#but i think it’s important to acknowledge it being only the second day of Logan’s departure from the world
otb-mp3 · 1 year
Roman and Kendall playing as antithesis to each other… two sides of the Roy coin and we see the masks they’ve put up for years around Logan and each other crumble, Roman standing up to Logan causing his own mask of apathy to crumble and show this empathy he’s always had but been forced to hide, both around his father and siblings all so he himself wouldn’t get hurt… and even after the years of hurt from Logan, Roman still wants to preserve an honorable reputation of his late father… while we also see his dedication to the company and the reputation of the Roy family name… of the same coin we see Ken, even with everything he’s been chasing for from Logan for years sits on a piece of paper in the palm of his hands, it’s all he wanted but is that enough for him… it’s a responsibility that he’s spent years to gain, to prove himself to his father and he has it… his name is on that paper, he has the world he’s desired in the palm of his hands and yet we’re taken back to Kendall, alone again in that bathroom contemplating his fathers discusión, trying to get into Logan’s iron clad sealed head, now he’ll never know what his father truly thought of him by the end of it all, the paper is real, and all the pieces have fallen in the way he’s wished for but is that really all the he wanted? or was he chasing after something much deeper? much more personal?… then we’re lead to the end of episode 4, where we see the dichotomy and demise of the Kendall we were confronted with after Shiv’s wedding, powerless and terrified in Logan’s grip… contrasted with this new revival of waystar successor Kendall Roy of Season 1, who so quickly went behind Romans back, soon to break Shivs already waning trust, completely throwing the power balance Ken Roman and Shiv had come to compromise only 10 minutes before
#this is a horribly written analysis but i needed to get my thoughts out#also let me start off by saying i am a Kendall girl through and through and through#and jesse has set up this story so intricately however i don’t see things ending positively in Kendall’s interest#unless we get a miracle#but the way it’s set up is very cutthroat#and Kendall is left with no more Logan blockade#he is in a grieving state of mind and trying to be a business man all at once#will he know how to balance family against his own desires#against his late fathers approval#all while his siblings have and leverage against Kendall after his confession to them at the end of S3#as we see Roman both open up emotionally we also see a deeper cutthroatedness and confidence emerge as well#but i think it’s important to acknowledge it being only the second day of Logan’s departure from the world#none of them have processed this yet#none of them are at all in the right state of mind#after years of every Roy having to withdraw from their feelings#to be in a constant business only state of mind#none of them know how to process the fact that this figurehead they loved but were terrified of#that gave them everything but his own love and approval#who manipulated them and played mind games with them while gifting them the world as their playground#he’s gone Logan’s gone the figurehead they all fought to win over is gone#one moment that stuck out was when Ken mentioned his therapist and he was only met with blanketed stares#especially from Shiv#the one woman in a family of men#who arguably had to fight the hardest and will continue to do so#the woman who can have anything but has lost every thing#this season is going to be banger after banger but the emotional investment and toll#on the watchers of the show is going to be intense#succession#succession spoilers#succession analysis
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 8 months
thinking about the cut funeral scene for the millionth time on this, pink notecard of despair day! under the cut so no one has to witness my rambles. 😘
i've been pondering the story that we got without the scene in, vs. what it would have been if it had stayed. without it, it's basically: roman (rightfully) loses gerri, gerri still cares and we know but roman doesn't know that, roman is left with the bittersweet awareness of what he had and what he lost. (a little fleetwood mac there for ya!)
and then with it in ...
+ i feel like the second gerri walked past roman in 4.03, that was telegraphing that eventually she would comfort him, in the name of narrative parallels and bookends and what have you. so it fulfills that purpose in a satisfying way. (plus, gerri saying "this is fine" when he breaks the firing news to her in 4.03 and then again here. parallels! delicious parallels!)
+ i think in a way it's a healing moment for gerri too, because after spending the whole series quietly observing logan's mistreatment of roman, and being emotionally removed (on the surface anyway), she finally actually does something to outwardly support him. and does something with virtually the biggest audience they have ever had! i just think it is forever so interesting that she was so "this is only professional, this is only professional!" for all of s3 and then when roman is at his lowest, she shows up for him in a way that is not professional at all.
+ i am also very moved by the thought that roman would finally have someone express to him the sentiment "i am done with you professionally, but i still care about you as a person." acknowledging that those are two separate things, and that his value isn't totally wrapped up in who he is in the business. (i remember jsc said something in an interview about thinking that scene was important because it was beyond their differences.) like, after roman has spent the whole season hustling like a terrible beast to honor his dead father and to stay connected with his brother, like totally being consumed by the company was the only way to demonstrate his love, here's someone he loves and thought he lost at the lowest moment of his life going "it's okay, you're okay." to see someone care for him as a person separate from what he can bring and what he can do -- and the person who had the highest, most earnest hopes for him businesswise too! -- is just A Lot. (maybe it hits the Gerri Is The Good And Healing Force In Roman's Life thing too hard and that's why they cut it? too sappy? too positive? too romantic? i don't know!!!) and then he rejects it because it's so painfully far removed from his world view and his conception of himself. (secretly, in my heart of hearts, this is why gerri looks so wistful at what i'll 2013-ishly refer to as the HBIC table at the reception thingie later.)
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+ uh they finally would have had some physical contact for the first time in 9 million years and that's extremely important to me. it's not actually related to anything, but it's still essential to my well-being, so i'm making it a bullet! you know everyone (cool) wanted them to touch One Last Time!!!!!! you know that's what the people wanted!!!!
anyway, those are just my paragraphs on why i think it would have been narratively enriching for both characters to keep this scene in! i think it would have done some good character & relationship work and that it would've added some tasty, fulfilling-as-we-near-the-end-of-the-story goodness to the season and the series overall.
i think it would have also made the finale really difficult, because after that interaction we all would have definitely with more confidence expected more to happen between them in it. but also: think about all of roman's reactions to gerri (on video and irl and thinking of her w/ martinis) in a universe where she comforted him at the funeral and he has that recent memory of her! because that's technically what it was when they shot that episode! and also, i'm insane! in short: i will forever carry a great burdensome fangirl sadness in my heart that they took this out.
they also should have kept in the scene of gerri winning at sauna in norway. i will die on this hill. the s4 deleted scene news was truly blow after blow for the gerriheads among us.
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I Want Us Both to Eat Well
Summary: Remy might not be great with self-care, but they've got the 'taking care of Logan' thing down to a science. And Logan can work with that. Content: Overworking, mentions of poor eating/sleeping habits, caretaking, it’s pretty soft overall, nonbinary remy Pairing: Losleep
Despite what some may think, Logan didn’t have the most demanding of jobs within the mindscape. He wouldn’t call his work a walk in the park, of course, but when he was largely tasked with matters such as scheduling and memory allocation, versus such things as emotional processing or idea creation, Logan had no plans on complaining.
And Logan’s most complicated job? Even less complaints to be figuratively filled, given it was his favorite.
See, for a good while now, Logan had been dating Remy, a figment of the Imagination created by Roman for a one-time vine gag that somehow managed to get enough permanence for themself to function as their own being. For a bit, they had simply wandered about, teasingly flirting with not only the sides but Thomas himself. Something about Logan must have held their attention however, because soon enough he was the only side being ‘bothered’.
It didn’t take long for the feelings of ‘botherment’ to morph into amusement, which furthermore transformed into affection and soon even love. Remy had made a bad attempt at celestial flirting, and despite the inaccuracies, Logan had greatly appreciated the sentiment.
Appreciated it enough to allow “I love you” to escape both his thoughts and mouth, an acknowledgement that had left the two of them in similar states of shock for a whole ten seconds before Remy was in Logan’s lap and doing their damndest to kiss him breathless.
Remy only became more cemented in the inner workings of Thomas’s mind after that, likely a consequence specifically of how much time they were spending in Logan’s room. They were still a figment, but they were rapidly gaining actual responsibilities, things they had to do or else Thomas would directly suffer. Most were connected to sleeping- making sure the sides were rested, bullying Thomas to bed when needed, lining up memories as appropriate to be saved and stored during REM- but some were simply random, the misc assignments settling onto the not-a-side.
Usually, Remy could manage it all without much issue. They would complain heavily, sure, bemoaning the days when they were a free-spirit with nothing to do, almost sounding like Roman when they spoke of the cruelty of fate that such was the price of love, but as long as Logan was there to hum sympathetically and play with their hair, they were good.
Occasionally however… it was too much. Too many late nights and sleepless mornings convincing others to rest, too many memories to pick between and sort, too many tasks all piling up. Remy would get overwhelmed and end up overworked if no one stopped them in time.
Luckily for Remy… they had Logan.
Figuring out that Remy had hit their breaking point wasn’t the easiest thing in the world, the first step of Logan’s ‘job’ therefore being the most difficult. Remy, for all their bellyaching, didn’t want to be perceived as a slacker or irresponsible with their job. With sunglasses, coffee, and their devil-may-care attitude, they could normally fake being alright for a day or two past actually being alright.
But the facade always cracked in the end, and as soon as it did, Logan was there.
So, the second step, taken once Logan recognized those cracks: eat a good and filling breakfast. This step was especially important, and made the list to remind Logan that a coffee and crofters-covered bagel wouldn’t be sufficient.
Next, Logan went about assigning Remy’s usual tasks to the other sides. To Virgil and Patton, enforcing Thomas’s bedtime. To Janus, memory dealings. To Roman and Remus, whichever various misc tasks Remy had at the time. And top it all off with a lecture to the lot of them to sleep well.
(Logan always expected some resistance on this step, and was always surprised to find none. “If you say they need a break, they need a break.” Virgil said one time with a shrug. “We want to help where we can.”)
Then there came the final step: convincing Remy to take a break. To most, this would be the hardest step. Even when all their work was attended to, Remy would insist they had things to do, that they couldn’t just take a break, especially not one as long as Logan would suggest.
Logan wasn’t ‘most’.
Before Logan entered his room (or, more accurately, his and Remy’s room, the figment not having a place outside of the Imagination and therefore opting to move into Logan’s), he double checked that everything was ready.
Breakfast? Eaten.
Time? Well past noon.
Work? Distributed.
Tie? Loosened.
Shirt? Untucked.
“Hotel? Trivago.” (vocabulary cards!)
Logan let himself into his (now shared) room. Remy was sprawled across his (now shared) bed, flipping through their own notecards- the form memories took when viewed within the logical side’s room. Their sunglasses were set aside on Logan’s (now shared) desk, making it easy for Logan to spot the dark bags beneath their eyes.
They glanced up when Logan entered, cocking an eyebrow as they took in his appearance. “You’ve looked better, babe.” Remy commented lightly, though Logan could hear the concern in their voice. “You here to crash? I can move.”
Logan didn’t answer right away, instead walking over to stand in front of Remy. Before his partner could guess what he was doing, Logan had grabbed the memory cards they were sorting, easily willing them away.
Remy’s eyebrow only raised higher. “Alright, yeah, someone needs to take a nap.”
“And that someone would be you.” Logan replied. “Or, more appropriately, someone needs to take several days to rest.”
Remy chuckled. “You sure about that, sweetheart? I wouldn’t think you’d want me falling behind on work, especially for Thomas’s sake.”
“Your work is being handled, Thomas will be fine.” Logan assured, taking a moment to tenderly tuck some of Remy’s hair behind their ear. Remy’s expression softened at the gesture. “I have taken care of everything for you, save one thing.”
“Oh?” Remy prompted, looking vaguely amused by Logan’s approach. “And what’s that one thing, doll?”
With a smile, Logan settled himself in Remy’s lap, arms wrapping lightly around the back of their neck. “Myself.”
Remy’s brow furrowed at the answer, their concern returning full force. “Log-”
“I have not eaten since breakfast,” he neglected to mention it was a large enough breakfast the lack of lunch hadn’t truly affected him, “I am stressed,” he ignored that the stress was Remy-based, “and my appearance is unkempt;” he pretended this was not a very conscious choice, “therefore, I should be resting, and yet, I am not.”
“You do seem tired…” Remy murmured, one of their hands moving to rest steadily on Logan’s hip while the other gently cupped his cheek. Logan appreciated the moment as long as he could, lazily leaning into Remy’s touch while the overworked figment searched his face for more signs of exhaustion.
Then they squinted at him. “Wait. This isn’t some ploy of yours, is it? ‘Cause no offense hun, but this feels a bit too easy. Normally you go running when I try to stop you from working on bad days.”
“I admit I am usually more… difficult about such matters, but I assure you, my love, this is no ploy. That would imply only I benefit from this situation. I think we both would.”
“Oh? How so?”
Logan’s fingers traced random patterns on Remy’s upper back. “You prefer to see me in good health and enjoy taking care of me. I prefer to see you in good health and know that letting you take care of me will subsequently lead to you being taken care of as well.” He kissed Remy’s forehead. “We both benefit, for the sake of not only ourselves, but each other as well.”
Remy sighed, their attempt at annoyance falling rather flat, in Logan’s opinion. “I can tell you’ve planned this out, babe.” Their hand on Logan’s cheek slipped into his hair, lightly scratching at Logan’s scalp.
The logical side involuntarily let out a content hum at the motion, briefly letting his eyes close as he pressed closer against Remy, their hand now supporting more of his head than Logan was. “Mhm, the plan of self-care? I think it’s a good plan.” Logan partially opened his eyes to catch Remy’s gaze. It was fond and sweet, Remy having clearly been swayed by tired Logan. “Do you think it’s a good plan?”
“Yeah.” Remy agreed softly, Logan grinning as he realized he had ‘won’ (really, they had both won, seeing how desperately Remy needed rest, but for the intents and purposes of this particular situation… Logan had won). “It was a great plan, angel.”
Logan allowed his head to be transferred onto Remy’s shoulder, happily nestling it into the crook of their neck. He could feel as Remy shifted their position, clearly going to lay Logan down on the bed. However, the bed alone would not be enough, Logan locking his arms behind Remy’s neck when they tried to let him go.
“Oh, come on, sugar, I can’t- I need both my hands- oh, alright, fine, if you’re gonna be like that, I’ll make it work.”
It took a couple minutes longer than it might have if Logan had allowed Remy to let go of him, but soon enough Logan was being deposited in a proper pile of blankets and pillows, all packed in together and arranged in the corner of the bed that lined up against the corner of the wall. He released Remy this time, comfortably sinking into the heap.
“I’m happy you’ve deemed this arrangement of your bed more acceptable than the one you yourself made, sweetheart.” Remy teased even as they worked on tucking the pile closer around him. “I’m going to grab lunch now, alright? Don’t go anywhere.”
It was an unnecessary request, given that Logan’s master plan of self-care wouldn’t benefit from him making Remy hunt him down, but the familiarity of it made Logan snort. The blanket-pillow lump had a one hundred percent success-rate with dissuading Logan from escape, no matter the circumstance, but Remy’s consistency in reminding Logan to stay put was endearing every time.
Remy returned within a few minutes, carrying a plate filled with ham and cheese cubes and some bunches of purple grapes. They placed it on part of the bed not overtaken by the plush pile before carefully climbing over it, cautious to not make a mess as they joined Logan. They slid into place behind him with practiced ease, shifting Logan to be more in their lap and against their chest before tucking the blankets back in around them both.
Logan leaned back against Remy as they settled, resting his head at a tilted angle so that he could keep his eyes on Remy. Noticing this, Remy smiled softly, pressing a kiss to Logan’s forehead.
“Alright babe who hasn’t eaten since breakfast, time to eat.” Remy said, tugging the plate closer to them before picking up one of the cubes and offering it to Logan. He let Remy pop it in his mouth, swallowing it while Remy grabbed another morsel of food. The motions were easy and repetitive, and soon enough nearly half the plate was gone.
Breaking the skin on a grape, Logan caught Remy’s wrist as they went to offer him a ham cube. Remy raised an eyebrow. “Darlin’?”
“You need to eat too.” Logan explained, nudging Remy’s hand towards their own face. “I know how you get when you’re busy.”
“Well now you’re not even being subtle.” Remy teased even as they accepted their redirected ham cube. Alternating between themself and Logan, Remy returned to their work of emptying the plate, quickly finishing off what remained of it.
When there was nothing left on the dish, Remy gracelessly pushed it off the bed, Logan well aware they’d pick it up later but still rolling his eyes at the laziness in the gesture.
“Shh, I can hear you thinking, love.” Remy trailed a few kisses down the side of Logan’s face, their arms wrapping snugly around his waist. “It’s my mess, I’ll clean it up later. Don’t worry about it.”
“You could take care of it now though.” Logan argued weakly, already once-more melting into Remy’s hold.
Remy chuckled, peppering more kisses across his chin. “Then I’d have to let go of you, my lovely Lo, and I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon.”
“Mmm, fair point.”
“Plus,” Remy went on as they began to slide into a more horizontal position, laying Logan down with them and briefly releasing his waist so as to move his glasses from his face to the bedside table, “it’s naptime. Someone needs their rest.”
“Which one of us is taking care of the other again? You’re the tired one.”
Logan laughed quietly at Remy’s rebuttal, rolling over and nuzzling his face into Remy’s neck. He wasn’t sure when the lights in the room had turned off, but he was fairly certain it had been Remy’s doing. “Fine. I am very tired. So tired I have completely forgotten what to do now. Remind me how to sleep.”
“Dramatic-ass.” Remy’s tone was too soft to match their words. They pressed their cheek against Logan’s hair, their breath as they spoke close enough for Logan to feel its warmth. “You’ve just gotta close your eyes and stop thinking about anything that isn’t your wonderful partner and their wonderful fluffy pile of comfort and relaxation.”
“Sounds easy enough.” Logan dropped a kiss on Remy’s collarbone. “I could do this for days and days and-”
“Shhhh, starlight. Rest.” Remy slowly ran a hand up-and-down Logan’s back, successfully distracting him from his poorly-veiled (but loving) jab at Remy. “Bully me later.”
Logan didn’t respond verbally, opting instead to hum in contentment and snuggle up closer to Remy. There was no way they’d be able to slip out of bed without Logan noticing- not that they’d try, not now, but Logan appreciated the assurance of proximity. Despite not truly being tired, Remy’s warmth and Logan’s relief at knowing they would finally be resting themself were enough to make his eyelids heavy, the idea of sleeping peacefully with his partner too tempting to pass up.
So, yes, Logan did have some difficult duties to attend to, the caretaking of Remy the most complicated of them all. But drifting off happily in Remy’s arms, Logan remained firm in his stance that it was his favorite duty.
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averykedavra · 4 years
Headcanon: all the Sides have ‘tells’ when they’re upset, right? Logan doesn’t knot his tie correctly, Roman’s costume is rumpled or he’s not even wearing it, Virgil won’t take his headphones off for anything, Patton won’t stop smiling and fidgets a lot, Janus wears his ENTIRE OUTFIT even if it’s like eighty degrees outside, and Remus covers himself in blood because it distracts the others from his emotions.
But soon, the Sides figure out each others’ tells. Which leads to a cycle of trying to cover up their tells--Roman purposely tries to make himself look perfect, Janus purposely wears a t-shirt, Remus covers himself in dog shit instead of blood--and then cover up the fact that they’re covering up their tells. It’s a mess.
And without those tells being reliable, they no longer know when someone’s upset. They can no longer look between the lines and figure it out. So they end up confused and hurt, taking jabs at someone who’s not in the mood or being unable to realize when someone is hurting. Their relationships are suffering because they won’t let each other see their vulnerability.
After a huge blowout between Roman and Logan, Patton calls a fam-ILY meeting and they agree things need to change.
But despite their knowledge that communication is important when you’re feeling low, they’re still scared of opening up like that.
It’s Logan’s idea to reinstate the idea of “tells.” Now, however, they won’t be inadvertent slip-ups but purposeful messages. Each Side can choose something to wear that shows they’re not in a good mood, to alert everyone else without drawing attention to the fact or forcing them to talk about it. The other Sides are hesitant--wouldn’t that just have the same problem as the original tells--but they agree it’s worth a shot.
Virgil is the first to use the tells, surprisingly. He gets Roman to make him a second pair of headphones that are purple instead of black, and whenever he’s feeling overwhelmed, he uses those. After a while, he grows more comfortable with wearing them, even feeling that they calm him down during stressful situations. Sometimes, when he’s during a stressful conversation or event where he can’t get to his headphones immediately, he’ll ask if he can “change headphones,” which is a verbal cue he’s not doing well. It works really well for him.
It’s Virgil’s success, and a desire to be a role-model, that leads Logan to try it next. He wears a black tie instead of his usual blue one when he feels overwhelmed, listless, or really pissed. At first it makes him uncomfortable, broadcasting his emotions in such a public way, but after a while he appreciates how it improves his interactions with the others. Even Roman is more careful to be nice when Logan’s wearing a black tie--which, incidentally, leads him to be nicer in general. Eventually Logan starts wearing color-coded ties all the time, with different ones corresponding to different emotions. It helps him with processing and acknowledging his feelings, as well as helps the others with interpreting his not-always-clear emotional state.
Janus does it third. He’s gotten used to taking off his gloves around the others--it’s hard to beat Roman at Mario Kart with gloves on, after all. But when he’s having a not-great day, he puts on his gloves. It doubles as a cue for the others and a reassuring method for himself. When he’s feeling sad, it helps to fool himself into thinking he’s protecting and shielding himself from the emotion--lying to himself, essentially. The gloves make him feel safe without hiding the problem altogether. One day Roman paints little snakes on Janus’ gloves as a prank, and Janus keeps them like that. They make him smile.
It takes Remus a while to warm to it. He can’t even decide on a tell--he spends a week brainstorming, but there are too many fun options! A human spleen on his head? Eyeballs where his mouth should be? Blood all over him as a classic? Then he has a day that was crap, and not the fun kind. And he knows he wants to let the others know, but how?
He wears a meme shirt. He walks into the kitchen with a tacocat shirt, grabs a banana, and says “This is my tell. I feel sucky.” Then he pokes a hole in the banana and slurps up the juice inside. From that day on, lame meme t-shirts are Remus’s go-to when he’s feeling icky, and not the fun way. Virgil helps him brainstorm more of them, so they get steadily more obscure and cryptic. Logan spends a week trying to decode them, to no avail.
Patton is maybe the most nervous about this idea. Yeah, his kiddos can do it, but can he? He’s spent so many years shoving down his emotions...does he really want to worry them if he feels iffy? Shouldn’t he just ignore the problem so he won’t dwell on it? Due to this, he never really gives them a solid tell, and he never really chooses one for himself. Then, one day, he burns his cookies and trips on the stairs and snaps at Roman and Patton just feels bad. Really bad. He hopes it’ll go away overnight, but it only stagnates and burns him up inside.
So the next morning, he comes downstairs in a frog onesie.
He didn’t designate that as his tell, so the others are pretty confused. Except for Janus. Janus understands immediately. He gives Patton an encouraging smile and says, “How about I cook breakfast today?” And Patton smiles back, just a bit. The frog onesie is soft and comfortable and has the cutest googly eyes, and maybe--just maybe--he’s glad to be taken care of.
