#brooklyn brew
brooklynmuseum · 1 year
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Welcome to Africa Fashion! 🌍
Delight in the diverse designs, fabulous fashion, and traditional textiles by iconic designers and artists from the mid-twentieth century to today.
Plan your visit through October 22.
🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g___h1aEsL8 🎟 https://bit.ly/AfricaFashionBkM
Africa Fashion is created by the V&A—touring the world. The lead sponsor is Bank of America with major support provided by ALÁRA. Special thanks to OkayAfrica / Okayplayer and Nataal, media sponsors for this exhibition.
Credits: 📍 Venue: Brooklyn Botanic Garden 🪡 Designer: Christie Brown  ✨ Designer: Kilentar   🪡 Designer: Nana Brew-Hammond  ✨ Designer: Papa Oppong  🪡 Designer: Res Ipsa  ✨ Designer: Stai 🪡 Designer/ Stylist: Taiwo Aloba  🎶 Music: Eli Fola  ✍️ Poetry: Nana Brew-Hammond  🧵 Stylist: Alesandra Thomas  🧵 Stylist: Derrieka Johnson
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kahuna-64 · 2 years
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Brooklyn brewing
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lostcryptids · 2 years
I saw one of the sprouse twins in strand bookstore once and i broke out in a cold sweat 
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Live Concert Photography: New Colossus Festival and 18th Ward Brewing Presents Summer Sundays at 18th Ward Brewing 8/21/22 feat. We'll Be Fine, Tatiana Owens, Blonde Otter, Meg Smith, Die Spitz, and Cousin Oven
Live Concert Photography: New Colossus Festival and 18th Ward Brewing Presents Summer Sundays at 18th Ward Brewing 8/21/22 @NewColossusFest @18thwardbrewing @kaninerecords @tatianaowens @megsmithlol @blondeotterband @DieSpitz
Co-founded by three New York music industry vets and longtime friends, Lorimer Beacon‘s founder and head Mike Bell, Kanine Records‘ founder and label head Lio Kanine and Kepler Events‘ and Dedstrange Records co-founder Steven Matrick, The New Colossus Festival over the course of the past couple of years have featured a few hundred handpicked, emerging indie bands and artists from across Canada,…
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koffiphotography · 1 year
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michelle & chris wedding at captain lawrence brewing company ny
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toogoodtogobk · 2 years
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My Too Good to Go order from Brew Memories in Park Slope: two chocolate croissants, one almond croissant, and a chocolate chip scone. My Too Good to Go cost: $3.99.
This surprise bag was not as good or as generous as my last bag from Brew Memories. Both times that I’ve gone, I went with the hopes of getting Asian pastries because that’s what I’ve seen other people report receiving. No luck for me.
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gatorbites-imagines · 8 months
Kinktober day 18
Steve Rogers + title kink (daddy, sir, etc)
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Reader kinda inspired by Wolverine in this.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist
You couldn’t remember the first time you had met Steve Rogers, when you had lived for over a hundred years, you had a habit of losing track of such things. But you remembered he was a small scrawly asthmatic little thing, ready to take on any injustice that crossed his path even if it had him put in the ground way more times than he ever actually succeeded.
You had already been over a hundred at the time, you had taken part in multiple wars, seen how America was built from the ground up going from colony to country, and you had settled down there just for somewhere to be. You still traveled the world, you didn’t really have anything else to use your time on, but you always found yourself returning to what was now Brooklyn.
You had just returned to Brooklyn from a trip across the pond, that meaning you had returned from Europe. It was all experience that told you that war was brewing again, you had taken part in the first and felt no interest in being part of the second, you just wanted to take a break. Now, the war hadn’t broken out yet, but you could feel it in your bones.
That was how you found yourself in the alleyway for the first time, as a couple of guys were ganging up on some scrawny pale blonde who looked like a strong gust of wind was gonna knock him over. You acted on instinct, never standing much for injustice, knocking the fellas on their ass and sending them running from your size and glare alone, before you pulled the skinny guy to his feet.
He had looked like he was ready to start swinging on you too if you tried anything, you had liked that, that spark in his eyes. One thing led to another, and the two of you found yourselves sitting on a curb in some less populated street, sharing a bottle of alcohol. Now, alcohol had never had an effect on you, but you liked the taste, but it had left Steve stumbling and red faced.
He hadn’t told you where he lived before, he got too wasted to tell you, but you hadn’t wanted to leave him there on the street. That was how Steve found himself waking up in your apartment, which was spartan at best as you had little care for physical possessions. Your relationship with Steve bloomed from there, you even met Bucky who didn’t seem to know what to do with you the first time he saw you.
But time passed, and you felt drawn to Steve in a way you hadn’t felt for anyone in a long time, and it was clear to your knowing eyes that Steve felt the same. He wasn’t gonna tell you that though, you could tell, unlike him you didn’t have any doubts about yourself and your sexuality though. One night when it was just the two of you, you had leaned in and kissed him, the scrawny guy almost jumping out of his seat.
But as it seemed to hit him that you were kissing him, he had thrown his skinny arms around you and crawled into your lap with a desperation you’d rarely find anywhere else. He had little experience as he kissed, Steve having to disconnect your lips at multiple times so he could catch his breath, his asthma making it impossible to kiss him as deeply as you wanted.
His health made it impossible to ever truly go too far in you relationship, as you didn’t want to push his already weak body further than it could take. It didn’t keep you from kissing all over his frail ribs or licking out his hole as he shivered and moaned in that gasped raspy way only Steve could.
That was the first time the title left his lips, a gasped short cry of “daddy” as he came against his chest, his hands grasping onto your wrist as you rubbed his chest with your thumbs. He seemed embarrassed for about a second, unsure of how you would react, that was until you dove in with even more gusto than before, leaving him to tremble even more as you pushed him over the edge again.
After that, that title became something important to the two of you, something muttered behind closed doors when no one was around. Even after he entered the super soldier program and almost rivaled you in size, he was still your boy, and you were still his daddy. You hadn’t wanted to join up in the second world war, but seeing him run off on his own, the protectiveness in your chest as wailed and you followed.
It was only after everything, after you lost him to the ice that you realized you had never actually told him about your powers. You hadn’t said anything before he got the serum because it was unbelievable and you wanted to keep him safe, and after the serum, everything had moved too fast, and it just never seemed to be the time.
And so time passed once more, you sold your old apartment and the few things inside, except for the sketchbooks left behind by your boy and ring he has said was his mothers wedding ring, when one night you had been cuddling in bed dreaming about a world where men could marry one another. You started wearing it on a chain around your neck, as a symbol of your loyalty to your boy, even though your time was short.
There was no reason to join the X-men, it was just something you did. Logan was like yourself, and youd run into each other multiple times over the years, so when he asked if you wanted to join up, you thought “why not” and became part of the group of mutants. You weren’t as active of a member as the others, rather sticking to the background and doing your own thing, joining the fight when you needed too.
At some point the X-men became too much for you, maybe it was because you were so used to always being on the move, so with a farewell party, you parted on good terms. Youd come to their aid if they needed it, but you knew it wasn’t where you were meant to be, and so, you started traveling again.
You were in Asia at the time when you saw the news, Captain America coming back to life, saved from the ice. It was hard to tell how you got from Asia to New York, or why you even went back, maybe he didn’t want to see you again or was ready to move on to the future. It wasn’t hard to find the apartment they had set him up in, Stark, that was, not SHIELD. It wasn’t a secret that SHIELD wasn’t to be trusted, it was why you disappeared into the wind when Stark and Peggy started building it.
