#but i wish i like... just knew a doctor or medical person who i could msg like “hi am i dying y/n?”
homoeroticvillain · 6 months
my body keeps being weird and this is not helping my constant paranoia
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
It’s been done in every which way but Eddie being in an accident of some kind that leaves him paralyzed, but his doctors believe he could walk again with intense physical therapy
He’s stubborn and absolutely hasn’t dealt with any of the trauma of the accident and takes it out on his physical therapist, Steve, who is used to patients being pretty angry about their situation
He always meets Eddie where he is though, tries to keep a smile on his face and joke when appropriate and even shares his cookies from his lunchbox with him
Eventually, Eddie starts making some progress, but instead of being happy about it, he panics and cancels all his PT appointments for the week
Steve tries calling, texting, emailing, doing everything he can to encourage him to keep going, but it all goes unanswered until Gareth, one of Eddie’s closest friends, calls him on Eddie’s phone
He’s depressed and he won’t get out of bed, he’s given up. He’s tired of being in pain and having to try to so hard just to move his damn legs a little
Steve isn’t usually this personal with clients, and tells Gareth he can’t discuss anything medical with him due to patient confidentiality, but insists he should try to drag him to the office the next day before it opens
And somehow, probably through guilt, Gareth manages to wheel a very sullen and grumpy Eddie into the side door entrance to the office at seven in the morning
Steve tells him to come back in an hour to pick him up and Eddie ignores the goodbye Gareth says to him
And Steve pretends nothing is wrong at all, goes through the usual temperature and blood pressure check, asks how he’s feeling and gets a grunt in response, asks if there’s any pain and gets an eye roll
But Eddie met his match in Steve because Steve then pushes him to the center of the workout room, where a large mat is out and a walker is set to the side
“What’s that?”
“Your walker.”
“I don’t need one seeing as I can’t fucking walk.”
“You are today.”
And Steve knows he’s pushing and he hates being pushy
But he knows what his clients are capable of, and he knows without a single doubt in his mind that Eddie is ready to use the walker for five to ten minute increments. He has the leg strength and the stubbornness, he just needs the belief in himself
“Do you want me to hurt myself worse?”
“Of course not. And if you get tired, the seat on the walker is right there. But you can walk and you will walk.”
“And if I call Gareth to come get me right now?”
“Then I don’t believe my services are of value to you anymore and I’ll wish you the best.”
It pained Steve to say it because he knew he was fucking good at what he did, maybe the best in town. His clients often had to wait for his availability to open for weeks or months at a time because of how many people were referred to him
But he said the right thing because Eddie huffed, groaned, and cursed under his breath before wheeling himself to the edge of the mat to hold onto the walker
He pulled himself up
His legs were shaking from not being used for the last few days more than the bare minimum, but his determination was clear
Steve slowly pulled the chair away as Eddie unlocked the brakes of the walker and glared at Steve as he took one step, then two
Sure, he was relying pretty heavily on the walker, maybe more than Steve would’ve liked to see, but he was moving
He made it across the mat and then locked the brakes, sat down on the pad on the walker, and gave a sarcastic grin to Steve
“Are you?”
And maybe Eddie wasn’t ready to be asked that because he was suddenly sobbing, covering his face as tears flowed down his cheeks
Steve gave him a few seconds before moving to kneel in front of him, pulling his hands away
“You deserve to have your life back, Eddie. You’ve been lucky to have the chance to walk again. Let’s not waste it, okay?”
Eddie spent the rest of the session walking across the mat and taking breaks every two minutes or so
It was better than Steve even expected, but he reminded Eddie not to do too much at once
Eddie didn’t miss any more appointments with Steve, and every appointment, he seemed to be more charming and flirty, more like “the old Eddie” according to Gareth, who drove him most days
Steve never admitted it out loud, but he knew what he felt for Eddie was different from other clients. It felt more personal, and it felt like it could be more someday
When Eddie graduated to a cane, Steve’s services were officially no longer needed
And Eddie decided that he should probably take Steve out on a date
“Since I can walk and hold your hand now,” he winked.
Steve should say no, but he doesn’t
Because holding Eddie’s hand feels even more right as his boyfriend than it did as his physical therapist
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kykyonthemoon · 30 days
Hey can i ask for a request please?I'm big fan of you!Your writing is so good arghhhhh!Can i request Zayne x reader where they're like secretly dating but Zayne wanted to keep it as a secret but one day when we visit the hospital for checkup and a doctor from his hospital do the checkup caz Zayne got emergency something and that doctor start hitting on us but had to answer like we're single caz of the secret dating but Zayne got jealous and....u can make the rest of storyline as u please.Please if u want to write this kinds i'll be waiting!!I'm dying to see Zayne being jealous hehe
Dear sanc777,
Thank you so much for the request and kind words <3 Hope you enjoy this piece :3
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His not-so-secret love affair
You and Zayne decided to keep your love affair a secret. It's all good, until another doctor starts hitting on you.
ಇ. Zayne x Female Reader/MC
ಇ. Tags: fluff, secret dating, established relationship, jealousy
ಇ. Word count: 1k1
ಇ. Masterlist
ಇ. Request
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You went to Akso Hospital to have your regular health check-up. Normally, Doctor Zayne was in charge of this, but that day, he was at an unexpectedly important meeting. Since he did not want to delay updating your health status before an important mission, Zayne had requested that another doctor do your check-up.
At first, you assumed it was Greyson, who was frequently Zayne's substitute doctor. But even Greyson was busy too. So you had to take the documents to an unfamiliar doctor's office.
That doctor was rather young, having recently attended Akso Hospital. Even though he worked in the same department as Zayne, you'd never met him before. The check-up went well, and you were relieved since your health was better than expected - which you had Doctor Zayne to thank because he had always kept a close eye on you, since you started dating.
Even though you were officially dating, no one other than you two knew about it. The reason was because you had both agreed that this was not the right time to go public. You had many missions that required concentration, and Zayne was constantly concerned with maintaining professional boundaries between doctor and patient. Knowing this, you were the one who proposed keeping your love affair private for a while. Of course, Zayne agreed with you, but as time passed, you realized that being public or not would have little impact on either of you.
However, you soon had to reconsider that due to something that happened after your routine medical check-up.
You had nothing else to do here and had yet to return home. You strolled around the nearby area and waited in front of Zayne's office. You still wanted to see him before leaving. Your new mission started the day after, so you would not be able to see him for about a week. After a time, you noticed the doctor who had performed your previous check-up appear.
“You're not going home yet?” He asked. Then without waiting for an invitation, he sat down next to you.
The conversation that followed took an unexpected turn. You expected him to keep the same professional demeanor as previously throughout the check-up, yet he spoke extremely casual. Too casual.
“Why are you sitting in front of Dr. Zayne's office?”
“Ah…” You attempted to come up with an excuse. You could not let other people know that you and Zayne were actually dating. “I… My legs are tired so I sat down to rest for a bit.”
"Really? I thought you were intentionally waiting for Dr. Zayne to return.”
He laughed, and you felt very guilty.
“So…” He hesitated, then asked. “There's nothing between you and Zayne, right?”
"Huh?" You almost jumped up. Why would this person ask something like that out of the blue and make you panic?
“I mean, people in the hospital sometimes implied that Zayne and you were close. Sorry if I'm a bit nosy… It's just…”
"That's not true." You denied almost immediately. “Me and Zayne… We were childhood friends…”
Your heart ached. You wished you could tell him straight out that Zayne was your lover. Suddenly, you felt a bit regretful for wanting to keep this relationship a secret.
“Then, lucky me!” The doctor breathed a sigh of relief. “So that means I have a chance?”
“What chance?” You asked again.
“If you are still single, and there's nothing going on between you and Doctor Zayne, may I have a chance to pursue you?”
As if a lightning had struck your ears, your entire body tensed. This doctor was just too careless. He only met you that day and had already asked you out in such a brazen manner. Confused, you didn't know how to react when you heard footsteps behind you and an immense hand with scars was placed on your shoulder.
“Who said there's nothing between the two of us?”
That was Zayne's voice. You turned around and gazed up at him. You had crimson cheeks. Zayne locked eyes with the young doctor seated next to you, the same kind of stare that sent chills down people’s spines. It was about time for him to turn into ice.
Doctor Greyson, who stood next to Zayne, immediately covered his mouth and laughed. He escorted the freezing doctor out of that place, saying as he walked:
“I already told you. Don't even dream of Doctor Zayne's girl...”
“But… But…”
Seeing him being dragged away was a pitiful sight. But the fun did not last long as you quickly followed Zayne into the office.
He did not say anything but simply checked the papers on the table. You frowned. Even though you did nothing wrong, that attitude of his made you feel as if you had just committed a crime.
“Zayne…” You called. “I didn't know why he asked me out…”
“If I didn't show up on time, how would you handle it?” Zayne suddenly interrupted you, and you immediately replied:
“Of course I would refuse him!”
Zayne seemed uneasy. He pulled the tie around his neck a little loose and admitted:
“It's all my fault. I shouldn't have allowed another doctor to do a check-up for you in the first place.”
“How could this be your fault? It's nobody's fault. This is just a small misunderstanding.”
“It's not a small matter.” Zayne said, but he did not look at you. He turned aside, his eyes focused somewhere on the potted plant you had given him by the window. “Not small at all.”
You moved closer and leaned against Zayne's desk. Your hand adjusted the chair he was sitting on so that he would face you. You voiced:
“Your expression like this looks like you're being… jealous, right?”
Zayne was not the type to wear emotions on his sleeve. But his attitude then, with a face like he had just been punched, a little irritated and a little unreconciled, you knew for sure it was jealousy. Instead of trying to deny it, Zayne said:
“It's uneasy to witness other people flirting with my girl.” He seized your wrists. Long, chilly fingers began caressing you. “I don't think I could endure this once more if it happens again.”
Zayne's eyes lowered, and you could hear the sulking in his voice.
“Doctor Zayne. It's unprofessional to date your patient.”
You giggled. Looking at his expression, you wanted to tease him a bit.
“Who said that?” Zayne leaned towards you. His head slid onto your lap. “Obviously, that person needs to loosen up a bit.”
The person mentioned was Doctor Zayne and no one else. He had said that a long time ago, before you two formally began dating. Sometimes, you would bring that up to give him a hard time.
“That's right. So now, Doctor Zayne wants to make his love affair public?"
You stroked Zayne's hair. He replied:
“I let everyone figure it out for themselves before. But it's time for an official announcement. I want the world to know, you are my girl.”
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chishiyaisasnack · 7 months
It’s under my skirt, Doctor
Hello everyone! It’s been a while. I finally got this little thing together, and I hope you all like it.
Disclaimer! This is smut. Stay away if you aren’t of agw or if you’re uncomfortable with the topic. Remember to use protection in real life!
Written and posted on mobile, I apologize for any wierd formatting.
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Chishiyas life was work. Long hours, sometimes so long that he didn’t leave the hospital before his next shift. The couch in his office had become soft from where he slept, countless days and nights spent there alone. Not that it mattered, not to him. He liked his job. Kind of. There was nothing else he wanted to do anyway, so filling his life with something that kept his brain occupied and evolving was good enough. Once he stopped caring about all the injustice he focused solely on performing surgeries. The heart was an interresting thing, so small, so powerful. One wrong move and a life could end. Sometimes he wondered what that would feel like. He would never play with a life like that, he wasn’t completely insane, but the thought had showed up once or twice.
This particular shift got his mood turning all over the place. Everyone was whiny, rude and just hard to deal with. Twelve hours of pretending to be respectful was hard enough on the good days.
When he got back to his office he sank down into the couch, contemplating buying new cushions soon because they were starting to get uncomfortable. He needed to get his mind cleared out, to stop thinking about work and kids and parents who he wanted to toss in the trashcan.
A vibration went off in his pocket, making his head hurt just thinking about what they would need him for now. He just wanted to rest. So, when he picked it up and saw the notification on his screen he got pleasently suprised.
Y/N: Hey, sorry to disturb your work but I have a medical issue that I wondered if you could take a look at? I can come over in 10 minutes if that works for you.
He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. Normal people didn’t use the words ”medical issue” as a synonym for ”I want to fuck” but it worked very well for the two of them. Chishiya had met her at a work gathering and that turned out to be the best stress reliever he could wish for, and he knew that she used him for that exact same reason. Some might say that they were dating, but the only times they really met in person was just for sex and maybe some lunch afterwards. Chishiya did spend occasional nights at her place since she lived closer to the hospital than he did, and getting his dick wet then sleep in a bed instead of his office couch was a nice change.
Ten minutes later the telltale three knocks on his office door woke him up from his thoughts. Trying not to run to the door in excitement, he stood up, took a deep breath and changed into his normal ’I don’t care about anything’-face before opening it. The ’not caring about anything’-face changed as soon as he saw what was on the other end of the doorframe. He was not prepared for her standing there, panties hanging from slender fingers on one of her hands and her head cocked to the side. The skirt she was wearing was short and flowy, almost revealing what was, or rather what wasn’t underneath it.
”Eager are we?” Chishiya welcomed her in a smug voice, trying to hide the mess his head was already in. She winked at him in response.
”You usually don’t have very long so I thought I’d be prepared.” She walked straight to him, put the underwear in the chest pocket of his white doctors coat and kicked the door closed behind her. Chishiya could hear the click from the lock but was more interrested in the cleavage that her ”too tight to be comfortable”-top was showing. He didn’t even try to hide that he liked what he saw. He knew she liked it. A finger under his chin woke him up from his thoughts and when he looked up he was met with sparkling eyes full of excitement when she gazed back into his.
”Hmm.. I like how professional you look in this outfit” she purred as she smoothed her hands up his chest until she reached his neck, hands tangling in the blonde strands in the back until his hair tie fell to the floor, one thumb tracing his ear. ”I’d let you examine me any day.”
Chishiya rolled his eyes at her attempt at flirting, but rather than giving her a comeback he reached in and put his hands on her bare thighs, inching further up while he kissed that lovely space between her neck and shoulder that made her whimper every time.
”So, what did you want me to take a look at?” Chishiya murmered teasingly into her ear. She hummed and moved her hands back down to his shoulders, gripping onto the neck of his coat.
”It’s under my skirt, Doctor.”
In one swift move she grabbed the stethoscope still hanging around his neck and pulled him with her until they both hit the wall behind her, before crashing her lips into his with urgency, and Chishiya returned it with just as much desire as he was given. It was intoxicating, her soft lips, the sweet smell of her perfume, her hands tugging at his hair trying to coax him closer.
His hands went from her thighs to her waist, with just a quick squeeze at her ass first, clenching his fingers in the fabric of her shirt, pulling her even closer so that she could feel that this was affecting him too. His cock was already getting hard, pushing uncomfortably against his pants, but her soft stomach gave great friction whenever she moaned and rubbed herself against him.
Trying to deepen the kiss, she slid her tounge against his lips, making him smile against her whine when he didn’t answer her attempt. He was the one calling the shots and he wanted her to remember that. Instead of giving her what she wanted he pried his lips away from hers and targeted her neck.
The sweet sounds she made whenever his lips caressed her made his head spin. He couldn’t keep his hands still any longer and torturously slow started to inch them up the skin under her top, feeling the way she moved under them, how she was shivering against his touch and how her lungs moved with every heated breath that left her. He knew that undressing her probably wasn’t the best idea in case someone managed to interrupt them, but when he felt her breast under his palms, so soft and squeazable and utterly wonderful to nibble at, his desire to put his face between them took over his rationality. So, after he sucked down on the skin on her shoulder - and grinned at the sour moan she made - he pulled her top off and started his descent down her body. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard the thump that her head made when she threw it back against the wall but he was far more interrested in the goosebumps that spread under the line he licked down her collarbone. When he finally moved his mouth over her nipple he felt a hand grip his shoulder with a strenght that was sure to leave a mark.
The noises she made went straight to Chishiyas cock. His mind was so clouded by the need to be inside her that he was having trouble keeping his teasing facade in check. Nestling his face in her chest did ground him a bit though, it was the whines that followed it that made him throb in his pants.
”Fuck, Chishiya… lower please” she begged, shivering when he swept his tounge over her other nipple. The gentle squeeze from his other hand earned him another whimper - and a fist in his hair trying to push him further down. He complied with a quiet laugh, loving how aroused she was from just this. Not that he had anything to say about that, he was aching just as bad as she was.
He didn’t bother to take her skirt off, he just held it up with one hand while running the other up her inner thigh, slow and steady so that he could hear her quiet complaints that he took too long.
”Hold it” he commanded, looking at her and then the skirt, nodding towards it to make his point. A shaky hand took a hold of the hem of the skirt and he shifted his focus back to her soft thighs, leading up to her glistening center that he couldn’t wait to be inside. He couldn’t help himself and squeezed the inside of her thigh, thinking about how great it would feel to have them wrapped around him - then laughed at her impatient grunt before giving in and giving her what she asked for.
With one hand he hiked her leg over his shoulder and then he dove in and let his tounge spread her open, loving the wetness he was met with. A cascade of ’yes’-es fell from her mouth as she rolled her hips in time with his tounges movements. A long lick between the folds, flicking over the clit, sucking, kissing, circling… he knew exactly what she liked and he gave it to her. Every time her moans got a little louder he slowed down, dragging out the sensation (and pissing her off just a little just because he could). It was his favourite leisure activity and he could go for hours if he had the time. Unfortunately he didn’t and with a last lick he stopped, her disappointed groan chiming like music in his ears.
He rose to his feet, one hand still lingering on her thigh, the other moving a strand of hair from her face that was so lovely and flushed from desire. There was a hint of irritation from the way her eyebrows scrunched together, but it disappeared when he used the same hand that he just caressed her cheek with to draw a line along her pussy, wet and warm, and so inviting, making her squirm under his touch.
”I want to take my time with you but we’re in a bit of a hurry,” he reminded her. ”Come here.”
Chishiya started walking towards the couch, sat down and patted his lap as an invitation for her to sit.
”I’m tired and have been working all day,” Chishiya playfully told her, watching her eyes roll as she walked towards him, which made him chuckle. He enjoyed how obvious she was with everything and that she didn’t take any of his shit. She was strong and powerful and he wouldn’t have a chance against her wits if she wanted to ruin him. And he didn’t want it any other way.
”You need a new couch” she complained while straddling his lap, knees sinking down too far and throwing off her balance before she put her hands on his shoulder and shuffled her way forward to hover over his length.
”But I really like my couch” he lied, lazily putting his hands on her waist to pretend to help her.
”Sure you do. Take off your pants, or are you too tired to do that to, Doctor?”
For once he hurried, mostly because his dick was aching and he couldn’t wait for it to be inside her. So he moved his pants and boxers out of the way, enough to release his cock. She didn’t waste a second and sank down onto it right away.
Both of them moaned, her from finally being filled and him from finally being hugged by her warm, wet walls. When she started to move, riding him nice and deep, he couldn’t help himself and let his head fall back so he could watch her face as she fucked herself on him.
