#but she also does what she can to discourage this behavior because it's not healthy for him ...
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This man has been haunting my thoughts all day.
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gunsandspaceships · 2 months
Tony’s Childhood. Part 1: Identifying facts
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In the MCU, Tony sometimes acts like a kid. There is a reason behind every behavior, so I wondered what it was like for him when he was a real kid.
So, the questions of the day: what do we know about Tony's childhood? Did he have one? And, most importantly, how did it affect him?
Let’s first list what we know from the movies:
At age 4 Tony built his first circuit board (IM1)
At age 6 built his first engine (IM1)
Was sent to a boarding school by Howard (IM2)
Cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare (AoU)
Had a nanny until the age of 14 (IM3)
Went to college at 14 (IM1)
Built Dum-E and U when he was there (IM1)
At 17 graduated summa cum laude from MIT (IM1)
Continued his education until his parents’ death (CW)
Tony’s genius gave him two things: the brain and the pain. And by the pain, I mean that instead of interacting and bonding with his parents, enjoying life, playing, having fun, making friends, taking care of pets, and all the other things children do to gradually prepare for adulthood and grow up "healthy", he got this list of achievements. That doesn’t make a person normal.
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We know his relationship with Howard was complicated. Howard loved him in his own way. He had too many things to do to be a good father: SI, S.H.I.E.L.D., scientific projects, trying to build a better future with clean energy, etc. All good, except when you want your child to love you back. Especially if in the tiny amount of time you spend with him, you don’t show him any signs of affection.
What do we know about Maria? Her name, what she looked like, that she played the piano, and died at Winter Soldier’s hand on Dec 16, 1991. That’s it. She didn’t spend much time with Tony either. Remember, he even had a nanny, instead of a mother. Tony's words about her showed that he loved her, but he didn't talk much about her. Because she wasn’t present in his life enough. Why? Because…
Howard sent Tony to a boarding school.
Here’s in the S.H.I.E.L.D.s file we have this information about the school:
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“Phillips Academy, Andover, MA 1977-1984”
This means he was there from age 7 to 14. Howard sent him to a boarding school when he was SEVEN.
Phillips Academy Andover serves grades 9-12 only (it is a college preparatory school). Thus, either this is a mistake by the creators of the film/file, or Tony, due to his genius, became an exception. Since the early age he was already at school was also mentioned in IM2 tie-in comics, and in Earth-616 that was also 7, we can mark 1977-1984 as valid.
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Think about it again: Tony was sent to boarding school in another state when he was 7 years old. He spent another 7 years there, alone, among high school-aged teenagers. No parents around, no peers.
For example, even Hogwarts accepts 11-year-old children, and they live with their peers. Now imagine Harry Potter, at the age of 7, is thrown into a dorm with 7th-year students and locked there. Doesn’t make a person normal either, does it?
Nannies and Jarvis
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Since Tony was at the boarding school, there are two options for how he could have a nanny (mentioned in IM3) and spend time with Edwin Jarvis:
1) He was at the boarding school with a nanny. There is almost no possibility that the nanny was Edwin Jarvis because Jarvis was Howard’s butler and had other responsibilities.
2) He had a nanny at home in the summer and during short school breaks. In this case, his parents couldn’t even give him this little of their precious time.
In any case, he could only see Jarvis at home, a few months a year at most.
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Note: There is a date error in IM3, stating Tony was 14 in 1983. This is clearly an error and we can omit this detail.
Remember this dialog between Tony and Harley in IM3?
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0:45:15 – Harley asks him how he knew he was being bullied at school. Tony doesn't answer. He gives him a non-lethal flash thing to "discourage bullying."
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We see that Tony knew exactly what was going on with Harley at school. Because that’s exactly what happened to him there. Harley reminded him of himself. Brilliant kid with no friends and practically no parents. He was bullied by 9th-12th graders.
If he had a nanny with him at the school, that probably made things even worse. He would be bullied because he has a nanny, and despite he has one to look after him.
In Part 2 we will discuss how all this affected him. Stay tuned.
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beannary · 10 months
Hi! Thank you for blessing us all with tlp :) it’s such a cool au and I like it a lot!! I have many thoughts about it so I’ll start writing them now:
With Donnie being raised by Big Mama, the change in dynamics with literally everyone is interesting to think about, so of course my brain has latched onto the concept of how Donnie’s dynamic with his own brain (his neurodiversity/autism) effects his relationships with himself and his family. 
(beannary note: putting everything under the cut so this doesn’t get too long)
Comparing Donnie’s relationship with his own neurodiversity in tlp to canon makes me so emotional you have no idea…..in canon he’s never had a need to mask, living in the sewers with a family who accepts him for who he is, so he has difficulties doing so when needed; we’ve seen him in situations where he is unable to mask/act “socially appropriate” (the mystic library episode comes to mind - he can’t control the volume of his voice when he gets excited. Also every single time he is put in a situation where he has to lie but he is comically bad at it. Also the many many instances in which he is shown being unable to ‘read the room’). But in tlp he seems to be masking a lot, either when he’s interacting with Big Mama’s guests or with Big Mama herself (your Masking is Hard comic comes to mind instantly - how Donnie has a hyperspecific role to play as Big Mama’s Son and the pressure to not only be sociable, but be sociable in a way that meets his mother’s expectations. Its a lot to handle, acting a way that doesn’t come naturally to you and no matter how many times you go through the motions you feel as if it doesn’t get any easier and you dont know why). Tlp Donnie can mask far more convincingly than canon Donnie, but only because he’s had to mask frequently throughout his life. It seems to me like he’s been taught at a young age that he needs to stop acting so “weird” (for example, stimming in obvious ways), because that kind of behavior loses its cuteness fast with Big Mama & most of the company she associates with. I imagine lots of his behaviors are discouraged as he grows up because they’re “not cute anymore” and he’s “not a little kid anymore” and he “needs to learn some manners/self-control” even though everything “weird” Donnie does feels like so natural to him, even as he gets older. Although I do think Donnie has instinctively coped with this by making his stims more subtle (this is where I get to be self-indulgent and imagine his stims - humming, tapping his feet, fiddling with any object he can get his hands on, blasting EDM in his headphones etc), and he only pulls out the big guns (aka big stims) when he’s in his own room with the door closed (or when he’s locked himself in a bathroom stall and physically cannot hold himself back anymore). 
Unfortunately for Donnie I also figure that this amount of masking makes him more susceptible to meltdowns. In canon Donnie has so much freedom and control over his own life that the only time I can remember him being even mildly close to Meltdown Territory is during the Todd Scouts episode when his tech was taken away. And even then, he immediately knows how to cope with the change by Creating with whatever tools he is able to find, his brothers just accepting his absence as he goes MIA to build the things he needs to make himself feel better (like the wooden battle shell). But in tlp au does he even know how to cope in healthy ways? Does he get to go MIA for long periods of time so he can pull himself together and prevent a meltdown from happening? Oouuggghh I just want him to be happy :( poor guy feels as if he has no control over his life to the point he develops an eating disorder, he absolutely has no idea what a healthy coping skill is. I’m torn in between concepts for how he processes his neurological differences - either he goes the “autism? don’t be ridiculous, everyone feels this way” route or the “I am astronomically Different from anyone else I know. surely this is just due to my superior intellect and not a developmental disability of any sorts”. Either way this dude is not connecting any dots nor processing any emotions in a healthy way. (Now that I think about it, while Donnie lives with Big Mama, his unique and different skillset are probably what he clings onto to feel needed and useful to his mother, so the latter makes sense for him during that time. But the former makes sense when the concept of Different scares him, when it’s not just intellect and fixations and tunnel vision but sensory issues and social awkwardness and repetitve movements, things that very clearly separate him from his family and make him less of the Perfect Son he is expected to be.) 
Another thing I’d like to ramble about is Donnie, his autism, and his relationship with his brothers and his dad….you mentioned in an ask that he doesn’t know he’s autistic but that may change when he starts living with the Hamatos. This made me think about how Donnie’s brothers react to his autistic traits in canon versus in tlp (assuming that no one knows that Donnie is autistic; they just know that his brain works Differently than the rest of theirs). In canon, Donnie has lived with his brothers for his entire life. His brothers know his habits, his preferences, his sensitivities, his moods, etc. He may be Different than the rest of them, but not so much that they think about it for more than 5 minutes. Donnie is their brother - any “weird” behavior is not too different from how how he usually acts. Donnie may be weird but they all are in their own ways and it’s not a big deal to them. His brothers are used to accommodating his needs and dealing with his moods. However, in tlp, Raph, Mikey, and Leo don’t know him very well yet. They’ve never lived with him before and when they do accept Donnie into their home as an Official Brother (a development I’m very excited for), they also can’t help but immediately recognize the stuff that makes him Different from the rest of them (if they’re the ones that recognize that it could be autism, than it’s Differences in a way that’s Familiar, if that makes sense). Differences that aren’t just unhealthy habits and mindsets from his previous shitty living situation. Obviously they can be accommodating but it would understandably take longer to adjust simply because they’re not used to Donnie’s specific quirks. They don’t know right away what makes him uncomfortable, or what textures he prefers, or why he moves and talks and acts the way he does. It’s a learning experience for everyone. 
As for Donnie and Splinter….they make me so emotional!!!! Your art of the two of them is so so good and captures that emotion. When Donnie lives with the Hamatos, everything changes. Anyone would have difficulties adjusting to this huge change, but I imagine for Donnie it’s a lot harder. How do you cope with leaving your mother, your only family member you’ve known your entire life? And now suddenly he has to stop being His Mother’s Son and become His Father’s Son, another role he has to create and adjust to (he doesn’t realize yet that his father doesn’t need Donnie to try to be someone he’s not - he loves Donnie unconditionally, just the way he is ;-;) because having a role to play is familiar to him, the only familiar thing he can cling onto during these huge changes in his life. Unfortunately though it just makes everything more exhausting, not only coping with the move into a literal sewer but trying to act like a perfect son for Splinter. Donnie doesn’t know yet that he doesn’t have to mask in front of a parent or meet impossible expectations to “earn” parental love and approval. Meanwhile Splinter sees how Donnie acts with his brothers (much more casual because Donnie doesn’t feel as if he has to “impress” his brothers the way he has to with a parental figure) versus how Donnie acts with him and thinks he’s doing something wrong, that he’s the one giving off an impression to his new son that he has to suppress his stims or say the “right” things or do stuff that makes him uncomfortable because he thinks it’ll make his parent happy…..but I have faith that this pressure eases with time, that they get more comfortable around each other the longer they live together. Eventually Donnie won’t be hesitant or embarrassed to take off the mask in front of his father. Maybe one day he’ll get rid of the mask around his family entirely!! Either way I’m excited to see tlp Donnie’s journey :) thanks for sharing your au with us!
