#but im horrible at picking what to do next
bigothteddies · 9 months
adjusting your head away from algorithmically fed content drip feeds of dopamine and scrolling addiction is so fucking hard
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#there's this wild thing i do where i dont trust the chemical lables on containers in the lab#which is 1000% irrational bc by law they have to b correctly labled#i guess its probably more that i dont trust my ability to read the lables. thats a lil more irrational#lil more rational i mean. bc dyslexia and a short term memory that has been certified as below average#so i read the lable and think ok i read the right thing. then i turn around and im immediatly like ok but did i remember that right?#and so i have to go back and check multiple times. it happens everytime i have to pour ethanol#ill pour it into the container and still im like. ok but is this actually ethanol???? yes! u checked the cabinet 3 times and it behaves#like ethanol! wtf is ur problem??? good lord. this is part of the reason i hated chemistry labs#i would get so fucking stressed out that i would have to leave the room and lay on a bench outside so i wouldnt pass out#bc i dont deal well with time pressure and i would have to read the instructions over and over and over and walk back and forth to the#chemical. distrusting of what i just picked up bc i cant trust my eyes and brain. and that eats up a lot of time#and is super fucking frustrating. its also y i go to the lab at weird times so ppl cant see me tracking and back tracking bc my brain cant#go straight from a to b. annoying. its also y i cant handle cooking bc its literally like chemistry#i cant trust my brain to understand instructions under time pressure. i hate it#i also have to tap my pockets like every five minutes to make sure i still have my keys on me bc idk im afriad ill lose them#recently ive been very bad abt locking my door too. as in i lock my door. take ten steps away and cant remember if i locked my door#so i either have to go back and check. and its always locked. or i walk away with a horrible sinking feeling in my gut#even when i kno i locked it. im like. but did i tho??? and i always forget to double check until im like annoyingly far away#whatever. its not that bad. just annoying mostly. sigh... im back taking measurements for the next 4 or 5 days#im being a horrible mope bc all my time feels empty. like i gotta probably say thank u to coauthors for their help getting a manuscript#accepted but i just feel so detached abt it im like so fucking what? but whatever. i gotta pretend to b a functional person#and then work on all rhe other manuscripts that r way more boring. like sure useful whatever i dont care its gonna b boring to write#uuuuugh this what the stupid measurements do to me. im an empty shell. i dont even kno what to draw or read or watch. im just bleh sad#bc i kno im activitly making bad and wasteful choices but i self awareness doesnt seem to help#alas. trapped in a web of compulsive patterns#unrelated
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sorry I'm so emotionally unstable lol
apparently it's a (c)ptsd thing :')
who knew being mentally ill gave you symptoms hah
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pigcowboys · 8 months
Could you please write a Percy x Reader and The reader just randomly goes missing?
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pairing: percy jackson x gn! reader
summary: the day you go missing, percy’s world seems to crumble.
warning(s): ANGST, depictions of depression maybe?, bad coping mechanisms, cursing, kisses
a/n: THIS REQUEST IS SO SADDD :(, I tried my best though!! i left the ending ambiguous cause im a sucker for happy endings 😁‼️
part 2
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it was all kind of surreal to him.
yesterday was amazing. the moment he opened his eyes he was greeted with your seemingly blinding appearance at his cabin door, smiling at him widely as you said good morning to him, instantly knocking the heavy burden of waking up so early off his shoulders.
he felt light on his feet as he followed you to the mess hall to eat breakfast. breakfast that he barely even touched because he spent most of the time there trying to provoke a laugh out of you. he felt his heart when after his 7th or 8th horrible joke you gave him a unapproving look, stifling a smile as you continued to eat your breakfast.
he didn't appreciate that smile enough, he reckoned.
the day continued on with the two of you spending the day together. could you believe it? you took him to pick strawberries with you — said you wanted to make him something since his birthday was coming up soon. his heart practically lurched when you told him that.
how could someone be so sweet..?
he’d just pull you into an embrace, peppering kisses all over your face before skipping over to the fields with you in tow. hand in hand was how you two always walked — not that percy minded one bit at all.
you looked amazing picking strawberries, so focused and calculated as you observed each berry closely to see if they were ripe enough, or if a pesky insect had gotten to them before you did. percy just watched you in awe as he held the basket still for you.
you were very meticulous in the way you picked each berry. they all had to be perfect — nothing but the best for your boyfriend, that was what you said. he beamed at that mention of himself, biting back a dopey grin as the word ‘boyfriend’ reverberated in his mind.
later into the afternoon percy would be by your side as you washed and stored every strawberry in a red container. you’re so beautiful, he thinks. not that he’d ever tell you that.. he didn’t want you to laugh at him for being corny. he couldn’t help it, though.
you’re just so perfect.
“did i ever tell you I love you?”
“rats!” you snapped your fingers, a smile curling on your face. “i totally forgot to remind you to say it today.” you joked, not breaking eye contact with the strawberries as you plucked another stem off.
“ha-ha,” percy said unamused. “you’re so mean to me, would you prefer to have a boyfriend who never appreciates you?”
you placed the last strawberry down, turning to percy with a smile. “thank you, percy, i love you too.” you replied, batting your eyelashes at him.
percy frowned, his heart rate increasing as he huffed out in frustration. “your heart’s not in it.”
“my heart’s totally in it.”
“mm, i find that hard to believe.”
“what, you want me to prove that I mean it?”
percy shrugged. “well, i mean if you’re not down..”
you shot him a look, leaning forward to press a kiss to his forehead. “there, i love you, i mean it.”
“do you?” percy raised an eyebrow at you. “my mom kisses my forehead.”
“and your boo-boos?”
“I’m leaving.” percy said, attempting to get up as you fumbled to pull him back down into his seat next to you with a laugh.
“ok! sorry! i’m sorry.”
percy gave you an unamused look, heart stilling as you leaned in once more, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips as you pulled him into a gentle hug. he recognized the perfume you were wearing, something he’d bought for you on your 2nd date.
you insisted against him spending his money but, it didn’t stop him. since then you’ve worn it every single day. the sweet smelling aroma was almost burned into his brain chemistry.
he nuzzled himself into your torso, exhaling in satisfaction as the two of you sat there holding each other. and for a moment and none less, percy forgot about all his problems in the world, you always seemed to make him relax so easily.
he missed being relaxed.
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percy was waken to the sound of panicked knocking on his door.
he stumbled to his feet reluctantly, groggily making his way over to the door of cabin 3. why were you making so much noise this early? you never knocked so loudly.
“y’know i prefer when you knock —” percy stopped his sentence midway. it wasn’t you on his door at all, it was annabeth. a rather.. panicked annabeth. her grey eyes were blown wide and she seemed slightly alarmed.
“annabeth, what’s wrong?” percy asked, slowly but surely regaining his consciousness.
“percy..” annabeth started, a slightly solemn tone in her voice. “we have to..talk.”
the next few minutes of that conversation with annabeth went over his head as he struck with shock and denial.
just like that, after only a few weeks — weeks that he had spent by your side almost every moment as you two counted down to his inevitable birthday.
you were just..gone.
nobody understood anything about where you’d made off to, not a trace of your clothing or even your scent. it was like you were wiped off the face of the earth and the only people who knew of your existence was everyone at camp half blood.
“you’re..you guys are going to find..” percy trailed off “you have to find them.”
annabeth gave Percy a sympathetic look. “look, percy — i don’t know if mr. D will—”
“who cares what he thinks? you have to find them, they’re just as important as anyone at this camp!” he looked away. “more, even.”
“we don’t even have a clue where they are,” annabeth rationalized. “and if Mr.D is going to handle this the same way he did when I was in this situation..” she locked eyes with percy
“then, there might be no hope.”
percy’s heart pinged when she said that, a frown tugging at his face as he brought a hand to run through his hair. annabeth just stared at him silently, pulling him into a tight embrace when his shoulders started to falter, shaking slightly as tears brimmed the corners of his eyes.
the rest of week was kind of a blur to him.
fuck, he missed you so much. and the startling fact that he wasn’t sure if the feeling was ever going to go away scared him more than anything. you were right there with him yesterday — laughing and smiling at him with.
was that really the last time he was every going to get to see you?
no — he shouldn’t of even thought about that. you’re not dead, just missing. right? you have to be. he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t even get a wink of sleep all the days you were away. how the hell could anyone sleep with their own peer — strangely going missing.
he threw himself into training, wasn’t even sure why. he just..needed a distraction — at-least until he could go out and try to track you down. and when he did find you and bring you, he’d be strong enough to protect you.
it seemed like everything reminded you of him. that stupid strawberry field, your cabin which was now slightly less colorful without you around and most of all, anything vaguely sweet scent. if you closed his eyes and focused slightly he could smell the faint smell of that same godforsaken perfume you’d worn to its limits.
god, he wished he could smell that scent again.
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he woken up from a nightmare — a strange one, of you. the standard dream of him seeing your silhouette in the distance and him running towards it time after time again without any fail like he always did before breaking through the ground and waking up.
yet, this time, you spoke to him.
your voice, it but a mere fleeting whisper in his ear as the dream continued, spouting things about the place you were in and how you were scared. percy could barely make out you what you were saying but all he could register was the clear sound of your voice saying “i love you”.
he was completely still in his bed as he clutched his heart, blinking away tears that he hadn’t know had formed in his eyes and he tried to control his breathing, recalling the nightmare — or maybe dream, was more like it, that he’d just had.
he looked towards the door of cabin 3, bottom lip trembling slightly.
you were alive.
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demonpiratehuntress · 5 months
baby (name)! (Mihawk, Buggy, Shanks, Brook, Chopper)
featuring - Dracule Mihawk x F!Reader, Buggy x F!Reader, Shanks x F!Reader, Brook x F!Reader, Chopper x F!Reader
summary - you somehow get turned into a baby and they have to spend 24 hours babysitting you
warnings - my first time writing for ALL of these characters, so i'm sorry if i get their characters wrong! im only 416 episodes into the anime. i tried my best!
a/n - this was requested by @faioula16, i hope you like it!
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This could honestly go either way. This guy is unpredictable and even you never know what his next move will be. But you're his faithful and loving girlfriend, so there are some exceptions when it comes to you. Like when some deranged devil fruit user turns you into a baby, and Mihawk could have had someone else take care of you, but he wanted to do it himself. He was curious, now that it was you who was an infant.
But that may also be because a witness to the scene had expressed fear for infant you, saying that Mihawk was too cold and ruthless to take care of a baby. He didn't need to prove otherwise, and he didn't want to, but something just gnawed at him. Protectiveness, maybe. You were in such a vulnerable state right now, only he could protect you and care for you.
It had absolutely nothing to do at all with the fact that you looked so adorable staring at him with your big (eye colour) eyes, reaching out to tap his because the strange colour fascinated you. No, it had nothing to do with how cute your excited squeal was every time he picked you up or looked at you. He was absolutely not entranced by your cute little smile or how you clung to him with little hands that could barely hold his one finger. Absolutely not.
