
Y/n laughed but it quickly turned into a groan as he felt and heard Taeyeon rip open his shirt, throwing it aside before taking off his pants and underwear in one smooth motion.
She slid down his body, her fingers sending a pulse through him wherever she touched. It was always like this when they were together: she'd sweep in like a storm, whipping the waves into a froth as he tried to keep his head above water.
But why should he fight it? Why not drift in her wake, even if it was just for tonight?
Taeyeon pressed her lips to his stomach, leaving a trail of languid kisses further and further down, her fingers tracing lines along his thighs. Y/n shuddered, feeling himself throb as she brushed against him, and let his mind slip away.
Y/n moaned when she took him in her mouth, her movements torturously slow as she licked him along his length. He shivered, his senses in overdrive.
Taeyeon took her time in getting reacquainted with him and his body, whispering things that made his head spin and heart race. She had never had much patience when it came to sex, always eagerly getting lost in the frantic throes of passion, mostly due to her wanting to get rid of her own stress, but this time something felt different.
He held his breath as Taeyeon picked up her pace, letting him hear what she was doing to him. Y/n clenched at the sheets behind his head, careful not to break the cuffs. The wet sounds she made drove him wild, and he wasn't sure how much more he could take.
Y/n gasped, and Taeyeon took it as a cue to slow down and replace her mouth with her hands, letting him get himself under control.
"Shit, Taeyeon." Y/n let out a shaky breath, pitching his head back into the pillow and letting his body unwind. He pulsed in her hand and she made a throaty sound, leaning her weight on his chest as she raised her lips to his ear.
"You'll finish when I'm done with you," she whispered, nipping kisses down his neck and collarbone. "But until then, you'll do exactly as I say."
Y/n nodded eagerly, drinking in the warmth of her body as she pressed against him. He felt her hand slip between them, playing with herself as she told him how wet he'd made her, and what she'll be doing to him.
Y/n throbbed with need for her, returning her kisses with all the hunger he felt in his body, and Taeyeon took it all greedily.
"I want you to taste me," Taeyeon said, her breath on Y/n's ear as he melted against her. She slipped two fingers into his mouth, and he sucked at them, tasting her as she pressed into his tongue.
Y/n groaned when she slid them out, and Taeyeon laughed, "There's more where that came from, Y/nn."
She gripped his jaw lightly, straddling his torso as she lowered her breast to his mouth. Y/n took his time, sucking at her nipples and pressing with the flat of his tongue, delighting in the way that she gripped her fingers in his hair and shuddered above him. He lavished her with attention, lost in the motion of her pleasure as she squeezed her legs around him, content that she'd chosen to spend tonight with him.
Y/n breathed heavily when Taeyeon pulled herself away, her own breath shaky as she spoke.
"Are you ready to taste me again?"
"God, yes."
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, noona"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, mommy"
"Good boy"
Taeyeon climbed up to sit on his face, pressing her sweetness into his mouth and tongue. Y/n moaned into her, already lost in her heady scent and taste, her soft sounds of pleasure driving him wild.
"This is where you belong, worshipping me," said Taeyeon, running her hands through his hair, and Y/n moaned his assent.
"None of those other little whores you fuck know how to deal with you. None of them can please you like I can."
He licked and sucked, his breathing picking up pace as she ground herself into him. Y/n kept his tongue wide, letting her use his mouth however she pleased, and Taeyeon clenched her thighs tighter around him, running her fingers through his hair again before pulling off the blindfold.
Y/n watched her from below, a sense of dreamy pleasure passing across her face as she squeezed her breasts and rode him.
"You make me feel so good," she encouraged, her eyes meeting his own. "Yes, just like that."
Y/n could feel himself throbbing as she used him and took her pleasure, and he couldn't look away from her eyes as they shone with desire. He would do anything to make her feel good, to keep her feeling good, as long as she looked at him like that.
"Fuck," Taeyeon managed, her face flushed as she shuddered and climbed off him.
Her breathing came fast and shallow, and she threw her arms around Y/n as she planted kisses along his neck and mouth, tasting herself on his lips.
Her hands moved down his body before she wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and squeezed, humming excitedly.
