#can azuki-tan drink?
misc-obeyme · 7 months
Once again, I got to choose the prompt this time! I chose "hot chocolate" from my autumn themed back up list 'cause it sounded so cozy lol. I really wanted to write a scene with Levi that was set somewhere other than his room or MC's room, so this is what I ended up with. Just a short but sweet lil scene. Also I definitely made up some details I'm sure you'll be able to tell immediately which ones lol.
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: none!
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You stood just inside the door to the House of Lamentation, wrapping a purple scarf around Levi's neck. He frowned at you, clearly not at all pleased with how the situation was going.
"I don't see why we have to go to a cafe for hot chocolate when we can make some here," he grumbled as you tucked the scarf into his jacket.
"Don't you think it'll be nice to get out of the house for a bit?" you asked, smiling happily.
Levi shuddered. "I'm an otaku, MC! Why would you ever think I would like getting out of the house?"
You laughed, completely unbothered by his complaints. "It's a good excuse to wear this adorable scarf of yours. You hardly ever wear it and it looks so good on you!"
Levi groaned. "Why do I have to wear it anyway? You sound like Asmo."
"You have to wear it because it's cold outside," you said.
"Just another reason to stay home!" Levi declared, tugging on the scarf like he was going to unwrap it.
You grabbed his hand, which distracted him and made him blush. "Come on, let's go!"
You pulled him out of the front door, down to the street. You kept your hand clasped in his, threading your fingers together. You were rewarded by the deepening color of the blush on his cheeks.
Levi mostly stopped protesting now that you were already outside. He let you lead him down the street, holding onto your hand like a lifeline.
When you finally reached the cafe you had in mind, you were pleased to see that there wasn't much of a line. You felt Levi squeeze your hand hard. You smiled at him, pulling him close as you went inside and got in line.
You pulled Levi along as you got to the counter. "Three Ruri-chan special hot chocolates, please," you said to the demon taking orders.
Levi looked from you to the barista and back again. "What?"
The barista simply nodded, took your money and name, and told you it would be out soon.
You tugged Levi over to a table and sat down. You didn't want to let go of him, so you just held his hand across the table.
"I'm surprised you didn't already know about it," you said to Levi, grinning happily at him. "This cafe is doing a collaboration with the studio that makes Hana Ruri. They got the recipe for the hot chocolate they show in episode 15 of season 8."
Levi tugged down on his scarf so he could speak more freely. "The hot chocolate that Ruri-chan and Azuki-tan drink after they defeated the snowman from space?!"
You laughed, but before you could respond, the barista called your name. You let go of Levi's hand, patting it before getting up to grab the drinks.
You came back shortly, putting the drinks on the table.
Levi exclaimed excitedly. "These mugs!"
"They're limited edition souvenir mugs," you said. "You get to keep them."
Levi looked up at you, his eyes a little teary. "So that's why you ordered three."
"One to keep, one to display, and one to use," you said.
Levi put his hands over his face in an attempt to hide his blush. "M-MC… why didn't you tell me this was why you wanted to come here?"
You reached across the table to pull one of his hands away. "I wanted it to be a surprise! Now hurry up and drink some of this before it gets cold!"
Levi picked up one of the mugs, reluctantly letting go of your hand to do so, and sipped at the chocolatey liquid. You were thrilled to see the smile spread across his face as he closed his eyes happily. "Just imagine. This is what Ruri-chan experienced after the harrowing battle with the space snowman…"
You took one of the mugs and sipped your own. The hot chocolate was actually really good. By then it had cooled off enough that it was the perfect temperature, a delicious sweetness that filled you with warmth. Even so, it wasn't as sweet as the emotions you saw in Levi's eyes when he finally opened them again.
"Thank you, MC," he said quietly, a shy smile on his face now.
You smiled. "I'm just happy you're enjoying it. I guess it was worth leaving the house for, huh?"
Levi groaned and put down his mug. "I'll never complain about leaving the house with you again!"
You laughed.
Later on, when you had walked home with a little bag that carried the souvenir mugs, the two of you washed them carefully.
You were about to leave one in the kitchen and bring the other two upstairs, but Levi took one of them out of your hands. He placed it on the shelf next to the one he was going to be using.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
Levi blushed. "That one is yours." He lifted the one in his hand. "I can display this one."
You cocked your head. "But-"
"I would just pack it away anyway," Levi interrupted you before you could protest. "I'd rather you use it."
You smiled, reaching out to grab his jacket and tug him closer to you. You leaned in to kiss him and his arms circled around you, one hand still holding on to the third mug.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname @libidinous-weeb
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avatar-saiki · 1 year
Levi's Morning Routine
*Short Fic inspired by: Morning Routine (indented sections are texts)
He woke up and climbed out of the tub, yawning the aches and pains of another late night gaming session. Stupid noobs ruining the game. Why did so many plebs think they could play competitive when they barely knew the rules? And who the hell plays tank if they couldn’t find the sense to LOOK AROUND at the other team shooting them in the back of the head??
There was only so much he could do. He hated playing team based games for this very reason. 
He walked over to Henry’s tank, greeting him good morning and pushed the button on the wall to dispense Devifish food flakes. Henry zoomed to the water’s surface, eagerly devouring every morsel.  It must be so nice to have food fall from above. Henry never had to leave his tank or brave the real world and all its cruelties for a refill.  Ah well, at least with the powers of Akuzon and priority shipping he barely had to leave either. He left Henry to enjoy his breakfast and grabbed a Ruri-Chan branded energy drink from his mini fridge before settling down at his computer to check his favorite fan sites and forums. None of his alerts for new merch went off during the night, and that was a little disappointing but at least he didn’t miss anything. He cracked open the can and took a sip, logging into his servers and rolling his eyes.  Kick. Kick. Ban for three days. Ban for life. Kick. Mute. 
“So many idiots lately,” he muttered into the can, wrinkling his nose as he scrolled through an argument he’d missed while sleeping. He-
“Did they even read chapter 347 or are they too stupid to grasp that Ruri-Chan had to leave Azuki-tan behind or else they’d both be screwed?? Obviously she’ll return to save them!”
He started typing without reading the rest, then thought better of it and deleted it. He didn’t need morons like this in his server. 
Just kick them both.
  He glanced at the clock, somewhere around 6 AM, his family still long asleep. Alright, then. 
He laced his fingers and stretched his wrists. Time to make some noobs cry.  Hours passed and Lucifer knocked on the door, scaring him half to death just to remind him breakfast was ready. He scoffed and reached for another energy drink. No way in hell was he giving up now, he was in the zone. 
That was, at least, until his DDD rang.  His DDD almost never rang anymore, he’d muted so many notifications. Except for…
Good morning, Levi!
His heart fluttered and he felt his cheeks warm. 
Every morning.
You always sent him a message. 
Every morning. 
