#bro has been doing this for 30 years and still doesn't understand anything like
reyenii · 23 days
charles: my smile is pretty convincing
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inosukenumberonefan · 10 months
How to catch Kokushibo's eye
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Unlike upper rank 2 and 3 I belive he would go for a demon because they're isn't any circumstances where a human would cross his path and live.
You'd have to upper rank 2 or 3 because I feel the only way to get to really talk to him would be challenging him to a blood battle or being assigned a mission with him (Or you could harm one of the demons that are above you but he prolly would dislike you for that)
In these two scenarios you'd have to be about the strength of upper 2 or 3 because
In a mission you have to be as close as you could be to be able to keep up with him and not hold him back.
In a blood battle if you were upper 4 5 or 6 he' wipe the floor with you and absorb you for being so naive and stupid and if you somehow managed to beat him and leave him alive bro would never recover and never talk to you again. (Inferioty complex gonna hit hard)
In both of these scenarios you'd have to be have a specific personality for him not to despise you.
His ideal personality:
Queit: Hes not much of a talker but that does not mean he's a listener after about 30 seconds of you raving or talking about someone not "work" related he gets annoyed. (I headcanon him as not liking loud noises either)
Most of your time spent with him will be in comfortable silence and small talk so you need to be down for that
Loyal: This has been established in the manga that he very highly believes in the hierarchy of the demons so he would not like someone who frequently does not listen to Muzan or complains (I belive the reason he let Akaza live was because of his loyalty to Muzan)
Serious: This is pretty self explanatory. Bro does not like goofing around and he takes getting stronger and being a demon VERY serious so someone who doesn't he'll label them as a distraction and annoyance
Calm: He prefers queit and tranquility so someone who doesn't freak out and get hyper or whatever is VERY MUCH preferred. He needs someone who will address him calmly instead of freezing up in fear (still gotta treat him with respect)
Extra points!
Sharing the same ideals as him which is doing anything to get stronger and training very hard.
Being a training buddy (will elaborate more on this later)
Using a katana as a weapon.
Being turned into a demon by Kokushibo
For age you can either be a super old demon 300-500 years (like him) were you've slowly climbed the ranks maybe going up a rank every 50 or so years until finally you challenge him.
You can be a baby demon 0-50 years. (The younger you are the more impressed he is) it takes a demon roughly 55-100 to devour enough humans to become an upper rank so being able to climb the ranks faster then most, to him that condems respect.
Imagine you're a baby demon just recently turned, you were a previous demon slayer a Hashira or Kinoe. Your skills and powers were already great but now they're out of this world. You've climbed the ranks fast and managed to secure a position in the upper ranks.
Now stick with me... Your BDA is related to your swordsmanship (like Kokushibo's 😽) so you seek him out here's the scene.
"Am I right to assume you used to be a demon slayer Kokushibo-sama?" He stands there contemplating his response or whether or not he should respond.
"As were you." You nod.
"Your blood demon art and sword skill truly are something to behold." You compliment and he tenses up at the praise. "Mines actually quite similar-."
"I have important matters to attend to. Please don't waste my time with formalities." He interrupts.
"I was hoping to find a sparring partner." He wasn't very expressive but you could tell he did not want to do that AT ALL. "I understand your reservations but I do belive its been some time since you've gotta a proper fight and not that I don't find you immensely strong but the Hashira's of this era are out of the world especially with them unlocking the mark, it would be a terrible for any of us to die because we haven't gotten proper practice."
It takes him a while but he agrees because you're also fighting with a katana like a demon slayer and you're matching the power of a hashira so it's a good agreement!
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blackstarchanx3new · 10 months
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 1
Pages 1-30
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We are introduced to the man who ruined my life:
Currently nameless night guard with pale as fuck skin and pretty dead inside eyes. Weirdly grey hair for how youthful he is and blonde eyebrows.
Bro dyes his hair grey for some unexplainable reason.
forgive the art looking goofy it is over 2 years old lmfao.
I was too lazy to draw shit on a lot of the walls. I hate drawing backgrounds. Still do they are annoying. So BGs barely exist in Creations. It allows a lot more character focused shots but it is also very annoying looking back. X'DDDD
Though it means if I bothered with a background thing it's IMPORTANT.
Mike suspiciously eyes the things I bothered to draw on the wall because: Oop Springtrap.
Which you think would be a plot hole but this comic fucks with your sense of what reality is in the comic's own logic.
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Mr. Nightguard still refuses to talk, but is intrigued by the robots on his cameras.
You'll notice: I tend to draw a LOT of panels for smaller details.
My comics have now been compared to "Storyboards" and I feel like that is more accurate. Like a lot of comics STUFF dialogue and actions into tight panels but as an indie comic creator: I don't have page limits lmao.
So I can make them do smaller actions and have the pace be a little slower.
I think this is why a lot of people get impeccant with my comics but I kinda like showing off more small simple actions.
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Freddy appears!
And Mr. Nightguard is flabbergasted and checks his cams. Sure enough Chica and Freddy are both gone.
There's an error in this page lmfao but we're not gonna talk about that.
Freddy seems friendly enough...Maybe TOO friendly...
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Freddy wants to fuck the nightguard lmfao and makes it very obvious.
So this is a running gag in Creations: you think a character will be one way and they just...Aren't. (Because of pre-established AU concepts like..."Freddy's a good leader")
This Freddy, is distinctly "a hoe". And I love him.
If it isn't extremally obvious...but just for those who are REALLY dumb: Most of the robots aren't possessed by kids.
This AU takes ideas from the FNAF series and ignores a lot.
Because it's an AU.
And I can do whatever I want lmfao.
People accepted Freddy was a slut but then got REALLY ANGRY about random semantics like what a certain character's name was.
And I'll never understand how you could accept Freddy being HIMSELF here, but would get mad about like...NAMES.
Someone explain that to me???? X'D
Either way Mr. Nightguard isn't ready for Freddy and locks him out of the office.
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Freddy responds rather childishly by getting angry and proclaiming he is the most important person here.
Mr. Nightguard just points to the camera wordlessly as if to say "I am watching the place/you"
Freddy gets pissy and decides to go to SOMEONE to sort the nightguard's rude behavior out.
Freddy is seemingly more bothered about the Nightguard being rude than the rejection itself.
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Bonnie the Bunny is a smoking tough guy in this comic.
Because the most accepted Fannon Bonnie was a weak little shithead that didn't do much so I made mine a tough guy. X'D
He's a stoner because comedy.
Distinctly one of his eyes are busted and he is not a fan of Freddy plowing into him.
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We learn immediately Freddy whining to Bonnie is normal and while Bonnie acts annoyed he goes to sort things out immediately showing his loyalties do lie with the bear.
Also bonnie is huge if Freddy's height is anything to go off of.
He yanks off Mr. Nightguard's hat and is generally a rude fellow himself.
Asking bluntly if Mike has a second to hear what he has to say.
Mr. Nightguard stares blankly at this action.
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Bonnie has no clue what personal space is, getting more and more into Mr. Nightguard's face and doesn't even let him respond.
Bonnie's the one who seemingly keeps the peace around here via thinly vailed threats of violence.
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Freddy's whining fest is again linked to the rude behavior of slamming the door and Bonnie isn't a fan of hearing it.
Bonnie continues not to let Mr. Nightguard get a word in and is ready to leave getting ready to smoke another cigarette.
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Mr. Nightguard recognizes Bonnie prompting my favorite lines from any character in this comic:
"What a freak"
because Mike being considered a freak is a running gag in this comic for reasons that become VERY apparent.
Bonnie's eyes shift a different color too. How odd. :)
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I was lazy with this one lmao.
Someone with the initials "F.S" is a big fan of Freddy.
And other doodles have a lot of references to broken hearts.
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Mr. Nightguard can hear Mike coming, he DID something that pissed Bonnie off. This presumably had to do with Freddy Mr. Nightguard seems unphazed and rather silly in his mannerisms and dialogue despite his blank expression.
Saying "Boop" as he presses the button and obviously lying when he claims he doesn't know how to use a knife in a fight.
Why is Mr. Nightguard carrying a suspiciously large kitchen knife around on him exactly?
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Bonnie is ready and WANTS a fight, but Mr Nightguard is very hesitant to do so.
Bonnie is rude and blows cigarette smoke into Mr. Nightguard's face, repeating he is pissed off.
asking if Mr. Nightguard knows how people die there.
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Golly gee. I can finally stop calling him "Mr Night guard"
This is Mike Schmidt. We are introduced to the idea there is ANOTHER Mike in the building... If you are familiar with FNAF lore you know exactly who that is.
Bonnie proclaims Mike Schmidt's new name is "Baby boy"
a very rude and condescending nickname for a grown man.
