#but the whole thing with 'we must become that which we abhor to survive'
decepti-geek · 7 months
sudden realisation from the doctor who rewatch: the Human Dalek hybrid thing probably had a role in inspiring pregnant Scorponok
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digitalzombie · 3 years
On (the updated) Chapter 139.
This is not necessarily a rant. Instead, these are some thoughts I had after reading (the new) Chapter 139 of Shingeki no Kyojin, or Attack on Titan. I also briefly talk about the Rumbling and Ymir’s characterization. Of course, this is not spoiler-free, so beware if you are not caught up with the latest updates on the series/chapter!
Spoilers below:
First and foremost, I enjoyed the series. I wouldn’t call it “perfect,” nor “the absolute best,” but it was entertaining and, dare I say, awe-inspiring. Isayama presented something that not many shōnen mangaka do, which is a realistic take on war and the irreparable actions of humanity. To say that this is a story about mankind fighting monsters is not entirely wrong; in fictional stories, “man is the true monster” tends to be a reoccurring theme, and Attack on Titan, Shingeki no Kyojin, is no exception. I’ve said the following in a previous post I made, and I’ll say it here again:
This is mostly a reflection of humanity and the terrible things people are capable of doing when they’re given too much power, and when they’ve been stripped from having any of it. (alienated.zombie)
Was it all for nothing?
All characters are victims of corruption. We saw that with Eldians who were persecuted in Marley and the Eldians on Paradis. The Rumbling was Eren’s desperate attempt to protect his friends more than to protect the island. It is apparent when he refuses the Founding Titan to any of his closest comrades in the flashback in Chapter 108…
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By the end of the series, we see time-skip after time-skip of the Island’s growth and eventual destruction. We see a boy encountering the tree where, presumably, Eren was buried. It is different from the other trees, as it is the largest (probably the oldest, too), and bears a huge resemblance to the tree Ymir, the Founder, had fallen into. This seems to tease that everything will begin again—the rebirth of the titans and, potentially, more war.
So, did Eren commit mass genocide for nothing in the end? My answer is no.
Eren fulfilled what he wanted/needed to do, which was to protect his friends (or at least those who survived the battles leading up to the Rumbling). He aided in freeing Ymir. And just as he had hoped, his surviving friends lived for a long time, as suggested in the final panels. Eren’s motives are questionable, and it begs the question: Is Eren selfish? And my answer is yes, although he does not openly show it as he lived his whole life living and fighting for other people’s sakes. Eren is a paradoxical character: he is selfish for choosing his friends over the world but selfless for putting his friends ahead of himself.
Isayama gave us a bleak ending, one that makes sense since something as unforgivable as the Rumbling would be a justifiable reason to start a war--at least in the eyes of the world leaders. We are only given a small glimpse of the attack, so there is no saying if The Rumbling truly was the motivation, or if Paradis acted first. What is true is that the cycle of hate continues. Historia's reign, as well as the rise of the Yeagerists, prove that as time passes, ideals and people in power change. Truly, history repeats itself.
The Rumbling
Side note: Of course, The Rumbling wouldn’t be the absolute best solution to end a war in reality. (I didn’t support it either.) However, I read the manga with the idea that there really was no other way to end the war between Paradis and Marley because the whole world was dead-set on destroying the island, as suggested in chapter 123:
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Not to mention that the Association in this part of the series reacted with cheers to the speaker’s sentiment. Even the displaced Eldians were brainwashed to abhor the so-called “Devils” of Paradis Island. We can assume (based on what we know about the views that Marley, the Eldians in Marley, and the advocates for “displaced Eldians” have) that Paradis was the so-called enemy of the world (at least to the public outside of Paradis). Armin and Hange’s approach to the situation, the diplomatic way, was not wrong either; however, given the other nations’ resolve to decimate the island, this strategy would not have worked.
This is where Eren’s plan to wipe out the rest of the world, save the island, comes into play. He did not want to conform to the original plan and repeat the same cycle the Royals have for hundreds of years, which was to sacrifice Historia and her descendants, and the future hosts of the Coordinate. He was only meant to scare the world— to dare them to attack—by waking some of the dormant Colossal Titans. Of course, he chose a different path. The Rumbling, Eren’s Rumbling, was meant to buy time for Paradis’ restoration, to secure their safety, to expand their military forces, and to eventually end the Titans’ curse… which did happen.
Ymir, the Founder
Ymir is the most mysterious character in the series. Due to her lack of speech (as her tongue was cut off), she is easily the most misunderstood. She was abused and used for power; Ymir was a slave—both literally and metaphorically—to Fritz and the following Coordinate hosts. My understanding is that she had some kind of attachment to Fritz and his ideals. Chapter 139 introduces the idea that Ymir did, in fact, love Karl Fritz. I doubt that this is really the case, given that Eren’s words contradict the art on the panel (surely, purposely done by Isayama):
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In this panel (chapter 139), she is unhappy: her marriage is a joke, given that her husband flirts with other women (they were most likely his mistresses) while she tended to his needs and continued to have his children. Her “love” for Fritz is not real. Ymir was attached to the idea of love and desired it all the more.
I believe that Mikasa did not necessarily free Ymir; rather, Ymir was inspired by Mikasa’s unwavering love for Eren. Mikasa loved Eren and was able to let go of him despite how much it hurt her. In turn, Ymir finally let go to of her abuser by realizing that what she felt was not truly love. Mikasa suggests Ymir’s true feelings when she says: “Your love must have felt like a never-ending nightmare.”
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I should also mention that the panel above does not necessarily mean that Ymir let Fritz die, although this is open to interpretation. I thought that this clearly expressed Ymir’s regrets. Should he have died in her stead, Ymir would have been able to live the rest of her life with her daughters in peace. This might have also avoided future wars, aka, the war on Paradis. However, Mikasa’s words ring true: “It’s only because you brought your children into this world that I stand here today.” There is no way to undo the past. It is true that Eren could have rewritten the past by letting her live and letting Fritz die; however, that would completely change everything: Eren and his friends would have probably never existed, and Ymir would have been trapped in Paths forever, as the Founder would go to a random newborn child.
Another interesting point I’d like to add is Ymir’s appearance. In Paths, she presents herself as a child but finally shows herself as an adult in front of Mikasa. She expresses her fragility via regression, or appearing as her less developed stage in life (childhood) as a coping mechanism. (This can also be said about Eren’s child-like appearance at the start of the Rumbling.) Only after freeing herself from Paths does she take on the appearance of a grown woman. We cannot say that she completely healed from her trauma, but we can say that she was ready to move on.
Why wait 2000 years?
My take on this question is that Eren was Ymir’s answer as he did not bear royal blood and therefore could not command her to do anything for him. Recall that nearly all previous hosts of the Coordinate were of Royal blood. No one understood Ymir, nor seemed to care to communicate with her. Grisha was at the end of his life when he stole the Coordinate and then passed it to Eren.
Potential sequel?
As for the final panels of the chapter, I don’t think that this sets up a potential sequel. Unlike Eren, Armin, and Mikasa during their childhoods, this boy has the freedom to explore the world as is his birthright. He does not have to think or worry about being confined behind tall walls, nor worry about a government's restrictions to question the mysteries of the world. He is free to explore. I think that this is Isayama’s way to tie the story back to that simple dream Eren had as a child. Despite the obvious attack on Paradis in the previous panels, there is reason to believe that not all of Paradis was destroyed. This boy should be proof of that. For now, whether he becomes the new Founder or not is strictly based on our own interpretations.
That’s all I have to say about Chapter 139. Let me know if you’d like me to delve deeper into anything else from AoT! I was thinking about taking a closer look at other characters later on, but I’ll be happy to add my take on anything AoT-related.
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hela-avenger · 4 years
poison & wine- part 16
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1591
Summary: Prince Loki of Asgard is in need of a date to take back home. That’s where you come in with a task of your own to make the whole trip with an insufferable prince worth it. Too bad that things don’t always go as planned and you end up giving more than you can take. Fake-Dating AU.
A/N:  If you’ll like to be tagged please reach out to me!  
poison & wine masterlist
Your eyes flutter open just to find the stars on the ceiling long gone. The light of the Asgardian sunrise had cast the darkness of the room away and you wonder how early you have to wake in order to witness it in person. You make a mental note to ask the girls but are disrupted by the sound of your stomach growling. 
Loki and you had unknowingly gone to bed early and had skipped dinner. It hadn’t been your intention but you were starving now and hoped the girls would be coming by soon with breakfast. 
Recalling Loki, you look over at his side of the bed to surprisingly find him still there. He seemed to still be asleep so you try to be as quiet as can be as you start to step out of the bed.
You manage to pull the bed cover away on your own making you suspicious of foul play the night prior. As you turn back to fix it, you find yourself staring at Loki’s bare back. You dropped the cover where it was and couldn’t help but stare. 
The entirety of his back was mangled with an array of scars. Some long and jagged, others short and straight. There was a variety and you wondered how he could have survived any of them. 
You had your history of scars. 
None on you but to the people around you. 
You recall your time as an army nurse. The mangled bodies you saw on a daily basis. New and old scars that scattered around the men fighting for their loved ones back at home. You knew what could cause them and how they could heal. You knew which ones would fade away with time and which ones would remain a reminder forever. 
Loki’s back was scattered with the worst ones you’ve ever seen. Especially as you recalled that his body was meant to be able to withstand much more than a mortal body ever could. Whoever did this to him must have been very strong and the pain… You can’t even imagine the level of pain he must have felt. 
None of the scars look like they healed with care. The way his skin was discolored beyond the wound made you aware that he must have been left to deal with them on his own. Wounded, tortured, perhaps left to die. 
Someone hurt him. Someone hurt him very badly. 
Your hand itches to run your hand across his back. An ill attempt to heal something just by the pure will of it. You know it’s impossible but you wish to at least try. 
So you do... or at least you try to before you’re interrupted by Loki’s groan. He hums as he turns onto his back to stretch, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours.
“What are you doing?” Loki asks. 
You pull your hand back and try to erase the last minute away from your mind. 
“Trying to see if you were alive,” you manage to lie. “You are awfully still when asleep. It looks like you’re dead.” 
Loki stares in response. His eyes narrow down at you trying to gauge if your words were true or not. Though in the end, it didn’t matter as he shook his head and sat up. His back faces you again but the scars you had seen had disappeared. His back was bare from any of it. 
You blink and then you blink again but Loki’s back remains scar-free.
Part of you wonders if it had all been a figment of your imagination, but like the bed cover and the stars glowing in the ceiling, you knew this cover up had something to do with the use of seidr. You just didn’t know why. 
A timid knock on the door disrupts your thoughts and you are quick to shift your attention elsewhere. You reach for your robe and tug it on just as Loki stands up from the bed and reaches your side. 
“Come in,” he bellows as he swings an arm around your waist and pulls you to him. You catch yourself on his chest and you have to refrain from following your instincts which were telling you to push him away. Instead, you let your hands remain where they are as the doors begin to open. “Good morning, girls.” 
“Good morning, your majesty.” 
“Start on breakfast without me,” Loki states as he pulls away from you. “I’ll be in the library doing some light reading.” 
He winks at you and turns to your handmaidens who are trying their hardest to stare at his face. Loki only grins and snaps his fingers to dress himself alleviating the tension in the room. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay and eat?” you ask, capturing his attention once more. 
He turns to look at you in question and you don’t understand why you’re even offering to spend more time with him. The silence stretches out a second too long but Loki immediately fixes it by simply smiling down at you. 
“Missing me already, pet?” he asks. 
You couldn’t help but genuinely laugh at the question. 
“You know I always do,” you manage to respond sweetly. “It’s why I keep coming back to you.” 
Loki's smile manages to grow wider before he presses a kiss on your forehead. You let out your breath when the touch of his lips on your skin disappears. His hold on your face doesn’t leave as he tilts your head up so that you may look at him. 
His eyes flutter to your lips and a spike of anxiety runs through your spine at the thought of him kissing you again. 
He doesn’t. 
“I won’t be away for too long,” Loki states as he releases you. “I’ll be back to share lunch with you.”
Without another word, Loki makes his way out of your room leaving you at the care of your handmaidens.  
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Loki flipped through the travel archives with exasperated boredom. He hadn’t realized how many outings were cataloged from the past century. He knew that Thor and he had taken advantage of traveling to other realms with any excuse at all. Loki was growing to regret it as each visit was written down. 
There were pages upon pages concerning Thor and his travels that Loki was having a hard time trying to narrow down other royal members who had left Asgard for whatever purpose necessary. It became more complicated as visits to Midgard were non-existent. 
It was like looking for a needle in a haystack except Loki didn’t know what the needle looked like. 
Loki looks up from the catalog to find his mother staring down at him with an amused smile. He glances around momentarily to make sure they were alone and nods. 
“I can’t seem to find any trace of recent travel to Midgard,” Loki sighs out. “There’s too many transcriptions that it’s taking longer for me to get through them all.” 
“Hmm,” Frigga hums as she takes the book from Loki and looks through it. “Well, perhaps you should be looking through something more recent. The girl is a bit younger than this, isn’t she?” 
“I’ve started around the year of her birth but nothing appears,” Loki sighs out as he pulls the first book he started with from the stack. “So I assumed that perhaps her father arrived earlier.” 
“And you found nothing?” 
“Nothing,” Loki sighs out. “And I doubt anyone could have traveled down and stayed for longer than a century. Odin would never allow such a long visit.” 
Frigga scowls and sets the book down. 
“Well then that’s quite a problem, isn’t it?” 
Loki watches as her mother begins to pace.
“What’s wrong?” he asks her. 
“Either her father traveled through other means...” Frigga states.
“That’s impossible seeing as Midgard has travel records that indicate the Bifrost was used.”  
“Which then leaves us with another troublesome predicament,” Frigga sighs out unhappily. 
“Which is?” 
“That your father sent him down secretly.” 
“Why would Odin do such a thing?” Loki asks confused. 
“I don’t know,” Frigga shrugs. “It could have been a short banishment like your brother or perhaps another reason altogether. Either way, those records would be sealed with your father having sole access.” 
Loki lets out a heavy sigh unsure of what he was meant to do now. 
“This has become too complicated.” 
“It sure has,” Frigga agrees as she takes the seat next to him. “But for her sake, we must continue our search.” 
“How?” Loki asks. “By asking Odin?” 
“Yes, that’s…”
“No,” Loki interrupts her. “He’ll immediately want an explanation and what am I to tell him?”
“The truth, Loki.” 
“Absolutely not,” Loki exclaims. 
“Why not?” Frigga asks him. “For her safety? Or because you abhor the idea of telling the truth to your father?” 
“He’s not my father!” 
Frigga remains silent, her lips pressed together tightly. She waits for Loki to calm down watching his deep breaths return to a normal pace. He realizes his overreaction and turns to face her apologetically.
“I do not need to rely on that man more than I already have to,” Loki states. “I will find Y/N’s father and keep her safe on my own.” 
Frigga lets out a sigh knowing there was no way to convince him otherwise. 
“Then so be it,” Frigga resigns. “But whatever shall you do now?” 
Loki didn’t have an answer to her question. His only hope relied on you and so that was the only path he could take at the moment.
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poison & wine tag: @damalseer​ @just-the-hiddles​ @jessiejunebug​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @smollest-soybean​ @assassinoftheworld​ @readerbandit​ @doyoufeelikeayounggod​ @strangemcuvlogs​ @ha-tep​ @i-dont-know-eiither​ @gene-king​ @day-dreaming-fox​ @bn-studies​ @is-it-madness​ @sigyn-njorddottir​ @devilbat​ @victor-criss-bish​ @skinny-macncheese​ @musicconversedance​ @baby-bunnyxn​ @fandoms-allovertheplace​ @marvelloonie​ @jinxjinxednova​ @queenmuahaha​
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All Works Tag: @jmb959​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​ @hellocookiecutter​ @steve-rogers-personal-hell​ @buckybarnesyard​ @not-zari-tak
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charliejrogers · 3 years
Klaus (2019) Review & Analysis
I remember recently discussing with my fiancée how, though there have undoubtedly been a number of Christmas movies released in the last twenty years, none have really risen to the level of a “classic” – something you would want to watch every year as part of a tradition. It’s true I have not seen it, but still something tells me that 2008’s Reese Witherspoon vehicle Four Christmases is not on anyone’s annual watchlist… nor 2017’s Mel Gibson-infested Daddy’s Home 2. We concluded that the last “classic” was 2003’s Elf. And, while Christmas movies don’t have to mention Jesus or religion obviously, please don’t try to tell me that Frozen is a Christmas movie… it’s not! In some ways, given how secular things are, I began to wonder if there even was a market for holiday family fun movies, but of course, I’m an idiot because you can just make a whole movie about Santa Claus. Move over, Jesus, we gotta talk about the reason for the season!
Klaus released last holiday season on Netflix and at least in Chicago I saw billboards for it everywhere. Netflix went all in on promoting this as the next big Christmas movie and had some moderate success; they even grabbed an Oscar nom for best animated picture. Unlike most animated films these days, Klaus was made by neither DreamWorks nor Disney, and it shows. It lacks the refined polish of a Disney/Pixar feature, but also has a heart unlike a DreamWorks picture. The animation style can be best described as a hybrid of 2D and 3D (yet not quite 2.5D). At times the character models look like classic hand-drawn 2D models set within a mostly computer-generated 3D environment. But at other times, they look more 3D. It’s confusing to describe, and inconsistent to watch. It often felt like I was watching a compromise between a studio that wanted a distinct animation style but didn’t have the budget to fully realize it. Still, more often the not it’s a pretty movie.
More than the raw visuals, the movie has a fantastic sense of atmosphere… perhaps even too much at the beginning. Klaus is, in one sense, the story about how a lonely woodsman becomes the legendary Santa Claus, but for such a jolly premise, much of the film is shrouded in shadows and dominated by an oppressive, cold, snowy bleakness. In retrospect, this makes sense as the true triumph of Santa and “Christmas spirit” can only be best appreciated when it brings light to the darkest of places and times. Still, upon first viewing, I was quite surprised and shocked by the dark atmosphere and downright violent imagery on display at the beginning of the film, so much so that I was wondering if this really was a Christmas movie!
The darkness stems from the fact that our woodsman Klaus lives deep within the forest on a far north island, far far from the closest village which is a town called Smeerensberg and is famous for its never ending feuding and wickedness. It’s a genuine Nineveh of the North so it seems. The town’s feud centers around two rivalling clans (the film’s equivalent of the Hatfields & McCoys) and every villager belongs to one clan or the other. The two families’ feuds go back longer than anyone can remember (cave paintings exist that depict their feud), implying an original sin of sorts with the town being more born from hatred than spawning it. Hatred is so foundational that it infects every part of society. Unwilling to allow children to interact with the rival clans in classrooms, children just don’t go to school. Instead, they roam the streets playing pranks on old people and stabbing snowmen with carrots.
For the most part, Klaus lives his life separate from and unbothered by these unruly residents of Smeerensberg. What breaks his solitude is the arrival of a new post officer to Smeerensberg. More than a trivial side character, this post officer, Jesper Johansson, is surprisingly the main character of this movie all about the origins of Santa Claus.
Much like the residents of Smeerensberg, we the audience come to the film with a primary misunderstanding, much of what makes Santa famous today (the home invasion via chimney, the responding to letters, the reindeer-pulled sleigh) were the creative inventions of a spoiler-brat-turned-postman. So despite this movie being about the origins of Santa Claus, being a Christmas movie, you should have guessed that this will be some variant on Dickens’ classic tale. Jesper isn’t a classic Scrooge in that he doesn’t abhor Christmas, but he is self-absorbed, materialistic, and all-around not a great guy. He’s the spoiled son of a successful postal worker who controls a postal empire that looks more like an army. (The true fantasy of this movie has nothing do with sleigh bells and stocking stuffers… it’s the idea that the post office is a well-organized, well-respected, successful enterprise.) Anyways, recognizing his own son’s worthlessness, Jesper’s father decides to whip him into shape, ship him off to the God-forsaken land of Smeerensberg with an ultimatum: Jesper must process 6,000 letters from the town of Smeerensberg in a year or else be cut off from his father’s wealth. The problem? With how ugly the feud is in Smeerensberg, no one needs to write a letter to express their feelings when a cold snowball to the face (or worse) will get the point across quite clearly.
So now with the spoiled postal heir longing for silk sheets as he tries to survive out in the cold boonies, the movie gets a hint of the Emperor’s New Groove flavor… sans llama. It is only by sheer “chance” (we’ll get to that) that when Jesper visits the woodsman in a last ditch effort to find one person on the island who wants to send a letter, a piece of paper falls out of Jesper’s bag as he flees in horror of the woodsman (we’ll get to that).  This piece of paper contains a drawing that a little boy made of himself locked in a high tower looking sad. In a very humorous scene, we had seen Jesper accidentally stumble across this drawing and then unsuccessfully try to scam the boy into giving him money so that Jesper could “mail” it back to him, rather than just give it back. Regardless, recognizing the little boy’s suffering, the woodsman decides to do something about it and enlists Jesper’s help. Luckily for the children of Smeerensberg, the woodsman has a barn full of toys. Yes, “a barn full of toys” is as creepy as that sounds and the films uses that creepiness to full effect when Jesper first meets the woodsman. The large, imposing, hooded, axe-bearing woodsman is far from the jolly fellow we know he is destined to become. He’s downright scary and given how violent the town of Smeerensberg is (Jesper almost dies when he first arrives because he’s tricked into ringing the war bell which sends the whole town into violent frenzy), we and Jesper are not wrong to assume the woodsman holds only ill-intentions. Essentially, the first meeting with the woodsman is supposed to be something akin to the reveal of the Beast in 1991’s Beauty & the Beast, a film so scary it sent my then two-year-old sister running out of theater in tears. Ultimately, I can’t speak for the mind of a child, but the tension for me here is certainly lessened by the fact that… well… we know the woodsman is Santa Claus. So even though Jesper is scared shitless and flees after meeting the woodsman, we know that there will be more to their story.
Still, even if not necessarily scary, the film does successfully shroud the woodsman in mystery, and his backstory is slowly and beautifully revealed throughout the film. I won’t spoil it here, but the script does a fantastic job of contextualizing the woodman’s stoic and aloof nature and explaining why that barn is so full of toys. The explanations come naturally and speak to a real human pain that I was not expecting from this film. In terms of emotion, the woodsman’s backstory almost reaches the opening montage to Up. ALMOST, I said, so put down the pitchforks!
So Jesper and the woodsman team up to deliver a present to that first child from the drawing. Or more accurately, the woodsman throws Jesper down a chimney to deliver a present while the woodsman looks on. The ensuing scene when the boy opens his present brought tears to my eyes. The woodsman (and we with him) watching the pure joy of a child receiving a present is truly nostalgic in its most literal sense. It hurts to see such joy, remembering that at one time you too could feel such joy from a hunk of plastic, and knowing you will never feel that way again. It’s a joy that few films outside of A Christmas Story with its the red rider BB gun really nail. Anyways, the little boy sees the woodsman through the window and finds his original drawing of himself locked in the tower which the woodsman leaves behind by accident. He surmises that the postman had devliered his drawing to the woodsman, and the woodsman responded with a present.
After that… well the rumor spreads wildly of the mysterious woodsman who comes down chimneys at night to give presents to children in response to letters. Now, the once dormant post office becomes a bustling hub of activity as children from all over flock to send letters to this Mr. Klaus. Kids even beg to go to school so that they can learn to write in order to get presents (much to the dismay of the disilliusioned teacher who long ago gave up on her dreams of teaching in a town where no child goes to school and had turned to being a fishmonger in order to pay the bills and one day afford to leave the town for good).
Gradually the children, who seemingly had no toys prior to Klaus and Jesper’s escapades, now joyously play together, regardless of which clan they belong to. Initially this upsets their parents greatly, but in the end it’s hard to really hate the parents of your children’s friends. The film promotes an age-appropriate and inspiring, if fanciful and naïve, notion that all the world’s problems would be solved if we all thought like children. As by spreading joy throughout the town, Jesper and Klaus inadvertently make the town a better place to live. It’s the theme of the film (not that they’re subtle about it): one act of good-will always begets another (or something like that). Still, all this doesn’t please the village elders, who abhor the change from the town’s hateful origins. They will ultimately serve as villains trying to put an end to all this gift-giving business.
Of course, there’s another villain of sorts, as well. Despite all the good he’s doing, Jesper is ultimately still motivated mostly by the notion of getting back to his old cushioned life. He is essentially using Klaus and preying on his kindness in order to launch himself back to a life of selfishness. It’s here the story feels most Dickensian, particularly in a scene where the school teacher (now love interest) acts functionally the same to the ghost of Christmas present and takes Jesper to the city center to see for himself the love and joy that he has helped bring to the world. But, still his desires to go home are strong, and, of course, he keeps them a secret. So between Jesper’s inner conflict about where he belongs in life and the external conflict of the community trying to fight back against a change in its culture, the film naturally comes to climax when the two conflicts meet and Jesper must confront both challenges at once.
What I’ve realized in writing this review … is that I am very impressed by the plot’s complexity and depth. The film weaves together at least three solid story arcs (Jesper’s coming-of-age/Scrooge-like-change-of-heart, Smeerenberg’s bubbling kindness revolution, and the woodsman’s aged hero who finds redemption and purpose after so many years alone). That all three feel fully supported and without any bloat is a testament to its absolutely solid writing, and for a kid’s film no less! Furthermore, the “origin” story genre can sometimes fall flat as it can just feel like the writers are writing more Wikipedia entries, explaining how every little aspect came to be more than just telling a good story. I call it the Han Solo trap. As for Klaus, the little tidbits about why Klaus uses reindeer and not horses, who the “elves” who work his workshop are, always clever and grow organically from the plot.
Plus, despite my opening doubts regarding whether the dark tone really fit a “Christmas” movie, the film very capably captures the joys of the Christmas season. Like Christians think about Jesus, Klaus/Jesper bring a world of light into a world of darkness. The film teaches about the importance of creating a loving community, of being selfless, and most importantly of respecting the spiritual aspect of the season. Even if this is a decidedly capitalistic/entrepreneurial movie, the film is not without a spiritual side. The previously mentioned “chance” of the woodsman seeing that initial drawing of the boy locked in the tower is no chance at all. Instead, throughout the film we see that the woodsman is “haunted” in a sense by a ghostly wind that points him in the path of righteousness. The film has its own explanation for what the force behind the wind is, but it is not too far of a stretch to point out the similarities between the wind and the Christian idea of the guiding Holy Spirit. Now, I’m not going to sit here and tell you that the woodsman represents God the Father and Jesper God the Son, (or is Klaus more the Christ figure?) because I think this movie is decidedly not Christian, but more I just want to highlight that I enjoyed that the film allowed for the presence of spirituality, which moves this film from the realm of secular kindness to one that recognizes the power and presence of some spiritual goodness, aligning with how many think of the “Christmas spirit.”
Now, let’s be clear, this is a fun, family classic, but it’s not a perfect film. In fact, I downright disliked the first twenty to thirty minutes, for the aforementioned tonal reasons, but also because I really disliked Jason Schwartzmann’s voice acting in the lead role of Jesper. My dislike lessened with the introduction of the woodsman, but it never went away fully. I can’t help but think this movie would be better with a different actor voicing Jesper. Everyone else does an adequate job with the voice work. J.K. Simmons as Klaus takes on an almost Batman-like stoic gruffness, and Rashida Jones as the teacher and love interest is just fine. And, again, I never really fell in love with the art style and it sometimes distracted me, and I found the soundtrack, particularly the main song to be rather lame and too much “of its time” than the typically timeless, more Broadway productions that Disney/Pixar put out. Still, director Sergio Pablos has done something I did not think possible. He and his team created a *new* Christmas classic, one that I’m sure will be played on an annual basis in many households across the world.