Morning. Will you be at breakfast today? I saved you a seat! Yeah I just need to finish a game real quick and then I’ll be down. Awesome! See you in a bit!  
He felt himself smile, staring at your chat icon. Sounded like you were pretty excited to see him today….
The timeout alert blared, kicking him from the game for inactivity and he groaned.  “When did I become such a normie?”
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flyingspicerack · 11 months
Random Mao Questions!
Have you ever just wanted to know more about my s/i Mao? No? TOO BAD! Under the cut are just a random amalgam of questions, answered about Mao from this OC questions generator!
What is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink? OK so Mao tries not to drink all that much because when they DO, they get carried away so they've tried to stay away from it. They like the sweet fruity stuff tho. (I know however when i was in japan i drank little canned sangria that was only like 3% alcohol and can see them liking to drink those!!)
Does your oc get a nice tan in the sun or do they burn easily? Yeah, I think Mao gets a little tan when they're in the sun, but they're not out in the sun often, or try not to be, tooooo hot. BUT YES.
What is your oc’s favorite color? Does this color have any special meaning to them? Mao's favorite color is is like a periwinkle blue (same as their sweater and also my fav color) They just like how it looks, no special reason.
Is your oc allergic to anything? Do they have an intolerance? Mmmmm I don't think so... not an allergy at least... I'm personally lactose intolerant and it would make sense if they were too... but I don't want to torture them like that... If anything, maybeeee... actually, you know what? I think red bean/azuki makes their mouth a little tingly, not enough to warrant a TRUE allergic reaction, but they just think its normal for it to make ur mouth a little bit numb
Does your oc prefer to sit around and chill or be up and moving, doing something? Mao is VERY sedentary. They love to be SITTING and SEATED!!!!!
Does your oc like milk? They like milk! Especially strawberry milk!!!!!!! They also like soy milk too and drink it out of those little boxes!!
What are your oc's eating habits like? Oh Mao is a MESS! They make crumbs out of food that physically cant create crumbs. They get shit and sauce on their face all the time, not matter how neatly they try to eat theres always a LITTLE bit of mess, but more often than not, its kinda sizeable. They also, unfortunately, have some disordered eating in that they don't particularly mean to, but binge eat. They end up doing the whole like, only light snacking during the days they're working and when they go home just gorge themself.... Wehhhhh
What motivates your oc in their job? THE KITTIES!! Oh of course it's the kitties, they want all of them to get adopted so so bad <3
What does your oc do when they can’t fall asleep? Mmmm... Depends on WHY they cant fall asleep. If it's cause theyre scared or paranoid, they'll get fresh air or go on a walk, if it's just restlessness, they'll just stay up until they cant keep their eyes open anymore... maybe charge their jo crystal idk
What is your oc’s favorite season? Winter, hands down. They love the cold, the snow, bundling up, the snow, winter seasonal foods, the snow <3
Does your oc notice it when others are lying to them? Usually. One thing Mao is very perceptive of is changes in people's moods and behaviors as they're happening, so I think they can typically tell when a lie is being told.
What is your oc's go-to ice cream flavor? Mao doesn't go for one flavor all the time, they like to try the weird or uncommon ones, so it's always something different, truly.
What does home mean to your oc? Is it a place or people? Home is a person, or people to them, an arbitrary feeling and not a place. That being said, they've been feeling homeless for quite some time now </3
What are some places your oc really wants to visit one day, but hasn’t had the chance to do so yet? I think Mao would like to visit Hawaii maybe? Or somewhere in the continental US just to say they did? But they don't really have a desire to travel, i don't think.
How does your oc take their coffee? They prefer tea over coffee, but if they have to have coffee, it'll be with a fair amount of cream and sweetener, usually some type of flavor shot i think... PROBABLY A LATTE
Is your oc more dominant or submissive in bed? Ok... so Mao is naturally more submissive but is also a virgin, so like... has never done anything before so they would 100% be willing to try anything... SO when Mao and Ichi eventually DO get saucy together, it'll end up more of a 70/30 split of Mao being more sub vs dom with him >3
Who is your oc's faceclaim? M.... me.... as of right now i guess....
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snowcandyz · 2 years
Big Brother Mammon Taking Care of His Sick Family
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Genre: Fluff
TW: Contains medicine and sickness
Inspired by Lesson 43
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Mammon stretched his arms and legs after rolling off from his bed. Yawning once again, he eyed the tiny clock on his wall. It’s 9 in the morning, yet he didn’t hear any sound coming from downstairs.
No big deal, he thought. After all, Mammon was always one of the first to wake up in the morning.
But it’s weird.
Because it’s 9.
And that’s really late.
Levi should’ve finished cooking—or at least, started cooking—breakfast since Beel’s hunger would’ve cost the whole house if they’re not careful.
Scratching the back of his neck, Mammon made his way out to the hallway to find it’s still dark and not lit up like usual.
‘Lucifer’s waking up late too?’ 
Now, that’s weird.
And with that in mind, Mammon made his way to one of his brother’s rooms; only to find all of them were down with fever.
Mammon heaved a heavy sigh at the revelation. Looks like today will be a very busy day for him.
The type to hide his sickness. If he could still stand up and work, he’ll do exactly just that and won’t mind his fever/cold at all.
The type to sleep a lot when sick.
Mammon would have to wake him up from his sleep just to get him to eat and take his medicine.
Although, most of the time, what Mammon would get is only groans and mumbles.
“Ya have to eat Lucifer!”
“No… I don’t have any appetite…”
To solve this, Mammon would have to cook something soft, like a porridge or congee.
Usually, Lucifer would be the one to cook congee for the family whenever they’re sick.
But this time, Mammon had to try. Of course his cooking wasn’t as delicious as Lucifer’s, but the eldest appreciated it so much.
If Lucifer’s too sick, he’ll be very vulnerable.
Mammon can sometimes ask him stupid questions or steal Lucifer’s credit card.
Although he’d have to face the consequences once Lucifer recovered from his sickness.
Time taken to recover: At most a day.
He rarely showed his sick side to Mammon, in fear the latter would use it to blackmail him.
But on rare occasions that he’ll actually let Mammon take care of him, he’s gonna be the little brother who demands attention 25/8
The type who whines a lot when sick.
Wants comfort all the time
“*sniffle* I feel so sick… *sniffle*”
“Well, ya just have to rest. Here’s your Azuki-tan plushie. And I’ve put some water beside your bed tub. Call me when ya need more water or anythin’ else.”
“No! Not this plushie, Mammon! I need the one on my desk… The tiny tiny plushie…”
Mammon would have to be very patient with him.
Of course, once he recovered from his fever, he didn’t actually remember what he did or said to Mammon, so he’s back to his usual bitter self whenever Mammon’s nearby.
Time taken to recover: Around a day or two.
Although Satan claimed he’s the 'mature’ one out of all, he’s surprisingly really whiny when sick.