Bonnie has an odd device in the back of his throat when he opens his mouth wider. If you've noticed up until this point: Bonnie doesn't open his mouth to speak, that thing in the back of his throat is an air filter and he keeps his mouth shut until the air he smokes is clear.
This is never stated directly in the comic, rather smth you gotta infer yourself at some point. Which lead to MANY people asking "Wtf is that thing in Bonnie's mouth"
It's an air filter.
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Mike gets tossed into the backroom area.
There's a cheeky reference to my OC comic Falling Cards with some art on the wall. There's a LOT of Falling Cards references in at least a few of my FNAF animations I know that for sure. X'D
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Mike is disturbed by the blood on the spare empty Freddy suit.
Bonnie not so subtly threatens "That's where he's going"
Implying someone has most certainly DIED in there.
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I have joked with just about everyone that scene is kinky.
And that joke only gets funnier when smth about Bonnie is revealed later buuuut I digress.
Mike is prepped for death.
Mike actually shows some emotion here being disturbed as the suit is tossed besides him and Bonnie lifts up the Freddy head.
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Mike shows off a package of SOMETHING that captures Bonnie's attention.
People assumed that was chocolate.
But considering we've seen Bonnie obsessed with ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY...you can kinda infer what that packet is...
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Mike's attitude intimidates even Bonnie.
This kinda gives the vibe nobody's been this aggressive, at least in this particular manor towards the animatronics before.
Mike comes off as an incredibly unstable individual given what we know about him so far:
He carries around a kitchen knife and will quickly snap if you act in a way he deems inappropriate.
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It's revealed in case you didn't realize: This was a package of cigarettes.
Which leads to the fun question: Does Mike smoke?
This would seem silly on first glance. He HAS a pack of cigarettes of COURSE he smokes...Right?
Notice: He doesn't use the previously mentioned knife through this scene but would rather use bribery...
This shows Mike would rather manipulate/intimidate than actually fight physically. Which makes sense considering Bonnie's size and strength.
Or perhaps he is avoiding a fight with Bonnie for emotional reasons. As it's implied Mike has some connection.
Either way he cuts a deal with Bonnie that he will give Bonnie a few cigarettes for work. And Bonnie agrees.
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We start off in the office, it is unclear if this is a new day or the same night.
Bonnie happily has his cigarette and Mike remarks he didn't think Bonnie NEEDED to smoke.
Bonnie just responds Freddy's bots are weird.
There's a help wanted easter egg here with the faz token in the lockers.
Mike is searching for "anything of interest" and establishes he's interested in the bloody suit.
Bonnie seems amused by this outright stating he just wanted to scare Mike. Delighted in getting a reaction out of our so far very stoic night guard.
Bonnie seems clueless about the actual death surrounding that suit, just that he knows SOMEONE died in it at SOME POINT. But can we really trust his word at this point?
Bonnie also says ANOTHER favorite line of mine, because it's so stupid
get it. because weed-
Anyway Mike mentions a person named "Jeremy" to Bonnie and Bonnie confuses this person with another Jeremy in a different department.
This evidently isn't who Mike is talking about.
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Bonnie's SHOCKED Mike would DARE leave the office but Mike's full of sass and says as long as he has the tablet to watch the cameras he IS doing his job.
Bonnie shows an odd level of concern, voicing Mike is putting himself in danger.
Mike not so slyly brings up he can bring Bonnie more cigarettes as a way to keep himself safe.
Bonnie's vision gltiches as Mike smiles and Bonnie is very freaked out by this, weirdly apologizing for nothing.
Bonnie has a moment of clarity realizing he has seen Mike before somewhere too.
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Something about this man is FIMILAR.
Bonnie catches on Mike's method of self preservation: His blank expression.
It's a lie.
One Bonnie can see through easily as Mike's actions don't reflect a state of someone who is calm.
Asking Bonnie to stay close and holding his hand, coming to the realization Mike feels safer with Bonnie for whatever reason.
He purposely does a creepy at the cameras freaking out Jeremy Fitzgerald, who isn't interested in "Being a witness".
A hand pokes out from behind Mike. One that isn't Bonnie's.
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Mike and Jeremy seem to not notice their presence.
Jeremy is terrified of Bonnie however. Mike reassures Bonnie is a non issue as Bonnie pats Mike's head firmly mockingly saying "Hi Jeremy"
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Bonnie continues to mess with Mike's hair rather childishly while Mike seems unphased. Bonnie's antics aren't something he really seems to mind.
He bribes Bonnie with more cigarettes to watch the cams while he discusses things with Jeremy. Jeremy himself lamenting Mike is WEIRD.
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Jeremy quickly realizes Mike isn't completely insane and starts rambling about his terrible experiences at Freddy's.
Noting the Nightguards are really redundant considering the robot security.
His comment about the robots being "Evil" pisses Bonnie off.
The person who shares Mike's name is brought up again we now know him as "Michael". Jeremy is eager to get onto dayshift with this individual and Mike also wants to get in touch with him.
This "Michael" figure apparently works in the rental place below the main building and not much is known what goes on down there...how odd. Jeremy seems a bit upset by this fact.
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saltypiss · 1 year
That 90s shows rubs me the wrong way, but I can still find enjoyment.
It really just needed someone to say "Hey, hold on, that wasn't very Tude of you, my dude." During production. 4K is understandable to record in, but man does it crap all over the potential artistry of the 90s. Just all over.
That and the camera work is awkward. Too often I was asking if the camera man could actually see what they were shooting entirely, so much deadspace, little concentration, it only hits randomly otherwise it's not bad throughout, but you'll have moments where you can physically put yourself in the cameraman's shoes and ask "wtf am I doing they're over here not there."
Ep1 had...indated? Modern chip bags in the background, which really just seems like a "no..duh, how did we get here..." Who brought anything modern on set, that's the real question.
Randomly, I'm talking I couldn't find a connective artistic reason, they add film grain to make it feel more like a VHS, but it's absolutely random, probably should've just added it throughout, it would've gone a long way to solve my next problem:
Way, way to clean cut. These actor's clothes are made for this series, I can physically feel the starchiness. Way too new, feel far too modern, clean af, no folds anywhere, and nothing that screams "90s" Idunno man, maybe old recordings made everyone look less clean cut, but 4K doesn't help when seeing these 3D models dropped into the real world. Like, a Pimple would be preferable to baby skin on these "15 year olds." Also maybe a tear in their clothes? It's the 90s, where's my damn broken jeans?
Y'know I thought I'd hate the characters, but nah, they aren't as good as that 70's, but it's the first 10 episodes compared to an entire series, season 1 was rough for 70s as well, so honestly, I can see a good future for all of them, other than Ozzie.
Look man, I get it. The second I heard him I knew it was pandering, and one that like...hits way too soon? Like he comes out 3rd or 4th episode. It's the 90s. A small town. I'm not asking for people to come make fun of Ozzie for being gay, I'm just asking for, you know, a more realistic interpretation of 90s gays. Without the androgynous voice. Though I do love Kitty's reaction, very whole 100 keanu. But holy shit the voice. Please god why. Like...okay, I'll let it slide, but...why? Artistically, whyyyy?
Then of course there's a Bi scene. Bro ya'll moving way too fast. If it matters ya gotta give it air to breathe before jumping straight into another gay storyline. It feels like a 1 2 of pandering back to back.
And look I'm not saying jack shit a republican would. I'm simply saying they made gay stories as a seperate entity to cover, and did it twice back to back. It's not treated as a "normal" event, is what I mean. It's just so rapidfire I had a whiplash of "Okay ya'll I get ya had 10 episodes but maybe pace yourselves."
Other than that, like everyone else has been saying, Red and Kitty carried it, but I do want these actor's to have a season 2. I want to see them get their footing before I truly judge it.
If it's cancelled, and it's netflix, then that's utter shite and makes me feel like it was made to fail. Let them spread their arms at least, they just got to the diving board. Honestly confident they could make it nearly as good as 70s if ya give them 3 seasons, 30 episodes minimum.
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pptheshort · 3 years
The leap chapter 2 Albert wesker x GN reader
❗⚠️Warnings: Toxic behavior, possessiveness, slightly decision of death/being killed. Please read with caution if any of these things are triggering to you. ⚠️❗
A/n: Hello bitches and bros and nonbinary hoes! Little A/N here so I had to rewrite chapter 2 because I was satisfied with the original one. I may publish it as a later chapter or publish it as a alternative chapter 2. But I don't think it would make much sense since the original chapter 2 is very fluffy best to say. It had a kiss scene and everything 😳
Summary: Instead of Jill jumping out of the window to save Chris you take her place. Unaware of the things that will take place in the future. One simple decision has now completely changed your life for the better or worse?