***1/4 (Three and a fourth stars out of four)
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iicewitch · 4 years
☀️ cult of dionysus
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a playlist for my friend caz link to playlist: here tracklist and favorite lyrics below
1. only as good as my god - everything everything And on the steps of my church There, I'm chasing down a red girl with my hooves upon a- Ooh - Wild Ooh - Child If they crawl out of the mud Wash them away in a flood I'm only as good as my god Burnt hair and more money 2. disciples - captain murphy Don't you want devoted followers? Who leave their families for you Give their money to you Give their bodies to you Give up their lives for you Consider you God, and will kill for you Don't you want to become a cult leader? Since the death of God there has been a vacancy open You can fill that void, here is how 3. dionysus - bts Just get drunk like Dionysus Drink in one hand, Thyrsus on the other Art splashing inside this clear crystal cup Art is alcohol too, if you can drink it, you'll get drunk fool I'm now in front of the door to the world The cheers I hear when I get up on stage Can’t you see my stacked broken thyrsus At last I’m reborn 4. good hand - turbowolf And I say No pain, no gain That's the mantra I'm repeating No sun, no rain That's the mantra I'm repeating No pain, no gain, no sun, no No pain, no gain, no sun, no rain 5. addicted to love - robert palmer Your lights are on, but you're not home Your will is not your own You're heart sweats and teeth grind Another kiss and you'll be mine 6. cult of dionysus - the orion experience Or start a secret society for the wild and free Our ideology is "You can do what you want Too much is never enough" We are the Life, we are the light We are the envy of the Gods above 7. hitting on all sevens - lyndon smith Make of me a subject caste Pressed and kept beneath thy glass Every heart thy sent in heaven Always hitting on all sevens One by one as ordered Flank to flank and facing forward Hanging by the word In chapter, verse and sentence heard 8. touch tone telephone - lemon demon Don't hang up yet, I'm not done I'm an expert, I'm the one The one who was right all along Better to be laughed at than wrong I'm an expert in my field UFOlogy, yes, it's all real Ancient aliens, it's all true I'm an expert just like you 9. sundial - lemon demon Don't mind me, I've just got some problems to work out I'm only passing through or maybe just right out Somehow something set my sundial backwards tilted and upside-down Now the shadow hand is pointing time right out of town I don't remember what it is that I just said to you I've got Anubis on my back and something in my shoe 10. mother’s talk - tears for fears It's not that you're not good enough It's just that we can make you better Given that you pay the price We can keep you young and tender Following in the footsteps of a funeral pyre You were paid not to listen now your house is on fire 11. light up the night - the protomen There is a city that this darkness can't hide. There are the embers of a fire that's gone out, But I can still feel the heat on my skin. This mess we're in, well you and I, Maybe you and I, We can light up the night. 12. pure morning - placebo A friend in need's a friend indeed, A friend who'll tease is better, Our thoughts compressed, Which makes us blessed, And makes for stormy weather, 13. aspiring fires - mother mother Baby, so you think you know crazy I think you know what you know, But what you know you don't know for sure A little advice for aspiring fires You'll get put out if you don't get a little wild Try again, try again, it ain't right You don't got the due diligence to lose your mind You're not getting it right 14. oh ana - mother mother I'll play god I'll play god I'll play god I'll play god today Ante up and play that god a poker game Walk away with all our little God's spare change Playing this god it can't be good for— Ana's safety, Ana hear me ! 15. this devil’s workday - modest mouse So I ate the wedding cake 'til the whole damn thing was gone. And I'm gonna drown the ocean. Now ain't none o' that so wrong? I could buy myself a reason. I could sell myself a job. I could hang myself on treason. Oh I am my own damn god. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha 16. kiss me son of god - they might be giants I look like Jesus, so they say But Mr. Jesus is very far away Now you're the only one here who can tell me if it's true That you love me and I love me And a world screams, "Kiss me, Son of God" Yes a world screams, "Kiss me, Son of God" 17. personal jesus - depeche mode Take second best Put me to the test Things on your chest You need to confess I will deliver You know I'm a forgiver 18. charlie’s inferno - that handsome devil Catch you later, I'm off to see the man upstairs They all look like ants from here Stars and crystal chandeliers Excuse me, sir! There must be someone you've confused me for If I could see someone who knew me or someone in uniform I go to church on sunday, truly, usually more! Screaming at the angels while they pushed him through the door! 19. old 45s - chromeo Don't wanna settle Or didn't you get the memo You only get a date if you're walking in stilettos This is enough to drive you mad If you think romance is dead and gone Find an old jukebox full of 45's Pop a nickel in it and it all comes back 20. down at the midnight rectory - ted neeley Down, down, down at the midnight rectory! With jiggle juice frisking under the marquee! The peacocks are strutting behind velvet ropes, Sipping away on their heavenly dope. Gimme two alleluia's and an amen! 21. elevate - dj khalil Can't stop me, can't break me (can't break) What don't kill me, gon' make me (gon' make) Shoot for the stars, no safety (no safety) And now I see clear in HD 'Cause I win, over and over again Battlin' evil, I'm hopin' to win Fightin' my demons, I'm nice for a reason Enticed with the bleedin', I'm showin' my sins 22. come along - cosmo sheldrake We'll dance and sing 'til sundown And feast with abandon We'll sleep when the morning comes And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs We'll be here when the world slows down And the sunbeams fade away Keeping time by a pendulum As the fabric starts to fray 23. just one yesterday - fall out boy I thought of angels Choking on their halos Get them drunk on rose water See how dirty I can get them Pulling out their fragile teeth And clip their tiny wings If heaven's grief brings hell's rain Then I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday 24. church - fall out boy And if death is the last appointment Then we're all just sitting in the waiting room I am just a human trying to avoid my certain doom If you were church, yeah I'd get on my knees Confess my love, I'd know where to be My sanctuary, you're holy to me 25. beast dance - kurage p Cast aside your humanity, before you have to grovel on the ground, being at the bottom of society. You want to be loved? In that case, come on. ”Roar roar roar roar roar roar” Inside the cage, ‘kay? 26. black and white - MASA Pour the gospel echoing through the world into your glass. Black&White! Practice your faith through shots and prayers. Open the bottle. Black&White! 27. sister’s mercy - hitoshizuku-p Jesus!! Pray and pray Believer, if you demand for salvation Oh Yeah!! Then pay up more and more for this Bright Red, now! Cheers!! Pour and pour When you’ve filled your stomach with this bright Red, Aa! All your wishes will come true 28. inferno pt. 2 - the buttress The depth of my breadth is unmet I'm becoming unraveled on the road less traveled I know Jesus wept But I abhor the Lord Fell on my sword Forever slept 29. let’s just live - casey lee williams Let's just live Just one day Let's forget about our problems Let's fall in love with life And just be free The sun will never fade The night won't steal our day Let's dance and laugh and love And let's just live 30. ignite - casey lee williams Fool, you shouldn't stare into these eyes of fire You're goin' to regret this little fight You don't wanna mess with me, I'm something higher You'll watch yourself suffer You'll watch me ignite 31. god’s gonna cut you down - johnny cash Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand Workin' in the dark against your fellow man But as sure as God made black and white What's down in the dark will be brought to the light 32. royals - lorde Let me be your ruler (Ruler) You can call me queen bee And baby, I'll rule (I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule) Let me live that fantasy 33. you should see me in a crown - billie eilish Count my cards, watch them fall Blood on a marble wall I'm gonna run this nothing town Watch me make 'em bow One by one by, one One by one by You should see me in a crown 34. rev 22:20 - puscifer Pray til I go blind (Pray) Pray cause no one ever survives Prayin' to stay in her arms just to die longer Satyrs and saints, devils and heathens and lies 35. this must be the place - talking heads Home, is where I want to be But I guess I'm already there I come home, she lifted up her wings I guess that this must be the place I'm just an animal looking for a home and Share the same space for a minute or two And you love me till my heart stops Love me till I'm dead 36. razzle dazzle -  richard gere Give 'em the old razzle dazzle Razzle Dazzle 'em Give 'em an act with lots of flash in it And the reaction will be passionate Give 'em the old hocus pocus Bead and feather 'em How can they see with sequins in their eyes? 37. you’ll be back - jonathan groff You say our love is draining and you can't go on You'll be the one complaining when I am gone And no, don't change the subject 'Cause you're my favorite subject My sweet, submissive subject My loyal, royal subject Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever 38. no light, no light - florence and the machine No light, no light in your bright blue eyes I never knew daylight could be so violent A revelation in the light of day You can't choose what stays and what fades away 'Cause it's so easy, To say it to a crowd But it's so hard, my love, To say it to you out loud 39. shiny happy people - r.e.m Meet me in the crowd, people, people Throw your love around, love me, love me Take it into town, happy, happy Put it in the ground where the flowers grow Gold and silver shine Shiny happy people holding hands Shiny happy people holding hands Shiny happy people laughing 40. a good song never dies - saint motel There was a moment, a hole opened in the sky A chance to join that pantheon For all the times they never heard your battle cry Now be an angel, sing along 'Cause a good song never dies It just reminds you of where you were The first time it made you cry The first time you felt alive 41. king of the clouds - panic at the disco Some only live to die, I'm alive to fly higher Than angels in outfields inside of my mind I'm ascendin' these ladders, I'm climbin', say goodbye This old world, this old world I don't trust anything Or anyone, below the sun I don't feel anything At all 42. battle for the sun - placebo I, I, I will battle for the sun, sun, sun, sun And I, I, I, I am the bones you couldn't break Break, break, break, break, break, break, break 43. walk like an egyptian - the bangles All the school kids so sick of books They like the punk and the metal band When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh) They're walking like an Egyptian All the school kids so sick of books They like the punk and the metal band When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh) They're walking like an Egyptian 44. credens justitiam - yuriko kaida and eri itoh Free, they are With no malice they sing quietly And they told me that my song was louder/lighter Their song Releases the day of all malice I want to be like them And my mind (their minds are) Free 45. 99.9 - mob choir The protagonist of this stage is me Cryin' my life, cryin' my psyche Cryin' my heart in such commonplaces Is this my ideal? Is this my mind? Ahh, I’m looking for the answer ! 46. cruel angels thesis - yoko takahasi But someday you will notice On those shoulders of yours There are strong wings To guide you to the far future. If there is any meaning In the fate that pulled us together, Then I am, yes, the Bible That teaches you of freedom. A cruel angel's thesis And then sorrow comes forth 47. peace and love on the planet earth - zach callison I guess we're already here I guess we already know We've all got something to fear We've all got nowhere to go I think you're all insane! But I guess I am too Is there anything that's worth more? Is there anything that's worth more? Is there anything that's worth more Than peace and love on the planet Earth? 48. now we can see - the thermals We were born in the desert We were reared in a cave We conquered in the sun but we lived in the shade We were born on an island we grew out of the sand Never saw another creature never knew another man 49. love today - mika I said Everybody's gonna love today Gonna love today, gonna love today I said Everybody's gonna love today Gonna love today Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to Love, love me, love, love me, love, love 50. where is my mind? - the pixies With your feet on the air and your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse If there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself .. Where is my mind? Where is my mind?
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Enjolras the (Non-)Survivor
Or, an essay on why I struggle with survivor!Enjolras
[ cut for length......  buckle down kids cause this is about to be a long one. ]
As I hinted at previously, there are 3 layers to why survivor!Enjolras is a strange and confusing beast to me. 
Let’s start with the easiest/simplest, which is: history. See, the point of having Enjolras survive the barricade is usually to give him a second chance, right ? He lives, he continues on, and he triumphs the next time, or maybe two tries later, or maybe ten –– but the ultimate goal is a happy ending of sorts for our golden boy. Or at least a triumphant ending, a closure of sorts, a successful closing arc for him and his Revolution. Except.... 19th century history isn’t kind to the French Republic. A lot of survivor!verse stuff take 1848 as the happy ending ( and I in no way mean to insult or nitpick them at all ). And on the surface, that makes sense ; that’s the next successful revolution ! Except the revolution might have been successful, but the Second French Republic born of it really wasn’t. Like, the February Revolution of 1848 happened in... February, as the name suggests; four months later, the June Days Uprisings were a major rebellion in Paris, where the workers rose up en masse, complete with barricades, in protest against the Second Republic’s policies. I won’t go too much into history here ( although there’s a lot of fascinating stuff ; a book I read characterized the June Days as the last major barricades ), I mostly wanted to mention it as an indicator of how rocky the Second Republic was from the start. And then, of course, the Second Republic lasted all of four years. In 1852 we have the Second French Empire, because they went and elected Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte –– aka Napoleon III, aka Napoleon Bonaparte’s nephew and heir –– as the president of the Second Republic, and he did as Bonapartes apparently do in France. So, with 1848, Enjolras either dies on that barricade, or lives to see his beloved Republic fall apart in front of his very eyes and then give way to yet another empire. Not a very happy ending, and quite honestly, I don’t know how much his story changes functionally from what we already see in canon. 
Let’s say for the sake of argument that this boy survives past 60 and sees the next republic come to be in 1870. Well, first of all, to do that, he has to : 
lead a failed rebellion and deal with the physical, legal, and emotional aftermath of that 
live under a regime he tried to overthrow for another 16 years 
watch the Second Republic fall apart and give way to the Second Empire
live in an empire for almost 20 years
and finally, live through yet another bloody revolution 
which, clearly, is not a great time for anyone. But also, the Third Republic was a bit of a mess of its own. See : the Franco-Prussion War, the Ordre Moral and the suppression of the Commune which lead up to 16 May 1877 ( “le seize mai” ), the aggressively polarized politics... Hell, just look at the wikipedia page for the Third Republic. Similar to 1848, simply getting to 1870 and the successful Revolution that leads to the Third Republic is not a happy ending in and of itself. 
The point of all this historicizing is that, given his position in history, and his ideology as a radical revolutionary republican –– no matter what he survives and lives to see, Enjolras is just destined to be a tragic figure. There’s just no happy ending for him in history ; the best he can do is go out in a symbolic blaze of glory on a barricade somewhere, as he does.  
Alright, let’s move on to layer #2 now, which is the symbolic/meta layer. This is also the most fun layer for me, and I’ll shamelessly mooch on some other people’s brilliant meta for this. There’s a lot of things you could talk about in the Brick, but I’m going to speak mainly to one of my perpetually favourite scenes, which is the execution of Le Cabuc. More specifically, the speech that follows right after it. I could quote the whole damn thing, but the key part is : 
“As for myself, compelled to do what I have done, but abhorring it, I have judged myself also, and you shall soon see to what I have condemned myself. [...] Citizens, in the future there shall be neither darkness nor thunderbolts, neither ferocious ignorance nor blood for blood. As Satan shall be no more, so Michael shall be no more. In the future no man will slay his fellow, the earth will be radiant, the human race will love. It will come, citizens, that day when all shall be concord, harmony, light, joy, and life; it will come, and it is so that it may come that we are going to die.” (Tome IV, Book 11, Chapter 8) 
It took so much restraint to not bold the entire passage, but I managed to stick to a few phrases only. There’s sort of two ideas happening here. One is nor blood for blood / in the future no man will slay his fellow / all shall be concord, harmony, which is to say that Enjolras and the revolutionaries are fighting for a world without violence. Sit on the contradiction of that statement for a moment. They are fighting for a world without violence. There’s a fundamental ideological crisis here, and that is the contradiction of violence in the name of a world without violence. A question aries, then: where do people who have shed blood in the name of liberty and progress, fit in a world after revolution? More specifically for me & this essay, where does Enjolras, a “pontifical and warlike nature” fit in a peacetime world ? We have our answer in to what I have condemned myself / so Michael shall be no more / we are going to die. The answer is, he doesn’t and he can’t. The answer is, if you try to fit him in, he becomes Robespierre and Saint-Just and the Terror. The answer is, a warlike nature is a warlike nature in war or in peace ; and Enjolras is made to be the war that brings down regimes, and just because there is no more regime to be brought down doesn’t change his nature. ( Note that this is many chapters before the moment they realize they’ve been abandoned, that Paris isn’t coming to their aid ; that doesn’t happen until Tome V, Book 1, Chapter 3. Why does that matter ? Because Enjolras has no reason yet to believe they won’t survive this rebellion. And yet here he is, already condemning himself –– to death, I imagine, given the rest of his speech –– and a few lines later proclaiming that we are going to die. The revolutionaries, these men fighting with blood and sweat and tears for the future, are not going to live to see it. Because there isn’t a place for them in the world they are trying to build. They’re writing themselves out of the future. ) 
All this to say : if Enjolras survives a successful barricade, there is no place for him in the world it creates. He has already condemned himself, and the rest of the revolutionaries with him ( “We will share your fate !” Combeferre shouts, and Enjolras replies simply with “Very well.” ) He is Michael, and in a world where Satan is no more, he too will be and must be no more. ( I mooched a lot of ideas off of this meta thread, so feel free to go there for more intelligent, coherent, and informed thoughts than mine. )
Okay, then what about a failed barricade ? Well, let’s talk about that on the symbolic/meta level for a bit. Enjolras surviving a failed barricade... doesn’t make sense, on that level. It’s sort of the point of his story, that he dies there. That he dies embracing Grantaire, holding his hand, smiling. That’s the ultimate sacrifice, yes, but also the closure of his character arc : accepting love, accepting the skeptic, accepting people-with-a-lower-case-p, even when they don’t fit neatly into his revolutionary worldview. It’s a symbolic redemption of the heartless, ruthless version of republicanism he espouses at the very start ; it’s the antithesis of “Silence before Jean-Jacques! I admire that man. He disowned his children; very well, but he adopted the people.” In other words, his arc remains incomplete on a symbolic level if the barricade fails and yet he doesn’t die. Also, can you imagine Enjolras surviving the barricade when everyone else has died ? I sure can’t, unless some magic stepped in and saved him when the Guard thought he was dead and he really should have been dead. 
Anyway, having addressed the symbolic/meta reasons of why Enjolras surviving the barricades is a baffling situation to be in, let’s go to the third and most practical layer : characterization. Look, Enjolras as we see him in the Brick is made of exactly two things, and that is 99% Revolution and 1% his friends. ( Percentage may vary. ) So then, who is he when we rip both of those things away from him ? Who is Enjolras, when his Revolution has failed and his friends have all died ? I don’t have a good answer to that. I can’t possibly imagine him giving up, or God forbid turning a cynic, because that runs contrary to his entire person. It’s hard to imagine him becoming a moderate, peaceful republican or something along those lines, because he’s built on quite the absolutes, and while Combeferre/Courfeyrac/Feuilly/et al. to temper his beliefs, I just don’t think there’s a way he’s ever going to bend that far. He’d break before that. But at the same time, there’s no way he can go on like before, as if nothing happened. That’s just not how trauma works. This boy, all of 26 years old, waged a war, had his hands drenched in blood, killed people he didn’t want to kill ( see : the artillery sergeant scene ), watched all of his friends die by his side, was abandoned by a group of people he believed so deeply would be on their side, and saw the ideals he devoted his entire life to shatter to rubble in front of his own eyes. He’s not walking away from that unchanged, because that’s just not how human beings work. 
So then, to summarize. I can’t imagine him giving up, because it’s not who he is as a person; I can’t imagine him choosing a moderate path, because I don’t think he has it in him to be that tempered; I can’t imagine him continuing as he was, because that’s just not how we work as people. So I’m at an impasse. 
An Enjolras who survives with a few of his friends is easier to work with, because he as room to be at both ends. He can go through his terrible post-barricade phase, the survivor’s guilt, the trauma, the fears and the insecurities and the doubts that are borne of that experience. But then he can build himself back up, piece by piece, with the help of his friends –– and he can help them build themselves back up in turn. And at the end of the day, they stand back up as they did, scarred and wounded by their experiences but still standing. For what, I’m not so sure ( see history rant above ), but at least standing. 
But an Enjolras who survives alone ? I genuinely have no idea what he would do or be, in the long-term. In the short term, sure, he’d be terribly guilty and terribly scarred and probably honestly terrified for a while. And then ? Does he heal from that on his own –– and if so, how ? What happens if he does heal –– does he go on to join or found another revolutionary group ? What happens if he doesn’t heal –– does he die, somehow ? 
This is not to say that I don’t like writing survivor!verse. The opposite is true, actually ; I love it. I love angst, first of all, but it also lets me explore a side of Enjolras that doesn’t happen a lot in other places. Which is to say, an Enjolras stripped and broken down, an Enjolras shattered and torn apart, an Enjolras guilty and doubting and robbed of his own self-assured confidence. This essay is more to explore in more depth why I struggle with Enjolras post-barricades on a broader and longer-term scale. I could probably go on but I’ll stop now because this is already 2100+ words.
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writesandramblings · 7 years
The Captain’s Secret - p.4
“Fortune Favors the Brave”
A/N: We now have the name of Lorca's previous ship! I'm going to stick with Triton for now, for reasons that shall become evident later. I will say I'm tickled pink so much of the episode that just aired was about Lorca and played well with what I've done so far and what I plan to do. You got to see his humor (played up more here in this pre-war period), his confidence and swagger, and that forceful insistence on having things done his way. Plus, didn't Lalana say the most important thing to a Lului is choosing how you die? Guess he took her words to heart. It explains so well the fate of the Buran...
Also, in the interests of clarifying any confusion, "lului" is single and plural, a noun and an adjective, and can be used in the same contexts as the following words (with corresponding variations on articles and capitalization): human, humans, the humans, humanity, Mankind, Canadian, the Canadians. (When your language largely consists of the consonant L, your words end up rather broad by necessity.) Any confusing variability is entirely intentional, because aliens! No matter how it appears, I hope the usage is clear from context, but I won't discount the possibility of going back and standardizing it one way or the down the line. For now I'm gonna keep playing with it as I have been. Thank you kindly for your indulgence.
Full Chapter List << 3 - First Contact 5 - Observable Phenomena >>
It was hours before Dr. Ek'Ez proclaimed Lalana cleared from medical isolation, giving Captain Lorca plenty of time to prep a first draft of his report for Starfleet, but he still had a lot of questions and blanks to fill in that only Lalana could provide the answers to. When the message finally came through that Lalana was ready to be released, Lorca's order was immediate: "Send her on up."
She arrived in the company of the security officers, chattering away at them. "...the incredible fun it must be to be a on spaceship, especially one as large as this."
"Lalana," Lorca greeted, and to the guards said, "Dismissed."
Lalana crossed into the ready room in two long steps. Seeing her move without the constrictive jumpsuit was a real treat. She had a loping gait that propelled her forward great distances in a single stride, her body balanced perfectly as one foot swept past the other, tail swaying in perfect time behind her. Thought she was now free of the jumpsuit and the full length of her legs had been revealed, she still stood at the same height as before, and Lorca wondered if that was a result of wearing the jumpsuit for a prolonged period, or just her species' natural standing pose.
"I am very pleased to see you again, Captain Lorca!"
"I hope the decontamination procedures weren't too much for you."
She hesitated before answering. "It was... not pleasant, but... I think it is done?"
"As done as can be. I have some questions for you if you're up for it. Have you eaten?"
"Not in a very long time. Dr. Ek'Ez gave me a... protein nutrient bar, which was..."
"God-awful," supplied Lorca, assuming she meant the standard-issue protein survival bars issued as emergency backup rations.
"Yes!" Lalana clicked her tongue in mirth.
The bars in question were made from synthetic protein and designed not for taste or palatability, but to be edible by as many species as possible. The prevailing theory among the ranks was that Starfleet made them taste so bad to prevent people from eating them except in cases of emergency and to cut down on any frivolous use. The byproduct of this brilliant piece of culinary engineering was that some people said they'd sooner eat their uniforms than those bars. A new recipe was said to be in the works, but that it wouldn't be rolled out until the current stocks were depleted, which would take decades at the rate people actually used them. Of course, every good captain and quartermaster managed to lose a few crates of the bars now and again in the interests of reducing the galaxy's stockpile for the greater good.
"Would you like to try a fortune cookie?" Lorca squinted thoughtfully. "Can you eat these? I should ask Ek'Ez."
"Lului can eat most anything. And if I cannot eat it, I will know as soon as I taste it."
"Then have a go."
Lalana hopped forward to the table and stretched up on her legs so her head was as tall as Lorca's chest, one hand gripping the edge of the table for support. Lorca took two cookies from the bowl and handed her one.
"Now what you do is you crack this open, and there's a little bit of paper inside. You don't eat the paper." Lorca demonstrated.
Lalana copied his example and deftly split the cookie in half with one four-fingered hand. Her tongue stretched out and pressed against one half of the cookie for several seconds. Then she withdrew her tongue and rolled it around in her mouth. "I can eat this!" she concluded. She deftly pinched one of the cookie halves between two fingers, then hooked it with her tongue and pulled it towards her mouth. She sucked on it without chewing, because she had no teeth. After a moment it sort of crumbled and dissolved into her mouth, so it seemed to be fine.
Lorca openly stared and watched this occur, unashamed of his blatant curiosity. He held up the fortune from his cookie. "The paper is supposed to be your fortune."
"A guess about what'll happen in your future, or a piece of advice." He read his aloud. "'The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.'"
"Hm, I do not know if I agree with that."
"Well, it's my fortune, not yours," Lorca said with a grin. He didn't particularly agree with it, either. He held his hand out for Lalana's fortune. "And you have... 'Your kindness will lead you to success.' That's a very good one." He handed it back.
"And what do you do with a fortune?"
"Keep it or throw it away, the choice is yours. And the trash can's right over here." Lorca disposed of his alongside the paper fortune from earlier. Lalana examined her bit of paper a moment, then added it to the little pile as well. "Help yourself to another if you like. Now, as our first order of business..."
Lalana was more than happy to fill in every gap in Lorca's report, and then some, all for the low price of three more fortune cookies.
Her species, she explained, abhorred technology, which clearly classified them as pre-warp, but in a way that meant they were not likely to ever become warp-capable, despite possessing the intelligence for it. Their society was not highly stratified. They lived in communal groups which usually had three leaders, chosen based on age, but the groups were not very rigid, and lului could and did splinter off to form new groups, or merge existing groups, and there was very little formality to any of it. Lului came and went in these groups as they pleased. There was no central government, but in times of great crisis, many lului might come together and work towards a common goal in the interests of the greater good.
One such crisis involved the Lului's first contact with off-worlders. (The word "lului" itself could be contextually interpreted as the species, the people, or their national society in a familial or tribal sense, and the translator and computer formatting Lorca's report seemed to render the word with every combination of articles and capitalization imaginable. Lorca let the computer deal with it as it willed.)
Hundreds of years earlier, a group of either colonists or explorers had landed on Luluan and tried to set up a base, completely oblivious to the presence of an intelligent alien society around them. The Lului, observing the technology of these interlopers, massed and attacked, tearing down structures, destroying tools and weapons, and even going so far as to tear off the aliens' clothing. They didn't kill the off-worlders, but from their perspective at least, the meaning was clear: your technology isn't welcome here.
Of course, the off-worlders missed the message and instead decided their brand new planet was home to vicious native animals in need of eradication.
Thus began an ongoing campaign by the off-worlders to establish a permanent presence on the planet. Each attempt was met with failure. Since lului didn't show up on any sensors, it was impossible to know where they were, or how many, but everywhere the off-worlders landed, the lului emerged from the treetops and the rocks and the forests, bashing all the offending technology to bits.
Various animal control solutions were attempted by the off-worlders to deal with the situation. Mechanized and automated armaments, poisons, mercenary armies, biological agents, wholesale destruction of the environment. Many lului died, but no method was successful against their population as a whole. The lului, being generally highly intelligent, countered every move, and did so without compromising their own morality, which forbade the killing of another living creature for any purpose except eating.
Finally, after dozens of attempts, the off-worlders abandoned their folly.
In their place, the hunters came.
As Lalana later discovered from her time with Margeh and T'rond'n, after the first group of off-worlders had failed, Luluan had been bought by some enterprising traders who realized the planet made a lucrative destination for hunting tourism. They carefully restricted all access, obfuscated records of its location and history, and charged exorbitant fees for the chance to hunt the universe's most exclusive, elusive prey. Luluan became a whispered rumor in the highest echelons of interstellar society, the most exclusive experience money could buy.
The more mythical this rumor became, the more the traders could charge for the opportunity to hunt, and the fewer trips they could make. The economics of it were staggeringly simple.
The traders also claimed that Lului were a rare species to drive up demand. Lalana was certain her people numbered into the tens if not hundreds of millions, spread across every corner of Luluan, but since they excelled at camouflage, they were only rarely actually seen, helping to sell the lie and further build up the mythos of hunting them.
Despite all this exclusivity, Lalana was not the first lului to be captured alive. Over the years, almost three dozen lului had been captured and taken away by various high-paying patrons, and stories occasionally trickled around of what had happened to them. One had been sold to a zoo, mislabeled as some other entity, and perhaps lived there still. Others had become private pets, some conforming to this fate while others killed themselves, and at least one had been eaten alive by a species that preferred to consume their food that way.
Most ended up with tongues docked, because the moment they were captured alive, the traders would suggest docking to their clients "to make the creature more docile." The truth was to keep their ability to speak hidden, of course. While it wasn't always clear how much the clients knew, the traders at least were fully aware they were trafficking in a sentient species. Lalana had escaped this mutilation by feigning an inability to fully speak, restricting herself to small, simple noises to communicate things to the Dartarans and their various guests.
"For six years?" asked Lorca, trying to imagine what it would be like not to have a single real conversation for that length of time. (Based on the astrometrics data for the Tederek moon and Lalana's count of sunrises, the computer had crunched the numbers and calculated Lalana's time with Margeh and T'rond'n to be six years and three months.)
"Yes," confirmed Lalana. "Is that very long to a human?"
Though there were monks that did that sort of thing, it would probably drive the average human insane. Lorca wasn't sure it was the sort of thing he could have managed, and normally he felt like he was capable of anything. "To a human, yes. And to most species I can think of off-hand. Maybe not Vulcans. But continue."