”Fuck, I’ve been needing this” he groaned as she took him in, Chishiya pushing as far in as he could to savour that warm and tight feeling that her insides gave him. ”You feel so good.”
”Fuck…” was the only answer he got, but it sounded perfect. Breathless and broken, turning into another moan when his cock hit her sweet spot again.
She rode him deep and fast, her wet walls stroking his cock in rhythm with her movements. Desperate to feel more of it, he bucked up into her to bury himself as deep as he could. Her hands was on his shoulders, nails digging deep into his white coat.
Chishiyas hands were everywhere, grabbing her ass hard as she bounced on his lap, sliding up her waist when he went back to rolling her hips, cupping her breasts when he took over and fucked her from below. The bliss on her face drove him on, making him thrust harder and angling his hips so that he hit that spongy spot inside her with every thrust. He could feel her getting close, her insides tightening and clamping down around his cock, stroking the life out of him with it. He wouldn’t last much longer either - he needed her to come so that he could join her. So he slid a hand down to her center, putting two fingers on her clit and started to circle it in time with his thrusts. The loud groan she let out at the sensation made the fire in his stomach grow even more and, fuck, he needed her to orgasm.
”Y/N, come for me,” he hissed and pressed down harder on her clit. ”Fuck, come on my cock.”
And so she did. With a rough moan into his neck he felt her walls clamping down on his cock, so fucking tight, before convulsing around him. Maybe he should have stopped and let her catch her breath but his hips moved at their own will now. He fucked her with desperation, each thrust bringing him closer, until he emptied himself deep inside her. She moaned as he did, rocking her hips to stimulate him more until his cock had stopped twitching.
Chishiyas hands landed on her waist again, this time drawing soft circles on her skin, making her shiver under his touch. Her breath was warm against his neck when she nuzzled her face there. He let her rest on him, he was too satisfied to move anyway. They sat like that until both their breathing had calmed down, and until he had gone soft enough to slip out of - although he didn’t want to. She felt too good. But even he wasn’t able to control his body that much. He had tried.
When she moved it was with shaky legs, tired from overworking them on that dumb couch. He smirked as he helped her up onto her feet, casting a glance on the clock hanging on the wall above his desk. There were still time to have some more fun, and even if his dick was tired, his tounge wasn’t. Standing up next to her he bent in, moved a strand of her hair away from her face, and softly spoke into her ear.
”So, is there anything else you want me to examine?”
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sunflowergraves · 1 year
Unpacking Will Solace’s Character
I’ve seen a lot of Will Solace hate since TSATS and it’s really starting to bother me. As a person that relates heavily to Will’s character, it’s upsetting to see him get bashed across the internet, especially considering we’ve never actually gotten to know his character. Personally, I feel like a lot of people are basing his character around headcanons and fanfiction (which I am guilty of) and were disappointed when he wasn’t who we saw him as. 
It doesn’t help that the only time we got to see Will’s POV it was short and through the eyes of others. He’s also not this big hero like all the characters in the PJO universe. His powers aren’t that strong, he’s not a prophecy child, and his talents are mediocre. Will is the most human demigod we’ve ever been introduced to. I can understand why his character doesn’t feel multi-dimensional compared to everyone else, but in my opinion, he was fleshed out very well. 
Yes, there are a few things I was disappointed by. I wish they talked about Will’s past more and his grief over his dead siblings. I wanted him to have his own weapon, even if it was an old bow he never used or a lyre like Apollo used in TOA. But I will always love that they changed him from the calm, collected counselor healer to an anxious, depressed, self-doubting person because it fits him so well. How could he not feel these things after losing friends and family? After being abandoned by everyone around him? Or being forced to take on the caretaker role of the entire camp because he was the only one left? 
I’m going to continue this down below, so if you don’t want major spoilers for TSATS, don’t continue reading. Also this is long as hell in case you just want to skim. 
Every time Will was mentioned in the books, it was from someone else’s POV and it was a few lines at best. 
Will has always been described as the cool, relaxed, go-with-the-flow type of guy. He was the person with a level head and knew exactly what to do. But guess what? Underneath that cool exterior was an anxiety riddled people pleaser who threw himself at every problem because that’s what he was told to do. The Apollo cabin was always the head medic team. After Lee and Michael died, Will was basically thrust into that position of power. He was trusted to take care of his younger siblings, trusted to take care of the entire camp. If he let them down, it was going to cost lives. Of course he’s going to be scared and nervous, but he can’t show that. Would you want a doctor with shaky hands and sweat running down their neck? Would you want to be taken care of by a person who doubted and second guessed themselves out in the open? 
As someone who was given a lot of responsibly and forced to grow up at a young age, I completely understand this. You want to try to make everything better for others around you, you get scared when you fuck up, and you HATE when people can’t rely on you. That’s why you will never show how scared you are to fuck up. You will never let people get inside your head because if they can’t rely on you, what good are you? Breaking out of the role that everyone else gave you because they trusted you is scary and hard. 
Nico is probably the only person who knows what Will really thinks. Will trusts Nico with his anxiety and overthinking because he’s comfortable enough around him to show that side. He knows he doesn’t have to Mr. Hero in front of Nico and that’s such a precious and important bond to make with someone. 
Will was valid for being whiny and irritated for most of the book. 
First, Will has ANXIETY. If you don’t know what it’s like to live with anxiety, count yourself lucky. It feels like your thoughts are attacking you constantly. It’s like an uphill battle between rational thought and absolute chaos. I can’t get in my car without thinking of all the ways I could die before I buckle my seatbelt. Imagine going to SuperHell for the first time in your life! Not only that, but people told Will constantly that as a child of Apollo he was basically fucked. The three strongest demigods that made it back almost went insane! Of course Will is going to be upset, irrational, irritated, and uncomfortable. 
In TOA, he voiced several times how he thought it was a bad idea and that he really didn’t like it. This is not a new thing for Will’s character at all. For him to be willing to cross a line he had made concrete shows that he loves and cares for Nico. But that shouldn’t mean he isn’t allowed to be uncomfortable. 
Second, for anyone saying he could have stayed at camp instead of going has never sacrificed their comfort for someone else. There are so many instances in my life where I went way out of my comfort zone because I knew my friends/family wanted me there. Did I complain? Hell yes. Did I still do it? Hell yes! If Will had said, “Nico, I can’t do this and I refuse to at least try,” I would have lost so much respect for his character. Instead he sucked it up, even when he was already practically dying before they got there. 
Three, Will was worried about Nico. He’s never experienced Tartarus, he’s never been to the Underworld. While Will has definitely faced his share of demons, he’s never stood in Nico’s shoes. So when his boyfriend is having vivid nightmares and hearing voices, he’s going to try and rationalize it for Nico because that’s what he has done his entire life. Will is the “healer.” He is supposed to fix things, not let them traipse off to hell like it’s a vacation spot. 
Four, this is a 15 year old. Fuck, even now at the ripe ole age of 20, I’d still be shaking in my boots terrified at the thought of going somewhere that is practically a jailhouse for the worst creatures in creation. Will has little to no experience on the field (He ran from six guards without even trying to pull out a weapon. The worst thing he’s ever said to his enemies was “anemic loser” and didn’t even want to kill Octavian. Every battle before that he had an older sibling to look up to and care for him). So yeah, I’d just be a tad bit nervous and annoying.  
Will asking Persephone how to love someone from the Underworld was honest and raw. 
This scene broke me in ways I can’t even describe because of how real it felt. If you’ve ever been in a deep and caring relationship (friendship counts) you should understand. Like Persephone said, love is something you choose and it’s complicated and messy even for people who were practically made for each other. For Will to ask how to love someone from the Underworld shows that he is actively choosing to understand and love Nico. 
I get that most people interpret Will’s lines as “How do you love someone so filled with death?” but really he’s asking how do you love someone who acts like he doesn’t want to be loved? How do you love someone that pulls away from your light no matter how desperately you try to give it them? How do you love someone who hides parts of themselves from you? 
Will is a healer, he fixes things. It’s not until this scene that Will realizes the only thing Will needs to fix is his perspective on Nico. That darkness and hurt and trauma is okay. It’s also a scene where Will realizes he doesn’t have to force down his own trauma anymore. 
Will loves Nico and it’s so obvious he scared to lose him. He thinks he’s weak and broken and incapable of helping Nico escape his trauma. His insecurities shadow him and he’s confused about how to navigate this relationship because he thinks he needs to be the leader. How can he lead if Nico won’t let him? How can he help when he doesn’t know how? Persephone’s scene was Will’s chance of finding guidance from someone who could understand exactly what he’s thinking
People in their late 40′s still can’t get relationships down. Why are we pushing unrealistic relationship ideations on a 15 year old who doesn’t even know who he is yet?
Will was not useless. 
Sorry that the relationship duo isn’t Mr. Badass and Mr. Badass 2.0. Will not being a fighter is refreshing to see because honestly I’m quite tired of seeing badass couples in every book/movie. Not everyone is strong and powerful and super awesome. Will is a nerd that likes healing people. Why isn’t that enough? 
“He’s described as having muscles,” “He’s a field/combat medic,” “He fought in the wars,” “He carries people all the time,” “He trains with the Apollo cabin.” Okay and? I was raised to work hard and protect myself. I work out and I know how to use a bow and knife. Does that mean I want to? No. 
I’d also like to point out that almost everyone in camp is described as having muscles. You kind of have to when your life motto is Try not to die or get eaten. Also they train on lava walls, jump eight foot pits, and weapons. I get a little bit of muscle going on my silly little walks, I’d be fucking jacked if I was actively training. 
Second, Will has never once been described fighting monsters/demigods. I don’t doubt that he’s had a few encounters, but the boy practically specializes in RUNNING AWAY. He’s a feral little animal that finds injured demigods and sprints them away to the medic center while occasionally bashing monster heads in. He’s strong because he needs to be, not because he wants to be. Strength also doesn’t equal battle prowess. 
Not to mention, he hates killing! He didn’t want to kill Octavian despite Octavian being the actual worst. He runs away as a distraction even though he had weapons on him. He got upset when Nico threw Sherman Yang out of the chariot in TOA. Monsters are different, but monsters are also scary. Will is terrified of demon pigeons, you really think he’s willingly gonna go one-on-one with anything bigger than his pinky? 
I’ll admit, I hated that he didn’t have a weapon in Tartarus. I thought it was really stupid and out-of-character because my anxious ass would have loaded up. Still, it was kind of funny when they described Will bashing rocks over monster’s heads during their fight with Nyx. 
My final point for this: Will was Nico’s support system and that was the point. Will knew he wasn’t going to throw hands with anyone. He went because he knew Nico needed him even when Nico told him to stay. Will was going to trek through SuperHell with the love of his life and hold his hand to remind him that he was loved. Will wanted Nico to know that he’d literally go to Hell and back for him and that’s what mattered. 
Nico didn’t ask Will to be the Hero. Nico states several times that the reason he loves Will is because he wants to heal and he’s so stubborn to find the good in everything. And that’s exactly what Will did. He offered support, care, and reminders. He was going to understand and love Nico, even through the darkest parts of his life. 
Will is one of the best support systems in a PJO couple duo. 
It makes me incredibly sad to see people call Will toxic when he gave his entire life to support Nico. I won’t deny that he complained a lot and said hurtful things and that he occasionally belittles Nico’s feelings. But Will didn’t know he was doing those things. He thought he was helping Nico navigate his PTSD. How is someone who is still emotionally developing his own character supposed to know how to take care of someone else’s? 
Will also clearly showed love and affection towards Nico. He met all his friends and was polite to them even when they looked scary. Will risked his life several times before they got to Tartarus and still insisted on continuing. Built a Minecraft house for his boyfriend and left him a KitKat bar because he knew he would feel fatigued (also Will brought KitKat bars, meaning he was already thinking of Nico’s health beforehand). He tried to be useful by scouting ahead because he felt like he was being a burden on Nico. He kissed him, called him silly nicknames, hugged him, respected his boundaries (asking to hold him instead of trying to comfort him immediately), and oh yeah, went to Tartarus when he was obviously quaking in his flipflops. 
He also helped Bob when he had no idea who/what he was, comforted Nico when he was beginning to lose hope, acknowledged his mistakes and admitted he needed to try harder, realized he didn’t need to fix Nico and that his boyfriend was perfect the way he was, and learned that Nico wasn’t going to leave him. 
Love is complicated. Love is something you choose. And Will chooses to love Nico. Also for everyone saying a year is long enough to learn/realize these problems already and have them solved, you need to take the rose tinted glasses off. I’ve been with my partner for almost four years, and I’m still learning things about our relationship. We argue, we don’t always meet eye-to-eye. Our own trauma and experiences surface and it gets difficult. But do we just call it quits and throw everything into the trash? No. We talk, we problem-solve, we come back and try to understand each other even if we don’t know how to do that. A year is nothing. A year is puppy love and excitement. It’s like your favorite movie on repeat. All the problems are ignored because you don’t want to see them yet. 
So for a pair of 15 year old's who just came to terms with their sexuality, I think that they are doing pretty damn good at this love thing. 
Anyway, that’s all I really wanted to say. Even though we’ve had Will for years, we’ve never gotten to know his true character until now. It’s raw and weird and doesn’t fit the mold of Will Solace, son of Apollo we all created him to be. You can still hate his character or whatever, I’m not going to try to change your mind. But don’t hate on everyone else who loves him and loves this book. 
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zebulontheplanet · 2 months
Hi everyone, as you know, I’ve been on a hiatus. Lots has happened. Some of this was written over weeks, so things might be split up or written differently.
For the new followers that followed me within that time, hello! I’m Zeb. This is going to be a long post, and I’m sorry but I need to say a lot.
On March 22nd, I went into a verbal shutdown for no apparent reason and haven’t been able to speak since. It’s been awhile, and I haven’t been able to really utter more than two or three words.
Do I know if my speech will come back? I don’t know. Do I know if it’ll stay this way? I don’t know. I don’t know anything.
I’m mute. I cannot speak. No, I did not come to this lightly, no I’m not making this up for clout. I have no reason to make something like this up. I am grieving for losing my speech. Being newly mute is hard. My life has drastically changed. From how my family treats me, to how society treats me. I’ve had to learn new things on how to navigate the world. I’ve had to learn how to talk to doctors using my AAC, I’ve had to learn how to make phone calls using my AAC, I’ve had to learn how to navigate life in a new way. That’s hard.
I am thankful that my family is incredibly supportive. At first, we thought it was burnout or stress. We thought I’d come out of it. I thought I’d come out of it. I haven’t though and that’s hard too.
People around me say not to worry. “Verbal shutdowns can last months, years, they’re still verbal shutdowns”. I’m not personally showing any improvements. I’m not showing any signs that I’m going to speak anytime soon.
I’ve had to adjust my whole life to my now lack of speech. I’ve had to adapt. See the world in new ways and do new things. My life has changed, and my life has turned into that of someone who is mute, because I am mute. I can’t talk. I can’t even sing. The best way I can describe it is that there is a wall between me and my words that I can no longer get past. I’m mute.
I grieve for my voice, and I took my hiatus to grieve for it and seek medical help. I grieve for the life I could have had, for the life I did have. I grieve for what my life will look like, what my new challenges will be. I grieve for that.
I have autism regression and catatonia. I knew for awhile that my speech was deteriorating and I could do nothing about it. I thought maybe I’d just be on the lower verbal side of Semiverbal. Not in a million years did I think it’d come to me being fully mute. I didn’t expect that. I don’t want to be mute. I wish I could talk more then anything. I wish I could talk to my partner, to my parents, to my sisters, to everyone! I wish I could sing. I wish I could do all these things but I can’t. That hurts.
Went to a neurologist and was marked as having “psychogenic mutism”. Don’t know if I believe this. Don’t know if it’s psychogenic or catatonia. I don’t know, and I don’t know if I’ll ever know.
I have been exploring other terms for my lack of verbality, and I will continue exploring them and learning from those around me.
My life has changed so much, and I hope I can bring you along for this whole journey, and tell you what you have missed.
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novthewolf · 2 months
Hey! so i'm new to this, but I wanted to ask if I could request an Alice Cullen x Fem! reader? One where Alice has been friends with reader since the Cullens moved to Forks and reader finds out the Cullens are vampires on accident which leads to a confession and a small, cute kiss! :)
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For sure couldn't foresee that !
Pairing : Alice Cullen x Fem!Reader
Masterlist : Here
Warnings : fluff, dead animal, blood, english isn’t my first language.
Words : +2,6k
Let the sunshine... let the sunshine in...
This was the song that was blasting in your ears almost every day in your little rainy town. You lived there all your life, and you were almost sure you could bet how many sunny days would occur during the whole year. 'Cause your life here in Forks was this predictable.
The same roads, the same weather, the same days, the same people... Never anything you knew, no sign of new blood in sight. And in a quite ironic way, you were right about that.
A shy ray of sun is trying to shine through the clouds to reach you, in particular at the hospital. What would normally be an uneventful checkup turned out to be much more interesting.
Your mother was complaining about the waiting time, as usual, since Forks's medical staff was always vacant. You sat on top of the table, bored, when a doctor finally came in.
"Sorry for the wait, but don't worry, there's someone coming soon to help us!" She explained that she was obviously ecstatic and needed to share that information with every patient.
That's got your attention. "Someone ?" You inquired as she pressed the stethoscope to your chest, your cold-sensitive skin shivering.
"Oh yes, a very talented doctor is moving to Forks with his family." She smiled brightly, and you mirrored her smile, excited by the news. "We are extremely lucky."
You spent all the time waiting for those 'Cullens'; you kept wishing the doctor's kids wouldn't be toddlers but high schoolers like you. You were in your senior year, and you were so thrilled that you would finally get the chance to experience something new before going off to college.
Obviously, the whole town was bubbling with excitement, except for the reservation's kids, who, for some reason, you spotted less and less. Finally, the Cullens had arrived in Forks, and thankfully, they were indeed high schoolers. However, they were younger than you since they were only in the ninth grade.
Which you instantly thought was the dumbest lie ever. None of them looked like they were fifteen; they were far from that. They were so tall—well,  most of them—and their features were so defined that there was not a speck of childhood left on their faces.
It wasn't the only thing that intrigued you. Yes, you weren't repealed, just fascinated. They were all so pale, but again, so were you from the lack of sun. And the way they moved, how they acted... One especially caught all your attention.
You noticed her a week after she arrived. Alice was her name. You and your friends were making your way through the cafeteria when you felt... observed. As you rubbed the back of your neck, you turned around to watch the furthest table, near the windows.
Two big, seemingly golden eyes were staring right at you. Her hair was deep black, cut short, and messily pointing in every direction. She was incredibly thin, her beautiful white hands proving your thoughts as her chin rested gracefully on them. You blushed when you realized how sweet her smile was. It actually widened once you finally paid attention to her, her eyes sparkling.
She was so petite too—4'10 tops. You didn't even consider yourself a tall person, but compared to her, you almost felt too big. And so gawky, too. Alice was the definition of grace, like a fantasic little fairy. Self-conscious, you quickly averted your gaze and focused instead on the display of food.
