#but i ended up making this video so ayyy
cyber444angel · 5 months
the amount of psychic damage this mf could have caused if i watched this movie as a kid,,,
[[ ♪ FLASH CASANOVA by Yabujin ♪ ]]
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Relief (Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Reader) Smut
Summary: It's the end of another mission, and you're ready to unwind with your new favourite destresser - casual sex with Soap.
AN: Thanks again to everyone who voted in the poll. I'm tempted to do another for the fics I've got drafted. My third favourite white guy on COD is finally on my blog ayyy.
If you wanna request a fic, check out my guidelines before sending one in! Also, if you wanna be tagged in any future fics, let me know!
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Content warnings: Smut (18+ only, minors DNI), fuck-buddies in love trope, Reader is AFAB and gender neutral
Masterlist // AO3 Version
With a sigh, your head tilted back against the door you were pressed into. A half-surprised huff escaped next, since your body hadn’t left an impression in the wood – not unlike how Soap’s fingers were likely etched in bruises on your thighs from where he was holding you. He didn’t normally hold onto you so tightly, so desperately. But you let him anyway.
His nose leant above your shoulder. His chest caught its breath in deep sluggish drags, the glow of his skin pressed to yours whilst you did the same.
“You gonna put me down?” You huffed.
“Maybe. Quite like you like this.”
Of course he did. That’s why you’d barely made it out of briefing and not at all on his bed. Soap adjusted his grip and lifted your legs’ grip a little higher up his waist, which caught you off-guard and a moan slipped out.
You gave him a little taunt: “I know sex is a work-out but that doesn’t mean you can start deadlifting me whilst your cock’s still inside me.”
“Damn,” and Soap lifted his head up to look in your eyes with that laddish smirk and smug stare, “There goes my routine I was planning for tomorrow. Hey-” His brow creased as you attempted to lower one of your legs, his hand squeezing the meat of your thigh, “- I meant it. I like you like this.”
“This isn’t exactly helping the pain,” You said, referring to the mildest of injuries you’d ever gotten on a mission – a massive bruise behind your left shoulder.
Instantly, and with you still in his arms, Soap walked you over to his bed. His open hand cradled your hair as he lowered himself onto the sheets, then flopped back ungracefully. You on the other hand remained sat upright on his cock; your head tilted to the side as you watched Soap fidget against the pillow.
“You alright down there?”
Putting his hands behind his head, Soap winked, “Perfect. The view’s fantastic.”
Those random “clench to the music” videos on TikTok had been preparing you for this moment. You squeezed around his cock and Soap’s self-assured chuckles were stolen away. Tilting your head playfully at him, you watched him grunting beneath you.
Soap’s brows shot up his forehead as he opened up those bashful blue eyes, “Oh, that’s how you wanna play?”
His body beneath you shuffled as he planted his heels besides his buttocks. Your grin remained etched on your face as he thrust up into you. The first time, you could hold in your groans. The second time, your lips were pressed together as you lowered your elbows either side of his head.
“One Earthshattering Soap Special coming up?”
“Fuckin’ minx.”
It was so hard to kiss him properly when he wouldn’t stop making you smile, moan, whisper how good he made you feel. His shameless stare flitted between your face twisted in overstimulation and your hand rubbing at yourself to chase down your next orgasm. Each thrust was bordering on painful, the perfect distraction for your greedy body.
At the moment your orgasm wiped across you, you didn’t have to hold back a scream. All energy left was trained on those laboured breaths snatched between your mouth and Soap’s, both agape and brushing awkwardly as you greedily rutted into one another for more until the waves faded to ripples then to contented hums. His nose slotted to yours as you lifted your chest an inch from him.
“Was it intentional?”
“What’d’you mean?”
“Soap Special. Coming up,” you repeated, your laughter coming out hushed as you grappled with Soap’s shoulders to stay vertical.
“No, can’t be on my a-game with dirty jokes whilst your cunt squeezing the life out of me,” and Soap gripped your hips tighter. “And I can’t have done a good enough job if you can still think properly.”
“I recover fast. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
And you fell over into his chest, flopping your entire weight on him as you copied how he’d squashed you between himself and the door – but at least he had the luxury of it being a mattress on his back this time.
His arms curled protectively around you, keeping you pressed to him whilst he kissed you stupid, quite literally. You sighed dreamily; your hand tangled in his mohawk.
“You need a haircut,” you mumbled into his mouth. “Just a trim. Sides are getting long.”
“Warmin’ up to it, are you?”
“I will say it’s convenient for holding onto.”
Soap snorted, half your body sinking on his chest’s sudden exhale. Your fist squeezed in his hair once more before freeing him and pushing you away from him. When a flash of bliss from your cunt caught you off guard, and a short moan shot out of you, you waited for Soap to tease you about it. But he did no such thing whilst you climbed off his cock. Just looked at you with a close-lipped smile and his hand stroked up and down your bicep.
“Stay,” He hummed as you twisted around and swung your legs off the edge of his bunk.
“I can’t.”
“You can.” It was said with sincerity, not his usual sarcasm.
So you tried to include a sense of warning in your retort, “Soap.” But it just came across as sardonic and you waited for Soap to take advantage of it.
Instead, he sat up and wrapped himself against you. Feigning annoyance, you pushed his rising torso down into the bed.
You tried again, “We do this routine every time. It’s getting boring.”
Soap bounced right back up, “Boring’s not how I’d describe it.” To support his point, you endured listening to his kisses smacking against your skin, sending light-headed chills with each new contact. Soft vibrations from his throat tickled your shoulder’s slope.  
“You’re practically purring,” You said, hiding how uneven your words were in a half-laugh.
“Course. I’m the cat who got the cream.”
“Fucking hell,” You huffed, still smiling as you pulled up your underwear.
Your trousers were halfway up your legs when you pushed him away again but, this time, Soap stayed firm. He didn’t even move an inch under the light pressure of your palm.
“Don’t go. Please, Y/N.”
“First name basis when you’re not inside me? Must be real serious,” you parroted with a half-decent Scottish accent, though you didn’t miss how his begging affected you.
You turned to him now your trousers were done up. Your smile dropped; the “but” lingered on your lips as it saw Soap’s expression. You’d seen this man in pain, furious, over the moon, in bliss. But this was the most open, the most vulnerable, you’d seen him. Wide eyes peered at you in the low-lit room, letting you see directly through into his mind and its unsettled state, framed in that five o’clock shadow that had sprouted on his cheeks during the mission. It aged him. It made him look as weary as he felt.
His final plea of “I don’t wanna be alone, not tonight” uprooted the core of what this whole deal was about: stress relief. Soap still had stress that needed relieving, only it wasn’t with the usual fuck and funnies that you were used to.
You’d turned to him initially because you wanted to not think. Soap was wonderful at distracting; he always unwound you so easily, grounding you with his quips and that gorgeous drawl he spoke in. Perhaps you’d been neglecting him. Or perhaps you were leaning into this arrangement too much. The latter occupied your mind more. Were you getting in too deep?
“I need the toilet,” you whispered. Your eyes dragged up from the quiver that crossed his bottom lip and you finished buckling your belt on the other side of his bedroom door.
You were somewhat certain of why you were treating Soap’s request like a confession of love, because, in a way, it was. Admitting you need help that can only be given by a certain someone, that’s trust beyond the bond forged on the battlefield. And cuddling? Kissing you goodnight? His open expression you caught him wearing before he snuck in a quip? All things that had come before this night that had added up to support your conclusion.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about it before – leaning into the romantic side you’d already been sharing with each other. In fact, a bystander would probably call out how the only thing missing from your relationship was that very label.
A fear of commitment wasn’t what was preventing you. But the paperwork alone would be a pain in the arse. Then there were the comments other people would make. Although not from Ghost or Gaz, besides some light ribbing. Price probably wouldn’t have much to say either. That risk of getting caught leaving Soap’s room, it hadn’t even crossed your mind as you left him tonight.
You were still silently pondering as you squatted on the toilet, completing your post-hook-up routine. Soap’s forlorn face was one you didn’t think you could recover from with a good night’s sleep. Facing him tomorrow at breakfast, sparring, trusting each other on the job and in the gym, it seemed the longer you left this the worse it would get.
Soap was facing away from the bedroom door for a split second before he sat up to face the sliver of light from the hallway, his body shrouded in your silhouette. He didn’t speak. He just watched as you closed the door, undressed, and returned to his side. There wasn’t a lot of room in the bed, so he turned back on his side and you embraced him around his middle, his soft skin pitted over muscles and under scars.
“I woulda agreed to stay if you removed all your bravado quicker,” you whispered.
“I’ll remember that next time.” And he squeezed your hand in his.
The temptation to joke about his hair again crept in your throat alongside the tickle in your nose that it had caused, but now didn’t feel like the time. You stored it away for next time – there was always a ‘next time’ – and instead, between his shoulder blades, where the muscles folded in a neat crease down his spine, you pressed a kiss.
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technomaestro · 19 days
Bunch o fantasy asks for fun: Elf, unicorn, ghoul, vampire, werewolf, wraith, magic, visions, hexes
Fantasy Asks
Elf- What are you proud of? 
I'd like to say I'm proud of myself - I spent so long as a kid dreaming of working on games, and now... I'm here, working on an incredible game doing my best to make the experience for players enjoyable. I get to directly contribute to making someone else's day better, which is all I wanna do.
But I feel that I've got a long way to go still before I can truly be proud of myself, and who I am as a person. I'm getting there though.
In all actuality, I *am* really proud of getting my apartment a bit closer to a home than just a crash pad, by hanging some new art on my walls instead of procrastinating. I finally checked something off my list of "things I want to do" by getting a bunch of Video Game Travel posters (like the kind you'd see in travel agencies back in the day) of various places, like Cinnabar Island, the Southern Air Temple, or Piltover.
Unicorn- Who do you look up to? 
I don't really have role models. I used to look up to people, but either that sort of mentorship ended and I'm equivalent to them now, or I learned never to meet your heroes.
Ghoul- Who is someone that makes you laugh easily/who’s company you enjoy most of, if not all of, the time? 
@gryffy-ayyy, @why-the-nightingale-sings, @catacombhecatomb, @dildo-tbaggins, @rosafledermaus and @willow-xander-madetheshow-blog are all delightful and wonderful people whose company I could not do without.
Vampire- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?
I answered this earlier, but I'm also reading the Final Fantasy Ultimania Archive that I picked up, which is part art book, part making of book of all the Final Fantasy games, showing why they made a bunch of artistic and design decisions that they did. It's a fascinating look at how the series evolved.
Werewolf- Who is your family? Who do you live with?  
I live alone, and have for years. I kinda like it that way, having my own space is pretty important to me.
Wraith- Any scars? 
A few - one on my hand from where someone threw a gate shut while I was riding through it and I flipped head over handlebars, and my ear is still kinda scarred up from when I accidentally misfired a potato cannon next to it, and an assortment of others on my arms from being a fool.
Magic- Describe your crush without saying their name. 
Like I said earlier, I have too many crushes. But another one is this lovely person I met up here in the PNW recently, who is an absolute badass of a person; super into Stargate and spicy food, we've been on a few adventures and I have absolutely adored spending time with her learning more about this city I've moved to.
Visions- Do you miss anyone? 
More than I can possibly say. There are people back east that I am craving being able to see again, and there are people who have exited my life whose absence is still felt and I often wonder what went wrong and if they're even alive. There are also the occasional pangs of loss for the the version of folks I thought I knew before I learned who they really were, but I'm oft reminded I'm better off without them.
Hexes- What’s your favorite smell? 
Another of my favorite smells is Eucalyptus - it reminds me of my family back in Australia, of gum trees and fresh pies and ocean spray down on the Mornington Peninsula.
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taeminscoconuthead · 2 years
Hey so I made a script for a video and I want you to read to see if it’s good!
Imagine you was just minding your own business one random day, when you suddenly get a notification on your phone that Stray Kids’s Leader Bang Chan has past away at age 25. You’d feel devastated, alongside with all of his fans. Your bias just passed away and there’s nothing you could do about it. You’re seeing all the other K-pop fans with biases that are still alive and yet, yours are dead — never to wake up from his slumber again. You’d be grieving over what you would conceive as your loved one, since all you did was looked him until his very last breath.
