chocolatemillkk · 6 years
Fan Club (BL)
Request: Byron surprise their girlfriend with a puppy because their girlfriend has just been kinda having a horrible month and could really use something to cheer them up?
Byron sat with his girlfriend, her head on his lap as he gently massaged her scalp.
"I'm sorry we haven't had much time together babe." Y/N turns to lay on her back, looking up at Byron with a sad look. "It's just been the shittiest month."
"It's fine, I understand," Byron says and he really did. Y/N's job recently got new management who were keen on firing the dead weight in the office which put extra pressure on Y/N to work harder. The extra pressure meant Y/N fell sick for a good chunk of the month and vowed to not kiss Byron lest he get sick too so they both suffered from that.
On top of all of that, her lease for her flat didn't get renewed for the year which meant she was soon-to-be homeless even though Byron insisted that she should live with him. But they were only dating for 7 months and Y/N said it was too fast to move in together.
"The flat I'm meant to look at today was cancelled-already taken." Y/N covers her eyes with her arm. "And I have one week left at my old place."
"Babe you know I've said you could-"
"I know," Y/N cups Byron's face, squinting up at him. "I know love, thank you. But I already said I want a place of my own-you know why."
"So you can have all your other boyfriends around," Byron grumbles, rolling his eyes for extra effect.
Y/N flashes her teeth before pressing her lips together to hide her smile and Byron can't help the flash of joy he feels at having been the reason for it.
"What other boyfriends?" Y/N bites her lip to keep from laughing.
"A woman as beautiful as you must have a fan club of boyfriends," Byron says.
"Oh?" Y/N raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah-I would know. It cost me a fortune just to join." Byron grins as Y/N bursts into laughter.
"Well I promise I haven't seen a penny of it," she props herself on her elbows and kisses Byron in a slow and meaningful kiss. When she looks him in the eye, this close, he can't help notice the tired bags around her eyes. Before he could say anything about taking it easy, she pecks him on the cheek and buries her face into his neck.
"Things'll get better," Byron strokes her back.
"That's what I keep telling myself," Y/N mumbles into his shoulder. "My last flat was shite anyway-the landlord was from the deepest pit of hell."
"Didn't he try to tell you you couldn't have a TV in your flat."
"Don't get me started," she sighs.
So Byron wraps his arms around her tired frame and wishes there was a way he could just transfer all the shittiness to him so she could have one good day.
"I got it!" Y/N shrieks into the phone as soon as Byron picks up. It was 9 in the morning and he'd dragged himself out of bed to where his phone lay, his vision clear enough to make out his girlfriend's face.
"Got what?" He mumbles.
"Oh you just got up...sorry babe I was just so excited I had to call!"
"That's alright," Byron flops back onto the bed. "What happened?"
"I got this new flat that went up this morning and it's perfect! Right near the station and it's close enough to you I could walk to your flat! Walk!"
"That's awesome!" Byron tries to muster as much energy as he can for his girlfriend but it was hard since he was still trying to wake up.
"Yeah! The view's quite good and it's got no pet policy!"
"Is that a good thing?" Byron asks. From what he remembered, his girlfriend loved pets. The mere sight of a dog passing by on the street had her gushing over the canine. It was one of the things he loved about her.
"No pet policy babe? They don't have one...there are dogs in the building!"
She whispers the last bit and Byron laughs at her bubbling excitement.
"That's the perfect place for you b-"
"Oh no-Byron sorry I-shit! I'm late to work I'll call you later? Iloveyoubyebabe."
The line goes dead and Byron looks at the screen in confusion but she really had put it down. He sets the phone back on his nightstand and falls back to sleep.
Byron's phone has a dozen texts from Y/N apologising for hanging up on him, to complaining about the trouble she got in, to apologising again. She had to work late since she was late and wouldn't see him today. Unfortunately, Byron had gotten used to that.
But he could feel the disappointment from the texts his girlfriend sent which sets Byron on a hunt of what to do to make her feel better. He could cook her dinner but there was no guarantee their schedules would line up. He could book a trip away but once again...her schedule. He considered helping her move for her flat but he would be doing that anyway.
Then it comes to him.
Y/N had been talking about getting a dog-he had texts and pictures of her dream dog except her last place didn't allow pets. But now that she had a place that did...
Byron checks his messages just to confirm and finds the exact breed she wanted-a beagle. It was all she texted about when she got drunk.
So for the next few hours, he searches the web and every pet store and animal shelter in London. Even outside of London.
