#but i am keeping my eye on the neo stuff anyways
mutantkacheek · 11 months
personally, im feeling (Very Cautiously) optimistic about the neopets buyout? netdragon shut down jumpstart, so it would have died otherwise. i guess that’s better* than it just dying.
on crypto: i’m glad they seem to be dismantling/repurposing any work done on neopets metaverse. dominic law, the guy who bought neopets, was the head of neopets metaverse at neopets before he bought it out, hes like an investment guy as far as i can tell(?), and the pc gaming article about the buyout mentions he was talking about how neopets is perfect for web3 gaming on twitter within the past few months. obviously that’s a bad look. however, looking at his linkedin profile, his background doesnt seem super tech specific to me, and from what i can tell the metaverse/nft/crypto bubble is bursting anyways. with the announcement they’re shelving any nft projects for now, i’m hopeful they truly dont plan to pursue any more in the future.
i get the impression from the faq that they are genuinely interested in pumping money into the website itself, moreso than netdragon/jumpstart were. i’m not really against them developing more apps or w/e if they’re genuinely restoring the site and creating content for it as well.
i may eat my foot on this though, only time will tell
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nonymous06 · 1 year
I am here with my redesigns of the rise boys because I got bored :]
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Leo is a sore loser confirmed
Anyways starting w the oldest, Raph!
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I wanted to mix in some of Time Woods design cause I thought it was cool but also I'm attached to my tabby stripes designs stuff. Also his eyes are like that because when raoh was possessed one of her eyes was turned pink and I thought it'd be a cool element to keep. Also yes raph is tall I take no criticism
Second oldest, Donnie! (Once again I take no criticism blame rotten reflections for that hc)
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no I don't have a favourite shhh
I dint have much to say other than snootatello 👍
Next Leo!
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Stripes go brr
I can't think of a way to describe Leo's style but it's lots of baggy clothing and layers like this:
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I can't draw it the best yet but trust me it looks good on my Pinterest board of references (I drew the flannel pattern by hand please appreciate me)
Now mikey,
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Desaturated him a bit, gave star a more orange shade of mask and messed with its spots and everything, plus the blue eyes from 12 mikey
(Neos where inspired by someone I know online they're the best and I adore star, it's so cool)
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jenyifer · 4 months
Pit Babe ep 4 initial reaction
Well I’m having fun at least lmao I’ve not found the ABO stuff too annoying. I’m pretending like it’s magic or something. People get magic powers it’s what happens 🙌🏻 I do like there hasn’t been a sexist divide in the show which is my main problem with abo I mean there are no women but you know what I mean. After struggling to watch cooking crush I was worried maybe I didn’t like BL anymore cause if offgun Neo my babies can be in a flop that makes me want to tear my eyes out then what else is there. HOWEVER pit babe brain rot is the exact kind of bullshit I need.
Anyways on to the photo review
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Okay so they drunk drove quite a ways out of town. Great job boys.
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I wish the flashback told us WHY WAY IS SO HUNG UP ON BABE. I mean sure I can understand having a little crush on your friend but for 10 years and using your mind powers to keep him single and a playboy? Lots of work for nothing.
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Is it bad I kind of think Charlie hired the goons as a way to get back into Babe’s life? Wish I had been watching this ep by ep cause I would have speculated for a week. Last thing he says to Jeff is that he’ll fix it.
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Such a grumpy boy. Okay so if everyone has super powers why does this man want babe again? I know supposedly he has super senses when he’s banged someone but anything else? Why does Tony want him so bad. How did he know Babe had these abilities as a kid? Babe wasn’t having sex as a kid I hope. Also for someone who doesn’t care about Charlie I think this confrontation has to do with the fact Charlie got hurt for Babe.
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Honestly I’m surprised Way and Babe haven’t attacked Jeff before this tbh. So is Jeff Charlie’s little bro? I’m thinking that instead of senpai complex rn
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So Tony’s other son body guard guy is going to get with Pete the Hot man I guess that’s okay. I don’t see the point in killing him that doesn’t make his money or deals go away so any other course of action seems nonsensical.
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Okay BUT WHY IS CHARLIE AT THE RACE TRACK AT ALL BABE CLEARLY BROKE UP WITH HIM. Yes I want them back together but boy needs to learn boundaries
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Dear god of tumblr,
Let my next lesbian lover dress like the dark hair influencer boy (north maybe? Idk)
Love ya
I still am just attracted to what that man wears every time!!!
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dinobotisland · 2 months
have you seen the santae vps? they're in alpha and accepting applications atm. love your energy and just wanna see you have thoughts about it, if it interests you.
^^ industry plant anon ask bc true harley warriors know i don't like neo-clones
anyway real answer is i heard of it from promo posts and blocked the main blog immediately bc the way they were promoting their site was annoying. sorry but spam tagging every popular petsite on earth, wtf ? the art is nice, but again i don't like neo-clones and i would need to see gameplay to see if it does or doesn't fall into the dappervolk pit of game that is vastly unpleasant to play.
also wtf is this.
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i'd be the worst fucking person in the beta test, noooo way around that LMAO. like i could give them criticism from my experience with dv, goatlings and eggcave but i vastly prefer breeding sims. i am way too much of a hater imo, and this is part of why i said "industry plant anon" bc i literally am such a picky person and don't like some sites and loooove complaining. since its such a new site i don't think it could work around the flaws inherent to petsites in its current state and i would be like a wild animal maiming it. also if the rpg part depends on pets having different skills depending on species like lorwolf its going to go to hell, no way around that. idk if they have ks exclusive stuff but by the looks of the blep um. well they'll get it eventually but if it turns out to be optimal you start to have a problem there.
ALSO i'm going to personally kill the person who did the css for doing the font through google fonts. can you people download and self host your fucking fonts they don't work on my end and they end up looking like garbage with the slimmest line weight on god's green earth look at my screenshot example and compare it to the wayback screenshot of the alpha testing announcement post actually on the site. I'm going to have to write my own stylus style to even be able to play, and you know damn well the site's going to have a blanket ban on extensions like every petsite has to.
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(wayback screenshot)
anyway if they have gameplay previews and they're locked behind needing to be in the discord goodbye forever LMAO ! i'll def keep an eye on it infrequently but generally this probably isn't going to be a site i like unless they do some aspect besides the art really well bc the appeal is the beasts to me. if they accept my alpha test application they make a mistake imo, i'll sign up for funzies bc i like the blep beastie
also full disclosure me calling you a santae staff member was a joke LOL, if i was right i'm right but sometimes thangs happen for real.
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vergilsama922 · 1 year
Hope Universe Chronicles: Makoto and Tenko's First Date!
Hello everyone, recently these past few weeks, well actually since last month I've been working on this little story of mine. Really it's because I'm inspired by people like @putaindeplagieur and @pyropsychiccollector who are great writers. Hell, even @makoto-naegi-stud-and-friends is incredible with his smut and he's a fellow brother-in-arms as a Naegi shipper! (Check him out!) But I also wanted to showcase some of the more rare ships or crack ships and try my hardest to sell the romance. Usually I'll just throw a couple of pics and call it a day but eh, some things can't escape my brain XD Please also keep in mind I'm not a writer (even though @pyropsychiccollector insists I should write more XDDD) so I want honest reactions! Also Hope Universe Chronicles are....snapshots of different moments in time of the hope universe. It can range from class 78-A first month to their graduation to weddings to baby showers and even kids going to school. Like my family bonding stuff it's just a...it's like a picture book of a giant family album. Or in this case a story. Maybe a story Tenko tells to her kids, or maybe a story Makoto tells to his kids about when he first fell in love with Tenko. Who knows? Anyway, without further ado enjoy~
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Makoto and Tenko arrived at the park for their first date get-together, enjoying the cool breeze and the rustling of the leaves. The sound of birds chirping and the soft sunlight filtering through the trees made it feel like a peaceful sanctuary from the rest of the world. A haven away from the madness and chaos of Hope's Peak with Tenko's eyes lighting up at the sight of the open space. "Wow, this is such a great place for training," she said with excitement.
Makoto chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Well, we're not here to train, we're here to have fun and get to know each other."
Tenko nodded and smiled, "Right, I'm sorry. I'm just really passionate about martial arts."
Makoto smiled back, "No need to apologize. I think it's great that you're so passionate about something."
As they walked through the park, they talked about their interests and hobbies. Tenko shared stories about her experiences training in martial arts preferably how amazing Neo Aikidio is over everything else, while Makoto told her about his love for detective work and solving mysteries.
Tenko's eyes widened with admiration, "Wow, you must be really smart to be into that detective stuff!" Well...It didn't exactly hurt that he's been helping Kyoko, Mikoto, Sachi, Mekuru...wait a minute. Isn't that way too many people? Probably not.
Makoto chuckled, "I'm not sure about that, but I do enjoy solving puzzles and mysteries."
Tenko looked at Makoto with a newfound admiration, "You know, you're really cool. Not just because you're a detective, but because you're a really kind person. I kinda feel terrible for calling you a degenerate when he first met....W-Wait! What am I saying?! All degenerates are bad, you're just the exemption!"
Makoto blushed, "Thanks, Tenko. You're pretty cool too, with your martial arts skills and your ability to read people's emotions even if you have an uh....unique way of doing so." Yeah. Tenko was STRONG. And who ever heard of tossing someone in order to read their emotions??? That was something you'd see out of a shonen manga!
Tenko beamed, "Really? You think so? Sometimes I worry that I come off too strong. I also know you're not comfortable with me calling....the "others" degenerates." Ah. He could visibly see her shiver in disgust when she brought up talking about guys. Still, she HAS been trying to make progress! Seriously! I mean now she only tosses guys after three sentences instead of one!
Makoto reassured her, "No, not at all. I think it's great that you're so passionate about something, and your ability to read people's emotions is really impressive."
Tenko's face lit up with joy and a blush, "Thank you, Makoto. That...means a lot actually." Crap. Makoto could see Tenko's cute side. She was still at the end of the day a normal girl (minus everything else of course).
Makoto noticed Tenko's blush and felt his own cheeks heat up. He cleared his throat and changed the subject, "So, what else do you like to do besides martial arts?"
Tenko's expression shifted to one of contemplation, "Hmm, well, I like to spend time with my friends and mentor, and I also enjoy meditating to clear my mind."
Makoto nodded, "That's really cool. I've always been interested in meditation, but I've never really tried it myself." Mostly because Makoto Naegi's daily life was never peaceful. Never. Whether it was dealing with the more extreme personalities like Junko, Kanade, or Ibuki or hell even just getting constant death stares from every guy in the school, Makoto knew his life was only just going to get more hectic. Meditation was definitely something he would love Tenko to teach him
Tenko smiled, "I can show you sometime if you'd like. It's really helpful for clearing your thoughts and focusing your mind."
Makoto smiled back, "I'd like that, thanks."
They continued walking through the park, enjoying each other's company and the peaceful surroundings. Tenko's eyes sparkled as she saw a group of people practicing martial arts in the distance, "Oh, can we go watch them for a bit?"
Makoto nodded and followed her over to the group. They watched in awe as the martial artists performed various techniques and forms, and Tenko even joined in for a bit, demonstrating some of her Neo Aikido moves. Of course, given that Tenko is well...an Ultimate she clearly was ten, no twenty steps above the rest. It also didn't hurt that Tenko was not only very fluid but incredibly graceful in her movements.
Makoto was impressed, no. Awestruck. She looked so stunning when she was going through her Kata's and showing off her stance and movements to the others. He was seriously falling for her. "Wow, you're really talented! Have you ever considered teaching martial arts?" I mean
Tenko's face lit up with excitement, How did Makoto have this natural ability to pick up on things like that? "Actually, I have! I've always wanted to share my passion with others and help them learn self-defense against dege---uhh....Bad guys! Y-Yeah! That's what I meant!"
Makoto smiled and sweatdropped a bit (She WAS trying at least), "I think that's a great idea. I'm sure you'd be an amazing teacher."
Tenko beamed with pride and gratitude, but more importantly, she was trying her best to hide a blush from the compliment. Why now? Why all of a sudden?! It was just a harmless, simple praise so *WHY* did it make her heart beat so suddenly? Was it the fact that she saw how Makoto looked at her like she was the most perfect thing in existence when she was teaching that random group some of her moves? Was it the fact that he always brought out the good in her and even others? Was it even because out of all the deg...."others" that he truly CARED? No. He genuinely respected her and shared in her passion. She couldn't deny it. She was seriously falling for him.
As they continued walking, Makoto noticed Tenko seemed lost in thought. "Is everything okay?" he asked, concerned. He hoped he didn't say or do anything to mess up this moment together. He knew why Tenko had such disdain towards other guys, hell every guy beside him and there was a part of him that was afraid that he upset her somehow.
Tenko shook her head, "Yeah, everything's fine. I was just thinking about something." Keep it cool. Just don't reveal that you're falling for Makoto. Simple.
Makoto smiled, "Well, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here to listen."
Tenko's heart skipped a beat at his words. She had never felt this way about anyone before. It was like Makoto could read her thoughts and knew exactly what to say to make her feel better. She was falling for him hard and fast. Her master didn't teach her how to navigate the hardest challenge ever. Love.
They walked side by side, enjoying the comfortable silence between each other when Tenko suddenly stumbled over a tree root and lost her balance.