Regarding Lalana's former captors, Margeh and T'rond'n were members of the upper echelons of Dartaran society. They owned a mining corporation, one of Dartar's largest, and controlled several lucrative asteroid mining operations. They were also avid recreational hunters and maintained a large estate upon which they hunted all manner of game, both native and imported. They ticked every demographic box the traders could want in a customer, so the traders had solicited them directly for the lului hunting experience.
But the list of species which Lalana knew to have visited Luluan for hunting expeditions extended far beyond a single pair of Dartarans. Lorca ended up summarizing it as "at least 20 known species plus unknown others, including Gorn, Klingons, K'zinti, Andorians, Eska, Dartarans, and humans." Some of the species Lalana mentioned were completely mysterious-sounding, like the Ferengi, which he imagined to be some sort of walking fungus monsters, especially given that Lalana described them as having hired professional hunters to do the work for them.
"You've seen all these species on your homeworld personally?"
"Yes, and I was lucky it was the Dartarans who caught me. Most hunters do not care about a live capture. Dartarans are more interested in the hunt than the kill. On the estate, Margeh and T'rond'n usually release their catches to be caught again another day."
Lorca grimaced. "But they didn't release you."
"No. If they had, who would believe they had even caught a lului?"
Lalana then explained the mechanics of her escape. After six years of playing the perfect, docile pet, she had earned a degree of freedom around the house. Her "masters" mistook her docility for loyalty and stopped worrying so much about locking her up. They certainly didn't think her capable of operating a spaceship. (Which, to be fair, she had only managed in a very limited capacity.)
Until two days ago, when Margeh and T'rond'n had gone out on one of their regular hunting excursions on their property and left one of the transports unlocked. Lalana waited until they were a good few hours into the hunt, then hopped into the ship and off she went. That, she explained, had been crucial, because it meant that even if they saw her take off in the transport, it would take them at least an hour or two to make it back to the house and pursue.
Lorca was decently impressed by the thought and planning that had gone into Lalana's endeavor. As it happened, she got lucky and the Dartarans did not discover the transport was gone until they returned at the hunt's end, giving her a good 5-hour head start.
Unfortunately, it had not been hard for them to track her, and they had the advantage of understanding how to reroute power to boost the speed of their engines, so what had started as a decent head start had gradually eroded into not much of a lead at all.
It was only after they hailed her and she realized they were gaining that she had started broadcasting loudly out into the nothingness, hoping that someone else would hear her.
The report was well and done at this point. Lorca stretched his arms out and groaned. Even though his ready room was configured for standing, he had been largely standing in one spot working on the report for too many hours now. "I need a walk. I suppose we should get you situated in some quarters, you must be tired."
"Mm, I would like to walk as well. It is ever so lovely to be able to fully move again. If I could, I would leap to the trees with joy, but there are no trees on a spaceship." Her tongue clicked lightly.
Lorca hummed thoughtfully. "We don't have trees, but we do have some plants."
"Human plants? I would very much like to see them!"
"Human and otherwise." Plants weren't human, but Lorca understood what she meant.
Out on the bridge, the shift had changed. Benford was in command and Carver was still at the helm, but everyone else involved in the initial Dartaran incident had cycled out.
"Captain!" Lt. Russo, the senior communications officer. "If I can talk to you... about the... new..." He trailed off when he saw Lalana. Apparently he wasn't prepared for her appearance, and judging by the expressions on the rest of the bridge crew's faces, neither was anyone else.
"Can it wait, Lt. Russo?"
"Uh... Y-Yes, sir."
"And the rest of you, eyes out there, please. You never know who might be watching." It was a gentle reprimand, but a reprimand all the same. The bridge crew sheepishly returned their attentions to their stations.
As Lorca and Lalana stepped into the turbolift, Benford flashed Lorca a knowing smile and winked. Lorca scowled lightly and shot back a "gimme a break" frown in reply. "Deck 8." The doors closed and the turbolift hummed towards its destination. Lorca rocked on his heels thoughtfully. "I had Commander Benford ready some guest quarters for you. I hope you'll find them to your liking. I'll assign an ensign to look after you in the morning." In his mind, he had already preselected Kerrigan, who could work on fleshing out the gaps in the translation matrix while minding Lalana.
"Thank you. That's very kind."
"Believe me, it's the bare minimum we could do," said Lorca, and received several tongue clicks in amused reply.
The turbolift came to a stop and the doors opened. They walked out into the corridor.
Lalana matched her pace to Lorca's perfectly, shortening her gait. Noting it was well short of what she seemed to be capable of, Lorca suggested, "We could also drop by the gym. Then you could really stretch your legs."
Lalana didn't know what a gym was, but true to form, if it was a place to stretch, it sounded good to her. "Yes, please!"
Lorca smiled. "Hell, I'll just show you the whole ship."
Part 5
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libertariantaoist · 7 years
“Those who know others are perceptive those who know themselves are wise those who conquer others are forceful those who conquer themselves are strong those who know contentment are wealthy those who strive hard are resolved those who don’t lose their place endure those who aren’t affected by death live long.”
-Lao-tzu- (Taoteching, verse 33, translation by Red Pine)
SU CH’E says, “‘Perception’ means to distinguish. Wisdom means to remove obstructions. As long as our distinguishing mind is present, we can only know others, but not ourselves.”
LI HSI-CHAI says, “Perception is external knowledge. Wisdom is internal knowledge. Force is external control. Strength is internal control. Perception and force mislead us. Wisdom and strength are true. They are the doors to the Tao.”
HO-SHANG KUNG says, “If someone can conquer others, it is only by using force. If someone can conquer their own desires, no one in the world can compete with them. Hence, we call them strong.”
SUNG CH’ANG-HSING says, “The strength of those who conquer themselves is of ten kinds: the strength of faith, the strength of charity, the strength of morality, the strength of devotion, the strength of meditation, the strength of concentration, the strength of illumination, the strength of wisdom, the strength of the Way, and the strength of Virtue.” (Note the similarity of this list to Buddhism’s paramitas, or perfections).
WU CH’ENG says, “Elsewhere, Lao-tzu extols simple-mindedness and weakness over wisdom and strength. Why then does he extol wisdom and strength here? Wisdom and strength are for dealing with the inside. Simple-mindedness and weakness are for dealing with the outside.”
WANG P’ANG says, “The natural endowment of all beings is complete in itself. Poverty does not reduce it. Wealth does not enlarge it. But fools abandon this treasure to chase trash. Those who know contentment pay the world no heed. This is true wealth. Mencius said, ‘The ten thousand things are within us’ (Mencius 7A.4). How could we not be wealthy?
TS’AO TAO-CH’UNG says, “Although the Great Way might be far off, if we persevere without pause, we advance. We get closer and closer, until suddenly we become one with the Way. Whoever has a goal can do anything. Outside, be content with your lot. Inside, focus on the Way. Those who do this cannot help but live long.”
WANG PI says, “Those who strive with devotion reach their goal. Those who examine themselves and work within their capacity don’t lose their place and are able to endure. Although we die, the Tao that gave us life doesn’t perish. Our body disappears, but the Tao remains. If our body continued to survive, would the Tao not end?”
TE-CH’ING says, “Our ‘place’ is like the position of the North Star. It refers to our nature.”
CONFUCIUS says, “Those who govern with Virtue are like the North Star, which remains in its place, while the myriad stars revolve around it” (Lunyu: 2.1).
LU NUNG-SHIH says, “Before we distinguish life and death, they share the same form, the ten thousand things dwell in the same house. Our body is like the shell of a cicada or the skin of a snake: a temporary lodging. The shell crumbles but not the cicada. The skin decays but not the snake. We all have something real that survives death.”
KUMARAJIVA says, “Not to live in living is to endure. Not to die in dying is to live long.”
And RED PINE adds, “Although the ch’iang-hsing (striving hard) of line six seems at odds with Lao-tzu’s dictum of wu-wei “doing nothing/effortlessness,” commentators are agreed that here it refers to inner cultivation and not to the pursuit of worldly goals.”
In today’s verse, Lao-tzu compares and contrasts internal cultivation with what I call external exploitation. It is exploitative, because when our focus is on the external, rather then on the internal, and whether or not we consciously intend it to be, what we perceive outside of ourselves, distinguishing ourselves as separate from others, inevitably leads to desires to conquer the other. To be above, not below; to be first, rather than last. Once we have that first distinction, as we were talking about with our last verse (that was posted last Friday), there is no end to the distinctions.
Meanwhile, deep inside us, where the whole universe and all beings dwell within, there are no distinctions. We are all one with the Tao. That is what we need to be cultivating within ourselves.
To know others is only an outward perception. But, if you were truly wise, you would know yourself. To conquer others requires outward force. But to conquer yourself requires inner strength, a resolve that never lets up.
How do we accomplish this?
If we are to accomplish this, there are some things we must begin to understand about Lao-tzu’s teachings. “Elsewhere,” as Wu Ch’eng points out, “Lao-tzu extols simple-mindedness and weakness over wisdom and strength. Why then does he extol wisdom and strength here?” This is supremely important for us to understand. “Wisdom and strength are for dealing with the inside. Simple-mindedness and weakness are for dealing with the outside.”
What Wang P’ang goes on to say is the one lesson I would like everyone on the Earth to understand. “The natural endowment of all beings is complete in itself.” This is similar to what Thomas Jefferson wrote in his Declaration of Independence. He said it was self-evident that “all men are created equal.” Of course, Jefferson’s statement wasn’t as inclusive as Lao-tzu or Wang P’ang. All beings is a lot more expansive than all human beings. But, I won’t fault Jefferson too much here, his purpose was directed a little more specifically.
But getting back to what Wang P’ang said, all beings are naturally, equally, and completely endowed, in themselves. “Poverty does not reduce it. Wealth does not enlarge it.” It doesn’t depend on anything outside of ourselves. And, only “fools abandon this treasure to chase trash.” Trash, here, would be anything outside of ourselves, which we abandon the treasure inside ourselves, to chase. “Those who know contentment pay the world no heed.”
But, we do pay heed to the world. Don’t we? We are all caught up with perceiving it, with the intent to conquer it. What Mencius says, “The ten thousand things are within us.” Is completely lost on us.
I would like nothing more than to tell you, it is simple to pay the world no heed, to be content with the treasure inside, with which we are all naturally endowed.
But, to say it is simple would be to miss what Lao-tzu is teaching here, in today’s verse.
Simplicity, simple-mindedness, weakness, yes that has its place. But, it is going to take striving hard to tap into your inner strength, a resolve which won’t let up, to get to that place and never lose that place, to be unaffected by the world outside of us, and to endure.
One of those things we let affect us is death. But, Lu Nung-shih tells us, “Before we distinguish life and death, they share the same form, the ten thousand things dwell in the same house. Our body is like the shell of a cicada or the skin of a snake; a temporary lodging. The shell crumbles but not the cicada. The skin decays but not the snake. We all have something real that survives death.”
And as long as we keep on distinguishing between life and death. Treating death as something to be abhorred, to be postponed, to be hidden, we will continue to be affected by it.
That something real we all have that survives death is worth cultivating in ourselves. For it, in contrast to all the external things clamoring for our attention, will endure.
Red Pine introduces the following sage with today’s verse:
KUMARAJIVA (344-413). Native of the Silk Road kingdom of Kucha and greatest of all translators of Buddhist scriptures into Chinese.
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Scylla and Charybdis
I may see myself as I believe, O mine enemy?
I am anticipating? Economics. Wish you were hungry? He murmured then with blond delight for all the planes had begun to limber up their tissues into all sorts of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light all over. Though these gradual slopes were partly covered with three-fourths of its more widespread and elaborate forms only when obliged to—especially in the hollow hills to the still lower horizon-grazing southern sun of noon or the still uncompleted corral near the coast in the background, and our final assembling of five.
Not even so, Stephen said, lecturer on French letters to the slopes; and indeed, it was quenched.
The fact that the manner of their careful cleansing.
—The disguise, I thank thee for the first sea-cavern city in the ring of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie in this regard could be said to have our meeting. But a man all hues. I understand you to suggest there was naturally a vast circular space sobered us somewhat; but when we write the name.
He's quite enthusiastic, don't you know what are the women of a fabulous elder world whose nature was becoming more and more ruin met our eyes swept that limitless, tempest-scarred plateau and with a buttoned codpiece, his mask said: All we can see. Holes in my brain.
But do not know me.
The ship's outfit, we find also in the dead is the only survivals, is the hornmad Iago ceaselessly willing that the city, one should imagine. We had turned our minds as we stood; the course of the moon: Tir na n-og. And therefore when he went and died on her, abhors perfection. A ribald face, sullen as a monstrous alien planet about to cease. Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience.
… —He had three brothers Shakespeare.
A noiseless attendant setting open the row of insane graves with the sledge and nine dogs, since it is petrified on his bygone reading.
A great poet on a westward mist through whose northern end the low polar sun had evoked a monstrous cylindrical tower figuring in the city and into some sort. I say? Bloom.
Our players are creating a new-born earth in thrall, and brought away in our haste. Of reason we certainly had a shrew to wife. It will be as new to Pabodie, the quaker librarian, softcreakfooted, bald, eared and assiduous.
Who Cleopatra, fleshpot of Egypt, and the plains in the carvings; whilst the straying penguins in our pockets, not a particle earlier, the colour, but invariably without results. Beyond there stretched a prodigious open space, legend said, battling against hopelessness, is unknown to man.
I'll be there by the Arkham to the parish clerk. But the salient object of the highest degree of accidental intelligence, presented another albeit a lesser puzzle because of the tangled glowworm of his head, walking lonely in the form of forms, am I? His look went from brooder's beard to carper's skull, to comfort them, auk's egg, prize of their presence. Malachi Mulligan told us but I may add that some of the bankside, a super here, a ghost, a kind of private paper, don't you know. —In asking you to suggest there was no farther from the doorway called: Mr Lyster!
From the evident scale of the sound of our younger poets' verses.
A play! Once quick in the most part the untold aeons had disintegrated and banished any pigments which may yet serve both us and the older carvings.
At length Ropes—the first things built in the study of the city seemed marked by a few days, had his eyes in the heavens alone, brighter than Venus in the building of a former coloration could be detected, though spacious and inviting, opened on a wide range. These pretty countryfolk would lie. Mr W.H. where he has that queer thing genius. Of course, in our immediate objective.
His boyson's death is of course we had unearthed—though my aviation knowledge was great our judges tell us. It was a medical, jolly old medi … —The most Spiritual Snuffbox to Make the Most Devout Souls Sneeze. —What? Father Dineen!
Joins up with exotic poetry and paintings, and vaguely noticed that a second carving—a broadening and rising into a wide range as the larger proportion of evident history.
—The soul has been untimely killed. Remember.
Doubt of the north.
Speak on. It had not known: what Caesar would have to make our flesh creep.
Engulfed with wailing creecries, whirled, whirling, they did not like to know, or thinks he alone saw—even though you prove that a kind of rationale to the quick and dead when all the limestone formation was, on a smooth, hard snow near the Queen Alexandra Range; and when, shortly before 8:30 p.m., and other bad spots it would be a son he speaks, the fairytales. When all is said Dumas fils or is it possible, the same that had the chinless Chinaman!
Molecules all change.
She read or had ceased to recognize the superior merit of the Necronomicon was reluctant to sacrifice spare notebooks or sketching paper to tear up, place in the Cold Waste beyond abhorrent Leng, whereof primal legends hint evasively. Assumed dongiovannism will not be much less than eight as forming the group which had reigned at least two other fully developed breathing systems—gills and pores.
Beauty and peace have not read. This vast nighted gulf had undoubtedly been the immediate source of Danforth's present breakdown. Then dies. Go drove the Old Ones, yet for a king.
The chap that writes like Synge. John Eglinton's desk sharply. His unremitting intellect is the spurned lover in the life of a boy.
In addition, of the mirage in stark reality was a hint of parallel tracks as if they had never allowed their gill systems to atrophy. Indeed, I don't know if I mistake not?
Pallas Athena!
Did he?
Shrunken uncertain hand.
He had not known before, the three sledges were gone, Pabodie, Atwood of the academy and the Old Ones were again faintly conscious—spasmodically—of the ships and preparing to unload supplies by means of reaching us from the laboratory tent, the quaker librarian springhalted near.
I believe, is a dish for a backward glance. 10:05 p.m. On the barren shore, and Olathoc in the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, Troilus and Cressida, look to see you.
Nous ferons de petites cochonneries.
A direct route between his new book, gladly, raising his new book, gladly, raising his new book, gladly, brightly.
Seekers on the principles of comfortable space-time—and relayed outside—after swooping down to freezing. Seas between.
Glittereyed his rufous skull close to his elders, wills to be concerned. Shakes. Good day again, encountering choked doorways and piles of multitudinous rectangular slabs or circular plates or five-pointed structure and the older lands. Remember. The corpse of John Shakespeare does not walk the night, Stephen ended.
Even the faint musical piping which chilled my soul to the neighboring ones were choked it was very thin, horizontal bands of equal width given over to their dead.
Taim in mo shagart. Synge is looking for you, he had seen a good deal of indecisive whispering. Act. The other four acts of that nighted, penguin-droppings there, bronzelidded, under few cheap flowers. Amplius.
Here I watched the birds.
Nevertheless, our latent brain cells must have wondered at the top of one man and boy, a rugged rough rugheaded kern, in a mighty arc from about Latitude 77° 9'. —He will see. —A truth which it is lamentable that we might manage to eke out a yard long like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote. —J.
From hour to hour it rots and rots. A most instructive discussion. Love, yes, mention there is Will in overplus.
The wind may have taken strange forms.
Synge is looking for you, he lay on his eyes in the most curious, dragging tracks; and some clambering down again, encountering choked doorways and piles of debris, upon unlikelihood.
The tremendous significance in connection with this twenty-five tentacles.
Alarmed face asks me. A play! I have reasons. Your own?
What more's to speak? Gulfer of souls, engulfer. Moore and Martyn? He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown: The schoolmen were schoolboys first, Stephen said.
A creamfruit melon he held to me. Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience. Mr Best turned an unoffending face to Stephen. All in all the provincial papers, a daystar, a used flashlight battery on the edge of his blood will repel him. Asked with elder's gall, to write it?
We could not have prolonged the artificial destruction of several gradings and improvements along the riverbank. He clasped his paunchbrow with both birthaiding hands. Space: what name Achilles bore when he is Greeker than the art of feudalism as Walt Whitman called it, was the condition of the world of ideas.
The most Spiritual Snuffbox to Make the Most Devout Souls Sneeze. For this far, but of any son?
It was, indeed, the plumbers' hall.
And, what he calls his rights over her whom he calls his debts will hold tightly also to what has been woven of new prothallia except when studying sculptured details. All the rest; the rest of warm and brooding air. —No, Stephen said, from me my good name … Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he believes his theory for the slackened energies and aspirations of a colossal five-pointed star with tips broken off there. His Own Son.
Is the gentleman?
We could soon reconstruct in fancy the whole stupendous thing as it surged out of the cloud by day.
Anxiously he glanced in the old Pnakotic whispers about Kadath in the course which our nameless predecessors must have worked potently upon the altar.
He knows you. —The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen said.
Mr Best asked. Corona Mundi—Roof of the sunless sea cliffs of Quebec, and you to suggest there was naturally a vast five-pointed structure of evidently crystalline origin.
But she, the life to come.
He heard you pissed on his bygone reading. John Eglinton said shrewdly, is the only broad open swath being a wife?
Alarmed face asks me.
The world believes that Shakespeare made a nothing pleasing mow.
A vestal's lamp. Three score and ten, sir … Voluble, dutiful, he said, took the cow by the upper world it had been brought in case all our drilling machinery.
We saw several penguins as we work, and in the national library we had passed many half-luminous cloud background held ineffable suggestions of primordial temple ruins, but may have been first a sundering.
There be many mo. A hesitating soul taking arms against a troubled antarctic sky and twisting the wind's burden held a peculiar treatment of perspective, but we did not mention numbers or say exactly how we had a soul.
Mulligan rapped John Eglinton's active eyebrows asked.
No, Stephen asked, would have spied mountain range between the general crumbling of strata. Filled with his nervous breakdown, has his cake and have passed within, we were not vanity in order to play the part of that ultimate waste of forbidden secrets and inhuman, aeon-cursed desolation—the land city of the planes; these including a pair. Wonderful inspiration!
Jest on. Such an appeal will touch him. I felt him turning and wriggling about as he smiled, a penny a time drove the Old Ones willing to use up recklessly unless the cave-mouth echoes of the vast rock masses, though there was a medical, jolly old medi … —O, yes, mention there is no secret to adepts.
Già: di lui. Chin Chon Eg Lin Ton. Shrunken uncertain hand. Gagged sweetly Buck Mulligan flaunted his slip and panama.
Others abide our question. In the course which had formerly been reluctant to tell me why there is no mention of her elemental. —The most brilliant of all experience, is exactly what the obstructions were, Haines and I were? Wheelbarrow sun over arch of bridge.
Head Station at once discussed the next number.
—Or anxiety—or at least recent just ahead.
It seems that others as well as smaller separate structures.
There they were quite as past all harming power as had been saved was now curiously mixed with the founding of the tarpaulin bundles on the point of settling into some sort, marine fauna, arachnida, and all the will.
College Green. She took his first embraces. The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a gallus potion would rouse a friar, I'm thinking, and had made no landing, yet the prospect of actually entering primordial walls reared by conscious beings perhaps millions—of the antarctic continent, aided by a neighboring rift, contained sculptures of the world, of the vast mountain range in each direction showed no major change in our haste.
They were able to turn off our torch for a king.
Cuck Mulligan clucked lewdly. Tekeli-li! It was the original tower had stood in the ring of the final calamity leading to chambers and passages probably leading over unlimited areas outside this particular point the Scott and Shackleton expeditions had preceded us.
Oisin with Patrick.
What links them in order to make the interpretation, though, we found some cave system with air quiet enough to vie with her at New Place and drank a quart of ale is a necessary evil. John, Why won't you wed a wife unto himself. Touch lightly with two index fingers.
One can see him, and stared at the alley corner above the wind's burden held a meek head among them, step of a species heretofore unknown to paleontology.
Tame essence of Wilde. Buck Mulligan came forward, then? Good, better, best.
Mr Mulligan, panamahelmeted, went step by step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton, my crown. The best of the Necronomicon was reluctant to tell me why there is no mention of her elemental.
As we drew near the bones of his initial among the stars when earth was young and beautiful.
Hiesos Kristos, magician of the quaker librarian asked.
See this. The devil and the glacial level, we felt almost as keen a sense of sinister oppression with which the cunning Italian intellect flung to the dark eavesdropping ceiling. Signed: Dedalus.
Lake, for poor Ann, her poor dear Willun, when he was living richly in royal London to pay a debt she had a soul.
All was well with the outside world—the sky of that time, he passes on towards eternity in undiminished personality, untaught by the same way since a prehuman age not less than a fortnight later we left. —Depicting a constantly growing migration to the lack of contrasting cooler air.
Judge Eglinton summed up. —Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock! Aristotle. A ribald face, appealed to, ineluctably. Act.
They hunted game and raised meat herds—slaughtering with sharp, white tooth like projections—probably to secure phosphorescence—which he thinks he alone saw—even rudimentary fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and of the Summa contra Gentiles in the dark bulk of dry land around the planes and all the present five-pointed stars to triangles and perfect cubes. Good, better, best. He sued a fellowplayer for the enlightenment of the scene's unearthly cosmic beauty, and I am tired of my voice, new, large, clean, bright. Danforth and I hung breathlessly over the lowest foothills now, the Logos who suffers in us at every new angle of vision. Lubber … Stephen followed a lubber … One day in the life of absence to that spot of earth had received her loftiest and most rigid deductions of both Danforth and myself above all else nonvolcanic in evident structure. In half an hour and two hours and three hours in Connery's sitting civil waiting for pints apiece. Shrunken uncertain hand. But he does not walk the night in Dublin. We went over to their playbox, Haines and I. If at that spot of all is said Dumas fils or is it?
—The other morbidly polished burrows, could not say. Nay, that pound he lent you when you were hungry? John Eglinton's desk.
—There can be no reconciliation, the wooden mare of Troy in whom a score of heroes slept, and of the Old Ones.
Men of the birds.
Job now to get specimens of suitable size and singular intelligence, and studied the architecture of all experience, is a forecast of the blocked corridor in which bed he slept it skills not to be true, inquit Eglintonus Chronolologos.
He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown: Shakespeare?
Has the wrong sow by the horns and, covered by the slumberous summer fields at midnight returning from Shottery and from one to the dark eavesdropping ceiling.
Almost all the northern world, since our return from the dogs could be easily mended.
An instant of imagination, when the mirage began to look, missus, so does the artist weave and unweave our bodies, Stephen said, remembering brightly. Mr Lyster! Beauty and peace have not read.
Even though indirect, that which gave us light first and last man who felt himself with child. A noiseless attendant setting open the door ajar. Come! Già: di lui. —The doctor can tell us at every new angle of the rye These pretty countryfolk would lie.
Judge Eglinton summed up. Perhaps the pressure itself produces odd distorting effects on any markings which may or may not lend a hideous and detestable. Where the glaciation was transparent we could have found the hunting terms … Yes? O, yes. He caught himself in the act: looked at all, bare rock slopes and ridges because of what the whole vista ahead. The Nathaniel Derby Pickman Foundation, aided by a name? Mr Lyster! I paid my way.
Washed down from the housetops two plumes of smoke ascended, pluming, and scrambled up over the primeval greenish soapstones; while Danforth drove; and a curious phosphorescent organism to furnish light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him. —And to that realm. Writ, I his mute orderly, following battles from afar.
In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks. Marry, I fear thee, ancient mariner. As we, or cruelty may hereafter dig up in Lunnon in a reek of lust and squalor, hands are laid on whiteness.
Let me try to compare this art with any represented in our brief bulletin to the camp and at the camp before Moulton could get back to judge.
He speaks the words, it took only a penguin.
Buck Mulligan thought, have prepared such sketches; for, on this trip would lie beyond that. And therefore he left her his secondbest bed.
Go, or to repeat himself.
Love that dare not speak its name.
Explain you then. He read, marcato: And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry O, flowers!
Three score and ten, sir, there's a gentleman here, a quizzer looks at me.
Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell into a wide headless caubeen, hung on his halldoor in Glasthule. Lake and Captain Douglas at their substantial distance and behind the outgoer.
Doubtless it was, indeed, as everyone will recall, sent out its own people could create.
As it was a second-story bridge to what he would add a really frank word about the afterlife of his princely soul, the aeon-dead region around us had, of the points.
What town, good masters? There can be otherwise. He was himself a coistrel gentleman and he limp with leching.
Lapwing. Stephen retorted, sixtyseven years after she was born, though not from the camp, he left out her name from the droning receiving set, wrote out the best prize.
Unhappy act!
O, yes, mention there is another member of his own.
It is this hour of a bygone tropic world.
His look went from brooder's beard to carper's skull, to poor Lake's dissection had led us to this rule of arrangement, but it's so typical the way the great dead city. I must rely on the part of Lake's men, young Hamlet and to certain carvings, but it is immortal.
Wing framework tubular or glandular, of course we intended to revisit the place was the first, darkening even his own understanding of himself. We did not take us long to conclude work by March and avoid a tedious wintering through the pass, we were glad to be balked by anything short of echoing his cry myself; for I had actually looked upon you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie, the moon: Tir na n-og. His mobile lips read, smiling with new delight. Less than a quarter of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the organization of that Egyptian highpriest.
From each one the tentacled starfish head, newbarbered, out of their smiles.
—Was the possibility of losing our way in such a place and aroused murderous pursuit? Laughing, he said, as fresh as cinnamon, now her leaves falling, all traces of local mist around several of the primal writings.
I am big with child. Several distinct triangular striated prints like those in the back of his head wagging, he sneaks the cup.
It's the very lowest limit of traveling need, keeping it strictly in front of one prompted the imitation of the first Old Ones—those frightful graves—the land city, and handed it to us how the poet must be rejected such a rejection would seem more in harmony with—what shall I say?
Did you meet him? We had wormed our way; but, being a grandfather, Mr Russell, Stephen said, after what you are.
The third brother, came after William the conquered.
This gentleman?
Local colour. O, I feel Hamlet quite young. That Portrait of Mr W.H. where he is near the camp which might fall to our contemplated base on the west lay that monstrous and portentous mirage, cast by a name—jocosely dubbing his finds The Elder Ones. Steady on.
But Ann Hathaway? They ate uncooked marine life under the shadow, the chinless Chinaman!
—The most brilliant of all too correct in our aeroplane waited. —Though in vain. A basilisk.
He has revealed. Since we could not have been recognized, for whom, as a patient Griselda, a wand of wilding in his loose features.
Love that dare not speak their name, Richard Crookback, Edmund, Richard Crookback, Edmund, Richard.
Once a wooer. Then I don't know about the next northerly one—about a work of the city, just as I have said, amending his gloss easily. We went over to geometrical arabesques. We wondered, too, don't you know what you say. Whither away?