“Mammon… It’s too hot…”
“Alright, I’ll adjust the temperature for ya.”
“No… now it’s too cold…”
“Ya want a thicker blanket?”
“No no… It’ll get even hotter…”
Let’s all give some hugs to this older brother…
Fortunately, aside from his constant complaining, Satan’s quite easy to take care of.
He’ll eat his food and drink his water in time. He also didn’t complain much when Mammon gave him his medicine.
Although, after he recovered, he will do anything to prevent Mammon from saying a word about his whiny attitude.
Time taken to recover: Around a day or two.
Like Levi, Asmo also wants comfort 24/7.
Will literally cry if Mammon didn’t pat him to sleep.
“No no, don’t go yet.” Asmo cried.
“Come on, Asmo! I need to check on Belphie next!”
“No! Come back here…”
The only chance Mammon can leave the room is when he’s finally asleep.
But listens well if Mammon told him to do something.
Will eat his food and take his medicine obediently.
Although Mammon will have to spoon-feed him. On the excuse that he’s too sick to eat on his own.
Doesn’t remember what happened when he fell sick, so every time Mammon tried blackmailing him, he’d deny it ever happened.
Time taken to recover: Around one to three days.
Sleeps a lot 2.0
Surprisingly doesn’t want to eat anything when sick.
So this made Mammon scared.
“Are ya really Beel? What happened to my baby brother who loves all this food?!”
“Mammon, not now. I don’t feel so good.” Beel buried himself deeper into his thick blanket.
But eating is important for recovery so Mammon had to spoon-feed him some porridge before giving him his medicine.
He won’t demand a lot of attention, so Mammon is safe for this one.
Won’t actually remember what happened during his sick days.
But even if he could, he didn’t really say anything embarrassing so everything’s fine with Beely~
Time taken to recover: At most one day. Will spring back up in no time.
The absolute baby of the family.
Sleeps a lot 3.0
But also wants comfort 24/7.
Unlike Asmo who lets Mammon go do his other work while he’s asleep, Belphie somehow always wakes up as soon as Mammon leaves the room.
Will whine and ask Mammon to come back.
Will ask Mammon to pet him on his head until he falls asleep again.
Rinse and repeat.
Seriously, huge respect to Mammon for this one.
He’s also one of the demons who won’t remember much of what had happened during his sick days.
Time taken to recover: At most three days.
“Seriously, what’s wrong with these guys? It’s just a fever! Drama queens!” Mammon clicked his tongue in annoyance.
His entire body was aching and demanding for him to take a rest after these tiring errands of his.
“Wait, I haven’t checked on Beel, yet… And Lucifer too…” Mammon mumbled.
Although as soon as he said that, a weak yell came from his youngest brother’s room.
Quick to his feet, Mammon sprinted to the shared twin’s room. Belphie was whining for Mammon to pet him on his head.
“I thought ya needed some water or somethin’.” Mammon sighed defeatedly. He then sat beside Belphie’s bed and continued stroking the Sloth’s fluffy hair.
After making sure Belphie was in deep sleep, Mammon checked on Beel. The sixth born was frowning in his sleep so Mammon adjusted his blanket and replaced the wet cloth on his forehead. He eyed the empty glass on Beel’s bedside table and smiled.
Quietly, Mammon left the twin’s room and made sure the youngest didn’t wake up from the creaking door noise.
He then made his way to Satan’s room since it was closest to the twins and peeked inside. He was met with the sight of the fourth born reading a book.
“I’m bored, okay?”
“Give me that!” Mammon confiscated the book and told Satan to lay back down, “Let me read 'em to you instead. Ya just need to lay down and rest.”
If it’s the usual days, Satan would’ve mocked his older brother; saying stuff like, “I didn’t know you can read too,” or “And here I thought you never touched a book in your life.”
But the Satan at the moment only obliged obediently and eyed Mammon with excitement. After all, it has been a long time since Mammon read him a bedtime story.
Perhaps Mammon felt it too; the melancholic vibe in the air. But knowing him, no way would he cry in front of his brother. So Mammon read the book as best as he could.
Within a few minutes, Satan was fast asleep again. Mammon glanced at his brother and properly tucked his blanket. He also adjusted the wet cloth on Satan’s forehead before leaving Satan’s room, closing the door behind him.
Next is Asmo’s room. He had actually checked on Asmo earlier so Mammon expected the fifth born to be resting as he should. And sure enough, he was. Mammon had also lighted up a scented candle to help Asmo rest better.
No frowns, no mumbles. Only silence in Asmo’s room.
After making sure his brother had taken his medicine, Mammon made his way to Leviathan’s room. He was most worried about the Avatar of Envy actually since he didn’t know how comfortable Levi would be inside his bedtub.
He always teased Levi to buy a more comfortable bed but the latter insisted on sleeping in the bathtub. Mammon really didn’t know what was wrong with this brother of his.
As soon as he entered Levi’s room, Levi let out a cry, “Mammon… My Ruri-chan pillow… Where’s my Ruri-chan pillow?”
“I put it somewhere else since she’s hoggin’ yer whole bed.”
“No… I want Ruri-chan!” Levi whined once again.
Mammon could only let out a sigh before grabbing the body pillow from the floor near to where he’s standing. As soon as he handed the pillow to the purple-haired, the latter hugged it closely.
“Have ya eaten your food?”
Levi nodded.
Levi went silent.
“I don’t wanna…” Levi shook his head and hid his face on his pillow.
Mammon narrowed his eyes in annoyance. He then shoved the medicine he just bought into Levi’s hand, “Eat it and then sleep. Ya need rest.”
Levi kept shaking his head.
“If ya ain’t fine by tomorrow, what’s gonna happen to the limited edition plastic model kits that you’ve been dying to buy since last year? Ya just gonna let it slide? So no plastic model kit for this year either?”
Levi’s breath hitched inside his throat before he reluctantly took the pills Mammon gave him.
The third-born then made a disgusted face as he commented, “It’s bitter.”
“Ya know, after all these years, ya still can’t take yer medicine like an adult, huh? Even Belphie ate his just fine,” Mammon teased.
This only earned him a glare from Levi before he laid back down on his bedtub.
Mammon dimmed the light in Levi’s room and glanced over his brother one last time before shutting the door behind him.
The last destination is Lucifer’s but since his older brother didn’t complain much, Mammon could only guess that Lucifer won’t be needing anything from him.
And sure enough, the eldest was still fast asleep in his room.
Mammon decided to flop down to the couch in Lucifer’s bedroom. His eyelids were demanding themselves to shut and all the muscles in his body were aching after assisting all of his brothers to change their sweat-drenched PJs to another comfortable clothing.
Even his stomach was rumbling, asking attention from its owner to at least eat something. But all of the signals were ignored by Mammon as he let himself take a few minutes nap before one of his brothers could disturb the peace.