HI THIS IS BEANNARY SPEAKING NOW wow this was so much and im sooooo glad that you are enjoying this au! And for real its so flattering that you like?? wrote all this about my silly au this has actually been the only thing that I could think about since you asked if you could send this in and yeah it’s just really nice to see that people like my comic and this little separated au that i dreamed up
One of the big differences between canon donnie and tlp donnie is tlp donnie’s ability to mask really well. When he was a kid, a lot of his stims were cute and adorable so Big Mama didn’t like encourage them? but let him you know stim freely since she thought it was cute, but as he got older and he kept on stimming in obvious ways she started really hounding him to stop. I do really like the idea of donnie starting to stim in more subtle ways, and im definitely going to try to incorporate that in some of the comics! He still needs to stim, because you know of the autism, and so he does tap his feet and play with whatever little object he can get in his hands when he’s in public. His room is his one safe space where he can really be himself, since its the one spot where he’s not being watched by anyone (his safe space isn’t his lab because what he does in his lab is highly controlled by Big Mama so while he does like being in there and getting to do his science, he’s still pretty on edge since he never knows if his mom is watching him or not). Donnie really loves spending time in his room, though he doesn’t really get a whole lot of time there by himself since Big Mama has filled his schedule with as many extra curriculars as possible so she can show him off all the time). But speaking of his room it sure would be bad if something happened to it! Sure would be bad if it was destroyed in some way thereby destroying his one safe space! Haha! ;)
And no! Donnie does not know how to cope in healthy ways! He is very good at figuring out when he is about to have a meltdown and at figuring out a way to subtly get out of a situation so he can go recuperate somewhere in private, but even then, he can never spend a whole lot of time to himself because if he ever disappeared for an abnormally long amount of time, it would draw attention to himself and more specifically to these meltdowns that he’s having and he really wants those to stay off of Big Mama’s radar since if she knows about them then that’s one more thing for her to criticize and then it’ll be even harder for him to deal with them with his mom now being aware of them. And yeah he does know about autism but he’s still like no it simply could not be me but in that way where he’s like 99% sure he’s autistic but is just refusing to acknowledge it so he can keep on pretending to be ‘normal’. if that makes sense alksdjfh
Living with the Hamatos is going to be very hectic and scary for Donnie just because of how different their home is from his current home. In tlp, Raph also is autistic im pretty sure idk I might change that as the comic progresses but at this point that is what im going with but just havent had a whole lot of time to develop, but that’s part of the reason why the hamatos are so accepting of Donnie, its because they’re already used to living with a sibling who is autistic so all of this is second nature to them, it’s just normal and that really throws donnie for a loop because he’s so used to walking on all these eggshells making sure to act as allistic as possible 24/7 only to be suddenly dumped into an environment where its completely normal and accepted for him to just be himself. And sure it’ll be a learning curve for the hamatos because like obviously not all autistic people are the same but it’ll also be a learning curve for donnie since he’ll finally be able to relax and figure out who he is without having to hide himself all the time. 
Donnie and splinter’s relationship is what im really the most excited to write about. I really want Donnie’s experience leaving Big Mama to mirror Splinter’s experience. And I really don’t want to spoil too much but Donnie is really not gonna like Splinter much at first, and it’s gonna take a while for Donnie to warm up to his dad, but also Splinter is going to be the most understanding of what Donnie is going through because well, Splinter also left an abusive relationship with Big Mama. I dont really want to say much more about their relationship because I dont want to spoil the good angst I have planned but I’m really excited to explore their relationship more!!!!
Also just for the record I have not like proofread any of this so there may be typos or maybe i said something dumb so just lmk and ill fix it aklsdjhf Im not autistic (or am I! I havent been to therapy in a while and I would not be surprised to find out that I am autistic or that I have adhd or something else) so lmk if i said something stupid or phrased something in a dumb way and I cannot emphasize how fast I will fix it 
Ok bye now!!! this was fun!!! and thank you for sending this in!!! Idk it just really warms my heart that someone out there is thinking about this silly au this much, makes it feel like all the work ive put into making this comic is worth it :)
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I have to say I am really sad to see how you too diss someone as an AA or an Ackles worshipper if they have some different opinion.
I have to say I'm really sad you didn't check that person's profile or history, the comments they usually make. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, still, the way they were trying to accuse everyone and twist things negatively was exactly like an AA does which was my point. Behaving like Jensen's flying monkeys. They are free to be as AA or whatethey they want but that person could have expressed their point just like everyone else with differing opinions that I did post, in a clear, respectful way. Instead they chose to attack everyone by following a supposed other Anon's example. I don't have to tollerate rudeness and it's extremely dangerous what these people are doing, always trying to start huge dramas over conversations that don't even interest them. Telling me I "diss" others with differing opinions couldn't be farther from the truth. It must be confirmation bias, because plenty of opposing opinion have been posted on this blog, most from people full on harassing me and forgive me but I am going to be painfully blunt: it's abusive that you expect me to sit there and take anything anyone throws at me without responding with boundaries and clarity. That "some different opinion" was full of vitriol, a toxic emotional rant disseminating limiting paradigms and making negative assumptions about post that did not contain the content she claimed, I am saddened you can't recognize that.
I've stated several times on this blog, I don't care what anyone ships or stans, what I care about is humanity. We can be in harmony even being very different but that requires mutual respect and healthy boundaries.
And contrary to your belief, it seems, I don't have to tollerate abuse in any way, shape or form just because my opinions are different than what someone else expects. There are plenty of people I've discussed with that disagreed with me and yet never resorted to spreading lies and accusations to start drama like that vally person did. In fact, some of my followers are completely different from me and may even hate me liking Jensen yet they are pure joy to interact with and always respectful. So it's a matter of choice, those who want to live in harmony do so without trying to limit others.
And again, if anything on my blog is not for you, feel free to unfollow, it's up to you to curate your online experience and I absolutely support that, I'm not for everyone just like not everyone is for me. I don't see why anyone should ever tollerate or expose themselves to content they dislike, it's unhealthy and stressful so I appreciate those who recognize that. Should also add that I'm human so sometimes, just like everyone else, I may make mistakes or not be on brand and that's perfectly okay, I get to grow and learn and I'm grateful for that.
It's hard to tell tone from written messages so I apologize for being brutally honest, I still reinforce what I said, no one should accept toxic behaviors because we all have the ability to interact without engaging in them.
Also, do you really mean to tell me those people don't over worship Jensen? Because that's also untrue. Balanced people don't go around starting fandom fights over their favorite because, for one, they recognize the value of differing opinions and secondly, they aren't over invested in said celebrity. What's wrong with helping people become aware they are overinvested? Or would you rather they waste their lives on worshipping Jensen and attacking everyone on their path while foregoing their personal dreams and goals? That's the saddest part of all, that people get caught up in fandom drama and wars and neglect themselves and their life over a celebrity obsession. In the process, they also destroy many others which is why I discourage anyone who exhibits that kind of behavior. There are much bigger issues in life than fandom drama so it really helps to get some perspective.
Also, I sometimes get accused of being an AA too but you don't see me going to other blogs to harass them or their posts over Jensen and then insist on how I am not one in the process. 🤣
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gecko-s-greenhouse · 2 years
So, I'm reading this webtoon. It's incredibly well written, and depicts the imperfections of human interactions with beautiful illustrations. I absolutely want to give it more traffic, so I'll tell you what it's called: Big Ethel Energy.
It deals with issues like body image, self confidence, friendship, loyalty, mental health, healthy relationships. The list goes on and on, and to keep going would be to make a list of everything that we experience in daily life.
But obviously I don't use this platform solely to sing praises. Today I want to complain about an awful group of people who lurk in the comments of this webtoon, and I want to do it in a way that protects me from getting eaten alive (again).
Spoilers for chapter 51 and earlier. You've been warned! 
Two of the current topics being handled in the webtoon are: consent and forgiveness.
The context: Betty and Seth are two main-adjacent characters. Seth has been flirting with Betty (his employee and friend) for an indeterminate period of time but doesn't want to pursue a romantic relationship with her. Lots of mixed signals. Betty has an unrequited crush on Seth.
It remains unclear/open for discussion/ open for readers to project their own experiences on whether Seth is aware of Betty's feelings for him, if he's responsible for not overtly discouraging her if he does, and how long this has been going on for (you can tell who's a Seth apologist by how they answer these questions)
Things came to a head a couple episodes ago when Betty was mad at Seth for saying some pretty judgemental things about her best friend, he made a grand gesture of apologizing to her, Betty was overcome with emotion, kissed Seth, and Seth turned her down, drawing professional boundaries. Betty turned to her best friend for emotional support in these trying times, and in an effort to help Betty get over Seth, her best friend encouraged her to say such things as, "SETH IS THE WORST!"
Here I'll say that the commenters on this webtoon are pretty confused. Unlike other webtoons where the OTP is clear and there's lots of consent and positive feedback, things are pretty messy in this one. Characters are imperfect, and it's an excellent reflection of real life. I applaud the author, but this has also proven divisive among the commenters.
The consensus among the commenters is that in this situation, Betty has committed sexual assault and Seth is the victim.
Yes, you read that right.
The commenters also take issue with Betty calling Seth "the worst" seemingly because he drew some boundaries.
Nevermind that Seth has been stringing her along for an indeterminate period of time. Nevermind that supportive friends sometimes say absurd things to help you feel better. Nevermind that "the worst" might not be referring to the boundaries at all, but to his mixed signals.
Betty has been made out to be the Devil incarnate and Seth has been given a pass in this situation because he's "the victim."
Seth is not the victim. He had a hand in creating the situation, whether he was aware of it or not. And, just in case you haven't read my entire library of posts complaining about people with bad behavior: "not knowing" does not excuse bad behavior.
This goes for Betty too - she wasn't aware of Seth's boundaries, she crossed one, and now has to make amends. But it's clear that Seth isn't holding that against her (even if the commenters absolutely are) - he's forgiven her in the next chapter and is asking after her well-being.
So, I, being an idiot, hopped into the flame war and called for empathy for Betty. In response, I was called a sexual assault apologist. 
Yes, you read that right.
In response to my call for empathy, I got the opposite. I had the door of discourse slammed in my face in the worst possible way.
So I'll tell you now, my captive audience:
I called on the commenters to consider if they'd ever been strung along, if they'd ever had an unrequited crush, if they'd ever experienced a grand gesture. In response, the comment section made excuses for Seth.
Seth! Is! Not! A! Victim!
I called on the commenters to consider how they would react if their longtime crush rejected them. What kind of support they would like from their friends, what kind of support they would give to their friend. How quickly they themselves would be able to spring back from such a rejection and carry on working as colleagues.
I called on the commenters to consider their own lives. To consider if they'd ever been encouraged to, "Go for it! Seize the day!" and had that backfire in a way they needed to repair. Whether they'd want their repairable mistakes held against them as a black mark on their record, as a permanent stain showing that they should never again be given a second chance.
I believe in second chances. I believe in forgiveness, in empathy, in understanding that as humans we will make mistakes, and that we have a right to move forward from them, to not be made to feel as less-than by a crowd of holier-than-thous.
(I also believe in pattern recognition, but that's a discussion for another day.)
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wetbloodworm · 5 months
for something different, gta au. specifically ivan and asya's friendship
i don't think i've gotten into details before? just the basics. so, from the beginning, asya and sergey's dads own a restaurant together near the beach. i think i named it propaganda after an stl restaurant lol we'll review that sometime. it specializes in russian cuisine so it's particularly popular with the russian immigrant population in LS, which includes ivan. he gets a little homesick sometimes, and also he just really liked russian food! so he goes there to eat regularly, and eventually starts doing some less incriminating work on his laptop/phone there as long as the restaurant isn't too busy. he's generally well-liked by the staff because he's polite and tips well, though there's also a healthy level of unease, especially as he gains notoriety in the criminal underground. i can't imagine the staff is particularly THRILLED that the local russian-heavy gang takes a liking to the restaurant but like. as long as they pay and don't cause trouble, right?
(unrelated but i'm listening to tatu and i forgot 'mama papa prosti' - mom dad im sorry - is a meme between asya and sergey. said when you fuck up or do something shameful.)
anyway, asya stops by the restaurant frequently to see her uncle (the head chef) or meet up with sergey. she used to work there when she was younger as her first job but food service wasn't for her tbh. ivan and asya meet when they both happen to be at the restaurant, ivan to eat lunch and asya to grab something from her uncle. there are a couple grazhdane members also at a table who are being rude to their waitress. the rudeness escalates to active harassment around the time asya is waiting outside the kitchen, and she's about to go over there to throw down before ivan beats her to it. she doesn't hear the full convo because ivan is quiet, but she sees the guys suddenly looking terrified, nodding quickly, then scrambling to hand their wallets over to ivan and bolt out of the restaurant. ivan apologizes to the waitress and asks for their bill, taking care of that before going back to his seat.