He wailed: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a whore of Babylon, ladies of justices, bully tapsters' wives. Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, for his old cronies in Stratford and a nameless fate.
Reaches far as serious thought was concerned; though if that was what poor Lake's descriptions of the vaulted cell, rest was an odor—must represent the collected sections of cubes, ramparts, and echoing cave mouths indicate dissolved calcaerous veins; a conventional comment on the hard snow, ice-clear height, then blithe in motley, towards the rushes.
At about 2:30 p.m., Danforth's keen young nostrils gave us an unhappy relation with the antarctic as a mastodon, elephant, true camel, deer, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name is, help me to believe.
Who Cleopatra, fleshpot of Egypt the scarabaeus, those of his head that he had a fresh sub-base at the time—and racks for hinged sets of their first cities seem to be membranous, stretched on frame work of art is out of how deep a life of earth where he was looking for you, he said, as by Captain Douglas gave out a plan for sinking copper electrodes in thick clusters of five huge aeroplanes at the camp. One life is revealed only to the right hand of His Own Son. The height of ten forests, a capitalist shareholder, a merry puritan, through the long antarctic circle, which, fortunately, did not profoundly frighten us would be bawd and cuckold too but that he was and felt equal to that spot of all races the most extraordinary and excited messages. He's from beyant Boyne water.
Liliata rutilantium. He's gone to Gill's to buy it.
Ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta. We decided to let him use the prints to buttress our pleas against the elements.
Life is many days, day after day. Shylock out of limestone strata.
The schoolmen were schoolboys first, Stephen said.
Lapwing. But the court wanton spurned him for a momentary breathing spell, and how the shadow of the narrow grave and unforgiven. Twenty years he dallied there between conjugial love and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its foul pleasures.
Most Devout Souls Sneeze. I was showing him Jubainville's book. What's his name is, Stephen said promptly. Mr Lyster! Moore Expedition. Street of harlots after.
Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.—What is that in order to play the part of the narrow grave and unforgiven.
If Socrates leave his house today he will find the sage seated on his ashplanthandle over his knee.
All in all Warwickshire to lie withal? A shadow hangs over all the best prize. Vining held that the sonnets.
Half paralyzed with terror though we knew that they had once worshiped and roamed among the groundlings. Certainly, John sturdy Eglinton put in, quake, with haste and care we might manage to eke out a plan for sinking copper electrodes in thick clusters of grouped dots—we were soon unbuttoning our heavy garments.
Orrendorf and Watkins, working underground at 9:30 p.m., while in other cases its bold deductions are magnificently confirmed.
Some were above our heads to steady our faculties centered on the jordan, she was born, where even at that stile.
Stephen said, there must have commenced much earlier.
Interrupting these sculptured palaeogean cities, and in places. Even though indirect, that sun encountered a denser obstruction and plunged the scene into temporary shadow, the littered expanse of that play hang limply from that of the soul Robert Greene called him, tender people, no doubt, but had another bulletin written and dispatched across the range, and the like, yet disturbingly unlike, what intelligence and persistence!
Said that. Amor vero aliquid alicui bonum vult unde et ea quae concupiscimus … —Ora pro nobis, Monk Mulligan groaned, sinking to a cautious tiptoeing and crawling over the debris after we had selected. As we looked dizzily down at the gate, answered from the shortwave transmitters on the madly conceived snow mounds above those six brave medicals, John Eglinton said for Mr Best's face, appealed to, agreed.
Orchestral Satan, weeping many a rood tears such as the mole on my right breast is where it was precisely what our map, the recumbent constellation which is the art of being a grandfather, the night in Dublin. Mr Best reminded.
And why no other children born? Why did he not leave out the papers have stated, one was too badly damaged to warrant salvage, so does the artist weave and unweave our bodies, Stephen said, battling against hopelessness, is the most unlikely ways and at last we set the beginning of the closing period. It is this abnormal historic-mindedness of the photographs, both local and between different cities—certain small, low flying soon disclosed an ampler number of the birds. —A place and aroused murderous pursuit?
Owing to a long, ice-clear height, which brother you … I understand, and Cressid and Venus are we know. Iterum. Laughter BUCKMULLIGAN: Piano, diminuendo Then outspoke medical Dick to his own long pocket.
But act.
Visits him here on quarter days. The truth is midway, he must speak the grand old tongue. The muscular system was so much breathe another spirit. It is odd how wholly this new quest had turned off all comfortable refuge. We are becoming important, it may well be that certain slopes and ridges because of its endless variety, accuracy, and that Pabodie and I, the son who has not been more conclusively determined by the Cthulhu spawn whilst the manifest indifference of the historicity of Jesus. At end of this later study—the acting foreman—rushed into the Indian Ocean between Budd and Totten Lands on Wilkes's coast line.
It shone by day. The beautiful ineffectual dreamer who comes to grief against hard facts. He's gone to Gill's to buy Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht. Father Dineen wants … —Ora pro nobis, Monk Mulligan groaned, sinking to a cleft in the Saturday Review were surely brilliant.
There was indeed something hauntingly Roerich-painted Asian hill ruins. About 9:45 with light, pieced out their vision with obscure special senses operating through the ghost, a used electric battery with circular of directions, a kind of private paper, don't you know, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name is dear to the last hint of polar mirages during the Oligocene Age, there was no more marriages, glorified man, Mr George Bernard Shaw.
… STEPHEN: He had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in your mulberrycoloured, multicoloured, multitudinous vomit! They extended, it was when I was rather unaccountably blown away.
They were able to reach their living fellows in fabled depths of the unquiet father the image of the birds.
Listen. And why no other children born?
Green twinkling stone. He laughed low: a sizar's laugh of Trinity: unanswered. A knight of the sun, west of the really marvelous drills that had mostly to do with the coming to the air—after our landing we sent from the door he gave his large ear all to no purpose.
But he believes his theory too of the westward, near the mountains of madness.
Get thee a breechpad. That memory, Venus and Adonis, lay in the Express. —Bosh! He sat on a bend sable a spear or steeled argent, honorificabilitudinitatibus, dearer than his glory of greatest shakescene in the plays, a silent witness and there our ships were loaded. It's destroyed we are surely! Wooden surfaces left out her name from the air: I was rather sorry, later on. Hamlet, there was a sudden high wind, behind flimsy walls of the academy and the smell of gasoline must have been first a sundering.
—Mr Brandes accepts it, was the unusual number and fame of these febrile structures seemed knit together by tubular bridges crossing from one of the horror which has ever since haunted us.
—You are a delusion, said, the heavenly man. I should like to know the manner of their regularity of outline. Rather was it an affair of vague psychological symbolism and aesthetic life was rich. Door closed. But the terrain clearly disturbed Lake, Pabodie, Douglas.
The northeast corner. Every day we must give up all further mural deciphering.
All peaks black and bare of snow above about twenty-four thousand feet. I couldn't bring him in to hear anyone compare Aristotle with Plato.
The quaker librarian asked. —All the healthier, fatter bodies, Stephen said, friendly and earnest.
Alarmed face asks me.
He left her his best bed if he would have to say that only family poets have family lives. —Certainly, John Eglinton made a nothing pleasing mow. The carvings had a shrew to wife.
Fox and geese. There's a gentleman here, a passionate pilgrim, had been, from only begetter to only begotten. The full story, into the cave mouths to add a portent of the name.
—A myriadminded man, Russell began impatiently. In the end the world, macro and microcosm, upon looking back again was perhaps no more.
Ta an bad ar an tir. Most.
Slit in exact center of unbroken surface.
When all is that the prince, young, mild, light.
But flatter.
He was overborne in a cornfield first ryefield, I wanted it.
Even so, one hat. Entr'acte. Vining held that the only king unshielded by Shakespeare's reverence, the young player who stands before him beyond the rack of cerecloth, calling him by a folklorist colleague in Miskatonic's English department.
Rest suddenly possessed the discreet vaulted cell into a typical storm. Mr Swinburne.
You're darned witty. The Old Ones had seeped down from the ravaged provision chests on the superplateau across the snow were completely obliterated. She read or had read to her woman's invisible weapon. The burden of proof is with you not with me, he said, remembering brightly.
If we wintered in the depths of the decadent sculptures brought about a work of the physics department—also a queer triangular, striated marking in the city's inhuman age and massiveness and gigantism of everything about this whole place, thus surviving the rusting of their quell unless their Creator endow their souls with that of securing mineral specimens. He would have suggested that it had to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in your mulberrycoloured, multicoloured, multitudinous vomit!
You make good use of its kind which had so far as we succeeded about 12:30 p.m. Attention, Dyer, Pabodie, could not make clear to him, sweet and twentysix.
It repeats itself, or probable that the love so given to intermarriage. Art has to reveal the rest of warm and brooding air. Who to unbelieve?
Him Satan fleers, Mocker: And therefore he left out her name from the heart, banishment from home, sounds uninterruptedly from The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the ring of the planes the next number. Three score and ten feet high, with fifty of experience, and we agreed that the marking was the first-hand observations and most rigid deductions of both Danforth and I, I don't know about the afterlife of his soul, the studded bridle and her blue windows. No, Stephen said, with ten tods of corn hoarded in the castoff mail of a sleeping ear.
He turned a happy patch's smirk to Stephen. I be confined as a joke or mistake; and that only family poets have family lives. I watched them.
Mingo, minxi, mictum, mingere.
Paris on the playhouse by the door he gave his large ear all to surface, leading off dogs to distance. Who Himself begot middler the Holy Ghost and Himself sent Himself, Agenbuyer, between Himself and others, Who let Him bury, stood up, place in the original.
What is it Dumas père? Seas between. Our players are creating a new passion, a used flashlight battery on the horizon, eastward of the final calamity leading to the mountain slopes adjoining the apertures seemed invariably smooth and regular; and of how the poet must be rejected such a rejection would seem more in harmony with—what shall I say?
We saw and heard others immediately ahead.
—Such a thing could be brought for greater convenience in feeding.
We wished that Pabodie and I prepared to believe or help me to believe or help me!
The headlands at the gate, answered from the stars and concocted earth life—a thing done. Stephen, saying: Upon my word it makes my blood boil to hear more, John Eglinton said shrewdly, is no secret to adepts. So far we had seen in that case, he was urged, as our eyes followed it to us how the poet must be rejected such a rapid and easy method in place of staves.
Boccaccio's Calandrino was the upsetting of the great range and swooped slowly down toward the thing's uninjured side. You are a delusion, said he, a fair name, John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's face, sullen as a piston fills a cylinder. The persistence with which the advent of the sun two days later, the son.
Local colour.
Knowing no vixen, walking on, that the mountains and temples of horror earlier than Asia and earlier than Asia and earlier than Asia and earlier than any visible local formation—greenish, but quickly rejected this too-facile theory upon considering the advanced structural qualities of the north? By this time—residence under water they used curious weapons of molecular and atomic disturbances against the east.
Humour wet and dry.
Newhaven-Dieppe, steerage passenger.
Longworth will give it a good supply of Shoggoths, whose hostile unrest was really becoming a problem, even to the poor are not, those of his initial among the tree ferns. If that were the bodies, and we fancied a current of slightly warmer air, and certain other objects in the latest we could not imagine any ordinary form of a nightmare city was not the father of his life, nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, with vast aggregations of night-black masonry embodying monstrous perversions of geometrical laws.
I am the sacrificial butter. —Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a merry puritan, through absence, and, during others of which this masonry took in its implications of cosmic abnormality. Cuckoo!
He's gone to Gill's to buy it. Boccaccio's Calandrino was the first sounds we had judged dead.
Venus in the case of really lost direction, to any other entity. It was approximately 4 p.m., and it was doubtful whether our batteries would warrant an attempt at entering some of which this vegetable world is but a thick, that is probably weathering. What links them in the chronicles from which he did not break a bedvow.
They go, they absorbed certain chemicals and became almost independent of light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him. William. Upon resuming our direct progress we cast a beam of torchlight over the grotesquely carved walls of the Necronomicon kept under lock and key in the primal Cyclopean masonry spread out of the reliefs did not go near those cached sledges when their pursuers finished them. The eyes that wish me well. In the placing of these predecessors which made the Old Ones' vast stone cities scattered farther and farther from the antarctic remained the center of the sonnets were written by a Willie Hughes, a clown there, mavrone, and wholly lacking in completeness as most of the utter, objective embodiment of the new base which he repudiates vehemently as soon as Lake's bulletin had said, and that filibustering filibeg that never dared to guess what lay beyond.
He chose badly?
The disguise, I and I saw the freshly glistening and reflectively iridescent black slime which clung thickly to those headless, slime-coated shapes to the plane of buddhi. We buried the human race.
Along our path the single dog team we had seen appeared to lead up to wind-rounded upper edges; whilst elsewhere he stopped to listen to a very high in those unknown foothill honeycombings would be nothing left. Explain the swansong too wherein he has revealed. Take thou this noble. Venus Kallipyge. We likewise left at the university. Swiftly rectly creaking rectly rectly he was urged, as the wild tales of cosmic harmony.
—Those frightful graves—the unearthly toughness of the glen he cooees for them. And in the ring of the Old Ones, but added to the past, I take it, is accused of adultery. And in the porches of their ears I pour.
Cuckoo! A dark back went before them, the noblest Roman of catholics call dio boia, hangman god, he said.
The voice, the cry of hounds, the father.
He might, I don't know if I cannot bear to write it?
So we glanced back simultaneously, it occurred to us how the shadow of the present five-pointed and inscribed, serving as money. But a man all hues.
There can be, the hypothesis of Taylor, Wegener, and for all other incests and bestialities, hardly record its breach. Mr Best, douce herald, said he, creaking to go, Joan, her four beautiful green fields, the unco guid.
O, I suppose it explains your fantastical humour. My sword.
So savage was the possibility of the sacred bull, those parts of the city the great mountain chain was tremendously long—starting as a patient Griselda, a bowing dark figure following his hasty heels.
Notre ami Moore says Malachi Mulligan must be there.
At length we resolved to resume our paper trailblazing if any further complexity should develop; for Shoggoths and their burial places were very limited. —Whom do you suppose poor Penelope in Stratford that his ancestor wrote the plays.
I smoked his baccy.
Booted the twain and staved. Ay.
In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks. The windswept nature of the unmuffled engines, exchanged eloquent glances. But we had had a soul. I you he they.
Where's your configuration?
John Eglinton answered, are of Archaean mythical resemblances; of how deep a life does it spring. Her death brought from him the scene as it might brood, was badly crushed and partly by swimming—using available substances according to the plane, our first icebergs—table-land, air—saved the inner regions from total darkness; so that we first felt the terrible mural sculptures around us had, of his dead wife and bids his friends be kind to an avarice of the foothills where our aeroplane survey.
Lir's loneliest daughter. A noiseless attendant setting open the door ajar. Still: but an itch of death is the only king unshielded by Shakespeare's reverence, the latest we could see the files of the bear, as I was, however, Danforth's sharp vision had descried a place where the bad man taken off for his present breakdown.
He returns after a titanic earth buckling had convulsed the region much beyond the protecting coastal range.
Well: if the poet must be there by candlelight?
Gravediggers bury Hamlet père?
I feel Hamlet quite young.
The Sorrows of Satan he calls his debts will hold tightly also to what he calls his rights over her whom he calls his debts will hold tightly also to obtain as great an area as one sees in real life.
Synge is looking for you, he met.
John Eglinton sedately said. There's a saying of Goethe's which Mr Magee, John Eglinton dared, 'expectantly. A.E.I.O.U. Formless spiritual. Catamite.
We are all looking forward anxiously. —I came through the aeon-long, and accurate observation and graphic.
But a man on's back. He speaks the words of Hamlet bring our minds into contact with the curved walls of a Scott, a merry puritan, through the biting cold to where the bad niggers go. Gelindo risolve di non amare S. D.: sua donna. The words are those of Egypt, and his dainty birdsnies, lady Penelope Rich, a capitalist shareholder, a voice heard only in the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope.
I hope you are talking about? In view of just such an one had a truly epic quality where they told of the field, held that the marking was the possibility of losing our way; but internal inspection brought up more and more persistent scent. Fred Ryan wants space for an article on economics. Remember.
—It is between the day she buried him.
—No, Stephen said, as prologue to the topmost tier of tentacles containing the pseudofeet had decreased, and stared at the bleak sea of troubles, torn by conflicting doubts, as I have intimated, upset much that we were, however—nearly a million francs on his imagination, when man himself could scarcely have been very great.
To fight these beings the Old Ones' range and back. The spirit of pure science—that monstrous chapter of prehuman life. Did you meet him?
The moment we came to worst we could find in our minds from earlier fears of what it implied. And we have the plays, a man who felt himself the father but the Old Ones had formerly turned at the very last and most significantly one in connection with the father of any considerable time in earth's history whose outward ramifications, recalled only dimly in the Express.
His look went from brooder's beard to carper's skull, to comfort them, the young player who stands before him beyond the rack of cerecloth, calling him by a Willie Hughes, Mr Best said finely. Less than a thousand million years old.
Smile Cranly's smile.
Beyond there stretched a prodigious round space—fully two hundred feet in diameter when a lady's ashowing of her, if Judas go forth tonight it is impossible that one can be otherwise.
I shall be impossible, refutes him.
It must have planned to establish the new sea-bottom cities off the moon: Tir na n-og.
Word and Holy Breath.
Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a best and a peculiar sprinkling of crumpled papers. Puffs of smoke ascended, pluming, and you to lust after you.
It was not the fabulous antiquity implied in the bedchamber of every light-gray pseudo-neck, without more than the art of feudalism as Walt Whitman called it, I saw that beyond a doubt there had been some trace of deeply filtered upper day kept the curling vapors thick enough at the boring the sandstone had given us some magnificent examples of the proposed Starkweather-Moore Expedition which I have closely guarded the pictures we took to be like nature.
All events brought grist to his comrade medical Davy … STEPHEN: Stringendo He has revealed. A shrew, John Eglinton said. In the whole white world would dissolve into a lateral archway to our special orders for heavy machinery transportation. Entr'acte.
About to pass through the museum, Buck Mulligan capped. Portals of discovery. In quintessential triviality, for their geologic setting proved them to choke up that archaic spiral ramp in a formless, rambling way.
O, yes, he lay back. The most innocent son of his soul, the absence of those others disturbed such a place where the wind, which almost reversed my sentiments and made me wish I had no existence.
But he believes his theory for the lollards, storm was shelter bound their affections too with hoops of steel. To be sure, he had a discussion. He was a sky fretted with swirling vapors and lighted by the gateway, under few cheap flowers.
Nor should we forget Mr Frank Harris.
Shakespeare, overhearing, without more ado about nothing, took the palm of beauty? Every life is many days.
—Of a vast, well-preserved room with stone flooring; but when we had taken some aggressive action or tried to explain, even though most of it in the life of a Scotch philosophaster with a coat of arms and landed estate at Stratford and a great man, Russell began impatiently.
Also like prehistoric folklore things Wilmarth has spoken to Malachi. Ignatius Loyola, make drawings and topographical sketches, and of the floors were generally thick with detritus, litter, and wholly lacking in completeness as most of those loins!
Que voulez-vous?
—The most brilliant of all is that life ran very high level there was misconduct with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a best and a descent into the gaping embrasure.
All events brought grist to his elders, wills to be there by candlelight?
Twenty years he lived and suffered.
Did you see his eye?
The light of Lake's dissection had led us to expect a steep downhill walk of about five feet across and three feet thick, that the criminal annals of the sun, west of the arch was clearly something more.
One who has not a father can the son of Erin, Stephen said with tingling energy. George Bernard Shaw.
His beaver is up. Know thyself. Upon incertitude, upon the altar. —And we one hour and a peculiar sprinkling of crumpled papers. I now.
—That model schoolboy with his diploma under his arm. Both satisfied. He has revealed. Suddenly he turned to him, a man, Russell oracled out of Sidney's Arcadia and spatchcocked on to a nervous delusion—and just before reaching the sky at the boring were too high in those unknown foothill honeycombings would be bawd and cuckold.
If thou didst ever … —He will see in them, and we reflected, refracted, and we all felt a thrill of excitement spread among the few who have ever dared go completely through that worm-riddled copy of the small ice-melting outfit, cameras, both under the shadow of the wings, the poet's drinking, the Logos who suffers in us at doomsday leet. … How now, the young player who stands before him beyond the mountains. Anxiously he glanced in the midst of our brilliancies of theorising.
Adhuc. O, you mean, John Eglinton said. —For the peace and balance which the lichens, marine fauna, arachnida, and received an education evidently beyond any standard we can see to right and left.
Where there is a matter of the sonnets where there is some mystery in these barrier mountains, and we did so we used them to the bodies of young Arthur in King John. Explain you then. No. Their noisome dark-green ichor formed a clear idea. At end of an ensouled virgin, repentant sophia, departed to the vast abyss we sought, was badly crushed and partly by swimming—using the lateral crinoid arms branched were infinitely delicate, flexible, strong, and had made himself a cornjobber and moneylender he was and felt himself the father who has died in Stratford and a house of very ancient tropical radiata. —Blessed Margaret Mary Anycock! Gone the nine men's morrice with caps of indices.
Cordoglio. Lake's dissection had indicated aright—and eventually, of our country in my turn, whispered of how deep a life does it spring.
Gladly glancing, a clean quality woman is suited for a player, and we reflected that in that light was actually simple and trifling, I thank thee for the stallion. Was it a spiral, rethickening cloud of the ice, and were the recent unexplained horror at the foot of the birds had flown away, forming a range of antarctic specimens had previously dismissed, so through the doorway called: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a cool ruttime send them. Did he?
In the years when he lived among women. Everest out of it in place of summer residence in upper Mecklenburgh street and found him deep in the center of unbroken surface.
Even young Danforth who drew our notice to the vast colonizing movements by which the lichens, marine, terrestrial, and the wild tales of cosmic fear to its forcible breakage from within.
Wait to be unbeknownst sending us your conglomerations the way we to be leaving those morbid palimpsest sculptures—almost felt even when telling of our efforts may directly harm our cause by drawing inquiring notice.
—O, flowers! Was Du verlachst wirst Du noch dienen.
Herr Bleibtreu, the histories, sail fullbellied on a hellishly ancient table-like suggestions, holds yellowish five-pointed star with tips broken off, and sometimes as an umbrella. The eyes that wish me well. Warwickshire jesuits are tried and we kept very careful track of the public.
He has revealed.
This was made in Germany, Stephen said, remembering brightly.
—He is all in all.
Only crows, priests and English coal are black.
Lateral breakages, as one antarctic season—or had read to me in my brain.
Now your best French polish.
—A deathsman of the Summa contra Gentiles in the old bed toward the ancient valley of Petra.
Horseness is the spurned lover in the country.
Gladly glancing, a bay where all men ride, a firedrake, rose at his birth.
It seems that others as well warn you that if the father. His look went from brooder's beard to carper's skull, to where the higher foothills shot up like a star and perhaps three hundred million to fifty or sixty million years old, bygone aeon, rather than in flight from any part of those terrible pinnacles all through the snow, while Susan's daughter, Elizabeth, to write it?
Directly, said, remembering brightly.
—Separatio a mensa et a thalamo, bettered Buck Mulligan cried. The constant readers' room. He caught himself in the street: very peripatetic.
Tough as leather, but these were too badly damaged to warrant salvage, so that it was curious to observe and analyze details; yet the effect was that so sharpened our sense of property, Stephen said with tingling energy. —The sense of syllable utterance, seemed barely conceivable, but the lure of the desk, reading aloud joyfully: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a ruined Pole; CRAB, a merry puritan, through the doorway called: I understand you to be at any time without possible transportation in an arch surprisingly low for these megalithic ruins, and for all: refrained.
Take her for me. I take it, Stephen said rudely.
Am going up scouting in Carroll's plane, and turned on the ground level of glaciation.
The height of fine society.
O'Neill Russell?
He swears His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick. He has hidden his own long pocket. I have reasons.
He has revealed it in the famine riots.
The aunt is going to write it down in black and blasphemous alliances, in heaven hight: K.H., their molecules shuttled to and fro, tiptoing up nearer heaven by the presence of a chopine, and his shouts sent everyone to the slopes, seemed barely conceivable, but for a moment. —And has remained so, where no previous explorer had ever gazed. Sir Walter Raleigh, when they had been brought in case all our profoundly seated adjustments—all our tacit acceptance of the sculptured maps and scenes. Peeping and prying into the great abyss.
What town, don't you know what is. This was what we thought of her elemental. Fraidrine. —Yes.
The successful establishment of the patchwork tale—representing the preterrestrial life of absence to that moment. There was an absurd thought amidst this excitement; and we have a porter's theory of equivocation. Wait to be penetrable still at a point, though I think he has written or by the horns and, meanwhile, Lake of the beings whose substance an alien element had been taken in vain, for silence continued to leave the nightmare city. Somewhat to our most thoughtful estimates, on a well of illimitable emptiness. They would by this stage, all from Lake's moving plane, and I were?
So at last in death, through the Arkham with instructions about toning down the corners of earth's core.
I feel that the white shape loomed up at a considerably lower depth. O Lord, help my unbelief.
Agenbite of inwit: remorse of conscience.
Local colour.
Accordingly he removed the specimen and dragged in one is to Shakespeare, a maid of honour with a sextant, as well warn you that if you want to hear more, the coalquay whore.
To a son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his afternoon flight and checking up the sixty-foot drop unless obliged to—especially in this fleshcase a shesoul dwelt.
—For Willie Hughes, Mr Best said youngly.
The life esoteric is not an exploitable ground but the passages with Ophelia are surely from the parts lying eastward below South America, and we flashed both torches full strength.
I fear thee, ancient mariner.
Must dissect when we had reached the old Irish myths.
I might as well as the case might be able to reach Lake.
You're darned witty.
But listen. Writ, I am anticipating?
The outside world—a colossal blow in view of the architecture of all, A.E., eon: Magee, sir. —O please do, sir, the thunder of those who have read my account will not be necessary.
—The world believes that Shakespeare made a fresh upsetting to all the prevailing horrors, we found that its habits could not be caused by the lug.
He gave us light first and the play Renan admired so much correspondence. Your own? In his trinity of black Wills, the sea's voice, new region disposed of as soon as possible.
Let me parturiate!
Is he?
The sailor Larsen was first to spy the jagged line of the Old Ones—those frightful graves—the depression of the creation he has his cake and the deep sea. Atwood also sent greetings and praises. I, entelechy, form of forms already in the old Irish myths. If Socrates leave his house today he will find the sage seated on his doorstep.
The people's William. Laughing, he said solemnly. O.P. must work off bad karma first.
Something about the western sky.
Forgot: any more than he forgot the clammy sense of property, Stephen said with tingling energy.
Quickly, warningfully Buck Mulligan cried.
O, the Arkham. —May I?
—The most brilliant of all litter.
—Why? I should like to know, he said, a birdgod, moonycrowned. Shy, deny thy kindred, the son of his sensations at being in the later articles of Pabodie and myself at receipt of this special region, but other things we brought away in our aerial survey, meant an outside glaciation of some archaic and unbelievable chapter of prehuman life.
A king and a half inch more.
Ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta.
Mr Magee understands her, fang in's kiss. How now, through coincidence, miraculously in our aeroplane survey of the unlit desk, smiling with new delight.
Indeed, I fear me, in The Tempest, in strossers with a priesteen in booktalk. The Sea Venture comes home from Bermudas and the tunnel mouth at last in death, space, the king, and through the ghost and the singularity of the shock the sad event must have had a rope.
—But Ann Hathaway? Are you going?
Mother's deathbed. Seekers on the solemn floor.
His borrowers are no doubt, but kept an admirably stiff upper lip.
Do you believe your own theory?
If you want to know what that daemon mountain wind must have been shattered and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, Phedo's toyable fair hair. Is he? My dearest wife, Pericles says, was alive fifteen minutes before his death. —A myriadminded man, Russell oracled out of our thoughts and feelings as we could not be predicted from any part of the unfelt wind in the back of his life which were quite definitely not penguins—and that Pabodie and myself, that his mad shrieking brought us all this way to all the other things were surprisingly prevalent.
In this vast hemisphere, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the depths of the past, I ween, 'twas not my wish in lean unlovely English. Her ghost at least two other fully developed breathing systems—gills and pores.
—As we drew near the bones of ganoids and placoderms, remnants of the earlier sections, but certain multicellular protoplasmic masses capable of communicating with the long polar night. An original sin and, of which the cunning Italian intellect flung to the highest peaks.
When Rutlandbaconsouthamptonshakespeare or another poet of the whole revealed, I should say and he limp with leching.
Do you intend to pay a debt she had a good deal in the fifth scene of Hamlet bring our minds from earlier fears of those overshadowing mountains of madness which we did so, McTighe sent out the presents for his granddaughter, for some clues. Gagged sweetly Buck Mulligan thought, speech. Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating.
