#calling u anon just cuz its funny
hearts401 · 9 months
hearts do you know anything about deltarune. because i think gregory and the player would get along like a house on fire (affectionate).
and i think ur incredibly correct anon. player/kris is literally gregory but blue. theyd ruin everything
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
People on here are just completely incapable of understanding nuance like yes butch queen + fem/me queen are terms used in ball culture yes there is a long history of gay men casually describing themselves as butch or femme but people see this and think its exactly the same as dyke butch/femme culture when those are highly different contexts so now we get people angry at lesbians for not wanting to fuck gay men or writing men dni on their posts abt having sex with butches bc its "excluding" butch men or whatever and equating critique of this collapse of context and nuance as being exactly the same as people (not exclusively lesbians) being goofy and ahistorical like no YOU people are being goofy and ahistorical
no literally exactly it's really embarrassing and to me its disrespectful to history bc u literally see ppl just combing thru random lgbt relics to find an example where a gay guy calls himself femme so they can be like see!!! i can join in!!! and like im interested in all of our history not just stuff that only relates to lesbians so i actually read it properly and its so blatantly not talking abt butch/femme culture that its just... to me so obnoxious to like ignore ppls ACTUAL histories in favour of trying to superimpose ur online understanding of like the 21st century evolution of a 70+ year old dynamic that is based around gay women trying to court each other like... its genuinely just goofy and silly and u look illiterate 😭😭😭
also can't believe they don't HEAR themselves like yeah sorry gay women are under so much pressure from misogyny and patriarchy and heterosexuality and constantly demanded to be available and appealing to men it's literally not wrong that we want our own space for our desire to be like safe and insulated that isnt the same thing as judging or devaluing others or w/e its not saying we r better than u or something.
i saw some guy complaining about "lezseps" gatekeeping him from b/f and it's like... u realise ur just a man whining that lesbians don't want to include u in a subculture which is about us dating each other like..... it literally just doesnt make sense for u to be here and it defeats the object of the space entirely. irl gay men are exactly the same like its very normal for a group that has sex n relationships w each other to have like specific spaces and culture around that that just. don't make sense to involve anyone else in like its not Gatekeeping, like im not using grindr or calling myself a twink because it would be pointless outside of being a man trying to sleep with men. even without adding the gendered dynamics of being a man thats like stop excluding ME from ur desire for women or whatever its still just sillyyyy
its just very online behavior bc they have no connection at all to the equivalent sorts of communities for other groups and so they latch onto a misunderstanding of what b/f is without getting that the entire fuel in the motor is like.. desire between women sheieuf like omg its really dumb the more I talk abt it the more im just like this is so dumb why is anyone trying to argue this 😭😭😭 leave women alone frrrrrr
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bovineblogger · 1 month
im the "shard of heaven" anon sorry im scared of tumblr . but i have questions because i havent met someone so enthusiastic about bovidae before ...
whats your favorite bovine :)
favourite breed of cow (sorry is that what you call them i Forgot)
do you have a favourite bovidae (" includes not only cows and oxen but also goats, sheep, bison, and buffalo") if so what is it :D
do you plan on getting cows later on in life because i would love to but idk if i could handle it Errm
COOLEST fact about cows!!!!!!!!!!!
umm tell me anything that interests you i fucking LOVE ANIMALS YAAYY
OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OK UMMM ill just write little answers for all of them cuz i dont wanna take up 2 much of the dash :3
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ROYAL YAK. i have a fursona who is a royal yak.. his name is daisnof. :3
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UM UM UM of course it would be a bovine but. ill go non-bovine bovids so i dont just pick royal yak again.
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crushedsweets · 8 months
h music moon anon back again
what instruments do u think each creep would play? i think toby would play drums or something as an outlet for his emotions
tim plays an ancient acoustic guitar that’s missing like 2 strings and the wood is literally rotting (he’s had it since like 1999 and refuses to get rid of it)
nina sings. she defo had a yt cover channel at one point
unsure for the rest.. hm
- 🌙
oo. omg. yes. i like this. just a reminder that i really have no experience with instruments but i think its cool. half/most of these characters DON'T play in my au, BUT IF THEY DID....
toby and drums for sure, BUT realistically his parents would never let that happen in their house and he wouldn't really wanna put in the effort to get a drum set to the cabin. but listen. harmonica toby. yeah. not expanding
tim and acoutstic guitar but its fucked up and ugly and he only keeps it because he's attatched to it but its so bad
nina singing is also sooo fucking canon. she'd prob try to learn guitar at some point but then realized she had to cut her nails and callous her fingers, so she gave up immediately LMFAOO
brian... mmm... honestly guitar is pretty fitting for him too. he'd be one of those guys at parties who starts playing and he's so incredibly mediocre at it.