Now, Stray Kids had to continue as 7. It would be a difficult number to grasp, but that’s the reality. There’s no more Bang Chan, and Woojin ain’t going to fill out this void — nor would he even be enough to take his place anyways. It’s already a hard thing to deal with, not seeing your bias in group photos anymore or even hearing him in songs. I want to ask you a simple question, does that feel nice to you?
But wait, here’s the catch.
Imagine now you just want to chat with people about the funny things Chan has done such as the infamous “you know what else is big” quote just for you to be stopped and be said “please don’t mention him.” What you said wasn’t even that disrespectful, you just wanted to say something that makes you smile, a harmless quote that has always made others feel good after a bad day.
Now you’re on YouTube. You just want to cleanse that horrible interaction by finding some funny clips of him, just to find his funeral videos being bombed to your face. It’s even unescapable — Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter and even Google Images. Speaking of Google Images, you can’t even search Chan’s name up without his death being plastered everywhere you go — even if you manage to find an innocent video would be enough to find the grieving comments sharing their RIPs to the late idol. Trust me, it isn’t just that post, but it’s nearly every single post that involves Chan in it.
Few months later, you had finally stopped crying for a day and decided to be more positive to continue this streak, so you go on social media and post something that you loved about Bang Chan — just for you to get harassing messages telling you to take down this post because “it’s disrespecting a dead man” and “how you should let him rest in peace.”
Now let me tell you again, does that feel nice to you? Me either, but this is what Jonghyun stans have to deal with every single day. We’re constantly harassed whilst having to go through the trauma process of losing our bias. We’re continually told not to do this or that and it’s giving us headaches.
Now let me tell you something, when will this end? Instead of telling us to let him rest in peace for literally making an appreciation post, when will you allow us to finally have our rest to mourn in our own way. This process isn’t as easy as you think, and people harassing us is making it even harder. That’s why we still have blingers that are still in recovery and haven’t yet gotten over it. Especially with the way he left this earth, you should especially be sensitive to us Shawols since maybe even some of them would think that it was their fault that he was dead.
Let this video be a reminder of the things that Shawols have to go through all the time and please be more gentle to those that are still healing.
Ayyy this is actually good and it also pictures how most of us feel. I like it, I think you should keep this as a script! (Btw I’m putting it as vent so it can separate from the other posts)
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listening to skz’s new album rn // will make edits later on
hall of fame: sick so sick sick intro wtfffff that was so good seungmin makes me sjfjsjjckjjjxj u don’t get it
s-class: already watched the mv so ik how the song sounds… good. i think. i think i need it to seep in my veins first. it’s very noise but like not in an nmixx way (they haunt my dreams) so i do like it
item: seungmin bro brooo his part makes me blush ahhhh. very heavy song ig??? i don’t know how to feel abt it.. jisung’s rap hmm… <33 not really feeling this one tbh. it’s kinda all over the place— which i expect cuz it’s skz but it’s very heavy-handed on that.
super bowl: seungminn!!!! oooh i like this one. i like whispering parts very much (my love for punch nct127) also a lottt of seungmin so. lyrics kinda goofyyy. “finger lickin', yeah, we cookin' up a super bowl / in the kitchen, michelin, irresistible” loll. omg seungmin bridge!!! good overall.
topline - i’m not the hugest rap fan is all i’m gonna start with. seungmin lead vocal to main vocal pipeline sooo realllll. ooh we don’t give a fuck cutoff ooh chan is very happy i bet (i think it was a bg song?? he listened to in a live that had swear words but like not really obviously, lol) seungmin! i guess it’s not unlistenable. jk i like it. the music video really adds to the vibe and hype though, its quite good with that.
dlc: hmmmm i like that actually. chorus more chill in a more listenable way. fun chill song nothing bad to say abt it. seungmin broooooooo. the music video definitely adds to it though like, it works. seungmin makes me sooo insane its not ook. cute fun mv, actually really love like they are putting a huge grin on my face.
get lit: ehhhhhhh i don’t like the turn it took. chorus ain’t it <3 this whole album is very noisy and experimental so far… bridge the only saving grace i fear. but like, “spewing nonsense staring at the all as if i’m crazy oh yeah yeah,” is so real idk. ending sequence w jisung & hyunjin dancing kind of a vibeeee though.
collision: very my style more. (it’s actually vocal based and calm). cute.
FNF: ANOTHER CHILL SONG YEAHHH.. I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE IT??? ayyy first love-adjacent song ! oooohh. hyunjin rap kinda eating. so angstyyyy lol (sweetly) is catching up a metaphor for growing up too or is it just a love thing? like in 2018-2019, they were very much in their stray kids era, like pre-adult, idk about life phase. so hmmm.
Youtiful: opening is very goodddd. seungmin and ballad-adjacent should be illegal he’s so lovely omgggg. hmmm i like it it generally? i do like that the album is more english-centric because their english is veryyy good like i like listening to them speak eng, esp seungmin ehheehhhee. its just an appreciative core kinda song and i like it. there’s nothing too grandiose abt it.
THE SOUND (kor v.): it’s fine???
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yichimi · 3 years
Howdy do~! I’ve got a fluff/angst scenario in mind: The dorm leaders’ (including Jamil’s) fem! s/o suddenly wakes up screaming in the middle of the night because of a traumatic nightmare of them Overblotting. As she wakes up, she tearfully tells them she’s scared of losing them a second time. Please and thanks!
✨Thank you for your request and patience✨
A/n: ayyy i really really love your request, thanks so much for requesting!✨♥️
The dorm leaders + Jamil react to S/O's nightmare
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He honestly doesn't knows what to do-
Trys his best to comfort you even tho it's kind of awkward
He knows it must've been a horrible experience seeing him overblotting, he still has a few nightmares himself
But now, you woke up screaming, probably scared of him
But when you told him your only crying and scared to lose him he can't help but cry himself-
You two are just crying in each other's shoulders not knowing what to do because both if you are overwhelmed
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Yep, believe it or not the experience had influenced him a bit
Even tho he never said it or really apologized for it, when he saw you scared back then he felt horrible even afterwards
And when you then woke him up with your cry's he was annoyed first, why did you need to wake him up?
When he then saw in what state you were he felt guilty, out of instinct he kinda knew what was going on
Acting annoyed by you he took you and let's you cry in his chest, let it all out little herbivore, hes now there for you and...trys his best
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when you woke him up with your cry's he instantly got worried for you and asks right away what's wrong
Kinda panics too when you panic but trys to stay as calm as possible for you
When you then told him you were scared of losing him a second time. That kinda made his heart stop beating for a second
Would try to get you water and trys to comfort you with his hugs
And if there's anything you want? Need or crave, tell him right away you don't even need to sign a contract for it. He feels guilty for making you feel that way and he wanna makes it better
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He heard you screaming and is immediately scared too. You have to know-when you feel bad, he feels bad but trys to stay as optimistic as he can for you!
Seeing you smile is his favorite thing in the world, so just say a word and he'll get Jamil and request whatever you want. He just wanna sees you smile again
After all you had a nightmare about him. Don't think it gets away by him so easily
In the end because you couldn't stop crying, he cry's with you-and it feels good to let all out
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Tbh he heard you scream, and thought it was Kalim doing something again. But when he realized it was you worry took ober him
And honestly? He doesn't fucking knows what to do after you told him you were scared of losing him
Part of him is happy you said that because he knows then he means a LOT to you, but the other part of him is more scared of losing you
The best he can do is be there for you, ans he really trys with all the cuddles he gives you rn to clam you down
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Honestly, he was annoyed at first, like why do you interrupt his important beauty sleep (not like he needs it-)
But when he saw in what frightened state you were he couldn't help to worry
"My dear, what is it?"
And he'll listen carefully to every word you say and he will then know what to do ✨Spa night✨
To make you feel better with everything and distract you he'll put on his most expensive products on you and make you relaxe
Hell throw his whole night away just to make you feel better, this is fucking love ok appreciate it he would do it forever and all the time, for you~
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Panics just the same amount as you-
Like he has no damn clue what he should act like in these moments. Usually he would distract himself with video games or anime...or he'll call you for comfort
And thats when he realized you'd need him and kinda scared and awkward he started to hug you and wipe your tears with his sleeve away
Just don't say anything, he can already imagine what you have dreamed of, and he just wants to give you comfort
And he doesn't know what to say anyway-
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He's so worried for you ngl-and still-he has no clue what to do either
It breaks his heart seeing you in such a state, and even more that the dream was about him
He gathers all his strength together and old memories from Lilia comforting him, and then goes to comfort you-
Did it work? It sure did, i mean who wouldn't like to get comforted by him letting you cry in his chest-
Ans his sweet words made it all even better
MAIN MASTERLIST (twisted wonderland)
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smp-boundaries · 3 years
List of boundaires: Ponk
• Cosplay: Ponk is supportive of cosplay of himself.
• Shipping: Ponk has said he doesn’t mind being shipped with Dream SMP members, except when fans take it “too far.” When asked about Awesamponk (Ponk/Awesamdude), Ponk said he doesn’t care. In a later clip, he asked fans to “tone it down,” stating that he and Sam find it a bit weird when fans make “very detailed” stuff. This indicates that he is not okay with suggestive or NSFW ship content.
• Pronouns: Ponk uses all pronouns.
• Fanart: Ponk has said that he does not mind fanart of his face.
• Names: Ponk has asked fans not to call him “Drops.” (part of his Twitch username, DropsByPonk)
• Whitewashing in cosplay/fanart: When asked, Ponk said that if fans are drawing fanart of his character it should reflect his skin color as he is mixed race, but that it doesn’t bother him if he is cosplayed by people who don’t match his skin tone.
• Feminine depictions: When asked about being drawn in a dress, Ponk said fans could do what they like, indicating that he doesn’t mind being drawn in feminine clothing.
Evidence cosplay: 42:04 - 42:25 of this vod about shipping about Awesamponk asking fans to tone it down about being okay with all pronouns Instagram bio that says all pronouns about fanart of his face: 46:20 - 46:27 of this vod about being called “Drops” about whitewashing and cosplay: 48:27 - 49:41 of this vod about being drawn in a dress
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[Image ID: Ponk’s Instagram account named dropsbyponk. The bio says “Pronouns: any” followed by his Twitch link. /End ID]
Clip transcripts below cut
about cosplay (from YouTube video “Ponk | Dream SMP F for F run !audible #ad (2021/01/30) | VOD”) Ponk: Chat, I think cosplay is awesome, just so you know. There’s this really cool cosplayer who does me - um, they’re a POC as well, on Tik Tok - and it makes my day every time I scroll. And I’ll see their content like, occasionally, like, most days, and I’ll be like “ayyy.” It is lit. It’s lit! And it’s just like - it brightens up my day, y’know?
about shipping TTS Dono: Ponk, Ponk: Hello! TTS Dono: may I know your opinion about shipping between you and other Dream SMP members? Ponk: Ey? Um, I don’t really mind it. It’s all good fun. I mean, we’re all friends here. So, I mean, eh? I don’t really know. I don’t have a problem. Um, but it does get weird when people take it a bit too far. Um - that’s about it.
about Awesamponk TTS Dono: Hey Ponkie just wanted to make double check your boundaries, are you okay with Awesamponk being a ship? Rom slash platonic, or shipping in general? Ponk: To be honest, I don’t think me and Sam really care, right. Right? Like - I’m sure it’s mostly platonic and stuff, correct? But chat, we don’t - we don’t really care. We don’t really care. Well, I know I don’t care - you might (unintelligible) have to ask Sam. That is - that is all.
asking fans to tone it down TTS Dono: Hello Ponk, just wondering what your boundaries are regarding shipping. Ponk: I’m sure Sam talked about it yesterday. TTS Dono: How do feel about being in ships like Awesamponk? Ponk: I’m sure Sam said it, like, yesterday. But me and Sam are very, very good friends, like, outside of streams and whatnot. And it makes it a little bit weird when you guys are making very detailed - very, very detailed shit. Alright? I’m not even gonna explain it. Okay? (laughs) But we do have a laugh about it. Um - but yeah, just, maybe tone it down, chat. Tone it down. Cause my God, some of the stuff me and Sam saw - oh, lord. Yeah. Yeah, chat. [...] I’m sure Sam spoke on it yesterday, I’m pretty sure. So, yeah.
