#but the overall vibes of it are funny enough to me that i had to make it anyways. let's all just learn to suspend our disbelief a bit
seventh-district · 26 days
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 6
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5]
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muchosbesitos · 9 months
el arreglo
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pairing: arranged marriage miguel x fem reader
warnings: miguel being an ass, guy grabbing the reader, oral (f receiving), mirror sex, and overall smut lol 🫣
author’s note: idk what my obsession is with writing asshole mig 😭 i hope you guys aren’t finding it repetitive or boring 🫣 anyways, enjoy <3
word count: 4014
When Miguel had agreed to this arranged marriage set up by your parents, he didn't seem himself having you bent over your shared bathroom sink as he pounded into you from behind, fisting your hair with one hand as he forced you to keep eye contact  with him through the mirror.
It started off at another gala that your father frequented, in an attempt to make himself respected in the business world. His business had recently skyrocketed in profits and he was being acknowledged for the hard work that he put in, but that still wasn't enough for your father. Despite the fact that he was gaining respect from other businesses and gaining opportunities, he quickly became greedy and obsessed when he found out that he was still being ignored by some. With that greed and obsession, the sweet father who used to play Monopoly with you quickly disappeared and transformed into someone ruthless.
You decided to wear a blue dress that plunged at the neckline all the way to your breasts along with a pair of silver stilettos to the gala, making some heads turn at your arrival. Your parents quickly went to go mingle with some of the other guests, eager to make a good impression, while you sat down at one of the tables and sipped on a glass of overpriced champagne. You looked up from your phone when you saw a shadow looming over you, glancing over at the man who was standing in front of you. He was tall, taller than anyone else in the room, and his black hair was pushed back to perfection. Despite how devilishly handsome he looked in the black tux he was wearing, you couldn't help but be enamored by his eyes. They were such a unique shade of brown, almost appearing red when the light hit them right.
"What are you doing here all alone?" He asked, sitting down in front of you as he took a glass of champagne from a waiter passing by. "My parents are out mingling, but conversation about how the stock market is progressing doesn't seem very interesting. and what are you doing here joining me in solitude?" You replied, taking a sip from your glass as you took in the man sitting in front of you. "Like you said, conversation with people who only really care about how many zeros are in your bank account isn't very fulfilling," he remarked, clinking his glass against yours as he took a sip. You looked down to where his hand was holding the champagne glass, the comparison almost funny before you started to think just what he could do with his hands. You snapped out of it, looking back at the man who was smirking at the sight of your flushed face. "So what's your name?" You asked, leaning a bit forward as you set down the glass. "Miguel. Miguel O’Hara, nice to meet you."
Soon after you two had finished up with your champagne glasses, he led you outside to the balcony with the excuse of wanting to hear you better. You two leaned against the balcony, watching some of the other guests arrive or looking up at the twinkling stars. You found conversation to be extremely easy with him, he wasn't anything like the prestigious assholes that your father had tried (and failed) to set you up with. "I don't know, I feel like you're giving me that kind of angsty angry at the world type of vibe," you said after the conversation had turned to what high school was like, eliciting a small laugh from him. "Sort of, yeah. And let me guess, you were the popular cheerleader?" He remarked, leaning against the balcony as he looked over at you. You rubbed the back of your neck nervously, letting out a small sigh before deciding to open up to Miguel. "Uh, no. My dad was struggling to get above profit every quarter so we couldn't afford the extracurriculars. I mean, it wasn't bad or anything but I did end up being the joke of the school," you replied, leaning against the balcony now. "For what it's worth, I would've loved to be your friend."
Eventually after a while of conversing, Miguel extended his hand out to invite you to dance. "You are aware that there's no music out here, right?" You asked, letting out a small laugh as you held his hand. "We'll dance to the rhythm of our hearts," he remarked, letting out a chuckle of his own as he began swaying to an imaginary soundtrack. "I was aware of how corny it was when it left my mouth," he mumbled, his cheeks flushed a bit red with embarrassment. You continued to dance with him, enjoying the way his body moved against yours and the body heat that he was radiating. You looked up to see his gaze already on you, those brown eyes almost sparkling with something similar to desire. "I'm gonna kiss you, is that okay?" He whispered, looking at you for a response. You nodded, closing your eyes as you leaned into it. His mouth was soft, inviting and you could taste the champagne he'd drank earlier along with something just so uniquely... him.
You pulled away when you heard the balcony door open, seeing your father standing there with a smile on his face. "Ah, I see that you've gotten yourself acquainted with your future husband," he remarked, patting Miguel’s shoulder before he walked next to you. Your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked from your father to Miguel, seeing the same expression on his face. "Husband?" You asked after a while, rubbing your arm nervously. "I wasn't aware that it would be you that i'm marrying, but yes, your father thought that us getting married would increase our business profits," Miguel responded, his face turning stone cold and you started to grow annoyed. You'd expected this from your father, to marry you off for his expense without any regard towards your feelings but now Miguel was pretending like there wasn't a spark between you two?
A couple weeks after the gala, your father arranged for your marriage with Miguel to be in the city courthouse with only some of your friends and his potential business partners. You were in the process of moving your stuff into his place in order to make the marriage seem more legitimate. When you arrived at Miguel’s house, you couldn't help but admire the sheer size of it and the amount of expensive decorations he put up, but you couldn't help but notice that it was missing a touch of home. It was like something out of an Airbnb catalog, not a place someone came for solace. The living room was devoid of any pictures of him or his family, full with paintings that must've cost a fortune.
After you finished setting your stuff down in the room he'd set apart for you, you decided to walk downstairs to the kitchen since you hadn't eaten breakfast that morning. You noticed Miguel sitting at the kitchen table in a plain white tee and sweatpants while he typed something up in his computer as you headed to the cupboards. You grabbed a bag of chips and looked over at Miguel, leaning over the table a bit. Things had been distant ever since the kiss and getting married, but you were determined to at least try to get along with your husband. "Hey, how's work going?" You asked, looking at him with a small smile as you opened up your bag of chips. "Can you open that somewhere else? It's too noisy," he grumbled, not bothering to look up from his computer. You let out a small sigh and picked up the bag of chips from the table, starting to walk away before you heard him speak up once more, "And don't think this is going to be a loving marriage. This is only a business transaction and you just happened to be one of the pawns."
You decided to start distancing yourself from Miguel after that, which was considerably easier since he was always away on business trips or working late. You constantly found yourself crying over Miguel’s neglect, wishing that he would show you at least a smidge of attention, but those tears were quickly replaced by burning anger when he rejected every advance you tried to get close to him. Eventually, you started shutting down completely and only coming out of the room when he wasn't home or when you two needed to attend an event together. Even at the events, he still kept you at an arm's length and made a point not to speak with you until it was time to go.
An art showing you were excited for quickly arrived, and you found yourself giggling and smiling when getting ready despite knowing that Miguel wouldn't act differently from those other times. You dressed in a red floor length dress with gold heels, your hair and makeup styled to perfection. You walked downstairs after Miguel complained about you taking too long, seeing his eyes widen just the slightest bit as he held his hand out for you to hold. "You look nice," he offered, walking with you to the car. You'd normally be excited and form delusions about how things were improving between the two of you, but you didn't feel like raising your own hopes for once. "Right because I spent two hours getting ready to look 'nice'," you responded, taking your hand away from his as you walked to the car.
The drive there was silent, the jazz music playing on the stereo filling up the atmosphere. You knew that you'd basically just snapped the only olive branch that he'd offered you, but you couldn't stand to deal with the disappointment that came after realizing that he still didn't like you. You looked out the window, Miguel’s hand lingering on the side of your thigh as he occasionally glanced at you. You two arrived at the gala a couple minutes later, only getting close to pose for pictures and sell the image of the perfect marriage.
You walked over to the bar, leaving Miguel alone as he went to go talk with some of his associates. "One whiskey, please," you asked the bartender when they came over, your eyes occasionally glancing over at what Miguel was doing or who he was talking to. You tried to push the thoughts aside as you took a sip of your whiskey, listening to one of the auctions going on. You finished up with your glass around the time that the auction had ended, looking over to see that Miguel was still busy mingling so you decided to head out to the balcony to get some fresh air.
You were looking out at the night sky when you felt a hand on your shoulder, turning around to see a man around your age giving you a polite smile. "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you're here alone. Aren't you O’hara’s wife?" He asked, leaning against the balcony as he turned to look at you. "I am, but I’m not really that big on socializing," you responded, turning to look over at him. He let out a dark chuckle as he lit up a cigar, taking a huff out of it before he turned to look at you once more. "You know Miguel doesn't really love you right? He's only with you out of convenience," he said after a while of silence, closing the gap between the two of you. "Even if we are, I don't see how that's any of your concern," you said, the words came out more defensively than you had intended them to. His hand lingered on your shoulder, brushing a strand piece of hair aside as his eyes darkened. "I'm just saying, if you're ever tired of being in a loveless marriage, he doesn't have to find out," he spoke a while after, his hand still resting close to you. You were about to push him away when you heard someone speak up behind you, "Get your damn hands off my wife."
You and Miguel walked back to the car in silence a couple minutes after that encounter, and you felt like a scolded kid despite the fact that it wasn't your fault. Once you two settled in the backseat, he turned to look over at you, his gaze softening up just the slightest bit. "Are you okay?" He asked, surprising you completely since he'd never bothered to ask. "What does it matter, Miguel?" You responded, pinching the bridge of your nose as you looked out the window. He spent a couple minutes in silence, before you noticed that you two weren't headed back to the house. "We're headed someplace else," he said, seeing the look of confusion on your face.
His driver pulled over to a secluded spot and Miguel helped you out of the car, grabbing a blanket from the trunk. He set down the blanket and sat down, patting the spot next to him. "You didn't bring me out here to murder me?" You asked, a brow raised as you sat down next to him. "No, that's a completely different spot," he replied, letting out a small chuckle as he glanced down at you. You spent a couple minutes looking at the clearing and at the constellations before glancing over at Miguel, deciding to ask the question that had been lingering in your mind for a while now. "What changed? I mean, why are you so distant despite the connection we had when we met?" You asked, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. He let out a sharp exhale, turning to look at you.
"I had a daughter, Gabriella. She was the center of my world, y'know? And then suddenly, she wasn't in my world anymore and that completely destroyed me. It was easy flirting with you in the beginning because I thought it would just be temporary, but then you turned out to be my wife. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with me. I'm scared that everything I love will end up destroyed," he spoke up after a couple minutes, his voice cracking a bit as he spoke. You were unsure of what to say, so you decided to stay quiet and simply rub your hand on his shoulder, but what you didn't know is that your presence was all Miguel needed to feel okay in that moment. You two stayed quiet for the rest of your time there, just taking the time to be close to each other and enjoy each other's presence for the first time.
Miguel had tried to be a more attentive husband after that trip, getting over his own fears and being vulnerable with you. He started talking to you about work, letting you ask stuff about his personal life, and let you sit down with him while he was typing away at his computer. You were scrolling through your phone while Miguel was working on his computer, not noticing when he had moved over to the couch to sit down next to you. "I have a business trip to go to, but I want to take you out on a proper dinner date when I get back. I know I haven't been the ideal husband but I'm trying here," he said, rubbing your ankle as he looked over at you. You placed your phone down, grateful at the amount of effort that Miguel was willing to put in to make the marriage a bit more bearable. "I appreciate the fact that you're trying. I can't wait," you responded, sitting up to kiss his cheek and hoping that the small act wouldn't scare him off. He responded to the kiss fairly well, returning it and turning the tv on so you two could relax for a bit.
About a week later, you had received a text from Miguel that he would be arriving from his business trip today around 7. You couldn't help but feel excited at the fact that you were finally going to go on an actual date with your husband, so you started dancing in the bathroom while you brushed your teeth. You spent about an hour taking care of your appearance, putting on hydrating face masks and shaving before going to get dressed. You settled on putting a short dress that complimented your curves perfectly with a pair of silver heels, the jewelry matching them. You took out your makeup bag and started to finish getting ready in front of the bathroom mirror, not noticing that Miguel had come inside.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder as he placed a kiss on your neck. "You look stunning," he whispered, the proximity of how close he was combined with the compliment making the wires in your brain short circuit. You turned around to look at him, seeing that he was already dressed to go out, with the color of shirt matching your dress and black slacks. You couldn't help but notice the loose tie hanging around his neck so you decided to lean in to fix it before he grabbed your hand, kissing the top of it as he looked up at you. "I wanted to be a gentleman and take you out to dinner first but I just can't help myself."
Miguel did quick work of taking himself out of his pants, placing you on the bathroom counter as he looked up at you. "Is this okay with you?" He asked, his hands gently rubbing on your thighs, not wanting to do anything without your proper consent. "More than okay," you responded, watching as he slid your dress up to your hips. He got on his knees, starting to lick a stripe up your thigh before he did quick work of slipping your panties down. "Such a pretty pussy," he whispered before he leaned in, running his mouth through your folds. His tongue explored every part of you, basking in the experience as he gently tugged and sucked. He licked a stripe from your weeping hole to your clit, your manicured hands tugging on his hair. He slipped his tongue inside, letting out a low moan as the vibrations went through you, causing your legs to twitch a bit.
He gripped your legs tightly as he sucked on your hole, lapping at the juices you were releasing. He looked up at you with his tongue buried in you, the tip of his nose wet from your juices. You let out a small moan at how pretty he was, your hips grinding against his face as you sought out more. "So greedy," he said with a small chuckle, taking his pointer and middle finger to tap against your lower lip. You opened up your mouth, your tongue running the sides as you sucked on his fingers. He took them out and got on his knees once more, slipping them inside of you with ease. You let out a loud moan as you felt his fingers curl to hit your g-spot, your toes curling in the silver heels. Your legs began to twitch as he started to suck on your clit, his tongue working expertly to provide you with pleasure you needed. His fingers and mouth worked in tandem to provide you with the stimulation you craved, your hands tugging on his hair as your hips grinded against his face. "I-I'm close!" You moaned out, the peak of your climax approaching quickly with every suck of your clit. With one final thrust of his fingers, you gushed around them, your face contorted in pleasure. He got up from the floor, his eyes on you as he sucked your release from his fingers.
Miguel kept you in the same position as he aligned his cock with your pussy, his gaze on you as he started to slide himself in. He let out a low moan as he bottomed out, his hands on your hips while he started off slowly. He grabbed his discarded tie off the counter, tying your hands together and your legs were on his shoulders, the angle allowing Miguel to slip in deeply with ease. He started moving faster when he noticed your hips moving against his, his balls slapping against your ass. Your walls clenched around him tightly, eliciting a moan to come out of him as he thrusted in you faster. The grip on your hips was sure to leave you bruises by tomorrow, but you couldn't find it to care with all the pleasure he was giving you. He looked up at the mirror, seeing your body underneath his and got an idea.
He bent you over the mirror, having you look at yourself as he slid inside of you once more. You pressed your hands down on the counter as he began to quicken up the pace, your back flush against his chest as you closed your eyes. He couldn't have that, of course, so he tugged on your hair, forcing you to keep eye contact with him through the mirror. You felt a new wave of arousal coat his cock as he maintained the eye contact, your walls clenching around him tightly. His balls slapped against your ass as he thrusted in deeply and quickly, seeking out for both of you to get to that peak. His thumb rubbed small circles on your clit, gently pinching it as he worked to give you what he could. "You look so pretty taking me like this, tesoro," he moaned out, raising one of his hands to slap your ass. You felt your legs tremble as he continued to hit your g-spot and his thumb stimulated your clit, quickly coming to your orgasm. (treasure)
Your release formed a creamy white ring around the base of his cock, your eyes closed in pure bliss. He pressed your face against the mirror, shaking his head in fake disappointment as he continued to thrust in your pussy, seeking out his own release. "Keep your eyes on the mirror," he said, the command coming out more breathless than he expected. With one final thrust, his cum coated your walls as he fucked into you. He let his chest fall against your back, gripping you tightly as he got his breathing under control. He slipped his softening cock out of you, his fingers pushing the cum leaking from your pussy back inside. You took his fingers in your mouth, sucking them off once more as you tasted the combined release from you two.
He helped you get cleaned up and even cooked up some spaghetti before he laid down in bed with you. He gently rubbed your shoulders as you started to drift off to sleep, his chest flush against your back. "Thank you.. for not giving up on me. I really appreciate it," he whispered, kissing your cheek as he stroked your thigh. "You're a person worth knowing," you replied, turning around to face him as your hand rested on his cheek. You felt yourself growing sleepy from the combined body warmth and how good his fingers felt on your skin. "You can go to sleep, I'll be here in the morning."
He, however, was not there in the morning when you woke up. You thought that after the time you spent getting close to him and especially now after having sex, he would start to open up to the possibility of advancing your relationship. However, it seemed like the act simply pushed him away further and erased the progress you had achieved. You decided to knock on his office door, getting tired of the silent treatment and mixed signals to ask what was going on and he simply responded with, "What we did was a mistake. I'm sorry that you thought we could be something more but you're just a business transaction."
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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WenZhou x Memes! and, of course, some thoughts. More memes below + explanations! (Very Long Post)
You know other men?
The first one above was based on a famous "you know other men?" meme, that Bichen suggested we take part in (in the TYK community). I wanted to make ZZS smile at WKX's antics because it makes him laugh, ofc, and because he's quite fond of that wife act WKX enjoys playing so much.