i feel like i could see like. childhood kate playing the piano cuz her mom wants her to. but she was always complaining and whining and getting mad about it, and then her life was ruined by the operator when she was like 14, so.. she couldnt play even if she tried
natalie also wouldnt play anything, but i could see her like having one of those fucked up out of tune pianos thrown in the barn that she found for free on the side of the road and had to get tims truck to move it. idk if anyone knows rio romeo, but how their piano sounds basically.. WHICH I LIKE. i love it.
jack and liek a fucking flute. i legit have no reason to explain this, but jack and a flute. bros lung capacity is crazy
sally and . yall know how lisa simpson is with the saxophone or whatevr. yeah. little sally with a saxophone half her size
ben also would not play shit, but i could see him trying to make music with like. the computer. i really dont know what its called but im sure u guys get what im talking about
NOW JEFF. jeffs parents would have let him get a drum set in the garage (he wouldve bullied his own parents into agreeing to it). he wouldve thought he was sooo fucking cool and soooooo fucking funny when he was so severely NOT.
liu and another like, flute clarinet saxophone type thing.. mayhaps the piano. something classy or whatever i guess
jane and the piano. cannot accept anything else.
lulu and.. the harp... her family was crazy rich growing up...... she plays the damn harp.
ann and a violin. cant explain it. sorry. but ann and a violin.
sadie and something goofy and like playful like a tambourine.. dancing around slapping the thing and her dress is all bouncing w her and aww.
dina and also something like classy i guess. im inclined to put her w the harp too cuz like angel wings and yeah idfk . but theres no way more than 1 of them plays the harp so ill put this bitch on the piano !!!
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rzyraffek · 2 years
HI! Can you write headcanons with yandere Harry Warden with a significant other (the reader) who is also a yandere?? Like they're both so obsessed with each other and yeah!! You can use any pronouns, I prefer they/them and she/her mostly tho! also I hope you're having a good night/day
Omg yasss, goodday to you to anon, will use they/them pronouns! Request open! Tw:stalking but mostly chill
Yandere Harry with Yandere s/o
I think harry is more into "youre mine, you gonna sit here looking pretty doing youre stuff while imma commit mass murder on poeple that looked at you today cya<3" while s/o is more like "love me, notice me ect ect"
Imagine this funny scenario: s/o stalking harry while harry stalks her. They both will be so confused, like "why is he just standing there?? Im sure Hes waiting for some hoe" while he is like "??? Why are they just sitting there?? Im sure their waiting for some dude? Pf next one to kill"
They will become couple when Harry gives her Valentine, he meant to send it as a threat so they wont be with any other person but she was kinda into it? Someyhing like: omg😳so he does love me🥰 i need to tell him!
He will be very suprised to just see them wandering in mines, at first hes like 😈its morbin time, imma kindap her🥰 but when they hug him and say stuff like "omg I love you too dummy omg lets move out together!!" He will not only freeze but He will also fall in love even more!
Hes very happy! He was ready to kindnap s/o and force them to love him, but they love him back!!! Yay
He likes when they get jelous especially if they are yandere aswell! You guys dont need anyone else to be happy and you both arent getting into many arguments :D
They give off very funny vibe "lets go out together! So eveyone will know that we are in love and to make everyone else jelous!" While his like "I commited 6 fellonies today also no, because im scared"
"Call me msWarden cuz youre the only man i'll ever need😎" *harry explodes*
Harry needs love, and he is very needy, every attencion they give him is soo gooood and he remembers every time they told him something good
They are power couple, u mess with one of them? Get ready for stalking, doxing, maybe blackmailing, death of close person and ur death later
Harry is a boomer he doenst understand memes
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jellyaibo · 1 year
Hey if it isn’t too much- I was wondering how you draw hairy bodies?
