#c: amy santiago
B99 Amy&Jake prompt
warning for a lot of gender roles stereotypes, but it is actually how it was for me as i grew up so that's how i'm justifying it.
in s1e10, we learn that Amy's shit at cooking. actually, she's even worse than that. but Amy grew up with lots of boys (and her mom presumably, but she was always trying to one up the boys, which necessitates to spend all her time with them) and Jake grew up with his mom, grandma, Gina and Gina's mom, so, just ladies. therefore, Amy's good at stereotypical boy stuff, Jake's good at stereotypical girl stuff, and they exchange lessons in How to Adult, like, fix Jake's car and make some (edible) food, stuff like that.
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genderselkies · 8 months
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addict pride icons (i'm pretty sure these are all canon except ed)
flag by @neopronouns!
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gamerly · 11 months
Okay, @dioritepoodle I have no idea why you would want anything more to do with me but it's your loss, so here we go c:
Last song:
-Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift
Currently Watching:
-Shadow And Bone
Currently Reading:
-A Good Girl's Guide To Murder: Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackon
-Tales of O'Henry
Current Obsession(s):
-Brooklyn99, also Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago in specific.
-Every single Six Of Crows ship.
-Spiral artwork
-and... this is a weirder one but better architecture for slums.
And now I have to tag 9 people, so @luna-maximoff-22 , @that-gurl-ella , @caityrayeraye , @deathknightwriter , @bhavya-123 (I know Dio already tagged you both I'm sorry), @bookish-dream , @just-mushroom-thoughts , @emmafallsin , @randomwholocker . I'm really reallly really sorry if you didn't want to be tagged, a couple of you don't know me, but I've seen you around. Tag your own 9 people <3
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Good Louis Posts 10
• Songwriters and collaborators congratulate Louis on the FitF announcement
• August 28, 2022, x
• Touring data LTWT2022 (x)
• LTWT 2022 Fashion: Top Five as voted by Louies
• The expansion of LTWT from 2020 to 2022
• The stage design for Walls on tour echoes the Walls music video
• The stage design for Copy of a Copy of a Copy
• Louis’ IGTV and the pride flag (x)
• Louis correctly addressing a transgender fan in Brazil.
• The video for the Kill My Mind fan project, first done at LTWT2022 Santiago, reaches 1 million views on Twitter. (x)
• Louis understanding that this project was special and fan-driven. Liking a tweet from the MoviestarArena Twitter account.
• The ❤️ mic hand gesture was always only for LOUIS
• Living la pura vida Costa Rica (x) (x) (wtf)
• Hot Louis tour moments, take 2 (is it cold)
• Oli singing to Through the Dark on tour; Oli and Krystle in Brisbane
• Insane lashes
• The gift of Latam: (x) (x) gift from Mexican fans
• Louis Fashion Rankings Asia/ Australia
• Louis in pastels (x)
• LT2 colors (x)
• Transcription of Louis’ first Latam IGTV
• The funny girlfriend who wants attention
• The Louis Tomlinson- Charlie Lightening- Liam Gallagher dance in Australia, and the fan who loves rock and roll going to both their Sydney concerts.
• Liam Gallagher, Louis Tomlinson, Johnny Took of the DMAs reunite in Australia. But who knew Louis’ bum would be the headline!
• Louis’ Australia interviews, July 2022
• Eleanor Calder hanging out with Louis’ ex-employees who are also ex-Syco employees: Rusty Eslamifar, Jessie Martin, and Amy Crawford, Chris Frewin’s SO. Jessie again. Why would Lisa Wilkinson, PR for BMG UK follow Amy or Jessie?
