#but also if youre more into the battle scene bc this series kinda goes hard on them
vaugarde · 1 month
terribly sorry for progressively getting more and more annoyed and tired with jn. this show kinda gets a lot more exhausting on a rewatch when you know its not going to get better
#i think what happened when it was airing was that like. it was the direct successor to sun and moon right?#and that was a show EVERYONE shat on when it got revealed. the setting the art change the shift to a goofier style etc etc#but then it aired and aside from some hiccups while adjusting the first few eps- sm turned out to be a joy of a show#not just for a casual watch- you can tune on most episodes without context and just have a pleasant time bc its a cozy show#but also if youre more into the battle scene bc this series kinda goes hard on them#and while the episodes had a goofier tone to them the episodes never felt like they were talking down to its audience#everyone brings up the deaths and how maturely they were handled but seriously- they didnt need to go that hard on the minior episode#and yet- it took fans a long time to really come around to it and stop giving it bad faith criticism#the most popular youtubers were finding every excuse to shit on it and mock the fans#so i think when jn was announced with another slight art shift and a different format- i think we all got a little defensive over it#like hey sm had hiccups too! jn just needs some time to grow into itself and find its footing#and we had no reason to think it wouldn’t. like there were some red flags like how mimey was handled and some clickbait episodes#but we got genuinely nice episodes back then too! the scorbunny eps were neat and ash and gohs intro eps are great#the pichu opening is REALLY strong and i thought it showed a ton of promise for the show#the leon and eternatus stuff was being set up#so i waited for jn to pick up and waved off a lot of criticism as bad faith bc hey. ppl were ruthless to sm and forgetting that we do have t#to work with the limit that its a childrens series. which is fine.#but well…… suddenly we’re in the final arc and its not better. its worse. holy shit did it get worse#episodes like the drizzile one were now the exception. not the rule.#most episodes that are pleasant on a first watch became an absolute slog on a rewatch#the ‘’fanservice’’ feels more like a marketing ploy than an attempt to respect the characters. the production value was a goddamn mess.#entire arcs went unresolved#so it gave me rose tinted glasses until it all fell apart at once for me at the end#but now i have the joyful experience of watching the whole thing through knowing damn good and well it gets worse. yay#echoed voice#jn lb
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gudaho · 3 months
Kimetsu no Yaiba is my current favorite shounen of all time for a couple reasons but the main one is I thinks its a naturally funny series
the voice acting is spectacular which makes the slap-stick scenes enjoyable and believable. the slapstick also serves the situation and the characters, its not at all surprising that a guy who dedicated his entire life to the point of erasing his identity to live in obscurity and make swords, would be pissed to the point of violence when one of his unfinished creations is put into battle
but more what appeals to me more is the subtextual comedic tone which is never really addressed by the characters (spoilers ahead)
the most special strongest unique bestest warrior died before the story started (of old age)
muzan spent centuries looking for the blue spider lilies and because of his inability to recognize the value of life- killed the one woman who knew where they grew
tengen uzui being The Most. from a ninja family, is a demon slayer, has three wives, his descendant is a professional gymnast
Demon: im going to consume your flesh and with it become stronger and revitalized Genya: no u
see also: genya bringing a gun to a sword demon battle
the insect girls with butterfly motifs are the most deranged and bloodthirsty of all demon-slayer families
'no one likes giyu', not bc of the autism but bc hes just kinda a dick
demon ptsd, this is my favorite part i love demon ptsd it goes so hard. specialist boy ever traumatized one guy so bad that now everyone suffers from panic attacks when they are remotely reminded of the bestest warrior man they never met
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rogueswitch · 3 years
Ithiel. I am mere seconds from sleep but i literally beg of you to tell me about your pc & their ship
aaaaaaaa,,,,, okay so,,, i guess for important context the game takes place in the Star Wars setting at about the same time period The Mandelorian series takes place (9 ABY) - but my pc is named Prosper and is an ex-Imperial Lieutenant who got burned by her closest ally after working with the Rebels after the destruction of the second Death Star. They ended up in prison for a couple years before escaping with the help of some cellmates, one of whom was Kavron, a Mandelorian who is also an ex-Imp and is who i ship Prosper with
so,,,, what ends up getting me so flustered about their ship is just,,,, Prosper has a hard time getting over the idea of "no friends, only allies" that was drilled into their head from childhood. so the idea of others truly having her back without some ulterior motive is pretty alien to her. now, this is just not how Kavron works. because he is a Mandelorian, he puts high value on loyalty, family, and creed. mixed with the fact that he is also an ex-Imp, sees a lot of himself in Prosper, and looks up to her as an experienced leader who goes out of their way to protect the crew, his loyalty is,,, well beyond what Prosper could imagine.
the trope of "the undying loyalty between a Captain and their First Mate" is just,,, this ship entirely.
when Prosper died, Kavron was the one who watched over and protected her while the ship's Bacta tank revived her. Prosper recently got Pissed at Kavron for putting himself in serious danger when he "didn't need to" (he needed to, otherwise Prosper would have died. again.), and his response was just "Yea, I'm not going to leave you. I don't think i could deal if i watched you die again."
another thing is that this is. very slow burn. because Prosper has no idea (at this point in time) that romance is even a thing. romance was not permitted in the Imperial military, so its just. not something they think about. BUT. ooohhh, but. when Prosper does realize there are some uwu feelings going on, it's going to be a big italicized oh, followed by 'i don't know what to do with this' bc i feel like Prosper would be too professional to just be like haha yea wanna smooch? (unless it was a kiss of passion after a stressful battle kinda thing) - since Prosper's death they have been sleeping in the ship's cockpit (literally for months), and Kavron has been secretly putting a blanket on them at some point in the night because they never seem to have one. he just. cares about his Captain but doesn't want to push boundaries and ask personal things. so he tries to care for her in other ways ;-;
i just,,,, they are just so soft together. bc Kavron has been on the ship the longest, i imagine he is Prosper's closest friend by now. im,,, i imagine a scene where they are probably a lil drunk, and Prosper is talking about some Trauma, and eventually she just kinda. puts her head on his shoulder. not as a romantic thing, but more like a she is letting herself be vulnerable and accept comfort from a friend. and just,,,, asdfghjkl there is something about that that just gets to me.
i really do need to start doing some writing for them, especially because the game is currently (possibly permanently) on hiatus, but i still love them to bits and I'm not going to let them die with the game lmao
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
Since the quarantine started I've been trying to keep myself in shape, and I started to do exercises every day, feeling completely incapable. 😂😂😂 Imagine Billy trying to be some sort of personal trainer for Jonathan, mostly because he noticed that he doesn't move enaugh, but also because it's funny to watch him stuggle while Will and El laugh their asses off.
first of all: i FEEL it!! dude i keep trying to do things and then my mind is like: you’re real funny to think i’m ever doing anything physical ever again
I’M CACKLING i absolutely cannot!! Billy and Jonathan's relationship w/ each other makes me laugh and this??? has me rolling. you just know Jonathan would NOT want this. he'd push so hard against this. (also sorry i kind of gave this a plot WOOPS)
Okay, if this was a modern AU/if i ever could rip my absolute love for the 80’s away from myself enough to WRITE a modern AU, i think this would make the PERFECT ONE. like….. Imagine Billy filming shitty little videos on his camera/phone for social media (snapchat or instagram or like……. Vlogging for his fitness youtube channel or some shit, idk, i don’t use social media enough but you get the idea) and being like: “Alright guys… day one of turning local twig into more than just skin and bones.”
And he’s sauntering to Jonathan’s room as he talks and turns the camera around to find Jonathan’s door open and him laying on his bed like, reading or going through his camera or something looking at and deleting pictures he doesn’t like/need/whatever and Jonathan looks up, just barely perturbed bc it’s just Billy and his door is open so he kind of asked for this and the camera catches the exact moment that Jonathan’s face switches to -oh shit oh no Billy has his camera out- and he just goes: “What are you doing?”
And Billy turns the camera back around to him and you can see Jonathan’s little head and scared little face in the background behind Billy’s shoulder as Billy says: “Training day!” with the biggest, widest, most malicious grin on his face as he fucking trust falls back onto Jonathan’s stretched out form.
And Jonathan starts scrambling trying to get up but he’s really just flailing his limbs, eyes going wide as the camera gets blurry and there’s a thump and an-
And then Billy’s cackling.
And Jonathan’s voice is strained- sounds like someone’s practically choking him- as the camera focuses on Billy’s grinning face and skinny hands that are pushing at his broad shoulders and his cheek (which makes Billy grimace bc he doesn’t like his face being touched thank you) and Jonathan says: “Get off, you’re heavy.”
“First exercise! Push me off yourself.”
“What?” Jonathan squeaks. “No! I can’t! You’re like, a million pounds.”
“Million pounds of pure muscle, baby.” Billy says as he lets all that muscle go and becomes absolute dead weight onto Jonathan who is struggling.
“I hate you so much.” Jonathan wheezes, shoving at Billy, pinching him a few times until Billy smacks Jonathan’s hand hard enough to make him whine, laughing about how that’s cheating, jackass
You’re the one who won’t get up, asshole.
Yeah, well maybe after this we need to work on your reflexes, slow poke.
And it goes on like that. At first Billy does it randomly bc it’s kind of just a joke, like: “I think I wanna mess with Jonathan today. Let’s go.”
But then he gets kinda serious about it and it becomes an actual series of videos like: “Day 5, cardio day! If he can do it, then you can do it.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
Billy shrugs, grinning at the camera with an: “I think it’s pretty funny...”
Jonathan shoves at Billy, who in turn shoulders the boy back and makes him lose his balance.
The curly haired boy sends a knowing look to the camera.
