#but i am feeling well rested and ready to bother you~ 🥺
1004tyun-archive · 1 year
my crystal gem 🥺😚🩷💎🩵 i hope you’re sleeping well and getting your well deserved rest 🥺🥺 i miss you so much already… but i know it’s for a good reason that you have to be away for a little while so i’ll wait patiently for you my love and i’ll hope for a good waking up for you 🥺🥺🩷
so i saw an ad outside and it was two women, one was feeding a strawberry to the other… as in she held the strawberry between her teeth and the one on the bottom was waiting for it to reach her mouth 😳 i immediately thought of you… 🥺🩷 also omg wlw ads are popping during pride month?? a slay hehe <3
i’m wearing the dress today and i keep thinking about you my love 🤭🩷🩷 i wish we were walking together and hugging and kissing mommy 🥺🥺 i love you my precious crystal 🥺😚🩷💎
my baby 🥺🥺🩵🩵 i feel like i slept for way too long today but i’m finally here ;v; i missed you so much my girl :(
woah 😳😳😳 that most definitely sounds like us and it sounds like a drawing idea hehe 😏😏 love that wlw ads are starting to pop up it’s a win for us!! 🥺🥺🫶🏾🫶🏾
my pretty woman in her pretty dress 🥺🥺🩵🩵🩵 my heart jumped just thinking about you~ i wish i was there to hold your hand and kiss you and walk you to the train station before work and kiss you goodbye and then kiss you when you get back and never leave your side at all baby 🥺🥺 i love you so so much my cherry bear~ 🥺🩵🩷
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lizziesribbons · 2 months
Always and Forever |
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summary: you and Wanda share a vulnerable moment then cry and fall asleep 😔‼️
warnings: ****MINORS DNI***** *****MEN DNI***** fluff so much fluff 🥺 I'm going so aahwhwhwh, sexual themes no smut but still it's 18+ so get out if you're a minor. my sad little milf 😔, abandonment issues mentioned!!!, Wanda crying makes my heart hurt, oral fixation and titty sucking but not in a sexual way iykwim???
author's note: author is a gay in love please bare with her, just reminding you guys that my first language is not English so if there's any grammatical errors PLEASE IGNORE THEM AND MOVE TF ON.
Word count: 1.4k
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Wanda stirs awake as she sees you turning over and over again moving the whole bed "y/n sweetheart what's bothering you, you just can't seem to fall asleep" she asks with her raspy sleepy voice "it's 3am darling what's up?" she asks again, you finally sat up letting out a loud sign "i- I can't go to sleep I TRIED EVERYTHING LIKE EVERYTHING"
Wanda furrows her eyebrows in worry, "oh baby I'm sorry can mommy help?" she sat beside you resting her back on the headboard like you were now, "yes there's- I um- can I suckle on your tits it just it helped me fell asleep before and I just didn't want to wake you up-" Wanda shushes you as you continue to yap
her heart swells with affection as she hears your request, recognizing the emotional significance behind it. Without hesitation, she pulls her shirt up to expose her breasts and guides you towards them. "Of course, my love." Her voice is soft and soothing, filled with understanding and tenderness. "lean in whenever you need to find comfort or fall asleep easily. Remember that I am always here for you - both physically and emotionally. And if there are any other aspects of your desires or needs that come up, please don't hesitate to share them with me too okay baby?" she say softly as you immediately latch onto them mumbling a "I love them sm", as they brought you the comfort you were looking for. Wanda smiles warmly at your declaration of love for her breasts, feeling a surge of affection in return. As she feels the gentle suction against her skin, she runs her fingers through your hair softly, providing additional comfort and support. "thank you for sharing this part of yourself with me." Her voice low and husky, filled with emotion, you smile warmly against her breast, kissing them softly as you continue sucking. Wanda chuckles softly at your endearment, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. She continues to stroke your hair gently as they remain locked in this tender embrace. her tone is loving and nurturing, reflecting the maternal instinct that seems to naturally arise when fulfilling your need. "I am here for you - always ready to provide comfort and support whenever you need it." she says gently caressing your hairs.
you suddenly pull her tit out of your mouth "tell me about your special interest, can be sexual or non sexual?" you ask with a straight face letting her know you were being serious.Wanda, taken slightly by surprise but quickly regaining her composure, looks down at you with a mix of curiosity and understanding. Recognizing the importance of transparency in y'all's relationship, she begins to speak openly about her own desires and interests."Well, aside from what we've been experiencing together lately, I do have a few other things that might interest you. Like my affinity for sensory play - using various textures, temperatures, and scents to stimulate different senses during intimate moments. She pauses momentarily before continuing more softly, "As far as non-sexual interests go... well, I'm quite fond of cooking elaborate meals for those close to me." you smile softly at her "I know you love to cook it's your favorite thing I also know that you love gardening" wanda's smile widen at your knowledge, as you continue you softly massage her breast all of it coming naturally "tell me something no one knows" you ask with curiosity
Wanda closes her eyes briefly, relishing the soft touch of your hands on her body. When she opens them again, there's a hint of vulnerability in her gaze as she decides to share something deeply personal with her partner, with you. "There is indeed another side of me that most people don't know about - one that even I struggle to understand sometimes. It involves an intense longing for connection and belonging, coupled with a fear of abandonment rooted in my tumultuous past." She takes a deep breath before continuing, "This has led me to become fiercely protective over those closest to me, especially my loved ones back home who mean everything to me. Sometimes this manifests itself in unhealthy ways, such as trying too hard to control situations or pushing others away out of self-preservation." you rub her shaky hands as she confess something this vulnerable "I would never ever leave you wands I hope you know that, I'm always gonna stick by your side" you whisper softly, Wanda's eyes glisten with unshed tears as she hears your reassurance. She swallows hard, trying to maintain her composure while acknowledging the depth of their connection. "Thank you, sweetheart." you smile at her, her voice trembles slightly, betraying the raw emotions bubbling beneath the surface "Your words mean more to me than you could possibly imagine" she tries to fight back the tears "you can cry wands you know it's only me here, you don't have to act all tough with me just fall back and I'll carry you" you say with honesty, so she did, she slowly nods as she allows herself to surrender to the overwhelming emotions coursing through her. With a shaky sigh, tears begin streaming down her cheeks.
"It feels so good to finally let go..." She whispers hoarsely, wiping away the tears with trembling fingers "Thank you for being here for me, y/n. Your presence is truly healing" you kiss her breast one more time and hug her body tightly "oh Wanda.. of course I'm here I'm always gonna be here." Wanda wraps her arms around you, holding onto you tightly as she continues to sob quietly. The warmth and comfort of your embrace bring a sense of peace that gradually calms her turbulent emotions, "Thank you, my love..." She murmurs against your hairs, feeling grateful for the unwavering sense of comfort they provide. "always and forever remember?" you mumble softly as she smiles weakly through her tears, knowing full well that you means every word you say. Your commitment to each other runs deep, providing a solid foundation upon which their relationship thrives. "yes, always and forever..." she echoes softly, leaning into the embrace even more as she begins to regain her composure "Thank you for being my rock when I need it most" she holds you tighter, "you're my favorite person ever wands and I love you so much" you softly confess, her heart swells with love and affection as she hears your heartfelt declaration. She gently cups your face, gazing into your eyes with tenderness and devotion. "And you are mine, my darling." a soft smile graces her lips before she leans in to press a loving kiss against your forehead. "I am so incredibly lucky to have found someone like you - someone who understands me better than anyone else ever could." you kiss wanda's lips softly and slowly before hiding your face in the crook of her where you feel the most safe "thankyou for everything" you mumble against her neck, As she feels your warm breath against her neck, she can't help but feel a profound sense of contentment wash over her. "You don't need to thank me, my love..." She whispers reassuringly, stroking your hair as you seek comfort in her embrace. "We are here for each other - always and forever. That's what matters most." you smile softly against her neck starting to feel sleepy you mumble a soft "goodnight", Wanda cradles your head gently, relishing the sweet sound of your voice as you bid her goodnight. With a warm smile on her face, she responds "Goodnight, my love..." She whispers back, closing her eyes and letting herself drift off to sleep alongside you, secure in the knowledge that you both are together and safe.
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silens-oro · 1 year
My Lady
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Osferth x f!Dane!reader
Synopsis: Feeling are requited and Osferth takes the leap of faith.
Word Count: 5,994
Content Warning: 18+, battle, blood, gore, wounds, mention of slavery, mention of being a bed slave, mentions of religion. this is so soft 🥺
AN: idk man it’s always loving Osferth hours in this house. This was posted on my phone so the layout might be a little wonky.
No mention of “y/n”
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“Lord,” Osferth choked out as Uhtred entered the tent. You pushed the cloth against the wound in his abdomen to stem the flow of blood. He gasped in pain, clenching at the furs under him. “Did you see me fight?”
“I did,” Uhtred responded, surveying the injury. “You fought bravely.” Osferth gave a weak nod of his head.
“Am I going to die, Lord?” Osferth asked after a brief moment of silence. His eyes were directed to the top of the tent, wincing with each press from your working hands. “I do not fear it.”
“No. I forbid it,” Uhtred placed a gentle hand on Osferth’s chest. Uhtred looked down to you and you nodded with a sigh. One of your hands moved up to grasp Osferth's. He squeezed back, though it was weak.
“If we can get him into a wagon and deliver him to Lady Aethelflaed’s estate -and should a fever not set- he will live to see the next battle.” You assured Uhtred, though you were not entirely confident. You kept the negative thoughts to yourself.
“You hear that? You shall spark fear into the hearts of Danes once more, Baby Monk.” Finan joked from behind you, bringing a pained smile to the monk’s face as you swung an arm back to hit Finan in the stomach. The man grunted and moved backwards to save himself from a second blow.
“He will need plenty of furs to stay warm. We need to move quickly,” You called to Sihtric who nodded from his place at the entrance of the healing tent and left to ready the wagon without question.
The tent cleared as everyone saw Osferth was in good hands. This left you, Finan, and Osferth as the sole occupants.
“Help me sit him up,” You directed Finan. “I need to wrap him securely before we leave. Finan nodded and did as was instructed. Osferth tried to keep his groans of agony to himself, but the pain was so severe that shouts left his lips before he could stop them.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” You tried to soothe him with a palm cupping his sharp jawline. Osferth leaned his cheek into it naturally, looking for any comfort he could get. Your hands worked quickly to wrap the cloth around the makeshift bandage just under his ribs. Once you were happy with your work, you brought his shirt back down and returned the furs to keep him warm.
“Gently,” You instructed Finan as he guided Osferth back onto his cot by his shoulders. The monk’s hand sought yours out as he settled. “Rest,” You gently pushed the sweaty hair from his forehead. “I will stay with you until we are ready to leave.” Osferth nodded with a soft tilt of his lips, closed his eyes, and succumbed to the darkness for rest. Finan waited a few moments, making sure the Baby Monk’s chest was rising and falling with slowed, sleeping breaths before he spoke.
“Do my eyes deceive me?” Finan’s grin was wider than you had ever seen it. Shooting the Irishman with a pointed glare, you made sure your threat was loud and clear.
“Say another word and you will not have eyes to deceive you.” You promised, grunting as you stood from your kneeling position on the ground. You didn’t bother trying to clean the mud from the knees of her breeches. They were soaked in blood and other more vile liquids that spilled on a battlefield. Mud was the least of your worries.
“I am merely an observer.” He held his hands up in mock surrender. “He’s fond of you.” You rolled your eyes, wiping your hands with a discarded rag. “And you are fond of him if I’m to believe what I’m seeing?”
“The man could very well be on his deathbed, Finan. The last thing he needs right now is your meddling.” Finan took a few steps closer with a thick brow raised.
“If I was lyin’ as he is now, would you hold my hand too?” He baited.
“I’d hold a pillow over your face and be free of your endless torment.” You replied with a smirk. Of course he was right. You knew this and absolutely hated it.
“Ah! My point is proven!” Finan’s grin softened the longer he looked between the sleeping monk and yourself. “This isn’t a bad thing.” He whispered with a gentle shrug of his shoulders. “You’ll chew up the poor lad and spit him out, but there are worse ways to die…you could make this work.” Your stomach turned in anxiety. There seemed to be some truth in Finan’s words, otherwise he wouldn’t be fighting so hard for you to take the proverbial leap into the unknown. Still, the walls around your heart were fortified. You hadn’t laid with a man willingly since before your enslavement, and the idea of giving yourself physically and emotionally to anybody filled you with a certain kind of dread that was all encompassing.
You did not speak to anyone other than Uhtred and Gisela about your year as a bed slave and you were sure the rest of the group knew something, but they were not privy to the details. You wanted to keep it that way.
If Osferth knew how deep the rot festered, how ruined you had truly been, he would want nothing to do with you -you were sure of it. Your stomach clenched painfully once more and it was decided that if you did not take the chance, he would never look at you differently. Things would stay just as they were.
“Finan,” You shot him a warning look. “I’m sure you can find some other poor souls to play matchmaker on. Outside. And make sure the wagon is ready while you’re at it.”
“Alright, alright. I can take a hint.” He dodged a bowl that was aimed at his head as he ran from the tent with a laugh. Now that you had the tent to yourself and the sleeping monk, you sighed heavily and looked down at him resting peacefully. A few tears fell freely.
You will not be tainted by me, you thought.
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The gray sky was moving above Osferth when he opened his eyes. His body rocked back and forth within the back of the wagon he had been safely placed in for transport to Saltwic.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, Baby Monk.” Finan said with a laugh. Osferth smiled back at the Irishman before his eyes naturally found yours. Riding your horses to Finan’s left, Osferth’s right, it took everything to not give into the temptation to kick the Irishman off of his steed and into the bushes on his other side. Osferth’s smile softened into something that could be described as adoration the longer his gaze stayed on you. A pang twisted in your heart, but you returned the smile all the same.
Finan caught your eyes and he shot you a look that clearly said ‘You see? I am not wrong.’ Osferth’s eyes were questioning as Finan nudged his horse to move up to Uhtred at the front of the group to give you privacy.
“Pay the idiot no mind,” You reassured Osferth with a gentle smile. “Relax. We should arrive at Lady Aethelfled’s estate by nightfall. They’ll be able to fix you up better than I can.”
“Your efforts do not go unappreciated, my lady,” Osferth stared up at you, openly and without a care, as he spoke raspily. He noted that you looked exhausted. Your hair was loose from the twists and braids it was in previously to keep it tamed in battle. Your right eye was shadowed with the deep bruising of a black eye, a deep, painful looking cut marred the left side of your upper lip and small scratches and bruises littered your face, but you had never looked more beautiful to Osferth as you did in that moment.
He thought of how you fought your way to him and pulled him to safety when he was sure to die on that battlefield. The sheer strength of you in the heat of battle was truly a sight to behold. He knew then, as he lay in the back of that wagon, that he loved you.
It had to be love.
Even in the clutches of death, it felt like he was floating every time he looked upon you. A pagan woman who was so different from him, in life and in constitution, who was deemed his enemy in principle alone had enraptured him. You were not the heathen monster he had been taught about as he grew up within the monastery. You were a survivor in a cruel world that had only shown you pain and misery. Osferth knew that in your world -a world he was trying desperately to acclimate himself to- you persevered or you perished. You adapted to everything that had been thrown your way, and came out victorious at every turn.
You were everything Osferth wished he could be, what his own convictions would never allow him to truly be. He admired you, deeply and wholly. You were not a soft lady, wilting at the thought of impropriety -though that is what he was taught what a lady should be. Modest, God-fearing, dutiful, quiet were not descriptors that corresponded with you. Dutiful, maybe, but not in the sense of what standard Saxon women were held to.
Your hands were rough and calloused, Osferth noted when you held his hand in the tent, from a lifetime with a sword in your hands. If it was the last you were to touch him, he would have the feeling engraved in his memory. He could vividly remember how those very hands felt as his cheek was nestled in your palm to comfort him and it nearly took his breath away then. The feeling of your skin upon his felt as natural as breathing air into his lungs.
Osferth could feel the heat rising within his cheeks at the thought. He closed his eyes once more and let the rocking of the wagon lull him to sleep lest he make a complete fool out of himself.
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“You care for him,” It was more of a statement than a question. The group had made its way into the safety of the estate in the cover of night. The healers immediately took Osferth to be worked on the moment the wagon wheels came to a halt. Now, as the first pink rays of the morning sun were just starting to peek over the horizon, he was asleep in a healing room with you watching over him dutifully.
Your legs stretched out before you as you teetered in your chair. Clean breeches rubbed against your skin. A much needed bath and a change of clothing could make a world of a difference. You threw a side-eye at Uhtred as he approached your side to look upon the sleeping monk.
“You’ve been conspiring with Finan?” A grin grew on Uhtred’s lips at your accusation.
“No,” He said simply with a chuckle. “Your affections are not subtle, my friend.”
“No…they are not.” You stated plainly, looking over at Osferth’s resting form. You knew he would be okay, but the stress within you still lingered unpleasantly.
His eyes were closed, face relaxed as he slept soundly. Lady Aethelfled’s healers had cleaned and stitched up Osferth’s wound, and gave him a tea that would allow him to sleep so he could rebuild his strength. His steady, deep breaths were a comfort.