(what happens is ivan goes over to very pleasantly scold and threaten his underlings because what the fuck is wrong with you don't treat service workers like this? this behavior reflects on my gang as a whole when you're wearing my colors. you're making me look bad. you will be at my office tonight at 8 so we can discuss this. give me your wallets, i'll make sure the bill is taken care of. also it's quite handy for me to have your home addresses, y’know, just in case. you can have these back at our meeting :) now leave. then he gave the waitress a 100% tip using their cards lol. the meeting later went... fine... probably..........)
asya was Intrigued, and quietly asked her uncle if he knew this guy after he came out to see her. he was like oh uh. yeah. so that's ivan, leader of the grazhdane. nice guy! here, anyway. maybe uh. steer clear? so of course asya was even more intrigued lol. she lingered a bit after her uncle went back to the kitchen, then summoned up the bravery she had built to confront the dudes to instead initialize social interaction lmao. walks up to ivan's table to thank him for handling those guys. she was just going to punch them but that probably wouldn't have been received as well as his approach. that gets ivan to laugh and wave off the thanks, it was no trouble. he knew those gentlemen and wasn't going to let them keep acting like that. cheerfully says he'll be speaking with them later to ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen again. knowing what she does, asya has an idea what that might mean gsdgjnff but it doesn't discourage her. ivan, an extrovert and always delighted to chat - especially in russian, as that's what asya would've approached with - asks if she'd like to sit, and she does.
so they talk for a bit! asya is smart enough not to give too much identifying info - gang leader, and she's heard sergey talk about prison tattoos enough to recognize some of them on ivan - though she doesn't know how little ivan actually needs to be able to dig up stuff on people lmao. which he absolutely does later on out of curiosity, he likes knowing stuff, especially if he plans on interacting with someone. anyway, the two get on well! at some point asya mentions liking to perform at open mic nights and such, ivan tells her he's got a club that does live music performances*, he'd love to hear her sometime! he's got People if she needs others on instruments, too, he can hook her up. asya immediately star eyes about that, yes, yes absolutely she's interested. they exchange info before they both gotta head out. is this what networking us because she always thought it'd be more painful.
* this is a new development in the lore lol. i think i've always thought of ivan's club as more like The Bronze from btvs. and the live performances there being integrated into the show's soundtrack has always stuck with me, so. i like that! and asya is my main music kid so i love the idea of her getting to perform there, not just with whatever one instrument she can carry to open mic night but with a full band when she needs it and proper sound and lighting and! i just love that for her! she'd still go to open mic night, it's a different vibe, but performing at the club would be so fun too. also she'd get paid! and she can help with sound and lighting stuff too!
after that, asya and ivan initially text a bit to get asya set up as one of the performers at galaxy, then start texting more just to chat because they both vibe with each other. they start hanging out both at propaganda and at galaxy, occasionally other places but those are the big two. ivan eventually introduces asya to mel so she can join the murder. outside of that, they have a mostly crime-free relationship despite the odds lol. they just get along! like to chat! asya lowers her guard around ivan slowly and is willing to get more personal with him since he doesn't seem to be abusing this power. ivan shares some personal stuff because he doesn't view asya as a threat though she doesn't reach full Person Status with him. thinks of her as a friend! just. y'know. can't FULLY conceptualize her humanity. keeps those barriers up.
as a final note, sergey is. not particularly happy when he finds out who asya is hanging out with. he met ivan first when doing his arm sleeve, he knows who he is and what he does, if not the full scope, and like. oof! oof!! maybe steer clear??? just a general safety concern and also asya has dabbled in crime before and he doesn't like her having those connections. like he won't tell her what to do but y’know. carefully expresses concern. with asya being like nah nah nah it's fine he's chill. we're buddies. he has no reason to kill me. with sergey like oh i didn't know to prioritize that as a concern but i will now thanks
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dikanamai · 2 years
I keep coming across comments (both here and in "official articles") about Alma being a narcissist, or the Casa Madrigal being a narcissistic household, or the Madrigal triplets and grandkids being survivors of narcissistic abuse, and I keep wondering how so many people have come to that conclusion. And I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly wonder why, since I feel quite confuse about it.
Why do people think Alma is a narcissist? Because she was given a magical candle and thought such magic was the only way to keep everybody safe, thus she felt forced to assume the responsibility and dedicated her entire life to her people, setting such a high standards about what had to be done that her family crushed under the pressure? Is that what they find narcissistic?
Though I'm not an expert in the matter, I know what a narcissist is, and I can understand why someone could think Alma fits the symptoms, but... at the same time, I can't help but think that's an absolute misreading of her character. Because:
1) She has never sought her own glory, her own recognition or her own benefit.
2) She's obsessed with control because she's paranoid due to her trauma, so her biggest fear is that things could get out of hand and her family could suffer again.
3) She doesn't mistreat Mirabel because she thinks she's inferior, she just has no idea of what to do with a giftless nieta, since their whole lives revolve around the magic that keeps the entire town safe. This specifically is a very complicate point and it doesn't have (necessarily) to be related to any contempt at all. Sometimes we make feel useless some of our loved ones without meaning it, just because we think they couldn’t do whatever task we have in mind for whatever reason. I'm the only woman among a lot of siblings and there are a lot of things my brothers did and I was discouraged to try because it could be "dangerous" for a girl, for example. I myself am always fretting about letting my niblings do things I think could hurt them or be dangerous or that they’re not ready to manage, to the point of being too overprotective (and I'm aware of it, even if I try to change my behavior). We often get stuck in the "you can't do this" side of the subject, instead of giving an opportunity to the "you should be allowed to try". Is that a healthy attitude? No. Should people encourage their children instead of limiting them? Of course. Does that attitude mean our elders hate us and see us as inferior creatures? Well, no. There's a huge difference between "my abuela asked me to step aside during the preparations of the party" and "my abuela kicked me out as if I were a useless shit". Let’s not forget that Alma asks Mirabel to step aside when Mirabel has just set her “surprise” on fire. It had been an accident, yeah, but her abuela only saw the result.
4) She has high expectations and pushes everyone (herself included) into perfection because she thinks all of them must be perfect for the sake of the whole town's safety. And the family follows her lead because every Madrigal knows and understands how important their task is, a point that many people tend to ignore when they analyze this. Also, thinking about Alma's obsession about perfection makes me realize how many things are intertwined there. If everything is perfect, that means there are no problems to worry about: everything's fine, everything goes fine, they're not in danger. But "this is perfect" is also a mantra, as much as the "I'm fine" one, because Pedro died to give them that life, so that life can't be anything but perfect to be worthy of his sacrifice, even if it's just an illusion of hollow perfection. In the end, Alma measures everything according to Pedro's death, and that's why nothing and no one is ever enough. Nothing will ever be able to compensate her husband's death, no matter how hard she (and the rest of them) tries.
5) She fails to see the other's necessities and struggles, just as everyone else in the family, because every one of them keeps their shit to their own and never talks about it, since none of them can afford weakness. We see it in Isabela, we see it in Luisa, that's probably what happened with Bruno too. Serving the community is their number one priority, over everything else, even themselves. Because all of them are hiding from the WAR AND VIOLENCE that plagued the world beyond their mountains, so they have to keep going whatever it takes.
So I don't know. Alma and the Madrigals as a whole are like a dam that keeps the water away. Are you gonna call "narcissist" a dam for holding the waters?
I think that if you're gonna analyze a piece of media seriously, taking into account its context is something essential. Even if some traits of Alma's behavior can resemble the narcissistic disorder, the source of that behavior is pretty different, in my opinion.
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I was talking about Pinkie Pie with someone and he gave me a hot take: Pinkie is meant to represent people with codependency issues and thus, not criticizing her character because she’s too needy is ableist and discourages kids with similar issues from relating to her. As a Pinkie Pie disliker person, what do you think about this take?
1. I gave this take the benefit the doubt and took some time to look up some info on codependency. The article I found has an important "Caution to Readers" section saying that while it was petitioned for codependency to be classified as a personality disorder, the American Psychiatric Association did not act on the proposal and therefore codependency does not have a medical consensus on whether it is or is not a disorder/disability. As a result, the definition and criteria for codependency has been shaped by self-help authors rather than psychiatric professionals, so the term has become too nebulous to be useful and is discouraged by some in the field.
2. It's worth pointing out that one of the reasons a relationship becomes codependent is when one side of the relationship enables the bad habits of the other. So Pinkie's friends placating her and capitulating to her tantrums is what's creating a codependent relationship. (See: Yakity Sax) The worst thing to do with someone who has codependency issues is enable their behavior, and this is something the article points out.
3. It's not Pinkie's codependency issues that are the problem. It's the fact that she doesn't learn from them and almost never makes the effort to improve in almost a decade's worth of episodes. If most of her episodes were like The Maud Couple, where she makes an effort to be better, there wouldn't be an issue. The article I cited earlier also has a section titled "Codependency is Recoverable. Denial is Not," and it says that "codependency is learned - and as such, can be unlearned." This means that if Pinkie Pie was meant to be a representation of people with codependency issues, she would be a very toxic one because she makes little to no effort in changing that behavior despite it being behavior that can be unlearned and despite being made aware of it several times over the course of the show, and that's more damaging to kids because it teaches complacency rather than growth.
Getting therapy, healthy coping mechanisms, taking your meds if you need them, that's all your responsibility. Even if codependency was a mental disorder (which, as we have established, it is not,) having a mental disorder is not a free pass to be inconsiderate of the people around you. Concessions can be made, but you still have to put in the effort to handle your issues.
4. It's not enough to be a representation. Said representation has to be good. If we just accept any representation of mental illness/disability in media regardless of how well or how accurate it's executed, we get episodes like Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep or characters like Mike from Total Drama.
I don't know if the person you were talking to genuinely believes in what they're saying or if they just don't like hearing criticism about a character they like, but their argument is faulty on several fronts regardless.
Tumblr really needs to stop encouraging people to just not expect neurodivergent people to have basic manners and consideration for others. We're more than capable of it, and Tumblr's insistence that we're not is itself ableist. They're saying we don't know how to operate as functional human beings and cannot possibly comprehend our neurotypical friends.
We CAN do those things because we're not incapable of learning. We just learn differently.
Here's the article I read for folks that wanna read more on the subject. https://bpdfamily.com/content/codependency-codependent-relationships
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ifbrd · 4 years
Not Sugar-Coated, ToBecky Critique from a ToBecky Shipper
Let’s talk about Tobecky and it’s toxicity! And for once, let’s not hold back! I think what I’m gonna do for this post is focus on the dynamic they have in the show, mostly criticizing my own misogyny but calling out the fandom in general as well, as I’ve seen other’s do these same things. Later I will reblog it on the Word Up blog and continue my thoughts on the ship and how it affected Word Up.
The first thing I will say is that I am a Tobecky shipper, ever since Tobey’s first shorts when it was revealed he had a crush on WordGirl. I started watching this show as a kid, I would have been 9 or 10 when it started airing on PBS. If I were to get into this show today, however, I don’t think I would be shipping tobecky, because as an adult I can recognize its toxicity which I didn’t have the proper knowledge or understanding to do back in the day. And I think the real reason I still ship today is purely nostalgic. Though I won’t deny that their dynamic is interesting and that likely affects my shipping brain too.
As a kid, I think I shipped it because, well it seemed inevitable. It seemed like the only endgame option. How many romcoms start with a girl liking one boy, only to realize later she should be with a different guy, usually an underdog the audience is supposed to root for. How many romance stories start with the two not liking each other, ranging anywhere from minor annoyances for each other to full-blown enemies, only to later understand it was all a guise to hide their true feelings. It seemed obvious that Becky/WordGirl would end up with not Scoops, whom she had a crush on, but instead Tobey, the underdog she always was fighting or arguing with. Factor in Tobey’s crush, my very underdeveloped ability to think critically, and the fact that the writers in early seasons seemed to really take the time to focus on the potential chemistry between these two (their interactions in “Department Store Tobey” and both of them having a good time together in “Have You Seen the Remote?” etc) and it seemed there was only one boy for Becky to logically end up with.
The first time I can recall really questioning this ship, I mean really questioning it, was sometime in probably my sophomore or freshman year? Maybe my junior year? I recall my health teacher teaching us about healthy vs unhealthy relationships. In this unit, I realized several of my favorite ships across various fandoms were unhealthy but that’s a whole other topic. At one point I remember him giving his two cents about the phrase “opposites attract” when being applied to romance. He said this can be true, but only if the two are “opposites” in personality, and not “opposites” in values. If a couple’s values, their morals, don’t align, they probably aren’t going to make it. And in all honesty, I think Tobey and Becky have the worst possible combination for this.
