#bunche beach preserve
sitting-on-me-bum · 5 months
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Reddish Egret
Location: San Carlos Bay – Bunche Beach Preserve, Fort Myers, Florida, USA
by Nathan Arnold
Audubon Photography Awards
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thebirdandthebee · 1 year
Act Accordingly
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Dipping my toes into the Rooster pool here. Using the jealousy prompt “I don’t like them all looking at you.” No real smut, but allusions to it. Thanks for all the love on Aw Honey Honey! If you like this one, don’t keep it to yourself :)
Title: Act Accordingly Rooster just wants you to act accordingly. WC: 3596
There were few things more relaxing than knowing your classes were done for the week, homework all taken care of, and not a single worry in the world for the next three days.
Your situationship was hosting a barbecue on the beach and he’d asked you to come and help set up a few things behind his friend’s bar, which had direct access to the sand.
Tossing on your favorite bikini and a pair of denim cutoffs, you threw a change of clothes amongst other essentials in a tote and head off toward the bar. You’d been hooking up with Bradley Bradshaw on and off for about eight months – sure, it sounded like a long time, but sometimes he’d disappear for two or three weeks at a time, and you’d get caught up in classes for nursing school as well.
Besides, you didn’t mind, he was an incredible lay and seemingly wasn’t looking for anything serious, so you went along with it – no matter how many times you wished your cut-short mornings could have dragged out a bit longer. You also thought it was kind of cool he flew planes for the Navy and didn’t seem to care when you’d pepper him with questions. He actually seemed pretty happy to answer your questions – but that might have just been the post-orgasm haze.
You’d been to this bar before – Bradley’s Uncle’s girlfriend (?) owned it and you’d met in passing once before. She seemed cool and would sometimes comp your bill, so they were good in your book.
“Hey!” Bradley waved you down from the back deck of the bar. He jogged over and you let your gaze rake down his shirtless body.
“I see you decided to skip sunblock again,” you commented, tilting your sunglasses down to the tip of your nose to take in his rosy skin.
“Not on purpose,” he rubbed the back of his neck, taking your tote from your shoulder and opening it up to grab the spray bottle he knew was in there. “Tits look great,” he commented, eyes darting up to your crocheted bikini top. There was a thin layer of nude fabric beneath the knitting to preserve some decency.
“Likewise,” you grinned, reaching up to tweak one of his nipples. “Now what can I help with?” You asked, looking over at a few empty folding tables next to an equally empty grill.
“Table clothes, plates, napkins, all that shit,” he listed off. “Pen and Mav are bringing food out, but I picked up some fruit and veggie trays, too.”
“Put me to work,” you smiled, sliding your sunglasses back up your nose.
“Wait a minute,” he tugged your wrist as you attempted to broach the table. You found yourself pressed tightly up against Bradley’s front, his hands lodged deep into the back pockets of your denim shorts. “No kiss for Daddy?” He grinned, that dumb, hot mustache stretching across his lips. “Can’t believe you just called yourself Daddy out here in the open where Penny and Jesus can hear you,” you scolded, a laugh ripping from your throat as he squeezed your ass hard.
“Okay, break it up,” you jumped away from Bradley as his Uncle stepped out onto the deck with two big rolls of vinyl in his arms.
“Good to see ya, Pete,” you greeted, running a hand through your hair. “I see you haven’t trained this one up at all since I last saw you.”
“Unfortunately some things are just inherent,” he shrugged but smiled anyway. “Mind helping me with this table cover while we have wonder boy go grab some propane?” He asked, tossing Bradley a look. The younger of the two men shook his head before disappearing into the back of the bar through the sliding door.
“So, you meeting a bunch of Bradley’s friends?” Pete asked, in a way that you were sure he thought was casual.
“I guess,” you smiled, “see ‘em from time to time here and there,” you added. “It’s all casual, Pete,” you added. The older man look contemplative but smiled nonetheless. All it took was half a roll of duct tape to get the table covers to stay down before you could start piling on plates, cutlery and big metal buckets filled with ice for drinks.
You were rubbing down Bradley’s shoulders with sunblock when the first wave of people started arriving.
“I’m gonna go plant myself,” you said, jabbing your thumb over you shoulder. Penny had set up a few beach umbrellas about halfway down the sand and you could feel your towel calling your name.
Bradley nodded and you could feel his hand skim your waist with a ghostly touch as you turned to walk away. Grabbing a White Claw, you headed down the sand, oblivious to the conversations taking place on the back patio.
“Who is that?” Coyote asked, eyes narrowing in on your figure. He, Rooster and Fanboy all paused in admiration as you peeled your denim shorts down your legs, stretching slightly before laying out across your towel.
“She looks…” Fanboy licked his lips, “smart.”
“That one’s mine,” Rooster said with definition.
“Your girlfriend?” Fanboy asked his brows creeping up.
“Well, no, I mean – we’ve been… seeing each other – like unofficially, we’ve been – ” He stammered out.
“What you haven’t planted your flag?” Coyote grinned wolfishly.
“I’ve planted my flag,” Rooster cut sharply, eyes narrowing.
“Sure doesn’t sound like it, Rooster,” Fanboy laughed. “Which means… fair game.” All three men returned their eyes to the beach, where you were rolling over on your towel, breasts pressed closed together and fighting against the seams of your top.
“Hey fellas, what do you want to eat?” Pete said, once again breaking up the conversation as he held up a big tray of burgers and chicken.
Down on the beach, you were trying your best to wiggle into grooves that didn’t tweak your back after standing for clinicals all week. Settling with your hands folded behind your head, taking the full brunt of the sun’s rays, it was a matter of minutes until a shadow cast over you.
“Couple of us are going to play some volleyball,” Bradley was blocking the sun from shining directly in your face. “Want to join?” He offered.
“Deal me into the second game,” you said, “the sun feels so good,” you sighed. “I want to soak it up a little bit,” you insisted. Bradley nodded, his eyes, covered by his sunglasses, trailing down your form. He knew what your skin tasted like, but imagined it sweeter in the hot weather, causing saliva to pool in his mouth.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he insisted.
“Give me a holler when you’re losing,” you smirked. He didn’t know, after all, that you played DI in college. He balled up his Hawaiian shirt, tossing it over to land on your half-empty beach bag.
The game started up as more and more of Bradley’s friend filtered in, joining him only about forty feet away from your little camp site. As the sun passed peak in the sky, it was getting a little more bearable out. You couldn’t help but notice Bradley’s friends were overwhelmingly male and were, as expected, a little disappointed.
“Couldn’t help yourself?” Bradley asked as you approached. His skin was covered in a layer of sweat and you were sure his sunblock was already long gone.
“Just let me serve, Bradshaw,” you said, plucking the ball from his hands. Traipsing to the back corner of the court, you rocked back on your heel, delivering a devastating serve to the other side of the net. The other team didn’t have a prayer.
“It’s not fair! Rooster’s friend is a ringer!” A chiseled blonde called from the other team.
“It’s good to meet Bradley’s friend,” you looked over to see a hand extended to you. “Fanboy,” he introduced.
“Right,” you nodded, introducing yourself, “I forget about the code names,” you smiled, shaking his hand.
“Call signs,” another man with a lantern jaw and dark eyes interjected. “Coyote,” he added.
“Okay, okay, are we playing a game here?” Bradley asked, trying his best to keep a petulant scowl off of his face.
“Hey, we want to trade!” The only other woman in the group called out, “we’ll hand over Bob for Misty Mae-Treanor,” she added, making you laugh.
“Deal!” You called, jogging over to duck under the net.
“I’m Nat,” the woman introduced, “Bradley’s told us a lot about you,” she added. You blamed your blush on the sun. “This is Bagman,” she nodded to the blonde.