Makoto quickly grabbed her arm to steady her, but in the process, they both lost their footing and fell to the ground in a heap. They both laughed as they dusted themselves off, and that's when Makoto noticed something.
"Tenko, your face is red," he said, concerned. She wasn't hurt was she? Or maybe she was angry? Crap. Did touching her by accident make her super uncomfortable? A thousand scenarios were running through his mind, he didn't want to upset everything with his new friend.
Tenko quickly tried to hide her blush, "I-I'm fine! It's just a little hot out." Honestly, she knew it was flimsy but she at least had to try something. Makoto could be pretty oblivious so she was hoping against all hope that this was one of those moments
Makoto didn't buy it, why NOW of all times did he become super observant?!?! "Are you sure? Your face is really red. Maybe we should sit down for a bit."
Tenko couldn't help but feel flustered. Why was she getting so embarrassed over something so small AGAIN? "No, no, I'm fine, really." Another bad lie and she knew it was just a matter of time. Why did couldn't she just tell him how she feels? Why didn't her master teach her how to navigate this? What if Makoto doesn't love her like he loves the others? Was she too manly? Was she too forceful with her anti-male rhetoric? More importantly, what if he said "No." With a hundred different thoughts turning into a whirlpool of negative energy, Tenko decided to do what she promised to teach Makoto. Meditate. She needed to purge these insecurities and figure out the best course of action! At the end of the day it was no different from sparring right? Learn your opponent's weakness while taking advantage of your strength. These thoughts needed to simply be beaten.
Makoto didn't push the matter any further, but he couldn't help but feel like there was something else going on with Tenko. They continued walking in silence for a few moments which felt like an eternity between the two until Tenko finally spoke up. This....she was gambling everything on this. She finally figured out that the best course of action was to be direct. To go on the offensive!
"Hey Makoto," she said, her voice a little quieter than usual.
Makoto turned to her, "Yeah, what's up?"
Tenko took a deep breath, "I just wanted to say...thank you. For being such a good friend to me."
Makoto smiled, "Of course, Tenko. You're a great person and a great martial artist. It's an honor to be your friend."
Tenko smiled back, but her heart was racing. She knew she couldn't keep her feelings bottled up anymore. She took another deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. This was it. The decisive moment. The indescribable situation like when both fighters know someone will win or lose.
"Makoto...I don't just see you as a friend. I-I have feelings for you," she blurted out, her face turning even redder than before.
Makoto's eyes widened in surprise, but then a smile spread across his face. "Tenko, I feel the same way. I've been trying to figure out how to tell you for a while now." Was it when he agreed to help be the manager of her Aikido club with only the two of them as members? Was it when she protected him from a group of bullies due to their jealousy? Or was it that very first day Class 79-A first enrolled and they met eyes that one Tuesday morning after homeroom?
Tenko couldn't believe it. She had been so afraid that Makoto didn't feel the same way, but now he was telling her that he liked her too. And her mind was truly empty. She.....She didn't know what to say or do at this moment. Her confession was accepted yes, but she never prepared for what to do after. They just stared at each other, Warm-Green meeting Hazel. Engulfing each other in the middle of the day in some random park they decided to go to.
But that perfect moment with neither saying anything yet understanding everything was softly coming to its conclusion.
Makoto leaned in and gently kissed her, and Tenko's heart skipped a beat. It was a soft, sweet kiss that made her feel like she was floating on air. She wrapped her arms around Makoto's neck and deepened the kiss, savoring the feeling of being with someone she cared about so deeply. She never in a million years, no a trillion would believe she could fall in love with a guy. But here she was. Tenko initially thought Makoto was nothing more than a creepy playboy who for some reason had tons of girls fawning over him. Of course, she blamed him for that but as the days passed, even she had to admit there was something *DIFFERENT* about him.
And yet....Tenko knew now. It was that day after all. Her first week of being enrolled was when she looked into his eyes on that Tuesday morning after homeroom. That's when she finally understood that she truly liked him.
When they finally pulled away, they both had huge smiles on their faces. They knew that this was just the beginning of something special, something that could be even stronger than their friendship. They both were in love with each other.
They both found hope in each other.
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haesunflower · 1 year
what my biases would tell me tag
genre: i'm delusional, comedy
about: basically this is what i imagine my biases across different groups would tell me if they had a chance to speak to me lol, i made this up feel free to do or not do it
tagging: make your own version and tag more friends;>
@yunacoeur@zerobaselove@cherriegyu@seokmthw@seokka0o@formulawonu@gnwookieee@dimplewonie@skzooe@shiningstar-byulxx @zerobaseonescenarios and anons feel free to send yours/comment too
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⠀⠀ xu minghao ⠀⠀
looks me dead in the eye and says "stop being so delusional"
would hard sell a meditation app to me
would threaten crumpling a signed photocard if i don't show up at work that day
rolls his eyes if he sees me crying over zerobaseone and tells me to "get a grip"
would ask me to retake photos, and probably ask me to take a thousand more if the angles are ugly
would set an alarm on my phone for me to take a walk outside
basically i envision him as a strict life coach
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
would ask me if i one-picked him
when i say yes he'll ask for proof, so my album of screenshots would have to be ready
because he's a rookie he'll ask me the usual things like: "have you eaten today?" or would tell me some cute generic stuff like "it's cold outside make sure to bundle up" or smthn like that !!
he probs memorizes every single person he meets lol
would tell me to keep being his fan
i can't tell him that i also am a fan of other people #guilty
⠀⠀ lee haechan ⠀⠀
he isn't even speaking to me,,,just sorta staring
i'm too intimidated to speak and he probs thinks i'm a sasaeng
i would just leave this isn't a productive conversation
sorry for disturbing your peace donghyuck
is actively calling his security / his lawyers as i'm walking away
this boy has had his privacy invaded so many times i don't blame him at all
leave haechan alone everyone
⠀⠀ xiaojun ⠀⠀
(you know what, i have actually met him at a fanmeet when my foot was injured and i was limping, so he did actually ask me if i was okay and for me to feel better soon)
would ask me what my favorite song was and then sing it as fanservice
would be interviewing me on what my favorite nct and wayv songs and what my thoughts are on their group's neo concept
holds my hands and thanks me for being his fan <;3
but also would kinda make a snide remark about how i don't prioritize wayv
tbh would probably gossip the moment i leave tho and tells yangyang my hot takes about nct
⠀⠀ gaon ⠀⠀
is so excited to speak to a fan
would probs ask me what i like best about him
he'd give me a guitar pick as a souvenir of our interaction
like he'd fish one out of his pocket
also asks me if i have anything i need him to sign
i carry nothing with me so it'll have to be his guitar pick
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a/n: this is just for fun okay!! for fun!! in no way do i think i will meet any of them organically i am aware i am merely a fan!!
anyway, what do you think your bias would tell you?
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soapofbar · 1 year
so I am a little scared to air out my spicy (probably lukewarm) takes without the guise of anonymity to keep people from telling me to unalive myself, but at the same time there are lots of thoughts that roam around in my head and I want to get them out in some fashion, so consider this sort of like, a public journal, of sorts? idk. my posts will probably be very rambly and expect me to hop from media to media as I post about whatever hot vomit is swirling in my mind.
anyway the brainrot currently going through my head right now is about RWBY, and specifically about power-ups in RWBY, and sort of how they relate to the show's action. More specifically, how the show (and fandom) is weirdly averse to them, how it kinda makes development less exciting, and stuff like that.
CRWBY have gone on record multiple times I think stating that none or at least the majority of the main 4 will not gain the power of the maidens, mostly because it is "too predictable". And like, I disagree on that heavily. Yes, if you did them all getting maiden powers in one fell swoop it would be trite and predictable, but like, Yang and Raven having an arc where it ends with Yang getting Raven's maidenhood (that sounds really bad out of context), or same with Weiss and Winter, or Penny and Ruby, etc. I don't think those would've been predictable, or trite or anything. Hell I think even if you did have literally all of them become maidens, you could still make it without being "predictable" because stories aren't really about the destination, but the journey, because the destination is usually obvious.
I think early readers of Dragon Ball Z, reading the Namek Saga in real time, expected somebody to become a Super Saiyan at one point. I think they probably knew that Goku would become a Super Saiyan. I don't think they were able to predict Krillin dying for it, or Frieza surviving the Spirit Bomb, or any of the little details that still make that ascension really fun to watch even years later. I think any arc about any of Team RWBY getting wizard powers could be written in a similar manner, where them getting the power in the end is very obviously likely to the viewer but still interesting to watch.
But fine, you don't want RWBY to become Maidens. Maybe the powers just put the team too out of balance, or their written too vague/powerful to make that member of the team anything other than invincible (you can make this interesting too, by the way, Jotaro in JoJo's Part 4 and 6 comes to mind) and you want to avoid that. Fine.
But why can't any of Team RWBY's semblances evolve?
Ever since the concept was introduced in V7, I kinda expected at least one of the girls to get a semblance power-up, but instead the idea has mostly been used for plot convenience, such as Ren's Character Development Locator and Neo's sudden power boost in V9. And it's kind of baffling to me because V7 also has the RWBY vs. Ace-Ops fight, which to me and several others I've seen at least was very narratively unsatisfying because RWBY's victory is very flimsily justified with stuff like "Then you trained us" "they lost their cool because Clover isn't here to restrain them" "marrow just ain't feelin it chief", all of which feel very easy to rebuke especially if you've got a more critical eye to the show.
But imagine instead like, Weiss, who should've been going through an arc the entirety of V7 but didn't, undergoes a semblance evolution while dealing with all her SDC and family trauma stuff. Imagine if Blake, while fighting against racism and classism in Atlas, or coming to terms with defending herself against Adam, evolves her semblance in some way. And then, because these were deeply personal developments that never happened in training, they pull them out in the fight against the Ace-Ops and they're completely caught off guard. It would make their victory in that fight feel like the consequences of narrative development "These characters have learned an important lesson and are able to defeat an otherwise superior set of foes due to abilities that evolved and subsequently surprised them because of that lesson."
And look, the obvious response here is "you're getting angry/sad/disappointed simply because thing didn't happen the way you wanted it to" and yeah if you're intellectually dishonest you can apply that to just about any criticism anyone ever makes about anything, so to highlight why I personally find it a problem
a) It makes the fights themselves less interesting since characters powers appear static and the powers themselves aren't versatile enough or aren't used creatively enough to make fight scenes interesting beyond raw spectacle (which wears off quickly if not done masterfully) and the writing behind the fight (which has never been of the best quality). The example here is most of the fights in V8, which I feel lacked in both the majority of the time.
b) it makes it feel as though the girls aren't really being narratively rewarded for making realizations/learning lessons beyond the immediate situation. That while yes, this development might help them out in the now it has no real lasting impacts. The example to use here is Yang, who goes a bunch of development in V4/V5 about dealing with trauma from getting her arm cut off, and needing to be more cool and collected in and out of battle. She has these beats and then the only fight I think she really shows off that development is the bandits in V5. Despite "coming back stronger", she doesn't feel it. And of course, outside of fights, she doesn't really show that at all, as it feels like she's the first one to lose her shit the majority of the time in recent volumes.
c) RWBY is, or at least started as, an action show. The original four trailers for each character, which are all collectively the most viewed piece of media for the show, are entirely about fighting, with minimal dialogue. I think for a show like this, which has that kind of heritage and is only occasionally good at writing subtlety, using fights as a way to showcase character development would be a really smart thing to do. It's only worked for every shounen manga ever produced, and I think RWBY taking tropes from a traditionally male-dominated industry and inserting them into a show about 4 women would do wonders, especially considering how much inspiration RWBY takes from anime already.
d) despite rising stakes and our main big bad finally taking an active role in the plot, the level of spectacle, as well as the abilities of our main characters, feels stagnant or even lesser than it was before. This is probably the most personal feeling of all and I imagine many will disagree. It's also not one I can really point to any example and articulate on.
the final word I'll leave off on is that I'm not gonna go into V9 because a) Penny and the way she was treated in V8 really made me uninterested in watching it and b) I've heard about the suicide tea and I will agree that having Ruby come out of the suicide dimension with a power-up would be uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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weirdocreature · 2 years
Introduction! (Finally)
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╔═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╗ ~!My introduction!~ Name: Just call me Creature ;)
Age: MINOR (that's all you need to know)
Pronouns: She/They/It/Creature/Bliz/Gun/Kill/Pink/Box !!IMPORTANT!!! You don't needa use all of them, you can just stick to one if you want, I ain't ganna force ya
Likes: Youtube, Discord, Tumblr, Drawing, Picrew, Chocolate
Dislikes: Anyone on my DNI banner >:(
About me: I am a therian, furry, and a discord server owner! I really love to draw and make OC's (you'll probs see some on my page). I'm pretty weird and random, chaotic, and have a pretty good sense of humor (jk it's legit broken). But anyways, my discord is ✦⚝Gremlin_Creature⚝✦#7879 if you ever wanna talk :). I'm also known as the 'therapist' friend so my dms are open to vents as well (Keep in mind I'm going through stuff sometimes, so you'll needa be patient).