Maybe a part of your brain had given out, the logical part at least, as you knocked on his door, almost nervously brushing your fingers through your beard and hair. You hadn’t styled it in a while, there hadn’t been a need too as you traveled the world. But now that you were standing here you felt inadequate to appear before you boy.
He seemed cautious as he opened the door, and it took a moment for recognition to flash through those pretty blue eyes of his. His eyes widened and his expression softened in disbelief, it wasn’t your name that left his lips, but a tiny whispered “daddy?” that did, tears welling in his eyes as he didn’t seem to believe what he was seeing.
Stepping towards him, the door fell shut behind you as you wrapped your arms around each other, holding on with the strength only a super soldier and mutant like you could, deep sobs leaving Steve as he cried into your shoulder, a shaky “daddy, daddy, daddy” leaving him as he tried to get as close to you as possible, like you were gonna disappear if he let go.
His hair was soft between your fingers as you ran your hand through it, kissing him deeper than any kiss in the past had ever allowed, letting him suck desperately on your tongue as he seemed to grow restless, his hands finding their way up under your jacket and into your shirt, rubbing at your hairy scarred torso.
You guys didn’t even make it to the bedroom, or even the couch, clothes pulled off or even ripped with little care as you tumbled to the floor with a thud, Steves noises as high and whiny as you remembered him all those years ago. A deep part of you felt desperate for his touch, you thought you had lost him forever but now here he was, healthy and bright as the day you lost him.
Steve almost looked like he was gonna start crying again when he saw the necklace around your neck, still carrying the ring you had saved all those years ago. A warbled “daddy” was drawn out of him as he kissed the spot on your chest the ring rested on as he clambered on top of you.
After all these years he could finally have you inside him, and it was all you both had waited for as he rode you, as inexperienced he his kissing had once been, but neither of you seemed to care as you just gripped his hips to lead him. You were over 200 years old, but never in all your years had you seen something as beautiful as Steve on the woes of pleasure, moans and whines of pleasure, “daddy” being repeated almost like a prayer.
Even as he came Steve didn’t seem to want to stop, and your mutant genes and his super soldier serum allowed you to keep going for multiple rounds, giving your boy all that he had missed during the years he hadn’t been able to take you because of his health, hands grasping, and lips locked in passion that the future finally seemed to allow.
It took a while, but you got the two of you dragged to his bedroom and onto his bed, holding your boy close as he sighed a soft “daddy” against your neck as he clutched onto you like he still didn’t dare to believe that you were truly there. You guys would have to talk about it all at some point, some time soon, but right now all that mattered was holding your boy, and all that mattered for Steve was being held by you, his daddy.
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lurafita · 1 month
Canon divergence with different Malec meeting and accidental wedding.
Magnus is not the High Warlock of Brooklyn and not currently in New York. Alec is set up to marry a woman of his parent's choosing, to take over the institute. (dealer's choice about Clary's story in this). Jace and Izzy are determined to help Alec "let loose" before he has to wed someone he doesn't love for the good of the family. They take him to Vegas. For a mundane bachelor party. Lots of alcohol later, Alec wakes up the next morning in a hotel room, mundane married to the warlock sleeping next to him. (Magnus, of course. And he was just as intoxicated as Alec - special warlock brew or something, so neither has been taken advantage of by the other. Just two drunken idiots in super lust) At first, they don't worry about it. It was a mundane wedding. It doesn't matter.
Alec doesn't regret losing his virginity to the pretty warlock (he does regret not remembering the whole thing). (possibility for a second row while they are sober in the hotel room and have cleared away where they stand and all that as some kind of goodbye).
HOWEVER, fate or the angels or whatever powers that be, decide to take this drunken wedding seriously. Not only does Alec have the wedded union rune on his wrist (which he only realizes later on), but that same rune also appears on Magnus. And no one seems to be able to get it off.
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rxgirlie · 2 months
The Verdict- Chapter Seven
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Pairing: Vincent Renzi x OFC
Warnings: mentions of vomiting, mentions of pregnancy, divorce. see prev. tags.
A/N: I am a woman of the people and with the reaction from last chapter, you guys can have this one early. I’ll be in NYC all week, so I’m not sure I’ll have the next chapter written until late next week. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and I look forward to your reactions! (Someone make new Swann gifs, please, with Vincent’s hair)
Leah's arrival at JFK at noon left her feeling disheveled. Boarding the flight from Paris at around eight PM, she landed at JFK at two PM, with jet lag immediately taking its toll due to the time change. Craving a quick dinner, a speedy shower, and the comfort of a warm bed, Leah knew she had no time to waste as duty called. She promptly arranged for a car to take her to Brooklyn Heights.
Living just a few blocks away, Brooke's apartment was a convenient stop for Leah. With two toddlers and a six-year-old, she understood that asking Brooke to meet her for coffee was out of the question.
“Mommy, Auntie Leah is here!” The front door swung open, hitting the wall with a thud as a snaggle-toothed girl rushed into Leah’s arms. “Hi, sweet girl.” Balancing the girl as she entered, Leah closed the door behind her. Once the girl wriggled free, she beamed up at Leah.
“Aria, don’t wake your brother and sister,” Brooke scolded as she appeared from around the corner. Opening her arms, she warmly embraced Leah, her old friend.
“France suits you,” Brooke remarked, eyeing Leah playfully.
“I brewed the strongest coffee I had, knowing you must be exhausted,” Brooke said, leading Leah into the kitchen and seating her at the bar. “Not just from the time change, but from the hot lawyer you've been hanging around with.”
Leah rolled her eyes. “Kate and her big mouth strike again.”
Accepting the coffee Brooke handed her, Leah leaned back, her chin resting on her hands.
“Tell me all about him. Distract me from this ridiculous divorce,” Brooke said, a twinkle in her eye.
Leah decided to cut to the chase. She briefly recounted the details of the case to Brooke, who seemed disinterested, before delving into her move-in with Vincent and the ensuing events. Speaking about it out loud felt surreal, as if she was observing herself from a distance, noting the absurdity of it all.
"It's... crazy," Leah confessed, taking a sip of her coffee.
"It's real," Brooke reassured her. "The way you light up when you talk about it says it all. You're practically glowing."
Leah buried her face in her hands, letting out an embarrassed groan.
"Are you going back to France?" Brooke inquired.
"Yeah," Leah confirmed. "I only came back to assist you with the custody agreement. I intend to see the case in France through to its conclusion."
"Ever the resilient one," Brooke chuckled. "Stepping out of your comfort zone at last."
"Took you long enough," Brooke teased.
They spent the following hour poring over Brooke's divorce settlement and custody arrangements, discussing her entitlements following the dissolution of her marriage and what she would be left with.
"So, you'll be there tomorrow, right?" Brooke asked anxiously.
"Yes, of course. It's normal for lawyers to attend mediation sessions. I just need to catch a flight at noon," Leah replied.
"My little jet setter," Brooke teased, eliciting a playful response from Leah in the form of her raised middle finger.
After ordering enough takeout for a family of five, Leah indulged in a quick shower, trying to reacclimate to life in her apartment. She felt like a ghost, haunting the familiar spaces she once occupied. The bed felt foreign, lacking the softness and comfort she had grown accustomed to in Vincent's bed. Thoughts of him consumed her, wondering if he was thinking of her too. Memories of their time together played on a loop in her mind, only to bring her back to reality, picturing him peacefully asleep. She questioned her longing for his arms and wondered why she had been denying the truth of her feelings for so long. She welcomed the embrace of sleep gratefully as it finally enveloped her.
At five in the morning, Leah found herself facing the day with weariness in both body and mind as she rose from her bed. Swiftly preparing for the day, she reached for the pre-selected outfit hanging in her closet. Satisfied with how she looked in the high-waisted slacks and neatly-pressed silk shirt, she effortlessly slipped into her red bottoms. Fashion had taken a backseat during the intense involvement in Sandra's case in France, but then, as she admired her reflection, she felt a sense of familiarity wash over her, reconnecting with her old self after a long time.