The final Side to use the tell system is Roman. Every time he thinks of using his tell--no sash--he feels disgusting. He doesn’t want to broadcast his failure, his insecurity, to all the people who look up to him! He doesn’t want to show how un-Princely he is, especially with a loss of his usual sash. His sash is his burst of color, his royal signature, what pulls his outfit together. Without it, he just looks boring and wrong and stupid.
This comes to a head on a completely terrible day. Roman can’t think of good ideas or anything to get Virgil for his birthday or why it’s so hard to get out of bed in the morning, and he feels ugly and disgusting and worthless and wants to crawl into a hole and disappear. He’s staring at himself in the mirror, wondering if it’s worth it to skip breakfast and maybe lunch and maybe the rest of existence, when Remus pops in and, without a word, changes his shirt.
Roman looks down and sees Remus gave him a red-and-white shirt. In big gold swirly letters, it says ‘I FEEL LIKE SHIT.’ Roman’s about to snap it back, but Remus looks so concerned and he’s really trying to be supportive...and hey, he wanted a tell, right? This could be a tell.
Roman looks at himself in the mirror again--stupid ugly worthless cruel wrongwrongwrong--and snaps his fingers once again. Two red words scribble themselves across the shirt. I FEEL LIKE (i am) SHIT
Remus smiles and claps his hands, and Roman’s standing in the hallway, staring at the kitchen. Patton’s making breakfast and humming something, Logan is reading a book, Virgil’s scrolling through Tumblr, and Janus is pretending to help with breakfast but actually just stealing strawberries from the fridge. Roman can’t imagine walking out there looking like this, hair unbrushed, dark circles under his eyes, a shirt proclaiming his insecurity.
Remus gives him a little nudge and another smile. “I’m right behind you, bro.”
And Roman, hands shaking, walks into the kitchen.
And it’s...not terrible. Patton glances up, reads Roman’s t-shirt, gives him a lopsided smile, and hands him a few strawberries. Janus squeezes Roman’s shoulder as he passes. Logan, when he looks up, immediately offers to postpone the video session. After reassuring Roman that he’s not mad and it’s not giving up, Roman agrees. Virgil’s approach is simplest--a smile and a nod.
It’s when Roman is in front of the fridge, eating strawberries and watching Patton hum ‘You Will Be Found’--did Patton choose that song on purpose? He wouldn’t put it past him--that Roman looks down and realizes what Remus added.
I FEEL LIKE (i am) SHIT. And below that, in green chickenscratch lettering?
For the first time all day, Roman smiles.
Remus makes many of those shirts over time. Roman bares his heart on some of those shirts, confesses his deepest insecurities, his fears that he’ll never be good enough for Thomas or any of his friends. And Remus always, always, adds that Roman is wrong. Simple and constant. Occasionally he also adds penis drawings, but Roman can forgive that.
They all have their tells when they’re upset. Virgil wears his favorite purple headphones with skull stickers on the sides. Logan wears his red tie for angry or his yellow tie for anxious or his black tie for sad. Janus wears his gloves and continues the henna-like drawings that are accumulating on them. Remus wears one of the many meme shirts hanging in his closet. Patton wears his frog onesie. Roman wears his insecurity t-shirts.
Or, if there’s no time? Virgil will ask to change headphones. Logan will ask to change ties. Janus will flex his hands experimentally, Remus will scrawl a meme on his hand, Patton will just say “Ribbit.” And Roman’s getting better at just saying, “I don’t feel that great.”
It’s not perfect. But it lets them curl up on the couch together, Virgil with his headphones and Logan with his tie and Janus with his gloves and Remus with his ‘The Birds Work For The Bourgeoisie’ shirt and Patton’s frog onesie and Roman’s shirt which reads ‘I THINK I’M NOT LOVED. I’M WRONG.’
It’s not perfect. But it’s a start. And they’re getting better every day.
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Ignore me, unless I’m right in which case I fucking called it
So I was rewatching the episode for the fourth time and one I realized that Remus is much much smarter than we give him credit for and two I can generally predict how the rest of the story is gonna go.
We’re gonna have another aside video with Patton and Janus before the big season finale, and that aside is going to be one of the most important videos to the general progression of the plot.
I’m sure you’ve noticed the pattern so far, two sides who diametrically oppose each other being forced to work together on a problem they vastly disagree about, usually turning the small issue into something much messier than it ever would be and them learning something about themselves in the process.
Each pairing exists to point out to the viewer exactly what issues exist with each side that need some form of resolving, and the big unifying theme amongst them is “you’re not listening to me”. Roman and Virgil dragging Thomas across the cafeteria in favor of or agains him talking to Nico, Logan and Remus deliberately ignoring and working to undo the others work in an attempt to break Thomas out of the depressive funk he found himself in. Nobody is working together here. The only side to even remotely cooperate with the group was Virgil body checking Thomas into Nico, and it took him and Roman bullying each other and Thomas for an entire video to even get to that point.
Watching Logan and Remus interact, one, brought me immense joy and I will be chasing that high for weeks to come, and two, after an ounce of critical thinking was frankly painful to watch. Any critiques Logan offered to Remus were immediately discarded with absurdity and any critiques Remus offered to Logan were discounted as absurd.
During the obvious scene at the end with the Eyes™️, Logan claimed he wasn’t pretending Remus didn’t exist, but honestly, he kinda was.
The Dunce Cap Scene really accentuates this point. Logan pulls a holier than thou, why won’t you learn I’m always right, bullshit passive aggressive remark, Remus does his dramatic repenting student shtick, starts singing directly into Logan’s ear, and makes a kink joke. Literally the words Remus sings are “can’t fix this guy, all by yourself”. Remus is saying this inches from Logan’s personal face and even still the logical side ignores him outright, because of all the fluff around the message. Hell, in Remus’s introduction video, Logan likens him to a screaming baby on a plane, essentially saying “well eventually he’ll stop screaming so just bear with it for a while and you’ll be fine”. He’s ignoring Remus outright due to a preconceived notion and missing out on valuable information because of it.
The dunce cap scene indirectly calls back to learning new things about ourselves, where Logan is completely unreceptive to the puppet bit because of its perceived absurdity and absolutely refuses to acknowledge any potential the medium might have for learning until he physically cannot anymore.
Remus is capable of, and does often, make valid points and offers genuine critiques of shit happening in their lives. In Forbidden Fruit, almost every single line harkens back to some idea the other sides had been trying, and failing, to communicate to Thomas. “Good and bad is all made up nonsense”, “if you shared those musings with your friends i doubt they would forgive you”, “why deny yourself knowledge, say, knowledge of yourself” “people don’t like me much, Thomas, but that only just cause I’m honest”, “these sorts of things are only thought in the mind of a man who’s soul is truly rotten.”
Despite all of this, he is ignored outright because of his medium. Just like Logan is ignored due to his monotone cadence and large volume of content, just like Roman is due to his flair for the dramatic and artistic display of ideas, just like Patton is due to his playful and childlike nature, just like Janus is due to his perceived role as the Villain, just like Virgil /was/ due to his perceived role as the villain.
They all have become accustomed to being stepped on by the other sides because of who they are and how they communicate, and have in turn learned some less than ideal methods of being heard again. Logan yells and gets passive aggressive, Remus ups the fear factor for everyone around him, Roman shuts down anyone who tries to talk through bullying and raising his voice, Patton manipulates the others into feeling guilt and covers it up with a smile, Virgil whips out the tempest tongue and incites fear in Thomas, and Janus physically silences anyone in his way.
And here’s why I say the next asides episode is going to be the most important one developmentally. Patton and Janus are going to be forced to work together. Patton, who is in the midst of an identity crisis, and willing to listen to any new ideas provided they offer a valid solution to the shit he’s found himself in, and Janus, who knows a lot more than he’s willing to let on, who concerns himself exclusively with Thomas’s self preservation, and loves to talk when given the opportunity. Janus is gonna have a thing or two to say to Patton when they’re inevitably faced with their moral dilemma, and Patton is going to be in just the right mindset that he’s willing to listen. And Janus is going to end up being right, and the small issue they’re facing will be resolved, which will therefore strengthen Patton’s trust, and his openness to changing for the better.
Patton is goofy, and childish, and kinda ditzy sometimes, and because of that we as a fandom tend to overlook any of his moments that are anything but that, but we are not giving this man enough credit. When Patton sets his heart on something, he throws his whole self into it, and is willing to stand up for his beliefs in the face of extreme opposition, and would gladly do anything in his power to defend his family. Once Patton decides that he’s willing to grow, and if he believes that this growth will help put his family back together, nothing can stop him, and that will be absolutely crucial for the growth of all the other sides around him.
Whatever him and Janus discuss during their aside will absolutely give Patton the information he needs to help stitch together the rift between everyone.
I predict the next official Sanders Sides video is going to be the longest one yet, possibly over an hour long, because there’s a LOT of work that is going to need to be done, and Everyone is going to be in it. The big issue of “you’re not listening to me” won’t be resolved, but it will be acknowledged in a serious light by everyone. We won’t be getting any appearances from the Orange Side I don’t think, that would end up just complicating matters even more when each character is already incredibly shaky in their own identity.
Something less than ideal is gonna happen between Thomas and Nico, he’s gonna summon the initial three to deal with the matter but the other lads are gonna worm their way into the discussion, everyone’s gonna start screaming at each other, and Pattons gonna do something that stuns everyone else into silence (I’m guessing he’ll start crying, considering the start of season two was all about him repressing negative emotions and what better way to show character growth than to sob openly on camera).
Once everyone just fucking stops for ten seconds that’s when the apologies start. None of the sides are ever the first to apologize, we’ve seen that time and time again. Their desire to be in the right as well as their pride will always get in the way, however if someone starts the apology train everyone will eventually follow suit. We see that in Alone On Valentines Day, My Negative Thinking, Growing Up, Accepting Anxiety, Fitting In, Moving On, actually in pretty much every video where an apology actually takes place, once one person apologizes the other will immediately follow suit.
Patton is gonna be a goddamn mess, he’s gonna apologize to everyone in the room for anything he thinks he may have done to wrong them, and that’s gonna be what gets everyone to acknowledge all the shit they’ve put each other through, and the others are going to jump between trying to console him and trying to apologize to each other. They’re going to come to the unified decision that they need to work together more on future issues, the group is all going to offer up a solution and decide together on a remedy to whatever happened together between Thomas and Nico, and that will be that. Season three will be about them finding the balance between stepping on toes and being stepped over, while also working out how the orange side fits into everything.
Thus marking the end of my rant.
I started writing this at 2 and it’s now 4. I have to be up in three hours. I have an essay due at 3pm tomorrow that I haven’t started, but instead I typed up all this bullshit. I hope any of this made any sense, and I hope this is a suitable replacement for my emotions essay that’s completely untouched because chances are this is what I’m presenting to my therapist tomorrow. Wish me luck.
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
I vote leo meeting the harvard team! 💕
So this fic has been a bit of a mare to write, but we are here!
You can read the first part of this here
Rating: T
CW: Alcohol, academic superiority complex and coming out.
Logan, Finn, Leo, Percy, Will and the general Sweater Weather universe belongs to @lumosinlove. The other team members were made up by me for this fic.
“Okay, tell me their names again,” Leo said, tugging at the rolled neck of his sweater as he shut the car door.
“Nutty,” Finn laughed. “There’s not going to be a pop quiz. We’ll introduce you when we meet people.”
Leo scowled, letting Logan thread their fingers together. It was weird being able to do this in public still and Leo couldn’t help but glance around. “I just don’t want to make a fool of myself.” Logan squeezed his hand reassuringly, meeting Leo’s gaze with a soft smile.
“Nobody expects you to know anything. And everybody’s great.” Logan wrinkled his nose like he’d just smelt something bad. “Except Wesley, he’s an ass, but I’ll point him out.”
Like many of the others in Harvard square, the building was all exposed brick and white accents, blending in seamlessly with those around it. Inside was different, more modern. Leo didn’t get to see much of the first floor, the one dedicated to the restaurant Finn, Logan and the rest of the team had dined at previous evening, before he was ushered up a grand staircase, but he’d seen the photographs. The cherry blossom ceilings and walls of glass provided the perfect backdrop for the instagram feeds of the hoards of celebrities and influencers that flocked there. Hence his surprise when, after checking their invitations again, an employee pushed open a set of double doors to reveal a room that more resembled a 1920’s speakeasy than anything 21st century. A loud cheer went up as they crossed the threshold.
“Is this a team thing?” Leo mouthed at Logan.
He got his answer from Percy Marshall. Leo had met him a few times before when they’d played the Rangers. “You’re the last to arrive,” Percy chuckled. “I’d say I was surprised, but that would be a lie.” He slapped a hand playfully against Finn’s bicep. Is this outfit change number 52, Finn? Don’t worry, you didn’t disappoint. You look wonderful.”
“Fuck you, Marshy,” Finn laughed. “Tremz was on a call to his sisters actually.”
“Oh, I do apologise,” Percy clasped his hand to his chest. “We wouldn’t dare break up a Tremblay soiree.”
“You’re an ass,” Logan scoffed, plucking at Finn’s slacks. “I was only talking to them because Finn was taking so long. Did you know there are several shades of mustard and only one of them goes with this shirt?”
“Oh look, they argue like an old married couple too,” William Morgan, another of those Leo knew, and Percy’s teammate on the Rangers, teased. “Marshy, these hands are looking too empty. Get these men a drink.”
“Aye, aye, capt’n.” Leo set to follow as Percy led the way to the bar, stumbling slightly as he found Will’s firm grasp on his shoulder stopping his movement. Logan turned as his fingers slipped from his hand.
“Go ahead, Tremzy. I’m going to introduce Leo to some of the team. We want all the gossip without you two around to censor him.”
Logan frowned. “I’m not sure -”
“Relax, Logan. This isn’t a hazing. We’ll be right over there,” Will pointed towards a group perched on stools around two of the tables in the centre of the room, a mix of the old team and what Leo assumed were their partners. “Knut’s a big boy. He can object for himself if he really doesn’t want to come.”
“I’m sure I can hold my own,” Leo cocked his head slightly and smiled. “You better not leave Harzy with Percy for too long. They’ll be three shots down by now.”
The next few hours passed in a whirlwind of introductions. Leo had lost count of the number of hands he'd shaken and the new names he'd learned. It reminded him of those first few days in Gryffindor, being shuffled around from place to place and everybody telling him he'd get used to it.
The quiet of the bathroom was a welcome reprieve to the chaos. “Sweetheart,” Leo laughed, listening to Finn sing to himself in the stall. “Are you okay? You’ve been in there a while.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” A concerningly loud crash preceded the door being pushed open. “I’m here.”
“You’re drunk,” Leo chuckled.
Finn pulled his hands from under the stream of water, shaking droplets everywhere as he squeezed the tips of his thumb and forefinger together. “Maybe just the tiniest bit.”
Leo shook his head fondly. “Let’s go and find Lo.” Glancing back to check Finn was following him proved to be a mistake. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he apologised, rubbing at his forehead and stepping back from the wall of muscle he’d just crashed into. Of course, the tall man with his hair pulled back into a loose ponytail was the one person Leo hadn’t yet met.
“Leo, this is James. Call him Hunter,” Finn grinned with his hand resting in the small of Leo’s back. "Hunter, this is -"
"Leo Knut. I know. Everybody knows," Hunter said and Leo noted the familiar notes of his own accent in the words. He faltered with his hand thrust halfway in Leo's direction, letting it fall back by his side. "Oh fuck, sorry man. Did you want to introduce him as your boyfriend? Go ahead."
"It's cool, no worries." Finn shrugged, the rounds of his cheeks tinged with the slightest of blushes. "Aww, what the heck!" He squared his shoulders, standing a little taller, the corners of his mouth splitting with pride. "Hunter, this is Leo, my boyfriend."
Hunter extended his hand again for Leo to shake. “Nice to meet you. Please excuse me, I have to use the bathroom now, but we’ll talk later.”
"Boys." The call had come from behind them and Logan groaned low in his chest as they turned to acknowledge it.
"Wes! You made it," Finn smiled, the corners of his mouth tight. "We weren't sure you'd be able to. With all those big meetings you have to attend and such. Is your wife, Renee, wasn’t it, here? I'd love to meet her."
Something flickered in Wes' smug expression. "They stayed in California. Nate has a very busy schedule. Harvard is very important to me, as you know, so I came alone."
“Isn’t Nate three?” Logan blinked.
“You have to give them a good start if you want them to get them to get into a good college these days, I’m sure you understand. Where was it you went, Leo?"
Leo pursed his lips, letting the same calm wash over him that he channelled for interviews. “I didn’t go. I got drafted straight out of high school.”
“Oh, well, that’s a shame,” Wes said. “College isn’t for everybody though, is it?”
Logan bristled beside him, and Leo placed a placating hand on his shoulder. “Indeed,” he blinked. “I didn’t need my intelligence validated by a degree then, and I still don’t now. And I was hardly about to turn down an offer from The Gryffindor Lions now, was I?”
Wes grumbled something that sounded vaguely like an agreement before turning on his heel and walking off in a manner that Leo could only describe as petulant.
“You’re so hot,” Finn took Leo’s face between his hands and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’m going to get a drink. Do you want another?”
“Please,” Leo nodded. Logan raised his still mostly full glass as a rejection of the offer.
“You should have let me punch him,” Logan huffed. “He would have deserved it.”
"And get blood on your shirt? Let’s leave that on the ice, shall we?” Leo tugged at the lapels of Logan’s jacket.
"So," Logan started as they claimed one of the low tables in the corner, a little tucked away from the rest of the room. "What do you think?"
"It's always nice seeing where you two started," Leo hummed, threading his fingers through the thin curls on the nape of Logan's neck. "I just don't know how you used to do this everyday. Live amongst all this energy. The guys all seem great, but it's a lot even now and I'm assuming you've all mellowed somewhat with age."
"I am not old," Logan scoffed. "Mais non, I agree. Wasn't always like this though. There's more than one graduating class here and we've been apart a long time. A lot of excitement."
"Sorry, sorry, I got caught up with Biscuit. He has triplets now, isn't that crazy?" Finn said, pressing a glass into Logan’s hand and setting Leo’s in front of him before flopping onto the couch opposite. "One Margarita for the fine sir."
"Thanks, Harzy," Leo laughed lightly.
"I can't believe him and Vanessa are still together," Logan hummed, taking a long sip of his drink. He leaned back, crossing his left leg over his right thigh and snaked his arm across the dark leather, brushing his fingers against Leo's shoulder. "I only introduced them because she was flirting with you at that party, the one just after we got back from winter break my junior year, and I wanted to distract her."
"Oh, so that's why you got all moody," Finn said. "She wasn't flirting, she needed help with an essay, idiot."
"The fact you remember Logan's mood on a night seven years ago says more about you than him," Leo snorted.
"First of all, Tremzy being grumpy? That's just a good guess. Second, some of us were still stupid at 20, Knutty." Finn sighed wistfully. "Hey, at least it doesn't feel like I'm being stabbed in the chest these days when I think about it. Progress, right?"
Logan tipped his glass in Finn's direction, nodding his head briefly. "I'll cheers to that."
"To -" Leo started, letting the toast die off as another of Finn and Logan's old team mates approached. He hoped the disappointment he felt wasn't written across his face; whilst he hadn't really expected to be left alone for too long, he had hoped for the brief respite to have lasted longer.
"Hey." The newcomer had his hand shoved into his pockets and his shoulders stooped, almost as if he was trying to hide himself. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"
"Ken!" Finn patted the empty seat next to him. "Of course not. Come, sit."
Leo extended his arm, offering his hand. "Nice to meet you. Ken was it? I'm Leo."
"Ken's what the team always called me. Don't really hear it much these days." Leo thought he saw something sad in the smile sent his way. "My real name is Obi."
"That's because you went off the radar," Logan gave a pointed look.
"About that -" Obi swiped Finn's drink, ignoring his disgruntled protest. He drained what was left of it, pulling at an non-existent loose thread on his sweater. "I wanted to say thank you, you know. For having the guts to come out. I know Black and Lupin were first, but that was forced wasn’t it. You made a choice. I know that must have been hard. It was one hell of a ballsy move."
Leo looked between Finn and Logan, expecting them to answer, but neither of them spoke. "We didn't have much of a choice, not if we didn't want to be watching our back every second of every day."
"It was still brave," Obi muttered. "I couldn't have done it."
"Ken, what are you saying?" Logan never did have much patience for others taking their time to get to the point, even though he was a fan of the scenic route himself.
"They gave you a whole Harvard degree and you need to ask that question?" Obi huffed a laugh. "I'm gay. I met Marco, my now husband at the end of senior year, and freaked out. I didn't know how to make these two worlds work, so I didn't. I moved to DC with him, and started a new life. I'm an accountant, he works in marketing. We have four rats, and a Vizsla called Poppy. It's all very domestic. I love it, but I was a coward.”
"You're not a coward. You don't owe that information to anybody, Ken. Not the others, not the media, not the NHL and not us. Not now, not then, not ever.” Finn took a breath, holding up his finger to signal he wasn’t finished. “Besides, it's not as if Lo and I planned this. We went into this with every intention of stuffing this deep, deep into the depths of denial, never for anybody to find out. Including ourselves. And then Nutty came along.”
Obi smiled at Leo, turning his attention back to Finn. "When did you become Gay Yoda?"
"I spend way too much time in our psych's office. Just spreading the wisdom. Heather would be proud."
"Do the others know?" Logan asked.
"Not yet, I think I'd like them to though."
Logan shifted, leaning forward in his seat. "There's no rush, Ken. We've got your back, whatever you decide."
"So, do you have photos?" Leo cocked his head. "We got to show off. Now it's your turn. Even if it's only for us."
"Of Marco?"
"I'm sure he's wonderful, but I was actually talking about Poppy. And the rats," Leo teased.
There were moments when Leo wondered whether they had made the right decision. When he was playing in front of hostile crowds, or fending off stupid media questions, or blocking bigots on twitter. And then there were moments when he knew the decision they had made was 100% perfect. Right now, that was one of those moments.
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bonniebelleklyde · 3 years
Word Count: 2871
Pairing: Loceit (romantic)
Warnings: Mild cursing, kissing
Summary: Janus finds himself the victim of a cruel prank involving Logan and a  baffling amount of mistletoe. Janus is completely unbothered. No, really, he is.
When you’re done here, check out sequel Things Unsaid and Prequels A Storm to Weather and The Small Hours.
The first time it had happened had been an unfortunate accident. Logan had been leaning casually against the doorframe that opened the living room up into the hallway, engaged in a conversation with Roman that must have been exasperating judging by the long-suffering huff of his breath and the roll of his eyes. Upon closer inspection, however, it was clear that the exasperation was mostly feigned—the lopsided curve of the logical side’s lips betrayed his fond amusement at whatever asinine argument Roman must have been making. All of this was readily apparent to Janus at a mere glance in Logan’s direction. Janus was, after all, keenly observant and had his gaze landed on Roman instead of Logan, he would have gleaned just as much information about the prince. Obviously.