“Jake,” he cut in, “and Bradley’s told me nothing about you,” he grinned. You recognized this man from a few of Bradley’s post-work stories.
“Hangman, right?” You asked with a tilt of your head. His grin only widened.
Bradley was no better than any other man and it took every ounce of willpower within him to focus on the game as you countered him on the other side of the net. He wondered how strong that bikini top was, where your tan lines stopped and if you still had that little bruise just on the edge of your nipple where he’d bit you just a little too hard last week. It was okay - he made it up to you.
And God, you were really good at volleyball.
“Just take the L, Rooster!” Natasha, who you’d come to learn was called Phoenix, called out.
“Who’s hungry?” Pete called from up the beach. “Burgers are done!”
“Starving,” you said, jogging over to your towel, stepping into your denim shorts, shimmying to get them over the round of your ass.
“She’s single, right?” Phoenix asked.
“Who cares?” Hangman laughed, dutifully trailing after you as you walked alongside Bradley up the sand.
“How did you get invited to this again?” Bradley asked Jake, making your eyes go wide.
“Bradley!” You scolded, bumping shoulders with Jake, “that’s not very nice.”
“Yeah, that’s not very nice, Bradley,” Jake taunted. “Where you been hiding this one, huh? Afraid she’ll show you up at everything else you do?” He asked.
“Oh, yes, I remember you now,” you grinned. “Dagger Spare, right?” Jake slapped a hand over his chest, causing Bradley to shout out a honking laugh. Bradley was impressed by your memory, he wasn’t sure how much you were really retaining as most of your conversations took place on the periphery of sleep.
You’d all settled around a few tables, burgers, fries and all sorts of other snacks abound. You squeezed between Bradley and Natasha, who was more than happy to let you dip your carrot sticks into her too-big pool of veggie dip. You liked Natasha, she could hold her own amongst the group of knuckleheads and had already complimented your manicure.
You were listening to Fanboy and Coyote going back and forth on some sort of training story when you dropped a cold, white glob of ranch on your chest.
“Whoops,” you murmured, swiping your finger down across the swell of your breast before popping it in your mouth – not noticing that the conversation had come to a complete standstill. You also hadn’t noticed that your nipples had hardened in your top, rendering Coyote completely useless.
“SO,” Phoenix said loudly. “I’m grabbing more drinks from inside, who wants to help?” She asked.
“I’ll help,” you volunteered, pushing your seat back, but with how tightly the chairs were crammed together, there was no easy way to get out. Grabbing the armrest of Bradley’s chair, you hopped over his seat, planting your bare feet on the wood deck. “Taking your shoes,” you tossed over your shoulder, sliding your feet into one of the many pair of brown leather sandals lined up by the sliding door.
Unbeknownst to you, you’d grabbed Coyote’s sandals, but there was no way you could’ve known.
“Big feet!” You called, following Natasha inside. All eyes cut to Rooster when you and Phoenix had disappeared.
“Stop looking!” He said, frustrated.
“What am I supposed to pluck my eyes out?” Coyote asked, gesturing wildly, “they looked at me first!” Hangman shook his head with silent laughter. Bradley really wanted to laugh, too, and he probably would have if it was anyone else that brought their girl around – because that’s what he was trying to do – make you his girl. And he certainly didn’t like all the attention you were drawing from everyone else.
“I mean it, stop flirting with my girl,” he said pointedly, his attention snapping over to Hangman who simply shrugged with a flick of his toothpick.
“I’ll stop flirting,” Hangman drawled, “when she says she’s your girl.”
Bradley blanched. Sure, he was crazy about you, but you’d agreed on casual – even when his feelings developed into something deeper.
He loved ending up at your place after weeks away – laying around your living room, sharing boxes of takeout as he helped you study for the NCLEX. He’d been your patient, sitting for cast wrappings and vital tests, and he knew the exact location of your birthmark, right inside of your thigh. He liked to think of it as the doorbell to get to exactly where he’d like to go.
“Fine,” he rolled his shoulders, taking a bite of his dinner. He only settled when you and Phoenix returned with fresh drinks – holding your hand for balance as you maneuvered your way back into your seat.
“So,” Fanboy grinned, “how long have you two known each other?” He asked.
“Like biblically?” You replied, making Natasha cough on her drink. Rooster’s blush burned bright on his scarred cheek. “Hmm, I think eight months?” You asked, folding your sunglasses into the pocket of his shirt.
“Sounds right,” Bradley nodded.
“And how long have you –”
“Fanboy, you ever get those mystery stains out of the common room futon?” Natasha interjected. Fanboy paled and took a sip of his drink.
“So who here can tell me the coolest flight story?” You asked, “I’ve heard all of Bradley’s a hundred times and I want to hear something new.” You gave your friend a little grin.
“Look no further,” Jake replied, launching into a list of his own accomplishments.
The next time you excused yourself to head inside and use the restroom, you were cornered by Bradley in the back hall.
“Hi,” you said with surprise, having just tied your hair up into a loose bun atop your head. To Bradley, your neck never looked more kissable.
“Put this on,” he said, holding open his button-up shirt.
“Why?” You asked, sliding your arms through the short sleeves anyway.
“Because I’m not trying to pop a chubby in front of my friends,” he said as if it was obvious. “Where’d you find this swimsuit anyway?” You laughed, but clocked the look in his eyes nonetheless.
“Why are you so bothered?” You asked, leaning back against the wall, shirt unbuttoned.
“I don’t like them all looking at you,” he said, pressing you up against the wall hips-first.
“You don’t like them looking at me?” You asked with a small smile, “then maybe you shouldn’t have invited me to your party,” you added.
“Let me be clear,” he pushed his body into yours with more intent. “I don’t like them looking at you like you’re up for grabs,” there was a darker tone to his words and he chose them very carefully.
“And who do I belong to, Bradley?” You asked, looking up at him through those thick lashes with a glint that made sweat bead at the base of his spine. It was usually a look he only saw before you swallowed his cock whole.
“You’re mine,” he tucked a piece of hair back behind your ear, “and it’s about time we both start acting accordingly.”
“What happened to casual?” You asked, reaching up to tuck your thumb into the cleft of his chin, focusing his attention solely on you. “I haven’t wanted casual with you since the day I memorized thirty gastrointestinal disease flashcards with you,” he said honestly.
“That’s what did it for you, huh?” You grinned, “all that talk of stomach ulcers got you hard for me?”
“Actually I think it was after you passed your test the next day and I bent you over the patio railing,” he recalled, “Yeah, I think that’s what did it for me.”
“Should’ve said something you big lug,” you chastised.
“I should have,” he nodded, hands on your waist, thumbs swiping across you ribcage. “I knew for a while but it took my friends eyeing up these titties like they were the cure before it drove me a little nuts.” He mumbled, making you giggle.
“Maybe they are the cure,” you shrugged, “you think I wore this by accident?”
“The cure is between your thighs, and I need to be saved,” he said, ducking down to kiss you firmly. “Can we please get the fuck out of here?”
“Ditch your own party?” You asked, smiling nonetheless. “Kinda tacky.”
“Says the girl in the Hawaiian shirt,” he countered.
“Touché,” you nodded. “Tell them we’re out and I’ll meet you at the car?” You offered.
“Actually,” Bradley sucked in a breath, “I need you to tell them we’re out,” he recalled Hangman’s comment. You rocked forward, pressing your lips to his once more.
“Okay fine, but when we get back to my place - I get to be pillow princess,” you said pointedly.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” he grinned, and you couldn’t resist that stupid mustache, kissing him again. You pulled Bradley by the hand across the bar to the back door again, where Pete and Penny had decided to join the group as the sun went down.