I actively try to incorporate more diversity into my art style, and admittedly I’m also just unashamedly achillean and men
I specifically have a more cartoony style and admittedly staring at hairy cartoon men does help, but I’m still struggling with stylisation and making it look right
Thank for your time, and have a great day
OKOKOK I AM SOOO DAMN EXCITED TO ANSWER THIS...lemme give u my best nate tutorial
SO FIRST THINGS FIRST! what i do is take notice of the general shape of the body hair (usually the chest/tummy/etc) CUZ there is kind of a pattern goin on like the triangular-ish or rectangle-ish shape at the chest, funny line going down the belly, and usually there is more hair around that area going down to the pelvic reigon of the body (btw...the funny line of hair that starts at under the bellybutton is called a "happy trail" :) and its one of my fav things in the world to draw)
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SO what is the next step? SIMPLIFY! this works perfectly since u have a more cartoony style (me too 🤝 i get it)
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i just try to follow that pattern of body hair whenever i draw it, and for the hair itself i keep it to simple lines or squiggles! AND theres a little bonus one that i don't do enough tbh (the big fluffy...its really good...)
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and ofc if ur drawing bodies w little body hair u dont really have to follow the pattern too much, just vaguely LOL
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AND FOR backs and legs its pretty much just the same process, except that from what ive seen back hair is a bit more extreme anddd for the legs just do the fast line stroke or squiggle thang ( btw im not the best at drawing backs and uhh i rlly didnt feel like putting effort into the leg so KJSHDFS)
i think thats pretty much it but yea . hope this helps anon <3
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spacexseven · 2 years
that mermaid childe thing you reblogged totally put me onto sea monster dazai (imagine that dazai anon thinks about dazai call the news)... like imagine those giant empty eyes staring at you intently from underneath the still water. actually terrifying. hed probably be something fucked up looking too like a snake thing or an angler fish or something like that.... could also see him as a siren.... like ur too stubborn and well versed on the sea and its inhabitants to fall for his Beautiful Mermaid facade and hes initially got this horrible vendetta against you about it but eventually his obsession with getting you in the water with him Less so he can rip you apart and finally prove hes smarter than you and more so he can shove his weird fish tongue down ur throat i mean swim with you in a very well behaved fashion
ALSO adding an akutagawa thing cuz no one ever talks about my husband as often as they should. yan sea monster/mermaid akutagawa. he gets washed up on the beach, greviously injured, and despite the fact he keeps BITING AND SCRATCHING AND BEING SO MEAN 2 YOU you do your best to nurse him back to health in ur old pool u never use anymore (well, as healthy as aku Gets) until hes set to go back to the ocean. akutagawa has always known that humans are awful creatures who need to be killed before they kill him or his ilk, but maybe you're not so bad? first time for everything, he supposes. dont be shocked if you see some familiar scales glittering under the beach sun. or if people you know start washing up on the beach with a few less limbs than you remember them having. I was gonna immediately say aku is a shark but maybe octopus or squid would work cuz of how rashomon looks..... much to think about
- 🩹
you're so funny i can't breathe omg i too would like to swim with him in a well behaved fashion
cw: yandere characters, vague descriptions of sea creatures(?), mentions of cannibalism (well sea creature eats humans), obsessive behavior, non-con kissing, mentions of kidnapping and imprisonment, possessive behavior, jealousy, mentions of biting, scratching and self-inflicted wounds
siren dazai? no way sea monster dazai is the way to go! nothing about that guy looks safe but you know, he has a way with his words that you just can't help but think he's misunderstood and lonely. everyone thinks he's up to no good, but that's not the case at all! it's so unfortunate, you think, that dazai's being judged by the way he looks because he's really such a wonderful friend! what a shame that even the other sea creatures avoid him and his territory, of course it couldn't be because something was wrong with him. they were just being rude and outcasting him for something he couldn't control. you've spent enough time with him to know he was funny (in an odd way...it works on him, but if anyone else were to say his 'jokes' about eating you up and dragging you down to his cave and chaining you there, it would have terrified you. oh well, dazai's just never learned what jokes are supposed to be, so he just says the things people say about him. poor dazai, really) and he was really sweet, eager to help you with your troubles and offering his waters as a place for you to come to when you need to be alone and clear your head. not because he wants to be the only person you confide in and trust, definitely not!