Uhtred’s hand rested on your shoulder. He squeezed gently in reassurance.
“There is nothing to be ashamed of.” He said softly as to not disturb Osferth. “I never thought I’d see the day you’d open up, and with a monk no less, but you have my support. Always.” He grinned at you, but his lips quickly downturned when you looked anything but happy. Uhtred came around to kneel in front of you.
“I thank you for your blessing, Uhtred, but it does not matter.” You replied with a heavy sigh. “I cannot allow myself to sully him.” Your voice was soft, the emotion behind the words was nothing Uhtred had heard from you in many years of service you had given to him. “We could not be any more different.” You looked down at her hands clasped in her lap, thumb tracing the deep blue hues of the rune tattooed within your left palm. “I’m afraid my time in East Anglia has left me more damaged than I would like to admit. No man, even as good and kind as Osferth is, will want me once they learn of what has happened.” You shook your head and Uhtred felt his heart shatter within his chest. He took your hands in his and held tight. “His God would not allow him to see me as I see him, I’m sure of it.”
“Then you are blind.” Your brows furrowed as you picked up your head to look Uhtred in the eyes.
“I do not understand.” You shook your head, looking back to Osferth. Uhtred guided your head back in his direction with a gentle tilt from his finger under your chin.
“No man worth their weight would ever turn you away. What happened…was not your fault. My decisions led you to that fate, and there will never be a day that passes that I do not hate myself for it.” You opened your mouth to argue, but he held up his hand. “You lived, you survived, and you came back from it. You cannot be faulted for surviving.” Uhtred squeezed your trembling hands. “I cannot tell you what he feels, but I see how he looks to you.”
“In fear,” you said, looking away from Uhtred. The shadow of self-doubt loomed heavily over you, shrouding you in darkness. That was how men looked at you, with nefarious eyes or with total fear. Osferth did not have a lecherous bone in his body, and the day he ever showed you blatant disrespect would be the very day he turned a sword onto himself.
“Perhaps,” Uhtred chuckled softly, though it wasn’t to taunt you. “or perhaps it is admiration. I had looked upon Gisela as he looks upon you now. I know it very well.” Your eyes met Uhtred’s. To bring up the late Gisela was painful for him, you knew that. Squeezing Uhtred’s hands in return, you let them go as he stood.
Uhtred could tell how uncomfortable you were with this whole conversation. Even before your enslavement, Uhtred knew you had taken the occasional lover. You never married, and had never taken a man steadily.
This was something else entirely.
“It is a fleeting thought that I will dwell upon no longer.” You picked up the bowl of water that was tinted pink from the bedside table and held it to your abdomen. Looking back at Uhtred as you reached the door, Uhtred looked back at you with a deep sadness in his eyes at the torment he could see flooding through you like an internal tidal wave.
She was self-destructing before the poor monk ever had the opportunity to fight for his own heart, he thought.
“I just wish him to recover.” You whispered, looking to Osferth once more before taking your leave.
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“Osferth!” You shouted as the monk fell to the ground after he had thrown another off of a horse. You continued to cut down the surrounding Danes to make your way to the monk. “Get up!” You slayed any man that stepped before you with a ferocity that was unmatched. “Get up now, Osferth! You will stand or I will kill you myself! AH!” You kicked a Dane in the balls and shoved your sword through his neck as he hunched over.
“Osferth?” You called again, panting profusely, but the monk did not move from where he fell. The salt of your sweat burned your eyes with each drop that fell from your brows.
“Sihtric!” The man in question whipped his head around to find you. “Clear a path!” There weren’t many Danes left who hadn’t fled with their tails tucked between their legs, but there were still a good number that wished for the glory of Valhalla. Sihtric nodded, clearing any upright Danes as you unburied Osferth from the men who fell above him.
“He lives,” You breathed in relief as your eyes met his. “Get up,” You demanded.
“I cannot,” Osferth’s breaths were heavy and quick as he brought shaking hands to his bleeding abdomen. “My Lady.” The sight took the breath from your lungs, but it didn’t take long to jump into action.
“You must,” You grunted. Osferth shouted in pain as you pulled the larger man to his feet. He leaned heavily on you as you tried to keep him from toppling over. Osferth’s pale facade turned an ashen color from the blood loss and it made you move even quicker. Sihtric cut down anyone who saw you and the injured monk as open targets with little effort.
“I will get you to the healing tent, but you must first have the courage to live!” You grunted as you all but hefted the towering monk over your shoulder. His feet dragged through the mud and muck of the field as you put the last of your energy into getting him to safety.
Sihtric took Osferth’s other shoulder to assist in carrying the half dead man to the tent.
“Empty a cot! Now!” Your voice boomed, striking the woman inside into action.
“Here!” She instructed, allowing Sihtric and you to gently place Osferth onto the furs.
“I need cloth, bandages -anything to stem the bleeding. Quickly,” You instructed Sihtric. The woman who acted as a healer was already overwhelmed, bouncing between the various tents, and you could not afford any wasted time if Osferth was to live.
Shoving his modesty to the side, you started cutting anything off of him that obstructed your view of the wound. Fresh blood quickly coated your shaking hands as it flowed without intention of stopping.
“Find Uhtred. Quickly!” You instructed Sihtric as he dropped an arm full of supplies onto the cot between Osferth’s writhing legs. Sihtric flew out of the tent once more, screams of pain and anguish followed behind him, nipping at his heels.
Osferth fought against you as you pressed a bandage to the gaping wound that resided just under his ribs.
“I know this hurts, but I must stem the flow!” You gritted your teeth as you pressed your weight down on him to stop his thrashing.
Your eyes opened. Inhaling a deep breath through your nose, you groaned at the stiffness in your back from your second night sleeping on the chair next to Osferth’s bed. Fingers deftly rubbed the back of your neck to soothe the pain that lingered. The sky was dark, you noted. Night had fallen. Two candles were lit in the room, basking it in a soft, comfortable glow.
“My lady,” Osferth’s gentle voice startled you. Your head whipped to look at him. “Though I could never repay you for your kindness, you need not waste your time and energy on me. Please.”
“Stop.” You raised a hand to silence Osferth. “Need I remind you that I am no lady. My name will do just fine.” You groaned as you stood, the joints of your spine popping as you extended your arms up in a deep stretch.
“But you are, my Lady,” Osferth groaned as he shifted in the bed uncomfortably. You took a few steps over to help, but he held his hand out to stop you. “You have done enough for me. Please, get some rest. You needn’t worry about me any longer.”
“So it seems.” A moment of silence passed between the both of you before you cleared your throat. “You must be hungry. I will see if I can scrounge anything from the kitchens.” You fled before he had a chance to respond.
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Uhtred had left to go on a solo mission. He was adamant that whatever he had to do, he had to do it alone. Though it pained you to not be at his side, as you had sworn you would, you stayed put within the confines of Saltwic.
Osferth had been using the idle time to regain his strength, but the rest of you were going stir-crazy. You did your best to keep your distance from Osferth, more for your own sanity than anything else. You noticed his longing glances, and if you noticed them, then so did Finan and Sihtric. After a nearly successful pillow smothering attempt on Finan’s life, the pair kept their mouths shut regarding any good-natured teasing they threw your way.
It was late into the night during the seventh day of Uhtred’s absence that you sat in the hall before the fireplace. Everyone had gone to bed, leaving you to listen to the rain pitter across the high ceiling as it came down in torrents outside. A cup of ale was clutched in your hands, you felt the warmth of it settle in your belly as you sat on the floor with your back rested against the bench of the table behind you. A quilt was wrapped around your shoulders snugly, bringing a comfort that you longed for. This was the only time you truly got the peace you craved to do absolutely nothing. You didn’t think, you didn’t feel -you just existed and it was a reset you so desperately craved.
“May I?” Osferth’s soft voice broke your silence. Looking up, his face gave away nothing. You nodded, expecting him to sit upon the bench, but he gently lowered himself to the floor beside you with a grunt. When he got situated, you offered your cup to him. He thought for a moment before taking it, the tips of his fingers just brushing against yours as he took it from you. Osferth gulped a mouthful before handing it back to you, nodding in thanks. You set the cup between you before looking back into the fire, pulling the quilt tighter around your shoulders -painfully aware of just how close he sat beside you.
No man, Dane or Saxon, made you feel the way he did with a single glance. When you initially met the shy monk, you did not give him a second glance. He was -is- a holy man, and your past experiences with holy men hadn’t been great up until that point. Beocca excluded.
When Osferth insisted on joining your little rag-tag group, you had scoffed. He would be someone you’d have to constantly babysit as he had no experience with a sword. Why would he? He had God to protect him, you remember thinking ruefully. He took all of the teasing words you all threw at him and let them roll off his back with a grin, and against your will he had grown on you. All of you.
Osferth, with his kindness and willingness to learn and adapt, had become an integral piece of Uhtred’s group of warriors. He had found his place in a world that had shunned him since his birth. As time went on, he had gravitated towards you and all you taught him of wielding a weapon and survival. The once lanky young man had begun to fill out as his own strength grew.
It was noticeable enough for you to give him a second glance when he decided to shyly she’d his robes for the night while you, Osferth, and Finan were camping mid-journey the summer previous. The plains of his abdomen were grooved with muscle definition that was only exacerbated by the shadows the flames of the fire between you casted upon him. A cough from Finan broke your gaze and you didn’t think you blinked for the rest of the night as your brain tried to comprehend just what you were feeling.
You may as well have strapped yourself to a catapult and pulled the lever yourself, for it would’ve felt just as insane as you currently felt.
A monk, you thought to yourself. He wasn’t much of a monk anymore at that point, and he was even less one now.
You brought the edge of the quilt up to over your cheeks, hoping he didn’t catch on to you going through a silent crisis in his presence.
“If I’ve made you uncomfortable, my lady, I will take my leave and return your peace.” Osferth made to get up, but your quick hand stopped him before he made the effort to stand.
With just a single glance, it felt like you were bare before him.
“You do not make me uncomfortable, Osferth.” You decided to forego chastising him over calling you ‘my lady’ as it was a moot point. “Your presence is…comforting.” It was a half truth, not necessarily a lie. His presence was comforting, but your heart felt like it would beat straight through your chest.
“I am pleased to hear it.” He replied with a gentle grin as he looked down at you. He brought his right knee up so he could rest his forearms atop it comfortably.
You wondered what he was thinking in that moment. Did he come out of his room to see solace before the fire as you had? Did he hear you up and make the conscious decision to join you? His face gave away nothing as you looked at his profile as it glowed before the flames.
“May I ask you something, Osferth?” Your voice hasn’t reached above a faint whisper. The peace that settled between the both of you had calmed your heart of its reckless pounding, but you still craved just how intimate this felt.
“Anything, my lady.” His lips tilted at the corner facing you in an almost teasing fashion. You understood then that he continued to call you that because you got a rise out of it. He was teasing you.
“Do you fear me?” Your question hung in the air for a brief moment. Osferth, through his ever growing confidence, turned his head and locked his gentle eyes with yours. The glow of the fire before you illuminated both of your features, casting sharp shadows where the light of the flames did not touch.
“Would you think me weak if I said yes?” Osferth’s words were soft, as was his expression. You were the first to break contact, your eyes moving to the fire, then down to your hands, once more picking over the inked skin in your palm.
“No,” You breathed, looking back up to Osferth earnestly. “I have never thought you as weak, Osferth. Foolish in the beginning, perhaps, but never weak.” You licked your bottom lip in nervousness, your anxieties trying to take over. He chuckled breathily as he saw your foot shake anxiously. He let his leg fall flat next to your leg and tapped your shaking foot with his. You looked back to Osferth and he was already watching you.
It was strange for Osferth to see your stone facade crack. For the time he’d known you, up until very recently, you were unshakable. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what the glances you gave him meant. He knew why you were watching him in the battlefield that day, why you were there to pull him out. Why you had saved his life when he would have surely died otherwise. Osferth felt the bloom of affection swell in his chest. His longing wasn’t quite so…noticeable. Or so he thought. Finan and Uhtred’s hawk-like gazes caught every glance he threw in your direction, every proud look he graced you with. Osferth had eyes for you and only you, and you were too stuck in your own mind to see it.
You continued, “I do hope you understand that if there is ever a man to walk this realm without fear of me…it is you, Osferth.” You confessed. Osferth held his breath as he stared at you with his jaw dropped ever so slightly.
“Me?” He found the courage to speak. Emotions were swirling within him in a tsunami. The waves of possible rejection were receding, and hope surged forward in an unrelenting crash.
“Yes.” You took a moment to gather your thoughts as they fled your mind. “You are not like them, Osferth.” He knew the reference was to your companions and he couldn’t help but deflate just a little at your words. You still saw him as less than, he thought. The hope that had surged just moments prior had all but left as he thought on what you said.
Osferth was far from a true warrior, he’d admit, but he did his very best with each day to grow stronger, faster, and more cunning. Training alongside you, with your guidance, had pushed him to want to be the warrior that was worthy of just a glance from you, and he felt as if he had been stabbed through his heart to learn that it wasn’t enough.
“Though you try to be like them, I wish you wouldn’t.” Oh, he thought in confusion. You let a few more moments pass between you.
Osferth waited on baited breath for every word that left your lips. A sharp gasp left his lips as you brought a hand to his chest and pushed it against his heart gently. Oh, he realized. You could feel the beating of his heart increase instantly.
“There is something within you, Osferth. Something good -pure- that takes a hold of me in moments such as this.” Your voice cracked and Osferth saw tears line your kohl lined eyes as his hands came to cup over yours on his chest affectionately. “So close, yet just far enough that I cannot reach.”
“My Lady,” There wasn’t a teasing tilt of his lips as he said it.
“Do not, Osferth.” You begged, rolling your eyes up to stop the tears from falling. You tried to bring your hand back, but Osferth held true, not allowing you to retreat when you had given him a shred of a rope to grasp onto. His hands held yours to his chest with purpose, looking into your eyes as he spoke.
“It is there for you to take,” He offered humbly, eyes pleading with you to understand his words. He was yours, and would always be yours.
“You do not mean that.”
“I do,” He breathed your name “Before the eyes and ears of God, I speak only the truth. My heart is yours. It has been for some time.” You shook your head, turning away from Osferth and pulling your hand from him.
“A heart as pure as yours is deserving of more than I can give.” You reasoned.
“You do not know that.”
“I do.” You argued vehemently. “It is you who does not know whom you give your affects so freely to.” The quilt was wrapped around you once more as a form of protection.
“Do you hold affection for me?” Osferth boldly asked.
“You know I do. You wouldn’t be sitting here if you thought otherwise.”
“Then why do you not allow yourself to receive mine?”
“Because I have been tainted in ways you could never imagine.” Your voice rose. “While Uhtred was sold into slavery with a shipmaster, I was not so lucky.” Tears slipped from your eyes as you curled further into yourself.
“Is this why you flee from me? You are ashamed of something tragic that befell you? That was of no fault of your own?” Osferth’s gentle touch met your chin to tilt your head in his direction. A deep sadness flooded his eyes as your lip trembled. “Have you spoken to anyone about what happened to you?”
“Uhtred knows…but Lady Gisela was the only one to truly know what I went through.” Osferth’s heart cracked at the mention of Gisela. A truly kind woman who only treated those around her with respect unless given reason otherwise. She was sorely missed.
Osferth pulled you to him, slotting your cocooned body between his legs and held your back to his chest. You were careful of disturbing his still healing wound as Osferth’s arms wrapped around your shoulders and held you tightly to him.
Osferth nestled his chin on your shoulder boldly. His lips were so close to your ear that you felt the vibrations as he spoke.
“I will take all that you will afford me and I will want for nothing more, my Lady. You will never bear this burden alone, so long as I live. I promise you this.”
“You would damn your soul?”
“I would ask for forgiveness, should he require it of me. God is forgiving. He is just. He is understanding…” Osferth looked into your eyes. “He would not turn me from you when it is He who led me on a path to you.”
One of your hands snaked out of the quilt and nudged itself between Osferth’s just over your chest. His fingers immediately intertwined with yours and he bravely kissed the side of your head, just above your ear. It was short and quick, but you felt like you were ascending.
“You would tempt it? With your God?” You questioned, turning your head ever so slightly to look at him.
“I would.” He replied without hesitation. His eyes lowered to your lips and he leaned down to rest his forehead against the side of yours.
“I would not ask this if you.” You whispered, your lips a hair’s width from his.
“Then do not ask.” Osferth closed the space and let his lips meet yours. The kiss was slow, deliberate, and intimate. Your hand untangled from his and found purchase on the column of his neck. His skin was soft and warm against your fingertips. His hands mirrored yours, pulling you impossibly closer to him as he could while his lips continued to take all they could from you.
Osferth could not believe the soft mewls you breathed against his open mouth, nor could he believe that this was truly happening. He was ready for the rug to be pulled out from beneath his, for his eyes to open from the dream he had so many times before where he confessed to you and caressed you into the late hours of the night.