Mihawk is actually a pretty good babysitter. But only for you. He will sit and read to you with you on his lap, trying not to smile when you giggle and smack the book, always catching you when you lunged forward excitedly and almost fell off his lap. He will never finish the story, but he reads to you anyway because you seem to like it...for a little while.
"(Name), no!"
He almost had a heart attack when he set you down for one second to put the book away, and you almost fell off the table because you were trying to crawl to him. Your eyes filled with tears when he yelled, even if he hadn't meant to sound angry. His gaze softened, and he picked up and cradled you against his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
"It's alright, I won't hurt you. You're fine, little one."
And then you really are fine, your little body comforted by his actions and words. They lull you into sleep, and soon you rest on his shoulder and fall into a deep sleep, gripping his shirt collar tightly in your tiny fist.
"Sleep well, (Name)."
When you awake, in your usual adult form, you're too nervous to suggest it, but thankfully Mihawk is thinking the same thing.
"I think I'd like a little you or me to keep me company."
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Buggy is horrible with children. I mean he's not great with people, but he is absolutely, terrifyingly not good with kids at all. So when you were somehow turned into a tiny human being who could barely stand on two legs, he was shocked. And slightly scared, though he would never admit it. You were the only person he genuinely liked, so he tried not to be too...rough, with your little form. Picking you up was as far as he got, but even then he held you out awkwardly like a football.
And then you squealed and happily reached for his nose, the bright red circular appendage attracting your attention instantly. Now, Buggy was sensitive about his nose, but he let you touch it. A testament to how much he liked you. And, if he were being honest, you were actually kind of cute squeezing his nose like that until he couldn't breath-
Exhale out the mouth.
When he remembered he could use his mouth to breathe, he smiled a little at how much you were enjoying yourself playing with his nose. You even touched his makeup and all his markings, out of curiosity. Your eyes were bright with confusion but also fascination, and it did something weird to Buggy. Made him feel...warm inside?
Then he decided to, experimentally, see what your reaction to his devil fruit would be in this tiny form. He set you down on the floor again, and then detached his hand. Your eyes went wide and you instantly covered your eyes with your small hands, your bottom lip trembling. He panicked, tripping over himself and falling into a tangled heap in front of you. You peeked between your fingers to see this, then burst out into cute laughter. Buggy almost glared at you, but then remembered you were just a baby and instead picked himself up and smiled - or rather tried his best not to smile like a maniac - at you.
Then you saw his floating hand, and grabbed it.
"No no, (Name), that's not-"
You stuck his fingers in your mouth, and he groaned. You just giggled innocently, and only then did he realise his devil fruit could be a source of entertainment for you. He detached multiple limbs and floated them around, watching as you squealed in glee and crawled around trying to catch them.
Were you actually having fun because of him?
When he finally put his body back together again, you pouted but crawled up to his leg and hugged it, gurgling happily as if to thank him. He was stunned. He slowly picked you up and you offered him a toothless smile, before yawning. Still unsure, he laid you on his shoulder and awkwardly patted your back, but that seemed to work because you slowly fell asleep.
When you woke up again, finally an adult, you grinned at him, "Shall we make you a father?"
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It was his fault, really. He picked the fight, contrary to his usual behaviour. But that guy had said something about you, and he couldn't ignore it, so of course he acted. And now here you were, a tiny baby fisting his shirt in your tiny hand and looking up at him with big, curious (eye colour) eyes. He had experience with children, of course, having spent some time with Luffy. But you were so small, so delicate.
"Captain, what-"
He ignored the confused questions from his crew as he brought you back on board the ship, immediately taking you to his quarters. It shouldn't last long, he reminded himself, but he still felt guilty. Though that quickly disappeared when you giggled and crawled around his quarters, knocking things over and hiding with a loud giggle when he caught you.
"Oi, (Name)!" He tried to sound stern, he really did, but his laugh have his mood away. You stuck your head out from under his bed and stuck your tiny tongue out at him, and he burst out laughing. "Oh, you're cute, sweetheart."
He lifted you up again and you squealed excitedly and reached for his hair, the bright colour attracting your attention. He grinned and put you on his head, keeping his hands on your small waist, and soon felt you tug on his red strands. You were giggling and pulling and kicking your legs happily, so he endured the pain just for your sake. It was very cute how you thought his hair was a toy, and by the time you got tired of it, it was a mess. Strands were everywhere, out of place, sticking out...but it didn't matter to him.
Because now you were looking at him with your big, innocent eyes and suckling on your hand as he cradled you against his chest. He gently rubbed your back and pressed a soft kiss to your tiny tuft of (hair colour) hair.
"You're so pretty even as a baby, (Name)."
You rewarded him with a sloppy kiss on his cheek, making him laugh. He sat on his bed with you still in his arms, watching as you grew tired and offered him the cutest sight - the tiniest of yawns.
"Sleep, little one."
He gently rocked you to sleep, reassuringly and soothingly patting your small back as you drifted off on his shoulder. He felt warm inside, as if a small fire had been lit inside him. He knew what it was.
And when you woke up in adult form, he grinned at you, "Let me give you a baby, sweetheart."
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Brook has experience with babies. Maybe not human babies, but babies nonetheless. He knows a human baby is very different to a whale baby, but he figures that there can be similarities too. Such as entertainment, which is his area of expertise. So when he looks down at his feet to see baby you tugging on his pants, he is somewhat prepared. He has no idea how you were turned into a baby, of course, but he's not complaining because you are so, so adorable.
"What happened to (Name)?" Franky asked the skeleton, raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing important!" Was Brook's gleeful reply, followed by a laugh when you somehow crawled on top of his afro and knocked his hat off so you could take its place.
"Nothing imp-" Franky sighed. "Do you even know how to look after a baby?" Franky's eyes worriedly drifted to where you sat upon the skeleton's head, tugging on his afro and squealing with delight. You wobbled precariously.
"No, but it can't be any different to a baby whale!"
Franky would have commented on that, if you hadn't slipped off Brook's head. The cyborg easily caught you, before holding you out to Brook, "Don't let her sit on your head."
For the rest of the day, Brook occupied you by sitting you down on his bed and playing music for you, telling you stories about Laboon and his crew, and about his experiences in the Grand Line before you guys found him. He sang all sorts of songs, played all sorts of melodies, while you giggled and clapped your hands excitedly, bouncing up and down. Brook smiled, the sight warming heart - oh, but he doesn't have a heart. He hardly ever got tired, but you prompted him to play for hours on end, until he really was exhausted. So he picked you up, settled on his bed, and lay you on his lap before humming a tune. You slowly drifted off to sleep, and Brook smiled.
He hoped he could play for one of the crew's babies one day.
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Another island, another mishap, another adventure. No trip is ever boring with the Straw Hats, and this was again proven when an unfortunate encounter with a devil fruit user who could change people's ages led to you being turned into an infant. And that's how you found yourself cradled in Sanji's arms, with Chopper trying to get a good look at you all throughout the walk back to the Sunny.
"Chopper, she's fine," the cook tried to assure the doctor, but Chopper was having none of it.
He was so worried, because no one was equipped to take care of a baby, and he cared about you so much that now you were a baby, he was becoming overprotective. As soon as Sanji set you down somewhere safe for Chopper to examine you, he was grabbing his bag and bringing out all his different tools. He checked all your vitals and made sure you were first and foremost healthy, before he could consider anything else.
Then you touched his blue nose and widened your eyes in fascination, gurgling softly, and Chopper blushed brightly. He smiled and poked your nose back, and you let out the cutest giggle that melted the reindeer's little heart. He shifted to his humanoid form and gently lifted you up into his arms, cradling you as he gazed down at you with the utmost love, adoration and fascination he could manage. You were so tiny, even more so than him, and so so cute. Then you sneezed, looking stunned for a moment before giggling loudly. And Chopper thought there was nothing more joy-inducing than holding and watching baby you.
"Chopper, where's-oh." Nami stopped when she saw Chopper standing there just holding you, one of his fingers in your tiny hand as he cooed at you and made you giggle. She smiled softly and left the room, deciding you were in safe hands.
"You're the cutest baby in the world, (Name)," Chopper told you. You just smiled brightly, exposing your gums cause you had no teeth, and waved your small arms around happily.
Chopper was really good with you. He monitored you throughout the 24 hours, making sure you ate properly, got enough sleep and were bathed properly. He is probably the best caretaker out of all the men on this list, not only because he's doctor but he's naturally caring and nurturing. It comes like second nature to him. Besides, you were such a calm and quiet baby - except for the giggling - that you made it easy for him. He was almost sad when you fell asleep, knowing you'd be grown up again when you woke up.
But maybe one day the crew would be able to fawn over a baby everyday. Maybe one day.
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avatardoggo · 2 years
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#today the stress of working 6 days for almost 2 months straight while doing 2 3 jobs at once finally caught up with me#i was hosting today which i hate bc customers succ!! soemtimes and this group of 8 ppl wanted to sit by the water at 2 tables of 4 but for#big groups we have the picnic tables out back that are shaded and outside just not by the water and i was them o no you cant sit by the#water bc if a group of 4 comes i can't seat them at the picnic table bc duh it's for big groups and one of the guys was so rude straight up#just says 'no idc that makes no sense im sitting by the water' walks past me without menus tO A DIRTY TABLE STANDING LIKE THE BELOW ZERO#BRAIN CELLS ZREO MANNERS MAN HE IS and the other 2 ladies kept saying 'we don't want the picnic table we don't want it' so i can feel my#heart burning bc what im NOT going to do is argue with a customer when im following the rules my manager has told me and i can feel myself#about to angry cry bc i don't want to be rude but the next thing to say is leave if you don't want to be seated where i put you#so i go get my manager and he sees my face and i tell him everything and he just seats them where they want to bc he didn't want to deal#with their nonsense like they were Those ppl that act entitled and irritating just bc their customers so i go to clean one of the tables#they wanted to sit at and they're talking smack and they KNOW IM RIGHT THERE and theyre going on sayng how i make no sense how i should've#just let them do whatever they want blah blah blah and it took 4 tries for me to carry the plates bc my hands were shaking and i was trying#not to cry and when i was finally able to pick up the plates i dropped them in the kitchen then went to ask my manager for my break and#before i could say anything he was just like 'go take your break' and even one of the chefs gave me food without me asking i think bc he#saw my about-to-cry face which was so kind of him#so i went on a walk and sat on a bench to calm down and then i ate something and calmed down bc honestly i couldve flamed their lives and#souls and ended their careers in a couple of sentences but i knew i shouldn't so i didn't but it was so hard to contain that espeically wit#how they were mistreating me and i was teling my dad and he was like ''🤔 racism??'' bc surprise! they were white but idk some ppl are just#horrible to all ppl not just a particular kind yk? so idk honestly#but ya that's how my week has been going#pray for me yall i need more patience with this silly goose (derogatory) customers#vk overshares in the tags
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norman-fucking-reedus · 4 months
I’m absolutely obsessed with your writing! I was hoping I could request a one-shot where Daryl and fem!reader are married. They are working on separate outdoor projects but Daryl can’t stop watching the reader throughout the day. The dirtiest thoughts cross his mind as he watches her. Later that evening when they are home and finally alone he recreates all those thoughts with her throughout the night. Daryl has a pleasure and praise kink, includes oral, Daryl loves going down on the reader!