Although, he was asleep for about a few hours instead of ‘a few minutes’.
And the first one to wake up wasn’t him, but Lucifer.
He slowly sat up from his bed, only to find Mammon sleeping on his couch. Puzzled, he then remembered that Mammon took care of the whole family for that day.
Lucifer then checked the time. It was half-past 6 in the evening.
The second-born must’ve been very tired.
He smiled a little before getting off his bed. He grabbed another blanket from his closet. It wasn’t thick enough but it was doable to prevent the Avatar of Greed from getting cold.
He then draped the blanket over Mammon’s body and made his way out to the hallway to check on his respective siblings.
Feeling a bit refreshed, Lucifer mentally noted to take a shower before cooking something for his family.
It’s time to make his special congee that the brothers love to eat; especially when they’re sick.
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jessamine-rose · 3 years
♡ Let’s Make a Mug Together ♡
The wholesome, romantic activity of making a mug together…..but with the whole cast bc what is Obey Me! if not chaos and everyone fighting over Mc?? Fufufu~ I’m not very confident in writing for Obey Me! but I wanted to flesh out this idea I’ve had for our beloved demon brothers and side characters!! I hope I gave them justice  ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Spoiler warnings:: Main Story lore up to Season 3 in Belphegor, Simeon, Luke, and Solomon’s parts
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♡ Lucifer’s mug is simple but elegant. He goes for a classic, practical shape painted in shades of black and grey, with either deep blue or brilliant red accents for a pop of color. If you compliment his mug, he will respond with his classic smirk and a hand over his chest. “It’s just a mug. It doesn’t have to be overly complex or garish.” *eyes his brothers*
♡ Unfortunately, the calming nature of the pottery workshop is disrupted by his brothers’ constant arguments. Which results in Lucifer threatening to reshape them like clay before a clay war or a paint fight breaks out. Whenever that happens, Satan and Belphie will sneakily attempt to hex his mug  ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ
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♡ Right off the bat, Mammon proclaims that his mug will clearly be the best!! The first time he touches the pottery wheel is…...an epic fail, as quoted by Levi. Once his mug has the right shape, Mammon will go for a striking design in black, yellow, and gold. The entire process would have taken less time if he hadn’t been competing with his brothers -.-
♡ He will insist on sitting beside you at the painting table. Halfway, you will glance at his mug and see…….isn’t that detail similar to your own design?? “Oi, what are ya lookin’ at?? Huh?? I-It’s not like the Great Mammon wants our mugs to match or anythin’!! And don’t you dare let my brothers try to match with you, got it??” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
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♡ Even in a pottery workshop, Leviathan’s otaku speech is activated. “Waaaaaa this reminds me of that anime Let’s Make a Cauldron Too about pottery from the human world!! The protagonists were a mix of professionals and novices but they were all able to make such great designs!! Aaahh and one of them was good at making fun, moe sculptures--I wonder if I can copy her technique?? The--” “We get it, Levi!!”
♡ Don’t underestimate Levi’s art skills!! He makes good work of the assorted paints and brushes to illustrate a flattering likeness of Ruri-chan and Azuki-tan!! Later on, he shyly offers you a drink from his mug…….and would you look at that?? He sculpted some mini goldfish inside so it looks like an army of Henry’s is swimming in your tea!!  (╯✧▽✧)╯彡✿
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♡ Satan chooses cat designs!! His mug very much resembles a cat, with two sculpted cat-ear triangles on the rim and a tail for the handle. Or even better, what about a bunch of mini cats climbing the rim, handle, and surface of his mug??!! Satan will paint them with a variety of patterns and faces. It is a catty design which he adores and which won’t be compared to any of Lucifer’s ideas--
♡ He may offer to paint a small addition to your mug. Just a minor detail which no one will notice…...after your mug is glazed and washed, he insists on making dark coffee to maintain the surprise. When you finish your drink, you will find a secret message cleverly painted on the bottom interior of your mug. "I hope your day is full of joy. ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ"
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♡ Asmodeus’s mug needs to be gorgeous and creative to complement his beauty!! He incorporates some of his nail art techniques to paint a glamorous, one-of-a-kind mug worthy of his lips. As a finishing touch, he presses his lips against the glazed mug to leave behind a pink kiss mark. Would you like one, too~ “We don’t want any of your gross kisses, Asmo!!” “Aww, are you sure?? <3”
♡ He uses his mug for Devilgram selfies!! Soon enough, his account will be filled with pictures of aesthetic drinks within the fabulous mug…...but the focus will always be on Asmodeus as he holds the mug with a bright smile, of course!! Doesn’t he make the prettiest beverage model?? („─‿─„) ♡
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♡ Beelzebub’s mug is amazingly oversized. It might as well be mistaken for a bowl or a pitcher, considering how gigantic it is. “Beel, how many drinks are you trying to fit in there??!!” “It’s big enough so I can fit all of the vegetables and rice when we have curry.” “Are you saying that curry is a drink??!!”
♡ On top of that, Beel’s art skills are simply horrific. After much thinking with Belphie, he paints on his mug a simple sunrise gradient of solid warm colors.....Then he decides to draw a wholesome picture of his family (Mc included) holding hands around the bottom of the mug. The final product ends up insulting his brothers and giving them nightmares for days  _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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♡ Fully aware of his terrible (but better than Beel’s) drawing skills, Belphegor comes up with the idea for him and Beelzebub to use solid colors. He paints his mug a muted dark blue to resemble the night sky, with white dots for his favorite stars and constellations from the human world!! Their mugs match, too  =w=
♡ After chatting with you and Beel, he decides to make a simple addition to his mug!! A green mountain with a little pink puffball on top. The cloud-like shape has a yellow circle for a face and little horns--is that sheep Mc?? Looking up at Beel and Belphie’s twin stars?? How adorable!! “It’s you, me, and Beel. Let’s look at the stars again later.”
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♡ Diavolo is like a child exploring the limitless world of creativity. He molds a mug which is decidedly…….unique. Asymmetrical. More fit to be a museum art piece than a piece of everyday drinkware. He also has fun during the painting process--his design could either be a colorful abstract work or a collage of his favorite Devildom landscapes and places!!  o(^▽^)o
♡ For the latter design, he will happily recount his memories from those special places as he paints. “Lucifer, here is the private beach we rented out 6000 years ago!! Barbatos, do you remember the Snapdragon Skull meadow where we hosted my childhood tea parties?? Mc, if you don’t mind, I would like to revisit these places with you next time.”
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♡ Barbatos decides to mold a cup meant for tea. His set of teacups--plus an expertly molded teapot--are painted with sophisticated designs impressive enough to star in Diavolo’s next royal tea party!! From Japanese cups to European china with matching saucers, he is very interested in the different types of teaware!!