With a deep breath, you reached to pick up a tangerine when you suddenly felt a presence right next to you.
"Hello !" A cheerful voice greeted you, earning you a loud gasp and dropping the fruit in the meantime. But Alice caught it mid-air and chuckled. "A pixie tangerine ?"
She handed it to you, and you meekly took it. "It's rich in vitamins." You murmured, not meeting her eyes. Your blush darkened when she laughed again.
"I guess you do need a good substitute for the sun, huh ?" She smiled at you reassuringly. You chuckled nervously, though tension was slowly leaving your body.
"Yeah, that's for sure." You chuckked and observed her some more and felt her energy, which was so refreshing. She was like a ray of the sun herself.
From that day on, you two spent all your time together.
Alice took you shopping at incredibly expensive boutiques, and though you kept insisting on going to thrift shops, she never listened to you. Sometimes she even offered to pay for you, and every time it nearly gave you a heart attack. Alice was dragged to insane parties, ones you could only dream of intending, and you always wondered how someone so young could already have such an active life.
You have so many memories with her, finding joy in what always felt so mondane. The times she stood in between your legs to do your makeup, so close but always using the excuse of bad eye sight when you knew she could spot a sparrow hidden in its tree. But you weren't one to complain, especially when you had the opportunity to stare at her face without looking creepy.
You noticed how much she loved to sing, despite singing way more than was necessary. So, you drove her into town, and you two spent nights singing your hearts out. God, was she physical too ! Always hugging you, interlacing her arm with yours, caressing your hair and cheeks, and holding your hand. And despite how many times it happens, you always end up a blushing mess.
Her siblings didn't seem that enthusiastic about it all. But over time, you slowly made your way through their minds and gained their affection. Especially Edward's, and it saddened you to see him so lonely, even if you couldn't grasp the whole truth.
Your friends—no,  actually, your whole class—were extremely curious about the Cullens, so you were their only source of information. But you cherished your relationship with her too much to share what you had with everyone.
Of course, you were catching feelings for her. How could you not? She was so lively, caring, interesting, and beautiful. And, in a way that made your chest swell with hope, you two never put a label on your relationship. Every time Alice introduced you to anyone, mostly her family, she never called you a 'friend'. No, something that made your heart miss a beat...
"Carlisle ! Here she is, the girl I've been telling you so much about !" Alice chirped and skipped toward her father while holding your hand. She dragged you in front of her, holding your shoulders. "My Y/N !" She smiled proudly.
You were so baffled by the very idea of meeting her parents, and your dear friend was really not helping. But the doctor didn't seem to mind and grinned.
"Hello, Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you and get your real name." He jocked, and you shot him a questioning look. "I just assumed 'angel' or 'little cutie wasn't your real name." He smirked but kept a caring expression.
You gasped loudly and turned absolutely crimson toward the black-haired. "No way, Alice!" You yelled and hid your face in your hands.
"Whaaat ? It's true!" She crooned at you lightheartedly, already walking away. You rushed after her and grabbed onto her worringly cold arm.
"That's not the problem, and you know it!" You mewled, embarrassed out of your mind.
You were so fond of that memory, hence why you were smiling like a moron. Catching feelings ? Yeah, right. You fell in love with her head first, which is what you did. But in spite of your heart, a feeling kept pulling at your gut, murmuring to you that something was off.
And it's true, you did notice some odd behaviors coming from her. Not too freaky, but still queer enough to catch your attention. Some days, where it was supposed to be a simple cloudy sky, Alice would be bringing you a large umbrella. So thanks to her, you were one of the few who stayed dry that day. Plus, she would tell you exactly what subject to study with uncanny precision. And how every time you had your period, she knew it before, even before yourself, and she was ready right away to pamper you into oblivion.
What about her impressive speed, her cold skin, her ever-changing eyes? But again, you were not used to a lot of things, so maybe it was just something she did.
You trusted her so much; surely if anything was truly wrong, you would have seen it coming, right ?
One faithful day, well, one dumb day, you decided to follow Alice in her monthly walk through the forest. She never forbade you from coming; she just never mentioned it to you. How did you hear about it then? Well, you overheard your common teacher saying that even if the Cullens sometimes didn't come to school, they were still the best in the class.
You noticed it, of course, but hearing from someone else activated your curiosity, and you were dead set on finding out what the hell she was doing. Even if it sounded creepy, you wouldn't hide the fact that you had followed her a couple of times to the forest. But each and every damn time, you lost track of her! Always disappearing rapidly when you try your best to be as steathly as possible.
But you decided that today was going to be the day! And after agonizingly long hours of searching for her, holding your compass for dear life, you finally found her. But you sure didn't expect to find out that too...
The dense forest was illuminated by the soft glow of the spring sun. The rustle of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl filled the air as you cautiously made your way through the trees, calling out for Alice. As you ventured deeper into the woods, you noticed a faint flicker of movement ahead. You approached slowly, your heart pounding with anticipation and concern. What you saw next froze you in your tracks.
In a small clearing bathed in moonlight, Alice kneeled beside a fallen deer, her lips stained crimson as she lean over its neck. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched the short-haired girl drink deeply from the wound. You stood there, frozen in the middle of the forest, staring at your friend covered in blood.
You whispered, eyes wide with shock. "Alice..?"
Alice's head snapped up, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light as she turned to face you. You gulped and took an instinctive step back. Blood drips from her chin as she rises to her feet, a mixture of hunger and guilt swirling in her gaze.
"Y/N... I... I can explain." Just wait a minute." She pleaded before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
You staggered backward when you understood she was trying to control herself. Your mind was reeling with disbelief and fear, and you had to force yourself to stay still. The scene unfolding before you was too much for you to comprehend. Too reel, too sudden, and so, so gruesome. Yet it felt so incredibly ridiculous and surreal.
"Are  you..." You gulped loudly, trying to control your stammer. "You're... you're a vampire ?" Brows furrowed in disbelief at your own words. There was no way...
But, ultimately, Alice nodded slowly, her expression filled with anguish. She never saw you discovering a secret this way. But once again, you showed her how unpredictable you were. She had a general view of your future: meeting her, falling in love with her, and discovering her secret. But any details were robbed, and though it freaked her out, she still saw that in you, finding delight in the way you brought her something new. I like you, in a sense.
A broken cry passed your lips in utter dread, all colors leaving your face while your heart was ready to give. Your friend took a tentative step toward you, her hands outstretched in a gesture of supplication. You whimpered and moved slightly away, your eyes fixed on the blood coloring her lips.
Alice quickly noticed and pleaded once again, wiping the blood away with her sport cloth. "Please Y/N... I didn't want you to find out like this. I never wanted to hurt you."
You felt your fear begin to give way to a surge of conflicting emotions—disbelief, betrayal, and still that flicker of lingering affection. You took another step back, your eyes brimming with tears as you struggled to make sense of it all.
"But.... how long... what ?" You were babbling nonsense while your eyes were frantically looking anywhere but her. "Why didn't you tell me...?"
Alice lowered her gaze, her shoulders slumping with the weight of her confession. She takes a deep breath, searching for your gaze once more, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I wanted to, but... well, I wasn't allowed to. I couldn't." She slowly got closer to you. "I was afraid of losing you... of scaring you away." Her puppy eyes felt different now, even if the red was softly fading away.
Silence hangs heavy between the two of you. You were grappling with the revelation, your mind racing with questions and doubts. Was that the reason she could never hang with you on those rare sunny days ? Why have you spent hours holding her hands in your own hands, trying to warm them up, to no avail? What about the most important thing ?
"Do you... well, do you plan to..." You couldn't finish your sentence; instead, you gestured loosely around your throat.
Alice was now a few feet away and shook her head, a soft smile on her lips. "No, no, never." She brushed the hair out of your face. "Though, you do smell very good."
You didn't know if you were supposed to blush or laugh your heart out, so you did both. The tension was softly fading away, the shivers shaking your body with them, despite the coldness of Alice's skin.
"How old are you then...?" You wondered in a whisper.
She grinned and rocked back and forth on her toes. "How old do you give me ?"
You chuckled and shook your head. "That's unfair.." Alice's hand rested gently on your cheek, and you couldn't lean into it. "Not fifteen, that's for sure."
Her lighthearted laugh filled the forest. "Indeed not." You couldn't help but observe her sparkly eyes and adorable cheekbones. And Alice gave back your loving gaze, which was stronger with time. "Let's just say I've been nineteen for a long time."
Self-conscience came gnawing at you once again, and you looked down. "I must have seen quite a lot of amazing people along the way."
This time, she craddled your face in her hands, tilting your head back up. "Yeah, but the one I was looking forward to meeting the most was you." Though you couldn't understand how true it was, to reduce the red on your cheeks.
The sun was coming out from behind the clouds and through the branches, delicately caressing Alice's pale skin. A soft gasp escaped your lips when you saw her skin glimmering like thousands of diamonds. Amused and softened by your reaction, she leaned and whispered only a few inches from your lips.
"And you are adorable." She didn't give you enough time to dismiss her statement, as she swiftly leaned in and placed a little peck on your lips. Your brain shorted out so much that it didn't even register the slight taste of iron.
"We can take it as slow as you want... After all, who knows what the future holds ?" She jested in a hused tone, her eyes squinting and a tender smile curling along the sides of her lips.
You chuckled and nuzzled at her hands. "As long as you don’t eat, I think it'll be okay." She laughed once again and kissed the tip of your nose.
With your little sunshine by your side, whatever the future had in stock, you were sure it would be bright.
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buckychristwrites · 11 months
Could This Be | Chap. Nine | j.t.
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Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: One minute, you're single and working for AFC Richmond as the team's medic. The next minute, you're in a fake relationship with the team's handsome striker who you know next to nothing about.
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Discussions of Previous Emotional & Physical Domestic Violence. Cussing. Fake Dating
A/N: :)
Masterlist | Could This Be Masterlist | Main Blog
What’s the famous saying? That in a room full of people, you could still feel your loneliest?
That’s how you felt in the hospital waiting room, surrounded by the entire AFC Richmond team and coaching staff.
The telly was playing Friends reruns, which was fine for the first little bit. But after three hours, you were ready to throw something through the screen. Besides that, the tiny waiting room with white walls and filled to the brim with people was mostly quiet. The melancholy in the air choked out any sort of conversation as everyone sat around, on their phones or staring at the floor, just waiting.
Jamie’s mum had shown up at some point amongst the chaos. She didn’t look how you expected her to, but then again, you hadn’t really put a lot of thought into how his mum would look. It was clear where Jamie got his personality. She was friendly, giving a hug to everyone in the room, except you, but only because you had strategically stepped behind Roy at just the right moment so that she wouldn’t see you. She had spent most of the time in the room with Jamie, while his stepfather, Simon, hung out with the rest of the lot. 
Whenever Georgie came out to give updates, or to just take a break, you’d find yourself trying to hide from her. Pressing your back in the corner and hoping you wouldn’t be noticed. Fleeing to the toilets. Keeping a magazine in front of your face. It wasn’t immediately clear to you why meeting her would be such a bad thing. Maybe it was because you found yourself to somehow be at fault for Jamie’s accident.
Maybe he would’ve seen the other player had he not been distracted by the conversation prior to the match.
Maybe he wouldn’t have been hurt so bad if you had given him more time to heal before clearing him to play. 
Maybe he shouldn’t have been on the pitch at all. 
“Hey,” Keeley’s gentle voice brought you out of your thoughts. When you looked up, she was taking a seat next to you. “We’re all gonna head to the canteen and grab a bite to eat. Do you want to come? Or do you want me to grab something for you?” Stretching from the long hours of sitting, you shook your head.
“I’m not really hungry,” You admitted. She cocked her head to the side.
“When was the last time you ate?” 
Squinting your eyes, you tried to remember. The clock on the wall informed you it was just after midnight, and from what you could recall, you hadn’t even eaten breakfast that morning before the match. 
“Around lunch yesterday, I think.” 
Keeley frowned. “Maybe you should go home for a bit. Have a shower, get some sleep.” You were shaking your head long before she finished her words.
“I’ll stay.”
She stared at you for a long time, as you let your eyes drop down to the floor. The wheels were turning in her head to say something of comfort to you, but nothing must’ve come, for she gave your shoulder a loving squeeze before turning and walking out of the now empty waiting room. Even though you hadn’t really said much since your arrival, you wished that someone would have stayed behind to keep you company. 
You laid your head against the wall.
From what you knew, he was doing surprisingly well, all things considering. He had a pretty severe concussion, as far as they could tell, but they couldn’t figure out why he had stopped breathing, which was why he was being kept for observation. They suspected that it was just from the swelling, but it was hard to say. The doctor minced no words when he told Georgie that he more than likely wouldn’t be able to play for the next month. He really hadn’t been awake much, mostly resting due to the extensive injury as well as the intense pain medication regimen they had him on.
Yawning, you looked out the window. The hospital towered over London, the city looking beautiful with the evening lights on. You stared down at the cars and the people, all of them looking as small as ants, as you wondered if they felt as small and insignificant as you did.
“Just us, then?”
You jumped, turning to find Georgie at the doorway, smiling at you. Squeezing your arms around your torso, you gave her a half baked smile.
“Everyone went to grab something to eat,” You told her. Tapping the frame with her hand, she entered. As she got closer to you, your heart picked up in pace. 
“You must be the infamous girlfriend I’ve been hearin’ all about,” She said in a gentle voice as she sat down next to you. Her accent was just like Jamie’s, which was weird to you for no particular reason other than you weren’t used to hearing it off anyone else. “It’s lovely to finally meet ya.” 
“I’m sorry you heard about me through the papers,” You said, finally meeting her eye. The furrow in your brow suggested you said something wrong.
“The papers?” She asked, leaning back as she laughed. “Love, Jamie talks about ya all the time!” Heat rose in your cheeks at the idea of Jamie talking to his mom about you. She shook her head, still smiling. “He calls a couple times a week. Not once have we spoken where ya weren’t mentioned. I feel like I know ya already, and we only just met!” 
Your arms loosened as you sat up straighter. “I’m sorry we didn’t meet under better circumstances then.” Her smile faltered ever so slightly.
“Ahh, he’ll be okay.” She sniffed, looking down at her hands, which were folded in her lap. “He’s strong.” She looked back at you, nudging you with her elbow. “I also saw you takin’ care of him on that field. He’s lucky you were there.” 
You said nothing, instead just giving her a smile before looking down at the floor. You didn’t feel like anyone should be lucky that you were there. 
“D’ya know what? Why don’t you go see him?” She asked. Your eyes snapped back up.
“Oh, that’s okay,” You said while trying not to sound so tense. “You can-“
“Nonsense!” She urged, waving you towards the door. “He’s just been sleepin’. Just keep him company. Give me a bit of a break.” Her smile was so loving, so encouraging. It was enough to get you off the chair and walking blankly out of the room. 
The hallways made you miss the peace and quiet of the waiting room. Staff were rushing and running up and down the hallways. The sound of beeping coming out of every doorway. In the distance, a phone was ringing repeatedly without being answered. Why wasn’t anyone answering it? 
His room appeared to your right. Staring into the cracked open door, you could see the end of his occupied bed, the blankets having a lump shaped as feet underneath it. It was a single room, which was damn near impossible to get in any hospital these days, but you were sure Jamie Tartt was being given the VIP treatment. The door didn’t creek when you let yourself in. Cold air was rushing out of the air conditioning unit, forcing you to hug your arms around your torso again. When you were far enough into the room to see the entirety of the room, you froze.
Jamie looked better than you had imagined him to. Being a medical provider yourself, it was easy to let your mind spiral to the worst case scenario. In your head, you pictured severe bandaging and tubes down his throat (despite no one ever having mentioned him being ventilated). But here he was, looking like he was just peacefully resting. No bandages at all. No tubes to be seen. Just an IV in his arm with fluids running down, attached to a pump that was providing him with medication for pain. 
A chair was staged next to his bed. It was clear Georgie had put it there, considering the armrest of it was touching the bed rail. 
You slowly sunk down into the chair, letting your back fall into the seat as your eyes never left Jamie. His hand was close to the edge of the bed, suggesting his mum had been holding it. Should you? You wanted to. Would he want you to, though? 
The heart monitor beeped at a low volume along with the beat of his heart. You watched the vitals machine, letting the information mull inside your head. They were pretty perfect for a guy who had just, hours before, needed someone to breathe for him. You could still see it when you closed your eyes. The image of Jamie with the mask on, his skin a grey colour, his chest rising and falling in a way that didn’t look real. It was burned into your brain like it had been branded there by fire. 
You had never believed for a second that he would die. But as someone who had seen tamer injuries take an awful turn, the thought was always there. What if? What if the last feeling he had felt was anger towards you? It made you sick to consider.
The ruffling of the pillow was what let you know he was waking up. Your eyes found him just in time to watch his flutter open. He stared at the ceiling for a long moment, as if he was trying to figure out where he was. He looked to his left first, gazing out the dark windows, before turning his head again and finding you.
His face relaxed.
“There she is,” He said through slurred words. “My favourite fake girlfriend.” He smiled goofily up at the ceiling. Then, he eyed you again. “Are you still my fake girlfriend?” You bit your lip.
“Yes, Jamie,” You said. “Although, you shouldn’t call me that right now. Your mum is here.” He blew a raspberry. 
“Fine. My very real girlfriend, then.” 
“How are you feeling?” You asked him. He shrugged lackadaisically.
“Weird,” He said. “Me head feels foggy.” You nodded.
“That tends to happen when you get kicked at full force in the head.” 
He snickered. “Goofy girl.” He looked around again before looking back at you. “D’ya know, I dreamt about ya when I was knocked out.” 
You felt like you had just gotten kicked in the chest by a donkey. “What?”
“You were tellin’ me I was gonna be fine,” He explained. “I was in a room by meself, but I could hear ya. Looked everywhere for ya.” He shook his head. “But you’re really good at hidin’.” The smile slowly fell from his face. “I was so scared when I couldn’t find ya.” 
Tears fell from your eyes as you slipped your hand into his. He fit his fingers between yours, as if it was second nature for him to do so. 
“I’m just so glad you’re okay,” You sighed. When he noticed you were crying, he shook his head lightly.
“Nooooo, don’t do that,” He said, pulling at your hand to bring you out of your seat. “Com’ere.” You stole a glance at the door before plopping into the bed, curling carefully into Jamie’s side. You were on your side, head on the shoulder of his arm that was wrapped around you. 
“I’m sorry,” You said as he pressed his nose into your forehead. “For the chat we had in the car.” He shook his head. 
“I was the one bein’ a prick,” He said. “I shouldnt’ve yelled at ya. I just…” He paused, turning his head upwards again to stare at the ceiling. You placed a hesitant hand on his chest, which he immediately took with his free hand, thumb stroking the top of yours. “I think… maybe I just got used to this. It’ll hurt when it’s done. Like an actual breakup, d’ya know what I mean?”
“I do.” 
He looked down at you again. You could see the hesitation behind what he wanted to say next. After a moment, he sighed. “Think I fell in love with ya a little bit, if I’m honest.” 