*Set during later Alexandria or Commonweath era (Daryl never goes to France!)
Heres me admitting im only on season 9 of TWD so this takes place in Alexandria 😿
A/n: Thought I’d actually title this bc reading it again months later I just think it needs one 🥸
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gif creds @daryl-dixon-daydreams
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Daryl was going to simply pass away and die.
He hated his own mind for it’s never-ending thoughts, even more so when he had a literal job to be doing. His racing thoughts had been distracting him the whole day, occasionally using the wrong tool, knocking something over, and even almost spilling all the oil at one point.
It was just the way your hips looked, so well rounded in those jeans, shirt clinging to your body as you walked quickly with your own tasks in mind, not noticing your husband’s hardcore staring.
His mind was bursting with thoughts of what horribly dirty things he wanted to do to you. Sometimes he physically can’t wrap his head around how he ended up with someone like you. All Daryl could think about was just how bad he wanted to fuck you, cock already stirring to life in his pants.
No. No. He had to stay focused. He couldn’t be seen not doing his task and also now needed to hide the tent forming in his pants. It was worse that he was out in the open, having been assigned to work on the cars to keep them running longer.
You had been assigned to ask around to see what was needed for the next run, only for some reason you had timed yourself to get to everyone in under an hour, hence your quick pace and focused gaze. Daryl had seen you walk past at least three times, each time you sped past while furiously scribbling on a notepad. He felt like a teenager watching and obsessing over his crush.
God, he was so ready to blow himself up, staring down at under the hood of one of the cars used for runs. He forced his mind to focus on fixing shit instead of wandering off. Rick had been saying that the brakes had been failing, only Daryl couldn’t exactly do much without a jackstand.
He decided to test the car battery instead since it had been having trouble starting. Stepping around the car to the toolbox, he almost tripped as you bumped right into him. “Bulky bitch!” You yelped as you fell down onto your ass, dropping your pen and paper. Daryl gently but quickly pulled you to your feet, picking your stuff up. “Tha’ hell ya runnin’ from girl?” He stepped closer to you, sliding a hand to your waist. “I’m a very busy woman with places to be and times to beat” You rolled your eyes, yet smiled softly at Daryl. “Too busy fer me now?” You nodded, leaning up as if to kiss him but going for his ear instead. “Very busy” You whispered sweetly, placing a faint kiss on his cheek before speeding away again.
Daryl simply stood there with his cock straining harshly against the fabric of his pants, cock pulsating as he could feel himself leaking pre-cum. He should just blow his goddamn brains out, now.
He slammed the hood of the car shut and climbed inside, dropping his head onto the steering wheel. It felt like his head was about to fall off with how many filthy thoughts were flooding in. You were the biggest tease and absolutely knew it, sweat dripping down his face as he tried to silence his brain, hands gripping the steering wheel. He wasn’t about to jerk off inside a car with the clearest windows ever, at that point he might as well do it out in the open.
While Daryl was suffering silently, you were simply serene as you rocked on the porch swing of your house, turning in the list to Rick right before your timer hit fifteen minutes. You toyed with the ring on your finger, smiling down as you thought of how Daryl refused to get you something small. He had found a jewelry shop out on a secret run and spent an hour overthinking and questioning himself before finding the perfect ring. It was a sliver band with clusters of smaller diamonds around a larger one that so happened to be the shape of a skull, matching the one he wore every day. He smashed the glass without a second thought.
You smile fondly, also remembering that the same man was probably struggling to do his work. Getting him super worked up was your favorite thing to do as he basically melted in your hands the second he stepped foot inside.
Speaking of inside, you had stepped in earlier to change out your underwear, switching into a black thong you found. You could practically feel Daryl’s hands roaming your body, shivers running down your spine at the tingling sensation.
Whilst you were enjoying yourself, Daryl was still sitting in the car, staring down at the steering wheel as he tried to focus his mind on anything else, aside from the cocky sway of your hips, and the ghost of your lips against his ears.
He needed to get off badly. The only thing really stopping him were these shitty windows, however he proceeded to begin rubbing his hand on his clothed cock, letting out a shaky moan. Daryl slammed his hands back onto the steering wheel, gripping it tightly as he tried to recenter himself. He thought for a moment, sweat rolling down the back of his neck.
The car door swung open and he kicked it shut behind him, walking quickly to avoid anyone who might wanna talk, quickly making his way back home. He passed Carol, who was sitting out on her swing. She waved and he gave a short wave back, trying his hardest to keep his hard-on concealed as he sped past.
He stepped heavily up the stairs, the wooden porch creaking under his weight as he opened and shut the front door. It was remotely quiet as he kicked his shoes off next to yours, tearing his shirt off as he stomped upstairs to your shared bedroom, where he found you in one of his shirts lying on your stomach reading a book, closing it at the sound of your husband's arrival. “Already stripping nude for me, Dixon?” You pushed yourself onto your knees and he approached the bed, grabbing your face rougher than intended and crashing his lips onto yours.
It seemed like in that moment, Daryl’s hyperactive mind finally shut itself down, his shoulders relaxing as his hands held your soft face, licking into your mouth desperately. Your hands wrapped around his neck, fingers splayed out on his upper back as he moved to join you on the bed, readjusting you so your legs rested comfortably on either side of his hips. There was a burning desire in his gut as he sucked harshly on your skin, grinding against you as he did.
Daryl’s hands stayed locked at your hips, massaging and groping the flesh as he continued marking up your whole body, practically eating you. He reached your boobs and ran his tongue over the right one and started to suck deep marks into the sensitive flesh.
His hips picked up speed, becoming erratic before burying his face in space between your boobs, shaking as he literally came in his pants. It was the hottest thing you’d seen. “Feeling better?” You whispered breathlessly, watching him groan and lift himself sluggishly off your chest. “M’not done yet” His words were slightly slurred as he leaned back on his knees, hands fumbling to undo his pants.
You eventually reached down to unzip his zipper, and he was back on you instantly, shoving his boxers down enough to free his hard and dripping cock, precum pouring from the puffy tip. “God, Daryl, you’re so needy tonight” You moaned as he pulled down your pajama shorts, eyes staring down at the black thong. “Yes tha’ hell I am” He whispered, hands sliding up your sides and he slid down, cock pulsing as he got a look at your cunt even with the thong on. There was just so much he wanted to do to you that it was overwhelming his senses.
He ran his tongue up and in between your folds, tasting you through the measly garment. He rubbed circles in your clit as his tongue explored every inch, slipping past the thong and into your entrance, causing your brain to short-circuit as he worked you to release, especially since his own was drying in his underwear. Alongside his tongue, Daryl eased two fingers in, stretching and scissoring you open, his tongue going in much deeper and curling. “Fuck yes, baby just like that” You bit your bottom lip harshly, sliding your own fingers down to stimulate your clit, knowing how to push yourself off the edge quicker. He got so fucking hard at the sight of you playing with yourself, even more so that it was your ring finger, the diamond skull standing out as your fingers sped up. Daryl pulled his tongue out, continuing to move his fingers as he licked your clit, a strangled sob coming from you as you came.
Daryl settled for unleashing another attack on your torso while you recovered from your orgasm, licking, kissing, sucking, and biting at the smooth flesh of your stomach, one hand holding your thigh over his shoulder, and the other resting right by your boob, his thumb teasingly stroking the skin under it. He felt every curse, moan and gasp you let out, licking right in between your already marked boobs, kissing the junction of your throat all the way up to your lips. The head of his cock nudged your pussy slightly, and the heat of the kiss had you dizzy. “C’mon handsome, I can’t wait much longer” You batted your lashes at him, running your hand down his one of his big arms, your ring shimmering in the dim lamp light.
Your other hand slid in between your bodies to shift your soaked thong to the side, pulling him closer by wrapping your legs around his waist. He used one hand to steady his cock, and gripped the headboard as he slammed in, two of you moaning in unison. Daryl’s cock was more sensitive than ever, eyes rolling to the back of his skull as he readjusted himself, pounding roughly into you as you gripped his bicep.
Daryl’s thrusts were relentless as he kept his pace up, bed creaking and headboard slamming as he panted like a dog, watching the way his cock was sliding in and out of you, a giant wet spot forming on his jeans as he showed no signs of stopping. “My big strong man, always fucking me so good with your fat cock” You bit down on your lips as one of your hands came to rest on his cheek. He turned his face to the side, kissing your palm while staring into your eyes with a lovingly lustful gaze. “M’all yers, m’gon always give my woman wha’ she wants” His voice was raspy and breathless against your hand before he locked your fingers together, pinning your hands onto the mattress and dipping his head down to press his forehead against yours, simply panting into each others spaces.
From how tightly you were holding hands, your rings dug into one another’s fingers, and it only turned Daryl on more. You were his and he was yours. “M’so proud ta call ya Mrs. Dixon. Gon fill ya up w all my kids” He whispered, bumping his strangely cold button nose against yours. “Let’s just start with one?” Your voice sounded foreign to your ears, and by the way Daryl’s hips had sped up you could tell he was close “Not one now!” You shrieked, nails digging into his hands as he railed your sweet spot, orgasm already hitting him incredibly hard as he practically laughed in your ear from how hard he came, pulling out just a little too late.
He fell on top of you, but recoiled when something wet touched his navel, eyes flickering down to see his cum soaking into the black fabric of your thong and seeping out your hole. “Gonna clean that up for me?” You winked suggestively at him, and he lowered himself to be eye level with your messy cunt, massive hands spreading you further apart as he licked his lips. “Yes ma’am”
I made myself very horny writing this but I also kept falling asleep as I was writing
also I based both rings off Normans ring :3 (he should put his finger in my body)
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sassycheesecake · 11 months
Osamu Miya x wife!Reader "The Green-Eyed Monster"
“What’s he doin’ here?” A very tired Osamu irritably asks, as he spots his twin brother bawling his eyes out in front of you on the dining table.
You turn to your husband with an apologetic look on your face.
“Tsumu’s girlfriend dumped him because he was moving too fast into the relationship for her liking.” You explain.
Osamu’s eyes find his brother’s slumped figure over the table, sighing heavily before mentioning you to follow him into your shared bedroom with a motion of his head.
“Atsumu, I will be right back okay?” You assure him, feeling bad that he barely acknowledges your words, his empty gaze with red eyes trained on his hot chocolate mug that you previously prepared for him.
Walking into the direction of your bedroom, you see Osamu already starting to undress out of his uniform, turning to you, as you walk in and close the door.