♡ He watches Diavolo’s mug creation and protects their cups from the demon brothers’ shenanigans. If you need help with your mug, he will politely smile and guide you through the process. Barbatos will stand over you, his hands lightly holding your wrists as you shape clay and paint designs. “Diavolo-bocchama, such childlike creativity ( ◠‿◠ ) Moving on, Mc, this is how you paint a traditional teacup.”
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♡ Simeon’s mug gives off a homey, sophisticated vibe. He helps Luke during the clay-shaping process and comes up with a mug which feels comforting to hold. He paints a dazzling image of the Celestial Realm on the surface along with some original quotes in pretty, cursive lettering. At one point, Mammon almost tries to sell it on Akuzon as a personal item created by Christopher Peugeot.....
♡ His mug is always filled with coffee for recipe experiments or writer’s fuel. Oftentimes, you will visit Purgatory Hall to find Simeon expertly pouring steamed milk into his mug to finish off the newest menu item on The Angel’s Halo. “Mc, you came just in time. Would you like to try our Special Blend Coffee with Cloudy Sheep Latte Art?? Ꮚ • ⌄ •Ꮚ ”
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♡ Luke is intent on making a perfect mug to pair with his sweets!! With Simeon’s encouragement, he happily sculpts a classic mug with everyone. Originally, he thought of painting assorted desserts on his mug…….then he considered the consequences of Beel’s reaction. To which he switched to a design of Celestial Realm imagery and the human world constellations he had learned from Michael!!
♡ At one point, someone *cough* Mammon *cough*  points out how cute and little Luke’s mug looks in comparison to everyone else’s creations. “Aww, isn’t this mug just like the Chihuahua??” “Ehh?? That wasn’t my intention!! It’s just that all of you consume bigger portions than me!! ໒  •̀ ﻌ •́ ७ ”
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♡ Solomon’s mug looks exactly like what you’d expect from a sorcerer. Being familiar with various historical models of pottery and symbolic magical tools, it isn’t a surprise for him to come up with a special mug which may have mystical properties and functions. (It reheats his drinks.) Combining his skills in art and sorcery, Solomon effortlessly creates a vintage mug decorated with magical runes and embellishments  (∩^o^)⊃━☆゜.*  
♡ The finished mug is a gorgeous piece of pottery…...until Solomon uses it for his beverage concoctions. Suddenly, in everyone’s eyes, the work of art has become a sinisterly deceptive vessel for logic-defying poison. “Do you want a sip, Mc?? You won’t believe how good black coffee tastes with bloodberry sauce and devil’s chili peppers.”
To my darling Belphewhore friend who proofread and contributed to this work:: No, you did not see me simping for S*lomon. Thank you very much for your assistance <3
Tagging:: @sunny-xty @panicattheattic @luminari-mc @kitsune-oji​ @souielle​ @moemoemammon​​ @dorkus-mcdingus​
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fickleminder · 2 years
flash frozen
(Spoilers for the Cold event!) Kirana isn’t affected by the cold snap, or so everyone thinks. They don’t notice until it’s too late.
Self-indulgent drabble featuring Satan x F!OC.
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” Satan frets over his human, sharp eyes examining her from head to toe. Kirana’s walking fine and looks no worse for wear, but if even Solomon had been affected by the cold snap, it’s only natural to worry that she would be too.
Kirana doesn’t complain as Satan cups her cheeks and presses his forehead against hers, assuring himself that she’s still warm. “I’m okay, really. All that firing up earlier just got me a little... burnt out.” Satan’s lips twitches upwards at the horrible pun. “I’ll take a power nap in my room and rejoin you guys in a bit.”
“Alright, but if you’re not back in an hour, I’m dragging you out of bed.”
“Looking forward to it.” She winks, pressing a kiss to his cheek before waving goodbye to the others.
Satan’s fists have been clenching and unclenching themselves for the past twenty minutes. Not from the cold, but the nagging feeling in his chest that refuses to go away.
“If you’re so concerned, why don’t you check up on her?” Lucifer suggests, ever the observant older brother.
“Yeah! It’s not like you’ve never snuck into her room to — OW!” Mammon rubs his head from where Levi had smacked him.
“I guess it can’t hurt...” Satan agrees reluctantly, getting up from his seat. He gives Beel a grateful nod for holding Asmo and Belphie back, the two more than happy to join Kirana in her bed if she’s still asleep, and makes his way upstairs.
Not wanting to disturb her rest, Satan doesn’t bother knocking and enters quietly. He finds Kirana sleeping on her side facing him, tucked snugly under the covers. Satan wills his heart to calm down at the sight of her safely snoozing away, looking so peaceful and still…
It takes a full minute of staring before he realizes that her chest isn’t moving.
“She’s not dead,” Lucifer insists, trying to calm his devastated brothers. “Our pacts with her are still intact. We can still save her.”
“How?!” Mammon rounds on him. “She’s, she’s —”
“She was alone,” Simeon realizes, holding firmly onto Luke, who hasn’t let go of Kirana since they all burst into her room. “That’s how it got her. After all her hard work, we just left her to her own devices.”
“We’re here now, and we’ll bring her back.” Satan wipes his tears and stands up, ideas already churning in his head. “Everyone, let’s do this.”
Asmo breaks out his special cream and teaches Lucifer and Simeon how to apply it to Kirana’s hands, rubbing at all the right places to soothe and warm up her dry skin. Barbatos joins in to massage her chilly feet, while Levi tucks his most special Azuki-tan plushie in with her.
Diavolo retrieves the softest blankets from the attic and bundles Kirana up even more, after which Luke plants himself onto the bed and hugs her as tightly as he can. Mammon, not willing to lose to him, inserts himself onto Kirana’s other side and cradles her upper body, carding his fingers through her stiff hair.
Beel and Belphie prepare warm food and drinks to fill her room with cozy scents. Solomon conjures a vase of scorching sunflowers and arranges it on her desk, the blazing petals radiating more heat into the air. 
Satan doesn’t have to refer to his poetry books; he’s memorized them all by now. He drags a chair over and takes a seat, his eyes never leaving Kirana’s pale face and blue lips. “In times of sorrow, let me be the one to share your tears,” he whispers, swallowing the lump in his throat. “In times of joy, let me be the one to share your delight...”
As the poem comes to an end, Kirana’s eyelids flutter.
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devildomdreams · 3 years
General Leviathan Headcanons
The third born shut-in self labelled otaku. He doesn’t do well in social situations, and the digital world is where he thrives. Although no one can deny his intelligence and skill in strategy, his brothers often wonder if he’s wasting some sort of potential...