"Did you miss me?" Y/n asked.
"You could say that," said Taeyeon, straddling his waist. She brought her face close to his, locking eyes as she slid down onto him, his breath catching in his chest as she clenched his bicep for purchase. She let out a soft moan when he bottomed out into her, and shifted her hips to adjust to his thickness.
Y/n moved inside her, tasting her lips in a blur of pleasure as they kissed. Taeyeon squeezed around him, bucking her hips as she rode him, lost in the throes of passion.
She freed his hands from the cuffs, and Y/n stroked her skin wherever he could, her smoothness a revelation to him. Taeyeon pressed into his grip, rolling her hips with him as they came together and chased their beating hearts.
Being with Taeyeon was like grabbing a live wire or a bolt of lightning and holding on for dear life. Her skin was electric, sending every bit of him tingling as they breathed together, locked in their rhythm.
Y/n slid his hands to her hips, guiding her into his thrusts as he picked up the pace, unable to wait any longer. He pressed his thumbs into her flesh and she shivered, clenching around him as she ran her fingers through his hair and over his chest.
Taeyeon wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and leaned her forehead against his, meeting his eyes. Her gaze was deep with meaning and Y/n felt as if he'd been swept away, his mind jumping to old hopes and habits as if he'd been born to it.
He lost himself in the rush, the sound of his name on her lips as his senses shivered with mounting pleasure. 
"Ruin me, Y/n," she whispered — or screamed, he couldn't tell anymore — as she came undone around him, and those three little words were nearly on his lips before he gave himself to abandon, cumming inside of her and releasing every last drop of semen he had story in his body.
Taeyeon breathed heavily, her breasts expanding on her chest as it rose and fell again, her pulse so fast that she thought her heart was about to shoot out of her. Her hair was messy, it stuck to her forehead. Her skin was glistening with sweat while her legs felt like jell-o.
Taeyeon's entire lower body felt sore and sticky, a large puddle of white liquid having formed between her legs where she had fallen asleep. She looked over and realised her tossing and turning had woken Y/n up.
"What- what time is it?", he yawned while stretching.
"It's five in the morning. I need to go to the venue in like two hours. You can continue sleeping..."
"Or you can join me in the bathtub for a bath?"
"Lead the way, Taeng."
Taeyeon slowly made her way towards the bathroom while holding Y/n's hand behind her.
"The slap still stings, by the way."
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me-"
"I know what came in you."
"Do you want to get slapped again.", Taeyeon threatened before Y/n slapped her ass.
The pair soon got into the bathtub. The water was still warm, curtesy of the jets and heater of the tub. The room was still filled with aphrodisiacs, which made it almost impossible for the two to keep their hands off each other. It didn't take long before a heavy make out session was started.
Taeyeon sat on Y/n's lap, grinding on him and making the water overflow, not that they cared about it at all. Her fingers dug into his back as he left hickeys across her body.
Things were getting heated and, unfortunately, had to be cut short.
"Y-Y/nn MHHH I think we should sTOP here."
"Why noona"
"I have to be there in a bit more than an hour and if you fuck me again right now I will definitely not be able to do the choreo properly."
"But noona-"
"No, I promise I'll make it up to you tonight. You'll even get another private show."
"Alright fine."
"Love you", she kissed him before getting out of the bathtub and getting dressed.
The week passed quickly, with Y/n working full shifts and spending the rest of the night with Taeyeon. His phone kept buzzing as a certain someone tried reaching him, but he just turned it off and asked his coworkers to call his work phone if they ever needed something.
The weekend arrived in a blur and Y/n finally saw Taeyeon's concert in person, from a VIP position. A lot of idols were present, a lot of his friends and people he'd rather not have seen.
The show was fantastic, and aside from greeting and talking to a lot of his friends, Y/n got pulled by Taeyeon into an empty staff room at the end of the show for a preview of his own private show he'd be receiving later that night.
Unbeknownst to him, however, the confrontation he had been avoiding all this time was soon going to catch up to him, forcing him into an incredibly uncomfortable situation.
*You have one missed call*
"Hello? Is this Y-Y/n? Look, I know why you hate me, and I also know why you're avoiding me but I STILL LOVE YOU Y/N.