Over the next week as Y/N attempts to pack up her life and Byron tries to help, he visits every place that advertised beagles. And almost like a miracle, the weekend Y/N moves in, Byron spots an ad. A litter of puppies born a couple weeks ago now looking for a new home.
"I've got some business near Ilford today," Byron tells his girlfriend that Sunday. "Is it alright if you start with the furniture without me?"
"I've actually got errands-when do you think you'll be back?" Y/N asks.
They work out a plan and Byron's off to get the last part of Operation Make-Y/N's-Life-Better.
"Byron?" Y/N arrives home around 2 and notices her boyfriend's shoes by the front door. It somehow makes the place feel even more like home. "You home?"
"Hi," Byron suddenly appears from the one bedroom, closing the door behind him suspiciously. He sounds winded and his cheeks are flushed. "Hey."
"Hey," Y/N walks up to him slowly. "When did you get back?"
"Half hour?" Byron waits for her to reach him before wrapping his arms around her.
"Are you hiding something?" His girlfriend raises her eyebrow and Byron can't stop the grin from spreading on his face.
"I got you a present," he says in a lowered voice.
"Ooh," Y/N smiles. "Did you build all my bedroom furniture for me?"
"No," Byron chuckles. "Not that sort of present."
"So what is it?" She asks eagerly.
"I know how stressed out you've been and how hard you've been on yourself and I-"
A small bark sounds throughout the house and Y/N scrunchles her eyebrows. Byron feels like his heart was thumping out of his chest.
"Is that the neighbours? I didn't realise the walls were that thin." Y/N says and her voice triggers another bark.
"I uh-shit. Okay. I swear he was asleep-okay we-I can't hide it just..." Byron sighs. This wasn't the plan but the dog was getting his own way. "Just open the door."
Y/N seems to have pieced it together while Byron rambled and another bark sounded closer to the door. Her hands immediately go up to her mouth and her eyes well up with tears.
"You didn't," she stares wide eyed at the door.
"Look and see!" Byron urges.
"Is there a..." she still remains frozen in place so Byron has to put his hand on her back to warm her back up.
"Babe go on."
"Ohmygod. Oh my god if it's a..."
The rest of her sentence is lost in a shout and then squealing and a mixture of crying and gushing as she slowly opens the door and the baby beagle pounces in front of her, his wide head turning this way and that, taking in the new space.
"Is he mine?" Y/N gasps as she picks him up and squeezes him to her cheek. "Byron did you get this for me?"
"This was the errand? How long have you been planning this!"
"Since you got the place," Byron smiles at the sight of an overjoyed Y/N-a sight that had become rare in the last month.
The dog wriggles it's body and Y/N puts him down, replacing him with Byron as she jumps into his arms.
"I love you I love you Iloveyou!" Y/N squeezes him before peppering his face with kisses.
"If you love me let me go," Byron wheezes and with a laugh she does, placing her feet back on the ground.
"I didn't think I could love you anymore than I did but I do," Y/N kisses Byron before looking around for the puppy again.
"I think you love the puppy even more than me already," Byron jokes.
"Maybe I'll name him Byron, nobody will know when I talk about how much I love him then."
"Don't you dare," Byron walks to Y/N who's trying to pick the overexcited beagle up.
"Byron," Y/N coos. "Did you know how much I love you?"
The puppy barks a small happy note and Y/N looks at her boyfriend wide-eyed.
"He's taken to the name!" She laughs.
"I'm being replaced," Byron groans.
"C'mere," Y/N loops her free arm around Byron's shoulder and tip toes to give him another kiss. Before Byron could react the dog barks between them and the happy couple can't help but laugh. They'd created their small fan club after all.
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mystical-flute · 4 years
The Gingerbread Disaster
Part 4 of Mistletoe and Holly
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Also on AO3 and FFN
Prompt: ”I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
The holiday season was never something Rumplestiltskin had particularly enjoyed, even when he’d been in his cursed state. Something about the ooey-gooey feel of any holiday minus Halloween had given him a sense of dread every November through February.
But now he had Belle. He had Bae. He had Gideon. With them around, and with the lack of any major villain mishaps since his mother, the holidays had slowly become something for him to look forward to, instead of ignore.
It was a different feeling, but he couldn’t deny that it was a good feeling, being able to enjoy the holidays. He still felt a bit awkward, but he was slowly coming around to the idea of doing the typical Christmas thing.
There was one thing that was a cause for concern though. Baelfire had sent Belle and Rumplestiltskin off to dinner, offering to babysit Gideon.
There was a sinking feeling in his stomach as they sat at Tony’s, the snow falling softly outside and the green and red decor shining inside.