You were the first to break free. Resting your forehead against his, both of you panted as you braved yourselves. Neither of you loosened your hold on one another as you caught your breath. Osferth pulled back just far enough to press a kiss between your brows. He let his lips linger for a moment before guiding your head down to rest on his chest.
Opening the quilt, you wrapped it around his torso with you sandwiched between. Not a single word was shared the remainder of the night as you both lulled to sleep. Osferth’s hands found themselves either nestled between your own or skimming up and down your back in comforting motions. By the time he closed his eyes, you were already asleep and the fire was dying down.
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“Found ‘em.” Finan alerted Sihtric in a whisper as he rounded the table in the hall. He stared down at you and Osferth cradled in each others arms. Both early risers, you’d somehow slept through most of the morning and hadn’t moved as much as an inch in the night. Sihtric raised a dark brow at the scene before him when he stood next to Finan.
“Should we wake them?” Sihtric asked, looking to Finan.
“Nah, let’s just leave ‘em be.” He smiled conspiratorially at Sihtrid, who slowly mirrored his look. “There’ll be plenty of time for teasin’ when they decide to wake their lazy arses up.”
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stargirlfics · 1 year
ok ok ok am baby and there's a huge storm coming my way. this ask is self indulgent, i apologize /.\ any soft thoughts on how Joel would comfort you during a storm? Before an established relationship, he's his usual gruff self, but wherever you guys are hiding out/staying, it's dark and there's thunder, lightning, and heavy rain outside.
at first he just barely glances over his shoulder and tells you it's nothing and to go to sleep, but he hears your footsteps in the room and he sits up to look at you. He sees you pacing, eyes wide open, arms holding yourself as you tremble. Your bedroll isn't even unpacked, all your things are still in your bag like you're ready to bolt at a moment's notice.
you can't sleep and Joel at first thinks it's just the noise that's bothering you, but from the way you can't keep your eyes away from the windows and the way you pace only in the center of the room, he realizes this is a deeply rooted fear.
I loveee being baby and I love self indulgence so no worries at all, this is perfect! 🥺
Joel does grumpy reassurance so well, he really would tell you that it’s just a bad storm, you’re safe inside, he made sure to check and to go to bed and you trust him but like you said this is a deeply rooted fear and I think once Joel realizes that he’s quick to get up, to try and soothe you because you do look so panicked and all he can think about it making that stop
Even if he’s exhausted, even if it’s been a long day for you both and he can’t ever get much rest anyways, he couldn’t care less about all that, in that moment he’s just worried about you and I just keep thinking about how open and careful his body language would be, approaching you slowly because he doesn’t want to startle you any further than you already are, holding his hands out to you because he knows it helps to have something/someone to anchor yourself with when this kind of fear comes on
Goddd think about his voice would sound, trying to pull your focus to him, to the sound of his voice that’s firm as always is but a little less gruff now, softer, comforting
“Hey, hey nothing bad’s gonna happen, I’ve gotcha. Just focus on me.”
“I’m right here…not gonna let anything happen, it’ll pass over us soon. You’re okay…”
Like !!! please…Joel letting you hold onto his hand, leading you away from the windows, and physically creating a shield with his body for you against them, almost like it’s an instinct for him which ofc it is!! And this all being even before anything has really been said or done between you both makes it very intimate too, that he’s trying to calm you down and comfort you when there’s a million and one thoughts going through your mind and one of them is worry that he’s upset with you for being scared and he just isn’t
In my feelings now ahh! As hardened as Joel is and can be, the protector in him also goes hand in hand with that and there’s a level of protection that also is about comfort and vulnerability and it’s like he can’t help but take that on!
And to get even more self indulgent: finding yourself wrapped in his arms, whether in a hug or laying back down to sleep! I cry!
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fairytoge · 2 years
Can you please do dating headcanons with Nanami Gojo and Geto? 🥰
Idk if you have a limit 👀
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dating headcanons ; n.kento, g.satoru, g.suguru
yes of course i can! i absolutely adore this idea and tysm for requesting :)
other parts ; i.yuuji, f.megumiㅤi.toge, o.yuutaㅤk.choso, z.naoya
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being in a relationship with nanami would be the real life version of every sappy romance novel you have (or haven't) read
in short terms, he is an angel and everyone is jealous that they're not him or that they're not dating him
but despite that, you two are what people aspire to be like
when nanami first asks you out, i feel like he'll mention pretty soon after about how the two of you should always be open and honest with each other
this man has been heartbroken ����
but yeah, he also seems like he'd schedule dates for every friday evening — making sure to always mark it in his calendar and get off work extra early so that he can get ready
date nights around nanami's!!!!
he'll cook the most gourmet and delicious dish for you that you've ever had and you just fall in love with him more and more and that's ignoring how his sleeves are rolled up his forearms
nanami is also a favourite for your family!! each time you go and visit your parents or siblings, they always ask about how he is, or when he'll next visit them
it's annoying but you just bear it with a smile and remember that nanami will be waiting for you at home by the time you get back :((((
i feel like he is also willing to do practically anything for you
like, he'll make you a cup of tea or coffee in the morning alongside his, knowing just how you like it after your first date where you off-handedly shared your preferences
nanami will take your self-care sososososo seriously as well
on nights when you just flop onto your bed and grumpily state that you can't be bothered to do your skincare routine, nanami will take it upon himself to apply all the products to your face for you
he'll make sure that you don't overwork or stress yourself, and when you state that he needs to take care of himself as well, you two make a pinky promise to look after each other and yourselves.
overall, nanami would make the perfect lover and i am not accepting any other opinions :(
if you are in a serious relationship with gojo, then you two are basically set to be together (or at the very least have a friendship) for the rest of your lives
like it sounds dramatic but...
if your relationship is healthy, which gojo's is with you, then that would mean that he would've had to not only learn to let his walls down around you and trust you but that you would also know a lot about his past
he would probably take a few months to properly trust you but that's okay
it would also take a bit of time and effort for both you and gojo to build a high level of openness with each other, but once you have, the two of you are closer than ever
now!! how he would behave as your boyfriend 🥺
gojo seems like the type of lover who will tease you for anything and everything but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care!!
if anything, he loves you so much that it makes him uncomfy almost?? like, he feels like he's constantly being embraced around you and he isn't used to being that vulnerable :(
protect him pls ....
anyway, he'll make fun of your hair each morning just after you've woken up, even though just moments earlier he had been admiring your perfect features as you slept
gojo also seems like the type of boyfriend to do things silently
he'll go out just for you and buy you the snack that you mentioned earlier, or a piece of clothing you had wanted to purchase for a while but never had
you'll just find them randomly in your shared kitchen and, when you confront him about buying it, he'll pretend he doesn't know what you're talking about
gojo also seems like the sweet boyfriend who will also never fail to embarrass you in public 😭
like, you'll be randomly walking down the street and suddenly a wasp lands on his arm or something and he'll just start screaming
you do love him, but at moments like those, you wish you didn't not really though
geto would be an interesting lover
i feel like his appearance, and how he presents himself when meeting new people, is very misleading to how he actually behaves
so when your relationship with him becomes more serious, geto takes it upon himself to properly open up to you and gradually shows you his real personality
this only snowballs into you two falling for each other even more and promotes him to share all of his interests and aspirations with you; all whilst you gaze up at him talking with stars in your eyes
you admire how he takes everything in his stride, and how he is probably the most accepting person you have ever met
anyway, i am a firm believer in the idea that geto loves to just hold you, or touch you
when you are both out in public together and not already holding hands or anything, he'll loop his arm around your waist and pull you towards him slightly .... just not enough to be too pda
geto would also notice when you feel uncomfortable or something!!
for example, you could be approached by one of the co-workers that was known within your office to be a little... weird... and geto will quickly (but politely) excuse you both
protector geto ???? 🥺
but yeah, i think that he would also randomly pull you into hugs wherever...
you might just be making dinner for the two of you, walking around the house, or grocery shopping, and then geto suddenly bear hugs you from behind
the first couple of times shocked and subsequently made him stop doing it for a while, until you reassured him that you were fine with it
geto seems like he'd also keep a secret stash of your snacks in a place you don't know so that, whenever you're craving them and don't want to go out, he "happens" to have them on him
in conclusion of boyfriend!geto, he's the kind of lover who is always quite laid back and relaxed, though that doesn't mean that he doesn't pay attention to you and your needs
he's a big softie
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© fairytogeㅤ ꔫㅤ please do not copy, repost, translate, etc without my permission
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forever-rogue · 2 years
Hi! I have a Frankie x Reader request for you don’t mind? Could you do one where reader is in a car accident? I was just in one today and I need some fluff in my life after that. Thank you 🥺
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AN | Best Husband Frankie is back at it again. I hope you’re feeling better bb! 🥺🥰
Pairing | Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Mentions of injury
Word Count | 1.5k
Masterlist | Frankie, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When Frankie woke up, he reached over to your side of the bed, wanting to pull you into his arms. Much to his dismay, he didn’t find you…he didn’t even find any lingering heat on the sheets or your pillow. Grumbling to himself, he pushed the covers back, ready to seek you and steer you back into your bed of warm, soft blankets. Knowing how you were, there was no doubt in his mind that you were probably making breakfast or cleaning up the kitchen. Or both. 
He didn’t even bother to grab a shirt, stretching and yawning as he walked out of the bedroom and headed downstairs in only his boxers. He stopped at the bottom of the staircase, just before that last creaky, groaning step and listened for you. Sure enough there was the sound of you humming lightly along to whatever you had playing on your phone. 
“Bee?” he hopped onto the floor and padded his way down the hall, stopping in the doorway of the kitchen. He found you leaning against the counter, a frown on your face as you studied the cast on your leg, “baby, what are you doing?”
“Hiya,” you offered him a sheepish smile as our face warmed up, “just…ugh, attempting to make breakfast. It’s proving to be a little harder than I thought.”
“You should be in bed,” he huffed, coming over to help you back upstairs, “let me come make breakfast. Let me take care of you.”
“I don’t…” you paused and waved your hands in exasperation. You had been struggling to keep it together and the gentle way he looked at was enough to push you over the edge. Tears that had been prickling at the back of your eyes pearled up and ran down your cheeks, “I hate this. I can’t do anything for myself and I feel like I have to depend on you for everything, and I hate doing that. It’s not you, I just…I like to be independent. I can’t even drive and it takes an eternity just to get up and down the stairs, bathing sucks, I can…I hate this.”
“My little bee,” he gently wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest as he soothingly rubbed your back while you got your tears and cried into his chest, “I can’t imagine what you must be going through right now. I wish I could take it all away from you and deal with it myself. But you have to remember that you were in a car accident, your body needs to heal. You have to let it do what it needs. Rest and taking it easy is the best way to do that.”
“Well I hate it,” you huffed lightly, “it’s so stupid, why my did my dumb leg have to break? Such a weak ass.”
“Baby,” he couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at your little rant, “I know it’s no fun, but think about it this way. I am at your mercy, your beck and call, until that cast comes off. Whatever you want, whatever you need, I’ll take care of you. However and whenever you want.”
The sentiment put a small smile on your face, despite the fact that you were reluctant to give up any sort of freedom. But you knew, as you had just told him, that the next few weeks were going to be challenging no matter what. Until your body had time to recuperate and your leg was taken out of the cast you were sort of…stuck. As much as you hated it, there really wasn’t much of a choice.
“What did I do to deserve a husband like you?” you touched his face, lightly scratching along his patchy stubble, “I love you, Francisco. I know I’m going to be an absolute bear over the next few weeks, so I’ll thank you in advance for being the most wonderful person in this world. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I know you’d do the same for me,” he kissed the top of your head, “it’s not a chore or burden to take care of you, baby. I want to help you and I want you to get better as soon as possible.”
“I guess I don’t really have much of a choice, do I?”
“Not at all,” he agreed, chuckling lightly as you pouted at him, “I promise it won’t be so bad. And you can work from home at least.”
“I’ll be like a prisoner,” a dramatic sigh escaped your lips, “you’ll be out working and I’ll be home alone all day. I’ll go mad, absolutely mad!”
“I’ll take some time off work,” he insisted softly, knowing that you would never ask him to do such a thing. You would have done the same thing for him without a moment of hesitation, so you shouldn’t be surprised that he would do it for you, “I can cut back my hours to make sure I’m home for you…and on my days off, I promise I’ll take you to the beach, or river, or whatever you want. The cast will be off before you know it.”
“Francisco,” you watched his big brown eyes soften with affection at the sound of his name, “thank you. I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” he whispered, “and look at it this way - a broken leg with a cast and a sore body is much better than the alternative. This is fixable - mendable - and you’re okay. I don’t know what I would have…if something had happened to you, bee.”
“I know,” you put a finger to his lips and gently shushed him, “I’m okay…we’re okay. This will get better…it’ll just take patience. But you’re right. The bright side is that I will be okay and that I’ll get to see my handsome husband even more. Who can complain about that?”
“Not the man that gets to spend time with his beautiful wife.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next month might have been one of the hardest ones…it definitely tested your patience and you were sure that it did the same for Frankie. He’d made good on his promise and took the first two weeks off work to be home with you. That was the easy part - you always loved spending time with him and found that you never grew tired or weary having him around all the time. That was one of the beautiful things about your relationship.
The next three weeks after that he dramatically cut down his hours at work. It helped that he was his own boss (along with his best friend Santi) and he could do whatever he needed. It gave you some time to get used to trying to do things for yourself, to ease back into them, and gave you some space. You were sure that Frankie appreciated a little bit of separation too. As much as you adored your time together, a little bit of alone time was important too. And he had been right, it really did give you time to let your body rest and heal. Slowly but surely, your body and mind started to feel better. 
“Good news,” you grinned at Frankie as he came into the kitchen, carrying a large bouquet of tulips and daisies. He held them out to you with a small smile which just caused you to melt. He really was the best thing ever, “Francisco…they’re beautiful. I…why?”
“Not to be totally nosey, but I overheard your call earlier and I’m assuming the good news is that your cast comes off in a few days?” a flush of pink rose up in his cheeks as he just smiled and you nodded. He set the flowers down before pulling into a tight hug, “see, bee, you managed to survive!”
“It wasn’t always easy,” you admitted with a sigh, “I’m no angel, and you have the patience of a saint. I love you.”
“I think it goes both ways,” he insisted, “I love you too. I have an idea!”
“How about we go to the cabin this weekend, once your cast is off?” his soft sable eyes were wide with excitement, “a few days of fresh air and freedom. Maybe that’s what we both need right now.”
“Brilliant idea,” you kissed his cheek, “let’s do it. I…thank you, Francisco. I love you beyond words.”
“I love you too,” he whispered, “my gorgeous girl, my bee. I’m so glad you're okay - you’re here.”
“Me too, my love,” you promised, “no place I’d rather be. Nothing could ever keep me from you. That’s a promise I intend to keep.”
“Same here, bee. Same here.”
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obeymycok · 2 years
MC’s Demon Form - Asmodeus
Just to be clear, MC can use all their forms. This is just the one that the brothers first saw MC in. If you haven’t read the setup for these headcanons, as well as the pact headcanons that explain what’s happening here, I strongly recommend you do so (they will be linked below) Otherwise, on with the reactions!
Taglist: @trashlord-007  @waldeinsamkeit600  @simpinginthecorner  @xxgenderenvyxx  @q-ueue
Pact Headcanons     Setup
“MC!!!” Mammon shouted as he sprinted to the fallen beast followed closely by the rest of the brothers. Apparently, too close. Mammon stopped dead in his tracks, feet still sliding over the dirt as his brothers crashed into him at full force. They all got up ready to curse him out, but the sight in front of them quickly shut them up.
There you were, but you looked like..?
Oh good lord, doesn’t the man have enough stress?
Please just don’t be another Asmo his heart can’t take it
He buys you special contacts so you can’t charm anyone on accident (he’s just worried he’ll be charmed and hurt his pride)
He is just so stressed and cannot see this ending well for him
*Blushy tsundere noises*
Gets very overprotective if you have a more revealing outfit on
“What do ya think you’re doin’ human?? Cover up there’s sickos everywhere! I mean Levi is right here!”
Please break up the fight that ensues 
“F-f-fu-uckin N-NORMIE!!”
A very shitty cover up for him LOSING his mind at another Asmo but it’s YOU
Passes out on the spot if you’re more like him in your lust form
“This is exactly like the anime ‘My Best Friend Is Just As Horny As I Am When They’re A Demon And Now It’s Up To Me To Make The Next Step’!! They watched their favorite anime and then they hugged and the-OMG THAT WAS A HENTAI!!”
Also kinda worried about having another Asmo in the same house
I feel like he matches Asmo’s energy well when he wants to though, it’s part of his masking thing
No matter how you commit Asmo’s sin, Satan’s still gonna be chill with you😎
Probably not hard to convince him to go on shopping sprees and have spa days with you and Asmo
He’s not even posting about it he’s just so enraptured by  your stunning self💅💅💅
He is absolutely helping you maintain your horns/wings now just like he does for your skin and hair
It’s official, he loves someone else more than himself
He’s a little unsure of how he feels honestly since he knows how dangerous it is being a lust demon from the many years living with Asmo
He IS confident in his older brother as well so for the most part he’s at ease
Just keep proving to him how strong you are and that unease will be gone in no time
OH that’s right, he brought your favorite snack with but half of it is gone
MMM boi is upset
I mean, why ASMO?