'What is she doing, Yeji'
*the call has been disconnected*
to be continued
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sebsbarnes · 2 months
letters to a loved one || tangerine
tangerine x reader
summary: the only form of communication you and tangerine can use when he is on a mission is email, however, as the weeks and months go by, your words have been left unanswered.
warnings: angst
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is a lot different than my normal works so i hope you enjoy this different format
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aug 5th, 2022: i know it's only been two days since you left but i miss you so much already! good luck today, kick some ass!! mwah! xoxo
aug 15th, 2022: hi honey. i hope the mission went well a few days ago! even though email is the safest way we can communicate while you're gone i know you can't always respond even if you're in a safe house. i'm not too worried, i know how skilled you and lemon are. tell him i say hi! i can't wait for you to be home, you estimated you'd be back on the 17th so i have a nice dinner planned. <3 love you so so much my sweet tang!
aug 27th, 2022: hey tang, i can't lie and say i'm not a tiny bit worried but i keep telling myself you've been gone longer before with zero communication. maybe it feels different now because of how long we've been together. i miss waking up to you and grabbing our keys and heading out for the day. if you see this message me back! even if you can't fully respond i'll settle with a smiley face if i must! haha. oh by the way i still cooked that dinner i had planned for us, it came out soooo yummy. but it took so long omg! you're lucky i love you and i'm willing to spend 8 hours in the kitchen again. it will probably taste better this time since you will be by my side. love you lots!
sept 12th, 2022: i only just saw the news of the bullet train derailment in japan on august 5th. that was your mission wasn't it? you said the 5th. i'm worried more now, i can't lie, but like i tell you every day i know how skilled you are. even though i never want to wish you are in a hospital i hope that's where you are recovering with lemon by your side. when you get the chance please email me back, okay? i love you.
sept 14th, 2022: tangerine if you see this please email or call me.
sept 30th, 2022: i wish i could talk to you just once. one word so i know you are okay. i can't reach lemon either. i wake up every day hoping you will be laying next to me. please, please give me something so i know you are alright? anything. where are you tangerine? i don't want to keep crying but that's all i can do. sit here in our empty house and cry. the walls feel like they are closing in on me. i went to our favorite breakfast spot the other day and i got that really sweet older lady with the grey curly hair as my waitress. she asked where you've been. i don't know how much longer i can keep saying you are gone for work and people believe it... i no longer believe it either. i hate typing it out. i don't want to believe something awful happened but something did, didn't it? i can feel it in my body. please reach out to me, i miss you so much and i love you so so much tangerine, please.
oct 26th, 2022: i love halloween, you know that more than anyone. decorations everywhere, piles of candy, and everyone dressing up pretending to be someone else for the night. now i feel bad about how much i bugged you about this year's halloween. my friends keep telling me to come out and join them, but if i'm being honest it's hard to do anything these days. it doesn't help that they think you just left me, ghosted me i guess. but they don't know what you do for work and i can't tell them. so i have to listen to them talk shit about you and i sit there trying to convince them you aren't this evil guy who ditched me and never looked back. maybe i should listen, maybe it's easier to believe you just left me than admitting to myself you're no longer here. i'm holding out, i'm trying so fucking hard to, tan. maybe in some sick joke you will pop up on halloween dressed in some stupid costume with a mask covering your face and in some grand reveal you will pull the mask off and i'll be in your arms again. it's wishful thinking. well, i have to go now, i'm meeting with a co-worker. love you.
dec 1st, 2022: i should be waking up this morning with your arms wrapped around me nearly crushing every bone in my body. but i didn't. and i haven't since the beginning of august. is it cruel now to admit i think you are gone. i really think you are and part of me has thought this since i saw the news of the bullet train. i feel scared. i'm starting to forget the little things about you. i can't play back the sound of your laugh in my head. i can't really picture the way your eyes crinkled. it makes me feel ill. i don't want to forget the small details about you. i crave to whisper goodnight and i love you to you. i crave just for your body next to mine. in the most innocent forms i crave you, like the way you'd absentmindedly play with my hair or pull out my chair or charge my phone when i always forget. the simple things i'm missing the most. i didn't realize i had so many forms of love until you've been gone. happy anniversary, dear.