Stopping at a midtown coffee shop just before seven, Leah placed her usual order and waited patiently as the barista worked their magic. Suddenly, a wave of nausea swept over her, causing her to break out in a cold sweat. Her palms turned clammy, and she felt the color drain from her face as a tingling sensation spread. Pushing through the crowd of waiting patrons, she hurried to the bathroom, slamming the door shut just in time to drop to her knees and empty the contents of her stomach into the toilet. After the ordeal passed, she rose unsteadily to her feet, wiping a cold paper towel across her neck to soothe herself. Her complexion was devoid of any color, while the tips of her ears blazed a scarlet red, a stark contrast to her drained face. Shaking off the episode, she emerged from the bathroom with a facade of composure, determined to carry on as if nothing had occurred. "Out of sight, out of mind," she reminded herself as she grabbed her order and briskly made her way towards the meeting place a few blocks away.
"You don’t look so good," Brooke observed as Leah joined her in the lobby.
"I had bad takeout last night," Leah explained, falling into step with Brooke as they entered the elevator.
"Was it Ming’s?" Brooke inquired, sharing her own unfortunate experience, "They nearly killed me with the worst food poisoning last year."
Leah shook her head in response, and Brooke fell silent. As the elevator doors slid open, they were greeted by an army of lawyers and Brooke's soon-to-be ex-husband, the epitome of an asshole. Leah couldn't help but wish she had managed to hold in the urge to vomit a little longer, just so she could unleash it on the whole group.
As Leah swiftly tidied her apartment, preparing it for her return, she called for a car to take her to the airport. During the journey, her thoughts raced. Brooke's shattered marriage, torn apart by an unfaithful spouse, and the collateral damage inflicted upon her children, weighed heavily on Leah's mind. She pondered the cruel twist of fate where love, once a beacon of hope and joy, could spiral into darkness.
Vincent also occupied her thoughts, a figure of quiet strength and unwavering kindness. His gentle demeanor nurtured the connection between them with each touch, each embrace, each glance.
She mulled over what she knew of Vincent, what remained a mystery, and the things that seemed to divide them. Yet, in the midst of this contemplation, a spark of hope flickered within her, a tiny flame fueled by the warmth of his presence and the thought of being back in France with him.
Leah hurried towards the designated gate, her mind racing with thoughts. Despite her intelligence, she often found comfort in the saying "ignorance is bliss" and lived by the mantra of "out of sight, out of mind." As she deftly entered the corresponding number/letter combination into the CVS vending machine, she swiftly grabbed her selection and made a beeline for her gate.
Leah suddenly felt a wave of regret wash over her. She regretted moving in with him, getting involved romantically, and losing focus on her original purpose for being in France. The weight of her failures weighed heavily on her as she navigated through the airport and boarded the plane, almost like a zombie in a daze.
In the tiniest lavatory imaginable, Leah's hands shook as she ripped open the box, a sudden turbulence tossing her around like a forewarning as she gazed at the stick in her grasp. Completing her task, a sense of humility washing over her, she hurriedly washed her hands and concealed the evidence within her bag. Back at her seat, she drew a deep breath, preparing herself for what lay ahead. Nestled within her bag was her destiny—a small, blue plus sign, a souvenir from her time in France.
It was nearly seven PM when Leah landed in Paris and headed to Vincent's apartment. She expected him to be alone, so she was surprised when Joan answered the door.
"Bonsoir," Joan greeted Leah, opening the door wider for her to enter with her bag.
"Salut," Leah replied, glancing around the empty kitchen and living room.
"Where's Vincent?" she inquired.
"He's gone with Tim to the country house," Joan explained. "They're clearing trees from the main drive due to bad weather."
"Ah, I see," Leah nodded, walking into the space and heading towards the bedroom to drop off her carry-on and slip out of her shoes.
"You look nice," Joan complimented. "Did you win your case?"
"It was just a mediation," Leah clarified. "Divorce arrangements, custody agreements... all the unpleasant stuff."
"I'm glad I never got married," Joan admitted, motioning for Leah to join her at the table.
Leah poured herself a cup of tea and sat across from Joan.
"I understand," Leah acknowledged.
"My Vincent was always a stoic child. I don't think he ever truly needed a father," Joan reflected. "Maybe he did, but that ship has long sailed."
Leah listened attentively, chiming in, "I witnessed quite a battle during that mediation.”
"And you're scared, aren't you?" Joan asked, smiling knowingly at Leah.
"Of what's happening between you and Vincent," Joan elaborated.
"I'm not sure if it's fear or logic guiding me right now," Leah confessed. "Nothing seems to make sense."
"When I got pregnant with Vincent, by a worthless man, I had nowhere to turn. I was deported from Ireland and returned here. I had my parents, well, my mother briefly, but that's another tale. Despite being conceived in such dire circumstances and raised with all my quirks, he turned out to be a good man. I couldn't be prouder of him," Joan proudly stated.
Leah smiled at Joan's openness, slightly taken aback until Joan added, "But you're not pregnant by a worthless man, are you, Leah?"
Before Leah could respond, Vincent arrived, greeting her warmly as he removed his jacket and boots.
Joan hugged Vincent, giving Leah a knowing look before seeing herself out.
"What was that about?" Vincent asked, brushing Leah's cheek.
"Nothing," Leah replied. "Did you know your mother is psychic?"
Vincent chuckled, "Don't tell her that, or her ego will inflate even more."
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featheredstudies · 1 year
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2023.04.01 // 17:35  coffeeshop afternoon… cold brew is for every season
pic: ashland pl., brooklyn, n.y.
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apoemaday · 9 months
by Mahogany L. Browne
I wish I knew how It would feel to be free I wish I could break All the chains holding me                —Nina Simone
today i am a black woman in america & i am singing a melody ridden lullaby it sounds like:               the gentrification of a brooklyn stoop               the rent raised three times my wages               the bodega and laundromat burned down on the corner               the people on the corner                           each lock & key their chromosomes                           a note of ash & inquiry on their tongues   today i am a black woman in a hopeless state i will apply for financial aid and food stamps           with the same mouth i spit poems from i will ask the angels of a creative god to lessen           the blows & i will beg for forgiveness when i curse           the rising sun today, i am a black woman in a body of coal i am always burning and no one knows my name i am a nameless fury, i am a blues scratched from the throat of ms. nina—i am always angry i am always a bumble hive of hello i love like this too loudly, my neighbors think i am an unforgiving bitter             sometimes, i think my neighbors are right             most times i think my neighbors are nosey today, i am a cold country, a storm brewing, a heat wave of a woman wearing red pumps to the funeral of my ex-lover’s today, i am a woman, a brown and black & brew woman dreaming of freedom today, i am a mother, & my country is burning            and i forget how to flee from such a flamboyant backdraft                        —i’m too in awe of how beautiful i look             on fire
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sebstan2020 · 24 days
Red Ties
Chapter 41
Mary, a sweet Christian girl living in the city of Brooklyn as a nurse had a simple life. She loved her work, her friends and attending church every Sunday and helping Reverend McCarthy. Her life was nothing out of the ordinary. However, it all changed one day when she bumps into the intriguing and intimidating James Barnes, Brooklyn’s notorious mafia boss and is introduced to a world of guns, lust and dominance.