• 23 July 2022: the weird 1D anniversary when Eleanor blocked and refollowed Louis, only to have Louis follow her back again 12 hours later
A Triptych of the Harry™️ Brand:
A. Plagiarist Harry Styles (x) (x) regifting flowers that a fan sent him to his invited influencer, Brittany Broski
B. Harry’s vocal warmups pantomiming Freddie Mercury and why it is a turnoff
C. Harry’s fans copying the Chilean Louies’ Kill My Mind project but doing it very badly, yet it didn’t deter them from trying again 😵‍💫😂😂
Harry’s strategy to extract the highest ticket prices from his concerts
A review of Harry’s House
An interesting HS submission from 2020
• Lisa Wilkinson, head of PR for BMG UK (and the person who will handle promo for Faith in the Future) posting from Harry’s concert (x) (x)
• Louis mentions One Direction’s 12th anniversary at his solo concert in Sydney (x)
• I’m a Directioner, sort of. Louies rank the boys. Heritage post (x)
• Unseasoned chicken
• Mesh polos
• My ranking of partial Latam outfits
• Quotes from Alt Disco podcast interview with Callum Wilson, bass player of The Snuts
• Latam Louies and Asian Louies on not being treated right (x) for LTWT2022.
• Then and now in Brazil, at the barricades
• “Larrying” by Harry’s team and Louis’ team in 2022: what is this about?
• How Larries treat Louis at the end of his solo world tour; how Tumblr Larries manipulate Louis’ fandom, Larries pre-2016.
• A Spanish Larrie stalking Louis and recording his voice without permission.
• Larries spreading the LT2 leaked audio and leaked lyrics. HLD being the biggest anti-Louis.
• 1D hiatus
• Thoughts on Alistair Norbury’s interview re: Louis and BMG, 8.8.22
• My hope for LT2 promo
• Warner Music Indonesia comments on a Louis UA’s LTWT2022 post. It is likely that Warner is handling LT2’s international promo and distribution.
• The DJ’s instructions for the incidental music at Lokerse Feesten: don’t play too much 1D or Harry Styles. (Larrie tags lmao)
• Twitter spree 24 August 2022, part 2
• 👁 motif
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extremelynormalblog · 2 years
Another meme
Tagged by @junkshop-disco
The idea of this tag game is to take this personality quiz and list top ten of the characters they present you with.
Mine are - with the caveat that I didn’t touch the order, but I took out the (many many many) characters I didn’t recognize at all and replaced them with the next character that even vaguely rang a bell from further down the list lol
David Rosen (Scandal): 92%
Ben Wyatt (Parks and Recreation): 88%
Cameron Frye (Ferris Bueller's Day Off): 88%
C-3PO (Star Wars): 86%
Dr. Chan Kaifang (Space Force): 86%
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place): 83%
Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast): 82%
Simon Tam (Firefly + Serenity): 81%
Felix Gaeta (Battlestar Galactica): 81%
Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine): 81%
Yeaaaah i don’t know if I love the picture that makes of me, but at the same time I can’t say it’s not vaguely accurate lol
Whoever wants to do it is welcome to!
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
@strwbrrymccn​ said : can i change amys to ana de armas and make velma hirose suzu? c: thank you!
all good, we’re swapping that around now! amy santiago’s fc is now melissa fumero ana de armas and velma’s fc is now ana de armas hirose suzu!
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coolman229 · 2 years
So I’ve watched two episodes of Brooklyn 99. The first one was years ago and I don’t remember what episode it was since this was still when the show was relatively new but I didn’t like it or found it funny at all. I concede that it was probably just really bad luck that I happen to check out the show with a terrible episode, but I just watched another episode because I was looking for a clip to use for a video and I ended up watching the season 4 episode “Mr. Santiago”. I have to say it was much funnier than the other episode I watched and 
Though while I found the episode funny and that’s really important for a comedy I have some criticisms regarding the writing of the story in it, or stories to be more accurate.