jan 17th, 2023: tangerine, i'm not sure why i opened this email account. it's been over a month since i've checked it. maybe it was because i heard your favorite song earlier and thought of you a bit more than usual these days. i secretly hoped there would be a new message but that's foolish of me.
april 7th, 2023: Dear Tangerine, I know you won't read this email, but I felt as though I needed to explain what life has been like recently. My friends no longer bring you up in conversation which I am grateful for. I had to stop visiting our favorite breakfast place, each time I went they asked about you, even as recently as three weeks ago. I will miss their egg sandwich that you recommended to me on our third date but it is better off I no longer go there. Work has been great, a bit busy, but good. I removed your picture from my desk at the beginning of the new year. I saw the way my co-workers would stare a bit too long at it, I guess seeing it reminded them how I never mentioned you anymore. Speaking of co-workers, a few emails ago I mentioned I was meeting up with one of them. We've been seeing each other a lot outside of work, I enjoy their company. I can never say this to them but when they kiss me and hug me I sometimes think it's you. That's wrong to admit especially since I think I'm developing feelings for them, but they will never see this. They are kind and treat me well which I know you would be pleased to hear. I packed up your clothes in my house and put them in a box. I couldn't keep looking at them. I cried so much that I don't think I can cry again for years to come. I would hug your shirts and jackets so much that they lost your smell. I regret that a bit. I opened the box a few days ago and it smelled like me. Almost all signs of you are gone now that the remnants of your cologne is worn off the fabric. I think I might sell the house. It's too big for a single person now. It's too quiet in here and it almost feels like someone is watching me, it doesn't feel safe. Maybe that's because you provided me with safety. I'm not doing much today, it's actually pretty early right now, maybe I'll cook that dinner I never got to cook for you. I haven't since that day. I'm realizing how silly I sound in my own head as I type these words. Maybe I'll invest in a journal soon.
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bunnydolllies016 · 4 months
Lab of the Damned
Chapter 1: Welcome Mc, to A.M.L!
(This is the first chapter of the main story of the Obey Me! Dark lab au! Be warned that future installments will include more gore and violence. The mc/reader is GN, so it'll be Obey me x Gn! reader. TW: Blood, dark themes mentioned, describes some violence.) Chp. 1 (you are here), Chp. 2(Coming soon)
"Greetings Mc!
We are sending you this letter regarding your application to work at Angel's Medicine Laboratory. We are so happy to welcome you to the A.M.L family! Please come into our main building as soon as possible through the hours of 8 A.M to 10 P.M for a tour and to sign your work contract. We'll provide you with your own living space as well so please bring your dear belongings.
We here at A.M.L. can't wait to meet you in person! We hope you'll love becoming part of our family.
Hope to see you soon,
Simeon Angel."
You couldn't believe it, even as you continued to hold the letter in your hands you couldn't believe it was real. You squealed happily and hugged the letter close to your chest, you can finally help make the world a better place! All the struggle throughout high school and a four-year college would finally be worth it. Also, you won't have to live with your parents anymore! You waste no time texting your parents the news, receiving congrats and support in a matter of minutes as you begin to pack up your more important items. Different outfits, some family photos, and anything else you held dear and wanted to keep with you. In the end, you had a backpack and gym bag full of stuff as you began to head out. By now your parents had rushed home to see you off and say their goodbyes. You got in your car and were off, it took you thirty minutes to finally reach the main building and it was around 1 P.M now. You sped-walked into the main building with your bags in hand, stopping to face the lady at the reception desk who seemed to be drawing something out, looked like some elaborate trap. You coughed to get their attention. The woman faced you, their pink rooted hair bounced a bit, and the blue in it looked like a good contrast to the pink. Their green eyes stared at you as they began to speak.
"Good Evening, Welcome to A.M.L., who are you and what do you need?" Their tone sounded slightly annoyed. 'Rude much?' you had thought to yourself.
"Hello, My name is Mc. I'm here for my tour and to sign my contract. Do I sign it here or?...." You say as you wait for their response. Instead, their neon green eyes look you up and down before they pick up their phone and dial a number. You hear them mumble your name over it before the person on the other line hangs up first.