The Barbie meme
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Interestingly enough, this one has sparked quite a bunch of discussions online. When we had talked about making the meme for TYK!WenZhou, both Moose (@butleronice) and I thought that having ZZS as the serious one felt a bit strange. I feel like TYK!ZZS as I know him is rather goofy and would be more likely to make fun of the situation and the authorities that he doesn't take seriously.
WKX, besides in ZZS' presence, in the book, tends to act very cold and not necessarily civil--especially if you think those would be Jianghu authorities. Not saying the reverse wouldn't work, of course! But for my conception of the characters, it felt off. However--on twitter, we both received more comments than necessary saying: "This should be the opposite." "WKX should be the fun one--", etc. I have to confess that this left me worried regarding ZZS' reputation, considering that more often than not, when I make him to be the goofier, more stupid looking one, I get surprised reactions. I wonder what exactly has given him these... serious, un-fun vibes for many people.
The way I see it, in the book, ZZS is quite fun, overly civil and polite in a fake-smiley way, gets himself in absurd situations and WKX comments on him as being ridiculous and goofy. Of course, in ZZS' presence, WKX himself acts in a very extra way, but overall, in the book, WKX is quite closed-off and cold towards others, and doesn't give those vibes of being fun, extra or goofy to me. (I won't lie, I do blame the first and most popular translations for that, as they make ZZS quite stiff in the dialogs and I feel like this doesn't help...) I don't think it's a problem if people see them differently, though! But it was upsetting to see how some people did (quite rudely in some case) allow themselves to tell us how wrong we were, especially considering the time and care we both put in our decision to characterise them this way (and work on their expressions).
I recommend going to check Moose's version on her twitter as well (@butleronduty)!!
Equal strength
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This one was based on a meme posted by Choco (@kwehxing) on twitter; about how this dialog would be fun for WenZhou.
I, once again, considered that yeah, maybe the default would have WKX turn any situation into a reason to fuck--but at the same time, I wondered: is it really his style? Isn't he having plenty of situations in which he can bring that up, already? I like to read ZZS as having a certain competence kink, and I think he gets off of sparring and feeling WKX's strength. I thought it fun to imagine him getting really worked up from sparring and using that as an excuse to demand fucking because OBVIOUSLY what else. I guess that to me, this is a reflection of how his mind is working.
The Tintin parody
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My friend Angel brought a tintin parody comic from the @tintinades account on twitter and instagram. Here is the original. I thought it could be really fun to adapt it for WenZhou with a little twist at the end. Of course, mastering qinggong, WenZhou probably don't really need the ropes--although I think that ZCL isn't able to safely cross the road yet which is why they wanted to make a way. However, WKX clearly got distracted and went on ahead, hehe.
The distracted BF
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This one was suggested by Bichen again--a classic, which worked really well and was actually quite funny when using Hoboxu.
He wants to order
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This was the first meme I ever drew for WenZhou, following the "he/she wants to order" pattern. Pretty self-explanatory!
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Can I please request Trey, Jack, Kalim and Leona reacting to their little sibling (Cheka in Leona's case) asking the reader if they can marry them?
Hi, thank you for the ask! I'm guessing you mean the boys' younger siblings asking the reader to marry their bf? If not let me know, I took this approach for the ask :)
You get asked by Trey, Jack, Kalim's siblings and Cheka about marriage to their older brothers
He's lowkey embarrassed but he's laughing when he hears this
Trey had invited you over during the holidays and you two were helping out in the bakery. Trey's younger brothers came in and saw how you were busy by yourself. Deciding this was the chance to ask you a bunch of questions, they went and just rapid-fire asking when you were planning on marrying Trey
"Guys, guys, they're trying to do the icing on the cake leave them be," Trey pats his siblings on the back and tries to move them away from you. But the kids just keep going "Are you going to wear a suit? A dress? What about the cake flavor!"
Overall Trey thinks it's kind of funny, if anything if you answer these questions expect to see Trey blushing a little bit. Also expect him to daydream about a wedding more after this little incident haha
You were probably playing with Jack and his siblings when you were visiting them. You were already worn out by how much running everyone did but they all seemed to have superhuman stamina so you gave up and sat in the snow
Soon enough everyone else joined you, watching the clouds pass slowly in the sky. But then his younger sister started to ask you questions about your relationship with Jack. They knew you two were dating but they wanted to hear all of your date stories!
Jack tried to stop them from asking too many in case you didn't want to answer but they lowkey ignored his plea. They started to ask you "When are you going to marry Jack?" "He's been thinking about the kind of cake you two might have!" "Are you going to live close by?"
"T-that's enough you two," Jack's red in the face while you're laughing at the cute questions along with Jack's reaction. If you do answer any of these questions expect Jack to just look away shyly while the siblings giggle. You two are so wholesome omg
He has a lot of siblings, but during one fancy event you got to meet a lot of them. While they might not all be close to Kalim, most of them knew about his relationship with you.
However what you didn't expect from this event was the amount of times you would be asked by Kalim's siblings (and aunts) on marriage. Will you get married next week? What kind of venue did you want to have? Things like that. His younger siblings were especially keen on asking 80% of these questions while the adults tried to stop them haha
Kalim overheard you answering one of the questions about how you wanted to wear something nice, whether it is a dress, a suit, or something else entirely. "Aww, I think you'll look great," Kalim smiles at you. He finds you really cute when you blush at his compliment
He's the only one that doesn't get embarrassed, though he does feel a little fluttery in his stomach with the idea of actually marrying you, it fee's like a dream. Kalim's also really glad that his siblings seem to already treat you like a part of the family
He was dreading this to ever happen, hence never mentioning letting you stay with him during the holidays. However, Farena's wife wanted to meet you and Leona had to agree
During your time at his home, you got to know his brother better along with the others in the royal family. Cheka frequently followed you around, mainly because he was curious as to who you were and also because he liked your vibes
Cheka asks a lot of questions, but at some point he started to ask if you were going to marry Leona and when. Right when Leona himself was with you. Leona, though usually chill, for the first time nearly spit out his drink and just turned slightly red in the face.
If you answer (with a little laugh of course), Cheka will just continue asking more questions about marriage. Leona, crossing his arms and refusing to look at you in the eye, will listen closely. He may not show it, but thinking about marrying you makes his heart beat faster and just makes him feel all warm inside, which in turn translates to him just being more emotionally constipated haha
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yardsards · 2 months
This is why I refuse to watch/read delicious in dungeon. The entire thing gives me fatphobic vibes.
see the premise as a whole is actually very body positive (i myself had similar worries that a story about eating "healthy" would rely on fatphobic ideas of "healthy", but was pleasantly surprised). like, its approach to "healthy" is "make sure you're eating enough of everything so that your body has enough fuel. make sure you're resting enough and not overworking." rather than "you must not eat The Bad Junk Food." (like, there's one part early on where they're like "oh, we've eaten too much vegetables and lean meat, we need to eat more fat" so they search for fatty meat and eggs. and then later they eat deep fried food and no one is ever like "oh no, this is too fattening" they're just like "wow this is great it's so crispy and tasty")
and the core message of it all is just like "your body is a part of you, and is the part of you that allows you to do things and reach your goals. don't treat it like a burden or an afterthought." and the series has had a positive impact on the way i view and treat my body
and overall, it's better than a lot of other popular anime series in terms of representing realistic and diverse body types. our two human (or "tallman" as they're called in-universe) main characters, laios and falin, are not super skinny, with no wasp waist or shrink-wrapped abs. i would not consider either of them fat in canon, but they're still fatter than your average popular anime character. certain races like dwarves and orcs are just naturally stout, and are never treated as being unhealthy or unattractive because of their weight. fatness is said to be a respected trait among adventurers, as a sign that you're good at survival and can safely recover from injuries.
however. the show has a few small things that make me raise my eyebrows. one or two iffy offhand comments (glaring at you, That One Conversation about laios's hunger near the end) that in most media i'd just be like "sighhh, normalized societal fatphobia strikes again, as expected." but for this series it's like "god damn it, i expected better from you."
and some things about how body types between fantasy races are handled leaves something to be desired for me. like yeah dwarves are all stocky, but also elves are all slender. it makes sense for the different fantasy races to have different *average* body types, but i wish we got to see more variation from those averages between individuals.
(also, i can fully understand praising laios and falin's canon body types! even medium body types are underrepresented in most media and it's good to see more of them! but calling them *fat* representation just feels inaccurate to me)
it's just like. dungeon meshi is GOOD in terms of body positivity and representation, but it's not PERFECT.
like, i love this show/manga (if you couldn't tell from the content of my blog)
mostly i voice my complaints bc like. i'm tired of tumblr getting it's hands on a piece of media that is good and generally progressive and acting like the media is *perfect*. and then proceeding to treat anyone who points out things the media could have done better as if they personally slayed your firstborn. (and then, months later, after the hype dies down, realize that some of that criticism was actually very valid, and then violently knock the piece of media down from its pedestal. and act like everyone involved in the media's creation are irredeemable scum and that anyone who still likes it should be ashamed)
so yeah, funny dungeon show good, and i strongly recommend it if you like fantasy stories and food and worldbuilding, just don't expect it to be a flawless paragon of representation and fat positivity
(also take everything i say here with a grain of salt bc i myself am thin, i just care a lot about representation in media and body acceptance and dismantling fatphobia)
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okay. So I've finished book 1 of keeper of the lost cities for the first time. And I'm loving this keefe dude already?? Like I never thought I'd like a fictional character so quickly. All it took was like one page for me to fall for him, I am aware that keefe is one of the most loved characters in the fandom, and I can see why (correct me if I'm wrong).
Also the book is a solid 9.5/10, the only thing I was frustrated about was probably the slight info dumping about the whole blackswan thing towards the end? because it took me like 3 reads to understand the whole situation, of course, we could just narrow it down to me being slow too, lol. But I'm VERY excited to continue reading the rest. So while we're at it, I'll put in my first impressions of the characters, so I can look back on it after I've read all the books, to see how much my perception has changed of them.
Sophie- i like her, she's really mature for her age, I keep forgetting that she's like 12 lmao. But she's well written, her emotions seem very raw and natural. Of course, she may seem overpowered but, I think that's the whole point of the story, she is supposed to be overpowered, so I don't mind and i wouldn't call her a Mary sue. Overall great protagonist, my girlie deserves a break tho, she got dumped in the hospital atleast 6 times lol.
Fitz- i actually think he's cool. I liked him better in the beginning of the story tho, I feel like afterwards, the dude kinda just disappeared a little? Keefe and Sophie seemed to have more private interaction than those two, and keefe literally only came by in the middle. But yeah, I feel like he had more of a personality in the start. Keefe and Dex, in my opinion had more personality in 5 minutes than fitz did the whole book, but I wouldn't judge so quickly, it's only the first book after all, Hopefully he'd have more page time in the later books. I still like him tho, just not as much as keefe.
Dex- Yeah he is such a typical best friend, I love him. His beef w the vackers is so funny lol I was relieved when Sophie stuck with him even after she became popular tho, also, he seems to have a crush on sophie right? It's kinda obvious, but overall friendship goals 10/10. I vocally "AWW-ed" after he said "are you kidding, i can't wait to tell everyone that you're my first friend" like I need a guy bestie like him :(
Alden- honestly, my heart warmed so much with his father-like dynamic with sophie tbh. He seemed to genuinely care about her well being, but I don't want to get too attached to him tho, just in case becomes a traitor or some shit later on, you can literally never tell with the adults lol. I've read enough books to back that up. But yeah, i really like him and della, the amount of reassuring hugs he gives sophie really heals me :(, They're like sophies 2nd (well, in her case, 3rd) parents. The amount of effort and lengths Alden put to get her out of trouble is actually sweet.
Elwin- This guy is such a W. He is like an adult keefe tbh. He is probably my favorite adult so far lol.
Cassius- I'm sorry, but Mr jerk face over here reminds me SO much of Lucius Malfoy??? Like ?? I feel so bad for Keefe, like poor baby leave him alone smh. I really wanna deck his royal highness in the face tbh.
Biana- absolutely loathed her in the beginning, she gave off such bad snob vibes lol but I love her now. I like the trope of two people forced to be friends w eachother by someone actually end up becoming friends. It's rather uncommon as far as I've read, atleast.
Grady and Edaline- is it bad that i thought they were going to be evil? Yeah I have so much trust issues, it's concerning. But yeah, they're both big W's, their backstory, their temporary contemplation to reject sophies adoption, everything aligned well with their backstory. Greatly written characters.
And last but not least, the king himself, Keefe- okay, he's like added to my list of fictional crushes now lol (along with Percy Jackson, Jason grace, Steve Harrington, chat noir, Eugene fitzherbert, edmund pevensie and Ravi singh ofc). How does sophie not have a fat crush on him, like- ma'am if you don't want him, I'll take him. But jokes aside, he feels like the most authentic character out of them all, tbh. Epitome of great writing. He was inserted to the story as this random dude that sophie runs into, and becomes an og in like 5 minutes. He is like a mix of Eugene from tangled, Kristoff from Frozen and chat noir from mlb all at the same time?? I cannot wait to see more of him and his backstory, especially with his parents. I know alot of people dislike the humorous guy with depression trope since it's overused, but I like how it played out on keefe, he uses school as an escape, which is very relatable.
Also, bonus, i LOVE the world building, the light leaping and all, very creative. I cannot wait to get my hands on book 2
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mari-lair · 6 months
your posts about this newest chapter are so real because it disappointed me so much.
It was way too lighthearted and just seemed like a huge joke. I was expecting the trial to have suspense where you can really feel for the characters and wonder what will happen next, but it just ended up being comedic. It was funny, I’ll give it that, but I really really wanted some angst.
This may just be me, but Teru felt so out of canon to me. I can understand him putting on that “flawless student council” mask but it feels odd considering he is around mostly supernaturals. He is shown to be very intelligent and considering he is an exorcist and they are school mysteries why tf would that “look at how beautiful I am I could never” argument work. It was funny, sure, but just seemed out of canon for him.
Akane felt a little out of canon too to me? Probably not but he seemed to fully accept his role as a judge with little to no guilt at all. We don’t really get him looking guiltily at Teru or feeling frustrated, he’s just kind of there. Probably because (as always) the story focused on Hanako, Yashiro, and Tsukasa.
NOW UGHH TSUKASA IS SO FAVORITED ITS PAINFUL. You’re telling me after all that suspense around the clock keepers he takes them out in TWO PANELS. The clock keepers seem like a fucking joke in this chapter instead of the powerful mysterious beings they have shown to be previously.
Overall I expected something much more satisfying and I hope next chapter will be a little better because the last chapter got me so excited for nothing.
just my opinion though, I know some people enjoyed this chapter and that’s totally ok! just not my personal favorite
That's a mood ya-rr-ow. Big mood.
Many people enjoyed the chapter, and I'm happy for them, but I was also majorly disappointed so I'll talk about what you mentioned here and add some other things.
(I will just focus on the negatives here so if you're feeling hyped about the chapter. I am sorry, I wouldn't recommend reading this)
Okay let's go
Chapter 108 went out of its way to create a tense atmosphere, it was mostly a set up and hype piece for the trial.
Mirai was a beast, but Akane was the one that really set up the tone. He had the power to make Teru harmless, which only hyped up the other clock keepers since he is the lowest ranking keeper. Mirai and Kako's supposed power was said to be dangerous enough to make Akane, who hates supernaturals and is so firm in his beliefs, feel cornered, switch sides to 'do his duties', his vague words hinting that there is more to this trial than it seems on the surface.
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So I don't think we were being delusional to expect this trial to be dramatic. To have angst. Or at least, character dept. To be important.
But despite the trial being the title, the spotlight, we got none of it: Not only is the trial treated as a joke, which I already don't vibe with considering how tense the atmosphere in chapter 108 is. It is an empty joke.
It doesn't teach us anything about the characters, it doesn't give any new information. Nothing.
Hanako's trial was a gag. He isn't even my priority character, but considering how he have the title of 'leader of the mysteries' and had been put on trial before for the Yorishiro's destruction, it is a baffling choice to make Kako not mention this big BIG crime when judging him.
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Nene's trial 'revealed' she likes Hanako and want to confess to him. Which she has been doing this whole manga.
We could talk about her time crimes (every time travel that made her meet Amane), try to bargain her lifespan since this is the main conflict in the story and they are talking to the keepers of time. They could talk about her crime of helping to destroy the yorishiros with Hanako, or just acknowledge she is still a threat since she is the Kannagi, the only one capable of ripping their yorishiro in the first place. But no, those are stupid, let's spend 4 full pages of a monthly manga to tease a confession she already did in the very previous chapter.
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Teru revealed he has some craving for destruction on him. Which surprise, surprise! It also isn't new information! How nice!
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( I talked about his love for the idea of destruction and how it's almost an escapism recently, here you go if you're curious)
About Teru and Akane's acting weird. That's not them being ooc, that's Aidairo making a narrative choice to not take anything serious, including his own characters. Everyone is acting like themselves, and nothing contradicts what has been established about their personalities, but their competence has been drastically downgraded to move the plot quickly.
Teru has the bad habit of becoming pathetic when he has strong feelings, like locking himself in his room and hiding under the covers after his fight with Kou, immediately hitting Akane's stab wound when he is too late to rescue aoi cause the situation stressed him. So it is in character that he wants to kill Akane, who has always been his stress relief.