about pronouns Ponk: (singing along to music) TTS Dono: Also are you okay with they/them? Hey guys Ponk: I am okay with any pronouns. I do not care, chat. I mean, I am me. You can see me as anything you like. I honestly don’t care. Alright? As long as you’re not mean to me. As long as you’re not being mean to other people in my community. You do you, I’m doing me, you can use any pronouns you like. I simply don’t mind. I simply don’t mind. Okay?
about fanart of his face TTS Dono: Ponk bestie are you okay with fanart of your face? I wanna double check. Ponk: Um, I simply don’t mind.
about being called “Drops” Ponk: [...] Adrians! Thank you so much for the raid, appreciate it! Welcome to my stream. I am Ponk, also known as Ponk, also known as Drops sometimes, but don’t call me that. I don’t like you if you call me that, alright? Uh, but welcome! Thank you so much for the raid. Hello, I’m glad you raided me. Appreciate it. Um -
about whitewashing and cosplay (from YouTube video “Ponk | Dream SMP I am still Late (2021/03/26) | VOD”) TTS Dono: Hey Ponk Ponk: Hello! TTS Dono: are you okay with people cosplaying your character? Even if it’s [white] people? Because you have said before for people to draw you as long as they don’t draw you white, but I don’t know if that counts for cosplayers. Ponk: Um, I - I honestly don’t mind. Like, for me, when I see my - like the character Ponk, it’s - it’s shown as someone in that mask, if you know what I mean. Like, that’s all I care about - is like, it’s the mask. It doesn’t really matter about skin color, and all. But, at the end of the day I am mixed race. I ain’t changing from that. Um - if you are drawing me as a character you can do that but if you’re cosplaying it’s fine, it’s just the mask, y’know. Just - don’t put like fake tan on or something like that. Don’t do that. That ain’t cool. But everything else, yeah, that’s - that’s cool. Ponk: There are some people who cosplay on Tik Tok. Um, and, they are - they are very very good. Very good. I, like, recommend you looking at them. Cause - I’m surprised how well they got like the mask and stuff down. So, yeah.
about being drawn in a dress (from VOD “Dream SMP --> Clean up! !Merch”, July 12, 2021) TTS Dono: bestie I’m making fanart can I draw you in a dress? Ponk: (overlapping) If you want- TTS Dono: (overlapping) cause drawing people in really fancy nightgowns is really fun. Ponk: You can do what you like.
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Hello love! I have an emergency request if you have the time. May I request hc of Bokuto, Tendou and Kenma comforting their s/o after their cat suddenly passed away? I'm struggling to cope and in need of some comfort. If this request makes you uncomfortable or you don't have time, it's okay to ignore it!! Thank you in advance if you write it and have a great day or night!
Comforting Their S/O when their Pet Dies
A/Note: I’m really sorry about your cat, may they rest in peace. I hope this makes you feel better. I’ve never written comfort for death but I hope this is alright. I kind of tried to make it for pets in general f that’s ok but Kenma’s is specifically for a cat. I hope you have a great night or day as well. My condolences, Love <3 ~ Sar-chan.
Warning: Mentions of death and use of the word pussy (once)
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Bokuto Kōtarō
Bokuto has you in his arms in a heartbeat once he’s near. If he is far he runs all the way to you because he knows you need the comfort.
He’d hold you on his lap letting you bury your face in his chest, while he strokes your and rubs comforting circles on your back.
Bokuto doesn’t mind if you stain his shirt with tears, he’ll let you cry but he might start crying too. His hair will deflate seeing you liked this, also because he adored your pet.
I’m sorry but I honestly think Bokuto is the type to accidentally say, “We’ll get you a new one.” If he sees you tear up more he’ll constantly apologise over and over.
Bokuto does have a good read of people and is very perceptive but I think he might call Akaashi to figure out how to help. Because it’s not that he doesn’t know he’s just torn between opting to distract you but he doesn’t want you to feel invalidated or letting you continuously wallow, considering it might help you release it all.
He is constantly reassuring you and telling you comforting things. He opts for a mixed idea because he does want you to release your emotions. Bokuto thinks it’s better that you do not bottle it up. But he doesn’t want you to keep crying because he hates seeing you like this.
“Baby?” he’d quietly call you to look up at him. “Hmmm,” you hummed in response, and he’d capture your chin tilting your head to look up at him. Bokuto wipes the tears from your eyes with his thumb and places a kiss on your forehead, “I know this is hard on you and I’m sorry about what I said earlier baby. I know they were irreplaceable and super special, I wasn’t thinking,” he apologised, his regret viable in his eyes. “I- it’s ok Bo. I- I k- know you didn’t mean it,” you tried to reassure him breaths shallow from crying. “Thank you, baby. I know you can’t control your emotions but you need to stop crying even if it’s for a little bit. You’ll get a headache and your eyes will hurt. how about we wash your face, clean that nose, and I’ll get you some ice cream?” he suggests hopefully, he just wants to help you.
“I’m sorry-,” you start off but he stops you. “Hey. Hey. Hey, there is no need for you to be sorry, this is completely valid, I just wanna help you. We don’t have to if you don’t want to baby,” he pulls you to his damp chest again stroking your hair. “Well um I don’t wanna get a headache either but I’m afraid I already have one,” you laugh a little, “I don’t mind ice cream, that would be nice but thank you. Thank you for everything.” He smiles at you so warmly, “This is nothing ok. I’m here for you always, now let’s get some yummy ice cream and we can talk if you want. I love you, ok. Always.”
Tendō Satori
Tendou definitely makes you chocolates, because he knows comfort food and sweets tend to help bring up a person’s moods but he won’t rush you to eat them as soon as he gets there.
He definitely is someone who tries to lighten the mood with humor; he’ll tell you jokes to make you laugh and smile but might just get it wrong.
Tendou wants you to express yourself but he also thinks this is an experience to make you stronger so he will definitely remind you of your strength and to remember that you had good times with your pet.
He’ll remind you that you’ll always carry that memory of them and as long as you remember you can keep their spirit alive.
He doesn’t want you to forget but he will try to help you accept it, he’ll brush your hair out of your face and wipe your tears then he’ll give you kisses and hugs to remind you that he’s going to be there for as long as you need.
Tendou will encourage you to talk about your feelings or get them out in a way you think best. He wants to help you move on because he knows holding on to pain doesn’t exactly do anyone good.
“RIP that pussy ayyy,” he jokes causing you to giggle just a bit but not for long. He quickly sweeps you into his arms apologizing, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I was tryna make you laugh, and well it did kinda work,” you continue to sob into his chest, “I’m sorry I’ll stop and let you, for a while,” he just gently holds you, while whispering words of encouragement and love.
“Sweetheart, I know they meant a lot to you. I saw the way just petting them made your eyes light up but you have to be strong ok?” you nodded into his chest as combed his fingers through your hair. “I know it’s hard, all the moments and memories but you can’t forget. They were part of you, they weren’t just some pet and I know you know that. Hmmm,” he feels you clutch his shirt tighter. “I know but it hurts. I- I miss them,” you sob as he continues to play with your hair and places a kiss on the crown of your head. “That’s alright but this is an experience too, this moment is one in many to make you stronger than you already are, I know you can’t accept it now but you have to, ok. But take your time. How bout we eat some chocolate hmm?” he asks looking down at you. “Mmmmk but can we maybe watch a movie? I kinda want to ease my mind but I will talk about it later. Th-,” you go to thank him but he stops you. “No need sweetheart, I’m here for you and I’m honestly sorry about the joke but admit it, was kinda funny,” he sees you smile a little as he holds as chocolate up to your mouth.
Kenma Kozume (cat specified)
Kenma is straight forward and he will lay the facts on you as they are.
Although I think at first he’d not know what to do, maybe he’ll awkwardly pull you into a hug and offer a short it's ok, I’m here.
He will however distract you and try to keep you occupied whether it's video games, a movie, a new anime, or manga for you to read.
Kenma will probably ask his followers and subscribers to send you love and support, he thinks it's best he try to surround you with positive energy.
He’ll invite over your friends and maybe the team to help, he wants to brighten your mood and he’s sure Kuroo will say something dumb enough to make you laugh.
What he doesn’t account for is Kuroo making him wear cat ears and parading him around as your new cat.
“I invited the guys over umm I don’t know if that’ll help. If you want them to go back I’ll tell them,” he asks looking at you unsure. You shake your head no, as you wipe unshed tears and blow your leaky nose, just as you finish the front door open. Lev rushes in and pulls you into a hug lifting you off the floor, and Yaku scolds him to put you down. All of them have sat you down and shower you in hugs while giving their condolences. Kuroo and Kenma are nowhere in sight and it causes you to mix feelings of worry into your sadness. Lev jokes about them being cats and maybe they’ll see him in heaven because of some weird bond causing your expression to fall and your front to fall. Suddenly Kuroo voice rings out, “I present to you, Kenma.”
Kenma walks out with a pout and then you notice the cat ears, the belled collar, and the tail, honestly you thought this funny. But your brain was clouded and you weren’t sure if to laugh or cry and you kind of ended up doing both, Kenma rushes over to you taking you into his arms, “Kuroo you made her cry again,” he scolds Kuroo who now has a look of regret gracing his features “Hey baby, it's ok I’m sorry. I’ll kill Kuroo’s cat in Minecraft later, it’ll kinda be even.” He rubs your back as Yaku scolds Kuroo . When you finally found your bearing, “Do- Don’t kill his cat. He’ll be sad like me, but he did make me laugh. I was kinda laugh-crying. You look cute and I know I can’t do anything about my cat dying Ken. It just hurts and I know your tired your best earlier. Damn, I still feel like crying but thank you all for this. Thank you Kenma,” you say burying your face into his chest. Kenma smiles and everyone starts pointing it out only for him to shout at them yet again.
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I hope this helped :) I'm sorry if it didn't come out the way you'd hope.
If you liked my writing, maybe you’d like to buy me a coffee?
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
"B's Day." Randy Meeks X Brooke.
AYYY! SO! It is the fucking amazing and wonderful @thirsting4slashers birthday today! I worked hard as fuck and wrote most of this today between running around, chores and making the longest nashville hot chicken ever with my fam but it is done and it is here! I had a blasty-blast writing it! This is my first time writing Randy and I fucking hope you adore it and that I got Randy correct enough for you! I wrote this as B, and it has her name througout it but anyone can read it if you wanna! SO without further ado, let’s get into it! Happy fucking brithday B!!!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 4.3K. (I went off. Again.) Randy Meeks X Brooke. She/They Pronouns. Warnings. Soft. Fluff. Friends To Lovers. Pining. Cute Shit. Pet Names. Making Out. Grinding. Blow Job. Hand Job. Face Fucking. Cunnlingus. Dirty Talk. Praise. Vaginal Fingering. Vaginal Sex. Raw Sex. Creampie. Premature Ejaculation. Reassuring Words. Teasing. Just A Lot.
B’s Day.
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Your friendship started completely by accident.
You’d come by the video store and he was stocking shelves and you asked him for a recommendation, he helped you out and you ended up loving the pick he chose. You did the same thing the next time and soon you found your conversations getting longer and longer. You loved almost all the movies he picked and the ones you didn’t, started some very mentally stimulating and amazing back and forth between you.
“Look, I am not saying it is a bad movie, I just do not get why you hyped it up so much!” It had him rolling his eyes at you, “It’s like we watched two entirely different movies, like did you even listen to the score?!”
It was nice and soon little bets were made, recommending each other movies and betting on how much the other person would love them and if they didn’t then usually snacks or small favors were exchanged. When Randy ended up getting another pick wrong it led to you making him take you out for lunch.
You ended up having such a great fucking time and it was the real start of your friendship. The hangouts were frequent and not just kept to the video store. You got along so fucking great it was kind of insane.
He got a crush on you first.
It started so small, just him thinking about how much he liked you and wanted to keep hanging out even after you spent all afternoon together. He tried to push some of those feelings away because he wasn’t sure you felt the same way plus if he ignored those feelings they would totally go away, right?
