#but this is just killing the vibe and my desire to sleep
creepsopasta · 1 day
Do you have any general dating headcannons about Jack?
If that's too vague then maybe Jack dating someone who knows a lot about the supernatural. Like they're oddly chill about him being a demon and sometimes even give him tips about his diet of something like that.
General EJ Dating Hcs
• He doesn’t sleep, or he doesn’t really need to. It creates problems, because he will just sit there and stare at you while you try to sleep. He won’t move or speak or get up. He will just stare. And then he gets hungry after a while so he leaves.
• Absolutely miserable to sleep with if it’s winter. He is so fucking cold. He’s so cold he doesn’t feel hot when summer rolls around. The hoodie and jeans are a year round wardrobe for him. People look at him like he’s more of a freak than usual when they see him wearing heavy jackets in 102 degree weather.
• He smiles so wide. I am of the opinion he has a bunch of fucking teeth so when you make him laugh or smile he grins so big!!!!! He’s a great smiler
• Insufferably sore loser. He hates losing in any facet of life. He goes through multiple stages of grief before he’s just pissed the fuck off and he goes to your room (not even his fucking own he likes yours better) and locks you out and sits there for an indefinite amount of time. He might steal something out of there and you can hear him bitching to himself
• Cooks things with a ridiculous amount of seasonings. He doesn’t fucking care. Let him cook you someone’s livers with lemon pepper and juice and garlic salt and meat tenderizer and spices and nutmeg and chili powder and lime and basil and popcorn salt. The kitchen is fucking insane when he’s in it. But he’s cooking with love and human organs please accept it
• He shows affection in a very odd way. Pulls you in close by your shirt sleeve or jacket strings or belt loops or scarf or whatever. Just wants to feel you close to him sometimes.
• Super flexible. Wants to freak you out. Let him spider walk to your room. He is going to climb on the ceiling in the middle of the night. You can hear his bones. His back bends in ways that are wrong. He’s fucked up
• I think he smells like weed and copper. He’s killed in all of his clothes so they all smell like metal or they’re very stained. And I am a firm believer he smokes weed with Clockwork and Hoodie and sometimes Jeff after a job well done. So he comes home really high and covered in blood sometimes but it’s okay don’t worry about it. It’s cool. He might not even come home until the day after so he can avoid worrying you or you seeing him in that state
• Fucked up tangled hair. Always covers it up with his hood and it’s frizzed up and the ends are split and it’s mangled with blood and there’s miscellaneous substances sticking to it. And he just never puts in the effort to fix it. So he will often just get you to brush it for him and then he’ll get angry that it hurts. And it’s like what the fuck did you expect Jack? But he always greatly appreciates your help
• It’s likely that he gives you his clothes if he doesn’t want them/can’t fit them anymore. I’m not sure how desirable a hoodie that smells of cannabis and blood is tho but if you like it he wants you to have it
• Freakishly Tall. How’s the fuckin weather up there cocksucker? He could lift you all the way up to the goddamn Eiffel Tower. That’s why he has to lean down so his head doesn’t hit most ceilings and shower heads are taller than him so he has to sit down to take baths
• If you weren’t scared of him upon first meeting him (aka he tried to kill you), he would probably think that’s a huge fucking mood killer. “Really? You’re not scared? Kinda killing my vibe here, man… you’re not even gonna scream?”
• He’s downcasted. Dejected. Is he not scary anymore? Is that the problem? Are you just a freak? Do demonic, cannibalistic creatures frequent your room often? What the fuck are you just standing there for?
• He needs to find out what the fuck is wrong you. Which is why he’s going to stay in your house and pace around your kitchen. Stop trying to offer him food and advice on how to wash the blood off his clothes. Stop being yourself!!!!! Get away from him!!!!!!
• So fast forward to now and uh. He would kill for you. Like and subscribe for that
• Evil fucked up creature boyfriend.
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pt II sandman but i've never watched or read it
It's happening again I'm being kidnapped again there's no hope left for me god I'm so in love with Dream he's such a cutiepie uh right this post okay. I'm uh the Good Omens Mascot and I'm losing my mind here have part two based on whatever I have understood from y'all's replies to my first post.
It's Neil's baby and a lot of amazing artists are involved. One of whom made Dream look like a gooey pile of sad adorableness in volume 1.
Dream is a sad wet lonely repressed cat of a man. No I do not have one type.
There's this dude whom I think is named the Corinthian. He's a dream (but not Dream) and he can see things.
His eyes are mouths and his teeth are apparently Very White and any dental hygienist would orgasm at the sight.
Dream was kept prisoner for a century. Where? I don't fucking know. Why? I don't fucking know. How? Er there was some kind of. Glass (?) case.
There's a sleeping sickness while he's gone coz things got weird.
His raven is killed by someone and maybe he should have forgiven him but he could not.
Something happens at the end of Volume 7 that people need to recover from.
There's someone with glasses who keeps telling Dream stuff and they're Very Important and I have no fucking clue who they are.
There's someone named Freddie and people are feral for him and I don't know who he is.
Dream is just constantly on the verge of tears. Always. Just fucking always. Poor baby.
Sandman more like Sadman amirite.
He thinks everything ever is his fault. Mood.
The family is Endless btw and I don't know what that means but they are.
Dream has a boyfriend (long distance? idk they keep meeting each other every 100 years) named after a cooking stove who calls Dream out for being lonely and Dream doesn't like that and they fight and then they go into the rain etc etc.
Hob is immortal because he does not want to die and he is convinced that humans only die because they uh think there's no other option. It's giving just think positive thoughts.
Dream almost stands him up but then doesn't some bar is moved.
There are keys to Hell and Dream doesn't know what to do with them.
There are tools and they make you weak.
Desire has all the genders.
I am apparently exactly like Delirium.
Dream is a sad wet cat at one point and then he turns into a shadowy being with cute bright eyes.
Dream is fucking pretty in every single fucking century like oh my fuckING GOD I AM SO GAY
Tom Sturridge (?) is Dream's actor and he has chemistry with everyone on screen apparently which leads to incest vibes
There's some kind of fucking Grape Incest scene
Despair is played by Mrs Sandwich
Death is kind and cuddles a dead baby at one point
It's gay but I do not know HOW it is gay but I am assured it is Gay
Er. Feel free to correct me.
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mayasaura · 1 year
One of my biggest hopes for Alecto is that Harrow has a minute of going full Carrie revenge insane upon finding out what they did to Gideon’s body. Like. Throughout Canaan House and especially in the AUs, we get the sense of Harrow having a deep desire to protect Gideon’s body even if it is in her own solitary goth nun way. She wants Gideon to put more consideration into the danger of avulsion before agreeing. She tells her afterward not to price her life so cheaply. She makes Cam and Pal check on her multiple times. She leaves her bread in a drawer. She’s fully on board to throw Camilla towards possible death in the interest of keeping Gideon safe. And then when she finally sees her in the coffee AU her description is just so soft and loving even when she’s about to pass out because she saw her arms, and continues that way until the end of the book. When Ianthe thinks it’s Harrow in Nona she’s surprised she isn’t violently storming the compound to recover Gideon’s body. Anyway she should find out how BOE and Jod treated her body and go on a tiny insane revenge spree. As a treat.
You are SO fucking right. Deep down inside Harrow is that one gif of the girl holding puppies and crying because she can't protect them, only the puppies are a butch lesbian determined to throw herself into a meat grinder.
I think Harrow might be a little grateful for the unbreakable bones and indestructable skin part of Jod's deal re: Gideon—she may have done that herself in Canaan House, if she'd known how—but the rest of it? The gaping wounds, the leaving her dead? Kill Bill sirens. She has been trying so hard to protect and preserve Gideon, to give Gideon a life, and when Gideon's own father has the chance to restore her he just slaps her together with crazy glue and calls it fine? That is not fine.
If she ever finds out how Gideon's corpse was being treated while her murderer lay in state on a bed of flowers... Man, I would not want to be in the room where that happened.
It would be so cathartic to see her tear into John over his part of it. Gideon already went apeshit on him for how he treated Harrow, so it's only fair Harrow gets to have her go. It's equality!! If We Suffer could somehow be there to be held accountable, too, so much the better.
And after that, what I really really want to see is Harrow turning the soft and loving vibe from the Baristar AU on the real Gideon, and channeling that protective fury toward protecting or restoring Gideon. I know it's probably not going to be exactly how it happens, what with everything else going on, but that sleeping beauty fakeout has me hungry to see Harrow try to ride in and rescue her prince.
In abscence of her body, Harrow's soul dreamed of Gideon's eyes; and in abscence of her soul, Harrow's body dreamed of Gideon's hands. If we don't get to see some pay off when she has those hands to hold again, I'm gonna have to chew my own fucking leg off.
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My thing with writing König is trying to find the sweet spot balance point of like 3-4 different angles that are integral to the characterization I want to put out there.
I want him absolutely riddled with the kind of dangerous loser vibes that start the first day of kindergarten as almost an leprotic aura of Contaminated: Do Not Touch that everyone he comes into contact with wordlessly picks up on and carries for his entire life.
Just borderline violent othering that he struggles to fight, embrace, and figure out without ever getting a clear answer or mitigation method. He gets older and becomes a problem, a human toxic waste dump, and the avoidance is tinged with alarm. He figured out how to cover it, though, like he’s pulling on a patchwork person suit.
I’m a real boy, I’m like everyone else, nevermind the seams. Yeah, they’ll split the longer you’re around, but maybe this time—this time—I will have become an endeared thing and I will be understood instead of left.
Skin-splitting horniness, which is ha-ha on the surface, but Jesus Christ, it’s starvation, straight-up. Man is a fucking alien, he doesn’t get people, his veneer of normality is quick to shatter, and he just wants-wants-wants to be wanted. To be needed is a pipe dream. He’s like a dog taken away from mom and litter mates too soon—the need for closeness is set at so high a threshold it’ll never be met, never be fixed.
Fucking is a quick fix for this desperation. Bandaid over a bullet hole, finger in a cracked dam. Gets sharper teeth and longer claws the lower the fuel gauge is, and he’s been running on fumes for years. He’ll eat any scraps given to him at any table. Any even mildly kind word, any mote of attention, approval, or acceptance.
Even in his worst mind, he knows he’s not owed, he is not dying because he is not getting fucked or loved or befriended, but god fucking dammit, what he wouldn’t give for company to cut the bleakness, to not be fucking flinched at or eye-rolled. He wants to eat someone piecemeal as they eat him piecemeal, and the brutal symbolism of cannibalism is the best way he can understand the depth of this fragile-skinned desire.
A level of jaundiced, yellow-eyed sweatiness that pervades every aspect of his life. This is more difficult to describe. It’s literal sweat—from flop or exertion, it doesn’t matter—it’s also a state of being. It’s having not a flicker of volume control—indoor yelling or outdoor muttering. It’s being exhausted and anxious to the point of hysterical cry-laughing at hallucinations after 3-4 days sleepless. It’s saying the wrong fucking thing at the wrong fucking time and chasing yet another person off and wanting to kill himself for it.
It’s surviving on 4 hours of sleep and cigarettes and any kind of caffeine and below-board military amphetamines he can get his hands on for the last ten years because he feels like he’s wasting time. It’s getting smacked because his monstrosity of a body fucking hurts and being borderline greened-out makes it easier to go grocery shopping or to the gym or outside. It’s showering and then cutting his hair over the sink and not giving a fuck what it looks like as long as it’s not getting caught in his collars.