and honestly, dazai was just bored. and what better way to spend the time than to trick some poor, unsuspecting human before making them his lunch? yum. sure, chuuya and a few select others were the only other mers that visited him, but that didn't mean he was lonely. he simply didn't care. of course, playing it up to you about how unfriendly everyone else was surely won over your sympathy, and it felt...sort of nice when you rubbed his cheek and looked at him with your sad eyes and told him you'd always be there for him. oh well, little human. he hopes you know he was going to hold you to that :)
his initial plan was just to earn your trust for a couple of days (because he knew how stupid and trusting humans were. terribly useless species, really. how did they survive for this long?) and then, under the pretense of an injury he couldn't reach, would coax you into getting into the water, where he could happily prepare you for a meal. but he began stalling, not wanting to eat you just yet. maybe you could entertain him a little while longer. playing with his food or whatever humans said. the more you talked to him and he learned about human relationships, the more curious he got. what did you mean, humans licked each other's mouths? how disgusting, he definitely wasn't interested in trying. what was so special about hand holding and cuddling and whatever the hell kissing was???? and why did he want to do it to you??? one day, he can't hold back his curiosity and drags you into the water off your boat, ignoring your screaming just to try and see if he "can shove his weird fish tongue down ur throat". and maybe more. obviously the talk about consent flew over his head, because what do you mean, you didn't want to do this with him? didn't you kiss people you like? and if you were coming to visit dazai this often, you definitely liked him right?
regardless, it wasn't anything he couldn't change with a little bit of time :)
akutagawa hm i think as much as i would love for him to be a sparkly shiny mermaid i think that role is more suited for chuuya aka the prettiest person EVER sorry anyway akutagawa octopus ver kinda reminds me of the kraken but shark akutagawa is also a wonderful picture i will figure that out eventually don't worry
so just another day of strolling on the beach admiring the sparkling water and woah what's that? a wild akutagawa has appeared! you find him beached and bleeding and you must obviously help him out! how could you leave him out there, alone and vulnerable? it's a little difficult to bring him to your conveniently close to the beach house, especially since he keeps growling and biting at your arms, but you finally make it and help him into the pool where he finally calms down enough for you to dress his wounds and give him something to eat.
and as much as he hates to admit it, he kind of likes it here with you. you're unexpectedly nice and not annoying or overbearing and your food tastes pretty good. sometimes, he's still waiting on you to ship him over to some evil merfolk killing people or a zoo or something terrible, or maybe you want to kill him yourself for his parts. but you don't do any of that. like you promised him, you bring him back to the ocean and wave him off.
except now, he really doesn't want to leave.
a week or so later, when you're back strolling by the shore, a familiar lump of something is waiting for you, wounded and stranded. you don't notice the way his eyes light up when he sees you, but you definitely notice that he wasn't biting you this time. sure, he has an iron-tight grip on you with his appendages, but maybe he was just scared? and the cycle continues. sometimes, you find fresh fish and seashells on the spot where you found him first, but most of the time, you find him, injured and waiting for your help. you don't suspect him of purposely hurting himself in order to see you and feel you nursing him back to health, but it does start to get a little suspicious. maybe he just got bullied a lot.
oddly enough, he's never friendly when you bring someone else with you. if by chance he's on the shore and you are with another person, akutagawa becomes hostile, growling and scratching at your companion until they run away and it's just him and you again. the way it should be :)
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awkward-clone · 1 year
Ok think I’ve finally got my thoughts together on the bright situation and im just gonna say it.
Its not gonna work.
It basically is just slapping on a new name on dr bright and calling it a day. Like. No matter what u do its the same character, it does nothing. Djkaktus said it himself that he was “always writing elias shaw.” That “any similarities are just a coincidence.”
So its funny seeing some of the ppl thats on board with this claim that “u cant separate the art from the artist” and yet that’s exactly what they're trying to achieve. Except, u know, the community had already done that a long time ago, ripping bright out of the hands of admin bright. So really, no change is actually being made.
Anyway with that out of the way I do want to address some concerns about djkaktus.
I’ve been looking around and have seen people mentioning that the dude:
1. Was quiet about the admin bright thing when it was happening along with actually being one of the people trying to cover it up
2. Had been banning people simply cuz they didn’t like his works
3. he’s an alleged predator
Now I havent personally found much relating to this other than people's words on it on tumblr. Tho someone on insta has told me that djkaktus was extremely quiet during the bright situation. Which yea it took an entire year after admin bright was banned to only now bring up this elias shaw bs.
Now if anyone has sources on any of this, links, screenshots, anything, it’d be a great help if ya can send it to me via replying to this post or dm-ing me. It would better help spread this awareness around.
Also regarding articles that had brights name replaced w/ SA jokes that haven’t been edited out which is something else that also has been mentioned to me, would appreciate it to get more scps/tales listed regarding that. Only got 4498 so far which has a really bad um…”butt stabbing” joke...I mostly did skim read it so I’ll have a proper read at some point.
- Elias Shaw is pointless and does nothing.
- People who are saying u can't separate art from artists are tryna separate bright from author.
- Djkaktus was quiet during the admin bright situation and potentially was tryna cover it up, has been banning ppl for not liking his stuff, is an alleged predator and hasnt edited out sa jokes in articles where he changed bright’s name.