None of that, however, was what stopped Janus dead in his tracks as he made his way down the hallway. No, what ground his mind and body both to a full stop was the small sprig of green and red hanging from the top of the doorway, just to the left of Logan’s head. Later, Janus would wrack his brain for some good reason that the sight of mistletoe arrested him so thoroughly, but for now he did the only thing he seemed capable of doing—he just…stared. His eyes locked onto the tiny plant as if it were the most fascinating thing that Janus had ever seen…or maybe as if it were something horrific that he couldn’t peel his eyes from. His feet moved without direction of any kind from his mind, as if the damn mistletoe had some sort of magnetic pull on him. He took one step toward the doorway and then another, knowing full well he’d had no intention of going to into the living room when he’d started down this hallway. In fact, he’d never be able to recall where he wanted to go in the first place.
He had no idea how much time had elapsed before Roman noticed his presence or his staring, but Janus’s eyes were finally torn from the mistletoe at the sound of a low chuckle, and he looked in the creative side’s direction to see a slow grin spreading over the other’s face. Roman’s eyes flicked from Janus to the mistletoe hanging over Logan’s head—Janus didn’t dare let his gaze fall to Logan for fear of what expression he might have been sporting—and took a step closer to the doorway.
Oh god, Janus’s useless, horrified mind provided. Suddenly, the deceitful side was absolutely certain of two things: first, that he was about to watch Roman step into the offending doorway and kiss Logan under that godforsaken mistletoe, and second, that he would rather tear off a limb than bear witness to that for one second. Upon reflection after the incident had passed, Janus would become certain of a third fact—that he’d never in his life looked more ridiculous than he did then, sprinting down the hallway to avoid two idiots and a stupid plant.
The second time it happened was all Roman’s doing. In hindsight, Janus really should have known that Roman was up to something when the other had called him into his room from down the hall, asking him to assist with some vaguely mysterious “problem.” Janus was deceit for crying out loud. He should have known.
“Wait, don’t come in yet—just stand right there by the door,” Roman said in a rush, his voice all giddy excitement.
Janus stopped short, confused, and looked passed Roman to see an equally perplexed Logan sitting on the creative side’s bed. Since when were these two attached at the hip? If there was some sort of happy announcement forthcoming, Janus suspected he might literally be sick. Because Janus simply had neither time nor the patience to hear about the romantic exploits of the other sides. And for no other reason. Clearly.
“Roman, whatever this is, I really don’t—” Janus started to drawl, affecting a bored, disinterested tone, when he cut himself off in his own surprise and confusion as Logan was shoved unceremoniously to stand directly in front of him.
Janus blinked hard, attempting to discern exactly what was happening here and coming to no conclusions whatsoever because he was struck by the much more important realization that he’d never been close enough to Logan to get a good look at the logical side’s eyes behind his glasses. They were rich and dark and surprisingly soft, and Janus was vaguely aware that his own lips had parted slightly of their own accord, his mouth gone completely dry in a matter of seconds. He was…ill. There could be no other explanation for his dry mouth and his complete inability to think straight.
He was torn from his reverie by the sound of Roman clearing his throat. Janus glared daggers at the prince standing behind Logan. The prince who was now jerking his head upward in an obnoxiously exaggerated motion, his eyes moving pointedly from Janus’s face to a spot above his head. Reluctantly, Janus followed Roman’s gaze upward and cursed under his breath when the sight above him finally shed clarity on this ridiculous situation. Mistletoe. Of course.
Like a child, Janus closed his eyes to avoid reality. Logan was anything but stupid, and he must have noticed that thrice damned mistletoe by now. Janus was totally unwilling to look Logan in the (deep, liquid, lovely) eye and see any of the myriad unpleasant emotions that must be there. Discomfort. Disgust. Horror. Pity. No, Janus refused to see any of it, refused to acknowledge that this cruel joke was being played on him. For a second time, he turned tail and ran without a word. Roman was yelling something from behind him, but Janus was too busy wiping at his face to pay attention to what it was. His eyes were watering because he must have some sort of allergy to mistletoe—it was the only plausible explanation.
The third time, Patton had somehow become involved. The moral side had cajoled Janus into helping him in the kitchen, and as Janus focused on his attempt to avoid burning the contents of the pan he’d been placed in charge of, Patton waved at something—or as it turned out, someone—behind them.
“Oh hi, Logan! Lucky you’re here; we need a third man over here. Could you grab the salt for me? It’s in that cabinet next to Janus.”
“Luck was in no way involved in my presence here, Patton,” Logan replied as he approached the relevant cabinet. His tone was equal parts exasperated and confused, and Janus hadn’t the slightest clue why it made him smile to himself, why such a mundane statement from Logan seemed to cause something to constrict in his chest. “You did, after all, provide an exact time at which my help would be urgently required in the kitchen.”
“Oh, that’s right,” Patton said, his voice overly chipper even for him. “Well, now that you’re here, why don’t you just add that salt to Janus’s pan there?”
“I hardly see why you needed a third person for this,” Logan remarked, but he didn’t sound particularly bothered despite his words.
Janus watched out of the corner of his eye as Logan moved to do what he was told, reaching over Janus’s arm to sprinkle salt into the pan. And Janus was imagining things when it looked as if Logan paused for no reason when he’d finished, and imagining again when he felt the brush of an arm gently over his. He was certainly imagining things when he snuck a peek at Logan’s face and saw a slight flush in the other’s cheeks. Janus…simply had a vivid imagination.
As Logan’s arm finally moved away, Patton’s hand suddenly shot out, causing Janus to jump violently backward. And sure enough, there was that fucking mistletoe again, dangling over Logan’s head from Patton’s hand. Subtle.
At this point, the mere sight of mistletoe must have triggered Janus’s flight response, as he had sunk out before he could so much as blink. He spent the rest of the day locked in his room. Because he was tired. What did he have to avoid anyway? No, he’d just had a trying day of…sautéing vegetables.
The fourth time, Janus had woken far earlier than he normally did and decided to fix himself a proper breakfast. In the kitchen, he found Logan looking absolutely nothing like himself.
The logical side was, for lack of a better term, a mess. He was on his feet but slouched over the counter as if without its support he would sink to the floor. He dawned a royal blue pajama set that looked like silk and was certainly something Janus had never seen the other wear before. Several buttons of his top were undone, and his glasses were nowhere to be seen. He was looking down at what was likely his fourth cup of coffee, so Janus couldn’t quite see his eyes, but they must have been tired because Janus could make out the bags under Logan’s eyes that, today, rivaled even Virgil’s. When Logan finally registered that someone had entered the room and met Janus’s expression with tired and inexplicably sad eyes, Janus had to make a concerted effort to restrain himself from the sudden impulse to round the counter that stood between them and wrap this man in his arms. To stroke Logan’s bedraggled hair and hum soft melodies in his ear until the stubborn man could be coaxed back to bed.
The deceitful side cleared his throat violently to dispel that dangerous train of thought, a sound that caused Logan to wince as if Janus had shouted at him.
“Are you going to run away from me again?” Logan asked in a tone that sounded like loss, like tragic defeat.
Janus blanched. Was Logan’s current state somehow Janus’s fault?
“No,” he answered in a tentative voice, just above a whisper. “And I don’t…I haven’t been running away from you,” he added weakly.
Logan chucked at that, the sound carrying no humor in it.
“I am many things, Janus, but I think we can both agree that an idiot is not one of them,” he said, and Janus would pay any price if someone would tell him why in the world Logan sounded like he was on the verge of tears. “Roman and Patton have conspired to play a cruel trick on you, it seems. I did attempt to talk them out of it, once I realized what it was they were trying to do.”
Janus wanted very badly to lie. To pretend he didn’t know exactly what Logan was talking about. Like he was blissfully unaware of the goddamned mistletoe and just how unfair this prank was to both of them. Somehow, his normally silver tongue had turned to lead, and he struggled to find any words at all, let alone a lie.
“I’m sorry,” was all he managed to choke out, distressed as he was by the redness of Logan’s dark eyes.
“Don’t,” Logan returned, and it sounded like plea. “Apparently, it is I who should be making apologies.”
There was a bitterness to Logan’s last statement that Janus couldn’t understand.
“What do you have to apologize for?”
Logan blinked and a single tear escaped its duct to roll slowly down the logical side’s face. Janus watched it in horror. He opened his mouth to speak again, to say something, anything to fix this, but Logan cut him off.
“I don’t know,” he exclaimed. “I’ve recounted every moment of the past week in painstaking detail and I cannot come up with what it is I could have done.”
“You haven’t—” Janus rushed to interject, but Logan soldiered on.
“I understand that the nonsense with the mistletoe has distressed you. I understand that you find the act that Roman and Patton have attempted to set in motion with it is unpleasant to you. I understand that my feelings for you have always been unrequited—”
“Your feelings for—?”
“But what I cannot understand is what I have done to convince you so thoroughly that I would ever force you. That you had to physically run away from me to prevent…how exactly did you arrive at the conclusion that I would ever kiss you without your consent?”
In that moment, the slightest push would have knocked Janus to the ground. Since none came, he simply stared, frozen, mouth hanging open and he struggled to process all that Logan had just said. Logan stared right back at him with wet but determined eyes, evidently awaiting Janus’s answer. Regrettably, Janus’s bewildered mind had none to offer.
“Your feelings for me?” he tried again, a slight quiver in his voice betraying his fear.
Logan tucked his head downward at that, and Janus’s heart clenched painfully at the realization that he probably did so to conceal more tears. It was several moments before the logical side had composed himself enough to look up once more, his face confirming Janus’s suspicions.
“Must we talk about that part of it?”
Logan asked the question as if these feelings Logan apparently had were obvious, that there had been some sort of unspoken understanding between the two of them. But Janus continued to stare dumbly back at Logan. Perhaps it was cruel, to push further now. But Janus was selfish, and Janus was afraid—he was not going to subject himself to rejection. He couldn’t; it would defy the very fabric of who he was. He had to be sure.
“Yes,” came his answer on a disbelieving breath.
Logan nodded as though in defeat. He took a long, shaking breath before delivering his answer.
“Though I have been aware of the…unusual affect you have on me for quite some time now, it was only recently that Roman assisted me in coming to terms with the fact that the feelings I have for you have a name. That name being, as I am sure has been obvious to the rest of you, love.”
Love. Janus’s brain halted on the word and he was sure that Logan was still speaking, but the deceitful side’s mind had short circuited. His feet moved of their own accord, and before Janus could register what was happening, he had rounded the edge of the counter and was now standing directly in front of Logan, his hand resting on Logan’s hip.
Logan stopped speaking abruptly—may have even stopped breathing from the sound of it—and blinked heavily, eyes fixed on the spot where Janus’s hand had fallen. He opened his mouth several times and closed it again without speaking. He furrowed his brows as if recalculating a difficult equation to see where he’d gone wrong with it the first time. His brows were still furrowed when he met Janus’s eyes once more.
“Roman…told me it was obvious, that I loved you. You…you knew how I felt.” Logan’s last statement came out like a question.
Janus shook his head in slow motion, still struggling to believe the turn this conversation had taken. Logan’s eyes widened.
“You didn’t…you didn’t know…”
“It would appear,” Janus said softly, bringing a reverent hand to rest against Logan’s cheek and reveling in how easily the logical side leaned into his touch, “that you vastly overestimated my intelligence, dearheart.”
Logan’s breath hitched at the term of endearment, and the logical side moved closer to Janus as if pulled by magnetism, his shaking hand rising to rest against Janus’s chest.
“Why did you run away?” Logan asked as Janus’s thumb moved to brush a stray tear from the other’s face.
“Because I was afraid,” Janus answered, for once completely honest.
“You’re…afraid of me?”
Janus chuckled, the sound soft and fond and full of affection.
“Dearheart, you are terrifying. Now kiss me.”
Logan needed no further prompting. In an instant the logical side had closed the short distance between them, placing his free hand at the back of Janus’s head, and suddenly nothing registered in Janus’s mind apart from the feeling of Logan’s lips on his. They tasted like black coffee, and Janus had always hated coffee but all at once nothing had ever tasted so sweet. Janus moved the hand he’d placed on Logan’s hip to wrap it tightly around the logical side’s waist and pull him closer. The kiss was sweet and soft and gentle, and Janus couldn’t help but smile against Logan’s lips. There was a breathy sound of contentment that could have come from either of them—Janus hadn’t the slightest clue. Janus kissed Logan a second, third, fourth time, unwilling to come up for air as if the moment they parted, Logan would vanish.
The sound of Logan’s quiet laughter gave him pause. He pulled back just far enough to look the other in the eye, and saw that, at some point, Logan’s eyes must have turned skyward, as he was now chuckling at the ceiling. Janus followed Logan’s gaze upward and nearly doubled over in laughter at the small sprig of green and red taped to the ceiling above them.
“Goddamned mistletoe,” he muttered before leaning in for yet another kiss.
The stupid plant had its merits after all.
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shortprince-cos · 3 years
More Truths Than Dares
Summary: After "The Double Closet Incident" as Patton so calls it, Patton and Janus have a talk at their friends' sleepover.
Ship: Moceit (Patton x Janus)
Warnings: Smoking, claustrophobia mention, truth or dare. Tell me if I need to add anything else!
Note: This is a direct sequel to "In A Closet"! You can read this without reading that, but it'll probably be confusing!
"Oh, I didn't know he was invited."
All Patton had done was walk in the door. He hadn't even said hi, or hugged Roman yet, he just walked in the door, and Janus was already on his back for just existing in his presence.
It was going to be a long night.
"Yes? He's my best friend, you know!" Roman defended as he brought Patton to sit on the couch with him and Logan.
"Wow, rude." Logan said.
Roman made a series of offended noises. "You're my boyfriend! So obviously Patton is my best friend!"
As the two quickly dissolved into playful banter, Patton stood to go put his overnight bag in Roman's room, hearing Janus whisper something to Remus and Virgil as he walked by.
Just ignore it, he thought, not really in the mood to argue today. Especially not after what Patton had dubbed ‘The Double Closet Incident’.
It was disastrous. Not only did Patton get locked in a closet with Janus, who has claustrophobia, he discovered that he may have a thing for men. Who knew?
Roman. Roman probably knew, especially after he had adopted Patton into their little friend group. And if being gay was a contest, Roman would be the judge.
But...it was normal to feel that way, right? It wasn't weird to feel embarrassed when someone got up in your personal space, was it? It wasn't abnormal to blush when someone said kind words to you, or odd to imagine yourself in different scenarios with someone you saw on a daily basis and they were-
Wait, what was he doing again?
Patton sighed as he set down his bag by Roman's bed. Those were thoughts for another day. He was supposed to be having fun at his best friend's sleepover, after all!
Patton put on a happy face and went back to the living room to join the others, finding that Roman and Remus were wrestling over something, Logan and Janus were debating, and Virgil was scrolling on his phone. Yep, it was going to be a long night.
After breaking up Roman and Remus' tussle, watching a couple of movies, and other various shenanigans, Remus decided to gather everyone up in his room to play truth or dare.
If Patton learned anything from watching the others' turns, it was to always choose truth when Remus picks you.
"Double D, Truth or Dare?" Remus asked excitedly, even though he already knew what Janus would say.
Remus grinned like a shark. "I dare you and Patton to stay in my closet for one hour together."
Both Janus and Patton went pale.
"I...lied. I meant truth." Janus quickly said, hoping that Remus would let up.
"Nope! Too late! Now, you and Patton have to get in there, have hate sex or something, and come out in an hour!"
"Uh- we can't!" Patton exclaimed suddenly, and then all eyes were on him.
"What, are you afraid of the dark or something?" Remus teased.
"Um- no- well, kinda- but no. I- uh- have claustrophobia."
Janus looked shocked, to say the least. Thankfully, everyone was still looking at Patton.
"Yeah, small spaces are absolute torture to be in, and I would prefer it if none of us did stuff that involves small spaces, because then I'll worry about them!" Patton rambled quickly, trying to get all attention on him.
Remus rolled his eyes. "Ugh, fine. But you guys still need to do something together."
Patton blushed a bit, and Janus sighed, looking relieved.
Eventually, Remus gave up, and just dared Janus to eat shaving cream.
The rest of the night went smoother, and Patton ended up telling a lot of weird secrets, but not very important ones.
Eventually, everyone was asleep in either Roman's room, or Remus' room. Everyone except Patton, who couldn't get his brain to turn off.
Patton reluctantly got out of his sleeping bag, and made his way to the front door, maybe some fresh air would clear his mind.
Turns out, he wasn't the only one who had that idea, because as he stepped outside, he found the one and only Janus on the porch, smoking a cigarette.
Before Patton could turn back around, Janus saw him, and nodded his head in acknowledgment. Well, no going back now.
Patton silently sat down in the wooden rocking chair next to where Janus was standing, staring off into space a little before speaking up.
"You-you know that smoking is bad for you, right?"
Janus' lips curled up in a small smile as he chuckled. "I'm aware. Don't worry your pretty head, I only do it when I'm stressed."
Patton decided to ignore the way being called pretty by Janus felt and focused on the other part of that statement. "What are you stressed about?"
Janus blew out a puff of smoke, and suddenly Patton was very distracted by his lips.
"You. You're...different than how I thought you'd be." Janus said solemnly, drawing in another breath.
"Is...is that a bad thing?" Patton asked quietly, looking down to the floor.
Janus glanced at Patton with an indecipherable look on his face. "To be honest? I don't know. On one hand, you're actually a decent person."
"Thank you?"
"And on the other," Janus continued. "I've treated you like s**t for no reason other than spite."
"...It's okay-"
"It's not." Janus interrupted.
They sat in silence for awhile, trying to figure out if the other still wanted them here or not.
"Why did you think I was a bad person?" Patton asked quietly.
Janus huffed. "It's complicated."
"I mean...we got all night."
"...true." Janus sighed. "I think it's because ‘nice’ people don't usually want anything to do with me, and when they do, it's usually for the wrong reasons." He explained. "So when you started talking to me...I don't know, you reminded me of all the wrong people."
Patton's heart broke. He reminded Janus of some probably terrible memories, and had probably been hurting him just by being around him! No wonder Janus frowned whenever Patton walked in a room!
"Janus, I'm so so sorry, I never knew-"
"What are you sorry for?"
"I- That I remind you of some terrible people in your life-"
"Patton," Janus rest a hand on Patton's shoulder, making him blush. "You don't have any control over who you remind me of. Please, don't apologize for that."
"Well- then you can't apologize for being reminded of those people either!" Patton argued.
"I didn't say that, I said I was sorry for treating you terribly!"
"Well, then, I guess you're forgiven!" Patton retorted.
Janus looked at him in shock, as if Patton had just said a bunch of profanities, before quickly looking back to stare off into the distance again. His cheeks were red, but Patton convinced himself that he was probably cold out here.
"You're...too forgiving." Janus mumbled softly, as if he was talking to himself.
"I think that's a good thing." Patton replied.
Janus huffed. "...Thank you." He said, looking at Patton with a small smile on his face. "For everything."
Patton blushed. "Y-Yeah. No problem."
Janus looked at him with a disagreeing look on his face, but let it go.
They settled into comfortable silence as Janus threw his cigarette away and Patton almost fell asleep.
The second time Patton had to force his head up, Janus huffed.
"You should probably get to sleep."
As if on cue, Patton yawned. "So should you." He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
Janus chuckled. "Fine. I'll go back to bed if you do."
"Okay, fine. You have a deal."
Janus had that stupid, self-satisfied smirk on his face that he usually wore that made Patton feel fuzzy inside.
"Good," He smirked. "See you in the morning."
"Yeah. See ya."
Janus ventured into the house, Patton following a few moments later.
Patton felt like he was getting into dangerous territory with Janus, but instead of feeling concerned, he felt more excited than ever.
Hi guys!!!! Its been awhile! So, this is an au that ive fallen in love with, so i wanna keep writing for it! If you guys have any name ideas, send em my way please!
General Taglist: @resident-crow-goth @macademmia @theantisocialghost @foreverfangirlalways @emo--nightmaree @moxy--sanders101 @quinnthequeer @gattonero17 @trashno0dles @tranquil-space-ninja @chaotic-murder-muffin @lugooble @sander-crossing @princess-rosie @sleepyysoot @hi-its-tutty @lookingforaplacetosleep @sarcasmremovedsoul @corkeecoderyt @drarrymalecsolangelo @private-snippers @girl-who-reads @emy-loves-you @reptilian-with-scallions
Ask to be added or removed!
Reblogs are appreciated!💖
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Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem and Wittgenstein II
Prompt: Thinks about Logan breaking his clean streak on self-harm
Thank you for the prompt, babe! I’m a massive nerd so here you go!
Read on Ao3
Warnings: Self-harm, self-doubt (kinda), our boi Logan not having a good time. Please be careful guys I messed myself up writing and editing this so PLEASE PLEASE be careful
Pairings: LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 6908
Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem: For any consistent formal system, there will always be statements that are true, but that are unprovable within the system. The second incompleteness theorem, an extension of the first, shows that the system cannot demonstrate its own consistency.
Wittgenstein II: For a large class of cases of the employment of the word ‘meaning’—though not for all—this word can be explained in this way: the meaning of a word is its use in the language.
*       *       *
Despite what you think it is, it’s not a cry for help. It’s not a desperate attempt at anything. It’s not out of control.
It’s just an option.
Logan is Logic. That is his job, that is what he does, that is what the others rely on him to be. Thus, he is not an accurate facsimile of a human person. He does not experience certain things that a human does, and as such, he should not be held to the same standards and expectations as a human, as he is not one.
He is not a human. He should not be treated as such.
Logan is Logic and thus he must be. He has work to do. Anything that risks interfering with the work must be avoided at all costs. Thomas relies on him to sort through the noise and arrive at the clear, simple, clean solution. Oh, yes, those solutions might not always be as clean or clear as perhaps everyone would like, but it is Logan’s job to ensure that they are as close to that projected ideal as possible. Even if they all acknowledge that such an ideal is impossible to truly achieve, that does not render it irrelevant for use.
An unfortunate side effect of being a metaphysical humanoid is that there are certain things projected onto him that have no strong basis. It is one of the many unfortunate aspects of living in a world that is so—sometimes frustratingly—anthropocentric. The inability to extricate the human bias from any given set of observations is an issue that has plagued many disciplines for centuries, from science to philosophy. Because of the influence of sensory perception on any piece of information, there will always be things that are either assumed that should not be, or things that are taken for granted when they must be considered. There will always be things that humans cannot prove. It is impossible to prove certain things within a given set while existing within the set.
Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem.
Logan is not human, and yet he is assumed to bear more similarities to a human than he truly possesses because Thomas is human. Thomas perceives him in a specific way that is in direct opposition to the function that Logan needs to fulfill in order to be useful to Thomas.
Thomas, as a human, assumes that Logan possesses human traits such as emotion, irrationality, and the inability to behave logically separate from the two aforementioned traits.
Thomas, as a human, requires Logan to be a being of pure Logic, in order to assist in scenarios that arise from the three aforementioned traits.
Logan is what Thomas requires him to be, but he cannot exist as something that Thomas does not see.