However, because Teru takes things so personally, and it was stablished in chapter 108 that Teru is way more bothered by Akane's betrayal than being in a court of law, it makes no sense that he treat it as a normal court instead of using his very obvious alibi that he couldn't destroy the clock because he was with Akane. Teru doesn't turn this court into the confrontation that would bring attention to their split up, doesn't go "Are you doing to deny my alibi now?? betray me again??" or question "So? We are here! Why did it had to be now??" or anything that builds up on the last chapter to expand it.
Cause Aidairo decided the court doesn't matter. The build up doesn't matter. Once more, the consequences are an afterthought. We don't need the answers to anything.
Akane is still guilty, he can't look at Teru in the eye, can't defend him, but he goes "!!!" when Teru finally calls for him, paying full attention.
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But this is comedic. And as i mentioned above, Teru doesn't say anything useful, anything with more depth than what we already know: that he is angry by Akane's betrayal and hasn't forgiven him.
We TRULY are given nothing in this trial.
Which is insane, cause even the promo art had details to build intrigue, a vague idea that while the chapter would be comedic in nature, it would explain more about the clock keepers, or at least expand on their boundaries.
Like, what are those numbers on the scale? will they be judged by year? Will a lie make their time be stolen? oooh what could it be! Can't wait for the chapter!
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And the chapter comes, and there is nothing. The whole trial feels like filler. They treated the audience as a fool for being excited.
That's why this big twist at the end? I don't care.
As you said Tsukasa is overpowered, they are Aidairo's golden child. And they will break established lore rules and make a joke out of everyone else just cause he can.
It's not just Teru and Akane who were nerfed to make the plot move faster, not allowed to have any proper focus. The clock keepers were also a joke, acting 'in character' but more incompetent than they have been stablished to be.
Tsukasa op moment doesn't make me go "wow he is so cool" it made me look at the clock keepers and go "You are all are stupid"
Cause Tsukasa has the judgment seal?? And he was already sentenced as guilty??? There are three clock keepers in the room too? So why not... you know... restrict him again...?
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The clock keepers is a school rumor that was introduced all the way back in chapter 23. Like you said they are supposed to be super op! They are a mystery so hyped up that just Mirai's power (who isn't the strongest keeper) can throw the intire school into chaos in the Near Shore, where supernaturals are debuffed.
Even before Tsukasa attacked he made the clock keepers act incompetent, to make him look more mysterious and cool in comparison.
These very old and supposedly op school mysteries know Yugi Amane is Hanako, but they don't know who Amane's twin brother 'Tsukasa' is, they also don't refer to him as a yorishiro despite the seal being in his face, and use titles for every other character (Leader of the school mysteries. Kannagi. Student Body Representative)
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Which might look like a small thing, silly nitpick, but it shows the favoritism isn't just for a twist. Aidairo naturally likes Tsukasa more than his own narrative, and is willing to make others be less competent for the sake of it.
I don't think Kako will die. That would objectively be bad writing at this point. He'll probably be back in the next chap, a la "teru got fucked up by No.6" and "Akane got stabbed by Aoi but he lives bitch" or even "i always had a ton of clones, like Mei of the art room" but it is still disappointing to see him and Mirai get fucked up in their own boundary after all the hype they have accumulated through the story.
There is a hint Akane can be a yorishiro at the end of the chapter, and that is cool, genuinely really cool, but I am tired of getting excited over possibilities and 'promises for the future'. I want something concrete.
Speaking of which, I don't think Akane will die. This is just another bait to keep reading like when No.6 slashed Teru, Kou, and Akane and we didn't get any answers for a few months before 'oh well nothing happened :) no consequences to be had here folks!'
"But Tsukasa has always killed everyone that he pulled the heart of! there is Mitsuba, and The puffer fish of the mermaid, and the previous No.3 (the bird)" And to that I say I trust Akane's ability to say fuck to fate.
My boy gets new death flags every year, he collects them like pokemon cards, you all should have gotten used to it.
He also survived his bae stabbing him, this isn't new. Sucks to be Tsukasa and die by a stab in the gut and all but Akane is built differently (quite literally with two bodies).
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He is also in his own boundary, so if Aoi doesn't kill him while in the territory of another mystery, but he dies in No.1's boundary I will... idk probably just sigh.
In short, Aidairo treated this as joke, so I will treat their cliffhanger as one too. Give me reasons to care in chapter 110. Cause at the moment? I don't.
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panlight · 5 months
you mentioned the saga has too many side characters for a love story. In your opinion - who could be removed, without having their disappearance effecting the overall story? Personally i feel like Esme and Emmett could be taken out and there wouldn't be so much that'd change. But i never really thought about others. I guess the movies did well with removing Lauren and Ben.
My dilemma is that I LOVE all the side characters. By and large I find them more interesting than the mains. BUT because Twilight is, after all, a romance . . . there's just not a lot of 'room' for the side characters. Which is probably why I find them interesting! Because we get just enough information about them that I want to know more, but also leaves plenty of room for headcanons and personal interpretations.
But since romances are always about the central couple, there's just really no need for so MANY characters in this series. The movies were smart to combine some of the human high school characters to get the numbers down there, but since most of the other characters don't have any arcs or storylines of their own, they could have been cut or combined too. Does the wolfpack 'need' Paul AND Jared? Do Brady and Collin do anything? Do we really 'need' three Volturi leaders and all those guards? Do we 'need' all those visiting vampires in covens of 3-4, or could we have had more solo vamps or just pairs?
And yes, with the Cullens, it's absolutely Esme and Emmett. And I love them! They're some of my favorites! But in terms of the plot you just don't need them. You need Carlisle as the creator of Edward and for all the times the plot calls for a doctor. You need Alice as the facilitator of the romance and the quirky friend you often see in romances. Plus, her power plays a large role in the plot. Jasper has the New Moon attack and the history with newborns which becomes relevant in Eclipse. And Rosalie becomes important in Breaking Dawn, and she had a fun slightly antagonistic vibe. But you could cut out Emmett and Esme and the plot would not meaningfully change. In fact, in some way, it might improve.
For example I never really got why Edward was so hopeless about ever finding love when he has examples in his own family/coven of it taking a long, long time to find a partner. It took Jasper almost 100 years. It took Carlisle about 250. Rosalie and Emmett were outliers! Edward being all "forever alone" after 90 years as a vampire always felt a little off, like, there's still time. He's roughly at the age Jasper was when he met Alice. But if Carlisle and Rosalie were also still single, that makes Edward's hopelessness make a bit more sense. Like "if Carlisle the Amazing has not found a partner in 350 years what hope do I have?" or whatever.
Or you could try to combine characters. A Jasper/Emmett hybrid miiiiiight work. Emmett's backstory never matters, but you would have to sacrifice some elements of each of their personalities. I don't think making Rosalie Carlisle's wife/Edward's mother would work at all though. Feels wrong just to put it into words. Would combining Alice and Esme, making her Carlisle's wife/Edward's mother, and then having Rosalie with the Jasper/Emmett hybrid be better? Ugh, no, still doesn't work.
I think they all gotta be single, with Alice/Jasper the only couple. And then, yeah, the Edward/Bella thing would feel more miraculous. It was always funny to me it was like "oh no! the love between a human and vampire is forbidden and/or never works out well!" when literally in Edward's own family there were two couples who met when one was still human. I mean admittedly Emmett was minutes from death but still, technically, Rosalie and Carlisle both ended up with humans they 'saved.' Then there's Benjamin going back for Tia; Aro choosing human Sulpicia, like, it's not that usual. But you erase the R/Em and C/Es couples and then, sure, Ed/B seems more rare and impossible.
Ultimately, though, rather than cut characters I'd rather expand to the story to be more of an ensemble fantasy adventure WITH a romance rather than a romance that dips in and out of fantasy adventure. You can have a central character, and even a central romance, and still develop side characters and let them have their own arcs. Jasper could have actually had an arc about overcoming his thirst instead of just sulking about how Bella is so good at it. Carlisle could have had something about actually convincing some vampires to become vegetarian. Alice discovering her human origins could have had more of a meaningful effect on her characterization rather than just being something she infodumps on Bella as a fun bit of trivia. Esme and Emmett could have had plot-relevant reasons to exist rather than Rosalie and Carlisle just needing partners. And Ed/B's romance could still have been the centerpiece.
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ot3 · 8 months
finishing up fionna and cake... overall it was a fun ride but i really don't think it worked structurally. 6/10 show. i didnt think this was gonna be a long post but apparently i've got some thoughts. sticking below the cut
this last episode is kind of underwhelming... theres a couple of parts in this ep where they just sit and explain to the camera how simon realized betty was constantly sacrificing her own desires for simon and how simon wanted to put on the crown because he thought he didn't deserve to live. and it's not like those are bad realization for the show to come to but the show has very clearly established that it's intended for a more adult audience than the original adventure time, and so this kind of writing just feels really condescending when not directed at literal children. like yeah we could have figured this out from the writing, but. you didn't have to just tell us
i also didn't vibe with scarab as a villain, he felt super arbitrary to me. like they needed Something to be forcing them to move between dimensions, but i feel like scarab was an extremely meh choice for that. he wasn't particularly funny or interesting enough as a character to get to be one of the only people who showed up in every episode. i honestly think it would have been better if the existential threat these characters were facing was more of a force than a character, because it was already running so tight on time anyway it didn't really have the space to develop a good villain.
gary and marshall's screentime was another thing that i felt like is a huge waste of space. them doing their whole meet cute bakery au romance is something that's funny on paper but it's not compelling on its own and the only slight interest it has comes from our pre-existing investment in marceline and bubblegum's much more interesting dynamic. it didn't add anything to the overall arc of the show and took up time that could have been used to deliver more solidly on the core premise.
fionna and cake themselves were really cute but i don't feel like fionna's arc was as strong as it could have been. like ohhh yay shes come to love her normal world with all its imperfections.... obviously thats where it was going the whole time and once again. its not like i mind that ending. i just feel like they didn't do anything interesting with it. her character doesn't get to learn and progress as much as she's just marching down a straight path that we all already knows where it leads. i wish they would have just called the show 'Simon' so i wouldn't have to feel so disappointed in this.
adventure time has always been on the cutting edge of bizarre stuff in animation so the biggest let down overall with this show is how much when you strip away the Adventure Time coating of surrealist visuals on top of it it just feels like any other middling adventure cartoon. it didn't lean enough into the episodic structure to benefit from that the way the original show did, and it was too beholden on the episodic structure to linger on any of the parts that were actually compelling.
overall, the show feels like pandering to the adventure time fanbase, but in kind of a lazy way. Compare this to the distant land specials which I think were pandering in an excellent way. im not anti pandering by any means. The whirlwind tour through universes and characters that lifetime adventure time fans will recognize tries to come off as a love letter to the series, but instead just comes off as the adventure time version of that 'rejected ready player one theme song' video. remember farmworld? remember prismo? remember the vampire king? remember shermy and beth? remember Up a Tree? like. yeah. i do remember. thanks. do you have anything to say about any of this stuff or - oh. no. just showing me. got it.
its not someting i think i'll ever rewatch but at just ten eps definitely worth one watch through. theres some really good fun to be had in it and the art is gorgeous all the way through, it just fails to come together into a successful complete work.
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awful-little-goose · 7 months
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Some more doodles with Buzz!
Buzz (or Buzzbuzz) kinda plays the role of the “teacher” character, sorta like Dora y’know? Of course, it comes from a play on “spelling bee”. They don’t- control it, and sorta just blurt out facts, lessons, or questions to the camera- which greatly confuses both the other humans and Buzz themselves.
Now for how they feel about other characters!
They like Kinger well enough! He’s the only one who doesn’t complain about the bees that spontaneously spawn near Buzz, so they like to give him some bees every now and then since he likes insects. He sometimes calls them “Their Majesty Bee”, as a variant for “queen bee”, no one knows if he’s purposely making a joke or just- being odd. Overall they view him as a sort of slightly crazy but still nice uncle
They really do not like Jax. Since Buzz is HEAVILY influenced by cartoon logic, any accident they may suffer may result in an extremely amusing (yet still unpleasant) visual…so that means it’s twice as more funny to cause them harm for Jax
Buzz has a lot of sympathy for Gangle. As a pretty laid back and somewhat optimistic person, they always try to cheer up Gangle when they’re stuck with their tragedy mask, by trying to shine another light on the situation at hand or performing tricks
They’re not too fond of Zooble (who- is personally my favorite character LSKSKSK I love them so much). Again, as someone who’s rather laid back and onboard with doing lots of activities, they don’t really vibe with a person’s whose whole stitch is “fuck off, leave me alone”. Still, they know that Zooble is far from being an ass like Jax is, and the two of them get along from time to time
Buzz gets along with Raggs pretty well. Since Buzz’s room is basically a garden, they like to take her there to garden together- they’re fully aware of how stressed out she really is, so they try to help out in their own way. It’s their way of thanking her for being such a positive force around
They’re…conflicted when it comes to Caine. On one hand, they don’t hate being there at the Digital Circus, and they appreciate how invested he seems to be in keeping them active and stimulated. Yet, they can’t help but feel uneasy around him…their wings will start buzzing and their ears/antennas will get all twisted
They…don’t dislike Pomni, but her concerning attitude and obsession with that so called “exit” make them wary around her. They’d also just like her to relax- sure, the transition from one world to another is tough, but how can she be sure she actually had a life before all that? She can’t even remember her name, can she? So, that means there probably isn’t anything to return to, so she should just accept it and chill ouuut…or else she’s gonna abstract REAL SOON, and they are NOT sticking around for that
They REALLY don’t like Bubble, just because it’s so- unpredictable. Fortunately, their bees (who they have no direct control over whatsoever) seem to feel that, and are always around to pop that nuisance away
And as a bonus…Kofmo! Who I didn’t draw! All I can say is that they were really fond of his puns, they like plays on words the best, but they did not care for how upset he’d get over people no reacting properly or sincerely enough to his jokes
Concerning their severe case of “cartoon logic”, that’s something they’re also somewhat a bit mad at Caine about: their cartoon experiences tend to be really unpleasant, but they also have to put themselves back to normal on their own! They’d just like him to at LEAST ensure that they get back to normal automatically, that’d be the bare minimum
Also bonus Zooble because they ALWAYS get forgotten in arts, and I get it they’re super complex and hard to draw, but I LOVE them, I LOVE their design, and I LOVE their personality- please love my geometric baby
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ncoincidences · 5 months
all the fics I read this year, part II — drarry edition
Here's where you go for part I (jily). Drarry is my second top-ship of 2023! Personally, I am so awed by the drarry writers on here, their wonderful & unique fics out there, plus the many podfics! I hope to enjoy more podfics next year ❤️ For now I'm highly grateful to have read all these incredible fics which have comforted me during hard times ❤️🫂
Magic Man by @dracogotgame = dracogotgame - Draco is a Muggle Magic Performer, and Harry's sure he's using real magic, which he isn't allowed to do, and naturally sets up to investigate, but what follows is a fluffy romantic fic instead!
Tiny Dragons & Where to Find Them by @tasteofshapes  - Harry's tiny dragon is missing! It's with Draco 😳😏😍🥰
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead)* by dustmouth, nerakrose asexual Harry! This fic was so amazing, the vibes were soft and p calm ❤️
Far From The Tree by aideomai - GOSH THIS FIC. goodness where do i start. It's like enemies with benefits except we know we're not going to end up together because your future kids accidentally time travelled here and at least i don't end up in azkaban in the future also there's an evil swordlady trying to kill us all AND MORE. this fic has a great concept, amazing execution and a PERFECT ending.
Nice Things by aideomai - every drarry fic list must contain an 8th year fic! This one also has some interhouse friendships and the vibe is quite cosy. This is the fic where all the 8th years are accomodated in a house called 'Gatehouse'. Kind of gives off a bit of a 2012 Avengers fic, iykwim.
The Star Splitter by @oflights - ahsvgdjsknbvghk this WIP is the bane of my existence the object if my desires etc etc. Latest update has left me hanging! It is heart-healing but angsty at the same time, and has lots of world building. Features 35 yo drarry, plus lots of time-travelling. I'm putting a lot of trust in that "happy ending" tag!
if the bees know by fanfairmod, oflights - everything about this fic screams fall amd spooky season. it is cosy, starts a bit sadly but ends on a beautiful note. also feat. cute harry & scorpius moments!
go to it laughing by oflights - v cute meet-cute!!
along each garden wall by oflights - veela Harry! Feat. A Draco who wants to whisk Harry off in his hot air balloon and a time-stopping ship. It's funny and a nice read overall.
the first in line by oflights - so many misunderstandings in this one oh my god!!!! overall it's a funny and comfort fic feat. Vet!Harry 🤩😍
Close Behind* by oflights - angsty angsty fic! Betrayal, death, lots of worldbuilding and a gripping plotline!
Byzantine by oflights - alexa play jealousy, jealousy by olivia
What dreams may come by @lastontheboat  - i LOVE the unique concept this fic is based on! Amnesiac Harry has his memory regained by Healer Draco, but in the process they must have sex! The smut was incredible.
Assumptions by  @indigo-scarf - asexual draco with hurt and comfort that patches you back together!