Word count: 1,906
Chapter 1:
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It's been two weeks since your last encounter with Albert, the only form of human contact you had was with your doctors and nurse and that wasn't enough. The doctors came in for an hour while the nurse was coming in to check vitals and give you food so it was for maybe a couple of minutes. Then you would be alone, being alone by yourself made you think about many things. Escaping was one of the things you thought of but you could barely walk and the door in your room was always locked but that didn't stop you from forming a plan. It was a decent plan at best.
You had slightly memorized the time when the nurse would come in. Today you wanted to make a slight attempt to escape or maybe get another object that would benefit you in this plan. Over the course of a week you managed to steal a bobby pin. It wasn't much but it was something. 
But the constant fear of getting caught by Albert was what you feared the most, you could only walk with a cane and you couldn't run yet and you could barely stand for five minutes. So if you did escape and the people who worked in this facility found out, Albert catching you would most likely happen. The thought of him running up to you scared you so much. You were pulled back into reality when the sound of the door unlocking filled your ears. It was 12:45pm a bit early for the nurse to come in, you stared at the door. When it opened you saw Albert walk in, he was wearing his normal attire and trademark sunglasses. You stared at him not saying a word, when Albert closed the door the sound of the door clicking once again filled your ears.
"Why hello there Mr. Wesker." You wanted to get him on his good side so that if you did escape and he caught you maybe he wouldn't kill you. You decided to refer to him as Mr. Wesker to try to get on his good side. You almost cringed when you said Mr. Wesker.
"How nice of you to greet me." Albert responded he had a smirk on his face when he said that.
"How are you today?" You began to ask hoping everything is going accordingly.
He began to sit on the end of your bed, Albert opened his mouth to speak: "I would say it's going very accordingly."
"That's good." You nodded your head in response to him.
The two of you sat in silence, you looked down at the bed sheets while Albert was looking at you. You felt nervous, scared is the best thing to say. You didn't want him catching onto you, you ripped his thoughts when Albert cleared his throat.
"You've been here in this room and I'm surprised you haven't made a big fuss out of it, you know if you keep up this good behavior I'll maybe allow you to walk around the facility with supervision, of course." Albert said as he moved closer to you.
'This is going to be easier than I thought, huh?' You thought to yourself. You nodded your head and put on a smile for him: "Thank you."
Albert once again moved closer, his face now inches away from yours. He grabbed your face and pulled it closer to his. This made your heart race, Albert had let out a chuckle: "You know you are a very good specimen so why not take you out on a little walk. Wouldn't you like that, hm?"
You felt so embarrassed and slightly humiliated you could tell he was toying with you like how a predator toys with their prey. Instead of saying anything you decided to nod your head.
"Now what do we say?" Albert said in a mocking tone. At this point you knew he was toying with you, trying to get under your skin.
"Thank you."
Once again Albert started to speak but this time he had let go of your face and stood up: "That's a good specimen."
You couldn't help but almost cringe when he called you that, you are already running thin on patience so one more thing out of his mouth is going to be the end of you. Albert offered to hold your hand, without thinking you took his hand.  Albert pulled you close to him, you almost fell down due the sudden movement but Albert caught you.
"May I grab my cane, to help me walk. Please?" You asked
Albert nodded, you reached for the cane that was near your nightstand. Once you grabbed your cane you followed Albert who was waiting by the door.
'This is my chance to escape. But what if it doesn't work? Fuck it if I die here it will be better than being here.' When you reached Albert you heard the sound of the door unlocking, you noticed he was holding a key in his hand. When he proceeded to open the door without thinking you jabbed your cane into Albert, this caused him to fall over and drop his key. You took this opportunity to take the key and leave the room. When you left the room you slammed the door behind you making sure you locked it. Because you couldn't run you ended up speed walking through the empty hallways. Entering some rooms here and there to find any weapon to help you defend yourself against Albert.
When you entered what you assumed was a supply closet, you heard footsteps running pass the door and a familiar voice saying "You can't hide forever!"
Your heart began to beat fast, you had to compose yourself. This wasn't the time to panic. Standing for such a long time puts a strain on your legs, walking becomes harder to do. So staying in the supply closet was a must do. You sat in there for what seemed like 30 minutes once the pain died down a bit you stood up and started to head back into the hallway. Once again you walked the seemingly endless hallways, and you almost got caught by Albert a couple of times. You managed to not be seen by the workers in this facility.
You reached an area where there were no workers, you explored through it and found a door that could possibly lead to the exit. You began to walk faster with your legs once again in agonizing pain. You almost reached the door when you saw a familiar figure near the door.
'Shit!'  You thought to yourself you began backing away when Albert began to approach you. You ended up trying to back away, unable to hide your emotions anymore fear ended up controlling you at this point. When Albert was now in front of you he began to chuckle a bit.
"This was such an entertaining game, it was so fun seeing you run around the facility thinking you were going to get out. You should see the look on your face, y/n." Albert cupped his hands on your cheeks.
"Let me fucking go." You spotted him.
"Hold your tongue, if I could I could kill you right now. Once again you probably want that."
"Why are you doing this?" You asked your voice slightly cracking
Albert had paused to think about his answer. He ended up ignoring the question all together. Albert began to change the conversation back to this whole fiasco. 
"I'm having so much fun that I'll allow you to continue this game we are having but y/n get a little more creative next time, dear heart."
You hadn't heard that name in a long time. Albert would call you dear heart when the two of you dated. You almost cringed when he said that name again, you tried to back away from him but he didn't let you.
"Remember when I would call you that? Or you begged for me to call you that." 
You didn't want him to say another word, the Albert you fell in love with died back in July 1998 now that's left is a sick power hungry man who only wants to change the world to match his expectations. Albert noticed how this was seemingly getting under your skin now, reopening old wounds. A part of him wanted to stop but he ended up counting to 'tease' you.
"Remember on that day, when we went to the Spencer mansion? It was the day before our anniversary, you seemed so excited to give me your gift but th-."
Before Albert could finish his sentence you had shouted at him to shut up. Seeing how you reacted he felt bad. This was out of character for him, he was soon snapped out of his thoughts when you had pushed him away. You had ended up falling backwards.
"Why am I here? What do you want from me?" You asked, your voice slowly rising.
Albert walked next to you and squatted down next to you. "Y/n, you are here for many reasons. But one of the reasons is because I want you by my side once again. I want you to be mine again, after all these years I thought my feelings for you would've died off but my dear Y/n they haven't. It only got stronger after all these years. '' Albert's tone was now more gentle. He was regretting the things he did, he made sure you didn't catch on. 
Albert had shushed you before you could even say your sentence. "Allow me to finish. Why don't you join me, if you do we can be together once again or you don't. Nothing is stopping you from refusing my offer." Albert had ended up pulling you closer to him.
You thought about it for a moment but joining him would increase your chances of escaping and getting out of here. A part of you couldn't completely understand what he was saying to you, just a moment ago he was trying to play with your emotions so why did he suddenly have a change of heart. It was a high possibility he was lying but you wanted to believe him because similar to him you still had feelings but at this point they were so 'dead'. You made your decision, you were going to join him.
"Fine, I'll join you."
Albert's face lit up and it was noticeable too. Albert said anything else he picked you up, grabbed your cane and started to walk to your room. On the way over there he began to speak.
"From now on I'll be coming into your room to come see you more often my dear."
That's all he said you nodded your head in response to him. Once the two of you reached your room Albert placed you down on your bed but before he left he asked for the key back, you gave it back to him. When Albert left the room he locked it behind him, after waiting a couple of minutes you couldn't help but slightly cry in what you assume is frustration. You wished you never jumped out of that window but if you didn't Chris would've been killed and who knows what would've happened to Jill. 
'I'll make sure I get out of here, no matter the cost I will.'
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revchainsaw · 3 years
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The Lost Boys (1987)
The City of Santa Carla, CA has a vampire problem and that's just the sort of thing i've been looking for. We are amping up to Summerween my flock. What better way to get in the spirit of the season than with this 80s Vampire flick set in a balmy california beach town.
I can't lie, having just recently viewed the 1985 film Fright Night, it got me comparing the two so you may read some of my opinions comparing and contrasting The Lost Boys with it's predecessor. But where Fright Night is a classic vampire story brought into the then contemporary 1980s, the Lost Boys was the decades very own vampire film. Drawing from classic vampire films and the story of Peter Pan in equal parts the Lost Boys set the precedent that vampire films would draw from for years to come.
The Emerson family falls on hard times financially and therefor moves to the town where Grandpa Emerson, the patriarch of the family grew up; Santa Carla, CA. The family has recently experienced a schism due to divorce, leaving the family unit as a grandfather, a mother and 2 sons, Michael and Sam.
Michael is quiet and masculine, his interests include fitness, motorcycles, and girls, while Sam is a bit more timid. Sam is into comic books and still can't sleep with his closet door open. The two begin to explore their surroundings, and while Sam meets the self-certain and precocious Frog brothers, self proclaimed Vampire hunters, Michael is lure by a young woman named Star into a group of predatory teenage vampire punks. Which let's face it, if they were to lean into the schlock, Teenage Vampire Punks would have been a great alternative title.
