#bumblebee x gn! reader
tfwriting · 2 years
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What's Wap :: Bumblebee x Human! GN! Reader Rating: T Summary: Bumblebee is Curious about a song Miko was talking about, so he asks the Reader what was it. But he didn't expect an answer. Words: 851
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You were a 17 year old girl. Who had witnessed the autobots fighting and you were promptly taken to a base. With 3 other kids who have been in the same boat as you.
You got to know everyone. But things seemed weird today, you stayed over the night since the others couldn't. You were sitting on the couch watching Ratchet work on his computer. You were bored. Occasionally, you often doze off but you decided to bring your phone out before the groundbridge opened. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead came back Bumblebee sat down next to you as the couch sank from the added weight.
"Hi BB. What's up?" You asked.
::(Y/n), I have a question.:: Bumblebee said.
Oh yeah, that's right. You know what Bee can say as well as Raf.
"What is it?" You asked the mech.
::This may sound weird to you because I asked Raf, Jack, Ms. June and Miko what it was but they all each were embarrassed...:: Bumblebee fumbled with his digits.
"Ah. Maybe I won't do it. You can tell me." You said.
::Are you sure you won't get flustered like them?::
"Can't make promises, but sure." You said.
Bee hesitated but vented in.
:...What's a WAP?::
You froze, there's a silence you all know too well. This silence happened when you and Bee will often fool around. The only sound that was heard was Ratchets clacking of his datapad.
"I-I'm sorry? I might've not heard you correctly. What did you say?" You asked.
::I asked what's a WAP?::
You wondered how Bee knew about it. He's the innocent and baby type.
"How did you know that word? Who taught you that?" You asked. Bee frowned he looked a little upset.
::...is it a bad word? Like what Optimus said to me when I cussed?:: He asked. You sighed.
"N-No... It's... It's... Hard to explain." You said. Ratchet froze and dropped his wrench.
"Who taught you that Bee?!" He asked.
::Miko...: He said.
"Oh frag. Optimus and Celestial are gonna lose it if they find out you know about WAV." He scoffs.
"The video format?" You asked.
"No. It's a cybertronian song sang by a cybertronian rapper." Ratchet sighs.
"Ah. So it's your version of our version." You said.
"What version?" He asked raising a optic bridge.
"WAP." You said. Ratchet just sighs and walks off.
You turned on your heels.
::(Y/n)? What is it?:: Bumblebee asked.
You tried to figure out how to change the words around. Waffles and Pancakes? Wings and Pizza? Wet Ass Perceptation? Anything but Wet Ass Pu--
Crap, you forgot Bee was waiting for a response.
"I...it's Waffles and Pancakes." You said.
::Oh! Then my holoform loves WAP then!::
This didn't make you comfortable, considering that you knew what the actual meaning is.
::Mmmm I can't wait to eat some WAP! Hey, (Y/n) can you get syrup for the next time we eat your WAP? You're good at cooking the WAP. You can easily not make it soggy and wet like my sire.:: Bee said.
You were getting mad. "Bee... Please stop saying that." You said.
You couldn't tell him. Not at all. If you tell him he's gonna lose his innocence. You didn't know what WAV was (other than the fact it's a video format). But judging by Ratchets anger. It can't be innocent as WAP.
::Why can't I say it (N/n)? You said it was food.:: Bee said.
"It's... Not food be... It's a song... And it's not... Appropriate for you." You said.
::Oh. Kinda like WAV?::
You snapped your neck. "How did you know WAV?!" You whispered shouted so Ratchet can't hear you both.
::From the top make it drop, that's some Wet Aft Valve. Bring a Bucket and a mop for this Wet Aft Valve I'm talking WAV WAV WAV. That's some Wet Aft Valve. Energon in a cup that's some Wet Aft Valve. Huh.:: Bumblebee sang. Surprisingly it isn't all too far from your version.
::There's some glitches in this base. I said certified Con, Autobot Fighter a week, Wet Aft Valve. Make that Pullout game weak! Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah... Yeah you fragging with some Wet Aft Valve. Bring a Bucket and a mop for this Wet Aft Valve. Give me everything you got for this Wet Aft Valve.... Beat it up Glitch catch a charge. Extra Large and Extra Hard put this Valve right in your face swipe your nose like a credit card. Hop on top I wanna ride. I do a kegel while it's inside... This Valve is wet come take a dive...::
Bumblebee was really singing that. Ratchet looked in surprise.
"Bumblebee Orion "Sunstar" Pax! (Full cybertronian name. Yes Optimus and Celestial decided to name him after Optimus' old name so shush. Also Sunstar is his other name.) Where DID you learn that language?!"
Bumblebee went silent and pretended like he didn't hear Ratchet. Luckily you didn't tell him what WAP was.
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Clawing my way out of depression with some incredibly silly Bumblebee x Reader, in which our beloved Scout is shrunk down to the size of a kitten via science magic and reader must keep him warm in their coat. Reader is gender neutral beyond having titties for Bee to huddle against. Read and join me as I defeat SAD with the power of silliness.
Shrunken Earthspark Bumblebee x GN!Reader
Rated PG for silliness, fluff and booby mention
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Hunkering down at the abandoned warehouse you'd been told to wait in, you kept your eyes and ears on the horizon, hoping that the hum of familiar engines would cut through the howling wind and whirling snow before long. Though the air was frigid enough to freeze your breath, the bitter cold accounted for only a small portion of your desire to swiftly reunite with the team, as you had much bigger problems that you needed help with. Well, perhaps "bigger" wasn't the right word for it...
Standing atop the opposite end of the windowsill for his own vigil, Bumblebee looked remarkably alert and well composed for someone a fraction of their natural height. You supposed that his brush with Mandroid could have gone much worse; at least the device the scientist had escaped with had only shrunk the Scout, and done no further harm. It was a double miracle that you'd managed to find his tiny form amidst the knee deep snow of the battlefield. Rubbing your gloved hands together and trying not to stare, you told yourself that Wheeljack would be able to fix everything in no time, and that a few broken laws of physics would return your beloved bot to his usual towering height. Seeing him this tiny was just too strange, and not to mention unspeakably adorable.
A kitten-sized sneeze drew your eyes away from the snowy landscape out the window, and you looked over to find the Scout hugging himself through a dramatic shiver. "Bee? You okay?" you asked quickly, unable to help feeling far more protective than usual.
"F-f-fine!" he replied just as quickly, spinning around to face you. Digits trembling, he forced a shaky smile as he attempted to pass off crossing his arms as a casual gesture, though the tiny crystals of ice you noticed spreading across his frame gave him up just as readily. The poor mech sounded like he was seconds away from turning into a tiny Autobot popsicle as he shivered through every syllable. "Just a little... ch-chilly... B-but I'm f-fine!"
A number of realizations pinged through your mind at once; Bee must have lost a considerable amount of heat while buried in the snow, he was now far too small to regain said warmth, and he had no real idea how to stop himself from freezing now that he didn't have mass to protect himself. His pride had undoubtedly kept him from voicing the problem as it worsened, leaving you with a very tiny and very frozen Scout to thaw. "You're obviously freezing! Why didn't you tell me?"
"N-never been a p-problem before..." he replied as he gave in and started to shiver. Your heart twisted in pity, and you looked about as your brain raced to think of a solution, the lack of supplies leaving you with very few options. There was no way to build a fire, nor was there any power supply to start up the building's climate control, which was probably busted anyway. If only you had a tiny jacket to share...
"I need to get you warm; fast. Let me think... oh!"
The solution that came to you was very silly, and in a less life-threatening situation you would have thought it was quite embarrassing, but the prospect of saving your beloved Scout left no room for such doubts. Unzipping the front of your coat, you offered a hand for him to climb onto.
"Come here. You'll be plenty warm under my coat." you explained, figuring he'd fit perfectly between your shirt and the ample padding. Despite the chill, Bee managed a pink blush across his frozen cheeks, optics going wide in bashful embarrassment as he put together what you meant. It seemed that his pride hadn't shrunk with him.
"Y-you don't have-"
"Shush. At this rate, you'll freeze before our ride gets here" you insisted, voice growing a tad more urgent at his worsening freeze. Just watching his wings shake in time with his shivers made you care little for any kind of pride, including your own, and you used your concern to remain steadfast. Bringing your hand close enough for him to feel the warmth radiating from your glove made his resolve visibly waver. "So for now, my heat is your heat."
"Mmm..." he hummed in uncertainty, growing more tempted by the second. No bigger than a kitten and only slightly more intimidating, he cracked after only a few additional moments of hesitation, steadying himself against your thumb as he sat in your palm. He couldn't have weighed more than a pound, and you had to stifle a reflexive squee as he instinctively pressed himself into the warmth of your hand. A drooping of his optics made resisting that much harder. "Maybe just for a few minutes..."
"Of course." you said with a knowing smile. Gently sliding him into the opening of your coat, you just managed to avoid hissing as his frigid mesh settled against your shirt, though it was easy to ignore the discomfort when the tiny bot melted against you. With the outcrop of your breasts to support him, and the... "plush" of the area in question to keep him comfortable, Bee settled down as quickly as one would on a luxary mattress. Shivers dying down before your very eyes, the Scout rested his helm against you with the tiniest sigh. You had an undeniable urge to pet him as you whispered down into the little pocket of warmth. "There. Better?"
"Much... thank you." he murmured, looking up to meet your eyes with a smile as grateful as it was sleepy. Hoping he couldn't hear the resulting flutter of your heart, you pulled the zipper up a tad to keep the heat from escaping, grateful that your mammalian physiology could come in such handy. You'd have happily watched him rest his optics for hours, but a hum in the distance drew your gaze to the frosty window. Through the thick whirls of snow, your squinting eyes made out the faint outline of a familiar truck and aircraft, followed by a number of other vehicles you'd been hoping to see. The convoy had arrived.
"I think that's our evac, do you want-"
You went quiet at the sound of the tiniest snores you'd ever heard emanating from your coat, and as soon as your heart was done with its backflip, you found yourself wondering whether or not Bee would wish to be woken before his comrades saw him snoozing atop your breasts.
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!Gammer and spelling mistakes!
Imagine Bumblebee being afraid of car washes(gn reader) (platonic or romantic, your choice)
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I was driving my protector, Bumblebee around the empty high way, enjoying the landscapes, i saw a car wash near here and decided that Bumblebee needs a wash
I start driving towards the car wash only to hear a voice from the radio saying "Hey, uh I'm not sure if you noticed, Y/N but you just turned left instead of going straight" the yellow Autobot said with a hint of concern as we drove closer to the car wash
"Yeah, yeah I know.. We're headed in here" I reply with a soft smile
"wait what! No, no, no, no, NO. We're not going... In there" Bee protests
"And why not?"
"B-Because it's dirty!"
"It's a car wash?"
"W-Well! I don't want to go in there... Please don't make me.." He says with a voice crack, I was about to say something else until I realised he's scared, he's scared of car washes
"Bee... Are you scared?" I ask in a curious tone but concerned
Bumblebee sighs before muttering "A little.. The last time I went too one, it was bad.. They scraped my paint, the water was cold, and they didn't Soap right! It was a nightmare! Please don't make me go.." the yellow Autobot whined
"Bee, i promise it won't be like that... And if it is i will take good care of you, and I'll hand wash you... It's going to be okay.." I say in a comforting manner, waiting for him to say something that gives me permission to drive inside the car wash
I hear him sigh before saying "Fine.. But the moment something doesn't feel good, we're leaving!"