He doesn’t blink, he doesn’t sleep, he’s constantly spilling hyena-pitched stupid nervous laughter, and he bites when he’s overdone, and his teeth aren’t dull. He’s never threatened violence that he can’t overpay out on. He pulls on his face and his scars and that might as well be the same thing, gets sick to his stomach that they’re still numb and he can’t push into the pain he remembers from them. Sometimes he just moans and groans, shoves a hand up under his mask to cover his mouth like he’s going to hold back the tide of bile. He does this shit in front of people, and wants to die when he figures it out.
He likes killing people, he likes feeling powerful, he likes being seen when he’s the executioner, he likes being a scary nightmare. He doesn’t even know if he’d rather fight than fuck, but at least he’s good at it, and there’s undeniable imagery in driving a knife in between ribs over and over and over. He’s never not throbbing hard at exfil, and he’s never not sick to death with himself and his fantasies after he beats off the second he gets privacy.
Anyway I love him, he’s a sad sack.
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see-arcane · 8 months
objectively the funniest part of frankenstein is that he didn't even abandon the creature, he went on a little stress induced walksie and when he came back BOOM no more creature. Actually I lied funniest part of Frankenstein is the creature going ''man my creator must think I'm an unholy abomination'' based on no evidence and then victor going ''man the creature I haven't seen in two years must hate me enough to hunt down my family and kill them'' ALSO based on no evidence. They meet up like "wow! you are really living up to my insane preconceived notions. This sucks."
The actual funniest part is that, upon meeting properly post-William and Justine deaths, the Creature guilts Victor into sitting and hearing out his tragic origin story and Victor is like,
"Man, I guess I really don't have evidence it was him that did the murdering and framing. That's my bad. I should sit and hear him out instead of judging him just on vibes!"
And then the Creature ends his sob story with,
"Yeah, no, I absolutely murdered the shit out of that small child (your brother) and cheered about it. Same with framing that hot chick (your nanny and family friend) in her sleep for being too hot and definitely bound to not want to date me if she saw me. Also, you have to invent me a girlfriend. You owe me."
And Victor realizes his vibe read was 110% accurate.
"This sucks."
And the Creature proceeds to carry on doing revenge-tantrum-Making Victor a Fellow Miserable Wretch plan while being 110% convinced that he is in the right and that Victor and his innocent loved ones have definitely for sure earned all of this very Luciferian and cool homicide
"This sucks so much for me, personally, as I feel so icky about the murdering."
"So? Don't murder anyone?"
"No, I'm gonna"
And then people for the next 200 years decided with increasing and worrisome lack of irony that Victor was the reeeal villain and the Creature was no more than an innocent baby boy lashing out at society..!*
*Society here not referring to literally any of the people who actually hurt the Creature, but instead entirely premeditated victims whose only crime was 'loved by Victor.' Which could have its own unique reads in how easily the story lens could have gone to the other half of the Luciferian motif--not hubris, but envy.
The Creature is alone, unloved. He discovers his Creator and his origins. He rages. He spies all these beautiful people in Victor's life; his true family. And when Victor refuses to make a custom wretch to be his companion, he rips Victor's family away, forcing Victor himself to become that desired loved-loathed counterpart. The Bastard Son VS the Loved Ones, plus a dose of highlighting how people aren't after Justice so much as a Convenient Target/Scapegoat. (RIP Justine, Victor)
But no no no, let's just stick with 'Too much science scary-bad! Pride and goals = family murder! Look at this dumb deadbeat dad suffer, ha ha.'
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blithesharem · 8 months
Obey Me: Most Shameful Kink Series
Belphegor + Hidden Vibrator
See Original HC Post Here: LINK
Vote on the Next Fic Here: LINK
Prior Entries:
Lucifer + Shibari
Satan + Public Sex
Mammon + Pegging
Beelzebub + Sleep Sex
Explicit. I block minors. AFAB reader. Some playful brattiness but nothing mean. This barely fits into the series because Belphie feels no shame.
“- considering these metrics, it is of my esteemed opinion that we can consider last week’s student social a resounding success. Now then, moving on to my finance report! As you can see in the documents I’ve provided for you…”
‘Here he goes again,’ you thought to yourself with a silent groan, shifting in your chair as Mephistopheles worked himself up into another blathering monologue. Beside you, Mammon gave a less silent groan, earning a glare from where Lucifer sat beside Diavolo across the table. All the brothers were gathered for this ‘emergency’ student council meeting, which would have been fine, except-
You give a sudden jerk, your knee hitting the table and interrupting Mephistopheles with a loud bang.
“…Yes?” he asks with the raise of a brow, and you feel your face heat with a blush as Mammon frowns at you with concern.
“N-nothing! Sorry, it was an accident…” you tell everyone, crossing your legs tightly. Several chairs down, you hear Belphegor give the softest snicker.
I’m going to kill you. You text him under the table as soon as you have the chance. Inside you, the vibe stops…then starts up again with a shockingly increased pace.
I’m bored. Is his only reply, along with a shrugging crow emoji. You resist the urge to fling your phone at him.
It’s been like this all day. When he’d slipped the vibe inside of you after the morning’s sleepy pre-breakfast tumble in his sheets, you’d been too blissed out to consider resisting. After the orgasm he’d given you, you were pretty sure you would have walked around with his name on a collar if he’d asked. It had seemed so interesting, thrilling even, to go through the day with his finger literally on your button, teasing you through class and making you shiver deliciously in the halls.
But you’d forgotten just what a brat Belphegor could be.
It had been an almost constant torment! You’d never realized just how well Belphie knew you, or how close he’d been watching you. He’d seemed to be able to intuit the moment when you were just about to orgasm…only to suddenly, maddeningly kill the vibrations, leaving you burning hot with no release in sight.
And worse! He had perfected manipulating his brothers to keep you from every having a moment of peace to deal with it yourself! Satan arriving to tell you Belphie had mentioned you needed extra study help over lunch, Asmo offering at his urging to walk you to the bathroom to help you touch up your make up…He was tormenting you, and you knew he was loving it.
Secretly you kind of loved it too.
But this was different. An entire day of edging had left you almost dizzy with desire, underwear long since soaked through and thighs sticky with your juices. When Lucifer had told you about the meeting, you’d almost burst into the most horny, frustrated tears. You were sure someone was going to notice. Someone besides Asmodeus who had spent the entire meeting gazing at you with dark lusty eyes that told you he knew exactly what had been going on. His gaze only made you squirm harder, shame mixing with a perverted delight that sent your heart racing.
Belphie interrupts your thoughts suddenly, calling your name with an innocent smile and asking, “What do you think?” For a beat you just stare at him with wide eyes, as inside you the vibe thrums away it’s little rhythm.
“I um,” you squeak, before clearing your throat and trying to gather yourself, “I think its…a good idea.” A shiver breaks up your words as the vibe switches beat suddenly to a low intense drone. There’s a concerned silence, and you conclude that what you’d hoped had been a generic answer hadn’t fooled the masses.
“Are you feeling alright?” asked Diavolo kindly, his brows knitting in concern, “You look a little flushed.”
“If you’re feeling unwell, you should go home,” Lucifer said firmly, standing and coming to place a palm on your brow.
“Yes!” you say, a little too loudly, nervous with Lucifer standing so close, “I think…I’m not feeling well. I’ll head home.”
“I’ll go with you!” Asmo is out of his chair almost before you’re finished with your sentence.
“No,” Lucifer shuts him down firmly, Asmodeus flopping back in his chair with a dramatic sigh.
“WELL, I guess I can-“
“No,” Lucifer repeats himself to Mammon. Behind him, Belphie is gathering his things already.
“I’ll go,” he offers, and this time Lucifer nods. It wasn’t as though Belphie ever contributed much to the meetings anyway.
“Yes, head home. We’ll be back in a couple hours to check on you,” he says, ignoring the complaints arising behind him. Belphie comes over and gives you a comforting pat on your back, and you almost smack him.
“O-Okay…thanks everyone,” you say quickly, hurrying out the door and leaving Belphie to trail lazily behind you. You wait five doors before you wheel on him, grabbing his shirt and yanking him into an empty classroom.
“You! You…menace! Monster!” you wail as he laughs, taking your feeble beating gladly.
“Geeez…if you hate it so much, why do you smell so wet?” he shrugs nonchalantly, smiling innocently as he plays with the vibe control, leaving you trembling and gasping while still clutching at his shirt.
“Belphieeee…” you whine, fury fading as your desperation brings tears to your eyes.
“Whoa. Cute,” he comments, mildly surprised at how attractive you are when you cry for him. He wraps an arm around your waist and lifts you suddenly, drawing a gasp from your lips as he sets you on top of a desk.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He nuzzles into your neck and you mew weakly, pulling at his belt until he knocks your hands away. Instead, he kneels and spreads your thighs, reaching under your skirt to peel away your panties and giving a laugh at their state.
“Wow, you’re so messy,” he teases, bringing the cloth to his nose to give a shameless inhale of your scent, “No wonder Beel said you smelled extra good today.”
“H-He didn’t say that!” you accuse shakily, but Belphegor just laughs. Tossing the panties aside, he slides his hands under your knees and gives you a yank, jerking you to the edge of the desk.
“What do you say?” he sings impishly, smiling up at you from between your legs. You give a teary pout, but he doesn’t relent, just increasing the pace of the pulses inside of you until you’re openly whimpering.
“B-Belphie, pleeease,” you beg, surrendering any last pride you were holding on to, “Please, I need you…”
“Good girl,” he praises happily, and then finally his mouth is on you.
Your exhale is high pitched and needy, a hand fisting in the shoulder of his uniform, the other white knuckled on the edge of the desk. He slides your thighs over his shoulder and nuzzles into you, lapping up your juices before nursing on your clit. You’re practically bucking into him, so desperate for release it almost feels like it’ll never come. Inside of you, the vibe is still strobing, but now Belphegor adds his fingers to the mix, slipping in them to curl and stroke inside of you.
You can’t help your cries of pleasure, too heated to even worry about whether this side of the hall has cleared out for the day or not. Finally, as the sensation of Belphegor running his teeth over your clit makes you drag your nails through his hair, you cum hard. Thighs shaking, eyes rolling, sparks and a ringing in your ears hard. Hard enough that you don’t even realize that he’s finally removed the vibe until you feel his cock shoving into you.
He hasn’t even bothered to wipe his jaw, juices glistening there as he gives a relieved sigh and starts fucking you eagerly. A hand encourages you to lay back, and you do so gladly, still weak from your orgasms with a body singing for more.
“So pretty…” he pants, hands squeezing at your waist as his thrusts make your curves bounce, wet noises filling the classroom over your softer mewls. Closing his eyes, Belphegor leans over you, fixated on your touch as he cums quickly, rocking through his orgasm then coming to a gentle halt inside of you.
“All better?” he purrs after catching his breath, leaning to kiss your nose sweetly.
“I hate you…” He laughs, catching your lips this time as he gently pulls you back upright and into his arms.
“Sooorry,” he says in a way that makes you think he’s not really that sorry at all, “Let’s go home and I’ll take good care of you, mkay?” With a pouty huff, you nuzzle into his neck and agree.
It’s not until much later, when he’s grinding you toward your fourth orgasm of the afternoon, that you realize he left your ruined panties sitting there in the middle of the classroom floor.
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He is not
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“What do you mean!?”