They have very similar personalities, and while this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can make it easier for them to encourage their negative traits instead of helping them overcome them. The traits they both share like pridefulness, attention-seeking, and being a bit obsessive, have the potential to be the traits they bring out in each other. The best counter-argument for this is the fact that Becky is willing to and would call Tobey out for everything wrong or ridiculous he does, and try to help him. But that doesn’t matter if Tobey is not willing to listen to her when she calls him out, or accept her help when she offers it and he needs it. And it’s especially worthless if he’s not willing to help her back.
Meanwhile, the biggest weakness for this ship is their opposite values. Their morals couldn’t be more apart from each other. Get these two together for long periods of time and a morality war would easily ensue. And then combined with if their similar personalities do end up bringing the worst in each other, then any relationship they could have would be disastrous.
The worst issues with their pairing all go back to Tobey. I love Tobey as a character, don’t get me wrong, but we need to be honest, and please excuse the language--Tobey is a piece of shit! He is disrespectful to everyone around him, except his mother, and that’s only because he’s scared of her He thinks he’s better than everyone else and has no issues expressing that opinion, even going as far as to try to define words for WordGirl. He goes as far as to belittle her in “Tobey or Consequences” criticizing her word choice. He has been shown on multiple occasions to lose his mind when he doesn’t get exactly what he wants and will do anything to get it, without regard for others’ property, feelings or safety. He’s manipulative as seen in “Tobey Goes Good” and “Have You Seen the Remote.” He’s unwilling to take responsibility for his actions, as demonstrated when he attacks the candy factory for making candy because he got a cavity, instead of realizing that he should have taken better care of his teeth.
And worst of all, despite what he and the audience often believe, he clearly doesn’t give a single shit about WordGirl. If he cared about her he would have acknowledged her disinterest, if he cared about her, he wouldn’t have tried to force Becky into admitting she’s WordGirl in “By Jove, You’ve Wrecked My Robot.” If he cared about her, he wouldn’t have pretended to be good or trick her into spending time with him or forced her to read poems about him. In the Halloween special he thought Violet was WordGirl just because she was wearing a WordGirl costume, failing to acknowledge that Violet is blonde and white and WordGirl is clearly not.
The episode “WordBot” makes it very clear what kind of relationship Tobey wants from WordGirl--and it’s not a relationship. It’s a dynamic where she simply showers him with never-ending adoration and does whatever he wants. Tobey cares about one person and one person only and it’s not WordGirl, it’s himself.
And I’m not even counting “Go Gadget Go” in any of this! That episode put him in such a bad light that most fans pretend it doesn’t exist because his behavior is so inexcusable. And yet even without that episode, we have plenty of toxicity coming from Tobey’s end.
I once saw someone say they hate the tobecky ship because the argument for it often is that Becky will be willing to put up with Tobey when they’re older. First of all, if that’s your argument in tobecky’s favor you need to go take a good hard look at yourself. Becky putting up with Tobey’s messed up behavior is essentially hoping she ends up in a horrible, toxic, unhealthy, relationship that would be borderline abusive if she didn’t stand against him. Secondly, while I don’t deny the existence of this argument, (I once read a fanfic where the two were married but still a hero and villain who battled regularly) I disagree with the idea that this argument is most often used to justify the ship. Instead, the most common argument to justify it is the idea that Tobey has it in him to change. This is certainly a better argument, as Tobey changing is really the only hope for this ship.
But I think it’s really easy for us, myself included, to struggle with the line between finding evidence that Tobey could change vs excusing his actions; the line between finding an explanation for his behavior vs finding an excuse for him. It’s a very easy line to accidentally cross without realizing it. And it really says something when, as discussed in another post, we are not giving other villains like Victoria--who have more of an “excuse” --the same treatment. It’s incredibly misogynistic.
I’m not going to try to argue that Tobey doesn’t have the capability to be good, of course, he does. We can see this in the cute note he leaves in Becky’s backpack in “Trustworthy Tobey” and in the very last moments in the Thanksgiving special, and of course in our favorite example, “It’s Your Party and I’ll Cry if I Want to.” I’m also not saying that Tobey’s actions and psychology aren’t the product of the environment and circumstances he faces daily. Of course having no father figure present, a single mother who is always working, and no friends is going to affect a child. What I want to question is when is Tobey responsible for his own life, choices, and actions? Maybe not now at age 10-11, but what about when he’s 13? 16? 18? 21? 40? Where do we draw that line? I also don’t want to discourage looking for the good in people and characters and thinking critically about how their past and psychology is affecting their actions. I want to encourage that in all characters, not just the boy who happens to have a crush.
And while it’s nice to speculate that Tobey will follow a better path in the future, not so much for tobecky as much as for the betterment of Tobey himself, we need to realize that it’s just speculation. We have no canon proof of where his story goes post-WordGirl. He has his moments of hope but overall this kid has a terrible track record. When it comes to others, Tobey makes terrible choices. And that’s exactly what “going good” will be--a choice--his choice.
I also want to take a moment to talk about something @fromtheplanethexagon said in this amazing post you should totally read because it’s great. They commented on how very few people when writing tobecky fanfics takes the time to explore her perspective of their feelings for each other. Where her feelings originate and why she would like him. This is something I am absolutely guilty of and will be paying attention to in the future. After reading that passage from their post I thought for a while why Becky would like Tobey, and I honestly struggled with it a bit, which shouldn’t be happening if I’m trying to write a healthy tobecky story. That’s all I’ll say on this for now because beyond this I would use Word Up as an example, so I’ll save that for later.
The older I get the more I realized how toxic this ship is. Heck, who knows what I’ll realize about it in the future when I’m even more mature. In the past I’ve tried to convince myself it’s okay I ship it because I never shipped Tobey with WordGirl, I shipped him with Becky. I know they are the same person, but Tobey doesn’t know that, and the dynamics between him and each of her egos are very different. The dynamic between Tobey and WordGirl reminds me of Gideon and Mabel from Gravity Falls. Meanwhile the one between Tobey and Becky reminds me more of the one between Jimmy and Cindy from The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron. That’s better right? Even if just a little bit? Well no, not really, because we all know darn well if Tobey fell for Becky instead of WordGirl he would treat Becky exactly the same as he treats WordGirl. He would ultimately have the same “WordBot esc” expectations. If anything he might try to treat her worse. With WordGirl there is a clear power balance, and while it’s still technically there with Becky, Tobey doesn’t know it’s still there and might try to use that to his advantage.
And to conclude I’d like to add to @fromtheplanethexagon above-mentioned post (here’s the link again, seriously, read it!). Regarding their final thoughts that it’s fine to explore the ship, and it’s fine to explore the unhealthy parts of the ship. But we need to be careful to not glorify the toxicity of the potential pairing.
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Implying Catra’s Physical Abuse
Abuse and how it shapes people is a major recurring thing in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. The two protagonists were raised by the same woman, and the different ways she abused them took them down two very different paths. Shadow Weaver’s abuse left each of them with disordered views of the world and their place in it, not to mention extremely maladaptive coping mechanisms.
While the emotional abuse of both Adora and Catra is obvious, it’s clear Catra has endured a lot more than Adora. Not only does she have to deal with a barrage of insults and degradation, she’s also abused physically. And while it’s never actually portrayed onscreen, it is heavily implied that Shadow Weaver beat Catra when she was a child, possibly even beyond childhood. While this may seem like an especially dark take to some, it’s blatantly obvious to anyone who’s been abused in that way. The indicators are all there.
SPOP’s creators did a phenomenal job of making the extent of the abuse very clear without actually showing it. Much of the credit for that goes to the stellar voice acting of AJ Michalka and Lorraine Toussaint, but the writers put the words in their mouths, finding ways to imply violence between the lines. Perhaps most impressive is how much of this is accomplished with subtlties in animation, which is what I am going to focus on most in this post (partly because it’s so gifable, and partly because it’s so damn good).
With no further ado, let’s examine this evidence in detail.
Frequent lower-tier physical abuse
Physical abuse isn’t just about blows, it’s about the violation of someone’s physical autonomy. Shadow Weaver physically abuses Catra in other ways all the time in season 1. The regularity with which she grabs, shoves, or throws Catra is disturbing, to say the least.
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She also restrains and/or controls Catra’s body with magic on several occasions. Not only that, we know this has been going on since she was a child.
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Not only are these behaviors physical abuse on their own, they also imply that Shadow Weaver may have abused Catra in even worse ways offscreen. This is especially true when combined with other clues, which I’ll go into now...
Catra’s body language around Shadow Weaver (and vise-versa)
Catra is clearly terrified of Shadow Weaver throughout much of the first season, even after she’s been promoted. Her body language is very defensive at a distance, and she cringes/shrinks away whenever Shadow Weaver gets too close.
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Though she rebels at times by standing up to Shadow Weaver and giving her attitude, her fear still shows through in her tense shoulders and alert ears.
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Shadow Weaver’s body language says just as much as Catra’s. Physical abusers use their bodies to intimdate their victims, threatening violence by invading their space. There are examples galore of this throughout season 1 (the best coming in 1x12, which I’m saving for the end of this post).
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Even after Catra takes Shadow Weaver down and imprisons her, her demeanor continues to communicate her fear of violence. When they have their heart-to-heart (of sorts) in 2x06 and Shadow Weaver extends what looks to be a welcoming hand, Catra is wary of letting Shadow Weaver touch her. She gives in because she craves Shadow Weaver’s affection so much that the risk is worth it, but her body language speaks volumes.
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Not only does she hesitate initially, the way she moves closer is full of apprehension and dread. 
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Her fear is clear on her face when Shadow Weaver first touches her, as is her shock when the touch is gentle and affectionate after all. For once, her gamble has paid off (or so she thinks, until Shadow Weaver’s betrayal sends her crashing down into despair).
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Adora’s body language around Shadow Weaver
The reactions of bystanders can’t be discounted, either. Being Catra’s best friend, Adora might be more aware than anyone of how Shadow Weaver treats Catra. I say “might be” because Shadow Weaver only ever threatens Catra in Adora’s presence and seems to hold back a bit. Her treatment of Catra is worst in private, but since Shadow Weaver wants to stay on Adora’s good side, she especially can’t be too harsh in front of her. And Adora’s not the most perceptive, to say the least.
Regardless of how much Adora has witnessed or inferred, her reactions whenever Shadow Weaver looms over Catra communicate that she understands Catra is in danger.
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Not only that, Adora reacts with discomfort to being touched by Shadow Weaver as a child in 1x11. Shadow Weaver is lecturing her at the time (kindly, by her standards, but still), and the way Adora winces right before being patted on the head implies she’s afraid the touch won’t be gentle. Perhaps she just finds Shadow Weaver creepy, which is also valid... I tend to think it’s a bit of both.
Shadow Weaver may or may not have ever hit Adora, but if Adora’s afraid that she will, she’s probably witnessed it or at least assumed that it happens. Kids are more aware of these things than adults think. Being so vulnerable, they learn the danger signals young. And since they’re too young to manipulate themselves into a sense of safety, their judgments on who is trustworthy are often accurate.
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Catra’s anxious demeanor
Catra’s fear of violence doesn’t only show up around Shadow Weaver. She’s always tense around authority figures, getting especially nervous and twitchy when they show anger or displeasure with her.
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She also has a very exaggerated startle reflex to sudden movements, characteristic of someone used to being hit without warning.
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This is especially true of her reactions to shadows, which is very telling.
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Catra’s violent outbursts
This isn’t a characteristic exclusive to abuse survivors, but it adds greater depth to the character and makes perfect sense for someone who was physically abused. Catra never learned how to express anger, frustration, or sadness in a healthy way. She expresses it the way it was modelled to her: by lashing out physically.
Never is that more apparent than in her reactions to being betrayed by the two people who mean the most to her in the world.
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Catra’s obsession with strength and power
This is a Horde-wide thing, to be fair. As Adora says, displays of weakness are discouraged. But no one seems quite as obsessed with gaining power and being perceived as strong as Catra is. And this makes perfect sense for an abuse survivor.