It seemed like it only made it worse to be honest. His crush on you was embarrassingly huge, if only he knew you had started to like him too then he could have gotten over himself a lot sooner.
The first moment he realized he was truly, madly, deeply hopeless for you was during one of your now regular lunches you;d share. You had just told some joke that made the one he told pale in comparison and it almost made him choke on his malt. The laugh you let out in response, head throwing back, hand over your mouth, it made him stop, it swept over him all at once, warmth exploding in his chest, gripping his glass way too tight, Jesus fuck he had it and he had it fucking bad, how had he not realized how much? How oblivious could he be?
You called him out on the silent act and it made him flush and he fumbled, coughed and told you rather unconvincingly that yeah of course he was fine. You didn’t believe him but you dropped it. He struggled through the rest of lunch to not be so caught up in his own head and be present with you.
After that afternoon with you he tried to play it cool but it didn’t end up working out that well, he found himself pining after you almost constantly. You just got him, had such a good sense of humor and great taste in movies and shows and music and he just had the best time with you. It was always so easy to spend time with you, easier than it had ever been with anyone else.
It takes him a few months to work up the courage to ask you out. It was after your film studies lecture, crisp fall afternoon, you’d both just visited a favored cafe’ of yours, you’d treated him to his favorite, a hot apple cider. You’d set it down in front of him before taking the seat across the table and you looked so good in that fall coat you loved and that scarf he gave you last holiday season that it just burst from his mouth before he could stop it.
“Brooke, do you wanna go out with me?”
You paused, looked a little shocked, it made him want to immediately jump into taking it back, wishing he could shove the words back into his mouth, grab them out of the air somehow but once something is said it is too late and can never be taken back. But then you surprised him. You smiled warmly and said, “Jesus titty fucking Christ Meeks, it took you long enough! I thought we’d be going grey by the time you finally got around to asking.”
“Wait, what?”
The way he said it, such pure and genuinely confusion painted across those adorable features that it had you laughing again in that way that got to him so badly. “I’m saying I like you too doofus.”
That had him smiling wide, preening a little under you saying that, you saying that really helped bolster his confidence and quick too, he asked in a very joking over-confident tone, “So you like me, eh? How long has that been going on?”
You shook your head fondly as you took a sip from your hot chocolate. “ Ass. Yeah I fucking like you and I’m excited for our date. So where you taking me?”
Good question.
Where was he taking you?
He hadn’t woken up that morning planning on asking you out and whenever he did think he was going to get around to it he hadn’t planned as far ahead as you saying yes.
It was like you could see the gears turning his head and you reassured him, your hand on his as you said, “Don’t get all weird. Whatever we do is gonna be a good time.”
“Right, right, duh, of course.” He said with a nod and you saying it actually helped him relax, you were so good at helping him relax.
So any lingering doubts the two of you might have had about dating ruining your friendship was firmly squashed on the first date. You made the transition with startling ease. He totally couldn’t believe just how well it was all going. So many great times, trips out to the movies and meals shared and walks and basically everything you did before but with the added benefit of neither of you having those urges of wanting to reach out and touch that you previously couldn’t act on.
You both made good use of the fact that little hurdle was no longer in the way. Could hold hands and throw arms around each other and kiss, fucking my God did you both take advantage of that one.
It only takes a few dates for it to really escalate.
You and Randy back in your apartment, roommates conveniently out, another extremely successful date, a fantastic time was had and it was getting better with the two of you on your couch. Your arms around his neck and kissing him, almost practically seated in his lap, his hands on your hips as he was returning your ample affection with equal enthusiasm.
You moved, kisses trailed over his jaw as you said softly, "You know you've really improved."
He sounded a little breathless as you'd continued your movement, mouth laying more kisses down his throat, your fingers in his hair, "Im-proved, at ah, what exactly?"
"At kissing." You bit the side of his throat and it had his hands going up to your shoulders, pushing you back a bit so you could look him in the eyes, "Ouch!"
"Oh c'mon I didn't bite you that hard you baby." You teased and he said, "Not at the bite, at what you said!"
His hands slid up, arms wrapped around you, tugging you even closer to him and you cooed, "Awe did I hurt your fragile ego Randy?"
"Deeply." He said so deadpan it made you laugh, "Seriously sweetheart, baby, Brookie cookie, how could you?" He smiled a little as he took over where you left off, kissing over your face and neck. A wide smile taking over your own face, you loved the over the top pet names he'd pull out, soon as he learned about your old nickname it was adopted into everyday conversation easily, he'd call you it more than anything else. I mean the man even changed your name in his phone to that book ended by hearts and cookie emojis, how sickeningly sweet was that?
"Mmm I dunno what I was thinking, how truly heartless of me." You said and he hummed in agreement, "How about we move this to my bedroom and I can make it up to you?"
His lips stopped on that spot where your neck meets your shoulder and he asked, "You serious?"
"As a grave, Meeks."
Three words in his mind all at once. Hallelujah. Holy shit.
It felt right. Dumb jokes and banter helping keep the harsher edge away but still that under current of heat was unmistakably present as you both stumbled your way to bed. Neither of you could keep your hands off each other even for the short journey, refusing to break apart, still kissing almost desperately. You fell back on the bed and that was when Randy paused to take you in for a moment, hair out of place, flushed and kiss bruised lips and clothes rumpled from the heated make out, looking up at him like you really wanted him.
It's nice to feel wanted.
You looking at him like that was something he never wanted to lose. The need to continue? To touch you? Overwhelming.
He got on the bed, hands starting on your ankles and sliding up your legs, slowly, he felt things were a bit too serious, he needed to lighten the mood again but he couldn't help what he said now, "Damn."
You laughed a little again, "Damn?"
He gave a nod, hands sliding up higher, on your thighs now, "Yes. Damn. No good?"
"I just think you are selling me a little short." You teased and he was leaning down over you, playing along, "Oh are you implying you're worth a two syllable damn, baby?"
"Implying? I'm out right saying."
Your hands were on him again, pulling him down so his mouth crashed into yours. It heated up considerably after that again. You'd both been pretty worked up out in the living room and you starting up the makeout again simply reminded you both how much you wanted this.
Tongue running over his bottom lip and it made him moan into your mouth and you needed to hear more of that. Your fingers curling in the fabric or the shirt he had on and with him between your legs you went with the urge you had and moved your hips, grinding up on him and he was so hard already, unsurprising, but hot all the same.
You making that first move gave him all the invitation he needed and moving his own hips made your mouth slow down, the friction felt damn good. More heated kissing, grinding, tugging at each other's clothes, needing more skin on skin contact. Thing is he was having trouble getting your pants open, to the point he stopped kissing to focus his hands better and you asked, "You good? Nervous?"
He let out a breathy laugh, he was but didn't want to show it, "Yeah, yeah, uhm just, got that song by The Waitresses stuck in my head, you know?"
"The Waitresses why-" and it clicked just then, the lyrics of I Know What Boys Like entering your head, particularly the ones about the lead wearing clothes that are purposefully hard to take off. You laughed, a shake of your head, "Swear to God I didn't do this on purpose."
"You sure?" The tone pulled yet another laugh from you and finally he got your pants open, "Finally! Oh my God-"
You held back the urge to clap and said, "Congratulations! Hope you don't have this much trouble getting my bra off."
"Your lack of faith is startling." He quipped and you helped him get your pants off as you said, "Gimmie something to have faith in babe."
"Now that, I can do."
He had your pants off, tossed aside, he started to kiss you again and you started to help him with his clothing in between making out. Soon it was down to just underwear and you pushed him back, starting to kiss down and he tried to keep composure because holy shit you were making moves that showed your clear interest in putting his dick in your mouth.
He'd spilled too much cum to that very thought. The view of you sliding down, hand cupping his erection through the thin material, thumb brushing over the damp spot. You knew he was into this, how hard he was, already leaking pre-cum, breathing harder. You squeezed once, looking up at him through your lashes, "How you holding up sweet thing?"
A shaky nod, "M' amazing."
"Good." You hummed out and you were low enough to mouth at him through his underwear and he couldn't hold back the slight buck of his hips. Your mouth was already so warm, he might just die at this rate. You pulled the last remaining layer of fabric out of the way. You paused, a small curse at finally seeing him bare before you. He looked so good. Literally mouthwatering.
Your hand closed around him and you leaned in, tongue made contact and swirled around the tip and he might really just die. Your lips closed around the head and you sucked and his eyes screwed shut because the feeling combined with the visual was in fact going to be the death of him. “Fuck, Brooke-”
You hummed, and sucked harder, hand slowly starting to move, beginning to stroke him, and he let out a shaky exhale. Your mouth moved down, taking more of him into your mouth and you moaned at the taste, the feeling, the whole situation really and Christ how was he supposed to go on like this?
“Feels-so, so, so good-” He groaned out and you set a rhythm, not super fast or hard but steady, decent. His knees almost gave out, you pushed him down so he was on his back and you only kept going, refusing to let up, he was squirming below you, making the most delicious sounds.
You took more and more and he had this all consuming craving to work with you, to fuck up into your mouth as you moved down to take more. He wanted to fuck your face but he was already hanging on by a thread, if he wasn’t careful he was going to cum already, he couldn’t stop moving at this point or shut up with his moaning and praise of you, words falling out asking for “-more-” and to “-don’t stop!”
You wouldn’t until he actually changed his tune, fists clenching, “I-I wanna do some-THING! But ah-ha, ahhhh, I don’t know if you are dow-nnn for it.”
You pulled off, stroking his whole length as you asked, “What is it? If you don’t ask, you might never get it.”
You had a point. You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take, right?
“I-I’m close, I don’t wanna cum yet, bu-but, I-I kinda want to-” You encouraged him, “Want to, what?”
“Wanna-” His eyes closed, his hands over his face, choking out, “-wanna fuck your face.”
You almost gasped at that.
One of your biggest fantasies, you wanted that so badly, had thought about it over and over and here he was offering it, you responded so quickly, “Yes! Yes, I love that, I want it, please-”
You moved, mouth back on him and he couldn’t believe what he heard, his fingers threaded in your hair and you moved down and he arched his hips up once experimentally and you moaned as he went so deep.
That felt unfairly good.
You wrapped your lips tighter around him, moving down further and he bucked up harder, fucking into your eager mouth, so hot and wet, you felt incredible and were moaning on his shaft, eyes screwed shut and he worked with you. Arching, rocking, pumping up and you moving down in time and soon, very soon, his pace was faltering, “B-Brooke! I-I’m gonna-”
A reassuring hum, your hands on his hips, a squeeze, encouraging and he groaned low and long and he finally came, hips stuttering as he spilled on your tongue. The taste was better than anticipated and you swallowed him back with ease, listening to the litany of moans and praise that left him upon his orgasm. He was a panting mess by the time he finished cumming into your mouth. You pulled up after you’d downed his cum, sitting up and looking him over. You allowed him to bask in the afterglow for a moment before asking:
“So how was that?”
He huffed out a laugh, still half panting, “Oh my fucking God. I-I don’t have words to describe Brookie, I literally have nothin’-”
“Well that’s cuz I drained everything out of you.” You teased and he said, “Well not everything-”
“Good. Because I am still wanting more.” You said and he forced himself up, pushing you onto your back now, “Oh I know you are. I won’t leave you hanging, I promise.”
You knew he wouldn’t. He would never disappoint you.
He kissed you, hard, hot, possessive, you moaned into it and he could taste a hint of himself clinging to your mouth and he actually loved it. After a few moments his hands moved, began to get rid of your bra and panties, and as soon as you were bared he had to stop again. His hands ran over your body, feeling, touching everywhere he would, “Holy fuck-”
He let out a shuddering breath, “-your body is fucking amazing.”
All of it struck him so fast.
Being in your bed. Totally naked with you after you had just given him maybe the most amazing orgasm of his life, so here with him, present in the moment, clearly wanting him and he felt so damn lucky, overcome with feeling yet again.
He kissed you, his hands palming your tits and he didn’t linger long before moving down, kissing over your neck and pausing at your chest, hurried licks and bites and it made you shift under him and more and more he moved down until he was between your legs which he put over his shoulders. Your slick cunt was on display, you were so wet, and inviting.
