#but you can read it as a stand alone
svnny-ao3 · 1 year
Jackunzel February: Summer
Seasons AU
This guardian thing is more annoying than anything.
Where his days used to be filled with frost and fun, they are now filled with the tedious affairs of the four seasons, who keep him close while they figure out what the hell to do with him.
There is one bright side to all this.
“Hey, Jack!”
He smiles before he even sees her, but when he turns around, his smile only doubles. Rapunzel is running ahead of the Spring Council, sprouts bursting through the snow beneath her every footstep.
She doesn’t slow down, just barrels into him and knocks him off his feet. They tumble into the thick blanket of snow that covers the whole forest, but as the Spring Council approaches, it gives way to green grass and fresh blooms.
“I missed you,” she says, rolling off of him and onto the wet earth with a laugh that pours sunshine over every inch of him.
Jack rolls onto his side to smile down at her. “Sick of your council already? I know I am.”
May Queen above them and Bunny says, “Get off of that poor thing, Frost.”
With a laugh, he grabs his crook and flies up, taking her hand to set her on her feet. The dirt on her arms and legs turns to mud in the wet snow. Her eyes on him are almost electric.
“You must get the archer,” North says suddenly, or maybe it wasn’t sudden. Maybe this had been preludes by something Jack hadn’t bothered to hear.
“I’ll just go get them,” Bunny says with a thump of his foot. The leprechaun narrowly avoids falling into his burrow.
“No. They must practice their abilities. Let them go,” the Sugar Plum Fairy insists.
Bunny mumbles something about stupid kids, but Jack can’t even hear them. Rapunzel is grinning bright enough to warm the whole earth and a laugh bubble ups inside of him.
“Ready?” he asks and her legs are wrapped around him before he’s even finished. He can feel the way she’s buzzing with excitement and he laughs again.
He knows for a fact he’s grinning like an idiot when he turns to face the two seasons, but nothing could stop it. Not even the disgusted look Bunny shoots his way.
“Summer Hemisphere?” he asks the spirits and North nods. “We’ll be back with Merida.”
“Watch your hands, Frost!” Bunny shouts after them as they jet up into the air.
Rapunzel laughs wild like a child, dirty hands gripping his shoulders as they soar towards summer. The winter woods fade away behind them like a memory. Now all that’s left is Rapunzel’s hungry eyes and giddy shrieks as they coast above the earth.
“You get to do this every day?!” she asks, shouting in his ear so loud it hurts.
Her body is warm against his, warmer than he’s ever been, and he answers, “Just ask and you can come get bugs in your teeth whenever you want.”
If possible, her smile gets even wider. “Thank you, Jack!”
Her arms tighten around him and he grunts a response and he bites back a smile. They reach the Mediterranean Sea and he flies close enough to touch it. She does and squeals a laugh when her hand comes back wet. Above Africa, he rolls onto his back and she sits up, arms outstretched. The sun hits her like a halo and, fuck, Jack is gone on her.
“This is so beautiful!” she shouts above the rushing wind. With one hand on her hip and the other on his crook, he holds her steady and they zip into the clouds. He doesn’t spend a lot of time around the equator, but she looks like she belongs here. The smile she sends down to him is more blinding than the sun. “You’re so lucky, Jack.”
Yeah, he thinks. Yeah.
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kruven · 10 months
# ACT 1
"oi! you said you made a new friend, right? who is it!?"
luffy really couldn't keep his excitement about a certain someone who helped him when a shop vendor was out for his head. calling her a friend. even going as far as getting him more apples! that was an angel to him! an angel giving him food!
not much of an angel. the girl didn't see herself as an angel.
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luffy was an excitable kid. and too energetic, too. he was funny and friendly. and forceful. you have never seen anyone so persistent to make friends with you. he was also so persuasive, it was terrifyingly cool in a way.
you couldn't hate him. no matter how much you wanted to.
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he told you his name is ace. and he thought you looked pretty cute.
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# chapter one : apples and appeals
# chapter two : dumb and dumber
# chapter three : twins
# chapter four : burnings
# chapter five : death day
# chapter six : handpumps and water
# chapter seven : home
# chapter eight : rotted apples and promises
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bottom-lexa · 4 months
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future Tarnished but so grand drabble
A lazy Saturday morning drabble for @lexa-griffins for her birthday and also as an advance apology for all the angst that is to come in the near future.
No, Lexa still wasn’t quite used to the sight she woke up to yet. They had been living together for nearly five years now, engaged for a good two, so she was no stranger to waking up next to Clarke, she had been doing it almost every morning for the past one thousand eight hundred and fifty six days. But Lexa still wasn’t used to it.
