#the internet sucks
theomenscouncil666 · 5 days
Animation made by me
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dumbasslesbi · 10 months
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godforsakenvigilante · 7 months
btw for all the little baby children out there i would like to make it known that i am straight up a legal adult man and it is not cool to send me unsolicited selfies. weird thing to log back into. be normal in my dms thanks
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goldensunset · 2 years
guys whats the episode name order list for mlb season 5 no spoilers we just need help over here lol
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Youtube in unusable. My homepage is full of the same 10 videos from my subscriptions that I've seen or dismissed a million times, and then hundreds and hundreds of unrelated clickbait bullshit. And whenever I search for something specific, the first two results are relevant and the rest are more unrelated tiktok for unsupervised children.
I remember when the internet didn't suck. Tumblr and Wikipedia are literally the only two websites that still work exactly as I want them to, and I'm afraid I've jinxed it by saying that. I apologize in advance for when @staff ruins everything next month. Apollo, get your dodgeball ready.
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hiki-aster · 10 months
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How I be feeling rn
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universalcarnival · 1 year
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Is it worth to keep my Deltarune muses around? They’re not really. Doing much anymore, especially with the whole debacle with the fandom going against me for whatever reason.
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gecko-s-greenhouse · 2 years
So, I'm reading this webtoon. It's incredibly well written, and depicts the imperfections of human interactions with beautiful illustrations. I absolutely want to give it more traffic, so I'll tell you what it's called: Big Ethel Energy.
It deals with issues like body image, self confidence, friendship, loyalty, mental health, healthy relationships. The list goes on and on, and to keep going would be to make a list of everything that we experience in daily life.
But obviously I don't use this platform solely to sing praises. Today I want to complain about an awful group of people who lurk in the comments of this webtoon, and I want to do it in a way that protects me from getting eaten alive (again).
Spoilers for chapter 51 and earlier. You've been warned! 
Two of the current topics being handled in the webtoon are: consent and forgiveness.
The context: Betty and Seth are two main-adjacent characters. Seth has been flirting with Betty (his employee and friend) for an indeterminate period of time but doesn't want to pursue a romantic relationship with her. Lots of mixed signals. Betty has an unrequited crush on Seth.
It remains unclear/open for discussion/ open for readers to project their own experiences on whether Seth is aware of Betty's feelings for him, if he's responsible for not overtly discouraging her if he does, and how long this has been going on for (you can tell who's a Seth apologist by how they answer these questions)
Things came to a head a couple episodes ago when Betty was mad at Seth for saying some pretty judgemental things about her best friend, he made a grand gesture of apologizing to her, Betty was overcome with emotion, kissed Seth, and Seth turned her down, drawing professional boundaries. Betty turned to her best friend for emotional support in these trying times, and in an effort to help Betty get over Seth, her best friend encouraged her to say such things as, "SETH IS THE WORST!"
Here I'll say that the commenters on this webtoon are pretty confused. Unlike other webtoons where the OTP is clear and there's lots of consent and positive feedback, things are pretty messy in this one. Characters are imperfect, and it's an excellent reflection of real life. I applaud the author, but this has also proven divisive among the commenters.
The consensus among the commenters is that in this situation, Betty has committed sexual assault and Seth is the victim.
Yes, you read that right.
The commenters also take issue with Betty calling Seth "the worst" seemingly because he drew some boundaries.
Nevermind that Seth has been stringing her along for an indeterminate period of time. Nevermind that supportive friends sometimes say absurd things to help you feel better. Nevermind that "the worst" might not be referring to the boundaries at all, but to his mixed signals.
Betty has been made out to be the Devil incarnate and Seth has been given a pass in this situation because he's "the victim."
Seth is not the victim. He had a hand in creating the situation, whether he was aware of it or not. And, just in case you haven't read my entire library of posts complaining about people with bad behavior: "not knowing" does not excuse bad behavior.
This goes for Betty too - she wasn't aware of Seth's boundaries, she crossed one, and now has to make amends. But it's clear that Seth isn't holding that against her (even if the commenters absolutely are) - he's forgiven her in the next chapter and is asking after her well-being.
So, I, being an idiot, hopped into the flame war and called for empathy for Betty. In response, I was called a sexual assault apologist. 
Yes, you read that right.