“And this is why we’re doing this.”
“Whatever.” Jonathan mutters.
And it’s kind of fun for both of them, honestly!! Jonathan gets into it (even though Billy’s a little aggressive in his ways…) and absolutely does NOT look at any of the comments. Billy does though, and likes to tell Jonathan all of the ones that 1. Playfully make fun of him and 2. Are like…… really oddly and kind of grossly horny for him (bc Jonathan’s face gets red and he always tries to run away as quickly as possible bc our boy is a Shy Lil Bean who does NOT want to hear about how some random girl or guy on the internet thinks Jonathan is “just cute enough to eat the fuck up”) there are also some extremely rude people who shit on Jonathan constantly but they’re bullies and Billy always tells them off right before blocking them completely.
ANYWAY enough of that, let’s get back to the 80’s please!
No vlogging, no comments, just Billy walking out of basketball practice to his car to go hang out with Steve, heading around the back of the gym so he can avoid as many people as possible, when he hears a very familiar sound.
He looks over, out of instinct and curiosity bc yup, it’s a body being slammed into the chain link fence that surrounds the school. And his sauntering slows, curiosity fully taking over because hey, he must know the dudes that’re fighting, and gossip is one of the only interesting things in this town and-
Shit.... Shit, he knows that floppy hair.
It’s Jonathan. Billy doesn’t have a good view of the guy who’s pushing him but the two boys behind him are Jacob and Trevor so he figures the dude acting as the aggressor must be that jackass Zack Olson. The boy’s a punk. Billy keeps a careful watch of the scene in front of him, wondering what the occasion is.
And then the boy, with a hand still on Jonathan’s jacket, reaches his fist back for a punch. Billy does all he can to keep himself from going over there. Something about the need to “fight your own battles” or whatever filtering through his head when-
The boy punches Jonathan’s stomach. Billy’s mind is racing, blood starting to boil, shifting his weight.
C’mon, bud… fight back… I know you can-
He gets shoved back against the fence again, before his shin is getting kicked and-
Nope nope nope-
Billy’s kicked into gear. He’s stalking over there, getting faster with each aggressive move and the assholes are goddamn cackling and Billy’s blood is boiling and it seems like Jonathan’s had enough at this point bc he ducks out of the way quickly and then Billy’s veering for the hole in the fence and he’s stepping through it and he slams his hand against the fence, the rest of it shaking noisily as all 4 of the boys swing their heads over to him.
“Hargrove!” calls one of the boys.
“Get out of here.”
“C’mon… we’re just having some fun-”
“Get… out... unless you want your nose broken in multiple places.”
Fear fills their eyes, but they don’t leave without a scowl.
And then Jonathan is there, coughs a little bit, and Billy’s mad.
“Hey.” Jonathan mumbles, pushing off the fence to walk past Billy but Billy grabs his wrist before he can get away.
“What was that?” He asks, teeth clenched because he’s confused and is trying to make sense of this. “You just let those guys beat you up like that?”
Jonathan shrugs.
“I don’t understand you.” Billy continues, sitting in his hip, still keeping hold of the thin wrist. “Those guys are punks… You beat up my boyfriend, didn’t you? What are you doing letting those guys do that to you?”
“I don’t like to fight.” Jonathan mumbles and Billy thinks he needs to clean out his ears.
“Don’t like to fight?” Billy laughs disbelievingly. “From what I hear you beat Steve up to a fucking pulp and you don’t like to fight? Don’t give me that shit-”
“Yeah, because Steve was saying stuff about Will and… and my mom. So.” Jonathan looks Billy in the eyes but Billy’s too busy being shocked by the words.
He knew Jonathan beat Steve up in an alley. He knew Steve did some pretty shitty stuff leading up to it. He knew Steve incited it. He knew Steve was sorry sorry so sorry... but he didn’t know it got so personal. He didn’t know Steve said shit about the Byers. Steve never wants to talk about it and, frankly, Billy never wants to ask. But this seems important. Maybe he will. Because… well-
“.... He said shit about Joyce? And Will?” Billy’s grip loosens.
“Yeah…” Jonathan mumbles, hanging his head again, shaking his wrist out of Billy’s hand. “But he- he didn’t mean it. He was just mad. He apologized. A lot… it’s fine.”
Billy’s gonna have to ask about that. But for now he’s got a shaking boy in front of him that for some reason he like…. Actually cares about now and it’s weird but it’s not horrible and… and he doesn’t wanna see this boy get hurt when he knows the boy himself can prevent it.
“Huh…. well you’ve got reflexes obviously. Don’t tell me it’s some ‘monster’ side of you or something- you’ve got practice.”
“Yeah well…. I used to….” Jonathan’s voice gets far away. “I used to have to fight my dad off...”
“Oh…. huh.” Billy knew that too. Vaguely. Knows Jonathan’s dad was an absolute asshole and Jonathan used to have to keep him at bay so he wouldn’t hurt Joyce or Will. Still doesn’t make it any less shocking to know that their little family has roots in so much pain and fear. They’re such a good family now. They didn’t let it break them apart. Joyce fought for them and… and Billy can’t think about that too much. “So what, you’re one of those guys? Hero type, won’t fight unless you need to or whatever.”
“You do the same thing.”
“Do not-”
“Most of the time you do.” Jonathan says with an eyebrow raised. “C’mon Billy, you can cut the tough guy shit. I know you now.”
Billy’s not having it. “Yeah, whatever, this is about you. Maybe if you had some more meat on your bones they wouldn’t be able to push you around like that.”
“It’s not that, they’re just jerks-”
“Yeah, and you’re not exactly intimidating-”
“It’s fine, Billy, stop pretending like you care-”
“I do care, you asshole.”
“Then quit worrying. I’m fine, I’ll take care of myself, I can handle it… it’s fine. I just don’t like fighting.”
Billy’s irritated, but he’s too tired to fight because he already knows the two of them could go at it forever. He just watches Jonathan shrug his shoulders harshly as he backs up before he turns, slips through the hole in the fence, and stalks away.
Billy rolls his eyes.
But when he’s with Steve, he brings it up. The fact that he saw Jonathan after school (Steve asked how he’s doing), the fact that he saw Jonathan getting beat up (Steve sat up with concern and asked if he stopped them), the fact that Jonathan told him he doesn’t like to fight (Steve nodded with understanding, like he knew that already), the fact that-
“Jonathan said you said shit about Will and Joyce.”
“Hu-... oh…”
“That’s why he beat you up.”
“I… I didn’t mean it. He knows I didn’t. I swear I didn’t, I was just… it was a lot that was happening and-” Steve is stammering. Billy starts to feel bad about it. “-there’s no excuses. No no, there’s no excuses, I shouldn’t make excuses, I was an asshole and I shouldn’t have said that shit no matter how angry I was because they… they didn’t do anything and Will is such a good kid and Joyce is like… one of the only people that actually ever seems to care and-”
“And I didn’t mean it, I swear-”
“I know.” Billy says, grabbing hold of Steve’s face to get him to calm the hell down. Steve breathes.
But Billy still doesn’t know what to do about Jonathan. And Steve tries to reassure him that- “He knows what he’s doing. We know he can fight them off he just… doesn’t want to. Can’t make a horse eat the hay or…. Whatever it is. What is it? Can’t get an old dog to… drink from a river?”
Billy rolls his eyes, but his heart beats a little faster.
“You’re such a dumbass.”
Steve tries to be resentful but he’s being kissed so he doesn’t exactly have the opportunity.
But Billy isn’t okay with this!!! He truthfully doesn’t know how Jonathan even has the reflexes he does still bc Lonnie’s been gone for a while and all the boy does nowadays is lay around the house…. Literally that’s it. At any given moment of any given day he’s laying on the couch, laying in his bed, or running around with his camera- and by ‘running’, he really means ‘ambling’ bc the boy has absolutely no sense of urgency.
He likes to say that he had “enough urgency back when I thought my brother was dead. I’d like to take a break now.” but Billy likes to say: “That was two years ago, you lazy fucker.”
And Billy can’t really be lead to believe that sex with Nancy is that much of a fuckng cardio work out. Billy doesn’t know hardly any details of the two and their sex life because he doesn’t want to know but Billy can bet the two of them are the most vanilla people on the planet. And Nancy is tiny, it’s not like lifting her would be that much of a physical strain. For anyone.
He’s like…. upset about this. Jonathans carries himself very differently when he’s at home than when he’s at school but it still bothers Billy bc why. And he figures it must be bc the boy just isn’t physically capable of being confident in a place with so many people. Figures maybe Jonathan just wants to be invisible when he's at school and so he shrinks but Billy just doesn't understand. And now all I can think about is Billy being a really fucking aggressive version of Glinda from Wicked and Jonathan is Elphaba and Billy just stands in Jonathan’s doorway, large and intimidating presence that he is, and says: “Jonathan, I’ve decided to make you my new project.”
And Jonathan, who’s laying in bed eating popcorn and flipping through his photo album as he listens to R.E.M. just gives a very disinterested look in Billy’s direction and says: “You really don’t have to do that.”
And Billy sits in his hip and raises and eyebrow and rolls his eyes and says: “I know…” on a sigh, with a vaguely exhausted and yet somehow cocky “That’s what makes me so nice.” tagged onto the end.
“Think I’m gonna have to disagree-”
“No time. C’mon. We’re going for a run.”
And Billy tries not to give the boy much of a chance, but he makes it so difficult. For as thin and lazy as the boy seems to be, Jonathan has a lot of fucking endurance. He can fight Billy on this forever and Billy really just wants to pick him up and throw him in front of the weights and make him lift them but like… he knows he can’t so he gives up for the day.
But then one day he catches Jonathan asleep on the couch.
So he scares him awake.