“Are you certain it was a good idea to leave them home alone?” he asked, scowling over his wine glass.
“Rumple, it’s going to be fine,” Belle sighed. “Neal is very trustworthy, you know that.”
“It was just a little suspicious that Bae pushed us out of the house so quickly, don’t you think?” he asked with a frown.
“I think he just wanted to spend some time with his little brother. There’s nothing wrong with that,” Belle took a small sip of wine. “Besides, I would have thought you would be happier with Neal babysitting than, say, Hook or my father.”
He rolled his tongue along his teeth in an effort to stop himself from saying something he might regret. His father-in-law was one of the downsides of this holiday cheer, as Belle insisted that he be involved, even after everything that had happened between them.
She was far, far too good for him at times.
But, she was right. Neal was much better than Maurice or the pirate.
“Even so, he hasn’t called - ” 
“Rumple, you’re acting like a worried mother hen. Neal knows how to take care of a child. He got out of plenty of mishaps in Wonderland by himself, didn’t he? Besides, they’re brothers. I’m sure they’ll get into something or other. At least, that’s what the books say.”
“To be honest, that doesn’t make me feel much better.”
Although, he kept his continued worries to himself as they finished their dinner, taking a small walk through the park and its holiday lights, before returning home.
At first, nothing was amiss. The house smelled of gingerbread, not smoke, the living room was clean, and he could hear music coming from the kitchen, where Bae’s low voice and Gideon’s laughter were clear.
The problem was once he got into the kitchen.
Buttercream frosting was splattered on the table and in Gideon’s hair. Bae was standing behind him, also with frosting in his hair, as he slowly helped Gideon frost the cake.
“I feel like there’s more frosting on you two than on the gingerbread,” Rumple said with a soft chuckle.
“Papa! Belle! Sorry, I didn’t hear you guys come in,” Bae said, jumping in surprise. “Gideon wanted to make you guys something, but he didn’t seem to be in a crafty mood. Snow suggested baking a gingerbread and it got a little out of hand…”
Belle burst into laughter. “Oh, don’t worry about it. This looks like an easy enough mess to clean, and the gingerbread looks wonderful.” She ran a hand through the clean part of Gideon’s hair and kissed his head. “Thank you, Papa and I love it.”
“Yay!” came Gideon’s excited cry.
Rumple smiled a little, inspecting the gingerbread. “Yes, yes, this looks lovely. Mama and I will cut into it as soon as possible.”
“Hey, uh, Papa, think you can help us out here?” Bae asked, gesturing to the mess in the kitchen. “You can use magic to clean this up no problem, right?”
Rumple’s smile turned into a smirk. “I could, but I think it’d be good for my boys to bond over cleaning. Belle and I will be in the next room if you need us.”
With a grin, Rumplestiltskin summoned two mugs of tea and guided his wife into the dining room.
Yes, he thought, the holidays were much easier now that he had others to enjoy them with.
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emospritelet · 4 years
Desperation - chapter 11
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25: “I’ll trade you”
Making the cupcakes was fun. Bae managed to find aprons for them both and helped to measure out the ingredients and beat the eggs as Belle mixed the butter and sugar together. Bae had suggested that they make a carrot cake mix, and Belle thought this was a good idea; grated carrot would at least get a little nutrition into Gold if he ate some. She added chopped walnuts and spices to the mix, and after making up the cake batter they spooned it into paper cases packed into a tray. Bae sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, licking cake batter from the wooden spoon they had used to mix it. Belle had run a finger around the bowl herself, and had to admit that it tasted pretty good.
“What frosting do you want?” she asked, as she slid the tray into the oven.
“I don’t think we have any cream cheese, so buttercream, I guess.”
“Ooh, yum!” Belle began washing the mixing bowl, ready to make the frosting. “You think your dad will like these?”
“Course he will, because we made them,” said Bae, with certainty. “He likes chocolate cake, too. And oatmeal raisin cookies. Can we make cookies?”
“Let’s see how the cupcakes turn out first,” said Belle, smiling at his enthusiasm. “How was Neal? Did you get to see the kittens?”
“They were sleeping with their mom,” said Bae. “He showed me on the phone. They’re so cute! His mom says I can go get them when the Mayor lets us out. I want the little black one with the white feet, and the stripey one.”
“They sound adorable,” she said, scrubbing the bowl clean. “Kittens like playing and getting into stuff. Your dad’s yarn could be in trouble.”
“Oh, yeah.” Bae looked thoughtful. “We’ll have to keep an eye on them if they’re in the lounge, I guess.”
