#but just wanted to crank out this one before my last week of work
thimbell · 1 year
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Game Night!
Idk idk, donnie is mad because leo is stealing his dogs or something. raph is still confused on why leo gets to move the robber AGAIN. Mikey wants to make sure there’s plenty of snacks. April, shelldon, and cassandra are just enjoying the drama of it all. and cj is letting splinter know he wont let everyone get too rowdy while him and draxum are out on the town.
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balletfilmss · 1 month
✸ pairing: jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader
✸ synopsis: no, you’re not coming to your senses. even if it’s your father who’s telling you to
✸ warnings: none!
✸ notes: writing’s so weird…like it took me weeks to do my last work & i cranked this out in TWENTY minutes
idea from this post by @percabething!!
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“you heard me, yn,” said your father firmly, ready for you to take your leave and quit bothering.
as if you were the issue here. you’d been minding your own damn business when he just appeared at the lakefront, disturbing your date planning.
your boyfriend would be here any minute, and here poseidon was suddenly deciding to parent. and not only to parent, but to have the audacity to try and tell you who you could and couldn’t date, trying to slam the door on your whole world.
“this doesn’t make any sense!” you protested. “jason and i have been together for months, why is it now a problem?”
“i was hoping that your little summer fling would die out, but it seems that you’re persistent with this one,” your father said.
this one? as if you’d dated more than one other boy before him.
“now, like i said, it’s time for you to stop entertaining this relationship with zeus’s boy. i know you don’t think so, but i’m looking out for you. think about what this could do to your name! end it already, yn.”
at that, he began to walk back towards the water, trampling over your beautiful picnic spread and narrowly missing crushing your basket.
you ran after him, the sides of your unbuttoned cardigan blowing in the summer breeze as you followed him into the water, willing your dress to stay dry as you cried out, “my name? i don’t care about what it could do! jason’s the one i want, dad, you can’t do this!”
poseidon stopped in his tracks, turning to you. “i am the god of the seas and your father, yn, i can do whatever it is that i please. so do enlighten me, why, may i ask, do you think i can’t do this?”
before you could even think to stop yourself, you shouted the words at him,
“because, dad, i love him!”
at the confession, something in your father’s stormy blue eyes seemed to clear up. his face softened as he looked at you for a moment, wondering how the little girl he remembered had gotten so old in such little time.
you began to grow antsy at the silence that followed your words, suddenly aware of the swishing of the lake against your calves as time seemed to still.
finally, poseidon sighed, “very well then.”
you perked up immediately, eyes bright as you squealed, “really?!”
the god nodded his head, though hesitantly and said, “yes. make sure he doesn’t make me regret it. and make sure he knows that.”
your father pointed over your shoulder, his tone suddenly shifted from how it’d been just about three minutes ago. you turned to find jason standing on the bank of the lake with colored cheeks and his hands behind his back, waiting for you to return and not wanting to interrupt your discussion with your father.
from the look on his face, he had definitely heard you.
blood rushed to your face as you realized that your first “i love you” for your boyfriend had been screamed at your father, of all people. when you turned back to your dad, he was gone with the waves.
tilting your head back as you dramatically rolled your eyes at the theatrics, you tentatively spun back round to look at jason, a sheepish smile on your face.
without missing a beat, he joined you in the water, splashing up to his ankles and sending water flying everywhere as he giddily made his way to you.
immediately upon arrival, he placed both hands on your face and pulled you in, catching your lips in a hasty kiss he’d been waiting to give you ever since he accidentally overheard your conversation.
you pressed your lips against his as your head swam as much as the creatures in the water below, winding your arms around his neck and pressing your body flush against his.
when you only separated because of lack of oxygen, neither of you strayed far.
“you heard me?” you asked with a breathe, forehead pressed against jason’s.
he was wearing what might’ve been the widest grin you’d ever seen.
“i did,” he said, pushing a tendril of hair behind your ear. “and i love you too.”
smiling hard, you pushed your lips against his once more.
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commanderyes · 3 months
The Commander Says Goodbye
I’m not going to lie, I’m extremely anxious as i’m writing this, out of what these news could mean to a lot of people, and my heart feels heavy enough it could drop down my ribcage any minute from now and squish all my other organs. But I’ve been dancing around this topic for a long time now, and I think i’ve finally reached a point where i can’t ignore it anymore, for my own sake.
I hereby announce Commander Yes has come to an end.
As I’ve mentioned plenty of times before, here and to many other people, when I began this comic all the way back in 2018 I was in a really bad, really low place in my life in every sense of the word, and it was a spur-of-the moment decision to cheer myself up, because Path of Fire had just released and my enjoyment of the game had reached fever pitch and I had been playing Guild Wars 2 alone since as far as launch, and none of my other friends had ever really gotten into it. I guess I just, dunno, cried out into the big maelstrom of the community, one voice amidst millions, because i wanted SOMEBODY to look at what i did and revel in the nerdery with me.
And somehow the snowball began to roll and people wanted more and more of what I could do, and I was being actively reached out to, and, well, some time after that I landed my first ever job, I discovered a lot of things about myself, and I found myself in communities that welcomed me with open arms, and many of the people in there have since become among the best friends I could’ve possibly encountered, kindred souls who i’ve shared joys and sorrows for many years and who I can’t imagine living without anymore.
And all the while I kept making the comics, and with every entry posted every week I’d keep having people stopping to comment on them, and whether they were dumb jokes or personal takes on the story, they’d all share how much what I do kept hitting them in the kokoro, and to this day whenever I play anywhere in the game I still get people who recognize me and thank me for doing what I do. It was wonderful, it IS wonderful, and seeing that response motivated me to keep going, because what did still mattered to people, out there.
But I did always say I planned to keep doing these comics until I ran out of energy for them, and I think i’ve finally reached that point.
Because ever since I actually landed that job I’m exhausted and sleep-deprived every other day, so much so that I only have time to work on the comic on saturdays and sundays, and it gets harder and harder to just sit and draw, and at that point it was just more work, and while I still enjoy and play Guild Wars 2 a lot, it no longer consumes my time and attention like I’ve used to and i’ve been having fun with more personal projects, and honestly the direction the story is taking these days does not sit right with me and it’s hard to find inspiration in that, and this might be borderline selfish but every year I find people care less and less about the comics and it really takes a hit to you motivation when hardly anybody responds after you’ve spent a whole weekend trying to squeeze a five-page comic out.
And, well, I have been doing these for six years straight, and I think that’s a good run. I’m tired, and ready to move on, at long last. Let it be someone else’s turn.
But that’s the beautiful thing about this community, isn’t it? Even if I’m hanging up the hat, there are a whole lot of fantastic artists out there, as we speak, still cranking out works of art, deserving of all the attention they can get. And think of all the artists yet to come! For every story that ends, another story is just about to begin!
The world keeps on spinning, one way or another.
I’ll be closing my patreon shortly after this, but the reddit archives and tumblr blog shall remain for people to browse whenever they feel like (or until they both go in flames, i guess, what social media isn’t about to these days)
I still don’t think I ever was that much of a big deal, but all the same, to everyone who’s ever supported me and helped me be the person I am right now, to everyone who’s been there from the beginning, to all the devs of this game that has captured us for nearly a decade now, to all my fellow players and artists out there
Thank you.
See you out there, fellow commanders. Still the stars find their way.
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strawburry01 · 2 months
Northern Attitude
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Summary: The team goes out to a small Montana town facing a random string of murders pointing to a new cult forming in the woods around town. Only once they get there does Hotch realize he recognizes the assistant chief for the town force- someone from his university days.
Word Count: 3k
No smut just angsty, maybe not entirely canon compliant but nothing crazy.
Authors Note: Let me know if folks want a part 2 (you may get one anyway, but my brain hasn't decided yet), or any one offs from Hotch and the characters time in uni. I have ideas...
It was another cold morning in your room. You refused to go to bed if it wasn’t comfortably cocooned in at least three blankets, but it did mean getting out of bed in the morning was particularly dreadful. You groan as you stretch your back hearing it pop as you twist. Eventually, you push yourself out of your warm pile of blankets and pillows to take a shower to wake up and start the day.
You worked as an assistant chief in your small Montana town. Things were slow for the most part. Nobody beyond the average population, except for the summers when the tourists came in for hiking and camping, but even then, it was never too much. A few rambunctious teens some nights, the occasional robbery of the convenience store downtown, a random carjacking every other month, but this had all come to a screeching halt when a random string of murders popped up over the last few weeks. Unfortunately, based on the scenes and your analysis, it seemed cult related, bringing a lot more attention, specifically from the government, to your once quaint town. 
Shuffling back to your room after your shower you throw on your average attire, black slacks, blue button up, and boots. Being a woman in a small town police force wasn’t easy, but you’d done your time. It only took a few cases before the men started realizing you meant business, and often would run the opposite direction in the office whenever they saw you walking in with a bad mood knowing you would make their life a living hell. Graduating from university with both electrical engineering and criminology made you stand out when you entered the workforce all those years ago, but the quiet side of you still yearned for silence and a work life balance, which is something you did get all the way out here. Well, at least before this all. You’d been working overtime every night into the late hours trying to figure out what you were dealing with. All you had was your bed every couple hours at night before your brain would wake you up again with a flood of new theories and ideas. You’d be happy when this was over, for all the reasons.
You jump into your truck and quickly blow onto your mug of coffee to cool it down as you head out to the latest scene. You swear out loud as you nearly spill it onto your lap as you take a turn too sharp. You crank the volume of your radio up to help wake you up and try to put you in a good mindset. You never tried to come to work in a bad mood, in fact you tried to come in on the cusp of being annoyingly positive and cautiously optimistic. You knew this line of work was easy to get sucked down into and spiral, you’d seen it before, hell you lived it before when you were fresh out of university. It’s what got you out working in a big city, or for a bigger federal office. 
You pull into the parking lot alongside the other police vehicles that had already shown up for the day. This latest murder scene was unfortunately in an empty field behind an abandoned high school. Definitely not creepy at all, you thought to yourself as you got out and eyed the several busted windows on the second floor. You grab your backpack and mug as you make your way to the tent set up with the team’s temporary office with laptops and files from the case.
“Morning boys,” you hum as you step underneath the tent, observing the open screens. You get a few ‘good mornings’ back. Some of the guys had been working since the scene was called in and you could tell. Dammit you should have brought coffee or doughnuts for them.
“Cheers boss”, one of the officers, Carter, sighs to you as he walks into the tent, clinking his coffee with yours. Carter had always been one of your favorites, he was young, wide-eyed, but still meant business. He’d grown up in the area so he knew all the folks like they were family. You let out a small smirk as you sip your coffee, starting to map out the plan for today.
You’d have to scour the entire field. And the entire school. You didn’t want a single potential lead or clue or mistake from them to be lost. The team would hate it but it needed to be done.
“Alright team find a friend and meet back here in ten minutes. You’re going to be split between the school and the field and I need all of it thoroughly searched. Heard?” you said, leaning on the table facing the team you had. They all nodded or chirped back a complaint which you laughed at, “you got ten minutes to warm up”.
You leaned back on the front of your truck as you took out a cigarette and placed it between your lips. Lighting it up you stared out into the field. Dappled with yellows and oranges, you can’t even see the ground through the wheat and piles of ancient dirt. Why here? Any other day this would be beautiful, but knowing a murder happened right here made it such a tragic scene. There’s a crackle of gravel from an incoming car behind you. Probably the chief coming in, albeit uncharacteristically early since he usually stayed in the office until things got really hairy. You sighed as you let a cloud of smoke out of your lips, staring up at the sun. Your phone buzzes against your hip and you lazily slide it out before checking it. 
It’s a text from the chief. “Federal Bureau coming in today. Play nice.”. Your stomach flips. FBI? Well shit. Also how rude of him not to text you any earlier than right now. “Who?”, you texted back. You see the cursed three dots pop up and down a few times before the text actually sends. “BAU”. You nearly drop your cigarette out of your mouth at your jaw dropping. 
As if on some otherworldly cursed cue.
“Y/n?” a terribly familiar voice says from behind you. You take a sharp inhale, before taking out your cigarette and turning your head, trying to look charming as hell.
“Hello dear Aaron,” you say with a smile on your face, seeing the man who’d been stuck in your thoughts since the day he left your side. 
It’s his eyes that never changed. They still scrunch up as he smiles at you.
“I didn’t know this was your town,” he said as he moved beside you. You look up at him, placing your cigarette back between your lips and shrugging with a smirk plastered on the side of your face. You catch his eyes quickly flickering over you, just as you look over him. He used to be skinny, studious, almost a nerd, but the man that stood in front of you now was built, stern, and serious. 
“I got told a few seconds ago that you’d be here at all. Chief keeps me on my toes,” you remarked, internally thinking about how you actually wanted to wring his neck for not telling you sooner. 
When you woke up this morning you did not- in a thousand years-  expect Aaron Hotchner to show up at your work. At your crime scene. It was a tumultuous mix of excitement, nerves, intrigue, and still a bit of anger. You hadn’t seen him in years, let alone reached out. Ever since ending on a sour note you never tried, mostly because you knew he wouldn’t respond- not out of spite but just because he was so busy and focused on work. It was admirable, but also so annoying.