He just really doesn't want you bothering him to take care of himself like Asmo does all the time lmao
His drive to watch you fuck some shit up quickly overruns his brattiness
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linesfromzaun · 2 years
Can I ask for more Dad!Silco x Mother!Reader, Baby!Jinx 🥺🙏?
Of course!!! I had this idea in my head for a bit, and imma put it here since y’all love it so much!!
Rating: G
Tags: crying baby, Silco being a good husband, fluff, comfort
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Piercing wails from the cradle across the room wakes you from your sleep.
Jinx was a little over 9 weeks, and went from a peaceful baby to child who could barely sleep. You worried for her, hoping nothing was wrong.
You sat up to comfort Jinx for what felt like the millionth time tonight, until a hand grasped your forearm.
“I’ve got her, get some rest. I will call the doctor shortly to see if anything is troubling her.” You give an exhausted nod and lie back down under the covers.
You hear the faint whispers of Silco hushing Jinx and saying sweet words to her. He takes her out of the room to the office, allowing you to have some peace.
As much as you wanted to fall back asleep, all you could do was think about Jinx and her health. Your chest felt tight and the head swam with anxiety. What we’re you doing wrong? What if you weren’t meant to be a mother?
Once Silco had gotten her to calm down, he placed her back in her cradle with her stuffed monkey to fall asleep. Sighing, he got back under the covers with you. Your sniffling alerted him, and he instantly pulled you into his arms. “It’s alright, we’ll figure out what is wrong.”
“What am I doing wrong, Sil?” A kiss is pressed to your forehead and he wipes away a stray tear.
“You are doing nothing wrong, you are a wonderful mother.” You curl into him, allowing him to rest his chin on the crown of your head.
The next morning consisted of getting Jinx ready for a check up, and Silco being there every step of the way. He knew how your postpartum anxiety was, to not be able to do anything to ease it was eating him from the inside out.
“This doctor took very good care of you, I am sure she will do the same for Jinx.”
“You are doing the best you can, that is the best mother Jinx could ever ask for.”
“I am so proud of you, my love, and I am here no matter what.”
When you finally arrived, the doctor was quick to take you both in and see Jinx.
“Silco, you informed me that she hasn’t been sleeping well?” The doctor grabs a clipboard and he nods silently. “Any other symptoms that have been abnormal for her?”
“I’ve noticed she has been spitting up a lot more, sometimes she doesn’t even want to eat.” The doctor nods and writes some more down on her clipboard.
“Mom, is it okay if I give Jinx a few pokes? I think I might know what’s bothering her.” You nod and allow her to take Jinx, watching closely. “Hiya, cutie! I’m gonna poke your belly a little bit, and if you don’t show any signs of pain, I’m just going to take a liiiitle swab and see if my first guess is right.”
The doctor lies her down on the soft padded table and gives Jinx a few tiny presses with her fingers. Jinx let’s out a little giggle at the ticklish feeling, and you and Silco relax. “So no pain there, let me swab your mouth real quick aaaaaaand done! Okay, you can go back to mommy and daddy, I promise I’m done!” She gently hands you back Jinx, and you kiss her head. “I’ll be right back, I’m going to test this pH level, nothing bad! Just a routine test.”
Once the nurse exits the door you turn to Silco, who’s leg is bouncing at a thousand miles an hour. “I’m surprised I didn’t throw up.” Silco let’s out a chuckle at your honesty and rubs your back with a free hand.
“You did look a little pale, my dear.” He rests his elbows on his knees and looks at Jinx. “You’ve given us quite the scare, little one, I am glad your tummy doesn’t hurt.” You smile as he presses a kiss to her cheek and she smiles at him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say the word “tummy” before.” Silco rolls his eyes is fein embarrassment.
“It’s only for my little girl, don’t get comfortable with it.” You giggle and watch as Jinx toys with his fingers, smiling as they wiggle in her hands.
A knock on the door is heard and you both straighten up. “So, her saliva did test for a low pH, but if anything: I only have good news. What she has is a little acid reflux, but it is temporary and extremely treatable.” You let out a huge sigh and hold Jinx a little tighter. “I’m guessing when she does eat, she consumes a lot of milk?”
“Yeah, she eats like it’s her last meal.” The doctor laughs and writes something down.
“So, we’re going to have to break up her meals more, pace her throughout the day. Try to have her sit up as she feeds if she’s having a particularly bad episode. Have her upright at least 2-3 hours after feeding. Keep her on that route and she’ll be back to her normal self!”
“Thank you, we appreciate it so much.”
“Not a problem at all, I’m glad she’s okay! Jinx has some good parents to check on her like this.” You smile and allow your little family to be escorted out of the building.
Once you had arrived home, you get so much calmer. Doing as the doctor ordered and once Silco had gotten her to sleep: it stayed that way.
Walking out of your shared bedroom, you walked up to him and pulled him into you. You kiss him deeply and wrap your arms around his neck. Pulling away, you see a slight blush on his nose and cheek.
“Well, that was a lovely surprise.”
“That’s my “thank you” to you, I think I would’ve lost my shit if I didn’t have you here.” He chuckles and pulls you in closer.
“No “thank you’s” needed, I’m doing just as I swore in my vows to you.”
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
Hello!! I hope you're doing well!!! 💜
I just wanted to pop and and say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE AU FIC YOU'RE DOING OF SUKUNA!! I also love The Walking Dead so much, it's definitely one of my favorites series over and the way you wrote Sukuna was so flawless, exactly the way I'd imagine him in an apocalypse. 😭😭😭
For real he gives off Shane or Daryl vibes and it's absolutely awesome and I can't wait for chapter 3.🥺🥺
(Also I low-key have a feeling you're gonna give it a sad ending😭)
Anyways, have a lovely day and I'm sorry for bothering!! 💜💜
HEYY!! Omg this makes me so happy! Thank you so much!! 😭😭💗💗
It means so much to me that you like the way I write Sukuna in this AU! I squealed when I read Daryl's name! 😭💗 He is my absolute favorite character in TWD. He is so dear to me. I love him a lot. A badass with a good heart who will do what is necessary, even if it might be something bad. He sees the bigger picture and is ready to protect the people who are important to him. I love him so much! And yes, he is absolutely an inspiration for Sukuna 😭💗Sukuna is a sexualized version of Daryl, I guess lmaooo 😂😂 Seriously, I wanted to portray Sukuna as a tough guy who knows how to survive in the apocalypse because he can be ruthless. But at the same time, he is able to love deeply when it comes to the few people he cares about, and he will do anything to protect them.
And also, yes, Shane! I admit that I am a Shane apologist. I can't remember everything he did because it was such a long time ago that I watched the first seasons. But I remember saying that I understood him.
But yeah, Daryl is the biggest inspiration for Sukuna. And I hope I can create a character that is as badass and caring as him 😭
Also, fun fact: Daryl has the same German voice actor as Sukuna!!
Oooooh tbh there will be sad scenes in this AU, I'm not going to lie. It's a dark world, and bad things happen there. So a typical happy end wouldn't work here for me, but let's put it like that: There will still be hope in the end. I want Sukuna and Reader to be each other's glimmer of hope throughout this story. AAAHHH now I am going to cry!!! I already get so emotional thinking about the rest of the story! 😭
Sorry that my reply got so long! I am just so excited and so happy when I get feedback from a fellow TWD fan who approves of the way I write this AU!!
Thank you so much for sending me this ask! It made my day! I'm sending you lots of love 💗💗
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Janis & Casey Pt.1
Janis: She attempted what I think was meant to be an apology
Casey: And what, I’m meant to be bothered she’s said sorry
Janis: I doubt she’s going to attempt to send one to your inbox, like
Janis: just mention it because despite the lack of remorse, she did actually bring something useful to my attention
Casey: go on
Janis: The flat above the pub is empty, so, that’s that problem sorted
Janis: not ideal but better than the alternatives of which there’s fuck all tonight
Casey: you’ll take the dog with you then, yeah
Janis: you can come too, you idiot
Casey: you reckon, do you
Janis: Yes?
Janis: why would you not
Casey: they weren’t his biggest fans, mate, they’re not gonna be mine
Janis: Not to the degree that they’d do that, they’re not that bad
Casey: have they said it’s alright, or are you and Libi
Janis: I know my family
Janis: but no, I’d rather ask in person, I’m going later
Casey: let us know, like
Janis: ‘course I will
Casey: I don’t fancy getting my hopes up ‘til you’ve had a word
Janis: alright, well, whatever the case, can you start packing up
Janis: if she’s got anything worth having, take it
Casey: way ahead of you on that one
Janis: I’ll talk to [one of your brothers] about a van too
Casey: we’ve a plan, that’s something
Janis: yeah, it is
Janis: soz you won’t get your hopes up ‘til I’ve got it in writing, like
Janis: I have a [window between clients] in [before lunch] I’ll go then
Casey: okay, I’m near done with the packing up, even with the dog giving us such a massive hand
Janis: Wow, we really don’t have a lot of shit, do we
Casey: not at the minute, but keep on dropping subtle hints like that and I’ll hit the shops for you
Janis: 😏 I don’t need things
Casey: can just be a bit of want, girl
Janis: no, that’s just you too
Casey: too cute of an answer to even try and have a go against
Janis: you’re cute, and the dog
Casey: you
Janis: have you gone on your walk yet?
Casey: decided to hang on til this were done so we can piss off for ages
Janis: good thinking, no wonder he’s being a nuisance though, feeling all forgotten 🥺
Casey: I’ll not be fuming he fancies cocking his leg nowhere in here, can’t say it ain’t deserved, might do the same myself, in fairness
Janis: okay, rude
Casey: it’s the point, well done
Janis: you know, dickhead
Casey: 😏
Janis: Distracting me from sorting our entire lives out in 1 day, how dare you
Casey: I’d say sorry but you’ve already had to listen to one Libi never meant
Janis: I don’t know how she doesn’t see how fucking serious this is
Casey: she don’t live in the real world, her, if it’s not on a screen she’s not having a look at all
Janis: you’d think she was the one living on the street the way she was acting like she’s all alone in the world
Casey: what lasses are like
Janis: piss off with that
Casey: you know I don’t mean you, but the rest
Janis: reassuring, that
Casey: happens to be true, that
Janis: special, am I
Casey: very
Janis: I like you too, even though you’re a massive sexist
Casey: I love you, even though you’re talking bollocks
Janis: love you more
Casey: nah, I do you for how distracting you are
Casey: been doing my head in packing this place up
Janis: I know, it hasn’t been five minutes since we were unpacking
Casey: might have been a shithole but it was our shithole
Janis: We will get somewhere, somewhere we wanna be for ages and can
Janis: and over the pub does have two rooms
Casey: be handy for when I’m being a massive sexist
Janis: definitely what I meant, spare bed for you ‘cos I can’t stand the sight of you
Casey: I can’t stand that you’re out of my sight
Janis: [selfies like here I am]
Casey: fuck’s sake, that would be how you look
Janis: ready for an early grave?
Casey: I get it, you want me to do more than piss all over this flat
Janis: well, I do want you to do that very much but
Casey: but you’d rather you was here instead of watching a vid, me too
Janis: yeah 😔
Janis: and I feel bad I didn’t help pack
Casey: don’t, what’s the world coming to if footballers have to touch themselves up
Janis: you’re not mad at me, just Libi for being a dick, yeah
Casey: you’ve done nothing except be so fit and at work
Janis: story of my fucking life, I want to swap and have 5 days with you, at least, and I guess I’ll do the 2 here
Casey: counting down the days til your maternity leave, story of mine
Janis: I know, never imagined that would be something I was waiting for
Casey: I’ve changed my mind back, we’re having 11 kids at least again
Janis: please
Janis: I just wanna be with you
Casey: and I’m starting on scratch cards or something
Janis: only worthwhile reason to being minted, never working again
Casey: long as we pretend to the kids we’ve not won or they’ll be right little dickheads
Janis: maybe all kids are anyway
Casey: I’m not having that, not ours
Casey: she’s already perfect and so will the others be
Janis: let you do all the hard work, I can’t get it right, obviously
Casey: come on, it’s about time Libs acted her age
Janis: she is, that’s the problem
Casey: you’d have done the same and I’d have done worse
Janis: we stole your dad's car, for fuck’s sake
Janis: didn’t think twice, bit different when you’re the dickhead adult you never signed up to be
Casey: if the landlord weren’t such a twat it’d wouldn’t have been no problem, wouldn’t tell her that and excuse the twat I reckon she is herself but
Janis: she could’ve asked, god, they’d have let her have the function room in the pub, mum would’ve let her use the barn
Janis: just shows she was doing it to be a spiteful cow
Casey: you can’t have done a totally bad job when she’s got that in her, here I was thinking she was sod all but our kid’s doormat missus
Janis: 🙄 I’m in no mood to entertain that, or it being a positive
Janis: whatever, there’s no more time to think about her today, too much to do
Casey: speak for yourself, once this dog’s walked I’ve got nowt on
Janis: you’re meant to be sleeping
Janis: not taking the broken bed with us
Casey: can’t be bothered trying to sleep on my own
Janis: at least I can set the place up, you’re going to be exhausted, baby
Casey: I’m knackered as is, too much going round my head though
Janis: yeah, I get it
Janis: so tell me about it and I’ll ignore you if its more 🥱 than this lads chat
Casey: just
Casey: living there, me and you
Janis: yeah, bit fucking visible
Janis: I’ve told her she has to talk to Bob, I’ll tell Jimmy
Casey: I dunno how he’ll take it but how I reckon he might’s enough to keep any dickhead up
Janis: we’ve been put in this position, before any of us are ready
Janis: I dunno, it’s never going to be fun for him, is it
Casey: fun’s over, we had it here
Casey: and in [your runaway locations]
Janis: do you not want to come
Casey: I wanna be with you, couldn’t hack not
Janis: then we’ll still have fun, why would we not
Casey: it’s proper real now is what I meant by what I said
Casey: no more hiding and pissing about, and for us that’s good, but it’s not only us
Janis: If he breaks down, then
Janis: I don’t know, we’ll have to work out another plan, alright
Janis: I’m not going to push ahead if he can’t hack no more right now
Casey: alright
Janis: we don’t need it on our conscience, fuck that
Janis: the kids can go fuck themselves for all I care right now but yeah
Casey: it’ll be okay, I’m tired and thinking the worst for it, that’s all
Janis: I mean, it’s been a month of just those two, no emergency calls or anything like that… we have to take it as a good sign when its all we’ve got
Casey: too right
Janis: I’ll try to do it in person, if he’s down for that, I can try and talk about some of the other shit too
Casey: I’ll stay up for however it goes, if you need me, either of you, say the word and I’m there
Janis: thank you
Casey: you won’t but
Janis: 🤞🤞
Casey: won’t even let the broken bed tempt us, wide awake and well focused
Janis: I’m so lucky to have you
Janis: if it’s good news, will you have a nap for me?
Casey: you’ve got it wrong way round, and yeah, ‘cause I know how lucky I am, I’d do anything for you
Janis: I couldn’t do this without you
Janis: it’s gonna be alright, I swear
Casey: you’ll never be without me, and I’m more than alright about it
Janis: have you had a cuppa yet
Casey: you heard, kettle’s packed with everything else
Janis: go get one, or a pot, like an old man
Casey: come with us, can’t you
Casey: live out that old married couple fantasy
Janis: not if I have to make room for my grandad and Jimmy
Janis: tomorrow
Casey: point of being the boss if you don’t take the piss nipping out every 5 minutes
Janis: You know I’d have to bring them back fucking no foam skimmed lattes with an extra shot
Casey: and what, you don’t love me enough to make a dickhead of yourself, that what I’m hearing
Janis: I reckon I’ve proved that’s not true loads of times, boy
Casey: name one
Janis: what about when I [any pick of your various public hookups] or [another example lol]?
Casey: you never looked a dickhead during them, you looked fucking 
Casey: I’ve not got the words for it even, so shut up
Janis: telling me to shut up when you’ve got no way to make me
Casey: I’ve always got ways
Janis: prove it
Casey: [sending her a voice note she’d have to shh to listen to, cheating slightly there imo but pop off, we know you just wanna be extra whilst she’s at work and literally with a client really, being v graphic about how he’d shut her up and what he’d do if she doesn’t, as always]
Janis: [send a mini vid of you putting a headphone in like now listening, ‘scuse me client]
Janis: 😖 why
Casey: you asked for it
Janis: don’t you know its bad to always give people what they want?