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
╔═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╗ ~!Current hyperfixations!~
Madness Combat (it's a legit gender-)
Helluva boss (GENDER-)
Evade (On roblox)
Taki (FNF)
Deimos (Madness combat)
Roblox in general
Bliz (Helluva Boss)
Avicord (my oc)
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
╔═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╗ ~!F/O list!~
Pastry cookie
C O B B L E S T O N E (Minecraft)
Witch (minecraft)
[Expect this list to grow :)]
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
╔═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╗ ~!Extra Information!~
Black panterkin
Bangel Catkin
Age regressor
Probs has ADHD (going to the doctor for it)
Xenogenders and neos babayyyyy 😎
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
musing on movies in general, long post, do not read if you don't want my rambling opinions on cinnamontography or whatever
my kingdom for a spider-man noir movie (by which i mean Spider-Man Noir, the 1920s spider-man, but i also mean, a noir movie about spidey in general, even modern) in the vein of the Batman and other modern and neo-noir films instead of this ugly, poorly lit stuff the MCU keeps putting out
sony!! sony do you hear me?! (disney do not interact) i want black shadows and strong lighting used to lead the viewer's eye, purposefully obfuscate things, and only reveal what the movie wants the viewer to see when it wants the viewer to see it. i want to see two eye lenses and nothing else, looming in the darkness...
(tasm2 tie-in game actually did this really well, ironically; visually that game is not bad, but the menace system makes it almost unplayable for me 😔which is unfortunate cause it's clear how much more polished it is than the first game (which i enjoyed despite its tendency to crash)) (though i was disappointed they removed the auto-web button that lets you web-dodge up to a vantage point)
i am looking forward to the next ITSV movie, i just know that will look good as hell
this post as turned into a long ramble about cinnamontography and movies i've seen recently so if you care you can read it but otherwise XD probably not worth it
but imo birds of prey and the batman are probably the best looking live action superhero movies i've seen since 2014 (probably not a controversial statement XD) both have stellar cinematography and choreo.
batman is heavy on the blacks and stark contrasts and using the shadows to hide things until they want you to see them (thus my fave minor moment: batman materializing seemingly out of the darkness, as if he was born from it) and it really nails its aesthetic imo. i've seen some criticisms of its darkness but i feel like these are criticisms that stem from this idea that well, it's dark, therefore it's badly lit, instead of understanding the differences between bad lighting and purposeful darkness. like the difference between, you know, GoT or something and this is that in The Batman, the shadows aren't just bad lighting, they're used to frame the images, to hide certain elements until those elements need to be seen, and to establish mood and tone as what is essentially a noir movie with horror and and superhero action elements. i appreciate that, and it reminds me of the way Into the Spider-Verse uses the Kingpin's literal body to manipulate the frame and affect the cinematography, in some ways.
Birds of Prey is less heavy on the noir elements but has a lot of really good color grading for setting the mood. like the lighting in the final scenes? it's so moody and effective, and I love a good movie with good color stylization, using purples and blues and reds like yes, please do that, I'm sick of Realistic Lighting™️ (Mad Max: Fury Road also did this really well). it looks fantastic throughout and is just a very well directed action movie imo
birds of prey also has possibly the best fight scene choreography i've ever seen in a modern superhero movie, along with like... tasm2?? which also has some stellar action choreo and really fascinating set pieces and setups (basically everything involving electro was fucking sick) but like, i think BoP surpasses pretty much every live action superhero movie i've ever seen, including my fave live action spidey movies (Spider-Man 2 and TASM and TASM 2, minus the green goblin but including the clock tower) in being not just fast and frenetic and high-impact, but also being clear, concise, easy to follow, and creative. the glitter cannon stuff is so well done and was very fun to watch in the theater. The fight scenes in Birds of Prey are fun, fast, clear, and absolutely fucking brutal.
i feel like i always compare it to Black Panther, which i saw first obvs (though not in theaters), and which is a solid movie that i enjoyed for the most part, and which is indeed probably the best MCU movie in general, but I found the fight scenes in Black Panther to be muddy and somewhat difficult to follow, almost slow, despite being... technically fast? I only bring it up specifically because it was praised as being not just the best MCU film (a low bar) but also in being a Great Movie with Great Fight Scenes but... tbh i wasn't big on the fight scenes in Black Panther... though i do think it's got the best costume, hair and makeup of the entire MCU at the moment, personally. and I haven't seen 2, though I hear it's good, but the costumes also look fantastic in that, and I hope the fight choreo has improved cause those movies would be really stellar with the right action choreo imo.
like I said I just brought it up cause like, when I watched Black Panther after hearing it had these amazing fight scenes, and i finally saw them, i felt kind of... confused? like, damn maybe I just have no taste in fight scenes? i was really underwhelmed by it, like, am I missing something that other people are seeing here?? (but like i said, i enjoyed the movie, and it has great costume design) But then I saw Birds of Prey a little while later and was like, blown away by the choreography and cinematography, so I think it's just a matter of the whole designated action setpiece stuff that's going on in the MCU overall, and the way that Disney/Marvel kind of controls that aspect of their movies. i also watched Black Panther on my laptop though, so I wonder if that affected the viewing... like would Birds of Prey be less impressive on my laptop than it was on the big screen (I mean. yes, but in terms of choreo specifically would it be worse on a smaller screen? i'm inclined to say no??? but i haven't rewatched it on DVD yet... maybe i should)
the recent predator movie, Prey, also had some really good choreo and cinematography imo, though I found it suffered somewhat from the use of CGI instead of practical effects for things like the bear hunting, but, I get it, it's cheaper to use CGI than to build a fucking... animatronic bear XD but aesthetically, I think it was an attractive movie and I liked the design for the Predator in that movie a lot... the skull faceplate and general integration of bones into the design was really cool looking, and the like... juxtaposition of natural colors and warm lighting from fire etc. compared to the neon green of the predator blood and its modern technology and cloaking was so interesting, visually. also a movie with absolutely brutal violence lol
actually when i watched Prey, I watched Predators (with the s) the same day, because I was looking at lists and saw it was well-praised, and in some cases put as #2 only behind the original Predator, but... like... it's no contest. Prey is a better movie. I'm sorry if you cannot suspend your disbelief that a teenage native girl outwitted the predator w/ nothing but her environment and handmade weapons but I think the movie sold that really well and showed that she was learning and adapting the entire time, and showed how close she came to dying not just from the predator but from the bear and other animals as well, numerous times. I think it was as convincing as any other "human beats predator" movie can be. and like the other movies, a lot of the humans trying to fight it did die. like... i don't think adrien brody's character in Predators is any more or less convincing as a character using his wits to beat an adversary that is more physically powerful and more technologically advanced than him.
Prey is a better movie imo
Predators was fine, and you know I love topher grace being a weird little guy, but it's simply not a contest lol. it was effective in making you hate most of the characters though, so it did that well XD except of course the most interesting character died, so, whatever. Predators gave me the vibe of a movie that was like, OKAY WE HAVE THE BUDGET FOR THESE BIG NAME ACTORS, we GOT morpheus from the matrix, we GOT machete himself—but we only got the budget for five minutes of screen time so they are going to die immediately unfortunately XD
i also thought the romance was dumb but what else is new lmao
and prey feels like a movie that's not trying to just be big explosions with a famous guy but like, telling a story with characters that know each other already and telling a story about not just overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles and enemies but also about proving oneself, and being true to oneself, and also about how french people suck
anyway boy this ended up being one long ramble about movies i've seen over the past couple years huh
just musing, thinking,
hey man you know what other movie ruled? pacific rim. that's a movie with character design, mood and setting. hell yeah.
i didn't hate the sequel as much as some people but i did think it was lacking a lot of the mood and character of the first (though the mechs looked nice) and while i found the actual plugsuits better designed i thought the helmets were less visually appealing without actual glass visors, and i think its plot would have been better if instead of icing mako they had instead made the plot about her and her brother's relationship instead of playing him off of some bland white dude (though the obvious bisexuality on display was funny)... having mako be the only person he can drift with would have been way more interesting to me tbh... the stuff with the little girl was solid though. but nothing can live up to that first movie, i mean, how COULD it. it's GDT doing mecha! (they should have named the mech in the first movie something else though yikes)
0 notes
oakskull · 3 years
Guess who finished this illustration set,,
It's Cogchamp fnf sprites!!! I would have made a mod but unfortunately I don't have the right software to do so
Featuring such characters as
Tutorial Fox
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Brother Dearest
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Tub and Crumb
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Prime Bell
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Um sir.
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and last but not least, Sammy wants murder
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These are weeks 1-4, and week 5 will be in a separate post bc of image limit(derogatory) and I worked really hard on this!! (more thoughts and stuff under the cut, I got kind of rambly haha)
It was super fun to draw in this style and I feel like I learned a lot about shading and shapes (shoes especially) by trying to recreate the style of a professional artist. I think I'll do more exercises like this in the future, just to keep learning!! Also obligatory reminder that these drawings are referenced HEAVILY from the original game sprites. I was trying to draw the cog champers(and dream) like they would be a mod for the game, so the poses and style are extremely similar if not the same. If I were to redo these illustrations I might put more personality and originality into the poses, but I didn't actually study the style at all before creating the first illustration (fundy, the one I posted here is actually a redraw to make him higher quality, the original was too small)
So yeah, over all, this was super fun and I'd definitely do it again. Maybe I'll redraw some of these in the future to be more creative, you can tell which ones I drew later on bc of the variety in poses and expressions, I was a lot more comfortable with the style (tho I did keep my own eyes and mouth style bc expressions are something thats really important to my style and I didn't want to feel like I was just like,, tracing) Sorry for rambling so long, I'll put this under a cut for all the people who just want to see pretty art.
On a more art related note, you may have noticed that Dream is Pico, you may be thinking "but dream isn't on Cogchamp" and you're Right. I didn't know what else to do okay? He's fundy's Ex so it kind of fits??? I dunno man, I gave him a more steam punk mask but kept the majority of his design similar to my normal dream design, so as to keep the Dream vibe. Yknow where he's always just a green blob? It kinda slaps tbh, branding is important.
Also regarding Prime Bell, again, I didn't know what else to do, I was thinking of doing something with the egg, but that's not on cogchamp (thank goodness) so I needed something else. I decided that the only like, tangentially related thing I could do was make an Evil prime bell, based on how Sam steals it idk maybe in this world its always the demon thing and is kinda like the ring from lord of the rings, where once you have it you can't give it up. In any case designing Prime Bell took a while (plus some help from Yipcord and Chaos Crew thx guys ❤ and specifically @valpurgatory who is what inspired me to personify the Prime Bell in the first place with their turn everything into a women philosophy (I @ed him so you can check out his blog he slaps. She's like the go to for saving women from Wilbur Soot's dirty mits)) but drawing it was surprisingly quick, mostly due to the fact that I figured out how to easily recreate the texture on the Lemon Monster's body. I did no shading bc that's what the Lemon monster looks like, and it kind of hurt bc it just looks kind of unfinished to me,,, I had some trouble with the week 5 design for Prime Bell bc I didn't want to abandon my first idea. I probably should have and would have gotten a better result, but I can't be bothered tbh. This is the 3rd day I'm working on this project (these were surprisingly quick the churn out, probably bc I was having a blast) and I simply do not want to alter anything. My idea was good but the execution didn't pan out. What am I saying the week 5 prime bell design isn't even on this post sjjdjsks
Anyway, go check out fnf(Friday Night Funkin) it's a rhythm game, it's free and the OST Slaps. I'd also highly recommend listening to the Whitty mod songs and the Neo mod songs,,,, good good music.
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
5 Day Stay
| Or, Angel down bad for a week |
Angel x F!Reader
Warnings: language, infidelity, Angst (?), lil bit chili spice at the end
Angel felt he was too young to consistently feel so bone-tired, yet that’s how his day had been ending for weeks now. Sometimes it was all he could do to get off his bike and make it to the door, only to have to rest his head against it to prepare to make it to the couch and collapse.
Tonight was one of those nights, and he wanted to be dead to the world until it dragged him back into it.
It was the smell of mixed spices that hit him first. It felt like he was in suspended animation, and slowly being released as different things started to register to him.
His TV was on, someone was rummaging through his kitchen, and music played faintly from his desk. Thinking back to the last time an unwanted guest was in his kitchen, he placed a hand on the holstered knife fastened to his back.
The fridge door closed, and you appeared in the window, eyes focused intently on whatever you were cooking on the stove.
He exhaled, feeling like complete shit. It only spoke to how weary his mind was that he could forget you were staying with him for the next week. Especially after the conversation that led to it.
“I don’t know Angel…really I can afford a motel for a few days.”
“Here? Rusted-through pipes will be the last thing your landlord is worried about when you bring back bedbugs and shit.”
Your eyes had widened at that, but still you brought up the thing that had been chained to your hesitation. “I mean….do you think it’s ok to do this? After we…Nails..Ang-“
He remembered a flash of irritation, more so at himself than you, when you said that. “Yes querida, fuck. If you’re so scared, I most likely won’t even be there the way things are going. Nails is out of town til’ next weekend…”
“Relax Ignacio.” you had cut your eyes at him, and he’d felt his dick jump like it did whenever you gave him attitude. “I’m just not trying to be a problem.”
Your voice calling his name brought him to the present. He caught the last part of your statement, that you didn’t know he’d be back.
“Yeah, we got in earlier than expected.”