These Lost Boys as we'll call them seem to be led by David, played by Keifer Sutherland. David and his gang seek to initiate michael and through some manipulation trick him into drinking vampire blood disguised as wine. This turns Michael into a half vampire, who must fully give up his humanity to join the family.
Sam learns of his brothers transformation and after a little adjustment seeks the aid of the Frog brothers. They decide they must defeat the lead vampire to return Michael to normal, and astutely as we'll later find out (no spoiler warning, the movies almost 30 years old), pegs his mom's new boyfriend Max as the head Vamp. Max outwits the boys attempts to prove his vampirism, and thus they settle on the belief that David is the big bad.
The Frog brothers invade the Lost Boys hideout and kill Bill of Wyld Stallyns fame. They narrowly escape into the daylight before David can exact his revenge, but they know they have targets on their backs and they prepare themselves for a vampiric siege. The Lost Boys attack the Emersons and the Frog brothers and are defeated one by one. David is killed by Michael but no return to normalcy occurs. Max reveals himself to be the big bad, right before Grandpa Emerson returns and saves his family from this Peter Pan's Neverland. Grandpa hops out of his truck and delivers one of the greatest final zingers in film history.
The Benediction
Best Character: Did you know David means Beloved?
It's true look it up, it's Hebrew. David is the prototype for the young, rebellious, sexy vampire. It wasn't long after the lost boys that we got Spike in Buffy the vampire slayer, who is let's be honest just the 90's version of David. Spike my be a bit more of a lone wolf, but David is hands down the best character in this movie, and really what competition does he have other than the Frog brothers? Michael is kind of a lump, even if he's a lump who resembles Jim Morrison.
I am also going to include best actor into this category. All the charisma and charm falls on Kiefer Sutherland, as he acts circles around everyone else on screen. There's a reason the image of David is what you think of every time you think of this movie. He's not even the main antagonist of the movie. David is a great look, a scary vampire, a great actor in a great role.
Worst Character: Who's the Kid?
The first time I ever saw Lost Boys, i didn't understand how Michael and Star had a kid already. It was later that I realized he's just some kid. He doesn't really add anything but a cool looking image of a vampire faced little boy. Kind of a superfluous part. Not bad, just extra and unnecessary.
Best Kill: Death Breath (or Guard Dog on Duty)
The best kill of Lost Boys is when the Frog brothers defeat ... Paul? one of the other vampires besides David. Whoops did I say the Frog brothers defeated him? No, that was actually Nanook coming in for the kill. The Frog Bros fail to succesfully off this bloodsucker when Nanook barges into the bathroom and knocks this punk into a tub of Holy Water. The gore on the vamps face is excellent and probably some of the better practical effects work in the film.
Best Effect: Holy Water Works
While the Vampire melt itself is pretty darn good to look at, it's immediately followed by a volatile reaction that Sam Raimi would be proud of. The whole bathroom convulses and erupts with blood, it comes out of every pipe! the toilet explodes! It's awesome!
Best Aspect: Not your Big Brothers Vampire Movie
I had mentioned earlier that I had been comparing this movie to Fright Night, and as much as I love that older film, the Lost Boys beats it at almost every way. The effects in Fright Night are above bar constantly and hold nothing back, but the film for all of it's unrelenting visuals is actually quite slow. The Lost Boys and Fright Night definitely represent how much youth culture can change in just 2 years. You'd be forgiven for thinking these films take place in different decades. The Lost Boys is faster, has more attitude, and is much more adventurous in it's scope than Fright Night. If Fright Night was Judas Priest then the Lost boys is Iron Maiden. It's not as mature, but it's just that rebellious juvenility that gives it it's punch.
Worst Aspect: Mini Max
As far as big bads go. If I could make another comparison to Fright Night, it would be so much more intimidating the have a charming Jerry Dandridge playing his games with the Emersons, as his underlings The Lost Boys get the dirty work done and have fun doing it. However, we end up with this kind of dorky dude, who is even written off in the second act, only to return at the ass end of the movie just to be immediately slain and provide the but of the final quip. It was pretty weak sauce.
Best Dog: Nanook
Nanook is a good dog. He does all the protecting and is the best vampire hunter in the movie. Sorry Frog Bros.
Runner Up Dog: Thorn
Thorn is a good dog. But Thorn is also a bad dog. Thorn is a hellhound familiar to Max, but she is still good at doing dog stuff. So round of applause for this good girl.
Best make-up: Vampire Face
Fright Night stomps all over Lost Boys in the effects department, except for in the design of the horrific vampire face. The vampire face in Fright Night looks like a prosthetic sitting on an actors face. It doesn't feel like that mouth could be used for eating or biting but is just there to look creepy. In moving away from that the make up artists for the Lost boys focused more on the upper parts of the face, creating an almost cat like predatory look for when the vampires are at their most carnivorous. This style was absolutely borrowed by the team on Buffy the Vampire Slayer years later, and it's an aspect of Vampires in film that has sadly gone away. Sign the petition, let's bring back vampire face.
Best Feature: The Soundtrack
It would be impossible to talk about the Lost Boys without talking about the soundtrack. There's not one standout song in this movie, some may argue the Echo and the Bunnymen cover of People are Strange, but I think it's just one incredibly well utilized song of many for this film. Listen to the whole soundtrack, it's all good.
In the 80s there were several attempts to resurrect the monsters of old. Several directors who had grown up on the Universal monsters were now in the position to make films themselves. The resistance to rely on vampires and werewolves was fading and these sorts of monster movies were finally being green lit. Arguably, An American Werewolf in London is the best of these films, but the Lost Boys is definitely the most representative of the movement. It's not a satire, its funny but not a comedy, it's not parody or a subversion. The Lost Boys is 100% the definitive 80s Vampire Movie.
Grade: A
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hildagirl99 · 3 years
The last Outlaw
(part 1)
Bill, like every night, wakes up from the same nightmare, a shadow chasing him calling him.
"Is it still the same nightmare?" Aiyanna asks, who was by his side.
"Yes… I don't know why. I don't believe in premonitory dreams." Bill answers.
"Is there something bothering you lately? A fear? A person?"
"Not really…"
"No, just… hope."
"A hope ?"
"Yes, you know that for the past month I've been trying to find information about my missing father." Said Bill.
"Maybe it's him you see in a dream."
"Maybe… you know this mission is my last chance to find my father. I need all the information I can get. I need my mother, also see if he doesn't have any friends."
"Bill, without wanting to make you lose hope, but maybe you have to face reality ... your father may have died. It's been 45 years since he disappeared and when we go to conquer the however, we seldom come back alive. "
"I need to know! I can tell he's still alive!" Bill said, determined.
Aiyanna sighs. When Bill was determined, it was impossible for him to go back.
"If that's it, then I'll come with you." She says.
"Sorry ?"
"No matter how dangerous, I'll follow you."
"If you say so, I will feel less alone. I will go see my mother the next day, because tomorrow is when my expedition starts. Please don't tell Tanka about it." Bill smiles before going back to sleep.
The next day, Bill goes to his mother, who was waiting for him with her 5 brothers and sisters.
"It's been a long time…" her older brothers, twins John and Ethan were saying.
"The last time was 2 years ago… What did you do?" Asks his big sister, Martha.
"Well… that's why I want to see you, I need your help." Bill answers.
"If it's to ask for money, it's no." Teases his big brother, Tom.
"No, it concerns our family."
"Do you want to talk about daddy?" Julia, the last of the family, recalls.
"How do you know…" Bill sighs.
"My intuition, big brother."
"Precisely, in a little while, I am leaving… I am going on a trip, to try to find him."
"Are you serious? But… isn't it a bit too late? Bill… we had already tried but nothing. We can only conclude that he is dead." Martha said.
"No… you have to persevere! I will do what you all were unable to do!" Bill writes, exhausted to hear that his father may be out of this world.
His brothers and sisters look at each other, as if he is right.
"Have your own experience, bro. We trust you." Said Tom.
"Dead or alive, I'll find him."
"And what do you want to ask us in the end?" John asks.
"Do… do you have a picture of him?"
"A photo? Uh… I think you should ask mom. But I'm afraid she's gotten rid of it."
"Whatever!" Bill said walking over to his mother.
His mother, Lana, since the disappearance of her beloved, her life no longer had any meaning or interest. She held on thanks to her children. She stayed most of the time in her room embroidering or knitting. For 30 years, she had sent letters to her love hoping in return for his news. She had given up since, as if she had completely forgotten. Bill was not to rush her.
"Hello Mom." He said in a low voice.
"I thought you were in jail after everything you had done for us." She replies, not taking her eyes off her knitting.