Casey: other people maybe, I told you, you ain’t like none of them
Janis: special and spoiled
Janis: maybe I’ll get used to it one day
Casey: let’s never get used to each other, fuck being that sort of married couple when we can feel like this forever instead of
Janis: its a deal, as good as vows ‘til we can
Casey: I’ll add it in to what I’ve got written, don’t worry
Janis: don’t, I’ll explode if you’ve really written anything
Casey: don’t, I’ll need you to read it back to me if it gets much longer, til I can keep it in my head then and not have to make a dickhead of myself on the day
Janis: how do you get it right every single time, you’re so
Casey: I’ve had loads of time to get right what I wanna say, knew I’d marry you one day, like
Janis: Fuck
Janis: the mascara is going to need to be so waterproof it’s embarrassing
Casey: Grace’ll have to live with you not letting her attack you with none, not like you need it anyway
Janis: I miss you, I can’t wait to be safe at home with you tonight
Casey: miss you more
Janis: that’s impossible, you’re the cute one, I'm just reaping the benefits
Casey: you’re the one who’s fit enough to sell clothes no dickhead would be seen dead in if you’d not tricked ‘em into it
Casey: and it couldn’t feel more possible they could bury me right now for how bad I want you
Janis: I should do it again, get us loads of money before the 11 babies ruin the game
Janis: you could come with me, or I just do gigs this way
Casey: they wouldn’t do a thing like that
Casey: but ‘course I’ll come with you, dunno who we’ll sort to have him now Libs is running round causing havoc and far too busy, still, I will do
Janis: have to be a full family affair
Casey: he’ll be buzzing
Janis: she said you’d hate it
Casey: takes after you reckoning I’m a massive sexist, is why
Janis: I told her she doesn’t know you
Casey: none of them, only you
Janis: just me, no one else sees it but I’ll keep telling them
Casey: I won’t be fuming if it stays for your eyes only
Casey: at least til there’s the 3 of us
Janis: I’ll tell her how good you are, stuff you’d be too modest to say about yourself
Casey: good luck getting a word in ‘cause I’m not gonna shut up about you to her
Janis: sick of hearing us, poor thing
Casey: nah, that’ll be Grace’s honour to have, can’t leave my daughter out the club when the rest of us are all sick of hearing her
Janis: call her your daughter again
Casey: bring her to me then
Janis: where
Casey: gasping for a cuppa too, she is
Casey: told us I’ve to unpack the kettle or get one ordered else we’ll fall out
Janis: dunno where she gets that attitude from
Casey: my daughter
Janis: she’s meant to behave for you
Casey: she is, she knows how much I need to see her, and you
Janis: 15 minutes, I can do 15
Casey: from when
Janis: soon as I get home
Casey: soon as that lad gets off the table, you’ll be on your way
Janis: not waiting for him to get his clothes back on
Casey: not when I’m here waiting to get yours off
Janis: they’re in my way
Casey: and mine
Janis: more importantly
Casey: most importantly, Libi was in our way from when I got back, I could’ve been fucking you til your alarm went off
Janis: what she and I deserved, for entirely different reasons
Casey: you deserved that run, baby, but I would’ve given you loads more
Janis: see, no idea how considerate you are
Janis: if we hadn’t gone on our run, I would’ve not been able to last ‘til she left
Casey: with it I dunno how we lasted
Janis: barely, is how
Janis: I thought about just getting on you about a thousand times
Casey: in my sleep I think I did
Janis: really?
Casey: might’ve just been a dream
Janis: I want it to be real, you sleep fucking me
Casey: you heard us say I’m knackered before
Janis: do you want me to
Casey: tell me to go to bed
Janis: go to sleep, you need it
Janis: I’ll make sure you only have the nicest of dreams
Casey: fuck
Janis: shh, baby boy
Casey: promise, I’ll be good, I’m going
Janis: good, mummy will be home soon to tuck you in
Casey: [a pic of him in bed like see look how good I’m being but obvs he’s stripped it during packing so you get the added bonus of seeing him in all his extraness]
Janis: look at you, fuck
Casey: shh, it’s my sleepy time
Casey: you’re only allowed to say goodnight
Janis: you’re right good boy, mummies are bad too sometimes but they shouldn’t be
Janis: good night, I love you the most
Casey: you’re so good, the best
Casey: and I love you more than anything
Janis: you’re my favourite, if you feel anything, it’s just me giving you a forehead kiss okay, don’t be scared
Casey: I wouldn’t be able to sleep well without it, you have to
Janis: its how we keep nightmares away, I’d never forget
Casey: I’m safe with you
Janis: wherever we are
Casey: the where don’t matter, never has
Janis: long as we’re together
Casey: and we’re gonna be forever
Janis: always
Casey: goodnight
Janis: [let him go to sleep or pretend, whatever his vibe is and get yourself back]
Casey: [maybe you do fr fall asleep you do be tired but I don’t believe for one second you aren’t gonna just be pretending when she’s back, Chubby if nothing else, isn’t gonna let her just reappear silently and you aren’t a deep sleeper boy unless y’all are together]
Janis: [this dog always being in the way and requiring love before we can be our feral selves, god bless, it’s the only time you remotely take a second these days so allow him to love upon you before you’re tiptoeing into this bedroom as quietly as you can and just looking at him, stroking his hair before leaning over to give him his forehead kiss]
Casey: [me here being judgey like I know damn well you haven’t taken that dog for his long af walk yet sir because you got distracted by this gal and your feelings about leaving this gaff, soz Chubby, I promise he will because Janis has shit to do, but right here rn it’s the HAPPY sigh for me, and fuck it, you can be that kind of half asleep still vibe if you and we want hun]
Janis: [he really will be pissing in this house which is not a habit to encourage but today, you won’t be getting told off, there’s too many emotions running far too high and fuck this landlord anyway so yolo; just genuinely BEAMING down at you like so enamoured, running our fingers through your hair and down your neck and to your shoulders, giving them a little massage, hopping over you gently as we can to sit on the other side of the bed, it’ll inevitably be squeaky af ‘cos it’s shit and broken but we’re trying lol]
Casey: [it’s a miracle that bed is in a fit state for y’all to even lie on still tbh, do a sleepy roll over to be fully on her side with her how I always do to my poor boo, so in her grill lol and obvs snuggle her because who are you otherwise, asleep or awake]
Janis: [half lying down next to him, getting into a comfortable cuddle position whereby you’re cradling him to your chest but still have full reach if you decide you wanna be feral because he did give you that consent, for now just giving him all the comforting kisses all over his face and continuing to massage his upper body]
Casey: [because it is comforting and sending him into a deeper sleep how titty time does for me, everything she’s doing and the fact he can hear her heartbeat he’s doing happy noises about, it also goes without saying though that because his head is to her chest he will be nuzzling into it until her clothes are out the way enough he can get her nip into his mouth, like when babies breastfeed while asleep, but because he isn’t a baby he’s getting harder than he clearly already was while he sucks and doing lil moans around said nip]
Janis: [‘I love you so much’ saying this very softly against whatever available skin is closest to your mouth without disturbing him and what he’s doing ‘you deserve this’ like a nice meal and a good sleep because it has been a TIME, thanks Libi; moving your clothes out of the way more even though it was adorable to watch him nuzzle and made you feel all the things, blatantly just looking down at him getting harder and doing your own !! noises, heartbeat getting quicker]
Casey: [making the kind of nonsense sound you do when someone speaks to you when you’re asleep and you’re trying to answer, is it ILY back no, but is it adorable yes, moving slightly whether it’s in response to the other !! noises she made or her heartbeat or both, pulling her closer and as a result making his own !! noise again from the contact which causes her nip to come out of his mouth so then he’s just putting his open mouth everywhere trying to find it and there’s SO much spit going all over the place, excuse him]
Janis: [just doing a little lol at him and making noises like you do when a baby is babbling and you’re like oh, really, tell me more, the lol turning way, way indecent when you’re putting your whole mouth over us, moving to let you cover even more skin shamelessly before guiding you back to the nip eventually]
Casey: [equally shamelessly moving against her with more intent and !! when he has the nip back in his mouth cos buzzing about it, no notes]
Janis: [the most encouraging ‘there you go’ ever, even if you’re saying it on the GASP you can’t suppress]
Casey: [me here like don’t think about the similarities and total differences between this and JJ dryhumping each other senseless later, just don’t think about it, let’s distract ourselves by letting him say her name, however incoherent it may be]
Janis: [my boo says DO NOT even think about it, shh, it doesn’t exist on the same day in the same life lmao, right now none of us are aware that is going to be a thing so we’re ignoring it and we’re here sliding our leggings down because you can’t be going through as many pairs as you would need to lol, do yourself that favour and say his name back]
Casey: [gonna say the moving she’d need to do for that, however much she’s trying not to, would wake him a little bit, even if he’s back to the half asleep vibe of before/isn’t fully awake because that feels legit, smiling at her like oh hey you’re here, again adorable, pulling her closer to him to erase however small of a gap she had to create between their bodies to get those leggings out of the way, such a sleepy voiced ‘come here’ as he does]
Janis: [‘hey, you’ in the softest voice as you’re playfully closing his eyes for him again like no no, you’re meant to be asleep, but we have to give you a quick kiss on the mouth too because missed you and we know we can’t stay too long]
Casey: [simply must give her a ‘hey’ back in the same tone, keeping his eyes closed like a good boy but doing an even bigger happy sigh than the first one he did at the start as she kisses him and obvs he cannot resist turning it into a sleepy soft makeout sesh as he gets inside her]
Janis: [making tiny, involuntary noises into his mouth because you’re trying to be quiet but also you cannot ‘does that feel good?’ in a whisper as you’re moving closer to him somehow, so the whisper is in his ear]
Casey: [doing the kind of involuntary shiver you do when something tickles whether her breath during the whisper or her hair did or not, and a GASP in answer to her question that turns more into a soft moan as he also starts to move]
Janis: [just making the most of doing the most with movements that are intense and deep but not fast and frantic because not the move but also it’s necessary we can’t just lay here and let you go on forever like you probably could ‘it feels so right having you inside me’ still whispering in his ear]
Casey: [matching what she’s doing with what he’s doing, because always, pulling her hair gently but insistently until y’all are kissing again, still softly but with more intensity than when he first started the makeout, because gotta be inside her the most that he can after she’s said that and that includes his tongue in her mouth so]
Janis: [makeout with him like you’ve got places to be because true and you need as much of him as you can get before you have to leave again, playing with his adam’s apple more gently than you normally are but enough he feels it]
Casey: [opening his eyes properly for the first time because when he says ‘I missed you’ he means it and he needs to see her, if only briefly, holding her stomach so we all know the you is plural obvs, but in case that isn’t clear enough, giving baby Jac her own ‘hey, you’ before kissing her stomach indecently, all while they are still going at it here which makes me die lol, because then he’s reaching for the toy he got this bub that he literally had near him while he was sleeping like the most adorable nerd because in no world can he bear to pack that away until the last possible sec, touching the nose of whatever animal this soft toy is to her belly button before he puts it back down beside him where it’s safe from how feral you two are and all your bodily fluids]
Janis: [🥺 at you all whilst making the most 🥺 noises to match because everything about that is too cute and we’re NOT okay ‘aren’t you lucky’ @ this bump under our breath]
Casey: [looking up at her from where he was kissing her stomach but a moment ago because we hear those noises and then he also sees her expression and ofc it makes him so !! that he HAS to kiss her throat very dramatically and then start making out with her almost frantically]
Janis: [just here forgetting the plan and making it frantic tbh because we can’t do this any longer, given I’m sure that’s the longest you’ve gone without having sex since you started, Libi being there last night]
Casey: [‘what did you do to us?’ meaning when I was asleep because the I’m so close rn and DYING is super apparent in his tone as well as his 0 hesitation in being as frantic as her and every !! loud sound he is making]
Janis: [‘what you wanted me to’ like you were directing all of it ‘what you begged us for’]
Casey: [he’s blatantly very into that response, how could he not be, hence ‘I’m gonna-’ can’t say it but it’s even more obvious how close he is than he already was ‘don’t let me, you’ll have to piss off back to work and-’ again we cannot finish a sentence because dying and trying so hard not to fully lose it so she’ll have to stay here forever doing this + the unhinged sounds and feral breathing ‘just- tell me I can’t’]
Janis: [‘I’ll stop fucking you, don’t you dare cum’ because always happy to oblige, would be kind of undercut by how close we blatantly are too but still, mind your business, lowkey pushing away from him but not to the degree you’re actually off him just like you stop that]
Casey: [despite the fact he asked her to do it he is nevertheless dramatically dragging her back closer than she even was before somehow, literally hard enough to knock the air out of her because he knows how much she likes that, thrusting into her so hard it’s ridiculous and the noises are beyond unhinged + basically at screaming level, not soz to the landlord or neighbours, only to Chubby who is probably living his best life trying to unpack everything again and run off with whatever random things he finds how dogs do, busy enough that they’ve been allowed to get this feral despite his lack of walk ‘please, please’ not at all clear any more if he still wants her to stop him or if he now wants her to let him cum ‘fuck!- Please!’ but he’s begging her either way]
Janis: [the force of this is fully enough to have this bed on the ground by this point, when you’re too winded to do anything but make spluttering/wheezing sort of noises about it so matching you with that unhinged energy, attempting to put your arms out in front of you and push him in the chest like no, go away but of course, he’s still actually inside you and you aren’t stopping him in any real way, not you looking at your watch seeing if you can let him or he needs to wait because you’ve still got x amount of minutes or whatever, getting a single ‘what?’ out because you have neither the breath nor the composure to make that a full sentence but we’re asking you to tell us what you need]
Casey: [I don’t even need to say how into this playfight vibe she started he is, RIP to this bed for real this time because the way he’s pinning her to it so lowkey aggressively after that watch check because no don’t go + obviously trying to fuck her through it as well as the floor beneath with how hardcore we’re being seriously will destroy what was left of it, excuse him for making it literally impossible for her to breathe with all of this ‘you know what’ like it’s her fault she has to leave instead of an absolute blessing she’s been here at all]
Janis: [the heart eyes on your bright red face because you can’t breathe but you’re so into it too, just headbutting your chest casually but not at all casually ‘please, please’ echoing what he said earlier]
Casey: [giving the biggest hearteyes back in contrast to his aggressive actions and almost angry tone when he spoke before and does now ‘you feel too fucking good’ like how dare you, using a throat grab to lift her slightly, just enough that she isn’t being crushed to death by his body at the same time as he’s doing this and cutting off her air supply by kissing her]
Janis: [the ‘so cum’ being said against his lips being her mouth purely forming the words shape, no sound is happening because we simply cannot]
Casey: [really grabbing her arse as if he’s gonna smack her for even suggesting such a thing but actually he’s pulling the cheeks apart and pushing his fingers into her as he starts to cum, and all of this on a bare mattress with no warning, we really are saying fuck the landlord on this day, she could shit]
Janis: [me like hope you don’t but know neither of y’all would truly care, and as per, the possibility turns you on to the 1000th degree so of course you’re cumming with him]
Casey: [soz not soz world for how dramatically they are both doing it but needs must]
Janis: [keep up with your own mischief, Chubby, they’re not injured or in danger]
Casey: [I promise you’ll be getting a walk when she goes back to work sir, they just had to do that]
Janis: [we know you have to leave way too soon after that for your liking but even if you should be leaving now, lay here with him and cuddle him to you again like you did when he was sleeping]
Casey: [no recovery time ever for this gal, but lie and listen to her heartbeat again, because it would be cray after all that and he loves that he did that to her in such a short space of time]
Janis: [‘bastard’ but said in the most affectionate tone ever, as we’re touching our throat where you were holding us like we’re feeling for any marks but we’re just having the immediate flashback]
Casey: [not moving from his position but reaching up to draw a heart on her throat the literal second after she’s done touching it as though he read her mind]
Janis: [no dignified way to do it but you also have to feel where he grabbed on and then penetrated your booty because you might need to do some clean up there, doing a little sigh that isn’t fully emo af but just like back to reality for us both]
Casey: [pick her up and carry her to the bathroom to do this aftercare for her because again read her mind and you have to because it’s your fault and you want to because you’re you]'
Janis: [‘maybe you’re not so bad’ like he really took the bastard comment to heart lmao, drawing your own heart somewhere on him whilst he’s busy]
Casey: [‘maybe’ like it’s casual and a throwaway oh yeah you’re right kinda comment while he’s cleaning her up but it isn’t at all because it’s him admitting that he doesn’t feel like an utter bastard anymore and that’s so important]
Janis: [‘definitely’ to the bump under your breath]
Casey: [playfully flicking some water at her like oi what are you two talking about, but he’s smiling so genuinely at her]
Janis: [‘mind your business’ with the same smile at him]
Casey: [literally getting down to baby Jac’s level like go on tell me girl and putting his ear to the bump she doesn’t yet have, making noises like mhmm as if he’s listening, like a big nerd]
Janis: [‘grass’ at a normal speaking level like I hope you heard that, baby Jac lmao, in the mirror sorting out your face and hair so you can be presentable to leave]
Casey: [‘don’t listen to her, little mate’ in his soft talking to baby Jac voice, a pause like she’s saying something back ‘yeah, you’re alright, she’s got wrong end of the stick, we know, like, but I’ll still tell her’ and then hugging her from behind, the kind of hug that’s so !! it lifts her off the ground and spinning her round to face him as if baby Jac said you’ve gotta hug her BIG cos she’s gotta go soon]
Janis: [rolling your eyes like oh charming but only playfully, of course, about to say something about him being that sort of dad that undermines everything you say and do when he lifts us off our feet with this bear hug so then we don’t need to say anything, just let ourself be squished and surrounded by you]
Casey: [‘we love you’ no notes]
Janis: [‘love you too’ in a lil voice because never not a tiny bit to entirely sad to be leaving you ever ‘sure she’d rather stay here with you’ like soz to you both that’s a physical impossibility]
Casey: [‘takes after you at that’ because he knows she wants to stay too, but putting her down and giving her a gentle push towards the door]
Janis: [lowkey run out of this flat because we know you’re terrible at goodbyes and you’ve got too much to do today]
Casey: [and you find this dog and sort out his playful unpacking so you can then take him for a walk when she’s definitely gone or else he’d be running after her and my boo is so right there is too much to do soz]
Janis: [we know you’d both love nothing more but foot is put down, you’ve got to fit in a few more clients, go talk to Fearghal, then go talk to Jimmy at lunch, nbd]
Casey: [not to mention talk Jimothy off his suicidal ledge via text or whatever before you go see him, so busy]
Janis: [I mean all in a days lmao]
Casey: [god bless, thank god we did give you that hookup to de-stress because with everything that’s happening it’ll feel like there’s years between the jc and jj ones]
Janis: [the way it truly can’t be that many hours though by definition… yikes haha]
Janis: [but anyway, a picture of a massive Starbs order ‘cos of course you had to have a reason to say you were pissing off out]
Casey: [a pic of Chubby’s pouty lip like he’s so gutted he didn’t get a puppuccino idk how to spell that and I never will, thanks autocorrect ?]