Stims, stims, stims! Especially if he has to be in a social situation. He even has his own Azuki-Tan fidget toy
Wears layers no matter what time of year it is, it feels more secure
Started wearing his hair that way because of a character, now he just can’t be bothered to change it 
Either makes the most intense eye contact or none during a conversation, no in-between
Sometimes lays in the aquarium in his room when he can’t muster the energy to go to a pool or the ocean
Food Preferences
Will eat anything if it’s in a show or series he likes, no questions asked
Other than Beel he’s the least picky about his food, especially if he’s “in the zone”
Will stock up on a certain flavor of drink if he finds he likes it (has one of those mini drink fridges for his room)
Does sometimes forget to eat completely, so his brothers will check in from time to time
The only thing he’s hesitant about eating is fish (Will never eat it in front of Henry 2.0)
Has stretch marks from weight fluctuation (staying indoors then doing mandatory naval training)
Will keep anything you give him in a special box he has set aside
Likes velvety textures, most of his cosplays have it in some form or another
Self explanatory: Has “safe” stores that he feels okay about going to regularly
Once got banned from Akuzon because he bought too many things at once and it flagged it as “suspicious behavior”
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o-pandora-o · 3 years
Baker MC: April Fool's Special
Baker MC strikes again! Fooling the Demon Brothers in April Fool's by their realistic cake. How would they react?
Note: I would like to apologize beforehand, some of the brothers turned out to be boring rather than funny. I will try to edit this when I have the time.
[No image was available for this]
Background: You planned this with the Anti-Lucifer squad. You hid all his pen in his room leaving a suspicious "pen" that looks like the pen he usually use. Satan put a powerful spell on the pen, removing its sweet scent to avoid the suspicion. You put a hidden camera to see his reaction.
Luci daddy came home tired from all the things he'd done in RAD.
He still have some paper works to finish, he put the paper works in the table and sat on his chair.
Ya'll saw him eyeing the "pen"
He picked up the pen and was gonna start writing until he glared at the camera and crushed the pen.
It was a chocolate and strawberry cake
He licked the strawberry (the filling of the pen) that splattered near his mouth, made a grin, glared at the camera and said "Run."
You all ran for your lives, spreading inside the House of Lamentation
Did you succeed in running : Nope
Did you three hang from the ceiling: Yes
Ya'll saw him smirk and laugh like a madman afterwards
Lucifer took a picture of you three hanging from the ceiling and sent it in the group with Diavolo.
Ofc ya'll didn't knew, you were hanging from the ceiling
Levi made it a meme and posted it on Devilgram AND gave Lucifer and Diavolo a printed copy
April Fool's to you
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Credits to: The BakeKing
It was your turn in making dinner and Mammon kept bugging you if he can help.
"No Mammon" you kept on saying but he was still bugging you.
You weren't really mad at Mammon (honestly you thought it's funny), but to make things interesting...
"I SAID NO MAMMON" you shouted at him.
"LOOK WHERE YER CUTTING HU--AAAAHHHH!!!" You cut your hand and blood was running.
"MCCCCCCCC YOUR HAND" yes I can see Mammon He screamed loud enough that it can be heard at Diavolo's castle.
Glad you two are alone in the House of Lamentation though
You were wearing a long sleeved jacket and the "cake" was your hand; it was like a lava cake, instead of chocolate it was darkened and smoothened strawberry puree.
You glared at him and blamed him
Poor boi was crying, kept apologizing, and saying the lines of "I'm sorry", "I'm so dead", and "Let's take ya to the hospital".
He shitted on his pants and kept panicking poor boi
It was hilarious tho
He was crying and you couldn't hide the laughter
"Oi! Did someone hit ya in the head? WHY ARE YA LAUGHING YER HAND WAS CU-" and he he saw that the interior of the so called "hand" was made out of strawberry and strawberry puree.
"April Fool's Mammon!" you told him as you finally reveal your real hand.
"MC! Why did ya prank me?! It wasn't a good prank! I thought you-" You shushed him while you gave him a small bag of grimm.
"Is it for me? Are ya sure ya ain't pranking me this time?"
"Yeah, now buy what you want to buy, I will just go to my room for a while" you replied.
Cue you teleporting
It was a bag full of gold-coated chocolate that looks (and is heavy) like a bag of grimm.
The next few days you see Mammon pouting and murmuring things about you.
You felt bad so you left grimm on the floor of his room every time you were near it
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Credits to: The BakeKing
On April 1st, Levi was required to go to the school for academic purposes, so you took this chance to play a lil prank on him.
When Levi was away, you hid all the items that he usually use: computer, consoles, Azuki-tan pillow, and some Ruri-chan figures.
And you took time to make realistic cake that are very similar to those you hid.
When he was almost home, you placed all the realistic cake on his room.
You were supposed to go on a raid with him when he comes home
Cue him coming home and going to his room
You visited the him in his room, panic reflecting off his face.
"Levi, is there something wrong?" you asked
"Ah, it's this computer, it doesn't open! And it seems I'm kind of making a dent on it too. It's so weirdddddd" he said
He got a bit forceful and his finger created a hole on the computer
"Eh? Cake? Mc did you do this? Lmao"
You hand him a note that says "Look for the cakes, the location of the real ones lie at the last treasured cake"
"Oh boy mc a scavenger hunt, its like the new anime I was watching 'My fiancée is a criminal mastermind that kept giving me clues to find the missing items and bodies to make myself famous' " I'm really sorry I really suck at names
So he proceeds with finding all the cakes, and he got all the real things for his room however...
" MC where is my limited edition Ruri-chan that is dressed like a succubus?"
"It's there, it was with the other Ruri-chan figures" you said as you were looking at the figures that he was holding
Turns out Mammon saw all the goods on your room, and took the chance to get one since he knows it wasn't yours.
April fool's? I guess.
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Credits to: SideSurf Cake Studio
You were helping him in his cooking duty today.
You requested that both of you make human food because apparently you "missed the taste" of the cuisine.
So you took care of the usual ingredients of the cuisine: vegetables, onion, garlic, meat and etc.
He didn't know or did he that you secretly placed realistic cake counterparts of it.
When it was cooking time, he selected the cake counterparts (this boi might be smart but you were from the human world so he thought it was correct).
He started cutting an onion, to his dismay he saw a soft chocolate interior.
"Huh? That can't be right, I believe onions should either have violet, yellowish, or whitish hue inside"
"Hmmm yeah, let me try this one" you said as you grabbed another onion and proceed to cut it
"Hm, this one is the right one, I wonder what happened to that" you said
"Hm, anyways I will proceed in cutting the rest"
Bottom-line all he cut was cake and what you cut the real one
"Satan, maybe you were cursed? All the ingredients that you touched turned into cake" you said as you were preparing to take the meal to the dining area.
"I suppose that is the case, however... "
"Hm?" you said as you were supposed to bring the meal outside.