Bumblebee says stubbornly as I giggle before driving inside hoping he'll like it..
He liked it, but was too stubborn to admit it
Sorry its short, also I'm sorry it took so long i was busy with a college report😭
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Confessions | Knightverse Bumblebee x GN!human reader | SFW
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Word count: 1800+
Warnings: None. Just a first kiss. ( for once there is no smut 😅 )
Notes: This is a art trade for @bi-polar-geminii. Loved trying out something different with Bumblebee and my writing style. Hope you enjoy. ❤️
☕ Coffee
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Bumblebee enjoyed spending time with you whenever possible. You always made him feel special, and he returned the same by making you feel just the same. He understood you were very different, species wise, but that doesn’t stop his feelings from growing more fondly about you every passing day. The urge to confess keeps creeping, about to burst out at any moment, but he holds it all in fearing you’ll reject him, and so he continues to be your friend.
What he doesn’t know is that you feel the very same about him, but keep it all sealed up, despite just how much it’s bothering you. It feels like an itch you can’t reach and it’s growing more intense the more you spend time with him. You do ask yourself the worst that could happen and the worst scenarios always run through your head, over and over again it happens, and this is what holds you back. Its torture, and you’re unsure just how much longer you can hold it in.
On one of Bumblebee’s days off he drives you to one of your favourite spots to hang out together, someplace quiet, where it’s only just you two and mother nature surrounding. The drive is always nice and he places your favourite music, listening to you sing along with your hand out the rolled down window against the wind. The sound of your voice is a beautiful melody to Bumblebee’s audios, and he would love to sing along with you, but since he lost his voice all he can do is play whatever music you wanted. You’re happy, and that’s all that mattered to him.
Once you arrive, Bumblebee carries you across the thicket towards the river bank, settling you down once in the clear and you both take in your surroundings and nature's music. It’s beautifully relaxing. You breathe in deeply and let out a satisfied exhale while setting the sun observe into your skin. Bumblebee mimics this, just to be a part of your relaxation.
“Feel that sun, breathe in that fresh air, hear nature's music, this is the kind of life to live.” You say wearing a fond smile. “If only this was right in my backyard, it would be parricide.”
"Is that something you would like? Why not change your life to have this?" He asked through his radio over a few channels.
“Oh, as much as I would like to, I have work and friends I don’t want to leave. Sometimes that’s the way of life, but I have no regrets. What I already have is something that is irreplaceable, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” That’s the truth you speak as you offer him a sweet smile.
Bumblebee listens closely, enticed by your speech. You were such a wonderful human being that saw so much beauty in everything, so caring, beautiful. Finding the right channel through his radio, he goes to speak, to confess something that's been nagging in his helm.
"You're perfect, kind, and you-"
“Oh Bee, look over there.” You didn’t mean to cut him off but you notice something in the water struggling to swim. It’s a tiny Bumblebee, who had made an unfortunate mistake and got themselves submerged in the water. Without hesitation you take your shoes off and enter the shallow bank, gently using your hands you scoop it up, saving its life. There is little care about your clothes getting wet or dirty, all that mattered to you was the poor little guy.
Bumblebee watches this happen and tilts his head curiously at the small creature sitting in your hands, tired from the struggle, but resting calmly as they try to get themselves dry and regain their energy. He’s seen cruelness in the universe, even earth. Such a creature wasn’t always looked out for and so are forced to take care of themselves without help, and in this creature's final moments near death, they are saved by the most kind hearted human this universe didn’t deserve. Bugs die all the time, every day, but this bug won’t be one of them today.                 
“Poor thing.” You coo calmly at it, bringing your hand closer to your face. “Don’t worry little guy, you’re safe now. You can rest there for as long as you need.” Looking back at Bumblebee you give an innocent smile. “I know it might seem strange talking to a bug, but I believe all living things can understand us somehow, even though we can’t understand them, but there’s a connection and it's up to us to find it, to make that connection work. They need help sometimes and it's up to us to offer that help, it’s a choice. There’s beauty in this world and these little guys have a big part in it, pollinating the world and bringing life everywhere.” You explain to him, all the while you watch the fuzzy bumblebee in your hand with a smile. “Thank you, little one.”
Bumblebee tilts his helm curiously. “Why…appreciation?”
“Well, like I said, they help keep our world thriving, and without them our world wouldn’t be anything beautiful like it is. Like you and the autoboots, you’re here to protect earth and humans from decepticons. Without you, our world would be destroyed.”
Then, Bumblebee feels a heavy emotion, a dread. "We failed our world. Protecting yours is our priority. I don't want to fail you."
Tilting your head up, you listen to what he says to you, curious by the tone you picked up on. "I believe in you, Bee. You could never disappoint me. Sorry, I think I cut you off before. What were you going to say?"
Now it's Bumblebee's turn to hesitate, a shy little child worried about the outcome of what he truly wanted to say to you. Humming buzzing sound from him, before he finally confesses through his radio. "You complete me."
His words make your heart skip a beat. "I...I complete you? What do you mean by that?" You need to make sure, to dig deeper, find the source of what he just said to you.
Bumblebee stares at the crawling bee on her hand, desperately trying to clean and dry itself. He knows there's no backing out of it, and answers without looking at her.
"When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." A famous quote he found, and the only one he seemed to find and fit in the situation he brought himself in.
The confession truly takes your breath away, a warmth floods through your entire body, causing goosebumps to rush through your skin and tickling your tiny hairs. Still, as beautiful as his quote was, you needed more clarification, just to be sure.
"Bee, do you love me?" As forward as it sounded, it's all you could think of in the moment, to put it out there. Your eyes are fixed on him as you await his answer.
Through his sudden shyness, he tilts his helm at you and manages to give a simple nod, right before tearing his gaze away back onto the bug you continue to hold. It's something you've only dreamed about, a love confession from your favourite yellow bug, from Bumblebee.
Stepping closer you touch his surprisingly warm plating at his servo, gaining his attention, watching as his baby blue optics shift directly onto you, looking like a frightened child that tugs at your heart. There was no need to question further as to why he didn't say anything before, because you had also done it, keeping your feelings all bottled up. Both of you were worried about the outcome, but now it's all happening, and there is only one thing to do that struck your mind.
"Kiss me."
For a split second Bumblebee is confused before his optics glow brightly, happiness blooming through him hearing these words. Slowly he leans forward, his helm tilts, and you meet with him before sealing your soft lips over the grill of his mouth guard. It might not seem like it but you feel him kissing you back, gently pressing as you let the kiss linger for as long as possible. There's a concoction of emotions, your racing heart beats quickly, a bundle of nerves tightens at your chest, and a flood of happiness bursts through your whole body. The moment leaves you giggling silently on the inside, a love and affection latching onto the moment with what feels like butterflies fluttering around your stomach.
When the kiss is finally broken all you both can do is stare at one another closely, fond eyes and optics holding together before your beaming smile grows more. "Oh Bee, you've got a bee on you."
That he does. In the moment the tiny bee had crawled from her hand and onto his face, still crawling around but looking better than before. He doesn't mind, in fact he enjoys having the tiny bug on him, thinking it as a trust bond just like the bug had for you.
Your hand rests against his cheek plating, fingers gently soothing while he leans into your touch, humming in delight as the weight is lifted so quickly from the both of you, all worries and nerves no longer lingering.
"We're both a little silly." You hear yourself say. "But maybe that's what makes us perfect together. I want so much for us. You're not only my friend, but the one I've grown to love so much. Is this what you want, for something more between us?"
Bumblebee nods eagerly before looking up around, noticing the sun setting and the moon lightly appearing under the pink bubble gum sky and speaks through a channel of his radio. "What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey, that's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon."
Letting out a pleasant giggle you hold your hand over across his servo. "As lovely as that sounds I don't think mother nature would appreciate that. I want you. I want our fairy tale, that's all I need."
Bumblebee lets out another low hum before moving his servo up to his face to allow the tiny bee to crawl onto his digit and bring it back down between you both. Finally, the bee had enough strength, twitching its fuzzy body and taking flight, flying around them both as if it was trying to thank them, before flying away and back to its colony through the vibrant trees.
It was a beautiful moment, one neither of you will ever forget. Turning to Bumblebee again, you kiss his cheek plating and beam brightly. "Can we stay a little longer? Maybe we could cuddle?"
He's more than happy to do that. "Happily ever after."
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fallinashes · 11 months
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My names Ash/Sofia :)
•I’m non-binary, He/She,
•I like writing,
I’m a multi-fandom but I’d like to focus more on transformers :)
My requests are open unless said otherwise,
Fandoms I’m more than happy to write for:
•Call of duty,
•Resident Evil,
I don’t mind any other fandoms if I don’t know it I’ll look into them :)
Those are just my favourites to write for especially transformers so give me lots of transformers requests >:)
Things I won’t write:
•Real Life people, something about that gives me the ick,
•NSFW, I don’t mind it but I’d like to keep this page age limitless and I honestly cannot write smut or whatever I suck so bad.
•I MIGHT write Character x Character it depends if I ship those characters tbh
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lunarbreaksblog · 3 months
*Crashing noise* *Glass shatters* *Rolls into ask box* A TF WRITER WITH OPEN REQUESTS? IN THIS ECONOMY? Ahem. Can I get hc's for how tfp team prime would react to human reader who can shapeshift into like a dragon (let's say like a light or night fury from httyd as kinda reference) and has secretly been sneaking away from the base at night to go destroy decepticon bases/get into minor scuffles.
Like reader wants to help the team, has feelings for a bot, but hides their abilities out of fear what they'd all think, and also has kept their feelings a secret. They feel like the team kinda dislikes the humans, so they try to help in secret this way, until their random small injuries and constant sleepiness give them away to everyone (Also I have a fem reader in mind but if you prefer gn that's fine too! Sorry if this is too much specifics lol but i like to give details to be helpful :> )
TFP!Autobots x Dragon!Human!Reader
Note: Bumblebee x reader-ish
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You are a mighty beast, you've lived for eons, seen kingdoms rise and fall. Now you've even seen other life not from your planet.
You take the appearance of human girl, one you knew once long ago. You even came to love the human girl but, she is long gone.
The robotic lifeforms notice you when you stand and watch them fight each other, you were intrigued by their weapons.it seemed like Dragon fire but more handable.
Soon, the Autobots took you in, the leader even made you want to fight for their side of their war. However, you couldn't help but notice the subtle way some of the robots would act around you and the others.
It made you angry to feel like you were underestimated.
Optimus prime
He knew something was up with you, had Ratchet do a scan on you when he first met you. The scan showed that you were human but some DNA of something was mixed with your own DNA.
When he sees new injuries littering your body with purple and yellow bruises as well as cuts. He immediately knows something is up.
When it comes clean that you've been destroying energon mines that the Decepticons had. It confuses him on how you do it until you reveal yourself.
Your dragon form towers from above his helm.
Everyone is freaked out until he steps in and asks that you don't put yourself in harm's way for the sake of his people and that he is proud of you for trying
Is the one thats most freaked out but also so blown away. When you first 'transform', he wasn't expecting a scaly beast that towers over Optimus prime.