“I’m telling you Mey-Rin, Sebastian is not all that. If that were the case then I’d probably be more meticulous with his wants.” [Name] rubs the bridge of their nose while listening to their associate whine about this so called ‘handsome’ butler.
Meanwhile they were still stuck on the fact that they as a human with some peculiar qualities had to be stuck with that man. [Name] dislikes Sebastian, he knows that based on how curt [Name] is with him or how they’ll inadvertently avoid being touched by him.
[Name] would listen to Mey-Rin compliment the tall male, sure his black hair and red eyes were beautiful but want to know what also has those eyes?’: Demons! [Name] just wasn’t having it and the fact that Ciel even ordered them to work with Sebastian was obviously cruel.
‘Master Ciel if this demon kills me, I'm not coming back until I feel he is far away from me.' [Name]’s ability was that they could die and come back, however the only way they’d actually die is through the brain. Luckily no one knew, except the demon, so they can’t trust him.
“My dear please, you work too hard. Here, I’ll handle the rest.”
“I’m alright sir, if you don’t mind opening the door for me please��?”
He chuckles before thinking to himself, without a doubt he held the door, and [Name] was casually carrying the boxes, following them, he grew to admire how easily they go with the flow. Especially with their behavior they display. As they place the boxes down, [Name] starts fixing a few of the materials in the room while Sebastian dusts, wipes and sweeps the room.
At first, [Name] was adamant with the idea of him helping and to be precise he wouldn't comply so [Name] just allowed the demon to invade their space. "[Name] my dear, you've been silent this whole time. Tell me, do you happen to dislike my presence."
"Not really, you're absolutely creepy, you give the vibe that you have ulterior motives. Plus, many women are known to fawn over you. During these past missions together, I've seen your style and I also know you do not find yourself keen with humans."
Sebastian could only close his eyes with a smile, he agreed that his motives were different, but he did intend to serve his master. Even in his past he was known for his intent and died with the said mindset, being called out for it however was amusing. "I guess we both as the supernatural know that humans enjoy the company of something alluring."
Continuing with their task they felt him gently brush on their shoulder and [Name] eyes the butler. It was quiet, they enjoyed quiet.
He maybe a demon but he tolerated their existence, and so did [Name]. Not long after they were carefully studying each other's entity being. Sebastian knew he couldn't kill [Name] but to see a being who wasn't attracted, afraid or desiring to kill him. It was rather enjoyable, it felt like a duo pair that understood one another's flaws and motives.
Sebastian not long after was sleeping soundly to conserve his energy, while [Name] stayed awake to crack and pop their bones. "Maybe you aren't so bad.."
As they pop their body to a comfortable standard, the Shikabane Hime lays back to rest their eyes. Feeling the demon hold them close, they return the hug.
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mrsdesade · 4 months
1 character x 10 songs x 10 headcanons
Loki (MCU)
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Songs that I think they might be perfect for our fav God of Mischief because today is Tom's birthday! 🌿 I also leave the LOKI PLAYLIST I've created for him!
The End of the World - Celldweller
If I do, will I be exiled?
I can't base my actions on whether I'm loved or reviled.
Hard to pretend that I'm ok when my heart is breaking. […]
Sold on a dream of a future serene,
Then why does this feel like the end of the world?
Hopes in a dream are not what they seem,
And now it feels like the end of the world.
hc: The whole song has his vibes, the melody, the aesthetic, the words, the tone with which they are pronounced. Heartbreaking and full of hope. I can clearly hear the "The sun will shine on us again, I promise." quotes from it.
2. Fill the Void - Lily-Rose Depp & The Weeknd
Be my voice and I choose you to fill the void. […]
I choose you to fill my void.
I choose you to tell me, you to tell me,
I choose you to fill my void.
I speak my voice and I choose you to fill the void,
Tell me why, tell me why do I feel so free when I'm dead?
hc: Being chosen by him is already an immense honor and privilege, even more so If he considers you the missing piece to fill the eternal void in his chest. This duet is so strangely romantic.
3. The Apparition - Sleep Token
Why are you never real? Whenever you appear,
You leave me with that grace, I am trembling with fear.
But I know that you will disappear […]
Well, I believe that somewhere in the past,
Something was between you and I my dear,
And it remains with me to this day.
hc: Something has separated you two, and your memories have been erased (TVA vibes) but the feeling you have is so deep that crosses space and time, and although there is only dust remaining, you are always pulled in each other's direction.
4. GODDESS - Written by Wolves
You're like a goddess in disguise, I'm drowning slowly in your eyes
It's like you kill me by design, you're all I desire. […]
I'll do anything for you, my temptress, even if I'm innocent.
Kill to watch you undress,
Feel your body close pressed up, against mine
Heart beats, in time.
Feel your chest rise, you're all I desire.
hc: This song is pure devotion, he would do anything for you, you are his light, you're the only force that moves his actions and feelings.
5. Interlinked - Lonely Lies & GOLDKID$
hc: There are no lyrics, just music, but the romantic synth and the electronic base give this melody the right vibes to be the soundtrack to a film/series about Loki and his love interest. (hope to be me honestly)
6. Funeral Derangements - Ice Nine Kills
I'll see you on the other side.
But I'd kill to bring you back tonight,
Don't give up, don't let go,
I'll make this right. […]
They say that time heals all, but I won't heed the call.
Buried in misery.
Spare me the eulogy.
hc: Aggressive and desperate, in this version of the story, he lost you because of Thanos and he will do anything to bring you back to life, even challenging primordial forces such as Death itself.
7. Starlight - STARSET
Stardust, in you and in me.
Fuse us, into unity.
We're coupled, born from the universe.
The void is calling, don't fear.
It's ok, I promise. […]
Whenever stars go down and galaxies ignite.
I'll think of you each time they wash me in their light.
And I'll fall in love with you again, I will find you. […]
Don't leave me lost here forever,
I need your starlight and pull me through,
Bring me back to you.
hc: You are the one who loved the God of Stories, and this song is his dedication to you, his eternal love is engraved in these words.
8. Broken - Falling in Reverse
We are the broken, hoping for a change of heart.
We are the chosen, praying for a shooting star.
And even if the sky comes crashing down,
Even if the world was ending now,
We are the broken, but don't cry for me.
hc: Ouch, bad ending for you, there is nothing left to save, the Apocalypse will erase everything, and you two are embraced seeing the Sun fall on the Earth. He will hold you close until the last moment, until the true end.
9. VILLAIN - Neoni
Won't make amends, 'cause you did this, yeah
I'm the monster you invented. […]
All the king's horses and all the king's men.
Couldn't undo all the damage I did.
You call me mad but I make perfect sense.
If I can't be your hero, I'll be your villain.
hc: There's not much to say, If your romance happened during 2012, you would have a cruel God loving you, Avengers Loki has definitely his reasons and his charm.
10. KNIVES - Neoni
No heroes, no villains.
No sympathy, just venom. […]
No heroes, no villains.
Just do it for the thrill and,
Sharpen up your knives.
If you wanna make it through the night.
You better remember that you,
Can never trust nobody.
hc: Let's end with a bit of spice, I couldn't not mention this song, I would definitely associate knife kink to him. Can't change my mind.
That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to suggest more characters, when I'm done with my comfort characters I'll be delighted to please you with music about yours 🤍
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tinyywriterr · 5 months
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∘°∘♡∘°∘ 𝓒𝓗𝓐𝓟𝓣𝓔𝓡 𝓞𝓝𝓔 ~ 𝓦𝓗𝓐𝓣 𝓐 𝓓𝓐𝓨 ∘°∘♡∘°∘
⟿ Song to Go with the Chapter: Burning Desire by Lana Del Ray [You & All the men in this Chapter Theme song]
⟿ Word Count: around 3,800 to 4,000 +
⟿ Starts with Geto + Gojo + Reader
⟿ Summary: This is how it all starts getting sucked in by the two incubus that you call boss and running into a stoic man. You’ve been attracted to since you moved here 2 months ago and started working for them. Wonder how this will turn out?
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: will contain smut {next chapter}, fluff, plot building, pet names, fem reader, black fem reader/you, and etc.
𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮: 18+ please & please don’t copy and paste my story anywhere else. I used to write fics and my own stories when I was younger and reading these Nanami fics reignited my love for writing! This is the first fic I've uploaded on Tumblr so please comment and give feedback! I hope you will enjoy this.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝐻𝒪𝒲 𝐼𝒯 𝒜𝐿𝐿 𝒮𝒯𝒜𝑅𝒯𝒮 | 𝒮𝒯𝒜𝑅𝒯𝒮 𝐼𝒩 𝒴𝒪𝒰𝑅 𝒫𝒪𝒱✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You just moved to Tokyo, Japan maybe 2 months ago. So, far you loved every bit of it from the scenery to the people who weren’t rude to foreigners. You moved here on a whim with no rhyme or reason really besides a job opportunity and just loving the pictures you saw. It was busy very busy in the city of Tokyo; you’ve never been to NYC but you felt like it might have similar vibes. Loud honking of car horns people bussing through the streets even some drunk people lying on the ground sleeping before they went to work. The job opportunity was to work as a secretary for a small law firm a little bit outside of the main city of Tokyo. They mainly did small cases nothing too crazy mainly for people that just need a lawyer on a whim. The owner of the law firm was named Geto and his right hand was Gojo. They seem fairly close more best friends than co-partners to a law firm. Always laughing and cracking jokes but like most when it was time to get serious that wasn’t a problem for Geto at least. You had a fairly easy work schedule come in 5 days a week at least and work from 8-4 even till 6 at the latest. Luckily you were able to pick which days you came in as long as you told Geto or Gojo. They were pretty laid back so you never felt like you were dying on the other side of the phone when you said you wouldn’t be coming in today. And today was one of those days. You never understood the drinking culture here in Japan but they could drink! Partying till the sun came up and going straight to work. How did they do it? As your head pounded you called Geto letting him know you wouldn’t be coming in today due to the festivities the law firm took part in last night.
“Oooo y/n I understand completely. If I’m being honest my head is killing me too. Take as much time as you need things have been slow recently. I’ll let you know when we got some work for you, okay?” Geto asked making sure you understood
“Okay, thank you again for being so understanding and nice to me.” You respond in a groggy tone rubbing your eyes making you see stars.
“I’ll call if you’re needed, have a great day today Mx. l/n,” Geto says before hanging up. He wonders to himself will you be okay all by yourself today? He hopes you feel better soon because last night was something to remember. The shots were flowing music blasting as cigarette smoke filled the club. He rubbed his temples before leaning back in his chair. He wished he would’ve marveled in the silence he had before hearing Gojo burst through the doors.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝒢𝐸𝒯𝒪 & 𝒢𝒪𝒥𝒪 ‘𝒮 𝒫𝒪𝒱✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“Heyyyy I hope you’re feeling good you were taking a lot of shots last night.~” Gojo says in a teasing tone as he plops into a seat in front of Geto's desk and all Geto can do is grimace at him and shake his head.
“We should check on y/n. Make sure she’s okay she doesn’t have anyone here to help her you know?” Geto states lacing his fingers together as he lets his chin rest on them.