Your jaw tensed as the butterflies in your stomach began to flutter. 
“Breaking your own rule,” You remarked playfully, but he shook his head.
“No, the rule was that you-“ He pointed at you, his hand still holding yours. “-couldn’t fall in love with me.” He pointed at himself before letting his hand drop again. “Never said nothin’ ‘bout what I do.”
“Clearly you should’ve.”
He huffed. “Obviously.” 
You sat quietly for a long time, debating. Contemplating. It was all so tempting. To just lay it all out there. To tell him the truth. But the fear was so vivid. So loud. Telling you that it wouldn’t last forever. That eventually he’d get tired of you, just like they always did. 
“I just don’t think I’m ready,” You finally admitted before burying your face a little further into his shoulder.
“For what?” He asked, shifting slightly. Looking back at him, you stared into his wide ocean blues as they waited so patiently for your answer.
“For you to love me.” 
He sat with that for a moment, his thumb stroking your shoulder. You were surprised with how calm you felt in the moment. Now that the words were out there, you felt relieved. Like a weight had just fallen off your shoulders. 
“Who said I’m ready to love you, hmm?” He asked, taking away the serious tone of the conversation. The corners of your mouth flicked upwards.
“You did,” You said. “You just said-“
“I said a little bit, thank ya,” He corrected you. 
“Oh gosh,” You said, feigning remorse. “I’m so sorry for my error.”
“Ya should be. Twistin’ my words.” 
The two of you laid in silence for a little while. Every inhale welcomed his scent into your lungs. It was calming to be in his arms like this. The only thing stopping this from being perfect was the sound of the heart monitor, which had increased in speed ever since you had joined him in the bed.
“So I’ll let you know when I’m ready,” He said softly. “Unless you’re ready before me, then you let me know first, deal?”
You heard the meaning behind his words.
When you’re ready for this to be real, let me know.
Blinking away the tears that threatened to fall, you moved your hand to his opposite shoulder, giving him a squeeze.
@daffieapple, @my-left-sock, @buckybarnex, @jelleeyfish, @ricciardhoe3, @picked-off-by-barzal, @lilweirdgal, @hotdoglamp, @loveslide, @rosea-h, @13-7-19-67-71, @wickedheartz, @xxenia14, @zazima, @alainabooks143, @geek-and-proud, @imagines-reblogged, @fuckifuckedup, @booklovingduck, @loveforaugust, @f1maverick, @jamieroyjamieroy, @meisterdani, @hanybunch, @batsy-bats1, @brianandthemays, @heletsmelovehim, @breepboopbap, @jellycolors, @taytaylala12
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pinkthrone445 · 4 months
-Your new neighbor- Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, love, hurt
Warnings: manipulation, mention of accidents, mention of blood and medical procedures
Summary:Upon hearing the tragic news, Mel decides never to leave your side again
Fuck fuck fuck At what point had this happened, hours ago Mel was sad and angry not knowing whether to talk to you again or not, and now that she was driving to the hospital like crazy, she would give everything in her life to see you and hear your voice once again...What if she never saw you again? Guilt would eat away at her all her life for fighting the last time you were together. The guilt would swallow her for not having listened to you, for not having given you the opportunity to explain things, for not opening the door for you every time you went to see her, for not going to your exhibition... Maybe if she had gone to the exhibit you would have gone out to eat together or talk and this wouldn't have happened, maybe she would have driven home and taken a different route or you two would have gone out earlier to celebrate somehow and you would never have crossed paths with that drunk driver. If she hadn't revived the idea of the gallery art, you wouldn't have ended up driving late at night and this accident wouldn't have happened...What if... What if... What if she lost the best thing that ever happened to her...
A thousand things went through the redhead's head while she was trying to find out where they had you hospitalized, when she finally found the hospital, the whole world fell apart when she finally realized everything that was happening, she couldn't believe it was real, no one at the front desk wanted to tell her anything about you, they wouldn't let her pass or answer her questions fearing that she was just another reporter of the many who had gone. She tried to explain a thousand times, begging to be let her in or to ask your sister to confirm that they knew her, but no one listened to her. She didn't even know if you were alive or not, she needed to see you, touch you, listen to you, beg you to forgive her stupidity, she needed something, she needed you.
Melissa sat in the waiting room thinking of some plan so they let her through, she thought about breaking in but surely she would be caught and taken to jail or something and that would only make it difficult to see you, she also thought about calling one of her guys, but no one had enough power to accomplish this, she thought of begging, of crying, of somehow going up to the terrace and going in that way, of searching room by room in the thousands of stretchers that were there, she was thinking the impossible, everything was worth thinking but nothing would work, nothing would take her to you, she was desperate to see you.
Not knowing what else to do, she took out her cell phone and unlocked your number, all the messages you had sent her in this time apart, began to arrive and that only made her feel worse and cry more.
-"I miss you" "I need you" "My life it's not the same without you" "Im sorry if I hurt you, can we talk?" - and the last one, minutes away from the accident-"The art gallery was a success, and I owe most of it to you... Thanks for giving me the courage to do what I love... I really wish you were here..."-She was the last person you texted before the accident, she was probably your last thought before everything happened and she was so stubborn that she might never see you again. All the chances she missed, all the wasted time being mad for nothing... When she could have been with you... Melissa was freaking out, she needed to hear from you, to see you...
And then... Like a gift from heaven, like a ray of hope. Your sister came out of the elevator, Melissa jumped out of her seat like a spring and tried to run with your sister but was stopped by doctors
-"Please! I beg you! Let me in, I need to see her"-Melissa pleaded with her teary eyes, her screams caught the attention of your sister
-"Let her in, she's coming with me"-Your little sister whispered hoarsely for crying so much, Mel sighed in relief when she saw that she was let in, as she approached your sister, Mel hugged her tightly and your sister barely reciprocated with almost no strength to even breathe
-"How is she? Can I see her?"-Mel asked and your sister just sighed looking at the older one
-"She is in intensive care, intubated without reacting... She had broken bones and internal bleeding, she barely made it out alive, the next few hours are critical and we have to see how she reacts... If you want I can get them to let you in, but she doesn't look good, she's so beaten up..."-Your sister whispered, still hugging the redhead and about to cry again
-"I need to see her, please" - Mel pleaded and your sister nodded, after lying at the front desk and saying that Melissa was your wife, they gave her a pass so she could come into your room and see you.
You were only in a few floors above, but the wait un the elevator took forever. When the elevator beeped and the doors opened, your sister guided her to your room, it was a very controlled private room. When she entered, she could see on one of the tables the teddy bear that you used to have on your bed along with some flowers. When her eyes fell on your body, her heart almost stopped. There you were, so fragile, so pale, so hurt. Lots of machines hooked up to you, your face full of cuts and bruises, a part of your head bandaged, your leg in a cast and held high, the serum attached to your arm and a tube went down your throat so you could breathe. Mel turned to look at your sister, who avoided looking at you because of how bad you were. Carefully the redhead approached your bed and took your motionless hand, caressing it gently with her thumb while tears fell down her cheeks unable to help it
-"Hey... It's me, Melissa... I... I..."-Mel sighed, trying to find the strength to talk to you-"I need you to listen to me carefully hon, I know I was an idiot for not giving you a chance and listening to you and maybe you don't even want to see me right now, but I need you to keep fighting, to wake up even if it's just to yell at me how stupid I am. I need you to get better, I know how much you love your sister and I know you don't want to leave her alone. We need to see you well, you still have a lot to live for, a lot to paint and a thousand things to do... We need you to live, to fight, please..."-The redhead began to cry as she squeezed your hand tighter-"I need you please, I can't lose you again... You can't win a fight this way... Wake up please, fight me, fight dead, you're the strongest and smarter person I know, fight for your life, if isn't for yourself do it for me or your sister, if you are gone, we lost our happiness, our whiling to live, please. I need you, I... I love you..."-Her own sobs wouldn't let her continue, it was the first time she had ever said I love you to you, the first and she wished it wasn't the last... She had waited too long to say it, the words were choking her... Why she had to wait that long?...
-"Melissa... You have to go"-Your sister whispered, breaking the moment
-"What? Please don't, I just got here... I need to stay by her side, please..."-Mel pleaded and your sister sighed-"She needs me, I need her"-Melissa's voice was wobbling, she had just arrived, she needed to be by your side until you woke up and got better, she needed to take care of you
-"My father is coming and it's better of he doesn't see you here... Wait for me at the lobby, I need to tell you a few things..."-Your sister begged for Melissa not to insist anymore, the redhead nodded and kissed your hand gently before letting you go.
A few minutes later, while Melissa was drinking coffee, your sister sat down next to her
-"I'll tell you a few things and I need you to listen without interruption" - Your sister commented and the redhead nodded giving her the space to speak-"My sister... She loved you, she still does... I've never seen her so in love with someone as with you, the only one who knows the place where her paintings are besides you is me... She would never hurt you... My father, he is a man who always gets what he wants, he wanted my sister in the company and he got it, he got her to leave her dreams to work with him. He doesn't like you at all, you revived her dreams, you revived her, her happiness... My father threatened her for countless times, if she continued with you, with the paintings, with this life, he would take away her inheritance, she didn't care, she would rather be with you than have the money or the company... Then, he paid her ex to make a "business diner" with her, he also paid her to kiss my sister in front of some paparazzi so it would be in the news for you to see, so you would have a reason to stay away from her... His plan worked... She wanted to run away from him and back to you, but my father told her that if she did that, he would take me away from her... So she stopped trying to convince you to talk, she just gave up because of me, but that didn't mean that she was guilty of this or that she didn't loved you..."-Your sister finished speaking and Melissa sighed, she felt so stupid for ignoring you for so long, for not listening to you, the tears began to fall again, she was angry for so long by something stupid and now she didn't know if she would ever see your beautiful smile again, how she missed your smile... - "You can't be here, he will ruin your life too and if my sister wakes up, she won't forget herself if something happens to you... I will keep you posted, I will tell you when you can come here, but you can't stay right now, do you understand?" - Your sister asked, and Melissa nodded sadly.
The days began to pass, Mel came to visit you and take advantage of the minutes she could when your father was away, she talked to you about school things, about paintings, about your favorite restaurant, making future promises and begging every day that you would wake up.
One night, a call almost shattered her, your leg had become infected and you were in surgery, your leg was cut off below the knee before the infection could spread. Mel went to the hospital even though your father was there, a big fight started there between your father and her, but nothing made the redhead leave your side.
A week later, you began to show signs of improvement, as you no longer had an infection, your body began to improve greatly and quickly, you began to breathe on your own and the intubation was removed, now there were fewer machines and more space in the room, the redhead took it upon herself to decorate the room with things you liked.
One of the nights when the redhead was taking care of you, thanks to your sister convincing your father to leave her be there, Melissa fell asleep in a chair next to you clutching your hand as if her life depended on it
-"Mel...I'm thirsty and my leg itches"-The redhead heard your voice in her dreams as she had done so many times, but now you felt closer, more real-"Melissa... Please... I'm thirsty" - You insisted and the redhead opened her eyes waking up and smiling to see that it wasn't a dream, you had woken up
-"Hon! You're awake! Oh thank God and the doctors" -The redhead started kissing your face with a lot of emotion while you closed your eyes laughing almost powerlessly-"I'll call the doctors, wait for me please"-Mel ran excitedly and screaming through the hospital even though it was 3 in the morning, she also called your sister to let her know what was happening. The redhead had never felt happier in her life.
The doctors monitored you from top to bottom, they also informed you of the current situation and what had happened to your leg
-"I still can feel it, It itches" - It was the only thing you whispered trying to understand what had happened, the doctors explained that it was phantom syndrome and it was normal with people who had lost limbs. Mel held your hand the entire time as you talked.
Your life took a complete turn after all this, when you were discharged you couldn't be alone at home and for almost everything you depended on someone's help, you felt uncomfortable and worthless, and like a burden to others.
When your leg finally healed, witch it was hard to look at it by yourself, they started working on your prosthetics and starting to walk, which was another difficult reality to accept, the prosthetics and exercises hurt, everything they put was uncomfortable, you still felt your leg there, some days hurt more than others and cost more than others. You fell many times before you could take your first steps, and it took you a lot more work to be able to walk without crutches or without holding on to some things.
It took you even longer to be able to touch your scar and see yourself in front of the mirror without clothes and without prosthetics. Melissa stayed every part of the process by your side, cooking food for you, helping you clean, cleaning your scar, helping you bathe, in your therapies, in everything, she was there in every step. You were grateful for that, but you also felt like a complete burden to the redhead.
-"Mel... Can we talk please?"-You whispered as the redhead cooked, carefully stopped what she was doing, and came back with you sitting down in front of your wheelchair, giving you her full attention-"I really appreciate what you have done for me, I know I was not the easiest person to handle in this process, I appreciate your meals, your care, your help, your patience ,I really appreciate you... But now I've started walking on my own and maybe you should go back to your old life... I don't want to keep bothering you, I don't want to take up space in your life that maybe you could be taking up to do other things or meet more people..."-You whispered without looking at her, the hatred with which she had looked at you when she saw the news of your kiss with your ex was still in your head and you honestly didn't understand what she was doing there, why she came back to you. You didn't understand why she was with you or why she treated you so affectionately, it couldn't be because of attraction, maybe she was attracted to you before, but as you were now it was very difficult for the redhead to find you cute or enough
-"So, are you saying you want me to leave? Are you sure you don't need my meals anymore?"-The redhead joked and you sighed trying to show her you were serious
-"I'm saying that I'm letting you go... You don't need to do this anymore, you don't own me anything, you deserve a life, you don't need be stuck with me just because we makeout a couple of times, you can get someone better, someone whole..."-You whispered and the redhead understood, you were insecure about your new condition
-"But I don't want anyone else, there's no one better, I want you, I'm happy to be here... I almost lose you one time, I won't let you go again. I don't care if I have to help you go to the bathroom or help you get in the car, I'll do everything you need, I'll be by your side all the time. I know you are a little insecure about yourself right now, but believe, you look gorgeous, stronger, more perfect than ever, and I'll be by your side always to remind you... I love you so much that I can't be away from you, I won't go, no matter what or who comes between us, I won't walk away this time..."-Melissa whispered, taking your face in her hands, looking into your eyes
-"You love me?"- You whispered in disbelief
-"I've loved you since the first time I saw you smile at that party you threw... Neighbor" - She whispered smiling and kissed your forehead making you smile- "I love you since that time and I'll love you until my last breath"
-"I love you too neighbor... I came back for you, thank you for staying by my side all this time" - You whispered caressing her cheek-"Thanks for coming back for me"
-"Thanks for not giving up on life... Thanks for not giving up on me" - Melissa whispered and leaned her forehead against yours appreciating the quiet moment
-One Year Later-
A lot had happened in a year, since your sister was already 18 years old, she was no longer dependent on your father and thanks to a lawsuit in which you helped, she managed to inherit the company halfway with you. While you still helped a little with some things at the company, you decided to do what you loved the most and applied it to teach art, you quickly got a job at the school where Melissa was.
-"Well kids, please give a welcome to the new art teacher, (Y/N) Bright! - Melissa said excitedly presenting you at the kids, the children smiled a lot when they saw you enter, one of the little ones approached you curiously noticing your leg
-"Hi miss Bright, are you part robot?"-He asked, and Melissa looked at him nervously, fearing he would make you feel bad or embarrassed
-"I'm! I'm a cyborg teacher, I'm super smart and strong" - You responded by smiling at the redhead and the child, Mel heaved a sigh of relief and kissed your cheek
-"I will let you to it, you call me if you need anything" - she murmured before leaving the classroom listening to how the children asked you questions and said things
-"Cool! I've always wanted a robot teacher!" - A girl commented
-"Yeah! Tell us how you got your superpowers!"-Another little one added
Melissa smiled as she felt like you made up a story to entertain them, maybe you weren't a robot, but without doubt, you were the strongest person she knew.
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yelena-belovas-gun · 4 months
Last Resort Pt. 1 (Maya Lopez)
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Summary: When Maya needs medical attention, you end up being her last resort. This, however, stirs up some unwanted, dormant feelings.
Maya Lopez x fem!nurse!reader
Warnings: blood, wounds, breakup, swearing.
Note: i'm not a doctor, so the procedures for the patching up are probably very inaccurate, so bear with me, i tried my best...also, bold are the flashbacks. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Maya only narrowly escaped Fisk's men, who wanted her dead after she shot him in the face. The bullet in her abdomen was nothing short of agonising, and she let out a guttural moan of pain as she slumped against a wall.
The alleys of New York were dark, thank god, otherwise she'd have been spotted much faster than she'd have liked. The smell of the nearby dumpster made her nose wrinkle, but the sudden stab of pain in her abdomen distracted her.
It was only when she pulled her jacket over her shoulders and went out of the alley did she notice exactly which building she was in front of.
She remembered it vividly, from all the times she'd come here for nights too sinful to speak of, or too painful to remember.
The neon lights of the diner buzzed and flickered, casting a red tinge on the multicoloured sidewalk. She went towards the small side door from where she could enter the apartment building's lobby, and pushed the metal door open with a loud 'screech'.
She limped towards the elevator, and practically dragged herself inside. Her vision was getting dimmer, and the darkness lasted a bit longer each time she blinked. When she put a hand to her abdomen gingerly, it came away sticky, red, and wet.
She pulled open the door and despite having come there hundreds of times, she counted down the doors till she reached the one she wanted.
With a trembling hand and a disregard for all the thoughts rushing one after the other in her mind, she rang the doorbell.
You'd just gotten off after a very tiring shift. You were dead on your feet, and all you wanted to do was eat dinner and crash. However, the second you'd bitten into the burrito you'd just pulled out of the microwave, your doorbell rang.
You groaned in annoyance and walked over, opening it without looking through the peephole.
But the moment your eyes landed on the person, you wished you had.
Your hands came up, trembling, as you signed in disbelief, "Maya?!"
She looked at you with a raised brow and looked at you with an annoyed look on her face.
"Can I come in?" She signed, agitated.
Your brow furrowed and your fists clenched before you replied, "No, why the hell are you here at all?!"
She rolled her eyes, but knew better than to push past you. She knew you well enough that if she did that, she would definitely get a swift punch to the face.
"I need help. I wouldn't be here unless I was desperate," she replied, her brow still arched as she glanced down either sides of the corridor.
You rolled your eyes, "You said that you'll never see me again," you glared at her, leaning your shoulder against the doorframe. "What, did you lie about that, too?"
That last statement hurt. And it hurt more than Maya cared to admit. It was true that the pair of you hadn't ended it on good terms, and it was definitely true that her white lies had all come together to form a mess which broke the person she'd cared about the most.
Her abdomen gave another stab of pain, as if reminding her that she wasn't here for petty arguments.
The moment you saw her wince, your brows went up in concern, even though you wanted to maintain your irritated façade. You ushered her in, and shut the door, pushing her towards the couch.
She decided not to be difficult for once, and sat down as she waited for you to bring out your first-aid kit.
Your black cat, Kaz, meowed and leapt up on the couch beside her, rubbing himself against her arm. She felt the edges of her lips turn up in a small smile as she put a hand up to gently scratch behind his ears.