“(Y/N) this is now the third time he came over cuz some chick dumped ‘im. And it’s only been five months. Don’t let ‘im in every time just cuz he’s my brother and ya feel bad for ‘im.” Putting his dirty clothes in the hamper, he walks toward the closet, picking out fresh clothes to put on after his shower.
“I know you don’t like it when he comes over unannounced but Samu, I can’t help but try to cheer him up. You know that he has trouble maintaining friends and we live closest to him.”
Osamu sighs at your statement, being tired after a full day at his restaurant is making him more irritated than usual.
“I can’t even remember the last time we had sum time ta ourselves (Y/N). He’s always here, almost hoggin’ all of yer attention just cuz some meaningless fling decided ta dump his stupid ass.” His tone starts to get angry, taking his clothes to walk into the direction of the bathroom to take a shower.
Reflecting his words, you start to get a bit angry as well.
“Well what do you want me to do Osamu? Slam the door in his face? If I remember correctly when we first started dating, YOU were the one worried that Atsumu wouldn’t approve of me and NOW you’re telling me he is ‘hogging all of my attention’?! What are you? 5?”
Ignoring you, he walks past you and slams the door of the bathroom a little bit and you soon hear the shower running.
‘Sigh, the famous Miya temper.’
Rubbing your temples, you walk back into the kitchen to see Atsumu putting his mug into the sink, grabbing his jacket from the chair with a blank expression.
“You’re leaving already? Do you want to stay over?” You ask in a quiet voice.
He shakes his head, looking at you with a hurting expression.
“No. Wouldn’t wanna hog yer attention for more than necessary.”
So he heard your argument.
Before you can retort anything, a loud booming noise interrupts you first, along with a heavy pattern of rain against your windows.
The sudden noise makes you flinch and Atsumu looks outside to see the horrible weather.
Looking at the time, it’s already past 11 p.m.
“Come on Atsumu, I think it’s better if you stay over. Don’t mind what Osamu said, he’s just tired after work. It’s late and the weather is horrible. Just stay in the guest room, I don’t feel comfortable sending you on your way in this weather.” You try to convince him.
The blonde shrugs, very quietly saying ‘okay’ that you can barely hear it.
Stepping down to the familiar direction of the guest bedroom, Atsumu steps inside and you follow him in.
The Setter doesn’t even undress, just walks to the bed and lays down on it to stare at the ceiling.
You sit down on the side of the bed, talking to him in an almost motherly gentle voice.
“Atsumu don’t take what Osamu said too hard, you know how he is when he is extremely tired. And about that girl, I know it’s not my place to say but don’t you think you should heal properly first before jumping into the next relationship?”
The sandy-blond turns to his side with his back now facing you.
Sighing in defeat, you begin to get up when his rough voice interrupts your actions.
“(Y/N), do you think I will ever find someone like you and Samu found each other?”
Halting your actions, you sit down again.
“Well, I am sure you will find your soulmate eventually. I mean with me and Samu, we just met and it immediately clicked.” You smile as you recall the funny way you and Osamu met.
You were driving in your car on your way to work to ‘Colors Of The Wind’, which is a local art shop that sells art equipment and all different colors in different utensils.
Singing along to ‘River’ by Ed Sheeran and Eminem, you don’t see a spider slowly making its way over your dashboard, not having a care in the world.
When you are about to change the song, you see the little creature of hell getting closer to you.
Screaming in fear, you move your steering wheel, crashing right into a dark gray car, whose owner has the same metallic eyes and even darker hair.
Having a small fight over the damage, you explained to the good-looking stranger that you screamed over a spider and he laughed so hard that he had tears in his eyes.
Exchanging numbers to the repair of the damage, you stayed in contact and here you are today. Married for three amazing years already.
“Tomorrow will be a better day, okay? How about I make you some gohan along with yakizakana?” You suggest to Atsumu before you leave him be.
“Will ya also make yer vanilla puddin’?” The Setter mumbles back with a little gleam in his eyes when he turns a bit to watch you.
Giggling at his request like a shy little kid asking for his favorite ice cream, you agree to make your vanilla pudding as well that he loves so much.
“Good night Tsumu, try to sleep a little bit.”
“Night (Y/N).”
Leaving the room, you close the door and put the dishes in the dishwasher before returning to your bedroom where you know Osamu will be.
Slowly opening the door, you see your husband leaning against the headboard, a small frown decorates his usual carefree face.
When you enter, he starts talking without looking at you.
“Can ya sit down please?”
Following his request, you lay in bed with him, leaning against the headboard with your shoulder, so you face him sideways.
Taking a deep breath, he looks at you with deep apologetic eyes and also a small hint of hurt.
“Baby I’m sorry for the way I was actin’ earlier. It was childish and unfair. I love ya so much and I love the way yer takin’ care of my brother.”
“Then why were you so upset?” You ask in confusion.
Osamu looks away from you with a pout, mumbling something that you couldn’t make out.
You lean a bit closer.
“What was that?”
He turns his face back, staring at the ceiling, saying it again but louder.
“I was jealous over yer attention on ‘im. I had a shit day at work today and I just wanted yer cuddles and kisses. When I saw that scrub in the kitchen, it made me more mad. I shouldn't have let my anger out on ya. ‘M sorry baby.”
Smiling at his words, you come closer to your husband to give him comforting kisses along his cheeks.
Sighing in bliss he lets you do as you please.
Stopping right by his ear, you whisper seductively.
“Want some make up sex and then you can vent to me about your day?”
Osamu turns to you with an excited look, quickly pushing you down to lay on top of you.
Giggling in delight, you let the former Opposite Hitter ravish you half the night.
The next morning
The smell of steamed rice and cooked fish is what rips Atsumu out of his dream of defeating Thanos, stretching his limbs and rubbing his tired face.
Remembering that you cooked for him this morning, he gets up very excited like a kid getting to open Christmas presents early and almost sprints out of the room.
Quickly slamming on the brakes what he sees on the counter, his stomach begins to get nauseous at the open PDA between his twin brother and you.
You’re sitting on the counter and have your legs wrapped around Osamu’s waist, your arms crossed around his neck.
The ravenette’s hands rest on either side of your thighs, lips locked together with yours as your husband passionately makes out with you, unaware of his sandy-blond twin.
“Really? That early in the mornin’? That’s gross.” The Setter says in disgust as he leans against the kitchen frame.
Letting go of you, Osamu turns fully around to look at his brother, with you leaning over his shoulders and his neck to look at Atsumu with a flushed face.
“Well scrub, get yerself a girlfriend or boyfriend, then ya will have this too.”
“Fuck ya and yer happiness, Samu.”
“It ain’t my fault that I have the perfect woman and ya don’t. Yer shitty personality drives them all away.”
“Ya know what ya little shithead-“ you interrupt before it escalates into a physical fight like the last million times.
“Okay, okay enough. Let’s eat together. I am not ready to deal with this without food in my stomach.”
Hopping down from the counter, you see the twin brothers glaring at each other.
“Samu, Tsumu, stop it. I mean it.” You threaten them.
The ravenette snaps out of it, looking a little bit scared at your scowling face.
Atsumu claims the small victory in his head of the stare off and almost starts drooling at the sight of the food at the table.
Calming down, the three of you sit down and enjoy the food.
“Itadakimasu.” The three of you say in sync, digging in.
The Setter looks in bliss when he chows down the food, already in a lot better mood than last night.
“So, when are ya guys givin’ me nieces and nephews?” He asks with a teasing smirk.
Osamu starts to choke after that, with you shaking your head at Atsumu, padding your husband on the back and waiting for him to calm down.
Not even five minutes later, you hum as you clean the dishes, while ignoring your husband choking and fighting his brother over the comment over the table.
What can you say, if you marry one Miya brother, you’re automatically married to the second one.
@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality @darthferbert
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elletheactualmenace · 6 months
Pairing: 10th Doctor x Fem!reader
Summary: Uhh…No plot smut…?
Warnings: Smut, breeding kink, light hearted teasing, tit!play, fem!reader
Word Count: 2.7k
a/n: @abbygraceasd Im done!! Thanks for the request! Also first time smut writer so, uh, sorry if it’s horrible😭 Also, also The Doctor might be a little ooc. Anyways enjoy!
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“You are amazing,” the Doctor mumbles against your lips. He leans his body closer to yours, stopping you from escaping his touch.
Your body is squished between The Doctor and your bedroom door. But, you aren’t mad at the situation you have found yourself in. In fact you're happy, as the Doctor moves the hand against the door to trail up and down your clothed body. 
You could stay like this forever, you think as your arms wrap around his coat to the back of his neck to grasp at the hairs there. He groans as you tug.
“How was I amazing?” You tease trying to get him riled up more. He leans back slightly smirking at the question.
“You were bold, and brave and you looked so sexy in that outfit you picked out.” He leans in kissing your neck, leaving wet patches on your skin. “And don’t get me started on the touchiness. You knew what you were doing.”
You chuckle out, amused.
“Oh? And what was that?” You ask running your fingers through his brown hair. He hums as he pulls away from a kiss to your shoulder. “You wanted to get me in here.” He pauses, not sure if he should say what he's thinking. 
“In you,” He finally whispers, but the second you smirk at his shyness he regrets his tone of voice.
“You’re not wrong,” You purse your lips waiting for his next move. He looks down at you for a moment, taking in your face and the parts of your body he can see at this angle. Oh, how he wants to see you under him, begging for him to cum inside you, to make a mess of you.
The Doctor can feel his already tight pants tighten. He squeezes his eyes shut as he takes a deep breath trying to calm down and take it slow. Just how he knows you like it.
“Okay, enough talking,” He decides and bends down to pick you up into his arms. You let out a gasp of amusement as he pulls you into a heated kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you over to your shared bed.
“Sometimes I forget that you are strong.” You smile into the kiss. The comment causes him to pull back and give you a very offended look. You quickly apologize with a kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll have you know that I am a lot tougher than any bodybuilder you can find on Earth.” The Doctor sticks his head up high with pride. “And,” He adds, “I don’t want to hear it from you, you didn’t lift a finger when I asked for help fixing the console,” He's not actually annoyed, he's just messing with you. You know because of the way he rolls his eyes with a smirk.
“Please! It was 4 am and we had been up all night because of you,” The Doctor feels his cheeks heat up at the memory. You couldn’t handle another round, but the Doctor still had loads or energy to get out. So he went to fiddle with the console, and you refused to get up from bed. So, It was a fair point on your part.
“Right…” He says with a grumpy pout. You smirk again.
“That’s what I thought-“ He cuts you off, pressing his lips against yours, letting his tongue run along your bottom lip before diving in. His tongue rolls against yours and he can taste the gum you were chewing earlier. He hums, almost moans, into your mouth as he runs his tongue along every inch of your mouth he can reach.
Your legs tighten around him. You tug on his coat attempting to get it off. And then suddenly you’re dropped onto your soft mattress, gasping for air.