"Mom… I was doing it for you, to keep us from starving. I apologize if I had to be away for a while."
"What's your excuse?"
"Mum, I… do you have a picture of daddy?" He asks.
Lana stops knitting. Bill knew it was difficult to talk about his father.
"I don't know what you're talking about…" she replied after a long silence.
"Mom… seriously, it's for a good cause! Remember! You certainly have a picture of daddy! I'm asking you that because I'm going to look for him!"
Lana's eyes widen.
"Come on… I didn't think you would really go looking for him, there is no hope that you would find him."
“Mom, please…” Bill pleads.
"You're like him… I don't want you to go! You risk your life! Go north alone, you have to be suicidal!" Said her mother getting up from her chair.
"It doesn't matter! Dead or alive! I'll find him!"
"Geez, you've got all of him… determined, fearless and stubborn…"
"Mom, just a picture of him." Said Bill ignoring what she just said.
"It's not very visible but I'll show it to you anyway." She said moving to her nightstand.
She pulls out a tiny, yellowish, worn photo.
"It's him…"
Bill is speechless, as if he held the Holy Grail.
"My god… I had no idea what he looked like when I was a baby but now I have a face on my dad. I understand why you tell me I look a lot like him…" he said.
"But what's the use of this photo? He's aged a lot in 45 years… how are you going to recognize him, if god knows he's alive." Lana asks.
Bill was moved to hold in his hand the only photo of his missing father.
"I don't know… what was his name?"
"He was known as Jack Terror when he was a bandit… His name was Jacky."
"Jacky… daddy… Jack Terror…" Bill whispers, staring at the picture.
"This is the only photo of him… I pray with it every night since his disappearance."
"Don't worry… I won't take it… I finally have a face and a name on our father." He said, returning the photo to her.
"When are you going to leave?" Asks his mother.
"I'll start the research, when and where last we saw it, tomorrow. There must be records of the gold conquest." He replies.
"Bill… please I don't want to lose you like I lost your father. Just be careful! If anything happens to you, I'll never forgive myself…"
Bill turns around and hugs his mother.
"Don't worry, mom, I'm careful, I love to play with death…"
"Cheeky kid…" his mother said, smiling weakly.
After saying goodbye to his mother, he walks over to his siblings.
"Be careful bro, it doesn't matter if you can find a trace of daddy." John said.
"Don't worry, I'll do my best, I'm doing it for all of us." Bill responds with a wink.
Back in the Indian tribe, with Aiyanna.
"Did you get any information?" She asks.
"I had a face and a name on my dad, but right after that, it's going to be serious. I'll dig deeper."
"Do you plan to brief Lorelei and Penny on your trip?"
"* Sigh * I don't want to endanger them, especially not my daughters and my son. This is my story, it's only about me. I don't want to cause them concern."
"You're not causing any concern, honey. I'm happy to participate in your research. And if it's important to you, you don't have to tell them."
Bill looks on the horizon.
"I will not do."
"I could come ?" Said Tanka, their son.
"Tanka? No… it's dangerous." Said Aiyanna.
"Dad will need a pair of fangs if there's a bad beast or bad character around."
"Hehe definitely… like father like son… we'll go together, but if I feel the danger is approaching, run and hide when I tell you." Laughs Bill.
At nightfall, everything was calm, a little too calm, a thick fog surrounds the tribe.
"Brrr… it's suddenly cold." Said Aiyanna.
"Is it normal in August?" Bill asks.
"No… Oh !! Look!"
In the shadows behind the teepees, a gigantic lean form moves slowly.
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"My god !! But what is it?"
Suddenly they hear war cries and barking.
"Quick! Let's get out!"
And what they saw froze them in place. The creature was about 3 meters tall, it stood on its skinny legs, it possessed a long tail, one could distinguish in the middle the bones of its half-gnawed tail, the monster had a bone head in the shape of a deer with horns, and finally, large hands with long claws. The Indians were around the beast, screaming to frighten it, that didn't help, it only made the beast even more angry, it growled.
"This is ... this is ..." Aiyanna stutters.
Tanka was close to the beast trying to bite it in his wolf form.
"Tanka !! Back off !! You're going to be hurt!" Bill writes running to his son.
Bill's screams attract the beast, which turns its head towards him. She walks up to him. Bill's legs remain frozen in place, unable to move.
"Daddy !! Go away !!" Said Tanka.
An Indian throws a stone at the beast to divert its attention. She growls and leaps at the Indian, grabbing him by the mouth before running away.
"My ... god ... what is ..."
"It was the wendigo !!" Writes Aiyanna.
"Wendi what?"
"The wendigo! A cursed Native American creature! What was he doing in our tribe? And he took one of our brothers!"
"Are we cursed? If the wendigo has come to our tribe, it means a bad omen." Sighs the Indian chief.
"But can someone explain to me what wendigo is?" Bill asks in confusion.
"It is an evil creature, often depicted with a human body and the head of a deer. It is a cursed creature that only lives to eat human flesh ..."
"If he's around, he's got no more to eat and now he's coming here to get food… we're on his hunting ground now." Said Aiyanna.
The whole tribe was now in a panic.
"It's weird… he didn't seem to be hunting…" Bill thought.
"And how do we kill this creature?" Aiyanna asks.
"Nothing… his skin is hard as a stone, our arrows will do nothing. Only fire is fatal to him." The chef answers.
To be continued...
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xhannahbananax03 · 4 years
Lake Party
Words: 1.9k
Chapter Warnings: Angst, underaged drinking, flirting, kissing, catcalling
After you went inside you got straight to work,  you decided that you would choose the bathing suit for Dean,  and the outfit for Sam,  because Sammy never really liked when you wore two pieces,  he didn't like to flaunt you, even though sometimes you wish he would. First you set your clothes out once you had that all ready, you go to work on your makeup and hair,  for makeup you went with a very light peach the was shimmery for eyeshadow.  You put on some eyeliner and mascara,  then a lip gloss.  For hair you did two French braids.  When you were done with that you slipped on your bathing suit and dress along with a nice pair of flats.
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Once you were ready you grabbed your phone and bag and headed down stairs hoping to eat a little of that pie before you left.  Once you made it downstairs your mom was hugging Jake with tears in her eyes,  once she released him she saw Dean and gave him a strange look,  but soon that look turned into one of understanding.  She smiled at him and welcomed him in.  You got everybody a piece of pie,  while you were sitting down eating you phone rang.  You grabbed it and looked at the caller.  It was Sam.  "Hold on I gotta take this.  Meet you outside? " Dean nodded and headed for the door while you made your way into the kitchen to talk to Sam.  It wasn't much he just wanted to know if you needed a ride there,  which you didn't.  What you didn't know was how your mother stopped Dean just before he followed Jake outside.
~Deans POV~
(y/n) 's mom stopped me just before I was outside, "hey Dean,  isn't it? " She asked.  "Yes ma'am? " I replied turning around to face her.  "My baby has been through so much,  all that I ask is that you take care of her. " She cocked an eyebrow at me,  at first I didn't know what I should say,  just then I saw (y/n)  walking out of the kitchen looking pleased and happy,  before I could stop myself I looked back to her mother,  "Yes ma'am I will,  I promise. " She looked pleased with my answer and backed off,  just then (y/n)  came and stood by me,  "you promise what? " She looked up to me,  with what looked like hope in her eyes.  Before I could do anything her mom came over and gave her a kiss on the cheek,  "I presume your staying with Jake tonight? " She asked both of us,  (y/n)  nodded and said,  "if you don't mind... " Her mother nodded and waved us off her doorstep,  "remember sweetheart don't do anything I wouldn't! " He mom hollered at her,  before we reached the car,  she blushed hard and looked down in embarrassment causing me to chuckle.
~Your POV~
Smooth mom,  real smooth.  At that exact moment you wanted the earth to open and swallow you whole,  but when Dean chuckled,  it made you realize he didn't take it seriously,  making you a little sad,  but you smiled nonetheless.  You hopped in the car,  and Dean went around to the drivers side,  Jake looked back at you,  "Nice job not looking like trash. " You put your hand on your chest in mock hurt,  as both boys snickered amongst themselves, you leaned up and hit the both in the shoulder,  then you all started laughing again. 
  "But in all honesty (y/n), " Dean started,  "you look amazing. " He looked at you through the mirror with that smirk that make your knees weak, and that gaze that's so intense it's hard to look away,  but you managed mumbling a small "thanks." Before looking back out the window.
~Time Skip to the Party~
As you got out of the car,  you looked up hoping to spot Sam,  when you didn't,  you figured he show up sooner or later.  Jake walked over to his group of friends,  and started talking with them,  leaving you and Dean.  