Correct me if I’m wrong on anything or anything like that.
Edit: reminder to take the djkaktus stuff as a grain of salt (especially the predator allegations) as it did come from pixelated harmony who did in fact doxxed someone
Still I stand by that he was quiet about admin bright though and of course I still don’t believe the elias shaw thing is gonna work
edit edit edit: things are messy. u can look in the comments for more info I don't rlly know what to say beyond this point.
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nightcolorz · 5 months
🌍 and 🔍 obviously for Armand
Fuck yes tysm anon looooove this animal!!!! "Obviously for Armand" is killing me like yes so true he is my brand
🔎: something about the modern era not referenced in the books that you think [insert character] would find upsetting or confusing + why?
This almost feels too obvious but the invasion of Ukraine I imagine would be pretty triggering and upsetting for Armand. For pretty self explanatory grew up in Kiev under invasion slash power of Ghengis Khan subsequent kidnapping and selling trauma.
On a less serious note I think Armand would find combat video games rlly confusing lmao. Ik this is probably a hot take but I have reasoning ! In devil's minion Armand describes to Daniel how he doesn't understand war or violence between men cuz violence to him isn't something he would ever choose, it's not exciting to him and it doesnt like call to him the way he imagines it does to other ppl, he is only so violent because he was born into violence raised to become used to pain and as a vampire violence is inherent + necessary.
So like I imagine if he found out about first person shooters killing games etc he wouldn't understand why they exist 😭 I think he'd really enjoy the technological and mechanic aspects that go into a game and find them really appealing for that reason (I could def see Armand having a gamer phase) but conceptually killing games would confuse him. I imagine while crushing Daniel in call of duty Armand's questioning him the whole time over why it is so overwhelmingly common for mortals to design experiences were they can fantsize about taking life while Daniel is just like oh my god Armand its not that deep ur distracting me 😭
🌍: if [insert character] were human and so was everyone else, what would their life be like? for example: what would their career be? where would they live? what about their relationship to [insert character]?
Oooo don't u dare activate human au brain (excitement). I love human aus cuz it strips away any supernatural justification for the characters being so fucked up and instantly reduces them to guys who r just like that it's so funny.
I could see Armand as an interior designer, smth sort of formulaic but still artistic. Interior design calls to me for him cuz of his passion for designing his loved ones elaborately lavish living spaces as a form of love language (trinity gate, night island). Obvs I have a human au and my Armand live's in New York, so I'm gonna go with that. Interior designer living in New York Lmao whose in the worst ever pseudo polycule with his old friend (derogatory) Lestat, Lestat's husband Armands ex husband (non literal) slash current boyfriend Louis and his bitch he keeps on a leash and does kink with in non consenting public spaces Daniel.
It feels so silly saying this cuz my fic is literally a social media au but I think that in a general human au Armand would not use social media like he'd have accounts and use the Internet but I can not see him blogging tweeting tiktoking etc. having a social media presence requires a certain level of gratification and enjoyment with sharing urself with others and being a public figure that army doesnt have lmao he hates to be perceived + consumed and thats what being online is all about ❤️
Anyways relationship wise I think Daniel is the most interesting to talk about in a human au cuz there relationship is so centrally vampiric like the whole conflict and crazy devotion comes from that, and in my heart and soul a human devil's minion has the same insanity that is justified by Daniel just being very mentally ill and Armand just being very into bdsm and blood play role play shit, love wins. Kidding they r both very mentally ill, I imagine the vampire conflict would translate into daniel being crazy obsessed with Armand and desperately longing for a deeper emotional intimacy and commitment, maybe even marriage, and armand keeps pushing him away cuz for trauma reasons he likes to keep ppl at arms length, so they r just doing bdsm shit but they r in love and army doesn't know what to do with that cuz the vulnerability of being emotionally intimate is scarier then physical esp when u have the power in the sexual dynamic. also Daniel alcoholism plus Armand every disorder and trauma is a formula for big blow out arguments all the time. Maybe they get healthy one day and adopt some fuck ass kid or two (Benji and sybelle wink wink)
Human au Marius wise makes me shudder cuz the most canon accurate stand in would be Marius adopts Armand when he's a kid or takes him in, fosters him, etc which is pretty hashtag disturbing 😭 but if I were to write a human au that's not millennia gate (my fic) that's what I'd do 😊
Armands history with Lestat and Louis I imagine would be pretty similar to canon just to a smaller less vampiric scale cuz queer ppl r just like that they r all exes they r all dating and having casual sex and marrying. I would elaborate more on this but I would just be semi spoiling my plans for my fic Lmao so ig stay tuned
Anyways love u for this anon I love Armand love that animal he is my fav ever shrieks and explodes