“Gonna make you feel so fucking good-” He groaned out and he leaned in, one long and strong lick up the middle of you that had your back arching with a gasp of his name from the sheer pleasure that flooded your system. He had never felt more sure of himself or anything he had ever done than in this moment.
His hands on your thighs he took his time starting to eat you out for the very first time. He ate you out with such care, licking up through your folds, over your clit, tongue passing over it and swirling around it and even pulling it into his mouth, sucking deeply, tongue flicking over it and every moan and heavy breath and twitch drove him forward, fueled his hunger. The feeling built so steadily, so intensely.
“You taste-” he panted out, pausing briefly, “-the best, just the fucking best-”
You let out a light laugh, asking, “Yeah?”
“Oh my God, yeah.” His hand slipped down and two fingers slipped inside of you, drawing another moan from you as his mouth lowered down, tongue running over that sensitive bud before latching onto it.
You clenched around his fingers and he moaned against you. He was already hard again. You were almost too much for him. He was rock hard and couldn’t help grinding down onto the mattress below, your sheets felt soft and so good and provided just enough of a tease of stimulation to help push him even further as he pleased you.
And my God did he fucking please you.
In a few more short minutes you were almost gasping for breath, chest rising and falling, rocking against his tongue and you were starting to warn him, thighs tightening around his head, “Ran-Randy, I’m so close!”
He kept pace, didn’t dare change a thing, maintaining that all important consistency to ensure your release, his fingers curled just so and another suck and flick of his tongue had that coil breaking and you came with a cry of his name. Eyes shut tight and pleasure exploding outwards, white hot and running throughout your whole body, jerking and twitching under his minstriations. He didn’t stop, dragged out every single bit of sensation out of it that he could and only when you were weakly batting him away from sheer overstimulation did he let up and pull away.
His mouth lifted, his fingers slid out of your soaked cunt and into his mouth, sucking on his fingers and cleaning every bit of you, tongue rolling between his own fingers as he took in the sight of you panting, blissed out all because of him.
He mirrored what you asked before, “How was that?”
You smiled so warmly, eyes peeking back open and looking down to him. “Fucking fantastic.”
He felt so good about himself, about you and what you both shared. But more than that he was still feeling so worked up. You cumming on his tongue and fingers might be the hottest thing he had ever experienced, he slowly pulled himself up your body, you could feel his erection brush your inner thigh and you held your arms out, inviting him even closer still. He leaned down yet again, his lips capturing yours in another kiss, this one was slower, most passionate, so good. He pulled away to ask, “Are you sure?”
“More than I’ve ever been about anything.”
“Now there is that faith I was looking for earlier.” He reached out for his jeans to grab a condom and you grabbed his wrist, a shake of your head, “I’m covered.”
“Oh shit-really? You’re-...” Another nod and he couldn’t believe it. Fucking hell how was he supposed to last, he already came once but going raw and bare your first time was going to be so much to take.
“Mmmhmm.” You nodded and your legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer, you feel him brush against you and you squirm, back arching, “Please hon?”
He couldn’t say no. He trusted you implicitly, he knew that you were safe and he wanted this so badly, maybe more than literally anything he ever had. “Course, sweetheart.”
He positioned himself just right, pressed himself right to you, tip at your soaked entrance and he took a deep breath to compose himself before another short reassuring kiss he nudged forward, slowly pushing into you for the first time. A shared moan that broke the kiss, he sunk in inch by agonizing inch and Christ you felt indescribable inside. You moaned at him, filling you, shifting below him.
He wasn’t going to be able to hold out. Not a snowball's chance in hell. He wanted you to cum again, was desperate for it, he needed to do something to seal the fate of your end again. He adjusted again, one hand between your bodies, his thumb pressed to your clit and you almost sob, “Randy! Ye-yes!”
“Brookie-” he groaned out, his eyes fell closed, still couldn’t look at you, he wanted to engrave every single moment to the walls of his brain but he couldn’t, if he did he would spill in two seconds flat. You clenched around him as he was rubbing your clit with the perfect pressure and pace.
“You’re soooo fucking good for me-” He moaned, “-so hot. So tight and wet, better than, ahhh, I-I ever thou-ght.” He was holding still inside of you, tip pressed to that sweet spot inside, rocking slightly, grinding into that ultra sensitive tissue as he circled your clit. “I-I want you to-to cum ah-again before me.”
If he kept it up you would.
He pressed a little harder and you gasped out, “M’ gonna-if you, ahhh, keep it uppp-”
He could feel the way you got wetter, tighter, he could tell how close you were, clinging onto him, panting out praise back to him, moaning and writhing and hell he hoped he had his timing right. Other hand that wasn’t working your clit went under your knee, holding up your leg, fucking in, deep, hitting that perfect spot, all his focus going into not cumming before you and keeping those fingers moving.
“Ra-Randy! I-I’m almost there-”
“Shit, me too, baby, please, please-” His hot breath was on your neck, panting out, filling you over and over and your nails were biting into his back as you finally tipped over with a moan, “M’ cumming!”
And he finally allowed himself to give in. The feeling of your soaked walls on him as your orgasm took hold brought him to his end, he managed to keep going, fucking into you, giving you as much pleasure as he could and he came too. The feeling of his hot cum spilling only increased your pleasure, a surprised moan pulled from you at the sensation and he was muttering your name, and something else unintelligible but ultimately sweet into your throat.
His hips slowed until finally stopping, resting fully buried inside of you.
You were both panting hard, slick with sweat and entangled together. Taken aback by sheer sensation and emotion.
He props up looking down at you, “God, Brookie cookie, hon, I-I’m sorry I didn’t last long-” You shh’d him, a finger pressed to his lips with a smile and a shake of your head. “Don’t pull that shit Meeks. It was fucking perfect. YOU were perfect.”
You leaned up, kisses over his face and neck, hands running down his shoulders and arms reassuringly and he melted into you.
You were wrong.
He wasn’t perfect.
You were.
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karls-writing-space · 3 years
GF, Tommyinit, and Quackity with a fem best friend (or S/O) who plays guitar in a rock band that reader and her friends made and they got a gig in a restaurant and reader is super nervous? (My band just got a gig in a restaurant and I’m freaking out)
And ayyy!! That's amazing, Anon!! I hope that your band's gig goes well!! Best of luck!!
I'm gonna have the reader be GF's S/O, while CC!Tommy and CC!Big Q will merely just be platonic, if that's chill?
— ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆—
Girlfriend, CC!Tommyinnit, and CC!Quackity With A Fem!Best Friend/ S/O Who's Rock Band Got A Gig At a Restaurant.
[All separate - CC!Tommy and CC!Quackity are platonic]
— ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆ — ☆—
She's so happy for you!
Girlfriend is super happy that her lover's band has a gig at a restaurant.
She'd hug you so tightly and [almost] exclaim how happy she is for you and your band.
"Babe, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you. Look - Look where you've all come!"
Now, she doesn't really listen to rock music as she isn't very fond of loud noises, but GF is still going to cheer you and your band on.
She has actually heard one of your songs, and she thought you all were really good!
Girlfriend wants to show her support for you and your band as much as she can.
When she sees that you're nervous, she can totally relate. She knows what it's like to be nervous when going in front of people and performing. She's felt the same way. Even her mother felt the same way before a few of her own shows too.
"Is there anything I can do to help you calm down, love? I can help you get prepared, or -"
She loves you, and she's willing to do anything it takes to help you feel at least a little bit better.
If you wanted to rehearse in front of her, GF will gladly be your practice audience for then. She would compliment you too.
If you were rehearsing with your band in front of her, she will hype you guys up, and be in awe of the talent that your band has.
If you rather rehearse alone in front of her, she will understand and still hype you up!
I'm just imagining her headbanging a little to the music and it's one of the cutest things I've ever thought of-
GF will also make sure that you look after yourself.
"Babe, c'mon. I get you got a show tomorrow, but you need sleep."
"If you sleep now, you'll have a good chance of having an outstanding show tomorrow."
If she's sleeping over at your place, GF will cuddle you until you fall asleep.
On the day/night of the show, she will go to that restaurant, order something, and watch you and your band perform.
After your songs, she will cheer so, so happily.
Again, rock isn't her favorite genre, but she could listen to you and your band play for days on end.
Girlfriend is so proud of you guys - especially you. She's very, very proud of you.
When this guy hears that his best friend is going to be performing with her band, he couldn't be happier.
He's FREAKING OUT. {Postitvely}
"Holy SHIT, ___. This - This is - so pog. Pog-fucking-CHAMP!"
He's telling his parents, his pets, your guys' friends. Anyone that you both know.
"Mom mom mom - did you know that ___'s band has a gig?"
"Tubbo. ___. Has. A Gig. Ain't that great?!"
"Walter, Betty. ___ and her band have a gig!"
Whoever Tommy told about your and your band's upcoming gig sent you support.
I mean, Walter and Betty can't speak English, so you got woofs of support from them both-
In all honesty, Tommy is really happy for you and your band. He thinks that the fact that you guys landed a gig is really cool!
He has a likening to Rock music and , given the chance, he will rock out with you guys.
LOVES your music. Covers or Original music - this guy just LOVES it all.
When he notices that you're nervous, big guy over here turns it down a couple of notches. He doesn't want to make you feel too nervous or overwhelmed or anything.
"Hey, hey, ___. You good? I didn't overdo anything, did I?"
When you tell him that you're nervous, he will ask why. He does understand why someone would be nervous about something like this.
Tommy's going to try to find ways to help you calm those nerves of yours down one way or another.
He will suggest that you play video games together.
Or maybe watch some videos together?
Perhaps you guys could do some dumb shit together too. Anything to get your mind off of what was happening soon and to calm you down.
If you want to rehearse in front of him, Tommy will watch and listen to you. All with a grin from the fluffy blonde boy.
This would end up with the two of you joking around with the instruments and microphones.
Just you two jamming out and singing random songs.
"I suck his di-"
Just an evening with a bunch of laughs between two good friends.
The day/night of your performance with your band, Tommy will go to that restaurant with his and your friends to go and hype you up.
After a song, Tommy will clap and cheer with the gaggle of friends.
"WOOO! AWE YEAH ___! GO [Band's Name]!!!"
He will VERY MUCH HAPPILY tell the people sitting near him and your friends that you're his best friend.
"Y'know, that's my best friend up there. Isn't ___ great?!"
He'll fight anyone who disagrees. /j
All and all, Tommy is really glad that you managed to land a gig with your band and hoped that he had calmed your nerves enough the night before.
Quackity is STOKED that you AND your band got a gig. He's really happy for you!
He's gonna pull you in this huge tight-ass hug while rambling about how great you'll be. You are his best friend, after all.
He even over exaggerates his rambling by dramatically playing air guitar, air drums, and singing random gibberish.
"And then there'll be 'bang-bang-bang-ching-bang' while the singer's like "la-la-laaaa~!""
He's doing this to get at least a laugh out of you.
Big Q likes your music a LOT. If you're a cover band, he will sing that song you covered to himself. And if you're a band that writes original music, he'll play some of your songs on his streams to show his support - all while trying not to get copyright troubles.
He really thinks that you AND your band are amazing.
Once he notices that you're nervous, like Tommy, he turns his hype down a few notches. he really doesn't want to overwhelm you or make your nerves worse.
"Hey - what's up, __? You alright...?"
When he hears that you're nervous, he nods. He kind of understands why you feel like that. And it's a totally valid feeling to feel. Hell, you're going to be performing in front of live people.
"Listen, listen. You're gonna be so great out there, ya know? You're talented. Like, really talented. And so are your bandmates. If anyone says otherwise, fuck them. Don't listen to a damn thing they say. Hey - I'll be there to cheer you on, alright?"
For once during this conversation, he's actually being serious. Quackity really thinks that you're talented, and genuinely thinks that you'll do well.
To try and calm you down as much as he can, the two of you think of something to do.
There was playing Minecraft... Playing Roblox...
"Wanna play Rock-Paper-Scissors with my cat?"
Tiger's gonna eat your hand, so be careful with that, mate.