"Do you want to grab something drink? " You asked him nodding your head towards the table holding various types of beer,  whiskey,  and soda. "Sure." He replied,  you both made your way to the table,  once you got there you grabbed a can of Coke and drank some of it before pouring some whiskey in it.  Dean gave you a 'really? ' look,  and you just said  "what? ",  " I've never seen a girl who likes whiskey. " He replied grabbed a beer a cracking it open.  
"Well I like whiskey. " There it was that same perky voice that you came to loathe.  Megan grab a bottle before chugging at least a fourth of it  you and Dean watched her shocked.  "Woah,  Megan slow down. " You tried coaxing her,  you didn't like her,  but it's only fair you warn her of the side effects.  "Shut up,  (y/n).  I know what I'm doing. " She said setting the bottle down,  before grabbing Dean's face and kissing him.  Hard.  
"I'll leave you guys alone then... " You said picking up your drink and walking towards Jake.  Once you got over there you noticed your friend Sarah was talking to him,  making you smile.  "I see you two are catching up nicely. " You said trying not to be to pushy.  "Yeah,  I missed a lot. " That's when you saw it,  they were holding hands.  Once Jake noticed you saw he blushed rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand.  "I get it.  Ill leave you lovebirds alone! " You said over your shoulder walking away.  When you turned around you bumped into a strong frame,  almost spilling your drink everywhere.  "Oh,  shit!  Sorry! " You said trying to move out of their way,  when he lifted your chin with his fingers so he could see your face,  you smiled.  "Hey,  Sam. " 
"Hey,  I would ask if you want to get a drink,  but I see you already have one. " He said pointing to your drink in your hand as you took a sip of it.  "So,  where are you going in such a hurry? " He said now walking with you by your side. "Oh I was actually going to talk to Sheryl. " You said looking down at where you were walking then looking up at him sideways only to see him staring down at you.  "You remember her right?  Sheryl Waters? "
"Oh,  yeah Sherry.  Why do you want to talk to her?  I don't remember you guys being close. " He said stopping at the drink table to grab a beer,  you stopped with him leaning against the table. 
"I think she has a thing for one of my friends,  Dean.  And I just wanted to know if she needed any help with that. " You said maybe a little to depressing like,  because he only replied with a 'hm. '. 
All of a sudden Mark showed up beside you,  "Hey sweet cheeks! " He said while wobbling a bit.  "Wow,  only 5: 30 and your already drunk? " You asked chuckling a bit at the site of him.  He used to be Sam's best friend before he moved. 
"Hey Mark!  Long time no see! " Sam said pulling Mark in for a bro hug,  "Sammy is that you? " Mark asked looking up squinting towards Sam,  "dude,  you need to cut your hair! " Mark said making you nudge him in the arm,  "I think it's fine just the way it is. " You said blushing a bit as Sam sweetly smiled down at you.  Sam was so amazing it hurt your heart to know that he didn't love you enough to stay with you even if he was moving,  but he was right,  it was better to end things in person than over text.  "Well I think I'm going to go find Sherry now. " You told the guys,  Sam reached down to kiss you,  but you moved your head just in time so he would hit your cheek instead,  making him frown slightly. 
After walking for a bit,  you found Sherry,  she was standing in front of the lake gazing out into the beautiful horizon with the sun slowly setting,  "hey Sherry. " You must have scared her because she jumped a little making you chuckle,  "sorry,  for scaring you.  But what are you doing out here all alone?  Why don't we go find Dean? " You asked her walking up next to her.  "He's not interested... " She said looking down while frowning,  even though you really liked Dean and you had no idea why you were helping her with him,  but you felt bad for her.  "What!?  Of course he is!  You saw how he looked at you at the diner. " You said now standing in front of her you drink forgotten on the ground,  holding her upper arms with your hands making her look at you.  "I saw him making out with Megan... " She said looking even more sad now,   it made you also feel terrible,  if Sam doesn't take you home tonight,  your not sure anyone will.  "Well then let's show him what he's missing! " You said stripping out of your dress and shoes,  "(y/n)!  Omg what are y-" She cut herself off once she saw you had a bathing suit on underneath,  "oh... " 
"Well,  come on Sherry!  Don't you have a bathing suit on? " She nodded her head but still kept her arms over her chest.  That's when you realized she was a year younger than you,  therefore a lot...  Smaller than you. "Come on,  no one will judge,  and if they do,  screw them! " You exclaimed throwing your hands in the air,  "yeah,  but he'll still only have eyes for her... " She said still sounding sad,  man this was going to be a hard fight but you will win.  "Sherry, " You said grabbing her hands,  "there are many other guys here,  so screw dean. " Finally she gave in taking off her shorts and tank top,  making some guys catcall her,  making her blush and smile,  "there you go!  Now come on! " You grabbed her hand and started running towards the rope swing.  "Would you like to do the honors miss Sherry?" Bowing in front of her,  she smiled but said "do you mind going first?  I've never really...  Done this. " You stood up and grabbed on to the rope looking around once more,  you saw Sam staring at you,  making you blush,  but then you turned and saw Dean staring at you biting his lip,  which made you feel brave,  after winking at him you swung yourself of the dock and let go of the rope before pencil diving into the water,  for a moment you didn't come up,  scaring Dean,  but after another second you popped out of the water and swam to land,  once you made it,  everybody cat called,  and hollered when you bowed.  Once you were done,  you walked back over to your drink and sat down taking a sip you saw Sherry swimming around with some guy,  making you smile. 
While you were distracted someone came and sat by you.
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haikpers · 4 years
[November 4,2020] 'Chapter 2'
I didn't expect the Night to go by so slow. Ever since I started writing in this I was just so excited to write whatever happens!
Anyways, I just woke up. It's currently 8:30 in the Morning. Wasn't expecting to actually wake up considering the fact that I kinda stayed up most of the Night looking up at my ceiling.
I'm in my Washroom getting ready to take my Daily shower. I've also gotta mention that my Friend Julien picked me up from my House today. For some reason my Pimples always settle down when I'm with him. He's probably Magic at this point.
It's not like I completely want my pimples to be gone just because I wanna look pretty. In all honesty, I want them to go away because I wanna be just like Oikawa! I know it sounds weird, and heck yeah it sounds impossible. But like I at least want to be similar you know? I've got the personality, the same interests as him, etc. So why not looks too?
Oh right, because he's perfect and I'm not. But whatever! I don't really care. I should be taking Shower by now but I'm standing here typing whatever's on my mind. Oopsies~ hehehe
Also, last night I was able to talk to my Friends about moving out and living together in the future. They're definitely going to be my Future Volleyball Teammates! I know, I know, I'm still 14. And yes we may have some age gaps but that won't stop us from setting up a Goal!
Hopefully Future me or any of them doesn't decide to leave. I really want to achieve this Goal of hours living together and staying Best Friends! Miracle, Lev, Mochi, and Colette. The 4 most precious people in my Life so far including myself, we're going to try our best! Anyhoo, I need to take a shower!
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Just got done with my Shower. I feel much more refreshed now! I also haven't eaten yet, which I probably should do.. But I'll stay a little longer just so that whatever I post today is actually longer than the one from Yesterday.
Hannah somehow managed to make me cringe at my past self, I wanna die- So basically I used to do digital art, well not used to- I still do digital art til' this day but rarely. My art style was crap, oh GODXDDDDFFKEMFKKWKC.
I wanted to forget about it too, damnit. Now I have to relive my old art.
No idea why my head hurts a bit though. Maybe it's because I've never written a Diary before and my Brain's just malfunctioning because of it. Whatever the cause is, I'm ignoring it. [Unless it gets worse]
Did I mention it was Wednesday today? No, I don't think I have. Either way I'm just excited for the weekly Haikyuu Episode. It always comes out on Friday, which I'm so hyped about! Now that I think about it, I don't think I would've been so invested in Volleyball if it weren't for Haikyuu. In fact, I wouldn't even bat an eye to Haikyuu if it weren't for Oikawa. He caught my eye in one of the Instagram Posts- so, basically he's the reason why I love the Sport.
It's funny to think that my Future is because of Oikawa Tōru, a fictional Character who is both the Setter and the Team Captain for Aobajohsai from Haikyuu. But hey, I'm not complaining! If it's because of him then I'll continue.
Alright, I probably should actually eat now. I'm getting pretty hungry and I'm sure that my Birds are too as well. Their names are Bokuto, and Akaashi. Bokuto is the yellow bird, while Akaashi is the Blue. It fits them so well!
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Well, well, well, I am back from my break! Also, I actually took a shower but I came back here like 3 Hours or even more after. Not a lot of things happened during the span of those hours. [Sad, I know]
But I did end up practicing my tosses for a bit! I use my Laundry Basket as a target for my Volleyball to land into whenever I set/toss it. It's not much, but it improves my precision.
I haven't tried setting backwards with it though, I probably should since I might need more practice for that. Also, I read some Hisoka x Reader Fan Fictions. Some were Lemon, the rest were fluff.