You did tell him your secret before, you trust him and he trust you. He'd just never imagined to see your other form. How your scales seem to reflect light, how mighty you looked and how beautiful you were.
He won't admit it but he screamed a little since he was not expecting this on a Saturday night after you came back with more injuries.
He was concerned about you but now knew you could take care of yourself. You kinda scared him with those jagged teeth and spiked tail.
He loved you though, as a friend but respectfully you scared him
Was ready to shoot you, she already went through the five stages of grief in a nanosecond as she aimed. Luckily the team took notice and stopped her before she could shoot.
She apologies for it but demands answers why you kept this form secret and that you cannot go hitting Decepticon bases all alone.
She scowled you like a mother
He knew you were different because of the scans, he just never thought this was it. That you were some so called mythic dragon from human stories.
He wants to laugh at but all that you see is him looking dead inside.
Accepts your form quite quickly, look he's seen things and will continue seeing weird things. This was quite tame
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himbocoups · 2 years
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˗ˋˏ YUCK! ˎˊ˗ | 18+ Only (Part One)
synopsis: how can you remain friends with benefits with someone who turns his plushies around during sex, pouts when you don't kiss him goodbye, and spends his time occupying your mind?
pairing: lsm x yn (gn afab)
genre: fluff, romance | m, smut
tags: food, character is drunk in a flashback, cursing, domesticity, fwb, sexual innuendos, university au | car sex, degradation/dumbification, dirty talk, exhibitionism, fingering, games, pet names, switch dk/reader, spitting, pnv, unprotected sex
wc: 7.62k
a/n: some grumpy x sunshine dynamics inspired by my favorite song off charli's crash album. deciding to drop this fic in 2 parts instead of one bc the length of this vs my old laptop is e***** my a**. I literally had to delete the sims 😔 kind of excited and scared bc this is my first fic on this blog so comments are deeply appreciated -nu ♡
yuck! - part two
lipglossjun's masterlist
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Bare legs intertwined and arms wrapped around each other, DK brings his head closer to yours so that your noses are only a few centimeters apart. He whispers good morning and gently kisses you on the forehead. However, instead of greeting him back, you decide to ruin an otherwise sweet and heartfelt moment by reaching above your head for the closest thing you can find and slamming it onto his body.
“Stop being cheesy. You can’t ‘Good Morning’ me after sex,” you grumble, turning your body away from his.
DK’s large and deformed bumblebee plush he frequently uses as a backrest bounces off his body and plops onto the cold tiled floor where it joins a menagerie of different plushies and discarded clothing items. DK doesn’t do anything in retaliation and only snuggles into your back, wraps his arm around your side, and pulls you closer to him.
“Fuck aftercare. I’m still horny,” he mumbles into your neck while leaving warm kisses on your shoulder. He moves his right arm to your hips and massages your waist with his thumb, pressing deeply and drawing circles into your skin.
The action is enough to make you think about going another round with him, but the scattered sounds of metal doors opening and closing in the distance tell you that it’s almost time for your morning class. You reach to the side to grab your phone from his nightstand to double-check the time. There’s a text from your friend who lets you know he has your lab coat. There’s a follow-up text from him telling you to stop fucking DK so that you don’t get a grade docked for missing lab. As much as you want to laze in bed with DK, you detangle yourself from him and sit up. He whines at the lack of warmth, but you ignore him and make your way to his private bathroom where your overnight bag hangs on one of the metal door hooks.
You can still hear him whining about his horniness as your hand reaches for the toilet paper roll beside you. Not wanting him to continue complaining, you tell him very loudly that you are peeing. You hope it’s enough to get him to leave you alone. At the same time, you hope your voice doesn’t travel through the bathroom vent duct to the other dormitory restrooms.
His whining stops.
You think he’s starting his usual clean-up routine, plugging in his white shell-shaped socket air freshener – the same linen scented one he bought once and then over and over again simply because you complimented it once in passing. He would pick up all of the fallen stuffed animals he’s collected over the years, probably apologizing to them one by one for dropping them and for having sex in front of them. It’s just who he is, and you never understood how you became friends with someone like him in the first place.
You’re blunt, a no-bullshit kind of person. If Eeyore and Squidward had a baby, that baby would be you. So, usually, people like Dokyeom would piss you off. Dokyeom is the type of person who wakes up as refreshed as the type of people in those instant coffee commercials after they have had their morning cup of dark roast. He’s bright and bubbly and too kind for his own good. He’s stopped many roommate disputes simply by tearing up while listening to his “children” – as he likes to refer to them – argue in front of him. He can’t walk to class without waving at or bumping into somebody he knows. Hanging out with people like DK sucks the energy out of you, but DK's miraculously somehow your friend.
Also, part of you knows you lucked out when you became friends with benefits with a dormitory resident advisor a few months ago. It’s convenient for the both of you – because of his single bed and bath suite, you always have a place to stay if you are still on campus late at night. Both of you two never need to worry about being too loud because his room is basically soundproof. However, that luck also meant having a partner who doesn’t understand his boundaries, has an overtly positive mindset, and treats and takes care of you like you are one of his Freshman residents.
“I swear if I get a UTI…” you mumble to yourself while you lock your phone and place it on the sink counter before you wipe. You make a mental note that you still have a few minutes before you have to head to your morning class or else you would be way too late.
When you leave his bathroom, you see he’s making his bed. The resident advisor is fully dressed and happily fluffs his pillows as if you didn’t use them to stifle his moans while riding him just a few minutes ago – not because he was too loud, but because it was seven in the morning and all you wanted to do was fuck. As you predicted, his stuffed animals are all back in place, including the ones that toppled onto his floor. The air freshener is plugged into the socket with its intensity on the highest setting. His curtains are pulled open, and the calm morning breeze gently brushes against the bright green string of pearls plant sitting on his windowsill. In his trashcan under his desk is the tied and disposed of used condom tastefully covered by empty snack wrappers and dirty lint roller sheets. It’s like he lives a double life – one that only you know and one that only his residents know.
You find a small water bottle and a granola bar on your backpack that you left on his desk chair when you arrived last night. Confused, you point at the items and turn to the man sitting on his bed. There is a big dumb smile plastered on his face despite you looking at him with a blank expression.
“What’s this?” you move the water and snack onto his desk so you can swing your backpack over your shoulder. You lean over his wooden desk to double-check and fix your hair in his table mirror.
“Some snacks,” he sings while reaching over to pull a stuffed animal onto his lap. It’s the one he often hugs when he sleeps alone. “You didn’t eat this morning,” he pouts.
“What did I say about not needing to be taken care of?” You frown while grabbing the water bottle and hesitate while looking at the bar you put on his tidy desk. “I hate granola,” you grumble, but you decide to pocket the bar before leaving.
He grabs the paw of the large brown bear he’s cuddling and uses it to wave goodbye, “Study hard.”
You flip him off before closing his large metal dormitory door behind you. His keypad whirs and clicks its automatic lock into place, and you make your way to the hallway elevators.
With each navy blue carpeted step you take towards the dormitory elevator, the wrapped granola bar crinkles annoyingly in your sweats pocket. The more you’re aware of the crinkling, the louder it rings in your ear – and it’s driving you insane. You hate the awful bright green dormitory doors, the sound of the foil wrapper, and the way DK tries to take care of you when all you want is sex. Sure, you can’t say you’re not attracted to him. You’re not the type to be friends with benefits with somebody you don’t have an emotional connection with. Yet, the man doesn’t even have a car. How can he take care of you if he can’t even drive on the freeway? To you, friends with benefits is like a drive-thru – you enter, you exchange for goods, and you exit. For a man without a car, the concept of his drive-thru just seems abstruse.
Even more annoying is DK’s stupid laminated smiling face stapled onto his large classroom bulletin board. DK’s face stares you down front and center while you wait for the elevator to stop on your floor. Below his face are hand-cut expensive cardstock letters shaped in a wavy curve spelling out A Baa-ginner’s Guide to Sleep. Under the title are several large sheep with sleeping facts glued to their centers that leap across a fence in a green pasture. You doubt anybody really pays attention to his bulletin board, but you quickly read through the facts on each sheep to pass the time while you wait for the elevator to arrive on your floor.
On the right side of the bulletin board is a tiny suggestion box nailed to the wall with a washable marker attached to the side of the box. You decide to uncap the black marker and quickly draw facial hair on DK’s face. You think he wouldn’t mind the hair – it’s nothing compared to the number of phallic pictures he had to erase on the whiteboard on his door the first month of school. If anything, he could wipe it off whenever he wanted. You cap the marker and look at his fresh goatee. The corner of your lips turns upwards and then quickly falls back to its resting position.
Your phone in your other pocket coincidentally buzzes when the elevator dings. You pull out your phone while stepping into the empty elevator and press the elevator button for the first floor. You see it’s a text from DK. He sent you a selfie of him and the same brown bear plush he was cuddling earlier. He wants you to know he’s still horny, but he misses you. A lot.
You sigh and unhook your backpack from your shoulder so you can access the front pocket of your backpack. The elevator stops at the floor below you, and you make your way to the side to let other students onto the elevator.
The weather is finally nice outside after a week of consistent fog and overcast skies, so you thought it would be a great idea to study together under the sun. However, about half an hour into studying, Jun is about twenty chapters into a webcomic on his phone, Chan is busy flicking stray ants off the thin bedsheet, and you are about to resort to using ideas from your 2014 costume party Pinterest board you archived into the depths of hell a few years ago.
“It’s giving either pick me or middle school boy whose entire personality is him being a class clown,” Chan says while laying back down on the makeshift picnic blanket you made from an old yellow bedsheet you pulled from your closet. He crosses his arms under his head for support.
Jun grabs the laptop from Chan’s lap and clicks through the options you’ve opened in your different tabs. He squints his eyes at the screen and winces at every single one while he drags his finger across your touchpad, wishing he never saw your options. He shakes his head and pushes your laptop back to you, immediately going back to scrolling on his phone.
You take back your laptop from Jun and frown while clicking on your different open tabs to peruse your options again. You thought it would be funny if you wore the themed costume you were currently going for, but your friends think it’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever come up with – and you’ve come up with a ton of stupid ideas in the past. But you couldn’t see how this simple costume gives off a “pick me” vibe.
“I just think it’d be funny,” you grumble while closing your current tabs to look for more options.
You’ve noticed that you’ve been hanging out with DK more than usual. Sometimes it wasn’t even to hook up with him. You would stay at his place to study for midterms, and the two of you would often end up having dinner or breakfast together. You’ve been in the dorms for so long that his residents often mistake you for another resident. But it’s true, DK is only a friend – albeit one who’s starting to grow on you – but he’s only a friend. What’s the use in trying to find a costume that he would laugh at anyway?
“What did I tell you? You can’t just be friends with benefits with somebody like DK. People like him want long relationships. They like holding hands while walking. They like sending goodnight texts with a cute moving sticker from a sticker pack they paid for attached to it. They consider taking you home to their parents as a date,” Chan quickly sits up to try to see your laptop screen, but immediately lays back down when his vision gets blurry. He uses it as an excuse to skip the gym today.
“You, on the other hand,” Chan turns to his side so he can see you more clearly, “just want his dick in you.”