“While you’re standing there like a weirdo, let me shame you real quick. How does a man in his thirties still have the kitchen of a frat boy?” You leaned on the sill of the divider. “You’re lucky I already knew you were sad in the kitchen. I had to bring my own tagine.”
He stepped into the kitchen, his stomach coming alive with interest. “One, I don’t know what that is, two, I can’t help it if the kitchen isn’t my preferred room of work.”
He peeked over your shoulder, but the unique pot kept him from seeing what you were making.
“Neither is the bedroom, unless that work is piling up dirty laundry.” you stuck your tongue out at him and turned back to your simmering dish.
“Ha ha. Dinner and a show, she does it all folks!” he collapsed at the table, the day catching back up with him. “Should put your ass on the club’s payroll. End the cashflow problem real quick.”
You turned to him, concern etched on your face. “I heard from Hank about that…sorry. I know now isn’t a great time for that at all.”
Things got awkward like they always did when you referenced the recent changes of his life. He wasn’t sad about getting another chance at fatherhood, this one more tangible than the last. However, he wasn’t entirely sold on everything he’d accepted along with it, and he was pretty sure you at least suspected that. It threw the previously comfortable confusion that was your relationship off track when it was touched on.
“No, it’s not.” was all he could manage.
It was quiet for a beat, the simmering of the food and quiet Neo Soul the only sounds.
“Well,” you started, turning off the burner. “At least you don’t have to eat like a ‘we got food at the house’ meme for once.”
He laughed, a genuine and needed laugh. “Ok, you know what? Keep talking about my pantry stocking skills, and I might take it personally.”
The rest of his night went that way. Anytime you and Angel got together, things were just…easy…better. You spent the evening eating in front of the TV (Angel getting all the way to thirds for what turned out to be olive chicken and roasted potatoes), trading jokes, and going over the finer points of Golden Girls. Angel learned you took it very seriously, and mocked you for being “old”.
It wasn’t until you were nodding off, and he was left with his own thoughts, that he realized he hadn’t enjoyed coming home this much since he moved in.
Angel had dreamed he’d been back in his childhood home, but as a grown man. There was music coming from his parent’s room, and when he got to the doorway, his mom was at her dressing table. She hummed along to the soulful seventies music and smiled at him from the mirror. She said something, but he couldn’t make it out, and woke up in the frustration.
He jerked up from his position on his stomach, and slowly came to. With a grunt he wiped his hand down his face, glancing at his phone to find it was six in the afternoon.
It then occurred to him the music wasn’t just in his dream, it was coming from his bathroom. He got off the couch and followed the sound.
“Hey coma head.” you grinned at him from where you were doing your makeup.
He shook his head, trying to let go of the last vestiges of the dream, and how eerie the scene before him was.
He focused instead on the nightmare of products and alien looking tools surrounding you.
He kind of liked the mess, even if he couldn’t see the counter anymore.
“Hey hurricane Ulta.”
You made a face that was a cross between being amused and suspicious. “You sleep in your jeans and buy your shirts in pack form. Don’t act like you know what that is.”
He made a face of mock offense. “That’s so classist.”
This time you paused completely in you what you were doing and twisted your body to meet him. “Uh oh…let me find out you’re actually learning something from EZ.”
“Angel Reyes can know something about something, damn.”
You laughed, lowering your hands from where you’d been lining your eyes to avoid a mistake. “I’m only teasing you Angel Reyes.”
“Looks like you plan on teasing more than me. Some clown is gonna get his hopes and tiny dick up for nothing.”
“There’s this new club in the city that Belinda’s getting us into. It’s bad luck to buy your own drinks on the first night at a new place.” you adjusted the bodycon mini-dress for emphasis. “You doing anything?”
“Club shit.” he started picking through the products, sniffing them every so often. “Then I think I’ve got a call with Nails at some point.”
“You think?” you popped his hands when he got too close to the good stuff, or the things you were using currently.
“Yeah..I think.” he shrugged, only realizing how short he sounded when you winced.
He didn’t know why he got so annoyed when she was brought up around you. He wasn’t like that with anyone else, and he knew you were only trying to support his incoming changes.
Awkward silence settled in before he found the words to break it.
“Why do you wanna know? You want me to be that clown?”
“Never.” you pinched his cheek, tone pure saccharine jest.
He muttered in Spanish, stepping around you to the toilet.
“Angel!” you exclaimed.
“What?! It’s my bathroom, I have to piss.”
“You better never make me angry Reyes, I could end your whole Casanova game with ease."
“You holding on a little tight there mami!” Angel called over his shoulder with a laugh. “You said go fast."
“Shut up!” you giggled, but he wasn’t lying.
You’d asked Angel to take you to work on his bike since even though you spent so much time with bikers, you hardly got to ride one. You were going to the same place anyways. He had been all too happy to shake up his commute, but your speed challenge took it over the top.
He didn’t know how you were up so early, he personally felt like the bags under his eyes were like a PEZ dispenser. You’d gotten in at two am, and still got up with him at eight.
He loved watching you in the morning, you managed to be cheerful without being obnoxious, and it worked better than coffee for him.
He loved how much he was learning about you.
As he pulled onto the street beside the cafe you’d asked him to stop at, he felt your arms uncoil from around him. He may have pretended to shift just to make you pause and hold him a few seconds longer, but he wasn’t going to acknowledge that.
“I didn’t scream, and I’m not shaking, so you still have to buy my breakfast.” You unclipped your helmet, grinning the whole time.
You looked so pretty to him, with the sun hitting your eyes and hair just right. He could catch you at just the right moment, and you’d look so gorgeous, he struggled to believe you were real.
He cleared his throat, afraid his voice would crack if he didn’t. “Fair enough, come break my pockets then.”
You laughed, squeezing his chin and pointing out his pout. “You don’t even have to tell me once sir, I know my worth.”
Once inside, he trailed after you to the counter, using your head like an arm rest when you reached it. “That’s good.”
“Boy!” You swatted his hand away, and it was his turn to laugh at your adorable pout.
“New bet,” he stepped around you while the customer ahead of you wrapped up. “If I get your entire order just right, you buy lunch.”
“Deal.” you leaned on the counter, eyebrow raised at him in challenge.
Angel knew the best part of his day would be watching your expression go from smug to shocked out of the corner of his eye. He nailed every pastry, the iced coffee, and their preparation with ease.
The simultaneously impressed and amused barista looked to you for confirmation. She got a shocked nod in response.
“I know my worth too mama, so don’t skimp on lunch.”
“Fair enough.” You shook off your shock as you repeated his earlier words and shrugged. “Can’t complain I guess. I trained my work husband too well.”
He scoffed loudly, and the two of you went back to swapping smart ass barbs while he tried to ignore the lingering dip his stomach did when referred to him as “husband”.
Angel was a grown man, with years of grown man experience, yet he was sitting on the edge of his bed feeling like a teenager again.
The end of your stay was nearing, and every time he thought about you going back home, he felt weird. He was pretty sure that’s why he’d been a little snappy and annoyed easily at the club the past couple days. He just wasn’t ready to delve into that too much.
Regardless, he had to admit you had some growing effect over him. All morning, while he should’ve been resting and preparing for a charter visit, he was fighting off hard-ons thanks to you.
“Can I borrow your kitchen for the day Angel?” He mimicked your voice in a nasally mocking tone. “I’ll save you some when I’m done baking.”
He’d thought nothing of it when you asked the night before. Really didn’t even feel like you had to at that point.
He realized why when he saw that the desserts you were making for your friend’s brunch were elaborate as hell. The effort took all your attention, and unfortunately for him, his too.
You were baking a lot more than dessert and didn’t even know it.
Now he was hiding in his room, fighting off arousal he knew wasn’t appropriate. You weren’t his and he wasn’t yours.
That didn’t change the fact that you in a short silk lounge set, singing in French (how the hell did you know French?), doing domestic things in his home, did it for him.
He ran a hand over his hair, still damp from his cold shower, and forced himself to finish getting dressed. He had to be ready to face a room of dangerous bikers and prove his patched in worth. He couldn’t be thinking of weird little fantasies and parallels to his parent’s marriage.
He must’ve zoned out again, because you startled him enough to almost make him hit his wardrobe.
“Oh my god Angel try this! I think I did magic.” You excitedly thrust a red cookie his way.
Angel took the offered treat, and found it was a red velvet cookie. “It’s fucking good mi dulce.”
“Really?” You looked so hopeful, so beautiful, that he would’ve lied if the situation called for it.
“Yes, but you know you kill it in the kitchen.” He turned away to put on the flannel he’d fished out.
Now you were in his personal space, smelling amazing, and all his senses were under attack. He couldn’t trust Angel jr. at the moment.
“Baking is different. It’s a whole thing for me...I go all in.”
“I noticed your little Broadway production in my kitchen.” He kneeled down, pretending to look for his shoes as something to do while you were there.
“Don’t shame me.” You pressed your foot into his back, gently pushing him. “It makes for better results.”
‘shit.’ He cursed mentally at the contact.
Luckily, he heard you turn to leave the room. “Oh, EZ said to tell you to hurry up or pick up your phone.”
He rose up once you were gone and checked his phone. Sure enough, he had several missed calls and texts from Gilly, Coco, and EZ. He cursed aloud this time and finished getting ready, determined not to get distracted again.
Of course, his boys having to physically come in and get him when he did just that destroyed that promise.
It had come down to the last night of your stay with him, and what he thought was a favor to a good friend, turned out to be more for his benefit.
The hell with the club seemed so far away when he was home now, and he’d laughed more times that week than he had the previous few months total.
Tonight though… Tonight had him so in his head he didn’t know if he was coming or going.
You, sensing something was going on with him, had invited EZ and Felipe to dinner. He didn’t know how you got the latter to agree, his dad had never even been in his home before, but you did it. It went over a hell of a lot better than the last time they tried it too.
The missteps that reared their head when his family tried to talk to each other at length were mitigated by you. You were the perfect buffer, able to get them to engage with you and then each other.
He saw his family in an unfamiliar, but favorable light. His father was actually enjoying his time with him in his house. He knew that night wouldn’t have happened if not for you.
Now, as he distractedly dried the dishes you’d washed, listening to you hit all of the high notes in Loving You, it hit him.
‘She should be my wife’ the thought came so quick, and was so loud he almost jumped, confused if it came from him or someone else.
“Hey dishwasher-less!” you nudged him with your hip. “Move those hands.”
“Why can’t we be a thing?” he blurted.
You dropped the silverware you’d been washing, eyes wide and focused on him. “Um..excuse m-…what?”
He knew that wasn’t the most tactful way to introduce his thoughts to you, but it was his way. Fuck…he didn’t even understand them fully himself.
“You heard me querida,” he put the dish down on the counter, turning to you. “When I stayed with you that weekend that my head was all fucked up-“
“Angel.” your tone made it a warning, but he kept going. He was never afraid of a challenge.
“I was inside you so much that weekend I forgot that’s not how I came in this world. I can’t believe I’m saying it out loud, but I felt home cause I was with you-”
“Stop it!” you hit the sink, rattling the contents.
“Fuck that!” he shouted back, startling you both. He stayed silent for a moment before speaking in a calmer tone. “Fuck that. Why can’t we talk about it? Why couldn’t we talk about it then?”
You didn’t say anything, but he saw your chest heaving with adrenaline, and realized you were just as affected by the conversation as he was.
“You just decided it didn’t matter and put it in this space we can’t touch now. It’s all fucked up!”
“Because,” you hissed. “If you remember, it was all over that Adelita chick, and I don’t know what kind of hold she has or had over you, but it was deep.”
He cringed at that, and turned his attention to the light fixture over your head, unable to meet your heated gaze.
“Whatever feelings I have for you Angel, I put them away in a place where I can still be your friend and keep things in perspective.”
“Feelings you have for me?” he latched on to the lack of past tense, hopeful.
You inhaled sharply. “You are having a baby and just got engaged. What is wrong with you?”
“Nothing..I mean a lot, but nothing to do with this. I know-“
“I know,” you pushed away from the sink and reached up to cup his cheeks. “That you’re scared Angel. You’re scared, because you’re gonna take two steps you’ve never taken before at once, and you’re trying to sabotage it.”
He shook his head, taking your hands from his face and holding them tightly in his own. “No..mi dulce, no. I’ve been struggling with this all week, longer if I’m being honest. Tonight sealed it.”
You snorted humorlessly, looking around the kitchen as if something in the room would help you get through to him. “I cook you some big boy meals, and treat your speakers to some musical taste, and you’re ready for vows?”
“Don’t put this all on me. Tell me you don’t feel it. Right here and now, to my face.”
He watched your expression soften, and let you put one hand back on his face, your thumb gently stroking his cheek. “Ok, I can’t do that, but I also can’t just fall into a situation with you either.”
He scoffed and shook his head. “We both know we didn’t just fall into anything. We sat here and let it build and didn’t say shit, and now I have to. This week just made it too real not to.”
He placed his forehead to yours, his own hands cupping your face. “Please…”
He watched you have an internal battle by your changing features before you finally leaned into him. The moment you did, his lips were on yours.
He knew it was more than just a kiss a few seconds in. Everything he’d felt that the previous week was alive and confirmed between you too. He could feel you telling him you had moments like his own.
He palmed your thighs under your sundress before grasping them tightly and lifting you up. He placed you on the counter while you two separated for air. Your chests heaved in unison, and neither of you had to say you wanted the other touching you again before it happened.