“Wellll I don’t see why not! Let’s go I’ve been wanting to get to know her she seems so interesting she entrancing actually.” Gojo states looking at Geto with excited eyes it has a tad more emotion but Geto can’t put his finger on it. Gojo walks out of the office waving his hand let’s go. They had both remembered where you lived from dropping you off yesterday actually. They both hoped it wasn’t weird of them to remember or pop up unexpectedly like this. They didn’t want to scare you off or make you uncomfortable. It was silent on the drive over both thinking about you & wondering how you were doing. Geto knew you were new to Tokyo and began inviting you out to after-work festivities whenever they had them. He wanted to show you a good time but the first couple times you said no. That was okay though mostly because he and Gojo went out almost every night they mainly invited you when the rest of the staff would also be there. He truly didn’t want his feelings to be shown. He wondered deeply in thought how you would feel in his arms. Gojo on the other hand was infatuated by you. You had rich milk chocolate skin that looked smooth to the touch. You had a beautiful hourglass shape with curves that made his mouth water. Your face was something he could look at forever nice plump lips, the cutest nose, high cheekbones, and beautiful fox eyes. Those drew him in the most so mysterious, slightly giving a not-so-innocent vibe, and the way they were so dark he could barely see your pupils. It was like a dark ocean at night with some much depth he could drown. Both of their minds were interrupted when the car came to a slow stop. Honestly, Gojo didn’t even realize he just stopped in front of your home. He didn’t even remember taking any turns or stopping at any stop lights. ‘What’s the door number again?’ Gojo thinks to himself as he parks the car in your complex parking lot. Crazy how being in such deep thought can make a person forgetful or flustered. They both never felt like this before that’s why they’re knocking at your door.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝒜𝐹𝒯𝐸𝑅 𝒢𝐸𝒯𝒯𝐼𝒩𝒢 𝒪𝐹𝐹 𝒯𝐻𝐸 𝒫𝐻𝒪𝒩𝐸 | 𝒴𝒪𝒰𝑅 𝒫𝒪𝒱✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
After getting off the phone with your boss you stretch in your bed trying to wake yourself up so you could get something to eat. You felt ravines since you barely ate the day before so you had to make up for it. Once rolling out of bed you realized you had your club outfit on still and makeup. Disgusted by this you stripped your sheets along with with your mini skirt and crop top in the laundry. Now in a couple of days old bra, and club undies you strip naked and hop in the shower. You put your braids in a bun before fully putting yourself under the shower head. You let the warm water run all over you and coat you like a warm blanket. Before falling back asleep in the shower you slap your cheeks with both hands trying to wake yourself. You wash your face thoroughly trying to get all the day-old makeup off and begin to shower the rest of your body. You take your time taking at least 35 minutes and step out feeling refreshed. After fully drying yourself you put on a matching red cotton thong and a red sports bra on. You rummage through your drawers to find some grey sweats and a black tank top. Lastly, you grab a jacket, your keys, and your wallet. You rush out the door putting your socks and shoes on. Looking foolish you trip a little practically running out of your house, but not forgetting to lock the front door. You walked to the nearest coffee shop in need of energy for being out so late. The sun beaming down on you felt like the best hug in a while making you smile at its warm embrace. The weather was nice today which made your mood ten times better honestly. Yesterday you finally took your boss up for drinks with the rest of your coworkers. It was fun honestly you were surprised that everyone got so loose and had so much fun. Even go so far as driving each other home. You remember slightly that Geto and Gojo took you home. Remembering this made your cheeks heat up slightly. As you opened the coffee shop door the smell of coffee made you smile slightly excited to get your favorite drink. You walk up to register and order [insert your favorite drink] and a [insert your favorite bagel] toasted with butter. They call your name when both your drink and food are done you grab both and sit down at a table for two. As you enjoy your breakfast you look up occasionally from your phone as you read a book. Out of nowhere, someone sits at the chair across from you. Snapping up from your phone you see the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. Blonde hair that was gelled back, a chiseled face with beautiful ashy brown eyes that were staring you down. Making you shift in your seat you pull a headphone out and smile softly. He returns the smile and tilts his head slightly.
“Are you new in town? This coffee shop is fairly new.” He asks in a smooth somewhat sultry tone. Or maybe you were just reading into it too much. How could you not be a sexy man sitting at your table asking you a dumb question just to talk to you?
“Yes, I recently came here from the States. Mainly for work and to just get out.” You said as you sipped some coffee not letting it go to waste. You loved hot coffee not cold.
“Oh, interesting. Well, my name is Kento; Nanami, Kento.” He says reaching his hand across the table wanting to shake yours. He wanted to feel how soft your hand looked. He honestly didn’t know what to say he was just enjoying the view. Once you walked into the coffee shop he noticed you instantly. Let it be that your brown skin was an amazing contrast to the gray sweats you wore or the red peaking out from your sports bra. Or your braids tied up in a bun. OR your beautiful figure he couldn’t keep his eyes off of. He hoped you didn’t notice his dagger-for eyes just tracing every inch of you from afar. Hoping he didn’t spook you or scare you to the point you were uncomfortable.
“Nice to meet you Kento. My name is y/n, l/n y/n.” You say sweetly as you extended your hand to shake his. His hands felt so much larger {because they were} than yours making you melt slightly. Your hand basically disappeared in his grip. The roughness and callousness of them felt nice honestly still smooth. Without noticing your hand was flipped and your arm was being pulled as he brought his lips to your hand. Kissing it lightly making you jump a little. His lips felt so soft and gentle as he kissed your hand 3 times. You’re now fully melted into your seat. Your cheeks explode in heat as you can’t help but smile deeply showing your deep-set dimples. He releases your hand softly and begins to pull out a business card; and hands it to you. You read it as it says he’s a lawyer at an even bigger law firm than the one you worked at. Your eyes go wide as it says CEO and his personal phone number. Guessing these were usually handed out to exclusive clients it made you wonder what made him hand it to you; being naive. You smile softly as you put it in your wallet.
“Well, y/n I have to be going now. I’m honestly late but it was worth it.” He winks at you as he turns around. “It was nice to meet you give me a call. I want to see you again soon.” He waved his hand goodbye as he walked out the door leaving you alone at your table once again. In shock at what just happened you sat at the table still for a couple minutes even though you finished both your coffee and bagel. Shaking your head to get yourself out of the trance you were in you cleared your throat and got up. You threw your trash away and walked out as well. You wanted to do some shopping for your new apartment just getting some small things since you had to walk all the way back. Almost forgetting completely you were hungover you had to stop and get some anti-nausea medication before walking into any stores.
“Ughhh I don’t think she’s here Gojo!” Geto complained as Gojo continued to peer through windows and knock again and again at the door. It had been at least an hour since they first arrived and now Geto was irritated ready to go back to the office or even better his bed. Gojo doesn’t give up easily though he just wants to see your face and ask how you where doing. Suddenly they both hear an elevator ding then open and you step out of it with a couple of bags full of small miscellaneous items. You’re eyes went wide as they were both looking at you mainly staring you down like they were surprised to see you in the flesh. You smile softly and wave as you walk towards your door.
“I’m guessing you guys wanted to check in on me?” You tease as you walk closer to them Gojo & Geto reach out to grab the bags you had in your arms. You let them grab the bags and unlock your door beckoning them both in since it seemed they’d been waiting. They walk in both setting the bags down on top of the kitchen counter before taking in your apartment and looking around like two curious cats. You set your wallet & keys down, turn some lights on, and light a candle.
“Ya, we wanted to make sure you weren’t too hungover didn’t want you too scared to come out with us again.” Geto states as he looks around before basically falling back into your couch. Gojo sits next to him taking in deep breaths as if he’s trying to remember your scent.
“You don’t have to worry about me I had a lot of fun last night truly! Also thank you both for dropping me off here I wouldn’t have made it back the way I was last night.” You say slightly embarrassed at how drunk you were but you giggle softly closing your eyes for a second as you laugh. Not noticing both of their eyes on you as you laughed. They both began thinking about how cute you were as you laughed and how cute your snort was that you tried to hide.
“I’m glad you had fun maybe we should do it again this weekend?” Gojo said before Geto could say it which slightly irritated him. He was the one who invited you and the one who wanted to show you a good time.
“I can show you a new place in town that is said to be super cool with nice techno/EDM music. If you’re into that?” Geto asks butting in before you can even respond to Gojo. Which makes you laugh again slightly noticing how eager they both were.
“How about we all go to the place Geto is talking about just us three? How do you boys like that idea?~” You propose adding a sultry tone and crossing your arms which made your boobs push together as you bent over closer to them meeting their eyes trying to give them a great view. You honestly don’t know why you did it but you weren’t at work soooo it didn’t matter. Also, there are two hot guys you kinda just let your thoughts go out the window and follow your pussy when sexy men are around. They both blush at the sight of your breast so close to them. At work, you usually didn’t really wear revealing clothes just ones that clung to your curves which didn’t help either. But today you’re at home wearing your tank top and loose sweats that are slightly sagged showing your thong. Geto clears his throat first trying to focus and not let his dick grow hard from just looking at you but it was slightly more difficult. You were different than his pass lovers.
“I’d enjoy that..I’ll book us a private room then,” Geto says softly smiling at you moving his shirt to cover up the growing tent in his pants.
“I’d enjoy that as well, doll..” Gojo says winking at you as he stands up. Getting to see you and making plans was all he wanted to do but he also had to go because his dick was making a tent in his pants. Not wanting to embarrass himself at all he looks at Geto trying to get his attention so they can leave. Clearing his throat did the trick snapping Geto out of it. Geto looked up at Gojo getting the silent message from his eyes.
“We’ll be going now. I’ll contact you about the time we’ll be picking you up on Saturday.” Geto states as he gets up as well. As you straightened up you grinned softly and waved goodbye. Gojo nodded in agreement smirking at you.
“It’ll be a lot of fun! Wear your best clubbing dress. This club is a little bit more expensive and exclusive.” Gojo says while smiling down at you blush still tinting his cheeks.
“Okay, I’ll wear my sluttiest dress just for you two. I can wait for Saturday boys!” You say as you trail behind them shutting the door as they both walk out. Pushing your back to the door you sigh softly. Today was just fucking crazy running into all these men. Two you already knew that you tried to hide your attractiveness too. And one mysterious man that was so hot you were shifting in your seat. No man has made you feel so horny just by looking at you. His stoic face mixed with those ashy eyes were enough to have you melted on the floor. His eyes, Nanami’s eyes were just stuck in your head the way he looked at you and kissed your hand! Slightly embarrassed at the thought you push yourself away from the door heading to the couch turning the TV on.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Once again I hope you enjoyed the first chapter we can only go up from here! I'll be updating a new chapter every other day but today I might upload the next chapter. Also, this all starts in October by the way. Sorry if my descriptions or the characteristics of characters aren't spot on this is how I see them in my mind. Don’t forget to comment, reblog, like, and follow me; thank you!!
♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡
[Please don't copy or plagiarize my work thank you. I don't own any rights to JJK and all photos are from pintrest or here I'll try to tag people if I can]
⟿ Link for my AO3 lovers: {also it’s 22 chapters posted on here}
⟿ Credit for the Inspiration for the Chapter: https://pin.it/3xThKyY
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iovesia · 1 year
Lost Boys comforting their S/O after her being forcefully turned? Kind of Yandere vibes.
warnings: forced turning. hurt/comfort. gaslighting. manipulation. yandere themes. toxic relationship.
josie’s note .⁺ ˖ ⌒ thank you for the request, anon! plot got a little lost in here, but hope you enjoy these little headcanons. — likes, & reblogs are highly appreciated ♡ !!
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Feels absolutely no regret for what he’s done. Trust me, you’re not going to get any sympathy points from him. It only irritates him once he realises he’s turned you too soon— you still hadn’t wrapped your head around vampirism, let alone around becoming one. 