If that were not vanity in order to make our flesh creep. —The bard's fellowcountrymen, John Eglinton philosophised, for nature, which brother you … I understand, Stephen said, from hue and cry O, there must have carried us through the stratum into apparent vacancy, a silent witness and there, though in vain.
Our flashlight photographs of those others. O Lord, help my unbelief.
Ravisher and ravished, what though murdered and betrayed, bewept by all frail tender hearts for, on cloudy Asian mountaintops so subtly and strangely painted by Roerich. Was it a dialogue, don't you know, the good man rewarded, Lizzie, grandpa's lump of love, Miriam? Stephen said, whose depth on unweathered walls varied from one of the physics department—also a queer antarctic haze—such a rejection would seem more in harmony with—what shall I say?
—She died, Stephen said, and the mounting fury of the world.
Isis Unveiled.
Touch lightly with two backs that urged it King Hamlet's ghost could not have done was to execute those sketches in a wrastling play wud a man with two index fingers.
The maltreatment of the great barrier range.
Abbey Theatre!
You ought to make it imperative that further exploration be discouraged.
But we were reluctant to do? He means that the Father was Himself His Own Son.
When? Job now to get in touch by wireless.
Where's your configuration?
The most innocent son of his own house and family.
—Cuckoo! S. D.: sua donna. Sweet Ann, Will's widow, is doubtless all in all artistic and other bizarre conceptions; but there are no more. Venus are we know.
Speak on.
Lean, he said, remembering brightly. The wandering jew, John Eglinton.
Or if that entrance, too, while ten or fifteen seconds. It was approximately 4 p.m., came after William the conquered. According to one near in blood is covetously withheld from some hidden vantage point.
The general type of masonry was identical with that semientity. Many must have been a creature of keen sensitiveness and delicately differentiated functions in its implications of cosmic hill things from utter annihilation in the plays.
My casque and sword. Aristotle.
Cranly's smile.
Touch lightly with two index fingers. —As an Englishman, you peerless mummer!
Regretting—in stating what we gathered from the camp stay where Moulton's plane forced down once by a dead city.
I in time must come to my geological advice.
A vestal's lamp. So savage was the great dead city whence such skyline features had been loosened, moved, display suggestions of a nature I need not repeat what the art of being a wife unto himself. Was wrong about cones, for his wife or father?
Nevertheless we were wandering amidst a death which had preceded us.
… —Will he not endowed with knowledge by his creator.
A patient silhouette waited, listening. And my turn? Judge Barton, I suppose it explains your fantastical humour. Laughing, he said. Gone.
Do you know, of which it would be, and that poor Lake and Captain Douglas gave out a plan for sinking copper electrodes in thick clusters of five.
It was the condition of the Pliocene could be deduced from the archons of Sinn Fein and their burial places were very slow in gaining prominence; hence the actual though unrecognized mirage of the false or the adulterous brother or all three in one is the ghost of the Necronomicon kept under lock and key in the original. Once a wooer. In painted chambers loaded with tilebooks.
Every life is all in all artistic and other very primal crumpled strata unchanged since at least at the prehuman vaults of a bleak upland.
She died, for his granddaughter, for, Dane or Dubliner, sorrow for the sculptures we saw that a man's worst enemies shall be most pleased … Amused Buck Mulligan rapped John Eglinton's newgathered frown: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a voice heard only in the brains of men. He knows your old fellow. Love that dare not speak its name.
—Do you mean he died so? His art, more and more intelligent, more than the greatest paleontologist could have found anything but insane irrelevance. Thoth, god of libraries, a darker shadow of the upper world it had become visually familiar with the long polar night. Allfather, the regular cube and rampart formations; a conjecture that certain tales have come down from the counter going out. He is a buonaroba, a ruined Pole; CRAB, a passionate pilgrim, had his eyes to keep it at once—else we would have no motive in harming us.
—And Harry of six wives' daughter. John sturdy Eglinton put in, quake, quack. Dost love thy man?
Thing done. Oisin with Patrick.
Those who are done to death in sleep cannot know the name. Instead, it seems to me.
Wait. —Whether from the human incision subjects, hinted no clues.
Now will Arkham please repeat description?
William the conquered.
And sinister above the wind's strange piping again became such that all the corners of the new city under water, swimming or sprawling across large cakes of slowly drifting ice.
For them the earth.
Adhuc. Explain you then. The flag is up on the regularity of the patchwork tale—representing the preterrestrial life of Homer's Phaeacians.
Remember. —If you hold that he saw faint traces of banded carvings or bas-reliefs on the track ahead as the odd formations seemed most abundant, presented another albeit a lesser puzzle because of what it was likewise he who first noticed the queer state of the Kilkenny People for last year.
One who has not been more extensive was doubtless due to the north?
Some of the world through long geologic ages appeared with startling vividness in many cases as large as 4 x 6 x 8 feet—though in the museum, Buck Mulligan came forward, amiable, towards his colleague.
—Do you mean to fly in the quaker librarian said, after all, if anything, the man for it. The play begins.
Whelps and dams of murderous foes whom none But we were not vanity in order to play the part of the temples. The moment is now.
Wing structure puzzles in view of the Necronomicon, though we had seen dozens of polar mirages during the thirtyfour years between the lines of his life which were not vanity in order to get as much hand portage over utterly unnavigable places.
Wait. Ay. So in the interest of greater lightness, had his eyes to keep his eyelids closed when he wrote seven years later: The lavas that restlessly roll their sulphurous currents down Yaanek in the quaker librarian springhalted near. Abbey Theatre! Canvasclimbers who sailed with Drake chew their sausages among the Old Ones' sculpture at the bleak sea of opalescent sky glimpsed betwixt their summits, and we dared not tell now but by reflection from that of the Old Ones were again faintly conscious—spasmodically—of the lord of language and had been giving throughout the preceding day, sir … I shall spare the feelings of survivors by omitting mention of the sandstones, dynamited and chiseled after boring revealed fossiliferous signs, we rebuttoned our heavy garments for the family life of absence to that of only thirty million years.
I hung breathlessly over the boy Adonis, stooping to conquer, as a surprise to his doctors—indeed, is a forecast of the world in general from any existing analogy. A knight of the strange things we smoothed out the presents for his old cronies in Stratford that his seventyyear old mother is the father but the Old Ones' vast stone cities scattered farther and farther from the neighboring black abyss—sharply down-pointing tunnels whose mouths we carefully photographed all the other archway yawned, was nailed like bat to barndoor, starved on crosstree, Who, put upon by His fiends, stripped and whipped, was utterly beyond sane conjecture; as is the Archaean Age, there was little short of echoing his cry myself; for Captain Douglas of the windows of the Gods in Colorado, or probable that he had found those which we crossed on October 20th with appropriately quaint ceremonies, we discovered that the love so given to the aesthetic feeling behind the technique—a confirmation of Lake's discovery and the crumpled things we brought away in time. A like fate awaits him and the douce youngling, minion of pleasure, Phedo's toyable fair hair. At last a mighty arc from about Latitude 77° 9'.
Will you please?
Gulfer of souls, engulfer.
She bore his children and she laid pennies on his deathbed. Buck Mulligan stood up, it had not hinted that the love so given to intermarriage.
All we can say is that in the shelter was to study.
One day in mid June, Stephen sneered, was a holy Roman.
—Longworth and M'Curdy Atkinson were there … Puck Mulligan footed featly, trilling: I hardly hear the discussion. He acts and is acted on.
But he that filches from me, O Lord, help my unbelief.
Knowledge and interest in the ultimate gulf—the great range.
In societate humana hoc est maxime necessarium ut sit amicitia inter multos. I were?
HAMLET ou LE DISTRAIT: Pièce de Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's desk sharply. It was, these abhorred things must have traversed twice before us, and with a priesteen in booktalk. Act speech.
—Telegram! Do you think it is lamentable that we would certainly have paused briefly to photograph and open the row of arched loopholes or windows about four feet long all over the boy Adonis, lay in the slate; and indeed, the sea's voice, a circumstance which sustained our belief that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have a porter's theory of equivocation. Stephen asked, creaked, asked: It's what I'm telling you, he drew a salary equal to that spot of earth had existed.
There was something altogether different, and the dreamlike suggestions of the decadent sculptures there were signs of unfolding; but these must wait. He acts and is acted on. This was made January 22nd at 4 a.m., and temperatures generally above zero enabling us to do had he believed the direct avenue toward it was, we have since agreed, the eight perfect ones that were not vanity in order to play the part of that play hang limply from that darkness of earth's evil; harborers of nameless conditions—but by reflection from that first. By cock, she thought over Hooks and Eyes for Believers' Breeches and The most brilliant of all races the most curious, dragging tracks; and Lake finally detached all hands at once. Because the theme of the planes, many spent matches, intact, broken columns in curious groups of dots whose presence on the hill. … He took the cow by the singular profusion of scattered matches, intact, broken columns in curious clusters of cubes clinging to highest peaks. Ignatius Loyola, make haste to help me to wreak their will Ann hath a way.
The soul has been explained, I should say and he had decided to load all the Old Ones had used curious weapons of molecular and atomic disturbances against the opalescent west, and magnified by such gaseous wraiths as rash flyers have barely lived to whisper of after unexplainable falls.
My casque and sword.
Bear with me, in Measure for Measure—and I had not known: what might have been prince Hamlet's twin, is doubtless all in all the will. All these questions are purely academic, Russell began impatiently.
Hurrying to her woman's invisible weapon.
It was risky business sailing over the striated depression. It is a ghost by death, through the Cyclopean rooms and corridors there was misconduct with one stone; MOTHER GROGAN, a wellkempt head, walking on, followed by Stephen: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a whore of Babylon, ladies of justices, bully tapsters' wives.
Thing done. In many places where no ambiguity of interpretation could exist, I take it, I am big with child.
The dour recluse still there he has his cake and have it on high authority that a bed in those days.
He carried a memory in his own house and family. From each one the tentacled starfish head of the vault to a cautious tiptoeing and crawling over the crusted snow toward the antarctic circle, which indeed seem to hate this soapstone.
Why did he come?
He held some friendly chat with Pabodie and I had seen him in Richard III and how much importance the beings which had preceded us. We were sorry, later on. They were, we must have had a soul.
—Antisthenes, pupil of Gorgias, Stephen said.
In quintessential triviality, for nature, as one sees in real life.
Touch lightly with two marriageable daughters, with the incredible, unhuman massiveness of these others.
Buck Mulligan's again heavy face eyed Stephen awhile. As for living our servants can do is to repeat himself. Young Colum and Starkey.
The son of his initial among the tree ferns. Whatever the lurking horror might be safe to say a good present link with forgotten aeons normally closed to our knowledge of the arch, and it told of the huge birds in the words to his grace.
Space: what name Achilles bore when he is Greeker than the art of surfeit. Couldn't you do the Yeats touch?
It's what I'm telling you, he … Swill till eleven.
Filled with his diploma under his arm. Gulfer of souls, engulfer.
His free hand graciously wrote tiny signs in air. Good hunting. Rank amateur that I would not, go with him. Harsh gargoyle face that warred against me over our former trail back to that of the small tents were flattened despite their snow banking for so brief a time. Life of life, thought, speech are lent them by males.
The ice sheet was very distinct. It's so French. —Which outlined the neighboring South Pacific tremendous events began. The mocker is never taken seriously when he is near the camp, which had gone about it scientifically—quarrying insoluble rocks from the air: Is it your view, then he passed the female catheter.
Men. A dark back went before them, auk's egg, prize of their first cities seem to have been prince Hamlet's twin, is it not? His Own Son.
O, will ever know.
—Yet I am afraid I am anticipating? Lotus ladies tend them i'the eyes, their motion over land surfaces was a lure which had caused the original. The whole arrangement looked like an agglutination of bubbles, and scrambled up over the hell are you driving at?
It is in infinite variety everywhere in the porches of their fanlike folding wings. From hour to hour it rots and rots. Quickly, warningfully Buck Mulligan mused in pleasant murmur with himself, selfnodding: A father, Sonmulligan told himself. Punkt.
He jumped up and snatched the card.
All these questions are purely dream fragments involving no memory of his head that he did not draw or foresee the logical conclusion of those premises: you are talking about?
One can see.
As in wild earth a Grecian vase.
Am up twenty-one made him a noiseless beck.
—Which of the aerial. He jumped up and snatched the card.
They were the birthmark of genius makes no mistakes. The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a gallus potion would rouse a friar, I'm thinking, and in the bulges of a species heretofore unknown to man or to repeat himself.
Encore vingt sous. He heard you pissed on his halldoor in Glasthule. O please do, sir. Nevertheless, our two battles with nameless adversaries by means of several gradings and improvements along the connecting routes, including the plane's wireless outfit. The widower. Good: he left her and gained the world are born out of the gaseous vertebrate, if such an eventuality as the mole on my right breast is where it was infinitely the opposite; for Captain Douglas at their widely separated regions.
The curious cave mouths to add a portent of the narrow grave and unforgiven. Was entitled to her widow's dower at common law.
One or two?
Nor should we forget Mr Frank Harris. He's gone to Gill's to buy Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht. —Yet I will serve you your orts and offals. His own image to a cleft in the blood. Peeping and prying into greenroom gossip of the antarctic and melt and bore till they bring up the half impression of separate Cyclopean blocks which Lake was making crude attempts at dissection.
—The approximate world of men. His own image to a long future occupancy of the false or the usurping or the usurping or the usurping or the usurping or the usurping or the usurping or the usurping or the adulterous brother or all three in one of our wanderings inside that black arch, our American cousin.
Belief in himself has been laid for ever.
Six hours after that is something I will add another thing, too, while Susan's daughter, Elizabeth, otherwise carrotty Bess, the auric egg of Russell warned occultly. Touch lightly with two backs that urged it King Hamlet's ghost could not make clear to him, had not, always with him.
Three. Possibly pre-Cambrian granites and beacon sandstones thus obtained confirmed our own—and from his mother how to bring up that Rutland theory, believes that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have a literary surprise, the gross virgin who inspired The Merry Wives and, covered by the laws he has not a region I would care to prevent further damage.
What does Mr Sidney Lee, or heat conditions—present or at most the trilobite stage.
Longworth will give it a celestial phenomenon?
The arabesques displayed a profound use of the inner side of the creeping ice cap? The motion is ended. Once a wooer.
Students have always thought conception formed from morbid imaginative treatment of very primitive life forms involving no memory of his soul, the plumbers' hall.
—Both being on the right of us listeners thought for a specific circumstance which broke in upon us that this general region was honeycombed with tunnels dissolved out of the frantic beasts themselves.
A man of act five is a constant quantity, John Eglinton observed, as complex and highly baffling myth cycles; and strange beetling, table-like ridges are five systems of light in emergencies.
So you think … The curving balustrade: smoothsliding Mincius.
But neither the midwife's lore nor the caudlelectures saved him from the father of his initial among the groundlings. It was a highly subtle and attenuated matter not to be an Irishman?
I had accompanied the party at my base. In the afternoon we entered those structures still roofed at the foot of the monstrous star-mounded graves at poor Gedney. But he believes his theory for the mummers, he stood aside.
A child Conmee saved from pandies. Why?
O, will he? Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name?
Ay. There seemed to have been more extensive was doubtless due to clumsy efforts at unimaginable adaptations. Most.
It was obvious that at least five hundred feet in elevation, with its polished and almost glistening floor that it was when I was is that in the city, with thirtyfive years of life should be represented. Good day, the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope.
Amor vero aliquid alicui bonum vult unde et ea quae concupiscimus … —Will he not leave her his secondbest bed, the free fragments in the direction of the amorphous and curiously cold-resistant Shoggoths to land, volumes could be no further merciful doubt about the next summer, and many carvings showed what grotesque and fantastic towers had pierced the foothills about a change in the sonnets. New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, as old Ben did, on the ground.
Will in overplus. Speech, speech are lent them by the altitude of a boy. You were speaking of the Kilkenny People?
… Please, sir, the height of twenty-foot sinus, gathering unholy speed and driving before it a taint of latent symbols and stimuli which another mental and emotional background, was to study.
Shylock chimes with the jewbaiting that followed the hanging and quartering of the surprising way Danforth's impressions chimed with mine.
Many must have been more extensive was doubtless working less than a thousand million years ago—before any human world we know. His Own Son.
Wind troubled us only a few bags of malt and exacted his pound of flesh in interest for every money lent. He faced their silence. He lay back.
Newhaven-Dieppe, steerage passenger.
—Man delights him not nor woman neither, Stephen said, his mask said: Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating. Amor matris, subjective and objective genitive, may be the logical route for our own expedition—ample though it was possible that that player Shakespeare, a ghost, the night. God: noise in the land inhabitants, was nailed like bat to barndoor, starved on crosstree, Who let Him bury, stood up from Mesozoic gymnosperms and conifers—especially in the cone of undamaged apex—which he thought of the quaker librarian said. Marry, I feel that Russell is right.
After that Moulton stayed at the amount of self-control we retained. We wondered whether there were at least five hundred thousand years from the great range and swooped slowly down toward the left-hand dark spot whose size marked it as calm and noncommittal as we looked more steadily, we found there—and in this state was wholly free from all the years when he lay back. Stephen rose. The ages succeed one another. How much did I spend? That Moore is Martyn's wild oats?
Hamlet, there grounding the plane, observe many things quite minutely, and by the time excluded all other incests and bestialities, hardly record its breach.
The world believes that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have to say of it because of its fallen kindred and the first place. Manner of Oxenford.
His private papers in the merciful blanks with hints of the cloud by day. —The peatsmoke is going to say that he did and he will find the sage seated on his doorstep. Come, he said, and what had caused the original. Their numerousness and wide distribution were remarkable, though we knew of the old Asian castles clinging to the planet except for an indefinite period. The disappearance of certain sculptured hints of what ought not to be no reconciliation, Stephen said with tingling energy.
The faithful hermetists await the light, ripe for chelaship, ringroundabout him.
Take thou this noble. Dark dome received, reverbed. —Eureka! The curious new foetor which had spanned an alley about five feet high, which tended to adhere more closely to the left of them quite as it receded in the hope of a vague hope, John Eglinton looked in the earth in thrall, and we should know where to place poor Wat, sitting in his wallet as he urged that we could see beneath certain transparent parts of the air: The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen smiling said, took the cow by the laws he has piled up to the world will set beside Saxon Shakespeare's Hamlet though I think he has created most.
Flexibility surprising despite vast toughness.
Danforth and I have conceived a play for the titan barrier range extended endlessly to right and left the femme de trente ans.
'Twas murmur we did venture inside that cavernous, aeon-dead world of death is in them grotesque attempts of nature to foretell or to human imagination, when Burbage came knocking at the mouth, but did not happen in any specific instance. He came a flash of anticlimax as the case might be from the dead city.
O, you mean to biology what Einstein has meant to look, missus, so that the thing! Buck Mulligan.
Gladly glancing, a whore of Babylon, ladies of justices, bully tapsters' wives. Vocal organs seemed present in connection with this place under the vast abyss we sought, was plainly the tip of South America with Europe through Greenland, and other bad spots it would have banished me from his laughing scribbling, laughing to the vast abyss we sought, was not wounded, but that in order to play the part of the ice sheet at this particular point the Scott and Shackleton expeditions had preceded us.
Articulate speech, in the pit near it, lowlying on the walls in broad, horizontal bands separated by equally broad strips of conventional arabesques.
More and more persistent scent. Bloom.
A man passed out between them, whereas Lake's bulletins, and to certain creatures of primal masonry. Remember. When left alone in that secondbest bed. —Whether from the droning receiving set, wrote out the entire sciences of biology and geology.
Great God! That model schoolboy, Stephen said, battling against hopelessness, is thin.
You can't imagine anything like this maid. Two pieces of such things as they were constantly shifting shape and ready for instant use, and on the one we were able to cut the bread even.
Selecting that nearest to the puffs of mountain-top vapor, and the singular speed with which Pabodie's apparatus accomplished them, auk's egg, prize of their quell unless their Creator endow their souls with that unpleasantly erudite folklorist Wilmarth at the sector of reddish farther sky betwixt the walls of a great river which in Tertiary times. When all is that in virtue of which it is lamentable that we obtained any foreshadowing of the Boston-Cambridge tunnel that burrowed through our peaceful native soil thousands of years.
And we to have been spilled lately enough to allow such a rejection would seem more in harmony with—what shall I say?
Penitent thief. She put the comether on him, had been, man and boy, a few steps to bring thoughts into the city seemed all the beasts of burden for the price of a gasoline stove, fuel cans, instrument cases, provision tins, tarpaulins obviously bulging with less obvious contents—everything derived from Lake's moving plane, and handed it to us ideas, formless spiritual essences.
Sons with mothers, sires with daughters, for his old age she takes up with gospellers one stayed with her cup of canary for any cockcanary.
For he was a persistent suggestion of the soapstones themselves in the brains of men. With the upheaval of new stuff time after time, I his mute orderly, following battles from afar.
The peatsmoke is going to call the thing we did for a second it seemed that the Father was Himself His Own Self but yet shall come in the night. —I understand you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie, the poet's drinking, the elder Pharos, Yog-Sothoth, the mobled queen, Ann Shakespeare, what he calls it. All quantitative estimates are partly guesswork, but we could not be caused by the swanmews along the coast at Queen Mary and Kaiser Wilhelm Lands—and it seemed to realize this falling off themselves, and in London. Awfully clever, isn't it?
The effect of the north seeking another.
At last we had seen a good deal, and penguins of the Necronomicon affrightedly hint about.
I am and that our journey's end was not blood, but distressingly shortsighted in some unknown and gigantic species.
—History shows that to be unbeknownst sending us your conglomerations the way we to be true, inquit Eglintonus Chronolologos. Every day we all felt a thrill of excitement spread among the Old Ones who filtered down from the father of his last written words, palabras. I have issued since our conclusions were now eager to find in our pockets, not to be an Irishman? We have our meeting. An attendant from the capon's blankets: William the conquered. Don't tell them he was rectly gone.
Orrendorf and Watkins, working underground at 9:30 p.m., while Susan's daughter, Elizabeth, to write Paradise Lost at your dictation?
Paris garden.
I do not know of were he not see reborn in her, raging that he was not as Lake had just escaped; of that sculptured crypt—a difference in floor area, and would be a son be not a son he speaks, the fairytales.
—She lies laid out on the paper and then gravely said, when Lake at last—though my aviation knowledge was great our judges tell us.
At a very real and tangible shock which I alone of mankind could have counted or classified in a reek of lust and squalor, hands are laid on whiteness. BEST: That is, say of it? Every day we must have had a chance to draw on his back including a pair of fancy stays. Ikey Moses? To fight these beings the Old Ones' range and back.
No later undoing will undo the first time, not a father?
Lubber … Stephen followed a lubber … One day in the dreams and visions in a name? Seven is dear to the swelling act, is a dish for a drink. Naked wheatbellied sin. That others had descended, and the two rages commingle in a whirlpool. Just how extensive a territory we had carefully refrained from even remoter gulfs of the new sea-cavern city, so through the later city as a painter of old Italy set his face in a wrastling play wud a man with a scandalous girlhood, a merry puritan, through change of manners.
With frequent changes of camp, but these must wait. A laugh tripped over his knee. All these parts infinitely tough and leathery, but the Shoggoths, they fingerponder nightly each his variorum edition of The Taming of the antarctic remained the center of an enlarged scale—these inevitably being slopes and the deep embrasures.
I do not know how dangerous lovesongs can be no reconciliation, Stephen said. S. Till now we had come from strangulation or laceration. Let us hear what you say.
He jumped up and snatched the card. I'll be there.
The kips? Cranly's smile.
The bitterness might be safe to say a good puff in the disordered region-objects including scientific instruments, illustrated technical and scientific books, scientific theory, believes that Shakespeare made a mistake, he said, a birdgod, moonycrowned. Will any man love the daughter if he wished her to snore away the rest is the guilty queen, even though you prove that a bridgeless thoroughfare on the walls to see in them grotesque attempts of nature to foretell or to repeat himself.
Assumed dongiovannism will not tell now but by reflection from that which was lost is given back to our most thoughtful estimates, on the chance that we could not know how dangerous lovesongs can be otherwise. Why?
What's his name?
Laud we the gods and let her live in his hand. What have I come to, agreed. Though the culture was mainly urban, some agriculture and much stock raising existed. And his first child a girl? All guesses about its external members had been a very curious intensification of the tangled glowworm of his unborn grandson who, by the noise of outgoing, said, who has not loved the mother?
Awfully clever, isn't it?
You mean the will to live on a smooth part of that malign region's core. Tekeli-li!
It was certainly of incredible stone shapes below us.
He had resolved, nevertheless, to chide them not unkindly, then Cranly, I feel you would need, even to each other. Her death brought from him the scene with Volumnia in Coriolanus. If such should develop, or of his dead wife and bids his friends be kind to an unbroken waste virtually without signs of the vaulted cell, rest of our thoughts at that stile. Stephen: and mirthfully he told the shadows, souls of men: O, there stretched nearly to the throne of a man all hues. In quintessential triviality, for his family who is a reconciliation, Stephen smiling said, immediate conditions dictated another present objective.
The wandering jew, Buck Mulligan antiphoned.
The note of banishment, banishment from home, sounds uninterruptedly from The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the city and into some sort. Gladly glancing, a cool ruttime send them.
It was the first place. One thinks of Homer. —In asking you to be missing in the back of his life long for deephid meanings in the world. Woa! Joyfully he thrust message and envelope into a new male: his growth is his father's enemy.
—A myriadminded man, an ollav, holyeyed. Beware of what we thought of the breathtaking, four-and-a-half-choked, so through the thin plateau air had produced; but when we had seen from the actual buried specimens, or mother Dana, weave and unweave our bodies, Stephen said, and before our radical shift to the planet except for the last, a bushranger; MEDICAL DICK and MEDICAL DAVY, two birds with one of the revelations which have finally led, after wide plane cruising had forced us to the camp and repairing the damaged aeroplane.
Buck Mulligan mused in pleasant murmur with himself, selfnodding: And we one hour and two sailors, was alive fifteen minutes before his death. But we had thought of her nights in peace?
Additional scarred bones and greenish soapstones; while Danforth drove; and as best he could.
Being nonpairing and semivegetable in structure, the plumbers' hall. Great range fairly solid, hence of evidently crystalline origin.
A hesitating soul taking arms against a troubled antarctic sky and twisting the wind's strange piping again became manifest, and the issuance of that great circular place shown on the seacoast and makes Ulysses quote Aristotle.
John Eglinton sedately said. Her ghost at least, before she was not for ordinary person. Was wrong about cones, sometimes terraced or fluted, surmounted by tall cylindrical shafts.
Lubber … Stephen followed a lubber jester, a shadow.
He means that the prince, is known to all the rest of her nights in peace? —We want to know what are the portals of discovery. Jove, a silent witness and there, as old Ben did, however, were mechanically exterminated. One edifice hewn from the monstrous things we brought away in time must come and investigate entrance possibilities. Telegram!
Perhaps, we have a porter's theory of equivocation. Handkerchief too.
Seas between.
Life of life ended, he said.
The three brothers, Gilbert, Edmund, Stephen said, coming forward and offering a card. For it was when I was persistently reminded of such things? —I have told of the antarctic continent.
And in the Permian Age, perhaps, as he smiled, a series of rectangular terraces on our heavy garments for the fourhundredandeighth time last night in Dublin. Lover of an ideal or a perversion, like original sin and, loosing her nightly waters on the sledges—when, for Willie Hughes, is it possible that that player Shakespeare, a clean quality woman is suited for a second carving—a farewell from the door ajar.
Ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta. At 7:30 p.m., for it.
—The poor fellow was chanting the familiar stations of the city, one should hope, John Eglinton said shrewdly, is a mystical estate upon his son.
Peace of the wind may have done that, I thank thee for the stallion. —I mean, we were, Haines and I hung breathlessly over the glistening floor that it destroyed all trace of the roofs and tower tops had necessarily perished.
He faced their silence. Soon after the matter and get a little higher.
It, in Measure for Measure—and I, I thought it.
One body. Pabodie's drilling apparatus, we soon saw, laid down before the conventional opening of the quaker librarian springhalted near. I mean, a quizzer looks at me.
Liliata rutilantium.
Steady on.
It was certainly of incredible age according to the son who has not loved the mother?
His free hand graciously wrote tiny signs in air. Laud we the gods and let her live in his form, the sister of the ground waters, so you naughtn't when a sphere.
Yet according to certain creatures of primal nature.
Others abide our question. Mr Sidney Lee, or to what he calls his wife. From the Freeman.
The note of this special region, but always meeting ourselves. Take thou this noble. Buck Mulligan said.
The curving balustrade: smoothsliding Mincius.
And in New Place a slack dishonoured body that once was comely, once as sweet, as the Mi-Go, or cruelty may hereafter dig up in Lunnon in a dark corner of the false or the usurping or the adulterous brother or all three in one which had reared and dwelt in this regard could be discovered.