“Shit!” Jonathan jerks, sitting up and looking into Billy’s face and sighing harshly. “Billy! Are you trying to kill me?”
“Did that get your heart rate up?”
“Yeah, you nearly scared me to death.”
“Great, we’re going for a run.”
“Yes, we are. 5 laps around the house and then we’ll see where you’re at, c’mon.”
“Billy I said no.” And Jonathan pushes himself up and starts heading to the kitchen but Billy just isn’t having this because… because he knows Jonathan was getting smacked around again yesterday. Knows he got harassed after gym class. Billy saw it. He’s mad about it and he thinks he can do something about it so he’s gonna and…
Billy grabs hold of the back of Jonathan’s shirt and yanks him back.
“You think you’re good? Fine then, fight me.”
And Billy keeps hold of Jonathan’s shirt even as he struggles out of the way and Billy knows the boy used to be able to hit and take a punch in return but he just… he needs to really know. If Jonathan can get away from him then he’ll leave him alone but only then.
Jonathan struggles. “Let go of me.”
“You get away yourself.”
And Billy pulls Jonathan back some more so he can pin him against the wall aggressively and Jonathan shrinks and Billy’s got him against the wall, hand to his chest, arm’s distance away from him, waiting for Jonathan to fight back and-
“Fight back.”
“I don’t want to!”
“Do it. Try and get away.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m at home! I don’t… I don’t wanna fight in my house! Not in the house, just-stop. What if Will walks in?”
And the words strike Billy harshly. Like he’s the one that’s taken a blow, like Jonathan just punched him and-
And suddenly Billy feels like an absolute asshole. Because he’s being a bully. He’s bullying Jonathan in his own home, even when he’s being asked to stop. He’s an aggressor. He’s being their fucking father and maybe the intent isn’t malicious but that doesn’t change a whole fucking lot, now does it? He knows it doesn’t. He loosens his grip, unsure how he could have let himself get this far. He tries to convince himself that it’s not like that... but he knows that Will wouldn’t see it that way if he were to walk in.
He lets go of Jonathan. They stand there in silence.
But Billy’s still just not okay with this.
“I just… I don’t wanna see you get pushed around anymore.”
Jonathan rolls his eyes.
“Then look away.”
Billy growls.
“No, you idiot. Don’t you… you affect Will too, y’know!”
Jonathan eyes Billy darkly. “Yeah, what are you talking abou-”
“What do you think he would think if he saw you getting pushed around? He’s gonna think it’s okay to let people do that to him!” Billy’s getting riled up and really he feels kind of stupid being so affected by these people he gave absolutely zero shits about a little over a year ago but… but now.
Jonathan’s mouth screws up in thought and irritation. Billy’s trying to hit it home.
“He’s not gonna stand up for himself because you don’t.”
Jonathan slumps against the wall. Billy thinks he’s got him.
“I still don’t see why you care.” Jonathan mumbles, eyeing Billy with a curiosity that’s colored with disdain and Billy’s a little sick of that face.
“Because you guys are my family now, jackass.”
Jonathan scoffs disbelievingly. “I really never would have pegged you for being such a ‘family guy’, Billy.”
The words leave something bitter in Billy’s system. He licks his teeth . “Yeah, well, maybe I don’t wanna be like those assholes.”
Jonathan sizes Billy up for a second… and Billy knows he’s got him.
Billy’s grin becomes shark-like. If that scared look on Jonathan’s face is regret… well it’s too late for that.
And so Joyce comes home from her shift at the store to find her son…. Running…. Around the outside of the house……
“Uhm… Hi honey.” Joyce climbs to the porch, turning around as Jonathan stops in front of her.
“H-uh… huh… huh… huh…h-uh-”
“Don’t stop! Who said you could stop?!” Comes a voice that makes Joyce jump.
Billy jogs up, looking up at Joyce and giving a polite smile.
“Hi!” He says, hands on his hips, slightly out of breath but looking rather unbothered compared to Jonathan who’s currently bent over wheezing.
“Uhhhhhm…. What’s going on?”
“Jonathan’s my new workout buddy!” Billy says triumphantly, patting a large hand harshly on Jonathan’s back and causing the boy to cough in response.
Joyce looks concerned. Billy’s not too worried about it.
“Uh huh. Alright then… well, I’m just gonna start on… dinner…. Then….”
“Sounds good.” Billy pats Jonathan’s back harshly, barking again once Joyce has her back turned. “Alright, 5 more!”
“B-but! We just did 5!”
“Yup, and we’re doing 5 more. C’mon, the longer you stay standing the harder it’s gonna be, now move!”
And Jonathan’s getting shoved and then the two are running, Jonathan flailing a bit more with every step he takes but hey…. All that stuff about Rome and taking time and whatever… Billy thinks that applies here.
And so the two of them work out and Jonathan kind of 100% wants to quit every time they start (esp bc Billy seems to know exactly when it’s inconvenient for Jonathan to start working out and picks that exact moment to bug him) but…. It kind of feels good... he guesses.
And Billy pushes hard at first. And he makes Jonathan eat more. Like… a lot more. So much more, in fact, that the boy vomits and Billy realizes he may need to pull back because: Hey…. maybe he can’t force too much too quickly. He’s just trying to get the boy to carbo-load so he gets some kind of muscle.
He wants to track it too (because maybe this is his calling or something), so he asks Jonathan for his camera and pulls him in front of a wall.
“Uhhh… please just… just be careful with it.” Jonathan insists, holding onto his camera until the last possible second but eventually having to concede to allowing the camera to lay in Billy’s large hands.
“It’s fine.”
“Put the strap on. It can’t fall if you-”
“I’m not putting on the stupid little strap, I’m not trying to look like a loser, I’m just trying to get a picture.” and then he’s twisting and flipping the camera around in his hands, mumbling: “Now how do I…?”
“Be careful.”
“I’ve got it!” Billy barks, eyebrows furrowing. “I’m just looking for the-shit!”
“Ah!” Jonathan cries, moving lightning fast towards his camera and catching it before it hits the ground. His breath is labored from his fear. “What the hell! Be careful, asshole!”
Billy’s heart is racing too, fear flashing in his eyes as he watched the camera start to fall to the ground. He takes a second to collect himself.
“Cool. Good. I was just testing your reflexes.”
“Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that you’re a clumsy piece of shit.”
“Hey.” Billy growls, reaching to grab for the camera again but Jonathan holds it away. “Keep that up and I break it for real.”
“Yeah yeah.” Jonathan says, completely unconvinced, flopping the camera strap around Billy’s neck and catching his head a bit.
“Hey, watch the hair!”
“Woops.” Jonathan mocks like a piece of shit and Billy’s gonna fight him just for being irritating. Jonathan steps back up against the wall once he’s satisfied that the strap is on properly.
“Alright, say cheese.”
“Cheese.” Jonathan mumbles and the flash goes off.
And the two of them work out every day!! And every week Billy pushes Jonathan to stand against the wall and takes some pictures, some with him flexing (I feel stupid, Yeah well you’ll feel less stupid once you’ve got something to flex, now shut up and stay still).
And Jonathan is sore. Like… all the time. El laughs about it when she tries to mess around with him and he winces in pain. Will is a little worried but it makes him giggle.
One day the two kids are sitting in the room, eating lunch and watching TV, when Billy decides it’s time to lift weights in the living room. And so they do. And Jonathan’s just lifting the bar and it’s difficult. And Billy likes to show off so he’s lifting a shitton and yelling at Jonathan to keep up and it’s hard and the kids start laughing.
Jonathan whines a bit, setting the bar down and asking Billy quietly if maybe they can do this later because…. Well… he’s embarrassed.
And that just won’t do. He’s not okay with that. Because he’s having Jonathan do this so that they can both be good examples for these kids and they’re laughing?
So Billy sets his weights down and walks in front of the kids and El glares him down bc he’s “in the way” and Will seems kind of nervous bc Billy has that glint in his eye and then-
“Ah! Wait! Billy!”
Billy scoops Will up and carries him over to Jonathan and shoves a squirming Will into Jonathan’s arms.
“Weight training.” Billy supplies by way of answer, and Jonathan is laughing bc Will is wriggling and he’s hard to hold like this but Billy’s too busy walking over to El who’s so busy cracking up over on the couch that she doesn’t notice Billy is currently headed towards her on a mission… until he picks her up and then she’s squealing and he turns to Jonathan with a: “Get to it!”
And Billy starts curling with El is his arms and she’s squealing and wriggling and all 4 of them are laughing and Hop is most definitely confused when he comes home in his break between shifts.
But progress is made! And one day Jonathan comes home from work to find Steve lazing around on the couch with Billy, the both of them in crop tops and short exercise shorts, and Jonathan knows this is nothing good. Because there’s a bag next to the couch and Jonathan thinks maybe he should just turn back around and try to hang out with Nancy or something because-
“Finally! We’ve been waiting around for you!” Billy calls out, rolling himself off the couch and picking up the bag and oh no.
“Hey Johnny!” Steve calls from the couch and Jonathan is supremely uncomfortable whenever Steve calls him that but he does it so often and he can’t think too much about it bc the bag is being shoved into his chest.
“Put these on.”
Jonathan peeks into the bag and closes it quickly.
“No.” Jonathan whines.
“Shut up just put them on.”
“Because you wear the same sweats every time we work out and they’re gross, now put them on.”
And now the kids are really laughing…. Like REALLY laughing…. Bc the the three boys are wearing crop tops and short exercise shorts as they work out in the living room and Billy took one of his hair ties and tied up Jonathan’s fringe so there’s a little tuft at the top of his head bc: “We’re doing burpees and your hair is gonna get in the way, dummy.”
And it’s just funny.