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ysolt · 9 months
U realize yuri and yaoi are terms used ironically right. The actual used terms are gl/bl. That's why calling everything yuri or yaoi even if it bends the actual meaning (which fetishizes gay ppl!!) is a thing in the first place. Mayhaps calling gl/sapphics yuri for real is not the feminist take you think it is. Also calling everything yuri including boys is very often done by genderqueer sapphics anyway being as what's actually "yuri" is 90% thin feminine cis women. It's just. A really silly thing to be getting mad over coming from a genderfluid lesbian who loves when everything is called Yuri cuz it's funny and weirdly comforting
okay way to show your ass in my inbox and be wrong right out of the gate. yuri is gl. like there is no meaningful difference this is not a yaoi/bl situation. people fetishize yuri but yuri in and of itself is not fetishization or a fetish term. it encompasses both erotic and unerotic art. its literally just a normal ass term the same way shojo or shonen or seinen is. like okay lets proceed under the assumption youre an idiot, congrats anon. now i dont give a fuck how genderqueer you are the post is complaining about how people claim to like yuri, which is inherently about wlw, but never fucking talk about women to just continue shipping men and talking about men over women. its rather ""silly"" that you talk about feminism but dont actually care about feminism. what people see when they think "yuri" is another fucking discussion and irrelevant to this. but i mean hey good on you if you think conflating terminology is funny. im betting real money youre lame about guy yuri anyway
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nerves-nebula · 9 months
Hello 👋 Non-Angst anon here again! Apologies for popping up so frequently as of late 😅 but I had to relay a funny conversation that happened between me and my girlfriend while I was info dumping about TMNT as well as showing her some of ur art and explaining ur AU. Or as she says: "Showing off the art of ur favorite artist like some sort of proud parent showing baby pictures 🤣"
But anyways, I was telling her that even thought Leo is a complete and utter asshole in this AU he's like one of my fave characters in it. I said that I didn't know why that is and she said without missing a beat: "Oh its because he's basically me before I finally got my shit together." And I was like 😧 "Oh shit u right! We just gotta switch out his daddy issues with ur mommy issues and he's like ur twin or something!" Then she was like: "Well I like Donnie cuz he reminds me of you. Especially his relationship with Pasiflora." And I was like: "Explain??" And she said: "Extremely autistic, non-confrontational especially when uncomfortable, and only alive because of your dogs." And I was like: 😧 "Ur right but I also don't like being called out like that! 😤"
But yeah, I thought it was funny so I wanted to mention it. Again sorry for the rambling 😅
I mmmeant to respond to this sooooo long ago good lawd.
Funny you should mention a proud parent and baby pictures cuz I’m not really sure how many pictures of me my parents took. Had 6 kids, I guess they stopped caring so much after a certain point.
Anywho leo is like all of us: he sucks and is transgender <3 but that’s oke <3
This was a very cute conversation, thank you for sharing it with me
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seongminiz · 1 month
to do list:
write smutty things in jo’s inbox✅
so.. i see u like zb1…did u watch the mv for zb1’s sweat? i am currently trying to keep up with too many groups atm but the mv did alter my brain chemistry permanently and honestly i’m too scared to watch the live stages but i’ve got 2 scenarios playing out here because i am not a loyal person when it comes to zb1😓
i desperately need to ride jiwoong and have him smack my ass with the same enthusiasm as he humps the air towards the end of the mv.. his chest.. ugh i wanna lick all over it and suck his tiddies in my mouth, men who have tiddies justshhdjdjdjd i desperately need my face in between them at all times slobbering all over them omgggg.. erm and then idk i just need jiwoong to wreck me . like i’m so serious he’s insane for looking like that what the hell!!!! is his problem!!!! that wasn’t really a scenario honestly head empty when it comes to him. i could see him being into dumbification for sure.. i also see ppl hc him as being rly mean/frat boy but i don’t think so :( i think he’d be a fairly soft dom but if u want him to hurt u then he will >:))))
matthew on the other hand.. on paper, he’s my bias for sure, and i love toxic!matthew headcanons and i do agree he is probably(hopefully) rly big and girthy.. he’s definitely the type of guy to want his partner to wear a sundress or like some loose shorts whatever gives him the easiest access to play with you, would fill you up with his cum and then make you try to hold it in, in public<333 park dates or beach dates or smth summery but he’s out to get u the whole time, keeping you so flustered and needy and then giving you what u want, mocking you for it cuz ur just a dumb baby :(( need his cock all the time :(( and then cumming inside and making u hold it in so he can watch you struggle to do so and become so ashamed when it begins to dribble down ur thighs.. but the feeling of clenching to try to keep it inside you just makes you desperate again and the cycle continues<33333
i feel like i often come into ur inbox and then kinda blackout and then i’m just like yeah idk what that was *tucks hair behind ear* anyways i hope u like.