There is a small grey area in which Logan can therefore find a solution. Thomas has an abstract awareness of the existence of Logan, but he is not directly interacting or seeing Logan when Logan is not actively working with Thomas or talking with him face to face. If Logan is not being seen at that particular moment, the bounds of his existence are allowed to modify themselves in order to be the most productive. The meaning of the word is its use in the language.
Wittgenstein II.
Logan requires himself to be a being of Logic, and thus when he is not directly seen by Thomas, he must strive as close as he can to that point in order to be the most useful. If he can perform the logic and derive the solution before Thomas sees him again, then the fact that he will once again be altered is inconsequential. All he must do is remember.
Of course, the process of getting as close to that ideal as possible is difficult. Particularly when the switch must occur directly after filming. The process is not typically one that allows for the human traits Logan bears to be kept aside. No; between Roman’s stubbornness, Patton’s exclamations, and Virgil’s interjections, the three of them combined with Thomas’s inability to keep control of them for more than approximately ten seconds ensures that Logan’s capacity to control his emotions is a moot point.
The good news is he has learned how to curtail these emotional outbursts to exclamations of excitement over Thomas’s choice to pursue something or slight judgment towards the attitude the others possess. Or sass.
Mostly sass.
And it is not as if he never allows himself to retain the more human traits when he is away from Thomas. Socializing with the others is an important aspect of his existence. If they are all to work together for Thomas’s betterment, isolation would be counterproductive. And to say that their presence was merely an obligation or necessity would be a falsehood. When he has the capacity to enjoy things, he most certainly enjoys spending time with them. And when the emotions are simpler to handle—contentment, for example, or fondness, derivatives of happiness—they are simpler to put aside when he must work.
When they are not, the process is not nearly as…clean.
Frustration. Anger. Confusion. Other derivatives of sadness. These ones are troublesome. Mainly because they do not remain static—their meanings change as often as Logan looks to see what they are. They do not always stay the same word. They switch and flip and it is quite vexing. Which, of course, only serves to exacerbate the issue. The only commonality is that they all produce and/or derive from a sense of hurt.
Therein lies the solution.
There is a—quite clever, if Logan has to admit—loophole that Logan has devised in order to get to work. Emotional pain is something that he does not—can not—understand within himself. Physical pain, on the other hand, is a survival mechanism. Processing physical pain is much simpler, more distanced, and much easier to put aside than the complicated human emotional pain.
A loophole.
One that Logan has jumped through over
and over
and over again.
Just as Logan can adjust himself based on the meaning of ‘see,’ so too can he adjust what it means to feel ‘pain.’
The loophole works, and thus it is true.
Of course, Logan is aware that this particular loophole is not one that would be approved by many people, let alone the other Sides. They, however, can afford to retain the emotional human traits that enable them to perceive it that way.
Hurting them would be…counterproductive.
But if they do not see it…
“What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”
That is not the same thing. They have no risk of feeling the same type of pain. Nor will Logan take any measure that will endanger anyone other than himself.
Not that this is endangering himself.
It is simple. Logan needs to work. This allows him to work. There is no risk posed to anyone else, including Thomas.
Therefore it is true.
And it’s not as though Logan does this often. It’s not every day, it’s not even every other day. And it’s not much. Never that much.
Just…a quick one, two, three, four, five.
Then he can go to work.
The pain fades, as it always does, and his mind is clear, ready to be filled with the logic of what needs to be done and the quiet assurance that whatever it is will be untainted by human emotion.  Occasionally the loophole will not stay open as long as he requires, but that is easy enough to remedy.
The others do not notice—and if they have, though he doubts it, they have never let on—and as such he makes an effort to conceal the loophole to the furthest extent he can. After all, it would not be ideal for the loophole to close, preventing him from using it to work.
It’s always small. It’s always hidden. It’s always private.
And if it isn’t executed as…precisely as he anticipates, well.
The others have never question why he keeps the first aid kit in his room.
There is a brief moment, early on when they are figuring out the dynamic between the four of them, that there is a name put to the loophole that gives Logan pause.
Fortunately, it was not him they were paying attention to.
“Virgil,” Patton says quietly, sitting next to the shaking Virgil on the couch, “can you take a deep breath for me?”
Virgil shudders. Roman makes eye contact with Logan as he comes down the stairs and quickly moves them to the kitchen.
“Is everything alright?” Logan asks as they move past the counter.
“Yeah, Specs, I think so,” Roman mutters, glancing over his shoulder, “I think it’s just a panic attack.”
“‘Just,’” Logan murmurs, “does this—has this been happening more often?”
“I think so, but I haven’t—we—“
“We have not been around Virgil long enough to ascertain a pattern.” Logan glances over to Patton, still mumbling softly to Virgil. He catches his eyes and shakes his head minutely. “What do we do afterward? Do we need to grab some food, water, anything?”
“Can you go get his headphones?”
“Are they in his room?”
“…I would presume so.”
Logan sighs. “I don’t want to violate Virgil’s trust by entering his room while he’s not there.”
“I’ll just go stick my head in.”
Roman vanishes and Logan turns, purposely paying attention to his hands on the glass, on the tap, on the counter, not looking over to the living room. When Roman reappears with the headphones and a quiet ‘they were on the doorknob,’ he risks a glance back over his shoulder.
Virgil’s leaning fully into Patton’s arms now, Patton murmuring softly into his ear. His breathing seems to have slowed considerably. Patton glances up again and nods.
“That’s us,” Roman murmurs, taking the headphones as Logan grabs the glass of water and walking over to the couch.
“Hey, Stormcloud.” He sets the headphones on the couch behind Virgil and carefully takes his hand. “You doing a little better?”
“Mm.” Virgil rubs his cheek against Patton’s shirt. “Sorry.”
“There’s no need to apologize,” Logan assures, setting the glass of water down on the coffee table. “You’ve done nothing wrong.”
Virgil shifts in Patton’s arms. “It’s annoying.”
“What is,” Logan asks, “taking care of you? Of course it isn’t.”
“Logan’s right, as usual,” Roman adds with a wink.
“You’re alright, kiddo.” Patton plants a kiss on his forehead. “And you’ll never be annoying to take care of.”
“Here,” Logan says when Virgil still looks unsure, “why don’t you name everything that you think will be annoying, and we’ll tell you how it won’t be?”
“Oh, great idea, Specs.”
“…panic attacks?”
“Not at all, kiddo.”
“You know my sleep schedule’s as off as yours,” Roman says, “what with time in the Imagination being different.”
“Dreams are difficult,” Logan says, “even when you are awake.”
“Never,” Patton says, Roman not far behind. Logan, however…
Logan sits quietly for a moment. He is, of course, familiar with the term, however, it is not one he’s heard in…
A while.
He offers his assurances that of course, he would be more than happy to help Virgil with any issue he may have, including self-harm, but the conversation lingers in his mind long after Virgil giggles at Roman’s antics and falls asleep on Patton’s lap. And certainly long after everyone has bid each other goodnight and Logan has retreated to his room.
No. Logan is not human, and thus he cannot be held to the same standards and definitions. If this self-h—if this loophole is required in order for him to function, then it is not the same thing.
If he thinks he hears a soft hiss in the darkness as that conclusion crosses his mind, he dismisses it quickly.
…it still may be best to…attempt to refrain from using the loophole.
The loophole has not been necessary for a long time. Whether it is because Logan has gotten adept at reaching his necessary headspace without it, or there has not been sufficient ‘pain’ for the loophole to be required, there sits a shelf in his bathroom that has remained untouched for a significant period of time.
Surprisingly enough, this is one of the only things for which Logan’s impeccable sense of time does not seem to work. Neither does the possibility cross his mind that the two could be related.
Regardless, it is something of a shock when he reaches up to grab something and his fingers find the wrong shelf.
He pulls his hand back quickly, surprised to see the dull shine of blood on his finger. He glances back up.
Ah. Yes.
Well, it is always good to be aware of one’s options.
He turns the water on and runs his finger under the tap, watching the red dilute and fade, feeling the sharp little sting as the water hits the cut. After a few moments, when the water runs clear, he removes his finger and goes to dry it off when he puts pressure on the cut again.
His fingers part and there it is again. Dull, wet, and a little shiny.
He squeezes.
The blood fills the cut again.
He runs it under the tap.
There is something strangely satisfying, he has discovered, about watching simple repetitive things. Watching the waves go out and roll back in. Watching the soft tick, tick, tick of a metronome hand going back and forth. Watching the gentle breathing of a sleeping animal.
Squeeze. Blood. Wash. Clean. Squeeze, blood, wash, clean. Squeeze blood wash clean. Squeezebloodwashclean.
There’s a knock on his bedroom door.
“Logan? You in there?”
Logan blinks. “Yes, I’m in here.”
“You coming down for dinner?”
“Yes, I’ll be down momentarily.”
Virgil’s footsteps trail away as Logan washes his hands. He turns off the bathroom light and locks his door behind him.
“Oh, Logan!” Patton reaches for his hand when he passes the plate back. “You’re bleeding! What happened?”
“Simply an accident,” Logan says smoothly, brushing Patton’s concerned look aside in favor of a smile, “I reached for the wrong thing in the bathroom.”
“Oh, well, alright.” Patton gives his hand a gentle squeeze. “Just be careful, alright?”
Janus gives him a strange look but says nothing.
Life is…good.
Thomas has been paying more attention to them recently. All of them. Virgil is talking more, Patton is explaining things, Remus is being listened to, Janus is being included, Roman is being cared for…and Logan is being seen.
It’s good. Things are…good.
And something niggles in the back of Logan’s mind, even as he smiles, talks, is with the others.
Something that tells him he has to work.
He tries. He honestly does.
He talks with the others, and they help, truly, but there are some things they cannot give him. And he cannot help them the way he needs to if he isn’t working himself.
He cannot help Patton if he is not distanced enough from the emotional turmoil.
He cannot help Virgil if he is not able to embody the logical reassurance.
He cannot help Roman if he does not offer firm, rigid guidelines.
He cannot help Remus if he is not able to critically examine his ideas.
He cannot help Janus if he can’t think.
He cannot help Thomas if he continues to be like this.
And the knowledge that he can’t help…hurts.
Well. He knows what to do.
He stands up from their dinner one evening and accepts the hug Patton gives him. Even as Patton’s arms curl around his waist, the contradictions in his head make his eyes close. It is warm but it shouldn’t be. It is safe but it shouldn’t be.
It feels good but it shouldn’t.
That’s not what Logan is for.
Roman offers him a hug too but he declines, saying he has some work to take care of. Roman pouts.
“But I haven’t had a chance to see you lately,” he says quietly, reaching out to lay a burning hand—it’s not burning, it shouldn’t feel like it’s burning, this is wrong—on Logan’s arm, “won’t you come on a walk with me? We can go to the garden you like, I’ll see if I can have the herb section all ready, too.”
It shouldn’t feel like Roman’s smile is melting Logan. It shouldn’t feel like Roman’s hand is holding him together. It shouldn’t feel like this.
“Not tonight, I’m afraid,” Logan’s mouth says, “perhaps tomorrow?”
“That’s a promise.”
Roman lets him go and turns to Patton. Logan moves to leave but finds his way blocked by Virgil.
“Oh, my apologies, I didn’t mean to run into you.”
“I did that on purpose, L, don’t worry.”
“May I ask why?”
Virgil shrugs. “Wanted to talk to you.”
It shouldn’t feel like the hairs on Logan’s neck are rising. It shouldn’t feel like his chest is getting hot. It shouldn’t feel like this.
He shrugs again. “Haven’t had a chance to see you a lot.”
“I can assure you that I have been present,” Logan says, “and I can distinctly remember spending time with you over the last three and a half weeks.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I just—“ Virgil scuffs his shoe along the carpet— “just feel like I haven’t seen you.”
Logan blinks. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
“Just—never mind.” Virgil waves him off. “Good luck with your work tonight.”
Logan starts up the stairs. He gets to his room, unlocks the door, and steps inside.
It shouldn’t feel like a weight being lifted off his shoulders.
It shouldn’t feel like that weight resettles onto his chest.
It shouldn’t feel like his hands are tingling.
Logan bites back a curse and goes to the bathroom.
It’s gone too far. He—he can’t make it to his work headspace on his own. They’re too loud. There are too many of them. He can’t focus. He has to stop this. He has to remove himself from this set.
He can’t fail Thomas like this.
No one can see him.
He has to change what it means to feel pain.
Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem and Wittgenstien II.
Logan takes a deep, slow breath.
He knows how to do this.
Get to the bathroom, close the door. Now there are more walls between him and everyone else.
Turn on the shower. It’ll be easier to clean up.
Put the blade right next to the razor. If necessary, blame the razor.
Always in the same place.
Ignore the other scars.
Pull the skin taut.
Make it precise.
Step a little more out of the water.
Remain in control.
Don’t grip the blade so hard it trembles.
Where no one can see.
Now the other side.
Reach over.
Step so the water doesn’t run over either thigh.
Ignore the blood running down the other leg.
Pull the skin taut.
Make it symmetrical.
Adjust the grip on the blade.
Don’t bite the lip until it bleeds either.
Ignore the shine on the blade.
If the lines aren’t right they will have to be fixed to match.
Don’t be sloppy.
Do this right.
Logan leans his head back and closes his eyes. The blade is set down onto the smooth side of the shower. Water runs over his hair, down his back. The temperature is warm.
The water beats down over his head, his neck, his shoulders, his back. Unbidden, his shoulders relax and slump, his head bowing forward under the guidance of the water.
He cups his arms over his chest and turns. The water pools in the cavity of his arms, overflowing until it laps gently as his collarbones and down the creases of his elbows, landing with soft smacks on the shower floor. He watches it land, watches the little ripples and distortions from the falling water refract little artifacts of light onto his arms through the surface. Watches the water slowly start to run a faint red as he lets the water begin to run down his legs.
It hurts.
It stings and sticks and it isn’t clean, not by any means. It hurts and it feels and it’s the perfect loophole for Logan to jump through.
Now, if he closes his eyes, he should see—
Roman’s soft voice asking if he wants to go on a walk.
Patton’s hug, wrapping him up perfectly.
Virgil’s quiet remark that he hasn’t seen Logan recently.
No, no, no!
Logan’s eyes fly open and he looks down. He—this should’ve worked. He jumped, he jumped, he used the loophole, this should be—
The blood is gone. It’s all gone. The tile isn’t stained, the water isn’t stained, everything is clean. But it—it hasn’t worked, did he—
The cuts are uneven. They’re too short on one side, too tilted on the other. They’re too faint. They’ve already stopped bleeding. They already blend in with the other scars.
No, no, no, he has to—
This has to work.
He has to work.
Okay, okay he can do it—do it again. Do it properly.
Grab the blade.
Don’t worry about the grip.
Okay. Now to the other side.
Patton’s laugh. Roman’s touch. Virgil’s gaze.
One two three four five six seven.
One two three four five six seven.
No, no, no, no, why isn’t this working? This should be working, he shouldn’t be feeling this anymore, has he—has he forgotten how to do it right?
It’s been too long, he doesn’t remember, this isn’t how this is supposed to work, the loophole should’ve stayed open, he needs it to stay open, he has to—he has to work, he isn’t useful if he can’t work!
Don’t worry about the numbers.
Overload the system.
Drown it out.
Drown it out.
Ignore the dull red shine all over the tile, the blade, the legs, the fingers.
Drown it out.
Make it stop, make everything go away.
Ignore the sting, if the feeling is still there it hasn’t worked.
Drown it out.
Drown it out.
Ignore the knocking on the door, it’s not there.
Drown it out, drown it out.
“Logan, are you in there?”
Drown it out drown it out.
“Logan! Logan!”
“Logan I swear I’m gonna break your door down!”
Drown it out drown it out
“Logan! Logan, can you hear us?”
“Damnit, Logan, answer!”
Drown it out drown it out drown it out drown it out drown it out drown it out drownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitoutdrownitout
Logan blinks.
The shower is covered in a dull, red, wet, shine.
His thighs burn.
His hands carefully set the blade down on the tiled edge.
The water runs over him, running and running and running.
Slowly, slowly, slowly, it runs from red to pink to clear.
Logan stands and shuts off the water.
The towel is black.
He dries.
He dresses.
His clothes are black.
His hair is wet.
He puts his glasses on.
Mutterings are coming from the other side of his door when he exits the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He tilts his head.
“I don’t know what’s going on!”
“He seemed alright at dinner, what’s—“
“He was not alright at dinner, in fact I don’t know how long it’s been since he’s been alright—“
“I swear to unholy fuck I’m gonna break this fucking door down.”
“Please do not break my door down,” Logan says.
The voices stop.
“…Logan? Logan, is that you?”
“It’s me.”
“Oh thank god—“
“Are you alright?”
“Why didn’t you answer?”
“If you don’t open this fucking door—“
“Alright, alright, I’ll open the door, one moment.”
Logan opens the door and takes a step aside as the others spill into his room, Patton and Roman looking around, Virgil taking up residence on the desk. Remus walks in slowly, followed by Janus. Janus shuts the door and stares at Logan.
“Why didn’t you answer at first,” Patton asks quickly, “we were worried, did you—where were you?”
Logan indicates his wet hair. “In the shower, I’m afraid. It is both quite difficult and quite…impractical to come to the door while occupied.”
He adjusts his glasses. “May I ask why you were all outside my door to begin with? It has only been…a little while since I’ve last seen you.”
“A little while,” Janus muses, still staring at Logan. “How long exactly?”
Logan tilts his head, eying the clock over Janus’s shoulder. “Thirty-five minutes and forty-six seconds.”
“And why would you need to look at the clock?”
“…surely all of you are no stranger to losing track of time in the shower.”
He gets a round of vague agreements from Virgil, Patton, and Roman. Remus remains silent, prowling around the room.
“We are not,” Janus murmurs, “but you…”
Logan swallows. “You have not answered my question.”
“We,” Patton says, gesturing to himself and to Roman, “followed Virgil.”
Virgil hunkers on Logan’s desk. “I came because I heard Remus and Janus shouting.”
“…and why were you shouting?”
Janus just stares at him.
Logan’s throat begins to run dry.
“I believe you know the answer, Logan.”
He swallows. “You must be mistaken.”
“Please,” Janus says, almost too quiet for the others to hear, “don’t make me do this.”
Logan swallows heavily.
“Do what?”
Something flickers across Janus’s face as he looks at Logan.
He looks at Remus.
He nods.
No, no no.
Logan was so careful.
He can’t—
Remus reels back and kicks Logan’s bathroom door open.
Remus pays Patton no mind, striding in and away from Logan, even as Roman rushes after him.
Logan is frozen.
“Remus, what’re you—hey!” Roman makes an indignant noise as Remus shoves him back out through the door. “Remus!”
Logan can feel Janus’s eyes on him as he scans Remus’s hands. He’s not holding it. Did he—did he miss it? Is something—
He knows when his gaze flicks up to catch Remus’s that he’s been well and truly caught.
“You do know what my job is,” Remus hisses, “don’t you?”
Logan raises his chin. “And you know what mine is.”
“If you think that even begins to explain this—“
“Explain what?” Roman looks frantically back and forth between the three of them. “What the hell is going on here?”
No, no, no, no, no, Logan was so—he was—he’s been—it can’t—why didn’t it just work? He could’ve been fine, this would’ve worked, he could’ve worked, he wasn’t—how did they see?
“Logan, look at me.”
“Lo, you’re panicking—“
“Way to go, you two, look what you’ve done.”
“We’re trying to help him!”
“You’ve messed up a perfectly good Logan, that’s what you did. Look at him, he’s having a panic attack!”
“Logan,” comes a soft voice in front of him, blocking out the others into a distant murmur, “Logan, look at me.”
Logan blinks.
Remus’s face swims into view, concerned. He reaches out to cup Logan’s face in his hands.
“You’re panicking, Lolo,” he says quietly, “you gotta calm down.”
“I’m not panicking,” Logan tries to say, only his throat won’t work.
“Why are you doing this,” he tries again, but nothing’s happening.
“What’s happening to me,” he tries desperately, only for nothing, nothing to work.
It isn’t until Remus’s thumbs come away damp that he realizes he’s crying.
“Lo—a little help here!”
Logan collapses into Remus, who quickly wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him into a seated position, cradling the limp form in his lap. Roman, who rushed forward when Remus cried out, pulls him closer, laying his legs across his lap, not caring that his trousers started to soak.
“Easy there, Specs,” Roman hushes, hand drawing little patterns on Logan’s damp knee, “shh, shh, you’re okay.”
Then he looks down.
Logan can pinpoint the moment Roman sees the patterns of wetness through his jeans.
Roman’s eyes widen.
“Oh, Logan…”
“Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?”
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Janus turn toward Patton and Virgil. He can’t move. He can’t—it hurts, it hurts—
“Oh, sweetheart,” Roman murmurs, cupping the backs of Logan’s legs, “oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”
“Oh my gosh—“
“Oh, kiddo—“
Oh. Virgil and Patton are here now. Great. Is it great? What is—how does this—Logan hurts.
Janus crouches down by his face, gently cupping his cheek and leaning forward to rest their foreheads together.
“Come on, sweetie,” he whispers, “I know it hurts, but you have to breathe.”
Is he—has he been quiet this whole time?
“At the very least you’ve got to breathe. In an out, come on.”
That didn’t work last time…it didn’t work…it didn’t…
“…didn’t work,” Logan mumbles, “it didn’t work.”
“We’re not trying that, sweetie,” Janus says easily, “we’re trying something else. I still need you to breathe for me.”
Logan breathes.
“Shh, shh, there you go, just like that…” Someone rubs his knee gently. “Just like that.”
They’re all here. They can all see. They can—does that mean Thomas can see? IS that why Logan—is that why it’s been so hard?
“None of that now, sweetie,” Janus chides, lightly chucking Logan under the chin, “stay here, stay with me…no drifting off just yet.”
They’re all here.
Virgil frowns. Then he glances at Patton. “Pat, let’s go get L something to drink.”
“It’s too much for him, Pat,” Virgil says softly, “with all of us here, he’s getting overwhelmed. Let’s go and then we’ll come back, yeah?”
As they leave, Roman shifts to let them by, and the fabric rubs right over the cuts, making Logan hiss through his teeth. Even though it’s quickly shushed by Janus, he doesn’t miss Roman’s wince.
“Yeah, denim over the fresh ones is rough, isn’t it?”
Logan goes absolutely still.
Judging by the way Remus growls and Janus turns, that’s news to them too.
Roman just looks at them all and raises an eyebrow.
“Oh, please. It’s not all long sleeves and pants all summer for no reason.”
“R-Roman, you—you—?”
“Yeah, Specs,” Roman murmurs when Logan can’t find his words, “me too.”
“Oh, we are not done with this conversation,” Remus mutters, softening slightly as he turns his attention back to Logan, “but c’mon, Lolo, you gotta—you gotta believe we’re as shocked about you, too.”
“But—“ Logan stammers— “but you—Roman you—you’re—“
“What, Logan,” Roman prompts gently, “what am I?”
“You’re—you can feel, and—and—“
“I can feel, Specs, that’s true.” A rueful smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “And I’m sure that the…idea that it’s not always ideal isn’t that foreign to you, huh?”