The first few weeks your emotions are exploding from within you. Rage, sadness, grief, and repeat. He almost found it amusing how “overdramatic” you were being. You spent most of your nights cursing him out, and your days crying yourself to sleep.
His idea of comfort.. is just to manipulate you. David keeps telling you that this was inevitable, and it’s not like you were going to miss out on much (being human-wise anyways).
“Ah yes, I forgot how exciting it must be to grow old, and die in a hospital bed alone.”
“Yes, but it would’ve been my choice! You took that from me,” you wailed.
Slowly the fire inside you began to die, and that’s when David became worried.
Your hollowed cheeks, and lifeless look in your eyes were a dead giveaway that you stopped feasting on blood. (Since you refused to kill, he had to bring home bottles for you to drink— which almost always ended with him nearly forcing it down your throat). 
He kneeled next to you, as you laid on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and counting the cracks on the walls with tears brimming your waterline. 
For once in his undead life, David tried the loving approach.
“Look, I can’t take back what I did. You know that. So, instead of sulking for the coming millennium, I suggest you and I go out, and do something. Maybe you’ll see that it might actually be fun— being young and partying forever.” He sighs, brushing a tear from your cheek with his thumb. 
… Sort of a loving approach.
Tries to seduce you out of your sadness (and there’s a high chance it works).
He lays it on thick, as he wraps his arms around your waist. His honeyed voice echoing through your thoughts as you feel him press his lips to the shell of your ear.
“Don’t be mad at me, baby. Not after everything I’ve done for you.”
He wouldn’t want to, but the worst case scenario is he would try to use some of his powers on you. Just a little..
Although he’s just as manipulative as the other boys, he’s the only one you feel you can openly cry to you, or share your sorrows with.
You sob pathetically in his lap, your head resting in the crook of his neck while he absentmindedly rubs your back. He’s a bit of a sadist, he enjoys being the only one who can comfort you (even if he’s the one causing you pain).
They honestly do not see the “forcing you to turn” as a big deal— almost like doing a small chore. So their idea of comforting you, is dragging you outside to the boardwalk.
“Don’t get so worked up, c’mon! Let’s go out!”
They distract you with arcade games, candy floss, and roller coaster rides, and even manage to pull out a small smile from you, for the first time in ages.
With a blonde on each side, you almost forget about your inner turmoil. Until, it was dinnertime.
You froze in your steps, watching helplessly as they pierced their fangs into an innocent man. You just couldn’t pull your eyes away from the massacre. Whatever was left of your humanity was screaming— but the darkness inside you bubbled with desire.
They pressured you into your first kill, that night. They figured if you’d get over being forced into this life, if you just embraced it. You hated how good you felt, and you hated that they were right.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 10 months
Somewhere Only We Know
Summary: Plo Koon has an old book called ‘The Galactic Family; A Collection of Beautiful Faces’ that features numerous species blessed with physicalities. Reader/OC is born of the planet called Celestia which is inhabited by ethereal sight for sore-eyes. While they feature and exalt you as an upper echelon of beauty and grace, you vehemently plot against the author who Plo had once confided in you as someone who seems to have captivated his heart — a bully who had taunted him and riled others to make fun of Kel Dors and Plo as a youngling. You kept your friendship with Plo and though your heart bleeds for him, as it beats only for him, you decide to yet again express your desire to act in spite and avenge your most favorite Kel Dor in the galaxy. Only to be reminded of something else.
Pairing: Plo Koon / OC/Reader (idk how this works — sorry!)
Word Count: 3.6k
Rating: (no smut) Maybe sad-turned-happy vibes? Idk
Notes: - Peaching (headcanon) is a form of encouraged relations by the people and law of Celestia that allows you to be in a consensual 'exchange' with no attachment. Essentially, a gatepass to fuck, be intimate with, be flirty with, be touchy with, or be with someone bound or unbound given that all parties are in agreement and consents. (will get detailed on this if I ever decide to dish out wips from ancient time) - Chrysanthemums are my most favorite flower ♥ A yellow chrysanthemum blossom signifies neglected love or sorrow. A white chrysanthemum is a symbol of loyalty and devoted love. - OC/Reader is a bounty hunter with natborn silver irises and is an unhinged bitch who is overprotective of Plo Koon and will fight everyone for him. (It's me, really. I'm just wildin') - OC/Reader Reference Image https://www.instagram.com/p/CfJ891cJVpG/
Color thingies because I'm deranged to not use them: Orange: Plo Koon Pink: You/OC/Reader Blue: Memory Purple: Me, because I have no self-control to self-insert myself whenever Plo and Kel Dors are mentioned. I'm sorry >:
Perfect divider by @idontgetanysleep with itty, bitty, cutie-patootie Plo Koon face ♥
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“Just say the word, P. It’s on the house.”
You didn’t really need his permission let alone reveal any involvement should you decide to act on ‘it’. You’ve had her as a client before and the transaction wasn’t as pretty as her face — it was vile, filthy, and a cheapshot at an innocent target who happens to share attention from a prospective boyfriend. Yes, a prospective boyfriend who clearly has no intention of breaking off an engagement with the poor, unfortunate soul, you have removed from a certain narrative.
A sickening chronicle in ‘her’ life as if her claim takes precedence over anything factual. Hadn’t you been in such a rut with bounties, you would’ve never taken the job. But you did and it kept food on the table, a nice roof on your head for a short while, and got a beaut of a decent ship to cruise around in. 
It’s never honest work, the killing part; but it's honest enough to be on paper and get you lined up with a few more bounties to get by. A couple of tracking fobs in turn of a good night’s sleep, a proper soak, and a treat to buy essentials and non-essentials. Essentials being food, fuel, repair and maintenance, pieces to fortify the little armor you have on because clearly, you need to flaunt to flex — that, and the fact that Celestians are vain by nature. Considering you age similar to Kel Dors, if you ain’t keeping that pretty face and body on point, you might as well off yourself for being a disgraced child of Celestia.
As for non-essentials that border the essentials category, an assortment of powdered fruit tea from your recent trip to Dorin. 
Plo would chuckle, always that — never to confirm, never to deny, always enigmatic over the idea of vengeance. Though it may be an obvious answer with him being a Master Jedi and a Baran Do Sage, valuing life and shit, you couldn’t help but wonder if it’s because he truly still admires her and the memory of feeling ‘it’ for the first time is so strong that it has indeed withstood the test of time. It was either that or he’s in one of those moods where he’s psycho-bullshitting you to reflect and turn to the light — what an absolute devout to the force Plo Koon is, aka force-dweeb ; i.e whore only to the force.
Awestruck if that was the case but also a very disheartening concept. Then again, who were you talk? Wasn’t it your own volition to always tag along and linger in sparring fields and dojos while father met with the Jedis, handing vital information privy only to the Republic? Wasn’t it in your own accord to walk up to this rust-toned sentient because you had that undying need to pull on his mask and kiss him? Maybe not kiss him yet at time, but you’re quite the unhinged individual who would happily die to quelch the inquisitions in your head and kissing was a Celestian tradition to mark. All’s fair, right?
You just wanted to touch him, his face — eyes that had those black ‘thingies’ that made you wonder what color his irises were while the burgeoning need to unmask the lower chamber of his face grew with each passing second; more so when he started to speak.
Not much has actually changed apart from him — now a towering old man with more grace, reverence, importance, patience, strength, and other things that you’d like to unravel. Dirty as that sounds, who can blame you? 
Have you seen the build on his chest and shoulders? Have you not heard the thunderous rumble of his godly voice that makes you want to drop on your knees and worship that impeccable form of his? — That makes you want to shamelessly surrender to the domineering, magnetic, regal of an enchantment that has imprisoned your heart, mind, and soul to be his devout little bitch? 
Have you not, even for a second, want to burn through the fiery embers of his soul and lose yourself into the intoxicating dream of sifting through the intricacies of his intelligence and wisdom? To drown in answers and queries that would have you begging like a desperate whore to tell you more? More of that three-hundred year-old archive of knowledge that just swims in his head so invitingly like the cold lakes of home on a hot summer day? Have you not, even for a second, thirsted to the enigma that is Plo Koon and his privacy? Have you not sinfully starved for someone’s coc—-
He could read your mind and throw you out; dismiss or reprimand you for being such an obvious simp for him, but he doesn’t — doesn’t always at least. Doesn’t invade your thoughts unless it’s one of those days when you were so rattled from a hunt that you didn’t even know how you ended up at his place; why you, a clean-freak, has yet to wash the blood over skin so smooth you whine over the tiniest of scratches and smudge.
“I can sense the evident thirst “be” at peak today, dearest.”
Did I mention that though he does not invade your thoughts without necessity, he’s also a little shit Kel Dor prick? That he’s the humblest of all humbles but has a side to him that makes you want to strangle him in his sleep and ride his brains back to when he’s an itty, bitty, egg and make omelet for breakfast? 
“Yes, babylove. The thirst ‘be’ insanely high today. I mean, did I ever tell you how kriffin’ hot you look in those Jedi robes? I mean the browns and the beige just screams BDE!!! I could just.. Unf.”
You bit your lip to taunt, whether it was to set the familiar banter at play from a mere satirical retort or a guise because ‘he really do be looking fine in them robes’, it’ll be one of the many unspoken understanding and mystery that the two of you seem to dodge.
“BDE? I’m not certain I’ve heard of that before.”
“Big Dorin Energy.” Came your reply — one as abrupt as you had brought the cup to drink so painstakingly slow in hopes of boring him enough to move on.
Did I also tell you how oppressive Plo Koon’s silent treatment can be? No, well okay. It is.
Not a crease on his brow area, neither a shift from his demeanor came about apart from him attaching a metallic, contractible straw to his mask with a soft click before taking a sip from his cup. 
“Ugh. Fine. It’s Big Dick Energy, okay? Are you happy? You’re such an old man, Plo.” 
You always say this and without fail, it drives you so far up the wall you’d be at the same level as Plo — or taller. And as much as it elicits illicit thoughts, seeing yourself more drawn to finely seasoned men, Plo always gave the same response. The same ‘Indeed I am” that teeters between melancholy, amusement and pride. 
Stars, he’s so kriffin’ cute.
“Very much so, my dear. The quest for knowledge never ceases.”
Cute and a disgustingly adorable dweeb. I love him so much and I’m sure you do too.
After a couple more exchange of pleasantries, you’ve found yourself rambling on about the strife of a recent hunt where you’ve procured a bad sprain that had somewhat permanently altered your balance. How you nearly fell off after a grapple-pull mishap because of a calculated step that failed due to said injury. 
You went on about how it cut the payment since you weren’t able to deliver the target on time. He’d have asked a million questions too that riled you up to the point of completely forgetting your purpose of visit — your constant ‘let it be me’ visit that never seems to progress because of that stupid book tucked under his stupid bed that this stupid bitch gave him some stupid centuries ago. 
“All you have to say is leave her alone, Plo. And I will.” 
You cut the story short and as much as you’d expect him to be surprised that you had caught on, he wasn’t. He knew you would break free from the trance of having someone so keenly interested in your non-Jedi approved activities; namely bounty hunting and escapades — you do this thing where you commit theft for a hot minute and leave payment with a little extra at the most  obvious place they wouldn’t look until they’ve simmered down to notice a note you’ve left. Funny that he doesn’t scold you for this but tells tales of how Dorin will treat this behavior differently. You can tell he loves a bit of mischief as long as you return to the proper action — then again, this petty theft of a mischievous act is punishable by death in Kel Dor standards; so maybe, no?