Tomorrow by space_wingding - Harry and Draco are older, Harry's dying, Draco's a biographer, and this is how the fic starts. In the process of writing, they fall in love as they discover more about each other ❤️
It Was All Just a Game (Rewrite) by write_me227 - holy shit is this a ride. This is angsty, adorable, angsty, romantic, etc and has all the rockiness of a teenage relationship accompanied by lies and dark lords and wartimes. it had me totally under its powerful grip.
hear me (with your whole body) by @teacup-tai - this was an interesting fic, focussing on the intricacies of drarry, how miscommunication and not enough talking planted misconceptions in their minds about their relationship
[Podfic] GOODNIGHT FROM YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND by GallaPlacidia by greenmegsnoham, PhenomenalAsterisk - truly phenomenal podfic, so many fun moments and laughter! this was my first podfic, both the fic and the reading were great, i loved consuming fic in this form ❤️
*[Asterisk marks a fic i haven't completely read.]
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opera-ghost · 11 months
thought this needed to be shared on its own since the sweeney team have decided to edge us with releasing the cast album
this is from the second night of previews, february 28th. i gifted the full audio here, and shared a clip of the final sequence here as well
(more notes on the clip + the production under the cut)
after the verse about the beadle, annaleigh ashford attempts to swing onto the table and misses twice, before succeeding as the audience cheers. it was really funny in the moment and played into the vibe of the song as both ashford and groban continued to crack up. this seemed to happen on more than one night during previews from what i've read, which had me suspecting that it was a planned break-in a la the music man revival. but outside of previews i haven't heard of this happening again, so they could very well have just had difficulty with this bit during the first few shows. either way, the audience couldn't get enough of it. it was just amazing to hear this whole sequence live after only ever watching the movie and concerts (where the audience volume is significantly reduced). there was just the most contagious laughter at all the right moments, and it makes me really upset in hindsight that this number was butchered so much in the movie
so much to say about ashford and groban's performances in general. they clearly have so much fun with these roles and they do this particular number such justice, in my opinion. their visual comedy is just on a whole other level, and it really let the material shine along with their vocals. some people have criticized ashford for her accent/general characterization of mrs. lovett, but i'm so obsessed with what she's brought to the role. her lovett skews younger and, to me, she offers a mix of the iconic actresses who have taken a stab at the character before. others have had things to say against groban being cast as sweeney, but i personally enjoyed him very much, and he's of course at the top of his game vocally. this production plays things pretty straight and doesn't do anything super imaginative with the staging, but it really lets the actors performances shine
as a general note for the whole show, maria bilbao absolutely kills it as johanna, john rapson as the beadle makes parlor songs into one of my favorite bits of the show, and i want to print a little picture of nicholas christopher's pirelli and keep it in my wallet. gaten mattarazo is a great tobias, ruthie ann miles's beggar woman is as entertaining as she is soul-crushing. though he's since departed, jordan fisher had amazing chemistry with maria bilbao and his anthony was very sweet. jamie jackson as judge turpin was everything you could want out of that character, though i really really would've loved to see mea culpa here. i think the judge in this production especially feels a bit empty without it
this revival makes the weird choice to remove the factory whistle, which really takes away from a lot of the drama and overall makes it feel less sweeney-esque. although, i did read that they were maybe having technical issues during previews and added it back in later? but i watched/listened to some bits after opening and didn't hear it, so... still must be noted
despite some general criticisms i'm just so obsessed with this show, it's amazing to have a full staging of it on broadway once again and the 26-piece orchestra still has me in a chokehold. i highly recommend seeing it if you can!
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Rating All Radiant's Gear By How Cute The Little Dragons Are:
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Paladin: 9/10 The sword little guy is one of the stylised dragons who has been squished flat, and drags down the set for being a lil boring in execution, but the shield is ADORABLE, look at that baby all curled around it!! The pose, the style, the ELEGANCE. One of the largest dragons of the whole set.
Long post under the cut :)
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Warrior: 10/10 FOUR dragons, all with a cool pose, in one weapon? Lookit them! They're little spiky babies judging you from their perch and I love them.
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Dark Knight: 8/10 Cool pose but their faces are sort of weird. The babies have 2 eyes on each side I think? But the face doesn't have enough definition to make them look like faces, and then you could mistake the 2 eyes for being front-facing and then they're goofy. More effort put into being edgy than maximising Dragon Cuteness, but they are still pretty neat, so I can't be that mean to them.
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Gunbreaker: 0/10 NO DRAGONS??? Just the aesthetic? What are we DOING here? I think this secretly says something about the state of the trade deal between the Bozjans and Rats-at-Hand so I volunteer as a diplomat to improve things so they honour the traditional Gunblade with a more befitting dragon next time. I will rebuild Bozja myself brick by brick if I have to get trade flowing.
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Dragoon: 11/10 The little guys from the axe are back and they have a EXTRA WINGS to make the spear more aerodynamic, which is very important for aerial combat. Bonus points for making a leetle heart :)
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Reaper: 100/10 this is just Vrtra. Look at that snoot. Someone had SEEN him when they made this. Is this a post-EW design that their craftsmen added to the range after seeing that the Warrior of Light was a reaper and wanted to sell them specifically the perfect weapon? Or is this a secret design a past satrap had sketched and had made to secretly carry Vrtra with them which ended up in the stable of weapon types the Radiant Host use, in which case I want to know everything about the Reaper Satrap.
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Monk: 9/10 Look at this guy... Another goofy face, but a great pose. Deducting points more because you don't punch someone directly with a dragon and instead they're hiding behind the blades looking cute. I want to punch someone with a dragon.
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Samurai: 12/10 Two extra points for the weird dragon face with six eyes on the blade itself. I don't think the person designing most of these had ever seen a dragon but I love the imagination going into it. The lil guy on the sheath is fucking majestic. Flying at your side and adorable to boot.
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Ninja: 0/10 again... Yeah yeah dragons have scales and claws. Disappointing.
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Bard: 7/10 disappointingly flat little guy. Considering how MANY bows there are shaped like creechurs, the fact that this isn't another Vrtra-shaped full-body monstrosity of a thing is especially painful. Definitely an old staple of their armoury from times long ago when they weren't even sure the great dragon was real. Scraped a point for the arrow fletching being little wings.
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Machinist: 8/10 another lil guy with a funny face. Loses their body definition to wrap around the butt of the gun, and playing a protective role over your hands once again like with Monk, rather than getting out there and doing the shooting, which would have been funny, but perhaps crass for a beloved protector.
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Dancer: 9/10 SO LONG. Just curled up and having a good time vibing. Sadly hard to see unless it's being actively thrown at someone, since that distortion in its length is so you can hold it there. Deducting a point just because the art of combat dancing does come from Thavnair so they COULD have gone a bit more all out on this particular weapon.
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Black Mage: 7/10 ARE YOU OKAY THERE? The squished ones make me sad. Could have been much more 3D and leaping out at you. The wings are amazing though. The overall vibe looks more like one of those flying voidsent thingies with the big flappy wings (you know the ones) so it is suitable BLM wear but not overall the best dragon nor particularly cute or cuddly.
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Summoner/Scholar (same dragons but one's lighter): 5/10 This is the same dragon as the Black Mage staff but even more compressed and the wings are tiny and weak. There could have been SO MUCH MORE dragon on these books. :(
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Red Mage: 6/10 Great pose but the other wing designs are doing most of the heavy work to make it dragonny. I think it's sweet that it's snuggling down close to your hand but it's definitely a secret little dragon and not a flex that it's your new bestie in channelling terrifying amounts of mana. Bonus point for the slight bat-like aesthetic in its pose and the metal wings, and I always approve of when anything Red Mage also has vampiric hints in the aesthetic, and the lil baby dragon is playing along.
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White Mage: 10/10 "Oh this one just has the wings?" WRONG LOOK AT THIS LITTLE WHITE MAGE BABY WHITE DRAGON SNOOZING IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR STAFF, AWAY FROM THE DYABLE SECTIONS. The white sheep of the family is here to help and they're doing so well. Deducted bonus points because its eyes don't glow, so you can't dye it blue and have a blue eyes white dragon :(
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Astrologian: 8/10 Double dragon! I stared for so long trying to work out if the dongle on top is also a dragon face but I think it just glows. The dragons are pretty subtle here but I think it may be kinder than putting them on any part where they'd be rotated wildly because then they might get dizzy and we can't have that. Anyway the existing dragons are cute but also just far enough down that stylised line that they look really goofy again so I think I am once again appreciating them in a silly way not a "awww baby" way.
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Start your own family, dye them bright pink as the colour of your new brood... You're one of Middy's kids now, you are totally legally allowed to do that by Dragon Rules, trust me.
I am obsessed.
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happybird16 · 1 year
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•Chapter Eleven•
Naga!Levi Ackerman/Fem!Reader
Summary: Growing up, the forest's edge always darkened the far corner of your small village. The giant, twisted branches overhead rendered the forest floor a terrifying, pitch black. You shouldn't be here. There's creatures here, dangerous ones.
Overall warnings: Past references to child abuse, blood, scars, gore, mystery, eventual sex, inhuman genitalia (Levi is a snake man), horror vibes.
Chapter warnings: Nothing much! References to last intimacies, but that's about it!
Chapter length: 14k
Ao3 Link
The most special of shoutouts to my beloved friend and beta @theferricfox!!!! Also, credit to @the-milk-anon for the snake banner!!
Note: So the last chapter was supposed to be that last spicy scene, but I had a dream so there's another one in the next chapter! Also, as this is posting, I will be eating breakfast with my dad, so it'd be very funny if you guys deluge me with your thoughts and make me seem important lol.
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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Outside, the rain falls steadily, its sound creating a soothing, constant rhythm. The arrival of spring brings with it inevitable rain showers, as nature awakens and rejuvenates. The drops tap against the stone of the mountainside, echoing with a resounding intensity. The world becomes enveloped in a misty haze, as if the raindrops create a veil that obscures the surroundings.
It's the gentle patter of rain that eventually rouses you from your deep, exhausted slumber. The rhythmic beat of the raindrops guides you back to consciousness in a serene and gradual manner. As you awaken, warmth seeps through your senses, accompanied by the weight of Levi's arm draped over your hip, creating a comforting presence.
"Hey," Levi's voice, still rough from sleep, softly calls your name. His chest rises and falls against yours, the steady rhythm matching the peaceful atmosphere. His eyes, a soft morning grey, meet yours, filling your vision with a gentle warmth and connection. The rain serves as a backdrop to this quiet moment, adding to the tranquil ambiance that surrounds the two of you.
"Morning," you murmur, nuzzling into the comforting warmth of Levi's neck. "You've been watching me? How long have you been up?”
Levi lets out a soft hum in response, trailing a gentle nail along your hipbone. "Not for too long," he admits. "How are you feeling?"
"Sore," you reply honestly, a tinge of weariness evident in your voice. The beast had been considerate enough to change positions during each of your intimate encounters, but the exertion has left your knees and thighs tender and sensitive to even the slightest movement. Shifting your legs beneath the heavy blanket of his tail, you let out a soft hiss as the muscles in your upper thigh twinge in protest.
"I'm sorry," Levi apologizes softly. His hand shifts, working gentle circles into the meat of your thigh.
"It's fine," you reply evenly, shuffling a bit closer to him with a pained hiss. "Actually, I kind of like it. It's a good ache, although I wish I could move my legs properly."
Raising your head, you assess the aftermath of the last two days. Surprisingly, there are no visible bruises despite the intensity of your encounters. You had expected your knees to be blotchy and discolored at least, given how long you'd spent on them. "I thought I would be bruised," you comment, a hint of surprise in your voice. "But I guess not."
Levi points out with a short laugh, "Remember, my saliva is healing." One hand trails slowly along the small of your back, and to your surprise, you don't even feel the slightest wounds from his sharp claws. The other pinches your chin between his finger and thumb, his thumb softly grazing the plump skin of your bottom lip. His eyes sparkle in the low light. "I think enough of it got into your system for the magic to handle any of those."
That makes sense. Playfully, you ask, "If I kiss you enough, will it make me immortal?"
"No," he scoffs softly, "but you'll certainly live as long as I do."
You run your thumb over the mating mark, yearning to see its black imprints. However, all that remains are small, shallow indentations instead of the deep grooves his teeth once left on your skin. "By the way, what does it actually do? Other than bond us forever, I mean."
Levi's expression turns thoughtful as he attempts to explain. "While I can't be entirely certain if the magic will affect you in the same way, the mark should enable you to sense when I need you. As my heats approach, you'll experience a burning sensation, basically screaming that I need you."
Recalling the pleasant tingling burn of the mark, you hum with curiosity. "I've felt a bit of that the past two days. So, will I be able to sense if you're in danger?"
"More or less," he responds with a shrug. "It's a bit more deliberate than that, as if I'm sending you an emotion or the essence of a thought."
Suddenly, the mark tingles, akin to a gentle brush of a soft feather against your skin. The back of your head prickles, and a deep longing pull resonates within your mind, eliciting a tender response.
"Do you feel that?" he asks, playfully nudging your nose with his.
You nod, your eyes widening slightly as the tingling sensation of the mark washes over you. "Yes, I feel it," you reply, your voice filled with a blend of curiosity and awe. The gentle touch and the longing sensation within your mind convey that something is unfolding, that Levi is extending his connection to you through the bond of the mating mark.
"What are you saying?" you inquire, eager to understand the significance of the odd fluttering along the back of your consciousness. It feels as though his consciousness is leaning forward to bump into yours, as sensation he mirrors with a soft bump of his forehead into yours. You can't respond in kind, but you get a vague sense of what he wants.
"Close your eyes," he urges you, his breath shuddering. Following his guidance, your eyes flutter closed. In the darkness behind your eyelids, you concentrate as his consciousness surges, delicately brushing against yours. "Focus on the sensation."
With another gentle bump of his forehead against yours, you vaguely sense the presence of soft lips through the intimate connection you share. A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth, and without hesitation, you lean in to fulfill his request. Your lips meet his in a tender and affectionate kiss.
As the kiss deepens, you can feel the warmth of his breath mingling with yours, the sensation of his presence growing stronger within you. Levi hums against your lips in open satisfaction, fingers pressing firmly into the skin of your back.
When the kiss finally breaks, you gaze into his eyes, a spark of love and gratitude evident in your expression. Behind you, his tail flops happily onto the bedding.
Chuckling softly, you playfully bump your nose into his. "Make sure to give me a heads-up if you ever plan on taking another nap in the snow," you jest. His eyes soften, gazing into yours with a sparkle of delight. Drumming your fingers softly along the curve of his waist, you ask, "And what about you? How are you feeling?"
"I'm sore too," he grumbles, wincing as he rubs his fingers along his abs. "This heat was shorter than I expected."
"Well, you did mention that the bond would provide some relief," you reply. "I can't imagine enduring a longer one than that..."
"I did my best to clean you up," he starts, sounding somewhat embarrassed. "But I only keep a few rags around for the mess from my heat. This was... more intense than usual."
Sighing, you huff in frustration. "I'm not sure I can climb up the mountain like this," you admit, feeling a painful twinge in your leg as you draw it up, resting your knee against the bend of his tail just below his hips.
“I could carry you again,” he offers, a concerned look glimmering in his eyes.
You shake your head, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “No,” you protest, teasingly. “I kind of like the idea of walking there on my own two feet. It gives me a sense of independence, you know?”
Levi chuckles, his warm laughter filling the air, creating a delightful melody that resonates within you. Despite feeling exhausted and sore, the sound of his laughter brings a surge of joy, making your stomach flutter with excitement.
“Fair enough,” he concedes, his gaze filled with admiration and a touch of pride.
Outside, the rain intensifies, its steady rhythm filling your ears with a comforting sound. Through the entrance, the downpour becomes a torrential deluge, obscuring visibility with a cascade of rapidly falling raindrops. The world beyond is transformed into a hazy blur of water, as if the entrance has been blocked by a thick wall of white. The distant rumble of thunder adds to the immersive experience, infusing the storm with a sense of power and grandeur.
As the warm rain continues to cascade, it creates a soothing ambiance, infusing the air with a gentle touch of moisture. The rush of cool wind that accompanies the rainfall brings a refreshing relief, offering a pleasant contrast to the warmth. Even without a roaring fire at the entrance, the nest emanates a comforting warmth, enveloping you both in a cozy haven within the cavern. The combination of the warm rain and the embracing atmosphere of the nest creates a balmy and tranquil setting, inviting relaxation and serenity. Against your will, the soothing warmth and sounds have your eyes falling heavy lidded once again.
"Let's take our time, then," Levi offers softly, his voice carrying a sense of ease. "We can wait out the storm here."
"Sounds like a good idea," you agree wholeheartedly. "I don't really feel inclined to venture out in that heavy downpour anyway." You both settle in, finding comfort in each other's presence as you wait for the storm to pass. The rain becomes a soothing backdrop, lulling you into a state of peaceful respite. Within the safety and warmth of the nest, time seems to slow down, allowing you to fully immerse yourselves in the tranquility of the moment.
"This'll probably be the last time we get to just be together like this for a while, huh?" you ask softly, a touch of melancholy in your voice.
"We'll make time, but yeah, things will be busier once we get back," Levi agrees with a soft hum, his understanding evident. “I’ll probably be gone most days, hunting for WildOnes while they sleep. Sometimes I'll have to spend the night out.”
The thought of being separated makes you feel a twinge of sadness, even as you're filled with anticipation for the new beginning that awaits you both.