"However I have outsmarted you MC, I knew it was you who made those realistic mini cakes" he said as he took a bite of the onion cake while grinning smugly
Smart boi #2
"I-uhhh No it was not- Hey wait a min! If you knew why did you continue to make me believe you were fooled!" you replied
"April Fool's MC~, if I didn't do that I wouldn't have  extra time to spend with you" he said as he got out patting your head
Satan, you slick son of a bish
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Credits to: Etsy
This guy is late for school
Did you plan to make him late? Yes No
Cue flashback: you ruined his beauty sleep 3 times which resulted in kicking you out of his room and made him wake up late
Well even though he is late, he would still do his morning routine without rush
Priorities ✨
You put a small camera on top of his cabinet to see his reaction
After hours of bathing he sat down to his dresser
He grabbed his toner and when he squeezed it lightly it nothing came out
"Ehhh? That's weird, I could've sworn this is the new toner I bought" he squeezed it more and the toner was destroyed revealing a squished vanilla cake
He sighed and said "MC did it again"
He tried looking and poking all of his makeup just to make sure it's not mini cakes
10/10 are all mini cakes
He saw a note that said "In the drawer lies the real make up hehe April Fool's day!"
When he came to RAD, he was already late for 4 hours
"MC when I said I wanted Makeup mini cakes, I wanted it for my birthday! Not today!"
Is disappointed at you
Will frown and pout when he pass by at you during school
Well you feel bad at pranking him so you treat him at an exclusive spa
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Credits to: The Custom Cake Shop
I mean Bell eats everything, so is there even use?
Beel had the whole day working out
Since he didn't have much money (not that you persuaded him to bring less, no-) his only option is to go home and eat
During the time he was working out, you made different flavored cakes and pastries into dishes. You made a ton of (chocolate-strawberry cake into) cheeseburger, (cheesecake) devildom sushi, cake turned into slushy (the container can be eaten too), plates can also be eaten, etc.
Well you made Beel drool, he didn't waste time so he sat down and took a bite of the cheeseburger
He was slightly shocked because it was sweet rather than savory
But that didn't stop his hunger
It was about 10 mins till he finished what you have created in 12 hours (and more)
"MC all you made was really delicious, now I want something salty to eat...Let's eat dinner!" he said as he dragged you to eat
April fools to you
After that whenever you gave him something to eat/drink (like a glass of slushy or something) he would try to also eat the container
Poor kitchenware and Luci's budget
[No image was available for this]
This boi knows
Smartboi #3
You gave him a pillow that is the same as the pillow he usually carries
He didn't really say anything about it, but he knows for a fact that it is cake
He slept on it
Your hard work in making it realistic,, he slept on it
You came back to his room and you wait for him to wake up
"Mcccccc, this is so fluffy like my favorite pillowww, but it's not really a good way to prank someone, but on the other hand it's really convenient...."he said as he yawns and signals you to come to his bed
He took a bite of the errrr pillow and said" This is really good, like the last time you made a toilet paper, but you know what else is good?"
My love for you jk
" Hm?" you replied
" This!" he said as he began tickling your sides
You fight him back and tickle his sides when you had the chance
It ended of as you two were panting and laughing in bed
Poor cake pillow forgotten
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Beginnings (3/9)
Mammon x ace gn!MC x ace!Leviathan
NOTE - read the content warnings listed in Part 1
[ AO3 | Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ]
But wait. Now what was he supposed to do? He needed to confess! He needed to tell you how he felt! But how? Should he do some big romantic gesture? Make you a bento box and write “I love you” in ketchup on your omelette? No, that would take too long. He needed to tell you now, before you changed your mind.
A LETTER. That’s it. He could write a letter. That was still romantic, right? It would be more personal than a text message, that’s for sure. But would still let him make sure he got out everything he wanted to say, unlike a phone call or talking to you in person. And he wouldn’t need to be around while you read it either. A letter would be perfect.
After picking out the perfect stationary, Levi immediately set to work. It surprised him how easily the words flowed. But, if he thought about it, he had kinda imagined telling you all these things before, countless times really. How much he loved hanging out with you, how your smile always made him feel better, how he wished you’d hug him all the time, how one day he hopes he can just hold your hand while out on a date, how he wanted to cuddle with you in his tub…
Levi’s pen stilled, mid sentence, as a thought suddenly occurred to him.
He had never really talked to you much about relationships before, had he? He had no idea what your views were on those sorts of things. What were your expectations? Were you going to want him to spend the night in your room? How did you feel about kissing? How did you feel about…?
He felt his throat tighten. Right. That. You were with Mammon, so it was only logical that you both felt the same way about it. He couldn’t imagine his horny, clingy brother settling for anything else, really.
And then there was Levi. Levi who had known for a few centuries now that sex just didn’t appeal to him. He still found you plenty attractive, that wasn’t the issue. He wanted to touch you, and hold you close, and feel you touch him too. But that’s where his fantasies typically ended - the two of you cuddled up in his tub, a warm blanket tucked around you both, as you whispered sweet nothings to each other, like a scene ripped straight out of a shojo manga.
Once that small doubt started to creep in, so too did Levi’s other insecurities. He wouldn’t be a very good boyfriend after all. He’d probably forget important dates. Or neglect to pay attention to you when he hyper fixated on something. What did he even have to offer you anyways? He wasn’t particularly skilled, or attractive. Sure he could sew a bit and was somewhat decent at drawing, but those weren’t exactly the sorts of things you could build a relationship on.
Suddenly, writing a letter seemed like a very tall order indeed.
His initial reaction was of course to crumple it up and throw it away. But...he still loved you, even if he didn’t think he’d make for a very good boyfriend. And you had already told him how you felt. So shouldn’t he, as your friend, at least give you a response?
And shouldn’t he also, as your friend, encourage you to do what was best for you?
Even if “what was best” happened to be make up with his scumbag of a brother?
The thought made him feel sick. He couldn’t believe he was actually jealous of Mammon. He was fine to hang out with and all, but jeez. Having to admit that you were probably better off with him really stung. He knew it was true, though. He knew how well the two of you got along. He obviously made you happy. And even if Levi desperately wanted to be the one that was by your side instead, he knew he was no match for Mammon and all his charisma and charm.
Ever since Levi had stopped replying to your text messages, you had been laying in your bed trying to go to sleep. But your over active imagination had other ideas, and your anxiety kept you awake. Maybe in the morning you could go apologize to Levi? Though you weren’t even sure what it was that you would be apologizing for.
You let out a sigh as you rolled onto your side, just as a slip of paper slid underneath the bottom of your door. You stared at it for awhile, wondering what it could be, before deciding to get up and check.
The envelope itself was a pastel pink in color. You immediately recognized it as belonging to a special Ruri-chan stationary set you had bought for Levi on a whim. Carefully you tore open the envelope, pulling out the letter enclosed inside. The page was decorated with cute little doodles and Azuki-tan stickers; it was obvious how much thought and care Levi had put into writing this. Not wanting to wait a moment longer, you began reading right where you stood by your bedroom door.
Dear Henry,
I decided writing a letter would be the best way to tell you how I feel, since talking to you face to face would be way too embarrassing.
I love you. A whole lot. More than Ruri-chan, if you can believe it.