You stood in front of her after a moment, arms crossed and looking at her as if you wanted to say, 'what am I going to do with you?'. Instead, you settled for signing, "Bullet, or blade?"
She sighed slightly and leaned back in exasperation. "Bullet," she replied.
She didn't have to hear to know that you'd rolled your eyes and called her an idiot.
"Take off your shirt," you signed, grabbing a stool and sitting on front of her. Seeing her slightly bewildered expression, you looked at her with a disgusted and annoyed glare, "Not in that way, you pervert."
She rolled her eyes at your comment and yanked off her jacket, then her shirt. When you both were together, she'd almost always come home injured, and wouldn't ever feel awkward when you'd ask her to take off the obstructing fabric.
But right now, she honestly wanted to shrivel up and disappear into the couch cushions.
You didn't even flinch at how badly her wound was bleeding, and proceeded to grab a pair of what she thought looked like very large tweezers. You pulled on a pair of blue surgical gloves and turned your wrists to ease them up.
You signed up at her, "Better bite down on something, cause I can't guarantee that this won't hurt."
She didn't even have time to think before you picked up the tweezers again, and began to pull out the bullet with a hand so steady, an assassin would be jealous.
Pain tore through every atom in her body, and it took everything in her not to scream in pain. She instead settled for a very pronounced groan of pain as her fists clenched. She bit down on the knuckles of her right fist, eyes clenching shut as she waited for it to be over.
After what felt like forever, she felt the pain subside, till it was no more like her whole internal organ system was being set on fire, but more like her abdomen had just been run over several times.
No biggie.
"Worst part's over?" She asked. She noticed you tensing up, and regretted her choice of words. That was kind of her signature statement from before you both broke up. After she'd have asked that question, you would kiss her forehead and look at her very apologetically if the answer was no, and with a bit of relief if it was a yes.
You decided to harden your heart as it fluttered, and as your body tensed with painful memory. It took you everything not to kiss her forehead and reply as you used to, so you settled for a curt 'no'.
She felt your hands gently cleaning out the leftover blood from around her wound, and made every effort not to whimper. Whether it was out of pain or heartache, she had no idea.
Your touch was familiar, gentle, and memory-invoking. It made her heart flutter and hurt at the same time, and it made her want to cry of both sadness and relief.
At least your touch towards her was the same.
You tapped on her knee, catching her attention. "I don't have the proper anaesthesia for this, so I have to do it without," you signed. "Think you can handle that kind of pain?"
"Oh please," she rolled her eyes and signed. "I've handled worse."
Her cocky reply made you want to strangle her. However, your feelings were slowly conflicted, but you shoved them down with a force even the toughest wrestler would be jealous of.
'She's a liar, a backstabber, and she doesn't want you anymore,' you thought to yourself. 'You're just doing your job.'
"Alright, little miss stupid," you rolled your eyes and took off the first set of gloves and grabbed another after signing. "If you're so damn tough, then I refuse to have you holding my shoulder with a death grip."
She rolled her eyes again, "Just patch me up, you asshole. I didn't ask for any commentary,"
"And I didn't ask for you to be here," you signed in irritation. "But we don't always get what we want, do we?"
Maya winced and squeezed her eyes shut again as you threaded the needle and she felt the first agonising prick of it against the raw skin of her wound. Luckily, the moment was dissolved in a flood of memory.
"How does this happen every single time I patch you up?" You had signed, after you stitched up yet another bullet wound of hers.
She'd smiled sheepishly and signed, "I'm sorry, but that's what the job demands." "Well you're damn lucky I'm a nurse," you signed in a bit of annoyance before you put the first aid kit away.
You gasped when Maya's arms wrapped around your waist from behind, and she pressed a gentle kiss to your neck. It wasn't lustful, just innocent and apologetic.
"I am sorry," she finger-spelled with her arms still around you, resting her cheek against your shoulder as she inhaled your scent. It was an intoxicating, feminine scent of chrysanthemums, which always made her feel safe.
"You're lucky that I love you," you signed, turning around in her embrace to face her. She gazed into your eyes, waiting for your lips to twitch up in that adorable smile of yours, which made your eyes crinkle and your face practically glow.
After a moment, you did break into a smile, and she couldn't help but laugh softly. There it was. The smile which kept her going, the smile which made her less reckless.
The smile which lit up the darkness within her with a blinding light.
Now, there was no smile. Your brow was creased, eyes squinted in concentration. Your hand remained steady, as you slowly, patiently closed up her wound.
She kept her fists clenched, her teeth pressed against each other with the force of her jaw practically pushing them up into the gums. She only made the softest of groans here and there, refusing to grab onto you.
"Done," you signed after an agonisingly long period. "Now you leave. Do not, and I repeat, do not do anything which might stretch your abdomen. If these stitches open out, I recommend you either do it yourself with dental floss and a sewing needle, or go to the goddamn ER like a normal human being in medical crisis would."
"You talk too much," she signed, groaning as she stood. Her body had cramped up with how tense she'd become, and her muscles were killing her.
"You comment too much," you rolled your eyes. "Now, leave. I'm not doing any more favours."
"Fine," she scoffed. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," you replied, still keeping an annoyed expression on your face. "Out."
"Okay," she shrugged and grabbed her bag, leaving your house.
It was only when she'd reached home that she realised...
...she'd left her leather jacket on your couch.
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gummiworm-writes · 10 months
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haerysays hospital records
pt. 2 of eleazar hospital records
dottore x male reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: sumeru archon quest spoilers, chronic illness (eleazar), violence, implied human experimentation, various other dottore things :P
a/n: i was excited to write this, i love love love dottore so much
word count: 1,596
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"your talents are too valuable to be wasted in a place like this," a strange voice echoed throughout the now empty hospital. zandik didn't hear him approach, but he could tell that the man was right behind him
zandik's head snapped up as he grabbed the nearest scalpel, pointing it at the man's throat. anyone who would've seen him would've thought he was insane. his messy hair, the bags under his eyes, his bloodied clothing...
not to mention the look in his eyes when the man got too close to you.
it was deranged.
"who the fuck are you?!" zandik spat, pressing the scalpel into the man's neck. a small drop of blood trickled down his neck.
his blood was black.
"...what the fuck are you?" zandik asked, a little more quietly this time, studying the man's clothes, his face, his eyes...
he had khaenri'ahn eyes.
"i am the solution to all of your problems."
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the trip to snezhnaya was long and boring, most of it spent on a boat. the man, pierro, zandik now knew, was the director of the fatui harbingers. and, apparently, after finding out about zandik's...exploits, he sought him out to recruit him.
but zandik could care less.
all he cared about was you. you were the only thing that mattered to him right now. getting you back was his top priority.
so, when pierro mentioned to him that the fatui had the most advanced research centers and labs in all of teyvat...
well, who was he to decline such an offer?
"so you want me to become an agent for the fatui?" zandik asked, intrigued. he sat at a table by your bedside. "i can become one of your debt collectors if that means that my ___ will be safe."
"agent?" pierro laughed, coming to sit in a nearby chair. "no, no...why would i, the director, come all the way to sumeru from snezhnaya just to recruit a simple agent? no...what you are going to be is something much, much more important."
zandik grabbed your hand out of reflex, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"we have quite the large lab...and it's been vacant for a long, long time. we were hoping that, perhaps...we could put a doctor in there," pierro said with a smile.
zandik couldn't help but laugh at the irony. he, who was performing illegal surgeries, who was expelled from the akademiya and their medical department, a doctor.
it was truly laughable.
"we've seen your work. it's admirable. we could provide you with all of the equipment and specimens that you could ever wish for, not to mention all of the necessary licenses and permits...we can help you save him. all you have to do is say yes."
zandik paused for a moment, pretending to think it through. he grabbed your hand once more, before looking up at pierro with a sharp-toothed grin. he knew the answer as soon as he asked.
"it seems we have a deal, lord pierro," zandik said, extending his hand.
pierro took it, shaking his hand.
"welcome to the fatui, il dottore. i look forward to working with you."
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it's astounding how quickly four hundred years pass when you've achieved immortality, zandik found. however, it's also astounding how slowly it passes when the one person you love is gone, stuck in time, comatose in a cryo chamber.
he would keep you here until he had found a definitive cure for your eleazar. he wasn't going to let you go. not ever.
his lab, haerysays, was full of teyvat's best and brightest. and yet, a cure for eleazar was never found, despite their efforts.
zandik didn't understand. he had mastered so much. he'd cheated death, developed the first successful human clones, created a god, but you? your disease? it remained an enigma.
so, he kept you in that cryo chamber, in a secluded room in haerysays. a place where nobody could hurt you while he worked on more...realistic goals. he sent his man-made god to sumeru.
it was destroyed.
in the midst of his frustration at the failure of his project, he almost failed to notice his eleazar patients. more specifically, their full recovery.
"lord dottore, lord dottore!!!" one of his assistants shouted as they ran into his office.
zandik glared at them, making them freeze in their tracks. they dropped to the ground to kneel, and zandik groaned.
"what is it?"
"th-the eleazar patients-- they've recovered!"
the pen that zandik was holding snapped in half, ink covering his table. without a word, he stood up and left his office, leaving the assistant all alone.
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your scales were gone. all of your dark eleazar scales were gone.
zandik removed you from the cryo chamber and began checking on you. vitals, physical exam, blood tests...
...your eleazar was gone.
really, truly gone.
you were saved.
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he woke you up as soon as he was sure you were safe. he sat by your side, holding your hand, watching carefully.
your eyes fluttered open, and you blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the dim lighting of the room.
"hello, darling," dottore said softly, his hands shaking as he brushed some of your hair out of your face.
"wh...who...are you..?" you asked weakly, a fearful expression on your face. he froze, before realizing that he was still wearing his mask. he took it off, and saw recognition fash in your eyes. "...zandik?"
"yes, yes, ___, it's me, it's zandik...you've been asleep for a long, long time, but it's okay now...it's okay, your eleazar is healed. you're okay..."
the two of you spent hours talking, with zandik catching you up on all you've missed...and how long you were out.
"...four...four hundred years?! zandik, that-- that's impossible!"
"no, no, love, it's not!" zandik's smile was crazed. "we have a cryo chamber here, powered by the excess energy from the tsaritsa herself!! isn't that just fascinating? come on, you're a fellow scholar, you should be amazed, not fearful! we've conquered death!"
"zandik, that's a cardinal sin of the akademiya--"
"the akademiya abandoned me, ___. they abandoned you. when you were sick and dying, they tossed you aside. why should we adhere to their rules if they decided we were subhuman garbage? we're better than them, ___. what they consider 'sins' should mean nothing to us."
"...they...they did throw us out, didn't they," you said quietly.
"when you came down with eleazar, they made you stop attending classes. they didn't call it expulsion, but that's what it was and you know it. but here...these people won't throw us out. they'll give us the respect we deserve."
you paused, thinking about it. zandik saw the apprehension in your eyes, and knew what he could say to push you over the edge.
"they'll treat us like gods."
your eyes lit up with excitement. the two of you had always been treated like outsiders. zandik for his... unusual experiments, and you for your eleazar. so being worshipped...it was a dream come true.
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"this is my lab, haerysays. it's the largest, most advanced research center in all of teyvat. but we won't be spending much time here... we'll be headed to my estate, where you and i will be staying."
your eyes lit up.
"you mean you have a mansion?" you asked, amazed.
"of course, love," zandik chuckled. "i'm a harbinger."
zandik led you to a carriage, which carried the two of you across snezhnaya to his estate. the entire time, the two of you spoke. you would ask questions, and he would answer them. when you ran out of questions, you'd tell him stories from when you were a child (whether he'd already known them or not).
his home was a gothic, castle-like mansion. it was large, made of dark bricks that contrasted against the snowy landscape. the lights coming from inside were warm and yellow, though you could make out a few rooms with blue or even red light. one of the walls was covered in beautiful ivy, and he somehow managed to make the flowers in the garden grow even in the harshness of winter. you even saw a few bird-like gargoyles on the walls.
zandik noticed you admiring the flowers, and he chuckled.
"do you like the gardens? they're some of phi's best work," he said proudly.
"one of my segments," he said softly, grabbing your hand and holding it tightly. "i'm sure you'll get acquainted with him and the others soon enough."
"how many segments do you have?"
"twenty four, but only twelve of them have full personalities. the others are just husks. i'll develop them further later."
"twenty four," you said softly, a light blush blooming on your cheeks. you paused for a moment, deep in thought. "hm...seems that i'll have to make enough room in my heart for twenty five zandiks then, hm?"
you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, and saw his face turn bright red.
"oh, no, no, no...that won't do," he chuckled, pulling you into his lap. "there's only one zandik...don't forget that, okay?"
he kissed you softly, running his fingers through your hair. once he pulled away, he sighed quietly, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"...i missed you," he mumbles. "and...i...i'm glad you're here."
you smile. and, though he can't see it, the feeling of it makes his heart flutter. you always knew what he meant, even if he didn't actually say it.
"i love you, too, zandik."
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a/n: i don't know if this was good but i had fun so that's all that matters!!!!!
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luvrsux · 9 months
I saw your desperate cries for requests - thus I heed your call ;-;
Picture this: Law receives a heart plushie from reader, because he‘s tunnel visioning himself in work and/or Luffy‘s been pestering that aloof man yet again.
(remember those heart plushies from IKEA XD THAT plushie…maybe without those arms tho, they‘re wack)
Reader just wants to be considerate (practically yeets that plushed organ at him) and Law is as oblivious as ever, just overall confuddled/flustered xD
Hope you like that lil‘ idea? If it‘s too boring you can leave it out no prob :3
*may the writer‘s force be with you* xx
thank you for the request! \(◦´-`◦)/♡
“Heart Pillow”
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word count: 2.4k
summary: after living with the dr. trafalgar, you noticed he’s just overwhelmed with work, and on a particular day, it took a toll on him. you took it upon yourself to purchase him a gift that’ll completely make him go love-struck
content: fluff, mentions of insomnia
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It’s been ages since you and Law moved in together as roommates. Considering you two knew each other since diapers, it was bound to happen. You stayed at home working at a local cafe while Law rotted away in his office from his doctorates. Ever since he finally became a professional doctor and surgeon, you’ve never seen him drown in so much work and get little to no sleep. Even when he was a little scholar in medical school, he’d still have the decency to remember to eat and get a few sustainable hours. Now, you’d hear him just get ready for bed while you got up and bright early for work. You’d see him leave the bathroom after a shower and rub his eyes with tired hands, while you were already dressed for your shift. You’d constantly nag him every chance you’d get to make sure he’d get the proper sleep he needed.
“I’m fine, (F/N)-ya…”
He’d always say in a groggy tone. This man was quite stubborn and didn’t really heed any warning anyone told him. Despite all of that, his studies and hard work paid off extremely. He was known as the best surgeon in the hospital he groggily worked at—too bad he wasn’t much of a people person. You always wondered why Law chose an ambition that required him to converse with a plethora of people and he just replied with a shrug. He’d always come home tired and annoyed by his coworkers and his patients that day. You couldn’t lie, though, they were interesting stories.
You’ve lived under the roof of the doctor for ages, as said before. The more you were drawn closer to him, the more your feelings shifted from platonic to romantic. You knew that Law wasn’t swinging towards you that way with the way he was suffocating at work, but you’d notice that he’d get a little flustered and go blank-minded whenever you did something nice for him. It could be something as simple as preparing him a cooked meal, recipes gifted by the one and only Vinsmoke Sanji, to taking him out on a day to take a break. Law loved how considerate you were, and he wished he wasn’t so busy to continue the nice moments you’d share with him. Considering Law made more money than you, he’d make it up to you by buying small gifts here and there. His excuse would always be something along the lines of “I had money to spare…” like he was embarrassed to show that he truly wanted to gift you for your kindness. Law would sometimes also see you knocked out on the couch, completely drained from your shifts, and carry you to bed without you noticing. You’d definitely catch on in the morning, but he’d act as if nothing happened.
Now, you were humming a tune with a sweet smile while you cleaned the kitchen after you prepared yet another loving meal for the missing doctor. He had a much longer shift today and you knew he’d be hungry as well as tired. Despite it being daylight outdoors, Law had been away for a whole 24-hour shift at the hospital. You wanted to make him feel extra special by cooking his favorite meal.
Behind, you heard the door knob jiggle and twist before swinging open. You were pleased to already know who entered the comfort of your home and you didn’t hesitate to exit the kitchen to greet the raven boy. Upon looking at him, he immediately crashed his leather bag onto the ground and kicked off his shoes. He seemed to be more than relieved to arrive home and see you all cheery at his presence.
“How did your shift go this time?” You asked with a cheeky smile, already knowing the answer. He tore off his lab coat to reveal his short, black button-up and inked arms. Rather ironic for being a doctor.
“Never wanted to quit my job so badly in my life” The man grumbled and exhaled, finally relieved to decompress from his occupation. He reached to pick up his neglected bag.
“How so?” You let out a small giggle before disappearing into the kitchen to show the stressed Law a plate of his favorite rice balls, but he was already tunnel-visioning his work.
“That idiot Strawhat-ya decided to get admitted to the hospital after a fight and…” Law sighed in pure annoyance, you could sense it from the kitchen. “He can never not cause chaos… Of course, I had to do a procedure on him”
Law explained. This wasn’t the first time the guy explained his annoyance for the scruffy boy named Luffy, nicknamed Strawhat for his iconic headwear. Law paced around the room, explaining the ruckus Luffy caused at his job and constantly saying things like "He's so aggravating!" or "I can't believe him!"
“I have to finish a lot of paperwork, I’m so sorry I can’t have dinner yet” Law apologized, de-escalating his anger. Despite his sour attitude, he looked sincere knowing you had probably spent time on it. You frowned.
“You can’t just procrastinate a little? I made your favorite” You tried convincing. Law just rubbed the back his his neck.
“No, just wanna get this over with” You heard his voice slowly fade down the hallway that led to the office he constantly stays in.
“Leave whatever you made in the fridge! I’ll promise I’ll eat it!”
You just removed your hand from the plate of rice balls and let them sit in the fridge they previously stayed on. You weren’t heartbroken or saddened Law didn’t stay for dinner like he usually does, you were more so concerned. Law would typically spend a few moments with you to eat. You’d share small talk about each other's day and you could’ve sworn you’d be able to put a small smile on his face at the end of it. Without that, it made you think about what you could do to snap Law out of his stressful trance.
You sat on the couch on your phone for a few moments to think about it, but soon enough you had a bugging nerve to check in on Law. You’d never disturb him during his working hours but this time you decided to take an impulsive action. You swung open his shut tight door to reveal a dimly lit room, the only thing illuminating the entire room was a small lamp on his desk. Despite your intrusion, Law didn’t flinch or remove his busy eyes from his paperwork. He just sighed.
“What is it, (F/N)-ya?” He spoke in a monotone voice and just continued scribbling down on sheets of paper. It seemed to really annoy him and you assumed the paperwork involved the scruffy Strawhat.