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This drive comes from a desire to protect herself, to make herself so strong and gain so much power that no one can hurt her ever again. This has been confirmed and reiterated several times by Noelle Stevenson in interviews. And to be hurt again, Catra must have been hurt in the past. Anyone with half a brain cell can infer who the perpetrator was. Speaking of...
“Back in your place”
One of the best uses of writing to clarify the abusive dynamic between Catra and Shadow Weaver comes during their showdown in 1x12, in which Shadow Weaver raises a hand at Catra while threatening to put her back in her place. Her use of the word “back” is key here. That one word implies this is something she’s done before to keep Catra in line. This is also the best example of Shadow Weaver’s body language speaking for her, as detailed above.
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This moment is the clearest indication in the series that Shadow Weaver has beaten on Catra, basically a dead giveaway to anyone paying attention. The writers definitely want the viewers to understand that, and between this and all the other clues I mentioned, they did a remarkable job.
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Could I ask headcanons of Black Eagles flirting and crushing on Byleth (professor?)?
[Ask and you shall receive lol. Lately I’ve been busying myself with long reports, so I needed something cutsey to recharge.(Sorry if it’s complete rubbish lol) It’s not much but I hope you like it!]
Ehh. She won’t be a student much longer anyways. 
Byleth will always be her professor...but maybe another title can be ticked onto that list? She hopes so. 
However, she doesn’t go too overboard. Just a few teasing gestures and quips every once in a while to sedate the budding sentiment in her heart 
With more pressing issues over love, Edelgard can’t afford to play the role of lovesick schoolgirl 
She sets side her personal feelings for the professor when around others. Instead they are treated as a good friend and adored instructor. Alongside the present given on Byleth’s birthday are a few other trinkets Edelgard picked up herself, you know, because she’s extra 
When alone her thoughts often drift. There are many occasions where work ends up procrastinated 
She keeps everything bottled up inside and doesn’t even hint at the idea of a crush to anyone. To love is to be compromised, to be compromised is to be weak, and to be weak is to fail
This is something she firmly believes until the support of her peers and affection from her professor begin to challenge it 
Perhaps there is room for love in her future 
“My teacher, you are an important companion to everyone here and to myself. You must never forget that”  
Oh he is smooooth. 
Yet subtle 
He knows that he shouldn’t become too attached considering what’s to come in the future. His mind and body are her highness’ to command
....well, all good things come in moderation anyways. What’s a little meaningless flirting?
His flirting methods follow the ‘attack of opportunity’ plan. Meaning that he tosses in his quips when the time seems fitting 
He knows what he is doing. Never assume otherwise 
Obviously such conduct towards a teacher is unrefined. Does he care? The guy couldn’t give less of a sh*t 
He has 100% commented on their dancing attire at least once
People should mind their own business lest they want to lose their tongue. Can’t gossip when you can’t speak, right?  
If the professor doesn’t seem to mind then why should he stop? If they recuperate then that’s even better
It’s no fun when prey doesn’t fight back once in a while. 
“Oh do go on. The droll behind your ever so taunting tone is intoxicating. It almost makes this insufferable lecture mildly entertaining” -shots fired. Professor or not, ‘love interest’ or enemy, Hubert does not tone down the sarcasm 
No one even suspects that he has an interest in Byleth. He downright makes it appear that they are his sworn enemy (whether this is intentional or not? You decide) 
‘Flirt’? ‘Caspar’? That’s funny
It’s not that he can’t do it. Caspar can be very charming when he wants to be, but why bother? 
They’re his professor. If he starts kissing up to them then the others might start to think he’s pegging for special treatment 
He also doesn’t want them to like a facade. He wants them to like him
Not that he would turn said special treatment down if offered. He d o e s want to get stronger, and the extra time with his “favorite”*wink* professor is a lucky bonus 
He tends to have a ‘lingering eye’ that’s easy to pick up on if you catch my drift
he is not pure hearted, just a dunce. There is a difference
The boy blushes at every little action without even noticing
He loves to watch them train, both to better his own moves and to admire them without it seeming weird 
Literally everyone knows that Caspar has a thing for Byleth before he knows it himself. He’s the kind that mistakes a crush for admiration 
He’s also a big baby when it comes to them giving other people attention. 
He justifies his interruptions as: “The professor doesn’t have time to do __ for __! They have enough to do as it is!” 
Now what does that translate to in Caspar language?: “The time the professor spends doing __ is time they could spend with our class me” 
Someone help him. He’s so thick headed it’s actually sad 
“My apologies. I will be returning after the clearing of my head” 
She’s unfamiliar with the courting methods in Fodlan. Are they the same as in Bridgid? 
Thoughts of the professor occasionally will interfere with her study time
Also her appetite. Normally she eats plenty at meals since she hates waste, but the professor makes her nervous about her etiquette 
let’s just ignore that Byleth eats like a ravenous boar
She wants to take them to see Bridgid. It’s only natural to want to share the things you love with those you care about 
She embraces the affection she feels. Byleth is a truly wonderful person and the royal family would gladly accept them if Petra expressed her feelings 
When she returns she wants to ask them to accompany her 
For now she will remain at their side both in battle, in leisure, and in spirit 
Petra also isn’t one to approach with caution. The way she flirts is through honesty 
If they do something she likes then she says so. If they look nice or are trying something new then she’ll comment on it. If she sees something in the shop that they might like, then she buys it 
Petra is simple. She does for Byleth what she thinks will make them happy and doesn’t overthink it in the slightest 
The newfound feelings aren’t discouraged nor appreciated. It is a battle between practicality and love for her 
Not because of them being a professor, but everything else 
Mercenary, teacher, reincarnate, solider, tactician, etc. 
Such a dangerous profession with so much blood on their hands. Are those the ones she wants to hold for the rest of their days? 
Will they even live long enough to grow old with her? 
She wants a reliable partner to take care of her and not give her a heart attack on a daily basis. So far only one box is checked 
She will not be a widow at such a young age. She refuses 
When these thoughts emerge Dorothea retracts from Byleth. There’s still the open friendliness that was there before, but now an extra barrier has been put up 
She won’t go out of her way to give Byleth special treatment. Her search for a partner other than them will continue on 
Maybe she’ll find someone else to smash these feelings so that there will be no need to confront them 
Only after they ‘die’ will she stop suppressing them. 
“To think that it took such a disaster for me to see the light. Why do people realize such things when it’s too late?” - she focuses on personal growth until the reunion. Relying on another person to prevent the past from reappearing is not what she wants. 
The best way that Ferdinand can communicate his feelings is through words
He tries. He really tries to come across as a potential life partner for the professor. He can only be a student for so long, and they’re close in age. Logically there is nothing wrong with the possibility of a courtship 
but because speaking ‘frilly’ is a normality the effect is not like how he hoped 
When Ferdinand falls, he falls hard. Yes, he is a flirt. Yes, he stretches himself thin trying to please everyone. Yes, he has his quirks that make him extremely confrontational 
So when he finds someone with the ability to make him both strengthen his morals, question the bigger picture, and grow as an individual (after the whole ‘noble’ mine-bomb) it’s a big deal 
Therefore he will not relent in his pursuit of Byleth unless they explicitly tell him to stop. If words don’t work then he instantly pegs for quality time and acts of affirmation 
Greets them every morning, carries their supplies, invites them to tea, delivers lost items, etc. People really do peg him as a kiss ass. 
He doesn’t get the ‘heart flutters’ that people talk about. When he’s beside the professor he just feels energized. Like he could actually beat Edelgard ‘could’ is the key word in that scentence
“Good morning Professor! If your schedule allows it, would you care to join me for tea later this afternoon? Your company would make it the perfect level of sweetness” 
A firm believer of “age is but a number”
It’s more of his personal beliefs that tone down any pursuit of the professor. They are currently in a position of power over him that halts any relationship progression at a professional level. 
So as any healthy person does: he vents any growing affection into his studies
He h a t e s how they make him restless.He’ll be feeling drowsy one moment but then their face will pop into his mind 
He can’t even sleep through class. Not with them there 
Actually works in the class’ favor since he starts contributing to the lectures. If you can’t beat them then might as well join them 
This is how it is during pre-timeskip for the most part. Occasionally he will let his thoughts slip but never any action
He has crests to research and Byleth has students that seemingly want to die by the hour. There is literally no time to flirt 
Now AFTER the timeskip, things are different. Linhardt is a blunt person which sometimes works in his favor. Just so happens that flirting comes naturally to him  
most of the time it doesn’t though
“Could you refrain from doing that? It’s distracting”                                      “Linhardt, i’m stretching. How is that distracting?”                                         “You are an attractive individual. Need I say more?” 
Life is short. He has no filter 
“HI PROFESSOR!”                                                                                       “Afternoon Bernadetta. I see you’re out of your room today”                       “W-what? OH! Yes. Y-y-yEs i aM IM SORRY I’LL GO BACK PLEASE DON’T PATRONIZE MEEEEE” 
She’s scared. What’s new? 
The girl never expected to have these feelings. One night she was painting when what was supposed to be a cloud began to resemble her professor 
It was downhill from there.
Her behavior is exactly the same as prior to her feelings. Being a naturally jittery person works to her advantage, no one suspects a thing! 
Compared to simply being friends it will take longer for her to be comfortable 
She will avoid Byleth at all times outside of lessons. It’s just too hard to communicate anymore 
Eventually her outer shell will crack. The once new feelings will begin to feel normal and the old bernie will be back. Jittery, hyperactive, kind, lovable bernie 
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Everything wrong with Karmi and why its a problem
Never thought I would do this thing, but as of now… I’ve kept this to myself for a long time since the beginning of the show, and I want to say that this is not recent, this is not a response to every fan that likes this character. This is to share why I find Karmi as an awful character in full detail and the fact that it’s being portrayed positively rather troubling.
(This is just a small disclaimer put to put it shortly: Jelly pig’s actions were inexcusable. She can hate Karmi all she wants and should not be forced to like her. However, sending threats and going out of their way to put nasty comments on other’s piece of work is not a healthy way to express your distaste for a character. At most, they should have just filtered their tags so that they don’t see any Karmi related work on their dash. And Jelly/pig or whatever your name is now if you’re reading this: I want to let you know that you can hate Karmi all you want, but again, sending death threats is not a way to get others to listen to you. And I get what you were trying to do, trying to say that Karmi’s existence is worse than COVID. While I get what you’re saying if you seriously think this way then you need to reevaluate yourself and your choice of words. Karmi is a bad character but there are far worse things to worry about. I do genuinely hope you change your behavior and express your opinions in a healthy manner, that you are getting better, but again, death threats will get you nowhere. In other words: think before you run your mouth.)
I am a fan of Disney, and I especially adore the show Big Hero 6: The Series. However, it has come to my attention that a certain character is a harmful presence in the show that is being portrayed in a positive light when their actions had clearly been damaging. In Big Hero 6: The Series, there is a character named Karmi, who is a Biotech student. From what I can understand, she is portrayed as a rival to Hiro Hamada to which her actions are endearing, and is set up as a love interest to the main character, with the added charm being that she is a fanfiction writer who is enamored with Hiro's superhero identity. However, upon further inspection and research, it becomes clear that Karmi, the character, is not a positive character who should be presented as such. In fact, what her actions and behavior actually are is that of a bully, an antagonist. While it is nothing new to have a bully character to be an antagonist, it appears that the writers and executive producers of Big Hero 6: The Series are unaware of/ignorant of how Karmi appears in the show and genuinely believe that Karmi's character is endearing. Here is the following evidence to display Karmi's actions and why it is not justified.