“But you have to feel to work, I—I can’t, the loophole—“
“What loophole,” Remus asks sharply, “Logan, what are you talking about?”
Janus cups his head again, easing himself down, mindful of Logan’s legs. “Why don’t you explain that to us, sweetie,” he says softly, “help us understand?”
“You—I—“ Logan tries to breathe. “I…I have to be useful. I have to—I have to be Logic. You—you all…Thomas needs Logic.”
“So I—Thomas still sees us as people, or—or at least Sides of people which means he end—endows us with certain human traits and—and qualities.”
Janus nods.
“I can’t—in order to be useful I can’t feel, I have to be Logic.” Logan swallows. “But if Thomas can see me then I have to be what he sees.”
He swallows again.
“So if I take myself out, then I can—then I can be Logic.”
“But that doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t what Thomas thinks you are anymore,” Roman asks gently, “so you…aren’t you still in the…aren’t you still in?”
“The meaning of words is dependent—“ Logan swallows— “dependent on the context, so if I can change the—the context then I can take myself—myself out.”
Roman squints. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
“Oh, Logan,” Janus murmurs, “are you telling us that you’ve determined that this is the correct course of action through logical principles?”
“Excuse me he’s done what?”
“You cannot prove certain things about a set while using the language of the set,” Janus says softly, his gaze locked on Logan’s, “and the meaning of a word is dependent on its use within the language. Does that sound familiar?”
Logan nods. “Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem and Wittgenstein II.”
“You’re operating under the assumption that your role as Logic is the determining factor,” Janus continues, “and that in order to fulfill that role to its greatest potential, you must remove yourself from the set of emotional beings, including a re-contextualization of what it means to feel.”
He nods.
“But if the language has become re-contextualized, then attempting to operate under all the other assumptions the previous language affords is illogical, let alone the fact that it renders the act of removing oneself from the set redundant. Another language is required to derive a solution ytt it would be impossible to translate the solution into the language of the original set.”
Janus cocks his head.
“And haven’t you yourself created an assumption about the nature of the original set? The role you play within it and its very existence prevents your leaving of it in its entirety.”
And Logan’s poor, tired, illogical brain is so, so lost.
In the distance, Roman huffs. “Okay, so I’ve got no idea what the fuck we’re currently talking about.”
“Same here,” comes Remus’s voice.
Janus smiles gently. “You’ve overlooked something, sweetie,” he says, stroking Logan’s cheek, “about you and how much we care.”
“What…what did I miss?”
“You said that you need to be useful.”
Roman makes an ‘ah’ sound. “You could’ve just led with that instead of showing off.”
“I most certainly was not.”
“Yeah, you were, Janny, shut up.”
Roman shakes his head fondly and leans closer. “You don’t have to be useful, Logan, nor do you have to worry about not being exactly what you think you do.”
“Shh,” Roman murmurs, gently stroking Logan’s leg, “can I talk for a minute, sweetheart?”
Logan nods.
“Thank you…you think that you’re not being you because you’re getting emotional, yeah?”
“Okay…well, have you considered that you’ve got a warped perspective of yourself because it’s being affected by your own perception?”
Janus turns to Roman. “My, my, Roman, discussing the limits of sensory perception?”
“I do listen to my dear darling nerd,” Roman hums, lightly showing Janus’s shoulder, “but anyway, Logan, you have to realize then, that means that you can’t objectively say you do or you don’t have these traits because you’re being affected by them.”
“Gödel,” comes Janus’s voice.
“Yeah,” Remus says, “and also that just because you think you’re only wanted because you’re useful doesn’t mean that we think that.”
“And there’s Wittgenstein II.”
“Isn’t that what you told us,” Remus continues, “that you can’t logic your way out of everything? You’re no exception to that, Lolo.”
“Logic can be used in a lot of ways to justify all sort of things,” Janus agrees, lightly tapping Logan’s cheek, “and just because something may be logically valid doesn’t make it true.”
“That’s why we have you.”
Logan balks at Roman’s words. “M-me?”
“Yeah, sweetheart,” Roman smiles, “you. You with your feelings and your care and your you-ness. You’re a part of this set and you’re not going anywhere.”
“And we don’t want you to.”
Logan’s thighs burn.
“Shh, shh, sweetie,” Janus hushes as tears start to well up in Logan’s eyes again, “it’s okay, we’ll help you—oh, sweetie, it hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Will you let us help you clean them?”
Unbidden, Logan’s face flares bright red.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, sweetie…”
Roman gently nudges Remus’s arm. “Let me. You two go check on Patton and Virgil.”
“Come on,” Roman coaxes, “it’s not like I don’t have the practice.”
“We are so not done with this conversation,” Remus mutters as he squeezes Logan’s waist, “but is that okay, Lolo?”
Logan nods. Better just one than all.
“We’ll be back,” Janus promises, giving his cheek one last pat as he leaves.
“Easy does it,” Roman murmurs as he starts to lean Logan back against the wall, “do you have a long shirt?”
Logan motions wordlessly toward the closet. Roman finds the softest shirt Logan owns—how Roman knows is beyond him—and lays it gently in Logan’s lap.
“Change,” he says softly, letting their foreheads rest together for a moment, “I won’t look.”
The cuts have dried to the jeans and they burn, Logan biting his lip to keep from crying out as he gets them off. He’s panting by the time he’s done. Roman turns back with the first aid kit in his hands and kneels down. Logan stares at a spot on the floor, far away.
“Alright,” he says, pulling out the wipes and bandages, “Logan?”
“You tell me to stop, I stop dead,” Roman promises, “but you must tell me, alright?”
“I will.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. This may sting a bit.”
It does, but Roman is careful and thorough and far too good at this.
“How do you think it was for us,” Roman whispers when Logan voices that last part, “when we realized?”
“My apologies.”
“Oh, no, sweetheart, that’s not what I meant. I just meant that you’re so important to us, Logan, you, that this…this hurts. And I don’t ever want you to think that this is necessary for us to love you.”
The word stutters in Logan’s throat.
“Too much?” Oh. Roman must think it’s his legs. “Here…”
Roman reaches out and gently rests Logan’s hands on his shoulders.
“There…Keep your hands on my shoulders. Then if something hurts too much, you give me a squeeze and let me know, hmmm?”
One of the larger cuts stings horribly as Roman begins to clean it and Logan tenses, his hands gripping Roman’s shoulders.
“A little.”
“Here…” Roman leans down and blows a stream of cool air over the cut. “…better?”
“Good. I’m almost done.” He carefully applies the bandages, smoothing his hand across them as he finishes. “There…all better.”
He packs away the first aid kit, only to pause and look up when Logan’s still staring at the same spot on the floor. He stops, setting the kit aside and taking a seat near his hips, reaching and twisting to cup Logan’s face in his hands.
“Hey,” he calls gently, “talk to me, sweetheart.”
Logan wets his suddenly-dry lips. “I don’t think I’ve…processed this yet.”
“That’s okay, Lo, it’s not gonna be a quick thing.” Roman glances back. “And certainly not if it’s been happening for a long time. Though, if it’s any consolation, I don’t think any of us have fully processed it either.”
Logan gets interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.
“Can we let them in, sweetheart?” Logan nods. “Come in.”
Patton appears first, holding a glass of water out to him. Virgil comes in next, holding a massive pile of blankets, helped by Janus. He can hear Remus take the kit and put it away.
“Hey, there, kiddo,” Patton whispers as Logan starts to drink, “there you go…thank you.”
“How’re you doing, L?” Virgil tilts his head a little. “All things considered?”
All things considered…
Logan takes a deep breath and turns, trying to look at his legs.
Before he can, Remus has his hands over his eyes.
“Sorry, Lolo,” Remus mutters, “but even I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.”
“…if I don’t look, it—I…”
Did it happen? Did I—did it work, did I not—did I do it wrong? It has to be done right, I need to—dull, red, wet, shine, one, two, three, four—
“…alright,” Remus whispers, removing his hands.
The bandages cover most of it.
His hands tremble.
It hurts.
It hurts.
“H-help me.”
“I’m here,” Roman says instantly, rushing forward to pull Logan into a tender hug, “I’m right here, sweetheart, I’m right here.”
He tries to hug him back but his arms are shaking too much so he can’t.
And this, more than anything, is what makes him finally start to fall apart.
“Oh, sweetheart…”
Roman adjusts his grip, settling Logan’s arms over his shoulders. He cradles Logan like he’s something precious, something true.
“Can we help,” comes Patton’s strangled whisper, “can we help too, Logan?”
Patton is behind him in an instant. Remus clings onto him from the side. Virgil wraps them all in one of the weighted blankets as Janus pulls Logan’s legs into his lap.
“Don’t worry about figuring anything out right now,” Patton murmurs, “or jumping through any loopholes. Just…just be for a little bit, yeah?”
Logic disappears in a soft puff as Logan buries his head in Roman’s shoulder and cries.
Set complete.
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portsidewonderland · 3 years
Okay, I’ve been wanting to write this for the last three weeks, but I’m finally - finally - sitting down to do just that.
First, I’m a Rogan shipper. I’ve been a Rogan shipper for the last 20 years, but in that time, I’ve grown, I’ve experienced my own sense of love, and I’m a writer so I’d like to think I’m familiar with structure, characterization, and the like.
Second, I’m focused on the film franchise, strictly speaking. Just wanted to make sure that is clear.
Having said that, when I discuss how utterly wrong the X-Men franchise is, I’m talking about from a story standpoint. When I speak of Logan and Rogue, if that ship isn’t your jam, fine, but the points I make still stand.
Finally, spoiler alert for all of the movies.
Okay, I think we’re ready to jump in.
1. After the first movie, everyone forgot the heart of what made the first movie so special: Wolverine & Rogue
I don’t necessarily mean together. I mean, the movie focused primarily on Logan’s story and Rogue’s story. It was told through THEIR POV. This is important because, essentially, we’re asked to connect with these two characters AND WE DO.
The dialogue, the acting, and their stories (which reflect each other’s as well as stand on their own) draw us in and we are hooked.
Even the critics thought some of the best scenes are the ones Logan and Marie share together. Multiple critics discuss chemistry, how they add to the scene, etc.
Regardless of whether you ship them or not, there’s a compelling story between the two. This vulnerable, slip of a girl is the most powerful X-men out there (or one of) and this growly, fierce angry, broken man who’s been alone for so long that out of everyone he’s met and seen, THIS girl brings him to his knees.
And it’s because she isn’t scared of him.
Even after watching him beat the shit out of his opponent, even after seeing the claws threaten humans and slice through a barrel of a gun, she still thinks, I can trust him.
And when he catches her in his trailer, she STILL isn’t afraid of him. She gives him lip. She calls him out on his shit.
That’s how she manages to slide through the cracks.
And that is BEAUTIFUL.
I’m not here to talk about the performances, but Jesus Christ, I love this scene so damn much. The chemistry RADIATES. The glances, the confusion, the curiosity, and the attraction. (Sorry not sorry, it’s there on both parts, I’ll die on this hill.)
Anyway, the first movie is about how this girl brings the savage, feral Wolverine to his knees. How she gets him to STAY. How she gets him to open up.
Yes, Logan wants info on his past, but he’s staying for Marie. We all know it.
When he threatens Jean after first waking up, Jean is scared. And for good reason, obviously.
But Logan STABS Marie with his claws, and guess what? She’s still not scared of him. She’s worried about him.
This is THEIR story.
Do you really think Wolverine is going to go running around in leather for anyone but Marie? Yeah, I don’t think so. I mean, he literally STABS HIMSELF IN THE CHEST to free himself and get to her.
He PROMISES her that he’d take care of her. Do you think Wolverine bullshits? Hell no, he doesn’t.
And that’s why....
2. The whole Jean thing was just not great.
Okay, can I tell you something?
I don’t see Jean as a sympathetic character. She’s engaged to Scott and suddenly, Wolverine comes strolling in and she can’t get her shit together?
I mean, okay, I get it, let’s be real.
But Scott isn’t a bad guy. He nay be a dick, but he treats Jean well. Because we’re not in Cyclops’ or Jean’s head, we as the audience don’t see any marital/romantic issues between them. Hence, when Jean gets flustered by Wolverine to the point where she lets him goad her into reading his mind, she knows what she’s doing. She likes it. She likes Logan’s attention.
Not because she likes Logan.
(I read this fic where basically Jean tells Logan he could have been anybody, and I thought that was so perfect)
But because he’s giving her attention. He makes her feel desired.
And she leads him on.
Right there, I don’t like her, and I think that’s why a lot of Rogan shippers don’t like her is that she has no problem toying not only with Logan’s feelings, but with Scott’s.
But that’s not even the worst part of this.
At the end, when Logan asks for Marie and Jean makes her comment, she adds, “I think she’s taken with you.”
Like - why would Jean say that? Why mention it?
That’s petty ass shit right there.
To me, what she’s trying to do is align herself with Logan as adults and belittle Marie for having a little crush on him. Like it’s so juvenile.
And the worst line of this whole movie is when he says, “Tell her my heart belongs to another.”
Want to know why?
Because the writers/director haven’t SHOWN this. This line is forced here to TELL the audience that we should be shipping Jean and Wolverine. It’s sloppy writing. It tells me they think the audience are idiots.
Really, Logan?
Jean has your heart even though you completely go against Tall Dark and Feral to pick up a girl, then stay at the school with her, leave a fucking mansion to bring her back, make a promise to her, go after her after she’s kidnapped, stab yourself in the chest, fling yourself on the Statue of Liberty AND RISK YOUR FUCKING LIFE TO SAVE ROGUE’S JUST BY TOUCHING HER and you want me to believe your heart belongs to Jean????
Please, tell me, why the FUCK should I buy that?
Oh, because they’re the same age?
LOL no.
Anyway, I didn’t like Jean’s characterization because of that. Because she’s leading people on, because she needs to put down Marie’s feelings after her ordeal because of her insecurity, because of it all.
Which is why I’ll never ship them together.
Logan is at his worst when he’s around Jean.
And Jean is just the worst.
3. They took something meaningful and they fucked it
Logan promises to take care of Rogue. Do you know important that is for both of them as individuals and their relationship?
Rogue only goes back because of Logan. Not for anyone else. Not even Bobby. She comes back, she stays, for Logan.
Where do we see that after the second movie?
He’s so goddamned focused on Jean, on everything about her, that he barely notices that Rogue is ready to get the cure.
I’m GLAD they got a scene together. Because of their looks.
I am.
But shit.
It’s like Logan has completely forgotten all about Rogue, and I’m sorry, but after that first movie, I just can’t buy that.
I can buy that he leaves to check out his past. The dog tag scene is one of my absolute favorites. That’s perfect. Makes sense.
(Also, side note: Fic is so beautiful about this but he isn’t afraid to touch her. Like, he doesn’t HAVE to play with her hair but he does. It’s playful and flirty. It IS. He could have just said he liked her hair BUT HE HAD TO TOUCH IT. And this is HUGE for Rogue because honestly SHE’S afraid to touch and of herself but if Logan isn’t afraid, she stops being afraid - if that makes sense.)
But seriously? He’s not calling the mansion, not writing to Rogue?
I don’t believe that for one second.
This is why I will never watch The Wolverine after that first time (I refuse especially after the director said he was contemplating adding Rogue at the end and didn’t and FUCK EVERYTHING.) because he just leaves because he’s upset about fucking JEAN
I’m sorry but the Wolverine isn’t ABOUT Jean.
If that was the case, we should have had point of views between Logan and Jean in the first movie, not Rogue.
We should have SEEN their development, but we didn’t.
We’re TOLD it.
I’m sorry, but how do you want me to believe that the big bad Wolverine runs off to Japan because he’s sad about Jean? Like, so he’s just going to leave Rogue alone with all of those threats? Are you fucking kidding me?
Show them keeping in touch or SOMETHING. You can’t expect me to see such a huge transformation arc in Logan in the first movie that just gets shit on in every other movie (besides the second). Because that makes Wolverine look like a big, gigantic ASSHOLE and I get that he’s supposed to be that way, but NOT with Rogue.
Which is why Days of Future Past pisses me off as much of the rest them (I’m only discussing the Rogue Cut because I refuse to acknowledge that Bryan Singer - who gave us the first movies - regulated Rogue to such a fucking small cameo.) because Rogue was treated as garbage.
Now, I’m going to assume Logan doesn’t know about what really happened to Rogue because no one told him. But honestly? If he cares about Rogue the way I know he does, he should be asking about her every single time he and Xavier talk.
I love that Logan can sense Rogue when she steps in to help. I love that Rogue refuses to let go of Logan’s mind even in the heart of danger (@bigfrogbestfrogs has an awesome breakdown of these scenes). But I’m appalled at how Kitty is chosen before Rogue? Like, even when coming up with the idea for this movie, why not involve Rogue more?
I refuse to discuss Bobby and her together at the end.
Fuck that.
4. The timelines
Look, I’m not even going to go into the shit that is the timelines.
But honestly?
Fuck everything about that.
I get Singer wanted to retcon X3, but I don’t care.
Based on Apocalypse, the future still sucks so everything failed and then the movie LOGAN takes that shit and amplifies it.
5. LOGAN (the movie)
I’m sorry, but this movie is amazing in some ways and sucks in others.
Want to know why?
Because it takes everything about what made the first movie great and emphasized it.
Laura is too young to be a love interest, so clearly, it’s paternal, and I’m here for it.
But there are so many parallels between logan and Laura and Logan and Rogue that for Logan not to say anything or feel anything in a way tgat tells the audience he’s feeling something just boggles my mind.
Even if he carried HER picture or played with the dog tags and thought of her, something that shows the audience he remembers her, dammit, and she MEANT something to him.
But FUCK how could he NOT?
And that’s why the scene where he’s reading that comic book and he sees himself saving Rogue is so poignant.
Because his gaze lingers.
I mean, obviously I’m assuming she’s dead (which is bullshit but whatever). But still.
And then when he’s dying and Laura is holding his hands and you get that prophecy of him dying with his heart in his hand and I loved how they paired it with the Logan and Rogue song. I loved that callback.
And if the films in between them weren’t such shit, it would be enough.
But it’s not enough for me.
There was so much potential and everything got shit on and it angers me soooo much.
That’s me venting.
Luckily we have so many talented Rogan fic writers and that our ship has survived 20 years.
But still.
What could have been...
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Still A Brother
Summary: Patton and Logan learn something about Roman and what he lost before ending up where he is. Presumed Dead Creativitwins AU.
Logan had ended up being right about their superiors appreciating good strategy in the practice mission.  The three of them were acknowledged for the good job they did, even Patton, despite the fact that he got hurt.  They were told that they would be considered for tougher and even solo missions, which was… great.  Patton felt less prepared for that than he did for regular missions, but it meant he got to stay with Logan and Roman permanently, which was a relief.  He was sure they would have found ways to stay together either way, but now that they were officially going to be working together, no one would try and get in the way of that.
Not that they would.  There was no reason for them to try and get in the way of their family, it wasn’t causing any harm.  He wouldn’t have really needed to worry about it either way, right?  Right.
Despite being active soldiers, for the most part life continued as normal.  They stayed in training to stay in shape, and the rest of their time was still theirs.  The biggest change was that they were starting to train with weapons, and that they were allowed off base when not training.
Patton wasn’t sure he liked the idea of learning how to use weapons.  Learning how to fight was something he could use to defend himself if need be.  Weapons were a little less… that.  Patton went with brass knuckles that he hated everything about and decided he would never use, just so he wouldn’t actually have to learn much in regards to how to use them.
Roman and Logan were a little less unsure about the whole thing.  Roman was learning how to fight with a sword, and Logan had chosen nunchucks.  As an unfortunate side effect of all of this, the two of them were now often in training while Patton had nothing to do.  Often he was just sitting on his bed reading something he’d borrowed from Logan’s library while everyone else was training.
It was normally a good day when Logan and Roman came back early, but today when Patton heard footsteps and glanced up to see them, he also saw Roman looking unusually nervous.
“Hey, are you okay?” Patton asked as they approached.
Instead of replying verbally, Roman reached for his hand and started squeezing it in Morse code.
I need to tell you guys something.
Patton gave him a confused look.  Okay.  Is there a reason we’re doing it like this?  We’re the only people here.
I don’t want to say it out loud.
Patton furrowed his brow in concern, but he nodded.  He shifted aside, and Logan and Roman both sat down on his bed with him.  Roman fidgeted with his hands for a minute before grabbing both of their hands again.
I’m sorry.
Why? Patton asked.
I’m keeping something from you guys.
Patton gave him a concerned look.  Logan grabbed Patton’s hand a second later, probably so Patton would understand when he responded, It’s alright, Roman.  You don’t have to tell us everything.
Patton nodded.  They didn’t have to know everything about Roman, especially if Roman didn’t feel comfortable telling them.
Yeah, but I don’t want you to think that I’m lying to you, or that I wouldn’t tell you something important, Roman said.
I don’t think that, Roman, Patton said, and then it was Logan’s turn to nod in agreement.  There’s a difference between not being ready to share something and lying.
A big one, Logan agreed.  We’re not angry with you, Roman.
Roman sniffed and nodded, wiping at his eyes.  Patton squeezed his hand without saying anything, trying his best to be reassuring.
Finally, Roman started talking again.
Before I came here, I had a brother.
Patton blinked in surprise.  That really wasn't what he expected Roman to say.  Mostly because he couldn’t think of a reason Roman wouldn’t want to tell them that.
Okay, Patton said.  Do you want us to help you find him?  Is that what you’re asking?
Roman sniffed again and shook his head.  Can’t.
You can’t find him? Patton asked.  Why not?
Roman pulled his hands away and wiped at his eyes again.  He left his hands covering his eyes when he finished and took a couple deep breaths.
Oh.  Oh, Patton got it.
He moved forward and wrapped his arms around Roman, and Roman buried his head in Patton’s shoulder.
“A lot of people who end up here lost their family first,” Patton said quietly, since it was harder to use code like this.  “I’m sorry, Roman.  It’s really hard.”
Roman nodded against Patton’s shoulder.  A second later Logan joined the hug from the other side.
“Do you want to tell us about him?” Logan asked.  “We’re more than willing to listen.”
Roman sniffed one more time and leaned back.  He nodded.  “Yeah,” he said.  “Okay.  Um, his name was Remus.”
“That’s a nice name,” Patton said with a small smile.
“Our parents wanted us to have similar names,” Roman said.  “We both resented them for it for a while.  We pretended to be each other a lot to get back at them.”
“That sounds like it would be fun,” Patton said.  “Does that mean you two were identical?”
Roman nodded.  “Except I’m the pretty one, obviously,” he said.
Patton laughed.
“Um, that does not follow,” Logan said.  “If you both looked identical, wouldn’t you be equally good looking?”
“That’s the point of the joke, Lo,” Patton said, and Roman nodded.
“Oh,” Logan said, still not really looking like he got it.
“If I’m being honest, though, Remus had this smile that could creep you the fuck out, and if I was standing next to him then I was probably actually the pretty one,” Roman said.  “He was a little… Remus.”