Before the Doctor does anything more, he lets his coat fall to the floor. He loosens his tie, and unbuttons and pulls off his suit jacket and shirt, leaving his tie on.
Your eyes trail over his body slowly, making sure he knows you're doing it. You bite back a groan as his hands brush the bare skin on your hips. He pulls down your pants leaving you in your panties, they are tardis blue and the Doctor smirks. You roll your eyes pulling him by his tie against your lips.
This kiss is soft, slow, and you can really feel the tingle of his warm lips. It makes your stomach tighten in excitement. You can feel the build up of wet heat in your blue panties. 
Lord how you want him right here right now.
“Take these off,” you mummer against him, pulling at his trousers. But the Doctor shakes his head pulling away from your reach.
“Oh, no no no,” The Doctor tuts, “I'm in charge here,” his eyes get dark with want and need. The look in his chocolate eyes makes your breath hitch. He leans in again, but this time targeting your thighs.
His mouth meets your soft skin, and he begins sucking gently, looking up at you through his lashes. He runs his hands up and under your shirt, making you squeak at his cold touch. His hands make their way up to your covered breasts. He kneads your chest with his large hands, and you finally throw your head back when you feel his wet tongue press against the fabric of your panties. The only thing separating his needy drooling mouth from your hot wet cunt is a thin piece of fabric.
“Take your top off.” The Doctor demands with a whisper. You comply ripping off your top and throwing it to the floor. The Doctor looks up with lustful eyes.
“Bra too.” You roll your eyes at him as you reach back to unclip it.
“Good.” He smirks.
The Doctor moves to grab hold of the edge of your painties with his teeth. Once he knows his grip is firm he pulls them down. He uses only teeth to pull your underwear all the way down to your feet.
You laugh at his idiotic antics and when he successfully throws your panties to the floor he smiles too.
The Doctor crawls back up your body, and stops when he meets face to face with your bare cunt.
“You look so fucking pretty right now.” You breathlessly whisper as his breath feathers over your slit.
“Mmm” He hums taking in your alluring scent. “But not as pretty as you,” he loops his arm around your thigh giving each a kiss before pulling you flush against his awaiting mouth.
The Doctor moves quickly, spreading your arousal with his tongue. Your breath gets caught in your throat as you feel his lips wrap around your clit, leaving just enough room for his tongue to poke out between his lips and swirl around your clitt.
You fight a groan as his lips suck and his tongue circles. Your body quivers and the Doctor has to use the arms around your thighs to keep you down. 
He moves back down to your opening and sticks his tongue in as far as he can get it to go. A growl bubbles up in his throat at the way you squeeze around him. The slurping noises further fuel The Doctor. He doesn’t know how much longer he can go without being balls deep in your drenched hole.
He laps at your cunt a while longer before he pulls back, licking his lips of your arousal. He uses the back of his hand to wipe the excess mess on his chin. All while keeping eye contact with you. It makes your head spin, and you haven't even cum yet.
“Think you're ready for me?” The Doctor asks as he climbs up your body making sure to eye your perky nipples longer then he should.
You only whine and nod in response. The Doctor smiles leaning in to peck your soft lips.
“Say it,” He insists nipping at your neck. “Out loud,” He sighs as he feels your hands run through his hair, the gesture making him lean into your touch with a soft noise of content.
“Y-yeah ‘m ready,” You whisper just loud enough for him to pick up. He smiles, and then pries your mouth open with his tongue. Once he's in, your tongues glide against each other. Moving as softly and swiftly as silk.
The Doctor groans as he pulls back and says, “Good,” with a smirk. He then dips his long fingers into you, where just a few moments ago his mouth was. He streches your tight cunt, trying to loosen you up before he shoves himself in you.
You can feel his bulge against your leg, and you swear on every dalek you ever have and ever will come across that you can feel it growing. You whimper and reach down to undo his pants, desperate for the agonizingly sweet stretch of his cock in you. 
“Okay darling,” He chuckles out at your eagerness. “Im working on it,” He tugs his pants down and with them his boxer briefs. His cock springs up, hitting his stomach in excitement.
“Come on, come on, come on,” you ramble out quickly in an attempt to get him faster.
“You need to calm down, or I won’t fuck you.” The Doctor threatens. “And I know how much you want me to.” He whispers the last part in your ear making your checks burn in embarrassment. But, you nod stilling your body, and even through your embarrassment you look up at him with desperate eyes. 
The Doctor moves to line up with your entrance and you hold your breath, waiting. As his tip sinks in you. The Doctor lets out a gasp he didn’t know he had in him. And then slowly the rest of his hard cock. 
The stretch stings, but it feels so good at the same time. And it is addicting. It’s like fire, so beautiful and welcoming yet it can be lethal if not used with precaution. But oh, how you wanted to swim in the fire. You both slot together like two pieces of a puzzle. So snug, so warm, and so perfect. You never want to leave, even if you end up burning yourself.
“What did I say? Amazing.” The Doctor moans out shuddering at the tight squeeze. You have limited vocabulary at the moment, but you manage to squeak out, “Another to add to-'' You get caught off guard when he pulls out of you almost fully before slamming right back into you. “T-the list, oh fu-fuck,” You studder out, finishing the thought he cut off.
He pulled out again this time faster, and he didn’t wait for as long before pushing in once again. The squelching sounds leave you a babbling mess. You're at The Doctors will. And he knows it just as much as you.
“Please, faster,” You say and The Doctor doesn’t falter in his response, “Why? Do you want me to fill you nice and full with my babies?” He asks, quickening his pace, per your request. You whimper at the idea of bearing his kids. You would be so swollen and full, and he would baby you, fuss about you. 
The Doctor's own words fuel his need for you even more than he thought possible. He would love to see your stomach swollen and huge with his heir. He would love to suck on your squishy, fat, breast as he fingers you. He would love to take care of you with his mouth, to help rest your aching body.
“Yes,” You spurt out, “Please,” You choke on your saliva as you watch his body move with yours. The bead of sweat on his forehead. The way his eyebrows scrunch with every movement he makes. His hips hitting yours with enough force to break the bed if he isn’t careful.
You grab hold of his swinging tie tugging it, bringing him lips to meet yours in a passionate, loving kiss. The stretch of his dick in you leaves you whimpering and whining into his mouth.
“Mhhhm,” you moan, you try to move your hand down to your clit. Needing the extra bit of stimulation to get to the beautiful edge sooner. Before you can reach in between the two of you The Doctor snatches your hand, pulling away from your lips.
“Oh, you really are greedy,” he tuts keeping his pace. “Tell me what you want and then I might give it to you.” The Doctor's hand reaches to grope your breast and flick your nipple as he continues to push in and out of you mercilessly.
You whimper and squirm as your eyes water. Your body tingles so close yet so far from where you want to be. 
“Please-,” you whine, grasping at his bare shoulders. 
“Just make me c-cum,” you babble out quietly. Desperate. Needy.
“How?” The Doctor teases, making you groan in annoyance and pleasure. When you don’t respond, he stops his thrusting completely. 
“W-why did you-“ 
“Use your words or I’ll stop.” He growled out, with his eyes glaring at you. You breathe heavily blinking to get your thoughts straight. The look on his face telling you this was just as hard for him as it is for you.
“Use your fingers,” you pause as he runs his finger against your perched nipple. He raised a brow waiting for you to continue. “On my cli-“
You don’t even have to finish the sentence before he begins pounding you, faster this time. He kiss you cheeks sloppily and whispers into your ear,
“As you wish,” he moves his hand down to your clit, wetting the tips of his fingers with your slick. He runs his fingers up to your swollen, awaiting bud. 
He twirls his fingers as his cock stretches you open. He pinches your clit and pounds your cunt, and you swear you can see stars.
“You're perfect.” The Doctor states breathlessly. “So beautiful, so tight and so perfect.” Your hips thrust up to meet him as his words. His voice and body are a song you can’t stop yourself from turning up.
“I'm going to fill you up so beautifully,” he moans out quietly, his heavy balls slapping your ass.
“Fuck-“ you cry, so near your peak. His thrust only gets faster with the sounds you make. His fingers move in quicker circles. The tingle of finishing so close.
“Go on,” he prompts, dipping his head down to suck on your neck. “Cum, for me.” 
His words are the final push into the pulsing pleasure. Your body shakes and twitches as he pounds you through your high. He moans softly as you pulse so tightly around him.
“Oh,” he moans, shuddering, “right there,” he grunts not far behind.
You can feel his hips falter and his pace slow. He moans so loud and so beautiful, it carries your high on longer than you thought possible. 
“Doctor,” You moan into his ear.
“Milk me sweetheart,” he groans as his hips thrust slower than before. His cum spurts into you, the warmth making you whimper for the hundredth time. You pull rope after rope after rope from his cock.
“So good, so fucking goo-“ he cuts himself off with a soft moan of your name as his eyes roll back. The Doctor's breathing gets jagged as your high turns into a fading buzz. 
You feel him come to a slow stop on his wobbly arms. His softened cock slowly pulls out of you. You both hiss as the loss or closeness, and The Doctor finally collapses onto the bed, right next to you. Your naked bodies pull the other one close.
You sigh, contently into his hair. His face squished against your boobs, just how he loves it. He chuckles as he helps you pull the blankets up and over your bodies. 
“You're right,” He comments, his breathing slowing down. You don’t respond for a moment, trying to think of what he means.
“Well of course I am,” you scoff softly. “But, just for the sake of the conversation, what am I right about?”
“There is one more thing to add to the list,” he replies simply, nuzzling into your chest.
“What?” You joke, “Being a good fuck?”
“No,” he says slightly taken aback, but the slight smile gives his true intentions away.
“Being a good wife.” He states calmly.
You chuckle and place a kiss on his messy head of hair.
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gentlyweeps-world · 5 months
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summary: You and Logan act like a “married couple” and Oscar wants you two to get the hint.
pairing: logan sarge x reader
warnings: mention of alcohol and being drunk
Oscar would often time joke that your trio was actually him as the kid, then you and Logan as the parents.
You and Logan would both deny that accusation, but Oscar was adamant.
“Man- thanks! I haven’t been able to get to the dishes, you’re a life saver..” Logan says as he walks past you in the kitchen, pressing a “platonic” kiss to your head.
“See! This is what I mean! You two are totally in love!” Oscar shouts from the couch, giving you a look.
“We aren’t in love- we’re just roommates who do stuff for each other..” You grumble out, rolling your eyes as you finish cleaning the dishes and taking care of the extra food you made.
“Yeah have you ever seen that one video? The one that distinctively goes over THE FACT TWO ROOMMATES HOOKED UP?!” Oscar shouts.
“WILL YOU SHUT UP!?” You hear Logan yell from his room, “IM TRYING TO NAP IN PEACE!” He adds on.
“Great Oscar! Now he’s going to be all grumpy later!” You huff out annoyed, which Oscar only looks at you like you’re crazy.
“You two are so dense!”
“Yeah mate- trust me this spot is good to drop” Lando says, pinning a spot on the Fortnite map.