“Will he mind if they mess things up?”
“He wouldn’t yell at them,” said Bae. “Papa never yells. I don’t want them to wreck his stuff though, even if they’re just playing. Maybe we can make them some toys.”
Belle thought for a moment.
“Do you know how to make pom-poms?” she asked. “If your Papa has some spare wool, we could make some and put them on strings for the kittens to chase.”
Bae looked excited.
“Yeah! I think I remember,” he said. “Papa showed me how. We cut circles out of card and wind wool through, right?”
“Right.” Belle dried the mixing bowl. “We’ll need to ask your dad if we can use some of his wool. Maybe this afternoon, when we’ve finished all the baking you want to do.”
“Okay. Cool.”
“In that case, why don’t you get the powdered sugar, and we’ll make the buttercream?” suggested Belle.
The cupcakes were soon sitting on a rack, filling the kitchen with the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg and covered with craggy crowns of buttercream. They had also made two batches of cookies (oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip), and they were cooling on wire racks, ready to go in the cookie jar. Belle finished the load of laundry, and folded the clothes, packing them into the laundry basket to be taken upstairs. Bae helped to fold the sheets, but that seemed to drain him of all energy, and Belle surmised that he had still not fully recovered from the virus. He was unusually subdued, his natural energy having disappeared, and so she sent him to the lounge with a glass of milk and a cupcake and told him to rest. 
She peeked in on Gold when she took the clean laundry upstairs, but he was sleeping soundly, so she left him to it, setting the clean clothes down on his dresser and tiptoeing out. Bae had put the TV on, but when she put her head around the lounge door he was also asleep. Smiling to herself, she put the crochet blanket over him and went to clean up in the kitchen.
By the time the sun was setting, Belle felt as though her feet were ready to fall off. Bae came shuffling through just as she was preparing dinner, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Hey!” she said, smiling as she slid the mac and cheese into the oven. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay.” He wrinkled his nose. “I fell asleep.”
“You sure did,” she said. “I was going to take your dad a cup of tea and one of these cupcakes. You want to help?”
“Can I take him a cookie too?”
“I’m sure he’d love that.” Belle went to pour out the tea. “You did a great job on mixing that dough. Quite the chef.”
“Papa lets me help him bake.”
“Well, you’re both very talented,” she said. “It’s lucky I’m staying with you, or I’d never get to make anything this delicious.”
Bae beamed at her as he put one of the cakes and a cookie on a small plate.
“Where’s your house, Belle?” he asked.
“Oh, I just have an apartment above the library,” she said. “It’s small, only one bedroom, but I guess It’s enough for now.”
“But if it’s above the library, you don’t have a garden,” he said. “Where do you grow vegetables?”
Belle gave him a rueful smile.
“I’m afraid I never quite got around to growing my own food,” she said. “I have to rely on the store.”
“We can’t grow everything we want,” Bae conceded. “There’s no fruit trees and we don’t have a pumpkin patch. But it’s okay because we forage in the woods and we swap stuff with Neal’s dad and with Anton. He has a farm too.”
“Oh, so you swap for things you don’t have?” Belle added milk to the cups and stirred. “That makes sense.”
“Yeah, like maybe Anton has too many pumpkins, and Papa has too many carrots, so they say “I’ll trade you” and then everyone gets to eat good things.”
“Sounds perfect,” said Belle, smiling at his enthusiasm. “Come on, let’s take your dad his tea.”
Gold was awake when they entered the room, and had propped himself up on the pillows a little. His breathing was still uneven, and he looked hollow-eyed and exhausted, but he smiled warmly at Bae and hugged him tight.
“We made cupcakes!” Bae announced, his voice a little muffled by Gold’s T-shirt. “And cookies! Your favourite.”
“Well, you have been busy.” Gold kissed the top of his head. “Let’s have a taste.”
“We made a carrot cake mix,” said Belle, as Gold took a bite. “We thought it would do you good, get some nutrition inside you.”
“They have nuts in, too!” put in Bae.
Gold made noises of enjoyment, nodding his head as he chewed. There was a blob of frosting on the edge of his lip, and Belle watched as he swiped at it with a long finger and sucked it off. His eyes flicked to hers, and she looked away.
“Delicious,” he said.
“Try the cookies!” said Bae excitedly. “We put the big raisins in.”
Belle bit her lip in amusement as Gold dutifully ate the cookie.
“I can see Granny has competition on her hands,” he said, his voice lower and rougher with coughing. You two could open up a bakery together.”