“I… don’t know what that means,” Logan said.
“No one does, really,” Roman said with a shrug.  “He could be kind of out there.  He liked gross and creepy stuff way more than I did.  Sometimes he had these thoughts about hurting me or other people.”
“Oh gosh,” Patton said in concern.  “That doesn’t sound good.”
“No, it’s not like… I thought so too,” Roman said.  “But he never acted on any of them, and it’s not like he wanted to be thinking about that stuff.  It really bothered him a lot of the time, actually.  I started helping him more after Mom and Dad died.”  Roman looked away.  “I think he was lonelier than I was.  I should have done more to help.”
Patton reached out and squeezed Roman’s hand again.  “You sound like a really good brother, Roman,” he said.  “I’m sure Remus loved you a whole bunch.”
Roman sniffed.  “I miss him,” he whispered.  Patton leaned forward and pulled him into a hug again, and Roman rested his head on his shoulder again.  Logan joined again too, and for a while the three of them just sat there.
Roman was the first one to pull away again.  “Hey guys?”
“Yeah?” Patton asked.
“Do I… do I still get to say I’m a brother?  I mean, Remus is gone now.”
“Of course you’re still a brother,” Logan said instantly.  “The relationship you had with Remus is no less important because Remus isn’t here anymore.  If you still want to call yourself his brother, then you get to.  It’s as simple as that.”
Patton nodded.  “Yeah.  Your mom and dad are still your parents even if they’re not here.  Same thing with you being a brother.”
Roman nodded, seeming to relax at that.  “Okay,” he said.  “But how am I supposed to be a good brother if Remus isn’t here?”
“Well, actually, I think you’re doing alright,” Patton said with a small smile.  “You’re talking about him and remembering him.  You clearly still love him a whole lot.”
“That sounds right,” Logan said with a nod.  “And either way, you are good family, Roman, and we are lucky to have you.”
Roman smiled at them.  “Thanks, guys,” he said.  He moved towards them, and a second later they all ended up hugging again.
“Is it okay if we do this again sometime?” Roman asked.
“Of course,” Patton said.  “I would love to.”
“Agreed,” Logan said.  “I look forward to hearing about your brother, Roman.”
Roman sighed, sounding both relieved and happy.  “Okay,” he said.  “Thanks.”
A moment later the door started to open and they had to pull apart, but Patton still felt warm.  It felt nice to be trusted that much by someone, and he found that he was looking forward to learning more about Remus.
After all, if Roman loved him, he had to be special.
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caffeinated-cryptid · 4 years
bishop to castle; check.
3.8k words | AO3 link | tags/warnings: suicidal behaviour, risk of falling from a height, talking someone down from a ledge, hurt/comfort, platonic roceit, positive ending.
“After weeks of moping post-POF, Janus goes into the imagination to find Roman. They end up having a much more intense conversation than he could have ever planned for.”
Janus hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Roman since their last argument. It was fine, probably, he justified to himself, despite how Patton had returned from their talk with pursed lips and worriedly furrowed eyebrows. He likely just needed time to process everything that had happened, and Janus wasn’t going to push that. 
(His reluctance to address the issue had nothing to do with the fact that he dreaded another confrontation. Totally not.)
After all, forcing his presence on Roman now could potentially only make things worse. So instead he would just have to wait for him to come around first-- to calm down enough to be willing to hear him out without resorting to name-calling.
Janus was plenty busy anyway, what with his new position in Thomas’ life. More than smoothing over one less-than-steller relationship with a side (which Janus was collecting like pokemon cards recently, it seemed), he elected to focus on ensuring Thomas held true to his promises of self-care, which meant working with Patton more often.
That wasn’t so terrible, at least it wasn’t as bad as the him from a year ago would have expected; the side was trying harder to welcome his contributions which he appreciated. Though inadvertantly through this new partnership, he found himself being dragged into more casual hang-outs, where they would do nothing but...chat. Sharing daily anecdotes and worries and secrets about themselves. It was strangely open and the sort of thing Janus had to adjust to, but with this new friendship he had found himself in, he did his best not to ruin it.
“I’m getting worried.” Patton admitted one day, setting down the tv remote after a finished screening of some Air Bud spinoff. How Janus had been wrangled into watching that ceaseless dog series was beyond him. “I think the others might be starting to come around to you, but Roman...”
Patton didn’t need to finish his sentence, because Janus already knew what he meant. With Virgil and Logan, he’d been making an effort to try to prove his worth as a member of the team (whether or not that was working was yet to be seen, despite Patton's generous assertions that it would all work out eventually), but he hadn’t even gotten the chance do to that with the creative side. As much as he had first assumed that time and space would do the trick, it seemed like that wasn’t the case after all.
 “I suppose a confrontation is inevitable.” He grimaced, knowing that this had been put off for long enough.
“Would you do that?” Patton asked suddenly, looking to him with relief. It made Janus realize that it sounded like he had signed up to go talk to Roman himself.
“Uh...” Janus tensed, his previous concerns surfacing again. “I don’t think I would be the best suited to have this conversation-”
“Oh- Pleeease? You two need to talk most of all! Besides, when I went, he wouldn’t even...” Patton trailed off, biting his lip with a pout. “...Could you try, at least? Maybe you could get through to him.”
“...Alright. I’ll go before lunch.” Janus agreed begrudgingly, rewarded by Patton’s grateful smile. Stupid puppy face. That would have to stop working eventually.
That was how Janus found himself in the lawless lands of The Imagination.
It had filled him with dread, knocking on the red and gold door and recieving no response. Even more so when he risked intruding anyway and seeing the wrecked state of the room, and then noticing the entrance to The Imagination wide open.
Unsurprisingly, that was where he found the side in question. More surprising was when he did, finding him sitting on the edge of the tallest turret of his castle, like he had decided to overlook his kingdom in the most dangerous way possible. Janus wasn’t so naive to assume that was all it was though.
Roman probably saw him approach as he ran the rest of the way to the castle, and that pushed him to go faster, dashing through the lonely walls of the old building until he was climbing up those spiralling stairs all the way to the top. When he finally made it, he stood there doubled over and completely out of breath as he adjusted to the high altitude winds that bit at his cheeks. He used the seconds he took to catch his bearings to figure out what to do-- his eyes never once leaving Roman’s back, who luckily hadn’t moved at all during his frantic dash. Perhaps his insticts had been wrong and there was nothing dangerous going on here. Every part of him screamed to stay and stop whatever this was though-- so he did.
“Roman.” He ended up saying once his breath had evened out, and nothing more. There was too much going on in his head to break whatever balance they currently had; too much to ask, too much to say, to explain, to defend, to try to understand.
Said side turned his head slightly to make eye-contact; not facing him, yet it was acknowledgement at least. “Deceit.” He said after a beat. His voice was cold, but not angry, and for some reason Janus would have prefered it if Roman were upset with him. Anything but this odd indifference that made him feel guilty for not summoning up the courage to check in sooner.
“Janus.” Janus corrected in an invitation to use his name. He intended it as a sign of goodwill, but Roman’s face twitched and he looked away again, this time his focus on the ground directly below.
“I came to talk.” Janus said in an attempt at a distraction. He was disheartened when Roman made no move to acknowledge him again, so he continued despite his uneasiness. "Would you please come down?”
“What? Scared, Deceit? I'm not doing anything. I'm not going to either, so you can go back to whoever sent you and tell them I’m fine.” Roman scoffed and the string of lies felt bitter in the fridgid air, enveloping him like an unwanted hug. If possible, Janus’ heart begun racing even quicker.
He wanted to protest and say that he had come of his own volition, but Janus knew that lying right now wouldn’t do either of them any good. “In that case, would you do it for my peace of mind?” He tried instead, and it earned him a wry smile, sent from over Roman’s shoulder.
“What ever gave you the impression I care about that?” Roman shot back, standing up only to turn on his heel to step down into the crenel next to him, then back up onto the the next merlon. He continued, going up and down and slowly circling around Janus like a predator would it's prey, but somehow he didn't feel like the one being hunted here. Actually, it was more like he was trying to convince a mouse that the cheese on a trap wasn't worth it. And being a snake himself, that simile was especially ironic.
“...That’s fair. We can talk like this, then. I wanted to apologize and hopefully make amends.”
Roman’s footing twisted haphazardly and Janus all but shot forward to steady him until he was given a deadly glare that froze him in his tracks.
“Stay back! You're not fooling me again. As far as I know, you'll just try to convince me to take a swan dive right of the side of this tower. No greater depth to plummet to than that, huh?"
“I- that's the complete opposite of what I want.” Janus stressfully replied, fighting against the urge to pull Roman off of the edge and end this whole thing himself, instead holding up his hands as a sign that he wouldn’t come closer. God, where had he gone so wrong go end up in this situation? He should have convinced Patton to come with him when he had the chance-- at least he probably would have had a better idea on how to get through to Roman when he was like this. Comparitively, Janus had no clue. He didn’t have the trustworthiness or the years of friendship.
“I believe you. You've already made it so clear just how much you care.” Roman replied sarcastically. Janus felt his hackles rising.
“I’m not lying! I didn't want any of this.” Janus gestured around. “There's so much I wish I could take back, but especially whatever I did to cause this.”
“Oh, Janus.” He felt a small dose of hope when Roman finally used his name, which was quickly dashed as he huffed out a laugh. “Always thinking you have a finger in every pie. Isn't it enough for me to come to this conclusion by myself?”
He continued bitterly, practically stomping his way around the edge of the tower now. “It's not like it was hard. Even an idiotic egomaniac prince like myself can tell when he's not wanted anymore. When the dream has died.”
Janus, despite the silver tongue he may possess, struggled for words in the face of Roman’s insecurity. He had wanted the anger because he had assumed it would be easier to prove that he wasn’t as evil as Roman was so keen to accuse him of being. He just hadn’t expected this issue to be so deeply sensitive. (Though perhaps he should have picked up on that hint when he saw the other side looking ready to jump to a temporary death). “Thats not true at all, you’re incredibly important and all of us need you. Perhaps we’re operating under new rules now, but that doesn’t mean you’re not wanted.”
But it seemed that wasn’t the best thing to say. Roman stopped in his tracks, his expression unreadable as he began shaking with fury or perhaps something else. “...If I’m ‘so important’, why does it never feel that way? Why am I the only one who has to change constantly for rules that can never stay the same? Why do I have to make sacrifices and tone down my voice?”
His controlled tone got louder and more stressed. “Why are my best efforts never good enough? Why are my doubts ignored? Why is it considered fair to disparage my work? To ignore the blood, sweat, and tears I put into everything?”
Janus stared in horror as Roman kept going, yelling over anything he could have possibly wanted to say.
“Why does it take this to be be fucking noticed?!”
Both of them paused when his rant reached a screaming crescendo and fat angry tears rolled down Roman's cheeks.
"...Forgive me if I'm having a little difficulty trusting what you say right now.” He sniffed, ducking his head away to wipe his eyes. The words were distant despite the soft way they were uttered.
Once again Janus was lost for what to say as he watched Roman compose himself. There was simply too much there to unpack, too many years of built-up stress and resentment. What in the absolute hell had these sides been doing all this time? “...I do wish to take some responsibility for that, though. Your hesitancy to trust again.” That seemed like a good place to start, if any.
Roman only snorted humourlessly at his efforts though, voice tired and unenthused. “I'm sure you would. It's a lot easier to sweep aside a broken vase rather than acknowledge its cracks when they’re forming, after all. That was the lesson you taught us, right?”
Janus winced at the callback to his first appearence to Thomas. He didn’t necessarily regret that day, but having it thrown back now made it feel like something to be ashamed of; seeing his lessons interpreted in such a way. “...Is that how you see yourself? Broken?” He asked instead, squashing down his indignation.
He only got silence in return. Janus swallowed, definitely regretting his hesitance to resolve this issue now.
“Roman, even though I doubt you’d trust my words, I promise that we're not trying to simply ‘sweep this aside’. If we're going with the vase metaphor, all of us want a chance to try to glue the pieces back together. Make right on all of the ways you’ve been wronged.” When that got no response, he tentatively asked, “Have you ever heard of Kintsugi?"
“...Broken pottery fixed with gold, I'm aware. But trying to apply that right now is sloppy, even for you. People are never so beautiful after being so thoroughly broken, nor is it that easy." Slowly, Roman sat down on the edge, and even though his legs were dangling over the wrong side, Janus' heart finally felt some semblance of rest. He took a step forward.
"I disagree. Kinstugi is rarely an straight-forward process either, and yet it achieves such splendid results with just a little patience and care. Which is to say... while it may not be the easiest thing to do, there’s undeniably beauty and strenght in survival. Trying again even when it feels impossible.”
“Of course you'd think that, Mr. Kill or be killed. You have no choice in whether you get to continue forward. But I do.”
Janus paused at that, only four paces away from Roman now. The creative side startled when he peered backwards and saw him so close, and then he glared at Janus as he stood up again, this time facing him fully. His foot slid backwards until the worn-down structure crumbled under his heel, sending rocks tumbling down below. It was a warning, Janus realized as his blood frooze in his veins.
“Don’t look so shocked. I control everything here, or did you forget?” Roman smiled. It wasn’t a happy smile or even a smug one; it only looked like he was stretching his mouth unnaturally, all pretenses of putting on a convincing performance stripped away. “If I want, I could have a Pegasus fly by and save me at the right moment. Or I could expand the moat to catch me. Or..."
Roman looked frustrated for a second when he couldn't think of anything else, even more so when Janus patiently waited for him to think of another example. In the end, he gave up.
"The point is, I call the shots about what happens to me."
"But would you? Save yourself?" Janus questioned hesitantly. He knew he was treading on thin ice, so he left it there. Roman raised an eyebrow at him and he returned it, making it clear that he wanted an answer. He recieved it with a scoff.
“Of course I would. What kind of question is that?”
Janus winced. “Roman... You are aware of my ability to detect lies, yes?”
The creative side blinked in surprise and then looked at him with wide eyes, as if he hadn’t expected to be called out. Like it had been so natural to brush aside the question that he didn’t even realize his own feelings. Fortunately, Janus’ ability was too keen to be fooled by one’s own self-deception. He could see below the surface like that; pull people’s hidden truths from them and keep them for himself, like a keeper of forbidden knowledge (Though in moments like these, sometimes he wished he couldn’t. Ignorance truly is bliss).
“Should I ask again?” He pressed. “Are you really planning on saving yourself?”
This time Roman’s face screwed up in confliction and he directed his gaze to the floor of the tower. It was an awfully clinical way to ask, but it felt necessary to stop dancing around what was important-- this casual show of self-destruction.
Eventually, the other cracked with a tired huff of laughter. Sadly genuine this time.
“...It's certainly nice to think that I could.” Roman admitted as he rubbed his face, apparently not mad at being called out this time. “Finally being a hero again, even if it's only to myself.”
Janus paused in shock. Was he still misinterpreting that moment?
“That wasn't a lie.” Janus blurted out, taking even himself by surprise by the thoughtless exclamation. “Thomas still thinks of you as his hero. There’s no need to do things like this to prove it.”
Romans eyes went watery and he avoided his gaze.
“At this point I don't think it matters, when I haven’t been acting like it at all lately.” He whispered coarsely, uncharacteristically quiet compared to the wind. “Frankly, I'm surprised you're even trying to stop me."
Janus eyes softened and he took another tentative step forward, then another when Roman didn't react badly. “Why wouldn’t I? I’m not just Deceit, you know. Part of my job is to help you.”
“...Because you hate me? At this point you have more reasons to than not.” Roman explained warily, looking at him like Janus were seconds away from snapping and shoving him over the edge. It hurt to have that sort of mistrust placed on him, but at the same time Janus understood it. He had often been in that sort of situation before; doubting the safety of opening up to other people. That was just part of his job, to be doubtful and wary in order to protect the self. Yet to see it so openly on somebody else felt like a punch to the gut, even though he should have been used to that feeling of being distrusted by now.
“Do you think me so sensitive that a schoolyard insult would make you my archenemy? Or being called evil? That is...sort of what I’ve been going for.” He cracked a joke, gesturing to his outfit. When Roman kept staring at him he sighed. “Of course I don’t hate you, Roman.”
Roman shifted doubtfully. “That doesn’t mean you like me, either. Maybe it doesn’t mean much to you, but you should know how- how being called that hurt me.”
"...Yes.” It was Janus’ turn to be uncomfortable. “Perhaps at first I felt attacked and wanted to make you feel the same hurt, but I would never have said that had I known just how deeply it would have impacted you. I’m sorry for that.”
Roman’s expression turned incredulous, like he couldn’t believe Janus had apologized. “...You know, I wanted to make you upset. I wanted you gone.”
“I figured.” Janus nodded.
“And that doesn’t change anything? Even though I acted so...” Roman bit his lip. “So unheroic?”
Janus stifled a sigh. By now, he really hated that word with a passion. It had caused so many high standards, so many instances of self-sacrifice, so many misguided attempts at selflessness and perfection. Perhaps later they could talk about it all and lay out why it had done so much harm, but for now he decided not to push it, not when he felt so close to getting a breakthrough.
“Believe it or not, but I think that you've been plenty heroic already. This whole time you've been fighting for something you thought was valient and noble, and that means something, even if it was for a misguided cause.”
That took Roman off-guard. He moved his foot away from the edge subtley, and had Janus not been focused on his face, he would have considered it a small victory.
“...What’s the point of all of this, really? Is this some... some dastardly plot?” Roman questioned skeptically. He was looking even more cornered now that he was letting Janus’ words sink in.
“All I'm here for is to offer the helping hand you need, if you’ll accept it.” Janus said softly as he extended his hand up to him. “Really, my only plot right now is to get you off that ledge before you give me a heart attack. Please?”
Roman stared at him, desperately trying to find some sort of mistruth in his eyes before his gaze lowered to the outsretched hand. It felt like time slowed in the seconds he was making his decision and Janus held his breath, waiting...wating... until finally the other side nodded and took his hand.
With Janus’ help, Roman stepped down, looking confused and lost now that he was away from the edge. The expression pained Janus’ heart, so he opened his arms half expecting rejection, only to be taken back by how quickly Roman latched onto him. Janus wasted no time clinging back, so relieved that he actually suceeded that he didn't want to risk ever letting go, like this moment could be torn away at any second. It was no surprise when he felt the other’s chest jerk with held-back sobs until there was a wetness on his shoulder, and he didn't say anything about it. He didn't need to either, because Roman spoke up first.
“It didn’t mean anything. Really!” He exclaimed through messy tears. “I was only thinking about it!”
“...It's okay if it was more than that.” Janus soothed, patting his back. “It's okay to feel low and in need of help.”
That made him cry harder and Janus was relieved to see the excess of emotions finally pour out. While waiting for Roman to calm down, he had to fight for his own tears to not spill over. Inevitably, the stress of the situation finally caught up when the adrenaline wore off, and he sagged into the hug, sniffling quietly and trying not to fall over on his aching legs. He really just sprinted up multiple flights of stairs, didn’t he? Belatedly, he realized that he must have lost his hat at some point during the journey because he could feel the wind tousle his hair.
It would have been funny if it weren’t for the absolute rush of emotions he had just gone through.
The two of them stood there for what would normally be considered an awkward amount of time, except the act of simply hugging on solid ground was the biggest comfort in the world, too much to ruin the moment. They waited until they got through the worst of their tears before they dared speak again. Once again, Roman went first.
“Sorry for laughing at you back then.” He said, voice reflecting the yelling and crying he'd been doing. It felt genuine. “I actually really like your name...the mythology suits you. Very dramatic.” 
Janus laughed wetly, finally a true statement. “Why, thank you. And I apologize for where I’ve wronged you.”
Finally, they straightened up. Roman took one look at him and summoned hankerchiefs for them both. Janus accepted it and wiped away his tears as gracefully as he could.
“Hopefully we can have a more in-depth discussion on this later, but for now Patton and I prepared lunch, if you’d be willing to have us.” Janus asked, hopes raised.
“...That sounds good.” Roman smiled.
Janus smiled back.
Together, the two of them descended down the steps of the tower, and the imagination was the slightest bit sunnier when they reached the outside.
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5 Reasons Roman Is Infuriating (And Why I DO NOT have a crush on him)
Chapter 5: To A Land Of Our Imagination
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Chapter 1
Word count: 3471
Tw: Wounds, food, swearing
Logan planned the second date two days after the first. A picnic in the imagination, that Roman insisted on helping out with.
It took them quite a while to prepare everything. A red gingham print blanket in a field of many flowers on a hill, the sight of a rather giant disney-inspired castle in the far distance, mountains enveloping the horizons; very picturesque, certainly. He even offered to set up an orchestra off the side for them, but Logan declined. Logan was worried that they would get sunburnt due to the realistic touch that he brings, but Roman insisted that wouldn’t happen. And then Logan insisted that he didn’t know that it wouldn’t.
The banter was probably what took the longest time. It started with the back and forth about the likelihood of a sunburn, and then whether Thomas would typically tan or burn, and then it spiralled into nothingness. Obviously Roman made zero sense, but Logan was still determined to prove his point.
“No, Thomas should not get a surgical beauty mark. It’s pointless and expensive when you could have the same results with the smallest amounts of makeup.”
“But it adds character! All of the glamor girls have beauty marks! And besides, why put in the effort of putting on the beauty mark every day when you can just wake up that way?” Roman rebuttals, and Logan cannot begin to express just how stupid that argument is.
“A few seconds of a makeup pencil and maybe some powder isn’t that much effort. What would be an effort is spending a ridiculous sum of money on something he might regret and want gone. It would be a waste of resources for something thought of on a whim. That money would also go into the beauty industry, the industry that profits off of one’s self-hatred.” He argues, because yes, in a world where hating oneself is so common and so profitable, the most rebellious thing one can do is to learn to love themself.
“Makeup is also a part of the beauty industry.”
“It’s nowhere near as harmful and expensive though. It’s not just about insecurities, but also accentuating features that you enjoy in yourself. It also happens to be an art form, so I’m surprised that you’d even try that useless fact.”
Roman huffs. He’s probably not that interested in the beauty mark, but sometimes impulse can make you do stupid things. He does however look upset, and Logan hesitates.
“You know what you can do with makeup?” Logan asks, and they look at each other.
“What?” He asks, still pouting.
“Make many beauty marks. And change their locations when you feel like it.” He offers, and Roman lights up like that very dangerous chemical reaction Remus and himself attempted on bonding day.
“By the fourth musketeer, you’re right!” Roman touches his own face, lost in thought. “You could switch it up daily!”
It took a while longer for him to acknowledge what they were supposed to be doing, and then they were touching up the flowers (which is when Logan notices Bells of Ireland, sticking out amongst the other flowers, and assisting in integrating them into the green fields, like the flowers just popped up amongst nature. He believes Roman had summoned them around for him, and he can’t help but smile.) and then heading to the exit so Logan could get the ‘object of his affections’.
“Are you going to be in the imagination?” Logan asks him.
“Well, duh. I’ll obviously be out of earshot, but duty calls, and I have quests to attend to! Can’t have a realm without it’s heroes, right?”