As the rain continues to pour outside, its rhythmic sound creating a comforting backdrop, you and Levi find solace in each other's presence. Engaged in soft and intimate conversation, you savor these precious moments, cherishing the connection you share. The world outside may be tumultuous, but in each other's company, you find a sense of peace and warmth that is unparalleled.
Levi's intensity remains, the same unusual fervor he displayed before his heat began, a persistent desire to hold you close. His aura exudes a mix of pent-up energy and restlessness, as if he is eager for something more. While the rainstorm continues to confine you within the nest's boundaries, a subtle shift in Levi's demeanor becomes apparent as the day progresses. The restlessness gradually gives way to a growing anticipation, a sense that something significant is about to unfold.
Finally, the next morning arrives, and the rainstorm shows signs of relenting. Levi's energy reaches its peak, his excitement palpable. With a renewed sense of purpose, he moves toward the entrance of the nest, his hands skillfully removing the woven branches that had shielded you both from the outside world.
As the branches part, the sounds of rain diminish, and a soft breeze whispers through the air. The world outside comes into view, glistening with fresh droplets of water, as if cleansed by the storm. The vibrant greens of the surrounding foliage seem more vibrant, alive with renewed energy.
Levi's gaze meets yours, and a knowing smile plays at the corners of his lips. “Is it time to go?” you ask, squinting at the bright morning light streaming through the entrance.
Levi nods, his gaze scanning the surroundings. “We shouldn’t delay any longer. The WildOnes are beginning to awaken,” he responds with a sense of urgency. He then turns his attention to you, concern etched on his face. “How are you feeling?”
You take a moment to assess your body, feeling the residual tension in your muscles. “I’m fine,” you reply, mustering a confident smile. “My legs are still a bit tense, especially my inner thighs, but it’s manageable. I’m good to go.”
Levi’s concern eases slightly at your reassurance. He reaches out, gently squeezing your hand in support. “Just let me know if you need a break or if anything becomes too uncomfortable,” he says, his voice filled with genuine care.
Now that fresh air is flowing into the cave, you become aware of the musty odor that has permeated the space. Rising to your feet and joining Levi by the entrance, you also notice the stickiness on your skin, likely a leftover from Levi’s heat along with the heat and humidity within the nest.
“Can we make a quick stop at the river to wash up on our way?” you suggest, hoping to freshen up before meeting a bunch of new people.
Levi nods in agreement. “That’s a good idea,” he remarks. “I would like to wash up myself. I would love to clean all the bedding before we go, but it's probably better to leave it. The scent will help keep away any pests while we're gone.”
Levi glances back at you, his eyes scanning the area as he assesses the situation. “Do you have everything you need already in your bag?” he asks, his voice filled with concern.
You nod in response. “Yeah, I didn’t bring much with me to begin with,” you reply. “But I still have some extra space if you need me to help carry anything.”
Levi’s gaze softens, appreciating your offer of assistance. “Thank you,” he says, a hint of gratitude in his voice. “Would you mind carrying the books back then?”
“Sure,” you reply, pulling your bag over as you crouch by his side.
As Levi uncovers his collection of odds and ends, a glimmer of excitement fills the air. On top are the handful of books that have been pretty much untouched, which he immediately hands to you. You quickly tuck the tombs into the cloth bag.
As Levi reaches into the depths of his cubby, his fingers delicately retrieving the jewelry, you’re captivated by the sight before you. The array of rings, bracelets, and necklaces glisten with intricate designs and shimmering gemstones. The combination of silver and gold creates a striking contrast, each piece exuding its own unique charm.
The vibrant colors of the gemstones catch the light, casting a mesmerizing glow in the nest. It’s as if each piece of jewelry has its own tale to tell, a story of elegance and beauty waiting to be adorned and cherished. The craftsmanship and attention to detail are evident in every delicate curve and sparkling gem.
You watch as Levi holds the thick silver necklace in his hand, admiring the intricate metalwork that resembles interwoven scales. It’s a stunning piece, and you can’t help but be intrigued by its craftsmanship.
“I’m guessing it’s finally warm enough to wear jewelry?” you ask, your eyes filled with curiosity.
Levi chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “That, and the others will probably be offended if I show up naked,” he replies with a smirk, his thumb gently playing with the clasp.
Your lips curl into a playful smile. “Can I help you put it on?” you offer, eager to be a part of this small ritual.
Levi’s smirk turns into a warm smile as he extends the necklace towards you. “Sure,” he says, his voice filled with affection.
With a gentle touch, you carefully clasp the necklace around his neck, the cool metal contrasting against the warmth of his skin. As you secure the clasp, your fingers brush against his nape, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. Gasping audibly, he shudders at the touch, goosebumps welling up along his back.
Levi turns to face you, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of gratitude and adoration. The necklace sits perfectly, accentuating Levi’s features and adding an air of elegance to his form. “Thank you,” he murmurs softly, his hand reaching up to caress the necklace.
Levi swiftly adorns himself with additional pieces of silver jewelry, each one adding to his captivating appearance. The tight metal bracelets encircle his biceps, emphasizing the strength and definition of his muscles. The glimmering rings on his fingers catch the light, adding a touch of elegance and charm to his hands.
You can’t help but chuckle at his adorned form, realizing that this is the first time you’ve seen him dressed in such a way. The contrast between his usual simplicity and the newfound embellishments is both amusing and endearing.
“It’s hilarious that after everything, this is the first time I’ve actually seen you dressed,” you comment with a playful smile.
Levi grins back at you, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. “I don’t wear nearly as much as some of the others,” he replies, his voice tinged with amusement.
You watch as Levi’s expression transforms, his eyes filled with a mixture of reverence and sorrow. The item he retrieves from the depths of the crevice holds a profound significance, and his voice carries a weight of emotions as he speaks.
“This was my mother’s,” he says, his tone infused with both awe and sad nostalgia. His fingers gently trace the delicate contours of the necklace, as if seeking a connection to the memories it holds. “She didn’t have a lot of things, obviously, but she always had a handful of necklaces covering her chest. They were the few small reminders of the life she had before she got captured.”
Levi’s voice trembles slightly as he continues, his gaze fixed upon the necklace. “She gave this one to me one of the last few times I saw her.”
As you listen to Levi’s quiet words, a sense of empathy and understanding washes over you. The way he holds it is so gentle, cradled in his palm like it's fragile. It's clear that the necklace holds a profound significance in his life, serving as a tangible connection to his mother and the moments they cherished together. It represents the resilience and strength of his past, a reminder of the love and bond they shared, even in the face of adversity.
Reaching out, you gently place your hand on Levi’s, offering comfort and support. Words feel insufficient in this moment, as the weight of his emotions fills the air. The shared silence speaks volumes, conveying a deep understanding and reverence for the importance of this heirloom.
As he holds it out towards you, the weight of the moment hangs in the air. The delicate silver metal chain gleams softly, leading to the focal point of the piece—a large, ornamental gemstone at the base. The stone captivates with its dark, swirling forest green color, adorned with orbs and swirls of black, creating a mesmerizing pattern that almost seems to move.
Cautiously, you run your fingers along the metal of the necklace, tracing the delicate weave of the chain. With a gentle smile, you inquire, “What was her name?”
Levi’s voice softens as he shares, “Kuchel.” The name carries a weight of significance and tenderness, as if it holds cherished memories and a profound sense of longing.
“That’s a beautiful name,” you remark, your voice filled with empathy. “Do you remember anything about her?”
Levi’s expression turns wistful as he reminisces about his mother. “I barely remember what she looked like,” he admits, a touch of sadness in his voice. “She was always so frail when I was brought to visit her.”
You listen attentively, sensing the weight of his words. “She had a collection of necklaces, with that unique stone. Whenever the handlers tried to take them from her, she always fought tooth and nail.”
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you recognize the strength in her spirit. “She was a fighter, just like you,” you remark, admiration lacing your voice.
Levi’s gaze softens, a mix of pride and longing in his eyes. “I think she would have been happier in The Pit than in the breeding cages,” he confides. “Though she always smiled so happily whenever I was brought over.”
There’s a bittersweet undertone to his words, a sense of longing for a different life for his mother. You offer a comforting presence, understanding the complexities of their situation.
“I think she knew it was the last time I’d be seeing her. That’s why she gave it to me,” Levi continues, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and gratitude. “It smelled like her for a while after.”
A gentle silence settles between you as you take in the depth of his emotions. Then, curiosity sparks within you, and you inquire, “Did you ever wear it?”
Levi’s lips curl into a nostalgic smile. “When I was small, I could clasp it around my waist, but I was always terrified of breaking it during a fight,” he admits, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
You nod in understanding, appreciating the significance of the necklace to him. It serves as a tangible connection to his mother, a reminder of her love and strength.
Staring down at the swirling stone, he bites his lip. Suddenly, his eyes dart up to meet yours, the smoky grey orbs firm with a clear decision. “Take it,” he insists, his voice filled with determination, as he pushes the cool stone into your palm.
“I can’t-” you protest weakly, pushing the stone back towards him.
His response is firm and unwavering, the words carrying both sincerity and conviction. “She'd want you to have it.” Levi’s insistence catches you by surprise, and you hesitate, looking down at the necklace now resting in your hand.
You meet his gaze, searching for any signs of doubt or hesitation, but find none. There is a deep earnestness in his eyes, and you realize that he truly believes his mother would want you to have the necklace.
With a soft smile, you bring the necklace closer, feeling the smooth coolness of the stone against your skin. “Thank you, Levi,” you say, gratitude and humility evident in your voice. “I’ll cherish it forever.”
Levi’s smile widens, a mixture of relief and appreciation crossing his features. Moved by his gesture, you accept the necklace with a mix of gratitude and reverence. Holding the precious heirloom in your hands, you can't help but feel the weight of its history and the love that Levi's mother must have held for him.
“My turn,” Levi hums, urging you to turn around. As Levi clasps the necklace behind your neck, you feel a gentle sense of connection, as if you are carrying a piece of Levi’s past with you. The cool stone rests against your skin, a comforting presence that serves as a reminder of the bond you share and the strength that resides within both of you.
Levi leans back, his eyes tracing the delicate silver chain and the stone pendant that now adorns your neck. It's long, stretching down from your neck to rest between your breasts. There’s a sense of satisfaction in his gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the significance of this moment.
“Thank you,” you say again, reaching out to touch his arm. “For entrusting me with something so precious.”
Levi’s smile is both bittersweet and filled with gratitude. “It fits you,” he replies, his voice filled with warmth. Taking your hand, his thumb works a fond circle into the skin along the back of your hand. The soft look in his eyes makes your heart skip a beat. “She would have liked you.”
His heartfelt words bring a genuine smile to your face, and you can feel your cheeks flushing with a mix of joy and shyness. The thought of Levi’s mother approving of you fills you with a sense of validation and joy.
With the weight of the necklace around your neck, you step forward together, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead. Hand in hand, you step out of the nest, ready to embrace the world and the possibilities it holds. The rainstorm may have kept you confined, but it also created a sense of anticipation, a sense of pent-up energy that now propels you forward. With Levi by your side, you venture forth, ready to discover what awaits beyond the protective embrace of the nest.
Levi turns, quickly twisting the branches back to cover up the entrance behind you. “I'll come back a couple times while I'm out hunting to check on it. Make sure nothing has decided to move in.” Watching the scraggly entrance disappear beneath a layer of woven pine fills the air with a bittersweet feeling. Saying goodbye to the place you’ve called home for so long tugs at your heartstrings, and a wave of nostalgia washes over you. As you take one last look at the familiar surroundings, you can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the shelter and safety the nest provided during your time there.
Stepping out into the forest, you’re greeted by a vibrant and lively scene. The air is filled with the sounds of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and the soft whispers of the wind. The canopy above casts dappled sunlight on the forest floor, creating a magical interplay of light and shadow. The dark and ominous atmosphere of the forest floor is contrasted by the vibrant life that thrives within it.
The journey to the river is swift, the path familiar to both you and Levi. As you reach the riverside, a breathtaking sight unfolds before your eyes. The water rushes down from the mountainside, cascading in a dazzling display of sparkling droplets. The sunlight dances upon the water’s surface, creating a mesmerizing play of reflections and glimmering ripples.
You find a peaceful spot by the river's edge, its serene beauty captivating your senses. The gentle sound of the rushing water creates a soothing melody, lulling you into a state of tranquility. It's a precious moment of respite, allowing you to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature and find solace in its simplicity.
Leaning over the water's edge, you catch a reflection of yourself in the calm, drifting surface. Despite the monumental changes in your life, you're struck by how little your physical appearance has altered. The face staring back at you remains familiar, unchanged by the profound shifts that have occurred within you.
But as your gaze lingers, your breath catches at the sight of your mating mark. Nestled at the pulse of your neck, where it meets your shoulder, is a perfectly rounded indentation of teeth. Its dark, striking appearance contrasts beautifully against your skin, a tangible reminder of the bond you share with Levi. You're captivated by its significance, finding beauty in the symbol that represents your deep connection and commitment.
“It's beautiful,” you breathe, your voice filled with emotion and admiration for the mark that binds you together.
“I'm glad you think so,” Levi responds, curling up to join you by the river's edge. A contented smile graces his face, mirroring the peace and joy radiating from within. Side by side, you bask in the serenity of the moment, immersed in the gentle warmth of the sun on your skin and the caress of a cool breeze against your face. It's a perfect pause in your journey, a precious interlude to embrace the sheer beauty of the world that surrounds you.
Together, you immerse yourselves in the cool stream, feeling the refreshing water against your skin. The rush of the river washes away the dust and grime accumulated from your time in the nest, leaving you feeling revitalized and rejuvenated. The water cascades over your bodies, carrying away the remnants of the past and preparing you for the new chapter that lies ahead. The worries and burdens of your previous life momentarily fade away, replaced by a lightness of being.
However, the tranquility is interrupted by an ominous sound in the distance, a loud crunching sound resonating from within The Maw’s dense canopy downhill. Turning towards it, you think you can even see one of The Maw’s giant trees shaking from the impact. Levi’s senses sharpen, and he instinctively tastes the air, alert to the potential danger lurking nearby. With a soft hiss, he urges you to rise with one hand gently tugging at your shoulder. “Come on. We should get going.”
“Y-yeah,” you agree shakily. With a sense of urgency, you heed Levi’s words and rise from the stream, water cascading off your bodies as you move to quickly dress. Another loud crunching sound from The Maw’s canopy sends a shiver down your spine, heightening your awareness of the potential danger lurking in the forest. Levi's hand gently tugs at your shoulder, his hiss urging you to move swiftly.
The once serene ambiance is now overshadowed by the ominous sounds echoing from The Maw. As you gather your belongings, you can't help but feel a surge of anxiety coursing through your veins, heightening your senses and propelling you to act quickly. Time is of the essence, and you and Levi make your way towards safety, leaving the peaceful riverside behind as you navigate the challenging terrain ahead.
Fortunately, the source of the ominous crunching sounds doesn’t seem to be pursuing you, either disinterested or hindered by its immense size. The fading echoes provide some relief, easing the tension in the air as you continue your ascent up the steep mountainside.
Each step becomes a struggle against gravity, the strain on your knees and thighs intensifying with every upward movement. The burning sensation in your muscles serves as a reminder of the physical exertion required to conquer the challenging terrain. Despite your determination, the mountain seems to taunt you from the distant horizon, teasing you with its seemingly unreachable proximity.
The path is rugged and unforgiving, filled with uneven terrain and treacherous obstacles. Your muscles ache from the sustained effort, and fatigue begins to settle in. Yet, you push forward, driven by determination and the knowledge that reaching the summit will be a triumph of endurance.
With each breath, you draw in the thin mountain air, feeling the coolness fill your lungs. The air becomes thinner as you ascend, adding another layer of challenge to the already demanding climb. Your heart pounds in your chest, matching the rhythm of your footsteps, as if urging you to persevere.
Despite the physical strain, you find solace in the breathtaking scenery surrounding you. The towering peaks, majestic cliffs, and sweeping vistas remind you of the vastness and beauty of the natural world. The sheer grandeur of the mountainscape provides a sense of perspective, reminding you of the insignificance of your individual struggles in the grand tapestry of the universe.
As you continue your ascent, you find strength in the camaraderie between you and Levi. His presence serves as a source of motivation and encouragement, as you both share in the arduous journey together. He offers to carry you several more times, but you decline him each and every time. You get the impression that he's moving slow, keeping pace with you, and you deeply appreciate the gesture.
Time seems to stretch endlessly as you climb higher, but eventually, you begin to notice subtle signs of progress. The angle of the slope gradually eases, and the summit looms ever closer. The burning sensation in your muscles is accompanied by a sense of accomplishment, knowing that you’ve persevered through the challenges and hardships.
As the sun begins to descend, its warm golden light bathes the landscape in a serene glow, creating a picturesque setting. Your gaze follows the transition from the grassy banks of the river to a pathway adorned with smooth white and grey stones. These stones create a defined trail that runs parallel to the river, guiding your journey towards the awe-inspiring snow-capped ridges of Prime and Skull that loom majestically above.
The sight of these towering peaks fills you with a profound sense of awe and reverence. The sheer size and grandeur of the mountains command your attention, leaving you with a tingling sensation of insignificance in their presence. Even this early in spring, it's warm enough for you to be sweating slightly, and yet the snow persists high above. Looking up at the ridges, you can’t help but feel a slight ache in your neck from the strain of craning your head to take in their immense height.