The two of you spend the night playing some really crackhead-y versions of games such as Monopoly or Clue with one another. The two of you were making dumb jokes and getting "angry" if you lost.
Big Q over here will also be over you, making sure you look after yourself that night too.
"___, GO TO SLEEP." He says as you called him for the third time that night.
"But I can't, Q."
"C'monnn, please? If you don't, you won't be able to play with your band tomorrow."
"Hmmm... No."
"Now listen here, you little shit. Don't make me go over there. I'll make you sleep."
"Oh, I'm so scareddd~"
Next thing you know, this guy is driving over to your place so that YOU GO TO S L E E P.
Anywho, the day/night you and your band performed, Quackity stayed true to what he had said and was sitting at a table eating something while watching you and your band perform.
He would cheer loudly after each of your songs, which DID earn him some looks from other people, but he didn't seem to care.
Quackity is happy that he's able to see you perform, and to be honest, he thought that you - his best friend - were amazing.
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: Phil is not on fire 7
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Date video was published: 11/29/2015 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 291
Time for PINOF again! Back to late November, as all the rest of them will be, so it had been a bit over a year since PINOF 6. Phil asked for questions on Twitter again. Dan posted the Instagram promo photo for the second year in a row.
0:01 - what is this Dan dancing while Phil just stares wide-eyed at the camera
0:04 - I’ve watched these and the bloopers videos so many times that sometimes I’m expecting something different to happen but then I realize that it’s in the bloopers instead.
0:07 - this pun. They try to keep a straight face but the minute they make eye contact they lose it.
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0:13 - “your nose has quite a nice texture today” thanks for sharing, Phil. Also what a weird thought to even have, lol.
0:24 - what is Phil even doing. Also, tongue-thing already 😊
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0:29 - fringe check! I’m scared of Phil’s “mother” voice
0:37 - Phil is so excited about the prospect of that
0:44 - oh so bad. Phil is so pleased with himself and Dan just looks dead inside
0:48 - I’m already disturbed by Phil’s intense stare. 
0:51 - why did they not choose literally any other item. Why is there a jump-cut between “that is” and “your underwear”. Sure.
0:57 - so many bad puns in this one
1:04 - Dan is great at disturbing faces. I love Phil attempting to protect himself.
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1:13 - wtf was Phil even doing. He’s laughing so much in this PINOF.
1:18 - the contrast of Phil’s high-pitched “ow” to his “no.” Also, Dan’s expression immediately after the “no” is something.
1:28 - so much disturbing staring from Phil and the tongue is not helping 😳
1:31 - Phil had just shown the stress mushroom in his last video, which is I’m sure why they got tweets about it. Also, I love that Dan doesn’t know what it’s referring to at first, but then when he sees it knows he hates it, lol.
1:35 - you could tell this was going to end poorly
1:41 - Dan is so disturbed 😂 That does look gross though.
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1:50 - you can tell they did not bother to drag the good lights in there
1:54 - very creative. Dan is impressed. Though there weren’t many context clues in that sentence.
2:01 - wtf are these poses.
2:06 - love Phil’s self-confidence
2:13 - this is so specific and they are getting very into it
2:21 - “whoever laughs FIRST wins” Phil read that wrong, but I guess that means he wins!
2:24 - they both start barking immediately 😂
2:36 - Dan looks like he’s going to fall over at any second
2:41 - Phil looking at Dan right away for his reaction
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2:45 - so many Dan eye crinkles in this one 🥺
2:50 - Phil knew it was coming but was so unprepared
2:56 - did Dan really somehow not notice he had the rubber chicken?!
3:01 - Phil just smiling to himself at this cut-in
3:04 - Phil always just repeats the word over and over and leaves Dan to add the more complicated bits for their little songs. I love it.
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3:29 - Dan is SO LOUD. The “sound barrier” thing will become a long-standing argument, particularly on DAPG.
3:39 - why did Dan choose to go with that, lol
3:46 - this time Dan actually did fall over while trying to sit on his feet like that. Right onto Phil.
3:52 - I’m pretty sure Phil had shared that photo to Twitter
3:58 - Dan’s is much more embarrassing. Phil with a huge laugh at that.
4:04 - what is Dan doing
4:05 - REALLY what is Dan doing with that pose 😳
4:08 - no matter what I have the volume set at, I always have to turn it down here. This nacho/salsa fanfic is something else. Dan did not need to go so hard. christ.
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4:25 - Phil cannot hold it together by the end. And then his little “stop it” and push.
4:31 - I would like to forget that, thanks
4:35 - Phil had an answer for that one quick
4:41 - the mirroring with the “ayyy” and pointing
4:50 - jesus christ. Phil’s mind has gone somewhere else entirely.
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5:05 - where does Phil come up with this stuff, honestly 😂 And the ‘sexy’ music addition just adds to it.
5:10 - Dan did not enjoy that
5:13 - Dan just went straight for joke-face
5:17 - I do not think Phil picked up his grandma’s skills
5:28 - I think they are way too close together for how long their legs are, lol. Also not the last time they will do “friendship” yoga...
5:32 - why did they sepia-tone this part? guess it goes with the “calming” yoga music they added too.
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5:46 - yoga during PINOF filming never ends well.
5:56 - Phil already getting into dinosaur-mode there in the background
6:04 - so many bad puns!
6:11 - Dan sounds so scared. And I love Phil insisting that Dan be the one who falls.
6:13 - Phil is smiling so big. And being so encouraging.
6:19 - Dan may be screaming but he is going for it completely. Of course he trusts Phil (even clumsy as he is) to catch him. 🥺
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6:24 - Phil looks so happy during this entire part
6:32 - such a big Dan-smile too
6:56 - “the whiskers will return” why does that sound ominous
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7:06 - of course that’s the part to slow-motion zoom-in replay
I love this PINOF, though it probably would fall somewhere in the upper-middle if I ranked them. The trust fall is my favorite part, and the “ladders” song. 
In early December, Dan posted a bloopers video too.
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
Ayyy Congrats Chlo! Can I get a 💭 of Noah when his girl is pregnant? Like how is he through it snd when she's in labor?
no more requests, the sleepover is over, I'm just finishing up what's in my inbox!
I got so carried away with this
he would be so good by the labour stage
but lets be real, he takes a hot minute to get adjusted
now, don't get me wrong, this was planned
and he is damn excited to be a dad
you've been taking folic acid and vitamin D and all the good stuff
and you were both elated and crying when the test came back positive
but he does take a moment to actually realise what it means
like he did not think that far through, if he's honest
rubbing your back throughout morning sickness
but like, he doesn't quite get it
you have a significantly lowered sex drive
breast tenderness and morning sickness and he is kinda sexually frustrated
it takes him a moment to adjust to that because y'all had been pretty active before, and he has to take care of himself now
not to mention, you're a lot more sleepy
he knew you'd get sleepy, but he expected it to come later, not as early in the pregnancy as the first few weeks
so there's a lot of things that have to be cancelled
like concerts and things
but he was looking forwards to them
and it causes some arguments to begin with
like when he went to the concert with boyd instead
and you'd put a blanket and pillow on the couch for him
or the argument that came with him insisting that he could ride the bike a little longer
and the little strop he gets in when you throw out all the foods on the list your midwife gave you after your first antenatal appointment
"you can't eat them, but I can! why do we have to throw it all out?"
"because you're supposed to be supporting me!"
"I am supporting you, but I still want to eat my food!"
"fine, keep it then!"
and he feels bad two weeks later when you go to game night
and derek and stiles have laid out an awesome looking spread
with charcuterie boards and cheeses and crackers and wine
and he knows how much you love all of that stuff
and you literally can't have any of it
in fact, you brought your own meal, which is a salad and plain crackers and it's not exactly game night material
and so he does some research into food and writes down everything you can and can't have
and he watches a video on best recipes for pregnancy and he makes one for you
a little surprise dinner for when you get home from work
"what's all this?"
"well, you know, your meals look kinda' miserable. but, you're literally growing our child, so you should get to eat nice things, and I googled a good recipe for pregnancy safe meals."
noah getting laid that night
and afterwards, when you're asleep on his chest, he realises how easy it is when he stops thinking it's gonna be a struggle
at around about 7 weeks, you start getting more emotional
crying more at movies and getting mad at random things and being a lot clingier than usual
which he doesn't mind, of course
but it freaks him out sometimes
"noah, what the fuck?" while in tears and he's freaking out because he has no idea how bad he fucked up or what he did "there's a dead bird in the garden, noah, that's got to be some kind of omen, oh my god, what if you die? why would you just die, noah?"
so he cleans up the dead bird
but now you're mad because you're worried about him abandoning you
"baby, if I was gonna' abandon you then why would I have married you, huh?"
and it takes him a hot minute to get used to that too
however, he also learns how to direct it at other people for his own amusement
"hey, baby, did you know that stiles wears socks to bed, even in the summer?"
"you wear socks to sleep in the summer? you're sick, stiles. you're sick. I don't want you near my child, you're weird, you and your socks and your sweaty toes can stay away. you're so gross."
"what the fuck?"
and noah just laughing his ass off about it
you also have to pee a lot more so noah has to take that into account
you're still fully able to go hiking and do the things the two of you love doing
but he has to plan in your pee breaks
not to mention, you're still throwing up every morning
so, he can't plan too much, but he does plan a little weekend getaway for you both
with a privately rented cabin so that you can throw up each morning in peace and don't feel like you're being watched
panicking when you get spotting at week 8
and that really throws you both through a loop
rushing to the hospital and he's unfamiliar with driving your car
so it stresses him out to know he's useless in emergencies
it turns out to be nothing
but noah is pretty sure he's never cried that hard
not to mention, in a public bathroom, just so he didn't scare you
and when he gets home, like, fuck, it's a reality check for him
he starts getting driving lessons
he has a license and all but he's rusty
and he wants to be prepared, so he starts taking lessons
he also starts checking out bigger cars for the two of you
because your little car won't do in a few years
"you know, not that I'm complaining, but I've noticed you aren't wearing bras anymore."
watching your cheeks go fucking warm as you get all embarrassed
"do you wanna go shopping, get some comfier ones?"
"you are gonna go pregnancy bra shopping with me?"
"well, considering how proud I am when I get to go regular bra shopping with you, I think pregnancy bra shopping is the same."
going with you to get tests and scans done
literally crying again when you hear the heartbeat
"we made that, oh my god."
texting everyone he knows when you get your due date estimate
holding your hands when you have to get your pregnancy vaccinations
actually taking notes when the midwife starts talking about making a birthing plan and getting things sorted before you get to the third trimester
and he does a lot of research on birthing plans and starts prepping
going on every shopping trip with you
"I want to get the nursery painted, like, a while before the baby comes. so we can air it out for fumes."
"we can go check samples out this weekend."
"well, I mean, that's soon, like, really?"
"yeah, whatever you want, sunshine."
getting laid again
and when the morning sickness goes away, he starts getting his late morning sleep back
starting to get self-conscious about extra pregnancy weight gain
and noah doing everything he can to reassure you
but as you get into the second trimester, your sex drive suddenly jumps back up
and he fucking loves it
because that's a lot of unprotected sex and a lot of making out and a lot of touching
and honestly, something about it is really turning him on
"baby, I don't know if it's your glow or the fact that I am literally so in love with you, or maybe the months of not having sex, but I've literally never been this hard."
"shut up and fuck me, you can compliment me later."
throughout your second trimester, you get everything done
the nursery gets decorated and the furniture is built and it's perfect
there's only the little touches now, like mobiles and clothes and such
he also bought the new car, and traded yours in
and he arranged for you to get lessons in it too, so you know how to drive a bigger car before you get too pregnant to drive safely
crying the first time the baby moves. so much fucking crying.
and getting so excited every time
it's few and far between in the middle of your second trimester, but it's so meaningful
starting to go to pregnancy classes
and he also signs you both up for a pregnancy exercise class
that is supposedly meant to make labour easier because of the pelvic floor exercises
having a few days where you're nervous around him
thinking he did something wrong
"I think I'm gonna want to take an epidural."
"that's what you've been so worried about?"
"well, yeah. I read all these pamphlets about how it's so controversial and sometimes the dads don't like it, an-"
"I want you to be happy, okay? it's gonna be a happy time, so whatever you want, we'll do, okay? I want you to smile when you look back on the birth of our baby."