“I guess not.” Logan nods. Roman’s going to play immersive make-belief then. Very well. That does usually help with Thomas’s motivation. Logan thinks of asking to join him sometime, and then decides that would most likely end horribly. Maybe Dungeons & Dragons would be a better solution.
He leaves Roman at the doorway, going to retrieve Patton. It isn’t very hard; he finds him in the living room holding a picnic basket and smiling brightly.
“That really, isn’t necessary.” He points to the basket. “We have food at the location.”
“What’s a little more? Besides, I have a little surprise to help with the planning.” He leans in and fake whispers.
Logan blinks. “A planner?”
“No, even better. But don’t guess. You know your old Patton-ership Person can’t keep a secret for very long.”
Logan groans at the pun, and they head back through Roman’s door to the imagination. It isn’t long before they reach the flowery hills (Logan wanted it to be accessible, to avoid an awkwardly long walk), and he sits down on the large blanket. Patton coos at the view, and the enchanting flower fields.
“Is Roman here?” He asks, looking around. He sets the basket down.
“He said he wouldn’t be nearby, and I trust his word, but he is in the imagination.”
Patton lets out a sigh in relief and sits down. “Okay. I just know he’d be mad if he found out, buuut…” He opens the petite basket’s lid, and like the objects from Mary Poppins bag sprouts Janus, arms held out dramatically.
“What is up losers? I’m here to foil all of your plans.” He lightly steps out of the basket, and plops down so they’re all facing each other in a triangle. “By making them better. You’ll thank me later.”
Although Logan is surprised, he isn’t really bothered. He’s quite similar to Roman in the theatrics, so perhaps he’ll prove to add ideas that would give life and a charming flair to his own.
“Very well.” Logan pulls out a notepad from god-knows-where. “Welcome to the ‘date’.” He does quotation marks with his fingers, and Patton leans excitedly to Janus.
“I think that’s what we’re calling it now. ‘Date’, but you have to do the thing with your fingers.” He does the finger quotations.
“What a lame concept. I love it.” Janus smiles. “I’m absolutely dreading spectating this ‘date’.” He does the finger quotations, and adds a little more emphasis on the word. At least he seems to be having fun.
“So. First step: The goal.”
“Find out if Roman really does have legs.” Janus answers at the same time Patton exclaims “Marry a pretty prince!”
“That was not supposed to be a guessable statement. And both of you are wrong. Patton, we do not have legal documents and cannot legally marry. The goal is to ‘woo’ Roman.”
“There may be or may not be a very easy solution for this.” Janus suggests, lounging back and checking his nails despite his gloves.
“What would be that solution?” Logan narrows his eyes at him.
“Oh I don’t know… Tell him how you feel.” He looks at him face-on, dead-serious.
“But… He most likely does not feel the same way. Besides, he wouldn’t like something so… Insignificant. He’s embodied himself after a prince, for Newton’s sake.” Logan argues, heart clutching painfully (metaphorically, obviously. If someone’s heart clutches painfully in real life, he recommends they go to a doctor and get it checked), and looking off into the distance, calculating the odds of rejection. He so far has not detected any signs or repercussions in the romance, and with Roman’s celebrity crushes being people like Adam Driver and Orville Peck, how is he supposed to compare? He can make a schedule planner less important than a social engagement.
“Oh come on, cheer up champ! I’m sure he’ll love it no matter what you do!” Patton encourages, giving him thumbs up. Logan looks at him, unimpressed.
“But will he really? These… Unnecessary feelings have rendered me even less functioning around him, so psychologically speaking, I’ve been even less perfect around him. He lives off the idea of a perfect, film-like life. Disney prince… Disney Relationship, Disney prince partner. Why would he like me? I look like a teacher.” As Logan continues his rant, now up and pacing, Janus shoots Patton a knowing look, and Patton eventually looks at him with an unknowing look.
“What?” Patton asks quietly, as Logan rambles.
“You don’t know?” Janus looks surprised.
“Know what?”
“Roman hasn’t told you about… You know…”
Patton looks at him, attempting to decipher what he means. Eventually, he quizzically does a limp wrist.
“No!” Janus whisper-shouts, exasperated. “Of course he’s gay. I’m talking about something else.”
“I’m lost.” He admits.
Janus leans in and whispers into his ear.
“Oh yeah! He has.” Patton gives him a thumbs up.
“I need a new style!” Logan turns and points at them, and they both display their shock easily.
“Dear god no. You’d look more out of place than Remus during the cosplay phase.” Janus jerks back, appalled. (Besting Remus in being out of place while he was in Thomas’s cosplay phase is nothing to roll your eyes at. Stripper Kermit is only one of many horrendous ideas that Janus has had the pleasure of being scarred by.)
“But think about it. You often see someone in a new light when they go through a big style change, whether they’ve changed as a person or not. When we altered our outfits for the first time, it was like a fresh new start. We were new, and more impressive models of our past selves of just three seconds before.”
“I see your point kiddo, but that just isn’t you! It’ll work against you in the long run if you try to be someone that you’re not.”
“Agreed. Seriously. Not to mention you’d be boring no matter what you wear; might as well be more comfortable doing it.”
Logan considers it. He nods, and sits down. “Alright. Thank you for your encouragement. I’m still not going to tell him outright.”
Patton raises his hand. “I have an idea.”
“Alright, hit us.” Janus looks at him.
“If you are to hit us, do it gently please. And preferably on the arm. I quite like these glasses.” Logan nods, accepting his fate.
“It’s an expression.” Janus side-eyes him, and gestures for Patton to start.
“How about… We leave the idea of telling him directly as an option, but also make a plan? That way, you have many options to pick from!” He encourages, looking like a parent bargaining with their toddler.
“That wouldn't be unreasonable.” Logan takes out a pen, and clicks it on. “Now, why don’t we start?”
By the time they leave the imagination, Logan has notes full of ideas. It’s a little bit difficult to have the best brainstorms without a literal embodiment of creativity, but both of them are bad ideas to invite for different reasons, and not being in charge of creativity doesn’t stop the rest of them from coming up with creative thoughts. (If that were the case, the same concept could be applied to himself, and it would have probably killed him by now if he were the only one with an ounce of logic.)
He steps into Roman’s room. Nice as always, if not looking slightly blank. Maybe he’s just used to the disorder now.
He rips out a separate paper, and leaves it on Roman’s cluttered desk, to notify him in the future that he is no longer in his realm. He catches a glimpse of other papers on his desk, and is that-
“Poetry?” Obviously, Logan does not want to disrespect his privacy, but he does read the line he has seen. It was quite good. It seemed to be about jealousy, but he’s not the best at deciphering emotions, so he isn’t completely sure. He also catches a few typos.
He stands straight again, paces a little bit and just as he's about to sink out, he hears the imagination door open.
Roman stumbles in, heaving and drenched in sweat. He looks dull and lifeless, until he looks at Logan. It’s like a switch goes off, and he looks like his usual self again.
“Heading out?”
“That’s right. The date just ended.”
“That’s wonderful! How did it go?” He asks, strutting over, trying hard but failing to hide a limp.
“Are you alright?” Logan looks at him, and the standard first aid courses that Thomas has taken in his lifetime start kicking in.
"I'm-" And a poorly concealed wince. "Okay. Just a scrape from the dragon witch. Nothing a happy pappy prince can't handle."
"That's not something you usually say." Logan squints at him, taking a step closer. "Did you hit your head? You're starting to sound like Patton. I'm not leaving here until you let me help you."
"Ugh, fine." He flails out his arms, and then jerks them back in pain. "But seriously, how did it go?"
"It went well. Thank you for the Irish bells. We discussed things that one would do in a romantic setting, and then we dispersed. There will be another date fairly soon. I just stayed to drop off a note on your desk to inform you of our departure."
His eyes go wide. "My desk? Did you read any of my writing?" He asks, sounding panicked, with a hint of defensive nature.
"I did, actually. Not on purpose, I'm sorry. It was a poem that I believe is about jealousy. I read the third paragraph. It was quite well done." Logan bashfully admits.
"Oh. Thank you." He offers a small smile.
Logan suddenly remembers the wounds. "Now. Let's get to fixing you up. Do you have any cuts? Scrapes? Open wounds?" As he sits Roman down and checks over his injuries, he can't help but hurt a little bit on the inside. Roman's self preservation seems to have left him a long time ago, and he always gets reckless. He can't seem to let anyone see his weakness, and that's perhaps what he and Logan have most in common; although, Logan hasn't been injured physically in quite a while.
He finds a first aid kit (in Roman's nightstand. How concerning.) and helps patch up his wounds. Thankfully, Roman wasn't fully lying, as his injuries mainly consisted of bruises and mild cuts, but Logan made sure to take care of them all the same.
"I just realized." Roman whispers, eyes closed as Logan puts a band-aid on his arm.
"That's a new concept."
Roman ignores that. "You've done so much for me over the last while. To be fair, you always do things for me, but this week... Teaching me how to bake, leaving out cookies for me, which were heavenly by the way, thank you, helping with nail polish even though it was on your bed, this... It's quite a lot. I feel like I haven't done enough for you."
"Oh come on, don't metaphorically sell yourself short. This whole time, you've helped me set up my dates with Patton. Many of them, in fact. I had been nervous to tell him, and you helped me the whole way along. I am quite grateful for your contributions, Roman." Logan chuckles a little bit, because although expressing your gratitude for something that you don't care about may seem pointless, Roman still put in all of the effort. He did the planning, the setup and design, and wherever he was needed, he'd be. Logan had heard that he even managed to convince Remus to keep the funky business away from the 'dates'. That's quite a lot of work, and Logan appreciates every second of it.
"Nooo but that isn't enough! I want to take you somewhere special to thank you."
"Really Roman, that isn't necessary-"
"Thomas!" Roman screams into his ceiling. "You know how you're free in three weekends!? Yeah, well you're going to a planetarium now! Bring friends so you don't look like a loser." And sure enough, he can feel that Thomas has got the idea.
Logan's heart metaphorically explodes out of his chest with how strong it's beating. Thomas hasn't been to a planetarium in ages. It isn't really Logan's role to suggest activities on the fun side, so he's kept to himself, silently hoping for another side to bring it up. They have spare money for it. And here it is. In three weeks from now.
"That's... I don't know what to say. Thank you." He clutches the first aid kit to his chest.
"Well duh thank me, but it's okay. It's payback." Roman gives him two band-aid speckled thumbs up. "Consider it a date."
Hm. Well, there goes Logan. On the floor. Dead.
"More sophisticated and logical word for fuck."
Logan slams open Virgil's door, just as he's putting the last details on his embroidered spider web jacket.
"Dude, what?" Vrigil turns to him, only to see Logan laying on the floor, malfunctioning.
He goes over to the lifeless form. “Logan… You, like, never come to me with your emotional problems. I can’t help people. Do you want me to tease you? Because I can totally tease you.” He pokes him, and Logan rolls over to face the ceiling.
“It’s because I never have emotional problems, Virgil. I believe in you to keep a secret however.”
“Is this about the planetarium Thomas just planned? Because I can totally see why he shouldn’t go, with all those people around, judging his every step, and the chance of being separated from his friends, or seeing someone familiar and it’s just awkward..”
“No, I agreed to the idea. I had wanted to go for quite a while.”
“Does it… Have to do with Roman?”
“Of course it has to do with Roman. Even now, he is still the largest thorn in my side.”
“Apparently you’re a masochist then. So, what’s up with him and the planetarium?” Virgil circles him, seeming bored but willing to hear the story.
“He was the one who suggested it. In fact he said to  ‘a date’.”
“Ahh. So you are here for emotional issues.”
“It’s not an emotional issue. I simply wanted to tell you that I think it is an optimal time to tell Roman about my newfound fondness for him.” He sits up, and Virgil gives him a hand to stand.
Virgil chuckles. “It’s not bad to ask for help, Logan. But that does sound like a good idea, or whatever.”
“Of course it’s a good idea.” Logan says, hand bouncing up and down at a rapid pace. He looks like he’s sweating. Virgil squints.
“But you’re nervous.” He observes. “And you want to talk about it with someone.” He holds up a hand before Logan can protest. “Ah-ah. Don’t lie to me on this one. Sit down.” He takes out a chair, and then looks at Logan. “You know what, maybe not in my room.”
So they go to Logan’s room, and he explains his plans, and some worries, and Virgil nods along and agrees.
“By the way, have you been seeing the way Roman’s been acting lately?” After Logan seems to have finished with ideas, and they were just sitting together, Virgil speaks up.
“No? Perhaps. He did want to make cookies, which is odd for him, and he called me kiddo, if I remember correctly.” Logan recounts the last few days. He’s not completely sure. Roman has always been a slight enigma to him.
“See, that’s what I’m talking about. A few days ago, he came into the living room, and he was wearing a polo! If it weren’t for the colors, I would’ve thought he was Patton. And then.” Virgil stares at Logan, who looks impassively back at him. “Just yesterday, Remus told me that he dumped some of his posters into the trash.”
“Ah, perhaps he’s finally taking advantage of his wall space.” Logan says quite proudly, in a room where there are many cork boards on every left-over piece of wall he has open.
“No, you don’t get it. When’s the last time you’ve seen his room without posters?”
“To be honest, I don’t remember.” Logan admits. Virgil nods along, his eyes staring at him intensely. “Because I barely ever go into his room.” Virgil slumps. “Listen, Virgil, the concern is appreciated, and I support you continuing to collect evidence on this matter, however, it sounds like he’s trying something new out. I have no reason yet to be concerned.”
“Okay, whatever.” He gets up from his chair. “I hope you feel better, nerd. Catch you later.” He salutes, and just sinks out.
Logan continues to stare at where Virgil once was, thoughts jittering. Is Roman really acting that strange? He almost sounds like he’s trying to become Patton. Maybe he’s looking to renew his look for Thomas? He had been rather heart-broken when he misinterpreted Thomas calling him his hero. He also likes costume changes. Maybe he’s preparing something.
Logan hopes that Roman will be alright in the end. And that he himself will be as well. He takes a deep breath. He can do this.
Taglist: @crossiantgay 
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logically-asexual · 3 years
Hold me like you mean it
Logan’s feelings for Virgil and the fact that now Virgil barely notices him are stopping him from getting any work done. Janus offers a way for Logan to cope, by disguising himself into Anxiety. but is this really what Logan needs? and what’s in it for Janus, anyway?
Alternatively, an angsty story about rejection, denial, and manipulation.
warnings: (for the whole fic) unrequited love, rejection, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, gaslighting, dependency, dubious consent and non consent for kissing, sad ending, depression (vaguely described), angst in general, nightmares. let me know what else i should add.
taglist: @gummibearbullet @chara-07 @the-sympathetic-villain
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Chapter 3
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words: 1057
The next few days were stressful, to put it lightly. Logan couldn’t focus on his work properly, constantly bothered by thoughts about Virgil. Sometimes they were pleasant, when he contemplated the possibility of Virgil actually responding to his advances and planned for when they could be close again. But the thoughts would instantly become distressing, once he remembered the likelihood of Janus’ argument being true. Normally, he wouldn’t consider whatever idea that came from Janus as truthful. However, given the evidence in front of him, he couldn’t just rule out the possibility.
The idea of Janus’ theory being accurate distressed him for several reasons. One, his work was being disturbed by Virgil’s presence in his mind, which could be solved if Logan simply wanted to establish dialogue with him, but if he really had romantic attraction for the anxious Side, then there was a very limited assortment of solutions. Two, these “solutions” would be practically impossible to achieve, since Virgil was closed off and would never consent to a relationship as intimate as the one Logan wanted (or would want, he corrected, in the hypothetical case that he did have a crush). Three, feelings were not his department, and he would have to admit to himself that if he didn’t know how to handle or acknowledge his own, much less would he be able to help with Virgil’s anxiety.
Each day was less productive than the last, and each day Logan became more aware of the faint signs towards a crush being the real problem. He had carried on with his plan, which meant their discussions went on smoothly, and he and Anxiety often reached helpful conclusions for Thomas. And yet, Logan felt hurt every time Virgil smiled towards anyone else, while not glancing towards him at all, or when Virgil agreed with a point Logan had brought up only when Thomas or one of the other Sides repeated it. It pained him to admit it, but despite the successful results he had gotten with Virgil, Logan still couldn’t work well by himself, and needed an outlet for these… feelings.
After several failed attempts to clear his mind and sleep, he gave up, and resolved to stop his emotions from getting in his way. With that decision made, he stood up from his bed and summoned the deceitful Side, who appeared by his desk.
“Logic! So lovely to see you. Although I would appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me during my beauty sleep.”
Logan knew this wasn’t true, the Dark Sides had a flipped sleep schedule, and slept for most of the day, which was the reason why Virgil still had a hard time sleeping the whole night through. Refuting this wasn’t important right now, though, so he ignored it.
“Anyway,” Janus continued, examining his hands as if he could see his nails underneath the yellow gloves, “I assume I’m here because you are ready to accept my offer?”
“Yes.” Logan sighed. “I seem to be stuck and I can’t think of a better alternative.”
“Excellent!” Janus said, smirking.
“But not right now! I still need to sleep. I just needed to be done with this so I could stop thinking about it.”
“Alright. Then I’ll see you in my room tomorrow at six pm. Don’t be late, sweetheart.” He finished with a wink. After he left, Logan went back to bed.
Logan was sitting comfortably next to Virgil on the couch of Anxiety’s room. He could feel the pressure of the other’s body sitting so close to him. He remembered he wanted to tell Virgil something, but no words could come out of his mouth as Virgil softly held his chin and tilted his head towards him. Suddenly, they were kissing.
Logan had never kissed anyone before, and didn’t know what to expect. The feeling was… underwhelming, to be honest. He felt the pressure on his mouth, but not much else, not any different to feeling touch in any other part of his body. He felt detached, even if it wasn’t precisely unpleasant. He closed his eyes and tried to relax his shoulders, but they still felt tense. Still, he leaned forward and let himself get lost in the sensation of being so close to Virgil. In the back of his mind, he tried to remember how he got here, it all happened so fast. Virgil kept kissing him gently, and Logan kissed him back.
He wanted to be closer, so he reached up with his right hand to hold Virgil’s neck. When he did, he was met by the cold, slippery sensation of scales. He pulled his hand away as if it had just been burned and moved back as far as he could on the couch, but when he looked at the Side in front of him, he could only see Virgil’s concerned face. He was talking to him, but Logan couldn’t make out the words, only able to hear his own heavy breathing. As the other moved closer, he could understand the faint voice better.
“Logan. Logan, it’s me. It’s alright, it’s just me.”
He shook his head and kept his eyes shut as he backed away, but Virgil continued moving closer and trying to grab him. Logan felt tears form in his eyes as he screamed at the other to get away from him, but Virgil wouldn’t listen, still calling his name. Finally, Virgil grabbed him by both of his shoulders and forced him to turn around and look him in the eyes. Logan’s heart stopped as he saw both eyes shining bright yellow, the intensity augmenting until their light was blinding. Just when his vision had gone completely white, he woke up with a gasp.
After a minute, his thoughts came back to him, and he found himself in his room, sitting on his bed. He looked at his alarm clock. It was 4:36 am. He stared at the blinking light that marked every passing second, and followed it to regulate his breathing. At 4:45, he laid back down on the mattress, staring at the ceiling and not stopping counting each cycle. He still had some time to sleep before the alarm rang at 6:00, so he closed his eyes and drifted away once more, with only one thought in his mind: What am I getting into?
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notes: >:3c
by the way my headcanon is that the Dark Sides sleep from like... 9 am to 5pm or 10 to 6 or something similar. also the reason why they like to start acting up at night (like Remus with his intrusive thoughts), when Logic is asleep and Thomas is vulnerable to them.
i'm so sorry i'm not good at like hiding stuff.. it was probably super obvious that it was a dream (and in the last chapter that it was janus all along) but also it's alright, i don't mind if you can tell from the start, i think it's compelling both with and without the surprise.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
How I Want You - Logan Delos x Reader Fluff
The one where Logan confesses that he loves you.
Warnings: angst, Logan’s crappy father, sexual themes, selfdoubt and selfhatred.
A/N: No, I couldn’t help myself. I’m obsessed with Taylor Swift and it shows.
Tumblr media
Y/N’s P.O.V.
It was way too fucking late for anyone to be up, and still, much too early for Logan to have gone to bed. Which was why the second my phone rang, I forsake my comfy blankets and grabbed my keys, knowing exactly who it was - the only person who would call me at such a time and the only number whose call would get through during my sleeping hours.
“Where are you?” Was all I asked, although I already knew that the answer wouldn’t be satisfactory to my plan of going back to sleep as soon as possible. “You know what? Just stay where you are. I’m coming to get you. This is why I download that find my friends app in the first place.”
“I’m home,” he interjected, his tone sounding very firm, and very tired, and very not drunk for the time of day. It caught me by surprise. “I’ll be waiting.”And then he was gone. Hung up in a show of just how quickly he needed me to get to him.
It made my skin crawl and heartbeat pick up, that intuition that only ever acted when it came to him telling me something very bad had happened, or at the very least, that he was as far away from okay as he could get. And if he was home, then it truly was the worst case scenario. 
I got there as fast as I could without breaking any laws, and I barely allowed myself the time to kill off the engine before I was running out of the vehicle and into my best friend’s arms. Logan welcomed with a silent desperation that came in the form of reaching for me as a child would for any sort of parental guidance, and the anxiety that had been coursing through my veins while I couldn’t see his state little by little began to be replaced by anger. Pure, unadulterated, blinding anger.
“Get in the car, Lo,” I called him by the childhood nickname he pretended to hate, knowing it would help in my task to calm him down. “I’ll be right back.” He wanted to stop me the second that he realized what my intention was. I knew it because he seized my wrist and held it tightly, stopping me from moving any further away from him. But the second that he saw my eyes, when I turned around to stare at him and silently order him to let go, he did just so, knowing better than anyone else that when I got into this mindset, there was no one who could possibly get me out of it.
“Okay.” He nodded, and I knew he was watching me as I stepped into the huge mansion Logan did not call home. It only made me even more sure of what I intended to do. With quick strides, I crossed the main floor in the direction of his father’s office, and I didn’t even knock before I slammed it open, fire burning inside of me.
“What the fuck did you say to him?” I yelled as soon as James’ eyes met mine after my loud entrance startled him from whatever work he was trying to do at such a late hour - work he had always prioritized over his son.
“What?” He asked, clearly not expecting my sudden outburst, and probably not immediately relating my loss of reason to his only son. It only made me grow angrier, the fact that just because he didn’t worry about Logan, he couldn’t imagine anyone else caring for him either.
“What the fuck did you tell Logan that made him so upset? Only you can make him feel bad about himself, so I know it’s your fault. Tell me.” When realization finally seemed to hit him, no ounce of regret or shame painted James’ features, but that didn’t surprise me. Even if he had never been anything other than sweet to me, being Logan’s best friend meant I knew who he really was, and that implied that I knew every single one of his flaws as a father. He just didn’t know that I did, until then.