“You smoke now?” he asked, snapping you out of your mental musings. He was eyeing disapprovingly the cigarette still hanging in the corner of your mouth. 
“You wear contacts now?” you retorted, raising an eyebrow. He sharply laughed and looked back to his team as they approached.
“Have for a while” he said, turning back to you.
“Haven’t known for a while” you snipped before throwing your cigarette butt onto the ground and smashing it out with your heel to free yourself to meet his team. “We’ll talk later Aaron” you said with a nod which he nodded back to, ending this conversation, knowing more pressing things existed than-
showing up again in your life. 
Aaron’s team pops up behind him and brings you back to focus. Dammit there was a murder on your watch and you could only think of this fucking man. Grow up, you swore in your head as you forced a customer service smile onto your face. 
“Team this is y/n l/n, a friend from university,” he said as he gestured to you. He couldn’t make eye contact when he called you just a friend. You noticed two of the men on the team elbowed each other, no doubt in shock their boss actually had friends outside of work at some point in his life. 
Aaron introduced you to his team and you tried to run through their names in your head as you shook their hands. You were terrible with names. Agent Reid was the twiggy one who looked perpetually deep in thought, Agent Morgan was the one with the tight black shirt who who had an air of confidence about him, Agent Jareau was the sweet blonde who acted like the unofficial mother of the group, and Rossi who was the tired old dad of the group. I’m sure Aaron loved being bossed around by him, you thought to yourself as you shook his hand. He seemed nice, but Aaron had never been one to not be the one in charge- the little control freak. 
You brought them to your tent to introduce them to your folks, trying to get everyone on the same page with daylight burning. Later than expected due to the guests everyone was ready to actually start looking through the field and school. You felt Aaron’s eyes on you as you told everyone to pair off, but you nabbed Carter before he could object. 
The search of both areas wasn’t as successful as you had hoped. The school had some ominous latin scribbled onto the walls in red, which had been determined to be blood on the scene, although it wasn’t the latest victims. Reid had somehow been able to translate the latin- you could see in an instant why they kept him around.
“So what’s the deal with you and the FBI guy?” Carter asks when you get to the smack dab middle of the field. Your neck hurts from craning over the ground, trying to not let a speck of earth go unseen. 
“What do you mean?” you ask back, not looking up as you continue scanning the ground.
“I’ve never seen you flustered,” he quips as he pauses, “you actually like-I don’t know it was just weird” he said and half heartedly shrugged as he looked back at the group that had begun to reform by the tent. 
“It’s complicated,” you said, knowing that the young adult in him would eat the drama up. Sure enough, he perked up.
“Yeah? What is it? You got an ex?” he said, nudging you.
But that was the problem. He wasn’t an ex. He wasn’t really an anything. He was a friend, sure, but friends also didn’t make out in the corners of parties as much as you two had. And friends didn’t stay up until sunrise testing each other for the upcoming exams every single finals week. And friends didn’t invite each other to spend weekends at their family vacation cabin alone. 
“No, no, no, just-” you tried to explain to no avail, not even knowing how to justify this to yourself, “okay maybe,”. Carter let out a low whistle.
“Hey if my ex showed up to work I’d be flipping the fuck out, you’re handling this really well,” he said, trying to lighten the mood. You chuckle at the kids joke.
“Sometimes it’s just nicer to see a familiar face, you’ll get it when you’re older,” you said, knowing hated when you pulled the you’ll understand when you’re older card. He rolled his eyes and groaned. 
Once the sun started setting you made your way back to the huddle that was forming of everything theorizing and laying out the evidence. Tomorrow would be busy in the office working to get everything categorized and bagged. You leaned up against your truck again, just like you did this morning, and pulled out another cigarette, flicking the lighter onto the end. You waved your team over and told them to head home for the night. You knew a lot of them had families at home, and you tried to be respectful of it all, even if you didn’t have your own. Some of the security officers watching the spot for the night stayed and mingled with the BAU team a ways away from you, and you settled your sights on the pink hue of the clouds as the sun lowered.
A familiar body moved next to you. You didn’t have to turn to know it was Aaron. You blew a cloud of smoke out the other side of your lips and stayed quiet, waiting for him to start. He had his hands jammed in his coat pockets, his shoulder grazing against yours. People used to laugh at the height difference back in university, and it had only gotten worse it seemed, or at least Aaron walked around with much more presence these days. You were leaning up against the front grate of your truck and felt Aaron slowly move his arm behind you, holding onto the grate on the other side of your hip. Feeling his arm behind you felt so familiar. 
“There’s Latin at the other scenes too,” he said, facing straight ahead into the sun.
“Shit,” you said as you slowly nodded, realizing that the scribbles would not just be nothing. There was a moment of silence before he broke it again.
“Do you hate me?” he asked, glancing down for a second, but long enough for you to meet eyes before you looked away.
“You know I could never hate you,” you said begrudgingly, knowing it was the truth. His arm got closer to your back at that and you leaned further onto it, “it’s really annoying honestly” you halfheartedly laughed. You heard him laugh under his breath. You swallowed your pride and leaned in, resting your head on the side of his torso, letting out another cloud to try and soothe your nerves. 
“It’s nice out here,” he said, looking out at the sunset still which had only gotten deeper pink and orange. 
“ ‘S quiet,” you agreed, “I don’t know how you do it in the big leagues,”. 
“You know you could’ve too,” he said, looking down. You stayed staring straight ahead.
“I’m not doing this argument again Aaron,” you said curtly, as you eyed him back. He shrugged and turned away again. 
“You know you could have that’s all,”. 
“You ever think I’m okay with it out here? You ever think I don’t need to kill myself over every case with the fate of the world hanging on it?” you said, raising your voice a little.
“I’m just saying you were one of the best and you could do a lot in the bureau,” he said back, “in the BAU,” he tested. You let out an angry air of smoke from your cigarette.
“Dammit Aaron don’t do this again,” you said, cutting him off before he can say anything else. You throw your cigarette onto the gravel and kick some rocks over the smoldering residue, “I’m happy here, can’t you just be okay with that?”. Aaron watched you and sighed and shifted in his spot, taking the second to move his hand from the car to your waist. 
“I’m sorry Y/N,” he said, and he meant it. You sighed.
“I’m not going to be able to convince you to stay huh?” you asked, trying to joke, but inside you really did mean it earnestly. His thumb rubbed your side. It had been a while since you felt like this.
“I don’t think you’re able to,” he responded, sadness tinging his voice. The two of you stood, leaning into each other watching the sun finally dip behind the hills in the distance.
A few yards away Morgan stood on the phone, peeking around a car before ducking back. Garcia was not going to believe this shit.
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petrssecrethideout · 1 month
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"Bro, do you wanna hear about something crazy?"
"I mean sure, go ahead,"
"Alright, so I was just relaxing, scrolling TikTok,"
"Already a bad idea."
"I know, I got beef with that fuckin' algorithm let me tell you. I follow a couple of bodybuilders, post a couple of gym vids and suddenly my For you page is filled with the biggest assholes alive. Anyway, I'm scrolling, and I see this guy, he's doing that whole 'alpha top dog' thing even though he's not that big."
"Okay wait pause, how big is not that big?"
"I don't know, I have more muscle in my arms than he has in his whole body, real gym influencer type."
"Alright, for anyone listening to the pod at home, I should probably just say that this guy could be anywhere from 150-300 pounds from Dale's description of him, okay? He's not good at judging what normal guys look like anymore."
"Yeah, okay, you got me. Anyway, this guy keeps going on about his great advice, so I stick around to hear it. You wanna know what he said? 'Stop Cumming, its killing your natural testosterone' What kind of bullshit is that!?"
"I mean that is a big part of the current fitness world, these guys will say anything to get more followers, and a lot of their followers are so desperate for progress that they'll take whatever advice they're given."
"It's a shame, because he's also wrong! I tried that whole 'No Nut Whatever' and its been the only time in these last 5 years that I've plateaued."
"... Really?"
"Yeah! If I'm not cranking a load out every day I can kiss any potential gains goodbye."
"Like after my workouts, when I got a huge pump going, I just have to crank one out, like what good workout would it be if I didn't"
"Dale c'mon,"
"And its not like I can just hit up a guy on Grindr and go to town every time I need to, there aren't enough guys on Grindr for that."
"Uggggh dude, we are never getting a sponsor with you talking like this."
"What, so all the straight alpha dudebros can talk about semen retnetion and get a ton of followers, but I get censored for talking about jacking off and getting tons of ass?"
"Yeah, we will."
"Well then, listeners, go subscribe to the patreon so that I can talk about my actual tips for growing, and so that you can help Mark get bigger. I'm telling you, I'm gonna make this boy huge with your help. Audio listeners make sure to check the videos so you can see this boy get huge. Now bro, help me out here. You don't want those Tiktok gymfluencers to win do you? How often are you jerkin off?"
"Oh god I can't believe I'm answering this... A couple of times a week maybe?"
"A week? That's fucking crazy. My average is like 4-5 times a day. More if I'm really feeling horny. If I'm being honest I jerked off a few weeks ago on the pod, like I forgot to before I came here. One of the comments mentioned something about my grunting that episode."
"Jesus christ dude, how do you even manage that?"
"Well, you gotta work up to it. I couldn't do that starting out, but once I started growing I was so horny I had to do something about it. I think that's what these guys don't get. You gotta get those balls working, give them a reason to keep making that sweet testosterone. How are you supposed to do that if you aren't jacking it? Honestly dude, I feel like I gotta prove these guys wrong now."
"What, you're gonna be a cum warrior?"
"Hell yeah man, I'm gonna be fighting the war on jerking it, on the side of jerking it!"
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apocalypseornaw · 7 months
Real or Not (Pt 2/5)
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Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Just as you're beginning to feel like you overreacted the biggest challenge yet gets thrown your way
@lacilou s idea
You sang lightly along with your Playlist, Kaleo cranking through the Bluetooth speaker you'd hooked your phone up to as you worked through the stack of lore books the boys had stored in the small room just outside of the "dungeon" as they called it. They'd gone on a supply run into town and despite Dean asking you to tag along you'd chosen to instead stay behind at the bunker.
A couple weeks had passed since that day you'd overheard him and Sam talking about Camila. You'd been more careful of announcing your presence coming into rooms hoping to not walk into the middle of any more reminiscing. A part of you hoped Dean hadn't noticed any change in you while another part of you was nearly desperate for him to notice, to soothe your worries.
You let out a louder sigh than you'd meant to, noticing the legal pad in front of you was still blank despite the fact that you'd come in here with intentions to gather more information for the hunters journals you and Sam had been compiling to make assisting other hunters easier. "That thing say something bad to you? Cause I'll kick its ass" your eyes flew up to where Dean was now leaned against the doorframe watching you.
A small smile slipped onto your face "How long you been there?" He shrugged "Long enough to see that you looked like someone kicked a black kitten in front of you" you tried to look genuine when you said "Nothings wrong Dean" he nodded slowly "You sure?" "Of course" he smiled before walking closer, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your lips he tapped his knuckles against the legal pad before playfully saying "You hurt my girl's feelings again I'll set your ass on fire" you laughed despite yourself. Why were you worried when here he was threatening an inanimate object for you?
Yet again you found those three little words warming your lips begging for escape and yet again you choked them back down denying them the freedom to be released into the world. You did love Dean, you were in love with him but you wouldn't say it first. Take away the doubts lingering in your mind you knew him well enough to know the man didn't commit often, you were one of few lasting relationships and wasn't about to say it first just to freak him out.
You realized you were staring at him and felt the tips of your ears warm. Why you weren't sure considering you shared a bed with him and had for a while now. A smirk slipped onto his face before he said "Don't be shy sweetheart. You can feel free to check me out whenever you want, I'm all yours" your head flipped in your chest.
"I just fed your ego even more didn't i?" You teased and shrugged "Maybe just a little" you laughed and shook your head before pushing back from the table and grabbed his hand "Cmon I need a break. I'll help you and Sam put everything away"
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You were beginning to think you'd simply over reacted to the mention of Camila. You had a few exes that you ended on good enough terms with that you still spoke to them occasionally and would back them up if need be on a hunt. While it was true none of them came near holding a candle to Dean you had cared about a couple of them.
You hissed lightly when Sam touched the ragged slice across your arm. Fucking ghouls, you hated the little scavengers. "Easy Y/N" he comforted, the antiseptic cold as he applied it to your wound.
Dean looked up from across the room, the slice across his cheek somehow added to his looks. It wasn't fair he always looked amazing, even when he was bloody "Sweetheart I haven't seen someone take down ghouls that fast in a while" you grinned slightly "Coming from one of you two I'll take that as a compliment"
Once Sam was through throwing a couple stitches in your arm he placed a bandage over it and smiled over your shoulder at you "all patched up" you nodded "Thanks Sam" He wished you and Dean goodnight then headed for the door that connected the two motel rooms you'd gotten.