The other friend tries to stifle his laughter after hearing the word “dick.” You groan and push Chan’s chest, causing him to fall flat on his back again. Although you have to admit, you don’t disagree with him. Getting dicked down by your friend after meeting up with him to try new dessert places he found on Instagram is an amazing experience. You could taste the remnants of his frozen yogurt flavor on his tongue while he kisses you after eating you out. Visiting new places and hooking up afterward? It’s like an extended BOGO deal that doesn’t seem to have an expiry date.
“You say that like wanting dick is a bad thing,” the other friend, Jun, who swapped his phone for your backpack, opens the front pocket to look for something fun to play with or eat that would better interest him.
He pulls out the granola bar you shoved in your backpack that sat untouched since DK gave it to you. He quickly reads the label to look at the flavor and decides to pocket the bar.
“No,” you tell him when you hear the familiar crinkle of the foil wrapper. You reach over to snatch your backpack and your granola bar back from your friend. “It’s mine,” you emphasized.
“You don’t even like those,” Jun grumbles while leaning his elbow on his knee. He huffs very loudly, making it very obvious he is sad he wasn’t able to take the snack for himself.
You roll your eyes and launch the granola bar straight at his chest. It hits him with a hollow-sounding thunk and lands on his lap. Bullseye.
“Jesus,” Chan exclaims, now sitting up. He points at the poor boy who is rubbing the sore spot on his chest with a smile on his face, “What’s with you and chests?”
You shrug, your face void of any expression. You were more of an arm person.
“But going back to Yn and DK, I honestly don’t see anything wrong with them. They’re just friends who hook up,” Jun, who is completely fine, tears the corner of the foil wrapper and pulls it downwards. He moves the remaining end that covers the sticky bar to the side, revealing the snack that lost its original shape after being tumbled and bumped in your backpack. “My last friends with benefits hated my guts. We had absolutely nothing in common too. I literally had to fuck in silence because if we talked, we would only fight. But it only lasted a while because they were only visiting the area, but damn, I definitely wouldn’t do it again.”
He takes a bite of his granola bar.
“Hate fucking can make you grow stress acne,” he casually adds while his mouth is full.
The two of you turn to him in surprise, never knowing about his revelation despite years of being friends. Jun shrugs, unbothered by your expressions, and continues to snack.
“What? I like getting my dick sucked,” he nonchalantly tells the two of you. A tiny piece of oat flies out of his mouth and onto the blanket. You flick it away before the ants can get to it, but Jun doesn’t seem to notice and continues to talk, “You gotta do what you gotta do.”
Crumbs fall out of his mouth while he speaks with his mouth full. Only after he finishes his sentence does he take time to swallow his mouthful and shove the remainder of the bar into his mouth. He swats the crumbs off the blanket and his clothes and crumples the wrapper, looking around for the nearest trashcan.
His eyes land on a group of people moving carts and setting up for an event in the distance. He could recognize the outfits anywhere from the navy blue polo with the university crest embroidered on the left chest to the regulated sand-colored khakis every worker has to wear. He’s seen someone wear that uniform more often than he would have liked. Every time he complains about how ugly the polyester polos look, his friend who regularly wears the uniform only laughs at him and waves goodbye. 
Why would RA’s need to wear sports wick fabric? Jun thinks to himself. Do they get sweaty from doing dormitory checks at midnight? 
You notice Jun silently frowning at something in the distance instead of getting up to throw away his trash. You turn your body to look at who he’s frowning at, and you see a bunch of students setting up for some university event later in the afternoon. Your eyes land on a familiar silhouette who carries a clipboard in his left hand while pointing at different places to tell his coworkers where to place the different banners and tables. You know it’s him from the crisp khaki pants he refuses to stain to the way he carries himself – the bounce in his step and the way his open hand always falls onto the shoulder of the person next to him to use as support while he’s laughing.
He’s the same person who’s too kind for his own good. You think about the time you went shopping at the mall with him and how he couldn’t bring himself to decline the offer of getting a free scrub from the skincare kiosk. You had to stare down the man into applying the product on the back of DK’s arm, but even then, DK spent the next week rubbing medical-grade hydrocortisone cream on his rash without complaining. DK still wonders about where the man is every time he visits the mall to this day. On the other hand, you would never admit to secretly taking matters into your own hand by writing angrily worded reviews on their Google page under Chan’s abandoned elementary school email he uses to sign up for free trials.
“You’re drooling for a man in khakis,” Chan suddenly disrupts your thoughts. “Check yourself.”
You blink your eyes and look around you. Jun is already long gone, Jun's trash tossed in a trashcan. Now, he’s leaning against a tree while chatting up a poor girl who wanted to read her novel in peace. The funny thing is, he seems to be doing pretty well.
Chan, who doesn’t want both you and Jun to go to the party with a date, excuses himself so he could leave to annoy and embarrass Jun. He thinks if he has to go to the party alone, then he’s dragging one of you down with him. In this case, it’s Jun.
Your mind wanders back to the costume party. You can’t do a couple’s costume because one, you and DK are not a couple; and two, DK always shows up as a slutty fireman. It was his thing. He would show up to parties already a little tipsy from pregaming. He would hug a liter bottle of chase in one arm and have a coiled prop hose hanging from his shoulder on the opposite side. His firefighter costume would hang from his waist while DK walks around dapping up his friends in a white sleeveless cotton tank with streaks of grey ash. And the drunker he gets, the more lopsided his firefighter helmet sits on his head, eventually falling off when he crashes on the couch.
To Jun, dressing up as a firefighter is probably one of the sluttiest things DK could ever do. The first is respecting women. You’re number six on Jun’s list.
Someone comes up behind you from where you’re sitting and holds a cold water bottle in front of your face. He turns it upside down and quickly flicks it upright so the water inside the bottle whirls around in a whirlpool.
“Water tornado,” DK laughs while twisting open the white cap and handing the plastic bottle to you.  
His lame party trick makes you snort. Instead of complaining about already having your own iced water, you gladly accept his water. You put the cap back on and put it on top of your backpack knowing very well that his booth would be selling refreshments for triple its wholesale value.
He sits next to you on the bedsheet that’s slightly damp from touching the grass. He stretches his legs across the blanket and makes himself comfortable by laying on his back. He asks you where Chan and Jun are, and you point at the two of them pushing each other in front of the girl. You stare at them in defeat.
“Poor girl,” he tsks.
He moves his head onto your lap and you hover your hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun. He quietly stares at you while you use your other hand to open your university login page on your laptop, not really paying attention to him.
Just then, someone calls for DK from the event area. DK immediately sits up but accidentally slams his forehead into your palm. You let out a soft laugh, and he playfully glares at you.
How dumb.
“Just saying ‘hi’ to a friend,” he yells back.
A friend.
“Give me a kiss before I leave?”
“No,” you frown at him while looking away. You were trying to get him to go back to work. It also wasn’t like you called him over. Albeit there is a part of you that is the tiniest bit of upset after hearing DK call you his friend so easily. How dumb of you.
He pouts but gently squeezes your shoulder before he jogs back to where he was setting up.
In the distance, Jun and Chan sigh while they pull out their phones to transfer money into the hammock girl’s bank account. Hammock girl bet that he wouldn’t kiss you even if nobody was near the two of you. She was right. Although, the three of them could agree that a shoulder squeeze is just sad.
He giggles when he sees your face contort in disgust after he holds the body wash under your nose, squeezing it gently so you can smell the scent. He takes it back and flips the cap closed before putting it back on the store shelf. He takes the bottle from your hand when it’s your turn to pass him your pick, but he quickly passes it back to you after he smells the scent. He shakes his head “no.”
“You don’t like this one?” you cap the bottle and place it back where it belongs. You thought the scent was fine with you.
“It’s too sweet,” DK reads the label on another product, “I feel like it would attract ants.” He shudders at the idea of a line of ants trailing in his bathroom but continues to swing his shopping basket by his side while he browses the bath products aisle.
You don’t know how DK managed to convince you to drive him to the retail store and help him with his next bulletin board design. You think it’s because he knows you drew the mustache on his face, but he suggested you shop with him for a body wash that you would also prefer using because you’ve been staying over at his place more often. You were going to decline his suggestion, but you remembered you were almost out of trash bags and condoms for your place. Because there were only so many times you could visit the health center free condom bowl without becoming one of their regulars, you agreed to his request.
Yet here you are, trailing closely behind DK under the bright fluorescent store lights where the first bottle on mostly every shelf is just a little crooked. The two of you have spent the last few minutes trying to find a scent that works for both of you. To be honest, you couldn’t care less about the fragrance he chooses, but he insists on finding the perfect one – stressing the “t” in “perfect” to the point where it came out of his mouth in a clicking sound. You were more or less focused on how his bicep bulges the heavier his basket gets – practically drooling when his rolled shirt sleeve pushes up just a little whenever his arm automatically flexes every time he adds an item to his basket. You hope he thinks you’re staying quiet because your nose is congested from smelling all of the products and not because you’ve been staring at his arms the entire time.
He taps you on your shoulder when you’re skimming the ingredient list of a 3-in-1, and you look over to see him smiling widely at you as he holds a slim opaque bottle in his hand. 
When you smell the body wash he holds under your nose, you give him a tiny nod in agreement. He immediately caps the bottle, drops it in his basket, and heads toward his next destination. The bottle rolls over in the red basket, and you briefly see the scent name while you trail behind its future owner. Its scent fits the man humming in front of you perfectly, and you can’t deny that you’re quite fond of it yourself. You decide to grab one for your place before catching up to him.
About half an hour later, you’re still staring at his arms while he reaches up the grab the hood of your car trunk to slam it shut after helping load the shopping bags. He seems to notice you staring as he wastes time by looking into his tote bag, pretending to look for something.
You hate him, that little minx. Of course, he knows you’re staring at him. He knows exactly how you’re feeling. He didn’t purposely press against you while reaching up for items on higher shelves for nothing. The t-shirt he’s wearing? It’s a size too small, but by god do you think it fits so tightly and so well around his body.
Between stressing about midterms and working on top of taking classes with a full-time course load, your sex drive has been out of sync with how it used to be. You and DK haven’t had proper sex in a while, and you’ve been caught thinking about sex during geology lab (out of all places). Jun was pretty sure you were harder than all of the rocks on the lab table. If one more sex scenario came into your mind, you were pretty sure a diamond would fall out of you the next time you open your legs.
DK knows how to push your buttons and rile you up – subtly and in multiplicities. But in your favorite retail store? Where you go to de-stress and bask in the free air conditioning? The same one that welcomes you with the scent of fresh buttery popcorn when you walk through its large revolving doors? Leave it to DK to ruin the one good thing you had going for you, but if you’re going to fuck DK in your car, then you are going to make him pay for it in the process.
When you shut your car door, the hanging pine tree shaped air freshener clacks with the acrylic figurine keychain Chan brought back for you when he visited Japan during the winter. DK is sitting in the middle seat in the backseat of your manual, already visibly hard and palming himself. He grabs your hand while you move towards him to straddle his lap. Your knees sink into the cushions on the sides of his thighs, and you grind yourself on his arousal, feeling him grow harder and harder under you – days of pent up stress immediately leaving your body. He places his hands on your hips, guiding your movements, groaning when you find your pace – feeling the pool of arousal between your legs leak onto his crotch.