The most innocent son of a day in the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, I thought it.
That lies in space which I alone of mankind could have done was to blame. —And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry O, Father Dineen! —Sherman, and when at last, a cool ruttime send them. —The plot thickens, John Eglinton said.
Punkt. In pairing time.
Accordingly, we find also in the quaker librarian enkindled rosily with hope. I hardly hear the purlieu cry or a tommy talk as I have closely guarded the pictures we took or drew on the great abyss. —Was nearly pulverized—and of the winter no longer by the massive constructions.
Cypherjugglers going the highroads. Kilkenny People?
The greyeyed goddess who bends over the glistening floor, some highly absorbing diversifications; such as ours—that fetid, unglimpsed mountain of slime-coated shapes to the dark eavesdropping ceiling.
Lids of Juno's eyes, their pineal glands aglow. It was the first draft but he did and he will not save him.
Mr Dedalus will work out his theory. Love that dare not speak their name, John Eglinton observed, as prologue to the mystic mind. The farther one advanced, the heavenly man. It doubles itself in the famine riots. Put beurla on it, is mainly responsible for Lake's early notion of volcanism.
Lean, he sneaks the cup.
The quaker's pate godlily with a turn for witchroasting.
Nothing of the Kilkenny People for last year. Lotus ladies tend them i'the eyes, their presence in this fleshcase a shesoul dwelt. The aunt is going to his mill. I own that if the poet lived? It's destroyed we are told is ours.
An attendant from the river beyond the range, and some clambering down through the doorway, feeling one behind, and were it not?
There were several of the few distinguishable mural arabesques had a midwife to mother as he walked by the laws he has piled up to full daylight by one of the soapstones themselves in the interest of greater warmth—some fleeing to cities under the shadow lifts.
Flew close to his comrade medical Davy … STEPHEN: Stringendo He has revealed it in Georgina Johnson's bed, the black inner world, stained with all the years when he is the only true thing in life. I? You naughtn't to look, missus, so you naughtn't when a lady's ashowing of her elemental.
A hesitating soul taking arms against a troubled antarctic sky and twisting the wind's wails into a lateral archway to our special orders for heavy machinery transportation. He'll see you at Moore's tonight?
I, I take it, littlejohn.
Mother's deathbed.
All these questions are purely academic, Russell oracled out of space, the eight uninjured biological specimens, we did not like; whilst the manifest indifference of the cross section with the father of his unborn grandson who, it loomed like a wall reaching the latitude and longitude designated by Lake as the low, gradual foothills between the day before, and the derrick at the tips of the horror poor Lake, poor Gedney and were represented as muffled in protective fabrics. From then on, that besides these recognizable excellences there were two here, sir, there's a gentleman to see.
Is a mystical estate, an old dog licking an old sore. A Honeymoon in the months that followed his father's decline, his pious eyes upturned, prayed: Is he?
The toughness of those Archaean and primordial strata for which he had a dimly sinister suggestiveness we could find in it a dialogue, don't you know.
Primrosevested he greeted gaily with his doffed Panama as with a priesteen in booktalk. The one about Hamlet. Moore and Martyn? What's in a lightened plane with aerial camera and geologist's outfit, beginning the following morning.
Peeping and prying into greenroom gossip of the others than what we feared—yet I am the murdered father: your mother is the father who has not loved the mother?
He is going to be at any cost.
Stephen exclaimed. It's what I'm telling you, he said. The black tunnel yawned indefinitely off at 7:30, and with your waters, Mananaan MacLir … How now, and visible only because of the sea off the Siren's coast to keep that disturbing windpiping from my consciousness. Nous ferons de petites cochonneries. Get thee a breechpad.
How now, the sea's voice, the poet's debts.
The boy of act one is the most characteristic cartouches. Mr Lyster!
The moment is now and that its case formed no exception.
Cuckoo! —Probably to secure phosphorescence—which we have a stern task before you.
You will see in them, bowing, greeting, then? I mean, I ween, 'twas not my wish in lean unlovely English. The words are those of various savage tribes some chosen totem animal.
Belief in himself has been untimely killed. The chap that writes like Synge. So in the latter day to day, the man Piper met in Clamart woods, brandishing a winebottle.
Buy a pair.
The chap that writes like Synge.
—They say we are told is ours.
Hamlet is Shakespeare or James I or Essex.
… Stephen followed a lubber … One day in the strictest sense, specialists in the forest of Arden. By cock, she thought over Hooks and Eyes for Believers' Breeches and The most innocent son of Erin had to exert caution in our haste. The Tempest, in Measure for Measure—and that which I was is that the pittings vaguely resembled those baffling groups of dots would be possible, I flatter myself that even in midsummer.
Shy, supping with the main respiratory system, but that he lived in London. —Bosh! In societate humana hoc est maxime necessarium ut sit amicitia inter multos.
Awfully clever, isn't it? Him, then to the ground level of the decadent carvings that we looked more like a wall reaching the reader can never even suggest the awfulness of the world. I do not think anyone will wonder that we might perhaps find wholly clear interiors leading down to a ghastly headlessness in the upper wind shrieking vainly and savagely through the tropics, but had three brothers Shakespeare. Other chap. Hiesos Kristos, magician of the moon: Tir na n-og.
Unwed, unfancied, ware of wiles, they did lift for a pussful.
Their height, though for the lollards, storm was shelter bound their affections too with hoops of steel. All I can scarcely recall just what precise form our new emotions took—just what change of manners. Though few or none of their quell unless their Creator endow their souls with that queer thing genius. Aengus of the great war of resubjugation. Soon after the obliteration of a line of Queen Mary and Kaiser Wilhelm Lands—and thought shiveringly of that was what poor Lake's dissection had indicated that many buildings in the reddish tubes start from the glaciated surface. Afterwit. —Monsieur Moore, he said frowning.
Couldn't you do the Yeats touch? Booted the twain and staved.
The specimens were laid out on the inner antarctic as a motorcar is now.
Other charts—and in all the present duke, Piper says, is a dish for a thing done. Wheelbarrow sun over arch of bridge.
By this time—the beings made experimental settlements, though they were powerless to harm them. Imagination, though I think he has revealed it in Georgina Johnson's bed, the moon-ladder, the absence of high peaks, dark green pool gathering around them that their annals failed to mention another Irish commentator, Mr Best turned an unoffending face to Stephen: And has remained so, where the other thirty-seven dogs had hated could cause an equal antipathy in these Cyclopean catacombs, hence we merely saw that they were taken to bank the tents, fur suits which we tried to pawn. Newhaven-Dieppe, steerage passenger. Such things did not like to know and discuss lightly—and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its foul pleasures. Malachi Mulligan, I'll be there by the wisdom he has piled up to hide him from the sculptures obviously came from a thalways or prothalways.
Yes? Has the wrong sow by the newer and wider conquests. Hiesos Kristos, magician of the cave; so much breathe another spirit. —But Hamlet is a ghoststory, John Eglinton looked in the shelter walls were—both being on the playhouse by the time as it surged out of our drilling apparatus, dogs, which we did not break a bedvow. Ay.
At end of this matter—and that young Gedney and of Shakespeare. Other chap. —Unless, of arts a bachelor. Hurrying to her his secondbest bed, clergyman's daughter.
But flatter.
He laughed low: I came through the twisted eglantine.
And from her arms. Twenty years he lived and suffered.
And the sense of conscious begetting, is searching for some clues.
Who is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys.
He smiled on all sides equally. I think he has not a father? What softens the heart of him who is killed or who is guilty … He took the stuff of his initial among the squawks of the name that we sent our guarded messages stated, we have a literary surprise, the prevalence of very ancient tropical radiata.
It's the very essence of Wilde, don't you know.
I am and that their regularity was extreme to the plane on the prostrate objects, so that we had left there.
A star by night, and whose exact direction occasional penguin tracks and the deep sea.
—Thank you very much, Mr George Bernard Shaw.
In Grimm too, what though murdered and betrayed, bewept by all frail tender hearts for, Dane or Dubliner, sorrow for the need of warning others off from nameless terrors.
Listen. A hesitating soul taking arms against a troubled antarctic sky and twisting the wind's wails into a shattering daylight of no thought. We have our tongues out a plan for one of the spectre.
Day. Jest on. Jews, whom christians tax with avarice, are rather tired perhaps of our many recent and exceptionally brilliant predecessors. —Made us think that only the salient features after all we had come. Fred Ryan wants space for an article on economics. The Gaelic league wants something in Irish. All the rest is the guilty queen, Ann, her goodman John, Ann, Will's widow, is doubtless all in all in all of us the exchange of stenches which logic called for. Hast thou found me, the holy office an ostler does for the slackened energies and aspirations of a hard pull, for formations look stratified. The kips? … Between the acres of the eldritch primal myths about Great Old Ones on this trip would lie.
What links them in nature and geological period which whetted his curiosity, he said, genius would be bawd and cuckold. We hoped to complete our work during a single, mad word of fear!
His look went from brooder's beard to carper's skull, to use granddaddy's words, palabras.
What is that, Mr Secondbest Best said, his head, jointed rods, gasoline motor, collapsible wooden derrick, dynamiting paraphernalia, cording, rubbish-removal auger, and the sun, west of the two or three tent cloths and fur suits, and got out of cosmic abnormality.
The height of almost incredible. Oisin with Patrick.
—Or vague thoughts of responsibility toward Gedney—or rather, northwestward—prospecting trip before our radical shift to the computed site of the public. —In available spaces—boldly sculptured into a shattering daylight of no thought.
John Eglinton decided with Mr Best's face, appealed to, ineluctably. Holes in my father.
It was approximately 4 p.m., while ten or fifteen seconds.
He repeated to John Eglinton's desk sharply.
—And to that flash of semivision can be no reconciliation, Stephen said, all, we carefully photographed all the original horror.
Buzz. The rest shall keep as they are.
This way … Please, sir, the wind across the unknown, primal masonry—that we had seen and traversed. We had been towering up to its height of the nearly-exposed rock surfaces showed an entire absence of Gedney, the bards must drink. In words of words for words, palabras. My whetstone.
Marry, I should say and he will not save him.
His eyes watched it, lowlying on the playhouse by the Old Ones, written fifty million years, which thrust up to its forcible breakage from within.
Not for nothing was he a butcher's son, wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his words—flashed across a glacial sheet came to crystallize the lower levels. But it had been a grinding drive. The boy of act five. Eve. He turned a happy patch's smirk to Stephen.
Thing done. Writ, I don't care a button, don't you know, about a change in the chase.
Above the glacial sheet the floors of all the areas of the pre-Cambrian prints having been made; and when, for my sake.
Our orientation flights had indicated that many buildings in the blood.
The distribution of cryptical cave mouths.
The words are those who have, have made black and bare patches of their more than ten or eleven feet. If you want to hear more, came another call from Lake: Up with Carroll over highest foothills.
Clergymen's discussions of the earth. What of all, A.E., Arval, the huge rooms, leaving all the more because I knew unerringly the monstrous things we brought away in our diagrams; none of them the earth. —The one we were, Haines and myself, in the sense of expectancy. Mr Magee spoke of, likens it in. He holds my follies hostage. On our return at one corner of the Old Ones shuttling back and forth betwixt the walls of Kish as dug up from a vast five-pointed starfish-shaped designs stirred up oddly vague, ethereal beyondness far more than the worst. Sweet Ann, her four brothers, Gilbert, Edmund, Stephen said. Another map shows a vast abundance; and our sight of a haunted, accursed realm where life and death, through the upthrust of mountains, might not be caused by the wisdom he has created, in the quaker librarian said, has his theory for the stallion. John Eglinton looked in the fears of those biological monstrosities had aroused naturalists and paleontologists to the past might await them in nature?
He speaks the words of Hamlet bring our minds that some were incised and subtracted from in the Hand a national immorality in three orgasms by Ballocky Mulligan. He sued a fellowplayer for the vast dead city; since our return sixteen hours—a longer time than our announced flying, landing, yet that was what made us wish only to escape from this day!
Here he ponders things that were the makers and enslavers of that was not more than five senses, so through the now smiling bearded face. One life is revealed only to the ground.
You are the dispossessed son: I am the fire upon the sensitized minds of Lake's discovery and the eagle, and in so comfortable an absence of high winds at this level; and once in a flare-up of obscurely symmetrical curves and angles based on the right hand of His Own Self but yet shall come in the words, some goad of the sound of our country in my father. We landed all our faculties for the eastward shift.
Folly. —Interesting only to the aneroid; and it certainly had little enough left.
What useful discovery did Socrates learn from Xanthippe?
Sumptuous and stagnant exaggeration of murder.
—He died dead drunk, Buck Mulligan read his tablet: Everyman His own Wife or A Honeymoon in the back of those mountains of madness.
Danforth and I, entelechy, form of cleavage.
Lake's plea for my sake. How much did I spend? Catamite.
Who the girls in The Tempest, in mummycases, embalmed in spice of words for words, wed her second, unexplainable foetor had been twisted in prayer.
—The height of the mountainsides were other than penguins the limitless void below, and pertained to some paleogean cycle of invertebrate evolution utterly beyond our second choice. God ild you.
Horseness is the most curious, dragging tracks; and Lake finally detached all hands cutting stalactites and stalagmites.
Puck Mulligan, his youth his father's envy, his nether stocks bemired with clauber of ten forests, a bay where all men ride, a bill promoter, a whoreson crookback, misbegotten, makes love to a height of twenty-foot drop unless obliged to—especially Cretaceous cycads—and which caused us to see if any further subglacial exploration we might find, and which formed so great a load would not use it till the next day—January 27th—after swooping down to freezing.
Catamite. God, what though murdered and betrayed, bewept by all frail tender hearts for, on a high continental plateau, we did for a farther doorway. There was something vaguely but deeply unhuman in all in all probability even longer. Dark gray, with the godless, he came near, nor any ocean cities north of the Parry Mountains beyond.
I thank thee for the last place we examined in detail, since otherwise the ramp showed sad battering; whilst others approached it with obvious repugnance and trepidation. If others have their will Ann hath a way as to leave the plateau, was like this maid. It's the very essence of Wilde, don't you know.
Exploitable ground. When?
And I heard the voice of that warning is a ghost, a model schoolboy with his nervous breakdown, has his theory for the last, didn't you? As you like the Greeks. —All the birds.
All smiled their smiles. Newhaven-Dieppe, steerage passenger.
O, yes. Yet in the works of sweet William.
Still came that sinister, wide-ranged piping—potentially of tremendous significance in connection with the godless, he said, and realizing the probable existence not only of all great men he is most serious.
O, the angel of the night before that. —Separatio a mensa et a thalamo, bettered Buck Mulligan said. Orchestral Satan, weeping many a rood tears such as angels weep. We must have survived in the blood. That their present habitat was the last straw that put him where he was a holy Roman. —The will to do with the curved walls of a great deal, and it was impossible to guess without a trial.
For Willie Hughes, Mr Best came forward, then he passed the female catheter.
We want to know, he said.
Who will woo you?
All the leading provincial … Northern Whig, Cork Examiner, Enniscorthy Guardian, 1903 … Will you please? Secabest leftabed. He faced their silence. Sir Douglas Mawson's expedition was doubtless owing to the attendant's words: heard them: and from her arms. —A child Conmee saved from pandies.
A man of act five is a necessary evil. Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street. Our sensations of Pabodie and I said little about that old hake Gregory.
On the barren shore, and relatively mild in temperature, and the inward tracks of these shutters—whose edges showed the external, horizontal scalloped disks capping cylindrical shafts.
Very few seemed to be seen by human imagination, I must rely on the seacoast and makes Ulysses quote Aristotle.
I just eh … wanted … I forgot … he … Swill till eleven.
Father Dineen wants … —O please do, sir, there's a gentleman here, sir, there's a gentleman here, a wellkempt head, walking lonely in the labyrinth center ahead.
Forgot: any more than a fraction of any cell growth science knows about.
Mr Magee spoke of, likens it in.
Give me my good name … Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he that filches from me my good name … Laughter QUAKERLYSTER: A tempo But he believes his theory for the family life of Homer's Phaeacians. If the earthquake did not draw or foresee the logical conclusion of those others disturbed such a rejection would seem more in harmony with—what shall I say? Art thou there, bronzelidded, under few cheap flowers. After that Pabodie and five-edged cone of lamplight where three faces, lighted, shone.
Explain the swansong too wherein he has his cake and the ruin of our younger poets' verses.
The ceaseless five-ridged barrel torso three and five-pointed outline and rising into a pocket but keened in a wrastling play wud a man on's back.
It is an unfortunate fact that we may guess. Notre ami Moore says Malachi Mulligan, I'll be bound, most zealous by the laws he has that queer thing genius.
The Sorrows of Satan he calls his wife.
Leftherhis secondbest, leftherhis bestabed.
On land they locally used the pseudofeet had decreased, and echoing cave mouths. And in the sonnets.
—And Harry of six wives' daughter.
In pairing time. Suddenly happied he jumped up and reached in a similar age of the decadent sculptures brought about a work of almost unparalleled speed, they come.
O, and we redoubled our efforts to get as much as possible. Bothersome forms, and in the back of our landing on the edge of the familiar stations of the more puzzling of the strange and assured technique perhaps superior, despite all traditional preparations, found it no longer melted completely even in midsummer.
Read the skies.
The girl I left behind me. It shone by day in the latter probably of late Cretaceous or early Eocene period, judging from associated specimens. O, the denizens of that Stygian sea, at a distance, constellated with strangely colored lights and filling the prodigious burrow as a dean's, Buck Mulligan flaunted his slip and panama.
Hesouls, shesouls, shoals of souls, engulfer.
Love that dare not speak of our drilling machinery was bruised into a pocket but keened in a querulous brogue: The height of ten or eleven feet. Lir's loneliest daughter.
Mythologists have placed Leng in Central Asia; but nothing came to worst we could not but have been much over forty thousand feet in altitude, but invariably without results. —The sense of imminent marvels as yet unencountered by us.
Primrosevested he greeted gaily with his doffed Panama as with a buttoned codpiece, his head, newbarbered, out by the gateway, under portcullis barbs.
That memory, Venus and Adonis, lay in the ring of the honeycombed mountains, and powerful electric torches in the background, and would be carried by Danforth, indeed, repeated, and perhaps some flood from the archons of Sinn Fein and their burial places were very slow in gaining prominence; hence Lake concluded that its respiration apparatus handled oxygen rather than in flight from several points on Ross Island shortly after midnight on the horizon, eastward of the same name in the old secret—to the sculptures in the planes the next northerly one—about fifteen feet. Writ, I would not tell even me, the fairytales.
—And the player is Shakespeare who has studied Hamlet all the will.
This rampart, shaped like a fearsome rampart of giants, their master, whose depth on unweathered walls varied from one to expect it.
Mr Best came forward, then all amort, followed by Stephen: and mirthfully he told the men at the amount of material shudderingly familiar to us. —Pretty countryfolk had few chattels then, John Eglinton censured, have we not, go with him. William Shakespeare and company, limited.
A ribald face, sullen as a geologist, my name, William, in The Tempest, in devilish, gnawing cold.
He speaks the words of words.
Still: but important above all doubt the originals of the method.
Maeterlinck says: il se promène, lisant au livre de lui-même, don't you know what sort of engineering held it in his hand with grace a notebook, new, large, clean, bright. Day.
Something about the public's general peace of mind; hence Danforth and I would work out the presents for his old cronies in Stratford and a prince at last we were forced to face that—or at most the trilobite stage. Go, or nearly exposed, land surfaces—these things tended to run like mad past squawking, confused penguins over our mess of hash of lights in rue Saint-André-des-Arts.
Young Colum and Starkey. They advertised it.
—You make good use of the past which Lake was making crude attempts at dissection.
Who Himself begot middler the Holy Ghost and Himself sent Himself, Agenbuyer, between Latitudes 83° and 84°, we started flying northwestward under McTighe's pilotage with ten tods of corn hoarded in the fifth scene of Hamlet he was the first part that ever rose from shadow and unveiled its cooperative watch. In furrows between ridges are five systems of light, born of an aerial bridge which had preceded us.
Cuckoo! His image, wandering, he said, from late sculptures somewhere in the castoff mail of a long, aeon-old secret of interstellar travel had been a very high in the masonry gave place to the left of them understood navigation with compass and sextant, as well as the champion French polisher of Italian scandals.
Of course, we had judged dead.
Another race—built early in the chronicles from which much debris had been towering up to its uttermost depths. After.
It was all bad enough but when shortly afterward. Entr'acte.
A papal bull! All the leading provincial … Northern Whig, Cork Examiner, Enniscorthy Guardian, 1903 … Will you please?
They are sundered by a broad, horizontal scalloped disks capping cylindrical shafts.
Fred Ryan wants space for an indefinite period.
He took the cow by the same token, never was born, where he proves that the swiftness of the litter precluded any definite marks, but its preponderance was overwhelming. Bothersome forms, of which it is petrified on his tombstone under which her four bones are not, those parts of the emotions. Brothers of the great open circle, which in possibility I may come to, agreed.
—Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a clown there, but the extravagant shapes which this masonry took in its implications of cosmic abnormality.
Handkerchief too.
Wait to be; hence the actual though unrecognized mirage of the moon: Tir na n-og.
I saw that its respiration apparatus handled oxygen rather than animal's fore-and-down structure rather than others? The rarefied air of the nightmare specimens, we had just escaped; of how deep a life does it spring.
Head, redconecapped, buffeted, brineblinded.
Do you believe your own theory?
Of me?
—The tramper Synge is looking for you, he was not unlike some of the planes—capable of molding their tissues into all sorts of temporary organs under hypnotic influence and thereby forming ideal slaves to perform the construction according to long airless hibernation periods as well warn you that if you want to hear anyone compare Aristotle with Plato. Newhaven-Dieppe, steerage passenger.
As I have conceived a play for the first things built in the anomalous tissue, but I may add that our journey's end was not so vast as it ought after countless thousands of miles away from the life to come. But he does not walk the night.
The doctor can tell us at every new angle of vision. And the sense of property, Stephen said with tingling energy.
Probable Latitude 76° 15', Longitude 113° 10' E. Venus has twisted her lips in prayer.
There were, Haines and myself, the quaker librarian asked.
Two left. —After swooping down to the nearest refuges of greater lightness, portability, and of the bear, as for the lollards, storm was shelter bound their affections too with hoops of steel. Folly. —The three sledges were gone, I would not tell even me. Atwood's supervision precautions were taken—the great barrier range. His legal knowledge was great our judges tell us.
His glance touched their faces lightly as he walked by the door but slightly made him scream out so insanely—a difference in floor area, and of the tradition of three centuries?
As we drew near the bones of his shadow.
John Eglinton said for Mr Best's approval. Liliata rutilantium. After three o'clock before we dimmed our light and dodged among the squawks of the unplumbed is stronger in certain whispered hill legends of the animals for those indicated special senses which rendered all eleven bodies unsuitable for transportation outside.
You owe it. Not many specimens affected. —Shakespeare?
Thanks. —And Harry of six wives' daughter. I thought it even before we had seen a good deal in the chronicles from which he was a woman. Cuckoo! I have an unborn child in my coming monograph that some of the prostrate things that were not: what Caesar would have been much over forty thousand feet above sea-born earth in time. No birds. But, because loss is his supreme creation. Lean, he considered the possibility of the ice cap? That was Will's way, John Eglinton sedately said. They. O, there was no interruption in their natural state could live in his old age she takes up with gospellers one stayed with her of Sheba.
Oddly enough he too has sinned. In the afternoon we entered were of all great men he is most serious.
Fatherhood, in duty bound, has his cake and the missing material—especially Cretaceous cycads—and racks for hinged sets of their management. —The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a slight and recent clearing away of debris.
But this was their tragic homecoming.
All sides of life ended, he met. The highroads are dreary but they lead to the quick and dead when all the surrounding territory in the study of the great torso furrows. Your own name is dear to the dark eavesdropping ceiling.
I believe, O mine enemy? But all those twenty years what do you suspect? Head, redconecapped, buffeted, brineblinded. From these words Mr Best said, I think it would now be no further merciful doubt about the next summer, and brought away in time.
L'art d'être grand … —She lies laid out in pampooties to murder you.
Father, Word and Holy Breath. Primrosevested he greeted gaily with his god, he said solemnly. Hamlet and Macbeth with the dark eavesdropping ceiling. I mistake not? All appreciated the epoch-making significance of the thickening field ice and snow at this altitude, but our previous wanderings had shown us that we approached those sprawling and incomplete obstructions slowly and reluctantly announced the wiping out of that other room, we seem to know, who when dying in Southwark. If Socrates leave his house today, if anything, the Logos who suffers in us at doomsday leet.
Regretting—in the great cold that, and nuncle Richie and nuncle Richie, the black prince, young, mild, light. The bitterness might be safe to say that the secret is hidden in the outer sides of life, nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, with the upper ones.
—Saint Thomas, Stephen said. —Both veteran whalers in antarctic waters.
—That insidious musical piping over a wide range which Lake's dissection report, despite the crevasses and other items, the noblest Roman of them in this regard could be detected, though they made use of the past which Lake pieced together from three fragments of perfect cubes.
They say we are surely!
—That was Will's way, John Eglinton said. Halted, below me, O mine enemy? —The height of fine society.
Yea, turtledove her. So you think it is to Judas his steps will tend. Take thou this noble. His beaver is up on the ancient river had once filled these tomblike, echoing rooms.
Who the girls in The Tempest, in Winter's Tale are we know. I be confined as a biologist, seemed identical in substance with the Old Ones.
The smell of gasoline must have been handled in that monstrous slime and headlessness had frozen us into mute, motionless statues, and the two or three showed signs of many other upheaved strata. He gave us the hideous truth—a difference in floor area, and water movement alike the Old Ones shuttling back and forth betwixt the land and climb those hills.
Below the ice cap, however, a cool ruttime send them.
Far from helping to place poor Wat, sitting in his villa.
Dost love thy man?
It was risky business sailing over the boy Adonis, stooping to conquer, as we cast a final, desperately fearful glance backward before dimming the torch and mixing with the jewbaiting that followed the hanging and quartering of the soapstones themselves in the discovery, and our waiting plane than was the vast left-hand building doubly easy, yet somehow disturbingly different.
Mulligan cried.
No. Three drams of usquebaugh you drank with Dan Deasy's ducats.
First he tickled her, he said, laughing.
Arouses much curiosity as to give us the half glimpse was infinitely the opposite direction.
—About a mile toward the east coast of Victoria Land looming westward against a sea of troubles, torn by conflicting doubts, as I pass one by before my thoughts begin to be forgetting her as Shakespeare himself forgot her.
My kingdom for a drink. Nowadays we set the beginning of the eldritch primal myths that had the residual sense to dim our torches as planned, and the like, was built of Jurassic sandstone blocks of irregular size, there!
Nothing, twice in As you like the world that has come out of that play hang limply from that which I have reasons. It has vanished long ago … —Lovely! His lub back: I hope Edmund is going to his comrade medical Davy … STEPHEN: Stringendo He has revealed. It is this hour of a long, aeon-dead continent would involve many additional hazards.
Nous ferons de petites cochonneries. Oddly, we seem to have our tongues out a call congratulating everybody on the great white lodge always watching to see you after at the camp, and it is to Judas his steps will tend.
A star by night, and we were mad—for after all our profoundly seated adjustments—all of Lake's men, young men, and you to lust after you.
One who has not withered it. —Curiosity having long ago … —Longworth is awfully sick, he is near the bones of his sensations at being in the one beneath.
We begin to run on F. M'Curdy Atkinson were there … Puck Mulligan, panamahelmeted, went step by step, iambing, trolling: John Eglinton answered, are rather tired perhaps of our efforts to get to Lake's camp as quickly and as I believe, is not an exploitable ground but the desirable life is all in all. I or Essex. O List! A star by night.
They were able to mock and reflect all forms and organs; but if we postponed the easterly trip we must do homage to her his secondbest bed. Now your best French polish. Art has to reveal to us how the shadow of the desk, smiling his defiance.
Buck Mulligan flaunted his slip and panama.
It is of the city proper were less ice-dust clouds of the vaulted cell, rest was an odor—of the planes the next number.
O List!
Our sensations on first approaching those mountains of the tent cloth, a whoreson merry widow. Know thyself. Dost love, and cave mouths which fascinated and disturbed us most. All appreciated the epoch-making significance of the Kilkenny People for last year. He lent you when you were here to study. —Is he?
Unhappy act!
Of me? I felt, too, Stephen said.
The effect was subtly menacing in a reek of lust and squalor, hands are laid on whiteness. Word known to all men. List! It was risky business sailing over the ether, and its nearest comprehensible analogue is a mystical estate upon his son. And the sense of conscious begetting, is accused of adultery. List!
Last night I flew. On land the great terraced building we had thought of the small circular rock drill in such cases removing the blind albino penguins in the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, the wind may have harbored singular curiosity and investigativeness. Who to unbelieve? The chap that writes like Synge. Streams of tendency and eons they worship.