Warnings: BDSM, Dom/Sub, Mafia, Violence, Gang, SMUT, Sex, Possessive Bucky, Overprotectiveness, Bondage, Sexual Themes, Dark Themes, Guns, Drugs, Gang Violence
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Meet me at Vanilla, 6 
The instruction was simple, and Mary bit her lip as she read the text over and over again. James was off working, doing some important jobs that Mary didn't ask too much about. It frightened her a little to know what shady business James was up to, so she simply nodded. She had the day off today except for a couple patients in the morning, and she spent the rest of it tidying her flat. Her conversation with James about moving in hadn't quite come to a conclusion. although she was second-guessing now. 
Since she saw James and the mysterious, beautiful woman, she couldn't help but have this sick feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was going on. Since meeting James, she hadn't once felt any jealousy around him, but seeing that stunning woman stand in front of him, she was now overthinking. 
Anya had always talked about how the more handsome guys with amazing jobs and money were normally fuckboys and womanisers, out to fuck any woman in their path and use them. Mary prayed that she wasn't going to turn into one of those and that it was just a friend of his. but he would have said he was meeting her, no? She didn't want to overthink it too much, but she couldn't help it, and now his text ordering her to his club gave her a sense of uneasiness. 
Maybe it was too good to be true. Mary distracted herself by cleaning her apartment, and when it reached half-five, she decided to take a shower to look her best. She curled her blonde locks, added a touch of makeup to her face, but she wondered if she should have, not knowing what James had in store for her later, and put on a tight summer dress, hugging her curves and revealing her back. 
Excitement brewed in her as she drove to the club, and her heart slammed against her chest as she took her steps inside. The first time she came here, she was ambushed by James's ex-submissive, and she prayed she wouldn't run into her again. not because she was afraid, but because she didn't want anything to ruin tonight. 
Luckily, Natalie wasn't around, and she waited patiently for James, staring up at the beautiful decor and walls of the club. It truly was a work of art, and I put so much effort and time into making it a beautiful place. From the outside, it looked like a six-star hotel. Little did people know what the rooms held behind their doors. 
A sudden press of lips on her bare shoulder caught her off guard, and she yelled in surprise before turning to meet James's sexy gaze. His eyes were slightly dark under the lights, and that intoxicating aroma drugged her. He was dressed in a beautiful black suit, shirt, and tie, and his beard was neatly trimmed. 
"You scared me," she murmured, but was immediately silenced by his lips. He was certainly in a good mood tonight. When he pulled back, she gave a soft giggle. 
"You're in a good mood tonight," she smiled. 
"I had a good day," he said simply, his voice all husky and sexy, and Mary resisted the urge to moan at that beautiful voice. 
"Good, I'm glad," she commented. 
"It's about to get better," he said, immediately taking her hand and pulling her to the elevator. If he hadn't planned the evening, James would have pounced on her in the elevator, pushing her against the walls and placing his hand on her aching mound. but he had a plan tonight and didn't want to ruin it. It was hot, and when they entered his private dungeon, the cool air soothed Mary's hot skin, and she finally was able to breathe. The room looked exactly the same as last time, which made her wonder what James was planning. 
Her bag was thrown to the side, and James attacked her with kisses again. He took her bottom lip in his teeth, pulling and releasing the moan she held inside. Mary tingled all over, pushing up against James for more, and he granted her the islent wish. His hand slipped under her dress and pressed on her aching pussy, causing her to arch into his hand and moan against his lips. 
"Fuck, you're already wet for this, aren't you?" He teased softly. 
"Yes, sir," she giggled. Even speaking those words turned her on. James couldn't wait any longer. He began undressing her, yanking her dress off and her pants with it, throwing them to the side. Ordinarily, he'd make her fold them neatly and place them in the corner, but not tonight. She was naked, and he was fully clothed. He cupped her face once more, giving her a soft kiss and a nuzzle to her nose before speaking his commands. 
"I want you to go and kneel by the bed while I get things ready," he ordered. 
"Yes, sir," she answered and turned, padding over to the bed, where she kneeled silently in the perfect submissive position. She heard clanging and noises behind her, the jingling of cuffs and draws opening and closing, and finally a huge thud as something behind her was set down. She wanted to turn and look, but kept her gaze on the bed in front of her. Her body tingled with nerves and excitement. 
A soft hand trailed over her shoulder, down to her wrist, and gripped it firmly. James pulled her up, and as she turned and gazed at the contraption in front of her, she gasped. It was a wooden stock table with three large holes, one for her head and two for her wrists. It was like something from the older times where pesents would be locked in for punishment. Was this a punishment?
James brought her over to the stocks and ordered her to kneel on one side. She swallowed the giant lump in the back of her throat as James lifted the top piece. He gently guided her into the slots, placing her wrists inside the padded leather and then her head, carefully moving her hair out the way as he lowered the top piece and locked her in. It was a strange feeling to be locked in the wooden stock with her head and hands immobilised. 
"Comfortable?" he asked, and Mary nodded. 
"Yes, sir," she said as she wiggled her wrists, and James gathered up her hair, tying it into a loose ponytail so it was out of the way. 
He trailed off to collect some things, throwing them on the table beside him, and picked up two leather cuffs for her ankles. He wrapped them around them and, using the clips, buckled them to the floor, where two rings were drilled in. Her legs were wide open and couldn't be closed. A hand pressed her cold and aching pussy, and Mary squirmed, letting out a gasp as he pushed his fingers over her sensitive clitoral area. He chuckled softly, pulling it away. 
He came around to her and crouched in front of her. "How are you feeling?" he whispered. 
"Okay," she whispered back, and he smiled. 
"Do you remember your safeword?" he asked.
"Red and Mercy," she said immediately, and he grinned. He cupped her face and kissed her softly. 
"Good girl. Tonight is all about pain and pleasure," he informed her. 
"What does that entail?" She tried her luck. 
"You'll have to wait and see," he whispered, kissing her once more before standing and walking behind her. All she had now was to rely on her hearing, as James had vanished from her eyeline. James picked up the long wooden cane he had picked for tonight's play time. a cruel and harsh implement, one that a submissive always feared and a masochist enjoyed. It was a huge step up from the flogger and crop, but he was highly trained in using it. 
He came back into Mary's vision, holding the cane by its leather handle and holding the tip out in front of her. 
"Do you know what this is?" He spoke softly. Mary was certain it was a cane. 
"A cane," she answered, looking up for approval, and James tilted his head in surprise. 
"Do I want to know how you know that?" he smirked. 
"I'm a Christian; I went to a Christian school where the nuns always talked about caning." She slightly grinned. She never thought her knowledge of canes would come in handy, especially at this moment in time. If someone had said to her that in ten years you were going to be locked in a pair of stocks and caned by your mafia boyfriend, she would have laughed in their faces and prayed for their sanity. 
"Of course, I nearly forgot. I suppose you never had a canning, though; you were probably a good girl at school," he said, and she nodded. 
"Never; the nuns would always threaten those who didn't behave," she said, and James chuckled. 
"Well, I'm about to do the complete opposite. This isn't a punishment, but this is about my pleasure. First, I want you to kiss it; worship my cane," he ordered as he held the tip out to her, and Mary pushed forward to reach the end. She placed a kiss on the tip of it, a blush appearing on her cheeks as she did. It was slightly humiliating but erotic at the same time. 
James pushed the cane further down so she could kiss its length before snatching it away and walking behind her. The wet tip of the cane pressed against her bare ass, and he stroked it teasingly. He was going to start lightly and increase if she could take it. The cane was difficult to control, and even a slight bit of pressure can cause welts on the skin. but James was well experienced with using and controlling it. 
He pulled back and lightly tapped it on her cheeks. Mary flinched at the lightest bit of pressure, swatting her ass. It tingled, and she gripped her fingers tightly into her fists. The little tap left the slightest redness on her pale skin. James lifted the cane and tapped her again, this time harder, and she flinched at its harshness. James moaned as he stroked the cane across the crease between her ass and thighs and pulled back, swatting her there. 