“Celestians are on page 9.” 
Vanity betrays you by blood and nature. You wanted to smack him for saying that but you also want to smack (smooch) him for saying that. It’s not like you didn’t have a copy of the infamous book, but it’s so badly worn from testing a plethora of melee weapons on it, the numerous holes and soot makes any of the text unreadable and the photos indiscernible. You had copies of it too, memorized the entire book looking for any praise for Kel Dors and found not a single word of mention even. 
The Galactic Family; A Collection of Beautiful Faces — in which enumerates and highlights a selection of upper echelon species that included yours in the most exalted tier. Your kind were the most ethereal species on the planet; silver irises, short fangs that elongate during ‘peaching and mating seasons’, skin deathly pale, smooth, and soft; blood translucent and voices a potent concoction of sweet, sultry, and heavenly with that right dabble of filth.
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
You hated that book. Abhorred it to an unhealthy extent that you were but a push away from writing your own book and raining hell on her specifically, but you know within yourself that Celestians are not allowed to interfere — which is essentially why, though you do not need his permission and can actually act upon it deny involvement with a help of the top bounty hunter in the galaxy who you’d happen to be in the good graces of, it just didn’t seem right. You know in your hearts of hearts that Plo will be very disappointed and quiet about it.
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
“I know. My brother and I are in it. He had said yes before consulting me and it was too late for me to back out when I knew who wrote it. Did you ask because you know I’d never dare "read" that shit?”
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[ Art / Comic by @exosorcery ♥ ]
“I asked because you have something of mine.” 
“Of yours?”
And it was indeed some Jedi mind trick because of the centuries and numerous copies you’ve annihilated "without ever once reading" the contents of that book, there you sat frivolously sifting through pages and scanning the photo of yourself with a crystalized necklace of a white moth.
Your hand instinctively went to your chest, cupping the pendant that had kept your heart steady and your mind clear since the day you decided to hunt that stupid moth that landed on his stupid face while he was meditating.
I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
A sense of warmth engulfs you in that moment of recollection; how he had blamed you for scaring the moth away after his master did the same prior. How his little balled up fists were on his side and the creases of his face were so drawn down that you laughed so hard you fell back clutching your stomach. How you saw him ‘frown’ behind his masked face and turned quietly to walk away.
I felt the earth beneath my feet
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[ Art by @veny-many ♥ ]
How in that moment you swore nothing would ever matter more than for his stupid face to never ever crease into that stupid frown. How in that moment, his little ‘Please don’t do that — it really hurts,” made you need nothing or no one else than this beautiful sentient before you who chose to meditate alone because the other shit-pricks were making fun of how he looks.
I came across a fallen tree
You recall how you didn’t even apologize. How you ran up to him and put on that equally stupid face you do with father when you didn’t want him to leave so you could play with him or have him take you to some off-world planet to pick and study flowers to tend to your insatiable need need to adorn your room with so many flower crowns it’s become hazardous in itself. 
And before you could say anything, before you could rip off that stupid page in that stupid book that has your stupid face and that stupid pendant that you’ve worn for centuries as you both kept by each other’s side and comfort, something heavy weighs on the page.
I felt the branches of it looking at me
A chrysanthemum pair — entwined of one yellow and one white; withered, but you know it to be so. You know not only by heart and by the memory of you breaking the knots of your self-made flower crown that adorned your pretty little presence on that fateful day, having to vehemently rummage and pull from the assortment to find the ‘perfect’ one for the stupid frown on his stupid face.
Is this the place we used to love?
You know not only by the nostalgic drop of flowers between your silver irises that pooled at the thought of hurting the stupid-faced sad boy meditating by his lonesome and the young Kel Dor that had his fists balled ready to push or strike — to alleviate himself of any pain and hurt that deeply wounded him that day but chose not to. 
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Your brothers did that — pushed and yelled out of irritation, shoved you a little too hard sometimes but eventually came around. But Plo didn’t — he didn’t yell or push you, didn’t run off or threaten you, didn’t even do anything but ask so politely; asked so kindly as if he would break into as many as the stars above and it frightened you. 
To be young and alone, to be so far from home, to be so far from mother and father and even your siblings; to having to go back inside a place you could hardly call ‘home’. To do nothing but train, clean, meditate, and study; to not be able to play with people of your kind, to not be able to run to father or mother when you’ve tripped and get tight hugs and forehead kisses; to not be able to snuggle up and build forts with silly brothers, steal snacks from the kitchen and tell tales of horrific stories and gossip until you all fall asleep, only to wake up between mother and father.
It frightened you so much that you felt ‘it’. Whatever ‘it’ was, you felt it. You felt ‘it’ radiate from him in such an alarming wave that it had rendered you speechless with hands quivering between two stupid chrysanthemum flowers pulled from your crown of glory. It frightened you that something had made you frantically drop to your knees and fuss about which color, which flower to give him as if the thread of the galaxy’s hold would break if you didn’t do ‘it’ right — whatever ‘it’ was.
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The grip on the pendant tightens and you could feel your jaw clench only before you were made aware of the tears that had betrayed you for quite a while now. The taste of horrid saline that had taken a detour from your cheeks and down to your lips; a grim reminder that you have yet again bore yourself to Plo when you've promised countless times never to do so. 
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
Jedi kriffing mindtrick. 
And if you have a minute, why don't we go Talk about it somewhere only we know?
Part of you wanted him to look, maybe lean over and brush the tears off your cheeks; to take that stupid mask off for a brief second and kiss you just as how you had hoped for when you first saw him. But you know he couldn’t —for so many goddamn reasons. And it’s okay, it really is. He could press his mask on your cheek though, right? Right? Right, Plo?
“Big dick energy indeed, you prick.”
Your voice broke and so did you face as you shamelessly sobbed onto palms that only did very little to hide everything; the sniffles, the whimpers, the brewing gasps of air as you tried your best to stifle it all at once. But of course you fail massively, it was not even an option to begin with. He carried so much power and reverence that if he had decided to open that hidden script between just the two of you, you’ll crumble so far into the depths of all these repressed dreams and emotions that you'd drag him with you. 
This could be the end of everything
And so it remains just that; a hidden script in the narrative that is you and Plo Koon. The same script that loomed when drinks were shared, stories laughed over, and tears shed over just about anything. The same hidden script that will always thicken the air with the purest form of love — if he would allow ‘it’ to be called just that. 
But even that would remain as enigmatic as Plo Koon — and so it shall be as it always has been; a hidden script that is you and Plo Koon; the narrative that has spanned centuries and will weave more.
He would only turn his back to you, remorsefully. Give you privacy and company at the same time like the stupid conundrum that he is; leave if you want me to cry in peace, you’d think to yourself — but stay so I can.
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Tears drip past the barrier of your palms and onto the page that kept the withered pair as if it would somehow unearth the once vibrant colors that bridged the paleness of your small hand with his rust-toned talons many centuries ago. That somehow it would caress your bleeding heart with the memory of his stupid smile plastered on his stupid face when he said “It’s okay. There’s more moths here, come on.”
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[ Art by @veny-many ♥ ] {any excuse to use these baby Kel Dors kids}
Sat by the river and it made me complete Oh, simple thing, where have you gone? I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
That somehow these insignificant droplets would relive the careful touch of his clawed hand over your soft, small palm as he dragged you past the bushes he hid behind and into this expanse of a lake full of fireflies and moths and flowers and fishes and him, and his smile, and his touch, and his face, and his warmth, and his presence, and his —.
“Do you understand now?”
Somewhere only we know
Drenched palms erratically ran through evenly drenched cheeks to dry them off. Eyes puffed and nose a shy tone of red as you continued to sniffle and curse inwardly as to why he still hasn’t offered you a box of tissues. But it’s there though, the box of tissues — so very close to your side of the table when it usually is at the center. 
What a babe, right? Inconspicuous babe and his inconspicuous gentlemanly ways.
You took a few pulls and gently dabbed your face. Took another few more pulls and before you could dab them onto the page that held the embodiment of your love, loyalty, friendship, and promise of forever, you heard him cut you before you were even half-way down.
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
You turn to look at him, watching him ease back into a reclined manner — his face still in the direction of the empty space before him; but you know. You know that at the corners of those black ‘thingies’ over his eyes are those beautiful silver irises that matched yours. You know that in the tenderness of his voice would be the same yearning that not a single word would ever be enough to describe. That in the manner of which his shoulder would sag and his head would meet the rest of his couch that ‘it’ is here; that ‘it’ is here with you. That ‘it’ is neither about the book or anything else; that ‘it’ is but here, anywhere, everywhere with you.
That ‘it’ is the fact that you have something of his and he has something of yours. That ‘it’ has always been the same ‘it’ from the day that you broke his tiny, young heart and mended it so swiftly and gently that ‘it’ has stayed with him over centuries as so did ‘it’ with you.
That ‘it’ is indeed what you think it is if you’ve gotten this far. That ‘it’ is indeed ‘home’ — a place that only you and him knows. 
“You’re such a sappy old man, Plo. I’ll see you again soon, okay?” 
You say, closing the book and carefully resting it on the caf table. You grunt and sniffle, groaning as you stretched and tapped your ankles together as if to activate the thrusters and wait for command. By the window, your usual preference of entry, you took a deep breath and ran fingers delicate over your bare crown down to the length of your hair. 
This could be the end of everything
“In the meantime, please allow me to use this as a reason to extract you from your duties, my sweet. Your company is always appreciated.” 
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Plo collects the book almost protectively and sets it on his lap, palming the cover as he finally turns to address your departure. 
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
“Kriffin’ dweeb. Just say I love you next time. Easier on the tongue.”
And as you take your flight, you hear him among the blanketed skies, just when you’re far enough and too lazy to turn, you hear him, 
Somewhere only we know
“Only if you say it first.”
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Somewhere only we know
~ Fin.
If you made it this far, thank you and I love you. I hope reading this isn't time wasted. Also, drink some water and remember how valued you are and how nothing will be as magnificent as they are if you weren't here. ♥
~ Duch ♥
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ineffably-human · 10 months
Hey there, vampire family, let's talk about sex. (Again. Because I think I've written some of the broad strokes here once before.)
I see a lot of people saying Nandermo is on its way because Nandor realizes how he feels now. And I am not trying to kill the party vibe, seriously I'm not. But I think he's still got a lot of dots to connect. Nandor knows 'Guillermo matters to me' and 'I am doing this thing to impress Guillermo' and 'I am mad Guillermo finds this other person more interesting', all of which says Guillermo is a very important friend who can make him do stupid shit - but certainly isn't someone he loves or would consider a romantic partner.
On the flip side, and this may be contributing to Guillermo's status as a vampire: I think Guillermo's sexuality is blossoming, but he's still holding back. Guillermo has always framed sex as something he doesn't want to talk about, because that's an inhibition he was raised with (and he was closeted to boot). He has heart-eyes aplenty for Nandor, he's been jealous of Nandor's relationships, but it's never clear he's yearning for anything more physical than a hug.
I still don't think he knows that's something he wants from the relationship. In fact, he wants to close his eyes and walk away from most sex he sees - even though he's been surrounded by the weirdest, kinkiest, most casual sex for well over a decade, as part of the very lifestyle he wants. (And Nadja's now confirmed, the vampires fuck each other all the time.)