“Sorry to say, it’s time for us to leave,” you announced, sliding your feet back into your own shoes. “But Bradley just recently found his ball sack and we’re together now – so we’ve got business to attend to.” Bradley narrowly escaped the shower of crudité that came flying his way and he parade-waved his way off the patio. “Penny, please bill Bradley for a cleanup!” you called, just before he could sweep an arm under your knees, lifting you from the ground. “He’s actually quite a good cleaner!”
You laughed as he deposited you right into the passenger seat of the Bronco.
“How was that?” You asked, “definitive enough for your friends?”
“Pretty good,” he nodded, bracing his arms against the top of the car, leaning into your personal space. “Better than what I had planned.”
“And what were your big declarations going to be?” You asked.
“Sorry to eat and run – but I gotta run and eat,” he growled, pressing his lips against yours in a hot kiss.
Your scream of laughter carried across the breeze to the back patio, where Pete had just clinked his beer bottle against Fanboy’s.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed Aw Honey Honey, you might also like Mighty Fine! This work is 18+
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chaoticm0therfvcker · 2 months
Beach Day (ElderLily modern au)
Elder Faerie and White Lily are on their first date since they tied the knot and got married to each other, and it’s your classic day at the beach! Sadly, Elder Faerie isn’t as excited for this as he’s acting, for he has a secret he’s kind of ashamed of
Tags: transmasc elder faerie, body dysmorphia, elder faerie has top surgery scars, a shitload of fluff and cuteness
“I can’t wait to show you the beach! It’s so beautiful.” White Lily excitedly told Elder Faerie.
As a kid, Coconut Beach was one of her favorite places to visit, next to Dragon Hill. It was this beautiful beach, with the softest sand, the clearest water, the cleanest coast, and so, so many different sea shells and little fish, and even some bits of coral from a coral reef near the coastline. That beach, as well as the national park, sparked her love for travel, and as soon as she was old enough to be on her own, she traveled the world, discovering new cultures and figuring out who she truly was.
It’s how she met Elder Faerie, it’s how she fell into that coma, it’s how she discovered all the fear and grief and darkness that plagued the world and sparked yet another passion, one for peace and love and justice and prosperity. But above all else, it’s how she realized just how precious her friends and her lover truly are, and how despite her now fragile form, she must care for them in any and every way possible. Crazy how the butterfly effect works, huh?
That beach changed her life, and now, that beach was going to be hers and Elder Faeries first date since they married and moved in together.
“And I can’t wait to see it, my love.” Elder Faerie replied, glancing at his wife and smiling softly.
Admittedly, Elder Faerie was happy to be going to this beach. He had seen just how happy Lily was to be taking him to this place, and the way her eyes lit up while describing this place to him, and after seeing all the horrible things she had been through recently, he knew he had to do whatever possible in order to preserve that innocent joy. Even if that meant facing a fear that had been looming over his head for years now.
See, Elder Faerie is a transgender Man. He was born a girl, with his cutesie innocence and his love for both cute girl stuff like fashion and makeup along with boyish stuff like video games and fantasy weapons. However, when he hit puberty, he realized something was off about his identity, about the way his soul felt broken when he developed curves and breasts, and his suspicions were confirmed when he discovered the gender spectrum in health class; he realized that he was in fact, a man. Sure, he still liked the classic “girly stuff” like cute dresses and his long, luxurious hair that reached down to his waist, but didn’t mean that he was truly a man.
He was a man stuck in a girls body, and now with a new body build and a bunch of crazy hormones, he was aware of how trapped he was, and he hated it.
Of course, White Lily knew all of this, and it almost made her love him even more. The way he braved such a difficult time, how he discovered such an amazing thing about himself, and how he was willing to share such a personal detail with her made her heart flutter with admiration and love.
However, because of his gender identity, Elder Faerie had gotten top surgery when he was in his early twenties, and while White Lily was fully aware of this too, she had never seen the scars left behind by his procedure.
Despite how wonderful he felt no longer having breasts, he hated those damned scars. It felt like some sort of burden, a dark secret that was harder to own up to than even realizing that he was trans. It made him feel incomplete, disgusting, fake. He had tried overcoming his fear by coming up with some stupid scar story like trying to dry a kitchen knife off with his shirt, but nothing realistic enough came to mind.
He wanted so desperately to believe that White Lily would accept him no matter what kind of scars were on his body, but nothing could calm his fear.
“…sunscreen, umbrella, drinks…” White Lily was mumbling to herself. She then turned to Elder Faerie, who had a wide-eyed blank expression on his face as he tightly clutched the steering wheel. “Are you okay, honey?”
Elder Faerie snapped out of his daze and glanced at White Lily with a confused expression on his face. “Huh? Oh, of course, I’m just thinking of all the wonderful things that might be at this magical beach you love so much. I packed my bathing suit, right?”
“You’re wearing it, silly. Don’t you remember putting on your swim trunks before we left?” White Lily giggled, “Are you… sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” Elder Faerie reassured her, “just tired I guess.”
Just then, they pulled into the beach’s parking lot, and after finding a place to park, they got out and unloaded their stuff. Walking onto the soft sand on the beach, the couple found a spot, laid out their towel, and got to enjoying the beach. They shared snacks and drinks, made cute little sandcastles, and talked about life together.
Then, White Lily wanted to get in the water.
“I’m going to get changed into my bathing suit,” she said, pointing her thumb at the nearby bathroom, “why don’t you take your shirt off so we can go swimming? The water is really nice.”
Elder Faerie nodded. “Go ahead, I’ll be here waiting for you.”
Once she had walked off, Elder Faerie sat down on the towel and wrapped his arms around his knees, burying his head in the space between his knees and his chest. He just felt so… ashamed. He was ashamed of his body, of the scars on his chest, of his fear, of his cowardice, hell, he was ashamed of his shame! Most of all, he was ashamed of his lack of trust in his own wife. He knew White Lily loved him for who he was, and that she would be perfectly fine with the remnants of his top surgery. However, something deep within him was withholding his ability to show her the truth. Would she really be fine with it? Even if she was, how would she react to the way he kept this from her. There were just too many variables to trust that it would go well.
Elder Faerie’s head shot up at the sound at his nickname, and he saw White Lily standing before him, looking concerned. “Fae, what’s wrong? You’ve seemed off all day.”
“I’m okay, I promise.” Elder Faerie replied, shaking his head.
“Honey…” White Lily sat in front of Elder Faerie, “I can tell that something’s wrong. I know you want to support me and share my passions and stuff, but I don’t want you do feel like I forced you to come here.”
“No, it’s not that, I wanted to come here! I just-“ his breath hitched, and he could feel the sting of tears in the corners of his eyes, “I just-”
Before he could say anything more, White Lily leaned forward and pulled him into a hug, squeezing him tightly and nuzzling her nose into the crook of his neck. “It’s okay, Fae. You don’t have to worry about anything, i promise. I won’t force you to tell me what’s wrong, but I can’t help you if you don’t communicate with me. Just tell me what you need from me and I’ll do whatever I can to make you feel better.”
Though hesitant at first, Elder Faerie returned the hug, relaxing into White Lily’s grasp. “There’s… something that I need to show you.”
Elder Faerie stood up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, shrugging it off of his shoulders. There was his bare chest, featuring his top surgery scars.
White Lily stood as well and gazed at the scars, gently reaching out and grazing them with her fingertips. “This is what you wanted to show me?”
“As you know before we met, I got top surgery.” Elder Faerie explained. “The doctors removed the breast tissue, and I didn’t have boobs anymore, and it felt amazing. But these scars, they made me feel ugly and unwanted. I know I could’ve easily trusted you to see them, but I couldn’t bring myself to show you.”
Once he had finished, White Lily immediately pulled him into a loving kiss. “You are not ugly, you are the most beautiful person in the universe, and you have been the most amazing boyfriend ever. Even before we confessed our love for each other, even when I was in that coma, you were the most incredible man that I could have ever encountered in my entire life, and a few scars aren’t going to change my view of you.”