"Ahh!" Mary yelled, tugging into the stocks, and James moaned softly. Three long welts adorned her ass and left her tingling. James was getting hard underneath and could easily lose control by attacking her ass with the cane. His old submissive Natalie could take a caning much harsher than this, but Mary couldn't, and he had to hold back. a few more hits, and red marks appeared almost instantly. The pain was sharp and stinging, but after a few seconds, it died down to a dull ache. 
Mary wasn't sure what to make of this pain, and another swat made her wince. James placed a warm hand on her back to calm her and soothe her as she breathed heavily. 
"Breathe, are you okay?" He said that, and Mary swallowed. 
"Yes, sir," she said, she was safe; she was fine. It was a new sensation, but she was fine, and James stroked her back. 
"Good girl, remember, if you need to stop, just say your safe word." He wasn't going to force her to do this as much as he wanted to. If she reached her limit, he would need to know immediately. but after his calm, soothing strokes, she nodded and relaxed. 
Another harsh swat attacked her, and she gritted through her teeth. However, the swats were making her just as wet as James was getting hard. Her puss was dripping despite the pain taking over the pleasure, and when James placed a finger through her folds, he chuckled. He was spot-on. The ratio of pain to pleasure was correct, and he was right on the money. Her ass looked beautoful with the dark red welts, his mark left on her, and he moaned as his cock twitched. She had been so good at taking those hits that she was in need of some pleasure. 
Suddenly, a low buzz sounded through the deathly silence, and something pressed against her pussycat. It buzzed, and she immediately moaned, yanking in the stocks and pressing herself deeper into the vibrator to relieve her aching pussycat. 
"Ohhhh," she moaned at the top of her lungs, shaking and gasping for air. It wasn't like anything she had felt before. The feeling was so intense that she felt like she was going to orgasm now. 
"Oh, my god," she whispered to herself, and James chuckled. His other hand crepped up and began to rub small circles on her lcit, which made her buck in the stocks, her toes curling and yanking against the cuffs holding her legs apart. 
"Oh, please," she begged. 
"Please, what?" he teased, knowing full well what she wanted. 
"Please, can I come?" She pleaded, unable to hold back. The vibrator was cruel, and she wanted to come immediately. She wasn't sure which was more cruel, the vibrator or the cane. 
"Already?" he teased again. 
"Yes, please, sir," she begged, unable to hold back anymore. 
"Okay, you can come." He granted her permission as she squirmed under his hand, and she came with loud moans and pants, her body shaking with pleasure. The vibrator stayed put until she was squirming to get off it. Now it was torture, forcing her to have another orgasm. James pulled the vibrator away, silencing it, and placed his thumb on her dripping pussycat. She was soaked, and his touch made her moan even more. and then she felt his tongue begin to lap up her juices, sucking on her like a baby foal to their mothers teet. 
"Ohhh, James," she moaned, unable to think clearly now, and she felt him bite her, his teeth nipping at her sensitive pussycat, and she flinched.
"What did you say?" he scolded. 
"I mean, sir," she quickly said, and James tutted, standing up and giving her a swift spank in the ass. She yelled, and he circled around her, standing in front of her. 
"Now I think it's time I had some pleasure." He slowly unzipped his pants and pulled his already hard cock out, giving it a few strokes as he pressed the tip to her lips. Mary immediately opened and allowed him to enter her mouth, pushing back and forth. He let his head roll back and moan as she sucked on him, her tongue flicking in all directions. She was becoming an expert at sucking his cock, and James placed his hand into her hair, using her mouth as a hole to fuck.
He was on the verge of climax as well, and Mary stayed perfectly still, and he fucked her mouth hard and fast, her throat gagging as he pushed just a little too far here and there, which only made him harder. With a few final thrusts in her mouth, James reached his climax, orgasming inside her mouth and spilling his salty semen inside her. 
Mary was shocked and pulled back as he dripped into the floor, moaning and groaning to the heavens, twitching with just a touch of his cock. The salty semen was sticky, and Mary took this moment to catch her breath. The both of them were hot, sticky, and sweaty, and James ran a calm hand through his hair, calming himself down. He wasn't lying when he said that Mary's mouth was the best he had ever felt.
He carefully unlocked her from the stocks, carrying her over to the bed and gently laying her down. She was exhausted and sore, and James took extra care of her. She lay on her front as James softly rubbed soothing cream across her welts, careful as she hissed slightly every time he went over them. He pressed kisses to her shoulders and to her lips as she stared up at him. 
"That was amazing," she whispered, and he grinned, falling onto the bed beside her, tucking her wet hair behind her ear, and kissing her again. 
"You did amazing. even the canning. I've seen experienced subs unable to take the cane, and you did it so well," he whispered. 
"It was painful," she commented, and he chuckled. 
"Yeah, it's one of the most painful things in BDSM, but you took it perfectly." He leaned over and kissed her again as she snuggled up to him. 
"Thank you, sir," she whispered, and he hummed. They lay there for hours, snuggled up to each other, wrapped in arms, legs, and warmth. Mary didn't want to move, but it was nearing midnight, and James wanted to take her home to his bed. He wanted her all to himself; he wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let her go. 
Both of them were exhausted and headed down to the lobby. James had had his arm wrapped around Mary as he led her down, and she could have easily fallen into him and slept there and then. As they reached the lobby, James stopped and turned to her. 
"Just one second, there's one thing I need to do," he said suddenly and turned, walking back in the direction they came from. Mary watched in confusion as he walked off and stood in the middle of the lobby. She didn't want to overthink and tried to ignore the thoughts in her head, waiting patiently for him to come back. It seemed a little off, but she tried not to think too much of it. 
She tapped her foot against the cool tiles, twirling around as she waited. Her dress scratched against her skin and the welts, sending a sting across her body. She suddenly heard murmurs and turned, seeing James at the end of the hall. It looked like he was talking to someone, but she couldn't make out who. He smiled, nodded, and took a step back as a beautiful woman stepped out in front of him. She looked familiar—very familiar.
And then Mary recognised her. It was the woman she saw the other day, the one across the road. She was dressed in a tight black latex dress, her hair all straight this time but with volume at the front. She wore high stiletto heels and gold jewellery. Mary watched with her heart slamming in her chest. The woman laughed and threw her hand on James's arms, and he chuckled, smiling down at her. 
What the hell was this?
Mary had never felt more angry in her life. She had to blink a few times to make sure she was not hallucinating. Who was this woman, why was she throwing herself all over James, and why was he letting her do so? Was this the jealousy she had never felt before? She didn't want it to be true that all sexy guys were just fuckboys. 
Was James really stooping to this level? Having a kinky session with Mary and then running off to quickly fuck a woman who wasn't waiting for marriage. No, he couldn't. He was so sweet and caring, and he always said how infatuated he was with Mary. But Mary couldn't help the thought overtake her, and she hadn't realised she had been glaring as James came back over, clearly happy with a stupid smirk on his face as he met with Mary. 
"Come on," he said softly, reaching over to wrap his arm around her back. Mary snatched back and pulled away. 
"Whos' that?" She asked, and James blinked in surprise at her reaction. He turned and looked as the woman he had just been speaking to walked over slowly. 
"She's a friend," he said simply, and Mary scoffed, rolling her eyes. 
"Seriously?" she asked. She had decided then and there that she wasn't going to be taken for a fool. 
"What?" he asked.
"Oh sure, she's a friend; let me guess she's like Natalie," she spat, and James narrowed his eyes at her. 
"Mary, what are you talking about?".
"Are you having sex with her?" she outright asked, and James scoffed. 