Yet, despite the physical discomfort, the sight before you is undeniably breathtaking. It feels as if nature itself has sculpted a magnificent gateway between Prime and Skull, where the two mountains converge with a high ridge. The worn grey stone wall that separates them bears the marks of the relentless force of the river you’ve been following, its surface eroded and weathered over time. It's as if the river had slowly burrowed its way through the mountain wall, creating an opening to the little haven nestled within.
“It is like a giant wall,” you breathe in awe, watching the golden sunlight filter over the rugged edge.
“Armin’s spotted us.” Levi’s voice breaks through your reverie, drawing your attention to the high ridge. Following his gaze, you spot a figure standing atop the rocky mountain wall. It’s a small shadowed figure, waving its arm with enthusiasm, signaling their excitement at your arrival. It hops, excitedly rushing along the stone and down the rough slope.
“He has legs!” you note with surprise, watching the figure run across the top of the ridge.
You watch in awe as Armin swiftly descends the mountainside, effortlessly maneuvering through the uneven ridges with a remarkable display of agility and grace. His movements are fluid and confident, reflecting his familiarity with the rugged terrain. It’s evident that Armin has honed his skills and adapted to the challenges of this world, allowing him to traverse the landscape with ease.
Soon enough, he's on level ground with you, stopping a short distance away and struggling to catch his breath. “Hi,” Armin breathes excitedly, his chest heaving from the run. His eyes widen in awe as he takes in your unfamiliar form.
You feel equally stunned. “You’re a faun!” you exclaim, unable to contain your excitement as you take in Armin’s unique lower body with its little goat legs. The limbs are coated in short blond fur, matching the blond locks on his head.
Armin smiles, clearly pleased by your reaction. “And you're a human! I've never met a human before!”
You can’t help but be fascinated by Armin’s unique appearance. His long furry ears and little white horns add to his charming and otherworldly presence. You find yourself drawn to these distinctive features, curious about the intricacies of his faun nature.
As you take in Armin's appearance, you notice a small blue tome in his hands. He shuffles it back and forth between his fingers, clearly eager to engage in a conversation. “It's nice to meet you! I have so many questions.."
Levi interrupts with a hint of amusement, "It's getting late. Can we at least make it inside before you begin interrogating her?"
Armin's excitement is palpable as he exclaims, "Oh! Right! I’ll go let the others know you're back!" His hooves clack against the stone walkway as he runs off, disappearing between the stone walls. His eagerness to share the news with the others is evident in his hurried departure.
Levi lets out a small sigh, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I don’t know why he’s ever on guard duty. He gets too distracted by reading to really pay attention.”
You can’t help but chuckle at the image of Armin tucked up along the mountain wall, engrossed in the pages of a thick tome. You'd barely met him, but you know just from looking at him that he must be smart.
“He saw us coming well enough,” you point out. “He’s so young, do you guys normally have teens guarding the village?”
Levi nods, his expression serious. “It’s voluntary, and they’re mostly kept doing menial tasks until they’re older. Some of them patrol as well, but they’re supposed to call for an adult if they encounter anything significant.” There’s a hint of frustration in his voice, suggesting that not everyone adheres to that rule.
Continuing forward to pass through the mountain walls, you notice an excited crowd gathering just beyond the entrance. Anxiety rears its ugly head, causing a painful lurch in your stomach, momentarily halting your progress.
Sensing your concern, Levi stops beside you. "Most of the adults are probably still... busy, so it'll likely be mostly a younger crowd."
Levi's hand gently finds its place on your lower back, offering a comforting touch. "It'll be fine," he assures you with a soft voice, his presence providing reassurance.
Taking a deep breath, you let Levi’s words sink in and allow his touch to calm your nerves. With his support, you gather the strength to step forward and join the gathering crowd.
As you approach, the excited chatter and laughter of the younger villagers fill the air. Their eyes widen with curiosity and anticipation as they catch sight of you and Levi, returning from your journey. Some of them wave eagerly, while others nudge each other, whispering in hushed tones.
Levi’s presence by your side provides a sense of stability amidst the bustling atmosphere. You feel a mix of nervousness and excitement as you prepare to face the curious gazes and questions of Levi’s young den-mates.
Their excited whispers intertwine, creating a symphony of voices that reaches your ears. Amongst the sea of sound, you catch snippets of their astonishment. “A Human?” “Levi brought a human here?” The surprise in their voices only adds to the nervousness already bubbling within you.
With a timid wave, you stutter a hesitant greeting, unsure where to direct your gaze in the midst of the numerous figures that surround you.
At the front of the crowd, Armin, ever perceptive, notices the edge of your mating mark peeking out from the collar of your blouse. His voice cracks with sheer surprise as he poses the question that hangs in the air, “Wait! Are you Levi’s mate?”
The crowd’s excited chatter cuts to stark silence before swelling, transforming into a cacophony of noise. Curiosity, astonishment, and anticipation blend together in a symphony of voices. All eyes are fixed on you, awaiting your response, and the weight of the moment hangs palpably in the air.
In that pivotal moment, emotions surge within you—vulnerability, tinged with a hint of embarrassment. But as you meet Levi’s gaze, a sense of strength washes over you, bolstering your resolve.
Taking a steadying breath, you gather your composure. Pride and affection resonate in your voice as you address the crowd. “Yes, I am,” you declare, your words carrying the weight of your connection.
Impossibly, the crowd somehow gets louder, their excitement escalating to a fervor. Whispers and murmurs rise to a crescendo, filling the air with a cacophony of voices. The sheer volume of their reactions takes you aback, momentarily overwhelmed by the intensity of their response.
You exchange a bewildered glance with Levi, both of you caught off guard by the magnitude of their enthusiasm. Questions are fired at a rapid-fire pace from all directions, creating a chaotic chorus of voices that overwhelms your senses. Feeling the pressure mounting, you instinctively take a step back, seeking a moment of respite.
Levi’s arm slides across your back, his fingers pressing gently into your shoulder, offering a reassuring touch amidst the whirlwind of inquiries. With a glare and a firm tone, he barks, “Easy, easy. Not all at fucking once.”
The gaggle of teens surrounding you immediately look abashed, their excitement subdued by Levi’s stern command.
“It's late, and she's tired from the journey,” Levi points out. “One question each. You'll have time to ask more later.”
The tense atmosphere eases slightly as Levi's authoritative voice resonates across the field. The teenagers exchange sheepish glances, seemingly challenging one another to break the silence. Finally, one of them steps forward, their voice filled with curiosity.
"How did you meet the Captain?" Armin asks quietly, bravely stepping up.
"Captain?" you repeat, a bit confused. Turning, you catch Levi's eye.
"It's my rank," Levi explains casually. "Having leaders helps keep hunting WildOnes safer. I tend to hunt alone, though." His fingers curl around your shoulder, the nails gently digging into your skin. "She actually saved my life." His voice carries a sense of pride.
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you recall the memory. "And then you immediately tried to kill me," you playfully recall with a hint of fondness, reflecting on the unexpected turn of events that marked the beginning of your journey together.
Confusion spreads through the crowd, and a brown-haired naga speaks up next, his tone curt. "So what made you stick around? Surely it wasn't his charming personality?"
"Eren, don't be rude," the dark-haired girl beside him interjects, reprimanding his remark.
Turning towards her, he gestures vaguely at the Naga by your side. "What? He spends most of the time leaning in corners, scowling at us. That's not exactly welcoming. Plus, Levi hates humans."
There's a pause in the conversation as the tension lingers in the air. It seems that Levi's demeanor and reputation have left some questioning why you chose to stay by his side.
You reply with a hint of mystery, a smile curving your lips. "Let's just say we have a lot in common."
"What does that even mean?" questions a sandy-haired Naga, his face twisting up in a blatant show of confusion.
You take a moment to gather your thoughts before speaking up. “Wait, wait,” you begin. “Can we take a step back a bit so you can all tell me your names? I know Armin, but that’s about it.”
Taking the opportunity, the sandy-haired Naga, pushes forward to the front of the crowd and introduces himself with a sharp smile. "I'm Jean," he says. His scales are a sandy brown, akin to autumn leaves coating the forest floor. Yet, they glisten and shimmer like gold in the warm glow of the evening sun.
Frowning, the rude boy, Eren, pushes in front of Jean and introduces himself with a short bark. "Eren," he announces. His scales are green, reminiscent of the rich, deep shade of the forest behind your shoulders.
"Mikasa," the dark-haired girl by his side introduces herself quietly, accompanied by a shy wave. Her scales mirror the same color as Levi's, a rich deep black, but they glimmer with a subtle undertone of red.
"Connie," says the scruffy-headed boy next to her, lips spreading in a wide, fanged smile. He's unmistakably a fox spirit, adorned with two grey-furred fluffy ears sprouting from the sides of his head, accompanied by three fluffy tails. He points towards his furry ears and exclaims, "Don't worry, your eyes aren't deceiving you, these aren't faux!" In response to his own joke, the boy bursts into laughter, his ears tilted back and his eyes pinched tight.
Surrounded by his friends, their response is a collective groan and cringe. However, Connie finds the situation even more amusing and his laughter intensifies. He's forced to wrap his arms around his waist, unable to contain the deep chortles that escape him.
Suddenly he stops, turning to the friend to his right with a horrified look on his face. “Wait, would ‘fox-tastic to meet you’ have been funnier?”
With a cruel smile, the girl next to him responds, "Neither of them were funny. I'm Sasha," she introduces herself with an adorable bounce. Her ponytail accentuates her features, and her scales resemble the dark brown hue of tree bark. The bow across her back, along with the fletch of arrows, hints at a surprising proficiency in archery.
You take the opportunity to introduce yourself as well. "It's nice to meet all of you," you say. "Forgive me if I forget names; I have a feeling I'll be learning a lot of new ones over the next few days."
By your side, Levi supplies, “There's a bunch of other younger den-mates that you'll meet later. Most of the adults might be occupied for a while longer.”
Noticing the weight of your backpack pressing against your back, Sasha’s excitement takes over, and she eagerly moves closer. “Do you have any food?” she asks, her curiosity piqued.
“I think I have a slice of bread, but it's probably pretty stale..” Noticing Sasha’s excitement and eagerness, you rummage through your backpack and find the last remaining slice of bread. However, as you pull it out, you realize it’s incredibly stale and crumbled, having been in your bag for almost a month. Sasha immediately snaps it out of your hand, greedily stuffing it into her mouth. Concerned, you warn Sasha, “Hey, wait! You probably shouldn’t eat that!”
But it’s too late. Sasha, driven by her hunger, greedily stuffs the crumbly slice of bread into her mouth, devouring it without hesitation. She munches it along with the paper wrapping.
"It's fine," Connie reassures you, waving off your concern. "I've seen Sasha eat rocks."
"Mmmph," Sasha mumbles with a mouthful of food, attempting to refute Connie's statement. “‘ave not.”
“Can humans really spit acid?” Jean asks, pulling your attention away from the horrifying sight of watching Sasha struggle to chew the paper.
With a surprised laugh, you reply, “What? No? Where did you even hear that?”
Eren quickly interjects, pointing at Jean, “See! I told you that was idiotic-”
Suddenly, a loud squeal pierces through the conversation, grabbing everyone's attention. "LEEEVIII!!" echoes through the air, causing Levi to release a loud sigh by your side.
Confused, you glance at him, seeking an explanation, but before you can ask, the crowd hastily makes way. A figure sprints straight toward the two of you, almost bowling Levi over with an exuberant hug.
"You're back!" they cheer excitedly, shaking Levi back and forth with their arms tightly wrapped around his shoulders, while his face is pressed into their neck. Levi's hands scramble behind their back, trying to pull away from the enthusiastic embrace.
"It's way too quiet when you're gone," they express, emphasizing how much they missed Levi's presence.
"H-hange," Levi wheezes, struggling in their grasp. "Let me go, you fucking nut."
You can't help but let out a soft laugh at Levi's predicament, which earns you a hollow glare. Unfortunately, the sound captures their attention, and they release Levi, quickly turning toward you with a loud gasp.
"A human!" they exclaim excitedly, their dark brown eyes scanning your form. They step forward, patting their hands along your arms. "Levi, you brought a human here?"
You observe their unique appearance, unsure of exactly what they are. Dark brown branches twist and wind, growing out from the skin at their shoulders. More branches sprout from the crown of their head, twisting around their face like goat horns. They're coated with soft green moss, and a handful of leaves sprout from the outer branches, giving them an intriguing and nature-inspired appearance.
As their hands gently explore your hair, tracing the curve of your ear with keen fascination, you become acutely aware of the attention you’re receiving from the crowd. Among them, you stand out as the only one without pointed ears, making you somewhat of a curiosity. However, Hange’s perceptive gaze suddenly fixates on your mating mark, causing them to pause in wide-eyed astonishment.
Their thumb grazes the edge of your mark, an action that triggers a protective response from Levi, who hovers nearby with evident concern. A sharp hiss escapes Levi’s lips, revealing his unease at the intimate contact near your mark.
"Levi, you MATED!" Hange exclaims, their excitement momentarily overshadowing any sense of personal boundaries. They envelop you in a tight and overpowering hug, squeezing you to their chest with a force that leaves you breathless. Speaking quickly, they ramble, “Hi! I'm Hange! I need to know everything about you! What's your name?”
Though you're not entirely pleased with their invasion of your personal space, you try to maintain a polite composure. "Hi, Hange," you manage to respond, your voice slightly strained from the tight embrace. Feeling overwhelmed, you make an attempt to step away, seeking the comfort of your mate.
Levi intervenes with a stern warning, interrupting the conversation. “Don’t tell them your name,” Levi interjects. “They’re Fae. Hange has a habit of stealing names for their own entertainment, and you’ll be without it for several hours.”
You pause, taking in Levi’s words and realizing the cautionary advice. You decide to heed his warning and refrain from revealing your name for the time being. Continuing to try to wiggle out of their grip, you remain quiet.
"Levi, why do you always have to ruin my fun," Hange whines dramatically, pouting with a frown. "Do you realize how long it's been since I've met someone new? I hardly get the chance to trick anyone."
From somewhere behind you, Armin chimes in, "You did steal Pixis's name for half a day last week, though."
Hange grumbles in response, "Thanks, Armin. That's very helpful. And besides, I wasn't even planning on tricking her!"
"Why do I have a feeling that's a lie," you remark, sensing their mischievous nature.
Hange’s exuberance is palpable as they cackle with delight, giving you a firm pat on the back and sporting a wide grin. “We’re going to be the best of friends, I can already tell! Levi, come on, just tell me her name!”
Levi releases a weary sigh and reluctantly reveals your name, explaining, “That’s the rule. Hange can only play their games if you directly tell them your name.” He moves closer to you and tugs at your arm. “Are you going to let them go now?”
Finally, they release you. Hange’s disappointment is evident for a moment, but their curiosity quickly resurfaces. “Oh, but I still have so many questions! And it's been so long since I've met a human. Where are you from? What are your hobbies?
Feeling overwhelmed, you recall the books in your bag, one of which was lent to Levi. Pulling out “An Analysis on the Refraction of Light,” you offer it to Hange. “I skimmed through the book you lent to Levi.”
Their eyes widen with excitement as they take the thick tome from your hands, flipping through the pages until they reach a specific chapter. “What did you think? Chapter twenty-eight is my favorite. It discusses how the density of different gemstones can affect their refraction.”
You admit honestly, “I didn’t get that far. It was kind of… boring.”
Levi’s soft laugh catches your attention, and you realize that perhaps calling the book boring in front of Hange wasn’t the best choice. However, Hange remains undeterred, their excitement unfazed.
“Light is truly fascinating,” they exclaim. “I have a theory that the sun affects the WildOnes in some way. Even creatures that thrive in the light become nocturnal once they’re overcome. I've conducted several experiments-”
A loud chorus of groans resonates amongst the teens behind them. You get the impression that they're about to go on a tirade, one that they go on quite often.
“Hange, it’s practically night,” Levi interrupts, his voice laced with exhaustion. “Both of us are tired from the hike, and I believe a few of these brats are supposed to be on night-watch duty.” He gestures towards the group, a handful of which suddenly look abashed.
The sun’s descent behind the mountain paints the sky in a rich, dark orange hue, reminiscent of a dying flame. As you take in the view, your gaze settles on the sight of several tightly packed wooden buildings, nestled not far along the rocky trail. These quaint and picturesque houses are scattered on both sides of the river, creating a charming scene. Curious heads peek around the corners, observing you with a mixture of interest and caution. Amidst the onlookers, you catch a glimpse of a glittering, soft pink tail before it quickly disappears behind one of the buildings.
“Fine,” Hange sighs loudly. Their demeanor suddenly shifts, their tone becoming serious, “but I do need to speak with you for a moment.” Jerking their chin, they indicate to Levi that the conversation needs to be private.
“This better actually be important,” Levi grumbles Turning to you, he leans up to press a soft kiss to the swell of your cheek. “I'll be right back.”
“I'll be waiting,” you reply. As they move away, you watch their retreating figures, feeling a mix of curiosity and anticipation for what they have to discuss. With Levi’s reassurance that he’ll return soon, you take a moment to observe your surroundings once again, the quiet beauty of the quaint houses and the curious onlookers adding to the sense of intrigue in this unfamiliar place.