“I’ve just felt so ashamed of them,” Elder Faerie admitted, “I was ashamed of my scars, and ashamed of my own inability to tell you. I mean, I’m supposed to be the brave one in this relationship! I’m supposed to support you, protect you, keep you safe and loved! And I’ve survived so much, and yet I’m afraid of showing you a few little scars.”
“It’s okay to be scared, my love.” Lily replied, “it’s okay to be vulnerable, and you don’t need to protect me. And how I see it, these scars tell a story. One of pain and fear and confusion and doubt, but also one of hope and love and triumph. They tell a story of a challenge you were able to overcome and the way it changed you for the better.”
Elder Faerie looked at his girlfriend lovingly, feeling himself start to tear up again. “I love you so much…”
“I love you more~” White Lily replied in a cheerful, sing-song tone of voice, “now c’mon, once you touch the water you’re going to love it.”
White Lily grabbed her lovers hand and started to pull him towards the water. Elder Faerie happily followed, quickening his pace so that he could walk next to her. Once they reached the water, White Lily dipped her toes in, Elder Faerie following suit. Then White Lily playfully kicked water at him.
“Hey!” Elder Faerie said through giggles. Putting his hands up defensively, he kicked water at White Lily as well, earning a giggle and a similar response from White Lily. Soon, the tension between them had melted away, and it was as if their sad yet intimate moment had never happened. The two were playing like kids, giggling and splashing each other, swimming out into the deeper parts of the water, and even exploring the nearby coral reef, White Lily of course having to wave hello to all the cute little fish that swam past them.
Soon, hours had passed by, and by the time they had dried themselves off and loaded their stuff back into the car, the sun was setting behind them.
“Today was amazing,” Elder Faerie gushed, “you were right, that beach is amazing.”
“I told you, that beach changed my life,” White Lily agreed, “I know it’s just sand and water, but that beach is the reason I decided to explore the world, and we both know what would’ve happened if I had never traveled.”
Elder Faerie chuckled lightly. “Well, you did travel, and we met, and we fell in love, and now we’re married, so it doesn’t matter.” He hesitated for a moment, then added “Maybe we should go there more often. Maybe even invite my little brother and his son when they visit.”
White Lily smiled softly and rested her head on her husband’s shoulder.
“That would be amazing…”
Taglist: @janayuga @katsunemillennium @trustymikh @c00kietin @tartelongan @cedric-my-beloved
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dcangel · 4 months
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In a world where the teen wolf kids are famous…
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Liked by s.stilinski24 and others
yourusername almost tripped on the rocks :/
View all 289 comments
lydia_martinn pretty y/nnn
↳yourusername luv you lyds <33
s.stilinski24 hmm i wonder who took the picture 😐
↳yourusername i have my own photographer 🤷‍♀️
user1 come home the kids miss you
user2 mommy? sorry- mommy? sorry
allison.argent11 marry me?
↳yourusername ofc bby
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Liked by lydia_martinn and others
yourusername pretty x pretty
View all 364 comments
user1 holyyy 😍
s.stilinski24 move i can’t see the sunset
itzscotty.m was this at the preserve
↳yourusername duh
↳user1 what preserve yall🤨
↳user2 yall be hanging out together?
user3 mid
↳user4 fr
↳allison.argent11 tell me you’re jealous without telling me you’re jealous
↳user5 i’d be jealous too she be stealing yor man
↳itzscotty.m your* 😊
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Liked by allison.argent11 and others
yourusername where i belong obvi
View all 431 comments
lydia_martinn feeling a little left out rn
↳itzscotty.m me too
↳yourusername IMSORRY i didn’t have any pictures with you guys
user1 who’s the guy? asking for a friend
↳yourusername uhh
↳s.stilinski24 idk it’s not like he’s tagged in the pic
user2 kiss marry kill: extreme level
↳user3 fuck* marry kill
↳user5 nah that’s crazy
yodel.lahey.hoo where’s my invite
↳yourusername bro you literally said you didn’t like the beach what
↳user7 I THINK SO
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so here’s the first little instagram post thingy. i’ve been seeing a bunch of people doing this with their fav characters/shows so i wanted to try my own. lmk if you guys like it and maybe want more??
if you have any questions abt the usernames or how the comments/replies work, feel free to ask <33
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hanasnx · 1 year
I got something for you, Magic Mike Anakin
oh really?????
alright so i’ve seen both magic mikes and i gotta say i like the second one better just cos its about men exploring positive masculinity and pursuing their passions for fun instead of profit. also “the kid” annoyed the hell out of me, so did his sister. and ill be honest amber heard’s character in xxl annoyed me too :/ its a give and take really.
i did like XXL a lot because of that groom scene?? hello??? it was with “big dick richie” and it was the only dance that made me have a physical reaction. i was so skdjksjd heres the link
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☥ its so very anakin coded to me for some reason. like he’d totally lean in to say something naughty in your ear after you were just “married” and brings you to the stage.
picks you up and hooks his arm under your legs effortlessly
sit you down into the sex swing. chain up your legs. whipping his tie around like he would actually whip you with it given the chance.
picking himself up like that using the bars and pretending to fuck your face. hanging upside down to shake his hair out over your crotch and tickle in between your legs.
☥ this scene had so much good energy to me it looked so fun and juxtaposed the idea of you either get one or the other when you marry— you get a gentleman that marries you and treats you right, and a freak that treats you like the slut you are when its time to consummate the marriage. very anakin
☥ i know ive talked about anakins character not being very sexual unless hes with a person he really likes, but who says this dance cant be between him and you aka his lover?
also i love the idea of a demisexual stripper that just shatters a harmful stereotype “if youre a stripper you must love sex right?” “im basically asexual” “oh” sumn about it scratches my brain
☥ anakin running around with his 501st crew to dance for fun and have beach parties and compete in a drag bar for cash bcos you only live once. he’d definitely be the thrill seeker of the group and the guy that does the most stunts just cos he can. like sets up the stage to like do a bunch of flips through hoops of fire ?? he has no sense of self preservation!! hes doing it!
☥ the way he’d be able to move his hips skfjddsfklj plsss. hed be so fluid and we all know hes already jacked. one of his hobbies is def working out and dancing like this requires a lot of work and training!
☥ not to mention those hips would be amazing in bed,,,,, aye yai yai. he’d push and pull and direct you and position you like a rag doll— hit spots inside you you never thought possible. make you clutch the sheets and drool all over yourself.