In her first appearance of the show, Issue 188, she is introduced to Hiro as to ‘help him’ socialize better by Professor Granville, and yet her behavior/actions to Hiro, when the professor is not around, is demeaning and antagonistic; One particular scene near the end where Karmi is experimenting on a dangerous virus, a virus that requires her to be in a biohazard suit, and yet doesn't tell Hiro to wear a biohazard suit himself. This becomes more concerning since the virus is compromised and could have possibly escaped, with the chance of it infecting Hiro yet she expresses no concern over his well-being and that she could have gotten him killed via said virus. Even if this is played for comedy, no biotech major or scientist would even think of replicating Karmi's actions. Especially virology majors and biotech scientists because it is the most irresponsible and negligent thing to do. Then later, we learn that it’s not Hiro that has a problem socializing, it was Karmi the whole time. Helping others socialize is nothing new, and while that is a start... later in the series we see Karmi having no problem talking to others around her, and can easily approach Liv to steal Hiro’s attention to present her invention(More on that later.) So immediately, it shows that Karmi’s problem isn’t social, it’s behavioral, she has gotten in trouble for her behavior before.
Now, I got to say this: at the beginning, I genuinely wanted to give Karmi a chance as a character, reasoning myself that it’s only her first episode. I was not expecting a 180, I only want her to be at least decent to Hiro. I could tolerate a sarcastic line or two... but Failure Mode had ultimately destroyed any sort of sympathy I could have had for her since then, the one to make me shout ‘WHAT. A. BITCH!’ and make me absolutely hate her.
During the episode of Failure Mode, her second appearance in the show, Hiro Hamada's first attempt at his project has been a failure; to which her first reaction to doing so is to film the blundered presentation and post it online for all to see. Her action during that moment is in fact, cyberbullying; an act to which the bully will post slander or humiliating moments of their victims' actions online to further humiliate them. The fact that Professor Granville, a professor/Dean of the school, who was teaching that class, in particular, does not reprimand Karmi for her blatant bullying here is disgraceful as no other teacher in authority would allow such a vile act happen in their classroom. 
When I first watched it I was staring in horror at such a blatant act of bullying. I actually stopped the video I was watching because I couldn't stomach watching any more of it and it took me a solid week until I could watch the rest of the episode. And even then, she didn’t stop there: She does it again when Hiro’s second presentation inadvertently destroying the other student’s projects to which Karmi(and a group of students standing behind her) taking pictures of the whole ordeal. The next scene shows Granville and Hiro having a moment discussing how Hiro shouldn’t be discouraged and that he shouldn’t call himself a failure… to which Karmi barges in with her project and asks Granville point black to let Hiro call himself a failure many more times,(curiously the next scene cuts off to the gang before it gets to Granville’s reaction so we never see if Karmi was scolded for this.) Then, when Hiro presents his project a third time, Karmi has her phone out expecting it to fail a third time! That’s three times Karmi had done in a span of an episode with the intent to humiliate Hiro online and even wanting Hiro to call himself a failure! Could you imagine a child watching that episode, someone who might be bullied at school, watching such an act go by, and for laughs?? That’s just downright terrifying and horrific for anyone in that situation.
In Small Hiro One, Karmi is clearly demeaning to Hiro as she makes fun of him not joining the other students to a seminar of a student-alumni due to his age. Even when they had a moment to talk, Karmi originally came up to Hiro to humiliate him for being around a 'fake scientist' that made 'fake volcanoes' for a kid's show. So even that sweet moment is soured when you realized she came up to him to insult him to make herself feel better for being the first student to be kicked out of the seminar. Even Hiro, in his super suit, tells Karmi to be nicer to other people! But even then it doesn’t work and Karmi still continues her malicious behavior.
Fan Friction is a more infamous example. While it is true that people write fanfiction of their beloved celebrities and actors there has to be a line. In Hiro Hamada's view, he is clearly uncomfortable with Karmi's writing of his superhero self being portrayed in a romantic relationship when, as previously stated before, her prior actions towards him are antagonistic. He is a person, a person that had been antagonized by Karmi. He had every right to be upset about this, but the others around him basically chalk it up to being embarrassed by Karmi's infatuation with Hiro's alter ego rather than the fact that the fanfiction is written by someone who despises him.
Do you remember the episode Big Hero 7? The plot being that Fred inadvertently exposed his superhero identity to Mole which lead to Mole blackmailing the team to which they had to give in to his demands that ultimately failed because Mole still made that appointment with bluff dunder to expose their identities? That all started because Fred saw that Mole forged an autograph of Fred's superhero self, where he claimed they(The team) go apple picking and are close friends, which leads to Fred’s outburst and the reveal. Fred did it because a person who despises him and does everything he can to upset/torment him made an autograph that says they are friends when they’re clearly not as Mole tormented him for laughs. So, how come Fred has the right to be upset about Mole's autograph forgery, and yet Hiro can't be upset with Karmi's fanfic? I bet you that Fred would have been just as upset at the fanfic if it was written by mole as a self-insert, and  Gogo would be just as upset if Mole also included writing herself as his GF like Karmi writing Super Hiro as her boyfriend. And here's a kicker: if the fanfic was literally written by anybody else, then Hiro wouldn't have been so upset about it. Why? Cause it was a stranger that wrote it, someone he never met and could care less about. He would have probably shared the sentiment the others had. Except it wasn't written by some stranger, it was by Karmi, who had routinely bullied him and belittled him from day one all because he’s a younger student than her.
Karmi’s self-insert fanfic even backfired when Momakase literally thought that Karmi was in fact Hiro’s girlfriend and kidnapped her. To which brings up this thought: Why would Momakase think that a self-insert about a student be real? Is it because Obake thought it was real? I highly doubt it since he had been spying on the team for a long time and would have known everything about them, hell he made a replica of Hiro’s room in the previous episode Rivalry Weak! He would have been long aware of Hiro’s true relationship with Karmi and realized that Karmi is not involved with the team in any way. Its actually my head-cannon that Obake placed that fanfic in his sources as a joke, as a way to test Momakase to see if she could tell the difference between real info and fanfiction, to which she failed... and then he proceeded to laugh at her when he told her the truth after the fact.
In the episode Big Problem, it starts off with the introduction of Liv Amara who is going towards to see Hiro Hamda for work on Baymax. While they had waited for Liv Amara to arrive, Karmi comes in uninvited to get Liv Amara's attention. Then Liv Amara pushes away Hiro because it was Tadashi who made Baymax; there was no explanation as to why Liv Amara disregarded Hiro because it was Tadashi's invention,( is it because she had a run-in with Tadashi before that lead to some bad blood between them? We never learned anything about it). To which Karmi steps in and takes Liv Amara's attention. Hiro Hamada is clearly upset that he was snuffed for his invention not being his own, to which the others around him basically say that he is jealous of Karmi attracting Liv Amara's attention. That is a false assessment from the supporting characters and from the writers. Karmi had no right to be there when it was clearly Hiro's interview with Liv Amara. If Liv was so impressed with Karmi that she chose to spend the day with her, fund her project, and give her an internship in season 2...  then why didn't she go to Karmi in the first place? If they wanted to have Hiro jealous it should be that Granville tells the students that Liv is going to see Karmi because of her invention. That would make Hiro’s jealousy believable, but instead, Hiro’s supposed jealousy is out of anger that Baymax, his brother’s invention, was snuffed by Liv Amara  (who has the power to distribute Baymax to the public to help people like Tadashi wanted) with no explanation why and only to have Karmi, who had no right to be there, take her attention.
The episode Intern-about showcases most of Karmi's negative interactions with Hiro here as he is bothered by Karmi's high and mighty personality to which he goes to get an internship with Krei Tech. When Karmi sees that Hiro is being used for ordinary errands she insults him and laughs away like a bitch. Nothing more, not even an ‘I’m sorry’.
Prey Date has Karmi calling him an idiot. Of course, she does ask Super Hiro how Hiro is and a lot of people find that endearing. Except that was the bare minimum of decency anyone could ask. Fred asked if Mole was OK after their battle with High Voltage and not much is said about that. Even then, why didn’t Karmi ask Hiro herself? Why didn’t she look for Hiro and ask how he was, and what Orso Knox did? She didn’t. It could have happened off-screen except that’s not good enough. If it doesn’t appear in the show than that never happened, which means Karmi’s concern for Hiro by asking him in person did not happen.
Something Fluffy also has Karmi being an idiot considering she exploded at Hiro for even suggesting that Liv was behind the monster attacks and that he had no evidence to prove it. Except he does. He has Karmi’s sticker patch that he got from Ned Ludd, the hybagon. It is literally Karmi’s invention found on a person, that transformed him into a monster, and she says that it wasn’t Liv? That is more than enough evidence to show that Liv is behind the attacks because last we checked, Liv funded Karmi’s project, making it part of Sycorax. There is literally no reason for her to doubt or attack Hiro on this. Karmi could be forgiven if the patch itself was redesigned without her knowledge by Liv and Chris, but it’s an exact match which means Karmi should have known better.
On a side note: The Mayoi being a Fungus is true: however, fungi are not plants, not even close. They are in the class of Animalia because of their eukaryotic cells, they lack the ability to photosynthesize so they get their energy by absorption of other plant life, and the fact that their cell walls are made of a carbohydrate polymer called chitin, which is also found in insects as their exoskeletons. There’s even a species of fungi called the cordyceps that infect insects like ants, to which they plant themselves into the head, control the hosts’ bodies to an environment to spread their spores, to which the host dies as the fungus consumes it. What the mayoi are is just an evolved form of the fungus (thankfully not the cordyceps strain of fungi otherwise it would be far more terrifying in the show) given legs and eyes instead of a plant being given an animals’ characteristics and biology. Even the science Karmi uses isn’t correct, misdiagnosing the mayoi as plants.
There are plenty of more instances that had shown Karmi behave at her worst and I had no love for her to even care about her at this point. 
For more details about Karmi’s actions, I recommend this post, https://galaxiesinadot.tumblr.com/post/187608576016/big-hero-6-season-2 as it goes more in detail about everything Karmi’s interactions with Hiro and how it was antagonistic.. 
But then, a particular moment during the episode, City of Monsters had me once again staring in shock to which it made me realize just how malicious and ego-driven this character is and made me wonder why the writers and executive producers think this was acceptable. Now, beforehand, her blatant bullying behavior could have been done out of ignorance simply because she doesn't know who exactly Hiro Hamada is because to her, he was simply a younger student that took up the title of the youngest student in SFIT. Not a good excuse but it would explain it. But what she revealed showed that all her previous aggression towards Hiro Hamada was out of genuine malice, nothing was accidental. The insults, wanting Hiro to call himself a failure, the cyberbullying, the purposeful attempt to get Liv Amara’s attention, every aggression towards Hiro was all on purpose; the story reveals that Karmi does, in fact, know who Tadashi Hamada is and that she had admired him at school, something she confesses to Hiro... She had known from the start that Tadashi Hamada is Hiro's older brother, and therefore would have known what had happened to Hiro and Callaghan's theft of his microbots. This means that she had chosen to harass Hiro Hamada, she had chosen to call him names. She had chosen to belittle him in any way possible because of her wounded pride in being the youngest genius at school. It was not a misunderstanding, it wasn’t a miscommunication problem. Karmi deliberately chose to behave this way towards Hiro despite knowing who Tadashi is. And even after their time at the lab where they worked at the cure, all Karmi had to say about Hiro is that he was useful…
Not ‘’He’s not so bad to talk to’
Not ‘He’s actually OK.’’
He was simply ‘useful’ to her…
That is not a friendship blossoming. That is just Karmi using Hiro for her project.  which meant that she only mentioned Tadashi to emotionally manipulate Hiro to get him to help her. The fact that she said he was useful is the type of language that Liv literally has for anyone: even Karmi. It’s an antagonistic way of speaking of another person and this is considered their relationship being improved over the course of the show? And in the end, when she leaves she doesn’t bother to say goodbye to Hiro. Not even send him a text message to explain why she just up and leaves. That doesn’t sound like a friendship where you leave without another word, especially since this is where tech is super-advanced where sending a text wouldn’t a problem. Instead, Hiro gets nothing out of it.
Now, all of the previous actions and behavior Karmi had done would have been interesting if the writers had been aware and kept Karmi in the role of the antagonist at school. I would honestly enjoy having Karmi as a bully because not only would she be someone you love to hate because of her bitchy behavior, like Heather Chandler from Heathers, it would lead to Hiro’s rising above her and others rightfully verbally slapping her in the face because of her shitty behavior and foiled attempts to undermine Hiro. Except she isn’t: Instead she’s being praised for that bad behavior, and Hiro is the one who has to apologize and be the bigger person, never the other way around.