As more figures join the onlookers, their curiosity evident in their eyes and expressions, the crowd around you becomes increasingly animated. The group of teenagers, emboldened by Levi’s absence, seize the opportunity to bombard you with a flurry of questions, seemingly unaffected by his previous warning. Their excitement and eagerness are palpable.
But amidst the sea of happy and excited faces, a stark contrast emerges in your mind. Memories resurface of the last time you found yourself surrounded by a crowd, but back then, the faces were expressions of fear and disgust. The stark difference between the two situations is not lost on you, evoking a bittersweet realization.
Amidst the flurry of questions from the teenagers, you do your best to provide answers and engage with them. The crowd is still abuzz with excitement, but your attention momentarily shifts to Hange and Levi in the distance. Hange's animated gestures and loud voice catch your attention, and you can't help but smile at their enthusiasm.
Levi, on the other hand, appears slightly embarrassed as Hange playfully slaps his shoulder. You meet his gaze, and there's a fleeting moment of connection as your mating mark flutters with a distant call for help. Understanding the unspoken message, you send a reassuring smile his way, silently acknowledging the bond you share.
In this new and unfamiliar place, it's comforting to have someone you can rely on, even amidst the bustling crowd.
Yawning widely, you suddenly realize just how exhausted you are. Every bit of you seems to ache from the hike. Levi immediately slides back to your side, obviously having had enough of whatever antics Hange was spouting, one arm sliding across the small of your back.
Feeling the warmth of his touch and the protective presence he offers, you lean into him, grateful for his presence. With each passing moment, the weariness of the day begins to settle, and the need for rest becomes undeniable. “I think it's time we call it,” Levi offers softly, only half-addressing the crowd.
“Probably a good idea,” you agree. “Feels like I could fall asleep upright.”
Turning toward the crowd of teens, Levi says, “Whomever is supposed to be on watch should get up on the walls.”
Waving behind you as Levi pulls you away, you say, “Night guys. It was nice to meet you!”
As the loud chorus of goodbyes fades into the distance, you and Levi continue up the trail. Suddenly, a retching sound breaks through the distant chatter, followed by Connie’s alarmed scream of “Not on my tail!” The sound prompts a soft chuckle to escape your lips, realizing that Sasha couldn’t keep down the bread she had consumed.
With a mix of exhaustion and amusement, you continue walking alongside Levi, your steps growing lighter as the weight of the day gradually lifts.
You don't make it far before a shy brown-scaled Naga approaches. He's an adult, you note with surprise. “Moblit,” Levi greets friendly, a knowing gleam in his eyes. “You're up early.”
The brunette scratches his neck shyly, the skin free from a mating mark. “Yeah- Hange- they- Yeah,” he struggles to explain. With a deep breath, he meets your eyes, “I have a small garden that I use to grow materials to make paints. It's mostly flowers, but there's a handful of fruits and berries. You're more than welcome to it,” he offers. “I know your diet is different. Armin already eats from it.”
With a grateful smile, you respond, “Thank you, Moblit. That’s incredibly kind of you. I would love to take a look at your garden and see what I can find. I have a bit of farming experience so I can help you tend to it if you want?”
Moblit’s eyes widen in surprise, his shyness momentarily giving way to a glimmer of hope. “That would be amazing,” he says, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. “I could definitely use some help. It’s not easy maintaining it all by myself. I mostly just let it go wild. Your farming experience would be invaluable.”
You offer a nod and a smile, affirming your agreement. “Sounds like a plan, then.”
With a soft "good night," Moblit slithers past you, making his way towards Hange. As you observe Hange casually throwing their arm around Moblit's shoulder, their animated conversation uninterrupted, a question lingers on your mind. Tentatively, you voice your curiosity, asking, "Are they-"
Levi responds with a shake of his head and a noncommittal shrug of his shoulders. "Sort of. Fae can't bond, so they've never really committed to anything." The implications behind Levi's words sink in, evoking a sense of sadness. The limitations imposed by Hange’s fae nature must weigh heavily on the both of them, hindering the depth of their connection and potentially leaving them with unfulfilled desires and unresolved frustrations.
As you contemplate the situation, you can't help but imagine the emotional burden they carry. The unfulfilled yearnings and unspoken frustrations must create a weight that is difficult to bear, highlighting the complexities and limitations of their relationship.
As you continue along the winding rock path, tracing its course beside the rushing river, the rows of homes start to multiply, creating a sprawling community. You can't wait until morning, feeling the urge to explore the surroundings eagerly. However, a part of you also harbors a desire to sleep in, relishing the comfort of rest. It feels as though you could sleep through the entirety of tomorrow and still be tired.
Before long, you reach the far end of the mountain’s divot, where the river descends gently from the snowy peak of Prime. It takes a sharp left turn, cutting across the meadow with an energized flow. Levi’s guidance leads you towards your destination, his arm gently resting on the small of your waist. “This is us,” he says, indicating the last building, far along the path. There, nestled in the bend of the river, stands his home—a charming, wide wooden cabin that exudes warmth and coziness.
Intrigued by the beauty of the surroundings, you find yourself curious about the river. Seizing the opportunity, you inquire, “I never asked, does the river have a name?”
Levi’s response catches you off guard as he reveals, “Scarlet Vein.”
“That’s not at all terrifying,” you jest sarcastically, acknowledging the macabre connotation associated with the name. Eager to understand the reason behind such a name, you press further, asking, “Why’s it called that?”
Levi’s voice carries a hint of solemnity as he unravels the history behind the name. “Before Naga settled here, there were so many WildOnes in the area that the river was constantly red with blood.” His words paint a vivid picture of a tumultuous past, where the presence of fierce creatures resulted in frequent clashes and intense battles. “It's mostly just referred to as The Vein now.”
As you step up onto the small porch, the symphony of crickets fills the air, their lazy chirping blending harmoniously with the serene surroundings of the rolling grass fields. The quaint cabin, with its charming garden bed in front, welcomes you warmly. “You have a garden?”
“My chamomile is already starting to sprout,” Levi notes with a pleased nod. Even in the darkness, you can sense his delight, and you find it endearing to witness his excitement over the small sprouts. It’s a testament to his care and dedication towards the garden. It's adorable that he has such cute hobbies.
You smile, appreciating his gesture as he holds the door open for you. Hand sliding along your shoulder blade, he asks, “I don't suppose you want a tour?”
“I would love a tour,” you reply, “but that can wait until morning. You might be able to see in the dark, but it's pitch black in here. And I'm tired.” You shake your head, laughing softly. Crossing the entryway in front of him, blind in the near pitch-black darkness, you kick off your boots by the door.
“The bedrooms this way,” Levi lets out a snort, his amusement evident as he guides you through the darkness toward the back of the house. As you enter the room, the soft moonlight filtering through the large window catches your attention, evoking a breath of awe. “You have an actual bed!” you exclaim, marveling at the sight.
The mattress is enormous, dominating the space and inviting you with its plush appearance. Without hesitation, you bounce down onto it, sinking into the softness with a pleasant heaviness. The realization that the blankets are made of actual cotton adds to the feeling of indulgence, and you revel in the simple pleasure of the cozy bedding. “And actual cotton blankets!”
Lying there, surrounded by the gentle glow of moonlight and the embrace of the comfortable bed, a wave of tranquility washes over you. The weariness of the day begins to dissipate, replaced by a serene contentment. It seems that in this moment, you have found a haven of rest and relaxation. “This is paradise,” you whisper softly, appreciating the simple yet profound pleasure of being in such a comfortable and peaceful setting.
Levi pulls himself up on the mattress to your left, curling around you. The mattress shifts and tilts beneath his heavy mass. He explains, “One of the villages a mountain over has a cotton field and some sheep. We trade with them quite often.”
“I'll have to see if I can get more clothes from them,” you note. It'll be nice to have at least a couple more changes of clothing. At the very least, you'd like to sleep in something other than a well worn blouse and trousers.
Levi acknowledges your remark with a nod, understanding the importance of having a few more changes of clothing. “We’ll figure something out,” he assures you, his voice carrying a reassuring tone.
Turning to meet Levi’s eyes, you inquire, “What did Hange want?”
Levi's expression tightens and he lets out a frustrated sigh before responding, his voice laced with annoyance. "Other than hounding me about our mating? Hange wants me to investigate something. There have been sightings of a large entity near the entrance of the Den for the past few nights. They expect me to look into it tomorrow."
You raise an eyebrow at Levi's choice of words, sensing his reluctance. Trying to clarify the nature of the investigation, you ask, "By investigate, do you mean kill?"
Levi's features harden, his expression growing more serious. "It's a possibility," he admits, his tone tinged with determination. "They're not even sure if it’s something Wild, but if it poses a threat to our safety or the safety of the village, I won't hesitate to eliminate it. But I'll assess the situation first before deciding on the necessary course of action."
The weight of his responsibility and the seriousness of the task ahead are evident in Levi's words. Though the prospect of danger looms, you find solace in the knowledge that Levi is prepared to face whatever challenges arise, with his unwavering resolve to keep those he cares about safe.
“Hange wants to try and capture whatever it is, if so, but there's no way we'd be able to contain something like that.” Levi continues with a frown. “I'm sorry, I wanted to give you a tour tomorrow, but it looks like you'll be on your own.”
“I'll be fine,” you sooth his worry with an assured pat on his chest. “I can wander alone if I need to. I'm sure someone would be willing to guide me around. Though, if I'm too sore I might just sleep all day.”
“Just promise me you won’t overexert yourself, alright?” Levi requests, his concern still evident in his voice. “Take it easy and enjoy your day, whether it’s exploring or simply resting. I’ll wake you up before I leave.”
You nod, happy at the thought. “Everyone is so friendly and welcoming,” you note, eyes fluttering heavily. Between the soft cotton blankets and the warm weight of your mate, weariness is surging. “It's so much different from home.”
With your eyes closed, your senses are sharp enough to feel the vibration of his soft response: "This is home now, remember?"
Levi's reminder tugs at your heart, emphasizing the sense of belonging you have found in this new place. The words resonate deeply within you, reinforcing the notion that’s been swirling along the back of your mind all evening. Home. This place feels like home. A feeling of belonging and acceptance washes over you. A few tears build in your waterline, but you quickly blink them away.
“Yeah,” you respond softly, your voice filled with a mixture of contentment and weariness. The weight of the day, combined with the comfort and security of your surroundings, overwhelms you, lulling you into a state of complete relaxation.
As your eyes flutter closed, you surrender to the exhaustion that has been building within you. Sleep envelops you swiftly, its embrace carrying you into a deep and restful slumber.
The night passes in a dreamless haze. With a soft kiss on your cheek, Levi gently awakens you from your deep slumber. The morning light casts a warm glow in the room, and you find yourself blinking away the remnants of sleep.
"Morning," you respond with a yawn, stretching your tired limbs across the comfortable bedding. The enticing aroma of cooking meat reaches your nostrils, stimulating your appetite.
"Is that food?" you inquire, your stomach rumbling in response to the delicious scent.
Levi nods, urging you to rise, but you let out a groan of protest due to the weariness in your muscles. However, the enticing aroma of cooking meat and the promise of a delicious meal motivate you to overcome your fatigue. With a soft smile, Levi explains, "The Braus family stopped by and brought some pheasant for us to eat. Along with a chair for you."
The mention of a chair surprises you, and you're deeply touched by their considerate gesture. Curiosity prompts you to inquire, "The Braus family?"
Levi smirks, a hint of amusement in his eyes, and replies, “You made their daughter throw up yesterday. They catch fresh food for everyone each day.”
Grateful for their thoughtfulness, you express your appreciation with a warm smile. “That’s incredibly kind of them. I’ll make sure to thank them when I have the chance.”
Levi nonchalantly adds, “The Braus family has a whole bunch of adopted kids of different species, so they probably just had a spare chair lying around.”
“It’s still nice that Sasha thought of me, even if I ended up making her sick,” you note with a touch of remorse. Curiosity piques once again, and you ask Levi, “Do you have a last name?”
Levi shrugs casually, his expression unchanged. “Not that I know of.” Tugging at your arm, he urges you up with a soft clasp, “Come on, I don't have long before I have to leave.”
Following Levi out of the bedroom, you take in the layout of the home, which consists of two main rooms. The front room has an open floor plan, with a kitchen, a dining room table, and a small sitting area. Your attention is drawn to the empty dining room table, a bare square of dark wood with just one solitary chair placed at the far end.
The aroma of sizzling pheasant fills the air as you admire the cooking taking place on the wood stove. "Thank you for preparing breakfast," you express your gratitude to Levi.
Levi nods with a hint of optimism. "Hopefully, Miche will have some luck catching chickens this year. Fresh eggs would be a great addition."
Settling down at the small table, the two of you enjoy your meal slowly. The cozy atmosphere is enhanced by the gentle filtering of light, creating a warm and comforting scene.
Time passes swiftly, and reluctantly, Levi has to depart. He presses a quick kiss to your lips before disappearing through the door, leaving behind a sweet memory of his presence.
Feeling utterly exhausted, you make your way back to the bedroom, finding solace in the embrace of the oversized mattress. It engulfs you, and beneath the comforting blankets, you feel both cozy and embraced. The lingering scent of him permeates the bedding, a reminder of his presence despite his absence for several months. Soaking in the familiar scent, you snuggle in further, quickly falling back asleep.
In the gentle warmth of the sunlight, you drift in and out of consciousness, dozing softly. However, the abrupt sound of knuckles rapping on hardwood startles you awake, jolting you back to the realm of awareness.
“Levi?” you hear someone call from the other room, accompanied by the sound of the front door pushing open.
You quickly rise, suddenly wide awake. Peeking your head out of the bedroom, you cautiously greet the guest. “H-hello? Who’s there?”
Startled by your unexpected presence, the blonde man's jaw drops and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. His sun-kissed skin and scales the shade of rushing water, along with his well-built physique and adorned with thick gold jewelry, make for an impressive sight. He seems taken aback by your appearance, stuck still in the center of the main room.
Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you greet him again, trying to maintain a calm demeanor. "Hello, I'm sorry if I startled you. Is there something I can help you with?"
“Hello! Forgive me, I didn't really believe it when Hange told me about you.” Erwin greets you with a charming smile. “Apologies for entering unannounced.”
“No worries, it’s quite alright.” You feel a tinge of self-consciousness, realizing that your appearance might be disheveled after waking up. Nevertheless, you try to maintain a composed demeanor.
Based on the information you gathered from Levi’s vague descriptions, you hazard a guess. “You must be Erwin?” you inquire, hoping your assumption is correct.
“Yes, It's great to meet you,” he confirms. “It's been a long time since I've met a human.”
“It’s great to meet you too, Erwin,” you reply, relieved that your guess was correct. You can’t help but be intrigued by his comment about it being a long time since he met a human. “Oh! You're a guest! I should offer you a drink!”
You find yourself momentarily flustered, realizing you’re unfamiliar with the kitchen layout beyond the few plates used during breakfast. However, before you can voice your confusion, Erwin comes to your rescue.
“I can teach you how to make tea the way Levi likes,” he offers. “It’s the least I can do. I heard from the grapevine that you saved my friend’s life.”
Grateful for his willingness to help and touched by his gratitude, you nod appreciatively. “That would be wonderful.” Staring at the wall of cupboards, you quickly realize that you don't know where anything is beside the few plates you'd used during breakfast.
You follow Erwin into the kitchen, observing his movements as he retrieves a shiny metal kettle from a shelf above the stove. He fills it with water from the pump before skillfully rekindling the fire in the stove.
Your attention is momentarily drawn to the fact that Erwin has only one arm, but you quickly remind yourself to maintain eye contact, focusing on his face rather than staring.
Erwin reaches up to the top right cupboard and retrieves a small metal tin, extending it toward you. You accept it eagerly, feeling a sense of anticipation. Opening the tin, the rich aroma of dried tea leaves wafts up, enveloping your senses with an earthy fragrance.
As you take in the scent of the tea leaves, you can't help but voice your curiosity to Erwin. "Why doesn't Levi take any of this with him?" you inquire, gesturing to the kitchen and the comforts it offers.
Erwin's expression turns grim, and he takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "I've always had the thought that Levi's winters are a form of self-punishment," he explains. "That he isolates himself away from all of life's pleasures out of a sense of guilt, whether he knows it or not. I'm not sure if he told you about-” Lips thinning, Erwin's words trail off.
His words strike a chord, and you can't help but feel a mix of empathy and concern for Levi. It seems there's more to his solitary nature during the winters than meets the eye.
As you reflect on Levi's austere living conditions during the winter, with his bare little cave and untouched books, you realize that he could have brought some form of entertainment or additional comforts with him. However, as Erwin's explanation resonates with you, you find yourself agreeing with his assessment. "That makes sense," you acknowledge, understanding that Levi's self-imposed isolation may stem from a deeper sense of guilt and self-punishment. “And he did tell me about.. what happened.”
It's a bittersweet realization, as you recognize the sacrifices Levi makes, but it also fuels your desire to bring him moments of joy and comfort during his winters, even if in small ways.
“I hope that things will be different from now on,” Erwin hums in response. The kettle whistles loudly, blowing out a strong billow of steam with a sharp sound. Moving the kettle to the side, Erwin quickly shows you where Levi keeps a surprisingly large collection of ceramic teacups.