He gripped your hair, tilting your head back for access to your neck. The smell of vanilla and cocoa butter surrounded him as he worked his mark all over your skin.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, and you pressed yourself against his jeans.
He hated he couldn’t feel the heat he knew was emitting from your core through the thick material of his jeans, and slid his other hand up your thigh to your panties.
Your entire body twitched when he ran his fingers over you through the thin cloth. It wasn’t just hot it was soaked.
“You need me that bad mami?” he pulled away from your neck, satisfied with his work, and beginning to work at his jeans.
“And quick.” you breathed into his ear, your tone and the sensation making him shudder.
The ache against his jeans didn’t need to be told twice to find its way into your heat. He slid your panties to side and pressed his thumb against you. You jumped, whimpering your need again, and he pulled your panties way from you.
You’d gotten them around one ankle before he was inside of you, and they were no longer your focus.
You clung to each other so tightly there’d be evidence on both of you.
In the quiet, he wondered if your mind was racing with the same thoughts that his was. What now? How do we get this again?
He pressed kisses to your cheek just as he started to move. You inhaled, your nails sliding down his back. Not quite catching the skin, but enough to set him on fire all the same.
He mapped out a rhythm by your whimpers and how you grasped at him until he crafted the right one.
This was the conversation he’d needed. Every thrust from him, every cry from you, every bit of give and take to heighten the other’s pleasure. The two of you were admitting that everything that was between you was deeper, realer than you’d wanted to admit. He loved you, and you loved him, and you were engraving that on one another.
The flirtation, the way you could be yourselves around each other, the heatless jabs. Good friends was always a ruse.
Your face was buried in his neck, and when he felt dampness he knew came from your tears, he hiked your legs higher, moving deeper.
You cried out so loudly it echoed in the kitchen, drowning out the soft crooning of an eighties songstress.
“I know baby, I feel it too.” his voice was choked by the threat of tears of his own.
He’d never been here before. Not with Adelita, not even close with Nails. He was terrified. Terrified for it to end because he never felt so good. Terrified for it to end because it might never happen again.
“Angel..” your voice sounded so small, but it was strong enough to anchor him back with you. “I’m close, I’m so close.”
“Let go,” he encouraged. “Let me have it querida.”
Your body seized up with your release, his name the only thing he caught in your unintelligible babble.
You clenched up repeatedly in the aftershocks, and that drug him over the edge with you, biting your shoulder.
His vision tunneled, pinpricks of pleasure traveling up and down his spine. Your hands smoothed up and down the area, and he realized it was because he was shuddering.
He gripped the counter for support, pulling back slowly. He was searching for a way to ask if he’d changed your mind, but the act hadn’t made words for his thoughts any easier to find.
It didn’t matter, before he could even speak you stopped him. Your eyes were glazed over with tears that had nothing to do with pleasure this time.
“That was all that I can give you Angel. It’s not right, none of this is, but it’s all I can give you.”
Am I the only one who wishes she had reference photos for their home/club layouts? Lol, it’s such a weird non-factor thing, but still. From memory, I’m pretty sure Angel only has one bedroom though.
No shade, no hate but this was partially inspired by how over Nails Angel looked when she was putting her back into it….🥴
I played with a few canon-timeline things + knocked the dust off my smut writing ability (I’m going under my humiliation rock now, no calls plz)
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One main arguments I’ve seen from non Jewish and poc snk Stan’s and that will have that one token Jewish person or friend who says they are not offended and snk isn’t anti Semitic or Nazi propaganda. Or say well isayama isn’t a anti Korean racist or Japanese imperialist that’s all been proven fake blah blah blah. Even if it’s fake the series is still problematic stop using that one Jewish person who isn’t offended they don’t speak for all Jewish people obviously-part 1
Part 2 he also named miksasa after a imperial Japanese battle ship and dot pixels is based off of a Nazi Japanese imperialist I think? Same for Erwin I might be wrong that’s what I looked up. I’m personally not comfortable supporting the series anymore for valid reasons but it’s honestly so hard to find blogs like you who criticize the series and author I’ve only found a small amount of blogs who acknowledge the problematic aspects in both manga and anime unfortunately :(
Oh Anon, you get me going here.
Yes, Mikasa is named after a very successful battleship (it’s supposedly certain success if your manga has a character named after a battleship). 
Pixis was inspired by a Japanese imperial general. He died before WW2 tho. Anyway that sparked huge controversy with the Japanese fans, leading to hate messages towards Yams for years. 
German SNK Wiki claims Erwin was inspired by Erwin Rommel, a general in WW1 and WW2 who later turned against Hitler (it’s fine cause he wasn’t REALLY a Nazi, right? no.). Erwin’s Birthday is the death day of Erwin Rommel. However, since I can’t find a source I’d take that one with a grain of salt. The main Inspiration for Erwin as a character is Ozymandias from Watchmen. So only fictional mass murder for Erwin here lol
These points are already kinda icky, but can be ignored I guess. Of course SNK searches inspiration in military. It’s a series about literal Child Soldiers (which somehow is never a critic point on any anime/manga?!). However it’s also full of dogwhistles and even more uncomfortable references. 
My main points are the portrayal of grey-morality on the case of genocide and the way Isayama clearly draws inspiration from Nazi Germany when he portrays Marley. The latter is not per say problematic. Fullmetal Alchemist is also inspired by The Third Reich and carries a strong anti-imperalist and anti-nazi message. SNK however falls short on that till now. I am not Jewish myself, so I can obviously not determine what is antisemitic and only point out the obvious. Plus my knowledge of things is obviously limited so feel free to correct or join in. 
Isayama pretty much paints the Eldians as the Jews of this “mirror world” World War we witness since the time skip. This is clear by the imagery of the Ghettos he shows, the armbands the Eldians have to wear and much more (Short images search should do the job here). The coding of the Eldians as Jewish equivalent is complete with the Marleyan myth of Eldians ruling the world if no one does anything to hold them in control (aka every antisemitic conspiracy ever). But it doesn’t end there. We know from the manga that Paradis island is basically Madagaskar. 
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The Nazis planned to deport about 4 million Polish Jews to Madagaskar in the 1940′s. That plan was shortlived and obviously never put into action for various reasons. So in SNK we have the scenario that the Eldians fled to Paradis in order to get an advantage over the Marleyans. The Eldians who are not on Paradis live in Ghettos on the mainland. That’s a weird coincidence, considering how many islands our big blue planet has. 
What I think is pretty bizarre is that Isayama distorts this by pairing this imo pretty obvious real live inspiration with references to Norse mythology. This is fucked up in so far that Norse mythology is so heavily appropriated by the Nazis that many runes are outlawed in Germany till today and showing interest in Norse mythology is still often associated with white supremacy (have a look at Neo-Nazi signs and see the pattern). Like, this combination of Norse and early 20th century German imagery isn’t even a dogwhistle anymore, it’s yelling “I SUCK NAZI DICK AND I LIKE IT”.  The references he uses are  especially Ymir and the paths, that can then be seen as the world tree Yggdrasil:
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The tree connects the Eldians and the nine titans which share their number with the nine realms that Yggdrasil holds. There’s some more, tiny stuff, like Erwin being easily interpreted as a reference to the God Tyr (God of battle, who loses his right arm in the mouth of a beast) and Hanji to the God Odin (Losing an eye in a well in the pursuit of gaining knowledge and wisdom). Both of these Gods are probably the most appropriated by white supremacists. When Ymir first turns into a titan it is at castle Utgard. In Norse mythology Utgard is a place in Jotunheim, the realm of the Jotun who the giant Ymir is the first ancestor of.
In general the pairing of clear WW2 imagery and references to Norse mythology is a mixture that is VERY sketchy and should always make you suspicious. Especially since these two are not going together (as in Marley using references to Norse mythology), but against each other. So we have both sides (Marley and Eldia) associated with white supremacy. Another thing that I will never be over is that Zeke and Eren are obviously named in reference to the German words Sieg und Ehre (Victory and Honor) referencing white supremacist buzzwords. 
Then we have the issue that the main conflict is not with the Marley people, who are basically our mirrorworld Nazis. The conflict is AMONG the Eldians. Liberating the Eldians form the Marleyans is not even a thing, because we’re busy keeping two Eldians from practicing genocide/euthanasia on their own kind. So in this aspect Eldians are painted basically just as bad as Marleyans (and we have that “everyone is wrong in a war” Issue again). 
I think in the end Eren’s will to kill everyone will lead to Eldians and Marley people accepting their differences or whatever and leading to unision in the shared enemy (kind of already happens in the manga) and while I think that’s a possibly interesting way to go it’s imo not when one of those parties has been subjected to centuries of genocide by the other. Assistant says a good closure to the Norse Mythology theme would be the manga going for Ragnarök, so everyone, Marleyan and Eldian, dies, except for two people who start the world anew. After all anisemitism or in this case anti-eldian sentiment doesn’t just stop after a world war. I don’t really fuck with this bullshit we got in one of the recent chapters where this one Marley general was like “Oh no, they were only people after all”. Bro, your whole society is built on them not being people and all of that is gone in one day of crisis? *doubt.png* 
There’s obviously more to it than that and especially my understanding of the manga might be a bit off, since I don’t read it as attentively as I used to anymore. At this point I’m so fucking suspicious of this manga tbh. I doubt that we can come out of this with an anti-imperialist or anti-fascist message. 
This does of course not mean no one should read or watch the manga or anime. I read/watch it too as you see. But it’s always good to be critical of the media you consume and take concerns from others serious, when it comes to stuff like this. 
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
Jaune of the Dead II
  -------------- Two Hours earlier ------------
“C’mon Rubes, you can’t depressed all day just because you’re imaginary boyfriend ghosted you.” Yang said playfully to Ruby.
“He’s not imaginary! He’s taller than dad, blonde, and wears a white trench-coat, I keep telling you this! That the mean Schnee made me blow up, and then he showed up did a glowy thing, and I felt great! Then walked me to the place, and then disappeared like a ghost! Then I found out he supercharged my aura! How do think I could have done so well in Initiation!” Ruby said to her sister rapid-fire.
A tall redhead puts her hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “You shouldn’t sell yourself so short Ruby, accepting your successes is necessary for good mental health, and from what I saw was enough to put some huntsmen to shame.”
Ruby pouts. “Yeah, I know! The thing is I can’t one shot a Nevermore and fly on my own! The thing is I know how strong I am, and I am not strong enough to do those on my own!”
Yang and Pyrrha sigh. 
“Ruby, c’mon you’re awesome! You’re talented and you’re strong, so stop selling yourself short, wait never-mind that does apply to you.” Yang said with a shit-eating grin.
Ruby’s face was a brilliant red as she started pounding weakly against Yang’s arms. “Yannng! I drink milk, I’ll be tall one day!”
“If you say so, Rosebud.”
Pyrrha watched the exchange with a amused smile, feeling very pleased with her team so far.
She hadn’t expected to partner up with a prodigy and her sister, but destiny was full of twists and turns.
Many, many twists, like Yang’s partner and the leader of team BYRN.
Bleiss Schnee.
The notorious Black Sheep of the Schnee household and disowned daughter of Jacque Schnee for reason’s kept private, though considering what she heard of the man in the day she has known Bleiss, it didn’t paint flattering picture why he did what he did.
Who disowned their child based on appearance?
The Black Sheep slept noisily in a dark corner of the room with her limbs thrown all across the bed as she slept under neath a black canopy bed with... her toys all still vibrating under her sheets.
A series of black glyphs floated menacingly around her bed as she slept.
Thankfully the curtains on the side of canopy bed only showed a hazy figure behind the curtains. 
Bleiss had made her team go out last night to celebrate making it through initiation. They had gone to club after club, well Yang and her did, Pyrrha and Ruby left not feeling comfortable on that scene.
Yang had come back to the dorm alone, as Bleiss wanted to find someone to ‘Break her in half while folding her legs over her head,” or to find “A soft little sub to break between her legs.”
Bleiss had somehow come back empty-handed and frustrated.
Then she brought out the toys.
It had been hours before she went to sleep.
She had no idea how Ruby slept through it all, especially Yang screaming bloody murder trying to break her glyphs, which when broken unleashed somesort of insect like grimm that stung Yang without mercy. 
Pyrrha was one-hundred percent sure that she started moaning louder to annoy Yang.
Thankfully, Ruby seemed to know what was going on. Apparently having walked in on Yang in a private moment before, but she still blushed red at noticing what her leader was doing calling it ‘Filthy.’
Pyrrha was also sure that it was a fools errand to try and wake her up for class. Bleiss had struck her as the type to have a couple trips up her sleeve. It did make Pyrrha ponder why she needed defenses why she slept though, but following those paths of thought those only led to dark explanations. Bleiss might make it clear one day if they grew close, and maybe, hopefully, it would have a more happy origin.
Bleiss had also made clear as leader of Team BYRN, she would go to class when she damn well felt like it. She had pointed out a loophole in the Beacon Rule book, apparently she could skip class as long as she maintained a 90% average in her classes, she could not be dropped from the classes. 
A rule that was normally reserved for 3rd and 4th years who often took missions and had spend time recovering and could not attend classes, so were normally given abridged lesson and makeup tests.
Pyrrha had no idea how she going to do it, but she’d try her best to support her leader.