It was the constant feeling of peace and contentment, it was the soft love, it was the safety and comfort that Lexa hadn’t known her entire life that she felt every morning now when she opened her eyes. It was rolling over on her side and watching the woman she loved sleep just a little longer, it was knowing she didn’t have to rush out of bed and get things ready or there would be consequences, it was knowing when her partner woke up, she would be met with a smile and a soft good morning.
She used to hate the weekends, used to hate Saturdays in particular because she was forced to spend the entire time within the confines of her house with Michael. Now, Lexa looked forward to it. Saturdays were easily her favorite, she got to spend it at home with Clarke, got to the spend the entire day together lounging in the living room with her head on Clarke’s lap catching up on all the TV show episodes they had missed over the week, or spend hours in bed clothed in nothing but the soft ray of sunshine that had sneaked its way in through the curtains.
“Morning,” Clarke said groggily as her eyes opened, “How long have you been watching me sleep?” She teasingly accusingly, voice low and deep, heavy with sleep.
“Oh not long,” Lexa matched her tone, “Just a couple of hours.” She could barely keep it together till the end of the sentence, a small giggle escaping despite Lexa’s efforts.
“It’s Saturday.” Clarke stated. “And it’s still in the AM,” She added after a quick glance at the clock on her nightstand which read 9:17 am. “So why are we awake, angel?”
Lexa shrugged with one shoulder, “I’m not tired?”
Something flashed in Clarke’s eyes at the statement, a playful sparkle as her lips curled into a matching smirk. “Then maybe…” She started calmly, hand coming up to Lexa’s arm and letting her fingers trace up alone the length of it. “I should tire you out?” She did her best to hide the excitement in her voice, putting on a not-at-all convincing act that this was just for Lexa and not herself. “So we can get a little more sleep?”
Lexa was never one to turn down an offer like that. And it wasn’t long before the two of them found themselves entirely too close to each other with Clarke’s fingers inside Lexa and Lexa’s mouth on Clarke’s chest. It was slow and lazy, quiet moans muffled by kisses, whispered I love yous, and breathless sighs. Clarke’s fingers knowing how best to drive Lexa crazy, Lexa knowing all too well the ways to touch Clarke that would was sure to make her cum by heightening the pleasure she got from fucking Lexa.
It was at least a handful of organs later that the two of them finally came apart on their prospective sides of the bed. Chest heaving and a sheen of sweat covering their skin as they caught their breath. Lexa didn’t wait before closing the distance between them, her face finding the crook of Clarke’s neck and Clarke’s arm immediately going up around her waist.
“Tired?” Clarke asked knowingly.
Lexa’s eyes were already closed. “Enough to go back to sleep for an hour or two, yeah.”
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metanarrates · 2 months
honestly arguing over art interpretation is the domain of fans and/or haters LMAO. its important work and i do not want to catch a WHIFF of the author interfering. get out of my head
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seoafin · 8 months
sorry if this ask is confusing but is there a difference between ddao ripmc and polyau rip mc? is there a difference personality wise too?
no ddao mc is ripmc im sorry im a one trick pony at this point im just too lazy to think of new mcs and ripmc was already well established and well received enough that i didn't have to LOL
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illustrations for the insanely beautiful (or beatufully insane? idk) fic by @mwwktn !!! GO AND READ IT
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some scenes may not literally correspond to the text btw once again, thank you so much for writing & sharing this fic, im eating it so hard😭🙏 link to the fic
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hexiewrites · 7 months
if you're looking for some TOP TIER throuple smut (while you wait for me to finish my christmas crimes) i cannot more highly recommend the fics @maxineholtzmann has been posting the last few days
which is now fully complete, fucking DELICIOUS stommie (steve/tommy/eddie) ft a+ locker room sex, PLUS light bondage and so many other delicious things.
stommie not the trouple for you? how about steddissy, she's got that too!
ft literally so many things i can't list them all but trust me. SO worth it.
annnd I know for a fact chapter 3 of the steddissy is written and ready to go, AND theres more coming with other fun throuples (and more) so you should really also subscribe to her on ao3 so you don't miss out.
trust me, you won't be disappointed!
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Out of curiosity, what kind of rituals do you do when it comes to reading your tarot cards? Cleansing, how you read/interpret them? Do you document your readings? I've been reading tarot for a little while but it's always just a fun little side thing where I shuffle cards, pull them, and use the book the deck came with to interpret them as best as possible. I do occasionally cleanse them, too, but I'm curious about your rituals?
Okay so one thing about me is that I suck at regularly cleansing my tools with like, other things. I know I should probably smoke cleanse them with some incense or moonlight or whatever, but I also have 15 decks total and man that's a lot of work and I also do not have the windowsill space for it. I also have... cats that like to jump up into said windowsills and will 100% knock them down.