"He'll be down here to get you and greet you shortly, please stay still and wait." They say before going back to drawing whatever they had been before you interrupted them. You decide to look at their name tag, 'Thirteen', what a weird name. Before you know it you see him, your eyes lighting up with recognition. Simeon Angel himself has come to greet you!
"Ah! You must be Mc!" He had begun to speak before a small bark sounded from his bag. You looked down at it just to be greeted by a light blonde chihuahua in a white hat. 'cute..' you thought to yourself. Simeon coughed before he chuckled. "Don't mind Luke, let's go to my office so we can get your papers signed," he says before motioning you to follow him into a nearby elevator. "Just leave your bags here, they'll be taken to your new living quarters by some fellow employees," Simeon states as he steps into the open elevator.
"Of course sir!" You say and do as told, dropping your bags in a nearby chair, and watching as they're taken by two mysterious people before you follow the slim male into the elevator. Eventually, you find yourself sitting at a desk, Simeon Angel behind the desk and in front of you. 
"Well Mc, I'm happy to congratulate you in person! I have your contract right here, please do sign it." The man says with a smile as he hands you a clipboard, your contract on it. You briefly read it, not really paying attention to the details, he definitely wouldn't be hiding anything dark in this contract, right? You sign the contract and hand it back to Simeon, who smiles at you and stamps it, confirming you signed it. Simeon speaks up as he takes Luke out of his bag to roam his office, "Thank you! You're the most perfect person for this role! Here take this." The male before you hands you a watch, it looks... weird, you put it on anyway, and once on your wrist, it locked around it. "Don't worry about that! It's just waterproof." Simeon says, his smile still kind and bright as he stands up and motions you to follow. He leads you out of his office, leaving Luke in it as he takes you to go get your uniform and badge. You take the bag containing your clothes and ID, smiling at Simeon before you speak up,
"Thank you, sir!" You begin with a soft smile, "Which part of the lab will I be working?" You miss it but a dark look crosses Simeon's face as he softly smirks.
"I'll take you down there now!" Simeon responds as he motions you to follow again. As you walk with him, you notice he's taking you to a darker part of the building, it somewhat looks hardly used. He stops you at an elevator and digs out a badge, using it to call the elevator. "Your department is top secret, as stated in your contract you can not talk about this work with anyone at all, we'll know if you do." He says, his voice having a somewhat dark undertone despite the soft smile on his face. "Now come along, the tour begins now!" Simeon states as the elevator door opens and he steps inside, you waste no time in following him.
You feel nervous the lower the elevator goes and decide to speak up, "So, why is the department I'm in on such a low floor?" You ask nervously with a small smile, trying to think of what kind of work you could be doing down here. You jump as the elevator stops with a thunk, not expecting the elevator to sound like, especially when the rest of the building is so modern and well-built.
"Well Mc, you will be a caretaker of sorts for our... subjects... I know it won't be too much for you to handle! They're sure to love you..." Simeon says as the dark look on his face is still present, but he still is smiling. You raise a brow, didn't A.M.L claim to not use animals as product and medicine testers? "This is the entrance hall, where you'll use your watch against that machine to clock in." He speaks softly as he points to a machine in front of the both of you. He walks forward and expects you to follow of course. Your eyes widened as you entered the next area; It was a long hallway of some sort, different testing chambers on either side. As you walk beside Simeon you aren't listening as he speaks about each room. Your heart is full of fear and dread as you see what, no, who they are testing on. In the testing room, before you stands a man with white hair in a lab coat, a sinister and sadistic look on his face as he uses a cattle prod to poke and taze a much taller man with black hair, his red eyes showing displeasure and disgust for the man prodding at him, he doesn't even flinch as he is tazed, no spasming or reaction at all came from him, his clothes were disheveled from the prodding though. That wasn't the weirdest part of the man, no it was the very pointy ears, the black horns coming from his head and the four wings coming from his back, all pitch black and some feathers clearly missing, whether it be from this kind of abuse or stress you can't tell.
"W-what the fuck?" You stuttered out as you stepped away from the glass on the testing chamber, not seeing the amused expression Simeon flashed your way.