Normally the three of you would just drive back to the bunker but considering you'd had to make the drive down to New Orleans to help a coven with their ghoul problem it had been a unanimous decision to crash halfway back for the night.
When you suggested just getting one room Sam had shook his head "No, I am not risking waking up to the sight of you and Dean being handsy with each other" you had ducked your head from embarrassment but Dean had simply shrugged "She's gorgeous, what can I say?"
Once the door shut behind Sam, Dean raised an eyebrow at you "What's that look about dee?" You asked and he shrugged "Just thinking you'd be a lot more comfortable out of those jeans"
You felt a smirk slip onto your face "Oh really?" You held his eyes as you unzipped your jeans and pulled them down your legs, kicking them behind you. A smile worked across his face as he took a step towards you "Now let's get you out of that shirt and bra"
You laughed as he reached for the hem of you shirt "So I'd be more comfortable naked?" He caught your lips in a hungry kiss before saying "Yeah, you would but don't worry I'm gonna get comfortable with you"
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When you woke up Dean was curled up to your back, his warm breath hitting your neck with every slow exhale as he slept. Your arm wasn't that sore considering although some other body parts were after the night before. A warmth spread through your stomach and lower at the memory of Dean's lips on your body, the way his hips had rolled into yours both of you clinging to each other, a solid chorus of moans mixed with the skin meeting had filled the room.
As if he could hear your thoughts Dean started to stir behind you, his lips finding your neck "What you thinking about?:" you smiled, leaning back into him "A gorgeous guy" he murmured against your skin "Lucky asshole" before his hands began to roam lower on your body.
You'd just gotten out of the shower and was getting dressed when you heard Sam's voice in the other room talking to Dean. You caught a few words like "Gotta talk to Y/N"
You quickly got dressed and brushed your hair before heading into the main part of the motel room. Both Winchesters snatched their heads towards the sound of the door opening "What's wrong?" You asked and they exchanged a look "A hunter nearby called for an assist" Dean said matter of factly so you nodded "Ok, what's the case?"
They exchanged another look before Sam said "Thinking changling" you groaned inwardly, the last case had been horrible. "Let's get on it. Who is it?" With one final look exchanged between the boys Sam finally said "Camila"
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oleander-nin · 8 months
Horrortober Day 19- Curiosity(Yandere Rise Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: You know, if life screws me over today and I can't finish tomorrows, I think I'm okay with 19 consecutive posts. I'm not happy, but I don't think I'd do anything drastic over this one. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Kidnapping, hinted disturbing imagery w/out detail, obsession, mention of gorey drawing, snooping, yandere themes, dark themes
Words: 1776
Summary: You finally get access to Mikey’s locked notebook and aren't sure the bubbly turtle is as innocent as he seems anymore.
The concrete floor of the lair’s living room was cold, the freezing stone seeping into your shirt and numbing your stomach. You shiver at the feeling, unsure how pleasant you truly thought it felt. Despite insisting for the past thirty minutes it was fine, you were starting to regret your call as the cold latched onto your limbs and was starting to take your arms down too. You never realized how difficult it was to draw with numb fingers. You take a small breath, grumbling quietly as you shift on the floor in an attempt to get warm.
“Hey Mikey?” You catch his attention, frowning slightly because you knew you were giving in to winter's touch. You didn’t think you’d bail so soon. Mikey looks at you, his warm eyes also seeming to know exactly what you wanted, as if he was more surprised you lasted this long.
“I have a big blanket in my bed.” He says simply, turning back to his work. You nod gratefully, pushing your palms against the floor to pick yourself up. You shiver as you walk towards the orange turtles room, your teeth chattering from the brisk air. You didn’t understand why Donnie was so insistent on waiting until one of his projects was complete before cranking up the heat since his lab had its own separate thermal system, but no one dared to complain. Donnie wasn’t against ‘accidentally’ shutting off the system entirely while his room is unaffected. You were all certain it was just to keep Leo away from Donnie’s inventions anyway.
Pushing the door aside, you walk into Mikey’s room. It was the same temperature as the hallway, but the more colorful walls made it feel warmer. If you tried hard enough, you were fairly certain you could have a conversation with the paintings on the walls.
You spend little time admiring the graffiti Mikey covered everything in. You had been here millions of times before, and it had been a few weeks since Mikey added another masterpiece to his room. You drift over to the hammock and shuffle the pillows and blankets around to find your favorite, the large fluffy one Mikey always lets you use. You wrap the plush blanket around yourself, convinced you had just stolen a piece of heaven to sink into. The little warmth your body was generating is trapped within the blanket's fabric, quickly returning the color to your face.
Your eyes drift around the room one last time as you walk to the exit, merely scanning for oddities than truly taking in the details. Your eyes land on a bright red sketchbook sitting inconspicuously on Mikey’s desk, the usual diary lock that kept it closed sitting open and to the side. The sketchbook was open, showing off a drawing of someone familiar. You move closer, ignoring the nagging voice that was scolding you for snooping.
The drawing was of you, sitting next to Mikey on the couch. You were both leaning on each other, hands and legs entangled in the silly pose. Your face was happy, the graphite drawing somehow capturing the light and care in your eyes. You smile softly, kneeling down to take the sketchbook in your hand and admire the drawing more. It was a surprise to see, but a very welcome one.
You thumb the pages over to the beginning, looking through the drawings more. You seemed to be the main focus of most of the drawings, which helped you feel justified in looking through the sketchbook. There were so many sketches of you, the first couple innocent and sweet like the one you first saw. You frown as you glance over the fourth and fifth pages, the detailed drawing of you chained and gagged making you feel uneasy.
The next few pages were similar, all depicting you in ways that made you uncomfortable or sick. You stop looking through at the eleventh drawing, the dead bodies being too similar in looks to your friends and families. You shakily set the book down, unsure how to feel about what you just saw. On one hand, they could very well just be practice, and he found you easy to draw. On the other… 
You shudder, not wanting to dwell on the implications of that. You quickly thumb through the drawings, trying to not look at them as you try to return to the original page that was open when you came in. You’re so engrossed in your mission, you don’t even notice Mikey entering the room and shutting the train car's door behind him. He walks forward, startling you as he grabs the notebook from your hand and carefully closes it, making sure to not bed any of the pages.
You gape at him, eyes wide and barely breathing. You struggle to speak while he locks the notebook, his face blank except for the smile on his lips. It was like he was glad you saw his drawings.
“I-I’m so sorry Mikey, I saw it open and then when I went to grab it, I dropped it and I was trying to fix it, but I couldn’t find the page and-” Mikey kneels in front of you and covers your mouth with his hand, stopping your desperate lies from falling. His eyes were still the same, warm and kind and oh so innocent, something you were starting to not believe. He looks down at the sketchbook in his hand, then sets it back down on the desk.
“It’s fine,” He lies, the words coming easy. He keeps his hand firmly over your mouth, not trusting you to not interrupt. “I was going to give it to you anyways! I’m just a little disappointed you peaked so early. It kind of ruins the gift.”
He pouts at you, his hand finally dropping from your mouth. Before you can speak, his arms wrap around your lower back and pull you forward, sending you crashing into his chest. You grunt in discomfort, your head knocking comfortably against the dull points of his plastron and the blanket being the only thing that kept you from the rough texture. 
“So, how much did you see?”
His soft voice sends chills down your spine. You weren’t used to so much forced happiness in his voice, and no longer being able to see his face from your position made it so much worse. You gently try to push him back, your heart thudding against your ribcage. Your fists slowly close, his arms holding you tight against him so you have no chance of moving. You try to swallow the lump in your throat, desperately chasing down the fear that was starting to consume you. You try to think of what to say, unsure of how to step to calm down the young mutant.
“Not much,” Your throat is dry when you speak, causing your words to be quieter and harder than you wanted. Mikey shifts you closer to him, his face pressed into your hair. You don’t try to struggle in his arms, wanting nothing more than for him to calm down and let you go. “I just saw the first couple pages.”
Mikey hums in acknowledgement, his chest lifting higher as he breathes deeply for a moment. His voice is tight, almost nervous. You weren’t sure how to take it. “What did you think?”
“They were… Nice.” You say, your stomach churning once more as you remember the drawings and what they contained. The blood and gore of your family members from the final page would haunt you for years to come. Mikey nods despite your unease, seeming to brighten at the answer. 
“Good. I’m glad you like them. I really really like you, you know. I wanted to give that to you before I asked you out but…” Mikey takes a deep breath, his voice darkening and his arms growing tighter around you. “Well, you ruined it. You ruined the surprise, and I’m really mad at you right now.”
Your blood runs cold at his words, unease biting at your heart and soaking into your veins. Mikey doesn’t speak for a moment, his body tense. You weren’t sure what he was thinking, but you got the feeling you had to leave. Now.
“Hey Mikey?” You mumble, trying to tread lightly. You didn't want to make him more upset. He squeezes you, letting you know he was listening without making a sound. “I’m sorry, I really am, but I need to go home. I- I have homework, remember?”
Mikey doesn’t answer, his grip tightening more and you were sure you could feel your bones stress under the pressure. You open your mouth to continue, but he cuts you off, the usually bubbly turtle's words turning cold.
“You’re not leaving.” He says shortly, an almost whine in his voice despite the cold words. You tense, unsure how to respond. The growing fear in your heart wasn’t helping you think clearly, and you couldn’t see a good way to get out of this.
Mikey breathes through his nose, trying to calm himself so he doesn’t do anything brash. You both sit there for a few moments, your face forcefully pressed up against Mikey’s plastron. Your breathing is starting to get more laborious as panic continues to set in, Mikey’s compressive hold not helping in the slightest. The turtle himself also seemed unsure what to do next, his arms shaking as he held you. Neither of you move nor speak, not wanting to break the heavy silence that fell upon the room.
“I’m sorry,” MIkey says suddenly, his voice making you both jump. He licks his lips before continuing, your silence encouraging him to finish. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you leave. I need you. This, this wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
Before you can ask what he meant, Mikey stands up with you in his arms, his spots and eyes glowing as he lets his powers flow. Your panic escapes you now, screams and cries erupting from your float as chains wrap around you and lock you in place. Now fully bound, Mikey sets you down in his hammock bed, his eyes shaky while he backs away. He looks over you, seemingly looking for injuries while you continue to scream and curse his name. Mikey seems upset at the outburst, quickly walking out of sight before reappearing with a small cloth he shoves into your mouth. The dusty rag burns on your tongue, making you choke and cough.
“I’ll be back.” Mikey mumbles, his eyes disappearing as he turns around and marches off, leaving you to steam alone in his cold, treacherous room.
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sir-adamus · 9 months
whenever i think of Ironwood's 'grand plan' after he gets spooked by a piece from a board game i always have to laugh because it was never gonna work, it was unsustainable from jump and only got progressively more unfeasible as volume 8 progressed
"we're going to use the staff to lift Atlas into the atmosphere where Grimm can't reach and leave everyone in Mantle to rot because if the poors didn't want to die they should've been born with money like the rest of us"
yeah cool bro, so given what we (finally) see of Atlas in volume 8 they've got some atmospheric control to accommodate for the temperature and presumably thinner air at the height Atlas is already floating at
and what powers that again? right, Dust. cos Dust powers everything
and you would have to assume that to maintain the current level of atmospheric control in a much higher altitude, that machinery would have to be cranked well the fuck up, which means more Dust is needed. and they can't mine for more because... they're up in the atmosphere, and their supply chain and underpaid exploited labourers got left to die on the ground
so power's gonna run out real fast and everyone's gonna suffocate and die slowly (guess Jimmy really wants to beat out Mountain Glenn on 'World's Largest Tomb')
but let's say by some miracle they do last longer than a week up there - food's gonna run out and they're not gonna be able to keep up supply and demand because they can't import any, supply chain is gone and they abandoned the rest of the planet to die to Salem. hell, water is gonna run out
and then the most ridiculous argument for the plan "Grimm can't fly that high". cos like. no. Grimm don't fly that high, because they don't need to. none of y'all were up there. just like none of y'all lived in the snowy tundras of the north so there weren't Grimm up there. until there were - funny how that works. and Salem's specifically been shown to be able to alter the Grimm without much issue - this wouldn't be a "one day the Grimm will adapt and fly that high" it's "give Salem maybe an hour and she'll make something that can get that high"
so yeah, the whole plan is stupid and it's basically just handing Salem the Staff because all she would have to do is wait out everyone dying from lack of air and then just going up there and taking the damn thing (and then dropping Atlas and causing mass devastation on a global scale)
and then volume 8 makes it worse - the shields go down and Monstra gets parked on Atlas. the plan was dead right there, she's already on the goddamn rock my dude - if you lift the rock now then she's still going to be on it and you will die even faster than you were already going to; like even after Oscar blew up Monstra and Salem was reforming, The Coward in Chief wasn't making any effort to scrape her off the side of Atlas before leaving, he just went back to making threats (which included the baffling logic of "Penny, unless you give yourself up now, i am going to blow up Mantle, and then you won't have any reason to not do what i say anymore anyway" as if Penny wouldn't have justifiable reason to decapitate him for doing that)
'the great general Ironwood' who grew up and came into power in peace time - strategically unsound, incapable of taking criticism and dumber than a bag of hammers
what a hero
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drurrito · 3 months
Welcome Aboard
A/N: Cranked out my first fic for Carol. All mistakes are mine.