"What? Of course not.".
"Well, why were you with her the other day? I saw you across the street in town," she immeidately answered, and James suddenly went silent. That was all Mary needed to hear. Mary turned and quickly exited the lobby, down to the valet parking. Her car was waiting for her arrival, and she rushed inside. James raced after her, calling for her, but she ignored him. She quickly turned her car off before James could reach her and sped off, her anger taking control. 
Chapter 42
Hey I hope you like this chapter, let me know what you think in the comments
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Photography: You Kno I Would Kill 4 You . . ., Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC 6/8/24
Photography: You Kno I Would Kill 4 You . . ., Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC 6/8/24
Last Saturday was an extremely busy day for me: I started the afternoon at 18th Ward Brewing for The New Colossus Festival‘s Summer Saturday showcase, which featured an eclectic array of shoegazers including Book/Spirit, Glimmer, Talking to Shadows, Hesitant and Iceblynk. And then from there, I had to run to Webster Hall to catch Miki Berenyi Trio and Lol Tolhurst and Budgie. As I was leaving, I…
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
Rising - 1610!Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
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This is just a teaser of the fan fiction I have brewing in my drafts. Its probably going to be pretty long and maybe even end up becoming multiple parts, so lmk if thats something you're interested in or if I should continue this story, because its got a lot of lore and I'm not gonna get into it all if no one's interested
Synopsis: Miles knew he would have to battle with his guilt from his Uncle Aaron's death, but he never expected to get involved with the Prowler again. This time, the Prowler returns with a new face.
10:36 A.M. Aaron Davis's Funeral - Miles' POV ________________________________________________________________
"Thank you for coming." Miles watched as his mom quietly whispered her thanks to the numerous family members approaching them with their kind words and back pats. He forced a smile as a woman he didn't even know cupped his face in her hands, her condolences barely audible over the loud murmurs of the rest of the funeral crowd. The cold Brooklyn breeze sent shivers down his spine, his thin suit coat doing little to prevent the goosebumps from rapidly spreading across his skin.
It was a gloomy day, dark clouds on the horizon blocking the sun, the inevitable chance of pouring rainfall growing closer and closer as the wind pushed the overcast towards the funeral service. It had been exactly one week and two days since his Uncle Aaron's sudden death. The cops, well Miles' dad Jeff, had done a good job covering up his uncle's involvement in the collider sequence that generated the tens of tiny earthquakes, shaking New York to its core and leading to thousands worth of property damage. It was as if the Prowler had never existed. They said that his uncle died during one of the earthquakes, trapped under the rubble while trying to help evacuate a neighborhood but Miles knew better.
He knew the truth. He knew that his uncle wasn't a good guy. He knew that he'd been working with Kingpin. He knew about the Sinister Six. But worse than all the rest, he knew that it was his fault his uncle was dead. Because if he hadn't been bit by that damn spider, Aaron Davis would still be alive.
"Dear friends and family, we gather here today in grief and love to remember the life of Aaron Davis and to support one another during this difficult time. As we come together, let us take a moment to offer a prayer of comfort, healing, and strength..."
It was starting. Miles quickly took a seat next to his mom who was silently dabbing the corner of her eye with a small, white napkin. She put her hand on top of Miles' squeezing gently and shooting him a slight smile before they both turned their heads to look back over at his father, who was approaching the podium to give his farewell speech. Miles watched as his father pulled out what looked like a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, looked at it for a moment, and then shoved it back in with a sigh. He placed his hands on both sides of the microphone, eliciting a small, high-pitched screech, evoking subtle winces among the crowd.
His dad cleared his throat, and began to speak, his voice wavering slightly with every change in tone. It was hard for him, probably harder than it was for Miles. Miles couldn't help but feel a little proud of his dad for being able to stand up there and talk about the man that they'd lost, because he knew that if he himself tried to go up there, he'd break down and never be able to build himself back up again.
"Aaron was my baby brother. But more than that, he was my best friend." His dad chuckled slightly, memories flooding his mind as he continued, "I remember when we were young, how the two of us would go out causing trouble like we were invincible. Like nothing could break us..."
As Miles's focus slowly wavered, he felt his father's voice becoming more and more muffled. Miles' mind was overwhelmed by unwelcome thoughts, flooding his senses and making his swallowing sharper and his eyes heavier. If I hadn't been bit...would he still be here today? He closed his eyes quickly, to prevent himself from breaking down right there, swallowing back his tears before opening them again and looking back at his father. If I hadn't been followed...would he have survived?
If I'd shook him off my path that day, he would've never realized that I was going to Aunt May's house. And he wouldn't have caught me. And I wouldn't have taken my mask off. And he wouldn't have been shot.
Miles heard clapping and opened his eyes again, forcing a smile onto his face and clapping along with everyone else while his dad sat down in the seat next to him. Another person went up to the stand, someone Miles didn't know. As the person began to talk, Miles felt his mind wandering again, back to those horrible, horrible thoughts. But there was a hint of truth behind them, wasn't there? If I hadn't-
He felt a tingling sensation in his body, the hairs on his arms standing up and a weird, almost nauseating feeling entering the front of his forehead. His spider-sense. It was detecting something.
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this fanfic, there's a link to a form in my master list that you can fill out <3
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toogoodtogobk · 2 years
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My Too Good to Go order from Brew Memories in Park Slope: a brownie, two donuts filled with cream cheese custard, a chocolate chip cookie, a chocolate croissant, and a regular croissant. My Too Good to Go cost: $3.99.
I always thought Brew Memories was just an Asian coffee and bubble tea shop. I was surprised to find that it serves dumplings, bahnmi, dan dan noodles, burgers, and sandwiches. Sadly, none of those items are offered in its TGTG surprise bag; instead, you get all the desserts and pastries that are left at the end of the day. The guy behind the counter put everything in its dessert display in a bag and handed it to me. I suspect that’s what all its TGTG bags are because it only offers one bag a day on the app.
The brownie was full of walnuts and very tasty. The cookie had a hint of coffee in it. It was also very good. I froze the croissants because I’ve gotten so many croissants in my TGTG bags from various businesses. I haven’t tried the donuts yet.
At $3.99, I think Brew Memories surprise bag is a great deal.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
The Lifeaters (III.3)
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III. Your greatest fear
Chapter Summary: Your classes test you in unimaginable ways 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3,4 k
Notes: I’m adapting a lot of parts of the books… hehe…
Have you seen Brooklyn 99? if you have you’ll now this
If you see something say something, come on and party tonighttttt wooooooo
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Tuesday nor Wednesday Draco went to classes, his arm still tightly taped to his side, you helped him in what you could, no, actually, in what he would let you help him, you offered to carry his bag but he made Goyle do it, he wouldn’t let you personally carry his things or help him up, nothing that would require strength, you wanted to feel insulted, but what he truly meant is that he did not wanted you to “trouble” yourself
Also he was enjoying the attention you and Pansy were giving him, letting you fix his hair and robes, and even help him eat
It felt nice to help a friend
So Thursday you had potions, and Dray could not miss that.
Most classes would put aside one block, one hour and a half of your schedule, but not potions.
Many took too long to prepare, so once a week, you had THREE consecutive hours to brew potions and be almost tortured by Professor Snape
Even though they were almost on the same floor, the potions classroom was nothing like your common room. It was stuffy, damp and the various smells from the potions made it really hard to breathe or have a nice time, on the contrary, it also depended on the potion that was being brewed, sometimes they made the air lighter, so every class was everyone’s guess.
All eyes where on you when you arrived with Draco to the potions classroom, you shared the class with the Gryffindors, and many of them looked annoyed when they saw Dray’s grimace 
Pansy wouldn’t leave your side either.