In response to my call for empathy, I got the opposite. I had the door of discourse slammed in my face in the worst possible way.
So I'll tell you now, my captive audience:
I called on the commenters to consider if they'd ever been strung along, if they'd ever had an unrequited crush, if they'd ever experienced a grand gesture. In response, the comment section made excuses for Seth.
Seth! Is! Not! A! Victim!
I called on the commenters to consider how they would react if their longtime crush rejected them. What kind of support they would like from their friends, what kind of support they would give to their friend. How quickly they themselves would be able to spring back from such a rejection and carry on working as colleagues.
I called on the commenters to consider their own lives. To consider if they'd ever been encouraged to, "Go for it! Seize the day!" and had that backfire in a way they needed to repair. Whether they'd want their repairable mistakes held against them as a black mark on their record, as a permanent stain showing that they should never again be given a second chance.
I believe in second chances. I believe in forgiveness, in empathy, in understanding that as humans we will make mistakes, and that we have a right to move forward from them, to not be made to feel as less-than by a crowd of holier-than-thous.
(I also believe in pattern recognition, but that's a discussion for another day.)
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rattataprincess2007 · 26 days
Dear furry fandom...
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL?! You harassed and doxxed Koshie for coming out about her experience in the fandom! What happened to "furry is for everyone"?! Instead of attacking people who come out about their experience, go after the people who are genuinely bad people that give this community a bad name (such as Kero the Wolf, Hypnotist Sappho, Cenny Husky, or Tay Ferret)! Harassing and doxxing someone for speaking out against grooming is one of the most putrid, disgusting things you can do to a victim of such!
Do you even realize what you have done? As I said, you should focus on getting abusers and other bad people out of this community instead of harassing and blaming the victims!
And just in case anyone gets confused: I am NOT blaming the entire fandom, I am blaming the ones who victim-blamed, harassed, and doxxed Koshie (both in and out of the fandom). Koshie didn't deserve to be harassed for speaking up, and these people need to be held accountable for their actions!
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mcnutcase · 1 month
Fuck's sake. I've been trying to order a pizza online and been stuck for half an hour unable to do it... because Utah has shitty transphobic legislators.
See, they made a snitch website for creepy assholes to talk to them about times they creeped on people in public restrooms and didn't see the genitals they expected, the fucking creeps. The internet population is of course doing the right thing and absolutely flooding said snitch website with things like the entire script of Bee Movie, high-resolution pictures of Hieronymus Bosch artwork, memes, and general clutter to make it too much work for the assholes to find the genuine creepy snitches to try to prosecute their victims for daring to pee while trans.
But the internet sucks nowadays, and there is precisely one captcha setup left in existence. It is, of course, being effectively DDoSed by the good people of the internet extending a collective middle finger to the transphobic assholes of Utah. But it means that my local pizza place's online ordering is, to use a technical term, broken as shit. Fuck you, Utah legislature, it's your damn fault I can't order a pizza online.
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raikothemc · 4 months
I always see posts and videos that talk about bad or annoying traits in a partner that I almost always have at least one of, and it reminds me how unlovable I actually am.
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bizarre-furry-bastard · 4 months
if you write articles on the internet and you pull off shit like this i thibj you should be shot by firing squads
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littledudeholland · 1 year
Man sometimes i just want to dig a hole in the ground and stick my head in it until i forget about the internet
Sometimes i just wish people were nice and kind and cool.
Instead, i'm here, stuck having to watch as people disrespect my identity, my sexuality, my nationality...
I'm hungry man i want some beans ;-;
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liliyawnas · 1 year
So we all agree that there are no good websites left right
Tumblr over here there is a bot infestation like we live in fucking blade runner
Twitter over there doesn’t work, tweets get sent once in three button presses and is basically just nazis
Instagram is just ads
Facebook is… same as instagram but also with more nazis
I mean all the webby sites have been poisoning my brain for at least a decade now but they just became radioactive now huh
What’s a person to do in these conditions
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29sunset · 1 year
Cursed headlines I will absolutely not click.
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rosetheocto · 3 months
if it passes the Senate, it’s not over yet. It still needs to go through the House (which is sorta a mess rn) and it needs to be signed into law.
Again, if it passes the senate you don’t need to say goodbyes or delete any accounts yet!! Do not panic!!!
in the meantime though, please call and speak out against this awful bill if you can!!
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