Pairings: Carol Danvers x Reader
Warnings: A little bit of angst and alcohol use
Carol never has visitors.
When the boarding request pops up on her communications system, she almost blows it to bits, it's a sound she hasn't heard in years. It takes her a few seconds to finally press the button to speak to whoever is waiting on the other side.
"Who's there?" she finally asks.
"Captain Marvel?" a voice responds, "I'm agent y/n, I'm here from S.A.B.E.R. Our comms are down indefinitely, so Fury sent me over to do a briefing."
Carol looks over at Goose, who's stretched out across the navigation station, unbothered by the news of an unexpected guest. Carol tries to emulate the same attitude, striding over to the door to greet you like she's done this plenty of times. She used to at some point, that has to count for something, right?
She loses her bravado as soon as she finds you standing in the entryway.
"Captain Marvel, it's a pleasure to meet you," you stick your hand out and Carol takes it after a beat too long. You don't take offense, Fury gave you the rundown on how long Carol has been isolated. It only took a few minutes to conclude that being a multi-galactic hero is a lonely job.
Carol doesn't stand around for too long, she hurries into the ship after inviting you in.
"Excuse the mess, been a while since someone's been aboard," she apologizes, tossing a single loose shirt into a hamper in the corner and tidying a pillow that was definitely knocked over by Goose.
"It's no problem, are you ready to start the briefing?"
"Sure, you want a drink or anything? Besides water, I think there's a few bottles of brew from Aladna hiding in the back of the fridge," Carol is already halfway to the kitchen, oblivious to the quizzical look on your face.
"I'm okay, Captain, honest," you flash her a friendly smile, and she feels the air escape her lungs. Her shoulders descend from her ears as she walks over to the chair across from you. You're too busy pulling up the agenda to notice.
Carol gingerly takes a seat, her hands rubbing vigorously against her thighs. She might be the first person to grate their hands on denim jeans at this rate. You're still looking for the agenda when Carol springs up from her seat, "are you sure you're not hungry? I'm so sorry, I should have offered before-"
"Yes?" Her eyebrows were about to launch into orbit, she was already a few paces away from the kitchen, scraping the farthest corners of her mind for that recipe she learned from a family she helped a few galaxies ago.
"I'm okay, really."
"Right," she hurries over to the chair again and lets her body unceremoniously drop into it, vowing to herself she'll never get up from this spot unless she absolutely needs to. She looks up to see you waiting patiently for her go-ahead. Despite traveling to the furthest edges of the universe, she's never seen anything like the color of your eyes.
She collects herself quickly before saying, "let's get started."
The briefing was mostly successful. Turns out your agenda was outdated, the correct one must have been wiped out from the surge that knocked out the comms. You had to ad-lib everything that was left out and corrected anything that was no longer relevant. Carol watched you intently the whole time, like the fate of the universe depended on scheduled ship maintenances and admin tasks.
"There's still one thing, it was from a meeting last week," you stand, pacing back and forth trying to jog your memory.
"I'm sure it's in there somewhere, maybe we can take a look with these?" Carol is holding two memory dive devices. You've never had to use them before, but you know everything there is to know about how they work.
"Good idea Captain."
"You can call me Carol, agent, it's alright," she hands you one of the devices.
"Thank you," you just nod and take the device, Carol pretends the way your fingers brushed against hers for a fleeting second didn't just make her spine tingle. She lets you take her bed while she sits in the tattered recliner she's been meaning to get rid of.
It all happens so fast.
One second you're watching the memory of you sitting in a briefing room with Fury and your colleagues, the next, you're watching Carol's memory of Maria telling her to take Goose.
"The cancer came back."
You can only watch a few more blurs of Carol's memory before you jolt upright. Your body is so tense, all you can do is let out a shuddering breath and a few tears.
"Y/n?" Carol is already by your side, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen."
Her voice is distant, like she's calling to you from the other end of the galaxy in the deepest cave. You're still trying to get your bearings, that was far too much pain packed into what was only seconds with the mind dive.
"Can you look at me? Please?"
She sounds much closer now, you turn to look at her and suddenly remember where you are. Your breath is still unsteady as you wipe the half-dried tears on your cheeks, embarrassed over being reduced to tears.
"That...those were your memories," you finally speak, Carol sighs in relief. Her hands have been hovering between your shoulders and face this whole time, unsure if touching you was the best idea.
"Yeah, they were," she straightens up, taking the device from your hands and tossing both aside.
"I've been trying to remember everything...before, well, everything," Carol starts again, looking at anything but you, "I'm so sorry, if I knew that was going to happen I wouldn't have-"
She's cut off by the feeling of your arms pulling her against you. She almost forgot how much she loves hugs, almost.
Carol returns the favor and wraps her arms around you. You both stay like that for a while. Loss is one of the first lessons a hero learns, but it doesn't mean they're impervious to its effects, especially with how often it happens. Carol is trying to convey how sorry she is with every circle she rubs into your back. You only part when it seems like the dust has finally settled.
"I think I'll take that beer now," you say after heavy sigh. Carol gives you a sympathetic smile before heading to the fridge.
Carol explains everything that you saw.
She also tells you stories about her life before this one, and her adventures from roaming the galaxies. You did a poor job of trying to stifle your giggling when she mentioned being married to Aladna's prince to resolve a "legal issue." That earned you some side eye and an eventual smirk.
Carol swears she's mostly made peace with everything that happened, but you both know it weighs heavy on her from time to time.
Especially during long stretches of solitude like this one.
Goose saunters over to you and spills over your feet belly-up with a lazy "meow," a prime position for scratches.
"Goose is probably stoked to get scritches from someone other than me," Carol quips into the mouth of her beer.
"I could do this all day," you say without a second thought and Carol's smile reaches her eyes.
"Carol, I want my agent back," Fury chimes in over comms.
"I'll think about it," Carol says coolly as she takes a swig from her beer, you stand up out of habit from hearing Fury's voice.
"He's right, I should probably go, there's going to be million things to do now that comms are back up."
"Of course, let me walk you out," Carol sets her bottle down and leads you to the doorway. Seems like you only walked through there a few minutes ago. Time is playing tricks on you, it seems.
"Stay safe out there," Carol says.
"You too, Carol," you trade smiles, committing hers to memory by the time she pulls you in for a hug.
"Thank you," she whispers, hugging you tighter for a few seconds before finally letting you go.
"So?" Fury is the first to greet you when you arrive at the station.
"Pretending comms is down just to give her human interaction is kind of evil...yet genius," you shake your head with a smile.
"I know she gets lonely out there, she'll never admit it. This is the least I can do," he shrugs before turning on his heel. He walks a few steps before turning to you again.
"Same time next month, agent y/n?"
"Of course sir."
He gives you a curt nod with a knowing smirk before finally leaving.
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bengiyo · 6 months
Last Twilight Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last week, August tried to make up with Day after standing him up on their date. Aon also showed up that day and mentioned that he is participating in a race with his new girlfriend. Day and August started practicing together, making Mhok a bit jealous. August organized a surprise party for Day with the rest of the badminton folks and kissed Day. Unfortunately, August only sees Day as a friend and walked off. Mhok confronted August and then took Day to a rooftop where he then kissed Day as well.
Oh hell yeah! I am so glad we’re not skipping over the kiss aftermath. Mhok is his caregiver, so this is going to immediately change things.
I love Porjai. Got her all worked up just to tell her what she already knew. These two are my favorite exes of the year.
“I didn’t say it.” Well he’s technically not lying.
This show is excellent. August is leaving, so we’ll deal with his mess and then eject him in the first part!
Despite being mad at August last episode, I’m really glad these two get closure. Friend break ups are worse than romantic ones.
They used “delulu” as a translation! Who is on the sub team for this show?? I want to send them flowers!
“That’s so fast.” I love Gee.
“About last night…” Don’t get me started, y’all.
Alright. That rejection in the car hurt my feelings.
Ope. I’m back. Day told on himself and Mhok is back in the game.
Mhok fixed the headband. I love you and your unsubtle metaphors, Aof.
Okay, I love Mhok blaming the shoes August picked for them not being able to sync.
I’m glad Sea is actually an athlete, so he doesn’t have to fake a cramp.
Night definitely notices how comfortable these two have gotten with each other.
This bed scene was probably super easy for them. Sea is always falling asleep easily on set.
OMG they’re stayin gat Mhok’s place before the event.
Porjai said, “Really, in front of my sardine salad?”
Namtam is actually so good. I like the way she uses her eyes.
Mhok planted jasmine at his house!!
She’s naming the baby Mee because Mhok has been practicing reading the book! I’m going to explode.
This show is doing a great job of making me miss Rung.
We have hit on a rare trope I love: Two people who are working out their feelings for each other are sharing a bed and hearing others go at it through the walls.
I’m glad we’re seeing more of Night. Mark is so good at communicating without saying much.
Oh, Day, don’t read too much into that conversation. Mhok’s friend is just looking out for him.
Shoot your shot, Porjai!
I am with Mhok. That’s enough games. Let’s make it clear.
Aof, please continue to be unsubtle. I love you.
Porjai and Night begins! Look at me rooting for hets in BL again.
I’m gonna lose it. Mhok is acting out Aon’s proposal for Day.
I see we were having too much fun. Let’s crank up the angst.
Look at them trying to assuage us with this PPL.
Beach trip next week! This was a lovely episode. It’s so smooth.
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merakiui · 11 months
Omg that last thought tickled about sick reader w trey tickled me soooooooo good 😭
I raise you this!!! Darling hates the taste of medicine, so trey tells her he'll use his unique magic disguise it to have the flavour of her favourite juice. Little does she know, trey has literally just been giving her juice and lying about it being medicine the whole time 😭😭
Omggg and visits to Doctor Riddle??? Riddle is totally in on the whole thing and is secretly giving trey advice on how to keep you jussttt sick enough to keep you entirely dependent on him without putting you in any true danger. Maybe the two of them really crank up the dramatics by helping you to slowly get better, and then as soon as you start to misbehave too much, it's back to square one.
Sometimes your head gets so loopy and gone that while you let trey bathe you, you're not entirely aware of everything he's doing to your body 😭😭
You and that anon are so big brained for this. I really like this trope because I've always been quite sickly (it's something that seems to run in my family.) When I don't feel well I'm literally soooo whiney and clingy and I *need* someone to hold me, and I get the feeling that trey, Floyd, Riddle and rook in particular are the ones who would eat that shit up
It’s such a good trope, especially for Trey and (doctor) Riddle! They’re so logical and level-headed most of the time, but rational thought is thrown out the window when you come into the picture. Trey has done so much for Riddle, so Riddle feels as if he needs to return the favor somehow, even if that means compromising your health for the sake of returning goodwill. And you have to trust Doctor Riddle because of his credentials! He’s a doctor! He’d never lie to you! It’s his job to help you get better, and sometimes you do get better. But then you’ll push Trey away when he tries to get close to you or you’ll try to run away; and now you’re bedridden once again. :( it’s a vicious cycle you fail to realize because you’re so certain you just have poor health.
Omg and being unaware while Trey bathes you because your head is so foggy and you’re so sleepy… aaaaa normally Trey tries to be good and keep his hands to himself. He doesn’t want to do anything you might dislike him for, but you’re so out of it when you sit in the bath, leaning against the wall and closing your eyes. And he’s so tempted to do more than just washing. He limits himself to lingering touches when you’re in this state, his fingers never going any further than he intends them to. Though he wants to feel more of you, preferably inside you, he holds himself back. He likes you, and sometimes he feels guilty about that because he likes you too much.
Or maybe he holds himself back for all of one week before he realizes he can successfully get away with more than just groping. :) maybe he even knocks you up during one of these times and neither of you realize it until Trey starts suspecting it when you exhibit certain symptoms; and now suddenly your health is no longer declining. Now you have to be healthy and well for the baby, and Trey and Riddle can no longer keep you sick, lest they somehow harm the baby with their interferences.
Omg I agree that Rook and Floyd also work for this trope! Although I also feel like Jade enjoys it just a little more than Floyd. Floyd likes it when you’re needy and clingy; Jade likes the idea of being in total control of you when he intentionally makes you sicker and weaker. I also think Vil would be good for this trope! He knows his way around poisons and curses. :) he could easily utilize this knowledge to keep you just weak enough to rely on and love him while still allowing you to feel like yourself most of the time.
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boo8008 · 8 months
Three Months - Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader Chapter 02: Mince
Prologue | Chapter 01: Quadriller | Chapter 02: Mince
Series Summery: Its been one year since The Bear's soft open, and with everything running smoothly, Carmen's lost in his thoughts, until the final table of the night is seated.
Warnings: angst | fluff | ghosting mention | mentions of suicide | language | mental health | pining | unrequited love????? | substances (alc & weed) | yelling | grief | descriptions of panic attacks | eventual smut | mention of covid | self doubt | no proofreading just sleep deprivation & back pain running this show | awkwardness & cringe of a new friendship/relationship/situationship
Chapter Summery: After the minor introduction of you and Carmy, your about to prepare the first dinner post Covid and before Stevie and Michelle leave, one Carmen is also coming to. Only cooking dinner is not going as smoothly as you'd hoped.