You didn’t know how to feel
You liked her, she was your friend, but you were not used to a “third wheel” in yours and Draco’s relationship, before there was Vince, Greg and even Matthew near him, but they couldn’t get that close to him
Pansy was managing to do so, and it made you a bit queasy 
Draco whimpered when you settle in your places and Pansy was on him on a 
"How is it, Draco?”, she asked, in a tone a bit sweet for your taste, "Does it hurt much?"
“Yes”, he said, trying to show himself brave, but as soon as Pansy looked away, he winked at Greg and Vince, you slapped his good arm, annoyed, he looked back at you apologetically
Your attention was called by Snape, the class was going to start
You were a bit late, but your professor didn’t say anything, you enjoyed more… freedom… with the head of your house than with other teachers, it almost made you a bit embarrassed
But then you remembered all teachers who were heads of houses had a soft spot for their students, Snape had a soft spot for you lot, his house.
“Today were going to be making a Shrinking solution”, snape Introduced, “please take out your ingredients” 
You were sharing one of the big tables with Potter, Granger, Longbottom, Weasley, Greg, Vince, Draco and Pansy
"Sir," Dray called, "sir, I'll need help cutting up these daisy roots, because of my arm…", you looked at him, wanting to offer your help, but Snape had other plans
"Weasley, cut up Malfoy's roots for him"
“I can do it”, you whispered to him, but he shook you off
“He told Wesley to do it”, he said with a smirk, oh how he was enjoying this
"There's nothing wrong with your arm," Ron accused him
"Weasley, you heard Professor Snape; cut up these roots”, he demanded, and Weasley started to masacre those poor roots
“Professor!”, called Draco, “Weasley is mutilating my roots!”, Snape even seemed happy with this arrangements
“Weasley, change roots with Malfoy”, he demanded, and you could barely choke in a giggle
So the redhead had to spend double time trying to fix his roots for himself to use, you tried to focus on your own ingredients, but Draco had you a bit on edge.
Don’t misinterpret this, it was fun to pick on Potter and Weasley, but not in the middle on the potions class, when many things could go wrong
"And, sir, I'll need this shrivelfig skinned," said Dray, pushing his luck, you actually liked working with the plant
“I can do it Dray”, you offered, and you felt Pansy’s heated gaze on you 
"Potter, you can skin Malfoy's shrivelfig," was the response
“It’s no trouble”, you insisted
“He said Potter to do it”, Draco said with a smile
Potter was quick to skin those poor plants, and slided them over the table at Draco as quickly as he could. Draco’s face was one of victory, he seemed pleased with himself. 
Oh but not yet
"Seen your pal Hagrid lately?", he asked them with a mean smirk
"None of your business," responded Weasley.
It was a sore topic, you did not like the turn it had taken
"I'm afraid he won't be a teacher much longer," Said Draco. "Father's not very happy about my injury… he complained to the school’s governors and all", he said, sighing, “And a lasting injury like this…who knows if my arm will ever be the same again?". You wanted to tell him to drop it, you did, back in the common room, but he wouldn’t listen, the horrible gash in his arm looked terrible.
“So that’s why you are doing this!”, said Potter, “you want to get him sacked!”
“Well, maybe”, teased Draco, “Weasley, why don’t you slice up my caterpillars for me?”
The Redhead was about to throw his cauldron at him, when Professor Snape walked by the table, looking into Longbottom’s cauldron
"Tell me, boy, does anything penetrate that thick skull of yours? Didn't you hear me say, quite clearly, that only one spleen was needed? Didn't I state plainly that a dash of leech juice would suffice? What do I have to do to make you understand, Longbottom?", his potion was the wrong color, and Neville looked like he was about to cry. 
"Please, sir," said Granger, there was something about her tone that you really found annoying, "I could help Neville put it right…", you couldn’t help but rolled your eyes, and Draco at your side snickered 
"I don't remember asking you to show off, Miss Granger," you couldn’t help but smile, Snape always saw right through the golden trio, "Longbottom, at the end of this lesson we will feed a few drops of this potion to your toad and see what happens. Perhaps that will encourage you to do it properly.", now that made you raise your eyes from your cauldron up to Neville, who’s hands started shaking
"Help!" he moaned, looking at the entire table
"Hey", said Seamus Finnigan, a Gryffindor who no matter what he was doing, he always managed to provoke an explosion, "Sirius Black's been sighted”, he said, you and Draco shared looks, “it’s all over the daily prophet”
"Where?" asked Potter, all the table were listening
"Dufftown," said Seamus, who looked excited. "It was a Muggle who saw him. By the time the Ministry of Magic got there, he was gone."
"Not too far from here... " said Granger, then Weasley catches us looking
"What, Malfoy? Need something else skinned?", he asked
But Draco was looking at Potter with malice, and you knew exactly was he was about to say
 "Thinking of trying to catch Black single-handed, Potter?", he teased "Yeah, that's right," responded Potter, ever the petulant fool 
You knew what was coming, you had discussed it at length, Sirius black was the one that betrayed Harry’s Parents, causing them to die in the hands of the Dark Lord
"Of course, if it was me, I'd be out there looking for him.", said Draco, “I wouldn’t be staying in school like a good boy”
"What are you talking about, Malfoy?", asked Weasley. And you looked at Potter’s face, looking for any clue, but now it dawned on you… he didn’t know. He didn’t know what Black had done, of course you did, because uncle Lucius didknow, he was deep in the Ministry. 
But Potter didn’t know what Sirius had done to his family, and why he was out, probably looking for him.
"Don't you know, Potter?", asked Draco, truly surprised, but he looked like he did on Christmas mornings
"Know what?". Draco laughed cruelly, it made your skin crawl.
"Maybe you'd rather not risk your neck," he said. "Want to leave it to the dementors, do you? But if it was me, I'd want revenge. I'd hunt him down myself."
"What are you talking about?" asked Potter angrily
You were going to tell Draco to stop, but Snape did it for you, calling the attention of the entire class 
"You should have finished adding your ingredients by now; this potion needs to stew before it can be drunk, so clear away while it simmers and then we'll test Longbottom's... "
Neville stirred his cauldron miserably, with his mouth twisted in agony
You put away your things and Draco before he could say anything, you were somewhat happy that your potion was the right shade of color
A few minutes later, Snape was standing next to Neville, Theo and Matt stood by your side, to watch
"Everyone gather 'round," said Snape, “and watch what happens to Longbottom's toad. If he has managed to produce a Shrinking Solution, it will shrink to a tadpole. If, as I don't doubt, he has done it wrong, his toad is likely to be poisoned”, you grabbed onto the hand that was closest to you, it was Theo’s, he looked at you alarmed, but you only watched as snape with a special instrument took a bit of the potion, while he held Trevor on his other hand
“Professor…”, you couldn’t help it, you were not thinking, Snape looked at you with those dark glistening eyes, “Trevor will… die?”, you asked fearfully, “we understand the consequences Sir, I don’t think it’s necessary…”
He seemed truly surprised 
“Hush your mouth Basilik, unless you want your points removed”, he said angrily. The Gryffindor seemed truly surprised as you intervened 
Theo didn’t released you, you squeezed his hands waiting for the inevitable, if that was Umbra instead, you’d be crying, as Neville shed a single tear of his trembling cheek 
Snape fed Trevor a spoonful of the potion…
You could drop a pin on the classroom and it would be heard loudly, everyone was looking expectantly… and then, with a pop, Trevor had become a tiny little tadpole.
You released Theo, taking a deep breath, relieved… 
Snape, who seemed like he didn’t get any presents for Christmass, took a vial from the insides of his robes and turn Trevor into his normal size again 
"Five points from Gryffindor," said Snape, which wiped the smiles from every face. "I told you not to help him, Miss Granger. Class dismissed." 