Janis: He’ll take you, mate, don’t worry 😘
Casey: Oi, don’t be promising the lad owt I don’t fancy delivering
Janis: what being a parent is all about
Janis: can’t disappoint that little face
Casey: what you order for her
Casey: [idk but the girliest food ever like baby Jac is a princess thank you so you better have]
Janis: caffeines no good for her, you’ve seen her auntie
Casey: I said 🧁 not ☕️
Janis: oh, well, point still stands
Janis: fuck up your own body, kid, you’ll do enough damage to mine no doubt
Casey: I get it, them places make you mardy
Janis: no more than most places full of dickheads do
Casey: and I miss you already too
Janis: always do, before I even left
Casey: how about I call in sick to work tonight, we can just settle ourselves in
Janis: are you sure?
Casey: yeah
Casey: it’s only [idk a student night or some kind of midweek nonsense not like how busy and feral weekends are] anyway, barely need us
Janis: if you think they’ll let you then yeah, obviously
Casey: I’ll lay it on that thick they’ll be shitting themselves to have me behind the bar
Janis: I trust you and your ability to bullshit, like
Casey: tah, fills us with all the confidence I could need
Janis: yeah, dead scared of authority, you
Casey: yours
Janis: 😏
Casey: [a picture of Chubby having his puppuccino like see, told you, don’t dare go against what you say, but I imagine it’s a knock off one from some cafe he’s walked past not official soz to the huns]
Janis: too young to know the difference and you didn’t have to face the basic bitches
Casey: 😏
Janis: got your tea too?
Casey: I have
Janis: then my work here is done
Casey: oh right, been nice knowing you
Janis: nicer than that
Casey: a bit
Janis: more than 🤏
Janis: 👉                                                        👈
Casey: giving me a flashback with all that, you are
Janis: you who did it, boy
Casey: yeah, you heard, I just said I remember
Janis: me who can still feel it, that’s distracting
Casey: least you’ve not got a sitting down job, even I might feel 🤏 bad if you did do
Janis: 😤
Casey: felt that
Janis: you wish, this lad probably just thinks I’m weirdly out of shape
Casey: blind, is he
Janis: awh 😎💔
Casey: steady on, I remember how you feel about 😎
Janis: not actually medically advised, his
Casey: never know if you don’t bother taking sod all medical advice
Janis: are you talking to yourself now or
Casey: could be, but I reckon I’d know if I couldn’t see, so
Janis: you would hope, yeah
Casey: weren’t the problem no matter how many teachers took the piss reckoning a pair of glasses would sort us right out
Janis: anything to not do their job, that lot
Janis: not got any better
Casey: Lucas is still there, enough said
Janis: don’t remind me, fucking creep
Casey: he manages to be about the place when our kids are old enough to go, I’ll not send them
Janis: we’ll find a better school
Casey: can have scholarships, the lot, they’ll all be smart as, I’ll make sure they are before they go any school nevermind off to it with the big kids 
Janis: ‘course you will
Janis: as long as they don’t turn into assholes
Casey: don’t have to send ‘em with posh kids, just smart ones
Janis: you’re cute
Casey: only the best for my daughters
Janis: I don’t like thinking about it that far
Casey: I get it, I’d rather they stay little too
Janis: I dunno, I just can’t picture it like you do, I don’t think I want to
Casey: you don’t have to, I’ll make sure the surprises are good ones while I’m on about doing whatever else
Janis: I don’t wanna piss on your parade about it or anything
Casey: I get that as well as, don’t worry
Janis: I’m not worried about the flat, just his reaction
Casey: yeah, same
Janis: I have to just come out and say it, no easy or nice way to do it
Janis: is there
Casey: I don’t reckon, nah, not pissing about is gonna be the only favour you can really do him
Janis: yeah, you’re right
Janis: fuck it, here I go then
Casey: deep breath, my love
Janis: [send him what you sent Jimmy because we know it took him a sec to reply]
Janis: that sounds alright, don’t it?
Casey: there’s nothing wrong with it, to the point and that, without being dickhead levels of formal or too matey
Janis: I tried
Janis: when he replies, let you know the gist
Casey: alright, tah
Janis: [let this convo go on for a bit because you sorted the flat situ, the Bobby school translator appointment and coming ‘round for a cuppa and to get Libi’s present pretty quickly]
Janis: he seems alright, I thought it was going to be bitchy secretary formal but he sounds like himself, at times
Janis: he’s alright about the flat, understands its unavoidable and I’m gonna go with him to the school to talk about them getting Bob a proper translator before him and Lib get any worse
Casey: Okay, none of that was what I were expecting but I’m not fuming about it, like
Janis: I know, yeah
Janis: maybe I’m just delusional from the stress but he seems properly alright, not just saying he is
Janis: ‘cos if he was doing that he would’ve 👍 and stopped talking, that’s the standard
Casey: you can work out the difference better than anybody else, I trust it
Janis: he’s actually got a present for Lib, says I can pick it up at lunch, wouldn’t offer that if he was fucked up from this news
Casey: and he’s remembered when it’s for, can’t be that gone
Janis: exactly, feel like a knob for being so scared to start this convo now, like
Casey: feel like I’ll have to take back every bad word I’ve ever said about our kid if this is his doing
Janis: might’ve had a point telling Libi to piss off and leave him to it
Casey: too right if the result’s this
Janis: might take 🤏 of pleasure telling her that today but best not, poor cow
Casey: let us, never did have none ‘cause I didn’t swing for her last night
Janis: oi, I sorted that for you [however long ago your quickie was]
Casey: yeah but
Casey: I properly fancied hitting her, you get it, it was mutual
Janis: I know, it’d only make her act like more of a dick though, cause more trouble
Janis: so you have to settle for going on lots and lots of runs and taking it out on me
Casey: do my best to live with that, far as compromises go, reckon I can, just about
Janis: you can even tell me about how badly you wanted to, I ain’t gonna grass, unlike certain people
Casey: I might, as we’ll have all night to have a chat, I’m gonna ring work now
Janis: in our new home
Janis: where she won’t be having no key
Casey: nobody will, it’s ours and you’re mine
Janis: we need all night
Casey: be a very sweet home where I don’t need to share you
Janis: I’m yours
Casey: and I’ll claim you all over it ‘til there’s more reminders in that place than you know what to do with
Janis: I’m gonna make you happier than you know what to do with
Casey: oi, cheater, you have, pick a new one
Janis: hmm, what do you want 🤔
Casey: just you, from when we met I was happier than I could hack
Janis: don’t make me emotional
Casey: sorry, I’ll shut up before he works out you are and it sets him off
Janis: shh, it’s going well, don’t jinx anything
Casey: has gotta be a record or something it is still
Janis: these days, yeah
Casey: so you’re alright, I’ll shh
Janis: 😘 have got loads to be doing, you
Casey: in a bit then
Janis: gonna be over there from [whatever o’clock to the next] so don’t worry if I don’t respond ‘til after then, alright
Janis: might get heavier in person but I’d message you if it was too bad
Casey: unless I hear from you, you’ll not from me
Casey: it’s okay
Janis: thanks, for getting it
Casey: I get you both, always have
Janis: I know that
Janis: he probably does too, more than he’d care to admit
Casey: rather not admit it myself, only do to you
Janis: maybe one day
Casey: maybe
Janis: [actually go quiet when the convo takes a turn towards the suicidal how it did]
Casey: [likewise cos you said you would, soz you’re fully in the dark about this but]
Janis: [just makes sense, it isn’t the kind of convo where you can also be carrying on another]
Casey: [agreed, and from his POV whatever is happening he trusts her to handle it, unless she says she can’t and wants him involved, so there’s no need to get involved via asking for updates and stuff every 5 seconds, he knows she’ll tell him what he needs to know eventually, good or bad]
Janis: [like this is going to end up being a long time for y’all but she did tell you when to expect her back so we best skip to then and ahh]
Casey: [oh lord she coming]
Janis: back at work, back on 📡📱
Casey: How was it
Janis: Heavier, as predicted but neither of us ended up catatonic so in comparison
Janis: I think we made some progress
Casey: I’m happy with that, even in comparison, like
Casey: I got myself ready to hear loads worse
Janis: it’s never fun to be the dickhead waiting, I know
Casey: should be used to it, never am somehow
Janis: things are different
Janis: but, me and him need to talk more, there’s still shit we need to do together, about Bobby and Libi and that
Janis: it was helpful, to actually know what was going on with him and in his head, like I haven’t for ages
Casey: him letting you back in is different, never thought I’d see the day at one point
Janis: he knows he can’t carry on like he has, I wasn’t going to freak you out but it did get a bit dark, he knows he needs help, and is actually going to look for it
Casey: good, can’t say no fairer than that, can we
Janis: it’s gonna be Libi’s birthday, then having a meeting with the school about the translator, then if he needs me to, I’ll go doctors with him, make sure what needs to be said is
Janis: it’s a start, yeah?
Casey: yeah
Casey: for once I don’t feel a massive twat having my hopes a bit up
Janis: you said it, and I knew it was true, we needed to do that, for closure's sake
Casey: I do feel a twat though that I can’t believe he’s so alright
Janis: aside from the whole suicidal thing but
Janis: I guess none of us can pretend we’re shocked, makes it all the fucking worse
Janis: but he wants help, I’m sure of it
Casey: first time he’s properly acknowledged all that in his head, nevermind said he wants rid
Janis: it was like when I thought you were gonna go to prison, he stopped replying, for a bit, he was meant to be at work but suddenly in my head he’d stepped out and into the road or
Casey: fuck, I’m sorry you had to hack all that
Casey: I should’ve checked, whatever I said
Janis: no, it’s okay, he did come back after a bit of freaking out over the phone
Janis: had to focus, try not to talk over him or some other bullshit I usually do
Casey: easier said than done when he’s maybe about to off himself
Janis: I guess, yeah, it weren’t nice but
Janis: we got there
Casey: you did it, you got through it and through to him an’ all
Janis: maybe he’ll decide he can’t do Libi’s bday, or whatever, we can’t get too ambitious too soon but he wouldn’t have even had words to say yes or no to anything last month
Casey: exactly, that’ll more than do me
Janis: s’like some weight I didn’t even know was there until it was lifted is gone
Casey: I fucking love you
Casey: you’re so 
Casey: I dunno, I’ve not got the words now, brave don’t sound right
Janis: I’m not brave, just the only one in the position to have that chat with him right now, you would if it were a possibility yet
Casey: yeah, but you keep on putting yourself in the shittest positions, over and over, for all us dickheads, it’s not nothing, I just don’t have a clue how to say what it is
Casey: everything it is, in a word
Janis: I made it the shittiest situation, well, we did, I guess, for all of us
Janis: its my job to make it right, as best I can
Casey: you could’ve pissed off out of it, other dickheads do in the shitty situations they’ve made
Janis: fucked if I know how they live with themselves though
Casey: they don’t, if my dad’s anything to go by
Casey: I’m proud of you, let us be, fuck’s sake
Janis: but you can’t
Casey: he’s alive, today that’s down to you
Janis: I kissed him goodbye
Janis: I don’t wanna say it and take away from the hope you’re right to have about him but I don’t wanna keep it no secret
Casey: goodbyes matter, if you had to, you had to
Janis: it felt like something we should’ve done a long time ago, way before us
Janis: but I know it happened now, not making no excuse
Casey: I can’t have a go, I meant what I said, you’ve kept him here
Casey: he needs to be more than I need to kick off, it was just a kiss, a goodbye
Janis: not like a peck on the cheek though, more than that
Casey: I don’t wanna hear the details
Janis: alright
Casey: you said it were like when you thought garda was gonna cart us off, I get it
Casey: I’d do fucking whatever not to lose him either
Janis: I know you would
Janis: it was too similar, the dread and then the relief but not being sure how long that would last, if it would
Casey: it does my head in you had to go through something like that again
Janis: he can’t help it being the truth but I told him he was a twat for stopping responding when he did
Janis: it made everything seem more immediate than I hope it were
Casey: he is, he’s a right knobhead for it
Janis: I fucking love you too, you know
Casey: I know, but I fucking hate there’s no more I can do at the minute or have done when this was going on
Janis: I’d feel helpless too 
Janis: but us trying to do anything with him or the kids as a duo, just ain’t going to work, we have to go to them separate, for now
Casey: like I said before, I can’t go to them at all, they’ve gotta come to me
Janis: okay but at least I can persuade Jimmy, or his therapist can
Janis: have to rely on him to do the work with the kid
Casey: I can wait, never used to it or not
Janis: I think you’re whatever the word that isn’t brave is too
Casey: I ain’t, I’ve just done enough bad to them, I don’t reckon I’ve got it in us to do no more
Janis: he knows he has you too, he said as much
Casey: what did he say
Janis: that he let you down, by being different after your mum left, I told him what you said to me, about first hitting him
Janis: that you used to rate him like Bobby did, how he thinks he’ll end up hating him too
Janis: I told him you don’t, it’s not that simple
Casey: no, simple definitely don’t fit
Janis: not one of you, like
Casey: he would say I used to rate him though, dickhead
Janis: he always was a bighead, deep down
Casey: got that in common, the 3 of us
Janis: oh, he did say that maybe he shouldn’t have treated you like you were Bobs age
Janis: did also maybe imply I was a paedo after that but we’ll let it slide
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bluemusickid · 3 years
Omfg I am at the beach and all I want is for lifeguard!Chris (or any of CE's characters for that matter 😏😉) to rail me😭😭🥺
Warnings: 18+, smut, MAJOR HOE THOTS, minors pls dni
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Imagine tho:
You're on the beach, just chilling, watching the handsome lifeguard pace around, keeping watch
There's something about him, and his rugged features, his scruffy beard and shiny hair
Seeing him makes you feel hot and bothered, and not just because of the sun.
You take your sunglasses off to get a better look; his muscles glinting in the sun owing to a sheen of moisture, his chest with a smattering of chest hair (droolll)
You see him checking you out as well, his eyes roaming shamelessly over your body his naturally stoic face erupting into a grin, at what he saw. The smile evaporated as soon as he saw someone needing help, his impossibly long legs taking huge strides to reach and help. He was very much in charge, which only added to his appeal
You decide to change before you leave, having witnessed a gorgeous sunset and an equally gorgeous man, who you would probably never meet again
You were in the changing room, about to shut the door, when a hand stopped you from doing so. Frowning, you opened the door ready to give a piece of your mind to whoever it was
It was him, Mr. Hot-Ass Lifeguard, shirtless and in all his glistening glory. You realise that you've been ogling him for a good minute or two. Clearing your throat, you ask him with mild annoyance what he was doing
Walking you into the room, he backed you up into the wall, his breath fanning your face. "I saw you checking me out." He says
You stare into his gorgeous azure-blue eyes, mentally cursing yourself for being as subtle as a gun. "I..I don't know what you mean." You say haltingly, again cursing yourself for being a terrible liar.