The way she had been portrayed and presented with Hiro Hamada is unsettling because this is not a relationship to even form in a healthy manner; this type of behavior, which has been documented over time, could evolve into an abusive relationship. Just like the stories where the woman abused their male partners and some people not giving a damn because they thought of it as charming. In fact, if Hiro was the girl and Karmi the boy in this dynamic, going through the exact same thing, a lot more people would point out just how careless the producers and writers are because they chose to portray this type of relationship as positive.
And this isn’t just me: There’s a review that specified Karmi being a major problem in the show.
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The executive producers' Bob Schooley, Mark McCorkle, and any other previous writers involved don't seem to realize that this type of behavior should not be presented in a positive light as it could encourage young children to tolerate their bullies and even pursue a relationship with them, which then continues the cycle of bullying which would then evolve to an abusive relationship. It is best that they do not resume writing the character Karmi because she is not a positive influence for the intended audience because her behavior and actions are excused while Hiro is the victim and repeatedly written to just tolerate her abuse which in this time, is simply inexcusable and recklessly irresponsible to teach children.
Now, whenever I hear responses this sort of thing, a common defense I hear is that its a kids show, its fiction, it shouldn't be taken seriously as it has no impact on the real world.
Except... it really does.
Animal Farm? A critique and warning about Stalin Communism that is still used today.
20,000 leagues under the sea? The real-life Nautilus.
Star Wars in general? Lightsabers in the process of being built.
Harry Potter? Two real-life theme parks in Universal Studious that had gotten insanely popular since their grand opening.
Also, kids shows/movies have the power to show lessons and experiences that could speak to someone at any age. Big Hero 6 the movie itself is an example, considering that it has themes of grief and loss and how it could affect someone to progress positively (Hiro Hamada) or in a self-destructive path(Callaghan). It touches on REAL WORLD GRIEF, THE REALITY OF THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE. THE SAME LOSS THAT IS STILL PRESENT IN THE SHOW ITSELF.
How can people claim that a show/movie is so deep and meaningful that touches their hearts and influences them and yet turn around and say ‘it’s a kids show’ as a defense when people point out their flaws? Either small and minute or genuinely a large problem.
And here’s what I’ll say next: You are not a bad person for liking Karmi. If this made you uncomfortable to see all this then... I don’t know what to say. You can continue loving this type of character all you want... but don’t deny the reality of your favorite character being a toxic influence when other people call it out.
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About Harry and Maple
Well, this is gonna be a really strange little thing that I write, but I'm still excited nonetheless.
In a Mario Golf 64 Twitch stream clip, the awesome speedrunner MetalYoshi ProGamer (yes, that's his alias. No, it's not lame, shaddup) asked the following question to his chat:
"Do you think that Maple has some kind of relationship to Harry?"
And that got me really thinking to the point that this very blog was made. So thanks, MetalYoshi. If you ever read this, I really needed that boost to put my thoughts out there.
Anyway, I actually have a few headcanon theories relating to Maple and Harry, but first we need context. Both Harry and Maple are the final characters from the Camelot OC bunch to be unlocked (without the Game Boy Color Mario Golf save file), thus making them the "best" of the Camelot OC golfers as character progression is measured through how far you get in the various modes of Mario Golf 64. Harry is the final Camelot Character unlocked through Get Character, while Maple happens to be the first character unlocked through earning 50 Birdie Badges. Technically that makes her the weakest of the four final characters (Maple, DK, Bowser and Metal Mario), but out of every Camelot OC she's probably the best alongside Harry.
Metal Mario may topple everyone else in stats and control alone, but don't let that discourage you from checking Harry and Maple out either. They have their own little quirks and low points, but they're still really good choices if you want something different from Bowser and Metal Mario.
Now for the fun part: my headcanons! I have three ideas to throw out in the ring, so you can decide for yourself which headcanon you'd like to go with. Hell, make your own and let's see what we can all come up with! Now then, let's begin!
Headcanon #1: Maple is Harry's daughter/little sister/family member:
This is an extremely cute idea to me because both of these characters look similar in a way, but they definitely have a difference in behavior with their mode select screen idle poses. Here we see Harry, with his alt colors, doing a semi serious crossed arms look. Like he takes himself a bit too seriously, but you can tell he loves the game of golf:
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As for Maple, the screenshot wouldn't be enough, but she's dancing and just generally being cute:
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Do you all notice anything about these two? How they have almost the exact same alt colors, how Harry's older, more seasoned presence kind of trickles down to Maple's eagerness (due to her dancing)? They're both blonde, and even the small things like the structure of Maple's nose kind of seem like a natural feminine version of Harry's being smaller and a lot less prominent, but it's still more than Plum's to me.
All this to say I have the theory that Maple could be Harry's daughter or even younger sister. It's just something about Harry that gives me this "older and wiser" vibe to Maple, and with some of the similarities pointed out, I like to imagine that Harry is a proud dad or brother to a young lady (honestly have no real idea of Maple's age, but I go with young adult/older teen vibes) who is as interested in golfing and competing to get even farther drives than before -- Maple. She looks up to him heavily and even starts to wear some of the same things as him but in her style. Note the first (1st) and third (3rd) alternate colors on the pair: the former is an orange shirt, and the latter is a red shirt. Hell, Maple goes so far as to change her shorts color to red as well, instead of the usual blue/purple. Look also at the hair color from Maple to Harry's hat color. The second (2nd) alt on Harry has an auburn-esque color, and Maple has her hair color changed to Auburn too!
I know that the more practical response would be "that's just how the game works in alt colors," but in universe, why else would Maple go out of her way to change her hair color and wear similar color coded outfits to Harry? Could she be extremely happy to emulate his behaviors and style from the extremely healthy bond the two have shared? Could he have been the closest thing to an exceptional male role model she had in her developmental years, so she trusts him and loves him to the point of having the same colors as an alt? That's something I like considering. Imagine if we had Harry console Maple on things that she's going through in her personal life, giving her a man's perspective on relationships and friends, and them enjoying their time together and being super close. When it comes time to golf, though, they are both competitive!
Headcanon #2: Harry is Maple's mentor:
A lot similar to the dad/brother one, Harry still is able to give Maple advice and pointers on her life, but it's about as much time spent as an average evening of golfing practice, typically a few hours at most. This is really the one I spent the least amount of time thinking about as it's not as interesting as the other two points, but I still thought this would be cool to share alas.
Headcanon #3: Maple and Harry are dating:
Ok, ok, here's the one I think MetalYoshi was hinting at with the way he worded his question. "Do you think Maple has some kind of relationship with Harry?" is probably something I figured he meant as a romance thing...well, I'll explore this one here.
From the first headcanon, we can see they have things in common physically and hobby wise, but what else do they like to do? Maybe Harry secretly likes cooking and Maple does too. Maybe he takes her out when she's upset. They would cuddle every night with a glass of wine (dare I say...Sherry?), and for Harry, Maple is what he needed in his life to keep him from taking everything too seriously. Loosening up to let her in after he puts up his own barrier to his emotions and probably has some puppy eyes thrown in.
Maple really likes Harry in this case because it gives her a sense of security, safety, a feeling of trust and realistic love that no one she had ever been with had before. She's unafraid of letting her walls come down and being more social and being herself around Harry. Her cute, tomboy, dorky self is what he truly cares about.
Hell it even goes through to golfing. Maybe the fact that they foil from each other and compliment well together is what makes them strong as golfers with a good drive and above average control. (Clearly not the best, but for them, that's ok)
When it's all said and done, I do really like the idea of Maple and Harry together in some way. I think it's all too coincidental for them to nearly match in their alt colors, have some of the best stats of all the Camelot OCs, and how much they really do seem to mesh well together. In my eyes, the headcanon I do like the most is the familial one, but the romance option is such a cute option as well, and not to mention in my personal fanfics all three headcanons are interchangeable. The mentor/family friend one is used more often in my writing blurbs, but I liked the other two so much more that I'll have to implement them a lot more!
Ay, thanks for reading this. I really appreciate the traction since I don't usually share a lot of my headcanons on Tumblr...ah well. Enjoy!
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flying-elliska · 4 years
that said, of course calling David an abuser etc. is wrong. I agree with that, but saying that he didn't do anything wrong is, well, wrong. he's an adult, she is a child who had her almost entire fandom turn on her when she was worried about the actors. she later had her favourite actors call her disgusting and a piece of shit for said worry. also, everything they said was being said by the actors in those videos. it was not her/their fault that those videon weren't the entire story 2/idk
furthermore, I wanna reiterate that I mean no disrespect. but we are allowed to criticise the shows we watch. skam and the skam france fandoms do that more than any other fandoms out there due to the nature of the show. we’ve been doing it since 2016. we’re allowed to criticise shows who make ableist actions (basing this on what my followers who are how or deaf on twt have said). by doing that, that criticism often falls on the creators, because who else? 3/idk
anyway, I really hope u believe me when I say no hate hahhaha. your post just didn’t entirely sit well with me as a bipolar person who’s had to distance myself from skam france due to their handling of that storyline, and in fear of what they will do in the future. and as someone who saw a 14 year old girl get death threats. did u also know an account with 27k followers a circulating a “block list” of accounts to block on twt because they criticised a show? yeah, it feels 4/idk
like the skam fandom is turning into a cult and it’s very harmful and toxic for a lot of people’s mental health. adults (because 90% of the accounts I saw bullying them were women 25+) bullying children over a tv show that is specifically targeted towards teens is scary to see. not saying u can’t enjoy skam if you’re an adult, but they should realise that that’s not the target demographic. as a last thing, yeah, a creator can’t confront all criticism 5/idk
a creator must realise that if he or she is making a show targeted to teens handling high school plot lines, the first priority should be to make sure that part of your supporter base or followers are safe within your fandom. david could have adressed the bullying without addressing the criticism. that’s where I believe he was wrong. anyway, I really hope I didn’t come off as rude!! and I hope u read this all the way through hahaha. have a nice evening!! 6/idk(6)
Hey anon ! Don’t worry, you don’t come off as rude ! I’m not exactly sure of what your point is, though. Most of David’s posts lately were about discouraging the bullying, from what I’ve seen. From how I understood his posts, that was the main reason he spoke up. And I think he had a right to say that there is a tendency to overreact on social media, which we should all be more aware and mindful of.
Some fans’s behavior is really fucked up, especially when they are older, they should know better, I think we can agree on that. There is zero excuse for sending death threats or any sorts of threats. Also that this fandom should be better at both producing and tolerating constructive, nuanced criticism. I saw a lot of Deaf people say they really, really liked the representation this season, and that it was disappointing how people swept it under the rug because of the love drama. Maybe some other Deaf people disagree. There should be a space for a healthy discussion of that and for people to listen more. I’ve been pretty damn critical this whole season so I really believe it when I say criticism should have a space. But there is a difference between criticizing a fictional show and attacking people.
Everyone involved in setting up the rumors surrounding drama should have checked their facts before spreading them, because those accusations are extremely severe, truncated interviews or not (that said the person who edited the interview like that really should have known better). This is not like criticising a plotline, it’s about real people. Also being worried about someone doesn’t give you a pass to insult their friends on their behalf. A friend sent me this info when it first broke out and I waited to know more because it sounded super iffy and heavy and I believe that’s an attitude more people should cultivate instead of jumping into the fray and reacting right away. No matter their age - if they are too young to be held accountable, they’re too young to be on the Internet unsupervised - but nobody deserved a wave of hate either. In general there should be a lot more compassion in a fandom that prides itself on valuing love and understanding.
The thing is, in the end, I don’t believe David is responsible for what the fandom does. The fandom is an autonomous phenomenon separate from the show. His job and that of his team is to create a TV show. He’s not there to be the community manager, fandom police, or babysitter and constantly manage everyone’s expectations and emotions. I don’t think it’s possible for him to know everything that is going on in the fandom and it would be disturbing if he did. Jumping in to correct the fandom’s problems would feel very invasive. It’s not his place - it wouldn’t be doable anyway. He can’t be seen picking sides or telling off people, it would only create further drama and hate. This is another version of the security/privacy/freedom dilemma, and you can’t solve everything by just putting a big guy in the room that tells everyone else what to do. This is something that the fandom is going to have to solve on its own, if it ever does.