Mince (v.) - to finely divide food into uniform pieces smaller than diced or chopped foods, prepared using a chef's knife or food processor
Word Count: ~3,865
My Notes bb: Hey….. How yall doin? Sorry this took so long to get out, work and life suddenly got busy and I didn't have time to write. I hurt my back though so it kinda forced me to write and crank this out. Hopefully its not as bad I as I still feel like it is but yea. Again sorry this took so long to get out. Hope you enjoy! (ps my therapist thinks this is a decent outlet though lol thanks Sandra)
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2021 (December)
Carmen hardly ever came to dinner after those first few weeks, and Michelle said something about him working at Eleven Madison Park. While you were happy he head ended up at the high end restaurant, you knew he was working under one hell of an asshole. He seemed to be doing fine enough though. Granted, you would only catch small glimpses of him on nights when you stayed later than intended and he walked only into his room to sleep, with just a small mumbled ‘hi’ thrown your way. Eventually he managed to move out on his own and only came to dinner about once every two months when Michelle would insist on it.
Once covid hit though, you'd basically lost contact with him. Michelle even rarely managed to drag him into group facetime calls with you. They were mainly her or Stevie recounting their last two weeks of quarantine in a dramatic fashion and you and Carmen would be  listening half heartedly. If Carmen was there, he seemed to just sit out on a fire escape in his building and smoke, thinking about other things. Everytime you picked up though, missing being around the two people you actually liked. You would use it as a little reprieve from writing yet another ‘easy recipes for quarantine’ article, or to have company while you organized and re-organised random spots throughout your apartment. 
Mostly though you would use it to get away from the depressive thoughts of ‘what am I doing with my life?’ or ‘if something happened to me, only Michelle and Stevie would really know.’ you didn't realize how much you missed being around people until you couldn't anymore, just stuck with yourself and your cat in your apartment. You missed the mindless chatter from coworkers at your office and in person interviews with cranky chefs because they gave you more to think about than yourself. All you began to think about was how bad the piece you were working on was, even if your editor said it was great. You felt tired and tired of being tired. All you wanted was to have a nice dinner with Stevie and Michelle, and fuck even hearing from Carmen would be amazing even if it was another awkward conversation with someone you just barely knew.
In short covid sucked ass and made your already anxious brain even worse. Not to mentioned your sense of time became fucked and all of your normally scheduled daily things also hard to keep track of. While quarantine had somewhat ended, you all found yourselves too busy trying to get back into the groove of ‘normalcy’ and offices to have dinner again, canceling for meetings or being too tired. Leading to today, when after months of planning and rescheduling you had completely forgotten that dinner was not only being held at you place, but you were also cooking because Michelle and Stevie had nothing in their kitchen because they were leaving two weeks early to isolate before Christmas in Chicago, and to top it all off, Carmen was (for once) coming to dinner. You remembered only when Stevie sent you a text asking what time worked best to come over, and not wanting to cancel for the tenth time, you told them 7:00. So you left work early to run for the subway, then run to the grocers to get real food, and then ran home to start cooking. 
Only cooking was not going as planned. 
It was 6:30 and dinner was nowhere near done. It was like you had forgotten everything you knew about actually cooking, and you’re a food journalist for Christ's sake! This should have been something you could do fairly easy! You write about things like this all the time! Yet here you are, chicken suddenly burning in the oven from when you stepped away to check your recipe to make sure everything was going okay and you that were good to start the pasta. You quickly removed the now pucks from the oven and turned it off. You resolved to just sitting on the floor across from your oven and crying, thinking about where it all went wrong-not the dinner but everything. Quiet sobs racked your body as you sad down on your kitchen floor, forgetting about your phone and the fact your last text said “doors unlocked when you get here”.
Carmen didn’t want to go to dinner but knew he wouldn't hear the end of it from Michelle if he didn’t show up. And to be frank he wanted her to stop calling him a hermit too. So he grabbed his jacket after lunch service and headed home to shower and change, doing his best to not think of his shitty boss saying he was worthless for taking one evening off. He hadn't done that even during covid, constantly asking what the plan was or if the kitchen was open. He decided to head out early to your place sending a quick text and leaving. As he approached your door he could definitely smell burning, very unlike the pre-covid dinners you made. While not Michelin level, what you made were perfect home cooked and leftover meals to him. A nice change from his go to PB&Js with Doritos and a Coke. He checked his phone again making sure the apartment number was right and reread your last text again. He still knocked on the door before he opened it, out of habit. 
“Yo its me,” Carmen called out, peeling off his jacket as he looked around the entryway of your small apartment. You jumped at the knock and stood up as the door opened, and as Carmen called out, you turned to face the sink in your kitchen.
“In here!” your voice was wobbly but you preyed he wouldn't notice. Carmen followed the sound and walked into the kitchen, seeing the blackened chicken on the stove and the mess of the rest of the kitchen. 
“Jesus, the fuck did you try to cook?” he said it without thinking, and immediately you broke again. Crumbling in on yourself and to tired to try and hide it. Tears raining down your face and carmen short circuited, watching as you again sunk to the floor in a puddle. 
“Shit fuck I-I’m sorry. Fuck! Wh-what can I do? What do you want me to do? Fuck sorry I-I’m bad at this.” he panics as he looks down at you crying. “Wh-want me to go? I-I can go- I should go. Shit, Sorry again.” 
“What?” Carmen's pretty sure he heard wrong, after all he just caused you to meltdown from his social awkwardness. 
“S-stay?” you say more clearly. You don't know why you ask it, let alone how it crawls out of your crying, shaking self. Its been so long sense you've been near someone else even a little close to you so maybe that's it. He stops for a minute looking down at you as you look up at him still crying. “Please?”
“... O-okay.” 
He isn't sure why he stays, or why he sits down next to you while you cry, but he does. The apartment is quiet outside of you sniffles and the occasional sob but carmen stays put. Neither of you realize how much you've started leaning towards each other until your head  is lightly lying on his shoulder. You’ve mostly stopped crying now but your face is still wet and your eyes are puffy. 
He isn't sure what to say, with his mom asking if you were okay was off limits. It made everything worse. It lead to screaming and yelling and throwing things. He thinks about what someone normal, someone like Stevie, or Pete, or Natalie, what they would ask someone they hardly know if they saw them having a panic attack and decides to just do it, praying you’d be somewhat normal compared to his mother.
“You-you okay?” you'd almost forgot he was there, even if you were leaning on him, and sat up straighter, wiping your face.
“Yea, I’m-I’m sorry dinners ruined and for getting like that,” you say. Tears of embarrassment springing up at knowing that this (basically) stranger saw you cry. 
“No no your fine-your cool,” he can feel panic rising again at making you cry again. “No no no offense but I-I was kinda in the mood for pizza anyways.” He's only partly lying, he wanted a home cooked meal but the pizza place he passed on his way here smelled greasy and amazing on his empty stomach. 
“Are you sure? I still have the kitchen to clean and I just don't want you all to think that I don't care o-or anything that i-its our last dinner before you guys go back to Chicago for Christmas and I just-” 
“Yea, your fine , its fine if we have pizza, I’ll text Michelle to grab it on their way over, they wont mind.”
“Okay…” you mumble, caving in on the choice of pizza and leaning your head back on the cabinet behind you. Carmens already pulling his phone out of his pocket when he spots the new texts from Stevie and Michelle on his lock screen. 
Stevie: ‘Sorry gang, we dont think we can make it tonight, we still have a lot to pack 😕’
Michelle: ‘Yea I’m sorry i know its so close to dinner but maybe you two can get along without us????’ 
Michelle: ‘Sorry again lovelies xoxo 😘’
Michelle: ‘Dont be a dick carm 💛😘’
“Well fuck,” Carmen mumbled. He was now on his own to make conversation. “Looks like its just us for dinner. ‘Said they still have packing to do.”
“Oh,” was all you could think to say. Of course the universe would have the only two people you could actually converse with busy on the one night you were meant to see them. 
“Yea…” Carmen wasn't sure how to proceed. Does he leave cause the only bridge between you both isn't showing? Does he stay because he already committed to dinner? God he feels so awkward.
“Well we could still get pizza?” you ask. “I mean you came all this way so it kinda feels like a waste.”
“You sure?”
“Yea, I mean I still gotta clean the kitchen but theres a place around the corner thats amazing after crying,” you say with a bit of a laugh to help bring up the awkward mood.
“Let me help you and we can go?” he suggests, already rising to his feet and offering you a hand.
“Are you sure? I mean the chicken I think is welded on there at this point,” you say. As your taking his hand and he pulls you to stand from your floor, you see his forearms flex and your mind short circuits as you look probably a second longer than you need to at the muscles and veins there. Luckily he doesn't notice because he's already turning and grabbing the now cool baking sheet with the chicken on it. 
“Yea it’ll go faster, I think I can get this off too,”  Carmen quickly took charge of washing the bowls, cutting boards, and other kitchen utensils you had pulled out in your frenzy to cook dinner on time. 
In nearly no time at all the kitchen was clean and the two of you had left for the pizza parlor a block away. While yes the cleaning was a little awkward, the noise of the city on the walk made making any conversation difficult, meaning neither of you had to talk or struggle to make conversation. 
“Pepperoni good?” Carmen asked as the two of you stood awkwardly next to each other, both of your jackets zipped all the way up thanks to the near unbearable cold outside.
“Y-yea, they make bomb garlic knots too if you want some,” you responded, skimming over the menu even though you already knew what the plan was. 
“C-cool, um,” Carmen looked around the small shop, there was just the counter and a cooler for drinks, no seating. The place reminded him of the beef, dingy, and not that healthy, but god damn was this about to be the best food he could ever get. “Did you want to go back to your place? Cause… cause there's no tables and stuff…” Carmen cringed at the awkward way the words came out. 
“Yea if that's good with you?” you said taking a step forward, the two of you would look at each other before looking away, as if the tiled flooring was so interesting. You decided to take a page out of Stevie’s book, he was better with people than you were so you prayed the attempted joke would land. “I mean we could eat out in the cold if your more comfortable?” A smile pressed its way onto Carmen’s face and you considered that a victory. 
“Yea no, I love eating outside when its about to snow,” he snickered. “Reminds me of home.” You both shifted closer as the people in front of you pushed pass you both to leave with their pizzas. As you both stepped up to the counter Carmen was faster than you in not only placing the order, a large peperoni with a side of garlic knots, but also whipping out his wallet and paying, you on the other hand had barely stumbled out a hello and barely started shifting your bag to get out your own wallet by the time he was done.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you mumbled as you both stepped off to the side to wait.
“Yea well, its cool I got the money,” Carmen added. You only partly doubted it, he worked at the highest rated restaurant in the world but also lived in New York so it kinda balanced out. You both distracted yourselves for a few minuets looking at your phones, you taking to a word search game and Carmen playing the fun game of ‘who is this and why do I have their number?’ with his contacts. It felt a little more relaxing compared to earlier, more like the same air you both got when Stevie and Michelle would leave the room at your normal dinners, not pressured to talk but liking the fact another person was next to you.
“Order 447!” you and carmen both jumped as the number was yelled through the small shop. Carmen stepped forward and took the box and bag from the worker, turning to you, where you grabbed the bag and began to head out before he got up the words to protest that he's got it. 
Luckily the only awkward part of the walk back to your apartment was the elevator ride up. As you both stepped into your apartment you were both greeted by the loud yelling of your cat as she rounded the corner to yell at you for leaving for a whole 30 minuets.
“Yea yea your fine baby,” you told her as you took the pizza from Carmen. “You good with just sitting on the couch? I don't want to do anymore kitchen cleaning.”
“Heard,” Carmen carmen said as he took off his jacket. He was looking down at the feline weaving between his legs and bent down to let her sniff him so he could pet her, instead she smelt him and abruptly ran back deeper in the apartment and he smiled a little at the cat, following it with his eyes to you coming out of the kitchen with two cans of coke, paper plates, and paper towels. Something in him stirred at the mundane and domestic sight but he waved it off as more anxiety.
“Wait-shit-your not allergic to cats are you?” you asked panicked.
“N-no,” Carmen's voice broke a little as he said it and he cleared his throat. “No… My, um, my mom never let us have one when I was a kid, something about the furniture. I always wanted one though.” Why’d his voice break like that? Why’d he bring up his mom? Fuck now he's gonna have to explain everything.
“Cool-cool,” you were turning to head deeper into the apartment again and Carmen followed, getting a better look at the place now that he wasn't rushing to the kitchen. “That's Mince, cause when I got her she was tiny and I wasn't thinking ahead.” He took in the living room, a nice, small sectional couch with a blanket over the back was against one wall, and a tv with bookcases full of nick-nacks and heavy looking books with holiday lights around it. The center of the room had a buttery carpet and the coffee table with the pizza and garlic knots on it. 