"I love you, so damn much."
"I love you so damn much."
finding out the sex of the baby, neither of you wants to wait
telling everyone it's a secret until the baby shower
your bump really starting to come in at the end of the second trimester
as well as headaches and backaches and stretch marks
and noah always making sure to kiss it better
a lot of nice warm baths and washing your hair for you
the baby starts responding to touch and sound, though
noah starts talking to the baby a lot
telling them about your day and rubbing lotion on your stomach
the baby getting hiccups for the first time
in the beginning of the second trimester, you start choosing names
more tears when you settle on a name
the third trimester is where you really start feeling it
you’ve got mood swings, you’ve got backache, and you’re getting a lot of odd cravings
all of which noah indulges for you
some make him gag and he actually cannot watch you eat it
banning food in bed
it caused an argument but he won that one
announcing the gender at your baby shower
you and noah dressing in white while waiting for everyone’s guesses
it’s a girl!
you announced it via a little cake cutting ceremony that was pink inside
using those last few weeks to decorate the nursery with teddies and buy clothes
when you finally go into labour it’s actually while you’re hanging out with stiles and derek
thinking it’s just cramps for a while
because you’ve been having cramps, you think it’s fine
“uh, (Y/N), you know I love you, but did you pee on my couch?”
“excuse me, I did not pee on your couch an- oh my god, they’re contractions.”
noah literally choking on his drink
you rubbing his back as he tries to cough it up
panicking so much that his whole fucking birthing plan goes out of the window
“the bag is at home!”
“what about your pillow?”
“fuck! fuck! fuck!”
derek is the only calm one because stiles is;
and noah is 
so derek coordinates it all while you just kinda sit there and watch it all
“okay, well, her contractions are now, like, eight minutes apart, so maybe we should get a move on.”
telling stiles to take you to the hopsital while he takes noah to pick everything up
and off you go
stiles is fucking buzzing the whole way there
calling your hospital to inform them you’re on your way
getting to the hospital and being greeted by your midwife
“lovely to see you again, mom and dad”
“thanks, stiles.” your midwife being confused. “this is the uncle, they’re twins. dad is on his way.”
“stop shouting stiles, the baby won’t come out, you’re scaring it back up.”
stiles holding your hand
noah arriving five minutes later with more than enough stuff
“I didn’t know which pjs you’d want after so I brought options!”
after a good few hours of labour, and noah being there for all of it, your baby is born
literally crashing right after and sleeping for a while
“‘bout fuckin time you woke up, noah won’t let me see my niece ‘til you have. hurry up.”
“I will punch you so hard you’ll be glad you’re in a hospital.”
“that’s my wife”
meeting your daughter with noah, and having a moment
because he’s put her in a little pink striped onesie and she’s got a baby beanie on
“she’s got your nose.”
“you can’t tell that, she’s like six hours old.”
“i can hope.”
finally taking her to meet stiles who practically dies on the spot
he cries a lot when he finally gets to hold his niece
“stiles, derek, meet ‘hope claudia stilinski’.”
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wank127 · 3 years
expelled/drop out musician denki au!!!
(this has been in my drafts for a while now(also ik it’s a lil out there but it’s an au so shush))
he’s on mics radio show a lot
bc they’re besties✨
publicly hates on ua and hero society cause it sucks
has a tiktok where he posts snippets of songs, the occasional dancy dance, rating pro hero’s/teachers, swag things y’know
he calls out anyone and everyone when he needs to (boy does he shit on endeavor and nezu)
i can’t decide if he would be in a band or a solo artist
i also can’t decide if his music is like harry styles, andrew rannells, pierce the veil, green day, P!ATD, melanie martinez, bo burnham, joe iconis, one direction, fall out boy, anthony ramos, or even billie eilish. like he could do anything. it’s all fits to me
has that one pair of trousers(pants ig) that klouse from umbrella academy has. y’know the leather lace up ones? yeah those
has like a lot of water bottles and snacks at the front of stage and round the sides of the crowd at his shows
his merch isn’t expensive or any more money that it needs to be
he sells sick hoodies and t-shirt’s man
has a youtube (obviously) but makes like videos to raise awareness, makeup/hair/beauty toturials/tips and just like vlogs of when he’s doing something really interesting
he uses his platform to speak up and help people
updates the little linktr.ee things on every account he has whenever he sees something to put on it
every once in a while he’ll tweet something like ‘ayyy drop y’all’s gofundmes and fundraisers down below. i’m in a retail therapy kinda mood’ and donate to every single one
still talks to everyone from ua
gives them all free tickets and shit if they want it
has a whole album with jirou
and another one with the a band
he’s really good at composing and writing lyrics. like they’re so beautiful and perfect
he can’t read sheet music that well. he definitely learns by ear
made songs about how shit the hero society is and school and just everything that did him dirty
his most popular tiktok is of him just fucking around but accidentally meeting up with present mic when he was on patrol
they had a lil unplanned dance party together. they did the same moves and synchronized with each other on accident
they were both on the floor but the end of it
thirst posts about all his friends from ua
pretends they’re strangers in interviews when they’re actually best friends
best fucking music videos ong
best fashion and makeup
sponsored by skittles
no one knows why or how
he just is
once at an award show he won(duh) but when he had to go up on stage he got his hand stuck in his glass/cup
did the whole speech with a cup hand
has wayyyyyyy too many memes made out of him
very open about his views and values, what he does and doesn’t support and who he is as a person
reads all the fanfic and looks at all the art of himself
reposts them of course
y’know that one tiktok audio? the ‘goddammit which ninja turtle are you?!?!??’ that was him 100%
fell off the stage at least 38 times
actual WORLD tours
mf goes everywhere
amazing visuals in music videos and concerts
makes autism/epilepsy friendly non-flashy/stroby versions of his videos so everyone can enjoy
posts pages of a ‘where’s waldo’ book on twitter for his fans but instead of waldo it’s aizawa
sheesh this was very all over the place, apologies
all in all he’s amazing 10/10 would record to a friend or coworker
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maldito-arbol · 2 years
Talon?! Polly is heart I’m calling it BE GAY DO CRIME!!! THE EYES THOSE GODDAMMED EYES >:((( Th atsmphere your making for this place is very crespy /pos mmm Anne gots trauma Holy fuck whats going on with this slide? Like it’s sick but also jesus i know it probably not Polly but NOOO “There’s a control panel there on the platform, multicolored (and yet still dull) buttons and a joystick there like this is some kind of video game. Huh. Marcy sure would like this.
Don’t keep your eyes closed forever, Anna-banana. I…need you, Anne.” So many PMIT vibes here mmmmmm Cmon Anne go with themmm GO ANNEEE “Something she fails to process is the glow of orange warm against her back, and the staticky sound of laughter following it.
“Flee, flee, little one. You’ll only delay the inevitable…”” AGARGAHSNEJSJSN MALLLL “Test 1: Escape the Waterpark Room.
Status: Passed.” OMGGGG YESSSS I LOVE THE TESTS IN PMIT HOLY FUCK Jajajshshsnsnnsuws Eating this scorpion and frog stuff, also Polly calling themself the scorpion?!
OOoo giant room!! “No, because when she looks at her reflection in the glass of the shelf beneath them, she remembers. Her front teeth jut out of her lip like fangs, two leaves stretch out on either side of her head instead of the normal curved ears she knows to be human, her eyes glow blue, and her fingers end in long, sharp thorns, claws more like. Her long hair spills over her shoulders and her back, a lot more than she’s expecting—when was the last time she got it cut? Feels like forever. But the strangest part, perhaps, lies in the two long, branchlike protrusions sprouting from her forehead—antlers .” All of the test thingys having cool ass designs fir Anne and Marcy omggg “Polly seems to shrink into herself suddenly, and Annie realizes only afterwards that a low, guttural sound is rumbling from the back of her own throat, steadily raising in both volume and pitch, and it’s frightening. Branches are sprouting now from her shoulders and her back, sharp teeth are digging into the soft flesh of her own inner cheeks, her claws are growing.” AHHSSJSM EATING THIS UP OMG OmG I HATE THE EYES /pos polly whyyy please don’t press buttons randomly 😭 POLLY AGAIN WHY?! /lh “There’s something she finally notices as she looks back at the colors. Excluding orange, every color of the rainbow is present there. And whatever, of course she recognizes a rainbow when she sees it, she’s a freaking lesbian.” Aggsjsjshsjskemss same Anne. Same THAT MOTHERFUCKER OF AN EYEBALL WHY ARE YOU HERE ARGRGDHEJS
“Test 2: Escape the Wine Cellar.
Status: Passed.“ wooop wooop “And yet every day she grew bigger and stronger and smarter, you grew wilder and meaner and full of unwanted cold blue power. You destroyed everything. You hurt everyone you loved. You ran and ran, chased by mobs of people with torches and pitchforks, you came here to get away from them, to get away from everyone because nobody saw you as anything more than a bloodthirsty monster.
All except little, innocent Polly. Polly has never once left her side.
“So what now? You want me to stand right here, or would you rather I run? I do love a good chase.”
You want me to hurt you, she realizes in the same instant her heart breaks. …why? Does her own sister see her as nothing more than a monster, just like everyone else? She pokes and prods Annie with little jabs aimed at her anger, just waiting for this side of her to awaken and unleash chaos, but she still flinches every time Annie so much as raises her hands near her. No. It’s more complicated than that. There’s something I’m missing. Something I’ve forgotten that I should be remembering now.” GOD MAL THIS SCENE ARGEHSJS ITS SO GOOD IM EATING IT BU,T THE ANGST OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (sorry about the big copy and paste but it’s all so good) AYYY I WAS RIGHT ITS HEART, MMMM TH HEART ANGST HERE YUMMM
“You never left my side, did you, Polly?” She speaks now not as Anne, but as Annie-B. “Even with everything I did and everyone who was after me, you stuck with me anyway. That, I can count on.” She extends her hand, claws and all, and Heart stares at it. “And maybe I’m a fool for believing in the scorpion, but at least if we drown, we’ll drown together.”
Their eyes glitter, then soften. “Poetic, isn’t it?” They place their little hand in hers. “But surely a frog and a scorpion could make it across together. If they just tried.”” AHGATYEHSJS MAL 😭 HELP /POS “Final Test: Admit Defeat.
Status: Passed.” WOOP WOOP
MMMM HEART LORE!! Grgrgrgehrrr this is so well written Mal omg “And as Anne leans forward with interest, they begin their terrible, terrible tale.” GOD IM SO EXCISTED FOR THE HEART CHAPTER OMG OMG
Sorry this was mostly just saying how good it was lol, I’m not great at analysis 😅 hope you still enjoyed my rambling :)
Noooo no don’t apologize I LOVE your rambling, it gets me happy stimming so fast. It’s always just so nice to see ppl’s reactions to certain parts like omgomg I’ll be like “that was the exact part I wanted to see ur reaction to!!!” And start bouncing on walls
THANK YOU for this ask eating it
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yichimi · 3 years
Hi! I would like to request obey me head cannons, specifically Levi and Satan! Thank you!!!
✨Thank you for your request and patience✨
A/N: ayyy i really hope i do this right this is my first request and i wanna do it right! So thanks a lot ✨♥️
Leviathan and Satan boyfriend headcanons
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You two are literally the couple that is so cute it's actually disgusting-
But of course it took Levi and you a while to even get there
Levi was shy from the start on
It was a friend's to lovers kind of thing-
He warmed up to you as a friend and is really happy to have you as a friend by his side
But soon both of you catched feelings and suddenly all the awkwardness cake back to him
It took him at least 2 or 3 good weeks to even try to hold your hand
He was nervous for the most smallest things that are not a big deal, he over thought everything to much-
But things quickly changed as he got used to it! He's only a bit more nervous in public that's all ^^
You honestly got the best boyfriend of all if you want any type of merch, mangas, figures or cosplay costumes or anything like that, because he's the one who knows where to get the best stuff!