He smirks, then leans in and crashes his lips to yours, his lips surprisingly soft and plump. You are taken aback by his alacrity, but the feel of his lips against yours makes you lose sense of all rational thoughts
His intrepid hand snakes around your waist, while the other runs over your ass, squeezing gently. You moan, pulling him closer, running your hand slightly over his crotch
He breaks apart, breathing wildly. Panting, he pushes down his trunks, quickly pulling down your bikini bottom
"Last chance to say no, sweetheart" he rasps, watching you with hooded eyes. You grasp his cock, pumping it slowly
"I want you." you say, your voice a mere breathy whisper
You fail to register what happens next, as he hauls you up against the wall, his cock positioned at your opening. Wordlessly, you wrap your legs around him, imploring him to move
He pushes inside your wet heat, moaning as he feels your walls engulf him. You gasp, feeling him move slowly inside, his cock snug against you
After he feels you relax, he lets go, setting a punishing pace. The best you can do is hang on to him, as he fucks you thoroughly and relentlessly, his tongue laving voraciously at your pulse point
You have to stop yourself from moaning out loud at the risk of someone hearing; thankfully, the beach is pretty secluded at this time
He sets you down, curling your leg around his hip as he continues thrusting, his fingers circling your clit, making you feel like your insides are on fire
You bite his shoulder, not knowing how to control the sensory overload this man was invoking in you. He reaches behind and unties your top, his fingers rolling your nipple between his fingers
These added sensation set you off, your walls contracting around him as you drop your head on his shoulder, your nails leaving scratches on his gorgeous arms
You come down from your high, his forehead resting against yours as you see him nearing his climax as well
Leaning down, you run your tongue along his beautiful chest, tasting the salty tang of the sea on his skin. It's heady and intoxicating, and you want to commit it to your memory, coz you're sure you're not gonna meet him again.
Circling your tongue around his nipple, you reach down and scissor his cock between your index and middle finger, adding to the sensations
He lets out a garbled moan as he comes, his hot spend coating your walls
You feel his seed leak out as he pulls his trunks up, helping you dress
Before he leaves, he cups your face, looking deep into your eyes
"Meet me at the beach tomorrow, 8 AM sharp. I haven't had my fill of you yet, pretty girl."
I AM NOT OKAY; I NEED BEACH SEX (although I hate the sand)
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Tagging my hoes-in-law (this is all from memory, pls tell me if I've forgotten/accidently added anyone): @donutloverxo @gotnofucks @worksby-d @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @chris-butt @starlightcrystalline @tenaciousperfectionunknown @ozarkthedog @imdarkinme
517 notes · View notes
stevenose · 2 years
I had a kinda weird idea and now I’m going to bother you with it…
Steve walks in on reader masturbating. Even though they’ve been dating a little while reader still expects him to be shocked and maybe even grossed out. But instead he gets… pouty. Like he’s mostly joking but also kinda serious when he says something like “Guess you don’t need me to have fun, huh? 🥺” And it turns into reader trying to show him how much they really do need him. With a lot of giggling and dorkyness involved of course.
AWWWW 🥺🥺🥺 i gotta write this
Steve doesn’t know what to do or where to look. You didn’t even have a blanket covering you. Just… fully spread out, totally on display, touching yourself. He kind of stiffens, turning to the side and staring at the door frame. The he apologizes and leaves, shutting the door behind him.
You’re absolutely mortified. Steve doesn’t know you touch yourself. Well, everyone touches themselves - but you’d never really had that conversation yet. Because Steve was always ready and available and you hardly ever needed to touch yourself. Unless he’s been working overtime and taking shifts for Robin like he is this week. He must have gotten off of work early.
You emerge a few minutes later, robe on, still blushing. Steve didn’t leave, surprisingly - he just sat down on the couch and defaulted to turning the TV on. You clear your throat and he jumps up, awkwardly putting his hands in his back pockets. “I’m really sorry.”
“You didn’t know,” you say. “It’s okay. Did you get off early?”
Get off. Steve wishes. “Uh. Yeah.”
“That’s good,” you answer. Neither of you move.
“It’s not a big deal,” Steve says. “I - you know. I do it too.” He makes a jerking off motion with his hand. “Not all the time. Sometimes, though.” He wants to kick himself.
“Yeah. No. It’s not,” you say. “It’s fine. It’s a good thing!”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees. “Really good thing.”
“It’s awesome.”
You nod at each other, and after a moment, you both sit on the couch. The awkwardness passes after a while, and you sit close to each other; but Steve still has something to say.
“Am I awesome?”
“I think you’re cool,” you answer, head resting on his chest, arms tucked around him.
“In bed.”
“Oh.” You sit up to face him. “Of course you’re good in bed. Why are you asking?”
Steve looks at the TV and gives a half hearted shrug. “Just doesn’t seem like you need me anymore.” He’s biting back a smile, and you roll your eyes.
“Come on.”
“I’m serious,” he says, and he really kind of is. “All you need are those pretty little fingers. Don’t even need my help.”
“Yeah. A vibrator would totally put you out of business.”
Steve actually pouts at that, looking at you with big, round eyes. “Is that true?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Steve.” You grab his hand and line it up with yours, palms touching, showing the size difference of your fingers. You quirk a brow and Steve doesn’t hesitate to grip your hips and pull you onto his lap. You giggle and he does, too, burying his head into your neck.
“So you’re sayin’ nothing can fill you up like I can?” He kisses your collarbone and you shift in his lap, feeling him growing hard.
“Basically,” you answer. You play with a stray strand of his hair. “I’ve never come so hard than when I’m with you.”
Steve loves having his ego stroked. “Do I fill you up perfectly?”
“Perfectly,” you repeat. Steve moves to cup your breasts and you bite your lip. “You fit in me just right. Fill me up so nice. Like my pussy’s made for your cock.”
Steve groans and flicks his thumbs over your nipples. And then he giggles. “But a vibrator probably still has me beat, huh?”
“I’m not so sure,” you moan, grinding on him. “I guess we’ll have to try one.”
Steve flips you onto your back swiftly, knocking the breath of you. You laugh at that, then gasp when Steve presses his thigh between your legs.
“Not a chance in hell,” he breathes, grinning. “I can’t lose my job.”
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sunaluvs · 2 years
Kiyoomi 🥺💗
mutuals send me a character you selfship with
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"baby, where'd the cat go?"
sakusa doesn't look up from his phone.
you stop in front of him, crossing your arms and staring at him.
"kiyoomi. where's the damn cat."
he grumbles, looking up at you through his hoodie pulled low over his face.
"why would i know where that demon spawn went?"
you sigh, rolling your neck. very subtly, he sits up a little straighter. you notice, but don't comment.
"because," you begin patiently, "he is our cat, meaning he is our responsibility. meaning we need to know where he is at least 75% of the time."
"not like i wanted the hairy thing," he mumbles, fingers playing with the lace of his hoodie.
"well, you sure looked like you wanted to adopt him as your legal son when he slept next to you yesterday," you retort, "so don't give me that. at this rate, he'll be replacing me by next month."
his mouth drops open, and he's clearly very ready to argue, but you cut him off before he gets the chance to.
"where is he?" you press.
he shrugs dramatically, eyebrows raising and hands held out innocently in front of him, "i don't know! i don't always keep track of where he is."
you're about to snap back when a knock on the door stops you.
you furrow your eyebrows at him, but he simply shrugs his shoulders again.
of course.
you gripe under your breath as you make your way to the apartment entrance, plastering on the most congenial smile you can muster before opening the door.
your neighbor stands in front of you with his wild green hair and atrocious t-shirt (that quite literally says 't-shirt'). his feet shift every so often in nerves, but that's not what catches your attention.
no. it's the large, black cat blinking at you that makes your mouth drop open.
here i am, you irresponsible parent, he says.
then your neighbor starts talking a mile a minute.
"i'm so sorry to bother you, i know it's sort of early but i heard something scratching at my door this morning and at first i thought it was my imagination, then that i must be going crazy, and i didn't originally wanna open the door because that's the kind of thing that gets people killed in horror movies, so i don't know why i did anyway, but i'm glad i did because it was your cat! or, at least, i think it's your cat? i've seen him hanging around you guys so i assumed but honestly i'm not quite too sure now? oh my god, please tell me this is your cat because if it's not then this—"
"yes! yes, you were right," you quickly put a stop to his rambling, holding your hands out to him, "please don't worry, this is my cat, and i was just looking for him," your voice rises at the end of your sentence. you can imagine the wince on your boyfriend’s face.
"oh," he blinks, then visibly deflates, "that's good. very—very good." carefully, he hands the ball of fur over to you.
you smile weakly back at him, "yeah. i, uh, actually really need to go, but—thank you! for bringing him back," you wiggle the cat in your arms.
"oh, s'no problem! of course not, not at all."
"great! have a good rest of your day," you get out, before shutting the door.
you pause, feeling a little guilty.
you yank it open.
"again, thank you so, so much," you repeat, before firmly closing it for the last time.
a beat passes in silence in your apartment, broken only by the sound of your cat meowing. he hops off your arms and lands swiftly on the floor, slinking away into the hallway.
from the living room, sakusa calls out, "at least now you know where he is?"
your eye twitches.
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alwaysfangirlingish · 3 years
Title: Old amulet
Word count: 1.4k
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Prompt: “I never hated you, you just make me feel things I don’t understand.”
Warnings: I believe there is no warnings...
PD: Si alguno de ustedes es de Argentina y les gustó el fic, y quieren apoyarme un poco, acá les dejo mi cafecito link: kolwithaheart <3 gracias¡!
A/N: This is my #happy2021promptchallenge!! (Challenge created by @hellotvshowtrash​ )
Since I saw the post about the challenge I was so exited, and now my One Shot is finally here 🥺👉👈
 I hope you enjoy it! And remember, if you do, please consider a reblog, a comment and a like ✨💖
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I got on the bike, placing my bag in the basket, and quickly hung up the call from my boss, who reminded me I had to deliver all these orders before sunset and headed to my first destination. Upon entering the compound, there was no one to greet, so I quickly made my way to Freya's room. To my surprise, she wasn’t there, so I went back in search of one of her brothers. It didn't take long, as Klaus was rushing out of the kitchen the second I finished descending the stairs.
“Oh, but if it isn't the little witch who seems to have no home of her own,” He said, looking at me from head to toe with annoyance and his classic smirk.
While Klaus wasn't my favourite Mikaelson, our relationship eventually became quite fun. At first, I loved to annoy him by showing up in the house, as he described my presence as ‘unnecessarily bright and irritating’. Soon after, he started making jokes about me, and I did the same with him, and that became our dynamic.
“Don’t be silly,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest, “It's just that Freya invites me often, and I enjoy being here to bother you,” I said, with a proud smile at hearing him chuckle, “Speaking of her, have you seen Freya? She wasn't in her room.”
“I have no idea, and I'm not interested either,” He said, “Now I have other business to attend,” He turned, ready to go, but first he looked at me with a brief smile that seemed to hide other intentions, “Oh, and my dear brother is in the library, just in case...,” And with that said, he left the place.
After hearing that, my heart started beating very fast. It wasn’t a secret that I had a crush on the original vampire, even though our relationship wasn't the best. We never talked too much, mostly because he was hardly ever at home.
By the time I came out of my thoughts, I was outside the library, knocking on the door and waiting for the vampire response so I could enter without disturbing him.
“Hey...” I said, intertwining my hands behind my back, walking into the room.
There he was: Standing next to one of the shelves, with one hand resting on it and an open book in the other, in his expensive suit, reading, until he looked up and his eyes fell on me.
“What do you want, Y/N?” He asked in a serious, lower tone of voice, turning his gaze back to his book.
“Well,…” I said, starting to play with my hands, “You know, I have this old amulet that arrived at the store this morning.” I said, “It is quite pretty, and in a decent condition, it's ridiculously expensive though, and… ”
“Stop rambling and get to the point,” He said, closing his book with one hand, turning to put it away and look for another, “I am extremely busy, as you can clearly see unless you're blind, but we both know that is not the case.”
I sighed, bringing a hand to my hair, shaking it a bit to take my nerves away. Like I said before, my relationship with Elijah wasn't the best. He was kind of… Inaccessible.
“I’m sorry,” I said, before clearing my throat, “I just wanted to see if you know where Freya is,” I asked, biting my lower lip.
His movements stopped right after I asked him, and he turned to see me in a really slow and scary way, to be honest. He took a few steps towards me, stopping about four steps from me, and put a thoughtful expression on his face, before opening his mouth to speak.
“When was the last time you saw her?” He asked me. I answered saying I haven’t seen her since she ordered the amulet which was two days ago. He immediately took his phone, putting the device to his ear to make the call. I heard him sigh when, after several attempts, the number did not answer him, I assumed it was Freya's phone that he was calling.
“It’s okay, she’s probably at...” I started to say, “Where are you going?” I asked, but he ignored me, and walked out of the library, with me following him.
“Stay here,” He said, without even looking at me. I didn’t listen to him, I kept walking behind him. Once we were in the exit door of the house, he turned to see me, “I told you to stay here.”
“I wanna help you find Freya, I need to deliver this,” I said, frowning, though inside I felt nervous, or maybe a bit excited, to see her reaction to my words. You know, no one was supposed to disobey Elijah Mikaelson.
“Dear Y/N, a witch without powers isn’t useful,” He said, fixing his suit, “It’s just a stone in your shoe,”
I'd be lying if I said his words didn't hurt. Elijah was always very rude to me, and I thought it would be a matter of time until I won some of his affection, but he always seemed to reject me in this way, even though this day he was being more rude than normal.
“Well, they said they would give me my powers back...” I started to say, remembering when the ancestors punished me by taking my powers a couple of weeks ago.
“You have nothing to do here, go home,” He said.
“No,” I said, “I need to give this to Freya, and I may know where…”
“Just go home, Y/N.”
“You're not even liste...!” I said, stomping on the ground, feeling impatient and annoyed by Elijah. I had to admit that on the one hand, I wanted to help him find Freya because we had never spent time together, but I also really needed to deliver the order.
“I don't have the time for this,” He said, turning to leave, but I grabbed him by the arm, “What do you think you're doing?”
“I'm trying to talk to you!” I exclaimed, still frowning, “All you always do is being rude to me when I'm always nice to you,” I said, while Elijah just stood there, looking at me silently.
“I’m always polite and nice to you, I even try to talk to you about interesting things because I don't know if you've noticed, we have quite similar hobbies,” I said, still without letting go of his arm, “But you always ignore me, say hurtful things to me, or look at me like I'm the most annoying person in the world, and it's not a ‘good annoying’ like when Klaus looks at me,” I said and, with some rudeness, I let go of his arm, “I don't understand why you hate me so much!” I exclaimed.
A few seconds passed, quite silent ones to tell the truth, until Elijah sighed, and adjusted the sleeves of his suit, before looking at me. His eyes examined my angry expression as he took a deep breath.
“I never hated you,” He said, looking at the side, “You just make me feel things I don't understand.”
After hearing those words, my mouth fell to the ground, and I just looked at him, saying nothing. My crush told me he felt things for me, I was supposed to act fast, but I didn't know what to do. Should I throw myself into his arms like in the movies, or...?
“From the first moment I saw you, something invaded my chest,” He explained, “and it makes me feel strange, intense things every time I am with you, ” He said, now looking at me, “I have never felt this desire, this longing for someone, not at this depth”
“I feel the same way for you, Elijah, I think everyone knows that,” I giggled, grabbing his hand, “We should talk about this upsta...” I said, but my phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket to see who it was, and my boss's name appeared. I turned to look at Elijah shyly, and gave him a quick brief hug, "I'll come back and we must solve this whole mess of feelings, do you hear me?” I said, watching him smile slightly and nod, “Oh, and your sister is probably at Keelin’s, she’s fine,” Right after saying that, I ran to my bike, hoping my boss wouldn't fire me.
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daybreakx · 3 years
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➵ astro jinjin x gender neutral reader, strangers to friends to lovers, college au.
➵ word count: 1.5k
➵ warnings: mentions of food, drinking, lame jokes, uuh drinking games (which I don’t know much of, sorry). unedited.
➵ a/n: this was requested by my lovely 🍫anon whom i love very much! I hope you like this my dear🥺💖
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ɪ. ɪᴄᴇᴅ ʟᴀᴛᴛᴇ
Stopping for coffee when you were already on a tight schedule to get to your lecture wasn’t a good idea. In fact, you knew your friends would disapprove of it and give you the pointed ‘I can’t believe you’ look the moment you scurried inside the classroom, but coffee wouldn’t hurt especially on such a warm day.
You rushed out of the Campus café with an iced latte in your hand and your phone in the other, your screen already filled with texts from Mina asking where you were, and telling you to hurry up or you would miss the lecture. You wouldn’t even bother thinking of an excuse, plus, texting her back would only take more of the so precious time she was talking about.
You took two steps down the road, sipping coffee happily when it happened: one of the dumbasses from the basketball team losing his ball, same one that ended knocking your cup out of your hand. 
“I am so sorry!” he said as he ran towards you, looking back at the rest of his childish friends who looked mortified all the same. “It was an accident, Sanha was just being an idiot...”
“It’s fine,” you cut him off without eyeing him properly, your little detour had been a disaster and you’d be late to class for nothing. “It was an accident.”
“Let me buy you another one,” the guy offered, searching for your eyes. He was a little shorter than the rest of his friends, who were still on guard, and had light brown hair. 
“I don’t have time right now,” you replied, trying not to sound rude. “But uh, thanks.”
“My name is Jinwoo!” he called as you walked down the road, avoiding the remains of your spilled drink. “I’ll buy you coffee any time, just let me know!”
This time you giggled, waving him off along with his offer, at least he had good intentions. But that wouldn’t give you the latte or your money back.