You grab his chin, thumb stroking the stubble along his jaw. He looks back at you with his big dark eyes, and your head dips so your lips can meet his. Your lips are hard and impatient as yours collides against his over and over – mouths working in tandem as he matches your pace and fervor as you continue to grind against him, digging your hips deeper into him when your back arches. You can’t help but smile against his lips and he moans in response, against your mouth. You fill the tiny opening by taking his bottom lip between your teeth, tugging and running your tongue against his lip.
However, he pulls back to catch his breath. His hands have traveled to your ass, and he asks you in the most innocent tone while kneading them between his fingers, “But what about the cars waiting for us?”
You roll your eyes and verbally scoff at him. You point his chin upwards so he’s looking up at you. He gulps while you stare at him, your eyes burning holes into his eyes. He knows you’re mad. But his dick twitches in excitement just thinking about how you’re going to punish him.
“Don’t play dumb with me fucking slut,” the way you jeer at him sends shivers down his spine. He looks up at you with glassy eyes, staying silent while you continue to berate him. “What? Purposely riling me up and then playing innocent when you think about a car waiting for us?”
He continues to stay silent while his breathing gets harder. He can feel his pre-cum leaking out of his dick, wanting desperately for you to sink down on him.
You tilt his chin to the side so you can whisper in his ear, “I’m going to make them watch you fall apart under me until they forget why they’re waiting for us in the first place. You understand?”
He nods his head quickly, thinking about how hot you look at that moment. You reach down to stroke his arousal with your other hand still secured around his chin. He whimpers at the feeling of your hand around him, eager to do anything you tell him to.
“What was the theme that you came up with for your bulletin board?” you pout at him, faking innocence. Of course you knew his theme. It’s all he’s been talking about since you picked him up from school. The concept is a little abstract, but you don’t push him because it’s not your board in the first place. You remove your hand from his chin and slowly trace it down his chest while looking at him with playful eyes.
“S-Simon says,” he hiccups as you unbutton his pants. He bites his lip when you reach his hard-on.
You see he’s red, hard, and throbbing in the palm of your hand. There’s enough pre-cum to drip down the sides of your fingers. You languidly stroke him, relieving some of the tension built up in his stomach. He hisses in response, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the headrest.
“Simon says to tell me what you’re thinking.”
DK draws in an unsteady breath and groans while you continue stroking him up and down, slowly adding speed. “I’ve been so horny,” he breathes. “I think about you at night. How you’ll kneel in front of me, naked, and in between my legs. How you’ll slowly kiss up my thighs, leaving wet kisses the way I like them while spreading my thighs apart because you always treat me s-so well no matter how b-bad I’ve been,” he babbles while gripping onto your shoulders, anything that he can grip onto his vicinity.
You rub your thumb over his smooth head while he spreads his thighs a little wider in his seat. You feel your core begin to throb when you hear him shamelessly groan, the sound alone stimulating you further. However, you try to keep your composure while he’s literally in the palm of your hand. 
“And…” he trails off for a bit, turning his head and not meeting your eyes. You see the tips of his ears glow bright red as he tries to avoid your stare. “I had wet dreams about you spitting in my mouth,” he mumbles while trying to hide from you despite the fact that you’re still sitting on his lap. 
The mere thought of spitting into Dokyeom’s mouth continues to feed the flame burning inside of you, so you decide to continue your game with him.
“What was that hmm?” you dip your head so that you’re hovering right above his lips. He has nowhere to turn except to face you. And when he does, you can tell his eyes are frantically darting between your eyes and your lips. You’re close enough to him to feel his breath on your lips, how his breath hitches as you continue to build his high. “What did you want me to do to you?”
He quickly shakes his head and looks up at you as if to tell you he’s being a good boy by playing the game by the rules. You didn’t say “Simon Says” before your last question. You smile and nod at him while slowly pulling your shorts and panties down, placing yourself on top of his dick. He whimpers upon contact.
You trace him along the inside of your soaked folds, and he immediately bucks under your lap. He’s sweating and very close to becoming overstimulated at this point, but he’s surprisingly enjoying it.
“Simon Says to tell you what you want Simon to do to you,” you taunt him calmly. You align him at your entrance while keeping eye contact with him.
“Please...” he mewls, so desperate that he can’t even properly tell you what he wants. It’s frustrating, and he’s frustrated. He throws a mini fit by huffing after pleading. 
“Please what?” you kiss along his jawline while he tries rutting up into you. “Did my dumb slut forget how to speak?”
You frown at his action and lift yourself higher so he can’t reach you. You cock an eyebrow at him, trying to get him to tell you want he wants you to do to him. Because, fuck, even you were getting desperate at this point (even though it is mostly your fault for prolonging it for so long).
He finally fesses, “P-Please fuck me so hard that your car ah–”
So caught up with everything, you forget about his size, and loudly moan while you bottom out on him, immediately clinging onto him while you bury your face in his neck. He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence, but he lets out a choked scream as he feels you take all of him so well and so quickly. He feels so tight, so full in you. It reminds you about how much you needed him in you these past few days. He curses under his breath, automatically pulling you into him. He kisses you with so much ardor, running his tongue around yours, that you temporarily forget that you’re only friends.
His large hands find their way to your ass again, sizing you up and guiding it up and down over and over again, making you bounce up and down on him. He groans out loud while he drowns in the feeling of him stretching you open and you clenching tightly around him, hearing the sounds of your ass slapping against his thighs. You feel so good around him, a lot tighter than usual that he has to stop himself from coming immediately. His lips temporarily leave yours with a thin line of saliva still webbed between your mouths when he breaks your kiss. You take the chance to tell him to open his mouth wide, and he quickly obeys. You grab a fistful of his hair and pull it backward. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and you spit on his extended tongue, watching the transparent liquid slowly slide down his tongue. He swallows it and sticks his tongue out again, begging for more.
“Aww,” you coo at him while he tugs on your shirt, a little habit of his when he’s needy but too fucked out to verbally beg. “Dumb baby. Did you forget you’re still being punished?”
You lift yourself from him so that only his tip remains in you. He tries angling his hips so he can be in you again, but you only shake your head at him while trapping his waist between your knees. At this point, he can only whine your name. Your name escapes his mouth in a high-pitched rasp, slowly removing one of his hands from your ass to knead himself. He slowly rolls his balls between his fingers, tugging and releasing the prettiest moans while you watch him slowly get off by himself.
“Fine. Go ahead,” you remove yourself from his lap when you realize what he’s doing. You sit on the seat beside him while you watch him touch himself despite your pussy aching without his touch. “I was going to ask you to choose between me spitting in my dumb whore’s mouth again or ride him to completion, but it seems like he doesn’t need me anymore.”
He pauses what he’s doing to look at you with big glossy eyes. His face is hot and flushed, and you can still smell his musky scent from where you’re sitting. You almost cave when you see him look at you, your heart fluttering a little. No matter how much you love playing with DK, you will have to admit that you have such a soft spot for him. He reaches over to tug your shirt sleeve, but you only shake him off. You can’t allow yourself to swallow your pride no matter how much you want to baby him.
You think he’s going to beg for you to forgive him, but he does the complete opposite. He takes matters into his own hands by leaning over you despite the cramped space. He spreads your legs while he leans in between them.
“What are you doing?” you gulp.
He hovers his hand over your core and looks at you. You immediately nod, and he rubs your nub with his thumb, slowly inserting his ring finger in your cunt. He hooks it at the right spot, immediately making you buck against his hand in response.
“A- Ah. Baby please,” you mewl at him, begging for him to pump his finger. When he only stares at you, enjoying watching you beg underneath him as you fuck yourself on his finger repeatedly, your pride thrown out the window.
“I’m not even moving my finger and I can feel you creaming around it,” he smirks while tapping the inside of you by hooking and unhooking his finger, causing the coil in you to snap as you wail his name while riding out your orgasm.
Now it’s his turn to cock his head in amusement while he watches you desperately cling onto his arm as you continue to come on his single finger. Your eyes are squeezed shut, and your mouth can’t help but hang open while he inserts another long finger into you while you’re trembling under his touch. He continues to rub your nub in figure eights while he slowly scissors your aching and swollen cunt, knowing you’re about to cum again based on how tightly you’re clenched around his fingers, calling out and mindlessly babbling his name over and over again like it’s the only word in your vocabulary.
He feels your juices leak onto his fingers and he pulls them out of you just before your climax hits, holding it up to the large rearview window to see them well-coated with your slick and glistening in the sun. He brings the same fingers into his mouth and licks them clean when he sees a customer walking past the car. He shoves them into your mouth before you can complain, and you close your lips around his fingers, sucking on them and running your tongue around each digit.
“I’m fine with playing Simon Says,” he sighs at you while you continue sucking on his fingers while looking into his eyes. “But if you say you want to fuck me so hard that other people will see, then fucking do it right Yn,” he sneers.
He realigns himself at your entrance, slowly pushing into you. His new angle allows him to drive himself so deep into your cunt that you wail out a choked sob. There are no agonizingly slow strokes as he repeatedly pounds into you, hard, giving you no time to adjust. He ruts himself into you like you’re his toy and grunts while allowing the nastiest words to come out of his mouth, making up for all the time you lost between studying up until that moment. He’s so deep in you that you can feel him in your throat so that you can’t even utter a word, incoherent, as the springs of your car squeak to the rhythm of him relentlessly pounding in you. You’re so cock-drunk that you don’t even notice you’ve came again, this time sopping wet and onto your leather seats. You wail while struggling to keep your lips around his fingers. But they slip out of your mouth with a trail of your saliva and latch around your throat. He’s intoxicating, and you can't seem get him out of your mind.
“Was that too much?” you ask DK while you trace a heart around a plastic stencil he borrowed from the RA from the floor below his.
The two of you are sitting on the white tiled floor of his dormitory room, tracing letters and shapes on the construction paper he picked up at the store. Pop music plays from his laptop speakers, and he has his Pinterest board pulled up on his phone. After much brainstorming and a much-needed shower, the two of you finally came up with a new bulletin theme after scrapping the last one.
“It was the first time you called me ‘baby,’” there is a certain playfulness to his voice.
He proudly holds up the four-leaf clover he made by tracing four hearts on his green construction paper for you to see.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize to him.
Your hand accidentally slips while tracing the figure when DK crawls over to your side to look at your progress, creating a jagged line around the stencil.
“Did that cross the line?” your voice soft yet uneasy. You’re not sure if DK enjoyed the experience in the car. Maybe it was too much, you think to yourself. Maybe, it would’ve been better if you waited until the two of you got to his dorm.
“No…” he sits down on the space next to you and hugs his knees loosely. He thinks about it for a while. “It wasn’t what I expected, but don’t think I hated it,” he confesses while looking at you.
He takes a stray pencil on the floor and fixes the uneven line of the heart that you stenciled. You lean over to pick up his finished clover to compare it to yours. You frown at your crooked stenciled heart, but DK pats your head and reassures you that it’s fine the way it looks. Still, you think you should’ve volunteered to help him type his bulletin board information instead of volunteering to help him do something artistic like stenciling. 
“Thanks for helping me with my board today,” he tilts his head to his side while beaming at you. You can smell his new body wash on his skin and the ocean-scented laundry softener beads he uses for his clothes.
It’s your turn to bow your head to avoid his eyes. “I told you I’d help you today,” you mumble while tracing another heart. “And I kind of ruined your original plan.”