Bae wriggled with delight, and Belle set the cup of tea down on the nightstand.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, and he lay back against the pillows with a sigh.
“I’m okay,” he said. “I’m sure I’ll be better soon.”
He held her gaze steadily, and Belle picked up on the silent message.
“Bae, your dad didn’t try the chocolate chip cookies yet,” she said. “You want to go get him one?”
Bae trotted off happily, and Belle turned back to Gold, folding her arms.
“How are you really feeling?” she asked, and he screwed up his face.
“Feels like there’s a ton of weight on my chest,” he said. “It’s exhausting, honestly.”
“Well, you just stay in bed,” she said firmly. “Bae and I have everything under control.”
“So I see.” He gave her a slanted grin. “How is he?”
“He took a nap this afternoon,” she said. “I think he’d overdone things a little. But he’s a lot better this evening. He’s on the mend.”
“Good.” He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh, and reached for his tea. “Sorry about earlier. I wasn’t expecting to find you in my bedroom.”
“Oh, it’s fine, really,” she said hurriedly, feeling her cheeks start to heat. “Just - bad timing, that’s all.”
“Yes.” He took a drink. “Well. I’ll be sure to be more careful while you’re here. No more unexpected nudity.”
“In that case I promise I’ll do likewise,” she said primly, and he chuckled.
“If you could. In my delicate state I don’t think my heart could take it.” 
Belle giggled, still blushing, and he grinned and took another drink of tea.
“At least I know Bae’s in good hands while I’m lying here like a useless lump,” he said. “He seems to have taken a shine to you. It’s nice to see.”
“He’s a great kid,” she said honestly. “You must be very proud of him.”
“Yeah.” He smiled, setting down his cup. “Best thing I ever did with my life.”
“And he’s worried about you,” she added. “To be honest, so am I. I know we really only just met, but I - I kind of feel like we’re friends. Are we friends?”
His smile grew a little.
“Of course,” he said. “You’ve been a true friend to us this past week. I won’t forget it.”
She smiled, and he looked hesitant, glancing across at her. 
“When all this is over,” he said. “When you go back to your own life and - and you get busy with running the library, I hope you’ll come and visit us. Maybe - maybe for dinner, or something.”
“Now that I know how good you both are at cooking?” she teased. “I’ll be over here so often you’ll get sick of the sight of me.”
Gold’s smile grew soft, dark eyes gleaming in the light of the lamps.
“I don’t think that would be possible,” he said quietly.
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aliceabsolutely · 3 years
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{ bae suzy / female / she/her } —- Books in their arms, [ ALICE FORTESCUE ] ran across the campus, catching a few wandering eyes along the way. They are known as a [ TWENTY ] [ PUREBLOOD ], entering their [ THIRD YEAR ] of university. They are an [ ARTIST ] major to become a [ PAINTER ] and are known to be [ COMPASSIONATE ] but [ STUBBORN ]. They belong in [ CHARMS CLUB, HERBOLOGY CLUB & DRACO DORMIENS ] and side with the [ ORDER ] in the war.
Student Intro:
Full Name: Alice Vivienne Fortescue
Nickname(s): Ali
FC: Bae Suzy
DOB: June 8
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Year: Third
Blood Status: Pureblood
Major: Artist
Desired Career: Painter
Patronus: Capuchin Monkey
Club(s)?: Charms, Herbology & Draco Dormiens
Quidditch?: N/A
Side: Order
Additional Information:
→ Birthplace: Fortescue Cottage (Appleby, North Lincolnshire, England)
→ Zodiac: Gemini
→ Height: 5'6"
→ Spoken Languages: English, Korean, French
→ Wand: 10" Ash, Dragon Heartstring, Unyielding
→ Amortentia: cherry, buttercream, ocean air, favorite knit jumper
→ Boggart: Chains
→ School: Hogwarts
→ House: Hufflepuff
→ Hogwarts Electives: Care of Magical Creatures (3rd-5th year), Art (3rd-5th year), Study of Ancient Runes (5th-6th year), Magical Theory (6th-7th year), Ancient Studies (7th year)
→ Favorite Subject: Charms / Herbology
→ Least Favorite Subject: History of Magic
→ NEWTs: Potions (O), Defense Against the Dark Arts (O), Transfiguration (E), Herbology (O), Charms (O), Magical Theory (O), Ancient Studies (E)
→ Hogwarts Extracurriculars: Charms Club, Herbology Club, Care of Magical Creatures Club
→ Label: The Empath
→ Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
→ Four Temperaments: Sanguine
→ Element (air, fire, earth, water): Earth
→ Favorite Quidditch Team: Appleby Arrows
→ Positive Traits: Compassionate, Determined, Loyal
→ Negative Traits: Stubborn, Temperamental, Impulsive
→ Aesthetic: Alice is mint ice cream on the hottest day of the year. Paint stains on fingers and murals painted on backs. A messy ponytail and dirt under manicured nails. She is pressed flowers in classic literature. Sweets hoarded in a book bag and stealthily eaten during class. An oversized jumper and cuddling by the fire. Late nights studying behind stacks of books and an array of mugs with one sip of tea left cold at the bottom. She is getting lost in the woods. Laughter that sounds like a favorite song and smiles that would melt glaciers. Wishes made on paper cranes. Endless encouragement for friends and harsh critique for enemies. Perpetual hope that the world will get better. She is candid photos. Old records that bring nostalgia. Dancing and singing while making a midnight snack.