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do okay? I was kinda bored so I ended up reading some FanFictions before deciding to go back to my own Diary and continue my writing.
I'm not even sure if I could practice outside today.. It's pretty sunny, but I feel like it might be freezing cold. I might as well just wait for tomorrow when I can go to School. Maybe then I could ask my Music Teacher if there's a way for me to Practice in the Schools Gym.
Corona is really pissing me off, I can't even practice or try out for the Team this year! Argh! And I was looking forward to it too. And the fact that I can't find any Gyms that has a Volleyball Court? Really shatters me. How come Japan is more superior. Like, I just wanna practice in a Gym that let's you use the Court for free.
I swear, when I become a Professional Volleyball player, I'm gonna set up a Gym/program in Canada where girls' and boys' like me could practice in without having to rent. I'll even be the coach for the program! Big dreams for tiny me, huhu.
I'm feeling even more sleepy for writing, is that bad? I really do wanna include something exciting in this Chapter but I can't think of anything that has happened that would be worth mentioning.
I also made a promise to myself that I wouldn't discuss any Past Occasions on here sooo... I have to make my current situation entertaining I guess. But~ I can do that after I sleep. uwu
Also, I kind of want to mention a little secret of mine that I do every single day. Before I go to sleep, or like any time during the day; I imagine Oikawa living along side me, interacting with me, and basically just straight up acting like my Best Friend. I also act as if no one else could see him BUT ME! It's honestly a straight up serotonin boost. I even have those moments where I could actually feel warmth where I imagine him to be. It's amazing!
But of course other people wouldn't really understand how much these little imaginations mean to me. Not everyone is this obsessed, but whatever. The more unique I am, the more reason to stay just the way I am.
I'll go check if it's actually cold outside, that way I can see whether or not I could practice my serves. Quick tip, if you don't have a net! Use the swings in parks. You could serve over the Bars, it's pretty useful. But make sure you don't hit anybody!
Bro, I just asked my Mom if I could go outside and practice. She said yes, I'm so excited to actually practice my serves! Wish me luck! I'll be back after. It's like 16° so I need to at least wear a sweater.
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Fanfic #19: The Time When Oscar (Somehow) Got Invited to Smash Bros. Bonus Chapter 2: The Random Arrival
After a long day in the city of Atlas, Oscar decides to go back to the apartment, where his friends are waiting.
Upon his stroll, the farm boy suddenly smelled something burning a few miles from where he's walking. So he began to rush to where the fire is supposed to be located immediately.
Oscar couldn't believe what he saw once he got to where the smoke is coming from. He saw a giant, fiery symbol (the same symbol he saw on the back of the letter he received the other day), while also seeing a bunch of unfamiliar faces standing right in front of it.
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Before the farm boy could even question all that is happening, an Italian plumber, who was one of the people who was standing in front of the burning symbol, begins to greet the young Farmer.
??? (Happily): Hello, Oscar Pine! I bet you didn't expect all of this, huh?
Oscar (Surprised about what is happening) N-not really, no....Okay, just who are you guys?
???: (Laughs embarrassedly) Where are our manners? Its-a me, Mario!
Oscar: Wait...Mario? As in, THE Mario?!
Mario: That's correct!
Oscar: (....No way....is this really happening right now?)
Mario: If you don't mind, I would like to introduce to you my friends over there.
Oscar: (Still unsure about what's even happening now) .....Suuure...
Mario begins to introduce Oscar to the rest of his friends, who was also standing in front of the symbol. From his brother, Luigi, to the tomboyish princess of Sarasaland (and Luigi's girlfriend), Daisy, to even Mario's arch enemy, King Bowser, a giant monster like turtle with spikes for his shell, they all seemed to greeted the farm boy with kindness. But even still, Oscar is still very confused on what's going on right now.
Oscar: It's really nice to meet you guys and all, but...what exactly you all are doing here?
Luigi: Sorry to barge in like this, but we're actually here to take you to the tournament with us.
Oscar: The tournament?
Daisy: Well...yeah. We sent you a letter telling you about it, remember?
Oscar: (Instantly remembered the letter that was sent to him the other day) Oh yeah. That letter....look, guys, I'm really honored that you would invite me to your tournament and all, but.... I don't think I can go.
Mario: (A Little Surprised of Oscar's answer) You couldn't attend the tournament? How come?
Oscar: I-It's not like I don't wanted to go or anything. It's just everything is happening in Atlas lately and-
Before he could finish his sentence, Oscar and the others immediately noticed someone is screaming the farm boy's name.
Bowser: Who the hell is screaming like that?
Luigi: I think someone is calling for you, Oscar.
Oscar turns around and see red like corkscrew from the distance, coming towards the group, while screaming the farm boy's name.
???: (Charging closer) OSCARRRRRRR!!!!!!
Oscar: (Instantly figured out who it was) R-Ruby-
Before he could say anything else, the red corkscrew begin to tackle Oscar to the ground. Once that happened, Mario and the gang sprint over and saw a girl in red, who was that red like corkscrew a seconds ago, is sitting on top of the farm boy. That girl was none other than the Huntress herself, Ruby Rose.
Oscar:(Surprised) R-Ruby, what the heck are you doing here?! Also where did you even come from?
Ruby: (Worried) We were looking everywhere for you! You haven't picked up your phone so we made up a search party to find you. We were so worried too...(Looks at the burning symbol and Mario and crew before frowning sadly) Oscar, what's going on? Why is Mario and the others are here?
Mario: Umm.... Hello there, uhh Ms. Ruby, isn't it?
Ruby: Hi Mario! (Turns back to Oscar) I'm still waiting for an answer, Oscar.
Oscar: Ruby, I can explain but.... could you please get off of me now?
Ruby: (Blushes in embarrassment) Oh umm right. Sorry...
Once Ruby got up from the farm boy and pulling him up on his feet, Oscar begins to explain everything that happened so far.
Ruby: (Frowns Sadly) Oscar, we talked about this. You can't be in Super Smash Bros!
Oscar: I-I know we did! That's why I declined their offer.
Ruby: (Surprised) You did?
Oscar: Of course I did, Ruby. You guys are my best friends and I would never leave you all like this. Not while there's so much is going on right now.
Ruby: (Touched by his words) Oscar....
WBY: Oscar!!!!
Weiss, Blake, and Yang runs towards the duo while giving Oscar a tight hug.
Yang: Thank, Oum, that you're okay, bud!
Blake: Where have you been, Oscar?! We were so worried- wait.....(noticed Mario and the gang) Guys....who are these people?
Yang: Ah man! They're the Mario Bros! Princess Daisy! And even King Bowser! But....why are they here?
Mario: Uhhh....
Oscar: ('Sigh') It's a long story, but I'll try to explain everything.
30 minutes of explanation later....
Blake: Ok, so somehow these guys came to our universe just to invite you to the Super Smash Bros Tournament, you guys mentioned, in person?
Oscar: Pretty much, yeah.
Yang: (Frowns) Oscar. You didn't take up on their offer, did you?
Oscar: No, Yang. I already declined their offer. You know I wouldn't leave you guys here.
Yang begins to look at Mario and the gang to see if Oscar's telling the truth.
Luigi: (Shrugs) It's true. I think he was telling us that the reason was because there was something going on here that's important before his friend tackled him...
(Ruby nervously laughs in embarrassment.)
Blake: Well... he's half right. Long story short, we have to save our world from a woman named Salem and her forces. Trust me, it gets even more complicated from here...
Mario: Hmm that does seems to be pretty serious...
Daisy: Yeah....(Comes up with an idea) Hey, we could all pitch in and help you guys out if you-
Ruby: That's really nice of you guys, but I don't think that'll be necessary. Salem is our problem now, and we don't want you guys getting involved with something like this. Plus, Oscar is a part of our team. We need him here to help too.
Mario: Well...if you're really sure....also, we want to apologise for coming by here unannounced like that. We all thought we could invite your friend to the tournament with us in person....we never realized how serious your situation here was and how much you need him to help out.....
Ruby: No no i-i-it's okay, Mr. Mario. We face stuff like this all the time. So it shouldn't be too much of a problem (Or...at least I really hope it's not). And as with inviting Oscar.... that's not really the only reason why he don't want him to enter...
Luigi/Daisy: It isn't?
Ruby: Yeah... another reason is because we don't think Oscar's ready for this kind of thing yet. I know that he can take care of himself and all, but he still needs more training in order to be a Huntsman. And also, (Gives Oscar a hug) we would be completely worried sick if anything were to happen to him out there. He's already been through a lot lately and the last thing that any of us wanted is to see him getting hurt. So we're sorry....but we cannot let Oscar enter that tournament.
Oscar: Ruby's right about this one. I know I could fight my own battles and all...but in all honesty, I don't think I would stood a chance in that tournament. Plus, everyone needs me here. I hope you all could understand.