“Yn, it’s okay. It didn’t make sense anyway,” he leans over to quickly peck your cheek. He smiles at you and lightly pinches your nose between his thumb and index finger. “Did I ever tell you that you make me the happiest?”
Someone knocks on his door, and he immediately gets up from his spot to greet his resident. You’re left sitting cross-legged on his floor, trying not to make yourself known as the resident advisor talks to the freshman with his door open. You don’t even know why you try to hide yourself. You keep reminding yourself that you’re only his friend and that there’s no shame in being his friend.
But feeling of his lips against your skin lingers a little longer than it should. It’s just a simple peck on your cheek, but it feels like your skin is burning. And for the first time in your life, you don’t complain about his kiss.
part two
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travelersspark · 10 months
Cybertronian!reader(gn)x bumblebee who has a Wall-e and eve relationship 👀👀 yk the reader acts like eve doesn't really talk and bumblebee being a total sweetheart, like the first time where eve said wall-e's name for the first time and he's like awww🥺 yeah thats them
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I love this ! I'm not sure which version to go with but imma do TFP post season 3 for setup ♡
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𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚
TFP!Bumblebee x GN!Cybertronian Reader.
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A light whirl of the nightly life on Iacon sounds in your ears as you stroll down the walkways of the city. Cybertron. Your home. The place you always loved and never want to leave. Iacon being your home residence and workplace. As well as being a high inscriber your duties are simple. Nothing much to truly say. Hence why you enjoyed your job. You never really had to voice your opinions and ideas , you just had to transcribe.
Write any information presented to you and do diligence for the order of cybertron. You were complacent about your role and never questioned much about it. Moatly since no kind of threat seemed to be at large. Luckily you seemed to have some free time to yourself finding you optics set on a small rest spot near a open residence. The sound of communication drowns out the silence of the starry sky above. ❝ Y/N ? ❞ a voice called out as you turn to find where such voice came from.
Your optics set on a tall yellow and black cladded bot not to far off in the distance , passing through a crowd of other bots seeming to be in some sort of hurry. A faint hint of confusion spreads across your face plate as he approaches. His voicebox sounding hoarse and tired. ❝ I've been looking for you ! Finally got time off from patrol so... ❞ Servos planted on his hip plates as he spoke a bit of hesitancy in his voice as you watch. ❝ I was um. Wandering if you be free to go with me to that um- scrap. ❞ He mutters under his breath as he claps his servos and sighs. Optics pointed to the sky as a light blushing glaze comes across his faceplate.
To you , Bumblebee was like a close friend. Close enough to kind of be the real you. Yet you still never really understood him. Yet you enjoy his company in a way. A light laugh escapes your lips as you watch him uncomfortably fidget. Soon his gaze meets yours as his faceplate shows signs of amazement and confusion.
❝ Did you just.. laugh ? ❞ He exclaimed as your optics dart away and you turn flustered. Bee wasn't having it. He laughs quietly to himself as he moves close. ❝ You laughed ! I knew your voicebox wasn't broken ! ❞ He teased as you profusely shake your head , trying to hush his excitement. He cheered for a moment before you hastily covered his mouth with your servos as the gap between you two closed. After a second you back off quickly , akwardly. Bee sighs as he rubbed his neckplate as he grunts clearing his voicebox. ❝ There's a bar not to far from the central area. Probably about maybe a couple of paces down from here. I was thinking... maybe we could go and have a drink ? My treat by the way. ❞ He mutters the last bits as you blankly watched him. His optics narrow trying figure out your next move.
“ Yes.. ” your voicebox called out as Bee backs up in awe. A slight chuckled comes from you as you begin to walk waving him along. Bee's backplate wings flutter before he follows behind. His optics and mouth slack-jawed open during the whole walk. Your definitely gonna have alot of explaining to do...
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There ya go! Kind of short but sweet and cute at the same time ! ♡
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
honey!! number 11 on the prompt list is so steve coded, don’t ya think??
it so totally is 🥰 11. back hugs
steve h x gn!reader. good ol' pining besties <3
"Robin," you say. "You're overthinking it."
"Signals, Y/N. People have signals. A hand on your wrist, a secret smile. Signals! Now: was Vickie sending me signals? We have to explore all possibilities. But mostly, the answer is probably no. She just wants to hang."
"She asked you to brunch. People our age do not go to brunch."
"Brunch is classy!"
"Brunch is a breakfast date," you scoff. "Brunch is I want to get a cat with you."
"Well, I think—" Robin groans, glancing over your shoulder. "Oh, God. Heads up. Loverboy, twelve o'clock."
Before you can turn, you're being swept into a warm hug from behind. Steve's cheek presses to yours, his chin tucked in your neck. The tip of his nose is cold from outside as it brushes your jaw. Your heart haywires.
"Steve!" you squeal, his arms around your waist. "What're you doing?"
"You're gonna love me," he says into your ear.
Already do.
"Am I now?"
He walks around to face you.
"Yup," he says, popping the 'p'. "Look at these."
Steve holds up two slips of paper. Tickets to Bruce Springsteen at Soldier Field.
"Holy shit!" you cry, and throw your arms around him. He catches you with a laugh.
"These must've cost a fortune! How did you get them? I thought they were all sold out."
Steve shrugs. "I know people. So, interested?"
He knows it's all you've been talking about (and lamenting over when the tickets sold out in three minutes). Bruce Springsteen is one of your favorites.
"You didn't—Steve," you say in awe. "You really didn't have to do this."
"I wanted to. Consider it an early birthday present."
"Then I want you to come with me."
You scoff. "Who else would I bring?"
"Someone who actually knows Springsteen songs?"
"You know enough of his hits. I mean, if you really don't want to go..."
"No!" He shakes his head. "No, Y/N, obviously I'll go. I just didn't want you to be embarrassed when I'm the only person there who doesn't know Glory Days."
"Well, that's why we're gonna listen to Born in the USA everyday until the concert," you grin. "Get you prepped."
Steve groans. "Can't believe you're giving me homework."
You turn to put the tickets in your bag. Steve crowds you as you do, chin on your shoulder. He's always affectionate with you, loose with his touches and pets.
Robin looks at you, brows to her hairline.
"It's fun homework," you say, ignoring Robin with all your might. "We can listen to the tapes in your car 'cause you've got the fancy sound system."
"That why you're friends with me?" Steve asks, arms curling around your belly. "Just for perks?"
You grin. "No comment. But the concert tickets have definitely moved you up to best friend status."
"Where was I before?"
You pat his cheek. Steve pretends to grumble for another moment before slipping away. Instantly, you miss the warmth of his embrace.
"If you're done clinging to Y/N," Robin starts. "The new releases need to be shelved."
Steve throws her an eye roll but goes, giving you one last smile. You return it sheepishly. Robin watches you like a hawk.
You finally relent when Steve's far enough away.
"What is it now, Robs?"
"Signals," is all she says.
"Concert tickets is not a signal, Robin."
"Oh, it's something. Steve's music taste is whatever's on the radio."
"Not true! He listens to Queen and Fleetwood Mac and AC/DC and—"
"Because of you." Robin huffs. "It's you, Y/N, it's all for you. And you're both so deeply in denial you think it's just friendship things."
"He's just..." You watch Steve stack the videos on the shelf.
The enamel pin you got him a few months ago is on his FV vest. It's a bumblebee that says bee mine! You'd thought it was cute and fun and that Steve would like it. He wears it everyday, even if it doesn't match his outfit at all.
You look at Robin, your heart in your throat.
"Signals?" you ask quietly.
She nods.
"Now you're getting it."
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n4giism · 8 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ inside this dream by carego ࿐ྂ
blue lock x gn!reader
characters: yoichi isagi, meguru bachira, rin itoshi, hyoma chigiri, rensuke kunigami, reo mikage, seishiro nagi
content: bllk characters and their nicknames (from reader or their own friends)
ari’s note: idk i feel like their names r so nickname-able yk😁 so here we are also i feel like nicknames r so precious and special!!!!
part 2
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yoichi isagi:
— ichi
he loooves it. only you call him this, it’s a shortened name of ‘yoichi’ and he thinks it’s so cute and easy to say.
— isachi
combination of yoichi and isagi, bachira and you probably made this name together.
also kinda like a cutesy way to say “isagi”.
whenever you or bachira call him this you like to make it looong so isagi feels it’s sooo cute like “isachiiiiiiiiii!!!”
— my best striker
you often call him this when he’s feeling upset or down and you want to cheer him up!!
“even if you lost the game, you are still my best striker, ichi.” oh how his heart softens when he hears that.
his parents call him this! makes him feel like a child again so whenever you call him this he just wants to be babied he goes all soft when you call him “yocchan”.
meguru bachira:
— megu
a simple shortened version of ‘meguru’. he likes when you call him this playfully! it’s so domestic to him
— bee
it could be spelled as just ‘b’ for ‘bachira’ but it’s cuter with the ‘ee’ and make it ‘bee’ so he loves it. you came up with this due to his black and yellow coloured hair!
— beechira
he thinks it’s so silly. he has come to believe he is a bee.
— bumblebee
just like the transformer. he does see that they have similar personalities. curious, friendly, outgoing and silly. he likes this but not a lot of people call him this. he’s happy either way!!! so it’s ok!
— baechira
he thinks it’s funny!! but it also makes him happy when you came up with this name for him since it shows that he is your bae
rin itoshi:
— rinnie
he isn’t sure how he feels about this but you and his friends like to playfully call him this. he does think it’s cute and he especially likes it when you use it to ask him for a favour
“rinnie, please!” he melts.
it’s different when like shidou says it or something though.
“rinnie! i love you!” “shut up”.
— rinrin
cutesey wootsy silly rinrin. sometimes he likes it when you just add more and more ‘rin’ to this.
you often say this when you’re in a rush, y’know? like you’re watching a scary movie and you want to hide in his chest you go, “rinrinrinrinrinrin”.
or when you’re excited to tell/show him something and you just keep repeating his name until he hears you.
— the rin(g)
man. aryu and bachira probably teased him with this just for laughs. with tokimitsu asking them to stop making fun of people’s names but rin doesn’t say anything because he did find it a little funny.
it adds to his scary aura and demeanour. with his bangs that cover his eyes he does look like the ghost from the ring
hyoma chigiri:
— hyo/hyoma
simple and easy. he likes it. it sounds airy to him, just ‘hyo’. you call him this on a daily basis.
“hyo, can you get me some milk? “hyo, let’s watch a movie.” “i love you, hyo.” “are you done doing your hair, hyo?” man, he loves it so much.
— chi
taken from ‘chigiri’ he thinks it’s cute. his teammates call him this sometimes if “chigiri” is too long to say.
— princess
he’s neutral about this. there’s no denying that he does have feminine traits like long silky hair but he has nothing against it.
in fact, he absolutely adores when you call him princess. like when you’re teasing him with, “okay, princess.” he smiles to himself a little and avoids eye contact because he’s so shy.
— onigiri
he likes when you play around with his name, it’s entertaining and you always come up with the cutest names. this is his contact name in your phone.
rensuke kunigami:
— kuni
you call him this more than his first name ‘rensuke’. he has nothing against it though. he loves it just as much as you do. he feels like it’s such a cute name that contrasts his big muscular self.
his teammates want to call him this but he gives no reaction when they call him ‘kuni’. he really only likes it when it comes from you.