Usually I just cleanse as I use them. My method is just putting them back in order and then doing a big shuffle. I do this weird way of shuffling that I made up because my hands are too small to shuffle normally. I'll include a video... gif... or something below but basically I like, hold them in one hand, loosely bring up cards with two fingers on my other, and keep doing that, switching between putting them right side and reversed into pile until I'm left with one card. I put it to the side. Then I pick up the big pile again and repeat. I only do this when getting them shuffled around when they're in order. It's time intensive but it puts that intention of "okay, be shuffled and ready for use" into it.
Heres a really bad video of me doing this:
I mostly just document my monthly readings because I've been lacking on keeping up my tarot practice, but if it's a big spread that I do, I'll usually at least write it on a piece of loose paper with the cards I drew, what the cards mean, and then a little like, summary of me piecing it all together.
With interpretations and meanings I do a few different things. I have a doc with like, a big mish-mash of all the meanings and such that I've read in books, online, etc. It's mostly just keywords though, but it's good if the deck I'm using didn't have a guidebook or if I think said guidebook sucks (I have one that has a sheet of paper that I absolutely hate the interpretations of). Usually though, I start by reading the guidebook that comes with the deck I'm using and that's the meaning I usually go with, though sometimes I don't feel the meanings really fit. Then I look at my big list of keywords and see if any of those really stand out to me for the card in the position in the spread. And if that doesn't work, or if my intuition is really screaming at me, I'll just look at the card, look at the imagery, take into account the suit, number, etc, and then see what words pop up then. Maybe it's a color that stands out and I'll think of words that work with that color, or its the mood on the figures face, etc.
Here, lemme do an example. This is the official D&D Tarot Deck licensed by WOTC (I bought it before I knew all the drama)
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It's a shitty picture but this is this decks version of the 4 of Swords. The card is usually associated with rest and recouperation and I think this deck really shows this well in the D&D setting. They look like a group of travellers who are taking a short rest, which is perfect imagery for the card. I'd look at this and think "Okay for this part of the spread, imagine taking a short rest from it. Let a couple of those spell slots come back." Or if it's in a placement of things to avoid, it could mean be weary of resting for too long and getting too stagnant.
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cayenne-twilight · 6 months
I don’t even have anything new to add about the trailer uhhh… love the steamed punk, the seamless environment puzzle is cool, I hope the cowboy villain is secretly a hot butch babe, uh, hit that big red button down below to manifest flora
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annabelle--cane · 11 months
recently saw someone say be more chill is bad because it's a "neoliberal musical." I don't think you know what that word means.
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brazilian-whalien52 · 9 months
One thing that I don't like when live actions come out is how people can't differ the original content from the live action one. These are two medium and two different ways to tell a story.
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digyoman · 1 year
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listen i’ve said plenty about the book but i ALSO need you all to know that these lines were in an early script of the 1994 miniseries
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snckt · 5 months
how to get away with myrtle by elizabeth c bunce is officially my first read of the new year and !!! i simply adored it. as a middle grade mystery it was very engaging, and the last fifty pages left me guessing, despite whatever attempts i had made to build my case aha! i like myrtle and her quips about the world, from opinions on petticoats, to her adoration of her cat, peony, to books she’s liked, to morbid facts she’s picked up one way or another, she’s a rather charming twelve year old, who would believably get caught up in mystery and murder. her governess, miss judson, is the firm hand on her shoulder, but is quick to encourage and even quicker to jump in herself, if it be sketching a murder scene or facing off with a most disliked detective inspector, she balances myrtle’s excitement and inexperience in way only victorian governesses can!!
also, a train murder ✨🚂✂️🥸❗️10/10
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androcola · 2 months
if you could see that you’re making excuses for yourself instead of opportunities we wouldn’t be having this conversation whatsoever. you post shit online and then when people try to help you avoid it. grow the fuck up and get a spine.
give me $9000
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 4 months
Get your juice cups ready, because it’s time for another orange flavored slice of life! That’s right, fellas, welcome back to the OrangeJuiceVerse with
Extremely Stupid And Incredibly Avoidable
Who wants a 2nd semester of college SP Survivor Safehouse gang going paintballing? How bout some stupid banter? Some nostalgia? Marj perspective? Shenanigans?
Long live the Fuckwad Jar
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I had the great luck of finding yet another sweetheart of a character right after the one from the last book.
Lord Blackthorn, from ‘Ten Thousand Stitches’ by Olivia Atwater. Or as he named himself, “Juniper Jubilee”. The sheer wholesomeness of that name! I love it! And it suits him well. Perfect for a faerie who wants so badly to be of help even though he ends up causing more trouble in the process. He’s not a particularly mean faerie like many of the others around him, but the results of his intentions are only about a few steps up from what the rest do on purpose XD.
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