“Make yourself at home,” you added. You’d never felt more aware of your actions than now, as Carmen looked at more of your space with posters and pictures around it and you were just trying to tell yourself to act normal. He took in the dining table with four perfectly mismatched chairs that was tucked into a corner on the other side of the wall from the kitchen. Mince catches his attention from the couch, batting at his hand from her spot on the arm rest. He again goes to pet her only for her to skip off and run to the opposite end where you are. Carmen finally takes a seat on the couch, the two of you as far as you could be. You both dig into the pizza and Carmen can’t help but think about how good it is. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. It definitely compensates for the shitty morning he had and the rollercoaster of emotions he felt around you.
“Right?” you said through a smile. You were turning on the tv and poking around for something to watch. 
“‘S so fucking good,” he said through another bite. “Chicago is still better though.” he mumbled.
“Fuck off,” you finally settled on Bobs Burgers that you left off on. You both ate in a mostly comfortable silence, focusing on the show and avoiding looking at each other. Once you felt you were full you settled back into the couch, and glanced at carmen sitting in your space, he had made himself more comfortable, and he looked nice there, leaned up against the arm of the couch with one arm draped over the back of the couch fiddling with a part of the blanket and his legs spread wide. You shifted your focus back to the television not wanting to make it more weird. 
“So… did you finish packing already?” you settled on conversation to distract you from the thought of crawling into his lap. “For Chicago I mean.”
“Oh um,” Carmen was a little startled by the sudden conversation, but fuck it you already cried in front of him today, it was his turn to share. “N-no I’m just staying here, rather not watch my mom drive the car through a wall and my brother fight my uncle again.”
“Jeez, I’m sorry,” Steve had told you some of what happened that Christmas, mainly summarized as a big blowout of a fight between Michelle’s cousin Mikey and her kinda-uncle Lee, and her aunt Donna driving her car through the living room. God why'd you bring this up? He probably didn't want to talk about it. “Did you have any plans then?” Please let this be a decent change of topic you think.
“Just work, go home, smoke and eat, sleep, just like the last two years,” he says with a sigh. “Wh-What about you?”
“No, I was just gonna stay in and watch some movies.” Carmen answers with an affirming ‘hm’, not wanting to overstep and ask more questions. Even with the both of you wanting to talk more, neither of you know how to go from here. You turn you attention back to the television as Carmen turns his head a little to quietly observe you. 
Curled up in the corner of the couch in a cozy, old, and ratty sweatshirt with some leggings and fuzzy holiday grippy socks, hair down, and face still a little puffy from the winter air and your tears, but still beautiful in the darkening light of your apartment, mundanely so. Not a supermodel ripped from the cover of vogue, or an unobtainable influencer with hair and makeup perfectly placed for pictures. You look like you belong there. You look real. Cozy and warm on your couch with the lights from the streets down below hitting you just so. Home he thinks, before quickly turning his attention back to the tv. Its not like he’d ever have a shot with you anyways, he’s always too busy, or too angry, or too much of an asshole in general. Where’d all of those thoughts even come from? He hardly ever felt at home with anyone, especially outside of the kitchen. 
As the show plays on the two of you get lost in it and enjoying the act of being alone together, occasionally steeling glances at each other. You find yourself kind of liking being with him, not necessarily talking or interacting but the feeling of another person in the same room as you feels nice. Carmen won't say it but he's enjoying himself too. The show and coziness of your apartment make him feel relaxed more than his barren dingy apartment ever could, and the abundance of stuff artfully placed helps give him something to look at and think on rather than get lost in his anxiety and self doubt. Why does she have a Halloween decoration out its December…right? He thinks. Your both trying to think on how to ask for what you want but you beat him too it. Probably because you grew up with Steve and his weird ball of encouragement always on your side.
“Did you want to hang out? On Christmas I mean,” you finally get the courage to ask. Phew, not that bad.
“I mean I-I don't want to intrude,” Carmen starts. “Plus I have work the next day.”
“You could sleepover? If-if you want,” you prepose. “We can still smoke, eat, and sleep if you want. All the traditions you enjoy, a-and I don’t think I’m far from the line you need?” 
You definitely aren't. In fact your apartment is somehow on a faster route to work than his own. The only reason you know is because of the Bake It Nice pop up bakery Eleven Madison Park does once a month that you always try to make time for. Carmen thinks on it for a second, and your sure he's looking for a way to let you down nicely.
“You sure your okay with me leaving at 5:00 in the morning?” he asks. 
“Absolutely,” you say with a smile, and something in Carmen stirs. “Plus I can pass the fuck out again when you leave anyways.” he smiles at that, still unsure what feeling he's having right now, but he likes it.
“Okay,” he says and you both return you attention back to the show smiling like children. Your legs a little more outstretched towards carmen and his body begging to sink further into your couch. Relaxing to the feeling of you.
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
Baby Making P1
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Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Flirty + Sweet
Anonymous asked:
Hey i had a Newt request! I wondering if you could do a angst+smut fic with crank newt? Like it's life or death for the both of them (literally) but during the start of the Death cure where Newts getting more Crank like but no weird veins, But he's trying to get his partner pregnant and saying stuff like "If something happens to me at least i left my mark" stuff like that 
I sat doing some sewing working watching the sea kiss the sand when I heard footsteps Very identifiable footsteps as his limp was getting far worse.
"Hi love"
"Hi newt what's up?"
"Can I uhh talk to you about something?' He asks
I glanced up and saw he was nervous shuffling his feet and picking his nails.
"Of course newt what is it?' I asked and he nervously sat with me
"So…you know about -"
"I do" I nodded holding his hand "is it bothering you?'
"No more then usual, no I uhh I was thinking about everything and… I wanted to ask you"
"Anything what is it?"
"I uhhh sorry it uhh it's kinda"
"Newt it's okay whatever you want to ask is fine"
"Can uhhh … can we have a baby?'
"Uhhhhh what?'
"I would like us to discuss, the idea of having a baby together."
"Having a baby?"
"... Uhh well. It can certainly be discussed"
"How do you feel about that love?"
"Uhh I don't really know newt, I mean the only time we've ever really thought about kids was in the glade and that was just how to prevent accidentally making one."
"But, I had thought about it a few times"
"You had?"
"Of course, newt we were stuck in there over three years. Of course it has crossed my mind more then once that I may have been out in the maze to make babies"
"I had through about it. I was one girl with sixty boys in a inescapable maze, the idea were the last of humanity and I need to be a baby oven has crossed my mind newt" I chuckled "and… I had thought, has dreams of what life would be like if we escaped together, got a house, got married, had babies"
"I did too" he smiled holding my hand giving it a tight squeeze"I know it's not the life we wanted-"
"Newt, I don't think the life we wanted even exists anymore"
"You may be right, and… who knows how long I have left. Or how long until you get infected. Or how long till wicked finds us and locks us up in another death trap" he explained "I want to make sure there's something of me here. That I left something, some mark on the world before I go. And if you never get infected.. something of me you can keep"
"That's very sweet newt, but you'd really want that?"
"I would, would you?"
"I think I would, a sweet little one to keep close and take care of. Something to protect to fight for if they do try and take us again"
"But I don't want us to do this unless it's something you really want?"
"I want to newt, I think it's sweet" I smiled squeezing his hand back and giving him a gentle kiss "so? Lights out tonight suit you for some baby making newtie?"
"Ohhh uhhhh I uhhhh I think I can manage to pencil you in"
"Oh? Why busy schedule? You been going round asking all the girls?"
"No no! I uhh I just uhh… I may have thought about this earlier. In the shower. So I already…. But I'm sure everything will be fine by lights out"
"Alright, tonights good with you?"
"Absolutely just uhhh you know wasn't expecting quiet so soon"
"Times a wasting right newtie plus were about two weeks out from my period so seems like a good time"
"Uhh okay, I'll see you tonight"
" see you tonight" I smiled giving him a little kiss and heading into camp with my sewing.
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mickimomo · 1 year
Lunch Time - Okoye x Attuma
Author Notes:
I finally got a moment to write something cute for these two. I'll try to crank out Namor and Shuri later.
It all started when Aneka and Attuma were paired up as patrol buddies for a week.
It wasn't rare that they were paired off, from time to time. Neither of them minded it. Attuma appreciated the bubbly warrior. She had become something akin to a younger sister to him with time. And she had always referred to him as her brother-in-law when he and Okoye had announced their engagement.
Today's patrol, however, was interrupted by a frantic Aneka dragging him to the market to grab a few foods.
They settled at a table as she hurried to put something together in a small metal container.
"Aneka, what are you doing?" Attuma tilted his head as he watched her shape a mound of steaming mieliepap into a heart with a spoon.
"I forgot to pack Ayo lunch this morning." She murmured as her brows creased with great concentration. "I have to put something together." She hummed as she poured some hot meat stew out of a styrofoam container into the largest compartment in the metal container.
"Can't she get something?"
"She could, but I don't want her to. This is how I show my love. Although, I wish I could have made something homemade."
Attuma watched her place some roasted vegetables into the last compartment before she began to lay pieces of sweet plantain down to make a small heart.
She blew a kiss at the meal and smiled before placing the lid on it and packing everything else up.
"I think eating something packed with love makes it taste better." She grinned. "Just imagine if Okoye packed you something special." She offered as she got up. "I'll be back in a second." She waved before jogging off to find her wife.
Those words: Just imagine if Okoye packed you something special
Had Attuma in a chokehold for the rest of his time on patrol.
Aneka couldn't help but giggle as she watched him run off in the end.
She'd be expecting a head smack from her sister in the next few days.
"K'iin." Attuma called out as he entered her garden. She was tending to a few squash plants while M20 grazed peacefully, not too far behind her.
"I patrolled with Aneka today."
"Oh? How did that go?"
He sat down beside her. "Well."
"That's it?"
"It was uneventful."
"And nothing exciting happened?" She laughed softly at his short and simple responses. She could tell something was churning in his mind.
"Aneka made Ayo something for lunch." He looked at her.
"That's nice."
"Yes. It is very nice for one to give their lover a meal made with love."
"Uh huh."
Attuma stared at her long and hard before looking down at the ground.
He pouted for three whole days before Okoye gave in and made something happen for him.
She was a phenomenal cook, thanks to her father. And although she had been married once upon a time, W'Kabi wasn't one who cared for homemade meals and surprises. She had tried it once, but he didn't even touch it. It was a waste of time and effort, and she had hardened her heart enough to never do it again.
Attuma on the other hand, was acting like the sun would fall out of the sky because he couldn't have a lunch prepared by her hands.
She would give him one now, but if he acted poorly, he would be eating vibranium and knuckle sandwiches instead.
But deep down inside, she knew he would be happy with anything she gave him.
Attuma would eat sand and drink saltwater if she served it to him.
So, she had to go above and beyond for him.
She quickly got to work when he left to start his patrol early in the morning.
Attuma was on patrol with Namora today but was settling down for lunch with her and Aj K'uk'ulkan when she found him.
He was pouting over something Namora had tossed together out of pity.
The feathered warrior enjoyed watching him sulk, but this was getting ridiculous.
Even K'uk'ulkan was worried by his sudden lack of appetite and sunken shoulders.
"In ba'ate'el." Okoye called out as she approached with a box wrapped perfectly in a sky blue patterened cloth.
He looked up at the sound of her voice, too forlorn to stand as she drew closer.
"K'iin." He huffed.
She sat down across from him before placing the wrapped box before him. "Ku méejtech uutsil." She gestured to it.
Have a nice meal?
He blinked at the box before he slowly began to undo the cloth and found a two-layered metal lunch box.
The first layer had freshly cut fruits and a small salad.
The second layer had some stewed goat served with samp and beans.
She watched him stare it all before she cursed softly under her breath, instantly catching his attention.
"I forgot to grab your drink."
"You did not."
"What you have between your legs is plenty."
Namora choked on her food and K'uk'ulkan tried to stop himself from cackling as Okoye began to curse Attuma out in xhosa.
"Dios bo’otik, K'iin." He beamed when she was finally done chewing him out.
"Don't thank me. How many times do I have to tell you to stop being vulgar."
"It is not vulgar. It is honesty."
"That is not honesty."
"It is. I will please you when I am finished to show my gratitude."
"You aren't pleasing shit." She scowled. "Please me by eating the food and leaving me be."
"But I will be thirsty."
"Please." Namora gasped for air while her cousin pressed her rebreather on her face. "We are eating."
K'uk'ulkan laughed as he helped her. "He is in love. Do not discourage him."
Namora wheezed. "I almost died."
"You will understand when someone you love brings you food." Attuma patted her shoulder.
Namora scoffed. "There isn't a single soul bold enough to bring me food."
"Maybe if you ask the priestess, she might bring you something."
Namora's face purpled. "She would never."
"You never know." Okoye shrugged. "Although, Oni doesn't cook much. She can only cook five things and fire."
"Is Shuri any better?" K'uk'ulkan tilted his head at the warrior.
"She can cook, but it is very rare. You'd be lucky to even get a snack from her."
"Well, there's hope." He hummed.
"Very little."
"Yes, but there is hope."
Attuma was in his own little world as he started to eat his meal.
And that his how it all started.