Jonathan can’t say he agrees. he also can't really laugh while he’s busy wheezing.
But he’s doing well! And he starts getting some muscle and he didn’t think it’d feel this good but like… gym doesn’t totally suck anymore. And he’s not as tired 24/7. And his body like… starts feeling good when he and Billy start to exercise. To the point that when they take a day off he feels bad... almost empty.
And Billy is so proud of him! And yeah, it’s not like Jonathan’s gonna try out for the basketball team or anything, but when guys try to push him around in the hallway now he’s surprisingly sturdy. He plants his feet and he’s practically a rock and guys are confused by it. When guys try to push him against fences they just can’t. People stop bothering him. They murmur about how “the freak got like… strong all of a sudden”
And Billy couldn’t be prouder. Really, he feels like he should do this professionally.
Although… Nancy is pretty confused when she walks into the dark room in search of her boyfriend (who is absolutely fed up with her nonsense of not listening to him when the light says to stay out) and she hugs him from behind and asks: “Uh… what’s that?”
Bc Jonathan is developing all the pictures they’ve taken and… well…
“Who took those?” She asks, grabbing for them no matter how much Jonathan protests that you’re gonna ruin them, be careful
“Uh… Billy took them.”
“Billy? Hargrove? Took pictures of you… shirtless? And flexing?”
Jonathan’s about to melt to the floor in embarrassment. Nancy is giggling.
“Did you guys take them for me, or what?”
Jonathan’s head is in his hands. He’s gonna die.
“Y’know how I told you we’ve been working out?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“He wanted pictures to... document the progress. He gets a power trip off of it or something.”
“Oh my god, Jonathan, are you wearing a crop top in this one?!”
Jonathan is absolutely going to die.
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jennycalendar · 5 years
2018 fic writing roundup
tagged by @catty-words​ !! thank u darling
i have this lingering suspicion that the 92k mess that is imperfections has a tendency of bumping up my word count, but also i’ve been writing particularly A Lot this year. so. yikes. this’ll be a mess
Total 2018 Word Count: 465,233 (so uh. yikes squared?) Total 2018 Hits: 16,798 Other 2018 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 1,592; Comment threads: 457; Bookmarks: 186; Subscriptions: 121.
Total 2017 Word Count: 171,640   Total 2017 Hits: 9,156 Other 2017 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 841; Comment threads: 172; Bookmarks: 126; Subscriptions: 40.
Links and Titles to 2018 Works (buckle up kids)
ten questions for new year’s eve (6,669 words) lonely s4 giles meets jenny on new year’s eve. basically fluff laced with some light angst, which i think set the tone for most of my writing this year
forever (4,738 words) some assorted femslash ficlets from tumblr that i immediately forgot about after february. it of course got buried under a deluge of jenny fic but there’s still some cute stuff there! i had a lot of fun in particular writing about bb willow and the beginnings of her attraction to girls
she’s your destiny (9,560 words) AHHHHHH I FORGOT I WROTE THIS. blessings of writing This Much. soulmate au with buffy/willow and giles/jenny where like. none of them are soulmates but they fall crazy in love anyway.
the happy-ending bouquet (3,851 words) set in 2018. giles and jenny have been married for something like 15 years and are still very happy and in love. basically just an endless deluge of fluff
personas (2,729 words) hhhhh i hesitate to count this as a 2018 fic, because i technically posted it in summer 2017 and then deleted it for reasons unknown (even to me). but there aren’t enough fics that explore jenny’s fractured sense of identity and her broken heart and i love my girl so much. so. wrote that.
something real (2,173 words) my valentine’s day fic!! a friend and i share the headcanon that jenny would have finally shoved her way back into giles’s heart if not for the love spell throwing her off, so. wrote a fic where that happened, albeit somewhat angstily.
direct, but not unwelcome (4,478 words) this fic always makes me cringe, a little; the office verse was written largely for faith and tara, and writing giles and jenny in it was a decision i don’t entirely like (mostly bc there really is no narrative place for either of them). but it has a few good lines ig?
putting a ring on it (2,370 words) giles and jenny proposal fic!! a little wobbly in places imo but still so fun to write. those two deserve all the fluff
the second choice soulmates (6,942 words) the inevitable faith/tara sequel to the soulmate au!! i had it planned from the second i started writing the first fic in that series, and i had a lot of fun with it. in which faith and tara have to deal with their soulmates being in love with each other, and end up falling in love themselves.
nightmares and the aftermath (1,205 words) the first fic i wrote in the ripper au! ripper has a nightmare; jenny talks him through it.
the inherent complexity of falling in love (3,519 words) more soulmate au nonsense!! this time with solely giles and jenny!! 
let’s stay together (857 words) i say that this is “a series of vignettes in which ben, ann, and leslie are dating” but really it’s just one. i’ve kept it in bc i really wanna write more than one. ben/leslie/ann is such a blessed ship and there are no fics for it! which is ridiculous! because they really should all be dating!! leslie has two hands y’all
moments of connection in an uncertain world (3,351 words) the olivia/jenny fic that set that amazing ship on its course. set in asoue; jenny’s identity in the narrative is ambiguous bc jenny’s identity in every narrative is ambiguous. mystery bicon
amends (remixed) (2,988 words) i’m like 99 percent sure i spite-wrote this fic after watching amends bc that really seems like something i would do. in which ghost jenny makes sure buffy, angel, and giles all know that she doesn’t blame them for a single thing.
it’s a family affair (11 chapters) jenny, married to giles and mom to two daughters, loses her memory. i meant for this to be an exploration of jenny and giles’s relationship + jenny as a character, but with hindsight i feel like i kinda rushed it. maybe someday i’ll come back and expand this a little?
maybe i’m in love (24 chapters) CRIES. this fic was posted all in one day and got buried under the deluge of fic i wrote this year and i am still so sad that it remains forgotten. even by me. like i forgot it existed till now. but it is the treasure of my heart and i am still not sure what i can possibly do for calendiles day 2019 that will even come close to “slow burn giles/jenny series rewrite in script format.”
dragonslayers (8,048 words) i go back and forth between whether adding a sequel to a sappy-happy-ending fic was actually needed, but i had a lot of fun writing jenny and anya and tara being friends and adopting a dog. those girls deserve so much better.
tech support (1,315 words) jenny works at angel investigations, and giles meets her when he and buffy drive up to la to get a book. unabashed fluff.
family ties (2,294 words) giles introduces jenny to his dad and the aunts. i had giles call himself “rupert” for the entire fic and forgot to explain why i made the choice to do so (and there was a damn good reason!!!) so every time i see this fic....Regret™
i like you (992 words) the product of me realizing “wait, i never wrote a fic about my Very Specific Headcanon that giles and jenny had sex after school hard!!!” and then going ahead and writing that fic. not explicit; lots of giles and jenny being dumb and in love
take me now! (3,460 words) the sister fic to my other jenny/olivia fic! in this one, jenny’s a watcher and olivia’s the sweet librarian who has her all blushy.
the grieving process (9,771 words) this fic! was! such a trip to write! i wanted to write something where giles’s s6 issues were confronted. originally i wrote a jenny’s-alive fic where he goes to her place in la after leaving buffy in tabula rasa, but the mood of that fic was miserable and hostile, so i changed things ever so slightly. and then it became “giles goes to jenny after buffy dies,” and that transitioned into “giles actually finally gets to have an outlet for his emotions,” and then it became a very soft fic that i love very much.
unsolved mysteries (1,704 words) a modern jackaby au! where jenny cavanaugh has trauma-related anxiety and eats pretzels w jackaby in a hall closet! surprisingly soft.
the cleanup crew (2,968 words) post-ted; buffy calls jenny and giles in to help her with ted’s robot body. because that ep was a hot mess and too many things were tied up too fast.
princess charming (2,754 words) written thanks to a throwaway line from the grieving process! about jenny saving fred in pylea! @theforestlesbian​ mentioned in a review that this fic came off as “the adventures of jenny” and that was the best compliment ever.
untraditional, unconditional (4,223 words) ripper au! ripper and jenny get married! i don’t think i will ever write a better calendiles wedding than this one.
gettin’ bi (1,215 words) jenny and giles come out to each other. that’s really it.
intimacy (1,058 words) some root/shaw fluff. g o sh at some point i really should finish poi huh
the battle’s done (and we kind of won) (5,026 words) post-chosen; jenny inexplicably comes back from the dead, and giles works thru the messy aftermath of s7.
chaos, vengeance, love (1,412 words) giles’s exes talk over his grave. (and yes, i do mean jenny and ethan.)
buffy summers, muggle-born (6,075 words) buffy goes to hogwarts! this was meant to set the scene for a loosely connected string of fics, but i could never decide whether i wanted them to be chaptered fics or oneshots. i do have like 3 large chapters saved to my computer, tho :/
a eulogy (920 words) jenny calendar, as told by how she’s remembered.
survivors’ guilt (4,690 words) in which giles dies instead of jenny, and jenny and buffy deal with it poorly. my only problem w this fic is that i really wish i’d explored the messy aftermath of what might have happened if jenny had brought giles back. 2019 project y/y?
regarding honor and honesty in the workplace (43 chapters) CRIES IN JENNY/LILAH. given that i did not shut up about this fucking fic for a good 3 months, i don’t think it needs a summary.
maybe we could have a thing (3,184 words) giles and jenny’s first date!! canon told us they went out beforehand and it really did need to be ficced.
the most important words (2,753 words) passion fix-it! how many of these have i written dfshlsdhdf. anyway, by some lucky stroke, jenny doesn’t die, but she’s understandably kind of a mess. giles tries to help.
that brown-eyed technopagan (2,821 words) ripper au! willow has a HUGE crush on jenny calendar, who in this ‘verse is in her senior year at sunnydale high. lots of high school shenanigans.