You were streaming Fortnite with Lando, which was a bad decision- since he was a horrible teammate.
“Are you sure? I don’t normally drop here..” You say before Logan crashes into your room, unaware you were streaming, or that you had your camera on.
He goes straight to your closet, rummaging through your clothes. “Do you have my teal hoddie? Wait how many of my hoddies do you have?” Logan shouts, hoddies and shirts being strewn about.
“Is that Logan?!?” You hear Lando shriek, giggling at the situation as your and his chat goes crazy.
“Logan wait-“
“YOU HAVE TEN OF MY HODDIES?!?” He yells out, holding the stolen hoddies in his arms. You simply just stare at him, eyes wide with an embarrassed blush on your face.
“Logan I’m in the middle of streaming”
“Oh..” He says, the color from his face turning red as he instantly drops the hoddies. He walks over to your setup, looking into the camera, then glancing at the chat.
“Oh..” He repeats again, not saying anything else as he turns around and walks out of the room, shutting your door.
“HAHAHA! I’m telling Oscar!” Lando laughs out, already pulling out his phone to text Oscar.
“I’m going to kill you both!”
You were simply sitting on your sofa, scrolling through you phone as you pass the time up, until you hear Logan shout.
“WE HAVE PLANS?! We never have plans!” Logan says as he rushes to towards the sofa, “Why do we have plans..” He pouts out, falling down onto the couch next to you.
“Lily and Oscar wanted to go out for dinner, it won’t be too long” You say with a smile, reaching to him and messing up his hair.
“Fine…” He groans out, shoving your hand away.
Turns out it did take long, the dinner had turned into let’s go to a local pub, which was fine, you and Lily opted out of drinking.
So here you are, sitting at the bar as some random person approaches you, Logan not in sight- at least for you.
“Hey there, my name is Alex..” The person says, sitting in the available chair next to you. “Hi..I’m Y/n” You reply with a smile, not picking up any weird vibes.
You two soon get into a nice conversation, making small talk. Until you spot Logan. “Uhm sorry to say this but- my friend looks like he’s about to kill you, probably best you leave” You say with an apologetic smile.
“No problem, it was nice talking to you- and I don’t think that guy likes you just as a friend” Alex says before walking off.
“Am I going to have to beat off the people with a stick?” You hear Logan ask, shoving his phone in your face as you watch an edit of yourself, one after you took P2 in your rookie year at Monza.
“Pardon me?” You ask with an awkward cough, grabbing his phone to scroll through the comments on the edit.
“Oh well- at least it boosts my confidence..” You say with a grin, until your eye catches something.
“Why do you have it favorited?” You ask, looking up at Logan and giving him a weird look.
“No reason!” He says quickly, yanking his phone from your hands as he rushes off to his room.
“Perv!” You shout out after him, only managing to catch a faint “fuck off” from him.
Now this time it was an unusual situation- this time you were the drunk one in need or care.
“Oh man you are wasted” Logan chuckles out, helping Oscar getting you to the sofa.
“Am not!” You slur out, hitting Logan’s shoulder as he places you on the sofa.
“Alright love birds, I’ll go grab you a hoddie Y/n” Oscar says, disappearing to your room to grab a hoddie.
Logan sits down next to you, grabbing your legs as he starts to take your shoes off for you. You didn’t complain or say anything- after all it was normal for you two, and it was comforting.
“You’re kind of like my child- you should call me daddy..” Logan says with a chuckle, grinning at you.
“Wait! No that sounds-..” He says, but it was too late, you had already slapped him across the face.
Oscar walks in mumbling about “you having too many hoddies” but stops in his tracks as he sees Logan, a red hand print on his face.
Oscar glances over to you, seeing shock and embarrassment on your face, you look up from your hand to Oscar.
“Did you just get slapped? Oh man- Y/n give me a high five!” Oscar says with a smile, rushing over to your to give you a high five.
“What the hell mate!”
“For the record I wouldn’t be against calling you that” You mumble out randomly, having stayed on the sofa too tired to move.
“I know, I saw the way your eyes lit up” You hear Logan say, you already knew he had a smug grin on his face.
You let out a scoff, “I hate you”
“Yeah I love you too..” Logan replies, his hand somehow finding yours in the dark of the living room.
You smile to yourself, lacing your fingers with his. “When will you two get together?” You hear Oscar sleepily mumble from his spot on one of chairs.
“Soon..” Logan replies, giving your hand one last squeeze before he falls asleep.
radio 🪩: Lowkey loved this 💙
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bigbawdy-benzz · 11 months
*Touches your shoulder* Hey~ what about 42! Miles morales x shy!reader
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Pairing: Miles42! X Shy! Black Plus size Fem Reader
Summary : Y/N has been infatuated with miles for a hot minute but she's too shy to say anything and to make the first move. She would never think that he knows of her or even notices her until one small incident.
A/N: Miles is any age you want him to be in the fic, New jeans dropped super shy and it goes with this fic perfectly! THANK YOU FOR THE REQ As a recovering shy person you know I had to do my big one with this one ENJOY GUYS!!! Here’s Pt.2
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It was a new day at Visions Academy; you blasted Tyler the Creator in your air pods while walking through the hallways. It was soothing to sound out all the noise. You walk into your first class ELA sitting down sighing wanting to go home. You put your head down wanting to get the school day over with. You suddenly hear noises over your headphones. You look to your left, and it was Miles and his friends being loud, you roll your eyes at his friends but keep your eyes on Miles, he looked so fine with his 2 braids you thought to yourself. You didn’t even realize you were staring, Miles looked feeling eyes on him making eye contact with you grinning. You felt your heart drop to your ass, thinking that he wouldn’t even notice you. To you, you thought Miles was kind of out of your league, he was kind of popular, all the girls wanted him, and he was sooooo incredibly fine. It's not that you don’t like yourself; it was just rare seeing him around girls like you that made you feel like getting his attention was impossible but, you always had his attention you just never noticed it. You decided to stop zoning out overthinking and started doing your work occupying yourself. You nod your head to WUSYUNAME by Tyler the Creator finishing your work just in time class was over. You see everyone else packing their things and you do the same leaving the classroom, you see your friends huddled by your locker.
“HEYYY Y/N” your friend Ocean yells out, you take one of your airpods out waving at her walking up to her and your other friend.
“Hey girlies” You said with a smile
“Girl how's it going with you know who?” Your other friend Aaliyah asks
“Horrible, well not really I was staring at him and he grinned at me so you can say it's over” You huff covering your face.
“I meannnn him grinning at you is amazing he noticed you babes” Ocean stated rubbing Y/N’s back
“Yeah it's better than him screwing his face up”. Aaliyah adds while you were putting your things in your locker.
“Yeah lets just get to math before Ms.Nelson gets on our ass and she gets mad yelling at us” You stated with a laugh closing your locker walking to class.
“Oh yeah she might call my mom again on her bullshit” Ocean huffs
“Nah we need to find her a good wig she’ll be nice to us for a good 2 weeks”. Aaliyah announces.
“No fr and set her ass up on a date she needs some dick” You chimed in laughing your ass off.
“YOO yall evil for this shit she needs more like locs she can’t keep that wig shit too high maintenance for her ''. Ocean replies, it was all laughs walking to class until you bump into someone
Your books and their books drop on the floor and you’re incredibly embarrassed scrambling to pick your things up, trying not to crease your Jordans.
“I'm so so sorry” You say picking up their books and yours.
“No it's ok…you don’t have to pick my books up after all I bumped into you” They say catching you off guard recognizing the voice. He bends down helping you pick up the books.
“No I bumped into you it's my fault i'm sorry” Y/N apologies once again
“Stop apologizing, it's okay mamita I just need to watch where I'm going next time”. They say helping you up, the way that ‘mamita’ rolled off their tongue had you weak in the knees.
“Im Miles” He says, giving you a smile, handing you your books.
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mangosrar · 6 months
matt sturniolo x fem reader
this isn’t proof read 😛😛
suggestive ???
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i knew this would happen. it happened with the last guy i went on a date with, and the guy before that. they just werent him. it was such a horrible feeling to sit across from someone in a restaurant searching their face for a more familiar one, one that had memories etched into his smile lines, one that had a piece of you with him. but the feeling of having him, but not being abel to have him, wasnt much better.
it was hard, finding the middle ground between my ex and my best friend. we both promised that if we ever broke up nothing would change between us. but it did. i was more cautious of him. i picked my words carefully when they left my mouth. i studied his body language whenever i was close to him. he was like a ticking time bomb. he could be set off at any minute.
lazy footsteps could be heard before i saw matt pad his way into my living room before he plopped himself down next to me. he let himself in. of course he did. he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees before turning to look at me with a sad smile on his face.
"you okay?" his voice was hushed. like if he spoke too loud i might shatter. i just nodded with a gloomy smile on my face.
"so why do you look so sad y/n?" he knew me so well and i hated it. i couldnt differentiate wether he knew me so well because he was my bestfriend for so long, or if because he was the love of my life at one point.
"just the date. i dont think you wanna hear about it" i let out a sad laugh as i spoke. his eyebrows furrowed for a second before he replied.
"youre still my bestfriend y/n. just because youre my ex too doesn’t mean you cant tell me about the new guys" he sounded genuine. like he didnt care about the new guys. like he wasnt mad about them. but he should be. i wish he was. i wish he was repulsed at the thought of me ever being able to move on from him. but he wasnt. i kept my eyes trained to the ground. there was a heavy silence as he searched my face. i could feel his wandering eyes burning holes into me. like he could see straight into my brain.
"he called me cerebral matt" i paused, eyes still boring holes into the carpet beneath me. "i didnt even know what it meant" i raised my eyebrows and let out a huff of air through my nose. "would it have killed him to call me pretty instead?" i finally looked up at matt to see his eyes still on me. a look on his face that i couldnt decipher. i hated that he could see my walls crumbling.
"you are pretty y/n" he cooed, his voice so sickly sweet. matts hand moved onto my leg. rubbing slow circles with his thumb. i hated this. i hated that he could sit there and tell me this and not be mine. how could he promise to soften every edge and hold the world to its best when he was killing me.
"you cant say thing like this matt" i pushed his hand off my leg and just like that the walls were built back up again. his eyes dropped to his hand that was now slumped onto the sofa then back up to my face. he knew this was coming.
"why not?" he knew why. he just wanted to hear me say it. i paused momentarily. weighing up my options. deciding wether to say the real reason or to just leave it hanging in the air and say something that we both know is a lie. i didnt know where i stood with matt. he would treat me like in still his girlfriend in some ways, caring for me, being a shoulder for me to cry on and always being there to hold my hand when i needed him to, but he would drop it after a few seconds, leaving cold, heart shaped scars in his wake.