☥ he’d revel in the attention tbfh he loves making ladies feel special
☥ he’s probably a fan favorite just because of his personality. also theres a big air of mystery surrounding his scar that only adds to his sex appeal
☥ eeee imagine him flirting with you after the event like “you like what you see? interested in a private show?” he’d be such a tease
☥ he honestly would use any excuse to wear less clothes
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britany1997 · 1 year
What pets the Lost Boys would have
(Not my gifs)
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• A cat. Definitely
• David is already basically a cat
• He doesn’t like people, he DOES like eating, he’s grumpy when he wakes up, he’s low key mean and standoffish but if he likes someone he REALLY likes them
• A lot of people headcanon he calls his S/Os “kitten”
• A cat is perfect for him:)
• He gets a black cat for the aesthetic™️
• He would be chill with any kind of cat tho low key
• His cat isn’t super clingy or jumpy which he appreciates
• But sometimes, while the boys are gone, they take naps together:)
• He sits in his wheelchair, his cat jumps on his lap and they both fall asleep
• If anyone brings it up/catches him he denies it vehemently
• He’s got a reputation to protect
• But that cat has his whole heart
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•Dwayne just gives me dog person vibes
• He’d have a big dog like a Saint Bernard or a Doberman or something
• He’s already the dad daddy of the group so you know he takes care of his dog
• Takes it on walks, feeds it all natural food without added preservatives, gets steals it super expensive dog toys etcetera etcetera…
•Dwayne finds a dog park that’s open late and he brings it and Laddie
• Sometimes Star comes too:)
• He likes to play frisbee with his dog on the beach
• He has a bunch of pictures of his dog: at the cave, in cute little doggie clothes, of the both of them, one where Dwayne just put it on his skateboard and snapped a pic he has that one framed but don’t tell anyone he gets embarrassed
• Dwayne is intimidating but he’s a softy at heart. He loves his dog like his son🥺 (second son cause Laddie)
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• Ok so EVERYONE always says that Paul is a golden retriever and I completely agree
• And don’t get me wrong this man wants a dog SO BAD
• But the boys don’t trust him with the responsibility of owning a dog rightly so
• He gets distracted sometimes:(
• But he really REALLY wants a pet like everyone else
• They get him a goldfish:)
• David feeds it and complains
• Paul loves it
• Sometimes when they wake up at night, he’s talking to the goldfish
• They’re besties:)
• His fish dies every 6 or so months but Dwayne always replaces it before Paul sees
• He’s had “the same goldfish” for 10 years now
• Dwayne is worried Paul will notice
• He won’t:)
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• Marko has a bunch of pigeons as pets canonically.
• Obviously he has names for all of them and he low key gets mad when the boys can’t remember their names
• In addition to the pigeons, I think he would also have a parrot
• Marko would adore a parrot’s brightly colored feathers, they match his vibe
• He would also enjoy a pet that talks
• He teaches it cuss words >:)
• This REALLY pisses Dwayne off because this is how Laddie learns most profanities (oops)
• So he teaches the parrot curses in Italian >:)
• He also uses the parrot to freak Paul out
• He trains it to hide in small dark corners of the cave and call Paul’s name.
• Paul thinks the cave is haunted
• Marko thinks it’s hilarious
All in all, the boys love their pets:)
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Chrom propaganda:
“He eats oranges with the peel still on, he's an absolute himbo. Also the writers accidentally made his daughter canonically trans so he definitely supports trans rights. And technically you can only marry him if you play as female Robin but their dynamic is still just as romantic if you play as male Robin (they literally call each other their other half and m!Robin and Chrom have a valentine's day duo unit in the gatcha, and in the anthology manga m!Robin asks Chrom to make polygamy legal so he can also marry Chrom's wife and they can be a family) so most people play the game with the gay mod so they can still marry him as a guy. He's incredibly stupid ("yeah, let's set all our ships on fire then walk through a volcano, you're so smart, Robin" "I know you've had prophetic visions about killing me and our daughter came from the future to warn us it would happen but I'm sure THIS TIME it won't because of the power of our bonds") but also really sweet. In the summer DLC they're fighting on a beach and when he sees Robin get excited over a weird creature they found he immediately forgets about the battle and starts trying to make a bunch of crafts (and failing) and cooking food (and failing again) and writing "Chrom and Robin were here" in the sand so that Robin could have some nice beach memories. I'm obsessed with this man”
Corsac propaganda:
“Huntsman concerned with preserving the ecosystem and obtaining potion ingredients in a sustainable manner. Pro-level survival skills and non-existent social skills. Easily flustered by flirting, but will excitedly teach you how to distinguish animal droppings.”
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lesbianlotties · 5 months
last night i had a very detailed dream about watching the first episode of yellowjackets s3. basically winter was over and the girls were making a trip back down to the beach (yes, my brain still has yj mixed up with the wilds what about it). everyone that died was there as ghosts and lottie and laura lee had a beautiful reunion just like i've always imagined it, but laura lee was upset for some reason! i think because lottie continued to have zero self preservation instincts. there were also new characters again, as if we wouldn't notice, again. one of the girls was carrying a venezuelan flag (idk ask my brain about it). and when they reach the beach and start swimming they find a weird floating building and a bunch of people living there?? but they're so sketchy. the girls make a deal with them, leaving one of the new girls with them in exchange for food. but it's yj so the food was a dead man 💀 but he was so nasty looking they refused to eat him lmao so they went back to the beach people to make another deal and this time they were planning to trick them and betray them and i'm pretty sure the season was going to be about them killing these people one by one
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
Tide Pool Adventures
“You cannot eat a raw jellyfish.” Evie says firmly. “We share one bathroom, and I am not skipping my skincare routine just because you decided to eat the ocean and  gave yourself food poisoning.” 
“Maybe the jellyfish should be your new skincare routine,” Mal says thoughtfully. “It looks soft and slimy enough.” 
“Gross. I don’t want to put things you pulled out of the ocean on my face.” 
“Or in your mouth, apparently.” Mal teases. She’s in an unexpectedly good mood. The beach, which she’d expected to be bright and sunny and full of cheery tourists, is instead slightly overcast and full of interesting things that have washed up right by the edge of the water. There’s an intriguing amount of slime in a series of pools that’ve formed under the wooden dock, and she’s got a plastic bucket that was definitely intended for children and a vague plan to gather a bunch of slime to dump on the boys later. 
“I don’t want to put anything you haven’t cleaned with soap in my mouth.” Evie says, wrinkling her nose at the thought. “And that includes you, M. We really need to stay somewhere with a shower soon.” 
“Aww, you don’t love my natural scent?” Mal says brightly. She’s still got the dead jellyfish in one hand. It’s really fun to touch. Maybe if she can put some sort of preservation spell on it, they’ll be able to fit it somewhere in the truck. 
Evie takes a subtle step away from Mal’s jellyfish hand. “I love so many things about you, and the fact that you sweat more than most grown men I know is not one of them.” 
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uninformedartist · 2 months
Sorry If I sound mean but you live in cape town right Probably one of the most beautiful places on earth And I barely see any photos The mountains the beach and A bunch of other stuff 😭 If I was living there now , I will post every single day I live in flat ass Texas where the most views you get is trees or hills lol 😆.
Aw don't feel bad. I have a friend from Texas and she showed me some beautiful photos from there. Such amazing nature reserves and the Hamilton Pool Preserve, beyond words how beautiful it is, she showed me photos from her family visit there.
And ty, the only reason I don't post a lot of pics cos I'm personally used to the sea, mountains ect lol. This is just a few pics of the area I live in, coastal, and one picture I took on a drive up the mountain looking down to the valley below and further up winelands. I got better pictures, just all on my old phone ^^
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therainingkiwi · 7 months
Percy Jackson and Long Island
TL;DR: The CHB scenes of the new Percy Jackson show were shot near Vancouver, BC. Which is gorgeous but also it's so different from Long Island. You should look at some pretty pictures of Long Island below the cut.
Percy Jackson trailer came out today and it's GORGEOUS.
In particular, the CHB scenes are beautiful, and the Vancouver-area woods they used for location shooting are breathtaking. I'm very glad they shot on location there.
Also, I need people to know: That's NOT what Long Island looks like. That shoreline doesn't look like Long Island Sound. Those trees are not Long Island trees. That shot of campers crossing a rope bridge? Yeah, I'm willing to bet that shot alone contains more elevation change than all of Long Island.
So, when you picture the scenes in your head, maybe try this: replace the tall conifers with a forest of short maples, oaks, and beeches. The leaves are lime-and-emerald green in the summer, as is all the light that reaches the forest floor. The forest is open and sun-dappled, thinning out towards a shore of grasses and giant sand dunes, rolling towards a body of water that looks like the ocean, but calmer. Less terrifying. More familiar. You can't really see the other side, but you know it's there--you can see it if you go a little further out. There is the occasional Eastern White pine tree, but they're singular tall trees that stick out clearly above the otherwise low-lying and open landscape. Most Long Island trees are not tall--which is why Thalia's pine stands out so much. There are gulls and other seabirds everywhere, and you can hear their calls on the air. In the summer, the air is hot and humid, and the ground is damp. You can tell this land fades to wetland not far from here. There are no mountains, just gently rolling hills and windswept sand dunes.