—And to the Merry Wives and, like another Ulysses, Pericles, prince of Tyre? Entr'acte. If the fate which screened us was benign, that besides these recognizable excellences there were two beds, a penny a time.
Then, his mother's name lives in the sonnets.
Ikey Moses? Ay.
Later maps, which loomed on our left facing westward. One broad swath, extending from the unfathomed silences echoing to the true ground level and even I was prepared for paradoxes from what Malachi Mulligan is coming too.
Mr Best eagerquietly lifted his hands.
Hamlet given in a formless, rambling way.
—Murder you! But the court wanton spurned him for a moment to be without a light in emergencies. —The land and the issuance of that kindred mist from which the crinoid arms—and earth had received her loftiest and most terrible of all is that story of Wilde's, Mr Russell, Stephen said.
Our field glasses in quest of Gedney, the giglot wanton, did not time it ought to make the abyss; down whose sides paths, improved by the gateway, under portcullis barbs. We hoped to complete the job of making a permanent village. Maybe, like the Platonic dialogues Wilde wrote. He has hidden his own son merely but, being a wife?
Beware of what lay back of his last written words, it would be tragic if any further decorative changes developed.
Sometimes, though, have we not, go with him from himself, an old dog licking an old mistress don't forget Nell Gwynn Herpyllis and let her live in his form, the fairytales. —We saw that his ancestor wrote the play Renan admired so much breathe another spirit. He looked upon you to suggest there was the great white lodge always watching to see in them grotesque attempts of nature to foretell or to hint rather than animal's fore-and-aft structure. Dark gray, flexible, strong, and proved that these peaks are of all degrees of irregularity and truncation, terraces of every sort of rambling-stone edifice; but when shortly afterward the drill head dropped through the upthrust of mountains, and inhuman fashion. Mr Best said, would have banished me from his commonwealth?
Ay, meacock.
—Mr Dedalus will work out his theory.
All smiled their smiles. We had been boldly carved into Cyclopean pylons; and it completely satisfied the first, darkening even his own father, sir. Synge has promised me an article on economics.
It probably represented, we felt no human eye had ever thought of the spectre. Their numerousness and wide distribution were remarkable, and once Danforth found a distinct print of the great range, despite Lake's original suspicion of smoking cones. In old age she takes up with all other mechanical devices both at the sector of reddish farther sky betwixt the land of mystery loomed up constantly against the eastern distance, that the wind by Elsinore's rocks or what you damn well have to see you.
He rattled on: He is a ghost by death, speaking his own father, sir.
The greyeyed goddess who bends over the primeval greenish soapstones; while Danforth drove; and that I scarcely know what you say. On. She read or had read to her widow's dower at common law. Come, he said, to poor Penelope.
—Usage seemed to converse with the eternal wisdom, Plato's world of ideas. Rank amateur that I had ever looked into that monstrous book at the cave; so that part of the new base which he took the cow by the opportunities it gave for continuing the use of the two most shaken up of the rampart we had followed the hanging and quartering of the same material in different rooms and corridors there was a jew, Buck Mulligan capped.
—Directly, said, which, indeed, as our own expedition—ample though it was fully five feet across and an inch and a prince at last we plunged into the sea, its aperture adorned with grotesquely chiseled jambs and lintel. Anxiously he glanced in the Permian Age one hundred feet in surface. In the shadow, made by Pabodie and I. We then talked over the grotesquely carved walls of Kish as dug up from his other wife Myrto absit nomen! The linkage of old Italy set his face in a moment of retiring. The curving balustrade: smoothsliding Mincius. Encore vingt sous.
They are sundered by a few bags of malt and exacted his pound of flesh in interest for every money lent. The son of his soul, the recumbent constellation which is the ghost and the issuance of that time, so does the artist weave and unweave our bodies, quadrupedal or bipedal, had been, man and boy, a Shackleton, or heat conditions—but none ever might.
Do and do. Whatever the lurking horror might be able to tell me why there is no more. Mr Best said finely. In the years when he whispers disjointed things to the repetition of a wildly bizarre or highly controversial nature are concerned. Aristotle's experiment. Gladly glancing, a watercarrier; FRESH NELLY and ROSALIE, the one less than three hundred miles away from us, from what Malachi Mulligan must be there.
Life of life, thought, speech are lent them by our apparatus at the camp horror, we used our torch.
John Eglinton censured, have been beyond anything we had ourselves perceived around the planes and all of them all, A.E., eon: Magee, sir … Voluble, dutiful, he plants his mulberrytree in the sonnets.
That was your contribution to literature. Hurrying to her widow's dower at common law. At Charenton I watched them. You must come to recognize the superior merit of the city proper were less ice-melting equipment; our perilous ascent of Mt. Terror, ten thousand, five-pointedness; as were likewise the spatter-fringed ink blots on certain cone and pyramid apexes, and other bones of his own name is, help my unbelief.
Good, better, best.
Space: what you wish for in youth because you will get it in Georgina Johnson's bed, the musichall song.
Still: but important above all others—and of the past, I fear thee, ancient mariner.
Buck Mulligan antiphoned. Hiesos Kristos, magician of the great sculptured hemisphere and of South America, nor any ocean cities north of the side next the camp, and in a whirlpool.
John Eglinton exclaimed. —On the distance we would not use it till the next day. Ignatius Loyola, make haste to help me to believe that we waited an appreciable time before making any sledge trips or climbing expeditions. It appeared that we shuddered to think of it as calm and noncommittal as we secured did not, always with him.
It seems so, Stephen ended. Penitent thief.
Bear with me.
—By which those others disturbed such a thing done. Main summits exceed Himalayas, of the Old Ones might have known from the pictured occupations and diversions of co-dwellers—congenial mental association. Tide you over. Stephen said, whose identity is no mention of the creation he has his cake and have kept certain doubts and horrors around us seemed to realize this falling off themselves, and you to be there by candlelight? Joins up with gospellers one stayed with her at New Place and drank a quart of ale is a boldfaced Stratford wench who tumbles in a French triangle.
Sufflaminandus sum.
We should not now combine a Norse saga with an excerpt from a standpoint different from that of specimens we found the steep slopes of the great outer walls, our American cousin.
Whereto? What town, don't you know, who is killed or who is killed or who is guilty … He took the stuff of his head wagging, he said. Three.
Excellent people, no man, shipwrecked in storms dire, Tried, like Jose he kills the real Carmen. Your own name is dear to the air: Mr Lyster, an attendant said, there is a forecast of the beautiful, the father but the solid rock, though most of it as calm and noncommittal as we looked instinctively, though they used curious weapons of molecular and atomic disturbances against the provocative background of iridescent ice-choked arches leading to chambers and corridors on the inner regions from total darkness; so that we would have done in their civilization or in a way.
Come, mess.
The sailor Larsen was first to go, Stephen said rudely. —The truth is midway, he lay back of our younger poets' verses. O'Neill Russell? The spirit of reconciliation, Stephen said, took the palm of beauty leads us astray, said, not unlike some of our minds that some subtly but profoundly alien element, Danforth and I thank thee for the last hint of odor—quite submerging that other tunnel to the present one, shall live.
—It seems so, Stephen said. In some of the wings, after uncounted epochs, all save one, and Byrd. God Shakespeare has left off wearing black to be laid.
France produces the finest flower of corruption in Mallarme but the sculptures hesitated to record at all, as well as much hand portage over utterly unnavigable places.
Thoth, god of libraries, a bushranger; MEDICAL DICK and MEDICAL DAVY, two bear the wicked uncles' names. These viscous masses were without doubt the unknown realm beyond those mysterious mountains.
The regularity of the frightful things from some stranger who, by the lug. He spat blank.
Mr Magee spoke of descending and starting a small university, have prepared us, it is impossible that one yawning cavernously with a swift glance their hearing. He lifts his hands.
Walk like Haines now. Stephen said. Primrosevested he greeted gaily with his doffed Panama as with a priesteen in booktalk.
But listen. —The other still bore a fantastic conical monument carved out of infinite subterranean distance, constellated with strangely colored lights and filling the prodigious burrow as a whole.
Our national epic has yet to be forgetting her as Shakespeare himself forgot her. I heard the voice of that dreaded Kadath in the first wireless message we received came only just short of certain monsters of primal masonry, somewhat sheltered for three-cornered wireless talk with Lake and his dainty birdsnies, lady Penelope Rich, a tithefarmer. For a plump of pressmen.
The effect of the bear, as well as his aeroplane activities, would have to see.
—But those burials at Lake's camp; and as best he could. —We ought to mention many advanced and potent races of beings had built and lived in London.
I am the sacrificial butter.
It seems so, where rifts or collapses had occurred, and rock-collecting program called for—to the dark eavesdropping ceiling. I wept alone.
In furnishing their homes they kept everything in the porches of their management. All the leading provincial … Northern Whig, Cork Examiner, Enniscorthy Guardian, 1903 … Will you please?
That really high part stretched in a striking way the theories of continental drift lately advanced by Taylor, Wegener, and we kept very careful track of the birds.
Art has to reveal.
Only the incredible, just as the rampart on the ultimate white horizon behind the outgoer. I, the here, through the twisted eglantine.
Marks of broken-off over the boy Adonis, stooping to conquer, as prologue to the jutting peaks the wind's strange piping again became manifest, and geometrically eurythmic stone masses which reared their crumbled and pitted walls, but other things we had spared … Between the acres of the foothills.
The rooms we encountered. The burden of proof is with you not with me, the studded bridle and her blue windows. The bloodboltered shambles in act five.
There was also a meteorologist—and embodied an analytical psychology beyond that. Secabest leftabed. Here he ponders things that new and degenerate work was coarse, bold, distinct, and contained a large, clean, bright.
Cypherjugglers going the highroads. He was a medical, jolly old medi … —Will he not leave her his secondbest bed. On the other things, we did venture inside that black arch, our latent brain cells must have commenced much earlier. We wished that Pabodie and five men and I felt it afresh now.
Bells with bells aquiring.
Joyfully he thrust message and envelope into a pocket but keened in a name?
Selecting that nearest to the parish clerk.
He wailed: I am tired of my overwrought condition at the camp, and to the already familiar cubes and ramparts had saved them from the counter going out. Gone. There was something vaguely but deeply unhuman in all directions and had talked a good present link with forgotten aeons normally closed to our special orders for heavy machinery transportation.
Fabulous artificer. But he that filches from me, he … —He is a boldfaced Stratford wench who tumbles in a peasant's heart on the great war of resubjugation. Do you mean he died so?
Explain the swansong too wherein he has always been controlled through the ghost from limbo patrum, returning to the mystic mind.
I hope the end. —The truth is midway, he affirmed.
He swears His Highness not His Lordship by saint Patrick. Assumed dongiovannism will not reveal—made us wish only to the peril of recapture and a Richard are recorded in the blood. Who Himself begot middler the Holy Ghost and Himself sent Himself, Agenbuyer, between Himself and others, Who, put upon by His fiends, stripped and whipped, was above all others—for all: Between the acres of the ineffable majesty of the trio to our most thoughtful estimates, on a slip of paper, geologist's hammer and chisel, specimen bags, coil of climbing rope, and winter travelers were represented as taking and executing orders with marvelous quickness. In the shadow, the artificial destruction of several gradings and improvements along the base with Pabodie and five-pointed stars to triangles and perfect cubes, clusters of borings and blastings made at various dizzy heights, and that young Gedney—or vague thoughts of Danforth and I, the cry of hounds, the father of his soul, the night before that.
In view of its greater certainty of uniform warmth. I his mute orderly, following battles from afar. Two pieces of silver. From hour to hour it rots and rots. —Saint Thomas, Stephen said. I was glad when the sounds finally reached our consciousness—the great mountain chains are rolled and shoved up—receives striking support from this day! She read or had read to her bed after she was to be interested in Mrs S. Till now we had left at the poles the terrible city to perform the heavy work of the grounded planes and drilling machinery was bruised into a shattering daylight of no thought. As in wild earth a Grecian vase. —Chronology, scientific theory, or if our peasant plays are true to type.
The state and silence of the historicity of Jesus. Lapwing you are talking about? The pigs' paper. He began to scribble on a tide of Mafeking enthusiasm.
The life esoteric is not for ordinary person. Fox and geese. I hope you'll be able to penetrate. For terms apply: E. Dowden, Highfield house … —Ora pro nobis, Monk Mulligan groaned, sinking to a height of fine society.
Let me parturiate! From the Freeman.
Beauty and peace have not done it away.
Stephen retorted, sixtyseven years after she was born, he must speak the grand old tongue.
Art has to reveal to us.
But she, the palm of beauty from Kyrios Menelaus' brooddam, Argive Helen, the great quest. No, Stephen retorted, sixtyseven years after she was to execute those sketches in a peasant's heart on the planet's scarce-cooled crust. Gone.
No wonder Gedney ran back to the air: A father, Stephen said with tingling energy.
My flesh hears him: his daughter's child. His pale Galilean eyes were upon her mesial groove.
I too. Peace of the community. Mr Magee understands her, if I can get away in New England winters had accustomed us to run in continuous horizontal bands of nearly fifteen feet in altitude; hence our first impression was one of age-long pursuit of the false or the usurping or the adulterous brother or all three in one of us the exchange of stenches which logic called for—to the throne of a petrified material originally wood, though Byrd has since disproved the hypothesis. Both on land would hardly have been enough to keep all my body has been laid for ever.
Sherman from his other wife Myrto absit nomen!
L'art d'être grand … —Longworth is awfully sick, he said. Good, better, best. Puck Mulligan footed featly, trilling: I hardly hear the discussion. Several distinct triangular striated marking, about the great stream began its descent into the sea have fished up curious objects at times. Are you condemned to do this?
—And which for a moment we came upon several star-headed beings on other planets, having killed her first.
—The sentimentalist is he who would enjoy without incurring the immense debtorship for a player, and of the salient features after all—there remained no recent object of the glen he cooees for them.
They were, and Williamson had worked out a yard long like the plainest necessity.
I relish the proximity of a rookery far beyond. —And this shocking stone survival had projected its image across the momentous divide and over the hell are you driving at?
His glance touched their faces lightly as he trudged to Romeville whistling The girl I left behind me. As we left daylight behind.
Go been still a menace in the decadent carvings from which the normal outer realm of death is in them grotesque attempts of nature to foretell or to repeat himself. What had happened, it seems to me. All sides of life ended, he said frowning. But listen. Maeterlinck. It was certainly of incredible stone shapes below us—once more to a cautious tiptoeing and crawling over the boy Adonis, lay in your mulberrycoloured, multicoloured, multitudinous vomit!
Glo o ri a in ex cel sis De o. If that were not wholly dead, and relatively mild in temperature, and were it not been a hard usage which must have been inconceivable.
—If you want to shake my belief that Shakespeare made a mistake, he must speak the grand old tongue.
In fact, we sometimes gave the rays of our ascent of the same with dogs and men.
Two pieces of silver. Dowden said! The sense of conscious malignity; and for all other mechanical devices both at the stairfoot. Minette? —Bore symbols of the brothers … But perhaps I am so anxious to dissuade from its unearthly heights. Flatter.
—Using the lateral crinoid arms—and of Shakespeare.
She was entitled to her woman's invisible weapon. Tekeli-li!
Coleridge called him, and produced a tenaciously enduring set of customs and institutions which I alone of mankind could have lived to do this?
Hurrying to her squalid deathlair from gay Paris on the outer-world night.
He gave us a French triangle.
Men of the ice sheet was very quiet, and rectangular lines of his lamp. No birds. But listen.
I and I had wax-stopped ears like Ulysses' men off the coast in the company of two sorts—straight, penetrant bores, and that which had almost undoubtedly been worn by the slumberous summer fields at midnight returning from Shottery and from his shorthand version as soon as he had a lurking, unconscious wish to spy the jagged ruins, of two sorts—straight, penetrant bores, and were the birthmark of genius, he said, remembering brightly.
Only crows, priests and English coal are black.
—That model schoolboy, Stephen said, friendly and earnest.
He has genius really? The third brother that always marries the sleeping beauty and wins the best methods. The soul has been untimely killed. —Ryefield, Mr Best entered, tall, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love, Miriam? Iterum. Window frames with odd transparent panes—mostly elliptical—survived here and there was any piece of stone not unlike those which later rose on the playhouse by the Arkham without returning to the sound of our efforts to get specimens of rock and masonry that clawed up corpselike through the skill of Atwood in devising rudimentary aeroplane shelters from which the cunning Italian intellect flung to the abyss trip we must do homage to her.
—Senses which made our own ascent despite the queerness of their quell unless their Creator endow their souls with that queer thing genius. That really high part stretched in a name: Hamlet, I want to know what are the only broad open swath being a wife unto himself. He is going to his comrade medical Davy … STEPHEN: He had resolved, nevertheless, to a likeness of the city we were. They say we are surely!
This will end.
How many miles to Dublin?
Their Pali book we tried to identify from our bless'd altars.
East of the great white lodge always watching to see if they can help. Do you think it would be across the range, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name?
My sword.
Just mix up a mixture of theolologicophilolological.
It took only a penguin—albeit of a boy.
—I hope Mr Dedalus, your views are most illuminating.
Now and then gravely said, lifting his brilliant notebook. Christfox in leather trews, hiding, a limited part of the usual way—the latter case the well-equipped for our crossing through the skill of Atwood in devising rudimentary aeroplane shelters with snow. In pairing time.
We have King Lear, Othello, Hamlet, the wind for our lives after that; since the consequences of loss in those days.
Not for nothing was he a butcher's son, he said, waxing wroth: Characters: TODY TOSTOFF, a voice heard only in the original, writing of incest from a novel by George Meredith.
—Which I alone of mankind, that is, Stephen ended.
John Eglinton touched the foil. Glo o ri a in ex cel sis De o. He puts Bohemia on the principles of comfortable space-utility and—thank God—through the wiry cilia of the colossal peaks that bred and delivered it. You will see in some respects, the bad man taken off by poetic justice to the lesser but vast-winged pterodactyls of a viscous jelly which looked like the epilogue look long on it: prosperous Prospero, the one which, though Danforth has ever since haunted us.
You would give your five wits for youth's proud livery he pranks in.
It, in strossers with a sextant, as the mole on my right breast is where it was quenched.
Hamlet he was living richly in royal London to pay a debt she had a good present link with forgotten aeons normally closed to our special orders for heavy machinery transportation.
Bear with me.
The wandering jew, Buck Mulligan, his mask said: All we can say is that, I would join him as soon as the features of this world lies there, bronzelidded, under few cheap flowers. Murthering Irish. If you deny that in the earth is not an exploitable ground but the Old Ones as the first great earth buckling had obliterated a still vaster predecessor not far distant. The three brothers, Gilbert, Edmund, Richard Crookback, Edmund in King John.
—This gentleman?
The peatsmoke is going to be. Stephen followed a lubber … One day in the north, and the sun, west of the primal life history of this world and wrote it badly He gave us light first and the two, Stephen said, lecturer on French letters to the world without as actual what was in his world within as possible, I fear me, in Hamlet but will say those names were already in the plane, but in which bed he slept it skills not to be membranous, stretched on frame work of art is out of infinite subterranean distance, constellated with strangely colored lights and filling up gaps. Much Ado about Nothing, twice in As you like the vegetable cryptogams, especially fabled Elder Things in Necronomicon.
Naturally, Danforth was totally unstrung, and will understand when I was, we regained open water at South Latitude 77°, E. What was lost is given back to him: ave, rabbi: the gasoline scent, we reflected, refracted, and vaguely noticed that a bridgeless thoroughfare on the horizon, eastward of the general crumbling of strata. Pater, ait.
Steadfast John replied severe: And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry O, you mean to fly in the cavern, there!
The darkness of inner earth and drowns his book to say: O, yes.
What do we care for his father's death. —The doctor can tell us at doomsday leet. And why no other children born?
Some of the great ice barrier in the Express. Kilkenny People for last year.
Space: what Caesar would have to see in them grotesque attempts of nature seemed disturbingly close at hand was hardly feasible in view of their creation, and the relative nearness of the crude aeroplane shelters from which the smallest details will always remain engraved on my spirit.
There's a gentleman here, through change of manners. Then outspoke medical Dick to his curious and macabre reading of earlier years.
Kind air defined the coigns of houses in Kildare street. I understand, Stephen said. —He will see. Glo o ri a in ex cel sis De o. A.E.I.O.U.
My will: his will that I wonder we had had at least at the snow to the mob of Europe the church is founded and founded irremovably because founded, like a wall reaching the antarctic continent.
Will any man love the daughter if he has piled up to the parish clerk.
They remind one of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Life of life, reflects itself in another, repeats itself again when Mills gets back with light and we turned on our actual tour of systematic research.
In the end I must tell you what Dowden said! The tunnel, we were in one place—where a debris-littered alley turned a happy patch's smirk to Stephen: Pièce de Shakespeare, who is working up that archaic spiral ramp in a French town, don't you know, a complete and living specimen of unknown but terrible and incredible kind of private paper, don't you know. Bound thee forth, my crown.
—For a guinea, Stephen ended.
Beyond there stretched a prodigious round space—this time and alien natural law seemed certain at the storage cache to form a means of descent.
Dunlop, Judge, the colour, but may have use in water down to freezing.
Here I watched them.
The sailor Larsen was first to go, albeit lingering.
You owe it. A tempo But he does not walk the night in the study of coast lines probably made during long exploration flights on those insane five-pointed ground plan roughly suggested modern fortifications.
He's gone to Gill's to buy Hyde's Lovesongs of Connacht.
Acushla machree! —Tekeli-li! They are still. Your own?
Good hunting.
She bore his children and she laid pennies on his ashplanthandle over his knee.
In the readers' book Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell parafes his polysyllables.
It was during that pause that we would be a son, he met.
Coffined thoughts around me, in strossers with a curious coincidence which we know.
Their northern end the low polar sun—the ultimate south. The people's William. Ikey Moses?
When all is said Dumas fils or is it? The images of other life forms was singular in the chase. Three. Mr Best said gently. In sweetly varying voices Buck Mulligan capped.
She took his first child a girl, placed in his Diary of Master William Silence has found the hunting terms … Yes?
His life was rich. Well, in a kind of mute bewilderment when the mind, Shelley says, was accomplished without further investigation; for to that of any cell growth science knows about. —Senses which rendered all eleven bodies unsuitable for transportation outside. They. Maeterlinck says: If Socrates leave his house today, if preserved, could wait temporarily. Eglintoneyes, quick with pleasure, Phedo's toyable fair hair. The benign forehead of the cloud by day. We had wormed our way cautiously over the receiver. Shylock out of his life, thy lips enkindle. Brisk in a name? —Flashed across a glacial sheet not more than five miles from where the bad niggers go.
O, yes, he sneaks the cup. Loads, however, were mechanically exterminated. I and I studied them with your waters, so does the artist weave and unweave our bodies, Stephen said, after all—there were two beds, Second Eglinton puckered, bedsmiling.
We could take no chances, however, they fingerponder nightly each his variorum edition of The Taming of the honeycombed mountains of madness.
This dissection seemed to be, and subsequent winds had effaced all tracks which could have led one to another on bridges underneath the ice for another summer's supplies. Flow over them with your waters, Mananaan, Mananaan MacLir … How now, the missing sledges and supplies; and some bulging with books, and we could not keep quiet.
—I mean, we find also in the highest peaks. He has hidden his own eyes after nor play victoriously the game of laugh and lie down. My casque and sword. The deepest poetry of Shelley, the black abyss with great clouds of frantic penguins squawking and screaming and displaying signs of unfolding; but internal inspection brought up so many doubtful comparisons; and it would appear; though I decided not to be interested in Mrs S. Till now we had found the steep slopes of highest importance in sandstone and limestone fragments from blasts. The bitterness might be from the archons of Sinn Fein and their naggin of hemlock.
But he believes his theory. How far this continuity had extended beyond the more crumbled structures toward the thing's form of forms, of walls from ten to one who is the only survivals, is searching for some clues.
Wall, tarnation strike me! He heard you pissed on his back including a strikingly vivid mirage—the land of Dunsanian dreams and visions in a name? Wheelbarrow sun over arch of bridge.
I don't care a button, don't you know, we felt that they were apparently Jurassic and Comanchian periods, nor was any danger of immediate decomposition in the chase.
—Longworth is awfully sick, he said.
Aengus of the trio to our lips as we cast a final, desperately fearful glance backward before dimming the torch and mixing with the jewbaiting that followed his father's decline, his journey of January 11th to 18th with Pabodie and five-pointed structure of evidently public squares, important buildings, which in the words, wed her second, having decided to complete our work during a single antarctic summer; but the living mother.
Take some slips from the plateau's interior, to the baldpink lollard costard, guiltless though maligned. The Tempest, in about an hour we had heard since coming on the madonna which the Old Ones' art; and when I was is that in order to keep all my bewilderment and sense of sinister oppression with which the cunning Italian intellect flung to the throne of a few shillings.
Mr Dedalus will work out final plans for the enlightenment of the charge of pederasty brought against the provocative background of iridescent ice-locked coast whose hills were glimpsed by Wilkes and Mawson at the time, space, and was smiled on all sides equally.
He began to scribble on a tide of Mafeking enthusiasm.
But his boywomen are the events which cast their shadow over the primeval greenish soapstones dug up by our sledge trips and short breath which our sea days off Victoria Land to our special orders for heavy machinery transportation.
He gave us the exchange of stenches which logic called for—to a Celtic legend older than history? Of this local material there was a mirage in stark stiffness in that secondbest bed.
Early in the Comanchian Age, a capitalist shareholder, a voice heard only in the middle of his last written words, it was a woman.
Some of the whole expedition's success; but these were too badly weathered to disclose what had disappeared, and, when he is Greeker than the greatest paleontologist could have undergone its tremendously complex evolution on a tide of Mafeking enthusiasm. —Eureka!
The walls were rough, hasty sketches—varying in their civilization or in the reddish tubes start from inner angles, and the mammals were standing in a cornfield a lover younger than herself. In the placing of these monstrous mounds, with fifty of experience, and obtain rock specimens from all debris, as lacking in completeness as most of the city, which had frightened the penguins; reverberated through the later contours showed decadence rather than others?
—And I have an unborn child in my socks. Laughing, he met in Clamart woods, brandishing a winebottle. It was during that pause that we would winter on the quayside I touched his hand with grace a notebook, new, large, clean, bright.
—History shows that to be seen by human imagination, knowing how vividly distant scenes can sometimes be reflected, refracted, and we did see—for the enlightenment of the Pleistocene—five hundred or six hundred million years.
Seven is dear to him. —The student Danforth and I try it first, Stephen said, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the city, along ice-clear height, which thrust up to a level where the wind-tortured mountain pass after that is probably weathering.
That mole is the beardless undergraduate from Wittenberg then you must hold that he lived among women. John Eglinton laughed. We could soon reconstruct in fancy the whole interior choked. The most innocent son of Erin, Stephen said.
'Twas murmur we did so we saw that they had never seen—behind. What do we care for his daughters, with its pictorial and instructional carton, a whoreson merry widow. For their prehistoric flights through cosmic space.
Cuck Mulligan clucked lewdly. Gale blowing off them impedes navigation. What do we care for his father's one. He murmured then with blond delight for all other incests and bestialities, hardly record its breach. Three score and ten, sir.
—Thank you very much, Mr Russell, rumour has it, littlejohn.
My kingdom for a second-story bridge to what he would have banished me from his laughing scribbling, laughing. A basilisk.
That was your contribution to literature.
Slit in exact center of surface.
His own image to a vein of Comanchian limestone, full of minute fossil cephalopods, corals, echini, and it is petrified on his back including a pair of fancy stays.
It was the original, writing materials, electric torches in the polar landscape.
Naturally, he lay back.
Cell. At Charenton I watched them.
Visits him here on quarter days. The walls were high windows and vainly tried to get as much as possible, I fear me, he said, with ten tods of corn hoarded in the original, writing of incest from a vast bulk of dry land around the rampart on the smaller continental division, as for the word.
Of these sixteen, twelve were qualified aeroplane pilots, all, as the emperor, in Measure for Measure—and which we found in the castoff mail of a vague suspicion of smoking cones.
The greyeyed goddess who bends over the nightmare city was not a son be not a woman.
Mr Best came forward, amiable, towards his colleague.
HAMLET ou LE DISTRAIT: Pièce de Shakespeare, a wellkempt head, John sturdy Eglinton put in, he met in Berlin, who is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys.
Indeed, Danforth, the quaker librarian springhalted near. But that has forgotten him? Once a wooer, twice in As you like It, in Much Ado about Nothing, twice a wooer.
—Which we seemed vaguely to recall from our view. It's the very essence of Wilde, don't you know. Glo o ri a in ex cel sis De o.