"That is one of the nine subjects you will be looking after! His name is Lucifer, he is one of the best "demons" we have!" Simeon states as if he is just talking about the weather and not a fully grown man he's having his employees test on.
You stare at the dark-skinned male before you, a look of shock and fear across your face as you speak up in a confused but fearful voice, "Nine? Demons? Huh?" Just as you were about to continue before loud crashing, low growls, and yelling interrupted you; they came from down the hallway. Looking over revealed more "demons", specifically two certain ones fighting. One was a dark-tanned male, with slightly pointed ears, a full head of white hair, and blue eyes that had a golden-yellow gradient. He has horns that look somewhat like spirals atop his head, large bat-like wings come from his back and they flap violently. He's on top of the other male, throwing punches as different scientists try to pry him off the man below him. The male below him has pale skin, and what seems to be scales on it in certain places, he, like the two before him, has pointed ears, but his seemed to have two different pointed ends, somewhat like fish fins. His hair is a blueish-purple color and his eyes are a glowing orange with a purple gradient, the whites of his eyes seem to be a slight grey color. His horns look like coral and are a black color but have a hint of blue to them, he also seems to have a long lizard-like tail.
"Ah, Mammon and Leviathan are at it again. We'll have to punish them...again..." Simeon says, his tone showing distaste but amusement at the chaos around him as he ignores your comment. A door behind you opens and you turn to check it out, you are horrified at the man who stood behind you. He had to be about 7'5 in height alone, he was so muscular and well-built, with a muzzle around his mouth and his hands cuffed in front of him as he looked down at you with interest; he was sniffing you through the muzzle. His hair is a bright orange, his ears pointed but droopy, and he has purple eyes that seem to fade into magenta and then red, one of the whites of his eyes isn't white, but rather an inky black color. Scars litter across his body, along with weird black markings, he has black horns that curve and almost crown his head, fly-like wings coming from his back buzz softly as he continues to stare down at you. "Beelzebub! Now, Now, stop drooling into your muzzle at your new caretaker's scent! Mc this is Beelzebub, Beelzebub this is Mc, your new caretaker!" Simeon says to the towering male standing before them, who looks at Simeon with a somewhat blank expression, you can see some fear and pain in his purple eyes as he stares at Simeon.
"Wait a damn minute please!" You cry out to Simeon, finally catching his attention, and now Beelzebub, who watches you closely but with clear hesitance. "I can't possibly work here after seeing all of this! This is s-so.. so.. fucked up!" You said as you took several steps away from Simeon.
Simeon stopped smiling, his expression dark and serious as he spoke, "You don't have a choice, you signed a two-year contract with us. You're stuck here...unless you'd rather face certain consequences for trying to go against your contract." As he spoke the watch around your wrist tightened and its screen flashed red. By the look on Simeon's face, you knew the consequence of going against him would either be death or the same fate as the subjects you'll be in charge of.
"B-but- I-" You tried to protest but Simeon put a finger to your lips to hush you, a sinister smile on his own lips.
"Shhh, Mc. You already signed away your life to me." Simeon began to speak softly, but his eyes showed sadistic amusement at your internal conflict about all of this. "If this really had bothered you..." Simeon begins again, Beelzebub looks at you sadly and with pity as a guard begins to walk him back to his containment chamber, he can tell you're a good person who just got caught up in a bad situation, he can only hope you stay a good person in here. "Then you should have read the fine print." Simeon finished speaking with a cold smile as he looked down at you. Dread filled you completely, these two years weren't going to end well.
"Welcome to A.M.L, Mc. I can't wait to see all the good work you'll do."
(Well I'm not sure when I'll be able to work on chapter 2, I just started my psychology class, so I'll try my best to work on it when I can. Hope you enjoyed it! This is also posted on my AO3 account and shouldn't be anywhere else but here and there.)
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heavyhitterheaux · 9 months
"Jackman, you better not be jealous"
Hiii Snow bear!!
You were rushing to finish getting ready for your girls night when you heard the front door open.
As of right now, your hair was still pinned up in curls, you had on one eyelash and you were struggling to put the other one on when you heard Jack’s footsteps enter your bedroom.