The biggest issue with the episode is that it’s a 21 minute episode split amongst three stories. You have the main A plot where Jake meets the titular Mr. Santiago and tries to impress him. You have the B plot where everyone is trying to have a Thanksgiving dinner and hijinks ensue. And you have the C plot involving Captain Holt lending money to a guy to help him and hijinks ensue. To be honest each of these stories could have a full half hour show dedicated to them, with the A plot easily being able to fill out an hour long episode (which in reality is more like 42-45 minutes). The biggest problem that arises from this format is that while each plot on its own is fine they are crammed together into 21 minutes and none of them have any time for development and end up with lots of scenes that should be happening cut just because there’s no time.
The Holt subplot is the one that suffers the most despite having a really funny idea for it. Holt is hanging out with some guy who’s name I can’t remember that seems pretty unstable. He decides to give the guy a decent chunk of money to help him out, which he immediately blows by betting on a dog in a competition in some sort of black market illegal underground Caribbean dog competition betting organization. Holt is pissed off because his money just got wasted and the guy was so desperate to make money he bet on a dog that Holt didn’t think had a chance to win. So they try to get the money back but it’s already in the Caribbean and they can’t just fly over there to dramatically get the money back. So they go to a bar and threaten the guy there to put on the dog competition so they can watch it and hope that the dog that was bet on did well enough to make the money back, and he wins giving them a huge payout.
Conceptually this episode is freaking hilarious and what little of it is in the episode is pretty decent, though it gets bogged down by the other dude in it being pretty unfunny and his jokes dragging out way way longer than they need to. Holt is what keeps the story afloat tbh. But other than that particular issue it could have really done well if it was given its own episode to flesh things out. Actually show more of the characters, what they’re doing, have Holt and this guy talk more about the situation and give the guy more of a chance to develop. And it would have been much easier to get invested in the dramatic finale where the (literal) underdog wins.
The B plot where Amy gets everyone to come over for Thanksgiving dinner is generally fine and overall pretty funny. The primary drama is that one dude was supposed to get a turkey and decided to get a live turkey to kill there and cook at the house. This raises protest from a couple of the people there and results in them refusing to let them cook the turkey and everyone else tries to get the turkey so they can actually eat. It’s pretty funny overall but could have easily had it’s own episode. The story is simple and carried by the actors and the jokes.
The A plot and what the episode is named after really had the best potential. Despite not having the previous seasons of context I can understand that Jake is meeting his girlfriend’s dad for the first time and since he’s such an anal stick in the mud he’s desperately trying to impress him by acting like he’s more detail oriented and sophisticated than he actually is. This whole story leads into Jake’s secret getting found out, resulting in the two arguing then going on to solve a case from 20 years ago that Mr. Santiago couldn’t solve. 
Only a decent chunk of that is offscreen. All of the build up and preparation Jake does is skipped and only explained in dialogue later. Much of their general interactions at the party are shown as quick flashbacks, and even the big dramatic finish where they actually solve the case and arrest the true culprit happens offscreen. It’s only vaguely described after the fact. It’s a frustrating break of the “show don’t tell” rule. You can certainly tell things and explain stuff but when so much stuff is happening offscreen and you just have it described it feels like a waste to even have this plot in the first place. You could have easily had this fill out two entire half hour episodes on its own but it has to share a 21 minute runtime with two other plotlines. And what’s really weird is that despite this supposedly linking directly to the B plot of the episode of a Thanksgiving dinner it feels strangely disconnected, which makes it even more pointless to cram these stories together and give both truncated screentime.
You also had Jimmy freaking Smits in it as Amy’s father. You had Bail Organa himself and his screentime is limited. He’s a fantastic actor who did his role to perfection, nailing both the comedy and the serious aspects of it and seamlessly switched between the tones. He surprisingly also had great chemistry with Andy Samberg, with them playing off each other really well. It’s a shame we didn’t get more of it.
I wouldn’t say the episode overall is bad, but it certainly could have been a lot better.