“They will be,” you affirm confidently. Erwin’s wide smile in response reflects his shared optimism.
“Levi likes two scoops of the leaves,” Erwin tells you, as he adds the measured amount into the kettle. As he prepares the tea, you can’t help but notice the stump of his right arm, a visible reminder of past struggles and sacrifices. “Let them steep for two minutes before pouring it into the cups through the filter. He has sugar, but he doesn't use it.”
While he teaches you, his ocean blue eyes flick between his work and your face, catching your wandering gaze. Erwin’s perceptive nature picks up on your curiosity, and he addresses it with wisdom and openness. “You can ask,” he says, his voice carrying a tone of understanding. “I promise that I won’t be offended.”
Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you appreciate his openness and decide to inquire respectfully, “What happened to your arm, if you don’t mind me asking?”
As Erwin slides over to the table, settling in a curled-up position next to the hard wood surface, you join him, holding your cup of tea. His response to your question takes a surprising turn, as he shares a peculiar fact.
“Did you know that felines are actually toxic?” Erwin begins, his voice filled with intrigue. “Their saliva contains a bacteria that infects birds and mice, usually causing their death.”
You find yourself momentarily taken aback by the unexpected shift in conversation. “And you’re telling me this why?” you ask in confusion.
Erwin maintains his calm demeanor as he explains further, shedding light on the matter. “In much the same way, there are some creatures whose saliva can actually halt our natural healing capabilities,” he elaborates. “It’s as if they are our natural opposites, counteracting our ability to heal.”
Worry suddenly seizes your heart at the thought of Levi possibly being affected by creatures with that healing-inhibiting saliva. He's out there, hunting WildOnes right now. He may be strong and experienced, but the danger strikes fear dead in your heart.
Erwin seems to catch your distress, as he swiftly reassures you, his voice soothing. “Don’t worry,” he says calmly, trying to alleviate your fears. “The creatures I mentioned, despite their saliva hindering our healing, are actually a sentient species, much like us. They’re quite nice, and we even engage in trade with them occasionally. I’ve only encountered one of them who was Wild.”
Erwin’s words bring a sense of relief, as you realize that these creatures are not a direct threat to Levi or others. You take a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of tranquility as you continue to enjoy your cup of tea in Erwin’s presence.
“This is good,” you remark, taking another sip of the aromatic brew. “Though it’s maybe a bit too bitter.”
Erwin’s smile widens, acknowledging your comment. “I’m sure Levi will be pleased when you make it for him,” he remarks playfully. “Although, he’ll probably find something to complain about, saying you made it wrong no matter what.”
A soft laugh escapes your lips, the sound carrying a warmth of familiarity. “Yeah, he will,” you agree, a fondness evident in your voice. “Levi mentioned that you've wanted to reach out to nearby humans.”
“Yes,” Erwin says. “He's fought me on it so many times over the years that I've more or less given up on the thought. Perhaps, now that you're here, things have changed.”
“I think it's a bad idea,” you tell him honestly. Surprise floods his face as you explain the reason you first found yourself in The Maw. “My village is corrupt. The village heads are killing anyone too curious and blaming it on the magical creatures in The Maw. They wouldn't welcome any trade earnestly.”
Erwin’s expression shifts to one of concern as he absorbs the gravity of the situation. “They would probably just take advantage of us?” he asks, seeking confirmation.
“They absolutely would,” you affirm resolutely. “The village heads are ruthless, and they have shown no regard for innocent lives. Children. They mostly kill children. We can’t just stand by. We have to do something.”
Your words convey a sense of urgency and determination, compelling Erwin to consider the dire circumstances and the need for action. He nods, his eyes reflecting a shared resolve.
“You’re right,” Erwin agrees, his voice filled with determination. “We cannot allow such injustice to continue.” He thinks quickly, you can clearly see the gears turning behind his eyes. “However, I'm not sure it would be a good idea for us to reach out and try to fix the situation. From what you've said, they'd probably only see it as an attack.”
“I’ll discuss it with some of the others,” Erwin continues, his voice thoughtful, “but I think the best we’ll be able to do is increase patrols in the area.”
As Erwin pauses, you seize the opportunity to share your idea. The determination in your voice catches his attention. “About that, I think I have an idea,” you assert, drawing his curiosity.
Erwin leans in, attentive to hear your suggestion. “Please, go on. I’m eager to hear what you have in mind.”
Encouraged by his willingness to listen, you begin to outline your idea, hoping that together you can devise a plan that addresses the corruption, protects the innocent, and brings about the justice that is desperately needed.
After Erwin leaves, you decide to wander and try to find your way to the library. As you wander through the library, the shelves towering with books on various subjects, you come across an intriguing sight. An old, greyish-brown Naga catches your attention. His age is evident in his worn scales and wise eyes. Despite his age, he exudes a jovial and approachable aura.
Next to him, you spot Armin, the familiar face bringing a sense of comfort. He seems deeply engrossed in a book, his mind absorbed in the pages before him.
Curiosity piqued, you approach the pair, a friendly smile gracing your lips. "Hello there," you greet them. "Mind if I join you?"
The older Naga, who introduces himself as Pixis, chuckles warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Of course, my dear. You're more than welcome." His voice carries a soothing tone, inviting you to delve into the world of books.
Armin glances up from his book, his expression lighting up with recognition. "Oh, it's great to see you again," he says, offering a friendly nod. "Feel free to browse through the shelves. If you have any questions or need recommendations, I'll be happy to help."
Grateful for their welcoming presence, you immerse yourself in the library's vast collection. Lost in the pages and surrounded by the accumulated knowledge of countless authors, you relish the tranquility and the opportunity to expand your horizons. Time seems to slip away as you explore the diverse subjects and engage in enlightening conversations with Pixis and Armin, absorbing their insights and perspectives.
As the hours pass, you leave the library with your eyes burning. Continuing your wanderings, the setting sun casts a warm glow upon the rolling grass fields. The tranquil beauty of the evening fills the air, soothing your senses after the hours spent immersed in books.
Passing by a small fenced area, you recognize it as Miche’s home based on Levi’s vague description. The enclosure holds a handful of rabbits, their soft fur catching the golden light as they hop around and nibble on the grass. It’s a peaceful scene, adding a touch of serenity to the surrounding landscape.
Nearby, you spot the Braus’s home, a large dwelling situated at the entrance of the meadow. The presence of towering trees creates a protective canopy, lending a sense of privacy and seclusion. As you approach, the joyful chaos of children’s laughter and playful squabbles fills the air. The Braus family has truly embraced the spirit of adoption, with a diverse mix of children—some Naga, others adorned with feathers or covered in fur—creating a vibrant tapestry of life.
You find Sasha out back, engrossed in her archery practice. The soft thunk of her arrows colliding with the distant target guides you towards the scene. As you approach, she pauses and turns towards you, wearing a curious expression. Calling out your name, she greets you with surprise. “Didn’t expect to see you again so soon!”
Waving shyly, you return her greeting. “Hi Sasha. I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, for making you sick-”
She interrupts you with a dismissive laugh, waving her hand. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I enjoy trying new foods, even if they taste strange. I’ll eat just about anything. It was my own fault.”
You breathe a sigh of relief, grateful for Sasha’s easygoing nature and her understanding response. Gathering your courage, you cautiously express your request. “And your family stopped by this morning and dropped off a chair. That was so kind of you… I’d hate to be a bother, but I wanted to ask you a favor.”
Sasha rests her bow on a portion of her tail, looking curious. “What is it? I’ll be happy to help if I can.”
Feeling a mix of nervousness and determination, you take a deep breath and share your request. “I want you to teach me how to hunt.”
To your utter surprise, Sasha eagerly responds to your request. Her eyes light up, and a wide grin spreads across her face. She practically bounces with excitement. "Teach you how to hunt? That sounds amazing! I'd be more than happy to show you the ropes!"
Her enthusiasm is contagious, and you find yourself growing more excited about the idea. It seems that she's more than willing to take you under her wing.
Filled with determination, you’re ready to embrace the challenges ahead, working towards being an indispensable member of the community while supporting Levi in any way you can.
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vampirealpaca · 4 months
My thoughts on the pjo show (now that the season is over) (this is going to run long) Overall Rating: 8/10 :
Ok first of all, I actually LOVED the show and the cast is literally awesome; I do have some thoughts and feelings tho.
The visuals were eating ngl
THE CAST!!!! they literally were amazing cannot stress this enough
I think a lot of the changes were handled super well, especially Medusa (although I don't love all of the changes...see below in the next section lol)
I LOVED the set design for pretty much all of the scenes!!! Like the set & costuming was literally so good; sometimes it looked a little Volume-y but I think it's ok since they also clearly did a bunch of on-location stuff
Driving scene was literally so funny like no notes on that + the acting was On Point pretty much All of the Time.
I actually think they slayed with the special effects
Pretty accurate! (overall a waaaaaay better adaptation than the movies)
More Sally content was awesome!! And I cannot stress this enough the ACTORS WERE SO GOOD in their roles!! Like I think they were the perfect choices ngl and I hope to see more of them in season 2 (if we get one, idk if its greenlit yet)
I also liked how they focused on Grover's character more (lowkey my fav now)
Genuinely had a great time watching the scenes from the books I've loved since Forever come to life onscreen!
The character dynamics were GIVING
Loved getting more info about Percy's backstory
The way they showed the Mist was honestly so cool!! This might be filed under Visuals but still...it was so cool
Fight choreo fluctuated, but I liked the Percy vs Luke fight (altho the scorpion erasure ;-;)
Again the chemistry with the actors like adkjhfdkjdfkjhdfjkhk I think the acting may have been my fav part honestly lol
All of the easter eggs for the fans!!
Rick's subtle rewriting of the story was sometimes very cool! (Like with the water grabbing Percy etc) --- you can definitely tell that he's thinking about how he'd change the story if he were to write it today
...HOWEVER i have gripes :(
I feel like they should've fallen into like…at least one trap without Knowing Everything about it. Like, I get the Medusa change and am pretty on board with it, but I feel like a few of the other changes weren't really necessary & messed with the stakes. A lot of the time it felt like I was watching them explain "Oh you're THIS person so you will do THIS so I will do THIS" instead of like...showing me.
Not enough blood (this is prob a Disney problem, not the show creators fault but like...cmon Disney...they have swords, let the children get More Injured...they are Fighting for their Lives)
Felt kinda...dryer than the books? idk how to explain it...like it felt like there wasn't the same Vibes in some parts if that makes sense, like they switched out a lot of funny moments (esp with how they changed Charon and the Crusty scenes lowkey im bitter)
the tone was definitely sometimes waaay different from the books (like it was way more serious I think, which is good sometimes and less good other times)
Idk if this is 100% true bc my last reread was a few months ago, but I think they separated the main trio more than in the book (?), it felt like they were duo-ed with diff members for a lot rather than building off of their main dynamic -- they had some trio moments but ig i just wanted more (again, I could be wrong on this one tho)
Lotus Casino not really being as Fun (the pumping lotus flowers in the air was a cool detail tho!)
It generally felt like they took a lot of the funny parts in favor of talking more about how messed up the gods are (which I liked sometimes!! but the kids are 12 let them have more funny moments too yaknow) (Rip the Died in the Bathtub line...gone but not forgotten)
I really didn't love the changes that made the story feel more Cliche and Basic (the ones that annoyed me were changing the entire DOA to just Some Standard Death Eater Looking Fellow & Annabeth's interactions with Cerebus being completely changed)
Mixed feelings on Gabe...I wanted him to be more evil at the beginning but I get why they changed it ig. Plus he was literally so funny when he (spoilers?) got murdered by opening someone else's mail. That's what happens when you commit a federal crime ig.
General Character Thoughts:
PERCY: Walker Scobell was such a good casting call... like you can tell he really cares about the books & getting the character right. Acting was on point, sass was on point (but I do wish he got to be sassy a bit More); Really gives off the energy of Percy Jackson and definitely was AMAZING in this role!
ANNABETH: She was spectacular in this role!! Leah got literally all of Annabeth down to a T --- her kindness, her pride, her wisdom, etc etc without resorting to any kind of "stock smart girl" vibe. She was literally SO GOOD! I loved seeing her talk about her dad, and the detail about her not having seen a movie is such a mood and so in-character lowkey. Leah really nailed Annabeth's dry humor and general vibe like dfajkhfdjhkfdhjk
GROVER: He was my favorite! Like, his acting was AMAZING fr!!! They brought a lot of newer things into his character that I think worked really well & it definitely strengthened his characterization --- he was also really funny & so sincere I just loved his portrayal of Grover!
HOWEVER I think some of the arcs are shakier since the characters didn't struggle as much, since they were figuring out a Lot of things
Overall, I took 2 points from the rating because the Spirit and Humor weren't fully there and I felt some of the changes made it feel less like the OG and more cliche (looking at u Charon). However, the great acting, pretty slay writing (except for the tone stuff), Vibes, and all the other stuff I think they did right pulled through to get it ranked a little higher lol. Plus, I liked it, even if I didn't like all of it.
No hate if u loved the show adaptation tho!! Feel free to disagree, these are just my thoughts lol. I really genuinely hope there's going to be a season 2, although I would like if they fix a few of these problems in that potential season (please...let me see what's happening in the dark scenes...please...)
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just-1other-nerd · 7 months
Okay, so I watched the pilot of The Amazing Digital Circus now that I've found out that it's a YouTube show which means I have access to it in my country. And boy, I've got some things to say:
Great voice acting and great casting especially for Pomni, Jax and Ragatha
I love and hate the visuals, I hate, that it looks so much like plastic, so smooth and textureless and so many contrasting and shrieking colours because I don't like looking at something like that (Idk it's kinda too much and not enough at the same time). But I love it because I'd say that's clearly the vibe they were going for, it really works for the story. It is supposed to look fake, over the top and like plastic to mimic children's toys. It's also supposed to give you the ick and overstimulate you because our main character is overwhelmed and doesn't feel save in this environment because Pomni clearly isn't save. But just as the character, the viewer will eventually adapt to this world.
The animation is really good, even though the characters have limited facial expressions due to being toy-like (for example can't really do many microexpressions with your nose if it's just a triangle) but that also means you can go for more cartoonish expressions which are animated very well and contribute to the overall surreal vibe. I think in this sense it reminds me of Toy Story.
I really like the character design, it's expressive, colourful and off-putting, some characters are more abstract than others, some more like toys. All of them seem fun at first but then you remember that those are human souls trapped in those bodys which they didn't even choose. On that note I got to say how perfidious it is that the new character in the circus is a harlequin/joker/jester when the one that they get rid of is a clown, you know, like a replacement. Each character has unique physical strenghs and weaknesses and I'm curious how the creators are gonna play with that. Nothing really fits together just like in a kid's toy chest.
I love the writing. It's only the "pilot" and yet they already set up so many things (like that computer and that "C&A" logo) and make you ask so many questions and they get you invested in the mystery element of everything, kinda reminds me of Gravity Falls. They clearly already have a vision in mind and know where they want to go. Given that they are indepentent it makes sense that their pilot is different than TV show pilots which are there to show to producers etc. so that they can decide whether to invest in them or not, like compared to the ATLA pilot this isn't a random episode but the beginning of a story. It's a good set up for most of the characters: Caine as the insane game master, Bubbles as their assistent who's not good at their job, Pomni as the new one through which we get to experience the psychological horror of being stuck in a digital world, Jax as the sarcastic jerk, Ragatha as the sympathetic and empathetic one who helps making things easier for Pomni, Kinger as the crazy old one, Zooble as the done-with-it-all one and Gangle as the shy and emotional one. I really hope we explore the last three a bit more in future episodes. They have really good jokes which help create the vibe by enhancing the dissonance between the childish setting and design but very mature and disturbing premise by making the humor mature and the horrifying concept funny which it really shouldn't be. And that kinda fucks with you once you realise that you are suddenly laughing at this very traumatising thing which plays dress-up as something fun. Everything is very kafkaesque (had to read "Der Verschollene" in school so we talked extensively about what that means) in the sense of the main character and we as observers don't know what the fuck is going on and how this world works and feel helpless and trapped in those structures which we can't understand because they're not meant to be understood. But it differs from Kafka's work because the main character hasn't got the personality of an empty slice of toast and it isn't just misery, as I said there is humor and it isn't dreary but colourful. The concept is well established as well, we're going to have little quests and adventures each episode while the overarcing plot is that the characters try to find out what's even going on and how they can escape. The world building is good, like they set up future locations, characters that aren't humans but you're not sure if they are some of the aforementioned NPCs (sun and moon), the void as a concept. But they leave enough unexplained to explore it in future episodes
Now the questions I have: Who or what created that digital world, how much authority does Caine really have, why is nobody allowed in the void, how does the weird headset trap you in this world, how long have the others been there, who are the other abstracted humans, what's going to happen with them, why all of this, where the fuck was that café where Caine and Bubbles chilled, did he really not know what was going on with Kaufmo (you know because he has all those eyes which supposedly watch all of them), for whom are they performing that theme song, why can't they remember anything about themselves except how they got to this world and that they shouldn't be there, what's with that computer, what was going on between Caine and the moon, what was that dial-up 3.40 minutes in, what's with the exit door because I don't believe for a second that he was trying to make this a gift for them, what does "C&A" mean, does the C stand for Caine, who choses the avatar of the humans? And most importantly: How will they escape?
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