ɪɪ. ʙᴇᴇʀ
Parties with Moon Bin always ended up with either of you in trouble, for whatever dumb—or well justified reason. So you were already expecting a fun yet incredibly messy night.
“Wait, you can’t leave me!” you argued, hitting Bin in the middle of his back. “I didn’t even want to play.”
“You’ll be fine!” he insisted, “I’ll be on the other side with Eunwoo,”
“Oh, the baby can’t play on his own?” leaning a bit to the side you stared at Eunwoo, who already held the pong ball between his hands. It was always the same with him, stealing your partner because he sucked. 
“Just pair up with Jinwoo,” Bin offered, “If you win I’ll buy you dinner!” he gestured for the person standing behind you, Jinwoo, obviously. 
“Ready to play? y/n is actually really good,” Moon Bin continued, patting Jinwoo in the back before you turned to acknowledge him. 
“I won’t spill anything on you,” Jinwoo said with a smile as soon as your eyes met his. “I promise,”
You shook your head, not being able to help your laughter. “I sure hope so.”
“I swear if you don’t get the ball inside in the next shot, you’re drinking everything,” you threatened, rubbing your forehead. Beer pong sucked, and it was worse when you were on the losing team, you had drank so many cups already you wondered how you were still standing. 
“I just feel a lot of pressure!” Jinwoo excused himself for the hundreth time, but this time he turned his head to face you. “My team mates aren’t this attractive, usually.”
Instead of responding, you threw the spare ball to his head, but still felt embarrassment creeping up your face. “Just– play,” 
It wasn’t like you didn’t think of Jinwoo as any less than attractive, but you were still losing and if he kept flirting with you in front of Moon Bin, the literal child wouldn’t let either of you live it down. 
Bin and Eunwoo bursted out laughing when Jinwoo missed again, even you did, taking the red cup and handing it to him.
“Sorry,” he smiled, gulping down the beer. 
“It’s fine, at least Eunwoo now knows what it’s like to win at beer pong,” you chuckled as well. “I just hope you’re better at playing basketball.”
Jinwoo pretended to be hurt, taking a hand to his chest but grinning widely. “That’s how it is?”
“That’s how it is,” you nodded, glad he could take the joke. 
“Well you can find that out it come to the next game on Friday,” 
“We’ll see, then.”
ɪɪɪ. ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ
You were glad to find out Jinwoo wasn’t actually half bad at playing basketball, he had a good game, despite being giddy the moment he saw you walk through the door with Moon Bin and a couple other friends. 
“So, what do you think?” Jinwoo asked as soon as he met you on the sidelines, still sweaty and panting. 
“I still can’t believe you made us lose at beer pong,” you replied, grabbing the water bottle you’d bought for yourself that was still sealed, and offering it to him. 
“Thank you,” he took it from you with a smile, “I’m really happy you came, though.”
“Me too,” you replied honestly. It had been fun and if you were honest, you found yourself thinking about Jinwoo quite often these days. You had seen him around the campus café almost every day, and he walked distance with you asking how you were doing before ‘realizing’ he was actually going the other way, and he had actually bought you a drink a couple days ago, from the time he spilled yours.
“Do you like movies?” Jinwoo asked, giving the bottle a squeeze a tad to strong, making the water burst from the top. The rest of your friends, who were trying their best to mind their own business, gave the two of you sided looks.
“I do,” there was a bit of hesitation in your voice, given his anxious demeanor. “Why?”
“W-would you, so– there’s this movie, in the cinema obviously and– would you like to go?”
“Sure, that would be nice,” you offered him a reassuring smile, although your insides were turning with excitement. 
ɪᴠ. ꜱʟᴜʀᴘᴇᴇ
To be fair, the movie was slightly ridiculous. With jump scares and fake blood everywhere, it could have been laughable hadn’t you been filled with butterflies from head to toe. The theater seemed too small, even when there were only five other people inside with you. The word ‘date’ was ever-present in your mind since that morning, but you didn’t want to ask. 
The way back to your dorm room had been filled with chatter and laughter, you were having such a good time, you didn’t want it to end.
“Do you uh... do you want to get something to drink?” Jinwoo offered, holding your arm lightly to make you stop your march. “If you have time, that is.”
“Sure, let’s do it,” you replied almost immediately, not afraid to show your excitment anymore. 
You ended up in a 24H store, sitting right outside with large-sized slurpee each. A lot of sugar for such late hours, but you didn’t mind at all.
“Your tongue is blue already!” you laughed, sticking your own out. “Is mine red?”
Jinwoo laughed, trying and failing of course, to see his tongue. “Do you think it will turn purple if we exchange drinks?”
“Uh... yes? that’s how it works?” still, with a childish beam you took the cup from his hand and exchanged it with yours. 
Both of you took a few sips before counting down to three to show each other if your mouth had actually changed colors. Laughter filled the air as you continued your silly games, only dying down as Jinwoo inched closer to you slowly.
“Can I kiss you?” he questioned, stopping far enough from you that you could easily reject his advance. 
But you didn’t, instead you nodded around three times, resorting to whisper a ‘yes’ at last, before Jinwoo pressed his lips against yours. The kiss tasted of cherry and blue berry, and something even sweeter than that, that belonged purely to his lips.
ᴠ. ᴄᴏꜰꜰᴇᴇ
“May I come in?” he questioned, knocking on the already open door. 
“Shouldn’t you be home?” you retorted, barely peeling your eyes off the textbook in front of you. Exams approached quickly and you were drowning in revisions and stress. 
“I was on my way, but I figured you could use a break,” Jinwoo shook the cup he was holding in his left hand. “And some caffeine,”
You smiled at him, getting up from your seat and walking up to him, still at the door. “Thank you, love.”
“Best boyfriend ever, or what?” Jinwoo joked, kissing your cheek. 
“Well... if you had brought a piece of cake...” you joked, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
Jinwoo clicked his tongue, taking the cup back from you. He walked inside the room and placed it on the desk. “You still need a break. Come here,”
You sat together on the floor of your room, your head leaning against his shoulder. “Thank you for coming to check on me.”
“Any time, baby,” he kissed your head gently, rubbing your back in soothing circles.
He was the best boyfriend ever, indeed.
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shoichee · 2 years
May I request a matchup please?
I go with she/her and I'm Straight! Pretty outgoing at some point but mostly is that calm sunshine in the group (or that's what I've been told) I am a Virgo and an ENFP! You see where the energy is coming yes? Hehe
Anyways,Hobbies,, You can say almost anything fun. I love sports especially Volleyball and basketball. I definitely enjoy singing, drawing, painting, writing and so many things- I just can't stop haha!
Strength? The ability to talk to Everyone easily! Communication! I love interacting with people and I honestly think its one strong point for me! I usually get pissed at people easily but Somehow they turn around and become nice to me so It doesn't bother me much anymore!
Weaknesses,, Stress is the biggest one. I can't function straight with stress and I lose my control and focus. I get really vulnerable and weak under it and like,, oops. Also Insecurities are part of the whole thing but that goes with Everyone I guess.
My interests revolve around almost everything. Curiosity. Mhm. Oh and Also I LIVE for making Others feel better. No matter who I try to take care of Everyone around me and all. Even if other people thought they were bad and Hideous. I just give the person a chance and then,,,, I get easily attached. Help.
Ah, I am not the tallest but Is 5'475 tall? Hehe,, lets not talk about the rest- Long dark hair with some hazel highlights and slightly tanned skin.
Hmm what else. Ah yes! One main thing that I LOVE is Roller Coasters.
I hope that's enough?? Haha Hope you have a good day/night! Stay Hydrated!
I just saw that another anon Said that they forgot something and since mine is in the askbox I was wondering if It's okay to add some small things? Minor details? If so here are mine🥺 (I don't remember if I submitted as an anonymous or not but I'm the ENFP gal who has a lot of energy uhh Volleyball basketball gal?)
I am a big softie who EASILY gets attached to people/things/animals and even numbers. If I liked someone and they liked this specific number, this number is now one of my favorites. Colors as well. Anything that resembles someone I really like. Plushies? If anyone got me one I'm definitely cherishing it but best gifts would be colorsets. I love coloring so any color set makes me happy.
I am a total softie. I would appear to be confident and more mature but I have this soft side in me. (And that side who squeals and screams in horror movies as well) I cry while watching shows and Whatever happens that makes me happy makes me soft like 🥺
Food makes me happy as well (Idk I'm hungry had to put that in)
Sorry If that caused you confusion and if that was messy-
Hope you have a Lovely day/night Darlin!!💖💖
Best Matchup…
Sakurai Ryō
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listen, HEAR ME OUT
he’s an INFP first off, the butter to your ENFP bread and he’s a virgo too
he’d probably be intimidated by you first by how chatty you can get ✋😭 but he’ll always be in the background, noticing your presence, being that the very observant guy he is
but you’re always hanging around the basketball courts and he has that curiosity in him that he can’t bring himself to shake off
everyone calls you the oh so wonderful “calm sunshine” and the mega-softie that he can’t help but want to get to know you, but he doubts your reputation and rumors about you just a smidge bit when he sees you yelling your ass off at Aomine, because let’s face it, he brings out the worst sides in everyone LMAO and he’s NEVER OUTWARDLY NICE (Aomine—stop making things harder for everyone, I’m begging–)
of course, noticing Sakurai doing his own shooting drills many times while you hang around the courts, you’ve tried a few times to approach him to say a quick “hi” and a chat, but he IMMEDIATELY books it out the door every time, all while frantically chanting “sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
you’re here like: “??????????? What did I do?”
it was by pure chance when you guys ended up in the same class that spring, I just know it
it was during a break when you, who were seated pretty close to Sakurai, couldn’t help but take a quick peek on his desk when you realized he was moving his pencil in a way that only an artist would do: he was drawing something
oh no… someone got a wee bit excited at that, totally not you right now or anything
even when he was half covering the paper while timidly sketching, you could totally see that he was drawing some manga panels and quickly outlining some dialogue bubbles
you made a suppressed delighted noise and he INSTANTLY scrambled to cover his sketch with his entire body on the damn desk and snapped his head up to look at the source of the sound: you
“Uh-uh..Uhm…! I’m sorry!”
“No, no!” you tried to reassure him. “I should be sorry for looking at your art without asking…”
“Oh…” he hesitated, before sitting properly again… though his arm still protectively covered the paper. “It’s fine… so…”
“But by the way!” you chimed. “I really love your art style! I draw too, so I was just really excited to see you did too, sorry if I scared you… I never meant to, ehe.”
he dares to try to glance at your figure at your giggle, but he immediately averts his gaze away in embarrassment… does he have an eensy crush on Touou’s “calm sunshine?” he doesn’t dare to even think
I would think for the next few weeks, you would be the one to initiate all the conversations with him in class, talking about manga and sharing your own drawings to make him feel better, even bringing up basketball as a topic frequently
he slowly becomes more comfortable with you, now realizing that you aren’t here to hassle/embarrass/bully/take advantage of him… poor guy
I suppose this is where your comforting side kicks in a lot more; you’re very protective of him in general, because LOOK AT HIM and tell me he isn’t the SOFTEST GUY YOU’VE EVER MET?
you’ve slowly led him to have more agency on himself + with others and have a little more self-esteem on all the encouragement and reassurance?? and you always try your best to make him feel better?
he likes that you’re the more “mature” and “put-together” one out of the two, you’re someone he can rely on in that sense
there’s gonna be a LONG TIME where he thinks he can’t be with you because he thinks he doesn’t deserve you—someone help this poor guy out
and you’re probably giving the most OBVIOUS signs that you’re smitten with him and everyone around you two are just slapping their faces like: “DUDE… you’ve GOT to be kidding me…”
fast forward where you’re probably the one who confessed and then you two get together
he’s surprisingly calm under large amounts of pressure (he has to, that’s his entire life on the courts), and when it’s with you (someone who he really, REALLY cares about) he’s willing to steel himself to be someone you can rely on during periods of high-stress and vulnerability
he gives sound advice, being really down to earth
as much as he has tons of insecurities on his own, when you have your own bouts of insecurities, he’s rushing to reassure you so adamantly and vehemently that it’s almost comical how passionate he is to dispel your negative thoughts
like, he understands you down to a T because he faces the same struggles himself
you BOTH can cry and squeal at all the types of movies together in a collective sobfest for movie marathons
bonus: there was a time when you gifted Sakurai a mushroom plush, as per his team’s suggestion… not knowing that they were snickering the entire time
“Wha-wha…? What’s with everyone associating me with mushrooms…?”
“Hm? I thought they were your favorite food? And your team told me you would love something like this…”
“Uh… erm… I guess… though I don’t think I’ve ever said any of that.”
a light bulb went off in your head, then a very large irk mark replaced it… you immediately turned and stormed off to find the conniving Imayoshi to yell his damn ear off… leaving a very confused Sakurai behind
his gifts for you on the other hand, are impeccable and well-thought out, always giving you art supplies and trinkets and plushes you might fancy
Runner-Up Matchup!
Kiyoshi Teppei
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I was debating between Sakurai and him SO MUCH
let’s just say both are great matchups to you
Anyways, our local ENFJ here is just as sunny as you here
with you two together? godamn, it’s too bright looking at you two standing next to each other, flashing everyone the brightest smiles out there like there will never be rain (cue the sunshine anime sound effect with all of the yellow rays coming off of you two)
both of you guys are quite the conversationalists, livening up any place you guys go to
like… you guys are really similar to each other, no really
it’s not hard to believe for anyone that you two would become great friends and then accidentally fall in love with each other eventually, and it feels all too natural
the only thing that distinguishes him from you is his very strong will and strong mental state overall
he isn’t the “Iron Heart” for nothing
he would definitely keep you grounded on your feet when things get mentally tough, always being there to say the right things and help you relieve the stress through massages and doing some work for you (if he can); also canon because he does this for the Seirin team
and he’s always there to stop you from being too nice to people (especially if these people were vicious and awful to you one moment and then become nice to you the next)... or instead of stopping you from doing anything, he LETS you be nice and chatty, but while you turn around to leave/do something different, he gives them a quite threatening (knowing) smile of his own as a warning not take advantage of you
he’s… not adept with his hands in terms of arts and crafts, so while you stare at wonder at his basketball techniques, he admires your dexterity with a pencil and brush… you’re like the Renaissance goddess to him or something
“Please Teppei, It’s not THAT much of a masterpiece.”
“(y/n), you know you should give yourself some cre~dit.” He would cheekily say while mussing up your hair (he, in fact, quite loves that your highlights really do remind him of sun rays)
both of you are literally holding onto each other for dear life when you two thought it was a bright idea to sit down and watch a horror movie together; it’s canon that a horror movie caused him to develop a huge fear of rats… so I’m just saying
“(y/n)! You sing?? Wow, lucky me, getting free front-row seats.”
“And who said I sing for free?” you playfully chided, and he gave a good-natured smirk of his own
“I’m glad you asked, because I can be the instrumental backing to your vocals, so I’ll be technically working to support you, as always.” he reaches into his back pocket to pull out…
a harmonica
a fucking harmonica
“How am I gonna sing to THAT?”
“Let’s try it out, shall we, (y/n)?”
bonus: imagine the hellstorm the Kirisaki Daichi team is gonna get when you see Teppei in a horrible state after that match
Honorable Mention!
Kise Ryōto
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did you say your interests revolve around everything??
did you say that you like to sing?
did you say you like to talk with people?
say less, for you have summoned the one and only Kise
canonically, Kise is pretty much the only guy with dyed hair (he actually has brown hair while everyone else has natural black), so when he spies your hair also being a bit different from the rest, he remembers your face
he noticed how sociable you are and how you got along with most people around school
and he finds you a bit more intriguing than your average person to be honest
why did I not put this guy at the top of your matchups? it all lies within his twisted personality
Kise, being an asshole that he is, would talk to you frequently and have you wrapped around his finger (YIKES, aka the people Teppei would warn to stay away from you)
I can already imagine the drama between the two of you and all the misunderstandings things are gonna cause–
see, you’re a great communicator, and contrary to popular belief, Kise really isn’t the best communicator at all—always keeping his real feelings to himself, accidentally assuming things at times, jumping to conclusions, hiding his motives at times
you’re an ultimate softie at heart and get attached really easily, and Kise at first, chalks you up as any other fangirl he’s met (OUCH)
and even when he finally reveals a more sinister side to himself, and you get pissed off and storm off, he’s a bit… thrown off… when you’re back to begrudgingly talk to him again the next time you encounter him
like, you guys will be going through 75282 hurdles before you guys truly see eye-to-eye with each other, but IF THAT HYPOTHETICALLY DID HAPPEN ALREADY…
you guys would be softies together!! he glomps on you, gets all childish on you, and you’re the sentimental person crying and being emotional
when you’re unbelievably stressed, he’s automatically by your side to support you and your needs
and when his team loses again in another match/tournament, and Kise is THIS close to crying again, you do everything you can in hopes of comforting him
people would probably look at you two and go, “eurgh, cheesy”
frequent karaoke night trips!!
you guys just share hobbies and try everything like it’s a trading card game
always going to the fairs and amusement parks to try on all the rides for fun
insanely tooth-rotting fluff in a nutshell if you can get past the huge initial obstacles
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