"because im still in love with you" tears were threatening to spill as i spoke. his face didnt move a fraction. he didnt even blink, just staring at me like he was deep in thought. this was old news for him and he probably could have beat me to it but atleast he was kind enough to let me say it. matt didnt even speak. he just kept staring at me as he brought a gantle hand up to the side of my face.
before i could even pull his hand off my face his lips were on mine. i didnt have the type of self control to pull away. i leaned into him, craving the closeness, luckily he got the hint and pulled me into his lap so i was straddling him and the kiss grew heavy, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, his wandering hands grabbing and groping whatever skin he could. he moved his mouth off mine and began trailing wet kisses down my neck and jawline making my breath hitch and my eyes close.
he began sucking and biting the skin on the side of my neck making me while. my hands found home in his hair, tugging softly, earning a satisfied hum from matt before he spoke against me.
"lets just get back together mh?" i was so lost in the way his lips felt on my skin i didnt even register what he had said until a few seconds later. i immediately pulled his head away from me and stared at him with wide eyes.
"what?" surprise evident in the sound of my voice.
"i dont see what the problem is, we both still love each other and i hate seeing you go on dates with shitty guys so why not?" i couldnt even reply to him. i just stared at him with my wouth hung open. what the fuck.
"if you dont want to, ill stop, but if you do, just say the words and ill give you whatever you want." he sounded so sure.
"yes" that was all he needed before he smirked and brought his lips to mine again, kissing me, hot and heavy.
the kiss was sloppy and desperate, both of us urgent for a touch we craved so badly. he ground his hips up, pressing his hard on into my heat making me whine into his mouth. i felt him smile against my lips before he kissed down my chin and throat before licking a stripe up it, pulling a moan from me, causing my hips to stutter against his involuntarily.
make up sex is good for the soul.
pt 2 coming soon an it’s spicy 🤓
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @soursturniolo @freshlovehacker @urmyslxt @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @chrisenthusiast @flowerxbunnie @mattsd0ll @itsjennarose @hearttshapedkisses @lovingsturniolo
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aliaology · 7 months
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summary: jack realizes yns music is quite literally a call out, directed towards him, and his brothers egg it on. pt.3
series masterlist
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“i called my mom, she said ‘that it was for the best!’ remind myself the more i gave, you’d want me less”
jack could’ve hit his head against the counter ten more times and the song would still be ringing through his ears like a splinter that wouldn’t come out of his hand.
quinns hand made contact with the back of jacks head. “knock it off, jack.”
jack groaned, shoving his head into his arms. he groaned again, this time the noise being muffled due to the his arm. “she wrote a song about me, quinn.”
quinn rolled his eyes. “you don’t know its about you” he told.
jack scoffed, head shooting up. “she literally called me out. the parties, that stupid red sea reference, even the chorus. its so obviously me. and then her newer single that dropped thirty minutes ago?’
quinn shrugged, “could be about trevor”
jack rolled his eyes, “no way in hell, quinn. they never hooked up and her newer one is about some guy hooking up with her later on—“
“you sound obsessed, jack.” quinn told. jack looked down, embarrassed.
“whats jack obsessed with?” trevor asked, walking inside the kitchen. he stole a grape from jack and popped it into his mouth.
“y/n’s song” quinn spoke.
trevor scoffed, “why are you so hung up on it? its just music.” trevor shrugged.
“hes upset because hes getting called out.”
jack groaned again, head hitting the counter.
quinn rolled his eyes again. “you’ve gotta stop doing that dude. listen— she probably made these ages ago and just now got to releasing them.”
trevor popped another grape in his mouth. “not too sure about that, but i know she started writing them when you two broke up.”
luke slowly walks in. “seriously? you guys are torturing the man talking about his ex.”
jack nods, signifying lukes words to be true.. luke goes into the cupboard to grab a plate. “just ignore it.” he shrugged.
trevor snorted. jack sent the boy a glare, causing his laughter to abruptly stop. “how can i just ignore it? shes getting big and her music is everywhere already.” he asked.
quinn gave him a look. “then face it, jack. you can’t keep putting yourself in denial for something you caused.”
jack let out an exasperated groan for the 100th time. “gee, thanks quinn. way to make me feel better.”
“dont start giving him shit, jack.” luke spoke.
jack rolled his eyes. “whatever, im going to my room.” he got up and went for the stairs.
all three boys looked around at each other. silence fell through the room. suddenly, the sliding door opens. “whats going on?” cole asked.
“quinn picked his side of the argument.” trevor spoke, slightly glaring at quinn.
quinn gave one back, “dont act innocent, trevor. you screwed her over too. you and jack need to own up to it and stop cowering like little kids. you are both in your twenties for fucks sake. grow up.”
quinn went off to his room, leaving a wide eyed group of boys behind.
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jacks brows furrowed as he listened to the song in his earbuds. his girlfriend napped next to him as he sat up on the bed. he hates to admit it, but he kinda deserved this.
“lets fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later. if shes got blue eyes, i will surmise that you’ll probably date her. you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor, you search in every model—“
he stopped the song, taking his earbuds out and tossing them to the floor. he cheated, and now was dating the girl he cheated with. it was sad, really.
fiona, she was a woman who loved money. jack, was a man who loved attention. maybe that’s why they were together. but she wasn’t horrible like people said, right?
quietly, he went to tik tok and made a fake account, that way she knew he didn’t stalk her profile. i mean— she has no idea he even uses it still.
jack searched fionas name up, ultimately clicking on her profile. she had one video up. he clicked on it.
ick ick ick ick
she was lip syncing that really terrible audio that went ‘he chose me, he dont want you. he chose me’ and honestly, jack was appalled.
but before he could open the comments, she started to wake up. he swiped out of the app and deleted it, tossing his phone to the side afterwards.
“hey baby.” he smiled.
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now that we dont talk!
tags! @honethatty12 (if u want tags, just ask <3)
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thebestandrealestever · 10 months
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miles1610/hobie brown x black fem! reader
sum: miles cheats on reader w gwen, reader gets even 🤷🏽‍♀️
warnings : slang, the n word, cursing, cheating . emotional cheating. READER BEING PETTY unedited and not proofread
genre: angst, a lil of comfort?
a/n:i rly hope it don’t disappoint, part 2 w miles and reader make up eventually, cause i can’t stand writing miles as a dickhead. JUST A STORY, I DONT CONDONE CHEATING, DONT THIS TO PEOPLE.
- - - - - - - - - <\3 - - - - - - - - - -
first time in a long time.
hurting deeply inside .
there it was. the confirmation you so desperately needed to blow off on miles. you’d suspected he was messing with gwen for a little while now, him leaving you too go on missions with her that ONLY they knew about, being on facetime with her while he was at YOUR house, his highlight on instagram for her, not to mention the countless drawings of her around his room that he hid horribly, just a bunch of weird shit. you had conversations about it before but he always reassured you and gaslit you until you shook of the accusations. but now, now you knew he was cheating. miles was in the shower he left his phone on the nightstand, you looked long and hard at it. debating whether if it was a invasion of privacy, as you thought about it you get more and more upset. if gwen could be an invasion of your relationship then this didn’t really matter. you pick up the phone and put the password it, it’s his birthday (narcissist 🙄.) you go to gwen’s message thread, the blue heart next to it made you infuriated. your stomach twist and your eyes leak with tears that you don’t even try to wipe not wanting to miss anything. all of the “i love you’s” and the “im with her right now’s” made your fingers tremble as you scrolled farther into their text. why did he waste his time with you if he loved her? why would he do that to you? when did he fall out of love? what did you do? your thoughts quickly interrupted by the sound of the shower turning off you jumped up turned the phone off and put it in the same downward facing position wiping your face speed walking back to the bed pretending to watch tv.
“what’s going on now , ma?“ he asked referring to the episode you were watching. your face turned as you came up with a lie. “uh nothing really they just found out she was pregnant” you huffed, you’ve never been a good liar and miles could read your emotions like they were his own, you had no idea how you were going to go the rest of the night with him, so you didn’t. getting up from the bed you acted like your mom texted you to come home, frowning looking at the fake text. miles squinted at your pout, walking closer to you he said,
“you okay?” “my mom said i had to come home, she’s going out tonight and wants me to watch my sister, she’s sick” miles fake frowned “you want me to come with you?” he suggested walking to his drawers to get some clothes. you shook your head no “i don’t want you to get sick, it’s fine i’ll just facetime you okay?” you said as you picked up your purse and put on your shoes. “okay at least lemme drive you home. can’t have my baby walking alone in the dark.” he joked as he put on his own shoes and jacket too. you internally cringed at his sentence reminded of who he also called his “baby”.
trust, trust who?
watching my back even when i’m in the booth.
ohh, trust who?
you’re in the passenger seat of his car, seeing the blue hair tie in the cup holder that wasn’t yours. you stared at it for a bit rethinking your entire relationship. he glanced at you, then the hair tye. he spoke up rubbing your thigh trying to get your mind off of it. “u wanna go to the mall tomorrow? we can get froyo.” he suggested knowing that you liked the froyo place in the mall, you knew he was trying to make you happy so you wouldn’t question the hair tye you just went along with it.
“yea okay.” you smiled warmly at miles not meaning it at all. his phone buzzed and you both looked down at it, the speed of which he grabbed it in was almost inhumane. you side eyed him closely as he swiped the opened the message then turned his phone off placing it into the cup holder facing away from you. as you pulled up to your house he leaned forward to peck your cheek, you couldn’t stand the feeling of his lips on your skin right you. “bye mami, facetime me later okay?” he whispered as he looked into your eyes with that same look on his face that made you swoon once before. “okay, i will” you said knowing you weren’t. as soon as you got into your room you cried, searching in your mind for a clue on why he was doing this to you. you’d tears interrupted once again as your phone buzzed, who was calling you and why couldn’t they go away ?? you checked it as a small smile speared on your face it was margo. margo kess had been your best friend since before you met miles, she worked at the same spidey agency he did , or whatever the fuck it was called. you answered wiping your tears. she was eating unti she saw your expression. “what happened??? why you crying boo?” she frowned at you through the screen “miles is cheating on me with gwen, i checked his phone” you chuckled through sniffles as her jaw dropped “what the fuck?? u exposed him his ass right ??” she shouted and you shook your head “i was in denial i guess, i still can’t believe this shit” “you know what you gotta do right?” she said and your face turned into a confused expression “what i gotta do?” she rolled her eyes “get even duhhhhh!! you way to pretty to let this nigga cheat on you with a big back ass bitch you know that.” you snorted at her compliment “ion know mar, maybe gwen didn’t know we was dating” you said trying to express grace to gwen.