Like I said, I'm glad they didn't schlep a production team and a bunch of child actors all the way across the country to film on location. Vancouver is beautiful, and I'm excited to see that version of camp.
But, in your mind's eye, at some point, perhaps think of Long Island. Think of low lying forests. Think of dunes and wetlands and gulls and scrub grass. Think of cloudless skies. Below the read more are some photos of Long Island nature reserves, beaches, and Native reservations (there are two of them on Long Island--Shinnecock and Poospatuck/Unkechaug*).
The place is beautiful, and deserves to be appreciated.
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This photo of the Jerome A. Ambro memorial wetlands was found on zaubee.com, and was taken by Noelle Casey. The image depicts a tan sandy beach in the foreground, and low-lying grassy wetlands in the mid-ground. At the far left edge of the photo, you can see the first few trees of a forest that presumably continues off to the left. In the background, you can see forested gentle rolling hills. The bright midday sun is visible in the picture, and there's not a cloud in the sky.
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Cuffee’s Beach on the Shinnecock Indian Nation’s territory near Southampton on Long Island, New York.
Photo by Jeremy Dennis (Shinnecock Indian Nation)
From &lt;https://www.americanindianmagazine.org/story/Shinnecock-Nation>
This image shows a dry, grassy shore. Presumably, it is winter, since the short trees visible on the left of the landscape don't have any leaves. The viewer is looking out on a deep blue body of water, where the opposite shore is far away but visible. The picture is bathed in a golden, late afternoon light and the sky fades from a pale orange to a cloudless blue.
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This is a photograph of Hither Woods Preserve, a park in Montauk. I couldn't find details on the photographer. The image shows a forest. The trees are thin, and the foliage is dense, but you can see sky through the light green leaves. The trees are thin, and straight, and there's broad leaf plants providing ground cover. Through these plants, you can see a brown forest floor that gently slopes upward. In the middle of the path, a brown winding trail is edged with sticks to make it stand out clearly.
This entire blog post about Rocky Point Pine Barrens State Park is worth a read, for the beautiful photography if nothing else.
*Just to clarify, Poospatuck is the name of the reservation itself, and Unkechaug is the name of the tribal community that lives on that reservation. The name of the reservation is taken from the nearby Poospatuck River.
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krissiefox · 11 months
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - The Pilot! (Screenshots & Review)
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They waste no time showing off how sadistic Sonic can be at times. Poor Robotnik! I was actually going to be wrapping up this review series today with "Sonically Ever After", but I recently got a request to review the Aosth pilot, so I'm giving it a go, first!
There isn't much of a cohesive story to this pilot, as it seems like it thrown together more to give a feel of the shows tone, character personalities, and segments such as “Sonic says”. Also, before I start, I should mention that there are several different uploads of the pilot on Youtube (as well a download on the internet archive), and I decided to go with the one that had the longest length. Part of that extra length turned out to be clips from an episode included in the main series, so I'll be leaving that segment out. And, I do apologize for the incredibly fuzzy screenshots, but sadly I could not find any high-quality recordings of this pilot. I really hope they still exist somewhere!
The first scene starts out with Sonic introducing himself (And Robotnik) in front of a funky looking black and white background.
We then jump to a zoom in of planet Mobius, with a narrator, no less! That's definitely different from the final show. The narrator Gary Owens is fun and over-the-top like something from an old radio drama, and he also guest-starred as the voice of Powdered Toast Man in a Ren & Stimpy cartoon. No wonder he sounded familiar!
We see Sonic vandalizing a wanted poster that Robotnik put up of him, and hot damn, I need to praise how smooth this animation is! As cute and fun as Aosth is, it does feel unfortunate that this level of fluidity couldn't have been present throughout the entire main series.Though, on the other hand, there are a couple of moments in the pilot where Robotnik feels “overly” animated to the point of being visually confusing. Think something like the weird animations in CDI Zelda, but sped up really fast.
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Blue arms?! Yup, despite some really nice and art and animation peppered throughout, there was a coloring error even in the pilot. Whoops!
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We then see Robotnik telling his badniks about Sonic, in a scene that should look very familiar to anyone who's played Dr. Robotnik's mean bean machine. He's also voiced by Jim Cummings at times, which is odd to hear when I'm so used to hearing him be played by Long John Baldry (which is an awesome name by the way, wish he was still around... ). Sonic enters the room to taunt Robotnik, and all the robots chase him out of the tent in Emerald Hill Zone - which looks really nice! Again, it's a damn shame they couldn't have had this level of quality in the whole series' backgrounds.
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I love that pretty and highly accurate Emerald Hill Zone background!
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We get to occasionally see Scratch and Grounder in the pilot, but they don’t have any speaking scenes.
At this point, the "story" just kinda ends and the rest of the pilot is just a bunch of unconnected scenes - but they're still a treat to watch. We get to see Robotnik launch a cactus out of a cannon at Sonic. This part of the pilot was reused in the episode “ Untouchable Sonic “ (review here) , which is cool because at-least some of it was preserved in a higher quality this way.
The next scene clip has Sonic rallying freedom fighters and vandalizing a Robotnik billboard (another clip that got included in "Untouchable Sonic”). We then also see the scene that ended up being used for the show's credit sequence, where Robotnik gets squished by his own trap while trying to kill Sonic. The mystery of how he recovers form this at the end of every credits sequence is revealed - Scratch and Grounder come to re-inflate him like an old timey cartoon.
Next, there's a scene where some ...frog?...guy asks Sonic for help with a pond that Robotnik seems to be polluting or sealing the water from. Sonic traps Robotnik in his pipe then goes to relax at the beach with Tails. This is yet another scene that fascinates me because there's an old Archie Sonic comic where a fan submitted pretty much the exact same drawing on Sonic on the beach...but this was an unaired pilot. Maybe the kid who sent the art had a parent who worked on this show's pilot? I’d link the art but I can’t find it online. Maybe later I can do some scans from the original comic...
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Wanting revenge for the pond incident, Robotnik attacks again using his little drilling vehicle from mystic cave zone in Sonic 2. He causes Sonic to fall into a hole in the beach, and we hear Tails' voice for the first time, too. It's definitely a different voice actor, whom is apparently rumored to have been a gal named  Russi Taylor, but no voice actor was officially credited. The voice for Tails wasn't bad, but I'm so used to kid who voiced him int he mains series that it sounds quite odd to hear, much like with Jim Cummings.
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Sonic and Tails take out Robotnik’s drill vehicle, and there's a bunch more chaotic slapstick scenes between him and Sonic shown. We also see a clip of Sonic talking to a character called "King Leo" and eventually a glimpse of Sonic running through Hill Top Zone, too!
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I like this goofy screenshot I managed to capture of Tails. Looks like he’s having a sugar rush. :D
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I enjoy how Robotnik looks comically small in this shot, and the look on his face is fun, too.
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Sonic and Tails have the best little impish grins here. :)
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Hill Top Zone!
Lastly, we get to see the very first "Sonic Says!". Sonic saves Tails from being hit by a car, and feeling embarrassed, Tails acknowledges that he knows he was careless to just run out into the road. Like many characters in the pilot, Tails' animation is much more "wild" and exaggerated, but nod distractingly so like Robontik was at times. The scene is quite cute and gives a chance to hear much more of Russi's (?) Tails voice.
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“I don’t want any of my pals gettin’ turned into road pizza!”