seven new and very bad songs about jenny (8,597 words) another ripper au fic, this one about what it takes for ripper to finally give in and kiss the girl.
love of mine (282 words) one of the two fics i have written that involves giles grieving jenny. angst abounds.
the adjustment period (4024 words) i wanted to write about how weak vamp jenny is for her gf, so i returned to the grand romantic gestures ‘verse and explored that. femslash calendiles!!
love, scotch, and late-night parties (2,539 words) the aftermath of eyghon in the ripper au. jenny wants to be smothered in attention from ripper; ripper wants to give jenny the space he thinks she needs. basically the exact opposite of canon with the exact same inability to communicate.
father and son (3,761 words) in which ripper examines his relationship to his dad, and worries about treating his new son the same way. (spoiler alert: he obviously does not.)
imperfections (46 chapters) TECHNICALLY i added a few new chapters in 2018. i stg i’ll at least get closer to finishing it this year.
happily ever after (2,005 words) set after the dire king! jenny and jackaby being dumb and in love and experimenting with “the mechanics of ghost-human relations.”
cardboard robot (2,097 words) ripper au: halloween edition! ripper gets a pumpkin stuck on his head and sings about jenny, who Definitely Doesn’t Like Him What Are You Talking About Shut Up.
tea, with honey (3,295 words) a modern jackaby au, where jenny’s trauma really is trauma with no ghost metaphor. jackaby, darling of my heart, is still just as sympathetic.
very really married (6 chapters) THIS I WILL FINISH IN 2019. FOR REALS. i have too many unpublished chapters on my laptop to NOT finish it. set in s1; giles and jenny get drunk married in las vegas pre-canon. which, of course, adds a whole new level of complexity to both of giles’s new jobs.
coping (2,611 words) i really wanted to write about jenny and eyghon, bc there are like 0 fics that address the absolute mess that canon throws at that woman. so i did. very angsty with no clear happy ending, bc that’s what happens when you write canon compliant fic about jenny calendar.
yours (2,747 words) my first foray into writing phryne and jack! and, if the 4k-and-counting wip is anything to go by, definitely not my last. 2018 brought me a lot of things, but watching mfmm all the way through was definitely one of the best.
family ties (2,640 words) catch me crying about river and the ponds for the rest of my life, probably. centered around river’s graduation from luna university and her relationship with her parents.
decently clothed (1,516 words) lots of dumb calendiles fluff!! based on a paragraph from a btvs novel; jenny and giles go clothes shopping. it’s exactly as cute as it sounds.
making things right (1,060 words) passion fix-it that came to me when i thought “what if jenny survived, but didn’t even care that she’d almost died, bc what really mattered was that she’d fixed things with giles and buffy?? lmao how badly would that fuck giles up, knowing that she placed earning his trust over her own life???” and then i wrote it bc i love pain
bless her soul (6,294 words) s3. jenny comes back wrong. lots of explorations of the guilt that buffy, giles, and angel harbored for jenny’s death, with none of the pain of using jenny solely as a mouthpiece for evil. so like. amends done right.
dear friend (1 chapter, so far) a you’ve got mail calendiles au that i really do intend to work on some more in 2019.
haunted (15,622 words) WHAT a note to end 2018 on. a (mostly) non-supernatural au in which jenny, after an intense & awful trauma, leaves sunnydale and buys a ridiculously inexpensive mansion in england. why was it so cheap? because giles, the ghost who lives there, has been scaring off buyers. naturally, jenny is not easily rattled.
Favorite Fic: it’s hard to choose bc i wrote so many but for now i’ll pick bless her soul. writing the-first-as-jenny and playing up scooby guilt while still getting to bring jenny back for a happy ending??? that was just so much fun.
Hardest Fic: very really married. absolutely. i was in a v weird place while writing that fic, so that certainly didn’t help, but that fic has been giving me Trouble since i started writing it.
Do You Plan to Take Prompts in 2019? always!!
What was the best thing about 2018? friendsssss!!! i’m entering 2019 with a lot of solid friendships, which really wasn’t the case in 2018. 
What was the worst thing about 2018? tbh the answer will always and forever be “my mom” until i am out of this house
Any last thoughts for 2018? how the FUCK did i WRITE more than half of the fics i have posted on ao3 in THIS YEAR ALONE. 55 FICS. i’m REELING.
Goals for 2019
finish the cheesy au g/j multichapters i started
maybe start work on a detective au sequel? i miss that ‘verse
more ripper au fic!!!!!
more jenny/olivia!!!
more jenny centric fic in general like It’s What She Deserves
SOMETHING about jenny and angel. i talk big talk about how much that dynamic fascinates me but i only ever touch on it in fic. it’s never the central focus.
finish the phryne/jack fic i’m working on, and maybe...tentatively...write more?
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alastheatlas · 6 years
Why Klance/Laith Will Probably Go Down - Masterlist
I know how season 7 broke many of us. We had a lot of expectations and this season, while beautiful and otherwise good, certainly failed at some points.
However it isn’t the end yet. Hopefully season 8 will resolve at least some of our disappointments. But when it comes to klance/laith, I’m pretty sure we’re going to see something happen. Nothing has to happen however. But I’m just saying, based on all of the things listed, it just simply makes sense that it would.
This is just a show so whatever happens happens. But I'm just saying I'll have faith in laith until if the very last second of the show tells us any different. And here’s why.
but first some lecturing lololol
WHATEVER HAPPENS AND WHICHEVER SHIP BLOWS OUT THE BIG CANON IN THE END IS FINE. IT'S JUST A SHOW. A SHOW THAT DOESN'T EVEN REVOLVE AROUND ROMANCE. If you can't handle that then you can go bite ass. Oh and also, Don’t spread around hate or threats or any shit like that. You should know better. Just enjoy the show as it is. And yes, this applies to if your ship becomes canon and if it doesn’t. Spreading hate and threats are never okay. Accept whatever the outcome of the show will be, and let people ship what they want. This isn’t your story and you shouldn’t become sour just because it doesn’t go the way you want it to go, and if it does go the way you want it to go, don’t rub it in the faces of those who wanted something different.
Just be mature and decent guys, it really ain’t that hard.
ANYWAY here's my half-assed list of why I believe klance/laith will be endgame by the end of the series:   
Let’s begin with some random stuff:
Lance’s one-sided rivalry with Keith seems to... have something a little extra about it.
The blue and the red star in the astral plane?? Do they hold a deeper meaning??
The bonding moment. It could be seen as platonic, but... The colours and the lightning y'all... Interesting choice. (Also... that a//urance parallel in season 6... Coincidence I think the heck not, purposeful I think the heck yes)
Keith being seemingly really impatient for Lance to come out of the healing pod after the bonding moment, and then appearing to actually sulk for having to wait just a small moment.
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In one of the comic books Keith says that he’ll be training and suggests that maybe Lance should too, maybe or maybe not wanting to hang out with Lance and trying to create an opportunity, and then seems to become upset/disappointed when Lance rejects the idea.
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Lance talking to the mice about his crush on Allura could honestly pass  as him talking about Keith as well. 
Honestly though was Lance flirting/trying to impress Keith as pointed out here x?
They really pulled the stuck in the elevator trope lmao.
This doesn’t actually have to do with anything but I still find it a funny parallel with Lance rejecting Keith by denying the bonding moment and Keith rejecting Lance and denying him a proper greeting and hug after returning. Are they even now? fuhidsdfu top 10 anime betrayals
The Feud episode (here are the s7 spoilers!!)
Lance chose Keith (read more here x). Look, listen. This was pretty gay. To put it briefly, Lance’s reasoning was kinda weak and he could’ve honestly as well have chosen Allura here. But... he didn’t. And then he seriously says that Keith is the future which is like honest foreshadowing (especially considering how unnecessary it was for him to say that part, at the very least in that way). And then to deliver the final blow he drops that soft smile (a la bonding moment) on us. I don’t care what happens in season 8, this moment was gay af. If I’m stretching a little bit this scene could be viewed a little bit like Lance choosing between Keith and Allura (looking to the side and then the other, pondering, choosing Keith).
Keith chose Lance (same read more link x). Again to put it briefly. We know Keith seems kinda grumpy here. You know what we also know? Keith doesn’t dislike Lance, and he cares about the fate of the universe, therefore invalidating his answer. His body language and expression alone said it all; he closed himself off. He wasn’t comfortable sharing the real reason why he chose Lance. Keith no doubt knows what Lance is capable of. He trusts Lance. Keith chose Lance for a reason (or several reasons), and him ‘not wanting to be stuck for eternity with him’ is definitely not the reason why Keith voted for Lance to escape. Worthy mention of Keith being the quickest here to choose and to finish.
Bii. Boh. Bi. Y’all. This shit. Call it a funny coincidence but the answer was “bi” and the Bii-Boh-Bi kept gesturing towards Lance basically during the entire thing. Call it a stretch if you want, but I have no regrets reaching for this cup. And call it a crack theory at this point but Bob tells the Bii-Boh-Bi “Maybe you could help this dum-dum out”, so this drink tastes like whatever-this-episode-even-was wanted to give Lance a shake. The name game wasn’t even valid. You can be bad at names and bad at remembering faces and still be incredibly smart. None of the games showed Lance actually being unintelligent. And Lance actually did very well in the last game, and I can tell you that game was confusing af so I’m impressed. With this in mind my arm has personally elongated so far that maybe Bob calling Lance ‘dumb’ here wasn’t a jab at his intelligence. Ok hi my ankle is broken but it was worth it. 
Interesting scenery colours and rainbows:
There are several cases of these, but they’re mostly subtle. I’ll leave some examples.