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joysmercer · 4 years
I can’t help but think that ginny and hermione’s friendship was a lot like amy and rosa’s and I’m upset that there isn’t enough canonical evidence to support or refute this
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donnaten · 6 years
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karsdanvers · 7 years
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B99 Amy prompt
in s1e8, Amy sees Jake at work before her and says "is this a dream, am i dreaming?". which I hear as "Amy has nightmares of Jake being a better employee than her on a regular basis and it freaks her out"
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evcryopeneye · 6 years
📱 (c: Jake Peralta to Amy Santiago)
5 texts I didn’t send[Text: Jake] What we need is a comprehensive set of rules[Text: Jake] I could make a binder for them[Text: Jake] I want to kiss your dumb face and hold your stupid hand [Text: Jake] Why do I love your stupid face so much.[Text: Jake] I’m Amy Santiago and I am done texting now
1 text I did
[Text: Jake] I didn’t understand any of that, you need to use proper punctuation in texts.
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evilly-laughing · 3 years
batfam as b99 but cute pfps
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Happy 28th of April- also known as the day Jake decided to marry Amy 😊
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komiago · 5 years
brooklyn 99′s first bleep was a bleep done well
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cptnsantiago · 4 years
safe in my arms when you finally come
summary: Amy’s afternoon between Wuntch’s funeral, a wonderfully timed meltdown, and arriving home. 7x07 spoilers.
read on ao3
Amy was frustrated to put it lightly — no matter how high she put the AC on in her car, the sweat was not letting up.
It wouldn’t be long before her entire car was flooded of her sweat. And tears, probably. This wouldn’t be a problem if her stupid body would get pregnant as easily as the rest of the Santiago clan, so she wouldn’t have to stick needles in her back every morning. It didn’t help her frustration that one of her brother’s just announced that their wife was pregnant once again, apparently a total surprise to them.
Amy just wouldn’t get that luck. She was stuck in a stuffy car with soaked with sweat hair and an empty uterus. Surely this wasn’t normal.
She had done her research before agreeing to take these fertility drugs. Possible side effects of course included mood swings, hot flushes among a host of other symptoms, but Amy couldn’t believe that it was normal to the extent of sweating through layers of clothes. It made no sense to her; how she had been taking the drug for almost a month but only now were these symptoms making themselves known?
It sends her into enough of a panic to call her doctor.
Dr. Lowe was a fantastic doctor, she had multiple awards for fertility research, so she was the best of the best and had a great instinct on how to deal with anxious women trying to get pregnant. Her voice is calming, making the loud noises of New York sound like a white noise machine as she asks Amy to describe her symptoms to her.
“Well, I’ve been sweating profusely all day, and intense mood swings, like probably an equal amount of sweat and tears all week… And I know these are normal symptoms, because as you know I did my research, Dr. Lowe, but I really can’t exaggerate enough how much sweat there was.” Amy knows she’s ranting, and probably for nothing but being told that it was completely normal.
She’d heard enough of completely normal. It was completely normal that it took so long for her and Jake to make a baby, completely normal to be sweating out of every single pore of her body and completely normal that she wants to kill the bird that just pooped on her car’s windscreen. Why couldn’t the thing that was completely normal thing in her life being the nausea she feels everyday because she’s growing a baby inside her? But no, yet another symptom of this dumb fertility drug.
“That’s definitely not normal, Amy.” Dr. Lowe begins cautiously, causing Amy’s heart rate to spike to an unhealthy level as she waits for her to speak again. “I do have an idea of what might be the problem here… Well, I wouldn’t call it a problem!”
Amy doesn’t know how to process the next words — Dr. Lowe spitting out a theory that she could be pregnant, causing her to experience double the symptoms from the medication. Amy, you might be pregnant.
The words bounce around her head for a while after she hangs up the phone. Dr. Lowe tells her she’s excited to hear back from her, willing to make time for an appointment as soon as she needs but Amy barely hears any of it as she processes those words. You might be pregnant.
For months on end, Amy had been convincing herself of symptoms that always lead her to a negative result on a plastic stick but now… Now her own doctor thinks she might be pregnant. Amy really didn’t want to face that disappointment again, and Jake. She didn’t want to disappoint him yet again. He goes on about how it’s okay, we’ll get pregnant and he’s there, always, to pick her up when she’s down but she knows how he’s feeling.