And, well, that's the pilot! Not much of a story of course, but what makes it such a  treat is seeing all the early ideas for elements in the final show, as well as all that great animation and art. I'm really glad this was preserved online by several folks, though I do still hope one day there will be a version with better visual quality and possibly more sound too. Oh right, the sound - another thing I forgot to mention was that some edits on YouTube add music and sounds to make things feel less awkward and empty in the audio department, as it seems the original video was quite lacking in music, sound effects and surprisingly, a lot of voices, too! Til next time, stay cool, and don’t become street pizza!
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notathrowawayname · 1 year
Books and zombies
I feel the need to rant about a sidequest, so here I am screaming into the void.
I recently played Dying Light 2, because I really enjoyed the first one and killing zombies with parkour is fun. In both games you can forgive the weak story because the game really isn't about the story, it's about the gameplay. That being said, both games have entertaining sidequests. In Dying Light you meet a guy that thinks the zombie virus was started from a meteorite, which you find and bring back to him, for which he gives you the "super weapon" called the "anti-gadoid gun". It's utterly useless, like it blasts air that doesn't seem to effect anyone in any way? But the quest dialogue is fun and you get XP for doing it (as well as an oh so valuable safe house. You need those to skip the night and in Dying Light, night is so scary most players skipped the night) Again in Dying Light 2, to their credit, the writers did put in effort into sidequests (main quest is so hard to be invested in, but to summarise, you're looking for a long lost sister and your one lead is the head of the facility you were both at as kids). There's a sidequest where you have to kill a mutant zombie because an artist wants to use the pigment it develops, and there's an awful singer who's scarf you find to get her to stop sinigng (she sings anyway, absolute queen). Where am I going with this preamble? Well I wanted to make sure you guys understood that I didn't have an issue with this game's writng because it did what it needed to most of the time, which is give you a good reason to kill zombies. And for that reason, I could accept that it didn't have to be well written or interesting, just a few wacky or melodramatic lines of dialogue. And then I played the Book Club sidequest. Some background (I'm sorry I know it's long, but I want you to feel the same seething frustration I do). In Dying Light 2, you play as Aiden. Aiden is a Pilgirm, a messenger who travels from settlement to settlement in this post apocalyptic world. You've come to the city of Villadore to follow a lead on your missing sister. The city is split into three factions: Survivors, Peacekeepers and Renegades. They are, in order: not fascists, fascists, also not fascists but you only find out they have a proper settlement at the very end of the game (you can't side with them, they exist so you have someone to kill no matter which of the other two factions you side with). You get different benefits for siding with either the Survivors of Peacekeepers, but I picked Survivors because: a) fuck the fash and, b) Survivors give you trampolines. Everyone is struggling to survive because apocalypse, but it certainly looks like the fascists have the best/most resources, like living in the beached warship and having armour. A bunch of the Survivors have superstitions about the old world, because that was what made everything go to shit. There's stuff like how one doctor hides their scientific preparation of remedies as voodoo, just so that people are more likely to take the medicine. So when you first arrive at the warship, home of the fash, it feels more like the old world. And on this warship, you can find a library. This library is inhabited by two people, cooky old man Albert and sexy librarian Thalia. You know what isn't in this library? Books, at least not as many as there should be. Albert and Thalia want to preserve the knowledge and wisdom of the old world by finding rare/important books. Thing is, the world went to shit a long time ago, so there aren't many books in good condition left. Even worse, those that are in good condition are in dangerous locations, too dangerous for Albert or Thalia, and the Peacekeepers won't lend them any soldiers to go and get them (fucking fash). But you, being the _super cool badass_ that you are, can go where they can't, and retrieve the books to keep human knowledge safe.
At first I thought "neat", and left it at that. The game has a few little details that suggest reading is on the decline, eg. there's a note you find written by a mother looking for a keyboard complete with all the keys to teach her kids the letters. So you go to dangerous place, kill zombies, get books, and bring them back.
Here's where it gets interesting.
The books aren't just items you pick up, each one is named. You find books by Kafka and Orwell, even poetry compliations. And every time you bring them back to the library, you talk to Thalia who expresses her opinion on them, and then asks "what do you think?" And like, the options for the responses are actually thought out? Also, Aiden has read them??? This guy that spends every waking moment rummaging through bins and killing zombies and doing sick parkour moves is better read than I or most of the people I know are? And the things he says reveal part of his character?? Like I played through the entire game and I swear to god no moment told me more about Aiden as a character than these conversations, even when the decision of which of the two responses he has are up to you.
You do this ten times, each with different books and different conversations, different reasons why the location is dangerous. One time you encounter Renegades who've heard "there's treasure in the safe", when really there's an early edition copy of Treasure Island in the safe. The whole sidequest colours this world with the idea that illiteracy is rampant and it's actively making this world a worse place, and that the librarians are doing what little they can to change that. It's so clear that the devs cared about this sidequest, because it's the only one with it's own special cutscene, and as far as I can tell Thalia is the only character in the game you can romance.
And would you like to know how this sidequest changes the main quest?
In a game of "never have I ever" Aiden drinks because he's had sex since coming to the city.
That's it
Like you literally bring the Communist Manifesto back to librarians living under a fascist regime and nothing happens. No censorship subplot, no change in behaviour, nothing. Back to business as usual, head out there and kill zombies.
It's one thing when you never expect anything from the writing. It's another thing to see everything they've done could build to something good, and doesn't. I feel like I've been narratively blue-balled.
Anyway I planned out a spite-fic because of it. I might write it out at some point
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onlyonewoman · 4 months
As a 40+ woman who's a hardcore feminist and is quite good with both the rolling pin, the sewing machine, actual handwashing clothes, drying herbs and shit like that: I HATE the current tradwife trend on social media for three main reasons: 1. It romantisizes a period of time in history where women literally had less choices in every single aspect of her life than now. 2. You NEVER hear women in their 80's gushing about what an amazing life they had as stay-at-home wives - let alone how happy their own mothers were. You only hear those who have the luxuary to choose. 3. These so called tradwives are, based on what the average houswife was capable of between, lets say, 1900-1950~ish, nothing but a bunch of vlogging cosplayers who love to pretend they're not telling other young women how they should live. I'm sorry, Mrs. Cosplay Wife, but unless your hands are sore, strong and sinewy from hours of physical labor, your pantry stuffed with boring jars of boring food you're preserving in various ways and you know how to mend clothes both by hand and on machine, you're nothing but a fraud. A real damn house wife is someone who works hard around the house to provide for her family - however it may look. It means long hours of sometimes really boring labour. It means knowing how to take GOOD care of the households clothes and linen. Not just throwing them in on a whim in the machine. NO! We're talking meticulous care here - and lots of ironing and, if possible, mangling. It means preparing and cooking meals every fucking day, doing the dishes, the basic plumbing, getting your ass out into the fucking woods during berry season when others lay on the beach! Forget about spending quality time with your kids - they're either in school, doing homework, helping with chores or out playing. Your husband is too busy trying to support a family of too fucking many on a salary that was good enough in the 50's, but not now, so how about some goddamn reality check? If you're blogging/vlogging about how much you love the 1950's estethics and how much you love cupcakes and traditional values, you're just a young, privileged snob, rich enough to not know a flying fuck about how the real housewives in the 1850 ruined their hands with laundry before turning 30 or how those who took drugs to keep the depression at bay in the 1950's felt, because without a world of strangers constantly engaging with and making you earn YOUR OWN money instead of forcing you to ask your husband for it (because, you know, traditional wives HAD NO FINANCIAL FREEDOM), all those colorful, expensive brand kitchen stuff you're prancing around, all the sponsorships and your own bank account, you'd be just as stuck as the women you're trying to cosplay as. You're not traditional, you just have a thing for a certain aestethic and that's fine. But remember: as long as you earn more on strutting around in chechered aprons that aren't made to spill on, moving through you sparkling kitchen with 50 gadgets your great grandma couldn't even imagine over her depressing zinc tub with dirty dishes, than the average worker at a laundry, a restaurant, a goddamn sweatshop couldn't even dream of buying despite working as hard as the actual homemakers did back when managing a home meant absolutely vital stuff for a family to survive, you don't get to point that well-manicured finger at those who call you out on your bullshit. You're not traditional. You're influencers with advertisers who're using your homes, looks - and sometimes your kids - to earn money by cosplaying a 1950's look that most families - especially the non-white and the disabled - weren't a part of. And on top of it, you can't even darn a fucking sock without ruining your expensive manecure. My great grandma would've eaten you for breakfast - before heading out to march for voting rights.