That one episode in season one (is it 06? or 07? you know the one) that is literally the bi flag. We have a lot of Lance in this ep.
In this ep we are also accompanied by at least two rainbows, one when Lance and Nyma fly across the water and another at the end when Keith teases Lance. (Honorable mention of Keith arguably checking Rolo out in this episode lol, we see u Keith x)
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That episode when Lotor plays around with the paladins on that planet with the explosive gas, and when the team has split and Keith nears Lance with his lion and no kidding that's the bi flag as a background right there (upside down).
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The very obvious, big ass, very not subtle rainbow that's seriously plastered on Keith in the season 7 trailer.
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Random rainbow over Keith here as well
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The scene where the paladins are in some galra place or something and Lance is sharpshooting and looking down at the others. Background + Lance’s suit + his gun = bi flag colours. 
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Funnily enough in this scene when Keith shows up and starts fighting the galra robots (or whatever those things are) and Lance goes ‘I had that guy!’ he looks wayy too long at Keith. Like. Way too long.
Ogling/gloating and jealousy?:
“I’d recognize that mullet anywhere” I’m sorry but if that doesn’t sound like someone has been ogling then I don’t know what.
Again I’m sorry but Lance’s reaction to Keith when he returned wasn’t of the straightest caliber.
Still, when Lance keeps looking at Keith fighting for several solid seconds when he’s supposed to be shooting down galra robots. Parallels a//urance in a way a little bit too when Lance looks at Allura fighting and goes ‘that was awesome!’
But Keith isn’t all that better, apparently
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Keith. Out of all people. Stops mid-battle to smile at Lance when Lance shoots away a knife heading towards Keith. Not noticing Axca coming up behind him and then almost getting his ass kicked by Ezor.
After the bonding moment Keith arguably seems like he's jealous when Lance starts flirting.
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(Here’s some more hehe x)
How Lance being jealous when Keith is involved could actually be interpreted as ambiguous. It is never actually clarified who he’s jealous over. why not both
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Really though the "Jealousy, thy name is Keith" from the comic could possibly be more true than it lets on (though not as you think, Lance).
Honestly I’ll never get over these danking looks:
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Lance you’re excused but Keith?? What?? Is that face?? The boy flirted with a girl and ran off and got his lion stolen and you had to get it back for him and you make THIS face?? (Also I think this is the same face 80′s voltron Keith did at Allura at one point?) 
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Lance you’re no longer excused. He seriously looks like he's daydreaming of prince charming coming and sweeping him off his feet. (Also remember the face he made when talking about Mrs. Blue Lion x?)
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Legit there are no excuses for any of these expressions.
Now for some parallels, some weaker some stronger:
[x] (Krolia/Texas and l0tura parallels, with a dash of Zarkon/Honerva)
[x] (a//urance and l0tura parallels)
[x] (s7 spoiler!), Might and might not be a reach but a//urance parallel (same energy lol))
[x] This entire scene (they make a great/good team). Let’s not forget the little hand glasp Lance does.
[x] (tlok parallel)
[x] (atla parallel)
[x] (atla and tlok parallel) Insert Lance in this context lol
[x] (tlok parallel)
[x] (a//urance parallel)
There are so many parallels tbh I can’t
Allura honestly parallels Keith so much and she LITERALLY plays Keith in the coalition shows
[x] Lance talking about Mrs. Blue Lion vs talking about Keith
[x] (l0tura parallel)
A//lurance and klance/laith paralleling with how both Keith and Allura lectures Lance about the coalition shows not being about the show but about the people 
Some romantic mood parallels:
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The previous blue paladin with a (blushing) male galra
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Now lets move on to some interesting stuff from interviews and the cast and producers (no sources or direct quotes because I’M LAZY:
We all know about the art Lauren drew with Lance and Shiro holding up the lgbt sign and the theory that goes with it.
Bex pretty much confirming that there'll be lgbtq rep in voltron through a sinister laugh in that vid (we know now this to be true bc of Shiro, but there might be more to come?.. or unfold hehe if you catch my drift). Voltron having lgbtq rep has also been brought up before at interviews. I THINK there’s been hinted that there’ll be a little something something between two characters? Not sure tho
Bex also either confirming or shooting down klance/laith during another vid BUT most probably confirming. You know that vid. Reasons to believe: 1. It was dubious, since we don't know which of the questions she shaked her head to. 2. High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco was playing in the background. 3. I don't think she would actually openly deny a ship when she could have just ignored the question, much less making it so dubious.
Kimberly: "Friendship" (may or may not actually imply something within the future of the show, or if it just was @ the thorsty klancers)
We know that Lance will have an endgame (and Keith happens to check all the points of what’s been said about that endgame)
Lance will end up somewhere different than he thought at the start (he wanted Allura at the start, and Keith certainly would be someone different than he'd thought).
What he wants isn't necessarily what he needs(/gets?? I don't remember lol) (and we know he wanted Allura. plus the lion exchange becomes a pretty interesting topic here, as further talked about here x). 
What he needs/wants is someone who’s self-assured and who knows who they are (I think it was) and hey look Keith is back! (who just happens to fit these criterias more than ever).
The plain fact of how Keith and Lance's arcs actually just seem to intertwine so well.
Also adding that klance/laith interview lol. With the "natural progression" thing and that. And also when Lauren said the only incompatible thing about Lance and Keith is the shipname 'klance'. 
Lance’s milkshake bringing everybody to the yard.
It’s been said that Lance remembers the bonding moment but wasn’t ‘emotionally ready’ for it, whatever that could possibly mean 👀 
And apparently there’s more story to unfold... 
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Which may or may not be related but sure makes this a hella lot more interesting (I find this cup worth reaching for ok)
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(lmao if you seriously think the folding thing was an accident)
I’m not saying that the pic necessarily implies klance/laith but it certainly implies something with them. Which will be. Interesting.
Some interesting theories:
[x] Regarding the “Red lion” and the “Blue lion”
[x] Keith’s vlog and some interesting tagging
[x] Some possible, interesting foreshadowing?
Highkey Lowkey scared this is actually foreshadowing (from a comic, Keith is the one saying ‘isn’t that love’, and Lance is the other one)
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Also some reaches because we love long arms:
[x] Rivals to friends to lovers foreshadowing lol
[x] Interesting... Funny coincidence?
[x] I know I know but honestly you can’t deny his face here
[x] I’ll also add this while I’m at it because I can 
(s7 spoiler ahead) Look this is just an interesting concept ok, but in episode 2 in s7 when they’re splitting up in that tunnel, Allura goes one way and Keith goes the other. We see Lance going last, slowing up and almost seeming to take a little time to choose, before going the way Keith went.
So uhh yeah here’s my grand, half-assed take on it. Season 7 can come bite my ass if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be on the lookout until the very last episode of season 8. Klance/laith may or may not happen. But I strongly believe it will and honestly that’s just what makes the most sense to me. 
But yeah reminder that ships doesn’t have to be canon for you to ship them, and if your ship becomes canon you should not harass others about it and you shouldn’t harass others if your ship doesn’t become canon either. All in all NO HARASSING. NO HATE. NO SHADE. JUST. BE DECENT. This includes to the creators and other people in the fandom both. 
Always be prepared for voltron to sock you in the stomach. Season 7 might very well do so. Season 8 might very well do so. Be prepared for your expectations and hopes and wishes to go completely out the window. But no matter how it goes, let’s just sit back and relax and enjoy the show as much as we can beyond our internal screaming.
In the end this is an intriguing story with aliens about family and being a team and it’s beautiful. So let’s just enjoy it, no matter what.
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gayregis · 4 years
OK first episode reactions
OHHH that was THE KIKIMORE............... im glad we get to see the fight because i mean. i would want some money for doing that crazy shit too. also you noticed how he killed the deer because he was probably starving. 
the moment of hesitation before he enters the tavern......... OK... [jaskier or yennefer voice] dont you just wanna stroke his gross dirty white hair
wait the uhhhh... “tavern scene” occurs in the witcher right, so i dont have to be scared bc this is the lesser evil, right, right, maybe not, idk what theyre switching around
the fucking cease of noise as geralt walks in.... the MOOD
cavill is like way too fine to be playing geralt rn i mean this shot where he says point me to the aldermans house is really showing off his profile. i feel sympathetic for this pretty pretty man
oh im regretting not rereading the lesser evil right now. i cant remember WHAT the fuck happens in that story. he goes to stregobor first though right??? right? he meets with the alderman and the dude’s like nah you cant get shit for that kikimore head, but maybe this wizard will give ya smth
my lesbianisms thinking renfri is pretty VS my morality knowing what shes like VS my witcher fan knowing what the hell happens in this story.... fight
WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE RENFRI SO PRETTY!!!!!!! shes SO pretty and cute..... yall are making me like her fuck you fuck you SO hard.
the voice acting is sending me kind of... this is actually a good geralt voice imo if you dont mind me saying that. i still prefer polish tw3 dub but this is actually better than fuckin delvin mallory in the audiobooks. no disrespect, peter kenny, you did dandelion and yennefer and the hansa well, but geralt..... hm....
okay jk actually i need more geralt lines in order to develop my thoughts on his voice. ill wait until edge of the world where he SHOULD be more talkative
are we really going to stregobor’s fucking tower where a naked woman illusion waits on him and he offers to give geralt a go at this basically fuck doll illusion
“where are you from, geralt?” “rivia.” SURE.... YOU LIAR...... liar .... just WAIT until baptism of fire oooohhh just you wait
also this girl marilka is so sweet, also makes me think because milva said she was called that by some. but thats why she changed her name to milva
“because girls cant be witchers right” OK you reminded me 50% of ciri but now youre literally just proto-ciri
oh.... no foolery with the magic door knocker?
wow this exactly what i pictured the inside of stregobor’s tower to be like lmaooo
oh its so weird to see ciri like. like old at cintra you know what im saying . like im like wait wait how is she alive if geralt hasnt been there as ravix yet. not BAD just weird for me
“speak normally” this reminds me of in bounds of reason dandelions like should i give the account in verse or in prose and then he starts speaking with the most flowery prose and geralts like PROSE prose please
“if you had been alive during falkas rebellion” please dont mention falka already we’re moving too fast soon enough leo fucking bonhart will be at our heels!