“You’re a smart girl, Y/N. You really shouldn’t waste your time on a failure like him.” The harsh reality of what he had said hurt me so deeply that it immediately drained me of all anger, leaving only a sickly feeling of disgust behind.
“Logan deserves every single second of my attention, and he deserves yours too. I’m sorry you can’t see it, but the only one who’s missing out is you.” Cold, bitter tears of pity for the sweet man I knew flowed down my cheeks, but I was quick to wipe them away. Logan didn’t need to see them.
“How was it in there?” He asked as soon as I was inside of the car again, his lips curled in a small smile that was half self-conscious, half knowing of what his father was capable of saying when it came to him, but I couldn’t yet stomach what I’d heard, so I just clutched his hand tightly with mine.
“Doesn’t matter. How about a sleepover?”
Logan’s P.O.V.
The drive to her place was silent, but she kept reaching for my hand every time she could, like she needed the physical reminder that I was there with her, instead of back at my house. Like she knew that I needed to be reminded of that too.
What would I do without her? Ever since I could remember, it was us against the world. Or more precisely, us against my father, and as a child, he was pretty much the only boundaries to the world that I knew. But even after I grew and started to see past my father’s empire, when I started to make real, lousy mistakes, instead of the childhood errors that would get me grounded, she still stuck up for me. She was always there, whenever I needed her.
My eyes trailed up her body, taking notice of the way her sleepwear still managed to make her curves enticing. She always looked beautiful in my eyes. No matter how many women I slept with, they could never come close to the beauty that I saw in my best friend and only in her.
“What do you see in me?” I blurted out, suddenly overtaken by the realization of just how inferior to her I was. It made my chest feel tighter, and breathing became a bit harder. The tears that would never come for my father suddenly stung my eyes, and I had to rub the palms of my hands against them to stop myself from crying.
“I’m sorry?” It seemed like she wasn’t expecting the sudden interruption to the silence that had fallen between us, but the desperation that had forced me to ask the question that plagued me had been dulled by my fear of her answer. I couldn’t bear the thought of knowing she thought less of me. I couldn’t bear the thought of being less in her eyes than she was in mine.
“Logan, what do you see in yourself?” She asked, once more glancing at me to make sure I was fine, which I was certain I would be able to pretend like I was. But of course, I could never fool her. So when she squeezed my hand to get me to talk, I found myself answering honestly, “Nothing. I-I’m nothing, Y/N. I’m just a waste of space and air and energy, your energy, and I have absolutely no idea why you put up with me.”
We had arrived at her apartment complex, I realized, but only because suddenly there were arms thrown over me, and a familiar neck for me to nuzzle with a familiar perfume that seemed to be the only thing able to relax my very soul.
“Well, that’s the exact opposite of what I see in you, Logan Delos. I see so much, I see everything. I see the whole wide world in you. You’ve always meant that for me. And to see you doubt that… There’s not a day in my life where I don’t hate your father for making you think so little of yourself.” That had me laughing against her skin, but it was a wet sound, unfortunately. Still, she didn’t seem to mind, allowing me to cling tightly to her as she drew soft patterns on my back. “You can’t say bad things about yourself, ever. That’s an order.”
After that last comment made me pull away from her to freely laugh, she looked patiently at me with the most loving smile on her face. “Do you have any idea what you mean to me?” I asked, caressing the side of her face and grinning with pride when she leaned against my touch.
“Almost as much as you mean to me, I hope.” I swear, only she could have me laughing after feeling so down a few minutes before. 
“Way more than that.���
“I doubt it.”
For a while, it was a staring contest between the two of us in her tiny car. I wanted to lean in and kiss her. God, I wanted to find out if her lips were as soft as they looked like But the second my hand grazed her cheek, she seemed to snap out of whatever reverie we had fallen on, quickly putting some space between us to unbuckle her belt.
“Let’s go,” she called out, reaching out for my hand as we walked towards her apartment. The second we were in the familiar setting of her living room, I felt the last bit of weight that had settled over my chest suddenly vaporize and disappear.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” I acknowledged as I took off my coat. “I owe you.”
“You owe me nothing,” she tried to wave it off, but I couldn’t let her do that. No, I needed her to understand that this was important to me, and I started by pulling her close so I could cradle her face between my hands and force her to see the seriousness in my so often joking eyes.
“I owe you a lot.” That was all I managed to say, as my throat closed at the quickening of my heartbeat. The moment felt heavy with something we couldn’t find it in ourselves to explore, and so we just stood there in silence, eyes cautiously exploring each other’s features until one of us decided to break the tension with a joke.
This time, it was her.
“I’m glad I downloaded that app on my phone and activated your location on yours. I seriously considered buying you a nice collar, with a tracker or something, so I could always know where you were when you called me. Especially when drunk.” I didn’t expect her words to have such an effect on me, but it was instantaneous. I felt my cock harden on my pants, and I knew that she could feel it too as I hid my blushing face in the crook of her neck.
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really that oblivious?” I tried to pass it off as a joke, hoping to calm down despite keeping her touch close to me, but when her fingers buried themselves in my hair, I knew she’d only keep me balancing on this tightrope we’d been dancing on for way too long.
“I had no idea you were into that kind of stuff. Does the idea of wearing a collar entice you that much, Lo?” She asked, and although I knew she also wanted to pass it off as a joke, her voice sounded different, raspier. Filled with desire, I realized with a jolt, finally detaching myself from her to look her in the eye again. 
This was it. This was my chance to say something that would irrevocably change the nature of our relationship forever, but hopefully, it’d become all I’d ever wanted.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“If it’s a collar that shows I belong to you, definitely.” I inhaled sharply at the words that fell oh-so-easily from my best friend’s lips. I knew him enough - I knew him way too much - to doubt the veracity of them, but that didn’t stop me from being overwhelmed at the realization that Logan wanted to be mine just as much as I wanted to be his.
“C’mon, stop teasing me,” I pleaded, trying to put some space between us, but failing to do so. Logan kept me close to him, gaze heavy on my body and when I still refused to meet his eyes, he held my jaw and forced me to do so.
“No, you c’mon. You know this isn’t me teasing you like when we were kids. I really, really want you. And not only like a best friend.” I didn’t even notice I was biting my lip until he pried it away with his thumb, staring longingly at it. “I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Before becoming a kiss, it was just him sucking that same bottom lip into his mouth, making me gasp and hold onto his shoulders for support. But then, he fused our mouths together, licking his way inside my mouth until I couldn’t breathe anymore.
When my eyes fluttered open to find his, I could barely see his pupils anymore. “Well, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep after that,” I joked, trying to ease some of the tension in the room, but failing miserably. There was too much desire between us to disappear just like that. We’d need to find a way to release it if we were to ever move past this.
“I’d be offended if you were.” It felt nice to laugh with him after this kiss, this revelation of sentiments. It felt like, regardless of what we would become after tonight, I wouldn’t lose the most important person in my life, my best friend. The only one who could make me laugh like this, even after a breathtaking kiss, apparently.
“Wanna do something else, instead?”
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
A might have been part 4
Alright! Final part for now! @kingcreativityau au part 4. Please enjoy! More might come later!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Acting and singing became a wonderful additional coping tool for Thomas all throughout his school career and even after College. Which was when Thomas tried to get a grip on his personality for the first time and actually connected with them. Everyone was very excited and nervous. But Patton gladly took charge. They didn’t tell Thomas their names, Deceit said he wasn’t ready for them to be more than caricatures yet, so they stuck with their titles. Deceit and Remus stayed behind for the same reason. “Okay, so my morality, logic and my creativity… Is there… I mean…” Thomas bit his lip nervously. There was one part of his personality he’d been treating like a person in his head for years. Had he actually known about his sides on some level since middle school?
“You called?” Virgil popped up with a teasing smirk, making Thomas jump in surprise.
“Kiddo! There you are! Thomas this is your Anxiety,” Patton grinned brightly. “What’s up?” Virgil asked with a two fingered salute. “Oh… Hi?” Thomas smiled tentatively. “Now Thomas, remember, he’s a bit of a Debby downer sometimes but he has good intentions,” Roman assured him making Virgil roll his eyes. Thomas nodded. “Yeah you’re right,” he nodded. Then he smiled carefully at Virgil who gave him a shy smile back, which was somehow reassuring to Thomas. The young man relaxed, easing the pressure Virgil had been struggling with all day. “Well… Um it was nice meeting you all. I’ll… See you guys around?” “We’re always with you kiddo,” Patton assured Thomas. “We are aspects of your personality after all,” Logan pointed out. “And we shall always strive to help you to be the best you can be!” Roman declared. “Or, you know, keep you alive at least,” Virgil shrugged. After that Thomas would occasionally converse with them directly when he was struggling with something. Then Vine came along, Patton's brilliant suggestion actually, and they became characters. Even Virgil got skits both as anxiety and as the villain/best friend to Roman’s prince. The fans insisting he and Roman were lovers got a laugh out of all of them. And then they appeared as themselves on youtube and Thomas started to have group discussions with them. Virgil was reluctant at first and only made a brief cameo during the first two episodes. But the fans demanded more so he got his own episode and somehow the fanders lost their minds. Jan, Remus, Roman and Virgil had a good laugh when Logan learned he and Patton were paired up almost as often as Virgil and Roman were. Patton just thought it was cute. Roman was delighted with all the attention of course. Virgil though, couldn’t help but wonder if he was really helping or making everything harder. His and Roman’s best friends/mortal enemies banter carried over from the vines, and he knew that none of the jabs and insults were sincere or meant to be hurtful, but some hit too close to home regardless of their intent. And Logan sometimes made good points to shut him down. And even Patton tried putting him on the sidelines. And maybe that was where he belonged. They all had their own room now. Remus and Janus’ being near the willow, Roman, Patton and Logan at the front of the mind and Virgil was in the middle. And maybe he shouldn’t be. Maybe he shouldn’t even be here to begin with. He should just leave. Before he did something he couldn’t take back that hurt the others. This had lasted too long already. He shouldn’t be pushing his luck. So he ducked out. Or he tried. Apparently he was needed. And everyone made that very clear. And things were good for a while after that… until Janus showed up.
“What was that?” Virgil demanded after he had made sure the others were doing alright after the whole theater ordeal. And it was Roman’s condition he wanted to talk about. “Virgin! How ya doing!? You’re so busy lately we haven’t gone monster hunting in forever!” Remus grinned as he popped up from seemingly nowhere. Virgil allowed himself a moment to smile at Remus. He couldn’t help that his best friend was being a dramatic jerk. And he had a point. It’d been too long since Virgil had taken the time to hang out with Remus. He could make excuses all day, but fact remained he’d been neglecting him. An issue he could still make right.
“You're right. How about we go nightmare hunting later? You, me and Roman. Like old times?” Virgil suggested.
Remus grinned widely at that. “Promise?”
Virgil nodded. “You go tell Roman to get ready. I'll be there in a sec,” he assured him. And so he was left alone with the yellow clad side.
“Well?” he demanded.
“Thomas is simply at a point in his journey where it was time he got to know me. Your little dilemma just presented a good opportunity to introduce myself. Nothing more,” Janus explained patiently.
“I don't give a damn about you talking to Thomas! It's how you went about it!” Virgil demanded. Then he took a deep breath to reign in his temper. “Listen, I get that it’s been frustrating for you and Remus to hide away like this, but just… remember that we’re your friends okay? That’s all,” Virgil pleaded. “I get where you were coming from today. I really do. But Joan is Thomas’ best friend. And trust between friends is so important. It just wasn’t the right call today,” he explained more calmly. He missed the haunted expression that flashed over Janus’ face. The master of deception had his face back under control in a second. Even if he didn’t have a grip on the stinging in his heart or behind his eyes yet. “Of course Virgil. I’ll keep that in mind,” he promised. And he felt slightly moved when Virgil just took his word for it and bid him goodbye to go see Remus and Roman. The fanders going wild over Deceit with theories and cosplays and art and all the ships was a topic of happy conversation amongst the sides and it was decided to just let bygones be bygones. Dee had his introduction and next time he was needed he’d help Thomas see him in a less black and white way. Jan made a cameo at Halloween where he reminisced on the Halloween pranks the ‘dark sides’ used to play on everyone when they were kids in vague terms that got the fans theorizing on Remus’ identity like crazy. And then… The callback. “How could you?” Virgil demanded when he found Janus after being shut out of Roman’s room with little more than the explanation that he was busy. Patton insisted he was fine, which he was not and Logan insisted that he was ‘not in need of any assistance at the moment’. So Virgil was left with only one thing to do and that was confronting the cause of all this.
“It’s not my fault Roman insisted on pleasing Patton rather than fulfilling his purpose,” Deceit argued bitterly. “Roman was doing his job perfectly fine. If you hadn’t meddled we might’ve actually gotten to something… I mean what were you thinking when benching Logan? And bullying Thomas in the stands like that… Did you even care that you hurt Princey? Did you notice we were all miserable when you were having your one man party? Or did you just choose not to see?” Janus was taken aback by Virgil’s passion. He'd only wanted Thomas to… he'd done that so everyone would be happy. It just hadn't ended how he thought it would. Roman wasn't supposed to be selfless. He was the ego for heaven's sake! King would’ve never…
Oh no… that was his mistake wasn't it? He'd predicted Roman's actions based off of Him. He didn’t know the lighter creativity as well as he knew his brother. They'd been pleasant acquaintances, casual friends even. But they never got as close as Roman as with any of the others.
Janus' scales itched as if to remind him of their part in this. And yet Janus had selfishly insisted on keeping them as a guard against the others. If he hadn't, maybe he could've seen more of this noble side to Roman. Seen him grow from the self-centered, attention seeking, dramatic into… well still all of that but with a true desire to improve. To be better than his worst impulses for his friends.
He'd almost forgotten he wasn't alone. But Virgil was not done. “So congrats Janus. Thomas knows he’s a liar. And everyone in the mindscape feels miserable. But hey, at least you were right. That’s all that matters right?” Virgil bit and when the serpentine side still failed to answer it somehow made him even angrier than if he had tried to defend himself. At least then it would show Virgil was wrong in his thinking somewhere. He needed Jan to say he was magnifying , or jumping to conclusions or whatever. Just something. “You better hope I manage to clean up some of the mess you made,” he warned. “I can’t believe I ever believed you cared about us. About anyone but yourself,” he scoffed as he turned around and left. That finally made Janus snap out of his frozen stare. He started to follow, ready to grab Virgil's hand and explain himself. “Virgil wait…” “Save it Jan! An apology from you means nothing!” Virgil was just mad. He probably would’ve been willing to at least listen once he’d calmed down… But those words… Janus felt as if he was punched in the gut. And the way he chose to deal with this was… Well… “Kiddo? Where is Roman?” Patton wondered as he saw Virgil head to the dreamscape, followed by a litter of shadow kittens. Sadly that last bit wasn’t a startling sight anymore. Everyone was having so much stress and thoughts, Virgil could not keep up. Ignoring them, Logan said, wasn’t going to be less draining than facing them directly in the long run. And Virgil knew he was right. But with the aftershock of Janus’ brilliant performance still echoing through the Thomassphere, Virgil didn’t have the time to acknowledge them, let alone face them. He had to help Patton out so he wouldn’t overwork himself in trying to cheer everyone up. Make sure Logan felt helpful and listened to. Most importantly he had to show Roman that he was there for him, no matter what.
Roman couldn’t even stand the color yellow at the moment. Even his interactions with Remus had gotten strained. That was another thing. Since Roman couldn’t bring it up to spend time with his brother due to his closeness with the snake, Virgil had also had to assure him that he was still important to them. It was just a weird situation right now.
In the past, Virgil would have dragged them both to the imagination to talk things out, but in this instance Roman wasn’t angry with Remus. It was just that none of them could really deal with his antics right now and that meant that hanging out with him would very soon lead to Janus being called to them and… Right. Virgil was exhausted and surrounded by physical manifestations of everyone’s stress and worries 24/7. Good job Jan. “I had him rest up, I’m going to take the night shift today. He’s been working too hard lately,” Virgil explained, thinking back to the grateful smile Roman had given him as he went to bed. It made him feel slightly better he‘d done that right. It had even made a kitten or two disappear. Patton glanced down at the dozen kittens that were left. “So have you,” he pointed out. Virgil chuckled lamely. “Guess we all need a break,” he sighed. “Break what? Your skull?” Virgil nearly jumped out of his skin and Patton wasn’t any better. “Remus? Dude what are you…?” “Just coming to hang out with my good ol’ buddy! But if we are going to crack skulls, can I go first?” Virgil, in a panic, shoved Remus against a wall and clamped his hand over his mouth. “Shush! If you talk like that in here Thomas’ll hear you!” he reminded his chaotic friend. Then the blood drained from is face and he jumped back with a look of disgust. “You licked me!” he exclaimed as he looked at his hand. Instead of saliva there was some sort of slime or mucus dripping from his palm. Gross. He grabbed a towel to white it off. Normally he'd laugh it off, because what did he expect to happen? But now he couldn't handle another thing going wrong.
“Well you surprised me Virgie! I didn’t know you liked it that way. But I’m going to have to decline. Romie would kill me if I took his man,” he teased Virgil rolled his eyes. Remus loved the ships and liked bringing them up whenever possible. “But about that skull breaking…” Suddenly Patton and Virgil recoiled at the images Remus’ train of thought had wrought. Patrick, Thomas imagined he’d… No. “Thomas don’t! What the heck dude!” he exclaimed as he held his head trying not to add to the litter. He was getting close to a break down, he could just feel it. This was all too much.
“You can’t be thinking like that Kiddo!” Patton agreed. It was a long restless night. The only good thing that came out of it was Logan managing to take a huge weight off of Virgil’s chest and in doing so allowing Thomas to breathe a little easier as well.
“You sure you’re okay?” Virgil asked once again as he finished taking care of Roman’s head once he got him back to his room. “I told you I’m fine Virgil. Thank you. For looking after me now and trying to protect me earlier. It is much appreciated,” he smiled tiredly. “Of course…” Virgil shrugged. Picking up a shadow puppy and petting it. Letting the guilt be for a bit. “I just wish-”
“None of that!” Roman insisted with a wave of his hand. “You have been working yourself ragged trying to protect us all. Remus showing up just was too much for all of us.” “I’m sorry about that,” Remus offered sheepishly making both men jump. “Dude!” Virgil hissed as he recovered from his surprise. “Remus! Would it kill you to use a door?” Roman asked as he clutched at his racing heart. Remus' sheepish look was so unexpected that both of them forgot about their annoyance instantly.
“Rem, you good dude?” Virgil wondered.
“Did I hurt you for realsies?” Remus asked his brother carefully. Roman had always been able to handle rough housing just fine. But during the discussion it had occurred to Remus that his brother might not be at full strength right now.
Roman gave Remus a reassuring smile. “Don't worry Remus. This,” he gestured to the bandaging on his head, “is just Virgil being overly thorough. I'll be back to dragon slaying in no time,” he promised. Virgil gave Roman a glare and a shove for that.
“Hey! I am injured! Have some compassion!” Roman whined.
“Either you're fine or you need to be handled with care. Can't have it both ways Princey,” Virgil  pointed out with a teasing smirk.
Roman pouted at that, making his audience laugh which was the point. He was delighted to see the puppy and a few kittens disappearing. He loathed seeing them in such numbers around his friend.
“I did have a lot of fun today though!” Remus grinned.
Virgil let out a sigh and smiled. He didn’t, but if the twins were okay, then that was all that mattered.
“Well, now that Thomas knows I suppose you'll be out and about more in the future,” Roman told him, making his brother grin from ear to ear.
They relaxed and talked for a while, no one mentioning Janus or his part in today's events. Even Remus knew not go bring that up. Or perhaps he was too distracted by a million other things to do so.
“Well, nice catching up! But I’ll let you lovebirds have your privacy,” Remus announced as he got up from the bed.
“Where are you going?” Roman asked.
Remus snickered. “My room. Did I scramble your brain Roro?”
Roman ignored the charming visual, tugging at his sash and frowning.
“You don't have to go back there… Just because Deceit said that's where you are supposed to be… he lies… he does whatever it takes…” He clenched his hands into fists around the sash. He was trying so hard to keep composure that the hand on his shoulder made him jump. He looked up. Virgil was smiling at him, not reassuring, but understanding. He gave him a squeeze and turned to Remus.
“If you want we can move you next to my room. You don't have to of course,” he told Remus.
The resident gremlin grinned back at the two of them. “Aw, that’s disgustingly sweet of you V. But I’ll stick with double d in the back. I don't want to catch the sap bug you all suffer from up here.” He made a gagging sound and turned to leave.
“If you change your mind, we'll be here okay,” Virgil reminded him.
Remus gave them a dismissive wave and left.
“Shouldn't we stop him? Who knows what that snake'll have him do next?” Roman worried ready to chase after his brother.
“I’d love to, but that’s not how Remus works,” Virgil sighed.
Roman hated that he was right. He just hoped his brother wouldn't get burned the way he was.
The tension in the mindscape calmed down, somewhat. But then… the wedding came.
Long before they even got there, Virgil was exhausted. Roman could see that and the event did not give his hooded friend a chance to rest. So Before Thomas got home, Roman took a page out of Virgil’s book and forced the anxious side to sleep. He brought him to Remus in the back of the mind.
“Keep him safe until I come to collect him alright?”
Remus nodded knowing that ‘safe' actually meant away from Deceit.
Or as he was now known publicly, Janus.
Remus was shaking. He'd heard every word. He thought Janus was his friend. He'd sworn that he wasn't bad… but then of course… what made him trust the word of the master of lies?
He wanted to scream, to hit something, to… then he looked up and saw Roman staring at him. A wild look in his eyes.
“Just Listen!” Patton's voice came from the distance.
“Guys?” a groggy voice from behind Remus. Virgil… “What are you doing?”
Remus and Roman were still staring. Having a silent conversation with just their eyes. They'd promised, but this was different. Virgil would be happier with his old friend back rather than two bad copies he had to split his time between right?
It was like their thoughts were synching up. They could see every bit of hurt they had caused Thomas, Virgil and the others by being apart. Together they might be able to fix everything. They reached out their hands.
“Wait! Please don't!” Virgil pleaded. The twins cast their one true friend one last grateful look and then they were gone.
King grinned victoriously as he as once again one. He was different, he could already tell, but that didn't have to be a bad thing.
His eye landed on Morality and he grinned cruelly. The blast of his rebirth had brought Morality to his knees before him, as he should be.
“There you go,” he praised as he held his sword out, daring morality to try something.
“Bow before the king,” he commanded.
He took a moment to commend Morality for his clever ruse. Even bowed to him, relishing in how each word and gesture made Morality shrink and tremble. And he hadn't even begun to play yet.
Suddenly there was a soft gasp behind him. He looked back and spotted fear. Oh good. In all the commotion he'd almost forgotten he was here. He stared up at him in wide eyed disbelief. It was a lot to take in he supposed. Him being back with this brand new look. He should probably greet him properly. “Ah, Fear,” he smiled, showing he remembered him. There was no need for him to worry that he would have to start from scratch with him yet again. He knew everything.
They were going to have so much fun together!
“How are you doing my old friend?”
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