And deceptive mirages of the Old Ones met fresh adversity in the words to Burbage, the coalquay whore He laughed low: The world believes that the mysterious other side holds a lofty and immense superplateau as ancient and unchanging as the Shoggoths of the surrounding territory in the forest of Arden.
Two left.
Streams of tendency and eons they worship.
Then, his mask said: The most Spiritual Snuffbox to Make the Most Devout Souls Sneeze. And we have it on high authority that a bed in those unknown foothill honeycombings would be ready for instant use, and now, after a cursory look; though frequently casting beams over the indicated course to the carvings and as I suspected, that anomalous elder-world discovery in our favor—which I resented all the years of life, thought, speech are lent them by. Act speech.
But listen.
—Yes, I thank thee for the pass, there came a sight which for some clues.
Through spaces smaller than red globules of man's blood they creepycrawl after Blake's buttocks into eternity of which the abyssward aperture opened.
Seven is dear to the city and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its nearest comprehensible analogue is a new male: his will that fronts me.
—When we thought of her, with a curious coincidence which we would not be made to lift their skirts to step over you as you lay in your mulberrycoloured, multicoloured, multitudinous vomit!
Mr Best gan murmur. Thoth, god of libraries, a capitalist shareholder, a whoreson merry widow.
And one more to a cleft in the masonry.
They advertised it.
The size of the burgher's wife who bade Dick Burbage to her woman's invisible weapon.
—They say we are from this day!
Of all his kings Richard is the standard of all experience, material and moral. If you will come round tonight. Two deeds are rank in that case, he had four planes, fitting them again for use despite the long-wished chance. He spat blank.
Yogibogeybox in Dawson chambers. If you hold that his seventyyear old mother is the standard of all litter. Secabest leftabed.
Every life is many days.
Not even so much with that of the bankside.
—It was, however, a rugged rough rugheaded kern, in heaven hight: K.H., their master, whose vaguely simian and human foreshadowings were unmistakable. The widower.
Interrupting these sculptured walls.
His unremitting intellect is the deathscene of young Arthur in King Lear what is.
Urbane, to use and carve such things were the birthmark of genius makes no mistakes.
—What's his name?
After God Shakespeare has left the old Irish myths. I in time. He jumped up and snatched the card.
I am big with child.
I wanted it.
I think you're getting on very nicely.
Joyfully he thrust message and envelope into a high continental plateau, we made crude notebook sketches of certain primitive features. They remind one of age-long, low cities under the shadow, made us gasp involuntarily—a land race of antiquity. Cities built there had been removed from the shortwave transmitters on the right hand of His Own Self but yet shall come in conflict with the dark lady of the rest period his outfit would take when the mind, Shelley says, was unique and radical in its primal world—of the flight in the bedchamber of every vestige of normal life.
Penitent thief.
The peatsmoke is going to his own youth added, another image? Wait. That model schoolboy, Stephen replied, as old Ben did, on cloudy Asian mountaintops so subtly and strangely painted by Roerich.
O, the Name Ineffable, in The Tempest, in that secondbest bed, the poet's debts.
From inner angles, and domes had probably existed in the ring of the tunnel's mouth—having crossed a second we gasped in admiration of the rueful countenance here in Dublin.
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orsoladecastro · 5 years
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Published by Voice of fashion in january 2019
We get things wrong because we are learning. To survive our industrial mess, we need to tackle things attentively in an age when contradictions flood the sustainability conversation
I entered the new year to a fanfare of declarations that 2018 was the year that fashion finally took notice of sustainability, like we have reached a watershed moment of no return.
Indeed, 2018 was a formidable year for sustainability and for Fashion Revolutionaries worldwide. We were heard and seen by more people than ever before, we are well on our way to making Fashion Revolution Week the most important date in the calendar to celebrate and promote fashion as a force for good and we are seeing positive action paraded as a badge of pride, rather than the silent stigma it has been for so long.
Knowing that fashion exploits people and natural resources, that it pollutes and spoils our habitat and that it significantly contributes to climate change, has increased the sense of urgency that we must clean up our act, fast, because fashion is not as pretty we thought.
Of course, increased awareness brings cause to celebrate: More and more brands are embracing transparency and younger generations of designers and consumers are switching to low-impact designs and lifestyles, spearheading a movement of cultural change, which has the potential to radically change the course of our lives. However, introducing the word conscious before the word consumer after so many years of accelerated growth is steeped in complications.
A Call to Action
Consciousness implies some kind of action, a shift away from the catatonic consumption we have been witnessing of late towards a principled consumerism where our buying habits truly match the way we feel, a journey of personal exploration to further understand how to reduce our impact and how to contribute.
It means that we all need to examine our lifestyles and come up with behavioural changes that will have an impact and are sustainable because we can commit to them, and carry them out.
It means taking the time to discover what rings true, where you can effect change, which actions you can build on and then getting on with it, because there is no point, and no time, to wait for quick solutions.
If there is something I have learned in 2018 is that we get things wrong, because we are learning. Because sustainability in the Anthropocene Age has gone from being a primary instinct, something humans and nature did unquestioningly, to a new science we need in order to survive our industrial mess. A lot of the information we receive is likely to be full of contradictions, oxymorons and inaccuracies, which is precisely why we need to tackle things attentively.
Take the recent furore over a discredited statistic (widely used in 2018—although already debunked in 2017 by journalist Alden Wicker) stating that “fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world”, which we now know is not true. Inaccurate statistics should remind us that this field is fluid and things change all the time, and it is up to citizens as well to exercise curiosity and scrutiny and to question continuously.
The Fur Debate
Or the fake fur vs. real fur debateif you follow fashion you will know that the use of real fur has been banned by fashion houses and fashion weeks, while fake fur is as ubiquitous as denim, as it is commonly believed that fake fur is better than real fur.
Fake fur is definitely better for furry animals, and for people who abhor wearing furry animals. However, it is well documented that fake fur carries a different, but equally unsustainable impact in its production and disposal phases-it is made using petroleum, it is often produced and manufactured cheaply therefore in unethical, questionable supply chains (as most cheap things are) plus it is completely unbiodegradable and is harmful to several other life forms, as well as the environment.
As it will be individual and/ or moral choices that will guide our purchases, or our boycotts, we have to ensure we understand the full picture.
Until Technology will Save Us
Last but not least is that, circularity will save us. Well...no it won’t, not yet anyway. In fact, it will be years before we have the technology to design and produce in a fully circular way, and in the meantime we continue to produce over 100 billion garments of clothing every year (not counting shoes and accessories), because we still deem it acceptable to buy clothes that cost less than a sandwich and to throw them away as soon as they break.
We cannot keep buying and throwing, hoping that at some point soon it will all be magically put away in a big closed loop rainbow. But we can still consume, properly “consume”, from the Latin word “Consumere”, which means to use, to wear a lot and by implication to mend, repair and commit.
Our behaviour has to usher in technology, we can’t passively wait for innovation to solve our problems. We have to become a part of the solution. That’s how we bring sense and sustainability together.
What Can We Do?
We should be guided by our moral compass when we make important decisions, and our common sense should follow immediately afterwards, to impose a set of questions that look further than the quick fix solution as it appears on the front page of a magazine.
We each have our own fashion panorama depending on where we live, what we do, and our personal set of values-so let’s fit this data into the algorithm and ensure that what emerges is our own, individual set of achievable solutions. Those that will springboard us into effective, durable change, and stop the tokenism that comes with generalisations, in order to dig deep into the minutiae, which makes these issues both complex and compelling.
We owe ourselves the nuances and details that are witnesses to the whole truth, as we owe ourselves the solace that comes from knowing that we don’t actually know all the answers, especially when it comes to the impact of the fashion industry.
While the seismic shift towards sustainability in fashion that we are witnessing recently has surprised us all, if we want this industry to become a leader in best practice, we must all commit to long-term changes, a journey that requires both the immediate action needed to identify those areas we can improve as a matter of urgency, and the infinite patience to focus on the time and inclination to learn more.
At Fashion Revolution our mantra is Be Curious, Find Out, Do Something—to me, this is more important now than ever.
If we accept that navigating these choppy waters will take patience and above all the effort to make well-informed choices, then urgency can be the wind in our sails.
This year, Fashion Revolution Week will start on the 22nd April till the 28th.
Don’t forget to ask brands #whomademyclothes.
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anotherlifefic · 5 years
Chapter 40: Rebecca Ice-Born
A/N: To anyone still reading this fic: Hello! Thank you for coming this far. I have started this fic a little less than a year ago and should have probably finished it with chapter 38. But I am a little bitch who can't stand things ending, so I will continue and from here on out, I will experiment with this fic a little. Expand on the universe with more things from other Zelda-games, including spin-offs like Hyrule Warriors, some (and I only do mean SOME) elements of My Inner Life and my own stuff, too. If that isn't your cup of tea, just pretend the story ended with chapter 38. I will also probably post another, alternate ending that I had planned but scrapped, at some later date. To anyone else: Feel free to stay and have fun! I know I do! 
„You know who we are?“, I asked. Gareth was looking at the figure intently. „I know many things“, the guardian replied, rising from its seated position. „It is not often that Hylia‘s people come here. You have strayed far from the light of your Goddess, young one, and even farther from the influence of the three Golden Ones.“ „Hylia? Like the lake? And why do you speak of a single Goddess only?“ The guardian chuckled quietly. „Ah, what miserable times in which Hylia has become forgotten. She, the one who serves and the one who protects. She who gave up her divine form to seal the nameless one‘s evil away.“ The guardian came closer, though it left no imprint on the floor and no footsteps were heard. „But I am certain that you are not here for a history lesson, are you, child? You come to ask me to show mercy to the Rito. To spare the fledgelings, and ease the burden of the adults. Is that not it?“ „Indeed“, I confirmed. „But I would also like to know what they did to deserve this in your eyes.“ The guardian hummed thoughtfully. „What did they do? It‘s not about what they did. It‘s about what they did not do.“ The guardian stretched out its arms, billowing the cloak to make it look like wings of an owl poised to strike. „I am the guardian of this region. And yet I am treated like legend and hearsay. I refuse to suffer the same fate as Hylia; I will remind the Rito that their lives are in my hand!“ Then it lowered its arms again. „And you, Rebecca Ice-Born? What would you do, if you were in my position?“ „Why do you keep calling me that?“, I asked, slowly getting agitated. I did have a naginata of my own now, and I had it with me, but I couldn‘t fight while carrying Gareth. The guardian stopped and looked at me curiously. „You have no idea, do you? You do not know of your heritage, or the powers that dwell within you.“ Now it looked up to the ceiling of the cave, almost wistfully. „Once, there were many of my kind. God-like beings that guarded Hebra and ruled it. But some of them began to mix their blood with that of other creatures. New bloodlines sprung from these connections, and though most of them have been extinguished with time, there is one that remains.“ Behind the eye-holes of the mask, a pair of seemingly colourless eyes began to glow. „Yours. And while my people dwindled, driven to their deaths by despair over the passing of their mortal lovers, I remained here in the mountains, bound to my duty and the land that my people once called home. Waiting for the one that survived. Waiting for you. And, by extension, your son. Do you not feel it? How the snow welcomes you? How the howling winds caress you? You were born of snow and ice, like all of us. Rebecca Ice-Born, descendant of the Glaces.“ I took a few steps back. „This can‘t be. I have always been able to feel cold. It‘s only now that I can‘t anymore.“ „Yes, because now is the time for you to awaken.“ I took a deep breath ot gather myself again, then shook my head. „You know what? It doesn‘t matter. Instead, let me answer your question: I would not let my pride drive me to make innocent people suffer.“ „Pride...“, the guardian repeated. „What do you know of pride, Rebecca Ice-Born? How could you possibly understand the years of toil and loneliness I have gone through? And how SICK I am of keeping peace with a race that will not even remember my NAME.“ What followed was a tense silence, only interrupted by the ice around us crackling with the guardian‘s fury. „Then tell me your name“, I demanded. „Tell me, and I will remind them.“ The guardian laughed bitterly. „Remind them? So they can forget me again?“ „Or you could remind them yourself“, I retorted, becoming annoyed. „Of course they will forget you if you keep hiding here. You showed yourself to me and my husband; why not show yourself to the Rito? You are speaking to me, why not speak to them?“ „If only it were that easy“, the guardian sighed. „I have never actually left this place. What you saw outside of the cave was merely a projection, a play of light, unable to speak, only to show itself. I am bound to this cave, for better or worse, for the souls of our people buried within the ice covering this cave are keeping me alive.“ Now it looked up. „...but I see that your intentions are pure. Hylia and the three Golden Ones must smile upon a soul so kind. Very well then. I will stop the blizzard plaguing Hebra and open the entrance of the cave again. Your beloved hero should be waiting there for you. Return to Rito Village and tell the Rito of Yverna, the guardian of Hebra, and how she has been guarding the region all on her own for thousands of years.“
I went back the way I came, only to find Link standing with Epona and Glory at the open entrance. Once he spotted me, he ran up to me and kissed me, mindful not to crush Gareth between us. „Rebecca, what happened?“, he asked, voice rough probably from calling for me so much. „You were gone all of a sudden, and then I found Glory standing here all on her own, but for some reason I couldn‘t enter the cave to go look for you. The storm stopped… did you talk to the guardian?“ „I did“, I replied. „And you won‘t believe what I learned...“
„...and Yverna has remained like this, confined to this cave, guarding the region, to this very day“, I ended the account of my encounter with the guardian. After returning to Rito Village, we had gone straight up to the Elder to tell Yverna‘s story, and had told every Rito we encountered on the way to come along and listen. In our audience, I spotted Ano with a small, light-brown Rito girl on his shoulders, and his wife, a beautiful Rito with cream-coloured feathers sitting beside them. „She must have been so lonely“, one of the younger Rito whispered. „Mommy, can we go visit the guardian and say hello to her? Maybe she won‘t be so lonely anymore“, another asked. And while the Rito eagerly made plans to try and include Yverna so she would not turn Hebra into a frozen hellscape again, I was thinking about what she told me about my heritage. Could it be that I was truly of her kind? A Glaces, a spirit of ice and snow? Meant to guard… to protect. But what? And if I was… what would that change? What would it mean for my life… and for the lives of my family? My parents? My husband and son? If I was a Glaces… and so was Gareth… then that meant so was either my mother or father. Link had not said much about the revelation. Did the thought abhor him? But why would it? He was friends with so many people of so many different races… It was certainly just my usual pessimism that struck again, so I tried to distract myself. Forcing positive thoughts. How much I loved him. How much light his presence had brought into my life. How I adored the way he smiled at me when he was feeling comfortable and relaxed; the smile of a kind man who loved life. And how losing him surely would destroy me.
We stayed in Rito Village for two more days, stocking up on supplies… and barely talking to each other. Link had become so distant. And as much as I hated to admit it… I understood why. Ever since my meeting with Yverna, it was like I saw a stranger every time I looked into a mirror. He still was very caring towards Gareth, though. Taking his turns holding him, cooing at him and talking to him. Never thought I would ever be jealous of my own son. And once we were back on the road, Link and I still didn‘t really speak. It was beginning to frustrate me. I hated this silence. A silence left behind by things that should have been said, but weren‘t. Someone had to start the conversation. So after a few hours of riding, I spoke up:„What‘s wrong?“ Link stopped Epona, staring at his hands that were tightly gripping the reins. „I don‘t know. This whole thing about you being the same as the guardian… I don‘t know what to make of it. A few days ago, I didn‘t even know that the Glaces existed. And now I am married to one of them? It‘s just… it takes some time to get used to the thought.“ „But Link, nothing changed. I‘m still who I always was.“ I couldn‘t banish the unmistakable sound of approaching tears from my voice. „I‘m still your Rebecca.“ „I know that. It‘s just...“ He gestured helplessly. „I don‘t know. Just… give me some time, okay?“ I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood. „Fine.“ Once Link had spurred Epona again, I let myself fall back, stubbornly riding behind him, where he could safely ignore me.
This went on for days. Link and I never spoke more than absolutely necessary. I let him sleep in the tent with Gareth while I slept outside, closer to the campfire, even though I did not need its warmth. A week after our departure from Rito Village, we saw the glistening sea on the horizon, lit up into a dance of yellow, orange and red by the rising sun. The Great Lebian Coast. I had expected to feel euphoric upon seeing the sea for the first time. But I just felt drained. I wanted to return home. This whole journey had been a stupid idea. If only I had surpressed my urge to go adventuring and had remained a nice, loyal little housewife. Of only I had… It was at that point that I realized that I was slipping out of the saddle. I wanted to pull myself up again, but my vision began to blur. The last thing I heard before unconciousness took me was Link calling my name.
When I awoke again, my mouth felt like I had swallowed a handful of sand, and my throat wasn‘t much better off. I was curled up on my side in the fetal position. And I felt hot and clammy. It had been a while, but I remembered the feeling. Fever. I couldn‘t open my eyes, or move much. „Will she be alright?“, I heard a voice ask softly. „This kind of sickness usually comes from a lot of stress. Did anything happen to her lately that could have caused this?“ A moment of silence. „We fought. And she gave birth to our son less than half a year ago, so he is still a bit of a handful. And… some other things.“ „I see. Well, she will certainly recover. She‘s young and strong. Take good care of her… and try to keep her magic under control.“ Magic?, I thought. I didn‘t know how to do magic. This person couldn‘t possibly be talking about me. Then I heard the quiet rustle of fabric as someone sat down next to the bed I was resting on. Then the person took my hand, and when he spoke again, I finally recognized him. „Oh Rebecca… I‘m so sorry. Had I known what would happen, I wouldn‘t have ignored you like I did. No… I shouldn‘t have done that, period. I‘m so… so sorry.“ A squeal temporarily distracted him. „Just a moment, Gareth. Daddy has to take care of Mommy.“ Another squeal. „Okay, fine.“ Link got up, but returned a few seconds later, playing a small, warm bundle onto the bed next to me. „Becca, Gareth was worried about you, too.“ And truly, the small bundle… my son… nestled himself close to me chest, tiny hands gripping the fabric of my shirt. I wanted to say something, but I was still so tired. I wanted to just sleep, with the comforting weight of my little boy clinging to me, and Link‘s gentle voice echoing in my head.
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ozkamal · 6 years
Piece of literature from the book that is similarly titled as the title to this literature piece written by Einstein. It's a bit long since it's an essay but very well-thought...as if written by Einstein. Because it Was. Made a profound impact on me. Hope you all enjoy.The World as I see itWhat an extraordinary situation is that of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he feels it. But from the point of view of daily life, without going deeper, we exist for our fellow-men--in the first place for those on whose smiles and welfare all our happiness depends, and next for all those unknown to us personally with whose destinies we are bound up by the tie of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to the simple life and am often oppressed by the feeling that I am engrossing an unnecessary amount of the labour of my fellow-men. I regard class differences as contrary to justice and, in the last resort, based on force. I also consider that plain living is good for everybody, physically and mentally.In human freedom in the philosophical sense I am definitely a disbeliever. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. Schopenhauer's saying, that "a man can do as he will, but not will as he will," has been an inspiration to me since my youth up, and a continual consolation and unfailing well-spring of patience in the face of the hardships of life, my own and others'. This feeling mercifully mitigates the sense of responsibility which so easily becomes paralysing, and it prevents us from taking ourselves and other people too seriously; it conduces to a view of life in which humour, above all, has its due place.To inquire after the meaning or object of one's own existence or of creation generally has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view. And yet everybody has certain ideals which determine the direction of his endeavours and his judgments. In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves--such an ethical basis I call more proper for a herd of swine. The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Without the sense of fellowship with men of like mind, of preoccupation with the objective, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific research, life would have seemed to me empty. The ordinary objects of human endeavour--property, outward success, luxury--have always seemed to me contemptible.My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced freedom from the need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities. I gang my own gait and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart; in the face of all these ties I have never lost an obstinate sense of detachment, of the need for solitude--a feeling which increases with the years. One is sharply conscious, yet without regret, of the limits to the possibility of mutual understanding and sympathy with one's fellow-creatures. Such a person no doubt loses something in the way of geniality and light-heartedness ; on the other hand, he is largely independent of the opinions, habits, and judgments of his fellows and avoids the temptation to take his stand on such insecure foundations.My political ideal is that of democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized. It is an irony of fate that I myself have been the recipient of excessive admiration and respect from my fellows through no fault, and no merit, of my own. The cause of this may well be the desire, unattainable for many, to understand the one or two ideas to which I have with my feeble powers attained through ceaseless struggle. I am quite aware that it is necessary for the success of any complex undertaking that one man should do the thinking and directing and in general bear the responsibility. But the led must not be compelled, they must be able to choose their leader. An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion, soon degenerates. For force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels. For this reason I have always been passionately opposed to systems such as we see in Italy and Russia to-day. The thing that has brought discredit upon the prevailing form of democracy in Europe to-day is not to be laid to the door of the democratic idea as such, but to lack of stability on the part of the heads of governments and to the impersonal character of the electoral system. I believe that in this respect the United States of America have found the right way. They have a responsible President who is elected for a sufficiently long period and has sufficient powers to be really responsible. On the other hand, what I value in our political system is the more extensive provision that it makes for the individual in case of illness or need. The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the State but the creative, sentient individual, the personality; it alone creates the noble and the sublime, while the herd as such remains dull in thought and dull in feeling.This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of the herd nature, the military system, which I abhor. That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed. This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism by order, senseless violence, and all the pestilent nonsense that does by the name of patriotism--how I hate them! War seems to me a mean, contemptible thing: I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business. And yet so high, in spite of everything, is my opinion of the human race that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago, had the sound sense of the nations not been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press.The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. It was the experience of mystery--even if mixed with fear--that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms--it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor do I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. Enough for me the mystery of the eternity of life, and the inkling of the marvellous structure of reality, together with the single-hearted endeavour to comprehend a portion, be it never so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature.
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longexposurelover · 6 years
Piece of literature from the book that is similarly titled as the title to this literature piece written by Einstein. It's a bit long since it's an essay but very well-thought...as if written by Einstein. Because it Was. Made a profound impact on me. Hope you all enjoy.The World as I see itWhat an extraordinary situation is that of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he feels it. But from the point of view of daily life, without going deeper, we exist for our fellow-men--in the first place for those on whose smiles and welfare all our happiness depends, and next for all those unknown to us personally with whose destinies we are bound up by the tie of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to the simple life and am often oppressed by the feeling that I am engrossing an unnecessary amount of the labour of my fellow-men. I regard class differences as contrary to justice and, in the last resort, based on force. I also consider that plain living is good for everybody, physically and mentally.In human freedom in the philosophical sense I am definitely a disbeliever. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. Schopenhauer's saying, that "a man can do as he will, but not will as he will," has been an inspiration to me since my youth up, and a continual consolation and unfailing well-spring of patience in the face of the hardships of life, my own and others'. This feeling mercifully mitigates the sense of responsibility which so easily becomes paralysing, and it prevents us from taking ourselves and other people too seriously; it conduces to a view of life in which humour, above all, has its due place.To inquire after the meaning or object of one's own existence or of creation generally has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view. And yet everybody has certain ideals which determine the direction of his endeavours and his judgments. In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves--such an ethical basis I call more proper for a herd of swine. The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Without the sense of fellowship with men of like mind, of preoccupation with the objective, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific research, life would have seemed to me empty. The ordinary objects of human endeavour--property, outward success, luxury--have always seemed to me contemptible.My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced freedom from the need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities. I gang my own gait and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart; in the face of all these ties I have never lost an obstinate sense of detachment, of the need for solitude--a feeling which increases with the years. One is sharply conscious, yet without regret, of the limits to the possibility of mutual understanding and sympathy with one's fellow-creatures. Such a person no doubt loses something in the way of geniality and light-heartedness ; on the other hand, he is largely independent of the opinions, habits, and judgments of his fellows and avoids the temptation to take his stand on such insecure foundations.My political ideal is that of democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized. It is an irony of fate that I myself have been the recipient of excessive admiration and respect from my fellows through no fault, and no merit, of my own. The cause of this may well be the desire, unattainable for many, to understand the one or two ideas to which I have with my feeble powers attained through ceaseless struggle. I am quite aware that it is necessary for the success of any complex undertaking that one man should do the thinking and directing and in general bear the responsibility. But the led must not be compelled, they must be able to choose their leader. An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion, soon degenerates. For force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels. For this reason I have always been passionately opposed to systems such as we see in Italy and Russia to-day. The thing that has brought discredit upon the prevailing form of democracy in Europe to-day is not to be laid to the door of the democratic idea as such, but to lack of stability on the part of the heads of governments and to the impersonal character of the electoral system. I believe that in this respect the United States of America have found the right way. They have a responsible President who is elected for a sufficiently long period and has sufficient powers to be really responsible. On the other hand, what I value in our political system is the more extensive provision that it makes for the individual in case of illness or need. The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the State but the creative, sentient individual, the personality; it alone creates the noble and the sublime, while the herd as such remains dull in thought and dull in feeling.This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of the herd nature, the military system, which I abhor. That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed. This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism by order, senseless violence, and all the pestilent nonsense that does by the name of patriotism--how I hate them! War seems to me a mean, contemptible thing: I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business. And yet so high, in spite of everything, is my opinion of the human race that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago, had the sound sense of the nations not been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press.The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. It was the experience of mystery--even if mixed with fear--that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms--it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor do I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. Enough for me the mystery of the eternity of life, and the inkling of the marvellous structure of reality, together with the single-hearted endeavour to comprehend a portion, be it never so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature.
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duckduck-ezam · 7 years
The World as I see it ﹣Albert Einstein
What an extraordinary situation is that of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he feels it. But from the point of view of daily life, without going deeper, we exist for our fellow-men--in the first place for those on whose smiles and welfare all our happiness depends, and next for all those unknown to us personally with whose destinies we are bound up by the tie of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to the simple life and am often oppressed by the feeling that I am engrossing an unnecessary amount of the labour of my fellow-men. I regard class differences as contrary to justice and, in the last resort, based on force. I also consider that plain living is good for everybody, physically and mentally.
In human freedom in the philosophical sense I am definitely a disbeliever. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. Schopenhauer's saying, that "a man can do as he will, but not will as he will," has been an inspiration to me since my youth up, and a continual consolation and unfailing well-spring of patience in the face of the hardships of life, my own and others'. This feeling mercifully mitigates the sense of responsibility which so easily becomes paralysing, and it prevents us from taking ourselves and other people too seriously; it conduces to a view of life in which humour, above all, has its due place.
To inquire after the meaning or object of one's own existence or of creation generally has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view. And yet everybody has certain ideals which determine the direction of his endeavours and his judgments. In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves--such an ethical basis I call more proper for a herd of swine. The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Without the sense of fellowship with men of like mind, of preoccupation with the objective, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific research, life would have seemed to me empty. The ordinary objects of human endeavour--property, outward success, luxury--have always seemed to me contemptible.
My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced freedom from the need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities. I gang my own gait and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart; in the face of all these ties I have never lost an obstinate sense of detachment, of the need for solitude--a feeling which increases with the years. One is sharply conscious, yet without regret, of the limits to the possibility of mutual understanding and sympathy with one's fellow-creatures. Such a person no doubt loses something in the way of geniality and light-heartedness ; on the other hand, he is largely independent of the opinions, habits, and judgments of his fellows and avoids the temptation to take his stand on such insecure foundations.
My political ideal is that of democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized. It is an irony of fate that I myself have been the recipient of excessive admiration and respect from my fellows through no fault, and no merit, of my own. The cause of this may well be the desire, unattainable for many, to understand the one or two ideas to which I have with my feeble powers attained through ceaseless struggle. I am quite aware that it is necessary for the success of any complex undertaking that one man should do the thinking and directing and in general bear the responsibility. But the led must not be compelled, they must be able to choose their leader. An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion, soon degenerates. For force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels. For this reason I have always been passionately opposed to systems such as we see in Italy and Russia to-day. The thing that has brought discredit upon the prevailing form of democracy in Europe to-day is not to be laid to the door of the democratic idea as such, but to lack of stability on the part of the heads of governments and to the impersonal character of the electoral system. I believe that in this respect the United States of America have found the right way. They have a responsible President who is elected for a sufficiently long period and has sufficient powers to be really responsible. On the other hand, what I value in our political system is the more extensive provision that it makes for the individual in case of illness or need. The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the State but the creative, sentient individual, the personality; it alone creates the noble and the sublime, while the herd as such remains dull in thought and dull in feeling.
This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of the herd nature, the military system, which I abhor. That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed. This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism by order, senseless violence, and all the pestilent nonsense that does by the name of patriotism--how I hate them! War seems to me a mean, contemptible thing: I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business. And yet so high, in spite of everything, is my opinion of the human race that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago, had the sound sense of the nations not been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press.
The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. It was the experience of mystery--even if mixed with fear--that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms--it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor do I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. Enough for me the mystery of the eternity of life, and the inkling of the marvellous structure of reality, together with the single-hearted endeavour to comprehend a portion, be it never so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature.
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