Amy can see the disappointment on her face every time she came back with a negative result, just to disguise it as fast as he could with his supportive words, but she could see it still hiding it. She sees it in the way he talks about Nikolaj, how badly Jake wants to be a dad, how badly he wanted to add a child into their family. He tries to hide his admiration of the couples with strollers on their nightly stroll together, but she can see it, because it’s exactly how she was feeling.
Every stroller, every toddler and every pregnant woman they passed just a cruel tease of what Amy apparently couldn’t have. She was bad at making babies, as much as Jake reassured Amy that it wasn’t her fault. It was almost constantly in the back of her conscience, nagging at her deteriorating patience.
She probably sits in her car for another minute longer before she resolves to go home and just rip off the band-aid and let the scab bleed all over the place. The duration of the car ride is spent debating whether to tell Jake, so he could be by her side. If she didn’t tell him, then she only had to deal with her own disappointment. An instant after that thought she had made her decision; Jake would stay in the dark for the moment.
Jake doesn’t think much of her weird behaviour when she arrives home. Probably because of the extensive knowledge of the fertility treatment that she made him read about, so he shoots her a simple smile she barely sees as she runs straight for the bathroom. Her hand moves to the medicine cabinet like clockwork, her hands shaking as she takes out the pregnancy test.
Keep your expectations low, Amy. She tells herself, but Dr. Lowe’s words ring in her ears, Take the test, it’s possible you’re pregnant and overwhelmed by hormones.
The three minutes pass slower than… Fuck, she’s too nervous to think of a good analogy. But it’s a slow moving three minutes she’s sure of. Looking down at the test sitting in the sink, Amy thinks she might pass out.
Two lines. Clear as day. Pregnant. Amy was pregnant. Her uterus wasn’t doomed to be empty forever. Jake was going to be a dad. They were going to have a baby.
The overwhelming amount of emotions she had felt all day hit her like a fucking train once. Tears were streaming down her face, her hand shaking again as she held the test in her hand and she simply forgot how to breath. She was going to have a baby with the love of her life, after months of struggle and tears, they were going to have a baby. This was her reality.
Amy doesn’t keep track of how long she spends in the bathroom trying to pull herself together, but once she pinches herself and snaps out of her emotional stupor, she’s quickly formulating a creative way to tell Jake. It takes a little while to think it through and compose herself — she had started crying again when she straightened her shirt over her stomach, remembering there was a baby in there and then again as she wondered if their baby would have Jake’s curls — but as she makes her way into their bedroom, her whole plan is thrown out the window.
Jake is cursing Wario once again, and she almost starts crying on the spot again. That man, her husband, was going to be the best dad on the planet. How she gets through telling him without crying is a mystery to her, but now their hug had moved to the bed, she lets the river flow at last. He listens to her anxieties she had been feeling that day, wiping and kissing away every single tear as they come. She does the same for him, heart swelling as his own tears of joy start to pour down his face. Amy couldn’t feel more love for this man even if she tried, his dedication was unmatched.
They come to a point where it was impossible to find the words to express how they were feeling, so outside of booking appointments and taking out her pregnancy binder with a light layer of dust on it, they mostly just smile at each other. That and kissing, there’s a lot of that. Kissing is interrupted by Charles knocking their door in the middle of the night, who makes sure to mention that he tried his best to hold himself back when he woke up and apparently just knew. But he’s respectful enough of the space they need, so he’s soon gone, and Jake is quickly back to kissing Amy.
Falling asleep that night after he talks to her flat stomach for a half hour is otherworldly. Jake makes sure to make her feel more loved than ever, through words, kisses and all. It’s not at all what she expected at the start of the week when she found out that Madeline Wuntch had died, but she couldn’t be happier with the turn of events.
They were finally getting their half-Jake, half-Amy. And as Charles had screamed, their little Peraltiago baby.
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