- 🧁 anon
🧁 do u want me dead be honest ..... just think of how i felt when i woke up this morning n saw this long ass ask in my inbox 💔💔💔 /pos
(i kept it to myself for the whole day bc im a gatekeeper at heart amen)
yes i did watch the sweat mv !! that part of the choreo at the end .. my friend started calling it the dickslap so now everytime we see a video of it we send it to each other like 'get dickslapped‼️‼️' bc we have the humor of a 12yo
ANYWAYS u r so real especially bc like .. who doesn't love a good pair or man tits⁉️
me with jiwoong fr fr :
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matthew ..... i dont even have words for what u wrote for matthew i just .
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yeah .
hes such a tease i cant stand him i hate him so much (read : i want him so bad its not even funny)
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trenchcoatsbi · 5 months
SOOO YK HOW I'M KINSIDERING FRANZISKA VON KARMA UHMM.... I'm trying to kinfirm her rn yeah? and I'm thinking how it feels there is a relation with her and my noncanon snow kin cuz like we both have blue hair and I'm always comparing her relationship with edgeworth with me and quackity's idk what the relation is but its interesting shdgsj ANYWAYS GOING BACK TO TRY TO SEE IF I'M A VON KARMA KIN SEE U LATER!!! o//// -(cannon divergent llulah anon)⭑
a bit late on this one cause we literally just got an ask where it looks like ya kinfirmed but yeah that kinda stuff is interesting!
i have a big list/chart of me things in common between my kins that me or my friends have noticed and i would simply like to highlight the fact that there's categories called "kind of dilfy (gender inclusive)" and "in theory would kick a child for fun" which are right next to each other. its just so funny to me...
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actualbird · 1 year
sunflower anon here! this ask contains possible spoilers for the exploration dialogue, but part of this has already popped up while being guided by DAVIS. i don’t know if you noticed while exploring with luke, but there was an interesting trend that came up while exploring the mansions. you know how when you interact with that one encased book that’s like a script of an old play about a swordsman, and luke just quotes it “like it was always in my memory”? that was interesting, considering his ssr card for this event is dreamlike drama. and then another similar thing happened while i was exploring with artem in the second room. when you interact with said umbrella in, he says “the weed creeps with dewdrops in the field, and there is a beautiful girl with bright eyes.” rosa then remarks that it feels as though it’s something he told her a long time ago. funnily enough, his ssr is called the weeds (which. can i go on a tangent here for a second? “The weeds” is such a funny name for a card thensbs). its safe to assume that marius and vyn get their moments in the next rooms too. i’m probably clowning here considering i don’t know anything about the plot of any of these cards, but the game seems to imply that current nxx is somehow reincarnated from their gufeng ssr counterparts, which–correct me if I’m wrong–might be the first time the the au ssr cards have been acknowledged in canon dialogue. i don’t know what this implies about the canon timeline, but it felt like a nice surprise. anyway. thanks for reading this and i hope you’re doing okay!!! -🌻
hello sunflower!!!
i waited to answer this ask til after i got thru the first 4 puzzle rooms (which was an Experience. im too dumb for this khVKJVKHK but i was actually able to get through marius' room easily and without hints, cuz that room didnt involve nUMBERS OR MATH. pls.....give me spacial reasoning puzzles any day, just NOT NUMBERS //sob sob) but YEA YEA!!! for this event, travelling with certain nxxboys in certain rooms can basically unlock a little easter egg reference to the card story
this has actually happened before once!! in SOTT, if you inspected one of the exhibits in the museum, it's related to luke's card story (iirc, it's like a letter with the final lines of the card story on it? MADE ME BURST INTO TEARS, IM NOT EMOTIONALLY STRONG ENOUGH FOR THAT //SOB SOB) and mc mentions that when she read it, her heart suddenly felt heavy
the slight reincarnation/past lives nod is very cool and more impotantly makes me too emotional. oh god. the "i will find you in every life" of it all.....//SOBS LOUDER. imo i dont think this has any bearing towards the canon timeline, but it does serve a good punch of utter Feels ;w;
thanks for the ask! hope u have a nice day too :D
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crushedsweets · 1 month
ok this is like 30+ asks LOL its mostly stuff about me/my art with a little crp sprinkled in im sorry... ill make a post thats actually answering the crp asks with real answers that arent "ILL DO IT EVENTUALLY I SWEAR" lololol
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YOURE BOTH SO SWEET i havent been this passionate about smth in so long so hopefully im here for a while... thank u guys for indulging me. it makes me happy to post LOL
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with love pls dont call me that buuuut. ninakate. ticciwork. ninatoby. ticcijack. ninajack. notice how its all in the same group...