You just need to say a word and BOOM! the next day you'll have it
He really loves to see you smile btw osnwosisod
Oh and pleaaaaase play some video games with him! He'd really adore you being his player two (even tho it's a cliché)
And before i forget it, if you cosplay you now have a partner to do it with. He's always up for it and actually loves (even though he gets shy) when you do his make up too
You + Ruri-chan cosplay = ✨ Perfection✨
(you were perfection before✨♥️)
Like i said, it took him weeks to get to hold your hand and it's still a struggle in public. But in private it's something else, when he holds your hand and feels your fingers around his he feels calm and can sometimes really forget about what upset him in that moment
Soooo he's the avatar of envy soooo-consider him being very jelly jelly when his brothers are near you or way to close
He likes to have you close by his side or just even near him so he can have an eye on you
Yk he works very hard on the relationship with you he's not going to let one of his brothers just take you away ykyk
He also actually has a playlist for you!...he actually has many, like for both of you, or songs that remind him of you, songs that give him comfort when you aren't there, your favorite songs, your favorite anime openings and endings, and so much more
He really wants to make you happy so he always remembers and trys really hard to remember too what you like and dislike
He sometimes even writes them down on notes
Levi can remember literally every single anime and character you told him about
Or what type of games you like
Or songs
Or food
Or places
Or just literally everything at all-
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First of all, if you're in a relationship with this handsome man right there, expect at least 3 cat pics a day from him
Sometimes he'll even say the cat reminded him of you of how cute or beautiful it looks
Soooo i don't wanna talk about Satan and cats all the time becouse he's not only about cat's-
This man wants and will try to cuddle you and read with you and make you tried just so he can see you asleep in his arms and feel like he's the one who protects you right now
Feels kinda prideful of the fact that you chose him, and not one of his brothers (and definitely Lucifer)
And if Lucifer happens to like you, Satan will brag to him no end and tease him-
Satan is your daily reminder of anything (my weird headcanon), you have a doctor's appointment? He's the one who reminds you of it
Homework? Satan is on his way to tell you you need to do it (with his help of course)
You didn't drank enough today? This man will literally drown you then-
And if you feel down or sad he's always there for you whenever you need him
Deep talks are a must when you're with Satan, they basically happen every night and it's the best comfort actually
Satan has sooo many books in his room you're literally in paradise when you love reading as much as him. And if not it's still fine because you can still use these books for your own need, like when you need them for some sort of project or anything like that, ykyk for studys-
Dates are best because 1. Satan is gonna take you to the most beautiful places you never saw before and 2. He knows Lucifer will be damn annoyed in the end that you both snuck out
So it's a plus for both of you-
Fun fact: he confessed to you when he was mad he just babbled it out and realized later
He was mad and jealous at how close you and Lucifer sat together at dinner and how much he talked to you-
Did Satan took and still takes you on a date in the cat cafe?
He sure does-
Does he regret it?
Hell no!
It never gets boring to pet such cute and fluffy cat's
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miyaniacs · 3 years
a/n: hey there, felt like writing a lil angst again, it’s not too bad though :) again, tell me if you want a second part and if you want to get tagged (comment or sent an ask) ALSO not  Tumblr deleting my post right after posting so here you go again.
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characters: Oikawa Tooru x fem!reader  (but I try to keep it as gn as possible and avoid using female pronouns/ characteristics)
format: angst oneshot
warnings: angst, mentions of cheating
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It’s so hard to look at your phone right now.
On screen you see the beautiful face of your boyfriend. His soft brown hair into his face, his eyes are closed, his mouth slightly open. He is shirtless and thanks to the light of his own phone you can make out parts of his toned arms.
But why is it hard to look at such a beautiful few?
Well, the fact that he lives across the world.
You just woke up and he just fall asleep.
Your fingers ghost over your screen, over the picture of his soft skin. How badly you wish to be with him right now, to be in his arms, to caress his cheek, to play with his hair, to feel his lips on yours again.
You mumble a soft “I love you.”, and end the call.
You missed him so badly, your heat arches every time you see him on your screen.
Forcing yourself out of the bed, you get dressed, putting on the beautiful necklace Oikawa gifted you on your first year anniversary and put your hair in a bun. Putting your laptop and Keyes you leave your home, heading to a small cafe, in hopes to finally start your essay.
Three pages later, someone sits down in front of you.
Looking up, you see Luca  one of your classmates.
“Hey Y/N.“  He smiles brightly and places a new cup of coffee next to you laptop, “For you, I thought you need it.“ He smiles even more now. With a smile you thank him and take a sip of the coffee.
“Did you already finished the essay?“ You ask with a sigh looking at your document.
“Finished it last night.“ He laughs and adds: “Do you need some help?“ Thankfully you accept his offer.
A few coffees later, you finally click “Sent“ on your email browser and close the laptop.
“Thank you so much!“ You look up at him, your head resting on your closed laptop.
You never really looked at him. His skin is tanned, dark brown hair, which he is right now pushing backwards. His eyes are a beautiful golden color, dark long lashes, making them even more prominent. From the perspective you got, you can clearly see the muscles flex under his shirt, as he pushes his hair back, his prominent jawline perfectly displayed as he slightly tilts his head to the side. His full lips turn into a smile as he waves his hand in front of your face.
“Hey? Y/n? I was asking something.“ He laughs and you snap out of your thoughts. “Sorry..“ You mumble embarrassed.
“It’s fine, I was just asking if you want to grab something for dinner?“ He repeats and lightly scratches his neck.
“Yes sure!“ You smile and start packing your stuff. On your way out, your phone vibrates.
Looking at it, you smile seeing it was a video call from your boyfriend. Quick you throw your back over your shoulder and tell Luca that you have to get this call real quick.
“Hey sleeping beautyyy.“ You tease as soon as you see Oikawas face.
“Hey, I need to keep up with your beauty.“ He winks and you blush. Luca walking next to you chuckles. “Oh, are you busy love?“ Oikawa asks.
“No, I just finished my essay thanks to Luca, and we’re about to get something to eat now.“ You smile and move your phone, so Oikawa was able to see the male, walking next to you. Frowning his brows, he looks at the phone. “Ahhh, I’m glad you finally finished it.“ He forces a smile, “Love, I’m sorry but I have to hang up now, practice starts earlier today.“ He lies and after saying your goodbyes he immediately puts the phone away.
He really doesn’t want to be jealous, he knew he can trust you, but seeing some random guy, doing what he is supposed to do? Helping you with your essays, taking you out to dinner … he’s supposed to be that person. Opening the calendar app, he checks his schedule.
“Perfect“ he  mumbles and opens google.
4 weeks later
The past weeks, yours and Oikawas Video chats got shorter and shorter, sometimes you even declined his call. You felt bad for it yes, but it was finals week and you spent all nighters all the time, together with Luca. The two of you got along really well and started spending more and more time together, growing pretty close.
He was always nice and helpful, not even complaining when you fell asleep on him while studying.
Today was the day of your last test, putting on one of the random hoodies, laying in your room, you hurry to your University, trying to call Oikawa, hoping to get some encouraging words from him, yet he didn’t pick up. “He probably is already asleep.“ You think and continue walking.
Still sad form not hearing your boyfriends voice that morning, you see Luca standing at the entrance of the University.
“Hey -  wait Y/n? What’s wrong? You just have to pass this test, we don’t get any grades, don’t ne too nervous.“ He says trying to cheer you up.
“No… I’m not nervous, I’m just sad, my boyfriend didn’t pick up today.“ You sigh. Putting an arm around your shoulders, he responds: “Well, it’s his loss, not seeing your beautiful face before he sleeps.“  It was normal for him to say things like that. He knew you had a boyfriend and you just assumed, he’s just naturally flirty, just like you and well… Oikawa.
“I just try calling him later that day..“ You sigh and together you two enter your classroom, ready to end this hell of a week.
A few hours later
“FREEDOM!“ You laugh at Luca, while you two walk down the hallways of your University.
“Ayyy, there’s your beautiful smile again.“ He teases and pokes your nose. „I just miss him, that’s all.“ You sigh. Luca remains silent and continues walking. Just as you two walk out of the building, Luca a few steps ahead, he stops  and spins around, standing right in front of you, grabbing your hands. You look up into his golden eyes, which seem to be glowing in the sunlight, but it wasn’t only the sunlight, there was a certain passion lighting them up.
“Luca? What are you doing?“ You ask confused.
“Y/n… I’m so sick to always see you sad. Shouldn’t he make more time for you? And pick up your calls? And come to visit you? Y/n… be honest with yourself, you aren’t made for a long distance relationship. You need physical contact, you need someone to hold you, to make you feel save, to make you feel wanted.“ He says and looks directly into your eyes.
You being to shiver under is gaze and feel tears well up.
Was it because what he said directly hit that weal point of yours? Triggering all the emotions you tried to ignore? Or was it the stress from the past weeks? It doesn’t matter now, you have to admit that he was right. The past months you always put on a mask. A mask to cover up the sadness that started spreading in your soul.
You loved Oikawa to death, yet there was this small dark part inside of your head asking if all of this was worth it. Was it worth staying up all those nights, just to talk to him and then fall asleep in class during the day? Sure he always said that you shouldn’t neglect your education for him, but you had to. You had to hear his voice, to see his face, to hear him say that he loves you. Especially when all you see over social media, was girls, even models, hitting on him, telling he’s their crush in interviews, seeing all those ships with him and certain models. Well especially one certain model. She was on the cover of the magazine of some famous brand and yes you stopped shopping there because you couldn’t see her face anymore. You knew you can trust him. It was him, bringing up this topic, telling you about his fears that at one point all those lies on the internet would get into your head. You promised it wouldn’t, yet here you are. In all honesty, you just needed to feel his touch again. It was easier to shut off those thoughts when they were occupied by his soft fingers caressing you. Deep down you knew Luca was right, you knew that this long distance relationship was fucking up your metal state, but it’s only until you finished University, you planned to move to Argentina so you’d be together again, or well he comes back to Japan.
Even from across the world, he was so loving and sweet. Waking up to a good morning text or his video call was a given at this point. Receiving random presents from him that suddenly appeared in your mail, receiving a bouquet of flowers, whenever he felt that you needed something to cheer you up. Sending you hand written love letters, that always made you tear up and which you kept in a box under your bed. He really did everything he could, being a perfect boyfriend. Your perfect boyfriend.
“Y/n… you can’t lie to me, I saw how you craved my touch.“ He underlines his words by softly running his fingers over your cheek, cupping your face, moving his tumb up and down, wiping away the small tears running down your face.
You feel exposed. You did enjoy the physical affection he gave you. His arm around you, leaning into his strong broad chest, having his fingers comb through your hair, his hugs, falling asleep and waking up in his arms… you really craved that. But you never craved that from him, you always wished it was Tooru, or did you?
You aren’t sure anymore. A few days ago, you had a dream, you were on a date with your boyfriend, Oikawa, but then he shifted into Luca and you can still feel your heart getting warmer when it shifted to him.
“Y/n… let me hep you erase the pain…“ he whispers and moves closer and closer to you until his lips touch yours.
It was a strange feeling.
His lips are smooth and soft, moving perfectly against yours.
He is gentle and careful, yet you can feel all the passion, he’s holding back at the moment, just waiting for you to fully accept the kiss.
The dark sadness inside of you begs to kiss back, to feel loved again, to feel wanted and desired.
But then there’s this sting inside your hear.
And the more seconds pass, the worse it gets.
This is wrong, you don’t want this.
You don’t want him.
You push Luca way and open your eyes.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see a male with soft brown hair, walking away from the University.  
“Luca stop! You know that I love Oikawa! Stop taking advantage of me being vulnerable, I thought we’re friends…“ you scream whisper, tears full of ager and regret run down your cheeks now.
“But does he still love you?“ He asks smugly.
Looking at him, you you shake your head, why should he say that, there is no way Tooru would not love you anymore.
Puffing up your chest, you push him away again and start walking back home.
That night you tried calling Oikawa again, but he didn’t pick up.
Neither did he answer to any of your messages.
He still loves you.
He does.
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tags: @writingfreakk​​ @volley-simp​​ ( I know you like him too soooo enjoy the tag lol) @saucysamu​​  @shoyosun​​ ( just because you knew of me writing this lol) @kenmasgameboy​​ ( so you can read some soft angst while being sober lol)
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