Pyrrha looked back to her teammates, and hopefully friends.
Yang had gotten Ruby into a headlock and was rubbing her head with her knuckles.
“Ah! AH! AH! I yield, I yield!”
“Yeah, you do, who’s the big sister, I’m the big sister, woo-woo!”
Yang dropped Ruby to the ground, who then started pouting.
Then a look of realization hit her. “See that proves it!” Pyrrha raised a elegant brow towards Ruby. “Proves what?”
“That I didn’t do all that crazy awesome stuff at initiation on my own! If I could Yang wouldn’t be able to beat me up like that!”
Pyrrha gave it some thought she had a good point.
Yang flexed her arms. “I don’t though, maybe you’re just making it excuses.”
“Maybe you just a big head!”
Yang smirks at Ruby, and then cups her chest. “I got some big somethings!”
“Ah, Yang!”
Pyrrha shook her head at her teammates antics, then her internal clock told her they had around ten minutes before class started.
Pyrrha gently clapped her hands together, not loud enough to cause shock, but enough to gain attention.
“Ahem, I do believe we have classes soon.”
The sisters looked at each other and then started cleaning themselves up for class.
Ah, she could scarcely imagine the day becoming more interesting.
--- 10 minutes prior ---
Professor Port’s lesson was interesting if veiled behind misdirection. At first Pyrrha had considered that he might be a little self-absorbed, until she started listening closely. He was purposely distracting them with long-winded stories to test their observation skills, which if one actually paid attention to would start to reveal valuable information on Grimm.
Bleiss’s twin had also the same class period as them along with her team, SBRN, Saturn. It seemed Weiss went out of her way to ignore all of them expect Pyrrha, offering her hollow praise and empty compliments.
Pyrrha had politely decline her offer to take notes together. Her team seemed nice, but it was clear there was division among-st them.
Weiss then proved to be as superficial as Pyrrha thought, having clearly been taking notes but not understanding the subtext. Prof. Port had to step in once it was clear the Greater Borbatusk was too much for her, it’s armor plating across its back and head, remained unscratched till Prof. Port grabbed it by it’s tusk and flipped it, cutting it’s belly open.
“Well, children let this be a lesson to you all, that if nothing else remember you have room to grow! And to cut a Borbatusk across the belly! HO-Ho-ho!” Despite his cheery demeanor, Pyrrha couldn’t help but notice the glint of disappointment in his eyes.
Pyrrha wished she had imagined the pleased look in Weiss partner’s eyes at her failure, and her teammates apathy towards their leaders failure. What had she done to sow such discontent in her team?
The class was dismissed and they walked to their next class, a new one if rumors were true, one that had been set up merely a day ago before suddenly being added to their schedule.
What, a odd occurrence.
It was hosted by a new teacher too, one Pyrrha had never even heard of, or the seniors if the rumors where true. But, if the rumors were true, which they usually weren’t, he was the youngest teacher in Beacon history.
How exciting.
Pyrrha, Ruby, and Yang stood outside the door staring at Weiss with her teammates entering beside her.
“I see my sister is not coming to this class, either.”
“Nope.” Yang said popping the p.
Weiss gave them all a haughty look. “Fine by me, that noisy harlot is an annoyance anyway.” She gave Pyrrha a fake smile. “It’s not too late to make the best team in Beacon history,” She looked towards the sisters. “I don’t mind trading one of mind for her to join.”
Pyrrha felt a flash of anger inside her, that was mirrored on Yang’s face, but she quickly suppressed it. “I’m sorry, but,” She put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder, and gave Yang a winning smile. “I feel I’m already on Beacon’s best team.”
Weiss scowled and stomped into the classroom.
Yang simmered before tskking. “What’s her problem.”
“I sincerely have not idea.” Pyrrha actually did if one did consider what was heard about Jacque Schnee. But, best wait before jumping the gun.
“She’s shorter than me, she probably mad she doesn’t have enough milk.” Ruby said seriously.
A snorting laugh echoed out of Yang and Pyrrha.
Pyrrha wiped a tear out of her eye.
Yang laughed. “Yeah, I bet she doesn’t have enough milk!” Yang said giving Pyrrha a knowing nod.
“I’m glad you two understand the power of milk!” Ruby said going into the classroom.
Pyrrha and Yang followed in after Ruby, and where momentarily amazed by the interior of the classroom.
It was bigger on the inside, with shelves of books covering the walls, diagrams and maps covering the walls, not an inch of the room was bare. Where there were not diagrams and books, where glass-cases, and various objects, ranging from swords, glass shards, skeletons, and weird objects that Pyrrha couldn’t hope to identify.
This did not look like the work of a day or two, this room looked as though it had been used for years!
“Wow, impressive.” Yang said from beside her. Then she scowled. “Uh-oh, looks like we got trouble this period.” She said elbowing Pyrrha to get her attention to nod towards a group of people even Pyrrha had no tolerance for.
Team VMMP; Vampire.
Vernal Wennbar
Milita Malachite
Melanie Malachite
Neo Politan.
A team of thugs and low-lifers that had somehow managed to get into Beacon. 
Who, unfortunately had real skill to back up their attitude.
Yang squinted her eyes. “Something is off about them tho,”
Pyrrha had to blink thought to make sure they were the same team, though.
They were so quiet, and actually dressed for class.
Was.. Was Vernal wearing makeup?
No, she must be imagining things.
Pyrrha decided to ignore them and go sit with Ruby, Yang following behind her.
Then they waited, the class deathly quiet. 
Team VMMP unusually quiet had been more than enough to cow the others into silence.
6 minutes passed.
5 minutes passed.
4 minutes passed.
and soon it would be only one minute before class started.
Their teacher, who ever it might be, hadn’t appeared yet.
Then came the sound.
Of heavy shoes rhythmic hitting the floor.
It had started near the edge of their hearing, sounding as if it was coming from across the school. Only for it to grow louder and louder, becoming more noticeable till it was evident it was coming towards them.
He entered exactly as the 9:59 went to 10:00, right on time.
A head of long, messy, blonde hair came through the doorway, the hair easily coming to his mid-back. His face sharp and judgmental, but looking handsome in a imperious way. Two deep blue bloodshot eyes scanned the room as he went in, underneath his eyes were deep black bags, that spoke of a lack of sleep.
His body language tense and wary, not that much of his body could be seen as hit was covered by a billowy white leather duster, which opened to reveal stained, faded, well worn, and stitched up work clothes and pair of heavy duty work boots.
A sheathed sword on his belt.
That’s not what drew Pyrrha’s attention to him though, no it was her semblance. He was wearing metal gauntlets too over his hands and had some sort of metal armor underneath his clothes or maybe worked into them.
He was also wearing five necklaces, had a dozen rings, and had nearly twenty pounds of things, Pyrrha couldn’t imagine what, stuffed into his pockets. And that was just metal! It wouldn’t surprise her if he had more in there made of other materials.
Why did he have all those things?
She then heard Ruby’s breath hitch. “That’s him!” Ruby whispered to her and Yang.
Before she cold react he spoke.
It was not what she expected.
It was quiet, very quiet, tired too, like he had just woken up. His voice was deep, but raspy like he had a cold. But it commanded attention and impossible to ignore as within its core was a razor thin edge of Power. Of something that made his voice make her her shiver and alert to him.
‘He is dangerous,’ Something insider her warned.
“My name is Jaune Arc, I am eighteen years old, and I will teach you all the in’s and out’s of advanced aura manipulation, Soul Theory, and defense against the Paranormal. Any questions?”
9 years and 360 days ago
Little Jaune Arc was on his own.
He didn’t get it.
He told his parents, but they laughed at him and told him everything was fine. There was no scary lady in his closet.
He told them again. They laughed again.
He told them everyday, but they weren’t laughing anymore, they were mad. 
They said if he kept making up stories for attention they’d ground him.
When he asked if he could sleep in their room, they said he was a big boy and had to sleep in his room.
Jaune stopped talking to his parents on the fourth day. They hadn’t even gone into his room. It was like that with everyone though, no one seemed to believe him, or want to go near his room!
Alicia was out hunting and out of Scroll range.
He tried Saphron and his elder sisters, but they were too busy for him. Saphron was always talking to Terra. And told him to get more creative if he wanted attention from her. Terra just laughed at him.
June was always on her scroll, and told him to buzz off.
Daisy wanted to watch tv or to paint, and told him he was distracting her, or be a model for her.
Jazz would just turn her music up till he left, or drag him into dancing.
Grace would just make him work in the garden with her, but everything he said went in one ear and out the other.
And the Rachel? 
She is too young, couldn’t even walk yet.
He vented to them anyway. That was a new phrase he learned. He also learned what a phrase was at school.
“I don’t get it,” He said to his youngest sibling. “they won’t take me seriously! I keep asking and asking them to just wait till a storm hits and stay with me, but they just keep laughing, getting mad, or ignoring me!”
Little Jaune Arc grabbed his hair with both hands.
“It’s so annoying! Why is this happening?”
Rachel just played with her toys, pretending to drive a car.
A glint appeared in Jaune’s eyes.
He started playing too. 
He sighed though. 
“What should I do, what should I do?” He repeated to himself.
“I tried to get them to look at the window, but they keep ignoring it, I tried showing them my scars and they said they were from playing in the woods, it’s like everything I say is just being ignored.”
Jaune rolled the toy car back and forth.
Rachel bumped her car into his, pinching Jaune’s finger inbetween the metal.
A light white glow appeared on his hand.
Jaune looked at his finger in wonder.
He focused on it and tried to force the feeling back out.
Nothing happened.
Jaune frowned and looked at his hand.
He grabbed a toy car and slammed at his pinky.
A warm feeling engulfed his pinky as a white light block the car, the car bouncing off of it.
He tried to imagine it being warm again.
A faint white light ghosted over his finger, before dying.
“Hmm,” He looked at his finger. “I have no idea what I just did,” He looked at Rachel. “but, you helped.” He gave Rachel a kiss on the forehead. “Thanks sis, I don’t know if you can understand me, but thanks anyway.”
Rachel looked at him with baby blues and gave a toothy smile and giggled.
“You want to keep playing?”
An: Pyrrha’s more fun to write than I thought she would be. Next up though, on the fan fic list is Arc Acres, then Dead Knight, then Prodigy AU, then Sacred Rites II.
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druid-for-hire · 4 years
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new hadestown au: BIKER ! EURYDICE, in which she’s a rogue lone-wolf biker dwelling in the urban jungle of a Neo Tokyo-type city called Hadestown, wracked with biker gangs, violence, poverty, corruption, and civil unrest, still recovering and rebuilding from an apocalyptic event many years ago. Heavy-handed with the AKIRA inspirations here, haha.
She fights for herself on the dangerous streets, an illegal racer with a consistent top-three placement and a reputation for ferocity that earns her the money she needs to scrape by. And then she meets Orpheus: a dopey bartender who has no place being in her business.
okay okay okay i’m gonna be jumping around a lot here. be warned. thanks @supercantaloupe, @regzillas, @birdmanlyss for your contributions! (sorry if i missed someone it’s been a while)
she's a lone wolf in a city infested with biker gangs and it's brutal
she's run over plenty of limbs in her day
then there's orpheus, this gentle, kind-hearted soul, an indie musician and shes like. fuck. now i gotta keep this bastard safe
puts a long pipe with a mess of bolts and metal on the end in his hands and tells him he'd better buckle up and learn to fight the road
this sort of thing is common among biker gangs to cause destruction and knock people off their bikes onto the road. other types include mallets, hammers, baseball bats, etc
shes small but knows a lot of self defense and is very good at handling herself on the road
besides teaching orpheus to steel himself and yes use that pipe on people, push them off and jam it in their wheels and let it break if it does, she's gotta teach him to hold on while she pulls all this crazy shit on her bike
she avoids taking him on the road because having to fight people gives him so much stress but he also stresses about her so it's all weird
the first time orpheus sees her run over someones arm hes like ""???????????????????!!!!!!!!"