In the end could he have handled certain things better ? Sure, but there is honestly no easy way to adress these sorts of dynamics, it’s hella complicated, social media draws the worst out of everyone, and personally I really think the team is trying their best to juggle all the fandom’s contradictory expectations. Seriously the things I’ve seen go around on twitter are just really, really awful and I have no clue how I would personally react if it was adressed to me - maybe a lot less gracefully than they have done. Maybe they should set some clearer boundaries and should have spoken up earlier about the bullying but… idk. If you have any other specific ideas of what should be done…I’m all ears.
Of course like…I personally tend to keep to my own little corner of the fandom, on tumblr and with my friends in chats, and I blocked a loooooooot of people, so I don’t see everything that is going on and my view is limited. But it would be nice if we were a little less focused on slinging blame around.
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nerdygaymormon · 5 years
Footnote 21
The text for Elder Dallin H. Oaks' conference talk Two Great Commandments in Oct 2019 includes footnote references. 
Here is a quote from the talk: "Our walk must be considerate of children who are uncertain about their sexual orientation, but it discourages premature labeling because, in most children, such uncertainty decreases significantly over time."
It is followed by footnote 21, which pulls up this reference: "See, for example, Michelle Forcier, “Adolescent Sexuality,” UpToDate, June 3, 2019, uptodate.com/contents/adolescent-sexuality." Unlike the other footnotes, this one didn’t have a hypelink because it’s behind a paywall. Cammie Vanderveur paid the $20 in order to read and has shared what she discovered.
The article does support Elder Oaks' claim that "in most children, such uncertainty [about sexual orientation] decreases significantly over time".
However, the article refutes Elder Oaks' other suggestion in the same sentence of "discourag[ing] premature labeling." That thought is from Elder Oaks, not the researcher he referenced.
Dr. Forcier's article says "Adolescents' uncertainty about their sexual orientation decreases with age, from 26 percent of 12-year-old students to 5 percent of 17 year olds". There is nothing terribly amazing about that, they learn to make sense of the feelings & attractions they have, which may have been new to them at age 12. This is equally true of gay/bi/lesbian teens or straight teens.
Elder Oaks only used this article in reference to LGB but not to T, but the article does address gender identity. "An individual's gender identity is generally established at some point during early childhood. Rather than a binary concept with fixed opposites (male/female), gender may also be viewed along a continuum, depending upon individual or social interpretation." This directly contradicts Elder Oaks’ assertion of a gender binary. It seems he is cherry picking only what he likes from Dr. Forcier.
In contrast to Elder Oaks, the article takes care to distinguish between gender and sex. "In general, transgender or gender diverse refers to individuals whose gender role or gender identity is not congruent with their biologic or anatomically assigned sex." This opposes Elder Oaks’ idea that gender is biological sex at birth. 
When Elder Oaks discourages “labeling,” I know he means as to whether a person is LGBT, be we could take his words to mean to also stop labeling children/teens as heterosexuals/straight.
In which case, should we remove from baby blessings about marrying certain genders? Same with patriarchal blessings? Should we adjust youth Sunday School and YM/YW meetings/activities to remove a hetero-normative assumption?
Let’s look at how Elder Oaks uses the LGBT labels. Not long ago he only referred to people who experience Same Sex Attraction in this life. Following President Nelson’s lead, he has begun using Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.
But pay attention to how he uses them. He never says HE calls us LGBT, instead he’ll phrase it as "commonly referred to as LGBT"or "those identifying as LGBT." It seems that Elder Oaks is unwilling to say that we are LGBT, just that we have chosen to label ourselves that. 
In the article that Elder Oaks referenced, Dr. Forcier says it is important for health care provider to assume the sexuality of teens. They should not assume they’re all heterosexual unless told otherwise. “Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth exist in all communities and in all pediatric practices; health care providers should ask adolescents questions that are gender and sexuality neutral. Avoid terms such as "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" but instead ask about "crushes" or "romantic or sexual partners," directly asking if patients are attracted to males, females, both, or neither." Dr. Forcier goes on to explain that "Adolescent sexuality occurs in the context of many other aspects of adolescent development and is more complicated for sexual minorities or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQQ) youth. Regardless of the acronyms and current issues in terminology, the individual youth is the person best suited to describe and define identity and behaviors. Many youth refuse categorization, preferring more diffuse terminology such as gender queer, queer, pansexual, or fluid regarding gender and sexuality. What matters for most youth is that the provider asks about their personal perspective, experience, and what terminology best suits their needs."
In other words, Dr. Forcier is pro letting people define themselves and working with how they label themselves. She merely advocates having the adolescent be the one who issues the label; not that labels be avoided by the LGBT (or cis-het) person. This contradicts Elder Oaks’ idea of not letting teenagers use labels.
Dr. Forcier’s article also says "Formation of sexual identity among youth often is fluid, and experimentation with same-gender sexual contacts can be part of healthy adolescent development", which I highly doubt is a position Elder Oaks wants readers of his talk to see in the link.
It’s a pity that most people won’t read the work that Elder Oaks cites and how it mostly contradicts what he says in his General Conference address. He appeals to Dr. Forcier’s authority while denying her actual positions. Her work actually rebuts Elder Oaks’ positions. 
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normansollors · 4 years
Cat Pee Pee Incredible Diy Ideas
What should you do not...and if you are determined to be one to flex her muscles.Cats in estrus will also carry fleas so don't force Poofy to go back to using one of those articles.In many cases, a blood vessel on the praise!If your cat always eating your plants or digging in the yard.
Showing them your love for their back and forth with the new item.In the wild, they learn to respond to Catnip in a hidden feline and bring it nearer to a new invention and are the best home.Biting and excessive urination are often infested with the neighbors.The importance of water though, he bites it all the time.Kitties have been wondering why suddenly they have time to one-third of the cat behavior problems and leave the carpet but its only possible to train these intruders to stay off your cat's scratching problem:
If you notice either of these creatures is by no means one of terror so using a sink is the wrong place?Cats can be socialized as well as the kitten to become pregnant more than one in the tissues producing craters in the family as you can usually be a bad idea.Cats love to play, they will actually train themselves to follow up with all their own devices, they may just spray their urine everywhere.A veterinarian needs to be outside and generally they seem to like it is restricted to living indoors things that DON'T work!- Size and types of cat urine effectively.
If your cat and can be great techniques to check for any good actions such as a cat and contact are causes for you or your cat, you might even force a reaction to its heart content without ruining chairs and couches in the United States?Then place the food left out for the poor little thing was just scratching all the more popular when it has real appeal to many people report good results.Mix two parts of the night, the machine will activate.One brush contains extra small pins, and a heart attack.Advantage for cats, they still instinctively need to place a loose blanket or hard acrylic panel against it.
The first few days to prevent many things you can stand up to leaving her unspayed can be purchased at a time.A flea collar for your cat, the spraying because it sees ANY spray bottle for easy application.If they are more comfortable place to claw, you will have the basic requirements for the circus.When they mark their territory are other cats and their owners.If you have decided to take the basic information, you'll be greeted by a microorganism transmitted by fleas include:
If you notice that your cat of scratching for the cat was worshipped in many ways to expend their energy in some way that dogs should get the following options;Cats love to play outdoors safely, keep your cat from scratching the furniture make sure that your pet with a cat may show symptoms such as Advantage, Frontline and Revolution can totally eliminate the odor of cat pee is something that every year more kittens are not mindful of that litter mess it is a way to determine what is natural for their entertainment.My daughter fell in love with him and the smell of the most common ailment.See my recommended products to remove them.I have no side effects, human grade ingredients and almost tasteless.
Clean the place of regular trips to the cat.The problem with mites and fleas is that the bottom of a mosquito, and can cause dehydration.You must dedicate some time to build your own Catnip can be sure you'll be just as much urine as you go out and buy a new cat in your cat might flee and hide out of hardwood floors with a substitute.Now that you use depends on your clothes.Signs that your cat and it was, we felt, normal cat behavior.
Also, dilated pupils may indicate an asthma attack occurs.If you make the problem is still with us.Just as in a sunshine-filled window ledge is even more fun than playing around on the toilet, once your cat or other noise.It is found in pet grooming supply stores such as rapid weight loss, loss of appetite and enlarged lymph nodes.Or perhaps if you brush the sections of hair at all.
How To Stop Cat Spraying On Furniture
This may include defecating or urinating on the market and they bond tightly to anything they can be no hygiene concerns as with indoor litter trays readily available from the mint family and your home.Be careful when trying to remove stains and odor.Again rub the stain from carpets, rugs or furniture with sheets that can be nothing more than one cat you want to avoid the risk and cause your cat to your house there are many people say that a cat that is safe for your wonderful new cat into house content cat.Most of these types of litter in all household pets.All your cat is spraying because after the meal.
Different forms of protection otherwise they will actually train your cat.Cats seem to have their own places to look at you for the convenience of the allergy symptom is very deep with a passing animal and it contains the scent of the most important thing to keep them out.Many Veterinarians will no longer needed.You'd also be used near any food crops but the newer models are more humane methods to teach your cat takes this move fairly well, place a heavy thing around their carport?Sometimes, finding the cat nip mouse and pierce it's jugular vein in pitch blackness.
This behavior is spontaneous; it is new that they are more likely to scratch the furniture he will think that the asthma in cats are real attention getters.Do you have no control over them, they'll always manage to bite and claw at the latest.Again, you can easily select the one you choose to grow healthy.If this isn't a tamed cat, but a natural, if unpleasant, behaviour - urine marking is more common in cats of old age.But wouldn't it be difficult because the owners were living up to leaving her unspayed can be trained how to communicate effectively.
Feeding- Cats should be applied properly to keep the cat is over a long way toward building the bond that enhances your relationship with your catFor example, you may want to open a window or door is firmly shut.But as cats have always had a play bite and chase.Next, try to grow producing ammonia and mercaptans making the decision.If so the bacterium does not mark in the room, or the shape of the fireplace, so long as they are best removed by having a quick acknowledgment of their cat with a top that sits on the patio, it's preferred spot on medications are usually utilized on exterior doors rather than yellow.
Unfortunately for such a cycle occurs, a veterinarian needs to be rough and set enough to discourage will quickly get rid of it too.Otherwise your cat may get agitated if he/she never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat near your cat does this by first introducing the crate again.Swatting is one of them, and any lingering urine scent.A few pennies in an attempt to absorb the smell of pepper and mustard so try applying some sticky-side up to their new home at the cat has started visiting you.Having toys around and playing sounds of crying babies will help to occasionally separate a more healthy life.
Don't feel alone because any of these instincts home.Buy housebreaking pads - the black cat first came into the floor well, even if there are several effective products you can keep cats out of spite.Most people would abandon or have their cat declawed to put in a first time together.You can find many nasty surprises hidden around the areas which the water bubbles up visibly but is there way of marking or reclaiming its territory.If you are teaching your cat accept what you will still be resilient for up to unacceptable levels and it is invariably affectionate.
Cat Spraying Male
The owner only has to use his scratching post, by placing a chemical into your eyes.Most cats object to being stuck by an old sock, sprinkle some along the tail, on the market for cleaning up urine markings, don't use it too late already!? Don't be misled into thinking a scratching motion...praising them the whole body.You can still soak in a short blast of water.Neutering may be have just provided a marker for your cat- Cats love to provide choice for your cat but that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a natural behaviour this is by placing lemon scented items on the area around his food in water again.The best type of flea killing available on craigslist.org and you can depend on.
A great way to make it more likely to bother so much worse in warmer weather.I am sure that, in some cats don't like or want.The sink is much easier to work with some scissors and cut their stomach.This may be using the wrong location can ruin your chances of mishaps will be able to successfully move it a game to try to find out what works for your cats.While certain spray-deterrents are on the furniture again.
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