— gummy
taken from ‘kunigami’. gummy sounds so cute. you call him this when you spoil him with love and affection, “i love my silly gummy”.
— ren/rensuke
his family calls him this like his mom and dad. makes him feel small and protected.
‘ren’ is also easy to say and remember.
— musclehead
well there’s no denying that he is a gym freak and loves to workout. so he doesn’t say anything.
his friends call him this when they’re joking around so he’s fine with it.
reo mikage:
— reo
everyone calls him ‘reo’ more than ‘mikage’. you call him this on a daily basis because it’s short and sweet.
this is his favourite name.
— mika
taken from ‘mikage’. he feels like it makes a big contrast. ‘mikage’ sounds manly, but ‘mika’ feels more soft and friendly. he looooves when you call him mika even though it’s mostly a feminine name.
— oreo
you call him this when you really want something from him like his attention. he loves it when you drag the name too, “oreoooooo,”
makes him feel like a kid with these silly names.
sometimes you enunciate the ‘o’ and make it, “oh-reo” “oh, reo” “oreo”.
seishiro nagi:
— sei
he likes it! he doesn’t mind what anyone calls him, actually. it’s too much of a bother to care. but when you call him this, he smiles a little.
— shiro
also part of his first name. he finds it funny how his first name can be split into two and still have both be suitable names.
— choki’s dad
his heart swells with pride when you call him this. he’ll even tease you back by saying, “if i’m choki’s dad then y/n is choki’s mom/dad too.”
— nagi seishiro
he knows he’s in trouble when you call his full name. it scares him. his eyes widen a little and he prepares himself for what he did or did not do.
“oh crap, did i leave my socks around the house again? did i forget to lock the front door?”
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chiliechicken · 2 months
𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐀 𝐀.┊★ take your child to work Dadzawa x GN!Reader, Platonic STRICTLY platonic, Fluff, OOC, Reader can be adopted or biological
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It was a particularly stormy day here in Musutafu but classes continued anyway, much to everyone's dismay. Though, not yours. You got to skip classes today because your father decided to take you with him to work, which was basically just moving you to his classroom for the day, doing nothing.
You were sat beside him in his desk at the front while his students did their activities quietly. Your father was carefully surveying the room and watched each and every one of his students, making sure everyone was well-behaved. You were silently drawing on a piece of paper when he noticed you. "What are you drawing there?" Shota asked in a whisper, turning to face you.
You held up your paper and showed him a... Uh? No wait, what even is that? You showed him a picture of a fat cat with sticks for limbs. The whiskers were too long and—why did you give it bumblebee wings? It was basically a doodle of a cat-bee hybrid.
Shota stared at it for a moment, inspecting the drawing with a confused yet astonished expression. "Why... What is this?" He asked you. You shook your paper in his face with an irritated face, as if telling him 'it's as clear as day'. He looked back at you and set down the paper, "Artistic. Amazing. Picasso." He sarcastically commented before going back to grading his students' papers. You huffed and continued drawing on your paper, adding little details to the doodles you made.
After a while, you yawned, becoming groggy at the boring atmosphere. Shota noticed this and flicked your forehead, snapping you awake. "You can't sleep yet, it's still early in the morning." You groaned at his statement, rubbing your forehead. You stuck you're tongue out at him and Shota rolled his eyes, "That's what you get for staying up late playing Roblox."
You gasped, as if offended. You? Playing Roblox? You would never..! (-admit it to anyone's face.)
You crossed your arms and looked away with a pout. Shota stared at you before letting out a chuckle, causing some of the class to look up in curiosity. You soon felt a smile creeping up on your face and before you know it, you were struggling to keep your laugh in as well.
You looked at him with a dumb smile, responding with, "At least I don't play Candy Crush—" before bursting out into laughter. Shota tried to hush you while trying to keep his laughs quiet, "I don't play that game, shut it!"
The class was staring at the both of you with either amused grins or confused looks.
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★┊Meow meow meow
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brrrkdslek · 8 months
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🂱 moments of ateez' 9th member, m/n, atinys specifically adore!
🂱 ateez x gn! 9th member! reader
🂱 wrote this at 1am LMFAOO
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clip 1 ― m/n before stage!!!
"heyyy, i'm getting ready to go onstage~" you set your phone down and step backwards for a few steps before doing a little twirl in your black suit, as if it was a skirt. "what event are you doing?" you read out a question, "ah, i was actually picked to be a pianist for the orchestra. it's gonna be my turn soon so i need to practice the piece."
you pull out your laptop and began to play robeats on it, confusing the atinys. "yes, i am practicing right now." you turn your laptop to show them your screen, "it's flight of the bumblebee, so i'm technically practicing!" atinys booed in your comments as you bursh out laughing, "alright, fine! i'll be fine anyways!"
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clip 2 ― san gets scolded by m/n noona
"okay so i am working on the designs for the new comeback and i'm so excited to show you guys soon!" you squealed in delight as san tried to open the plastic box, blinking at it when it didn't budge.
"also the colours are- san, move the drinks or you'll knock them down." he groaned while trying to pry the box open, almost pulling a muscle. "i'm hungry san, what's taking so long?" you rest your cheek on your hand as you scroll on your phone.
"san for the last time, move the drinks or they'll-" as if on cue, san successfully pries the box open. the consequence was that the dumplings inside flew out at how violently he pried it, along with the two cans of drinks that spilled on the ground, staining the carpet in the process.
you toss your phone onto the table and rubbed your temple in frustration. "hyung-" "come here." san immediately turn around and stuck his ass in your direction, the comments coming in twice as fast as it did. you smacked his ass harshly, "i told you to move the drinks, didn't i?"
"sorry..." he mumbled sadly, "i know, but now we'll starve until tomorrow afternoon." you laid back against the chair and cried internally, san sitting back down and leaning onto you your shoulder.
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clip 3 ― burning hot noona
you washed the dishes with your phone propped above the sink, chatting with the atinys. "ah, yes. i did contribute in the costuming for guerrilla and halazia, it was really challenging as..."
atinys watched wooyoung walk into the kitchen and grab a coke from the fridge before wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek, pulling away with a loud 'chuu'. atinys squealed at the adorable interaction in the comments.
"yah, i'm older than you woo." you smiled despite your playful tone, "aw, that's right. m/n noona!" the two giggled before wooyoung reached to wash his hands in the sink, screaming loudly when the water hit his hands.
"AHH, WHY IS IT SO HOT!?" wooyoung cried as he gripped and blew air onto his reddening hand. jongho could be heard snickering in the background, "don't you know our noona uses boiling hot water to wash dishes?" you frowned, "yeah, cause it washes the oil off easily."
you turn the water off and grab a few ice cubes from the freezer, placing them into wooyoung's hands and kissing his cheek. "aww, sorry jagi..." he licked your cheek before dashing into the living room , "YAH JUNG WOOYOUNG!"
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clip 4 ― message to my lovely members! &lt;3
you sat idly in the hotel room as you watched the number of viewers rise up, recognising seonghwa's disguise account. a notification popped up as you read it, 'minki pinki: we are watching ur live from hyung's phone, miss u!'
you smiled, "hey, my atinys! did you guys miss me? i missed you so much!" you hug your plush tightly against your chest as you read all the nice and loving comments from your fans.
"i also hope my members are doing fine without me!" you fixed some things on your desk before reading out some comments, "you must be worried since you're the big sister of the group," you giggled, "when will you guys stop making me the big sister? at least, make me a man again!"
"well, i think i am worried. i mean i miss them so much, and i hate to admit but it's really lonely without them here. yeah, filming is fun and all but it'd be way more fun if i had my members with me right now."
"also, i left some homemade slushies in the fridge for my dear members! please have some, i know you guys are working hard!" a notification sounds from your phone, 'staff: scene 29 in three hours so you should get ready.' you sighed, "well, i gotta go now. love you!"
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botboots · 9 months
Hey! I'm probably SOOO late to transformers fanfics and one shots but I've come with this prompt,( I hope you like it enough to write it!) could you write Ratchet x injured reader, g/n or female. Injured shoulder, and maybe trying to hide it from him? Also in Tfp? If all this isnt too much to ask? Thank you for considering! Have a good day/ night
a/n: heehee this one was fun. the dialogue is kinda splotchy because theres a lot going on in my brain rn but!! hope you like it <3 also reader is cybertronian bc there are NOT enough cybertronian!reader fics out there and theyre very fun to write tbh. hope thats okay!!
ALSO! guidelines have been updated so before anyone submits a new req please read it! and please please request mirage/rotb fics oh my god im obsessed with it ROTB WAS SO GOOD </33
warnings: very minor injuries, pining <3 word count: 1059 (GN, cybertronian!reader) continued under the cut
The purple and green swirl of the ground-bridge closed behind you as you followed your team back into base, the lingering energy buzzing under your plating.
Glancing at Bumblebee, a small twinge of pity struck you as he made his way over to the medical bay. The scout had taken a few nasty punches from Breakdown and clearly wasn’t feeling too hot; dents littering his armor.
“We showed ‘em, huh?” your focus was snatched when Bulkhead caught you off guard with his usual celebratory elbow-bump, sending you stumbling a little from the force. A sharp pain ran up your arm to your shoulder and you winced.
“Yea- totally.” sending the wrecker a strained smile, you gave him a half-hearted push back. He tilted his head, about to open his mouth to ask you something when Miko booked it over to the two of you, questions spilling out of her mouth at a mile a minute. All of them were something gore or violence related, asking Bulkhead if he got any pictures of some “hardcore massacre-ing”. The girl's interests were a little concerning, but endearing. Nonetheless, you took the opportunity to slink away and avoid any more attention. Angling your helm, your face scrunched up at the sight - and feeling - of the wound on your shoulder.
Too focused on the fight in front of you, a stray Vehicon had been able to sneak up behind you and catch you by surprise. Fortunately for you, Vehicons were mass trained for quantity over quality and didn’t have the best shots. The blast grazed your shoulder, tearing between some of your paneling to the barely exposed wires. It hurt like a bitch at first, but adrenaline buried it enough that it wouldn’t distract you - plus it was small enough that none of your team noticed. Now that you were back at base, though, the piercing sting prodded at your processor incessantly. You did want to go and see Ratchet about it - always finding some kind of excuse to be around the mech - but he was dealing with Bumblebee right now, and you didn’t want to add to his plate. Not like it was anything life-threatening, anyway. You could just try and patch it up yourself - you’ve spent enough time with Ratchet to pick up a few things yourself.
You stole a glance at said medic, who you only just noticed was looking right at you. Immediately you realized from the questioning look on his face, raised brow and all, he had probably caught both your reaction to Bulkhead bumping into you and the grimace you had made at your shoulder. Optimistic, you shook your head at him, giving the mech a meager thumbs-up and a “I'm-actually-totally-fine” smile. He gave you a hard stare, and your spark sank when he motioned you over with a flick of his digits. You begrudgingly made your way over to the medical bay. As you neared, Ratchet had already cleared Bumblebee and was shooing him out. The scout passed you, and your attention was focused on Ratchet waiting with a cocked helm and his ever-present RBF. Standing awkwardly under his gaze, almost scrutinizing, you huffed. Without a word, the red and white medic picked up his scanner, turning it on with a loud click and running the green laser over your frame.