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hiii i dont plan to anytime soon! IF I WERE TO, cody and rouge are probably 'next in line' to being put in my AU, but i have no plans to actually commit to that
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omg ok its funny cuz rn i HAVE ONE but its just me in it cuz im too lazy to organize all the bots and verification and whatnot. im also nervous about making a server cuz of some online occurrences that happened after u sent this HAHA so i'm kinda putting it off... but i reblogged tombs server and im sometimes active in there if u wanna join that one!
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no ur right theyre such a power couple. i know we joke about toby being useless bf and clocky being badass gf but they're both really cool together.
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I FORGOT I MADE THE TWILIGHT COMMENT LMFAAAOOOOOO I NEED i need. i need toby to find a random twilight shirt at a thrift and snag it for kate.
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ME TOOOO its so delightful. i have so much fun playing with them like barbies.. making them kiss n whatever. LMFAOOOO so silly but yk
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JEFF STANS ARE SO FUNNYYYYYYYYY i like you guys. laughing jack stans scare me but thats cuz that damn clown scares me... nothing that yall have done. youre just braver than me. LOL
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i will not do this...
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no literally its really bad. i hold horrible grudges BAHAHA but im working on it. im getting over my purple beef
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omg. i listened to it and that was really cool. i like that thank u sm for sharing
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IM SORRYYYY im so sorry. i feel like this fandom is so small and most of the fans dont really ship in general so it suuuucks shipping here.. but i love them..
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oh my god i need to i keep forgetting. the nina art i jus tposted of her holding th eknife was kinda.. kinda referencing her behaviors..
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i do too!!! ive been neglecting them so bad im so sorry..
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like the IEPFB tea party scene
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is this a song
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i have not! i havent read alot of stories actually... i kinda like doing my own thing with them HAHA
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omfg i had a clocknina drawing but i ended up privating but i think i should unprivate it...
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ok actually im sorry i just am bad at requests omfg LMFAOO IM SORRY im so focused on nina ... forgive me...
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THANK YOUUUU youre very sweet i appreciate you!!! <3
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YEAH he's...one of the more tragic people. 100%. all loss
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wdym ? !
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THANK YOU CUPCAKE i really like nina.. or my version i gues si dunno.. i like everyone else's nina too. i like this nina we got going on together
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ok i keep grouping these together but also making them seperate im so bad at organizing these asks but HAHA I LOVE THEM TOO i swear ill try to get some ticciwork stuff out soon!!! my spring semester is almost over so hopefullyyy..
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this is how you know i suck ass cuz this was christmas time and im replying NOW. im so sorry. i initially planned to draw them hanging around a tree but i didnt get around to it then got embarassed and never replied.... but i agree it would have been cute. ha di notfailed. LOL
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
AW OKAY ill just rewrite then🤭
OK SO i wanna say i appreciate your work sm, ive been following you for a while and when i first found your acc i literslly stalked ts out of you (also absolutely going to follow you on spotify hello) IDK YOURE SO FUN and your blog is such a comfort place for me if that makes sense?? UR BLOG IS SO COMFY. everything is so meeowoaaarggh including the community and even tho im not an anon ive sent a few asks so i feel like a part of the kai pookies😇 (i wud ask to be an one but ik you aren’t accepting new ones!! over 200 is CRAZY - makes me mad when people dont read creators pinned like bae thats the least you can do) also you made me start saying pleek…….. sobs. THIS MIGHT BE MESSY CUZ IM TIRED BUT UM YEAH in kai we trust
me spreading the pleek agenda is so funny so many ppl have told me they started saying it cus of me bye
OKAY I LOVE U and if u wanna be an anon i can squeeze u in :3 idk any emojis o the top of my head that r available rn
"in kai we trust" UR SO CUTE
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