“How’s your… work?” You asked awkwardly. Law combed his printed fingers through his noir locks and dropped his pen.
“Terrible. I just want to burn it all” Law hissed. You saw him flip through each and every one, getting more and more annoyed as the amount increased. “I should’ve transferred that idiot to a different hospital…”
“I see… When you’re finished, I was wondering if we could watch a movie. It’s been forever!” You giggled. Law tried not to carve a smile at your enthusiasm, but the sheer amount of work is the very thing to his decline.
“I can’t, I think I’m going to be at this for a while before you head to bed” Those words made you frown. You wish you could remove all the stress from him for his own sake as well as your own.
“Don’t kill yourself over this work, Law” You gave him a small smile. You eyed his chair and realized the seat looked increasingly uncomfortable. You raised an eyebrow.
“Does your back hurt at all?” You abruptly asked. Your random question finally had Law made eye contact with you, but his head was still tilted toward his desk.
“Whaddya' talking about?”
“Your chair looks uncomfortable as hell. It might as well be a torture chamber”
Law peered to his office chair which was just a regular wheeled chair with thin cushioning. It was a decent chair to relax on, but not to stay seated for hours on end like Law.
“It does its job, I guess. Besides, I take painkillers” He went right back to scribbling like his life depended on it. You grumbled.
“I’m starting to think you need a doctor” You teased before leaving the room. Before Law could scold you for your demeanor you quickly left the room. You giggled as soon as you heard Law scream on the other side of the room, saying; “What do you mean by that!?”
You stood behind the door for a few moments before you quickly decided on what you could do to make Law ease up just a bit.
Law didn’t realize he had been so focused on working. He felt like it was just a few minutes ago when he heard you yell ‘Law, I’ll be right back’. Now, you just arrived back home and he heard the door swing open from his office. He flicked his wrist toward him to reveal he was working for over an hour on his watch. He grumbled, seeing as how he still wasn’t done despite the length it took him to do it.
He was pleased to hear you made it home safe, but he didn’t budge from his desk. He felt himself slowly carve a smile when he heard your faint humming and bag rustling from the kitchen which wasn’t far. Then, he faintly heard footsteps.
“(F/N)-ya, I’m still busy-“
His face was met with red and plush. He flinched, causing a minor hiccup from his pen, and dropped it. Law could hear your manic giggles as he pulled away the plush.
“What the-…” Law made eye contact with whatever was thrown straight at his face. He raised an eyebrow at the bright red heart pillow in his hands that also had… arms?
“(F/N), what the hell is this?” He asked, continuing to analyze its rather odd features. Despite it being rather questionable, it was rather soft.
“I thought I’d buy you something since your day was pretty rough… And your chair sucks” You proudly placed your hands on your hips. Law turned his eyes to you before flickering them back at the plush.
With those words, as confuddled as he was, he swore he couldn't stop himself from blushing. He quickly tilted his head revealing the fact yet another kind gesture made his heart skip a beat. Law felt like squeezing the thing until its plush popped right out.
“…What’s with the arms?” Law finally asked, questioning the entire plush and its odd choice of design.
“Ikea, sorry” You giggled. Your humorous giggle made Law carve an amused smile and you could clearly see it. It caused a small tint of blush to form on your cheeks. “Do you like it?”
Law gave it a tender squeeze with his palms before placing it on his bed, the hugging arms springing once it made contact. He cleared his throat to prevent any further flustered emotions from seeping through.
“It’s… nice,” He said ever so casually. He sat back down in his brick chair and wheeled into his desk. “Thank you, (F/N)-ya…”
You hummed, shutting the door behind you. As soon as Law heard the click of the door, he bolted to his bed to tightly hug the gifted organ to his chest. He buried his gushing smile behind it as well as his tinted cheeks. Despite the odd arms, he greatly appreciated your kindness to him. He was afraid he’d expose his feelings about you right there and then if you stayed any longer. As his eyes trailed along the brightly colored plush, he began to ponder. There was no point in being so implicit about his feelings. This gift was a transparent way of saying you care about him more than he thought you did. He regretted pushing you away constantly for his work. With that, with the plush in hand, he exited his office.
There you were, laid back on the couch with a relaxed expression. You hadn’t expected Law to come out of his office at all, especially with the new gift you gave him in his arms. His cheeks looked more pigmented than a sickly bedridden patient he’d dealt with. You sat up almost immediately and formed a smile.
“Finally out, huh?”
Law averted eye contact, still flustered and embarrassed. He just plopped down next to you, rather close at that. You raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was going here instead of his dark office.
“Shut up…” He grumbled. “Play that movie…”
Law said, getting comfortable under the blanket that was draped along the couch. You stared at him with wide eyes that refused to make eye contact with you. You beamed before you flicked on the movie you were excited to watch with the busy boy.
About halfway, Law noticed you were falling asleep while he was wide-eyed awake. He gulped, wanting to make a rather bold move to you. He saw you jerking your head every now and then from your low energy. Once he saw you scare yourself awake from almost falling face-first into the coffee table in front, Law pulled an arm around your shoulders to lay on his chest. Safe to say you were no longer tired thanks to your rapid heartbeat. You could faintly hear his own.
Meanwhile, Law was internally screaming in his head wondering why the hell he decided to do that bold of a move on you. Seeing as how you didn’t object or call him out on his odd behavior, his internal battle began to die down. The plush lingered right in between both of you, like a token of your newfound relationship.
“Get some rest, (F/N)-ya” You could’ve sworn you heard Law slightly stammer before he could formulate his sentence. You felt a palm caress your arm and head for a few moments. Your tiredness soon came flooding back.
Law had adjusted in his seat to get comfortable himself, knowing he’d soon follow you and your sleep. He’d never felt this tired before. He’d have trouble falling asleep due to his insane insomnia but with you in his arms, a wave of fatigue came flooding forward. Maybe it was your body's warmth. Maybe it was the way he could feel your calm breath on his chest from your peaceful slumber. Maybe it was because Law had passionate feelings for you. He couldn’t decide, considering he was now fast asleep on the couch with his arms now wrapped around you.
Law never slept better that night.
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All listening and ownership belong to Eiichiro Oda
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twigg96 · 1 year
I Should Have Been There
Daryl Dixon X Bitten Reader fic
Era: Alexandria
Pronouns: She/Her/You/[Y/N]
Warnings: Cannon divergent, talks of illness and zombie bites in detail, kidnapping, descriptions of limp amputation, blood, talks about prosthetics, Angst, Hurt/comfort
Summery: After Daryl goes out for a run, Pete Anderson asks you to help him carry some records back to his office for him. What you never expected of the doctor was to be locked up in a torture chamber with a walker as a punishment and statement for Rick to take heed to not fuck with him or his family ever again. It's up to Glenn, your best friend since before the outbreak, Daryl your boyfriend, the ingenious thinking of Maggie, the invisible nature of Carol's investigation skills, and Rick your over protective leader to find you. But will they find you in time to save your life?
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Your POV
Walking around the walls of Alexandria for the 100th time that day you began to feel. The cabin fever beginning to take hold of you. Being out on the land for so long, free to go where you wanted, run where ever you wanted with the threat of walkers being the only thing keeping you awake at night truly was a luxury you were missing around now. Rick and Michonne had instructed everyone to keep your heads down. Keep to yourselves as much as possible. So you did as told even if you did wish Daryl had smuggled you on his bike on his latest run outside. But if anyone needed the escape more than you it was your boyfriend. With a deep sigh you tapped the metal of the wall with your wrench listening vaguely for any sounds of defaults or hollowness in the sound that reverberated back to you indicating a missing nut or rust that needed to be brushed away. Maggie, your chore partner for this particular job looked over her shoulder to you eyeing you with her dark eyes. "What? Am I not entertaining enough company fer ya?" She teased, knowing exactly what was bothering you. The poor brunette had her ear chewed off for hours the night before when you found out your boyfriend had taken yet another long run without even saying a word goodbye. "No..." You muttered, boredom dripping from your voice. "Just antsy." You replied not even looking to the walls anymore as the two of you continued your rounds. "How about this?" Maggie muttered, turning around on her heel so that she was walking backwards facing towards you. "We finish our shift, and I'll talk Deanna into letting us sneak past the gates for an evening stroll picking flowers?" She cocked a brow making the offer sound as enticing as she could. Picking flowers sounded like the most boring job a person could have especially when there were so many more exciting jobs to be had. But if it gave you an opportunity to escape this Hell for a little you would put up with anything. "Sure." You smiled, brushing some hair behind your ear.
"Morning ladies." A voice deep and sickeningly prideful called out to you both pulling your attention. You struggled to hide your disgust as you stared at the town's doctor, Pete Anderson. A dirty blonde towering idiot of a man who thought that using intimidation would get him places. Oh how wrong he had been once Rick had found out what he was doing to his wife... however his usual cockiness had returned and his air of superiority seemed to permeate even the space the three of you held, which worried you if you were being honest. "Can I have your help with something?" He asked, tucking his bruised hands into his pockets. "Just need help carrying some medical records and would appreciate the second pair of hands." He muttered meeting your eyes momentarily before turning them to the ground. Turning to Maggie you shared a glance, one that spoke more than words ever could. One of mistrust for the doctor but knew, in order to keep the peace with the town that one of you should at least try. Silently, Maggie glanced to the next wooden watch tower not even three tracker trailer lengths away. Atop it sat a very bored looking Glenn, his back pressed to the metal wall, his baseball cap pulled over his eyes, rifle resting comfortably over his lap. If you didn't know better you'd think the Korean was sleeping. But experience with your best friend had proved that the apocalypse had shaped him into one light sleeper. Maggie gave you a small almost indistinguishable look that told you to go. She'd stay and she and Glenn would come for you if she didn't see you by the time she reached her husband's post. Nodding you turned back to the doctor you shoved the wrench you carried deep in your pocket and stepped forward. "Lead the way, doc."
You watched the sky turn a ruddy orange as Pete lead you past rows and rows of very similar housing. If it wasn't for small lawn ornaments, flower and vegetable gardens growing, and hand made decorations you would have never been able to distinguish the houses apart. Placing his hand on your arm, Pete ushered you through a tight ally between two houses and into a space you never knew existed. Not that you ever explored beyond the main populace for fear of becoming eternally lost amongst the suburban hell. Beyond the pampered lawns of owned society were the untamed untended lawns of houses yet to find a owner. Their windows were dark and dust covered. Some were boarded with windows broken presumably from rocks thrown from the local hooligans that roamed the streets after dark. Pete lead you to one of the homes, a small nearly invisible basement door had been painted over making it nearly indistinguishable with the rest of the rest of the house's foundation aside from a rusted padlock that held the door shut and had warn with the elements. Pulling a set of keys from his pocket, Pete tried several of them with various levels of success before finally popping it open with a small click. Pocketing the lock, Pete unlatched the door and swung the door open with a loud squeak.
The basement was dark and dusty. Dirt laid on every surface that was bathed in light from the doorway. Mice droppings scattered the floor and the smell of stale air and mold filled the air making your stomach turn. The doctor however pushed forward into the darkness turning on a flashlight you never knew he possessed. Following close behind the man who craned his neck while swiping at spider webs that threatened to get in his face. "So where are these records at?" You muttered lowly, glancing at the man only now noticing how dark his bags under his eyes had gotten since your arrival. Dr. Anderson never responded instead he pointed his torch towards a wooden door locked with another series of padlocks. You cocked a brow but didn't question anything, HIPPA was a thing in the early world... you simply assumed he was one of the only ones who still adhered to it. Kicking an empty can of fruit to the side that must have fallen from one of the wooden shelves surrounding you, a sudden deep growl stopped you in your tracks. Grabbing the doctor's shoulder tight enough to bruise you quickly placed your finger to your lips. A walker?! Here in the town?! Maybe the house was inhabited at one point and the owner died? Grabbing the wrench from your pocket you wished you had been smart enough to grab your knife from the armory that morning. Pete swung his light around where you pointed. To the floor to look for crawlers then through the shelving. You saw nothing but the shadows that made you even more wary then you already were. Looking above yourself you assumed that the walker had died in the upper levels of the home... You'd have to come back with Rick later to deal with it... "Let's get these records. Just keep your voice down." You whispered gesturing to the door with the padlock. The doctor nodded pulling his keys from his pocket to unlock the lock.
As the lock knocked against the latch, the growling grew, and your patience dwindled. "Jesus can you be any fucking louder?" You whispered, glaring at the man. "Doctors are supposed to have steady hands... right?" You hissed, ready to rip the keys from the quivering man's hands yourself and do it yourself. "Shut the fuck up." Dr. Anderson growled back unlatching the lock at last. Flipping the lock and unlatching the door with one motion Pete too a step back behind you, shoving you forward through the door. The unexpectedness of it all made you trip over the high step in the doorframe. You lost your grip on your wrench and it flew from your hand and skittered onto the floor into the darkness of the room. "Ah... what the-" You called out turning to Pete, a devilish grin crossing his illuminated face. "Rick thinks he can save everyone... Lets see him save you..." He muttered darkly. Your eyes widened at the doctor's words and a deep low growl echoed from further into the room. The sickening smell of decomp hit you like a truck and the silhouette of something vaguely human limped into the light. Scrambling to your feet you tried like hell to reach the door before it was slammed shut. But only you were too late. Scratching and banging your palms against the wood of the door you could hear your heart beating in your ears. No! No no nO! This isn't how it was supposed to go! "Pete please let me out!" You begged hearing the latch close and lock click. "I wager you have three days before you die of thirst... lets see how long it takes Rick to notice you're gone." Footsteps leading away from the door were followed by a small rustling and a high pitch squeak from the other door closing.
The growls from behind you grew only louder but in the pitch dark you had no idea how close or how many walkers existed in the small space. Pressing yourself firmly to the grimy walls you slowly started to skirt along the permitter feeling the cold wet cement under your fingers. Faintly you wondered what it was that was wet before figuring it was better to live in ignorance than disgust. As you rounded the first corner you found the sharp corner of something tall and heavy protruding from the wall. An end table? No it was far too heavy for that and metal. Sliding your hand down the side of the object you found it was long and rectangular with drawers. Ah so a filing cabinet or a safe. Interesting. Skirting around the object you hugged the wall as closely as possible hoping you were near the rear of the room and at least halfway around. But as your foot came in contact with a metal can sending it rolling across the floor you felt your body tense as the deep growling came from mere inches from your face.
Glenn's POV
The sun had lowered far beyond the forest and the lights of the town began to light. From Glenn's place upon the tower he could see the approaching headlights of Aaron and Daryl returning from their run . A smile graced his lips as he sat up slinging his rifle over his shoulder. Should make [Y/N] happy to see him home safe. "Glenn!" Maggie called up the wooden latter as he stood. Looking down Glenn smiled down at his wife. Everyday was little brighter when he saw her beautiful face. "Hey Mags. Where's [your nickname]? She run off to be with lover boy already?" Glenn asked a smirk gracing his features as he climbed down the creaky latter. "No... I was just about to ask you if you'd seen her..." Maggie muttered worriedly. Glenn cocked a brow hopping the last step of the latter. It wasn't like you to skip work ever. "Why? Something wrong?" Glenn asked moving the hat on his head to wipe away the sweat that was building underneath. "Dr. Anderson came by earlier..." She drawled rubbing her arms and looking around nervously. Glenn frowned wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I saw them walk off together into the town a few hours back... want to take a walk with me up to the garage? I'm sure she just got caught up helping the doctor. She just got carried away talking with Daryl." Glenn muttered, although his voice didn't hide the worry that he felt deep inside.
Walking hand in hand with Maggie to the center of town Glenn couldn't help but notice the blinds on the Anderson home flutter closed or the way the doctor had been peeking through his front door's window at the growing group just across the road from his residence. But the skilled tactician tried his damnedest to shove his negative thoughts to the back of his mind as they rounded the corner to the garage. Surely [Y/N] would be there, pleasantly distracted by her one and only. Oh how wrong he was... Daryl stood leaning against the garage wall talking to Aaron looking to the open bay door expectantly as the two walked into view. However the small defeated sigh, and deflated stance wasn't lost on Glenn when he noticed it was just the two of them. But... Glenn tried to stay positive. He had to... for his own sake if nobody else's. "Hey guys!" He called out waving jubilantly. "How was the run?" He unable to hold back a snarky laugh as Daryl flipped him off and rolled his eyes. "How'd ya think it went? We're back early." Daryl grumbled. "Awe shit I'm sorry about that, Daryl." Maggie said softly letting go of Glenn's hand to step closer to the archer. Daryl shrugged looking past them both and into the night. "Ya'll seen [Y/N] round anywhere? Normally they're the first ta greet me. She pissed at me 'r somethin'?" Daryl asked chewing the side of his thumb. Maggie shook her head. "No... we were hoping you'd seen her." Daryl shifted uncomfortably scanning Maggie's face for a moment with sheer scrutiny. "What ya mean? I was on a run all day I just got back." Maggie nodded meeting Daryl's eyes sadly. "Yeah we were hoping she'd be here with you... and that was the reason why she missed our meet up after she went with Dr. Anderson." Daryl tensed looking past Maggie to the Anderson household. "So ya think..." Daryl paused his face morphing into something dark and possessively. More so than Glenn had ever seen before from the stoic archer. "That bastard did something ta her?" Aaron shook his head, placing the socket wrench down on the work table beside himself. "Dr. Anderson? What? No way... I mean... the man has his bad days... and he's prone to drink but everyone has their vices." But Glenn didn't think he sounded convincing, even to himself. "I-I'm not sure. But she was supposed to be back by now." Maggie muttered worriedly looking back over her shoulder. "Ok... look I saw the two of them walking through the town earlier but lost them around here... I say we get Rick and Michonne and start looking for them." Maggie sighed rubbing her arms. "I hear you Glenn but I don't want to jump the gun." Daryl huffed staring at Maggie as if she grew a second head. "Jump the gun? Ya gotta be shitting." He snarled. Glaring back Maggie simply shook her head. "No of course not Daryl. She told me earlier that she wanted to get out of the walls... she's been itching to get out, cooped up in here she feels like she's going crazy. Maybe... if we're lucky she snuck out after she helped the doctor. Hopefully she just needs to cool down and took a walk. Knowing her she'll be back by morning." Maggie muttered running her hands through her hair. It seemed to Glenn that no one trusted a single hopeful word anymore. Why would they... after everything they'd been through. "Well I aint about to just sit pretty while [Y/N] is out God know's where tonight... I'm lookin' fer her. Do what ya want." Daryl growled storming towards his bike. Anxiety surged through Glenn as he watched Daryl climb his bike. "Daryl you just got back! You should at least rest before you head back out!" Glenn yelled placing a hand on the larger man's chest. "Glenn... I apricate yer concern but I've stayed up much longer and this is more important than any rest I need... Now move Glenn." Daryl murmured meeting Glenn's gaze seriously. So with a solemn nod Glenn stepped to the side letting the bike roar to life and Daryl take off into the night.