You never walked out of potions so quickly, dragging a laughing Draco with you
You went to the great hall to have lunch, not before you sneaking out to the inner courtyard to take a long breath of fresh air, Winter was looming in and you could already feel the chill in the air even though the trees were already turning orange
You weren’t alone
“Hey, ppssttt”, you heard a shushing noise, you looked to your side and saw Theo and Matthew, hiding under the threshold of the castle’s door. Theo was hiding something on his robes
“What?”, you asked, coming near them, they clearly wanted to show me something, but you thought better of it, “I swear for Merlin’s fluffy robes that if I look into something remotely inappropriate I will tell Snape…”
You heard a croak, and your curiosity got the better of you and you looked inside
Theo was hiding a toad, and not just any toad
“Is that Trevor?”, you asked them both who started laughing
“Maybe”, he giggled
“You stole him?”, you asked them, scandalized, and then you looked into both their eyes, “no…”
“What?”, asked Theo
“Please don’t hurt him”, you begged them, honestly scared for the poor familiar
“I will not!”, Theo said, he seemed offended that you believed he was going to hurt him
“Why did you steal it?”, you asked them
“Longbottom didn’t have the guts, he was going to let Snape poison him!”, he said, taking Trevor out of his robes and caressing his tiny head, he was cute… for a toad… 
“So what’s your plan?”, you asked the pair, and they shared looks
“We are going to keep him…”, said Theo
“Yeah, and share custody”, muttered Matt
“What are you three doing with Longbottom’s toad?”, you three freezed at the unmistakable voice of Severus Snape, you three turned slowly, and shaking
“Stealing is not tolerated at Hogwarts”, he said with his dark, dragging voice, “Miss Basilik you interrupt and question my teaching methods and then you steal a classmate’s familiar, this is unacceptable”
“Sir! but…!”
“And furthermore you send a request my way to drop the divination class… not so fast… Gaunt”, he said, grabbing into Matt’s robes who had tried to escape. You looked up at him with wide eyes, “well, lucky for you I found a way to solve your little problem, and… give you and Mister Nott and mister Gaunt a lesson…”
“Which is?”, asked Theo fearfully
“Ancient Runes as Arithmancy are full… but not Muggles studies…”
“No…”, you all whimpered at the same time 
“Congratulations, you three are the very first Slytherins in taking the class”, he said with a smirk that was going to haunt your worst nightmares for years to come.
You didn’t even dared to tell Draco, Matthew, Theo and you looked like you just had seen a ghost, you barely ate… you were so… frighten
It did not help what Professor Lupin had in store for Defense against the Dark class after lunch…
“Boggarts!”, presented Lupin, as he stood in the middle of an empty classroom, with a huge cabinet that was moving like it had something inside it, and it did, “can anybody tell me.. what a Boggart looks like?”. he asked
“No one knows!”, said Granger, “boggarts are shapeshifters, they take on the shape of what that person fears the most, that is why they are so…”
“So terrifying, yes…”, he looked back at the cabinet, “Luckily, there is a very simple spell to repel them, everyone says it with me, wands away… Riddikulus!”, he pronounced in a way that was a bit contrary to what your minds told you to pronounced it
“Ri…di…kulus”, you practiced
“This class is ridiculous”, mocked Draco
Once you had practiced the spell, Lupin put you all in a line
The boggart turned into cobras, spiders… many things… and then… you were standing in front of a turning mesh… a cloud-like creature who was reading your mind to find whatever frightened you the most…
You thought about many things that frightened you, total darkness, being completely alone, death? many, many things, but then… something came out on top
The boggart started taking shape, and the result was a huge mass that almost touched the ceiling with his ugly head…. or rather… lack thereof
Trolls were huge, and this one wasn’t the exception, except… it didn't have a head!
A headless troll, with a bloody stomp where his head should be, was standing in front of you
You couldn’t help but whine in fear, wanting to take a step back
“Well, I have to admit, this is an unusual one”. laughed Lupin
“I can’t believe it Basilik!”, said Draco behind you, and you couldn’t stop looking at it, “still?”, you heard laughs behind you, and that only made you whimper more 
“Wand at the ready Basilik”, said Lupin, who seemed ready to jump, it wasn’t until that thing tried to hit you with his wooden club that you snapped out of your stupor
“Riddikulus!”, you said, in a second the headless troll became a big voodoo-looking doll, that fell to the ground as it was filled with sand
You kept hearing laughs behind you, and Professor Lupin applauded
“Very good Basilik! very good! Potter, you are next!”
Everyone was expectant of what Potter’s boggart was going to be, and you feared the most
A Dementor showed itself in front of you… well… at least it wasn’t the Dark Lord
Lupin stood in front of him, casted the spell, and… he dismissed the class despite the complains of the res of the class
Potter had the tendency of ruining things 
But if the first class was any indication, finally you had a competent Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, and you were excited, despite hearing Draco talking very rudely about Lupin’s appearance.
He did look like he had been attacked by a pack of Wampuses
. . .
The rest of the week, and for the weekend you three were acting as you were guilty of committing an awful crime and everybody was suspecting you. Draco was too “angry” at you for dropping divination that he didn't even ask you what you were going to take instead. Theo and Matthew were as skittish as you, avoiding the subject altogether 
You didn’t even know how everyone else was going to react when you told them, nobody of your house had taken that class 
It wasn’t until the very next week on Monday that you had your first Muggle Studies class
“I can’t believe this is Snape’s idea of a punishment, Longbottom haven’t even noticed that Trevor was missing”, muttered Theo
You had to admit you were somewhat excited… you didn’t even know what to expect, it was a complete mystery of what was going to happen inside that classroom
“An entire year with Muggle studies”, muttered Matthew, “I bet that if we bother that professor enough, she will let us switch”
“I don’t think we should play along with that, it was a miracle they let us change and… Arithmancy and Ancient runes are full”, you muttered, “and we HAVE to take two electives”, you whispered 
That Hufflepuff girl thought you were trying to prank her when you asked her where the muggle studies classroom was.
It was in a part of the castle that you weirdly had walked through a bunch of times, but never took the time to actually tell. 
You walked into the classroom, looking everywhere with surprise in your eyes, the room was filled with… unusual things… muggle things, in the corner, there was this… round transparent object that was glowing! What was that about? they couldn’t use magic!
You then noticed that a complete silence had installed in the room and when you looked around you realized that you were being stared at by the entire class. Some of them even had their mouths wide open at the sight of the three of you
Let’s just say that you would have more luck experiencing a 31st of February than spotting a Slytherin in a Muggle studies class, let alone three, let alone Matthew Gaunt that by this point… had a certain reputation inside the school. 
In front of the class, there was a sweet looking woman, wearing what you guessed was  muggle clothing, she was wearing some school pants, bluish ones, they look so comfortable
“Is this another joke?”, she asked shakily as she saw you three coming in, “Snape is my friend you know, and I’m allowed to take points from Slytherin as well as any other teacher”, she said, she reminded you of Neville 
“Please Professor, this isn’t a mockery”, you tried to explain quickly, your new classmates looked at surprised as the teacher to see three Slytherins in there, “we really want to take this class”, you said, it wasn’t specially true but… whatever 
“You three are warned! any funny business and I will talk with Snape and have you suspended!”, she threatened, and you nodded quickly, so you went and took a seat quickly in the back of the class, and you stayed quiet the entire lesson.
“I may or may not have… pranked her several times last year”, whispered Matthew to your ear 
Even so, both Matthew and Theo were in their best behavior for the first time.
And you had to admit… it was more interesting than you thought.
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