Namora when Attuma said Okoye was his drink.
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cunninghamschrissy · 2 years
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Title: Red and The Metalhead
Pairing: Eddie Munson & Max Mayfield, Eddie/Chrissy
Rating: M for language and smoking
Tag List: @wandaloki @writervick @lynnsthoughts @historyofshipping @chrissy-crumble @starsovervelaris @wolfstrela @chrissyslipgloss @strangerduchess
Summary: After Billy died, Max Mayfield needed an older brother who wasn’t an asshole. An unlikely person stepped up to fill the role.
Author’s Note: Slight AU. Eddie is just questioned by the police but never goes on the run since Chrissy only ends up with a broken arm in 4x01, and Jason just insists upon her staying away from Eddie.
Eddie Munson was in a bad way. After that disastrous night when Chrissy had gone into that trance in his trailer and broken her arm, he’d been accused of being everything from a cult leader to the local town Satanist. Chrissy had pleaded that it wasn’t Eddie’s fault, but her boyfriend Jason had insisted she stay away from him and made a fuss until the police brought Eddie in for questioning. They’d released him almost immediately, angering Jason, but the whispers around the trailer park and other places in Hawkins told Eddie that the majority of the town still believed him to be responsible for Chrissy’s accident, and the devil’s spawn.
But, if there is was anything good that had come from the whole debacle at his trailer that night, it was that Dustin had brought some of his friends around to Eddie’s place afterwards, and made it clear that they believed he was innocent. Eddie didn’t understand 90% of what they were rambling on about, using words like “Upside Down” and “Mind Flayer”, but at the end of the evening when he finally thanked all the kids for their support and sent them on their way, Max Mayfield was the last one to leave, and before she did so, she paused in Eddie’s doorway, turning back.
“You know, uh—I saw you the night Chrissy broke her arm.” she said hesitantly. “I know it wasn’t you. You were just as upset as she was.”
Eddie shrugged, and gave her a half hearted smile.
“Thanks, Red. I just wish the whole town thought that way.” he opened the door for her as she went out. “You live around here?”
“Just right over there.” She pointed to an adjacent trailer. “My mom and I.”
“Well, it’s good to meet a new neighbor,” Eddie said. “Especially one that doesn’t think I’m the town Satanist.”
He smirked, and Max smiled in return.
“See ya later, Eddie.”
“See ya, Red.”
For a week or so they didn’t see each other again, but one morning Eddie was leaving his trailer to go to school when he saw Max bolt out of her house, backpack in hand, and promptly throw the bag down on the ground with a yell of “Shit!”. Eddie followed the path of her eyes and saw the now distant school bus turning back onto the main road.
As Max gathered up her bag and started back inside her trailer, suddenly the sound of Metallica roared up behind her, and she turned to see Eddie’s beat up van. He cranked the passenger window down, letting out the sound of “Master Of Puppets”, and yelled over the noise.
“Need a ride, Red?”
Normally Max would have politely refused and gone inside to call her mother, but this Eddie guy…he didn’t seem so bad. He was Dustin’s friend, he seemed decent, and he was the only chance she had at not having to bother her mother at work.
“Fucking buses don’t even give ya even five minutes anymore.” Eddie bemoaned as she piled into his van. “But who wants to take the bus anyway?” he grinned, and turned up the music.
Metallica wasn’t really Max’s thing, but hey, she knew the rules: not your car, not your music choice. She also knew from many an evening watching Eddie’s van careen into the trailer park that he wasn’t the best driver, but to her surprise, he seemed to actually drive a bit slower than he usually did and only rolled through one stop sign.
“Thanks for the ride.” she said, after they had screeched to a stop in the parking lot.
“No problem, Red. Glad I could help.”
As she got out of the van, Max heard the whispers of the other students as she made her way inside the school, and looked back to see several of them had watched her exit Eddie’s van, and were now watching Eddie himself too.
“What’s she doing hanging around that freak?”
“If she isn’t careful, she’ll end up with a broken arm just like Chrissy.”
“Looks like the local Satanist recruited a new acolyte.”
At the last comment, Max suddenly found herself stopping on the spot, and turning to face the preppy blonde haired girl who’d made the remark.
“Hey, shitbird, he was giving me a ride!” she said coolly. “Mind your own fucking business!”
As she turned back around to continue on her way, she thought she saw a smile twitch on the corners of Eddie’s mouth.
The next time Max saw Eddie was on a Saturday, when a sudden knock on her trailer door led her to find him standing on her doorstep with a box of cassette tapes.
“Uh, hey. I was cleaning out some of my old tapes…and I know you probably like Blondie or Bowie or some shit like that, but I just thought I’d bring these by.” he rambled, and held the box out to her. “If you hate ‘em then you can just throw ‘em out, but…here.”
Clutching the box, Max gave a shy smile and said “thanks” and watched as Eddie loped back off to his trailer.
She took the box inside and went through it, popping any tapes that sounded interesting into her Walkman. Finally, she ran across a cassette with no artwork, by a band she’d never heard of, their name the only thing on the tape, scrawled in messy Sharpie.
Corroded Coffin.
Curious, she popped the tape into her Walkman, put on her headphones, and was immediately greeted by Eddie’s voice.
“This is uh—demo 1? Corroded Coffin. Playin’ the hits.”
Eddie laughed at his lame introduction, and it sounded like a couple guys in the background did as well. Then, there was a count off of drumsticks, and Corroded Coffin launched into “Holy Diver” by Dio.
Max had to admit, they were pretty good. Not great by any stretch, and definitely not the Kate Bush she’s used to, but also not bad either. She liked it.
That evening, Eddie and Wayne were getting ready for yet another microwave dinner of the week (tonight’s selection: Beef Stronganoff) picked up from the grocery, when Eddie heard a knock on the trailer door, and opened it to see Max.
“Hey, Red.” He said, slightly surprised. He leaned against the doorway. “You like the tapes?”
“I did, yeah.” Max said. “I just…wanted to say thanks for bringing them over.”
“No problem, I’ll see if I have a couple more lying around here.” Eddie said, glancing back inside the trailer.
“Do you have more Corroded Coffin?” Max asked, before she could stop herself.
“Uh—yeah.” Eddie said, turning back, now intrigued. “You listened to our demo tape?”
Max nodded, and shrugged. “It was in the box.”
Now, Eddie invited her into the trailer and Max stood awkwardly for ten minutes in the kitchen with Wayne Munson, who kept looking between her and the beef stroganoff he was microwaving, while Eddie tossed stuff around in the bedroom down the hallway and kept muttering.
Finally, he returned with a fistful of cassette tapes and an oversized Corroded Coffin T shirt, all of which he pressed into Max’s hands.
“I’ll let you know next time we practice in Jeff’s garage,” he told her as he walked her to the door. “Maybe you can drop by.”
“Thanks, I’d like that.” Max said, and thought she felt something deep in her chest loosening. She sighed, and looked back towards her trailer. “Well, I gotta go. Mom left me dinner in the fridge.”
At this, Eddie’s brow furrowed.
“You there alone?”
“Yeah.” Max shrugged. “My mom works late tonight.”
Eddie glanced over his shoulder back inside his trailer.
“Why don’t you eat with us? My Uncle Wayne won’t mind.”
“Oh no,” Max started. “I don’t want to intrude on your dinner.” She was trying to be polite, but the allure of the beef stroganoff, albeit microwaved, definitely smells better than whatever her mother has left her.
“Trust me, Wayne won’t mind. Come on.”
Eddie ushered her back inside the trailer and introduced her to his uncle.
“Wayne, this is Max, she’s a neighbor.” Eddie said, as Wayne came to shake Max’s hand. “Her mom works late, so I asked if she wanted to eat with us.”
“More than welcome to, young lady.” said Wayne. “Although, I’ll warn ya, it ain’t gonna be anything special.”
While the beef stroganoff was about as good as what a microwave dinner can be, Max found herself liking to sit around the table with Wayne and Eddie. She listened to Wayne talk about his work at the plant, and tell stories about his nephew as a child that made Eddie flush scarlet. They circled around to the subject of music, and by the end of the dinner, Wayne was recommending country western songs to Max, who was taking notes on a napkin.
Finally, with her hands full of cassette tapes, the Corroded Coffin T shirt, several napkins, and the leftovers that Wayne insisted she take, Max walked back to her trailer with Eddie.
“Thanks for letting me eat with you.” she said, as they stopped on her doorstep.
“No problem, Red.” Eddie said casually. “Drop by anytime.”
So, that became their weekly routine. On Thursday nights when Max’s mom worked late, she would eat microwaved tv dinners with the Munsons, and listen to Eddie and Wayne debate everything from music to cars to tv shows.
Soon, before she knew it, Thursday dinner with the Munsons became familiar, routine, oddly comforting. One evening though as she was getting ready to walk over to the Munson trailer, there was a knock on Max’s trailer door.
It was Eddie.
“Hey, Red. Wayne had to stay over at work, so it’s just me home tonight—“ he started apologetically.
“Oh, that’s okay.” Max said, but felt her heart sink. “I have leftovers in the fridge I can warm up.”
“No, I just…” Eddie hesitated, then continued. “I didn’t know if maybe you wanted to come over and eat still? You know, since we’re both by ourselves.”
“Oh, sure. Lemme grab my jacket.”
Once in Eddie’s trailer, they abandoned the dinner table for the comfort of the living room, and Max and Eddie flopped down on the couch with plates of pizza in hand. Eddie switched on the tv, flipped until he found a scary movie, and both ate in silence. It was pepperoni pizza, and not great, but they had agreed to split the pepperoni between the two of them, so every once and awhile Eddie would toss some her way, and they continued in this fashion for several minutes, until finally Max hesitated, then spoke.
“Do you ever, um—do you ever see Chrissy anymore?”
Eddie scrunched his face, and for a second Max was afraid she’d touched on a nerve, but he just sat down his slice of pizza and sighed.
“No.” he said finally, defeated. “Jason won’t let her anywhere near me.”
Max opened her mouth to say something, but then Eddie continued.
“I mean, I tried to apologize to her afterwards, but he just pulled her away.” He rubbed his face with his ring-adored fingers. “I miss her, though. We—We got along good.” He finished awkwardly, and Max saw the blush creeping into his cheeks when he put his hands down.
“I could um—say something to her, maybe. At school.” Max offered. “She meets with Miss Kelly before I do and we’re always passing each other when we’re leaving.”
You would have thought she had told Eddie that Chrissy was coming over right that instant. He scrambled upright, eyes wide, and stared at her.
“Really? You’d do that?”
Max shrugged.
“‘Course. You invite me to dinner, I help you hook up with a girl who’s way out of your league.”
“Listen, I don’t wanna hook—“ began Eddie furiously.
Max turned and gave him a “bitch please” look, and he stopped.
“Don’t bullshit me, Eddie. You wanna bang Chrissy as bad as Jason Carver wishes the sun shone out his ass.” She smirked, and turned back to her pizza. “I’ll let Chrissy know you want to talk.”
Eddie stared at her for a moment, then leaned over and unceremoniously dumped the rest of his pepperoni on her plate, and Max tried to hide a smile. Maybe Eddie did remind her of someone she used to know…but a kinder, gentler version. The knot in her chest unloosened even more.
They finished the rest of the dinner badmouthing Jason, watching Day of the Dead, and eating their pizza.
The next day at school, Max headed towards her appointment with Miss Kelly with an unusual spring in her step. She usually hated her appointment days, but today…today felt different. Today…she actually felt okay.
“Hey, Chrissy!” Max pulled off her headphones and hurried to catch up with the strawberry blonde cheerleader as she exited the counseling office.
“Oh, hi.” Chrissy said, clearly unsure of who Max was and why she was chasing her down in the hallway. “Did I leave something in Miss Kelly’s office?”
“No, no, I just—“ Max hesitated, unsure of how to bring up Eddie, and glanced around, her gaze finally falling on Chrissy’s cast. “Can I sign your cast?”
“Oh, yeah, sure!” Chrissy said, brightening immediately. She fished a pink sharpie out of her bag and passed it to Max. “Thanks.”
“You know, um—I live in Forest Hills trailer park.” Max began as she scrawled on the cast. “I’m a friend of Eddie Munson’s.” She looked up to see Chrissy’s smile falter for a second, but continued anyway. “Chrissy, he really wants to talk to you, and I know Jason doesn’t like him, but please—he’s desperate. Please just find a way to talk to him.” she finished, and capped the Sharpie.
Chrissy hesitated for a moment, glanced around, and leaned close to Max.
“I do tutoring sometimes for underclassmen in English and History.” she whispered. “Maybe…you could use some help?” She raised an eyebrow, and Max smiled.
“Of course. I’m the trailer with the fence and the dog outside. Does 7 pm tomorrow night work?”
“Sure!” Chrissy said. “See you then, uh—“ she angled her arm and glanced down at her cast. “Max Mayfield.”
Chrissy and Max went their separate ways, and Max entered Miss Kelly’s office actually feeling good about their appointment. Miss Kelly picked up on her changed attitude almost immediately.
“You seem happy today, Max.” she said pleasantly, smiling at her across the desk. “Did something happen?”