Daryl's POV
The ride to the gate was a short one, but it felt like the longest drive Daryl had ever taken in his life thus far. Not even the last ride he and Merle took together to the safety of the Quarry felt so long as this. At least then he felt safe. Secure with a partner by his side, family. No. Now was different. Now he was in an unfamiliar hostile environment that threatened not only his very existence, but the very love of his life as well. He felt so alone and exposed. Not even the familiar sight of Rick and Michonne standing by the gate speaking to Rochelle standing guard could ease his anxiety. As Daryl pulled up to the gate's entrance, his best friend's face fell his dark eyes scanning the archer sitting atop the bike. "Leaving so soon Daryl? Ya just got back." Michonne called out over the roar of the bike. Daryl shook his head glaring straight ahead. There were no time for pleasantries tonight. "Open the gate. I gotta get outta here." He grumbled to Rochelle ignoring her furrowed brow. "Look Daryl you should rest even if-" Rick tried to reason, reaching for the key of the motorcycle to turn it off and talk at a normal level. With a swift motion, Daryl caught the deputy's wrist glaring daggers into the man. "I aint got time fer that Rick." Daryl bit out shoving Rick away. "[Y/N's] missin'. I'm gonna head out an see if I can find her." Daryl huffed gripping his bike tightly to hide the way his hands shook with anger and anxiety. The archer watched a the ease wash from Rick's face, a stern and intense concentration falling into it's place. It was a look Daryl had seen before. One Rick held when he lost Lori. "Missing? What do you mean missing?" Rick uttered the peremptory question. Daryl growled not shaken by his best friend. "Ask Maggie. I aint got time to chat." Daryl muttered, revving the engine of his bike as if to make his point clear, gesturing to Rochelle to open the gate for him. "Daryl... [Y/N] didn't come through this gate. I would have seen her if she did." Rochelle tried to reason as the archer walked his bike closer to her. "You know as well as I do that there are areas on this wall that can be climbed over. I've seen you and Abraham using the same makeshift latter [Y/N] and I do to get out of the city for a walk when we don't want to be pestered. Now shut up and open the damned gate before I do it myself." Daryl growled not missing the tiny nod Rick gave Rochelle. "Ok... but I don't like it. But, you can go. Just be back by morning... if you can't find her by then, we'll spread out. All of us. Keep your radio on. Hopefully she just got lost in town again and will stumble home sometime late tonight. I'll stay up and radio you if she turns up." Rick called over the engine of the bike. Daryl nodded feeling slightly reassured knowing that Rick was going to do whatever needed to be done to find you. With a defeated sigh the petite woman unlatched the lock to the gate, pulling them open with a metallic screech. With a flick of his finger, Daryl turned his head light on and sped into the night praying to catch sight of you somewhere deep within the woods around Alexandria.
Glenn's POV
Sleep did not come easy that night for Glenn. Worry seeped into this very bones and leaked into his dreams morphing them into venomous night terrors that twisted his body and shook him to his very core. Images of your body ripped to shreds like one of the thousands of corpses he'd seen before flashed before his eyes. A long stretch of road with you tied gagged and bound at the end. The road stretching ever longer the harder he ran to get to you. His heart pounding in his chest. It was his fault. You were his best friend. Had been since before the outbreak. You were his responsibility. You and Maggie. He should have kept a better eye on you. Especially when you went off with Dr. Anderson. Glenn woke up to early morning sun shimmering off the cold sweat that covered his body. Maggie slept restlessly beside him, her moaning and whining accompanied by subtly jerks were indication enough that she was having yet another nightmare. They seemed never ending nowadays. Sitting up slowly as to not disturb what little sleep his wife was getting, Glenn snuck out of bed, pulling on a clean pair of jeans and a clean shirt before slipping downstairs. With any hope, you had slipped back home in the middle of the night with hardly any notice to any of them. It wouldn't be the first time you had slipped away... but as he stepped into the empty kitchen to put a pot of coffee on and crept quietly into the living room to peer over the couch to see who preoccupied it, either Daryl, [Y/N] or both. He was almost astonished to find Rick laying on the plush cushions, his attention turned to the door and a sleeping Judith pulled tightly to his chest. A single glance from the grisled police officer told Glenn he was awake and alert. Yet the dark bags under his eyes saying that he'd been up way too long. "Hey." Glenn whispered, leaning over the back of the couch. "Anything yet?" he asked, still hopeful, still optimistic. But Rick just shook his head, brushing the hair back out of Judith's face earning a deep contented sigh from his daughter as she slept. "Not yet." He murmured. Anxiety tightened Glenn's chest as he shuffled his feet. "Well... it's still early." Glenn whispered, looking to the door, hoping that in that moment both Daryl and [Y/N] would come waltzing in the door like a couple after a particularly eventful prom night. But it never happened. Instead the door stayed dreadfully closed. A less than hopeful hum came from the graying man as he shifted on the couch. "We'll see once Daryl comes back... she aint with him when he comes back we're going on high alert and searching every square inch of this place. Inside and out." Rick's voice was dark and commanding. It sent chills down Glenn's spine and before he realized what he was doing. Glenn nodded in compliance. The smell of fresh roasted coffee reminded Glenn of his first mission of the morning. "Want any?" Glenn asked standing straight. "Please!"
[Y/N] was gone... she never came back with Daryl. The look on Daryl's face when he pulled up on the motorcycle was enough to make Glenn's stomach turn. It felt like the day Beth passed all over again. Daryl was beside himself, pacing and grasping at his hair, the archer looked ready to faint. "I looked all over the ridges, Rick!" Daryl growled, pulling back and punching a sizable hole into the drywall. Blood dripped from his knuckles and soaked into the plush carpet as he paced once more. "I went the whole way out to the fuckin' shoppin' district. I cleared three shops we hadn't got to yet. I looked in the library. I searched every inch of the woods I could from the walls to about three miles out each way! I crawled in the damn sewer for Christ's sake!" Daryl was in retrospect fucking filthy. He was covered in zombie guts and dirt. And now Glenn completely understood what that third smell was that emanated from Daryl. "She's not out there I just know it... somethin' had to happen in here." Daryl muttered only stopping making his track in the carpet when Carol came back with a wet wash cloth for him to wipe his face and hands off with. "I aint doubtin' ya, Daryl." Rick tried deescalating the archer. "I just think a pass in the daylight with fresh eyes would be good... " Rick started ignoring the resentful glare he received in response. "Ya think I woulda missed her? I was calling out fer her! She would have heard me!" Daryl hissed, taking a challenging step towards Rick. But Glenn knew more than anyone what Rick was insinuating... that there was a chance you couldn't have answered. Be it because you were in danger... or dead. Rick stayed silent staring Daryl down trying desperately to get this point across to him without actually being the one to say it. "I just think we need to send a fresh new team out... You need to shower... eat something... then you can join Glenn in the city looking for her." Rick muttered definitively. With a small nod Glenn tried to pull a confident nod. "Yeah! I'll head out right away ok... so don't worry." Glenn muttered stepping as close as his nose would allow to the archer. Daryl rolled his eyes but nodded heading up the stairs to take a shower. Rick watched him carefully before turning to Glenn and Maggie. "Listen... I'll need everyone on this. Maggie I need you to talk to Deanna and explain that some of our people will be searching for one of our own outside of the walls... don't go into details yet. We don't want Dr. Dickface catching wind that we're onto him. I also don't want you to tell her we'll be searchin' in the walls too. If anyone has a chore, have them search while they work to be less conspicuous. The rest of us need to be as normal as possible while we look. Carol. You need to ask about locations in the walls that anyone would know of that is secret. Or that is kept off limits for any reason." Maggie and Carol nodded mentally noting Rick's instruction. "Ok, lets fucking find [Y/N]."
Your POV
Sliding around the wall you tried like hell to keep the growling, flesh-eating demon as far away from yourself as you possibly could. Unfortunately for you a pipe pultruding from the wall caught your shirt and caught you off guard. The small ripping sound from your shirt caught the monster's attention and the growling mutilated corpse surged towards you just as you lost your balance. Holding both arms out straight you screamed as the weight of another human pinned you back against the wall. A sharp pain shot through your nondominant hand and suddenly as a slippery and slimy appendage slid past your fingers you realized that the zombie had your hand in it's mouth. Adrenaline surged through you like a drug as the poison of the bite seeped into your blood. Using every ounce of strength you had in you, you pushed back off the wall, forcing the walker to stumble back. Gripping tight to his open jaw you grabbed the zombies skull and slammed it into the nearest thing you could find. The sharp corner of the filing cabinet. Over and over again you bashed the walker's skull into the sharp metal corner until the grunting and gurgling of the monster could no longer be heard. With a dull thud you released the beast and stood shaking, trying desperately to catch your breath as the stinging in your hand was becoming harder and harder to ignore. Reaching above you, you searched for a light source for the first time in only god knew how long. Just when you were certain you would die in the dark, doomed to turn into the very thing that you just slayed, you found a long thin string hanging from a single bulb in the ceiling. Giving the string a quick yank you could have cried when the light clicked to life. A breathy jubilant laugh escaping your lips as you shielded your eyes from the near blinding light that burned your retinas. But the faint dripping of fresh blood reminded you that time was not on your side. Your hand was a mangled mess. The bite forming deep in the meat of your palm you knew the entire hand needed to be amputated and fast. Ripping a thick strip of your shirt from the bottom you tied it off high on your armpit pulling it as tight as you could. Searching the ground you were happy to find your wrench placing it in your makeshift tourniquet you twisted it until the blood stopped and tied it off.
You didn't know how much time had passed since you had been bitten but your entire arm was starting to turn a deep unappealing color and your head was beginning to spin. You had emptied your stomach into the corner of the room several times after the effects of the adrenaline had worn off. You knew one of two things were going to happen... you were either going to die here, trapped in a basement of a house no one would ever find. Or Daryl would find you... he always did... and he would have to kill you. Sweat gathered on your forehead and your stomach flipped. You had no idea if you tied the tourniquet tight enough to keep the infection from spreading... even so, you could simply be dying from sepsis. That was an old world disease wasn't it? God you couldn't even remember. Sitting up against the door you really took in the room for the first time since you got there. The filing cabinet was covered in blood and viscera. But it looked expensive. Like one of those fire safe ones that promised to keep your documents safe even in a whatever class fire. You wondered vaguely what it was doing there before deciding that you didn't have the energy to search through it. The only other things you could see were the pipe that got you into this mess that seemingly went nowhere and were the home of a lonely pair of handcuffs hanging from them, rusted and bloody. Cocking a brow you turned to the zombie laying against the wall on the other side of the filing cabinet. Sure enough the flesh on the walker's one wrist was bloodied and broken. Looked like you weren't the only one shoved in this hell hole to die... lovely. Above the pipe was a vent. Presumably for fresh air to filter in from somewhere within the house you sighed and laid your head back against the wood. Your throat was sore from screaming. But what the hell. Maybe eventually someone would hear you.
Leaning your tired body against the concrete wall directly below the vent you screamed with all your might. Your throat ached and you couldn't help the aching cough that came once your voice started to fail you. For the longest time you received nothing but silence in return. Once in a while the scurrying of mice over what you could only assume were the radiators and vent covers of the empty house echoed through the pipes of the vent sending a jolt of hopeful optimism through you that quickly died out with every pleading cry for help. After a while you gave up. Sliding down the wall you leaned your body against the cold concrete, resigning yourself to death, when finally you heard it. "Hey!" The voice echoed loud and clear through the grate of the vent so loudly that you could had sworn the man screaming was in the same room as you. Listening closely you stood once more, praying that you hadn't just hallucinated the voice or dreamed it into reality as you had seen Rick do a thousand times with his lost loved ones. "[Y/N]! Are you in here?!" Glenn cried out loud and clear, and you could have just just kissed the man had you both not already been sworn to other people. "Glenn!" You screamed, banging the vent as hard as you could to catch his attention. "Glenn can you hear me?!" You nearly begged, clutching a pipe for dear life as you heard footsteps. "[Y/N]! I hear you! Where are you?" Glenn screamed the sounds of footsteps became more frantic. Sounding nearer then farther as he presumably searched room to room for you in the house above you. "I-I'm in the basement Glenn!" You screamed, tears falling from your cheeks easily as you sobbed. "Listen! It's not safe here! There are walkers here!" You heard Glenn's footsteps slow as he listened. "Walkers?" He asked tensely. "Yes! I killed the one that was in the room with me... b-but Glenn-" A loud thud cut you off and you were sure something horrible had happened before Glenn cut you off. "Don't say it... I'm coming to get you... so just... just stay put I'll get you out." Glenn growled, his footsteps becoming more and more distant until they and his voice could no longer be heard. "Wait! Wait!" You cried desperately, tears streaming and washing the dirt and blood from your face in thick streaks. "Glenn! I need you to tell Daryl I love him!" You screamed as loudly as you could, pacing the small space, you suddenly realized just how tiny it really was. Never before had it felt so claustrophobic. Never before had it felt so much like a prison until now. Until you felt so completely isolated. Walking to the thick wooden door you slammed your good hand against it kicking and screaming with all your might praying that maybe it would give way just enough to let you pry your way out and get to Glenn.
"[Y/N]!" His voice froze you in place and melted your heart into pieces breaking you down into heart wrenching sobs that hurt your chest and burned your lungs. Daryl was somewhere outside of the door. You could hear him clear as day. But a greedy part of you never wanted him to find you... The selfish part that knew deep down that Daryl would always want to finish things himself... the one that also knew he could never finish this by himself if he needed too. He just couldn't but he wouldn't allow anyone else to do it and it could endanger everyone... Bu that was why you loved him. He loved and felt so purely. You'd have it no other way. "Daryl!" You sobbed out, hearing a distant banging turn into wood clattering onto concrete you knew that someone had broken down the basement door. And if you had to guess it was Rick or Daryl. "{Y/N]! Darlin' where are ya?" Daryl cried out frantic worry in his voice as, his footsteps paced the concrete just outside the door where you were kept. "There! There's another door." Rick growled, sounding manic and breathless. So it was him who bashed down the last door... "[Y/N] if your in there back away from the door! Rick's gonna break it down!" Glenn cried out making you scramble back from the door in time to see the blade of an axe pierce through the wood. It took six swings for rick to make a sizable enough hole for both he and Daryl to fit through. You noted that it would have only taken three if it were just Glenn and Michonne... but who was counting... Holding your wounded arm as closely to your body as you could you stood shaking, covered in blood and sweat, and shaking like a leaf. Daryl stepped through first, Rick and Glenn following close behind then Michonne. The four stooges... would have been funny under different circumstances. Daryl eyed your injured body a deep frown forming on his face as he stepped closer to you. "Sunshine..." He started, holding out a hand to touch you, but as if on instinct to protect the man you jolted away as if your simple touch would burn him. Shaking your head you let the tears fall, words unable to form as thick sobs got stuck in your throat. "Wha'-" Daryl tried again, desperate to avoid the obvious. Maybe you just cut yourself... maybe it was crushed... hell maybe there was a curse put on you and he could just... fix it! But everyone else knew better. Glenn looked devastated shaking his head and backing away into the extended storage of the basement. Michonne was already unsheathing her sword, looking to Rick for guidance. Rick... He stood stock still, a grim firm look on his face. You could tell he didn't dare say a word until Daryl gave the order to do something... anything... but you... you had to make him understand first. "Baby. I love you more than anything." You started sadly meeting Daryl's eyes. But the archer wasn't just going to take that. No... it couldn't go down like that... not after everything. Not after all this! "So... it's a bite then..." Daryl tried to sound calm, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. You could only nod. "Daryl-" You tried to reason with him... tried to explain that he and Glenn should just wait outside. You'd meet him later... that one day he'd wake up with you by his side. But the brunette archer wasn't about to take it laying down. "We'll cut it off." Daryl bit out between gritted teeth turning to Michonne who only looked shocked then sad. "Daryl... fevers set in... you know we need to-" She tried to reason, but Daryl simply shook his head grunting and glaring at the floor like a child throwing a tantrum. "If you don't do it I will." He growled, reaching for the knife he carried with him everywhere, and suddenly fresh adrenaline pumped through your blood making you shake and shiver in both anticipation and fear. Rick sighed shifting his weight. "We do this... and she turns... you're gonna have to be the one who-" Rick muttered, once again cut off by Daryl's grunt and shake of the head. "Won't happen I won't let it." Daryl growled turning to you assuredly.
Michonne tried like hell to make it quick. You'd thought that after so many heads she'd severed that the blade on her katana was as sharp as they made them. It was sharp but despite all of her best efforts, your screaming begging and crying she could not make it go through bone. So despite every ounce of begging you tried. Every time you begged Daryl to just kill you as he held you tight to keep you from moving. It was Rick's axe that freed you from your diseased arm. Your vision blurred, your voice slurred, and everything sounded like you were resting at the bottom of the ocean as you met Daryl's worried eye, the last thing you saw before everything went black.
One Week Later ~~~ Daryl's POV
All the walkers that slipped through the gates had been slaughtered by Rick and the town meeting to decide Rick's fate for his earlier spat with the Dr. had ended with both the town's leader Reg, slayed by the Dr. himself and Dr. Anderson executed by Rick as ordered by Deanna... It certainly felt as if all hell was breaking loose on Alexandria. At the town meeting Rick unloaded on the residents of the town. Telling them all about the torture room the Dr. had set up and how if Alexandria ever truly came under attack the residents would never be prepared for a fight. Rick set up trainings for the residents. A new doctor was put into place, her Dr. Denise. Her first patient, treating the infection that was setting into place in the wound of the unconscious woman that had laid in the medical office for over a week now. Daryl could tell Denise was extremely underqualified for the position. Books upon books of medical texts lain in high stacks around her as she dug for the best treatment melody to give you that wouldn't trip an accidental allergic reaction but also treat the wound, fever, and kill the infection. Daryl watched the timid doctor carefully, placing you on a heavy dose of IV steroids and an even heavier dose of IV antibiotics. "Are you just going to sit there all day..." Denise asked once she had the courage to ask. Daryl shrugged from his seat at the corner of the room. He hadn't planned on leaving yet. As a matter of fact he hardly left your side. "Well as long as your here you can keep yourself busy." Denise huffed, tossing a wet, soapy rag to the very confused archer. "It's time to redress her bandages and give her a sponge bath... figure if you're here you might as well help me bathe her."
There was nothing more intimate than bathing with your partner. Lathering each other's bodies up. feeling the way the warm suds slipped through your fingers as you ran your hands across their most intimate parts. But this... this was different on an entirely new plane of weird. Daryl felt almost like a massive pervert, touching you like this while you slept. But after a few less than gentle reassurances from Denise reminding him that it was crucial to get every bit of you body, he complied, happy to do the work himself, refusing to let another human being get this up close with you in his life. But just as soon as he finished and was certain that the bandages coming off today were actually looking better than they did the day before, he bolted for the door. Refusing to be wrapped in another medical tasks. "Should I leave the office unlocked for you tonight again?" Denise asked making Daryl turn slightly. He wanted to punch the glass out of the stupid door in frustration. He wanted to yell "I'll be back by dinner! She'll be awake and hungry by then." But he simply looked to the floor and nodded feeling a wave of shame and embarrassment wash over him as she sighed. "Ok... I'll set up a pillow and some blankets for you on the couch."