“bitch how?? all that nigga do is talk about you, not to mention youre his lock screen.” you tilted your head in agreement, she spoke up again “and you been told his ass all that shit he did with gwen was weird and he didn’t stop it? if he wanna act nonchalant you can act notchabitch” margo smiled as she her attempt to cheer you up worked. “speak of the damn devil, guess who texted me.” you smirked as margo raised her eyebrow “don’t tell me you talm bout hobie.” you tried to fight the smile on your face as you clicked on his message
“hey, wyd rn?” the text read. margo sighed as she saw the smile on your face “HOBIE. HOBART BROWN?? really (name)? well i mean the way he looks at you is crazy, and i been saying y’all would be mad cute .” she shrugged as she resolved up her own feelings, you nodded as you thought about it . was this really what you wanted to do? hurt miles? nonono if he didn’t care about hurting you he can’t say shit when you do it back. you texted hobie back “nun rn, wby?” and he replied almost instantly “im bored, lemme come over?” you almost laughed at how you realized that hobie has never cared about your relationship with miles . you told him yes and you said your goodbyes to margo as you got ready for him to come over, eyes burning as you saw the multiple hoodies that miles owned .
“hey love.” hobie said as he walked into your room from the window, you always noticed hoboes accent but you never noticed how attractive it was until now. “hey hobie.” you said as he lifted your chin up with index and thumb. “you’ve been crying? what happened ?” he said trying to read your face. “um nothing just stuff with miles” he almost winced at the mention of miles, he would offen tell you that he wasn’t good for you, guess he was right. “what did he do now. something when gwen again i bet” you sighed deeply remember the messages in his phone again. “yea, he’s cheating i just found out.” hobie eyebrows furrow as you say this, if he didn’t like the way miles was treating you before, he definitely hated him now.
“i was just joking but, really? what the fuck? after everything you’ve done for him? i’m gonna murder him i swear to g-“ “hobie no, no don’t say anything. i’m fine i’m gonna deal with it myself.” you say pushing him back with your fingers. “at least let me make you feel better.” he said giving you a tight hug. he smirked as he said “you know i’d never make you feel like that.” you snorted into his chest pulling away, hobie grabbed your face with both hands and kissed your forehead. “you don’t deserve this ,(name) you deserve the entire world” he muttered , looking down at you with so much care. stand on your tipe toes to kiss hobie, he doesn’t kiss back for a while in shock but then he reciprocates it and you know you shouldn’t do this, that’s the exact reason why you did it anyway . you pull away looking up into his deep brown eyes, you needed this, comfort from someone that wasn’t hurting you. someone that wasn’t him. he kissed you again more aggressively this time. he pulls away this time only to catch his breath. he pecks your lips once , then twice. he smiles at you then walks to the bed and turns on the tv, you thought it was weird but you also didn’t want to talk about it, and definitely didn’t wanna do anything further. after watching tv with him at a uncomfortable distance you decide to address the elephant in the room.
“so, we not gon talk about that?” you turn off the tv before turning your head to look at him and he does the same “we don’t have to, you know i like you. but i don’t think you need that tonight, i think you just need me here.” he said and honestly, he was right. even though he had you all the way fucked up onna tuesday, you still loved him. you just nod at hobie and he kisses your cheek wrapping his arms around you so he’s spooning you, the way hobie is holding makes you think that he’s the only boy in the world. he falls asleep and you lie awake looking at the ceiling, you decide to go on instagram looking at people’s story until you see gwen’s story, it was a picture of her and miles in his car her feet up on the dashboard, the same car you were just in, the same car you had your first kiss in. that’s not even the half of it, the picture had a “besties” caption on it but you could tell from 20 miles away they were far from that. you take a picture of hobie asleep and post it, tagging him too copying the same caption as gwen had. after maybe 20 minutes miles replies to it “wtf? why are you letting hobie touch you like that? and i thought u had to watch your sister” “and i thought you and gwen were besties?” you reply back sending him the screenshots you send to your phone if gwen and miles text he starts blowing u up like crazy but you put your phone down and snuggle closer into hobie, maybe you could get even.
doing my own thing,
i’m down to come clean,
not like you.
lmk wat u think 😭.
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nepxnth3 · 1 year
The pancake incident
Wally x G!N reader
As you know, Wally cannot cook. While Wally was talking to Frank about making breakfast in bed for Eddie. Wally wanted to do the same thing for you.
So while you’re asleep. He tried to make pancakes. Well, that didn’t even well. It was completely burnt, and there was a few missing / wrong ingredients since Wally tried to make it out of memory since he couldn’t find his cook book. He tried to make some more but he some how got the milk on fire.
Yeah… so when you woke up, the first thing you smelt is burnt food, at first you thought the house was on fire and you panicked before Wally walked in with burnt pancakes which were very.. clearly uneatable. “I made them for you, Darling!” He chirped. “Aww thank you, sweetheart.” You smiled. You watched as he sat there and waited for you to take a bite. You grabbed a fork and and nervously smiled at him. Well, you tried to cut it and it almost slipped off your plate, you took a bite and it was like a brink. You chewed it and smile and nodded at him, you just couldn’t break his heart. “It’s good” you smiled, your eyes got teary. It was horrible, there was egg shells, it was hard like a brick, it was burnt and there was salt instead of sugar and an odd texture. I guess your expression said other wise. “Are you okay, you look don’t look alright.” He asked softly tilting his head. “I’m fine” you Choked up, you put your thumbs up. “I just need milk.” You smiled at him trying to choke infront of him again. “How silly of me! I’ll get it for you.” He runs out of the room.
When Wally left the room you got up open the window and threw the pancakes away. Your aim was something alright..Well poor Barnaby was walking by the neighborhood and next thing you know he’s knocked out by brick pancakes when you saw this you immediately closed the window and went back to bed.
“DARLING I’M BACK!!” Wally walks in with a cup of milk in his hand. He neatly sits near you on the bed, he gives you a small peck. “Here it is!. Wait you already finished the pancakes were they that good?!” He smiles, he had this bright look in eyes. “Ehh, yeah they were great.” You awkwardly smiled while he stared at you. You grab the milk from Wally’s hands and completely gulp it. God, you wanted to get rid of that taste. “I’m just thirsty, thank you they were great, Wally.” You grinned. You caress his face, of course he blushes and turns a pink shade before pulling him in for a kiss.
Later that day..
“I wonder what happened with Barnaby, he’s been out for like a few hours.” Julie looks at Frank. “Is that a brick next to him??” Eddie questioned pointing at Wally’s pancake. “Is he even breathing” Sally asked slightly mortified. Poppy just pokes him with a stick. “Omg they killed Barnaby, em’ bastards.” Howdy chimes in. Eddie picks up the black pancake brick and examines it. “Woah what happened?” Barnaby slowly gets up. Everyone one screams in terrors not expecting him to wake up, out of fear Eddie hits Barnaby with the pancake again which knocks him out… again. “God damn it Eddie you knocked him out again” howdy says turning to Eddie. “IM SORRY!” He apologizes.
Author’s note: I am comedy
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soxcietyy · 6 months
Suspicions pt 2
Yuta x reader
Pt 1
˚₊‧꒰𓆩 ♱ 𓆪꒱ ‧₊˚ part two, while doing the deed he gets an important call and you find out what something your not happy about.
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On another call yet again. He’s always been busy like that. Everytime you two would go out he would excuse himself. Even when you two were in the middle of getting intimate. You can brush off the fact that you don’t know his job but this has to be a joke now. You laid on the bed sprawled as he was in between your legs getting ready to go in you once again. Though his phone started ringing loudly. He quickly looked over his phone and back at you to find you glaring. He smiled at you apologetically as he reached over to grab his phone.
Now that you thought about it you never heard one of his calls before. They’re mostly be work related meaning if you could get him to stay you could potentially learn something. It could give you closure to what happened in his study. As you watched him grab a towel to wrap himself with you grab him by the arm. He turns to look at you confused as he answers his phone. Before you could open your mouth he places a finger on your lips to silence you.
"This is Yuta," he said as he looked down at you. He quickly pressed mute on his phone as the other person talked.
"What is it?" He says waiting to see what was so urgent that you interrupted his call. You search for a reason to stop him from leaving. Maybe guilt tripping him was the only way. You’ve never seen him act this serious with you. Not even when you bothered him about his job that one time.
"You always leave me hanging like this Yu, can’t you just stay here and do it with me?" You look at him with your doe eyes.
He stood there as if he was going to actually agree but quickly turned you down. "Absolutely, not." He said.
Your eyes widen a bit feeling weird about hearing no come out his mouth. You wernt crazy spoiled but this was a new vocabulary term to you. "You promised me that you would give me a kid." You say getting closer to the edge of the bed on your knees. You were now eye level with him. "I want to make a kid now, and if you don’t do it with me I’ll…" you start to think hard about something to threaten him with.
You hear a faint voice on the phone and Yuta sighs deeply as he pushes you on the bed. He unmutes the call and looks at it before saying something.
"Yea Im free, what is it that you need specifically from me?"
A small grin formed on your face seeing he gave into you. He put the phone on speaker and threw it next to you. You tried to turn around to look at the caller ID but when you tried he pulled you down by dragging you closer to him. You could hear the man on the phone talk about property laws and what can’t be done to them landscape wise. He could definitely not be a landscaper and go to work wearing suits. Maybe me managed them but that doesn’t quite explain the red on him last time.
He grabbed your legs, spreading them apart pushing them back so he could have a good look at your cunt. You felt embarrassed by his actions but closed your eyes. You could heard shuffling before he slammed right into you. You let out a Yelp out of shock causing you to open your eyes back up.
"Keep quiet darling, this is quite an important phone call. I would be very disappointed if I miss any information." He said as he exited you and slammed back inside. Your hands flew to your mouth and covered it. Making sure you did not let a peep out. Your body recoiled up and down as he continued ramming you. Every so often he would stop to unmute to ask and answer questions.
"What if I wanna dig up plot 17?" He asked as he quickly muted and continued were he left off with you. Maybe this was a bad idea, no more like horrible. You were so drunk on his cock that you couldn’t get any of their conversation. Every so often you would pick up something but it was about land! Sometimes he would whisper in your ear but you definitely didn’t understand anything you said. He would look at you with the sweetest smile before talking on the phone.
Eventually You squirmed under him as you came. Your legs shaking from pleasure. He flips you over and thrust in your you doggy style. His body leaning over your as he grabs you by the neck to control your body. You bite your lip as he hits that perfect spot over and over again. You claw on the bed sheets desperately. He was going to send you right over the edge and you didn’t know if you were going to be able to walk right after. His movement started becoming slow and sloppy. The man over the phone was still rambling which clearly bothered Yuta. He grabbed his phone and brought it up to his mouth.
"God stop with the questions and kill that mother fucker already. Throw his body in any land plot or the river from all I care." He said before hanging up and throwing his phone across the room.
You gasp hearing what he just said and tried to get up but he had such a grip on you. He covered your mouth and slammed balls deep into you until he put his load all inside of you. "It’s okay, I’m going to put a baby In you. That’s what you want right darling?"
You look at him with fear in your eyes.
"Oh are you shocked from what I just said?" He lets out a laugh as he slides out of you and replaces his member with his fingers. Shoving his cum deep inside of you. "You don’t have to be afraid, I’m going to take good care of you and our baby. Though if you try to run away then I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. So behave, and act like the good wife you are."
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