Mario: Why, of course we do. We wouldn't want to force anyone to join the tournament if they didn't want to. We'd only asked because of our fans' votes.
Oscar: (Surprised) Wait... people were voting for me to join?
Mario: Well... you were a fan favorite in our universe.... kind of.
Ruby: (Smirks) D'awww look who has fans?~
(Oscar Groans in embarrassment)
Mario: Anyways, if you really couldn't attend our tournament this year, then we completely understand. You have some really good friends here, Oscar. And it wouldn't feel right to take you away from them like this....
Oscar: Thanks for understanding, Mario sir. And yeah.... (Smiles Softly) I'm really glad that these guys are my friends.
Ruby: (Touched by Oscar's words) Oh, Oscar. We're glad that you're our friend too!~
Blake: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. We never really said this as much, but we're all so glad that we met someone like you, Oscar.
Yang: (Pulls Oscar in a one arm hug while smiling brightly) Yeah, buddy. Thank you so much for staying by our side.
Weiss: (Smiles at the others) Well, while I'm glad that's all worked out, (immediately gets upset) that still doesn't explain who's responsible for this monstrosity! (Points at the burning symbol)
Mario: Oh yeah....that...well ummm you see we-
Bowser: (Points at Mario) It was all the plumber's idea.
Mario: Bowser!
Bowser: (Rolls is eyes) Oh don't act like all surprise on me! You do this every time we introduce new people to join Smash Bros.! Nearly give them nightmares with that crap.
Mario: I was only trying to leave a great impression! I wanted them see how special this tournament was. Isn't having a first impression important?
Luigi: I guess...but don't you think the whole flaming symbol thing is a little too much?
Daisy: Yeah... couldn't we just...I dunno...do some kind of musical number or something?
Mario: I doubt anyone would be interested in doing something like that.
Weiss: (Groans in irritation) Nevermind. I'll put it out myself....
Weiss set one of her dust onto her Rapier before using it (gracefully) to put down the burning symbol. Much to everyone's, except for RBY and Oscar, surprised.
Weiss: The next time you people visit here, maybe not create something that could cause a huge fire hazzard around our city.
Mario: (Laughs Nervously) Noted....sorry about that.
Yang: You know, you guys are welcome to join us on a tour around the place if you like.
Mario: We would love to...but I think it's time for us to get back to the Smash Universe about now.
Ruby: You're leaving already?
Luigi: Afraid so, Ms. Ruby. Master Hand wouldn't be too happy if we came back late.
Weiss: (Confused) Master Hand? What in the world....
Daisy: It's basically a talking hand who host the whole tournament.... it's best not to think too much about it.
Ruby: Thank you guys so much for dropping by here! And just know that once everything starts to calm down, you're all welcome to come back to visit.
Mario: Thank you and you are all welcome to come by and visit us whenever you like. (Gives Oscar a handshake) And it was nice to finally meet you in person, Oscar.
Oscar: Thank you, sir. It was nice to meet you guys too. Good luck on the tournament.
Ruby: W-w-wait!! Before you guys go, you think we could...sign us an autograph?
Mario: Why of course we can! Where do you want me to sign?
Ruby: (Smiles Brightly while bringing out her Crescent Rose in sniper mode) On my Crescent Rose please?
Yang: Hey, Mr. Luigi. You think give me an autograph too?
Luigi: Oh umm sure. Where you want me to sign it?
Yang: (Grins while showing him her metal arm) On my arm, please?
Luigi: (Surprised) Oh umm of course. Right away.
After a minute of autograph signing, Daisy begins to open up a portal in order to go to their universe.
Daisy: Mario! Weegie! Come on! We gotta go!
Bowser: I swear, if any of us gets yelled at, I am blaming you idiots for this!
Daisy: Oh quit whining and go in already.
Bowser: (Grumbles inside of his breath while walking into the portal)
Mario: (Bid his farewell while walking towards the portal with his brother) So long, everyone! And good luck on your quest on stopping Salem!
Ruby: (Waving Goodbye) Bye, Mario! Thanks for the visit!!
Yang: (Waving Goodbye) Keep being awesome, you guys!!
Oscar: (Waving Goodbye) It was nice meeting you guys!
As the portal closes in, Ruby and the gang decided to walk back to their apartment and call it a night. While the Mario Bros, Princess of Sarasaland, and the Koopa King's visit was the most random moment they've ever encountered so far, it was still great to meet all of them in person. But now all of that out of the way, our five heroes could get back to what's more important. That is to find a way to defeat Salem and save their world from her wrath.
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Hey Frank I heard your dad let you learn from new people? How does it feel going to school and learning about new things?
I have never actually tried to learn anything new in school. That's probably a good thing for me.
The first person I learned anything from in college was my TA in the class I took with him. I have never heard his voice, but I've listened to the syllabus and some of the lectures and same thing: I don't know what he's talking about.
I knew James Diaz because he had written a GPT-2 textbook for MIT, but I'm sure I didn't learn more from him than I did from the lecturer because he was just another guy in a lab coat in front of me doing the thing. So I signed up for a CS class, the lecture was nice and I learned a lot of stuff and I think I liked it better than the lab I had been doing. and then one of the professors explained to me that he had invited multiple people I might want to take on as TA, and that they were looking for the same kind of non-experts (which includes, presumably, my TA?) and they had just come to him because he'd worked with GPT-2 earlier in his career but he said there weren't any experience GPT-2 TAs on the market and I could get involved with the project and his advice was simple: "no is better than yes and if everyone thinks no is better than yes, that would be really easy" well, that's probably the sort of advice someone would only say if they didn't think the good option was coming to the person who did the project earlier
(I never thought of that because it was quite an obvious subcategory problem)
The second time I got a letter about TA recruitment was when (2 years ago) I took microeconomics with Will Wengler , who is well-known around here for being the guy who wants to run permanent simulations on quantum computers instead of iterated ones, because supposedly this is faster for doing economics than running simulations
But this information didn't make me feel like working with this guy was going to be easy, nor did it alert me to any other potential answers to the information
The professor I did the TA for (who is a very nice guy and profoundly unathletic, bro)- told me he thought Wengler had been good but that it was possible I was too elusive for understanding (you know, very common among physicists)
So this guy has a PhD but can't do the job because he's not actually a good TA (Read: he doesn't know what he's doing, slips up from time to time, doesn't listen), yet he's trying to help me, supposedly a very thoughtful, careful person, get something done
Here is an idea: if I had thought to myself "I'm not very creative and I just say stuff for sheer amount of surface area" instead of "oh hey I have a TA", I would have had to look up who ""Will Wengler"" was and possibly be able to look him up in searches on Wikipedia and Youtube and be able to watch all of his videos and do no previous research or training involved
But I, on the other hand, am very creative and have no research-related qualifications beyond having a very steady GF of ~0.8
Get this … SO I can help a lot of people (because I still think the equivalent is this) and I don't have to pay them and I don't have to deal with a lot of stuff or feeling like I have to memorize a lot of material (because I, well, guess)
SO I can help people and not seem like I'm helping myself much much, because I'm "helping people" from spare, awkward spare time, and have no grade or 11-30 coursework to show
Is that kind of lazy? Maybe, probably!
But in any case I just got an entirely new way of doing things. I don't make much money and this all looks really nice in a general way but I never feel like I have anything to show for the methods I have, because people don't care
so I pick things that don't matter much to the status thing but help get stuff done. Why would I spend 1k/hour getting a job where someone could pay me to do things that will not be useful? I never see a pipeline algorithm bank like, which jobs I should be doing based on the status thing, in the status matrix, or see if I can say these things to "people who know these things"?
In fact, if you try to find out this isn't what Google Answers was looking like (at least I was super surprised at seeing it, because apparently certain people who have cred in the site have these analytics), it doesn't look like it's what Tumblr is looking like, in general. Am I missing the entire idea of the social web? Why would a programmer need to know when to ask for another job or another job with a different company or when that? We use a tool. But this is the job I want to piss off for another hour to get something done. But this is definitely the kind of job, and this is the kind of job I'm fucking dodged by.
Anyway, that is in part related to my formative experience with enough titration. Also a job, a job prospect, a job based on my approximate understanding of this insight. But it's that kind of loop-hole, and to some extent my issue with purely regular paid (so far) jobs (ie, not the kind that some progressive bootstrappers may have written for me or an acquaintance of mine in the past) is that they simply don't offer me this kind of thing
It's too many loops and not enough panning
He's on his own Business Class tickets
Around you - how much more the mermaids can Humanity humanely get?
– worth it to save money?
– was the human sacrifices satisfying?
– is that how the worker bees feel now, Job One brings them to a ending?
— — the decision or the unforgiving efficacy of set ups for decapitation, the Rentist
– it gives an ugly feeling
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