→ Alice is the only daughter of Earl and Grace Fortescue. Earl was a Hufflepuff, and Grace was a Gryffindor. They bonded over their shared love of herbology, something passed onto their daughter, and their desire to stay out of politics. They have always been happier keeping to themselves and focusing on their work. While they love their daughter dearly, this meant she was often left to her own devices. She roamed their gardens freely and did as she pleased. Impulse control was never something she needed to develop, but she was instilled with a strong work ethic. She was expected to help around the house and assist with their work when she grew older. Summers were spent helping out at her uncle’s ice cream parlour. This continued during her time at Hogwarts. She was sorted into Hufflepuff, but at her own choice over Gryffindor. She believed it would help nurture her better qualities. In the end she was correct. Her compassion, loyalty, and work ethic were enhanced to balance out her impulsive, stubborn temperament. She has to work extra hard to maintain good marks, and is often found with a stack of books and parchment. While she loves reading and learning, it doesn’t come easy to her. Still, she always finds the time to socialize. Her friendly nature makes it easy to acquire friends and she never likes being alone. She fiercely protects those she considers friends, often putting them before herself. Her decisions are usually based on emotion before she looks at them logically. It was at the encouraging of her parents that she elected to attend Elkridge. She knows it comes from a place of wanting to keep her safely tucked away from the troubles of the world. As much as she is ready to throw herself into the world, she reasoned that a few more years of peace of mind for them is the least she can offer. She considered pursuing an auror career as she wants to help others, but her true passion lies in painting. That doesn’t mean she can’t provide support in a less official capacity to the causes and people she loves. She is a dedicated student and determined to make the most of her university time.
Alice is almost always covered paint. She is capable of a very realistic style, but much prefers abstract and surrealism.
She has a terrible sweet tooth. The gingerbread house would be the perfect trap for her.
The love of sweets extends to ice cream, but she is lactose-intolerant. It is a daily struggle.
She feels more comfortable outside than inside. Nature is her comfort zone.
Her want to believe the best in everyone is currently being tested. She still wants to give people the benefit of the doubt and second chances, but is much more cautious. She has learned that her instinct to trust can be deadly.
Alice has three cats (Avarice, Sloth, and Vanity) and two owls (Dali and Lorca). They are all very well taken care of, and loved like children. Spoiled. Avarice is the one that accompanied her to Hogwarts.
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cupcakemafiabakery · 5 years
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Check out our VALENTINE’S DAY🥰💖 menu that will be offering Wednesday, Feb 13th & Thursday, Feb 14th in store! Call ahead, these WILL sell out in hours.
NEW Flavor Descriptions:
Tipsy Cupid: Champagne cake, filled with strawberry champagne filling. Topped off with strawberry champagne buttercream.
Strawberry Bailey’s Lava Cake: Strawberry Bailey’s chocolate cake, filled with Strawberry Baileys ganache. Frosted in fudge frosting.
Pink Rośe Lemonade: Lemon cake, rośe lemon curd filling/ Frosted with rośe buttercream.
Pink Velvet Oreo Brownie: Pink Velvet Oreo cake, filled with pink velvet brownie batter. Topped off with fudge frosting and an Oreo Brownie on top.
Drunk Bae: Chocolate cake, stuffed with a walnut whiskey filling. Frosted with whiskey buttercream and candid bacon.