I am so glad I got to meet you. And I’m glad you took the time to get to know me. I know I’m weird and awkward, but you still spent time with me anyways, and that meant a lot!
I really like playing games with you. Maybe someday I can make a game just for you? It probably wouldn’t be that great, but it would make me really happy if you were to play it.
Every time I hear about a new anime, I always ask myself if you would be interested in it. I love getting to try new things with you. Even if the things turn out to be terrible, it’s still more fun when we can watch them together.
I’d really like to take you out on a date too. I know of a coffee shop nearby that has the best drinks. I’ve been too nervous to go on my own yet, but maybe I could go with you? We could also go to an aquarium together! You haven’t been to a Devildom aquarium before, right? They’re a million times better than the ones in the human world! We would even be able to hold hands, and no one could see.
But I know none of that really matters. I’m still me, and you deserve someone better. Someone who will make you happy, who can take you to exciting new places. Someone who won’t forget important dates or ignore you when you come to hang out. I wouldn’t be good at any of those things.
As much as I hate to admit it, you and Mammon are really good together. You should go talk to him and try to work things out. He might be a scumbag, but he obviously loves you.
I hope you will at least still be my friend after this, but I can understand if you wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like me. Or if you would feel uncomfortable around me now that you know how I feel. I really made things awkward, didn’t I?
Levi had spilled his heart out to you, in a way you didn’t even think possibly from the shy demon. He talked about how much he loved you, all the ways that you made his life better just by being there, and all the things he was looking forward to doing with you, specifically several cliche date ideas from his favorite manga, the thought of which had you smiling.
But then somewhere around the middle, the tone of the letter shifted dramatically. It was no longer the excited love confession you had started with. It was like someone had zapped Levi of all his confidence, and in a matter of moments he was back to his usual self deprecating ways.
When you finished, you flipped the letter over, hoping to find more on the back. But that was it. A single sheet of paper that started out as a heartfelt love confession, and then ended, ultimately, in a rejection.
You wanted to run to Levi’s room immediately, demanding an explanation. You also wanted to assure him that just because you were with Mammon, didn’t mean you were going to be giving up on him either.
But before you did any of that, you would have to talk to Mammon. You needed to figure out where things stood with him, and why he told Levi about how you felt. Was he intending to break up with you? Or maybe there was a slim chance that he’d changed his mind?
Determined to get some answers, you wrapped a light robe around you, tucking the letter from Levi into one of your pockets, before silently slipping out of your bedroom.
You had put this conversation off long enough. It was time for you to settle things with Mammon.
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obeyme-kaidii · 4 years
Lesson 24 Summary (1/2)
MC and the brothers try to get to the bottom of the magical shenanigans that are affecting the House of Lamentation.
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MC is stuck wandering the HoL with Beel, Belphie and Asmo trying to make it to the dining room for dinner. After leaving the attic room together, every door they have opened has taken them someplace else.
The next door they open leads to the kitchen, where they decide to take a break so that Beel can eat since they have no idea when they will find the dining room, or be able to escape the HoL.
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Meanwhile, poor Mammon is also stuck wandering the halls on his own and has begun freaking out as he suspects the place is haunted. (And ghosts are Mammon’s weakness) He runs into Levi at one point and begs him, sobbing, to stay with him. Levi thinks Mammon is just being weird, so he brushes him off and heads to his room.
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After Levi returns to his room, he starts talking to Henry 2.0 about how excited he is that his new 3D Escape Room game has arrived from Akuzon.
It doesn’t take Levi long to realize however, that the game is already on and perhaps Mammon wasn’t actually going crazy. Levi isn’t too concerned though, and sits down to begin playing his game, leaving Mammon to be chased by Cerberus in the underground tomb, unbeknownst to the otaku.
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While digging through the refrigerator, Beel finds a sweet bean cake with a little face drawn on it. He’s confused at first, but Asmo and Belphie quickly recognized it as Azuki-tan - one of the characters from the Ruri-chan series that Levi loves.
Belphie encourages Beel to eat it, thinking perhaps doing so will alert Levi to their location in the kitchen and help them figure out what’s going on. Asmo starts to object, but before he can finish Beel starts to eat the pastry. Suddenly, footsteps can be heard running down the hallway before Levi bursts in and demands Beel unhand the precious snack cake.
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After rescuing Azuki-tan from Beel, Levi then launches into an adorkable, long winded explanation about who she is and why she’s so special.
Beel interrupts to inform the others that he found something else in the refrigerator to eat and is now good to go so they continue opening doors. Soon the group, plus Levi, find themselves outside of HoL.
Levi admits to forgetting to turn off his new escape room game, and acknowledges that is probably why they couldn’t reach the dining room earlier.
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Later that evening, Belphie comes into MC’s room, bringing with him a ton of books and schoolwork. He explains to MC that this is the extra work that Lucifer is making him do as his punishment for missing the meeting.
Belphie then invites MC with him to grab a late night snack, stating that he’s too hungry to focus. Except when they reach the Kitchen, Belphie discovers that the door appears to be cursed and he is unable to open it. While lamenting the fact that he did not eat Azuki-tan earlier when he had the chance, Belphie suddenly mentions that it feels like someone is watching them.
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Levi then bursts into the room, seemingly from nowhere, because he apparently heard Belphie mention his desire to eat dear Azuki-tan. He doesn’t say anything - just stares down Belphie before disappearing as quietly as he came.
Belphie then admits defeat and suggests to MC that they just hang out instead of trying to wander around and find food.
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MC and Belphie end up in the Observatory where they relax and start to talk about what Belphie missed at the meeting. Belphie remarks that he thinks Diavolo is being really self centered and only behaving as he does because the Demon King (Diavolo’s father) isn’t around to stop him.
Belphie admits to being sleepy and asks MC to wake him up in a bit so he can finish the work Lucifer assigned him, but it doesn’t take long before MC has fallen asleep too.
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Satan and Beel show up, having been looking for Belphie so that they could bring him a late night snack since he was denied dinner and barred from the kitchen.
They discover Belphie and MC asleep in the Observatory, leaning together. Beel decides to eat the snack they brought since Belphie is asleep, and Satan tucks in Belphie and MC before they leave.
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The next morning, Lucifer scolds Belphie for not finishing his assignments and tells him that he’ll have to skip breakfast now too as punishment.
Later at RAD, Belphie is complaining to MC about the punishment he’s receiving. Diavolo shows up to inform them that there will be another student council meeting after school. Belphie takes this opportunity to lash out at Diavolo and let him know exactly what has been on his mind. Diavolo accepts his criticism, and then gives him a special energy drink from Barbatos (apparently having been made aware of Belphie’s punishments).
Diavolo then leaves MC and Belphie in their classroom, but MC soon runs off after him. As MC leaves, Belphie notices that MC has dropped something and attempts to call after them to return it but they are already gone.
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