Max shrugged, and her eyes drifted around the office. “I dunno, I um…I made a friend. A neighbor.”
“That’s wonderful, Max!” Miss Kelly said, making a note in her file. “Having friends close is always helpful. Is this friend a freshman too, or older?”
“He’s a senior.” Max answered, not wanting to add “multiple times over”. “But he’s…nice. He brought me a bunch of cassette tapes to listen to and invited me for dinner when my mom works late.”
“That’s really good, Max.” Miss Kelly said, sitting back in her chair and surveying Max with a smile. “He sounds like a very good friend.” She paused for a moment, then continued. “Do you think he reminds you of your brother, a little?”
For the first time, Max didn’t feel a pang in her chest when someone mentioned Billy. She didn’t see his death flash before her eyes, hear her own scream echoing in her ears. The opposite happened. She felt a bit of sadness, but mainly…contentment.
“Yeah.” she said finally, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth as she thought of Eddie. “Yeah, I think he does.”
The next day at 7 pm sharp, Max was preparing to heat up a microwave TV dinner when there was a knock at the trailer door.
It was Chrissy, dressed in her cheerleading uniform and rocking on the balls of her tennis shoes.
“Hey, Max.” she said warmly, breaking into a smile when she saw the younger girl. “Ready for some homework help?”
As soon as Max let her inside, they heard a car screech off outside the trailer, and Chrissy glanced out the window.
“Good, that was Jason.” she said, turning back to Max and sighing. “He would only drive me here because I insisted I was tutoring you.”
Max made a noise somewhere between a scoff and a snort, and immediately regretted it when she thought Chrissy might be offended, but to her surprise, the older girl just rolled her eyes too.
“I know, he’s a jerk.”
“So…why don’t you dump his ass?” Max asked, before she could stop herself, and Chrissy looked at her gently.
“Try having a mother who thinks your boyfriend is the best thing since sliced bread.” she said simply. “Then try to just dump his ass.”
She smiled, and she and Max walked to the door of the trailer. But, before she left, Chrissy turned back.
“Hey, thanks for this.” she said, and after a second, she reached out and pulled Max into a hug. “It really means a lot.”
“Yeah.” Max said. “Yeah, no problem.”
She watched Chrissy head off towards Eddie’s trailer, and smiled herself when she saw the grin that broke across Eddie’s face when he opened the trailer door and saw it was Chrissy.
Of course the one girl in this town he’d have it bad for is the one who broke her arm in his trailer…
Max shook her head, and went off to warm up her dinner.
A few hours later, she heard talking outside, and went to the window to peek out, and was immediately greeted with the sight of Eddie and Chrissy exiting Eddie’s trailer hand in hand, and walking to Eddie’s van. As she watched, they shared a couple words, Chrissy threw back her head and laughed, and to Max’s surprise, when they arrived at the van, they leaned against it and began to kiss. She watched as Chrissy’s hands tangled in Eddie’s hair, and one of his hands crept progressively lower on her waist until it slipped under the hem of her cheer blouse.
Max rolled her eyes and shut the blinds.
God, men were gross.
That week when Eddie dropped by to invite her to weekly dinner, Max opened the door and found him practically pulsating with excitement.
“I’m…guessing things went well with Chrissy?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. “Given the fact you can’t control your own limbs?”
“Wait ‘til you fall in love, Red.” Eddie grinned, and wagged a finger at her. “You’ll get it then.”
Max rolled her eyes, and grabbed her jacket.
“You know I’m not listening to you rant about how you want to get in Chrissy’s pants all night, right?”
“And risk Wayne ripping my head off?” Eddie asked, giving her a look. “I only got one bed, Mayfield, I’m not trying to have to crash elsewhere.”
“Whatever…just know I’m not sneaking you in so you can crash in my place.” Max said, as they walked to Eddie’s trailer.
“You’re a liar, Red.” Eddie said affectionately, and grinned at her.
Dammit, Max thought begrudgingly, he’s right.
Later that evening, when Max headed back to her trailer with her hands full of leftovers as usual, she passed by the annoying couple’s RV and heard the conversation taking place outside.
“There goes that Mayfield girl again, coming home from the Munson trailer.” The wife was saying. “I guess that’s what happens when your mom has to work two jobs, you have to resort to hanging out with lowlifes to get dinner.”
Max felt a pang of hurt in her chest. Her mom worked two jobs to support them, not because she wanted to be away from Max, but because she wanted to give her daughter a better life. And besides, Max liked hanging out with the Munsons.
She shook her head, and stalked inside her trailer, trying to ignore the tears that burned in her eyes.
Across the way at his own trailer, Eddie had been standing on his porch having a smoke before he went back inside, and unbeknownst to Max, had heard everything.
He snubbed his cigarette out on the side of the trailer, threw the butt to the ground, and made his way off his porch towards the RV.
“Hey!” he said loudly as he approached, causing both the RV couples’ heads to snap up, and for Max to raise her window blinds to look outside. The RV guy stood up to meet him, but Eddie kept walking directly up to him, unfazed.
“Let’s get something straight: you have a problem with Max Mayfield, then you have a problem with me too, understand?” he demanded, then leaned closer. “And you don’t want that.”
He leaned back, gave the RV couple a withering look, and stalked back to his trailer without a glance behind him, and Max found herself feeling a rush of affection for Eddie. The tears brimmed in her eyes, and overflowed.
The snide comments from the RV couple stopped after that, but Eddie never knew Max had heard what he said until later that week when he dropped by her trailer to get her for weekly dinner. To his surprise, he had to knock twice, and was raising his hand to knock again when Max suddenly bolted out of the house and into his arms.
“Whoa, hey!” Eddie said, a bit surprised. He held her, and patted her on the back a bit awkwardly. “It’s just spaghetti tonight, alright? No big deal.”
Max sniffled a bit against his chest, but when she spoke, voice barely above a whisper, her voice was devoid of all its usual sarcasm.
“I heard what you said to the RV couple.” she whispered, and held him tighter. “Thank you.”
Eddie tried to shrug like it was nothing, but a smile twitched at the corner of his lips.
“Good news for you, Red.” he said, slinging an arm around her shoulders as they began their walk towards the Munson trailer. “I always wanted a little sister.”
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lou-struck · 1 year
Beyond the Sunset
Katsuki Bakugo x reader
~ The two of you head up to the mountains to watch the sunset.
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression's Event; check out the masterlist On my welcome page.
WC: 1.5k
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Ever since your coworker told you about the amazing lookout point they found the other day, you have wanted to see it for yourself. This little mountain spot is apparently breathtaking any time of the day, but the sunset is the most ethereal.
You have been watching the weather all week long, waiting for the best night to make the drive, the past few days have been cloud-filled and dreary, but tonight there is not a cloud in the sky. Perfect.
You pack the car with enough snacks to put a bear through hibernation and toss in half a linen closet's worth of blankets in the back seat before you check off the last important item on your todo list; you have to convince your Pro Hero Boyfriend to make the drive up with you. Katsuki may appear to be a grumpy homebody, but in reality, he would never say no to an adventure with you, especially when you bat your eyes at him so sweetly.
He wouldn't tell you this, but watching the sunset with you sounds heavenly, and he is over the moon about your little road trip. 
Even if you happen to be the biggest passenger princess, there is.
Your shoes have long since been slipped off, and your fuzzy sock-clad feet are crossed over the front dash. And even though you have the AC cranked on full blast, your seat warmer is on high, making you feel even cozier.
"Oi, get your feet off my dash before I throw you in the trunk." your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo, scolds. "I don't even know why I'm the one driving; you're the one who wanted to drive up to these damn mountains."
And you know he's only worried about your safety, and so you remove your feet. "you are driving because you are a terrible passenger." You tease, reaching over to ruffle his spiky blonde hair.
It's true; your boyfriend has always been a terrible backseat driver. Sometimes you have to remind him that your eyes work just as well as his. You can see the stoplights, and you can read the road signs. But on trips like this, when the road gets bumpy and twists every which way, it's much easier to skip the headache and let him drive.
He bats your hand away with a small smile, turning his attention to a rather large pothole. He navigates around it easily, and often the distance, you can see the beginnings of the sun starting to set.
"Are we gonna make it?"
"Course we are, Dumbass," he replies affectionately, the nickname making you giggle as you round the corner. You can see the whole valley below you; a wide river flows between the highest mountain peaks, and the lush greenery seems to go on for miles. Already a few cars are pulled over in some of the dirt-covered lookout and hiking spots. 
"looks like we're gonna have to get out and watch it from over there. "He says, parking into a spot a bit farther away from the viewpoint. 
"how about we go over there? You point unbuckling your seatbelt towards the large wooden fence posts and the distance. They look more than sturdy enough to support the two of you. 
"If I get any splinters in my ass, I'm blaming you." He jokes, opening the driver-side door and sliding out of the vehicle.
"Katsuki, Wait for me!" You call, trying to slip your sneakers back onto your socked feet. The first one slide on easily, but you can't find your other shoe.
"You're hopeless; up you go," he grumbles, opening the passenger side door and scooping you up effortlessly into his arms. Now that you don't have to worry about finding your other shoe, he carries you over to the sturdy wooden barrier overlooking the valley. He sets you down and joins you on the beam just as the sky fills with the majestic sorbet of oranges, pinks, and purples.
The two of you sit side by side, just watching the sky, too enchanted by the beauty of it all to say anything.
The orange fades slowly into a reddish-pink color as a flock of white birds disappears over the horizon. The sky becomes darker and darker until that beautiful purple color darkens into the rich darkness of the night sky. 
"This is pretty cool, huh?" You ask, breaking the spell and nudging him playfully.
"It was cool," he relents softly, eyes still fixated on the sky. I'm glad we came up here."
"Me too,' no hum nuzzling into his side. His naturally warm body makes you more aware of just how chilly it is now that the sun has gone down.
You start to shiver, scooting along the wooden post to get closer to your boyfriend.
"I told ya to bring a coat or somethin, but you didn't want to listen to me, did you?" he scolds, unzipping his black jacket and pulling it from his beefy arms."
You laugh at taking the garnet from him. And wrap it around yourself. "Only because you take such good care of me, you big softie."
"Only to you," he mumbles softly; he says it so uncharacteristically tender it is almost drowned out by the evening breeze that whistles through the valley below.
You wouldn't dare tease him when he gets soft like this; his words feel as if another lawyer has been tricked carefully over you. Surrounding you with his signature burnt sugar scent that reminds you of home. I
The two of you stayed at that lookout point long after the sun had set. The stars seem to go on forever on that mountaintop. Twinkling in a way that you would never be able to see back in the city.
"I think it's time we head out," he says, scooping you and his jacket up. "you're going to catch a cold out here."
"I-I'm glad we were able t-to come out here." You shiver to burrow deeper into his jacket. 
"You had a good idea." He says, plopping you down in your seat. "we can find your shoe when we get home."
With that, he pulls out of your parking spot and turns back down towards the road. All of a sudden, Bakugo stops. "Wait, what the hell?" he mumbles, "It's how the hell are we supposed to get back?"
"What are you talking about? Can't we just ride the road we came in on"
He shakes his head no, "It's a one-way; we must be stuck in a loop. We'll have to finish it to get back to the main road."
"That sounds like so much fun, "you chirp happily. Being the passenger princess you are is just happy to be along for the ride and completely unbothered by the current predicament that the two of you are in.
"I just don't know how long this thing will take." He sighs. You know he's not upset; it's just that he doesn't like being unprepared in case something goes wrong.
"Babe, relax. We have a full tank of gas, and we have snacks for days. Everything will be just fine." You soothe, reaching over and rubbing gentle circles into his back. His tense muscles seem to relax under your touch.
"We're good." He says, at last, staring up again and driving down the road. 
Bakugo's features relax, and you go through the late-night drive. He hums along to the radio and is completely at peace. You're so relaxed that you feel as if you are getting to be a bit too comfortable.
Just as you see the main road approaching, you let a big yawn, blinking your heavy eyes a few times in an effort to stay awake.
"M' feelin' kinda tired."
"Are you really gonna make me carry you inside when we get home?" His voice is steady, soothing, when he responds.
"Mmmmhmmm," you hum, sinking deeper into the seat. A happy smile tugging at your lips. You can barely keep your eyes open at this point. Not that you're trying to. 
Bakugo's warm heavenly hand grabs your own. His calloused thumb rubs soft circles into your skin. Your last thought: It's like he is trying to lull you to sleep.
As you sleep softly in the passenger seat, Bakugo looks at you affectionately. It would've made your heart flutter if you were able to see the doughy look on his features and the warmth in his crimson gaze.
Goodnight, dumbass," he whispers, stroking your hair with a free hand. "You mean so much to me."
Off in the distance, he sees that familiar split onto the man road. Just as he is about to turn, he glances down at the gas gauge. He notices that he has more than enough fuel. 
With a shrug, he turns in the opposite direction and goes back into the scenic loop to enjoy its beauty one more time. 
He may not be a night owl by any means, but these late-night drives with you make him want to stay up a bit later.
Tagging: @tokyometronetwork
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