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honeyssweetblog · 6 years
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Look at that cross section. Ain't it purrrty? So pretty. And tasty. White chocolate and berries are bae this February! Get the #flavourofthemonth before it's gone! #whitechocolate #berry #strawberry #blueberry #buttercake #buttercream #love #fresh #cupcakes #honeyscupcakes #lagos #nigeria #webebakinyo http://ift.tt/2nwA3L5
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thelonesomequeen · 6 years
I’ve always never been a fan of chocolate icing or chocolate cake. Especially together 🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻 it just makes me sick to my stomach just like I can’t eat donuts the smell the taste and the look of them make me sick to my stomach too and that’s even after I tried them. But I can eat vanilla cake and icing and can eat the small chocolate covered donuts
I prefer buttercream to frosting or icing, personally. BUT YOU LEAVE DONUTS OUT OF THIS! I’m kidding. Dunkin’ Donuts is my bae but mainly for coffee 😍🦎
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warrenbakes · 4 years
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#pastel pink,blue and green buttercream drip cake with meringues and strawberry pocky sticks for Bae's 21st #birthday #cake (at Kuala Lumpur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBuu2BbJNVS/?igshid=1g82cfogxpjh3
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walnutsandhoney · 6 years
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Special opening times for today only.... Just because we #love you. ❤ #valentines gift boxes available today up from 10am until 6.30pm. * * * * #buttercream #luxury #birthday #wedding #event #occasion #treat #cake #cupcake #food #london #baking #bake #goodmorning #love #blackbusiness #smallbusiness #classic #iconic #cakeshop #bakery #relationshipgoals #marriage #romance #bae #boyfriend #girlfriend (at Walnuts and Honey)
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trashyeggroll · 5 years
Hey thanks anon!!
ask away
8. Where are you from?
I was born and grew up in Oklahoma, USA, and moved slightly to the right to Missouri for college
41. Are you a good liar?
Unfortunately I am a stellar liar. I honed my powers telling the parents I was “going to a friend’s house” throughout high school and perfected it being a shtty partner to my next five years’ worth of baes
42. Are you a good judge of character?
Just by virtue of my success rate of being right over the course of my life, yes, but I have lost a lot of friendships by telling people what I really think of their spouses when asked, sigh
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I am exceedingly terrible at accents 😂 I can only do a thick Vietnamese but like… even I find myself offensive when I do it
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I had a thicker Okie accent before I moved away, but I can whip out my yeehaw drawls when necessary still 🤠
45. What is your favorite accent?
Hear me out… Louisiana/Georgia, including Cajun accents but those are a little diff. I loves me a sweet as pie drawl that’s less banjo twangy than Oklahoma/Texas but not as breathy as the Carolinas… 😍
46. What is your personality type?
So you take, uh, two parts anxiety, one part depression, three parts bad pick up lines, add a dash of rage… now cover it in a misleadingly chill, buttercream veneer. Me.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
My Sperrys 😭 don’t @ me, I love these fcken shoes
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naijatopbaker-blog · 5 years
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Reposted from @oduncreamzcakes - A Birthday at Fifty is always a hit🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Modern buttercream is bae Purple 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Let’s make your day worth every penny...... #oduncreamzcakes #cakesofinstagram #lagoscakes #cakesinlagos #marylandbaker #cakesinanthony #cakesinlekki #cakesinsurulere #marylandbaker #cakesinmaryland #buttercreamcakes #TopBaker #NaijaTopBaker #BlessedBakers #Baking #Cake #Business #Nigeria https://www.instagram.com/p/By0SJ_rH4wT/?igshid=6fxmy40arugv
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apatheticmaplesyrup · 7 years
all of them 🌸
Thank you
This might be long so I’ll do a read more bit so people don’t have to scroll too much to get past it :’) 
🌸Blankets: Have you been in love?Yes. Not sure whether I am now or not though.
🌸Stuffies: How did you meet your best friend?Oh damn shit that’s difficult. Well you’re one of my closest friends, and I met you in school a few times, we’d get really close and then ghost. I think when we actually became best friends probably started when we went to LA for the media trip :) From there it was media, me admiring how great you are at filming and editing, bae-cubed and eventful new year’s eves :)
🌸Fluffy Pillows: What happened in your most recent dream?OOOOH boy no. Nope.
🌸Scented Candles: How do you relax?I don’t. I’m constantly ready for battle. Netflix helps tho.
🌸Gem Stones: What’s your birthstone/favourite stone?Hematite is probably my favourite because I got it on a Geography trip in year 12. Lucas and I got the same necklace with it on, and I still have it. I’ve got a lot of memories linked to that.
🌸Pyjamas: Describe your favourite pyjamas!I’m not sure I have any :P In this weather, boxer shorts and a t-shirt.
🌸Fuzzy Socks: What’s your favourite movie?It changes a lot. I’d say Disney’s Hercules is always one of my go-to films.