“Really, doc - I’m fine. It’s nothing.” you tried, and failed, as he kept the device lingering at your shoulder. With a deadpan look covering his faceplate, he put the scanner down and placed his servos over your shoulder plating. You grit your denta to keep a pained hiss from leaving you, wincing when he felt around the frayed wiring.
“Nothing, huh?” you pouted at his scoff, his metal brows knitted together as he examined the shot that had barely missed doing any serious damage. “Sit.” he ordered, gesturing to the medical berth while he moved to grab some tools from a nearby counter. Embarrassment was settling in your chassis, but you did as you were told.
It technically didn’t take long to patch you up, but the old mech made it seem like eons to you with the way he was muttering about “some of the team having egos too big for their own good.” It only made the burn of embarrassment grow, and you ducked your head when he gave you a pointed look. Ratchet was nothing if not thorough in ensuring you knew when he disapproved of something.
Soon enough he finished up, giving the patched wound a once-over.
“Anything else you’re not telling me?” he questioned, the familiar lilt of sarcasm back in his tone. That at least steadied your nerves a little.
“No, sir.” you mocked, raising one of your servos in a half-assed salute.
He scowled, crossing his arms, “I’ll have Optimus enforce mandatory health checks every time you come back to base.”
Frantically shaking your helm, you raised both servos defensively, “Okay, okay!” you sputtered, “Won’t happen again.” His optics narrowed, giving you a hard stare, and you released a heavy sigh. “Promise.”
Ratchet debated it for a moment, still having half a mind to just assign the checks anyway, but as you kept your optics trained on his, the mech’s will buckled and he huffed a quick, “Good.”
You both were staring at each other for just a moment too long before Ratchet gave a quick cough. “Come back if the pain flares up again.” he waved you off as he made his way back to his usual spot at the terminal. You blinked, watching him walk off with a slightly heated face. Awkward. Hopping off the medical berth, you were careful not to irritate your shoulder and mess it up more than it already was. As you walked past Bumblebee he whirred to grab your attention. You paused, turning your head to him with a raised metal brow.
The scout chirped at you teasingly from where he sat, nodding his head way too obviously towards you and then Ratchet, who was already burying himself back in his work. Your optics widened, immediately narrowing into an offended glare as you jabbed a digit towards him.
“Don't. Even.” you grumbled, folding your arms and walking briskly away from Bumblebee’s poorly stifled, chittering laugh that echoed behind you. Your previous pity for the mech quickly dissipated as your faceplate burned. Primus.
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mskenway97 · 5 months
I think it's about time I create a masterlist of everything I've done, to organize myself better.
G/T transformers shy reader
G/T transformers helpless human angst/fluff
G/T transformers sleeping time
G/T transformers pet play
G/T transformers pet play (NSFW)
G/T transformers problems of be tiny
First contact au Rodimus prime x human reader (fluff)
Scenario Tf Earthspark Starscream (fluff)
Scenario Tf armada Stascream (soft vore, safe vore)
G/T transformers bad day
G/T transformers illness time
Transformers persona au
G/T transformers bot treat like a doll or teddy
G/T transformers bot first kiss
G/T transformers human sacrificed
Drabble tfp optimus prime 2.0
One Shot
optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human!reader first contact
Optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human reader confort
life or taste Megop (TFP) x gn!human reader (tasty au, soft vore)
Bot in flames Optimus prime (Bayverse) x Fem!human reader (NSFW)
Optimus prime x Blind!fem! Human Reader
Fishing Time (Merformers) Tfp Optimus Prime x Gn!Human!Reader
Side Effects Tfa Bumblebee x gn!human!reader(mouthplay, soft vore)
Song of calm Merformers prowl x Jazz
Payment terms TFP Starscream x Male!Human!Reader
A delicious surprise Tfp Breakdown x gn!human!reader (tasty au, soft vore, safe vore)
Curious cat ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader (g/t fearplay) part 2
Come My Way ROTB Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader
Change of side Tfa Blitzwing x Fem!human!reader (multiple personalities)
I will stay Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst/fluff)
You are part of who I am Bayverse Optimus Prime x GN!human!reader (adopted angst/fluff)
Peaceful investigation Tfa Waspinator x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, protective vore)
First touch Tf armada Starscream x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, a little crush kink)
Dangerous cuddles Tf armada HotShot x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, comfort vore)
Specific solutions Tfa Wreack-gar x fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore)
Prime Urges TFP Optimus Prime Synth-en x fem!human!reader (nsfw)
Deep Audacity Mer Bravern x Isami Ao (soft vore, safe vore, mouthplay)
Between the sword and the robot MTMTE/IDW Rodimus x !GN!Human Reader (nsfw,vore)
Link reconnection Mer Superbia x lulu (fluff)
Analysis g/t
G/T in Transformers (2007)
G/T in Transformers Revenge of the fallen (2009)
The Automatons
Cap 1 , Cap 2
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fiendishfables · 1 month
Blog Fandoms + Rules [UPDATED]
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Hazbin Hotel
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Alastor (Platonic Only)
Angel Dust (Platonic Only)
Charlie Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar
Cherri Bomb
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Spiderverse (ITSV + ATSV)
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Miguel O'Hara
Miles Morales
The Prowler
Gwen Stacy
Spider Noir
Hobie Brown
Pavitir Prabhakar
The Spot
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Bumblebee (Bayverse + TFP)
Optimus Prime (Bayverse + TFP)
Ratchet (Bayverse + TFP)
Soundwave (Bayverse + TFP)
(ROTB) Mirage (Bayverse)
Noah Diaz
Ironhide (Bayverse)
Crosshairs (Bayverse)
Hot Rod (Bayverse)
Knockout (TFP)
Ultra Magnus (TFP)
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What I WON'T write:
Specific race 'x readers' (ex: Black! reader / Hispanic! reader) (I want everybody to be able to access and intake my writing how they see fit; I love people of all backgrounds, but I refuse to separate writings for certain groups of people. We are all equal here)
What I WILL write:
x Reader (Male, Female, GN; I usually try to make most things GN but depends on the request!)
x OC (be as detailed as possible about your character if requesting' looks, personality, etc)
NSFW/Smut (18+)
Series' (specify if you would like your request possibly split into multiple parts; no guarantees but I will consider)
Extreme gore
Extreme horror
(There is a difference between extreme and regular topics. Please be mindful when requesting the prior mentioned)
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NOTE: This is a temporary stand-in for an actual masterlist whilst I make one! These are the current fandoms I write for, keep in mind available characters and rules when requesting!
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blazewrites-smut · 10 months
For the requests could we have some nsfw with the Bumblebee movie?
Since i have a thought that cybertronians have sex organs (can't remember the science term) but don't use them since it's not how they reproduce they don't really know what to do with them.
Basically I'm asking for a bottom bee cumming for the first time with a top reader?
If you get around to it thx for writing & ttyl ❤️:]
Sub/Bottom Bumblebee X Top GN Reader
🔞NSFW Warning: Blowjobs, first times and tooth rotting fluff because bumblebee is a sweeties🔞
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When Bumblebee asked you to top, you were thrown off by the request. This was his first time after all but also him asking for you, a small five foot tall being to top a close to over ten to twelve feet tall robot was something you never expected to happen.
You stared at the Autobot who sat on the old worn out futon mattress you had salvaged for him to lay on at night. You straddled his wide hips while his big baby blue optics watched your expressions and facial features trying to figure out what you were thinking.
"Are you sure, you want me to top?" You ask him again, the yellow scout merely nods. A buzzing sound following in the sound similar to a hum.
You haven't topped before in a long time, guess it wouldn't hurt to try this put for Bumblebee. With a new energy that even Bumblebee seems to be surprised by, you push him onto his back with both your hands. You carefully scoot up further on his body to straddle his waist rather than his hips. The Autobot watches on with confusion yet also a curiosity as you start to shimmey out of your clothes.
You strip yourself free of your clothes, leaving yourself naked on his lap as you let him take your naked body in with an awed expression. His optics widening with a brightened shine that you assume to be lust and excitement.
You grab one of his servos and guide it to your chest, his servo tries to pull away but you hold it steady as you place it on your chest. He stiffens beneath you and watches your reaction as you smile and nod. Encouraging him to explore, first times were learning about each others bodies and what the other enjoyed.
Bumblebee seemed to enjoy how soft your chest was, his servo explored the area of skin. Groping at the mounds that were there, from the shiver you felt under your body and the pressure building under his modesty plate, you assumed this was getting him excited.
You have him explore your body, testing the waters. His digits crawl over your skin, mapping out evert square inch. He listened for any sounds you make. So he knew what was good and what was bad. His favorite noise was when his servo cupped your lower extremities a sound equal to that of a squeal and a moan left you. He whirred in glee before he pressed a digit further to your folds earning another pleased sound from you.
Except, he wasn't supposed to be topping.
You grab his servo and pull his hand back. He looks confused until you smile at him. "I'm the one in charge big boy~ Now open your panel, I wanna see what I am working with."
A click follows your order, from over your shoulder you can see his growing erection. He was a lot bigger than you had thought. He was a alien but you had expected smaller since he was quite small for most of his species.
His spike was a black and yellow pattern. The colors were pretty and matched his whole aesthetic. You grab for his spike, the whirring he made of surprise as well as his body jerking as you grab the phallus and tease the soft, sensitive tip earning a few sounds from him that male you wet at just how horny he was making you.
You stand from his waist and walk down to stand between his thighs. You sit down on yoru knees and take his spike in hand again before you decide to make eye contact with him as you lower your face closer to his spike. He tries to say something but your lips and tongue make contact with the yellow tip. His next noise almost made you laugh.
He cries out with a hint of static as he bucks up towards your face. You pull back in time before that had ended badly and then go back to the tip to start kissing at it and gently lathering your tongue along the slit on his tip. His pink transfluid was sweet yet bitter, it also was thicker than you had expected.
You start off slow with your blow job. Starting off with your tongue swirling the tip and sucking on the top of his tip earning sounds that send heat straight to your core. His optics shut with another moan ans you slowly start to take more of him in. His noises are absolutely arousing. He sounds so good as he moans and gasps at the small ministarations to his tip.
Not to mention he didn't give much warning as his spike starts to buck up into her mouth more. A slight gag of surprise leaving her as he tries to fuck her mouth but it is put to a end with her hands pressing down onto his hips as she suckles on the tip and urges him to let go while you used your own methods of getting what you wanted during sex.
Grabbing onto his hips you take his spike down your throat and try to take a portion of it and suck rather loudly and quickly onto it. His hips hump against your face as he tries to fuck your mouth while you help get him off with a blow job. He doesn't fair very long as it's not even a few moments later he's spurting his release down your throat making you gag with a surprise pull away as the warm cum covers yoru mouth and throat.
You struggle to swallow his large load as he fucks yoru face with a vigorous pace that has you reeling to a stop as you pull away with a loud gasp. Cum dribbles down your chin as you smirk with a chuckle.
"How was that for your first ever bj?" You ask nervously, the corners of his optics ceinkle in what looke dto be his way of smiling as he reports it was great now that he had the most attractive and best partner to be intimate with. You were amazing, according to his report back.
"Good, because I am about to start Round two with you~"
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