"Don't worry it doesn't happen often" "WHAT IS 'OFTEN'"
she has a red songbird on her helmet and flowers on her jacket
and flowers painted on her bike too probably
or patterns like on the album cover
orpheus thinks it’s the prettiest shit he’s ever seen
so eurydice races, right? everyones like “who is this tiny little upstart” and then she takes off her helmet and shakes out her hair and everyone loses it
somethingsomething ig hades (who is something of a crime boss here, similar to Tombstone from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, but not so unambiguously villainous in nature) becomes a contractor and he catches her in like, a bad contract that's hard to get out of without some kind of consequence
and now orpheus has to topple a capitalist again
anyway she like, meets orpheus in this little bar he works at
it's about lower middle class, so it's not too bad but it's still mostly populated by like, poorer people and bikers, etc.
they meet and it's cool and fun blah blah Come Home With Me shit
also this is a scene:
biker!eury: we gotta cross through downtown orpheus: what???? but there's a riot going on there! right now! eury: that's too bad, it's the fastest way! that's why you get this! (tosses him her pipe weapon) orpheus, barely catching it: sajskhsfdfs ???? eury: and i am gonna take this. (kicks open a trunk and takes out a rifle) orpheus: ???????!!!!???!?? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT AND DO WE REALLY NEED IT eury: Yes we do now come on orpheus: H-HOW did you get it eury: (loads gun) no worries orpheus: No i have many worries HOW DID YOU--
actually, on this emergency ride, orpheus proves surprisingly competent with her pole weapon—ruthless even, and eurydice wonders just where and how the hell he learned that
the conversation she has with him about that is the same one where he shows her his old, old scars
(besides ruthless—orph has apparently learned how to pose and intimidate. he does stuff like putting the tip of the pole-pipe to the asphalt as they’re riding, skipping on the road and creating sparks)
eurydice loves her bike more than certain relatives 
certain complications lead to it being destroyed by hades as punishment for doing him wrong. and it destroys her. that is her most trusted sacred bike, that thing has been with her since she was a teenager
once she repurposes that devastation into white-hot anger orph has to physically restrain her from hunting hades down and breaking his kneecaps with a thick lead pipe
he's never seen her this absolutely devastated and furious
he goes to persephone for more work because he wants to buy eurydice a new bike
he keeps it a secret from her until he leads her out to a garage, hands over her eyes
(some of these bits are copypasted from my friend @regzillas​)
orpheus takes his hands off and says Tada!!! it's just like the old one, there's no painted birds but she can do that. She just stands there in total silence mouth open, and orpheus goes 'so? do you like it?' before she bursts into tears. and at first orpheus is like :O!!!!! oh no!!! do you not like it? and eurydice through sobs just says 'nobody's ever done something like this for me’
it's... beautiful, it's touching, it's deep and it's love and she's so in love and she loves him so much, and she cries and holds him close and takes him in and she's so overwhelmed by her emotions, full of the care that orpheus so freely gives to her; and it's a breath of newness, fresh air in the cycle of dread and bitter anger that haunts the city (but she's still going to find hades and shoot him in the foot)
he just holds her and kisses her head
they spend the day painting it, the day after he buys the bike
hand-painted. and they both leave their handprints in paint on it, like carl and ellie do on their mailbox in the beginning of Up
a significant amount of time is spent thinking of a good name
theres lots of joking and eurydice playfully shoves orpheus and he falls over into paint
okay i wrote something like. Obnoxiously long for orpheus. i sort of have his backstory in this down, but i don’t have anything for eurydice unfortunately :( suggestions are welcome! but first: Hermes
biker!au hermes owns a chain of bars, several of which find their patronage among the ruffian youth, several of which are more refined and serve the middle class, and another several of which serve the upper crust hermes has a hand in every world and it serves him pretty well, and his chain is a bit of a channel of communication and its unspoken rule that whatever socioeconomic class or gang or organization you're a part of, hermes' chain is neutral territory no fighting allowed
eurydice walks in and hermes just gives her a Look and taps the 'no fighting' sign and she huffs
hes >:( if anyone does try to start shit. the honor system is strong enough that usually the other patrons will just throw them out, and if there are really problems, they'll hear from hermes personally
he maintains a very strict "no bitching in my fucking kitchen" atmosphere
and now, Orpheus
this really is kind of akira but without the government conspiracies; the city is a neon corrupt hellscape that’s still struggling to rebuild after an apocalyptic event that wiped it all through. the city is wracked with frustration and violence and anger, there are still urban ruins everywhere and the scars of rebuilding and struggle are plain in every corner of life; plain to see are the shells of ruined buildings, gigantic boats levelled from the sea and left in the middle of inland sectors.
orpheus was abandoned by his mother at an early age—kind and timid, he had to learn fast how to be suspicious and cautious in cruel ways. he couldn’t land himself a spot in any of the groups that other ragtag raging folks had eked out for themselves, still too hesitant or ungraceful or young for any of them. sure, he made friends, sitting and talking with lots of people, but never got to really team up—all he could do was just fight for himself in the blown out corners of the city. weapons made from whatever he had. a young child already spitting blood and teeth in hadestown’s vicious ground-floor landscape.
hermes is his mother’s close old friend, though the times they see each other are few and far between. when he saw him, hermes hardly recognized her son, wild-eyed and clawed and alone in one of the city’s more dangerous neighborhoods, with a pole full of screws slung over his back. how did she lose track of her kid for so long? he thinks. and takes him in.
hermes eventually realizes that his mother didn’t lose him. meanwhile, tiny orpheus, kind-hearted orpheus, despises hermes at first. he’s full of suspicion and desperately wants to lean into hermes’ kindness, but the streets have taught him to hold back. he spits curses at him, though the words slide right off hermes’ shoulders. it’s not genuine.  just frustrated. and picked off of the delinquents that were his friends, just like most everything else about him.
(hermes knows he’s gotten his trust when orpheus starts getting soft, when he’s crying over littler things; it means he’s been deemed safe to be vulnerable around, and he damn near starts crying himself.)
orpheus owns a little vespa! it’s covered in stickers, some of them worn out and old, some places with just the adhesive and the fuzzy white paper from where he tried to pull them off. some of them aren’t even proper stickers and just shit he peeled off from places while he was wandering around and stuck onto the vespa
even in canon i see him as the kind of guy who like. you look at him and think jesus how is this guy still alive he’s so noodly and soft, but he’s unexpectedly sort of street smart
anyway i mentioned this before but didn’t elaborate. biker au orph, to eury's surprise, does have his collection of scars, since he had a bit of a rough go at life
also he’s just ungainly and runs into shit
you can see em on his sketch page. he has a bit more than what’s shown, but what’s visible is a little slash across the bridge of his nose onto his cheek, and two on his left forearm. he probably has a stab scar in his side from just getting fucking knifed. the ones on his left forearm are from when a drunk coming out of a bar charged him with a fork
eurydice also has scars. kind of hard not to with the kind of life she lives
ok thats it. For Now. i don’t know how persephone or the fates or the workers factor in, if at all. I barely know how Hades factors in, mostly what i’ve said so far and that he does what he does to support himself and persephone. ah well! just have this
as this is extremely based off of AKIRA, i verily recommend listening to the movie’s soundtrack. besides the fact that it slaps hard as hell, the opening song, Kaneda’s Theme, has the perfect vibes for the city and the tone of eurydice and orpheus riding at night through it
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Midoriya Comfort HCs
Pairing: Midoriya (Deku) x reader
Warnings: Mentions/the concept/symptoms of depression, otherwise none
Request: Hi, sugar! i just wanted to tell you how much i adore your fics. everything about them is truly outstanding, from your choice of words to the ideas you come up with. might i add, your ability to write the characters so well and immerse someone in the story are amazing and i hope that you’re very proud of what you’ve brought to the fandom! you’re one of my favourite writers on here! would it be possible for you to write comfort hcs for izuku w/ a reader who’s a victim of depression, or even if you aren’t comfortable with that, just for bad days? i’ve been feeling a lot worse than usual and it’s all crumbled for me, so i’m just seeking comfort from my best boy. - anon neo 
A/N: I’m sobbing??? I’m one of your favorites??! This is literally some of the nicest stuff anyone has ever said to me?? Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! I’m so glad people actually like this stuff I make! 
And I’m always chill with doing anxious or depressed reader, since it’s something I (sadly) relate to myself and therefore feel pretty comfortable portraying it the best I can. I tried to get these out and done as fast as I could, but I hope you’re feeling better! 
I promise you, you can get through this. I believe in you. If you ever need to chat, I'm always open (this goes for everyone). I really enjoyed writing these and loved your request. No worries, I got you!
Anyway, I hope you and everyone else likes them (as always)! Thanks again so much for your kind words, they really keep me going <3
Love you!
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═══*.·:·.✧    ✦    ✧.·:·.*═══
Ever since you started dating, Izuku pays a lot of attention to you and how you’re feeling, whether he’s subtle about it or not
So when you start spiraling into a bad place, he’ll notice pretty quickly
He’ll immediately ask you what’s wrong, remembering and still regretting the choices he’d made when he knew something was up with Iida
He’s a little sad when you explain you have depression, but he won’t be swayed. Far from it. This boy is determined to be the best boyfriend he can be for you, no matter what!
He’ll do some research before making too many moves. The idea of the big sad isn’t completely foreign to him, but he wants to make sure he’s doing everything right
Izuku would go over all the little notes he’d taken on you, making a habit of jotting down anything you like
Once he’s made a bit of a plan for himself and gathered everything up, you can expect a Deku-bomb of everything you like and it’s all just for you!
You like food? He’ll buy you your favorites and treat you with them when he storms your room. Into more outdoorsy or sporty activities? He’ll gently ask you if you’re up for getting outside and doing them. He’ll even invite your friends! You like books? He’ll pick up that novel you’ve been eyeing since it came out. The list goes on. He’d do anything to bring a smile to your face
So anyway, as I said, he’d storm your room with everything he could find that he thought might help, ready to dedicate the entire afternoon and evening to you
He’d ask if there was anything you needed to talk about. He’s really good at listening if you decide there is something you need to rant about. He’s not too bad with advice either!
If you decide not to talk about it, or maybe there’s nothing to talk about and you just feel a little blah, he’ll take out whatever lil’ something he got you
At this point, he’d do whatever you want to do, whether it’s playing a video game or going out for a walk or watching your favorite movie
And whenever you want, Izuku is always down to cuddle (hehehe my favorite part!)
He’ll scour both his and your rooms to find every blanket he can, coming back to wrap you up into a little fuzzy burrito
He’ll pull you into bed and spoon you, but not before pressing kisses over every available surface of your face and the top of your head
He’ll hug you into him from behind, draping a leg over you and resting his head above yours. This is also a good time to do any kind of ranting or talking, and if you ever feel the need to cry, you’re more than able to!
If you cry tho, Izuku might cry too. He’s very in touch with his emotions and seeing you cry will never fail to make him tear up too. That’s just the kind of person he is
He’ll remind you of how much he loves you and murmurs words of support and encouragement in your ear. There is hope for the future, and things won’t always be like this. He’s not afraid to start listing everything he loves about you, and trust me when I say this, he could go on and on. He has notes. He thinks about this every day
Whenever you get too hot in your burrito blanket, you can always climb out. But now this means that all your kissable surfaces are exposed!
If all his efforts to make you smile before had failed, this is the last straw. 
He’ll start a tickle war, pulling you back in to kiss you anywhere he can reach; your cheeks, your neck, your belly. There’s nothing suggestive behind it, he just wants you to know how loved you are by him
Once you’re done, he’ll let you nuzzle back into him for some much needed sleep. He’s spending the night with you, and there really isn’t much you can do about that
Even after your evening together is over, he won’t stop checking in on you to make sure you’re okay. He’ll do cuddle sessions, movie nights, walks in the park, anything, any time, as long as he knows he’s making a difference in making you feel better, even if it’s just a little
He’ll check in to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. You best be sure you’re eating your meals and drinking plenty of water. He’ll even bring you some if you’re not up for leaving your room
Guilty of never getting enough sleep? He’ll poke his head in to see if you’re still awake, and if you are, he’ll gladly tug you into bed and hold you until you’ve slipped off to the feeling of his hands running through your hair
Get too much sleep? He’ll make sure to invite you to things he’s doing to get you out of the house, or even take you on dates with just the two of you to keep you active and occupied
I know that I’m guilty of not showering when I hit a slump, so he’ll make sure to remind you to do that (if ya need it. no shame). He’d even make sure you were changing out and washing your clothes and sheets, happy to help you if you’re not up for it
If you need help picking up your room or washing dishes and the like, he’s prepped to help you there too. Better make sure you’re changing your clothes too, now. AT LEAST HAVE DAY PAJAMAS AND NIGHT PAJAMAS I--
My depression tends to come in waves (or as I like to call them; Sad Bitch Hours™), so if that’s the case for you, he’ll help you until you feel better and a little more like yourself again 
Izuku will never leave your side no matter what because that’s just how much he loves you. He has faith in you that you are strong enough to fight the issues and the hurt and the pain plaguing you, and by all means he will support you until the worst is over
A/N: Every time I write one of these, I feel like I’m doing one of those “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie--” books, except this one is more like “If (Y/N) Has Depression--”
Again, I truly hope that this can be some help for people who are struggling. I know that I am little more than an internet hermit, literally writing this in the darkness of my bedroom at 2 AM, but if I can bring even a touch of happiness, then my purpose will be fulfilled. I believe wholeheartedly that you can get through whatever may be going on in your life. In these past few years, I've been through a lot myself, but with a determined mindset and some professional help, I can say that I am doing so much better than I was.
Remember that you can't compare your progress to others. Healing takes time and patience and love, and simply remembering to be kind to yourself is the first step to steady recovery. I want you to know that I believe in you and that you matter. You matter so so so much. Every day, you change the world. There are people who love you (if you can't think of anyone, I'm here! Izuku loves you too, along with any other F/Os you may hold). I don't want to get too into this, but just remember that my inbox and DMs are always open. I'm not going to claim to be some sort of licensed therapist or mental health prodigy, but I'm a good listener and sometimes might offer decent advice. If you ever need a friend, I will be here to talk or rant to, and it would make me happy to see if someone reached out. You're not a burden, and your feelings are real and deserve to be confronted. No matter where you are in your journey, you're valid.
Sorry if this was a bit long, but I just wanted to say that you're important and people do care about you.