The walk to Aaron's garage was a short one but it was easy to pass up when Daryl's mind felt heavy and weighed down. "Daryl!" The archer heard his friend call out expectantly. Turning on his heel Daryl hummed darting into the garage and finding his seat on the upturned bucket next to his bike. "Hey... you looked lost in though... is everything ok?" Aaron asked tinkering with a wrench and socket joint. "'M fine..." Daryl growled reaching down between his knees to grab a screwdriver. Aaron hummed in return. A calm silence that both knew all too well. Daryl had more so vented to his friend about the entire situation days ago when Rick had to drag him out of the medical bay to let Carol and the Doctor stitch her wound. "Oh! Hey..." Aaron muttered absentmindedly reaching behind himself to pull a large project forward that was covered with a sheet. Pulling the sheet away, a robotic hand sat proudly on a pedestal hooked to various wires and gadgets. Daryl stood slowly, a look of confusion crossing his face as he stepped closer to the counter. "Wha's that?" Daryl asked glancing at Aaron. "Oh I used to work in robotics for a time... I thought it was cool and this was my version of the prosthetic my uncle should have had a chance to have." Aaron muttered taping the wires to the skin of his arm. Squeezing his hand, Daryl watched in amazement as the robotic hand followed and matched Aaron's every movement exactly. "It's all electricity based. The movement and power of the prosthetic comes from the natural electricity found in the body. I could fashion a quick joint to go along with this, just a piston that would lift the arm up and down on swivel for the elbow if you'd think [Y/N] would be interested..." Aaron muttered meeting Daryl's gaze tentatively. The archer couldn't help but smile. "We'll see what she says... but I'm sure she'll love it."
As day turned to night and Daryl bid farewell to Aaron, his belly full after a large supper at his friend's and Eric's house. Daryl strolled the darkened streets of Alexandria wondering, if he'd ever get to do this again with you. Walking into the medical office he was grateful to find the front door unlocked and a blanket and pillow setting out just for him just as promised. But something was off... something was different. Normally when he came to check on you the bed was lying flat for the night, the monitors turned on so whoever came to check you at night could check your heart beat and the lights were off. None of those things happening right now. Your heart monitor had been shut off creating an eerie quiet in the building. Your bed was sitting upright but your body was slumped over the side of the bed. Soft groaning and whining came from you and an intense panic fell over Daryl as he instantly grasped the end of the bed to steady himself. He knew Rick told him... But he hadn't truly believed he'd had too... "Fucking God... Fuck." Your voice, albeit extremely annoyed voice, threw Daryl for a loop. You were alive... More importantly you were a-fucking-wake! Scrambling to your side, Daryl hoisted you back into bed not able to contain the face splitting smile that crossed his features. "Woah there... what are ya doin' Sunshine?" Sunshine... god he'd never thought he'd ever say that word again. "Daryl!" You cried wrapping your arm around your boyfriend. "Thank God you came. I dropped the remote to the bed and it tried to make me into a sandwich!" Daryl couldn't stop the laugh that burst from his chest. kneeling down slowly he picked up the remote, handing it to his love before enveloping her as carefully as he physically could. His laughter slowly turning into heartfelt sobs as you stroked your fingers through his hair. "I should have been here." He whined. "It's ok baby..." You whispered, kissing his crown then his lips tenderly, sweetly. "You're here now. That's all that matters."
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blues824 · 2 years
Request: Hello! I was wondering if I may request a Shinobu Kocho! Reader with Black Butler (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, +Undertaker & Snake.) The reader having her personality and hiding behind a cheery facade to hide the anger she holds against demons for killing her sister. maybe also her jealousy towards other people for having a stronger body, wishing she also had stronger body. (+her teasing Ciel)Her swordsmanship skills as well where it’s the reader adding poison to her blade to kill demons (in this case, demons like Sebastian and Claude.) But also having exceptional knowledge in the medical field and being a doctor Since Shinobu is heard to be very beautiful stated by Zenitsu to be able to “make a living on her looks alone.” I think the reader should would also be very beautiful (not like they aren’t already) and to a touch of elegance like a butterfly and just be very graceful and light on her feet. - @mistress-ofpink
This anime was actually the first anime I’ve ever watched. My cousin was scrolling through different streaming sites and we saw it and were like “ThIs LoOkS iNtErEsTiNg” and now I’m here… years later… on Tumblr… making fanfics about it. Also, the Undertaker’s name is Adrian, right? Could have sworn that was it but I’m second-guessing myself.
Thanks for the request, by the way!
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Ciel Phantomhive
Mans knew from the get-go that you weren’t happy at all. As a person in political power, he knows a fair amount of politicians who fake a smile towards him and then complain that he’s super young behind his back.
Ciel wouldn’t say he particularly liked demons very much, but he likes them far better than angels. However, there are days where he would like to pair up with you and kill Sebastian for being annoying. 
What he doesn’t appreciate about you is that you like to tease him. A lot. You tease him about being so young and so very short and how his temper was shorter than he was. He has scolded you on multiple occasions about this, but it’s never effective.
He understands your whole “wishing for a stronger body” sentiment. He too wishes he were physically stronger. After all, he has asthma and can’t do much. At least you can actually do something about your wish, Y/N.
You take over as his caretaker because of your extensive medical knowledge. After all, your descendants and siblings all were demon slayers and doctors. You’re also an exceptional swordswoman. You make up for your lack of physical endurance by dipping your blade in poison. He will often take you on missions to assist Sebastian in anything.
Ciel will admit that you are very beautiful. The first time you were called for your expertise in poison, he had his breath taken away. Literally. Mans had an asthma attack because you were so pretty. Then with your knowledge and how you were graceful in everything you did? Mans could have died right there if it weren’t for you helping him out.
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Sebastian Michaelis
He also knows that you are very angry. He’s a demon, he can sense emotions. Also, he can read people and he can read you like an open book. He can see the slight strain on your everyday smile and the near-to-snapping glimpse through your cheerful attitude.
He knows of the demon who killed your sister. It is so unfortunate that someone as great as you had to suffer such a terrible loss. He understands that you have gotten a very negative impression of all of demonkind and wishes to convince you that not all demons are… horrible. 
You tend to be a bit of a tease, often pointing out how much he acts like a father to Ciel or how he ‘runs a tight ship’ in the Phantomhive household. Sebastian knows that it’s lighthearted, so he will often tease back. All in good fun.
Sebastian is very strong. He doesn’t really understand the whole “I want a stronger body” thing, but he will be willing to lend an ear as he does his tasks. He will also be willing to give you a workout regiment and make you meals that could get you physically stronger if you so desire.
Like Sebastian is the ‘father’, you take over as the ‘mother’ of the household. You tend to be a bit more on the motherly side. Plus, your medical knowledge is held in high regard around the world. Your skills as a swordswoman aren’t something to laugh at either. You are basically a human version of Sebastian. You always offer your services to the Phantomhive household.
Sebastian knows that you are gorgeous. You’ve had to turn down many suitors because they always want you to quit your work to tend to them and their every need. You are always graceful in your movements and you always hold yourself with great dignity. Even when fighting with a sword, you are always so elegant. You're his beautiful butterfly, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Alois Trancy
I think Alois needed someone like you in his life if I’m being completely honest. While he remains oblivious to your anger, you understand him. You're motherly and nurturing towards him, and he can count on one hand how many people act this way towards him.
From what I can tell, he also despises demons. However, Claude is an exception to his hatred. He hopes that he can make you see him in the same light he does. He always mistreats his staff, but because of you he is starting to understand that that behavior isn’t acceptable.
On his good days, you both tease each other a lot. Of course, it’s nothing harmful. He will often call you his “wifey”, “future wife”, “honey”, or something along those lines. Not only is it a fun nickname, it also allows everyone to know that you are taken. You reciprocate these affections.
I don’t think Alois is strong either, but he doesn’t wish to be stronger because he has Claude to boss around. If he ever sees you sad, he’ll be sad too. Then you have to comfort him even though you are the one who was originally upset.
Alois is always impressed by your knowledge not only as a medical professional, but also as a combatant. He will continuously ask you if you and Claude could perform a jousting skit or something of that sort.
I feel like Alois was sick or something and Claude summoned you to help. The former was taken aback by your beauty and thought he died and went to Heaven because who is this angel?? You were just so graceful and elegant in everything you did in the Trancy Manor. Mans has heart eyes for you.
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Claude Faustus
He too also knows of your intense anger and hatred for demons. It was amusing to him how you had to work with the thing you hate most. He sees how your smile falters when he walks into the room behind Alois. The rage behind those kind eyes could battle a demon’s.
Mans is kind of like the demon who killed your older sister. He’s apathetic: every emotion he shows is a facade. However, he wouldn’t do anything like that without a direct order. However, it brings a strange pain to his chest whenever he sees you distance yourself from him. 
The teasing tends to be one-sided. You tease how Claude’s basically standing ‘in loco parentis’ for Alois. Very rarely will he ever oblige you and tease you back. When he does, it will be a nickname to try and get you flustered. 
As a demon, he’s strong. He’s been on fair playing grounds with Sebastian, so yeah. Like the crow demon, Claude will lend an ear if need be. He would also help you train and have the chef prepare meals that could get you to a physically stronger state. 
He appreciates your willingness to help around the Manor. From you, he’s learned how to ‘take it easy’. You often prepare different blends of teas that have different healing properties for the both of you to enjoy in your free time. When you are called away, you will leave him a few notes telling him how to deal with certain medical situations that are most probable to happen.
He finds you to be as soft and gentle as a butterfly. You always seem to flutter around gracefully, and it’s not something he sees everyday. However, you are fleeting like one, being a well-known doctor and all. If he had it his way, you’d have permanent residence at the Trancy Manor. He loves you dearly, and secretly wishes you wouldn’t leave.
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Y’all are perfect for each other, I swear. He knows of the anger you keep hidden and manages to bring it out and help you. You both bring out the best in each other. However, he sees your strained smile whenever Sebastian enters the funeral parlor.
He also was the one to reap your sister’s soul. It was rather unfortunate that she had to leave this world at such a young age, but it’s just life. He understands that this is a serious topic, so he will never joke about it.
Teasing is like a competition to the both of you. Who can make the other flustered/annoyed first? You will walk around the building, calling each other ridiculous nicknames. You would tease him about his obsession for the dead, and he would make fun of you for your obsession with insects.
Adrian is pretty strong himself, so he doesn’t understand your insecurity. However, he will be willing to listen to you if you need it. And while it doesn’t seem like it, he grasps onto every word that slips from your mouth as if it was your lifeline.
Your medical knowledge is extensive and very useful in the funeral home. However, you are often called away as a famous doctor. Adrian always has a small pout whenever you tell him that you have to leave for a business trip. When performing an autopsy, you both will often finish each other’s sentences when voicing your observations.
Sometimes, Adrian thinks your beauty is misplaced. It doesn’t belong in a depressing place like a funeral home. He’s grateful that you decide to stick around and even put up a permanent residence in the home. Your kisses are soft but fleeting, much like the butterflies you love to observe. You both are the metaphor for Life and Death.
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Now where have you seen someone like this guy? You are getting serious deja vu from this guy. Nah but seriously he can read you like an open book. He’s glad your anger isn’t directed at him, but you’re still angry and it’s kind of scaring his snakes.
When you tell him about your sister and that her death was the reason for your never ending rage, he and his snakes become a lot more understanding. Webster and Goethe slither around your arm and shoulders as their way of giving you a ‘hug’.
You tend to tease Snake about his shyness, and you make sure he knows that it’s all light-hearted. You would never even think of teasing him about anything he was super insecure about. You would call him endearing nicknames (i.e. Honey, My lovely Snake, etc.) to fluster him. You’d do the same for each of the snakes (who all love you a lot). 
I’d say he’s around average strength, but if you combine his strength with his snakes, then he’s possibly the most underrated character in the series. He can’t do much about your insecurity, but he’s always willing to listen to you if you need to talk.
For your medical practice, this relationship is actually beneficial for the both of you. With Snake’s and Webster’s permission, you will collect a poison sample from the latter and create an antidote in case something happens. The former will admire your concentration and hard work. In exchange, you would do your best to learn how to speak to Snake’s snakes. They will all be super patient with you if you make mistakes. It’s that you’re trying that matters!
The first time Snake laid his eyes upon you, he could have fainted. You were just a blessing in his life and he thanks the stars that you would choose someone like him. Not only do you not judge him, but you admire his scales and you often trace them gently with your finger. Your smile immediately puts him at ease. When he asked you out, he used his actual voice. Mans is committed.
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s-sugustar · 7 months
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ʬʬ: ̗̀➛ synopsis: You could never be happy.
ʬʬ: ̗̀➛ pairing: Modern! Eren Yeager x black! fem! reader
ʬʬ: ̗̀➛ cw: death, angst
ʬʬ: ̗̀➛ author's notes: took me about an hour to write this or less -. not proofread, oh and first fic since i’ve deleted everything from before .
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I'm scared
Eren knew he was going to die soon. His health wasn't getting any better but he tried. No matter how much medication he took, or treatments he had, the cancer was not going away anytime soon.
He hated himself for not seeing the signs, not paying attention to how quickly he'd lose his breath or how he'd cough up blood once in a while. He always talked about how he wanted to die young and well, quite unfortunate but he got what he thought of constantly.
Eren knew you hated hospitals for a long time, even when you had a skating accident a couple of years back, they had to sedate you before taking you to the hospital because you fought with everything in you not to go.
The slow beeping of monitors or the scrubbed tiles that reeked of bleach just reminded you of death in some instance. Or maybe it was because it was the place your mother died when you were six. She had a heart problem, the doctors never stated what it was; all they did was kept it brief with you and your father.
You cried that day, the one person you had been extremely close with. The one you made cookies with every Saturday night to take to church on Sunday. The one who read you 'Princess and the Frog' every single night till you knew the story word for word. She was your rock, the one who shushed you when you fell and others had laughed but she, oh she told you that it was okay, and she kissed the bandage every single time.
In the back of my mind, you died
When Eren told you the news, everything around you slowed. The ticking of the old wall clock became slower, the hairs on the back of your neck raised and with the blink of an eye, you were back in the same hospital room when they covered your mother's dead body with a white cloth. Only this time, it wasn't your mother, but it was Eren.
When you got away from your thoughts, you looked back to him in fear and hurt. Seems like the universe wasn't on your side anymore, if at all. Although you barely cracked a smile towards him, you knew he could see past everything you had built up. "I'm sorry y/n."
Work was quiet when Eren wasn't around, and silence was something you didn't like. You saw Jean and Connie every day at work and you enjoyed their company, truly, but you felt as though something had been missing. You knew what it was but you refused to acknowledge it too. When you first visited him, it had been the 6th of November, outside was bright but chilly in contrast to how the room you were in felt.
You felt squeezed, hopeless and everything within the room was making you sick but you stayed, just for him. You saw how much paler he had gotten when he was first admitted, the bags under his eyes seemed to darken than before and well his breathing...he needed a mask wherever he went. He was in pain and there was nothing you could do about it, just like your mother.
It was inevitable but you knew he wouldn't be here much longer, so you stopped visiting him. Afraid that it may be the last time you'd see him. Although impractical, you thought it was best, especially after the last visit.
"The doctors said that there isn't much they can do now." He whispered, his head laid in your lap as you drew small shapes onto his shaven head, somewhat soothing the both of you as you heard the words that fell from his lips and his reaction to what he had said. You paused in your administrations causing Eren to look you full in the eyes, a distant look in his eyes. You stared at him, contemplating what to say but he had beat you to it.
"I wish we had more time together, just you and I. I wish things didn't end up this way because I know how scar-." You couldn't bear to hear the rest of what he had to say so you shut him up with a kiss. Sinking deep making him whine in desperation for more. After pulling away, Eren sat up before reaching under his pillow to hand you something, a letter to be exact. You looked at him in confusion before he answered, "I want you to open it the day after my funeral."
and I didn't even cry, not a single tear
The funeral was short or at least it had been for you. You couldn't bear to look at him lying peacefully in the casket, you just couldn't. You barely had anything left in you after you said what was laid on your heart to say. It was too much for you to handle, so much so that right after your speech, you walked out, not looking back as you headed to your car in tears.
You laughed on the way home, wasn't funny how gloomy and quiet outside had been? Some say that the earth could feel when we lost someone. Oh, the irony. The trees didn't sway from left to right nor did the sunshine. Quite the opposite you'd say. When you made it to your room, the first thing you did was glance at the letter that had been sitting on your desk since your last visit; the last time you saw him. You couldn't wait till tomorrow to open it so you took it out now.
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I wonder what the letter said.
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mysimsloveaffair · 2 months
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Maia ignores the near slip-up from Bri. Whatever is going on between them is none of her business.
Maia: I like your shirt.
Brianna: Thanks. I chose it because part of me thinks you're having a boy, but a small part is wishing for a girl, thus the pink flowers.
Maia: Okay, I like your thinking.
Brianna: I know this might be a bit personal, but what does it feel like to be pregnant? Feel free to ignore me if it's inappropriate to ask.
Maia: No, I don't mind.
Maia stops to think about it.
Maia: It feels like nothing short of a miracle. One day, I was just me; the next thing I knew, another sim was growing inside me. It's like I've lost control of part of my body. When the baby moves, my entire stomach sometimes shifts, like the worst case of gas you've ever felt, and I can't do anything about it. There's something humbling about that. I don't know how else to describe it.
Brianna: Wow!
Dwight: Not trying to butt into your conversation, but I have a funny story that's somewhat related to what you're saying.
Maia: I'd love to hear it.
Dwight: As a little kid, I didn't know that only women could get pregnant. Mind you, I was always chubby with a big stomach like this pregnant woman in our neighborhood. So I figured that I was pregnant, too. So, my granny took me to a doctor's appointment, and the doctor said that I had gained some weight since the last appointment. I look up and tell him that I gained weight because I'm pregnant. He tried to explain that little boys and men cannot get pregnant, but I insisted on telling him that I could feel the baby move and everything. Long story short, I was extremely hurt when I learned that the movement was just gas and my stomach was bigger because I was bloated. It all went away after I started taking medication prescribed by my doctor. With some coaxing from my doctor, my granny, who raised me, enrolled me in a woohoo education class at the rec center soon after that.
Maia and Bri laugh at Dwight's story.
Brianna: Oh baby, poor thing. I hope you didn't go around telling anyone else about your 'pregnancy.'
Dwight: Thank the Watcher, I didn't.
Maia: I'm sure you're not the only little boy who ever thought that.
Dwight: Yeah, well, thinking I was pregnant at the time felt a lot better than realizing that I was just chubby for no reason.
Brianna: I bet you were just as adorable as you are now.
Dwight: Adorable?
Brianna: Handsome, I meant—handsome.
Dwight: That's better! Thank you
Maia giggles at how cute Bri and Dwight are together.
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