That doesn't even change with Freddie, by the way, where they awkward-hug hello and walk arm in arm. Then we cut to him walking in on Freddie and Nandor snuggling naked in furs. He doesn't ever kiss Freddie, but Freddie's clone does. The contrast could not be more clear.
Guillermo's said that he doesn't feel any sexier, like he expects being a vampire to change that for him. But does that mean it would make him more desirable or more open to desire?
(And if Guillermo is some form of ace that's totally fine too, of course, it'd be so cool to have an ace vampire of all things. But I don't know if the show's going there. And it'd be weird if Guillermo's dream this whole time was actually some kind of forced self-conversion therapy.)
But he's making inroads. Last year he came out and had a boyfriend, however chaste that was. Whether Guillermo is a virgin or not, his bungled turning is treated like a horrible first sexual experience - we've all talked about that by now. And if you contrast that with Guillermo's Pride experience...
Even in the scene before the space thing, his conversation with Nandor hits different. Guillermo's vibe with Nandor is different than everyone else in the house, and his reaction to Nandor going to space feels downright flirty. And I am fascinated with how the show frames Nandor's descent: Guillermo reacting to Nandor crashing with 'oh my God' (and the vampiric reaction that gives him, a sudden puff of smoke, aka heat!). Nandor looming over Guillermo naked to gloat, before he ever approaches the crowd. For a moment, the joke isn't that Nandor's a bare-assed flaming disaster in front of everyone. It's something that's completely between the two of them.
And then they're walking side by side, a true duo again for the first time in a while, when they come across the rest of the household - and Guillermo immediately nopes out. Which, well, is understandable. There's a lot of reasons he doesn't want to touch that, literally.
But Nandor asks, "are you sure?" Because in his head he just got his friend back, and sex to Nandor is as casual as breathing.
Sex as a vampire is just something you do, and any deep emotion is secondary and special. I think it's a mental hurdle Guillermo has to navigate, either by some sort of supernatural change or (I suspect) just understanding what that means to him. And I think they're going to sleep together in a casual way - maybe as part of that sexy-gross episode Paul Simm has been teasing, which certainly sounds like a vampire orgy to me - before Nandor realizes he's feeling anything like love.
But it's going to feel different than anything else in the room. And that's going to uncork some things for both of them - very different things, but both coming to the same conclusion.
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thetimetraveler24 · 5 months
Okay now that I’ve seen the first two episodes of the PJO show once through, here’s my initial thoughts.
To get the negative ones out of the way… I didn’t like how they did the “You drool when you sleep” line. Leah delivered it great but it was very… out of place. It felt shoehorned in for the fan service and I think there were better ways to fit it in. There were other lines but I can’t think of them at the moment.
I was also expecting more from the fight scenes. Percy vs. Mrs Dodds was a blink of an eye. I agree it should be quick, but Percy accidentally killed her. He didn’t even know the pen was riptide. In the books, I know it went “I did the only thing natural. I swung the sword” and him killing Dodds wasn’t him being a master fighter, but it wasn’t totally an accident. The Minotaur went down too easy. Percy’s fight with Clarisse and the Ares kids shouldn’t have been longer than Percy’s fight with the Minotaur. Also, Gabe’s car should have blown up.
On to the good stuff!
Walker is everything as Percy. I love love love him so much for this role. He delivers every time with the Percy attitude with just the right amount of cluelessness and the right amount of sarcasm and sass. Love it so much.
Aryan is definitely giving Grover. He’s exactly the right awkwardness I pictured with Grover in the books. Can’t wait to see him shine as Grover in the next episodes, especially in the Vegas episode because that’s when we get to know more about Grover’s past with Thalia and his desire to find Pan. I think Aryan will be great.
Leah was perfect for Annabeth. She absolutely gives off an air of knowing more than the people around her. She was book accurate frustrating vague about Capture the Flag and I loved it when she just disappeared and left Percy wonder what to do now. The whole Capture the Flag scene was perfect in my opinion. Not a ton of Annabeth in these first two episodes, so I’m looking forward to seeing more of Leah in the next weeks.
Like I said, Capture the Flag 10/10 no notes.
Loved the Mr D pretending to be Percy’s dad. That was so fucking funny I was cackling the whole time. “Peter Johnson is here!” was giving “Another Terrible Day” I loved it. Perfect Mr. D casting.
Loved Chiron. He always gave me old grandfather vibes and thats emulated here. Another great casting choice.
Percy is already demanding child support and I love it. My guy is ready to fight the gods and I’m here for it.
Love Luke putting it out there that the bond between him and Annabeth is strictly siblings. I will be okay if they keep Annabeth’s crush on Luke because I think it’s normal for tweens to crush on older teens/young adults they idolize, but I think the show is keeping it strictly platonic. Love that change, opens it up for some heartbreaking dialogue to replace some lines in Last Olympian.
Lastly, one thing that isn’t necessarily good or bad about the show:
I wish the episodes were longer. I would be okay with hour long episodes. The content is there, and the audience will watch the whole thing, pinky swear.
But I’m not complaining. I’m pretty happy with what I saw today. I can’t wait for next week and the next and the next. I’ll probably rewatch over the next week and give more detailed thoughts as I watch.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 7 months
Sylvie's Playlist
I've been listening to the playlist Sophia posted and honestly there are some really great tunes on it, she said that these songs were songs that remind her of Sylvie and also songs she thinks Sylvie herself would listen to 'really loud in her green pick-up truck.' And, well I can't sleep, so to kill some time I thought what if we look at these songs from Sylvie's perspective, what could they tell us about how she's feeling, what state of mind and being she's in? As I always say in any post like this, the following are just my own thoughts and interpretation, and honestly this post is mostly just for fun, so feel free to agree or disagree as you like.
Having listened to the whole playlist and having done some research into the individual songs, I think most of them can fall into one of three categories. One is very much the badass rebel woman type songs that I think describe Sylvie's personality really well. The second category are songs that describe feeling lost, trying to search for who you are and feeling dissatisfied and bored with life but still hanging on and having some hope that if you just push through it things will get better.
Then the third category are the love songs, mostly about lost love and feeling hurt but missing your lover, honestly alot of the time this playlist did feel like a break up playlist. It's this category I mostly want to talk about.
But before I get into that I want to summarise what I think this playlist as a whole can tell us about where Sylvie was at emotionally in season 2. I think from the amount of songs talking about feeling lost and bored and dissatisfied its safe to say that Sylvie was struggling to find her place, to find where she belonged and who she was now that she didn't have to keep running. I think no matter how much she tries to live a normal life she's just struggling to truly fit in and feel like she belongs and I think the songs about rebel woman who live wild and free and lead the revolution, is why. As Sophia said in a recent interview Sylvie isn't one to live the quiet normal life for long, she likes the fight and the adventure and sooner or later she will always be drawn back into that world.
I think another thing that is missing is Loki. Which brings me back round to category three, there are so many songs in here about broken relationships and how complicated love is but there are also a few that address the subject of needing a partner, needing love to help you through tough times. There are a few songs I do want to talk about in more detail as they really remind me of sylki and I think can show us what Sylvie's desires and wants and feelings were towards Loki in season 2.
Two songs on the playlist that I thought were interesting, because they have similar vibes but in opposing ways, are 'If You Love Me by Brenda Lee' and 'End of the World by Skeeter Davis'. Sylki fans will likely recognise 'If You Love Me' as its the song that plays at the end of 1x4. But both these songs talk about the end of the world, but in one (if you love me) the singer is facing it with her loved one and is saying that even if the world was ending she could face it because she has her love at her said, its a song about unconditional love but also about the strength love can give us when facing hard times.
In contrast to that the protagonist in Skeeter Davis' song 'End of the World' has lost her love and now even the most ordinary day feels like the end of the world. She's left wondering why the stars are still shining and why her heart is even still beating when the worst thing has come about, her lover was her world and now they are gone. Where the protagonist in Brenda Lee's song feels like she could face the end of the world so long as she has her partner's love, this protagonist is struggling to get through even an ordinary day without hers.
To me these two songs remind me of Sylki in season compared to season two. 'If you love me' reflects their relationship in season one where they had each other's backs and as a result felt like they could do anything, take over the arc on Lamentis, take on the time keepers, enchant Alioth, face HWR at the end of time. They felt like they could face anything so long as they had each other. But in season 2 its much more like 'End of the World.' I think they both struggle whilst separated. Sylvie is trying to find a life and be happy but ultimately is still missing Loki and feeling lonely, Loki is just a bit of a frantic mess without her, especially in those first couple of episodes and is also clearly feeling miserable without her.
Speaking of the end of the world songs, another song on the playlist is 'Purple Rain by Prince'. This is what Prince said about the song's meaning: “When there’s blood in the sky… red and blue = purple. Purple rain pertains to the end of the world and being with the one you love and letting your faith/God guide you through the purple rain,” The first verse of this song reminds me so much of Loki's speech in the citadel in 1x6, where he says he doesn't want to hurt Sylvie and he just wants her to be ok:
I never meant to cause you any sorrow I never meant to cause you any pain I only want one time to see you laughing
I also reflects what Sylvie wishes she could say to Loki because I really don't think either one wanted to cause the other any pain but that was ultimately the result.
Another couple of lines that remind me of Sylki's situationship are 'I never wanted to be your weekend lover' and 'It's such a shame our friendship had to end'. This I think could indicate how they had this deep but brief connection that left its mark on them both but they both wished it had been something more and that it hadn't ended.
Another song on this playlist that made me think back to season 1 Sylki is 'Heartbeats by Jose Gonzalez.' Its a song about a passionate but complicated love. The lines:
One night of magic rush The start a simple touch
Remind me alot of the beginning of 1x4 where they have their nexus moment, which is a simple touch that very much causes a magic rush in more ways than one. Some other lyrics are:
The colors red and blue We had a promise, babe We were in love
This reminds me of the blanket moment in 1x5. In that moment to me they really did look like they were in love but it was also the scene where they kind of made a promise to each other that they weren't going to let each other down and that when it was over they would find a life together. The colours of red and blue, red invokes thoughts of love and passion but then blue is kind of the opposite, its sorrow, feeling blue equals feeling sad. It makes me think of how they started out with that passion and love but it then lead to sorrow and loss. I can just imagine Sylvie sitting in her pick up listening to this song and remembering those moments with Loki.
So one song that this playlist introduced me to which I have never heard of until now is 'Rien Dire by Christine and the Queens'. It is in another language and the title translates to 'Say Nothing' I have decided this is Sylki's new anthem because it is just so beautiful. This is what the writer had to say about the song: “That song is about a conversation of love that carries on even if you don’t see the person or hear the person anymore,” Christine and the Queens told Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1. “True love is a conversation that is never interrupted."
I looked up the english translation and there were so many parts that I think reflect Sylki. So starting with the first verse:
Even though I'm not always in your arms It seems you walk by my side My gestures have taken the colours of your motions And I think about it all the time, in spite of my self
Even though they are both separated now I think they've still stayed with each other, like I said above the love they felt for each other left a mark that still lingers even after their fight in the citadel and I think despite her best efforts Sylvie still thinks about Loki a lot and Loki definitely still thinks about her.
The chorus of the song is also really beautiful and again I think it really fits Sylki:
Oh, we learn each other Oh, we wait for each other Oh, we surrender And without ever saying a word Oh, we're pulling and pushing Oh, the way you look Oh, we love each other And without ever saying a word
Even though they've never said it out loud their feelings for each other are plain, even in season 2 they still care deeply for each other, they see each other and they love each other but they also challenge each other.