I wish you well and beautiful mornings,
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4​​
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a-bts-world · 3 years
Chapter 4
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‘Hello everyone! I am happy to see you all. As you know Yuta is still not back, which means we have to do this mission without him. However I believe this shouldn’t be a problem for the next mission.’ Taeyong welcomes the 22 members of Neocity to the meeting. He hands a deck of papers to Taeil, who is on his right, Taeil grabs one paper and hands the pile to the next person. After everyone has a paper, Taeyong starts again. ‘On the paper you see the building where we are meeting with the Camorra family. They are one of the only real families left, so we need to be sure that this mission goes as planned. We are supposed to meet them for a deal, they want new weapons, so we are going to deliver. However I don’t expect them to be honest about their intentions. That is why I need everyone for this mission. Jaehyun, Hendery, you two will handle the deal like always. However this time all of the Neos will be available for any help you need. Except Mark and Haechan, I need you two in your Dream function. Which means we will have three hackers, Haechan, Yangyang and Sungchan. Jaemin I need you to infiltrate their mafia, see if you can find out anything about this deal. Wayv you guys will be working on another mission on the other side of the building, supposedly one of the Strays is being held hostage there. Renjun I only expect you and Mark at the sight, everyone else is at home. You guys understand me, dreamies?  However, this doesn’t mean I don’t need you. Jeno I want your best explosives. Shotaro and Chenle I want you two to find me anything about this family, I know way too little about them. On the paper you can find more specifications about the mission. I will see you again tomorrow, to talk the last things through. Any questions for now?’  Taeyong asks after he dumped all the information. Most members shake their heads, but Doyoung puts up his hand.
‘Why do I not have any job?’ He asks, deep down already knowing the answer. So when Taeyong tells him he is suspended because of his mistake, doyoung is angry. ‘You just told me you need all of us for this mission? Why are you keeping this from me!’ Doyoung shouts. Jisung flinches at the sound. Taeyong notices this and gets annoyed with Doyoung.
‘If you are mad with me then tell me personally, don’t do it in front of the Dreamies,’ Taeyong calmly states as he looks back at Jisung, seeing that Mark is already looking after him. Doyoung doesn’t answer and angrily storms out, slamming the door on his way out. Soon after the sound of something breaking is heard.
‘Doyoung? What is happening?’ Honey asks quietly as she finds Doyoung sitting in the hallway, face in his hands and a mess around him. Doyoung doesn’t answer her. Honey notices his shoulders rising and falling pretty fast, which makes it seems as if he is crying. ‘are you okay?’ She asks, putting her hand on his shoulder. As he raises his head, she sees that the boy was indeed crying.
‘Yeah, I am fine.’ He answers stern, pushing her hand away and turning his back to Honey.
‘Doyoung, I made some tea. Do you want to come downstairs and explain to me what happened? I am sure somebody else will clean this up. Don’t worry.’ She asks, trying to seem approachable. Because that is basically her function at moments like this. Doyoung doesn’t say anything but he does slowly stand up, walking down the staircase behind her, with his head hanging low.
Honey texts Sun, asking her if she would want to clean up the mess Doyoung made and if she wants to come down to the kitchen afterwards. ‘Do you want anything Doyoung?’ Honey asks him as they enter the kitchen. He just shrugs his shoulders, which Honey understands as anything will do. ‘So talk and explain, what happened?’ She tells him sternly, wanting a real answer this time. Doyoung realizes he needs to tell her, otherwise he would be in even more trouble. So he does, he tells her everything. Not only what happened, but also why it happened.
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At the exact same time Yukhei is leaving the house. After the meeting, Yukhei was able to leave because he didn’t have any other responsibilities. So he grabbed his study books and is now on his way to a café, the same one where he always studies. Before sitting down he decides to get a coffee, so he walks up to the bar and orders a drink. After receiving the drink he walks towards an empty table, but he as he focusses on the table, he doesn’t look in front of him. Suddenly he bumps into something. Yukhei looks down and sees a smaller girl standing in front of him. ‘Sorry! I didn’t see you,’ he says and hopes the girl accepts his apology for bumping into her. Since she doesn’t answer him, Yukhei looks down once more and notices the big stain on her shirt. He must have spilled his coffee. ‘I’m so so so sorry, this wasn’t supposed to happen.’ Yukhei suddenly spits out, noting how he hasn’t apologized yet for spilling the coffee.
‘No problem, you couldn’t have known.’
‘Okay, but at least let me make it up to you. Is there anything you want or need? Or let me take you for dinner! I think that is a good idea, us going on a dinner.’ Yukhei blurts out, nervous to make the girl uncomfortable.
‘I think dinner is a bit much, but I would like a coffee,’ She smiles and Yukhei can only nod. The moment he locked eyes with her, he couldn’t think about what to say.
‘Okay, I will get you a coffee,’ Yukhei mumbles and walks towards the counter with her, pays her drink and then they are waiting together on the drink. ‘So do you want to join me while I am going to study for my upcoming exam.’ He asks.
‘Yeah, if that is okay with you. What do you need to study? I have an upcoming exam about the renaissance, since my major is Art history,’ The girl explains to Yukhei, talking about how excited she finds it. As she receives her drink the two of them walk towards an empty table near the window, while she keeps talking about art. Yukhei just admires her positive energy, while they get seated at the table. ‘You said you needed to study as well. what was it for? I just completely talked about me only,’ the girl apologizes.
‘Well my major is History and I also have an upcoming exam about the Renaissance period, weirdly enough. So that is what I am supposed to study for. May be we can study together more often, since we have the same subject for our upcoming exam,’ He answers. The girl nods and places her stuff on the table. Ready to start the study session. Yukhei notices this and reluctantly gets his books. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen, they were supposed to talk more. However the duo studies almost all afternoon.
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After talking to Doyoung, Honey walks back upstairs to her shared room with Taeil. She has been feeling really tired today, so just going back to bed seems like a great option. So when Honey reaches the room, she changes into her pajamas and lays on the bed. Before falling asleep she remembers to text her husband that she is tired and went to sleep. Before she can actually  send it, the door opens.
‘Hey, I didn’t know you were here,’ Taeil says as soon as he enters the door. Closing it after him and walking up to the bed.
‘Yeah, I was just about to text you that I was really tired and that I wanted to sleep for a bit,’ Honey answers, as Taeil sits down beside her on the bed. His one hand grabbing Honey her hand and his other hand stroking her hair.
‘To be honest, I was practicing self-defense with Johnny and I am really tired as well. Is it okay if I join you? I have already showered at Dreamland.’ Taeil defends his self.
‘Sure,’ Honey answers before Taeil can even finish his sentence, not caring about whether or not her husband already showered. Holding up the bedsheets in order for Taeil to get under them as well. Taeil hurriedly steps out of his clothes, leaving on just his boxershorts and t-shirt. He then gets under the sheets. Turning to his side and putting his arm around his wife. Becoming the big spoon in this cuddle session. With Taeil caressing her hair they fall asleep in the middle of the day.
‘Taeil!’ Johnny screams as he opens the door of the bedroom. But when he sees the married couple sleeping, he closes it.
‘What is it?’ Taeil whispers just before Johnny fully closes the door.
‘Well nothing important I was just wondering about something legal. But it can wait.’ Taeil nods, accepting that Johnny won’t tell him what he needs. Even though he is awake anyway, so he could have better just said what he needed. Johnny just leaves the room after that and Taeil turns back to his wife, who is still sleeping. He puts his hand on the nightstand and start feeling around for his phone. After searching around, he finds it. Grabbing his phone, looking at the time. It is around four o’clock. Almost time to pick up the younger members, so he slowly moves out of the bed. He hopes he doesn’t wake up his wife. Then he quickly changes into his clothes and grabs the car keys, noticing that he is a bit late. So Taeil hurries downstairs, sprints down the stairs, almost bumps into Winwin, then runs to the garage and thus to his car, and eventually leaves the compound.
First he needs to pick up Jaemin, then Chenle and Yangyang, normally Jisung is the last one to be picked up, but he called in sick today. The other boys are being picked up by Ten today, because they are on the other side of the city. Speeding a few times, Taeil makes it just in time to the University Jaemin attends. Waiting on the side are Jaemin and Mariposa.
‘Hello guys,’ Taeil says as he stops next to the duo.
‘Hello!’ Mariposa excitedly answers and waiving to him. Taeil waves back, while Jaemin opens the door.
‘are you sure you are not coming today?’ Jaemin asks her softly. But Mariposa just shakes her head.
‘I have an important exam to learn for. I am sorry, next time maybe. Besides I also need to meet up with Serenity and Precious, we need to hand in a paper next week. I am so sorry Jae, I have no time.’
‘okay, no problem. You got this!’ Jaemin answers. He hugs her, hoping to put his girlfriend at ease, he knows how stressed she can be. As he caresses her back, he feels her shoulders drop. She relaxes her body. ‘See you tomorrow,’ Jaemin says and kisses her forehead. He turns around and sits down in the car. As they drive away, both Jaemin and Taeil wave at Mariposa.
When the car is out of sight, Mariposa turns around and walks towards the library. When she arrives she is a bit earlier than they had agreed on, but that is no problem. Mariposa sits down and places her stuff on the table. As she turns on her laptop Serenity sits down next to her and Precious in front.
‘So how are you and Jaemin?’ Serenity curiously ask, as the two girls also grab their stuff and turn on their computers. ‘Everyone thought you guys were on a break, but now you are all lovey-dovey again.’
‘We are good. We weren’t really on a break, but I had to figure out some stuff,’ Mariposa answers quietly, looking down at her hands. Serenity nods, ready to let go of the topic. However, Precious doesn’t seem ready to let the topic go.
‘What did you need to figure out? And isn’t that technically a break? Mari why won’t you tell us anything?’ Precious asks caringly, looking into Mariposa her eyes, hoping to find an answer.
‘I do tell you everything necessary. If you want, you can see it as a break, but it was less than a week. So I don’t really see it as a break,’ Mariposa states, clearly not wanting to tell anything more about whatever may have happened.
‘Okay, now let’s get started on this paper!’ Serenity encourages the other girls. Immediately starting to read the research paper that was assigned to them to use as a source. Mariposa nods her head and follows the lead of reading papers. Precious is a bit harder to convince, since she doesn’t have the motivation to be reading concentrated. She enjoys staring out the window, onto the sport field. Right now, the track team is working on their speed. Precious only joins the other girls at studying, after Serenity keeps on bugging her about not learning anything. After a few hours the three girls have almost finished their assignment.
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‘We are having a game night and I want everyone to join. Unless you have a proper reason and Taeyong agrees to it, then you are exempted. Everyone else is down here at 9,’ Johnny shared after dinner.
Doyoung immediately walks up to Taeyong, while everyone cleans the table. ‘I am not participating.’ Is all the younger man tells the leader. He doesn’t even wait for an response from Taeyong. Taeyong just nods, knowing he will get a lot more of his members visiting him before 9 o’clock.
‘Taeyong, is it okay if I stay in my room tonight?’ the youngest member quietly asks his leader as Taeyong is walking to his room.
‘Are you sure you don’t want to join us? You haven’t talked to some of the Neos for a very long time,’ Taeyong asks the younger member, knowing the boy hasn’t really talked to anyone since Yuta left for Japan and everything that happened back then. Jisung shakes his head.
‘I have talked to Kun, while being his medical assistant,’ He defenses his choices. Taeyong just nods.
‘I know, but you also know, I said Neos. However I am happy that you continued your time with Kun. But the others also miss you. What if you join tonight for at least one game and then after that one game you can leave whenever you want. Is that a good compromise? Taeyong almost pleads to his youngest member. It has been a while since most member have been together after the accident and he just needs to see his member happy again, even if it is just for a night. However he also notices the doubt in Jisung his eyes. ‘I promise you can leave after. Please, just be there.’ Jisung slowly nods and heads up stairs.
At nine o’clock Taeyong sits down in the living room. Some members have already joined, like Winwin and Hendery. Others are still nowhere to be seen, such as Jeno, Jisung, Shotaro and more. After five minutes of still not having all the members downstairs Johnny stands up and rings the dinner bell. This bell is heard everywhere in the house. Usually it is used by Kun, whenever dinner is ready, but sometimes when there is a meeting and some members are late the bell is also used. Most members are now present, expect Jeno and Chenle. The moment Johnny stands up, ready to ring the bell again. Jeno and Chenle come storming down the stairs. They sit down one the ground, in front of a couch. Saying they were in time, Johnny didn’t ring the bell for the second time yet. The duo just earns a scoff from Taeyong and understand that they were just in time, before they would have received a household task.
‘Nice that all of you have joined this game night! Doyoung and Jisung are free to go, Taeyong accepted this. But everyone else, we expect you to be here until at least eleven o’clock. We also know the rule, no phones during game night. So everyone please put your phone in the box, as always. Then we can begin. Since it has been a while, Taeyong and I decided that a lot of smaller games would be a good idea. So one the dining table you can find different board games, while at the couch we will play games like thirty seconds. Choose anything you would like to do and make sure to win.’ Johhny explains everything once again, because it has been a while since the last game night. Jewel excitedly screams, grabs Ten’s hand and start dragging him towards the dining table. This was the sign for other members to also enjoy the evening.
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taglist: @yutahoes @bvbyxuxi​
a/n: Yes I did manage to post this one! I am so excited to share all the ideas in my head, but I hope some of you are catching on to some of the hints ;). Please leave your feedback, so I can improve.
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