“and she possesses the power to destroy us all” “i dont believe anyone has that power.” WAIT UNTIL YOU MEET YOUR DAUGHTER DUDE LOL
wow he’s really full body dressed in black leather. huh . and people say hes heterosexual fml
okay i thought them calling the girls “girl” was kinda tender in the series but now its even more tender when heard aloud.
eist is like really present here and i like him enough its just that calanthe was like way more important than him in the series though right
“it needs to rhyme” and “pretty ballads hide bastard truths” so are we really just stealing every clever word that jaskier can say before he even comes into it
me: is a regis fan / also me: GERALT IS A SHITTY OLD BITCH LMAOO
uh oh spaghettios! its nilfgaard and one of their fun funky officers, son of ceallach! i havent seen him yet but im terrified anyways!
okay see this is how you do a  PROPER adaptation. calanthe in the books committed suicide so she wouldnt be r*ped right as she sat in a stupid castle but this calanthe is on the fucking battlefield. this is why we stan middle aged women
eist: [dies] me: AAAAAA cahir: [is there Waiting] (i think its him maybe) me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
ah fuck ah fuck fuck
ciri: why [is nilfgaard attacking] ? calanthe knowing DAMN WELL stupid fucking duny is her dad: uhHHhhHhH idk lol
“you will rule this land someday” nope again! [thinks about lady of the lake] nope and nope!
ciri’s “are you dying?” to calanthe on her deathbed is the new “was he human” yennefer asking if regis (as a giant fucking bat) was human
i love how looongggg these episodes areee omgg
but also i always thought of the fall of cintra as something you know like. it happened in two shakes, cahir kinda just took ciri up by her underarms (like longcat) and left
renfri: who were you talking to? geralt: .. my horse.......... all of the fans: [dialing 1-800-TROUBADOUR immediately]
ugh i really thought they were gonna adapt the sex between renfri and geralt out. ugh ugh . too much heterosexuality
ciri you are gonna regret stalling so hard when mr. ceallach marches in. just saying. RUN.
uh.... ok...................... hm not what happened in the books.... where ciri is shot off in the midst of battle and crawls up next to a dead man and acts dead ........ lol cahir is even more evil now how is this possible i didnt think he could get MORE evil
[cahir voice] he deflected the arrow with his sword! ive never seen anything like it!
also have i said already that the cinematography is amazing. like the room where calanthe was on her deathbed.... that renfri dream was pretty cool too... just a lot of things are very pleasing to the eye
due to a injury in the carotid artery blood would be gushing everywhere. also is she prophecizing ciri? stop this there are already so many women in the witcher universe that give prophecy. theres like the girl in baptism of fire, ciri, everyone in ciri’s bloodline, and now renfri?
cahir: nice, GG guys, im gonna go get that cool promotion now, this will be epic, my mom will be SO proud of me-- ciri: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cahir: OH FUUUUCKKK
well that’s MUCH MORE of a report to file with your superior officers! “yeah so the girl fucking opened up a hole in the earth” instead of “ahh idk i fell asleep and when i woke up she wasnt there :/” .... cahir really is not getting that promotion now, huh
okay yall can say whatever you want about cavill as geralt but when he said “do not touch her” and moved his mouth like that? oh geraltisms.
this is a really nice episode i like how it just went into the action i wasnt convinced at first but ah this is quite nice. i like how it has JUST geralt and ciri in it and later yennefer will come in as her mom. renfri prophecizing was actually pretty ok, at first i thought i wouldnt like the change, but it makes it easier to digest for television. i like how they really emphasize that geralt is hated to all hell, and that ciri is powerful yet still babie. this is a good portrayal of both of them in these stages of their lives you know what im saying. also is cahir gonna chase ciri now for those Good Boy Black Rider points? bc there were shots of him in a forest. ah well whatever lets move to the next episode
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ask-jungshook · 7 years
BEGIN!AU Masterlist & FAQ
Disclaimer: This post is a work in progress so a lot of changes will be made in the future! (I’ll link it in my header for easy access)
Prologue Series
Part 1: Descent | | Part 2: Static | | Part 3: Rebirth
Reflection Series
Snowdrop : J-Hope  | Lilac : Yoongi | tbd
Other (Misc pieces)
Q: What is BEGIN!AU?
A: It’s an AU that I created that is loosely based off of my interpretations the MVs (aka I have no clue what’s going on, so it’s kinda vague on purpose right now) Hopefully I will be expanding the world within it as time goes on though! As of now, it’s going to focus mainly on Jungkook and all the excerpts posted are written from his POV. I’m still working on fleshing out everything, so please bear with me.
I’m hoping that there will be several parts? But as of now, I currently have the Prologue Series and the what will be the Reflection Series (this is a work in progress– idk if I’m gonna keep that name, so it’s a placeholder for now lol) Both are based off of Jungkook’s memories. The Prologue is more or less a teaser to the actual storyline, whereas the Reflection Series will just be short snippets of his thoughts of each of the members (So there will be 6 parts total – I was originally going to release each portion on the member’s birthdays, but some are too clumped so I might be releasing them in random blocks of time lol J-Hope and Suga’s should be released on time of their bday though!)
Q: Can I ask questions to Begin!JK?
A: Depending on the nature of the asks, I will be either answering them within this AU or just do a non-AU. (It honestly depends on the question) But if you’re an askblog and want to do an AU crossover, I AM SO DOWN FOR A COLLAB. (it can be in this AU or a different one too!) I’m also working on several solo pieces that will pertain to this AU, but that’s like for the way future!
Q: Can I drew fanart for this AU?
A: JDGHSKGJHLG Sure! Just keep in mind that I haven’t determined what is ‘canon’ and what isn’t in this AU yet when it comes to fic writing, so idk how much you guys have to work with since everything is like ‘what is going on right now’ lol If anything you can say it was inspiration from my AU and that it’s your own interpretation of it since it’s not really based off it??? Idkman lol bc tbh I don’t even know what’s going on with my AU LOL However once my AU is more developed which won’t be for awhile, all I ask is that you credit me somewhere if it specifically relates to my AU & its plot! :) Also feel free to tag me if you post on tumblr! I would love to see the finished pieces! :’D
Also, kinda related but not really: please note that I do not allow for any of my works to be reposted, altered, or edited on any social media outside of this tumblr account as stated in my general FAQ. (I got an ask regarding this, but I’ll post my reply later bc it’s long and it’s kinda a topic I’ve been struggling a lot with as an artist)
Theme & Interpretation
My interpretation of the AU, as mentioned before is loosely based off the MVs taken with artistic freedom. (Well less about the plot of the MVs, and more about the overall meaning of them) The main theme of this AU relates to the ‘loss of innocence’ or simply ‘growing up’ in layman’s terms . (This is especially alluded to in the most recent MV of “Spring Day’ where they made a reference to Omelas) Healing and mending wounds is also a underlying theme as well.
I want to to explore the areas of self discovery, self forgiveness, and self understanding. The Jungkook in this AU based off the prologue, is still struggling to accept the present and unwilling to leave the past behind. He’s struggling in the sense that he can’t let go of the past and those memories haunt him. While he does realize that the world is not kind, nor is it fair, he has a hard time accepting it, which is why he constantly wishes for things to return back to the way they were – back to happier days.
The whole entire prologue series is basically him battling against his conscience, contemplating on the ‘what ifs’ of moments in his past when he knows that there’s nothing he can do to change them.  However at the last panel of the prologue series, you might notice that I drew him smiling compared to the panel right before where he’s just looking at the viewer– this was done for a reason.
I released the last part of the series right before the You Never Walk Alone album dropped, so I was honestly hoping that the image I had in mind would link it some way to the new songs AND GOD BLESS IT DID. There is a line in the supplemental story that said ‘But we can smile if we’re together’ and I was like YES GOOD JOB PAST DISSU U MADE A CORRECT DECISION OF WHERE UR TAKING UR AU BEFORE THE SONG CAME OUT LMFAO but that line of the song basically echos the sentiment that I was trying to portray in that last panel. So yes, the prologue series can be very angsty, but at the same time I wanted it to end with a message of hope at the end. There’s are a bunch of random easter eggs from when I was putting the whole series together, so if you have a question behind any of the panels or lines, feel free to ask! :D
Prologue Fun Facts
- The quotes following each part are all excerpts taken from Demian. I tried making them somewhat relate to the different parts, but one of the reasons I chose them was because they stood out to me– they also tie to common theme of growing up and accepting yourself. 
- Almost all the scenes from P2 & P3 are in reference to the MVs, namely Run, I NEED U, Prologue, & Young Forever (props if you can recognize which MVs are from which panels lol)
- Some phrases in the lines used are a nod to some song titles as well! :)
Reflection Fun Facts
- Keep an eye out for flowers meanings! 
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 4x22: “Lucifer Rising”
Beginning like we always do, with “Carry On Wayward Son”.
St. Mary’s Convent. Ilchester, Maryland. 1972.
So this is Azazel...
I feel so bad for these nuns who have no idea what’s going on, and they are terrified.
RIP nuns. That is so awful.
Hello, Sam.
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Now Sam can see Dean’s side.
G o d, this breaks my heart.