🌸Kittens & Puppies: Name of your pet or your ideal pet?I don’t have a pet, but my ideal pet would probably be a dog and/or a cat.
🌸Laughter: What’s the funniest joke you’ve heard?Idk… how about:
Why can’t you keep acne in prison?Because it keeps breaking out.
🌸Mittens: Do you like the snow?Yes, it’s so fun.
🌸Hot Coco: What’s your favourite Starbucks drink?Either a mocha with caramel or one of those choc-chip frappucino things.
🌸Soft Kisses: Describe your OTPI don’t really have a fictional one but my real life OTP is you and G. You two are adorable.
🌸Rainy Days: What do you do on a rainy day?Mostly watch movies or play guitar. Listening to the rain is also nice.
🌸Flower Petals: What’s your favourite flower?I’m not really a flower person, but chrysantemums are rad.
🌸Cotton Candy: What’s your favourite candy?I’m not really a big ‘candy’ eater, I’m more of a brownie/cake and ice cream person.
🌸Bubble Baths: Your favourite memory?One of my favourites was when I played ‘How to Save a Life’ at one of my crew-hangouts, and they were all really surprised that I could sing that well. I can’t really sing anymore and haven’t played guitar in ages, but hopefully I can get back up to scratch :)
🌸Wooly Scarfs: What song do you think relates the most to you?Maybe ‘3005′ by Childish Gambino (or the ending/story part of ‘That Power’)
🌸Roasted Marshmallows: You’re camping with friends! Describe the forest you’re pitching your tent in.It’s one that has a clearing just large enough for us to pitch our tents and set up a campfire in the centre. It’s late July/early August so the trees are full and green, and the camping areas are quite enclosed. There are hills/mountain areas close by that we can hike and give a nice view of the landscape, and even though we can see the stars from our camping area we go up there to get a better view.
🌸Bird Songs: Name 5 things you love1) My friends2) The Mortal Instrument series (not the TV show)3) Driving (most of the time)4) Hiking5) Climbing (but only if I have a harness and stuff cos I haven’t gotten over my fear of heights yet)
🌸Old Books: Do you read? If so, what’s your favourite book series?I don’t as much as I used to, but my favourite book series is probably the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini because Eragon was one of the first proper novels that I read as a kid.
🌸Warm Hugs: Who would you love a hug from right now?Pub crew people (and also a couple people who I used to be really close to, but they gave really good hugs)
🌸Clouds: What’s the best shaped cloud you’ve seen?I haven’t really seen many shaped clouds :(
🌸Fae: Describe yourself as a fairyMelodramatic (constantly monologuing), clumsy, keeps flying into trees and other obstacles, trying his best, so many sparkles.
🌸Holding Hands: What was the name of your first love?Maya
🌸Cupcakes: Favourite cupcake flavour?Probably vanilla sponge with buttercream icing :)
🌸Tealights: Describe a romantic date perfect for youIf it’s the first time I’m going out with someone, probably dinner (it doesn’t have to be somewhere fancy) and either a movie/going for a walk somewhere nice to get to know each other.
🌸Gardens: What’s the sweetest gift you’ve received?Other than things my parents and family have given me, one of the sweetest was the baecubed t-shirts made for me, G and Michael at Christmas :) 
Thanks Ju x
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conorpmaynard · 7 years
Well, since you're not gonna kill anyone, how about 6 with Conor, Jack and Josh?
seduce, steal from, serenade
seduce jack bc bae
steal from conor bc he’s rich lol jk 
serenade josh bc neither of us have musical talent so he wont know hoq bad i am.
also, i have plenty of people i’d kill; just no buttercreams lol
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ohayoalex · 7 years
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I baked this for @ianhamlet 😊🎂 #cake #valentine #valentinesday #valentinescake #bae #yum #oreo #buttercream
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When bae makes you Bailey's cheesecake with Jameson buttercream flowers for your belated birthday 💚☘️ @estherann
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iamxilomen · 6 years
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When baker-bae bakes a cake for chef-bae. Repost from @coconutbabybarbados using @RepostRegramApp - Vegan German Chocolate Cake... Dark Chocolate Cake, chocolate fudge filling with coconut and pecan cream filling, chocolate buttercream and topped with German chocolate coconut pecan cream, chocolate ganche and coconut caramel. Happy birthday shenanigans for a special Christmas baby. #coconutbaby #germanchocolate #chocolate #chocolatecake #germanchocolatecake #happybirthday #birthdaycakes #birthdayshenanigans #vegan #christmasbaby #barbados (at Bridgetown, Barbados)
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