"Hi boo bear!" You exclaimed while throwing your makeup brush down so that you could greet him properly.
"Hi baby. Where are you off to? I thought you were staying in with me tonight?"
"It's Friday, smush."
"Remember I told you on Monday that me, B, and Jess were going out?"
Jack immediately got a pout on his face because he hadn't seen you all day.
"But I only saw you before I left this morning. I thought we were doing movie night."
"Baby, it's just for tonight and then you can have me all weekend. I promise." You said while reaching up to kiss him.
All Jack did was sit on the bed as you continued to get ready and continued to pout and play on his phone.
"Baby?" You got his attention when you sat on his lap and he put his phone down next to him.
"I won't be long, okay? I missed you too and want to spend time with you."
"You won't be long you say? With the hot chips and bad decisions crew?"
"Jackman, you better not be jealous."
"So what if I am? I want my wife."
"They can have me for a few hours."
"Okay, okay. I know you can't spend every second of your life with me even though you should, so go have fun."
"Have the movie ready when I get back."
"Mm hmm."
"Yes, wife?"
"Look at me."
When Jack looked up, you were in front of him and simply took his face in your hands and gave him several kisses.
"I love you more than anything else in this world. You got that?" You said while then kissing his nose.
"More than Birkins?"
"I…. Sweetheart know your limits."
"I'll be back soon."
"Soon to you is 1 AM but I guess."
It was barely 11 PM when Jack heard the front door open and flew down the steps to be met with Urban and Sunni holding White Castle bags.
"Oh. It's just you two."
"Well damn, that's the greeting I get when I bought you food?" Urban said as he held up the bag.
"Ehhh I just want my wife." Jack whined and Urban rolled his eyes.
"Simp. But where is she?"
"With the hot chips and bad decisions crew."
"I… still can't believe you call them that."
The three of them then heard the door again and you walked in to Jack giving you a bone crushing hug and kissing you all over your face.
"I missed you too, smush." You said while laughing.
"Dude, she was barely gone for three hours." Sunni said and Jack rolled his eyes.
"Your point?"
"Oh, Y/N I got enough food for you too."
"I won't need mine." Jack said as he was holding you up.
"My face is about to be between her thighs and that's all the meal that I need."
"As usual. Nasty asses." Urban said while shaking his head.
"Then hurry up and take me upstairs."
"As you wish, baby."
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liightsout · 4 months
the blue - part eleven
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✯ summary: an accidental soft launch ✯
✯ pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!oc ✯
✯ content warnings: none ✯
✯ now playing: dive - holly humberstone✯
✯ series masterlist ✯
mattieryan just posted on their story
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Seen by landonorris, adamjames22 and 76 others
landonorris replied to your story - ok soft launch !!!
adamjames22 replied to your story - I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS LANDO OWES ME A TENNER!
danielricciardo posted on their close friends story
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Seen by maxverstappen1, scottyjames31 and 23 others
maxverstappen1 replied to your story - call me right now!!
scottyjames31 - double date when?
gracericciardo - so happy for you Daniel
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Liked by danielricciardo, adamjames22 and 89 others
mattieryan word on the street is
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adamjames22 i never thought i'd have to suffer through you soft launching a boyfriend like this 😩
↳ mattieryan sorry not sorry
↳ landonorris how single do you feel from 1 to 10 adam? i'm at an 8 😖
↳ adamjames22 defintely a 10 i've had to deal with them at the flat for the last 24 hours 😒
↳ landonorris sending thoughts and prayers to you 🙏🏻
↳ mattieryan ur both annoying. adam we said u could build lego with us and u literally cheered???
↳ adamjames22 i'm bored pls don't take back the invite ☹️
danielricciardo 🤍
↳ mattieryan 🤍
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 753 others
adamjames22 thank you to mattie for letting me crash her date
tagged mattieryan
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mattieryan you're terrible at building lego, how do you have a degree in engineering? i think mclaren hired the wrong guy 🤷🏻‍♀️
↳ adamjames22 why u trying to get me fired? 😳
↳ mclaren no comment 🤐
↳ user1 not mclaren commenting on this post 💀
↳ user2 she won't be laughing when her free ride runs out and she has to pay her own rent lol
user3 this is such a cute date idea!
user4 wait... i'm confused... is this adam soft launching mattie?