But my favourite lyrics in this song have to be the second verse:
All the things in the world that we experience together Are you afraid to fall in love as well? And all those places I thought I didn't belong Now there I am, with you
Now this is Sylki to a tee, they've gone through all these experiences together where they have formed a deep bond and have fallen in love, but despite that I think they are both still so afraid of love, of having someone to lose and I think that's why despite showing their feelings they've never spoken them out loud. Also the lyrics talking about not belonging and then saying 'Now there I am with you' I've always believed that they belong with each other, I think that is part of the reason why Sylvie is struggling to find her place without him and vice versa.
Another song worth mentioning is 'Time Is On My Side by Irma Thomas. In this song the protagonist has lost her love but is confident that eventually he will come back to her. She tells him to go and experience life with the confidence that eventually its her love that will bring him back:
Go ahead, go ahead and light up the town And baby, do everything your heart desires Remember, I'll always be around And I know, I know Like I told you so many times before You're gonna come back, baby 'Cause I know You're gonna come back knocking Yeah, knocking right on my door Yes, yes! Well, time is on my side, yes it is Time is on my side, yes it is 'Cause I got the real love The kind that you need
This actually reminds me more of how Loki feels about Sylvie, he wants her to be happy and experience life but I think they've also got that little bit of hope that they'll find their way back to each other.
Then you have 'Don't Make Me Over by Dionne Warwick' which is about wanting to be accepted as you are, flaws and all.
Don't pick on the things I say The things I do Just love me with all my faults The way that I love you I'm begging you
Don't make me over Now that I can't make it without you Don't make me over I wouldn't change one thing about you Just take me inside your arms And hold me tight And always be by my side If I am wrong or right I'm begging you
This one reminds me of their fight in the citadel and maybe how Sylvie feels now after, maybe what she wishes she could say to Loki, that she wants him to love her even if they don't see things the same way. The lyrics 'just take me in your arms and hold me tight and always be by my side, if I am wrong or right, I'm begging you' hit pretty hard if you put them in context of the way they have been struggling to see things the same way this season. I think if given the opportunity they would just hold each other and be with each other.
A couple of honourable mentions now, Beth Ditto's 'We Could Run' which talks about this dream of a couple running away together and leaving all their troubles behind. Again, it reminds me of the blanket scene and Sylki talking about figuring out what they are going to do next together. I could see both Sylvie and Loki daydreaming about running away together. The other honourable mention is 'We Were Rock and Roll by Janelle Monae'. This one is a fun song that has alot of kind of mirroring imagery of things that compliment and work together really well, like rock and roll and king and queen, and is a song about reminiscing about a past love. This idea of being mirrors of each other but also a complimentary pair obviously screams Sylki to me.
Ok last one. The last song I want to talk about is 'If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher.' Now my momma raised me on Cher, she'd play it in the car or in the kitchen whilst cooking, so naturally I know this song well and have often sung it at the top of my voice alongside my mother and sisters, I was super hyped to see it on Sophia's playlist.
The song is about a couple who have had a bad break up and the protagonist is reflecting on the guilt she feels for the things she did and said and wishing she could turn back time and get a different outcome, make it right again:
If I could turn back time If I could find a way I'd take back those words that have hurt you And you'd stay
I think maybe Sylvie regrets some of the things she said to Loki in the citadel, it was pretty obvious that Loki was really hurt by her mistrust and accusations. The next verse really reminds me of the 'love is a dagger' metaphor.
I don't know why I did the things I did I don't know why I said the things I said Pride's like a knife, it can cut deep inside Words are like weapons, they wound sometimes
And how Loki said it was beautiful until it makes you bleed. That imagery continues in this verse:
My world was shattered, I was torn apart Like someone took a knife and drove it deep in my heart When you walked out that door I swore that I didn't care But I lost every thing, darlin', then and there Too strong to tell you I was sorry Too proud to tell you I was wrong I know that I was blind
But this verse also makes me think of how Sylvie is putting on this front with Loki that she doesn't really care and that she has no regrets, that she's living her best life but really I think she's just too stubborn and too proud to say she's sorry or admit to any regret, even if that regret is just that she regrets hurting him. But I think ultimately if they do wish they could go back, they do regret how things turned out and that they have ended up separated. The most heartbreaking part is that they are both to hurt and too stubborn to confess this to each other, and they are struggling to even talk to each other because of all the hurt, let alone find their way back to each other.
Anyway, I've now rambled on enough about song lyrics and Sylki and have run out of things to say. Though if there were any other songs anyone wants me to cover feel free to drop an ask, or any other asks, all are welcome and honestly I am stuck at home bored so any distraction would be welcome.
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
Any HR with gothic vibes you would recommend?
Anne Stuart is known for writing darker, more gothic-y historicals. I've only read A Rose at Midnight so far, but I know her Rohan series is recommended for this a lot. I loved A Rose at Midnight. It's set shortly after the French Revolution (set in England, largely) and the heroine literally begins the book wanting to kill the hero. She does poison him! He just survives lmao. But yeah, the beef is real, it's pretty dark (TW for noncon, dubcon, forced sex work, general Reign of Terror violence) and there's a general sense of violence and mystery and secrets.
Elizabeth Hoyt plays with the Gothic a lot. I'd recommend:
The Raven Prince. Really a sexy Jane Eyre, the heroine is the hero's secretary and ends up putting on a mask and pretending to be a sex worker at a brothel he frequents in order to sleep with him. (To be very fair to her, he was only visiting the brothel because he was avoiding their intense sexual tension.) But yeah, he sweeping around his manor, he's doing the high drama. it's GREAT.
The Leopard Prince. This is more "we're out on the moors, the natural world is here, the are murders and mysterious sheep kilings" Gothic. The heroine inherits an estate and moves there, only to begin an affair with her gruff steward, who's basically on the brink of being framed for murder. It's HOOOOOT.
All of the Dolphin Sex Cult books in Maiden Lane kinda have this vibe, but TW because the cult is heavily involved in pedophilia. The heroes and heroines are trying to stop it. These books consist of:
Duke of Sin. Insane villainous hero, hides in his walls watching the heroine (who's his housekeeper and has been planted in his house in order to steal blackmail material he owns from him) for like... 3-4 months. She doesn't even know he's there. He's truly wild. But he is trying to... avenge his sister... because their father was in the Dolphin Sex Cult? It's complex.
Duke of Pleasure. In this one, the hero is a king's bastard, actively trying to take down the Dolphin Sex Cult. The heroine is a street urchin who's often dressed as a boy in order to stay safe; she's also a vigilante. He recruits her to help him, while also teaching her to pass as a lady. This one involves the infamous "ummmm people are about to catch us, quick suck my dick for cover" and she just doesn't stop when the people go away and swallows.
Duke of Desire. This one is really intense and dark. The hero kidnaps the heroine to prevent her from falling prey to the villains, and forces her to marry him for the same reasons. She's like "I can deal with this, but I want a baby" which he refuses because he has a lot of sexual trauma related to the cult (TW for childhood SA).
The Ghost of St. Giles arc in Maiden Lane is also on that wavelength--it's all about this masked vigilante who skulks the night. Turns out the identity is shared by several different guys!
Thief of Shadows. The Winter Makepeace book. Our hero is a schoolmaster/orphanage master guy, and he runs around as the Ghost, while by day a rich society widow tutors him on how to solicit donations from patrons and do polite society right. Said widow catches on to his game, and they begin this intense passionate secret affair while he's also dealing with Ghost stuff.
Lord of Darkness. The next Ghost is a quiet widower who married again a few years ago in order to save a young woman he barely knew from ruin when she got pregnant out of wedlock and her lover died before they could make it legal. She miscarried right after the wedding, and wants a baby now, so she's back in town wanting to finally consummate the marriage. He agrees, but he's withholding the Secret while they try for a baby.
Duke of Midnight. Georgian Batman with heavy Gothic tones. Our hero is a tortured duke whose parents were killed in front of him, and ever since he's desired REVENGE. The heroine is a lady's companion with a dark past who's trying to regain her former station and free her imprisoned brother, and she catches on to his vigilante activities and is like "mmm you're gonna help me or I'm gonna tell everyone thaaanks".
If you want something on the kinkier side, Sierra Simone's Ivy Leavold trilogy (which must be read in order) is a kinky Jane Eyre, basically, with very Gothic overtones. Sierra looooves the Gothic. It's super hot and really fun.
Scarlett Peckham's The Duke I Tempted has a Gothic "I married a mysterious man and he has secrets I must discover" vibe. Of course, his secret is that he's submissive in bed, but there are other things too! The Earl I Ruined has similar vibes, but less so.
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blorbingqls · 10 months
Despite my lack of sleep and completely boisterous way of not responding well with mess and completely almost forgetting to write my thoughts on the episode, here you go.
only friends ep 2 stray thoughts relay an eventually peek into many of the history of these characters - this time was ray and top
i love the confessionals bit - that adds a lot to the story, personally for me - reminds me of barbie: life in the dreamhouse damn - i want the confessionals to continue
NAMCHEUM AND APRIL - so so cute babies - but i want more bits pls - let this web not be just within sandray, mewtop and bostonnick.
sand being the tired gay gives so so much - also, the pansexual notes - *chef's kiss* - the long glare at the last scene - DAMN - the pot is cooking
ray being more than the troubled rich kid with a dead mom - yes thats a well known trope but can we not kill more mothers pls
i need few more episodes to analyse mew - because he give me the reader trying to apply the theories in real life without a full-proof backup plan vibes - he is strategising the perfect love - with top
boston is an interesting character - not believing in permanence or drama but being the drama - the love for photography - damn thats so good
top - you didn't have to jump from that low point into the water - it will hurt your ribs pls - the fact that he didn't like how boston was heading and how he wanted to establish a boundary but wasn't able to clearly indicates so much more of him as a character - adds a layer to being more than the asshole character
nick - my poor babygirl whore with low self esteem issues - bub you are loved - a person like 'ton confusing you is completely understandable - i relate to you on this
with reference to @ranchthoughts @lurkingshan and @waitmyturtles 's post here and here I COMPLETELY agree that the show hints a lot towards impermanence of life and the fact every moment is fleeting each time, with decisions taken by each character towards their life indicates how they don't think twice while taking a decision.
i would like to link ephemerality with control - because that also, i feel, will become a running subtheme in the series - because as these characters will have the wish being in the moment and having the control respectively.
Sand wants to have boundaries within the friends with benefits bracket as that establishes some sort of control for him - where money, job security and materialism are things out of his control
Ray is wiling to buy off Sand in order to get some control in his life because the love he desires, the abandonment of people and loneliness in his life are left out and he has only money that can buys him the control the loneliness somehow.
Mew and Top want to have a control of the way they approach the relationship because they want to play with each other in terms of control. they believe individually they are at the higher end but that isn't the case.
Nick and Boston is the most interesting pair so far; Nick wants to have control on how he feels by asking Boston to label this relationship in order to fall less and Boston doesn't want any drama in his life as he sticks to one night stands but wants to have control on Top since that stand has imprinted in his memory and somehow bring Mew down. But since he can't have what he wants, he sends pretty mixed signals to Boston which according to him are clear but confuse Nick.
When shit hits the fan, all control will be lost, it will be too late and it will glorify as burning into a thousand suns.
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