It’s so sad that even if there were an “after” (which there wouldn’t have been if everything went 100% according to plan) Sam still would have distanced himself from Dean, because he thought he’d never be forgiven and it would’ve been the “best” for Dean. (He could not be any more wrong.)
Sam and Dean appearing on screen the same way.
Hello, Dean.
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“I’m not calling him.”
“Don’t make me get my gun, boy.”
I love Bobby.
I believe Bobby’s gonna go on his outburst soon.
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Dean losing the will to save Sam.
Let the outburst begin:
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“You sound like a whiny brat. No, you sound like your dad. Well, let me tell you something. Your dad was a coward.”
“My dad was a lot of things, Bobby, but a coward?”
“He’d rather push Sam away than reach out to him. Well, that don’t strike me as brave. You are a better man than your daddy ever was. So you do us both a favor. Don’t be him.”
And here we go. Dean’s in the Green Room
Hello, Cas!
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(Who looks like he doesn’t want to be there...)
HOW DID NO ONE NOTICE THIS NURSE taking the baby to somewhere besides where it was supposed to be???
Dean’s favorite food and beer.
“The suite life of Zach and Cas.” lmao, Dean.
(Those paintings are beautiful.)
“We want you...focused, relaxed.”
“Well, I’m about to be pissed and leaving, so start talking Chuckles.” (That’s a great line! How come i never noticed that before?)
Cas is just internally screaming at this point. Hell, he’s been internally screaming non-stop since “the Rapture”.
Sammy, our new hot shot interrogator.
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I am still so UPSET that Sam never got to hear the REAL voicemail. Fucking Zachariah was behind it, I’m sure. (After episode thought: apparently, Eric Kripke refused to reveal if it was Zachariah OR RUBY WHO MANIPULATED THE VOICEMAIL??? Holy shit, that would explain the smirk she gives when Sam finally listens to it, r i g h t before they enter the Convent. It did seem like convenient timing...)
“Hey, it’s me. Uh...Look, I’ll get right to it. I’m still pissed...and I owe you a serious beatdown, but I shouldn’t have said what I said. You know, I’m not Dad. We’re brothers. You know, we’re family. And uh, no matter how bad it gets, that doesn’t change. Sammy, I’m sorry.” 
(Should’ve done that earlierrrrr.)
The one thing I got in common with Lilith’s head chef is that we both think Ruby’s a bitch.
“Can’t trust anyone these days.” Especially yoouuuuu.
Well damn. That is such a dirty card to play.
Poor Sam. I bet nothing scared him more/allowed him to see how extremely fucked up the whole situation was than that moment.
Back to 1972.
Lucifer possessing a nun. Nothing creeps me out more.
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The very origin of...everything.
Nice “surprised” reaction, Ruby.
My stomach is in an actual knots knowing that they drained an innocent woman of her blood just because Sam needed all of it to defeat Lilith.
(Also, why couldn’t Sam just overrule Ruby and kill the demon anyway, forcing her to find another one? God, Sam, you’re in it so deep.)
Dean, you child.
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The fucking intensity between Dean and Cas...
It’s kinda...striking how Ruby seemed to almost slip into the role of Dean sometimes, with the ill-timed jokes she’s been making. And Sam’s responses to her remind me of how it used to be between them in S3 when he flat out hated her and resented needing her help, as opposed to when he began to trust her and earnestly defended her against everyone. He snaps at her, and is done with her. Hell, what did Sam even plan to do with Ruby once they “stopped” Lilith?
“I’m starting to think...maybe Dean was right.” HE IISSSS SAM. 
(And Ruby is internally screaming at the fact that she’s ALMOST THERE and the one person she needs to accomplish this has one foot out the door.)
I can’t wait for Dean to kill Zachariah.
Half the truth tumbles out. They’re going to allow Lilith to break the final seal.
That shot of Zachariah is so freaking cool.
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G O D I love how the lighting changes as the (half) truth comes out. From the beautiful, glowing light to “fluorescent lighting in your old high school that makes you look like you aged 20 years.” It’s ugly, just like the (half) truth being revealed.
Even the paintings change!
(So at this point, was the Apocalypse AU about to go to shit?)
“Sam...has a part to play. A very important part. He may need a little nudging in the right direction, but I’ll make sure he plays it.” FUCK YOU, YOU BALDING BITCH.
“pertinent details” my ASS.
“You’re going to stop Lucifer.” One of the few times Zachariah is right, whether I like it or not.
“One day we’ll look back on this and laugh.” ...I guess now we can.
“God? God has left the building.” There’s such an emptiness in Zachariah's eyes when he says that. 
Completely irrelevant, but Lilith’s dress is really pretty.
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This is one of my all time favorite Dean/Cas scenes, and one of the most important scenes in the entire series, you can fight me about it.
“He’s gonna do it to himself.” Cas is unfortunately correct
“We’ve been through much together, you and I, and I just wanted to say I’m sorry it ended like this.”
lmao, RIP Dean’s hand.
“What is so worth saving? I see nothing but pain here. I see inside you. I see your guilt, your anger, confusion. In paradise, all is forgiven. You’ll be at peace. Even with Sam.” god Cassss.
The way Dean gets Cas to look at him. Fuck me up.
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Cas fighting his internal battle.
“If there is anything worth dying for...this is it.”
P L E A S E.
“Listen to me, you blood sucking freak. Dad always said I’d either have to save you or kill you. Well, I”m giving you fair warning. I’m done trying to save you. You’re a monster Sam, a vampire. You’re not you anymore. And there’s no going back.”
So Ruby heard that?? Because she’s smirking like she did, and she’s damn pleased with that final little strand finally being cut.
RIP Cindy the nurse.
Dean almost committed a Persephone move there.
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Oh shit wait, CAS had the knife??? I thought Dean would’ve picked it up after the fight with Sam...unless he did, and when the angels took him to the Green Room, they took the knife from him...but why not take the phone? Fuck, I’m overthinking.
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“Lilith is the final seal. She dies, the end begins.” THE FULL TRUTH COMES OUT, THANK YOU CAS.
Hello, Chuck.
RIP those demons.
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Lmao, I love how Chuck is more annoyed at the archangels coming than scared.
“It’s the Archangel! I’ll hold him off, I’ll hold them all off! Just stop Sam!” Cas’ final words. #1
I don’t care what canon says, Cas is Chuck’s favorite angel.
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Cas couldn’t have zapped Dean directly in the room???
Dean HAD TO STOP to give Ruby the stink eye?????
I know what’s about to happen, and I’m still hoping that it’s not going to happen like it’s my first time watching.
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Sam goes to scary af killer to lost, confused little boy once he hears Dean.
“You turned yourself into a freak. A monster. And now you’re not gonna bite? I’m sorry, but that is honestly adorable.” Lilith’s last words. Making sure Sam broke the final seal.
Sam let’s his emotions get the best of him, an unfortunate conclusion.
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RIP Lilith.
“And it is written that the first demon shall be the last seal.”
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G O D that moment when Sam realizes what he just did. It’s so despairing.
“You don’t even know how hard this was! All those demons our for my head. No one knew. I was the best of those sons of bitches! The most loyal! Not even Alastair knew! Only Lilith! Yeah, I’m sure you’re a little angry right now, but I mean, come on, Sam! Even you have to admit, I’m- I’m awesome!”
I fucking hate Ruby with all that I have...but she is one of the best antagonists this show ever had. She kept quiet about her plans the entire time and waited until they were complete to brag about it in one of the best villain speeches I’ve ever heard. She is awesome, in her own twisted fucked up way, and for that...I kinda love her.
Well damn it, Sam.
Ruby earnestly fell in love with Sam. Like, I’m sure she was already planning their future together, where Sam is possessed by Lucifer and she got to be his right hand...woman. Demon. But she like, LOVED him in a disgusting toxic way, stroking his face and assuring him that he was gonna be ok. I think she was seconds away from telling him that they’d be “happy together.”
AND YOU KNOW WHAT, at least when Cas was lying to Dean about how everything was going to be okay, even if the Apocalypse was going to be allowed, he told Dean that it’d be him and Sam. Ruby completely cuts off Dean from her little “it’s going to be alright” speech.
Dean finally breaks in. 
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“You’re too late.” Ruby’s final words.
She is completely  feeling herself in this moment, confidently strolling up to Dean like that. Was she going to kill him? Did she not see her own knife in his hands?
I love everything about how Ruby dies: the fact that Sam, who is desperate to do at least one thing right, grabs her to make sure she doesn’t escape. The look of confusion on Ruby’s face, because she genuinely can’t believe that Sam is doing this to her, after everything they’ve done together. And while she’s trying to get a hold on the situation, Dean not only stabs her WITH HER OWN KNIFE but also TWISTS IT. I believe there is a moment where Ruby seems to realize that she is dying and Dean Winchester is the one who kills her, while her “lover” is holding her down, and she’s worked so hard to free Lucifer...and she won’t even be around to claim her prize. It’s so wonderful; I can’t really think of a way to make it better.
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RIP Ruby. Ding dong, the bitch is dead.
Y’know, when I did my SPN Rewatch last year, I made note of all the time Cas and Ruby paralleled each other (because I considered them to be different sides to the same coin) and one parallel I’m noticing just now is that both of them achieved something they’ve been working hard at (Ruby: freeing Lucifer, Cas: telling Dean the truth/getting Dean to Sam) and they both died as soon as it was achieved.
“I’m sorry.”
“Sammy, let’s go.”
“Dean...he’s coming.”
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SUCH A PHENOMENAL ENDING. I remember screaming “NOOOOO” at the laptop, then immediately hitting “Play next episode” when I first saw this. 
This is still one of the best season finales of the entire show. Top 3, for sure.
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