↳ user3 nooooo! by the sounds of things mattie was on a date and they let adam join, which is sweet of her!
↳ user4 thanks for clarifying! must be someone they both know if it's not awkward for him to crash their date? 🧐
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Liked by maxverstappen1, sebastianvettel and 486, 324 others
danielricciardo first race done and back home to build some lego
mclaren great first race DR3!!! 🧡
landonorris nice photo of you, whoever took it must be really talented 😏
↳ danielricciardo he's a good photographer, alright driver i guess
↳ landonorris ffs
user1 his smile!!!!! he's so pretty
user2 he’s so cute! 🥰
user3 UH GUYS! i don't mean to alarm anyone but didn't adamjames22 post that he was crashing his friend mattie's LEGO date???? 🚨‼️
↳ user2 oh shit you're right 😮
↳ user4 i knew she had to be dating one of them!! not sure how i feel about it being danny though...
user5 do you think they meant to soft launch like this or was it an accident? lol
↳ i wonder what f1paddockgossip thinks of all this? 🤨
f1paddockgossip check out our new post for the latest danny ric content girlies! 🤭
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Liked by user1, landonorris and 11, 242 others
f1paddockgossip Big news for all the DR3 girlies! Our man is spoken for! If you saw our posts from last week you know there was speculation that the Aussie was dating long time friend of Mclaren engineer adamjames22. Well it appears the rumours are true - Danny Ric is dating mattieryan ! The pair have been soft launching on their private Insta's, but have accidentaly outed themselves via some clumsy posts on Instagram by Ricciardo and James. These photos were sent to us by a source close to the pair. We don't have much info on them as a couple, or on Mattie in general but we'll let you know as and when they do. What are your thoughts?? xoxo
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user1 I can't believe f1paddockgossip was right
user2 the fact that they accidentally soft launched is the funniest thing 💀💀💀
user3 lol what a slut, jumped on the biggest paycheck she saw, would have been Lando if DR hadn't of signed to Mclaren 🤢🤢
user4 they seem so cute together!! the fact that they included Adam in their date so he didn't feel left out is adorable 🥺
↳ user3 they literally all posted it on to a public platform? what did they think was going to happen?
↳ user5 i meant - someone sharing photos posted from mattie's private account to gossip sites is an invasion of privacy, and accounts like this speculating on it are even worse !!
Lked by danielricciardo, adamjames22 and 832 others
user6 pls why did landonorris like this post 💀💀
↳ landonorris it was an accident 😣
user7 omg guys mattieryan took her account off private !!! 🚨🚨
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Liked by adamjames22, maxverstappen1 and 12, 432 others
tagged danielricciardo
mattieryan since you’re all asking
landonorris oh thank god i thought i was going to have to keep this a secret for ages 😅😅
adamjames22 can't believe my best friend is dating an aussie red bull driver and that it isn't mark webber, 14 year old mattie would be so dissapointed in herself
↳ danielricciardo thanks mate 🙄
↳ adamjames22 happy for you guys really
↳ danielricciardo that’s better 😊
danielricciardo 🤍
↳ mattieryan 🤍
user1 i am going to CRY look how happy and smiley he is with her
user2 power move for them to hard launch and her to take her insta off private to stop people sharing stuff without their permission tbh
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Liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 634, 423 others.
danielricciardo heart eyes emoji
maxverstappen1 Kelly and I are so happy for you mate
↳ danielricciardo thanks buddy 🙏🏻
scottyjames31 can't wait to meet her!!
↳ danielricciardo i'm dreading it already 🙃
gracericciardo beautiful girl!
↳ danielricciardo thanks ma 😇
mattieryan 🤍
↳ danielricciardo 🤍
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✯ authors note: this is quite a long social media chapter - hope it's ok and easy to follow!!
next update won’t be for a lil while cus i’m back to work for the next 6 days ☹️☹️
the new dts trailer is living rent free in my brain - CH saying that danny would have been next to max on the grid is like music to my ears - RICBULL 2025!!! ✯
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