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I think Eggman unironically prefers the view of a destroyed polluted landscape to that of a healthy one. He looks at a green field and see's nothing but potential resources, but he looks at a place he's absolutely destroyed and feels a deep sense of accomplishment. His genius did that, and its satisfying to behold. Even better if there's a base or structures there that have his logo, so the whole world also knows that he did this.
Ohoho man, I honestly genuinely see it that way too. I always think of him not appreciating or caring for nature as it is, (the beach can be an exception since he seems to like to chill on a lounge chair on that sandy island with Chao in Adventure but plant life and stuff? Nah) not just out of apathy but because he believes nothing in it is better or prettier than what he can create. It's one of the real reasons he thinks the world will be beautiful and improved when he takes over, reshapes it into his image, and makes all his empire and Eggmanland dreams come true. He wants to shape it into his vision, not preserve and save its natural state that he doesn't care for.
I imagine it's similarly a part of why he likes to base a bunch of his robots designs on animals- it's his way of improving and replacing nature with his own brilliant creative designs. He takes the natural traits/abilities that each species is known for and finds creative ways to turn them into robotic deadly attacks in his designs, turning them into something that's useful to him, and building his robot army. Like nature, he doesn't care about wildlife either with the poor animals he he puts inside them because he's using them for something much more beautiful in his eyes. Also he thinks they look way cooler and metal lol
I think of him as always being careless towards animals and he never recognized the beauty of nature, which is what makes it so easy for him to do what he does. While it wasn't his original intended plan as he didn't think too much about it at first, he quickly realized that an inevitable effect of his methods and creations would cause a ton of destruction and pollution. We've seen just how fucked up things could get in the CD bad future. But he doesn't care about what happens to the world in order to get what he wants, as long as it doesn't cease to exist so he can't rule it. He hasn't been shown to have any other limits, just this one for a selfish reason.
But here's the thing, he knows that he could find ways that didn't cause pollution if he really tried and he could probably accomplish new ways to be environmentally friendly with his genius. But he thinks, why waste all that time, money, and resources when the world works as he wants it to polluted or otherwise, as long as it's there and he gets to rule it? He has all the means to be able to do so but chooses not to because he doesn't want to waste it on anything that he doesn't think benefits himself personally. He could care less about what nature, wildlife, and the sky looks like, as long as he rules it all and builds his personal utopia, which is actually just hell for everyone else.
And when he looks upon the impact his actions have on the world and how he's causing awful pollution, dead plants, poisoned waters, and the sky is covered with ghastly billowing smoke and smog, he realizes he loves it. He's just like "I did this. This was all me. :)" and feels great pride. It shows his power in the impact he can leave on the very natural state of the planet itself while taking over, the lengths he'll go to in order to accomplish his goals, just how dangerous he is and how he always meant serious business, and it's why nobody should dare to mess with him when he's capable of these truly terrible things. I love the idea that he actually sees it as another upside to his plans, it's something that's inevitable with his methods whether he intended it or not but the aftermath is actually a pleasant one to him.
And so, a fucked up part of making the world beautiful in his eyes is through and building his glorious Eggmanland and Empire and how both the process and results includes tons of destruction and pollution to make it happen.
I've also had the exact same thought of when he sees a natural landscape like a big green field, he only sees it as potential resources. While others admire and appreciate the view and nature, Eggman just imagines what it will look like when it's improved, what he's going to knock down, build over, and reshape into his superior vision. In his mind, he pictures a world much darker, polluted, and destroyed but made much more beautiful by his twisted definition, with his glorious empire where he has all the power and control, everyone submits and hails him, his face is plastered onto everything and statues and landmarks honor his brilliant visage, and he builds his crazy deadly theme parks and has fucked up fun with it all. 💜
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elminx · 10 months
Thoughts on my practice, August 2023
Note: As you might imagine, this will not be a full accounting of my practice as there are things that I cannot share for any number of reasons including but not limited to: you wouldn't understand, it's not mine to share, and it's ongoing magic.
I have been slowly coming out of magical hibernation as I get farther away from taking the awful meds (awful FOR ME) that made me so depressed that I was struggling to live, let alone do magic. There was a reckoning that had to be done. Everything was a mess - my altars, my relationships with my spirits, and the cobwebs inside my mind and spirit.
It was about this time last August that they upped my meds and as the months wore on into winter, my practice became virtually untenable. I have to forgive myself for that: both for agreeing to take meds that I knew from experience might be Bad, for continuing to take them as long as I did, and for falling off of my practice. I'm...working on it.
June and July were about playing clean up and catching up.
I had been doing a lot of work around my mindset and changing the way that I notice and experience the world. Though this is strictly "magic" in the sense that I don't normally cast spells toward this goal, it is unquestionably a part of my practice and my current path as a witch. So this month, feeling like I have the bones of my practice righted, I returned to this work.
Our month began with a full moon in Aquarius on the 1st. My intention for the month is: No matter how my day goes, I return to my heart. I tried to solidify this intention by focusing on my gratitude practice for the first eight days of the month - each day I came up with eight unique things that I was grateful for which I recorded in my witch journal. This is a reminder for me to look for the good things in life rather than focusing on the bad.
This is important for me because I have an anxiety disorder and tend to catastrophize - returning to my heart and being present with my body is my best method of alleviation. I was especially worried about this Venus retrograde which squared off with my Sun, Ascendant,y Mercury, and Chiron. Leo season is often a bit of a struggle for me since it activates so much of my chart (and I'm not fond of the summer heat either).
It happened that coincidentally on the 9th day of the month, my partner and I got into the car for the long trek north to visit his Grandmother. This was very path-affirming for me as, on our way, we got to stop and walk on the beach we used to stay at for all of my childhood. I'm deeply in love with the Atlantic Ocean (she is my deepest and truest love) and it was wonderful to return to the place where this affair began so many years ago. We spent the week wandering back and forth from Nana's house in the mountain to varying parts of the coast and it was wonderful and unquestionably heart healing.
Now, back home, I have had a week to return to my craft in earnest. I did some cat magic under the energy of the Leo new moon and then set to work on the harvest. It is August after all!
As a kitchen witch who likes to can and preserve food for the winter months ahead, August is go time. So far I've made and frozen tomato soup and tomato confit, and we've dried a bunch of onion, herbs, and hot peppers. Next on the docket is some salsa verde and then hopefully another batch of tomato soup and some red salsa as well. If I'm extra lucky with tomatoes from the farm, I'll end up with some marinara sauce as well because we really enjoyed ours last year.
This week begins my regularly scheduled work with Mercury Chthonia during their retrograde cycle and I'm actually pretty excited about this. The deeper that I get into self-exploration and shadow work, the more that I have learned to enjoy the deep slowdown of retrograde season. I have a bunch of half-written blog posts to edit, so this seems very Right On Time to me.
My other plan for this week is to clean off and rearrange my Earth Altar (see also: plant stand). The seasons are starting to change rapidly here and I am so ready for many Autumnal harvests. I might do a bit of work with my bestie goldenrod but otherwise, I intend to take it easy and, as I said, return to my heart with every opportunity.
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